The 2.5 Clone Papers
The 2.5 Clone Papers
1 The 2.5 clone papers by Troels Gravesen This is a compilation of former 2.5 clone files found at • • • • • • 2.5 clone measurements and construction, v5, page 2. 2.5 clone without notch filter, page 24. New tweeter for the 2.5 clone, Scan Speak 9500, page 26. The final 2.5 clone, the sibilance problem, page 30. The “new” 8535 drivers from Scan Speak, page 37. The ProAc sound, page 41. Only a few changes have been made to the files, thus reflecting the project progression during the last 9 months of work on the Response 2.5 clone. New are some comments on the ProAc sound at page 41. Thanks to those who started the project and gathered the basic information needed to get it all going. Thanks to Paulie, US, for the basic crossover design. And thanks to all who reported their project on the web (a large number of links can be found at Without the inspiration from these people, this would never have evolved to such a long story. Thanks to Darryl Nixon, Australia, for all the discussions and constructive criticism. Without the help of Darryl and his “One Cloner’s Journey” found at , we would not have had such a fruitful discussion on the merits and deficiencies of speakers in general and of the 2.5 clone in particular. There will be different views on the “right sound” of the clones, but only your ears can tell, what is best for you and your favorite music. If you have any questions regarding the project, you are welcome to address Please refer to page numbers on specific questions. Aarhus, 28th September, 2003. 2 2.5 clone measurements and construction, v5 Hello, 2.5 cloners! Thanks to all for the huge number of mails coming in from Canada, US, Australia, Hungary, Norway, Sweden, UK, Finland, Russia, Greece, New Zealand, etc. as response to these pages. And I cannot thank ‘JPO’ enough for lending me the space on his website. Thanks to all who wrote, and commented on the work. Without these mails the project would have ended another place. In this 5th (!) version of my file I have added the construction of bass reflex enclosures with final measurements and comments. Initially the drivers were mounted in transmission line cabinets available, similar in size to the 2.5s, making reliable measurements. I have had a lot of mails describing the benefits of adding the LCR circuit to the original design in order to get a more even frequency response but also with some regrets over loosing some of this immediate appealing ‘technicolor’ sound of the originals. Some people have been confused over the increasing numbers of crossover designs; they want solutions, not options. For good reasons, they want to stay faithful to the original design and that’s fair enough. However, we cannot acquire the original drivers and we will never be able to make an exact copy of the originals. But reports from people comparing the clones and the originals tell us that the clone can be just as good or even better. The crossover modifications are fairly simple and the choice is yours! The starting point is the crossover in fig. 1. This design can be added a LCR notch filter, fig. 14, and you can leave it here. The latest modification I have made were done to fine-tune frequency and phase response and has - in my opinion – improved midrange response but has minor impact on the overall perceived sound. Fig. 1 is the basic crossover (version 1) design I have been testing. And here are the MLS measurements from the Stereophile magazine, as a target for designing the crossover. Fig 1. Basic crossover, ‘version 1’. Fig 2: Stereophile measurements. I was excited to see if the 2 kHz bump would appear as predicted from Al.M’s writing at The bump came out beautifully as seen from the graphs on page 2! 3 Tweeter polarity My first comment to the information available is on the discussion on tweeter polarity. It is suggested you try both options and choose what suits you the best. With same polarity of woofer and tweeter there will be a major dip in frequency response, which at the same time can be used to fine-tune the crossover. TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 29-09-02 12.44.59 100.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 90.0 108.0 80.0 36.0 70.0 -36.0 60.0 -108.0 50.0 200 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL Unsmoothed 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 1.88ms red=3.3uF blue=4.5uF green=5.5uF Stop 5.14ms yellow=6.8uF Hz 20k FreqLO 306.59Hz purple=8.3uF Fig 3: Polarity of tweeter. The tweeter certainly has to be connected with inverted polarity. Measurements on LP-section, inductor L2 values: TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 29-09-02 12.18.00 100.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 90.0 108.0 80.0 36.0 70.0 -36.0 60.0 -108.0 50.0 300 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.01ms red=0.83mH blue=0.68mH green=0.47 mH Stop 5.12ms yellow=0.27mH Hz 20k FreqLO 322.01Hz purple=none Fig 4. Initial measurements of 8535 with 0.83, 0.68, 0.47 and 0.27 mH inductor value of 2nd inductor in LP section. Not much chance of getting rid of the 2 kHz bump without a LCR circuit. I does strike me however that that lowest value gives a response closer to the Stereophile measurements. Making the textbook LP crossover the response is 40dB down at 7 kHz where the target seems to more like 40 dB down at 9 kHz. For the time being I stayed with the 0.83 mH. The 300-1500 Hz response is rather smooth which pleases me a lot. 4 Significance of value of capacitor in LP section. TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 29-09-02 12.27.06 100.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 90.0 108.0 80.0 36.0 70.0 -36.0 60.0 -108.0 50.0 300 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.01ms red=6.8uF blue=7.5uF green=8.3uF Stop 5.12ms yellow=9uF Hz 20k FreqLO 322.01Hz purple=10.1uF Fig. 5. The value of this capacitor makes a fine instrument of changing crossover frequency. Significance of C1 in LP section on full range response. TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 29-09-02 12.36.05 100.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 90.0 108.0 80.0 36.0 70.0 -36.0 60.0 -108.0 50.0 300 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 1.88ms red=3.3uF blue=4.5uF green=5.5uF Stop 5.14ms yellow=6.8uF Hz 20k FreqLO 306.59Hz purple=8.3uF Fig 6. MLS 0.33 oct. smoothing. 8.3 uF seems to be a too high value, where 5.5 to 6.8 uF looks more appropriate but as seen from the curves this capacitor plays an important role in determining frequency response. Series resistor in HP section I would go for the 5R6 value, giving a quite flat frequency response. Going lower may give you an immediate appealing sound, but may add to listening fatigue in the long run. But this can be depending on room acoustics and listening distance. 5 47 ohms resistor in HP section. In crossover diagrams available, the 47 ohms (R3) resistor is placed at different locations. 1. on tweeter terminals 2. before the 4.7 uF capacitor to ground The graph above demonstrates the (minor) significance of this resistor placement. I’ve chosen to place the resistor on tweeter terminals. TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 29-09-02 22.09.35 100.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 90.0 108.0 80.0 36.0 70.0 -36.0 60.0 -108.0 50.0 400 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 1.62ms tweeter 47R red= 47R <4.7uF Stop 5.57ms Hz 20k FreqLO 253.47Hz blue=47R >4.7uF Fig 8. Tweeter, MLS, 0.33 oct smoothing. Construction of notch filter for the 2 KHz bump: A LCR notch filter was designed to smooth the frequency response between 1500 and 3000 Hz consisting of 1.5mH(0R35)+3.3 uF+10 ohm resistor. Fig. 9 displays the impact on 8535 response, MLS with no smoothing. TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 06-10-02 18.24.29 100.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 90.0 108.0 80.0 36.0 70.0 -36.0 60.0 -108.0 50.0 300 -180.0 1k CH A dBSPL Unsmoothed 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.54ms 10k Stop 5.61ms Hz 20k FreqLO 326.11Hz Fig.9. LP section +/- LCR and full range response with LCR. Notice that crossover target is only slightly affected and can easily be adjusted with C1. Fig.5. 6 LCR impact on full range response TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 06-10-02 17.59.22 100.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 90.0 108.0 80.0 36.0 70.0 -36.0 60.0 -108.0 50.0 400 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.46ms Stop 5.12ms Hz 20k FreqLO 376.47Hz Fig.10. Full range response +/- LCR, 0.33 oct. smoothing. TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 06-10-02 17.56.08 90.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 80.0 108.0 70.0 36.0 60.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 40.0 200 -180.0 1k CH A dBSPL Unsmoothed 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.46ms 10k Stop 5.12ms Hz 20k FreqLO 376.47Hz Fig. 11. Full range response + LCR, same and reverse polarity (no smoothing). 1 meter distance, tweeter height. 7 Significance of LCR on cumulative spectral decay. TGAudio Waterfall 06-10-02 17.59.41 0 dB 0.0 -5 ms 0.9 -10 1.8 -15 -20 2.7 400 1k Hz 10k 20k CLIO Cumulative Spectral Decay Fig.12. 20 dB range CSD, without notch filter. TGAudio Waterfall 06-10-02 17.58.05 0 dB 0.0 -5 ms 0.9 -10 1.8 -15 -20 2.7 400 1k Hz 10k 20k CLIO Cumulative Spectral Decay Fig.13. 20 dB range CSD, with notch filter. The impact of the notch filter speaks for itself. With the LCR circuit in place an impressive + 1 dB frequency response is achieved between 300 and 4000 Hz, and the lack of the 2 kHz bump is clearly audible, where especially female voices gets a natural balance and acoustic guitars which may sound almost too good with the bump, now are presented with a much more realistic timbre. Listening to pink noise on the 8535 +/- LCR filter strongly suggests we get rid of the bump. Read Lynn Olson (Ariel) on the use of pink noise! And best of all, the 8535 does not loose its fresh and crisp presentation. The sound of the 8535 is hard to describe (isn’t sound always?), but certainly this is a very lucky/clever combination of the right matrix of paper pulp and carbon fiber, the right cone size and weight (the cone is more flexible that the 8545), voice coil dimensions, magnet size, all giving a smooth roll off characteristic and simplifying crossover design. 