Rinearson Creek newsletter copy
Rinearson Creek newsletter copy
Friends of Rinearson Creek MAY 2013 A STUDENT NEWSLETTER WWW.SOLVEOREGON.ORG West Linn High School and Gladstone High School steward Rinearson Creek once a month! Untitled Lessons learned at Rinearson Creek By Caleb, West Linn High School When people think about helping the environment, they think about buying a Prius, or organic foods, or using solar energy. And while those things are helpful, it’s often the smaller things people forget about that have just as large an impact. The time I’ve spent working with SOLVE has taught me so much about things I can do to make the world a better place. Getting rid of invasive species, plating natives ones, help the plants grow, make habitats for the animals, watch what I do with everyday items, etc. Everyone often forgets it’s small things like that that really change things. I remember one trip we did where we went to the creek to plant trees and look for macroinvertebrates and it was shocking to see how much damage had been done. The banks were eroded, the land was incredibly loose and muddy, and the creek was atrociously dirty. If people took the time to just assess a place’s situation, they would realize that it’s not as damaged as they might think and that they themselves can change it for the better if they only took the time and effort to try. I did that this year and it felt so good to do it that it’s not something I’ll forget and I will definitely use what I learned some time in the future. A place so calm but corrupted but people like us can fix it. Each day we plant a ne w life to help save the fish. Pushing towards a ne w beginning I remind m yself I am a student I am an Oregonian I am one of hundreds who’s willing to make a diffe rence. -Gladstone High School . -West Linn High School Untitled Natural beauty is the eighth wonder of the world Do we under appreciate it? Do we terrorize it? We do nothing. But we try And it’s a beautiful effort Because one day it will thrive. -Chrisann, West Linn High School, Grade 12 A Green Team lesson that will last a lifetime Untitled I’m surrounded by beauty. The trickle of the stream is a melody. In the distance I hear birds chirping. They sing me a song. They sing a song in thanks. The birds thank me and my class for helping at Rinearson. -Gladstone High School By SOLVE Green Team Program Coordinator Meghan Ballard Sam, a current freshman at Portland Community College, started her volunteer experience with SOLVE through Green Team during the 2011-2012 school year. This year she has returned to teach the West Linn High School Green Team. As a Stream Team Captain she has led Saturday events and also even taught a birding workshop to train SOLVE volunteers! We at SOLVE are very lucky to have such a wonderful volunteer rise up through the volunteer training ranks to become such an outstanding and inspiring teacher for our Green Team program! Thank you Sam! - West Linn High School Planting at Rinearson Creek is so rewarding to me. When I see my peers doing so much good work it makes me have such a flooding sense of hope. Although we will no longer be here the memories and rewarding feelings will stay with us always. -Gladstone High School -Gladstone High School The Results are In.... During the 2012-2013 School Year Students... • Cleared 3400 square feet of invasive species such as Armenian Blackberry! • Planted 450 native trees and shrubs that will enhance habitat, provide shade for the Creek, and filter polluted stormwater. • Installed 140 Red Osier Dogwood and Pacific Willow cuttings that are beginning to sprout! • Mulched 320 native plants to protect them from invasive plants and drying out during the summer I’ve always enjoyed being outside. Before I was more environmentally aware, I used to go on walks and look at the plants or listen to birds. Working with SOLVE makes me feel like I am really giving back to the planet that provides us with so much. The process we’ve gone through during the year of planting natives and caring for them has given me hope. When we all work together, we can change anything. When we first came here, the park was overgrown. Through the process of planting, clearing, mulching, and caring, the park is full of growing, happy native plants that will improve the environment. I’m proud of the work I’ve done here, and look forward to doing more in the future. By Bailey, West Linn High School Rinearson Rinearson is a work in progress. Rinearson is a treasure to be uncovered. Rinearson is a memory full of fun. Rinearson is better now that we all have helped. Rinearson will always be here. Rinearson. - Gladstone High School The Earth When I help the earth, I feel really good. It is such a beautiful earth and quite misunderstood. If we clean up the earth everything will be better. Because we need the earth, So let’s work together. - Taija, West Linn High School Want to get involved? Contact Meghan at meghan@solv.org 503-844-9571 x 323 solvgreenteam.wordpress.com