20x3 - 2An4 C - East Stroudsburg Area School District
20x3 - 2An4 C - East Stroudsburg Area School District
EAST STROUDStsURG AREA SCHOOT DTSTRNCT 20x3 - 2An4 C Å ì-¡-l{B ¡;6r,r,re 1;'lf-5 AR PAGE(S) ITEMS OF'INFORMATION Acceptable Use for Technology Resources. ' Access to Board Policies.. Accident Insurance for Students... . .. . . . Addresses and Phone Numbers for Schools.. Administration Directory... .. . , ... Attendance at Board of klucation Meetings, Board Meeting Dates.. .. . .... .... Board of Education Information Board of Education Members. . . . Body Mass Index (BMD Screenings... ... 7 7 7 3&5 I '..' .. 7&9 9 9 9 9 11 11 l1 1l ll ll&13 . 13 . Religious Holidays... .. . ... Religious Instruction.. .... . Reports to ParentVGuardians..... Students Leaving School Buildings..... .... ... ...... Student Records Policy Notice... .. .. ..... Transportation to Daycare Centers.,. ... ... Use of Facilities Visiting A School Building. .. ... ... Volurteers... .. . ..,,... PTJBLIC SCHOOLS WORK programs, activities or empf oyment ion, ancestry or any other legally protected including Title VI of the civil Rights Act and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act. Information relative to special accommodation, grievance procedure, and the designated responsible official for compliance with Title VI, Title IX, and Section 5M may be obtained by cootacting Mri. Sharon Laverdure, Title IX and Section 504 Coordinator, at the Administration Office, East Stroudsburg Area School District, 50 Vine Street, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18301 or call (570) 424-8500-Ext. I 101. Phone: 5'70-424-8500 www.esasd.net Fax 5 &.7 15 l5 t7 t7 t7 &.19 t9 19 &.21 21 2t &23 24 24 24 24 24,25,26 26 26 26 26 26 570-424-5646 1 101/l Mrs. Sharon S. Laverdure-Ext. Superintendent of Schools Resources...... K-5............. SpecialEducationK-5............. 13 I Human '.. -Ext. 1201 Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction.........Mrs. Irene N. Duggins-Ext. 1301 ..Mrs. Ma¡ialenaCasciotta-Ext. 1907 Director of Pupil Services ..... Ext. Special Education 6- 8 Director of Pupil Services 9 Business Manager Assistant Business Manager ....Ext. 1903 .Mrs. Kim Stevens-Ext. 1907 Director of Pupil Services 6 - 8. 13&15 I Non-Resident Students..... .. .. Notice Of Automated Message Delivery... ... .. ' .. Notice To Parents/Gua¡dians ofPre-School Children with Special Needs (Age 3 to School Age). Notification of Rights Under the hotection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)'. ' .. ' '.. Parent-Teacher Organizations & Officers. .. ... . Physical Exams Public Awareness Notice. . . . .. .... Pupil Services,. Pupil - Unlawful Ha¡assment Policy #248.......' Tobacco Use. ..... ADMINISTRATTVE DIRECTORY 50 Vine Street - P.O. Box 298 East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 I 15 '.. East Stroudsburg Area School District...Creating the Future! 3 3 Medication...... .. .. East Stroudsburg Area School District, a diverse and rapidly growing community, nurtures within all students a commitment to excellence and life-long leaming which prepares them to become creative, productive and responsible citizens in a continually changing and challenging world. 3 ...... .. Cafeteria Information.............. Chapter l5 Annual Notice.................. Chapter 16 Arurual Notice. .. ... . ,. .. . Closing School. Controlled Substances Policy.. ... . ...... Emergency Contact Information.. ...... ... ... .. Equal Rights and Oppornnities Policy... .... .. Full Day Kindergafen Program.... .. .... ... . Hours for Students.. . . .. .... .. . .. ... Immunization Requirements.. . .. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Notification,. '. '. .. . .... '. Kindergarten/First Gtade Admission.... . .. .. .... Mission Statement. .. ... ... ... .... Mon¡oe Career & Technical lnstitute.. EAST STROT]DSBURG AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT. MISSION STATEMENT -12............... 1901 ..'..'... Mrs' Lynda Hopkins-Ext. 1907 SpecialEducation9-12............. ...Ext. 1902 Mr. Jeffrey Bader-Ext. 1508 Mr. Thomas Mclntyre-Ext. 1508 .. Mr. James Shearouse-Ext. 1801 Director of Maintenance Mr. Thomas Williams- Ext.-1801 Director of Custodial Services .'. Mr. Paul H. Schmid-Ext 1401 Director of Food Services......... .........Mr. Benjamin Brenneman-Ext. 2501 Director of Athletics and Activities. Director of Administrative Services/Child Accounting...................Mr. Eric Forsyth-Ext ll22 ..Mr. Brian Borosh-Ext. 1350 Director of Technology Ms. Kimberly Holcomb-Ext. 1702 Director of Transportation Mrs. Araina Maynard-Freed-Ext. 1904 ACCESS Program Coordinator .Mrs. Corine Bachman- Ext. 1703 Transportation Dispatcher - South........... ..Ms. Marianne Moore -588-4420 Transportation Dispatcher - North. ...... . . Ext.2417 EAST STROT]DSBURG AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Term Expires BOARD OF . December 2015 Mr. William Searfoss, ..... December 2013 Mr. Robert Cooke, Vice December 2015 M¡. Ronald D. December 2015 Mrs. Eileen . December 2013 Mr. Douglas December 2013 M¡. Robert Gress December 2015 Mr. Roy Horton December 2015 Mrs. Marjorie James.... December 2013 Mr. Michaet Meachem Mrs. Patricia L. Rosado, Secreta¡Y Mr. Christopher S. Brown, Esquire Mr. Thomas F. Dirvonas, Board Members President........ President Bradley...... Featherman.... Freeman ............. EDUCATION Solicitor 1 August 2013 Fridav Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Mondav Sunday Saturday L t 3 9 10 t6 l7 4 5 6 7 8 11 t2 13 t4 15 JTL-6'b Grade Orientation - 1:30 PM & 5:30 PM Kindergarten Orientation per school buildine 18 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 Schoot Board Meeting Board Room Administration 7:00 PM 25 26 New Teacher New Teacher Orientation Orientation Kindergarten Orientation -JM Hilt Elementary District-wide Teacher in-service 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM District-wide Teacher in-service 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM HSS-gth Grade/Ì',lew Student Orientation - 7:00 PM - Auditorium HSN -9th Grade/l',lew Student Orientation - 9:00 AM - Auditorium ) BOARD OF EDUCATION The East Stroudsburg Area School District is govemed by a Board of Education whose nine members are elected at large by the citizens of the Borough of East Stroudsburg and the Townships of Lehman, Middle Smithfield, Porter, Price and Smithfield. The Board is entrusted with a great responsibility by the State legislature to operate the public schools of the school district. The Board adopts policies and regulations for operations of the schools and must approve the hiring of all school district employees. The Board establishes school tax rates and approves annual expenditures through adoption of a¡r annual budget. The powers of the Board include executive, legislative, and judicial functions. The school district is managed by administrato¡s who work as a team to administer Board policies. These administrators are guided and supervised by the Superintendent of Schools, who is appointed by the Board. ATTENDANCE AT BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS East Stroudsburg Area School District's Board of Education and school staff welcome your attendance at its meetings. Everyone attending a Boa¡d meeting must sign in on the sheet provided. meetings of the East Stroudsburg Area School District are, by law, open to the public. A single exception io this is when the Board meets in executive session to consider collective bargaining negoìiations, Human Resources considerations, conhdential student matters, items involving real estate property and litigation. Regular meetings of the Boa¡d will be held as follows: 15,2013 -- 7:00 PM - Carl T. Secor Administration Center - Boa¡d Room August 19,2Ol3 -- 7:00 PM - Carl T. Secor Administration Center - Boa¡d Room September 16,2Ol3 -- 7:00 PM - Carl T. Secor Administration Center - Boa¡d Room October 2l,2Ol3 -- 7:00 PM - Carl T. Secor Administration Center - Board Room November 18,2Ol3 -- 7:00 PM - Carl T. Secor Administration Center - Board Room December 3,2013-- 5:30 PM - Carl T. Secor Administration Center - Board Room (Reorganization) - Board Room Center T. Administration PM Carl Secor December 16,2013-- 7:00 July Janua¡y 27,2Q14-- 7:00 PM March April May June - To be determined To be determined 17,20L4-- 7:00 PM - To be determined Date and location To be determined (please check district website) l9,2}l4-- 7:00 PM - To be determined 16,2014-- ?:00 PM - To be determined February 24,2014-- 7:00 PM - All The Board desires orderly meetings so that it can complete its important business. The Boa¡d also encourages public participation and will be attentive to your concerns and opinions' Public particiption is invited early in the meeting. Comments about agenda items or mâtters that the Board may consider are limited to approximately three minutes. The public participation segment of the meeting is for citizen comments -- not for question/answer discussion oì d"bate. The Board is not obligated to respond, comment or vote on issues arising from public participation. Groups should identify a single spokesperson so that repetition is avoided. Visitors are to state their name and organization, if any. A Board meeting is not a public forum. Each meeting is scheduled to consider and act upon specific items of business as listed on the agenda. EAST STROT]DSBURG AREA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - NORTH 279 Timberwolf Drive Dingmans Feny, PA 18328 Phone: 570-588-4420 Fax: 570-588-442I Mr. Stephen Zall, Ext. 240Q Principal........ Mr. Joseph Lalli, Ext. 2408 Assistant Principal ........ Mrs. Carolyn Krotowski, Ext.240l Assistant Principal Nurse............. ........ .Mrs. Mary Louise Neyhart, Ext.2406 .Mrs. CasandraDietz, Ms. Elizabeth Mazzel Mr. David Falbo, Mr. Jeffrey Reichl and Ms. Jillian Ziegler, Ext. 2460 or 2480 ..Mrs. Ellen Massa¡o, Ext.246l Attendance. Guidance. EAST STROUDSBURG AREA SENIOR HIGTI SCHOOL 279 Notth Courtland Street East Stroudsburg, Please consider whether your problem deserves the attention of the entire Board, administrative staff Phone members, and the assembled public. A contact to a school administrator can usually satisfy your concern. Appeals to the Board are appropdate if the Superintendent has been unable to resolve the problem. Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal The Board President is responsible for the orderly and efficient conduct of the meeting a¡rd will rule on the time and suitability of presentations to the Boa¡d. Guidance.. BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATES The Annual Reorganization Meeting of the Board is held during the first week of December This year it will be on December 3,2073, at 5:30 PM. 570-424-8471 PA - SOUTH 18301 Fax: 570-420-8338 Mr. Michael Catrillo, Ext.2420 Mrs. Dawn Dailey, Ext. 4401 ..Mr. David Evans, Ext. 2402 Ms. Ca¡ol Huffman, Mr. Joseph Formica, Ms. Faith Nicosia, Mr. Jay Kule, Mr. Phillip Kerzner and Ms. Alison North, ExL245l or 2467 ..................Ms. Katye Clogg, E,xL2440 Band Room... ...............Mrs. Lynn Salmon,8xt.2403 Attendance.... 