south carolina state society - South Carolina Daughters of the
south carolina state society - South Carolina Daughters of the
SOUTH CAROLINA STATE SOCIETY NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Winter 2014 Volume 39 Issue 1 State Regent’s Message Dear Daughters. 2012-2015 SC DAR Scripture “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might" Ecclesiastes 9:10 Theme Do all your work with love. EXECUTIVE BOARD Dorothy “Dot” Ricks Lind Thank you for the honor of serving you as your State Regent. Thank you also for all the messages of support and encouragement sent to your State Regent this past year. It has been wonderful to visit with you at your chapter meetings and celebrations. It has been a pleasure to learn of your many accomplishments. State Regent Dianne Tucker Culbertson State Vice Regent Angela Cooksey Cox State Chaplain So many of you have contributed hours and hours of community service beyond your DAR service. The President General is pleased to know that SC Daughters really "Celebrated America" with their gift of time. Elizabeth “Libby” Billham State Recording Secretary Kristi Lind Kingren State Corresponding Secretary Catherine Heller Hyman State Organizing Secretary Catherine Byrd McBroom State Treasurer Patricia Westgate Sayko State Registrar Jessie Dale McCollough State Historian Mari Noorai State Librarian Penny Renwick Curator Ann Alderman Parliamentarian SC Daughters have continued their support of Tamassee DAR School with gifts of thrift, funds and time. The Tamassee students appreciate your gifts and have written many notes to express their thanks. The State Regent's Project of renovations to up-date the SC Cottage kitchen are progressing and should be completed soon. Please visit Tamassee DAR School any time and see the Cottage and talk with the children. They love for you to come to see them. Special thanks to Judi Romeo, District 3 Director, and all the District 3 Daughters for sponsoring a fun Fall Forum last August. We were thrilled to have President General Lynn Young as our guest. Mary Ann Compher, District 4 Director and District 4 Daughters are busy planning for our next State Conference. The Conference will be held at the Clarion Hotel Downtown in Columbia on March 27-29, 2014. It will be exciting to recognize outstanding Daughters, chapters and members of the community for their hard work. Hope to see you there. In DAR love, Dot Lind NEWSLETTER NEWS Thank you to all who will access the SC DAR Newsletter online. SC is really going "green". Remember--here's how it works when the newsletter is available. District Directors alert Chapter Regents when available. Chapter Regents alert Chapter Members when available. Chapter Members access Newsletter at Page 2 SOUTH CAROLINA STATE ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEENTH STATE CONFERENCE SOUTH CAROLINA STATE SOCIETY NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Welcome our Special State Conference Guests! Zandra Baker Jeanie Hornung Julia Rogers Cynthia Symanek MI State Regent IN State Regent NY State Regent FL State Regent CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Thursday, March 27, 2014 Saturday, March 29, 2014 2:00-6:00 p.m. Registration & Displays 12:00 p.m. Palmetto State Officers Club (members only) 2:00 p.m. State Board of Management Meeting 6:30 p.m. Buffet Dinner (all welcome) 7:00-10:00 a.m. Registration & Displays 7:30-8:30 a.m. Junior Membership Breakfast (all welcome) 8:50 a.m. Processional Formation 9:00 a.m. Business Session 12:30 p.m. Awards Luncheon (all welcome) 2:00 p.m. Business Session 3:00 p.m. Adjourn Friday, March 28, 2014 8:30-5:00 p.m. Registration & Displays 9:00 a.m. Page Meeting 9:30 a.m. Opening Session 12:30 p.m. Tamassee Luncheon (all welcome) 2:30 p.m. Memorial Service 3:30 p.m. Page Club Meeting 3:30 p.m. Cameo Club 3:30-5:00 p.m. DAR Chorus Practice 6:00 p.m. Photography Session 7:10 p.m. Processional Formation (State & National Officers, Honorary State Regents, Guests & Pages-with Flags) 7:30 p.m. State Regents Banquet (all welcome) Process Out--Receiving Line--Gloves Required 9:00 p.m. Reception--State Regent's Suite 10:00 p.m. Page Party--Pages Suite Registration will close during lunch & at other times at the discretion of the Committee. If anyone needs to reserve a sales or display table at State Conference, contact Christine Burnette, 803-760-2000, by March 12, 2014 VOLUME 39 I SSUE 1 Page 3 th 118 SOUTH CAROLINA DAR STATE CONFERENCE March 27-29, 2014 HOTEL INFORMATION Reserve