March - University Club of Grand Rapids
March - University Club of Grand Rapids
University CLUB OF GRAND RAPIDS March2015|616-456-8623| Welcome to the University Club of Grand Rapids! BarbBaker(Steve) RobLaney Trust Oficer ThreeMonthTrialMembership JohnF.Ball(Linda) SeniorVicePresident,MorganStanley Sponsors:MikeTaylor,KennethHofman RobertBarcelona TeamFinancialAdvisor,MerrillLynch Sponsors:TomMunroe,JeffreyTowner PeterChadwick(Tina) Owner,PinnacleWealthAdvisors,LLC Sponsors:MarkKeating,MikeTaylor PaulGlovick(Patricia) FinancialConsultant,AXAAdvisors,LLC Sponsors:ValerieFeehan,JeanneHerold FinancialRepresentative,NorthwesternMutual Sponsors:LawrenceBosJr.,FrankDunten MichaelD.Loughman DirectorofSales,HollandHomeofGrandRapids Sponsors:DavidVanderArk,FrankDunten MichaelMoody(KarenZivi) FreyChairforFamilyPhilanthropy, GVSUJohnsonCenter Sponsors:JulieRidenour,MarilynZack NicolasMorano Member,DickinsonWrightPLLC Sponsors:DennisKolenda,FrankDunten JohnJ.Perras(Pam) Owner,PinnacleWealthAdvisors,LLC Sponsors:MarkKeating,MikeTaylor MarkP.lug(Patricia) ExecutiveDirector,EY Sponsors:ThomasDeMeester,DavidHojnacki KathrynA.Ratliff(Steven) Artist Sponsors:LynneGoede,SueJackson LonL.Swartzentruber(Sandy) ManagingDirector,Norris,Perné&FrenchLLP Sponsors:StephenWert,CharlesDutcher MarkTomasik(Kelly) Attorney,DPFoxVentures Sponsors:MonicaSekulich,ScottGorsline PatriciaGottlieb(Terrence) Retired Sponsors:JamesBrady,ShelleyIrwin NathanHickman Principal,TaskPro Sponsors:AmyFreeburg,ShelleyIrwin S.A.“Skip”Knapp(Debbie) FinancialAdvisor,EdwardJones Sponsors:ChristopherEdgar,RichardPuhek BradLaffrey(Susan) VicePresident,FifthThirdBank Sponsors:DennisDonohue,PaulRichards ATTN ers: b l Mem ll ia So c t Fu a e r G ip bersh Mem tunity! r Oppo THREEMONTHTRIALMEMBERSHIP V TheUniversityClubisnowofferingathreemonthtrialmembershipfora1latfeeof$150.00! V March-April-May V This three month trial membership is a full dining and athletic membership which includes: 24/7AccesstoourFullServiceAthleticClub,AllGroupExerciseClasses,OneComplimentaryPersonalTrainingSession, DiningPrivilegesinallUCDiningFacilities,InvitationstoallUniversityClubEvents, NofoodMinimumRequirementorInitiationFee,andReciprocalClubUsageatmorethan100Clubs This is a perfect opportunity for prospective members to try the Club! Spread the word! Also, Social (dining) Members can take advantage of this opportunity by trying out the AC! Sign up today! 2 | The UC Newsletter Happy 103rd Birthday, Ralph Hauenstein! Ralph Hauenstein WrittenbyGleavesWhitney Bono called him a “cool cat.” He has been a journalist, war hero, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, and he’s not finished yet. At 103 years of age, Ralph Hauenstein has lived an extraordinary life that exemplifies the service and leadership that the Hauenstein Center for Presidenal Studies seeks to inspire in its graduates. Born in Fort Wayne, Indiana, in 1912, Hauenstein moved to Grand Rapids at the age of 12 and has called Michigan home ever since. During the Second World War, he was based mostly in Iceland and in London, and rapidly rose to the rank of colonel. As chief of the Intelligence Branch in ETOUSA, the Army’s European theater of operaons, he worked under General Dwight Eisenhower. In 1944-’45, traveling to the Connent on a mission to find Hitler and other Nazi leaders, he was among the first Americans into liberated Paris, war-torn Germany, and Nazi concentraon camps. It was in Paris that he gave the now-famous advice to General de Gaulle: to close