Clint Basdeo, Tropical Nights In Facebook Spat!
Clint Basdeo, Tropical Nights In Facebook Spat! Different & Dynamic. Bigga, Brighta, Betta! Volume 10 • Number 15 • August 17, 2016 • Website: Tel: 647-669-9320 • Fax: 416-292-2943 • Email: Clint Basdeo, Tropical Nights In Facebook Spat! The issue of inferior and unacceptable service standards at Caribbean Canadian owned restaurants has again reared its ugly and unpleasant head. Clint Basdeo, one of the Canadian Caribbean Community's most popular personalities recently posted on Facebook his rather unpleasant experience at Tr o p i c a l N i g h t s . H a v i n g r e c e i v e d indescribably inferior service all evening Basdeo was presented with a bill from his waitress bearing the name CUNT as the client. “she printed out the bill with the name CUNT as the client, all this after giving her the tip, I call her over and she laughing about the name I speak to the owner Nizam and he says it's a mistake, not one apology!!!!! Basdeo's posting of the incident resulted in a deluge of universally unflattering comments from fellow Facebook posters. It also stimulated some weirdly contrasting responses from Tropical Nights co-owner Bibi Hanif. In her initial response Hanif was overly apologetic: . I am so so sorry for this. How can we make this up to you. I want to fully apologize to you for have that kind of experience. You are right, we have enough waitress that there should be no excuse for this type of service. I would like to meet with you personally to apologize and try and make this up to you." Hamid's initial apologetic message was very soon followed by another that was far less so:, "Clint, you are going to do what you want to do...from my first message I realized that there is no way of rationalizing with you. The waitress honestly made a mistake with your name,.why can't you accept that. I would strongly suggest that you speak to the owner "Nigel". I frankly don't care who you are or how powerful you are....I am not intimated easily. You are smearing Tropical Nights name and staff because of an incident between you and one waitress….You are an idiot, post this!!!!! I am glad you posted my clip so that your people can see that we at least tried to appease you. Don't push my buttons either.." Basdeo then reported his receipt of yet another message from Hamid who had referred to him as an idiot! “Clint, Tropical Nights over the past three years has been growing faster than we anticipate, and we are trying really hard to keep up with the service and food on a timely basis. We are a lot better this year than last, and we will be a lot better next year. Most of the time, we do get great compliments about service and food, however, because we are the busiest out there, we do fall short, and unfortunately some of our customers get caught up in that…we apologize profusely to those customers. We are trying to build a beautiful atmosphere for the Caribbean community; we understand that we need to get it right. Our growth has been tremendous; saying that, we as a community should help each other get up rather than take each other down. We are always willing to listen to positive criticism. We must stick together as a community. We are trying to build something that we can all be proud of. Tropical Nights will strive to be the best of any community, providing quality product and delivering good service at a reasonable price.” Basdeo has indicated plans to relay his undesirable experience to entities within Toronto's mainstream media. CDB Grant For Caribbean Music Digitalization The Board of Directors of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has approved a grant to support the digitalisation of Caribbean music. Guyana is among the Caribbean countries to benefit from the initiative. According to a statement from the CDB, the intervention responds to the global shift to digital music distribution, which has placed the Caribbean music industry at a significant disadvantage on the international scene. The release said introduction of digital music platforms and products has made it difficult for Caribbean music stakeholders to recover royalties from music sales. Many remain constrained by high levels of piracy that have come with the digital age. In addition, infrastructure essential for success in digital music distribution—including major regional record labels, music publishers and distributors—has been weak in the Caribbean. Page 2 • CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC Volume 10 • Number 15 • August 17, 2016 Province Supporting 11 New Bridge Training Projects H O M E L I F E T O D A Y R E A L T Y L T D . BROKERAGE 31 Progress Avenue, Suite 210 Toronto, Ontario, M1P4S6 Tel: 416-298-3200 • Fax: 416-298-3440 C A L L A N N J U M A N T O D A Y ! The province is investing $3.35 million over two years through the Ontario Bridge Training Program to help internationally trained professionals find jobs that match their skills and experience. The investment will support 11 new bridge training projects that will: - Improve access to career assistance services for internationally trained immigrants, for example career mentoring, employment events, language skills-training and a microloan program. - Help employers recruit, hire and retain internationally trained immigrants, with networking events, an online recruiting service and employer workshops. - Identify newcomers' transferrable skills and alternate career pathways through, for example, mentoring 4 1 6 2 9 8 3 2 0 0 events and the promotion of entrepreneurship. Every year, Ontario's Bridge Training Program helps over 6,000 internationally trained professionals get the help they need to find jobs that match their skills and experience. Increasing immigrant employment rates is key to growing the province's globally connected economy. Investing in supports for internationally trained professionals is part of the government's economic plan to build Ontario up and deliver on its number-one priority to grow the economy and create jobs. The fourpart plan includes helping more people get and create the jobs of the future by expanding access to highquality college and university education. The plan is making the largest infrastructure investment in hospitals, schools, roads, bridges and transit in Ontario's history and is investing in a low-carbon economy driven by innovative, high-growth, export-oriented businesses. The plan is also helping working Ontarians achieve a more secure retirement Volume 10 • Number 15 • August 17, 2016 CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC Caribana Weekend Fuh Fun, Angels Clash. And The Winner Is! The Guyana overseas diaspora's top two music bands, Canada's Fuh Fun and the US based Angels Caribbean Band, clashed in Toronto over the recent Caribana weekend. At stake was bragging rights as to which of the two was a) better sounding and b)commanded the greatest audience reaction. Based on feedback received from those who attended all three events at which the two bands performed, Fuh Fun was the hands down winner. Angels Caribbean were the featured band at the Caribana Friday, Saints CaribJam. Their first set which lasted well over an hour, was extremely well received as evidenced by the dance floor which was jam packed throughout. The high created by that introductory performance very quickly dissipated however with the Band's second set introduction of its totally off tune female vocalist. A disaster from which the evening never recovered. In contrast Fuh Fun's high energy sets at its own Caribana Sunday Jam, were entirely well received. The dance floor was jam packed throughout and the greater majority of the Scarborough Rembrandt attending patrons remained until the very