Analyzing Tool for Radar Data


Analyzing Tool for Radar Data
Analyzing Tool for Radar Data
An approach to improve the analysis work
Master of Science Thesis
Stockholm, Sweden 2006
Analyzing Tool for Radar Data
Master’s Thesis in Computer Science (20 credits)
at the School of Computer Science and Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology year 2006
Supervisor at CSC was Lars Kjelldahl
Examiner was Lars Kjelldahl
TRITA-CSC-E 2006:050
Royal Institute of Technology
School of Computer Science and Communication
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Analyzing tool for radar data
An approach to improve the analysis work
Analysis of radar data has a quite important role, not just in the work of extending the libraries,
which are used in military aircrafts to discover and identify enemy radars and other similar
threats. It has also an important role in the process of developing the advanced systems that
discovers, identifies and distinguishes the great number of radars and similar threats in an
environment. These systems have as a task to from a quantity of input data, containing
information of pulses, correlate these to a number of unique emitters (i.e. reports of radars) to
output data. A unique radar can, as its characterization changes over time, have a number of
emitter reports. Each such emitter report is updated with the new information of the radar as it is
discovered once again.
With the purpose to improve the systems; the input and output are analyzed with the intention of
gaining an understanding of how the system really performed their tasks. SaabTech already
today utilizes a tool called ANNALYS. This tool is to a great benefit for the analysts as they
easier can see relations between the output and input data, but also relations between the various
pulses in the input data. Despite this unique tool it is quite time-consuming to accomplish
certain analyses. One of the main problems behind this is that a function that can relate the
output with input data does not exist, which forces the analysts to do this work manually. The
difficulty of this correlation lies in principle in the lack of sufficient data, which directly can be
used to relate the output with input data. We have therefore in this master’s project designed and
implemented an automatically solution to this problem, which will make the analyzing much
easier for the analysts.
We have also in this master’s project discovered a relation between the data in the output, which
have made it possible to relate different emitters originating from the same radar. This will
make it easier to get an image of how a certain radar works over time. This kind of knowledge
is crucial as it directly may contribute to a radically improvement of the identification of radars.
Beside of have designed and implemented the above mentioned discovery we have also, with
the purpose of simplifying the analysis work even more, designed and implemented some
functionality as histograms, statistics etc. of the data.
The above functionality has been implemented after a study of the current used analysis tool,
and also after an understanding of how the data are analysed. This study has been done,
knowing the needs that existed and that were a lack in the current application. Some studies
have also been made of how the systems in the military aircrafts create the output from the input
data. The resulting application of this master’s project has made it much easier for the analysts
to analyze both the pulse data and the emitter data, not only separately, buy also jointly.
Analysverktyg för radardata
Ett försök att förbättra analysarbetet
Analys av radardata har en viktig roll, inte bara i arbetet med att utöka biblioteken, som används
i militära flygplan med syfte att upptäcka samt identifiera fienders radar och andra liknande hot.
Den har även en stor avgörande roll i processen med utvecklingen av de avancerade system som
kan upptäcka, identifiera samt särskilja bland det stora antalet radar och liknande hot i en miljö.
Dessa system har till uppgift att från en mängd indata innehållande information om pulser,
korrelera dessa till ett antal unika emittrar (d.v.s. rapporter om radar) till utdata. En unik radar
kan i och med att dess karakteristik förändras över tiden, ha ett antal emitter rapporter. Varje ny
sådan emitter rapport uppdateras med den nya informationen om radarn i samband med att den
upptäcks på nytt.
I syfte att förbättra systemen så analyseras indata samt utdata, för att genom detta få en
förståelse för hur systemen egentligen utförde deras uppgifter. SaabTech använder redan idag
ett verktyg kallat ANNALYS. Detta är till stor hjälp för analytikerna, då de enklare kan se
samband inte bara mellan utdata samt indata men även samband mellan de olika pulserna i
indata. Trots detta unika verktyg är det väldigt tidskrävande att utföra vissa typer analyser. Ett
av de stora problemen ligger i att det inte finns någon funktion som kan relatera utdata med
indata, vilket leder till att analytikerna måste göra detta manuellt. Svårigheten i denna relatering
ligger i princip i att tillräckligt med data saknas, som direkt kan relatera utdata med indata. Vi
har därför i detta examensarbete designat och implementerat en automatisk lösning på detta
problem, vilket kommer att förenkla arbetet stort för analytikerna.
Vi har även i detta examensarbete upptäckt samband i utdata, vilket har gjort att vi har kunnat
relatera olika emittrar från samma radar till varandra. Detta gör att det blir enklare att få en bild
över hur en viss radar arbetar över tiden. En sådan kunskap är viktig i och med att det direkt kan
bidra till att identifieringen av olika radar kan förbättras radikalt.
Förutom att ha designat och implementerat ovanstående upptäckt har vi, för att förenkla
analysarbetet ytterligare, även designat och implementerat funktionalitet som histogram,
statistik etc. över data.
Ovanstående funktionalitet har implementerats efter att en studie gjorts på det nuvarande
analysverktyget, och även efter en förståelse av hur data analyseras samt vilka behov som fanns
och som saknades i den nuvarande applikationen. Studier har också gjorts på hur systemen i de
militära flygplanen skapar utdata av indata. Den resulterande applikationen i detta
examensarbete har gjort det något enklare för analytikerna att analysera både pulsdata och
emitterdata, inte endast var för sig, utan även gemensamt.
I want to express my appreciation to a number of people who helped in various ways in the
work of this master’s project. First, I would like to thank SaabTech and especially Magnus
Kamél and Jan Wennström for giving me this opportunity to do the master’s project there. I
would also like to thank both my supervisors, Lars Kjelldahl at KTH and Peter Danielsson at
SaabTech, for their effort of making this master’s project to be a success.
I also want to thank Tomas Westerlund for contributing with information that made it easier to
understand the current systems used at Saab Avitronics.
Jan-Åke is also someone that I would like to thank. He contributed with Java classes that could
plot pulses in a graph and also some guidance of how it worked. This made this master’s project
somewhat easier, as I could concentrate on the main task of it.
Inger Petterson contributed with tools and documents, which made it easier to work with the
data and to get an understanding of it. Therefore, I would also like to thank her.
Finally, I would especially like to thank my family; my mother Jacintha and my sister
Dilukshini, for providing advice, encouragement, and support at various stages in this master’s
My mother has through my whole life always been there for me; encouraging me, leading me in
the right paths and given me strength in drawbacks. Without her I would never have come this
far. Therefore, I would like to dedicate this thesis to her, as a symbol for my endless love and
gratitude to her.
Pushparaj Silva
2006-03-20, Stockholm
Table of contents
1 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Background ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Goal..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Purpose................................................................................................................................ 3
1.5 Method ................................................................................................................................ 3
1.6 Delimitation ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.7 Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 4
2 Electronic Warfare ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 What is Electronic Warfare................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Classification of Electronic Warfare ................................................................................... 6
2.3 Analysis............................................................................................................................... 7
3 Radar Basics............................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Electromagnetic Waves....................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Modulation .......................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.1 Amplitude Modulation ............................................................................................... 10
3.2.2 Frequency Modulation ............................................................................................... 11
4 Electronic Support.................................................................................................................... 12
5 Pulse Processing....................................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Pulse Sorting ..................................................................................................................... 15
5.1.1 Prior Sorting............................................................................................................... 16
5.1.2 Subsequent Sorting..................................................................................................... 17
5.2 Pulse Descriptor ................................................................................................................ 19
5.3 Pulse Correlation............................................................................................................... 20
6 Analysis of Tools and Data ...................................................................................................... 21
6.1 Analysis of Existing Tools ................................................................................................ 21
6.2 Analysis of Data................................................................................................................ 23
6.2.1 vbd-data...................................................................................................................... 23
6.2.2 mvc-data..................................................................................................................... 23
6.3 Discovered Complications ................................................................................................ 23
6.3.1 Lack of Data............................................................................................................... 24
6.3.2 Fluctuations and Inaccuracies of Parameter Values................................................... 25
6.3.3 TOA Wrap-around ..................................................................................................... 25
7 Solution Proposals.................................................................................................................... 27
7.1 Emitter-to-Pulse Correlating ............................................................................................. 27
7.1.1 Solution One .............................................................................................................. 27
7.1.2 Solution Two.............................................................................................................. 27
7.1.3 Solution Three............................................................................................................ 28
7.1.4 Solution Four.............................................................................................................. 29
7.1.5 The Employed Solution.............................................................................................. 29
7.2 Statistical Solutions........................................................................................................... 30
7.2.1 Statistical Values........................................................................................................ 30
7.2.2 Filter ........................................................................................................................... 30
7.2.2 Histogram................................................................................................................... 30
8 Design and Implementation ..................................................................................................... 31
8.1 GUI.................................................................................................................................... 31
8.1.1 Graphs ........................................................................................................................ 32
8.1.2 Toolbar ....................................................................................................................... 34
8.1.3 Information Area........................................................................................................ 35
8.1.4 Access Keys ............................................................................................................... 35
8.2 UML.................................................................................................................................. 35
8.3 File and Data Handling ..................................................................................................... 37
8.3.1 Parsing of Files........................................................................................................... 37
8.3.2 Storage of Data in a Data Structure............................................................................ 39
8.3.3 Storage of Data in Database ....................................................................................... 42
8.4 Emitters-to-Pulse Correlating............................................................................................ 44
8.4.1 Filter ........................................................................................................................... 44
8.4.2 PRI Analysis .............................................................................................................. 45
8.5 Emitter Correlation ........................................................................................................... 48
9 Discussion and Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 50
9. 1 User Case ......................................................................................................................... 51
9.2 Future Work ...................................................................................................................... 54
References................................................................................................................................... 56
Appendix A ................................................................................................................................. 59
1 Introduction
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
Saab Avitronics is a company that develops radar warnings systems to be used in military
aircrafts. The radar warning systems have the task to warn the pilot, or the crew, of the threats
that exists in the surroundings. The threats in this case are different kind of radar stations
(enemies) that can detect this aircraft. The task of the radar warning systems is therefore to
detect and measure signals from different kinds of radar stations and display the threats on a
graphical unit.
The signals come from electromagnetic sources and can either be pulses or continuous waves.
The radar warning system can afterwards get some properties from the signal; these properties
can be amplitude, frequency, direction etc. With this information a signal descriptor word
(SDW) is created, which contain measured and derived pulse- and CW signal data. For pulses,
this descriptor word is often called a pulse descriptor word (PDW). We have in this master’s
project concentrated on pulses, and hence, the term pulse descriptor will be used in the
remainder of this report.
The received pulses can then be sorted in groups, called bursts, where each burst contains PDW:
s from the same radar. A group of similar bursts represent the observed emitters, and each
emitter gets a description. The radar warning system can afterwards, with the help of a library,
identify these emitters using several algorithms. This process will be more elaborated in this
master’s thesis.
An essential part here is the process from the measurement to the identifying of the emitters. In
the development work with this process, the measured data of the pulses and the emitters are
used. These data are used to offline analysis. Since the size of the generated data is large, some
tools have been made to make it easier to do the analysis work. These tools provide a variety of
presentation capabilities to view specific raw data, for example: frequency, amplitude, pulse
width, pulse repetition interval and other raw data. This will contribute to the review and
analysis of the data.
1.2 Problem
The figure below shows the process from receiving of the pulses to the graphical presentation
on the radar warning display. At stage A, the signals are received and are an input to the video
processor. The video processor1 measures different parameters of each pulse such as:
amplitudes, frequencies, pulse widths, time of arrivals, etc. These measures are coded to digital
form and are put together to a pulse descriptor word (PDW). The pulse descriptors are then sent
to the pulse processor, which in turn arrange the pulses in order and create a so called active
emitter file or “tracks” of the observed emitters. These tracks join a number of pulses to
emitters, which are shown on the radar warning display. This figure and the process will be
more elaborated in the master’s thesis.
Data from A, B, C, D and E can be extracted from different flight tours. These data are then
analysed, with the help of different analysing tools, by the personnel. This is done to see if
everything in the process went as they should, but also to try to find out new correlations in the
Video-receiving unit.
1 Introduction
Before this project started, the personnel had to switch between different tools if they wanted to
compare the data between different stages. For example, if they wanted to compare the data
from C with the data from B, two different tools had to be used. In the analysis work, the
personnel try to see if there are any relations between the data, which before this project
required some educated guesses. This work was time-consuming, and it could be difficult (and
in some cases almost impossible) to see the relations.
Video Processor
Pulse width,
Direction etc.
are determined
for each pulse.
After this is
done, a pulse
descriptor word
is cretaed for
each pulse.
Puls Processor
Pulse descriptors are
Pulses are
arranged in
order. After this
is done, an
active emitter file
is created (also
called ”tracks”)
consisting of the
Radar Warner
Emitters, etc. are
determined with
the help of a
”Tracks” (active emitter
file) are sent.
Pulses are
arranged in order,
and ”tracks” are
Figure 1. The pulse handling process
The main problem in this master’s project was, for these reasons, to improve the situation for
the personnel that performs the analysis work.
1.3 Goal
It is a known fact that the human has some limitations when it comes to directly see correlations
between great quantities of data. Therefore, an immense problem is that it is difficult to see the
relation between the data from the different stages: A, B, C, D and E (see Figure 1).
Before this project, there existed an analysis program (called ANNALYS) that helped the
analysts with their analysis work, but there were a lack of important functions in this program
(like those mentioned in section 2). Saab Avitronics had therefore needs to further develop this
tool with functions that showed new correlations between the data, and which thereby further
would improve the situation for the analysts.
According to the delimitations that were made (see chapter 1.6); we have in this master’s
project only concentrated on studying the data from stage C and B, and tried to show the
relations between these data.
The second goal was to find out if some new program functions could be implemented that
would make it easier to do the analysis work. An example was to look at the data from a
statistical point of view.
1 Introduction
The program that was the result of this master’s project will be referred as ANNALYS Ext2 in the
remainder of this master’s thesis.
1.4 Purpose
The purpose of this project was, as also could be read under section 1.3, to make it easier for the
analyst with the analysis work. If new relations between the measured data can be found, it may
contribute to the development of the radar warning systems. Therefore, it is of crucial
importance to find more correlations between the data, so that the discovery, classification,
identification and localization of the radar stations (the threats) will be more specific and
Another purpose was to analyse how the pulse processor – PPY (see Figure 1) related the
different pulses to emitters. It could, for example, have occurred that the PPY split some pulses
into two emitters even though it should only be one. By relating the data from stage C to stage
B, it is easier to see which pulses that belong to each of the split emitters. Hence, it is easier to
understand why PPY split the emitter to two emitters. Was it some pulse parameters that
differed great between the two groups of pulses, which in turn built up the two emitters? Was it
because of a big time difference between the pulse bursts? These and many similar questions
may be answered with a function that can relate the data from the two stages.
1.5 Method
The first step was to analyse and study the current analysis program (ANNALYS). This gave an
understanding on how the current tools worked, what they did, what functions they had and
what the functions did.
The second step, which also went somewhat hand in hand with the previous step, was to look
into and study the data. Here, we tried to find out if some relations between the emitters and the
pulse data could be found. A question we had here was if the data from stage C (the emitters)
directly could point out their origin pulse data at stage B (see Figure 1). At this stage, we also
studied the kind of algorithms and mathematics that could be used to accomplish this.
