October 2011 Newsletter
October 2011 Newsletter
PRSRT STD. U.S. Postage PAID Terrebonne, OR Permit No. 5195 October 2011 Crooked River Ranch Club & Maintenance Association 5195 SW Clubhouse Road Crooked River Ranch, OR 97760 541-548-8939 Fax: 541-548-0278 www.crookedriverranch.com info@crookedriverranch.com SOLD ING PEND S O L D i n 3 M o n t h s PRE The President’s Message the Se to inc 2011. semi-a consu a matt by Ted Cook Despite the downturn that has plagued the National Economy Crooked River Ranch has weathered the financial crisis for fiscal year 2010-2011 efficient manner by Golf Professional, Pat Huffer, and Golf Course Superintendant, Richard Jensen. Both Pat and Richard The Road Crew has been are to be complimented along with their staff. The Communications Committee is new to the Ranch this year. They are very receptive to receiving new ideas from the community. The Board values their input in their decision making process, and it allows them an opportunity, as a committee, to voice their concerns to the Board of Directors. Our Road Department continues to operate efficiently Chucker Rd,and upper end of and a and spot on economically under the direction of George Gregory hisGolden Mant on HardRoads Surface Roads as staff. The continued combined effort with the Special trict had to rebuild a section District and Jefferson County is noteworthy. Please remember deteriorated beyond patc that our Road Department continues to operate County seven days RoadaSupervisor m and myself to look week during the winter months to ensure safe winter driving for at the C Well, good news when y all of us. With the departure of the Community Manager, the Board has stepped up to take control of the operations of the Ranch. The Board is by no means directing the Department Heads regarding their responsibilities. Each Supervisor has a schedule and works with their department to make sure the investments of Crooked River Ranch are well taken care of. Crooked River Ranch RV Park has had busy summer. There has been a continual stream of Recreational Vehicles, Trail people, golfers, and visitors. Continued upgrades to the RV Park will enhance the park, resulting in increased revenue. Thank you to Patti Hummel for performing an outstanding job. The facilities have been upgraded with improvements to the Snack Shack, the painting of the Administration Building, and various safety improvements. The pool has functioned well this year with little down time. Thank you to Mike Knoke and the Pool Staff for a job well done. The Golf Course continues to be run in a successful and Neighborhood Watch ANNOUNCEMENT NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH PROGRAM Oct. 20, 2011 6:00 PM In the Juniper Room Due to the recent increase of Break-ins on the Ranch, a Representative from the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office will be here to present a ‘Neighborhood Watch Program’ for Crooked River Ranch Residents. 2 ing a bus stop on Quail for would have fixed all the c I would like to thank all of the committees that andsupport a plan tothe fix sunken sp spring of 2011 Association. These committees have been a tremendous help and chip sea when needed this past year. The Whychus –Deschu On behalf of the Crooked River Ranch Boardbeofpresented Directors by the Oreg will be at a location we would like to thank each of you personally fortion, your sides of the River can continued support. The terms of Directors Frankboth Ferraro and from both counties should myself as well as temporary Directors Paul Nemitz and Ben property taxes for the coun Johnson, expired in September, 2011. The Board will miss their In my message last m dedication, expertise and experience. manage and his assistant f Thank you to all of our employees full time, part donetime, the past year. It is hard and seasonal, for their hard work and dedicationthe to Ranch make our has. Just look a Baseball Field for example community ‘A great place to hang your hat’. Theodore D. Cook As the new Board of D continue to do business as President Don’t forget to v We Listened and Now We’re Talking BOARD H October 1. Call to Order: (President President Cook called the by Gail Day, Communication Committee Chair and led in the Pledge of Alleg Board Members were present After listening to all the great ideas and suggestions from our(President 2. Consent Items Frank Ferraro motioned to community, the Communication Committee will be presenting included minutes of the Regul the Work Session October 4, part 1 of their recommendations at a joint BODber Work Session/ 4, 2010, Treasurer’s Repo ten Correspondence and the A Communication Coffee on October 3rd at 6:00 Nordin pm in2nd. theMotion passed u 2 dessert and Juniper Room. Over a scrumptious “high desert” a cup of coffee we’ll be discussing some exciting options and looking once again for your excellent input to make sure we’re right on the mark. The Board will be taking care of their business during the first half of the evening and then we’ll take it away with a PowerPoint presentation of the new website and newsletter. The Committee’s like a bunch of kids at Christmas, we can’t wait for you to see what we’ve wrapped up just for you. Crooked River Ranch News Treasurer’s Report by George W. Lynn, Treasurer This report will be my final reporting as the new Treasurer takes over the duties. Herb Parker will do a fine job with the new responsibilities. As reported at the Work Shop meeting on September 12th. this has been an up and down year. Overall the departments are slightly above where they were last year at this time. Some of the projected revenue increases have not materialized however. Fuel prices have seen large increases as well as some of the fertilizers and pool chemicals that we use. We have also had a couple of unexpected items that needed to be dealt with. One is the new sprayer for the golf course and the purchase of mail box clusters due to some Post Office changes. I believe that we are financially sound for the short term, but we need to improve our long range financial out look. There will need to be some hard decisions on the golfing end of the financials. One of the things that seem to come up from our residents is the need for more higher paying outside memberships so that we can lower our resident rates. That is not or should not be the goal financially. It cannot sustain