Old Gassaway pool area has new purpose Pierpont celebrates first


Old Gassaway pool area has new purpose Pierpont celebrates first
A Photographic Look at...
Gassaway Day
Vol. 40, No. 27
July 8, 2014
See Page 9
Old Gassaway pool
Pierpont celebrates first
area has new purpose graduates of LPN Program
By Shirley Shuman
For many years,
residents near the end of
Gassaway along with a
few of those on Linden
have faced an eyesore
whenever they exited
their homes, whether to
get into their vehicles,
sit on their porches, or
merely walk to a
neighbor’s house. The
old Gassaway swimming
pool building had been
sitting, useless and deteriorating, on the bank
of the upper side of Birch
Street. Weeds and grass,
along with an extensive
growth of multiflora
rose, covered the bank
below and the area beyond the pool. Now,
thanks to Mayor Richard
Roach and other town officials, the site is much
more acceptable.
The building which
once housed the pool entrance and the shower
rooms has recently been
renovated into a garage
and storage area, according to the mayor, who
said town officials had put
money aside for the
project.. “We tore out the
walls in the pool building
so that we can use it for
our smaller vehicles
along with other storage.
We also restored the electrical power,” Roach explained. He continued,
“We still have to put a
new roof on the building”
and indicated that will
come before long.
Another big improvement which Mayor Roach
described is the installation of drainpipes in the
area next to Linden Street.
time with classes that are
offered in the evenings and
weekends. For more
information please call the
Braxton County Higher
Education Center at 304765-7300 or 304-368-7235
Pierpont offers 2-year
Associate Degree programs;
Programs; and Short-term
Training Programs that
prepare West Virginians for
high-demand careers close
to home.
“Every time it rained
heavily, water poured off
that bank onto Linden,” he
said, “and in the winter,
when snow melted, it ran
down and created an icy
mess on that street.” To
prevent that, and to get rid
of the marshy area at the
top of that hill directly behind the swimming pool
area, workers have installed drainage pipes. In
addition, they dug up and
burned the multiflora
rose, smoothed out the
area between the pool and
Linden and Braxton
streets, mowed the bank
along Braxton, and
sowed grass seed in the
newly landscaped area.
The result is definitely
much more pleasing to
the eye than the previous
sight had been, and, once
the newly-sewn grass
grows, it will look even
better. Along with the
practical side of obtaining
storage space, making
the area more attractive
was definitely one of
Mayor Roach’s goals.
First class comletes studies at
Braxton County Higher Education Center
Pierpont Community
& Technical College
proudly announces its
first Licensed Practical
Nurse (LPN) pinning
ceremony celebrating its
seventeen graduates. In
attendance were more
than 125 guests, family
members and college
highlight of the evening
was the traditional
pinning of the graduating
Career opportunities
for a licensed practical
nurse can be found in
rehabilitation centers,
nursing care facilities,
physician offices, and in
home care. According to
the US Department of
Labor, employment of
LPN’s is expected to grow
by 25 percent between
2012 and 2022, much
faster than the average
for all occupations, in
response to the long-term
The first graduating class of the Braxton County Higher
Education Center’s LPN program.(Front L to R) Emlie
Harris, Cortney Mayes, Stephanie Dennison, Julia Rose
- instructor, Brianna Long Destinie Shaw, Allie Johnson
(Back) Ruth Cook, Angie Groves, Shelly Taylor, Susie
Shaw and Donna Davenport.
The 2014 Braxton
County Fairs & Festivals
Celebration marks the
25 th Anniversary of this
event. This year’s Fair will
be held July 29 to August
2 at Holly Gray Park on the
Airport Road near Sutton.
Many of the events that
folks have come to expect
and love are planned.
There are also some exciting new additions to the
Fair’s schedule.
On Tuesday, July
29th, American Legion Post
33 will conduct the opening ceremony at 6:30 PM.
Gospel music will be featured on stage. Singing
will start after the Opening Ceremonies and will
feature the Carolyn
Connor, the Harper Boys,
Johnny Jones, Debbie
Bennett and Five Smooth
Stones. On Tuesday in the
Multipurpose Building,
livestock exhibitors will
begin the evening at 6:00
PM with the Open and
Junior Swine, Poultry and
Rabbit Shows.
Wednesday, July
29th, at 6:00 PM Braxton
County 4-H and FFA
members along with local
farmers will be exhibiting
beef cattle including
feeder cattle, market
steers, heifers, bulls and
cow/calf pairs. The VanDells return with their
rock-and-roll oldies show
to the stage with two performances at 7:00 and 9:00
Thursday, July 31st,
will feature a 4-H Horse
Showmanship class, followed by the Sheep and
Goat shows at 6:00 PM. At
7:00 PM, the stage entertainment will satisfy the
bluegrass fans in the area.
Laurel Creek, BreaK
MountaiN and Buck and
Company will perform
their biggest hits. For the
second year, the Braxton
County Fair will be hosting a Monster Truck Show
which begins at 7:00 p.m.
This year, one of the best
known Monster Trucks,
Big Foot, will join XDP and
Stinger. Quad Wars also
returns for a second year
of great entertainment.
Monster Truck rides in
Mopar 1 will be available
for $10 per person Thurs-
day through Saturday.
Thursday and Friday,
Monster Truck Rides will
start at approximately
4:00 pm when the gates
open until 7:00 PM at the
Mud Bog area. On Saturday, rides start at approximately 9:00 AM until the
Mud Bog starts at 11:00
Friday, August 1 st,
the Braxton County Fairs
and Festivals Celebration
has something for everyone. Arts and Crafts vendors will be selling their
products. A Truck Pull
starts at 7:00 PM. The
truck pull will include
classes for diesel and gasoline engines, modified and
street classes and a “local
yokel” class for those wanting to show what their
truck will do. At 7:00 PM
4-H and FFA members will
auction their market
steers, heifers, market
hogs, market goats, market lambs, market poultry
and market rabbits to the
highest bidder. In the
horse ring, the annual
Draft Horse Pull begins at
7:00 PM. Then at 7:30 PM
population and the
general increase in
demand for healthcare
Department of Labor
reports that as of 2012
the median annual wage
for LPN’s is $41,540 per
The LPN program is a
five semester certificate in
applied science. It is part-
Fairs & Festivals line-up announced
The old Gassaway Swimming Pool has been repurposed to become a storage facility for the town.
Local residents
graduate from WVU
School of Pharmacy
Two local residents leadership society. She
were awarded Doctor of served as historian for the
Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) de- Alpha Omicron chapter of
grees from the West Vir- the Lambda Kappa Sigma
(LKS) interginia Uninational
profesSchool of
s i o n a l
D r .
C h a s e
and presiDuffield of
dent of the
WVU chapis the son of
ter of the
Brad and
D e b b i e
nity PharHe is a
macists Asgraduate
of Braxton
H i g h
School and Dr. Kara Lynn Piechowski also
member of
pre-pharmacy the American College of
Clinical Pharmacy. She recoursework at WVU.
Lynn ceived several honors and
awards, inPiechowski
cluding the
of Sutton is
Anthony S.
the daughand Mary
ter of Mark
D. Guido
and Linda
ship from
She is a
the WVU
graduate of
School of
the Ruth
H i g h
D a v i e s
School and
a graduate
Award from
LKS, the
G l o b a l
degree in
Dr. Chase Duffield
ScholarW h i l e
studying at the WVU ship, the National VolunSchool of Pharmacy, Dr. teer Service Award, and
Piechowski was a member the NCPA National Partof the WVU chapters of the ners in Pharmacy ScholarAmerican Pharmacists As- ship. At graduation,
sociation-Academy of Stu- Piechowski was the recipident Pharmacists, the ent of the Facts and ComAmerican Society of parisons Award of ExcelHealth-System Pharma- lence in Clinical Commucists-Student Society of nication. She will be comHealth-System Pharma- pleting a hospital pharcists, and the Alpha Eta macy residency at Johns
chapter of the Phi Lambda Hopkins Hospital in BaltiSigma national pharmacy more, Md.
and 9:00 PM, Steve Hall
and Shotgun Red as seen
on the RFD TV variety
show will perform. The
show features Jennifer
Bruce and Roger Francis
in a great show of country,
comedy and impressions.
Saturday, August
2nd, will provide a full day
of fun and entertainment
for the whole family. Arts
and Crafts vendors will
again be selling their creations. At 10:00 AM, an
Antique Tractor Pull will
be held at the horse ring.
The Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show will begin at
10:00 AM and will include
Antique Tractors this year
as well. Also, at 10:00 AM,
the WV Polled Hereford
Association will have their
annual cattle show. At
11:00 AM is the Street
Class and 4-Wheel Drive
Mud Bog. Colton Pack,
former X-Factor finalist
will take the stage at 7:30
PM. Pack is an up and
coming star from Danese,
At 8:30 PM Drew
Please turn to FESTIVAL
page 3
“That Darn Race” Kids Run set for July 19
That Darn Race Kids
Fun Run is back for its
second year. That Darn
Race is free for youths
ages 8 and under and will
immediately follow That
Dam Race 5k, at approximately 9:00 AM on July
19, located under the
backdrop of the Sutton
Dam at the Downstream
Recreation Area. All participants will receive a
goody bag for participating and medals will be
awarded to top male and
female runner. Children,
ages 8 and under, are eligible to participate in this
healthy and free activity!
That Dam Race 5k
is set for 8:00 AM on
July 19. The course begins at the Sutton Dam
at the Downstream Recreation Area. To regis-
ter, contact the Braxton
County CVB at 304-7656533 or stop by the office at the Flatwoods
Factory Outlet Mall.
Participants can also
register online at http:/
/www.active.com/ or
download a form at:
Forms are also available
on FaceBook. “That Dam
Race” registration is $25
and will start at 7:00 AM
at the shelter below the
Sutton Dam.
Samuel Smith and
Keefe Kiser are tied for
the record of fastest
completion with a time of
19:39! So challenge
yourself and your kids to
run or walk That Dam
Race 5k or That Darn
Race Kids Run this summer.
One of the outcomes
of the rescheduled July
4th Commission meeting,
held on Tuesday, July 1,
Commission places on
their spending freeze.
Toward the end of the
relatively short session,
Terry Frame asked that all
department head be
notified “again” that the
county is under a
spending freeze until
Commission explained
that this is typically the
time of year that their
cash flow is the least due
to the ending of one tax
year and the beginning of
another. A reduction in
overall revenue that has
apparently making the
situation even worse.
C o m m i s s i o n
president Gary Ellyson
told those in attendance
that the county had
received word that they
were awarded $90,000 to
establish an independent
Day Report Center. The
Commission stated that
they requested $227,000
for the project and would
have to evaluate the
program to see what
could be done with the
lesser degree of funding.
The item was placed on a
work session agenda,
planned for July 7. That
meeting will also work on
budget revisions and the
short fall. The grant
requires a 10% local
First to address the
Commission was EMS/91-1 Director Mike Baker
who required permission
to hire Anthony Rogers as
a part-time EMT/driver.
Baker explained that
Rogers would be paid $9
per hour and was not
entitled to any county
benefits. Terry Frame
made a motion to approve
the request.
Mary Beth Smith
requested permission for
staff members of the
Prosecuting Attorney’s
office to attend meetings
in Charleston and use the
county credit card to
cover necessary expenses.
Permission was granted
on a motion by Ron
Please turn to COMMISSION
page 3
Commission emphasizes spending freeze;
County receives Day Report Center grant
Page 2
Braxton Citizens’ News
July 8, 2014
Our views • Your views • Their views
As I
See It
Clint Ferguson
By Ed Given
Money woes…
As one can see from the front page article detailing the latest meeting of the Braxton County Commission, our leaders are wrestling with money problems. All of us know what that is like. It doesn’t make
any difference whether it’s your family or busi-ness;
often there is not enough money to go around.
I have witnessed this situation with the county
in the past. It’s the end of one tax year and not quite
the beginning of another. In essence, their out-go
exceeds their in-come. They know this happens and
yet the same thing occurs each year; however this
year the ramifications seem to be more intense.
The Commission stated in the open meeting that
they planned to talk to office holders about ways to
cut back. Little was given in the way of specifics, but
they did mention they had a couple of ideas to discuss with the Sheriff. Terry Frame said they wanted
to discuss the deputies’ cell phone bill and parking
the cruisers at the courthouse for those deputies not
on call.
They did have the good sense to pull the bill for
dues for the WV Association of Counties that was
presented for payment. They also mentioned writing
letters to that group, the County Commissioners
Association and Region VII requesting a reduction in
dues. That $2,750 to the WVAOC will go a long way
toward paying for fuel or cell phones. The County
Commission Association is nearly the same amount.
In my opinion, they have to cut out all this type
of what I believe to be frivolous spending before they
cut essential service to the tax paying public. When
you add all the “dues” up… it’s a lot of money.
They said in the meeting, that Region VII is now
requesting $14,000 from this county. I don’t feel
Region VII falls in the same category as these Associations. However, I do agree that $14,000 is a lot of
money. Yes, they help with grants for a lot of infrastructure projects. But, they get paid a percentage of
the grants for administering them, once they are
I have heard rumors of other cut backs, though
the Commission hasn’t been saying much publically.
They had a work session yesterday, Monday, July 07
but of course, I couldn’t attend due to our production
schedule. There was no agenda released, even
though they are required by the open meetings law,
the same as a regular, special or emergency meeting.
Rumor wise… I have heard that the Commission
will ask each office holder to cut their employees back
one day a week. There appears to also be discussions
regarding lay offs. I am sure both are last resorts in
the Commission’s thinking.
I believe they are wasting their time with either
approach. I remember when their predecessors found
themselves in the same situation a number of years
ago. That Commission implemented an across-theboard cut. Assessor at the time, Billy Jack and the
Prosecuting Attorney successfully sued the Commission in Circuit Court. The Judge told the Commission that they couldn’t spend any discretionary
money for any other purpose until they funded the
constitutional offices at the same point they did the
previous year. I imagine that court decision will
surface before this discussion goes away. At least,
in that interpretation the Commission couldn’t
continue to waste thousands of taxpayer dollars to
feed money to largely self-service associations. At
least that’s the way… I see it.
Read the Citizens’ News on the
World Wide Web
Ed Given
Allison Given-Nettles
Shirley Shuman
Dakota Johnson
Jeanine Given
(SSN 393130)
A Weekly Publication
Established February 9, 1976
P.O. Box 516 / 501 Main St.
Sutton, West Virginia 26601
E-mail: quality@rtol.net
Entered as periodic rate at the
Sutton, WV Post Office
Send address change to:
Braxton Citizens’ News
P.O. Box 516
Sutton, WV 26601
Subscription rates:
$19.50 in county, $27.50 in
state, $43.00 out-of-state
E-subscription, $20.00
Senior Citizens may deduct $1
Black bear in West Virginia…
The big black bruins
that roam the hills and
hollows of West Virginia have come a long
ways since the late
1970’s and early
1980’s. In 1980 there
were 47 bears killed by
hunters and the population statewide was
estimated around 500.
Fast forward to today
where the bruin population is estimated at
12,000 statewide and
it’s easy to see how the
population has grown
and expanded. The
black bear, Ursus
americanus, was selected as West
Virginia’s official state
animal in 1954-55.
Recently, black
bear sightings have
been reported in all 55
counties of West Virginia. In 2008 the DNR
created an early bear
season in September
due to the rising populations. The season
has continued in selected counties, mainly
those in the mountains.
Due to the population explosion the DNR
lifted the ban on hunting in the Cranberry
Black Bear Sanctuary
for the first time in
over 25 years. In 2007
bear hunting was
allowed in the Cranberry Backcountry and
it has continued to
remain open. So if
you’re looking for a
good place to bag a
bear this fall you might
look here.
There was just no
need for the sanctuary
anymore as its main
purpose was to establish black bear populations in the state in
the 1970’s. The reason
Cranberry was chosen,
besides its vast undisturbed acreage, was its
central location. The
idea was the bears
would spread outwards
from the central loca-
During the
years before hunting
was allowed there were
many bear encounters
with campers as the
bears there had
started losing their
fear of humans. This is
never a good thing as
once a bear starts
associating humans
with food problems
arise. The DNR receives approximately
1,000 nuisance bear
complaints every year.
Some of these
nuisance bears have to
be put down as result
because they are a
threat to human
safety. With hunting
now allowed in the
Cranberry backcountry
those bears have began
to somewhat fear
humans again and it
has helped cut down
on the number of
nuisance bears.
I’ve already seen 4
bears so far this year
and one of them was in
my front yard this past
weekend as they are on
the move. The reason
why they’re moving is
because now is the
breeding time for black
bears. Females, or
sows, become reproductively mature
around the age of three
to four, and reproduce
every other year.
Males, or boars, become mature around
the age of five. Mating
takes place in June
and into the first of
A sow will have
anywhere from one to
four cubs in January
or February, and the
cubs will stay with her
for two years. After
that the sow will run
the two year old cubs
off and she will be
ready to mate again. If
for some reason the
cubs die, the sow may
mate again the following year.
So what’s happening right now is you
have sows that have
just ran their last year
cubs off and those 2
year old bears are
wandering around on
their own for the first
time in their life. Add
breeding season to the
equation and you have
males on a mad search
for a receptive female.
Then you have the
sows that had cubs
this year that are out
and about. The bears
are definitely moving
and year in and year
out that’s the case in
June and when I have
had the majority of my
bear encounters.
Bears are known
to travel great distances, especially
boars on the move
searching for a receptive sow. They are
great tree climbers
and eat a variety of
foods. They are omnivores but are more
herbivores than carnivores. Nuts, berries,
roots, and other soft
and hard masts make
up most of their diet.