end. Excellent food and the outstanding music, coupled with the very nice crowd of attendees made this year's Fuh Fun Caribana one of the very best the Band has ever hosted. From all reports, Fuh Fun also totally outplayed Angels at the Caribana Monday Last Lap Lime. • Page 3 Caribbean Jewel Bajan Beauty: Step aside Ri Ri and make way for our Caribbean Jewel: Barbados’ Crop Over Call Now For 2016 Special Pricing (PICK UP NOT INCLUDED) SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY Beat The Rush, Send Now Page 4 • CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC Volume 10 • Number 15 • August 17, 2016 Guest Commentary: A Most Memorable Caribana Weekend! This year's Caribana Weekend will for me now rank as one of the most memorable and enjoyable I've had within recent times. So much so that the experienced enjoyment continued well into the week beyond. The Resident Love Goddess Lyn having celebrated her Birthday on August 4, there were also celebration events the following Saturday and Sunday. The weekend kicked off with the Friday, July 29 Saints Toronto Alumni's annual Caribjam, an event which due to other commitments, I'd never before found the time to attend. This year's major attraction was the Angel's Caribbean Band, which had created quite the reputation for itself from its reportedly outstanding on stage performances at last year's Last Lap Lime. With an almost sold out crowd in attendance, Angels soon had the CaribJam in high gear, packing the dance floor with a high energy, extended first set that was extremely well received. In between DJ Get Busy had also played some outstanding sets of totally enjoyable tunes. Within its first two hours the Saints CaribJam party was therefore warming up very nicely and promising to be a thoroughly enjoyable evening. That promise however disappeared immediately and almost completely with Angels' second set introduction of its female lead vocalist. The very best that can be said of her totally off tune renditions is that she should be advised to seek another career! It was an absolute disaster from which Angels, despite its very best desperate efforts, simply could not recover. Like many others, myself and the Resident Love Goddess, soon found ourselves heading for the exit long before the scheduled 1:00 am close. Despite the musical let down, as a first time experience, Saints Caribjam wasn't a bad lime at all. The crowd was a very nice, albeit somewhat “mature” mixture of Guyanese-Canadians of all ethnicities, with a few other Caribbean nationalities and a sprinkling of Canadians thrown in for good measure. For me personally, the most pleasing aspect of the evening was the somewhat surprising presence of my Guyana based cousin, Carolyn Rahaman, nee McWatt, looking as lovely as ever. As she often does, Carolyn had managed to organize her travels so as to be here for the Caribana Weekend and this year's Last Lap Lime. It was an absolute delight to see her in person! A relatively quiet, no Toronto Carnival Parade attendance Saturday, was duly followed by FuhFun's Annual Caribana Sunday at Scarborough's Rembrant Banquet Hall. Excellent food, a very elegant, attractive and altogether nice close to 300 attendees crowd, plus some outstandingly enjoyable music from FuhFun's high energy sets as well as Deejay TeeCee, made for a most memorable evening. Indisputably one of the very best Fuh Fun has ever hosted. From all appearances The Resident Love Goddess was totally pleased and fully appreciative of everything I did to make her August 4 Birthday as enjoyable and memorable as it was. The evening ended with our having ventured down to Pickering's Frenchman's Bay to enjoy, in the company of thousands of others, the melodic rhythms of the ageless Bing Serrao led Ramblers. The following Saturday saw the Resident Love Goddess Lyn hosting some forty of her relatives and closest friends for a backyard lime at her Pickering home, for which I was assigned bartending duties. Suffice to say that evening proved to be so enjoyable that the last guests didn't leave until 2:30 am. Somewhat groggily and obviously lacking sleep, we both however managed to summon sufficient energy to make our way down to the Carib branded Drupati's Cruise on board the Enterprise. Although it was noticeably late in leaving and back well before the promised four hours, it was nevertheless a thoroughly enjoyable affair, made even more so by the presence of the very attractive Carib girls and their distribution of complimentary cans of the Caribbean's best beer. Our thanks as always to Mr Carib himself, Horace Bhopalsingh for his customary, highly outstanding, hospitality. All in all a most memorable and thoroughly enjoyable weekend. Can't wait for next year! Worth Repeating: Guest Editorial Safeguards Against Terrorism In The Caribbean Needed Now! Jamaica Observer Sunday, August 07, 2016 In the English-speaking Caribbean there is a well-entrenched tradition of self-delusion; of pretending that some of our most pressing problems do not exist. For example, in Jamaica we pretend that we have colour prejudice but not class conflict; and in Trinidad, there is the pretence that there is no racism between Indians and Africans. A Pan-Caribbean delusion is that there is no terrorism, but there is crime. There is no home-grown terrorism: the threat, if any, comes from outside and does not involve the Caribbean. However, terrorism has been practised in the English-speaking Caribbean for some time as the region has experienced violent acts intended to intimidate, destabilise or remove a government to achieve goals which may be political, economic, ethnic, or religious. The murder of Mr Walter Rodney in Guyana and the killing of Prime Minister Maurice Bishop in Grenada were acts of terrorism. The attempted coup in Trinidad and Tobago in 1990 was an act of terrorism. Rival dons and their criminal organised gangs in Jamaica and elsewhere in the Caribbean use acts of violence to maintain control of certain areas or aspects of their criminal activities. While the region has been able, so far, to manage acts of terrorism, the possibility of the Caribbean being drawn into global acts of terror beyond the capacity of Caribbean governments to control is not as far-fetched as it appears. This scary prospect is spawned by media reports that Trinidadian Muslims have, and continue on an increasing scale, to volunteer to fight for Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria and Iraq. Even if the numbers are small, this development poses a potentially devastating threat to national security because it portends issues that the Caribbean has not had to deal with and may not be adequately prepared to counter. This is so particularly in cases where individuals who, after fighting with or being trained by ISIS, return to their country where they have committed no crime. The US Southern Command has warned that the next frontier for jihadi CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC The People’s Paper, daring to be different. Website: Tel: 647.669.9320 • Fax: 905.813.9403 Email: Publisher/Editor: Contributors: Legal: Accounting: Graphic Design: recruiting is likely to be Latin America and the Caribbean. The latest issue of the ISIS magazine,Dabiq, features two stories on Caribbean jihadis: one was an obituary and the other an interview with a Trinidadian talking about having been arrested, investigated, and ultimately released by the Trinidadian authorities. While we are not in a position to verify the facts, there is sufficient smoke to wonder if there is a fire. We urge Caribbean governments, their security forces and their allies, in particular the United States, to take seriously the possibility of Caribbean