the course in its current condition. Our members golf at one of the most attractive rates in Central Oregon. Golf maintenance will have a need very shortly for some very expensive new equipment that will have significant impact on our financials. We need to look at ways to reduce that impact. The Roads Department has its work cut out to maintain the ranch’s roads. The budget was increased last year in an effort to build up the roads to county standards over the next nine years. The RV Park is pretty close to last years budget and is doing an excellent job representing the ranch. Our General Maint.Department has put a new look on the admin. Building with some much needed paint. They will be very busy with the new cluster box project. Mike has done an excellent job with his crew. On the Administrative side of things, they have been very busy for the last four months. We have a small staff that does a lot. We are looking at the possibility of getting some volunteer help on a couple of projects and you will hear more on that very shortly. I believe better things are coming and we can all be proud of the hard working group that keeps this place running. Chamber Talk by Hope A. Johnson The “Terrebonne “Cruz’ In,” was a huge success. Close to 250 antique, custom and specialty vehicles drove to Terrebonne in late August (after the September Newsletter went to press) to participate in this amazing community “happening.” Your Chamber is pleased to be a sponsor of the “Cruz’ In” which was put on by several Terrebonne merchants as a customer appreciation event. As a fund raiser, the Chamber sold yummy root beer floats, which were well received in the ninety plus degree heat. We had a great time, and were able to let people know more about their local Chamber. Special thanks to Bonnie Villastrigo from Terrebonne Thriftway for donating the ice cream and root beer, Cheryl McCawley for making our amazing signs, Judy Berg, Pepsi, Impact Graphix and Signs, and to our dedicated volunteers including Phil and Noel Swee, Terrebonne Electric; Mary and Russell Wymore from Chet’s Electric, Troy Ford, owner of 5 T’s Surveillance and Computer Repair, Dana Schulke, Amerititle; Melonie Towell, Juniper Realty; and to everyone who helped to make this sale the success that it was. Also, kudos to event chair and Chamber President Judy Lapora and her committee, who worked tirelessly for many months to insure that the event ran smoothly. If you’d like to have more input into Chamber goals and activities, consider attending our monthly Board meetings. October 2011 This is where decisions are made that affect your Chamber. Chamber Board meetings are always held on the first Tuesday of each month at Home Federal Bank’s Terrebonne location. Meetings begin at 5:30 PM. However, if you plan to attend, please call me at (541) 923-2679 to confirm date and time. Thanks to Melonie and Craig Towell for hosting the September 14th Networking Social which was also a celebration of Juniper Realty’s one year anniversary serving Crooked River Ranch and the surrounding areas. The October Networking Social will be hosted by Adair Homes. They will share the newest information about their exciting homes. Join Kirk Sandberg and crew on Wednesday, October 12th at Home Federal Bank, Terrebonne, beginning at 5:30 PM. You’ll enjoy great food, lively conversation and great networking opportunities. Admission is free and everyone is invited to attend. Call me at 541-923-2679 or visit our website at www. crrchamber.com for more information. Have a GREAT October! Artists and Crafters Guild Due to space limitations, please read this month’s Artists and Crafters Guild article on our website www.crrhoa.org 3 The 2010/2011 CRR Board of Directors Please send all inquiries to:info@crookedriverranch.com Ben Johnson, President........................................541-771-9569 benjocrr@msn.com Jim Martin, Vice President..................................541-923-8082 jbmartin37@gmail.com Herb Parker, Treasurer.........................................541-923-9971 herb_parker@msn.com Gail Day, Secretary..............................................541-306-1018 gail.day@crookedriverranch.com Kit Henderson, Director.....................................541-419-5978 misskit27@yahoo.com George Lynn, Director........................................541-504-9474 ccrhand@msn.com Crooked River Ranch Meetings BOD Work Session 1st Mon. of ea. Month 6:00 PM CRR Association Board Meeting 3rd Monday 6:00 PM each Month Contact: Administration | Office Phone: 541-548-8939 Architectural Committee 2 & 4th Tuesday 4:30 PM Contact: Mark Siemieniec | Phone: 503-686-0503 Audit/Budget 3rd Wednesday 2:00 PM Contact: Marilynne Keyser | Phone: 541-923-0558 Golf Advisory 2nd Tuesday 4:30 PM Contact: Al Kellogg | Phone: 541-504-4681 Jay Nordin, Director...........................................541-570-5565 jay.nordin@crookedriverranch.com Parks & Recreation 4th Monday 6:30 PM Contact: Sylvia Kimbley | Phone: 541-504-1073 Michelle DeSapio, Director.................................503-871-5022 desap1@yahoo.com Maintenance Committee Meeting suspended until further notice. Vince Pelly Sr., Director......................................541-504-2853 vincesr1@msn.com Special Roads District 2nd Wednesday 5:00 PM - Juniper Room Contact: Vince Pelly Sr. | Phone: 541-504-1085 Phase Representatives Assisting with Ranch Communication Phase 1 need volunteer Phase 1 need volunteer Phase 2 Paulette Nordin Chairperson.....541-570-5564 Phase 2 Debbie Copher..........................541-548-3449 Phase 2 Mitzi Williams...........................541-548-3807 Phase 2 Denise Montgomery..................541-548-0613 Phase 3 need volunteer Phase 3 need volunteer Phase 3 need volunteer Phase 3 need volunteer Phase 4 Gail DesBrisay...........................541-504-8562 Phase 5 Diane Randgaard.......................541-279-9131 Phase 6 Sarah Johnson............................612-770-6747 Phase 7 need volunteer Phase 7 need volunteer Phase 8 Earleen Arthur...........................541-504-0755 Phase 8 need volunteer Phase 8 Doreen Huff..............................541-548-4148 Phase 9 Denise Montgomery..................541-548-0612 Phase 10 Carolynne Erickson...................541-419-7348 Phase 10 need volunteer Phase 10 need volunteer Phase 11 Jim Stagl....................................541-548-0453 Phase 12 Jean