Many of the questions we had were answered at the above stage, which was to a help in the
progressing of the next phase; the designing and implementation of ANNALYS Ext. The
implementation was done in Java, with the help of the development tool Eclipse. We first
implemented the new relating properties that were found in the previous stage.
Afterwards, some new program functions were designed and implemented. After gaining the
important understanding of the tools at the first stage, it was easier to look into what functions
that seemed to be needed. At that stage we found out the existing functions that were not
satisfied by the analysts, in the sense that those functions did not support the analysts as much
as they could. We also discovered some new functions that could be implemented to satisfy the
analysts and help them in their complicated work of analysing.
To confirm that everything worked as it should, some testing was also done. During the whole
development process tests were done using fake data. However, to make sure that the program
worked as it should with real data; test data of flight tours had to also be used. This final test
was made by the supervisor at SaabTech (Peter Danielsson), as these data were confidential.
The last phase of this thesis project was to write a thesis report. Notes was taken during the
whole thesis project, which was to a help when writing this thesis report.
Which stands for ANNALYS Extension.
1 Introduction
1.6 Delimitation
Some delimitation was made in this master’s project, so that it would not become too extensive
or take too much time. These delimitations were:
This master’s project emphasized on the analysing work and tried to find the relations in
the measured data (algorithms that can relate the data etc.).
This master’s project only concentrated on pulses (pulse radar).
The computer program ANNALYS Ext, that was the result of this master’s project, had not
as a requirement to work as a complete application.
The time limit in this master’s project limited the study to only to look into the relation
between emitters and pulses (data between stage C and B, see Figure 1).
Manuals of the Pulse Processor (PPY) was analyzed, but due to the time limit, this
analyze/study could not be extensive.
1.7 Equipment
The equipment that was needed to perform this master’s project was first of all a PC to perform
the programming. The Java development tool that was used for this is called Eclipse3. The
analysis tool (called ANNALYS), which was used before this project was initiated, was also
needed. These tools were installed only on some computers; hence, access to these computers
was also needed.
2 Electronic Warfare
2 Electronic Warfare
This chapter will shortly describe what electronic warfare is, and why it is so important
in today’s warfare. This will give a basic background on what the thesis report is about.
Hence, it will be easier to comprehend the remainder of the report as it will be easier to
understand to what, and to where, the result of the thesis will be used.
Electronic warfare is a large concept that includes several areas. These warfare methods can be
used to both look for enemies and to actively affect the attacker and also to protect the own
systems and functions [18]. In warfare it is crucial to have knowledge in this area, which
directly affects the result of a war.
2.1 What is Electronic Warfare
Electronic Warfare is defined by Josefsson and Berggren [18] as:
Electronic warfare is a summarized term of military measures to discover, exploit,
affect, complicate or prevent the enemy’s use of electronic measures, which takes
advantage of electromagnetic wave propagation, and also own measurements to
reduce the effect of the enemy’s electronic warfare.
The purpose with electronic warfare is defined as the following: [18]
The purpose of electronic warfare is to reduce the effects of the enemy’s systems
and to maintain the effects from the own corresponding system independent of the
enemy’s electronic warfare.
This can be understood in a more technical way as the activity where one, by using
electromagnetic energy, affects the enemy with the intention to reduce the effects of there use of
electromagnetic energy. [18]
The figure below illustrates the relation between the utilizing of electronic measures between
the enemy and us.
Figure 2. The relation in the use of electronic measures [18]
2 Electronic Warfare
As can been seen in the figure above, there are also possibilities to prevent the enemy to use
their electronic measures. An example is to block an auto programmed jammer4 with broad
band noise jamming5. [18]
The goal of electronic warfare is: [18]
Get information of the enemy; for example, about his command and control warfare system
and how it is used. This information can then be used as a foundation for the own
tactical/operational plan, e.g. how to use counter measurements against these systems.
Make it harder for the enemy to use his practiced tactical behaviour.
Secure the own command and control warfare ability.
To increase the effect of the own weapon effort.
On a warfare technical level, the electronic warfare is an important, if not a crucial, support for
the survivor of our weapon platforms6.
2.2 Classification of Electronic Warfare
Electronic warfare can be classified into three parts: [18] [24]
Electronic support (ES), where electromagnetic energy is used to search for, discover,
identify and localize electromagnetic sources.
Electronic attack (EA), where electromagnetic energy is used to reduce or destroy the
enemy’s system functions and warfare capability.
Electronic protection (EP), which are measures to reduce the effect of the enemy’s
electronic warfare. This is also measures to avoid electromagnetic conflicts.
The figure below shows a further classification of electronic warfare, but a more elaborated
discussion of its elements will not be made in this thesis.
Warfare (EW)
Support (ES)
Attack (EA)
Figure 3. Classification of electronic warfare [18] [24]
The result of this master’s project will gain the electronic support, by making it easier to do the
analyzing work, and thereby benefit electronic attack and electronic protection.
The figure below shows the course of events in tactical electronic warfare. As said before the
result of this master’s project, ANNALYS Ext, will be a benefit to the analysis part, by finding
new properties of the measured data and new functions that does not exist in the currently used
The deliberate radiation, reradiation, or reflection of electromagnetic energy with the object of impairing
the use of electronic devices, equipment, or systems by an enemy. [14]
More information about these techniques can be found in the references.
These can for example be; JAS Gripen, F-18 etc.
2 Electronic Warfare
analysis program (ANNALYS). This will help the human operators so that they more easily can
see correlations in the measured data. Hence, it will lead to a further development of the
electronic warfare methods at SaabTech.
Figure 4. The cycle of electronic warfare [18]
2.3 Analysis
The main purposes of the analysis during warfare are to give a picture of the enemy’s network
structure, i.e. which station is the main station respective substations in the different networks
and where they are located. One also wants to find out where there are accumulations of stations
and thereby getting a picture of where the staffs are located, and what military level the
respective staffs has. Also other conclusions can be drawn from the analysis. [18]
Important aspects in the analysis of the signals are: [18]
Traffic directions
Traffic intensity
Traffic behaviour
Signal type (fingerprints)
Frequency using: centre frequency, bandwidth, modulation etc.
Band spread: signal strength etc.
Call signals
Voice recognition
Textual contents
Human mistakes
The information that the analysis phase contributes with will be used as a basic data for
decision-making. The decisions to be taken can be new efforts of electronic attack, etc.
3 Radar Basics
3 Radar Basics
This chapter will shortly describe what radar is and give a basic description of how it
works. An introduction to concepts, parameters etc. that will be used in this master’s
project will also be given.
The word radar is an abbreviation for the expression “Radio Detection and Ranging”, which
is a technology where electromagnetic waves are used to discover an object and to determine
certain properties of it. The electromagnetic waves that are transmitted will reflect back from
the object (an echo) and be received by a radar system. A number of properties can then be
measured from the echoes. For example, by measuring the time difference in this course of
action, the distance to the object can be determined. The velocity of the object can be
determined by finding out the difference in frequency between the signal that is transmitted
and the received one (the so called Doppler frequency). There is much other information that
can be found out, which will be discussed in later chapters. The frequencies that are used are
usually around 1-30 GHz (so called microwaves). [4] [24]
There are two kinds of radars: pulse radar and CW (continuous wave) radar. The pulse radar
can measure the angle and distance to the target. CW radars transmit a continuous wave and
can in its original version measure angle and velocity on the target, but can not measure the
distance. However, today there are variants of CW radars that can measure distances too. [24]
The most used type of radar is the pulse radar. As the name reveals, microwaves are
transmitted as pulses. The waves reflect against objects and are returned as an echo. To be
sure to discover an object it is required that it is hit by several pulses. Hence, the radar
continuously transmits pulses with a certain time interval, which is often called the pulse
repetition interval (PRI) and is measured in seconds. A different term for this, which is
sometimes used, is pulse period (T). Another parameter that is used is the pulse repetition
frequency (PRF), which indicates the number of pulses transmitted every second (1/PRI).
These parameters are illustrated in the figure below. [24]
Pulse Width
Listening time
Pulse Repetition Interval
Figure 5. Illustration of different pulse parameters [24]
The pulse width is the time length of the pulse. Usually the pulse width, noted τ, is in the
order of one thousandth of the pulse repetition interval. The value range of the pulse width
reaches from a fraction of a microsecond to several milliseconds. The pulse repetition interval
is defined as the time from the start of the pulse to the start of the next pulse; this can be seen
in the figure above. The term listening time is the time in which the receiver can gather
information from the reflected pulses (echoes). [24]
An observation should be made that the radar can change the PRF during the transmission of
the pulses. PRF switching is when the PRF is changed after that a certain number of pulses
have been transmitted. The other technique of this is that the PRF is changed between each
pulse. These two techniques will be more elaborated in chapter 4. [24]
3 Radar Basics
3.1 Electromagnetic Waves
The field intensity on electromagnetic waves varies in sinus form. The distance between two
points with the same phase in two consecutive waves, a period, is defined as the wave length
(λ) and is measured in meters. The figure below illustrates this.
Figure 6. A wave length [24]
The number of waves per second is defined as the frequency (f), and has the unit Hertz (Hz).
1 Hz = 1 period/second. The relation between wave length, frequency and velocity is:
v = λ⋅ f
[m / s]
The velocity of electromagnetic waves in vacuum is 300 000km/s, which is noted as c (the
speed of light), so the above formula would be: [18] [24] [27]
c = λ⋅ f
[m / s]
3.2 Modulation
The signals that are transmitted from radars are always modulated, if they are to contain any
useful information. In practice, there are three main ways to modulate a signal: amplitude
modulation (AM), frequency modulation (FM) and phase modulation (PM). The two lastmentioned methods are actually variants of each other, as a change in frequency also will
change the phase. Therefore, the below subsections will only elaborate the two firstmentioned modulation concepts. [18] [24]
A radar transmitter transmits a carrier wave with a stable frequency, which is shown in the
figure below.
Figure 7. Carrier wave. [24]
In Figure 8, the information carrying sinus wave is shown. This wave will modulate the
carrier wave in different ways: [24]
3 Radar Basics
The amplitude is changed to get an amplitude modulated signal (Figure 9)
The frequency is changed to get a frequency modulated signal (Figure 10)
Figure 8. The modulating signal, i.e. the information. [24]
Figure 9. Amplitude modulation. [24]
Figure 10. Frequency modulation. [24]
3.2.1 Amplitude Modulation
An ordinary radar station that transmits pulses is amplitude modulated. When using
amplitude modulation the amplitude of the transmitter’s carrier wave is affected, so that it is
varied at the same rate as the signal strength. [18] Figure 9 shows a signal, which is a
combination of two frequencies. A carrier wave having the form:
Ec ⋅ sin ωc t
ωc = 2πf c
and a modulated wave, which is carrying the information, having the form:
E m ⋅ sin ω m t
ω m = 2πf m
The amplitude (A) for the modulated signal would then be:
A = E c ⋅ sin ωc t + E m ⋅ sin ω m t ⋅ sin ωc t
In all the above three equations the variable E is equal to the top value of the wave, ω is the
angular velocity and t stands for time. The variable c stands for the carrier wave, and m
stands for the message wave (the modulated signal). [24]
3 Radar Basics
3.2.2 Frequency Modulation
The second alternative to modulate a signal with information is with frequency modulation.
CW radars often use a FM modulated signal to be able to measure the distance to an object.
Figure 10 shows an example of a frequency modulated signal, where the carrier wave
sometimes is pushed together (the frequency increases) and pulled apart (the frequency
decreases) when the carrier wave has high respective low amplitude. [24]
Frequency modulated signals can be described with the formula:
A = E sin ωc t +
sin ωm t
ωc = 2πf c
ωm = 2πf m
Here, the variable E is equal to the top value of the carrier wave and Δf is the maximum
frequency deviation. The variable c stands for the carrier wave, and m stands for the message
wave (the modulated signal). [24]
As can be noted the amplitude (A) of the modulated signal (the information) determines the
size of the carrier wave’s frequency deviation. It can also be noted that the modulated signal’s
frequency (fm) determines the velocity of the carrier wave’s frequency deviation. [24]
4 Electronic Support
4 Electronic Support
This chapter contains a short description of the information that is received by the
radar warning system, which is the information that the Video Processor has
extracted from the pulses. These data can then be exported from the radar warning
system at stage B (see Figure 1) for analysis. An explanation of pulses and their
characterizations will also be given in this chapter.
Electronic support measure is the term for detecting and analysing radar signals. The
information from this process will be the basis for the development of electronic warfare and
protection. This information is used to build up a signal threat library (also shown in Figure
1), which later on will be used in radar warnings systems of military aircrafts etc.
The great amount of signals that are received by the receiver of the radar warning system,
from the surroundings, is arranged in order by separable parameters. These parameters can be
extracted from each pulse, and are stored in a so called pulse descriptor word. The primary
pulse parameters, which are extracted, require only a single pulse. These parameters are:
Time of Arrival (TOA)
Pulse Width (PW)
Angle of arrival (AOA) – Also called direction of arrival (DOA)
The most useful parameters for arranging the pulses in order are: frequency, angle of arrival
and pulse width. Another parameter that is available, and which will be used in this master’s
project, is the Time attribute. This attribute indicates the exact time for the pulse arrival. The
difference between Time and TOA is that TOA is a counter with a wrap-around at its
maximum value, which will lead to a problem discussed in section 6.3.3. With two or more
pulses also the pulse repetition frequency (PRF) can be determined. [2] [24]
The frequency is not always stable, as it can be varied in different ways. It may be increased
or decreased from pulse to pulse. It may be changed in random or in some specific pattern. It
can also be changed in some prescribed pattern during each pulse, which is called intrapulse
modulation. [27]
More details above the above stated parameters will be elaborated in section 5.2.
In some systems and modes7, the PRF is a constant; in others it varies. A constant PRF is
shown in Figure 11, where each bar is a pulse. It should be noted that a system with constant
PRF also can be varied unintentional. This can occur because of different kind of
disturbances from the surroundings. [2]
Figure 11. Constant PRF. [8]
The reason for the variation of the PRF is to prevent sampling and integer multiples of
Doppler shift. If this occurs, the radar senses a Doppler shift of zero and is blind to targets
moving at these velocities (called blind velocities). PRF variation used with the intention to
Each platform has different kind of modes of the weapon systems. Example of modes can be search
mode, locked-on mode etc.
4 Electronic Support
prevent blind velocities is called PRF staggering, and of which the pulse interval is changed
for each certain number of pulses. These pulse intervals are often, depending on where it is
used, recurrent after a certain number of pulses, where each sequence is called a burst. [2] [8]
Example: 1024 pulses are transmitted with the same interval at which the interval
is decreased or increased. This is repeated 6 times, always with different intervals,
until it is returned to the same origin interval and to start over again etc.
The PRF may also be varied to prevent jammers from locking on to the radar. This technique
is called PRF jittering, where the pulse intervals are random for each pulse. Jittering makes it
harder to analyse the radar pulses. [8] This PRF varying technique is shown in Figure 12. The
reader can find more information about these techniques in the referenced books.
Figure 12. PRF Jittering. [8]
Some systems use burst waveforms, where groups of pulses are transmitted. The time interval
between each burst group is called burst repetition interval (BRI). Figure 13 shows how burst
waveforms can look like. The rate within and between the groups may change. [8]
Burst Repetition Interval, BRI
Figure 13. Burst waveform. [8]
There are different kind of BRI types, which gives different values on the BRI and different
shapes on the waveforms. The reason for this is that the radar can scan in different ways.
