Javelina Marketing Group takes 3rd place at AAF National Student
Javelina Marketing Group takes 3rd place at AAF National Student
President’s Legacy Ball honors members of the Legacy Society See page 6 Art provided by Dolores Price, Directions to Life The South Texan Texas A&M University-Kingsville Tuesday April 20, 2010 www.tamuk.edu/southtexan VOLUME 84, Issue 27 Tallant addresses issues during the last President’s Round Table Dining facilities, extended study hours, safety on campus among topics discussed Mary Beth Cleavelin The South Texan Students want more options; that was the theme of the President’s Round Table Thursday, April 15. Approximately 30 people attended the forum, where President Tallant addressed issues such as the desire for healthier options in the dining facilities and study areas open longer for late night cram sessions. Earlier in the semester, students expressed interest in bringing better dining facilities to TAMUK. ARAMARK will now replace Sodexo as the food provider on campus. Even though the transition is already in progress, questions still linger. Tallant addressed doubts about the availability of vegetarian options, stating that the “Real Food on Campus” program would cover such dietary restrictions. More places to study at odd hours was another concern students brought to the table earlier this year. “As a president, I’m thrilled to hear that students want to spend more time studying,” Tallant said. This week, students can fill out a survey Miss TAMUK candidates prepare for pageant in Jernigan Library about when they would like to see the library open. “We can open it a little later cost effectively, but not 24 hours a day,” University Provost Rex Gandy said. University officials took the idea of longer study hours to another level when they looked into more outdoor places for students to interact and hang out. The university has drawn up plans and set aside money for three areas, such as benches in the shade. With students looking to be on campus throughout more of the day, another problem comes forward. “Security is number one in our book, with your education coming second,” Tallant said. Lighting around College Hall was brought up by a student submission as a trouble spot and a solution was immediately planned. “I challenge [Student Government Association] and the [University Police Department] to take a walk at night to find spots that are not safe,” said Teresa Remelius, Vice President of Student Affairs. Last week’s Round Table was the last of the semester, but will return in the Fall. 20 women to take the stage Saturday, April 24 Claudia Garcia The South Texan Twenty Texas A&M University-Kingsville women will take the stage Saturday, April 24, for a chance to represent the university as Miss TAMUK and receive a $2000 scholarship to be used for the Fall semester. Miss TAMUK will be held in Jones Auditorium and is sponsored by Student Activities. Thomas Bingham, TAMUK graduate in 2007 and an Alumnus for the Board of Directors, will serve as Master of Ceremonies throughout the event. “Planning and getting everything arranged is going smoothly as hard as it may sound,” Nino Mendietta, director of Student Activities, said. This year’s theme is “Springtime in Paris” and candidates will perform their opening act to Taylor Swift’s song, “You Belong With Me.” The first part of the pageant will take place April 23. Each candidate will have a private face-to-face interview with the five judges. The interview is a big part of the scoring process. The day of the actual event, the candidates will present a minute-and-a-half speech on one aspect of the university. The rest of the scoring will be based on the evening gown portion of the pageant. Once the scores are tallied, the judges will pick the top five and will ask each Mendietta one a question, Mendietta said. How the candidates answer will determine their placing. “Miss TAMUK [candidates] have to give speeches on an university event or aspect and they have to think on their feet and be creative about how they talk about the university,” Rebecca West, choreographer, coordinator, program development, and information director said. Usually the speech segment of the pageant is based around the theme, in this case Paris, but West wanted it to be different this time around. Instead of making the candidates give a speech about an aspect of Paris, they chose to keep it simple and have them focus on the university. According to West, when the girls practice their speeches some of them have given astonished looks when they hear all these facts about TAMUK that they didn’t know before. Practice for the opening act has already begun and the candidates and West have been meeting almost everyday to rehearse. “Practice is getting more frequent and longer. Its also getting a lot more hectic because we have so much to get done and the candidates still have to practice their speeches,” West said. Courtesy Photo (L-R) Noe Longoria, AJ Collier, Zach Houston, Christin Rycroft, Artie Leal, Devina Arredondo, Michael Bolman, Manuel Flores, Rudy Garcia, Hector Castelltort, Jose Hernandez, Tresor Baptiste, Amanda Marcum, Crystal Guerra, Sabrina Reyna, Alyssa Reyna, Todd Lucas, Megan Harvey Javelina Marketing Group takes 3rd place at AAF National Student Advertising Competition Rudy Garcia picked as “Best Presenter” in division Amanda Marcum The South Texan AMARILLO - The Texas A&M UniversityKingsville American Advertising Federation Team can now be regarded as one of the best in a four-state area of the nation. Calling itself the Javelina Marketing Group, the team was awarded a Second Runner-Up plaque for Best Overall Campaign, and received two Special Judges Awards including Best Presenter, Rudy Garcia, and Best Big Idea or advertising concept for the “virtual agent” idea for State Farm Insurance. The TAMUK Advertising Team participated in the 2010 District 10 AAF National Student Advertising Competition, April 15-17. All schools in the nation were doing an advertisingmarketing campaign for State Farm Insurance. Two District 10 teams – the University of Houston and Texas State University – advanced to national competition later this year. Javelina Marketing Group competed against nine other schools, including Baylor University, West Texas A&M, and Stephen F. Austin University – in its division. “We did wonderful. We did the best that any A&MKingsville team has ever done and we probably did the best of any small college university in recent memory. The students worked very hard and they deserve it. We’re very proud of them,” Dr. Manuel Flores, TAMUK Advertising Team adviser, said. However, the journey to the competition in Amarillo took more than hard work. “[For the team,] it took hard work and then it took believing in themselves. Once