From The Bridge - National Navy Club


From The Bridge - National Navy Club
Fall 2015
November 15, 2015
From The Bridge
Hello, to everyone involved with Navy Club USA and
Navy Club Auxiliary:
Several months have gone by since I was elected
National Commandant. Communications is what I will
be hoping to use to help keep this club going strong. I
believe that the recent Staff Meetings held via phone
conference are a good example of this effort. I also
plan to travel a lot to Ship meetings and hope to attend
some of your special events. A recent example of my
travels is when Mark (National Executive Secretary), Roger
(Great Lakes Chairman) and I went to the Great Lakes Naval
Base to meet with the Staff there and attend a Recruit Graduation
Bringing in new members and keeping old members in the club will be a top priority for this cruise.
Our Membership Chairman is Senior Executive Officer is Toshio Mills and he is pursuing several plans
to increase membership. But I really believe it is the responsibility of all to bring in new members.
The Recruit Of The Year (ROY) Program is something that really helps keep our Navy Club USA
name known in Washington, DC. Everyone should attend a Recruiting Ceremony and Luncheon,
because it is fun and very interesting to visit with the winning representatives of the Recruiting
I want to thank James Bruder and his staff for hosting the 2015 National Navy Club USA convention.
I really enjoyed myself and I do believe everyone had a great time. I would hope that all Conventions
could be just as fun. Thanks Jim for putting the fun back in the Navy Club USA. I really want to
reinforce our relationship with the Auxiliary Staff and the National Commandant of the Auxiliary,
Betty Lou Belschner. I am looking forward to working with her and her Staff.
I am looking forward to having a great, rewarding, successful, and fun cruise for 2015-2016.
Cecil J Krick Jr. NCUSA National Commandant
November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
Quarterdeck Fall 2015 Table Of Contents
FROM THE BRIDGE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
NEWS FROM YOUR NATIONAL STAFF .................................................................................................................................... 3
NATIONAL SENIOR EXECUTIVE OFFICER ......................................................................................................................................... 3
NATIONAL EXECUTIVE SECRETARY (NES) ...................................................................................................................................... 3
NATIONAL AUXILIARY COMMANDANT ............................................................................................................................................ 4
NATIONAL PAYMASTER ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
NATIONAL PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER ..................................................................................................................................... 5
NCUSA Constitution June 2015 revision ................................................................................................................................... 5
Netiquette.................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Facebook .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
NATIONAL STAFF LISTING (CLICK HERE FOR LINK TO FULL LISTING ON WEB) .................................................. 5
NAVY CLUB USA 78TH NATIONAL CONVENTION A GREAT SUCCESS! ........................................................................ 6
NATIONAL AWARD PROGRAMS ............................................................................................................................................... 7
RECRUITER OF THE YEAR ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
NAVY CLUB OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY EXCELLENCE AWARD .......................................................................................... 8
NEWS FROM ALL PORTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
NAVY CLUB OF ROCKFORD - SHIP #1............................................................................................................................................... 9
NAVY CLUB OF GREEN BAY - SHIP #18 ......................................................................................................................................... 11
NAVY CLUB OF SANGAMON - SHIP #32 .......................................................................................................................................... 11
USS Illinois (SSN-786) PCU CO at Illinois State Fair............................................................................................................. 11
Abraham Lincoln’s 150th Funeral Commemoration and Ship 32 ............................................................................................ 12
USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) ............................................................................................................................................. 13
NAVY CLUB OF USS INDIANAPOLIS - SHIP #35 .............................................................................................................................. 13
NAVY CLUB OF KENOSHA - SHIP #40 ............................................................................................................................................. 14
NAVY CLUB OF RACINE - SHIP #60 ................................................................................................................................................ 16
NAVY CLUB OF FOND DU LAC - USS FOND DU LAC - SHIP #75 ..................................................................................................... 17
NAVY CLUB OF LOCKPORT - SHIP #110 ......................................................................................................................................... 18
NAVY CLUB OF CARBON COUNTY, PA - SHIP #260 ....................................................................................................................... 19
NAVY CLUB OF LAKE ONTARIO - SHIP #1812 ................................................................................................................................ 20
PTSD Program Donation ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
ADDITIONAL SHIPS OF THE NAVY CLUB USA................................................................................................................................ 21
SHIPMATES ON ETERNAL LIBERTY. ..................................................................................................................................... 21
UPCOMING NCUSA EVENTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
JANUARY 24-30, 2016 - NATIONAL US NAVY RECRUITERS OF THE YEAR ..................................................................................... 21
APRIL 1, 2016 - NATIONAL NAVY CLUB USA GREAT LAKES DAY ................................................................................................ 21
JUNE 16/18, 2016 NCUSA NATIONAL CONVENTION ..................................................................................................................... 22
NCUSA WEBSITE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
FACEBOOK ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
NCUSA EMAIL LIST ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22
QUARTERDECK CHAIRMAN NOTES ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Email feedback to:
November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
News From Your National Staff
National Senior Executive Officer
Hope all is going well your way.