These types are listed below: [8] [30]
Sector: Scans from right to left in a definite sector. This can be observed if the electronic
support measures system is positioned at one edge of the radar scanner sector, which will
result in that the BRI value is less in the shorter edge and greater in the other. For
example; 7s on one edge and 1s on the other, hence, the BRI changes from 7s to 1s and
then back to 7s and again to 1s etc. The figure below illustrates this event:
Figure 14. Sector scan [7]
Circular: Scans in a circular area of 360º. This can be observed by noticing that BRI
always has the same value. For example it is always 8s.
Raster: Scans in a pattern shown in the figure below, and then repeats the same pattern
over and over again.
4 Electronic Support
Figure 15. Raster scan [7]
It should be pointed out that also the BRI can, theoretically, be changed according to the
techniques mentioned above about the PRF. [2]
The amplitude is often varied between the pulses in a radar scan, if we are not dealing with a
radar that has locked on to us. The reason for this is that when a radar scans through a sector,
the amplitude is at its greatest when we are in the same direction as the direction of the radar
scan. When the radar has another direction, pulse signals may still be received, which is
pulses from the side lobes. The result of this is that the amplitude values of these received
pulses is less than of those received when we were in the same direction as the radar
scanning. More information about this can be read in the referenced books.
Every type of radar has different characteristic parameters. The more parameters that can be
intercepted and determined, the higher is the possibility to determine the type of radar. It is
also important to determine which mode a radar currently is using. Radars in search mode are
a less critical threat than radars that have locked on to the aircraft. Radars usually have a great
number of different modes. Therefore, it is important that different combinations of pulse
width, PRF etc. are stored in the threat library, and thus making it easier to determine which
threat is the most critical one. [24]
5 Pulse Processing
5 Pulse Processing
It is important to understand how the pulse processor does its work, and thus, making
it easier to understand the relationship between the data at stage B and the data at
stage C (see Figure 1). Therefore, this chapter will briefly describe how the pulse
processing is done in Saab Avitronics; how the pulses are arranged in order into
bursts, and then to tracks to the final creation of the so called active emitter file.
Some problems that can occur in this sorting process will also be discussed, to finally
end this chapter with an elaboration of the pulse descriptor and its parameters.
The radar warning system will receive a great number of pulses from a large number of
radars. It could be up to millions of pulses each second. All these pulses must somehow be
processed by the radar equipment. When the pulses have been received by the radar
equipment, different parameters can be measured from each pulse. These are the parameters
that will be used as a foundation in this master’s project. The measured values are afterwards
coded to digital form and put together to a pulse descriptor word (PDW). These descriptors
are stored in order by time, which means that the descriptors will not be grouped by radar
stations. [2] However, a grouping in this manner of the descriptors is important; therefore the
next subsection will elaborate the process of doing this, which is called pulse sorting. This is
the process of creating emitters of pulses. The descriptors will thereafter be discussed in
chapter 5.2.
To group the different descriptors, and thereby also the pulses, to their respective emitters, a
number of association measures are used. These association measures, which are probability
measures, are used as guidance in the association process of the descriptors to the emitters.
The direction of arrival is generally regarded as the best initial sorting parameter as it cannot
be varied by the radar from pulse to pulse. The pulse width, on the other hand, is not a good
sorting parameter. Even if the transmitter has a constant pulse width, it can be measured with
large differences in value of different pulses. [2] [9]
The time of arrival value for a pulse has none at all sorting value observed as an individual
value. It is not until there are a collection of pulses and that pulse trains have been found,
which constitutes of a regular or almost regular pattern, that the pulses can be related and
thereby the pulses can get sorted. [2]
The frequency is a fine sorting parameter, but even though the total frequency area is large,
there is a tendency that certain radar types are congregated in a relatively small frequency
area. Another disadvantage is that the frequency relatively easy can be varied by means of
frequency hopping. [2]
Pulse amplitude does not reveal anything about the radar that the pulses originated from.
However, by creating amplitude differences between pulses it is possible to analyse relations
among pulses. The analysing is based on the probability that consecutive pulses have about
the same amplitude. Also here, variations of the amplitude can occur between pulses through
affects of wave propagation by using frequency hopping. [2]
5.1 Pulse Sorting
Pulse sorting is the measure used to arrange the pulse descriptors in a collected description,
called emitters, which is labelled as an active emitter file (AEF). This sorting is done in two
steps: prior sorting and subsequent sorting, where different sorting algorithms are used for the
different steps. The figure below shows a simplified picture of the sorting process.
5 Pulse Processing
Intercepted Pulses
Update of measured
Update of measured
Update of measured
Figure 16. A simplified figure of how pulse processing is done. [28]
5.1.1 Prior Sorting
The first sorting algorithms applied, groups the pulses by: Angle of Arrival (AOA), Frequency
(FQ) and Pulse Width (PW) and also with some support from the TOA information. This
phase of the sorting process is called the prior sorting. The used algorithms divide the pulses
into cells (also called pigeon holes), where each cell, ideally, only contains PDW: s with
same origin and in the same time range that is represented by the cell. After this is done, a so
called burst file, i.e. group of pulses, is created. The figure below illustrates this concept. [2]
A Cell
AOA – Angle Of Arrival
Figure 17. Sorting by FQ, PW and AOA. [2]
When the first PDW arrives to the prior sorting it results in that a new cell is created and
some range limits is given to its dimensions. The pulse descriptors arriving after this initial
step are stored in this cell, only if their AOA, FQ and PW values are in range for the cell. If
this is not the case, a new cell is created for this PDW. This is only done if the range limits of
the new cell are not within the limits for other cells. If this is, however, the case, two or
several cells are joined together and this newly created cell gets new range limits after this
process. [2]
5 Pulse Processing
The prior sorting can give arise to some problems, one of the problems occurs when the
signals comes from a frequency hopping radar. This problem is illustrated in Figure 18.
AOA – Angle Of Arrival
Figure 18. A prior sorting of signals from a frequency hopping radar. [2]
As one can see, the right cells in the figure above have not been merged. The reason for this
is that enough pulses have not been received to be able to combine these cells. Therefore, it is
crucial that there exist a superior analyse function with an ability to discover similar contents
in different cells, and that afterwards can take a decision to merge these cells. [2]
There exist several more problems in the prior sorting that leads to a scattering of the PDW: s
in different cells and also that PDW: s end up in wrong cells. These problems will, however,
not be discussed in this master’s thesis.
5.1.2 Subsequent Sorting
When the cells have a minimum of five and a maximum of 100 PDW: s with the largest time
difference of 50 ms, the cells are ready to be sent of to the subsequent sorting. Here, several
sorting algorithms are used that sorts the bursts by: Angle of Arrival, Frequency, Pulse Width,
Pulse Repetition Interval and Amplitude. This will result in the creation of the file called
active emitter track file. This active emitter file will then be used by the radar warning
computer to identify the discovered objects. [2] [28]
As can be seen, some of the parameters used in the sorting process in the prior sorting are
also used here. Although this can be perceived as strange or overdo, it has it simple
explanation; as the pulses are passed through different algorithms, better statistical measures
can be found. This will result in that more efficient and intelligent estimations can be done to
get a correct sorting of the pulses.
Amplitudes can give rise to some problems in the sorting, as it may be difficult to analyse if
the amplitudes of the pulses in the same cell should be divided into two distinctively groups
or not. The reason for this difficulty arises if each pulse is followed by another pulse with
lower effect. This can either mean that we are dealing with two different emitters (radars) or
only one emitter, of which the case then would be that the pulse with the lower effect is
merely a reflected pulse. [2] The reader can find more information about this in the
referenced books.
5 Pulse Processing
The PRI sorting of the pulses in each cell can also be somewhat problematic. Figure 19
shows histograms of how the PRI: s can look like with no errors. The errors can occur when
it have to deal with missing pulses. This can lead to an estimation of pulse repetition intervals
that is longer than normal. This is illustrated in Figure 20. [2]
Figure 19. PRI histograms when no errors have occurred. [2]
Figure 20. A PRI histogram illustrating when pulses are missing in a cell. [2]
It can also have occurred that some pulses have incorrectly been placed in wrong cells.
Hence, some extra pulses exist in some cells. This is illustrated in the figure below. [2]
Figure 21. A PRI histrogam illustraing when there are extra pulses in a cell. [2]
A stagger analysis is done to find out the burst interval (BRI) in the case of PRI staggering8.
In this analysis the TOA difference between every n: th pulse is calculated and compared. As
a start n is set to two (every other pulse) and if not all the TOA differences, except a few,
This has been discussed in chapter 4.
5 Pulse Processing
resides in a narrow interval, the value of n is increased with one unit until the TOA
differences fulfils the above criteria. The sequence of pulse intervals within the burst can now
easily be determined. If no value of n that fulfils the criteria above can be found, either the
interval is to narrow or it is not a staggered signal but a jittered one. [2]
To find out the PRI for a signal that is jittered, usually an approximated value is calculated
As can be observed by the above formula, the PRI value only depends on the first and the last
TOA value, and it is not at all taking intermediate TOA values into consideration. Therefore,
a better estimation is to use the method of least squares, in which case a PRI value, PRI0, is
obtained by:
∑ [TOA ⋅ (t
σ TOA =
i =0
+ i ⋅ PRI 0 )]
n +1
= minimum
This method considers all the measured values and is therefore to prefer. [2] [21] The figure
below illustrates this. With the knowledge of PRI0 a standard deviation value can easily be
Figure 22. Thirteen pulses from a jittered sequence of pulses.The line represents PRI0,
which is the mean pulse interval obtained by using the method of least
squares. [2]
5.2 Pulse Descriptor
The pulse description words contain the parameters mentioned in chapter 4. Apart from these
pulse parameters, the pulse descriptor can also contain a number of flags, each with a size of
a few bits (often only one), indicating special circumstances, e.g. that a certain intrapulse
5 Pulse Processing
modulation has been detected. Details of these flags will not be mentioned for confidential
reasons. [1] [2]
Below is an example of how a pulse descriptor can look. Only an example can be given as
this information is confidential at SaabTech. These pulse descriptors have a size of 64 bits.
The table indicates the number of bits needed for each parameter in the pulse descriptor and
with information of their resolutions and the measurement areas.
Measurement area
Number of Bits
0.1 μs
1.7 s
0.7 º
360 º
2-18 GHz
Pulse Width
50 ns
100 μs
1 dB
60 dB
Size of Pulse descriptor
Table 1. Parameters in pulse descriptors. Their resolution, measurement area and
number of bits required to store them. The numeric values indicated are only
examples from [2] as these are confidential.
5.3 Pulse Correlation
To get a rapid comparison of which PDW: s that match to existing track files, the PDW data
is hashed into an integer number that summarizes the key radar parameters. All the track files
whose hash values are identical to the PDW’s hash value are considered as possible matches.
If there are multiple matches, the Angle of Arrival is used to resolve the matching conflict.
Hence, if the current system offers a high Angle of Arrival resolution, the ambiguities in
matching new data with existing track files will be eliminated. After the hash has been
matched with a track file, the track file is updated with the new data. [29]
If an exact match is not found, the hash value is checked for a close match. A close match
could be the result of noisy or corrupt data, or a parameter altering threat. Track files that do
not contain similar key radio frequency characteristics are eliminated. Also here, the
parameter Angle of Arrival is used to eliminate ambiguities in matching the PDW with a track
file. [29]
If no match can be found for the PDW then either a new radar from a new threat or a mode
change from an already identified radar has been detected. A new track file is therefore
created and the PDW is copied into it. [29]
6 Analysis of Tools and Data
6 Analysis of Tools and Data
This chapter will discuss the current used analysis program, called ANNALYS; how
this program and its tools work. There will also be a discussion of the data; what
format they have, how they are stored etc. The findings, which can be read about in
this chapter, will give guidance to the design and the implementation of ANNALYS
Ext. This chapter will finally conclude with an elaboration of the problems that will
or may arise, and which should be taken into consideration when solving the
problems in this master’s project.
The first that was analysed was the current used ANNALYS program. The findings here
simplified the construction of ANNALYS Ext, both graphically and structurally. A study was
made of how the current program was built up. What functionality and graphics of the current
program that also could be implemented in ANNALYS Ext, in their existing form or somewhat
improved. Also, some other discoveries were made during this phase; what functions and
statistical information that were missing in the current program, when considering the needs
of the analysts.
The chapter will then continue with describing the data and the data format. This is sufficient
in order to comprehend the structure of the input files in ANNALYS Ext, but also to get
knowledge of the kind of data that can be found in these files.
6.1 Analysis of Existing Tools
The analysis of the tools in ANNALYS showed that it today is possible to make some
comparisons of different parameters of pulses in the data at stage B (see Figure 1), called
vbd-data. This data is stored in a specific binary format and can be opened in ANNALYS. A
more detailed discussion of this data will be given in chapter 6.2.
There is a tool in ANNALYS that is used to analyse the pulse data, at which different
parameters of the pulses can be plotted graphically. The existing analysis possibilities are that
plotted radar scans9 respective pulses can be zoomed in, where the information from each
pulse can be retrieved by clicking on it in the graph. These graphs can be shown below each
other, with plots of the different parameters over time. A zoom in on one of the graphs also
zooms in the other graphs as much, which simplifies the analysis work.
This zoom in functionality is something that also could be to a great usefulness in ANNALYS
Ext. However, the two plotted graphs of emitters respectively pulses will not have an affect
on each other, i.e. a zoom in on one of the graphs will not affect the other one. The reason for
this is that an intuitive way to design this does not exist, as two different data sets are
displayed in the graphs.
There is also a window that shows the information10 textually about the different pulses,
where the information from each pulse is in one row and where they are ordered by time.
This makes it easier to see if there are any correlations between pulses that are adjacent in
time. This information can later on be used to filter the pulses. When a pulse in the graph is
clicked on, the row with the information of the pulse is selected. A window of this kind could
also be implemented in ANNALYS Ext to make it easier to read the information of each pulse.
A transverse or swept sector or volume of airspace with a recurring pattern, by means of a controlled
directional beam from a radar antenna [14]
The information that is listed are; Frequency, Amplitude, Pulse Width etc.
6 Analysis of Tools and Data
Another function that is available is that the user can filter the pulses by setting some limits
on the pulse parameters11 so that only the filtered pulses are shown in the graphs. A filtering
leads to a smaller selection of pulses are shown, which makes it easier to see correlations
between pulses.
Example: First a filtering is done by AOA, which leads to the finding that the
frequency for this radar scan is always in a distinct interval. Hence, a filtering on
these values in frequency is done. This results in that also other radar scans from
the same radar but at different points in time can be seen. All these radar scans is
called tracks.
A filtering function is also something that could be implemented in ANNALYS Ext, where
subsets of the pulses can be seen in the graph using this function. However, the number of
parameters that can be filtered on is more limited than those available in ANNALYS.
There are, however, no possibilities to see different statistical values on the data in
ANNALYS. Examples of the kind of statistical values that could be of interest to see are; how
often does a radar change the frequency in a radar scan, between which frequencies does it
hop etc. Hence, this could be a possible implementation of a program function that would
simplify the analysis work.
Another tool in ANNALYS is used to analyse the emitter report data, called mvc-data, which
is the data at stage C (see Figure 1). A description of this data will be given in chapter 6.2.
