Poster presented at the 8th Annual HUPO World Congress
Poster presented at the 8th Annual HUPO World Congress
Optimisation of protein extraction from tissue Susanne Schwonbeck, Nathanaël Lemonnier, Ivo G. Gut CEA/Institut de Génomique/Centre National de Génotypage, 2, rue Gaston Crémieux, 91000 Evry, France. Introduction Extraction of proteins and peptides from body fluids and tissues is a crucial step during sample preparation for proteomic profiling. Body fluids such as serum or plasma are prefractionated to break down sample complexity e.g. by liquid chromatography or magnetic bead extraction prior to mass spectrometry. Preparing proteins from tissue or cell culture prior to MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry is a much more demanding step regarding buffer composition and extraction conditions compared to the fractionation of serum or plasma. Here, we present the development of optimised conditions of protein extraction from rat tissue and cell cultures. Several different extraction buffers and disruption methods were tested in order to obtain MALDI-TOF MS compatible protein solutions. Experimental Workflow Cell Culture Centrifugation Extraction culture media removed with lysis buffer Cell Pellet Cell lysate n io t a g u f entri C supernatant = soluble proteins Methods Rat tissues and lymphoblastoid cell lines were used to extract proteins and peptides. Buffers containing detergents, salts and chaotropes were tested as well as mechanical disruption with glass beads (Qiagen TissueLyser), with a protein extraction kit (Allprep DNA/RNA/Protein kit, Qiagen) and targeted ultrasound (KBiosiences, Covaris). The extracts were tested for protein concentration (BCA assay), for fragment composition (SDS PAGE) and were either applied to magnetic beads for fractionation (Bruker Daltonic) or directly applied to MALDI-TOF MS (Ultraflex II, Bruker Daltonics) after mixing with alpha-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid. BCA Assay WCX beads fractionation SDS-PAGE 4500,0 4000,0 3500,0 3000,0 2500,0 2000,0 1500,0 1000,0 500,0 0,0 72 359 372 678 1275 1438 MALDI-MS Buffer Tests Lysis Buffer Tris HCl 50mM ± Ammonium Phosphate 150mM pH 7,5 Detergents CHAPS 1% 614.88 Da NP-40 1% ca. 680 Da MEGA-10 1% 349.46 Da Sodium Deoxycholate 4% 414.55 Da Test of Extraction Methods Targeted ultrasound Mechanical disruption/glass beads Covaris E210, KBiosciences TissueLyser, Qiagen Mechanical disruption Vortex zwitterionic non-ionic non-ionic anionic Additives Any combination with: ± Protein Cocktail Inhibitor ± chaotropes : Urea 7M / Thiourea 2M ± reducing agent : Dithiothreitol 50mM Results Detergents Test Test of Extraction Methods 3500 3000 1 2500 1 M 2 no det. 3 CHAPS 4 NP-40 5 6 7 MEGA10 NaDeoxych. M M 2000 2 3 4 Cell Culture Cells Cova TL Vortex 5 Cova 6 7 Rat Liver TL Vortex 1500 1000 188 500 188 0 kDa 900 kDa 800 ug/ml BCA Assay on protein extractions with four different detergents. red: basic buffer Tris HCl 50 mM; light green: Tris HCl 50 mM + Ammonium Phosphate 150 mM; blue: CHAPS; yellow: NP-40; purple: MEGA-10; dark green: Sodium Deoxycholate. 38 700 600 500 400 38 300 200 100 17 ug/ml C ells R at Liver (1/20) BCA Assay on protein extracts with three different methods on Cells and Rat liver. red: Covaris E210; green: TissueLyser; blue: Vortex. Lysis buffer: Tris HCl 50 mM + AmmoniumPhosphate 150 mM. Cell line 678. 3 3 SDS-PAGE of protein extracts with four different detergents on Covaris E210. Coomassie Staining. M: Marker; no det.: extraction with basic buffer and salt (Tris HCl 50 mM + Ammonium Phosphate 150 mM) without detergent; lanes 3-6 respectively with CHAPS, NP-40, MEGA-10 and Sodium Deoxycholate. 1 2 no det. M 0 17 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 + PIC + Urea + DTT + PIC + Urea + PIC + PIC + Urea + DTT + DTT + Urea + DTT SDS-PAGE of protein extracts with three different methods on Cells and Rat liver. Silver Staining. M: Marker; Cova: Covaris E210 ultrasonication extraction; TL: TissueLyser mechanical extraction; Vortex: simple vortex extraction. Lysis buffer: Tris HCl 50 mM + Ammonium Phosphate 150 mM. Gel like view representing spectra obtained with MALDI-TOF MS analysis on protein extracts with four different detergents. red: basic buffer Tris HCl 50 mM; light green: Tris HCl 50 mM + Ammonium Phosphate 150 mM; blue: CHAPS; yellow : NP-40; purple: MEGA-10; dark green: Sodium Deoxycholate. Software: Bruker’s ClinProTools 2.2. Additives 188 kDa Gel like view from extracts with three different methods on Cells. red: Covaris E210; green: TissueLyser; blue: Vortex. Lysis buffer: Tris HCl 50 mM + Ammonium Phosphate 150 mM. Cell line 678. 38 Conclusion 17 3 SDS-PAGE of protein extracts with 8 different lysis buffers. Coomassie Staining. no det.: basic buffer + salt (Tris HCL 50 mM + Ammonium Phosphate 150 mM); M: Marker; no add.: basic buffer + salt + NP-40; lanes 4-10: basic buffer + salt + NP-40 + additives (PIC and/or Urea/Thiourea and/or DTT). Gel like view on protein extracts with different lysis buffers. red: basic buffer + salt + CHAPS; green: same as red + PIC; blue: + Urea/Thiourea; yellow: + DTT. The optimisation of protein extractions aims to provide a suitable protein extract, which can be used for downstream MALDI-TOF MS analysis. Complete extraction method tests showed that the targeted ultrasound (Covaris E210) is a very power ful disruption technique and more efficient than other methods. Peaks obtained with MALDI-TOF MS cover a wide range. Applications Extraction 1 basic buffer Extraction 2 of pellet with detergent MALDI-TOF MS analysis CHAPS and NP-40 are the detergents of choice. MEGA10 and sodium deoxycholate were not suitable. NP-40 gives a higher number of peaks than CHAPS, but peak resolution is less good. Additives to the basic buffer provide an increase of peak number, e.g. chaotropes support solvation of proteins. An analysis of different cell lines has been shown. Systematic differences can be observed. Further experiments are underway. 3D Principal Component Analysis of protein extracts of different cell lines. red: 72; green: 359; blue: 372; yellow: 678; purple: 1275; dark green: 1438. Although buffer additives help the extraction, sequential extraction might be the method of choice. Double extraction separates the cytosolic fraction from the lysate pellet proteins (debris, membranes). The resulting solutions are less complex and therefore better suited for analysis than a single fractionation. Acknowledgements Gel like view on protein extracts from different cell lines. red: 72; green: 359; blue: 372; yellow: 678; purple: 1275; dark green: 1438. Gel like view on protein extracts. red: extraction 1 from cells, supernatant = cytosolic fraction; green: extraction 2 from extraction 1 pellet = further extraction from membranes. The work was supported by the EU FP6 Integrated Project GABRIEL. We would like to thank the EGEA cohort for giving us access to blood samples for the cultivation of lymphoblastoid cell lines.