Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food Organic Directory
Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food Organic Directory
Open skies. Clean water. A natural environment. Saskatchewan makes sense for organic production. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 2 Bailey Brothers Seeds Inc. Bean and Company Seed Processors Ltd. Bioriginal Food & Science Corp. Canadian Organic Livestock Association Crystal Springs Organic Farms Darlaine Natural Foods Dartmore Farms Ltd. Dawn Food Products (Canada), Ltd. Golburn Valley Oilmill Growers International Organic Sales Ltd. Hamblin’s Organic Farm Harvest Sun Seed and Grain Company HMG Sales & Marketing Inc. Nu tra ce uti ca Su ls pp lie sa nd No Se n-F rv ice oo s dP ro du cts Pa ge No . Co ns um er Re Fo od ad y Ing re die Bu nts lk Pa ge No . Table of Contents 17. Husband’s Food 18. InfraReady Products (1998) Ltd. 19. Lily & Rose Seed Processors 20. Lone Wolf Native Plant and Herb Farm 21. Marysburg Organic Producers Inc. 22. MJ Sutter Organic Farm 23. Mumm’s Sprouting Seeds Ltd. 24. Naturally Nutritious Foods Inc. 25. Northern Lights 26. Northern Lights Herb Growers 27. Northern Quinoa Corporation 28. 29. Poplar Valley Organic Farms Inc. Nu tra ce uti ca Su ls pp lie sa n dS No er n-F vic oo es dP ro du cts Co ns um er Re Fo od ad y Ing re die Bu nts lk Nu tra ce uti ca Su ls pp lie sa n dS No er n-F vic oo es dP ro du cts Co ns um er Re Fo od ad y Ing re die Bu nts lk Pa ge No . 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Popowich Milling Corp. Randolph and James Flax Mills Ltd. Riese’s Canadian Lake Wild Rice RW Organic Ltd. Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Schmidt Flour Inc. Speciality Distributing Sunrise Foods International Inc. Wilbur-Ellis 3 Bailey Brothers Seeds Inc. Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Non-Food Products Box 297 Milden, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0L 2L0 Grain cleaning and bagging services for legumes, cereals (wheat and barley) and oilseeds. President or CEO: Roy Bailey Telephone: 306-935-4702 Fax: 306-935-2224 E-mail: Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) Saskatchewan's clean, natural environment and cold winters offer. growing conditions that are less subject to pest pressures, and thus. more conducive to organic production. 4 Bean and Company Seed Processors Ltd. 17 Greenfield Drive Regina, Saskatchewan, CANADA S4S 2T2 Cleans and exports pulses and cereals. President or CEO: H. Earl Bean Telephone: 306-584-8286 Fax: 306-585-6460 E-mail: Marketing: Wendy Allard Telephone: 306-584-8286 Fax: 306-585-6460 E-mail: Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Non-Food Products Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) 5 Bioriginal Food & Science Corp. Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Non-Food Products 102 Melville Street Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA S7J 0R1 Bioriginal Food & Science Corp. is the world's leading supplier of essential fatty acids, including flax, evening primrose, borage, black currant, and fish, as well as conjugated linolenic acid (CLA). Delivery systems range from bulk oil and capsules, to finished, packaged products. In addition to the standard oil or seed formats, we have the capability to supply highly concentrated oils and water-soluble powders. President or CEO: Frederick C. Kulow, Jr. Telephone: 306-975-1166 Fax: 306-242-3829 E-Mail: Marketing: Shelagh Jamieson Telephone: 306-975-9544 Fax: 306-242-3829 Email: Website: Designations: Kosher, Canadian Pharmaceutical Level Good Manufacturing Practices Certified by: Quality Assurance International (QAI) From Echinacea flowering in our native southern pastures to wild. rice growing in our northern lakes, Saskatchewan's organic. community is widespread and diverse. 