newsletter - John Wallis Academy
newsletter - John Wallis Academy
April 2015 NEWSLETTER SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY From The Principal Easter Reflection/Prayer On this Easter Day, Lord God You opened to us the way to eternal life Through your only Son’s victory over death. Grant that as we celebrate the feast of His Resurrection We may be renewed by your Holy Spirit And rise again in the light of life. May the Risen Lord fill you with joy, a joy only He can give. May his triumph bring new hope and life. May you share today in the exaltation experienced by all the disciples. May you be a witness to His resurrection to all whom you meet and greet today Amen Welcome to our Easter edition of the Academy newsletter. It has been a very busy term leading up to the Easter holidays punctuated with three well deserved accolades for our Academy last month. Firstly, the Academy was praised in the House of Lords by The Lord Bishop of Ely, Bishop Stephen Conway for its transformative impact on the local community. Secondly, The Rt Hon David Laws MP, Minister of State for Schools wrote to me to congratulate our school on being one of the top 100 non selective state funded schools in England based on the key stage 2 to key stage 4 value added measure. Thirdly, Patrick Leeson, Corporate Director of Education and Young People’s Service, KCC also wrote to me to congratulate our students and staff on the sustained improvements to the school’s achievement outcomes in 2014. In an education debate in the House of Lords on 29th January, the Academy was praised by The Lord Bishop of Ely, Bishop Stephen Conway. Bishop Conway had just taken over as chair of the Church of England’s National society, which is responsible for the Anglican schools in the country. Quoting from the Bishop’s speech in which he was addressing the church’s role Joy of Achievement.... in the reform and improvement of education in the country the Bishop said: “At the last count, 60% of our Church of England secondary schools had, following the national school statistic, become academies. I pay tribute to the diocesan boards of education, head teachers and school staff who have made dramatic and impactful efforts in improving these schools for the sake of their pupils. “I cite the example of a cracking diocesan academy, the inspirational John Wallis Church of England Academy in Ashford in Kent, a three to 19 Academy that is having a really transformative impact on the whole of the community.” The staff, students and I were delighted to have such a positive appraisal of our Academy cited in the House of Lords. In the 2014 League Performance tables ranked by value added out of the 6260 schools in the country, The John Wallis Church of England Academy was ranked 45th nationally with a value added score of 1050.9. In Kent out of 730 schools The John Wallis Academy came first in the non-selective league tables for valued added in Kent. We are very pleased that this value added performance table acknowledges the achievement of our students and the great work of our teachers in last year’s GCSE results and over the four years since the Academy opened in 2010. We continue to strive to raise standards in our school and to give our students the best educational opportunities possible, to enable them to have a successful and happy career and a bright and happy future Our Academy breaks up on Holy Thursday for the Easter holidays and staff and students begin a well-deserved holiday. Term 5 begins on Monday 20th April. During the Easter holidays our students sitting public examinations, while having a break and rest from their studies, will be setting time aside for revision for their important exams in May and June. Many of our teachers are offering revision lessons over the holiday period and students and parents/carers have been ...Thrill of Success April 2015 NEWSLETTER .notified of the days and times when they will take place. I encourage your sons/daughters to avail of this extra support and attend these lessons whenever possible. Once again I am very grateful to those teachers who are giving generously of their time during this holiday to ensure their students are well prepared for their public examinations. I continually remind our students that as well as having a break, they should spend their two week holiday in planned time revising their individual subjects. I would encourage parents and carers to support me in this appeal and thank you for your support. Thank you to Mrs Hirst, Assistant Principal in the Primary Academy who organised a Mothering Sunday Event on Friday 13th March for pupils, their mummies, nannies and aunties and grandmas to celebrate Mothering Sunday. This was the first time such an event was held in the Academy and it was a huge success and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone involved. Thank you also to the staff who organised and led the Year 6 residential trip where a wonderful time was enjoyed by pupils and staff. Mrs Bolton, our Music teacher accompanied twenty-five Year 5 pupils to sing at the O2 arena for The Young Voices Concert. It was a long day for the boys and girls who arrived back in Ashford at an hour well past their bed time but having sung in the O2 was an experience well worthwhile for everyone. Lots of educational visits and sports fixtures took place last term. I am grateful to Mr McElhatton, Subject Leader of Geography, for leading a Geography trip to Paris for the GCSE Geography students. Thank you also to Mr Colmant who also organised and led a two day educational visit to Paris for students studying GCSE French. Our students studying A Level French attended a two day A Level conference in Paris in collaboration with St Simon Stock School in Maidstone. Students on these trips had amazing experiences and will cherish great memories of wonderful times abroad with their school. The opening of British Science Week began with a Year 7 educational visit to the British Science Museum in London. You can read and see pictures of all the exciting events that happened in the Academy to celebrate Science Week. A huge thank you to Mrs Willis, Director of Science and all the Science staff for all their great work to ensure our pupils in Primary and students in Secondary had an amazing week of Science education. Our Sixth Form Year 12 students have two visits this term and next to Canterbury Christ Church University and the University of Kent for career and university fairs. I would like to say a big thank you to all our teachers and support staff in both phases of the Academy who organise and take our students and pupils on various educational day visits. You will enjoy reading in the following pages about the many sporting activities our students have been involved in with many great victories over our local schools. Once again I offer a huge thank you to all our sports teachers who provide so many opportunities for our pupils and students. The John Wallis Academy was proud to host Ashford Photographic Society’s annual interschools competition and congratulations to Sam Houghton, Sophie Chittenden and Lisa Burden for their successes in this competition. In July 2015, a group of Sixth Form students and staff from the Academy will visit Mexico and build a house for a local family in great need. This experience, poignantly entitled “Build Hope” will make a genuine difference to the lives of an impoverished family. As part of the Academy’s commitment to supporting this project there will be a non-uniform day on 27th March in the Secondary Academy. Fifty per cent of the funds raised will be used to support this project. The remaining 50% will go to support the work of The Red Cross as part of a project that the Dance department are involved in. Students who choose to wear non-school uniform will pay £1 which will be collected in tutor time. Thank you to all for your support of these worthy causes. Congratulations to our Young Chamber students who organised a highly successful business lunch that was attended by 20 plus business leaders from the Ashford area. The Mayor of Ashford and local councillors and business people were fulsome in their praise of our students who organised the whole event. Congratulations to Helen Davies and Olivia Teagle, Year 9 students, who have been selected to participate in the four year Easter and Summer School programme with other students from Kent Academies. This programme has been set up by the Kent Academies Network SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 2 April 2015 NEWSLETTER and their Independent School sponsors and Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge University and sponsored by the Sutton Trust. It is a programme established to give academically able students the opportunity to be prepared for applications to the top universities in the country including Oxford and Cambridge. We wish Helen and Olivia best wishes in this exciting educational project and opportunity for them. I wish all students, staff, parents/carers and governors a very Happy Easter. I hope you enjoy reading the many interesting articles in our newsletter, from students and staff, which keeps you informed of all that is happening in our Academy. May the peace, joy and love of the Risen Lord be with you and your families this Easter. I look forward to seeing all our pupils, students and staff on Monday 20th April refreshed and ready for the new Term – Term 5 Mr J McParland, Principal Chaplaincy Report As we are in the Academy on Maundy Thursday this year, we are offering to shine students’ shoes, a symbolic act to represent Jesus washing his disciples’ feet. We will then use this as a theme for our Easter assemblies as we look at Jesus the Servant King. On Easter Monday, 6th April, a group of staff and students will set off from Ashford at 5.00am to walk to Canterbury Cathedral as part of the annual Easter Monday Youth Pilgrimage. During the recent Pre Public Examinations the Chapel was open each morning as a quiet, reflective area for students to go at the start of the day if they wanted to. It was good to see some students using that space and the Chapel will be open during the exam season in May and June. In the Secondary Years, we have a Christian Union that meets on Fridays in Room 213 at 10.55am. It is an opportunity for students to meet together in fellowship and discuss moral and topical issues. All are welcome. 3 CHRISTIAN UNION Friday 10.55am Room 213 All welcome. Come along and enjoy time together. A short service of Morning Prayer takes place every Tuesday at 8.15am in Room 214. All staff and students are welcome to attend. There is also an Academy Prayer Diary which gives a different focus for prayer each day. If you would like to receive a copy please contact me. Each term there is a Holy Communion service at the Academy. The next service will be on Monday 11th May at 3.15pm in the Chapel. Holy Communion will be celebrated by Rev. Sheila McLachlan from Kingsnorth and Shadoxhurst churches. I would like to invite you to come and join staff and students at this service. In our assemblies we have looked at the Gospel story of the Healing of the Paralyzed Man. We were privileged to have this story dramatized by Year 8 and Year 9 students. We have also reflected on the Lord’s Prayer and the Baptism of Jesus. Rev. Millwood shared her experience of baptising people in the River Jordan where the Bible tells us Jesus was baptized. We have also heard about the life of Sir Nicholas Winton, who saved 669 Czech children from the Nazis just before the start of World War II by evacuating the children in trains to new families in Britain. In our Thought for the Day in Tutor Time as well as marking Christian festivals, Epiphany and Lent we have looked at items in the news such as the Paris shootings earlier this year and we have reflected on forgiveness, kindness and humility. May I take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy and Blessed Easter. Mr I Rich, Academy Lay Chaplain Jesus said, “If one of you wants to be great, you must be the servant of the rest; and if one of you wants to be first, you must be the slave of the others. The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life to redeem many people. Matthew Chapter 20 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER Primary Academy . Dear Parents/Carers, I hope you have all enjoyed the sunshine in recent weeks – it seems spring has sprung! I am pleased to introduce the latest articles from Primary for our 3-19 years Academy. I’m sure you will enjoy reading about the childrens’ achievements and smile at the photographs. I believe these articles and images also capture the progress we continue to make. I would also like to say a heartfelt thank you to all parents, and friends who have joined us for the recent parents’ evenings. The partnership between parents and teachers is fundamental and strong. Sharing success and identifying next steps is critical to ensure the children reach their individual potential. Standards as an Academy continue to rise, and behaviour is good. We are proud of these achievements and thank you for your contributions. This year’s World Book Day had a wonderful book swap allowing every child to take home a new book. Throughout the day we had special visits from Secondary teachers who came dressed up as book characters and read a story to the children. I hope the fun activities of the day helped to encourage the childrens’ reading and enjoyment of books which will help with their reading and writing progress in class. Red Nose Day was another charity event we took part in this year. There was a wonderful atmosphere around the school with all the children taking part in wearing something red and I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for their donations. Altogether we raised a huge £320 which will go a long way in helping others. The children have all created a portrait of themselves for our new ‘Gallery of Faces’ wall art which will decorate the hallway in the Primary Academy. We would like to invite you in to view the new gallery and let your children show you their work at the end of the day. There will be details at a later date. In the Lower School we had a fantastic Mothering Sunday event, which was very successful and our thanks go to those that came to support. The smiles on the faces of the children with their special people: mummies, grandparents and other family members, was a joy to see. My best wishes for the Easter break Miss S. Lacon Vice Principal - Head of Primary SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 4 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Mothering Sunday Event Nursery On Friday 13th March we were delighted to welcome mummies, nannies, aunties and grandmas into the Primary Academy to celebrate Mothering Sunday. Eight different creative activities with a theme of flowers were laid out on tables in the Primary Academy for the grown-ups to complete with their children. Adults and children painted, drew, cut, stuck, printed, collaged and made a wide and beautiful variety of flower based art and craft. There was a reading area to show visitors how amazing Year R pupils are with their reading and a writing area to show off their writing skills and tell Mummies how much they love them in words. Teachers and Teaching Assistants were on hand to help and talk to visitors and pupils. Our Learning Challenge in Term 3 was all about Nursery rhymes. We sang lots of rhymes, old and new in Nursery, but also got our families to join in singing the songs. Mr McParland, Miss Lacon and Mr. Rich attended and were delighted to see the brilliant creative work that was being made. Refreshments were offered and great conversations were held, feedback from the adults attending was overwhelmingly positive and a similar event will be fun for Father’s Day in June. Pupils left the Primary Academy at 3pm with lots of lovely pictures to take home for Mothering Sunday. We have made a fabulous big book of all our challenges. They included making a new bucket for Jack and Jill; finding out which colour jelly we like best; making a boat for Dr. Foster so he doesn’t fall in any more puddles and using information books to find out all about elephants! We particularly enjoyed building new walls for Humpty Dumpty and we even visited the Secondary construction department, where Mr Stretton showed us how a real brick wall was made. We had a trip to the bakery at Tesco, where we were shown how “Five Currant Buns” are made. We celebrated all of our wonderful learning by inviting our parents in. We performed our favourite rhymes to them, shared our learning and made ”Twinkle, twinkle little star” biscuits for them. Everyone then received a certificate for completing the challenge of learning new rhymes. 