citizens being involved with global terrorist networks and implement the necessary policies and safeguards. Tony McWatt Selwyn Baboolal, Chef Phillip Hendricks, Dr. Richard Lai, Isa Rahamat, Zorena Sawh, Vegentia Ramkhelawan, Dr. George Traitses Oumarally and Baboolal Haroon Gafur Julie Rambali, Volume 10 • Number 15 • August 17, 2016 CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC Babies Born With Microcephaly BRIDGETOWN, The Ministry of Health is investigating the cause of microcephaly in two babies delivered at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital this week. In a statement, the ministry said that the doctors at the QEH are carrying out investigations to determine whether the birth defects are linked to the Zika virus or cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy. The statement added: “Microcephaly is a birth defect in which a baby's head is smaller than expected when compared to babies of the same sex and age. Babies with microcephaly often have smaller brains that might not have developed properly. “On average, two to three babies are born with microcephaly every year, unrelated to Zika, in Barbados. To date, there has been no increase in the number of newborns with microcephaly. Additionally, no children born to mothers who tested positive for Zika have been diagnosed with microcephaly. “Pregnant women suspected or confirmed with Zika infection are monitored at the high-risk antenatal clinic at the QEH, and these two cases of microcephaly were not among those being monitored. Currently, 14 pregnant women have been identified with the Zika Virus; of these seven have given birth and there were no obvious birth defects detected in those babies”. • Page 5 Shootings May Cause Jolly Roger Cruises To Be Aborted BRIDGETOWN, The August 7 in the back of the head while night's triple shooting may have attending the Overdose cruise on been the last straw for owners of board the ship. Kemari Lewis, the Jolly Roger, who are 19, of Black Rock, St Michael, contemplating aborting night- was reportedly shot in the left time cruises. s h o u l d e r, w h i l e K a d e e m M a r t i n B y n o e , m a n a g i n g Maycock, 20, of Baxter's Road, director of Black Pearl Party The City, was reportedly shot in Cruises, the company that owns the left foot. and operates the Jolly Roger Bynoe said that he had not made boat, said even though that would the final decision but the only affect profits it seemed the only answer was to shut down the solution. business and suspend all night On August 7 around 10:15 p.m., cruises. Ronisha Wilkinson, 17, was shot Norman Sue Bakery Ltd. Thanks for your loyal and much appreciated continuing support. Page 6 • CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC LIAT Passenger Fined For Bomb Threat ST JOHN'S, Antigua, A Guadeloupe man is back at home having been convicted in Antigua for making a bomb threat. Francois Zavier Renaud Boisneuf, 35, was on Monday ordered to pay EC$4,000 forthwith having pleaded guilty to one of two charges laid against him in connection with the threat he made on a LIAT flight, at the VC Bird International Airport, on August 4. The prosecution withdrew a charge of disorderly conduct. The Frenchman, who was en route to his homeland from Barbados' Crop Over, used the words “bomb” and “terrorist” when repeatedly asked by a LIAT flight attendant for his boarding pass. The flight had made a stop in Antigua. Boisneuf was removed from the flight after the remark that he had come to blow up the plane. The threat resulted in the bomb squad being called in. Luggage had to be rechecked and the flight left the tarmac behind schedule. Just before handing down the decision in the St John's Magistrates' Court, Magistrate Conliffe Clarke told the French national that given his education, work and family background he should have known better than to let idle words and loose talk land him before the court. The Guadeloupian paid the fine to avoid a six-month jail time. Meanwhile, the airline's acting CEO Julie Reifer-Jones has urged passengers to be responsible, as disruptions onboard flights or even at airlines can be viewed as threats to security. Volume 10 • Number 15 • August 17, 2016 HIV Negative Vincy PM Urges Citizens To Get Tested KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent, Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves says he is HIV negative. Speaking on a tradio programme here, Gonsalves, who turned 70 on August 8 , said that his latest medical examination on June 5 showed that he is in good health and that he is also HIV negative. He told radio listeners however that it is important not to discriminate against persons who have tested positive for the virus that causes AIDS. He said that his father, who died at age 85 from a prostrate problem, could have lived longer had he gone to his doctors more often. The radio announcer said he had brought up the HIV test because of the various statements about the prime minister posted on the social network. Gonsalves said he has obligations as a leader and also has his own personal feelings about particular matters. Asked about the public's right to know, in light of concerns about the speculation regarding the health of the Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley, the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister replied “ it is a question of judgement as to what is disclosed”. St Kitts PM Wants Closer Collaboration On Citizenship Programme ROSEAU, Dominica, St. Kitts-Nevis Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris has called for closer collaboration as Caribbean countries seek to implement various forms of a Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP) as a means of boosting investments in their respective countries. Harris, who was leading a delegation to attend the funeral of a Dominicaborn St. Kitts-Nevis Police Force member, said that the programme is a massive revenue earner but warned that new entrants may take action that could undermine the programme. St. Kitts-Nevis, Dominica, St. Lucia and Antigua and Barbuda have CIP programmes allowing for foreign investors to make significant investments in designated areas outlined by the countries and in return have the opportunity to receive citizenship from the country. Speaking on the state-owned DBS radio here, Harris said such infighting would “damage the programme as a whole because you only need one major incident involving one country for that to tarnish the programme for the entire region. Volume 10 • Number 15 • August 17, 2016 CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC SARU Targeting Past And Present Offenders GEORGETOWN, The State Asset Recovery Unit (SARU) will not only investigate past government functionaries but will also carry out probes, where necessary, on serving state officials and Government Ministers. Attorney General Basil Williams volunteered the clarification on Wednesday while casting aside accusations that public officials who served within and under the previous administration were being targeted. The Attorney General said whether there are any present state officials employed by the government over the last year who needed to be investigated, would be left to the independent judgement of SARU. The Minister's comments come as he prepares for a public consultation to be held on Thursday at the Pegasus Hotel in relation to the State Asset Recovery Bill. Guyana has been working with the assistance of the United Nations, the World Bank and British experts to finalize the Bill which was first published on the Ministry of Legal Affairs website two weeks ago. The Bill makes provisions for the establishment of a State Asset Recovery Agency (SARA) which will be headed by a Director and staffed with police, customs, revenue and immigration officers. AG Williams said the Bill is largely a civil recovery and civil remedies legislation to ensure that state assets unlawfully acquired by public officials and any other persons could be returned. He expects that the Bill will be presented to the National Assembly after the recess, while pointing out that the absence of the Bill has resulted in SARU's work being hampered. In addition, the recovered assets will be used to create a fund that will be disbursed in relation to the operations of SARA. Yet Another Cocaine Bust At CJIA GEORGETOWN, A West Coast Demerara man is in police custody after another major drug bust at Guyana's Cheddi Jagan International Airport. Agents of the Police Narcotics Branch on August 8 evening (August 9), seized over 175 pounds of cocaine in a large quantity of frozen fish and shrimp that was about to be shipped to New York. The bust was made just as the cocaine laden fish shipment was being processed through a local air cargo service. Several long pellet like shaped packets of the cocaine were discovered in a number of the frozen fish. The packets were tightly wrapped in white tape and plastic and placed just above the backbone of the fish. The Police Narcotics agents may have been tracing the shipment through intelligence gathering and information received. The suspect was arrested at the Cheddi Jagan Airport as he overlooked the preparation of the drug cargo for shipment. • Page 7 Probe Ordered GEORGETOWN, President David Granger has appointed a Cabinet Sub-Committee to review, examine and report on a contract for the storage of drugs and other medical supplies which has attracted some amount of controversy since August 8. Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Raphael Trotman has been appointed to chair the Sub-Committee. The team on the matter also includes Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo and Minister of State, Joseph Harmon. The Sub-Committee met on August 9 at the Office of the Prime Minister and was provided with an extensive and detailed brief with regard to the issues, needs and challenges related to the storage of medicine and medical supplies. According to a release sent out by the Ministry of the Presidency yesterday, Cabinet was on Tuesday, briefed by Minister of Public Health Dr. George Norton on the controversial bond contract deal on which he was extensively grilled by the opposition in the Committee of Supply of the National Assembly on August 8. Page 8 • CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC Rush For US Visas in Jamaica KINGSTON, The United States Embassy in Kingston has confirmed that all interview dates for nonimmigrant visas have been exhausted for the rest of the year.In fact, the embassy said the demand for visas is so heavy that it is scheduling 1 000 appointments daily. A non-immigrant visa by definition is one issued to persons who live outside the US, but who have a desire to visit the US temporarily for various reasons, among them vacation, studying or on business. Scores of Jamaicans had been telling local media since last month that they were facing challenges in getting interview dates for the remaining four months of this year, due to what travel agents told them was the unusually high number of requests that have been made of the US Embassy. Applicants can apply directly online to the US Embassy, but many have opted to use the services of travel agencies to secure interview dates for them, for a fee. Now, there is concern in some quarters, as many Jamaicans are now forced to shelve plans to visit the US later this year, to attend various events, including Thanksgiving celebrations on Thursday, November 24, and spend time with family and friends. Joshua Polacheck, counselor for public affairs at the US Embassy in Kingston, has indicated that the increase in applications had, in effect, put a strain on the system at the Embassy. He admitted that all the existing dates for interviews had expired for 2016, but insisted that the Embassy was willing to consider applicants who had “urgent” matters to deal with in the US. The US Embassy official emphasised that certain categories of travellers would not be facing the same challenges as persons seeking nonimmigrant visas. Volume 10 • Number 15 • August 17, 2016 Jamaica On Track For 3.7 Million Visitors KINGSTON, Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, says the country is on course to exceed the 3.7 million tourists, who visited the island last year, bringing earnings of $2.5 billion. Since the start of the year, Jamaica has welcomed 2.1 million visitors, and $1.3 billion has been earned from the industry. The Tourism Minister was addressing scores of farmers and patrons attending the second day of the 2016 Denbigh Agricultural, Industrial and Food Show in May Pen, Clarendon, on Sunday (July 31). He told his audience that over the next five years, some five million visitors are expected on the island. Jamaica is expected to earn US$5 billion from this growth in arrivals, with direct employment increasing from 89,000 to 125,000, and 300,000 in indirect employment. The Ministry is, therefore, encouraging the farmers to increase production to supply the food needs of the industry. He noted that farmers can obtain loans of up to $25 million, at five per cent interest over five years through the EXIM Bank. Funding For Farmers KINGSTON, Some $20 million for farm road repairs and $100 million for a water supply project are two of the initiatives being put in place to help farmers improve production and productivity levels in sections of St Andrew. This was disclosed by Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry o f I n d u s t r y, C o m m e r c e , Agriculture and Fisheries JC Hutchinson while addressing some 30 farmers groups from six Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) extension areas in Kingston and St Andrew, on August 9 With specific reference to the coffee farmers in Eastern St Andrew, Hutchinson noted the various challenges they have faced and encouraged them to continue to persevere in their efforts. He encouraged them to use methods such as the intercropping of cash crops such as scallion and thyme, Irish potatoes, peas among others with their coffee cultivation. As part of efforts to increase productivity among coffee farmers, a group of young farmers in Content Gap and Pampi Hut in East Rural St Andrew will also be provided with incentives for the cultivation of 15 acres of coffee. The youth project was launched under Project Hope, an initiative in collaboration with the Member of Parliament for the area. Volume 10 • Number 15 • August 17, 2016 CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC Rowley Ill PORT OF SPAIN, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley was due to undergo medical tests at a health clinic in the United States on August 15 amid widespread speculation that he is seriously ill and calls from opposition legislators for him to disclose the status of his health. Rowley, 66, who is on a two week vacation, has acknowledged that for the past 35 years he has managed his health issues through diligent and disciplined guidance from his chosen doctors at home and in California. “The various procedures and processes should take about a week and I expect to return home as soon as it is completed and I am able to travel,” he said, noting that “for me and my family, my health and choices on matters remain personal even when one is a public figure. “I trust that all decent right thinking citizens will continue to see it that way. Thanks,” said Rowley, who became prime minister in September last year