3 September 2013 w l. 5 4 3 ESE Open House QizzalPatett Meeting) Grades l-2 - @ 6:00 PM-8:00 PM ESE Open House (PizzalP arent Meeting) Grades 3-5 @ 6:00 PM-8:00 Board Room Administration 7:00 PM 23 First day t4 20 2t l&,2 - 7:00 Parent & Staff Info. Special Ed ToPics PM 4:(X)PM-6:00PM Mddle Smithfield Elementary- RES Open House Grades 1-2 7:00 PM BES Open House - 7:00 PM 24 6û Grade Back to School Night - 7:00 PM 19 18 C¡rades IIL Smitnnen Open House - 7:00 PM Grades 3,4 &5 sites &8-7:00PM J. M. Hill-OpenHouse Cafeteria 7:00 PM RES Open House Grades 3-5 7:00 PM Property/Facilities 25 ACT Test @-other test LIS Open House Grades 6,7 Committee Meeting Board Room- Administration 7:00P.M. MSE Parents' Night Grades 1-5 @ 7:00 PM 22 13 PM Smithfield OpenHouse School Board Meeting ?th/8'r' Grade Back to School Night - 7:00 PM JTL - t7 t6 15 t2 11 10 9 7 School Teach Me to Read at Home MSE - 6:00 PM-7:30 PM First Day of School I 6 he n 26 28 of Autumn High School North College Information Night 7 00PMAuditorium 29 30 Pre School Teach Me to Read at Home MSE - 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM High School South College Seminar Night-7:00 PM Auditoriurn 4 MIDDLE SMITHFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL J. T. LAMBERT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL 5180 Milford Road East Stroudsburg, PA 18302 2000 Milford Road East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Phone: 570-424-8430 Fax 570-476-0464 Principal........ Assistant Principal........ Assistant Principal........ Nurse............. ............. Phone: 570-223-8082 Fax: 570-223-2110 , Ext 1001 , Ext 1001 Ms , Ext 1001 Mrs. 424-6247 ......................... Guidance............. Mrs. Cynthia Christian, Ms. Debbie Jones and Dr. Lachlan Peeke,424-8431 Nurse Guidance.... Mrs. Beverly ...........Mr. David Baker, Ext 1401 . Ms. Ma¡ianne Cannell, Ext. 1405 Dollar-Krell -Ext. 1407 and Ms. Carley Chamberlin - Ext. 1416 RESICA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I LEHMAN INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL 257 Timberwolf Drive Dingmans Feny, PA 18328 Phone: 570-588-4410 Fax: 570-588-4411 Mr. Robert Dilliplane, Ext. ........Ms. Joanne Bohrman, Ext . Ms. Dorothy Leeds and Ms. Iæslie Cox, Ext. Mr. Eric Reichert and Ms. Danae Klock, Ext' Principal Assistant Nurses Guidance....... Phone'. 570-223-6911 1401 1400 1406 1460 Principal Nurses............ ........ Nurse............. Principal ......Mrs. Eileen Early, Ext' 1007 Guidance...................Ms. Cathleen schultz and Ms. carley chamberlin, Ext. 1010 or 10l l SMITHFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL M¡s' Debra Padavano """Mrs' Judy Schuler Guidance........ MONROE CÄREER & TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 194 LÀIJREL LAKE ROAD BARTONSVILLE, PA 18321. PHONE 570-629-2001 www'MonroeCTl'ors 93 Independence Road East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Guidance Phone: 570-421-1905 Fax570-420-8310 Mrs. Irene Livingston Mrs' Susan Cole, Ext'1018 Mr. Jonathan Osmun, Ext. 1008 and Ms. Sarah O'Connor, Ext. 1012 J. M. ........ Nurse............. Guidance....... Principal Ms. Carole Geary, Superintendent of Record 2013-2014* Mr. Adam l¿za¡chak, Di¡ector Dr. Carolyn Shegelski, Assistant Di¡ector Mr. John Brown, Supervisor of Career & Technical Education Mrs. Tanya Carmella-Been, Supervisor of Pupil Personnel Services Mrs. Sheila White, Business Manager HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 151 East Broad Street East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Phone: 570-424-8073 Fax: 570-476-0720 Mrs' Michelle Arnold ......" Ms. Deborah Corson, Ext 1406 Ms. Sarah Adams, Ext 1460 Phone: 570-421-2841 Fax: 570-476-0488 ....'.....'......Mr' John Bumrs ...... Ms. Lauren Livingston .............Mr. Eric Kerstetter ........ Mrs. Judy Reinhardt, 476-0061 ...'....Ms. Lauren Rovi Principal Assistant hincipal ........ Assistant Principal........ Nurse ............. EAST STROT]DSBURG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Principal........ Nurse............. 570-223-2100 245 River Road East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Mrs. t oriann Meyers and Ms. Carley Chamberlin Guidance Fax .'...'..'.......Ms. Gail Kulick' Ext' 1000 BUSHKILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 131North School Drive Dingmans Feny, PA 18328 Phone: 570-588-4400 Fax: 570-588-4406 Gravel Ridge Road EastStroudsburg, PA 18302 The Mon¡oe Career & Technical Institute, located in Bafonsville, Pennsylvania, provides education for students who reside in the following school districts: East Stroudsburg, Pleasant Valley, Pocono Mountain and Stroudsburg. The Monroe Career & Tech¡ical Institute (MCTI) has been cooperatively planned and developed by representatives from business, education, labor and industry. The school is organized to supplement the edìcational program of all the high schools of Mon¡oe County. Each pupil attends the appropriate high school of his or heihome school district for a half-day and the MCTI for a half-day. Upon graduation, the student may receive a certificate of competency, list of skitls obtained and industry recognized credentials, in addition to the diploma awarded by the home high school. The MCTI has been developed to meet the student's present and future needs in preparation for entrance into the workforce and/or post-secondary education. The areas or ptograms listed below represent broad occupational categories rather than the specific trade, technical or service occupation, which are offered at the MCTI. 5 October 2013 5 4 3 2 1 Saturday Friday Thursday ¡¡5¡ Parent & Staff Info. Special Ed Topics 1¡s6ecaming Night 7:00 PM - Stadium 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM SAT I and SAT II Testing @ H. S. South: Students report - 7:30A'M Middle Smithfield Elementary Cafeteria 6 I 7 - BES Mobile Dentist Pre School Teach Me to Read at Home MSE - ór00 PM - 7:30 PM 7:00PM t2 11 10 9 HSN & l,ehman Sit Down Review Concert- @ HSN RES Mobile Dentist 13 t4 16 15 SOIJTHSTUDENTS ONLY Staff Development Day Schools 17 Parent/Teacher Conferences t9 25 26 Property/Facilities Committee Meeting Board Room- Parent & Staff Info. Special Ed Topics Administration 7:ffiP.M. 4:ffiPM-6:00PM @lease check schoolst 18 Norll/South 7:30 a'm' SCHOOL- NORTTV STTJDE¡{TS PSATTesting High NOSCHOOL-HIGH NOSCHOOLFOR Mddle Smithfìeld calendar for times.) Elementary Cafeteria Smithfield Mobile Dentist - Smithfield Mobile Dentist. 20 2t 24 23 22 School Board Meeting Board Room JM Hill Mobile Dentist JM Hill Mobile Dentist MSE - 6:00 PM-7:30 PM Administrstion 7:ü)PM PMEA District X Chorus Auditions-4:@ PM- Pre School Teach Me to Read at llome Music Hall of Fame Chorus/Band Concert 7:00 PM @HSS Auditorium - læhma¡rMobile Dentist ÀCT Test @-HiCh School North HSN Band and Choir Fall Concert-7:00 PM Auditorium Parkland H.S. 27 28 31 30 29 ESE Mobile Dentist JTL Bands Fall Concert 7:00 PM ESE Mobile Dentist - 6 This list may not be all-inclusive. .å""F¿iåìi^'J;'yi$Tfi Auto Collision & Repair Technology Automotive Technology B uilding Trades Maintenance Carpentry Cooperative Education hogram Computer Networking & Security Computerized Machine Tool Technology Cosmetology Criminal Justice Culinary Arts Diesel Technology Diversified Occupations Drafting & Design Technology Electrical Technology Elec tronics Technology Graphic Communications Health Professions Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Tech' Horticulture (Floriculture/l,andsc aping) Hotel, Resort & Tourism Management Marketing ACCEPTABLE USE FOR TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES of technology in the school district in order to facilitate learning employees and students rsonal access to information, research, and collaboration. In order able to continue to make its technology resources available, all of the school district must take responsibility for appropriate and lawful use of this access. Therefore, all shrdent related to applicable prohibited. networks school-ag The "school-time" plan covers injuries sustained while in or on the school premises during any period of regular attendance, including lunch period, when school is in session. The cost for this plan is $30.00. Premium envelopes and leaflets describing the student insurance program ale sent home early in September or you may obtain this information in the student's school office. The types of .ou"rage available vary and are explained in the program materials. If the family wishes to participate in the student accident insurance program, the form is to be completed and signed by the parent or guardian and rehrrned to the insurance company with the proper payment amount. be reported at once. All accident reports and bills must be submitted within ninety (90) days from the dates ofthe respective injuries. The Board ofEducation is not responsible for balances over and above the amount provided by this student accident insurance. All accidents must The East Stroudsburg Area School District provides interscholastic sports insurance to cover all school district athletes competing in interscholastic sports from grades 7 thru 12. The coverage will also include the ba¡rd and cheerleaders while practicing for or participating in an interscholastic event. The students a¡e covered only during their time of participation in the interscholastic activity. The insurance plans noted above would be effective during other activities as noted. The school district re policies and to insure All users an entire school year. '1he"24-hour" plan provides complete accident coverage for a full 24 hours per day, not only during school hours, but a-lso at home or at play, on weekends, during vacation periods, at camp, anytime, anywhere, even when school is not in session. The cost for this plan is $113.00. Masonry Plumbing Power Equipment TechnologY Welding Technology *This position is held in addition to the primary responsibility of school district Superintendent and is rotated among the four Monroe County Superintendents' The arid for B$ìiåiffi¡^" The East Stroudsburg Area School District has an optional plan available for students, which provides either "school-time" insurance coverage or "24-hour" insu¡ance coverage at low rates for BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) SCREENINGS f student nclude th sites that school district's inappropriate for ict's Intemet and e-mail filters. Please see Board Policy #815 for more information ACCESS TO BOARD POLICIES Policies a¡e also available on the East Stroudsburg Area School District's website (www.esasd.net), at school offices, in school libra¡ies and at the Administration Center East Stroudsburg Area School District addresses its students' health and wellness needs with a comprehensive approach that includes health screenings, physical activity, nutrition and education. Every year, the school nurses measure each student's height and weight, which is a reflection of their gro*ih. Along these lines, the PA Department of Health is requiring that this information be calculated as a BMI (Body Mass Index) percentile. BMI percentile is a ratio of height, weight, age and gender. Healthy children come in all sizes and shapes, and BMI percentile is used as a guideline to help assess whether a student may be overweight or underweight. A high or low BMI percentile may be a sign of a potential health problem. For example, a student who is overweight may have an increased risk ofdeveloping heart disease or diabetes. Similarly; a student who is underweight, may have an increased risk of hea¡t problems, loss of bone mass, or anemia. It is important to note that the BMI percentile is only a screening tool. Many factors, including sports participation, family history, or stage of puberty, can influence the BMI percentile. Therefore, it is important that Parents sha¡e the results with the student's health care provider, who can best evaluate that student's overall health. 