your room at the Clarion Hotel Downtown, 1615 Gervais Street, Columbia, SC 29201 by March 12, 2014. Ask for the DAR rate of $99 plus tax per night for a room with up to four occupants. To register now, please call the Clarion direct at 800-2778711 or 803-771-8711. Check in time is 3 p.m. and check out time is 11 a.m.. ************************************************************* INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION FORM Please fill out a separate individual copy of this form to use for EACH ATTENDEE (including guests) registering for State Conference. Additional forms can also be downloaded from our website at REGISTRATION FEE (required) COST $ 5.00 Thursday - Palmetto State Officers Club Luncheon (members only) Menu: Scoops of Seafood, Chicken and Ham Salads atop Pineapple Rings and Lettuce, Bread, Sorbet ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thursday - Buffet Dinner (for all attendees) All GF except for bread/dessert Menu: London Broil, Grilled Center Cut Pork Chops, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Rice, Ginger-Glazed Baby Carrots, Vegetable Medley, Fresh Fruit Salad, Tortellini Salad, Garden Salad Bar, Bread, $ 24.50 _________________ $ 38.00 Dessert: Cakes & Pies (Gluten-Free if requested below) Friday - Tamassee Awards Luncheon—(for all attendees) choose: $ 24.00 Option #1: Ham and Cheese Quiche, Broccoli Spears or Option #2: V, L Vegetarian Penne Primavera with Marinara Sauce topped with vegetables or Option #3: V, L, GF Rice Noodles with Marinated Stir-Fry Vegetables All come with a Garden Salad and a Fruit Cup for dessert Friday - State Regent’s Banquet—(for all attendees) choose: Option #1: GF Prime Rib Au Jus, Herb Roasted Potatoes or $ 39.00 Option #2: L, GF Herb Baked Salmon Filet, Herb Roasted Potatoes or Option #3: V, L, GF Wild Rice with Sautéed Portobello Mushrooms All come with a Spinach Salad, Green Beans Amandine, Rolls and Carrot Cake (or GF dessert if requested below) Saturday – Buffet Breakfast (for all attendees) Menu: Seasonal sliced fresh fruit platter, assortment of Danish, muffins, doughnuts, gourmet bagels with cream cheese, assorted fruit juices, coffee and tea Saturday - Awards Luncheon (for all attendees) Menu: Grilled Chicken Filet Sandwich, French Fries, Sorbet TOTAL ENCLOSED: $ 15.00 $ 22.00 $ L=Lenten approved (Friday meals), V=Vegetarian, GF=Gluten-Free. Meal Prices include beverage, tax and gratuity. Please indicate any Special Dietary Needs: ____________________________________________________ MAIL COMPLETED REGISTRATION FORM & CHECK PAYABLE TO SCSDAR STATE TREASURER BY MARCH 12, 2014 TO CONFERENCE TREASURER: Joan Naugle, 107 Spring St., Summerville, SC 29485-4825 (843) 875-2850 Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Chapter_____________________________________________________District__________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ State: ____Zip______________ Daytime Phone: ______________________ E-mail: _________________________________ Highest Office or Chairmanship: _________________________________________________ Page 4 SOUTH CAROLINA STATE SOCIETY STATE CONFERENCE AWARDS Each year at State Conference the State Society gives special recognition to those outstanding chapters and individuals who “Work with Love” for DAR while following DAR guidelines. The following awards will be presented on Saturday at the Awards Luncheon: awards for students, the Outstanding Teacher of American History, DAR Service for Veterans and membership awards All other awards will be presented during the State Regent’s Banquet on Friday evening. In order to include the winners in the proper place in her agenda, the State Regent must have a form from you for each winner sent to the members listed. (Sample below) Dot Lind, State Regent 58 Devonhall Way Taylors, SC 29687 Ann Crider, Protocol Chairman 2 West Montclair Avenue Greenville, SC 29609 Joan Naugle, Awards Chair 107 Spring Street Summerville, SC 29485 Include the following information: Award to be presented Name of Winner (& school) Winner’s Contact (address, email or phone) Sponsor’s Name (name & chapter, address, email or phone) Chapters are responsible for making meal reservations for the winners they sponsor & the winner’s guests. The State pays for the meal of the winner & one guest( all non-DAR members). Additional guests will be charged the regular cost of the meal, to be paid by themselves or the sponsoring chapter. Meal reservations must be made on the reservation form for each one