Each emitter report consists of information from one radar scan. Hence, a radar emitter often,
if not always, has several emitter reports. The emitter reports for an emitter are connected
through a variable called PPY track number. Today, a function that graphically shows all the
pulses that belongs to an emitter does not exist. Therefore, another implementation of a
program function that could be in the scope of this master’s project is a function that when a
emitter report is selected, automatically finds out all this emitter’s emitter reports and show
all their pulses. This would simplify the analysis work, by making it easier to see how often
radar scans from an emitter repeats and evolves, and also how the radar parameters are
changed for each scan. In this scenario, as well, some statistical values can be helpful.
Example of some statistical values in this case could be; how many pulses that, on average,
constructs the chosen emitter report’s emitter and the mean value of a pulse selection’s
Frequency, Amplitude and PW.
The information from each emitter report can be analyzed in a so called Browser, where it is
possible to browse forward and backward among the emitter reports. An alternative
implementation of this functionality could also be done in ANNALYS Ext. Instead of a
browser, the same design as showing the information of the pulses could be used to show
information of the emitters; a window that shows the most important information in each
emitter report row wise ordered by time.
There also exists a function where all the emitter reports can be seen in a map over time, as a
video sequence. The map shows what path the ESM system went, and where the emitters
where discovered. This is also something that simplifies the analysing work, by making it
easier to see which emitter reports actually could be the same emitter when knowing their
direction and position. Also here, it is possible to zoom in and to filter by different emitter
parameters12 and thereby to make a selection of what emitters to be shown in the map. Even
though this is something that is desirable, it will not be implemented as a part of this master’s
project. The reason for this is that a map function is too difficult and too advanced to be in the
scope of it.
Example of pulse parameters that can be filtered by are; Frequency, Amplitude, Pulse Width, AOA
Examples of parameters are; mean value and deviation of PRI and PW. Other parameters are;
Amplitude minimum and maximum, AOA, Emitter record no etc.
6 Analysis of Tools and Data
6.2 Analysis of Data
This subchapter will describe the format of the data input files that will be used in this
master’s project. As this information can be sensitive, only an essential description will be
6.2.1 vbd-data
The pulse data is stored in a data file called vbd. This file is in a binary data form, which
makes it necessary to parse it in a certain way with bit operations, scaling etc. to correctly
understand it in an application. To not have to do the same procedure again and as the
program ANNALYS Ext will be used alternately with ANNALYS, the vbd file has to first be
parsed in ANNALYS and then extracted to a txt file containing the pulse information in an
easier readable manner.
To extract the values to a txt file, a report format file (.rpt) have been created in this project,
and which states the structure of the output and the data that should be in it. This report
format file is an input to ANNALYS, which then will export the data according to this file.
6.2.2 mvc-data
The data that can be extracted from the radar system is called spr data. This file contains a
combination of the data from stage C and stage D (see Figure 1). However, the aim with this
project is to work with data from stage C, which is the mvc data. Hence, a tool called
sprtomvc developed by SaabTech will be used. This tool can extract the mvc part of the spr
data file and create a mvc binary data file. Also here, it is unnecessary to parse the mvc binary
data and to deal with bit operations, scaling etc. Therefore a tool called mvctool will be used,
which also have been developed by SaabTech. This tool will parse the binary file and create
an easier readable txt file consisting of the information needed. The mvc-txt file contains
information of different parameters of each track.
The available data at stage C (see Figure 1) for emitters are Amplitude and TOA (time-ofarrival) for the first, last and max-amplitude pulses. Also, mean and standard deviation for
Frequency, PW and PRI13 (Pulse Repetition Interval) for the tracks as well as for all the
bursts are available. A TOA vector and a BRI14 (Burst Repetition Interval) vector are also
available data at stage C. These vectors contain only information for the last 64 pulses.
Therefore, it will be difficult to relate the emitters to the origin pulses. For continuous waves
(CW) the data that can be found at stage C are: Amplitude and TOA.
As have been said, each track has information of the mean and standard deviation value for
the parameters Frequency, PW, PRI, BRI etc. Hence, a statistical value that can be of interest
is how much that differs between these values from different radar scans (i.e. different
tracks/emitters) from the same radar. These values can also be to an importance when finding
out which pulses that belong to a certain emitter. When knowing the mean value and the
deviation value, these parameters can, yet, be used even though they can change or fluctuate
between pulses.
6.3 Discovered Complications
In this subchapter, discussions of what problems that can arise, and be to a difficulty when
solving this master’s project are given. These problems have been discovered during the
analysis phase of the tools and the data.
The time-interval between each pulse.
The time-interval between each burst.
6 Analysis of Tools and Data
According to [14] a radar scan means “a transverse or swept sector or volume of airspace
with a recurring pattern, by means of a controlled directional beam from a radar antenna”.
An example of this is that a radar scans from right to left, when we are located at the centre.
This will cause the signal, which is received by our electronic support measures (ESM)
system, and thereby also the amplitude to be as strongest at the centre and decreasing at both
sides. The figure below shows how a radar scan can look like, where the angle is the angle of
direction to the ESM in the radar’s point of view.
Figure 23. Example of how a radar scan can look like, recevied by a ESM equipment. [5]
If the radar scans are overlapping, a problem that can occur is that it is more difficult to see
which of the pulses that belong to which radar scan. The large data set makes the probability
of this to occur to be very high. This force an implementation of the program that can find a
parameter value, among the pulses of the overlapping radar scans, that can be distinguishable
between the different radar scans. AOA could in these situations be a good first parameter to
6.3.1 Lack of Data
The TOA and BRI vector values that can be found at stage C (see Figure 1) and that are
stored in the emitter reports will only consist of values above a certain amplitude limit15. The
difficulties that thus can arise, when the data at stage C are to be related to data at stage B, is
that it will be difficult to discover a whole radar scan. This means that also the pulses, whose
TOA and BRI values not are stored and transmitted in the emitter report (pulses before the 64
last pulses, but also pulses below the amplitude limit) have to be related to an emitter. It
should be noted that several radar scans, from different or the same radar (with several lobes),
can overlap. Hence, making the situation of relating the data more complicated.
It could also happen that some certain pulses not are received by, or can not be processed by,
the video processor. Hence, this will lead to some gaps occurring in the radar scans. This
problem will complicate the relating, by making it more difficult to find consecutive pulses in
the radar scans.
Besides these problems, the main difficulty is that there is not enough data in the emitter data
file so that a correct relating to its pulses can be made. Therefore, a good solution as possible
has to be found in this project that can give a guidance of which pulses that may belong to a
selected emitter.
This value is classified and will therefore no be revealed, as it will not be used in this master’s
6 Analysis of Tools and Data
6.3.2 Fluctuations and Inaccuracies of Parameter Values
Another problem that can occur when dealing with the relating of the emitter report data to its
pulse data is that the values of the parameters can change from pulse to pulse. The most
important parameters that probably will change in value are Frequency, Pulse Width and PRF
(and hence also PRI). It should also be noted that the Pulse Width also can be varied in value
even if it is set to a constant by the radar. The cause of this will not be discussed here.
An example of this kind of complication is that the radar can be frequency hopping, and thus,
leading to fluctuations of the Amplitude of the received pulses in the signal. The figure below
illustrates this: [5]
Figure 24. Example of how a radar scan can look like, recevied by a radar warning
system, when it is a frequency hopping signal. [5]
The reason for the arisen of this phenomenon will not be discussed in the scope of this
master’s thesis. The interested one are referred to the references for information about this.
Often, the Amplitude among the pulses is changed during a radar scan. This only happens if it
is not a radar that has locked on. The amplitude of a radar that is in a locked-on mode is
instead always a constant. More about this can be read about in chapter 4. The Amplitude
can, however, not be manipulated by the radar, and hence, the conclusion that can be drawn
by this is that consecutive pulses have about the same amplitude. By using probability
theories, pulses belonging to a radar scan can be correlated.
The main problem of the fluctuations is that it makes it more difficult to see correlations
between the pulses. Hence, these parameters may, of the above reasons, not be used in the
correlation process of the emitters and pulses. Will this mean that only the TOA and AOA, as
they can not be manipulated by the radars, are the only parameters that can be used as they
are the most accurate ones?
Another problem is that the PRI value is calculated as the time difference between two
received pulses. The problem occurs as all pulses may not be received or can not be
measured. This leads to gaps occurring in the pulse data, and therefore, the PRI value is not
consistent but can vary substantial. However, if a subset of pulses has the same PRI value, the
first guess that can be made is that these pulses belong to the same emitter.
Due to the problems mentioned above, with the fluctuations of the values, it is probably
important to make use of the mean and standard deviation values for Frequency, PW, PRI
and BRI.
6.3.3 TOA Wrap-around
The TOA value, having the unit µs, is a counter that goes from 0 to a maximum value, which
restarts over and over again through the pulse data file. Therefore it will be difficult to map
emitters to pulses using this value. The problem in this is that the recording of the emitter
6 Analysis of Tools and Data
data and the pulse data does not have to start at the same time - they do not have to be
synchronized, which makes it to an impossibility to know which TOA value in the emitter
data that maps to which TOA value in the pulse data. Therefore the implementation of
ANNALYS EXT can have a counter that keeps the value of how many times the TOA value
has been reset. The real TOA value of a pulse is therefore retrieved by the equation:
TOAcurrent + counter ⋅ TOAMax
Yet, one problem will still remain; how to synchronize the emitter data and the pulse data.
Therefore, instead of using the above stated solution, a solution that uses a Time parameter
will be implemented. The Time parameter, which can be found in both the emitter data and
the pulse data, states the exact time of the pulse, respectively emitters from hour down to µs.
Still, the TOA value has to be used to map the emitters correctly to its pulses. This has to be
done, as the Time value for an emitter and all its pulses are (obviously) not the same. The
solution here will be to check the TOA value in a Time interval of [Time – TOAMax, Time +
TOAMax]. This approach will give us unique TOA values in that interval.
7 Solution Proposals
7 Solution Proposals
This chapter will briefly discuss some solution proposals of how to relate the emitters
to pulses. At the end of this chapter there will be a wider elaboration of the employed
solution. There will also be a discussion of why the chosen solution was employed
rather than the other proposals.
It is quite important that there are several possible solutions to solve a problem. This does not
only show that one has carefully analyzed a problem, but it is also a gain to be able to select
from different solution proposals in the implementation phase. All of the given solution
proposals have a numerous of advantages and disadvantages. However, at the end, the
solution with the most number of advantages and with disadvantages that does not have such
a great affect on the result has been chosen.
7.1 Emitter-to-Pulse Correlating
The below subchapters will elaborate on different kind of solutions that can be used when
trying to find out which pulses that belongs to which emitter. This is the main task of this
master’s project, and therefore the concentration will be on this.
7.1.1 Solution One
The first solution proposal that we came up with was that the program initially should divide
the pulses in groups with respect to its AOA and TOA value. The main reason for wanting to
do this is that these two values are the ones that are relatively reliable, and that cannot be
manipulated between pulses by the radar. Hence, this solution will result in that the number
of possibilities, of pulses that an emitter can originate from, is minimized. When the user
selects an emitter in the application, the only thing to do is to check in one of the groups
having the corresponding values of AOA and TOA as the selected emitter. An alternative
could also be to group by other parameters as Frequency, PW and Amplitude. However, as
these parameters often can be changed, it is better to not group by these.
The big disadvantage with this solution is that no consideration is taken to other parameters,
as it is impossible to take the other parameters to consideration (they vary too much). An
interesting alternative could be to group the pulses by intervals, i.e. the pulses having the
AOA value in the interval from n to m is put in group x etc. However, this solution is not
sufficient as the grouping can be misleading, in the way that pulses of an emitter can exist in
a junction of groups. This solution will, hence, result in that the pulses that belongs to the
selected emitter is not the correct ones, as some pulses can disappear in this process. The
conclusion of this is that a grouping of pulses should not be done in beforehand. Therefore, a
better solution is, when an emitter has been selected to apply this solution in an area around
the emitter’s time value. A subset of these pulses probably belongs to the selected emitter.
Another drawback with this solution is that it is more difficult to implement a manual filter
function, so that a user manually can filter on some data.
7.1.2 Solution Two
The second solution proposal was to retrieve the parameters of the selected emitter.
Afterwards, the application should filter the pulses on these parameter values. However, one
should have in mind that the Amplitude, Frequency and PW are not indicated as exact values
for each pulse in the emitter data. Instead, these values are indicated as a mean value with a
standard deviation based on all pulses that constructed an emitter.
7 Solution Proposals
It is important to notice that filtering on mean value ± standard deviation results in that the
extreme pulses at the end of the radar scans are removed, i.e. the pulses located at both ends
of the normal distribution.
The interesting aspect is if Frequency, Amplitude and PW can on the whole be used as
filtering parameters. The questioning part is how the results will be affected by the changes
that could arise in these parameters, as the radar intentionally changes or manipulates them.
The above question arise another; can probabilities be used to determine the pulses? If one
pulse at the time is determined and put into a set, this set can be used to determine the next
pulse by using probabilities. When the number of pulses in the set is increasing, the number
of possible pulses that can belong to a radar scan reduces. The figures below illustrate this
concept on the parameters amplitude and frequency:
These are the
alternatives for
the next pulse in
this radar scan.
This pulse is the
closest to the already
determined pulses in
the radar scan. Hence,
this pulse belongs to
this radar scan. Here,
only the amplitude has
been taken to
These pulses are
already determined
to belong to this
radar scan.
Figure 25. Determination by probabilities concidering the amplitude.
These pulses are
already determined
to belong to this
radar scan. As can
be seen, minor
variations can
This pulse is the closest to the already
determined pulses in the radar scan.
Hence, this pulse belongs to this radar
scan. Here, only the frequency has been
taken to consideration.
These are the
alternatives for
the next pulse in
this radar scan.
Figure 26. Determination by probabilities concidering the frequency.
7.1.3 Solution Three
This solution’s idea is that all the pulses are saved in a database, which will improve, simplify
and make it more effective to filter on different parameters. When the user selects an emitter
in the application, the emitter’s values of the parameters: Amplitude, Frequency, PW, AOA
are used to filter on the pulses stored in the database. The filtering values that are used for the
last three mentioned parameters are the mean values and the standard deviation values,16
which can be found in the emitter data file. This approach is used as these parameters can be
changed from pulse to pulse in a radar scan belonging to an emitter. It should be pointed out
that this will result in that the pulses having extreme values of these parameters will not be
mean value ± standard deviation are the boundary values, when filtering.
7 Solution Proposals
included in the set of pulses belonging to the selected emitter. The reason for this is that only
the standard deviations are available.
7.1.4 Solution Four
This solution differs much from the previous ones. The main idea here is to find a function
that can depict the pulse graph with respect to its amplitude. This function have to be found
based only on the first, last and maximum pulse values, as these are the only pulses that have
both a time and an amplitude value.
Although it will not be that easy to find a function that uniquely can find all the pulses that
belong to an emitter, it seems like this solution anyhow can give an estimated set of which
pulses that may belong to an emitter. The disadvantage with this solution is that it probably
will miss several pulses, as they are not positioned on the graph. The reason for this is that a
radar can change the PRI value, which will make it difficult to find a graph that represents a
correct picture of how the pulses are arrived.
It could be understood from the amplitude-time graph in the application ANNALYS, that the
pulses varies according to a quadratic form. Therefore, the available parameters in the emitter
data are used to find a function having the form P(x) = c1 + c2x + c3x2. To find this function
interpolation will be used. This process will be more elaborated in the next chapter.
After finding this function, the difficulty is to find correct PRI values (or ΔTOA) from the
emitter data. The first attempt will only be to try using the most common PRI value, which
will be retrieved by analyzing the last 64 TOA values that can be found in the emitter data.