8 Modified crossover, basic design + notch filter (version 2): Fig 14. Version 2 crossover. Fine tuning of crossover, version 3: In order to improve frequency and phase response I have modified the crossover and it looks like this. Red indicates changes. Fig 15. Version 3 crossover. Some people have made complaints on the crossover presentation and here is a more graphic presentation for biwiring. The components in the LCR circuit can be put together in any order, it does not matter! And be sure to have a decent distance between inductors - like 5 cm, in order to reduce interaction. 9 Fig.16. System response with Fig. 14 (version 3) crossover: TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 23-10-02 23.04.34 90.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 80.0 108.0 70.0 36.0 60.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 40.0 300 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.75ms red=sensitivity, 2.83 V AC, 1 meter Fig.17. System response, version 3. Red/blue=left and right speaker. Stop 5.29ms blue=min fase FreqLO 393.85Hz Hz 20k 10 System impedance TGAudio Sinusoidal 29-09-02 14.45.18 50.0 CLIO 180.0 Ohm Deg 40.0 108.0 30.0 36.0 20.0 -36.0 10.0 -108.0 0.0 10 -180.0 100 1k CH A Ohm Unsmoothed Stepped Delay [ms] 0.000 10k Hz 20k Dist Rise [dB] 30.00 File: imp full range.sini Fig. 18. Impedance of full range (without notch filter) system. Not that much different from the Stereophile measurement, although it’s difficult to read the scale on the Stereophile scanning. The high damping of the lower impedance peak in the bass is caused by the stuffing of the transmission line and should be disregarded in this context. ScanSpeak 18W/8535-00 Finally, here are the TS parameters of my 8535s: The data for the two units are remarkably alike, but the Qt is significantly higher that the promised 0.4! ScanSpeak data: Vas=69 litres, Qt= 0.38 and Fs= 26 Hz. My measurements: Vas = 44 litres, Qts= 0.52 and Fs= 34 Hz. ScanSpeak is using constant current method at high level, 36 mA, which may account for lack of correlation. My speaker calculation software says ~ 42 liters from the SS-data, my measurements suggests ~ 67 liters. Another software tells me this unit is best suited for a closed box! MANUFACTURER MODEL DATE Fs Qms Qes Qts VAS Mms BL dBSPL SD Re Fig.19. TS data. ScanSpeak 18W8535-I 20-09-2002 33.9 2.92 0.63 0.52 43.9 14.4 5.34 86.3 0.0143 5.88 ScanSpeak 18W8535-II 20-09-2002 34.8 2.93 0.63 0.52 43.1 13.9 5.36 86.6 0.0143 5.94 These data were generated with my CLIO measurement system set at 0dB level. Adding another 0.4 ohm resistance (from inductors) in series with the woofer makes things even worse. The magnet on the 8535 seems to be too small for a 33-liter cabinet. Object for some tweaking! 11 TS parameters at different measuring level: measuring level +10dB 0dB MANUFACTURER scanspeak scanspeak MODEL 18W8535 18W8535 DATE 30-01-2003 30-01-2003 Fs 32.37 35.16 Re 5.86 5.86 Rms 1.15 1.00 Qms 2.64 2.96 Qes 0.54 0.60 Qts 0.45 0.50 Cms 1.62 1.53 Mms 14.96 13.41 BL 5.74 5.36 VAS 46.25 43.71 Fig.21 -10dB scanspeak 18W8535 30-01-2003 36.65 5.86 1.01 3.47 0.66 0.55 1.24 15.24 5.60 35.40 -20dB scanspeak 18W8535 30-01-2003 37.35 5.86 0.92 3.72 0.68 0.58 1.24 14.68 5.44 35.40 Series filters At two series filters have been proposed and I have tried to wire up the circuits, and here are my measurements: Version 1: Fig. 22. Series filter #1. First of all a RC circuit has been placed at the crossover terminals which is a strange feature as it generally lowers the sensitivity of the whole system. I’ll show later the impact of this on frequency response. 12 Frequency response, series filter #1, no RC circuit: TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 07-12-02 23.44.15 100.0 CLIO 108.0 dBSPL Deg 90.0 36.0 80.0 -36.0 70.0 -108.0 60.0 -180.0 50.0 200 -252.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.68ms File: 95 cm red=95 cm hight Stop 5.57ms Hz 20k FreqLO 345.95Hz blue=min phase Fig.23. Series filter #1, 1 meter distance, tweeter height. Red=freq.resp. blue=min.phase. When I first looked at this I thought I’d done a serious mistake and checked the setup several times. Couldn’t fine anything wrong. Minimum phase indicates serious problems and I tried same polarity of woofer and tweeter: Frequency response, series filter #1, no RC circuit, same polarity: TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 08-12-02 00.02.17 100.0 CLIO 108.0 dBSPL Deg 90.0 36.0 80.0 -36.0 70.0 -108.0 60.0 -180.0 50.0 200 -252.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.71ms File: 95 cm MLS-same red=95 cm hight blue=min phase Stop 5.57ms Hz 20k FreqLO 350.68Hz same polarity Fig.24. Series filter #1, same pol. Red = freq.resp., blue=min.phase Well, at least the major dip in frequency response at 2 kHz was gone, but the 2 kHz bump came to life again and min. phase still isn’t to pretty. I suppose the series filter was constructed with the intention of keeping inverted polarity of the drivers, so I went back to this and tried different measuring heights. Next is the response measured at 1 meter distance, microphone between tweeter and woofer: 13 TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 07-12-02 23.45.47 100.0 CLIO 108.0 dBSPL Deg 90.0 36.0 80.0 -36.0 70.0 -108.0 60.0 -180.0 50.0 200 -252.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.68ms File: 91 cm red=91 cm hight Stop 5.57ms Hz 20k FreqLO 345.95Hz blue=min phase Fig.25, series filter #1, 1 meter distance, mic. between tweeter and woofer. Red=freq.resp., blue=min.phase. This turned out even worse, almost an 180o phase shift at 2.5 kHz. I went back to measuring at tweeter height! Series filter #2, no RC circuit In this setup a 1 mH coil is introduced across the tweeter and there are minor modifications to the other components. Fig. 26. Series filter #2. 14 Frequency response of series filter #2, no RC circuit: TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 08-12-02 00.12.29 100.0 CLIO 108.0 dBSPL Deg 90.0 36.0 80.0 -36.0 70.0 -108.0 60.0 -180.0 50.0 200 -252.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.71ms File: series red= v2 Stop 5.57ms Hz 20k FreqLO 350.68Hz blue=min phase Fig.27. Series filter #2, no RC. Red= freq.resp., blue=min.phase. The serious dip in response at 2.3 kHz has been reduced slightly, but this is far from being an acceptable frequency response. And still there are serious phase problems. Impact of RC circuit on system response, series filter v.2: TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 07-12-02 23.54.16 100.0 CLIO 108.0 dBSPL Deg 90.0 36.0 80.0 -36.0 70.0 -108.0 60.0 -180.0 50.0 200 -252.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.68ms File: inverted polarity red=tweeter hight, no RC Stop 5.57ms Hz 20k FreqLO 345.95Hz blue=tweeter hight, +RC Fig 28, System response, series filter #2, with/without RC circuit. Blue = with RC. The system response is generally lowered by 2 dB. The system response of the 2.5 clone is around 83 dB/2.83 V/1meter, which is pretty low. No reason to burn more energy in the RC circuit. 15 Impedance of system with series filter #2, +/- RC circuit: TGAudio Sinusoidal 08-12-02 00.24.24 50.0 CLIO 180.0 Ohm Deg 40.0 108.0 30.0 36.0 20.0 -36.0 10.0 -108.0 0.0 10 -180.0 100 1k CH A Ohm Unsmoothed Stepped File: imp v2+RC.sini red:v2 no RC 10k Hz Delay [ms] 0.000 20k Dist Rise [dB] 30.00 blue:v2 +RC Fig. 29. Series filter, impedance, +/- RC circuit. Indeed the impedance is flattened to around 4 ohm above 100 Hz. My only comment to the RC circuit is that this must be a mistake. Well, those who might have been annoyed with the 2 kHz bump in the original design certainly eliminate this problem with the series filter, but this seems to introduce new and more serious problems. Frequency and phase responses are unacceptable and serious tweaking is necessary to get it right. The problem with series filters is that it’s difficult to measure the response of the individual drivers. John Kreskovskij has a method, but I haven’t tried it yet. I have only briefly done listening tests with the series filter but I find the dip at 2 kHz clearly audible and the tweeter far to loud for my taste. Replacing the drivers with 8 ohm resistors is not strictly correct but can give us an idea of what is going on. TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 08-12-02 13.13.29 90.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 80.0 108.0 70.0 36.0 60.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 40.0 200 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.75ms Stop 5.55ms Hz 20k FreqLO 358.04Hz drivers replaced by 8R2 resistors Fig. 30. Red= frequency response of system with series filter. Blue= 8535 woofer with series filter. Green= 8513 tweeter with series filter. Purple= with resistor and capacitor for tweeter inverted, which gives a better response because now the capacitor ‘sees’ a much more reasonable impedance. Yellow = system response with this modification. 16 Fig 31. Part of series filter with inverted C and R for tweeter. With the suggested design the tweeter reaches down to 1500 Hz giving serious phase problems in the crossover region. Inverting the resistor and capacitor helps a lot, but there are months of work to get it right! Conclusion on series filters: The series filter has a less than acceptable frequency response, serious phase problems and cannot be recommended. And don’t place a RC circuit on top of the whole crossover, this way you will just burn energy and reduce system efficiency, which is so much needed. 