Newsletter - Ingle Farm East Primary School
Newsletter - Ingle Farm East Primary School
NEWSLETTER Ingle Farm East Primary School 17th March 2016 Our third focus area in the Site Improvement Plan is Student Engagement and Wellbeing. I would like to summarise just a few of the ways that we support this site priority at our school. The teachers at Ingle Farm East work hard at to develop a safe, supportive, challenging learning environment where students are involved in all levels of the learning process. Outside of the classroom environment, our students are involved at our school in many ways ranging from older students supporting younger students as part of a buddy reading program to them facilitating yard play programs during recess and lunchtimes. Our student voice at a whole school level is evolving. Mr Spear has been working with students to develop an authentic student voice at our school. All classes have class meetings which discuss issues and feed ideas into the student voice which meet once a week. For the last two years our Early Years classes have been involved in the Wellbeing classroom. It involves students` and teachers participating in a program that uses Kimochis to teach children about feelings and developing resilience and social skills. The program is coordinated at our school by the School Ministry group and is also supported by Uni SA. This week we have been placing an increased focus on Anti bullying as a whole school. We would love to be a Bully Free school. We continually reinforce the message about anti-bullying and everyone`s right to feel safe all of the time . On Friday our school will participate in the National day of Action against Bullying and Violence. The day will begin with a live broad cast from MIX 102.3 from our school. We were successful in winning a competition as part of Jodie & Soda`s—Go back to school and say no to bullying initiative. This will involve a free breakfast and activities run by Anytime fitness from 7:00. Students will be also involved in collaborative activities with buddies as a way to acknowledge this day. Our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen program continues to thrive. The program offers our students the opportunity to engage in real life learning activities. We offer a play group session each Friday morning for 0-4 year olds. We are developing closer links with our feeder kindergartens. Next week I am visiting Valley View Kindergarten to meet a group of parents. This year we are offering our students the opportunity to be part of a new initiative called the Children`s University. Watch this space for more information. We also run a breakfast club during the week. The breakfast club provides a great start to the day for some of our students. It is managed by Mr Spear, Emma and some helpers. The food is provided by ‘Kickstart for Kids’. As a school we are also committed to developing positive community partnerships. Thank you to the parents who attended the AGM on Tuesday night. The turn out was pleasing and the size of our Governing Council has doubled from last year. We appreciate the support that we get from our school community in terms of volunteers. Each term we get a great response from parents to our volunteers` training. In two weeks` time we will hold our annual sports day. Whole school events such as sports day are always a great way to get everyone involved in the school. Finally parents/ guardians will soon have an opportunity to engage in parent/ teacher interviews. Notes were administered this week. Please complete the return slip asap. Regards Mike Sims Inside this issue From the Principal ............. …...…1 Clipsal……………………... ……....2 National Day against Bullying….2 Clean Up Australia Day ………...3 Community News/Sports Day….4 Absentee/Lateness SMS SMS the school on 0413 458 657 if your child well be absent from school or just running a little late in the morning. This service is available 24 hours a day. Please include your child’s name and class/pod number. DIARY DATES Friday 18th March National day of action against bullying & violence 6:00am - 9:00 am– Mix 102.3 broad casting from activity hall Thursday 24th March Easter Raffle Drawn Friday 25th March Good Friday—school closed Monday 28th March Easter Monday—school closed Friday 1st April Sports Day We’re on the Web! AND ON FACEBOOK Ingle Farm East Primary School 18 Halidon Street, Ingle