Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange
Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange
Highway407East,BrockRoadInterchange DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: 407 ETR CONCESSION COMPANY LIMITED AND MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION 16.12040.001.EN1 | February 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation THEPUBLICRECORD Copies of this document have been submitted to the following offices of the Ministry of the Environment to be placed in the Public Record: The Ministry of the Environment Central Region Office 5775 Yonge St. 8th floor North York ON M2M 4J1 Toll free: 1-800-810-8048 Tel: (416) 326-6700 This report is also available for review during regular business hours at: The Corporation of the City of Pickering Clerk’s Office One the Esplanade Pickering, ON Pickering Public Library, Greenwood Branch 3540 Westney Rd South of 6th Concession Greenwood, ON The Ministry of Transportation Central Region Strategic Highway Management Office 7th Floor, Building ‘D’ 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, ON 407ETR Customer Service Centre 6300 Steeles Ave. West Woodbridge, ON A digital copy of the report is also available to be viewed online at: www.highway407east.com/project-info/project-background/reports/ Ce document hautement specialise n’est disponible qu’en Anglais en vertu du règlement 671/92 qui en exempte l’application de la Loi sur les services en français. Pour de l’aide en français, veuillez communiquer avec Heather Edwardson, ministère des Transports, au (905) 704-2210. MMM Group Limited i 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Project Overview.................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background Environmental Assessment ........................................................................ 1 1.2 Summary Description of the Undertaking ....................................................................... 3 1.3 Refinement to Brock Road Interchange ......................................................................... 7 1.3.1 1.4 2 3 Purpose of the Design and Construction Report .......................................................... 11 Consultation Process ........................................................................................................... 11 2.1 Public Information Centre ............................................................................................. 12 2.2 Agency Consultation..................................................................................................... 13 Detailed Description of the Recommended Design ............................................................. 15 3.1.1 Structures .............................................................................................................. 15 3.1.2 Utilities ................................................................................................................... 16 3.1.3 Staging .................................................................................................................. 17 3.1.4 Community Value Plan .......................................................................................... 17 3.2 Environmental Issues and Commitments ..................................................................... 19 3.2.1 4 Net Effects Assessment of Design Change ............................................................ 7 Natural and Physical Environment ........................................................................ 19 Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat ........................................................................ 19 Wildlife............................................................................................................ 26 Vegetation ...................................................................................................... 29 Drainage ......................................................................................................... 32 Groundwater .................................................................................................. 35 Erosion and Sediment Control ....................................................................... 39 3.2.2 Cultural Heritage Environment .............................................................................. 41 3.2.3 Socio-Economic Environment ............................................................................... 42 Property Requirements and Access ............................................................... 42 Air Quality ....................................................................................................... 43 Management of Excess Material and Disposal of Waste ............................... 43 Summary of Environmental Concerns and Commitments ................................................... 44 4.1 Endangered Species Act Permit Applications .............................................................. 44 5 Conditions of MOE Approval ............................................................................................... 45 6 Environmental Compliance Documentation ......................................................................... 45 6.1 Environmental Management Plan ................................................................................ 45 6.2 Annual EA Compliance Monitoring Reporting .............................................................. 45 MMM Group Limited ii 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited 7 Monitoring ............................................................................................................................ 52 7.1 8 Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Construction Monitoring ................................................................................................ 52 References .......................................................................................................................... 53 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Project Location Plan .................................................................................................... 2 Figure 2: Interchange Plan ........................................................................................................... 4 Figure 3: EA / Detail Design Comparison .................................................................................... 6 Figure 4: Community Value Plan ............................................................................................... 18 Figure 5: Existing Natural Environment Conditions ................................................................... 21 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: Summary Of Comparison Between EA Interchange Design And Design Refinements ................................................................................................................ 9 Table 2.1: Summary of Comments Received at the PIC ........................................................... 12 Table 2.2: Summary of Agency Consultations ........................................................................... 13 Table 3.1: List of Structures ....................................................................................................... 15 Table 3.2: Summary of Site Specific Temporary and Permanent Impacts Related to Fish and Fish Habitat ............................................................................................................... 22 Table 3.3: Summary of Wildlife Passage and Openness Ratios for Structures ......................... 27 Table 3.4: Summary of Storage Stormwater Management Ponds ............................................ 33 Table 3.5: Groundwater Conditions at Watercourse Crossings and Sites for Stormwater Ponds ........................................................................................................................ 36 Table 6.1: Summary of Environmental Concerns and Commitments for the Highway 407ETR East / Brock Road Interchange ................................................................................. 46 Table 6.2: Summary of EA Commitments and EA Compliance ................................................. 49 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: PUBLIC CONSULTATION APPENDIX B: DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STAGING PLANS MMM Group Limited iii 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Additional information about this project is also available by contacting the key Project Team members identified below: MMM Group Limited 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Ministry of Transportation Alla Dinerman, P.Eng. Peter Baldasaro, P.Eng. Frank Martins, P.Eng. Jeff Warren, B.Sc. Paul Ruttan Chris Brown Preparation of the contract documentation will proceed after completion of this Detail Design. The final design plans may identify minor design modifications or refinements that occur as part of the standard progression of Detail Design development. Any required modifications will adhere to the general intent of the EA Commitments made herein. MMM Group Limited iv 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation ACRONYMS AA ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT AAF AVOIDANCE ALTERNATIVE FORMS (MNR) ANSI AREA OF NATURAL AND SCIENTIFIC INTEREST CPR C ANADIAN P ACIFIC RAILWAY DCR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REPORT DFO DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS EA ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EAPD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN EBL E ASTBOUND L ANE EPL ENHANCED PROTECTION LEVEL (LEVEL 1) ESC EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ETR EXPRESS TOLL ROUTE IGF INFORMATION G ATHERING FORM (MNR) LOA LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION MASL METRES ABOVE SEA LEVEL MESP M ASTER ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICING PLAN MNR MINISTRY OF N ATURAL RESOURCES MOE MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT MTCS MINISTRY TOURISM, CULTURE AND SPORT MTO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION PIC PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE PTTW PERMIT TO T AKE W ATER ROW RIGHT-OF-W AY SAR SPECIES AT RISK SWL STATIC W ATER LEVEL TESR TRANSPORTATION ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY REPORT TRCA TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY WBL WESTBOUND L ANE MMM Group Limited v 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation 1 Project Overview MMM Group has been retained by Highway 407 ETR to carry out the detail design of the Highway 407 East / Brock road Interchange (Figure 1). The preliminary design was approved in 2010 as part of the 407 East Environmental Assessment. The detail design includes refinements made to the EA approved preliminary design. Refinements included the realignment of Brock Road to the west of Sideline 16 Road to avoid a protected archaeological site and the profile arrangement that required Highway 407 to be built over Highway 7 was changed to have Highway 7 travelling over Highway 407. The detail design including the design refinements are described in this report. 1.1 Background Environmental Assessment The 407 East Environmental Assessment (EA) Study was conducted as an Individual EA, in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act and was approved by the Minister of the Environment on June 3, 2010, allowing the project to proceed, subject to certain conditions. The project also underwent a review under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) and a decision statement was issued by the federal Minister of the Environment on July 7, 2011 allowing the project to proceed. The location of the Brock Road/407 interchange was based on an approved Class Environmental Assessment conducted by the Regional Municipality of Durham in 2003. The EA identified Brock Road to be realigned to the vicinity of Sideline 16. Archaeological field investigations carried out for the area of the Brock Road realignment identified the presence of a previously protected archaeological site. To avoid impacting the site, MTO modified the design of the interchange that included realigning Brock Road farther to the west. An Assessment of Design Refinements to the 407 East Brock Road Interchange was prepared in May, 2012. This report documented the changes between the design approved during the 407 East EA and the proposed design refinements. Several alternatives were considered in order to avoid the archaeological site and the change in the Brock Road alignment and new position of the interchange resulted in minor changes to the environmental impacts previously assessed in the 407 East EA. Recommendations and commitments were identified to be carried out during Detailed Design. Chapter 12 of the 407 East Transportation Corridor EA Report provided an outline for implementing design changes to Highway 407 East. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12 of the EA report, design changes to the Brock Road interchange are considered minor. The required design refinements are not considered significant as they will not result in any new significant environmental impacts. RELATED STUDIES Two related studies have been undertaken within the vicinity of the Brock Road interchange. These are the Brock Road Environmental Assessment and the Highway 7 Widening from Brock Road to Highway 12. MMM Group Limited 1 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Brock Road Environmental Assessment The Region of Durham undertook a Schedule ‘C’ Class Environmental Assessment Study to examine transportation concerns within the Brock Road (Regional Road 1) corridor between south of Bayly Street and north of Highway 7, north of the community of Brougham. The results of the study were documented in the Region of Durham Brock Road from south of Bayly Street to north of Highway 7, City of Pickering Class Environmental Assessment Environmental Study Report (2003). There will be some changes to the Brock Road realignment due to the design refinements, as approved under the Class EA process. The changes to the alignment and potential for new environmental effects were described in the Assessment of Design Refinements to the 407 East Brock Road Interchange. Highway 7 Widening from Brock Road to Highway 12 The MTO undertook a detail design study for the widening of Highway 7 between Brock Road in Pickering and Brock Street in Whitby. This project was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the MTO Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities for a Group ‘B’ project in 2008 (GWP 2110-05-00). Within the western project limits, Highway 7 was designed to transition into the Highway 407/Brock Road interchange. 1.2 Summary Description of the Undertaking The project involves a detail design of the new Highway 407/Realigned Brock Road Interchange (Parclo “A” interchange design) including realignments of Highway 7 and Brock Road to accommodate the interchange within the Region of Durham, in the City of Pickering (Figure 2). The design involves the construction of a new six-lane section of Highway 407, realigned fourlane section of Highway 7, realigned four-lane section of Brock Road, rural connecting roadways, local road closures, intersections, new bridges and retaining walls, structural and drainage culverts, utility relocations, illumination and ATMS, traffic signals, and stormwater management provisions including retention ponds and enhanced swales. The following detailed features will be provided: Separation of the existing eastbound and westbound lanes of Highway 407 from approximately 1.2 km west of the existing Highway 407/Brock Road intersection to the existing Highway 7/Sideline 16 Road intersection; New mainline Highway 407 East from the Highway 7/ Sideline 16 Road, easterly 850m, 3 km (including the separation) ; A new Highway 407/ realigned Brock Road Interchange; The realignment of Brock Road within the limits of the new interchange, 3.5 km ; The realignment of Highway 7, 1.2 km; The realignment of Sideline 16, rural connecting roadway north of Highway 7; Cul-de-sac closures for existing Brock Road, north and south of Highway 7; and Sideline 16, south of Highway 7; and New southbound entranceway into the future transitway station south of the interchange on the realigned Brock Road. MMM Group Limited 3 2013 Brock Road 1 0 6 M- TE 1 SI Highway 7 Highway 407 10 M- TE 7 SI 3 M- TE 4 SI Brougham C reek Tributary B MH X X X X X 3 M- TE 4 SI 9 M- X 8 M- X Brougham C reek X X W 2 M- TE 3 SI SWM Pond 03 5 M- TE 5 SI SWM Pond 07 S 4 3A M- ITE S Brougham C reek Tributary A SWM Pond 07 E Client: 407 ETR CONCESSION COMPANY LIMITED Title: Interchange Plan Prepared by: Brock Road 16-12040-001 Date: December 2012 Scale: 1:6000 Figure: 2 Review: SR Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation The design follows the approved “407 East Individual Environmental Assessment (EA) and Preliminary Design study” (approved June 3, 2010) and the “Assessment of Design Refinements to the 407 East Brock Road Interchange” (LGL, 2012). As part of the work the project team has undertaken a review of the road and bridge geometric configuration, and stormwater management facilities, which identified opportunities to optimize the preliminary design documented in the approved EA. A Value Engineering exercise was conducted with the objective to minimize construction footprint, reduce the significant earth borrow requirements and therefore simplify staging and reduce duration of construction. As a result of the value engineering the bridge crossing of Highway 7 and Highway 407 was reversed through lowering the Highway 407 profile and raising the Highway 7 profile over Highway 407 at a gentle grade. In this configuration the horizontal geometry of both roadways is maintained with the exception of minor tweaks. This new configuration offered significant benefits from the safety and operations, environment, construction and cost perspective. MMM Group Limited has worked constructively with the Ministry of Transportation (MTO), the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and others, toward preparing final safe and efficient design. In general, the results of proposed refinements are viewed as beneficial from the overall standpoint of ecological and social-economic perspectives. The effect of depressing Highway 407 beneath Highway 7 benefits the project in a significant manner. First and foremost, it allows Highway 407 to better conform to the existing topography, substantially reducing overall fill requirements, the highway footprint area and, bridge sizes. Fill reduction in stream valley corridors generally favours vegetation/habitat retention and mammal movement within valley lands. Vegetation removal for construction throughout the 407 alignment is also reduced. More specifically, recent design changes would result in both environmental and, safety/ operations benefits as follows: 1. Improvements to the safety and operation of Highway 7 and Brock Road through flatter vertical alignments (3% instead of 4.8% grade). 2. Reduction in footprint of the interchange and therefore reduced impact to the natural environment as elaborated below, Figure 3 shows the change in fill requirements between the EA and the design change: 3. Fill placement for the Highway 407 is minimized at the west approach to Brougham Creek Tributary B, thereby reducing potential to disrupt groundwater discharge in the lowlands area, where the water table is close to the surface, and potentially under artesian conditions. 4. The need to excavate below ground water level for the realigned Highway 7 is reduced, thereby reducing the risk of intercepting the ground water table in the area, which is close to the surface, and potentially under artesian conditions. 5. Elimination of the need for an off-line detour to construct the Highway 407 mainline and reduction of number of stages required during construction. Therefore the construction staging will result in a reduced footprint, reduced extent of the work and shorter construction duration. MMM Group Limited 5 2013 EA Footprint Detail Design Footprint Highway 7 M HA UG O BR EE CR K Y AR UT IB TR Highway 407 B Client: 407 ETR CONCESSION COMPANY LIMITED Title: EA / Detail Design Comparison Prepared by: 16-12040-001 Date: December 2012 Scale: 1:2000 Figure: 3 Review: JW Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation 6. The bridge crossing of Highway 7 over Highway 407 as proposed in the revised design will now span 195 m over Brougham Creek Tributary B, enabling the crossing of large mammals in the corridor. The previous design included a culvert ( 4.8 m (h) x 3 m (v) x 52 m (l)) crossing of Highway 7 which provided reduced passage opportunity for larger wildlife 7. The bridge crossing of Highway 407 over Brougham Creek Tributary B (Site 7) will be reduced to a single span from a 3-span structure, therefore reducing the duration of construction adjacent to the sensitive creek. 