Spanish-Portuguese Conference on Controlled - SPLC
Spanish-Portuguese Conference on Controlled - SPLC
Spanish-Portuguese Local Chapter Xth Spanish-Portuguese Conference on Controlled Drug Delivery Drug Delivery Systems from Lab to Clinic. New trends and Opportunities. Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF), Valencia, Spain Sunday 10th November – Tuesday 12th November 2013 Chairman María J. Vicent (CIPF, Valencia) Organizing Committee: Emilia Barcia (Univ. Complutense de Madrid) Dolores Torres (Univ. Santiago de Compostela) Mª Adolfina Ruíz (Univ. Granada) Maribel Bento (Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Granda, Portugal) Young Organizing Committee: Aroa Duro (CIPF, Valencia) Amaya Niño (CIPF, Valencia) Lucía Martín (Univ. Sevilla) Ana Cadete (Univ. Santiago de Compostela) Sonia Reimondez (Univ. Santiago de Compostela) ____________________________________ 2 International Advisory Board M.J. Alonso (Univ. Santiago Compostela, Spain) A. Almeida (Univ. Lisbon, Portugal) M. Bermejo (Univ. Miguel Hernández) M. Blanco (Univ. Navarra, Spain) P. Caliceti (Univ. Padua, Italy) P. Calvo (Pharmamar, Spain) R. Duncan (Cardiff, UK) J. M. de la Fuente (Inst. Nanociencias Aragón, Spain) E. Fattal ( Univ. Paris-sud, France) A. Gabizon (Jerusalem, Israel) R. Gaspar (Univ. Lisbon, Portugal) M. Guzman (Univ. Alcalá de Henares, Spain) A. Kabanov (Univ. Chapel Hill, USA) L. Mayer (Celator Pharm., Canada) S. Muro (Univ. Maryland, USA) J. Nuno Moreira (Univ. Coimbra, Portugal) L. Pradella (Z-Cube, Italy) J.L. Pedraz (Univ. País Vasco, Spain) N.A. Peppas (Univ Texas at Austin, USA) G. Storm (Univ. Utrecht, NL) A. Torres (Univ. Complutense Madrid, Spain) A.M. Rabasco (Univ. Sevilla, Spain) D. Shabat (Tel Aviv Univ, Israel) R. Satchi-Fainaro (Tel Aviv Univ, Israel) J. San Roman (CSIC, Spain) V. Torchilin (Mass Gen Hospital, USA) SPONSORS (more to be added) SCOPE A growing number of drug delivery technologies have been approved by Regulatory Authorities for routine clinical use and others are progressing through clinical trials as single agents or as components of combination therapy regimes. Novel carriers and synthetic technologies are being developed for different applications ranging from macro- to nano-sized controlled drug delivery technologies. Ever more sophisticated synthetic chemistry is leading to complex three dimensional polymeric architectures, hybrid constructs and self-assembling micro and nano-sized particles. Many carriers and hybrid systems are being developed as imaging agents and theranostics. As clinical applications broaden to include treatments for infectious and inflammatory diseases, tissue repair and regeneration (including cell therapy), and diseases of the ageing population. Importance will be given to combination therapy and the key issues of the manufacture/development process to achieve transfer from lab. to clinics. 3 The Xth Spanish-Portuguese Conference on Controlled Drug Delivery will provide: World renown scientists to share with us their recent research and vision for the future of Controlled Drug Delivery Systems in the context of interdisciplinary research at the interface of biology, chemistry, pharmaceutical sciences and medicine. The latest developments in polymer technology and the biological and clinical disciplines relating to Controlled Drug Release. Industrial and medical progress in the transfer of Drug Delivery Technologies to Clinic. Finally, last but not least, this conference will provide an opportunity for the active participation of young scientists. Young scientist will play an important role in this conference through the ‘YOUNG SECTION’ of the Local chapter Hispano-Portuguese from the Controlled Release Society. A number of travel grants will be available to support their attendance. Who should attend ? Academics active in, or recently joining the field of Controlled Drug Delivery or Biomaterials. Industrialists, either active in the field, or requiring an update/introduction of the current status of Drug Delivery Technologies and issues relating successful translation from Lab to Clinic. Post Doctoral Scientists and Postgraduate Students working in this interdisciplinary field. REGISTRATION Registration should be made on the attached registration form or through the society webpage Cancellation Policy: A refund of 80% will be made in case of cancellation before 1st October 2013 (a handling fee is charged). After this date no refunds will be made. DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION 20th OCTOBER 2013 ACCOMMODATION AND LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS Venue: All lectures and the Poster Session will take place at ‘Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe’, Av. Eduardo Primo Yúfera 3, E-46012, Valencia, Spain Meeting Schedule The Meeting will commence at ~ 13.00 am on Sunday 10th November 2013 (Registration opens 11 am) and end ~ 2.00 pm on Tuesday 12th November 2013. - This will allow those delegates who wish to do so the opportunity to arrange side meetings on the afternoon of Tuesday 12th. _____________________________________________________________ Travel 4 The CIPF is located next to the famous “Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias” in Valencia (see for map) By Air Valencia International Airport is served by low cost airlines from most of European cities. Most intercontinental flights arrive at Barcelona or Madrid in Spain and many other major European cities. Travel from the airport to Valencia city center takes ~ 20 min by taxi (costs 25-30€). There is also an Aero-bus from the airport to city center (tickets: €2.50) and a direct underground line connection to city center. The metro station is at the ground floor of the regional flights terminal (tickets: €1.70) (see map at The journey takes around 25 minutes. Detailed information on travel to and airport can be found at Alicante International Airport is also served by many flights from most European cities including low cost airlines such as bmibaby or Easyjet. A taxi from Alicante Airport to the Alicante train station (costs ~25 €) where a Euromed train can be taken from Alicante to Valencia (cost. ~50 € return, 1.45 hour trip) Barcelona International Airport El Prat is also served by many flights from most European cities including low cost airlines. A direct train can be taken from El Prat Airport to Barcelona Sans Train station. From there the Euromed train can be taken from Barcelona to Valencia (Joaquín Sorolla Station) (cost. ~70 € return, 3 hours trip) By Train There are trains every hour from Madrid (Ave from Atocha) or Barcelona (Euromed from Sans Estació) Train Stations to Valencia Joaquín Sorolla Station. The journey time is 1.40 h from Madrid and 3 h from Barcelona (it is highly recommended to book and buy your train tickets in advance, electronic tickets available at There are also trains every hour from Alicante train station to Valencia Estación del Norte (journey time ~ 1.20 h). ________________________________________________________________________ Weather: Valencia in winter is not really cold, the weather is mild and usually does not rain. It has a Mediterranean climate, which is mainly sunny and with temperatures usually between 13- 20 ºC. Accommodation: There are many hotels within 10-15 minutes’ walk of the conference (CIPF) all price ranges. Delegates are requested to book their own accommodation. The organisation has arranged special rates with Tryp Oceanic 4* and Confortel Aqua Hotels 4* and 3*. Tryp Oceanic 4*: Individual Room: 65 EUR + 10% VAT (Breakfast included) Doble Room 70 EUR + 10% VAT (Breakfast Included) Confortel Aqua 3*: Individual Room: 55 EUR + 10% VAT (Breakfast included) Doble Room 65 EUR + 10% VAT (Breakfast Included) Confortel Aqua 4*: Individual Room: 65 EUR + 10% VAT (Breakfast included) Doble Room 75 EUR + 10% VAT (Breakfast Included) 5 Please contact our travel agent Paqui Higueras Soriano (E-mail: phigueras@centalví; Phone: +34 96 369 76 00 - Fax: +34 96 360 92 20) from Julià Cental de Viajes. Indicating that you are attending the ‘Xth SPLC-CRS conference’ organised by CIPF. Below are other suggestions. PLEASE book your accommodation early as possible as Valencia hosts many International events and room availability can be limited. Suggested Hotels (see map) These are some of the closest hotels surrounding the institute 1. NH Express Las Artes 3* Instituto Obrero de Valencia, 26, Valencia. NH Express Las Artes 4* Instituto Obrero de Valencia, 26, Valencia. 2. Barceló Valencia 4* Av. Francia 11, Valencia. 3. Tryp Oceanic 4* Pintor Maella 35, Valencia. 4. Hotel Valencia Center 4* Avda. de Francia, s/n, Valencia. 5. Abba Acteón 4* Escultor Vicente Beltrán Grimal, 2, Valencia. 6. AC Hotel 4* Av. Francia s/n, Valencia 7. Holiday Inn Valencia 4* Paseo De La Alameda, 38, Valencia. 8. Confortel Aqua 4 4* Luis Garcia Berlanga 19-21, Valencia. Confortel Aqua 3 3* Menorca, S/N, Valencia. 9. Beatriz Rey Don Jaime 4* Avenida de Baleares 2, Valencia. 