Unique and reliable detection and quantification of species DNA
Unique and reliable detection and quantification of species DNA
Unique and reliable detection and quantification of species DNA In collaboration with Imegen*, we are offering a broad portfolio of real-time PCR based species detection and quantification testing solutions, with very high sensitivity below the officially required limit of detection (LOD) of 0,1% (ref. EU No 51/2013 of 16 Jan 2013, amending reg. EU No 152/2009): Full workflow solution Very high sensitivity Quantitative • DNA extraction with high sample input • Detection of mitochondrial DNA • Quantification based on DNA standards • Species DNA/total animal DNA result (%) To learn more about our food testing solutions go to: lifetechnologies.com/foodsafety *Imegen = Instituto de Medicina Genomica, a highly experienced and professional company in genetics, Valencia Spain DNA extraction Detection of species DNA Quantification of species DNA Same day results species DNA/animal DNA Extraction Detection GMO Extraction kit RapidFinder™ ID kit The GMO Extraction Kit provides a fast and easy silica-based DNA purification method to obtain DNA from a wide variety of food samples, like raw materials and processed food. The RapidFinder™ ID kit detects mitochondrial DNA** in food samples. Each kit contains a positive control consisting of 0,1% species DNA. All reagents for 48 reactions are provided. Characteristics: Characteristics: High sample input: up to 20g of sample (homogenize sample) Easy to Use: real-Time PCR, no electrophoresis Safe: no toxic reagents Reliable: inhibitors removal, isolation of high pure DNA (A260/A280 > 1.8) Easy to use: minimal handling steps Reliable: internal Positive Control (IPC) allows ruling out inhibitors during PCR Highest sensitivity: limit of detection of 0.01% (w/w) in fresh meat Quantification RapidFinder™ Quant Multi Meat Set The RapidFinder™ Quant Set kit detects mitochondrial DNA** in food samples and includes the standards for quantification (species and animal).*** All reagents for 48 reactions are provided. Characteristics: Easy to Use: real-Time PCR, no electrophoresis Reliable: internal Positive Control (IPC) allows ruling out inhibitors during PCR Highest sensitivity: limit of detection of 0.05% (w/w) in fresh meat **Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a multi-copy DNA target, as mammalian cells contain several copies of mtDNA per cell. The RapidFinder™ ID kits and RapidFinder™ Quant multi meat set, detect mitochondrial DNA, giving the assay a very high sensitivity and making the assay applicable to be used with processed food. ***Quantification assay is based on two absolute quantifications: the total amount of species DNA (using RapidFinder™ species ID Kit and RapidFinder™ Quant MultiMeat Set), and the total amount of animal present in one sample using the RapidFinder™ Quant Multi-Meat Set. Product overview Description Cat. No. Volume GMO Extraction kit 4466336 48 rxn RapidFinder Beef ID kit A24391 48 rxn Bos taurus RapidFinder Pork ID kit A24392 48 rxn Sus Scrofa ™ RapidFinder Chicken ID kit A24393 48 rxn Gallus gallus RapidFinder Turkey ID kit A24394 48 rxn Meleagris gallopavo RapidFinder™ Sheep ID kit A24395 48 rxn Ovis aries RapidFinder™ Poultry ID kit A24397 48 rxn Several avian species RapidFinder Fish ID kit A24398 48 rxn Broad scope of fish species RapidFinder Quant Multi Meat Set A24399 48 rxn ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ Species name Selection of validation data Imegen has performed validation studies for which reports are available upon request. Specificity assay of the RapidFinder™ Chicken ID kit. Specificity assay of the RapidFinder™ Beef ID kit. Analyses were performed using DNA from pure meat. Analyses were performed using DNA from pure meat. Meat Species Results Meat Species Results Horse Not detected Horse Not detected Mule Not detected Mule Not detected Donkey Not detected Donkey Not detected Beef Not detected Beef Detected Swine Not detected Swine Not detected Buffalo Not detected Buffalo Not detected Deer Not detected Deer Not detected Chicken Detected Chicken Not detected Turkey Not detected Turkey Not detected Duck Not detected Duck Not detected Ostrich Not detected Ostrich Not detected Goose Not detected Goose Not detected Human Not detected Human Not detected Repeatability assay for the RapidFinder™ Chicken ID kit. Repeatability assay for the RapidFinder™ Beef ID kit. Analyses were performed using DNA from pure meat. Analyses were performed using DNA from pure meat. The standards used were mixes with 0,1% chicken/ turkey, 0,01% chicken/turkey and 0,1% chicken/swine. Seven replicates of three different samples of DNA extracted from meat have been analysed. The standards used were mixes of 0.1% beef/pork, 0.01% beef/pork, 0.01% beef/horse. Seven replicates of three different samples of DNA extracted from meat have been analysed. Standard used Technician 1 Technician 2 Standard used Technician 1 Technician 2 0,1% chicken/turkey 100% (7/7) 100% (7/7) 0,1% chicken/turkey 100% (7/7) 100% (7/7) 0,01% chicken/turkey 100% (7/7) 100% (7/7) 0,01% chicken/turkey 100% (7/7) 100% (7/7) 0,1% chicken/swine 100% (7/7) 100% (7/7) 0,1% chicken/swine 100% (7/7) 100% (7/7) The kits are optimised for use in all Applied Biosystems® Real-Time PCR Instruments. Applied Biosystems® 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR Instrument Applied Biosystems® StepOne™ Real-Time PCR Instrument Maximise results. Minimise risk. When there’s no room for error, you need to work with someone that’s as committed to risk reduction as you are. We combine fast, accurate, and innovative food safety technologies with dedicated global service and support to protect your brand and your bottom line. From customised PCR assays and reagents to off-the-shelf food testing solutions for Salmonella, Salmonella Enteritidis, E. coli, Listeria, Cronobacter sakazakii, and Campylobacter jejuni, no one is better positioned to meet your unique food testing needs. To learn how we can make a difference in your lab, visit: lifetechnologies.com/foodsafety FOR TESTING OF FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES ONLY. Life Technologies is a Thermo Fisher Scientific brand. © 2014 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. All rights reserved. The Imegen logo is a registered trademark of Dimigen, S.L. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries. CO116894 0314 *Imegen = Instituto de Medicina Genomica, a highly experienced and professional company in genetics, Valencia Spain Identificación y cuantificación de especies Detecte y cuantifique ADN de distintas especies animales con precisión. Detección de ADN mitocondrial en muestras de carne. (0,01% p/p en carne fresca) Resultados cuantitativos (en combinación con el Animal Quant set) (0,05% p/p) Kits optimizados para todos los equipos de PCR en tiempo real de Applied Biosystems Producto TaqMan®Beef ID Kit TaqMan®Pork ID Kit TaqMan®Poultry ID Kit TaqMan®Chicken ID Kit TaqMan®Turkey ID Kit TaqMan®Animal Quant Set RapidFinderTM Equine ID Kit RapidFinderTM Equine Quant Set Formato 48 rxn 48 rxn 48 rxn 48 rxn 48 rxn 48 rxn 48 rxn 48 rxn PN ESAPA002-IMG162 ESAPA002-IMG163 ESAPA002-IMG165 ESAPA002-IMG168 ESAPA002-IMG169 ESAPA002-IMG166 A15570 A15579 Productos relacionados GMO Extraction kit TaqMan®Sheep ID Kit TaqMan®Ruminant ID Kit Formato 50 test 48 rxn 48 rxn PN 4466336 ESAPA002-IMG171 ESAPA002-IMG170 Contacte con nosotros: Spain.order@lifetech.com Para análisis de alimentos