pathways - Medford Leas
pathways - Medford Leas
PATHWAYS T O L E A R N I N G AT MED F OR D L E A S FALL 2015 PROGRAM GUIDE Exhibits, workshops, lectures, and more... E X PLOR E, D I S COVE R, G R OW Medford Leas is proud to announce our Fall 2015 Pathways to Learning at Medford Leas. Since our first season in 2012, we have offered a full array of opportunities to discover new interests, learn more about the world around us, and enjoy the good company of other attendees. Planning this season was a collaborative process, involving members of the Medford Leas Residents’ Association and other groups. Our goal was to develop a wide range of topics and programs that reflect the diverse interests of both our residents and the local community. We also look at the successes of a number of programs that we have hosted over the years that have become seasonal favorites—and we are pleased to include these as well. Over the years, programs related to horticulture and the natural world have been very popular. Our campuses—home of the Barton Arboretum & Nature Preserve—are the perfect location to host these programs. Last spring, we introduced a Gardening Guru Series, which was a great success. Check out the fall Guru Series, which features gardening into the winter season, including a hands-on workshop about planting everyone’s favorite bulb—the daffodil. We also will focus on active and positive aging in a number of ways, including opportunities to learn about and participate in a walking program, strength training, and how to maximize your vision as you age. Mindfulness, calligraphy, photography, poetry, making your wishes known and more, are topics that help to round out the season. Please, review this Guide—designed to offer something of interest for everyone—and register soon, as many programs have limited enrollment. We look forward to welcoming you to our community. M E D F OR D LEAS Community — Sponsored by The Estaugh, a not-for-profit corporation guided by Quaker principles since its founding in 1914, Medford Leas is an accredited community for those age 55+ with campuses in Medford and Lumberton, New Jersey. Leadership — Since its opening in 1971, Medford Leas has been recognized nationally for its leadership and innovation, outstanding facilities and services, wide range of home designs, superior health and wellness services, and prudent fiscal management. Outreach — As a mission-driven organization, Medford Leas recognizes its commitment to the broader community as a responsible employer, community business, and neighbor. Additionally, it enjoys a long history of developing and providing educational public programming, as well as offering use of its impressive meeting spaces to eligible, not-for-profit groups at no charge. SEPTEMBER 3 M E D FOR D U N IVE R S ITY Love’s Labors Won in Music Through the Ages Mondays, September 21, 28, and October 5, 12, 19, 2015 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Medford Campus Theater Fee: $35 Paid registration deadline: September 18 Medford University, under the guidance of Medford Leas residents, offers college-level courses on a regular basis. PROGRAM The power of love inspired surpassing works of many great composers including Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Verdi. Using the ancient Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice as a launching pad, you will explore music from the 17th through 21st centuries with specific regard to the merrymaking, mayhem, and sometimes, tears, inflamed by love’s muse. Here are the travails of Gluck’s Orpheus and Eurydice, the playful antics of Mozart’s operatic lovers, and the mayhem of mistaken identities in both Mendelssohn and Benjamin Britten’s versions of Midsummer Night’s Dream. Discover these compelling musical tales of rapture, devotion, and hurdles overcome. Karl Middleman weaves a rich musical tapestry of captivating musical selections and commentary. PRESENTER Karl Middleman returns to Medford Leas to present this course from among his repertoire of 300 music programs and lectures. A particularly versatile performer, he is equally at home with Hart and Hammerstein as he is with Handel and Haydn. In 1993 he founded a professional chamber orchestra, the Philadelphia Classical Symphony. Karl’s work with the Classical Symphony has received many awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Pew Center for Arts and Heritage, and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. Karl teaches at Temple University and Cabrini College. Currently he is a Commonwealth Speaker for the Pennsylvania Humanities Council. He has lectured for the Philadelphia Orchestra over 50 times. In April 2015 Karl appeared with the Altoona Symphony narrating his multi-media presentation, “The Secret Paths of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony.” 4 SEPTEMBER FITN E S S WOR K S H OP Walk with the Docs Workshop Thursday, September 24, 2015 10:00 am – 11:30 am Medford Campus Theater No Fee. Registration deadline: September 21 PROGRAM WORKSHOP LEADERS Learn about the benefits of walking from Dr. Andie Iannuzzelli, DO, FACOI, is Medical our Medford Leas physicians. Did you know Director of Medford Leas. She works closely that there are up to 100 reasons to walk? with Medford Leas’ on-site multi-disciplinary Physical activity does not need to be compli- team of health and wellness professionals cated. Something as simple as a daily brisk who provide primary care for residents. She walk can help you live a healthier life. also helps to coordinate resident’s care with the best specialists and treatment programs For example, regular brisk walking available. As a result of this “patient partner- can help you: ship” approach, residents enjoy participatory • Maintain a healthy weight. and enduring relationships with our health • Prevent or mange various conditions, and wellness team. A graduate of University including heart disease, high blood of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, pressure and type 2 diabetes. Dr. Iannuzzelli is board certified in internal • Strengthen your bones. medicine and nephrology and has worked • Lift your mood. in the fields of nephrology and holistic • Improve your balance and coordination. medicine for over 15 years. Learn simple tips in terms of your walking Dr. James D’Amico, DO, FACOI, also a grad- technique, getting into a routine, setting realistic goals, and staying motivated. This informative introductory program will be followed by a walk in the Barton Arboretum of Medford Leas with the Docs. The walk will take place on paved surfaces and it is recommended that you wear comfortable shoes. uate