1.5 land use of citarum river basin
1.5 land use of citarum river basin
uk Cibi Ciko le lana ng S. Perawan K. La kol dong nang S. Ci lala Cib eb er Cikandung ruh Cike Ciangk ep ng S. Cisangkuang gem S. Cia ng Cie uri K. Blaklak ah ng nte Ka le Cipodang g un uk Cibi Ciko le ng nang lala S. Ci er eb Cib Cikandung Cikaramas ruh Cike Ciangk ep S. Cisangkuang K. Blaklak S Cisewo ah ng Cir K. La lana ng S. Perawan l lala nang le Ciko S. Ci Cikandung Ci ea as S. ko dong S. Ci Cipodang Cib anu ang gkaop Cikedon uk Cibi er BANDUNG S. Cisangku nte ng do Ba K. am ata n eb Cib Cikaramas Ciup ih Cilea t il Cibed h keru Ciangk ep Cij at u e K. aya ng Bu Kali Lia g ad un Cig ng Cihuju S. Citarik pa ng em Ka le Sungai Gokdok Cirandu Citapen Cil mar KOTA BANDUNG S. S. Ci seus k eup ok an S. Ci minya Cis S. Ci S. Cie uri SEDIMENTATION IN THE CITARUM RIVER SCHEME* Java Sea (Down Stream) 1.18 Citarum Down- 0.4 Stream System Ciliwung Cibeet 0.82 l na Ca um kis ng mi a Cip th or r Ta N Walahar Weir Curug Weir East Tarum Canal West Tarum Canal 0.28 Cikao ng Jatiluhur Dam Source: ASER Provincial Level Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD) West Java Province 2009 & Report Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the 6 Ci’s RB Territory-Package B Cikundul 0.46 0.4 Jatiluhur Rivers System Cirata Dam Cibalagung 3 1.1 gna jna riC n ka o Cis 0.63 Cimeta Waduk Dam Ciminyak 1.13 Cimahi Cibeureum Ciwidey 1.02 Cisangkuy 1.33 1.02Cikapundung Cidurian Cirasea Erosion occurs when water runoff displaces surface soil during heavy rainfalls because of the slope of the land, the type of vegetation growing there and poor cultivation management. Sedimentation occurs when the eroded soil is carried into river channels. Up to 31.4% of the Citarum River Basin is experiencing heavy to severe erosion (>180 tons/acre/year). The agrarian communities of this region continue to focus on the cultivation of vegetables that require short growing seasons, but do very little to facilitate the absorption of water into the soil or to hold soil in place. Landslides occur frequently in such areas, especially those with steep slopes (50%) of more than 2 meters in length. *in unit/year ** 1 unit = 10 million ton lana High Critical Area Critical Area Semi Critical Area Potential Critical Area The coastal region faces its own environmental dilemma with the 31% intrusion of sea water into the downstream reaches of the Citarum River channel in Karawang and Indramayu. In Karawang, sea water has intruded as far as 7 to 15 kilometers into the river channel from the coastline. As well, shallow water wells of less than 3 meters deep are also being intruded by sea water. 4 1.12 EROSION & SEDIMENTATION IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN K. La S. Perawan lana S. Ci gkaop Cikedon Cib Cil anu am ang ata n ad Cig Cihuju ng ih t Ciup Cilea il Cibed Ciburu Cisaranten Cidurian ng em S. Cias S. ng Ciburu Cisaranten S. Cimanuk ega ndun g S. Cim S. Cisangkuang am Cij kapu njun bu S. nje o Cih S. Ci S. Citu ng da Cidurian KOTA CIMAHI ng S. Cigara Cik uja ban n ko g S. C im ah i t kol nang lala S. Ci K. La kol dong S. S. Perawan K. Ba do ng Kali Lia ng K. Sungai Gokdok Buaya Cirandu Citapen be Cijam Cinenga Ciasem ng g Cikalintu ndun kapu s ea ap ad tepu S. Ci Cil Cicuk ang S. haur ibo S. Ciheas g e Cil S. 3 SUMEDANG Cid yi en Cil ng para S. Ci ng on Cik Cic S. Ci S. Cijuhung CIANJUR S. be Cijam gk ol S. Cim meta Cikawung S. Ci da s S. d Cio Cipabela dong S. Ci gkaop le Ciko ruh Cike Ciangk ep Cidurian ng Cik uja S. S. Cisangkuang S. Potential Risk Land Slide Source: Ministry of Forestry 2008, Analyzed by RCMU Team s High Risk Land Slide S. ru LEGEND Cir S Cisewo ri ole K. G y ah Cipodang ang anu Cib er eb Cib Cikandung Cikaramas Cilea t ih il Cibed Ciup ng ng Ciburu Cisaranten kapu S. Ci a e as S. S. Ci lek Go K. leu ng nte Ka le am a uk Cibi ng Cihuju h Cinenga Ciasem ana Cic s S. Ci tepu S. Cimanuk g ndun Cikalintu Cicuk ang uk Cibr Cij at up e y S. Cisangku y S. Citarik iha ide 3% 13% KOTA BANDUNG BANDUNG Ciw Cid an g em Pedati Weir 53% C S. Irrigated Padi Field (hectare) K. ng K. Kali Lia tan Cig ad un g Cil at Cisa an Cigarung haur S. Ci i ah S. Cim mar The damage to the river basin, especially its upper regions, is primarily because of illegal logging and inappropriate land cultivation that have given rise to landslides, erosion and sedimentation. Currently, a total area of 46,543 acre or 20% of the entire Bandung Basin (234,088 acre) in the upper reaches of the Citarum River Basin, mostly in or around the Ciminyak, Cihaur, Cikapundung, Citarik, Cirasea, Ciwidey and Cisankuy areas, has been classified as “critical” land. This will require the rehabilitation or reforestation or regreening of up to 22,326.12 acre in this water PERCENTAGE OF CRITICAL LAND IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN 2009 absorption/catchment area. S. k p useu S. Ci S. Ciawi S. Ci ok an minya Cis se S. Ci S. 322.461 S. Cijeruk BANDUNG BARAT yi en ana ng eu y S Cisewo K. Blaklak aya ng Bu do Cirandu Citapen ambe S. Cij Cij S. Cilandak Cig S Ba S. Cias em lek Go K. Sungai Gokdok ri ma ige s. C gk ol en an da era ng soli el mp . Cia Cih g ega Cih gk ol en h Cil aja 977,212 280,025 Cijere h as gkol g en 399,929 819,914 S. od Cinenga Cib S. Cijen n alagu S. Cib Cilalanang Weir ana ng S. S. ul S. Cianom Leuwinangka Weir Curugagung Weir Ciasem iku nd 457,113 631,533 PURWAKARTA y ng nte Kali Watu awah Ciba KB kok ika ro s. C S. Cipatujang njun S. Cim je on Cik uja s. C acan S. C Cibr uk 773,001 1,023,891 Cij en Cisa an r ide u W ag Ka li ak ad Cib S. an amar S. Cil ah ub Cis S. jambe S. Ci s ibo da S. C S. Ciheas KOTA CIMAHI S. Citu u mb ija C S. S. ri ma ige KB Cilandak at we Cigarung ija S. Ciw gem S. Cia S Sedari et S Cibe lapa S. Ke et S Cibe acan S. Cim S. Cigara ng da S t ban on gk en Cil ea ap ad ng para S. Ci Cil SUMEDANG Cikawung Cil Cic s tepu S. Ci awah Ciba Kali Watu nte ng an da era ng soli pel iam S. C Cig Cih S. Cipatujang sa nu S. Ci S. Ciawi rum S Cita g S. meta S. Ci S. Cicuk ang S. Cimanuk Cij S. S. Cisangku y Cis S. jambe S. Ci et S Cibe S. C Pedati Weir 1.32 Cim S. Cijuhung CIANJUR Cij Cilandak Cisa at Cigarung an haur S. Ci i ah Cim S. uk Cibr g an up at seus S. Ci u W ag Ka li kok ika ro g wun Cika ilele S. Cikanjaya Ciw 1.42 aja Cio S. ng era eup k minya S. Ci S.S. C Ciwiw idideey y ak ad Cib S. s. C SUBANG s y ma s. C k kok ika ro s. C Cig an da soli pel iam S. C Cih S. Cipatujang S. Cijeruk S. an amar S. Cil ah S. Ke ub gk ap aru leu em ige KB S. Cil jambe s da ibo S. C S. Ciheas S. Ciawi m Ciage S Sedari et S Cibe lapa an Lebiah Weir INDRAMAYU s a idar g yun Pa da ibo Cih eu S. Cias Kali Watu S. amar an awah Ciba nte Cib ad ak Ka li W ag u et S Cibe lapa S. Ke ah ub Cis S. S. Ci et S Cibe acan S. Cim rum Cil S. C S. Cijeruk S. Cisangkuang S. Ciririp S. C Downstream Middle ng BOGOR S. Cim Upstream S Cidurian Cik uja S. S Cita Area (hectare) nan ilala S. C ruh Cike Ciangk ep apu . Cik S. ng Pila Cipunagara anu Cib Cikedon gkaop ang S. Ci n ata am Cil Cikaramas Ciup ih Cilea t il Cibed ng Ciburu Cisaranten g ndun kapu S. Ci Cidurian iku ja S. C rum S Cita Upstream kol ong g le Ciko er eb g Cikandun il Cibed ng Ciburu Cisaranten Cikalintu ng ndu 1,332,692 1,755,517 Bendung Cipamingkis nir K. S. C Cimacan Weir gel ibu S. C K. Me Salam Darma Weir S. Cil PAGE 1 ah ng Cipodang g Cinenga h Ciasem g nan Cic a s tepu S. Ci Cicuk ang S. Cimanuk y S. Cisangku Ciw ide y S. k Cibiu S. Cid ang anu kaop Cikedong Cib Cil Cib t Cilea ana Ciup ng ih Cikaramas Cinengah Ciasem s itep u S. C S. Cimanuk Cicuk ang uk Cibr y ide 569,293 1,132,739 Pundong Weir Curug Weir ililin Ciw 1,023,347 Barubug Weir S. C uy S. Cisangk S. Ci ja ise S. C tu p use an g up inya k S. Cim 13,698 6,659,086 15,443,496 18,403,774 24,930,983 9,441,560 12,556,520 3,082,639 4,468,163 8,945,669 1,831,273 2,966,228 7,295,138 755,664 ingkis Cipam k Among the wildlife of the 1 Citarum is the Hampala, Macrolepidota (Valenciennes, 1842) (1) fish, which is known by the name Hampal in 2 West Java and is called Palung in Central Java, and Sebaru in Kalimantan and Malaysia. This attractive fish, which is popular for display in aquariums, and also as a food source, must be caught with live bait, other than worms. Two other forms of wildlife found in this river basin are the Engkang-engkang (Holobates Keyanus) (2) and the Kijing mussel (Pilsbryoconchaexillis) (3), which are both excellent indicators of the quality of the water. Besides the water creatures of the region, there is an abundance of specific vegetation, such as the Tarum Areuy indigo plant (Marsdenia Tinctorial R.BR) (4). ng du Ga as od Cib 30,472 19,029 32,575 38,110 34,159 22,951 22,169 25,737 32,714 118,627 22,072 41,416 102,893 140,649 lulu ng utu Cukapundung-Cipamokolan S. Ba Cil 857,446 Walahar Weir h 11,212,448 Cibeet Weir eru Cik 27,981 K. Gadung Weir Cijengkol Weir i S. as S. Cip w S. Sedimentasion (ton/year) THE UNIQUE SPECIES OF CITARUM RIVER ara unag am Cil la S. Cijeruk a ay S. a Cil S. S. Ciawi KARAWANG om ak Cib as 1985 lan n Bu bula S. Ci S. od ng utu Cijere gkol ng 2010 Erosion (ton/year) Bendung Cilalanang Cipabela PAGE 2 K. Blaklak nte K. Ba do ng ng Kali Lia Citapen un ad Cig Cisa at Cigarung an haur S. Ci Cim ah i S. uk Cibr g an up at Cij S. Ciawi S. S. S. Ci p useu Cise minya k S. Cijeruk Cikalintu s da S. C ibo S. Ciheas K. Ka le Sungai Gokdok Buaya Cirandu K. Go lek ambe S. Cij ko l ng Cij e S. Cilandak Cihuju ng pel iam S. C Cig an da soli Cih era ng S. Cipatujang S Cisewo ri ma em s. C ige KB s. C ika roko k S. Cias Kali Watu awah Ciba nte amar an S. ng Ka li W ag u Cib ad ak et S Cibe S. Cil S. Ke lapa Cis ub ah S. jambe S. Ci et S Cibe S. Cim acan alan K. L do Ba K. n ata am ang S. Perawan ng ng Bu a Kali Li g un ad Cig ng Cihuju an S. Cim ah i S. C S. Ciheas ihau r S. C rik Cita ng wi ala Cis Cip Cileunangkuy anu ca njan Dam gD am Area (hectare) 1.8 CONSERVATION & BIO-DIVERSITY g Leuwinangka Weir Curugagung Weir S. Cijen n a idar Ciw Cil om ak ib PURWAKARTA SUB TITLE OF CITARUM INFORMATIVE MAP 2011 S. Cia S Sedari gem rum S Cita 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 S Cisewo K. aya ah nte Ka le Cirandu Citapen S. C Cisa Cigarung Cic s ibo da Cipodang gk ol en S. Cilandak at acan ng Sungai