15. 100 Winding Way Staff Report
15. 100 Winding Way Staff Report
71t TS,\4\ ROSS Agenda ltem No. 15 Staff Report Date: March IO,2016 To: Mayor Kathleen Hoertkorn and Council Members From: Heidi Scoble, Planning Manager Subject: Alvarez Demolition Permit, Design Review, Variance, and Nonconformity Permit, 100 Winding Way, File No. 20L7 Recommendation Town Council approval of Resolution L940 conditionally approving a Demolition Permit, Design Review, and a Nonconformity Permit to allow the remodel of the existing three story single family residence, detached three car garage, and a new pool house and denying a Nonconformity Permit to allow the continuation of a 34.5 foot height and denying the Variance to allow an exception to the 3O-foot maximum height limit to allow an addition that would be 34.5 feet height tall at 100 Winding Way, APN 072-1OL-26. Project Summary Owner: Design Professional: Location: A.P. Number: Zoning: General Plan: Flood Zone: Nancy and Michael Alvarez Michael Rex Associates 100 Winding Way 072-LOr-26 R-L: B-54 (Single Family Residence, 5 Acre Minimum Lot size) Very Low Density (0.-i. unit per acre) Zone X (outside of high risk flood area) PROJECT DATA Lot Area Floor Area Zoning Requirements Existing Proposed 5 Acres L27,592 square feet - Gross 1L6,360 square feet- Net No change 10% 6,404 sq. (FAR) L ft. (5.5%) 10,245 sq. ft. (8.8%l Lot Coverage lmpervious LO% 5,036 sq. 23,862 ft. (4.3%l sq.ft. (2O.5%) 7,397 sq. 26,L64 ft. (6.3%) sq.ft. (22.4%l Surface Project Description The applicant is requesting a Demolition Permit, Design Review, a Nonconformity Permit, a Variance, and a Hillside Lot Permit to allow a 3,433 square foot floor addition and remodel of the existing residence and pool house. Specifically, the applicant is proposing a 3,433 floor area addition for a totalfloor area of 7,99L square feet to accommodate a 5 bedroom residence and a three car garage. The residence is proposed with a maximum height of 34.5 feet tall. The garage is proposed to be L0.5 feet tall. The applicant is also proposing to demolish the existing 31-7 square foot pool house and replace it with a725 square foot pool house. The pool house is proposed to be L3.83 feet tall. Additionally, the project would include a complete interior and exterior remodel, changes to wall coverings, windows, and exterior doors, and new materials, in addition to landscape and hardscape improvements. No changes to the existing garden shed and barn would occur as a result of the project. The project would change the existingL9TO's themed architecture is a more modern design. The applicant is proposing to replace the existing board and batten brown painted siding, bronze colored aluminum windows, and composition shingled roof with a natural stained vertical cedar board siding, black colored aluminum framed tempered glass windows, and a neutral grey Class "A" metal standing seam metal roof. Other proposed materials related to the project include red cedar wood enclosed roof eaves, wood decking, metal railings painted black, and metalframed awnings painted black. The proposed improvements require the following permits. a A Demo¡¡t¡on Permit is required pursuant to Ross Municipal Code (RMC) Section 18.50.020 because the project would result in demolition of more than 25% oÍ existing walls and exterior wall coverings of the main residence, in addition to the demolition of the existing detached garage. o Design Review is required pursuant to Ross Municipal Code (RMC) Section L8.4L.O2O because the proposed improvements would result in demolition of more lhan 25o/o of existing walls and exterior wall coverings, adding more than 200 square feet of floor area, and adding more than 1,000 square feet of new impervious surfaces. o A Non-Conformity Permit is required pursuant to Ross Municipal Code (RMC| Section 18.52.030 to allow for the structural alteration to a nonconforming three story residence and to allow the existing roof height to maintain a nonconforming roof height of 34.5 feet tall. 2 o A Variance is required pursuant to RMC Chapter 18.48 to allow a maximum roof height of 34.5 feet, where a maximum height of 30 feet may be permitted, for a new addition to the existing residence. o A Hillside Lot Permit is required pursuant to RMC Chapter 18.39 because a portion of the project site is located in a Hazard Tone 3, thus triggering the review of the project. Background and Discussion The existing residence was constructed in t974 prior to the Town's regulations regarding Design Review regulations. A ministerial building permit was issued by the Town for the construction of a three story residence with a maximum height of 34.5 feet tall. Advisory Design Group Review The applicant did not request Advisory Design Review (ADR), however, staff requested the ADR to informally review the project on February 23,20L6. ln generalthe ADR suggested the project provides a unified design and supports the project with the following recommendations: a Consider adding a stone materialto the lower level building walls to provide the aesthetic of anchoring the building to the earth. a Consider reducing the amount of glazing and making the windows less boxy and less commercial Consider removing the glazing on the garage doors as it appears unnecessary a Key lssues rmíties The Town of Ross's first regulations regarding the maximum number of stories and heights has been in effect since February LL,1960. The regulations state that the maximum building height requirement is two stories and an attic, but no more than 30 feet. The existing residence was approved by the Town for the construction of a three story building and has an existing height of 34.5 feet tall. Existi ng No nco nfo The applicant is requesting a Nonconformity permit to allow the continuance of a three story residence and to allow the existing 34.5 feet tall height. ln order for a Nonconformity Permit to be approved, to project must be determined to be consistent with the findings in Section L8.52.040(f). Upon review of the findings, staff is unable to make Nonconformity Permit finding (3). Nonconformity Permit finding (3) states that in order for the Town Council to be able to approve a Nonconformity Permit, the project must "substantially conform to relevant design review criteria and standards in Section 18.4L.L00 of the Ross Municipal Code, even if design review is not required." Furthermore, Section 18.4L.L00(n) of the Ross Municipal Code states that where feasible, nonconformities should be eliminated. Although the record is unclear as to how the existing residence was approved by the Town to be three stories, it would be fair to allow the continued use of the residence with three stories 3 provided that the project is redesigned to comply with the 3O-foot maximum height limit. Reducing the height to 30 feet tall would be consistent with the aforementioned Design criteria and standard (n). Therefore, staff is recommending a condition of approval that would require the residence to be redesigned to not exceed a maximum height of 30 feet because based on the scope of the project, which includes a new roof and roof structure, there is an opportunity to redesign the project and ceiling heights to conform to the maximum height limitation of 30 feet. Varidnce to allow relief from Height ln order to approve a Variance, the Council is required to make three requisite findings. The findings relate to special circumstances, ensuring there be no grant of special privilege, and that the use is consistent with the zoning regulations. Upon review of Variance request, staff is not able to support the request for a new addition to have a 34.5 foot maximum height on the basis that there are no special circumstances associated with the project that would deprive the property owner with a right enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity. As the existing nonconforming roof structure is going to be removed, there is an opportunity to design a conforming roof height to allow for an addition to the residence. Therefore, staff is recommending the Variance be denied and a condition of approval that would require a maximum height of 30 feet tall. Imperuíous Surlaces The project is proposingto add2,3O2 square feet of new impervious surfaces as a result of the project. To address the drainage impacts of the project, the applicant has prepared a drainage plan with two on-site detention basins. Based on the size and topography of the lot, staff suggests the proposed drainage plan, which includes the retention basins, is sufficient in síze to accommodate the drainage associated with the new impervious surfaces. Therefore, staff is not recommending any special conditions to require pervious materials related to the increase in impervious surfaces. ADR Comments The comments raised bythe ADR are helpful and would enhance the design elements related to the project, however, the comments are related to elements of the project that would not be visible from adjacent properties or any public vantage point. lf the Council is able to take action to approve the project, staff would encourage the applicant to consider and incorporate the ADR comments and modify the architectural plans at the building permit level. Town staff would be able to authorize those design changes administratively consistent with Section 18.41.090, Administrative Review, of the Ross Municipal Code. Public Comment Public Notices were mailed to property owners within 500 feet of the project site. Apart from four Neighbor Acknowledgement Forms supporting the project, staff has not received comments as of the distribution of this report. 4 Fiscal, resource and timeline impacts lf approved, the project would be subject to one-time fees for a building permit, and associated impact fees, which are based the reasonable expected cost of providing the associated services and facilities related to the development. The improved project site may be reassessed at a higher value by the Marin County Assessor, leading to an increase in the Town's property tax revenues. Lastly, there would be no operating or funding impacts associated with the project as the project applicant would be required to pay the necessary fees for Town staff's review of future building permit plan check and inspection fees. Alternative actions L. Continue the project for modifications; or 2. Make findings to deny the application. Environmental review (if applicable) The project is categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Guideline Section L530L -odditions to existing structures, because it involves an addition to an existing single family residence and existing garage. The project is also categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA) under CEQA Guideline Section L5303(e), Class 3 - New construction or Conversion of Small Structures, because the project consists of the new construction of a detached accessory structure for a pool house. No exception set forth in Section L530L.2 of the CEQA Guidelines applies to the project including, but not limited to, Subsection (a), which relates to impacts on environmental resources; (b), which relates to cumulative impacts; Subsection (c), which relates to unusual circumstances; or Subsection (f), which relates to historical resources. Attachments L. Resolution L940 2. Project History 3. Applicant project information 4. Neighborhood Acknowledgement Formsa. 