Carrion, small rodents, frogs, fish, and
insects are also food
It has been found
that in years with
heavy mast the gun
hunters fair better
than the bowhunters
and vise versa if the
mast is spotty. In
years with heavy mast
bears don’t move
much during the
archery season making them harder to
hunt. However, when
the mast is plentiful
bears will stay out
longer before climbing
into the winters den
making them more
available to gun hunters.
On the flip side,
during low mast years
like last year archery
hunters attribute to a
higher kill as the
bears are on the move
and cover more
ground in search of
food. They also tend
to den up earlier in
low mast years making
them less abundant
during the December
gun season.
Pregnant females,
or sows, are usually
the first bears to den
up for the winter. Our
Greyhound service decades
ago. Initial fares are set at a
maximum of $15 one-way
between Charleston and
Morgantown and are lower,
depending on the destination
from intermediate stops.
Again, this is such an
important development for
by Delegate Brent Boggs
the I-79 corridor and I urge
you to use this economical
ties celebrated Indepen“I am apt to believe that
service any time you can. At
dence Day last weekend.
it will be celebrated by
current fuel prices, you
With the weather akin to
succeeding generations as
probably can’t drive it for
early October, crowds
the great anniversary festiless. Operated by Barons
turned out in high numval. It ought to be comBus Lines, check out the full
bers for the weekend of
memorated as the day of
schedule at: http://
festivities at Gassaway
deliverance by solemn acts
www.baronsbus.com/i-rideof devotion to God Almighty; Days. Likewise, the com79-service
munity of Cedarville’s
it ought to be solemnized
I intend to try the bus
with pomp and parade, with population increased to
service out soon.
shows, games, sports, guns, incredible numbers for a
Finally, the end of the
bells, bonfires and illumina- day and evening of food,
fellowship and fireworks at state fiscal year 2014 ended
tions from one end of this
on June 30 and I’m pleased
continent to the other, from the annual community
to report that it ended on a
Independence weekend
this time forward forever
festival. Combined with the high note. During the most
more.” So wrote John
many reunions, picnics and recent session the legislature
Adams, one of our nation’s
put in place some safeguards
founding fathers and second activities over the weekto cover a revenue shortfall
end, it was a memorable
President of the United
of up to $103 million. ($33
time of celebration.
States, in a letter to his
million from a hiring freeze
Here’s also something
wife, Abigail, on how he
to celebrate. Last week, an and mid-year cuts and $70
envisioned Americans
million in expirations from
inaugural run began with
should celebrate Indepenlegislative and other acthe establishment of the
dence Day for future gennew I-Ride 79 Bus Service, counts.) With end of year
erations. This was written
operating between Charles- numbers much better than
in the days immediately
ton and Morgantown. Most expected, a surplus of apbefore the formal signing of
proximately $20 million is
important to our area, it
the Declaration of Indepenexpected.
has daily stops in both
dence. Tensions were high;
About $11 million is
directions at Clendennin,
war was imminent; and the
going to be carved off by the
Flatwoods, Weston,
cost of failure would surely
Secretary of Revenue and
Clarksburg and Fairmont.
have cost all the founders
parked in the income tax
This service fills a
their lives.
refund reserve fund. The rest
Adams would be proud
long-time void in our area
will be subject to legislative
for public transportation
of how Americans here in
appropriation. As we are now
since the elimination of
Gilmer and Braxton Coun-
News from
our Capitol
traditional bear gun
season was geared to
protect the sows and
increase the population. Since 1977 it’s
always opened sometime after Dec. 1. The
plan worked and since
then the black bear
populations in West
Virginia have been on
the rise.
Last year 2,682
black bears were
harvested in West
Virginia. In Braxton
County there were 14
taken during archery
season, 8 during the
early Sept. / Oct.
season, 9 during buck
season, and 17 during
the Dec. firearm season for a total of 48 for
the county.
The black bear is a
huge success story
here in West Virginia
and our DNR has done
a wonderful job of
helping re-establish
the population to
where they are today.
They are truly a magnificent animal and a
joy to watch in the
wild… From a safe
distance that is.
Our policy
We would like to
remind readers that we
welcome letters to the
We would like also
reiterate our policy...
that we do not publish
letters that do not
contain the author’s
identification. If you
mail or email your letter
to our office you must
enclose a phone number
for verification purposes. The number will
not be published except
at the author’s request.
We reserve the
right to edit and/or
refuse any letter
deemed to contain
libelous, inaccurate or
misleading information.
Letters should be
mailed to: Editor,
Braxton Citizens’ News,
P.O. Box 516, Sutton,
WV 26601. Those
wishing to email should
send them to:
in FY 2015, the budget
process begins very soon for
Send your inquiries to
the Capitol Office at: Building
1, Room 462-M, Charleston,
WV 25305. Or, call Nancy
Butcher in the Finance Committee office at 340-3230; or
fax to 340-3388. If you have an
interest in any particular bill
or issue, please let me know.
For those with Internet access,
my e-mail address is:
You may also obtain
additional legislative information, including the copies of
bills, conference reports,
daily summaries, interim
highlights, and leave me a
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When leaving a message,
please remember to include
your phone number with your
inquiry and any details you
can provide. Additional
information, including agency
links and the state government phone directory, may be
found at www.wv.gov. Also,
you may follow me on
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Twitter at “@DelBrentBoggs”,
as well as the WV
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or on Twitter at http://
Remember our troops at home and abroad - and
keep them and their families
in your thoughts and prayers.
Until next week, take care.
Braxton County, WV
continued from page 1
Baldridge will perform.
With a voice as rich as
the mid-western soil he
was raised on, the
Patoka, IL native’s music reflects small town
life while living large on
the simple things.
Drew’s music is the
soundtrack to life, be it
a rowdy Friday night or
a peaceful Sunday
morning. His songs and
performances transport
listeners to their favorite memories all while
making new ones. He
has shared the stage
with artists such as Alabama, Phil Vassar,
Montgomery Gentry,
and Justin Moore to
name a few.
At 9:30 PM, everyone will be treated to a
performance by Dustin
Lynch. Dustin Lynch
occupies a unique place
in today’s country music. Thanks to his classic sensibilities, he’s
been heralded as the
heir to George Strait’s
throne. Yet with one listen to his newest hit,
“Where It’s At,” it’s obvious Lynch knows how
to combine his traditional influences with an
edgy intensity that
places him at the front
of today’s contemporary
country scene. His debut album included hits
“Cowboys and Angels”
and “She Cranks My
There are a limited
number of stage front reserved seats available
for Wednesday through
Saturday, so reserve
yours today by calling
765-0333. Season tickets are now available at
$30 each. You can purchase season tickets
until 4:00 PM on July
29 th from Premier Bank
locations in Braxton and
Stores Nettles Equipment in Servia, and
Summit Media Radio
Stations in Sutton and
For more information on the Braxton
County Fairs & Festivals
Celebration, call 7650333; email: info@
or check out our website
continued from page 1
In other business,
reviewed a report from
acting Assessor David
Kuhl that stated that
allowing the Animal
Shelter to sell dog
license was allowable
under State Code and
practice and would
personnel in the proper
Terry Frame made
a motion to approve the
probate appointments
for the month of June
as presented.
Ron Facemire made
a motion to approve the
correction of erroneous
assessments for the
following; Forest Boggs,
Gibson, Hunter M.
Bennett, Jr. (x6), John
D. & Shirley J. Cook,
Polino Enterprises, Inc.
Freddie R & Ricky D.
Parsons, and Joshua S.
Action on filling a
vacancy on the Braxton
County Solid Waste
Authority was tabled
due to lack of interest
shown. Bids for work on
the Animal Shelter
septic system and
funding for the WVU
Extension Office were
both tabled.
Ron Facemire made
a motion to place the
road name Kravits
Corner out for a two
week public comment
Terry Frame made
a motion to advertising
for accounting services
in preparing the 2013/
14 Financial Statement.
Terry Frame made
a motion to rescind a
motion she made at the
employee to sign a
contract of employment.
Frame explained that a
review of the action
with the Prosecuting
Attorney’s office felt
handbook covers the
Following a review,
Terry Frame made a
motion to pay the bills
available with the
exception of dues to the
County Commissioners
Association, the West
Virginia Association of
Counties and Region
VII. Frame’s motion
instructed the clerk to
write a letter to the
groups requesting a
amount of the fees.
Being no further
business, the meeting
adjourned at 9:37 AM.
meeting of the Braxton
County Commission will
be on July 18 beginning
at 9:00 AM.
Central West Virginia
Outreach Center
...giving from the heart
314 Elk Street, Gassaway, WV
304-364-HOPE (4673)
for with God, all things are possible.
2014 Discount Cards available for
$10 – limited quantities
Kitchen cabinets - 5 sets
Metal roofing - 3’X10’ & 3’X12’
White foam sheeting insulation, 4’X8’X2-1/2”
New Truckload of 3/4” hardwood flooring
Bathtubs & surrounds, shower bases & surrounds
Stainless steel sinks, double bowl
House wrap
Commodes and pedestal sinks
Laminate flooring
Wood framed mirrors
Lumber 1X6X12
Carpet squres and rolls
Door Panels: interior & exterior, in solid wood, metal
clad & vinyl clad
Wood molding, stair rail and parts
Kitchen & bathroom cabinet
12’ Kitchen counter top
Blow-in Insulation (fiberglass) - Blower machine available
Stone Slabs” Granite, marble, etc.
Paint 1 and 5 gallon cans interior/exterior
Ceramic Tile
Rolls of Felt Paper
Tile Setting Material & Tools
Bubble insulation
Fiberglass sheet insulation 3’X4’X2
Also available:
Other Items too Numerous to List
Need: The Central West Virginia Outreach Center
is in need of used oil. Please call for details.
Open: Tues. & Thurs. 10 AM to 6 PM and
the 2nd Sat. of each month from 9 AM to 2 PM.
July 8, 2014 Page 3
Premier Bank solicits applications for
Community Improvement Awards
Premier Bank has
announced a program
which will grant a $1,000
award to a local community service organization,
in each of its five operating divisions.
In announcing the program,
Premier Bank President
Robert Walker said, “this
program is another of the
many ways in which Premier Bank demonstrates
its community focus and
we invite local service organizations to submit an
pleased to continue this
program which we began
last year.”
The program began
July 7 and applications
will be accepted through
August 30. Applications
are available at any Premier Bank location in
West Virginia, Richmond
or Hampton, Virginia or
the Washington, DC Metro
area. Interested community organizations will
complete an application,
describing its mission and
how the funds would be
used to improve the community. A committee of
bank employees from each
division will review the
applications and announce the winning organization in September.
Premier Bank is a
$900 million West Virginia chartered bank
with 19 locations in
West Virginia, 5 locations in the DC Metro
area and 2 locations in
Virginia. Premier Bank
is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Premier Financial Bancorp, Inc.
$1.2 billion dollar, Huntington, WV-based bank
holding company.
Braxton residents
graduate from GSC
Eleven students from
Braxton County were
awarded degrees during
the 140th Glenville State
College Commencement
Ceremony on Saturday,
Math 10th. The GSC Class
of 2014 is made up of more
than 220 students who
completed their degree requirements in July 2013,
December 2013, and May
Tyler J. Carr of
Gassaway graduated Cum
Laude with an Associate in
Science degree in Forest
Marc A. Jones of
Gassaway graduated Cum
Laude with a Regents
Bachelor of Arts degree.
Jesse L. King of
Frametown received a
Bachelor of Science degree
in Natural Resource Management with a concentration in Forest Technology
and a minor in Management. He also earned an
Associate in Science degree in Forest Technology.
Rhodes of Gassaway
graduated Magna Cum
Laude with a Bachelor of
Arts degree in History
and Political Science with
a minor in Business.
Connie L. Roberts of
Summa Cum Laude with
an Associate in Science
degree in Business.
Rollins of Gassaway
graduated Magna Cum
Laude with a Bachelor of
Science in Behavioral
Science degree in Psy-
chology/Sociology with a
minor in English. She also
earned a Bachelor of Arts
degree in English with a
minor in Psychology.
William M. Singleton
of Gassaway received a
Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Resource
Management with a concentration in Forest
Technology. He also
earned an Associate in
Science degree in Forest
Ashley R. Smallwood
of Sutton graduated Magna Cum Laude with a
Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science degree
in Psychology/Sociology
with a minor in Criminal
Casey D. Toler of
Heaters graduated Magna Cum Laude with a
Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration
degree in Accounting and
Rachel M. Tomblin of
Burnsville received a
Bachelor of Arts in Education degree in Elementary Education (K-6) and
Early Education (PreK-K).
Kyle J. Warner of
Gassaway graduated
Summa Cum Laude with
a Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration
degree in Accounting and
Founded in 1872,
Glenville State College is
a public liberal arts college
located in Glenville, West
Virginia. The college offers
32 four-year degree programs and 12 NCAA Division II Athletic teams.
Nettles announce
birth of daughter
Older sisters and
brothers Madison, Sam,
Jamie, Ava and parents,
Matt and Allison Nettles
are proud to announce
the birth of their newest
addition, Ella Jean
Nettles. Miss Ella graced
us with her presence a
little more than 3 weeks
early on June 7 at 9:40
pm. She was 20 and 1/2
inches long and 7 pounds
and 8 ounces and completely healthy. Matt and
overwhelmed with all the
prayers and well wishes
for the safe arrival of their
precious baby girl!
Ella is welcomed into
not only a large family of
siblings, but there were
lots of aunts, uncles, and
cousins so happy to meet
her. None maybe more excited than her maternal
grandparents, Ed and
Jeanine Given [of Sutton]
and her paternal grandparents,
Suzanne Nettles [of
Philippi] and Howard and
Karen Hoover [of Birch
River]. Ella is the great
grand daughter of Homer
Frametown, Mary and
[late] Gene Bollinger of
Sugar Creek, the late Bob
and Jean Given, the late
Harlan and Wilma Jean
Nettles, and the late Kenneth and Elouise Farner.
Page 4 July 8, 2014
With Deepest
Valarie Jane
McCormick Green
Valarie Jane Skidm o r e
McCorm i c k
65, of
w e n t
home to
be with
the Lord
on July
1, 2014 at her residence.
She was born on
February 4, 1949 in
Kanawha County, WV the
daughter of the late Eugene & Greathes Keener
Skidmore. Also preceding her in death was her
husbands, Clyde F. McCormick and Alva “Bill”
Green, maternal grandparents, Roy & Wilsie
Valarie was a homemaker, caregiver, and a
proud member of Sutton Baptist Church and
a member of the Sutton
Baptist Church Choir,
White Cross Coordinator,
arranged the Worship
Flowers for the Church.
She was the last surviving
member of the Skidmore
family and her parents
owned & operated Skid-
more’s Grocery. In later
years she & her mother
owned & operated Skidmore’s Department Store
and her grandparents
owned Keeners Lunch,
Department & Shoe Store.
All the years growing up in
the family businesses, she
had the privilege of meeting and knowing a lot of
wonderful people.
She is survived by
her step sons, Jackie
Lloyd Green of Akron,
OH, Mark Bill Green of
Sutton, Rodney Green of
Akron, OH.
Funeral services were
held 11 a.m. Thursday
July 3, 2014 at GreeneRobertson Funeral Home,
Sutton, with Rev. Allan
Copenhaver officiating.
Burial followed at Braxton
Memorial Cemetery, Airport Rd., Sutton. Friends
called 6-8 p.m. Wednesday July 2, 2014 at the
funeral home.
Funeral Home is humbled
to be serving the Green
Online condolences
can be sent to: greenerobertsonfuneralhome.
84, of Birch River, passed
away Wednesday July 2,
2014 at Bowers Hospice
House, Beckley, WV.
She was born August 7, 1929 in Nicholas
County, WV, the daughter
of the late Earl and Ressie
Crites Barnett. Also preceding her in death was
her husband, Sturgeon
Barnett, brothers; Don,
Ralph, Larry Barnett, and
sisters; Genevive Crites,
Betty Peters.
Esta is survived by
her son; Roger Barnett at
home, brother and sisters;
Dan Barnett and Viola Barnett both of Birch
River, Lula Belle Barnett
of Morgantown, and Ida
White of Carlisle, PA.
Funeral services
were held Saturday July
5, 2014 at Greene-Robertson Funeral Home, Sutton
with Rev. Geary Coffman
officiating. Burial followed
in Birch River Cemetery,
Birch River. Friends called
one hour prior to the service at the funeral home.
Funeral Home is humbled
to be serving the Barnett
Online condolences
can be sent to: greeneEsta Marie Barnett
Esta Marie Barnett, com
A child of God once saved, cannot be lost.
Truth or Tradition?
Perseverance of the Saints. This doctrine is
also known as “Eternal Security of the Saints”,
is better known as “Once in Grace, Always in
Grace.” It is the logical conclusion of the other
four points of Calvinism. If babies are born
totally depraved, and unable to respond to the
call of the gospel (Total Depravity), and if God
has already determined who is to be saved (Unconditional Election or Predestination), and it
follows that Jesus died only for those already
selected (Limited Atonement), and God sends
His Holy Spirit on those selected (Irresistible
Grace), then it naturally follows that the Holy
Spirit comes only on those God has predetermined, then they will be saved regardless of the
life they live. Truth or Tradition?
Texts That Would Seem To Support. “All
that the Father giveth me shall come to me;
and him that cometh to me I will in no wise
cast out.” (John 6:37).
In King James English, the letters “eth”
on the end of a verb mean continuous action.