who attends & must be sent to the Conference Treasurer by her deadline March 12, 2014. Questions? Contact Joan Naugle by email joan.naugle@yahoo or phone 843-875-2850 The Juniors Need YOU!! It has been decided that in lieu of an auction and basket drawing, the Junior Membership Committee and the Steel Magnolias will raise funds this year with a single fund-raising project, and that is the selling of voices for baskets. That means we hope those attending will buy LOTS of voices for these always beautiful baskets donated by chapters around the state. So if you plan to attend Spring Conference (and please come if you can - it's always fun!), bring your spare change (and maybe a few bills and a check or two) so you can buy voices and maybe win a basket. That's how the membership can assist our wonderful Juniors. Chapters, if you would like to donate a basket, contact your District Director and let her know you want to help. That way both your chapter and your district will "get credit" for the donation. There are some big shoes to fill from last year, as we had many wonderful baskets to give away. Let's surpass last year's count (it was 12 as far as we can remember). Address questions or comments to Junior Membership Chairman Kathy Barrett ( ). Major John Bowie Chapter Hosts Joint Meeting Major John Bowie Chapter was host to a joint meeting of Chapters Mount Ariel, Long Cane and Star Fort. The joint meeting was held at the McGown Barksdale Bundy house in Abbeville on October 18, 2013. There were 48 daughters in attendance. Pictured front row: Dot Lind, SCDAR State regent, Brooke New Kirby, Regent Major John Bowie; Henrietta Morton, Past Vice President General, Star Fort; Toots Stokes, Regent Mount Ariel; second row left to right; Judi Romeo District III Director; Susie New, Registrar and Betty Goin, Chaplain both of Major John Bowie and Jane Fariburn, Vice Regent, Long Cane. (Picture courtesy of the Press and Banner Newspaper, Abbeville, SC) VOLUME 39 ISSUE 1 Page 5 SC NATIONAL JUNIOR DOLL NEWS So much progress is being made on our MISS ELIZA project. A Doll Committee Liaison for each District has been added (see list at the end of this article). Twenty-three volunteers are actively working on articles of clothing and other items relating to our Miss Eliza, and this list grows daily. But we still need YOU! We can always use more seamstresses. If you have a crafting talent that can produce something for the project, we need you, too. Can’t sew a lick or make anything? There are ways in which “you too can serve.” Currently two additional activities have been launched, BOTH with the goal of adding to SC’s donation to the HELEN POUCH FUND, which is the point of the doll project in the first place. Please note that all contributors (both individuals and groups) will be acknowledged in a DONORS BOOK, one copy of which will accompany ELIZA and the other which will be retained in our state. Of course, any contribution can be made anonymously upon request. LEVELS FOR ELIZA: BE A RICE, INDIGO, OR SILK LEVEL CONTRIBUTOR LEVEL 1: RICE Contribution amount $50 to $99. Contributor receives a specially made DAR name tag with magnetic backing, personalized with Name and Chapter. White background with blue letters and DAR logo. LEVEL 2: INDIGO Contribution amount $100 to $499. Contributor receives the above described name tag PLUS brass Christmas Ornament of the Old Exchange in a gold display box. LEVEL 3: SILK Contribution amount $500 and up. Contributor receives all the items listed for Level 2 PLUS a silk scarf made from an historic Charleston Print, a bag of Charleston Rice, and a Rice Spoon. ADOPT AN OBJECT: Your DOLL COMMITTEE is very proud of the fact that every item obtained so far has been DONATED. That means that no money raised for the project has gone toward any expenses. All of it is going to the Helen Pouch Fund. It is our goal to complete this project in this same manner. However, there are some items needed that cannot be made by our Daughters. That means we need to purchase items like high quality period doll furniture and hard to find items like Eliza’s doll, just to name a few. But no items will be purchased with funds raised through other means. Instead, they will be ADOPTED in the following manner: Any individual, group, chapter, district, etc., may select an item from our NEEDS LIST and send the money in advance specifically to purchase that item. Contributors will be acknowledged both in the Donors Book and in accompanying description included with