5 Mrs N. Hirst Assistant Principal, Primary Miss J. Harrison Nursery Teacher SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER Reception . Over the last 2 terms Reception has been very busy doing some impressive learning. All the children have blossomed straight into the Spring Term and are showing everyone how hard they can work. Early in the year our Learning Challenge topic was space and stars. We loved learning about this subject and discovered our new favourite word, ‘constellations’! We did lots of work on patterns and had great fun making shooting stars and even our very own constellation, by drawing round each other! Reception then moved from looking at rockets to other forms of transport. We learnt all about the history of transport looking at old double decker buses, steam trains and even Penny Farthings. All the children created some super paintings and pictures of different types of transport and had lots of fun in the role play areas pretending they were train or bus drivers with lots of passengers behind them. After a well-deserved break at the end of term we all returned fresh and started our new topic of Spring. We have been doing lots of learning about new life; animals being born and plants and flowers blooming. The children became scientists and conducted an investigation into whether white flowers would change colour if they were put in different coloured water…they did! It was great fun! Reception also became avid gardeners and have learnt different parts of plants and what plants need to be able to grow. We have been very excited by our growing cress pots that we planted! We are now looking forward to learning more about Easter. Outside of our learning challenge, the children have been working like superstars in their Maths, Phonics and Literacy. Since January we have noticed a huge leap in how well the children are doing with their sounds; all their hard work is definitely paying off. We have been doing lots of writing practice and are now starting to use full stops and finger spaces. In Maths the children have been progressing on to very tricky topics. We have been confidently recognising numbers up to 20 and beyond; learning one more and one less; adding and taking away using a number line; counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and now some children are even learning the exciting topic of money. Not only this, but our Maths warm ups are now very impressive with the children wanting to count to the mighty number of 100 every morning. Amazing! The Reception team are all very proud of the hard work that the children are doing. Reception have had a brilliant two terms and we look forward to the next term and all the new learning. Well done Reception! Miss C Arnott and Miss E Devine Reception Teachers 1S, Year One 1S have had a very busy time at the Academy. All children are currently practising number bonds up to 20, so that they can recall all these number facts quickly. They are also learning to tell the time and to compare the lengths and weights of objects. They are continuing to working very hard in Phonics, learning to read new sounds, and to use these in their writing. They are learning to recognise these sounds in real words and made-up words, which they know as “Alien” words. These words reinforce the sounds that they know through games and other fun activities. SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY Last term, the children had a visit from the Head Falconer from the Rare Breeds Centre, 6 April 2015 NEWSLETTER who brought some owls and other birds of prey to the Academy, and flew them for the children in the Hall, as well as imparting lots of interesting facts and answering the children’s questions. This supported their learning about nocturnal animals, which was part of the term’s Learning Challenge about light and dark. the time and recall doubles within 20. We have also just recently begun learning about weight which has been lots of fun as we have used scales to weigh different objects. The children also learned about the seasons, the moon and stars, light sources and shadows, as well as taking part in some interesting investigations about light and dark. Many children involved their parents in this learning, by completing home learning challenges, and sharing their work with the class. We recently celebrated World Book Day which was a brilliant success. The children brought in old books and swapped them which meant every child had a different book to go home with. This was great fun! Mr McParland also came into 1N to read a story which the children loved! This term’s Learning Challenge is called “Are all animals the same?” and the children are learning about similarities and differences between animals, and meeting many new words, such as vertebrate, invertebrate, mammal, reptile and amphibian. The children are looking forward to a visit from Animal Extravaganza, having raised enough money to cover the costs of this through a very successful cake sale. This will give them an opportunity to see, touch, and learn about animals including tarantulas, snakes, lizards, chickens, rabbits, insects, snails and frogs. Mrs Shaw Year 1 Class Teacher 1N, Year One 1N have been very busy since Christmas! In Numeracy we have been learning our number bonds to 10 and we have recently started learning our number bonds to 20. We have also been learning to solve number problems, tell 7 Through Literacy 1N have completed work on the book ‘Owl Babies’ and most recently ‘Willy the Wizard’. The children love doing work based on books. We have been learning adjectives; time connectives; verbs; retelling stories verbally and using story maps. The children have also been able to change a story and make their own story using a story map which was lots of fun! After Christmas 1N learnt about nocturnal animals and night time. The class really enjoyed this topic and we even made our own book called ‘Light and Dark’ which is now on display in our class library. A man even came into visit Year 1 with real owls! The children completed wonderful work on this topic. This term we have been learning all about animals. The children have been learning about garden birds, wild animals, mammals, vertebrates and invertebrates and human body parts. In the next week we will have a lady visiting with real animals to show the children. This will really bring their animals’ topic to life. There has been a lot of science involved with this topic which has been very exciting. 1N have been working so hard and are looking forward to the remainder of the term and the sunnier weather we hope! Miss A O’Neill Year 1 Class Teacher SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER 2S Class, Year Two . In 2S we have been busy measuring in our Maths lessons. The children enjoyed practical activities making sure their measurements were accurate when we put our learning into practice making rice crispy cakes, We have had a very exciting World Book Day. Everyone in the school brought in a book for the book swap; this meant that each child went home with a new book at the end of the day. We also made some beautiful bookmarks to use when we are reading. Here we are choosing our books. We were also weighing ourselves. Miss L. Slevin Year 2 Class Teacher 2W Class, Year Two We have been very busy writing lots of different stories in our Literacy lessons. We took a little break from story writing and carried out a news report on the Lighthouse Keeper’s Rescue. The children interviewed some of the characters and then completed their report. During Learning Challenge lessons we were learning all about the Queen, we re-enacted the Queen’s Coronation in 1953. We also found out some very interesting facts about the Queen. Did you know that the Queen married her first cousin? During Terms 3 and 4, 2W have been working extremely hard. In Literacy they have been continuing their story writing and writing from different characters’ points of views using the Lighthouse Keeper books. The children enjoyed being newspaper reporters and writing about a whale that needed rescuing. For Maths the children have continued consolidating their methods of calculation and demonstrated good measuring skills when they made chocolate rice crispy cakes. In Science, the children have been learning about how materials change. They enjoyed seeing the reactions of melting butter and chocolate and can explain if the material is a solid or a liquid. They have also learnt about reversible and irreversible changes. For Learning Challenge, the children were finding out about our Queen. The children enjoyed acting out the Queen’s Coronation. 2W SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 8 April 2015 NEWSLETTER also looked at what it was like for children to go to school at the time of the Coronation and compared it to what happens in school today. The children completed the topic by designing their own crowns. In Literacy we have been looking at mystery story writing, as well as similes and metaphors! In Numeracy we have been focusing on charts, graphs and lines of symmetry! We have also just celebrated World Book Day. 2W were very lucky to have Mr. Jarvis join us from the Secondary phase to read Paddington stories to the children. They enjoyed swapping books and sharing them with each other to show that reading is fun! We are now looking forward to Term 5 and new and interesting topics. Miss E White Year 2 Class Teacher 3H Class, Year Three In Science we looked at the human body and skeletons. These groovy characters hang in our classroom. Mrs C Hopper 3A Class Teacher 3W Class, Year Three It has been another hectic few terms for 3W but I am so proud of them! Since January we have been learning about skeletons in Science and The Mediterranean in Learning Challenge. 3H would like to say thank you to all their parents and carers for their support so far this year. Throughout Term 4 Year 3 have been looking at the Mediterranean for their learning challenge. They have looked at the differences between their own weather and coastline which they compared to that of Italy. They have learnt that their weather throughout the summer is comparable to that of Italy, but would prefer to live in Italy in the south throughout winter as it is slightly warmer. They have compared their fruit and vegetables and would prefer Italy’s cuisine to their own. In Science we have been learning the name of our bones and why we need them, along with comparing the skeletons of different animals. We have also learnt how we use our muscles. Be prepared, at the end of this term, for some new arrivals in your home as the children have made some wonderful skeletons. This term we have moved towards healthy eating and food groups, so 3W know how to keep their skeletons and bodies healthy! During Term 6 when the children look at Greece we hope to hold a Mediterranean Feast for them. In Literacy we have been looking at mystery story writing, as well as similes and metaphors! In Numeracy we have been focusing on charts, graphs and lines of symmetry! The children are ending this term looking at Mediterranean art. In particular its influence on Monet and Picasso. Here is a photo from our World Book Day! Miss Wilkosz and I would like to thank parents and carers again for all their support. Miss C Walker 3W Class Teacher 9 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER Year Four . In Year 4 we have been covering many different topics. We focused our morning on Literacy and Numeracy. The Numeracy topics include multiplication (up to 12x12), shapes (both 2D and 3D), data handling and applying maths to the real world through word problems. Our Literacy curriculum has lead us through various genres including poetry, newspaper articles and applying new g r a m m a r knowledge to imaginative story telling. We also have a regular “Big Write” where the children have been applying their new found skills. Afternoons in Year 4 have been very creative. Our Learning Challenge has led us down rivers, through London and historical events such as Vikings, Normans and castles. Science topics have included digestion, sound and states of matter, where we even made ice cream! As an Academy, in our Religious Education lessons we have focused on many School trips are being planned for later in the school year to coincide with further Learning Challenge and Science topics. Mrs E Maund and Mr D Palmer Year 4 Class Teachers Year Five Year 5 have been engaged in their learning about a fantastic selection of learning challenge topics since September. Term 1 was spent exploring the Gunpowder Plot and the different aspects of the monarchy. It also gave the children the opportunity to write their own King or Queen’s speech. Term 2 transformed our classrooms and pupils into Fairtrade fanatics – one lesson allowed pupils to question the true costs of producing and transporting bananas and other fruits. The start of the new year saw another change in topics and the children studied the locations and importance of rainforests. This culminated in collaborative work producing their very own rainforests, each carefully constructed showing an accurate representation