Jesus promises never to cast out those who
“keep on coming.” What if I become discouraged and stop coming?
“My sheep hear my voice…and they follow
me…neither shall any man pluck them out of
my hand…and no man is able to pluck them
out of my Father’s hand.” (John 10:27-29).
What if they cease to follow? No man can pluck
them out, but what if they decide to walk out?
Does one loose the freedom of choice when he
becomes a Christian?
Nothing “shall be able to separate us from
the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our
Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39). “For God so loved
the world…” (John 3:16). Anyone the Father
doesn’t love? Will all the world be saved? Was
the prodigal son ever separated from his father’s
love? But he was separated from his father’s
house and all the blessings of it, and had he
not repented and returned home, he would have
been for ever separated from his father.
Texts That Teach The Possibility Of Apostasy. “If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth
as a branch, and is withered; and men gather
them, and cast them into the fire, and they are
burned.” (John 15:6). The branch is clearly part
of the vine, but if it is not producing fruit, it is
pruned and burned.
Speaking of Israel on their way to the land
of promise, Paul wrote: “But with many of
them God was not well pleased: for they were
overthrown in the wilderness.” (1 Corinthians
10:5). They had escaped bondage and were well
on their way to Canaan, but because they were
unfaithful, they perished in the wilderness.
“For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again
entangled therein, and overcome, the latter
end is worse with them than the beginning.”
(2 Peter 2:20).
Is it possible to escape the pollutions of sin,
and then to become entangled again? What is
the state of such an one?
These are just a few of the texts that teach
the opposite of “once in grace, always in grace.”
More to come next week.
If you would like to study these matters
further, give me a call.
Steer Creek Church of Christ, 3466 Rosedale
Road, Stumptown, West Virginia 25267
Minister: Gene H. Miller, 3281 Rosedale Road,
Shock, West Virginia 26638-8410
hurherald.com/church news
Sponsored by:Church of Christ,742 Elk Street,
Gassaway WV 26624.
Danny Lambey, Minister
Braxton County, WV
Landmark adds musical to
open its 2014-2015 season
As the Landmark
celebrates its 25th year
it is opening the 20142015 season with the
very popular musical,
“GODSPELL” on the
first two weekends in
September. (Another
reason why you should
purchase your Season
Ticket now). The show
is based on the Gospel
of Matthew and deals
with the last days of
Jesus and includes
dramatized versions
of several well-known
theatrical devices, pantomime, vaudeville and
varied musical styles, to
interpret one of humanity’s greatest events.
This quickly became
one of the most beloved
musicals ever written.
Songs you would recognize from the show:
Day By Day and Prepare Ye The Way Of
The Lord. Auditions will
take place on Thursday, July 10th at 2:00
pm at the Landmark.
We are looking for adult
singers, at least four
females and four males.
Come prepared to sing
something in your voice
range, not necessarily from the show. The
roles of Jesus and John
the Baptist are precast.
For season tickets
contact Merleen Campbell at 304-644-7309
or leave your name
and phone number
with the Landmark’s
message center at 304644-3166 and we will
contact you.
Lilly and Wright
united in marriage
Nicole Ann Lilly
and Robert Dale Wright
were united in marriage
on May 31, 2014 in a
beautiful setting under
a homemade archway
beside the pond at Holly
Gray Park. Pastor Mark
Minney performed the
double ring ceremony at
4 PM..
The bride was attired in an ivory, eyelet
long summer dress.
Kristen Lilly served
her sister as Maid of
Honor, the brides best
friends, Johnna Asbury
and Eden Wilson were
bridemaids, all dressed
in coral and lime green,
the color theme of the
wedding. Gary Allen,
Jr. served his brother
as best man, groomsmen were friends of the
groom, Nathan Asbury
and Max Blake.
Nicole was given in
marriage by her father
and mother, Darrell and
Cheryl Lilly. Gary Allen,
Sr. , father of the groom
and Carolyn Patrick,
grandmother of the bride
participated in the unity
candle ceremony.
Robert is the son of
Gary Allen and the late
Sandra Wright. Nicole is
the granddaughter of the
late Bill Patrick.
A reception followed
the wedding in the dining
hall at Holly Gray Park.
Braxton County Board of Ed
holds regular June meeting
The Braxton County
Board of Education met in
a regular meeting at the
Braxton County Board of
Education Office, Sutton
West Virginia on Thursday, June 26, at 6:00
p.m. The following members were present: Kathy
Parker (President), Dave
Hoover (Vice President),
Mike Chapman, Mickey
Skeens, Elizabeth Stew-
The meeting was
called to order by President Kathy Parker at 6:02
Kathy Parker offered
a non-denominational
The following retirees
were recognized for all
their years of dedication
and services to Braxton
County Schools and there
Obituary Policy
• Obituaries should be received within
30 days of death.
• The deceased should be a current
or former resident of the newspaper’s
coverage area (Braxton County and
the surrounding areas), or have family
members who have lived or are living
in this area.
• Obituaries are accepted from
funeral homes or funeral directors.
Obituaries may also be provided from
other publications or family members.
• Obituaries may be edited to
conform to the newspaper standards.
And deadlines
• There is no charge for obituaries that
meet the aforementioned guidelines.
was a reception in their
honor at 5:30 p.m. prior
to the board meeting. The
total years of service for
these retirees equals 659
years combined. Larry
Bennett, Marthena Bunn,
Judith Carson, Jeff Dennison, Fritz Deuly, Karin
Gateless, Brenda Gibson, Homer Gibson, Ann
Hart, Judy Morris, Robert
Pecora, Linda Piechowski,
Mark Piechowski, Connie Posey, Ken Skidmore,
Peggy Squires, Patricia
Westfall, Edna Wilson,
Betty Hewitt, Vera Johnson, Colleen Mahon.
Also, Elizabeth Stewart and Mickey Skeens
were recognized for their
dedication and service to
the students of Braxton
County Schools.
Elizabeth Stewart
moved and Mike Chapman seconded to approve
the consent agenda items
(minutes of meetings on
June 10, 2014, payment
of bills, budget transfers
and supplements, treasurer’s report, permission
for students to attend
school in Clay and Gilmer
Counties). Vote: unanimous
Mickey Skeens
moved and Dave Hoover
seconded to convene into
executive session under
6-9A-4 (2) (A) at 6:23 p.m.
for legal and personal
matters. Vote: unanimous
Dave Hoover moved
and Mickey Skeens seconded to reconvene into
regular session. Vote:
Funeral Home
Where lives, wishes, and memories are honored since 1917.
My promise to you is to customize
every service to fit your loved
one’s beliefs, hobbies, and life. We
offer compassionate, affordable
traditional, and non-traditional
funeral services as well as
cremation services.
225 Main St. Flatwoods WV, 26621
Anthony M. Paletti
Funeral Director
and Licensee in Charge
Jerry Long Funeral Attendant
Jerry McCauley
Funeral Attendant
Jason Allen
Funeral Attendant
The board reconvened into regular session at 6:52 p.m. with no
action taken.
Mike Chapman
moved and Mickey Skeens
seconded to approve the
following employment/
reassignment – Professional:
1. Morgan Dennison
– School Health Nurse for
Summer School (June 16July 4, 2014) – effective
retroactive June 25, 2014.
2. Morgan Dennison
– School Health Nurse
for Summer School (July
7-July 25, 2014) – effective retroactive June 25,
3. Everett Wine
– Physical Education
Teacher – Itinerant effective beginning of the 201415 school year.
4. Janis Collins –
English Teacher – BCHS
– effective beginning of the
2014-15 school year.
5. Burke Friend –
Agriculture Education
Teacher – BCHS – pending
certification and background check (effective
beginning of the 2014-15
school year)
6. Keith Greene –
CTE Simulated Workplace Instructional Coach
– BCHS – effective beginning of the 2014-15 school
7. Cara Salisbury
– Substitute Teacher – effective beginning of the
2014-15 school year.
Vote: Unanimous
Dave Hoover moved
and Elizabeth Stewart
seconded to approve the
following resignations –
1. Bronlynn Morlan
– Assistant Principal –
BCHS (effective date to be
2. E d n a W i l s o n –
Counselor – BCHS – effective June 30, 2014
Vote: Unanimous
Elizabeth Stewart
and Mickey Skeens seconded to approve the following employment/reassignment: Service
1. Robin Hoover –
Special Education Instructional Aide/Transportation Aide – Sutton
Elementary – effective
beginning of the 2014-15
school year
2. S a n d y S o n d e r man – Pre-K Instructional
Aide/Transportation Aide
– Burnsville Elementary
effective beginning of the
2014-15 school year.
Please turn to BOARD
page 8
Braxton County, WV
Bob Dobbins Benefit
There will be a
4 Wheeler/ATV Ride
July 19th at 10am.
Request donations to
aide family with medical expenses. The ride
leaves Braxton County Jamboree (in Gassaway) at 10am sharp.
Rain or shine. NO ALCOHOL.
53rd Annual
Stonestreet Reunion
We will be celebrating the 53rd reunion of the late SS.
Stonestreet and Carrie
Horner Stonestreet on
Saturday, July 26th,
2014 at Holly Gray
Park, Carson Dobbins
Pavilion on Airport Rd,
Sutton, WV. There are
plans for musical entertainment and water activities for the
children. Bring a picnic lunch and come
spend the day with
family and friends. Enjoy fellowship and good
down home cooking.
Everyone welcome,
hope to see you there!
The Stonestreets
Posey Reunion
The descendants
of Jackson and Martha
Posey will hold their
annual reunion at
Mary Conrad Park on
Sat. July 26th starting at 10 a.m. Lunch
will be served at noon.
Please bring a covered
dish, pop or tea for
your family, a lawn
chair, and something
for the auction. Meat
and water will be provided along with table
ware and plates.
Fund Raiser
There will be
a fund raiser at the
Fall Run Community
Building/Satellite Senior Center on Saturday, July 12, 2014
from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00
p.m. to raise money for
building repairs. There
will be beans and cornbread, hotdogs, chips,
coffee, soda, and water. There will also be
a large yard sale and a
bake sale.
FOUR Family Yard Sale
There will be a
four-family yard sale
July 12 from 8:00 a.m.
- ? It will be located at
287 N. Baxter Street in
Sutton. There will be
books, toys, plus size
clothing for men and
women, truck parts,
tools, etc. There are too
many things to list!
Vacation Bible School
Stump Chapel
Church is looking for
boys and girls to help
them find some strange
creatures! Come on
out to our VBS to be
held Monday, July 21
– Friday, July 25 from
6pm until 8:30pm to
check out WEIRD ANIMALS! Friday evening
will be a huge picnic
with lots of water fun,
including a ducky race
and crawdad hunting!
See you there!
Soccer Club
Braxton County Soccer Club fall registration
is now open online at
braxtonsoccer.org . There
will be in person registration at Living River Chapel (beside Keith’s Alignment) in Flatwoods on
July 12 10am-1pm, July
19 10am-1pm, Aug. 2
ACCEPTED AFTER AUGUST 9!!! Registration fee
is $45 a player. Hope to
see you this season! Any
questions contact Aaron
Sligar at ajsligar@live.com
Hope Baptist
Church VBS
Come SHINE with
us in VBS HOPE Baptist Church Frame-
town. KICKOFF Sunday, July 20th 4:306:30 pm MON - FRI
July 21-25 6:10-8:30
Gassaway Baptist
Church Vacation
Bible School
Please join us July
7 – 11, 2014 from 6:00
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for
SCHOOL. Classes are
available from Nursery
through completed 8th
grade. Adult classes
are also available.
Bring the family
and enjoy the evening.
Our VBS Closing Program will be held Saturday, July 12th at
6:00 p.m. We are at
our new location at 56
Beall Drive, Gassaway.
Please call the church
office at 304-364-8843
with any questions.
Vacation Bible School
The Orlando
Charge Churches will
be holding Vacation
Bible School at Oil
Creek United Methodist Church starting
July 13th thru 18th.
Registration will be at
5:30 on the 13th and
activities will begin at
6 each night following.
We have Bible Adventures, Imagination Station, games, snacks,
and of course Spotlight
Drama. We have classes
for toddlers as well as
adults and everyone in
between. So come out
and join us for Weird
Animals VBS, Where
Jesus’ Love Is One-Ofa-Kind. For more information you can call
452-8255 or 853-9016.
Heater family reunion
There will be
a Heater family reunion on July 12th
at 11am at Jackson’s
Mill Weston, WV. Bring
a covered dish and
your favorite beverage.
Don’t forget to bring
items for our auction.
If any questions contact Carol Cochran at
Food Handler’s Class
There will be a
Food Handling Class
on Friday, July 11th,
2014. It will be held at
the Days Hotel starting
at 10:00 a.m., and is
open to the public.
Salt Lick District
Sunday School
The annual Salt
Lick District Sunday
School Convention will
be held on Sunday,
July 13, 2014. This
year the Fall Run United Methodist Church
will be hosting the
event. All churches
within the Salt Lick
district are invited to
attend Sunday School
at Fall Run and then
enjoy a pot-luck covered dish lunch. The
WV Council of Churches encourages the
church body to unite
and work together in
spreading the gospel of
Jesus Christ. Services
will begin at 10 AM.
Come out and enjoy an
old-fashioned church
meeting with dinner on
the grounds. Looking
forward to seeing you
The annual Clem
Reunion, descendants
of the late Thomas
Blaine and Tillie Jane
Butcher Clem, will be
held on July 12th, at
11:30 a.m., at the Lewis County Park, Pavilion #3 (by the tennis
court). Table supplies
provided. Bring food
and beverages. You
may also want to bring
a lawn chair. Remember your swim gear for
the pool if the day is
Annual ”Baby Dave”
Jack, Jr. & Robert
“Bob” Hall Memorial
Scholarship Picnic
The annual Memorial Scholarship
Picnic for “Baby Dave”
and ”Bob” will be held
on Saturday, July 12th
at Holly Gray Park
starting at 11:00 a.m.
sponsored by the families and friends along
with fellow truck drivers and their families.
Everyone is invited to
attend and bring a covered dish. There will be
a silent auction, 50/50
drawings and various
drawings on selected
items. All proceeds are
used to award scholarships each year to
graduating seniors at
Braxton County High
School. So come on out
and enjoy the fine food
and reunion of friends
and family of our two
fallen family members.
Rhodes Reunion
The 19th Annual Reunion of Bert
Rhodes and Blanch
Rose Rhodes will be
at Holly Gray Park
July 19th starting at
10:30am until ?. All
relatives and friends
of Bert Rhodes and
Blanch Rose Rhodes
are welcome to attend.
Bring a covered dish
and something for the
auction and enjoy the
UMWA 1466
Picnic July 19
The UMWA 1466
picnic will be held July
19th at 12 noon at the
Veterans’ Memorial
Park, Pine Lodge. Bring
covered dish. Chicken,
drinks, and paper supplies will be furnished.
Call Charles Baughman at 304-651-8551
or Randy Boone at
304-742-5915 if you
have questions.
Yard Sale/Bake Sale
On July 12, 2014,
Christ Church United Methodist Sutton/
Flatwoods will be hosting a yard sale/bake
sale behind the Methodist church in Sutton
from 8-?, (Church beside the movie theater)
to raise funds for children to go to church
camp this summer.
Please come out and
join us for this event.
It’s always great to see
our young children
learn more about God
any way they can. Donations are appreciated as well. Contact
Pastor Doug Smailes
at 304-439-0000, Diane Sartin 304-7652943, or Tonya Lake at
the church 304-7655590, or cell 304-6890035.
Vacation Bible School
First Southern
Baptist Church will be
having vacation bible
school on July 14th –
16th at 6pm – 8:30pm.
Babies – 6th grade.
Located at 285 Herold
Jackson Stone/Jackson Trucking
Jackson Stone/Jackson Trucking has
mason sand and limestone sand, and
three sizes of Ohio River gravel. We also
have various sizes of crushed limestone,
house coal, red mulch, and brown mulch
stockpiled at our yard on Little Birch
Road. We can be reached at
304-765-7502 to schedule a delivery or to
check on a time to get your own
truck loaded. 304-765-7502.
July 8, 2014 Page 5
Road (Chemical Town)
Sutton, WV 26601.
Need a ride? Call Pastor Rick Canfield at
cell: 304-951-8283 or
at church: 304-7657623. Come be on the
right team with Jesus!
Dean/Cogar Reunion
The Dean/Cogar
Reunion will be held
July 12, 2014 at the
Heaters Community
Building, located on
Route 19 and Route 5.
Parking will be tight,
so please park close
and carpool if possible. Air-conditioning
and a full kitchen will
be provided. There
will be no outdoor activities. There will be
the usual auction, as
well as entertainment,
share family news and
visit. Arrive by 10:00
a.m. if you can help
set up. Bring pictures
to share. Tell others
about the new location
who don’t receive the
Music Schedule
Big Otter Community and Senior
Center music schedule for July is as follows: 4th....CLOSED.
11th...Country Outlaws 18th...Friends of
Country 25th...Summers Fork Bluegrass.
Carry outs available at
4:00. Music starts at
7:00. No admission.
50/50 drawing. Concessions. For more info
call 304-286-2672.
Donations appreciated.
Harris Cemetery
Donations are
needed for the mowing
and upkeep of the Harris Cemetery on Bug
Ridge. You can mail
them to: Harris Cemetery 204 S Stonewall
St. Sutton WV 26601.
Tent Revival
There will be a
Tent Revival July 7-12
at 7pm at Walkersville,
WV. Special singing
and preaching. Everyone is welcome! Watch
for signs. Call Ed Wade
for more information
at 304-462-7937.