French brothels, where American soldiers were prone to let military secrets slip. Col. Hauenstein was subsequently awarded the French Croix de Guerre with Palm and Legion of Honor. The U.K. awarded him their Order of the Brish Empire. The destrucon caused by warring dictators and militant ideologues steeled in Hauenstein the resolve to work for beCer internaonal relaons and peaceful soluons to conflict. Reflecng on his warme experiences, the highly decorated colonel said, “In the tweneth century, I saw with my own eyes the worst that leaders are capable of. In the twenty-first century, I want to encourage the best leadership possible so that the world will be beCer for my children’s children.” Colonel Hauenstein (1944) Aer the war, Hauenstein saw opportunies to build bridges between the United States and a Europe devastated by war. He went into internaonal trade, establishing Tri-Connental Trading Company in New York City. He also became the owner of Werner Lehara of Grand Rapids, a food equipment manufacturer that brought Goldfish crackers, Andes mints, Windmill cookies, pastas, and many other foods to the American consumer. By his own admission, Col. Hauenstein has never rered. At the age of 103, he works almost every day and is acve in numerous causes. He was part of the team that in 1996 supervised the first free elecons in Russia. His philanthropy has benefited a variety of organizaons devoted to educaon and medical research in West Michigan. He served on the board that founded the Van Andel Instute and helped establish the neurological center at St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Rapids. At Grand Valley State University, his generosity made possible the founding of the Hauenstein Center for Presidenal Studies, whose mission is to inspire a new generaon of leaders devoted to public service. Ralph Hauenstein remains acve in Hauenstein Center programs to this day — a treasure to our students and to all who know him. UC HOUSE RULES : HOURS OF OPERATION Reminder: The Club serves dinner Monday through Saturday by reservation. Your dinner reservation must be made by 2:00 pm on the day you wish to dine to ensure service. For Saturday evening reservations, please call by 2:00 pm on Friday as we are closed during the day on Saturday. n Breakfast: Monday - Friday, 7:00 am - 11:00 am, By Reservation Lunch: Monday - Friday, 11:30 am - 2:00 pm Dinner: Monday - Saturday, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm, By Reservation (Reserve by 2:00 pm) Bar Service: Monday - Friday, 11:30 am - 7:00 pm Sunday: Open for Private Events Only March 2015 | 3 From the General Manager… CindiPoll General Manager BoardofDirectors FrankDunten President Finance&StrategicPlanning Committees JamesBrady Vice President Scholarship&StrategicPlanning Committees ShirleyBoundy Secretary House,Social&PressClub Committees LarryOberst Treasurer FinanceCommittee Directors DixieAnderson Marketing&SocialCommittees JohnByl Marketing&StrategicPlanning Committees KimberlyColeman StrategicPlanningCommittee ValerieFeehan House,Personnel& ScholarshipCommittees MichaelHay Finance&AthleticCommittees RichardHillary PersonnelCommittee ShelleyIrwin Marketing& PressClubCommittees TomMunroe Athletic&FinanceCommittees TomRanville Athletic&Scholarship Committees WilliamRohn PressClub&Scholarship Committees MarkSmith PersonnelCommittee MarilynZack Scholarship&SocialCommittees Once the University Club business settles down after the holiday season, we begin holding various