8. Reduction in the amount of earth fill imported to the site (borrow). Importing earth to the project requires a lengthy screening procedure prior to its use. In addition, placing of materials in high fills will potentially require preloading and will prolong the period of construction and disturbance. The design results in 212,660 m3 less fill. 1.3 Refinement to Brock Road Interchange 1.3.1 Net Effects Assessment of Design Change At the initiation of the detail design MMM Group conducted a value engineering exercise to identify opportunities to improve the value and efficiency of the design beyond the EA approved design. From this it was identified that value and efficiency could be achieved by lowering the Highway 407 profile and raising the Highway 7 profile over Highway 407 at a gentle grade. In this configuration the horizontal geometry of both roadways is maintained with the exception of minor tweaks (Figure 3). This new configuration offered significant benefits from the safety and operations, environment, construction and cost perspective. Chapter 12 of the EA identified the amending process to address and document design changes that arise during detail design. To ensure that the new design was consistent with the intent of the E.A., an assessment of impacts of the design refinement has been carried out to identify whether the design modification had a minor or major effect. The description of the design is presented in section 1.2. 1) DESCRIPTION OF DESIGN REFINEMENT AND BENEFITS The effect of taking Highway 7 over Highway 407 benefits the project in a significant manner. First and foremost, it allows Highway 407 to better conform to the existing topography, substantially reducing overall fill requirements, the highway footprint area and, bridge sizes. Fill reduction in stream valley corridors favours vegetation/habitat retention and mammal movement within valley lands. Vegetation removal for construction throughout the 407 alignment is reduced. More specifically, recent design changes would result in both environmental and, safety/ operations benefits as follows: i) Improvements to the safety and operation of Highway 7 and Brock Road through flatter vertical alignments (3% instead of 4.8% grade). ii) Reduction in footprint of the interchange and therefore reduced impact to the natural environment as elaborated below: a. Fill placement for the Highway 407 is minimized at the west and east approach to Brougham Creek Tributary B, thereby reducing potential to disrupt groundwater discharge in the lowlands area, where the water table is close to the surface, and potentially under artesian conditions. The area of MMM Group Limited 7 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation reduced fill is shown in Figure 3. With this design revision, the area of fill is reduced from 30, 500 m2 to 27,000 m2 and the fill volume is reduced from 273,000 m3 to 60,340 m3 b. The need to excavate below ground water level for the realigned Highway 7 is reduced, thereby reducing the risk of intercepting the ground water table in the area, which is close to the surface, and potentially under artesian conditions. iii) Elimination of the need for an off-line detour to construct the Highway 407 mainline and reduction of number of stages required during construction. Therefore the construction staging will result in a reduced footprint, reduced extent of the work and shorter construction duration. iv) The bridge crossing of Highway 7 over Highway 407 as proposed in the revised design will now span the Brougham Creek Tributary B, enabling the crossing of large mammals in the corridor, which was not previously provided. At the Highway 7 crossing the tributary was enclosed in a culvert 4.5 m (horizontal) x 3 m (vertical) x 52 m (length). With the revised design, Highway 7 now spans the tributary and valleyland. The span length is 195 m and the height of the structure above the valleyland ranges from 4.9 m at the abutments to 20 m at the tributary. This provides a large opening for all groups of wildlife to pass beneath Highway 7 and Highway 407. The bridge crossing of Highway 407 over Brougham Creek Tributary B (Site 7) will be reduced to a single span from a 3-span structure, therefore reducing the duration of construction adjacent to the sensitive creek. v) Reduction in the amount of earth fill imported to the site (borrow). Importing earth to the project requires a lengthy screening procedure prior to its use. In addition, placing of materials in high fills will potentially require preloading and will prolong the period of construction and disturbance. With the design revision, the volume of fill required is reduced by 212,660 m3 2) ASSESSMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE OF DESIGN CHANGE The information provided in Table 1.1, identifies the effect of the design change on the environmental factors that occur within the study area of the Brock Road/407 interchange. For each environmental factor the change in environmental effects associated with the design change is discussed. The third column of the table then identifies any changes to commitments, additional approval requirements or mitigation measures and whether they differ significantly from the EA commitments. MMM Group Limited 8 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Table 1.1: Summary Of Comparison Between EA Interchange Design And Design Refinements Environmental Factor Changes in Environmental Effects Associated with the Design Refinements Fish and Fist Habitat Approved EA At Site 7, Highway 7 crossing of Brougham Creek Tributary B, the watercourse is enclosed in a 4.8 m (h) x 3 m (v) x 52 m (length) culvert. Changes to Commitments for Securing Approvals and Permits, or Mitigation Measures Discussions are underway to seek ESA approval from MNR for the natural channel design at Site 7. The EA identified a single span of 44 m (for each of WBL/EBL of Highway 407 over Highway 7. This resulted in fill embankments which extended into the buffer habitat of Brougham Creek Tributary B. Design Refinement Highway 7 now spans Brougham Creek Tributary B with a three span structure (total span length – 195 m) which allows the Highway 7 culvert to be removed and the natural channel to be restored. Vegetation and Vegetation Communities Highway 7 over 407 is raised on piers which reduces the fill footprint and reduces overall encroachment into buffer habitat of Brougham Creek Tributary B. Approved EA Vegetation units affected by the EA include WS16-1 (vegetation type SWC31) and C5S16-1c (FOD). The total area of vegetation removed from these units was 0.38 ha. No new approvals, permits or mitigation measures are required. Design Refinement Removal of portions of vegetation units WS16-1 and C5S16-1c will occur with the design refinement but will be reduced to 0.16 ha. MMM Group Limited 9 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Environmental Factor Changes in Environmental Effects Associated with the Design Refinements Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat Approved EA At Site 7, Highway 7 crossing of Brougham Creek Tributary B, the watercourse is enclosed in a 4.8 m (h) x 3 m (v) x 52 m (length) culvert. Changes to Commitments for Securing Approvals and Permits, or Mitigation Measures No additional mitigation will be required to address wildlife passage. Upstream of Highway 7, Highway 407 spans the tributary with a three span structure with a total span length of 75 m. Design Refinement Highway 7 over Highway 407 allows for the removal of the Highway 7 culvert and replacement with a 195 m span length and height that approaches 20 m. This is sufficient to provide passage for small and large wildlife. Hydrogeology The 407 crossing of the tributary is reduced to a single span of 38 m and a minimum height of 5.5 m. This achieves an openness ratio of 2.26 which exceeds the openness ratio target of 0.6 to 1 to encourage deer use. Small differences between the EA and Design Refinement are considered to be a neutral effect. Noise No change from Design Refinement Air Quality No change from Design Refinement Landscape Composition The Design Refinement will require some small changes to the Community Value Plan (CVP) that was prepared during the EA. The changes only relate to a small change in the location of stabilization and edge treatments. This is considered to be a neutral effect. MMM Group Limited 10 Groundwater inputs to Brougham Creek Tributary B are linked to maintaining redside dace habitat. Discussions are underway to seek ESA approval from MNR for the Site 7 crossing. No new approvals, permits or mitigation measures are required. No new approvals, permits or mitigation measures are required. The CVP has been revised to address the design refinements at the Brock Road Interchange. 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Environmental Factor Changes in Environmental Effects Associated with the Design Refinements Socio-Economic The Design Refinement does not result in a change to effects to the socioeconomic environment compared to the approved EA. Overall, the impacts to agriculture are similar to the EA approved interchange design. The mitigation measures that were included in the 407 East EA are sufficient to address any waste management issues in the vicinity of the Brock Road interchange. No additional archaeological sites are impacted due to the realignment of Brock Road and Highway 7 over Highway 407. No change from Design Refinement Agricultural Waste Management and Contamination Archaeology Built Heritage Changes to Commitments for Securing Approvals and Permits, or Mitigation Measures No new approvals, permits or mitigation measures are required. No new approvals, permits or mitigation measures are required. No new approvals, permits or mitigation measures are required. No new approvals, permits or mitigation measures are required. No new approvals, permits or mitigation measures are required. Based on the foregoing analysis it is concluded that the net effect of changes related to the design refinement will not result in a significant change or effect. The main factors are the reduced footprint of the interchange, the opening of the Site 7 crossing to permit both small and large wildlife passage and reduced construction at Highway 407 crossing of Brougham Creek Tributary B which is beneficial to redside dace habitat. In accordance with the conditions for amending the EA it is concluded that the design refinement is considered an insignificant or minor change relative to the approved EA. 1.4 Purpose of the Design and Construction Report The purpose of this Design and Construction Report (DCR) is to document the proposed design of the Highway 407/Brock Road interchange. The design reflects detailing the preliminary design since the EA approval and includes the refinements made as part of the detail design process. The following sections present the consultation carried out during detail design, existing conditions and effects to the physical, natural and socio-economic environment, impacts and mitigation, environmental protection measures, monitoring and commitments to future works and activities. 2 Consultation Process Consultation is an integral component of the Class EA process and is carried out in conjunction with transportation engineering and environmental protection principles. Consultation involves initiating and maintaining contact with external agencies (federal, provincial, municipal); First Nation communities and local stakeholders to ensure that issues are addressed and decisions are made after considering environmental impacts. MMM Group Limited 11 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation External consultation involved notification of project commencement and to notify interested stakeholders and agencies of a Public Information Centre to present the detail design. The consultation program involved the following elements: Newspaper notification to identify the initiation of the study and provide details for the Public Information Centre (PIC) Newspaper notification to identify the filing of and 30-day public review period for the DCR. Mailings to the agencies, First Nations and stakeholders Meetings with provincial, federal and municipal agencies, Toronto Region Conservation Authority, utility companies and landowners A comprehensive list of external agencies, municipalities and First Nation communities contacted and informed of the proposed work is included in the Appendix A. 2.1 Public Information Centre A Public Information Centre (PIC) was held on November 21, 2012 to present the proposed detail design for the Highway 407 East / Brock Road Interchange to the public. The PIC was held at Brougham Hall in the Village of Brougham. A Notice of Detail Design Study and Public Information Centre was published in the Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington This Week on November 14, 2012 and in the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser on November 16, 2012. A copy of the Notice and examples of agency & First Nation letters are included in Appendix A. An advanced session for review agencies was held from 3pm to 4pm, followed by the public open house from 4pm to 8pm. Ten (10) people signed in during the Agency session of the PIC that included representatives from the Region of Durham and City of Pickering. No comments were received during the Agency session. Ten (10) people signed in during the open house session of the PIC. Two comments were submitted at the time of the PIC. No additional comments were received by December 5, 2012. A summary of the comments and the response or action taken are summarized in Table 2.1. Table 2.1: Summary of Comments Received at the PIC Summary Comments Received A stakeholder requested a copy of the Interchange drawing. A concern was raised about the potential for encroachment of the Brock Road North bypass into lands associated with the “Matthews Family Cemetery” Summary of Response and/or Action Taken The drawing was provided to the stakeholder The Heritage Reports for the project were reviewed to confirm the location of this heritage feature relative to the Interchange. It has been confirmed that MTO’s assessment during the EA did not reveal the location of a cemetery or gravestone in the Brougham area that corresponds to the identified Matthews Family Cemetery. A direct response was not provided to the stakeholder as they did not provide contact information. MMM Group Limited 12 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation 2.2 Agency Consultation Provincial and federal government agencies were contacted and informed of the proposed work. Letters were mailed to all relevant agencies to provide details about the Detail Design study and invite representatives to attend the PIC. Examples of project notifications to agencies are found in Appendix A. Due to the requirement for permits and approvals from review agencies, several meetings were held between the design team and the various agencies. MMM, 407ETR and MTO carried out consultation with several regulatory and local agencies. These agencies are listed in Table 2.2 along with a summary of issues and topics of consultation applicable to each. Table 2.2: Summary of Agency Consultations Agency Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) Durham Region City of Pickering MMM Group Limited Issue / Topic Species at Risk: Barn Swallow and Redside Dace Permitting under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) Channel Realignments and crossing structure sizing Stormwater Management Permit to Take Water Access Routes, Access/mitigation plans Pre-Construction Drilling Beaver Dam Removal (geotechnical) Permissible in-water timing windows for construction Construction staging Impact Assessment Erosion control in channel designs Stormwater management ponds Tie in to Regional Roads Protect for 6 laning of Brock Road in future Traffic design considerations 4 to 2 lane transition from the interchange to south limit of project Design speed Provision for future bike lanes Community Value Plan Turning basin designs 13 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Agency Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Utilities Ministry of the Environment Issue / Topic Stormwater Management facilities designs Loss of Fish Habitat Utility Conflicts / Relocation Strategy Construction Staging Electrical Coordination Groundwater and Wells Detail design to be carried out in accordance with EA approval Design refinements to follow intent of the approved EA (MOE) MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Extensive consultation with the MNR was required through the detail design and involved regular monthly meetings to discuss and review the designs. The MNR review of the project relates to the review and approval of the works with the potential to impact species afforded protection under the Endangered Species Act. Therefore, these consultations were intended to facilitate the review and approval process with respect to the ESA permit requirements for the project. As such, they will continue through to the receipt of approvals. Meetings and discussions with the MNR involved the following: Pre-consultation discussion to outline project status and requirements / progress o Topic of discussion: refinement of profile for Hwy 7 to cross above Hwy 407 o Changes to proposed channel realignments and ESA permit documentation requirements Fisheries watercourses – coordination / progress o Proposed channel design elements, crossing size assessment (Sites 102/101/4/5), and general construction staging o Impact Assessment documentation process, Site 7 Design Brief, and SWM Designs o Staging at Site 7 o Site 3/3a Design Brief and SWM Design updates Submission of Information Gathering Forms (IGF), Avoidance Alternative Forms (AAF), Permit Application Form and supporting Impact Assessment Tables and Figures; MNR review and comments MMM Group Limited 14 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation 3 Detailed Description of the Recommended Design This section describes the recommended design, including refinements, environmental issues, mitigation and commitments to future work. The major features of the detail design for the Interchange include: Separation of the existing eastbound and westbound lanes of Highway 407 from approximately 1.2 km west of the existing Highway 407/Brock Road intersection to the existing Highway 7/Sideline 16 Road intersection; New mainline Highway 407 East from the Highway 7/ Sideline 16 Road, easterly 850m, 3 km (including the separation) ; A new Highway 407/ realigned Brock Road Interchange; The realignment of Brock Road within the limits of the new interchange, 3.5 km ; The realignment of Highway 7, 1.2 km; The realignment of Sideline 16 north of Highway 7; Cul-de-sac closures for existing Brock Road, north and south of Highway 7; and Sideline 16, south of Highway 7; Provisions for a new southbound entranceway into the future transitway station south of the interchange on the realigned Brock Road; and, Implementation of the Community Value Plan. 3.1.1 Structures The structural designs for the Interchange include the construction of three different types of structures. The structure types include Integral Abutment Bridges, False-Abutment Bridges and Structural Culverts. Site specific details are provided in Table 3.1. The location of the structures is shown in Figure 2. Table 3.1: List of Structures Width (m) Site # Description Type Spans Height Substruct ure Superstructure (m) M-1 Site 2 Hwy 407 EBL over Urfe Creek Integral 42.0 24.9 17.8 2.2 M-2 Site 3 N-W Ramp over Brougham Creek Integral 24.0 10.5 9.3 4.0 M-2 Site 3 Hwy 407 WBL over Brougham Creek Integral 24.0 30.0 20.8 3.3 M-2 Site 3 Hwy 407 EBL over Brougham Creek Integral 24.0 27.5 17.8 4.0 M-2 Site 3 W-N/S Ramp over Brougham Creek Integral 24.0 12.3 12.05 4.0 MMM Group Limited 15 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Width (m) Site # Description Type Spans Height Substruct ure Superstructure (m) M-3a Site 4 Hwy 407 and N-W Ramp over Brougham Cr Culvert 2 x 2.4 114 N/A 1.5 M-3b Site 4 S-E Ramp over Brougham Cr Culvert 3.6 71 N/A 1.5 M-4 Site 3A Realigned Brock Road over Brougham Cr. Integral 32.732.732.7 32.3 27.22 10 14.0 M-5 Site 5 Realigned Brock Road over Brougham Cr. Culvert 3.6 115 N/A 1.5 M-6 Site 101 Realigned Hwy 7 over Brougham Cr. Culvert 3.6 43.5 N/A 1.5 M-7 Site 102 Realigned Brock Road over Brougham Cr. Culvert 2.4 49 N/A 1.2 Hwy 407/ Realigned Brock Road U/P False Integral 40.0 40.0 32.6 32.6 5.2 M-8 M-9 Site 7 Hwy 407/ Realigned Hwy 7 U/P EBL False Abutment 74.457.362.6 14.5 13.0 4.9 20.0 M-9 Site 7 Hwy 407/ Realigned Hwy 7 U/P WBL False Abutment 62.659.574.4 14.5 13.0 4.9 20.0 M-10 Site 7 Hwy 407 WBL over Brougham Creek Trib. Integral 38.0 32.5 23.5 5.5 M-10 Site 7 Hwy 407 EBL over Brougham Creek Trib. Integral 38.0 31.0 22.0 5.5 3.1.2 Utilities The following utilities will be affected as a result of the Highway 407 ETR East / Brock Road Interchange. Utility relocations will be carried out according to relocation plans and schedules included in the contract package and will be completed by the appropriate organization as described below: Veridan Connections: Relocations involve the installation of taller poles to replace the existing pole located on the east side of the Interchange, to span over the new Hwy 407. Aerial lines are proposed along the realigned Brock Road and Hwy 7, and along Sideline 16. Rogers Cable: Connections MMM Group Limited Relocations will be completed through joint-use with Veridan 16 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Bell Canada: Relocations involve both underground and joint-use with Veridan Connections where specified in the contract package. Enbridge Gas: Relocations will be finalized prior to construction once all conflicts based on test pit information have been resolved. In general, all relocation plans and strategies will be completed prior to construction. 