Cochran/Rhonda Gadd......541-548-4785 Phase 13 Jim Stagl....................................541-548-0453 Phase 14-16 Lauri Kanehl..............................541-965-1518 Is your contact information correct, we can help. Interested in covering your area Please Call Paulette Nordin at 541-570-5564 “ If your Phase rep hasn’t called or e-mailed you, please give Paulette a call or e-mail her @ b100plus@hotmail.com” “ Tell your new neighbors about the Phase Reps program and call Paulette. They’ll get a welcome basket” 4 Phase Rep 1st Wednesday after the Work Session, 6:30 PM - Juniper Room Contact: Paulette Nordin | Phone: 541-570-5564 CRR Fire Board 3rd Thursday 7:00 PM Phone: 541-923-6776 Crooked River Ranch & Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce Contact: Hope Johnson | Phone: 541-923-2679 Call for meeting time, date and place Lions Club 2nd 4th Tuesday 7:00 PM - Sandbagger Annex Contact: Ted Carlin | Phone: 541-923-3399 Telephone Numbers Crooked River Ranch Club & Maintenance Association Administration Office................................................. (541) 548-8939 Crooked River Ranch Golf Pro Shop........................... (541) 923-6343 Crooked River Ranch RV Park.................................... (541) 923-1441 Crooked River Ranch Rural Fire Protection District.... (541) 923-6776 Crooked River Ranch Sanitary.................................... (541) 548-1542 Crooked River Ranch Senior Center........................... (541) 504-8236 Crooked River Ranch Water Company....................... (541) 923-1041 ATTENTION CRR VETS A Veterans information class will be conducted at 10:00 A.M. each month, on the third (3rd) Thursday at the CRR Fire Station. If you have any questions please call 541-475-5228 Jefferson County Veteran Services Crooked River Ranch News Association Election & Survey Results are in! by Gail Day, Board of Directors, Secretary Welcome to our newest electees to the Crooked River Ranch Club & Maintenance Association Board of Directors, Architectural Committee and Board Officers. When you see these folks, please give them a big congratulations and thank you for their service to our Association. A huge thanks to everyone who took the time from their busy schedule to vote in this year’s Association elections and also for providing your input regarding the Wychus-Deschutes Wilderness Proposal. Three Board of Director positions were open with a three year term. A fourth position was filled to complete two years of a remaining term. And the results are (drum roll please): Along with this year’s elections, we asked for your input regarding the Whychus-Deschutes Wilderness Proposal. Those results are: Michele DeSapio 524 Two year term Ben E. Johnson 608 Three year term No preference 53 votes/surveys8.055% Gail Day 537 Three year term Yes, for support of proposal 173 votes/surveys 26.292% Kit Henderson 526 Three year term No, do not support proposal 432 votes/surveys 65.653% Total Votes658 A press release and position letters for involved agencies and entities, will be released shortly reflecting these results. Once again, you are the best and we truly appreciate your involvement! Filling five positions on the Architectural Committee for a one year term are: Karin Powers Mark Siemieniec 566 Guy Kimbley 508 503 Tom Huspek 523 Paulette Nordin 515 Town Hall Meeting & More by Hope A. Johnson Election of Board officers was held shortly after the new Board of Directors were sworn in and serving our Association this year will be: The Community Development Organization (CDO) is alive and well, and ready to unveil the newest concept on the Community Center. We want your input! President: Ben Johnson Please join us on Saturday, October 22nd. We’ll share the latest information about the long awaited community center. We need your thoughts and support prior to moving forward. We’ll meet at the Ranch Chapel Family Center from 3-5 PM. Please tell your friends and neighbors. Call 541-548-1246 or 503-709-2772. See you there! Vice President: Jim Martin Secretary: Gail Day Treasurer: Herb Parker Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning “Property Care” Custom Mail Forwarding Vacant-house checks Vacation & “Snowbird” Services Insured, Experienced & Reliable New Number: 541-815-6754 Landscape Maintenance Weed Eat Bark Dust & Rock Weed Control Pressure Washing Brush Removal Honey Do’s Mowing Chain Saw & Tree Work Pruning Limb Hauling YEAR ROUND CLEANUPS! PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Craig Wetherbee 541-548-0765 October 2011 Action Carpet & Upholstery Care 504-5300 “We love what we do and you will too” Kathy Mitchell Tile and Grout Cleaning Stretching and Repairs Owner operator Ron McKenna Certified Technician Certified - Bonded - Insured PC Repair & Upgrades Virus/Spyware Removal 541-504-1649 info@threecreekscomputing.com www.threecreekscomputing.com Weeds Encroaching call! Commercial Residential Cell: 541-460-0049 Tom Hopper Owner -Operator Lic# 177710 pthcwc@msn.com Weed Like To Help You Troubleshooting Networking golf car BATTERIES Auto - RV - Marine Commercial Terry Papen 20 years experience “Call about Marine & RV Specials” $750 installed (541) 504-9220 Cell (541) 815-0863 “Will except your scrap batteries” 14657 Maverick Road, Crooked River Ranch OR 97760 5 Board Highlights CALL TO ORDER President Johnson called the meeting to order leading the pledge of allegiance. All Board Members were present. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Motion by Director Parker/seconded by Director Lynn: to accept the consent items with changes stated exclusive of the annual minutes reviewed. Motion passed unanimously 2. The Action Required Log (AR) was reviewed. A new format was introduced with follow up at the work session ANNOUNCEMENTS/MEMBERSHIP INPUT 1. Lexus Johnson, President of the CRR Rural Fire Protection District Board, thanked the Board of Directors (BOD) for supporting the results of the Whychus-Deschutes Wilderness Proposal Survey. Mr. Lexus Johnson also invited all groups who serve the residents of Crooked River Ranch; CRR Association, Fire District, Special Road District (SRD) and the Crooked River Water Company to sit down together in order to develop acomprehensive set of long range plans with attention to use of equipment, services provided, etc. 2. President Johnson introduced the idea of establishing a source of assistance for ranch residents in need. 3. Jason Moser & Erica Baker requested an additional bus stop near the area of Chinook & Mustang since the nearest stop is 1.8 miles from their home. President Johnson will be following up with the transportation dept. 4. Fall Festival to benefit the Senior Center will be held Saturday the 24th from 9:00 am to Dusk with a barn dance at 4:00. Lots of Contests/Awards and a Chili Cook off. All are welcome to participate. COMMITTEE & STAFF REPORTS 1. Phase Rep Chair, Paulette Nordin gave update: 680 members contacted with 591 emails. Under discussion for next summer is the initiation of Block parties in June. Delivery of welcome baskets is continuing successfully. 