6 Canadian Organic Livestock Association Box 60 Livelong, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0M 1J0 Consumer Ready Markets organic livestock. Nutraceuticals President or CEO: Sam Rhode Telephone: 306-845-3119 Fax: 306-845-3222 E-mail: Supplies and Services Website: Food Ingredients Bulk Non-Food Products Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) 7 Crystal Springs Organic Farms Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Non-Food Products Box 406 Kipling, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0G 2S0 Provides cleaning services to your specifications and bulk shipment of cereals, pulses, oilseeds and specialty crops. President or CEO: Gordon A.Thomas Telephone: 306-736-2601 Fax: 306-736-2601 E-mail: Marketing: Gayle Knutson Telephone: 306-736-2601 Fax: 306-736-2601 Email: Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) From flour and flax oil to packaged products such as bread, cereal. mixtures and oatmeal, Saskatchewan's organic processors are. capturing market demand for organic food. 8 Darlaine Natural Foods Box 53 Radisson, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0K 3L0 Consumer Ready Processes whole grain flours, multigrain cereals, oat flakes, oat bran, split peas, lentils, pot barley, flax, buckwheat groats and cereal oats for milling. Nutraceuticals President or CEO: Darryl Amey and Elaine Androsoff Telephone: 306-827-4610 Fax: 306-827-2003 Food Ingredients Bulk Supplies and Services Non-Food Products Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) 9 Dartmore Farms Ltd. Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Non-Food Products Box 1000 Aylsham, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0E 0C0 Cleaning and bagging of most grains, pulses, sprouting seeds, cereals and oilseeds. President or CEO: Clare Ward Telephone: 306-862-5015 Fax: 306-862-3075 Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) According to the 2001 Canadian census, there are. now 2230 organic farms in Canada, and over 770 of. these farms are in Saskatchewan. 10 Dawn Food Products (Canada), Ltd. 75-33rd Street East Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA S7K 0R8 Box 400 Humboldt, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0K 2A0 Produces unbleached all purpose white flour, whole wheat flour, special blend flours, organic wheat bran and distributes a variety of mixes. President or CEO: Andrew Robinson Telephone: 306-934-3200 Fax: 306-978-3470 Marketing: John Ondrusek Telephone: 306-934-3200 Fax: 306-978-3470 Website: Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Non-Food Products Designations: Kosher, Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Licensed by Canadian Grain Commission Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) 11 Golburn Valley Oilmill Bulk Box 2168 Tisdale, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0E 1T0 Nutraceuticals Producer of certified organic oils and by-products. Supplies and Services President or CEO: Frank Hulsebosch Telephone: 306-873-5547 Fax: 306-873-4579 E-mail: Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Non-Food Services Designations: BC-Kosher Certified by: Pro-Cert Organic Systems In Canada there are an estimated 150 organic processors and. handlers, and about 46 certifiers, many with accreditation from. various foreign accreditation bodies. 12 Growers International Organic Sales Ltd. 210-710 Melrose Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA S7N 0Y7 Consumer Ready Cleaning and bulk shipping of wheat, durum, flax, and feed grains. Nutraceuticals Purchasing/Contracting Agent: Mark Gimby Telephone: 306-652-4529 E-Mail: Non-Food Products Food Ingredients Bulk Supplies and Services Elevator Agent,Wilcox: Kirby Conger Telephone: 306-732-2020 Elevator Agent,Wolseley: Dan Francis Telephone: 306-698-8390 Certified by: Quality Assurance International (QAI) 13 Hamblin's Organic Farm Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Non-Food Products Box 135 Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0G 4A0 Four-grain cereal, pancake mix, varieties of flaked grains, cracked grains, whole kernel flour (different varieties bagged including large bulk bags), split peas (green & yellow) and lentils. Bagged whole grain varieties for the home miller. Large quantities in bulk. Custom processing available. President or CEO: Gordon Hamblin Telephone: 306-699-2402 Fax: 306-699-2402 E-mail: Certified by: Canadian Organic Certification Co-operative (COCC) Saskatchewan is a leading Canadian exporter of organic grain and oilseed. products and cereal-based food ingredients. Its organic sector has grown to. an estimated $30 million industry and almost 70 per cent of organic. producers in the prairie provinces call Saskatchewan home. 14 Harvest Sun Seed and Grain Company 12 Hawthorne Crescent Regina, Saskatchewan, CANADA S4S 4Y2 Consumer Ready Produces organic birdseed: three blends for canary, finch and parakeet. Nutraceuticals President or CEO: Randy Johnson Telephone: 306-591-6300 Fax: 306-546-2100 E-mail: Non-Food Products Website: Food Ingredients Bulk Supplies and Services Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) 15 HMG Sales & Marketing Inc. Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Non-Food Products 1909 Athol Street Regina, Saskatchewan, CANADA S4T 3E4 Marketer, distributor, and broker of certified organic hemp foods and ingredients such as oil, capsules, hulled hempseed and toasted hempseeds to manufacturers and retail. President or CEO: Martine Carlina Telephone: 306-337-4367 Fax: 306-337-4368 E-mail: Website: Certified by: Pro-Cert Organic Systems Saskatchewan is Canada's largest organic-producing province and accounts. for an estimated 45 - 50% of Canada's certified organic field crop acreage. (mostly cereals, oilseeds, pulses and forage production which. are well suited to organic farming practices). 16 Husband's Food Box 32 Wawota, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0G 5A0 Consumer Ready Produces herbs, spices and soup mixes. Nutraceuticals President or CEO: Carol Husband Telephone: 306-739-2900 Fax: 306-739-2900 E-mail: Supplies and Services Food Ingredients Bulk Non-Food Products Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) 17 InfraReady Products (1998) Ltd. Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Non-Food Products 850C 56th Street East Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA S7K 5Y8 InfraReady's precooked ingredients provide added convenience to food manufacturers. Our precooked cereal grains, legumes and oilseeds offer high water absorption, improved texture, reduced microbiologic enzymatic activity as well as enhanced flavour. Ingredients are available in whole, flaked, or ground form. President or CEO: Mark D. Pickard Telephone: 306-242-4950 Fax: 306-242-4213 E-mail: Marketing: David Lockinger/Tamara Kononoff Telephone: 306-242-4950 Fax: 306-242-4213 Email: Website: Designations: ISO 9003 Enhanced, Kosher, and American Institute of Bakers, Health Canada Industrial Hemp Processor License Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) According to the 2001 Canadian Census, the largest. number of organic farms (about 35%) are in. Saskatchewan with 93% of them producing field crops. 18 Lily & Rose Seed Processors Box 279 Lemberg, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0A 2B0 Consumer Ready Bulk or bagged grains and bagged lamb. Grains in truck, van or container. Clean and bag some seeds. Custom cleaning and bagging of all grains. Source grains for buyers and brokers. Nutraceuticals President or CEO: Charles and Marion Leniczek Telephone: 306-335-2280 Fax: 306-335-2281 E-mail: Food Ingredients Bulk Supplies and Services Non-Food Products Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) 19 Lone Wolf Native Plant and Herb Farm Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Non-Food Products Box 18 Phippen, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0K 3E0 Assists growers and buyers of herbs and spices find each other. President or CEO:Wanda Wolf Telephone: 306-398-2918 Fax: 306-398-2918 E-mail: Website: Certified by: Pro-Cert Organic Systems Canadian organic grain production is concentrated in Western Canada. Wheat, including durum, constitutes about half of the total organic grain. production. The province of Saskatchewan is a leading Canadian exporter of. organic grain and oilseed products and cereal-based food ingredients. 20 Marysburg Organic Producers Inc. 2162 Airport Drive Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA S7L 6M6 Wholesale supplier to manufacturers or distributors; cleaning, bagging; logistical and trade support. Marketing: Glen Neufeld Telephone: 306-931-4576 Ext 102 Fax: 306-931-6770 Email: . Consumer Ready . . Food Ingredients Bulk . Nutraceuticals . Non-Food Products Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) BioSwisse . 