102 Winding Way b. 110 Winding Way c. 20 Winding Way d. 9 Morrison Road 5. Project plans 5 ATTACHMENT 1. TOWN OF ROSS RESOLUTION NO. 1940 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF ROSS APPROVING A DEMOLITION PERMIT, DESIGN REVEW, A HILLSIDE LOT PERMIT, AND A NONCONFORMITY PERM¡T TO ALLOW THE REMODEL AND THE NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A THREE STORY RESIDENCE, THREE CAR GARAGE, AND A POOL HOUSE, AND DENYING A NONCONFORMITY TO ALLOW THE CONTINUED USE OF A 34.5 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT AND A VARIANCE TO ALLOW FOR A 34.5 FOOT HEIGHT FOR A NEW ADDITION AT 1OO W¡NDING WAY, APN 072-1OL-26 on behalf of property owners Michael and Nancy Alvarez, has submitted an application for a is requesting a Demolition Permit, Design Review, a Nonconformity Permit, a Variance, and a Hillside Lot Permit to allow a 3,433 square foot floor addition and remodel of the existing residence and pool house. Specifically, the applicant is proposing a 3,433 floor area addition for a total floor area ol 7,99L square feet to accommodate the 5 bedroom residence and three car garage. The residence is proposed with a maximum height of 34.5 feet tall. The garage is proposed to be 1-0.5 feet tall. The applicant is also proposing to demolish the existing3IT square foot pool house and replace it with a725 square foot pool house. The pool house is proposed to be 13.83 feet tall. No changes to the existing garden shed and barn are proposed. The project would include a complete interior and exterior remodel, changes to wall coverings, windows, and exterior doors, and new materials, in addition to landscape and hardscape improvements at 100 Winding Way, Assessor's Parcel Number O72-LOL-26 (the "project"); and WHEREAS, Michael Rex Associates, the project was determined to be categorically exempt from further environmental pursuant review to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guideline Section L530L additions to existing structures, and Section 15303, New Construction and Conversion of Small Structures, because the project involves an addition to an existing single family residence and new construction of a detached accessory structure where there is no potentialfor impacts. No exception set forth in Section L530L.2 of the CEQA Guidelines applies to the project including, but not limited to, Subsection (a), which relates to impacts on environmental resources; (b), which relates to cumulative impacts; Subsection (c), which relates to unusual circumstances; or Subsection (f), which relates to historical resources; and WHEREAS, WHEREAS, on March 10,20L6, the Town Council held a duly noticed public hearing the proposed project; and to consider WHEREAS, the Town Council has carefully reviewed and considered the staff reports, correspondence, and other information contained in the project file, and has received public comment; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED the Town Council of the Town of Ross hereby incorporates the recitals above; makes the findings set forth in Exhibit "A", and approves a Demolition L Permit, Design Review, a Hillside Lot Permit, and a Nonconformity Permit to allow the continued use of a three story building, subject to the Conditions of Approval attached as Exhibit "C". Furthermore, as set forth in Exhibit "8", the Town Council of the Town of Ross hereby denies a Nonconformity Permit and Variance to allow for a 34.5 foot height limit for the main residence for the project described herein, located at 100 Winding Way, subject to the Conditions of Approval attached as Exhibit "C". The foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the Ross Town Council at its regular meeting held on the 10th day of March 2OL6, by the following vote: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN Kathleen Hoertkorn, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Lopez, Town Clerk 2 EXHIB¡T,,A,, Findings in Support of Project Approval 100 Winding Way APN 072-10t-26 A. Findings l. Demolition Permit (RMC S 18.50.060) - Approval of a Demolition Permit for removat of existing single family residence is based on the findings outlined in Ross Municipal Code al Section 18.50.060 as described below: The demolition would not remove from the neighborhood or town, nor adversely affect, a building of historical, architectural, cultural or aesthetic value. The demolition will not adversely affect nor diminish the character or qualities of the site, the neighborhood or the community. The Demolition Permit is required to allow the complete demolition of the existing pool house, in addition to allowing the remodel to the existing single family residence, which includes the installation of new floor area, windows, doors, and a roof. The demolition related to the project would not negatively affect the aesthetic value of the existing residence as the entire scope of the project would result in a remodel of an existing residence that would maintain a similar mass, bulk, and scale as the existing residence. b) The proposed redevelopment of the site protects the attributes, integrity, historical character and design scale of the neighborhood and preserves the "small town" qualities and feeling of the town. The project would retain the an enhanced design character, mass and bulk, and materials of the existing residence, therefore preserving the small town quality and feeling of the town. Additionally, due to the location and topography of the project site, visibility of the project site is limited from public vantage points and from adjacent properties. c) The project is consistent with the Ross general plan and zoning ordinance. With the exception of the existing nonconforming three story residence and nonconforming height, the project is consistent with the R-L:B5A zoning district. A condition of approval would require the project to limit the new roof height of the main residence, therefore bringing the project site into greater conformity with the zoning regulations. d) The project will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood and will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements ¡n the neighborhood. 3 The project would be required to comply with the Town's Building Code and Fire Code requirements, therefore ensuring the health, safety, and general welfare of the residence residing or working in the neighborhood. ll. ln accordance with Ross Municipal Code Section L8.4L.070, Design Review is approved based on the following findings: al The project is consistent with the purpose of the Design Review chapter as outlined in Ross Municipal Code Section 18.41.010: The project would meet the purpose of the Design Review chapter through its high quality design and materials. The project is designed with a similar architectural style and materials of the existing residence. The project would not impact the "small town" character of the Town because the project is designed to maintain the overall mass, bulk, and style of the existing development pattern of the property and because the project site is not readily visible from any public vantage point. Additionally, the project would not impact any unique environmental resources due to the location of the project site relative to any sensitive wildlife habitat, species, and/or creeks. Lastly, the project is designed to address drainage and stormwater and would be required to construct those improvements as part of the building permit process. b) The project is in substantial compliance with the design criteria Code Section 18.41.100. of Ross Municipal The project would be consistent with the design review criteria and standards relative to having a nominal impact on the existing site conditions by providing an architectural design that is compatible with the architecture, materials, and colors of the existing residence with the condition that the nonconforming roof height be reduced to a maximum height of 30 feet. Lastly, the project would address health and safety through the issuance of a building permit to ensure compliance with the building, public works, and fire code regulations. c) The project is consistent with the Ross General Plan and zoning ordinance. W¡th the exception of the nonconforming three story residence and the nonconforming height, the scope of the project is consistent with the allowed structures and uses that may be permitted within the Very Low Density land use designation of the General Plan and the single family residence chapter of the zoning ordinance. Additionally, the project findings to support the nonconforming three story residence can be achieved and a condition of approval would require the maximum height of the residence be limited to 30 feet, therefore demonstrating that the project would be further consistent with the zoning regulations. lll. Non-conformity Permit (RMC 5 18.52.040|- Approval of a non-conformity Permit to allow reconstruction of the existing residence in its existing nonconforming location is based on the following findings: 4 al The nonconforming structure was in existence at the time the ordinance that now prohibits the structure was passed. The structure must have been lawful when constructed. The Town of Ross's first regulations regarding the maximum number of stories and heights has been in effect since February L1,, L960. The regulations state that the maximum building height requirement is two stories and an attic, but no more than 30 feet. The existing residence was approved by the Town for the construction of a three story building and has an existing height of 34.5 feet tall. The record is unclear as to whether the third story was approved as an attic consistent with the regulation in effect at the time the residence was constructed. As such, with the record being unclear, it would be fair to allow the continued use of the residence with three stories provided that the project is redesigned to comply with the maximum height of 30 feet. A condition of approval is required to l¡m¡t the maximum height of the residence to 30 feet prior to issuance of a building permit. bl The town council can make the findings required permit for the structure. to approve any required demolition These findings have been made under the demolition findings above. cl The project substantially conforms to relevant design review criteria and standards in Section 18.41.100. See Design Review Findings above. d) Total floor area does not exceed the greater of: af the total floor area of the existing conforming andlor legal nonconforming structure(sl; or bl the maximum floor area permitted for the lot under current zoning regulations. The project is designed to be below the maximum floor area requirements for a property located in the R-1:B5A zoning district. e) Granting the permit will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements ¡n the vicinity. The project would allow for an overall improvement to the building exterior and improvement to the functionality of the building interior. The project would also be required to comply with the Town's Building Code and Fire Code requirements, therefore ensuring the health, safety, and general welfare of the residence residing or working in the neighborhood. f) The project will comply with the Flood Damage Prevention regulations in Chapter 15.36. 