3.1.3 Staging The Interchange is scheduled to proceed in five stages and span three construction seasons. Traffic management measures have been incorporated into staging plans such that two lanes of traffic, one in each direction, between Hwy 407 and Hwy 7 will be maintained during construction. Short term lane reductions will be required to complete some components and tasks during construction. This will involve appropriate signage and flagging to advise drivers of changes on the road ahead. Construction of the Interchange will require a total of five (5) detours as well as local detours for the construction of major culverts. Temporary traffic signals will be used at the following intersections to maintain traffic flow. Highway 407 and Brock Road Highway 7 and Detour 1 Plans showing the construction staging and detour routes are presented in Appendix B. 3.1.4 Community Value Plan The Community Value Plan (CVP) was developed during the 407 East EA. The CVP provides measures to protect/enhance the local landscape, social environment and also incorporates mitigation measures to naturalize areas of the 407 corridor and promote wildlife movement through barrier and directional fencing. A specific plan was developed for the 407 Brock Road interchange through this process. The CVP presented in this report has been detailed to reflect the change in the Brock Road alignment to the west of Sideline 16 and the changes associated with taking Highway 7 over Highway 407. The changes to the interchange design associated with this are presented in sections 1.3.1 and 3.1.1 of this report. The components of the CVP include woodland plantings, fencing for wildlife, edge management and bank stabilization treatments and a proposed Regional Gateway feature.. The CVP is shown in Figure 4 and the following is a description of each of the components that will be implemented: Woodland Plantings: native coniferous and deciduous tree species and native deciduous shrub species planted in the interchange loops and ramps to provide a natural cover. Site preparation for planting will include grading (associated with interchange) and placement of 75 mm bark mulch to provide soil moisture retention and organic matter in the soil matrix Edge Management: this involves measures to reduce impacts to areas of newly created forest edge that result from clearing for the highway. o Edge management has been developed for the forest edge at Site 3A (Unit C5BR-3) to address impacts to the new forest edge from the realigned Brock Road crossing of this feature. Edge management measures include plantings of deciduous trees in floodplain and valley slope, and removal of buckthorn within 30 m of cleared edge. MMM Group Limited 17 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation o Edge management is provided for at Site 4 (Unit C5BR-2) and Site 7 (Unit C5S16-1) in accordance with the EA commitments. o Edge management measures for Site 4 include shrub and tree plantings in upland and riparian areas, and include buckthorn removal. o Edge management measures for Site 7 include plantings of cedar and mixed deciduous trees and shrubs in the lower slope at cleared edge, and buckthorn removal within 30 m of cleared edge. Bank Stabilization: This includes installation of plantings to stabilize the newly created and graded slopes associated with the highway. Native vegetation includes a lower tier planting of shrubs with tree planting farther up the slope. Ground treatment will include bark mulch. Wildlife Fencing: Wildlife fencing will be installed to prevent wildlife from crossing the highway on both the north and south of Site 3 and Site 7. Fencing will be aligned to direct wildlife to pass beneath Highway 407 at these two sites. Fencing will be 2.4 m high chain link fence with a 0.9 m high small opening mesh fence attached at the bottom to prevent smaller animals from passing through the chain link layer. The fine mesh layer will be buried 0.6 m below ground to prevent animals tunneling and accessing the highway. Regional Gateway: The gateway feature is proposed to be located within the interchange between Hwy 407 EBL and the W-N/S Ramp. The Regional Gateway concept is currently in development in consultation with the Region of Durham. 3.2 Environmental Issues and Commitments 3.2.1 Natural and Physical Environment Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat All watercourses within the project limits contribute to the Duffins Creek watershed. These watercourses are identified as: Urfe Creek, Brougham Creek, Tributary A of Brougham Creek and Tributary B of Brougham Creek (Figure 5) Brougham Creek at the proposed crossings (Site 3/3a) provides coldwater habitat, and is known to support the coldwater species Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) downstream of Sideline 16, and managed as Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongates) recovery habitat by MNR under the provincial Endangered Species Act. The Brougham Creek tributary at Site 7 provides coldwater habitat, and is known to support the coldwater species Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), and managed as Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongates) recovery habitat by MNR under the provincial Endangered Species Act (ESA). The Brougham Creek tributary at Sites 101/102/4/5 generally consists of ephemeral drainage that originates from agricultural fields approximately 2 Km upstream of the interchange right of way (ROW). Through the ROW, the drainage feature consists of a combination of poorly defined depression/swale within agricultural fields, diffuse flow through wetland vegetation, and braided channels with minimal bank definition. Watercourses within the project limits that are considered to provide habitat for Redside Dace and are regulated as Recovery or Contributing and habitat are subject to review and approvals under the ESA. MMM Group Limited 19 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation DESIGN Eight (8) structures are identified within the Interchange. These sites include two watercourses, Brougham Creek (Site 3 and 3A) and Tributary A of Brougham Creek (Site 4 and 5). The following table summarizes the potential temporary and permanent impacts associated with fish and fish habitat within the project limits. Structural summary information is provided in Table 3.1 (Section 3.1.1). Final designs for channel realignments will be reviewed and approved by the MNR and DFO prior to issuance of permits (ESA) or Authorizations under the Fisheries Act. Table 3.2 provides details about site specific impacts. Groundwater seepage areas were noted along the valley walls at Sites 3, 3A and 7. The moderate/minor seepages identified at Sites 3 and 3A will be associated with watercourse crossing abutments and road embankments. The significant seepage identified at Site 7 is located under the proposed road embankment. Excavations for channel realignments may interact with shallow groundwater levels and in some case may impact deeper groundwater levels. . MITIGATION Mitigation of impacts to fish habitat is provided in the form of fish habitat creation/enhancement for the watercrossings that support redside dace and protection of fish and aquatic habitat during construction. These are described below. General Unless otherwise permitted by MNR, construction will be carried out during the permissible period for in-water works: July 1 to September 15 annually. For Direct/Recovery Fish habitat: o Fish passage will be maintained during construction and will be provided through design elements in the crossings and channel realignments, including low flow channels. o Structures are designed to avoid a permanent in-water footprint within the ROW; and, o Riparian vegetation will consist of a mix of lowland meadow vegetation, shrubs and trees, with upland species planted on the valley slopes. The tree and shrub plantings are anticipated to assist in moderating thermal effects of the sun on the watercourse and floodplain, and contribute energy inputs (i.e. leaf litter, woody debris, etc.) and floodplain diversity MMM Group Limited 20 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Table 3.2: Summary of Site Specific Temporary and Permanent Impacts Related to Fish and Fish Habitat Crossing Thermal Regime Site 2 Coldwater Urfe Creek Fish Community Present & MNR Redside Dace Habitat Management Designation A new bridge crossing Blacknose Dace Vegetation Clearing and Removal Placement of Fill (for road and structures) Redside Dace Recovery Habitat Temporary Dewatering of Work Areas and for Construction of Bridge Foundations Creek Chub. Site 3 Brougham Creek MNR records from 1994 report the capture of Brook Trout and Rainbow Trout at a sampling station downstream of Sideline 16/Site 3a Site Grading, Excavation, & Related Activities A new bridge crossing Vegetation Clearing and Removal Placement of Fill (for road and structures) Temporary Dewatering of Work Areas and for Construction of Bridge Foundations Reconstruction of the Stormwater Management Pond may cause: Channel Realignment: Approximately 245 m being replaced with an estimated 242 m (3m). This will requires fish rescue and handling of RSD (stressful and potential result in mortalities) Coldwater Brougham Creek Coldwater Tributary B of Brougham Creek Potential for reduced water clarity (increased TSS) Potential for thermal issues as a result of the release of ambient temperature water to coldwater streams. Access to outlet via gravel path will potentially reduce vegetation cover. Blacknose Dace Site Grading, Excavation, & Related Activities A new bridge crossing Creek Chub. Vegetation Clearing and Removal Placement of Fill (for road and structures) may cause: MNR records from 1994 report the capture of Brook Trout and Rainbow Trout at a sampling station downstream of Sideline 16/Site 3a Temporary Dewatering of Work Areas and for Construction of Bridge Foundations Channel Realignment: Redside Dace Recovery Habitat Site 7 Channel Realignment: < 5 m of estimated stream length will be lost at this site through channel realignment at the crossing. Redside Dace Recovery Habitat Site 3A Permanent Impacts Site Grading, Excavation, & Related Activities Blacknose Dace Coldwater Temporary Impacts Blacknose Dace, Bluntnose Minnow, Bluntnose Minnow, Brook Stickleback, Brook Trout, Creek Chub, Fathead Minnow, Mottled Sculpin, Northern Redbelly Dace, Rainbow Trout, Slimy Sculpin, and White Sucker Channel Realignment: Approximately 107 m being replaced with an estimated 98 m (-9m). This will requires fish rescue and handling of RSD (stressful and potential result in mortalities) < 10 m of estimated stream length will be lost at this site through channel realignment at the crossing. Site Grading, Excavation, & Related Activities A new bridge crossing Vegetation Clearing and Removal Placement of Fill (for road and structures) Temporary Dewatering of Work Areas and for Construction of Bridge Foundations Stormwater Management Pond Installation Channel Realignment: Approximately 130 m being replaced with an estimated 164 m (+34m). This will requires fish rescue and handling of RSD (stressful and potential result in mortalities) Channel Realignment: Increase in stream length of > 30 m, through construction of the channel realignment at this site. Redside Dace Recovery Habitat Sites 4+5 No Direct Fish Use Coldwater Tributary A of Brougham Creek MMM Group Limited Contributes to Redside Dace Recovery Habitat Site Grading, Excavation, & Related Activities New culvert crossings Vegetation Clearing and Removal Placement of Fill (for road and structures) Temporary Dewatering of Work Areas and for Construction of Bridge Foundations Stormwater Management Pond Installation 22 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Crossing Thermal Regime Site 101 Tributary A of Brougham Creek Site 102 MMM Group Limited MNR Redside Dace Habitat Management Designation Contributes to Redside Dace Recovery Habitat No Direct Fish Use Coldwater Tributary A of Brougham Creek Fish Community Present & No Direct Fish Use Coldwater Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Contributes to Redside Dace Recovery Habitat Temporary Impacts Permanent Impacts Site Grading, Excavation, & Related Activities New culvert crossings Vegetation Clearing and Removal Placement of Fill (for road and structures) Temporary Dewatering of Work Areas and for Construction of Bridge Foundations Site Grading, Excavation, & Related Activities New culvert crossings Vegetation Clearing and Removal Placement of Fill (for road and structures) Temporary Dewatering of Work Areas and for Construction of Bridge Foundations 23 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation For Indirect/Contributing Fish habitat: o Maintain form and function of existing watercourses; o Crossing structures are sized to appropriately convey flow such that the potential for upstream flooding is minimized. In order to minimize velocities and erosive forces of the flow through the culverts will include appropriately sized substrate lining; o Riparian vegetation will consist of a mix of lowland meadow vegetation, shrubs and trees, with upland species planted on the valley slopes. The tree and shrub plantings are anticipated to assist in moderating thermal effects of the sun on the watercourse and floodplain, and contribute energy inputs (i.e. leaf litter, woody debris, etc.) and floodplain diversity; and, o Provisions for fish passage are not required Groundwater seepage areas located along valley walls will be maintained where required, based on the results of detailed geotechnical investigations and hydrogeological assessments. Measures to maintain the groundwater seepage within the valleys include the installation of geotechnical drainage blankets. These will be installed with granular subbase within the embankments to allow groundwater to be conveyed to the valley and maintain contributions to associated watercourses. Channel realignments Realignments have been designed to incorporate measures conducive to Redside Dace and provide habitat enhancements for this species, where feasible. The channel configuration has been designed to minimize the width to depth ratio and provide a relatively deep and narrow channel. The design includes a riffle and pool sequence that will support various life history functions (i.e. spawning in riffles; refuge in pools) of Redside Dace and other fish species (i.e. Brook Trout and Rainbow Trout). Substrate will consist of a combination of stockpiled native material, and additional material as necessary that will be appropriately sized to match existing sediment and maintain channel stability. Pea gravel (or similar) will be incorporated into the riffles to provide a suitable spawning medium. Due to the relatively steep side slopes of the proposed channel, riverstone bank stabilization is required for the sections of the channel located under the proposed Highway 407 Bridge to maintain stability in the absence of vegetation. Interstitial spaces provided by the proposed riverstone will however contribute a form of in-water cover (i.e. rocky material) that can be utilized by the fish community in this watercourse. These interstitial spaces are also anticipated to provide habitat for the aquatic stage of various terrestrial insects, that will in-turn provide a good source of food for Redside Dace when these insects emerge from the watercourse. Areas located outside of the Highway 407 footprint will include a combination of native sod mats, coir mat, and seeding treatments along with live stakes to provide a ‘softer’ form of bank stability through the majority of the proposed channel. Additional overhead cover for fish will be provided by a combination of root wads and lunkers proposed at the outside bends of the channel. Riparian Restoration & Plantings Riparian vegetation will consist of transplanted sod mats, seeding with an appropriate riparian seed mixture and the planting of shrubs adjacent to the watercourse, with trees MMM Group Limited 24 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation located further back (minimum of 10 m) from the channel. The proposed planting plan is intended to provide overhanging vegetation immediately adjacent to the watercourse with scattered shrub plantings that will provide a source of food for Redside Dace (i.e. terrestrial insect production). The shrubs will also provide localized areas of shading while not overly shading the adjacent herbaceous vegetation that overhangs the watercourse. In order to minimize the potential for “over shading” the areas immediately adjacent to the watercourse and changing the habitat created by the overhanging grasses, the proposed tree plantings will be located a minimum of 10 m from the watercourse. The tree plantings are anticipated to assist in moderating thermal effects of the sun on the floodplain, contributing energy inputs (i.e. leaf litter, woody debris, etc.) and providing floodplain diversity. Redside Dace Habitat The following mitigation measures apply to potential impacts associated with Redside Dace Habitat: All works within Redside Dace habitat to be completed within appropriate Redside Dace construction window (July 1 – September 15) unless otherwise permitted by the MNR Erosion and Sediment Control measures in place prior to construction. Temporary Impacts: Minimize vegetation disturbance/removal to the extent required for construction; Re-instate vegetative cover promptly following construction; Install site specific temporary stabilization as well as sediment and erosion control measures as required to minimize potential for sediment release/transport to Redside Dace habitat; Limit equipment refueling/maintenance to areas outside of regulated Redside Dace habitat limits Permanent Impacts: Surface runoff will be collected and directed to SWM facilities for quality and quantity controls as required, prior to discharge to Redside Dace habitat; Potential for impediment to lateral groundwater discharge to creek will be mitigated by placement of granular embankment material and/or subdrains as required. Dewatering Impacts: Site specific dewatering management plans will be prepared and implemented as required. SWM Facilities (outlets and discharge) Impacts: SWM facilities designed to provide a minimum ‘enhanced level’ of quality control as per MOE guidelines and achieve water quality targets outlined in MNR’s Draft Guidance for Development in Redside Dace Protected Habitat document; Discharge rated and conveyance measures will be designed to minimize erosion; MMM Group Limited 25 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation SWM facility design will include thermal mitigation measures (i.e. bottom draw outlet, subsurface flow conveyance, plantings, etc.); Additional ‘treatment train’ end of pipe measures (i.e. infiltration trenches, vegetated discharge channels, etc.) will be included in the design wherever feasible to provide additional filtration/infiltration of SWM discharge. Site Specific Landscape/Restoration Impacts: Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) measures in place during restoration works Wildlife The wildlife habitat and species found in the study area of the interchange are documented in the Natural Environment (Terrestrial) Impact Assessment of the