of each of the rainforest layers. different topics including parables, Christian festivals and learning about religious leaders including Mother Teresa. We have also had a leading part in the Christmas production, contributed to the Harvest Festival service and loved being part of the cake sales. Next term we travel back in time, to around 500AD as we explore settlements and artefacts from the Anglo-Saxons! SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 10 April 2015 NEWSLETTER What an amazing year group of scientists we have! From life-cycles, magnetism and materials and their properties Year 5 have carried out and evaluated scientific experiments with precision. Above all, the Year 5 teaching team are proud of the respectful, reflective and resilient children. They have demonstrated this by producing prayers for Remembrance Day, with each one set on the background of a poppy. They have also identified the key features of a happy, safe and moral community whilst also selecting key behaviours and attitudes that they believe to be harmful to a peaceful society. Our Christmas festivities were reflective with children writing their own thoughts or prayers and also allowed them to make and decorate their individual Christingles. Year Six Maths and Literacy – build up to SATs We are all working hard ready for SATs after Easter! Before school reading, homework clubs, Saturday school and Easter school are all helping us fit in as much learning as possible! World Book Day We really enjoyed World Book Day in Year 6, particularly the librarians. We marked and gave feedback to Year 4 on their story writing technique, read to Year 1, wrote our own stories and enjoyed shared reading with: Mr Lowe, Miss Slatter, Mrs Price, Mrs Burchell, Mr Setchell, Mrs Watson and Ms Hackling. We ended the day with our book vouchers, a new book and a bookmark. The Residential Teachers and pupils all had an amazing time on the Year 6 residential! We climbed on tyres, high ropes and low ropes. We competed an assault course whilst blindfolded; worked as a team to build a shelter and cook on a fire. We even tried our hand at archery; Mr Setchell and Ms Hackling weren’t too bad either! We are also very proud of the emerging athletes and sportsmen and women, especially after members from Year 5 were awarded ‘Sainsbury School Games Ashford District Champions 2015’. As always the Year 5 team are maintaining high standards and expectations and look forward to continuing to do so for the rest of the term. Mrs C Wood & Mr C McCabe Year 5 Class Teachers 11 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER .We really enjoyed being together and working on our team work skills. Time passed too quickly; we’d love to go back! Primary Music In January, twenty-five children from Year 5 went to sing at the 02 Arena for the Young Voices Concert. They had been learning a selection of songs from around the world including a Rockquiem, Pop Medley and African Medley. The children also had to learn several tricky dance routines which was really good fun! We left the Academy at 10.30am and made our way to London in the minibuses and arrived just in time for lunch. Everyone was very excited when we arrived at the 02 Arena and the children behaved beautifully all day. We had lots of rehearsals in the afternoon and then the concert to parents started at 7pm. The concert went very well and everyone had an amazing time. We left the arena at 10.15pm and two buses full of sleepy children arrived back at the Academy at 11.15pm safe and sound. Just arrived at the London 02 Arena! Rehearsals in the afternoon & going very well indeed. Miss R Hackling & Mr J Setchell Year 6 Class Teachers SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY Mrs N Bolton Primary Music Teacher 12 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Year 7 As we approach the Easter break, it is with delight that I reflect on the successful two terms Year 7 have had since the last Newsletter was published. Year 7 began their journey on the 5th September 2014 and have now well and truly settled into life at the Academy. Sporting Success The past two terms have seen many great achievements including numerous sporting successes. The Year 7 team were very proud of the Year 7 boys who qualified for the Kent School Games in Athletics. In football, the Year 7 boys have celebrated many wins over neighbouring schools and have qualified for the District Final. The date has just been released; the boys will go up against undefeated Norton Knatchbull on the 31st March at The Towers School, kick off will be 5.30pm. We would welcome support of parents in what is sure to be a thrilling encounter. Good Luck Boys!! In table tennis, Elsa Rai and Sabina Subba Limbu won Silver medals at a recent Kent tournament. The girls are to be commended for their excellent performances in what was their first competitive match. Well Done Girls! The Year 7 Girls Rowing Team came 3rd in the East Kent Schools Indoor Rowing Competition and 6th in the Kent Indoor Rowing Championships. Congratulations to the team: • Charlie Murrell • Zoe Hurrell • Holly Oram • Madeline Robertson • Sonia Rai • Elizabeth Peacock. Charlie Murrell and Zoe Hurrell have been selected to represent the Academy at the National Junior Indoor Rowing Championships on Friday 20th March – Good Luck Girls!! Year 7 Science As part of British Science Week, Year 7 have been very lucky to have had a range of exciting and engaging events organised including explosive chemistry shows, star gazing, in-class competitions and a whole Year 7 trip to the London Science Museum. 13 The trip went out on Friday 13th March and what a fantastic day it was. Year 7 students had the opportunity to explore the universe. On the Exploring Space floor students saw rockets, SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER .satellites and landers, Cosmos & Culture was the place to be for astronomy and particle physics, Hubble 3D and Legend of Apollo provided immersive space experiences. And last but certainly not least was the thrilling Launchpad where students had hands on experience; listening to music through their teeth, building bridges, making electricity and light and spinning like an ice skater. Rewarding Positive Behaviour Rewarding positive behaviour and celebrating student success is something the Year 7 team have been promoting over the past two terms. In our assemblies every Monday we have a ‘Tutor Group of the Week’, ‘Tutee Star of the Week’ and ‘Subject Stars of the Week’. Below are the names of those who made our ‘Hall of Fame’ over the past two terms. Subject Stars Maths: Kamil Kaminski, Jacob Godfrey, Joshua Waters, Levi Smith, Chay Ballantyne, Julia Dubczak, Manisa Gurung, Daisy Linekar, Harry Maher, Joshua Cowburn, Kent Wanstall Ben Kennedy and Zelal Aldogan. English: Luke Mulcahy, Ben Kennedy, Jit Limbu, Diksha Gurung, Britney Foord-Roberts, Ben Kennedy, Sam Stringer, Julia Dubczak, Joseph Gower Sonia Rai, Jit Limbu, Isabel Addy and Charlie Murrell. Science: Daniel Kinghorn, Sam Stringer, Callum Jackson, Kayley Hills, Alfie Rhodes, Kathleen Lee, Malachy Eastwood, Jessica Rose and Kamil Kaminski Physical Education: Amber Charlton, Katie Halliday, Sabina Subba-Limbu, Elizabeth Peacock,Charlie-Jo Graves, Zoe Hurrell, Elizabeth Peacock, Tiffany Dighton, Holly Oram, Harry Maher, Nicol Tront and Harley Edmed. ICT:Jack Dixon, Nathan Maddocks, Holly Goodchild, Morgan Wagstaffe, Daniel Rogers, Joshua Cowburn, Jessica Tiplady, Daniel Adam-Leek, Katie Jane Davies, Zoe Hurrell, Elliott Russell and Alfie Nelson. Religious Education: Holly Oram, Oliver Peacock, Jacob Godfrey, Regan Matthews, Laurence Judd and Sonia Rai. iLearn: Tyler Brisley, Maise Judge, Casey McCloud, Hayden Lush, Rory Amys, Amber Barrow, Sophie Blunsdon , Levi Smith and Alfie Nightingale, Hayden Lush and Alessandro Powell.Design Technology: Sajana Dewan and Kelsey Henning. Reading Development: Zelal Aldogan, Alessandro Powell and Sam Stringer. Music: Zoe Hurrell, Kathleen Lee, Luke Mulcahy and Tony Howard. French: Holly Fowler, Daisy Brown, Anuel Adu-Nsiah, Amika Rai and Dominka Chylinska. Drama: Shakira Lloyd. Art: George Wagstaffe, Joshua Cowburn, Kamil Kaminski and Alan Lamprycht Dance: Regan Matthews, Elliot Russell. Tutee Stars: 7CDU: Armandas Venkunas, Jacob Godfrey, Chloe Eaves, Jack Battams, Maise Grist and Holly Goodchild. 7CMK: Jessica Boyce Sudichya Thapa Magar, Lucy Martin,Kayleigh Penfold, Bethany Jenkins, Daniel Boorman, Mingso Limbu, Leigharni Payne and Zelal Aldogan. 7TLO: Jacko Cosgrave, Oliver Hilden, Holly Davies, Frankie Lanzino, Jessica Rose, Ellyse Moon, Kiera Randall, Alessandro Powell, Manisa Gurung, Kayley Hills and Billy Payne. 7TVI: Amika Rai, Naomi Bean, Callum Jackson, Shakira Lloyd and James Douglas. 7HCO: Amy Louise Hales, Sajana Dewan, Rohan Limbu, Courtney Stone, Ben Weller and Jack Brown. 7EWI: Katie Morris, Daisy Linekar, Jessica Tiplady, Malachy Eastwood, Elliot Russell and Maise Judge. 7MBR: Oliver Stevens, Rabin Limbu, Megan Massie, Levi Smith, Dominika Chylinska and Alisha Steward. 7STN: Daisy Brown, Alfie Nightingale, Chay Ballantyne, Kelsey Henning, Berfin Yalcin, Katie Faulkner, Charlotte Croucher and Holly Oram. SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 14 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Year Leader and Pastoral Support Manager’s Awards Students who have particularly excelled or stood out amongst their peers go in the running for either the Year Leader’s or PSM’s Award. Below are some recent winners; • Libby May • Elizabeth Peacock • Oliver Peacock • Leigharni Payne • Amber Higgins • Callum Cooley Year 7 Vivo Count: 127, 095! What an impressive tally of Vivo rewards for year 7 but who has made the leader board? 1. Harley Edmed (3090) 6. Kamil Kaminski (1525) 2. Jake Ford (2900) 7. James Douglas (1524) 3. Megan Massie (2870) 8. Joshua Cowburn (1445) 4. Kera Joyce (2655) 9. Kent Wanstall (1285) 5. Sam Stringer (1585) 10.Alicia Law (1235 Keep up the great work! Student Council Are you using your representatives effectively? Student Council is well underway and your representatives are making changes on your behalf. If you have any issues, ideas or concerns please speak to one of them: Student Council Representatives 7CDU: Jacob Godfrey and Chloe Eaves 7CMK: Tony Howard and Jack Knell 7TLO: Holly Davies and Frankie Lanzino 7SAM: Shakira Lloyd and James Douglas 7HCO: Alfie Rhodes and Debbie Spendley 7EWI: Isabelle Addy and Jessica Tiplady 7MBR: Kera Joyce and Megan Massie 7STN: Charlotte Croucher and Jack Dixon 15 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER .Attendance Matters As an Academy we always do our best to ensure students fulfil their potential and make accelerated progress. This cannot happen if students are not in school. I would like to remind parents that lessons begin at 8.30 a.m. sharp and students should be in the Academy no later than 8.25am. If your son or daughter is ill, please contact us to inform us of their absence. Equipped to Learn Year 7s presentation and preparation for learning has been superb over the past term. I would however like to remind parents, carers and students of our high expectations regarding uniform, homework and equipment. Students must be fully equipped for learning with an Academy rucksack, homework planner, pen, pencil, ruler, rubber and reading book. To support students in completing their homework, Year 7 Homework Club is on Tuesday to Friday for one hour after school in the Library; • Wednesday and Friday: 2.50pm - 3.50pm • Tuesday and Thursday: 3.50pm - 4.50pm Academy Rucksack Parents and students are reminded that the only acceptable school bag for Year 7 students is the Academy rucksack which was provided free of charge at the beginning of the academic year. Students must always have their rucksack with them and under no circumstances should they carry an alternative fashion bag. If students have lost or misplaced their rucksack, a new one can be purchased from our Academy Uniform Shop. Thank you I would like to end by thanking the Year 7 Team, in particular Mr Collis (Pastoral Support Manager) and Mrs Whitehead (Learning Mentor), who both work tirelessly to ensure the pastoral and academic needs of our students are met. Finally, on behalf of the Year 7 Team, I would like to thank our students, parents and carers for their continued support throughout the past two terms. I wish you all a very happy and safe Easter break. Miss K Hunter Leader of Year 7 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 16 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Year 8 Terms 3 and 4 have certainly been busy for Year 8 with Options Evening and Parents’ Evening. These two very successful events were a wonderful opportunity for the Year Team to meet with students and parents to ensure students continue to make good progress. This term Mr. Shepherd and I have also started to meet with students individually to discuss their option choices. This has been a really brilliant opportunity for us to learn the wonderful aspirations Year 8 have for their futures and I have been particularly impressed with their mature approach to selecting their options. The options meetings will continue into Term 5 as we meet with every student in Year 8. In Term 3 there was a special reward trip arranged for the 16 students who received the best attitude to learning scores in Terms 1 and 2. There was also a prize draw from raffle tickets that had been awarded to Year 8 students for a variety of reasons during the term, including 100% attendance, excellent effort, excellent behaviour etc. Four tickets were drawn and these students joined the Reward Trip. Mr. Rich, Miss Waller and the students had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon at AMF Bowling Ashford. This was a chance to reward the outstanding achievement which is happening each and every day in Year 8 and to recognise the consistent success of many individual students. The games became very competitive especially when Mr. Rich bowled a strike on his very first turn. This was the start of some great bowling by the whole group and a spectacular afternoon of well-deserved fun. The students were incredibly polite and well-mannered and represented the Academy superbly. It was a pleasure to spend the afternoon with them. I would like to take this opportunity to remind students and parents of the very high uniform expectations in Year 8. These uniform standards are printed in the students’ planners. In Year 8 this includes students using the Academy bag. Finally, on behalf of the Year 8 team, I would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter. With thanks for your continued support, Miss J Waller Leader of Year 8 17 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER . Year 9 The beginning of 2015 has been very positive with many Year 9 students making progress in their studies. Half way through the academic year, Year 9 students continue to have high aspirations and expectations