First off, congratulations to our new Commandant
Cecil Krick for our 2015-2016 cruise. Cecil is most
deserving of this position and I want to wish him all the
Next, I want to thank you very much for voting and giving me
confidence and ability to lead NCUSA as your 2015-2016 Senior Executive Officer. Thank you
Commander Ship # 720 James Bruder and NES Mark Swiecichowski for co-hosting this year’s
NCUSA 79th annual convention in Pittsburgh, PA. You both did a super job putting on this year’s
convention. BRAVO ZULU!
As your past National Paymaster, special thanks goes out to Tim Hilton PNC, PSC, NES Mark
Swiecichowski, Archie Gainey PNC, PSC and National JAG and Martin Jordan, National Financial
Chair for realigning NCUSA budget and increasing our finances within our organization. SIERRIA
HOTEL! I also, want to wish my relief Nellie DeBaker, National Paymaster a great upcoming
deployment too!
As we all know, there is always room for improvement and as I take the helm as Senior Executive
Officer, I want to continue with our efforts to recruit, retain, and reinstate shipmates to make things
grow. I can’t do this alone therefore, I’m asking for your help. We’re in it altogether! Communication
is “A” priority.
I’m seeking volunteers for a committee to increase our overall membership. Please contact me if you
would like to be involved. I’d like the committee to include members from all NCUSA clubs. I’m
awfully proud to be a member of this fine and professional elite club like yourself.
In closing, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have an idea or just want to talk about NCUSA
in general. I’ll be standing by – GO NCUSA! My email is:
Toshio D. Mills, National Senior Executive Officer email:
National Executive Secretary (NES)
The National Headquarters address has changed. Please send all correspondence to the following:
Navy Club USA, National Headquarters, PO Box 6051, De Pere, WI 54115-6051
Email: Phone: (920) 321-6855
Email feedback to:
November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
National Auxiliary Commandant
The National Auxiliary Commandant invites all to become active in the Auxiliary.
Current Auxiliary Staff
 Commander PNC/PSC Betty Lou Belschner, Ship 245
 Sr. Executive Officer PNC/PSC Donna Garstka, Ship 245
 Jr. Executive Officer PNC/PSC Shirley Cornelius Ship 1
 Paymaster Mary Ann Knighton, Ship 1
 Chaplain PNC/PSC Marjorie Krick, Ship 12
 Historian Arly Phelps, Ship 32
 Conductress PNC/PSC Sue Uber, Ship 32
 Master-at-Arms Dee Jackson, Ship 12
 Immediate Past Commandant Sue Uber, Ship 32
 Illinois Squadron Commander PNC/PSC Brenda Jefferson
 Indiana Squadron Commander Doris Landis, Ship 245
 Shipswriter PNC/PSC Judy Gainey
Full Auxiliary Staff Listing is available on the National website. Click here for Listing
National Paymaster
Thank you very much for your vote of confidence in me as your National Paymaster for the 2015 2016 cruise. I look forward to working with you for a successful year for the Navy Club. The Navy
Club has only one way to go and that is "up."
As the Immediate Past National Junior Executive Officer, the following is my final report. My term
ran February 1st through June 2015. Members and I had five months to reach the Ways and Means
goal of $3,500.00. Thanks to all the Navy Club Membership and the Navy Club Auxiliary, the ending
total of $4,235.00 exceeded this goal. Thank you to everyone for helping ensure we came out in the
black this year on Ways and Means. I have always known that Navy Club members and Auxiliary
members have no problem with getting "the job done." Thanks to each of you who contributed to the
future of the Navy Club.
The New Year will continue to prove to be fruitful and fulfilling as we move NCUSA into the future.
There is only way to go and that is to make progress forward so we can help future generations of
veterans. Past generations have done this for us, now it is our obligation to do the same for future
generations. Again, the Navy Club membership will see that this is assured for them.
Nellie P. De Baker, National Paymaster
Email feedback to:
November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
National Public Information Officer
NCUSA Constitution June 2015 revision
The new version of the NCUSA Constitution revised as a result of actions at the 2015 convention is
published. The document is available in the library on the NCUSA website,
"Netiquette" is network etiquette and is how users perform responsibility on the Internet. NCUSA
members are reminded of the following Netiquette principles as provided by author Virginia Shea:
“What is Netiquette? Simply stated, it's network etiquette -- that is, the etiquette of cyberspace. And
"etiquette" means "the forms required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be required in
social or official life." In other words, Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online.
Rule 1: Remember the human
The golden rule your parents and your kindergarten teacher taught you was pretty simple: Do unto
others as you'd have others do unto you. Imagine how you'd feel if you were in the other person's
shoes. Stand up for yourself, but try not to hurt people's feelings.”
Other Netiquette principles are located on Virginia Shea’s Website at .
Oher points to remember:
 Please refrain from using the BCC function of email. You should always use the CC function if
you want other people to be informed of the message.