5 The project site is also located within Zone X (outside L-percent annual chance floodplain) flood zones. Flood insurance is not required for this property. Furthermore, any improvements to the existing residence would be required to comply with applicable building codes relative to flood zones, as well as any other Federal Emergency Management Agency requirements. gl The fire chief has confirmed that the site has adequate access and water supply for firefighting purposes, or that the project includes alternate measures approved by the fire chief. The project has been reviewed by the Ross Valley Fire Department (RVFD). The RVFD has provided stated that the project can be approved subject to the installation of fire sprinklers, smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide detectors. hl The applicant has agreed in writing to the indemnification provision in Section 18.40.180. lndemnification requirements have been included as conditions of approval ¡l The site has adequate parking. The project would provide for a minimum of 4 on-site vehicle parking spaces as required by the zoning regulation. Three parking spaces would be covered, where two covered parking spaces are required. lV. ln accordance with Ross Municipal Code Section 18.39.060(bl, a Hillside Lot Permit approved based on the following findings: is (1) The project complies with the stated purposes of this Chapter; The project has been designed to meet the purpose of the Hillside Lot Permit by preserving the goals of the General Plan, by not impacting any sensitive environmental resource, and by incorporating public health and safety measures as supported in the above findings. (2) The project complies with the development regulations of Section 18.39.090, or that the Town Council has considered and approved a variance; and The project has been designed to comply with the Hillside lot regulations related to landscaping, consideration of views, public safety requirements related to the fire and building code, and on-site drainage. (3) The project substantially conforms to the hillside development guidelines in Section 18.39.090. (Ord.620 (partf, 2OLO; Ord. 534 (partl, L996; Ord.521(part), 19931. The project has been designed to conform to the Hillside lot guidelines 6 related to landscaping, consideration of views, public safety requirements related building code, and on-site drainage. 7 to the fire and EXHIBIT'8, Findings in Support of Project Denial 100 Winding Way APN 072-101-26 l. Non-conformity Permit (RMC 5 18.52.040) - Approval of a non-conformity Permit to allow 'a 34.5 foot tall nonconforming roof height for the main residence is denied the following findings: 3. The project substantially conforms to relevant design review criteria and standards in Section 18.41.100. The project is determined to be inconsistent with Design criteria and standards (n). Design criteria and standard (n) states that where feasible, nonconformities should be eliminated. Since the scope of the project include the new construction of a roof, there is an opportunity to eliminate the nonconforming height. 4. ln accordance with Ross Municipal Code Section 18.48.020, a Variance is denied based on the following findings: L. That there are special circumstances or conditions applicable to the land, building or use referred to in the application; The project is determined to be inconsistent with this finding as there is no special circumstance associated with the project that would deprive the property owner with a right enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity. As the existing roof structure is going to be removed, there is an opportunity to design a conforming roof height to allow for an addition to the residence. 8 EXHIBIT,,C" Conditions of Approval 100 Winding Way APN 072-10L-26 L. This approval authorizes a Demolition Permit, Design Review, a Nonconformity Permit, and Hillside Lot Permit to allow a 3,433 square foot floor addition and remodel of the existing residence and pool house. The project approves a3,433 floor area addition for a total floor area of 7,99L square feet to accommodate the 5 bedroom residence and three car garage. The residence is approved with a maximum height of 30 feet tall. The garage is approved with a maximum height of L0.5 feet tall. The project includes the demolition of the existing 3L7 square foot pool house and the new construction of a725 square foot pool house with a maximum height of 13.83 feet tall. No changes to the existing garden shed and barn are proposed. Lastly, this approval includes a complete interior and exterior remodel, changes to wall coverings, windows, and exterior doors, and new materials, in addition to landscape and hardscape improvements at 100 Winding Way, Assessor's Parcel Number 072-L0I-26. 2. The building permit shall substantially conform to the plans entitled, "Alvarez Residence", consisting of 28 sheets prepared by Michael Rex Associates date stamp received February L7,2OL6. The building permit shall also conform to the approved materials listed on Sheets A2.5 and A3.1 of the project plans. 3. issuance of a building permit, the following conditions of approval shall be reproduced on the cover sheet of the plans submitted for a building permit. The property owner shall certify on the building permit plans that they have read and agree to the following conditions. 4. The maximum height of the main residence is limited to 30 feet tall. 5. Except as otherwise provided in these conditions, the project shall comply with the plans submitted for Town Council approval. Plans submitted for the building permit shall reflect any modifications required by the Town Council and these conditions. 6. No changes from the approved plans, before or after project final, including changes to the materials and material colors, shall be permitted without prior Town approval. Red-lined plans showing any proposed changes shall be submitted to the Town for review and approval prior to any change. The applicant is advised that changes made to the design Prior to during construction may delay the completion of the project and will not extend the permitted construction period. 9 7. Prior to Building Permit lssuance, the applicant shall submit proposed exterior lighting fixtures if any new lighting will be installed as a result of the project. All lighting shall be shielded (no bare bulb light fixtures or down lights that may be visible from down-slope sites). Exterior lighting of landscaping by any means shall not be permitted if it creates glare, hazard or annoyance for adjacent property owners. Lighting expressly designed to light exterior walls or fences that is visible from adjacent properties or public right-of-ways is prohibited. No up lighting is permitted. lnterior and exterior lighting fixtures shall be selected to enable maximum "cut-off' appropriate for the light source so as to strictly control the direction and pattern of light and eliminate spill light to neighboring properties or a glowing night time character. 8. The project shall comply with the Fire Code and all requirement of the Ross Valley Fire Department (RVFD). 9. The project shall comply with the following conditions of the Town of Ross Building Department and Public Works Department: a. Any person engaging in business within the Town of Ross must first obtain a business license from the Town and pay the business license fee. Applicant shall provide the names of the owner, architects, engineers and any other people providing project services within the Town, including names, addresses, e-mail, and phone numbers. All such people shall file for a business license. A final líst shall be submitted to the Town prior to project final. b. A registered Architect or Engineer's stamp and signature must be placed on all plan pages. c The building department may require the applicant to submit a deposit prior to building permit íssuance to cover the anticipated cost for any Town consultants, such as the town hydrologist, review of the project. Any additional costs incurred by the Town, including costs to inspect or review the project, shall be paid as incurred and prior to project final. d. The applicant shall submit an erosion control plan with the building permit application for review by the building official/director of public works. The Plan shall include signed statement by the soils engineer that erosion control is in accordance with Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (MCSTOPP) standards. The erosion control plan shall demonstrate protection of disturbed soil from rain and surface runoff and demonstrate sediment controls as a "back-up" system (i.e., temporary seeding and mulching or straw matting). e. No grading shall be permitted during the rainy season between October 15 and April 15 unless permitted in writing by the Building Official/Director of Public Works. Grading is considered to be any movement of earthen materials necessary for the completion of 10 the project. This includes, but is not limited to cutt¡ng, filling, excavation for foundations, and the drilling of pier holes. lt does not include the boring or test excavations necessary for a soils engineering investigation. All temporary and permanent erosion control measures shall be in place prior to October f. 1. The drainage design shall comply with the Town's stormwater ordinance (Ross Municipal Code Chapter L5.54). A drainage plan and hydrologic/hydraulic analysis shall be submitted with the building permit application for review and approval by the building official/public works director, who may consult with the town hydrologist at the applicants' expense (a deposit may be required). The plan shall be designed, at a minimum, to produce no net increase in peak runoff from the site compared to preproject conditions (no net increase standard). As far as practically feasible, the plan shall be designed to produce a net decrease in peak runoff from the site compared to preproject conditions. Applicants are encouraged to submit a drainage plan designed to produce peak runoff from the site that is the same or less than estimated natural, predevelopment conditions which existed at the site prior to installation of impermeable surfaces and other landscape changes (natural predevelopment rate standard). Construction of the drainage system shall be supervised, inspected and accepted by a professional engineer and certified as-built drawings of the constructed facilities and a letter of certification shall be provided to the Town building department prior to project final. g. An encroachment permit is required from the Department of Public Works prior to any work wíthin a public right-of-way. h. The plans submitted for a building permit shall include a detailed construction and traffic management plan for review and approval of the building official, in consultation with the town planner and police chief. The plan shall include as a minimum: tree protection, management of worker vehicle parking, location of portable toilets, areas for material storage, traffic control, method of hauling and haul routes, size of vehicles, and washout areas. The applicant shall submit a schedule that outlines the scheduling of the site development to the building official. The schedule should clearly show completion of all site grading activities prior to the winter storm season and include implementation of an erosion control plan. The construction schedule shall detail how the project will be completed within the construction completion date provided for in the construction completion chapter of the Ross Municipal Code (Chapter 15.50). j. A Final construction management plan shall be submitted in time to be incorporated into the job. k. A preconstruction meeting with the property owner, project contractor, project architect, project arborist, representatives of the Town Planning, Building/Public Works It and Ross Valley Fire Department and the Town building inspector is required prior to issuance of the building permit to review conditions of approval for the project and the construction management plan. l. A copy of the building permit shall be posted at the site and emergency contact information shall be up to date at alltimes. m. The Building Official and other Town staff shall have the right to enter the property at all times during construction to review or inspect construction, progress, compliance with the approved plans and applicable codes. lnspections shall not be provided unless the Town-approved building permit plans are available on site. o Working Hours are limited to Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Construction is not permitted at any time on Saturday and Sunday or the following holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, lndependence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. lf the holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be considered the holiday. lf the holiday falls on a Saturday, the Friday immediately preceding shall be considered the holiday. Exceptions: 1.) Work done solely in the interior of a building or structure which does not create any noise which is audible from the exterior; or 2.) Work actually physically performed solely by the owner of the property, on Saturday between the hours of L0:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and not at any time on Sundays or the holidays listed above. (RMC Sec. 9.20.035 and 9.20.060). p. Failure to comply in any respect with the conditions or approved plans constitutes grounds for Town staff to immediately stop work related to the noncompliance untilthe matter is resolved. (Ross Municipal Code Section 18.39.100). The violations may be subject to additional penalties as provided in the Ross Municipal Code and State law. lf a stop work order is issued, the Town may retain an independent site monitor at the expense of the property owner prior to allowing any further grading and/or construction activities at the site. q. Materials shall not be stored in the public right-of-way. The project owners and contractors shall be responsible for maintaining all roadways and right-of-ways free of their construction-related debris. All construction debris, including dirt and mud, shall be cleaned and cleared immediately. All loads carried to and from the site shall be securely covered, and the public right-of-way must be kept free of dirt and debris at all times. Dust control using reclaimed water shall be required as necessary on the site or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas and staging areas at site. Cover stockpiles of debris, soil, sand or other materials that can be blown by the wind. t2 r Applicants shall comply with all requirements of all utilities including, the Marin Municipal Water District, Ross Valley Sanitary District, and PG&E prior to project final. Letters confirming compliance shall be submitted to the building department prior to project final. s. All electric, communication and television service laterals shall be placed underground unless otherwise approved by the director of public works pursuant to Ross Municipal Code Sectio n L5.25.L20. t. The project shall comply with building permit submittal requirements as determined by the Building Department and identify such in the plans submitted for building permit. u The applicant shall work with the Public Works Department to repair any road damage caused by construction. Applicant is advised that, absent a clear video evidence to the contrary, road damage must be repaired to the satisfaction of the Town prior to project final. Damage assessment shall be at the sole discretion of the Town, and neighborhood input will be considered in making that assessment. V Final inspection and written approval of the applicable work by Town Building, Planning and Fire Department staff shall mark the date of construction completion. w. The Public Works Department may require submittal of a grading security in the form of a Certificate of Deposit (CD) or cash to cover grading, drainage, and erosion control. Contact the Department of Public Works for details. x. The applicant shall submit an erosion control plan with the building permit application for review by the building official/director of public works. The plan shall include a signed statement by the soils engineer that erosion control is in accordance with Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (MCSTOPPP) standards. The erosion control plan shall demonstrate protection of disturbed soil from rain and surface runoff and demonstrate sediments controls as a "back-up" system. (Temporary seeding and mulching or straw matting are effective controls). y. The Soils Engineer shall provide a letter to the Department of Public Works certifying that all grading and drainage has been constructed according to plans filed with the grading permit and his/her recommendations. Any changes in the approved grading and drainage plans shall be certified by the Soils Engineer and approved by the Department of Public Works. No modifications to the approved plans shall be made without approval of the Soils Engineer and the Department of Public Works. The existing vegetation shall not be disturbed until landscaping is installed or erosion control measures, such as straw matting, hydroseeding, etc, are implemented. L3 il All construction materials, debris and equipment shall be stored on site. lf that is not physically possible, an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works prior to placing any construction materials, debris, debris boxes or unlicensed equipment in the right-of-way. The applicant shall provide a hard copy and a CD of an as-built set of drawings, and a certification from all the design professionals to the building department certifying that all construction was in accordance with the as-built plans and his/her recommendations. 10. The applicants and/or owners shall defend, indemnify, and hold the Town harmless along with the Town Council and Town boards, commissions, agents, officers, employees, and consultants from any claim, action, or proceeding {"action") against the Town, its boards, commissions, agents, officers, employees, and consultants attacking or seeking to set aside, declare void, or annul the approval(s) of the project or alleging any other liability or damages based upon, caused by, or related to the approval of the project. The Town shall promptly notify the applicants and/or owners of any act¡on. The Town, in its sole discretion, may tender the defense of the action to the applicants and/or owners or the Town may defend the action with its attorneys with all attorneys fees and litigation costs incurred by the Town in either case paid for by the applicant and/or owners. L4 ATTACHMENT 2 Town Council Minute Excerpt May LO,2OL2 Meeting a. 100 Windint Way, Variance No. 1872 Michael and Nancy Alvarez, 100 Winding Way, A.P. No. 72-IOL-26, R-1:B-5A (Single Family Residence, S-acre minimum lot size), Very Low Density (.1 - L units per acre). Application for setback variance to allow major repairs to a redwood shed structure within the side yard setback between the shared driveway and south property line. The site conforms to floor area and lot coverage requirements and no changes to floor area or lot coverage are proposed. The project description hos changed since the mailed public notice. A second shed will be demolished. Mayor Small opened the public hearing on this item, and seeing no one wishing to speak, the Mayor closed the public portion and brought the matter back to the Council for action. Mayor Small asked for a motion. Council Member Strauss moved and Council Member Martin seconded, to approve 100 Winding Way, Variance subject to the findings and conditions outlined in the staff report. Motion carried unanimously Hunter absent. 100 Windins Wav Conditions: L. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 , 8. A building permit is required for the project. Any person engaging in business within the Town of Ross must first obtain a business license from the Town and pay the business license fee. No changes from the approved plans shall be permitted without prior Town approvai. Red-lined plans showing any proposed changes shall be submitted to the Town Planner for review and approval prior to any changes. Failure to secure required building permits and/or begin construction by May 10, 2013, will cause the approval to lapse without further notice. This project is subject to the conditions of the Town of Ross Construction Completion Ordinance. No extension of the constructíon time is granted by this approval and the proposed modifications shall fall under the existing building permit for the project. The Town Council reserves the right to require additional landscape screeníng for up to three (3) years from project final. No CHANGES FRoM THE APPRoVED PLANS, BEFoRE oR AFTER PROJECT FINAL, SHALL BE PERMITTED WITHOUT pRIoR Towru APPRoVAL. Re o-IIIv¡o PLANS SHoWING ANY PRoPoSED CHANGES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE Tow¡¡ Pu¡¡rueR FoR REVTEW AND AppRovAL pRroR To ANy cHANGE. The applicants and/or owners shall defend, indemnify, and hold the Town harmless along with its boards, commissions, agents, officers, employees, and consultants from any claim, action, or proceeding against the Town, its boards, commissions, agents, officers, employees, and consultants attacking or seeking to set aside, declare void, or annul the approval(s) of the project or because of any claimed liability based upon or caused by the approval of the project. The Town shall promptly notify the applicants and/or owners of any such claim, action, or proceeding, tendering the defense to the applicants and/or owners. The Town shall assist in the defense; however, nothing contaíned in this condition shall prohibít the Town from participating in the defense of any such claim, action, or proceeding so long as the Town agrees to bear its own attorney's fees and costs and participates in the defense in good faith. ,,... I Íi 11. X ox Jv âr ;. i..t :?,',,.-' ,.1...i ¿.: l 1¿,ì{,;.rrÍ. ï:lÌ ? J. Oflr oflr Ïnc. l¡¡,.r , âgents for ELTUABETH HAY BIIC}ïTEL Makln Grade ( 72-L0l--12) Acre Zone , Dlvislon of 11 plus acres lnto tv¡o parcels t"ñ*li'h3; äåi:;3, :. ":;å " ¿h:å"å î' iilå southerly property Ilne. Parcel 2 5.T net acres. contaLnins existing-residence, guesú house, puñp house ancl -sreenhou.ie-10r fron. piopðriv llne. s . 4\ eT i . í lfr, Donald Brever erplafned the rot spr-it, A report was read from Flre chi.ef cas.son requestrng.â frnä hydrant 1n the vlcj.nf ty of the east end. çf ¡¡" -Foïio;ir.,Ë^'ã exlsrÍng and tfakin 0radå. lengthy rij_roadr,ray scussion concer:ntng r*i"r- ã"ã-rr*" r1nes. Mr. Jones moved granting tr¡e'-su¡aiur"i""-iiì,r-,-iüä-t conriltion bhat, a-fi"e hircirant (No. 7[-ñïorr:Ttp;tbe lnstalred gt a pornt' to be ôrtðÃ"n uï-trre Flre CJrfç¡ ¿¿ the lnteriecrion of thà,-d;j.";i;"y anri Makin Grader- and that the prlvãl"-"oä¿access fromMakfn Grade to_ütnAi.nq VIay Ue ílept óp*rr--rrrrtil--such t1r¡e as the hyclrant lnstailatlon.is-ãó*pi*t;d. ----Mr. chase secondeci the raotlon, rirrðrl-;;ä unanimously passed.. ' It{r- Jones further noved that the forrolfng three condJ.tlons. recommend.ed b1' Town n"eiñãär-fioii';"¡ii , : -¡¡t54^¡v\/¿ be requlreá: .. . r: , . 1...Ffli"e ol a finat map fndicati.nfi the prono.secl water line easenlent for servlce to parcel z, .. 2. -Recelpt of hati.cfactory evldence from I : L . . Sanita.r¡' Díst::ict No. l_, Märin ¡tuniðiñãi-'tr'/aber DlstrJ.ct, pacific'Gas & Er.ectrj.ð ãna Þaciflc Telephóne & Telegraph that afl ..t nscessary servlces ancl utilfiles can be. provldeci. as addf.tlonal bull-clings' .are co.¡lstructed , . , ! ì, r 3. Utllit¡¡_ services for each respectlve . servÍces requlred belng placed underground, Mr. chase secondedtthe' motlon, whrch wa.s unanfnously ,i passed.. ' Mr, Erwln B. Holton, a nelghbor, ral.sed the questfon of setbacks and lt was derõrmrnåd that me-zi-läel-ïroo,r thg property Llne to the f,rrest hou.se shal]. bé ¡h; sldellne, 4r a nt of l) IUo Co¡:ür Itlia üunc ù agï'ee rcÕt oi"rn .ijJngilleeï' offian 'co't¡ij-te C ongress:ir¿¡i1 l,Ii1-'-i¿ir.r S. ìia iLiiai'ci, ì{*ti: ccl:,ies to Sec re'üû.jîy of Co:iu:rerce ¿nd :) ,ci: C3-ri.r'.s cn, q.llesti-on '! nô' tl:le neces sity of ân em:rl¿l Ìil:Õ $!^â.i:L to : v -l-LL(j å. I:ìo,p siior,¡ing nrinici::al- boirntÌa F': rirq r ð"t great exi€hs o';o'cayilayers. ¡-. ..*¿l V i:r I-¿ io l4 'l fl"¿bCi io¡:a-i.cl 1- irì]:n3r ilai,:_in Grecle (ze-icr_:_zi iicre of Dêcirtei- :iroperí;y. :;ivision of 6,2 ¿c:.es into .ûiiree Farceis: iro::ti-on zoflen i'a¡'cel 1 'uo contain 3"¿i ac::es ïesidence, green, house, gl.ass horise ancl Þun.