committeemeetingsregularlytodiscussplansforthecomingyear.OurFood&Beverage,Marketing, and Golf Committees have met recently and updates are included below. If you are thinking of getting more involved with the Club, please consider joining one of our committees by contactingmyselforMegFortunatoexpressyourinterest. Food & Beverage/Social Committee: Our menus and wine list have been approved and member functions were discussed and scheduled. New lunch and dinner menus will be rolled out on Monday, April6,andmemberswillseemanylocalingredientsfeaturedinthenewitems.CookingClasses,Wine Dinners, and “Blind” Liquor Tastings were con1irmed as well as several themed events through the monthofJune.SeetheEventsInsertforupcomingClubfunctions. ScholarshipCommittee:TheScholarshipCommitteeandfundsaregoingstrongwitharecordnumber of scholarship applications received this year. The committee is gearing up to choose our three recipients for this year’s scholarships, and we are thrilled to have Dr. Steven Ender, UC Member and President of Grand Rapids Community College, as our Keynote Speaker for the Annual Scholarship Awards Luncheon on Tuesday, April 28. All members and spouses are invited, and the luncheon is complimentary! Formal invitations will be sent out in the near future. Please call the Club to RSVP. Athletic and Marketing Committees: Both the Athletic Club and Marketing Committees have been workingonaspecialThreeMonthTrialMembershiptoexpandusageintheathleticfacility.Thistrial membershipisavailableforthreemonths(MarchthroughMay)fora1latfeeof$150.00,andincludes alldining/socialprivilegesaswellasfullaccesstotheAthleticClub.Itisagreatopportunitytotryout theClubforadiscountedrate.Socialmembersareinvitedtotakeadvantageofthisopportunity,too. Spreadthewordtofriends,familyandcolleagues! Art & House Committee: The Art & House Committee, together with the Finance Committee, have approvedseveralsmallprojectsandimprovementsforthecomingyearaspartofanongoingemphasis onkeepingthefacilitiescurrentandingoodorder.Staytunedforupdatesontheseprojects! Strategic Planning Committee: Our Strategic Planning Committee has been working on long range plans that include being debt free once again by the end of 2017. They also plan to distribute a MembershipSurveythatshouldbeinyourhands,viamailoremail,byearlyApril.Theseanonymous surveysareimportanttoolsformakingimprovementsinallaspectsoftheClubexperienceandmember satisfactionsopleasetakeamomenttorespondasitisgreatlyappreciated. GolfCommittee:TheGolfCommitteemetlastweektodiscussour2015SummerLeaguebeingheldat Quail Ridge Golf Club. The 14-week league will be held on Monday evenings beginning in May, endinginAugust.Wewillonceagainofferthe“GolfLeagueMembership”sonon-membersareableto playintheSummerLeague.ContacttheClubforfurtherinformation. This time of year is a perfect time to introduce family and friends to the Club, be it a Social or Full Membership. We also have a fantastic Junior Membership opportunity for those under the age of 35 years,andremember,member’sspouses/partnershaveallthesameprivilegesastheprimarymember. WhileonthesubjectofClubusage,pleasethinkofuswhenmakingplanswithfriendsandcolleaguesfor cocktails after work or dinner prior to Theatre, Opera and Symphony events, or wherever your destinationmaybe.TheUniversityClubisreadyandavailablethroughoutthedayandevening! IfImayreiterate,ithasbeenapleasureworkingatthis1ineClubforover26plusyearsandIalways welcomeyourcomments.Also,ifyouareoneofourmanynewmembers,pleasebearwithmystaffand