7 November 2013 Thursday Wednesday Tuesdav Monday Friday I Saturday a District Parent Kinder-Versity @Middle Smithfìeld Elementary Time TBD 7 6 5 4 3 Election Day Parent & Staff Info. Special Ed Topics 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Middle SmithfÏeld Standarcl Tíme Begins Elementary Cafeteria 1.1 Veterans'Day 10 t2 9 15 16 Pre School Teach Me to Read at Home MSE - 6:00 PM-7:30 PM - l4 13 JTL Mobile Dentist MSE Mobile Dentist MSE Mobile Dentist Bushkill Mobile Dentist 8 JTL Mobile Dentist PropertyÆacilities Committee Meeting Board Room-Administration 7:00 P.M. t7 American Education Week 11/17l13-lU23ll3 2t t9 18 Parent & Stalf Info. Special Ed Topics 4:ü) PM - 6:00 PM Middle Smithfield School Board Meeting Board Room Administration Elementary Cafeteria 7:00 PM 24 Staff Development No students K-8 HSN Mobile Dentist NO SCHOOL F'OR STTJDENTS GRADES K THRU 8 Parent/Teacher Conferences (Please check schools' calendar for times.) NO SCHOOLFOR STT]DENTS GRADES KTHRUS Parent/Teacher Conferences (Please check schools' calendar for tirnes') HSS Mobile Dentist HSS Mobile Dentist JTL 7/8 Grade Choirs Fall Concert - 7:30 PM Auditorium 30 29 28 27 26 25 - 23 22 Autamn Recess SCHOOLS CLOSED Autumn Recess SCHOOLS CLOSED Autumn Recess commences al the end of classes. 8 As with all student health information, any growth screening results will be kept strictly handicapped sludents, contact: Pupil Services/Special Education Offìce East Stroudsburg Area School District 50 Vine Street P. O. Box 298 conhdential. If anyone has questions regarding BMI screenings, they should contact the school nurse' .AFETERIA INT'RMATI'N East Stroudsburg schools in the school district provide a breakfast and lunch program for the children. The pattem breakfasts and lunches consist of the basic food groups. The menus are announced in all schools and published on the ESASD website. Students may also bring their own lunches from home. Milk can be purchased in all cafeterias. 57 All The school district participates in the National School Lunch Program and receives commodities donated by the Department of Agriculture. Provision is made for free and PA 18301 0-424-8500, Ext. 1907 CHAPIER 16 ANNUAL NOTICE reduced-price breakfasts and lunches to all eligible children residing in the school district. In compliance with Chapter 16, Special Education for Gifted Students, notice is hereby given by the East Stroudsburg Area School District that it conducts ongoing identihcation activities as a part of its school program for the purpose of locating and identifying students who are thought to be gifted. Announcements are made at the beginning ofeach school year and whenever changes in policy If you believe occur in the free and reduced-price program. Application forms are included with each announcement a¡rd a¡e sent to all parents/guardians ofschool children. P¡ices for cafeteria breakfasts in2O13-2014 will be: Prices for cafeteria lunches in2O13-2014 will be: Elementary lntermediate Secondary $ 1.35 Adult $1.75 $1.35 $1.35 Ala Carte Milk Reduced Bteakfast $ .so $ .¡o Elementary Intermediate Secondary $2.1s $2.2s Adult $3.50 $2.25 Ala Ca¡te Milk Reduced Price Meals $ .50 $ .40 CHAPTER 15 ANNUAL NOTICE TO PARENTS that your school-age child may be gifted, processes for screening and evaluating the child a¡rd determining the child's eligibility are available to you at no cost, upon written request. You, as a resident parenlguardian, may request a screening and evaluation at any time, whether or not your child is in the school district's public school program. Requests for screening and gifted multidisciplinary evaluation are to be made in writing to the principal of your child's school or to the Pupil Services/Special Education Department, East Stroudsburg Area School District, 50 Vine Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301. For further information regarding the rights of parents/guardians and children, provision of services, evaluation and screening (including purpose, time and location), you may contact the building principal or the Pupil Services/Special Education Department at (570) 424-8500, Ext. 1907. Confidentiality: All information gathered about your child is subject to the confidentiality provisions contained in federal and state law. The school district has policies and procedures in effect goveming the collection, maintenance, destruction and disclosure to third parties with regard to this information. For information regarding these policies and procedures, as well as the rights of confidentiality and access to educational records, you may contact the Pupil Services/Special Education Department in writing or by telephone at the above location. CLOSING SCHOOL protected handicapped student, the child must be of school age with a physical or mental ãisability, which substantially limits or prohibits participation in or access to an aspect of the school program. These services and protections for "protected handicapped students" a¡e distinct from those applicable to all eligible or exceptional students enrolled (or seeking enrollment) in special education programs. For further information on the evaluation procedures and provisions of services to protect When East Stroudsburg Area School District schools are closed or delayed or when emergency early school closings are necessary, announcements will be made through the following media, in addition to our automated message delivery/mass notification system: (See page 15 for additional information). WS8G........... WBRE-TV..... WFMZ-TV ...................93.5 FM (Radio) ...................Channel 28 (Cable Channel 8) Channel 69 (Cable Channel 4) WNEP-TV........................Channel l6 (Cable Channel 7) (www.wnep.com) ................... Channe|22 (Cable Channel 2) WYOU-TV.... WBRC-TV (Blue Ridge Cable TV.........Channel l3) The Superintendent reserves the right to close the schools at any time during the school day due to inclement weather, a failure in the power and/or heating systems of the schools, or for other emergency situations. 9 December 2013 1 3 2 School Board Meeting (Re-organization) Board Room- SCHOOLS CLOSED Administration @ 5:30 PM SAT I and SAT II Testing @ H. S. - South: Students report 7:30 AM. & 8ù Grade Choir Winter Conceft 7:00 PM @HSN Auditorium LIS LIS Grade 6 Choir Winter concert 7:00 PM @ HSNAuditorium Saturday 7 6 5 4 Fridav Thursday Wednesday Tuesdav Monday Sunday 7'n PMEA District Ten Band & Orchestra Auditions Hill Band/Chorus Winter Concerl - 7:00 PM @ JTL J. M. JTL Mobile Dentist I HSN & tæhman Bands MSE Band & Chorus Winter Concert 7:00 PM Wi¡ter Concert @ HSN Auditorium - 7:00 PM - Smithfield Band,/Chorus Winter Concert 7:00 PM RES Band V/inter Concert7:00 PM ESE Band/Chorus Winter Concert7:00 PM-Gym RES Chorus Winte¡ Concert- 7:00 PM t4 13 L2 1L 10 9 ACT Test @-other test sites HSN Choir Concert Auditorium - 7:00 PM JTL Bands Winter Conceft Auditorium- 7:00 P.M, Bushkill Chorus Winter Concert - 7:00 PM 15 t7 16 School Board Meeting Board Room HSS Winter Choral Concert @ HSS Auditorium 7:30 PM Winter SCHOOLS CLOSED 29 30 Winter Recess Recess winter Recess SCHOOLS CLOSED SCHOOLS CLOSED 31 winter Choir Holiday Winter Concert 6th Grade Winter Recess commences at the end of classes Bushkill Band ìüinte¡ Concert - 7:00 PM Winter Recess scHool.s cLosED 28 27 26 25 24 23 JTL 7: 30 PM - Auditorium 7:00 PM 22 First Døy of Winter HSS Financial Aid Night - 7:00 PM - Auditorium (Snow Date 1/13/14) (Snow Date 12n8/13) Administration 2t 20 19 18 Winter Recess SCHOOLS CLOSED Winler Recess SCHOOLS CLOSED Recess SCHOOLS CLOSED 10 CONTROLLED STJBSTANCES POLICY The East Stroudsburg Area School District Board of Education, administration and staff recognize that controlled substance abuse impairs the ability of students to develop to their full potential and to achieve personal and school district goals. Through a coordinated effort, the administration and staff will work to èducate students and staff in order to p¡event and intervene in the use and abuse of all drug, alcohol, and mood-altering substances by the snrdent population. on tributes, possess school session, or anywhere at a school-sponsored s under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or moodor aids in the procurement of alcohol, na¡cotics, restricted drugs, mood-altering substances, any substance purported to be a restricted substance, or overthe-counter drug, shall be subject to discipline pursuant to the provisions and procedures outlined in the school's Code of Conduct, No, 227-AR, and Board Policy #227. who, The program is built on the PA Pre-kindergarten Standards and PA Kindergarten Standards as well as the new Pennsylvania Academic Core Standards for Math and English Language Arts. Instruction will address individual areas of need, with the goal of having all participants attain competency with the Kindergarten Curriculum. Reading readiness instruction will focus on establishing early literacy skills, emphasizing phonetic skills, speaking and listening skills, a¡rd beginning writing skills. Mathematics instruction will involve a hands-on approach to support the development of students' number sense, mathematical reasoning, and ability to make mathematical connections. a student's being five (5) years of age on or before September 9 of the school term and the information obtained during the District's kindergarten screenings. Eligibility for the full-day kindergarten program is based on HOURS FOR STUDENTS Senior High School - North Senior High School - South Lehman Intermediate School J. T. Lambert Intermediate School Bushkill Elementary School East Stroudsburg Elementary School J. M. Hill Elementary School Middle Smithfield Elementary School Resica Elementary School Smithfield Elementary School The Board reserves the right to use any extraordinary measures deemed necessary to control substance abuse, even if the same is not provided for specifically within ttre policy. For further information, please see Board Policy #227. EMERGENCY CONTACT INT'ORMATION For your child's safety, it is imperative to have two local emergency contacts on file. [n case of a change in telephone numbers or other information, it is crucial to notify the school as soon as possible. EQUAL RIGTITS AND OPPORTI]NITIES POLICY 7:20 7:20 7:30 7:30 8:45 8:45 8:45 8:45 8:45 8:45 a.m' - 2:30 p.m. a.m' - 2:30 p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. - 2'.20 p.m. - 2:20 p.m. - 3:15 p'm. - 3:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m' - 3:15 p.m. To comply with Federal laws (including Title D( of the Education Amendments of 19'72), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 a¡d the Amendments of 1974, State laws, and State Department of Student registration is by appointment only. Pa¡ents are encouraged to obtain a student registration package for each student they wish to register and to complete it in advance of their appointment to avoid unnecessary delays in entering school. Appointments can be scheduled, and registration packages can be obtained by contacting Student Registration using one of the methods below: legally protected category. The East Stroudsburg Area School District's commitment to nondiscrimination extends to students, employees, and the community' ONLINE at http://www.esasd.nelreeister BY TELEPHONE at (570) 424-8500 Ext. 1125 For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact Mrs. Sharon l,averdure, Title IX and Section 504 Coordinator, at