the donated item. In this way, you or your group will be instrumental in allowing us to make this doll truly historic and of such detail and educational value so as to make South Carolina’s doll truly incomparable. To make a donation through the LEVELS OF GIVING or to receive more information on ADOPTABLE ITEMS, contact SC National Junior Doll Chairman LINDA HAWKINS at or 803 -775-1967. Let’s make this TRULY a STATEWIDE PROJECT. To volunteer your time and talent or to receive information, you may also contact your District Liaison: District 1 District 2 District 3 Carolyn Maddox BJ Hayden and Sheila Ingle Louise Aull District 4 District 5 District 6 Nancy Hailston Nelle Holcomb Jill Templeton New Junior Members to the Henry Middleton Chapter Six new Juniors join the Henry Middleton Chapter for 2013. In this picture we have mothers, daughters, and granddaughters. L to R: Sarah Isaaces, Susan Isaacs Bright, Morgan Moore, Paula Moore, Victoria Rowland, Gail Britton, Lynn Rowland, Margaret Beth Shealy, Margaret Shealy. Missing from picture: Renee Austin and daughter Nancy Austin Picture by Forrest Roberts Page 6 SOUTH CAROLINA STATE SOCIETY Sullivan-Dunklin Chapter Honors 75 Year Charter Member Sullivan-Dunklin Chapter, Laurens, South Carolina honored Mrs. Lydie Elizabeth Pinson Thomas for her 75 years of service to DAR and God, Home, and Country on September 11, 2013. Malinda Chalmers, Regent of the chapter, presented the certificate to Mrs. Thomas. Lydie is a charter member of the Sullivan –Dunklin Chapter and was instrumental in the naming of the chapter. She has eight ancestors - three with the last name of Dunklin and three with the last name of Sullivan. Her primary ancestor was Jean Wathen Dunklin whose husband Joseph was a supplemental. Lydie was a graduate of Limestone College, was an elementary school teacher and celebrates her 107 birthday on October 10, 2013. She had two sisters who were also DAR members. Lydie is still quite active and says “I LOVE DAR.” She was delighted to receive her certificate of service. Front row left to right: Malinda Chalmers, Regent of Sullivan- Dunklin Chapter; Mrs. Lydie Thomas; Ann Salley Crider, Chaplain General. Back Row: Polly Hellams, Chapter Treasurer; Shelia Rouda, great niece of Mrs. Thomas; and Mark Willis South Carolina Representative of District 16 Trenton Chapter Celebrates Constitution Week On September 17, 2013, Constitution Day, the Trenton Chapter donated copy paper and book bags to the children of Ridge Springs-Monetta Elementary/Middle School. The school is located in a small farming community named Ridge Spring. The school serves student from four counties. The town, founded in 1771, is located on a “ridge” or “fall line” and “the spring” is still located behind a church in town and is located half way between Columbia and Augusta, GA. The area is generally rural and consists of row crops and peach farms. Eva Osborne, Regent of the chapter also presented the school principal, Callie Herlong, with the South Carolina Governor’s proclamation for Constitution Week. The chapter was highlighted in the school paper “Trojan Tribune” for their generous donations. Pictured left to right: Trenton Chapter member Jeanne Quattlebaum; School Principal Callie Herlong; Eva Osborne, Chapter Regent; Diane Willis, Chapter member, and Cari Gillette, Chapter Registrar. Henry Laurens Celebrates Constitution Week Henry Laurens Chapter Celebrated Constitution Week with the ringing of the Old Fields Presbyterian Church bell in the Culbertson Backcountry Settlement in Gray Court, SC. The first settler in the area was Richard Owings III who brought his family from Maryland in 1757. His son Richard was a Revolutionary War Patriot. This is the 11th year that this event has been celebrated here. A Walking History Parade leads off the celebration featuring PAIA Eastern Cherokee Nation SC tribal members. There were crafts demonstrations, and the Musgrove Mill Militia reenactors gave a demonstration of how the long rifles were used. Also, an archaeologist was on hand to identify Native America artifacts. There were 3,000 in attendance this year. Leading off the parade are Henry Laurens members left to right: Dianne Culbertson , SC State Vice Regent and Chapter Registrar and Chapter Regent Sarah Jane Armstrong. VOLUME 39 ISSUE 1 Page 7 A MOMENTOUS OCCASION FOR HENRY MIDDLETON CHAPTER The Henry Middleton Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, gathered at the History Museum, October 9, 2013 to install their new