after leading the People's National Movement (PNM) into office Former prime minister Basdeo Panday, who underwent surgery in the United Kingdom soon after coming to office, also agreed that the health and medical records of a prime minister are private and should not be shared with the public. But the main opposition United National Congress (UNC) and the Congress of the People (COP) have called on Rowley to disclose the nature of his illness. COP leader Dr Anirudh Mahabir said that as prime minister, Rowley's health holds implications for the nation's future “It is our view that the Prime Minister's health is the business of Trinidad and Tobago, and in his position as Prime Minister, he cannot say it is private and confidential. Former minister of gender, youth and child development Verna St Rose Greaves said there is speculation that Rowley is suffering from “throat cancer” and took to her Facebook page to recall the speculation about her health after she had cut off her hair. .Former head of the public service and diplomat Reginald Dumas said that Rowley's health should not be a private affair. T&T Zika Cases Now In The Thousands! H e a l t h M i n i s t e r Te r r e n c e Deyalsingh has said that the number of Zika cases they had recorded were inaccurate and there were more than the 247 confirmed cases, with the likelihood that the figure was in the thousands. He was speaking to the media during an August 11 mosquito eradication exercise at Boissierre Village, Maraval. Members of the Insect Vector, Army Rapid Response, Diego Martin Regional Corporation and Zika Task Force were present. The exercise began at the Ellerslie Plaza car park and took the group up Vallot Street, across Harold and down Tapti Road. During the exercise, Deyalsingh visited the home of several residents pointing out places that were potential breeding places for the mosquitoes. He shook his head and steupsed several times as he walked away from several premises with old abandoned vehicles, rubbish and empty bottles. Deyalsingh said the purpose of the exercise was to demonstrate the fight against the aedes aegypti had not waned. Deyalsingh said the 200-plus cases of Zika were the confirmed cases by blood test and 84 cases were in St George West. Acting Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr Clive Tilluckdharry, stood beside Deyalsingh and confirmed when asked whether the figure of people with Zika was numbering in the thousands. • Page 9 T&T Govt To Meet Muslims On Isis PORT-OF-SPAIN, Why exactly are they going to Isis? That's the question Government is giving priority attention to, along with ongoing moves to tighten overall security, National Security Minister Edmund Dillon has said. In seeking to examine the factors luring people to leave T&T to join the terror group, Dillon said Government will engage the Muslim community to “dialogue on this and, together, examine root causes.” Dillon was contacted after local media was able to ascertain from the security sector that the number of T&T nationals—fighters as well as family members—who have gone to Isis zones from late 2012 to date is now estimated at close to 120, an increase over previous figures. Most recently, nine TT nationals were detained in Turkey, on July 27. They were held with a Syrian man who was taking them via truck to Syria for recruitment by Isis, Turkey's Daily Sabah reported. They are now at Turkey's Adana Migration Centre. Government is awaiting a report on the circumstances of their presence there from Turkish authorities. Dillon said there had been a lull in the number of people Isis-bound in the latter half of last year, but confirmed the security sector has been “seeing activity.” He acknowledged there may be concerns on the length of time to get information on the nine in Turkey, due to perceived “fear of the unknown” on the matter. He explained the time involved—and level of confidentiality—was to ensure that information reaching T&T security, and which would be factored into any approaches, was accurate. The length of time may be due to questioning being done in Turkey. Turkey, in recent years, has been the gateway to Isis conflict zones, since no visa is required for T&T nationals particularly. In January, Turkey's “Hurriyet News” reported four T&T nationals were held among 913 foreign jihadists from 57 countries fighting with Isis, over the period January to November 2015. T&T was the only Caribbean country. Last Thursday, security agencies confirmed two T&T nationals returned—sent back—from Turkey in January. So far, only one T&T person—Kareen Ibrahim—has been deemed a terrorist under the Anti-Terrorism Act. No T&T nationals have so far been listed on the United Nations' Security Council's list of people subject to sanctions for being involved with Al-Qaeda and Isis. But this might change, Dillon confirmed, when T&T pursues action by the Attorney General for court declaration of 74 entities as terrorists, among other measures. Page 10 • CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC How To Soothe A Burnt Tongue It's happened to the best of us at one time or another: We know that we should probably wait for that hot pizza to cool down before taking a bite, but it just looks so good. Next thing you know - yow! The result is searing pain from a burned tongue, a burned mouth, and sometimes even burned gums. The next time you find yourself in this embarrassing situation, take heart. There are a number of things you can do to provide immediate relief for the pain and get your burned mouth back to feeling its best. Here are tips from dentists to help you heal and prevent such a burn in the future. Top Dentist Tips for a Burned Tongue or Mouth The damage is done - the too-hot food has been consumed, and your burned mouth is in pain. Now what? Suck on an ice cube or a frozen Popsicle to help alleviate the burning sensation. It's also a good idea to coat your burned tongue or mouth with something soothing that provides another layer of relief. Milk is an excellent choice because of its coating action. Once you've taken these steps for immediate relief, it's time to turn to over-the-counter medications to directly treat the burned tongue and mouth. Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or other pain medicine are all fine choices. A product called Orabase that acts as a film to cover and soothe the area temporarily can be used. As your burned mouth begins to heal, you want to steer clear of certain foods that could make the pain worse. Avoid sharp, crunchy foods or foods that may be spicy or contain citrus and could exacerbate the lesion. Also, there are a few simple strategies that can help speed healing as you wait for the hurt to subside. A remedy is to squeeze a 1,000 IU vitamin E capsule over the burn; it helps to regenerate healthy skin and tissue. Above all, resist touching the burned area. Keep it clean, brush your teeth, and give it time to heal. Your body is remarkably capable of fixing itself. If, despite all your efforts, the burn or pain persists for seven days or more or worsens, seek medical attention. Preventing Future Burns To avoid a burned tongue or mouth in the future, dentists say that the best strategy is simply to use common sense, especially when foods and beverages look piping hot or come straight from the stove top or oven. And be extra careful with hot drinks and hot foods, small sips or small bites may prevent you from getting larger burns. Volume 10 • Number 15 • August 17, 2016 DOMESTIC ASSAULT peace and be of good behaviour; 2. Joe will not be able to communicate directly or indirectly with Mary; An assault is any willful attempt or 3. Joe will not be able to attend the threat to inflict injury to another