The pulses that have been retrieved as a result of this solution must also be checked to be in
the correct intervals of the values: Frequency, PW and AOA.
7.1.5 The Employed Solution
Two solutions: solution three and four, have been implemented, as they differ much and can
give different answers of pulses that belong to an emitter. The difference in the answers will
be that solution four will give a less number of pulses as an answer than solution three.
The reason for this is that solution four will try to find all the correct pulses that belong to the
emitter with the help of a function. Hence, this will result in that a fewer pulses are found. It
should be pointed out that all the pulses that belong to this emitter would not be found, as this
will require a more extensive PRI analysis. Hence, resulting in that the input to the function
(ΔTOA) will have to be more correct.
The cause for this is that a radar can be PRF staggering, i.e. it is changing its PRF value and
thereby the PRI values are also changed. This means that the ΔTOA values can be different
from pulse to pulse. The solution stated in solution fours only considers the most frequent
ΔTOA value, and use that value to be the one and only ΔTOA throughout the whole radar
Another cause for this is that the pulse signals can be phase coded17, i.e. data are sent
between two pulses. These data pulses will, hence, have different PRI value than the end
pulses. This will not be taken into consideration in the solution that will be employed.
The main reason for not analyzing more in, and to further develop the PRI analysis, is that it
is not possible to include that in the scope of this master’s project. The PRI analysis requires
a great deal of effort from the application, and also a more understanding and analyzing of
the pulses are required.
This concept will not be elaborated more in this master’s thesis. The interested one is referred to the
literature given at the end of this thesis.
7 Solution Proposals
Solution three, on the other hand, uses a filtering function. As boundary values18 are used to
accomplish this, more possible pulses that belong to this emitter will be given as an outcome.
As can be seen in the solution proposals, solution three has been built up by understanding
that a solution stated before could not be done in a sufficient manner, and which therefore
have been improved. The improvement has either been that the whole solution has been
changed or that just a part of it has been changed to the better.
7.2 Statistical Solutions
As solutions from the statistical point of view is in the scope of this thesis, the below chapters
will elaborate more on the kind of solutions that can be in the area of this. These subchapters
will, unlike the above chapter, only state the solution that will be implemented.
7.2.1 Statistical Values
There are different kinds of statistical values that could be of interest here. The mean value is,
however, the value that has the most important affect when analyzing the data. In the emitter
data, this value is already available, indicating the mean value of the pulses in the emitter
Our mean value will therefore be based on the pulses that have been found when the user
selects an emitter, i.e. the pulses in the pulse selection. This value can not only be compared
with the value in the emitter data, but can also give an answer of how much it differs from the
boundary values in the pulse selection. Hence, giving clues of how certain this pulse selection
is. The boundary values are therefore also something that will be stated in the application for
the current pulse selection.
7.2.2 Filter
A manually filter function will also be implemented, which can be utilized by the user to see
the values that have been used in the filtering of the pulse parameters, in order to retrieve the
current pulse selection. These values can also be changed by the user, if another filtering of
the pulse parameters is wanted. This functionality can be to an advantage if the user, after a
pulse selection have been retrieved by selecting an emitter, wants to do another filtering with
the intention to see the pulses around the filtered area.
7.2.2 Histogram
Another statistical functionality that will be implemented is histograms. The histograms will
be shown of the most important values in a pulse selection: Amplitude, Frequency and PW.
This statistical functionality is outstanding in the sense that it is simplifying for the analysts,
by making it easier to see the selection of pulses in a more summarized view. This makes it
easier to see if the pulse selection, which has been obtained, actually contains two or several
radar scans rather than one. The information gained from this analysis can then be used to
filter a pulse selection on narrower upper and lower limits.
This idea of functionality was greatly appreciated by SaabTech and by the analysts, as it
simplifies their work even more. Histograms are an excellent way for the human mind to
interpret a summarization of a large statistical data.
A minimum value and a maximum value.
8 Design and Implementation
8 Design and Implementation
This chapter will describe the design and the implementation of the application,
which is the result of this master’s project. First the GUI of the application will be
discussed, as it is important that the GUI is simple and plain so that it is easy to
understand and use. The chapter will then continue with describing an UML
representation of the application design. This will give the reader a better overview
of how the application is intended to be implemented and work. Afterwards, some
functions of the application will first be described with an explanation of the chosen
design to conclude with a description of the implementation.
We start this chapter with a brief elaboration of how the application should work in general.
The user is able to open two files; an emitter file and a pulse file. These files are parsed and
the application extracts and saves the important information in an understandable format.
After the parsing has been done, the data should be represented as dots in two separate
graphs; an emitter graph and a pulse graph. The users should be able to work on both of these
graphs. There should be some basic functionality like: zooming in, zooming out and the dots
in the graph should be clickable. When a dot is clicked on, the information of the pulse or
emitter that it represents should be displayed. When an emitter is selected, this should lead to
its pulses being seen as a selection in the pulse graph.
The functions that will be implemented in this application are, as they were found in this
master’s project to be of a great importance for the analysts, following:
• A filter function, which makes it possible for the user to manually set filter values on Time,
TOA, Frequency, Amplitude, PW and AOA.
• A statistics function that show some statistics of the pulse selection.
• A histogram function that shows histograms of the parameters: Amplitude, Frequency and
PW for a pulse selection.
• An emitter correlation function that correlates the emitters. This means that the emitters that
originate from the same radar are found.
• A function to show the pulses of the correlated emitters (this can only be done if an emitter
correlation already has been done).
SaabTech did not have any formal requirements of the functionality and performance of the
application. However, the supervisor at SaabTech had requests that the aim of the application
should be on time optimization rather than memory optimization. The reason for this is that it
should be fast to work, when doing the analyzing work, as this work is very extensive.
Therefore, the concentration in this project will be to make the application as fast as possible
when the analysts work with the data, letting it be acceptable to be somewhat slow when
parsing the files, and also to consume somewhat more memory.
It was also important to know what kind of computer systems that will be used to run this
application on. The systems that are planned to be used with this application are modern with
good performance and have around 2 GB in memory. This allows the program to consume
somewhat more memory making it possible to make it faster when working with it. As the
data consist of a couple of thousand of emitters and a couple of hundredth of thousandths of
pulses, it is important that it is fast to work with the data and that the dots can be drawn and
updated quickly in the graphs.
8.1 GUI
The GUI of the application had to be very intuitive and very user-friendly. It should be easy
for any user without any knowledge of how the application works, to understand what
8 Design and Implementation
functions it has and how they could be used. Although this was not the main task of this
master’s thesis, we understood that it had an important role. It would simplify to a great deal
for the analysts when working with this application, if the GUI is easy to understand and use.
Before elaborating more about the GUI, the figure below shows the resulting GUI:
Emitter graph
Pulse graph
Figure 27. The GUI of the application with a description of some of its fields.
Let us now have a discussion of some of the important parts of this GUI.
8.1.1 Graphs
The graphs; emitter graph and pulse graph shown in the figure above, are able to show a timeamplitude graph, a time-frequency graph or a time-PW graph. To simplify the code, all the
knowledge for this will be placed in one single class called GraphSettings. In this way, only
this class knows what values the ticks, dots etc. should have given an emitter or a pulse.
To simplify the work with this application and to just have to concentrate on the important
parts of this master’s thesis, namely to relate the emitters to its pulses, a graphic package
from an earlier project at SaabTech was used. This graphic package has methods and
functionality to draw a graph and dots in a Canvas (java.awt.Canvas). This was therefore
used to draw pulses and emitters as dots in the graph. This package did contain functionality
to zoom in and out. However, something that was missing was a square that shows the area
that is selected by the user to zoom in on. As this seemed as something that made it easier to
the analyst when working with this tool, this square was created. Hence, some changes have
been made in the classes in the package from SaabTech.
Another problem with this package was the use of the class Canvas. This class belongs to the
awt package, which makes it to a heavy-weight component19, while the rest of the GUI will
be Swing components. It is a know fact by the Java developers to rather not combine awt
components with Swing components, as this can lead to some conflicts [11]. Therefore, the
Canvas was changed to a JPanel instead.
A more important functionality that was missing in the package was a support to click on the
drawn dots in the graph and retrieve the object; an emitter or a pulse, which it represents.
This is something that is important to have in ANNALYS EXT, as the user should be able to
click on an emitter to retrieve its pulses, or just to click on an emitter or pulse to retrieve its
An elaboration of this can be found in [11].
8 Design and Implementation
information. Therefore, support for this has been implemented as a part of this master’s
To make the graph clickable; the clicked position20 in the graph where the user has clicked
will be retrieved. However, it is not sufficient to only know this pixel position as all the dots
in the Canvas is drawn as filled circles with radii of two pixels. The center positions of these
circles are the pixel position that the value (amplitude, frequency or PW) of the emitter or
pulse has in the graph. The approach to allow the user to click at any position of the drawn
dot, and thereby selecting an emitter or a pulse, is to use an offset value around the center
position. The offset value is represented by the radii of a dot. Therefore, it will be possible to
click on a dot in the area; center position ± offset, in both the x-axis and y-axis.
The above stated problem also makes it more difficult to uniquely find the pulse or emitter
object in a data structure that has been selected. There are several approaches to solve this.
The easiest way is to iterate through all the objects (pulses or emitters) and then check that
the position that have been clicked on in the graph is in the area; center position of the dot ±
offset, which means that this is the selected pulse or emitter. However, this approach will do
the searching on O(n), which is not time optimized when dealing with this quantity of objects
(mainly considering the number of pulses). A more detailed elaboration of a better approach
that has been taken to solve this problem will be given in section 8.3.2.
The implementation of displaying these dots in the graphs arose some difficulties. The first
dilemma had to do with the great quantity of pulses, which had to be drawn in the graph. The
maximum number of pulses could be up to 900 000. However, the test data that was used,
when implementing this application, consisted of approximately 250 000 pulses. Although,
this makes each repaint of the graph to take some time21. Hence, this was something that had
to be optimized. The first attempt that was tried was to utilize the class BufferedImage, which
is buffering the image in the memory. It is as a rule better to draw on a buffered image than
directly on the screen (by using the Graphics object sent to the paint() method). [6] This
approach led to an improvement by roughly one second. Although, this seemed, still, not
sufficient enough in this application. However, many tries to find information about graphical
improvements led to nowhere. We have therefore in this master’s project not been able to
find an effective solution to handle this quantity of drawing of pulses in the graph. As Java
has to be considered to be slow, even though there are developments going on in this area, we
have to conclude that there is not much we can do about this problem.
Although we could not find a solution to make the repainting more efficient when it comes to
that quantity of objects in the graph, we implemented a solution so that the repainting only
occurs when it have to. Also here, we got a great benefit of using a buffered image. When the
graph has to be redrawn, the drawings always occur in the background on the buffered image.
While a user zooms in on the graph, a zoom in square has to be drawn. When this happens,
the saved buffered image is first drawn on the graph area22 and then to end with drawing the
square. In this way the graph does not have to be redrawn from scratch23 each time the zoom
in square has to be drawn24. The figure below illustrates this process.
The x and y coordinates.
Around 7-8 seconds.
This means that the drawing is done on the Graphics object that is sent to the paint() method.
i.e. it is not necessary to redraw all the dots.
This occurs whenever the size of the zoom in square changes.
8 Design and Implementation
Step1: Draw the saved
image on the graph area
Image saved in memory
The graph area
Step 2: Draw the zoom in square on the graph area
Figure 28. The process of drawing the zoom in square on the graph area.
We also experienced some delays when the graph had to be redrawn each time the window
was hidden, i.e. when the window gets dirty. This was also solved utilizing the buffered
image, which have been saved in the memory. The process of this was similar to the above;
only the saved image was drawn on the graph area. Hence, the dots in the dirty area did not
have to be redrawn from scratch.
The only time the pulse graph is redrawn from scratch is whenever an emitter is selected and
a pulse selection has to be displayed in the pulse graph. Furthermore, the only time the
emitter graph is redrawn from scratch is whenever an emitter correlation has been done, and
the correlated emitters have to be displayed in the emitter graph. In all other cases, the back
buffer, i.e. the saved buffered image, is drawn. This technique is called double buffering,
which is widely utilized by developers dealing with graphics. [6] As it is really fast to draw
an image rather than redrawing the whole graph from scratch, the users of this application can
save some time when working with it.
8.1.2 Toolbar
It was assumed to be of a great importance to have a toolbar with the most common functions
in the application. This will make it easier for the analyst to quickly select the tool to work
with. The tools have been placed in the toolbar in an intuitive way. This can be seen in Figure
The first four tools in the toolbar have to do with working with the graphs: select mode, zoom
in, zoom out and redrawing both graphs. The latter tools have to do with common used
functions in the application. These functions will be more elaborated later in this chapter.
To help the user even more, each time the user holds the mouse over one of the tools,
information of how it is used are displayed as a tool tip and also at the bottom of the
8 Design and Implementation
8.1.3 Information Area
There are two information areas in the application; one for the emitter information and one
for the pulse information. These can be seen in Figure 27. Whenever an emitter or pulse is
selected the information of the selected object should be displayed in its respective text area.
The information will be displayed row wise with a parameter and its value. Some information
that can be found in the emitter data file will not be included, as this information seems
unnecessary for the analyst.
8.1.4 Access Keys
To make it even more easily and faster to work with the application, some access keys were
implemented for the most common functions. They are displayed in the menus, next to the
menu item, which makes it easy to find out what kind of access keys that exists.
The access keys that probably will be used most frequently are the ones for quickly changing
the graphs between time-amplitude, time-frequency and time-PW.
8.2 UML
Below a simplified UML design can be seen, which will give a better understanding of how
the different parts of the application works and are related. It should be pointed out that all
the implemented classes are not shown, with the reason to not make it too unreadable.
8 Design and Implementation
Figure 29. UML design of the application.
Much of the content in the class CommonGraph comes from an earlier project at SaabTech.
However, as has been said earlier, some changes and improvements have been made to it as
an approach to get the extended functionality wanted in this application.
The Main class has the responsibility of the whole application. This class initiates and
displays the application GUI (Window). The parsing of the emitter and pulse files is also in
the responsibility of this class, which runs these parsing in two different threads. More about
this can be found in section 8.3.1.
As can be seen in the UML the design pattern of singletons has been utilized in this project.
The reason for this is that some of the classes in this application are used in common by all
other classes that utilize them in the application. This means that only one instance of these
classes exists, and which are created when they are called with the method getObject() for the
first time.
The two storages; EmitterStorage and PulseStorage, have also been designed as singletons as
their only task is to store their respective objects; emitters and pulses. Furthermore, these
storages are accessed by disparate objects throughout the application system and therefore
require a global point of access.
8 Design and Implementation
The two selections; EmitterSelection and PulseSelection, have also been designed as
singletons as they also stores pulse respectively emitter objects. Each time a filter of pulses or
a PRI analysis is done, the current subset of pulses are stored in the PulseSelection. The
similar applies to the EmitterSelection, which stores the emitter objects when an emitter
correlation has occurred. It should be pointed out that new objects are not created when they
are stored in these selections. Hence, the memory usage does not increase by this.25
Two settings classes (not shown in the above UML design); GraphSettings and Settings are
used, in order to have common settings classes for the application in whole. They both are
designed according to the singleton design principle, as they had to be accessed from several
parts of the application. The GraphSettings is utilized to hold the settings for the shown
graphs. With this approach, all the knowledge of the graphs is managed in common by one
single class. This is needed as the axis values of the dots that are to be added in the graph and
the values of the ticks, depends on the type of graph that are to be shown. Hence, this class
determines this information given the type of graph and an emitter or a pulse, depending on
the circumstances. The Settings class is utilized for similar reasons, which provides a single
place to set and retrieve all of the global settings that affect the application as a whole.