ï hotrse" .rarcel i tõ coniairr i,B acres ParceL 3 to contain 1,0 aci'es $ 5.ú l.-lr, ;-oies nroved^appT.ovai of ihe infcr¡nai -ûhe sr.rbd.iv:'-sion, sribject'io follûr..rj"ng conciitiorrs : io Su-bstantial progr eris being nade tor¡ard, instal-l-ati"on of the fire hydr'ãnt âu'i the iniersecti-on of tiic ririver+ay_ access and liaiiin Crade , i. e. coinpletion o'f ¡,ì-ans, nego.tiaî:ion r..¡ith a cont:.actotand' instailation ¡.¡ithi-n niuety da¡'s. 2, triling af a parcel flâpr 3u ;J-i ätiiit¡' sei^vices to tfte ner+ parcels to ìre i:1a ccd. unclergròüncl. o cl:ase seconcled passcd" )'lt 2o 5- \j ¡ tlie motion, viricli r,,ras unanirnousl¡,' llerroicl Ð, _liqglrel (Hill-ocir Trrist), canyon Roaci (portion ??-CI31-30; containi;g-tt'ir"*,- O .26C, ecresj l'tcre Zone. Cirernge of i:,otnclar;r ì-inc bei;rçeen üe5-_e,h'bcrs to i*prcve u.cility of existínp; T:uilding sico, :r;.rirlication j-s condition¿i--ri-.roir cor,ril ç'tion of 'iechnical r¿a'Lterîs, i,e. cLose saLe ã;ec cxtensi of certai"n utiiities. rîdcLi'cionai iots are not being o;:1. created. i';f o ; oncg, agen'r fc,r. ilr, PigcheL, e:11:,-f ained. t.li¿t the .::eq:cs'c is ìreiiig nade tç nove the Pisce1 Líne orc:: so ;l¡ð setbacit iiné can be taiccn froil iand. r.¡itl: tlie l-east y¿l-ue, l.¡l:ich l'ril-I inpiove the ,iosi'cioä of a ]rou.se ol Resol-rit:'-on IIo , 895. 7. Approving ancl Adoptlng Parcel luiap of a Subdlvi,sion of E. lI'. Bechtel Property, Ross. Mr. Jones ¡noved adop'cion of Resol-ut1on itio. 895, v¡hictr appróved ancl adopis the parcel rnap ancl auihorises the ltfayor and Clerlc to execute any documenis anq agreemenis necessary to effeciuate said. land dlvlslont upon receipt of a bond and execution of an agreement by the ordrrer guaranteeing constructlon of utilities and. improvements as required by the Tor'rn Staff . 1tirs. 0sterloh second.ed the motion, which was unanimously passed. (_) Resolution No. 896. Establishing Neir Garbage Ccrllection Rates. I'lr. Jones mðved. ad.optlon of Resolution No. 896, together with a let1"er from Marin Sanitary Service agieeing to furnish, witirout cliarge, a total of four nionthly plck-ups and disposals from debris boxes said- boxes having located i,¡ithin the 'Iov¡n lj-mits,.Mr. Chase second.ed a capacity of 20 cubic ya.rc1-s. the motÍ.on., rvhlch t^ras unanl'.mously passed. ]vlayor .Allen reported that use of ihe debris box 1s bei.ng abused þecaUse resj.dents oT tl"reir garcleners are dumpËing i¿hole trucliloads. Ivirs. 0sterloir !9..Sq9!!9q j.nsta11áüion of a gign, indicating f'OR I';0TJSEIíOLDERS . { O}TLY t c). nformal Subrli.vi.s åÌ r\ I Grade (72-La]-].2) Acre Zone. Portion of Bechte 1p ronertv. Division oA 6.2 acres lnto three Parcels. The engineer map showing \,\ ,\, for l4r. Flynn presäntecl Parce]- 1..to contain Parce1 2 to contain Pa.rce.L 3 'Uo contaln an ,amended. acres acres 1 o acres J t Lf I I a .loi.¡n Eng.íneer Hoffman recomrnended -cha.t further cliv1sl.on of Parcél 1 is noi possible becau,se rhe Code states loi 'r in d.eterr:rining v¡hetl,rer a. tot conLalns the ninimum parcel shallor l.ot a.reâ requiredr-the ciepth. of su.ch i:lot exceed foúr times l,he fron'bage thereof Llpon the street o 1ane, court or road-t/alr uÞon vhi.ch the sarne fronts rrr irfr. Jones sta''r,ed ihat Fi.re Chief Cassonts report on the Bechtel lot split in<l1cabed tl-re neecl fo:: a hyci.rant neí{l1 t,he existing'hou-se if the roacl.way is io be closed. shoulcl requj.re and. he felt i,iris- furtlrer partitioning-uhorough l'nvestiga'r'Íon a second. h¡rd-rant. I'{r. Châse saitl' a should 'oe irade conce::nj-ng ttre need ío:: a second hyd-r¿nf ' ivir. Flynn requested thst tbe Council grant p:relimina::y ' J. anproval. i s neecled. Mayor .AlLen r1id. not think a second hydrani luh:. Cha,çe moved b,ha.t the matter be ca::ri.ed over to tl:e May meeting.\ Mr.. Jones seconded the nrotion, r..¡hlch passed by a four to l_0 on.e vote, Mr. Allen dissentlng. Va::iances, 1 D¡. .an¿ tqrs. O. Culn lhornso+, t+Lr5 Lagunltas Road A let'ber frorn Dr. Thomson was a.cknor,¡ledeed, in whi.ch he asked that the variance be r^¡ithd.::awn becau.se he felt a l-0 foot chain linlc fence i¡ouIcl. not enhance the \ / J uo*l' É&e lvt community. Lgrr.j.s ,and Bar'baïe Ltur4bo.fg, 102 Ivy Drive !7311\3-12¡ 1O,0OO sq. f¡. zone. Variance and. hill side l-ot apfilicatlon. N-o-?,-.3.6.e Requesi to eonst:ruct bed.l:oom and bath under existing garâge and enc3-ose staj.rwayl wiih storage at west i,¡all of garage and enelose deck areâ to provi-de d-iníng roomr .oD J-ot iravirig an ave"nâge sJ-ope in excesã of 3O/r. Previous pppticatlon for use permit l'¡i thd:: avrn . ? J. $ \s +. Mr. Lundborg explained the nerrl p-"I-ans, r^¡hich the cou.ncil fot-r.nd Ïtere greatl-v improved' Iifr. Chase moved app::oval 'o.f the aFpllcprt'ionsr.Mrs' 0sterloh seconcleb. anrl the motion-was unaninóus1¡¡ pas'sed.. Don.atd. llavid. Foster, 7.5 Bolinas Ave. Q3-O52-A7) ffi'Ujr-,161 Constructlon 6¡ \r3rr x 4'9" half-bath d.eck aliea of non-conforming house. in existing Mr. Cecí1. Gotifrey, cotttractor, e:cìrJ-aine<i that' Mr'. Foster's health :i.óquires the nel'¡ roo1l1. lnlr. Maglnis ¡rovecL granblng the vai:Íance, Mr. Chase seconcled and' the rnotion !'ras unanimoitsly passed' Juci lJ 73-2r 2 shi1li re ell \.3 Lagunitas Road one. Addltion',öf 19t' k'14t,: Itvlng roon and modificai-'r-orrs to non-con:foi:ning house. Mr. SÏrill-lnger explained that his ç'l'¡o acre lot is 65 feet in liiclttr änC 6I+0 feet long ancl iherefor any cónstruction recluires a variance because of tlie'Lhenarro$ne'ss of the 1o1;. lir' Jones saicl the sl:ape of lot constl"tuted a hardslilp and moved grani:lng lhg variance, Mr. Þlaginis'seõonded- the motion, which passed unánimousIY' ; rl, tiì .1r ,. 'I -2Mn._{aglnf s moved granttng the hlllsld,e lot gpplleatlon' rybJoct to ùhe folrowlng condttfong¡ I. A detalled drainage plan be subrnítted,, subJect to approval tfre Tor,rn and prlon to tssua_nce ofofa bull_dlng Engfneen peionlt. 2. A1l newly oxposed slopes tð Ëe p}anted ln a m&r]nên aocoptabl0 to ühe Bulld1ng rnspocton. 3. AlL ¡,ecommonda.tlons of the *ppifc"rrãrt englneer Ín h1s leùber of Dec . Z'3', I}TS to be adhered to. 4. - ¡i negf stonod. englneer to be ¡"etalned by ühe appllcants üo- lnspeõt alt gr.ad.ing, forrndations, wa1Ls. and. dnaltrs.go instaLLãtlon, -äna prlon to lssua-nco of an occupancy pormit, turnish-a Statement of 0ompLlanoe- tó the iown that aL1 such work he.s boen accompllshed ùo saflsfactfon and. s,acondlåg to plan. hls 5. Upper surface drain tõ Ue irrutaffed. pnlon to any constructtôh. 6, Headwalls buiLt at catchbasln, as appnoved, Þy tr¡e Town Engineen, to contnor ärrvewäy runoff, A negaüLve envlnonrriental lmpact statäment, 7. be propared, by Eown Englneen a¡rã ftled wlth the County. Mtt. Chase seconded the moülon, rrhlch H*s unantrnously passed,. I 6, o Subdt a se end. of Monnlson Road 01Or Request to allow propÕrty lrne ad,justmenü betr¿een land of NlcoLateen an¿ f-an¿ of Flfna (?a-fOf-it+i Lot 1 (¡'tynn) wltle.B6-Ác, Lot 2 (Nlcolalsen) wltl "ontÀk contaln 1.J2 Ao. Mn. t{lcolatsen oxplalnod, i¡rat I,Ír. nfynn-wfsfrãs to stralghten the_pnopenty lLne for åtanb.lng purposos. Mo!. Flynn stated that pLantfng Is needed for prlvacy. Îvfu". Jones rroved.- gi'antrng the lot i.lne ad,Jusümont, subJec!. to apnlicantf g furnlshlng å pa:rcät maó end' retter of consent fr.om all prop"*ty,ortr.ersr IIns.'Osüer1oh second.ed..,thå notiðn, .,whlðh-wag passed,.by unanlmous. vote of tho, Cáuncii,, l",, An \f I' ' .' : 7. Igrlg4-Qss. l. . i,l -,', n esE H 3l+ r ZOI1O. Request to aIl-or¡ I 5 s{. ft, addltlon on south side of exletln g non -conformlng house to pnovtde space for whlrl pool fac11ity. Lot Ane a l.6.2L s Q. ft. Presenù Lot cover agê 2I, vø rt No oo Il/'$. 1b . . :. e Mr ey d , OOO. eq. Proposed 2l.. BI+il .f! .' tl ATTACHMENT 3 Staff Use Only u<, Rocêivèd By: rä "rg$T5 RÛSi-: ¡aã.[eíE# DâtE: . lLl lZ. Fee¡ Pald: Town of Ross Date: Planning Department Post Office Box 320, Ross, CA 94957 Phone {415} 453-1453, Ext. 121 Fax {415) 453-1950 Web www.townofross.org Email hscoble@townofross.o!.g PLAN NING PERM IT APPLICATION Type of Applicdtion (check all that apply): Desígn Review Variance(s) X Residentiol Second Unit Use Permit Minor Exception Demolitian Permit e Lot Appl i cat on Basement ar Attic Exception Ather: Hi I I sid ¡ No'n\,- ¿*nr,çJ, ^i1 ?et n',* parcelAddress and Assessor,s parcel No. 100 WÌnding Way, Ross ApN: 072-10i-26 Nancy and Michael Alvarez Owner{s} of Porcel Mailing Address (PO 9ox Ìn Rass ,¡ P.O. Box 1530 State Ross Phone !Y56-3206 _ Emoit nancy@doremi.cc Evening phone Doy - sâme - 1750 Bridgeway, Suite 8211 Sausalitr¡ Sfafe____9å.- 7¡p 94965 phone 415-335-'1400 x 0014 Email msm@michaelrexarchitects.com Michael Matsuura, Architect Primary Contact for Applicatíon {nome) Existing and Proposed Conditions 6ross Lat Síze _ Existing 127,592 (For definirion¡ piease refer ro attached facr sheet.! sq. f¡ sq, Lat Areo ft. Existing Floor Areo 1'16.360 , Existing Lot 4.3 y, Coveraqe 0 . sq.,ft. Floor Area Removed Coverags Remaved Coveroge Added 94957 ztP Michael Rex Architects Archítect (Or applicant if not Mailing Address cA 2,361 sq. ft. ft 9,4A4 s q.fr. 5.5 €xisting Floar Area Rstia Floor,Areo Added sq, 0 3,841 % sq. ft. sq. ft. 12/ f l LS Vers ion NetChange- Coveroge +2,361 P Proposed Lot Coverage sq. f¡. Net Chonge- Floor Area +3,841 sq. ft. sq.tt. Proposed Floor Area 14,245 sq. ft. 6,4 % l'/- sq. ¡¡. Êxisting lmpervious lreds-|1 .-% Existing lmpervious 4¡sq5 i'? '$ Praposed Floor Area Proposed Cut \.Þ.? cubic yards 8,8 % Proposed lmpervious Areas 79,1b&sq" ¡¡. areas t8 .-% +, 1_@hou>L Proposed lmperviaus a Proposed New Retaîning Wall Canstructian Ratio g, ft. (max height) 4*-$6an4+ :' *.>' <*.* *-- &7oo\ h<>s><Proposed F¡ll I .þ.?. . cubic yards !þ.' "L4' ft. {length} Written Project Description - mqy be attached, A complete description of the proposed project, includine all requested vaíances. is required. The description may be reviewed by those who have not had the benefit of meeting with the applicant, therefore, be thorough in the description. For design review applications, please provide a summary of how the project relates to the design review criteria in the Town zoning ordinance (RMC 5i"8.41.100), - See Attached Project Description - 2 Consulta nt lnformation The following information is required for all project consultants Landscape Architect Firm Denler Hobart Gardens LLC raj e ct La n dsca e Arch itect Maìling Address PO Box'1207 p P Janell Hobart Srare__Çô_ Ross Phone 41 5-51 8-1653 janell@denlerhobartgardens. com Emøil Town of Ross Business License zt P ___94s57._ Fax No._ Expiratian Ðate Civil/ Geotechnical Engineer Firm LTÐ Engineering, lnc. Project Engin gç¡ Glenn Dearth Maíling Address 1050 Northgate Drive, Suite 315 San 5to fc phone Fax 415446-7402 CA ztP 94S03 415446-7419 odearthô LTÐe no tneennq.com Emaíl Town of Ross Eusiness License Na. Expiratian Aate Arborist Firm Froject Arborist Mailing Address Stofe Phone Emoil Tawn of Ross Busíness License Other Consultant Mailing Address No. _ Expiration Ðate Stote- Phane Email Town of Ross Eusiness License No. i;-1i'lj,l;¡.,'¡¡'¡ AP Fax r¡i¡_:-':i'ji: _ ztP Fax Exp¡rot¡on Date r.,,t-.i":..,i.. 1.|:.:"1-.,.,_::,..;.:..