Christ United
Methodist Church
impact week
IMPACT week is
coming up next month
July 12-20 2014 this
is a church program
to help individuals get
things done. Missionary groups from all
over come to our area
to help those in need.
Some of the things they
do are painting, lawn
care, cleaning, building etc. If you need
something accomplished applications
are at Christ Church
United Methodist in
Sutton and Flatwoods
this is a good program
tailored to help those
in need. Contact information: Pastor Doug
Smailes 304-439-0000
or the church at 304765-5590 on Tuesday
- Thursday 10-3
Story Hour at
Gassaway Public
Children and
toddlers ages 4 and
younger are invited
to join us at the Gassaway Public Library
for Story Hour. We will
meet at 10:00 a.m. on
these Friday mornings: July 18, August
1, August 15, and August 29. Please join us
for stories, crafts, and
snacks. Children must
be accompanied by an
adult. If you have any
questions or to confirm
dates, please call the
library at 364-8292.
Gassaway High
School Class of 1969
will be having their
reunion on Saturday,
July 5 beginning at
11:00 a.m. at Charley
and Brynda Fleming’s
farm at 46 Fleming
Drive (Airport Rd.) Sutton. Class members,
former classmates,
faculty and friends are
invited. Please bring
your lawn chairs. They
have a “catch and release” fishing pond so
bring fishing equipment if you’d like to
fish. If you have questions or need further
directions, please call
Kathy (364-5671),
Terry (3648748), Ann
(364-8131), Jeanne &
Bill (364-5012), Enid
(364-4092), Don (3648107), or Roger (3648725).
Braxton Pool
The Braxton pool
is open for the season.
The hours are Monday
through Saturday from
12:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Water aerobics is on
Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Thursday from 5-6
p.m. To book a pool
party, call the pool
at 304-765-2245. For
swimming lessons call
Batanya Jackson at
Narconon would
like to remind families that the use of
addicting drugs is on
the rise, take steps
to protect your family
from drug use. If you
know anyone who is
struggling with drug
addiction get them the
help they need. Call
for a free brochure
on the signs of addiction for all drugs.
Narconon also offers
free screenings and referrals. 800-431-1754
or DrugAbuseSolution.
Sutton High School
Class of 1958-60
The Class of 1959
would like to invite
you to join us at the
Days Hotel in Flatwoods in celebration
of our 55 year reunion
of our graduation from
SHS. We are inviting
you and a guest to
join us for a pleasant
evening of conversation, refreshments,
good music and dance.
The evening’s entertainment will begin
at 7:30 at the Conference Center and we
will cap the night off
with a fireworks show
that can be seen and
enjoyed from the hotel
terrace. We hope to see
everyone there. If you
have any questions
email Jack Smyth at
Youth Group Ministry
Christ Church
United Methodist Sutton / Flatwoods are
hosting Monday Evening Youth Group
Ministry at the Sutton
Pool from 6-8 p.m. all
summer unless otherwise closed due to
unforeseen circumstances. If you would
like more information
please contact the
church at 304-7655590 of Pastor Doug at
AARP meets
The Braxton
County Chapter #5343
AARP meets at 1:00pm
on the 3rd Wednesday
of each month. We are
a community service
organization and anything we do and any
money we raise stays
here. Our next meeting
will be on Wednesday
June 18th at 1:00pm.
Anyone 50 years of age
and older is invited to
join us. Come see what
we are all about. Hope
to see you there.
Meeting Notice
Burnsville Parks
and Recreation Board
will meet the second
Tuesday of each month
at 8:00 a.m. at the
community building.
Extra meetings may be
called when necessary.
Summer Reading
is the theme for the
Sutton Public Library
Summer Reading Program. Every Tuesday
beginning June 10,
from 11-12, children
from grades K-6 are
invited to come for a
great time of reading,
learning and fun activities. At the end of
summer there will be a
party at the pool. You
can come one week or
every week, whatever
fits into your schedule.
Join us for summer
fun. If you have any
questions, please call
the library at 304-7657224.
Donations needed
Donations are
needed for the mowing and up keep of the
Otter Hill Cemetery in
care of Revelea Lemon 1125 Cutlip Fork
Gassaway, WV 26624.
Thank you to the ones
who have already paid.
Senior Menu
Senior menu for
the week of July 8st
thru July 14th
Tuesday (8) Chicken wraps w/lettuce
and tomato, rice, fruit
crisp Wednesday (9)
Tomato soup, pepperoPlease turn to CALENDAR
page 8
Treated right in our Eye Center!
Dr. Jerry Black, M.D., Ph.D.
Eye Center
“The finest care in sight”
Page 6 July 8, 2014
Debra Schwab, Florence Warner, Karen
Frame, Joe Agostino,
Barb Thompson, Tammie Gay, Tom Knight,
Kathryn Greenlief,
Jeannie Nottingham,
Amy Crockett, Mackenzie Short, Johnna
Stalnaker, Arbutus
Lambert, Mary Ann
MELINDA FRAME Taffer, Jean May, Karen “Bubba” Morris,
Happy Birthday to Donna Ratliff, Willie
Alderman and Sonja
all of you!
McCune Cooper.
Hello, Everyone!
t h a t
for the
weekend? I hope that
all of you were able
to enjoy the holiday
with your family and
friends. It was a very
quiet weekend for me
but I did get to enjoy
the music and fireworks from Gassaway
Days on my front
Birthdays this
week are:
July 8th-Jimmy
Huffman, Tracy Min-
nich, Scott Poling, William Ethan Lunceford
July 9th-Evelyn
July 10th-Jessica
Murphy, Tom Dennison
July 11th-Marcia
Jo James, Clayton
Seth Grounds, Jon
Ratliff, Stacy Jirles,
Courtney Case
July 12th-Margaret Ellen Keener,
Mason Alan Moore,
Mike Moore, C. Kenton
Meadows IV
July 13th-Ann
Harrison, Tomi Dennison, Laura O’Malley,
Linda “Bugs” Keener
July 14th-Cheyenne Carr, Levi Jackson
Another Gassaway Days has come
and gone for the year.
Please remember to
thank all of the volunteers who make the
event possible. Their
hard work and tireless
efforts are what make
the annual event such
a success! Kudos to all
of those who assisted
in any way with the
Please keep the
following friends and
neighbors in your
prayers; Draiegen Rodriguez, Rick Rose, Jeff
Agee, Jimmy Stout,
This week’s recipe is Zucchini Spice
Bread by Martha Stewart
Nonstick cooking
1 large zucchini
1 cup packed
light-brown sugar
2 tablespoons
granulated sugar
2/3 cup vegetable
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 large eggs
1 1/2 cups allpurpose flour
1/2 teaspoon bak-
Braxton County, WV
ing powder
1/2 teaspoon
baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons
ground cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon
ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon
ground ginger
1/8 teaspoon
ground cloves
3/4 teaspoon salt
Preheat oven to
350 degrees. Lightly coat a 9-by-5-by3-inch loaf pan with
cooking spray, and set
aside. Grate zucchini
on the large holes of a
box grater (to yield 1
3/4 cups); set aside.
In a large bowl, whisk
together sugars, oil,
vanilla, and eggs.
Into a small bowl,
sift together flour,
baking powder, baking
soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves,
and salt. Add flour
mixture to egg mixture, and stir to combine well. Stir in grated zucchini.
Pour batter into
Scentsy buddies donated PAT’S CHAT
to help children in need
Scentsy consultant Debbie Westfall,
with the support of
local businesses, donated scentsy buddies
to the Braxton County
Sheriff’s Department,
Sutton and Gassaway
Fire Departments and
Police Departments,
and the Braxton County EMS.
The scentsy buddies are to be given to
children for comfort in
a time of need.
The support of
these Sutton and
Gassaway businesses
helped make this the
second scentsy fundraiser a heartwarming
Thank you to City
National Bank, Waffle
Hut, Breakaway Incorporated, Bank of
Gassaway, Rexroad
Supply Company, AllN-One Collision Center, Ware Insurance
Agency, Kohler Insurance Agency, G.T.R.
Labs and Tim’s Garage
for your kindness.
The Del McCoury Band
Robert Randolph
& The Family Band
at Appalachian Power Park
Saturday, July 26
www.theclaycenter.org • 304-561-3570
Live on the Levee featuring
Donna the Buffalo
Clay Center Summer Fun Day
Mountain Stage featuring Umphrey’s McGee
at the Culture Center
For a complete listing of
upcoming events in Charleston visit
T o day I got
an email
from Jane
formerly of
with the
sad news
that John Kidd died
last night (Saturday
night, July 5, 2014)
at home, surrounded
by his family. Some
months ago I had
asked you, his friends
and former classmates
to send him cards and
Jane said that John
and his family were
so pleased at the huge
response. He had to
return to the hospital
on January 20, 2014
and only recently was
released to a nursing
home with the hopes
that he might recover.
His family was preparing to bring him home
and care for him, but
he grew worse and
was readmitted to the
hospital. Less than a
month ago his wife,
Phyllis, and his children brought him
home and he was lovingly cared for with the
help of hospice. John
was a graduate of the
Burnsville Class of
1948 and much loved
by his classmates,
friends and neighbors
in Burnsville. You
can send a note of
condolence to Mrs.
John Kidd (Phyllis)
and family, 565 Saddlehorn, Chesapeake,
VA 23322.
I spent a few
days recently visiting with Doris Hardesty McPherson in
her lovely Follansbee
home. It was great to
meet her two friends,
Shirley and Midge,
when they came to
share a delicious meal
that Doris prepared. I
also visited with some
of her family and we
went to see Kenny and
Betty Pulliam, their
son, Ronnie, and Betty’s sister, Patty Cobb.
Kenny is recuperating
slowly from an injury
he got when he fell a
few weeks ago. Doris’
daughter, Billie, has
an antique and collect-
prepared pan, spreading evenly. Bake until
a toothpick inserted
in center of loaf comes
out clean, 45 to 55
minutes. Cool in pan
10 minutes; invert
onto a wire rack, then
re-invert, top side up.
Cool completely before
Sympathy is extended to the family
of Esta Marie Barnett.
Please keep them in
your prayers.
If you have news or
a recipe you would like
to share, please email
me at gassawaynews@
gmail.com, message
me on Facebook or
you may mail it to 407
Braxton Street, Gassaway, WV 26624.
“Hot July brings
cooling showers,
Apricots and gillyflowers.”
- Sara Coleridge,
Pretty Lessons in Verse
Until next week,
take care and God
ible place called The
Big Red Barn in Lisbon, Ohio, so we had
a very interesting visit
there.. She created
her “Barn” from a real
dairy barn. It was very
interesting to see (and
smell, which reminds
me of the old cow barn
we used to have in
Burnsville where it
was fun to watch Daddy do the milking), and
examine the artifacts
she has painted and
remodeled beautifully
the “finds” that she
picks up at auctions
or yard sales! She and
her mom never miss
the great Buckhannon Yard Sales and
she rents a U-Haul
every year from here in
Buckhannon to take
her treasures home.
She is very talented.
Her sister, Denise,
lives close beside her.
I had a wonderful time,
even though I missed
a road and ended driving in circles through
construction detours
in Steubenville, Ohio
before I finally arrived
at Follansbee. I didn’t
know there are very
few bridges to get me
across the Ohio River
and back into West
Virginia. I felt like I
had driven a hundred
miles south on Route
7 in Ohio, looking for
a bridge. Well, I saw
a lot of great scenery
like the gigantic cliffs
on the West Virginia
side of the Ohio River,
at which I gazed longingly, wishing I could
wiggle my nose and
suddenly be there instead of in Ohio!
The last few cool
evenings have made
it wonderful to walk
at the beautiful River
Walk near West Virginia Wesleyan College. We are fortunate
to live in a town like
Buckhannon, where
we can walk to many
of the places we want
to visit (restaurants,
shops, Goodwill, even
doctors and I have
even walked to the
hospital on good days),
but the River Walk
is the greatest. It
is interesting to see
the community gar-
dens where people are
planting one section
for themselves and
another one for Parish
House needs. What a
wonderful idea. I just
love Buckhannon.
One more item I
want to share is something that I think may
be a boon to many
West Virginia residents. I am copying
some parts of a column
that was in the Weston
Democrat of July 2,
2014: “The West Virginia Division of Public
Transportation has
announced the addition of I-RIDE 79 to the
state’s public transit
system, which will offer bus service between
Charleston and Morgantown. The bus service began yesterday
[July 1, 2014]….daily
stops in Charleston,
Clendenin, Flatwoods,
Weston, Clarksburg,
Fairmont and Morgantown. fares start at
just $3 one way and
go up to $15, each
direction, depending
on where the passenger boards….at any
of the locations along
the route….Buses are
ADA accessible and
equipped with WiFi,
power outlets, reclining seats, seat belts,
and restrooms….In
celebration of the new
service, rides will be
free through July 7
[ooops! We missed
that!]. For more information, call 1-888378-3823 or visit www.
this city-to-city service
will not help Buckhannon now that we
have lost our wonderful Senior Van where
rides were given anywhere around and
about the town all day
long for a small donation. The Senior Van
even helped seniors
get their groceries in
and out of vehicles and
to their homes. It is a
sad thing to lose such
a service. Our town is
left with not so much
as one single taxi car.
Maranatha, everyone!
Braxton County, WV
July 8, 2014 Page 7
MAGISTRATE COURT Kitty Korner: Affordable, Adoptable,Fixed Feline Friends
Beth Smith:
July 2: Danyell
McCoy of Weston, WV
– rendering firefighting equipment inoperable, probable cause
found, warrant issued;
Timothy Hamilton of
Booksville, KY – aggravated DUI, failure
to maintain control,
probable cause found,
warrantless arrest, requests plea hearing;
Michael Keith Dobbins of Burnsville,
WV – expired registration, plead no contest, Circuit Court fine
assessed; Jeremiah
Scarborough of North
Little Rock, SR – speeding, Circuit Court fine
assessed, pd; Lance
Gross of Burnsville,
WV – defensive equipment, driving suspended (dismissed)
Circuit Court fine assessed; Leslie Ramsey
of Gassaway, WV –
petit larceny x2, possession of controlled
substance, obstructing
an officer x2, probable cause found, warrantless arrest, Circuit
Court fine assessed;
Su Robert Dempsey of
Sutton, WV – driving
while license revoked
– DUI second offense,
probable cause found,
warrantless arrest,
plead guilty, Circuit
Court fine assessed;
Korey Adam Farley
of Cartersville, GA –
DUI 2nd offense, possession of clonzepam,
plead guilty, Circuit
Court fine assessed
x2; Allison Frame of
Sutton, WV – speeding,
possession of marijuana, Circuit Court
fine assessed, pd. July
3: Rychelle Elizabeth
Moses of Huntington,
PA – seatbelt violation,
plead no contest, fine
assessed, pd; Ricky Lee
Kesner of Petersburg,
WV – speeding, plead
no contest, Circuit
Court fine assessed,
pd; Weijie Huan of
Pittsburg, PA – speeding, plead no contest,
Circuit Court fine assessed, pd; Brandon
Fratto of Grove City,
PA – speeding, plead
no contest, Circuit
Court fine assessed,
pd; Leslie Ramsey of
Gassaway, WV – forgery, probable cause
found, warrant issued.
July 7: Ebony Johnson
of Munhall, PA – speeding, Circuit Court fine
assessed, pd; Keith
Conwell of South Point,
OH – speeding, Circuit
Court fine assessed,
pd; Leigh Ann Conway of Uneeda, WV –
speeding, Circuit Court
fine assessed, pd; Robert Dennis of Ivydale,
WV – illegal method of
fishing, illegal possession of wildlife, Circuit
Court fine assessed;
Timothy Hamilton of
Brooksville, KY – DUI,
failure to maintain,
probable cause found,
warrantless arrest,
plead guilty, Circuit
Court fine assessed;
Kenny Rollyson of Frametown, permitting
DUI, probable cause
found, warrantless
arrest, plead guilty,
Circuit Court fine as-
Kitten season is but missed our recent filiate of PURR WV,
in full swing.
If you kitty adoption fair, has several kittens of
con- Just One Generation, all colors, sizes, and
sessed; William Elliot
of Craigsville, WV – sidered pet ownership, the Braxton Co. af- gender waiting for a
aggravated DUI, driving suspended, left of
center, probable cause
found, warrantless arrest, Circuit Court fine
assessed; Kristina Williams of Parkersburg,
WV – identity theft,
probable cause found,
warrant issued; David
Bush of Burnsville,
WV – domestic battery
(dismissed), probable
cause found, warrantless arrest; Ronnie McCraw of Gassaway, Bobby Jo, Billie Jo, and Domino: These two calico sisters and tuxedo-colored
WV – obstructing, as- brother are 9 weeks old. They are full of curiousity and love playing and romping
sault, battery, prob- together.
able cause found, warrantless arrest, Circuit
Court fine assessed;
Ricky Todd Norman of
Heaters, WV – assault
(dismissed), battery,
plead guilty, Circuit
Court costs; Jeremy
Allen Westfall of Sutton, WV – petit larceny, probable cause
found, warrant issued,
Circuit Court fine assessed.