17 Construction of bass reflex cabinets: A lot of cabinet construction papers have been published and I won’t go into much detail about this. I have maintained the internal volume but outer dimensions have been changed to 20 x 26.5 x 100 cm and the bottom plate have been lifted to give room for the crossover to be placed externally. This way it’s easy to make changes, and the components are not affected by vibration from the driver. The tweeter has it’s own sealed back chamber in order to reduce vibrations from the woofer. Cross bracing has been added to reduce cabinet resonance. Cabinets are constructed from 20 mm pre-veneered MDF and front panels are 25 mm (15 mm solid mahogany + 10 mm MDF). Internal bracing is 10 mm MDF. Fig 32. Cabinets partly assembled. All walls are damped with 10 mm heavy polyester foam (glued to the panels) and a mixture of polyester and lambs wool available from Monacor is used for further damping. Right behind the 8535 several layers of the lambs wool is placed in order to reduce standing waves hitting back on the membrane. Deflex damping material is to my knowledge not available in Denmark (?). Some more pictures: Fig.33, 2.5-crossover. Cored 1.8 mH coil and air-cored 0.47 mH, both <0R2. Polypropylene capacitors and film resistors. (Still waiting for the 47 ohm film resistors). I don’t think this construction justifies the ultimate crossover components unless you think this is THE speaker of your life. There are a lot of other variables that have greater influence on the sound. 18 Fig. 34, front plate. Fig.35, back side of front plate. Fig.36, damping material. Fig.37, CO at base plate. 19 At last, the final cabinets with drivers, first play in my workshop; why is it that I after just a couple of months forget how many hours it takes to build a pair of cabinets!? Fig 38. First time setup in my workshop. Crossovers, the never ending story… - and short presentation of features: 1. The ‘original’ design, version 1 (fig.1) You are likely to have a major bump at 2 kHz, which sounds very well on certain recordings but makes voices and violins intolerable. Darryl from Australia calls this the ‘technicolor sound’ and that is just what it is. 2. Original design + LCR, version 2 (fig 14) You get rid of the 2 kHz bump and can enjoy a wider spectrum of recordings. Enhanced three-dimensionality and lots of space. 3. Modified crossover + modified LCR, version 3 (fig15) An even flatter frequency and improved phase response in the critical upper midrange. The choice is yours. Having finished my bass reflex enclosures I have wired up the three crossover (CO) versions again and was excited to see whether I could reproduce my measuring results 2-3 months ago! And it didn’t turn out too bad. All measurements performed at 1 meter distance, tweeter height. The Stereophile review suggests we have a crossover point of 3200-3300 Hz, where the version 1 gives 3000-3100 Hz, slightly below the original. The version 3 displays a crossover point of 3350 Hz. However, no need to be exited about +/- 100 Hz. The aim of the v3 crossover was to create a less steep roll-off as seen on the Stereophile measurements. The 8535 driver is down 40-45dB at 8.5 kHz where we - with the v1 crossover - reach this level already at 7 kHz. It has been suggested that the OEM-8535 has less carbon fiber and a more flexible membrane than the ‘DIY’ units. This could mean enhanced high frequency response and a smoother roll-of performance. The problem with having a notch filter at 2 kHz is that it is so close to the crossover point, that it’s impact is stretched over the crossover region. I have tried a notch-filter acting exactly in the 1500-2500 Hz region, but this didn’t perform well. Fig. 39 and fig. 40 displays the 8535 performance with the v2 and v3 filter +/- notch filter. Fig. 41 and fig. 42 displays the overall performance of drivers with same and inverted polarity and tells us that we have a very good phase correlation between drivers in both cases. The v3 has a more symmetrical >20 dB null at crossover point with same polarity. The 8535 with the v2 CO has a very abrupt, linear and steep roll-off behavior. 20 MLS - Frequency Response 14-02-03 18.35.47 90.0 CLIO dBSPL MLS - Frequency Response 180.0 Deg 14-02-03 18.06.30 90.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 80.0 108.0 80.0 108.0 70.0 36.0 70.0 36.0 60.0 -36.0 60.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 50.0 -108.0 -180.0 40.0 200 40.0 300 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.56ms 2.5 crossover v2 1.8mH/7.4uF/0.83mH Stop 5.53ms Hz 20k FreqLO 336.84Hz -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL Unsmoothed 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.75ms 3.3uF/10R/1.5mH 2.5 crossover v3 Fig. 39. 2.5 crossover, v2, red: + LCR, blue: no LCR MLS - Frequency Response CLIO dBSPL Deg 20k 2.2uF/10R/1.5mH MLS - Frequency Response 180.0 Hz FreqLO 360.56Hz Fig. 40. 2.5 crossover, v3, red: + LCR, blue: no LCR 14-02-03 20.06.26 90.0 1.8mH/6.8uF/0.47mH Stop 5.53ms 14-02-03 20.11.58 90.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 80.0 108.0 80.0 108.0 70.0 36.0 70.0 36.0 60.0 -36.0 60.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 50.0 -108.0 -180.0 40.0 300 40.0 300 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.56ms crossover v2 LP:1.8mH/6.8uF/0.83mH LCR:3.3uF/10R/1.5mH Stop 5.53ms Hz 20k FreqLO 336.84Hz HP:5R6-3.3uF/0.25mH/4.7uF-47R CO-point=3100Hz -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL Unsmoothed 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.56ms reverse/same pola crossover v2 LP:1.8mH/6.8uF/0.47mH LCR:2.2uF/10R/1.5mH Stop 5.53ms HP:5R6-3.9uF/0.22mH/4.7uF-47R Hz 20k FreqLO 336.84Hz CO-point=3400Hz reverse/same pola Fig. 41. 2.5 crossover, v2, all drivers, polarity Crossover point = 3100 Hz 0.33 oct. Smoothing. Same polarity, no smoothing Fig.42. 2.5 crossover, v3, all drivers, polarity Crossover point = 3350 Hz 0.33 oct. Smoothing. Same polarity, no smoothing Frequency response of 2.5 with CO v2 and v3 Frequency response of CO v3 at 1 and 2 meters MLS - Frequency Response 14-02-03 20.32.42 90.0 CLIO dBSPL MLS - Frequency Response 180.0 Deg 14-02-03 23.31.35 100.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 80.0 108.0 90.0 108.0 70.0 36.0 80.0 36.0 60.0 -36.0 70.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 60.0 -108.0 -180.0 50.0 300 40.0 300 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.56ms 2.5 crossover v2 and v3 full range response and min. phase Stop 5.53ms Hz 20k FreqLO 336.84Hz green/purple=v2 red/blue=v3 Fig. 43.Green/purple( = v2, Red/blue( = v3 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL Unsmoothed 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 5.74ms 2.5 response tweeter height red=1 meter blue=2 meter Stop 6.91ms Hz FreqLO 853.33Hz purple=same pol. 2 m, 2.5 cm above tweeter height Fig. 44. Red=1m, blue=2m, purple=same pol. 20k 21 MLS - Frequency Response 15-02-03 21.44.47 100.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 90.0 108.0 80.0 36.0 70.0 -36.0 60.0 -108.0 50.0 300 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.81ms blue=left speaker red=right speaker Stop 5.45ms Hz 20k FreqLO 379.26Hz For comparison here are fresh Rogers LS3/5a (11 ohm version) frequency response curves, with and without front grille. A legendary loudspeaker with phase problems in the crossover region that today would make any home constructor ashamed of himself. I keep these shoeboxes to remind myself of not overemphasizing any single parameter in loudspeaker construction because they sound so good. MLS - Frequency Response CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 90.0 108.0 80.0 36.0 70.0 -36.0 60.0 -108.0 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.87ms red:+front Stop 5.53ms Hz 20k FreqLO 376.47Hz blue:-front Fig.46. Rogers LS3/5a, 11 ohm version, 1989. MLS - Frequency Response 15-02-03 21.51.31 100.0 CLIO dBSPL 1.400 Increasing the resistor to 12 ohms does do this to some small extent I guess, but any greater value begins to re-introduce the upper midrange glare quite audibly (to my ears, anyway). All things considered, I still prefer the sound with the 10 ohm value, i.e. an optimally flat response in the 2 KHz area. I did find that reducing the resistor on the tweeter from 5.6 ohms back down to 5 ohms produced quite an improvement - I should have tried this before and restored much of that distinctive Proac sound, more so than I would have expected. (With the standard (Jacq) crossover + notch filter, I preferred the 5.6 ohms you recommend.) Increasing the tweeter output in your latest crossover makes it a lot harder to choose between the two versions. Even with increased tweeter level, sibilance is still better controlled and the midrange sounds more realistic than it does with the Jacq version + notch filter. I think I'll stay with your latest version for the time being, albeit with slightly increased treble. That change has swung things the other way for me. It seems a good compromise in my system, and 90 per cent of the time it sounds wonderful. ms 90.0 1.000 80.0 0.600 70.0 0.200 60.0 -0.200 50.0 300 I finally got around to experimenting with resistor value increases in the notch filter, which you suggested might restore some of the "life" or "technicolour" sound to your latest (final?) crossover version. 15-02-03 21.31.53 100.0 LS35A I am very happy for the evaluation given by Darryl in Australia and with his permission, here are his comments: sensitivity 2.83Vrms Fig.45. Freq. Response left and right speaker. Sensitivity at 1 meter, 2.83 Vrms, ~ 83 dB. 50.0 300 Well, whether you choose v2 or v3 crossover you will get a great speaker in any case. Be sure to use the right component values in either case. The most important components are the capacitor in the LP section, 7.4 uF for v2 and 6.8 uF for V3, the coil in the HP section, 0.25 mH for v2 and 0.22 mH for v3 and finally the capacitor in the LCR circuit, 3.3 uF for v2 and 2.2 uF for v3. -0.600 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.81ms red=0 blue=10 green=20 Stop 5.66ms Hz 20k FreqLO 350.68Hz purple=30 Fig. 47. CO v3 horizontal 0(red),10(blue),20(green)30o(purple) response, Incidentally, the listening tests I've been carrying out have been with a Dynaco PAS3X/Stereo 70 valve preamp and amp. I also have a Sugden C51/P51 solid state combo, but it's off for repair at the moment. 