in regards to their education and are making excellent progress. The year group have shown pleasing development within their core subjects and option choices. The last two terms students have had many successes. Below are just some of the highlights taken from a range of subjects. Year 9 Beauty students have approached Pedicure Treatments in a mature and professional manner. Mrs Court is extremely proud of them this term. Specifically Hayden Rody, who achieved A* in a test that involved the Structure and Function of the skin which was a new topic for them. Mrs Smee and Mrs Court have also identified that the group have some naturally gifted hairdressers in the making. Year 9 Activate students are working extremely hard and are going from strength to strength. Miss Ramsay is extremely proud of all students in this group, stating that they are working hard and continue to be consistent with their positive approach to their learning. Miss Donnelly (Teacher of Maths) would like to recognise Jack Ryan and Ellen O’Keefe dedication to their Maths lessons which has been excellent and their effort in class has been outstanding. Likewise in many sporting activities Year 9 have again shone. The Year 9 Rowing Team have shown amazing commitment. They came 3rd in the East Kent Championships at Herne Bay, and followed this up with a 5th place overall in the Kent Championships. At the Kent finals all of the team achieved personal bests and Jacob Murzyn came 5th in the individual event. They will now be representing the Academy at the National Junior Indoor Rowing Championships later in the month. The team members are: Jacob Murzyn, Kieron Calveley, Kieran Caton, Billy Dadd, Toby Haliwell and Baker Wilcox-Teale. I would personally like to congratulate these boys and Dr Semple for their tremendous efforts and commitment towards the competitions that they have competed in throughout this year. On the 2nd April 2015, Mr Stretton (Teacher of Construction) will be taking a group of students to Diggerland. These students have been selected as a reward for excellent behaviour and working hard in this option subject. The following students have been recognised as shining stars by their teachers. Some of these students received certificates last term for fantastic work in specific subject areas. I will shortly be identifying other students that have received an award for this term. I am sincerely proud of these students - they are being noticed in subjects and I hope they continue to shine in these areas. SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 18 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Subject Shining Stars Maths Sameer Purja: Kyle Lakin English Vicky Fronczyk Laura Menzella Sam Mills Andrew South Science Wen Pan Eleanor Osbourne Hayden Rody Abby Collins Nicole Sutton Jack Ryan RE Billy Stringer Chloe Brown, Shannon Tough, Laura Menzella, Chloe Duncan and James Venables Spanish Emma Gurung, Jack Ryan, Jenna Bourne, Casey Duffy, Daisy Hammond, Alice Howard, Hollie O’Donnell, Lauren Chambers Dance Megan Maher Beth Fuller Lucy Foster Megan Chance Beauty Hayden Rody PE Nicole Baillie Shannon Nicholls Kimberly Maxwell This term the students that have the best attitude to their learning scores will be invited to an Easter picnic with all members of the Year 9 team to celebrate this success. This will happen on the last week of term and students will be informed and invited by Monday 30th March. Shining Stars – Term 4 I have been especially proud of the high number of Year 9 students who have a 100% attendance record so far. 104 Year 9 student’s’ have an attendance which exceeds 95%’ overall which is pleasing to see. Mr Nicholas’ tutor group last term had a reward ‘pizza picnic’ for 23 students in his tutor group who had maintained 100% attendance. Well done to all these students and keep up the great work! 19 Lastly, I would like to finish by saying that I hope you all have a lovely Easter with your families and friends. I look forward to see all of the Year 9 students return in April and continuing to reach their goals and dreams. As always thank you for your continued support. Miss Needham Leader of Year 9 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER . Year 10 News As always this term has been an extremely busy one for Year 10. Students have begun to finish their controlled assessments and it has been fantastic to see the wonderful work being produced particularly in the practical subjects. I have been amazed watching performances in Drama and Music but my favourite moment of the term has been taste testing the incredible dishes cooked up by our catering students in their controlled assessment and I’m sure they will be receiving excellent grades from these. As you will know the next term is an extremely important one in the life of a Year 10 student. Work Experience is an integral part of their journey and one that they will remember for many years. As I advise students on their placements I remember my own placement in a local primary school and how it gave me the aspirations to work in education. I would like to thank all parents who came to our work experience parents’ night and saw the presentations from staff. I hope you found this evening helpful and I would like to thank Mr Terry in particular who answered a number of parents’ questions on the evening which I hoped answered any queries you have. As I write this piece Mr Terry has organised over 120 confirmed places for our students and we are still seeking more. As some parents have discovered this is no easy task with more businesses than ever declining to take students below the age of 16 due to insurance, ‘changes in company policy’ or other reasons. There are thankfully many businesses and organisations who do support the Academy, often small family run businesses as well as Tesco and Royal Mail who provide us with multiple placements. Praise must also be given to one of our new placements ‘The Entertainer’ Toy Shop in County Square, Ashford, whose company policy is to offer and support young people in education through work placement opportunities. It is fantastic to have this kind of support from this and other local businesses. The most important thing Work Experience students must do, as soon as the placement letter is received, is to contact the placement using the details provided. It is a vital part of Work Experience for the student to discuss with the placement the times that he or she is expected to work, confirm what they should wear (we recommend uniform; shirt, trousers & shoes unless advised) and if they need to visit the work placement before starting. Many placements like to meet the young person who they will be hosting for the week before work experience week starts. Along with Mr Terry the Year 10 team consisting of Mr Williams (Year Leader), Mrs Taylor (Pastoral Support Manager) and Miss Dowd (Learning Mentor) will visit nearly all the work placements during the week to make sure everything is progressing well and everyone is happy. During the week students must complete their work experience diary which will be sent with the placement letter to parents and return it to Form Tutors during the first week back after Work Experience. To prepare students to make the most out of their week we have teamed up with Barclays Bank whose transformation trust provide students with people, life and work skills. Students will be off timetable on Thursday 23rd April and will be split into small groups of around 10. They will then be given special sessions working to build skills such as self-confidence, resilience and assertiveness. They will give students advice and techniques to overcome the differing challenges they may face and will discuss with students work based behaviour and how in certain aspects that will be different from the Academy. From all the team we would like to wish all the Year 10 students and their families a happy and restful Easter break. Mr O Williams, Mr Terry, Mrs Taylor and Miss Dowd Year 10 Team SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 20 April 2015 NEWSLETTER YEAR 11: A Sky Full of Stars or A Pack of Lions? Year 11 has been a rollercoaster of a year with ups and downs, thrills and excitement! We approached the year with the line “A Sky Full of Stars”, fully believing that every individual was capable of shining brightly throughout the year. When results day arrives we have no doubt that Year 11 will indeed be “A Sky Full of Stars” and that all will have succeeded. At this point in time, whether this is due to Year 11 sporting success in the Academy or the on-going Six Nations rugby championships, the Year 11 students could also be viewed as a pack of lions. On a daily basis the students are showing great determination, courage and strength to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way of achieving amazing results. They are working together and displaying great pride in their work, attendance is up, as is the effort being displayed on the field of battle (ok, the classroom, but we do love our amateur dramatics)!!!! Perhaps the most important event for Year 11 since September is the current round of PPEs (Pre-Public Exams). For one week in March, the whole year group undertook a PPE in the core subjects (English, Mathematics, Science and RE), often completing two exams each day. We were very proud of the year group during this time. They approached the briefings and exams with consideration and effort. The students have shown considerable improvement since their first round of PPEs and we are sure the results will reflect this improved attitude. This is a valuable lesson for both the students and staff, and an important indicator of the work they still have to do before they undertake the “real” exams in May and June. The PRIDE awards were introduced at the start of the year and based around values that underpin the modern Olympic Games. These values are; Personal Excellence, Respect and Friendship, Inspiration, Determination & Courage and Equality. The PRIDE awards have been a real success story with the number of awards given out rising massively since Term 1. In fact with so many awards (over 150) in Term 3 there was not enough time to give them all out in assembly! This just shows how the Year 11 students are pushing themselves in every area of their studies. It is important that students appreciate the time and effort it takes to achieve well in examinations. Easter is a time for relaxing and spending time with family and loved ones, but at this time of year it is important that revision is continued on a daily basis. When we return in April, students need to be ready and mentally prepared to commit themselves fully to their studies. We are all ready to support and guide the students through the most important time of their young lives, and we are looking forward to working with all of our Year 11 families in the next few months, as our young people reach for the stars. Once the Year 11 students have completed all their exams they will have their leavers Prom to look forward to. The Year 11 Prom will take place on Thursday 9th July 2015 at Ashford International Hotel and costs £32.50. If you have not already reserved your place then please return your acceptance slip or see the Year Team for a letter. The dance moves displayed by the Year 11 tutors is a sight not to be missed, especially when Mr 100% ATTENDANCE TERMS 1, 2, 3 and 4 Forster hits the floor!! Anjan Garbuja Pun, Rick Pun, Jordan Bonner, Sasha Noonan, Dionne Blackman, Yogi Gurung, Paul Burch, Dependra Gurung, Janadhip Rai, Kieron Searing, Ryan Smith, Paige Songhurst, Anjila Limbu, Alister Caddy, Isobel Davis, Mankala Rai, Georgio Elliott, Bradley Epps, , Sathuriyan Sivaramalingam. May we take this opportunity to wish all of our Year 11 students a happy Easter, but please remember to keep working whilst you rest!! Ms Walton, Mr Tandy, Miss Barden, Miss Alston and Miss DouglasYear 11 Team 21 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER . Sixth Form This term, Sixth Form students have been encouraged to consider their plans for the future in terms of careers, Further and Higher Education and gap year opportunities. On Thursday 26th March 2015, our students attended “Kent Choices4u Live”, at Detling Showground. There, they were able to access over 100 exhibitors such as local and national businesses, colleges and universities as well as careers advisers. Students said that the event gave them a clear insight into the options after the Sixth Form and that it helped them with the future decisions that they will have to make. On April 22nd, students who intend to go to university will have the opportunity to attend the Kent and Medway Higher Education Convention held at at the University of Kent Canterbury Campus. With over 130 exhibitors, this important event is another great opportunity to help students make the right decisions about Higher and Further Education. Universities and colleges will be represented and tutors and students will be available to discuss courses that students can progress to after Sixth Form. Stands will also be available to discuss the UCAS application process, career options, fees and finances and life as a Higher Education student. In addition, in June 2015, our Sixth Form students will have the opportunity to spend the day at Canterbury Christ Church where they will have a tour of the campus and will be able to have a student life talk delivered by university students as well as a “Personal Statement” talk and workshops with university ambassadors. With the Summer Examinations around the corner, we would like to urge all of our students to make the most of all their lessons, revision sessions and ensure they are working to the subject specific hours. All Sixth Form students have been spoken to about the need for focused and planned revision and a variety of revision timetable templates are available to assist with this. These can be picked up from the desk outside Mrs Groves’ office to enable students to plan their revision on a weekly basis. To raise money for the students that are participating in Build Hope Mexico, students in the Sixth Form rallied together to bring in cakes to sell to students and staff as part of the St Valentine’s Day tea party. Their efforts were hugely appreciated with a stunning variety of cakes being provided and a fantastic £257 being raised. This academic year is the first year in which a Student Council has been formed and run within the SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 22 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Academy. With the assistance of the Sixth Form Prefects, the Student Council have already met on numerous occasions; sharing their thoughts on the Academy and putting forward names for the new Youth service that is now being provided at the Academy. This term, the Student Council is teaming up with VAWK (Voluntary Action Within Kent) to focus their energy on how they can support the local community. They have already had their second meeting in the space of week with Kelli Gardner and hope to make an impact in the local community in the near future. Members of our Student Council and Kelli Gardner from VAWK. Young Chamber is an initiative that aims to provide young people with a real understanding of the business world. Ten students from The John Wallis Academy have been actively engaged in Young Chamber, nine of whom who are in the Sixth Form. The students organised a highly successful business lunch that was attended by over twenty business leaders from around the area as well as other members of the community including the Mayor. The purpose of this business lunch was to develop a business partnership between The John Wallis Academy and the business sector within Ashford. It is hoped the links established within the local business community will give students an opportunity to meet potential future employers. The business lunch took place on Friday 27th February and was hosted by the ten Young Chamber members. The planning for the event began in September 2014, where the students needed to first gain sponsorship from the McArthur Glen Designer Outlet. As a result of the success of the meeting, seventy local businesses were invited to attend the business lunch. The ten students were responsible for organising the entire event, ranging from cooking all of the food themselves and arranging the venue to preparing and making speeches. Their organisation and attention to detail was praised by all whom attended. The students spoke with confidence and clarity and the whole event was extremely professional. Mr Lavender, a member of the Board of Directors for Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce and Young Chamber co-ordinator and the students mentor stated that The John Wallis Academy was the only school in the area that has successfully carried a business lunch to date, emphasising the huge success of the event. 