they believed in themselves, the next step was just to do it, and on one particular day in Amarillo, Texas, they did it. They proved that they were among the best in the district and perhaps, the best in the nation as well,” Flores said. For team presenter Michael Bolman, the long hours See AAF Competition on page 2 Natural Toxins Research Center adopts new name National Natural Toxins Research Center reflects scope of research Courtesy of Marketing and Communications The Natural Toxins Research Center at Texas A&M University-Kingsville, a research program dedicated to the discovery of medically important toxins in venomous animals, has changed its name to the National Natural Toxins Research Center (NNTRC). “The new name is more reflective of the scope of the research we do in this discipline,” said Texas A&M-Kingsville president Dr. Steven Tallant. For 38 years, university researchers led by Regents Professor and NNTRC director John C. Perez, have studied venom for its potential contributions to biomedical research. In March 2000 the Texas A&M University System Board of Regents established the NNTRC and in 2003 the center received the National Institutes of Health Viper Resource Center grant, which was renewed in 2008. The NNTRC is the only Viper Resource Center in the United States and is a leader in promoting global research, training and resources that will lead to biomedical breakthroughs through the study of venom. Perez said the inclusion of the term “National” in the center’s name better identifies its role as a national resource. “The name change will bring more recognition to the university and the NNTRC,” Perez said, adding that the new name may also help recruit new students from around the world and increase potential for grants and support of the program. The NNTRC is a university-operated facility that includes elaborate research laboratories and a new serpentarium for housing and breeding snakes. Page 2 Trash for Cash The organization that collects the most aluminum cans and plastics from now until Earth Day wins a cash prize of $500. For more information contact Campus Activities Boards at (361) 593-2160 Relay for Life postponed to April 30 ‘Daughters’ give a relatable storyline performance The South Texan April 20, 2010 Claudia Garcia The South Texan Courtsey Photo From left to right, Event Chair, Nickolas Knorr, Frances Kuhn. Center row, Briseida Mendoza, Misty M. Tavarez, Marcy Cavazos, Silicia Garcia, Melissa Rodriguez, Diana Perez. Back row, John Perez, Silver Chapa, Event Co Chair, Tawnya Little, Prissy Alaniz, Frances Chapa Due to inclement weather, the 11th annual Relay for Life has been postponed to Friday and Saturday, April 30th and May 1st. Around 900 relayers and over 100 survivors will be in attendance at the all-night camp out. Last year Relay for Life raised a total of $104,950 to donate to cancer research. The event begins at 7 p.m. on Friday with the first ceremonial lap followed by the Luminaria Ceremony at 9 p.m; the event will end Saturday morning at 7 a.m. time period. Desiderio had to carry an Italian accent with her character, an accent she portrayed adequately. It kept coming in Family arguments usually lead to trouble. and out and, although, Desiderio did carry This was certainly the case during the herself well throughout the play, she found performance of “Daughters”- a play written it difficult to keep a straight face when her by John Morgan Evans and directed by character did something comical or had an associate professor for theatre arts Patrick unusually clever line. Faherty, at the Little Theatre on April 14. Patty Ann, Tessie’s sister and played The cast put on a by Desiree Putnam, was the believable performance, character who thought she was Critical Review but lacked the spark that a bit better than most people. had made this popular Putnam gave a believable comedy a hit in other performance and brought her venues. The play is a character to life. Overall, her comedy that tells the story of four Italian performance was the best. She stayed in women living in Brooklyn, New York, and character during the whole play and made dealing with death, adultery and life in her character obnoxious when it was called general. for and sympathetic as well. The play in general had a good storyline, Cetta, played by Amanda Soto, was the and there were some parts that were daughter of Tessie, a 17-year-old girl who relatable. had to grow up before her time. Soto was Tessie, played by Michelle Flores, was the only believable when her character had to eldest daughter and head of the family. At be dramatic and serious, which was toward the beginning of the play, Flores’ acting was the end of the play. At the beginning her hollow and it felt like she was just yelling character called for her to be carefree and her lines rather than putting emotion and immature, which Soto did not do well and drama into them. It was only during the her character at times was portrayed as a second act that her character became real and younger teen. believable.From that point on, she carried the The performance reviewed was opening play. day. Other performances displayed better Mom, played by Catherine Desiderio, quality acting and “Daughters” was an was a very spacey woman who, like most excellent way to end the Spring 2010 Drama grandparents, didn’t understand the current season. AAF Competition continued of preparation paid off in the end. “It felt awesome not only to compete in the AAF tournament, but be the first advertising team to take home awards in TAMUK history. The Javelina Marketing Group put a lot of effort into researching and preparing for this tournament and it was great to finally see everything come together,” Bolman said. Garcia, a senior from Corpus Christi, felt humbled by the experience of winning “The Best Presenter” award. “It was humbling and awesome; [I am] so honored that Jesus would use me this way,” Garcia said. “The hard work that our team went through was exhausting and draining but I had a great partner and great teammates. We laid the smack down.” This year, District 10 included 17 competing schools from the district’s fourstate area, including Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Northwest Louisiana, making it a mega district. Therefore, it was split into two separate competitions, placing TAMUK in the first competition. “District 10 is the most winning district in the country, having nine national titles and they’ve actually won more than any other three districts combined including the top three districts behind District 10,” Professor Todd Lucas said. “This district is probably the strongest district in the country and in any [other] district, their top contender From the Files of UPD April 3 Undocumented people caught