-_ _ ) December 2t,7Al5 Members of the Town Council Clo Ms. HeidiScoble, Planning Manager Town of Ross P.O. Box 320 Ross, iliilFAi:.1. th)( 4 i': l. --l I ! Í: fl I :1 CA 94957 RE: RENOVAÏION TO THE ALVAREZ RESIDENCE . lOO W¡NDING WAY DESIGN REVIEW AND NONCONFORMITY PERMIT APPLICATION - APN 072.101-26 Dear Members of the Town Council, Architect for the proposed Project and on behalf of Michael and Nancy Alvarez, owners of the property at 100 Winding Way in the Laurel Grove area of town, we submit this Design Review and Nonconformity permit application seeking your approval to allow a major renovation of their existing home, as shown on our plans As the dated December 21, 2015. Project Objectives: After living in the house for many years, where they raised two children, the time has finally come for Michael and Nancy to overcome the home's frustrating architectural and construction problems stemming from the 1973 design. The 8 ft. ceilings tn theír main living level, combined with heavy ceiling beams and broad roof overhangs, cut off the wonderful view of Mt. Tam and deprive the interior of sunlight, leaving the interior spaces dark and gloomy. Deck joists and roof rafters are exposed to weather and are rott¡ng. The roof's extreme slope reduces useable living space on the top floor. The roof decks are rarely used; the east deck is too cold and the west deck too hot. The interior spaces are tight and dated. Michael and Nancy asked us to simplify the building's current form, which is chopped up and overly complex. They wish to expand the interior spaces and open them out more fully to the outdoors. They prefer a home that is brighter and happier, which capturesthe síte's sweeping vista while honoring its beautifulnaturalsetting. The proposed design is the product of a two-year + study, where multiple options were considered until the right one was achieved -the one you see here. Project Description: The existing 4,558 sq.ft. house sits in the middle af a2-9 acre site that is so large and densely forested, barely another house can be seen. Though the proposed renovation would expand the home's size to 7,gg1 sq.ft., the residence will remain in the same location and be no higher than the existing structure. The existing hipped roof would be replaced with a gabled-shaped roof. A two-story addition with a roof deck is proposed on the home,s southeast corner. There will still be a 3-car Garage, but it will be pulled back further into the hillside to allow more room for cars and emergency vehicles to turn around. The small 260 sq.ft. Pool House will be replaced with a larger 725 sq.ft. Pool House, in the same general location west of the existing pool. A colored "Sample Board" showing the proposed exterior colors and materials is included in the submittal. The colorswill bemutedandearthtone,sothehousewill continuetoblendinwell withitssetting. Theroofeaves will remain broad to add shadow and reduce glare from window glazing. The existing dark painted wood siding and trim will be replaced with light color toned natural cedar, protected with a clear sealer. The new siding will ho ^---r -- - ! r ^l:-L!|.. u= r¡arfi¡¡l vríL;L<ii 1i và eo !.-.,;^íìdvint 5írgntiy eaSed .Juf5¡de edges between boarcis. The existing dark compositíon roofing will be replaced with a standing seam metal roofing having a medium toned warm matt gray color, which matches the existing roof material and color on the existing barn located on the east side of the entry drive. Door & window sash and the deck guardrails will be metal having a painted satin bl¿ck finish. Decking material will be natural lpei, or a similar sustained-yield hardwood. Lighting will be kept to the minimum necessary for safety and have shielded lamps that direct the light downward. lherewillbenoincreaseinrun-offfromthesite. Pavingwillbereducedaroundtheexistingpoolandsloped towards planting beds' storm water from roofs will be directed in subterranean pipes to new bio-swales. An Arborist Report will be provided soon after the date of th¡s letter, which will certify that the southeast addition and the adjustment in the Garage's location will not compromise the health of the nearby oak trees. The report will also define measures to be taken to protect trees in the vicinity of the construction work. Nonconformity Permit: The existing house was constructed with a Building Permit in 1g73. The elevation of the finished grade and the híghest roof ridgeline noted on the approved plans show a building height of 3s'-3 5fg,, on the south flev¿tion (which our plans note as the East Flevation), and 32'- 6" on the tast Elevation (which our plans note as the south Flevation)" Therefore, the existing house is legal nonconforming due lo the Building Height exceeding the current 3o ft' height limit. Because the new roof is proposed at the same height, we ask approval for a Nonconformity Perm¡t under section 18.52.030 of the Ross Municipal code to enlarge and reconstruct the home without exacerbating the nonconforming buílding height. Neighborhood Outreach: Even though the occupants of homes on adjacent property, or beyond, cannot see the house, Nancy Alvarez is contactinB neighbors to review the plans with them and ask for their feedback and support. she will provide a summary of her outreach efforts following the Christmas and New year holidays. Because of the home,s seclusion, we are not anticipating the proposed renovation will negatively impact neighbors. Conclusion: with the exception of the Building Height, for which a Nonconformity permit is requested, the proposed project conforms to all other development standards in the R-1:B-A Zoning D¡stríct (which we,re using, because the existing home predates December 14, L989). The finished home will contínue to blend in with its natural setting and avoid impacting neíghbors in any way. Because the Findings can be made in sectíon 1,g.41.100 in the Ross Municipal Code for Design Review and in Section 18.52.040 (f) for the Nonconformity permit, and because of the good reasons noted above, we ask the Councíl to approve this application as proposed. Thank you for providing your thrughtful csnsideration of this application. Sincerely, tt ..) ,_ , //r/ y'ø,u1r' Míchael Rex, Architect 1750 BRIDGEWAY 8211 SAUSALIIO CALIFORNIA 94S65 ' (415) 331-1400 ,: MICHAELRËXARCHTTECTs COM ATTACHMENT 4 Town of Ross Planning Department T&[Vl.{ ROSS P. O. Box 320, Ross, CA 94957 Telephone {415) 453-1453 ext. 121 Fax (415f 453-1950 www.townofross.org NEIGHBOR ACKNOWTEDGEMENT FORM -The Town of Ross requires applicants for development projects to review their plans with abutting neighbors prior to submitting the project to the Town. These plans should be considered PRELIMINARY ONLY and there may be modifications made by the applicant or required by the Town during the formal review period, including at the public meeting on the project. The Town will mail a notice of any public meet¡ng regarding the project to the owner of your residence at least ten days prior to the meeting. You are invited to contact the Town Planning Department for more information. 4 L- lo Project Address and Assesso/s Parcel No. 'll Owner(s) of Parcel Date of Plans lA- lb - ?-ò t{ I am a neighbor of the project site identified above. The applicant has reviewed the project plans with me and I understand the scope of work. I understand that the plans may change during the formal review process. ^/ p r .nnrove the plans as proposed fl not approve the plans as proposed for the following reasons (attach additional material if r Uo necessary): Note: the informotion on this form will become part of the public record for this proiect ond providing personal informotion is optionol. lf vou hove anv concerns with the plons, the Town encouroaes vou to discuss them wíth the opplicont. lÍ the concerns ore not resolved, please inform the Plonning Deportment and/or the Town Council. Written comments received by the Plonníng Department by 5:00 p.m. the Thursdoy (7 doys) prior to the Town Council meeting will be included in the Council ogenda packet. Other written comments should be submitted ot least 48 hours prior to the Council so the Council has omple time to review the comments. Neighbor Name(s) -/ 'l tr¿S 14 Date Neighbor Signature(s) ô Neighbor Address ba A Neighbor Phone Number and Email ls /L /l "/tf ,/5/ /37¿/ € L,-, t &.^ Town of Ross 711 Ï$$,VN ROSS Planning Department P. O. Box 320, Ross, CA 94957 Telephone (4151 453-1453 ext. 121 Fax (4151 453-1950 wurw.townofross.org NEIGHBOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM -The Town of Ross requires applicants for development projects to review their plans with abutting neighbors prior to submitting the project to the Town. These plans should be considered pRELIM¡NARY ONLY and there may be modifications made by the applicant or required by the Town during the formal review period, including at the public meet¡ng on the project. The Town will mail a notice of any public meeting regarding the project to the owner of your residence at least ten days prior to the meeting. You are invited to contact the Town Planning Department for more information. toz Project Address and Assesso/s Parcel No. '/ø owner(sl of Parcel Date of Plans lZ- /b - 2þ lç the project plans with me and I understand the scope of work. I understand that the plans may change during the formal review process. fl I ¿o not approve the plans as proposed for the ffi I approve the plans as proPosed following reasons (attach additional material if I am a neighbor of the project site identified above. The applicant has reviewed necessary): Note: the information on this form will become Port of the public record for this proiect ond providing personal informotion is optionol. lf vou have onv concerns with the plans. the Town please inform encouraoes vou to discuss them with the opplicont. tÍ the concerns ore not resolved, the Planning Depørtment and/or the Town Council. Written comments received by the Plonning Deportment by 5:00 p.m. the Thursdoy (7 days) prior to the Town Council meeting will be included in the Council agendo packet. Other wr¡tten comments should be submitted ot leost 48 hours prior to the Council meeting so the Council has omple time to review the comments. n/e Neighbor Name(s) Date Neighbor Signature(s) Neighbor Address Neighbor Phone Number and Email o q n/ ú &' Town of Ross TSVI.{ ROSS Planning Department P. O. Box320, Ross, CA 94957 Telephone (415) 453-1453 ext. 121 Fax (4151 453-19s0 urww.townofross.org NEIGHBOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM -The Town of Ross requires applicants for development projects to review their plans with abutting neighbors prior to submitting the project to the Town. These plans should be considered pRE¡MINARY ONLY and there may be modifications made by the applicant or required by the Town during the formal review period, including at the public meeting on the project. The Town will mail a notice of any public meet¡ng regarding the project to the owner of your residence at least ten days prior to the meet¡ng. You are invited to contact the Town Planning Department for more information. Project Address and Assesso/s Parcel N". 