home where he was residing with person. In the case of domestic Mary assault, the threats or violence arc Depending on the seriousness of usually amongst family members. the assault and Joe's background, It is important to note that courts other conditions may be placed on have recognized that an assault can Joe. For example if the police b c committed without any actual determine that Joe was drinking at the time of the incident and physical contact. For instance, Joe and his wife, appeared intoxicated when Mary are in a heated argument. Joe arrested, a condition could be that becomes so enraged that he Joe not consume any alcohol or be punches the wall and says to Mary in any place where alcohol is sold. "I am going to teach you a lesson". Joge must abide by these Mary runs to the washroom and conditions until the charges are locks herself in there and calls 911. dealt with in court. Obviously The police arrive on scene and these conditions can be onerous speak to Mary. Once she advises for the accused and one should that there is a threat of violence consult a lawyer to find out how towards her, Joe will be charged they can be varied or changed. In with domestic assault. Once on the the Greater Toronto Area for a scene, it is customary for the police domestic assault charge to proceed to gather evidence, so a statement to trial, it can take anywhere from will be taken from Mary, photos 12-15 months. The courts are will be taken of the wall, i f extremely busy and courtroom damaged. Joe will be also he time is at a premium and interviewed and what he says will consequently, Joe will be obliged to abide by his conditions .for the be noted by the police. Once he is charged, Joe will be duration of the time until his trial. transported in handcuffs to the In some instances after Joe is local police station. At the police charged, Mary indicates that she station, he will be placed in a jail did not want Joe to be arrested and cell. Ile will be asked if he wished she was just hoping that the police to call a lawyer of his choice or he would attend the home and calm can choose to speak to a lawyer Joe down. It is important to note provided by the state for free, for that once the charge are laid, the advice. Once the paper work is police will not withdraw the completed, Joe might be released charge. Even if Mary advises the from the station or he might be police that she did not want Joe to taken to court for a bail hearing. be charged. The Crown Attorney Irrespective of how Joe is released, has the discretion to withdraw the he will be required to abide by charge, however, this is rarely done. In a scenario described certain conditions of release. In most domestic assault cases, above as this with Joe and Mary, it is highly recommended that both these conditions are: I . Joe will he required to keep the Joe and Mary seek legal advice. Volume 10 • Number 15 • August 17, 2016 CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC • Page 11 LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE Cannibal Dinner Speed Test Name Origins There were two cannibals who captured a man. They decided it would be fair if they started eating from opposite ends. After a few minutes, the one who started at the head asked the other one, "How's it going down there?" And the other one replies, "I'm having a ball!" A scientist and a philosopher are being chased by a hungry lion. The scientist makes some quick calculations and says, “It's no good trying to outrun it. It's catching up!” The philosopher keeps a little ahead and replies, “I'm not trying to outrun the lion, I'm trying to outrun you!” There are five cows on a farm, one mamma cow and four baby calves. The first baby walks up to the mom and asks, "Momma, why is my name Rose?" The mommy cow replies, "Well honey, a rose petal fell on your head when you were born." The next calf comes up and asks, "Momma, why is my name Lily?" The mother replies, "Because honey, a lily petal fell on your head when you were born." The third baby comes up and asks, "Momma, why is my name Daisy?" The momma cow again replieds" Well, when you were born a daisy petal fell on your head." The final baby walks over and says, "Duh huh guh nuh!" The momma cow says, "Shut up, Cinderblock! Idiot Identity As a group of soldiers stood in formation at an Army Base, the Drill Sergeant said, "All right! All you idiots fall out." As the rest of the squad wandered away, one soldier remained at attention. The Drill Instructor walked over until he was eye to eye with him, and then raised a single eyebrow. The soldier smiled and said, "Sure was a lot of 'em, huh, sir?" Dentistry Expense A dentist told a mother, "I'm sorry madam, but I'll have to charge you a $100 for pulling your boy's tooth." The mother exclaimed, "A $100! You said it was only $20!" "Yes," replied the dentist, "but he yelled so loudly that he scared four other patients out of the office!" Wrong Direction There is a senior citizen driving on the highway. His wife calls him on his cell phone and in a worried voice says, ''Herman, be careful! I just heard on the radio that there is a madman driving the wrong way on Route 280!'' Herman says, ''I know, but there isn't just one, there are hundreds!'' Page 12 • CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC Volume 10 • Number 15 • August 17, 2016 Application for a Post-Grad 5 Habits of Successful Savers Work Permit investing – 10% is a decent You have “implied status” and Rudy beginning amount. may continue working at your LOCHAN So get in the habit of saving first. current job, until you receive a Whenever money from your response from immigration. paycheck hits your checking The duration of your Post-Grad -For the thousands of students who Work permit will be based on the come to Canada to further their duration of your studies. education, nothing is more if the programme was eight rewarding than finally completing months, your Post Grad Work 1. They Set Aside Today's Money account, move a lump of it to your for Future Goals savings and stay with this example Successful savers think ahead. month after month. Consider They don't simply live for now and saving before the money hits your let tomorrow deal with itself. They checking account by joining an put financial capital toward employer's 401(k) plan and having their courses. Once you have Permit will be for eight months successfully completed your if the programme was for course of studies, you may apply one year (12 months in duration), reserve funds and contributing pre-tax money set aside for objectives that are important to retirement. Opening an individual for your Post Graduation Work your PGWP will be for 12 months Permit. The following criterions if the programme was two them — retirement, paying for a retirement account is another good child's education, etc. saving and investing option. need to be fulfilled in order to years, you may be issued up to a apply for a Post Grad Work Permit three year work permit. Three (PGWP): years is the maximum period of 2. They Stick to Their Goals 5. They Live Below Their Means A key to effective saving and Effective savers and investors live investing is consistency. They beneath their means. If they spent stick to their savings and each penny that they earned, they investment goals for quite a long wouldn't have the cash to set aside time. Savings are a given in their for future objectives. month to month spending plan and To be an effective saver, you they know it is a fundamental should spend short of what you piece of meeting future financial earn on a regular basis. goals. However, if you are spending 3. They Plan for Emergencies more than your earning capacity Effective savers and investors and month to