Rob Hamil:
July 1: Julius
Lanham of Ireland,
WV – sexual assault
Dylan is an 8 week old
in the 3rd degree x5,
male tabby with white
sexual abuse-parent,
guardian, custodian Dakota is a 3 month old long-haired orange and white paws. His siblings have
x5, probable cause male kitten that started life on a rocky road. He came both been adopted and
found, warrantless ar- to us with multiple health problems, but with a little he is the only member of
rest; Eric Barnett of love, attention, and basic medical care he is growing the litter still looking for
Birch River, WV – do- and doing quite well. Dakota loves to be held and a home of his own. He is
mestic assault, domes- petted and would make an excellent indoor/outdoor very social, healthy, and
tic battery 2nd, prob- companion pet.
able cause found, warrantless arrest; Joshua
Stilwell of Birch River,
WV – DUI 3rd offense,
driving while licensed
revoked for DUI, domestic battery, littering, probable cause
found, warrantless arrest; James Bosley of
Exchange, WV – no
seatbelt, plead no contest, fine assessed, pd;
Douglas Smothers Jr of
Fairmont, WV – speeding, plead no contest,
Circuit Court fine assessed, pd; Shane
Dragan of Thurmond,
WV – speeding, plead
Jay and Scooby
no contest, Circuit
Court fine assessed,
Jay and Scooby hound that was trained
For information or
pd; Robert Nicholson
are 1 year old rab- to hunt. He is quiet and to rent a spot, call the
of Salem, WV – speedbit Beagles. They are friendly and is waiting shelter at 304-765ing, plead no contest,
friendly and energetic for a new hunter to ac- 2200.
Circuit Court fine asand would love to catch company him.
The shelter is
sessed; Chad Everett
your dinner!
Don’t forget our in desperate need of
Chambers of Cross
Kane is now the Flea Market and Bake bleach, but any donaLanes, WV – speedshelter’s longest resi- Sale on Saturday July tions are greatly aping, plead no contest,
dent. He is a 2 year old 12, right at the shelter. preciated!
Circuit Court fine
assessed, pd; Sarah
Rachael Rosenblum
of New Orleans, LA
– speeding, plead no
contest, Circuit Court
fine assessed, pd; Patrick Hall of Bridgeport,
WV – speeding, plead
no contest, Circuit
Court fine assessed,
pd; Jacob A Perdue of
Beckley, WV – speeding, plead no contest,
Circuit Court fine assessed, pd; Benjamin
W League of Salvisa,
KY – speeding, plead
no contest, Circuit
Court fine assessed;
pd. July 2: Camellia
M. Nicholas of Sutton,
WV – DUI 1st offense,
probable cause found,
warrant issued, plead
guilty, Circuit Court
fine assessed. July 3:
Emily Boone of Gassaway, WV – animal
cruelty, Circuit Court
costs, pd.
Deadline for
all articles and
advertising is
Thursday by 4:00 pm!
Mail it to
501 Main St. Sutton
WV 26601 Email
Dog Tales:
Stories from the Braxton
County Animal Shelter
loving, forever family.
The organization was
created in response to
the severe overpopulation of cats in our
community. The animals seen here are
only a few of the many
available. . All of our
adoptable cats have
been spayed/neutered
and received age-appropriate immunizations. They are friendly, healthy, very social,
and each would make
a wonderful addition
to a family. The adoption fee for these vetted
animals is an affordable $25, a price that
will soon be increased
due to rising vet costs.
For this week only, you
can also adopt two vetted animals for only $5
more. The kittens have
come to us so quickly that most are not
listed on the petfinder
site. However, you can
watch for upcoming
Adoption Fairs on Saturdays mornings at the
Sutton Farmer’s Market and at the Kroger
complex. Or, you can
obtain additional infomation by calling Sally
Stewart at 304-3644136,
or emailing
gmail.com. Is there
any reason NOT to invest in a feline friend
that has already been
vetted and promises to
give you a lifetime of
love, devotion, and just
one generation?
BCMS open
house to be
held in July
Braxton County Middle School’s Student Council will be hosting an Open
House for all upcoming
seventh grade students and
their parents on Monday,
July 21, 2014, from 9 until
12 noon. Additionally any
eighth grade students new
to the area should visit that
day and start the enrollment process. We hope to
see you on that day. This is
also a reminder that seventh
graders must have their immunization shots up to date
before school begins on August 5 and before they begin
participating in any school
sponsored activity. If you
have any questions about
either of these announcements, please call the school
at 304-765-2644.
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Page 8 July 8, 2014
continued from pg. 4
3. Joey Shepard –
Bus Operator (formerly
Jeff Dennison’s run) – effective beginning of the
2014-15 school year
4. Bonnie Gendreau
– Bus Operator (formerly
Marcy Westfall’s run) –
effective beginning of the
2014-15 school year
5. Linda Butcher –
Custodian (6 a.m. to 2
p.m. shifts)- Frametown
Elementary – effective
July 1, 2014
6. Connie Posey –
Central Office – effective
July 1, 2014
Vote: Unanimous
Mickey Skeens
moved and Dave Hoover
seconded to approve the
following names to be
added to the substitute
teacher list: 1. Brenda
Gibson – effective July 1,
2014. 2. Robert Pecora –
effective beginning of the
2014-15 school year. 3.
Karin Gateless – effective
beginning of the 2014-15
school year. Vote: unanimous
Mike Chapman
moved and Mickey Skeens seconded to approve
the following request for
leave of absence: 1. Renae
Friend – partial/paid leave
of absence beginning of
July 15, 2014 for approximately one month or until
released by doctor.
Mike Chapman
moved and Elizabeth
Stewart seconded to approve fundraisers for Da-
vis Elementary. Vote:
Elizabeth Stewart
moved and Mickey Skeens approved the second
reading for Replacement
Policy of 3605 – Return
to Work Policy. Vote:
Mickey Skeens
moved and Dave Hoover
seconded to approve
the first reading/out on
comment of Policy 2600
– Transporting Young
Riders, Parents Pick-Up.
Vote: Unanimous
Mike Chapman
moved and Elizabeth
Stewart seconded to approve the 261-Day Calendar for 2014-15. Vote:
Elizabeth Stewart
moved and Dave Hoover
seconded to approve the
Priority School Incentive Pay for principal at
BCHS. Vote: Unanimous
Mike Chapman
moved and Mickey Skeens seconded to adopt
WVDE Policy 2510 (Assuring the Quality of
Education: Regulations
for Education Programs)
as county policy. Vote:
Mike Chapman
moved and Mickey Skeens seconded to approve
the Community Eligibility Program (Universal
Free Meals for Studens)
for 2014-15. Vote: Unanimous
Mickey Skeens
moved and Mike Chapman seconded to approve
the bid for Workers Compensation Insurance for
Vote: Unanimous
Dave Hoover moved
and Mickey Skeens seconded to continue to
utilize student school
accident insurance by
Basile and Associates
through Security Life for
the 14-15 school year.
Vote: Unanimous.
The Superintendent and Board Members reviewed the following reports/information:
House Bill 2490 and Balanced Enrollment.
Elizabeth Stewart
moved and Mickey Skeens seconded to adjourn
the meeting. Vote: Unanimous.
The meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m.
The next regular board
meeting will be held on
Monday, July 14, 2014 at
6:00 p.m. at the Braxton
County Board of Education Office.
Others in attendance: Kim Dennison,
Kay Dennison, Jeffrey
Dennison, Liberty Grace
Dennison, Brenda Wells,
Chris Luzader, Jennifer
Arambula, Manuel Arambula, Kimberly Wade,
James K. Huffman II, Pamela Bender, Linda Utt,
Ann Hart, Elizabeth Kantor-Bright, Leslie Godfrey, Linda Piechowski,
Mark Piechowski, Karin
Gateless, Connie Posey,
Fritz Deuly, Edna Wilson, Pat Westfall, Burke
Friend, Jeanne Carr,
Ryan Carr, Kirsten Gateless, Collen Mahon, Van
Carr, Judy Shafer, Jami
Hefner, Sandy Fisher,
Corey Lake, Norma
Bright, Robert Pecora,
Morna Greene
Braxton County, WV
continued from pg. 5
ni rolls, crackers, fruit
Thursday (10)
COOK’S CHOICE Friday (11) Lasagna,
garden salad, garlic
bread, fruit Monday
(14) Breakfast bake,
hash browns, orange
juice, fruit, biscuit
Strange Creek
Revelation Bible
Strange Creek
Church will be having a Revelation Bible
Study every Wednesday night at 6:30 pm.
Have you ever read or
tried to read Revelation, but had no idea
what you were reading? You don’t have to
have any type of Bible
knowledge to come
to this class. Please
come join us so we can
all learn together. This
class will be taught by
Vic Shingler. All are
Scrapbooking for
Discover this fun
way to turn your photos into a family treasure. Every Friday
starting at 10:00 a.m.,
the Braxton County
Senior Center will have
ALANON Meetings
Support Group will
be meeting at the Sutton Baptist Church on
Main Street, Sutton,
Annex I, at 7:30 p.m.
on Tuesday nights.
ALANON is a non-denominational support
group for friends and
family of people struggling with addiction.
Christ Church
Christ Church
now has a Contemporary Worship Service
in Fellowship Hall ev-
ery Sunday starting
at 6:30 with food and
fellowship. Worship
starts at 7:00. This is
a casual service. Come
out and join us.
Pot Luck Dinner
The Braxton
County Senior Center
will be sponsoring a
potluck dinner at the
Burnsville Community Building on the
third (3rd) Thursday
of every month from
9:00 AM to 1:30 PM.
Everyone is invited
to come. Please bring
a dish to share and
enjoy the good food,
fellowship, music, and
information that is
beneficial to the community. For more information, please call
the Senior Center at
304-765-4090 and ask
to speak with Norris or
Gibson Cemetery
Funds are needed for the upkeep of
the Gibson Cemetery.
Please send money
to: Gibson Cemetery
Fund, c/o Deborah
Campbell, 888 Gibson
Road, Flatwoods, WV
26621. Thank you to
all the ones that paid
last year.
Fairview Cemetery
Fund Accepting
To folks that have
family and friends buried in the Fairview
Cemetery on Nicholas Run Road and
Crooked Fork Hill, we
are accepting donations to help defray
the expense of keeping
the burial plots of your
loved ones and friends
mowed throughout the
2014 mowing season.
Being few in number, we are unable to
provide this service
without your help and
All donations received will be used for
mowing and upkeep
of the cemeteries. In-
Call your advertising representative today!
This newspaper is a member of the West Virginia
Press Association’s statewide network for display
and classified advertising. The advertising staff
can send your message across West Virginia.
For additional information, contact your local
advertising representative or the WVPA at
304-353-1161 or ssmith@wvpress.org.
Invest in your
5K race & 2K walk
11am September 27, 2014
Davis, WV
Run For It
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tuckerfoundation.net | 304.259.5008
clude a self-addressed,
stamped, envelope
with your donation
and a receipt will be
returned to you. Send
donations to: Fairview Cemetery Fund
C/o Joyce Black, Treasurer 989 Nicholas
Run Road Gassaway
WV 26624. Thank you
and God Bless, Fairview United Methodist
Braxton County
Democrat Women’s
Braxton County
Democrat Women’s
Club will be meeting
the first Monday of
each month at 7pm at
the Sutton Community Building. The time
change is from 6pm –
7pm. All members are
encouraged to attend.
Jackson Cemetery
It is once again
time to start mowing
the cemetery. Your
donation is very important for the upkeep
of the cemetery. If you
have loved ones buried
in this cemetery, your
donation will be much
appreciated. Please
send your donation
to: Patty Mollohan, PO
Box 61, Little Birch,
WV 26629.
Tesla Cemetery
Donations needed
for the Tesla Cemetery.
Send to James Morris
at 5506 Appalachian
Corridor, Sutton, WV
Sutton Cemetery
Town Hill
It’s mowing season once again. If you
have responded to our
financial request in
the past, we are grateful. If you have any responsibility regarding
upkeep we urge you
to consider a donation. Payment should
be made to “Sutton
Cemetery Trust” and
mailed to: Catherine
Hoover, 292 North
Baxter St., Sutton,
WV 26601
Sugar Creek Cemetary
Sugar Creek Cemetery is in need of donations for the mowing
and upkeep. A lot of
perpetual care is still
not paid. If you wish
to make a donation
please send it to Huffman Bookkeeping Inc.
512 Elk Street Gassaway, WV 26624.
Gassaway United
Methodist Church
The church family at Gassaway United Methodist Church
would like to invite
you to our Sunday
school, ages nursery adult, begins at 9:50.
Church service starts
at 11:00. In between
Sunday school and
church, join us for coffee, juice, donuts, and
fruit. See you there!
High Knob Cemetery
We have already
started the mowing
season. We need some
new fence.
Your donation is
very important for the
upkeep of the cemetery. If you have loved
ones buried in this
cemetery, your donations will be much appreciated.
Please send donations to: High Knob
Cemetery Fund, PO
Box 383, Sutton,
WV 26601. Payment
should be made to
High Knob Cemetery
Fund. Thank you for
your support.
Rhema Ministries
Max and Sharon Reynolds will be
hosting an Adult Bible Study. Come and
share with us God’s
word, music, and testimonies. Every Friday
beginning May 30 at
7:00 pm. Call for more
information: 304-3648488.
Page 9
July 8, 2014
Special Look
at Braxton County
A Photographic Look at...
Gassaway Days
Page 10
Braxton Citizens’ News
July 8, 2014
• Youth
• Middle School
• High School
Reporting Braxton County’s sports action
Knights on the Run 5K proves a success
With perfect cool,
dry weather for running,
sponsors of the fourth
annual Knights on the
Run 5K Run/Walk saw
the top three male winners beating the previous course record of
18:31, according to organizer Lauri Spencer.
The overall male
winner, 16-year old
Austin Hayes of Cowen,
set a course record with
a time of 17:11. Coming
in second at 17:42 was
Seth Backus, 16, of Frametown, and third place
in the overall male competition went to McKinley Moore, 18, also of
Frametown. Moore’s
time was 18:24.
The top three female winners also featured two runners from
Braxton County. The
winner of the female
division, however, was
Ivy Aleshire, 18, of Bickmore, who ran the 5K in
21:06. Finishing second
at 22:16 was 20-year
old Gabriela Bonazzo of
Gassaway. Kate Golinsky, 16, of Frametown,
ran the course in 23:04
for third place.
Interesting to note
is the fact that Backus
and Golinksy both run
for the Braxton County High cross country
team, as did Bonazzo
during her high-school
career. Moore ran track
at Braxton this past season. All three qualified
for state competition at
the end of their regular
Hayes, the
overall male winner,
runs for Webster County
Organizer Spencer,
in comparing the size of
this year’s run to previous years, explained
that last year saw 90
participants, the most
they have ever had.
“There were 71 participants this year ranging
in age from eight to 74,”
she said, adding “Nor-
mally it varies between
65 and 75.” Spencer
also commented, “The
5K continues to be a
successful fundraiser
for the BCMS athletic department and the
BCHS cross country
team because of the
generous support from
our sponsors and the
continued support from
our community.”
1st place: Austin Hayes
2nd place: Seth Backus
3rd place: McKinley Moore
1st place: Ivy Aleshire
2nd place: Gabriela Bonazzo
3rd place: Kate Golinsky
Runners begin to take off at the start of the race.
Kim Conrad
Page 11
Braxton Citizens’ News
July 8, 2014
• Youth
• Middle School
• High School
Reporting Braxton County’s sports action
Braxton 10-11 year old All-Star softball
team headed to state tournament
On Friday and Saturday, July 11-12, a
group of 10 and 11-year
old girls from Braxton
County will be playing
in the state softball tournament in Hedgesville.
Braxton’s 10-11 year old
All-Star team won the
right to play at the state
level after defeating the
Clay County All Star team
22-1 in District 8 competition last Wednesday.
Braxton All-Star
manager David Cook explained that, after his
team had won the coin
toss, he decided to opt for
his team to be the home
team. “I chose home because I wanted my pitcher to get her confidence
early, and I wanted the
defense on the field early
to try to get any nervousness out of the way.”
Cook’s strategy obviously
worked as pitcher Jayla
Jarvis and catcher Chyanne Martin, along with
the rest of the Braxton
defense, held Clay to one
Noting that he can
find little information
on how long it has been
since there has been a
Braxton County All-Star
softball team, the Braxton
manager did indicate that
he learned it has been
at last “10 or 15 years.”
One former softball manager, Phil Shuman of
Gassaway, reported that
he took a 9-10 year-old
All Star team to the state
level approximately 18
years ago.
The Braxton AllStar team consists of
Laycee Cook, Burnsville
Lady Bruins; Chyanne
Martin, Burnsville Lady
Bruins; EmilyToler, Sutton Angels; Jayla Jarvis,
Gassaway Baseburners;
Kristen Blair, Gassaway
Baseburners; Summer
Mays, Sutton Angels;
Heavenly Chewning,
Burnsville Lady Bruins;
Olivia Ramsey, Burnsville Lady Bruins; Peyton Smith, Sutton Angels; Breann Baultrippe,
Gassaway Baseburners;
Azora Kendall, Gassaway
Baseburners; and Kacie
Drake, Burnsville Lady
Bruins. Coaches are
Chris Toler and Maranda
About the team’s
success so far, Manager
Cook said, “I want to
thank all the parents and
fans that came to the Clay
game. It really helped the
girls [to have] all the signs
and decorations.” Look-
ing toward the upcoming
weekend, he added, “We
know it’ll be difficult to
follow us to Hedgesville
for the state tournament,
but if any fans want to
go, contact me for directions.” Although at press
time Cook did not yet
have the schedule for the
tournament, he should
have it early this week.