Other classes where the design pattern of singletons has been utilized can be seen in the UML
design above.
8.3 File and Data Handling
The techniques utilized to parse the files and storing the data have an important role of the
efficiency and the performance of this application. Therefore, it is important to discuss the
techniques that have been implemented, as they seemed to be the best solution in this project.
This section will first discuss the parsing process of the files. Afterwards, we will continue
the discussion with how the data are stored in the application, in order to get the best
performance from the application. The pulse data are also stored in a database to make the
filtering functions in the application to work most smoothly and efficient. Hence, we will
conclude this section with a discussion of this.
8.3.1 Parsing of Files
The parsing of the both files occurs directly after the user has selected the two files; an
emitter file and a pulse file. These two files both have the format txt; hence, they only contain
raw text. As the parsing is somewhat time-consuming as well as to avoid making the GUI
unusable during that time; these are run in two separate threads. To accomplish this, we have
in this project utilized a class named SwingWorker26.
Although the parsing occurs in different threads, which does not affect the GUI, it is indeed
important that the parsing is done as quickly as possible. The pulse file, which the application
has to parse, has normally a size of above 30 MB27. Therefore, one has to count with some
time consumption. The emitter file is normally somewhat smaller, and is usually above 7
However, it should be pointed out that the files that was used in test purpose, when
developing this application, was somewhat smaller; the pulse file was on 27MB and the
emitter file on 7 MB. Yet, these files are really large, bearing in mind that they are only text
The mentioned functionalities will be discussed later in this chapter.
More information about this class can be found in [23].
This is a great deal, considering that it is only a txt file.
8 Design and Implementation
Lord and Reddy assets that many Java programs that utilize I/O are in deed in need of
performance tuning, as inefficient I/O is a common problem in Java. They go on maintaining
that the I/O performance issues usually overshadow all other performance issues, making
them the first area to concentrate on when tuning performance. Therefore, according to them,
I/O efficiency should be a high priority for developers looking to optimize performance.
However, this can be challenging in Java. [22]
Therefore, we have in this project understood that if we want to improve the parsing of the
files, we have to concentrate on improving the way these large files are read into the
application. Different input streams and file readers in Java were used, without giving the
desired result in the terms of performance and time-optimization. We also tried with native
buffers28 in Java and also used that to map the file into memory. The last attempt seemed like
a bad idea, as the files are so large.
As a consequence of this, we used a custom file reader named BufferedFileReader29, which
according to [22] is the fastest one out there when it comes to reading large files.
So what is the difference between the BufferedReader and with the custom
BufferedFileReader? The big difference has to do with the method readLine(). The method
readLine() in BufferedReader creates an instance of StringBuffer to hold the characters in the
line it reads. It then converts the StringBuffer to String, resulting in two more copies per
character. The BufferedFileReader class utilizes a modified readLine() method that avoids
the extra, double-copy in most cases. [22]
One observation that was made during the parsing of the files was that when the files where
located on a network storage this process could take up to 30s. This did not change even if we
used different computers with different performances30. The conclusion that can be drawn
from this is that the problem must be in that the files had to be accessed over a network. To
parse the files when they are stored locally gives a faster access to the files, which made the
time of the parsing to drop down to below 5s. This means that the users of this application
have to take this into consideration when using it; if they want the application and the parsing
of the files to be faster, they have to have the both files stored locally - although, this is not
considered as a limitation.
Another thing that was tested was to use different size of the buffer, and in this way try to see
which size is the best. Below, the results can be seen:
Buffer size (byte)
1 024
2 048
4 096
8 192
10 240
Table 2. The numbers in the table are based on runnings on a computer with 1GB
memory and a processor of 3.2GHz. The times that have been specified are
median times of a number of excecutions of the application.
These classes can be found in the java.nio package in Java.
This class can be downloaded from [17].
Two different computers were used; one with 1GB memory and a processor of 3.2GHz and the
other one with only 256MB memory and a processor of only 700MHz.
8 Design and Implementation
As can be seen in the table above, it was most effective to use a buffer size of 8 192 bytes.
However, one has to keep in mind that there are also other things that matters when
measuring the execution time of an application. An example of this can be that other
resources need execution times etc. Thus, these times should not be taken as such reliable.
Yet, they can give some guidance of which buffer size that is best to use. The table above
shows that the median times are decreased each time the buffer size is increased until we
reach a buffer size of 8 192 bytes. The conclusion that, hence, has been taken from this is that
a buffer size of 8192 bytes is the best to use in our application.
Each piece of information, i.e. the different parameters, is stored row wise in both files.
Hence, when parsing the files, several calls to the method readLine() in the
BufferedFileReader is done. After each call to readLine(), the wanted information from that
line is extracted using String expression comparison. When all the information of an emitter
or pulse has been extracted, an Emitter respective Pulse object is created storing this
information. Thus, there will be as many Emitter and Pulse instances as there are emitters and
pulses stored in the files.
In the remainder of this master’s thesis we will use the word item to refer to Emitter or Pulse
objects. Let us continue with an explanation of how we have decided to store these items.
8.3.2 Storage of Data in a Data Structure
It is quite important that the items, e.g. Pulses and Emitters, are stored in a way that makes
the operations in the application to work fast and smoothly. The choice of technique that has
been used to store the items in the application has mainly been focused on to simplify and
optimize the searching of a certain pulse or emitter. The searching is done at any time a dot in
the graph has been clicked on, and the application has to find out which item that was
selected. As the searching of a certain item is done on a great number of items, this is
obviously something that has to be improved.
We have also been focusing on to optimize the iteration of the stored items, which are done in
different kind of analyzing in this application. More about the analyzing processes will be
elaborated in section 8.4.
We have in this project analyzed different methods that could be utilized to store the data in
an efficient way. Before having a brief discussion of these different methods, it should be
pointed out that the maximum Time range (hence, also the x-axis range in the graph) can be
up to 900 000 000 µs.
The first method we analyzed was to build a matrix of the whole drawing area in the graph; a
mapping of the x-axis and the y-axis. This will give us only O(1) to find a certain item.
However, we understood early that this was not such a good idea, as the values that had to be
mapped are so large. Even if it is as optimized as it can be when it comes to finding a certain
item it would require a great deal of heap memory.
Therefore, we also analyzed different utilizations of the more familiar method named lazy
hashing31. The solution that was accepted in this application is utilized by having a Hashtable
that is as large as the time difference of the graph (i.e. TimeMax - TimeMin). Thus, the key in
this Hashtable will be the value of the x-axis, which is the time.
All the items will be placed in a LinkedList, and which are stored as the element in the
Hashtable. When storing the pulse objects in linked lists, the information of at what position
the pulse object is stored (i.e. the index of the LinkedList) is saved in the item. This will
simplify the access of a specific pulse object. An elaboration of this will be given in section
A term used by Viggo Kann, professor at KTH.
8 Design and Implementation
The solution of using lazy hashing gives one a good compromise between time complexity
and memory complexity. It will be really fast to find a certain item and requires not such
much memory.
We also considered using an array or an ArrayList32, instead of a hash table, where the size is
as large as the maximum x-axis value. As we have to map the x-axis, which can be up to
900 000 000 (µs), it seemed better to use a hash table. Even if this will not always give us
O(1) when finding an element. The reason for choosing a hash table is obvious; an array and
an ArrayList have a memory complexity that is not proportional with the number of inserted
elements. A hash table, however, has a memory complexity that is proportional with the
number of inserted elements.
Like arrays, hash tables provide constant-time O(1) lookup on average, regardless of the
number of items in the table. However, one has to keep in mind that the rare worst-case for
lookups can be as bad as O(n). Therefore, compared to other associative data structures, hash
tables are most useful when a large number of data records are to be stored. [15]
As each element in the hash table is a linked list it will take O(x) to construct the data
structure (where x is the time difference), but it will be fast to retrieve a certain item in it.
As the operations performed on the Emitter and Pulse objects differs (this will be explained
later in this chapter), they had to be stored in a somewhat different way. As we were in need
of accessing the data in a sorted manner when it came to Emitter objects, we had to have a
data structure that had an order of the objects it stored. However, the hash table has per
definition no order of the items; therefore we had to use a data structure named TreeMap. The
TreeMap works almost the same as the hash table, but orders the elements (or rather the
keys) it stores using the algorithm Red-Black tree. The drawback of using this is that when we
store new objects into the data structure we get a time complexity of O(log n). The reason for
this is that the ordering has to be maintained each time a new object is stored. To get a certain
object from a TreeMap requires, as well, a time complexity of O(log n). This can be
compared to a hash table, which only requires O(1).
Linked lists are stored as elements in both cases – when utilizing a hash table as a tree map.
We could also have used arrays instead of linked lists. However, as the inserts of the new
items (Emitter and Pulse objects) are done dynamically33 as they are “found” in the parsing
process, we get some benefits using linked lists. Some of them are self-explanatory.
The table below indicates the time-complexity of the both data structures:
Table 3. The time complexity of different operations on the data structures; array
and linked list.
The drawback we get by using linked lists is that they do not allow random access but only
sequential access to elements. Therefore, as can be seen in the table, we get a time
complexity of O(n) looking up an element by its index. Although, this makes it somewhat
unsuitable having a linked list we had to use it as the insertions had to be done dynamically.
However, it should be pointed out that each linked list will not contain that much items
(Pulse or Emitter objects). Hence, the selection of using a linked list, array or array list will
The construction of an array and an ArrayList is similar as an ArrayList internally utilizes an array.
i.e. we do not know how many Pulses/Emitters that should be inserted into each linked list.
8 Design and Implementation
not affect the application that much. However, when comparing linked lists with array lists;
the linked lists are a benefit when it comes to growth of the data structures.
Let us now have a discussion of how the searching is done when the user have clicked on the
graph with the intention to select an emitter or a pulse. When this happen, we have to do a
searching in a Time interval of clicked position in the grapht ± offset and then to check if an
item can be found in that area. This will be accomplished by the following algorithm:
Algorithm findItem(pos, items)
Input: A Point pos containing the x and y position that was clicked on
A HashTable items containing all the Pulse/Emitter objects
Output: The item (Pulse or Emitter) that was clicked on, otherwise null
offset_x ← the radii of a dot in x-axis in the same scale as the graph
clicked_x ← the clicked x position in the same scale as the graph
clicked_y ← the clicked y position in the same scale as the graph
for i ← (clicked_x – offset_x) to (clicked_x + offset_x) do
LinkedList ll ← LinkedList with index i in items, if it exists
Iterator iter ← The iterator of ll
while iter has more elements do
current ← next element in iter
current_x ← x value of current in the same scale as the graph
current_y ← y value of current in the same scale as the graph
if (
(clicked_x <= (current_x + offset_x)) and
(clicked_x >= current_x – offset_x) and
(clicked_y <= current_y + offset_y) and
(clicked_y >= current_x + offset_x)
) then
return current
return null
Pseudo code 1. The pseudo code for the algortihm of finding out the Pulse/Emitter
object that was clicked on in the graph.
As can be comprehended from the above pseudo code; as soon as we have found an item
(Pulse or Emitter object) that are located within the interval of a dot, it will be returned. The
pseudo code also reveals that the maximum number of linked lists that are iterated is
2 × offset_x. Hence, the time complexity of the for loop is O(1). The time complexity of the
while loop will then, if the linked lists contains m elements, be O(m). Hence, the resulting
time complexity of the whole algorithm will with that be O(m).
Just to weigh against, if we had used a sorted array instead of a linked list we could have
found a certain item with the complexity O(log m) using binary search, with the drawback
that the creation of the data structure would take some more time. However, we would not
experience a big difference as the items stored (the value of m) is not that large.
The selected data structures have been implemented in two singletons named PulseStorage
and EmitterStorage, where the PulseStorage stores all the Pulse objects and the
EmitterStorage stores all the Emitter objects.
8 Design and Implementation
8.3.3 Storage of Data in Database
It was very important that the application was fast to work with in the analysis process.
Hence, it was acceptable by SaabTech that the parsing at the beginning took some time,
making the application’s analysis functions more efficient and faster. Therefore, we chose to
use a database to store all the pulses’ information (their parameters). Also, the index value of
each pulse, indicating where they are stored in the linked list, is saved. Utilizing a database
gives the application the filtering functions it needs. As the application had to make a great
deal of filtering of the data we understood that a database, having indexes over the parameters
(columns) that where queried, would be the most efficient to use. The reason for this is that
this, hopefully, is implemented in a database system in a most efficient way. This approached
design seemed better than implementing the wanted database functions in the application
ANNALYS EXT, as the indexing techniques in a database seemed more efficient.
In addition to storing the pulses according to section 8.3.2, the information was at the same
time also saved in the database.
At first we tried the familiar database MS Access. However, the time it took to create a pulse
table and to store all the pulse information was not acceptable. We understood that the
problem lay in that all the information had to be written to the hard drive, which made it all a
bit slower. Therefore, we realized that an embedded in-memory database was needed.
The database that was chosen is named HSQLDB34, which is the fastest open source database
system out there. [16] This database system has the possibility to create databases in memory
or also cashing them to the hard drive. The latter is to prefer if it is to be used on systems with
little memory and big tables. [26] However, although we have to store pulse information for
up to 900 000 pulses, we are in need of getting as high performance as possible from the
database operations in the application, as these operations will be executed quite often.
Hence, we will store our database in memory. As the computers that this application will
execute on will have around 2GB in memory, this alternative seemed to be the most optimal
for this case.
Having HSQLDB as an embedded database to ANNALYS EXT did not make the application to
become dramatically larger, as the HSQLDB jar file only has a size of 600 kb. However, the
usage of a database made the requirements of the application to require at least 512MB in
memory.35 Utilization of a profiler36 showed that approximately 64MB was required to store
254 614 rows (pulses). The total memory consumption for the whole application, including
the database, resulted in 120MB according to the profiler.
It was important that the storing of the pulse information in the database is done as smoothly
and quickly as possible. Therefore, a so called PreparedStatement was used, as the only
difference when storing the pulse information in the database is the values of its parameters.
A prepared statement is the most efficient to use for single queries with multiple executions
for varying parameters, as it is a precompiled SQL statement. In other words, the database
only has to compile that query during the first execution. The query is then stored in the
database’s query cache. When a new pulse is inserted, the only change that has to be made on
the prepared statement is the values of the pulse parameters. This can be done as the prepared
statements accept bind variables. [20]
Here, as well, the information of what index the Pulse object has in the linked list, in which it
is stored, is a great benefit.37 When a wanted pulse, after e.g. a filtering of parameters, is
The website of this open source product is:
A test with 256MB in memory made the application a bit slow, probably because of that the virtual
memory was used, which resides on the hard drive.
The product used for this is named JProfiler,
This has been explained in section 8.3.2.
8 Design and Implementation
found in the database, the information of its Time and linked list index can be retrieved from
the database. This information can then be used to get a direct access to the Pulse object in
the PulseStorage.
An attempt was also made in this project to store the Pulse objects itself in the database.