Gokdok S. Cia lek Go K. Cika era Cih Cig S. C an da iam sol ng i pel S. Cipatujang Cij e amb S. Cij sem KB long rok ok ika s. C ah ub K. Blaklak awa h Kali Watu Cib an ten g Ka li W ag u Ci ba da k S. n amara S. Cil lapa S. Ke Cis S. eet ulin Sag Average 2.189.328 2.160.984 2.149.123 Ka Cikalintu gem S. Cia S .Sedari eet S Cib ng era Cih Cikeruh Cipamalokan Cidurian Cikapundung Cimahi S Sedari arum S Cit S Cib e ijamb Rive r jang Cira n Sub Catchment Cimeta gD am am Dam ta D nda Cira Jua High Very High 3.148.951 3.114.054 3.038.038 Source: West Java Profile, www.jabarprov 2007-2009.go.id Lebiah Weir INDRAMAYU s da Cib h r od K ibo eru Cik nusa S. Ci Cib nir K. Me ila .P S. C i un ilele we S. yu Pa Cih g wun Cika S. C S. C Salam Darma Weir SUBANG ililin 2002 >480 2007 Bandung in nt gk ap S. C 2001 180-480 il S. C an gel u Cib ng ng Cimacan Weir i 2000 Low 60-180 ncu ila Cil uri a li P C S. Gadung Weir K. Nolai lih Barubug Weir Pundong Weir Ga k Curug Weir ng du Ga Cikedon Cipunagara River Ciliwung River S. Cim ata Ci M ng T ahi eng ah Pe m y ide 15-60 Cihaur Cikeruh Ciminyak Cirasea Cisangkuy Citarik Ciwidey Cikundul Cimeta-Cilangka Cisokan-Cibalagung Cikao Jatiluhur Catchment Area Cibeet Citarum Hilir a du ar Cib i un Cih W 13,9% kao S. Ci Ci 17,5% 2008 Cie T ga isa T ara K. S. 2009 wo national parks, Mount Gede Pangrango (15,000 ha) and Mount Halimun (40,000 ha), are located in the Citarum River Basin region. The Mount Halimun National Park is one of the few tropical forests left on Java Island, while Mount Gede Pangrango National Park, which is covered with the vegetation typical of mountainous areas in the tropics, constitutes one of Indonesia's main rainforests. Mount Gede has a number of springs which feed rivers that empty their waters into the Java Sea through Jakarta Bay. One of these rivers is the Citarum. 24 kilometre S. C he Citarum River Basin, which accounts for 6,614 km2, or 22% of the entire area of West Java, plays a strategic function because it feeds water into the Saguling, Cirata and Jatiluhur reservoirs. Recently, however, the environmental conditions of the river basin have been compromised to the point that the area is now plagued with floods, droughts, and shortages of water for households, irrigation, industry and electrical power production. unag S. Cip w 1999 16 ul S. Cisent a am Cil Sumedang 1.11 LAND DEGRADATION IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN 24 kilometre ala 1998 8 4 1,8% SUB CATCHMENT ay S. Cir K. Nolai k 200.000 1.827.378 1.811.764 1.795.372 1.156.242 1.134.288 1.112.334 Cianjur t lan as S. lih ny a 17,6% 1.486.412 1.476.405 1.456.077 Indramayu ea Ga Mi 300.000 819.005 809.962 789.272 Subang K. Ci e High 400.000 POTENTIAL OF EROSION & SEDIMENTATION IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN ng n Bu Karawang Purwakarta S. Citarik SUB DAS CIWIDEY Source:Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the 6 Ci’s RB Territory-Package Bola Pengelolaan SDA WS 6 Ci 16 Cil 1997 Fair ee 8 S. 1996 em 2.121.122 2.076.146 2.032.008 2.134.389 2.112.433 2.073.356 KOTA BANDUNG BANDUNG Low BANDUNG BARAT C S. 1995 mar 1.540.434 1.531.072 1.493.225 Bandung Barat Cil s ng ok an ap ad Cid aru na Cis S. Ci FOREST TYPE IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN MAP 49,2% 500.000 C wi 1994 S. Bandung Cikawung i Cih La o Cih 2.176.143 2.128.384 2.084.381 2.414.704 2.390.120 2.361.312 Bekasi SUMEDANG y en S. Ci g ega C K. Nolai S. 0 600.000 < 15 ncu bula as njun 547.863 532.114 518.985 Cimahi Bekasi KOTA CIMAHI S. Cim nje S. 4 lih Ga od ng t S. Citu bu S. S. Ci utu 3,087 749.1 Cil 1,478.6 199.5 Cib h 993.4 256.3 K. eru Cik 615 293.3 i 22,951 22,169 un Citarik Ciwidey om ak 2,266.6 ea S. Cigara m ija POPULATION IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN 2007-2009 (people) ng para Cil ililin 1,390.9 Cib meta ban on gk ng S. Cijere Cipabela S. Ci S. C 669 y i 206.7 leu w 34,159 eu ala Cisangkuy Cil 470.2 2,866.3 Cil Cim S. Ci g S. S. 1,609.3 97.3 1,396.1 as S. Cijuhung en Cil S. 2,473.4 Leuwinangka Weir g 875.1 210.9 910.7 1,269.1 S. od S. Pedati Weir Curugagung Weir aja CIANJUR a idar Ciw ** Technical Calculations for the Planning of Municipal Water Provision Systems, Directorate General of Construction (Cipta Karya) of the Ministry of Public Works, 1998 Lebiah Weir INDRAMAYU s da ibo S. C Cilalanang Weir gkol ng g yun Pa ng Pila Cih S. PURWAKARTA 79,784 Wet season flood carry large amount of Source: Citarum Water Resource Management Plan BPDAS Citarum-Ciliwung year 2009 sediment mud shown at settlement area Cieunteung Bandung. Note: The scales used in this map may vary because the various segments are sourced from data from a number LEGENDA of different agencies. Any questions concerning technical issues relating to measurement and scale should be Protected address to the authoritative institutions originally issuing the data and maps.The classifications stipulated for the Forest various segments of the river originate from the Public Works Ministry's PSDA Water Research Center. This map Production Forest has been compiled from various data sources by the RCMU Team, and is also available in Spatial Digital Date Primary Production Forest format, which can be obtained by contacting info@Citarum.org. Others Bandung Basin Region = 234,088 Ha, of which 20%, or 46,543 ha, is classified as in critical condition (data for 2009 as recorded in the 2010 West Java Provincial Level Environmental Management Agency Report). This critical land, found both inside and outside Mangrove Preservation and Conservation Area forested areas, no longer functions to absorb water or to support productive cultivation, which indicates severe disturbance of the river basin ecosystem. Source: Ministry of Forestry 2008, Analyzed by RCMU Team lulu de Source: BPS, PU-PSDA on Report Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the 6 Ci’s RB Territory-Package B g wun Cika S. Cijen Cio nir K. tin 490.1 162 559.5 139.4 Cib gel ibu S. C K. Me Salam Darma Weir SUBANG nusa gu Cibala de on Cik Gadung Weir an 244.1 32,575 38,110 1,064.9 Very Low a S. Ba alagu Semi Irrigated Padi Field (hectare) gk ap r S. S. ng du Ga K. Cimacan Weir an S. Ci we BANDUNG BARAT ap Cijengkol Weir S. S. Cib S. Cil Cil 19,029 30,472 d ida i KARAWANG ija n iko .C S. C ad Walahar Weir S. Ciririp 48.196 S. Cikanjaya S. Pa li Ka S. Cikanjaya 366.856 Pundong Weir ilele da 100.000 du S. S. Weir Weir S. C n SOIL EROSION LEVEL CLASIFICATION Cib Cipamingkis Weir 195,078 k Curug Weir The increasing population and industrialisation of the Citarum region has also increased the demand for water, with urban areas requiring 150-170 litres per person per day. ** ara unag S. Cip Source: PODES - Central Bureau of Statistics West Java Province 2008, Analyzed by RCMU Team K. Cibeet Weir BOGOR S. Ciririp 2020 2025 Source: Citarum Water Resource Management Plan BPDAS Citarum-Ciliwung year 2009 ga ar The pattern of urbanisation in the region has a significant impact to the land use along Citarum river banks. Settlements and commercial establishment a gradually encroaching on the canal easements, threatening both water quality and water supply security. lulu kao Cikeruh Ciminyak Cirasea SUMEDANG ur 0 ad ingkis S. Ba S. Potential Flood Area Total Potential High Fair Flood Area 657 260.8 199.1 27,981 a ay am Cil S. Walahar Weir S. Ci Sukaslamet Very High 197.1 Area (ha) Cihaur CukapundungCipamokolan Karangbungur LAND DEGRADATION IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN S. Cipam KARAWANG S. Cianom Cilalanang Weir Cie lan n Bu bula S. Ci Cipamingkis Weir BOGOR 2010 2015 wi Gantar CIDONGKOL CATCHMENT isa 321,127 318,699 Cibeet Weir S. SUB CACTHMENT 2005 Cijengkol Weir Cib S. 2000 ng ncu Pa li Ka (4,4 billion m3) S. Marujung ilala 1993 ua a Cib ilala W. Cipancuh g tin an 1992 39.067 S. C CIBODAS CATCHMENT UPSTREAM CITARUM SUB CATCHMENT Not even the 4,300 hectaresBabakan Jampang Cianjur of mangrove forest in the CIWIDEY SUB CATCHMENT Bendera and Gembong river mouth areas can escape the CISANGKUY SUB CATCHMENT impact of human negligence Pangalengan towards the environment. At this time, 2,500 ha of this CISANTI mangrove forest are already exhibiting the ravages of the heavy pollution and increasing levels of sedimentation of the Citarum River. S. C 30.621 42.555 ga S. sa inu S. C Pedati Weir Subang Cil 1991 46.074 ul e S. C Kedungdawa S. C Leuwinangka Weir S. 1990 6,0 billion m3) FLOOD POTENTIAL AREA IN THE CITARUM UPSTREAM CATCMENT IN 2009 Lebiah Weir INDRAMAYU Ciw kao 1989 52.740 S. Cisent ilel S. Cikanjaya nir a idar S. Ci 1988 (5,6 billion m3) (5,8 billion m3) Eretan Wetan BUGEL CATCHMENT K he urban centers of Bekasi (via the West Citarum Canal) and Bandung, are both located in the area influenced by the Citarum River and have been experiencing remarkable population growth. This urbanisation, along with industrial development, drives the development of residential areas, whose impact on the environment is apparent in the extensive conversion of green forested areas to urban area. 49.512 t ee Cib S. C S. C T WEST JAVA POPULATION PROJECTION OF 2000 to 2025 24 kilometer ul n s 1987 (5,3 billion m3) ayu gP ila .P ru 1986 16 S. S. Ciririp g wun Cika ul 1985 8 4 1.1 CITARUM RIVER ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARIES 1.2 TOPOGRAPHY OF THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN 1.3 MAP INDEX & INFORMATION 1.4 HISTORICAL PERSPECITIVE OF CITARUM RIVER 1.5 LAND USE OF CITARUM RIVER BASIN 1.6 POPULATION IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN 1.7 THE BANDUNG BASIN STRETCH OF THE CITARUM RIVER 1.8 CONSERVATION & BIO-DIVERSITY 1.9 HISTORY OF FLOODING IN THE BANDUNG AREA 1.10 LAND CONVERSION IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN 1.11 DEGRADATION OF LAND IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN 1.12 EROSION & SEDIMENTATION IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN 2.1 CITARUM RIVER WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 2.2 CITARUM RIVER IRRIGATION FUNCTION 2.3 CLIMATE CHANGES AND PRECIPITATION 2.4 EXPLOITATION OF THE CITARUM RIVER 2.5 WASTE POLLUTION OF THE CITARUM RIVER 2.6 WATER QUALITY DEGRADATION OF THE CITARUM RIVER 2.7 FLOODING OF THE CITARUM RIVER 2.8 CITARUM ROADMAP & ICWRMIP 2.9 OXBOW LAKE PHENOMENON 2.10 RIVER, WATERSHEET & DAM 1.6 POPULATION IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN POPULATION DENSITY IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN MAP S. K. Me Pangendenbaru S. C 1984 9000 - 10000 Produced by Cita-Citarum c 2011. For further information, please contact info@Citarum.org 35.724 ng Cimacan Weir S. Cisent 1983 7000 - 8000 isa el as a Cih S. 1982 uri S. C g ibu SUKAMAJU Sukatani Kalijati Purwakarta et 1981 6000 - 7000 Cie iku nd as 1980 S. S. C od (Area ha) Cir 0 Patrol d ibo CIASEM CATCHMENT e Cib Vacant Land K. Nolai gk ap ul 2000 2010 Conversion 5000 - 6000 ea as S. 7.000 CATCHMENT Salam Darma Weir S. Cianom 146 146 629 625 -4 -22,316 2,387 1,943 -444 lih Ga an Gadung Weir CIRANDU CATCHMENT SUBANG S. Plantation BANDUNG s Cil K ng Flooding has become more frequent and severe especially during rainy season, like in Dayeuh Kolot and Balee Endah Bandung. 