A special thank you
The Braxton
County Middle School
athletic department
and the Braxton County High School cross
country team wish
to thank the following sponsors for their
contributions to the
Knights on the Run 5K:
Michael Motors, Argle’s
Gun and Pawn, Dairy
Queen, Flatwoods
Lawn and Garden,
Rich’s, GGPTS’, Family Furniture, Skidmore
Development, Inc.,
State Farm, Go-Mart,
Premier Bank, The
BOSS 97, Little General, Lloyd’s Hardware,
Meadows Stone and
Paving, Sports Connection. Also, a thank you
to: Town of Gassaway,
Gassaway Volunteer
Fire Department, Braxton County EMS, Gassaway Baptist Church,
The Pulse, Braxton
County Middle School
coaching staff and their
families and the many
other volunteers!
The All-Star softball team gathers on the mound to celebrate their win.
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Ecstatic after their win, the team pours water over one of their coaches.
Braxton County students
named to Spring 2014 Dean’s
list and President’s list
A total of 1,044
students have been
named to the Dean’s
List at Fairmont State
University after completing the spring 2014
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Dr. Christina
Lavorata, Provost and
Vice President for Academic Affairs, has released the Dean’s List
and the President’s
List to recognize highachieving students for
their academic distinction. Full-time students who earned a
3.4 or better grade
point average for the
fall 2013 semester are
named to the Dean’s
List. Full-time students achieving a perfect 4.0 grade point
average are named to
the President’s List.
The following students from Braxton
County were recognized: Fairmont State
University School of
Graduate Studies:
President’s List: Rachel
Fairmont State
University: President’s
List: Mason Floyd
Fairmont State
University: Dean’s List:
Elizabeth Arnold, Brodie Currence, Darian
Kearns, Jordan Lacy.
Fairmont State
University, with a 120acre main campus in
Fairmont, W.Va., is
part of the state’s growing high technology
corridor. A city of about
20,000 people, Fairmont is close to larger
cities and also to opportunities for outdoor
recreation. Founded
in 1865 as a private
institution dedicated
to educating teachers,
FSU has a long his-
tory of academic excellence. At FSU, students
find a wide range of
fields of study with
more than 80 four-year
programs and graduate
programs. With an enrollment of more than
4,200, FSU is large
enough that students
find a vibrant campus
life and small enough
that they do not get lost
in the crowd.
The mission of
FSU is to provide opportunities for individuals
to achieve their professional and personal
goals and discover roles
for responsible citizenship that promote the
common good. FSU
values scholarship, opportunity, achievement
and responsibility.
Page 12, Braxton Citizens’ News,
July 8, 2014
Attention Property Owners
If fiber optic cable has been installed
on electric power poles crossing
your property you may have a claim
for money damages against the
installer and/or right of way owner. If
you have been affected by fiber optic
cable installation and are interested
in pursuing a claim please contact:
Larry O. Ford Meyer, For, Glasser
& Radman, PLLC P.O. Box 11090
Charleston, WV 25339 (304) 3453900. 800-884-3939
Letters of Interest Solicited
Braxton County Board of Health
is soliciting individuals who have
a sincere interest in serving on
the Board of Health. Currently one
vacancy exists. WV Code 16-2-7
states… “A county board of health
is composed of five members selected and appointed by vote of the
county commission. Each member
appointed to the county board of
health shall be a resident of the
county. No more than two members
who reside in the same magisterial district may be appointed and
no more than two members may
be appointed who are personally
licensed or certified in, engaged in,
or actively participating in the same
business, profession or occupation.
No more than three members of a
county board of health may belong
to the same political party.”
If interested for consideration,
please submit a letter of interest
detailing background information
and a brief summary of why applicant would like to serve. Applicants
can be of either Political Party and
from the Northern, Southern or
Eastern Districts.
Submit a letter of interest to the
Braxton County Commission, Post
Office Box 486, Sutton, West Virginia 26601. Letter of interest must
be postmarked, and/or received by
4:00p.m., Est, on July 16, 2014.
West Virginia Department of
Division of Highways
Bids will be received electronically
by the West Virginia Department
of Transportation, Division of Highways through the Bid Express Bidding Service (www.bidx.com) and
by sealed proposals (only when
prequalification is waived) being
received at its office in Building 5,
Room A-748, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, West Virginia until July 22, 2014 at 10:00am
(Eastern Standard Time). The bids
will be downloaded and/or opened
and read publically thereafter for
the constructions of the following
Call: 010
Contract: 1330107
State Project: S304-19/26-9.86 00
Federal Project: ACTST-1926(001)D
Proposals will be received from
prequalified and West Virginia licensed contractors only except that
on Federal-Aid Projects a contractors’ license is not required at time of
bid, but will be required before work
can begin. Registration is required
with the Department of Administration, Division of Purchasing, in accordance with Chapter 5A, Article 3,
Section 12 of the West Virginia Code.
All contractors submitting bids on
project(s) must include one of the following forms properly executed with
each proposal: Proposal Guaranty
Bond, Cashier’s Check, or Certified
Check for $500.00 or 5% of the total
bid, whichever is greater.
*These are projects on which any
contractor with a Category “W”
Prequalification Rating may be
eligible to bid.
The West Virginia Department of
Transportation, Division of Highways
reserves the right to defer, delay or
postpone the date for receiving and
publicly opening proposals for any
project designated in this advertisement, without the necessity of
renewing such advertisement. All
bidders holding valid bidding proposals will be notified of such deferment,
delay or postponement and the date
that proposals will be received and
publicly opened.
The West Virginia Department of
Transportation, Division of Highways
hereby notifies all bidders that it
will affirmatively insure that in any
contract entered into pursuant to
this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded
full opportunity to submit bids in
response to this invitation and will
not be discriminated against on the
grounds of race, color, religion, sex
or national origin in consideration
for an award.
Division of Highways
Robert Pennington,
Acting Deputy State Highway
Engineer – Programming and Planning
By virtue of that certain Deed of
Trust executed by Matthew A. Byerly
and Sherry L. Byerly, husband and
wife, to Rock S. Wilson, Trustee, to
secure the Bruner Land Company,
Inc. of Byesville, Ohio, in the amount
of One Hundred Fifteen Thousand
One Hundred Dollars ($115,100.00)
being dated the June 3, 2011, of
record in the Office of the Clerk of
the County Commission of Braxton
County, West Virginia, in Trust Deed
Book 220 at page 681, and default
having been made in the payment of
the indebtedness thereby secured,
and upon request of the secured
creditor under said Deed of Trust,
the undersigned Trustee will sell, at
public auction, to the highest bidder,
on the 7th day of August, 2014, at
10:00 A.M., at the front door of the
Court House of Braxton County, in
Sutton, West Virginia, those certain
lots, tracts or parcels of real estate
situate in Holly District, Braxton
County, West Virginia, containing
147 Acres, more or less, and more
particularly bounded and described
as follows:
stake in the county road a corner
to a tract of land owned by Susan
Green, running thence with two lines
of same N 23-1/2 E 1330 feet to a
chestnut stump, a corner to same; N
1-1/2 W 1800 feet to a chestnut oak;
N 1/2 E 950 feet to a chestnut stump
near the original line; running thence
with same S 58 E 2380 feet crossing
a branch of Little Birch at 1800 feet to
a large flat rock; thence leaving said
original line, and running S 40-1/2 W
910 feet crossing a branch of Birch,
just below the falls, to a small sour
gum on a hill side; thence S 13 E 500
feet to a small maple on the end of
the point; thence S 32 W 1630 feet
to a stake at the county road, where
the line of the Black Betsey Coal &
Mining Company land crosses the
county road; thence with same S
82-1/2 W 950 feet to poplar and
gum at the South side of the county
road (both trees down); thence S
70-1/2 W 265 feet to the beginning,
containing 113 acres, more or less.
There is EXCEPTED and RESERVED from the aforesaid tract of
113 acres, a tract of 1 acre, which
tract is located on the eastern corner of the whole tract, which 1 acre
shall front ten (10) rods on the main
county road, and extend back from
said road fourteen (14) rods on each
side along the eastern boundary of
said whole tract, and be ten (10) rods
wide on the back line thereof.
from subject tract of real estate is
all of the coal, oil and gas and all
other mineral substances in and
underlying said tract as hereinbefore
conveyed, which coal, oil, gas and
other minerals were conveyed by
Henry Waggy to W. E. Chilton, together with all the mining rights and
privileges, as set out in said deed to
said Chilton, and as reserved by the
said Amos Bright, Trustee, in said
deed to said Lizzie Waggy.
chestnut in the original line, corner
to lot assigned to Susan L. Green,
and with lines of same, N 69 W 130
poles to a small locust on top of a
hill; S 70-1/2 E 31 poles to an apple
tree; N 110 poles to a chestnut in
the original line and with same, N
70 E 49 poles to a chestnut oak; S
109 poles to chestnut and chestnut
oak; S 23 W 6 poles to the beginning,
containing 34 acres, more or less.
There is also included and conveyed
in this conveyance a tract of 5 acres,
which tract was separately devised
by Ora Fay McLaughlin to her son
James S. Roberts in her Last Will
and Testament dated the 9th day of
November, 1974, of record in Will
Book 15 at Page 97, said tract was
stated to be across the county road
from the cabin.
There is EXCEPTED and RESERVED from subject Second Tract
by predecessors in title, all the oil
and gas and oil and gas rights,
together with the operative mining
rights necessary therewith, in, on
and under said Second Tract above
THIRD TRACT: A boundary of
one (1) acre of land on the eastern
corner of the whole tract, which said
1 acre shall front ten (10) rods on
the main county road, and extend
back from said road fourteen (14)
rods on each side along the eastern
boundary of said whole tract, and
be ten (10) rods wide on the back
line thereof.
There is further conveyed unto the
Grantees the right to use the prescriptive easement over a tract of 70
acres (Map Book 10T, Parcel 9) on a
roadway constructed by Brooks Run
Coal Company to access the southwestern end of the 112 acre tract,
the 29 acre tract and a 5 acre tract,
plus the northern end of the 112 acre
tract, which was previously granted
to Martha L. Roberts by Assignment
dated the 11th day of October, 2005,
of record in the Office of the Clerk of
the County Commission of Braxton
County, West Virginia, in Agreement
Book 8 at Page 207, from James S.
Roberts, and by subsequent Assignment dated the 11th day of October,
2005, of record in said Clerk’s Office
in Agreement Book 8 at Page 211,
Martha L. Roberts assigned the
right to use the same right of way to
James S. Roberts.
BEING the same real estate conveyed unto Matthew A. Byerly and
Sherry L. Byerly by virtue of that
certain Deed from Bruner Land
Company, Inc., dated the 3rd day
of June, 2011, of record in said
Clerk’s Office in Deed Book 586 at
page 179.
The aforesaid will be sold subject
to any unpaid taxes and existing
building restrictions, restrictive covenants, exceptions, reservations,
easements and servitudes to which
said property has been heretofore
A special warranty deed will be issued to the purchaser.
The undersigned reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Said sale may be adjourned from
time to time by mere oral proclamation at the time and place of sale.
The proceeds of said sale will be
used for the payment of outstanding real estate taxes and balance
applied to payment of said Deed
of Trust.
TERMS OF SALE: Cash in hand on
day of Sale.
Given under my hand this 2nd day
of July, 2014.
This instrument was prepared by
Rock S. Wilson, Attorney at Law,
112 Collins Avenue, Pennsboro,
West Virginia 26415
The undersigned Trustees, by virtue
of the authority vested in them by
that certain deed of trust dated April
10, 2003, and duly recorded in the
Office of the Clerk of the County
Commission of Braxton County,
West Virginia, in Deed of Trust Book
176, at page 649, Garry G. Garvin
and Marsha L. Garvin did convey
unto Bernard R. Mauser, Trustee,
certain real property described in
said deed of trust; and the beneficiary has elected to appoint Teays
Valley Trustees, LLC as substitute
Trustees by a Substitution of Trustee
recorded in the aforesaid Clerk’s Office; and default having been made
under the aforementioned deed of
trust and the undersigned Trustees,
having been instructed by the secured party to foreclose thereunder,
will offer for sale at public auction at
the front door of the Braxton County
Courthouse, 300 Main Street, Sutton, West Virginia 26601 on:
August 5, 2014 At 11:30 AM
All of his right title and interest, in
and to the following described real
estate, together with all improvements thereon and appurtenances
thereunto belonging, situate on
the waters of the Left Fork of Steer
Creek, in Otter District, Braxton
County, West Virginia, and more
particularly bounded and described
as follows:
BEGINNING at an iron pipe at the
edge of Chapel Road, thence along
with said Chapel Road, S. 31 ¾ E.
200 feet to an iron pipe; thence along
with the J.B. Kaufman line S. 69 ½
W. 152.8 feet to an iron pipe; thence
N. 32 ¾ W. 236.6 feet to a wooden
post; thence along and with the Leo
Skidmore line N. 81 ¼ E. 168.6 feet
to an iron pipe, the beginning corner,
containing 0.76 acres, more or less,
as shown on that certain Map or
Plat made by James C. Hickman,
dated July 25, 1972, which Plat is of
record in the Office of the Clerk of
the County Commission of Braxton
County, West Virginia in Deed Book
325, at Page 534.
And being the same tract or parcel of
land conveyed unto Gary G. Garvin,
by Kenneth H. Jones and Maxine
Jones, by Deed dated the 20th day
of June 2000, which Deed is of record in the aforesaid Clerk`s Office
in Deed Book 527, at Page 757.
And further, being the same tract
conveyed by Garry G. Garvin and
Marsha L. Garvin, his wife, to Garry
G. Garvin and Marsha L. Garvin, his
wife, by Deed dated the 10th day of
April 2003.
There is, however, RESERVED and
EXCEPTED from the foregoing tract,
a parcel said to contain one-fourth
(1/4) acre, and being the Northern
end of the tract of 0.76 acres, and
being the same tract or parcel of land
conveyed by Lester D. Kaufman and
Violet Kaufman, his wife, to John
Hashman and Goldy Hashman, his
wife, by Deed dated the 13th day of
November, 1972, which Deed is of
record in the aforesaid Clerk`s Office in Deed Book 329, at Page 371,
and the said tract of one-fourth (1/4)
acres is more particularly bounded
and described as follows:
BEGINNING at an iron stake at
corner of said original lot, thence
S. 31 ¾ E. 60 feet to an iron stake;
thence through said original lot approximately 177.8 feet to a stake in
original line; thence N. 32 ¾ W. 96.6
feet to a wooden post, a corner of
said original lot; thence along and
with the original line, N. 81 ¼ E.
168.6 feet to the beginning corner.
1416 Chapel Road, Gassaway,
WV 26624
The aforesaid property is SUBJECT
TO any and all easements, rightsof-way, conditions, covenants and
restrictions of record or in existence.
The sale of the foregoing real property will be made subject to all exceptions, reservations, rights of way,
easements, conditions, covenants,
restrictions, leases and other servitudes of record, if any, pertaining
to said real estate, subject to all
matters disclosed by an examination
and inspection of the property, subject to any and all unpaid taxes as
recorded against said property, and
to any further matters announced
at said sale. The property is sold
subject to an accurate survey at
purchaser’s expense.
The sale of the foregoing real property will also be made expressly
subject to any and all other deeds of
trust, judgments, liens, and all other
encumbrances of any nature whatsoever, if any, having priority over
the deed of trust referred to herein.
The Trustees reserve the right to
adjourn the sale, for a time, or from
time to time, without further notice,
by announcement at the time and
place of sale describe above or any
adjournment thereof. The Trustees
reserve the right to reject any and
all bids.
The subject property will be sold
in “AS IS” condition. The Trustees
shall be under no duty to cause any
existing tenant or person occupying
the subject property to vacate said
property. The Trustees will deliver
a trustees’ deed to the purchaser
without any covenant or warranty
(express or implied) in the form
prescribed by W. Va. Code §38-1-6.
The Trustees make no representations and warranties about the title of
the real estate to be conveyed. If the
Trustees are unable to convey insurable or marketable title to purchaser
for any reason, purchaser’s sole
remedy is return of deposit.
TERMS OF SALE: $5,000.00 cash
in hand at the time of sale in the
form of a certified check or cashier’s
check made payable to “Teays Valley
Trustees, LLC,” and the balance in
cash closing within 30 days of the
date of the sale. Purchaser shall pay
for transfer stamps and recording
fees. Additional terms of sale may be
announced prior to the sale.
Teays Valley Trustees, LLC
55 Meridian Parkway, Suite 108
Martinsburg, West Virginia 25404
(304) 757-7956
hereby given pursuant to and by
virtue of the authority vested in the
Substitute Trustees, Richard A. Pill,
David D. Pill, and Amanda E. Steiner,
any of whom may act, by that certain
Deed of Trust dated February 13,
2007, executed by Borrower, Pamela
Elaine Malcomb, to Vance Golden,
the Trustee of record in the office of
the Clerk of the County Commission
of Braxton County, West Virginia, in
Book 202, at Page 238. At the time
of the execution of the Deed of Trust,
this property was reported to have a
mailing address of HC 84 Box 112,
Wilsie, WV 26623. Richard A. Pill,
David D. Pill, and Amanda E. Steiner
were appointed as Substitute Trustees by APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE dated May 28,
2014, of record in the Clerk`s Office
in Book 4 at Page 99. The borrower
defaulted under the Note and Deed
of Trust and the Substitute Trustees
have been instructed to foreclose
under the Deed of Trust. Accordingly,
the Substitute Trustees will sell the
following described property to the
highest bidder at the front door of
the Courthouse of Braxton County,
in Sutton, West Virginia, on the following date:
July 28, 2014 at 4:10 p.m.