of University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, offers Medford Leas residents a strong and comprehensive background in internal medicine, geriatrics, rehabilitation and long-term and hospice care. Dr. D’Amico also works collaboratively with our health and wellness professionals and is proud to be a member of the Medford Leas Health and Wellness Team. SEPTEMBER FITN E S S WOR K S H OP Strength Training Class with Bands Friday, September 25, 2015 10:00 am – 11:00 am Medford Senior Center, Cranberry Hall No Fee. Registration deadline: September 21 PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR Join in this interactive Strength Training Ken Roland, Fitness & Aquatics Manager, Class, held in September, in celebration of Medford Leas Active Living Month. Ken Roland, Fitness and Aquatics Manager, Medford Leas will review In addition to more than 26 years of the importance of strength training for older experience in the field of physical therapy, adults, and will share with you a program rehabilitation and fitness training for older that you can do in the comfort and conve- adults, Ken is certified as a personal trainer, nience of your own home. The class Ken has balance trainer and ACE Group Fitness designed for you will be performed in both Instructor. His areas of expertise include seated and standing positions. Therabands working with special populations, older will be distributed for the class and you can adults, balance and core strengthening, take these home as a tool to continue with and aquatics. the program. Ken will review the importance for all of us to build our core body strength, with the ultimate goals of increasing not only your muscle strength, but to improve your posture and to maintain or increase your ranges of motion. This program will be offered at the Medford Senior Center, located in Cranberry Hall behind the Medford Township Municipal Building at 17 North Main Street, Medford, NJ 08055 5 6 SEPTEMBER AR B OR ETU M WOR K S H OP Nature Photography One Day Workshop Saturday, September 26, 2015, 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm Medford Campus Linden Room Rain or Shine Fee: $75. Paid registration deadline: September 21 Limited to the first ten registrants. PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR Beginner and intermediate photographers Patricia S. Worley, president of Twilight Blue are invited to nurture the nature lover inside Photography, earned a B.A. in communica- of you through photography. A detailed tions from Seton Hall University and enjoys lecture will provide you with the ability to putting her years of experience to use by capture breath-taking images of your natural teaching photography, judging, and giving surroundings. This new knowledge will then presentations and workshops. She exhibits be put into practice as the class moves out regularly in various juried exhibitions through- into the Barton Arboretum & Nature Preserve out the region. Pat serves on the Board of of Medford Leas, and participants will photo- the South Jersey Camera Club as Field Trip graph the beautiful grounds and setting, dur- Coordinator. Having won many local and ing the golden hour through sunset. Please international awards, Pat is listed in Who’s bring your DSLR camera, tripod, camera Who of Photography of the Photographic release (optional) and camera manual, as Society of America. well as a snack to eat during a brief break. SEPTEMBER 7 AR B OR ETU M WOR K S H OP Plant Swap—A Time to Refresh your Garden Tuesday, September 29, 2015 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Lumberton Campus Community Center Rain or Shine No fee. Registration deadline: September 25 PROGRAM You are invited to register and bring your What better way to learn about gardening favorite plants, and in return, you will leave than from fellow gardeners? A plant swap the swap with plants for your garden! is a great way to share your extra plants, Perennials, small shrubs, and houseplants acquire some new ones and share knowl- are welcome in this swap. Plants need to edge and fellowship with like-minded be in containers and if possible, should be gardeners. labeled with their name and type of conditions for the plant to thrive, i.e. shade or sun. The fall is a perfect time of year to divide plants and is a wonderful way to rejuvenate a well-established clump of perennials, or dig up plants and make room for something new and interesting in your garden. But what do you do with the extra plant material? 8 SEPTEMBER Medford Campus Art Gallery Open daily 9:00 am – 8:00 pm | No fee ART AT THE ARBORETUM September – October 2015 You are invited to enjoy this juried art exhibit sponsored in collaboration with the Medford Arts Center and the Medford Leas Art Gallery. You can expect to view a variety of different mediums from a number of local artists. l e as forum p re sents Words and Watercolor: Selected Poems and Paintings Saturday, September 26, 2015, 11:00 am – 12:00 noon Medford Campus Theater. Open to the public. No fee. No registration. Poet Richard Morgan, a Long Beach Island resident, will share selected poems from his four books (I Am Sea Glass, Sea Glass People, Sea Glass Soul, Hebrew Lessons), as well as tell the personal stories behind the poems. Images by artist Pat Morgan, who is featured in his books, will be a part of this presentation. The audience will be encouraged to react, make comments and ask questions, including the perennial question, “Which came first, the words or the watercolors?” Richard believes there is poetry in everyone. It can be the warm words one includes in a birthday card or in a condolence note, or it can be the words one writes to express joy or frustration and then puts away in a special drawer for safe keeping. Once written, words make feelings more real. This program is designed to inspire and encourage the personal poet within each of us. HOW TO WRITE PERSONAL POETRY: A WORKSHOP Saturday, September 26, 2015 1:30 – 3:00 pm. Medford Campus, Maple Room. Registration fee: $15. Limited to the first 15 registrants. Paid registration deadline: September 21 Join in this workshop led by Richard Morgan, to gain tips on how to write your own poetry. A talented poet, Richard is an enthusiastic teacher and enjoys sharing guidelines and encouragement for those interested in becoming a personal poet. He will present tips and guidelines for those who may be new to poetry writing, as well as provide encouragement for participants who already have experience writing their own poetry. 