Iasweputyournametoafaceaswebuildarelationship. Here’stoSpring! Cindi 4 | The UC Newsletter n n n n New Lunch & Dinner Menus CHEF’S CORNER starting on April 6th! Executive Chef, Mike Schoenborn Newitemsinclude: StrawberryPoppySeedChoppedSalad, PepperButterBurger,SpringGnocchi, PadThai,SalmonClubWrap,Sweet&Sour CashewSalad,RoastedMonk1ishandmore! Spanish Wine Pairing Dinner FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 6:30 PM $52.00 ++ PER PERSON Gathering Pork&ManchegoCroquetteswithAioli, Smokey&SpicyShrimpSalad, AssortedDomestic&SpanishCheese QuinaApologiaWhite First CuminScented&SearedYellowinTuna, AnchovyOliveOilVinaigrettewith RoastedGarlic&Chiles Ledo8 March Soup Calendar Mon 2 Sportsman 9 v CreamyLeek &Potato 16 v Tue Wed Thu 4 5 v v HealthyChoice Bacon Cheddar Cuban BlackBean 6 Saffron Shrimp& Tomato Broth 10 Lemon ChickenHerb HealthyChoice 11 SweetCorn &Pepper Chowder 12 13 v v Spicy ThreeBean Seafood Gumbo 17 Cabbage Soup 18 19 20 v v v Chicken PotPie RedBean&Rice withSausage Lobster &Chive 3 Tomato Basil Colcannon Soup HealthyChoice 23v BeefNoodle 24 Roasted FiveOnion 30v Chicken &Barley HealthyChoice 31 TortillaSoup withAvocado Cream HealthyChoice 25 TomCzerney’s Creamof Mushroom 26v n n Fri 27v n Turkey ChiliVerde Clam& Artichoke April Soup Calendar Second Mon Tue Wed Thu CrispyDuckBreast, RiojaBerryReduction, PotatoPureewithSpinach, WiltedSpinach&RoastedGarlic CAN’EstrucNegre 1 Creamof Parmesan& Spinach 2 JamaicanJerk Chicken& BlackBean 3 v Lobster Bisque 6 v Chicken& WildRice 7 Lemon Artichoke 9 v Chili HealthyChoice 8 v Creamy Chicken&Herb 10 v Shrimp &Corn 13 v Italian Wedding 14 GreekTomato Florentine HealthyChoice 15 v Mushroom Brie 16 v WhiteBean& BraisedGreens 17 v NewEngland ClamChowder 20 Beef Vegetable 21 SmokyQuinoa &Lentil HealthyChoice 22 v Soup Lorraine 23 v Indian ChickPea 24 v Smoked Salmon&Leek 27 v Wild Mushroom Barley 28 v GardenHerb Vegetable HealthyChoice 29 v TwoHearted Cheddar 30 v Buffalo ChickenChili Third GrilledCulotteofBeef, SmokedPaprika,GrilledScallionPaella, TrufleHoneyGlaze Equalibrista Final AlmondCustardandCrunch FreshRaspberry ValldolinaCavaBrut v n n Fri n n March 2015 | St. Patrick’s Irish Beer & Whiskey Tasting Friday, March 20, 5:30 pm $25.50++ per person Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with an assortment of Irish beer & whiskey! Light hors d’oeuvres included. Invite your friends, family and colleagues for this fun, fesve event! RSVP today: 616-456-8623 Tequila Tasting Friday,May8 $32.50++perperson In celebration of Cinco de Mayo, take the tasting challenge of five tequilas! Test your palate preference and brand knowledge. Hors d’oeuvres included. Easter Sunday Brunch Mother’s Day Brunch Sunday, April 5 Sunday, May 10 Reservations from 11:30 am - 2:00 pm Adults:$26.25, Kids Under 12: $12.50, Kids Under 2: Free Reservations from 11:30 am - 2:00 pm Adults:$26.95, Kids Under 12: $12.50, Kids Under 2: Free LIVE BUNNIES & BALLOON CARICATURES! Omelet Station, Scrambled Eggs, Crisp Bacon, Sausage Links, Fried Breakfast Potatoes Eggs Benedict with Dill Hollandaise, Cheese Scrambled Eggs, Crisp Bacon, Breakfast Potatoes, Fresh Fruit Display, Breakfast Breads Caesar Salad, Spinach Salad, Lobster Bisque, Chicken & Wild Rice Soup, Housemade Rolls & Butter Shrimp Cocktail, Local Smoked Salmon and Gravlax Display Cavatappi Cheese Bake, Herb Chicken & Mushroom Cream, Raspberry Balsamic Salmon, Yukon Parmesan Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable du Jour Carved: Prime Rib of