Vice Regent, Gail Britton, and induct 20 new Daughters and Juniors. The most mature member was 86 wearing her Kirkpatric tartan representing her Patriot. Four of the new Juniors are aged 23 to 24 which the Chapter looks forward to guiding in as new Pages with the others. Husbands, fathers and supportive family members were in attendance for this momentous occasion. A reception in the parlor was held after the installation and ceremony. A business meeting followed in the ball room to plan community services and workshops for the next calendar year. At the meeting Regent Judy Justice presented Carolyn Miller, Registrar, with a DAR toile Presentation Bowl on a wooden pedestal which was awarded for outstanding service to the Chapter. Thanks to the Aiken Standard who helped to make this happen and to restore the Chapter growth this year with 30 new members to help in the community work of the Daughters. Pictured L to R Front: Lois Henry, Niki Hill-Treas, Carolyn Miller-Registrar, Gail Britton-Vice Regent, Judy Justice-Regent, Cheryl Guynn-Secretary, Marian McCrosson-Chaplain, Sandy Harris-Librarian, Carol Sue Roberts-Parliamentarian, 2nd : Maureen Quinn, Desiree Voegele, Susan Isaacs-Bright, Priscilla Hammett, Debra Rosenbloom, Anne Albee, Victoria Rowland, Lynn Rowland, Helen Randall, Martha Simons, Margaret Shealy, Brenda Lewis, Norma Campbell, Helen McClaughlen, back: Renee Austin, Sarah Kirkpatrick, Julie Hardaway, Debra Chalker, Morgan Moore, Paula Moore, Jane Ann Royal, Beth Shealy, Shirley King, Dana McMenamin, and Brenda McCabe. Photograph by Forrest Roberts SOUTH CAROLINA STATE SOCIETY Page 8 Granby Chapter Workshop for Perspective Members Susan Saunders, Chairman SC Linage Research, held a workshop for Granby Prospective Members on September 7, 2013, at the Lexington County Library. Ten prospective members attended. Mary Saunders (mother-in-law of Susan Saunders), Terry Gladfelter (volunteer genealogist), and Faye Parks (Registrar) helped with the workshop. Granby Chapter Veterans Day Celebration Granby Chapter celebrated Veterans Day with the New Providence Elementary School in Lexington, SC. The chapter’s Flag of the USA chairman, Peggy Como, arranged to have 600 flags for the children to wave as their parents, both veterans and currently serving military, paraded through the halls. Peggy and Chapter Regent, Faye Kassing were asked to lead the parade. The Tamassee DAR School Board of Trustees at Founders' Day on October 9, 2013 Tamassee was honored to host the National DAR School Tour on October 9 and 10. The children and DAR members greeted the President General and her group singing "The Yellow Rose of Texas" and the children presented her with yellow roses. Madison clogged and Angelica sang a song she wrote for the occasion. Tamassee CEO Amy Twitty, SCDAR State Regent Dot Lind, and Tamassee Board Chair Dianne Culbertson welcomed them to Tamassee and South Carolina. Advisory Committee, DAR Council, and Board meetings followed lunch along with tours beautifully led by the children. The campus was just lovely and everyone enjoyed being together. A banquet was held at the Madren Center in Clemson. The Tamassee Cloggers entertained and Grace gave a wonderful speech. Everyone enjoyed the fun auction, raising funds for Tamassee. The National Executive Officers were very generous and helpful. The Founders' Day Program on Thursday was very moving as gifts to Tamassee were dedicated. The South Carolina Daughters led by Schools Chair Martha Dyar provided a delicious lunch. Thank you all for your support of Tamassee. Your provision for these precious children is truly changing lives. VOLUME 39 ISSUE 1 Page 9 Emily Geiger Chapter Helps Tamassee Students Welcome Monarch Butterflies In August 2013, Jane Michel, Regent, Emily Geiger Chapter and First Vice Regent Mary Williamson were joined by District IV Leader Mary Ann Compher and Janice Gillespie of the Captain William Hilton Chapter as they partnered with the Tamassee DAR Academy students to plant a Monarch Waystation. According to an excerpt from Monarch, "Each fall, hundreds of millions of monarch butterflies migrate from the United States and Canada to overwintering areas in Mexico and California where they wait out the winter until conditions favor a return flight in the spring. The monarch migration is truly one of the world's greatest natural wonders, yet it is threatened by habitat loss in North America - at the overwintering sites and throughout the spring and summer breeding range as well.” " onarch