TAMUK police identified five undocumented people near University Village when they were questioned for loitering. Once information had reached the officers that a bail out had occurred near the Santa Rosa and Corral area, the officers took them into custody. Border patrol was then contacted and the suspects were taken away. April 8 Bicycle stolen from Nierman Hall A bicycle was stolen from the bike rack in front of Nierman Hall. The bike, valued at $950, is described as being a black TREK 4500 with a cateye speedometer. No suspects have been identified. April 12 Burglary in Turner Hall A report was made by a TAMUK student in regards to someone breaking into his dorm room. The student stated that he had left for ten minutes only to return finding that his X-Box and several other items were missing. The stolen merchandise was some bizarre behavior by a roommate. The complainant stated that when he returned from class one afternoon, he attempted to wake up his roommate. His roommate then began to speak a very strange language to him and began acting very strangely, in a frightening way. The complainant was told by his roommate’s father that if he ever began to act strange to call him immediately, so he did. The complainant stated that the student’s father along with a priest soon arrived and immediately began praying loudly as his roommate lay on the floor. According to the report that the appellant “saw his roommate go from laying down on his back to a standing position without changing posture.” The incident was recorded and no further action was taken. The weekly police blotter is compiled by The South Texan staff reporter Raymond Cleboski. Reports are gathered from the incidents documented by the Texas A&MKingsville’s University Police Department. valued at $350 Strange behavior in Martin Hall Police were dispatched to Martin Hall in reference to a complaint about April 14 Immigration arrest in bookstore Police and immigration officials detained a 45-year-old TAMUK student from El Salvador for noncompliance of immigration records. The apprehension happened at the University Bookstore. The South Texan Staff Editors Amanda Marcum, Editor in Chief Jaime Gonzalez, Managing Editor Claudia Garcia, Associate Editor Nndy Oheri, Editorial/Opinions Editor Mark Molina, Sports Editor Edwin Vasquez, Spanish Editor Photographers Artie Leal Video Team Sabrina Reyna, Video Editor Noe Longoria, Associate Video Editor Lab Director Angela J. Palacios Contributors Allen Fisher Katherine Robinette Raymond Cleboski Edgar Chapa Cartoonists Sabrina Salinas David Salazar Ernest Palacios Advertising Manager Jennifer Garcia Advisers Dr. Manuel Flores, Don M. Fisher Please send letters or inquiries to The South Texan MSUB 212, Texas A&M University-Kingsville Kingsville, Texas 78363-Ph: 593-3700 Digital Media Staff Michael Bolman, Online Editor Paul Camarillo, Online Sports Editor The South Texan uses student fees in part to publish. wouldn’t even place in this district.” Flores added, “We were able to say that we belong with the big schools when it comes to advertising and marketing in the nation, not just in Texas, because District 10 is the best in the nation and we’re third in District 10.” Flores and Lucas plan to continue the tradition and take the team to competition again next year. Green Tip of the Week Get your game on Editor’s Note: Every week The South Texan will share a “green” tip of the week to help students identify easy ways to help protect the world around us. Send your suggestions to thesouthtexan@yahoo.com By Sabrina Salinas The South Texan Are you a gamer? Do your games get lost, scratched or worst, broken? If this is you, then this week’s green tip is for you. This week’s Green Tip is a cardboard game organizer. For this project you will need a small box (shoe box size), scissors, marker, pencil and a ruler. A sturdy table or surface is best to work on this project. Start off by laying the box down on its side. Next take your scissors and carefully cut off the top of the box. Next take your pencil and ruler and measure half of the width and carefully trace it out. Then, cut it out and set aside. Proceed to cut the box in half horizontally. This will give you game organizers that can hold up to 12 games each, depending on the original size of the box. Finally, use your marker to decorate your new homemade game organizer. Another way you can decorate your game box is by using colored tape. This will make your box more durable and colorful. How does this help the environment? Many storage bins and shelves are made from plastics that use chemicals in the making process that cause air pollution. This Green Tip also helps out your investments. Games cost money, why not take the inexpensive and earth friendly step into protecting your money. So next time you buy a new and exciting game remember that you can have a safe place for it with this week’s green tip. Campus News 3 TAMUK Clothesline Project Will take place at University Village on Tuesday, April 20, from 6 p.m to 8 p.m. Students who have had experience with violence in their lives are encouraged to bring their own shirts to design and speak out. For more information contact Life Services and Wellness at (361) 593-3991 The South Texan - April 20, 2010 Breaking the silence Hand-full of students gather for the second Annual March of Silence at College Hall Claudia Garcia The South Texan Silence surrounded the campus as a hand-full of students marched twice around College Hall as part of the second annual Day of Silence at Texas A&M University-Kingsville organization Unity. “I’m proud to be the advisor for this organization,” said Dr. Kasey Baker, assistant professor for language and literature. “It gives students of a different sexual orientation a soft place to fall and a safe place to come.” Founded in 1996, the Day of Silence has become the largest single student-led action towards creating safer schools for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. The Day of Silence began at the University of Virginia in 1996, and expanded to the organizing efforts of over 8,000 middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities across the country in 2008. Among the supporters of the event were Coastal Bend Aids Foundation, Sigma Lambda Beta, South Texas Art Society of TAMUK (S.T.A.R.T.S) and the St. Paul Church of Corpus Christi. “It’s a wonderful thing to be a gay, straight church,” Charles Brown, pastor of the St. Paul Church, said at the reception held in the Javelina Café in the Student Union Building. “There are a lot of ways to break the silence by either boycotting or marching, but which ever side you’re on, the best thing you could ever do is listen, understand and value one another.” Everyone joined in a rhythmic clap as