10 O C T OB E R WOR K S H OP Calligraphy Workshop Fridays, October 2, 9, 16, 23, 2015 10:00 am – 11:30 am Lumberton Campus Great Room Fee: $15 for the series, includes supplies. Paid registration deadline: September 25 PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR The fall season can be a wonderful time to Maureen Peters is a graphic artist, who spe- take up the pen, slow down, and letter in a cializes in calligraphy and graphic design. gentler time and pace. At the School of Sacred Arts, she learned the process of the medieval illuminators’ Calligraphy is a visual art related to writing. palette, color derived from animals, vegeta- It is the design and execution of lettering bles and minerals using medieval techniques. with an instrument. Calligraphy has been Maureen teaches calligraphy and illumination described as the art of giving form to signs throughout New Jersey. Her work has been in an expressive, harmonious and skillful published and is in several private collec- manner. tions. She is also the owner of Letterworks In this four session workshop, participants will use a casual Italic pointed pen, which is a wonderful place to begin a calligraphic journey. Participants will learn to use a dip pen with various mediums including watercolor and ink to create a unique piece of artwork to share or to keep. All supplies are included in the fee. This workshop is geared for beginners to introduce them to this special art form. Art Studio in Woodbury, NJ. O C T OB E R 11 AR BOR ETU M EVE NT Highlights of the Barton Arboretum & Nature Preserve Wednesday, October 7, 2015 10:00 am – 12:00 noon Medford Campus Theater No fee. Registration deadline: October 2 PROGRAM SPEAKERS Join in this program and learn about the Jane Weston, Director of Development and origins of the Barton Arboretum & Nature Community Relations, Medford Leas, has Preserve of Medford Leas. This unique had the pleasure of sharing information, and aspect of the Medford Leas community is programs about the Arboretum to a number a treasure for all to enjoy. Jane Weston will of local community groups and audiences share a brief history of the Arboretum and over the years. One of her favorite things describe the various components that com- to do during her work day is to tour the prise the Arboretum, including the Meadows, Arboretum to share the beauty and diversity Courtyard Gardens, and Nature Preserve, as of the campus. As a member of the Barton well as current activities and projects within Arboretum Oversight Committee, Jane is the Arboretum. Ken Hutz will offer a virtual responsible for developing and implement- tour of the Arboretum along with showcasing ing special projects within the Arboretum. a number of our specimen trees. As an enthusiastic home gardener and lover of plants and trees, she is pleased to share this special component of Medford Leas with you. Tours of the Arboretum will be offered following the program. Ken Hutz, Ken Hutz & Company, LLC, The Art of Tree and Shrub Care and ISA Certified Arborist, has provided expert fine tree and shrub pruning for over 20 years. In addition to his pruning skills, he is an expert in plant health care, including diagnosis, insect and disease treatments, fertilization and IPM-based treatments. Ken works at the Barton Arboretum & Nature Preserve of Medford Leas as an Arborist. 12 O C T OB E R AR BOR ETU M EVE NT The Right Size Flower Garden Tuesday, October 13, 2015 10:00 am – 11:00 am Medford Campus Theater No fee. Registration deadline: October 9 PROGRAM SPEAKER In this program, Kerry Ann Menendez, of Kerry Ann Mendez, is dedicated to teaching Perennially Yours, will share how sanity can the art of low-maintenance perennial garden- rule in your 21st century garden! Change ing and landscaping. As a garden designer, happens. Job demands, kids, money, hectic author and lecturer, she focuses on time- schedules, aging bodies, and changing saving gardening techniques, workhorse interests have led to gardens that may not plants and sustainable practices. She has be in balance with our lifestyle been featured on HGTV and in numerous magazines including Horticulture, Fine This lecture, inspired by Kerry’s recent book, Gardening, Garden Gate, and Better Homes The Right Size Flower Garden, will offer & Gardens. Kerry Ann has published three time-saving design tips and recommend gardening books, her most recent, The exceptional plants for achieving balance Right-Size Garden: Simplify Your Outdoor between your love of gardening and the time Space with Smart Design Solutions and and ability to do so. Drought tolerant plants, Plant Choices, was released in February perennials and annuals that do not need 2015. For more about Kerry, visit deadheading, no prune shrubs, long-lived, naturalizing bulbs — the illusion that you have more plants than you actually do are just The Right Size Flower Garden, will be on some of the treasured nuggets covered in sale following the program. this program. Kerry will share easy to follow targeted solutions that will provide liberation for all aging and time pressed gardeners. Implementing these ideas will be good for you, as well as the earth. 14 O C T OB E R AR B OR ETU M EVE NT Gardening Guru Series Wednesdays, October 14, 21, 28, 2015 10:00 am – 11:00 am Medford Campus Theater No fee. Registration deadline: October 9 Join in one or more programs. This series of gardening programs taught ing techniques that Art Wolk will share in by local experts is back by popular demand. his program (and his book by the same A guru is often thought of as a religious name) Bulb Forcing for Beginners and the teacher and spiritual guide in Hinduism, but Seriously Smitten. Rather than a winter view in everyday language, a guru can be a term of snow and ice, imagine having pots of often given to someone who is an expert in a tulips, daffodils, crocuses, and a worldwide particular field. In this context we invite you variety of other bulbs on your windowsill. to attend one or all of our series of programs In this informative and laugh-out-loud presen- focusing on different aspects of gardening tation, Art will show you exactly how to that are conducive to the fall season. make bulbs bloom all winter long. Visit: Each speaker holds a wealth of knowledge regarding gardening and horticulture. You SPEAKER will be encouraged to learn, have fun with Art Wolk is an award-winning writer, lecturer, plants, and test your boundaries in this series. We invite you to learn first-hand from these knowledgeable and talented individuals. The series is a reminder that gardening and connecting with nature does not end with the summer season. SESSION ONE: October 14, 2015 Bulb Forcing for Beginners and the Seriously Smitten photographer, and Grand Sweepstakes