4000 - 5000 ru S. CIBEET SUB CATCHMENT gCATCHMENT Sukra a .G Ea iku nd 141,174 116,853 3000 - 4000 S. Citarik a Cih Pundong Weir Curug Weir IRRIGATED PADI FIELD AND SEMI IRRIGATED AREA DECLINE IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN 1985 - 2010 16,865 14,930 -1,952 e ija SEWO utu Savana em 28% high Cil 2.000 571 mar 8.000 Cib Pasirkalong 205,314 197,507 S. Ci S. Barubug Weir Cikopo S. C Bush s k h BOGOR 277,458 253,583 -2,428 ok an 5.000 n du Canal st Tarum eru Cik 4.000 a od Pabuaran alulu Jatiluhur Dam LAND CONVERSION IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN (hectare) 2000 - 2010 Forest Cib Cikampek S. B CIREUNGIT CATCHMENT Cijengkol Weir CIMALAYA CATCHMENT In the upper reaches of the Citarum River Basin, where 40% of the population relies on agriculture for a living, the area of cultivated land expanded to 31,000 ha between 1992 and 2010, while in 2010 alone the area covered by forests shrank by 45% from 35,000 hectares to 19,000 ha. Swamp 6.000 ng CIGEMARI CATCHMENT Ciredak i 7.800 Cis 49% fair Pamanukan DAS BATANG LEUTIK un 8.000 utu Cil Cipamingkis Weir Cariu Canal T Water Body Mangrove S. 2000 - 3000 KOTA BANDUNG S. Cip Cilamaya Sukamandi CIKAROKROK CATCHMENT Walahar Weir Pangkalan S. he socio-economic activities in the Citarum River Basin Region have progressed rapidly, triggering massive urbanisation that has resulted not only in soaring population levels, but also in the conversion of land from forestry and agrarian use to residential and industrial use. Bandung and Bekasi are the areas recording the highest rate of urbanisation. In the period of 1985-2001 the area covered by rice fields in those two cities decreased by 14.68% from 415,025 ha to 354,082 ha. 40,051 23,725 23,725 S. Cim ega Cij 1000 - 2000 9.000 Cih (Area Covered: Bandung City, Bandung District, West Bandung District and Sumedang District) am g ara unag 1.10 LAND CONVERSION IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN Settlement h Cibeet Weir Citarum-Ciliwung 2009 143,127 bu S. je on m ko EXTENT OF FLOODING IN THE BANDUNG BASIN (ha) njun Cih 500 - 1000 K. Nolai Ga The environmental damage done to the ancient Citarum ecosystems due human influence through the conversion of the function of the river and its surrounding areas can be seen in the extent of sedimentation and pollution at the mouth of the river (left). One of the main sources of the pollution of the Citarum River water is the existence of toilets that empty directly into the river along the length of its banks (right). Others Build Up Area KOTA CIMAHI Majangan a am Cil Ciasem North Tarum 0.11% 0.01% Source: Coordinating Body Survey and National Mapping (Bakosurtanal) /Integrated 9.02% Management Plan Citarum Cacthment BPDAS -23,875 26,411 35,456 9,045 t S. Citu BANDUNG BARAT 0 - 500 ingkis ija Cikapundung Cidurian we Curugagung Weir r River River CIKASO SUB CATCHMENT Bojongkole CIKUKANG DAM 3 CIKUDA DAM Plered CIPUNAGARA CACTHMENT Cimahi River Volume: 319.000 m 895.000 m3 Cimapalokan PURWAKARTA SUKAWANA DAM 3 Area: 15,29 Hectare Volume: River Area: 5,37 Hectare Volume: 718.770 m DAM Sangalaberang Area: 40,70 Hectare CIAWIRUKA DAM SEKERENDE DAM 3 CIKAWARI Wanayasa 593.000 m3 Status: Identification Volume: 288.000 m Volume: Area: 3,56 Hectare S. C Cijere iku Area: 1,73 Hectare ndu Cipabela CIPANENGAH DAS Pacet l Cimeta W. TARETEP Cisalak S. S. 3 1, 2, 3 Cikalongkulon TUGU DAM River Cib Cil 610.000 m Cipanas eu od Cirata Dam Status: Identification Volume: 1.850.000 m3 Volume: leu as Area: 3,56 Hectare CIMETA DAM y Ciater Cikawung Area: 1,11 Hectare S. Cianom Volume: 970.288 m3 Cikalongwetan aja CIKUNDUL SUB CACTCHMENT Area: 10,80 Hectare Cikeruh River Cim S. Cij n engk CIKALIMIRING DAM3 alagu ol S. Cib Volume: 733.000 m yi en g n Cil e Area: 4,65 Hectare d o i eta C Cianjur im C S. . S Lembang Citarik River Ciranjang g aran WEST S. Cip Ngamprah CIMETA SUB CATCMENT BANDUNG CITARIK DAM CIKAPUNDUNG SUB CACTHMENT S. Cijuhung Volume: 307.468 m3 Hectare Area: 37,63 Padalarang S. CIANJUR Cil EAST ea BANDUNG t BANDUNG LEUWILIANG DAM 3 Ciwidey MUNICIPALITY Volume: 10.540.000 m River g Area: 63,24 Hectare n n raba Tanjungsari ko W. CIWIDEY S. Ciga CIMAHI MUNICIPALITY CISOKAN SUB CATCHMENT ng Volume: 734.000 m3 ile Cimahi CIGUMENTONG DAM3 Batujajar S. Citu SOUTH BANDUNG .C S n Area: 7.53 Hectare jung Volume: 1.650.000 m Ujung Berung y Bandung Area: 9,90 Hectare bu S. Cim ide Saguling Dam Cibeber am ega w Cij Cileunyi i . S C g CIMULU DAM n Citarum 3 da BANDUNG MUNICIPALITY Volume: 2.310.000 m nje Rancaekek on Cililin o k i h Up Stream C Ci Area: 13,88 Hectare S. S. CIKITU DAM 3 WEST BANDUNG CIMINYAK SUB CATCHMENT Volume: 51.839 m Cisangkuy Cicalengka S. Citarik Area: 1,25 Hectare River S. C S. ima C iso rem CIBINTINU DAM 3 CITARIK SUB CATCHMENT WAKAO DAM ka e n Volume: 210.141 m Soreang Volume: 94,045 m3 POTENTIAL DAM Campaka Area: 3,48 Hectare Gununghalu Area: 1,85 Acre Ciparai Banjaran EXISTING DAM SANTOSA DAM Majalaya CIBODAS DAM 3 Volume: 21.006.375 m3 a Volume: 31`7.969m BANDUNG se Area:71,87 Hectare ira Area: 5,79 Hectare C S. Irrigated Padi Field Sources: Graphics by Bobby Wibowo/ITB/2004 Bandung Basin is an area surrounded by Volcano Mountain with elevation between 650 m above sea level to 2000 m above sea level. ea S. Cigara ba It was these conditions that led Bandung Regent R.A Wiranatakusumah II (1794-1829) to move the regency capital from Krapyak into the centre of the Bandung District area (now Bandung City). Cil LEGEND ap ad Cid yi en Cil Cipam Ci Bandung S. ban n ko ng da 32 kilometres S. T S. Ci e Cil ng para Sea CIBANTENG CATCMENT Ciwidey Tegal Luar 24 lih l ingkis 29.65% CIBADAK CATCHMENT Wadas No Karawang rth Ta ru m Ca na l Source: Citarum River Basin Management Organisation (BBWSC) he problem of flooding in Bandung in particular originates in its geological setting. The Bandung Basin is a concave pocket in the Earth's surface surrounded by volcanoes at an elevation ranging from 650 to 2,000 metres above sea level, which was left behind by the receding of the waters of the Bandung Purba Lake in ancient times. This is the main reason that it is prone to flooding during the rainy season. S. S. a Cimet SUMEDANG Cikawung FLOOD POTENTIAL PERCENTAGE IN THE CITARUM UPSTREAM CATCHMENT IN 2009 n Mount Guntur eru Cik 16 ay ilili Mount Sanggar Cim S. Cijuhung ng S. Cijere Cipabela 20% very high S. C Mount Tilu i Field g Mount Malabar un Rice Padi Field an Mount Mandalawangi om ak Waterbody m Majalaya Banjaran Mount Bubut y ililin S. C Vacant Land so Ciparay Source of Bandung Ancient Lake Map: T. Bachtiar Source: Citarum River Basin Management Organisation (BBWS Citarum) Plantation Ci Cicalengka leu g S Soreang Gedebage Secondary Forest Settlement Fishpond Ga ana lon K. KARAWANG in Ci UM AR CI T Ci Tarik eu aja g on Cik Cil i w ulan S. Cib nt y ku g an EAST BANDUNG ANCIENT LAKE as gkol g en S. S. od 8000 - 9000 i Mount Baleud Cib S. Cijen n alagu S. Cib * Data has been collected from various sources. ** m asl: meter above sea level Bush tul CURUG JOMPONG Waterfall S. ala n Bula la Contour Line 700 m asl Bandung PURWAKARTA Cilalanang Weir Curugagung Weir Sumurgede Ci Contour Line 725 m asl 1.9 HISTORY OF FLOODING IN THE BANDUNG AREA 0 g aw Mount Manglayang ul CIANJUR Mix Plantation S. Cisen UM Batujajar Ci Pa tik Mount Patuha iba S. ap Ci K Dago r Leuwinangka Weir CITARUM WATER DEBIT IN1963-2008 Highgest debit 8,1 billion m3 occured in 1992 while the lowest 3,6 billion m3 occured in 1997. 8 Java ao S. Cik d un Be a ilal e ur nusa S. Cianom 3.000 du r da S. C g un Cimahi Ci Haur Mount Tunggul um mC t WEST BANDUNG ANCIENT LAKE Ci Lembang Tar u ng o gg ee 10 0 km iku nd (million m3) an li P Ka Cib Mount Burangrang We st Cipam 15.84% POTENTIAL DAM/RESERVOIRS SCHEME IN BANDUNG AREA U eta 16.29% 0.57% 35.30% g wun Cika Pedati Weir 4.000 cun 0.01% 9.87% SUBANG S. Ci we a idar Ciw Lebiah Weir INDRAMAYU s da ibo g yun Pa rd C S. 13.03% 0.01% 3.32% 9.76% 0.07% 0.05% 7.39% 10.45% 10.25% S. C ng Pila da Rengasdengklok Land Use of Citarum Midstream Catchment Area 8.49% 0.33%3.27% 7.20% 0.02% 9.00% 6.63% 0.11% 8.32% gk ap nir K. Me K. S. C Cimacan Weir an ilele S. Cikanjaya iod Primary Forest 4 0 Rawamerta 1.76% Cil Salam Darma Weir Source: Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum (Citarum Basin Management Organization) 0.01% 1.57% 6.49% 16.36% 0.32% 0.04% 11.50% 7.92% 16.88% 20.83% Pundong Weir Curug Weir S. C C S. Cibuaya a g isa S. C Sungaibambu S. Mount Tangkubanparahu - Barubug Weir gel ibu S. C TEAM LEADER S.C 1.1 Roadmap Management (RCMU): Ngadirin COMPILATION TEAM: Coordinator & Compiler: Nancy Rosma Rini Map Reseacher: Anjar D.Krisnanta, Kurnia Pramadhani English Version Transated by: Margaret Agusta Editor: Keith Griben, Diella Dachlan, R.Wahyuningrat Photography: Candra Samekto, Diella Dachlan, Frederick E.Gaghauna, Ng Swan Ti, Steve Griffiths, Veronica Wijaya (Cita-Citarum Documentation), Yoyo Budiman, internet (www.flicker.com) The information contained in the map was compiled to provide a representative status of the situation in the Citarum River Basin based on the data from the following sources: DATA SOURCES: Ÿ Report: TA 7189-INO_Package B: Institutional Strengthening in the 6 CIS River Basin Territory in relation to the Topography of the Citarum River Region, Changes in the Utilisation of Land in the Citarum River Region, Erosion & Sedimentation