a sign of breaking the silence. Various students spoke against hate crimes toward people of a different sexual orientation during the open mic forum. Members of the fraternity Sigma Lambda Beta were present and held a light ceremony. They passed out glow sticks and asked the students Sabrina Salinas/The South Texan to light them as one of the members read about people and the tragedies that have fallen on them Students gather in front of College Hall to participate in the 2nd Annual March of Silence held by TAMUK organization Unity. because of their sexual orientation. Award-winning poet visits TAMUK Paul Christensen reads poems, hosts workshop during his visit Katherine Robinette The South Texan Sabrina Salinas/The South Texan A&M professor Paul Christensen spoke in Fore Hall, April 15 Award-winning Texas poet and Texas A&M professor Paul Christensen served as the reader for the second annual Lucille Kruse Reading Series, April 15 in the Blue Room in Fore Hall. Prior to the reading, Christensen taught a poetry-writing workshop to Dr. Catherine Downs’ creative writing class. Christensen taught writing beginnings and endings to poems and then read a few of his poems as an example. The poems he read have never been published. “I’ve rejected them from the book I’m working on right now, so these are poems that are in my notebook, and for one reason or another I’ve given up on them,” Christensen said. “I can’t fix them anymore. There’s not enough penicillin in the world to get these poems out of their safe nets.” At the lecture later in the day, Dr. Susan Roberson said some opening remarks and gave Christensen some mementos to remember his time at TAMUK. Christensen read a selection of his poems that are going into his new book coming out next May. “Every time you start a new project, you’re always at the edge of your ignorance. You really don’t know what you’re doing,” Christensen said. “You’re a child, you’re an innocent, you’re an apprentice and you can easily fail and so that always hovers over a new work and you’re hanging by a thread.” After the reading, Christensen answered questions from students who attended the event. Students across the country make TAMUK President’s, Dean’s list Staff Reports The South Texan Texas A&M University-Kingsville has PRESIDENT’S LIST TEXAS RESIDENTS Alice: James H. Dinn, Christina L. Gonzalez; Alton: Gerardo Carmona; Alvin: Thomas R. Schuenemann; Aransas Pass: Abraham L. Gonzales; Bartlett: Thomas S. Janke; Beeville: Jace D. Rothlisberger; Bigfoot: Kelsi A. Gulick; Bishop: Mark A. Dragon; Brownsville: Mayra M. Felix; Bulverde: Jeremy S. Brannon; Comfort: Maribel Ramirez; Corpus Christi: Hector Chavarria, Talitha Costley, Tania C. Garcia, Davis D. Gossett, Adina S. Gray, Benjamin E. Isaak, Monica L. Kindervater, Everett H. Lamb, Michael G. Marshall, Katy L. McNair, Anthony T. Pabillano, Sarah D. Pohlers, Paul A. Reyes, Nida N. Shaikh, Richard S. Van Winkle, Greg A. Werenskjold, Justin K. Yaklin; Del Rio: Brandi E. Rials; Donna: Kimberly M. Rodriguez; Driscoll: Jenna R. Schubert; Eagle Pass: Ariel Castillon, Priscilla G. Marin, Edgar A. Rodriguez; Edinburg: Lorissa K. Luna; Edna: Ashlee L. Muschalek, Anna K. Trevino; El Campo: James L. Cannell, Garret H. Pool; Falfurrias: Kristina M. Lopez, Maria D. Lopez, Noe Saenz; Falls City: Amanda M. Waclawczyk; Flatonia: Jessica E. Schneider; Freeport: Ana G. Cardona; Garciasville: Jaime O. Ochoa; Glen Rose: Amber N. White; Harlingen: Karl D. Lewis, Tasha N. Perry; Hebbronville: Rene C. Ramirez; Irving: Laura E. Eidson, Jessica J. Stephens; Keller: Diana L. Sokoly; Kingsville: Katherine E. Boles, Damon K. Broglie, Valarie A. Gomez, Joshua E. Ramos, Alyssa M. Reyes, Breeze V. Rueda, James E. Schumann, Maria E. Snelson, Harris M. Van Fleet, Jaime X. Villarreal, Zelina Zavala; La Grulla: Vianna I. Solis; La Vernia: Daniel P. Wilson; Lake; Hills: Eric A. Wineman; Mathis: Devon M. Wilder; McAllen: Michael P. Balli, Mariana R. De La Rosa, Griseidy Ochoa; Mission: Vanessa Gomez, Ruben Riojas; Orange Grove: Trent A. Hodges, Laura M. Ortiz; Palacios: Jelisa L. Kocurek, Brianna R. Long; Pharr: Carlos Juarez; Pleasanton: Melissa L. Thompson; Portland: Lee D. Dykes; Raymondville: Josefina D. Garza, Cara L. Smith; Richmond: Caitlin N. Fetterly, Samantha A. Janota; Rio Grande City: Orlando H. Herrera; Robstown: Stephanie R. Merritt, Jessica M. Navejar; San Diego: Josef released the names of the students who made the President’s List, Dean’s List and Honor Roll for the fall 2009 semester. In order to qualify for the prestigious President’s List, a student must be enrolled in at least 15 semester hours and have a perfect 4.0 grade point average for the semester. To make the Dean’s List, a student must earn a grade point average of 3.65 (on a 4.0 scale) on all work attempted for the semester with a minimum of 13 semester hours completed. A. Lopez; Sarita: Joseph A. Acevedo, Genesis R. Urbina; Seguin: Kelsey L. Fort; Skidmore: James D. Henshall; Sweeny: Rikki N. Sheffield; The Woodlands: Alison L. Insell; Tyler: Ricky Marshall; Tynan: Jessica M. Hall; Universal City: Christopher R. Washington; Victoria: Jennifer A. Boren, Kara L. Simnacher; Weslaco: Daniel A. Bisch, Miriam E. Villanueva; Windcrest: Kaitlin R. Marroquin Andrew N. Willias; Deer Park: Paul M. Sigle; Donna: Leslie I. Hinojosa, Jessica D. Jimenez; Driscoll: Leah Olivarez, Andrew G. Rios; Eagle Pass: Zaida Olivera; East Bernard: Josephine A. Dietz; Edinburg: Gilberto De La Rosa, Elizabeth Garza, Amanda I. Montalvo, Michael J. Perez; El Campo: Thaddeus Deiss; El Paso: Billy R. Polk; Elmaton: Matthew J. Hickl; Falfurrias: Erica A. Alvarado, Mateo Longoria, Clarissa R. Sanchez, Enrique Sanchez, America C. Vela; Falls City: Christina R. Zunker; Freer: Diana E. Fowler, Cameron M. Johnson, Parthkumar V. Naik; Friendswood: Brittany S. Von Ruff; George West: Kyle L. Mircovich; Harlingen: Daysha N. Atencio, Jorge A. Mata, Abel L. Morales, Modesto Morales, Febe Villagomez, Faren K. Von Duben; Hobson: Emily G. Sczepanik; Hondo: Andrew P. Haertner; Houston: Michael A. Garcia, Sebastian Gonzalez, Abdel A. Zoungrana; Humble: Amanda S. Soto; Jourdanton: Tiffany R. Masters; Kingsville: Angelita M. Alegria, Patrick L. Alvarez, Rolando Barrientes, James C. Bolton, Tobias D. Bradley, Frank A. Buell, Flavio R. Campos, Hector R. Castelltort, David H. Cavazos, Davina B. Covarrubias, Brenda D. De Leon, Kristen M. Foley, Hermelinda Garcia (2), Juan R. Garza, Liselette Garza, Alauna L. Hunter, Jackelyn M. Lomas, James J. Lutenbacher, Ivan A. Mora, Ramon F. Navarro, Sara B. Pena, Jason A. Quintanilla, Matthew A. Ray, Sylvia Rodriguez-Ozuna, Aaron B. Schuenemann, Christina M. Sears, Joshua A. Smith, Amanda R. Stanley, Sonya Vasquez, Irma L. Vela, Andy R. Vigstol; La Feria: Tori L. Betancourt, Matthew