Recommended Design (Gartner Lee 2009) and the Assessment of Design Refinements for the 407 East Brock Road Interchange. The information presented in these documents serves as the documentation of wildlife for this detail design study. No additional species of note have been identified during the detail design study. The specific wildlife values to be addressed during detail design relates to providing passage for wildlife groups and mitigating impacts due to the required removal of barn swallow nests. DESIGN The watercourse valleylands provide natural corridors for wildlife movement through the landscape. These corridors are generally oriented north-south. Highway 407 and realigned Highway 7 will cross several of these travel corridors and realigned Brock Road will cross a valleyland that is oriented east-west. The valleyland features are shown in Figure 5. Wildlife Passage The larger valleylands will be spanned by bridges and the opening beneath the bridge to support wildlife movement was considered in developing the design. The 407 EA identified minimum recommended heights and widths for the bridges to pass the target wildlife groups. It also identified the openness ratio that was achieved from the design. A description of the crossing structure and the openness ratio provided is presented in Table 3.3. There are a total of 6 crossing sites that will provide wildlife passage opportunities. For all crossings, except for Site 5, the minimum recommended height identified in the 407 EA has been met. Site 5 does not meet the minimum height as the culvert was revised to address hydrology parameters. It is noted as well that this culvert did not have a target wildlife group identified to provide this function but rather identified what was achieved through design. MMM Group Limited 26 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Table 3.3: Summary of Wildlife Passage and Openness Ratios for Structures Width, m Site # M-1 Description Total Span Type(s) Substructure Superstructure Min. Height (m) Openness Ratio Site 2 Hwy 407 EBL over Urfe Creek Integral 42.0 24.9 17.8 3.00 5.06 M-2 Site 3 N-W Ramp over Brougham Creek; Hwy 407 EBL/WBL over Brougham Creek; W-N/S Ramp Over Brougham Creek Integral 24.0 80.3 60.0 3.30 0.99 M-4 Site 3A Realigned Brock Road over Brougham Cr. Integral 76.3 32.3 27.2 12.00 28.35 M-3a Site 4 Hwy 407 and N-W Ramp over Brougham Cr Culvert 4.8 114.0 N/A 1.50 0.06 M-5 Site 5 Realigned Brock Road over Brougham Cr. Culvert 3.6 115.0 N/A 1.50 0.05 M9&10 Site 7 Hwy 407/Realigned Hwy 7 U/P EBL/WBL; Hwy 407 EBL/WBL over Brougham Creek Trib. FalseAbutment & Integral 38.0 92.5 71.5 5.50 2.26 MMM Group Limited 27 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation At Site 7, Highway 7 crossing of Brougham Creek Tributary B, the watercourse is currently enclosed in a 4.8 m (h) x 3 m (v) x 52 m (length) culvert. As per the preliminary design, upstream of Highway 7, Highway 407 spans the tributary with a three span structure with a total span length of 75 m. As part of the detail design, Highway 7 over Highway 407 allows for the removal of the existing Highway 7 culvert and replacement with a 195 m span length and height that approaches 20 m. This is sufficient to provide passage for small and large wildlife. The 407 crossing of the tributary is reduced to a single span of 38 m and a minimum height of 5.5 m. This achieves an openness ratio of 2.26 which exceeds the openness ratio target of 0.6 to 1 to encourage deer use. Wildlife fencing is proposed for the southwest quadrant of the interchange. It includes a length of fence that extends westerly from Brock Road to beyond Brougham Creek. Wildlife fencing is 2.4 m tall chain link fence with a 0.9 m height of small diameter mesh fence extending from the ground surface upward and attached to the chain link fence. This is to prevent small animals from accessing the highway. Funnel fencing will direct wildlife to pass beneath the 407 at Brougham Creek on both the north and south sides of the highway and at Brougham Creek tributary B crossing, also on both sides of the highway. Barn Swallow Nesting Habitat Field investigations carried out for the detail design identified the presence of barn swallow nests at two crossings. Thirteen nests were located at crossing Site 2 (Urfe Creek) and five nests were located at Site 3 Brougham Creek. At both sites, nests were located along at various locations along the vertical plain of the girder. The girders are identified as standard girders for 400 series highways and as such they lack a horizontal shelf for locating a nest. IMPACT ASSESSMENT The Site 2 structure will remain in place as it currently carries Highway 407 over the watercourse/valleyland. A new structure will be constructed to the south of the existing structure. The close proximity of the new construction to the existing structure and barn swallow nests may temporarily impact existing barn swallow nests. MTO is currently in discussions with MNR to determine the appropriate mitigation measures for this species. The structure at Site 3 will be demolished which will result in a permanent removal of the barn swallow nests that are currently located under the structure. The new structures that will be constructed in its place represents a much larger area of potential nesting habitat as 3 structures will be installed (407 EBL/WBL and W-N/S ramp). During construction, the underside of the existing structure at Urfe Creek will be bound in a plastic wrap or equivalent to prevent birds from nesting on the structure. Similarly the Site 3 structures will be wrapped or equivalent during the migratory period so that birds are not able to access to nest. MITIGATION In accordance with MNR direction for barn swallow, a nesting structure will be constructed as temporary mitigation for the removal of these structures as nesting sites for barn swallow. The structure will be a shelter type form with a roof and exposed underside of wood cross supports to allow for the installation of nest cups. The proposal has been submitted to the MNR for approval. MMM Group Limited 28 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Vegetation The vegetation communities and species composition found in the study area of the interchange are documented in the Natural Environment (Terrestrial) Impact Assessment of the Recommended Design (Gartner Lee 2009) and the Assessment of Design Refinements for the 407 East Brock Road Interchange. The information presented in these technical documents serves as the documentation of vegetation for this detail design study. With a shift in the Brock Road alignment there is a new crossing of Brougham Creek south of the interchange at Site 3A. The vegetation at the new crossing was inventoried during this detail design study. The communities are shown in Figure 5. Vegetation communities documented during the EA were reviewed. Additional inventory was carried out where there was an increase or change to the design footprint. The only change was identified as the revised crossing location of Brock Road over Brougham Creek west of Sideline 16 which traverses a vegetated valleyland identified as polygon C5BR-3 in the EA. . Sensitive species including those listed under the Endangered Species Act, 2007, and provincially rare species tracked by Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC) database of the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) were recorded during the field investigations. Additionally locally rare species as listed for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) watershed jurisdiction were also reviewed and recorded during the field investigations. Vegetation polygons documented in the EA that are affected by the design are identified as: Unit C5S16: large forest unit located south of Highway 7 and east of Sideline 16. There are three polygons contained within the unit that may be affected by the proposed design. C5S16-1a: this polygon is found in the large forest block that occurs immediately south of Highway 7 and east of Sideline 16 at crossing site 7. It is represented by the ELC community FOC2-2; Fry-Fresh White Cedar Coniferous Forest. C5S16-1b: this polygon is found in the large forest block that occurs immediately south of Highway 7 and east of Sideline 16 at crossing site 7. It is represented by the ELC community SWC3-1; White Cedar Organic Coniferous Forest and FOM7-2; Fresh-Moist White Cedar Hardwood Mixed Forest C5S16-1c: this polygon is found in the same large forest block that occurs immediately south of Highway 7 and east of Sideline 16 at crossing site 7. It is represented by FOD; Deciduous Forest. WS16-1: this unit is traversed by Highway 407 at the east limit of the study area. represented by the ELC community SWC3-1; White Cedar Organic Coniferous Forest It is C5BR-1b: this unit is located on the north side of Highway 407 between existing Brock Road and realigned Brock Road. It is represented by one polygon, SWD4-1; willow mineral deciduous swamp type with an inclusion of CUP3-3; Scotch Pine Coniferous Plantation type. C5BR-2: this unit is located on the north side of Highway 407 between existing Brock Road and realigned Brock Road immediately east of unit C5BR-1b. It is represented by one polygon FOD7; Fresh-Moist Lowland Deciduous Forest type. C5BR-6a: this unit is located in the southwest quadrant of the interchange. It is represented by one polygon, FOD7-2; Fresh-Moist Ash Lowland Deciduous Forest type. C5BR-6b: this unit is located immediately upstream adjacent to C5BR-6a. It is represented by two polygons, CUM1-1; Dry-Moist Old Field Meadow Type and MAM2-2; Reed-canary Grass Mineral Meadow Marsh type. MMM Group Limited 29 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation All the vegetation communities within this study area are considered to be common in Ontario. The revised crossing location of Brock Road over Brougham Creek west of Sideline 16 will traverse a vegetated valleyland identified as polygon C5BR-3 in the EA. The following vegetation resources are associated with the revised crossing location: Fresh-Moist Lowland Deciduous Forest Ecosite (FOD7): This vegetation community occurs on steep north slopes of the forest valley, and the floodplain associated with the Tributary of Brougham Creek. The canopy and sub-canopy layers within this forest were dominated by red ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), and included abundant sugar maple (Acer saccharum ssp. saccharum), and occasional black walnut (Juglans nigra). Reddish willow (Salix x rubens) were occasional in the floodplain of this forest. The shrub layer in the understorey was dominated by common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica), with abundant red ash and black walnut. The ground was varyingly dominated by herbaceous species including tall goldenrod (Solidago altissima), spotted touch-me-not (Impatiens capensis), red raspberry (Rubus idaeus ssp. idaeus) and moneywort (Lysimachia nummularia). There was one butternut specimen AB-1 (17 T 652919 4864187) approximately 1 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) which was not documented previously in the EA. This specimen was retainable with no sign of cankers. The feasibility of transplanting this specimen to a suitable habitat will be discussed with MNR. There were no other provincially, regionally or locally rare plants within this forest. Mixed Forest (FOM): This vegetation community occurs on south slopes of the valley. The vegetation composition was essentially similar to that described in FOD7 except for occasional eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) in the canopy. There were no other provincially, regionally or locally rare plants within this forest. Hedgerows (CUW and CUT): These units occur in the alignment of Brock Road south of the interchange. Brock Road will travel through these units. Hedgerows were representative of cultural woodland (CUW) and cultural thicket (CUT) vegetation similar to that recorded for the rest of the Highway 407 East project limits. The woodland was varyingly dominated by American basswood (Tilia Americana), black walnut and Manitoba maple (Acer negundo), and included abundant common buckthorn in the shrub layer. The ground cover was mostly comprised of disturbed species including buckthorn seedlings, smooth brome (Bromus inermis ssp. inermis), tall goldenrod, and occasional reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea). The cultural thicket was varyingly dominated by staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina), common buckthorn and black walnut. IMPACT ASSESSMENT Construction of the interchange will result in the removal of 4.8 ha of forest. Plantings associated with CVP will create 12.5 ha, which is deemed to off-set the loss of forest cover removal. The design will impact vegetation through removals and the edge effect to adjoining woodlands from removal of a portion of the forest cover. Edge effects can include sun scald, drying of soils, further exposure to wind and colonization by invasive non-native species. For each of the communities described above the impacts are identified in the following: Full removal will occur for units WS16-1, C5BR-1b, C5BR6a and C5BR-6b as a result of grading or road alignment. MMM Group Limited 30 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation A small amount of removal will occur at units C5S16-1a, C5S16-1b and C5S16-1c. At this location excavation and grading will occur at the northerly edge of these units. Organic soil found in C5S16-1b will be removed and granular material placed at depth to provide stable soil conditions for construction and to provide a pathway to maintain groundwater movement in this unit that supports the cedar swamp vegetation community. The removal is small and considered not to be significant. At C5BR-2, 407 mainline and the N-W ramp will remove the south half of this unit. This will create a new forest edge that will be south facing. The new forest edge will be subjected to the edge effects that are identified above. Two butternut specimens not previously identified during the EA were identified during the field investigations for the detail design. Based on their size (1 cm and 3 cm dbh) these specimens can be transplanted. The feasibility of transplanting this specimen to a suitable habitat is being discussed with MNR. At C5BR-3, realigned Brock Road will remove vegetation that covers the width of the ROW. This will result in the creation of a new east and west facing forest edge. Based on the location of the crossing, the vegetation community that extends farther to the west associated with the valleyland of Brougham Creek tributary is not expected to be affected any further than the edge effects in place to the north and south. The portion of the unit that occurs to the east of the crossing will be impacted to a greater extent as this area will be small in size, its westerly exposure and proximity to Brock Road. A single butternut specimen was located on the south floodplain of the crossing. The specimen has a dbh of 1 cm which allows for it to be considered for transplanting to a suitable location. MITIGATION MEASURES Plantings to occur within the 407E Brock Road interchange limits are related to the Community Value Plan and are discussed in section 3.1.4 in this report. In total, 12.5 hectares of plantings will be completed as part of the construction of this interchange. It is noted that with the design change (Highway 7 over Highway 407), the amount of vegetation removed at this crossing is reduced from 0.38 ha to 0.16 ha. For those vegetation units where vegetation removal will create a new forest edge, an Edge Management Plan has been prepared to address potential impacts. Specific edge management measures for Site 3A will include plantings of trees and shrubs within the newly created forest edge and invasive species management (common buckthorn) using herbicide application by a licensed Pesticide applicator within 30 m from the disturbed forest edge. Plantings will include native species similar to that observed in the adjacent study area and especially those species which are considered to be pioneer species and shade intolerant, and these will include deciduous shrubs and trees in the upland valley and floodplain of the newly created edge. Edge management measures identify that planting of tree specimens occur within 5 m of the newly created forest edge, and shrubs plantings are within approximately 5-10 m of the proposed edge. Excavated topsoil should be stored and then spread within the newly created edge and the associated plantings, grading within areas where edges are newly created shall be minimum of 3 m away from the drip-line of the trees within the undisturbed forest, compacted soils adjacent to the undisturbed forest edge will be scarified prior to planting, existing drainage patterns adjacent to the new forest edge shall be maintained wherever possible, and the contractor shall monitor the survival of the proposed plantings for minimum 2 years following planting. Regionally rare plants have been identified to occur in the vegetation polygons that are affected by the proposed works. Where feasible, opportunity will be provided to agencies such as the MMM Group Limited 31 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation local Conservation Authorities and municipalities to salvage the plants prior to clearing and grading. Butternut: Butternuts found within the 407 Brock Road Interchange during the EA were documented and their removal has been accounted for in the MNR permit AU-C-002-11. A condition of the permit noted that where feasible, retainable butternuts are to be transplanted. It is proposed that five (5) butternuts, based on their size and accessibility be transplanted. It has been recommended that the butternut specimens be transplanted within the same valleyland in which they occur but well beyond the construction footprint. Transplanting is proposed to occur during the early spring period prior to clearing and grading. Information on the butternuts including their location and proposal to transplant has been submitted to the MNR. Drainage Within the project limits there are four watercourses draining generally from north to south as part of the Duffins Creek Watershed. These watercourses are shown in Figure 2 and include (west to east): Urfe Creek (Site 2), Brougham Creek (Site 3), Brougham Creek Tributary A (Site 4), and Brougham Creek Tributary B (Site 7). Duffins Creek originates on the Oak Ridges Moraine and outlets to Lake Ontario through the Duffins Creek Marsh, crossing several municipal jurisdictions: City of Pickering, Town of Ajax, City of Markham, Town of WhitchurchStouffville, and the Township of Uxbridge. Duffins Creek drains an area of 283 km2 and crosses four physiographic regions: Oaks Ridges Moraine, South Slope (Halton Till Plain), Lake Iroquois Shoreline and Lake Iroquois Plain. The upper reaches of Duffins Creek include large areas of forest, meadow and wetlands that provide high quality habitats. The middle reaches (within the 407 Study Area) are rural and dominated by agricultural land use. Along the Highway 7 corridor are the hamlets of Brougham and Greenwood. In general, runoff from the existing interchange and surrounding roadways discharge to the four watercourses. There is an existing stormwater facility on the south side of Highway 407 within the ROW and west of Brougham Creek. This pond was constructed as part of the original Highway 407 stormwater management plan. Besides this pond, there are no other documented stormwater management facilities within the vicinity of the project limits. The total existing impervious cover is approximately 20 ha considering all upstream drainage to the interchange— 7 hectares are allocated within the immediate project limits for the proposed interchange. DESIGN Stormwater management is designed to provide Enhanced Protection Level (Level 1) treatment with quantity and erosion control. This will be achieved through the use of storage (wet ponds) and vegetative (filter strips, grassed swales and enhanced grassed swales). Treated stormwater runoff from the Interchange, as well as drainage from external areas in the vicinity of the Interchange, will discharge to Brougham Creek and its tributaries. Runoff from the highway will be conveyed to the stormwater management facilities in flatbottomed grassed swales (Figure 2; Table 3.4). Conveyance in storm sewers and pipes, which does not provide the opportunity for infiltration and evapotranspiration, is limited to areas where topography and safety considerations preclude the use of open channels. With respect to the ponds, effluent will be discharged directly or indirectly via subsurface drains to cooling trenches with plunge pools and wetland