winner at the Philadelphia Flower Show. His book and lectures are known for a combination of mirth and horticultural expertise. Art has lectured at flower shows, symposiums, universities, and famous horticultural institutions. He also serves as a judge at the Philadelphia Flower Show. His books include Garden Lunacy: A Growing Concern, The Little Blue Book of Bulb Forcing, and Bulb Forcing for Beginners and the Seriously You don’t have to wait until the Philadelphia Smitten. Art’s books will be on sale following Flower Show each year to see springtime the program. flowers. Instead, you can follow the grow- O C T OB E R SESSION TWO: October 21, 2015 Therapy in May 2008. Whether she is The Joy of Houseplants Year Round working with a patient in an individual Like any gardening endeavor, indoor gardens tural Therapy, writing an article, or working can be as simple or elaborate as you would like. Houseplants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, leaf colors and textures and growing them is a wonderful way to garden year round. Houseplants have different growing conditions to match different environments. 15 session, lecturing on the topic of Horticulin her own garden, Jeanette continually demonstrates her commitment to the connection of individuals with nature. SESSION THREE: October 28, 2015 Daffodil Planting Workshop Come learn how interesting these inside plants can be. Topics will include an explora- Meet in the Medford Campus Theater, and tion of varieties available, basic houseplant Debbie Lux will share basic tips for planting care, how to propagate houseplants easily and cultivation of everyone’s favorite spring and how houseplants can be used in garden flower — the daffodil! Then help plant bulbs design year round. on the Medford Campus, which is of course a component of the Barton Arboretum & SPEAKER Jeannette Morrissey, MSW is a Registered Horticultural Therapist at Magee Rehabilitation Hospital. She believes that everyone from all walks of life benefits from exposure to plants and the natural world. Jeanette enjoys promoting opportunities to educate the mind and the soul. Her formal education began when she earned her Master Gardener Certification in 2002. From there she received her Certificate in Horticultural Nature Preserve. Bulbs and tools will be provided — just bring your enthusiasm to learn and join in this fun interactive program! SPEAKER Debbie Lux, Medford Leas horticulturalist will lead this interactive “hands on” session. 16 O C T OB E R WOR K S H OPS Making Your Final Wishes Known Monday, October 26 and Monday, November 2, 2015 10:00 am – 11:00 am Medford Campus Theater No fee. Registration deadline: October 23 Making your final wishes known is important SESSION ONE: Monday, October 26, 2015 for individuals of all ages. These wishes are Legal Matters often deeply personal and based upon your personal values and beliefs. They include legal matters, financial issues, and health care decisions. Join in one or both of these sessions to gain valuable insight from professionals who will address these topics. The goal of these sessions is to encourage participants to engage in discussions with their loved ones, family members, and healthcare professionals so that your wishes will be honored. In this session Jamie Morgan will share information so that you can make your wishes known using legal documents and instruments. The program will focus on the importance of having an updated will in place to deal with your possessions, real estate, and financial matters, as well as the importance of powers of attorney and health care directives. The goal of this session is to encourage you to put the appropriate legal documents in place to ensure that your final wishes will be carried out. SPEAKER Jamie Shuster Morgan, Esquire, is the Vice President of the Estate and Financial Planning Council of Southern New Jersey (EFPC). EFPC is a professional association dedicated to providing a better understanding and awareness of estate and financial needs to the general public. Jamie is a partner with the law firm Fendrick & Morgan, LLC, and practices exclusively in the areas of estate planning, estate administration, and elder law. NO V E M B E R 17 SESSION TWO: Monday, November 2, 2015 SPEAKER Using the POLST Form Dr. James D’Amico, DO, FACOI, a graduate of University of Medicine and Dentistry of POLST — Practitioner Orders for Life- New Jersey, offers Medford Leas residents Sustaining Treatment — is a healthcare a strong and comprehensive background in planning tool that empowers individuals internal medicine, geriatrics, rehabilitation, to work closely with their medical team to and long-term and hospice care. Dr. D’Amico detail their wishes in terms of their personal works collaboratively with our health and goals and medical preferences when facing wellness professionals and is proud to be a serious illness. a member of the Medford Leas Health and Wellness Team. Introduced by law in NJ in 2011, the POLST form is designed to be completed jointly by an individual and a physician or advance practice nurse, for the purpose of expressing the individual’s goals of care and medical preferences. Unlike other documents like an advance directive, a completed POLST form is an actual medical order that becomes a part of an individual’s medical record. It is valid in all healthcare settings. Learn how this document ensures that a person’s wishers are expressed and respected. This session is designed to help individuals and families with end-of-life care planning. 18 O C T OB E R FI E LD TR I P Medford Leas Birders Trip to Brigantine Friday, October 30, 2015 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Medford Campus Community Building No fee. Registration limited. Registration deadline: October 23. Self transport & self-pay lunch. PROGRAM Bring along your binoculars and meet the Join Medford Leas residents for this popular group at the Medford Campus Community field trip to the Edwin B. Forsythe National Building for departure at 8:00 am. The group Wildlife Refuge in Brigantine, NJ. This will return at approximately 4:00 pm. Lunch National Wildlife Refuge protects more than (self-pay) will be at Shea’s Café & Bakery in 47,000 acres of coastal habitats which is Galloway, NJ. actively managed for migratory birds. The refuge’s location in one of the Atlantic Flyway’s most active flight paths makes it an important link in seasonal bird migration. Its value for the protection of water birds and their habitat continues to increase as the New Jersey shore area is developed for human use. You will likely see a variety of wintering waterfowl, shorebirds, and