We are in need of a FaceBook editor. If you would like to volunteer please send a note to
National Staff Listing (Click here for Link to Full Listing on Web)
National Commandant: Cecil Krick
National Senior Executive Officer: Toshio D. Mills
National Junior Executive Officer: Tom Minchin
National Paymaster Nellie De Baker
National Chaplain: Gordon Bloom
National Historian: Bruce Hallam
National Master-At-Arms: Ron Wilson
National Executive Secretary (NES), and Membership Database Officer: Mark Swiecichowski
Coast Guard Liaison Cape May: Ed Walter, PNC
National Judge Advocate: Archie Gainey, PNC
National Finance Committee Chair: Martin Jordan
National Great Lakes Day Chair: Roger Schulrud
Email feedback to:
November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
National Public Information Officer and Quarterdeck Commission Chair: Jim Zeszutek
National Veterans Affairs Officer Vacant
National Fisher House Chair: James Bruder
National Auxiliary Liaison Officer: Andrew Murphy
Immediate Past National Commandant Tim Hilton
National 1 Year Trustee: William Woollen, PNC
National 2 Year Trustee: Robert Laughlin, PNC
National 3 Year Trustee, Immediate Past National Commandant, and Pennsylvania Squadron
Commander: Leonard J Lorka
Illinois Squadron Commander: Bruce Hallam
Indiana Squadron Commander: Toshio D. Mills
Pennsylvania Squadron Commander: Leonard J Lorka
Wisconsin Squadron Commander: Darryl Driscoll
Navy Club USA 78th National Convention a Great Success!
The 78th National Convention convened on Thursday, 25th of June and continued through Saturday,
the 27th of June 2015. The event was hosted by Pittsburgh Ship# 720.
Some members and family came a day early: as they were excited to go catch a professional baseball
game. The Pittsburgh Pirates hosted the Milwaukee Brewers. Others came early on Thursday, as they
were eager to go on the “Just Ducky Tours”.
On Friday, June 26th, a Joint Opening Session was held with the Commandant’s opening words and
the Auxiliary Awards and Memorial Service. The first delegate session was held immediately after that.
Then the second delegate session was held. As the afternoon wound down the opportunity to take a
guided tour of the Soldiers & Sailors Museum and Fisher House was available. That evening a dinner
boat ride around the Pittsburgh area included a wonderful buffet dinner aboard the Gateway Clipper.
The Mermaid/Neptune Breakfast started off the day on Saturday. The 3rd delegate session was then
held. PNC Luncheon was held as everyone else could enjoy his or her own dining experience. The 4th
Delegate session was held with the 2016 national officer nominations and elections.
Saturday evening was the Banquet, Installation of Officers, ROY donations, and Awards.
The evening keynote speaker was Congressman Tim Murphy and he provided a powerful and
heartwarming speech. He is a member of the Navy Reserves and therefore cannot accept any pay for
his efforts. His is goal is to help the families, as well as any veteran, that is suffering from PTSD or any
type of mental complications. Not only a promise, but also he is doing just that.
Thank You to James Bruder and Ship #720 for an action packed and fun convention.
Submitted by: Bruce Hallam, National NCUSA Historian
Email feedback to:
November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
National Award Programs
Recruiter of the Year
In January, 2015, Commandant Tim Hilton, Auxiliary Commandant Sue Uber and other Members of
the Navy Club hosted the Annual ROY Luncheon for the Navy Recruiters of the Year Program held in
Washington, DC. Each Recruiter of the Year (see list of winners below) is presented with a Navy Club
(NCUSA) pen and pencil set, a NCUSA Challenge Coin, an Angel Pin and a copy of the NCUSA
National Newsletter. In addition to the ROY winners and their spouses, other honored guests
attending the luncheon included RADM Annie B. Andrews, Commander Navy Recruiting Command,
Indiana Senator Joe Donnelly staff Member Alisa Askins and Force Master Chief, Navy Recruiting
Command Earl S. Gray, Jr.
A special thanks to the Indiana squadron for their donation of $1,000 in support of the luncheon.