21 MJ Sutter Organic Farm Bulk Box 778 Shaunavon, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0N 2M0 Nutraceuticals Processes peas, lentils, flax, wheat and durum. Supplies and Services President or CEO: Michael Sutter Telephone: 306-297-2042 Fax: 306-297-2042 E-mail: Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Non-Food Products Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) Saskatchewan is located in the heart of the Canadian prairies. Our 26 million hectares accounts for approximately 45 per cent. of Canada's total arable land. 22 Mumm's Sprouting Seeds Ltd. Box 80, 118-1st Avenue West Parkside, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0J 2A0 Consumer Ready Grows and supplies certified organic seeds for home and commercial sprouting. Packed in 100g to 1kg packages, and bulk 25 kg bags. Available on website or direct. Nutraceuticals President or CEO: Jim Mumm Telephone: 306-747-2935 Fax: 306-747-3618 E-mail: Website: Food Ingredients Bulk Supplies and Services Non-Food Products Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) 23 Naturally Nutritious Foods Inc. Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Non-Food Products Box 39 Spalding, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0K 4C0 Produces organic grains, oilseeds and pulse crops. Custom processing. Contract growers. Marketing: Eric and Betty Leicht Telephone: 306-287-3454 Fax: 306-287-3972 Email: Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) BioSuisse The majority of Canadian organic grain and oilseed production. is exported, primarily to the EU, the US and Japan. 24 Northern Lights Box 480 La Ronge, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0J 1L0 Marketing:Terry Helary Website: Food Ingredients Bulk Produces consumer ready wild rice and wild mushrooms. President or CEO:Terry Helary Telephone: 306-425-3311 Fax: 306-425-3363 E-mail: Consumer Ready Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Designations: HACCP Non-Food Products Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) Quality Assurance International (QAI) Pro-Cert Organic Systems Bio-Suisse 25 Northern Lights Herb Growers Bulk Box 94 Spruce Home, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0K 2N0 Nutraceuticals Produces medicinal herbs and teas. Supplies and Services President or CEO: Joanne Detillieux Telephone: 306-764-8207 Fax: 306-922-3056 E-mail: Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Non-Food Products Certified by: Pro-Cert Organic Systems From packaging medicinal herbs to large-scale flour. mills, Saskatchewan is home to almost. 40 organic processors. 26 Northern Quinoa Corporation P.O. Box 519, 428-3rd Street Kamsack, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0A 1S0 Processing of specialty grains and food products. President or CEO: Joe Dutcheshen Telephone: 306-542-3949 Fax: 306-542-3951 E-mail: Marketing: Sheldon Vanin Telephone: 306-542-3949 Fax: 306-542-3951 Email: Website: Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Designations: COR 541 (Kosher Certified) Non-Food Products Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) Organic Producers Association of Manitoba (OPAM) Pro-Cert Organic Systems 27 Poplar Valley Organic Farms Inc. Box 216 Zenon Park, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0E 1W0 Supplies organic chicken, cattle and horse feed. Processes whole and split peas, lentils and flax. President or CEO: Clement Perrault Telephone: 306-767-2640 Fax: 306-767-2625 E-mail: Marketing: Mike Marshall / Clement Perrault Telephone: 306-767-2640 Fax: 306-767-2625 Email: Website: Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Designations: Kosher Non-Food Products Certified by: Saskatchewan Organic Certification Agency (SOCA) Organic Producers Association of Manitoba (OPAM) Quality Assurance International (QAI) 29 Popowich Milling Corp. Bulk 120 Myrtle Avenue Yorkton, Saskatchewan, CANADA S3N 1R1 Nutraceuticals Organic oat products. Supplies and Services President or CEO: Rick Schwein Telephone: 306-783-2931 Fax: 306-786-6733 E-mail: Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Non-Food Products Website: Designations: ISO 9001, Kosher Certified by: Organic Producers Association of Manitoba (OPAM) Pro-Cert Organic Systems The National Standard of Canada for Organic Agriculture provides a national guideline for. producers and assurance for consumers as to the authenticity of organic grains and oilseeds. grown in Canada. The standard outlines production, storage, transportation, processing, packaging and labeling requirements to maintain the organic integrity of the final product. 30 Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Non-Food Products 31 Randolph and James Flax Mills Ltd. Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Non-Food Products 401-13 St. E. Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, CANADA S6V 1E2 Producers of milled flaxseed, flaxseed bakery bases and fresh wheatgerm. President or CEO: James E. Boschman Telephone: 1-800-667-1176 Fax: 306-922-3529 E-mail: Certified by: Saskatchewan Organic Certification Agency (SOCA), ECOCERT The Canadian market for organic foods is becoming. mainstream. Organic producers and processors are. seeking to fill 10% of total retail food sales by 2010. 32 Riese's Canadian Lake Wild Rice Box 899 La Ronge, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0J 1L0 Consumer Ready Produces and markets lake harvested certified organic wild rice. Nutraceuticals President or CEO: K. Lynn Riese Telephone: 306-425-2314 Fax: 306-425-2061 E-mail: Non-Food Products Website: Food Ingredients Bulk Supplies and Services Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) Quality Assurance International (QAI) HAACP Bio Suisse 33 RW Organic Ltd. Bulk Box 1588 Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, CANADA S6H 7A8 Nutraceuticals Assists 200-300 farmers with buying and selling. Supplies and Services President or CEO: Ron Wells Telephone: 306-475-2660 Fax: 306-475-2660 E-mail: Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Non-Food Products Certified by: Pro-Cert Organic Systems Canada's food and beverage industry is recognized internationally as being among. the best in the world, both in terms of ensuring food safety and quality, and in. producing food in an environmentally responsible manner. 34 Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 2625 Victoria Avenue Regina, Saskatchewan, CANADA S4T 7T9 Consumer Ready Buyers of organic wheat and durum. Nutraceuticals Marketing: Heather Crawford Telephone: 306-586-1240 Email: Website: Food Ingredients Bulk Supplies and Services Designations: Licenced by Canadian Grain Commission Non-Food Products Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) Quality Assurance International (QAI) 35 Schmidt Flour Inc. Bulk Box 99 Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, CANADA S0N 1N0 Nutraceuticals Processes flour: wheat, rye and lentils. Supplies and Services President or CEO: Arnold Schmidt Telephone: 306-666-4800 Fax: 306-666-4838 E-mail: Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Non-Food Products Milling Manager: Glenn Wilson Telephone: 306-666-4800 Fax: 306-666-4838 Email: Website: Certified by: Pro-Cert Organic Systems Saskatchewan is the headquarters of the Canadian Organic Livestock. Association, whose primary on raising organic beef. 36 Specialty Distributing 207 Tobin Crescent Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA S7K 4N2 Marketing: Howard Trischuk Food Ingredients Bulk Supplies seed or processed oil from flax, borage, canola, sunflower, mustard and miscellaneous other oilseeds.Toll pressing also available. President or CEO: Howard Trischuk Telephone: 306-931-7729 Fax: 306-975-9859 E-mail: Consumer Ready Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Non-Food Products Certified by: Pro-Cert Organic Systems 37 Sunrise Foods International Inc. Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Non-Food Products 2162 Airport Drive Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA S7L 6M6 Wholesale supplier to manufacturers or distributors; cleaning, bagging, logistical and trade support. President or CEO: Glen M. Neufeld Telephone: 306-931-4576, Exten. 102 Fax: 306-931-6770 E-mail: Certified by: Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) Quality Assurance International (QAI) BioSwisse Saskatchewan's organic community brings together. consumers, organic farmers and small, medium and. large-scale processors. 38 Wilbur-Ellis 2625 Lorne Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA S7J 0S5 Provides marketing services for the organic industry. President or CEO: Rob Fullerton Telephone: 306-934-8244 Fax: 306-934-8044 E-mail: Marketing: Mike Mulroy Telephone: 403-328-3311 Fax: 403-328-3365 Email: Website: Consumer Ready Food Ingredients Bulk Nutraceuticals Supplies and Services Designations: Licenced by Canadian Grain Commission Non-Food Products Certified by: Quality Assurance International (QAI) 39 Information for this directory has been supplied by and is used with permission of the. participating companies. Although efforts have been made to avoid errors and omissions, it is not intended to be used as the only source of information on this sector. We encourage the reader to use this publication as one of several resources.