2. Architectural Committee Chair, Mark Siemieniec reported on first post-election meeting with new officers established. Meeting time changed to 4:30 every 2nd and 4th Tuesday. They’re discussing minimum requirements, use of a color board, elevations, and enforcement of exterior standards to protect ranch values. 3. Communication Committee Chair, Gail Day provided an update on preparations for the presentation and recommendation coming at the 6:00 pm work session October 3 regarding the Website and Newsletter. Board input was sought regarding using sponsors to cover banner adaptation costs vs using sponsors. Motion by Director Pelly/ seconded by Director DeSapio to: on a one time basis to cover up to $100.00 expended. Motion passed: 6 Yes; Jay Nordin, Jim Martin No, Gail Day Abstained OLD BUSINESS 1. Maintenance Tractor Needs & Justification: Director Pelly, Road Maintenance Facilitator, presented a request for the purchase of a tractor/backhoe to improve road crew efficiency and provide for enhanced inter-department equipment usage for $34,000, delivered. Discussion followed with concerns about numerous large equipment purchases surfacing that would draw down the Capital Reserve Fund to concerning levels. This issue will be brought to the work session 6 for further discussion and decision. 2. Fitness Center Proposal: Questions, Concerns and Support were shared with Judy Callaghan regarding the fitness center. Motion by Director Martin/seconded by Jay Nordin: From a budgetary standpoint, not approve the proposal at this time. Motion Passed: 8 yes, Herb Parker abstained. 3. Putting Course Proposal: Director Martin brought the putting course proposal up for decision. Motion by Director Martin/second by Director Nordin: At this time we do not approve the present proposal of a putting course. Discussion: possibility of tabling and coming back in a year when economic environment improves. Motion Passed: Unanimous NEW BUSINESS 1. Draft Statement on Board Position on Whychus-Deschutes Wilderness Proposal: Director Lynn presented Resolution 2011-09-19 in support of Wilderness proposal survey results. Motion by Director Lynn/second by Director Parker: To approve Resolution 2011-0919 opposing the Whychus-Deschutes Wilderness Proposal with changes to read: “ The Fire Chief of the Crooked River Ranch Rural Fire District and the District Board, who voted unanimously to oppose the wilderness proposal, have stated”… Motion passed unanimously. 2. Volunteer – Golf Advisory Committee – Paul Nemitz: Motion by Director Parker/second President Johnson: To accept Paul Nemitz. Discussion about previous BOD decisions regarding the balance of men and women as well as the number of members on the committee and the expertise that these applicants bring to the committee. Motion passed: 8 yes, Director Pelly No. 3. Volunteer-Golf Advisory Committee – David Grieg: Motion by Director Parker/seconded by Director Nordin: To accept David Grieg. Motion passed: 8 Yes, Director Pelly No. 4. Proposal by Community Concepts to provide maps of CRR Ranch: Cost to Association is $395 for 200 maps. Motion by Secretary Day/seconded by Director Parker: To print the proposed maps at the cost of $395 for 200 maps with the intent to cover costs by selling them. Motion passed: 6 Yes, Directors Nordin, Pelly & Lynn-No SECOND READINGS (DELIBERATIONS) 1. Proposed new Form for Architectural Review: Paulette Nordin requested additional time for the new Architectural committee to further review. It will be placed on the November Work Session Agenda. 2. Draft Position Description for CRRC&MA Administrator: Motion by Director Pelly/seconded by Director Martin: We have the documents sent to all BOD by email and the BOD will approve for this one time only a vote via email. Motion Passed: 8-Yes, Director Lynn-No. 3. Ranch Mission, Vision and Slogan: Concern expressed that the current draft of the mission and vision do not elicit interest nor seem to represent the desires of the many. Additionally, greater member participation in the process was desired. This item will be moved to the AR Log in order to determine the move forward. FIRST READINGS: None MOVE TO ADJOURN AT 9:33 Crooked River Ranch News News from Crooked River Ranch Fire & Rescue by Fire Chief Tim McLaren On behalf of the entire Crooked River Ranch Fire & Rescue organization, I would like to extend my deepest thank you to the residents of Crooked River Ranch for coming out and supporting the Labor Day Breakfast and for making it one of the most successful and fun events ever. We estimated between 650 - 700 residents and guests enjoyed the festivities which support the Volunteer Association. I would personally like to thank the volunteer association for their hard work and dedication in making this a successful event. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the paid staff and especially to the auxiliary for their efforts and hard work in support of the breakfast. The event would not have been possible without everybody coming together and working as a cohesive unit. Again thank you for your support and generous donations. The department would also like to thank Steve and Linda Joneli for their work on the Labor Day Rally & Funkana event sponsored by the Big Dog Saloon. Festivities included a poker run, food and an obstacle course with some very pretty classic Ranch Raves by Kit Henderson Here we are again to give special recognition to just some of the great volunteers here at The Ranch who makes the wheels go round! This month we give a Big Tip of The Hat to the people who collate, fold and label our monthly newsletters for mailing. Some of these folks are the Old Faithfuls who are there month after month to help. Others pitch in when they can, but all are very much appreciated! Kudos to the following: Jo Alstock, Chuck Miller, Jeanette Bobst, Marian Miller, Mary Jo Crossley, Art Crossley, Patty Nordstrom, Harry Brown, Judy Orr, Elaine Brown, Barbara Pilling, Judy Brownson Darlene Quiriconi, Sharon Chacon, Marge Roberts, Carol Darrah, Chris Shanley, Marty Darrah, Lynn Stewart, Fran Davis, Lenora Stewart, Dorothy Frauendiener, Shirley Steyaert, LaVerda Gallagher, Kurt Streichan, Karey Gunn, Ginger Strange, Alice Hanson, Kit Henderson, Carl Harbour, Lora Harbour, Edie Williams, Teresa Williams, Gladys Johnson, Sara Leigh Wilson, Carolyn Ladd, Erv Ladd, Sue Lovelace, Birk Lowery, Kay McCurdy, Jerry Davis, Michele Cameron, Charlie Cameron, Chuck McFadden and Joan McFadden. Wheeew!! The list is long and hopefully we have not missed anyone and we apologize if we have! Your generous gift of time is greatly appreciated. If there are people in a group or committee that you head up, please contact Kit Henderson at misskit27@yahoo.com to have them appreciated in next month’s newsletter. October 2011 cars. The event raised $300 for the “shop with a firefighter program” and was a great deal of fun. On October 22nd, we will host the yearly Grange Hall’s swiss steak dinner which begins at 5 p.m. Come on out for some good food, fun and company. Our CRR Fire & Rescue Board of Directors meets the third Thursday of each month @ 7 p.m.; and The Auxiliary meets the first Monday @ 9 a.m. each month. If you would like to become an auxiliary member, please contact Sean Hartley at the station. Our website has been updated and improved and has a great deal of valuable information on up-coming events and local fires. If you haven’t visited us lately be sure to look at us at www.crrfire.org for current information about your fire department. From all the members of Crooked River Ranch Fire & Rescue to you, we sincerely thank you for your continued support, ideas and positive comments. We are your Fire Department and we are here to serve you. Boy Scout Troop 72 News Unfortunately, due to a lack of adult chaperones, the boys were unable to go on their 50-mile hike in August. It was disappointing for all and now the boys will be short an Eaglerequired merit badge. Hopefully they will be able to secure it before they turn 18. Our August Car Wash didn’t do very well. We were wondering why when someone starting talking about what musicians were playing at the County Fair…DING…the bell went off and we realized that everyone was at the Fair. Doggone it! Oh well, the boys had a good time and it gave the adults time to give their own vehicles a little extra TLC. The boys are currently working on rank advancements and merit badges for hiking, golf and cooking. After they complete those merit badges, they will do them for computers, citizenship in the nation and citizenship in the world. We picked up a new Scout the end of July. He is excited and eager to get going on his Scouting career. However, our Assistant Scout Master stepped down the end of September. He graciously stayed on months after his own boy was no longer in Scouts, while our Scout Master was helping fire-fighting crews in Idaho, Arizona and Texas. So, we need an Assistant Scout Master. If you have Ha any experience in Staircut s $10rt00 @ Scout Leadership, please consider becoming a part of S a l o n a n d S p a our Troop and call Dusty Slack, Barber Services Todd Nace today 541-548-5417 (541-788-3375). 5105 SW Clubhouse Rd. CRR, Oregon 7 The 2011 Annual Meeting by Ben Johnson The 2011 CRRC&MA Annual Meeting was convened at 11:00 A.M. on 27 July 2011. Following the Pledge of Allegiance and the invocation by Dr. Larry Day, there was a moment of silence observed for Shirley Williams and Dick Chandler--two individuals who contributed a great deal to the Crooked River Ranch community. Judy Callahan requested the attendees complete a survey on the proposal to establish a Workout Room. Gail Day noted the Communication Committee will be presenting its findings/ recommendations for the Newsletter and Website at the end of the Oct 3rd work session which has been moved to 6 P.M, in the evening at the Juniper Room. The minutes of last year’s annual meeting passed unanimously. President Ted Cook expressed appreciation to all the Association employees for their hard work. He reported the establishment of an annual Employee of the Year Award and noted the recipient for this year is Mr. Richard J. Rohach of Golf Maintenance. A plaque honoring the winners will be hung in the Juniper Room. Paulette Nordin mentioned several upcoming events: Casino Night (3 September), 9-11 observance at Memorial Park, the community Yard Sale (9-11 September), Lions Hot Dog Sale (9-10 September), and the Harvest Festival (24 September)— which will include a chili cook off by the Dutch Oven Group, and many games and contests {See the website for details}. Jim Stagl mentioned the Lions Club meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at the Sandbagger. Treasurer George Lynn briefed on the April 2011 Treasurer’s Report, noting his belief in the need to again increase Association dues and green fees for the Golf Course to meet rising costs. He also noted a decision this year to pay off loans on two capital assets from capital reserve funds, thereby saving in interest charges. We are currently paying off that “loan” by monthly payments into the capital reserve account. Jefferson County Sheriff, Jim Adkins reported on recent auto break-ins on the Ranch and the need for Ranch residents to be the eyes and ears of the Sheriff’s department. He strongly endorsed establishment of a Neighborhood Watch program throughout the Ranch. After a discussion on the date and time for the next annual meeting, a motion to hold it on August 25th at 9:00 A.M. carried by voice vote. President Cook presented certificates of appreciation for the Water Company, Budget/Audit Committee, Communication Committee, Architectural Committee, Phase Rep Committee, Nomination Committee and the Special Road District. Board member and Candidate Ben Johnson thanked staff and board members for filling in to ensure nothing fell through the cracks after the departure of the Community Manager. President Cook received a round of applause for his hard work in recent months. Steve Farasyn on the Ranch Since 1992 Gail