2015 Navy Recruiters of the Year awardee list:
 LT Christopher French, NRD New England, Officer ROY - Active
 LCDR Florence Yarbrough, NRD Los Angeles, Officer ROY - Reserve
 BU1 (SCW/SW) Jermaine Blake, NRD New York, Enlisted ROY - Active
 MM1 Alice Westbrook, NRD St Louis, Enlisted ROY - Reserve
 ET1 (SS) Marmaduke Simms, NRD St Louis, Nuclear Field Coordinator of the Year
 NC1 (AW) Thomas Gooden, NRD Denver, Station Leading Petty Officer of the Year
 PS1 (AW) Jeffery Decenso, NRD Minneapolis, Classifier of the Year
 NCC (SW) Latasha Kahana, NRD Seattle, Division Leading Petty Officer of the Year
 ABE1 (AW/SW) Terrance Chase, NRD Los Angeles, Diversity Enlisted ROY
 ENCS (SW) Joel Fletcher, NRD Jacksonville, Diversity Officer ROY
 HM1 (FMF) Lamin Foray, NRD Pittsburgh, Medical Officer ROY
 LT Keven Haggerty, NRD Chicago, Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate ROY
 NC1 (AW) Anita Johnson, NRD San Diego, Navy Special Warfare / Navy Special Ops ROY
 YN1 (AW) Mandy Murphy, NRD New England, Support Person of the Year
Email feedback to:
November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
Navy Club Of The United States Military Excellence Award
Following are the NCUSA Military Excellence awardees during the past 6 months
 May 1
SR Daniel P. Goewey, Division 167, Rome, New York
 May 8
SR Michael R. Northland, Division 173, Simi Valley, California
 May 15
SR Carlos J. Perezperez, Division 177, Cleveland, Oh
 May 22
SR Nicolas De Los Santos Ii, Division 186, Manhattan. New York
 May 29
SR Kaleb C. Kendrick Division 189, Las Vegas, Nevada
 Jun. 5
SR Brittni R. Latterell, Division 204, Big Lake, Minnesota
 Jun. 12
SR Jacob A. Scott, Division 206, Harrison, Tennessee
 Jun. 19
SR Josua J. Waqa, Division 932, Suva, Fiji
 Jun. 26
SR Shantinique L. Bright, Division 219, Columbia, South Carolina
 July 2
SR Courtney E. Briswalter, Division 228, Little Rock, Arkansas
 July 10
SR Tyler J. Kerbs, Division 935, Zion, Illinois
 July 17
SR Dean W. Loiacano, Division 241, New Port Richey, Florida
 July 24
SR Keisha L. Hare, Division 244, Chesapeake, Virginia
 July 31
SR Nathaniel E. Garcia, Division 258, Morristown, New Jersey
 Aug. 7
SR Aimuamwosa E. Osadiaye, Division 264, Houston, Texas
 Aug. 14 SR Katarina E. Rowley, Division 940, Lolo, Montana
 Aug. 21 SR Joseph V. Agbingpadua, Division 281, Mission Hills, California
 Aug. 28 SR Dylan R. Sands, Division 288, Puntagorda, Florida
 Sept. 4
SR Tajah B. Stanley, Division 294, Coconut Creek, Florida
 Sept. 11 SR Mallory E. Mcmahan, Division 302,Lincolnton, North Carolina
 Sept. 18 SR Adrienne J. Dooley, Division 311,San Diego, California
 Sept. 25 SR Patric G. Smith, Division 319, Rome, New York
 Oct. 2
SR Anton Lee R. Salazar, Division 947, Yona, Guam
 Oct. 9
SR Mckade J. Ivancic, Division 343,Kansas City, Missouri
 Oct. 16
SR Jessica L. Martin, Division 949, Punta Gorda, Florida
 Oct. 23
SR Brian R. Crosby, Division 950, Canton, Michigan
Current awardee listings are found on the Web at
Email feedback to:
November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
News from All Ports
Navy Club of Rockford - Ship #1
AHOY from Navy Club Ship #1
Our summer started off great. The Rockford Memorial Day parade was held and the rain stayed away
for the duration of the parade. Ship #1's very own Gene Koelker, PNC and current ship and squadron
chaplain was the Parade Marshall.
Gene Koelker and CMDR Justin C. Beeler
We ended the parade as we always do with the sinking of the ship and laying of the wreath, paying our
respect to all our lost comrades.
“Sinking of the ship”
“Laying of the Wreath” by Sue Uber
Following the ceremony everyone headed back to the club for the Memorial Day luncheon and this
year a dedication ceremony for a model ship of the USS Constitution. The ship was donated to our
club by the builder and local veteran, Ronald C. Ramlow, and was dedicated by CMDR Justin C. Beeler
Email feedback to:
November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
Executive Officer Naval Recruiting District Chicago Il. Several local news stations sent film crews to
record the event and their reports were shown on the nightly news cast that evening. The ship looks
awesome displayed in our dining room where everyone can see it. We always get positive comments
from first time viewers.
CMDR Beeler and Mr. Ramlow
June started with Ship 1 setting up a booth at the Rockford Airshow to pass out literature about the
club and member applications to anyone interested in joining our organization. The Blue Angels were
the main attraction this year, and you can imagine the turnout when they come to town. Everyone
loves the Angels. Ship 1 also placed a booth across the street from the club at the grand opening of the
Army Surplus Store that moved in, again passing out information and applications.
Our membership is slowly growing one member at a time. One of our club members asked if we could
help our local veterans by providing dinner at the Veterans Drop in Center once a month. Ship 1 was
willing and able to get on board with this worthy cause. We serve approximately 35 to 45 veterans.
August was a busy month for the club. We had members attending the Illinois State Fair joining the
Combined Veterans Association serving beer to the masses. A great time was had by all that attended.
The Ship also had its annual Club picnic. National Commandant Cecil Krick and Senior Exec Toshio
D. Mills along with some Auxiliary members joined us for a day of fun and fellowship. The weather
was great, music was loud and the food was awesome. What more could you ask for.