a few raptors on this trip. In particular, you could expect to see Bald Eagles, Atlantic Brant, Dunlin, Green-winged Teal, Northern Pintail, and Ring-necked Ducks. All participants will need to provide their own transportation. Drivers will follow as a group to the destinations. Sponsored in collaboration with Medford Leas Birders. O C T OB E R 19 Leas Forum Medford Campus Theater | Open to the public | No fee | No registration THE POWER OF PLACE IN THE NEW JERSEY BASED FICTION Saturday, October 10, 2015, 11:00 am – 12:00 noon What role does place play in literary fiction? Does fictional place matter, or is it simply a backdrop or stage-setting for the action? How do writers convey place compellingly? Do they need to be born in a place to sound authentic? In this program, the works of Phillip Roth, Richard Ford, and Junot Diaz will be explored. New Jersey author, Dr. Ann McKinstry Micou will discuss these questions and more. Micou’s view is that “place” as an element in narrative art, is integral to shaping a character’s identity and his destiny. She distills the narrative elements of place presented in the critical literature into clear elegant definitions, which provide a framework for discussing the fundamental relationship between place and character of these three authors. RESTORING PEREGRINE FALCONS Saturday, October 24, 2015; 11:00 am – 12:00 noon After being completely extirpated from North America east of the Rockies and south of the Arctic, Peregrine Falcons are making a remarkable comeback. F. Arthur McMorris, Ph.D. will speak about his work with the Pennsylvania Game Commission to re-establish a selfsustaining and secure population of falcons. This work has led to one of the most remarkable recoveries of any endangered species anywhere. Arthur fell in love with the natural world from a very young age. After a childhood of hiking, fishing, collecting insects and tadpoles as well as studying the stars and planets, he moved on to a B.A. and Ph.D. in biology. Now retired from molecular neuroscience research, he has moved back outdoors where he coordinates the Peregrine Falcon Recovery and Management Program for the Pennsylvania Game Commission and participates in a variety of other bird studies and conservation projects. He is a past president of Delaware Valley Ornithological Club and works with a number of other bird and conservation organizations. TH E BARTON AR B OR ETU M & NATU R E PR E S E RVE The more than 200 acres of the Medford and Lumberton campuses are officially designated as The Barton Arboretum & Nature Preserve. The Arboretum represents a unique blend of accessible public gardens, collections, and preserved natural areas set amidst private residential space and features one of the most extensive plant collections—including natives—in all of southern New Jersey. Through its programming for the public, the Arboretum promotes horticultural knowledge and emphasizes the importance of integrating nature into people’s living, working and recreational environments. Further, it models good land stewardship and ecological responsibility through its bio-diverse and sustainable practices. Our Fall Pathways Season features programs that highlight the Arboretum on both campuses. For more information, or to arrange a dedicated tour or program, contact Jane Weston, Director of Community Relations, at 609-654-3007 or V I S I T O U R A R B O R E T U M W E B S I T E : W W W. B A R TO N A R B O R E T U M . O R G NO V E M B E R 21 S PI R ITUAL WOR K S H OP Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation with Self-Compassion Wednesday, November 4, 2015 10:00 am – 11:00 am Medford Campus Holly Room No fee. Registration deadline: October 30 PROGRAM WORKSHOP LEADER Mindful self-compassion is the foundation Jane Fox, LCSW is a psychotherapist at of a healing attitude towards ourselves: the Temenos Center for Psychotherapy and being aware of our experience in the present Personal Growth in Moorestown, NJ. In over moment without judgment (mindfulness) in 33 years practicing and 20 years teaching the midst of struggling with difficult emo- meditation, she has helped her students and tions, health conditions, and relationship clients use it as a powerful, multi-faceted issues. When we respond to our lives with tool for relaxation and healing. Jane has kindness and understanding (self-compas- taught mindfulness to individuals and groups sion), a major shift occurs, trading suffering throughout the Northeast. Her next introduc- and stress for greater calm, insight, and tory class will begin in the spring of 2016. wise action. Mindful self-compassion can Jane completed a teacher training internship be learned by almost anyone, and is often at the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, viewed as the first step toward compassion Health Care and Society at the University of for others. Massachusetts. In this introductory session, you will: • Experience two short and one longer self-compassion meditations. • Learn basic meditation “do’s and don’ts.” • Learn techniques to practice at home, plus get outside resources to help you keep learning. 22 NO V E M B E R WOR K S H OPS How to Protect Yourself from Mail Fraud and Shred to Help the Planet and Protect Your Identity Tuesdays, November 10 and 17, 2015 No fee. Registration deadline: November 6. Join in this two part program and learn tips to Fraud, Swindles and Scams— Don’t be a Victim! avoid scams as well as mail fraud, and avail Tuesday, November 10, 2015 PROGRAM yourselves of an opportunity to shred your papers that contain personal information. 10:00 – 11:00 am Medford Campus Theater Every day, millions of older adults are bombarded with unwanted junk mail, including mail fraud schemes and scams that we all need to be particularly aware of. The “junkiest” of junk mail comes from con artists who are only trying to take your money. SPEAKER Inspector Jeff Sims, a United States Postal Inspector for over 26 years, will educate attendees on the topic of mail fraud, with a particular emphasis on scams. Having served in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Newark, NJ, currently Inspector Simms is assigned to South Jersey, working out of Bellmawr. In his line of duty, he has investigated numerous postal related crimes, including scams, mail theft, mail fraud, post office robberies, and workplace violence. NO V E M B E R Shredding Event—Help Save the Planet and Protect Your Identity Hosted by Guardian Document Destruction Company 23 One way to safeguard personal information is to shred it before it goes into the trash. Did you know that shredding is good for the environment? All paper