22 I was curious to see what would happen with a mid-fi solid state amp, so borrowed a friend's NAD 1155 preamp and Rotel RB-981 power amp. There is no doubt in my mind that the Proac is best suited to valve amplification. With this solid state set-up, there was a definite "hardness" in the midrange which was easily provoked by the wrong recording. Sibilance also became more of a problem. The sound was also quite "dry" and occasionally harsh, though bass depth and definition was astoundingly good. (A Superphon Revelation Basic Preamp did improve things at the top end.) Nevertheless, the speaker seemed a lot more tolerant of this set-up with your latest crossover than with the Jacq + notch filter. My own Sugden (although no longer young) works far better, having more valve-like warmth and a much superior presentation all round, though not as good as the Dynaco. To my mind, the Proac Response 2.5 is a seriously good but extremely fussy speaker, easily provoked into sounding less than wonderful. The bass-mid is very transparent to the source, and can easily stray into hardness with inadequate SS amplification, discreproduction equipment or poor recordings. (I do wonder whether that hardness is in part due to cone break-up, albeit at a low level thanks to your notch filter.) Another problem is the tweeter, which can easily stray into excessive sibilance with the wrong recording, though your latest crossover mods go a long way towards eliminating this. Yet another problem is a lack of energy in the lower midrange/upper bass, which seems to be roomboundary related. Careful positioning and a warmsounding amp can minimise this, but it seems impossible to cure completely. I guess I'm being over-critical, given the Proac's price-point. – and all "high-end" equipment is fussy. Nevertheless, this is the best speaker I have ever owned and pretty easy to live with - and it now works very well in my system. I just wonder how many people out there are disappointed due to matching problems in their systems! Final evaluation This is probably the most tough part of it all having to express sonic qualities in a foreign language. But I’ll give it a shot…. This is probably my 5th floorstander of this design being bass reflex or transmissionline constructions, all two-way designs of approx. 20x25x100 cm in size with SS8545+9500, Vifa PL18+XT25, Vifa M18WO+D27, etc. My setup consists of a ROTEL CD modified with goodies from LCAudio, a CT101 audio buffer from DanishAudioConnecT ( and a LCAudio, non-feedback 120 W power amplifier, Millenium edition ( Listening sessions, version 3 crossover. First disc was Charlie Haden & Pat Metheny: Missiouri Sky. It's been a couple of months since I had my initial transmission lines running and the final setup with the reflex boxes by far exceeded my expectations. The bass is significantly better in the reflex boxes and I had to remove things from my living room that do not use to rattle with my ‘reference’ system! I can't believe they go this deep! A tiny 6½" woofer! The midrange is clear, crisp and transparent and listening to acoustic music it's very, very good. On track two the guitar is very closely miked with a lot of low-end information and the bass attack is most impressive. The tonal balance seems to favor the highs and listening to female jazz-singers, strings and big-band music was not so impressive! ‘S’-sounds and ‘T’sounds are much to pronounced and the tonal balance of violins are simply not correct compared to my ‘reference’ where voices can be played at loud volume without distress. The phenomenon is called sibilance! Tried to unplug the tweeter and played the 8535 at loud levels and everything sounds fine except that you miss the tweeter. The problem doesn’t seem to come from here. Another comment from Darryl: Do you also find a lack of energy in the lower midrange/upper bass? My own clones sound beautifully warm provided there are deep lows in the recording, but if not, they can sound quite "dry". Yes and no. I can’t say that I have experienced any lack of energy or level in upper bass register and I believe actual room acoustics plays an important role here. On the other hand I like a speaker that has a very dry sound. I’ve done a lot to reduce vibrations in my cabinets and this probably helps a lot in providing a dry sound. I don’t feel any vibrations on sides, front and back of the cabinet, but strangely enough on the top plate and I’ll have to ad additional material to eliminate this. 23 Let’s take another look at the frequency response: MLS - Frequency Response 16-02-03 18.50.08 90.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 80.0 108.0 70.0 36.0 60.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 40.0 200 It’s a gut feeling, that the 8513 may not be the one to pick if you want a more true presentation of the upper register of most instruments and voices. It has some intrinsic values in terms of speed and ‘sparkling’ sound, and possibly we can turn this speaker into something that will split constructors into two groups. One group that wants to stay true to the original design with its limitations in terms of not being able to obtain the ‘real’ OEM-drivers and another group that will take the best of the 8535’s deep bass capabilities and midrange clarity and combine it with a tweeter that supplements these virtues with more fidelity. -180.0 1k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.70ms 10k Stop 5.55ms Hz 20k FreqLO 350.68Hz Fig.48. Value of tweeter series resistor Green=5R6 Yellow=8R2 (sorry for the yellow, hope it’s visible) Purple=10R Usually I try to target the BBC-dip curve, giving a ~2 dB dip in the upper midrange/lower highs usually giving a slightly more distant perspective, but an overall more balanced sound. The response of the clones do not exactly meet this criteria. We have a rather flat midrange response and it better be good with this level. Fig. 48 graphs are showing the response at 2.83Vrms (measured at speaker terminals) and from 0.3-3.5 kHz we have a very flat response of +/- 1 dB. Quite impressive. But from 4-17 kHz we are least 2 dB higher and from another construction I learned that this could make a world of difference. I have worked a lot with the 8512 tweeter supplementing an ETON 4-300 midrange and this – when properly balanced – works very well. The 4-300 is a very revealing midrange driver and matching this driver with a slightly too highly pitched tweeter makes it intolerable to listen to. Maybe the 8512 and –13 isn’t that well suited to work with the much larger 8535 woofer/midrange cone. I would like to try the HIQUPHON OW1tweeter without magnetic oil (and probably more heavily coated) and produced to very close tolerances with reported low distortion and coloration and an impressive CSD. Changing the tweeter series resistor to 8R2 or 10R seems to correct things and I stayed with 8R2 because with 10R I would have to go through another fine-tuning of the HP section because it changes the crossover point to 3.7 kHz and creates a 1.5 dB dip at ~3.5 kHz. It helped a great deal on the above mentioned problems although there are still recordings were they fall short compared to my ‘reference’. Best regards Troels Gravesen PS, 30.03.2003 Have tried the OWI tweeters and except for size and sensitivity they can immediately replace the 8513, but the response turns out even flatter than with the 8513s and the sound wasn’t so good. After some tweaking, I decided this would require a new crossover and tempting as it was, this is not the time. The OWIs measures the best I have ever experienced. Ruler flat from 1 kHz to 20 kHz! Can’t wait to incorporate these in some future design. 24 The 2.5 clone without notch filter Sometimes it takes a journey to get back to your starting point and see what is the real problem in front of you. This being the case with the 2.5 clone and the 2 kHz bump created by the 8535 driver itself and the crossover topology. One person at working with active crossovers for the clone even predicted that there should be a bump at 2 kHz derived from the crossover. In my latest paper at (New 2.5 clone tweeter, crossover and speaker setup) I have constructed a new crossover for implementing the ScanSpeak D2905-9500 tweeter. By starting all over again with the crossover it was obvious to experiment with the Q of the parallel capacitor in the LP-section. In order to get the target point of crossover and the target roll-off characteristic a RC circuit was added. It appeared that no notch filter was needed. When this was done it was obvious to try to apply this approach to the 8535+8513 drivers for those who want to maintain the 8513 tweeter. Initial measurements of 8535 driver: TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 07-04-03 19.54.51 90.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 modification refers to the ‘version 3’ crossover found in ‘2.5 clone measurements and construction, v5’ at And it implies the use of DAMAR coating as described in 8535+9500 paper. However, I’m confident that this modification will also work fine without the DAMAR coating. TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 07-04-03 20.27.34 90.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 80.0 108.0 70.0 36.0 60.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 40.0 200 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 3.24ms red= +1.8 mH blue= +(1.8mH-47R)/(7.4uF)/(0.83mH) Stop 6.04ms Hz 20k FreqLO 358.04Hz green=+(1.8mH-47R)/(6.8uF+3R3)/(0.47 mH) Fig.2. Driver response, 0.33 oct. smoothing. As seen from the graphs the result is a smooth midrange response, and the level can be adjusted to personal taste by changing the value of the resistor in the in LP section, fig. 3. Deg TGAudio 80.0 108.0 MLS - Frequency Response 07-04-03 20.43.17 90.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 70.0 36.0 80.0 108.0 60.0 -36.0 70.0 36.0 50.0 -108.0 60.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 40.0 200 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.75ms red= +1.8 mH Fig.1. 8535 smoothing. blue= +1.8mH/7.4uF/0.83mH driver SPL Stop 5.74ms Hz 20k FreqLO 334.64Hz green=+1.8mH/6.8uF+3R3/0.47 mH response, 0.33 oct. 40.0 200 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 3.38ms green=2R2 red=3R3 Stop 6.04ms Hz 20k FreqLO 376.47Hz blue=4R7 Blue = 8535 driver with v1 crossover: 1.8 mH//47R + 7.4 uF + 0.83 mH Red = 8535 driver + 1.8 mH Green = 8535 driver with new crossover: 1.8mH + (6.8uF+3R3) + 0.47 mH Fig.3. Value of R in LP section. Green = 3R3, red = 4R7, blue = 5R6. I recommend 3R3. As seen from the graphs it is possible to eliminate the notch filter by adding a resistor to the capacitor. That simple! And the point of crossover can still be adjusted by the capacitor value (data not shown). Crossover changes: I have tried to maintain all component values in the new design to minimise the cost of the change. This • • • • The 47R resistor parallel to the 1.8 mH inductor removed. The 6.8 uF capacitor is added a 3.3 ohm resistor. LCR notch filter is removed. No changes to the HP-section. 