However, this made the application much slower. The profiler we used showed that HSQLDB
made new copies of the objects, and hence, not storing the existing objects. Therefore, this
design was not implemented. Another drawback with this design was that HSQLDB did not
support queries of the parameters in stored objects.38
Let us now continue with a discussion of how the inserts of the pulse information in the
database were optimized. This was accomplished by using the methods addBatch() and
executeBatch() that can be found in the class PreparedStatement. [20] Although, it is
important to point out that it is not to an advantage to have too many insert clauses stored in
memory using the method addBatch(). Therefore, depending on the size of each insert clause
and the size of the memory in the computer that is used, a weighing up has to be done of how
many insert clauses that should be saved in memory before they are executed and thereafter
cleansed from the memory.
The benefit of using this approach is that the number of calls that has to be done to the
JDBC39 driver reduces, hence, saving time. [20] However, it was uncertain if this would
affect our application, as it is utilizing an in-memory database. Therefore, some analyses
were done to see how the execution times varies with different number of insert clauses saved
in memory and then executed according to the above mentioned procedure.
In the test scenario there were 254 614 rows that had to be stored in the database, where each
row has two long values together with six double values. As a long value and a double value
are both 64 bits, this will result in 8 × 64 = 512 bits = 64 bytes for each row, giving a total of
254 614 × 64 ≈ 15.5MB.
A table of the executions times can be seen below:
no of insert clauses stored
in memory before execution
1 000
10 000
50 000
100 000
254 614 (all)
Table 4. The numbers in the table are based on runnings on a computer with 1GB
memory and a processor of 3.2GHz. The times that have been specified are
median times of a number of excecutions of the application.
As the table above indicates; it is most effective to store 10 000 insert clauses in the memory
before executing them. However, one has to keep in mind that there are also other things that
matters when measuring the execution time of an application. An example of this can be that
There are databases that support this, but they are much slower than HSQLDB. Hence, none of these
were selected.
Java Database Connectivity.
8 Design and Implementation
other resources need execution times etc. Thus, these times should not be taken as such
reliable. Yet, they can give some guidance of how many insert clauses to save in memory
before executing them. The table above shows that the median times are decreased each time
the number is increased until we reach a number of 10 000. The conclusion that, hence, has
been taken from this is that it is most optimal to save 10 000 insert clause in memory before
executing them.
To retrieve information from the database, using filtering queries, and storing them as a pulse
selection took around 20 seconds as its best. This was totally unacceptable, as the usage of
the application was required to work smoothly and quickly. The first, and obvious, attempt to
solve this was to create indexes of the parameters that were queried. Hence, the parameters:
Time, TOA, Amplitude, Frequency and PW were indexed. This resulted in that information
could be retrieved and stored in a selection on its best at around 0.2 seconds, a time that was
more acceptable. Although, the worst scenario was that it could take up to 10 seconds.
However, using a prepared statement instead of a statement improved this to always be done
in below 0.2 seconds, often this time was below 0.05s.
Although the indexing made the queries to be executed faster, it had its drawbacks. The
creation of the indexes made the initiation40 to almost take the double of its time
(12 seconds). This was, however, acceptable by SaabTech.
8.4 Emitters-to-Pulse Correlating
It is now time to elaborate on how the emitter-to-pulse correlating was implemented. As was
discussed in chapter 7.1, two solutions were implemented as they differed and both seemed to
be good solutions. Although, they quite often give different answers; rather than using one of
the implemented solutions, they can be used together and, thus, give a stronger analysis tool.
As default the method that will be used in the application when the user selects an emitter in
the graph will be the filtering solution, of which implementation will be discussed in the next
section. However, the user has the possibility to select the PRI-analysis solution in the
settings menu. The implementation of this solution will be discussed in section 8.4.2.
Both these solutions will, however, not give the correct answer of exactly all the pulses that
belong to the selected emitter. The reason for this is that, as was said in section 6.3.1, the lack
of data in the emitter data file, which makes it impossible to get a unique relation between the
emitters to its pulses. Although, the result will give the analyst a guidance of which pulses
that may belong to the selected emitter. Hence, making it easier for the analyst to find the
correct pulses, or analysing the whole pulse selection. The reason for this is that the number
of pulses in the pulse selection compared to the total number of pulses has been narrowed by
a big factor.
Before continuing, it should be pointed out that the emitters that are created in the emitter
data are based on the pulses in radar scans having their amplitude over a certain limit41.
Therefore, there will not be any information of these excluded pulses in the emitter data. In
the remainder of this master’s thesis this limit will be denoted as limitampl.
It should also be noted that the parameters stated in this chapter are the parameters from the
emitter data, if nothing else is said.
8.4.1 Filter
The obvious parameters that had to be used in the filtering of this solution are: Frequency,
Amplitude, PW and AOA. According to what have been discussed in previous chapters; the
Parsing of the files and storing the pulse information in the database.
This limit is confidential and can, hence, not be revealed here.
8 Design and Implementation
parameters: TOA and Time will also be used. As was said in section 7.1.3 the filtering is done
on the interval [mean value – standard deviation, mean value + standard deviation].
To also be able to get the pulses that reside outside the limitampl, we have increased the
boundary values with a percentage factor. In other words; pulses that have values of the
parameters that are more uncertain are also included - a more variation of the values is
acceptable. The user has also the possibility to choose if the analysis should be done more or
less accurate. If the user selects to have a more accurate analysis this percentage factor is set
to a smaller value. Hence, a fewer pulses are included as those belonging to an emitter as
only the most certain pulses are included. This has been implemented as that the interval
[min, max] becomes smaller by a percentage factor, which means that a narrower scope is
allowed for these parameters.
This approach will somewhat also solve the problem of loosing the extreme pulses42 in this
filtering, but it will not be certain that these pulses are included.
To get the pulses in the correct time scope; a filtering had to also be done on the Time and
TOA attributes. Therefore, as was said in section 6.3.3, a filtering of the Time is done using
the interval [Time – TOAMax, Time + TOAMax]. In addition to this the TOA value will be
filtered on the interval [TOAfirst pulse – n × ΔTOA, TOAlast pulse + n × ΔTOA], where n is a fixed
numeric number. This contributes by giving a result that includes pulses that resides outside
the limitampl.
The filtering is done by querying the database and retrieving the filtered pulses. The
information Time and linked list index in the retrieved result set are then used to get the real
objects in the PulseStorage. The approached design have made this possible, as this
information is enough to uniquely point out a single Pulse, and hence, get a direct access to
the real object.43
The following prepared statement is used to get the filtered pulses:
SELECT Pulse_Index, Time
Amplitude BETWEEN ? AND ? AND
Frequency BETWEEN ? AND ? AND
SQL code 1. The prepared statement used to filter on the pulse data in the database.
As default all the values will be set to the maxium values they have in the
pulse data. The Pulse_Index is the linked list index.
8.4.2 PRI Analysis
In was noticed that the amplitude of pulses, in a radar scan, often varied quadratic over time.
It was also noticed that a locked on radar scan for obvious cause varied its amplitude as a
constant. Hence, these observations were utilized to implement another solution of
correlating the emitters to pulses. This solution has been elaborated in chapter 7.1.4; let us
therefore have a discussion of how this solution was implemented.
These are the pulses that does not have a value inside the interval [mean value - standard
deviation, mean value + standard deviation]of at least one of the parameters that are filtered on.
the Time attribute points out the position in the Hashtable, and the index attribute points out the
position in the LinkedList where the Pulse is stored
8 Design and Implementation
As have been said before; there are three known points44 in the emitter data: [TOABeg,
AmplitudeBeg], [TOAMax, AmplitudeMax], [TOAEnd, AmplitudeEnd]. An interpolation can
therefore be done to fit these three points to a quadratic polynomial; P(x) = c1 + c2x + c3x2,
where x is the TOA values. However, if the radar is in locked on mode, these three points will
instead be fit to a constant with the same amplitude over time. The following steps are done
to retrieve this polynomial: [10]
Algorithm quadraticInterpoaltion( xx, yy )
Input: Vector xx with the x-coordinates; [TOABeg, TOAMax, TOAEnd].
Vector yy with the y-coordinates; [AmplBeg, AmplMax, AmplEnd].
Output: The quadratic polynomial; P(x) = c1+c2x+c3x2
A ←
1 TOA Beg
TOA Beg 2
1 TOA Max
1 TOA End
TOA Max 2
TOA End 2
c ← A-1
Function p ← c1+c2x+c3x2
return p
Pseudo code 2. The pseudo code for the algortihm of fitting three know points to a
quadratical polynomial.
Before retrieving the coefficients c from the equation c = A-1 × yy, the matrix A-1 (matrix
inversion) has to be found. There are many ways of finding the inversion of a matrix, but the
easiest way to implement this in an application is by using the equation:
A −1 =
adj( A )
det( A )
As can be seen in the formula, det(A) can not be equal to 0, as a matrix is invertible if and
only if det(A) ≠ 0.45 Cramer’s Rule46 was then used to retrieve the coefficients c1, c2 and c3, in
the following manner:
det( A1 )
det( A )
det( A2 )
c2 =
det( A )
det( A3 )
c3 =
det( A )
c1 =
Where Ai is the matrix obtained by replacing the entries in the i: th column of A by the entries
in the matrix:
⎡ Ampl Beg ⎤
yy = ⎢⎢ Ampl Max ⎥⎥
⎢⎣ Ampl End ⎥⎦
An easy method to calculate the determinant of a square matrix is to utilize expansion by
minors. A minor Mij of the n × n matrix A is the determinant of the n-1 × n-1 matrix formed by
TOA and Amplitude for the same pulse.
Proof of this theorem can be found in [3] page 109.
More information about and proof of this rule can be found in [3] page 111.
8 Design and Implementation
removing the i: th row and the j: th column from the matrix A. The determinant is then
calculated from the sum of minors multiplied by cofactors taken over a single row or column;
det( A ) =
aij ⋅ C ij , where aij is the element in row i and column j and where Cij, the
cofactor of aij, is; Cij = (-1)i+j·Mij. [3] [25]
Any row or column can be chosen across which to take the sum of. If, for an example, the
first row is chosen for the sum, then the determinant in terms of minors would be: [3] [25]
det( A ) = a11 ⋅ M 11 − a12 ⋅ M 12 + a13 ⋅ M 13 − ... + a1n ⋅ M 1n
Now that the theory behind this solution is clear, let us now have a discussion of how the
calculation of the determinant was implemented. The calculation is done by recursively
applying the above formula to the determinant, then to each minor of the determinant, then to
each minor of the minor of the preceding step until a simple calculation can be performed.
The recursive algorithm for this algorithm is as following:
Algorithm det( matrix, n )
Input: A matrix having the size n × n, n>0
Output: The determinant of matrix
if n = 2 then
d ← a11·a22 - a12·a21
d ← 0
for i ← 1 to n do
M1i ← A with row 1 and column i deleted
d ← d + (-1)(i-1)·matrix1i·det( M1i, n - 1 )
return d
Pseudo code 3. The pseudo code for the algortihm of finding the determinant of a n × n
matrix. [25]
The determinants in Cramer’s rule were calculated utilizing the above algorithm, of which
results could be used in simple calculations to retrieve the wanted coefficients: c1, c2 and c3.
Hence, the quadratic polynomial P(x) was found. The remaining of the PRI analysis is to find
the pulses on this curve, which will be discussed next.
For each TOAi = TOAi-1 + ΔTOA, the amplitude Ampli is calculated as Ampli = P(TOAi), for a
certain number of i: s. Now that the point [TOAi, Ampli] on the curve have been found, the
closest pulse to this point has to be found, which is illustrated in the following figure:
[TOAi, Ampli]
Ampli - Y
Closest Pulse
[X, Y]
TOAi - X
Distance =
( TOAi − X )2 + ( Ampli − Y )2
Figure 30. A figure illustrating how the closest pulse to the point [TOAi, Ampli] on the
quadratic curve is found.
8 Design and Implementation
However, to avoid a square root in the implementation, the distance has been calculated in
square. Only if the distance is less than or equal to the area of a dot in the graph, it is included
as a pulse belonging to the selected emitter. This had to be done to avoid that pulses found in
a large distance from the point on the curve - still being the closest pulse, are included.
Besides this, an included pulse also has to fulfil the interval values of Amplitude, Frequency,
PW and AOA according to the values in the selected emitter.
The above method is applied on the following TOA values, where the incrementing are made
using the value ΔTOA:
• n number of TOA values after TOAEnd
• n number of TOA values before TOABeg
• The TOA values between TOABeg and TOAMax
• The TOA values between TOAMax and to the first TOA value in the TOA vector47
• All the TOA values in the TOA vector.
In this way some pulses below the limitampl value, and that belongs to the selected emitter,
will be included. However, depending on the value of n, all the pulses below the limitampl
value, and that belongs to the selected emitter, can not be found. The reason for this is that
the emitter data does not contain the required data, to know the exact value of n that should
be selected, so that all of the selected emitter’s pulses can be found.
8.5 Emitter Correlation
An emitter correlation function seemed to be of a great importance as it would help the
analyst by correlating the emitters that originates from the same radar. As a reminder to the
reader; the emitters (emitter tracks) in the emitter data is updated information from different
radars. This means that one radar, which has been discovered, can have many emitter records
of its information. If the characteristics of this radar changes, a new emitter record is created
in the emitter data. This emitter record has the same record number, but with some
differences in the information stored. The record numbers can be reused if a radar has been
disappeared etc. This can be done, as new and updated emitter tracks will not be created for
this radar.
A parameter named state indicates the current state of an emitter in the emitter data. If a radar
has been newly discovered and the record number of it is used for the first time, the state will
be set to one. If, however, the record number have been reused, and it is a newly discovered
radar the state will have the value two. If state has the value four, it means that this emitter
have been updated with information from an already discovered radar (having the same
record number as this radar’s earlier emitters in the emitter data file). Finally, a state having
the value eight means that this emitter is passive (it is in a locked-on mode), in other words;
information about this radar will no longer be updated in new emitters, as this is not
It should be pointed out that when the warning system measures emitters they are not saved
in the emitter data file until they are recorded by the system. Hence, emitters having a state of
one or two can have been measured but not saved into the emitter data file. Therefore, when a
recording once have been started, the first emitters in the emitter data can start with a value
four as state (instead of one or two). This has been taken into consideration in the
implementation of this function.
The two parameters; record number and state can, thus, be utilized to find out the emitters
that are related in the way that they contain updated information from the same radar. If the
selected emitter has a state that is equal to four, i.e. this emitter has been updated, a searching
As a reminder, this TOA vector contains the TOA information for the last 64 pulses in a radar scan
and having an amplitude value above limitampl.
8 Design and Implementation
is done backwards (in time) for emitters having the same record number. This is done until an
emitter with a state value of one or two is found. All the emitters found in between are added
to an emitter selection, as all these emitters belongs together. The same thing is done in a
forward search, again, until an emitter with a state value of one or two is found. Once again,
all the emitters in between are added to an emitter selection.
If, however, the selected emitter has a state value of one or two, only a search forward for
emitters is needed. A selected emitter having a state value of eight makes it only necessary to
do a search backwards. These operations are done in the same way as mentioned above.
As all the emitters are stored in a TreeMap in the EmitterStorage48 a different approach had to
be made to retrieve the same functionality as a backward search. This had to be done as a
previous() method or similar does not exist for the class TreeMap. Since the emitters in the
TreeMap are stored in order by their Time attribute, this functionality could be implemented
in the following manner:
• Do a search from the first element in the TreeMap until the selected emitter is reached. The
aim of this search is to find the last emitter, let us call it emitterfound, occurred in this ordered
iteration having the value one or two of the parameter state.