H. Kelso; La Vernia: Blake L. Young; Lakeway: Norman E. Gutierrez; Laredo: Gerardo I. De Leon, Jaime Garcia, Victor Moyeda, Karina J. Perez, Jesus A. Prado, Charles M. Prince, Jesus A. Reyes, Michael A. Talamantez; Live Oak: Ashlee R. Craven; Lytle: Christina M. Maldonado; McAllen: Marylou I. Espinosa, Carolina Guerrero, Maricela Luna, Alexa T. Yunes; Midland: Cheryl A. Warren; Midlothian: Justin M. Rattan; Milano: James C. Couch; Mission: Amanda R. Arevalo, Alexandra Calderon, Josie L. Chavez, Morgan L. Cowgill, Javier A. Sanchez; Oilton: Priscilla N. Hernandez; Olmito: Ernesto C. Valenzuela Romero; Orange Grove: Mary V. Rangel, Mary M. Rokohl; Palacios: Andy T. Beard, Amanda N. Vecera; Pearland: Gabriel L. Miller; Penitas: Diana Hinojosa; Pharr: Amanda Pecina; Port Lavaca: Brittany L. Hranicky, Jonathan F. Stroup, Adrian Trevino; Portland: Stephanie L. Miller; Poteet: Moriah C. Sanders; Premont: Julie U. Martinez, Sara E. Munoz, Marcos H. Ramirez; Progreso: Cristina Ontiveros, Norberto Ontiveros; Raymondville: Jaime Herrera; Rio Grande City: Nancy Valadez; Robstown: Juana M. Bueno, Crystal Calvillo, Lorena Hernandez, Logan R. Louderman, Myranda L. Medina, Kenneth A. Schroeder; San Antonio: Jennifer M. Allen, Bryan S. De Waal, Emily C. Johnson, Joseph A. Maldonado, Myles L. Martinez, Charles T. Phillips, Christopher T. Schraeder, Tracie A. Sheppard, Nathan A. Sneed, Jonathan E. Tapia; San Benito: Abraham Amaya, Denver S. Hance, Edna Rosenbaum San Elizario: Evelyn Lopez; San Marcos: Brenda N. Rosas; Santa Elena: Claudia I. Alvarez, Rebecca A. Gonzalez; Santa Fe: Joseph A. Rodriguez; Sinton: Maria A. Avalos, Cheryl L. Jordan, Dollie A. Molina, Meagan A. Rudolph; Sweeny: Chance E. Lowrie; Taft: Kayla B. Box; Three Rivers: Andrea K. Goebel, Whitney D. Ruiz, Jamie L. White; Tilden: Justin G. Anderson; Victoria: Samantha J. Alvarez, Nicholas A. Brown, Timothy J. Byerly, Denver H. Diefenbach, Dylan F. Riedesel, John L. Solis; Weslaco: Andrew L. Alvarado, Edelmiro Cavazos, Quentin J. Donalson, Frank D. Segovia; Yoakum: Dustyn R. Jansky; Yorktown: Katherine M. Dugie; Zapata: Christina I. Garcia PRESIDENT’S LIST NON-TEXAS RESIDENTS Wyoming: Andra M. Schroff; Mexico: Boris Hugo Torres Martinez, Michel A. Zarate Orozco DEAN’S LIST TEXAS RESIDENTS Agua Dulce: Hillary M. Garcia; Alice: Ashley N. Arellano, Donella Delgado, Ludivina Estringel, Lace J. Garcia, Lydia A. Holt, Linda A. Lopez, Katrina A. Mondragon, Victoria C. Perez, Jessica C. Willie; Allen: Richard A. Hodges, Michael A. Schneider; Aransas Pass: Cody S. Hall, Matthew F. Hall, Dora E. Hernandez; Austin: Michael W. Shipley; Baytown: Rene Cienfuegos; Beeville: Felicia R. Soza, Eric C. Taylor; Big Wells: Richard Rosa; Bishop: Ricky A. Balderas, Robert J. Carter, Ernest Colin, Angel A. Flores, Patricia A. Norman, Marcus R. Perez, Kelly L. Tijerina; Blessing: Leanne M. Wiley; Boerne: Marissa N. Johansen; Brenham: Blake A. Eikenhorst, Michael R. Randermann; Brownsville: Ana V. Alvarez, Elvira Escobedo, John D. Garza, Joshua N. Losoya, Dalia N. Marroquin, Javier Perez; Bruni: Michael A. Chapa, Tracy L. Munoz; Caldwell: Marcus E. Blum; Carrizo Springs: Lucas J. Rutledge; College Station: Kellie L. McConnell; Corpus Christi: Matthew R. Busker, John W. Caballero, Jason R. Custer, Sanaa Drif, Michael G. Fisher, Robert D. Fisher, Carmen M. Garcia, Rudy J. Garcia, Alexander R. Knowles, Bianca I. Lord, Domingo D. Loria, Amanda P. Marcum, Lauren L. Martinez, Rene Martinez, Jeremy A. Murillo, Wayne G. Nobbie, Justin K. Peninger, Stephen A. Rios, Shari L. Ruschhaupt, Michael A. Salinas, Elizabeth Sanchez, Ashley A. Schneider, Maricia A. Startz, Edward T. Vargas, Leonardo E. Vasquez, Helen E. Wheeler, DEAN’S LIST NON-TEXAS RESIDENTS Kansas: Melissa D. St. Clair, Candice J. Wardyn; Honduras: Hector David Briceno Sanchez; Mexico: Edgarth Andres A. Rivera Leon, Oscar E. Corripio Luna, Jorge L. Molina, Almendra M. Reyes Moron, Jesus R. Santos; Nepal: Ramesh Pudasaini, Anup M. Tuladhar; Nigeria: Francis E. Musa, Itong A. Ujile; Ivory Coast: Totoh Leslie J. Gnako; Venezuela: Julio C. Rondon Martinez Editorials/ Opinions 4 “Here at TAMUK, Javelina Stu- The South Texan - April 20, 2010 dents for Sustainability (JSS) has worked tirelessly to implement changes to our conventional waste system on campus. ” -Nndy Oheri Kudos goes to...the TAMUK American Advertising team Team picks up several awards in Amarillo past weekend Courtesy of Hector Castelltort / The South Texan Members of the Javelina Marketing Group take pictures with the judges of the American Advertising Federation after receiving their awards this past weekend in Amarillo. Crystal Guerra / The South Texan Rudy Garcia earned the Best Presenter award at last weekend’s AAF competition. The Texas A&M University-Kingsville Javelina Marketing Group placed as the second runner-up in their competition this weekend in Amarillo. The team has been working toward this competition all semester and had made an advertising plan for State Farm Auto Insurance. The team had to make a plan book for their advertising plan and present it to advertisers from State Farm. The competition was a district competition from schools in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and northwest Louisiana. The TAMUK team competed against and beat out the likes of Angelo State, Baylor, Lamar, Stephen F. Austin, Southern Methodist, UT-Arlington, Texas A&M and West Texas A&M. This was just the third year A&M-Kingsville has sent a team into the competition and this was by far the best any of those teams has done. Despite the third place finish, the team picked up the Best Big Idea award for their idea for a “virtual agent.” Rudy Garcia also picked up an individual award for Best Presenter. Members of the Javelina Marketing Group have to take at least two classes in advertising with the second being dedicated to the preparation for the contest. Despite the class time, team members spend hours outside of class preparing the presentation, creating a plan book on their marketing strategy and actually having to make the advertisements they develop it. District 10, the district TAMUK competes in, is considered a mega-district and is split into two competition areas. Because of its size, the district is divided into two competitions. Four members of the team are allowed to make the actual presentation without any help from other team members or advisers. The Javelina Marketing Group is advised by Dr. Manuel Flores, associate professor of communications and theatre arts, and Todd Lucas, assistant dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Both professors have already committed to taking a team back to competition next year. As for this year, for their hard work and awardwinning representation of A&M-Kingsville, the Javelina Marketing