that Guardian shreds is returned to their secure facility where it Tuesday, November 17, 2015 is baled and shipped to Georgia Pacific for 10:00 am – 12:00 noon recycling into consumer paper products. Medford Campus, Arts and Social Wing Parking Lot One tree is saved for every 117 lbs. of paper Shredding personal documents serves a Guidelines for the Shredding Event: double purpose — to recycle paper as well • Must be personal papers — businesses are as to protect sensitive information against identity theft — the fastest growing crime in the nation. that is shredded. not part of this program • Bring up to three boxes or bags of personal documents for shredding. • Do not bring newspapers, magazines, When you put a piece of paper in the trash it can be difficult to know what happens to it. It is likely that your trash passes through several stages on its way to a landfill or incinerator. Every step that occurs once the trash leaves your control has risk that someone will find personal information they can use to cause you harm. or phone books • Staples and paper clips will go through the machine • Must register for this event. 24 NO V E M B E R LE CTU R E Talk to the Animals Wednesday, November 11, 2015 10:00 am – 11:00 am Medford Campus Theater No fee. Registration deadline: November 6 PROGRAM SPEAKER Join Dr. Lisa Aumiller, of HousePaws Mobile Dr. Lisa Aumiller has served patients in New Veterinary Service, and her live animal friends Jersey and Philadelphia for over 15 years. in an educational and interactive discussion Her last four years have been dedicated to about how vets use their five senses to talk owning and managing HousePaws Mobile to the animals. Learn first-hand how veteri- Veterinary Service, a mobile practice with narians work up a case — step by step. The two satellite hospital locations. In conjunc- vets at HousePaws believe in an integrative tion with routine medicine and surgery, her approach to veterinary medicine. They focus special interests and training includes acu- their attention on keeping your pet well and puncture, Chinese herbs, advanced dentistry, preventing disease. Learn about this popular pocket pet medicine/surgery, and abdominal approach to healthcare for pets and how you ultrasound. Dr. Lisa studied undergraduate at too can talk to the animals Sweet Briar College, and graduated in 1999 from VA-MD Regional College of Veterinary Medicine. NO V E M B E R 25 VI S I ON E X P OS ITI ON What Happens to Our Eyes As We Age Learn What Changes May be Normal, and Which Could be More Serious Friday, November 13, 2015 Medford Campus Theater No fee. Registration deadline: November 6 PROGRAM: 10:00 am – 11:15 am SPEAKER Just as our bodies change with age, our eyes Dr. Karen Fung Dante, MD is a board- may undergo changes as well. Join in this certified comprehensive ophthalmologist program to learn more about what to expect with 20 years experience in the field of as we age with regard to our vision. Learn ophthalmology in the Philadelphia and South the difference between “normal” changes Jersey area. A graduate of Cornell University and more serious conditions that can be a and the University of Pennsylvania School sign of eye disease. of Medicine, she completed her residency in Ophthalmology at Wills Eye Hospital. Beginning in your forties, you may have Dr. Dante holds the rank of Associate noticed that your vision was changing. Surgeon at Wills, where she teaches medical Perhaps you needed glasses or had trouble students and residents. Dr. Dante has been adjusting to glare. You can live an active life an Associate Examiner for the American well into your older age without experiencing Board of Ophthalmology since 1995. severe vision loss. But as you age, you are at a higher risk of developing age-related eye EXPOSITION: 11:15 AM – 12:30 PM disease and conditions such as age-related After the keynote presentation in the theater, macular degeneration and cataracts. visit with experts and specialists in the field of vision, including representatives from the Join in this program to learn the basics of New Jersey State Library Talking Book & good eye health and what you can do to Braille Center, the New Jersey Commission maximize your vision. for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Veteran’s Administration, and Macular Vision Research Foundation. Learn about the tools and products you can access to enhance your vision. 26 NO V E M B E R Medford Campus Art Gallery Open daily 9:00 am – 8:00 pm | No fee SOUTH JERSEY CAMERA CLUB November 2015 This annual show highlights the works of members of the South Jersey Camera Club. Enjoy a remarkably diverse display of images from this talented group of South Jersey photographers. Visit Leas Forum Medford Campus Theater | Open to the public | No fee | No registration STUDYING THE CIVIL WAR ERA — FROM THE CENTENNIAL TO THE SESQUICENTENNIAL Saturday, November 14, 2015, 11:00 am – 12:00 noon Dr. Daniel W. Croft, a professor at The College of New Jersey, is an expert on the history of the Old South and the North-South sectional conflict that led to war. He is the author of five books, including Lincoln’s Other Thirteenth Amendment: Rewriting the Constitution to Conciliate the Slave South (forthcoming in Spring 2016 from the University of North Carolina Press). This program will reflect on how he became interested in Civil War era, what he has learned over the years, and how a knowledge of the that era helps us to understand the country in which we live today. A HISTORY OF INVENTING IN NEW JERSEY: FROM THOMAS EDISON TO THE ICE CREAM CONE, Saturday, November 28, 2015, 11:00 am – 12:00 noon Many people are familiar with Edison’s “invention factory” in Menlo Park, where he patented the phonograph, the light bulb, and many more innovations. Yet many other ideas have also grown here in New Jersey where local inventors brought sound and music to movies and built the very first drive-in theater. In addition to the first cultivated blueberry, tasty treats like ice cream cones and M&M’s® are also Jersey natives. Iconic aspects of American life, like Bubble Wrap®, the boardwalk, the Band-Aid®, and even professional baseball started in New Jersey. Life would be a lot harder without the vacuum cleaner, plastic, and airconditioning, and many other important advances in medicine and surgery that were developed here. Join author Linda Barth as she explores useful, fun, and even silly inventions and their New Jersey roots. As a teacher, and lifelong resident of New Jersey, Linda focused students’ attention on the positive aspects of the Garden State: its diverse geography, history, agriculture, industry, and