25 2.5 clone crossover, version 6. Tweeter level TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 07-04-03 20.48.50 90.0 CLIO dBSPL Deg 80.0 108.0 70.0 36.0 60.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 40.0 200 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 3.38ms red=4R7 Fig. 4. crossover, v6. (I’m sorry for having to call this version #6, but there have been a number of designs in between, and I have to keep track of all changes). Here’s a graphic presentation for bi-wiring: Fig.5, crossover, v6 180.0 blue=5R6 Stop 6.04ms Hz 20k FreqLO 376.47Hz green=8R2 Fig.6. Tweeter series resistor, red = 5R6, blue = 6R8, green = 8R2. I use 8R2. The choice is yours. 26 New tweeter for the 2.5 clone After introducing the 2 kHz notch filter to the original crossover (v2) design and also introducing a slightly modified filter (v3) in order to smooth frequency and phase response in the upper midrange, still people have been complaining about the sibilant nature of the upper registers. I have defended the 8513 tweeter, being such a proven design, and have hesitated to make any changes to the tweeter as this would most certainly for good take us away from the ProAc Response 2.5 sound with its strengths and weaknesses. However, I cannot ignore the fact that a number of my recordings linger on my CD-shelf as long as the clones are in place in my living room, this mostly being records of vocal music. But first a short story on the tweaks that have been conducted in order to get to the decision of introducing a new tweeter. DAMAR coating A series of near field measurements of the 8535 were done in order to localize cone break-up and not surprisingly the dust cap is responsible for some serious cone break-ups that create a significant bump at 2 kHz (fig. 1) (same place as the bump created by the crossover). Two layers of DAMAR coating were applied to the center dome and this to some extent smoothed the frequency response in the upper midrange (fig. 2) and also above 10 kHz. Subjectively this had a positive effect on the overall perceived sound. Damping the 8535 Dust Cap (, Darryl Nixon and Troels Gravesen. Recent experiments by Troels Gravesen have demonstrated that there are advantages in applying damping to the dust cap of the clone's 8535 mid-bass driver. Troels has been working on the resonance problems of the 8535 which he found has "a major intrinsic bump at 3 KHz". In Troels' words, “. . . the coating seems to remove some edginess in the midrange with a more smooth performance and tolerance towards difficult recordings". The substance used is Damar varnish, which can be obtained from artists' supply shops. The picture attached is from Troels and is of Damar as sold in Denmark. The following is reported with Troels' permission, together with quotes from his e-mails to me. "As a start you may apply a coating until the dust cap is soaked and leave it there as long as it is not applied outside the dust cap. The effect should be there in a couple of hours . . . "At the beginning of applying the DAMAR the somewhat porous dust cap readily absorbs the varnish and I continued to apply DAMAR until the surface appeared shining. This doesn't mean 'flooded' with liquid, so 'soaked' may be a little overstated. Actually the amount of DAMAR applied is moderate. I should have applied it in mikrolitre quantities to give recommendations. However, after drying the application is hardly visible. After 1 hour I repeated the application with a final coat of 'less than first time'. After 1 week I don't measure altered performance, so I guess the treatment is stable over time. If the coating is to be removed the dust cap is soaked with turpentine and absorbed with Kleenex tissue." The varnish sold under the "Damar" brand name in my own country is produced by the company Art Spectrum, and the 100mL bottle I obtained looks physically different. Also, the consistency of the substance is obviously thicker than that sold in Denmark. Applying it as Troels recommended did not produce the same visual results he described. The varnish did not really soak into the dust cap as I applied it, but produced a shiny appearance from the outset. Nevertheless, I went ahead and applied a moderate amount. It took several hours to dry, though it remained slightly sticky in places even 18 hours later. (Mind you, it had been raining here for several days, so that may explain the drying time.) It eventually soaked in to a large extent, though there were still some shiny patches. I reported this to Troels and he recommended the following: "If your Damar batch seems to be rather thick I'd hesitate to apply a second layer of coating. Maybe one additional layer at the 'center of the centerdome', like 2 cm diameter. Uneven distribution of coating is usually a good thing in disturbing resonances." My listening tests produced similar results to Troels'. There is a small but definite reduction in midrange edginess, giving a slightly cleaner sound in what I consider to be the clone's main problem area. This benefits "difficult" recordings in particular, so if you are troubled by the clones' midrange this is a highly recommended mod. Just don't expect miracles! The effect is subtle. The important thing is that you don't apply too much (though the coating is reasonably easy to remove with turpentine if you do) – and that you DON'T get any on the cone itself. (Troels did try damping the cone with Damar, but the results were very negative.) 27 TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response hesitate to use this in some other construction. This did not – much to my surprise – in any way change the sibilant nature of the highs! After this there was only one thing left to do: ‘Thanks to the 8513 tweeter for all the hours we have spent together, but out you go!’ Having a pair of ScanSpeak 9500s, this was an obvious choice for a new pair of tweeters. I have removed the magnetic oil in the voice coil gap of the 9500s. Otherwise no tweaks. 21-02-03 19.36.42 110.0 180.0 CLIO dBSPL Deg 100.0 108.0 90.0 36.0 80.0 -36.0 Construction of a new crossover 70.0 -108.0 60.0 200 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL Unsmoothed 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 1.45ms Stop 5.04ms Hz 20k FreqLO 278.26Hz File: Fig.1, red = 8535 in cabinet, no crossover. Blue = 1.8 mH in series with 8535. No smoothing. TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 30-03-03 17.16.19 90.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 LP-section: You can reuse most of your components from the v3 crossover in this new filter. The 1.8 and 0.47 mH coils are the same. The capacitor has been raised to 8.3 uF (6.8+1.5) and a 2R2 resistor has been added to the capacitor giving a smooth roll-off for the 8535. The point of crossover is intended to be around 3 kHz, as I’m now confident that the 8535 will do well all the way to this point and I want to maintain the 8535 handling as much of the midrange as possible. Deg 80.0 TGAudio 108.0 MLS - Frequency Response 30-03-03 17.42.23 90.0 CLIO dBSPL 70.0 180.0 Deg 36.0 80.0 108.0 70.0 36.0 60.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 60.0 -36.0 -180.0 50.0 -108.0 40.0 200 1k CH A dBSPL Unsmoothed 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.91ms 10k Stop 6.04ms Hz 20k FreqLO 320.00Hz Fig.2. Red = 8535 after DAMAR coating, no filter. Blue = 8535 after DAMAR coating + 1.8 mH. Identifying the source of sibilance First the clones were cut off below 100 Hz by a 6 dB filter and supplemented by a subwoofer in order to significantly reduce cone movement and ease the burden put on the 8535 by having to reproduce everything from 30 Hz to 3 kHz. This did not in any way reduce the sibilant nature of the highs. Excessive cone movement does not seem to be a severe limiting factor for the 8535 in order to truthfully reproduce the sensitive midrange except when played at very high level. Secondly a 3-way construction was tried introducing a Vifa PL11MH coated midrange at 500–3000 Hz. This is indeed a very good midrange and I wouldn’t 40.0 200 -180.0 1k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.95ms 10k Stop 6.23ms Hz 20k FreqLO 304.76Hz Fig. 3. 8535 roll-off with various filters: Red = 1.8 mH + 8.3 uF + 0.83 mH Blue = 1.8 mH + 8.3 uF + 0.47 mH Green = 1.8 mH + (8.3 uF+2R2) + 0.47 mH. All 0.33 oct. smoothing. The basic 3rd order crossover topology is maintained in order to give best possible phase response in the crossover region. As can be seen, the need for the 2 kHz notch filter is eliminated by this approach. 28 HP-section: Not much to say about this part. No problem in making the 9500 roll off at 3 kHz. See schematics, fig. 4 and response curves fig. 5 and 6. TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 30-03-03 17.35.07 90.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 80.0 108.0 70.0 36.0 60.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 40.0 200 -180.0 1k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.95ms 10k Stop 6.23ms Hz 20k FreqLO 304.76Hz Fig. 6. Roll-off of both drivers with new filter. Graphic presentation of new crossover for bi-wiring: Fig. 4. Crossover schematics for 8535+9500. Fig. 5 displays the frequency response from the drivers with the new filter and with same polarity a dip is seen at crossover frequency. TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 30-03-03 17.47.34 90.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 80.0 108.0 70.0 36.0 60.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 40.0 200 -180.0 1k CH A dBSPL 1/3 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.95ms 10k Stop 6.23ms Hz 20k FreqLO 304.76Hz Fig. 5. Red = frequency response with inverted polarity, 0.33 oct. smoothing. Green = same polarity, 0.33 oct. smoothing. Blue = same polarity, no smoothing. All measurements performed at tweeter height, 1 meter distance. I’m quite sure tweeter level will be an issue and the 2R2 can be changed from 1–2.2 ohms resistance without affecting point of crossover. Fig. 7. Crossover schematic, layout for bi-wiring. 