23 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER . Guests enjoying their lunch Rabina Rai (Year 12), Chairman of the Young Chamber, addressing the Business Lunch guests Rabina Rai, the Chairman of Young Chamber stated that ‘It was a wonderful experience. It was fantastic to put the theory into practice. We have been working towards this event since September and we have all grown from this experience. I feel more confident in my public speaking and talking to people in general. I would recommend this experience to everyone.’ Happy Easter to all parents, carers and students. Mr S Clerville,Mrs L Groves and Mrs A Powell Sixth Form Team SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 24 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Year 11 Trip to Tate Britain THE Terms 3&4 2015 y r e l l a G and Tate Modern On February 27th, Year 11 GCSE Art students went to London to help launch their final exam project. They visited both Tate Britain and Tate Modern galleries. Students valued seeing the sculptures and paintings first-hand and also enjoyed imitating a few of the works of art! aR Mankal 25 ai Miriyan Chhantyal Yogi Gu r ung SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY Ashford Photography Society Inter Schools Competition 2015 April 2015 NEWSLETTER . Sam Houghton collecting his award Paris Rooftops by Sam Houghton Sam Hougton Yr 11 took first place in the 11-16 Landscape category for an original shot of the Eiffel Tower and Paris. He also won 3rd in the Under 16 Natural History for a well captured butterfly and 2nd place in Under 16 Pictorial for creative use of colour in an unusual street photograph. 50 Shades of Orange by Sam Houghton. Spread Your Wings by Sam Houghton SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY With thanks to Ashford Photographic Society for organising the event each year and to Givaudan who generously sponsor it with some excellent prizes. 26 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Lisa Burden Year 9 took 3rd place in the Under 16 Landscape category with an atmospheric shot of Port Lympne. Sophie Chittenden won 1st place in the Over 16 Pictorial with a flourish of spring flowers presented in a wellington boot. Port Lympne by Lisa Burden Lisa Burden collecting her award The John Wallis Academy was proud to host Ashford Photographic Society’s annual Inter Schools Competition in January. This event invites students from all secondary schools in the area to submit photographs under several categories. These are judged by an expert and the winners are announced at the evening event. Spring Still Life by Sophie Chittenden All the winners! This year we saw continued success in our Academy with several award winners. Congratulations to all who took part and well done to our winners. 27 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY Gustav Klimt . April 2015 NEWSLETTER Jake Jarvis Chanel Conway Kiera Hendricksen. Matthew Head Year 8 have been inspired by the artist Gustav Klimt to create their own scraffito figurative pictures. Storm Sullivan Madison Sansom Tancho Tawa yEAR 8 Kadie Rossiter Ondreij Kotruch Joe Maitland Anna Brient Zemyna Norkevicuite Sophie Owen Jamie-Louise Metcalfe Hollie Scott Angelina QuaifeMATHEMATICS SPECIALISMS: AND TECHNOLOGY Lauren Murphy Kirstie Hitchin 28 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Kelsey Henning Joan Ibeh Tyrone Alldis yEAR 7 Libby May Leigharni Payne MECHANICAL BUGS Elizabeth Peacock Katie Davies Holly Davies Kathleen Lee 29 Chay Ballantyne Year 7 have made mechanical bug reliefs out of clay and found objects. Charlie Murrell SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER Year 11 GCSE Bipin Rai . Nature & Architecture Miriyan Chhantyal Daniels Esite Sobina Nalbo MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY SPECIALISMS: Phoebe Marsh 30 April 2015 NEWSLETTER The Skyline of Barcelona Sanjeeta Rai Shani Price Abby Woods Jack Staras Max Menzella Students observed natural forms such as shells and flowers for themselves before designing their own city scapes. 31 Zuzanna Karkowska. Year 11 students have been looking at the architect Antoni Gaudi and how he designed buildings in Barcelona based on natural forms. Janadip Rai SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY Jessica Tiplady Art Club Art Club is open to Year 7 and Year 8 students and meets every Friday after school in 065. This term students have been creating their own framed Calligraphy Illuminations. Manissa Gurung Amber Higgins. Maisy Grist Regan Matthews Lucy Martin April 2015 NEWSLETTER 6th Form Sports Trip BTEC Level 3 Sport students visit to Christ Church University The Year 12 BTEC Sport Level 3 students visited Canterbury Christ Church University on March 3rd 2015. The visit was a great success and all of the students enjoyed the day. Many of the students have now been inspired to work hard towards a university place over the coming years. During the visit the students were given the opportunity to speak to students and lecturers about university life in general and specifically within the Sport and Exercise Science department. In addition to this, all of the students were given the opportunity to take part in both field testing exercises and laboratory based testing. The tests included body composition,’ Wingate test’ (power output), ‘VO2max’ (stamina), lung capacity/efficiency and blood pressure. Using equipment that is very expensive and not readily available, the students were privileged to be given this opportunity and experience. The visit was very informative and enjoyable for all the students, who were a credit to themselves and the Academy and gave 100% in all tests. Last year two former John Wallis Academy students started their Sports Science degree courses at Canterbury Christ Church University and have been making excellent progress in their studies. Hopefully, we shall see more John Wallis Academy students following a similar path. Ms M Sutherland Teacher of Physical Education 33 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER .End of Year Trips The past year has been a very successful one for the Academy in many ways. As you will have read in Mr McParland’s letter at the start of this Newsletter, we have achieved the best ever examination results which made us one of the top 45 schools in the country for Value Added. We would therefore like to share with our students in an end of year celebration and so we are inviting them to a year specific trip at the end of the school year in July. Year 7 – Kingswood, Grosvenor Hall, Ashford – Friday 10th July 2015 A day of high adrenaline activities, which encourages individuals to set their own goals and challenge their limits. The combination of activities will be confirmed closer to the visit and is likely to include: 3G Swing, Abseiling, Archery, Balance Beam, Crate Stack, Giant Zipwire, Jacob’s Ladder. All students in Year 7 are invited to participate in the trip, however we have limited places and these will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Year 8 & 9 – Thorpe Park – Tuesday 7th July 2015 A chance to experience death-defying backward flights on the UK’s first winged rollercoaster, THE SWARM, break-neck speeds on the iconic Stealth, the twisted horror-coaster SAW-The Ride, stomach-churning inversions on Colossus, the 4.5 G-force experience of Nemesis Inferno and a super-soaking on Tidal Wave. All students in Years 8 & 9 are invited to participate in the trip, however we have limited places and these will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 34 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Year 10 – Kingswood, Grosvenor Hall, Ashford– Friday 3rd July 2015 A day of high adrenaline activities, which encourage individuals to set their own goals and challenge their limits. The combination of activities will be confirmed closer to the visit but are likely to include: 3G swing, Abseiling, Archery, Balance Beam, Crate Stack, Giant Zipwire, Jacob’s Ladder. or Year 10 - Harry Potter Studios – London - Friday 3rd July 2015 The Harry Potter film series made Leavesden its home for more than ten years. As the books were still being released while the films were being made, the production crew saved many of the iconic sets, props and costumes that were created especially for the films - just in case they were ever needed later on in the series. Many of the original cast and crew returned to reassemble the sets and record their memories from filming, and on 31st March 2012, the Studio Tour opened its doors. Set adjacent to the working film studios where all eight Harry Potter films were made, the Studio Tour offers visitors the unique opportunity to explore two soundstages and a back lot filled with original sets, animatronic creatures and breathtaking special effects. All students in Year 10 are invited to participate in one of the trips, however we have limited places and these will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. All of the above trips will be £32 including entry and coach travel. Separate letters and permission slips have been included with this newsletter. Rev. Millwood Vice Principal 35 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER Build Hope Mexico 2015 . There are now less than 100 days until our nine 6th Form students and the accompanying staff members travel to Mexico for ten days to build a house for a homeless family and fundraising continues to gather pace. Thank you to all those who have supported the team’s efforts so far. We have received generous donations from our Academy caterers, Nourish, the Ashford Deanery of churches and Moat Housing. We have also been well supported by staff, parents, carers and friends at the fundraising events we have held at the Academy such as our Quiz Night, Pamper Evening and Nepalese Community Evening as well as various cake sales. Our next event is a Performing Arts Showcase on Thursday 30th April at ……. which will raise funds for Mexico and The Red Cross, a cause being supported by the Academy Dance Group. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to come along and enjoy the wealth of talent that will be on display that evening. If there is any way you could offer to help with any fundraising ideas or activities please contact me on 01233 623465 or by e-mail Music Music has had a busy two terms and some very exciting successes for all of our years in and out of class. The annual Academy Carol Service is always a special event, and this year was no exception. Our new Gospel Choir contributed several songs, including an alternative version of Away in a Manger, Come to the Cradle and a medley of Christmas songs. In particular the performance featured soloists Georgia King, Jordan Curtis, Chloe Morris and Devon Revelle most of whom were performing in public for the first time and created a magical performance. These wonderful performers then performed for three full assemblies of students and teachers to great appreciation the next day. Music Extra Curricular Activities this term Tuesday- Year 9 Catch up/Guitar Club Wednesday- String Club Thursday- Piano Club Watch this space for news of our ground breaking orchestra instrument project that Year 7 and 8 have the chance to participate in. Please pray for the team as they continue their fundraising and for the Mexican family who will receive the house. Thank you Mr I Rich Academy Lay Chaplain SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY Miss D McKenny Teacher of Music 36 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Catering Assessment The Year 10 and 11 students have been working hard to complete practical controlled assessment work for their GCSE. The presentation of these dishes was of a very high standard and there were always plenty of volunteers available to taste test the completed food! The photographs below show a few of these dishes that students have made. The Year 10 students had to make two savoury and two sweet dishes containing dairy products: Year 11 students had to make a two course foreign meal with accompaniments. Mrs A Bewley Teacher of Design and Technology 37 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER Science Week . The opening of British Science week began with a Year 7 educational visit to the British Science Museum in London. There were many exciting events that happened in the Academy to celebrate Science Week. A huge thank you to all the Science staff for all their great work to ensure our pupils in Primary and students in Secondary had an amazing week of Science education. Trip to the Science Museum On Friday 13th March 130 members of Year 7 travelled to the Science Museum in West London. An 8 o’clock departure saw us arrive just after 10am. The First section that we visited was the ”Information Age Gallery” which included early computing machines and even some of the earliest mobile phones. The Launchpad Experience was next. This was a hands-on investigative area where we got to solve problems and explore some of the wonders of