September’s arrival brings back the clubs weekly “Friday Night Fish Fry”. Had a great turn out for the
first one of the fall and will continue through to next summer. This also was Friday, 9-11 and at 7:10
PM we asked everyone at the club to join in a moment of silence for all those that perished in the
attacks, and then returned the flag to full mast at 7:12 pm. Its small moments like this that make us all
proud to be Americans.
With October fast approaching, thoughts turn to Halloween, pumpkins, crackling fires and hot toddys.
Oh, and the two four letter words most dislike “cold & snow”.
Anytime you are in the Rockford area, stop by the club and say hello.
Submitted by Mike Sminchak
Email feedback to:
November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
Navy Club of Green Bay - Ship #18
Green Bay Ship 18 provided
rides on the Zippin Pippin
Roller Coaster at Bay Beach
for all Veterans who showed
valid ID proving their Veteran
status. $400 worth of tickets
were purchased and given out
from Memorial Day to VJ
Day this year.The coaster was
reportedly Elvis Presley's
favorite roller coaster. Presley would rent the entire park on occasion just to ride it without constant
fan interference. Just a week before his death, Presley rented the park from 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. to entertain
a small number of guests and he rode the Zippin Pippin for hours without stopping. Green Bay Ship
18 plans to make it an annual event!
This upcoming Saturday 05 December 2015 Green Bay Ship 18 will hold its all
Pearl Harbor Memorial Service featuring Pearl Harbor Survivor Firman Balza, USS
Maryland. Pictured, next to Firman is his lovely wife Natalie. On the table are
pictures of his Ship the USS Maryland, the aftermath of the attack and war tokens.
One being an unexploded Japanese bomb trigger, with the safety pin attached and
Japanese markings, he picked up during the clean up after the attack.
Green Bay Ship 18 will be working with LCDR Glenn W. Ruedy, USN,
Commanding Officer of the Green Bay Navy Reserve Center, on a number of
projects in the near future. One is for the northern Ships, Wausau Ship #64 and
Fond du Lac Ship #75 and Reserve Center personel sponsor bingos at the WI
Veterans Home at King. Plans are also being made to sponsor a full day of events
at King during late summer or early fall 2016. We are looking to have our annual
May Green Bay Navy & Marine Corps Recruiter of the Year award banqent include
awards given to the Reservists in a few catagories that will need to be identifed by
the senior enlisted Officers.
Submitted by Mark Swiecichowski, Ship 18
Navy Club of Sangamon - Ship #32
USS Illinois (SSN-786) PCU CO at Illinois State Fair
Illinois Squadron Commander Bruce Hallam was again called to see if the Navy Club would be able to
assist in another situation. Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs, in coordination with the Illinois
Department of Agriculture asked Squadron Commander Hallam to help chaperone and participate in the
State Fair events and functions. PCU Illinois Commanding Officer, Commander Jesse Porter, along with
2 crew members were the Official Grand Marshall for the Illinois State Fair’s Grand Opening Parade.
Springfield Ship#32 pulled its Ship in the Parade also.
Email feedback to:
November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
The USS ILLINOIS (SSN-786) is the 13th
Virginia Class nuclear submarine and was
constructed at Electric Boat shipyard in Groton,
Ct. She is only the second U.S. Navy ship to be
commissioned with the name "USS ILLINOIS"
since a battleship with that name was
commissioned in 1897.
Abraham Lincoln’s 150th Funeral Commemoration and Ship 32
Springfield Illinois was a major part of the May President Lincoln funeral commemoration
Email feedback to:
November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72)
Ship #32 was asked to sponsor the crew of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72). Quickly we replied,
“Yes”. Illinois Squadron Commander Bruce Hallam notified the National Commandant Tim Hilton,
and National Auxiliary Commandant, Sue Uber, as soon as details were finalized. The event was held
May 1st through the 3rd. Springfield Mayor, Mike Houston invited the Ship to attend a Press
Conference at the “Old Capital” state house. Six crew members, along with Captain Ron Ravelo, of
the USS Abraham Lincoln was greeted by National Commandant Tim Hilton, National Auxiliary
Commandant Sue Uber, Illinois Squadron Commander Bruce Hallam, Ship #32 Commander Ed
O’Brien, Ship #32 Sr. Exec. Bob Day, and PNC Archie Gainey.
Later that evening a meet and greet was held at the Abraham Lincoln Hotel with Mayor-elect Jim
Langfelder. Chaplain Linda Crites joined Ship #32. Then a private dinner was held that same evening
at the Dana Thomas House in Springfield. Mayor-elect sponsored the Abraham Lincoln Crew, Ship
#32, and National Staff for this private dinner and tour of the mansion. What an honor for the Navy
Club USA to be able to participate in this exciting weekend.
Submitted by Bruce Hallam, Ship 32
Navy Club of USS Indianapolis - Ship #35
Ship 35 Armed Forces Day recently included several
Left to Right; David Brown: IN Squadron Sr. Exec.