29 Sonic evaluation of modified 2.5 clone The 9500s have the ability to bring forward the best qualities in the 8535s and the word that first comes to my mind is coherence. To my ears the 8535 has a kind of old-fashioned full-range sound, yet in a completely other league than the old PHILIPS 9710 ‘full’ranger’ or the like. It has its ‘virtues’ in terms of a rather robust midrange that is quite demanding on your choice of recordings. It is rather merciless on poor recordings and inadequate electronics and will probably always be so. With the new tweeter in place the degree of transparency rises considerably and we know how much the low end adds to the sense of transparency, and the 8535 has that ability, so we are close to getting it all from this modest two-way floorstander. Quite amazing. The new design appears to give a slightly more distant perspective and for sure the sibilant, whizzer sound is gone. I think that the elimination of the notch filter by redesigning the LP section does a great deal to enhance transparency. Notch filters can ‘solve’ acute problems, but I still have the feeling they can add some obscure/subtle phasiness to the region affected. Looking at the CSD data from the region where the notch filter works, it looks like we have to look over a hilltop to spot the start of the transient, meaning that despite having an apparent flat frequency response it seems as if the energy is slightly delayed (page 6, latest v5) in the region affected by the notch filter. Ideally we want only the forefront of the sound wave to hit the ear followed by an immediate decay within the first 0.5 milliseconds. The 9500s seem to have a slightly recessed high end (> 10kHz) compared to the 8513s, despite having a very flat frequency response, and I believe this is a very common observed phenomenon with most 1” soft-domes. 2.5 clone with ScanSpeak D2905-9500 tweeter. 30 The Final 2.5 Clone, the “sibilance” problem 1st WARNING: I have recently (May 2003) acquired my third pair of 18W8535-00 drivers, and much to my surprise these drivers were heavily coated on the rear of the membrane. These drivers were meant for a three-way construction so they perform as expected, but for those who buy this new batch of drivers from ScanSpeak it appears that they will not perform in accordance with all the material that has been published until now regarding the 2.5 clone. Due to the coating they will have an earlier roll-off characteristic and will require modifications to the crossover. 2nd WARNING The tweaks suggested in the following paper deal with the D2010-8513 tweeter. You will have to dismantle the driver and – • remove the ferrofluid • damp the pole piece • coat the membrane with DAMAR resin • if you haven’t coated the dust cap on the 8535 driver you will have to perform this operation also • do minor modification to the V6-crossover If you feel uncomfortable with finer mechanics you may ruin your 8513 tweeters. The tweeter is a delicate construction, but with proper care you can easily dismantle the construction and perform the tweaks. The reason for these tweaks is sibilance: Definition: Sibilance: “Essy”. Exaggerated “s” and “sh” sounds in singing, caused by rise in the response around 6– 10 kHz. See: Before proceeding I have to thank Darryl Nixon, Australia, for an extensive mail exchange on the phenomenon of sibilance and in particular the less than appropriate performance of the 8513 tweeter. The phenomenon characterised by the word “sibilance” has proven more than difficult to deal with in the case of the 8513 tweeter. If we stick to the definition literally, we should be able to solve the problem by adjusting the response in the critical area. Various attempts have been tried in order to alter the frequency response in the 4–10 kHz region by changing the crossover and introduce notch filters, etc. But none of these changes gave results worth pursuing. The sound from the tweeter still sounded awful on a number of especially vocal recordings. If you make a search on the web on the word “sibilance” you get quite a number of hits, mostly aimed at recording engineers on how to avoid excessive sibilance by choice of microphones or electronics. You can even buy a “de-esser” piece of electronics to solve the problem! From the work done on the 8513 tweeter, it becomes apparent that what we perceive as sibilance is not necessarily only derived from excessive response in certain areas but also from some intrinsic qualities of the tweeter. Actually the response is quite flat. I have done numerous comparative tests with the CLIO measuring system on various tweeters and found no apparent poorer performance of the 8513 tweeter, so I will not be able to tell you by measurements why the 8513 tweeter is inferior as is or why the suggested tweaks make it sound so much better. But I’ll stick my neck out and claim a significant improvement in performance for those discerning listeners who like vocals, strings and brass instruments. Most likely the 8513 tweeter holds some obscure IM distortion that on poorer recordings makes you hold your hands to your ears. The tweaks will change the performance to a level not far away from the ribbon tweeters that currently are my reference for best tweeter performance. At the same time you will have to adjust tweeter level to produce a frequency response at +/– 1.5 dB from 400–17,000 Hz. That is with the V6.1 crossover with 8R2 or 9R0 to the tweeter. However, the tweaks will enhance performance from whatever crossover you may hold. I have recently heard the real ProAc Response 2.5 speakers and had the impression that the tweeter was well balanced to the bass driver but the midrange hardness and relatively poor midrange/tweeter resolution was much the same as what characterises the clone. I had a hard time believing that this tweeter would have ~ 5 ohm series resistor to the tweeter. With 5 ohm to the tweeter the clone sounds just awful. I don’t care how many reviewers have praised the successful integration of drivers in the Response 2.5 and apparent midrange smoothness. The speakers had a slightly smeared midrange with less than proper resolution and image focusing compared to other speakers and what can be achieved from the described tweaks. I’m also sure that some will say “goodbye ProAc sound”, and except for the bass, that’s just what it’s all about. 31 Modification of ScanSpeak D2010/8513 tweeter Disassembling the 8513 tweeter Release the magnet/voice coil assembly by a gentle twist of a screwdriver between magnet and housing. Possibly they will just fall apart. Fig.4 All driver parts. Fig.1 With a fine-toothed saw the back plate is released from the driver housing. Saw blade should not cut deeper than 2–3 mm all the way round in order not to damage part of the back plate going into the housing. Cut where the back plate is melted to the housing. Fig.5 Carefully lift off diaphragm/voice coil from magnet gap. Fig.2 Fig.3 Rubber gasket is removed from magnet with a screwdriver. The gasket is not glued and is easily removed. Take care not to damage the wires from the voice coil. Fig.6 Voice coil gap and diaphragm assembly. 32 Removing ferrofluid Fig.7 Remove all ferrofluid with a piece of paper. Carefully wipe off any ferrofluid from the voice coil. Adding damping pad to the magnet pole piece Fig.9 Damped pole piece. Coating of diaphragm One layer of DAMAR coating is applied to the diaphragm. Use a miniature brush and apply DAMAR coating in thin and smooth strokes from edge towards center of the dome. Fig.10 Fig.8 Here in DK you can buy 17 x 3 mm self-adhesive felt pads that fit exactly to the pole piece. Punch or cut an 8 mm hole at the center of the felt pad and press firmly to the pole piece. Do not apply DAMAR coating to the cone suspension! Leave the coated dome for 1 hour at room temperature and assemble driver. Coating will be fully dry after approx. 24 hours. Assemble driver and tighten back plate to housing with silicone glue. Add mild pressure until glue has settled, 6 hours. 33 Listening tests The listening sessions were divided in two parts. First the tweeter with no ferrofluid + damped pole piece was compared to the reference tweeter with no modifications. The V6-HP section was used before drivers and a double switch was attached to the tweeters for quick change between the two. SPL measurements were performed to ensure same listening level. Tweeters were placed aside on a carpet with no front panels and the average frequency response looked like this: TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 21-05-03 21.08.53 100.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 90.0 108.0 80.0 36.0 70.0 -36.0 60.0 -108.0 50.0 20 -180.0 100 1k CH A dBSPL Unsmoothed 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 1.31ms red= no ferro fluid 10k Stop 3.69ms Hz 20k FreqLO 419.67Hz blue= with ferro fluid Fig.11 A number of CDs with particularly troublesome sibilance were used for the test. Listening to a tweeter – solo – above 3.5 kHz at high level is no pleasure for sure. Listening to a brass band crescendo very clearly reveals poor tweeters and improper recordings. For comparison, tweeters like the SS9000, 9500 and HIQUPHON OWI were included, where response levels were corrected via L-pads. The coated 8513 immediately appeared to have a darker sound compared to the uncoated, which was a surprise as frequency response from the two drivers was within 1 dB. Numerous measurements (SPL, FFT, step response, impulse response, cumulative spectral decay, etc. have been performed. Tweeter intermods were measured with a 10 and 11 kHz input, where intermods are at 9, 11, 12 and 19 kHz with all intermods down to < 50dB below 90 dB reference level. Just as good as any other well-designed tweeter. In no case was there any significant difference between the two tweeters. And yet the sound is very different. The nature of this “darker” sound was first fully unfolded after having installed the two drivers in the 2.5 clones with the V6-crossover and 8R2 ohm series resistor to the tweeter giving a smooth response from 300–18000 Hz +/– 1.5 dB and < +/– 0.5 dB between speakers. This “darker” sound now appears in full scale as an improvement in resolving power, transparency and a more “full-bodied” sound whether being vocal, piano, brass, etc. And still in mono-mode the coated dome appeared to reduce the midrange “hardness” usually associated with the 8535 driver. Frequency response of the tested speakers: TGAudio Ferrofluid The removal of the ferrofluid and damping of the pole piece did not reveal any significant changes to the modified tweeter. Same sound from both tweeters with a wide range of musical sources. Coating When you for the first time are comparing coated vs uncoated it is very clear that you now have two quite different tweeters! MLS - Frequency Response CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 90.0 108.0 80.0 36.0 70.0 -36.0 60.0 -108.0 50.0 200 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL Unsmoothed 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.73ms File: The reference un-modified 8513 compared to the modified and other tweeters appears “flat” and with poor resolution and depth. Yes, resolution and depth can be heard in a single speaker/mono setup. 