Physics and Chemistry. A short break for lunch and then we were off around the main gallery taking in all the exhibits from Rockets to Steam Trains. No visit would be complete without time in the gift shop and then it was time to travel home. London traffic was not at its best, but one coach was lucky enough to see The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on their way back from the Afghanistan Memorial Service. Day One PE: British Science Week could save your life! Literally! PE staff have been aiming to teach every member of the academy community the basics of DR, ABC and CPR emergency first aid The photos show CPR demonstrated by Year 8 boys. Thanks to the British Heart Foundation for their generous donation of Mini Annies. Alternative Curriculum: Mr Tanton held a captive audience whilst demonstrating the power of magnets. Kieran asked many interesting questions and all were wowed by the show! Resistant Materials: Bending plastics and researching recycling plastics to benefit the environment Catering: The science behind making popcorn an amazing educational experience for the students with a tasty outcome Abigail Stow Year 7 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 38 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Day Two Ilearn: Today year 7 students had the chance to design and create robots that could be used to solve problems in four settings. Their robots had to be able to dye and trim hair for Finally star gazing at Benenden School. An astronomer guided students through the names of different star constellations. Students were able to view Jupiter and it four moons under the telescope. A great event! a hairdresser, cook beans in space for an astronaut, catch fish in the Arctic or save a drowning sailor in the sea. The materials they used were what they had brought in from home and recycled into a variety of different robotic parts. History: As well as this, some classes had to recreate some iconic roman buildings using only boxes and straws testing their engineering and construction skills. The students said they really enjoyed taking part in these activities which also acted as a way of developing their social, communication and teamwork skills. PE: Compared their running speeds to the speed of real animals The Ever Wonder why show was a great hit with year 5, 6 and 7. They learnt loads about space, optical illusions, scaling along with the normal fire, dry ice and smoke rings expected at a Science show. 39 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER .Day Three ICT British Science Week In Year 7 & 8 Computing students have been exploring space looking at the work of NASA and how space exploration is aided by robotics and computer science. Kodu software on the computers was used to replicate the mission to mars, looking at the terrain that would need to be navigated by such robots and how they were pivotal in the gathering of evidence from the surface. There was also the opportunity to look at the different types of rocks and sediments that could be found. Many students also had the opportunity to program their own Lego robot as if it was navigating the surface of the planet, avoiding obstacles and crevices. Science week has all been about learning new facts about our own solar system that has only been made possible by the science and engineering of dedicated machines. On Thursday 19th March the Science department held the finals of the ‘Britain’s got Scientists’ program. This involved the winning teams from the Year 7 and 8 lessons as well as Year 9 leaders. Students participated in multiple challenges as part of a relay race. After each task they received questions which they had to answer in order to move onto the next challenge. The tasks tested each team on their co-operation, teamwork, creativity and problem solving. The challenges included; • Designing an airplane to transfer questions to the second half of the group. • Creating a toy car to transfer the answers back. • Making communication device to relay the answers to the judges. Day Four Year 7 and 8 Each class had to complete 1 of three tasks; * Making a rubber band car * Making Polymer bouncing ball * Building a sky scraper Each class then had a winning group which would then become finalists in the Britain’s Got Scientists competition Looking around the room, minds were busy thinking of ways to transfer messages faster and over longer distances. With the help of the fantastic Year 9 group leaders, planes became more aerodynamic and the model cars became faster using every possible resource including SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 40 April 2015 NEWSLETTER elastic bands, balloons and some groups were so resourceful that even the glue stick became part of the design. In the end, with fantastic communication devices, it was clear that two groups had excelled in the tasks …as a result we came to a tie break situation. A Science Trivia Quiz was the only way to decide upon the overall winner. Finally one group had completed all of the questions flawlessly and were deemed the overall Britain’s Got Scientists 2015 winners. The Year 7 and 8 students sat in silence as they anticipated the results. This amazingly talented winning group included; Blake Woods, Grace Turner, Josh Houghton, Anna Brient, Joshua Cavey, Zemyna Norkevicute, Tegan Taylor and Mangala Gurung lead by their Year 9 Mentors, Helen Davies and Fiona Caddy. This group, as well as all the finalists demonstrate huge potential in Science and have shown fantastic levels of creativity, scientific enquiry and problem solving. We are very proud of our Year 7 and 8 finalists, as well as our Year 9 mentors, they have shown huge potential in Science and are tremendous ambassadors for our Academy. Year 8 Chemistry show Students enjoyed lots of lights and explosions. They learnt how sound travels and about elements found within the periodic table. Pictures show elephants toothpaste. Mathematics Students investigating the Geodome geometry during Science Week. The dome was invented by Richard Buckminster-Fuller; as in Buckyballs. The design has been used to design the Eden Project enclosures and the Montreal Biosphere. It has a fascinating geometry which incorporates the Golden Ratio; which was a surprise for me. Mathematical aspects stretch from Year 7 through to Further Mathematics at A Level. What a fabulous week was had by all. Mrs F Willis Director of Science 41 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER The Hair and Beauty Department . The Hair and Beauty Department has been extremely busy with all sorts of activities. We had over fifty students from Year 8 for taster sessions, which went well and gave students who are seriously considering a career in the industry an insight into the vast world of Hair and Beauty. They learnt about nail art, plaiting hair and the job opportunities available within the industry as a whole. Year 9 have been introduced to ‘Pedicures’ and ‘Hair ups’, embracing these with enthusiasm and commitment. They have started very basic Anatomy and Physiology and have also been looking at the different careers the Hair and Beauty industry can offer. Year 10 are heavily into GCSE and Diploma work. They are studying the industry as a whole, how it links to other industries and services and the overall contribution it makes to the UK economy. This is alongside their practical lessons where shampooing, blow drying and makeup have featured heavily this term. Miss Smee organised a competition for Valentine’s Day where they had to create a look for an evening out: This was won by Devon Revelle. Well done Devon. Year 11 are feeling exam pressure! They have practical assessments to achieve in facials and external papers in Anatomy and Physiology. I wish them every success and hope they achieve the results they need to take them forward into Sixth Form or other options they may be considering. Years 12 and 13 have been extremely busy with exams, both practical and written. Year 13 Hairdressing students have excelled in their written exams, passing all with almost 100%. Year 12 Beauty students also excelled at this level with their Anatomy and Physiology exams. Well done girls! The salon has a buzz with Sixth Form students and their friends; it is a great atmosphere and one as teachers that we thoroughly enjoy. We have also been to London Fashion Weekend! This was a trip suggested and organised by Miss Smee. We went on the school minibus, skillfully driven by Mr Hedderman, to Somerset House. Here the girls witnessed at first-hand a ‘Catwalk Show’. ‘On Trend’ featured ‘The Seventies, Monochrome, Sparkle, and Floral’, so it’s definitely floral flares for summer. Obviously we paid close attention to hair and makeup, which was perfected by Maybelline and Toni and Guy. Maybelline were offering makeovers and many of the girls signed up for the experience. They had plenty to say about the experience especially when hygiene was not up to our salon standards! Then came the shopping: Lots of clothes, accessories, shoes, bags and makeup. Where do we start? Needless to say they managed, and even Miss Smee and I found a bargain or two. A great talking point since we returned has been the amount of Hair and Beauty salons the students noticed in London. This just proves that the industry is flourishing and with connections to fashion, media, advertising and marketing there is a huge choice of careers for students with a Hair and Beauty background. SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 42 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Year 12 and 13 have also been asked to organise a Pamper Evening to help raise funds for Build Hope Mexico on Monday 30th March. They are also participating in outside events at the request of the local community where again they will be offering hair and makeup services. On this note we are pleased to announce that appointments can be made on Fridays for beauty services by qualified Level 2 therapists; hairdressing to follow. Our Sixth Form students are always in need of clients for assessments. These treatments are free of charge and are based around Level 2 Hairdressing and Level 3 Beauty. Please ring the salon for details if you are willing to help our students practise their skills and be pampered for free… We look forward to another busy term and to welcoming you into our wonderful new salons. Mrs A Court Head of Hair and Beauty Miss T. Smee Teacher of Hairdressing Design and Technology Certain foods are closely connected to seasons of the year. As we advance towards spring with the crocuses and daffodils starting to come into bloom, we are aware that Easter is fast approaching. In Catering this term, the Year 8, 9 and 10 students have been competing in an Easter Cake competition. Over a few weeks they have been practising skills of cake making and decoration; from chocolate egg decorations to cake-based Easter bunnies as it’s time to get creative and celebrate this colourful season. Students have had the opportunity to showcase cake modelling, cake covering and 2D modelling skills. The competition will be judged in the last week of term by staff within the school and the winner will receive a Gift Voucher and runners up Easter eggs. Mrs A Bewley Teacher of Design and Technology 43 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER Geography . Year 11 Geography Trip to Paris & Disneyland On the 6th to the 8th of February Mr McElhatton led the Geography Department’s three day visit to Paris and Disneyland. Forty Year 11 students went on the visit. Upon arrival students and staff went for a group meal and then visited the Arc de Triomphe. Later in the evening we made our way to the Tour Montparnasse for a panoramic view of Paris by night from the 56th floor viewing platform. This provided amazing views of the city at night looking out at the Eiffel Tower. Students were amazed by the breath taking views of the city by night. On Saturday students spent the day at Disneyland Paris. Students thoroughly enjoyed their day in the park. We stayed in the park for the closing fireworks and animation display in front of the Disney Castle. All students and staff gathered and watched this display together. Students thought that the fireworks and animation show was fantastic with many commenting on how it was the best part of their trip. On Sunday morning we took a cruise down the River Seine through the city in Paris seeing many of the top attractions such as the Notre Dame Cathedral and the famous love bridges of Paris. Following the cruise we walked up to see the Eiffel Tower and then we made our way to the Louvre. SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 44 April 2015 NEWSLETTER This was an extremely successful trip. The students enjoyed every minute of it and at all times were an absolute credit to the Academy. Mr McElhatton would like to thank Mrs Shearn, Miss Begley, Miss Donnelly & the Finance Team for their help in running the trip. Important Examination Dates to Remember Date 19th May 3rd June 12th May 15th May 15th June 19th June Examination GCSE Physical Geography (37.5%) GCSE Human Geography (37.5%) AS Level Physical and Human Geography (70%) AS Level Geographical Skills (30%) A2 Contemporary Geographical Issues (30%) A2 Issue Evaluation (20%) Mr D McElhatton Subect Leader of Geography Attendance Matters Reporting Absence I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents and carers to please telephone the Academy every day that your child is absent so that we know that he or she is safe. Whilst a letter on their return to the Academy is appreciated it is imperative that parents/carers make contact on each day of absence. We do ask that you make any routine appointments outside of school hours or during the Academy holidays. If this is not possible please call on one of the numbers below to advise that your child will be late or will need to leave the Academy early. For Primary Pupils: Primary Office on 621133 and press 1 for the absence line. For Secondary Students: Student Office on 662810 Parents/carers who need to report absences for Primary and Secondary students Please call the Student Office and staff will be happy to pass on a message to the Primary Office on their behalf. Students needing medication during the day If your child requires any medication during the Academy day it is essential that the relevant medication form is completed and the medication given to the Welfare Suite. Students and pupils across both phases of the academy must not carry medication on their person during the day under any circumstances. If you are aware of an ongoing medical condition that your child is suffering from which will require them to take medication please contact welfare staff before sending in medication with your child. Medication Forms are located in reception areas of both the Primary and Secondary phases for parents and carers to collect and complete. The Welfare Team are always happy to help support your child’s medical need to enable them to remain in school. Please either contact them or your child’s Year Team if you need to discuss concerns regarding medical issues. Rev. Millwood Vice Principal 45 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER . A Reminder of the Academy Policy Regarding Mobile Phones The Academy understands that some students may need to carry mobile phones to and from the Academy. However we must make clear that, should students bring mobile phones into the Academy, then they do so at their own risk. The Academy cannot accept responsibility should a mobile phone be lost. In order to maximise the learning opportunities of every student the following guidelines must be followed: • Mobile phones must be switched off and out of sight at all times during the Academy day or during any extracurricular activity • The sending and receiving of text messages must not occur during the Academy day • The making and receiving of calls must not occur during the Academy day • If students are using mobile phones during the day then the mobile phone will be confiscated by a member of staff. The phone will be placed in the safe until the next Academy day (if confiscated on a Friday this will be the following Monday). At that time the mobile phone must be collected by the student’s parent or carer. Should you need to get information to your son or daughter, for example regarding an alteration in pick-up arrangements, please telephone the Student Office. They will take a message for your son or daughter and arrange for it to be given to them. If a student needs to contact their parent or carer then they should go to the Student Office who will get a message to you on their behalf. Under no circumstances should parents or carers be calling students during the Academy day, neither should students be calling their parents or carers. Thank you for your support in ensuring that students comply with these rules with regard to mobile phones. Detention Procedures Detentions are an important aspect of the sanction system with students being given detentions either for failure to complete work, for example homework, or for inappropriate behaviour. Often these detentions are given for a very short period of time, either at breaktime or at lunchtime. However, on occasions, detentions are given to be completed after school. This term we have revised the procedures for after school detentions, with particular reference to the consequences of failing to attend a detention. This is explained below: * * Teacher led after school detentions may take place on any night and will be for a short period – usually between 15 and 30 minutes. You will be informed by the teacher, either by telephone or via the student planner. If a student fails to attend this detention and has no acceptable reason then they will be escalated into Subject Leader Detention. * Subject Leader Detentions take place every Tuesday and Thursday in the Sixth Form Common Room for 30 minutes. If a student fails to attend this detention and has no acceptable reason then they will be escalated either into Year Leader Detention or SLT Detention. * Year Leader Detentions take place every Wednesday night in the Sixth Form Common Room for one hour. If a student fails to attend this detention and has no acceptable reason then they will be escalated into SLT Detention. * SLT (Senior Leadership Team) Detentions take place every Friday night in the Sixth Form Common Room for 1 hour. If a student fails to attend this detention and has no acceptable reason then they will be placed in Internal Exclusion on the following Monday for a period of time which will include both break and lunch. Should a student be issued with a detention that they are unable to attend it is essential that they discuss this with their Year Leader in order to avoid the above escalation process. Thank you for your support in this matter. Rev. Millwood Vice Principal SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 46 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Homework Club Do you need help with your homework? Need a quiet place to study? Want some extra support with some of your coursework? Homework Club now runs from Tuesday to Friday, for one hour after school, led by the Learning Mentors and Para Teachers, for ALL Year Groups Term Dates 2015 Term 4 Thursday, 2nd April 2015 Last Day of Term 4 Term 5 Monday 20th April 2015 Friday, 22nd May 2015 Start of Term 5 Last Day of Term 5 Term 6 Monday, 1st June 2015 Friday, 17th July 2015 Start of Term 6 Last Day of Term 6 Term 1 Tuesday 1st September Wednesday 2nd & Thursday 3rd September Friday, 4th September 2015 Monday, 7th September 2015 Senior Leadership Team only Staff inset days - No students in the Academy Start of Term 1 Year 6, 7 and Year 12 only Start of Term 1 for all remaining years Mrs Porter-Aslet Director of Finance and Operations Hair Colour and Piercings Please can I remind you that students’ hair must only be of a single natural colour, worn off the face and that where it is onto the collar it must be tied back. If students come into the Academy with hair that is not a natural colour they will be sent home until they have been able to return it to a natural colour. Students are also not permitted to have any extreme styles. If shaved, then this must be a number two or above. No tram lines or other insignia should be shaved into the hair. In addition to this I would like to remind you that students are not permitted to have any piercings apart from one single small stud earring in each ear. Should students be wearing anything other than this one small stud earring they will be asked to remove them. If they are unable to do so then they will be sent home until they can do so. This includes tongue piercings. Thank you. Rev. Millwood Vice Principal 47 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER . Library Clubs The John Wallis Church of England Academy Library Newsletter March 2015 The Book Club, Coding Club and Writers’ Club are all thriving, as are the Chess and Computer Clubs. Design a Book Cover Competition Winners Second place Manisa Gurung, First place Dominca Chylinska and Third place Kera Joyce Library News The last two terms have been very busy in the library and the following students have become library monitors after completing their four month training course: Leenon Sunwar, Argina Zhabeli, Rhys O’Sullivan, Bradley Earl, Mike Markham, Laurence Judd, and Jacob Godfrey. Our library monitors act as the library’s heart beat as they assist students with their Accelerated Reader quizzes, help students find books, keep the library and shelves tidy and organise competitions. Our library monitor positions are proving to be very popular and we presently have ten library monitors in training. Year 6 Pupils Over the last four weeks a group of Year 6 pupils have been visiting the library on a Friday afternoon under the mentorship of the library monitors. The Year 6 pupils are learning how to run a library and will take full responsibility of their own library by the middle of March. Dylan Rose, Senior Library Monitor will continue to supervise their work in the Primary library until the end of the academic year. SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 48 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Book Club SECRET CODING CLUB ‘Do you like books? Do you have good imagination? Would you like to write books, find out about different styles of writing and the history of their authors? Then come to our Book Club!!!! By Mike Markham Year 7 You can write your own books after studying a new topic each term! If you want, you can also get them published on the Librarian’s official website! When is the Coding Club? Coding Club is on Wednesdays in the library after school. Start time: 15:50pm – 16:40pm. Every Monday in the library after school. 14:50-15:45pm with Jacob Godfrey Year 7 What do we do: We learn all about secret codes. The following codes are the ones we have practised on: phonetic, Morse code, pigpen and book code. Present members in Coding Club: In Coding Club we have four members and they are: Anuel Adunsiah, Laurence Judd, Mike Markham and Jacob Godfrey. How long has Coding Club been going on for? Coding Club has been going on for three terms and we welcome new members. Why did we start the Coding Club? We started the Coding Club because Mike and Jacob both like codes and so together they formed the Coding Club. Advantages of going to a coding club: The advantages of going to a coding club are that you can learn new codes and if you ever get to do a quiz and are asked a coding question, you will know the answer. ‘Year Seven Secret Coding Club’ World Book Day 2015 This February The John Wallis Church of England Academy took part in the WHY WE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT BOOKS AWARD. A video humorously explaining why we can’t live without books was prepared and filmed by a group of Year 7 students. Library Monitor Club If you enjoy reading and working in libraries you will love being a member of the Library Monitor Club. We meet every Friday from 2.50-3.50pm and help organise the library and plan future events. There is a training programme for all new members plus a management structure which starts from library probationer and ends in honorary assistant librarian. So if you are interested in supporting your Academy’s library, join us every Friday at 2.50pm. Mrs S Sammut Learning and Reading, Library 49 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER Energy Drinks are Banned in the Academy . There is increasing concern about how unhealthy they are and the negative impact they have on behaviour and the ability to learn. The high levels of caffeine and sugar mean that these drinks are extremely unhealthy. I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that these drinks are banned in the Academy. Should students be seen to have energy drinks they will be confiscated. Please discuss the dangers of these drinks with your children and ensure that they are not brought into the Academy. Thank you for your support. Parking Can Be Difficult! The difficulty of parking is one of the hazards of modern life – though this driver’s solution is not to be recommended! With the miserable weather and dark nights there has been an understandable rise in parents driving to collect their children from the Academy. Parking is limited, especially if collecting from the Millbank Road entrance. For the students to be able to cross roads safely they need to be able to see clearly. Passing traffic also needs to be able to see them. Please consider this when parking near to the Academy. Please can you also be considerate of those who live near to the Academy who, at times, have had driveways blocked. Thank you. Parent Focus Group Each term I meet with a group of parents to discuss a range of different topics relevant to the life of the Academy. This year these subjects have included a presentation about the recent changes to the delivery of PSHE in schools; a guest speaker talking about Legal Highs; a discussion about different methods of reporting assessment data to parents; and a presentation by two sixth form students following their visit to Auschwitz. Thank you to everyone who has attended these meetings for their invaluable input. I would like to extend an invitation to every parent and carer to join the Parent Focus Group. I am sure that you would find the evening interesting and I would very much welcome the opportunity to meet with you. The dates for next term are: Wednesday 13th May Wednesday 1st July 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Rev. Millwood Vice Principal SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 50 April 2015 NEWSLETTER PE Rugby This is the second year that The John Wallis Academy has participated in rugby fixtures and the transformation from last year has been impressive. The Academy has doubled the amount of teams playing and particular highlights have been the successes of the year 7 and 9 teams. There are still a few fixtures to be played but I have been inspired by the commitment, enthusiasm and desire shown by the students. Well done to all involved! Year 7 Rugby The John Wallis Academy 30-15 The North School The Year 7 rugby team got off to a very good start. The North School turned up with fewer players and so some of The John Wallis Academy students were given to them. The weather conditions were poor, with the mud proving difficult for the players to maintain their footing. The final score was a 30-15 victory to The John Wallis Academy – a promising start. The John Wallis Academy 36-14 Wye School The team celebrated another victory against Wye School, beating them 36-14. It was a tightly contested first half but the leadership of Jack Dixon and impressive tries from Josh Waters and Rabin Limbu ensured the win. The Towers School 22-24 The John Wallis Academy The Year 7 rugby team continued their unbeaten run with a tremendous away victory. The Towers School (who have specialist rugby coaches to assist the department) started the game brightly and marched to a 17-0 lead at half-time. After rallying together to show real grit and determination, The John Wallis Academy fought back and clinched the game with five minutes remaining. A truly entertaining match with the final score reading 22-24. Year 8 Rugby The North School 22-0 The John Wallis Academy The Year 8 rugby team played The North and battled hard despite a 22-0 loss. Both teams 51 agreed that it was a much tighter game than the score line suggested and I saw massive progress from last year. Star performers were Toby Woods, Blake Woods and Hayden Dyke. Year 9 Rugby The John Wallis Academy 31-0 Marsh Academy The Year 9 rugby team played their first fixture of the season and stormed to a 31-0 victory against Marsh Academy. The game was paused at half-time due to the gulf in class and the second half was played by mixing players from both sides. Captain Luke Balzan produced a Man of the Match display with two tries and Kyle Lakin converted well. The John Wallis Academy 34-7 Folkestone Academy A gritty and physical performance saw the Year 9 team win 34-7 against Folkestone Academy in what can only be described as horrific conditions. So much so the game was abandoned only 10 minutes into the second half. The boys played a very attacking formation utilising the power and strength of Manjil Ghale, Engwa Limbu, Luke Balzan and Kyle Lakin to power through the opposition and effectively ruck over a number of transitions to score at ease. James Taylor and Jason Richards were very fast on the wings picking up a try each. The best performance was as a team and as shown by the match statistics. Thirteen scrums occurred in the game and twelve were won by The John Wallis Academy. The power in the scrum was too much for Folkestone Academy to cope with and became a key part of our team’s strategy to win the game. The John Wallis Academy 26-52 