The property is described as of that
certain lot or parcel of land, together
with the improvements thereon
and the appurtenances thereunto
belonging, situate in Birch District,
Braxton County, West Virginia, and
being more particularly described
as follows:
A certain tract or parcel of land,
together with the improvements
thereon and the appurtenances
thereunto belonging, situate on
the waters of Steer Creek, approximately 1.7 miles by road from the
town of Wilsie, Birch District, Braxton
County, West Virginia, being more
particularly bounded and described
as follows:
Beginning at a 3/4 inch iron pipe set
in bedrock in concrete on a ridge
about two feet southwest of a barbed
wire fence where a small block oak is
called for, at an original corner of the
84.99 acre tract of which this tract is
a part, a corner of S.E. Stump, from
which a 6 inch red oak is N. 49° E.
10.0 feet, a 10 inch red oak is N 31°
W 18.8 feet, an 8 inch hickory is S
24°.W 10.1 feet, and a 10 inch red
oak with an old blaze is S 86° W 21.0
feet, thence with an outside line of
said 84.99 acres and S.E. Stump, S
24° 36’ E approximately parallel to
and no more than 12 feet southwest
of a barbed wire fence, 195.70 feet to
a 48 inch “T rail” steel fence post set
2 feet southwest of said fence where
a red oak is called for, a corner to
S.E. Stump, and an original corner of
the said 84.99 acre tract, from which
a 4 inch maple is N 74° E. 8.8 feet,
an 8 inch hickory is S 08° W 14.6 feet
and a 6 inch red oak is S 35° W 12.6
feet, thence with another line of S.E.
Stump and an outside line of said
84.99 acres, S 26° 06’ E crossing
said fence at 25 feet and running
with and no more than 4 feet northwest of said fence, in all 269.82 feet
to a 48 inch “T rail” steel fence post
set, from which a 24 inch pine stump,
an original corner to said 84.99 acre
tract is S 41° 17’ E 305.8 feet, a 36”
X 1 1/2” galvanized steel pipe set
where a set stone is called for, at an
original corner of said 84.99 acres
is S. 26° 06’ E. 117.38 feet a 5 inch
yellow poplar is N 22° W 8.0 feet, a
12 inch red oak is N 84° E 16.3 feet
to a 10 inch pipe is N 86° W. 20.2
feet, thence leaving said outside line
and S.E. Stump, S 88° 38’ W 481.78
feet to a 36” X 1 1/2 galvanized steel
pipe set in concrete, from which a 5
inch elm is N 88° E 9.2 feet, a 6 inch
hickory is S 55° E 3.4 feet, and a 4
inch elm is s 27° W 3.5 feet; thence,
N 13° 11’ E 158.63 feet to a 5/8
inch rebar steel rod (set, bearing a
plastic plug labeled Wilkie LLS 717),
1 foot West of a boulder upon which
Three horizontal chisel marks were
place as a reference, thence, N 85°
16’ W passing a 5/8 inch rebar steel
rod (set 15 feet from the centerline
of a dirt road, bearing a plastic cap
labeled Wilkie LLS 717) at 164.09
feet in all 188.88 feet to a point in
the centerline of Steer Creek, thence
with the meanders of Steer Creek
for Six calls, (at the location of the
creek bed at the time of the original
survey in October, 1979), N 02° 06’ E
109.30 feet to a point, thence N 02°
06’ E 123.28 feet to a point, thence
N 17° 56’ E 174.14 feet to a point,
thence, N 05° 56’ W 107.05 feet to
a point, thence N 22° 03’ W 91.73
feet to a point, thence, N 01° 24’ E
46,88 feet to a point in the centerline
of said creek in an outside line of the
said 84.99 acre tract, and in a line
of S.E. Stump, from which a 36” X
1 1/2” galvanized steel pipe set in
concrete on the creek bank at an
origin 1 corner where a small pine is
called for (a pine foot found) is N 59°
06’ W 16.00 feet and a stone found
near a large rock, an original corner
of said 84.99 acre tract is S 80° 01’
W 1681.74 feet, thence leaving the
creek and with a line of S.E. Stump,
S 59° 06’ E crossing State Route
30 at 45 feet, 15 feet Southwest of
a barbed wire fence at 45 feet, 6
feet Southwest of said fence at 325
feet, 11 feet Southwest of said fence
of 470 feet, in all 489.80 feet to the
1)The property will be conveyed
in an “AS IS” physical condition
by Deed containing no warranty,
express or implied, subject to the
Internal Revenue Service right of
redemption, all property taxes, prior
Deeds, liens, reservations, encumbrances, restrictions, rights-of-ways,
easements, covenants, conveyances and conditions of record in
the Clerk’s office or affecting the
subject property.
2)The Purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the transfer
taxes imposed by the West Virginia
Code § 11-22-1.
3)The Beneficiary and/or the Servicer of the Deed of Trust and Note
reserve the right to submit a bid for
the property at sale.
4)The Trustee reserves the right to
continue sale of the subject property
from time to time by written or oral
proclamation, which continuance
shall be in the sole discretion of the
5)The Trustee shall be under no
duty to cause any existing tenant
or person occupying the property
to vacate said property, and any
personal property and/or belongings remaining at the property after
the foreclosure sale will be deemed
6)The total purchase price is payable
to the Trustee by certified or cashier’s check within thirty (30) days
of the date of sale, with ten (10%) of
the total purchase price payable to
the Trustee at sale.
Given under my hand this 26th day
of June, 2014.
Richard A. Pill, Substitute Trustee
David D. Pill, Substitute Trustee
Amanda E. Steiner, Substitute
85 Aikens Center
Martinsburg, WV 25402
(304) 263-4971
Lymes Disease awareness Braxton
benefit dinner thank you County
All my gratitude to
those who helped in the
planning and execution of the lyme disease
awareness benefit dinner for my son, John
Given. I also want to
thank Elk River Foodland, Wendlings, and
all the churches for
their contributions.
It’s nice to come across
so many willing and
pleasant people to help
someone in need. Truly
a blessing. The dinner
was a wonderful success thanks to all who
attended and donated.
Rick Hammon and Eric
Dotseth did a great job
with their presentations. I hope the information was helpful
and eye-opening. Go
get tested! Thank you,
Michelle Given.
West Virginia Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Seeks
Responsibilities: Under general supervision from the Executive Director, the Project
Director is responsible for providing coordination and oversight to projects and
programs implemented by the Commission including, but not limited to, public awareness, outreach, training and events, and equipment distribution. This position also
has primary responsibility for coordinating and managing the West Virginia Registry
of Interpreters as required by West Virginia code.
4XDOLÀFDWLRQV This position requires skills in project development, implementation,
and coordination as well as an in-depth knowledge of the deaf, hard of hearing, and
interpreting communities and the impact of hearing loss on individual lives. Good written and verbal communication skills, as well as the ability to communicate with deaf
experience working with the deaf and hard of hearing desired. Some weekend and
More information and application forms can be found at:
Submit resume, cover letter and application form to:
Marissa Sanders, Executive Director WVCDHH
405 Capitol Street, Suite 800, Charleston, West Virginia 25301
Board of
Please be advised
that the regular meeting
of the Braxton County
Memorial Hospital Board
of Directors is scheduled
for Monday, July 14, 2014
at 6:30 p.m. in the hospital’s Learning Resource
If you have any questions regarding this meeting, please feel free to
contact Ben Vincent, Administrator.
Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 450
Birch River, WV 26610
WV Insurance Company
offering Homeowners
Policies, Mobile Homes,
Modulars, Sectionals,
Farm & Business
For Rates or an
Appointment Call
Terry K. Coffman
Braxton County, WV
July 8, 2014 Page 13
Katie Avery Named GSC Head Volleyball Coach
Glenville State College has announced the
hiring of Katie Avery as
the new Head Lady Pioneer Volleyball Coach.
Coach Avery comes
to GSC from Charleston,
West Virginia where she
has spent the last year
working as a personal
trainer at a Nautilus
Fitness Center. Avery
graduated from West
Virginia State University in 2013 with a degree
in Sport Studies. While
at WVSU she was a four
year starter for their
volleyball team from
2009-2012, where she
also served as captain
of the team. In 2013
she spent the season
on the sidelines as a
student assistant for
the Yellow Jackets. She
is a 2009 graduate of
Winfield High School
where she helped win
a State Championship
in 2006.
“I am honored and
blessed for Glenville
State giving me this great
opportunity. I am excited
and ready to take the
Lady Pioneers Volleyball program to the next
level,” stated Avery.
“Coach Avery has
been around the Mountain East Conference
(MEC) and has worked
under good leadership.
I’m confident that she is
ready to lead our volleyball program and to help
the Lady Pioneers excel,”
said GSC Athletic Director Janet Bailey.
She replaces former
head coach Camai Roberson who left the program
in March of 2014. Avery
resides in Glenville.
For more information about Pioneer Athletics at Glenville State
College, contact (304)
Glenville State College ROTC Cadet
Completes Air Assault School
Army ROTC Cadet Kyle Hartleben,
a Glenville State College senior, recently
graduated from the
Sabalauski Air Assault
School at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. The 10day school is a rigorous
and fast-paced program that trains soldiers and ROTC cadets
in aircraft orientation,
sling-load operations,
and rappelling techniques. As part of its
program students are
required to take part
in a 12-mile march
with their rucksack in
under three hours on
the morning of their
graduation. Upon completion, graduates of
the course will be able
to make maximum use
of helicopter assets in
training and in combat
to support unit operations.
Hartleben is a
biology major from
Hurricane (Putnam
County), West Virginia.
Following the training he commented,
“I just want to sleep
now.” In July he will
be attending a nearly
month-long assessment course to complete the required
training to become an
officer. Hartleben is
undecided on what
particular occupation
field he will enter in
the Army.
Major Charles
Beirne, Assistant Professor of Military Science at Glenville State
College and the Yellow
Jacket Battalion Executive Officer commented, “We are extremely proud of Kyle.
He has transformed
into one of our battalion’s top cadets and
will most likely exceed
the standards at his
upcoming Leadership
Development Assessment Course.”
In four years, the
Glenville State College ROTC program
has grown to be the
largest in the Yellow
Jacket Battalion which
includes programs at
West Virginia State
University, the University of Charleston,
West Virginia University-Tech, and GSC. The
GSC program alone
has sent three students
to the Leaders Training
Course, ten students
to the Leadership Development Assessment
Course, one to Airborne School, one to
Air Assault School, one
to Thailand with the
Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency program, and
has commissioned six
officers into the United
States Army.
For more information about the
Glenville State College
Army ROTC program,
contact GSC’s Senior
Military Science Instructor Sergeant First
Class Daniel Webb, at
Glenville State College senior ROTC Cadet Kyle Daniel.Webb@glenHartleben after graduating from the Sabalauski Air ville.edu or (304) 462Assault School
WVU Extension Service’s 4-H
program awarded $10,000 to
participate in Tech Takeover Day
West Virginia University Extension Service’s 4-H program,
with the support of a
$10,000 donation, will
become even more wired
and wonderful during a
HughesNet Tech Takeover Day.
The event will take
place Tuesday (July 8)
at WVU Jackson’s Mill,
allowing hundreds of
4-H’ers the opportunity
to participate in activities that educate about
science topics and teach
important life skills like
leadership and teamwork.
The funding, courtesy of HughesNet, provides increased science,
technology, engineering
and math related activities and curriculum during two weeks of Alpha I
and Alpha II 4-H Camps.
July 8 serves as the official day of recognition
of the sponsorship.
“The use of STEM
education in camp curriculum can impact
youths beyond a day
or week of learning. A
camper’s spark of interest in science or math at
camp can continue into
college, which leads to
science and math majors and career paths,”
explained Jen Robertson-Honecker, WVU Extension Service STEM
Specialist. “Giving them
the opportunity to experience science firsthand
is sometimes all it takes
to change their whole
Throughout the day,
campers will participate
in hands-on activities in
aerial robotics and engineering design. There
will also be opportunities
to fly unmanned drones
that take aerial pictures
of the WVU Jackson’s
Mill campus and learning about how robots
are designed and programmed.
Other activities include underwater robotics competitions and
chemistry-related activities like measuring pH
and dissolved oxygen
content in local streams
and ponds and plotting
the data using Google
“Our 4-H camp activities are very relevant
to many popular, emerging tech areas like ‘green’
technologies and innovative, engineering design
found in solar-powered
cars and in the aerospace industry,” said
“The increased funding
for STEM related activities and learning allows
youths to get a firsthand
look at new technology
and learn how it works
by way of a fun, educational camp environment.”
Statistics from the
President’s Council of
Advisors on Science
and Technology show
that science, technology, engineering and
math education and careers are falling short in
the United States. Tech
Takeover Day allows
youths to get involved
and become inspired by
science. This is what encouraged HughesNet and
the National 4-H Council
to offer this opportunity.
The HughesNet
Tech Takeover Day is a
the result of a national
voting contest in which
current 4-H’ers and 4-H
alumni voted for West
Virginia’s 4-H program to
be awarded funding for
the Tech Takeover Day.
“We have a lot of
fun, science related activities and educational
sessions planned for
week-long 4-H camps,
and for the day of the
event,” remarked Robertson-Honecker.
In addition to providing Tech Takeover
Days across the country,
the partnership between
HughesNet and the National 4-H Council also
supports science education at a variety of local
and national events. The
joint sponsorship has
a focus on small towns
and communities where
STEM related education and resources are
Hughes Network
Systems, LLC is the
world’s leading provider
of satellite broadband
for home and office,
delivering innovative
network technologies,
managed services and
solutions for enterprises
and government globally.
HughesNet is a wholly owned subsidiary of
EchoStar Corporation.
For additional information about HughesNet,
visit www.hughes.com.
For 100 years, WVU
Extension Service has
helped make the lives
of young people better
through 4-H youth development programs. WVU
Extension Service, as
part of WVU and its landgrant mission, continues
to provide educational
opportunities that allow
for the growth and development of youths in
all 55 counties of West
To learn more about
4-H’s STEM program and
camps, visit 4-hyd.ext.
New head coach, Katie Avery
WVSOM Center for
Rural and Community
Health to offer free
training at GSC
W.Va. – The Center
for Rural and Community Health of the
West Virginia School
of Osteopathic Medicine is offering free
training to become a
Community Health
Education Resource
Person (CHERP). With
this training program,
you can:
• Become a Community Health Education Resource Person
— Level 1 Wellness
• Help friends and
neighbors gain access
to improved health
• Learn how to
help others develop a
healthier lifestyle
“A Community
Health Education Resource Person is a
trained community
member who provides
health information and
support to other community members who
need help,” said Wayne
Miller, Ph.D., program
director of the WVSOM
Center for Rural and
Community Health.
“Once trained,
these individuals can
answer basic questions about health,
disease, nutrition,
physical activity and
health behaviors,” he
said. “These community health workers
are then available as
a resource to the community.”
Level 1-Wellness
training sessions will
be offered at the following times. All four sessions must be attended in order to complete
the training. Sessions
will take place on the
campus of Glenville
State College: Science
Hall #107, 200 High
Street in Glenville.
Tuesday and
Wednesday, July 1516: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Thursday, July
17: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Tuesday, July 29:
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Testing)
Training is open to
all individuals, 18 and
older, and no previous
health care experience
is required.
To learn more
about becoming a
Community Health
Education Resource
Person or to register
for training, contact
Joyce Martin at jmartin@osteo.wvsom.edu
or 304-793-6571.
This training is a
partnership between
WVSOM’s Center for
Rural and Community
Health, Northern West
Virginia Rural Health
Education Center,
and Minnie Hamilton
Health Systems. Funding for this project has
been provided by the
Benedum Foundation,
a “Change the Future”
Community Transformation Grant and the
West Virginia School of
Osteopathic Medicine
Call your advertising representative today!
Going out of
Business Sale!
Houchin’s Fabric Shop, Inc.
Arnoldsburg, WV
Starting Monday
July 14, 2014
Storewide Sale 30% off
Everything must go!
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This newspaper is a member of the West Virginia
Press Association’s statewide network for display
and classified advertising. The advertising staff
can send your message across West Virginia.
For additional information, contact your local
advertising representative or the WVPA at
304-353-1161 or ssmith@wvpress.org.
Page 14 July 8, 2014
From The
First & Factually
PAVING: Driveways, parking
lots, garage floors and more.
Also sealcoating. Senior
and Veteran’s discounts.
Licensed and insured. Over
25 years experience. All work
guaranteed. Free estimate.
Call 304-904-0989 or 304472-5176.
Critters Enterprises: Certified
Class I & II Septic Installations,
Repairs and Inspections. Dozer
Backhoe, and Dump Tr uck
Service. Most Visa and Master
Cards accepted. Eddie Facemire,
WV#033553. Call 304- 364-2257.
your dozer, excavator, and skid
steer services. Experienced
operator, quick service. Call Rich
at 304-678-7104.
Network. 109 Tolley Dr. Bport. All
classes forming now! Call 1-866644-4484.
Braxton County, WV
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house in
Little Birch. $325 rent plus utilities.
$325 deposit. 1 year lease. Call
304-765-9511 or 301-439-7823
FOR SALE: Queen Pillowtop
– Mattress Set, New! Factory
Plastic, Warranty. $165 Can
Deliver. 304-553-8703
FOR RENT: Nice 3/2, 2 car
garage, gas heat, ceiling fans,
window air, central location on
large lot in Sutton on Harold Road.
$550 a month plus utilities. Call
FOR SALE: King Size – Mattress
Set, 3pc, New in Plastic, Has
Warranty! $295 Delivery Avail.
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house in
Gassaway, rent $350 per month.
$350 deposit plus utilities. 1yr
lease.Call 301-439-7823.
FOR SALE: Full Mattress Set –
New, Never Opened, Warranty.
$145 Will Deliver 304-553-8703
FOR RENT: Two and three
bedroom mobile homes. No
pets. Call 304-613-0218 or 304765-2127 for appointment and
FOR SALE: Memor y Foam
Mattress – Super Comfortable, No
Springs! New with a full warranty!
$275. 304-553-8703
FOR RENT: 5 bedroom trailer in
Little Birch. $400 rent plus utilities.
$400 deposit. 1 year lease. Call
304-765-9511 or 301-439-7823
Class A & B CDL Drivers needed for road construction.
Great starting pay! Weekly travel required.
Applications are available at www.slurrypavers.com
and can be faxed to 804-716-7890 or mailed to
SLURRY PAVERS, INC. · 3617 NINE MILE ROAD · RICHMOND, VA 23223 · 800-449-3662
Slurry Pavers, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and a drug free workplace.
FOR RENT: One, two and three
bedroom homes One month’s
rent required for security deposit.
Utilities not included. Absolutely
no pets. Application required.
Applications may be picked up at
Lloyd’s Inc. 2220 Sutton lane
FOR RENT: Two and three
bedroom mobile homes. No
pets. Call 304-613-0218 or 304765-2127 for appointment and
FOR RENT: Storage Units. Call
304-765-7491 or 304-689-0112.
Storage Units and Rental
Bays Available: Multiple sizes,
can build to suit. Offering both
climate controlled and non-climate
controlled units. Located in the old
Sutton Feed building. Leased by:
C&G Industries, LLC. Call 304765-5317.
FOR SALE: Commercial/
Residential or Both. Large shop
with apartment or office, Sutton,
WV. Close to Flatwoods and Exit
67 off I 79. 4,134 square feet
building with an additional 888
square feet of covered outside
storage. The building is currently
configured with a 960 square feet
apartment with kitchen, living
room, full bath and 2 bedrooms.
The apartment has central heat
and air, city water and city sewer.
The building sits on .82 acres with
a huge gravel lot with parking
for numerous vehicles. This is a
dream property for automotive
work and or shop of any kind.
Prior to remodeling and the
addition of the apartment, the
building was used as a radiator
shop and a body shop. The
apartment could be configured
as a spacious and comfortable
office. This property is offered
by the owner at $99,500, below
recent appraised value. Contact
William Hunt at 304-7652401 or whghsr@grmail.com.
Join the Employer of Choice on the Inland Waterways
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Candidates must possess a minimum of a valid driver’s license and high school
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along with a comprehensive benefit package, (paid retirement, 401K, medical,
life & AD&DF, etc.) Interested candidates must apply online at
www.ingrambarge.com under marine careers EOE/M/F/V/D
Sutton Lake Marina is now hiring for the
2014 Boating Season. We need help in staffing
our Marina Store and cleaning for our rental
Houseboats. We offer a great work environment
and flexible hours. Make money and work
on your tan. Send your Resume’ or letter of
interest with all of your contact information to
2003 Bug Ridge Road Sutton, WV 26601. Or
you may fax it to: (304) 765 -2340 or email to
Info@Suttonlakemarina. You can also pick up
and drop off an employment application at the
Citizens News Office.
Now accepting applications for:
Dietary Assistant
Competitive Wages • Health Benefits
Wellness Program
Stop by to fill out an application at:
Braxton Health Care & Rehabilitation Center
859 Days Drive • Sutton, WV 26601
P: (304) 765-2861 • F: (304) 765-2863
EOE M/F/V/H • Drug Free Employer
FOR SALE: Well kept older house
with 2-3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms,
eat in kitchen. Family room, living
room and dining. $99,900. Call for
an appointment. 304-765-7840
OPERATORS: Local Oil Field
Services Company looking for
E X P E R I E N C E D E x c ava t o r
Operators for land clearing
operations. Must be dependable.
Willing to stay out of town for
extended per iods including
weekends. You must pass preemployment and random drug
screenings. Apply at Frame Oil
Field Services, 208 E. Main Street,
Glenville, WV 26351. (304) 4627843. www.frameofs.com. EOE.
A drug free workplace.
Field Services Company is looking
for EXPERIENCED saw hands for
land clearing operations. Must
be able to safely and efficiently
fell and top large timber. Must
be dependable. Willing to stay
out of town for extended periods
including weekends. You must
pass pre-employment and random
drug screenings. Apply at Frame
Oil Field Services, 208 E. Main
Street, Glenville, WV 26351. (304)
462-7843. www.frameofs.com.
EOE. A drug free workplace.
H E L P WA N T E D : D r i v e r s :
Regional & OTR. $1,000 plus per
week + Benefit Pkg. 100% No
Touch Freight. Weekly/Bi-Weekly
HomeTime. CDL-A 1 yr. OTR exp.
HELP WANTED: Mountaineer
Food Bank has 3 full-time
positions available. Applications
and/or resumes will be accepted
for these positions at 484
Enterprise Drive, Gassaway, West
Virginia through and including
July 21, 2014. All three positions
require strong computer skills
and communication skills both
oral and written. A valid drivers
license is also required for
traveling. Brief descriptions of
the duties for the positions are as
follows: Administrative Secretary
- Manage accounts payable,
accounts receivable, Assists
with preparation calculation
and execution of the budget.
Agency Network Liaison – Work
with existing and new feeding
programs to facilitate trainings and
meetings in support of our hunger
relief network, Product Sourcing
Coordinator – Work with existing
and new donors to help develop
new retail relationships as a part of
our team. Wages and benefits for
these positions will be discussed
at the time of interviews along
with the detailed job description.
Mountaineer Food Bank is an
equal opportunity employer.
H E L P WA N T E D : P hy s i c a l
Therapist, PRN to cover vacations,
s i ck , a n d o t h e r c ove r a g e.
Outpatient and inpatient; 8 or
10 hour days; variable/flexible
hours. Competitive salary. Join
Us On Our Journey to Excellence.
EO/AAE. Apply online at www.
HELP WANTED: A well-known
manufactur ing company in
Glenville, WV is looking for an
experienced Controller. Major
duties will include managing the
general ledger, performing the
closing process monthly, monthly
Sales/Use Tax filings and monthly
account reconciliations. The
Controller will also be in charge
of daily bank reconciliations and
cash management. This Controller
is also responsible for assisting
the company’s partnering CPA
firm in preparing yearly tax
filings. The Controller will also
oversee all Account Receivable
and Accounts Payable functions.
A c o m p r e h e n s i ve b e n e f i t s
package is offered that includes
vacation, paid holidays, health,
vision and dental insurance along
with a 401(k) plan and other
supplemental insurances. Salary
will be based on experience.
Applicants can mail their resume
and references to Controller, PO
Box 759, Glenville, WV 26351.
of WV, Inc. is hiring CARING
Aid required. Training available.
Contact Mary Alice Andrews RN
at 304-472-1500, ext. 103
HELP WANTED: Braxton County
Assessor’s Office will be accepting
applications for the following:
Part time Deputy Assessor for
the months of July, August, and
September 2014. Requirements
include basic computer skills,
experience dealing with the public
in person and over the phone,
being able to read maps and pass
a drug test. This position will be for
40 hours/week at $11.50 per hour
without benefits. All applications
must be received on or before
July 15th, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. EST.
Address application to Braxton
County Assessor’s Office, 300
Main Street, Sutton, WV 26601
CNA’s NEEDED! U.S. Nursing
Network for LTC & Private Duty. All
Days & Shifts Avail. Call 1-866644-4484. www.usnursingnetwork.
com. USNN is an EOE.
HELP WANTED: Drivers: Local/
Regional/OTR New Enhanced
Pay, Package Based on Exp.
Excellent Benefits. Consistent
Miles Daily/Weekly/Bi-Weekly
Hometime CDL-A 1yr OTR exp
HELP WANTED: Now hiring
general manager, wait staff, cooks,
and management staff for a full
service restaurant call 304-8909591.
701 N 3rd St. Town Hill, Sutton.
Friday & Saturday July 11th &
12th 9am-4pm both days. Wing
back chair, furniture, lots of dishes,
glassware, toys, terracotta flower
pots, baskets, pictures, men’s
36”x30” pants, clothing, sewing
notions & lace & MUCH, MUCH,
WHEELERS on the following
property: Carol Cunningham, Burl
Adkins, Lynn Carte, John Brumley
and Larry Stump.
WANTED: Old motorcycles –
running or not. 1980 or older,
any make. Call 304-644-5192.
CDL Drivers for road construction.
Great starting pay! Weekly travel
required. Applications are
available at www.slurrypavers.
com and can be faxed to 804716-7890, emailed to jobs@
slurrypavers.com or mailed to
Slurry Pavers, Inc., 3617 Nine
Mile Road, Richmond, VA 23223.
800-449-3662. Slurry Pavers, Inc.
is an equal opportunity employer
and a drug free workplace.
INCREASE. Exp. Solos – 40
cents/mile, Teams-Up to 51 cents/
mile, CDL Grads-34 cents/mile, 1
cent/mile increase each yr. NO
CAP! Extra pay for Hazmat! 888928-6011 www.Drive4Total.com.
ATTN: Drivers, Be a Name, Not
a Number, $$$ Up to 50 cpm
$$$, BCBS + 401k + Pet & Rider,
Orientation Sign on Bonus, CDL-A
Req. 877-258-8782, www.addrivers.com.
SAWMILLS from only $4397.00
your own bandmill. Cut lumber
any dimension. In stock ready
to ship. FREE Info/DVD: www.
1 800 578 1363 Ext.300N
Meet singles right now! No paid
operators, just real people like
you. Browse greetings, exchange
messages and connect live. Try it
free. Call now: 1-877-386-4785.
All New! Happy Jack DuraSpot:
Kills & Repels fleas, ticks & larvae.
Repels mites, lice & mosquitoes.
Contains Nylar IGR. At Southern
States, www.happyjack.com
Do you have mineral rights,
abandoned wells or leases that are
sitting doing nothing but making
you pay taxes? Tired of dealing
with useless paperwork from the
Call us today!! 304-541-2241
The award winning DAYS HOTEL is
for a variety of FOOD & BEVERAGE
include Convenon Wait Staff, Carver
for the Prime Rib staon, and Sous Chef.
Compeve pay based on experience,
401k and paid vacaon available. APPLY
IN PERSON at the Flatwoods Days Hotel.
Now accepting applications for:
Registered Nurse
Competitive Wages • Health Benefits
Wellness Program
Stop by to fill out an application at:
Braxton Health Care & Rehabilitation Center
859 Days Drive • Sutton, WV 26601
P: (304) 765-2861 • F: (304) 765-2863
EOE M/F/V/H • Drug Free Employer
Thursday by 4:00pm!
Call: 765-5193
or mail it in
PO Box 516 Sutton,
WV 26601
Braxton County, WV
July 8, 2014 Page 15
Applications available for 2014 antlerless
deer season limited permit areas
Applications for
the 2014 Antlerless
Deer Season are available at West Virginia
Division of Natural
Resources (DNR) district offices and the
DNR Elkins and South
Charleston offices.
These applications
also may be downloaded from the DNR’s Web
page at www.wvdnr.
“These limited
permit areas provide
antlerless deer hunting opportunities in
counties or areas of
the state where wildlife biologists have determined that limited
numbers of antlerless
deer permits are necessary to meet management objectives,” said
Curtis I. Taylor, Chief
of the DNR Wildlife Resources Section.
Eleven wildlife
management areas
(WMAs) (Beaver Dam,
Big Ugly, Blackwater, Calvin Price State
Forest, Elk River,
Greenbrier State For-
est, Kumbrabow State
Forest, Little Canaan,
Little River, Potomac
and Wallback) and
eight counties or portions thereof (Boone,
Clay, Fayette, Mercer,
Nicholas, Pendleton,
Pocahontas and Raleigh) will have a limited number of Class
N licenses for resident
and Class NN licenses
for nonresident antlerless deer hunting
Oct. 23-25 on private
land only, and Nov. 24
through Dec. 6, Dec.
18-20 and Dec. 29-31
on private and public
land. Applications must
be received by the DNR
before the close of business Aug. 15, 2014.
For complete information on antlerless
deer season dates and
bag limits, consult the
2014-2015 Hunting
and Trapping Regulations Summary, which
is available at West
Virginia hunting and
fishing license agents,
DNR offices and online
at www.wvdnr.gov.
GSC Freshman enrollment up
17-percent for Fall semester
Greg King, Associate Vice President of Enrollment at
Glenville State College.
Following two preenrollment clinics at Glenville State College, incoming freshman class size
for fall semester of 2014
has jumped 17-percent,
according to GSC’s enrollment office. Student
numbers at GSC has been
bucking mostly downward
trends statewide, increasing from about 1400 prior
to President Peter B. Barr’s
arrival to last year passing
the 1900 mark.
Chatter between staff
and faculty as they prepared for the most recent
freshman erollment effort
during the WV State Folk
Festival was positive and
Several cited better
communications between
departments and a re-
newed sense of working
together as contributing to
increased student outreach
Since arriving at GSC
in January as associate
vice president of enrollment, Greg King’s priorities have been focused on
improving how the college
recruits and engages students.Those efforts are
paying off.
“Everything we do
should be to aid recruitment and retention,” King
Now all students and
potential students are
logged into a database and
the data is updated continually as materials are
sent out, calls are made
or there’s a visit to the college’s campus, King said.
He praised the fiveperson recruiting staff at
the college, saying, “We
have some great leaders in
this office.” While 85-percent of Glenville State College’s students hail from a
16 county central
West Virginia region,
King is expanding recruiting efforts to other areas
where there is a shortage
of colleges to fill the demand. One such place is
the greater Pittsburgh area,
that has more high school
graduates annually than
all the students currently
enrolled at West Virginia
colleges and universities.
Last week, King traveled to Washington, D.C.,
to make contacts and attend seminars to facilitate
recruiting foreign students.
Last year’s GSC had one
foreign born student.
In addition, he’s also
actively reaching out to
alumni throughout WV,
particularly teachers.
King’s quick smile
and friendly manner belies
his initial work background
in business and finance.
Despite being the top accounting and school of
business graduate of his
class at King College (now
King University) in Tennessee, all it took was one accounting internship to decide the CPA route wasn’t
for him. After spending a
few years in investment,
and the mortgage industry he returned to his
alma mater to manage
enrollment there.
While there, in addition to completing a master’s degree in management and leadership he
steered the enrollment
team to a 30-percent undergraduate increase, as
well as 31-percent growth
in post-graduate studies.
King believes there
is significant growth potential at Glenville State
College and is pleased with
how he’s been received.
“Dr. Barr wanted a fresh
set of ideas -- there’s a
desire for new ideas and
new energy.”
“Great things can be
accomplished if you don’t
care who gets credit for it,”
King said smiling.
King resides in Glenville with his wife, Amber,
and son, Jackson.
Campus tours are
ongoing Monday through
Friday until fall registration in mid-August.
Anyone interested in
attending Glenville State
College, or would like
more information about
the school and degree programs, should contact the
admissions office at 304462-6130 or 1-800-9242010. For other questions,
the college’s main number
is 304-462-7361.
Antlerless white-tailed deer. Photo Courtesy of the West
Virginia Department of Commerce.
New River CTC
announces classes
The New River
Community and Technical College Office
of Workforce Education has announced
the lineup of community education classes
coming up in Summersville, W. Va., in
Beginning July
14, there will be an
80-Hour Mining class
from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. for
two weeks. Tuition is
On July 15 from
6-8 p.m. Sherri Ratliff
will teach Salves, Oils,
and Ointments. Although you can find a
wide variety of salves
and creams at health
food stores you may
enjoy making your own
that can be tailored to
your personal need
and aromatic preferences. Ratliff also will
teach a class on Honey
and Vinegars on July
29 from 6-8 p.m. Tuition is $15 for each of
these two classes.
Also on July 15 is
a Mushroom Identi-
fication class taught
by Lawrence Beckerle.
The class will meet
from 6-9 p.m., and
tuition is $25.
On July 22 from
5-9 p.m. there will be
a Toxins vs. Health
class taught by Paula Zorn and Delsie
Swearingen. The instructors will discuss
toxins, where they are
hiding in the foods we
eat and the products
we use on a daily basis, and how to recognize them, eliminate
them and lead a much
healthier life. Tuition
is $25
All classes
will be held at the
Workforce West Virginia Building on
Northside Drive in
Summersville. For
more information or
to register for class,
please call the New
River CTC Office of
Workforce Education in Summersville
at (304) 883-2446.
Preregistration is required.
The Braxton County Healthy
Families Healthy Children Coalition
presents a FREE family movie night
at Holly Gray Park on July 18th,
2014 at dusk.
Join us for free snacks and
beverages around 8pm.
Just bring a blanket and enjoy!
For more information, call 304-765-2809 or
e-mail ami.cook@mail.wvu.edu or
This is a FAMILY movie event. All children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.
Page 16 July 8, 2014
Braxton County, WV
MON - FRI 8-7 • SAT 9-5 • SUN 1-5
Shop Midstate Ford where
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Apply in person to 1000 Arbuckle Road in Summersville
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MON - FRI 8-7 • SAT 9-5 • SUN 1-5
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Tax, license and fees not included. Not responsible for typographical errors. Vehicles may be sold after time of print. Pictures for model representation only, may not be actual vehicle. Payment based on 75 mth. at 3.25% and $1000 down. Taxes & fees not included.