Officer, Cheryl Brown, James Henderson: Commander
USS Indianapolis Ship #35 and David Fentz PSC: IN
Squadron Chaplain and USS Indianapolis Ship #35
Club members participated in the Armed Forces Military Appreciation Day, Lawrence, IN.
USS Indianapolis Ship #35 Commander James Henderson is an integral part of Marion County Burial
USS Indianapolis Ship #35 held their semi-annual Feed the Homeless Veterans Food Bank Drive,
Lawrence, IN. PSC David Fentz has overseen this project over the last five plus years.
Indiana Squadron recently Commissioned U.S. Sea Cadets, Batesville, IN Commanded by Lt. Michelle
Novinger and her "Flying Tigers" Squadron
USS Indianapolis Ship #35 Donated $50.00 to Ft. Wayne Ship #48 for their recent fire
Submitted by Tosh Mills, Ship 35
Email feedback to:
November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
Navy Club of Kenosha - Ship #40
On Memorial Day we had our annual
Memorial Day ceremony. This
included live music, carnations for
attendees to drop in the harbor, Coast
Guard Honor Guard and wreath
laying, Taps by Bugles Across
America, and reading of an essay by a
Navy Chief’s daughter about the lack
of support for veterans of the current
war. We finished by ringing of the
Ship 40 bell for all departed shipmates
and Veterans who are now on eternal
USCG at Memorial Day 2015
Email feedback to:
November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
Ship 40 supported the visit of the Moving Wall to Racine.
During Memorial Day we placed flags on veteran’s graves in two local
Newly elected Ship’s Commander, Don Brevitz, was honored as a
hometown hero at a Kenosha Kingfish baseball game.
Ship 40 continued to raise monies for needy local veterans by our Navy
Club poppy drives.
Ship 40 participated in the Kenosha and Somers 4th of July
The crew of Navy Club Ship 40
commissioned a model of Past
Commander Steve Tindall’s ship he
served on (USS Dewey) to thank him for
his leadership over the past four years.
Submitted by JW Zeszutek, Ship 40
Email feedback to:
November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
Navy Club of Racine - Ship #60
Ship 60 began 2015 with the news that long time Shipmate and Past Commander Ralph Sura suffered a
stroke while out driving his truck. Thankfully, Ralph’s daughter was along when Ralph had his stroke
and was able to call 911 to get assistance. Ralph has been on the road to recovery these past many
months, and finally able to attend Ship 60’s meetings in the month of August and September.
Ship 60 said good-bye to two long time Shipmates this year. Dan Jewel, Ship 60 Trustee was called
home towards the end of March; and Wes Pottinger, one of Ship 60’s original members was called
home in May. Both received military honors at their funerals as we do with any of our members.
Prayers and thoughts went out to both Shipmates and their families.
Members of Ship 60 were in attendance at this year’s Great Lakes Day on April 24th. It is always an
honor see the many graduates from Navy boot camp.
Ship 60 was very active in our community this year, beginning with the Memorial Day Parade here in
Racine, WI. The parade ended with a memorial service held at one of Racine’s local cemeteries. The
memorial service ended with a benediction given by Past Commander Tim Yorgan, and a wreath laying
ceremony by members of Ship 60.
As is every year, Ship 60 was an entry in Racine’s Fourth of July Parade. This year our entry was #34
out of 128 entries in the parade line-up. The parade route takes the entries past the Veteran’s Center,
and each military unit, including Ship 60 stops in front of the Veteran’s Center, at which time the firing
squad gives a 3 volley salute.
Ship 60 is a proud sponsor of The Racine Raiders, a minor league football team that has been in
existence since 1953. The Racine Raiders has a standing policy, whereby any veteran can attend any of
the home games for free. Ship 60 advertises with a 4’ x 8’ banner that is placed on the fence at Horlick
Athletic Field. Ship 60 also advertises in The Racine Raiders year book that is sold at every game.
This year Ship 60 held two fundraisers at our local Pick N Save grocery store. One was held the end of
June, and other one at the beginning of September. When it comes to helping veterans, we find that
the public is very generous with their donations. The donations that we receive, enables Ship 60 to
continue supporting groups such as Stars & Stripes Honor Flight, VetsRoll, Fisher House-Wisconsin,
The Veteran’s Home in Union Grove, Wisconsin and many other local groups.
Ship 60 is very active at the Veteran’s Home in Union Grove, WI. At least once or twice a year, our
members visit the Veteran’s Home to host bingo. We usually bring out a donation of items. This year,
Ship 60 donated several magazines, such as World War II, and Viet Nam, & Military History. We also
donated this year, a hard cover book, The American Sniper, by Chris Kyle, and two DVD movies,
American Sniper, and Lone Survivor. The donation of magazines, books and DVD’s are very much
appreciated by the residents, and the items will be placed in their library for use by its many residents.