• Afterwards, all the emitters from emitterfound to the selected emitter are added into the
emitter selection, if and only if they have the same record number as the selected emitter.
The forward search is more obvious, where a search is done from the selected emitter and
forward until an emitter having a value of state of one or two is reached. All the emitters
between is then added to the emitter selection, if and only if they have the same record
number as the selected emitter.
In these searching techniques, the methods tailMap() and headMap() in the class TreeMap
was to a great benefit. The advantage of these methods is also that their operations are done
in O(1), as the objects they return are backed up by the real TreeMap. Hence, new data
structures are not constructed for these operations.
There were also some speculations of storing the emitter data in a database table. However,
as this solution would have led to that another table must be created, which would have taken
even more memory space in the HSQLDB database, the solution of searching through the
TreeMap seemed better. Another reason for selecting this alternative is that the number of
emitters normally is below 1000, which is not that large. Hence, searching in the data
structures does not take such long time.
This has been discussed in section 8.3.2.
9 Discussion and Conclusion
9 Discussion and Conclusion
This last chapter concludes the work and start with a general discussion of the project’s
results. There will also be a section demonstrating a user case of the application and its
analysis process. The final section will be a discussion of some of the future work, in
this area and to the application, which can be made.
The main goal of this project was to make the analysis of the pulse and emitter data for the
analysts much easier. This goal was divided into two sub goals; the first to relate the emitters to
their pulses that they originated from, the second to find and implement some statistical
Two solutions have been presented and implemented to solve the first sub goal (relating the
emitters to their pulses). Both these solutions will, however, not give an exact solution to this
problem. The main reason for this is the lack of data in the emitter data file, which makes it
impossible to get a one-to-one relation to an emitter’s pulses. However, a good estimation of
this could be given by giving the user a guidance of which pulses that may belong to an emitter.
This will probably help the analyst to a great extent, as it will be much easier to analyse a much
smaller subset of the great number of pulses, which exist in the pulse data.
The first solution used an approach of filtering the pulses utilizing a database. All the filtered
values can be seen in a filter dialog, which has been implemented. This can, hence, be used to
manually filter to get at narrower or wider area of pulses that are shown in a pulse selection.
The second solution, an implementation of a PRI analysis, gives the analyst a much smaller
pulse selection than the first solution. The reason for this is that only the pulses that fit into the
quadratic function, which have been found, are included. Although, it should be pointed out that
all the pulses that belong to a selected emitter will no be found, as this will require a more
extensive PRI analysis49.
The analyst will, although, gain from having these both solutions in the application. The
motivation of this is that the results, from these two solutions, rather then to be used separately
can be bring together to improve the analysis efficiency.
The conclusion of this project is that it was shown that it is really difficult to find a unique
identification of which pulses that belong to a certain emitter. The main difficulty for this lied in
that there were a lack of data in the emitter data file; making it impossible to obtain a one-to-one
relationship between the emitters and their pulses. It would therefore have been desirable to
have more data available. The optimal would have been to have data for all the pulses in a radar
scan, in other words a one-to-one relationship. However, this would mean that the emitter data
file has to be enormously much larger than it is today, and that the storage table in the pulse
processor have to be increased significantly. Hence, this may be an impossibility.
A different potential possibility would have been to store the data for AmplBeg and AmplEnd and
the corresponding Frequency and PW values for the start and end pulses of a radar scan, and not
only for the pulses above the limitampl value. This would have made it possible to certainly
retrieve all the pulses below the limitampl value. It would also have been desirable to have tighter
information about the pulses in a radar scan, i.e. not just for the beginning, maximum and end
Another potential possibility would have been to; instead of a TOA vector for the last 64 pulses
have a more scattered TOA vector with information about some pulses at the beginning, some
pulse at the maximum and some pulses at the end. This would have made it possible to make a
better fitted PRI analysis.
This has been discussed in chapter 7.1.
9 Discussion and Conclusion
The statistical functionality that has been implemented has been very appreciated by SaabTech,
as these functions will help the analysts to perform their work in a smoother and easier way.
The functionalities to implement have in this project been found by studying the application
environment and analysis methods, performed by the analysts, in their current application.
The correlation tool, which has been implemented, was also very appreciated by SaabTech, as
the analysts today have to work several hours to obtain the same results. The reason for this is
that the analyst has to do this kind of analysis manually; an emitter is selected to retrieve its data
to continue with a filtering of the pulses in accordance to the emitter information. This goes on
with finding the next emitter with the same record number and a search for its pulses etc. The
process continues until the analyst has found a wanted number of related emitters and their
respective pulses. As can be understood this process is quite time-consuming. Hence, this
implemented tool can be used to quickly and simply see the pulses of all related emitters. The
histogram and statistical tools can then be used to analyse the correlated emitters and their
pulses to get an understanding of how the radar works.
It should be noted that the application that has been developed in this project has as a
requirement to be run on a computer with good performance and with an internal memory of at
least 512MB. The data files that are to be analyzed have to be stored locally to obtain the best
performance, instead of on a network disk. Hence, it will, as have been discussed in this
master’s thesis, be faster to access these files and thereby the processing of the files will be
9. 1 User Case
Let us now describe a normal user case of the application. In this user case, the first thing that
happens is that a user selects an emitter in the emitter graph in an intention to obtain all its
pulses viewable in the pulse graph as a pulse selection. The user can now, by selecting pulses in
the pulse selection seen in the pulse graph, retrieve information about these. When an emitter or
a pulse is selected, their information is displayed in the information area at the left in the
application. The figure below shows this scenario, where the emitters are shown in the upper
graph and the pulses in the lower graph:
9 Discussion and Conclusion
Figure 31. In this scenario, an emitter have been selected and its pulses are seen in the pulse
graph. A pulse has also been selected by the user and both the emitter information
and pulse information are displayed in the information area to the left. Some of the
displayed GUI have been erased of confidential reasons.
The user has now possibilities to utilize the different tools in the application. As an example, the
histogram tool can be used to easier see the distribution of different values of the parameters:
Amplitude, Frequency and PW. This can be used to see if the selection of pulses, which have
been given, may depict two different radar scans from two different radars. The user can in these
cases either perform the same selection of the emitter after that have selected to perform a more
accurate analysis in the Settings menu, or use the filter tool to filter on narrower intervals. The
figure below shows the histogram and filter tools:
9 Discussion and Conclusion
Figure 32. This scenario is a continuation of the prevois one. Here, the histogram and filter
tools can be seen. Some of the displayed GUI have been erased of confidential
The user can now use the tool to find the correlated emitters. Afterwards, the pulses of these
correlated emitters can be retrieved by using the corresponding tool. At this time, the user can
see how the frequency etc. varies between the different emitters (the correlated emitters) by
using the histogram tool. The statistics function can also be used, to see the mean value of all
the pulses belonging to all the correlated emitters. These tools may give the user an easier
understanding of how the analyzed radars work.
Figure 33. This scenario shows the correlated emitters and their pulses. Some of the displayed
GUI have been erased of confidential reasons.
9 Discussion and Conclusion
It should be mentioned that all the application’s functionality has not been described in this user
9.2 Future Work
In all studies and development of systems it is of a great importance that there exists some
knowledge of the kind of future work that can be made. This, not only to get an understanding
of what improvements that can be made to it, but also to get knowledge of the next stages in the
study or development process. Hence, this section will describe some of the future work of this
project and its resulting application.
The first improvement that can be made in the application is to implement a more extensive PRI
analysis that can make a better depiction of a radar scan of a selected emitter. The difficulty of
this problem is, as have been said earlier, that a radar intentionally can change its PRI in
different intervals. This means that the pulses are sent in different intervals in one and the same
radar scan. A study should, hence, be done of how these PRI values are changed. Given the data
in the emitter data file, can a true depiction of this be obtained? Or it is needed to have more
We believe that, if this tool can be improved, presumably a one-to-one relationship between the
emitters and their pulses can be found. The motivation for this is that the pulses only have to be
correctly fitted to the function that has been retrieved. Hence, this would, according to us, result
in that all the pulses in a radar scan can be found.
Another improvement that could be made is presumably to utilize the so called burst vector,
which can be found in the emitter data. This vector contains information of different tracks (or
actually, so called bursts) that have been merged to create one single track. This single track
will, hence, contain information as mean values etc. based on all these tracks together (i.e. the
mean value based on all the pulses in all these merged tracks). The figure below illustrates this:
One Track
Tracks (or acutally
bursts) containing a
number of pulses
Figure 34. The process of where a certain number of tracks have been merged to a single track.
The reason of this cause is that instead of having all these tracks as different emitter records, the
radar warning system understands by its algorithms that these tracks should be merged as their
values are somewhat similar and that they originates from the same radar. Although, the single
track that has been created will, however, contain the following information of the merged
tracks: mean value and standard deviation value for Amplitude, Frequency, PW etc.
As probably can be understood; the mean values and the standard deviation values will be less
accurate in a merged track. Hence, a filtering of this information will lead to a wider interval
being used. This will result in that more pulses are included in a pulse selection. Therefore
utilizing the burst vector, where several separate filtering are done based on the information in
the burst vector, may have been a better approach.
9 Discussion and Conclusion
A different kind of future work is that the emitter correlation tool can be used as a tool to
automatically create libraries50 with radar information. This can be done, if this tool can be
improved in an approach to find the correct relations between correlated emitters and their
pulses in a pulse selection (which can be done if the PRI analysis can be improved). Afterwards,
characteristics in this pulse selection have to be obtained in order to get knowledge of how the
radar works. However, before getting to this phase; it is required that the application have been
improved to manage to uniquely find exactly all the pulses that belongs to the correlated
These libraries are used in the military aircrafts to discover and identify different threats.
[1] Advanced ESM capabilities for shipboard applications.
An article explaining some of the parameters in pulse descriptor words.
[2] ANDERSSON B. ET AL. 1998. Signalspaningsteknik del 2
This book gives a mathematical and a more advanced understanding of the theories
behind radar signals.
[3] ANTON H. AND RORRES C . 2000. Elementary Linear Algebra. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0-471-17052-6
Chapter 2.4 describes cofactor expansion and Cramer’s Rule.
[4] BARTION D. 1988. Modern Radar System Analysis. Artech House, Inc.
ISBN 0-89006-170-X
This book covers basic theoretical aspects of radar.
[5] BERGKVIST B. 2005. Marinradarerfarenheter. PowerPoint Presentation, SaabTech.
Good figures over examples of plotted radar scans.
[6] ECKSTEIN R. 2005. Learning Java 2D, Part 2. Sun Developer Network (SDN).
Contains information about Java 2D; BufferedImage, double buffering etc.
[7] ED P. 1996. EW Tutorial.
Contains an explanation of different methods used to scan with a radar.
[8] EDDE B. 1993. Radar – Principles, Technology, Applications. Prentice Hall, Inc.
ISBN 0-13-752346-7
Chapter 2 in this book gives an explanation of the parameters that are transmitted in radar
[9] Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Engineering Handbook. Naval Air Warfare Center
Weapons Division.
An article that gives an explanation of some of the parameters that can be measured of the
[10] ERIKSSON G. 2002. Numeriska algoritmer med Matlab. Universitetsservice US AB.
Chapter 3 contains information about interpolation.
[11] FOWLER A. Mixing heavy and light components. Sun Developer Network (SDN).
Gives an explanation of why it is not recommended to mix heavy (awt) and light (Swing)
components in Java.
[12] FRÉDÉRIC P. 2004. An introduction to Java fast true color 2D animation and games
graphic.YOV408 Technologies.
Contains information about graphical strategies in Java
[13] GALATI G. 1993. Advanced radar techniques and systems. Peter Peregrinus Ltd.
ISBN 0-86341-172-X
This book gives an advanced understanding of the radar. It also treats the mathematics
behind radar and radar operations.
[14] Glossary. Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division.
A radar glossary.
Information about the hash table and about its complexity etc.
[16] JAMIE. Performance Benchmarking of Embedded Databases.
A Benchmarking of different embedded database, among which are HSQLDB that was
used in this project.
[17] JALICS P. 2003. BufferedFileReader. Cleveland State University.
To download the file
[18] JOSEFSON L. AND BERGGREN G. 1997. Telekrig. Enator Försvarsmedia AB.
This book gives a basic introduction to electronic warfare and especially radar.
[19] JÖNSSON L. AND ROLDAN-PRADO R. 1991. Analys av radarvarnardata med tonvikt på
associering av sensorrapporter. National Defence Research Establishment Department of
Information Technology. ISSN 0347-3708
This compendium gives an understanding of how radar warning data are analyzed.
[20] KALIDINDI R. AND KALIDINDI R. 2005. Best practices to improve performance in JDBC.
PreciseJava .
Contains information about how to improve the performance of the connection between
the JDBC driver and the database,
[21] Least Square Method. efunda – engineering fundamentals.
A description of the method of least squares.
[22] LORD D. AND REDDY A. Java I/O Performance Tuning. Sun Microsystems, Inc.
An article that describes different methods that can be used to improve the I/O in Java.
[23] MULLER H. AND WALRATH K. Using a Swing Worker Thread. Sun Developer Network
Gives information of how the SwingWorker class works.
[24] SANDQVIST A AND GERDLE P. 2004. Lärobok i telekrigföring för luftvärnet. Mediablocket
This book gives a basic introduction to electronic warfare and especially radar.
[25] SCHMITT S. 2004. Evaluating 3 × 3 Determinants by Recursion.
Discuss how the determinant can be calculated, and gives the algorithm for doing this
[26] SIMPSON B. AND TOUSSI F. 2005.Hsqldb User Guide. The HSQLDB Development Group.
A guide of the database system HSQLDB, which is used in this project.
[27] STIMSON G. 1998. Introduction to Airborne Radar. SciTech Publishing Inc.
ISBN 1-891121-01-4
This book gives a more advanced introduction to radar, the characteristics of pulses etc.
[28] WESTERLUND T. 2005. Pulse Processing – PPY. PowerPoint Presentation, SaabTech.
Gives an understanding of how the Pulse Processing works at SaabTech.
[29] WILBER G. AND PLAISTED S.1989. Intelligent Real-Time Electronic Warfare. IEEE.
Gives an explanation of how PDW processing is done in Boeing Military Airplanes.
[30] WILEY R. 1993. Electronic Intelligence: The Analysis of Radar Signals. Artech House, Inc.
ISBN 0-89006-592-6
Gives an understanding of how the radar signals or observed and analyzed.
Appendix A
Appendix A
This appendix contains references that have been used in this master’s project. However, they
have not been referenced in this thesis.
[1] ANDERSSON B. ET AL. 1998. Signalspaningsteknik del 1
This book gives an introduction to part 2 of the series of books.
[2] BOYD J. ET AL. Electronic Countermeasures. Peninsula Publishing. ISBN 0-932146-00-7
Chapter 5, 7 and 11 gives an understanding of signals and the analysis of signals and data.
[3] COOK C. AND BERNFELD M. 1993. Radar Signals: An Introduction to Theory and
Application. Academic Press. ISBN 0-89006-733-3
This book gives a theoretical knowledge of properties (both mathematical and theory) of
[4] PEEBLES P. 1998. Radar Principles. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-25205-0
This book gives a basic and advanced understanding of the radar. It also treats the
mathematics behind radar and radar operations.
[5] RAEMER H. 1997. Radar System Principles. CRC Press, Inc. ISBN 0-8493-9481-3
This book emphasizes the basic theoretical concept required for analysis of radar systems.
[6] The VolatileImage API User Guide. Sun Microsystems.
Contains information about the VolatileImage.
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