famous firsts and inventions. NO V E M B E R / DE C E M B E R AR B OR ETU M WOR K S H OP Wreath Making Monday, November 30, 2015 Tuesday, December 1, 2015 10:00 am or 2:00 pm 10:00 am or 2:00 pm Lumberton Campus Community Center Medford Campus Community Building Fee: $20. Space is limited register early! Paid registration deadline: November 27 Another popular program returns! Make a beautiful holiday wreath to get into the holiday spirit! Live materials, including magnolia, boxwood, holly, and other evergreens, will be provided to make a beautiful fresh holiday wreath for you to take home. Many of these materials will come from the Barton Arboretum & Nature Preserve of Medford Leas. Other decorative items will be available to include in your wreath, or feel free to bring personal items of your own to use. Festive holiday refreshments will be served. INSTRUCTOR Debbie Lux, Medford Leas Horticulturist 27 28 DE C E M B E R WALK I N G TOU R Eat Hearty and Healthy During the Holiday Season Thursday, December 3, 2015 Two sessions: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm or 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm Zallie’s ShopRite of Medford No fee. Registration deadline: November 27 Limited to the first 15 registrants for each session. PROGRAM Join the Zallie’s ShopRite of Medford nutri- Enjoy samples in the ShopRite Café after the tion team as they walk you through their tour. The tour will meet at the Courtesy Desk store to discuss tips on healthy eating during at Zallie’s ShopRite of Medford. the holidays. Learn ways to make your favorite dishes low-calorie with less fat, and enjoy your favorite foods without over-eating. We will also discuss simple entertaining tips for a joyous and festive holiday event. Location: Zallie’s ShopRite of Medford is located at 208 Route 70, Medford, NJ DE C E M B E R 29 PR OG RAM My Life as a Storyteller presented by Michael Vitez of The Philadelphia Inquirer Saturday, December 5, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Medford Campus Theater No fee. Registration deadline: November 27 PROGRAM SPEAKER Michael Vitez will speak with you about Michael Vitez, journalist and published his life as a storyteller, his view of the role author, is best known as the winner of and importance of stories in our lives and the 1997 Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory in our culture. He will share many of his Journalism for a series of stories he wrote, favorite stories from more than 30 years as called Final Choices, for The Philadelphia an award-winning journalist. The stories are Inquirer. In addition to this series, Michael about people who have overcome incredible has spent his life as a story teller and a obstacles, or achieved amazing things, or writer. His personal mission is to celebrate who simply have lived life to the fullest by life, to remind readers of the richness of life, following their dreams. The goal of the talk is and to look for the good in people. He writes for attendees to leave revved up and ready most about ordinary people — everyday to pursue their own dreams, large and small. people who do extraordinary things. After the program, Michael will offer his two books, The Road Back: A Journey of Grace and Grit, and Rocky Stories for sale. 30 DE C E M B E R S PE CIAL H OLI DAY EVE NT Medford Leas Ninth Annual Holiday Craft Fair Saturday, December 5, 2015 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Medford Campus Community Building, Holly & Gathering Rooms No fee. Enjoy your holiday shopping at the Holiday Craft Fair which features a wide assortment of high-quality, unique, modestly-price crafted treasures. Juried craftspeople from within the Medford Leas Community, as well as local artisans have built up a great tradition for offering unique items for those on your holiday shopping list. DE C E M B E R 31 Medford Campus Art Gallery Open daily 9:00 am – 8:00 pm | No fee December 2015 PHILADELPHIA CALLIGRAPHERS’ SOCIETY This annual show features works from members of the Philadelphia Calligraphers’ Society. The exhibit includes a wide selection of many different styles of calligraphy and offers a dazzling artistic display. Visit Leas Forum Medford Campus Theater | Open to the public | No fee | No registration THE LEGENDARY PINE BARRENS — NEW TALES FROM OLD HAUNTS Saturday, December 12, 2015, 11:00 am – 12:00 noon Enjoy an hour of engaging storytelling and musical performance by Paul Evans Pedersen, Jr., author of The Legendary Pine Barrens — New Tales From Old Haunts. Paul captivates his audience with a gallery of unusual and colorful characters in tales and songs that run the gamut from offbeat explanations of natural phenomena, to unconventional takes on popular legends, to strange doings in mysterious Piney towns and taverns. Paul puts his own unique spin on such legendary local subjects as the infamous Jersey Devil, dancing bandit Joe Mulliner, and the mysterious Blue Hole of Winslow. He gives a brief history of the early glass making industry, and discusses the several ways that much of the Pine Barrens region was almost lost through the ages. Paul, a Grammy-nominated singer/ songwriter, will offer books and CD’s for sale at the end of his presentation. Paul’s presentation has been well-received and enjoyed all over NJ and PA. He has appeared on a number of television shows, including The Discovery Channel’s Monsters & Mysteries In America — Jersey Devil, The Science Channel’s Boogeymen, and just recently in May 2015 on CNN’s Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown — New Jersey. LeasMusiCast FALL 2015 SEASO N AT M ED FO RD LEAS Join us at the Medford Campus Theater as the Medford Leas Residents’ Association brings you wonderful performances by top musicians from around the world, spanning a number of genres including symphony orchestras, opera, and more! These performances will be shared on the Medford Campus Theater’s 16 by 9-foot, state-of-the-art projection screen and surround sound system. These programs are the next best thing to being there in person! TC H A I KO V S KY: SYM P H O N I E S N O S. 4-6 Saturday, September 12, 2015, 2:00 pm, Run Time: 2 hours 20 minutes • Mariinsky Orchestra, Valery Gergiev conductor • Tchaikovsky Symphonies Nos. 4-6 C O M I N G H O M E: I S R A E L P H I LH A R M O N I C 75TH A N N I V E R S A RY Saturday, October 17, 2015, 2:00 pm Run Time: 1 hour 35 minutes • Julian Bachlin, Evgeny Kissin, Vadim Repin soloists, Zubin Mehta conductor • S aint-Saens: Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso, Bach: Partita No. 2 in D Minor, Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1 in E