Farm, SA 5098 Phone: 8264 5166 Fax: 8396 1862 OSHC Ph: 8264 0665 Principal: Mike Sims Senior Leader: Eddy Spear CLIPSAL Clipsal 500 It was the 3rd of March I arrived at school early. I could already hear the bus surrounding the school. It was extremely loud … well for me! I sat next to my bff. I just couldn’t wait, the fascinating moments will be here soon! After the ride… We were finally there. My legs started shaking in excitement. Luckily I was put in a group with my other friends. Raiha – Hayley –Bella - Vanessa and Jennifer. We got our tickets from Mr Spear, he was our leader. We entered and started walking around looking at artistic environments. I was amazed by the stylish racing cars they were so fast. Recess Actually we had recess a bit early. Everyone was so hungry including me. I had chocolate milk and cookies for recess. Honestly I was having so much fun. It was the best day ever. After recess We started walking and then we went in a hut, not a normal one there were items to buy. I brought a bag, I had to because my old bag ripped. We walked more, spotting elegant vehicles. There were old, new, latest and all sorts of vehicles. I was absolutely impressed. Now was the time for the BMX bike tricks. We sat on chairs and the bikes started the tricks. My eyes widened when I saw the tricks they were awesome. The people on the bikes twirled and even let go of the handle. Now was the time for the concert we walked and walked to get to the concert. When we arrived I went to get some food I brought that and that, just kidding I brought chips and coke. After lunch we looked around more than we played mini golf. It was time to leave. We met others at the front of the exit. In the bus everyone just chatted and giggled about today. Honestly it was a very amusing and tiring day. By Radhika Pod 3 Clipsal 500 Adelaide rd CLIPSAL 500 We got on the bus and I was happy we were going to Clipsal 500. When we got there we went to our groups. My group was my Mum, Rohan, Jordan, Jake, Mouloud & I. We first went to check out the cars they were lightning fast and you could hear the engines far away. After that we got to see the control room. They had cameras everywhere. After that we went to see the concert and it was good. My mum gave me $8 to buy a cone of chips. Also we saw the army vehicles. After all of that we had to go catch the bus. When we got to school, mum signed a note saying Rohan and I were going home a little early. Rohan and I played games and watched YouTube. It was the best day of my life. ISAAC POD 3 On the 3 of March we went on a bus to the Clipsal 500. The bus was very slow. When we got there we went into our groups. I was with Mr.G, Brian, Tyler, Ryan, Emily & Tahlia. After we got in our groups we went into the Clipsal. We saw the speedy fast racing cars and then walked around the huge place. Then we went to get food, I got a bucket of fairy floss which was delicious. After that we went to the Army exhibition and saw the big tanks and heavy guns they carry around in the war. There was also a humongous helicopter and while I was in a tank the Army jets flew past & kept flying around. After all that walking around we left and we went back on the bus to school and my favourite parts were seeing the helicopter, jumping on a jumping castle and also seeing CRAIG LOWNDES. By Xander Pod 3 NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE Friday 18th March - National Day of Action Against Bullying & Violence 6:00 - 9:00 – Mix 102.3 broad casting from activity hall as part of Jodie & Soda`s Go Back to school and say NO to bullying campaign 7:00 - 8:45 Free breakfast and activities on asphalt run by Anytime Fitness 9:00 - 9:30 Assembly presented by The Own It Project 2 ROOM 3 CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY We don’t want our world to look like this! On Thursday 3/3/2016 Room 3 children helped clean up the yard at Ingle Farm East Primary School. Mr Cheshire had mulched all the fallen tree branches and so we helped by spreading the mulch in and around the trees in the yard. We used small flower pots to scoop the mulch up into buckets and then Ryan used a rake to spread the mulch around the trees. When we got tired, Di shovelled the mulch into our buckets for us. Ingle Farm East Primary School, has recently registered with Skoolbag. This will now enable us to communicate with parents/caregivers directly with iPhone, iPad, Android, and Windows Phones devices. Download this App to be kept up to date with everything that is happening at IFEPS. It features Events, News, School Enews, Newletters, Documents, and push notification alerts direct from the school. Reading Corner BE PATIENT Give your child time to work out words. -5 seconds or more is reasonable -after 10 seconds ENCOURAGE your child to use the following strategies when they come across an unknown word: “What do you think the word is?” “Read the sentence again and see if you can work it out.” “Have a go.” “Look at the picture.” 3 SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY NEWS GOLD STAR CHILD SPORTS DAY PROGRAM 1st April 2016 SPORTS DAYS CAPTAINS 2016 LIGHTENING (RED) Captains: Dipesh Mariel Vice Captains: Xander Amber Yr 7 Yr 7 Yr 7 Yr 7 Rockets (BLUE) Captains: Ryan Jasmine Vice Captains: Jake Crystal Yr 7 Yr7 Yr 7 Yr 7 Comets (Yellow) Captains: Luke Tami Vice Captains: Blake Anna Yr 7 Yr 7 Yr 7 Yr 7 9:20 am ............................................. Welcome to Sports Day 9:30am ............................................... Health Hustle 9:40am ............................................... 1st Tabloid 10:00am ............................................. 2nd Tabloid 10:20am .............................................. 3rd Tabloid 10:40am .............................................. 4th Tabloid 11:00am to 11:20am .......................... Recess 11:20am ............................................. 5th Tabloid 11:40am ............................................. 6th Tabloid 12:00pm ............................................. 7th Tabloid 12:20pm .............................................. 8th Tabloid 12:40pm to 1:20pm ............................ Lunch The awards this fortnight go to the following students Week 5 Kalen Rm 12 Rayan Rm 1 Students assemble in teams 1:20pm to 2:20pm ............................ Running Races Rec ……………………………………....Girls/Boys Year 1 .................................................. Girls/Boys Year 2 .................................................. Girls/Boys Year 3 .................................................. Girls/Boys Year 4 .................................................. Girls/Boys Year 5 .................................................. Girls/Boys Year 6 .................................................. Girls/Boys Year 7 .................................................. Girls/Boys 2:20pm ................................................ Whole school clean up 2:30pm ................................................ Reception to Year 7 Relay …………………………………………….Whole School Games 2:50pm ................................................ Concluding ceremony “Be the best VERSION of you” Attendance Term 1 Week 1 Term 1 Week 2 Term 1 Week 3 Term 1 Week 4 Term 1 Week 5 Term 1 Week 6 Pod 1 96.2% 93.8% 96.9% 85.4% 96.2% 92.3% Pod 2a 97.3% 97.3% 96.4% 99.1% 95.5% 95.7% Pod 2b 95.5% 94.5 90.0% 91.8% 92.7% 95.5% Pod 3 95.8% 95.8% 93.3% 95.0% 95.8% 97.9% Room 1 95.8% 95.8% 93.7% 92.6% 88.4% 96.1% Room 3 97.9% 95.8% 97.9% 100.% 91.6% 94.7% Room 6 97.3% 92.7% 97.3% 90.0% 93.0% 97.8% Room 12 96.4% 100.% 90.9% 89.1% 98.2% 90.9% Result 95.4% 94.6% 93.5% 92.1% 93.7% 95.6% Target 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% OVERDUE MATERIAL & SERVICES CHARGES Thankyou to the Parents that have already paid or organized payment of material and service charges. Material and services fees for 2016 are now overdue and must be paid as soon as possible. If you believe you are entitled to school card and do not have a form please collect one from the Finance Office. Please speak to me if you need clarification on criteria for entitlement of school card benefits or to arrange payment. Failure to pay material and services fee before the end of term may result with the account being sent to the Debt Collector. Alicja Cheshire (Finance Manager) The 2016—2017 Entertainment Book Entertainment Books are available at $65.00 each. $13.00 from the sale of every book goes to our school. Books can be pre ordered now for delivery at the end of April 2016 To place order see Alicja in the Finance Office Thankyou to the Parents/Caregivers that have contributed to the EASTER RAFFLE. Raffle tickets are on sale from front office 50c each or 3 for $1. Please keep donations of Easter goodies coming until Tuesday 22nd March afternoon Raffle Drawn on 24th March 4