27-05-03 21.00.55 100.0 red="coated" Stop 5.61ms Hz 20k FreqLO 348.30Hz blue="uncoated" Fig.12. Un-smoothed response. Red = 8535 + 8513 coated Blue = 8535 + 8513 reference (not modified) For the sake of good order the bass drivers were swapped and the same tests were repeated with much the same results. 34 Getting two bass/mid drivers to sound exactly the same is not an easy task. You may fine-tune the crossovers to make the drivers perform within 1 dB and yet they may sound slightly different. Thus the need to swap drivers and repeat tests. Going from the “uncoated” to the “coated” removes a curtain, however trivial this expression may be, but it very much describes the transformation that has taken place. Coating of second tweeter Fig.14 After drying for 1 hour the tweeter was assembled and reinstalled in the 2.5 enclosures. Frequency response was measured after 1.5 hours: TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 27-05-03 22.11.28 90.0 CLIO dBSPL Deg 80.0 108.0 70.0 36.0 60.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 40.0 200 -180.0 1k CH A dBSPL Unsmoothed 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.93ms 10k Stop 6.04ms Hz FreqLO 322.01Hz Fig.15. Frequency response, no smoothing. Red = newly coated dome Blue = 72 hour coated dome Very much same performance as seen in Fig.12. (colours reversed) Fig.13. Tweeter test. (Gaffa tape covering 9500 rebate) The intriguing thing about the speaker with the coated dome is that it now sounds slightly darker, yet having more presence, which I interpret as a better midrange-tweeter integration. From the speaker with the uncoated dome, voices sound as coming primarily from the 8535 with some poorly focused highs added from the tweeter, where the speaker with the coated dome seems to “dress” the midrange with the proper overtones and presents a more natural tonal balance. 180.0 20k 35 The 2.5 clone now bear little resemblance to where it all started with the 2 kHz bump, notch filters, etc. To summarise the changes: • Notch filter is omitted by adding a resistor to the LP section capacitor • 47 ohm resistor in parallel with the 1.8 mH coil is removed • 8535 drivers have had dust caps 3x coated with DAMAR resin • Ferrofluid has been removed from tweeter voice coil gap • Damping material has been applied to tweeter pole piece • Tweeter dome has been given 1 layer DAMAR coating Listening tests on the 2.5 clones with both tweeters coated: The speakers fitted with the coated 8513 tweeters now hold some of the same qualities associated with the 8535+9500 setup. And the 8535+8513 holds qualities different from the 8535+9500 combination. The 9500 setup is a very good all-rounder that handles almost any choice of music and only rarely leaves the upper midrange behind in making the “perfect speaker”, that is from a modest two-way floor-stander. The dust-cap coated 8535 + coated 8513 have a slightly more analytical presentation and enhanced depth presentation compared to the 8535+9500 setup. The midrange is improved even compared to the 8535+9500 setup. I cannot account for this improvement, but it’s significant. I can now enjoy almost all my CDs, even the poorer vocal recordings. I’ll reinstall the 8513 tweeters for good and keep these speakers and thank all the cloners who commented on the performance and suggested changes. And thanks to JPO for taking in yet another paper. This is the final. Fig. 16. 2.5 clone crossover, version 6.1. Regards Troels Gravesen PS. DAMAR coating of the 8535 dust cap: Apply 3 layers of DAMAR coating to the dust cap with at least two-hour intervals. And don’t apply coating outside the dust cap as it changes the frequency response around 3–4 kHz. 36 Comments to tweeter modifications 1. First of all your tweeter mod is excellent, the sibilance has really gone and the sound is much smoother than before. Zoltan. 2. This is quite a delicate operation! The only thing I found that was not in your instructions was that after the rubber gasket is removed, it is necessary to tap the plastic casing on the side to allow the driver parts to fall free (at least it was in my case). It confused me for a few minutes until I figured it out. Aside from that, everything went well. I did both drivers at the same time and was keen to hear the result, so I've temporarily attached the back plate to the housing with electrical tape - don't worry, it's airtight and I'll redo it properly with silicone tomorrow. Well, all I can say is that together with the minor crossover mods and extra Damar coating on the 8535, this makes the most significant improvement since your original notch filter. Everything you say in your paper is 100 per cent correct - the tweeter coating really does transform the speaker. The last traces of the original clone's "technicolour" sound are gone, so I guess it's not going to please everybody, but sibilants now sound totally natural, even if they are still a bit more pronounced than in some other designs. The important thing is that they don't "ring" and they don't irritate. I also agree with your description of the treble as "darker", and yet - you're right - at the same time there's more presence to the sound! I think we've been unfair to this tweeter; it had far more potential than we were allowing for. There is now obviously far better integration between the two drivers. It's very strange, but I have to agree with you also that the midrange "hardness" is now much reduced - or at least much less obvious, and it's possible to hear depth layering where it didn't exist before. I have yet to listen to all my "difficult" recordings, but the few I have tried all showed a marked reduction in "listener fatigue". I can enjoy most of them again! I can't say I always find the "carbon-fibre" midrange to my taste, but I can now appreciate it for what it does. The clone truly does now fit the description of a "high-end" speaker. Very impressive. Darryl. 3. I have been briefly comparing Troel's modified 8513 tweeter (ferrofliud removed an applied damar coating to cone) and it is very nice. I must modify the woofer crossover to Troel's suggestions before I make any final conclusions but dropped it into the current crossover and it sounds more neutral, less sibilant when CD tracks have too much energy. The same basic sound character is retained but enough treble zing is shaved off for those who want this, IMO. At this point in time I still prefer the standard unmodified tweeter as there is more of that original Proac lushness, sweetness and detail, but can be sibilant on some tracks, which seems to be the tradeoff. Al.M 4.a - modifiserte 8513 i går, pluss at jeg satte inn en 10ohms motstand i mitt No1. Filter. Har forresten bestilt deler til No6. filteret i dag.(gleder meg) Resultatet av tweakingen er enorm! Må bare takke! b. After many more ours of listening to the clones and the V6 filter, I have come to what will be MY final filter. Sorry, but I was a little to fast to accept the filter for the 8535. The V6 filter sort of shows the true nature of the 8535, a hard sound....... But with the V1 filter too the 8535, and the latest (in the link) to the 8513 + the modifications with the tweeter, the sound is the most acceptable ever. I can still hear the 2000Hz bump but then mostly when I listen to TV. The sound on most recordings now is warmer than with the V6 filter. But now I can for the first time totally relax when listen to my favourites. c. Dear cloners I really recommend this modification of the 8513 tweeter. I can promise a sweeter treble. And the metallic sound is totally gone! In fact the whole speaker can be as fantastic as people said, from bottom too the top. I have had big problems accepting the clone`s sound until now. This tweak together with the v6 filter and I can call this speaker superior! I agree with Troels that this is the final version! d. There is said many strong words about the sound of the clone, but I cant understand how so many people have accepted the sound of the early clones! I can imagine Mr. Steward Tyler having a good laugh more than once! But now He he he......... Regards from Tor Hauge...Norway 37 b. LCR notch filter for the 750 Hz bump = 10 mH (2 x 4.7 mH, 0.65 ohm) + 10R + 6.8uF. The new coated 8535 drivers from ScanSpeak As mentioned in my former file on tweeter coating, the new 8535 drivers have a coating on the rear of the cone. This is a deviation from former 8535 drivers and is easily detected on measuring performance. TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response HP-section : No changes. 26-06-03 22.00.12 90.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 80.0 108.0 70.0 36.0 60.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 40.0 200 -180.0 1k 10k CH A dBSPL 1/12 Octave 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.66ms Stop 5.86ms Hz 20k FreqLO 312.20Hz Fig.3. V6.2 Fig.1. New coated 8535 and V6.1 crossover. What can be seen from this graph is a 3-4 dB bump at 600-900 Hz, and due to an earlier roll-off characteristic, a dip at 3 kHz. Here’s the response from the old drivers with modified tweeter, crossover V6.1: TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response TGAudio MLS - Frequency Response 19-07-03 22.05.18 90.