Day and Marilynne Keyser mentioned the need for new members on the Communications and Budget/Audit committees. In response to a question from Harry Brown, it was noted by the President that the amount of the uncollected past-due assessments is about $130,000 and this is a major problem. Kit Henderson reported the establishment of a new section in the Newsletter called Ranch Raves, which acknowledges the important contributions made by volunteers Herb Parker noted the new website is now in use, using old name www.crookedriverranch.com and acknowledged the critical role of Secretary Jay Nordin in making this happen. Ted Cook stated a need for volunteers/representatives for Jefferson County Planning Commission and Economic Development Committee. In response to a query by a homeowner, it was noted that the Road Maintenance Committee was not eliminated, but was suspended because of lack of membership on the committee. Dennis Kirk, President of Water Company, stated the Water Company’s annual meeting will be following the HOA annual meeting at Mac Park. The meeting was adjourned 12:15 P.M. Oregon Lottery • Outdoor Seating Good Food • Cold Beer Fair Prices With Fast Friendly Service. 541-504-4673 Oct 9 - Redneck Festival Potluck at 12:30 Lucky Dawg Show Follows (enter your dog at the Dog) Lots of food, fun, Redneck Games and Prizes. VISIT THE DOG FOR DETAILS “The Dog House Everybody Loves To Be In” 14217 Commercial Loop SW (Loop behind the Trading Post) Crooked River Ranch, Oregon 8 Crooked River Ranch News CRR Birder’s Blurb 50 & Better!! Our meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month at the Senior Center, 7PM. The October meeting is on the 19th and November meeting is on the 16th. We will be discussing the North American Migration Count taken in September and the birds passing through our area. The Green Ridge Raptor Migration Counts will be starting in October on the weekends of the 1-2nd and 8-9th. The group meets at Indian Ford Campground at 8AM and proceeds to the survey spot on Green Ridge for a day of counting Bald & Golden Eagles, Red-tailed, Sharp-shinned, Cooper’s, Harrier Hawks, various Falcons and more. Posted in a tree will be a plastic Great Horned Owl. At least some birds will attack this owl to make for some exciting moments. Contact me for more details. Another Month Gone By: Where does the time go! It is a sad month month for the CRR Seniors as we say goodby to Shirley Williams & Jim Havens. However, along with the bad we have some good news too. Welcome back to long-time resident, Flo Fitch. Flo and her son have moved back to their home on Panorama. We are looking for a few volunteers to step up and take on some of the “Board” positions. Several slots remain open. If you or you know of a member of our Senior Group that could or would fill a slot, please get in touch with Earleen Arthur. She can be reached at EJAART@q.com Reminders Potluck Lunch is every Thursday at noon. Doors open around 10:30 a.m. for social time, games and gabbing and also a little touch here, a little touch up there, etc etc. The Senior Van runs Mondays, Wednesday & Fridays to Redmond. Special arrangements are required for Bend medical appointments. We continue to work the Brown Bag Food Program at the Old Fire Hall the lst Wednesday of each month and the Terrebonne Grange Hall the 3rd Wednesday of each month beginning at 5 p.m. Remember the Bobcat picturesque, historic ranch house Trackhoe to your friends, family and others Dump Truck when looking to rent a “special Backhoe place” for a wedding, birthday, All digging since ‘77 Chilson Excavating reunion or other special occasion. Steve 541-460-3606 Til then - CCB#159743 e-mail: Chilex-inc@hotmail.com See Ya Thursdays! See our Facebook Page East Cascades Audubon (ECAS) will be going to the High Lakes west of Bend on October 8th for more migrating birds. The Bend Audubon meets on the third Thursday of the month at the Environmental Building on Kansas and their annual fund raiser is November 12 for a great night of food, auctions, bird talks (for both adults and kids) and FUN! Wednesday Birders meet at Nancy P’s (1054 NW Milwaukee) at 7AM for a day of birding in central Oregon. Contact Judy Meredith at jmeredit@bendnet.com All of these and more are FREE. The Crooked River Ranch Bird List (154 species so far) is available at the Ranch Office, the Information Kiosk, at our meetings or by contacting me as follows. Phone 541-923-3435 e-mail at kevinkei@webformixair.com for information about our group, the many birding opportunities OR about birding in general and remember, you only need to LIKE birds to BE a ‘birder’. No previous knowledge or expertise necessary! Come join us and be part of the fastest growing ‘sport’ in the USA. TERREBONNE VETERINARY CLINIC Pam: Below is the ad we would like placed in y would like to run the ad for six issues and then to use the 1 5/8 x 2 5/8 ad size. Please call me Mari Chets Electric LLC 106 SE Evergreen, Suite D, Redmond, Oregon Steve Myrin DVM (541) 923-0232 541-548-1825 Jerud Rhen DVM "Quality Care With Loving Kindness" 8485 N Hwy 97 Terrebonne, Oregon 97760 Across from Thriftway Market Tre es &M ore TO Max Leber Owner 410-4193 923-1361 CCB# 76672 24 Hour Emergency Service Bonded & Insured Tree Work Continuous Gutters Fences Carpentry Handyman Chimney Sweep Bobcat Work Manure Removal Snow Removal October 2011 9 Lions Host 9-11 Ceremony by Hope A. Johnson “In 102 minutes on September 11, 2001, 2,998 people lost their lives and forever our nation and the world was changed. We will never forget!” These words marked the beginning of a dignified and somber ceremony of remembrance as over 100 people gathered at Lions Memorial Park on a beautiful September afternoon to commemorate the victims of the September 11 attacks. The sound of a bell signaled the chain of events of that fateful morning and yellow roses were placed at the base of the Hero’s Tree symbolizing all who were lost that day; firefighters and paramedics, police, military, and civilians. A representative from each group honored their memory by placing a yellow rose on an empty chair in a symbolic remembrance of those who are no longer with us. All former and current military personnel were acknowledged and Oregon National Guard member Ricky Cisneros, who returned this past week from active duty in Iraq, was introduced. The new flagpole, donated by Lions Ray Barone and Carolyn Pesci-Barone through their company Rockwell American Services, Ltd., was dedicated to the park. In acknowledgement of their donation, Ray and Carolyn were presented with a Vegas on the Ranch framed rendition of the Flag of Honor, which contains the names of all who perished on 9-11, and a dozen yellow roses. Gracing the new flagpole will be the Flag of the United States of America presented by Congressman Greg Walden to the Crooked River Ranch Lions Club. In the citation to the Lions it states, “At the request of the Honorable Greg Walden, Member of Congress, this flag was flown over the United States Capital on behalf of the Crooked River Ranch Lions Club in honor and remembrance of the victims and families of the victims of the terrorist attacks of 9-11-01.” In the touching final moments of the ceremony, Colton McLaren, who was one year old when the terrorist attacks occurred, raised the Flag of Honor commemorating the 10th anniversary of 9-11. Assisting Colton was Scout Master Todd Nace of Troop 72. While the flag was being raised Don Banich played a beautiful rendition of America the Beautiful on the violin. Then everyone looked toward the field as Linda Jonell released ten homing pigeons. The birds, one for each year that has passed since 9-11, took flight, circling the field, before heading off into the beautiful September afternoon. by Phyllis Carlin Cries of “Blackjack” echoed throughout the Administration Building, which was transformed into “Las Vegas on the Ranch”, as players repeatedly beat the house at Lions Casino Night. With over 100 residents, friends and visitors playing various games of chance, Casino Night proved to be a Crooked River Ranch signature event once again. Based on the noise level throughout the night, the expressions on players’ faces as they awaited the next card or dice roll, and the happy faces of folks departing with prizes, a truly fun time was had by all! Auctioneer Jim Stagl presided over brisk bidding for 32 items, with several worth over $100. In addition, 68 raffle prizes were given away throughout the evening. All prizes, whose total value was over $5,000, were donated by local businesses, residents, and Lions Club members whose generosity enables the event to take place annually. Some of the favorite prizes were made by local artisans whose creativity and attention to detail never ceases to amaze. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who donated to Casino Night, the Big Dog Saloon who catered the event, and our friends who rolled up their sleeves to help deal. Proceeds from the event support Lions charitable and service projects, many of which benefit local residents. There is also fun to be had by younger residents when the CRR Lions Train pulls into the station. The train recently made a stop at the Terrebonne Cruz-In where the smiles of three hundred riders lit up the streets. Next stop for the train was Prineville for the Crook County Rodders car show, with a return trip back to the Ranch for the Fall Festival. The Lions capped off their late summer activities with the biannual road clean-up, a hotdog sale held in conjunction with the CRR Yard Sale, a field trip to the Cascade Lakes Brewery, and the 10 Fall Festival Barn Dance. Upcoming winter service projects that kick off in November are the Smoke Alarm Battery Exchange and the Hugs Tree Holiday Project. When the time changes from Daylight Savings Time on November 5th, the Lions are ready to change the batteries in your smoke alarm. The CRR Lions provide this service free to seniors on the Ranch and are currently taking requests. If you or anyone you know needs this service, please contact Frank Thomas at 541-460-2844 or Ted Carlin at 541923-3399, This year the festively decorated “Hugs Tree” arrives at the Ranch Administration Building on November 14th. The Lions are once again asking the community to help make this a wonderful holiday for our Honored Seniors by dropping off gifts beginning on November 14th. A list of suggested gifts will be published in the November Newsletter. Cash donations are encouraged and will be used to purchase needed items. Last year through the generosity of Ranch residents, 37 gift bags were delivered during the holidays. If you have questions please contact Margie Coffey at 541-504-3253 or Claudia Pelly at 541504-2853. The club will host a New Member Orientation on October 18th at 6:30 p.m. at the Juniper Room of the Ranch Administration Building. Club membership is open to all area residents wishing to serve their community. CRR Lions Club meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at the Sandbagger Annex. Social hour begins at 6:00 p.m. followed by the general meeting at 7:00 p.m. For more information contact Ted Carlin at 541 923-3399 or check our website at www.crrlionsclub.com. Crooked River Ranch News CRR Ladies Golf Club CRR Men’s Golf Club The Men’s Club Championship is history and by the time you read this, ours will be also. We have finished most of our club events with just several team events, one nine hole and several senior events the only remnants of our summer. It has gone so fast. WOW!!! August was a very busy month, then we followed it up with some important events the first part of September. The highlight of August was the Member/Guest tournament with Cookie Dillavou as the chairperson. It not only went off without a hitch, it was a huge success. We had a full field of 72 players, 36 guest and 36 club members. We had a great time letting our pros hit tee shots up to the 7th green for each of us for a mere $5. Also included for the price were 2 mulligans each. This year we had some items donated to be raffle prizes and as usual, the tee boxes were decorated by the members and given as door prizes. The lunch was catered by Tate & Tate and was deeelish… Then, the very next day, we turned around and went over to Eagle Crest for a home and home with their boys. The kickin’ over there was by them and not by us. However, we were treated to a great golf course on a great day with some pretty darn good vittles when we got done. by Judy Parker, President Cookie was a great organizer but she had tons of help from both members of the Ladies’ Club and the Men’s club. The gentlemen played the part of Bag Dudes, meeting the guests in the parking lot and transporting bags to the waiting carts and