The Towers School The Year 9 team were raring to go after back-toback victories. The boys knew that this would be the hardest match so far but were confident going into the match. The score line didn’t do the team justice who fought for every ball and stuck together until the final whistle. This was a huge improvement from last year’s fixture when The John Wallis Academy did not score any points. Scoring 26 points against Towers illustrates the progress of the team and SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER .they can only improve further. Year 11 Rugby The Year 11 rugby team played The Towers School which proved to be a tough test. The Towers team have been together since Year 7 and they worked well as a unit to ensure victory. The John Wallis Academy produced a fantastic effort after only having a short training session beforehand. Mr Forster Teacher of Physical Education Badminton East Kent School Games On the 13th February 2015, The John Wallis Academy Badminton U16 Boys/Girls and U14 Boys teams all competed in the East Kent School games. All the students played very well showing true grit and determination during each game. Over the past few years, the standard of badminton at these stages has steadily improved and this year was no exception. All the students who took part definitely demonstrated their ability to compete with the best in Kent. Ms M Sutherland Teacher of Physical Education Kent Primary School Event – Year 9 Sports Leaders Mrs Butchard’s Year 9 GCSE group supported a Kent School Games event in January. Ten Primary schools from all over Kent came to the Academy to take part in a Dodgeball tournament. Students took on the roles of leaders and referees during the two hour tournament. On five separate occasions, staff and parents approached Academy staff to say how incredibly proud the Academy should be of the young leaders running the tournament. They showed patience, kindness, good sports etiquette and worked hard all evening. Well done to all the leaders involved. Student leaders where; Ellena Andrews, Szymon Bohdanowicz, Kie Dehara, Melanie Gardiner, Branden Jackson, Jack Miles, Jack Ryan, Yugina Shiwahang, Joshua Spendiff, Eric Swan, Connor Towell, Christopher-James Trevor and Roshin Thomas. The U16 Boys made it through to the final and after a very close final game lost out and gained the silver medal. The U16 Girls finished fourth, but only just lost by one game to the overall winners during the group stages. Finally, the U14 Boys, who were all extremely nervous before the event, produced a fine performance and came sixth. Mrs Butchard Head of Girls’ Physical Education and Duke of Edinburgh Leader SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 52 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Fitness 4 Eva Girls The Academy is very privileged to receive funding from Sportivate which has allowed us to run some evening girls only fitness classes. Each week 30-35 students have been coming back after Academy hours and taking part in Zumba. The girls have thoroughly enjoyed this and have grown in numbers so much that we have had to move it to a bigger venue. Cheerleading A new sport introduced to the girls PE curriculum this year has been cheerleading. This has been a huge hit with the students, with students voting for a cheer team name, working on cheer choreography and skills and entering a local completion. The cheer team club has been very popular with over thirty five students taking part each week. The cheer team name voted by the students was “Wallis Warriors” and the girls are training hard to enter their first local competition after Easter. Girls’ Football The Girls’ football has received £1500 in funding for us to pay for coaching of two girls’ football teams. The funding also allows three of our sixth form students to work alongside a successful girls’ football coach and work towards their own football coaching qualification. The Academy has taken responsibility for all Ashford District Girls’ Football leagues which start in March, and the football teams will be working alongside Ashford Angels Girls’ Football club in the community to increase wider community opportunities for our young people. Girls’ Table Tennis On Friday the 6th March Mrs Holliday and Mrs Butchard took 8 girls to a Kent School Games table tennis Competition at Pent Valley School in Folkestone. Schools from all over Kent sent teams to compete at the event. Students are ranked by ability in their teams so are playing students from other schools who are ranked at the same standard. The Tournament started incredibly well for the U15 team, winning all of their games against Pent Valley. The U15s were most nervous about playing 53 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER .Highworth who they had crumbled against at previous tournaments. This year however the girls put up an amazing fight with score very close in the finals allowing the U15 team to all win Silver medals. Duke of Edinburgh Currently we have had successful pass rates for Bronze and Silver awards within the Academy. This has meant that a 100% pass rate has been achieved on expeditions with high enrolment numbers. This year we have just started the enrolment process for Bronze and have enrolled 40 students at that level. We have successfully received a grant from the British Heart Foundation for over £1500 worth of CPR dummies to help improve the knowledge of CPR for students and their families. This year’s expedition dates for Bronze are the 25th to 26th April for Practice and 15th, 16th and 17th May for their final. We wish all the students the best of luck on their expeditions this year. Mrs Butchard Head of Girls’ Physical Education and Duke of Edinburgh Leader SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 54 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Ashford and Shepway District Badminton Championships 2015 On Friday 9th March The John Wallis Academy sent three boys’ teams to compete in the Ashford and Shepway District Table Tennis Championships. All age groups were put into a qualifying pool to see if they could progress to the knock-out stages. The U13 boys, playing in just their second event, found the opposition to be of a high standard as they were up against some county players. Overall the boys did extremely well and won against both Pent Valley and Wye, then narrowly lost the other to Harvey Grammar School. This result meant they made the semi-finals and would face The North School. The boys played really well and won the match to set up a final against Harvey Grammar. In the closest of games the match was tied 2-2 but when the points from all four games were added up the team lost by just 2 points. The U13 team consisted of Charlie Wealands, Bijaya Tamang, Nitesh Rai and Kian Derry. The experience of playing this event last year helped many players from the U15 teams settle and play well right from the start. The John Wallis Academy U15 A team won all of their qualifying games and progressed to the semi-finals as favourites. The B team also won all their games and won the group to progress to the semi-finals. Due to the positions that both teams finished in their respective groups it meant that the A team would not meet the B team until after the semi-finals. Both semi-finals were great games, the U15 B team consisted of; Bradley Crust, Daniel Housden, Laldhan Rai and Aaron Baker. They played first and comfortably beat The Harvey Grammar School 4-0. All players won comfortably and had made it to the final without any real competition. The U15 A team of Laxman Limbu, Layton Bryant, Brandon Woodcock and Isaac Rai had to play The Harvey Grammar B team. Like the B team, the A team had no tough games until this point and this proved no different with the players dominating each game. With both teams easily winning all games it meant that The John Wallis Academy would claim both Gold and Silver as they would play each other in the finals. As each team ranks their players from 1-4 the players knew exactly who they would be playing once both teams had won their semi-finals. The A team were certainly nervous before the game as they did not want to be beaten by the B team. All games played in the final were very close and certainly the toughest games within the tournament. In the end the A team beat the B team 3-1 to claim the Gold medal, meaning the B team went home with Silver. Mr J Tandy Year 11 Leader and Deputy Director of Sport 55 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER . Ashford and District Indoor Sports Hall Athletics Competition The PE department took 32 Year 7 and 8 students to The Stour Centre to compete at the Ashford and District Indoor Sports Hall Athletics competition. Each one of our students had to compete in a run, throw and a relay, and every time or distance they ran, threw or jumped counted towards the overall score. It was an extremely close competition and students had clearly been practising as we saw some of the fastest times and biggest throws to date. With outstanding sportsmanship, impressive focus and of course natural talent the Year 7 boys team members were successful in the many events, but the number of points accumulated collectively is what enabled them to finish 1st out of 9 teams. They will now be representing the Ashford District at the Kent School Games next term. Final overall results also included the Year 7 girls finishing 6th and the Year 8 boys and girls finishing 4th. Performances of the day went to; Harry Maher (Year 7) who ran a brilliant race to secure 1st place in the six lap race. Holly Davies (Year 7) who secured 1st place in the six lap race. Hayden Dyke (Year 8) secured 1st place in the vertical jump, shot-put, two lap race and six lap race. The year 7 boys team placed third in the two lap relay. It was a fantastic competition for the students to take part in. All the students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and had a fantastic time competing in their events against the different schools. Please congratulate the team for an excellent team effort. Mrs Holliday Teacher of Physical Education SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 56 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Kent School Games Trampolining On Thursday 5th February, The John Wallis Academy took part in our first ever Kent Schools Trampoline Championships held at Folkestone Academy. We had three boys’ teams of three, 2 girls’ teams of three and one student jumping as an individual as he has competed in an event before. Both teams were performing the Novice routine and our individual competitor was performing the Elite routine. As the teams had never performed the trampoline routine before, the students had been attending numerous training sessions before the event and even at 7.30am on the morning of the event. This proved extremely useful as they learnt lots of tips and techniques! There were lots of children jumping on the day, all in different categories depending on their ability and age. They were all very nervous as most of them hadn’t competed in a major competition before. They each had to perform two compulsory routines. Once all the competitors in each group had completed their routines, the scores from each panel were totalled and a presentation ceremony took place. We were thrilled with our results - four of our students achieved first place in their group (Danni McMullen, Joshua Austin, Adam BowieWooler and Jetil Tamang). In total we won 4 Gold, 3 Silver and 2 Bronze medals. Out of the 5 teams entered 4 of them won their age group and therefore qualify for the Kent School Championship Finals. What an achievement for our first ever trampoline competition! Well done to all our trampolinists - we are very proud of you all! All the students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and had a fantastic time competing in their events against the different schools. Please congratulate the students for an excellent team effort. Morgan Baillie 8 Danni McMullen 8 Isabelle Mabb 8 Jack Mason 8 Charlie Wealands 8 Joshua Austin 8 Layton Bryant 10 Jetil Tamling 10 Brandon Woodcock 10 Phoebe Hughes 11 Monica Jarvis 11 Abby Wood 11 Tyler Sorrell 11 Josh Twyman 11 Jack Stannard 11 Adam Bowie Wooler 10 Mrs Holliday Teacher of Physical Education 57 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER KENT SCHOOL GAMES FINALS . TRAMPOLINING th On Thursday 19 March, The John Wallis Academy took part in the Kent Schools Trampoline finals held at Jumpers Rebound Centre at Gillingham. All teams had already competed in regional qualifying heats to make the finals; therefore the standard was going to be extremely high. We had three boys’ teams of three, one girls’ teams of three and two students jumping as individuals. The students had been attending numerous team training sessions before the event and were even training from 7:15am on the morning of the event. This proved extremely useful in preparation for the grand finals! There were hundreds of students jumping on the day, all in different categories depending on their ability and age. They each had to perform two compulsory routines. Once all the competitors in each group had completed their routines, the scores from each panel were totalled and a presentation ceremony took place. We were thrilled with our results - two of our students achieved first place in their group (Jack Stannard, Brandon Woodcock), four won silver (Joshua Twyman, Jetil Tamling, Joshua Austin and Adam Bowie-Wooler). Out of the 4 teams entered 3 of them won gold in their age group and were therefore crowned Kent Schools Champions. The remaining team managed to finish third and took home the bronze. What an achievement for our first ever major trampoline championships! Well done to all our trampolinists - we are very proud of them all! All the students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and had a fantastic time competing in their events against the different schools. Please congratulate the students for an amazing team effort. Team Gold Medal Year 11 Boys Novice Jack Stannard Tyler Sorrell Josh Twyman SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 58 April 2015 NEWSLETTER Year 10 Boys Novice Tyler Greenfield Jetil Tamling Brandon Woodcock Year 8 Boys Novice Josh Austin Individual Silver Medal Year 10 Boys Advanced Adam Bowie-Wooler Year 8 Boys Novice Jack Mason Josh Austin Charlie Wealands Individual Gold and Silver Medal Year 10 Boys Novice Brandon Woodcock Jetil Tamling Team Bronze Medal Year 11 Girls Novice Phoebe Hughes Abby Woods Monica Jarvis Individual Gold and Silver Medal Year 11 Boys Novice Jack Stannard Josh Twyman Mrs Holliday Teacher of Physical Education 59 SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY April 2015 NEWSLETTER . WE WISH ALL PUPILS, STUDENTS, STAFF, GOVERNORS, SPONSORS AND THEIR FAMILIES A RESTFUL BREAK AND A VERY HAPPY EASTER SPECIALISMS: MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY 60