month pay income, realize that monetary crises you will accumulate debt, making happen. Also, they have money put it harder for you to save. You aside for these events. additionally chance harming your course of full-time studies at a not qualify for a PGWP (eg. If your Three to six months of everyday credit in the event that you costs is a decent reserve funds overextend yourself on debt and objective for an emergency fund. fall behind on your payments. Post-Secondary Designated course is less than eight months or 4. They Pay Themselves First 1) The student h a s time for a PGWP successfully completed their Please note that some students do Learning Institution (DLI) 2) you are in Canada on a Said programme was at Scholarship) least 8 months (30 weeks) in Ensure that your application is sent duration 3) off before your current status The application for the expires and within the 90 days of PGWP is submitted within 90 days r e c e i v i n g y o u r o f r e c e i v i n g y o u r f i n a l transcript/diploma/certificate. transcript/diploma or certificate Also, that your application is and before your current status c o m p l e t e d p r o p e r l y, t h e expires. Your status would be processing fee is paid and the stated on your current Study s u p p o r t i n g d o c u m e n t s a r e Permit document (not Study Visa included, before sending off your in your passport) package. Once you have met the criterions Nadine Mahabeer is a weekly above, you may submit your g u e s t o n “ I m m i g r a t i o n application for your Post-Grad Mondays” on Nationwide 90FM Work Permit online or by paper. in Jamaica – Monday mornings When you acquire, you should pay Successful savers and investors back all that you obtained and all put their investment funds the gathered intrigue and fund objectives first. Before whatever charges owed to loan specialists. else, money from their paychecks gets set aside for save and Volume 10 • Number 15 • August 17, 2016 CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC How To Beat Sellers Stress – Part I. Zorena SAWH Three things are certain in life: death, taxes ... and undue stress caused by moving. Whether or not you use the services of a Realtor to help you wade through the uncertain waters of the buy-and-sell process, moving is stressful, period. And there's not much you can do to avoid it. And we're not just talking about packing and paperwork. Moving is an emotional process. If your'e not calming down your nervous children, you're trying to reassure yourself that you'll meet people in your new neighborhood, that you bought the best house within your means, and that your kids' new schools will measure up. It's easy to forget while we're dealing with all of these jitters that moving actually can represent an exciting adventure, a growth opportunity and the prospect of new beginnings. Once the dust settles after your move, you're entering one of the most memorable times of your life. With any luck, you've recruited a REALTOR® who's familiar with the obvious stresses as well as the insidious (and subsequently more detrimental) ones. Depending upon your relationship with your Realtor, you should be able to rely on him or her for more than just closing the deal. Your Realtor also should be able to calm your trepidations by giving you the support you need -- giving you the facts about that new school district, reassuring you that your jitters are perfectly normal, and giving you as much information about your new hometown as possible, increasing your familiarity with the previously unknown. It's important to remember throughout the entire selling and buying process, however, to reserve time for yourself and your family. It's not a waste of time, but rather an insurance policy for your sanity and continued happiness. Stress is sneaky, as we've all discovered. It can eat away at us during what are supposed to be the happiest of times, because after all, any major change in life is stressful. If it's supressed, it can wreak havoc both emotionally and physically and spread throughout the family. And there's nothing worse than moving a grumpy family across the country. For the sake of your continued family unity, keep in mind the following stress-relieving measures: First, remember that it's perfect normal to feel unsure of your decision right now. You've just made a major commitment, and all of us experience those last-second "What on earth did I just do" worries after signing contracts and making life-changing decisions. Instead of becoming overwhelmed with "what ifs" and dread, reframe this decision as a prime opportunity to begin your lives in a new environment. The old saying "When one door closes, another one opens" definitely applies here. Trust that your Realtor is looking out for your best interests, ask as many questions as you need to throughout the entire process (that's part of what your Realtor is paid for), and look forward to the adventure that lies ahead of you. Source: RealtyTimes • Page 13 The Road To Successful Travel How to make your road trip budgetfriendly without compromising the fun. PICTURE IT: SMOOTH SAILING DOWN THE HIGHWAY with the sunroof open, your favourite summer playlist on the stereo, the happy anticipation of reaching your destination. Recent consumer research shows that 58 per cent of Canadians travel in the summer, and that cost is the biggest consideration for 77 per cent of travellers. Combine these facts with the growing popularity of domestic travel among Canadians, and road trips stand out as a great vacation option. Here's how you can make your ideal road trip an affordable reality. Point A to point B Your route is central to overall planning, but did you know that the actual roads and highways you choose can save you money? Online travel planning and mapping tools can be quite valuable in this regard. Map your route in advance to calculate distance and drive times, and avoid toll roads and construction zones. Fuel is another key consideration. Again, a number of online sites post the lowest rates by location, complemented by downloadable mobile applications that enable you to check up-to-date prices on your smartphone or tablet. Be mindful of how you drive as well – driving techniques can affect fuel efficiency by as much as 30 per cent. It may also be worthwhile to have your vehicle serviced before you go. The money you invest up front could be far less than the cost of getting your car towed or repaired if it breaks down during your travels. Home away from home Accommodations can easily amount to one of the biggest budget items of your trip. You can save money beyond the room rate by considering other factors: location (outskirts versus downtown), parking costs, if any, and whether the hotel offers complimentary breakfast. Check out any of the highly competitive travel websites to compare deals and discounted rates. Vacation rentals can be another budget- friendly option. They typically have similar amenities to home (such as kitchen facilities, living areas and patios with barbecues), so you can save by preparing some or all of your meals. Popular online rental sources let you read reviews from other travellers. If you go this route, ensure the owner or website provides a contract, and carefully review it. Dining on the go Meal planning and restaurant selection can help you keep your food budget intact. Skip the drive-through and hit up grocery stores along the way to stock up on affordable (and healthy) car-friendly snacks: sandwiches, cereal bars, cheese, fruits and veggies. If there's a restaurant you'd like to try, consider going for lunch, as prices are generally higher on dinner menus. Take in the sights For the 73 per cent of Canadians who visited