features to address thermal impacts and provide final polishing of the flows before being discharged to the receiving watercourse. MMM Group Limited 32 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Table 3.4: Summary of Storage Stormwater Management Ponds Drainage Area (ha) Impervious Area Treated (ha) Plan Area (ha) Permanent Pool Elevation (m) Pond 03W 23 4.6 1.5 186.5 Brougham Creek (Site 3) Pond 07S 21 8.5 1.8 168.0 Tributary A, Brougham Creek (Site 5) Pond 07E 8 2.8 1.2 166.0 Tributary B, Brougham Creek (Site 7) Pond ID Receiving Watercourse Pond 03W This pond is the most westerly pond within the limits of the Interchange. It is generally the same location proposed during the EA, but has been shifted westerly to align with the existing 407 ETR pond footprint (constructed in the year 2000) in an attempt to salvage the existing outfall channel discharging to Brougham Creek. The outfall channel has sufficient capacity and includes a stone sub-layer for thermal mitigation Pond 07S Pond 07S is located in the southeast quadrant of the Interchange. It was not identified during the EA but was introduced during the detail design phase to control runoff primarily from the 407 East mainline, which was originally planned to be routed to a pond in the northeast quadrant. However, it is not feasible to route the 407 East drainage as indicated in the EA based on topographic data and groundwater conditions evaluated during the detail design phase. It should be noted that the original intent was to retain Pond 07W as shown in the EA, while introducing the new Pond 07S. Therefore, Pond 07W was elevated above the groundwater level and its footprint reduced to reflect the smaller upstream treatment area. However, a further complication with respect to the pond outlet, which required a 9 m deep drop structure to discharge to the receiving watercourse, led to the consensus among the design team and regulatory agencies (MNR and TRCA) to eliminate the pond and provide alternative stormwater control measures to meet the project objectives. Pond 07S will discharge to Brougham Creek Tributary “A” located southwest of the pond. This was determined on the basis that there is no direct fish habitat in the watercourse. The pond discharge will be conveyed to the watercourse in an open channel. An outfall channel will convey the flow down the valley slope to the receiving watercourse. The channel will be lined with riprap and an online plunge pool/wetland pocket will be created just upstream of the discharge point to the creek to dissipate the flow energy and create diffused flow onto the floodplain. Pond 07E Pond 07E is located east of the interchange and is in the precise plan location that was determined as part of the EA. The pond has been raised above the EA elevation by a metre to avoid groundwater interception and to minimize the potential for extensive dewatering during construction. The pond will include a permanent pool depth of 2 m within the main cell and 2.5 m in the forebay. Discharge from the pond will be directed to Brougham Creek Tributary B (Site MMM Group Limited 33 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation 7) via an outlet pipe installed approximately 2 to 3 m below grade across the table lands and terminate at an open channel at the top of the slope. An outfall channel will convey the flow down the valley slope to the receiving watercourse. The channel will be lined with riprap and an online plunge pool/wetland pocket will be created just upstream of the discharge point to the creek to reduce the flow energy and create diffused flow onto the floodplain. MITIGATION Recognizing the importance of reducing potential thermal impacts from stormwater runoff on receiving cold-water streams, a number of preventative and thermal mitigation measures have been integrated into the stormwater management plan. The measures used are intended to optimize, to the extent possible, aspects of the conveyance system and pond facilities that promote shading and cooling of the stormwater, and reduce thermal transmission. The following measures were specified for the project: 1. Pond Configuration/Orientation – the use of a 4:1 ratio to maximize the length-towidth ratio to prevent the occurrence of large open areas of water which cannot be shaded by riparian vegetation. Ponds were also oriented in the east-west direction feasible to minimize the exposure and duration of solar radiation on the permanent pool. 2. Riparian Planting Strategy – Provide appropriate landscaping around the ponds, in conjunction with the higher length-to-width ratio will maximize shading and minimize temperature increases during inter-event periods. 3. Bottom-draw Outlet – Provide a reverse sloped outlet pipe from the permanent pool to draw the cooler water from as close to the pond bottom as practicable. 4. Outlet Cooling Trenches – Route the pond discharge through a subsurface trench filled with clear stone. The length of the trench is maximized to increase the opportunity for heat transfer. The trench will be wrapped with non-woven filter fabric to prevent the native material from blocking the pore space in the stone/rock. Stones will be relatively small (13 mm - 25 mm) since smaller stones will have a greater total surface area available for heat transfer. Vegetative SWMPs specified for the project include the following: Grassed swales are well suited for treating highway runoff because they are linear practices. These swales will be part of the treatment train approach and will receive water that would have been filtered through vegetation along the road embankment. They are recommended as Low Impact Development approach, since they reduce the overall runoff volumes conveyed to the receiving watercourse. With respect to thermal mitigation, grassed swales are recognized as a good treatment option within watersheds that drain to cold water streams, since they do not pond water for an extended period and often induce infiltration. As a result, standing water will not typically be subjected to solar warming. Enhanced Grassed Swales are incorporated into the design and include the following: Enhanced grassed swales will be used in areas within the Interchange where highway runoff cannot be directed to one of the three proposed stormwater management ponds— due to topography, location relative to ponds or if the drainage area is relatively small. For the enhanced grassed swale, the native soil will be replaced with a 300 mm thick layer of sand/soil mix to satisfy minimum permeability requirements. An underdrain MMM Group Limited 34 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation system comprising of a gravel layer will be installed at the bottom of the soil bed. Therefore, stormwater treated in the soil bed infiltrates and is detained in the gravel underdrain to infiltrate (a minimum height of 1 m above the ground water level will be maintained). Excess flow is then conveyed downstream to the receiving watercourse. Groundwater The physiographic and geological conditions support the groundwater resources found in the area of the interchange. The interchange is situated in the physiographic region known as the South Slope, which lies between the Oak Ridges Moraine and the Iroquois Plain and typically is characterized by overburden deposits consisting of sand and silt, underlying glacial till sheets. Lacustrine clay deposited by Lake Iroquois, is often encountered between or overlying the till sheets. The surficial geology identifies that the area is covered by sandy silt to silty sand till. Groundwater conditions were investigated for all watercourse crossings where bridges or culverts and sites of excavation that include stormwater management ponds are to be constructed. Borehole testing was carried out for each watercourse crossing (culvert/bridge construction) and the site of proposed stormwater ponds. The description of groundwater conditions is based on a combination of results of borehole and monitoring well data and background information from the 407 EA. This information is presented in Table 3.5. Generally, the area of the interchange appears to have high groundwater levels. This is due to the variable depth of permeable to semi-permeable sandy silt to silty sand till overlying the less permeable till layer at lower depths. In the area of the 407 crossing of Brougham Creek (Site 3) artesian conditions are identified. Groundwater level was at, to slightly below, the bed elevation of the Creek. This accounts for the coolwater temperatures found in the Creek that support redside dace. The drilled well at the farm property in the southwest quadrant of the interchange, within the vicinity of Brougham Creek is founded in an artesian condition. In the southeast quadrant of the interchange, groundwater discharge was evident at crossing site 7. Springs were identified all along the west valley wall. The site contains a high water table with artesian conditions. And in the area of stormwater pond 07S, just to the west of Site 7, groundwater levels were shallow (3-4.3 m below ground). MMM Group Limited 35 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Table 3.5: Groundwater Conditions at Watercourse Crossings and Sites for Stormwater Ponds Location Structure M-1 Description Site Site 2 Urfe Creek Overpass (407) Hydrogeologic Interpretation Soils Sandy Fill (W side) or Clayey Silt over Silt Till (E side) at surface to approx. 193 masl Sand which is found from about 193 to about 187-189 masl, overlying a Sand/Silt Till. Foundations Water Levels Footing Elevation 189.8-190.0 masl (late Nov 2012) (roughly same as creek channel) 191.6/190.7 190.6 masl (April 2008) A saturated Sand and Gravel deposits is logged below about 184-186 masl M-2 Site 3 Brougham Creek Overpass (407) Sand/Silt Till at 178-180 masl Sand/Gravel below the Till 182.5 masl (creek channel ~ 182 185 masl) Artesian water levels reported from 182.7-183.7 masl Dewatering Potential Anticipated to be minimal to none as abutment bases currently above water table and within sand deposits As work will be restricted to July - Sept window, SWLs should be reduced from spring highs and dewatering is unlikely Potentially High Artesian conditions reported. Groundwater at MW from the EA measured at approx. proposed footing depth. Till and sand/gravels so these more pervious units could be encountered at excavations 2 culverts, 1.2 m deep aprons M-3a / M-3b M-4 M-5 Site 4 Site 3A Site 5 MMM Group Limited Brougham Creek Trib Culvert (407) Brougham Creek Bridge (Brock Road ) Brougham Creek Trib Culvert (Brock Road South) Surficial veneer of Silty Sand underlain by Silt/Sand till to at least 174, 178 and 180 masl Sand/Silt Till from surface (table lands) with sand seams to ~ 160-164 masl potential sand layer at 159-160 masl then mix of Silt Till, Clayey Silt to deeper Sand deposit at ~ 151 masl Sandy Silt at surface (~ 1.5 m bgs) then Sand/Silt Till below to at least 165 masl 177.3 to 179.9 masl at south end of S culvert Water levels on table lands ~168 masl (at shallow wells) SWLs of 159.9 masl at deeper monitoring wells creek elevation ~162 masl 174.7 masl at west end of culvert SWL <= 165.3 masl at east 36 N Culv, 181.8 179.2 masl Anticipated to be low S Culv, 176.9 175.4 masl (includes 1.2 m aprons at ends) Abutments - fill above existing grade low to moderate potential Piers at 158.2/158.6 167.9 to 165.3 masl (W - E) Environmental Issues/Construction Mitigation low to moderate potential SWL at South End about 2 to 5 m above excavation base (in Till), water levels in area at/between the two culverts anticipated to be close to grade Potential for minor dewatering in Tills at the piers, to moderate if sand deposits are present in excavated area. Consider construction from east to west, cutting progressively westward - allow for gravity drainage of water entering through Till - this water would need treatment before final discharge to watercourse (indirect RSD habitat-becoming direct downstream) 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Location Structure Description Site M-6 Site 101 Brougham Creek Trib Culvert (Highway 7) M-7 Site 102 Brougham Creek Trib Culvert (Brock Road North) Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Hydrogeologic Interpretation Soils Predominantly sandy soils from surface that look to extend to ~ 183-185 masl then Till or Silt, some clay to ~178-182 then a deeper Sand 0.7 - 2.2 m Sand/Silt at surface Sand/Silt Till to 5.5 mbgs Fill, or Clayey Silt over Silt Sand Till Bridge M-8 M-9 (Brock Road over 407) Site 7 Bridge (Highway 7) Seems of Sand/Gravel (176180 masl and 169-175 masl) may be found throughout the site Generally Sands at surface, underlain (intermittently) by Sand/Silt Till, then Sand/Gravel to 150-160 masl (varies) Generally Sands at surface, underlain (intermittently) by M-10 Site 7 Brougham Creek Trib Overpass (407) Sand/Silt Till, then Sand/Gravel to 150-160 masl (varies) Thick deposit of fill along valley slope on east side is also noted. Foundations Water Levels ~ 182.5 - 185.1 masl (Aug-Dec 2012) SWL at 192.5 and 189.9 masl (Jan/Feb 2008) BHs were dry on completion anticipate SWLs high in spring and decline during summer Footing Elevation 189.7 - 189.3 masl (includes 1.2 m aprons at ends) Approx. 201 to 199 masl 179.6, 180.5 masl water levels on completion at two BH's drilled at centre pier were 4.1 and 4.9 mbgs (these are not static levels but as logs show Till, water in holes this quick suggests missed sands somewhere) Abutments planned within fill above existing grade Springs along west valley wall High water table West side water levels decline from about 169 masl (W Abutment) to 167.5-168.5 masl (W Piers) to 164.1 masl (E Pier, S bridge) to 159.5 masl (piezometer in creek bed) W Abutment - 169.3 masl Pier foundations below interpreted groundwater level W Piers - 166.4 masl SWMP at west end of alignment Sand/Silt Till to 180.9 and min 177.8 masl Contaminant migration from former gas station to south-southwest is not anticipated but shall be considered, though construction work is above water table low potential Low potential as construction would be mainly in Till. Sand/Silt noted at surface may be saturated in early spring and require dewatering. Likely drier in summer months low potential Should varied channel deposits (sand/gravel) be encountered in pier excavation then dewatering potential becomes high Dewatering requirements will range based on intercepting sand/gravel seams High potential Multiple springs on west side. Seepage needs to be addressed for construction access and long-term stability of embankments - Design mitigation is providing valley fill with permeable sub-base to maintain groundwater flow conditions where seepage is encountered. Moderate to High Potential Multiple springs on west side, lesser springs/seeps on valley floor on east side of creek. Seepage needs to be addressed for construction access and long-term stability of embankments. Installation of valley fill with permeable sub-base to maintain groundwater flow conditions where seepage is encountered. Moderate potential due to uncertainty about geology and groundwater at new pond alignment Uncertainty of stratigraphy and higher SWL at monitors found within future pond envelope. 407-ETR could not provide information about the 3 MWs at their existing SWMP. Geotechnical engineer returned to site in midDec to drill boreholes. Clay liner will be specified E Abutment - 161.8 masl Springs all along west valley wall High water table, artesian conditions encountered at boreholes in valley at east side, in area of WBL structure. Artesian condition is in a confined sand/gravel deposit at ~ 6m below grade, separated from surficial granular deposits by a sheet of Silt/Sand Till 186 masl to about 184 masl to S of pond and Gravel from 180.9- 177.2 masl MMM Group Limited Environmental Issues/Construction Mitigation Anticipated to be none, to low, unless SWLs rise significantly during spring conditions, then high because of sandy soils E Piers - 161.0 masl Abutments planned within fill above ex. Grade Armorstone walls will be founded just below grade Clayey/Sandy Silt veneer (0.7-2.0 mbgs) Pond 03W Dewatering Potential 37 184.5 masl 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Location Structure Site Pond 07S Description SWMP East of Sideline 16 Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Hydrogeologic Interpretation Pond 07E Ramp + Highway Cut East of Pond 7W Highway 407, and partial ramps west of crest of slope for Tributary to Brougham Creek, and extending west to Brock Road Bridge MMM Group Limited Environmental Issues/Construction Mitigation Water Levels Clayey/Sand Silt at surface (to 3 - 4.3 mbgs) Pond will be constructed in the upper sands, some parts below water table. SWL in pond envelope ranges from about 163 masl at MW to 166 masl (inferred as soil at BH P7S-02 was reported wet at 166 masl) 166 masl Moderate to High Potential Clay Liner required Sand some silt from surface to base of both BHs (approx. 158 masl), base of sand not reached at boreholes 159.66 masl at MW (P7E-02) but soils reported as wet at BH P7E01 at ~ 164 masl 164 masl Moderate to High Potential Clay Liner required Till at surface (occasionally sand over Till) overlying a sand/gravel deposit Varies - declines from west to east, proposed ditches a maximum of about 2 m below ex. water table, and road sub-grades a maximum of about 1.3 m below ex. Water table in vicinity of Sideline 16 Low to moderate potential, gravity drainage possible Ditches and granular subgrade for road works may intercept shallow water table. Measures to address this can include sub drains, stone, cooling trenches at ditch bottoms for groundwater inflows. Sand to ~ 160 - 162 masl Sand/Silt Till to 157-157.5 masl 38 Footing Elevation Dewatering Potential Soils Sand below Till SWMP on Dutchmaster to east of Highway 7/407 cross-over Foundations varies 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation IMPACT ASSESSMENT The potential impacts to groundwater resources include the effect of dewatering on watercourses and wetlands that are supported by groundwater conditions and the alteration of groundwater flow paths from excavation and placement of fill with different soil characteristics. The effect of dewatering on vegetation and fish habitat is presented Section, respectively. Site 7 At this site, the organic soil will be removed and a layer of embankment granular fill will be put in place so that the bridge foundation can be founded in the granular fill. Impacts to groundwater will occur during excavation of the organics and placement of the granular fill. To provide a stable, dry working site dewatering will be required. The design of the granular fill will be such that groundwater will follow the pre-construction gradient but the flow pattern may change slightly. Groundwater inputs to the watercourse in support of creating cool water conditions for fish habitat will be maintained. Excavation will also occur at the sites of the stormwater ponds. Due to the depths of the permanent pond required to mitigate thermal effects to downstream receivers, excavation is identified to extend into the groundwater zone. For each pond a clay liner will be installed to prevent groundwater intrusion into the pond. Groundwater flow pattern will be altered slightly in the area of the pond only when seasonal levels are high. During the remainder of the year it is interpreted that flow path will not be affected. Unlike the west side of the valleyland that has extensive seepage, dewatering on the east will not affect seepage in the same manner but will possibly result in a localized effect to direct discharge of groundwater to the creek. This is expected to occur over a short length of the stream which is not a significant impact. Pond 03W and Pond 07S will also require dewatering during construction. As a result of dewatering requirements, a Permit to Take Water will be required from the Ministry of the Environment. MITIGATION Mitigation to reduce the effects on groundwater inputs to the watercourse and swamp forest found in the valleyland at Site 7 is provided primarily through the design of the granular fill to be placed in the valleyland. As discussed in the impact assessment section above, with this material in place it is identified that the groundwater flow pattern and volumes will remain the same as the pre-construction condition. Erosion and Sediment Control Areas within the limits of the project that are considered susceptible to erosion or sediment issues, requiring site specific erosion and sediment control measures (ESC) include the following: 1. Watercourses a. Species sensitivity / intolerance to changes in water quality that may occur as a result of sediments entering the watercourse 2. Valley lands and floodplains 3. SWM Facility outlets and discharge areas associated with regulated habitat for sensitive species 4. Landscaping and site restoration works MMM Group Limited 39 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation DESIGN The detail design provides site specific details related to the implementation and use of ESC measures to protect sensitive features within the project limit. Works with the potential to directly affect environmental features include stream realignments and vegetation removal within the ROW. A construction staging and erosion control plan will be prepared to specify site specific erosion and sediment control requirements. MITIGATION The following mitigation measures will be implemented during construction to minimize the transport of sediments from disturbed areas during construction as well as provide stabilization during post-construction conditions: All ESC measures shall be installed prior to construction and are to be left in place until the site is fully restored and stabilized including final ditching Blast mats (or similar weight dissipation measure) may be required to minimize rutting and destabilization of valley and floodplain during construction and will be used at the discretion of the contractor Water accumulation behind sediment control shall be pumped through filtration control measures as shown in the contract package Installation of silt fencing as per the contract package to prevent sediment from bridge, bridge approaches and road works from entering watercourses and other sensitive environmental features. Use of dedicated site access roads to minimize areas disturbed by equipment and vehicles during construction. Established staging/stockpile areas. Restoration of all access routes. Construction staging to allow stream realignment and ditching works to be completed off-line and in the dry. Use of straw bale barriers, filter bags and energy dissipation devices to reduce impacts from erosion and sediment transport during construction. Design elements including grade control measures in channel designs to minimize channel erosion within realigned channels. Construction phasing will be scheduled to minimize the extent and period to which disturbed soils are exposed to weathering. As such, all disturbed areas will be stabilized as quickly as possible. Stabilization of disturbed areas may be accomplished by sodding, seeding, mulching, hydroseeding and planting. Temporary measures may employ the use of biodegradable erosion control blankets. MMM Group Limited 40 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation 3.2.2 Cultural Heritage Environment Archaeological Resources There are several archaeological resources identified within and adjacent to the study area. These include the Mr. Ludger Gros-Louis site, Peter Webb 1 site and Salgo Site. The Mr. Ludger Gros-Louis site (formerly known as the Miindaamiin site (AIGs-302)), which is located within the vicinity of Sideline 16 represents an ancestral Huron-Wendat village site. Brock Road has been realigned to avoid this previously protected area at Sideline 16. A site protection buffer of the Peter Webb 1 Site (A1Gs-78) was located within the footprint of the Interchange. It is located within close proximity to the Interchange ramp. Stage 3 archaeological assessment undertaken in 2011 identified two possible cultural features and two possible post molds in the soil subsurface. The Salgo site is identified as an Archaic period Aboriginal campsite (AIGs-27). It is one of three pre-contact Aboriginal sites (AIGs-27, AIGs-177 and AIGs-179) documented to occur within the footprint of the proposed transportation corridor for Section 1 of the Highway 407 Extension (Brock Road to Kinsale Road). MTO is also completing Stage 4 archaeological surveys for a site known as WP-21, which is associated with the nearby registered and previously excavated Salgo Site (AlGs-27). All outstanding archaeological requirements will be completed in 2013. IMPACT ASSESSMENT Construction access to carry out works for realignment of Brougham Creek Tributary ‘A’ will occur on the north side of the watercourse in vicinity of Sideline 16. The access crosses over the watercourse to the south as it proceeds westerly and moves away from the buffer limit to the archaeology resource. A portion of the Mr. Ludger Gros-Louis site occurs immediately on the west side of Sideline 16. A buffer has been placed around the archaeological resources to protect it from impact. MITIGATION Mitigation measures included in the 407 EA area sufficient to address the archaeology issues in the vicinity of the Interchange. Additional site specific mitigation measures include the following: No work, vehicle access or disturbance within the limits of the Mr. Ludger Gros-Louis site or within the limits of a buffer associated with the Mr. Ludger Gros-Louis site. A farm fence will be installed around the perimeter of the buffer to delineate the feature and protect it from encroachment during construction Avoid impacting the Peter Webb 1 Site by affording a 20 m buffer to the site; or, if avoidance is not possible, Stage 4 excavations will be necessary to mitigate the impacts to the site. A farm fence will be installed around the perimeter of the buffer to delineate the feature and protect it from encroachment during construction. In the event that deeply buried archaeological remains are encountered during construction, the office of the Regulatory & Operations Group, Ministry of Culture (807475-1632) shall be contacted immediately. MMM Group Limited 41 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation In the event that human remains are encountered both the Ministry of Culture (807-4751632) and the Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the Cemeteries Regulation Unit of the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services (416-326-8404) shall be contacted immediately. Built Heritage and Cultural Landscapes One built heritage features occurs in the study area. This is identified as the farm property located at 3500 Sideline 16. A Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report (CHER) and heritage documentation were prepared for the property. DESIGN The buildings on the property will be removed to accommodate the Interchange. MITIGATION Documentation of the property in the CHER provides the mitigation to address the removal of this feature. The opportunity to re-use materials from the buildings was investigated. It was identified that the stone found in the barn foundation may have an opportunity for use as part of the Gateway feature in the CVP. The investigation revealed that the stone was of variable size and colour and therefore did not offer opportunity to be used in the façade of the Gateway or for other structural uses such as a retaining wall to support other aesthetic structures. 3.2.3 Socio-Economic Environment The 407 East EA Report and Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of the Recommended Design (2009) described a number of impacts to socio-economic features with Section 1 (Brock Road to Kinsale Road), including: displacement of residences and/or businesses, and property impacts (severance, alteration of access and/or septic/well systems, or encroachment). The interchange will be constructed within Agricultural lands classified as Class 1, 3 and 7 (Exhibit 8.179, 407EA), based on the soils. Class 1 has no significant limitations in use for crops (level, deep, well to imperfectly drained and have good nutrient and water holding capacity) while Class 7 has no capability for arable culture or permanent pasture (marsh, rockland and steep slopes). Property Requirements and Access Eight (8) properties will be affected by the construction of the Interchange. Potential impacts to these properties include: parcel severance; size reduction; the displacement of a residence; and, the loss of the recreational facility (baseball diamonds) at Don Beer Memorial Park. Mitigation The following are recommended measures to mitigate for impacts to properties and access within the Interchange ROW. Maintenance or relocation of access at applicable locations; and Relocation of Don Beer Memorial park ball diamonds to an alternate site by the City of Pickering. Potential for screening and landscaping on nursery lands to minimize disturbance to this local business was recommended in the EA; however, vegetative screening is not feasible due to design changes in the road profile for the Highway 7/Highway 407 MMM Group Limited 42 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation underpass and 2:1 embankment slopes at this location, plus tree plantings setback requirements. Air Quality An air quality assessment was carried out to assess impacts from selected contaminants resulting from vehicular traffic from the proposed interchange. Potential impacts were assessed by predicting contaminant concentrations at sensitive land uses adjacent to the roadway. The contaminants of interest from motor vehicles have been determined from a number of agencies including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Environment Canada, Health Canada and the Ministry of Transportation. These contaminants are emitted due to fuel combustion, brake wear, tire wear, breakdown of dust on the roadway, fuel leaks, evaporation and permeation, and refueling leaks and spills. The contaminants of interest are nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 – (less than 2.5 microns in diameter)), coarse particulate matter (PM10 – (less than 10 microns in diameter)), total suspended particulate matter (TSP – (less than 44 microns in diameter)) and the volatile organic compounds acetaldehyde, acrolein, benzene, 1,3- butadiene and formaldehyde. From a review of ambient air quality conditions, all contaminants were below their respective MOE criteria with the exception of PM10, TSP, acrolein and benzene. IMPACT ASSESSMENT For the assessment, 24 receptors were selected to represent the worst-case impacts surrounding the project area. These were drawn from sensitive receptors that include health care facilities, senior citizens residences or long-term care facilities, child care facilities, educational facilities, places of worship and residential dwellings. The majority of the receptors were located in the Village of Brougham in the northwest quadrant of the proposed interchange. The results of the modeling assessment identified that the maximum combined (ambient and projected) concentrations of the contaminants of interest were well below their respective MOE guidelines or Canada Wide Standards with the exception of PM10 and TSP. Frequency analysis determined that the project did not exceed the PM10 guidelines for any additional days over the 5 year period, while the project exceeded the TSP guideline for 3 additional days over the 5 year period, which equates for <1% of the time. Based on these results the potential for chronic health concerns would be low. MITIGATION Due to the fact that only 3 additional days above the guideline for TSP are predicted over a 5 year period, mitigation measures are not required. However, vegetation related benefits to air quality are included as part of the implementation of the Community Value Plan, as described in Section 3.1.4. Management of Excess Material and Disposal of Waste A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment was carried out on Transport Canada Lands between Brock Road and Sideline 16 (Subject Property). The Subject Property includes approximately 12 ha (30 acres) of land located within the 407 East extension ROW. The property is currently owned by the MTO and includes Don Beer Memorial Park, a vacant lot and agricultural lands. Tributary ‘A’ (Spring Creek) flows southerly through this property. MMM Group Limited 43 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation DESIGN An area that contains metal debris and, metal and inorganic-impacted soil fill material is identified in close proximity to the E-N/S ramp on its north side. Prior to construction the area of impacted soil material will be removed. There are no anticipated impacts to any potentially contaminated areas. Groundwater investigations north of Hwy 7 suggest that although groundwater is flowing northeasterly into the ROW, no evidence of contamination was noted and therefore, no impacts are expected during excavations for realignment of Hwy 7 in this area. Watercourse crossings at Site 101 and 102 will occur within this property; however, there are no impacts anticipated to occur during construction of these two crossings. MITIGATION If contaminated fill material is encountered, it will not remain within the ROW. Surficial waste and/or recyclable material identified at the site should not remain within the ROW, and should be removed and properly managed off-site for reuse, recycling or disposal. Fill that contains or is mixed with waste or recyclable materials should not remain within the ROW. Where possible, segregation of waste and recyclable materials should be removed and properly managed off-site. Once waste has been separated and removed, remaining uncontaminated fill materials may remain within the ROW unless there are outstanding environmental concerns. Contaminated fill material is not recommended for re-use onsite or offsite and should be removed and managed as non-hazardous waste in accordance with applicable regulations. 4 Summary of Environmental Concerns and Commitments The following table (Table 6.1) identifies the environmental issues, concerns and potential effects resulting from the construction of the Highway 407 East / Brock Road interchange and outlines the mitigation measures, protection or monitoring requirements to be undertaken during construction. 4.1 Endangered Species Act Permit Applications Five species at risk were noted to occur within the 407 East Transportation Corridor: Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark, Barn Swallow, Butternut and Redside Dace. Permits under Section 17(2)(c) of the Ontario Endangered Species Act have been received for Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark, Barn Swallow and Butternut for the 407 East Corridor. As they relate to the Highway 407 / Brock Road interchange, the requirements of the permits are generally described as follows: Butternut: The ESA permit for butternut identified the number of butternut and companion tree species to be planted at alternative sites within the corridor based on the number of butternut specimens impacted by the 407 East project. Some butternut specimens occur within the 407 Brock Road interchange that have been accounted for in the determination of specimens impacted for the permit. MMM Group Limited 44 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Barn Swallow: MNR has granted a permit for the 407 East corridor project that would allow for the removal of identified structures (bridges, buildings) that are nest sites for barn swallow. As compensation new structures are designed to provide nest site opportunity. In addition, while bridges are under construction and not accessible to birds, nesting structures are to be built to provide temporary nest habitat. As identified earlier in the report a temporary barn swallow artificial nest site will be constructed for this project. MNR has been contacted for additional barn swallow nests that were encountered during this detail design process. Redside Dace: The permit requirements for Redside Dace are to complete the designs established during the EA and seek final approval from the MNR. This approval process is underway. 5 Conditions of MOE Approval Section 9 of the 407 East EA Report identifies the Commitments and Monitoring for the Undertaking of the 407 East project. Table 6.2 identifies the commitments and monitoring that are specific to the relevant features and requirements associated with this project. 6 Environmental Compliance Documentation 6.1 Environmental Management Plan An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) will be prepared for this contract. The EMP will detail the EA commitments, monitoring requirements and approval conditions. It will be used by the MTO and the contractor as a means to monitor and document how the commitments, monitoring requirements and approval conditions have been met. The EMP will provide the source of information to support the EA Compliance documentation and monitoring. 6.2 Annual EA Compliance Monitoring Reporting In accordance with the EA approval, an EA compliance monitoring program was prepared to serve as a monitoring strategy to ensure that the commitments made during the 407 EA are fulfilled during construction, operation and maintenance of the design. An annual EA Compliance Monitoring Report is to be submitted to the MOE to document the progress on meeting the commitments. Compliance Monitoring information will be produced specific to the 407 Brock interchange project and submitted to MTO for inclusion in the 407 East Annual Compliance Report (ACR) The ACR will be submitted to MOE annually on or before May 31 of each year until all the commitments have been met. MMM Group Limited 45 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Table 6.1: Summary of Environmental Concerns and Commitments for the Highway 407ETR East / Brock Road Interchange I.D. # Issues/Concerns Potential Effects Concerned Agencies Impacts to Fish and Fish Habitat MNR DFO TRCA 1.1 New Watercourse Crossings 1.2 Channel Realignments 1.0 I.D. # Mitigation/Protection/Monitoring 1 2 Permissible in-water timing window: July 1 to September 15, annually to protect sensitive fish and fish habitat (Redside Dace), unless permitted by the MNR Adhere to all conditions, mitigation measures, monitoring and reporting that pertain to fish and fish habitat where identified in the contract package, ESA permits and Letters Of Advice /Authorizations under the Fisheries Act. MNR DFO 1 2 Maintain fish passage in direct fish habitat where identified in the contract package and applicable permits Maintain flow in indirect fish habitat where identified in the contract package and applicable permits MNR DFO 1 Carry out channel realignments in accordance with contract documents and conditions of approvals by the MNR. Work to incorporate all protection and mitigation. 1 2.0 Impacts to Vegetation MNR MOE 2 3 Implement edge management measures as to be described in the Environmental Management Plan and shown in the contract to reduce impacts to new forest edges Implement landscape plantings, and vegetation restoration measures as identified in the Community Value Plan Where feasible, transplant 5 butternut specimens to sites of suitable habitat. Transplant sites to be confirmed through consultation with the MNR. 3.0 Impacts to Species at Risk (SAR) and Regionally/Locally Rare Species MNR TRCA 1 The Contractor will adhere to the provisions of all ESA permits, unless otherwise approved by the MNR. 3.1 Barn Swallow MNR 1 2 Construct a nesting structure to mitigate the effect of loss of nesting habitat Cover structures during construction to prevent birds from gaining access during construction 3.2 Redside Dace MNR 1 Contractor to adhere to the site specific and general mitigation measures and overall benefit requirements detailed in ESA Approvals and as specified in the contract TRCA MTO MNR City of Pickering Region of Durham 1 2 Where feasible, provide Conservation Authorities, municipalities with opportunity to carry out the salvage of regionally rare plant species where they are confirmed to occur within the Interchange Salvage of rare plants where applicable in these units include: C5BR-1b, C5BR-3, C5BR-6b, C5S16-1a, C5S16-1b, and WS16-1. o Local agencies are to be provided with an opportunity to salvage regionally rare plants prior to construction o Preferred salvage period for herbaceous species: May – June. 1 2 3.3 Regionally/Locally Rare Species Impacts to regionally rare plant species 4.0 Impacts to Surface Water and Drainage MMM Group Limited MOE Carry out dewatering activities according to the Category 3 Permit to Take Water (PTTW). Provide protection measures as identified during construction. Dewatering shall conform to OPSS 517 and 518 46 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited I.D. # 5.0 Issues/Concerns Potential Effects Impacts to Groundwater and Wells Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Concerned Agencies MOE Socio-Economic Environment 6.0 Negative effects to lands, stakeholders, properties, communities, access to community services and/or emergency services MTO City of Pickering MTO Local Residences EMS, Fire, OPP, Police I.D. # Mitigation/Protection/Monitoring 1 2 3 All complaints of well interference will be promptly investigated and alternative water supply restored if it is deemed to be caused by the construction works; 1 2 The contractor shall maintain access to lands within the project limits where specified in the contract The contractor shall adhere to the provisions detailed in the contract that relate to MTO agreements with landowners affected by the undertaking. 1 Relocation of Don Beer Memorial park ball diamonds to an alternate site by the City of Pickering 1 The Contractor will notify local emergency services including: Fire, Police, EMS (Ambulance) and OPP as identified in the contract documents a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to project start up. 2 Emergency services will be notified of access restrictions through the project limits and the timing of all road closures, traffic staging and detours to ensure that delays in access to emergency services are minimized. 1 2 3 4 Segregate waste and recyclable materials where possible. Contaminated fill material is not recommended for re-use onsite or offsite and should be removed and managed as nonhazardous waste in accordance with applicable regulations Removal of contaminated fill Site TP12-1 from the ROW to be treated as solid non-hazardous waste Surficial waste and/or recyclable material identified at the site to be removed from the ROW and properly managed off-site for reuse, recycling or disposal. 1 Any existing water supply wells within the project limits will be abandoned by an MOE-licensed water well driller, in accordance to O. Reg. 903 as amended, prior to construction in the area. Any existing monitoring wells will be abandoned as per such when no longer needed, or prior to construction if they are in the construction footprint. All records of monitoring visits and results to be made available on-site and/or at construction offices; Property and Access 6.1 6.2 Loss, severance or encroachment onto lands within the project limits Permanent, or temporary restrictions to property access Emergency Services Management of Excess Material and Disposal of Waste 7.0 8.0 Transport of soil contaminants during excavation and grading works. Built Heritage and Cultural Landscape MMM Group Limited MOE MTO MTCS MOE Reuse of select salvageable materials from 3600 16th Sideroad within decorative features and/or landscaping plans within the interchange or off-site at existing built heritage resources or cultural heritage landscapes. 47 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited I.D. # Issues/Concerns Potential Effects Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Concerned Agencies Archaeological Resources 9.0 Resources disturbed or encountered during construction activities (excavation, grading) MTCS Erosion and Sediment Control 10.0 Increased erosion potential in disturbed areas during construction Transport of sediments to sensitive environmental areas and/or features downslope/downstream of work area Potential erosion and sediment issues postconstruction MMM Group Limited MOE MTO MNR DFO TRCA I.D. # Mitigation/Protection/Monitoring 1 No work, vehicle access or disturbance within the limits of the protected archaeological sites 2 Farm fencing to be installed at perimeter of buffer for the Peter Webb 1 site and the Mr. Ludger Gros-Louis site to delineate and protect during construction. 3 Stage 4 archaeological mitigation to be completed by others at the Salgo site prior to construction in the area of the site. 4 In the event that deeply buried archaeological remains are encountered during construction, the office of the Regulatory & Operations Group, Ministry of Culture (807-475-1632) shall be contacted immediately. 5 In the event that human remains are encountered both the Ministry of Culture (807-475-1632) and the Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the Cemeteries Regulation Unit of the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services (416-326-8404) shall be contacted immediately. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Adhere to the construction staging and erosion control plan for all works All erosion sediment control measures shall be installed prior to construction and are to be left in place until the site is fully restored and stabilized, including final ditching; as specified in the contract documents Construction phasing to be scheduled to minimize the extent and period to which disturbed soils are exposed to weathering. Temporary ESC measures employed shall be biodegradable (i.e. erosion control blankets). Install and maintain continuous silt fencing downstream and/or downslope of all exposed areas. ESCs are to be routinely inspected after each storm and cleaned out as required, to ensure that the controls remain effective. 48 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Table 6.2: Summary of EA Commitments and EA Compliance ID No. EA Commitment Source of Commitment EA Compliance GENERAL 1 Prepare Environmental Management Plans (EMP’s) to ensure mitigation/compensation measures and monitoring requirements are employed, inspected and maintained during MTO construction and operation EMP will be prepared specific to the 407 Brock Road Interchange project 3 Carry out ongoing consultation with stakeholders during subsequent design phases and MTO construction Agency and stakeholder consultation in form of notifications for Study Commencement/PIC and Study Completion; and PIC held to provide detail design information. 4 Finalize 407 East Community Value Plan in consultation with municipalities and First Nation MTO communities CVP updated for detail design. Region of Durham consulted for input. 5 Carry out ongoing engagement with First Nations communities during subsequent design phases MTO/First Nations and construction First Nations contacted at Study Commencement/PIC and Study Completion to inform them of the detail design study 6 Notify First Nations of opportunity to be involved in Stage 3 and Stage 4 Archaeological MTO/First Nations Assessment related to Aboriginal finds prior to their initiation MTO has notified First Nations of pending Stage 4 investigations at Salgo site HYDROGEOLOGY 9 Transfer all hydrogeology mitigation/compensation measures and monitoring requirements into MTO the EMP Will be transferred to EMP for this project 10 Acquire all necessary hydrogeology permits/approvals Permit to Take Water application submitted to MOE 11 Explore the use of clay or a geomembrane for lining stormwater management ponds, highway MTO ditching and outlet channels in areas here high permeability soils exists at surface Clay liners are included in 3 stormwater ponds identified for this project 12 Explore the use of permeable sub-base material and groundwater equalization drains for raised MTO fill for the highway through sensitive wetland areas and unconfined aquifers At the fill areas at creek structures M2, M4 and M10, where ground water conditions indicated potential for seepage/active springs standard earth material was replaced with course granular material to ensure permeability 13 Where feasible, keep the highway profile at or above grade where highly permeable soils are MTO present at surface to avoid potential adverse effects to groundwater Roadway profile was kept at or above existing ground where possible. The VE exercise eliminated the deep cut that was proposed for highway 7. SWM pond 07W eliminated and replaced with terraces which avoided significant cut at that location 14 Where permanent sidewall drainage is required in deep highway cuts, explore the possibility of MTO collecting cold groundwater seepage and discharging it into receptor streams Cross-subdrains will be installed at the base of the sub-excavation at M-10 (site 7), where significant groundwater springs occur. Subdrains proposed to be installed under ditches at several locations to provide cooling tranches prior to discharge to Brougham Creek Tributary B MTO/MOE TERRESTRIAL 15 Transfer all terrestrial mitigation/compensation measures and monitoring requirements into the MTO EMP Will be transferred to EMP for this project 16 Acquire all necessary permits/approvals prior to construction Information submitted to MNR to ensure compliance with the Endangered Species Act. 17 Develop and finalize edge management designs in consultation with MNR and the Conservation MTO/MNR/TRCA Authorities at vegetation polygons: C5BR-2, CS516-1. MMM Group Limited MTO/MNR 49 Edge Management Plans have been developed and incorporated into contract. Edge Management has been provided for Brock Road crossing of Brougham Creek (vegetation polygon C5BR-3). Plans will be submitted to MNR. 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited ID No. EA Commitment Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Source of Commitment EA Compliance MTO/MNR/CA’s Some butternut specimens in project area accounted for in ESA Permit for 407 East Phase 1. Additional butternuts have been reported to MNR. Transplantable retainable butternuts have been identified in the contract to be transplanted to sites of suitable habitat 18 Further develop and implement 407 East Butternut Tree Strategy (various requirements) 20 These agencies (as applicable to this interchange) will be contacted for offer to Provide opportunity for Durham Region, MNR, CLOCA, TRCA (and GRCA) to salvage regionally MTO/MNR/CA’s/Municipalities remove specimens prior to construction rare plant species 23 During subsequent design phases review opportunities to minimize encroachment into MTO/MNR vegetation unit C5S16-1 Design refinement of Highway 7 over Highway 407 resulted in a reduction of vegetation removal from this unit 24 Prepare access management plan for vegetation unit WS16-1 Access management plan has been prepared for work in this valleyland MTO FISHERIES 27 Transfer all fisheries mitigation/compensation measures and monitoring requirements into the MTO EMP Will be transferred to EMP for this project 28 Acquire all necessary permits/approvals prior to construction MTO/MNR Information is being submitted to MNR to secure approvals for work in redside dace streams 30 Develop and implement a 407 East Redside Dace Strategy MTO/DFO/MNR Designs to provide overall benefit to redside dace in Brougham Creek and associated tributaries are being developed in consultation with MNR 31 Undertake a detailed assessment to confirm whether or not specific physical channel measures are warranted to support salmonid spawning and rearing habitat at Brougham Creek Tributary B MTO/DFO/MNR (Site 7) Design includes measures to support salmonid spawning and rearing. 32 Develop and implement natural channel designs to re-instate the relocated channel sections to MTO/DFO maintain natural fluvial processes Natural channel design includes maintaining natural fluvial processes, as much as possible. 34 Retain a Fisheries Contract Specialist where a Fisheries Act Authorization is required to ensure MTO designs are properly implemented This requirement is identified in the contract 36 Ensure where feasible construction sequencing considers the relocation and/or realignment of MTO/DFO fisheries channels in advance of structural works Construction sequencing has been developed in order to carry out creek works in advance of structural works 37 Opportunity to refine SWM facilities to address thermal and sediment treatment MTO/MNR/CA’s SWM pond depths increase to mitigate thermal warming MTO/MOE Will be transferred to EMP for this project MTO Will be transferred to EMP for this project AIR QUALITY 38 Transfer all air quality mitigation measures into the EMP NOISE 39 Transfer all noise mitigation measures into the EMP LANDSCAPE COMPOSITION 41 Transfer all landscape mitigation measures into the EMP MTO Will be transferred to EMP for this project 42 Apply a minimum 2-year warranty to all planted landscape material MTO This is identified in the contract ARCHAEOLOGY 48 Complete Stage 2, 3 and 4 archaeological assessments MTO/MCL Stage 4 AA will be carried out at Salgo site prior to construction 49 Acquire all necessary archaeological approvals MTO/MCL Required documentation to be submitted to MCL for sign-off MMM Group Limited 50 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited ID No. EA Commitment Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Source of Commitment EA Compliance In the event that deeply buried archaeological remains are found during construction activities the Heritage Operation Unit of the Ontario Ministry of Culture will be notified immediately 50 In the event that human remains are encountered during construction both the Ministry of Culture MTO/MCL and the Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the Cemeteries Regulation Unit of the Ministry of Government Services, Consumer Protection Branch at (416) 326-8404 or toll-free at 1-800-8899768 should be contacted immediately Will be identified in the EMP and project commitments in the DCR BUILT HERITAGE 54 Transfer all built heritage mitigation measures into the EMP. Current measures and Best Management Practices available at the time of construction should be implemented where MTO/MCL applicable Re-use of barn stone foundation considered but was deemed not to be feasible for use in Gateway feature. DRAINAGE/STORMWATER 56 Confirm and finalize the SWM design, including pond designs and storm sewer system MTO/CA’s requirements MMM Group Limited 51 Design finalized and accepted by MTO and CA’s. 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation 7 Monitoring In order to ensure that mitigation measures identified in this DCR are implemented as intended, monitoring of the environmental effects during different life stages of the project are proposed. The following commitments have been proposed to ensure that, where required, monitoring is carried out during construction, operation and/or maintenance of the Interchange. 7.1 Construction Monitoring During construction, access related complaints will be investigated and considered on a case by case basis by MTO and/or its Agent. Specific monitoring requirements will be applied as described in the EA commitments and compliance, environmental permits and the contract documents. Monitoring during construction will be related to the following: Construction of watercourse crossings and channel realignments. An MTO Fisheries Contract Specialist will be required to fulfill the monitoring requirements to satisfy the conditions of ESA permitting and Fisheries Act Authorizations. Vegetation monitoring specific to ESA permitting for butternut and coordination with agencies where required for regionally rare and sensitive plants. Groundwater and Wells (private, public) will be monitored as specified in the Permit to Take Water for the project. The environmental inspector will monitor all works and in particular works related to erosion and sediment controls, dewatering, restoration, and in-water or near-water works. All damaged erosion and sediment control measures shall be repaired and/or replaced ASAP. General, site/task specific monitoring will include: o Dewatering activities – ESC measures, water quality (on-site and context) o Discharge rates – twice daily o Proper function of dewatering and discharge systems o Stream level monitoring o Well monitoring o Proper documentation of monitoring and complaints: All records of monitoring visits and results to be made available on-site and/or at construction offices; All complaints of well interference will be promptly investigated and alternative water supply restored if it is deemed to be caused by the construction works; MMM Group Limited 52 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation 8 References AECOM, August 2009. 407 East Individual Environmental Assessment (IEA) and Preliminary Design Study; Environmental Assessment Report, Prepared for the MTO. Archaeological Services Inc. July 2011. Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report and Documentation Report, Built Heritage Resources and Cultural Heritage Landscapes; 3500 16th Sideline, North Half of Lot 17, Concession V, City of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham, Ontario; MTO Site No. WM-01, PIN 264020010. COSEWIC, 2012. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Federal status updated November 2012. Gartner Lee Limited and Ecoplans Limited, August 2009. Natural Environment (Terrestrial) Impact Assessment of the Recommended Design. Prepared for MTO - Highway 407 East. Lee, Harold, Wasyl Bakowsky, John Riley, Jane Bowles, Michael Puddister, Peter Uhlig, and Sean McMurray, 1998. Ecological Land Classification for Southern Ontario: first approximation and its application. North Bay: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Southcentral Science Section, Science Development and Transfer Branch. SCSS Field Guide FG-02. LGL Limited & Delcan, May 2012. Assessment of Design Refinements to the 407 East Brock Road Interchange. Prepared for the MTO. Ministry of the Environment (MOE), 2010. Environmental Assessment Act, Section 9, Notice of Approval to Proceed with the Undertaking; An Environmental Assessment for the Easterly Extension of the 407 Transportation Corridor, MTO (EA No. EA-02-07). John Gerretsen, May 26, 2010. Ministry of Transportation. (August 2009). 407 East Individual Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Design Study: Socio-economic Impact Assessment of the Recommended Design. Prepared by Meridian Planning Consultants. MMM Group Limited (MMM), January 2013. Highway 407 East – Brock Road Interchange, Design Change Net Effects Assessment MMM Group Limited (MMM), January 2013. Hydrogeological Assessment for Construction Permit to Take Water, Highway 407 ETR Connection – Brock Road Area, Markham and Pickering, Ontario (Draft). MMM Group Limited (MMM). 2013. Stormwater Management Report, Highway 407E/Brock Road Interchange Connection (Draft). Novus Environmental, 2012. Air Quality Assessment Highway 407 East Expansion Brock Road Re-Alignment (Draft). Prepared for the MTO Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. 2004. Table entitled TRCA Flora Scores & Ranks (11 April 2003). Unpublished document provided by TRCA MMM Group Limited 53 2013 Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Design and Construction Report Ministry of Transportation Toronto Region Conservation Authority. 2003b. Vegetation Community Scores. Unpublished document provided by TRCA TSH Engineers, Architects, Planners (TSH), April 2011. Comprehensive Study Report, 407 East Transportation Corridor, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency; Ministry of Transportation (MTO), 2006. Environmental Reference for Highway Design (ERHD). Prepared for the MTO. MMM Group Limited 54 2013 Appendix A: Public Consultation NOTICE OF DETAIL DESIGN STUDY AND PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange MMM Group Limited (MMM) has been retained by 407 ETR Concession Company Limited (407ETR) to undertake the Detail Design of the new Highway 407 East/Brock Road Interchange on behalf of the Ministry of Transportation (MTO). This interchange is located at the west end of the approved Highway 407 East Transportation Corridor from Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 35/115 in Clarington. PROJECT HISTORY/APPROVALS The 407 East Environmental Assessment (EA) Study was conducted as an Individual EA, in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act and was approved by the Minister of the Environment on, June 3, 2010, allowing the project to proceed, subject to certain conditions. The project also underwent a review under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) and a decision statement was issued by the federal Minister of the Environment on July 7, 2011 allowing the project to proceed. DETAIL DESIGN The purpose of this study is to complete the Detail Design of the Highway 407 East/Brock Road Interchange. Under the Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000) this project is identified as a Group ‘A’ project. The work will include: r 5IF TFQBSBUJPO PG UIF FYJTUJOH FBTUCPVOE BOE XFTUCPVOE MBOFTPG)JHIXBZGSPNBQQSPYJNBUFMZLNXFTUPGUIF FYJTUJOH)JHIXBZ#SPDL3PBEJOUFSTFDUJPOUPUIFFYJTUJOH Highway 7/Sideline 16 Road intersection; r 5IF OFX )JHIXBZ &BTU NBJOMJOF GSPN UIF Highway 7/Sideline 16 Road, easterly 850 m; r 5IF SFBMJHONFOU PG #SPDL 3PBE PO CFIBMG PG UIF 3FHJPO PG Durham to accommodate the new interchange; r "OFX)JHIXBZ&BTUSFBMJHOFE#SPDL3PBE*OUFSDIBOHFBOE r 5IF SFBMJHONFOU PG )JHIXBZ XJUIJO UIF MJNJUT PG UIF OFX interchange. PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE A Public Information Centre (PIC) has been scheduled to present the Detail Design of the interchange for public review and comment. Representatives of the Project Team will be available to answer questions and receive your input at that time. The PIC will be held at the following location: Location: Brougham Hall – 3545 Brock Road, Brougham, Ontario Date and Time: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 – 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This study is following an approved planning process with the opportunity for public input. In accordance with the Class EA, a Design and Construction Report (DCR) will be prepared and made available for a 30-day public review period with public notice advising of the start of the review period. The DCR is not eligible for a Part II Order (‘bump-up’ opportunity). HOW TO COMMENT We are interested in hearing your comments regarding the study. Comments and information regarding this project are being collected to assist the study team in meeting the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. This information will be maintained on file GPSVTFEVSJOHUIFQSPKFDUBOENBZCFJODMVEFEJOQSPKFDUEPDVNFOUBUJPO8JUIUIFFYDFQUJPOPGQFSTPOBMJOGPSNBUJPOBMMDPNNFOUT will become part of the public record in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you would like to have your name added to the mailing list or to provide comments, please contact the MMM, 407 ETR or MTO Project Managers as follows: Ms. Alla Dinerman, P.Eng. Senior Project Manager Transportation Engineering MMM Group Limited 100 Commerce Valley Drive West Thornhill, ON L3T 0A1 UFM GBY FNBJMEJOFSNBOB!NNNDB Mr. Peter Baldasaro, P.Eng. Manager, Infrastructure 407 ETR 6300 Steeles Avenue West Woodbridge, ON L4H 1J1 tel: 905-266-2167 GBY FNBJMQCBMEBTBSP!FUSDPN Mr. Frank Martins, P.Eng. Contract Management Engineer Strategic Highways Management Office Ministry of Transportation 1201 Wilson Avenue, 7th Floor, Building D Toronto, ON M3M 1J8 UFM GBY FNBJMGSBOLNBSUJOT!POUBSJPDB November 12, 2012 16.12040.001 EXAMPLE OF AGENCY LETTER NAME ADDRESS BLOCK Dear CONTACT NAME, Subject: Notice of Detail Design Study and Public Information Centre Highway 407 East/Brock Road Interchange MMM Group Limited (MMM) has been retained by 407 ETR Concession Company Limited (407ETR) to undertake the Detail Design of the new Highway 407 East/Brock Road interchange on behalf of the Ministry of Transportation (MTO). This interchange is located at the west end of the approved Highway 407 East Transportation Corridor from Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 35/115 in Clarington. The proposed interchange is shown in the attached notice. Under the Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000) this project is identified as a ‘Group A’ project. Subsequent to the Highway 407/Brock Road Interchange preliminary design presented in the approved 407 East – Environmental Assessment Report (2009), the MTO has modified the interchange by shifting the realigned Brock Road alignment to the west, to avoid the Ludger Gros-Louis archaeological site. The purpose of this study is to complete the Detail Design of the Highway 407 East/Brock Road interchange. The work will include: The separation of the existing eastbound and westbound lanes of Highway 407 from approximately 1.2 km west of the existing Highway 407 / Brock Road intersection to the existing Highway 7 / Sideline 16 Road intersection; The new Highway 407 East mainline from the Highway 7 / Sideline 16 Road, easterly 850m; The realignment of Brock Road on behalf of the Region of Durham to accommodate the new interchange; A new Highway 407 East/ realigned Brock Road Interchange The realignment of Highway 7 within the limits of the new interchange We invite you to attend an advance viewing of Public Information Centre (PIC) displays for review ministries and agencies prior to the opening of the PIC for the general public: Location: Brougham Hall – 3545 Brock Road, Brougham, Ontario Date & Time: Wednesday November 21, 2012 – 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Please refer to the attached copy of the newspaper notice for additional detail about the project, including components of the detail design and contact persons for the project. This study is following an approved planning process with the opportunity for public input. In accordance with the Class EA, a Design and Construction Report (DCR) will be prepared and made available for a 30-day public review period with public notice advising of the start of the review period. The DCR is not eligible for a Part II Order (‘bump-up’ opportunity). We look forward to your attendance at this session of the PIC and to receiving your comments on this project. If you would like additional information, please contact the undersigned at (905) 8827212 extension, or by email at dinnermana@mmm.ca. Yours truly, MMM Group Limited SIGNATURE Ms. Alla Dinerman, P.Eng. Senior Project Manager Partner Transportation Engineering C.C. Paul Ruttan (407ETR) Peter Baldasaro (407ETR) Frank Martins (MTO) Darlene Proudfoot (MTO) Jeff Warren (MMM) Encl. Notice of Study Commencement and Public Information Centre 2 Ministry of Transportation Ministère des Transports Strategic Highways Management Office 1201 Wilson Avenue 7th floor, Building “D” Downsview, ON M3M 1J8 Bureau de gestion des routes stratégiques 1201 avenue Wilson 7e étage, édifice D Downsview ON M3M1J8 Tel: Fax: Tél: (416) 235-4216 Téléc: (416) 235-4267 (416) 235-4216 (416) 235-4267 November 12, 2012 16.12040.001 EXAMPLE OF FIRST NATION LETTER ADDRESS BLOCK Dear CONTACT NAME, Subject: Notice of Study Commencement and Public Information Centre Highway 407 Brock Road Interchange Detail Design MMM Group Limited has been retained to undertake the detailed design of the Highway 407 Brock Road interchange. This interchange is located at the west end of the approved Highway 407 East from Brock Road in Pickering, to Highway 35/115 in Clarington. Under the Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000) this project is identified as a ‘Group A’ project. Subsequent to the Highway 407/Brock Road Interchange preliminary design presented in the approved 407 East – Environmental Assessment Report (2009), the MTO has modified the interchange by shifting the realigned Brock Road alignment to the west, to avoid the Ludger Gros-Louis archaeological site. The purpose of this study is to complete the Detail Design of the Highway 407 East/Brock Road interchange. The work will include: The separation of the existing eastbound and westbound lanes of Highway 407 from approximately 1.2 km west of the existing Highway 407 / Brock Road intersection to the existing Highway 7 / Sideline 16 Road intersection; The new Highway 407 East mainline from the Highway 7 / Sideline 16 Road, easterly 850m; The realignment of Brock Road on behalf of the Region of Durham to accommodate the new interchange; A new Highway 407 East/ realigned Brock Road Interchange The realignment of Highway 7 within the limits of the new interchange We have scheduled a Public Information Centre (PIC) to present the design for public review and comment. MTO, 407 ETR and MMM Group staff will be available to answer questions and receive your input at that time. We invite you to attend an advance viewing of PIC displays for review ministries and agencies prior to the opening of the PIC for the general public: Location: Date: Time: Brougham Hall – 3545 Brock Road, Brougham, ON Wednesday November 21, 2012 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Please refer to the attached copy of the newspaper notice for additional detail about the project, including components of the detail design and contact persons for the project. This study is following an approved planning process with the opportunity for public input. In accordance with the Class EA, a Design and Construction Report (DCR) will be prepared and made available for a 30-day public review period with public notice advising of the start of the review period. The DCR is not eligible for a Part II Order (‘bump-up’ opportunity). We look forward to your attendance at this session of the PIC and to receiving your comments on this project. If you would like additional information, please contact Ms. Alla Dinnerman of MMM Group Ltd. at (905) 882-7212, or by email at dinnermana@mmm.ca. Sincerely, SIGNATURE Frank Martins, P.Eng. Contract Management Engineer C.C. Paul Ruttan (407ETR) Peter Baldasaro (407ETR) Alla Dinnerman (MMM) Jeff Warren (MMM) Encl. Notice of Study Commencement and Public Information Centre Highway 407 East, Brock Road Interchange Notice of Study Completion MMM Group Limited (MMM) has been retained by 407ETR Concession Company Limited (407ETR) to undertake the Detail Design of the new Highway 407 East/Brock Road Interchange on behalf of the Ministry of Transportation (MTO). This interchange is located at the west end of the approved Highway 407 East Transportation Corridor from Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 35/115 in Clarington. Project History / Approvals The 407 East Environmental Assessment (EA) Study was conducted as an Individual EA, in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act and was approved by the Minister of the Environment on June 3, 2010, allowing the project to proceed, subject to certain conditions. The project also underwent a review under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) and a decision statement was issued by the federal Minister of the Environment on July 7, 2011 allowing the project to proceed. Detail Design The purpose of this study is to complete the Detail Design of the Highway 407 East/Brock Road interchange. Under the Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000) this project is identified as a ‘Group A’ project. The work will include: x x x x x The separation of the existing eastbound and westbound lanes of Highway 407 from approximately 1.2 km west of the existing Highway 407 / Brock Road intersection to the existing Highway 7 / Sideline 16 intersection; The new Highway 407 East mainline from the Highway 7 / Sideline 16, easterly 850 m; The realignment of Brock Road on behalf of the Region of Durham to accommodate the new interchange; A new Highway 407 East/ realigned Brock Road Interchange; The realignment of Highway 7 within the limits of the new interchange The Process In accordance with the Class EA, a Design and Construction Report (DCR) has been prepared to document the detail design and will be available for a 30-day public review period beginning on Wednesday February 6, 2013. Interested persons are encouraged to review this document and provide comments in writing to the Consultant, 407ETR or MTO Project Managers listed below by Thursday March 7, 2013. The DCR is not eligible for a Part II Order (‘bump-up’ opportunity). How to Comment The DCR is available for review online at www.highway407east.com/project-info/project-background/reports/ and at the following locations beginning on Wednesday February 6, 2013 during regular business hours: The Corporation of the City of Pickering Clerk’s Office 1 the Esplanade South Pickering, ON 407ETR Customer Service Centre 6300 Steeles Ave. West Woodbridge, ON Pickering Public Library, Greenwood Branch 3540 Westney Rd South of 6th Concession Greenwood, ON The Ministry of the Environment Central Region Office 5775 Yonge St. 8th floor North York, ON The Ministry of Transportation Central Region Strategic Highways Management Office 7thFloor, Building ‘D’ 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, ON Greenwood Branch Open: Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday We are interested in hearing your comments regarding the study. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Written comments are to be sent to the MMM, 407ETR, or MTO project managers as follows: Ms. Alla Dinerman, P.Eng. Senior Project Manager Transportation Engineering MMM Group Limited 100 Commerce Valley Drive West Thornhill, ONL3T 0A1 Tel: (905) 882-7212 Fax: (905) 882-0055 E-mail: dinermana@mmm.ca Mr. Peter Baldasaro, P. Eng. Manager, Infrastructure 407ETR 6300 Steeles Avenue W Woodbridge, ONL4H 1J1 Tel: (905) 266-2167 Fax: (905) 264-5315 E-mail: pbaldasaro@407etr.com Mr. Frank Martins, P.Eng. Contract Management Engineer Strategic Highways Management Office Ministry of Transportation Ontario 1201 Wilson Avenue 7thFloorBuilding D Toronto, ONM3M 1J8 Tel: (416) 235-4077 Fax: (416) 235-4267 E-mail: frank.martins@ontario.ca January 29, 2013 16.12040.001 EXAMPLE OF AGENCY LETTER NAME ADDRESS BLOCK Dear CONTACT NAME, Subject: Notice of Study Completion Highway 407 East/Brock Road Interchange Detail Design MMM Group Limited (MMM) has been retained by 407 ETR Concession Company Limited (407ETR) to undertake the Detail Design of the new Highway 407 East/Brock Road interchange on behalf of the Ministry of Transportation (MTO). This interchange is located at the west end of the approved Highway 407 East Transportation Corridor from Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 35/115 in Clarington. The location of the proposed interchange is shown in the attached notice. Under the Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000) this project is identified as a ‘Group A’ project. Subsequent to the Highway 407/Brock Road Interchange preliminary design presented in the approved 407 East – Environmental Assessment Report (2009), MTO modified the interchange by shifting the realigned Brock Road alignment to the west, to avoid the Mr. Ludger Gros-Louis archaeological site. The purpose of this study is to complete the Detail Design of the Highway 407 East/Brock Road interchange. The work will include: The separation of the existing eastbound and westbound lanes of Highway 407 from approximately 1.2 km west of the existing Highway 407 / Brock Road intersection to the existing Highway 7 / Sideline 16 Road intersection; The new Highway 407 East mainline from the Highway 7 / Sideline 16 Road, easterly 850m; The realignment of Brock Road on behalf of the Region of Durham to accommodate the new interchange; A new Highway 407 East/ realigned Brock Road Interchange The realignment of Highway 7 within the limits of the new interchange In accordance with the Class EA, a Design and Construction Report (DCR) has been prepared to document the detail design and will be available for a 30-day public review period beginning on Wednesday February 6, 2013. The DCR is not eligible for a Part II Order (“bump-up” opportunity). Please see the enclosed copy of the notice of study completion for details on where hard copies and a digital copy of the report are available for review. We look forward to receiving your comments on this project in writing by Thursday March 7, 2013. If you would like additional information, please contact the undersigned at (905) 882-7212 extension, or by email at dinermana@mmm.ca. Yours truly, MMM Group Limited SIGNATURE Ms. Alla Dinerman, P.Eng. Senior Project Manager Partner Transportation Engineering C.C. Paul Ruttan (407ETR) Peter Baldasaro (407ETR) Frank Martins (MTO) Chris Brown (MTO) Jeff Warren (MMM) Encl. Notice of Study Completion 2 Ministry of Transportation Ministère des Transports Strategic Highways Management Office 1201 Wilson Avenue 7th floor, Building “D” Downsview, ON M3M 1J8 Bureau de gestion des routes stratégiques 1201 avenue Wilson 7e étage, édifice D Downsview ON M3M1J8 Tel: Fax: Tél: (416) 235-4216 Téléc: (416) 235-4267 (416) 235-4216 (416) 235-4267 January 30, 2013 16.12040.001 EXAMPLE OF FIRST NATION LETTER ADDRESS BLOCK Dear CONTACT NAME, Subject: Notice of Study Completion Highway 407 Brock Road Interchange Detail Design The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and 407 ETR Concession Company Limited retained MMM Group Limited to undertake the detailed design of the Highway 407 Brock Road interchange. This interchange is located at the west end of the approved Highway 407 East from Brock Road in Pickering, to Highway 35/115 in Clarington. Under the Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000) this project is identified as a ‘Group A’ project. Subsequent to the Highway 407/Brock Road Interchange preliminary design presented in the approved 407 East – Environmental Assessment Report (2009), MTO modified the interchange by shifting the realigned Brock Road alignment to the west, to avoid the Mr. Ludger Gros-Louis archaeological site. The purpose of this study is to complete the Detail Design of the Highway 407 East/Brock Road interchange. The work will include: The separation of the existing eastbound and westbound lanes of Highway 407 from approximately 1.2 km west of the existing Highway 407 / Brock Road intersection to the existing Highway 7 / Sideline 16 Road intersection; The new Highway 407 East mainline from the Highway 7 / Sideline 16 Road, easterly 850m; The realignment of Brock Road on behalf of the Region of Durham to accommodate the new interchange; A new Highway 407 East/ realigned Brock Road Interchange The realignment of Highway 7 within the limits of the new interchange In accordance with the Class EA, a Design and Construction Report (DCR) has been prepared to document the detail design and will be available for a 30-day public review period beginning on Wednesday February 6, 2013. The DCR is not eligible for a Part II Order (“bump-up” opportunity). Please see the enclosed copy of the notice of study completion for details on where hard copies and a digital copy of the report are available for review. ../2 Page 2 We look forward to receiving your comments on this project in writing by Thursday March 7, 2013. If you would like additional information, please contact Ms. Alla Dinnerman of MMM Group Ltd. at (905) 882-7212, or by email at dinermana@mmm.ca. Sincerely, SIGNATURE Frank Martins, P.Eng. Contract Management Engineer C.C. Chris Brown (MTO) Paul Ruttan (407ETR) Peter Baldasaro (407ETR) Alla Dinnerman (MMM) Jeff Warren (MMM) Encl. Notice of Study Completion Highway 407E / Brock Road Interchange Name Agency Contact List Position / Affiliation Company / Nation Habitat Team Leader Environmental Assessment Officer Regional Environmental Assessment Coordinator Senior Environmental Officer Regional Manager Strategic and Studies Regional Manager Strategic and Studies Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans Eastern Ontario District Prescott Office Environment Canada Ontario Region Environmental Policy and Assessment Division Health Canada Transport Canada Pickering Lands Transport Canada Pickering Lands Branch Pickering Lands Transport Canada Pickering Lands Branch Environmental Assessment Coordination Consultation and Accommodation Unit (CAU) Supervisor Project Coordination District Planner Archaeology Review Officer Transportation Planner Associate Ministry of the Environment Environmental Approvals Branch Environmental Assessment Services Ministry of Natural Resources Aurora District Ministry of Tourism and Culture Programs & Services Branch GO Transit Ontario Growth Secretariat Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Renewal OPP – Whitby Detachment OPP Whitby Project Manager Transportation Design Manager Transportation Design Senior Planner Transportation Planning Division Head Engineering Services Division Planner II Region of Durham Region of Durham Region of Durham The Corporation of the City of Pickering Toronto Region Conservation Authority Vice President Seaton Lands Senior Planner Enbridge Gas Enbridge Pipelines Rogers Cable Communications Inc. Veridian Hydro Bell Canada Infrastructure Ontario Infrastructure Ontario Associate General Counsel, Legal Elder Legal Council Barrister & Solicitor Coordinator for William Treaties First Nation Chippewas of Georgina Island Chippewas of Georgina Island Curve Lake First Nation Curve Lake First Nation Kawartha Nishnawbe First Nation Mississaugas of Scugog Island Chippewas of Beausoleil Christian Island Alderville First Nation Alderville Administrative Office Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs Hiawatha First Nation Hiawatha First Nation Chippewas of Rama First Nation Mississaugas of Scugog Island Alderville First Nation Huron‐Wendat Huron‐Wendat Donnelly Barrister & Solicitor Centre for Social Innovation Williams Treaty First Nations Federal Agencies Mr. Thomas Hoggarth Ms. Denise Fell Ms. Kitty Ma Mr. David Zeit Mr John Connolly Mr John Connolly ‐‐‐‐ Provincial Agencies Mr. Jason Ryan Ms. Jackie Burkart Mr. Norbert Stanchly Mr. Jeff Bateman Mr. Mike Kim Mr. Greg Sweeney Mr. Jeff Edwards Regional/Municipal Agencies Mr. Mike Hubble, P. Eng. Mr. Paul Gee Mr. Chris Leitch Mr. Richard Holborn Ms. Sharon Lingertat Utilities/Other Agencies Mr. Andrew Smith Ms. Ann Newman Mr. Glen Thompson Mr. Ken Gallen Ms. Kimberly MacLellan Mr. Graham Martin Ms. Magdalena Sabat First Nations Chief Donna Big Canoe Ms. Sheri Wilson Chief Phyllis Williams Councillor Ted Coppaway Chief Kris Nahrgang Ms. Rhonda Coppaway Chief Roland Monague Councillor Pam Crowe Ms. Heather Levecque Chief Sandra Moore Councillor Lorne Paudash Chief Sharon Stinson Henry Chief Tracy Gauthier Chief James Marsden Ms. Heather Bastien Chief Konrad Sioui Mr. David Donnelly Ms. Karry Sandy‐Mackenzie Appendix B: Design and Construction Staging Plans