of the Citarum River Region, the formation of Oxbow lakes, and diminished quality of Citarum River water. Ÿ Report: TA 7189-INO_Package E: Institutional Strengthening of Integrated Water Resources Management in the 6 Cis or River Basin Territories in relation to Climate Change & Rainfall. Ÿ Report: Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Program (ICWRMP) (ADB TA4381-INO Phase III) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in relation to Conservation, Biodiversity, Natural Resources & Utilisation and Exploitation of Citarum River water. Ÿ Articles and other writings by T. Bachtiar concerning Brief Historical Perspective of Citarum, The Citarum in the Bandung Basin. Ÿ Coordinating Body Survey and National Mapping (Bakosurtanal) as contained in a number of maps. Ÿ West Java Regional Environmental Management Body ASER 2008 & 2009 data on Rainfall in the Citarum River Region, the Degradation of Land in the Citarum River Region, Natural Resources & the Utilisation of the waters of the Citarum River, Waste Pollution of the Citarum River, Diminished Quality of Citarum River water, and the flooding of the Citarum River. Ÿ BTA 155 (1989); Central Bureau of Statistics & BBWS/Balai SDA (Citarum Basin Management Organisation) (2010) found in a number of graphics and maps. Ÿ Candi Batujaya (Batujaya Temple), National Library of the Republic of Indonesia; Brief Historical Perspective of Citarum. Ÿ Data Base Roadmap of the Coordination and Management Unit (RCMU) as found in various maps. Ÿ Banten Provincial Water Resource and Habitat Agency. Ÿ Citarum River Region Centre Profile from the Directorate General of Natural Resources of the Ministry of Public Works. Ÿ 2009 West Java Province Natural Environment Profile Ÿ Public Works-PSDA. Ÿ West Java Province in Figures for 2009 and other pertinent data. Note: All information and data set out in this information map are the responsibility of the various authoritative agencies and institutions which previously published this data and information. 6.000 Batujaya - S. Ciririp S. C Kedaung Land Use of Citarum Downstream Catchment Area Land Use of Citarum Upstream Catchment Area Mount Waringin (2.140 m asl) Mount Kaledong (1.249 m asl) Mount Ceder (1.555 m asl) K. Sea Water 1,031 Fresh Water 10,278 6,059 3,630 Bush 22,629 17,829 14,989 Fishpond 20,814 21 1 Build Up Area 262 739 93 Forest 26,143 19,098 26,544 Mangrove 357 Plantation 32,209 541,717 38,953 Sand 20 27 Coast Land 331 Settlement 28,321 18,042 37,603 Salt Production 473 Swam 688 4,650 1,036 4,065 Savana Irrigated Padi 110,878 28,947 48,086 Field Rainfed Padi Field 28,267 13,500 18,289 Rocky Soil 53 129 93 Field 26,679 23,809 37,764 k ng du Ga Source: Unite State Geological Survey, Analyzed by RCMU Team LAND USE OF CITARUM RIVER BASIN MAP - lulu S. BOGOR K. Gadung Weir Cijengkol Weir S. Ba Cipamingkis Weir LEGEND - S. Cip Cil Mount Wayang (Upstream) Source: Ciratum River Basin Management Organisation (BBWSC) ingkis Cipam ara unag am Cil S. Cirasea River a ay S. Walahar Weir Cib Citarik River LAND USE OF CITARUM UPSTEAM-MIDSTREAM-DOWNSTREAM CATCHMENT (hectare)** upper middle down Land Cover Ci M CI T AR Mount Wayang (2.181 m asl) Mount Gede-Pangrango (2.958 m asl) Mount Kendeng (1.854 m asl) Mount Burangrang, (2.064 m asl) Mount Tangkuban Perahu (2.076 m asl) Mount Bukit Tunggul (2.208 m asl) Mount Cangak (1.611 m asl) Mount Manglayang (1.600 m asl) Mount Mandalawangi (1.650 asl) Mount Mandalagiri (1.813 asl) Mount Malabar (2.343 m asl) Mount Patuha (2.454 m asl) million in West Java and 10 million in DKI Jakarta). According to Indonesia Central Bureau of Statistics data for 2009, the segment of this population, who live along the river banks, totals 15,303,758 (50% living in urban areas). There are three man-made reservoirs along the river basin: Saguling (1986), with a capacity of 982 million cubic metres (m3); Cirata (1988) with a capacity of 2,165 million m3; and Jatiluhur (1963), with a capacity of 3,000 million m3. The power plants located at the three reservoirs produce a total of 1,400 MW of electrical power (data extracted from a speech the Governor of West Java on April 6, 2010, at the Meeting for the Management of the Citarum River Basin). Cikapundung River KARAWANG ija The Citarum River Basin itself accounts for 6,614 km2 and serves a population of 25 million people (15 Cibeureum River Cibeet Weir MOUNTAIN ELEVATION AROUND CITARUM RIVER BASIN CIAMIS lan n Bu bula S. Ci S. Cimahi River Cidurian River km TASIKMALAYA g cun an li P Ka wi 55 45 25 15 0 KOTA TASIKMALAYA KOTA BANJAR Citarum River Basin covers 12,000 square kilometres (km2) and 12 West Java Province districts namely: Bandung District, Bandung Barat District, Bekasi District, Cianjur District, Indramayu District, Karawang District, Purwakarta District, Subang District, Sumedang District, Bandung City, Bekasi City and Cimahi City. Saguling Dam Cisangkuy River GARUT SUB DAS CITARUM HILIR These evolutionary events affecting the flow of the 0 cm 2 river and its tributaries resulted in the collapsing of Ancient Elephant’s Molars Ancient Rhinoceros Tooth Ancient Rhinoceros Tooth found around Rancamalang found around Cipeundeuy RGM.1485c-1-Tapirus Indicus surface areas and the opening up of fissures that eventually, beginning 16,000 years ago, led to reduced Fossils is belong to Bandung Museum The fossils of ancient animals, such as elephants (Elephas Maximus), rhinoceroses (Rhinocerus Sondaicus) and tapir water levels in both of the ancient lakes. One of the (Tapirus Indicus), and even the tooth of a hippopotamus (Hippopotamus), have been found in the Rancamalang, channels through which the water in West Bandung Cipeundeuy and other areas of the Bandung Basin. These fossils serve as evidence of the variety of wildlife once Purba Lake escaped was via the Jompong waterfall. inhabiting the area around Bandung Purba Lake. Lembang Cimeta River 0.22% 0.15%1.48% bu Punclut Cirata Dam Ciwidey River BANDUNG CIANJUR Cib g 110 100 KUNINGAN SUKABUMI a du ar ad S. tin 112 SUMEDANG KOTA CIMAHI BANDUNG BARAT KOTA BANDUNG KOTA SUKABUMI 24 kilometre an 142 KOTA CIREBON MAJALENGKA 16 Cih Cikundul River Cibalagung River r ive nR a k Ciso CIREBON he Citarum River, the longest river in West Java Province at 297 kilometres, flows from its upstream origins at Mount Wayang to the south of the city of Bandung towards the north where it discharges into the Java Sea. The Citarum plays a vital role in the socio-economic life of the people of West Java Province and Special District of Jakarta, Indonesia's capital city, by providing water for daily domestic use, irrigation, fisheries, industry, and hydro-power for both Java and Bali. Jatiluhur Dam 152 KOTA BOGOR 8 4 K. 200 190 187 PURWAKARTA LEBAK PANDEGLANG T S. Cikeo SUBANG BOGOR Integrated Management Plan Citarum Cacthment BPDAS Citarum-Ciliwung 2009 In the Dutch colonial period, the Citarum River was also used to connect the coastal regions with the interior. Even today, the Citarum River continues to define the areas existing within West Java with its designation as the administrative border between the Bandung and Ciamis Districts. T East Tarum Canal INDRAMAYU ** Segment Classification of The Citarum River Catchment Cikao, Jatiluhur Catchment, Cibeet, Downstream Citarum Citarum Upstream Midllestream Citarum Cikundul, Cisokan, Cimeta Cikapundung-Cipamokolan, Cikeruh, Cisangkuy, Cisarea, Upstream Citarum Ciwidey, Dams, Ciminyak, Cihaur, Citarik From ancient times, the Citarum has played an important role in the lives of the people inhabiting West Java. Both the Galuh Kingdom and the Sunda Kingdom (the name adopted for the Tarumanegara Kingdom in 670 A.D.) used the Citarum River as a border marking their territories. This occurred again in the 15th century when the Citarum River marked the boundary between the Cirebon and the Banten Sultanates. he Citarum River is an ancient waterway, originating from a spring in Mount Wayang, Bandung District (1,700 metres above sea level), and running toward the Saguling Dam before continuing to its mouth with spills into the ocean in Karawang District along the northern coast of Java Island. No Bendung Curug KARAWANG KOTA DEPOK ilala S. C T 1.7 THE BANDUNG BASIN STRETCH OF THE CITARUM RIVER Later, the eruption of Mount Tangkubanparahu (formed with the explosion of Mount Sunda) resulted in the scattering of massive amounts of volcanic debris to the South, in the area of what is now the Jompong Waterfall along the Citarum River. This material filled valleys, causing the division of the massive Bandung Purba Lake into two sections: West Bandung Purba Lake and; East Bandung Purba Lake. West Tarum Canal rt 214 The Hindu Tarumanegara Kingdom, which originated from a hamlet established on the banks of the Citarum River in the 5th century, was once the largest realm in West Java. am m pa Ci Bendung Walahar 232 The name “Citarum” originates from two words in the Sundanese language of West Java; “Ci”, which means water, and “Tarum”, which means indigo (Indigofera spec.div), a plant from which a deep blue dye is obtained for the coloring of traditional fabric. The Bandung Basin, which stretches from 650 m Ci J above sea level to more than 2,000 m above sea level, is surrounded by volcanic mountains. Around 105,000 years ago, the Citarum was blocked by the massive volcanic explosion of Mount Sunda that formed the ancient Bandung Purba Lake. Around 36,000 years ago this lake reached its highest water surface mark at 725 metres above sea level. in ar hT 1.5 LAND USE OF CITARUM RIVER BASIN he Citarum River is the longest and largest in West Java Province spanning a distance of 297 km. The river which flows across the western part of Java Island originates from a spring on Mount Wayang (to the south of Bandung City), runs to the north through the Bandung Basin and empties into the Java Sea. Candi Jaya, one of the temples found in the Batu Jaya temple complex located on a 25 km2 piece of land in the downstream region of the Citarum in Karawang District is the oldest HinduBuddhist temple complex in Southeast Asia (above). The ancient inscribed stone, known as the Ciareunteun Stone in Bogor, is one of the main indicators of the vast area covered by the Tarumanegara Kingdom (bottom left). um Ca 0 ga isa S. C Cil 1.4 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF CITARUM RIVER s i gk l na r ve Ri KOTA JAKARTA BARAT KOTA JAKARTA UTARA KOTA TANGERANG KOTA JAKARTA PUSAT TANGERANG BEKASI KOTA JAKARTA TIMUR KOTA JAKARTA SELATAN KOTA BEKASI S. BALAI BESAR WILAYAH SUNGAI CITARUM (BBWCS) 270 264 257 251 245 SERANG kao S. Ci Program Coordination and Management Unit (PCMU) Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum (BBWSC) Directorate General of Water Resource Ministry of Public Works JL. Inspeksi Cidurian Soekarno-Hatta STA 5600 Bandung 40292 Tel: +62 22 7564073 Fax: +62 22 7564073 www.citarum.org T KOTA CILEGON Cibeet River TOPOGRAPHY IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN MAP ul Currently floods threaten various regions throughout West Java every rainy season. Further, industrial and agricultural activities have polluted the river water so badly that it is a danger to the lives and livelihoods of the people using it. The complexity of the problems in the Citarum River Basin presents a challenge that we must all address together towards improving basin conditions and restoring the Citarum River to its natural state. Java Sea (Downstream) 297 he topography of the Citarum River Basin can best be illustrated by dividing it into three sections: upstream segment, middle segment, and downstream segment. The upstream segment of the Citarum River, which is between 625 to 2,600 metres above sea level, appears as a huge concave basin, known as the Bandung Basin. The highest part of the upstream segment of the Citarum River is the area around Mount Guha. The middle segment of this basin is characterised by morphology ranging from a flat plain (at an elevation of 250-400 metres above sea level) to rolling hills (200-800 metres above sea level), to steeply sloped hills and volcanic craters (1,400-2,400 metres above sea level). The morphology of the downstream segment of the Citarum River Basin is dominated by plains, rolling hills, and steep slopes (at elevations ranging from 200-1,200 metres above sea level). KAPULAUAN SERIBU S. Cisent Roadmap Coordination and Management Unit (RCMU) Water Resources and Irrigation Directorate Deputy of Infrastructure Affair State Ministry of National Development Planning JL. Taman Suropati No. 2 Jakarta Pusat 10310 Tel: +62 21 3926186 Fax: +62 21 3149641 THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN UPSTREAM TO DOWNSTREAM SCHEME et ibe The environmental conditions and the quality of water along the Citarum River watercourse have diminished steadily over the past 20 years. Rapid urbanisation triggered by accelerated development in tandem with increasing industrial activity, population growth, the expansion of residential areas, and the conversion of forested land for other purposes have all contributed to these conditions. This has resulted in an imbalance between economic progress and efforts at preservation of the environment which has brought a number of severe negative impacts. 1.3 MAP INDEX & INFORMATION 1.2 TOPOGRAPHY OF THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN C S. BASIN STATUS MAP CITARUM 2011 1.1 CITARUM RIVER ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARIES 0.77 Citarik 0 C .57 ikeru h Source: Citarum Water Resource Management Plan BPDAS Citarum-Ciliwung year 2009 In the upper Citarum around Banding District, hilly land farming is pervasive and many of the farmers still prefer to plant vegetables and annual crops (above left).Vegetables vegetation do not provide adequate cover an protection from soil erosion (bottom left). The increasingly high erosion levels have resulted in sedimentation of the Palung River and the area reservoir, even affecting the water distribution networks. At the Saguling Reservoir, the sedimentation levels reached 8.2 million m3/year (1988-2009), while the rate of sedimentation at Cirata Reservoir was 6.4 million m3/year (1988-2008) and 1.6 million m3/year (1987-1997) at Jatiluhur Reservoir (Citarum River Secretariat for the Coordination and Implementation of Water Management, January 12, 2010). 4 5 1 Bandung Basin Area 3 Bodebekjur 2 East Priangan 4 Ciayumajakuning F 6 rum S Cita 0 S Sedari ng ncu Pa ng S Cisewo K. Blaklak -77 -88 -85 -95 -92 -111 -69 -47 - - - - 0,7 5,7 - 1,9 41.000 70.000 26 - - - - 0,91 2,57 8,4 54 146 146 0 0 130.000 130.000 148.000 148.000 29 39 60 1050 - - 2,28 65 170 0 140.000 150.000 53 75 525 - - - 55 158 0 280.000 122.000 43 64 497 - - 2,13 48 128 0 75.000 78.000 42 60 798 8,3 - 2,8 61 162 0 77.000 36 70 815 1200 - 0,59 4,9 - - 1.100.000 1.115.000 28 98 250 - - 0,41 4,2 - - 1.100.000 1.115.000 - 93 296 - - - h ng a ng lana S. Perawan K. La ng do Ba K. dong S. Ci Cipodang uk Cibi Cib anu ang Cikedon gkaop tan am a Cil le Ciko lala nang S. Ci eb er Cib u Ka li W ag Cikandung Cikaramas ruh Cike Ciangk ep Cie uri Source: PSDA Ministry of Public Works, analyzed by RCMU Team The Citarum Roadmap identifies around 80 various activities that must be undertaken in order to rehabilitate the Citarum River in phases over the next 15 years. A number of these programs and activities are being carried out in stages through the Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program (ICWRMIP). Institutions and Planning for IWRM Water Resource Development and Management Water Sharing SUPPORTING KEY AREA (FOUNDATION) COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT State Ministry of National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) is coordinating the planning program, while implementation will be coordinated by the Citarum River Basin Management Organisation (Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum, BBWSC) under the Ministry of Public Works in cooperation with various related ministries and government agencies at the district and city levels, as well as with non-governmental organisations, the private sector, and communities. In addition Citarum River Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) has now been classified as a core program at national level priority to run from 2010 to 2025. Cisewo h ang Perawan ong kol Cipodang anu ang gkaop n ma ta Cila Cib Cikedon uk ng d S. Ci un ad Cig CIDONGKOL CATCHMENT Gantar Cibi Leuwinangka Weir Cihuju alan K. L nte n K. Ba do ng g Subang Sukaslamet Cilalanang Weir Citarum Catchment *Deliniated: BPDAS Citarum-Ciliwung Cila lan ang le Ciko er eb Cib Cisa at K. aya ng Bu Kali Lia Citapen e b Cijam Cilandak Cipancuh Dam g Cikandun *Deliniated: PSDA Ministry of Public Works Cilea t ih Citarum Watershed ap ad yi len Cibed ng Ciburu SUMEDANG Cikawung il Ciup ng ana Cic Cikaramas Cinenga Ciasem h Cijere Cisalak Cid Regulation Reference Ci pus n Ciangk ep ung und Cidurian S ap . Cik Cikalintu S. Cimanuk Cicuk ang uk Cibr Cike Cisarante i ah Cim g an up ja t Cijeruk ruh Cite ur Ciha Ci Cis Plantation Disaster Management DATA AND INFORMATION Ka le Gokdok Cirandu ole k K. G era n an Cig Ciheas p Settlement 305 Note: The scales used in this map may vary because the various segments are sourced from data from a number of different agencies. Any questions concerning technical issues relating to measurement and scale should be address to the authoritative institutions originally issuing the data and maps.The classifications stipulated for the various segments of the river originate from the Public Works Ministry's PSDA Water Research Center. Measurement river lenght based on Citarum Expedition by WANADRI. This map has been compiled from various data sources by the RCMU Team, and is also available in Spatial Digital Date format, which can be obtained by contacting info@Citarum.org. info@citarum.org. Map Source: Data in the Map has been collected from various sources, analyzed RCMU Team 2010 2.10 RIVER, DAM & SUB CATCHMENT IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN Length (km) 50 Ciluar Kali Bekasi 40 Cikarang 71 Cipamingkis 20 60 Cibeet 75 Cigentis 220 Citarum 36 Cikawao Ciherang Harus 25 23 Cisomang Ciherangnunggali 35 Cilamaya 60 Cijengkol 30 64 Ciasem Cibodas 21 Cigadung 30 Cileuleuy 23 Cipunagara 80 Cikandung 40 8 Cibeber Cilalanang 50 River Environmental Protection ga m Ciase KB g lon Cika g sol i da el mp Cia Cipatujang Cih Cigarung gang e Cijam b as Source: Citarum River Basin Management Organisation 310 “The government and community working together for clean, healthy and productive catchments and rivers, bringing sustainable benefits to all people of the Citarum River Basin” The IWRM concept has been adopted into Law No. 7/2004 concerning Water Resources, and is being implemented to overcome the problems faced in the Citarum River Basin Region. K. Blaklak Cib an ten g Kali Watu Cik aro kok ub ah awa h da ba Ci S. Ke lapa S. Cisangkuang k et Cibe Cih era ng SUB DAS CITARIK Luas area 45.164,16 ha Lahan Kritis 3.782,24 ha Run off; 3439,5 juta m3/th Sedimentasi 773.001 ton/th CISANTI VISI MAIN KEY AREAS (PILLAR) Pedati Weir Note CIBODAS CATCHMENT MAIN RIVER IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN ntegrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a process that prioritises coordinated management of the handling of water, land, and other natural resources. Over the past few years, the government, along with other stakeholders, has undertaken a series of discussions that have resulted in the Citarum Roadmap, which is a strategic plan identifying the main programs for improving and expanding the water resources management system toward improving the conditions all along the Citarum River channel. C Kedungdawa Pangalengan The Cisanti spring, located on Mount Wayang to the south of Bandung City, is one of the water sources feeding the upstream reaches of the Citarum River. The area around the spring is now being used for agricultural and residential purposes. FRAME WORK STRATEGY FOR CITARUM ROADMAP The goal is to maximise the economic and social welfare benefit of these resources without reducing the sustainability of the vital ecosystem (Global Water Partnership-Technical Advisory Committee, 2000). This concept introduces a new paradigm that prioritises cross-sectoral integration of the management of the environment by individuals and institutions. a 2.9 OXBOW LAKE PHENOMENON kol Kali Lia Cig ad u ih t Ciup Cilea il ng ndun S. Cisangkuang y S. Cisangku y ide iw S. C S. s Land Slide Potential Risk Cir aru Flood Potential Risk ea as S. ng S. Ciawi BANDUNG Cih Abrasion Potential Risk kapu at u pa e S. LEGEND S. Citarik ng em Cik uja mar Cij S. Ci KOTA BANDUNG S. eup k seus S. Ci ok an minya Cis S. Ci S. S. Cijeruk ililin BANDUNG BARAT m Ciage a ruh Cike Ciangk ep ng The diminishing quality of Citarum River water as a result of pollution has also contributed to the corrosion of equipment at Hydro Power Plants. There are 8 generators and 96 coolers requiring repair due to leaks after only 2 years of utilisation, whereas the estimated life span of such units is 5 to 7 years (Wirawan, Hydro Power Engineering Manager at Cirata Reservoir, as quoted by kompas.com). CIWIDEY SUB-CATCHMENT Total area 29.374,56 ha Critical Land 1.982 ha Run off; 389,1 million m3/year Sedimentation 1.023.891 ton/year Campaka ng 210.000 CIHAUR SUB-CATCHMENT Total area 17.150,40 ha Critical Land 2.447,78 ha Run off; 497,1 million m3/year Sedimentation 857.446 ton/year je on Cih Cik uja 140.000 75.000 S. Cil amar an Ciko le nang S. Ci lala w Laut Ja ekasirang-B a ik C way Flood Blencong uk Cibi Cib eb er Cikandung Cikaramas Ciup ih Cilea t il Cibed ng Cidurian iku ja S. C an 3,8 pH en gk ol lana ng S. Perawan K. La gkaop Cikedon Cib Cil anu am ang S. Ci n ata kol dong Cipodang g un ad Cig Kali Bekasi ah ng K. Ba do ng S. Cij Ciburu Cisaranten g ndun kapu S. Ci S. Cimanuk y S. Cisangku Ciw ide y S. mg/l 46 mg/l Cis K. Blaklak nte K. Ka le Sungai Gokdok Buaya ng Kali Lia Cirandu Citapen ambe ko l ng Cinenga h Ciasem g nan Cic a s tepu S. Ci Cikalintu Cicuk ang Cibr g an up at Cij S. S. S. Ci p useu Cise minya k S. Cijeruk S Cisewo ri ma em S. Cias s. C ige K. Go lek Cisa at Cigarung an haur S. Ci Cim ah i S. uk s da S. C ibo mg/l 16 Deter- Suspen gent ded ug/l mg/l Sedari ng Cij e S. Cilandak Cihuju ng pel Cig an da soli iam S. C S. Cim acan S. Ciheas mg/l 0,7 TSS Further, the river is also being polluted by fish food introduced into the waterways around the Saguling, Cirata and Jatiluhur reservoirs by fish nurseries. Around 10 tons of fish food is dropped into the water daily, with only a portion of that amount actually being eaten by the fish in the various nurseries, which means that the rest sinks to the bottom of the reservoirs where it releases sulphur, which is detrimental to fresh water fauna. When water levels rise, this debris is carried to the surface, where it kills fish. The loss of around 300 tons of fish in 2004 and another 150 tons in 2010 at the Cirata Dam could be attributed to this waste phenomena. on Cik Cisangkuang -57 mg/l Total E.Coli Fenol Coli amount/ amount/ 100 100 ug/l Ciater Lembang y S. Cisangku Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous DO S. Ci S. C Cih S. je on S. Cimanuk ega Cidurian g Cikalintu njun Cicuk ang Cibr uk KOTA CIMAHI S. Citu S. Cim g S. Cim ah i t Cisaranten ea ban u mb ija C S. Ciburu s S. Ci haur ibo S. C S. Ciheas Cil S. Cigara o gk en Cil ng C S. S. yi en Cil Cid tepu da s ul S. Cijuhung ng ad Cibed Cic meta S. Ci ap ng para S. Ci SUMEDANG Cikawung S. Ci Cio Ka len te aya Cirandu Citapen ng Cihuju h i Cim gkol CIANJUR S. Cijere Cipabela ng w y Cinenga Ciasem leu ana eu ala Cil Cil as S. S. od S. Cisent S. ng Bu S. Cias em be g wi n g Source:West Java Provincial Level Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD), 2009 -66 COD CIKAPUNDUNG SUB-CATCHMENT Total area 43.439,04 ha Critical Land 3.865 ha Run off; 529,5 million m3/year Sedimentation 1.023.347 ton/year S. INDRAMAYU s Cipa g Cib S. Cijen n de Sumedang Subang Categorise BOD CIASEA SUB-CATCHMENT Total area 34.208,64 Ha Critical Land 3.234,5 ha Run off; 696,8 million m3/year Sedimentation 1.755.517 ton/year Cibeber ng da Lebiah Weir P ar iwid Cimacan Weir Cipabela ta tin an ilala acan n utu om ak Cil S. C S. Cim Cil ib C S. S. PURWAKARTA Bendung Pedati Bendung Cilalanang Bendung Curugagung aja alagu n iko am S. Cij ng at Cisa an Cigarung r Bendung Leuwinangka as od S. Ci we a idar Ciw Bendung Lebiah INDRAMAYU s Cib h eru Cik t nusa S. S. Cib 5,87% 0,01% 0,85% 14,02% ni ee iku nd u Cih g wun Cika ilele ija gk ol Cilandak SUBANG S. C S. C S. ran da an gk ap ng ayu gP ilan da ibo Cih e Cig an nir K. Me S. C g soli pel Cil gel ibu S. C Bendung Salam Darma K. P Bendung Cimacan kao S. Ciririp S. Cikanjaya Cij en Bendung Barubug Bendung Pundong iam S Cibe k S. C et S. Cipatujang lulu S. S. C Sungai Gokdok ri ma ige K. s. C Go ika ro lek kok s. C S. Cil lapa S. Ke ah ub Cis S. S. Ci jambe S. Ba Bendung Curug S. Ci BOGOR Bendung Gadung Bendung Cijengkol g un ad G K. Bendung Walahar Bendung Cipamingkis 3,40% Tasikmalaya Ciamis S. Cip h Cip ara unag am Cil K. nte awah Ciba S. C an a ay S. K. Nolai amar KARAWANG KB lan n Bu bula S. Ci Kali Watu ib ad ak Ka li W ag u S Cibe li Ka ali kis aming ul Indramayu Bekasi Storet Index PO4 tot aja Cim rang od S. Cisangkuang gem S. Cia ua G K. Bendung Cibeet S. Cirebon Kuningan I 24 kilometre Cib et S. da Sukabumi Bandung S. Ciawi Paddie Field Produktivity (ton/ha) Water Quality Tabel in Citarum River 2010 Of the 600 textile factories in the area, only 10% fulfill IPAL standards (Ade Sudrajat, chairman of the Indonesian Textile Association, Citarum Expedition - Kompas 2011). As much as 1,320 liters, or 280 tons of waste, is disposed of directly into the waters of the Citarum River Basin by the textile factories located there on a daily basis (West Java Provincial Level Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD)), even though West Java Gubernatorial Decree No.39/2002 requires the proper treatment of all waste before disposal. CISOKAN SUB-CATCHMENT K. yu Pa Karangbungur Cib ng 16 rd S. Cianom 58,18% 8 4 ga a ad Cib 0,44% Joint Waste Treathment Plant CIMINYAK SUB-CATCHMENT Total area 34.295,04 ha Critical Land 4.626 ha Run off; 616,9 million m3/year Sedimentation 1.132.692 ton/year ng g ilan Sangalaberang Cime Ciranjang eu eus Ciko le nang lala S. Ci Ciangk ep S. Ci Cidurian Cik uja S. 7 Total isa S. C 0,02% 15,75% Fisika Kimia CIANJUR nir Law No. 35/1991, concerning rivers, defines these waterways as channel and networks of 190 CIMETA SUB-CATCHMENT Ngamprah SUB DAS CIKAPUNDUNG channels bordered by banks formed of rock and Cijuhung soil that guide the water to river mouths that feed Padalarang 195 Cil ea t into larger bodies such as reservoirs of water. 200 Law No. 7/2004, concerning water resources, 205 g araban ig Tanjungsari n C CIMAHI CITY defines River Basin as a water management ko ng Cimahi e C l Batujajar i tunju area in which there exist one or more river Ci ng 210 Ujung Berung Bandung channels, with or without small islands, which Cime bu 230 Saguling Dam ga am j Cileunyi i cover an area equivalent to 2,000 km2. This law C 4 BANDUNG CITY 235 also defines River Basin as a plain that contains Rancaekek Cililin 240 a large river and its tributaries that function to 5 250 6 255 BANDUNG BARAT CIMINYAK SUB-CATCHMENT 270 contain and channel rain water in a natural 8 245 Cicalengka 265 Citarik Cim manner to lakes or the ocean. This region Cis 260 are ok me 7 275 an CITARIK SUB-CATCHMENT constitutes a topographic area in which various Soreang 9 activities occur on land which is bordered by Gununghalu 280 Ciparai Banjaran ocean. Majalaya 10 285 Law No. 37/2010, concerning dams and BANDUNG a se ra i reservoirs, defines dams as structures of various C Unit Konsumsi Pemakaian Air Domestik 2905 DOWNSTREAM CITARUM SUB-CATCHMENT Unit Konsumsi sizes constructed from soil, stone, concrete, and Ciwidey Katagori Kota (liter/capita/hari) Marujung Cie u brick to hold back the flow of water and contain it ri 295 Babakan Jampang Metropolitan 190 Cianjur in a reservoir for water resources, or for the Kota Besar 170 CIWIDEY SUB-CATCHMENT management of silt and sediment, or the Kota Sedang 150 handling of waste, such as tailings from mining Kota Kecil 130 300 CISANGKUY SUB-CATCHMENT Desa 30 activities. 2.8 CITARUM ROADMAP & ICWRMIP Flood Percentage in West Java 2008 1,48% Cimahi City Fisika Kimia-Biologi FLOOD & LAND SLIDE POTENTIAL RISK IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN MAP S. In the lower regions of the Citarum River, tributaries contribute to flow rates and levels in the river, which often results in overflow. This situation is exacerbated by sedimentation at the river mouth due to erosion, and the conversion of water catchment areas into industrial sites, which do not properly process their waste. West Bandung District Fisika Biologi Source: ASER Provincial Level Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD) West Java 2009 2.7 FLOODING OF THE CITARUM RIVER loods occur frequently in Bandung, in the upper and middle reaches of the Citarum River. These floods are caused by a combination of problems: deforestation, diminishing groundwater supplies because of overutilisation, sedimentation, and poor garbage and waste management. Besides that, the geographic position of Bandung, which is located in the basin formed by the ancient Danau Purba Lake, leaves it vulnerable to inundation by flood waters. Bandung District 185 BUGEL CATCHMENT K. Me o Cib Pangendenbaru CIPUNAGARA CATCHMENT Wanayasa ide y uk Cibi er eb Cib Cikandung ruh Cike Bandung City Note: (-) means no data available. Locations can be seen on the Citarum River Water Conservation and Utilisation Map. Pollution Index is based on and refers to Ministry of Environment Decree No.115/2003, while Water Quality measurements are Using a polluted water cause a skin based on and refer to Regional Regulation No. 82/2007, Class II. disease to the people who live along Source: Banten Provincial SDA & Residential Area Agency,West Java Provincial Level Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD), PU-PSDA Report: Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the 6 Cis the Citarum river bang. RB Territory-Package B. 7 5 Purwasuka 6 Sukabumi Area 0 T he Citarum River is not able to naturally counter the impact of the heavily concentrated levels of waste being disposed of into its waters. The textile factories, located primarily in the central and northern regions of West Java, such as in Bandung, Bekasi, Karawang and Purwokarta, contribute massively to the diminishment of the quality of river water. ng C SUKAMAJU da gkol e iod Cianjur CISANGKUY SUB-CATCHMENT Total Area 30.456 ha Critical Land 6.084,95 ha Run off; 559,6 million m3/year Sedimentation 1.332.692 ton/year y Eretan Wetan el ug Cib Curugagung Weir Cijen gun Cibala UPPER CITARUM CONDITION leu Cikalongwetan CIKUNDUL SUB-CATCHMENT 0 Total Industry eu as Cianom 7 0 Cika Ciw anu Cib Cikedon gkaop ang S. Ci n ata am Cil Cikaramas ih t Ciup Cilea il Cibed ng Ciburu Cisaranten kapu ndun g Cikalintu Cicuk ang S. Cimanuk y S. Cisangku y ide Ciw 3 2 4 Cil od nyak lana ng S. Perawan K. La kol dong g un ad Cig Cihuju ng h Cinenga Ciasem ng ana Cic s tepu S. Ci i ah Cim S. uk g an up S. Cij S. Ci at seus minya eup k S. Cijeruk S. Ci volume (m3/day) Source: ASER Provincial Level Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD) West Java 2009 2 4 4 0 6 Cib Cirata Dam Patrol CATCHMENT 165 Cimi ah ng Cipodang S. Cilandak Cisa at an Cigarung haur S. Ci Cibr s da ibo S. Ciheas S. Cianjur District 10 5 Cikalongkulon Cipanas 15 12 ul Sukra Salam Darma Weir Kalijati g wun Ciawi K. Blaklak nte Ka le ng do Ba K. Citapen K. Sungai Gokdok Buaya Cirandu K. G be Cijam gk ol en Cij S. era ng Cig an da soli pel iam S. C Cih S. Cipatujang ng Kali Lia k ole ika ro s. C jambe S Cisewo ri ma em ige KB kok s. C S. Cias Kali Watu awah Ciba nte ng Ka li W ag u ak ad Cib S. amar an S. Cil Cis S. S. Ci et S Cibe acan S. Cim S. C Bekasi City 19 20 Cik und ng du Ga Sukatani l CIASEM CATCHMENT Plered 160 CIRANDU CATCHMENT m Cana East Taru CIMALAYA CATCHMENT Purwakarta K. Gadung Weir SUBANG CIKASO SUB-CATCHMENT Bojongkole CATCHMENT CIGEMARI CATCHMENT Cin Cimac gem S. Cia S Sedari et S Cibe lapa S. Ke ah ub 920 et Cibe rum S Cita S. Ciawi Bekasi District 31 23 30 gk ap usa er BATANG LEUTIK SEWO CATCHMENT i Bogor City 40 Sukamandi Barubug Weir ele aw CIREUNGIT CATCHMENT Pabuaran Cil 12085 a agar Cipun Cilamaya us Bandung Barat Bogor District District Cimahi City 45 9 Majalaya 10 Wangisagara 961 51 51 50 120 3 130 Cij am Cil Cijengkol Weir an Cikanjaya a ay ar 17.969 1 Bandung Bandung District City 60 BEKASI DISTRICT BEKASI CITY ADMINISTRATION BOUNDARIES (Include on ICWRMIP Programe ) Pundong Weir Curug Weir Cil Ciririp Source:West Java Province Statistic 2009 SUKAMAJU CATCHMENT Ciredak Cikopo CIBEET SUB-CATCHMENT Pacet Number of Textil Industry and type of Waste Treathment Plant Used in 4 District/City in Bandung Basin Area. 69 70 1 Tanjung Pura 2 Bendungan Walahar 3 Bendungan Curug 4 Nanjung 5 Burujul 6 Dayeuhkolot 7 Cijeruk 8 Sapan 20.975 1.000 0,00 72 Canal luk 155 Number Industries in The Citarum River Basin 2009 Monitoring Point 49.058 3.751 1192 CIASEM CATCHMENT PURWAKARTA 2.6 WATER QUALITY DEGRADATION OF THE CITARUM RIVER 4.482 Pasirkalong DOWNSTREAM CITARUM SC* K. Nola 4500 Further, the uncontrolled disposal of household and other trash and waste into the river in urban areas is contributing to the pollution levels. As much as 250,000 m3 of solid waste is retrieved from the Saguling Reservoir annually (GreenersMagz, February 2, 2010). In addition the 1,500 factories located in and around Bandung City dump 280 tons of chemical waste into the Citarum River every day. 5.000 2.000 BOGOR Bandung Barat* Bandung 115 1176 10930 SUB CATCHMENT CIMETA Ciasem Cikampek Balu Jatiluhur Dam 79 SEWO CATCHMENT CIKAROKROK CATCHMENT 2329 8 CIGEMARI CATCHMENT 110 9205 25 CITARIK SUB CATCHMENT h ali 3750 10.000 3.000 Bekasi 61 CIPAMINGKIS CATCHMENT CISOKANSUB CATCHMENT G K. uri Walahar Weir Pangkalan Bendung Cipamingkis Cariu 10685 CIPUNAGARA CATCHMENT Cih 15.000 Cianjur 20 CIMALAYA CATCHMENT as 4.000 Indramayu North Tarum 105 125 3293 CISANGKUYSUB CATCHMENT od 20.000 Karawang 12 CIDONGKOL CATCHMENT CIKUNDUL SUB CATCHMENT lin 5.000 Purwakarta Jonggol 4059 CIRANDU CATCHMENT Cili 25.000 Subang C 10700 78 Sumedang gkis ipamin CIBANTENG CATCHMENT Cib 3250 Cie 30.000 6.000 Bandung Cibarusa 9727 116 CIWIDEY SUB CATCHMENT ng S 35.000 7.000 Bekasi CATCHMENT 2 6019 95 CIBODAS CATCHMENT CIKASO SUB CATCHMENT Pamanukan CIBANTENG l Total Solid Waste Transport to The Disposal 40.000 Cimahi BUDEL CATCHMENT Wadas 100 Middle Low Industry 40 KARAWANG Cisentu 8.000 45.000 Cibeet Weir K CIBADAK CATCHMENT No Karawang rth 85 Ta ru m 90 95 C an al g lon a .G 32 kilometre CIREUNGIT CATCHMENT utu 2750 as s 9.000 Number of Industry in The Citarum River Basin 2009 Big Industry 24 BATANG LEUTIK CATCHMENT g 2250 4250 50.000 l 16 CIKAROKOK CATCHMENT an S. Citarik *The North Bandung Dairy Cooperative as cited in Portrait of PES Pilot Program/Diella Dachlan. **Indonesia Power Survey and UNPAD 2004. Calculation Number of Domestic Waste Disposal West Java in 2009 Number of Solid Waste ana g n go 8 CIBADAK CATCHMENT m 1750 aru 10.000 mC 4 CIKAPUNDUNG SUB CATCHMENT i 1250 Cih Jumlah Timbunan Sampah & Sampah yang Terangkut ke TPA di Beberapa Kab. di Jabar 2009 Tar u Water Body Cil 750 he problem of waste pollution of the Citarum River is already being felt in the upstream regions. The cattle raising operations in the highland areas of Lembang and Pengalengan to the north and south of Bandung City contribute 400 tons of waste per day from approximately 29,000 cattle owned by 7,000 cattle raisers in the area. None of the farmers in the area process the around 15 kilograms of waste from each head of cattle optimally, and are, in essence, dumping raw animal urine and faeces into the Citarum River through their waste water pipe networks.*. The combined effects of untreated domestic sewage, solid waste disposal dan industrials effluents have significantly increased pollution loads in the Citarum River System and noun Citarum as the one of dirtiest river in the world (International Herald Tribune 5 edition Desember 2008, “ Citarum,The World Dirtiest River”) We st LEGEND Land Use Conversion CIMINYAK SUB CATCHMENT h eru Cik LEGEND T 2.5 WASTE POLLUTION OF THE CITARUM RIVER Bendung Cikarang Fertiliser & Chemical CATCHMENT AREA IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN un C yi en S. uri Monitoring Water Quality Point Cih d ida ea ir .C KOTA BEKASI Cie Irrigated Padi Field Area The development of large-scale industries in the Citarum River Region has resulted in overexploitation of groundwater, as well as diminishment of water quality as a result of waste disposal practices that run counter to existing regulations. SUMEDANG KOTA BANDUNG BANDUNG 80 m ko e S. High Sedimentation Limited Water Suply CIBEET SUB CATCHMENT so em Cir Land Slide Prone ba mar ea as S. Over Utilisation UPSTREAM CITARUM SC* Ci ok an S. Ci BANDUNG Polluted River Tarum Canal Ci Cis ililin S. Cikarang 1 Hillyland Farming Disposal Area *SC: Sub Catchment g S. C BANDUNG BARAT e in nt ega o Cih Tambun S. Citarik la S. Cim nje S. g em Ci njun mar o Cika bu am Cij S. KOTA CIMAHI S. Citu S. Ci lan i S. Cigara ng da t ban on gk en Cil ea ok an KOTA BANDUNG Industrial Waste River Ordo 3 Majangan n Bu la Cibu law g S. Cil Cis *data is not avaliable ap S. Anomalies in the rate of flow of river water also influence agricultural production, especially that of rice crops. Paddy fields generally overflow with rainwater during the rainy season, and dry up during the dry season. The reservoirs in the Citarum River Basin are meant to regulate water supplies to prevent flooding and droughts, as well as to ensure adequate water levels for the : Isoyet Map of SDA Project Guidance Program for the production of electricity. The water levels of the Citarum River also Coordinating Body Survey and National Mapping (Bakosurtanal) l Transmigration Project for 1991-1992 impact the flow of water to urban areas like Jakarta, which gets BWRR in the Project Report (Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the 6 80% of its basic water supply from the Jatiluhur Reservoir. Cis RB Territory-Package B, analyzed by the RCMU Team) CIANJUR S. ega Rawamerta 75 Cila ul S. Cijuhung S. This is concerning in light of the large contribution that industry makes to the economy. The textile industry, which is dominant if the Bandung area, accounts for 60% (Rp. 60 trillion) of the national textile production income (Rp.105.3 trillion), with Rp. 40 trillion of that amount coming from sales of textile products in and around Bandung. The imbalance in the level of industrial activities and the management of the impact of the intense exploitation of water resources and the pollution of waterways is degrading the ecological conditions in the region. Cikawung Cil S. Cim BANDUNG BARAT 65 Urban Planning River Ordo 2 Sumurgede an li P Ka 70 CIPAMINGKIS SUB-CATCHMENT Bendung bekasi Bekasi g cun t meta S. Ci am Cij on Cih In the Bandung area, 90% of residents and 98% of industries depend on groundwater wells for water. This is causing the surface of the soil to sink and the receding of groundwater resources, particularly in the Bandung Basin. Records indicate that groundwater slips deeper under the surface by around 5 metres per year, with an accumulated depth of 85 metres over the 80 years. Currently, industrial activities require the boring of wells as deep as 150 metres. ng para S. Ci S. g a ee Cio njun r da Cib 60 Cib i S. Cisent ng de S. Cim KOTA CIMAHI S. Citu s w y t je S. ap ru leu ea S. Cigara bu on Cik Cil ban on gk en Cil S. yi en Cil a Cih ala Cil eu S. Cijuhung CIANJUR SUMEDANG ad S. as ng S. Cil gkol s od utu om ak wi as Cipabela meta S. Ci Srengseng a du Rengasdengklok Domestic Waste CITARUM RIVER CATCHMENT 55 BEKASI ng para S. Ci 2.4 WATER EXPLOITATION OF THE CITARUM RIVER g S. od aja gu Cibala S. Cijere Cio ea 50 Cikawung Cid aS 45 Babakan Source: Jasa Tirta Public Corporation II, Analyzed by RCMU Team tin Cib S. Cijen n on Cik Bendung Curugagung ng *SRI is a rice cultivation approach involving land and water management through the empowerment of local farmers and the revival of traditional, environmentally friendly cultivation methods. (Ministry of Agriculture Center for Socio-Economic Research and Policy) Cijere Cipabela gkol de S. Cim S. Cijen n alagu g an S. S. Cianom S. Cib Cil ilala ul Bendung Cilalanang Cil S. S. PURWAKARTA Bendung Leuwinangka Cib h r S. C iku nd Bendung Pedati a od eru Cik S. Ci we i nusa ija un kao t ee Cib ilele S. C g wun Cika S. C S. Cikanjaya a idar Ciw Cih S. Ci S. S. Ciririp S. C SUBANG Cib gk ap INDRAMAYU as d ibo Bendung Cimacan an Bendung Lebiah ng Cil nir K. Me ng ayu gP ilan Bendung Salam Darma K. P utu Cil Bendung Pundong Bendung Curug ib S. C h Bendung Barubug el ug eru Cik k ng du Ga i lulu S. S. C Bendung Gadung Bendung Cijengkol Bendung Walahar Bendung Cipamingkis BOGOR K. un S. Cip K. Nolai ingkis Cipam ara unag am Cil Cih a ay S. om ak KARAWANG S. Ba Cisadane River y ililin S. C lan n Bu bula S. Ci Citanduy River leu i w Citarum River ng ncu Pa li Ka lih Ga Bendung Cibeet 0.558 eu ala S Besides the impact of shifts in weather and climate patterns, degradation of the forests in the upstream regions of the Citarum River Basin have reduced the efficacy of water infiltration in water catchment areas. This has exacerbated the difference in flow rates between the rainy and dry seasons. This supports the findings of D'Arrigo et. al. (2010) that indicate that forests play a major role in the ability of the Citarum River Basin ecosystem to withstand the negative impact of extreme climate change. 0.754 0.361 Cil Cil 1.000 a du ar ad as S. 0.884 S. od Bendung Pedati Bendung Cilalanang Bendung Curugagung aja S. Cib S. Cib 2.000 ib .C S. ga PURWAKARTA Bendung Leuwinangka wi 3.000 isa I Cib a idar Ciw 35 Low Water Quality Limited Water Resource Lack of Water 0 Jav 40 g 4.402 4.000 S. C S. as od ib S. C Bendung Lebiah INDRAMAYU tin 5.000 24 kilometre ul nir K. Me ng ayu gP ilan Bendung Salam Darma K. P Cibuaya aga Cis Sungaibambu Batujaya 30 Drainage Capacity Coast Linei /Weir 25 gel ibu S. C an 16 nusa r ilala S. C 8 4 Debit Min (m3/year) g wun Cika Cil 0 iku nd Bendung Gadung SUBANG S. Ci we S. Cianom n 2008, the demand for water to meet domestic, industrial and irrigation needs in West Java reached around 17.6 billion m3/year. Demand, 50% of which is fulfilled by surface water sources, with the rest met by groundwater, is expected to increase by 1 to 1.7% annually. 6.000 gk ap ilele S. C ng du Ga Bendung Cimacan an S. C n da Source: Central Bureau of Statistics dan Direktorat Jenderal Tanaman Pangan,2010 Cil S. THE PRECIPITATION IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN MAP Debit Maks (m3/year) 6.613 K. verage rainfall rates along the Citarum River Basin range from 2,000 mm in the downstream regions to 4,000 mm in the upstream regions. Any variation in levels of rainfall in the Citarum catchment can have a significant impact on the volume of water in reservoirs in the Citarum River Basin. During droughts induced by the El Nino climate patterns, the level of water at the Jatiluhur reservoir can drop to 60% below normal, while during the heavy rains of the La Nina weather cycle, water levels can reach 120 % of normal. In 1994, during the El Nino weather cycle, production of electricity at the three reservoirs (Saguling, Cirata and Jatiluhur), which are fed by the Citarum River, remained unaffected. However, decreases also occurred in 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2006. 7.000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Bendung Pundong kao S. Ci A 2.3 CLIMATE CHANGES AND PRECIPITATION Comparison of Maximum and Minimum Debit in Citarum, Citanduy dan Cisadane River 2009 4 Bendung Barubug Cih era ng S. Cipatujang k Bendung Curug ul Source: PSDA Banten Province, Jakarta Province & West Java Province, Central Bureau of Statistic, Citarum Basin Management Organisation KB s. C ika roko k lulu S. Cisent Total Technical Rice Padi Field in Citarum River Basin (hectare) Rice Padi Field in 6Cis River Basin (hectare) et ibe Semi Technical Technical Irrigated Semi Technical Irrigated 4.5 Kali Watu S. amar an S. Ba ija S. C K. UPSTREAM CITARUM SUB-CATCHMENT Contaminated Pollutant River Ordo 1 Artery Road 20 ara unag S. Cip Bendung Cijengkol S. Cikanjaya S. 5 ya ma ila C S. Bendung Walahar S. Ciririp C S. 30.621 55.105 awah Ciba nte Cib ad ak Ka li W ag u et S Cibe KARAWANG S. g Banten lan n Bu bula S. Ci S. Cil Cipam Kedaung Fish Cage Problem Administration Boundaries C ij 15 ng ncu K. Nolai ingkis rum Cita S. Cia S Sedari gem a 10 Pa li Ka LEGEND 5 Cib lih Ga Bendung Cibeet Jakarta 5.5 4.200 236.986 Sukabumi Bekasi, Karawang, Purwakarta, Subang & Indramayu du ar BOGOR As the population increases, the demands for water for a wide variety of purposes increase. The current population served by the Citarum River reaches 25 million (15 million in West Java, 10 million in DKI Jakarta). The demand for water supplied from the Jatiluhur Reservoir through the West Tarum, East Tarum and North Tarum canals increased from 140 m3/second (1996) to 155 m3/sec (2004). Between 2001 and 2005, water flow decreased reserves to 5 months of demand from the previous level of 10 months. 5.485 Cianjur THE CITARUM RIVER WATER CONSERVATION AND UTILISATION PROBLEM MAP Jatiluhur PADI FIELD IRRIGATED IN CITARUM RIVER BASIN MAP Bendung Cipamingkis 91% 5.139 Bogor & Bekasi ga ad However, the increasing levels of sedimentation in the Dom Citarum River are beginning to cause reduced production Padi SRI capacity. Without an adequate water supply, more than Irigation Urban Water Need 67% Industry Jakarta’s Water Need Citarum River water is utilised for agricultural irrigation, industrial 100,000 ha of rice fields could stop producing, which would result in losses of up to Others activities, and household purposes, including for drinking water, by the Rp. 16 trillion (Citarum Expedition, Kompas, April 2011). Karawang District, known Source: West Java Provincial Development people living and working in Bandung, Cimahi, Cianjur, Purwakarta, as the rice basket of West Java in particular, and of Indonesia in general, Planning Board, 2010 Bekasi, and Karawang, as well as 80% of Jakarta residents. PT Palyja with its 97,529 ha of irrigated rice fields, is one of the main users of water meets the water needs of the people of Jakarta at a rate of 6,000 from the Citarum River. Currently, the System of Rice Intensification (SRI)* Comparison of Irrigation Coverage of Rice Field litres/second/company unit, while PT Aetra supplies 8,500 litres/second. is being applied to ensure more efficient irrigation rates and greater harvest Coverage in Citarum River Irrigation from Citarum productivity. Watershed & 6Cis River Basin in 2009 Meanwhile, hydro-power stations at the three reservoirs have the River 2009 potential to provide 1,400 MW of electrical power to Java and Bali 498.853 Comparison of Paddie Field Productivity in 30.621 443.746 (Comments by the Governor of West Java at the Citarum Post Flooding Banten Province, Jakarta Province & West Java Province in 2009 324.461 9% 6 354.082 River Basin Management Coordination Meeting on April 6, 2010). West Java 323.461 ic est 4.038 Sukabumi Source: Citarum Basin Management Organisation S. S. Ke lapa Non Dom e 33% 4.387 Subang Cileutuh K. for productive purposes. During the rainy season, as much as 81.4 billion m3/year is available, while only 8.1 billion m3/year is available in the dry season. This results in an excess of water resources during the rainy season and a deficit during the dry season. (West Java ASER BPLHD data for 2009). Cikarang- Cipamingkis Cihea geusan isa S. C Cis ub ah stic 2% W System jambe 87% 6.319 5.378 Irrigation Indramayu Subang S. Ci 5% 6% est Java has one of the highest rice production rates in Indonesia. Since 2005, this region (irrigated and non-irrigated rice fields) has produced 5.50 tonnes/ha, second only to East Java, which produces 5.67 tonnes/ha. Water from the Citarum River irrigates a cultivation area of 420,000 ha. Leuwi nangka Cileuleuy Area et S Cibe 0.36% urrently 57.9% or 7.5 billion m3/year of the Citarum River Basin water resource potential of 13 billion m3/year is being utilised. Of that amount, 6 billion m3/year originates directly from the Citarum, while 1.5 billion m3/year originate from other rivers. The remaining 5.45 billion m3/year, or 42.1%, has yet to be harnessed Irrigated Rice Paddie Field in the Citarum River Basin (Hectare) Irrigation Cipancuh rum S Cita Domestic and Non-domestic Demand for Water from the Citarum River Basin in 2009 Utilization of Citarum River Water in 2009 2.2 CITARUM RIVER IRRIGATION FUNCTION S. C 2.1 CITARUM RIVER WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT T he sedimentation of the Citarum River is partially caused by erosion in the upstream region of that river and its tributaries, such as the Tebing River, whose channel makes sharp turns causing the water to undercut the river banks. As a result of bank erosion on the outer bends and sedimentation on the inner bends, the river begins to meander and eventually the river meanders back on itself. This allows the flow to break through the neck formed leaving a cut off bend in the river commonly called an “oxbow lake” such as the small curved lake along the Cigosol River (above), which is used by the people of Mahmud Bale Endah in Bandung District as a fish pond. Sungai Mati (Oxbow) hasil normalisasi sungai di Cigosol Andir (atas). Pemanfaatan bentukan danau tapal kuda di Kampung Mahmud Bale Endah Kabupaten Bandung sebagai kolam ikan (bawah). Water Spring Source Mount Pangrango Mount Pangrango Mount Pangrango Mount Pangrango Mount Sanggabuana Mount Sanggabuana Mount Wayang Mount Burangrang Mount Burangrang Mount Burangrang Mount Burangrang Mount Burangrang Kali Jati Mount Tangkubanperahu Sagala Herang Mount Sapotong Mount Tangkubanperahu Mount Tangkubanperahu Mount Tampomas Mount Tampomas Mount Tampomas MAIN SUB CATCHMENT IN THE UPPER CITARUM Total Area (km2) Length (km) Cimahi 32,61 8,22 Cibeureum 60,71 11,36 Ciwidey 228,36 Cibolerang 60,85 20,99 4,99 Citepus 36,52 Cisangkuy 280,95 10,98 18,80 Cigede Cicadas Cidurian Cipamongkolan 145,40 29,71 33,95 42,23 15,42 8,91 8,45 13,79 Cikeruh Citarik Citarum Hulu 190,33 257,49 363,44 13,78 11,50 43,85 Estuary SUB CATCHMENT Bekasi Floodway Cikarang-BekasiJava Sea (CBL) Java Sea Cibeet Citarum Cibeet Java Sea Citarum Citarum Citarum Java Sea Java Sea Ciasem Java Sea Ciasem Cipunagara Cirata Muara Pancer Lempeng (Java Sea) Cipunagara Cikandung Muara Eretan (Java Sea) DAM IN THE CITARUM RIVER BASIN DAM YEAR FINISHED SAGULING CILEUNCA CIPANUNJANG CIRATA JATILUHUR 1986 1984 1930 1988 1967 CAPACITY 10 m3 RIVER 982.000 Citarum 12.000 Cileunca 22.400 Cipanunjang 973.000 Citarum 2.556.000 Citarum *PH: Power Hydro for Electricity Source: Citarum River Basin Management Organisation Catchment Area (km2) PURPOSE 2.283 21 8 4.119 2.283 Irrgation/PH Irrgation Irrgation PH Irrigation/PH