a domestic destination over the last year, the top types of activities included touring, wine-tasting and festivals. No matter what pursuits you enjoy, it's worthwhile to decide in advance where to visit and when. Some attractions offer discounts on certain days of the week or in the afternoons, and you can often find coupons online or in local tourism guides. Safety and smarts Before leaving, you may want to take care of a few personal details: • Look into travel medical insurance if it's not part of your current policy • Check your cellphone plan to ensure you won't inadvertently rack up roaming charges • Alert your bank and credit card company of your travel plans Once you're on the road, take advantage of free Wi-Fi where you can (though you should avoid entering personal data such as credit card numbers on a public network), and avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Your bank's website may list local automated banking machines (ABMs) that won't charge a convenience fee. Hit the road While the idea of packing your bags and taking off is exciting, planning in advance can go a long way towards keeping your getaway within budget. Be creative and spend wisely to make your road trip one for the memory books. Page 14 • CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC Volume 10 • Number 15 • August 17, 2016 CARIBBEAN KITCHEN Beat The Heat Recipes: Nothing says summer quite like the smoky-sweet flavor of a backyard BBQ. Here are some cool ways to beat the heat and fuel summer fun. It's time to grab your tongs, fire up the grill, and get cooking! Brisket On Buns is a delicious BBQ classic you'll absolutely love. And as an added bonus, leftover brisket freezes well for future dinner in a flash! BBQ Brisket on Buns INGREDIENTS - 1 can tomato sauce - 2 tbsp. packed dark brown sugar - 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard | - 2 tsp. chili powder - 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce - 3 tbsp. cider vinegar | - 1 onion | - 4 clove garlic - 2½ lb. lean beef brisket - kosher salt | - Pepper - ¼ c. lowfat sour cream | - ½ head cabbage | - 4 buns - Sliced Pickles and Potato chips DIRECTIONS 1. In a 5- to 6-quart slow cooker, whisk together the tomato sauce, sugar, mustard, chili powder, Worcestershire, and 2 tablespoons vinegar. Add the onion and garlic and toss to combine. 2. Season the brisket with 1/2 teaspoon pepper, then cut crosswise into 2 1/2-inch pieces. Add the meat to the slow cooker and turn to coat. Cook, covered, until the meat is tender and easily pulls apart, 7 to 8 hours on low or 5 to 6 hours on high. 3. Thirty minutes before the beef is done, in a large bowl, whisk together the sour cream, remaining tablespoon vinegar and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Cut the cabbage in half, core and thinly slice. Add to the bowl and toss to coat. 4. Using 2 forks, shred the beef, then stir it into the cooking liquid and onions. Serve on the buns, topped with coleslaw, pickles, and chips, if desired. Tips & Techniques Use Up the Cabbage: Add shredded cabbage to tossed salads or make a citrus slaw to serve with sausage or chicken. In a bowl, whisk together 1/4 cup fresh orange juice, 2 tablespoons lime juice, 1/2 teaspoon each honey and pepper and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Add 1/2 cabbage and 1 large carrot (each shredded) and toss to combine. Fold in fresh cilantro or parsley before serving, if desired. Volume 10 • Number 15 • August 17, 2016 CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC Top Order Collapse Caused Loss Says Harper Head coach of the Guyana toss; it just appeared that our Amazon Warriors, Roger spirits went down,” Harper, a Harper, has said that losing the former West Indies vice-captain toss and consequently the top stated. o r d e r f a i l u r e p l a y e d a n He added “The toss is part of our inordinate role in the result of preparation leading up to a the HERO Caribbean Premier game, but having said that we League (CPL) final, which the were not competitive. It was a local franchise lost by nine big occasion, big game and you wickets to Jamaica Tallawahs look for your big players to last Sunday night. The Warriors perform, but the top four were bitterly disappointed that batsmen failed us. after topping the league and The 53-year-old divulged that beating the Jamaica Tallawhas w h i l e t h e f i n a l w a s in the first playoff, they saved disappointing, it was a total t h e i r w o r s t - e v e r b a t t i n g team effort up until the final. performance for the final, and Harper said that despite this loss were dismissed for just 93, with the team can take a lot of only Sohail Tanvir making a positives about how well they significant contribution with the have played throughout this bat. edition of the Hero CPL. Harper lamented the fact that This was the third time that the while they played some good Amazon Warriors have lost in cricket leading up to the final, the final and it will be one of the his charges just did not show up more painful defeats, but as at the final hurdle. Harper says they are ready to try “We were not just up for it, again next year. especially when we lost the • Page 15 Brathwaite Named New Windies T20 Captain! Allrounder Carlos Brathwaite, who has played only eight T20Is, has been appointed the new West Indies T20 captain for the two matches against India later this month in Florida. D a r r e n S a m m y, who led them to two World T20 titles, was sacked and also left out of the 13man squad. West Indies T20 squad Andre Fletcher, Andre Russell, Carlos Brathwaite (capt), Chris Gayle, Dwayne Bravo, Evin Lewis, Jason Holder, Johnson Charles, Kieron Pollard, Lendl Simmons, Marlon Samuels, Samuel Badree, Sunil Narine Sammy had recently posted a video on his Facebook page saying the chairman of selectors had called him about the exclusion from the squad. A WICB release said: "With regards to Sammy's omission from the squad, the Chairman [of selectors Courtney Browne] noted that the named-squad was selected purely on players' performances." Sammy hardly made an impact during the World T20 in India: he faced 13 balls in his three innings, scoring eight runs, and bowled three overs, taking one wicket. Brathwaite had struck four consecutive sixes to win West Indies their second World T20 final, in April this year, and has played seven ODIs, the CPL and a Test against India in Antigua since then. Sunil Narine and Kieron Pollard, who had both pulled out of the World T20 squad for different reasons, returned to the T20 squad. While Pollard had withdrawn because of "lack of sufficient progress in his rehabilitative work" after a knee injury, Narine's reason was "insufficient progress in the rehabilitative work on his bowling action". They had both played in the tri-series against South Africa and Australia in the West Indies in June. Narine had finished as the secondhighest wicket-taker in the series and Pollard scored 205 runs from seven matches at an average of 41. Denesh Ramdin, Sulieman Benn, Ashley Nurse and Jerome Taylor were left out of the T20 squad. Ramdin had recently been dropped from the Test squad too. He scored 135 runs in eight CPL matches recently after the 197 runs he scored during the tri-series at an average of 28.14. Benn took only three wickets in seven matches in the tri-series and had an unimpressive CPL with four wickets from seven matches with an economy rate of 9.19. Taylor played four tri-series matches for only two wickets but collected 13 wickets from eight CPL matches, but it wasn't enough for him to retain his place in the national squad. Nurse played only three CPL matches without any wicket. 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