Beef, Herb Turkey Breast, Honey Glazed Ham, Au Jus, Gravy & Accoutrements Easter Sweets & Treats! Fruit Tarts, Chocolate Miniatures, Lemon Bars, Peanut Butter Balls, Cheesecake, Carrot Cake, Cookies, Chocolate Lava Cake & Brownies! b Fresh Fruit Display, Breakfast Breads, Housemade Rolls & Butter Caesar Salad, Tossed Salad, Housemade Soup Selections Shrimp Cocktail, Oysters in the Half Shell, Local Smoked Salmon Display Triple Cheese Macaroni, Pesto Cod & Tomato Relish, Lemon Caper Grilled Chicken, Chive Roasted Redskin Potatoes, Vegetable du Jour Carved: Prime Rib of Beef, Honey Glazed Ham, Turkey Breast, Au Jus, Gravy & Accoutrements b Mother’s Day Cakes, Tortes & Pies, Chocolate Lava Cake, Cookies, Brownies, & Assorted Dessert Miniatures 5 6 | The UC Newsletter Happy Birthday to the members below! When visiting the Club for lunch or dinner in the month of your birthday, members will receive a complimentary entrée! Reservations are appreciated. March Birthdays David Dodge : 3 Dick Tupper : 3 Racheal Fox : 4 Thomas Haas : 5 Jon Helmrich : 5 Bruce Stewart : 5 W. Baldwin Ogden : 6 John Van Baren : 7 John Edison : 8 Carmine Bosco : 9 Richard Breon : 9 William Farr : 10 David Keyser : 10 Jan Host : 11 Daniel Gosch : 12 Mark Sevald : 12 Margaret Ryan : 13 Steven Ender : 14 Chad Kleinheksel : 14 Shirley Boundy : 15 Susan Brasic : 15 Haig Kassouni : 15 Daniel Lynn : 15 Peter Perez : 16 James De Boer : 17 Thomas Rosenbach : 17 Paul Smith : 17 Andrew Gillfillan : 19 Rob Laney : 19 J. Stephen Marshall : 19 Ralph Hauenstein : 20 Andrew Murch : 20 Kristin Martin : 21 Martin Smith : 21 Thomas Welch : 21 Anne Wright : 22 Dennis Donohue : 23 Rabih Jamal : 23 Brian Lovellette : 23 April Armstrong : 24 George Meek : 24 Lindsay Hartman : 25 Doreen Bolhuis : 26 Daniel DeVos : 26 Mary Lee Lynch : 27 Scott Smith : 27 Cindi Welton : 28 Scott Keller : 29 Laura Morris : 29 William DeYoung : 30 Mary Tuuk : 30 Judson Lynch : 31 April Birthdays Daniel K. De Witt : 1 Robert Fraser : 1 Mary Jane Rhoades : 2 David Hecht : 3 Tom Munroe : 3 Larry Oberst : 3 Lawrence Olson : 3 Steven Davidson : 4 Dawn Johnson : 4 James Smilde : 4 June Hamersma : 5 Jim Norton : 5 Laurie Chappell : 7 Lee Leprich : 7 Robert O'Brien : 7 Mary Kay Van Driel : 7 Robert Burnham : 9 Geri Kelley : 9 Catherine Obits : 9 Jess Larson : 10 Diane Lobbestael : 10 Mitchell Stapley : 10 Tom Hammer : 12 Jan Winters : 12 E.G. Frizzell : 13 Pamela Cross : 14 Edward Hankiewicz : 14 Craig Bethune : 15 Dale de Longpre' : 16 Lance Verkaik : 16 John Wisentaner : 16 David Lund : 17 Roger Boerema : 19 Eric Duistermars : 19 Lee Silver : 20 Thomas Vereecke : 20 David Whitescarver : 20 George Ross : 21 Aaron Ferris : 23 Joseph Crawford : 24 Mark Kimball : 24 Mirko Mikelic : 24 Timothy Dye : 26 Greg Schmidt : 26 Kim Bode : 27 Wallson Knack : 27 Peter Albertini : 28 Jeanne Englehart : 30 Clay West : 30 Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Andi Davis! Andi Gilbert and Mark Davis were married on December 13, 2014! Their ceremony took place on the 10th 1loor of the University Club followed by dinner at the Amway Grand Plaza across the street. Congratulations Andi & Mark! We wish you love and happiness as you start your lives together. March 2015 | ATHLETICCLUBANNOUNCEMENTS|616-456-8311|AC@UCLUBGR.COM NEW ATHLETIC DIRECTOR As many of you are aware, Andi (Gilbert) Davis recently announced her resignation as UC Athletic Director, but thankfully, she is not leaving the Club completely! Andi will continue to personal train