Group receives this week’s KUDOS award. Javelinas are ready to act on Earth Day A&M-Kingsville ready to become a green leader in South Texas community, region With each passing day, an insurmountable amount of trash is packed into dumpsters, collected by garbage trucks and carried off to landfills where it is left to continue on with its decomposition process. From old broken furniture to rotting food, there is no question that landfills are the home of all kinds of unwanted “treasures.” However, take into consideration the fact that most of what you find at such landfills falls under the jurisdiction of the waste hierarchy: “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.” According to several recycling organizations, 70 percent of all trash is thought to be recyclable. This includes cans, glass, bottles, papers and cardboard—items that lay wasted in landfills when they could easily be reused in a recycling system, a system set up for moneysalvaging purposes with the intent of doing good for the environment. How many of us are guilty of throwing away tons of junk each day while cognizant of the fact that 70 percent of our trash can be reincarnated in various new forms? Even worse, how many of us are completely oblivious to this knowledge and would rather not separate our garbage into distinctive piles of what constitutes as recyclable and nonrecyclable items? The percentage for that amount would probably overwhelmingly agree that recycling is a waste of time and is not financially valuable, one of several arguments that have been made in the great debate for recycling. For some recyclable items it actually cost is if they substituted their conventional waste system for more efficient recycling practices. Commentary Even landfills Nndy Oheri have some Columnist relevance in the The South Texan matter. Huge quantities of methane gas, more to reprocess them a chemical which can than to dump things off contribute to global at a landfill, especially warming if not curbed, items made of plastic is produced via the decomposition process which all come with a resin identification code that occurs at landfills. that distinguishes their Landfill companies material origin. have already taken Sorting out the various advantage of this gas product and have plastics is costly and time consuming enough. managed to convert it into However, the a reliable energy source importance of recycling with enough power to was enough to warrant an provide electricity to entire neighborhoods. entire recycling industry, and it has been known If the opportunity to that the only way a utilize your electricity, community can really save water, paper, and money through recycling other wastes with environmentally-friendly methods presents itself, shouldn’t you at least jump at the chance? Here at TAMUK, an organization called Javelina Students for Sustainability (JSS) has worked tirelessly to implement changes to our conventional waste system on campus. With their efforts finally having paid off, the university, backed by President Tallant, has agreed to support the Environmental Policy Statement. The signed article will push our administration to employ campus-wide recycling programs that will distinguish our university as a pro-green leader in South Texas. With Earth Day approaching this coming week, it is our personal responsibility to recognize the fact that human beings are creatures of this planet too. We were all conceived on the same planet. We have all breathed this planet’s air and walked on its surface, so at the least we owe it our full respect. Our intelligence, which separates us from the other animals, appoints us as the Earth’s primary caretakers, and it should be utilized in a way that benefits the Earth and all that live in it. Therefore, it is imperative that we discover the proper lifestyle, such as recycling, that coincides with this philosophy. Consider the fact that recycling may not prevent global warming or even save the entire eco-system. At least not overnight. But it definitely starts us off in a very humane place. Career Services clarifies advice for students in work force Dealing with career problems must be handled in a mature way Editor: I was concerned that last week’s article “Students Fire Questions at Panel After Film Viewing” blurred the message that was being communicated. I was misquoted as saying that when you are fired it is okay to go out and drink a few adult beverages, and I wanted to be clear that this was a comment that was injected into what I was saying by someone else, and that certainly it was spoken as an attempt at humor. I was expressing to students that it is okay to be sad or upset about being Letter to the Editor fired, however, they should pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and use the experience in a positive way. At Career Services, we do not advise nor condone the use of alcoholic beverages to solve problems. There are different ways to react when difficulties arise in our lives and our careers, and to take some time to reflect and even grieve is a natural and healthy way to move on. Problems and mistakes will occur in each of our lives but we must learn from these experiences and use it to grow personally and professionally. Merideth McCallick Career Services, Office Manager 5 Visit The South Texan Online for Javelina Sports updates, Photos, stats and Live-streaming Games at www.tamuk.edu/southtexan Sports The South Texan - April 20, 2010 Thomas hits for cycle against East Central Staff Reports The South Texan The Texas A&M-Kingsville baseball team hammered Lone Star Conference rival East Central Tigers 12-7 on Friday April 16th as Clifton Thomas became the University’s first player to accomplish the feat of hitting for the cycle. Thomas singled in the first, led off the fifth inning with a home run, tripled in the sixth then completed the cycle in the seventh with a double after Trent Wagner was hit by a pitch to allow the at-bat. “It was great to hit for the cycle but it feels better when the team wins. We are playing lights out with great team chemistry.” Thomas said. The team had a banner day at the plate on Saturday East Central as they scored a season high 14 runs in a 14-3 victory. The game began on Friday, but was postponed due to inclement weather. With the win the Javelinas stay on the heels of Angelo State (22-17 in conferArturo Leal/The South Texan ence play) and are only four games behind Clifton Thomas hits away during an at-bat. Thomas hit for first place Abilene Christian in the win the cycle during the weekend series at East Central. The column. Second place Southeastern OklaJavelinas swept the Tigers two-games to none. homa sits at 23-14 in conference while Cameron is third at 21-13. Thomas and the Javelinas (24-22, 