Ship 60 will round out the year with ceremonies on Veteran’s Day, and providing an ice cream social
for some veterans residing at Ridgewood Care Center here in Racine, Wisconsin.
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November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
Pictured left to right - Commander Bill Mutchler, Paymaster Marty Jacobs, Master-At-Arms Mike
Peterson, & Trustee Glenn Smith
Ship 60 gives many thanks to everyone who continues to support our veterans.
Submitted by: Marty Jacobs, Racine Ship 60 Paymaster and WI Squadron Trustee
Navy Club of Fond du Lac - USS Fond du Lac - Ship #75
Ship 75 has been busy this summer. We had four Brat frys that made a total of $1235.14. Also, we
held our 6th annual garage sale on Labor Day weekend, where we made $646.16.
We also participated in several parades, worked the 5K run for Salute the Troops, and participated in
the Wally Weekend flag ceremony.
Our Ship also made several donations to veterans groups. We donated to the Veterans Muskie Fishing
Trip, sponsored a rider in the bike ride to the High Ground, and donated door prizes to the annual
Fond du Lac Yacht Club Veterans cruise and dinner. Shipmate Patrick Murphy donated a picture of
the USS Wisconsin that we had framed and matted, and donated to Fond du Lac American Legion
Post 75. We also purchased hats to be given to each member, and Ship 75 shirts to be worn when we
participate in parades and other Veterans events.
We also held our 2nd annual Ship's dinner at the Elks Club on May 2nd. Annette Murphy did a great
job co-coordinating everything for the dinner.
Submitted by: Alan Koepke Ship 75 Communications Officer
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November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
Navy Club of Lockport - Ship #110
On June 11-14, 2015 the Vietnam Traveling Wall Memorial was at Lockport, N.Y.
Ray Hauser ABHC(AW) USN-RET wore his blues and rang the bell for the deceased Vietnam
Veterans from Niagara County.
(L to R) Commander: Leonard Lorka, Paymaster: Mike Maciejewski,
Shipswriter: Ray Hauser, Sr. X.O: Gordon Bloom.
Submitted by Ray Hauser, Ship 110
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November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
Navy Club of Carbon County, PA - Ship #260
During the presentation of the "Honoring Our Flag" program at Panther Valley Elementary School,
several of the teachers approached Ship 260 Commander Scott Reinhart asking if there was something
they could do to help Veterans. With the approval of the school principal, Mrs. Mary Figura,
Commander Reinhart contacted Mr. Henry Desrosiers, Carbon County Director of Veterans Affairs.
He stated that the local VA recovery center and the Gino J. Merli Veterans Home both needed books,
DVD's and personal comfort items.
The collection occurred in May 2015, in time for the collected items to be presented to both places in
time for Memorial Day. Forty collection boxes were prepared and placed in homerooms during an
assembly program where the elementary students were told of the needs of the Veterans at both places.
The boxes were collected after a week, and the top three homerooms were awarded with certificates for
a lunch treat.
At the Wilkes-Barrie Family Support Center: L to R: Henry
Desrosiers, Carbon County Veterans Affairs Director, Deb
Schlosser, Chief Voluntary Services, Lisa Urban, Assistant;
Anthony Omnichmowski, Navy Club; Joseph Sweeney,
Panther Valley Teacher; Scott Reinhart, Navy Club, Richard
Tamplin, Navy Club.
At the Gino Merli Veterans Center: Resident
Francis Delucci; Michael Semian, Commander of
the Gino Merli Center; Richard Tamplin, Anthony
Omnichmowski, Scott Reinhart, Navy Club; Joseph
Sweeney, Panther Valley Teacher; Sam Greenberg,
Special Assistant Gino Merli Center, Anthony
Desrosiers, Carbon County Veterans Affairs
Director, and Paul Mahon, Resident.
The various items were sorted and counted and the results of the collection were totaled. There were
over 1000 Books, both hard cover and paperback; 77 Puzzle and word search books; 265 DVD's; 102
music CD's and 850 all occasion cards. The items were divided into two equal amounts, and were
presented to The Wilkes-Barre Veterans Family Support Center at the VA Medical Center, WilkesBarre PA and The Gino J. Merli Veterans Center in Scranton, PA.
Both places stated they were very grateful for the work of the students and Ship 260 for participating in
this successful endeavor.
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November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
In other news, Ship 260 presented Mrs. Althea Siesputowski a Certificate of Appreciation for all of her
hard work supporting The Carbon County Navy Club for the past 5 years. The certificate was
presented at her home where she was recovering from surgery.
Ship 260 officers are also active on the county level, with several members on the planning committee
for the annual Carbon County Veterans Parade. Besides assisting with the fund raising efforts for the
parade, they are also on the core committee organizing the parade.
