Medford Campus
Medford Campus
Established 1971 Medford Campus Homes & Amenities Three distinctive neighborhoods featuring a wide range of home designs in a beautiful arboretum setting. iv Medford Leas e n g a g e d c o m m u n i t y l i f e w i t h i n a n at t rac t i v e a n d s t i m u l at i n g e n v i r o n m e n t The Medford Campus features a wide range of residential designs— including garden-style apartments, clustered townhouses, and patio homes—situated amidst the unique beauty of The Barton Arboretum and Nature Preserve. A designated arboretum and nature preserve, the 168-acre Medford campus is located near the historic town of Medford, New Jersey. Within this distinctive setting, the homes are arranged in “neighborhoods” among beautifully landscaped grounds, courtyard and patio gardens, wildflower meadows, recreational areas, and natural woodlands. This attractive and stimulating landscape also supports residents’ active lifestyles. Amenity and program highlights include: activity trails, canoe dock, tennis courts, an indoor swimming pool and spa, fitness center, theater, library, computer center, art studio and gallery, Nature Center and greenhouses. The Medford Campus also features the offices for the community’s extensive wellness, health, and medical services, as well as its assisted living and nursing care accommodations. TA U GH W AY EN TR A N 9 ES TO PHILADELPHIA WILDFLOWER MEADOW “RAIL ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY” TRAIL G H WAY 7 LEA SW AY E STAU 2 MED RO UT E 70 FO R D PINETUM E N T RA N RHODO DENDR ON 7 10 GARDE N CE W OO LM AN GUEST COTTAGE HADDON Y WA 1 SH 6 AR P’ S RU N ME DF O LE RD AS Y WA 5 RA M e d f o r d 2 C A M P US K S CREE N CO CA ANC S .W. B R H Medford Campus Site Plan W N N CE S SILO W IL KI Resident Community Areas E N S ST AT I O N RO A D CHU RC H ROA D CHUR 4 OA D CH R 3 8 1. Community Building Brain Gym, Computer Lab, Dining Venues, Fitness Center, Library, Pool & Spa, Offices, Workshop, etc. Arts and Social Wing Art Galleries, Art Studio, Entertaining Rooms, Fiber Arts Studio, Game Room, Theater 2. Nature Center and Greenhouse 3. Tennis Courts 4. Farm Plots 5. Canoe Launch 6. Shuffleboard Court Residential Areas 7. Courtyard Apartments — Each courtyard features a distinctively designed garden of the Arboretum. 8. Rushmore Patio Homes 9. Bridlington Townhomes 8 8 NEW FREEDOM ROAD N H e a lt h & W e l l n e s s Fac i l i t i e s 10. P hysicians’ Offices, Pharmacy, Physical & Occupational Therapy Assisted Living Facilities Skilled Nursing Facilities Arboretum Highlights ME DFORD LEAS WAY 8 WOODS COTTAGE Courtyard Gardens Wildflower Meadow Pinetum Rhododendron Garden Woodlands & Nature Preserve Activity Trails Visitor Parking Resident Parking Covered Walkways 3 Courtyard Apartments Arranged in clusters, these courtyards are conveniently linked with each other, as well as with the community and health centers by a system of covered, enclosed walkways. These residential gardenstyle apartments include a variety of studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom styles. All have patios and feature private entrances, opening onto individuallydesigned landscaped courtyards. See areas marked #7 on site plan, page 2 4 c o u r t y ar d apar t m e n t s – A sampling of floor plans Kitchen and bath designs and other specific features will vary. ROOM DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE, SOME PLANS MAY OCCUR REVERSED. BATH KITCHEN W/D CL CL KITchEN cl CL cl OPTIONAL CLOSET ALCOVE 11’0-0” x 16’-9” BaTh W/D lIvINg/DININg ROOM 15'-0" x 18'-4" BEDROOM 13'–6" x 15'–0" OPTIONAL HALF WALL LIVING 11’0-0” x 16’-9” cl cl paTIO ONly MIDSIZE ONE BEDROOM 840-870 sq. ft. PATIO ONLY STUDIO SUITE 582-680 sq. ft. laUNDRy cl lIN W.I.c. BaTh cl W.I.c. W/D KITchEN BaTh W.I.c. W/D BaTh BaTh MaSTER BEDROOM 17'–0" x 14'–11" KITchEN lIN BEDROOM 14'–7" x 13'–3" cl BEDROOM 14'–7" x 13'–3" lIvINg/DININg ROOM 16'-6" x 27'-6" cl BEDROOM 15'–6" x 9'–5" 9'–0" x 14'–0" lIvINg/DININg ROOM 16'–3" x 22'–2" paTIO ONly paTIO ONly EXTENDED TWO BEDROOM 1,252 sq. ft. EXTENDED TWO BEDROOM 1,369–1,430 sq. ft. 5 Bridlington Townhomes These attractive clustered townhomes are located in the meadows of the Arboretum and feature one, two, and three-bedroom designs. While specific features vary, all Bridlington townhomes feature one level living plus patios, basements and attached one-car garages; many also include sunrooms. All two- and three-bedroom designs offer attractive second floor lofts and additional storage spaces. (Note: The second floor of three bedroom homes features a full-sized third bedroom/bath suite, as well.) See area marked #9 on site plan, page 2 6 B R IDLINGTON TO W N H OMES – A sampling of floor plans Kitchen and bath designs and other specific features will vary. ROOM DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE, SOME PLANS MAY OCCUR REVERSED. DECK 12' x 13' W.I.C. BREaKfaST 9'–0'' x 9'–0" cOvERED ENTRy gaRagE 11'–8" x 20'–10" W.I.c. CL. KITchEN 9'–0" x 8'–0" W MASTER BEDROOM 14'-3” x 16' D Dn TO BSMNT GREAT ROOM 19'-4” x 19'-5” SUNROOM 12' x 17' Vaulted Ceiling Vaulted Ceiling Up BaTh W.I.c. UP BaTh MASTER BATH DININg aREa WET BAR DN P.R. L.C. W BEDROOM 12'–5" x 14'–7" lIvINg ROOM 17'-3" x 18'-11" D KITCHEN LND. RM. 8'–2" x 12'–6" DN W.I.C. CL. FOYER OFFICE/ BEDROOM 10' x 11'-5” BREAKFAST 9’ x 9' GARAGE 11'–9" x 21' PORCH DN SUNROOM 14'-0" x 9'-8" cONcRETE paTIO HAWTHORNE One Bedroom FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1,155 sq ft. PLUS BASEMENT OAK/REDWOOD Two Bedroom FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1,606 sq ft. PLUS BASEMENT AND LOFT CL. OPEN TO BELOW BEDROOM 12'-10” x 14'-5” L.C. BATH L.C. OPEN TO BELOW DN BATH DN LOFT 9' x 26'-7” LOFT 9' x 26'-7” STORAGE CL. OAK Two Bedroom SECOND FLOOR REDWOOD Three Bedroom SECOND FLOOR 7 Rushmore Patio Homes The Rushmore clustered patio homes border a blended setting of woodlands and meadow and offer eat-in kitchens, detached carports, and spacious patios; many also feature screened or glass-enclosed porches. See areas marked #8 on site plan, page 2 8 R US H MO R E P A TIO H OMES – A sampling of floor plans Kitchen and bath designs and other specific features will vary. ROOM DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE, SOME PLANS MAY OCCUR REVERSED. paTIO or OpTIONal pORch paTIO or OpTIONal pORch BEDROOM #1 14'–8" x 14'–2" lIvINg aREa BEDROOM 14'–2" x 13'–8" DININg aREa 22'–8" x 15'–0" lIvINg aREa 23' x 14' BaTh BaTh DININg aREa WIc clO KITchEN hall 10'–4" x 15'–8" KITchEN 15' x 10' BaTh BEDROOM #2 14' – 8" x 14' – 2" HOLLY ONE BEDROOM 950 sq ft. PINE TWO BEDROOM 1,039 sq ft. SUNROOM 12'–6" x 25'–6" MASTER BEDROOM CL 14' x 14'–6" LIVING/DINING CL 15' x 22'–8" CL CL BATH BATH D W KITCHEN H ENTRY CL CL SPRUCE TWO BEDROOM WITH SUNROOM 1,637 sq ft. 8'–4" x 15' BEDROOM 11' x 14'–6" 9 Medford Campus Amenities Resident Community Areas Community Center, 79,145 sq. ft. Art Exhibition Gallery (for guest artists) Art Studio Bank “Brain” Gym (Cognitive Fitness) Coffee Shop Computer Center Dining Rooms (2) Fiber Arts Studio Game Room Gift Shop Guest Accommodations (5) Hair Salon Large-Print Library Library Photographic Darkroom Pottery Studio Private Dining & Entertaining Spaces Resident Art Gallery Tennis Courts Theater (310-seat) Thrift Shop Vision Technology Center Wood/Metalworking Shop O n - S i t e H e a lt h & W e l l n e s s services Audiology Dentistry Medical Director & Nurse Practitioners (full time) Optology Pharmacy Physical/Occupational Therapy Podiatry 61-Apartment Assisted Living Facility 67-Bed Skilled Nursing Facility F i t n e s s & A q u at i c s Fac i l i t i e s & P r o g ra m s S ta f f i n g 4.5 full-time staff with 5-day-a-week coverage Fa c i l i t i e s Exercise Studio, 940 sq. ft. Fitness Center, 1,720 sq. ft. Swimming Pool (indoor) Spa Programs (featuring low- mid- and high levels) Balance Training, Yoga, Tai Chi, Swiss Ball, Posture Training, Strength Training, Stretching, Water Aerobics, Water Volleyball, WaterWalking Arboretum Highlights Activity Trails Canoe Launch Courtyard Gardens “Farm” Plots Greenhouses (2) Nature Center Pinetum Rhododendron Garden Wildflower Meadow Woodlands & Nature Preserve A m e n i t i e s ava i l a b l e o n t h e L u m b e r to n Ca m p u s Community Center, 5,700 sq. ft. Activity Trails Art Gallery Canoe Launch Fitness Center, 1,300 sq. ft. (with staff-directed programming) Library Meeting, Social & Entertaining Spaces Nature Preserve Olympic-sized Outdoor Pool & Spa Tennis Courts Woodworking Shop Additionally, all residents (both campuses) are members of the Medford Leas Residents’ Association which sponsors over 90 self-directed activity and interest groups. MED F O R D LE A S A nationally-accredited, Quaker-related, not-for-profit community for those age 55+, with campuses in Medford and Lumberton, New Jersey Residency Planning Office One Medford Leas Way, Medford, New Jersey 08055 609.654.3000 or 800.331.4302 w w w. m e d f o r d l e a s . o r g email: As a Friends (Quaker) organization, Medford Leas believes in the equality, dignity and worth of each person, and therefore welcomes all regardless of their race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, culture, disability, gender, sexual orientation, and philosophical beliefs. 3.11/2000