Minor, Scherzo No. 2 in B Flat Minor, Chausson: Poeme, Beethoven: Symphony No. 8 in F Major A NTO N I N D V O R A K: R U S A LK A (O P E R A) Saturday, November 14, 2015, 2:00 pm, Run Time: 2 hours 35 minutes • R enee Fleming and the Orchestra and Choirs of the Opera national de Paris, James Conlon conductor J O H A N N S E BA STI A N BA C H: B R A N D E N B U R G C O N C E RTO S (C H A M B E R) Saturday, December 19, 2015 2:00 pm Run Time: 1 hour 35 minutes • The Freiburger Barockorchester, Gottfried von der Goltz musical leader • Brandenburg Concertos 1-6 LE H A R: TH E M E R RY W I D O W (O P E R A) Saturday, Jan 16, 2016 2:00 pm Run Time: 2 hours 5 minutes • D agmar Schellenberger, Rodney Gilfry, Chorus and Orchestra of the Zurich Opera House, Franz Welser-Most conductor Suggested donation $5 — payable at the door. No registration required. More information available at: https:/ / 34 I N F OR M AT ION LOCATION Payments may be made by check or credit Medford Leas has two campuses. Most card when registering by mail. Credit card Pathways programs will be held in the payments can also be accepted by phone Medford Campus Community Building, other at 609-654-3588. programs will be held in the Lumberton Campus Community Center. Use the following street addresses to find us on Google Maps or MapQuest. Medford Campus: One Medford Leas Way, Medford, NJ 08055 Lumberton Campus: 180 Woodside Drive, Lumberton, NJ 08048 Administrative offices are located on the Medford Campus only. See map on inside back cover. Please note off-campus locations of programs on pages 5, and 28; addresses are listed in the course descriptions. REGISTRATION & PAYMENTS Please complete the registration form at right for Pathways programs. There is no fee or registration required for a number of programs, while others require payment and registration. Payment is required by the paid registration deadlines listed in this booklet. Refunds are available if you cancel your registration ten or more days in advance of the program date. Please note: Some programs are designed for a limited number of attendees to enhance the program experience. CANCELLATIONS Occasionally programs may be rescheduled or cancelled due to severe weather or unexpected circumstances. To check on the status of an event, call 609-654-3000. PROGRAM & REGISTRATION QUESTIONS Call 609-654-3588 during business hours, Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. or Email nonpayment registrations or questions to R E G I S T R AT ION Medford Leas Pathways R EG I STRATION FOR M S I DE 1 F U LL NAM E ( Please print as it appears on your check or credit card) AD D R E S S C ITYSTATE Z I P C O D E DAYTI M E P H O N E (R E Q U I R E D) OTH E R P H O N E E MAI L AD D R E S S ( Please note: Your personal information will not be shared with any outside parties.) We will send attendance reminders for registered programs via email. q My check is enclosed. q I hearby authorize use of my credit card: q VISA q MasterCard q Amex q Discover AC C O U NT N U M B E R E X P. DATECVV C O D E S I G NATU R E Turn to side two to select programs you wish to attend and figure the amount due. Total Amount from side 2 Please fill out this form to register for events and send with a check for your payment or credit card information to: Pathways Medford Leas One Medford Leas Way l Medford, NJ 08055 $_____________ 35 Medford Leas Pathways R EG I STRATION FOR M S I DE 2 Please check the appropriate programs, enter the number of people attending and enter the total fee per program. Place the total amount due for all programs on the front of this form and return with your check or credit card information. Questions: call 609-654-3588. q NUMBER X FEE = SUBTOTAL MEDFORD UNIV: MUSIC THROUGH THE AGES Mondays, Sept 21, 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, 3:30 pm ________ q WALK WITH THE DOCS WORKSHOP Thursday, Sept 24, 10:00 am ________ $0N/A q STRENGTH TRAINING WITH BANDS Friday, Sept 25, 10:00 am ________ $0N/A NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP Saturday, Sept 26, 3:00 pm ________ $75 __________ PLANT SWAP Tuesday, Sept 29, 10:00 am ________ $0N/A q POETRY WORKSHOP Saturday, Sept 26, 1:30 pm ________ $15 __________ q CALLIGRAPHY WORKSHOP Fridays, Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, 10:00 am ________ $15 __________ HIGHLIGHTS OF BARTON ARBORETUM Wednesday, Oct 7, 10:00 am ________ $0N/A RIGHT SIZE FLOWER GARDEN Tuesday, Oct 13, 10:00 am ________ $0 N/A GARDENING GURU SERIES Session 1, Wednesday, Oct 14, 10:00 am Session 2, Wednesday, Oct 21, 10:00 am Session 3, Wednesday, Oct 28, 10:00 am ________ ________ ________ $0 $0 $0 N/A N/A N/A MAKING YOUR FINAL WISHES KNOWN Session 1, Monday, Oct 26, 10:00 am Session 2, Monday, Nov 2, 10:00 am ________ ________ $0 $0 N/A N/A q BIRDERS FIELD TRIP TO BRIGANTINE Friday, Oct 30, 8:00 am ________ $0 N/A q MINDFULNESS MEDITATION WITH SELF-COMPASSION Wednesday, Nov 4, 10:00 am ________ $0 N/A PROTECT YOURSELF FROM FRAUD Mail Fraud, Tuesday, Nov 10, 10:00 am Shredding, Tuesday, Nov 17, 10:00 am ________ ________ $0 $0 N/A N/A ________ $0 N/A WHAT HAPPENS TO EYES AS WE AGE Friday, Nov 13, 10:00 am ________ $0 N/A q WREATH MAKING Lumberton, Mon, Nov 30, 10:00 am or 2:00 pm (circle time) Medford, Tues, Dec 1, 10:00 am or 2:00 pm (circle time) ________ ________ $20 $20 __________ __________ q EAT HEARTY AND HEALTHY Thursday, Dec 3, 11:00 am or 4:00 pm (circle time) ________ $0 N/A MY LIFE AS A STORYTELLER Saturday, Dec 5, 11:00 am ________ $0 N/A q q q q q q q q q q TALK TO THE ANIMALS Wednesday, Nov 11, 10:00 am Total Amount $35 __________ $ __________ l PROGRAM * Medford Campus: One Medford Leas Way, Medford, NJ 08055 Lumberton Campus: 180 Woodside Drive, Lumberton, NJ 08048 For information about moving For information about arboretum tours to our community: and/or community relations matters: Annie Mazur, Director of Marketing Jane Weston, Director of Development and 609-654-3000, 609-654-3420 Community Relations or 1-800-331-4302 609-654-3007 or 1-800-331-4302 A PDF version of this booklet and registration form are available online at: Pathways to Learning at Medford Leas Like us on Facebook: H O M E O F TH E BARTO N AR B O R ETU M AN D NATU R E P R E S E RVE @2 A nationally accredited, not-for-profit community guided by Quaker principles for those age 55+, with campuses in Medford and Lumberton, NJ. W W W. M E D F O R D L E A S . O R G TO LEA RN IN G AT MED FORD L EAS PATHWAYS FA L L 2 0 1 5 … One Medford Leas Way Medford, NJ 08055 MEDFORD LEAS SOUTH E R N, M D PE R M IT NO. 4205 PA I D U S P O STAG E NON-PROFIT ORG.
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