2017) jumped out to an early lead, scoring three runs in the top of the first. Thomas led off with a single and scored on Luis Diaz’s base hit. Cody Stigall laced a twoout, two-run double to cap off the inning. The Tigers (9-25, 8-21) came back with one run in the first inning and five in the third to take a 6-3 lead. The game remained that way until the top of the fifth, when Thomas led off the inning with his seventh home run of the season. Jerry Rodriguez, Travis Earles and Diaz followed with consecutive base hits. Later in the inning, Stigall, Adrian Williams and Cash Barker each drove in a run. In the sixth inning, Thomas led off with his sixth triple of the season sparking a two-run volley. Finally, in the seventh inning it looked like Thomas would not have a chance to hit for the cycle when the first Hoggie batters turned in two successive outs. Trent Wagner was hit by a pitch to give Thomas a chance to come through with a double to complete the cycle. The Javelinas finished the game with 15 hits. Thomas went 4-for-5 with four runs and two RBI’s. Earles, Diaz, Stigall and Brandon Rohr each had two hits. Diaz and Stigall each drove in three runs. David de Leon picked up his eighth win of the year after tossing 5.0 innings and striking out five. Taylor Taska pitched the final 1.2 innings without allowing a hit or run to notch his school record eighth save of the season. The second game on Friday was suspended due to lightning in the area. The Javelinas were batting in the top of the fifth with two outs and holding a 7-0 lead when play was stopped. The game would continue Saturday. The Javelinas led 7-1 in the top of the fourth inning of the third game of the series before weather forced postponement. The game would ultimately be cancelled. The Javelinas scored runs in six of the nine innings of game two and had at least two runs in five innings. They set a season high in runs, hits, doubles and triples. Five different players had three hits in the game as they pounded out 20 safeties. Once again, senior center fielder Clifton Thomas (San Diego, CA/El Cajon Valley HS) led the way, going 3-for-6 with two runs, a double, two triples and an RBI. He now has three triples and six extra base hits in the series. Lone Star Conference Diamond Hitter of the Week Jerry Rodriguez (Canovanas, P.R.) continued his recent hot hitting by going 3-for-6 with a double, two runs, three RBI’s and two stolen bases. Since coming back from an injury last week he is 12-for-19 at the plate in six games. Luis Diaz went 3-for-5 with a double, two RBI’s and a run scored. Brandon Rohr also went 3-for-5 with a double, RBI and a stolen base. Adrian Williams hit his third home run of the season and finished the game 3-for-5 with three runs, two RBI’s and a double. Finally, freshman Trent Wagner hit his first career home run in the ninth inning. Senior pitcher Dan Rogers pitched his third complete game out of his last four starts and fourth overall despite pitching four innings on Friday and five more on Saturday. He scattered five hits while allowing one earned run and two walks. He struck out six batters to improve to 7-1 on the season and he lowered his ERA to 3.21. Hyland signs three players to National Letters of Intent Courtesy Sports Information Texas A&M-Kingsville women’s basketball coach Scott Hyland announced on Friday that he had signed three high schoolers to National Letters of Intent to continue their basketball careers for the Javelinas. The three student-athletes are Brandy Garcia, a 5-11 wing from Edinburg North High School, Ashley Perez, a 6-2 post from Lytle and Allison Peters, a 6-4 post from Ganado. Garcia led Edinburg North to a 27-12 record and an appearance in the regional semifinals in Class 5A. She averaged 10.6 points, 7.9 rebounds, 3.3 blocks, 2.4 steals and 2.2 assists per game as a senior. She was named the District 31-5A Defensive Player of the Year and first team all-District, all-City and all-Valley honors. She was a four-time first team all-City and three-time first team all-District player. She was tabbed on the allValley team three times and was the District 31-5A Newcomer of the Year as a freshman. “We are very excited about the addition of Brandy to the Javelina program,” said Hyland. “She has grown up around the game and it shows. She does a lot of the little things that make a team click that only a coach can really appreciate. She is a very good athlete that can handle the ball and create for others. She can go inside, post up or attack the basket and finish with either hand. She is a tremendous shooter and gives us another three-point threat.” Perez led Lytle HS to a 29-7 record this year. She averaged a double-double per game with 14.2 points and 10.8 rebounds while also blocking 4.0 shots per game and nabbing 2.1 steals per game. She was a twotime first team all-district performer. “We have followed Ashley’s progress very closely over the past two years and really feel she could have a great impact upon our program as she continues to develop,” said Hyland. “She is a very good athlete with good size. She has great hands and a tremendous touch around the basket, but can also step out and knock in the long-range jumper to open up the paint.” Peters comes to the Javelinas after an outstanding career at Ganado HS. As a senior, she posted three triple-doubles and 17 double-doubles en route to earning first team all-district, Victoria Advocate All-Area, TABC All-Region, Academic all-district and Academic All-State honors. She averaged 14.4 points, 15.8 rebounds and 6.1 blocks per game while shooting 39 percent from threepoint range. During her junior year he had seven triple-doubles and 12 double-doubles while earning first team all-district, Victoria Advocate All-Area, TABC All-Region and Academic all-district honors. She was also a first team all-district and Academic all-district selection as a sophomore. “We really like Allison’s potential,” said Hyland. “She runs the floor extremely well and has good lateral movement. She has good hands and a strong face-up game that will fit our offensive system well. Obviously, we like her size and feel she has tremendous potential to develop into a high impact player.” The Javelinas are coming off an 18-10 season that saw them advance to the Lone Star Conference tournament. Bullinger receives prestigious TACSM award at annual meeting Courtesy of Public Relations Dyana Bullinger was a starter on the women’s basketball team at Texas A&M University-Kingsville for four years running, a three-time team captain, named to the LSC South Division All-Conference Second Team last year and an honorable mention this year, and the holder of numerous all-time top ten university basketball records. These are some impressive accomplishments on the court. But