Waystation Habitats M Monarch Waystations are places that provide resources necessary for monarchs to produce successive generations and sustain their migration. Without milkweeds throughout their spring and summer breeding areas in North America, monarchs would not be able to produce the successive generations that culminate in the migration each fall. Similarly, without nectar from flowers these fall migratory monarch butterflies would be unable to make their long journey to overwintering grounds in Mexico. The need for host plants for larvae and energy sources for adults applies to all monarch and butterfly populations around the world." Tamassee DAR School students would like to say “Thank you” to the Emily Geiger Chapter for helping us plant the garden and for teaching us about the migration process before the monarchs pass through our area. Hopefully, they will find Tamassee DAR School a warm and wonderful place to stop during their travels. TAMASSEE DAR COTTAGE The Grace Ward Calhoun Cottage was constructed by the South Carolina DAR in 1919. At that time it was the first structure of the Tamassee DAR School and served then as dormitory, church, auditorium and classroom according to the website…. Recently, “Tamassee Cottage” went through a renovation process to provide space for overnight guests to the Tamassee School, a special project of our State Regent, Dot Lind. At the recent “Founder’s Day” at Tamassee DAR School there was a program presenting a Dedication of Gifts from October 2012 – 2013. State Regent, Dorothy Lind reported that South Carolina donated to: South Carolina Cottage, Angel Tree, Children’s Fund, Student Allowance, Awards, Academy, Snacks, Boarding and College Scholarships. Also gifts were given by South Carolina to Tamassee Angels Giving Club, Unsponsored Buildings, Boarding Scholarships and the Birthday Fund. Our State Vice Regent, Dianne Culbertson is the Chairman, Tamassee DAR School Board of Trustees. The Grace Ward Calhoun Cottage has remained the centerpiece of Tamassee DAR School since it was constructed by the South Carolina DAR in 1919 as the first, and only, structure on the campus. As the only building on campus it was multi-purpose serving as a dormitory, church, auditorium and classroom. Annual Ringing of the Bells Ceremony at Tamassee DAR School Chapel The 4th Annual Ringing of the Bells ceremony took place at Tamassee DAR School Chapel on September 17, 2013. The event is coordinated and hosted Nan Jones, Regent of Walhalla Chapter DAR. South Carolina Representative, Bill Whitmire was the keynote speaker and the Tamassee Academy students performed a tribute to the Preamble of the Constitution. Bells rang out at 4 p.m. Page 10 SOUTH CAROLINA STATE SOCIETY The Saluda County Historical Society Announces Completion of Marsh-Johnson House Interior Restoration Project Saluda, SC – The Saluda County Historical Society announced on November 6, 2013 that the Marsh-Johnson House Interior Restoration Project had been completed and that the Marsh-Johnson house will be available for tours. For a house built around the time of the American Revolution, it had problems which prevented it from being used a house museum. The fact that the floor was not safe was a major problem. In addition, the interior, which had been neglected for many years, lacked the charm it had once had. Although the house had been on the National Register of Historic Places since 1982, it had steadily deteriorated over the years. Virginia Witt, who owned the house and land, decided in 1990 to rescue the historical treasure by deeding it to the Saluda County Historical Society. Gloria Caldwell, secretary of the society’s Board of Directors, after seeing the inside restoration of the Marsh-Johnson House, declared, “This is a miracle.” Teresa Satterfield, also a Board member, remarked, “When I ride by an old house needing repair and looking forlorn, I say “House, what you need is a Mother.” Well, today the Marsh-Johnson House has found its Mother! Meade Hendrix, Executive Director of the Historical Society, said, “We are looking forward to sharing the Marsh-Johnson House and its history with school groups, locals, and tourists.” The Saluda County Historical Society was awarded a matching grant by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) in the amount of $3,000 on May 6, 2013. Funding for this project was made possible through the sponsorship of Old 96 District Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, located in Edgefield, SC. Judy