10. Hotel Husa Serrano 3* General Urrutia, 48, Valencia. CIPF More hotel/hostel suggestions can be found at: 6 CONFIRMED SPEAKERS (+ short oral communications from abstracts to be added) Plenary Lectures Lawrence Mayer (Celator Pharmaceuticals Inc., Canada) Combinations: Bridging Bench to Bedside • CombiPlex Anticancer Drug Felipe Prosper (Univ. Navarra, Spain) • Cell Therapy and Controlled Release Materials for Tissue Regeneration Collen Masimirembwa (African Institute of Biomedical Science & Technology, Zimbabwe) •The challenge of diseases of poverty in Africa and what Drug Delivery Technologies can achieve. Invited Lectures Jeff Hrkach (BIND Bioscences, USA) • BIND-014: Preclinical Development and Clinical Translation of a PSMA-Targeted Docetaxel Nanoparticle with a Differentiated Pharmacological Profile. Andrés Cervantes (INCLIVA Health Research Institute, Valencia) • Open-label extension study of the RNAi therapeutic ALN-VSP02 in cancer patients responding to therapy. Ruth Duncan (Cardiff, UK) • Coordinator Round Table discussion ‘DDS from Lab to Clinic’ Jesús M de la Fuente (Instituto Nanociencias Aragón, Spain) • Controlled Drug Delivery with Multifunctional Magnetic Nanoparticles Africa González (Univ. Vigo, Spain) • Drug Delivery Technologies interplay with the immune systems Rocío Herrero-Vanrell (Univ. Complutense Madrid, Spain) • Novel Protein encapsulation Protocols for Long Term Delivery in the Treatment of Intraocular Diseases María J. Alonso (Univ. Santiago Compostela, Spain) • Polymeric nanoparticles for oral delivery of insulin Patricia Horcajada (Univ. Versailles, France) • MOFS as novel Drug Delivery Platforms Damiá Tormo (BiOncotech Pharmaceuticals SL, Spain) • BO-110 an RNA based therapeutic from Lab to Clinic. Richard England (Polypeptide Therapeutic Solutions SL, Spain) •Well-Defined Synthetic Polypeptides as Versatile Drug Delivery Carriers Rogerio Gaspar (Univ. Lisbon, Portugal) • Biosimilars and Generics. Issues for development and approval. Iola Duarte (CICECO, Univ. Aveiro Portugal) • Metabolomics as a new tool in nanotoxicology and nanomedicine: Validation in vitro using human keratinocytes exposed to silver nanoparticles Ramón Martínez-Máñez (UPV, Spain) • Gated Materials for Controlled Drug Delivery Dolores Hernan (EMA) • How does the EU facilitate the development of nanomedicines? Recent guidance. Pablo Botella (UPV-CSIC) • Stimuli-responsive hybrid materials for intracellular drug delivery Invited Speaker from Young Section SPLC-CRS Marcelo Calderón (Freie Univ. Berlin) • Dendritic thermoresponsive nanogels for externally triggered drug delivery. 7 X Spanish-Portuguese Conference on Controlled Dug Delivery Spanish-Portuguese Local Chapter Sunday 10th November – Tuesday 12th November 2013 The registration fee includes a copy of the Symposium Proceedings, tea/coffee, the Gala Dinner on Monday evening and lunches on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Please tick th I wish to attend to the Gala Dinner on Monday 11 November Dietary requirements (celiac, vegetarian, etc.) Registration Fee Before 15th September 2013 500 € After 15th September 2013 600 € 600 € 520 € 700 € 620 € Academic member Academic non-member Registration Registration + membership 400 € 500 € 500 € 420 € 600 € 520 € Postgraduate Student† 175 € 300 € Industry member Industry non-member Registration Registration + membership † Postgraduate student applications must be supported by letter from their supervisor confirming student status. SPLC-CRS Membership included † I wish to be considered as PhD student and enclose an Abstract, Supporting Letter from my Supervisor and/or Head of Department Please Print or Type Name: Address: Passport/ID n.: University/Company CIF/VAT number: Tel: E-mail: Fax: Amount paid Form of payment: All payments must be made by bank transfer. Concept: X Spanish Portuguese Conference (person name) Bank name: EVO Banco Bank address: Gran Vía 48. Majadahonda E-28220 Madrid, Spain Account Number: 2080/0610/62/3040021111 SWIFT code: CAGLESMMXXX IBAN number: ES17/2080/0610/62/3040021111 Signed ............................................... Date ................................................. Please send proof of bank transfer with Registration (pdf copy) to: Prof Emilia Barcia Hernández Dpto Farmacia y Tecnología Farmacéutica Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Plaza de Ramón y Cajal s/n, 28040 Madrid (Spain) E-mail: and 8 €
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