believe it or not, Bullinger has had as much success in the classroom and on campus. The Spring, Texas senior studying the kinesiology degree path of exercise science/pre-physical therapy has made frequent appearances on the dean’s list and was twice listed in the Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges. She was named the health and kinesiology department’s exercise science undergraduate major of the year for 2009-2010. She was named a 2007-2008 Outstanding Student of the Year by the Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Last year, Bullinger received the Exercise Science Undergraduate Research Award by her academic department for her work examining anaerobic performance in athletes and non-athletes. She was selected from seven nominees to be the recipient of the undergraduate Be All You Can Be Award, given by the Women’s Enrichment and Advisory Committee. Then this semester, Bullinger received what may have been her biggest academic award yet, serving in a way as recognition for all of her accomplishments. She became the first Texas A&MKingsville student to receive the Undergraduate Scholar Award by the Texas Regional Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine (TACSM). She was presented this award Bullinger at the 2010 TACSM Annual Meeting last month at the University of Houston. “The American College of Sports Medicine, for which TACSM is a regional chapter, is the premier learned society for the exercise sciences,” noted Dr. Chris Hearon, associate professor and chair of the health and kinesiology department, and coordinator of the department’s Human Performance Laboratory. “Having our students honored by this organization really helps our reputation regionally. The exercise science program, including our pre-physical therapy program, is growing fast and we have some really solid students including, of course, Dyana.” “Our goal is that Dyana will the first in a long line of recipients of this prestigious award to come from A&M-Kingsville.” Bullinger echoed Hearon’s respect for the regional Undergraduate Scholar Award, calling it a huge honor. “I have worked so hard the last four years and it all seems to be coming together this last semester. I have had so many opportunities presented to me and I am grateful I have been able to capitalize on them.” “I am so appreciative of the department and everything they have done to help me get where I am going. I am especially thankful to Dr. Hearon for all the time and effort he has put into helping me excel, as well as Dr. Stacey Gaines for assisting on my research project by not only being an investigator but helping with the psychological view of things. Thanks also to my coach Scott Hyland and my parents for all of their support. This award means so much to me.” Bullinger’s research project examined athletes and non-athletes while using the Wingate Anaerobic Cycle Test. She and Hearon developed a project in which the test subjects were given verbal encouragement while on the cycle, then tested without encouragement, to compare athlete and non-athlete performance. “As a department chair, our excessive teaching loads coupled with our administrative duties makes it difficult to find the time devote to student mentoring like this, which is why I don’t do it as much as I’d like. It really takes a lot of time mentoring undergraduate research,” said Hearon. “This was especially true for Dyana’s study, where the nature of the data collection required me to be present for 60 of the 90 testing session. But she took charge of the study and handled all the scheduling of the subjects and other investigators, screenings and preparations of the Human Performance Laboratory for all 90 testing sessions, as well as all the data maintenance and reduction. She pretty much ran the show, all I had to do was show up prior to testing and do my job. And this is as an undergraduate--an undergraduate who also is an intercollegiate athlete, and all that that implies from a time management standpoint. She really did a great job.” Bullinger presented her research at the TACSM annual meeting in March, where she accepted her Undergraduate Scholar Award. She will present again in June at the ACSM national conference in Baltimore. Bullinger is scheduled to earn her bachelor’s degree at the end of the semester. Hearon is among those that sees a strong finish to her undergraduate education at A&M-Kingsville. Features 6 The South Texan - April 20, 2010 Visit The South Texan Online for more President’s Legacy Ball coverage at www.tamuk.edu/southtexan TAMUK supporters mix, mingle at 2010 President’s Legacy Ball Courtesy of Public Relations Dr. Steven Tallant, TAMUK president, dancing with wife Karen, during the annual Legacy Ball at the Memorial Student Union Building Ballrooms, Saturday, April 18. Paul Camarillo/The South Texan Dr. Steven Tallant visits with alumni (retired) Gen. Ricardo Sanchez and his wife, Mary. Paul Camarillo/The South Texan Dr. Steven Tallant greeting guests as they arrived for the ball. The red carpet was laid out as distinguished supporters attended the 2010 President’s Legacy Ball, Saturday, April 18, in the Memorial Student Union Building. The ball celebrated and acknowledged supporters who help make a difference in the lives of students during the past year. “The President’s Legacy Ball celebrates and recognizes the friends in the university community who have supported Texas A&M University-Kingsville and helped make a difference in the lives of students during the past year.” TAMUK President Dr. Steven Tallant said. “This event is a tribute to the individuals and organizations who are linked with the proud history and recent achievements of A&M-Kingsville,” he said. “As we acknowledge our contributors, we do so with confidence that their support will continue in future years, ensuring that we have the necessary resources to sustain our educational mission for decades to come,” he said. Approximately 268 TAMUK supporters attended the Legacy Ball this year. It was an evening of gourmet dinner, silent auction, live entertainment and dancing to thank the friends and donors of Texas A&M-Kingsville. Specifically, the event supports student scholarships at A&M-Kingsville and honors members of the Legacy Society, made up of individuals and organizations donating $100,000 or more to the university. “It is your support, loyalty, interest and generosity that enable A&M-Kingsville to live up to its commitment to excellence year after year,” President Tallant told those present. Local artist Dolores Price provided the artwork for this year’s legacy ball. Her piece, an acrylic entitled, “Directions to Life,” was displayed on the invitations and other printed materials.
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