4ó /ÒÒ - lol -16 Owner{s) of Parcel Date of Plans / Z- /lê' plans I am a neighbor of the project site identified above. The applicant has reviewed the project with me and I understand the scope of work. I understand that the plans may change during the formal review process. -t þ ronrove the plans as proposed ¿o not approve the plans as proposed for the following reasons (attach additional material if necessary): fl ¡ Note: the information on this form will become part of the public record for this proiect ønd providing personol information is optional. lf vou hove anv concerns with the plans. the Town pleose inform encouroaes vou to discuss them with the applicont. tÍ the concerns ore not resolved, the Planning Deportment ond/or the Town Council- Written comments received by the Plonning Ðepartment by 5:00 p.m. the Thursdoy (7 doys) prior to the Town Council meeting will be included in the Council ogendo pocket. Other written comments should be submitted at leost 48 hours prior to the Council meeting so the Council hos omple time to review the comments. Ne lû f'l\- lü' or Date Nei 2 Neighbor Address Neighbor Phone Number and Email flf CrT)[r/4 /(f RECEIVED Planning Departmeil Town of Ross 71t TSIN ROSS Planning Department P. O. Box 320, Ross, CA 94957 Telephone (415) 453-1453 ext. 121 urwrâr.townof ross.org lt,lAn - 1 2016 Fax (415) 453-1950 Town ol Ross NEIGHBOR ACKNOWTEDGEMENT FORM The Town of Ross requires applicants for development projects to review their plans with abutting neighbors prior to submitting the project to the Town. These plans should be considered PRELIMINARY ONLY and there may be modifications made by the applicant or required by the Town during the formal review period, including at the public meet¡ng on the project. The Town will mail a notice of any public meeting regarding the project to the owner of your residence at least ten days prior to the meeting. You are invited to contact the Town Planning Department for more information. Project Address and Assesso/s Parcel No. Owner(s) of Parcel ûts /0Ò ¿ 072 -/ 6l'-/ry H ìc\a Date of Plans ? ({ I I am a neighbor of the project site identified above. The applicant has reviewed the project plans with me and I understand the scope of work. I understand that the plans may change during the formal review process. ffipprove the ptans as proposed fl not approve the plans as proposed for the following reasons (attach additional material if r Ao necessary): Note: the informotion on this form will become part of the public record for this project and providing personol inþrmotion is optional. lf vou have onv concerns with the plons, the Town encourqoes vou to discuss them with the opplicont. lf the concerns ore not resolved, pleose inform the Plonning Deportment ond/or the Town Council. Written comments received by the Plonning Department by 5:00 p.m. the Thursday (7 doys) prior to the Town Council meeting will be íncluded in the Council ogendo pocket. Other written comments should be submitted ot leost 48 hours prior to the Council meeting so the Council hos omple time to review the comments. L Neighbor Name(s) Neighbor Signature(s) L Neighbor Address Neighbor Phone Number and Email It5- "/ts- /y L ATTACHMENT 5 ABBREVIATIONS PROJECT TEAM RENOVATION TO THE rti! ALVAREZ RESIDENCE 1OO BRI!ô!:vÂY F.rx.1ri lrr t{6r Mkr*ru| &¿orMDd WINDING WAY ROSS, CALIFORNIA 94957 APN 072-tI-26 t¡l U z ln¡r odùtr@ßdd uuJ o 'o r f rúr¿y(oñ iS - =Í' F (' ,ñ ^'Ì 2uz4a Il-- d o;¡ z,ì ¿i Í!2 N;I-e u.r SHEET INDEX ^-* ú¿¿9 d -< J SYMBOLS ASSESSOR IVAP ¡¡... ,/r>(-Þ,ñDñuú4 \t--h:d-^!mbÉ /t\-".,,,,^".,., @-""",^,",,.. ]!JJ.@ "ê;*-*^ å *,',*,, -F-l. PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION ffi ()M ÀNOADDfiIdfOÉ6NNGSINGLL¡ÂMtrY RE5ID€NC!ÂNDANÉW] CÂRCAMCE. RTPUCÊÊST¡NGPOOLHOUST MEOA RTNOVAÌON D¡SìGN trMIWADDFND!M m¿nï;Eúmõä R-r'8SÂ. F A o o (Gr63LorÀrcJ C) r?/5921 Drvcwry L¿rcmcntì lÌ,21? @ VICINITY MAP ftúqH.o, l) OVERVIEW MAP ' flllïi;: j'.,',",,,,,, ^- .H¡e¡dZon.3 - M¿*Peh¡rcdtloortuc¿ ;;-----------ffi ! - Propo!.d ¡loôr Á,c¿.hàn9.s ry* 1¿, ¡\ a {Ì ÆNOr€o NTLE 2r,362r (137%oJgrcslo0 (s¿e råk.{r Gk!¡a¡oni on lh..r rcr¡) 26,rili (209*olq¡Õ$to! (5e¿ bksrl(J.ûh¡ons on Sh.et wsr 0) sH€II -----------ìì:- A0.L Mdr,ùuasrtlli\ WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE BUILDING MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ROOFING EXTERIOR COVERINGS tuofcÞv.ñBrWhere the roôl p¡ol lelllowsâ rp¿.e bátu¿en the rooicove¡ng ãnd roof de.bñ9,the rpa(es rh¿ll be con*ruded ìo p¡eventthe rnÙusÕñ or tlãmes a¡d êmbeß, bè f rc*opped wlth apprcved mðtenaß or have one lâyer ol mnimum 72 polnd (324 k9) m ne¡ãts 3uda.ed nonpedoràtèd.ip,hed..hplyñ9 wúh ASTM D 3S9 rñ5Þlled ov.¡the coñburrble de(krn9. 1, 2. tuof vJleFMÈr¿ váll€yrl¡5hrñ9 ! rn*¿lled, rhe l¡åshi¡g sh¡ll be notle$ th¿n 0.019-inch (0¡3 mm) No. gslh¡ sheet.ororio¡{esùEn!ñrb¡ ñ{¡ll¿d over ñol le$ th¡n oie lôyerol ñ ñ'mùa 72 -pound ß2 a lq) m neÊlrll¿Gd nonpelo¡âted.ãp rhest.Òmplyng wûh AsfMÞ3s9,àtle¿f 36-in(h-wide(914mñ)¡!iningthefllllengthof 26 9¿9e MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING NOTES EXTERIOR WINDOWS AND DOORS rhe exerÞrw¿ll (over i9 orN¡ll ¿$emblyshdl (ompttrûh one oi!he rolloù nq ¡equremensì a Non<ombui¡ble materal b lgnion{ej*anlmared¿l .. Hêaw{imb€¡ ¿renor w¡ll r Fembly d LogN¡llcoñ*r!ôo¡ð*embly è Wall a$embl e! ftôtñeerlhe pedorñân.e dre¡¿ ñ á.cofdânce Nth the tef pro.edur.tfôf¡ 10-nrnlre drecrll¿he<oñbdeÌposuretei5ettonh nSFM 1. Etudorwäk Efcdorpokhc.i¡ngi ol e&¡or po(h ceil nqr 5- 3.Ræfgu&6, Roolguc.ß sh¿ll beprôvded wth the nê¡hs ro Þrevent the¿(c!ñulðt oñ ol le¿vet ¿ñd debns VENfING V.dl¡tbn q.niñ$, ventilrt on openings ror endo!ed at'cs,endosede¿vesolûtp¿(es,enclosed¡àfterrp¿.et rormed where ce lnqs ¿.e ¿ppled d redttolhe uñdeÉdè or'oor'¿1e',. cnd Jnde/lÕo' ve-ûlct on o.en'ñ9: \ts¿ll b. tully.overed with ñer¿lw re merh, venc, othe' m¿reriåh or othêrdeù.e5th¡rheetthelollowinqreq!ùemenc: 1. . lhedme¡ro¡!ortheopênrnqs5hðllbel/8th n.h32nm) inte¡tolth s c lhe mãterãß used 2. sh¿ll v.ntûnon opsiEionft ånd com¡c.rvêns be.orÕro¡ rer!Þnt dêdde ol e.E5 rh3ll ñor be insþl¡ed oñ the undeßide lhe entorc ng ¿gency m€ya((ept oråpprow epe. êl e¿veðñdcofntevenßth¿tfesùtthe ntrusion olrlâme¿nd b!Ò n9 embeß { fhe eft¿no¡w¿ll.owil¡g ¿nd expo!.d undeß de orthe eave aE oJ noncombusùble matenå1, o¡ ignlton{rbl¿ft -maten¿ß ¿5 dele.mined in a.(ordan.ewith sFM Stinds¡d 12-7A-5 l!nition-R$ r¿nr 9ro!nd Ò¡wålkn9 iul¡.e poth, pâto, or simil¿¡ !ulåre 12 leel ûôm th¿ ofa deck, requne@ß ætur 9Þ.d d@r E(erior üindow, ônd e*edo¡ glrzed doo¡¿s5emblie5 shôll complyw lh one ofthe lollos'n9 Etun6.dooß Ì lhe ê{eror 3!da.e or.l¿dd'ng sh¿ll bê or noncombu*iblê o¡lgnitioniè!i5bnt m¡ter¿1, or 2. sh¡ll bê (on*¡!dêd orlol ¿ co¡e qood lh¿l.omply wrhthe lolloNing ¡eq! remens: 2 1 stles ånd rãilssh¿ll nÒ¡bê le$!h¡¡ 1:/8 Flær prcj*dohs.rhê erpored und€ß'de ofJ ontilevere¡ lloor projedonrh¿¡€ 3 lloo¡¡!5embly o.lall,hãll bà p¡oteded by ône a Na^conbui'bleñ¿ter¿l b.¡9.i!onre5*antmatenal c. one l¿yer ol9l3-ihch lype Xgypslm sheathing ¡pplled behind ðn erenor.ovedng on the undeß d lh..t.nor ÞôÉLoñ ôié l-hÕurf re res oiths lollôwnq ¿e 5!v. èÍeror 2,2 tured pdôeh sh¿llnot bele$ thôn u/4 ñch¿j th.k, ex.eptrofthe ererof perimeref Dllhs É sàd p¡n¿lth¡t maytâpe¡!o aro¡gle hor 3 sh¿llhãveãlre{e$Þn..rå¡ñgotnotlerúa¡20 minlies whente*ed ¿cco¡din9 to NFPA252 4. Sh¿ll be re*ed to meetthe pÊdorm¿ncê ¡eq!nemsnß olsFM st¡nd¿rd 1r-74{. projedonindoding¿$embleruringthegyps!h pånel ônd lheath ¡9 prc¡uds ßted inlheGF5!m Asôdatoñ r¡e Re5 *añ(e Der q¡ Ma¡ua¡ e lhe uñdeßrd. ol¿ iloorprôJecia¡¿sembtS* meet!he pelo¡fr¡nce.dterÌa in ac(ord¿nce wÌththe t€n Froced!¡e5 5ellofrh in StM Standa¡d 12-7A-3 expor.d rool dec( onthe e¿ver 5hall con5 Í olonÊ al b ¡gnûôñÌ.nf¿ntn¿¡enal c. one l¿yer otsl3rnch lypeX gyprum,heãthrn! appl éd behrnd an èserio¡covernq ôn the undeß'de 7. Ud.doøprddoñ. rhe underlloor¿reâ ol b¿ €n.lored to b! lding! thãll compliesùth lhe r€qurem€ntsoflhe N¿¡on¿l trre Pole<ton A$o(aton (NFPA) 13-Rand local slandards. Inrall ¿ f rc sp¡¡klè¡ rystem th¡oughout rhe Pool Holse útrh complie5wth lhe reqlireme¡ls oflhe Nâto¡al F¡r€ Prolecùôn Assooaton (NFP¡I 13-R a¡d local råndârds. Pl¿ns sh¿ll be submilred c.Noncomb!(bleñ¿te¡i¿l d, Any mare¡al úatcomplies with the pedormðn(e reqùfemenc ol sFM srând¡rd 12-74{awhe¡ ¡tuded etâno¡wall (ovenng r¿bo e thêr non.Õmb!f bl.of 9nr!on{ê,ßbntmâte¡al 1. d. lhe êtedo¡ podron ol¿ l-hou/fte ¡ssùdvê ereno/ w¡ll as¿mblyâpplied tolhê !ndê6ide orthe rloor ind!din9 ¿fêmbllet u5in9 th.gyp!!m pán€länd 2. Detsn M¿n!ãl lhe un¡eßide ol¿ tloorå$eñb¡ythãr ñeeß the pâlo/ñ¿¡ce íten¿ ¡na(o¡d¿n.ewththeteilÞ¡ocedlressêttonhinsFMstandðrd12-74- Eßload roôl.aE¡.d rod..wdBlhe expord !nd$ de oi endose¡ rool eave, hðúng either¿ boxed-in rooleave sofiwirh à hod¿o¡Èl !ndûride, or iosng ¡¡frertlißwith ¿¡ e*Èior.ove¡ n9 ¡pplisd:loth¿ !ndeßide the r¿fte¡t¿ils, sh¿ll be proteded byõñe olthe lollow ng tðißo¡sofft ndudingäsemb¡ies!singth¿9Wsum p¡nel ¿nd she¿thin9 prodlRs lßted n the GWs!m Assocèton FrcResßt¿n¿e ÞÊrqn Mnld e BÒrêd-nrôÒleavesolrt¿sedble5ùt¡¿hon¿ont¿l !¡deßrdeth€tmeetthe pedorm¿nce côlerla n ì: bellwandre(erve p¡marysour<eof pwer ând shâll be rnt€rconné€ted as¡osound¿n¿larm¡udrblernallsleeprnq¿re¿s ofthe dwdlng unit ¡nwhich thry¿re lo(ated. Smoke ðl¡ms musr be ¡n*alled pe¡ månufacture/s spec¡f c¿nons. Smoke al¡Imsshall o rl oiñ _uu -q\ N ;.^.= > O u¡ - li< e¿9 3 d<-* cârbon mo¡dide ål¿¡ms 5hall be located as follows: å. Oußide ofthe sleepr¡g ârea i¡ the immedrat€ Mcinity oflh€ b. on every l€vel ¡ncluding lhe basement¿¡d in hàb¡tab¡eattics. nil conslruc¡ioD côùoñ mnoxid€ al¿rmsshall be 11N and powe¡Íiômthebuildngwrr¡gwlh rccevepnmãrysourceof bat€ryb ack-up. h sisting consùuclioñ, carbon moñoede àlårmsåre pèhired ro bê solet banery operatêd úere repâñ or ålte¡atons do not resull rn the reñdål olwãll ånd ceilin9 f¡¡sh€s, orlhere rs¿ccess by means of ¿ltç bâseme¡t, or c¡¿ü Fo¡ 3. *r;niMMr2raNuaiv2ors ÞEI6N RMM REVsIONS 7f'.',"*m Whe¡€ morelhan oñe caóon monoxrd€ ¿l¡rm rs requred, lh€ alarms shall be rnlercon¡eded in ¿ manne. thal å(tivaùon ofone alarmshàllacûvâteãlltheotherâlårms. e¿W-Uñ ber 3.Ud.t¡d.dãpp.d¡Ecr oJ Men rcqu ¡ed bythe ehfoting ðgencythe !nde6ide ololerhang ñ9 appe¡dages !hallbeenclosedto gr¿de nà.rordancewithths¡àq!lrem€ñ¡olthß .h¡pre¡ orlhê !ndeßÌde olthe erpo3ed !ndedoor rhall.ônsßt ol ohe No¡(ómbù* ble rãte¡¿l lqnnionr€sßbnt m¿teiðl . o¡el¿yeroi5/3-inúlypexgypsumlheathlng ôppli¿d bêhind rn.te¡io¡covenng on ìhe !¡deßide ¿. IgntionresßÞnt nãþn¿l c Onelayer.iSl8-i¡chlypeXgyps!ûsheathi¡g ¡pplie¡ behind ¡n eserio¡ covedng on the ùñdeß ¿e olìhe rafrert¿ils orsolt d rhe.neñorpoeôôólã !-hou¡freress¡veexeror a b F Lô =ã* ,. ^'} 2. *tudur¿l coluñnr a¡d be¿ñs donolrequûe protedion a, b. zu 2U)ZLQ i¡ the ac(€sstoe¿ch sles¡ñg are¡. baseme¡! and inh¿bilableanics. c. H I J re Reerañ(e 3 loc¿ted ås follds: ¿nd ¿t a point <ent¿llylocated .,, CARBON I\¡ONOXIDE ALARMS e. G¿bl€ eñd overh¿n9s ¡nd ¡ool¡sembly projedons beyond ãn enÊrorwall otherth¿n!tthe lówer ènd orlb¿ ràft¿rl¡ij d târdå ând ôthÊr¿khûêturâl Íin bÒård! smoke ålàrmsshåll be a. Iñ all de€p¡ñq rcoñs coftrdor or ¡!€aEunq b. On each l€v€l,iñîhe fromthe building wñnq úth bâtlery back-up rhe¿thhqp¡odld!ßtedrntheGypslmArÒ.åtoñ F U AVegelat¡on Manãgeme¡t Pl¿n deignd rn acco¡dance nth RossVãll€yFrrc sl¡¡dård +220 sh¡ll be submrted dtrecllyto the Fire Depadment foÌ reew. Asépêrâledefered permt ß requtred forlhspl¿¡. S[,4OKE DETÊCTORS 1. ñ¡rei¡l may be oroôyh¿tenal lh¿t othêfrEê.ompl esw th Chapler3 S¿d o.327 orthecrclhe¡ the dê.kLn9 rulã.ê maleral ¿omFl èr w thrhe pedornðnce /eq!ûemenE ASTM E &wilh â clãs Ê llamÊ sFread rånng fre UJ &&ng rl¿..i fhewalkhq sul¿.e materâl olde.ks,Þor.hei,bãko¡iåsandrÞß5hallbe.on{r!c!éd úith oie ôlthe following ñateraß,' a lgnllo¡rerúbntmôte¡iðlth¿tcompiesùirhthepedoha.ce rhe Ro$ Calley VEGETAT]ON IVANAGEMENT PLAN DECKNG 1, d¡edlyto Depañm€nl f or approval. W¡ll rhe rollour¡q m¡r.naßdo ñorreq! re p¡ote.toñ ¿ SoldwoodrafrerÞisontheerÞoredlndeß¡eôi open rooleaws h¿vnq a mlnim!m¡oñi¡¿l dimeñson or2 nch (503 hð) b sotrdwoôd blo.k n9 ñ(â¡l.d bê&€ênrafrerr¿i5 o¡thê árpoied lndêßidê Õtopèn fooJeãv8 hâvn9 ¿ m dm!ñ ñonnål drmen!Ònôi2 n.h (508 ,{ró5 fAxlr5.rJr.i16J ña¡r reedence wh¡ch requnements of both sFM st¡ñd¿fd 12-74{¿id SFM Slanda¡d 12-74'5 b &erorfre ret¿¡d¿ntteate¡ wood Arhtrèdu¿¿lhn bo¿rds d.lhe e*eno¡podon ola t-holrl¡e ¡e,lsdve enerio¡ !¡ll ¿$embly¡pplied tolhe un!eßide olthe deck derqñed lor ene¡ o¡fre e¡pos!/e r.ctd 'ool nq arreñbles!3 hgthe Eypr!ú pênel¿nd she¿th n9 F.oduds lùt€d inthe Gw5um a$odation F re Re5ßta¡(e cnLilìokNr{ Marn House Inslã¡l ¿ f r€ spflnkler system throughout the 1. w¿ll ¿$eñblyðppiied tothe !ndeß de oilhêlloor ollnen.lo:ed ¡ool 1. Eñeñor dooß sh¿ll.omplyNith 6- eten¿s over¿n ene¡ FIRE-sPRINKLER NOTES 3. 2. ¿. b V.hts.Õmplyrngwûhthêrêqu¡êm.n$lorveñnÞrÒñ opên'ñgr¡ôtedabovem¿ybe'hsblle!Òntheunde6de of¿¿vå! ànd cornicè5 in ¿..ordan.esth eithe¡ one ollhelo¡loùiñ9(oñdiùons r lhe¿ft,csp¿cebernqvennlãtedrsl!lly proteded by¿n ãltoñãuc spilnkler rÞt.ñ in*alied in ôccord¿nc€ Nth sed oñ 903 3.1.1 althe C¿l tornia Build n9 code !embt ¡nd ê Bècoñntudedolmu[ pãne gl¿¿¡9wthå m ¡rñuñ oronereñpered pane meerñ9 the requ¡emenß orCBC Seclon2406 $levGlazi¡g, Þr b Ês conçtldêd or glà* block!