Submitted by Scott Reinhart
Navy Club of Lake Ontario - Ship #1812
PTSD Program Donation
On Friday, September 4, 2015, the Commander of the Navy Club of Lake Ontario, Ship 1812, Robert
Currier; the Senior Executive Officer, John R. Comins and three (3) Associate Members, Sue Currier,
Amanda Cramer and Kelly Shortsleeve, presented representatives of the Batavia NY Veteran's Center
PTSD Program with a check in the amount of $1,000. Mr. Currier presented the check to Mr. Mark
Francis, Volunteer Program Manager; Mr. Jerry Maculuso, Men's Program Clinical Lead and Mr. David
Ramsey, PTSD Head Nurse. This is the second $1,000 donation presented to the Batavia VA centers
PTSD program by the Navy Club in the past 3 years. The Navy Club holds an Annual Pig Roast in May
each year, numerous raffles and other activities to raise funds to support various Veteran (such as the
PTSD Program) and other Education and Community support projects. The Navy Club also supports
other Veteran and Active Duty Navy programs such as the Fisher House, Recruiter of the Year and
Military Excellence Award for the Navy Recruit Command in Great Lakes, IL through the sale of Navy
Club of USA Challenge Coins, Ways and Means Raffle and sale of Military Baseball caps during the
Brockport Arts Festival and Webster Garlic Festival. For more information on membership and
activities of the Navy Club of Lake Ontario, Ship 1812, go to
Pictured left to right: Jerry Maculuso, John R Comins, Sue Currier,
Amada Cramer, Kelly Shortsleeve, David Ramsey, Robert Currier
and Mark Francis
Pictured left to right: Bob Currier, David Ramsey, Mark Francis
and Jerry Maculuso
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November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
Additional Ships of the Navy Club USA
Navy Club of Elgin - Ship #7
Navy Club of Adam G. Stelzer - Ship #9
Navy Club of Lafayette - Ship #12
Navy Club of Hamilton County - Ship #29
Navy Club of Peoria - Ship #34
Navy Club of Fort Wayne - Ship #48
Navy Club of Central Wisconsin - Ship #64
Navy Club of Dubois County - Ship #90
Navy Club of Lebanon - Ship #91
Navy Club of Lancaster County - Ship #166
Navy Club of New Haven - Ship #245
Navy Club of Black Diamond - Ship #257
Navy Club of Reading - Ship #258
Navy Club of York, PA - Ship #259
Navy Club of Orleans County - Ship #269
Navy Club of the USS Kidd - Ship #661
Navy Club of Pittsburgh, PA - Ship #720
Navy Club of the USS Ohio - Ship #726
Shipmates on Eternal Liberty.
Jeffrey L. Uber, 1961 – 2015 Jeffrey was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and was a past commander of
both the Marine Corps League and Navy Club.
Upcoming NCUSA Events
January 24-30, 2016 - National US Navy Recruiters of the Year
Award ceremony taking place on Wednesday 27 January 2016 at 1800 at The Navy Memorial. Navy
Club USA will have their annual luncheon for the Recruiters of the Year on Thursday 28 January 2016.
National Staff meeting will be held Thursday morning before ROY luncheon. Award ceremony
location: Naval Heritage Center and Museum, 701 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004.
Navy Club ROY luncheon and National Staff meeting location: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge,
1900 N. Fort Myer Drive, Arlington, Virginia, 22209
April 1, 2016 - National Navy Club USA Great Lakes Day
National Navy Club USA Great Lakes Day is scheduled for Friday 01 April 2016 - The location of
National Executive Staff meeting and other activities is being worked on.
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November 15, 2015
Navy Club USA
June 16/18, 2016 NCUSA National Convention
NCUSA 2016 National Convention will be hosted by Ship 12, Ship 29 and Ship 35 and is scheduled for
16, 17 & 18 June 2016 in Indianapolis, IN. The convention site is the Hilton Embassy Suites Hotel,
Indianapolis North, 3912 Vincennes Road Indianapolis, Indiana, 46268. Questions about the
convention should be directed to David Fentz. Dave’s phone number is (317) 374-8305
NCUSA Website
Navy Club USA website is
Please email constructive comments to
We are in need of a FaceBook editor. If you would like to volunteer please send a note to
NCUSA Email List
If you would like to be included in the new NCUSA email list click here to subscribe.
Quarterdeck Chairman Notes
I hope you have enjoyed reading about the many accomplishments of our Navy Club in this edition of
the Quarterdeck. You may have noticed that the tone and content of this issue is different from past
Quarterdeck issues. For this issue Ship Communication Officers submitted an article celebrating their
Ship’s accomplishments. I hope we have attained the goal of truly showing how great, and active, the
Ships of National Navy Club are serving our Veterans, and active duty Sailors and Marines. As servant
leaders we often practice our mantra too well and do not widely publish, or celebrate, how often we
serve others. Your input to the Quarterdeck is your opportunity to celebrate your accomplishments.
The Next issue of the Quarterdeck will be published May 15, 2016. Communication Officers will once
again be solicited for articles celebrating their Ship. It is the Ship Leadership responsibility to ensure
their activities are included in the Quarterdeck.
Please email me with any thoughts, or ideas, on how to improve our Quarterdeck publication.
Fair winds and following seas Shipmates!
JW Zeszutek,
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