also helping the ladies set up and tear down at the park and in the Juniper room by doing some of the heavier work. It was a group effort and each year, our guests reiterate how glad they are to be asked to play in this event. The plans are in the works for the fall banquet in October. It is a joint affair with the Ladies’ and the Men’s club to be held on October 7 at the Redmond VFW. We will have elections of new officers next month and it will be the last month of organized play days. All of these are signs that fall is fast approaching. It’s been a good summer. School Supply Round-Up When school supplies were delivered to the Terrebonne and Culver Schools last month we found huge smiles, many thanks and a grateful staff who want CRR residents to know this is appreciated. It is a huge benefit to teachers of these schools and so to each and everyone who participated, we say, THANK YOU. More than 500 pounds in 22 file boxes of much needed learning materials were moved to the schools that received them. We also delivered your money donations including a generous CRR Lions Club contribution of $200.00 to each school. by Herb Parker, President August 16th, we entertained Juniper here at the ranch with a home and home. We did some major %$# kickin’ and brought the trophy back to where it belongs. The Club Championship was played over two days on August 29th & 30th. A new champion has been crowned. Fred Johnson is the new Club Champion for 2011. Fred shot a scorching 69 the first day and followed it up with a 75 on day two to win the Championship by a mere 8 shots. Fred set the pace by chipping in for Eagle on hole #1 on BOTH DAYS. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU, FRED!!!! September 6th marked the day for a Red/White/Blue tournament won by some guy named Herb Parker and his comrades Gerry Skaurud and Eddie Maroney. We followed the day’s play with the Annual Meeting. Many items were covered, but the main item was the election of officers for 2012. The new (or in some case, old) officers are as follows: President George Mitchener Vice President Bill Romaine Secretary/Treasurer Jim Martin Handicap Chairman Vene Dunham Past President Joe Griffin The annual Golf Banquet will be held again at the VFW Hall in Redmond on October 7th. Cocktails will start at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 7:00 p.m. Sign up sheets are in the computer room at the Pro Shop. You may invite guests in addition to a spouse or significant other. A fee will be charged for guests. Make sure to sign up all guests (including spouses or significant others) up on a separate line. Do not forget to set your golf clocks forward to a 9:30 a.m. start time in the month of October, our last month of organized Men’s Club play. See you on the links!!! Resident and volunteer organizer Fran Davis said, “You really kept us hopping as we picked up your generous gifts from the Fire Hall all month” “We appreciate your generosity”. “Also, thank you to those residents who gave money instead of school supplies.” “We are pleased with your great response to this important work.” Thanks also, to the fire district for hosting the supply donation site at the Fire Hall. Way to go residents of CRR! October 2011 11 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Indoor & Outdoor Seating Michael R Taylor Construction Dine In Take Out Use our Banquet room and menu for your family get together, tournaments etc... (541) 923-8655 CCB# 125749 Custom Homes Remodels Shops Pole Bldgs Tractor Work (541) 504-4609 (541)604-4305 miketaylorbuilder@gmail.com 8493 Sundown Canyon • Crooked River Ranch, OR 97760 Chapter 7 Personal Bankruptcy $500 plus required court fees 541-548-1542 13918 SW Commercial Loop, Terrebonne, OR 97760 Residential/Commercial Refuse and Recycling Services for Crooked River Ranch 12 Cascade Legal Clinic 63356 Nels Anderson RD Bend, OR 97701 541-815-0125 Attorney Marc Beebe - Crooked River Ranch Resident Tri-County Roofing New Construction - Reroofing Repairs - FREE Estimates Mark A. Reardon Owner (541) 923-2638 (541) 420-4185 Licensed and Bonded #73073 Ranch Resident Crooked River Ranch News Now is the time to rustle yourself a new spread! HARD TO FIND RV LOT! One of the few RV lots left! 1-acre, Move in ready! New flooring, cabinets Mountain views, 30 x 40 shop! Septic, Power, Water & Storage & appliances. 4 bd, 2 ba, 1404 sf, Water & septic installed, possible Building Installed! $44,900. 1.02 acres w/garage. $112,000. owner terms. $120,000. Backs to public lands! Well kept home, 2 bed/2bath, 1188sf, 1.06 acres. $89,000. Quiet cul-de-sac, lovely 3bd,2ba frame home on 1 acre, extra deep double garage, fenced. $128,900. Cascase Views One Acre! Take a look at the view! Frame, Septic approved, driveway in 3 bd/2ba. Many upgrades, circular place and utilities at road. Come drive, oversized garage. $160,500. enjoy the views! $53,900. Open floor plan, vaulted ceilings! Mountain views, well kept, 3 bed/2bath home. $145,000. Golf course property! Versatile open floor plan, 3 master suites + Bonus Room. A must see! $299,000. 5135 Clubhouse Road, Crooked River Ranch October 2011 (541) 923-2000 (800) 597-6607 13 A Fall Harvest of Values BEST VALUE! 5 acres, 30 x 48 shop, newer septic, power, driveway & fenced! ACT QUICK! $108,430. LARGE HOME~Panoramic views! 3 Grandfathered RV lot, 5.05 acres, bed, 2 bath, dbl car garage & shop. utilities installed, check out the old rock RV storage! $168,000. fort. Lots of history here! $125,000. River Rim RV Park Beautiful LARGE acreage! 7.17 acres SOLD! How may we help you? Such a special home, you really must of treed paradise, you’ll love the Thinking of selling, call for a FREE see to appreciate, 1890 sf, koi ponds, circulating stream, incredible decks & CMA and to hear about our aggressive privacy this desirable parcel offers. $112,900. marketing plan. WE get RESULTS! views. Gourmet kitchen! $189,000. (541) 923-2000 ~ (800) 597-6607 5135 SW Clubhouse Road Crooked River Ranch, Oregon 97760 www.crookedriverrealty.com Call Melody or Nancy our Property Management Specialists! (541) 771-1116 or (541) 923-2000 FOR RENT 4 bed 3.5 bath 2080 sf $1450.00 14 FOR RENT 1 bed 1 bath 2000 sf $650.00 FOR RENT 4 bed 2 bath 1890 sf $900.00 Avail. Nov. 1st FOR RENT 3 bed 2 bath 1562 sf $750.00 FOR RENT 2 bed 1 bath +SHOP $850.00 FOR RENT 3 bed 2 bath +garage $800.00 Crooked River Ranch News