¡iB, or .. H¿ve 3 lùê{esùl¡ñ(ê 6ün9 ôr notlessthãn 20 n n!te5 whênte*êd a.co¡drn9 ro NFPA2s7, ôr d Ê€tert¿dtoõeètthepelom¿¡ce€qu¡eñeñBot AÍ¡hirêdur¿l tnm bdãrd! eall (ovenn!s rhãll extènd tom thâ1op olthefÕu¡dãton to the.ooi, and tern'nôle ¿t2,ich (50.3 ñh) roñin¿l solid uoo¡ bloclnq beMeen ¡ðfreß ¿t dll rooloverh¿n9s, o¡in the Gse olen.losêd s3ves,terminste 3tthe de olthe lollowng p¿nel¿ndshe¿rhñ9prodldrlrtsd ñthåGypsw A$ocLà¡Òn t re Ree$ñ.e Dei qn Mañlal e. Po/ch ce ling ãrembl e5 rth å hoi¿on!¿l undâ6lde th¿t meetths pelorm¿n(¿ (ileriã in à..ord¿n.ê with the te* procedlrss sstlofth in SÊM St¡nd¡¡d b,lhe eteror pônion ol¡ l-hour lre res *ive eneior w¿ll assembly des gñed lôr erero/lre exposure ñ.lud ñq ¿$ehbles !rnq the qyps!m p¿nel 6nd sheèthin9 prodldslßted n thÊGyps!mArocàtion Fte Rêsßlancâ lndeß shall be proteded byone ed to the !¡dèß d¿ ofthâ.eili¡g ¡*ehbtind!dins ¿$ehblles u,in9 the gyp!w ¿ one lãyeroi 5/3rn.h lype X gyps!m sh¿ãthrng ¿ppÌed behrñd th¿ enènÕr (ov.ñn9 Õ¡ då¡d ng on the eúer or side olthe t¿ñn9. 3.oFn rooleåwr lh€ L Eenor udowi d¿ w¿ll ð$embly¿ppl b. rhê ñaiênaß !5ed !h€ll be noncombusùbie. VenB lo(al€d !ndè¡the rool.oven¡9, alonq rhe ndge o1 /oôt,w thrhe erposed sùl¿ce or theventcove¡ed by ñoncomb!sìible w re mesh, ñ¡y lndeß a Noncohbu*¡blenâteú¿l zed Any olthêrÒllowng sh¡ll bé deêmèd lo meetthe a*embt pedorm¿nce rûe¡a ¿ñd The exposÊ¿ b. ADDRESS NUMBERS 1. Addres numbeß¿l lèa514"1ållmurbein plåce ôdjacentlo lhe Íiont door. In ådd¡ùon prov de ådd.es numbeß v¡ sble fom ther¡eel(if nolexisting). Numþe6shallb€rntemôlly illumnared (backll, placed lo a hghl or be'ef ed¡ve numbeE. They may ont be i¡lehållyilluminated or illumi¡ated byan adja(e¡r light conrolled by pholocell and swlched d lhee*ênÕrpôôonoJal-holrlrerê$tveeneror wdll¿reñbly¿pplied tothê un¿€ßide olthe lloor rnclud n9 ¿$eûblies !si¡9 the gyps!m p¿nel ¿nd sherth nq prodlcs lÈred inthe Gypslm Aeo.¡Jtion ont bya breålersorwll¡eñarnillumnateda¡nrghr. ñ;;---------ì!; Fùe Res sÈn(e Desrsn M¿iu¿l . rhê!ñdeß de rn ¿c<ordance !ith thel€* or¿íoor¿3sembtthåt6eeBrhepeñorñ¿nce rten¿ pro.ed!¡es iet lonh iñ 5FM Standa.d 12-74- 6NOrÉD 3 rhetolloúin9 ñ.teñ¡L do noÙ€qui¡e p¡otecdon. a. Gàblè end overh¡ngi a¡d roora$emblyproled onj bêyond ôn efeiorùr¡l orherth¿n ¿tìh€ HêåW{ mbêrdtud!61 (ol!mnr ônd be¿ñ3 do notreqlre protedon BUtrDINGNOIESAND WUI R€QUItrM€NT5 b Fasc¿¿ndother¿¡chtect!r¿lhñboà¡ds 40.2 Þ ?¡ ê-i I (D= ! 7 o ! r o --1 ñ ! F z F rr c rrll llHll Ë RENOVATION TOTHE ALVAREZ RESIDENCE rr lÉlu 1OO i,,;; llllllllllllfl:¡'p¡i¡a¡'¡ WINDING WAY RO5S, CALIFORNIA APN 072-101-26 é Mdr,wulw^1Ì5 ¡ßcñmcaw & DH¡oN L î t0 BRrocÉ\i^l srrrlË B¿rr s A r s¡ L r 1 0 c! LlfùRNIA 9teó9 TElrr5rrrrr00 F^XrltJJrt{úJ vryrytR¡xA sso ccoNl trl U z ,.. Lrl E 'o o zw ãr - =Lt l.- (.â ," n'ì 2UJZLQ O d ô-N *iE tr z1à ÍN=l= O ur -^;< ftúa9 d <'* t -¡ J EXISTING/NEW PLAN DIAGRAM LOWER LEVEL EXTSTING/NFW PLAN DIAGMM NOIÉS IHE REMANINGELEMENISAtrI T) IHT BUtrDING LOCANON 2) SASIMENTLEVEL: OÊ9CNR€VTW DSSIGN CONCtrTE FLOORSLAE & EASI NORTH AND MsT trTÆNING WALLS AND FOONNGS FIRÉPIACES ON BOIH LOWERAND RIUTWÂDSNDIM OÉGN RÉM'W RIWOS Ãr¡¡l:eM- IIRST FLOOß i L ry v3'- 2,274 sqft r-0 IOWERFLOORPIN LOWER LEVEL FLOOR AREATAKE-OFF A2.T PROPOSED LOWER FLOOR PLAN I ,ùcutncalru & DAtcN IiJO SRIDCEVAY srr¡18 Blrr sarisA¡.tto l.{x.rr!Jrlil6¡ LU U z U I F I LU ô F Ltl z ==ooj Ã-ñ z:à lfJ 2+O o ú. tN -z o tJJ zU ú É. irä J iH-ñ-¡üM zrÞtr!M3tR?0r5 OESIGN 3,1 12 sq t RIVTW ÆDINÞ!M r2taNlaRY20ì6 '' DÊÍGN RIVEWRTMSIONS I Ãlr;¡¡ejìlM I J \ 822 sq "*'ru I ft FIET FLOORPLAN FIRST FLOOR AREA TAKE-OFF ------ì;i- 42.2 PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1 *cn¡lH!ru& DStcN SU¡18 c^r ¡FoRNì^ r106r lAX¡I5 i1óI \\ryry,R EX A 'J¡ SS O ri C O Ñ 9 LU U z U L¡J - o >z F. F ,_l z -t- t F v1 LU ú. -dR ooJ z== Ã-ñ ?<\ N =-z LU r zU ú d -+ is? J ffi õiGffiúÑ- 3959!93:9r:_ OESGNÂMMADOÉND!M r,783 sq 189 ft .;E!;niññ;ffiõna Ãffi n T ;;-----------;ñ å v3'=r-0' SECOND FLOORPUN --------_-"-;- SECOND FLOOR AREA TAKE.OFF 42.3 PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1 (! g ro z o E6> A6,A c) o m n o m ;s \9 ! n E I è È¿E ÉE- t 93 T n o ! m 0 Ð o ! tz RENOVATION TO THE Ë ll F ll ALVAREZ RESIDENCE WINDING WAY ROSS, CALITORNIA 1OO ll,fl iiiii llllllllllllHslålälãlälil ApN 072-101-26 scil[æluÈ ù DlsrcN 9ûI1È 1Fìrr5rr1r100 POOL HOUSE SOUTH ELEVATION POOL HOUSE SECT]ON 7 r! J U z U uJ I Õ F CUSS ASIANDING assrMårv 312 Nt!rur z SAM MTAL ROOF 5R€v (.LostD c€tr sqf V2. úYERSOF 5/3'fYPE7 v) F 5r<roN 7?1.raBtr t21.rß).rrÉM2Lr.r) GVP 3D ON tlJ ==- "õì z:g t-- ú Ã-¡ -<\ o LU N --z 36io zU ú BOARDS OAI3'IYÞ' }'CYP ú SD ar taw !Nc¡alosËDcÉu rNsluiloN Âr Roon (NOVtNr¡NG FoaM NOI! Atr Ñ€NOÀMAIEMTs 5NAILCOMPIV REa!rREMrNrsfruer€DoN sHtEf wrwu PæL POOL HOUSE EAST ELEVATION 6 J a0.? HOUSF BUIDING COVEMGE A = 1,037 sQ.FT. I I Ð POOL HOUSE BUILDING COVERAGE SCALE:1/16" = 1'-0" 06{cN RMMRIUSToNS Ãrm POOL HOUSE.ROOF PLAN 2 O/1/?'PIWD SHÉÁIH:NC o/ MrN.?/ sr!Ds o 16'0c wÆl8' TYPE X GvP sDONrNr€tuOisUAraC€ WrxCEDÅR Bos (ovtacYP 3D) POOL HOUSE NORTH ELEVATION SIONIVENÊER RTIANI\6 WATL 5 fLOÕRSHÂIL BF coNci€tE sug TOÞ ry :OMPUESWIH IIÊ RTQ!IRÊMENI5 OÊIH€ !ÀfroNArHR€ PRorÉcrþNAssooÁnoN NFPÂ) L '125 9O!RIDIN PUCT SIR!CT!UL ofl aL TNÂo!6Ho!f ) v9roNÉ PAVERSO/MO¡IARSEDON T sqft ^.,.,- ,l PROPO5ED'OOL HOU5E PúNs, ELÉVAION5& 5EC¡ON I L L POOL HOUSË FLOOR AREA TAKE-OFF SCALE:1/16" = 1L0" et 42.5 POOL HOUSE WEST ELEVAÏION 4 POOL HOUSE FLOOR PLAN 1 M@U¡trll$ C^LIFÙRNIA '{çóI F^X.ìl9rJr516J 1 9 t¿¡ U z - LU z trl a Õ o F v) ==(,oj F. as4L _ _ F zLa É ã-ñ zÍà N =-z vi+ LIJ = zu ú o1- U SHINGú5, ÞAR( GRW VERTICAL BOARÞ AND MIIEN S¡üN6, PANIÊÞ EROM ALUMIN!M FMMEAND SASH, DAKERONZE COMPOII¡ON ú W@DMUNG,PANIEÞ J EXISTTNG SOUTH ÊLEVATÏON 2 D86N REVÊWREMIONS 16ÊsRUAiY1016 ^ I!-ñtüíÊ(L ¡ ¡ss¡èr¡ruorrucsavvraLRooFÆsEMBLy GRry {cLosED cELL toaM rNsuurroN. I,Ê NOVENNN6) WMSIERN RED CÐAR BOÆÞ5 lcNtlroN RßlslNl uQllo FNCLÔ<ED hVES o/cuss Â, aPPUEDW ÞECKN6: lÊRRß¡SÌÙECù¡NG WOOD DECKNG ON (PROSOCOCArs) PAtrÍs O/CWSA PROPOsED ND EXSTNG SOUÍH fLEVANONs ÉLU¡D APPUED MÍAL NUNG. PANIEO Bæ( MÊIAL FWEAND LOMS, BúC( A3.1 PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION 1 . '"'r.. 'l: ' ...'.. ,. , i ... '''i . 't : 1 , 'I I l:,:,. ,ic ËE-áð EÉF9 Ê,9 " ¿ ¿ Ë B Ë ! v o ! o Ø m ÅÇ1 ;¡v I 9!Frã!F sç:r8ç: m U ÈÈi2Hq{ € ñ Ø o=A:'i=A 2i àz ;"!;t": I ^4; [. I ; 9t2 =rà --l m r m 6o = E : ; .2H d"9 ð o :qgÞ Ë:sì z E' ctñå Iz Ë ã m i9\ =2èl ?Ë Ë; I 9ã 2 ìs çË O É N RENOVATION TOTHE ll û ll ALVAREZ RESIDENCE ãäs lOO WINDING WAY lll.l ,,'', lillllllllliFlãlilälllälil tî2 !:aõ í,çi= C) -l m rm ô -l òt+Q X à ROSS. CALIFORNIA APN 072,101-26 *G¡MUE& DSGN ¡iIO BRJDCEVAY slrlrË Brrl S A I SA L I T O CALIFORN¡A '1çó5 fEltr!rrll100 F^X{rilJrrl6, vryß?R Éx^s so c c o N{ IJ¡ U T u I t- z LU ô o F v\ z ==- "ö: LU 2LÒ o É ãiF COMPOSIION sHINGLEs, DR( 6Rry VERI¡CALæADND SAÍEN SIDING, PNNIED ALIMIN!M FWÉ NO 5ÆH, DCR BMNZE UUNGSi N --z td? U Lll zU d ú BROWN o "-' rcOÞMUNG,PANIED .J EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION DESCN RTVÉW ÐNNOUM DESGNREVTWRÊWOS Ã'¿¡w W RooF rso"rflÆ lìãã.1r^ro,"o !-ÑEìîff c@ (c,osto cELt Foo' ass¿v'Ly, rNsJu_ ro\, ros APPUEDWAÌÊR ÈSSTVÊ COAING (PROSOCO ENCLOSED SVÊSW&ESIÉN RlD CÉDAR BOAROS O/C6S A IGNIIION RÊASIANI UQIIÞ ÆPU6ôWAIER RÊ5¡SfIVECOATNG (PþSOCO CAIS] rcOD UUNGS DECKNG PROPOSEDND EKSNNG NORIH ELEVÂNONS ON PdLETS O/CúSSA FL!¡D APPUÈD MTALMUNG, PANIEO BhCK METAL FMMÊNÒ LOUVEß. gL{C( A 43.3 PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION 1 ñGt,Kw& Ds¡cN LìIO BRIDCÈliAY slrllË Brrl s r s¡ L r T o ^ wN,REX^SSOCCOM UJ U z U I F o F ô =Ís (,oå v1 z=9 zÍà N =z i_ii zU LU É z F XSIING ffERORMAIESÀLI COMPOS¡TON SHINGLÊS. ÞARK GE/ WRIICALÈOAÞ NÒ BAIIÊN SIÞIM, PANIED SROM AUMINUM FWEÀND SSH DA* WOOOMUN6.PANfEO LIJ tll ú. à -.i ú SRONZE J EXISTING EAST ELEVANON 2 ;;;;;;sñM;il- ;*ñMEwìñÉNp¡u ]TINUARV20]6 Þ66NÂIMTWREMSIONS Ã:¡m fìñ!o1r or"o.*" 'îÊüiÊlLGRry ((LosED RolF ÆsEMsLy ;;-----------ïil "EraL cE[ FoaM NsuurroN, t* O/PLMSHAIHNG ÉNCIOSED AV6 WÆSIERN RED CEDA o/cwsÀ I6N[toN REstSraNl UQJID . PROPOsÊD AND ffislN6ÉASl ÊLÊVATONS DECKNG f-o' BOARDS ÆPUED WAIE MSISI¡VE COAIING :PROsOCO CATs) rcOD r/â' ON PÆ4I5 O/Cú55AFIUIÞAPPUED * M€IALMUNG, PANIED 8UC( MEIALÉWEANO LOIVEß, 8WK A PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION L 43.4 I I RENOVATION TOTHE l ln I I Ë ALVAREZ RESIDENCE l,l,l,l ;¡ii l l l l l l l l l l l l Flãlãlelãlãlil 1OO WINDING WAY ROSS, CALIFORNIA APN 072-101-26 ì--!' =ç ,t ' '' : t' 'ì.. . ''i;¡i:' l't.'. t .. ':' II I -t I ! n m o o 6) ñ ô rì o z o ! X --l z 6 h Ø m --l -l z N ll I ll ¡ RENOVATION TOTHE ALVAREZ RESIDENCE l,l ll ,:::: lilllll 1OO WINDÌNG WAY ROSS, CALIFORNIA llllFiËl=lËlãläl;l APN 072-101-26 i::i":-¿ ì-'1'.; L::',=-?, 9.-t---a ^:s !; o ãs qç ii iå Ø. --{ Ð EI ! o ll -z m ! lLrli l''i H RENOVATION TO THE LA ! H Ë l;l,l.l ii:ii I ALVAREZ RESIDENCE I I I I I I I I I I | flgpp¡i¡a¡¡ 1OO WINDING WAY ROSS, CALIFORNIA APN 072-101-26 ì.-"4' i::å": MG]üMÆÐqIO} ,üCNTûCRRE& DSIGN rlr0 strrDorv^Y lIJ U z u[l I'o o ìl3í.u F Lâ ,¡ n'ì zllZaQ O d Õ-N ZLto -<N = ä ì iyrã ftú.o9 d<-* J t)€ffi O'SÌ6N R¿UTWAOD€NDUM T2JNUARY20]6 Ã* :L ,.'"W WMKSHEETPROPOSED IMPERUOUS 5UtrACE 'CALCUSTION5 o -- PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE TAKE-OFF ---------:;ì- WS1.O 1 ¡ B å ; Êg 9 E È å q Ë ã i (D= I ã B E I à 4 I i ç a¡lå 4âlá ð ¡l !l tii!lrìl ll î Il i RENOVATION TO THE ALVAREZ RESIDENCE l;l,llii¡rlllllllllllllllll'lËlil 1OO WIN DING WAY ROSS, CALIFORNIA APN 072-101-26 1"">r ¿ oI ",:: '2t *qnncrre&DsrcN ul U z U F Õ >z F v) z ,,öÌ LU ZLÔ ú r¡'. tã:È N o LL¡ = "¡í zu ú ú. o il J Existing Building Coveraoe: Residence 3,190 sqf¡. Garage 734 Pool House 317 Greehho!se+Shed = 147 Ê¡rñ = = LU :E = = lotâl 5,036 sqft. LotAreå = 127,592 sqft. = 2.93 ãcres Driveway Easement : 11,232 sqft. LotA¡eã (het) = 116,360 sqft ry ry :'_____'''_-N o þd---!i EXSNNC SITE PLAN (\d/ BUtrDING COVEMGECALCS) trt^1 1 LlsI.¿ å ? 3 E.l, I I. t' Éo r :g z 3 fi "ó 5 E ! ç Ë ".\ I (Ð z . " Pogrlã ËË'8,åãåå1u Ti 'I ål [. ç m! I z t ì ' llil lììll ll i Il Ë RENOVATION TOÏHE ALVAREZ RESIDENCE Eä Ll,l,l il¡lr llllllllllllHålålël¡iãlil 1OO WIN DING WAY ROSS, CALIFORNIA APN 072-101-26 ì- "a' s *q =t lË :,' ¡ ä I E t ¡l m À x b --l À zo : e r! F s o c cF o= --i- iÞÞ: ÈFsE*?E:: 1 i ç I ç I alB I Í ¿lã qlu aàÊ è Êl al r T --l ñ ^ rll I 1 Ë Ì llllllrìl RENOVATION TO THE ll î ll ALVAREZ RESIDENCE ãËä 1OO ll,l,l i¡¡,i llllllllllllFlÊlãlälËlälil WINDING WAY ROS9 CALIFORN]A APN 072-101-26 2 - '4 ;--.j ;" _-3 !,2ã -_'<î a i ô I ¡ I \ ig I r) : i r F ht H I I ., , ¿ Fì H ¡ I 91 4 I A ð X Ét ìt I v) -J z LJ - ln - ln ln t'! -Þ z RENOVAÏION TO ll s ll THE ALVAREZ RESIDENCE Eâ l,l,l l iiiii lllllllllllllllllulË|Il 1OO WIN ÞING WAY ROSS, CALIFORNIA APN 072-101-26 É e ¿x-F,-¡! F ì-"2, =ç E E ,E , ;¡ ÆT\ 1:i-¡ r - I : tþ E: ô_ 't' *9 t l l! ; ¡ E2 ----, ø ln X lt) ,l z g C) z - ln ¡l -E ( (J -r - äw it: z RENOVATION TO THE ll s ll ALVAREZ RESIDENCE gã DING WAY ROS9 CAUFORNIA ã ê Ë a 1OO WIN |,l;lliiililllllllllllllllllulãl'l APN 072-101-26 ñ F : r (-.- rn X (r È z Õ ln tl¡ Þ ¡?1 t- -| v - äw ít: z RENOVATION TOTHE ll s ll ' ALVAREZ RESIDENCE WINDING WAY ROSS, CAIITORNIA 1OO l,l,ll:iiiilllllllllllllllll*lãlil APN 072-101-26 '-""=> =5 r- q ' I tr: q I I I + ì I t ì åiÐ rI m ô NJ À ð RENOVATION TO THE z ALVAREZ RESIDENCE o o 1OO WINDING WAY ROSS, CALIFORNIA ç I,l;l I ¡i¡¡i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l*lãl¡l APN 072-101-26 ..''ã Ë 9-i a e I ã rx + --l ¿ z6l æ c I z o m ô --i z RENOVATION TO THE ll s ll Ë l,l,l I Íiii lllllllllllllllllulãlll ALVAREZ RESIDENCE WINDING WAY ROSS, CALIFORNIA 1OO APN 072-101-26 è4 É->-_ç ! -=' 7ç t :'= -zi. -'*,-r9 * I I 3 3 f û I I l -r¡â i i,$õ ¡I$ rìi-r$¡F \Èî F9 !i -r\¿ -\ f't tå I.¡s 1-T$ ¡il F.ìii ,È -i$ ; ?ñi ++r èåiaS : Êt É Ë t- á1 i.= $f i. i E sF rì, aE{ } \\ \ì !: Ìs$ IÈ.iL .}{1. l! ì ìqÌ ".Þ 'I ìq É +xñ{ ëñ n st i¡; :¿¡ ;! 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