ttre Administration Office, East Stroudsburg Area School District, 50 Vine Street, East Sftoudsburg, Pennsylvania 1 8301 or call (570) 424-8500-Ext. I 101 Please make your appointment early and obtain the required proofs of residency now in order to facilitate a smooth transition into the East Stroudsburg Area School District for your child(ren). . IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS FULL-DAY KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM The East Stroudsburg Area School District seeks ways to provide programs arìd resources designed to promote success for all leamers. Providing students with a strong foundation in early literacy and numeric skills is essential to insure their long-term academic success. To this end, the District provides a Full-Day Kindergarten Program. The kindergarten program is a regular education initiative, intended to provide young learners with school readiness skills. The full-day program is designed to provide additional instructional time to implement instructional practices and strategies that support the acquisition of the essential skills contained in the kindergarten curricula. East Stroudsburg Area School District requires written proof of immunizations prior to student entering school. Pennsylvania State Immunization Law requires that students have: Children in ALL grades (K-12) need the following vaccines: Þ One Þ Two (2) doses of Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine with the hrst dose on or after the frrst (l) dose of Rubella (German Measles)** birthday or history of disease 11 January 2014 Fridav Thursday Wednesdav Tuesday Monday 5 I 7 6 12 l4 13 2l L9 PMEA District X PMEA District X Chorus Festival Chorus Festival HSS BandWinter Concert 7:00 PM - HSS Auditorium (Snow date 1/8/14) 1L 10 9 15 t6 17 18 22 23 24 25 PMEA Dishict Ten Orchestra Festival PMEA District Ten O¡chætra PMEA District Ten Orchesua Festival Festival 30 31 NOSCHOOL 26 28 27 - 9.12 29 NOSCHOOL Schoot Board Meeting 7:00 PM Location To be Determined PMEA District X Chorus Festival Teacher In-Service STI]DENTS Saturday 4 3 2 T'OR STT]DENTS Grailes 6 thru Parenf/Ieacher Conferences (Please check schoolst I c¡lendar for times.) NOSCHOOL K thrU EM GRADE STI]DENTS O¡ILY Parent/Ieacher Conferences (Please check schools' calendar for times.) 12 Children EN!.IQB!\Ç-.,$Ç!!OO! (K or Grade 1) need the following vaccines: Parents or guardians of students enrolled in the school may request prior notification of specihc pesticide applications. To receive notihcation, you must be placed on the school's notification registry. If you would like to be placed on this registry, please notify the school district in writing, indicating both your current mailing address and phone numbers. You may also include your e-mail address if you would tike to be notified electronically. In either case, you must notify the school district by January I of each year. must be made to control an emergency pest problem, notice will be provided by telephone to any parent or guardian who has registered. Exemptions to this notification include disinfectants and anti-microbial products; self-containerized baits placed in a¡eas not accessible to students, and gel type baits placed in cracks, crevices or voids' If a chemical application frrst birthday or history of disease Children-EW.&IWDE-2, (if 5 years need the following vaccmes: has elapsed since last tetanus immunization) This notif,rcation registry will be updated each year through the process indicated previously Questions may be directed to: IPM Coordinator 50 Vine Street East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Phone: 570-424-8500Ext. x+Usually given as MMR xUsually given as DTP or DTaP or DT or Td Proof of immunization means a written record showing the dates (month, day, year) your child was immunized. The only exceptions to the school laws for immunization a¡e medical reasons and religious beliefs. If your child is exempt from immunizations, your child may be removed from school during a disease outbreak. Keep a record of your child's immunizations. Keep this record in a safe place. Your doctor's office, medical clinic, or hospital may ask for this record. As your children become adults, they may need the record for college, for their job or if they travel out of the country. I. KINDERGARTENADMISSION A. Entrance Age -- The entrance age for kindergarten students of the East Stroudsburg Area School District shall be five (5) years or more on or before September 9 of each school term. This age requirement also applies to out of state, public and private school transfer students. transfers residence into the school district from a¡rother school district has not met the age requirement of at least fltve (5) years by September 9 of that school term, but has spent at least until December 3 I of that school term in an approved kindergarten program, that child will be considered for admission to kindergarten in the school district under the following conditions: If a child who Board policy No. 203. Age-appropriate immunizations are required. INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) NOTII'ICATION 1. 2. The East Stroudsburg Area School District uses an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach for managing insects, rodents, and weeds. Our goal is to protect every student from pesticide exposure by From time to time, it may be necessary to use chemicals to manage pest problems. Chemicals will only be used when necessary, and will not be routinely applied. When chemicals are used, the school district will use the least toxic products possible. Applications will be made only at times when students, staff, and residents do not have access to the area(s) being treated. Notices will be posted in these areas 72 hours prior to application and fot two days following the application' Fax: 570-420-8384 KINDERGARTEN/FIRST GRADE ADMISSION Note: Any agency housing students in a school district building must comply with School using anÞM approach to pest management. Our IPM approach focuses on making the school building and grounds an unfãvorable habitat for these pests by removing food and water sources and eliminating their hiding and breeding places. We accomplish this through routine cleaning and maintenance. We routinely monitor the school buildings and grounds to detect any pests that are plesent. Pest sightings are reported to our IPM coordinator who evaluates the'þest problern'and determines the appropriate pest management techniques to address the problem. The techniques can include increased sanitation, modifying storage practices, sealing entry points, physically removing the pest, etc. l80l Written recommendation and academic documentation from the sending school. The school principal will make a decision whether or not to admit the student to kindergarten after reviewing the documentation submitted and consulting with the guidance couûselor, reading specialist, and/or other designated staff members. il. FIRST GRADE ADMISSION A. Entrance Age -- The entrance age for first grade students of the East Stroudsburg Area School District shall be six (6) years or more on or before September 9 of each school term, with the maximum entry age for beginners to be eight (8) years. 13 February 2014 Fridav Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sundav Saturday 1 ., 6 5 4 3 PMEA Disrict Ten Band Festival 7 8 JTL Broadway Showstoppen 7:00 PM ÀCT Test @-other test sites PMEA District Ten Band Festival JTL Broadway Showstoppers 7:00 PM PMEA Dist¡ict Ten Band Festival 9 HSS 8ù Grade Parents' Night7:00 PM- Auditorium t6 19 18 t4 13 12 11 10 15 PMEA Region V PMEA Region V PMEA Region V Chorus Festival Chorus Festival Chorus Festival 20 2l 27 28 22 LIS 8ù Grade Parent Night 7:00 PM-HSN Auditorium (snow da¡e21261741 23 26 25 24 Schoot Board Meeting 7:00 PM Location To be Determined North Instrumental Music Dept. Concert - 7:00 PM Auditorium - HSN/Læhman Grades7-12 Choral Concert-7:00 PM HSN Auditorium PMEA Region IV/V Orchestra Festival PMEA Region IVAr' Orchesha Festival t4 The age requirement also applies to out of state, public and private school transfer students. B. If a child who transfers residence into the school district from another school district has not met the age requirement of at least six (6) years by september 9 of that school term, but has spent at least until December 3l of that school term in an has successfully completed an approved Kindergarten of at least 450 instructional hours, that child will be first grade in the school district under the following conditions: 1. 2. Written recommendation a¡d academic documentation from the sending school. The school principal will make a decision whether or not to admit the student to first grade after reviewing the documentation submitted and consulting with the guidance counselor, reading specialist, and/or other designated staff members. The Boa¡d is not required to admit as a beginner any child whose ch¡onological age is less than the school district's established admission age. The Board may admit as a beginner any child who has successfully completed the school district's Kindergarten program' This documentation must also be produced prior to the start of each school yeat to accompany the required No. 202-AR Swom Statement by Resldent Under 24 P.S, $ 13-1302, which is to be submitted prior to the childattendingforeachschoolyear. Nostudentwillbeadmittedtoschoolunder24P.S.$13-l302without this documentation. Also, the resident must read and sign form No. 202-AR Swom Statement by Resident under 24 P.S. $ 13-1302. sident assures the school district that he or she receives no takes responsibility fo¡ the child in educational matters and to keep and support the child continuously and not merely through the school term. The resident is informed that, by completing that document, he or she is legally bound by the terms of the law and any violation could result in legal action including legal fees, collection fees, and fines set by a couf of law. ing the school year in which it was completed. New documentation For further information, please see Board Policy #202, No. 202-AR or call the Office of Child Accounting at (570) 420-8500, Ex¡. ll22' MEDICATION NOTICE OF AUTOMATED MESSAGE DELIVERY The East Stroudsburg Area School District utilizes an automated message delivery system to contact parents via telephone and/or email for va¡ious reasons. Examples of such use include: ed by the physician ian. All Communitv Outreach Messa qes These messages are sent on a regula¡ basis (often monthly) by school principals to keep parents informed happenings in thei¡ child's school. Community outreach messages are delivered to the pf!¡qaÐrhqmg telephone number of the parent(s) with whom the child resides, during regular business or early evening of houn, including weekends. ool nurse. Emerqencv Messaqes These messages are sent only when absolutely necessary, and a¡e delivered to all telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of the parent(s) with whom the child resides. Emergency messages are sent to announce school closings, early dismissals, and other events that may have an imminent impact on the educational community, and may be sent at any time, but usually between the hou¡s of 5:00 AM and midnight. Survev Messages lead to confiscation of the inhaler or EPIPEN, a loss of privilege to cafly the inhaler or EPIPEN, îl' use school your child attends Policy #210' ï, å: ffi:"#ffi,''HinflËÏ:ï,:'i:J,i:ï:lì:il nurse at the school district forms. You may contact the please see Board if you have any questions. For more information, Any child placed in the home of a resident of the school district by a court or an agency of the government shall receive the same benefits and be subject to the same duties as resident children' Wh"n a resident of the school district takes a non-resident child into his or her home, for that law and Board child to receive a free public education, there to produce substantiating documents as set forth ln Policy #202. deliveredtottre@oftheparent(s)withwhomthechildresides,during regular business or early evening hours, including weekends. Attendance Messaqes Thesemessagesaresenttot}re@ofparent(s)whosestudentwasabsent from school during regular business or early evening hours on days when school is in session. N.N-RESTDEN' sruDENTS Policy that must be met, including substan compensation for keeping the child. Residents These rnessages may be sent on rare occasions to solicit input on important matters. Suwey messages are es no personal will be required While it is important that we maintain an up to date record of all your telephone numbers, we recognize that it is not always prudent to contact you at every number provided. Therefore, we offer the option of opting out of automated message delivery for all, or selected telephone numbers. 15 March 20L4 w 1 PMEA Region IVAr' Orchestra Festival 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 NO SCHOOL FOR NOSCHOOL ASVAB Testing - HSS 7:30 AM - Cafeteria STI]DENTS FOR STT]DENTS Grades 9 South Instrumental Music Dept. Concert - 7:00 PM - thrul2 K-12 Staff Development Parent/feacher Conferences Auditorium (Please check schoolst calendar for times.) PMEA Region V Band Festival PMEA RegionV Band Festival Daylight-Savings Tìme Begins t7 t6 t9 18 7:00 PM Location To be Determined 2l 20 Parent & Staff Info. Special Ed Topics Schoot Board Meeting 15 L4 13 12 11 L0 9 Fírst Day of Spring 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM PMEA Region V Band Festival 22 High School South Spring Musical hoduction- Bye Bye Birdie- 7:30 PM High School South Spring Musical Production-Bye Bye Birdie - 7:30 PM 28 29 Middle Smithfield ElementaryCafeteria 23 High School South Spring Musical Production 26 25 24 Russell C. Hughes S 31 30 27 PSSA \ryRITING ASSESSMENT GRADES 5 & 8 spetting Q PMEA All-State Conference PMEA All-State Conference PMEA All-State Conference Spring into Technology 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM-HSS (Snow date-4/5/14) PMEA All-State Conference Championships ESASD - High School South Auditorium 7:00 PM (sNow DATE 4/01/14) t6 NOTICE TO PARENTS/GUARDIANS ofPre-School Children with Special Needs -- (Age 3 to School Age): Parents who have questions regarding their chitd's seeing, hearing, leaming, talking, moving o o o Collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales or other distribution. Administration of any protected information survey not funded in whole or part by ED. Any non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening as described above. about, manipulating objects, understanding showing emotions, getting along with others, playing wittrtoys, taking care of himself/herself; should telephone Colonial Intermediate Unit ¡ËZO <Cru #20) which offerc earLy intervention, a preschool program for children ages three #235, its contents and related 424-8500Ext.1101. mayfile a complaint with: Family Policy ComPliance OfÏice U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington' D.C. 20202'4605 through school age with special needs. CIU #20 can provide information, screening, evaluãtion, the parent. Director of programs, therapy, parent support, and referral to community agencies at no cost to Foì further information, call CIU #20 at 610-252-5550 or Ma¡ialena Casciotta, Pupil Services K-5 at (570) 424-8500, Ext. 1903. NOTIFICATIONoFRIGHTSUNDERTIIEPRoTEcTIoNoF.PI]PILRIGHTS AMENDMENT(PPRA) PPRA affords parents and students who a¡e l8 or emancipated minors ("eligible students") certain rights regarding our ôonduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams, These include the right to: c Consentbefor€ students are required to submit to a survey that concems one or more of the following protected areas ("protected information survey") if the survey is funded in whole or in part by a program of the U.S. Department of Fducation (ED): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Political afirliations or beliefs of the student or student's parent; Menøl or Psychological problems of the sh¡dent or student's patent; PARENT/TEACHER ORGÄNIZATIONS AND OI'FICERS 2OI3.2OI4 Rushkill Elementarv School President OPEN Denise Touma. Lyn Mudugno. OPEN OPEN > Corresponding Secretary.......... Fundraiser Coordinator................. > PTO Meetings for Bushkill Elementary school of each month ât 7 PM. (No meeting in December and June) - Third wednesday East Stroudsburs Elementarv School Sexual behavior or attitudes; Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior; Criiical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships; lægally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors or ministers; Religious practices, affiliations o¡ beliefs of the student or parents; or Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility' c Receive rotice and an opportunity to opt a shrdent out of: 1. Any other protected information suwey, regardless of funding; 2. Any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening tequired as a condition of attendance, administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of a student, except for hearing, vision, or scoliosis screenings, or any physical exam or screening permined or required under State law; and 3. Activitiei involving collection, disclosu¡e or use of personal information obtained from students for marketing or to sell or otherwise distribute the information to others. o Inspect Ùpon request and before administration or use: I . Protected information surveys of students; 2. Instruments used to collect personal information from students for any sales or other distribution pu¡poses, and 3. I¡structional material used as part of the educational curriculum. Garrett... President..... Audry Vice President..,..... Jennifer Sadura. Treasurer Financial Coordinator.....,...............'.'.'......... Corresponding Secretary.......... ..,570-431-4170 ,..570-588-2009 ...917-526-8319 Darryl Sabino... > > Terri Heckman...................'....... > Caroþ McNa11y............. Recording Secretary......... Please check school calendar on the district website - www.esasd.net for dates and times. of the above marketing, t7 provide an oppoftunity to opt a shrdent out of participating in: April 2014 w t Friday Thursday 2 Saturday 3 4 5 10 11 12 Parent & Staff Info. Special Ed Topics 4:00 PM - 6:(X)PM Midrlle Smith{Îeld Elementary Cafeteria 9 8 7 6 - High School North Spring Musical Production - 7:30 PM High School North SPring Musical Production - 7:30 PM ACT Test t4 13 15 t6 @ High School Norfh 19 Spring Recess High School North Spring Musical Production commences at the end 3:00 PM of classes 22 20 25 24 23 Parent & Staff Info. Special Ed Topics 4:00 PM - 6:fi)PM Mddle Smithlield Elementary Cafeteria - 26 HSS-2'd Annual College Fair - 8:30 AM New Gymnasium ESASD Literacy Night Resica Elementa¡y TimeTBD HSS Jazz Night - ?:00 PM Auditorium 27 28 29 30 Bushkill Chorus Spring ConcertT:00 PM 18 School Board Meeting - Date and Location To be Determined (Please check the calendar on the district website) ww\ü.esas¡d.net Resica Elementary School Co-PresidenlTricky Tray...................... > Co- PresidenlTreasurer I't V ice President/Yea¡book.................. > znd Vice Presidenlschool Store............ > Tammy Walsh .,................315-532-3016 Lisa Villano... 570-656-2006 Regina Strube.......... Natalie Benanti... .. .. . .. .. .. .. ...34'7 -245-6886 > Rebecca Bea¡.. ..... ... .. ..........570-234-7 553 Recording Secretary/Tricky Tray/Refreshments.... Financial Coordinator............................ > Book Fair Fundraising Doreen Palacio Teri Phillips Karen Conway Jen Ambio Please check school calendar on the district website- www.esastì.net for dates and times Tricky Tray Smithfield Elementary School presi¿etrt........ .................> > First Vice President........ Second Vice President........................... > Alycen DeCrescenvi............. Midge McClusky Corresponding Secretary....................... > > Jen Serowick. Recording Secretary....... PTO Meetings for Smithfïeld Elementary January & May) J. T. Lambert Intermediate School President........ 1't Vice President .......... Treasurer....... - Second Wednesday of each month (except December' > > from all extra-curricular activities including field trips beginning May I until acceptable proof of compliance is received, in writing, by the district, or untll such students are exempted fi'om such examination requirements for religious reasons by submission of an acceptable parental documented note." Students who participate in the school district's athletic plograms are required by PIAA regulations to have a physical examination before participation. P,I.A.A. Comprehensive Initial Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation (CIPPE) paperwork - This packet includes personal and emergency information, a parental permission form, health history and a physician's physical examination form. The physical examination form (Section 4) requires that a licensed physician of medicine evaluate the student-athlete before the frrst sports season of the particular year in which the student-athlete chooses to participate and, should the athlete remain injury-free, parents would ònly be required to fill out Section 5 of this packet to be eligible to paficipate in subsequent sports during that $), s without a second (or third) physical examination. (Should the studentschool year (June 1 through May 3 I athlete iustain an injury, the student-athlete must then be re-examined by a licensed physicia¡r of medicine, who must fill out Section 6 of the CIPPE packet.) School athletic physical dates are announced through the athletic office. In lieu of a school examination, students may submit an athletic physical exam form and a PIAA card completed by the family physician. This information must be submitted before a student is allowed to practice and/orparticipat"' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. .................> Cafeteria (No meeting in Februar!). > I¡rette Miller - lcpta@ptd.net > Amalia Aguiles > Cumeshia Hyatt > YazminMalpica Treasurer...,...... Recording Secretary........,.. > Ellen Komo¡owski Corresponding Secretary.... > Mary Henley Financial Coordinator ........ > Shari McPa¡tland > Fran kendergast Bylaws Chair... President Cieck website for meeting times & dates for LIS/HSN -- http://www.lcpta2.wix.com/lcpta (NorICE To paRENTs oF' Autism/pervasivedevelopmental disorder Blindness/visual imPairment Deaf/Blindness Deafness/hearingimPairment IntellectualDisabilitY Multi-disabilities Traumatic brain injury Other health imPairment OrthopedicimPairment Emotionaldish¡rbance SPecific leaming disabilitY Speech and language impairment If you believe that your school-age child may be in need of special education services and related programming, scieening and evaluation processes designed to assess the needs of the child and his/her eligibility are available to you afno cost, upon written request. This process may include a review of functional vision, hearing, speech allà l-goage. You, as a parent, úay request screening and evaluation at any time, whether or not you¡ child is in the Districf s public school prograrn. Requests for screening and multidisciplinary evaluation are to be made in writing to the principal of your child's school or to the Special Education Department, East Stroudsburg Area School District,50 Vine Sheet, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301. a pre-school child is suspected of being eligible for early intervention, evaluation and services are provided through the Colonial Intermediate Unit #20. lnformation can be obtained by calling (610) 252-5550 and asking for the preschool department. If and times PHYSICAL EXAMS According to the Pennsylvania Public School Code Section 1402e: '"Ihe schoo]l physicians oîeach district or joint Board shall make a medical examination and a comprehensive appraisal of NorIcE In cornpliance with state and federal law, notice is hereby given by the East Stroudsburg Area School District (District) that it conducts ongoing identification activities as a part of its school program for the purpose of identifying sh¡dents who may be in need of special education and ¡elated services. If your child is identified by the Disfict as possibly being in need of such services, you will be notified of applicable procedures. Individualized services and programs are available for children who are determined to need specially designed lnstruction due to the following conditions: Debbie Grant ............................ 570-6 56-1149 Tashah Bigelow ........................ 570- 420-1'435 Vice President HSN .......... Vice President LIS .......,.... a*ARENESS IN THE EAST STROT]DSBURG AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT) (ChAPtCT 14) CHILDREN WHO RESIDE "*LIc tie health of every child of school age (1) upon original entry into school in the commonwealth, iÀìnunizations can be updated and a comprehensive record can be established with the family physician. Parent(s)/guardian(s) whò choose to have their child examined in the school by the school physician will be notified oi the time and date of the examination. Parent(s/guardian(s) are encouraged to be present during the examination. Parenvguardian notification of the state-mandated physical examinations will be mailed to the home. Board Policy #209 states tlìat: "students who fail to complete and/or submit acceptable evidence of required medical eiamination or dental screening by April 30 of the current academic year will be excluded For further information on the rights of parents and child¡en, provision of services, evaluation and screening (2) while in sixth grade, (3) while in eleventh grade----" Any child of school age may fumish the local school officiates with a medical report of an examination at hiVher expense by his/her family physician. Examinations shall be submitted prior to the date of regularly scheduled school examinations and no earlier than twelve (12) months prior to the opening of the school term. l9 Ma 2014 Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sunday 1 LIS Spring Production 7:00 PM @ HSN Audito¡iurn 2 LIS Spring Production 7:00 PM @ HSN AuditoriLrm Saturday 3 SAT I and SAT II Testing @ H. Kindergarten Parerrl Transition Meeting -7:00 PM - Middle Smithfield Elementary S- South: Students report 7:30 AM HSN Prom @ Best Western Inn Hunts hnding Matamoras, PA - LIS Spring Production 7:00 PM @ HSN Auditorium 4 7 6 5 4:00 PM Smithfield Band./Chorus - 7:00 PM JTL Band Spring Concerl 7:00 PM Spring Concert - 7:00 PM Parent & Staff Info. Special Ed Topics 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Middle Smithfield Elementâry - Cafeteriâ ESE Band Spring Concert 7:00 PM - Gym 10 9 8 uss listrict Technology Showcase for the Community Middle Smithfield Band & Chorus Spring Concert -7:00 PM H S North-National Honor Sæiety Induction-7:00 PM HSS 80'h Annual Spriug Baud Concert - 7:00 PM @ HSS Auditorium LIS 6u'Grade Chorus Concert & Science Fai¡ - 7:00 PM-HSN Auditoriurn - Bushkill Band Spr¡ng Concerl 7:00 PM 11 12 LIS ?'h & 8d' Grades Choir Concert & Science Fair 7:00 PM @HSN - Auditorium RES Band Spring Concert - 7:00 PM 18 6'l' Grade Choi¡ 7:30 PM 14 LIS Bands Spring Concert 7:00 PM @ HSN Auditorium Teacher In-service (No students K-8) School Board Meeting 7:00 PM Location To be Determined 2l 27 26 SCHOOLS CLOSED 24 23 Audito¡ium Pârent & Staff Info. Special Ed Topics 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Middle Smithfîeld El€mentary Auditorium Honors Reception High School North Auditorium - 7:00 PM HS North Band Spriug Concert - 7:00 PM Honors Reception KEYSTONE Camden, NJ HSN-Senior Award Assembly Meritorious Hall of Fame Induction Reception @ HSS Cafeter¡a - 5:00 PM Auditorium - 7:00 PM HSS PROM @ Adventue Aquarium- Hitl Band & Chorus u 8'Ù Grades choir Spring Concert -7:30 PM - Choral Conce¡t Auditorium - 7:00 PM t7 Concert 7:00 PM 22 nl-ln' Highschool-SouthSpring Câfeteriâ 25 15 nsN spring choir J. M. RES Chorus Spring Concert 7:00 PM Concert - t9 ESE Spring Chorus/African Drumming Ensemble Concerl HSS Auditorium - 7:00 PM - EXAMS 28 HSS Small Ensembles Concert 7:00 PM-Audito¡ium 29 30 31 HSN Small Euse¡nbles Dinner Concert - 6:00 PM HSN Cafeteria 20 HSS Senior Awards Ceremony 8:30 AM - Auditoriu¡n Parent(s/guardian(s) are encouraged to have these examinations done by their family physicians so that (including purpose, time, and location), you may contact in writing the school principal or the Special Education Department at(510) 424-8500 Ext. 1907. Confidentiality: All information gathered about your child is subject to the confidentiality in federal anã state law. The District has policies and procedures in effect goveming the provisions maintenance, destruction arrd disclosure to third parties of this information. For i¡formation about òollection, "otrtnitr"d these policies and procedures, as well as rights of confidentiality and access to educational records, you may contaôt the Speciai Education Department in writing or by telephone at the above location. PUPIL SERVICES The process of educating students with different abilities and interests is a complex task. Children receive assistance through the services and Human Resources that include, but are not limited to: school nurse, speech theìapist, occupational therapist, physicat therapist, dental hygienist, school psychologist, sõhool physician, remedial reading, attendance officer, remedial mathematics, ñomebound instruction, elementary and secondary school guidance counselors, and Directors of Pupil Services Most ofthese services are provided by the school district and others are available through Colonial Intermediate Unit #20. Questions regarding any of these services should be directed to your school principal. PUPIL -- UNLAWFUL HARASSMENT POLICY NO.248 3. Otherwise adversely affects an individual's learning opportunities. For purposes of this policy, sexual harassment shall consist of unwelcome sexual advances; requèsti for sexual favors; and other inappropriate verbal, written, graphic or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: I . Submission to such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a student's academic status. 2 Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for academic or wofk decisions affecting the individual. 3. Such conduct deprives a student ofeducational aid, benehts, services or treatment. 4. Such conduct is suffìciently severe, persistent or pervasive that it has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with the student's school performance ot creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment. Examples of conduct that may constitute sexual harâssment include but are not limited to sexual flirtations, advances, touching or propositions; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; graphic or suggestive comments about an individual's dress or body; sexually degrading words to describe an individual; jokes; pin-ups; calenda¡s; objects; grafhti; vulgar statements; abusive language; innuendoes; references to sexual activities; overt sexual conduct; or any conduct that has the effect of unreasonably interfering with a student's ability to work or leam or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning or working environment. The Boa¡d strives to provide a safe, positive leaming climate for students in the schools of the school district. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the school district to maintain an educational environment in which harassment in any form is not tolerated. The Board prohibits all forms of unlawful ha¡assment of students and third parties by all school district studints and staff members, contracted individuals, vendors, volunteers, and third parties in the schools. The Board encourages students and third parties who have been harassed to promptly report such incidents to the designated employees. The Boa¡d directs that complaints of harassment shall be investigated promptly, and corrective action be taken when allegations a¡e substantiated. Confidentiality of all parties shatl be maintained, consistent with the school dist¡ict's legal and investigative obligations' No reprisals nor retaliation shall occur as a result of good faith charges of harassment. For purposes of this policy, harassment shall consist of verbal, written, graphic or physical condìcfrelating to an individual's race, color, national origin/ethnicity, gender, age, disability' sexual orientation or religion when such conduct: severe, persistent or pervasive that it affects an individual's ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity or creates an intimidating' threatening or abusive educational environment. 1. Is suffìciently 2. of substantially or unreasonably interfering with a¡ performance. academic individual' s Has the purpose or effect Disabitity harassment consists of intimidation and/or abusive behavior toward a student based on hostile environment by interfering with or denying a student's participation in or receipt of benehts, services, or opportunities from school district programming through such things as verbal acts and name calling, nonvefbal behavior -- such as graphic a¡rd written statements, or conduct that is physically threatening, harmful, or humiliating. A hostile environment may exist even if there are no tangible effects on the student where the ha¡assment is serious enough to adversely affect the student's ability to participate in or beneht from school district programming. disability that creates a Examples of disability harassment include but a¡e not limited to repeated remarks, negative in nature and made aloud in the school setting, regarding a students disability and resulting in the ha¡assed student having difhculty performing assigned educational tasks and/or causing a significant decline in his/her grades; physically impeding a disabled student's ability to function inthe classroom setting; subjecting a student to inappropriate physical restraint resulting from conduct related to his/her disability, with the result that the student tries to avoid attending school on a regular, punctual basis; repeatedly denying a disabled student with access to lunch, field trips, assemblies, and extracurricula¡ activities as punishment for taking time off from schooì for required seÍvices related to the student's disability; repeatedly belittling and/or criticizing a student with a disability for using accommodations in the school setting, with the result that the student becomes discouraged and has difficulty Performing in a manner commensurate with his/her ability; continual tainting and/or belittling of a disabled student in a 21, June 2014 1 ,. Half Day (K-12) Half Day (K-12) (tentative) (tentative) Saturdav 7 6 5 4 3 Friday Thursdav Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sunday TEACHER In-Service LASTDAY OF SCHOOLFOR (Subject to Change) STT]DENTS (Half Day, K-12) (tentative) 8 15 t2 11 10 9 t4 13 SNOW MAKE.IIP SNOW MAKE.UP SNOW MAKE.UP SNOW MAKE.UP SNOW MAKE.UP DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY t7 t6 sites 2t 20 19 18 ACT Test @-other test SNOW MAKE.T]P SNOW MAKE.[]P SNOW MAKE.T]P SNOW MAKE.IJP SNOW MAKE.UP DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY First Døy of Summer School Board Meeting 7:00 PM Location To be Determined 22 23 29 30 24 25 26 CT NEEDS TO EXTEND THE CALEND AR Dt]E TO IN GLY. DATES \ryILL BE MOVED A CLOSIN GS. GRADUATI IF THE D n 28 \ryEATHER DAYS OR OTHER 22 manner that focuses upon his/her disability, resulting in limited participation in the educational process. environment that discourages and prohibits unlawful ha¡assment, the Boa¡d designates the Superintendent as the school district's Compliance Officer. In order to maintain an educational The Compliance Officer shall publish and disseminate this policy and the complaint procedure at least annually to students, parents, employees, independent contractors, vendors, and the public. The publication shall include the position, ofhce address and telephone number of the Compliance Officer (Superintendent, P. O. Box 298, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, 570-424-8500 Ext.1101). Step 2 Upon receiving a complaint of unlawful harassment, the school principal shall immediately notify the Compliance Officer. The Compliance Officer shall authorize the school principal to investigate the complaint, unless the school principal is the subject of the complaint or is unable to conduct the investigation. The investigation may consist of individual interviews with the complainant, the accused, and others with knowledge relative to the incident. The investigator may also evaluate any other information and materials relevant to the investigation. investigation of the incident is pending or has been concluded. Step 3 Each staff member shall be responsible to maintain an educational environment free from all forms of unlawful ha¡assment. Each student shall be responsible to respect the rights of their fellow students and school district employees and to ensure an atmosphere free from all forms of unlawful ha¡assment. The school principal shall be responsible to complete the following duties when receiving a complaint of unlawful harassment: Inform the student or third party of the right to fìle a complaint and the complaint procedure. Inform the complainant that s/he may be accompanied by a parenlguardian during all steps of the complaint procedure. 3. Notify the complainant and the accused of the progress at appropriate stages of the procedure. Refer the complainant to the Compliance Officer if the building principal is the subject of the complaint. Complaint Procedure - Investigative Report The school principal shall prepare a written report within fifteen (15) days, unless additional time to complete the investigation is required. The report shall include a summary of the investigation, a determination of whether the complaint has been substantiated as factual and whether it is a violation of this policy, and a recommended disposition of the complaint. The findings of the investigation shall be provided to the complainant, the accused, and the Compliance Officer. Step4-DistrictAction investigation results in a finding that the complaint is factual and constihrtes a violation of this policy, the school district shall take prompt, corrective action to ensure that such conduct Ifthe 3. 4. Investigation The obligation to conduct this investigation shall not be negated by the fact that a criminal The administration shall be responsible to provide training for students and employees regarding all aspects of unlawful harassment. 1. - - will not recur. Disciplinary actions shall be consistent with the school code of conduct, Board policies and school district procedures, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and state and federal laws. If it is concluded that a student has knowingly made a false complaint under this policy, such student shall be subject to disciplinary action. Appeal Procedure Smdent/Third Partv Step I Reporting - or third party who believes she/he has been subject to conduct that constitutes A student violation of this policy is encouraged to immediately report the incident to the school principal ceases and a or a school district employee. A school employee who suspects or is notified that a student has been subject to conduct that constitutes a violation of this policy shall immediately report the incident to the school principal. subject of a complaint, the sh-rdent, third party or employee shall report the incident directly to the Compliance Officer. If the school principal is the The complainant or reporting employee is encouraged to use the report form available from the school principal, but oral complaints shall be acceptable. Oral complaints will be transcribed and must be signed by the complainant. 1. If the complainant is not satished with a finding of no violation of the policy or with the coûective action recommended in the investigative report, she/he may submit a written appeal to the Compliance Ofhcer within fifteen (15) days. 2. The Compliance Ofhcer shall review the investigation and the investigative report and may also conduct a reasonable investigation. 3. The Compliance Offìcer shall prepare a written response to the appeal within fìfteen (15) days. Copies of the response shall be provided to the complainant, the accused and the school principal who conducted the initial investigation. 23 RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS Parents/Guardians must submit a written request to the school principal for a pupil's absence on a religious holiday prior to the date on which the holiday is observed. The right to a response from the District to reasonable requests for explanations and interpretations of the record; and, 2 RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION Any student who wishes to be released for religious instruction must present a permission card to the principal of the school. This permission card must be signed by the student's parent or guardian and clergyman and is to be filed in the school office. The school is not responsible for the transportation of these students to and from the place of said instruction. Release time for religious instruction shall be in accordance with the Pennsylvania School Code. REPORTS TO PARENTS/GUAR.DIANS The scholastic growth and progress of each student a¡e noted on report cards. Report cards differ with specific grade levels. Report cards are distributed in all grades four times during the school year. Parent-teacher conferences a¡e held in all grades throughout the year. To help you, these pa.rent-teacher conference dates a¡e noted within this calendar. In addition to the scheduled parent-teacher conferences, other conferences encouraged whenever necessary. See Boa¡d Policy lÐ12 or call your child's school for more information. STI.]DENTS LEAVING THE SCHOOL BUILDING The right to obtain copies of records (for a fee) from the District where failure of the District to provide the copies would effectively prevent a parent or eligible student from exercising the right to inspect and review the educational records. It is presumed by the District that either parent/guardian of the student or the eligible student has authority to inspect and review the education records ofthe student at the school in the child's attendance a¡ea unless the District has been provided with appropriate evidence that there is a legally binding instrument, or a State law or court order goveming such matters as divorce, separation or custody, which provides to the contrary. A parent or eligible student may request the district to amend records/he believes is inaccurate, misleading or violates the privacy rights ofthe student by clearly identifying in writing the part of the record s/he wants changed and specifying why it is inaccurate, misleading or violates the privacy rights of the student. The request shall be made to the building principal (or appropriate school ofhcial.) If the district decides not to amend the record as requested, the principal will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise him/her of the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing Data included in the educationa-l ¡ecords includes directory information, which is information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered ha¡mful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed and includes, but is not limited to, the following information relating to a student: the student's name, address, telephone number (with the exception of unlisted telephone numbers), e-mail address, photograph, date and place of birth, major field of officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, honor rolls and awa¡ds received, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student and other simila¡ information. A written record of this information, or microfilm copy of the same, including grade level completed and year completed, will be maintained at least 100 years after a student attains age 21. study, grade level, most recent school attended, participation in No pupil is to leave the school building at any time without obtaining permission from the school principal or school nurse. Any pupil not conforming to this regulation will be subject to disciplinary consequences. STT.]DENT RECORDS POLICY NOTICE The Boa¡d of Education (Boa¡d) of the East Stroudsburg Area School District (District) recognizes the need to protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable information in the educational records of students. It is the intent of Boa¡d Policy #216 to insure the privacy rights of both parent(s)/guardian(s) and eligible children in the collection, maintenance, release and destruction of these records. The District shall permit the parent(s)/guardian(s) of a student or an eligible student, who is or has been in attendance in the District, to inspect and review the education records of the student. However, there is a limitation on the right to inspect and review any post-secondary level records that may be in the file of a student. The District will comply with a request to review records within a reasonable period of time (not to exceed 45 calenda¡ days) after the request has been made and shall be in the presence of the principal or designated agent for the purposes of security and assistance in explaining or interpreting the data. The right to inspect and review education records includes: The District shall obtain the written consent of the parent(s)/guardian(s) of a student or eligible studett before disclosing personally identifiable information from the education records of the student, other than ditectory information. Consent is not required where the disclosure is to the parent(s/guardian(s) of a student who is not an eligible student or the student himself or herself. However, the District may disclose personally identifiable information from the education records of a student without written consent of the parent(s/guardian(s) or the student or the eligible student if the disclosure is: l. To other school officials, including teachers, guidance counselors, nurses, and I.U. Human Resources within the District who have been determined by the District to have legitimate educational interests or are providing instruction or services to students; including persons under contract with the School Boa¡d to perform a special task. 2. To officials ofanother school or school system or post-secondary schools in which the student seeks or intends to enroll, subject to the requirements set forth in $ 99.34. Pa¡ents may request a copy of the records sent. 24 3. 4. Subject to the conditions set forth in $ 99.35, to authorized representatives of: The Comptroller General of the United States a) The Attomey General of the United States b) The SecretarY ofEducation c) State and local educational authorities d) To the Attomey General of the United States or to his or her designee in response to aî Øc parte order in connection with the investigation or prosecution ofterrorism crimes specified in secrions 2332b (Ð (5) (B) and 2331 of title 18, US Code, which does not require a school ofhcial to record a disclosure of information from a student's education record when the school makes that disclosure pursuant to an ex parte otdet. 5. To State and local officials or authorities to whom information is specifically required to be reported or disclosed pursuant to State statute adopted prior to November 19, 1974. This subparagraph applies only to statutes which require that specific information be disclosed to state or local officials and does not apply to statutes which permit but, do not require disclosure. Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent a state from further limiting the number or type ofState or local officials to whom disclosures a¡e made under this subparagraph. the information concerns the juvenile justice system (including records needed to provide educational services). 6. To State and local authorities if 7. To organizations conducting studies on behalf of the educational agency or institution to develop, validate or administer predictive tests, administer student aid programs or improve instruction. 8. To accrediting organizations to carry out their functions. 9. To parents of a dependent student, as defined in section 152 of the lntemal Revenue Code of 1954. 10. To the parents of a student who is not an "eligible" student (i.e., l8 years of age) or to the to the condition that any such third parties will not disclose the information to any other party without the prior consent of the parent/guardian or eligible student unless otherwise required by law. When providing records to certain offìcials identified above, the Dist¡ict will make a reasonable attempt to notify the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student or the eligible student of the transfer of the records at the last known address of the parent(s)/guardian(s) or eligible student. The District will not provide any further notice of transfer of records of a student to a school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, since a statement will be provided to parent(s)/guardian(s) of students and eligible students in its annual notice dealing with directory information stating that records will be released to such school without further notice. The District will disclose personally identifìable information from the education records of a student who is or has been in attendance in the Districf if the information has been designated as directory information and parent(s)/guardian(s) of students and eligible shrdents have been informed annually of the intent of the District to release such information. Information as indicated above will not be released if parent(s)/guardian(s) and eligible students have informed the District in writing within thirty (30) days of receiving the annual notice that personally identifiable information is not to be designated as directory information with respect to the student. Annual notice is given through the District calendar, in student handbooks, a¡rd in the District newsletter. For the purpose of enforcing the law, maintaining school safety and creating, maintaining and releasing records in connection with law enforcement purposes, and pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the Superintendent or proper school officials, as designated by the Superintendent, may release ¡ecords and information created and maintained for law enforcement purposes, such as incident reports, files, notes and memoranda, without the consent of students or parents. If an educational agency or institution and a parent or student, are involved in a legal action against each other, the educational agency or institution may disclose to the court, without a court order or subpoena, the educational records that ate relevant to the case. student. 1 order or lawfully issued subpoena in which it is ordered that the existence or contents ofthe subpoena or institution's response is not to be disclosed. 1. To comply with a judicial 12. To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena; provided that, under ç 99.32, the educational agency or institution makes a reasonable effort to notify the parent of the student or the eligible student of the order or subpoena in advance of compliance. appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency, subject to the conditions set forth in $ 99.31 (a) (10) and g 99.36, if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals. 13. To 14. Information designated by the District as "Directory Information". 15. In connection with a District disciplinary proceeding involving the student' insurance carriers and legal counsel, and/or their agents, employees and representatives in connection with existing or anticipated claims, litigation or other proceedings involving the shrdent; provided, however, that such disclosure shall be subject 16. To the District's The District, since it receives fede¡al funds, is required to provide to military recruiters, upon request, access to and contact information on secondary students (name, address and listed telephone number). Access must be the same as would be provided to higher education institutions and prospective employers. A parenlguardian or student can request that the information not be released without prior written consent. Complaints regarding violation of rights accorded pa¡ent(s)/gua¡dian(s) and eligible students with respect to student records are to be submitted to the appropriate school office in writing. Atl complaints will be investigated a¡rd responded to in writing within a reasonable period of time. If complaints cannot be satisfactorily resolved by the District, complaints can be filed with the following: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washi ngton, D.C. 20202-4605 25 Questions regarding the above information or requests for a copy of the records policy may be referred to the Child Accounting office, 570- 424-8500ExL 1122. necessily to establish guidelines goveming school visits. The Board prohibits tobacco use by any persons in its school buildings and on any property, buses, A written request for approval ofa visit must be submitted to the school principal in advance ofa requested classroom visitation. An appointment must be made through the offìce of the school principal. All visitors must sign in at the offìce of the school principal or other authorized a¡ea vans and vehicles that are owned, leased or controlled by the school district. within the building when arriving and again when leaving. Tobacco use is defined as use and/or possession of a lighted or unlighted cigarette, cigar and pipe; other lighted smoking product; a¡rd smokeless tobacco in any form. No visitor may confer with a student in school without the prior approval of the school principal or designee and knowledge of the parent/guardian unless the visitor is the student's parent/guardian. No visitor shall be allowed to photograph or videotape any person or any part of any building or to tape record any conversation of any kind without prior approval by the superintendent. For further information, please see Board Policy #907. TOBACCO USE The Boa¡d prohibits tobacco use and possession by students at school sponsored activities that are held off school property. Violation of this policy may also be punishable under applicable law. The violator may also be subject to court costs. For more information, please see Boa¡d Policies #222; #323; lA23; #523 and #904. TRANSPORTATION TO DAY CARE CENTERS will not be permitted to ride school buses other than the bus or buses to which they are by the Transportation Department. Transportation is designed to transpoft shrdents to and from the school or schools assigned from their place of residence within the school district or from a daycare provider specified by the parent or guardian before the sta¡t of the school year. A Daycare Release Form is required to be completed, signed and retumed to the Transportation Department before any transportation for daycare is provided. Transportation to licensed daycare facilities within the school district and the attendance area of the student's assigned school is provided on a space available/five-day per week basis. Requests for trarìsportation one day to the home and the next day to the daycare, or mornings to one location and afternoons to another cannot be accommodated. Students VOLUNTEERS The purpose of volunteers in the schools is to augment the educational and support resources available to students through the use of the diverse talents and skills of community members. The Board recognizes that community volunteers can make valuable contributions to the educational program. The use of community volunteers is endorsed by the Board, subject to legal requirements, administrative procedures and clearances. assigned Interested adults are encouraged to contact the school principal for more information and to obtain a copy of Board Policy #916 and aVolunteer Application form. JtJl,Y 201!t 3 Once daycare busing is assigned, aÍangements requiring students to be transported elsewhere are the parent's/guardian's responsibility. For more information, see Board Policy #710. USE OF SCHOOL FACILITMS The Boa¡d of Education has adopted specihc policies regarding the use of school facilities' Copies of the policies, along with any applicable forms, which can be used to initiate an inquiry about the use of a school facility, can be obtained from any school building's main office' requests must be submitted in writing to the Board of Education, c/o the Superintendent's Office, at least ten (10) days prior to the regular monthly meeting of the Board. (Please see Board Policy #707 for more information.) Requests for exceptions to the Board Policy must be received 45 days prior to the event. All s i ù lì l4 t5 ldr 2ll 2l ?2 1l 2tì 29 30 ì I 5 l0 il T2 t? t8 t9 2-5 26 .11 VISITING A SCHOOL BUILDING The Boa¡d of Education welcomes and encourages involvement by parents/guardians and other adults in school affairs and the lives of children. While the Board encourages such involvement, it must also ensure safety, security and order in the schools. The superintendent and school principal have the authority to prohibit the entry of any person to a school within the school district. Thus, it is 26
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