and instruct classes. Our talented Facility Supervisor, Jason Goodell, will step up and take over as Athletic Director at the beginning of March. Jason has a real gift for teaching and working with our members, and he is excited for his new role. The position will be tweaked slightly by adding on Pam Sommer (10th floor Office Manager) to handle the administrative work so Jason can be more active with our members and better focus on what he loves to do. It will be a great change for the Athletic Club! ATHLETIC CLUB “CLASS SAMPLER” EVENT On Tuesday, March 3 we will be hosting an Athletic Club "Class Sampler" event that will give members and non-members a chance to try some of the classes the AC has to offer. The event will also provide a time for socializing while enjoying complimentary light hors d'oeuvres. We will use this event to introduce Jason as the new Athletic Director. This evening will be a great opportunity to invite friends that have shown interest in joining the Club, as well as an opportunity for you to get in a great work out and to try new classes, all while showing your support to Jason! THREE MONTH TRIAL MEMBERSHIP The UC is now offering a Three Month Trial Membership for March, April & May! This membership includes 24/7 access to the Athletic Club including all group classes listed below! Further Information can be found on the front page. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2014 ACHIEVER’S CLUB! Swimming JanHost,DawnJohnson,NorbertKugele,RichPuhek Spinning JimBlack,MaryBlack,MarkDavis,JanHost,ArtKroon, MarkKubik,DaleRingerwole,ScottVanderLeek, TomVereecke,BruceYoung Run/Walk JanHost,JoniMauren,RichPuhek,LisaRender v v L-R:RichPuhek,JimBlack,DaleRingerwole, MarkDavis,AndiDavis,MarkKubik,TomVereecke v GROUP FITNESS CLASS SCHEDULE TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 7:30 AM YOGA (60 min) YOGA (60 min) 11:30 AM Spinning (45 min) Spinning (45 min) 12:00 PM HIIT (30 min) 12:30 PM Group Strength Training (60 min) Group Strength Training (60 min) 5:00 PM Total Body Strength (30 min) Total Body Strength (30 min) 5:30 PM Spinning (45 min) HIIT (30 min) YOGA (60 min) HIIT (30 min) Spinning (45 min) FRIDAY Video Spin (45 min) HIIT (30 min) Group Strength Training (60 min) YOGA (60 min) 7 University Club of Grand Rapids 111 Lyon NW, Suite 1025 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 To : M a tion Tod a v r e s e rR ake You y! St.Patrick’sIrishBeer&WhiskeyTasting Friday,March20,5:30pm,$25.50++perperson CelebrateSt.Patrick’sDaywithan assortmentofIrishbeerandwhiskey! March 2015 Club Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 5 RotaryClubLunch NetworkNight 6 FishFryFriday Pre-Symphony& MemberDining 7 Pre-Symphony& MemberDining 11 10 LionsClubLunch TorchClubDinner 12 RotaryClubLunch PressClub“ADDY Awards”Night 13 FishFryFriday SpanishWine Dinner Pre-Symphony& MemberDining 14 Pre-Symphony& MemberDining 16 17 LionsClubLunch 18 19 RotaryClubLunch 20 21 FishFryFriday St.Patrick’sBeer& WhiskeyTasting 22 ClubClosed- Availablefor PrivateParties 23 24 LionsClubLunch 25 26 RotaryClubLunch UCCookingClass 27 FishFryFriday Pre-Symphony& MemberDining 28 Pre-Symphony& MemberDining 29 ClubClosed- Availablefor PrivateParties 30 31 1 ClubClosed- Availablefor PrivateParties 2 3 AthleticClub “ClassSampler” LionsClubLunch 8 ClubClosed- Availablefor PrivateParties 9 15 ClubClosed- Availablefor PrivateParties 4 Celebrate St. Patrick’s with an Irish Beer & Whiskey Tasting! Friday, March 20, 5:30 pm, $25.50 per person