Duncan, vice president of the Historical Society, stated that many volunteers from the Old 96 District Chapter, NSDAR, and the Saluda County Historical Society performed many necessary tasks at the house before the paid carpenters came to work. They removed from the house various contents which had accumulated over the years such as mismatched doors and walls, bits and pieces of furniture, and mounds of debris. Volunteers also trimmed the huge pecan trees in the yard to make it easier to walk underneath, and they cut a giant poison ivy vine away from one pecan tree’s trunk. Others cleaned the floors and stained them. The DAR grants program was started in 2010. Funding is awarded to support projects in local communities that promote the organization’s mission areas of historic preservation, education and patriotism. The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution was founded in 1890 to promote patriotism, preserve American history, and support better education for our nation’s children. Its members are descended from the patriots who won American independence during the Revolutionary War. With nearly 170,000 members in approximately 3,000 chapters worldwide, DAR is one of the world’s largest and most active service organizations. To learn more about the work of today’s DAR, visit For more about applying for a Special Projects Grant from DAR, visit For more information, please contact Meade Padgett Hendrix, executive director, Saluda County Historical Society (864) 445-8550 or visit VOLUME 39 ISSUE 1 Page 11 Founders’ Day at Tamassee DAR School October 10, 2013 94th Anniversary of Tamassee DAR School President Gerneral Lynn Forney Young addresses Daughter’s and Guests at the May Erwin Talmadge Auditorium. L to R: Dianne Culbertson, Chairman DAR School Board of Trustees and State Vice Regent, Lyn Forney Young, President General, NSDAR, Dorothy Lind, State Regent, Amy R. Twitty, Chief Executive Officer, Tamassee DAR School At the luncheon given by South Carolina Society, NSDAR Pictured: Dianne Culbertson, Vice Regent, Cynthia Schillizzi, Chair for the State Regent’s Project and South Carolina State Regent, Dorothy Lind VOLUME 39 ISSUE 1 Page 12 SOUTH CAROLINA STATE SOCIETY NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Arlene Parrish, Editor 927 Belaire Drive Rock Hill, South Carolina 29732-8921 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit 469 Columbia, SC Tamassee DAR School Recognized by State of South Carolina Secretary of State Presents Upstate Children’s Home with Angels Award for Outstanding Stewardship South Carolina Secretary of State Mark Hammond announced the 18 th annual Scrooges and Angels for 2013. Only ten organizations are selected to receive the coveted Angel Award and Tamassee DAR School, located in Tamassee, South Carolina was among the very top organizations to be recognized this year. When Tamassee DAR School was informed of the news that they had been selected as an Angel out of hundreds of other non-profit organizations, Amy Twitty, Chief Executive Officer exclaimed, “This is wonderful news. We have always and consistently used those funds entrusted to us by our donors to further our mission of supporting children and families in crisis through residential, educational and outreach services. This award once again reaffirms that trust not only from our donors, but our State in how we wisely spend our resources to help children and families in need.” Tamassee DAR School Board of Trustees Chairman, Dianne Culbertson commented, “…we are so very excited to be selected for this award by our state and to be recognized for being great stewards of what is so generously given to us by our donors.” According to the South Carolina Secretary of State website, to be selected as an Angel the charity must have committed 80 percent or more of its total operating costs to charitable programs; been in existence for three or more years; and must be registered with the Secretary of State to solicit funds in the state of South Carolina. “We are overjoyed to be receiving this award. Our donors know that we believe in and practice wise spending of their gifts and this award is recognizing that we do a lot of good with the blessings we receive” stated Jason Eller, Chief Development Officer for Tamassee DAR School. (L-R) Jason Eller Tamassee DAR School CDO, SC Secretary of State Mark Hammond, Amy Twitty Tamassee DAR School CEO, and Dianne Culbertson Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Tamassee DAR School