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 80.0 108.0 70.0 36.0 60.0 -36.0 50.0 -108.0 27-05-03 22.09.01 100.0 CLIO dBSPL 180.0 Deg 90.0 108.0 80.0 36.0 40.0 200 -180.0 1k CH A dBSPL Unsmoothed 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.46ms 10k Stop 6.02ms Hz 20k FreqLO 281.32Hz File: 70.0 -36.0 60.0 -108.0 50.0 200 Fig.4. Frequency response of new crossover. LCR components: -180.0 1k CH A dBSPL Unsmoothed 51.2kHz 16K Rectangular Start 2.93ms 10k Stop 6.04ms Hz 20k FreqLO 322.01Hz File: 1st coat 72 Fig. 2. Old 8535 driver response. Blue and red are various measurements during tweeter coating. It’s my feeling, that these drivers will be best suited with tweeters like ScanSpeak 9300/9500/9700 and a target point of crossover at 2-2.5 kHz, possibly 612/18 dB. Furthermore, a notch filter is needed for the 750 Hz bump. To my knowledge, this change in performance has not been announced by ScanSpeak and can only be identified by measurements or visual inspection. I have tried to tweak the V6.1 crossover to adapt to these new drivers: LP-section: a. 1.8 mH-(7.8uF+4R7)-0.47 mH Fig. 5. mid-LCR. - And don’t spend a fortune on notch filters unless you think this is the speaker of your life! This shouldn’t cost you more than 20 US$ in all for two. 38 The Scan-Speak 18W/8535-00 has always been coated both front and back, but as it is an air dried cone, its absorbency may differ. We use the same amount of coating glue on each unit so the cone may sometimes absorb all the coating glue (i.e. the coating is hardly visible), and sometimes the cone is saturated after absorbing 80-90% of the glue. The rest of the glue will then form a somewhat shiny surface, leaving the coating visible. I hope this answers your question. Best regards, Danish Sound Technology A/S Carina Sondergaard Export Assistant Fig. 6. “New” coated 8535 Fig. 7. “Old” un-coated 8535 Conclusion Listening to the V6.1 crossover with the new drivers doesn’t sound that awful. Compared to the old drivers, we have a midrange with some more presence and for sure we are more forgiving to dips (3 kHz) than bumps in the frequency response (remember the series filter?). With the V6.2 filter, the dip at 3 kHz is slightly reduced and you can ad the mid LCR if you think you have too much midrange presence. With this notch filter in place, the midrange is much like the old drivers (and there is not going to be an easy substitute for this tweak). I don’t have two pairs of 2.5 clones to compare, but I would have a hard time pointing out one from the other. Or did I hear some more background details (talking) in the midrange from the new, coated drivers on the Jazz at the Pawnshop that I haven’t heard before???? 13.08.03: NEWS on the “new” drivers from Scan Speak: Finally there’s some explanation from Scan Speak regarding these drivers: Alain Letendre, Canada, has received this message from Madisound: From d-s-t here in Denmark I have received this message (in Danish): Hej Troels. De variationer i udseendet, som dine billeder viser er ganske normale. Der er ikke lavet tilsigtede ændringer på denne enhed siden dens "fødsel". 18W/8535-00 er og har altid været coated på både for- og bagside. Ofte er det dog ikke synligt på bagsiden, men der kan opstå skinnende pletter, som dit billede viser. Membranen er luft-tørret (til forskel fra en kontakttørret membran som anvendes på fx 15W). Den lufttørrede membran suger/absorbere coate-limen (som er vand-fortyndet). Hvorfor så forskellene? Som følge af fremstillingsprocessen forekommer der variationer i den lufttørrede membrans indre struktur, mens vægten er let at holde (det er den, der er specificeret med tolerancer). Det er lufttørringen, som giver det specielle udseende på forsiden. Nogle gange vil membranen være lidt mere kompakt end andre gange, og det påvirker suge-evnen. Mængden af påført coate-lim altid er den samme (vi kontrollerer desuden viskositet). Den er doseret til næsten at mætte membranen. Derfor vil membranen nogle gange absorbere al limen, så den ikke synligt er coated på bagsiden (som trænet er det let at se, at enheden på dit første billede ER coated på bagsiden. Det ville du også kunne se, hvis du havde en u-coated membran). Andre gange vil membranen i områder lige nå at blive mættet, før al coate-limen er påført. Den resterende mængde coate-lim vil derfor lægge sig uden på membranen. Jeg håber, det har kastet lidt lys over sagen. Mvh. Ulrik Schmidt, udviklings-ingeniør This message says much the same thing as the message from Madisound. So, this is production variations and my only comment to this is: BEST OF LUCK CLONERS! Your will probably not be able to determine what type of crossover will be best suited for your drivers without measuring equipment. 39 40 New project to come: “The Point75”: 8535 bass +SEAS W15CY001 di-pole midrange + ribbon tweeter. Regards 41 Notes on the ProAc sound: Much has been said on the ProAc sound, and this can be found in all the reviews seen in HIFI magazines, etc. If we take a look at the frequency response curves from a number of ProAc Response designs, this is what we see: Response 1S Response 1SC Response 1SE Response 2.5 Response 3.5 Response 3.8 Response 2S The Danish magazine High Fidelity confirms the response curves seen from the ProAc 1S and 1SC. The Response 2S is an exception from this profile and the Response 3.5 is the worst of them all. Worst?? Well, first let’s take a look at 10 randomly picked designs from the Stereophile files: (A few speakers with very peculiar response profiles have not been considered) 42 Totem Acoustic Mani2 KEF RDM Dynaudio Confidence C4 Revel Salon JMlab, Chorus 706 Joseph RM 33si Spendor S3-5se Vandensteen 2ce 43 audience, and the easiest way to do this, is pushing the “loudness” button = “west-coast-sound”. “Cheap-trick-low-fi”, that’s what it is. Thus the need to re-evaluate the crossover design if you want to listen to acoustic instruments and voices and have a more natural presentation of an acoustic event. KEF Reference 207 The speakers chosen here are from small monitors to large floorstanders. Try to zoom out on our PDF reader and watch the two pages simultaneously. Few of these nine speakers have some or a slightly elevated bass response, but none of these have the persistent increase in bass and treble response as seen from the ProAc speakers, combined with a generally recessed midrange. Even the Response 2.5, where we can see the 2 kHz midrange bump following an 800 Hz bump. It is apparent, that the Response series was created with the intention of maintaining a specific response profile, thus giving the “ProAc” sound to them all, where the main differences are bass performance, logically derived from the size of the cabinet and bass drivers. This is in no way a new approach and can be heard from a number of other manufacturers, where the main differences in “sound”, relates to bass extension. The Response 2.5 800 Hz bump, by the way, could be the explanation for the acceptance of the 2 kHz bump in the original design. The “sum” of these two bumps may kind of even out the overall perceived balance. (Actually we can now get both of these bumps with the new coated drivers from SS. Leave out (or reduce) the series resistor in the LP section, and leave out the LCR notch filter for removing the 800 Hz bump + reduce tweeter series resistor to 5 ohm! How about that? Finally we can recreate the original ProAc Response 2.5 sound/profile with all the bumps). In the history of HIFI, response curves displaying excessive bass and treble at the expense of a recessed midrange, was the trademark of the so called “West Coast” sound. Lots of bass and lots of treble. Excellent for “Surfin’ USA” by The Beach Boys. I remember JBL having a 14” bass driver (LE14) married to a small paper cone tweeter. This was a “tizz and boom” speaker! If you have to make a living of producing loudspeakers, you have to catch the attention of your The ProAc Response designs are nowhere near the old “tizz-and boom”/”west-coast-sound”/”boom and tweet” sound, but displays a specific profile, aimed at creating an “engaging” sound. The objective of neutrality appears to be somewhat compromised. Quote, Martin Colloms: Subjective effects of first-order errors “Slight errors in channel balance, either in specific frequency ranges or in overall level, can subtly disturb one's opinion of the sharpness of stereo focus. Statistically well-controlled testing has not only confirmed the audibility of absolute phase/polarity but also that of level differences as little as 0.2dB. These differences may be of octave or several-octave bandwidth, with a sensitivity of a similar magnitude. The subjective responses to variations in amplitude/frequency response are pretty well documented; the careful reviewer bears these constantly in mind. For example, less than 0.5dB— 5%—of treble lift in the 3-10kHz range can give rise to a mildly increased sense of immediacy, transparency, and liveliness without necessarily being directly obvious as treble lift. A similar degree of loss in the 150Hz-400Hz range can make a vocalist appear lightweight and lacking in power in the fundamental range, lending a crisper quality to the sound. This might be preferred on one recording but disliked on another”. With the variation in specification of drivers and crossover components + cabinet construction and damping, not to mention the front-end consisting of amps and players, it’s no wonder we get different reports on sonic performance of the 2.5 clone. It’s my feeling, that if you choose to target the original response profile, you’re in for some serious tweaking on amps, cables, CD players, etc., to get it right. If you’re in for the more British school of loudspeakers, represented by names like Rogers, Harbeth, KEF, Spendor, etc., and target a more flat response profile, you will have a speaker, that will tolerate a larger range of amplifiers and CD players. And to my ears be more “high-fidelity” compared to the more immediately appealing ProAc sound. On the various schools of speaker designs, please read: