Final 2008 Ozone Standard Conformity Determination
Final 2008 Ozone Standard Conformity Determination
Conformity Analysis and Determination Report for the Metrolina Area 2008 Ozone Standard Mecklenburg Union MPO Cabarrus Rowan MPO Gaston MPO Donut Areas of Iredell, Lincoln, Gaston and Union Counties May 2, 2013 MD\, 2013 USDOT Conformity Finding Prepared by: Charlotte Department of Transportation, In cooperation with: The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Contact Information Additional information about the content of this report or about transportation conformity can be obtained from: Mr. Eldewins Haynes Phone Number: 704-336-7621 Email: Additional copies of this report can be obtained from the following websites: 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................5 FISCAL CONSTRAINT DETERMINATION .........................................................6 TRANSPORTATION CONFORMITY ....................................................................6 Figure 2. North Carolina MPO and Non-MPO areas Comprising the Metrolina Nonattainment Area for the 2008 ozone standard. ............................................8 Table 2. Mecklenburg County Emissions Comparison Summary – 2008, 8Hour Ozone ......................................................................................................10 Table 3. Union County Emissions Comparison Summary – 2008, 8-Hour Ozone ...............................................................................................................10 Table 4. Cabarrus County Emissions Comparison Summary – 2008, 8-Hour Ozone ...............................................................................................................10 Table 5. Rowan County Emissions Comparison Summary – 2008, 8-Hour Ozone ...............................................................................................................11 Table 6. Gaston County Emissions Comparison Summary – 2008, 8-Hour Ozone ...............................................................................................................11 Table 7. Lincoln County Emissions Comparison Summary – 2008, 8-Hour Ozone ...............................................................................................................11 Table 8. Iredell County Emissions Comparison Summary – 2008, 8-Hour Ozone ...............................................................................................................11 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT .....................................................................................12 Appendix A: Federal Register Notices ...................................................................13 Metrolina Ozone SIP Federal Register Notice.....................................................13 Federal Register Notice—RFP SIP ......................................................................30 Appendix B: Interagency Consultation ...................................................................34 Consensus Plan ....................................................................................................35 Conformity Process Schedule ..............................................................................60 IC meeting Minutes..............................................................................................62 Appendix C: VMT and Speeds ...............................................................................89 Appendix D: MOBILE 6.2 Emission Factors ........................................................111 Appendix E: Emissions Analysis Results ..............................................................119 Appendix F: Public Participation Policy ...............................................................163 Appendix G: Public/Agency Comments and Responses .......................................202 Appendix H: Adoption, Endorsement Resolutions and Agency Determinations ..222 3 4 INTRODUCTION This is the 2008 8- hour ozone standard conformity determination report for 2035 long range transportation plans (LRTPs) and fiscal years (FY) 2012-2018 transportation improvement programs (TIPs) for the following areas: The Mecklenburg-Union Metropolitan Planning Organization (MUMPO) The Cabarrus Rowan MPO (CRMPO) The Gaston Urban Area MPO (GUAMPO) The portion of the Rocky River Rural Planning Organization (RPO) in Eastern and Southern Union County. The portion of the Lake Norman RPO in southern Iredell and eastern Lincoln Counties Based on the results of the analysis described in this report, the 2035 long-range transportation plan (LRTPs) for MUMPO, CRMPO, GUAMPO and their latest, respective transportation improvement program (TIP) conforms to the purpose of the North Carolina State Implementation Plan (SIP). This transportation conformity determination is supported by the following findings: The FY 2012-2018 TIPs are direct subsets of the conforming 2035 LRTPs. Each LRTP has a 20-year planning horizon. The conformity determinations for the RPOs (donut areas1) were made by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). The Donut Areas projects from the FY 2012-2018 STIP conform to the purpose of the North Carolina SIP. The current (amended if applicable) 2035 LRTPs were adopted: by the Mecklenburg-Union MPO on October 25, 2012 by the Cabarrus Rowan MPO on June 22, 2011 by the Gaston Urban Area MPO on July 6, 2012 The current (amended if applicable) FY 2012-2018 TIPs were adopted: by the Mecklenburg-Union MPO on October 25, 2012 by the Cabarrus Rowan MPO on June 22, 2011 by the Gaston Urban Area MPO on July 6, 2012 Copies of the 2035 LRTPs/FY 2012-2018 TIPs are available as shown below: MUMPO on-line at CRMPO on line at GUAMPO on line at 1 Donut areas are geographic areas outside a MPO, but inside the boundary of a nonattainment or maintenance area. Donut areas are not isolated rural nonattainment and maintenance areas. 5 FISCAL CONSTRAINT DETERMINATION As part of the federal transportation planning requirements 23 CFR 450 and 500 for LRTPs, the costs of implementing transportation programs and projects included in LRTPs are compared with the funding expected to be available. These LRTPs’ financial analyses were developed in response to the requirements for “financially constrained plans”. These LRTPs consider capital costs and operation and maintenance (O&M) costs associated with the preservation and continued operation of the existing transportation system, as well as the costs associated with the recommended expansion of the transportation networks included in the LRTPs. The LRTPs also describe revenues from all sources that will be available to pay for capital and O&M costs. Each LRTP describes in detail its own financing plan. Assumptions for revenues and expenditures are the same as shown in the original document because overall costs of projects did not change. TRANSPORTATION CONFORMITY The conformity determination accomplishes the intent of the North Carolina State Implementation Plan (SIP). This conformity determination is based on a regional emissions analysis that uses the transportation network approved by each of the abovenamed Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) for their 2035 LRTPs, donut area projects from the FY 2012-2018 State TIP for the Rural Planning Organizations (RPOs) and the emissions factors developed by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The analysis and schedule utilized was the result of interagency consultation as documented in Appendix B. Based on this analysis the MUMPO, the CRMPO and the GUAMPO 2035 LRTPs and their respective FY 20122018 TIPs conform to the purpose of the North Carolina SIP. The FY 2012-2018 TIP (i.e., project scope/description, project length, number of lanes) and horizon year (project completion) are direct subsets of the conforming 2035 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The LRTP has a 20-year planning horizon. The conformity determination for the RPOs (donut areas) was made by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). RPO (donut area) projects conform to the purpose of the North Carolina SIP. In 1997 the NAAQS for ozone was reviewed and revised to reflect improved scientific understanding of the health impacts of this pollutant. When the standard was revised in 1997, an eight-hour ozone standard was established. In April 2004 (effective June 15, 2004), the USEPA declared the entire Metrolina area (as shown in Figure 1) as being in moderate nonattainment for the eight-hour ozone standard. This area included: The Cabarrus-Rowan Metropolitan Planning Organization (CRMPO) o Cabarrus County o Rowan County The Gaston Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (GUAMPO) 6 o Gaston County The Mecklenburg-Union Metropolitan Planning Organization (MUMPO) o Mecklenburg County o Union County The portion of the Lake Norman Rural Planning Organization in western Gaston County, Lincoln County, and southern Iredell County (part); The portion of the Rocky River Rural Planning Organization in eastern and southern Union County; and The Rock Hill, Fort Mill Area Transportation Study (RFATS) an MPO comprising the urbanized (eastern) half of York County, SC. Figure 1. MPO and Non-MPO areas Comprising the Metrolina Nonattainment Area for the 1997 ozone standard. In 2012 the NAAQS for ozone was reviewed and revised once again to reflect improved scientific understanding of the health impacts of this pollutant. This is known as the 2008 eight hour ozone standard. Effective July 20, 2012, the USEPA declared almost the entire Metrolina area (as shown in Figure 2) as being marginal nonattainment for the eight-hour ozone standard. Appendix A contains the Federal Register Notice for the Air 7 Quality Designations for the 2008 NAAQS. This area includes: The Cabarrus-Rowan Metropolitan Planning Organization (CRMPO) o Cabarrus County (part) o Rowan County (part); The Gaston Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (GUAMPO) o Gaston County (part) The Mecklenburg-Union Metropolitan Planning Organization (MUMPO) o Mecklenburg County o Union County (part) The portion of the Lake Norman Rural Planning Organization in western Gaston County (part), Lincoln County (part), and southern Iredell County (part) The portion of the Rocky River Rural Planning Organization in eastern and southern Union County (part); and The Rock Hill, Fort Mill Area Transportation Study (RFATS) an MPO comprising the urbanized (eastern) half of York County, SC. Figure 2. North Carolina MPO and Non-MPO areas Comprising the Metrolina Nonattainment Area for the 2008 ozone standard. 8 Although a portion of York County, South Carolina was designated for both the 1997 and the 2008 eight hour ozone standards part of the bi-state Charlotte 8-hour ozone nonattainment area, they are allowed to demonstrate conformity independent of the North Carolina portion of this nonattainment area. As thus, the planning assumptions and methodologies used for the York County, South Carolina portion of this nonattainment area is reflected in a separate transportation conformity determination that is generated by the Rock Hill-Fort Mill Area Transit Study Metropolitan Planning Organization. This conformity determination will cover the 2008 8-hour ozone standard which became effective on July 20, 2012. Transportation conformity must be demonstrated by July 20, 2013. This conformity determination is scheduled to be completed in May 2013. This conformity analysis applies the same travel model and planning assumptions as included in the original 2035 LRTPs. There were slight changes in some of the Mobile 6.2 emissions factors as a result of some updated MOBILE6 modeling parameters. Those changes are documented in the amended Appendix D. The transportation conformity emissions for NOx and VOC for 2015, 2025 and 2035 use vehicle miles of travel (VMT) and speeds from the Metrolina area MPOs 2035 LRTPs and projects from the FY 12-18 TIPs for the donut area counties. This information is provided in Appendix C. Tables 2 through 8 contain a summary of results from the County budget comparisons for the Metrolina area as follows: Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Table 5: Table 6: Table 7: Table 8: Mecklenburg County Union County Cabarrus County Rowan County Gaston County Lincoln County Iredell County In every horizon year for every pollutant, the emissions expected from the implementation of the LRTPs are less than the motor vehicle emissions budgets for Mecklenburg County, and Union County established in the SIP. The emissions comparison summary covers the 2008 eight hour ozone standard. To demonstrate conformity to the 2008 ozone standard, the motor vehicle emission budgets contained in the Metrolina RFP SIP (deemed adequate March 8, 20120) will be used for Mecklenburg, Union (part), Cabarrus (part), Rowan (part), Gaston (part), Lincoln (part) and Iredell (part) as detailed below: Mecklenburg County: whole county designated and whole county VMT/speed used, emissions calculated and compared to whole county MVEB) 9 Union County (partial county designated but whole county VMT/speed was used, emissions calculated and compared to whole county MVEB) Cabarrus County (partial county designated but whole county VMT/speed was used, emissions calculated and compared to whole county MVEB) Rowan County (partial county designated but whole county VMT/speed was used, emissions calculated and compared to whole county MVEB) Gaston County (partial county designated but whole county VMT/speed was used, emissions calculated and compared to whole county MVEB) Lincoln County (partial county designated but whole county VMT/speed was used, emissions calculated and compared to whole county MVEB) Iredell County (partial county designated and partial county VMT/speed was used, emissions calculated and compared to partial county MVEB). This approach is allowed per EPA Guidance for Transportation Conformity Implementation in Multi-Jurisdictional Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas dated 7/2012. Table 2. Mecklenburg County Emissions Comparison Summary – 2008, 8-Hour Ozone Mecklenburg County Emissions Comparison Summary (kilograms/day) NO x VOC Year LRTP RFP SIP LRTP RFP SIP Emissions MVEBs Emissions MVEBs 2015 21047 34526 21902 26368 2025 10529 34526 14172 26368 2035 10198 34526 15769 26368 Table 3. Union County Emissions Comparison Summary – 2008, 8-Hour Ozone Union County Emissions Comparison Summary (kilograms/day) NO x VOC Year LRTP RFP SIP LRTP RFP SIP Emissions MVEBs Emissions MVEBs 2015 4679 5660 5204 6299 2025 2552 5660 3334 6299 2035 2402 5660 4017 6299 Table 4. Cabarrus County Emissions Comparison Summary – 2008, 8-Hour Ozone Cabarrus County Emissions Comparison Summary (kilograms/day) NO x VOC Year LRTP RFP SIP LRTP RFP SIP Emissions MVEBs Emissions MVEBs 2015 4839 7324 5296 6941 2025 3265 7324 3135 6941 2035 2229 7324 3638 6941 10 Table 5. Rowan County Emissions Comparison Summary – 2008, 8-Hour Ozone Rowan County Emissions Comparison Summary (kilograms/day) NO x VOC Year LRTP RFP SIP LRTP RFP SIP Emissions MVEBs Emissions MVEBs 2015 4595 7193 4454 6149 2025 2157 7193 2513 6149 2035 1861 7193 2842 6149 Table 6. Gaston County Emissions Comparison Summary – 2008, 8-Hour Ozone Gaston County Emissions Comparison Summary (kilograms/day) VOC NO x Year LRTP RFP SIP LRTP RFP SIP Emissions MVEBs Emissions MVEBs 2015 4438 7647 4148 5132 2025 2226 7647 2830 5132 2035 2177 7647 3256 5132 Table 7. Lincoln County Emissions Comparison Summary – 2008, 8-Hour Ozone Lincoln County Emissions Comparison Summary (kilograms/day) NO x VOC Year LRTP RFP SIP LRTP RFP SIP Emissions MVEBs Emissions MVEBs 2015 1985 2948 2086 2726 2025 982 2948 1235 2726 2035 888 2948 1476 2726 Table 8. Iredell County Emissions Comparison Summary – 2008, 8-Hour Ozone Iredell County Emissions Comparison Summary (kilograms/day) NO x VOC Year LRTP RFP SIP LRTP RFP SIP Emissions MVEBs Emissions MVEBs 2015 2865 5637 2792 3601 2025 1450 5637 1698 3601 2035 1264 5637 2045 3601 Based on the results of the analysis and the conformity interagency consultation meetings for the Metrolina Area 2035 LRTPs and the FY 2012-2018 TIPs and projects from the 2012-2018 STIPs conform to the purpose of the North Carolina SIP. In every analysis year for every pollutant, the emissions expected from the Metrolina Area LRTPs/TIPs are less than the emissions budgets for all the Metrolina area counties in the RFP SIP for the 2008 8-hour ozone standard. The Federal Register notice deeming the RFP SIP MVEB adequate for transportation conformity is provided in Appendix A. The documentation and results of the regional emissions analysis is provided in Appendix E. 11 The North Carolina SIP does not contain any transportation control measures (TCM’s). Appendix H contains all the MPO TAC Adoptions, Endorsements, and Agency Determinations. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT The Metrolina Area 2035 LRTPs/TIPs as well as the 2008 eight hour ozone standard conformity determination report, were developed with significant attention to public involvement. Provisions for public comment for this LRTP/TIP amendment/conformity work were provided through a 30-day public review and comment period. MUMPO’s Public Participation Policy is provided in Appendix F. Advertisements and public comments are summarized in Appendix G. 12 Appendix A: Federal Register Notices Metrolina Ozone SIP Federal Register Notice 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Federal Register Notice—RFP SIP 30 7474 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 33 / Friday, February 19, 2010 / Notices Web site that enables subscribers to receive e-mail notification when a document is added to a subscribed docket(s). For assistance with any FERC Online service, please e-mail, or call (866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659. Comment Date: 5 p.m. Eastern Time on February 19, 2010. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2010–3104 Filed 2–18–10; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. CP10–47–000] CenterPoint Energy Gas Transmission Company; Prior Notice of Activity Under Blanket Certificate pwalker on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with NOTICES February 3, 2010. On January 26, 2010 CenterPoint Energy Gas Transmission Company (CEGT) filed a prior notice request pursuant to sections 157.205, 157.208 and 157.210 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (Commission) regulations under the Natural Gas Act, and CEGT’s certificate issued September 1, 1982, as amended February 10, 1983, in Docket Nos. CP82–384–000 and CP82–384–001. CEGT requests authorization to construct a new compressor station near the town of Alto in Richland Parish, Louisiana, all as more fully described in the application that is available for public inspection. Any questions regarding the application should be directed to Michelle Willis, Manager, Regulatory & Compliance, CenterPoint Energy Gas Transmission Company, P.O. Box 21734, Shreveport, Louisiana 71151, or by calling (318) 429–3708. Any person or the Commission’s staff may, within 60 days after issuance of the instant notice by the Commission, file pursuant to Rule 214 of the Commission’s Procedural Rules (18 CFR 385.214) a motion to intervene or notice of intervention and pursuant to section 157.205 of the regulations under the NGA (18 CFR 157.205), a protest to the request. If no protest is filed within the time allowed therefor, the proposed activity shall be deemed to be authorized effective the day after the time allowed for filing a protest. If a protest is filed and not withdrawn within 30 days after the allowed time for filing a protest, the instant request VerDate Nov<24>2008 18:05 Feb 18, 2010 Jkt 220001 shall be treated as an application for authorization pursuant to section 7 of the NGA. Protests will be considered by the Commission in determining the appropriate action to be taken, but will not serve to make protestants parties to the proceeding. Any person wishing to become a party must file a notice of intervention or motion to intervene, as appropriate. Such motions or protests must be filed on or before the comment date. Anyone filing a motion to intervene or protest must serve a copy of that document on the Applicant, on or before the comment date. It is not necessary to serve motions to intervene or protests on persons other than the Applicant. The Commission encourages electronic submission of comments, protests and interventions in lieu of paper using the ‘‘eFiling’’ link at Persons unable to file electronically should submit an original and 14 copies of the intervention or protest to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426. This filing is accessible on-line at, using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link and is available for review in the Commission’s Public Reference Room in Washington, DC. There is an ‘‘eSubscription’’ link on the Web site that enables subscribers to receive e-mail notification when a document is added to a subscribed docket(s). For assistance with any FERC Online service, please e-mail, or call (866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2010–3098 Filed 2–18–10; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [EPA–R04–OAR–2010–0019; FRL–9114–2] Adequacy Status of the North Carolina Portion of the Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill Bi-State Area Reasonable Further Progress Plan 8-Hour Ozone Sub-Area Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets for Transportation Conformity Purposes Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Notice of Adequacy. AGENCY: EPA is notifying the public that it has found that the sub-area motor vehicle emissions budgets (MVEBs) for the North Carolina portion of the SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4703 31 Sfmt 4703 Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill bi-state area (hereafter referred to as the Charlotte bi-state area) in the 1997 8Hour Ozone Reasonable Further Progress (RFP) plan, submitted on November 30, 2009, by the North Carolina Department of Air Quality (NC DAQ), are adequate for transportation conformity purposes. The bi-state Charlotte moderate 1997 8-hour ozone area is comprised of Charlotte-Gastonia in North Carolina; and Rock Hill (a portion of York County), South Carolina. The North Carolina portion of the Charlotte bi-state area is comprised of the following sub-areas or counties: Cabarrus, Gaston, partial of Iredell (Davidson and Coddle Creek Townships), Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, and Union. North Carolina’s RFP plan includes the required MVEBs for volatile organic compounds (VOC), and voluntary MVEBs for nitrogen oxides (NOX). This action relates only to the North Carolina portion of the Charlotte bi-state area. EPA is considering South Carolina’s RFP for the applicable portion of York County in a separate action. As a result of EPA’s finding, which is being announced in this notice, the North Carolina portion of the Charlotte bi-state area must use the sub-area MVEBs for future conformity determinations for the 1997 8-hour ozone standard. DATES: These sub-area MVEBs are effective March 8, 2010. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dianna Smith, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4, Air Planning Branch, 61 Forsyth Street, SW., Atlanta, Georgia 30303. Ms. Smith can also be reached by telephone at (404) 562–9207, or via electronic mail at The finding is available at EPA’s conformity Web site: stateresources/transconf/currsips.htm. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice is simply an announcement of a finding that EPA has already made. EPA Region 4 sent a letter to NC DAQ on January 12, 2010, stating that the subarea MVEBs identified for the North Carolina portion of the Charlotte bi-state area in the 1997 8-hour ozone RFP plan, submitted on November 30, 2009, are adequate and must be used for transportation conformity determinations in the North Carolina portion of the Charlotte bi-state area. EPA posted the availability of the subarea MVEBs contained in the North Carolina RFP plan on EPA’s Web site on December 3, 2009, as part of the adequacy process, for the purpose of soliciting comments. EPA’s adequacy comment period ran from December 3, E:\FR\FM\19FEN1.SGM 19FEN1 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 33 / Friday, February 19, 2010 / Notices 2009, through January 3, 2010. During EPA’s adequacy comment period, no adverse comments were received on the MVEBs for North Carolina portion of the Charlotte bi-state area. Through this notice, EPA is informing the public that these sub-area MVEBs are adequate for transportation conformity. This finding has also been announced on EPA’s conformity Web site: http:// transconf/pastsips.htm. The adequate sub-area MVEBs are provided in the following table: adequate, the RFP plan submittal could later be disapproved. Within 24 months from the effective date of this notice, the transportation partners will need to demonstrate conformity to the new MVEBs, if the demonstration has not already been made, pursuant to 40 CFR 93.104(e). See, 73 FR 4419 (January 24, 2008). Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq. Dated: February 3, 2010. A. Stanley Meiburg, Acting Regional Administrator, Region 4. [FR Doc. 2010–3239 Filed 2–18–10; 8:45 am] CHARLOTTE (NORTH CAROLINA PORTION) 8-HOUR OZONE MVEBS [kilograms/day] County VOC NOx 2008 Sub-Area MVEBS Cabarrus ................... Gaston ...................... Iredell* ....................... Lincoln ...................... Mecklenburg ............. Rowan ....................... Union ........................ 6,941 5,132 3,601 2,726 26,368 6,149 6,299 7,324 7,647 5,637 2,948 34,526 7,193 5,660 pwalker on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with NOTICES *Iredell County MVEB for nonattainment area only. Transportation conformity is required by section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act. EPA’s conformity rule, 40 CFR Part 93, requires that transportation plans, programs and projects conform to state air quality implementation plans and establishes the criteria and procedures for determining whether or not they do so. Conformity to a state implementation plan (SIP) means that transportation activities will not produce new air quality violations, worsen existing violations, or delay timely attainment of the national ambient air quality standards. The criteria by which EPA determines whether a SIP’s MVEBs are adequate for transportation conformity purposes are outlined in 40 CFR 93.118(e)(4). EPA has also described the process for determining the adequacy of submitted SIP budgets in a July 1, 2004, final rulemaking entitled, ‘‘Transportation Conformity Rule Amendments for the New 8-hour Ozone and PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards and Miscellaneous Revisions for Existing Areas; Transportation Conformity Rule Amendments: Response to Court Decision and Additional Rule Changes’’ (69 FR 40004). Please note that an adequacy review is separate from EPA’s completeness review, and it should not be used to prejudge EPA’s ultimate approval of the RFP plan for the North Carolina portion of the Charlotte bi-state area. Even if EPA finds a budget VerDate Nov<24>2008 18:05 Feb 18, 2010 Jkt 220001 BILLING CODE 6560–50–P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [EPA–HQ–OW–2003–-0064, FRL–9113–9; EPA ICR 1287.10, OMB Control Number 2040–0101] Agency Information Collection Activity; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Information Collection Request for Application for Sustainable Water Leadership Program Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this document announces that EPA is planning to submit a request to update an existing approved Information Collection Request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Before submitting the ICR to OMB for review and approval, EPA is soliciting comments on specific aspects of the proposed information collection as described below. DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before April 20, 2010. ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, referencing docket ID number EPA–HQ– OW–2003–0064, by one of the following methods: • Follow the online instructions for submitting comments. • E-mail: (Identify Docket ID number EPA–HQ– OW–2003–0064, in the subject line) • Mail: Water Docket, Environmental Protection Agency, Mailcode: 4203M, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460. Please include a total of three copies. • Hand Delivery: EPA Docket Center, EPA West, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC. Such deliveries are only accepted during the Docket’s normal hours of SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4703 32 Sfmt 4703 7475 operation, and special arrangements should be made for deliveries of boxed information. Instructions: Direct your comments identified by the Docket ID number EPA–HQ–OW–2003–0064. EPA’s policy is that all comments received will be included in the public docket without change and may be made available online at, including any personal information provided, unless the comment includes information claimed to be Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Do not submit information that you consider to be CBI or otherwise protected through http:// or e-mail. The Web site is an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system, which means EPA will not know your identity or contact information unless you provide it in the body of your comment. If you send an e-mail comment directly to EPA without going through http://, your e-mail address will be automatically captured and included as part of the comment that is placed in the public docket and made available on the Internet. If you submit an electronic comment, EPA recommends that you include your name and other contact information in the body of your comment and with any disk or CD–ROM you submit. If EPA cannot read your comment due to technical difficulties and cannot contact you for clarification, EPA may not be able to consider your comment. Electronic files should avoid the use of special characters, any form of encryption, and be free of any defects or viruses. For additional information about EPA’s public docket, visit the EPA Docket Center homepage at http:// FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gregory Gwaltney, Municipal Support Division, Office of Wastewater Management, OWM Mail Code: 4204M, Environmental Protection Agency, Room 7111—EPA East, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460; telephone number: (202) 564–2340; e-mail address: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: How Can I Access the Docket and/or Submit Comments? EPA has established a public docket for the ICR identified in this document (ID number EPA–HQ–OW–2003–0064), which is available for online viewing at, or in person viewing at the Water Docket in the EPA Docket Center (EPA/DC), EPA West, E:\FR\FM\19FEN1.SGM 19FEN1 33 Appendix B: Interagency Consultation 21 34 Consensus Plan 35 Metrolina Area Transportation Conformity: Pre-Analysis Consensus Plan 2008 Ozone Standard FEBRUARY 12, 2013 36 Prepared Cooperatively Between the Mecklenburg Union MPO Cabarrus Rowan MPO Gaston MPO North Carolina Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration Metrolina Area Transportation Conformity: Pre-Analysis Consensus Plan Metrolina Area Conformity for the 2008 Ozone Standard February 12, 2013 The Mecklenburg Union Metropolitan Planning Organization (MUMPO), Gaston MPO (GUAMPO), Cabarrus Rowan MPO (CRMPO) and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOTrepresenting rural portions of the Metrolina non-attainment area) are proposing the following plan and procedures to conduct a transportation conformity analysis. This plan is being submitted to the interagency consultation partners for soliciting consensus before commencement of a full-scale transportation conformity analysis. The plans and procedures may be revised as the MPO’s and NCDOT proceed with the analysis. After consensus is reached; notification of changes will be made to the interagency consultation partners. Metrolina Area MPOs involved in this conformity process: Mecklenburg Union Metropolitan Planning Organization (MUMPO) Gaston Urban Area MPO (GUAMPO) Cabarrus Rowan MPO (CRMPO) Donut Areas involved in this conformity process: Donut portion of Gaston county outside of the MPO area Donut portion of Union county outside of the MPO area Donut partial county of Iredell Donut county of Lincoln The following pollutants will be included in this conformity determination: 2008 8-Hour Ozone Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) 1. Existing Land Use and Demographics: 37 Staff collected data as outlined in Attachment A. The partners updated previously collected 2000 base year data to 2005. Population, household, and student enrollment data were updated using locally tracked data (see data sources listed below). Employment data, however, is not tracked locally in a way that can be reliably converted to model input data. In 2002, an economist was contracted to produce population, household, and employment estimates in five-year increments from 2000 to 2035.The Regional partners used the economist’s 2005 employment to population ratio estimate to calculate 2005 employment data. The data was allocated to Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) based on the previous 2000 data set and local knowledge. Several partners supplemented this process with Employment Security Commission data and / or 2005 Info USA employment data. Data sources include the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2000 Census data; 2002 InfoUSA employment data; 2005 InfoUSA employment data; 2005 Employment Security Commission data; 2002 Dunn and Bradstreet employment data; 2000 Journey to Work data; 2000 Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) data; 2000 Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) data Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data; Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) data; area school system data; building permit data; tax data; zoning; and land use plans 2. LRTP Model Validation (Base) Year: 2005 3. MTIP Years: 2012 – 2018 4. LRTP Horizon Year: 2035 5. LRTP Travel Demand Intermediate Years: 2015 & 2025 38 6. Transportation Conformity Analysis Years (2008 8-Hour Ozone Standard) The Table below summarizes transportation conformity analysis methods and years for the different parts of the Metrolina non-attainment/maintenance areas. Specific conformity year information is listed in the following table: Emission comparison years County Area model status Cabarrus Modeled all Rowan Modeled all Gaston Modeled all Mecklenburg Modeled all Lincoln Modeled all (partial) Modeled all Union Modeled all Iredell Area emissions budget status 8 hr 03 RFP SIP Adequacy effective 3/8/10 8 hr 03 RFP SIP Adequacy effective 3/8/10 8 hr 03 RFP SIP Adequacy effective 3/8/10 8 hr 03 RFP SIP Adequacy effective 3/8/10 8 hr 03 RFP SIP Adequacy effective 3/8/10 8 hr 03 RFP SIP Adequacy effective 3/8/10 8 hr 03 RFP SIP Adequacy effective 3/8/10 Emissions analysis source 2015 2025 2035 Horizon 2 O3 O3 O3 2 O3 O3 O3 2 O3 O3 O3 2 O3 O3 O3 2 O3 O3 O3 2 O3 O3 O3 2 O3 O3 O3 TDM TDM TDM TDM TDM TDM TDM 39 2 The baseyear of the MRM is 2005 Additional table notes and explanations: County: Ozone: For this conformity process the Metrolina ozone non-attainment area designated for the 2008 Ozone Standard consists of 1 whole county and 6 partial counties (Mecklenburg, Union (partial), Gaston (partial), Cabarrus (partial) Rowan (partial), Lincoln (partial-donut) and Iredell (partial-donut). The ozone non-attainment area includes four donut areas (Union, Gaston, Lincoln and Iredell) represented by the NCDOT in cooperation with the Lake Norman Rural Planning Organization (RPO) and the Rocky River RPO. o It was decided (IC meeting date 10/2/12) for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS conformity process (due by 7/20/13) that the full county areas in the Metrolina RFP SIP MVEBs (1997 Ozone NAAQS-Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell-partial, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan and Union) will be used to demonstrate conformity. This is allowed per the EPA multijurisdictional guidance dated 7/2012, page 44, Section 4.1.1 Conformity Analysis Approach: The Metrolina Regional Modeling-MRM (vehicle miles traveled and speeds) that was used for the conformity determination that was completed on 7/6/12 can also be used for this conformity process. New MRM runs are not required (assuming that there have not been any changes since the last conformity determination). MOBILE6.2 model runs (and/or NCDAQ review of the emission factors) will be required for all Metrolina area counties (Mecklenburg, Gaston, Union, Cabarrus, Rowan, Iredell and Lincoln). *Note: a dount area is an area outside the MPO boundary but within the non-attainment/maintenance area. Model Status: Mecklenburg, Union, Cabarrus, Rowan, Gaston, and Lincoln, plus one partial county (Iredell) are completely within the Metrolina Regional Model (MRM) boundary. Emissions analysis years: The Metrolina area has a RFP SIP for the 8-hour ozone standard. Emission analysis source: The VMT and speeds for the regional emissions analysis (REA) will be derived from the MRM. Emission Comparison Years: Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget Test (The existing RFP 8-hour ozone SIP can be utilized for the conformity determination for the 2008 8-hour ozone standard per EPA Multijurisdictional Guidance) o (RFP 8-hour ozone SIP): 2008 8-hour ozone standard (Mecklenburg, Gaston, Union, Cabarrus, Rowan, Iredell-partial, and Lincoln) 40 2015 (modeled-compare to 2008 MVEB), 2025 (modeled- compare to 2008 MVEB), 2025 (modeled-compare to 2008 MVEB) and 2035 (modeledcompare to 2008 MVEB) List of Specific Conformity Years (RFP 8-hour ozone SIP) a. Horizon: 2035 b. RFP SIP MVEB Year: 2008 c. Emission comparison years (NOx & VOC): 2015, 2025 & 2035 7. Land-Use Demographics Projections/Forecast: In 2002, an economist was contracted to produce population, household, and employment estimates in five-year increments from 2000 to 2035. The economist’s forecasting model is calibrated statistically to 1990-2000 data for 228 metropolitan counties in the eastern US. Refer to Demographic and Economic Forecasts for the Charlotte Region, December 8, 2003, by Thomas R. Hammer, Ph.D. for more detailed information. Staff used the economist’s report to benchmark projections for the five-year increments, and the regional partners came to a consensus on the regional projections. The regional partners agreed to a regional population ceiling of 3.5 million for 2035. Final population projections were substantially lower than this ceiling. The Regional partners primarily relied on the employment estimates from the economist. MPO and RPO staff projected population, household, and employment data for 2015, 2025, and 2035 through a top-down forecasting approach. Qualitative inputs to the projections process include future land use plans, building permits data, transportation plans and other capital improvements plans. These resources were used to geographically allocate growth by traffic analysis zone across the region. The final and most important qualitative input was “planners’ judgment”, meaning the collective knowledge of planning officials and staff about the development patterns and development potential of specific areas within their jurisdictions. MPO staff reviewed projections by county or city with local planners and presented population and employment density maps to technical and elected boards. Refer to Attachment A for the list of variables projected for use in the travel demand model. 8. Travel Demand Model: Metrolina Regional Model (MRM) The regional travel demand model is a four-step model developed for a 2-state, 11- county (9 whole, 2 partial) region (refer to Attachment B). The modeling area encompasses 4 MPOs and 2 RPOs. As described previously, a multitude of land use and demographic data was collected as input into the model. Additional data collected includes transit and highway network data as well as multiple travel surveys. Transit data collected includes routes, headways, and travel times. Refer to Attachment C for the highway network data dictionary. Following is a list of the travel surveys completed: 2001 External Travel Survey; 2002 Household Travel Survey; 2003 Workplace Survey; and 41 2009 On-board Transit Survey of Express and Local Buses and South Corridor Light Rail Transit (LRT) Survey and Counts The model team has implemented several improvements to the Metrolina Regional Model. Improvements that potentially affect VMT and travel speeds include: 2005 calibration using TransCAD 5.0, 2005 socio-economic data, and 2005 count data; • Mode choice model calibrated to the 2009 on-board transit survey and count data, to reflect recent ridership information related to the CATS LRT project, which opened in November 2007. • A number of other improvements were implemented to improve model operating speed and efficiency. Minor network and modeling errors and bugs have been repaired when identified. 10. Mode Split / Mode Choice: The nested logit mode-choice model is structured similar to the Houston-Galveston Area Council’s regional travel model. Nesting and mode constants were developed using CATS’s on-board ridership survey conducted in 2009. Transit paths include in-vehicle travel time, out-of-vehicle time (walking / driving and waiting), transfers, and direct cost (fare, parking). Four trip purposes are modeled. For the Home-Based Work, Home-Based-Other, and Home-Based University trip purposes, the potential transit Council’s regional travel model. Nesting and mode constraints were developed using CATS’s on-board ridership survey conducted in 2009. Walk, drive, and drop-off approaches are handled in the nesting structure. Parking is provided at selected suburban stations. The mode choice model was developed under contract with AECOM Consult 11. Local Street Count & VMT Estimate: Vehicle miles of travel (VMT) – the sum of the distance that each vehicle travels during a specified period (day, year, etc.) – is the most typical measure of the level of travel in an area. Like most statistics, it is still impossible to actually measure. To do so, all vehicles would have to be monitored all day. The most common method of estimating VMT uses traffic counts. We have a large count database from CDOT, NCDOT, and SCDOT including counts from 2000 – 2006. Each count will be factored to the base year (2005). Average Daily Traffic volumes will be factored to Average Weekday volumes. The adjusted base-year weekday counts are then aggregated by County and functional class. The average (mean) volume for each county / functional class will be multiplied by the number of road miles to obtain VMT. For future year estimates, the travel demand model, calibrated to the base year counts and VMT, will provide VMT for thoroughfares (VMT = assigned volume * length). Local streets make up 60%-70% of the roadway miles, but a much smaller fraction of VMT. Most serve to accumulate traffic from neighborhoods. The bulk of the trip is then made on thoroughfares (that are modeled). Few local streets are included in the model. Counts are sporadic and usually concentrated on local streets experiencing traffic problems. Many of the 42 local streets are represented by zonal centroid connectors in the model. We will use the centroid connectors times 2 to better approximate actual local VMT. VMT derived with this method compares favorably with local VMT estimated using street miles and assumed volumes. The centroid method provides a better method of relating VMT to high growth TAZs. 12. Rural (Donut) Area Projects The rural areas do not develop long range transportation plans like the MPOs. The rural area’s projects that are included in the conformity regional emissions analysis (REA) come from the State TIP. It is NCDOT’s position that projects that are in the State TIP and have right of way or construction phases scheduled in the first seven years should be included in the REA. In addition, for rural areas adjacent to an MPO the MPO may extend projects outside their boundary to a logical terminus. The MPO may include the portion outside of their MPO boundary in the financial element of their LRTP. 13. VMT Adjustments: No VMT adjustments 14. Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets RFP 8-hour Ozone SIP MVEBs. The Metrolina area is non-attainment for the 8-hour ozone standard (Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, and Union). The proposed RFP SIP has MVEBs for NOx and VOCs. NOx: RFP 8-hour Ozone SIP (kilograms/day) Area Comparison Year 2015 2025 2035 7,324 7,324 7,324 Cabarrus 7,647 7,647 7,647 Gaston 5,637 5,637 5,637 Iredell* 2,948 2,948 2,948 Lincoln 34,526 34,526 34,526 Mecklenburg 7,193 7,193 7,193 Rowan 5,660 5,660 5,660 Union VOC: Proposed 8-hour Ozone RFP SIP (kilograms/day) Area Comparison Year 2015 2025 2035 6,941 6,941 6,941 Cabarrus 5,132 5,132 5,132 Gaston 3,601 3,601 3,601 Iredell* 2,726 2,726 2,726 Lincoln 26,368 26,368 26,368 Mecklenburg 6,149 6,149 6,149 Rowan 6,299 6,299 6,299 Union *Iredell County is a partial county 43 15. Control Strategies: Emission reduction credits will be taken for the following on-road mobile SIP commitments or Federal programs. Currently there are no TCMs in the Metrolina Area SIPs. Strategy I/M Program Tier 2 vehicle’s Emission Standards Low Sulfur Gasoline and Diesel fuels Heavy Duty Vehicle Rules 2004 and 2007 Low RVP Gasoline On board vapor recovery Methodology/Approach Accounted for in Mobile6.2 model Accounted for in Mobile6.2 model Accounted for in Mobile6.2 model Accounted for in Mobile6.2 model Accounted for in Mobile6.2 model Accounted for in Mobile6.2 model 16. Mobile Source Emission Reduction Strategies: The MPO’s will take emission credits for the following Mobile Source Emission Reduction Strategies if needed. Strategy Approach Park-n-Ride Lots: Vanpools: ITS Off model Off Model Off Model Year(s) Credited 2015, 2025, 2035 2015, 2025, 2035 2015, 2025, 2035 17. Mobile Model Settings: The following model-input parameters will be used in the conformity analysis. 2008 Eight Hour Ozone Standard Nonattainment Area: Cabarrus (partial), Gaston (partial), Lincoln (partial), Mecklenburg, Rowan (partial), Union (partial) Counties, and the southern portion of Iredell County (Coddle Creek and Davidson Townships) Mobile 6.2 Model: Based on the conformity process schedule it shows the transportation modeling/REA work begins on 10/1/12 and ends on 12/28/12. Since the transportation modeling/REA work begins prior to 3/2/13 (the end of the grace period for MOBILE6.2) then MOBILE6.2 can be used for this conformity process. Charlotte Region MPOs/RPOs (rural area) Mobile Model Settings common for all analyses: The following MOBILE model-input parameters will be used in the conformity analysis. Parameter Details Data Source a. Emissions Model Version(s): Mobile 6.2 b. Time Periods: 4 times of day: See item #24 below c. Vehicle Classes: 16 d. VMT mix: The 2010 count data will be used to generate the statewide VMT mix using the August 2004 USEPA guidance methods. This statewide VMT mix will be adjusted with the Metrolina local data. For interstates and freeways, the Statewide mix will be used since there is no local data available for these road types. e. Speeds: Regional Model MRM11v1.1 44 f. Vehicle age distribution: g. I/M Program: The vehicle age distribution will be based on 2011 registration data. (removed by county) For year 2014 and later model runs, the following I/M program parameters will apply: compliance rate = 95%, waiver rate = 5% Anti-tampering-vehicles from the lastest 35 model years are subject to the anti-tampering requirements of the I/M program OBD-II for 2015, 2025 and 2035 runs in all Metrolina Counties. h. Anti-tampering Applicability: Applies to vehicles 35 years and newer • 2015 run: 1981 and newer • 2025 run: 1991 and newer • 2035 run: 2001 and newer i. Strategies: j. I/M Fraction: None Cabarrus 94%, Gaston 91%, Iredell 86%, Lincoln 97%, Mecklenburg 90%, Rowan 93%, and Union 89%. Local Data k. Vehicle Starts Data Mobile Model Settings unique to 8-hr Ozone RFP SIP: The following MOBILE model-input parameters will be used in the conformity analysis. Parameter Details Data Source a. Emission Model Runs: Typical Summer Weekday b. Pollutants Reported: VOC and NOx c. Emissions Budget Years: 2008 d. Emissions Analysis Years: 2015, 2025, 2035 e. Hourly Temperatures: July 2002 average temperature from Charlotte Douglas International airport for 24 hours for NOx and VOC for all counties. f. Relative Humidity (RH): July 2002 average relative humidity from Charlotte Douglas International airport for 24 hours for NOx and VOCs for all counties. g. Barometric Pressure: 30 h. RVP: 7.8 psi for Gaston and Mecklenburg 9.0 psi for the remaining counties i. Evaluation month: July j. VMT: Regional Model MRM11v1.1 No VMT normalization The actual temperature & RH profiles discussed above are provided below: Donut area 56-yr average July temperatures: HOURLY TEMPERATURES: 67.7 69.5 73.0 75.7 77.9 80.2 81.8 82.6 83.7 84.0 83.3 82.4 45 80.7 78.4 76.1 74.4 72.7 71.7 70.6 69.5 68.9 68.1 67.2 67.1 Temperature and RH profiles used in 8-hr Ozone SIP budgets: HOURLY TEMPERATURES: 71.0 73.8 77.0 80.3 82.5 85.4 87.3 88.5 89.1 88.5 89.6 89.2 86.3 82.6 77.8 77.5 76.2 75.9 75.0 74.0 73.2 82.3 71.6 71.0 RELATIVE HUMIDITY : 91. 86. 78. 71. 65. 59. 53. 50. 48. 51. 47. 47. 53. 61. 70. 71. 76. 77. 79. 83. 85. 87. 88. 91. 18. Emissions analysis units, conversion factors, significant figures, rounding and truncating conventions: Units= Kilograms or Grams Grams to tons conversion factor= Divide x grams by 907184.7 to get tons Round to 2 decimal places CO: use 2 decimal places 1 Hour Ozone (VOC & NOx): 1 decimal place 19. CMAQ Projects: Not applicable for this process 20. Regionally Significant Projects (Federal and Non Federal): 21. List of Exempt Projects and Non-Regionally Significant Projects (Federally Funded): Not applicable for this process. 22. Conformity Schedule: (A draft conformity schedule has been developed and is provided as an attachment to this document) 23. Conformity Determinations: Four organizations will be responsible for making conformity determinations in four distinctive parts of the Metrolina nonattainment/maintenance areas: i. The MUMPO within its metropolitan area boundary (MAB) -all of Mecklenburg County and part of Union County ii. The GUAMPO within its metropolitan area boundary-a part of Gaston County iii. The CRMPO within its metropolitan area boundary iv. The NCDOT for the rural areas comprised of those parts of Gaston, Union, Iredell and Lincoln Counties that are outside of any MPO MAB Each of these responsible organizations must make a conformity determination for its respective area in order for all of the areas to be designated in conformity. The following MPO/RPO/NCDOT resolutions will be needed: • MUMPO Conformity Determination for the 2035 LRTP and 12-18 TIP • GUAMPO Conformity Determination for the 2035 LRTP and 12-18 TIP • CRMPO Conformity Determination for the 2035 LRTP and 12-18 TIP • NCDOT conformity determination for the donut counties of Gaston, Union, Iredell-partial and Lincoln 46 • RPO conformity determination for the donut counties of Gaston, Union, Iredellpartial and Lincoln (OPTIONAL) 24. Other Any reference to York County in this document has been removed since EPA has made the 8-hour ozone designations. Although a portion of York County, South Carolina was designated as part of the bi-state Charlotte 8-hour ozone nonattainment area, they are allowed to demonstrate transportation conformity independent of the North Carolina portion of this nonattainment area. Therefore, the planning assumptions and methodologies used for the York County, South Carolina portion of this nonattainment area is reflected in a separate transportation conformity determination that is generated by the Rock Hill-Fort Mill Area Transit Study Metropolitan Planning Organization. The techniques used for this conformity process are the following: VMT and speed will be done for 4 times of day (the 4 times of days are summed for the regional emissions analysis) • 6:30 am - 9:30 am • 9:30 am - 3:30 pm • 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm • 6:30 pm - 6:30 am o Off model work (applied to all scenarios): • ITS enhanced • Signal System • Vanpool o Updated starts from the new model were added 47 Attachment A SE Data Dictionary The following are input data fields to the model. Data for each of the following years is maintained in separate files: 2005, 2009, 2015. 2025, and 2035. Data Fields: ID TAZ STCNTY AREA HH POP POP_HHS POP_GRP MEAN_INC MIWTCU RTL HWY LOSVC HISVC OFFGOV BANK EDUC STU_K8 STU_HS STU_CU DORM SEQ AREA_LU TOTEMP TransCad assigned ID Modeled Traffic Analysis Zone State and County FIPS code GIS calculated TAZ area (square miles) Number of households in TAZ Total population in TAZ Household population in TAZ Group quarters population in TAZ Mean income in TAZ Number of manufacturing, industrial, warehouse, transportation, communication, and utilities employees based on SIC Number of retail employees based on SIC Number of highway retail employees based on SIC Number of low visitor service employees based on SIC Number of high visitor service employees based on SIC Number of office and government employees base on SIC Number of bank employees based on SIC Number of school, college, and university employees based in SIC Number of pupils enrolled in public or private kindergarten, elem., and middle schools Number of pupils enrolled in public or private high schools Number of pupils in public or private colleges and universities A “1” entered in this field indicates there are dorms located in the TAZ Sequential TAZ numbering system needed for the mode split model Partner reported area (square miles) of TAZ less the area of bodies of water Total number of employees (sum of MIWTCU, RTL, HWY, LOSVC, HISVC, OFFGOV, BANK, and EDUC fields) Excerpt from Official Model Set_MRM06v2.0 48 49 Attachment C Draft Network Data Dictionary Num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 FIELD_NAME ID Length Dir TYPE Int Real Int Anode Bnode StrName Secondnam A_CrossStr B_CrossStr funcl Int Int Char Char Char Char Int WIDTH DEC Value Description 10 TransCad ID 10 2 Length (miles) 2 Direction code One way - A to B 1 Two way 0 One way - B to A -1 6 A node number 6 B node number 20 Street name 20 Secondary street name 20 Crossing str name at A node 20 Crossing str name at B node 8 Model functional class Freeway 1 Expressway 2 Class II major tfare 3 Major tfare 4 Minor tfare 5 Collector street 6 Local Street 7 Ramp to surface street 8 Freeway-freeway ramp 9 HOV 2+ / Busway 22 HOV 3+ / Busway 23 Transit Only - Rail 30 Transit Only - Busway 40 Hwy to HOV 2+ 82 Hwy to HOV 3+ 83 Transit Only - connect to Tran 84 Centroid connector 90 Centroid conn to transit sta 92 Add 900 for links not in current 900+ network 2 Federal functional class Urban Interstate IU Rural Interstate IR Urban other freeway FU Urban Principal arterial PU Rural Principal arterial PR MU Urban Minor arterial MR Rural Minor arterial Urban collector CU CM Rural - Major collector Rural - Minor collector CR Urban - Local street LU Rural - Local street LR HO HOV Transit only TR 5 Air quality functional class County + fedfuncl concatenated 2 Total number of lanes 11 fedfunc Char 12 fedfunc_AQ Char 13 lanes Int 14 lanesAB Int 1 Trunk no. of lanes A to B 15 lanesBA 16 factype Int Char 1 1 Trunk no. of lanes B to A Facility type Freeway Expressway Ramp Divided - no median breaks Divided - median breaks only Divided - left turn bays Undivided - left turn bays Undivided - continuous left Undivided - no left provision Speed limit (MPH) Speed limit (MPH) adjusted in future for area type F E R D M B T C U 17 SpdLimit Int 8 18 SpdLimitRun Int 8 CDOT Planning Design page 1 of 10 50 Source TransCad TransCad MPO TransCad ID TransCad ID Model Team DOT Model Team Model Team Model Team Notes modified July 5, 06 (CDOT) State DOTs Model Team Field check Calc / field check Calc / field check Field check Fedfunc - not mileage restricted lanes / 2 (field check odd nos.) lanes / 2 (field check odd nos.) use in checking odd no. of lanes Field check Use in link speed calc calc Use in link speed calc MRM08v1 DRAFT Attachment C Draft Network Data Dictionary Value Description On-street parking Parking allowed Y Parking not allowed N No parking in AM peak A No parking in PM peak P No parking in peak B Pedestrian activity High pedestrian activity H Medium pedestrian activity M Low pedestrian activity L Pedestrians prohibited X Development density High development density H Medium development density M Low development density L Roadside development prohibitied X Driveway density High driveway density H Medium driveway density M Low driveway density L Driveways prohibited X Land Use Center city D Residential R Commercial C Industrial I Open O Roadside development prohibitied X Area Type CBD 1 Urban 2 Suburban 3 Rural 4 Source Notes Field check Use in link speed / cap calc Field check Use in link speed / cap calc Field check Use in link speed / cap calc Field check Use in link speed / cap calc Field check Model team Use in link speed / cap calc Consider shifting to numeric Calculated Use in link speed / cap calc start w/ partners Num FIELD_NAME 19 parking TYPE Char WIDTH DEC 1 20 pedactivity Char 1 21 developden Char 1 22 drivewyden Char 1 23 landuse Char 1 24 areatp Char 1 25 A_LeftLns Int 1 No. of left turn lanes at A node Field check 26 A_ThruLns Int 1 No. of through lanes at A node Field check 27 A_RightLns Int 1 No. of right turn lanes at A node Field check 28 A_control Char 1 Control at A node Through Signal (light) Stop Four way stop (all appr. stop) Yield Round about Prohibitions at A node No prohibitions No left No right No through No turns Field check T L S F Y R 29 A_prohibit Char 1 N L R T C Field check 30 B_LeftLns Int 1 No. of left turn lanes at B node Field check 31 B_ThruLns Int 1 No. of through lanes at B node Field check 32 B_RightLns Int 1 No. of right turn lanes at B node Field check 33 B_control Char 1 Control at A node Through Signal (light) Stop Four way stop (all appr. stop) Yield Round about Field check T L S F Y R CDOT Planning Design page 2 of 10 51 Use in A intersection delay / capacity calc Use in A intersection delay / capacity calc Use in A intersection delay / capacity calc Use in A intersection delay / capacity calc Field check on turn lanes included "X" - assign here Use in B intersection delay / capacity calc Use in B intersection delay / capacity calc Use in B intersection delay / capacity calc Use in B intersection delay / capacity calc MRM08v1 DRAFT Attachment C Draft Network Data Dictionary Num FIELD_NAME 34 B_prohibit 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 alpha beta AAWT00 00MTK 00HTK 00COM AAWT01 AAWT02 AAWT03 AAWT04 AAWT05 Scrln Value Description Prohibitions at B node No prohibitions N No left L No right R No through T No turns C 2 Alpha - V/C delay function 2 Beta - V/C delay function 2000 Count 2000 Medium Truck Count 2000 Heavy Truck Count 2000 Commercial Vehicle Count 2001 Count 2002 Count 2003 Count 2004 Count Count for calibration Screenline Identification NS (RR Wilkinson / N. Tryon) 1 CSX RR (Monroe Road) 2 Long Creek 3 NS RR (Albemarle Road) 4 South Meck 5 Mallard Creek 6 Briar Creek Sugar Creek 7 NS RR (South Boulevard) 8 NS RR (westside) 9 Catawba River 10 Eastern N-S (Eastern Iredell, Meck, and Union Co. lines) 11 Northern E-W ( N. Gaston, Meck, Cabarrus, and Stanly Co. lines) 12 I-85 13 Southern E-W (Southern Gaston, Meck, and Cabarrus County lines) 14 I-77 15 Western N-S (W.Gaston Co. line & split between York and Rock Hill) 16 US 74 (Union County) 17 US 321 (North Carolina) 18 Not screen line State FIPS code North Carolina 37 South Carolina 45 0 County FIPS code Cabarrus 25 Catawba 35 Cleveland 45 Gaston 71 Iredell 97 109 Lincoln 119 Mecklenburg 159 Rowan 167 Stanly 179 Union NC Lancaster 57 York 91 999 External station TYPE Char WIDTH DEC 1 Real Real Real Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 47 State Int 2 48 County Int 3 49 TAZ Real 8 50 locclass1 Int 8 CDOT Planning Design Notes Field check Field check on turn lanes included "X" - assign here Model team Model team calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc Model team Calibration Calibration (count1factred + count2 factred)/2 Calibration check Calibration check Calibration check Calibration check Calibration check Calibration check Calibration check Calibration check use w/ aawt00 or aawt02 Model team Model team area type model TAZ number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Source Locally assigned functional class MPO Freeway Expressway Class II major tfare Major tfare Minor tfare Collector street Local Street Ramp to surface street page 3 of 10 52 modified July 5, 06 (CDOT) MRM08v1 DRAFT Attachment C Draft Network Data Dictionary Num FIELD_NAME CDOT Planning Design TYPE WIDTH DEC Value Description Freeway-freeway ramp 9 page 4 of 10 53 Source Notes MRM08v1 DRAFT Attachment C Draft Network Data Dictionary TYPE Int Int Char WIDTH DEC 8 6 1 54 SPfreeAB Real 10 2 55 SPfreeBA Real 10 2 56 SPpeakAB Real 10 2 57 SPpeakBA Real 10 2 58 TTfreeAB Real 10 2 59 TTfreeBA Real 10 2 60 TTpeakAB Real 10 2 61 TTpeakBA Real 10 2 62 TTlinkFrAB Real 10 2 63 TTlinkFrBA Real 10 2 64 TTlinkPkAB Real 10 2 65 TTlinkPkBA Real 10 2 66 IntDelFr_A Real 10 2 67 IntDelFr_B Real 10 2 68 IntDelPk_A Real 10 2 69 IntDelPk_B Real 10 2 70 capPk3hrAB Real 10 2 Value Description Local class system No. of reversible lanes Time period - reversible lanes Composite (link + intersection) free speed A to B (MPH) Composite (link + intersection) free speed B to A (MPH) Composite (link + intersection) congested speed A to B (MPH) Composite (link + intersection) congested speed B to A (MPH) Composite (link + int) travel time free speed A to B (min) Composite (link + int) travel time free speed B to A (min)) Composite travel time congested speed A to B (min) Composite travel time congested speed B to A (min) Travel time A to B - free speed link factors only (min) Travel time B to A - free speed link factors only (min) Travel time A to B - congested speed - link factors only (min) Travel time B to A - congested speed - link factors only (min) A node intersectino delay - free speed (min) B node intersection delay - free speed (min) A node Intersection delay congested (min) B node intersection delay congested (min) Peak 3 hour total capacity (link + intersection) A to B (tot veh) Source Notes MPO Model team Model team e.g. Corridor ID Additional reversible lanes Capspd Length / (TTfreeAB / 60) Capspd Capspd Length / (TTfreeBA / 60) Length / (TTpeakAB / 60), NOT UPDATED IN FEEDBACK Length / (TTcongestBB / 60), NOT UPDATED IN FEEDBACK Capspd Network characteristics * lookups Capspd Capspd Network characteristics * lookups TTfreeAB * lookup (initial), NOT UPDATED IN FEEDBACK TTfreeBA * lookup (initial), NOT UPDATED IN FEEDBACK Capspd Link characteristics * lookups Capspd Capspd Link characteristics * lookups TTlinkfreeAB * congestion factor lookup TTlinkfreeBA * congestion factor lookup Intersection characteristics (A node) * lookups (Seconds) Intersection characteristics (B node) * lookups (Seconds) Intersection characteristics (A node) * lookups (Seconds) Intersection characteristics (B node) * lookups (Seconds) Capspd cap1hrAB * peak fac 71 capPk3hrBA Real 10 2 Peak 3 hour total capacity B to A Capspd cap1hrBA * peak fac 72 capMidAB Real (8 bytes) 10 2 Midday total capacity A to B Capspd cap1hrAB * midday fac 73 capMidBA Real (8 bytes) 10 2 Midday total capacity B to A Capspd cap1hrBA * midday fac 74 CapNightAB Real (8 bytes) 10 2 Night total capacity A to B Capspd cap1hrAB * night fac 75 CapNightBA Real (8 bytes) 10 2 Night total capacity B to A Capspd 76 cap1hrAB Real 10 2 One hour link capacity A to B Capspd 77 cap1hrBA Real 10 2 Capspd 78 TTPkEstAB Real 10 2 Capspd A(Length) + B(TTfreeAB) 79 TTPkEstBA Real 10 2 Real 10 2 81 TTPkPrevBA Real 10 2 82 TTPkAssnAB Real 10 2 83 TTPkAssnBA Real 10 2 Capspd Capspd, feedback Capspd. feedback Capspd, feedback Capspd, feedback A(Length) + B(TTfreeBA) 80 TTPkPrevAB 84 TTpkLocAB Real 10 2 One hour link capacity B to A Time/distance impedance - free speed A to B Time/distance impedance - free speed B to A Congested travel time A to B previous assignment Congested travel time B to A previous assignment Congested travel time A to B current assignment Congested travel time B to A current assignment Local bus travel time - congested speed A to B cap1hrBA * night fac Lane, intesection characteristics * lookups Lane, intersection characteristics * lookups Num 51 52 53 FIELD_NAME locclass2 reverselane reversetime CDOT Planning Design page 5 of 10 54 Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Round 2 feedback spd Round 2 feedback spd Final feedback speed Final feedback speed Lookup, capped at 90% of peak speed travel time A to B MRM08v1 DRAFT Attachment C Draft Network Data Dictionary Num FIELD_NAME TYPE WIDTH DEC Value Description Local bus travel time - congested speed B to A Express bus travel time congested speed A to B Express bus travel time congested speed B to A Non-stop bus travel time congested speed A to B Non-stop bus travel time congested speed B to A Skip stop bus travel time congested speed A to B Skip stop bus travel time congested speed B to A Local bus travel time - free speed A to B Local bus travel time - free speed B to A Express bus travel time - free speed A to B Express bus travel time - free speed B to A Non-stop bus travel time - free speed A to B Non-stop bus travel time - free speed B to A Skip stop bus travel time - free speed A to B Skip stop bus travel time - free speed B to A Source Capspd Notes Lookup, capped at 90% of peak speed travel time B to A Lookup, capped at 90% of peak speed travel time A to B Lookup, capped at 90% of peak speed travel time B to A =TTPkAssnAB or guideway speed with no stops =TTPkAssnBA or guideway speed with no stops =TTPkAssnAB or guideway speed with skip stops =TTPkAssnBA or guideway speed with skip stops Lookup, capped at 90% of free speed travel time A to B Lookup, capped at 90% of free speed travel time B to A Lookup, capped at 90% of free speed travel time A to B Lookup, capped at 90% of free speed travel time B to A =TTFreeAB or guideway speed with no stops =TTFreeAB or guideway speed with no stops =TTFreeAB or guideway speed with skip stops =TTFreeAB or guideway speed with skip stops Len * 20 (3 MPH), 9999 for funcl 1,2,8,9, 20-89, Non-directional Len * 20 (3 MPH), 9999 for funcl 1,2,8,9, 20-89, Non-directional 7 MPH, 9999 for funcl 1,2,8,9, 20-89, Directional 7 MPH, 9999 for funcl 1,2,8,9, 20-89, Directional TTPeakAB * 0.6 + length * 0.4 TTPeakBA * 0.6 + length * 0.4 TTFreeAB * 0.6 + length * 0.4 TTFreeBA * 0.6 + length * 0.4 85 TTpkLocBA Real 10 2 86 TTpkXprAB Real 10 2 87 TTpkXprBA Real 10 2 88 TTPkNStAB Real 10 2 89 TTPkNStBA Real 10 2 90 TTpkSkSAB Real 10 2 91 TTpkSkSBA Real 10 2 92 TTfrLocAB Real 10 2 93 TTfrLocBA Real 10 2 94 TTfrXprAB Real 10 2 95 TTfrXprBA Real 10 2 96 TTFrNStAB Real 10 2 97 TTFrNStBA Real 10 2 98 TTfrSkSAB Real 10 2 99 TTfrSkSBA Real 10 2 100 TTwalkAB Real 10 2 Walk travel time A to B Capspd 101 TTwalkBA Real 10 2 Walk travel time B to A Capspd 102 TTbikeAB Real 10 2 Bike travel time A to B Capspd 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Real Real Real Real Real Real Real 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Model Team Model Team 110 Mode Int 10 Model Team Flagged with a value of 1 111 PkLocLUAB Real 10 2 Capspd Lookup, NO capping 112 PkLocLUBA Real 10 2 Capspd Lookup, NO capping 113 PkXprLUAB Real 10 2 Capspd Lookup, NO capping 114 115 116 117 Real Int Real Int 10 10 6 8 2 0 Bike travel time B to A Peak Impedance A to B Peak Impedance B to A Off-peak Impedance A to B Off-peak Impedance B to A Toll for link (cents) Toll for link (cents) Flag for non-transit links to be included in transit network Local bus lookup travel time peak A to B Local bus lookup travel time peak B to A Express bus lookup travel time peak A to B Express bus lookup travel time peak B to A Capspd Lookup, NO capping Date stamp Cross-reference to old networks Model team Model team TTbikeBA ImpPkAB ImpPkBA ImpFreeAB ImpFreeBA TollAB TollBA PkXprLUBA BRT_Flag datestamp Level CDOT Planning Design page 6 of 10 55 Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd Capspd MRM08v1 DRAFT Attachment C Draft Network Data Dictionary Num FIELD_NAME 118 projnum1 119 dir_prj1 TYPE Int Int WIDTH DEC 4 2 120 funcl_prj1 Int 3 121 lnsAB_prj1 122 lnsBA_prj1 123 facttypprj1 Int Int Char 1 1 1 124 Acntl_prj1 Char 1 125 Aprhb_prj1 Char 1 126 127 128 129 Int Int Int Char 1 1 1 1 130 Bprhb_prj1 Char 1 131 Bleft_prj1 132 Bthru_prj1 133 Brite_prj1 Int Int Int 1 1 1 Aleft_prj1 Athru_prj1 Arite_prj1 Bcntl_prj1 CDOT Planning Design Value Description Project number ID, project 1 future dir code, project 1 One way - A to B 1 Two way 0 One way - B to A -1 future funcl, project 1 Freeway 1 Expressway 2 Class II major tfare 3 Major tfare 4 Minor tfare 5 Collector street 6 Local Street 7 Ramp to surface street 8 Freeway-freeway ramp 9 HOV 2+ / Busway 22 HOV 3+ / Busway 23 Transit Only - Rail 30 Transit Only - Busway 40 Hwy to HOV 2+ 82 Hwy to HOV 3+ 83 Transit Only - connect to Tran 84 Centroid connector 90 Centroid conn to transit sta 92 Add 900 for links not in project 900+ network future lanes A to B, project 1 future lanes B to A, project 1 future facility type, project 1 Freeway F Expressway E Ramp R Divided - no median breaks D Divided - median breaks only M Divided - left turn bays B Undivided - left turn bays T Undivided - continuous left C Undivided - no left provision U future control at A, project 1 Through T Signal (light) L Stop S Four way stop (all appr. stop) F Yield Y Round about R future prohibitions at A, proj 1 No prohibitions N No left L No right R No through T No turns C future Left turn lns at A, proj 1 future thru lanes at A, proj 1 future right turn lns at A, proj 1 future control at B, project 1 Through T Signal (light) L Stop S Four way stop (all appr. stop) F Yield Y Round about R future prohibitions at B, proj 1 No prohibitions N No left L No right R No through T No turns C future Left turn lns at B, proj 1 future thru lanes at B, proj 1 future right turn lns at B, proj 1 page 7 of 10 56 Source Notes Model team Plan Project ID - network creation Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan, est Plan, est Plan, es+I159 Plan Plan Plan, est Plan, est Plan, est MRM08v1 DRAFT Attachment C Draft Network Data Dictionary Num FIELD_NAME 134 projnum2 135 dir_prj2 TYPE Int Int WIDTH DEC 4 2 136 funcl_prj2 Int 3 137 lnsAB_prj2 138 lnsBA_prj2 139 facttypprj2 Int Int Char 1 1 1 140 Acntl_prj2 Char 1 141 Aprhb_prj2 Char 1 142 143 144 145 Int Int Int Char 1 1 1 1 146 Bprhb_prj2 Char 1 147 Bleft_prj2 148 Bthru_prj2 149 Brite_prj2 Int Int Int 1 1 1 Aleft_prj2 Athru_prj2 Arite_prj2 Bcntl_prj2 CDOT Planning Design Value Description Project number ID, project 2 future dir code, project 2 One way - A to B 1 Two way 0 One way - B to A -1 future funcl, project 2 Freeway 1 Expressway 2 Class II major tfare 3 Major tfare 4 Minor tfare 5 Collector street 6 Local Street 7 Ramp to surface street 8 Freeway-freeway ramp 9 HOV 2+ / Busway 22 HOV 3+ / Busway 23 Transit Only - Rail 30 Transit Only - Busway 40 Hwy to HOV 2+ 82 Hwy to HOV 3+ 83 Transit Only - connect to Tran 84 Centroid connector 90 Centroid conn to transit sta 92 Add 900 for links not in project 900+ network future lanes A to B, project 2 future lanes B to A, project 2 future facility type, project 2 Freeway F Expressway E Ramp R Divided - no median breaks D Divided - median breaks only M Divided - left turn bays B Undivided - left turn bays T Undivided - continuous left C Undivided - no left provision U future control at A, project 2 Through T Signal (light) L Stop S Four way stop (all appr. stop) F Yield Y Round about R future prohibitions at A, proj 2 No prohibitions N No left L No right R No through T No turns C future Left turn lns at A, proj 2 future thru lanes at A, proj 2 future right turn lns at A, proj 2 future control at B, project 2 Through T Signal (light) L Stop S Four way stop (all appr. stop) F Yield Y Round about R future prohibitions at B, proj 2 No prohibitions N No left L No right R No through T No turns C future Left turn lns at B, proj 2 future thru lanes at B, proj 2 future right turn lns at B, proj 2 page 8 of 10 57 Source Notes Model team Plan Project ID - network creation Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan, est Plan, est Plan, est Plan Plan Plan, est Plan, est Plan, est MRM08v1 DRAFT Attachment C Draft Network Data Dictionary Num FIELD_NAME 150 projnum3 CDOT Planning Design TYPE Int WIDTH DEC 4 Value Description Project number ID, project 3 page 9 of 10 58 Source Notes Model team Project ID - network creation MRM08v1 DRAFT Attachment C Draft Network Data Dictionary Num FIELD_NAME 151 dir_prj3 TYPE Int WIDTH DEC 2 152 funcl_prj3 Int 3 153 lnsAB_prj3 154 lnsBA_prj3 155 facttypprj3 Int Int Char 1 1 1 156 Acntl_prj3 Char 1 157 Aprhb_prj3 Char 1 158 159 160 161 Int Int Int Char 1 1 1 1 162 Bprhb_prj3 Char 1 163 Bleft_prj3 164 Bthru_prj3 165 Brite_prj3 Int Int Int 1 1 1 Aleft_prj3 Athru_prj3 Arite_prj3 Bcntl_prj3 CDOT Planning Design Value Description future dir code, project 3 One way - A to B 1 Two way 0 One way - B to A -1 future funcl, project 3 Freeway 1 Expressway 2 Class II major tfare 3 Major tfare 4 Minor tfare 5 Collector street 6 Local Street 7 Ramp to surface street 8 Freeway-freeway ramp 9 HOV 2+ / Busway 22 HOV 3+ / Busway 23 Transit Only - Rail 30 Transit Only - Busway 40 Hwy to HOV 2+ 82 Hwy to HOV 3+ 83 Transit Only - connect to Tran 84 Centroid connector 90 Centroid conn to transit sta 92 Add 900 for links not in project 900+ network future lanes A to B, project 3 future lanes B to A, project 3 future facility type, project 3 Freeway F Expressway E Ramp R Divided - no median breaks D Divided - median breaks only M Divided - left turn bays B Undivided - left turn bays T Undivided - continuous left C Undivided - no left provision U future control at A, project 3 Through T Signal (light) L Stop S Four way stop (all appr. stop) F Yield Y Round about R future prohibitions at A, proj 3 No prohibitions N No left L No right R No through T No turns C future Left turn lns at A, proj 3 future thru lanes at A, proj 3 future right turn lns at A, proj 3 future control at B, project 3 Through T Signal (light) L Stop S Four way stop (all appr. stop) F Yield Y Round about R future prohibitions at B, proj 3 No prohibitions N No left L No right R No through T No turns C future Left turn lns at B, proj 3 future thru lanes at B, proj 3 future right turn lns at B, proj 3 page 10 of 10 59 Source Notes Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan, est Plan, est Plan, est Plan Plan Plan, est Plan, est Plan, est MRM08v1 DRAFT Conformity Process Schedule 60 Schedule Summary Conformity Elements Start Line Date ID# 1 Project start -2 Interagency consultation (IC) 3 IA planning session #1 4 Set IA meeting date (location, etc.) 5 Develop participant list 6 Discuss draft agenda 7 Discuss TCPCP 8 Discuss CPS 9 IC planning session #2 TBD 10 Review draft agenda 11 Review TCPCP 12 Review CPS 13 Prepare presentations 14 Email Agenda, draft TCPCP and draft CPS to IC partners 15 IC Meeting -- Select a date in this time range 07/23/12 16 Meeting Minutes 17 Circulate and Review meeting minutes 18 Follow up to address comments 19 Transportation Planning NA 20 Transportation Projects, Timelines, Fiscal Constraint 21 MPO TCCs develop and refine draft LRTP project list 22 MPO TACs receive & review the draft project list LRTP-for-comment 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 MPO TACs (or TCCs) approve LRTP/TIP Amendments project list: MUMPO: 9/19/12, CRMPO: 9/xx/12, GUAMPO: 9/25/12, LN RPO 9/xx/12, RR RPO 9/xx/12 Transportation Modeling (50 days) Base year network and land use (2005) Horizon year 1 network and land use Horizon year 2 network and land use Design Year network and land use -- 2035 Develop plan version for initial air quality analysis Extract draft plan VMT and speeds Evaluate draft plan speeds and VMT Preliminary Regional Emissions Analysis Emission Factors Review (additional iterations, if needed) Extract Final VMT and speeds 09/17/12 10/01/12 Evaluate final speeds and VMT Modeling Complete (Includes Emission Factor & REA) 08/03/12 NA 09/28/12 11/30/12 01/31/13 01/29/13 xx/xx/xx 01/31/13 02/08/13 01/31/13 02/05/13 02/11/13 12 61 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 43 41 3 187 179 5 6 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 05/15/13 16 32 21 21 21 21 32 2 1 65 05/15/13 05/15/13 05/01/13 04/30/13 05/31/13 05/01/13 05/02/13 05/31/13 05/31/13 05/31/13 NA 51 51 31 9 31 1 1 1 1 1 NA 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Interagency and public review DENR Review FHWA Initial Review FTA Initial Review EPA Initial Review Public Review (MPOs and RPOs) Respond to Agency and Public Comments 01/16/13 02/12/13 02/12/13 02/12/13 02/12/13 02/12/13 02/12/13 03/18/13 01/31/13 03/15/13 03/04/13 03/04/13 03/04/13 03/04/13 03/15/13 03/19/13 MPO & Rural Conformity Determination 03/12/13 03/26/13 03/26/13 04/01/13 04/22/13 05/01/13 05/01/13 05/02/13 05/31/13 05/31/13 05/31/13 05/31/13 LN RPO 1/xx/12, RR RPO 1/xx/12 Length Line (Days) ID# NA 1 2 #VALUE! 3 #VALUE! 4 5 6 7 8 9 #VALUE! 10 11 12 13 1 14 12 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 19 #VALUE! 20 21 22 11/30/12 Emission Analysis 12/20/12 NCDAQ Emission Factor Review 12/20/12 Off model analysis, including off-model TDM-not applicablexx/xx/xx REA Review 01/29/13 Conformity Report Preparation 08/06/12 Preliminary report preparation 08/06/12 Internal Review 02/01/13 Distribution 02/06/13 TACs release conformity draft and LRTP update for public comment: MUMPO: 2/20//13, CRMPO: 1/23/13, GUAMPO: 1/22/13, End Date Participating Organizations and Staff (lead staff in bold) Dancausse MPOs: Cook, Graham, Conrad Dancausse Dancausse MPOs, RPOs, NCDOT MPOs, RPOs Regional Modeling Team MPOs, RPOs, Regional Modeling Team, NCDOT Regional Modeling Team, NCDOT NCDAQ Hildebrandt Regional Modeling Team, NCDOT Haynes/Dancausse Haynes Haynes Haynes MPOs, RPOs Dancausse Hildebrandt Dancausse Immings Smith MPOs, RPOs 53 TACs Adopt Final LRTPs with AQ conformity-public hearing 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 MUMPO: 5/15/13, CRMPO: 3/27/13 GUAMPO: 3/26/13, LN RPO 3/xx/13, RR RPO 3/xx/13 NCDOT Secretary issues conformity letter for rural area Conformity analysis, report and review complete Distribution Federal Action Transmit Report to FHWA/TPB FHWA transmit report to EPA & FTA USDOT Determination USDOT Letter to State/MPO Process Complete Conformity Process Complete -- May 31, 2013 61 MPOs, RPOs NCDOT, RPOs Haynes Dancausse Haynes Dancausse Dancausse Dancausse IC meeting Minutes 62 62 Metrolina Region Transportation Conformity Mecklenburg Union MPO Gaston MPO Cabarrus Rowan MPO Rocky River RPO Lake Norman RPO MUMPO: 1-4750HOT and I-3311C LRTP/TIP Amendment Metrolina Area 2008 Ozone NAAQS Interagency Consultation (IC) Kick-Off Meeting ACTION & FOLLOW-UP ITEMS/NOTES July 31, 2012 ATTENDEES CDOT: Eldewins Haynes, Sara Familian, Anna Gallup, Martin Kinnamon NCDOT: Derry Schmidt, Mark Smith, Anil Paniker, Jamal Alavi, Mike Bruff, Terry Arellano MUMPO: Bob Cook Cabarrus-Rowan MPO: Phil Conrad Gaston MPO: Bernie Yacobucci RFATS: Lake Norman RPO: Rocky River RPO: Dana Stoogenke FHWA: Eddie Dancausse, Loretta Barren, Mitch Batuzich FTA: Myra Immings NCDAQ: Heather Hildebrandt, Vicki Chandler, Todd Pasley SCDHEC: Kimley-Horn: EPA: Dianna Smith SCDOT: SCDEHC: Mecklenburg Co. AQ: NC Turnpike Authority: Union Co.: ITEMS DISCUSSED: MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment The following LRTP/TIP amendments/scenarios were discussed: I-4750HOT – Scenario N1 - construct one HOT lane HOV3+ in each direction along I-77 from Exit 28 (connecting to I-5405 HOT Lane Project) to Brawley School Rd (Exit 35) with construction ending approximately 2500 ft. North of the NC 150 Structure (Exit 36). • NB and SB HOT designation begin and end at Brawley School Rd Structure (Exit 35). I-3311C – Scenario S1 - construct one HOT lane HOV3+ along I-77 from just North of the I-77/I-85 Interchange (connecting to I-5405 HOT Lane Project) to and along I-277; • construct one HOT lane NB from I-277 to NB Southern terminus of I-5405; 63 • • construct extension of existing converted SB HOV lane to I-277. along I-277 construct one HOT lane HOV 3+ in each direction from I-77 to N. Brevard St. (with HOT lane designation beginning and ending at N Tryon St.) NOTE: conversion of the existing SB HOV lane handled under I-5405 I-3311C – Scenario S2- construct two HOT lanes HOV3+ along I-77 from just North of the I-77/I-85 Interchange (connecting to I-5405 HOT Lane Project) to and along I-277: • extend the converted SB HOV lane to I-277; • construct an additional HOT lane HOV3+SB to I-277 • construct two HOT lanes HOV 3+ NB from I-277 to NB Southern terminus of I-5405; • along I-277 construct one HOT lane HOV 3+ in each direction from I-77 to Caldwell Street (with HOT lane designation beginning and ending at N Tryon St.) NOTE: conversion of the existing SB HOV lane handled under I-5405 2008 Ozone NAAQS This conformity process will also include a regional emission analysis for the 2008 Ozone Standard for the Metrolina Area. A conformity determination for the Metrolina Area will be required no later than 7/20/13. This work will include the Cabarrus Rowan MPO, the Gaston MPO and MUMPO. The Metrolina Area Counties designated under the 2008 Ozone NAAQS is provided below: Cabarrus County (part) Central Cabarrus Township, Georgeville Township, Harrisburg Township, Kannapolis Township, Midland Township, Mount Pleasant Township, New Gilead Township, Odell Township, Poplar Tent Township, Rimertown Township Gaston County (part) Crowders Mountain Township, Dallas Town ship, Gastonia Township, Riverbend Town ship, South Point Township Iredell County (part) Davidson Township, Coddle Creek Township Lincoln County (part) Catawba Springs Township, Ironton Town ship, Lincolnton Township Mecklenburg County Rowan County (part) Atwell Township, China Grove Township, Franklin Township, Litaker Township, Locke Township, Providence Township, Salisbury Township, Steele Township, Unity Town ship Union County (part) Goose Creek Township, Marshville Township, Monroe Township, Sandy Ridge Township, Vance Township CONFORMITY PROCESS SCHEDULE (CPS) FHWA (Dancausse) went over the CPS • It was noted that the transportation modeling/regional emissions analysis (REA) work will begin on10/1/12 and end on 12/28/12. This timeframe is prior to the 3/2/13 date (after this date the MOVES model has to be used for REA work) where the use of the MOVES model will be required. Since transportation modeling/REA work begins prior to the 3/2/13 date MOBILE6.2 can be used for this conformity determination. This 64 information will be documented in the consensus plan and the conformity determination report. CONSENSUS PLAN FHWA (Dancausse) went over the consensus plan. • • • • • • • Pages 2, 5 &11, MRM Model Team (Gallup), MUMPO (Cook) and Gaston MPO (Yacobucci) need to verify if there is still a dount portion of Gaston and Union Counties based on the partial county designations for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS. Page 10, the IC partners will need to decide what emissions model will be used for this conformity process. MOBILE6.2 can be used for this conformity process. NCDAQ mentioned that EPA advised them to submit the Maintenance Plan (with MOVES compatible MVEBS) for the Metrolina Region in time for an approval prior to 7/30/13 (This assumes that there will be no additional monitor violations for the region. If there is an additional monitor violation then a maintenance plan cannot be submitted). So the question proposed to the group and options available related to the emissions model is the following o Use MOBILE6.2 and coordinate with EPA to ensure that the maintenance plan approval does not occur until this conformity process is complete (4/30/13) but prior to 7/20/13. o Use both MOBILE6.2 and the MOVES model for the REA and share that information during the agency/public review periods and then select an analysis prior to the transportation conformity determination. A final decision on this topic was deferred until the 8/30/12 IC meeting. At that point NCDAQ might have clearer picture on monitor data and whether or not a maintenance plan can be submitted. If the MOVES model is used for this conformity process it will likely add an additional 2.5 months to the current conformity process completion date of 4/30/13 Page 10 & 11, update the version of the MRM from MRM11v2 to MRM11v1.1 Page 12, item #23, iii, add the donut counties of Lincoln and Iredell For this conformity determination the Metrolina Area RFP SIP MVEBs will be used for the MUMPO LRTP/TIP amendment and the 2008 Ozone NAAQS Designation work. EPA’s Multijurisdictional Guidance ( ) allows the use of existing whole county MVEBs, even if the new area designated are partial counties. The conformity determination for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS will require that all MPOs (Cabarrus Rowan, Gaston and MUMPO) demonstrate conformity before the USDOT conformity determination. This is covered EPA’s Multijurisdictional Guidance. ACTION ITEMS: • MUMPO (Cook) will need to share the I-4750HOT and the I-3311C project amendments with the MUMPO TCC and TAC so they are prepared to take an action on 9/19/12, to proceed with the transportation modeling/REA work for the projects. • FHWA (Dancausse) will revise the consensus plan and will send out to the IC partners 65 • • • • • • MRM Model Team (Gallup), MUMPO (Cook) and Gaston MPO (Yacobucci) need to verify if there is still a dount portion of Gaston and Union County based on the partial county designations for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS. The IC partners will need to decide what emissions model will be used for this process. This will be a topic of discussion for the 8/30/12 IC meeting. NCDAQ (Pasley) will provide MRM Model Team (Gallup) a township boundary map (GIS shape file) for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS Designation for the Metrolina Region. FHWA (Dancausse)/CDOT (Haynes) will document in the consensus plan and in the conformity determination report the date that the transportation modeling work/REA begins and ends. NCDAQ (Pasley) will check to see if there is updated vehicle mix and vehicle age distribution information that is available for use in this process. If the MOVES model is used NCDAQ (Pasley) will need the populations for the partial counties. MRM Model Team (Gallup), MUMPO (Cook), Gaston MPO (Yacobucci) and Cabarrus Rowan MPO (Conrad) will provide this information. NEXT IC MEETING • August 30, 2012: 2:30pm-3:30pm 66 Metrolina Region Transportation Conformity Mecklenburg Union MPO Gaston MPO Cabarrus Rowan MPO Rocky River RPO Lake Norman RPO MUMPO: 1-4750HOT and I-3311C LRTP/TIP Amendment Metrolina Area 2008 Ozone NAAQS Interagency Consultation (IC) Kick-Off Meeting ACTION & FOLLOW-UP ITEMS/NOTES August 30, 2012 ATTENDEES CDOT: Eldewins Haynes, Sara Familian, Anna Gallup, Martin Kinnamon NCDOT: Earlene Thomas, Derry Schmidt, Anil Paniker, Jamal Alavi, Terry Arellano MUMPO: Bob Cook Cabarrus-Rowan MPO: Phil Conrad Gaston MPO: Bernie Yacobucci RFATS: Lake Norman RPO: Rocky River RPO: Dana Stoogenke FHWA: Eddie Dancausse, Loretta Barren FTA: NCDAQ: Heather Hildebrandt, Todd Pasley, Anne Galamb SCDHEC: Kimley-Horn: EPA: Dianna Smith SCDOT: SCDEHC: Mecklenburg Co. AQ: Jason Rayfield NC Turnpike Authority: Union Co.: 7/31/12 ACTION ITEMS: • • • MUMPO (Cook) will need to share the I-4750HOT and the I-3311C project amendments with the MUMPO TCC and TAC so they are prepared to take an action on 9/19/12, to proceed with the transportation modeling/REA work for the projects. This action item is ongoing FHWA (Dancausse) will revise the consensus plan and will send out to the IC partners. Action item is complete MRM Model Team (Gallup), MUMPO (Cook) and Gaston MPO (Yacobucci) need to verify if there is still a dount portion of Gaston and Union County based on the partial county designations for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS. There is a donut portion of Gaston and Union. Action item is complete 67 • • • • • The IC partners will need to decide what emissions model will be used for this process. This will be a topic of discussion for the 8/30/12 IC meeting. MOBILE6.2 will be used for this conformity process. Additional information is provided in these meeting minutes. Action item is complete NCDAQ (Pasley) will provide MRM Model Team (Gallup) a township boundary map (GIS shape file) for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS Designation for the Metrolina Region. Action item is complete FHWA (Dancausse)/CDOT (Haynes) will document in the consensus plan and in the conformity determination report (CDR) the date that the transportation modeling work/REA begins and ends. Will need to include this information in the CDR. This action item is ongoing NCDAQ (Pasley) will check to see if there is updated vehicle mix and vehicle age distribution information that is available for use in this process. 2010 vehicle count and 2011vehicle registration data is available. Update consensus plan, #17 Mobile Model Settings, page 10, items: d, f, g (NCDAQ Pasley will provide a write up for this item). This action item is ongoing If the MOVES model is used NCDAQ (Pasley) will need the populations for the partial counties. MRM Model Team (Gallup), MUMPO (Cook), Gaston MPO (Yacobucci) and Cabarrus Rowan MPO (Conrad) will provide this information. MOBILE6.2 will be used for this conformity process. This information will not be needed. Action item is complete ITEMS DISCUSSED: Metrolina Ozone Monitoring Data • At this time, all ozone monitors in the Metrolina area are in attainment of the 1997 ozone NAAQS. The two most at-risk monitors in the Metrolina area are Garinger and County Line, which both currently have unofficial 2010-2012 design values of 83 PPB. Their 4thhighest values for 2012 are 80 PPB and 85 PPB, respectively; to become non-attainment for the 1997 standard, the 4th-highest values for both of these monitors would need to increase another 5 PPB by the end of the year, to 90 PPB at County Line and 85 PPB at Garinger. There has been no reading above 90 PPB at County Line thus far this year, and 4 days of 90 PPB+ readings would be needed to put County Line in non-attainment of the 1997 ozone NAAQS. There have been two readings greater than 85 PPB thus far at Garinger this year, so only two days above 85 PPB would be needed to put Garinger in non-attainment of the 1997 ozone NAAQS. • Other monitors in the Metrolina area are at far less risk of violating the 1997 ozone NAAQS. Unofficial 2010-2012 design values for the remaining Metrolina monitors are the following: Monroe: 73 PPB, Crouse: 75 PPB, Arrowood: 77 PPB, Enochville: 77 PPB and Rockwell: 78 PPB. For each of these sites, it would require 3-4 days of extremely high daily ozone readings (e.g., 94 PPB+ at Arrowood, Code Red at the remaining sites) to go into nonattainment of the 1997 ozone NAAQS, which at this point is all but impossible. • NCDAQ (Pasley) mentioned if there are no additional monitor violations a maintenance plan for the Metrolina Region will be submitted to EPA for approval by 7/20/13 68 Emissions Model Discussion MOBILE6.2 or MOVES • It was decided that MOBILE6.2 (M6.2) will be used for this conformity process. The MOVES model grace period is in effect and M6.2 can still be still be used through 3/2/13. As long as the modeling and regional emissions analysis work begins prior to 3/2/13 and there is IC partner agreement the M6.2 model can be used. For this conformity process the modeling work begins on 10/1/12 and will end on 12/28/12. This information will be included in the conformity determination report. • It is critical that this conformity process is completed by 4/30/13. NCDAQ will submit a maintenance plan for the Metrolina Region to EPA using MOVES compatible MVEBS for approval prior to 7/20/13. If this conformity process (that will use the M6.2 model) is delayed into July without a completed USDOT conformity determination and the Metrolina Region Maintenance Plan is approved by EPA then all the conformity analysis work completed using M6.2 will no longer be valid and the regional emissions analysis using the MOVES model would need to be redone. This would add at least 6 additional months of work to this conformity process. • EPA (Smith) will work with FHWA (Dancausse) and NCDAQ (Boothe/Pasley) to coordinate the approval of the Metrolina Region Maintenance Plan after the completion of this conformity work on 4/30/13 MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment The following LRTP/TIP amendments/scenarios were discussed: Scenario #1 I-4750-HOT – Construct one HOT lane HOV3+ in each direction along I-77 from Exit 28 (connecting to I-5405 HOT Lane Project) to Brawley School Rd (Exit 35) with construction ending approximately 5500 ft. north of the NC 150 Structure (Exit 36). • NB and SB HOT designation begin and end at Brawley School Rd Structure (Exit 35). I-3311C – Construct one HOT lane HOV3+ along I-77 from just north of the I-77/I-85 Interchange (connecting to I-5405 HOT Lane Project) to and along I-277; • Construct one HOT lane NB from I-277 to NB Southern terminus of I-5405; • Construct 1 HOT lane HOV 3+ from the southern terminus of the existing SB HOV Lane to I-277. • Along I-277 construct one HOT lane HOV 3+ in each direction from I-77 to N. Brevard St. (with HOT lane designation beginning and ending at N Tryon St.) NOTE: Conversion of the existing SB HOV lane handled under I-5405 Horizon Year: 2025 Scenario #2 I-4750-HOT – Construct one HOT lane HOV3+ in each direction along I-77 from Exit 28 (connecting to I-5405 HOT Lane Project) to Brawley School Rd (Exit 35) with construction ending approximately 5500 ft. north of the NC 150 Structure (Exit 36). • NB and SB HOT designation begin and end at Brawley School Rd Structure (Exit 35). 69 I-3311C – Construct two HOT lanes HOV3+ along I-77 from just North of the I-77/I-85 Interchange (connecting to I-5405 HOT Lane Project) to and along I-277: • Construct 1 HOT lane HOV 3+ from the southern terminus of the existing SB HOT Lane to I-277; • Construct an additional HOT lane HOV3+ SB from the Southern terminus of I-5405 to I277; • Construct two HOT lanes HOV 3+ NB from I-277 to NB Southern terminus of I-5405; • Along I-277 construct one HOT lane HOV 3+ in each direction from I-77 to Caldwell Street (with HOT lane designation beginning and ending at N Tryon St.) NOTE: conversion of the existing SB HOV lane handled under I-5405 Horizon Year: 2025 NCDOT (Mabry) asked CDOT (Gallup) if two additional I-77 scenarios were added to the modeling work how much additional time would be needed to complete the work. CDOT (Gallup) said that two additional scenarios would double the modeling time from 2 months to 4 months 2008 Ozone NAAQS This conformity process will also include a regional emission analysis for the 2008 Ozone Standard for the Metrolina Area. A conformity determination for the Metrolina Area will be required no later than 7/20/13. This work will include the following MPO’s: Cabarrus Rowan, Gaston and Mecklenburg Union and the following counties: Cabarrus (partial), Gaston (partial) Iredell (partial), Lincoln (partial), Mecklenburg, Rowan (partial) and Union (partial). Per the EPA Multijurisdictional dated 7/2012, page 44, Section 4.1.1: 4.11 How is conformity demonstrated in a Scenario 2 area, when the budget applies to the entire area for the relevant NAAQS? In a Scenario 2 area, the relevant NAAQS area is smaller than and completely encompassed by an area designated for another NAAQS of the same pollutant. In this situation, one of the following options must be met for the relevant NAAQS area: • The budget test using the subset or portion of the budget for the other NAAQS that applies to the relevant NAAQS area, where such portion(s) can be reasonably identified (40 CFR 93.109(c)(2)(ii)(A)). For example, a three-county area designated for the relevant NAAQS is entirely within a four-county area that has a budget for another NAAQS, and the SIP identified emissions by county. In this case, the portion of that other NAAQS budget that applies to the relevant NAAQS area can be identified, so it could be used to demonstrate conformity for the relevant NAAQS; OR • The budget test using the budget for another NAAQS of the same pollutant for the entire area designated for that other NAAQS. In this case, any additional emissions reductions beyond those addressed by control measures in the SIP for that other NAAQS would be required to come from the relevant NAAQS area (40 CFR 93.109(c)(2)(ii)(B)). For example, in the case of the three-county area, the four-county area’s budget for another NAAQS could be used for the four-county area (i.e., the area designated for that other NAAQS) to demonstrate conformity for the three-county area (i.e., the relevant NAAQS area). Any reductions needed would have to come from within the three-county area. The highlighted portion of the Multijurisdictional guidance (above) will be used for this conformity process. We will use the full county 2007 Ozone NAAQS MVEBs to demonstrate conformity for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS. 70 EPA (Smith) mentioned that in addition to the 2008 Ozone NAAQS conformity determination that will be done for the entire Metrolina Region a conformity determination will also need to be done for the 2007 Ozone Standard for the MUMPO LRTP/TIP amendment work. The reason for this is that since the conformity determination is planned to be completed by 4/30/13, the 2007 Ozone Standard is still in effect. FHWA (Dancausse) asked EPA (Smith) if conformity for the 2007 Ozone Standard could only cover the counties of Mecklenburg and Union since these are the only two counties involved in the LRTP/TIP amendment work. EPA (Smith) was going to double check to see if this approach is acceptable and will let the IC group know. CONFORMITY PROCESS SCHEDULE (CPS) FHWA (Dancausse) went over the CPS. No revisions were made to the CPS. CONSENSUS PLAN FHWA (Dancausse) went over the consensus plan. • The document was revised to show that there is still a donut area for Gaston and Union Counties • The following revisions to the consensus plan was discussed: o Page 4, replace RPF with RFP o Page 10 Item d (VMT mix), replace 2009 with 2010 Item f (Vehicle Age Distribution), replace 2010 with 2011 Item g (I/M Program), NCDAQ (Pasley) will provide FHWA (Dancausse) information to include for this item o Page 12 Remove the word “amendment” from the bullets included under MPO/RPO/NCODT resolutions for the Gaston and Cabarrus MPO’s ACTION ITEMS: • • • • • NCDOT (Mabry and others) needs to communicate with MUMPO any changes or revisions to the project scenarios prior to the MUMPO TCC/TAC meetings in 9/2012 MUMPO (Cook) will need to share the I-4750HOT and the I-3311C project amendments with the MUMPO TCC and TAC so they are prepared to take an action on 9/19/12, to proceed with the transportation modeling/REA work for the projects. FHWA (Dancausse)/CDOT (Haynes) will document in the consensus plan and in the conformity determination report (CDR) the date that the transportation modeling work/REA begins and ends. Will need to include this information in the CDR. NCDAQ (Pasley) will check to see if there is updated vehicle mix and vehicle age distribution information that is available for use in this process. 2010 vehicle count and 2011vehicle registration data is available. Update consensus plan, #17 Mobile Model Settings, page 10, items: d, f, g (NCDAQ Pasley will provide a write up for this item). It was decided that for this conformity process the MOBILE6.2 (M6.2) model will be used. The MOVES model grace period is in effect and the M6.2 can still be still be used through 3/2/13. As long as the modeling and regional emissions analysis work begins 71 • • • prior to 3/2/13 and there is IC partner agreement the M6.2 model can be used. For this conformity process the modeling work begins on 10/1/12 and will end on 12/28/12. This information will be included in the conformity determination report. EPA (Smith) will work with FHWA (Dancausse) and NCDAQ (Boothe/Pasley) to coordinate the approval of the Metrolina Region Maintenance Plan after the completion of this conformity work on 4/30/13. EPA (Smith) mentioned that in addition to the 2008 Ozone NAAQS that a conformity determination for the entire Metrolina Region a conformity determination will also need to be done for the 2007 Ozone Standard for the MUMPO LRTP/TIP amendment work. The reason is that since the conformity determination is planned to be completed by 4/30/12, the 2007 Ozone Standard is still in effect. FHWA (Dancausse) asked EPA (Smith) if conformity for the 2007 Ozone Standard could only cover the counties of Mecklenburg and Union since these are the only two counties involved in the LRTP/TIP amendment work. EPA (Smith) was going to double check to see if this approach is acceptable and will let the IC group know FHWA (Dancausse) will provide meeting minutes and updated CPS NEXT IC MEETING • October 2, 2012: 2:30pm-3:30pm 72 Metrolina Region Transportation Conformity Mecklenburg Union MPO Gaston MPO Cabarrus Rowan MPO Rocky River RPO Lake Norman RPO MUMPO: 1-4750HOT and I-3311C LRTP/TIP Amendment Metrolina Area 2008 Ozone NAAQS Interagency Consultation (IC) Kick-Off Meeting ACTION & FOLLOW-UP ITEMS/NOTES October 2, 2012 ATTENDEES CDOT: Eldewins Haynes, Martin Kinnamon NCDOT: Derry Schmidt, Mark Smith, Anil Paniker, Jamal Alavi, Terry Arellano MUMPO: Bob Cook Cabarrus-Rowan MPO: Phil Conrad Gaston MPO: Hank Graham RFATS: Lake Norman RPO: Blair Isreal Rocky River RPO: FHWA: Eddie Dancausse, Loretta Barren FTA: NCDAQ: Heather Hildebrandt, Todd Pasley, Anne Galamb SCDHEC: Kimley-Horn: EPA: Dianna Smith SCDOT: SCDEHC: Mecklenburg Co. AQ: Jason Rayfield NC Turnpike Authority: Union Co.: 8/30/12 ACTION ITEMS: • • • NCDOT (Mabry and others) needs to communicate with MUMPO any changes or revisions to the project scenarios prior to the MUMPO TCC/TAC meetings in 9/2012. This item is not completed. This will become action item #1 for this meeting MUMPO (Cook) will need to share the I-4750HOT and the I-3311C project amendments with the MUMPO TCC and TAC so they are prepared to take an action on 9/19/12, to proceed with the transportation modeling/REA work for the projects. This item is not completed. This will become action item #1 for this meeting FHWA (Dancausse)/CDOT (Haynes) will document in the consensus plan and in the conformity determination report (CDR) the date that the transportation modeling 73 • • • • • • work/REA begins and ends. Will need to include this information in the CDR. This item is not completed NCDAQ (Pasley) will check to see if there is updated vehicle mix and vehicle age distribution information that is available for use in this process. 2010 vehicle count and 2011vehicle registration data is available. Update consensus plan, #17 Mobile Model Settings, page 10, items: d, f - These items are complete, g (NCDAQ Pasley will provide a write up for this item). This item is not completed It was decided that for this conformity process the MOBILE6.2 (M6.2) model will be used. The MOVES model grace period is in effect and the M6.2 can still be still be used through 3/2/13. As long as the modeling and regional emissions analysis work begins prior to 3/2/13 and there is IC partner agreement the M6.2 model can be used. For this conformity process the modeling work begins on 10/1/12 and will end on 12/28/12. This information will be included in the conformity determination report. This item is not completed EPA (Smith) will work with FHWA (Dancausse) and NCDAQ (Boothe/Pasley) to coordinate the approval of the Metrolina Region Maintenance Plan after the completion of this conformity work on 4/30/13. This item is on-going EPA (Smith) mentioned that in addition to the 2008 Ozone NAAQS that a conformity determination for the entire Metrolina Region a conformity determination will also need to be done for the 1997 Ozone Standard for the MUMPO LRTP/TIP amendment work. The reason is that since the conformity determination is planned to be completed by 4/30/12, the 1997 Ozone Standard is still in effect. FHWA (Dancausse) asked EPA (Smith) if conformity for the 1997 Ozone Standard could only cover the counties of Mecklenburg and Union since these are the only two counties involved in the LRTP/TIP amendment work. EPA (Smith) was going to double check to see if this approach is acceptable and will let the IC group know. This item is completed see additional information in 2008 Ozone NAQQS discussion provided in these minutes. FHWA (Dancausse) will provide meeting minutes and updated CPS. This item is completed CDOT (Haynes) had expressed some uncertainty about how the motor vehicle emissions resulting from the new State I/M rules exempting the 3 most recent car model years from I/M would be modeled by MOBILE6.2. CDOT (Haynes) and NCDAQ (Pasley) will work together to figure out how this will be accomplished. This action item is completed. NCDAQ Pasley provided the information provided below in an email dated to Eldewins Haynes dated 10.1.12: Eldewins – you are correct. For modeling years 2014 and later, the end year listed in the “I/M MODEL YEARS” command line program should be (modeling year – 3). Below is an example of the MOBILE6 input file for a 2015 modeling run. The appropriate end model years, “2012”, are listed for each program and are highlighted in yellow: Start example here -----------------------> OBDII I/M PROGRAM : 1 2003 2050 1 TRC OBD I/M I/M MODEL YEARS : 1 1996 2012 74 I/M VEHICLES : 1 22222 11111111 1 I/M STRINGENCY : 1 10.0 I/M COMPLIANCE : 1 95.0 I/M WAIVER RATES : 1 5.0 5.0 I/M PROGRAM : 2 2003 2050 1 TRC EVAP OBD I/M MODEL YEARS : 2 1996 2012 I/M VEHICLES : 2 22222 11111111 1 I/M STRINGENCY : 2 10.0 I/M COMPLIANCE : 2 95.0 I/M WAIVER RATES : 2 5.0 5.0 ANTI-TAMP PROG : 91 81 50 22222 22222222 2 11 095. 22212222 End of example ------------------------Please note that the program end year (arbitrarily set to 2050) in the “I/M PROGRAM” command line is not affected. Please also note that the anti-tampering requirements not affected by the I&M rule changes. ITEMS DISCUSSED: Emissions Model Discussion MOBILE6.2 or MOVES • It was decided that MOBILE6.2 (M6.2) will be used for this conformity process. The MOVES model grace period is in effect and M6.2 can still be still be used through 3/2/13. As long as the modeling and regional emissions analysis work begins prior to 3/2/13 and there is IC partner agreement the M6.2 model can be used. For this conformity process the modeling work begins on 10/1/12 and will end on 12/28/12. This information will be included in the conformity determination report. • It is critical that this conformity process is completed by 4/30/13. NCDAQ will submit a maintenance plan for the Metrolina Region to EPA using MOVES compatible MVEBS for approval prior to 7/20/13. If this conformity process (that will use the M6.2 model) is delayed into July without a completed USDOT conformity determination and the Metrolina Region Maintenance Plan is approved by EPA then all the conformity analysis work completed using M6.2 will no longer be valid and the regional emissions analysis using the MOVES model would need to be redone. This would add at least 6 additional months of work to this conformity process. • EPA (Smith) will work with FHWA (Dancausse) and NCDAQ (Boothe/Pasley) to coordinate the approval of the Metrolina Region Maintenance Plan after the completion of this conformity work on 4/30/13. 75 MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment There were 5 scenarios (all HOV 3+) for modeling that was provided to the group for discussion. MUMPO and NCDOT could not come to an agreement on which scenarios to model for conformity. The modeling work is on hold until there is some agreement between MUMPO and NCDOT on what scenarios will be modeled for conformity. It is likely that the completion date of 4.30.13 for this conformity process will not be met 2008 Ozone NAAQS This conformity process will also include a regional emission analysis for the 2008 Ozone Standard for the Metrolina Area. A conformity determination for the Metrolina Area will be required no later than 7/20/13. Per the EPA Multijurisdictional dated 7/2012, page 44, Section 4.1.1: 4.11 How is conformity demonstrated in a Scenario 2 area, when the budget applies to the entire area for the relevant NAAQS? 76 In a Scenario 2 area, the relevant NAAQS area is smaller than and completely encompassed by an area designated for another NAAQS of the same pollutant. In this situation, one of the following options must be met for the relevant NAAQS area: • The budget test using the subset or portion of the budget for the other NAAQS that applies to the relevant NAAQS area, where such portion(s) can be reasonably identified (40 CFR 93.109(c)(2)(ii)(A)). For example, a three-county area designated for the relevant NAAQS is entirely within a four-county area that has a budget for another NAAQS, and the SIP identified emissions by county. In this case, the portion of that other NAAQS budget that applies to the relevant NAAQS area can be identified, so it could be used to demonstrate conformity for the relevant NAAQS; OR • The budget test using the budget for another NAAQS of the same pollutant for the entire area designated for that other NAAQS. In this case, any additional emissions reductions beyond those addressed by control measures in the SIP for that other NAAQS would be required to come from the relevant NAAQS area (40 CFR 93.109(c)(2)(ii)(B)). For example, in the case of the three-county area, the four-county area’s budget for another NAAQS could be used for the four-county area (i.e., the area designated for that other NAAQS) to demonstrate conformity for the three-county area (i.e., the relevant NAAQS area). Any reductions needed would have to come from within the three-county area. The highlighted portion of the Multijurisdictional guidance (above) will be used for this conformity process. We will use the full county 2007 Ozone NAAQS MVEBs to demonstrate conformity for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS. EPA (Smith) mentioned that in addition to the 2008 Ozone NAAQS conformity determination that will be done for the entire Metrolina Region a conformity determination will also need to be done for the 2007 Ozone Standard for the MUMPO LRTP/TIP amendment work. The reason for this is that since the conformity determination is planned to be completed by 4/30/13, the 2007 Ozone Standard is still in effect. FHWA (Dancausse) asked EPA (Smith) if conformity for the 2007 Ozone Standard could only cover the counties of Mecklenburg and Union since these are the only two counties involved in the LRTP/TIP amendment work. EPA (Smith) was going to double check to see if this approach is acceptable and will let the IC group know. EPA’s email response is provided below: Conformity Demonstration for the 1997 and the 2008 Ozone Standard • Confirmed, Yes, Mecklenburg, Union and associated donut areas will be required to demonstrate conformity for the 1997 (not 2007) Ozone standard because of the Plan and TIP Amendment for the HOT lanes. • Also, to clarify how the budget test will be demonstrated in the highlighted option below, if you use this highlighted option for the 2008 smaller boundary area which includes partial and donut (Cabarrus, Gaston, Lincoln, Rowan, Iredell and Union) counties and the one whole (Mecklenburg) county area will use the entire 2008 RFP VOC and NOx subarea budget that has been deemed adequate as the conformity test. If this area can scale the TDM model down to capture the VMTs and speeds and apply the associated emissions factors for the new smaller boundaries, then this scale down modeling will become a "subset or portion" of the 2008 RFP VOC and NOx subarea budget and this "subset or portion" of the budget will be the conformity test used to demonstrate conformity for the 2008 standard. This is the first budget test option (nonhighlighted section) referred to below: • Let me know if there are any further questions. 77 It was decided for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS conformity process that the full county areas in the Metrolina RFP SIP MVEBs and the Metrolina Area designated for the 1997 Ozone Standard (i.e, Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell (partial), Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, and Union) will be utilized to demonstrate conformity for 2008 Ozone NAAQS due by 7/20/13. It is the option described under the second highlighted paragraph (provided above) in EPA’s Multijurisdictional Guidance (dated 7/2012) above. In order to demonstrate conformity for the 2008 Ozone Standard the following would need to occur: • The Metrolina Regional Modeling – MRM (vehicle miles traveled and speeds) that was used for the conformity determination that was competed on 7/6/12, could also be used for this conformity process. A new MRM is not required (assuming that there have not been any changes since the last conformity determination). • The WMT and Speed will be used to run the MOBILE6.2 model. • The MOBILE6.2 model will need to be updated to include the changes in the I/M program in NC. • The consensus plan and CPS would be updated to reflect just doing the conformity work for the 2008 Ozone Standard CONFORMITY PROCESS SCHEDULE (CPS) FHWA (Dancausse) went over the CPS. No revisions were made to the CPS. 78 CONSENSUS PLAN FHWA (Dancausse) went over the consensus plan and pointed out revisions that were made as suggested at the last IC meeting. There is still one revision pending from the last meeting and it is detailed as an action item below. OTHER It was discussed that if there could not be a resolution reached between MUMPO and NCDOT on the I-77 project scenarios related to the MUMPO LRTP/TIP amendments that we would continue the conformity work for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS under a separate conformity process. This will eliminate the possibility of jeopardizing the 2008 Ozone NAAQS deadline of 7/20/13 by the delays in the MUMPO I-77 LRTP/TIP amendment work. This will be an agenda item for the next IC meeting to be held in November. ACTION ITEMS: 1. MUMPO and NCDOT need to agree on what projects will be modeled for conformity 2. FHWA (Dancausse)/CDOT (Haynes) will document in the consensus plan and in the conformity determination report (CDR) the date that the transportation modeling work/REA begins and ends. Will need to include this information in the CDR. 3. NCDAQ (Pasley) will provide a write up for page 10, item g of the consensus plan 4. It was decided that for this conformity process the MOBILE6.2 (M6.2) model will be used. The MOVES model grace period is in effect and the M6.2 can still be still be used through 3/2/13. As long as the modeling and regional emissions analysis work begins prior to 3/2/13 and there is IC partner agreement the M6.2 model can be used. For this conformity process the modeling work begins on 10/1/12 and will end on 12/28/12. This information will be included in the CDR 5. EPA (Smith) will work with FHWA (Dancausse) and NCDAQ (Boothe/Pasley) to coordinate the approval of the Metrolina Region Maintenance Plan after the completion of this conformity work on 4/30/13. 6. FHWA (Dancausse) will provide meeting minutes NEXT IC MEETING • November 13, 2012: 2:00pm-3:30pm 79 Metrolina Region Transportation Conformity Mecklenburg Union MPO Gaston MPO Cabarrus Rowan MPO Rocky River RPO Lake Norman RPO MUMPO: 1-4750HOT and I-3311C LRTP/TIP Amendment Metrolina Area 2008 Ozone NAAQS Interagency Consultation (IC) Kick-Off Meeting ACTION & FOLLOW-UP ITEMS/NOTES November 13, 2012 ATTENDEES CDOT: Eldewins Haynes, Martin Kinnamon, Anna Gallup, Sarah Familian NCDOT: Mark Smith, Jamal Alavi, Terry Arellano, Derry Schmidt, Earlene Thomas, Teresa Ellerby, MUMPO: Bob Cook Cabarrus-Rowan MPO: Phil Conrad Gaston MPO: Bernie Yacobucci RFATS: Lake Norman RPO: Rocky River RPO: FHWA: Eddie Dancausse, Mitch Batuzich FTA: NCDAQ: Heather Hildebrandt, Todd Pasley, Vicki Chandler SCDHEC: Kimley-Horn: Tim Padgett EPA: Dianna Smith SCDOT: SCDEHC: Mecklenburg Co. AQ: NC Turnpike Authority: Union Co.: 10/2/12 ACTION ITEMS: 1. MUMPO and NCDOT need to agree on what projects will be modeled for conformity. This item is complete 2. FHWA (Dancausse)/CDOT (Haynes) will document in the consensus plan and in the conformity determination report (CDR) the date that the transportation modeling work/REA begins and ends. Will need to include this information in the CDR. 3. NCDAQ (Pasley) will provide a write up for page 10, item g of the consensus plan. This item is complete 4. It was decided that for this conformity process the MOBILE6.2 (M6.2) model will be used. The MOVES model grace period is in effect and the M6.2 can still be still be used through 3/2/13. As long as the modeling and regional emissions analysis work begins prior to 80 3/2/13 and there is IC partner agreement the M6.2 model can be used. For this conformity process the modeling work begins on 10/1/12 and will end on 12/28/12. This information will be included in the CDR 5. EPA (Smith) will work with FHWA (Dancausse) and NCDAQ (Boothe/Pasley) to coordinate the approval of the Metrolina Region Maintenance Plan after the completion of this conformity work on 4/30/13. 6. FHWA (Dancausse) will provide meeting minutes. This item is complete ITEMS DISCUSSED: MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment NCDOT has hired a consultant (Gresham/Padgett) to model the 5 project scenarios. The modeling work will include running the Metrolina Regional Model (MRM), the MOBILE6.2 model and determining emissions for all the impacted counties of Mecklenburg and Union. The NCDOT consultant (Padgett) had some questions related to the project scenarios FHWA (Batuzich) answered the questions. FHWA (Batuzich) will revise the project scenarios document (I-77 HOT Project Description and Scenario Analysis for AQ Conformity TIP# I-4750, I-5405 & I-3311CRevised 11/13/12) to provide further clarity on the project scenarios for modelers and the interagency partners. The revised project scenario document is provided as a separate document to these meeting minutes. 2008 Ozone NAAQS Conformity Process It was decided that the 2008 Ozone NAAQS process will be separated from the MUMPO LTRP/TIP Amendment (TIP# I-4750, I-5405 & I-3311C). The reason for this is to ensure that the area can meet the conformity requirement of the 2008 Ozone NAAQS independent of MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment work. There is still some uncertainty related to the timely completion of the MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment work. FHWA (Dancausse) will revise/create the consensus plans for the two conformity processes. The two processes will utilize the conformity process schedule dated 7/25/12. CONFORMITY PROCESS SCHEDULE (CPS) FHWA (Dancausse) went over the CPS. FHWA will make some revisions to item #37 on the CPS to give NCDAQ more time to complete their work since 5 scenarios will be analyzed instead of the original 2. The revised CPS will be shared with NCDAQ (Pasley/Hildebrandt) to make sure they agree with the revisions and then it will be shared with the group CONSENSUS PLAN FHWA (Dancausse) went over the consensus plan and pointed out revisions that were made as suggested at the last IC meeting. Page 10, item g, needs to be revised to remove the following: 81 “Vehicles from the last 3 years will not be subject to the I/M emissions test requirements (antitampering requirements still apply)”. FHWA (Dancausse) will create two consensus plans: one for the MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment work and the other for 2008 NAAQS Ozone Standard and will share it with IC partners for their review and comment. OTHER ITEMS The Lawyers Road project will not be a part of this conformity work NCDAQ (Pasley) may have some additional questions in the future from the modeling consultants related to local starts and road type data. ACTION ITEMS: 1 FHWA (Dancausse)/CDOT (Haynes) will need to be included the following information in the CDR: o Document in the consensus plan and in the conformity determination report (CDR) the date that the transportation modeling work/REA begins and ends o It was decided that for this conformity process the MOBILE6.2 (M6.2) model will be used. The MOVES model grace period is in effect and the M6.2 can still be still be used through 3/2/13. As long as the modeling and regional emissions analysis work begins prior to 3/2/13 and there is IC partner agreement the M6.2 model can be used. For this conformity process the modeling work begins on 10/1/12 and will end on 12/28/12 2 EPA (Smith) will work with FHWA (Dancausse) and NCDAQ (Pasley) to coordinate the approval of the Metrolina Region Maintenance Plan after the completion of this conformity work on 4/30/13. 3 FHWA (Batuzich) will revise the project scenarios to clarify some consultant modeling questions. This is complete and the document is titled: “I-77 HOT Project Description and Scenario Analysis for AQ Conformity (TIP# I-4750, I-5405 & I-3311C), Revised 11/13/12”this item is complete 4 FHWA (Dancausse) will revise/create consensus plans 5 FHWA (Dancausse) will revise the consensus plan (item number 37) to allow more time for the NCDAQ emission factor work 6 FHWA (Dancausse) will draft the meeting minutes NEXT IC MEETING • January 8, 2012: 2:00pm-3:30pm 82 Metrolina Region Transportation Conformity Mecklenburg Union MPO Gaston MPO Cabarrus Rowan MPO Rocky River RPO Lake Norman RPO MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment (I-4750, I-5405 & I-3311C) Metrolina Area 2008 Ozone NAAQS Interagency Consultation (IC) Kick-Off Meeting ACTION & FOLLOW-UP ITEMS/NOTES January 8, 2013 ATTENDEES CDOT: Eldewins Haynes NCDOT: Jamal Alavi, Terry Arellano, Derry Schmidt, Earlene Thomas, Anil Paniker MUMPO: Bob Cook Cabarrus-Rowan MPO: Phil Conrad Gaston MPO: Bernie Yacobucci RFATS: Lake Norman RPO: Rocky River RPO: FHWA: Eddie Dancausse FTA: NCDAQ: Heather Hildebrandt, Todd Pasley, Vicki Chandler, Anne Galamb SCDHEC: Kimley-Horn: Tim Padgett, Craig Gresham EPA: Dianna Smith SCDOT: SCDEHC: Mecklenburg Co. AQ: Jason Rayfield NC Turnpike Authority: Union Co.: PRIOR PENDING ACTION ITEMS: 1 FHWA (Dancausse)/CDOT (Haynes) will need to be included the following information in the CDR: o Document in the consensus plan and in the conformity determination report (CDR) the date that the transportation modeling work/REA begins and ends o It was decided that for this conformity process the MOBILE6.2 (M6.2) model will be used. The MOVES model grace period is in effect and the M6.2 can still be still be used through 3/2/13. As long as the modeling and regional emissions analysis work begins prior to 3/2/13 and there is IC partner agreement the M6.2 model can be used. For this conformity process the modeling work begins on 10/1/12 and will end on 12/28/12 83 2 EPA (Smith) will work with FHWA (Dancausse) and NCDAQ (Pasley) to coordinate the approval of the Metrolina Region Maintenance Plan after the completion of this conformity work on 4/30/13. CONFORMITY PROCESS SCHEDULE (CPS) The CPS will be updated to account for some slippage in the schedule CONSENSUS PLAN 2008 Ozone Standard Process • Page 10, items f (add by county) MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment work (# I-4750, I-5405 & I-3311C) Process • Remove track changes • Page 11, items j and h, remove non Mecklenburg/Union counties ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Updated 2011 vehicle age distribution (VAD) and 2010 vehicle mix will be used for both the 2008 Ozone Standard work and the MUMPO LRTP/TIP amendment work (TIP# I-4750, I5405 & I-3311C). This was discussed by the IC partners and everyone was ok with this approach • The VAD (2011) will be used by county instead of universal age distribution data that was used in the past. The reason for this is that the data received from NCDOT is broken down by county in preparation for use with the MOVES2010b model (even though we will be using MOBILE6 for this conformity work). This was discussed by the IC partners and everyone was ok with this approach • EPA (Smith) mentioned for the MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment I-4750, I-5405 & I-3311C process conformity has to be done for both the 1997 and 2008 ozone standard because the 1997 standard is still in effect until 7/20/13. Will need to include language in the CDR to mention that conformity is being done for both standards. The REA will be the same for both standards. ACTION ITEMS: 1 MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment I-4750, I-5405 & I-3311C a. NCDAQ will provide CDOT (Haynes/Gallup) updated 2011 VAD and 2010 vehicle mix files for the MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment I-4750, I-5405 & I-3311C by 1/14/13 b. The NCDOT consultant (Padget/Gresham) will provide NCDAQ with MOBILE6 emission factors and emissions for the MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment work (I4750, I-5405 & I-3311C) by 1/22/13 c. NCDAQ will complete the review and QC of the emission factors and emissions by 1/29/13 2 2008 Ozone NAAQS Conformity Process a. NCDAQ will provide CDOT (Haynes/Gallup) MOBILE6 emission factors (including updated 2011 VAD and 2010 vehicle mix) by 1/23/13. b. CDOT (Haynes) will calculate emissions and that should be completed by 1/28/13 3 The Metrolina MPOs will ask their TACs to approve the release of the draft CDRs for the following conformity processes on the following dates: 84 4 5 6 7 a. Cabarrus Rowan MPO (2008 Ozone Standard) on 1/23/13 b. Gaston MPO (2008 Ozone Standard) on 1/22/13 c. MUMPO (2008 Ozone Standard and MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment work (# I4750, I-5405 & I-3311C)) on 1/16/13 For the MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment I-4750, I-5405 & I-3311C process conformity has to be done for both the 1997 and 2008 ozone standard because the 1997 standard is still in effect until 7/20/13. CDOT (Haynes)/FHWA (Dancausse) will need to include language in the CDR to mention that conformity is being done for both standards. The REA will be the same for both standards. FHWA (Dancausse) will revise consensus plans FHWA (Dancausse) will revise the conformity process schedule FHWA (Dancausse) will draft the meeting minutes UPCOMMING MEETINGs • February 5, 2013: 2:00pm-3:30pm • March 5, 2013: 2:00pm-3:30pm 85 Metrolina Region Transportation Conformity Mecklenburg Union MPO Gaston MPO Cabarrus Rowan MPO Rocky River RPO Lake Norman RPO MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment (I-4750, I-5405 & I-3311C) Metrolina Area 2008 Ozone NAAQS Interagency Consultation (IC) Kick-Off Meeting ACTION & FOLLOW-UP ITEMS/NOTES February 5, 2013 ATTENDEES CDOT: Eldewins Haynes, Sara Familian, NCDOT: Jamal Alavi, Terry Arellano, Derry Schmidt, Earlene Thomas, Anil Paniker, Mark Smith MUMPO: Bob Cook Cabarrus-Rowan MPO: Phil Conrad Gaston MPO: RFATS: Lake Norman RPO: Rocky River RPO: FHWA: Eddie Dancausse, Loretta Barren FTA: NCDAQ: Heather Hildebrandt, Todd Pasley, Vicki Chandler, Anne Galamb, Phyllis Jones SCDHEC: Kimley-Horn: Craig Gresham EPA: Dianna Smith SCDOT: SCDEHC: Mecklenburg Co. AQ: Jason Rayfield NC Turnpike Authority: Union Co.: PRIOR PENDING ACTION ITEMS: • EPA (Smith) will work with FHWA (Dancausse) and NCDAQ (Pasley) to coordinate the approval of the Metrolina Region Maintenance Plan after the completion of this conformity work on 4/30/13. CONFORMITY PROCESS SCHEDULE (CPS) The CPS will be updated to account for some slippage in the schedule CONSENSUS PLAN 2008 Ozone Standard Process • Page 10, item f (remove by county) 86 ITEMS DISCUSSED: • Modeling Discussion: At the January IC meeting it was decided that the vehicle age distribution (VAD) would be used by county instead of the universal age distribution used in the past. The reason for this method is that the data received from NCDOT is broken down by county in preparation for use with the MOVES2010b model and would be easier to use it this way (less manipulation of the data). Using this approach caused difficulties with the Gaston County regional emissions analysis (REA). To remedy this issue it was decided that the VAD should be done consistent with past conformity determinations (a combination of Mecklenburg/Gaston Counties VAD and the other areas would use NCAGE). This was discussed by the IC partners and everyone was ok with this modified approach • MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment I-4750, I-5405 & I-3311C o NCDAQ sent the updated VAD files to the NCDOT modeling consultant (Gresham) on 2/5/13 o NCDOT modeling consultant (Gresham) will provide emissions to NCDAQ within 3 days (2/8/13) o It will take NCDAQ (Pasley/Hildebrandt) approximately one week (2/15/13) to QA/QC the emissions work o MUMPO will approve the release of the draft CDR during their 2/20/13 TAC meeting and approve the LRTP/TIP amendment and the conformity determination during their 5/15/13 meeting o CDOT (Haynes) will complete the draft CDR by 2/20/13 • 2008 Ozone NAAQS Conformity Process o NCDAQ sent the updated VAD files to CDOT (Haynes) on 2/5/13 o CDOT (Haynes) will complete the emissions within a couple of days (2/7/13) and provide it to NCDAQ (Pasley/Hildebrandt) o It will take NCDAQ (Pasley/Hildebrandt) approximately one week (2/15/13) to QA/QC the emissions work o MUMPO will approve the release of the draft CDR during their 2/20/13 TAC meeting and approve the LRTP/TIP amendment and the conformity determination during their 5/15/13 meeting o The Cabarrus Rowan MPO and the Gaston MPO approved the release of the draft CDR during their January TAC meetings and will approve the conformity determination during their March TAC meetings o CDOT (Haynes) will complete the draft CDR by 2/20/13 • Both conformity processes will need to be completed no later than the first week of June 2013. NCDAQ will submit a maintenance plan for the 1997 ozone standard to EPA and request their approval no later than 7/20/13. Once EPA approves the 1997 ozone maintenance plan the SIP MVEBs must be used for the conformity determination REA. The danger with this is if the USDOT conformity determination is not completed prior to the EPA approval of the 1997 ozone maintenance plan, then the regional emissions analysis will need to be redone (to compare to the new 1997 ozone maintenance plan MVEBs). In addition to redoing the REA, the following will need to occur: draft conformity determination will need to go out for agency/public review/comment, MPO TAC adoptions/conformity determinations and final Federal reviews. This will delay these conformity processes approximately 6 to 8 months. Additional Information (Since the 2/5/13 IC meeting was held) 87 • Jamal Alavi email dated 2/11/13: o Just a quick heads up, we have been informed by the I-77 Concessionaires that based on their analysis of time, they will not be able to finish construction of the central section of the I-77 HOT project by 2015. Therefore we will have to move the Central section’s Horizon year to 2025 which requires moving the central section from the 2015 and into 2025. Good news is that the 2025 has all the sections in it and we already have the 2015 no-build (with existing HOV lanes) run by Craig (for the traffic forecasting) and he will be able to complete the AQ runs within a couple of days. o I apologize for this change and please let me know if you have any questions. We will inform the entire interagency team as well. ACTION ITEMS: 1 MUMPO LRTP/TIP Amendment I-4750, I-5405 & I-3311C a. NCDAQ sent the updated VAD files to the NCDOT modeling consultant (Gresham) on 2/5/13 b. NCDOT modeling consultant (Gresham) will provide emissions to NCDAQ within 3 days (2/8/13) c. It will take NCDAQ (Pasley/Hildebrandt) approximately one week (2/15/13) to QA/QC the emissions work d. MUMPO will approve the release of the draft CDR during their 2/20/13 TAC meeting and approve the LRTP/TIP amendment and the conformity determination during their 5/15/13 meeting e. CDOT (Haynes) will complete the draft CDR by 2/20/13 2 2008 Ozone NAAQS Conformity Process a. NCDAQ sent the updated VAD files to CDOT (Haynes) on 2/5/13 b. CDOT (Haynes) will complete the emissions within a couple of days (2/7/13) and provide it to NCDAQ (Pasley/Hildebrandt) c. It will take NCDAQ (Pasley/Hildebrandt) approximately one week (2/15/13) to QA/QC the emissions work d. MUMPO will approve the release of the draft CDR during their 2/20/13 TAC meeting and approve the LRTP/TIP amendment and the conformity determination during their 5/15/13 meeting e. The Cabarrus Rowan MPO and the Gaston MPO will approve the conformity determination during their March TAC meetings f. CDOT (Haynes) will complete the draft CDR by 2/20/13 3 FHWA (Dancausse) will revise consensus plan for the 2008 ozone standard 4 FHWA (Dancausse) will revise the conformity process schedule 5 FHWA (Dancausse) will draft the meeting minutes UPCOMMING MEETINGs • March 5, 2013: 2:00pm-3:30pm 88 Appendix C: VMT and Speeds 50 89 2015 Metrolina VMT Speed 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Cabarrus AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 40,760 50 Rural Minor Arterial 57,902 52 Rural Major Collector 95,020 38 Rural Minor Collector 63,529 39 Rural Local 123,209 27 Urban Interstate 315,427 43 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 202,553 29 Urban Minor Arterial 208,781 28 Urban Collector 158,728 26 Urban Local 218,575 23 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,484,486 Midday 0 51,073 68,151 125,102 81,652 176,317 414,044 0 300,038 318,887 246,370 357,241 0 52 56 42 41 28 65 0 31 30 29 21 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,138,876 PM Peak 0 45,364 64,008 106,720 78,668 146,914 336,448 0 236,855 239,534 192,797 261,226 0 48 48 36 37 28 38 0 26 26 24 22 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,708,534 Night 0 30,251 42,491 70,971 42,100 94,458 232,694 0 175,167 177,428 113,291 172,839 0 56 59 50 46 28 68 0 40 39 37 25 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,151,689 24 Hour 0 167,447 232,551 397,815 265,949 540,898 1,298,614 0 914,614 944,630 711,187 1,009,881 Cabarrus Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 6,483,585 90 L:\2011_Conformity 2015 Metrolina VMT Speed 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Gaston AM Peak Rural Interstate 39,943 60 Rural Principal Arterial 148,964 56 Rural Minor Arterial 74,103 38 Rural Major Collector 91,360 40 Rural Minor Collector 43,479 40 Rural Local 81,854 28 Urban Interstate 493,903 44 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 25,010 52 Urban Principal Arterial 273,470 31 Urban Minor Arterial 219,918 31 Urban Collector 67,094 28 Urban Local 221,459 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,780,557 Midday 47,979 138,709 89,600 114,070 49,577 113,498 601,290 29,637 381,437 321,158 90,933 351,262 63 63 52 47 40 28 63 54 34 35 30 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,329,149 PM Peak 42,475 160,084 81,453 105,834 53,443 97,635 528,802 26,140 314,589 257,554 82,078 260,373 55 56 41 39 39 29 45 52 29 30 24 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,010,461 Night 27,444 92,054 49,212 69,233 26,082 60,389 366,005 18,118 217,303 181,995 47,531 184,567 63 63 56 51 40 28 63 56 39 39 34 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,339,933 24 Hour 157,840 539,811 294,368 380,496 172,582 353,377 1,990,000 98,905 1,186,800 980,624 287,636 1,017,660 Gaston Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 7,460,100 91 L:\2011_Conformity 2015 Metrolina VMT Speed 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Iredell AM Peak Rural Interstate 63,951 46 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 Rural Minor Arterial 18,229 14 Rural Major Collector 41,488 28 Rural Minor Collector 55,119 25 Rural Local 121,936 29 Urban Interstate 241,344 42 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 32,806 24 Urban Minor Arterial 43,418 24 Urban Collector 56,477 26 Urban Local 95,705 25 Urban HOT 0 0 Iredell 770,475 Iredell Midday Rural Interstate 83,358 67 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 Rural Minor Arterial 30,157 13 Rural Major Collector 59,744 33 Rural Minor Collector 77,892 28 Rural Local 184,652 29 Urban Interstate 341,106 58 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 54,110 25 Urban Minor Arterial 67,613 26 Urban Collector 91,811 26 Urban Local 164,097 25 Urban HOT 0 0 Iredell 1,154,540 Iredell PM Peak Rural Interstate 66,083 51 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 Rural Minor Arterial 20,768 12 Rural Major Collector 48,189 24 Rural Minor Collector 63,354 27 Rural Local 142,460 28 Urban Interstate 257,751 39 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 37,404 21 Urban Minor Arterial 48,562 22 Urban Collector 65,169 23 Urban Local 114,017 24 Urban HOT 0 0 Iredell 863,756 Iredell Night Rural Interstate 43,256 68 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 Rural Minor Arterial 19,789 30 Rural Major Collector 34,905 41 Rural Minor Collector 37,947 42 Rural Local 94,599 30 Urban Interstate 191,820 68 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 29,848 36 Urban Minor Arterial 38,288 36 Urban Collector 44,407 37 Urban Local 75,100 26 Urban HOT 0 0 Iredell 609,960 Iredell 24 Hour Rural Interstate 256,648 Rural Principal Arterial 0 Rural Minor Arterial 88,942 Rural Major Collector 184,326 Rural Minor Collector 234,312 Rural Local 543,648 Urban Interstate 1,032,021 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 Urban Principal Arterial 154,169 Urban Minor Arterial 197,882 Urban Collector 257,864 Urban Local 448,920 Urban HOT 0 Iredell 3,398,731 Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 92 L:\2011_Conformity 2015 Metrolina VMT Speed 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Lincoln AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 24,342 54 Rural Minor Arterial 110,571 46 Rural Major Collector 56,451 55 Rural Minor Collector 60,249 43 Rural Local 155,203 28 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 55,636 68 Urban Principal Arterial 29,554 36 Urban Minor Arterial 69,764 34 Urban Collector 20,345 33 Urban Local 46,711 25 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 628,826 Midday 0 31,160 152,775 71,657 69,696 224,072 0 63,939 41,871 100,917 28,154 74,420 0 60 47 57 46 28 0 68 39 37 36 25 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 858,661 PM Peak 0 25,947 121,296 63,468 67,170 180,091 0 61,137 33,086 76,997 24,026 55,172 0 53 42 55 43 28 0 68 35 33 32 25 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 708,390 Night 0 17,221 86,900 40,519 36,781 118,794 0 35,069 23,261 63,263 14,673 39,263 0 65 53 58 47 28 0 68 44 43 39 26 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 475,745 24 Hour 0 98,671 471,542 232,096 233,896 678,160 0 215,781 127,772 310,941 87,197 215,566 Lincoln Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 2,671,622 93 L:\2011_Conformity 2015 Metrolina VMT Speed 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Mecklenburg AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 42,553 33 Rural Minor Arterial 18,417 30 Rural Major Collector 16,388 35 Rural Minor Collector 40,557 35 Rural Local 88,025 29 Urban Interstate 1,812,861 48 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,440,932 51 Urban Principal Arterial 1,171,199 24 Urban Minor Arterial 1,095,479 24 Urban Collector 888,629 21 Urban Local 1,565,718 21 Urban HOT 105,539 66 Mecklenburg 8,286,297 Mecklenburg Midday Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 53,334 43 Rural Minor Arterial 23,003 41 Rural Major Collector 23,329 40 Rural Minor Collector 49,522 40 Rural Local 126,369 29 Urban Interstate 2,391,191 57 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,729,950 57 Urban Principal Arterial 1,782,022 27 Urban Minor Arterial 1,671,428 27 Urban Collector 1,340,390 26 Urban Local 2,536,275 20 Urban HOT 33,335 68 Mecklenburg 11,760,148 Mecklenburg PM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 48,128 35 Rural Minor Arterial 21,247 36 Rural Major Collector 19,126 33 Rural Minor Collector 50,469 33 Rural Local 107,304 29 Urban Interstate 2,017,970 44 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,642,743 48 Urban Principal Arterial 1,358,478 21 Urban Minor Arterial 1,279,309 22 Urban Collector 1,037,721 20 Urban Local 1,867,699 19 Urban HOT 103,425 66 Mecklenburg 9,553,621 Mecklenburg Night Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 31,467 49 Rural Minor Arterial 15,253 45 Rural Major Collector 11,256 46 Rural Minor Collector 25,430 45 Rural Local 60,166 29 Urban Interstate 1,413,993 62 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 913,784 60 Urban Principal Arterial 991,365 37 Urban Minor Arterial 903,795 36 Urban Collector 714,911 35 Urban Local 1,218,318 24 Urban HOT 0 0 Mecklenburg 6,299,739 Mecklenburg 24 Hour Rural Interstate 0 Rural Principal Arterial 175,483 Rural Minor Arterial 77,919 Rural Major Collector 70,099 Rural Minor Collector 165,978 Rural Local 381,864 Urban Interstate 7,636,015 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 5,727,409 Urban Principal Arterial 5,303,064 Urban Minor Arterial 4,950,011 Urban Collector 3,981,652 Urban Local 7,188,011 Urban HOT 242,298 Mecklenburg 35,899,805 Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 94 L:\2011_Conformity 2015 Metrolina VMT Speed 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Rowan AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 39,053 53 Rural Minor Arterial 24,445 54 Rural Major Collector 132,293 51 Rural Minor Collector 91,502 45 Rural Local 132,964 29 Urban Interstate 370,966 59 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 120,519 38 Urban Minor Arterial 132,060 33 Urban Collector 133,816 32 Urban Local 178,548 24 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,356,165 Midday 0 48,390 33,214 155,607 103,857 178,579 458,302 0 172,671 198,968 186,069 280,893 0 58 57 54 48 29 64 0 38 34 29 24 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,816,550 PM Peak 0 42,625 26,690 146,835 104,229 152,411 399,362 0 135,752 152,749 157,074 210,060 0 54 53 50 45 29 58 0 35 31 27 23 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,527,787 Night 0 26,543 21,754 92,742 54,350 99,723 264,945 0 96,076 111,624 98,251 141,759 0 60 60 57 50 29 67 0 44 41 37 25 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,007,767 24 Hour 0 156,610 106,103 527,477 353,938 563,677 1,493,575 0 525,019 595,400 575,209 811,260 Rowan Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 5,708,268 95 L:\2011_Conformity 2015 Metrolina VMT Speed 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Union AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 168,756 53 Rural Minor Arterial 22,570 39 Rural Major Collector 247,885 43 Rural Minor Collector 86,915 43 Rural Local 328,274 31 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 65,691 45 Urban Principal Arterial 124,153 37 Urban Minor Arterial 105,981 27 Urban Collector 126,933 29 Urban Local 231,192 26 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,508,351 Midday 0 193,376 32,606 339,724 114,455 459,467 0 73,807 185,408 157,815 186,475 361,644 0 54 43 46 45 31 0 55 39 30 33 27 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,104,779 PM Peak 0 184,536 26,018 275,680 99,774 379,552 0 71,211 141,877 120,089 146,609 272,908 0 53 38 43 41 31 0 49 34 24 26 26 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,718,255 Night 0 102,130 20,530 196,779 59,512 236,526 0 37,960 105,467 95,195 96,949 187,024 0 55 51 50 47 31 0 57 44 38 41 28 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,138,072 24 Hour 0 648,799 101,724 1,060,068 360,657 1,403,819 0 248,669 556,905 479,081 556,967 1,052,769 Union Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 6,469,457 96 L:\2011_Conformity 2025 Metrolina VMT Speeds 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Cabarrus AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 51,036 45 Rural Minor Arterial 66,296 45 Rural Major Collector 110,597 33 Rural Minor Collector 81,047 35 Rural Local 174,454 26 Urban Interstate 380,602 42 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 230,151 26 Urban Minor Arterial 265,724 26 Urban Collector 186,133 23 Urban Local 263,882 22 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,809,922 Midday 0 64,504 81,398 151,992 105,692 248,983 513,553 0 342,977 404,010 291,374 427,636 0 50 51 37 38 27 61 0 29 28 27 21 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,632,119 PM Peak 0 55,692 74,675 124,432 98,788 204,492 414,700 0 267,123 308,437 225,625 315,600 0 45 43 31 33 27 38 0 23 23 21 22 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,089,563 Night 0 38,431 49,592 87,746 54,680 135,167 287,718 0 196,160 220,165 136,681 206,180 0 55 54 47 43 28 68 0 40 38 36 25 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,412,520 24 Hour 0 209,663 271,961 474,766 340,207 763,096 1,596,574 0 1,036,412 1,198,335 839,813 1,213,298 Cabarrus Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 7,944,125 97 L:\2011_Conformity 2025 Metrolina VMT Speeds 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Gaston AM Peak Rural Interstate 47,967 51 Rural Principal Arterial 185,541 46 Rural Minor Arterial 83,004 30 Rural Major Collector 116,783 34 Rural Minor Collector 58,819 36 Rural Local 107,825 28 Urban Interstate 575,079 41 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 30,606 48 Urban Principal Arterial 327,495 30 Urban Minor Arterial 261,780 28 Urban Collector 80,646 27 Urban Local 265,889 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,141,435 Midday 61,058 186,126 100,319 153,236 66,614 145,757 754,580 37,615 437,242 365,587 108,733 414,290 62 63 45 42 38 27 61 52 34 34 29 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,831,157 PM Peak 49,360 204,809 91,613 133,068 70,978 130,910 613,869 32,214 376,870 303,416 96,882 311,390 40 45 33 33 36 28 38 48 28 28 24 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,415,379 Night 34,318 119,854 53,700 91,543 35,120 77,627 451,709 22,844 245,322 208,786 58,752 219,353 63 64 51 49 39 27 63 55 39 39 35 25 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,618,929 24 Hour 192,704 696,330 328,636 494,630 231,531 462,120 2,395,237 123,279 1,386,928 1,139,569 345,014 1,210,922 Gaston Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 9,006,900 98 L:\2011_Conformity 2025 Metrolina VMT Speeds 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Iredell AM Peak Rural Interstate 67,707 68 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 Rural Minor Arterial 20,814 10 Rural Major Collector 45,767 25 Rural Minor Collector 66,720 21 Rural Local 156,817 27 Urban Interstate 267,988 51 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 38,136 20 Urban Minor Arterial 48,298 22 Urban Collector 64,613 22 Urban Local 115,997 24 Urban HOT 51,373 66 Iredell 944,229 Iredell Midday Rural Interstate 92,526 68 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 Rural Minor Arterial 34,615 11 Rural Major Collector 71,228 26 Rural Minor Collector 96,554 26 Rural Local 242,534 28 Urban Interstate 379,431 62 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 62,369 21 Urban Minor Arterial 76,623 23 Urban Collector 106,331 23 Urban Local 200,296 24 Urban HOT 57,894 69 Iredell 1,420,402 Iredell PM Peak Rural Interstate 66,873 68 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 Rural Minor Arterial 23,224 10 Rural Major Collector 52,922 19 Rural Minor Collector 75,864 22 Rural Local 181,903 26 Urban Interstate 280,921 50 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 43,874 17 Urban Minor Arterial 54,839 18 Urban Collector 74,421 20 Urban Local 137,823 22 Urban HOT 65,724 47 Iredell 1,058,389 Iredell Night Rural Interstate 54,822 68 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 Rural Minor Arterial 22,040 25 Rural Major Collector 40,710 39 Rural Minor Collector 48,359 42 Rural Local 123,761 30 Urban Interstate 231,940 68 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 36,256 33 Urban Minor Arterial 43,420 34 Urban Collector 52,612 36 Urban Local 91,737 26 Urban HOT 281 69 Iredell 745,939 Iredell 24 Hour Rural Interstate 281,927 Rural Principal Arterial 0 Rural Minor Arterial 100,693 Rural Major Collector 210,628 Rural Minor Collector 287,498 Rural Local 705,015 Urban Interstate 1,160,279 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 Urban Principal Arterial 180,635 Urban Minor Arterial 223,180 Urban Collector 297,977 Urban Local 545,853 Urban HOT 175,273 Iredell 4,168,958 Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 99 L:\2011_Conformity 2025 Metrolina VMT Speeds 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Lincoln AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 30,157 50 Rural Minor Arterial 122,549 42 Rural Major Collector 67,151 53 Rural Minor Collector 79,619 41 Rural Local 211,565 28 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 71,715 68 Urban Principal Arterial 33,426 33 Urban Minor Arterial 80,750 31 Urban Collector 26,213 31 Urban Local 57,831 25 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 780,976 Midday 0 38,711 174,647 87,036 95,054 308,437 0 82,927 48,640 118,739 36,623 92,591 0 57 43 55 44 28 0 68 36 34 34 25 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,083,405 PM Peak 0 32,090 136,273 75,274 88,483 244,143 0 79,522 37,591 89,263 30,519 68,995 0 49 38 52 40 28 0 68 31 29 30 24 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 882,152 Night 0 21,442 101,486 48,822 49,286 159,954 0 44,032 27,376 75,260 18,644 48,147 0 64 49 56 47 28 0 68 42 42 38 26 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 594,449 24 Hour 0 122,399 534,955 278,283 312,442 924,099 0 278,197 147,033 364,012 111,999 267,565 Lincoln Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 3,340,983 100 L:\2011_Conformity 2025 Metrolina VMT Speeds 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Mecklenburg AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 48,249 29 Rural Minor Arterial 22,193 24 Rural Major Collector 18,716 29 Rural Minor Collector 50,442 31 Rural Local 132,813 28 Urban Interstate 1,982,450 43 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,774,694 50 Urban Principal Arterial 1,321,943 22 Urban Minor Arterial 1,251,364 22 Urban Collector 1,015,063 19 Urban Local 1,851,611 21 Urban HOT 131,158 66 Mecklenburg 9,600,694 Mecklenburg Midday Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 63,729 39 Rural Minor Arterial 28,581 37 Rural Major Collector 28,198 36 Rural Minor Collector 67,676 37 Rural Local 202,262 29 Urban Interstate 2,699,764 55 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 2,150,463 57 Urban Principal Arterial 2,019,508 25 Urban Minor Arterial 1,918,963 25 Urban Collector 1,557,112 23 Urban Local 3,021,403 20 Urban HOT 106,133 68 Mecklenburg 13,863,792 Mecklenburg PM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 54,627 32 Rural Minor Arterial 25,532 31 Rural Major Collector 21,274 29 Rural Minor Collector 60,793 29 Rural Local 159,193 28 Urban Interstate 2,191,510 41 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,984,173 45 Urban Principal Arterial 1,537,863 19 Urban Minor Arterial 1,469,853 20 Urban Collector 1,179,789 18 Urban Local 2,210,142 18 Urban HOT 165,669 58 Mecklenburg 11,060,419 Mecklenburg Night Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 36,262 48 Rural Minor Arterial 17,915 44 Rural Major Collector 14,942 45 Rural Minor Collector 33,787 44 Rural Local 97,025 29 Urban Interstate 1,619,029 62 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,125,976 60 Urban Principal Arterial 1,108,501 35 Urban Minor Arterial 1,012,841 36 Urban Collector 830,673 35 Urban Local 1,437,419 24 Urban HOT 430 69 Mecklenburg 7,334,800 Mecklenburg 24 Hour Rural Interstate 0 Rural Principal Arterial 202,867 Rural Minor Arterial 94,221 Rural Major Collector 83,131 Rural Minor Collector 212,698 Rural Local 591,293 Urban Interstate 8,492,753 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 7,035,306 Urban Principal Arterial 5,987,815 Urban Minor Arterial 5,653,020 Urban Collector 4,582,637 Urban Local 8,520,574 Urban HOT 403,391 Mecklenburg 41,859,706 Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 101 L:\2011_Conformity 2025 Metrolina VMT Speeds 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Rowan AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 45,295 50 Rural Minor Arterial 27,995 51 Rural Major Collector 151,455 47 Rural Minor Collector 109,447 43 Rural Local 164,162 29 Urban Interstate 460,161 60 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 130,986 36 Urban Minor Arterial 152,646 31 Urban Collector 159,755 30 Urban Local 210,336 24 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,612,239 Midday 0 57,045 37,404 181,649 128,016 222,637 569,011 0 188,630 227,301 219,223 327,227 0 56 56 52 47 29 62 0 38 33 28 24 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,158,143 PM Peak 0 50,077 30,543 166,287 125,585 187,941 498,439 0 148,741 174,772 184,351 246,921 0 51 49 46 42 29 60 0 33 29 26 23 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,813,657 Night 0 31,219 24,291 109,822 64,524 121,913 326,951 0 106,239 127,085 115,937 166,025 0 60 59 56 49 29 66 0 44 40 37 25 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,194,007 24 Hour 0 183,636 120,234 609,213 427,573 696,653 1,854,562 0 574,595 681,805 679,266 950,509 Rowan Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 6,778,046 102 L:\2011_Conformity 2025 Metrolina VMT Speeds 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Union AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 209,437 51 Rural Minor Arterial 24,485 31 Rural Major Collector 313,439 38 Rural Minor Collector 128,889 40 Rural Local 507,846 30 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 77,531 39 Urban Principal Arterial 147,912 34 Urban Minor Arterial 129,140 25 Urban Collector 151,092 27 Urban Local 288,313 25 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,978,084 Midday 0 243,558 34,116 442,672 175,387 722,676 0 91,291 218,330 194,064 225,560 453,888 0 53 36 41 43 30 0 55 37 29 31 26 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,801,543 PM Peak 0 224,845 28,922 351,393 148,948 588,557 0 83,472 168,825 148,010 174,321 340,532 0 51 32 37 37 30 0 43 31 23 24 25 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,257,825 Night 0 123,565 21,174 260,180 91,878 370,849 0 43,635 121,717 110,953 120,889 230,782 0 54 44 48 47 31 0 57 44 38 40 28 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,495,623 24 Hour 0 801,405 108,697 1,367,685 545,102 2,189,928 0 295,929 656,784 582,166 671,862 1,313,516 Union Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 8,533,075 103 L:\2011_Conformity 2035 Metrolina VMT Speeds 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Cabarrus AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 58,594 45 Rural Minor Arterial 79,763 39 Rural Major Collector 130,322 35 Rural Minor Collector 90,257 32 Rural Local 228,285 25 Urban Interstate 539,180 51 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 282,790 28 Urban Minor Arterial 335,749 28 Urban Collector 194,992 23 Urban Local 304,768 21 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,244,701 Midday 0 77,524 99,425 181,435 120,169 320,490 664,846 0 419,334 513,719 305,198 492,262 0 50 46 39 36 27 68 0 31 30 26 20 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 3,194,402 PM Peak 0 64,135 89,749 144,245 108,002 264,570 598,003 0 326,964 390,100 234,074 361,792 0 45 36 33 30 26 51 0 26 26 22 21 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,581,633 Night 0 44,699 61,069 107,020 65,323 176,497 365,549 0 234,493 276,512 147,488 239,052 0 53 51 46 43 27 68 0 41 40 36 24 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,717,703 24 Hour 0 244,952 330,005 563,022 383,751 989,841 2,167,578 0 1,263,582 1,516,080 881,753 1,397,875 Cabarrus Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 9,738,440 104 L:\2011_Conformity 2035 Metrolina VMT Speeds 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Gaston AM Peak Rural Interstate 53,897 37 Rural Principal Arterial 208,044 41 Rural Minor Arterial 94,946 26 Rural Major Collector 134,120 29 Rural Minor Collector 76,473 34 Rural Local 135,042 28 Urban Interstate 643,094 35 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 34,261 46 Urban Principal Arterial 397,654 29 Urban Minor Arterial 285,959 27 Urban Collector 92,727 26 Urban Local 302,476 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,458,692 Midday 73,333 219,144 117,486 173,387 82,483 175,194 865,408 44,019 521,554 395,366 118,745 464,794 56 63 41 39 37 27 57 51 34 33 28 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 3,250,913 PM Peak 54,418 230,702 104,781 154,098 91,996 164,725 677,371 35,652 460,326 333,673 110,123 353,511 27 39 30 29 34 28 34 46 27 27 23 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,771,376 Night 42,154 132,292 61,188 104,881 43,092 90,682 524,073 26,665 288,307 226,376 64,531 245,569 63 63 50 48 39 27 63 55 40 39 35 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,849,810 24 Hour 223,801 790,182 378,401 566,486 294,043 565,643 2,709,946 140,598 1,667,840 1,241,374 386,126 1,366,351 Gaston Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 10,330,791 105 L:\2011_Conformity 2035 Metrolina VMT Speeds 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Iredell AM Peak Rural Interstate 82,564 68 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 Rural Minor Arterial 23,332 10 Rural Major Collector 52,861 20 Rural Minor Collector 76,866 17 Rural Local 189,267 26 Urban Interstate 313,006 27 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 42,989 17 Urban Minor Arterial 54,645 18 Urban Collector 73,307 19 Urban Local 138,155 23 Urban HOT 63,121 44 Iredell 1,110,114 Iredell Midday Rural Interstate 104,740 68 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 Rural Minor Arterial 39,883 9 Rural Major Collector 84,048 21 Rural Minor Collector 114,434 22 Rural Local 295,307 26 Urban Interstate 434,299 58 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 71,498 18 Urban Minor Arterial 87,243 20 Urban Collector 120,239 20 Urban Local 237,627 23 Urban HOT 94,900 61 Iredell 1,684,218 Iredell PM Peak Rural Interstate 81,660 68 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 Rural Minor Arterial 26,283 9 Rural Major Collector 61,400 15 Rural Minor Collector 88,378 18 Rural Local 218,125 24 Urban Interstate 330,073 27 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 49,304 15 Urban Minor Arterial 61,819 15 Urban Collector 84,259 18 Urban Local 164,002 21 Urban HOT 73,666 31 Iredell 1,238,970 Iredell Night Rural Interstate 68,311 68 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 Rural Minor Arterial 24,463 21 Rural Major Collector 46,642 36 Rural Minor Collector 59,151 39 Rural Local 151,397 29 Urban Interstate 273,592 68 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 40,451 31 Urban Minor Arterial 50,755 31 Urban Collector 61,171 34 Urban Local 109,210 26 Urban HOT 1,685 69 Iredell 886,829 Iredell 24 Hour Rural Interstate 337,275 Rural Principal Arterial 0 Rural Minor Arterial 113,961 Rural Major Collector 244,952 Rural Minor Collector 338,830 Rural Local 854,097 Urban Interstate 1,350,969 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 Urban Principal Arterial 204,242 Urban Minor Arterial 254,462 Urban Collector 338,977 Urban Local 648,995 Urban HOT 233,372 Iredell 4,920,131 Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 106 L:\2011_Conformity 2035 Metrolina VMT Speeds 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Lincoln AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 36,763 43 Rural Minor Arterial 136,075 38 Rural Major Collector 79,539 51 Rural Minor Collector 100,238 38 Rural Local 273,671 28 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 87,747 68 Urban Principal Arterial 37,557 29 Urban Minor Arterial 92,789 27 Urban Collector 32,636 27 Urban Local 71,195 24 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 948,211 Midday 0 47,581 192,526 105,251 122,695 401,282 0 104,902 55,339 137,022 46,215 114,057 0 49 40 53 42 28 0 68 33 30 32 25 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,326,870 PM Peak 0 39,067 150,544 89,673 111,469 315,643 0 98,250 42,253 102,974 37,454 84,191 0 41 35 49 37 27 0 68 28 25 26 23 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,071,517 Night 0 26,471 112,766 59,525 63,791 205,277 0 55,498 32,099 86,479 22,916 58,440 0 59 45 56 46 28 0 68 40 40 38 26 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 723,262 24 Hour 0 149,881 591,910 333,988 398,193 1,195,873 0 346,398 167,248 419,264 139,221 327,883 Lincoln Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 4,069,859 107 L:\2011_Conformity 2035 Metrolina VMT Speeds 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Mecklenburg AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 56,511 24 Rural Minor Arterial 25,881 21 Rural Major Collector 21,852 23 Rural Minor Collector 62,022 26 Rural Local 176,788 27 Urban Interstate 2,113,711 38 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,972,979 49 Urban Principal Arterial 1,476,707 20 Urban Minor Arterial 1,404,541 20 Urban Collector 1,114,104 17 Urban Local 2,098,017 20 Urban HOT 163,510 59 Mecklenburg 10,686,625 Mecklenburg Midday Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 77,832 33 Rural Minor Arterial 33,931 34 Rural Major Collector 34,437 30 Rural Minor Collector 84,547 35 Rural Local 277,575 28 Urban Interstate 2,979,177 52 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 2,436,539 55 Urban Principal Arterial 2,273,966 23 Urban Minor Arterial 2,164,902 23 Urban Collector 1,732,858 21 Urban Local 3,446,100 20 Urban HOT 186,123 65 Mecklenburg 15,727,986 Mecklenburg PM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 64,635 25 Rural Minor Arterial 29,348 28 Rural Major Collector 24,844 23 Rural Minor Collector 71,934 27 Rural Local 209,813 26 Urban Interstate 2,319,797 36 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 2,210,986 43 Urban Principal Arterial 1,721,533 18 Urban Minor Arterial 1,652,805 18 Urban Collector 1,294,560 16 Urban Local 2,499,597 17 Urban HOT 220,194 44 Mecklenburg 12,320,045 Mecklenburg Night Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 41,716 45 Rural Minor Arterial 21,027 44 Rural Major Collector 19,106 43 Rural Minor Collector 41,637 42 Rural Local 133,736 29 Urban Interstate 1,835,515 62 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,272,310 60 Urban Principal Arterial 1,207,351 35 Urban Minor Arterial 1,116,248 35 Urban Collector 922,421 33 Urban Local 1,619,049 24 Urban HOT 2,637 69 Mecklenburg 8,232,752 Mecklenburg 24 Hour Rural Interstate 0 Rural Principal Arterial 240,694 Rural Minor Arterial 110,187 Rural Major Collector 100,239 Rural Minor Collector 260,140 Rural Local 797,912 Urban Interstate 9,248,199 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 7,892,813 Urban Principal Arterial 6,679,557 Urban Minor Arterial 6,338,496 Urban Collector 5,063,943 Urban Local 9,662,763 Urban HOT 572,464 Mecklenburg 46,967,408 Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 108 L:\2011_Conformity 2035 Metrolina VMT Speeds 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Rowan AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 66,046 43 Rural Minor Arterial 30,973 48 Rural Major Collector 167,494 44 Rural Minor Collector 127,358 41 Rural Local 190,034 28 Urban Interstate 582,768 58 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 143,365 34 Urban Minor Arterial 194,565 31 Urban Collector 177,305 29 Urban Local 230,481 24 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,910,388 Midday 0 85,354 43,065 203,587 152,240 253,181 710,950 0 205,975 271,014 248,030 354,755 0 50 53 50 46 29 59 0 36 33 27 24 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,528,151 PM Peak 0 73,739 34,310 181,729 146,372 218,820 627,741 0 163,551 229,681 205,934 268,661 0 44 46 42 40 29 58 0 32 30 24 23 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,150,537 Night 0 46,250 27,844 125,179 78,476 136,332 406,077 0 116,282 144,786 131,775 182,396 0 55 58 54 48 28 65 0 43 40 36 26 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,395,396 24 Hour 0 271,388 136,192 677,988 504,446 798,367 2,327,537 0 629,173 840,046 763,043 1,036,293 Rowan Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 7,984,473 109 L:\2011_Conformity 2035 Metrolina VMT Speeds 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Union AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 245,491 49 Rural Minor Arterial 29,210 29 Rural Major Collector 373,467 34 Rural Minor Collector 170,579 36 Rural Local 684,183 29 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 88,759 34 Urban Principal Arterial 170,604 31 Urban Minor Arterial 148,328 22 Urban Collector 174,099 23 Urban Local 342,490 24 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,427,210 Midday 0 290,953 40,966 537,127 226,972 986,351 0 107,169 246,359 223,768 260,043 542,285 0 52 34 38 40 29 0 54 35 26 27 26 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 3,461,993 PM Peak 0 260,121 33,694 419,854 195,362 791,722 0 94,549 193,514 168,663 200,695 402,607 0 49 29 33 34 29 0 38 28 20 21 24 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,760,782 Night 0 150,423 25,999 317,846 121,442 500,925 0 50,421 133,617 126,179 143,692 270,845 0 54 42 47 46 30 0 57 43 36 38 28 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,841,389 24 Hour 0 946,989 129,870 1,648,294 714,355 2,963,180 0 340,897 744,094 666,939 778,530 1,558,228 Union Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 10,491,375 110 L:\2011_Conformity Appendix D: MOBILE 6.2 Emission Factors 72 111 2015 Emission Factors for Cabarrus County Road Type Rural principal arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban interstate Urban principal arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local 2015 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.935 1.078 0.708 0.819 0.738 0.891 0.725 0.841 0.672 0.822 0.773 0.903 0.752 0.896 0.759 0.883 0.719 0.872 0.845 0.993 0.870 1.013 0.733 0.851 0.602 0.762 0.841 0.994 0.627 0.786 0.847 0.999 0.639 0.799 0.866 1.022 0.649 0.815 0.903 1.068 2015 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.961 1.105 0.702 0.811 0.770 0.924 0.715 0.826 0.684 0.834 0.757 0.883 0.760 0.904 0.751 0.872 0.714 0.866 0.836 0.981 1.194 1.341 0.680 0.776 0.595 0.754 0.826 0.974 0.619 0.775 0.830 0.978 0.625 0.782 0.839 0.987 0.664 0.833 0.933 1.107 2015 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.918 1.061 0.715 0.827 0.712 0.864 0.738 0.858 0.667 0.817 0.782 0.915 0.747 0.891 0.768 0.894 0.714 0.866 0.836 0.981 0.846 0.989 0.753 0.876 0.616 0.780 0.869 1.028 0.637 0.798 0.866 1.022 0.650 0.813 0.889 1.050 0.656 0.824 0.917 1.086 2015 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 1.017 1.161 0.692 0.796 0.801 0.955 0.710 0.817 0.723 0.874 0.731 0.847 0.787 0.931 0.733 0.849 0.714 0.866 0.836 0.981 1.194 1.341 0.680 0.776 0.597 0.753 0.777 0.911 0.618 0.772 0.777 0.910 0.617 0.770 0.786 0.920 0.636 0.799 0.877 1.036 2025 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.333 0.506 0.327 0.468 0.290 0.474 0.332 0.480 0.268 0.446 0.359 0.522 0.287 0.457 0.354 0.510 0.284 0.466 0.399 0.580 0.383 0.560 0.319 0.447 0.256 0.445 0.390 0.577 0.262 0.451 0.395 0.581 0.265 0.454 0.400 0.588 0.281 0.482 0.443 0.655 2025 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.319 0.490 0.336 0.482 0.275 0.456 0.346 0.503 0.270 0.449 0.379 0.554 0.285 0.456 0.370 0.533 0.284 0.466 0.399 0.580 0.305 0.475 0.351 0.505 0.271 0.471 0.426 0.632 0.275 0.472 0.427 0.629 0.283 0.483 0.444 0.654 0.277 0.476 0.434 0.641 2025 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.353 0.527 0.321 0.455 0.298 0.482 0.329 0.472 0.282 0.463 0.338 0.489 0.294 0.466 0.343 0.493 0.282 0.462 0.393 0.572 0.411 0.589 0.318 0.442 0.253 0.439 0.354 0.521 0.256 0.439 0.358 0.524 0.255 0.437 0.363 0.531 0.268 0.461 0.412 0.606 2035 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.229 0.402 0.312 0.453 0.210 0.392 0.326 0.480 0.202 0.380 0.339 0.500 0.204 0.375 0.343 0.502 0.210 0.392 0.382 0.563 0.271 0.450 0.303 0.428 0.199 0.387 0.366 0.548 0.200 0.386 0.370 0.552 0.207 0.398 0.390 0.580 0.223 0.428 0.436 0.652 2035 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.221 0.392 0.321 0.467 0.201 0.380 0.346 0.513 0.201 0.380 0.356 0.526 0.207 0.381 0.366 0.536 0.212 0.396 0.388 0.571 0.230 0.404 0.311 0.451 0.207 0.402 0.391 0.585 0.208 0.399 0.390 0.581 0.217 0.416 0.418 0.623 0.219 0.421 0.426 0.637 2035 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.236 0.410 0.308 0.446 0.216 0.400 0.318 0.466 0.209 0.389 0.325 0.478 0.210 0.382 0.327 0.477 0.210 0.392 0.382 0.563 0.271 0.450 0.303 0.428 0.200 0.386 0.338 0.503 0.199 0.382 0.339 0.503 0.196 0.378 0.348 0.516 0.211 0.406 0.403 0.600 2025 Emission Factors for Cabarrus County Road Type Rural principal arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban interstate Urban principal arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local 2025 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.319 0.490 0.336 0.482 0.278 0.459 0.342 0.497 0.268 0.446 0.371 0.541 0.283 0.454 0.362 0.522 0.287 0.470 0.405 0.588 0.312 0.482 0.342 0.491 0.262 0.457 0.406 0.601 0.267 0.458 0.406 0.597 0.276 0.472 0.427 0.628 0.277 0.476 0.434 0.641 2035 Emission Factors for Cabarrus County Road Type Rural principal arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban interstate Urban principal arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local 2035 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.221 0.392 0.321 0.467 0.203 0.383 0.339 0.502 0.199 0.377 0.349 0.515 0.205 0.378 0.357 0.523 0.215 0.400 0.395 0.580 0.230 0.404 0.311 0.451 0.203 0.395 0.380 0.569 0.204 0.392 0.379 0.565 0.214 0.411 0.410 0.611 0.219 0.421 0.426 0.637 112 2015 Emission Factors for Gaston County Road Type Rural interstate Rural principal arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban interstate Urban freeway Urban principal arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local 2015 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.957 1.076 0.470 0.549 0.727 0.857 0.494 0.583 0.503 0.639 0.545 0.654 0.507 0.641 0.537 0.645 0.556 0.685 0.528 0.631 0.532 0.668 0.583 0.703 0.628 0.756 0.515 0.614 0.632 0.765 0.506 0.602 0.456 0.598 0.579 0.701 0.470 0.609 0.575 0.696 0.479 0.621 0.591 0.715 0.491 0.637 0.619 0.752 2015 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 1.036 1.155 0.469 0.546 0.829 0.961 0.489 0.574 0.553 0.690 0.515 0.613 0.530 0.665 0.522 0.624 0.556 0.685 0.528 0.631 0.532 0.668 0.583 0.703 0.820 0.951 0.490 0.574 0.647 0.780 0.503 0.597 0.452 0.592 0.565 0.683 0.464 0.602 0.557 0.672 0.473 0.612 0.580 0.701 0.491 0.637 0.619 0.752 2015 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.867 0.985 0.474 0.557 0.727 0.857 0.494 0.583 0.510 0.645 0.537 0.644 0.505 0.639 0.540 0.648 0.554 0.683 0.531 0.635 0.529 0.664 0.577 0.695 0.632 0.760 0.513 0.611 0.632 0.765 0.506 0.602 0.461 0.605 0.589 0.715 0.471 0.611 0.580 0.703 0.496 0.642 0.619 0.751 0.491 0.637 0.619 0.752 2015 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 1.036 1.155 0.469 0.546 0.829 0.961 0.489 0.574 0.576 0.714 0.510 0.605 0.547 0.683 0.515 0.613 0.556 0.685 0.528 0.631 0.532 0.668 0.583 0.703 0.820 0.951 0.490 0.574 0.665 0.798 0.501 0.593 0.456 0.596 0.550 0.663 0.470 0.608 0.546 0.657 0.467 0.605 0.561 0.676 0.491 0.637 0.619 0.752 2025 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.338 0.477 0.262 0.356 0.300 0.453 0.269 0.372 0.221 0.377 0.285 0.408 0.217 0.371 0.288 0.413 0.222 0.369 0.292 0.415 0.224 0.380 0.328 0.468 0.288 0.440 0.269 0.373 0.248 0.401 0.275 0.389 0.202 0.363 0.306 0.444 0.205 0.362 0.305 0.441 0.210 0.370 0.321 0.463 0.219 0.386 0.344 0.496 2025 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.257 0.390 0.283 0.392 0.243 0.390 0.280 0.397 0.213 0.368 0.307 0.442 0.212 0.366 0.306 0.440 0.220 0.367 0.296 0.420 0.222 0.377 0.323 0.462 0.233 0.379 0.292 0.413 0.239 0.392 0.279 0.396 0.209 0.374 0.326 0.473 0.211 0.373 0.325 0.470 0.220 0.387 0.344 0.496 0.219 0.386 0.344 0.496 2025 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.344 0.484 0.262 0.355 0.305 0.458 0.269 0.371 0.230 0.388 0.278 0.397 0.226 0.382 0.279 0.398 0.223 0.370 0.290 0.412 0.224 0.380 0.328 0.468 0.298 0.451 0.269 0.372 0.255 0.409 0.272 0.384 0.204 0.365 0.296 0.429 0.207 0.364 0.295 0.426 0.204 0.360 0.302 0.435 0.216 0.382 0.338 0.488 2035 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.244 0.382 0.259 0.359 0.247 0.401 0.266 0.370 0.186 0.342 0.287 0.416 0.183 0.338 0.290 0.419 0.187 0.335 0.290 0.416 0.191 0.349 0.324 0.466 0.226 0.378 0.266 0.375 0.207 0.361 0.272 0.389 0.177 0.338 0.303 0.443 0.178 0.337 0.304 0.444 0.184 0.346 0.321 0.467 0.190 0.359 0.340 0.494 2035 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.207 0.341 0.318 0.442 0.196 0.343 0.286 0.409 0.186 0.343 0.314 0.455 0.186 0.343 0.316 0.458 0.186 0.334 0.297 0.426 0.190 0.346 0.320 0.460 0.193 0.339 0.297 0.425 0.199 0.352 0.278 0.399 0.185 0.352 0.327 0.478 0.186 0.350 0.326 0.474 0.193 0.363 0.346 0.502 0.190 0.359 0.340 0.494 2035 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.275 0.415 0.258 0.354 0.247 0.401 0.266 0.370 0.196 0.354 0.276 0.397 0.192 0.349 0.277 0.399 0.188 0.336 0.287 0.411 0.191 0.349 0.324 0.466 0.245 0.400 0.266 0.370 0.214 0.370 0.269 0.383 0.179 0.341 0.291 0.426 0.179 0.338 0.292 0.425 0.177 0.334 0.298 0.434 0.190 0.359 0.340 0.494 2025 Emission Factors for Gaston County Road Type Rural interstate Rural principal arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban interstate Urban freeway Urban principal arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local 2025 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.283 0.419 0.266 0.368 0.245 0.393 0.279 0.394 0.215 0.372 0.317 0.456 0.211 0.365 0.303 0.435 0.220 0.367 0.296 0.420 0.222 0.377 0.323 0.462 0.236 0.382 0.286 0.406 0.239 0.392 0.279 0.396 0.206 0.368 0.318 0.463 0.211 0.373 0.325 0.470 0.213 0.376 0.329 0.475 0.219 0.386 0.344 0.496 2035 Emission Factors for Gaston County Road Type Rural interstate Rural principal arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban interstate Urban freeway Urban principal arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local 2035 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.206 0.340 0.285 0.399 0.198 0.345 0.283 0.404 0.192 0.355 0.330 0.478 0.186 0.343 0.316 0.458 0.186 0.334 0.297 0.426 0.190 0.346 0.320 0.460 0.192 0.339 0.295 0.421 0.199 0.352 0.278 0.399 0.182 0.346 0.319 0.467 0.186 0.350 0.326 0.474 0.187 0.352 0.330 0.479 0.190 0.359 0.340 0.494 113 2015 Emission Factors for Iredell County Road Type Rural interstate Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban interstate Urban principal arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local 2015 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 1.103 1.234 0.697 0.802 0.827 1.014 1.141 1.358 0.682 0.836 0.840 0.987 0.775 0.927 0.862 1.010 0.709 0.860 0.827 0.971 0.865 1.007 0.737 0.856 0.627 0.794 0.892 1.056 0.648 0.813 0.889 1.051 0.639 0.799 0.866 1.022 0.636 0.799 0.877 1.036 2015 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 1.556 1.690 0.655 0.742 0.848 1.040 1.186 1.414 0.668 0.819 0.800 0.938 0.758 0.906 0.831 0.972 0.709 0.860 0.827 0.971 1.040 1.185 0.690 0.792 0.621 0.786 0.880 1.041 0.637 0.798 0.866 1.022 0.639 0.799 0.866 1.022 0.636 0.799 0.877 1.036 2015 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 1.172 1.303 0.681 0.781 0.873 1.069 1.238 1.479 0.705 0.865 0.882 1.040 0.763 0.913 0.840 0.984 0.714 0.866 0.836 0.981 0.849 0.992 0.749 0.871 0.649 0.821 0.935 1.112 0.663 0.830 0.917 1.086 0.657 0.822 0.903 1.067 0.642 0.806 0.889 1.051 2015 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 1.556 1.690 0.655 0.742 0.673 0.827 0.823 0.969 0.680 0.830 0.761 0.888 0.765 0.909 0.747 0.868 0.705 0.854 0.819 0.961 1.194 1.341 0.680 0.776 0.590 0.747 0.794 0.932 0.612 0.766 0.790 0.926 0.617 0.770 0.786 0.920 0.631 0.792 0.866 1.022 2025 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.497 0.659 0.311 0.424 0.371 0.615 0.677 0.980 0.279 0.465 0.405 0.592 0.296 0.475 0.405 0.583 0.282 0.462 0.393 0.572 0.390 0.567 0.319 0.445 0.278 0.483 0.443 0.658 0.275 0.472 0.427 0.629 0.276 0.472 0.427 0.628 0.271 0.465 0.419 0.617 0.307 0.510 0.306 0.447 2025 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.497 0.659 0.311 0.424 0.386 0.640 0.722 1.046 0.304 0.506 0.470 0.687 0.309 0.495 0.435 0.628 0.287 0.470 0.405 0.588 0.331 0.504 0.328 0.468 0.296 0.514 0.507 0.748 0.296 0.506 0.488 0.717 0.287 0.490 0.454 0.670 0.277 0.476 0.434 0.641 0.263 0.458 0.324 0.488 2025 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.497 0.659 0.311 0.424 0.282 0.472 0.412 0.602 0.270 0.448 0.354 0.515 0.292 0.464 0.345 0.496 0.278 0.455 0.383 0.558 0.411 0.589 0.318 0.442 0.250 0.437 0.373 0.551 0.254 0.438 0.369 0.542 0.255 0.437 0.363 0.531 0.265 0.457 0.406 0.597 0.307 0.510 0.306 0.447 2035 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.302 0.465 0.295 0.409 0.307 0.569 0.761 1.112 0.224 0.421 0.426 0.631 0.224 0.411 0.416 0.609 0.212 0.396 0.388 0.571 0.247 0.424 0.305 0.436 0.232 0.446 0.470 0.703 0.224 0.429 0.436 0.653 0.223 0.427 0.436 0.651 0.214 0.411 0.410 0.611 2035 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.302 0.465 0.295 0.409 0.307 0.569 0.761 1.112 0.251 0.468 0.537 0.783 0.239 0.436 0.469 0.682 0.217 0.404 0.401 0.591 0.212 0.383 0.377 0.550 0.247 0.475 0.538 0.795 0.247 0.471 0.538 0.791 0.231 0.441 0.470 0.698 0.219 0.421 0.426 0.637 2035 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.302 0.465 0.295 0.409 0.225 0.424 0.426 0.633 0.200 0.378 0.346 0.511 0.206 0.377 0.336 0.490 0.207 0.386 0.372 0.548 0.271 0.450 0.303 0.428 0.199 0.387 0.366 0.548 0.199 0.384 0.365 0.545 0.196 0.379 0.354 0.526 0.207 0.398 0.390 0.581 2025 Emission Factors for Iredell County Road Type Rural interstate Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban interstate Urban principal arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local Urban Interstate HOV 2025 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.497 0.659 0.311 0.424 0.386 0.640 0.722 1.046 0.282 0.470 0.412 0.601 0.313 0.501 0.444 0.641 0.284 0.466 0.399 0.580 0.335 0.508 0.326 0.465 0.282 0.490 0.453 0.674 0.279 0.478 0.435 0.641 0.279 0.477 0.435 0.641 0.271 0.465 0.419 0.617 0.307 0.510 0.306 0.447 2035 Emission Factors for Iredell County Road Type Rural interstate Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban interstate Urban principal arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local 2035 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.302 0.465 0.295 0.409 0.299 0.554 0.698 1.020 0.227 0.427 0.435 0.646 0.244 0.444 0.489 0.709 0.212 0.396 0.388 0.571 0.212 0.383 0.377 0.550 0.236 0.455 0.490 0.730 0.232 0.443 0.470 0.699 0.227 0.434 0.452 0.673 0.214 0.411 0.410 0.611 114 2015 Emission Factors for Lincoln County Road Type Rural principal arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban freeway Urban principal arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local 2015 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.986 1.130 0.696 0.803 0.701 0.853 0.745 0.867 0.760 0.911 0.716 0.827 0.770 0.914 0.744 0.863 0.714 0.866 0.836 0.981 1.075 1.226 0.689 0.787 0.590 0.747 0.794 0.932 0.612 0.766 0.801 0.941 0.615 0.770 0.808 0.949 0.636 0.799 0.877 1.036 2015 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 1.087 1.232 0.685 0.785 0.707 0.858 0.741 0.862 0.780 0.933 0.712 0.821 0.787 0.931 0.733 0.849 0.714 0.866 0.836 0.981 1.075 1.226 0.689 0.787 0.595 0.752 0.781 0.916 0.614 0.768 0.786 0.920 0.615 0.768 0.791 0.926 0.631 0.792 0.866 1.022 2015 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.974 1.118 0.699 0.807 0.684 0.835 0.759 0.885 0.760 0.911 0.716 0.827 0.770 0.914 0.744 0.863 0.714 0.866 0.836 0.981 1.075 1.226 0.689 0.787 0.588 0.745 0.799 0.938 0.613 0.768 0.808 0.949 0.617 0.772 0.815 0.958 0.636 0.799 0.877 1.036 2015 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 1.211 1.358 0.679 0.775 0.746 0.898 0.723 0.837 0.790 0.943 0.710 0.818 0.794 0.939 0.730 0.845 0.714 0.866 0.836 0.981 1.075 1.226 0.689 0.787 0.609 0.766 0.763 0.892 0.630 0.784 0.762 0.890 0.620 0.774 0.777 0.909 0.631 0.792 0.866 1.022 2025 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.364 0.538 0.320 0.452 0.275 0.456 0.346 0.503 0.300 0.483 0.327 0.468 0.296 0.468 0.341 0.490 0.282 0.462 0.393 0.572 0.382 0.565 0.321 0.448 0.250 0.436 0.363 0.535 0.254 0.438 0.369 0.542 0.255 0.437 0.369 0.541 0.268 0.461 0.412 0.606 2025 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.331 0.503 0.329 0.470 0.269 0.448 0.356 0.520 0.293 0.475 0.331 0.476 0.288 0.460 0.349 0.503 0.282 0.462 0.393 0.572 0.382 0.565 0.321 0.448 0.253 0.440 0.381 0.563 0.260 0.447 0.390 0.574 0.259 0.443 0.385 0.566 0.271 0.465 0.419 0.617 2025 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.408 0.585 0.318 0.443 0.286 0.468 0.335 0.485 0.304 0.487 0.327 0.467 0.302 0.475 0.336 0.481 0.282 0.462 0.393 0.572 0.382 0.565 0.321 0.448 0.255 0.442 0.350 0.514 0.261 0.444 0.349 0.511 0.257 0.439 0.358 0.524 0.265 0.457 0.406 0.597 2035 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.227 0.400 0.314 0.456 0.203 0.383 0.337 0.498 0.218 0.402 0.315 0.459 0.209 0.381 0.329 0.480 0.209 0.389 0.377 0.555 0.261 0.445 0.306 0.434 0.197 0.384 0.358 0.536 0.200 0.386 0.370 0.552 0.198 0.381 0.361 0.537 0.209 0.402 0.396 0.590 2035 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.216 0.386 0.329 0.480 0.200 0.380 0.349 0.517 0.212 0.394 0.320 0.469 0.205 0.376 0.341 0.498 0.210 0.392 0.382 0.563 0.261 0.445 0.306 0.434 0.203 0.395 0.380 0.569 0.210 0.403 0.396 0.590 0.207 0.398 0.390 0.580 0.214 0.411 0.410 0.611 2035 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.251 0.428 0.304 0.435 0.209 0.390 0.327 0.483 0.223 0.408 0.312 0.452 0.214 0.387 0.322 0.468 0.209 0.389 0.377 0.555 0.261 0.445 0.306 0.434 0.199 0.385 0.340 0.507 0.199 0.382 0.339 0.503 0.197 0.380 0.343 0.509 0.207 0.398 0.390 0.581 2025 Emission Factors for Lincoln County Road Type Rural principal arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban freeway Urban principal arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local 2025 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.333 0.506 0.327 0.468 0.274 0.454 0.348 0.506 0.296 0.478 0.330 0.473 0.290 0.462 0.347 0.499 0.282 0.462 0.393 0.572 0.382 0.565 0.321 0.448 0.250 0.437 0.373 0.551 0.257 0.442 0.381 0.560 0.258 0.442 0.381 0.559 0.268 0.461 0.412 0.606 2035 Emission Factors for Lincoln County Road Type Rural principal arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban freeway Urban principal arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local 2035 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.218 0.389 0.325 0.473 0.202 0.382 0.342 0.505 0.215 0.398 0.317 0.464 0.205 0.376 0.338 0.494 0.209 0.389 0.377 0.555 0.261 0.445 0.306 0.434 0.202 0.392 0.375 0.562 0.206 0.395 0.385 0.573 0.205 0.394 0.384 0.572 0.211 0.406 0.403 0.600 12/21/09 Janice took out Rural Interstate, Urban Interstate, and Urban Freeway because there is zero VMT for those road types 115 2015 Emission Factors for Mecklenburg County Road Type Rural principle arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban interstate Urban freeway Urban principle arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local Urban Interstate (HOV) IM 0.612 0.513 0.505 0.553 0.536 0.658 0.632 0.489 0.502 0.521 0.515 0.633 2015 - AM Peak NOX VOC NonIM IM NonIM 0.742 0.566 0.679 0.653 0.597 0.722 0.642 0.571 0.688 0.684 0.562 0.674 0.673 0.597 0.720 0.789 0.526 0.626 0.767 0.528 0.629 0.641 0.644 0.784 0.651 0.640 0.778 0.674 0.669 0.814 0.669 0.669 0.815 0.785 0.522 0.621 IM 0.636 0.517 0.514 0.564 0.536 0.739 0.683 0.476 0.489 0.494 0.522 0.633 2015 - Midday Peak NOX VOC NonIM IM NonIM 0.766 0.536 0.640 0.655 0.557 0.669 0.650 0.558 0.670 0.694 0.548 0.655 0.673 0.597 0.720 0.871 0.512 0.606 0.818 0.520 0.616 0.624 0.622 0.756 0.635 0.618 0.750 0.640 0.624 0.757 0.678 0.680 0.830 0.785 0.522 0.621 IM 0.234 0.212 0.211 0.221 0.220 0.265 0.261 0.215 0.217 0.222 0.230 0.249 2025 - Midday Peak NOX VOC NonIM IM NonIM 0.380 0.289 0.410 0.367 0.297 0.426 0.364 0.298 0.427 0.368 0.293 0.417 0.374 0.319 0.456 0.415 0.269 0.377 0.416 0.271 0.381 0.384 0.339 0.491 0.383 0.338 0.488 0.390 0.349 0.503 0.405 0.370 0.535 0.424 0.261 0.375 IM 0.192 0.180 0.183 0.183 0.188 0.212 0.212 0.191 0.192 0.197 0.199 0.207 2035 - Midday Peak NOX VOC NonIM IM NonIM 0.337 0.293 0.417 0.334 0.293 0.423 0.337 0.305 0.440 0.329 0.287 0.410 0.342 0.312 0.448 0.361 0.261 0.370 0.366 0.261 0.370 0.362 0.339 0.494 0.360 0.338 0.491 0.368 0.351 0.509 0.373 0.358 0.521 0.381 0.250 0.362 IM 0.611 0.507 0.508 0.556 0.536 0.635 0.614 0.506 0.513 0.528 0.530 0.633 2015 - PM Peak NOX VOC NonIM IM NonIM 0.741 0.558 0.668 0.645 0.570 0.687 0.645 0.580 0.699 0.687 0.571 0.685 0.673 0.597 0.720 0.765 0.534 0.638 0.748 0.533 0.637 0.663 0.673 0.822 0.666 0.659 0.802 0.683 0.680 0.829 0.688 0.697 0.850 0.785 0.522 0.621 IM 0.232 0.214 0.216 0.225 0.222 0.236 0.233 0.233 0.231 0.239 0.238 0.233 2025 - PM Peak NOX VOC NonIM IM NonIM 0.377 0.306 0.434 0.370 0.313 0.450 0.372 0.319 0.458 0.375 0.317 0.451 0.377 0.323 0.461 0.382 0.286 0.405 0.385 0.282 0.401 0.414 0.383 0.555 0.407 0.371 0.536 0.419 0.395 0.568 0.418 0.395 0.568 0.405 0.263 0.384 IM 0.194 0.187 0.196 0.192 0.191 0.191 0.194 0.207 0.207 0.215 0.210 0.179 2035 - PM Peak NOX VOC NonIM IM NonIM 0.340 0.322 0.456 0.344 0.313 0.453 0.359 0.338 0.486 0.343 0.315 0.449 0.348 0.321 0.460 0.336 0.285 0.406 0.343 0.274 0.393 0.390 0.384 0.558 0.387 0.383 0.554 0.401 0.414 0.594 0.393 0.397 0.573 0.346 0.265 0.396 IM 0.670 0.529 0.533 0.582 0.536 0.810 0.712 0.461 0.473 0.473 0.498 1.012 2015 - Night Peak NOX VOC NonIM IM NonIM 0.801 0.524 0.623 0.667 0.549 0.658 0.670 0.544 0.652 0.713 0.536 0.640 0.673 0.597 0.720 0.943 0.509 0.599 0.849 0.518 0.612 0.604 0.576 0.696 0.613 0.575 0.694 0.613 0.577 0.696 0.647 0.640 0.777 1.305 3.939 4.759 IM 0.249 0.219 0.220 0.229 0.220 0.293 0.270 0.201 0.204 0.204 0.218 0.249 2025 - Night Peak NOX VOC NonIM IM NonIM 0.397 0.276 0.389 0.375 0.286 0.410 0.374 0.283 0.405 0.377 0.282 0.399 0.374 0.319 0.456 0.445 0.268 0.371 0.426 0.271 0.378 0.361 0.303 0.439 0.362 0.300 0.433 0.360 0.301 0.434 0.386 0.343 0.495 0.424 0.261 0.375 IM 0.201 0.187 0.185 0.189 0.186 0.240 0.224 0.174 0.175 0.176 0.188 0.207 2035 - Night Peak NOX VOC NonIM IM NonIM 0.347 0.269 0.383 0.342 0.275 0.397 0.338 0.276 0.397 0.336 0.274 0.391 0.339 0.308 0.442 0.392 0.258 0.359 0.380 0.260 0.366 0.333 0.292 0.426 0.331 0.291 0.422 0.332 0.296 0.430 0.355 0.332 0.481 0.381 0.250 0.362 2025 Emission Factors for Mecklenburg County Road Type Rural principle arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban interstate Urban freeway Urban principle arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local Urban Interstate (HOV) IM 0.232 0.227 0.216 0.222 0.222 0.239 0.242 0.223 0.225 0.235 0.227 0.249 2025 - AM Peak NOX VOC NonIM IM NonIM 0.379 0.316 0.448 0.392 0.344 0.493 0.372 0.319 0.458 0.371 0.310 0.441 0.377 0.323 0.461 0.385 0.283 0.400 0.395 0.276 0.391 0.397 0.356 0.517 0.396 0.356 0.514 0.412 0.382 0.550 0.400 0.362 0.524 0.424 0.261 0.375 2035 Emission Factors for Mecklenburg County Road Type Rural principle arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban interstate Urban freeway Urban principle arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local Urban Interstate (HOV) IM 0.194 0.202 0.196 0.194 0.189 0.193 0.201 0.200 0.200 0.211 0.199 0.197 2035 - AM Peak NOX VOC NonIM IM NonIM 0.340 0.326 0.462 0.371 0.352 0.508 0.359 0.338 0.486 0.346 0.320 0.456 0.345 0.316 0.454 0.338 0.281 0.400 0.353 0.267 0.381 0.377 0.359 0.525 0.375 0.359 0.521 0.393 0.397 0.573 0.373 0.358 0.521 0.369 0.252 0.370 116 2015 Emission Factors for Rowan County Road Type Rural principal arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban interstate Urban principal arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local 2015 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.974 1.118 0.699 0.807 0.753 0.906 0.720 0.833 0.731 0.882 0.727 0.843 0.779 0.924 0.737 0.854 0.709 0.860 0.827 0.971 1.057 1.202 0.688 0.789 0.594 0.750 0.785 0.921 0.613 0.768 0.808 0.949 0.617 0.772 0.815 0.958 0.642 0.806 0.889 1.051 2015 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 1.053 1.198 0.688 0.791 0.781 0.934 0.713 0.823 0.753 0.904 0.719 0.831 0.802 0.946 0.726 0.840 0.709 0.860 0.827 0.971 1.172 1.318 0.681 0.778 0.594 0.750 0.785 0.921 0.612 0.766 0.801 0.941 0.625 0.782 0.839 0.987 0.642 0.806 0.889 1.051 2015 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.986 1.130 0.696 0.803 0.746 0.898 0.723 0.837 0.723 0.874 0.731 0.847 0.779 0.924 0.737 0.854 0.709 0.860 0.827 0.971 1.040 1.185 0.690 0.792 0.588 0.745 0.799 0.938 0.617 0.773 0.822 0.968 0.634 0.793 0.856 1.009 0.649 0.815 0.903 1.068 2015 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 1.087 1.232 0.685 0.785 0.810 0.964 0.708 0.814 0.780 0.933 0.712 0.821 0.815 0.960 0.720 0.832 0.709 0.860 0.827 0.971 1.194 1.341 0.680 0.776 0.609 0.766 0.763 0.892 0.623 0.777 0.770 0.900 0.617 0.770 0.786 0.920 0.636 0.799 0.877 1.036 2025 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.358 0.533 0.320 0.453 0.304 0.489 0.327 0.468 0.293 0.475 0.331 0.476 0.302 0.475 0.336 0.481 0.280 0.459 0.388 0.565 0.390 0.567 0.319 0.445 0.251 0.437 0.358 0.528 0.255 0.439 0.373 0.547 0.263 0.450 0.395 0.580 0.271 0.465 0.419 0.617 2025 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.337 0.510 0.326 0.465 0.286 0.468 0.335 0.485 0.280 0.460 0.340 0.492 0.292 0.464 0.345 0.496 0.280 0.459 0.388 0.565 0.376 0.552 0.319 0.448 0.250 0.437 0.373 0.551 0.260 0.447 0.390 0.574 0.267 0.458 0.406 0.597 0.274 0.471 0.426 0.628 2025 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.379 0.555 0.319 0.447 0.313 0.500 0.326 0.464 0.304 0.487 0.327 0.467 0.307 0.481 0.332 0.475 0.280 0.459 0.388 0.565 0.411 0.589 0.318 0.442 0.258 0.445 0.346 0.508 0.258 0.441 0.354 0.518 0.256 0.438 0.360 0.527 0.268 0.461 0.412 0.606 2035 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.229 0.402 0.312 0.453 0.220 0.404 0.315 0.461 0.214 0.396 0.318 0.467 0.214 0.387 0.322 0.468 0.207 0.386 0.372 0.548 0.250 0.427 0.305 0.435 0.196 0.382 0.349 0.521 0.198 0.381 0.358 0.532 0.205 0.394 0.384 0.572 0.211 0.406 0.403 0.600 2035 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.220 0.391 0.323 0.470 0.210 0.392 0.326 0.480 0.205 0.384 0.332 0.490 0.207 0.378 0.334 0.487 0.207 0.386 0.372 0.548 0.247 0.424 0.305 0.436 0.198 0.386 0.362 0.542 0.200 0.386 0.370 0.552 0.212 0.406 0.403 0.600 0.214 0.411 0.410 0.611 2035 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.240 0.415 0.306 0.441 0.228 0.415 0.312 0.451 0.220 0.404 0.313 0.456 0.217 0.391 0.318 0.463 0.209 0.389 0.377 0.555 0.271 0.450 0.303 0.428 0.201 0.389 0.334 0.497 0.199 0.382 0.339 0.503 0.196 0.378 0.348 0.516 0.207 0.398 0.390 0.581 2025 Emission Factors for Rowan County Road Type Rural principal arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban interstate Urban principal arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local 2025 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.333 0.506 0.327 0.468 0.290 0.474 0.332 0.480 0.282 0.463 0.338 0.489 0.294 0.466 0.343 0.493 0.280 0.459 0.388 0.565 0.376 0.552 0.319 0.448 0.250 0.436 0.363 0.535 0.257 0.442 0.381 0.560 0.259 0.443 0.385 0.566 0.271 0.465 0.419 0.617 2035 Emission Factors for Rowan County Road Type Rural principal arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban interstate Urban principal arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local 2035 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.218 0.389 0.325 0.473 0.212 0.395 0.322 0.474 0.206 0.386 0.329 0.484 0.208 0.379 0.332 0.484 0.209 0.389 0.377 0.555 0.247 0.424 0.305 0.436 0.196 0.383 0.355 0.530 0.199 0.384 0.365 0.545 0.202 0.388 0.374 0.557 0.211 0.406 0.403 0.600 12/21/09 Janice took out Rural Interstate and Urban Freeway because there is zero VMT for those road types 117 2015 Emission Factors for Union County Road Type Rural principle arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban freeway Urban principle arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local Urban Interstate HOV 2015 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.974 1.118 0.699 0.807 0.673 0.824 0.770 0.900 0.688 0.838 0.754 0.878 0.770 0.914 0.744 0.863 0.703 0.852 0.811 0.950 0.813 0.960 0.735 0.854 0.592 0.749 0.789 0.926 0.632 0.792 0.856 1.010 0.625 0.782 0.839 0.987 0.631 0.792 0.866 1.022 0.665 0.837 1.076 1.290 2015 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.986 1.130 0.696 0.803 0.688 0.839 0.755 0.880 0.701 0.852 0.744 0.865 0.779 0.924 0.737 0.854 0.703 0.852 0.811 0.950 0.902 1.051 0.704 0.812 0.595 0.752 0.781 0.916 0.619 0.775 0.830 0.978 0.615 0.770 0.808 0.949 0.626 0.786 0.856 1.010 0.665 0.837 1.076 1.290 2015 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.974 1.118 0.699 0.807 0.671 0.822 0.774 0.905 0.688 0.838 0.754 0.878 0.760 0.904 0.751 0.872 0.703 0.852 0.811 0.950 0.843 0.991 0.721 0.836 0.590 0.747 0.805 0.946 0.648 0.813 0.889 1.051 0.639 0.799 0.866 1.022 0.631 0.792 0.866 1.022 0.665 0.837 1.076 1.290 2015 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.998 1.142 0.694 0.799 0.730 0.883 0.729 0.845 0.723 0.874 0.731 0.847 0.794 0.939 0.730 0.845 0.703 0.852 0.811 0.950 0.933 1.082 0.700 0.806 0.609 0.766 0.763 0.892 0.616 0.770 0.782 0.915 0.626 0.779 0.770 0.899 0.621 0.780 0.847 0.999 0.665 0.837 1.076 1.290 2025 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.345 0.519 0.323 0.460 0.267 0.446 0.361 0.527 0.272 0.451 0.349 0.508 0.294 0.466 0.343 0.493 0.278 0.455 0.383 0.558 0.331 0.510 0.324 0.462 0.250 0.436 0.361 0.531 0.260 0.447 0.390 0.574 0.258 0.442 0.381 0.559 0.265 0.457 0.406 0.597 0.267 0.469 0.522 0.779 2025 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.337 0.510 0.326 0.465 0.269 0.449 0.375 0.549 0.268 0.446 0.359 0.522 0.285 0.456 0.357 0.513 0.278 0.455 0.383 0.558 0.299 0.474 0.342 0.495 0.253 0.440 0.381 0.563 0.275 0.472 0.427 0.629 0.273 0.467 0.419 0.616 0.268 0.461 0.412 0.606 0.267 0.469 0.522 0.779 2025 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.349 0.523 0.322 0.457 0.276 0.458 0.344 0.500 0.284 0.465 0.337 0.486 0.302 0.475 0.336 0.481 0.277 0.454 0.379 0.551 0.340 0.520 0.323 0.459 0.258 0.445 0.346 0.508 0.256 0.439 0.358 0.524 0.259 0.441 0.354 0.517 0.261 0.449 0.395 0.581 0.267 0.469 0.522 0.779 2035 - Midday Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.234 0.408 0.310 0.448 0.201 0.381 0.353 0.522 0.201 0.379 0.341 0.503 0.207 0.378 0.334 0.487 0.207 0.386 0.372 0.548 0.231 0.411 0.310 0.450 0.196 0.381 0.351 0.525 0.208 0.399 0.390 0.581 0.205 0.394 0.384 0.572 0.207 0.398 0.390 0.581 0.207 0.408 0.507 0.763 2035 - PM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.227 0.400 0.314 0.456 0.206 0.390 0.373 0.554 0.201 0.380 0.356 0.526 0.204 0.375 0.350 0.511 0.207 0.386 0.372 0.548 0.209 0.383 0.338 0.497 0.203 0.395 0.380 0.569 0.224 0.429 0.436 0.653 0.220 0.421 0.427 0.637 0.211 0.406 0.403 0.600 0.207 0.408 0.507 0.763 2035 - Night Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.238 0.413 0.307 0.443 0.206 0.386 0.333 0.492 0.210 0.391 0.323 0.475 0.214 0.387 0.322 0.468 0.205 0.383 0.367 0.542 0.238 0.419 0.308 0.445 0.201 0.389 0.334 0.497 0.197 0.380 0.348 0.517 0.197 0.380 0.343 0.509 0.203 0.391 0.379 0.565 0.207 0.408 0.507 0.763 2025 Emission Factors for Union County Road Type Rural principle arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban freeway Urban principle arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local Urban Interstate HOV 2025 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.337 0.510 0.326 0.465 0.270 0.451 0.379 0.556 0.269 0.447 0.356 0.518 0.288 0.460 0.349 0.503 0.278 0.455 0.383 0.558 0.292 0.467 0.351 0.508 0.250 0.436 0.369 0.545 0.269 0.463 0.412 0.607 0.265 0.454 0.400 0.588 0.268 0.461 0.412 0.606 0.267 0.469 0.522 0.779 2035 Emission Factors for Union County Road Type Rural principle arterial Rural minor arterial Rural major collector Rural minor collector Rural local Urban freeway Urban principle arterial Urban minor arterial Urban collector Urban local Urban Interstate HOV 2035 - AM Peak NOX VOC IM NonIM IM NonIM 0.227 0.400 0.314 0.456 0.206 0.390 0.373 0.554 0.200 0.378 0.352 0.520 0.204 0.375 0.343 0.502 0.207 0.386 0.372 0.548 0.207 0.381 0.349 0.514 0.199 0.387 0.366 0.548 0.217 0.417 0.418 0.624 0.214 0.411 0.410 0.611 0.211 0.406 0.403 0.600 0.207 0.408 0.507 0.763 12/24/09 Janice took out Rural Interstate and Urban Interstate because there is zero VMT for those road types 118 Appendix E: Emissions Analysis Results 77 119 2015 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Cabarrus AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 40,760 50 Rural Minor Arterial 57,902 52 Rural Major Collector 95,020 38 Rural Minor Collector 63,529 39 Rural Local 123,209 27 Urban Interstate 315,427 43 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 202,553 29 Urban Minor Arterial 208,781 28 Urban Collector 158,728 26 Urban Local 218,575 23 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,484,486 Midday 0 51,073 68,151 125,102 81,652 176,317 414,044 0 300,038 318,887 246,370 357,241 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,138,876 PM Peak 0 45,364 64,008 106,720 78,668 146,914 336,448 0 236,855 239,534 192,797 261,226 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,708,534 Night 0 30,251 42,491 70,971 42,100 94,458 232,694 0 175,167 177,428 113,291 172,839 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,151,689 24 Hour 0 167,447 232,551 397,815 265,949 540,898 1,298,614 0 914,614 944,630 711,187 1,009,881 Cabarrus 6,483,585 0 52 56 42 41 28 65 0 31 30 29 21 0 48 48 36 37 28 38 0 26 26 24 22 0 56 59 50 46 28 68 0 40 39 37 25 NOX RATES IM No IM 0.935 0.738 0.672 0.752 0.719 0.870 1.078 0.891 0.822 0.896 0.872 1.013 0.602 0.627 0.639 0.649 0.762 0.786 0.799 0.815 94% 6% 0.961 0.770 0.684 0.760 0.714 1.194 1.105 0.924 0.834 0.904 0.866 1.341 0.595 0.619 0.625 0.664 0.754 0.775 0.782 0.833 94% 6% 0.918 0.712 0.667 0.747 0.714 0.846 1.061 0.864 0.817 0.891 0.866 0.989 0.616 0.637 0.650 0.656 0.780 0.798 0.813 0.824 94% 6% 1.017 0.801 0.723 0.787 0.714 1.194 1.161 0.955 0.874 0.931 0.866 1.341 0.597 0.618 0.617 0.636 0.753 0.772 0.770 0.799 94% 6% NOX kg/day 0.000 0.944 0.747 0.681 0.761 0.728 0.879 0.000 0.612 0.637 0.649 0.659 0 38 43 65 48 90 277 0 124 133 103 144 1,065 0.000 0.970 0.779 0.693 0.769 0.723 1.203 0.000 0.605 0.628 0.634 0.674 0 50 53 87 63 127 498 0 181 200 156 241 1,656 0.000 0.927 0.721 0.676 0.756 0.723 0.855 0.000 0.626 0.647 0.660 0.666 0 42 46 72 59 106 288 0 148 155 127 174 1,218 0.000 1.026 0.810 0.732 0.796 0.723 1.203 0.000 0.606 0.627 0.626 0.646 0 31 34 52 33 68 280 0 106 111 71 112 899 0 161 177 276 204 392 1,343 0 560 599 457 670 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) Comp 4,839 4,839 7,324 2,485 L:/2011_Conformity 120 2015 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Gaston AM Peak Rural Interstate 39,943 60 Rural Principal Arterial 148,964 56 Rural Minor Arterial 74,103 38 Rural Major Collector 91,360 40 Rural Minor Collector 43,479 40 Rural Local 81,854 28 Urban Interstate 493,903 44 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 25,010 52 Urban Principal Arterial 273,470 31 Urban Minor Arterial 219,918 31 Urban Collector 67,094 28 Urban Local 221,459 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,780,557 Midday 47,979 138,709 89,600 114,070 49,577 113,498 601,290 29,637 381,437 321,158 90,933 351,262 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,329,149 PM Peak 42,475 160,084 81,453 105,834 53,443 97,635 528,802 26,140 314,589 257,554 82,078 260,373 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,010,461 Night 27,444 92,054 49,212 69,233 26,082 60,389 366,005 18,118 217,303 181,995 47,531 184,567 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,339,933 24 Hour 157,840 539,811 294,368 380,496 172,582 353,377 1,990,000 98,905 1,186,800 980,624 287,636 1,017,660 Gaston 7,460,100 63 63 52 47 40 28 63 54 34 35 30 24 55 56 41 39 39 29 45 52 29 30 24 24 63 63 56 51 40 28 63 56 39 39 34 24 NOX RATES IM No IM 0.957 0.727 0.503 0.507 0.556 0.532 0.628 0.632 0.456 0.470 0.479 0.491 1.076 0.857 0.639 0.641 0.685 0.668 0.756 0.765 0.598 0.609 0.621 0.637 91% 9% 1.036 0.829 0.553 0.530 0.556 0.532 0.820 0.647 0.452 0.464 0.473 0.491 1.155 0.961 0.690 0.665 0.685 0.668 0.951 0.780 0.592 0.602 0.612 0.637 91% 9% 0.867 0.727 0.510 0.505 0.554 0.529 0.632 0.632 0.461 0.471 0.496 0.491 0.985 0.857 0.645 0.639 0.683 0.664 0.760 0.765 0.605 0.611 0.642 0.637 91% 9% 1.036 0.829 0.576 0.547 0.556 0.532 0.820 0.665 0.456 0.470 0.467 0.491 1.155 0.961 0.714 0.683 0.685 0.668 0.951 0.798 0.596 0.608 0.605 0.637 91% 9% NOX kg/day 0.968 0.739 0.515 0.519 0.568 0.544 0.640 0.644 0.469 0.483 0.492 0.504 39 110 38 47 25 45 316 16 128 106 33 112 1,014 1.047 0.841 0.565 0.542 0.568 0.544 0.832 0.659 0.465 0.476 0.486 0.504 50 117 51 62 28 62 500 20 177 153 44 177 1,440 0.878 0.739 0.522 0.517 0.566 0.541 0.644 0.644 0.474 0.484 0.509 0.504 37 118 43 55 30 53 340 17 149 125 42 131 1,140 1.047 0.841 0.588 0.559 0.568 0.544 0.832 0.677 0.469 0.482 0.479 0.504 29 77 29 39 15 33 304 12 102 88 23 93 844 155 422 160 203 98 192 1,461 65 556 471 142 513 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) Comp 4,438 4,438 7,647 3,209 L:/2011_Conformity 121 2015 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model NOX RATES VMT MPH IM No IM Comp Iredell AM Peak Rural Interstate 63,951 46 1.103 1.234 1.121 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 18,229 14 0.827 1.014 0.853 Rural Major Collector 41,488 28 0.682 0.836 0.704 Rural Minor Collector 55,119 25 0.775 0.927 0.796 Rural Local 121,936 29 0.709 0.860 0.730 Urban Interstate 241,344 42 0.865 1.007 0.885 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 32,806 24 0.627 0.794 0.650 Urban Minor Arterial 43,418 24 0.648 0.813 0.671 Urban Collector 56,477 26 0.639 0.799 0.661 Urban Local 95,705 25 0.636 0.799 0.659 Urban HOT 0 0 0.000 Iredell 770,475 86% 14% Iredell Midday Rural Interstate 83,358 67 1.556 1.690 1.575 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 30,157 13 0.848 1.040 0.875 Rural Major Collector 59,744 33 0.668 0.819 0.689 Rural Minor Collector 77,892 28 0.758 0.906 0.779 Rural Local 184,652 29 0.709 0.860 0.730 Urban Interstate 341,106 58 1.040 1.185 1.060 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 54,110 25 0.621 0.786 0.644 Urban Minor Arterial 67,613 26 0.637 0.798 0.660 Urban Collector 91,811 26 0.639 0.799 0.661 Urban Local 164,097 25 0.636 0.799 0.659 Urban HOT 0 0 0.000 Iredell 1,154,540 86% 14% Iredell PM Peak Rural Interstate 66,083 51 1.172 1.303 1.190 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 20,768 12 0.873 1.069 0.900 Rural Major Collector 48,189 24 0.705 0.865 0.727 Rural Minor Collector 63,354 27 0.763 0.913 0.784 Rural Local 142,460 28 0.714 0.866 0.735 Urban Interstate 257,751 39 0.849 0.992 0.869 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 37,404 21 0.649 0.821 0.673 Urban Minor Arterial 48,562 22 0.663 0.830 0.686 Urban Collector 65,169 23 0.657 0.822 0.680 Urban Local 114,017 24 0.642 0.806 0.665 Urban HOT 0 0 0.000 Iredell 863,756 86% 14% Iredell Night Rural Interstate 43,256 68 1.556 1.690 1.575 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 19,789 30 0.673 0.827 0.695 Rural Major Collector 34,905 41 0.680 0.830 0.701 Rural Minor Collector 37,947 42 0.765 0.909 0.785 Rural Local 94,599 30 0.705 0.854 0.726 Urban Interstate 191,820 68 1.194 1.341 1.215 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 29,848 36 0.590 0.747 0.612 Urban Minor Arterial 38,288 36 0.612 0.766 0.634 Urban Collector 44,407 37 0.617 0.770 0.638 Urban Local 75,100 26 0.631 0.792 0.654 Urban HOT 0 0 0.000 Iredell 609,960 86% 14% Iredell 24 Hour Rural Interstate 256,648 Rural Principal Arterial 0 Rural Minor Arterial 88,942 Rural Major Collector 184,326 Rural Minor Collector 234,312 Rural Local 543,648 Urban Interstate 1,032,021 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 Urban Principal Arterial 154,169 Urban Minor Arterial 197,882 Urban Collector 257,864 Urban Local 448,920 Urban HOT 0 Iredell 3,398,731 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) NOX kg/day 72 0 16 29 44 89 214 0 21 29 37 63 0 614 131 0 26 41 61 135 362 0 35 45 61 108 0 1,004 79 0 19 35 50 105 224 0 25 33 44 76 0 689 68 0 14 24 30 69 233 0 18 24 28 49 0 558 350 0 74 130 184 397 1,032 0 100 131 171 296 0 2,865 2,865 5,637 2,772 L:/2011_Conformity 122 2015 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Lincoln AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 24,342 54 Rural Minor Arterial 110,571 46 Rural Major Collector 56,451 55 Rural Minor Collector 60,249 43 Rural Local 155,203 28 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 55,636 68 Urban Principal Arterial 29,554 36 Urban Minor Arterial 69,764 34 Urban Collector 20,345 33 Urban Local 46,711 25 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 628,826 Midday 0 31,160 152,775 71,657 69,696 224,072 0 63,939 41,871 100,917 28,154 74,420 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 858,661 PM Peak 0 25,947 121,296 63,468 67,170 180,091 0 61,137 33,086 76,997 24,026 55,172 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 708,390 Night 0 17,221 86,900 40,519 36,781 118,794 0 35,069 23,261 63,263 14,673 39,263 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 475,745 24 Hour 0 98,671 471,542 232,096 233,896 678,160 0 215,781 127,772 310,941 87,197 215,566 Lincoln 2,671,622 0 60 47 57 46 28 0 68 39 37 36 25 0 53 42 55 43 28 0 68 35 33 32 25 0 65 53 58 47 28 0 68 44 43 39 26 NOX RATES IM No IM 0.986 0.701 0.760 0.770 0.714 1.130 0.853 0.911 0.914 0.866 1.075 0.590 0.612 0.615 0.636 1.226 0.747 0.766 0.770 0.799 97% 3% 1.087 0.707 0.780 0.787 0.714 1.232 0.858 0.933 0.931 0.866 1.075 0.595 0.614 0.615 0.631 1.226 0.752 0.768 0.768 0.792 97% 3% 0.974 0.684 0.760 0.770 0.714 1.118 0.835 0.911 0.914 0.866 1.075 0.588 0.613 0.617 0.636 1.226 0.745 0.768 0.772 0.799 97% 3% 1.211 0.746 0.790 0.794 0.714 1.358 0.898 0.943 0.939 0.866 1.075 0.609 0.630 0.620 0.631 1.226 0.766 0.784 0.774 0.792 97% 3% NOX kg/day 0.000 0.990 0.706 0.765 0.774 0.719 0.000 1.080 0.595 0.617 0.620 0.641 0 24 78 43 47 112 0 60 18 43 13 30 467 0.000 1.091 0.712 0.785 0.791 0.719 0.000 1.080 0.600 0.619 0.620 0.636 0 34 109 56 55 161 0 69 25 62 17 47 636 0.000 0.978 0.689 0.765 0.774 0.719 0.000 1.080 0.593 0.618 0.622 0.641 0 25 84 49 52 129 0 66 20 48 15 35 522 0.000 1.215 0.751 0.795 0.798 0.719 0.000 1.080 0.614 0.635 0.625 0.636 0 21 65 32 29 85 0 38 14 40 9 25 359 0 104 335 180 183 487 0 233 77 193 54 138 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) Comp 1,985 1,985 2,948 963 L:/2011_Conformity 123 2015 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model NOX RATES VMT MPH IM No IM Comp Mecklenburg AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 42,553 33 0.612 0.742 0.625 Rural Minor Arterial 18,417 30 0.513 0.653 0.527 Rural Major Collector 16,388 35 0.505 0.642 0.519 Rural Minor Collector 40,557 35 0.553 0.684 0.566 Rural Local 88,025 29 0.536 0.673 0.550 Urban Interstate 1,812,861 48 0.658 0.789 0.671 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,440,932 51 0.632 0.767 0.646 Urban Principal Arterial 1,171,199 24 0.489 0.641 0.504 Urban Minor Arterial 1,095,479 24 0.502 0.651 0.517 Urban Collector 888,629 21 0.521 0.674 0.536 Urban Local 1,565,718 21 0.515 0.669 0.530 Urban HOT 105,539 66 0.633 0.785 0.648 Mecklenburg 8,286,297 90% 10% Mecklenburg Midday Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 53,334 43 0.636 0.766 0.649 Rural Minor Arterial 23,003 41 0.517 0.655 0.531 Rural Major Collector 23,329 40 0.514 0.650 0.528 Rural Minor Collector 49,522 40 0.564 0.694 0.577 Rural Local 126,369 29 0.536 0.673 0.550 Urban Interstate 2,391,191 57 0.739 0.871 0.752 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,729,950 57 0.683 0.818 0.697 Urban Principal Arterial 1,782,022 27 0.476 0.624 0.491 Urban Minor Arterial 1,671,428 27 0.489 0.635 0.504 Urban Collector 1,340,390 26 0.494 0.640 0.509 Urban Local 2,536,275 20 0.522 0.678 0.538 Urban HOT 33,335 68 0.633 0.785 0.648 Mecklenburg 11,760,148 90% 10% Mecklenburg PM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 48,128 35 0.611 0.741 0.624 Rural Minor Arterial 21,247 36 0.507 0.645 0.521 Rural Major Collector 19,126 33 0.508 0.645 0.522 Rural Minor Collector 50,469 33 0.556 0.687 0.569 Rural Local 107,304 29 0.536 0.673 0.550 Urban Interstate 2,017,970 44 0.635 0.765 0.648 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,642,743 48 0.614 0.748 0.627 Urban Principal Arterial 1,358,478 21 0.506 0.663 0.522 Urban Minor Arterial 1,279,309 22 0.513 0.666 0.528 Urban Collector 1,037,721 20 0.528 0.683 0.544 Urban Local 1,867,699 19 0.530 0.688 0.546 Urban HOT 103,425 66 0.633 0.785 0.648 Mecklenburg 9,553,621 90% 10% Mecklenburg Night Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 31,467 49 0.670 0.801 0.683 Rural Minor Arterial 15,253 45 0.529 0.667 0.543 Rural Major Collector 11,256 46 0.533 0.670 0.547 Rural Minor Collector 25,430 45 0.582 0.713 0.595 Rural Local 60,166 29 0.536 0.673 0.550 Urban Interstate 1,413,993 62 0.810 0.943 0.823 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 913,784 60 0.712 0.849 0.726 Urban Principal Arterial 991,365 37 0.461 0.604 0.475 Urban Minor Arterial 903,795 36 0.473 0.613 0.487 Urban Collector 714,911 35 0.473 0.613 0.487 Urban Local 1,218,318 24 0.498 0.647 0.513 Urban HOT 0 0 1.012 1.305 1.041 Mecklenburg 6,299,739 90% 10% Mecklenburg 24 Hour Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial 175,483 Rural Minor Arterial 77,919 Rural Major Collector 70,099 Rural Minor Collector 165,978 Rural Local 381,864 Urban Interstate 7,636,015 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 5,727,409 Urban Principal Arterial 5,303,064 Urban Minor Arterial 4,950,011 Urban Collector 3,981,652 Urban Local 7,188,011 Urban HOT 242,298 Mecklenburg 35,899,805 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) NOX kg/day 0 27 10 9 23 48 1,217 930 591 566 477 830 68 4,795 0 35 12 12 29 69 1,799 1,205 875 842 682 1,364 22 6,944 0 30 11 10 29 59 1,308 1,031 709 676 564 1,019 67 5,512 0 21 8 6 15 33 1,164 663 471 440 348 625 0 3,796 113 41 37 95 210 5,487 3,829 2,645 2,524 2,070 3,838 157 21,047 21,047 34,526 13,479 L:/2011_Conformity 124 2015 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Rowan AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 39,053 53 Rural Minor Arterial 24,445 54 Rural Major Collector 132,293 51 Rural Minor Collector 91,502 45 Rural Local 132,964 29 Urban Interstate 370,966 59 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 120,519 38 Urban Minor Arterial 132,060 33 Urban Collector 133,816 32 Urban Local 178,548 24 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,356,165 Midday 0 48,390 33,214 155,607 103,857 178,579 458,302 0 172,671 198,968 186,069 280,893 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,816,550 PM Peak 0 42,625 26,690 146,835 104,229 152,411 399,362 0 135,752 152,749 157,074 210,060 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,527,787 Night 0 26,543 21,754 92,742 54,350 99,723 264,945 0 96,076 111,624 98,251 141,759 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,007,767 24 Hour 0 156,610 106,103 527,477 353,938 563,677 1,493,575 0 525,019 595,400 575,209 811,260 Rowan 5,708,268 0 58 57 54 48 29 64 0 38 34 29 24 0 54 53 50 45 29 58 0 35 31 27 23 0 60 60 57 50 29 67 0 44 41 37 25 NOX RATES IM No IM 0.974 0.753 0.731 0.779 0.709 1.057 1.118 0.906 0.882 0.924 0.860 1.202 0.594 0.613 0.617 0.642 0.750 0.768 0.772 0.806 93% 7% 1.053 0.781 0.753 0.802 0.709 1.172 1.198 0.934 0.904 0.946 0.860 1.318 0.594 0.612 0.625 0.642 0.750 0.766 0.782 0.806 93% 7% 0.986 0.746 0.723 0.779 0.709 1.040 1.130 0.898 0.874 0.924 0.860 1.185 0.588 0.617 0.634 0.649 0.745 0.773 0.793 0.815 93% 7% 1.087 0.810 0.780 0.815 0.709 1.194 1.232 0.964 0.933 0.960 0.860 1.341 0.609 0.623 0.617 0.636 0.766 0.777 0.770 0.799 93% 7% NOX kg/day 0.000 0.984 0.764 0.742 0.789 0.720 1.067 0.000 0.605 0.624 0.628 0.653 0 38 19 98 72 96 396 0 73 82 84 117 1,075 0.000 1.063 0.792 0.764 0.812 0.720 1.182 0.000 0.605 0.623 0.636 0.653 0 51 26 119 84 129 542 0 104 124 118 184 1,481 0.000 0.996 0.757 0.734 0.789 0.720 1.050 0.000 0.599 0.628 0.645 0.661 0 42 20 108 82 110 419 0 81 96 101 139 1,199 0.000 1.097 0.821 0.791 0.825 0.720 1.204 0.000 0.620 0.634 0.628 0.647 0 29 18 73 45 72 319 0 60 71 62 92 840 0 161 83 398 284 406 1,676 0 318 373 365 531 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) Comp 4,595 4,595 7,193 2,598 L:/2011_Conformity 125 2015 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Union AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 168,756 53 Rural Minor Arterial 22,570 39 Rural Major Collector 247,885 43 Rural Minor Collector 86,915 43 Rural Local 328,274 31 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 65,691 45 Urban Principal Arterial 124,153 37 Urban Minor Arterial 105,981 27 Urban Collector 126,933 29 Urban Local 231,192 26 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,508,351 Midday 0 193,376 32,606 339,724 114,455 459,467 0 73,807 185,408 157,815 186,475 361,644 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,104,779 PM Peak 0 184,536 26,018 275,680 99,774 379,552 0 71,211 141,877 120,089 146,609 272,908 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,718,255 Night 0 102,130 20,530 196,779 59,512 236,526 0 37,960 105,467 95,195 96,949 187,024 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,138,072 24 Hour 0 648,799 101,724 1,060,068 360,657 1,403,819 0 248,669 556,905 479,081 556,967 1,052,769 Union 6,469,457 NOX RATES IM No IM 0 54 43 46 45 31 0 55 39 30 33 27 0 53 38 43 41 31 0 49 34 24 26 26 0 55 51 50 47 31 0 57 44 38 41 28 0.974 0.673 0.688 0.770 0.703 1.118 0.824 0.838 0.914 0.852 0.813 0.592 0.632 0.625 0.631 0.665 89% 0.960 0.749 0.792 0.782 0.792 0.837 11% 0.986 0.688 0.701 0.779 0.703 1.130 0.839 0.852 0.924 0.852 0.902 0.595 0.619 0.615 0.626 0.665 89% 1.051 0.752 0.775 0.770 0.786 0.837 11% 0.974 0.671 0.688 0.760 0.703 1.118 0.822 0.838 0.904 0.852 0.843 0.590 0.648 0.639 0.631 0.665 89% 0.991 0.747 0.813 0.799 0.792 0.837 11% 0.998 0.730 0.723 0.794 0.703 1.142 0.883 0.874 0.939 0.852 0.933 0.609 0.616 0.626 0.621 0.665 89% 1.082 0.766 0.770 0.779 0.780 0.837 11% NOX kg/day 0.000 0.990 0.690 0.705 0.786 0.719 0.000 0.829 0.609 0.650 0.642 0.649 0 167 16 175 68 236 0 54 76 69 82 150 1,092 0.000 1.002 0.705 0.718 0.795 0.719 0.000 0.918 0.612 0.636 0.632 0.644 0 194 23 244 91 331 0 68 114 100 118 233 1,514 0.000 0.990 0.688 0.705 0.776 0.719 0.000 0.859 0.607 0.666 0.657 0.649 0 183 18 194 77 273 0 61 86 80 96 177 1,246 0.000 1.014 0.747 0.740 0.810 0.719 0.000 0.949 0.626 0.633 0.643 0.638 0 104 15 146 48 170 0 36 66 60 62 119 827 0 647 72 758 285 1,010 0 219 341 309 358 679 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) Comp 4,679 4,679 5,660 981 L:/2011_Conformity 126 2025 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Cabarrus AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 51,036 45 Rural Minor Arterial 66,296 45 Rural Major Collector 110,597 33 Rural Minor Collector 81,047 35 Rural Local 174,454 26 Urban Interstate 380,602 42 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 230,151 26 Urban Minor Arterial 265,724 26 Urban Collector 186,133 23 Urban Local 263,882 22 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,809,922 Midday 0 64,504 81,398 151,992 105,692 248,983 513,553 0 342,977 404,010 291,374 427,636 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,632,119 PM Peak 0 55,692 74,675 124,432 98,788 204,492 414,700 0 267,123 308,437 225,625 315,600 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,089,563 Night 0 38,431 49,592 87,746 54,680 135,167 287,718 0 196,160 220,165 136,681 206,180 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,412,520 24 Hour 0 209,663 271,961 474,766 340,207 763,096 1,596,574 0 1,036,412 1,198,335 839,813 1,213,298 Cabarrus 7,944,125 0 50 51 37 38 27 61 0 29 28 27 21 0 45 43 31 33 27 38 0 23 23 21 22 0 55 54 47 43 28 68 0 40 38 36 25 NOX RATES IM No IM 0.319 0.278 0.268 0.283 0.287 0.312 0.490 0.459 0.446 0.454 0.470 0.482 0.262 0.267 0.276 0.277 0.457 0.458 0.472 0.476 94% 6% 0.333 0.290 0.268 0.287 0.284 0.383 0.506 0.474 0.446 0.457 0.466 0.560 0.256 0.262 0.265 0.281 0.445 0.451 0.454 0.482 94% 6% 0.918 0.712 0.667 0.747 0.714 0.846 1.061 0.864 0.817 0.891 0.866 0.989 0.616 0.637 0.650 0.656 0.780 0.798 0.813 0.824 94% 6% 0.353 0.298 0.282 0.294 0.282 0.411 0.527 0.482 0.463 0.466 0.462 0.589 0.253 0.256 0.255 0.268 0.439 0.439 0.437 0.461 94% 6% NOX kg/day 0.000 0.329 0.289 0.279 0.293 0.298 0.322 0.000 0.274 0.278 0.288 0.289 0 17 19 31 24 52 123 0 63 74 54 76 532 0.000 0.343 0.301 0.279 0.297 0.295 0.394 0.000 0.267 0.273 0.276 0.293 0 22 25 42 31 73 202 0 92 110 81 125 804 0.000 0.927 0.721 0.676 0.756 0.723 0.855 0.000 0.626 0.647 0.660 0.666 0 52 54 84 75 148 354 0 167 199 149 210 1,492 0.000 0.363 0.309 0.293 0.304 0.293 0.422 0.000 0.264 0.267 0.266 0.280 0 14 15 26 17 40 121 0 52 59 36 58 437 0 105 113 183 146 313 800 0 374 443 319 469 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) Comp 3,265 3,265 7,324 4,059 L:/2011_Conformity 127 2025 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Gaston AM Peak Rural Interstate 47,967 51 Rural Principal Arterial 185,541 46 Rural Minor Arterial 83,004 30 Rural Major Collector 116,783 34 Rural Minor Collector 58,819 36 Rural Local 107,825 28 Urban Interstate 575,079 41 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 30,606 48 Urban Principal Arterial 327,495 30 Urban Minor Arterial 261,780 28 Urban Collector 80,646 27 Urban Local 265,889 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,141,435 Midday 61,058 186,126 100,319 153,236 66,614 145,757 754,580 37,615 437,242 365,587 108,733 414,290 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,831,157 PM Peak 49,360 204,809 91,613 133,068 70,978 130,910 613,869 32,214 376,870 303,416 96,882 311,390 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,415,379 Night 34,318 119,854 53,700 91,543 35,120 77,627 451,709 22,844 245,322 208,786 58,752 219,353 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,618,929 24 Hour 192,704 696,330 328,636 494,630 231,531 462,120 2,395,237 123,279 1,386,928 1,139,569 345,014 1,210,922 Gaston 9,006,900 62 63 45 42 38 27 61 52 34 34 29 24 40 45 33 33 36 28 38 48 28 28 24 24 63 64 51 49 39 27 63 55 39 39 35 25 NOX RATES IM No IM 0.283 0.245 0.215 0.211 0.220 0.222 0.236 0.239 0.206 0.211 0.213 0.219 0.419 0.393 0.372 0.365 0.367 0.377 0.382 0.392 0.368 0.373 0.376 0.386 91% 9% 0.338 0.300 0.221 0.217 0.222 0.224 0.288 0.248 0.202 0.205 0.210 0.219 0.477 0.453 0.377 0.371 0.369 0.380 0.440 0.401 0.363 0.362 0.370 0.386 91% 9% 0.257 0.243 0.213 0.212 0.220 0.222 0.233 0.239 0.209 0.211 0.220 0.219 0.390 0.390 0.368 0.366 0.367 0.377 0.379 0.392 0.374 0.373 0.387 0.386 91% 9% 0.344 0.305 0.230 0.226 0.223 0.224 0.298 0.255 0.204 0.207 0.204 0.216 0.484 0.458 0.388 0.382 0.370 0.380 0.451 0.409 0.365 0.364 0.360 0.382 91% 9% NOX kg/day 0.295 0.258 0.229 0.225 0.233 0.236 0.249 0.253 0.221 0.226 0.228 0.234 14 48 19 26 14 25 143 8 72 59 18 62 509 0.351 0.314 0.235 0.231 0.235 0.238 0.302 0.262 0.216 0.219 0.224 0.234 21 58 24 35 16 35 228 10 95 80 24 97 723 0.269 0.256 0.227 0.226 0.233 0.236 0.246 0.253 0.224 0.226 0.235 0.234 13 52 21 30 17 31 151 8 84 68 23 73 572 0.357 0.319 0.244 0.240 0.236 0.238 0.312 0.269 0.218 0.221 0.218 0.231 12 38 13 22 8 18 141 6 54 46 13 51 423 61 197 77 114 54 110 663 32 305 254 78 283 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) Comp 2,226 2,226 7,647 5,421 L:/2011_Conformity 128 2025 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model NOX RATES VMT MPH IM No IM Comp Iredell AM Peak Rural Interstate 67,707 68 0.497 0.659 0.520 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 20,814 10 0.386 0.640 0.422 Rural Major Collector 45,767 25 0.282 0.470 0.308 Rural Minor Collector 66,720 21 0.313 0.501 0.339 Rural Local 156,817 27 0.284 0.466 0.309 Urban Interstate 267,988 51 0.335 0.508 0.359 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 38,136 20 0.282 0.490 0.311 Urban Minor Arterial 48,298 22 0.279 0.478 0.307 Urban Collector 64,613 22 0.279 0.477 0.307 Urban Local 115,997 24 0.271 0.465 0.298 Urban HOT 51,373 66 0.307 0.510 0.335 Iredell 944,229 86% 14% Iredell Midday Rural Interstate 92,526 68 0.497 0.659 0.520 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 34,615 11 0.371 0.615 0.405 Rural Major Collector 71,228 26 0.279 0.465 0.305 Rural Minor Collector 96,554 26 0.296 0.475 0.321 Rural Local 242,534 28 0.282 0.462 0.307 Urban Interstate 379,431 62 0.390 0.567 0.415 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 62,369 21 0.278 0.483 0.307 Urban Minor Arterial 76,623 23 0.275 0.472 0.303 Urban Collector 106,331 23 0.276 0.472 0.303 Urban Local 200,296 24 0.271 0.465 0.298 Urban HOT 57,894 69 0.307 0.510 0.335 Iredell 1,420,402 86% 14% Iredell PM Peak Rural Interstate 66,873 68 0.497 0.659 0.520 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 23,224 10 0.386 0.640 0.422 Rural Major Collector 52,922 19 0.304 0.506 0.332 Rural Minor Collector 75,864 22 0.309 0.495 0.335 Rural Local 181,903 26 0.287 0.470 0.313 Urban Interstate 280,921 50 0.331 0.504 0.355 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 43,874 17 0.296 0.514 0.327 Urban Minor Arterial 54,839 18 0.296 0.506 0.325 Urban Collector 74,421 20 0.287 0.490 0.315 Urban Local 137,823 22 0.277 0.476 0.305 Urban HOT 65,724 47 0.263 0.458 0.290 Iredell 1,058,389 86% 14% Iredell Night Rural Interstate 54,822 68 0.497 0.659 0.520 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 22,040 25 0.282 0.472 0.309 Rural Major Collector 40,710 39 0.270 0.448 0.295 Rural Minor Collector 48,359 42 0.292 0.464 0.316 Rural Local 123,761 30 0.278 0.455 0.303 Urban Interstate 231,940 68 0.411 0.589 0.436 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 36,256 33 0.250 0.437 0.276 Urban Minor Arterial 43,420 34 0.254 0.438 0.280 Urban Collector 52,612 36 0.255 0.437 0.280 Urban Local 91,737 26 0.265 0.457 0.292 Urban HOT 281 69 0.307 0.510 0.335 Iredell 745,939 86% 14% Iredell 24 Hour Rural Interstate 281,927 Rural Principal Arterial 0 Rural Minor Arterial 100,693 Rural Major Collector 210,628 Rural Minor Collector 287,498 Rural Local 705,015 Urban Interstate 1,160,279 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 Urban Principal Arterial 180,635 Urban Minor Arterial 223,180 Urban Collector 297,977 Urban Local 545,853 Urban HOT 175,273 Iredell 4,168,958 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) NOX kg/day 35 0 9 14 23 49 96 0 12 15 20 35 17 324 48 0 14 22 31 75 157 0 19 23 32 60 19 500 35 0 10 18 25 57 100 0 14 18 23 42 19 361 28 0 7 12 15 37 101 0 10 12 15 27 0 265 147 0 39 65 94 217 455 0 55 68 90 163 56 1,450 1,450 5,637 4,187 L:/2011_Conformity 129 2025 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Lincoln AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 30,157 50 Rural Minor Arterial 122,549 42 Rural Major Collector 67,151 53 Rural Minor Collector 79,619 41 Rural Local 211,565 28 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 71,715 68 Urban Principal Arterial 33,426 33 Urban Minor Arterial 80,750 31 Urban Collector 26,213 31 Urban Local 57,831 25 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 780,976 Midday 0 38,711 174,647 87,036 95,054 308,437 0 82,927 48,640 118,739 36,623 92,591 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,083,405 PM Peak 0 32,090 136,273 75,274 88,483 244,143 0 79,522 37,591 89,263 30,519 68,995 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 882,152 Night 0 21,442 101,486 48,822 49,286 159,954 0 44,032 27,376 75,260 18,644 48,147 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 594,449 24 Hour 0 122,399 534,955 278,283 312,442 924,099 0 278,197 147,033 364,012 111,999 267,565 Lincoln 3,340,983 0 57 43 55 44 28 0 68 36 34 34 25 0 49 38 52 40 28 0 68 31 29 30 24 0 64 49 56 47 28 0 68 42 42 38 26 NOX RATES IM No IM 0.333 0.274 0.296 0.290 0.282 0.506 0.454 0.478 0.462 0.462 0.382 0.250 0.257 0.258 0.268 0.565 0.437 0.442 0.442 0.461 97% 3% 0.364 0.275 0.300 0.296 0.282 0.538 0.456 0.483 0.468 0.462 0.382 0.250 0.254 0.255 0.268 0.565 0.436 0.438 0.437 0.461 97% 3% 0.331 0.269 0.293 0.288 0.282 0.503 0.448 0.475 0.460 0.462 0.382 0.253 0.260 0.259 0.271 0.565 0.440 0.447 0.443 0.465 97% 3% 0.408 0.286 0.304 0.302 0.282 0.585 0.468 0.487 0.475 0.462 0.382 0.255 0.261 0.257 0.265 0.565 0.442 0.444 0.439 0.457 97% 3% NOX kg/day 0.000 0.338 0.279 0.301 0.295 0.287 0.000 0.387 0.256 0.263 0.264 0.274 0 10 34 20 24 61 0 28 9 21 7 16 229 0.000 0.369 0.280 0.305 0.301 0.287 0.000 0.387 0.256 0.260 0.260 0.274 0 14 49 27 29 89 0 32 12 31 10 25 317 0.000 0.336 0.274 0.298 0.293 0.287 0.000 0.387 0.259 0.266 0.265 0.277 0 11 37 22 26 70 0 31 10 24 8 19 258 0.000 0.413 0.291 0.309 0.307 0.287 0.000 0.387 0.261 0.266 0.262 0.271 0 9 30 15 15 46 0 17 7 20 5 13 177 0 44 150 84 93 266 0 108 38 96 29 73 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) Comp 982 982 2,948 1,966 L:/2011_Conformity 130 2025 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model NOX RATES VMT MPH IM No IM Comp Mecklenburg AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 48,249 29 0.232 0.379 0.247 Rural Minor Arterial 22,193 24 0.227 0.392 0.244 Rural Major Collector 18,716 29 0.216 0.372 0.232 Rural Minor Collector 50,442 31 0.222 0.371 0.237 Rural Local 132,813 28 0.222 0.377 0.238 Urban Interstate 1,982,450 43 0.239 0.385 0.254 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,774,694 50 0.242 0.395 0.257 Urban Principal Arterial 1,321,943 22 0.223 0.397 0.240 Urban Minor Arterial 1,251,364 22 0.225 0.396 0.242 Urban Collector 1,015,063 19 0.235 0.412 0.253 Urban Local 1,851,611 21 0.227 0.400 0.244 Urban HOT 131,158 66 0.249 0.424 0.267 Mecklenburg 9,600,694 90% 10% Mecklenburg Midday Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 63,729 39 0.234 0.380 0.249 Rural Minor Arterial 28,581 37 0.212 0.367 0.228 Rural Major Collector 28,198 36 0.211 0.364 0.226 Rural Minor Collector 67,676 37 0.221 0.368 0.236 Rural Local 202,262 29 0.220 0.374 0.235 Urban Interstate 2,699,764 55 0.265 0.415 0.280 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 2,150,463 57 0.261 0.416 0.277 Urban Principal Arterial 2,019,508 25 0.215 0.384 0.232 Urban Minor Arterial 1,918,963 25 0.217 0.383 0.234 Urban Collector 1,557,112 23 0.222 0.390 0.239 Urban Local 3,021,403 20 0.230 0.405 0.248 Urban HOT 106,133 68 0.249 0.424 0.267 Mecklenburg 13,863,792 90% 10% Mecklenburg PM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 54,627 32 0.232 0.377 0.247 Rural Minor Arterial 25,532 31 0.214 0.370 0.230 Rural Major Collector 21,274 29 0.216 0.372 0.232 Rural Minor Collector 60,793 29 0.225 0.375 0.240 Rural Local 159,193 28 0.222 0.377 0.238 Urban Interstate 2,191,510 41 0.236 0.382 0.251 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,984,173 45 0.233 0.385 0.248 Urban Principal Arterial 1,537,863 19 0.233 0.414 0.251 Urban Minor Arterial 1,469,853 20 0.231 0.407 0.249 Urban Collector 1,179,789 18 0.239 0.419 0.257 Urban Local 2,210,142 18 0.238 0.418 0.256 Urban HOT 165,669 58 0.233 0.405 0.250 Mecklenburg 11,060,419 90% 10% Mecklenburg Night Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 36,262 48 0.249 0.397 0.264 Rural Minor Arterial 17,915 44 0.219 0.375 0.235 Rural Major Collector 14,942 45 0.220 0.374 0.235 Rural Minor Collector 33,787 44 0.229 0.377 0.244 Rural Local 97,025 29 0.220 0.374 0.235 Urban Interstate 1,619,029 62 0.293 0.445 0.308 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,125,976 60 0.270 0.426 0.286 Urban Principal Arterial 1,108,501 35 0.201 0.361 0.217 Urban Minor Arterial 1,012,841 36 0.204 0.362 0.220 Urban Collector 830,673 35 0.204 0.360 0.220 Urban Local 1,437,419 24 0.218 0.386 0.235 Urban HOT 430 69 0.249 0.424 0.267 Mecklenburg 7,334,800 90% 10% Mecklenburg 24 Hour Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial 202,867 Rural Minor Arterial 94,221 Rural Major Collector 83,131 Rural Minor Collector 212,698 Rural Local 591,293 Urban Interstate 8,492,753 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 7,035,306 Urban Principal Arterial 5,987,815 Urban Minor Arterial 5,653,020 Urban Collector 4,582,637 Urban Local 8,520,574 Urban HOT 403,391 Mecklenburg 41,859,706 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) NOX kg/day 0 12 5 4 12 32 503 457 318 303 257 452 35 2,389 0 16 7 6 16 48 756 595 468 448 372 748 28 3,507 0 13 6 5 15 38 549 492 386 365 303 566 41 2,780 0 10 4 4 8 23 499 322 241 223 182 338 0 1,852 51 22 19 51 140 2,307 1,865 1,413 1,339 1,114 2,103 105 10,529 10,529 34,526 23,997 L:/2011_Conformity 131 2025 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Rowan AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 45,295 50 Rural Minor Arterial 27,995 51 Rural Major Collector 151,455 47 Rural Minor Collector 109,447 43 Rural Local 164,162 29 Urban Interstate 460,161 60 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 130,986 36 Urban Minor Arterial 152,646 31 Urban Collector 159,755 30 Urban Local 210,336 24 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,612,239 Midday 0 57,045 37,404 181,649 128,016 222,637 569,011 0 188,630 227,301 219,223 327,227 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,158,143 PM Peak 0 50,077 30,543 166,287 125,585 187,941 498,439 0 148,741 174,772 184,351 246,921 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,813,657 Night 0 31,219 24,291 109,822 64,524 121,913 326,951 0 106,239 127,085 115,937 166,025 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,194,007 24 Hour 0 183,636 120,234 609,213 427,573 696,653 1,854,562 0 574,595 681,805 679,266 950,509 Rowan 6,778,046 0 56 56 52 47 29 62 0 38 33 28 24 0 51 49 46 42 29 60 0 33 29 26 23 0 60 59 56 49 29 66 0 44 40 37 25 NOX RATES IM No IM 0.333 0.290 0.282 0.294 0.280 0.376 0.506 0.474 0.463 0.466 0.459 0.552 0.250 0.257 0.259 0.271 0.436 0.442 0.443 0.465 93% 7% 0.358 0.304 0.293 0.302 0.280 0.390 0.533 0.489 0.475 0.475 0.459 0.567 0.251 0.255 0.263 0.271 0.437 0.439 0.450 0.465 93% 7% 0.337 0.286 0.280 0.292 0.280 0.376 0.510 0.468 0.460 0.464 0.459 0.552 0.250 0.260 0.267 0.274 0.437 0.447 0.458 0.471 93% 7% 0.379 0.313 0.304 0.307 0.280 0.411 0.555 0.500 0.487 0.481 0.459 0.589 0.258 0.258 0.256 0.268 0.445 0.441 0.438 0.461 93% 7% NOX kg/day 0.000 0.345 0.303 0.295 0.306 0.293 0.388 0.000 0.263 0.270 0.272 0.285 0 16 8 45 33 48 179 0 34 41 43 60 508 0.000 0.370 0.317 0.306 0.314 0.293 0.402 0.000 0.264 0.268 0.276 0.285 0 21 12 56 40 65 229 0 50 61 61 93 687 0.000 0.349 0.299 0.293 0.304 0.293 0.388 0.000 0.263 0.273 0.280 0.288 0 17 9 49 38 55 194 0 39 48 52 71 572 0.000 0.391 0.326 0.317 0.319 0.293 0.423 0.000 0.271 0.271 0.269 0.282 0 12 8 35 21 36 138 0 29 34 31 47 391 0 66 37 184 132 204 740 0 152 184 187 271 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) Comp 2,157 2,157 7,193 5,036 L:/2011_Conformity 132 2025 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Union AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 209,437 51 Rural Minor Arterial 24,485 31 Rural Major Collector 313,439 38 Rural Minor Collector 128,889 40 Rural Local 507,846 30 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 77,531 39 Urban Principal Arterial 147,912 34 Urban Minor Arterial 129,140 25 Urban Collector 151,092 27 Urban Local 288,313 25 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,978,084 Midday 0 243,558 34,116 442,672 175,387 722,676 0 91,291 218,330 194,064 225,560 453,888 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,801,543 PM Peak 0 224,845 28,922 351,393 148,948 588,557 0 83,472 168,825 148,010 174,321 340,532 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,257,825 Night 0 123,565 21,174 260,180 91,878 370,849 0 43,635 121,717 110,953 120,889 230,782 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,495,623 24 Hour 0 801,405 108,697 1,367,685 545,102 2,189,928 0 295,929 656,784 582,166 671,862 1,313,516 Union 8,533,075 NOX RATES IM No IM 0 53 36 41 43 30 0 55 37 29 31 26 0 51 32 37 37 30 0 43 31 23 24 25 0 54 44 48 47 31 0 57 44 38 40 28 0.337 0.270 0.269 0.288 0.278 0.510 0.451 0.447 0.460 0.455 0.292 0.250 0.269 0.265 0.268 0.267 89% 0.467 0.436 0.463 0.454 0.461 0.469 11% 0.345 0.267 0.272 0.294 0.278 0.519 0.446 0.451 0.466 0.455 0.331 0.250 0.260 0.258 0.265 0.267 89% 0.510 0.436 0.447 0.442 0.457 0.469 11% 0.337 0.269 0.268 0.285 0.278 0.510 0.449 0.446 0.456 0.455 0.299 0.253 0.275 0.273 0.268 0.267 89% 0.474 0.440 0.472 0.467 0.461 0.469 11% 0.349 0.276 0.284 0.302 0.277 0.523 0.458 0.465 0.475 0.454 0.340 0.258 0.256 0.259 0.261 0.267 89% 0.520 0.445 0.439 0.441 0.449 0.469 11% NOX kg/day 0.000 0.356 0.290 0.289 0.307 0.297 0.000 0.311 0.270 0.290 0.286 0.289 0 75 7 90 40 151 0 24 40 37 43 83 591 0.000 0.364 0.287 0.292 0.313 0.297 0.000 0.351 0.270 0.281 0.278 0.286 0 89 10 129 55 215 0 32 59 54 63 130 836 0.000 0.356 0.289 0.288 0.304 0.297 0.000 0.318 0.274 0.297 0.294 0.289 0 80 8 101 45 175 0 27 46 44 51 98 676 0.000 0.368 0.296 0.304 0.321 0.296 0.000 0.360 0.279 0.276 0.279 0.282 0 45 6 79 29 110 0 16 34 31 34 65 449 0 289 31 400 169 651 0 98 179 166 191 377 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) Comp 2,552 2,552 5,660 3,108 L:/2011_Conformity 133 2035 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Cabarrus AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 58,594 45 Rural Minor Arterial 79,763 39 Rural Major Collector 130,322 35 Rural Minor Collector 90,257 32 Rural Local 228,285 25 Urban Interstate 539,180 51 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 282,790 28 Urban Minor Arterial 335,749 28 Urban Collector 194,992 23 Urban Local 304,768 21 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,244,701 Midday 0 77,524 99,425 181,435 120,169 320,490 664,846 0 419,334 513,719 305,198 492,262 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 3,194,402 PM Peak 0 64,135 89,749 144,245 108,002 264,570 598,003 0 326,964 390,100 234,074 361,792 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,581,633 Night 0 44,699 61,069 107,020 65,323 176,497 365,549 0 234,493 276,512 147,488 239,052 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,717,703 24 Hour 0 244,952 330,005 563,022 383,751 989,841 2,167,578 0 1,263,582 1,516,080 881,753 1,397,875 Cabarrus 9,738,440 0 50 46 39 36 27 68 0 31 30 26 20 0 45 36 33 30 26 51 0 26 26 22 21 0 53 51 46 43 27 68 0 41 40 36 24 NOX RATES IM No IM 0.221 0.203 0.199 0.205 0.215 0.230 0.392 0.383 0.377 0.378 0.400 0.404 0.203 0.204 0.214 0.219 0.395 0.392 0.411 0.421 94% 6% 0.229 0.210 0.202 0.204 0.210 0.271 0.402 0.392 0.380 0.375 0.392 0.450 0.199 0.200 0.207 0.223 0.387 0.386 0.398 0.428 94% 6% 0.221 0.201 0.201 0.207 0.212 0.230 0.392 0.380 0.380 0.381 0.396 0.404 0.207 0.208 0.217 0.219 0.402 0.399 0.416 0.421 94% 6% 0.236 0.216 0.209 0.210 0.210 0.271 0.410 0.400 0.389 0.382 0.392 0.450 0.200 0.199 0.196 0.211 0.386 0.382 0.378 0.406 94% 6% NOX kg/day 0.000 0.231 0.214 0.210 0.215 0.226 0.240 0.000 0.215 0.215 0.226 0.231 0 14 17 27 19 52 130 0 61 72 44 70 506 0.000 0.239 0.221 0.213 0.214 0.221 0.282 0.000 0.210 0.211 0.218 0.235 0 19 22 39 26 71 187 0 88 108 67 116 742 0.000 0.231 0.212 0.212 0.217 0.223 0.240 0.000 0.219 0.219 0.229 0.231 0 15 19 31 23 59 144 0 72 86 54 84 585 0.000 0.246 0.227 0.220 0.220 0.221 0.282 0.000 0.211 0.210 0.207 0.223 0 11 14 24 14 39 103 0 50 58 31 53 396 0 58 72 120 83 220 564 0 270 324 195 323 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) Comp 2,229 2,229 7,324 5,095 L:/2011_Conformity 134 2035 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Gaston AM Peak Rural Interstate 53,897 37 Rural Principal Arterial 208,044 41 Rural Minor Arterial 94,946 26 Rural Major Collector 134,120 29 Rural Minor Collector 76,473 34 Rural Local 135,042 28 Urban Interstate 643,094 35 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 34,261 46 Urban Principal Arterial 397,654 29 Urban Minor Arterial 285,959 27 Urban Collector 92,727 26 Urban Local 302,476 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,458,692 Midday 73,333 219,144 117,486 173,387 82,483 175,194 865,408 44,019 521,554 395,366 118,745 464,794 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 3,250,913 PM Peak 54,418 230,702 104,781 154,098 91,996 164,725 677,371 35,652 460,326 333,673 110,123 353,511 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,771,376 Night 42,154 132,292 61,188 104,881 43,092 90,682 524,073 26,665 288,307 226,376 64,531 245,569 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,849,810 24 Hour 223,801 790,182 378,401 566,486 294,043 565,643 2,709,946 140,598 1,667,840 1,241,374 386,126 1,366,351 Gaston 10,330,791 56 63 41 39 37 27 57 51 34 33 28 24 27 39 30 29 34 28 34 46 27 27 23 24 63 63 50 48 39 27 63 55 40 39 35 24 NOX RATES IM No IM 0.206 0.198 0.192 0.186 0.186 0.190 0.192 0.199 0.182 0.186 0.187 0.190 0.340 0.345 0.355 0.343 0.334 0.346 0.339 0.352 0.346 0.350 0.352 0.359 91% 9% 0.244 0.247 0.186 0.183 0.187 0.191 0.226 0.207 0.177 0.178 0.184 0.190 0.382 0.401 0.342 0.338 0.335 0.349 0.378 0.361 0.338 0.337 0.346 0.359 91% 9% 0.207 0.196 0.186 0.186 0.186 0.190 0.193 0.199 0.185 0.186 0.193 0.190 0.341 0.343 0.343 0.343 0.334 0.346 0.339 0.352 0.352 0.350 0.363 0.359 91% 9% 0.275 0.247 0.196 0.192 0.188 0.191 0.245 0.214 0.179 0.179 0.177 0.190 0.415 0.401 0.354 0.349 0.336 0.349 0.400 0.370 0.341 0.338 0.334 0.359 91% 9% NOX kg/day 0.218 0.211 0.207 0.200 0.199 0.204 0.205 0.213 0.197 0.201 0.202 0.205 12 44 20 27 15 28 132 7 78 57 19 62 501 0.256 0.261 0.200 0.197 0.200 0.205 0.240 0.221 0.191 0.192 0.199 0.205 19 57 24 34 17 36 207 10 100 76 24 95 698 0.219 0.209 0.200 0.200 0.199 0.204 0.206 0.213 0.200 0.201 0.208 0.205 12 48 21 31 18 34 140 8 92 67 23 73 566 0.288 0.261 0.210 0.206 0.201 0.205 0.259 0.228 0.194 0.193 0.191 0.205 12 35 13 22 9 19 136 6 56 44 12 50 412 55 184 77 113 59 116 615 31 326 244 78 280 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) Comp 2,177 2,177 7,647 5,470 L:/2011_Conformity 135 2035 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model NOX RATES VMT MPH IM No IM Comp Iredell AM Peak Rural Interstate 82,564 68 0.302 0.465 0.325 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 23,332 10 0.299 0.554 0.335 Rural Major Collector 52,861 20 0.227 0.427 0.255 Rural Minor Collector 76,866 17 0.244 0.444 0.272 Rural Local 189,267 26 0.212 0.396 0.238 Urban Interstate 313,006 27 0.212 0.383 0.236 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 42,989 17 0.236 0.455 0.267 Urban Minor Arterial 54,645 18 0.232 0.443 0.262 Urban Collector 73,307 19 0.227 0.434 0.256 Urban Local 138,155 23 0.214 0.411 0.242 Urban HOT 63,121 44 0.202 0.397 0.229 Iredell 1,110,114 86% 14% Iredell Midday Rural Interstate 104,740 68 0.302 0.465 0.325 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 39,883 9 0.307 0.569 0.344 Rural Major Collector 84,048 21 0.224 0.421 0.252 Rural Minor Collector 114,434 22 0.224 0.411 0.250 Rural Local 295,307 26 0.212 0.396 0.238 Urban Interstate 434,299 58 0.247 0.424 0.272 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 71,498 18 0.232 0.446 0.262 Urban Minor Arterial 87,243 20 0.224 0.429 0.253 Urban Collector 120,239 20 0.223 0.427 0.252 Urban Local 237,627 23 0.214 0.411 0.242 Urban HOT 94,900 61 0.223 0.425 0.251 Iredell 1,684,218 86% 14% Iredell PM Peak Rural Interstate 81,660 68 0.302 0.465 0.325 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 26,283 9 0.307 0.569 0.344 Rural Major Collector 61,400 15 0.251 0.468 0.281 Rural Minor Collector 88,378 18 0.239 0.436 0.267 Rural Local 218,125 24 0.217 0.404 0.243 Urban Interstate 330,073 27 0.212 0.383 0.236 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 49,304 15 0.247 0.475 0.279 Urban Minor Arterial 61,819 15 0.247 0.471 0.278 Urban Collector 84,259 18 0.231 0.441 0.260 Urban Local 164,002 21 0.219 0.421 0.247 Urban HOT 73,666 31 0.196 0.390 0.223 Iredell 1,238,970 86% 14% Iredell Night Rural Interstate 68,311 68 0.302 0.465 0.325 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 24,463 21 0.225 0.424 0.253 Rural Major Collector 46,642 36 0.200 0.378 0.225 Rural Minor Collector 59,151 39 0.206 0.377 0.230 Rural Local 151,397 29 0.207 0.386 0.232 Urban Interstate 273,592 68 0.271 0.450 0.296 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 40,451 31 0.199 0.387 0.225 Urban Minor Arterial 50,755 31 0.199 0.384 0.225 Urban Collector 61,171 34 0.196 0.379 0.222 Urban Local 109,210 26 0.207 0.398 0.234 Urban HOT 1,685 69 0.230 0.434 0.259 Iredell 886,829 86% 14% Iredell 24 Hour Rural Interstate 337,275 Rural Principal Arterial 0 Rural Minor Arterial 113,961 Rural Major Collector 244,952 Rural Minor Collector 338,830 Rural Local 854,097 Urban Interstate 1,350,969 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 Urban Principal Arterial 204,242 Urban Minor Arterial 254,462 Urban Collector 338,977 Urban Local 648,995 Urban HOT 233,372 Iredell 4,920,131 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) NOX kg/day 27 0 8 13 21 45 74 0 11 14 19 33 14 280 34 0 14 21 29 70 118 0 19 22 30 57 24 438 27 0 9 17 24 53 78 0 14 17 22 41 16 317 22 0 6 10 14 35 81 0 9 11 14 26 0 229 110 0 37 62 87 203 351 0 53 65 85 157 55 1,264 1,264 5,637 4,373 L:/2011_Conformity 136 2035 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Lincoln AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 36,763 43 Rural Minor Arterial 136,075 38 Rural Major Collector 79,539 51 Rural Minor Collector 100,238 38 Rural Local 273,671 28 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 87,747 68 Urban Principal Arterial 37,557 29 Urban Minor Arterial 92,789 27 Urban Collector 32,636 27 Urban Local 71,195 24 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 948,211 Midday 0 47,581 192,526 105,251 122,695 401,282 0 104,902 55,339 137,022 46,215 114,057 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,326,870 PM Peak 0 39,067 150,544 89,673 111,469 315,643 0 98,250 42,253 102,974 37,454 84,191 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,071,517 Night 0 26,471 112,766 59,525 63,791 205,277 0 55,498 32,099 86,479 22,916 58,440 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 723,262 24 Hour 0 149,881 591,910 333,988 398,193 1,195,873 0 346,398 167,248 419,264 139,221 327,883 Lincoln 4,069,859 0 49 40 53 42 28 0 68 33 30 32 25 0 41 35 49 37 27 0 68 28 25 26 23 0 59 45 56 46 28 0 68 40 40 38 26 NOX RATES IM No IM 0.218 0.202 0.215 0.205 0.209 0.389 0.382 0.398 0.376 0.389 0.261 0.202 0.206 0.205 0.211 0.445 0.392 0.395 0.394 0.406 97% 3% 0.227 0.203 0.218 0.209 0.209 0.400 0.383 0.402 0.381 0.389 0.261 0.197 0.200 0.198 0.209 0.445 0.384 0.386 0.381 0.402 97% 3% 0.216 0.200 0.212 0.205 0.210 0.386 0.380 0.394 0.376 0.392 0.261 0.203 0.210 0.207 0.214 0.445 0.395 0.403 0.398 0.411 97% 3% 0.251 0.209 0.223 0.214 0.209 0.428 0.390 0.408 0.387 0.389 0.261 0.199 0.199 0.197 0.207 0.445 0.385 0.382 0.380 0.398 97% 3% NOX kg/day 0.000 0.223 0.207 0.220 0.210 0.214 0.000 0.267 0.208 0.212 0.211 0.217 0 8 28 18 21 59 0 23 8 20 7 15 207 0.000 0.232 0.208 0.224 0.214 0.214 0.000 0.267 0.203 0.206 0.203 0.215 0 11 40 24 26 86 0 28 11 28 9 24 288 0.000 0.221 0.205 0.217 0.210 0.215 0.000 0.267 0.209 0.216 0.213 0.220 0 9 31 20 23 68 0 26 9 22 8 19 234 0.000 0.256 0.214 0.229 0.219 0.214 0.000 0.267 0.205 0.204 0.202 0.213 0 7 24 14 14 44 0 15 7 18 5 12 159 0 35 123 74 85 257 0 92 34 88 29 71 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) Comp 888 888 2,948 2,060 L:/2011_Conformity 137 2035 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model NOX RATES VMT MPH IM No IM Comp Mecklenburg AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 56,511 24 0.194 0.340 0.209 Rural Minor Arterial 25,881 21 0.202 0.371 0.219 Rural Major Collector 21,852 23 0.196 0.359 0.212 Rural Minor Collector 62,022 26 0.194 0.346 0.209 Rural Local 176,788 27 0.189 0.345 0.205 Urban Interstate 2,113,711 38 0.193 0.338 0.208 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,972,979 49 0.201 0.353 0.216 Urban Principal Arterial 1,476,707 20 0.200 0.377 0.218 Urban Minor Arterial 1,404,541 20 0.200 0.375 0.218 Urban Collector 1,114,104 17 0.211 0.393 0.229 Urban Local 2,098,017 20 0.199 0.373 0.216 Urban HOT 163,510 59 0.197 0.369 0.214 Mecklenburg 10,686,625 90% 10% Mecklenburg Midday Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 77,832 33 0.192 0.337 0.207 Rural Minor Arterial 33,931 34 0.180 0.334 0.195 Rural Major Collector 34,437 30 0.183 0.337 0.198 Rural Minor Collector 84,547 35 0.183 0.329 0.198 Rural Local 277,575 28 0.188 0.342 0.203 Urban Interstate 2,979,177 52 0.212 0.361 0.227 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 2,436,539 55 0.212 0.366 0.227 Urban Principal Arterial 2,273,966 23 0.191 0.362 0.208 Urban Minor Arterial 2,164,902 23 0.192 0.360 0.209 Urban Collector 1,732,858 21 0.197 0.368 0.214 Urban Local 3,446,100 20 0.199 0.373 0.216 Urban HOT 186,123 65 0.207 0.381 0.224 Mecklenburg 15,727,986 90% 10% Mecklenburg PM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 64,635 25 0.194 0.340 0.209 Rural Minor Arterial 29,348 28 0.187 0.344 0.203 Rural Major Collector 24,844 23 0.196 0.359 0.212 Rural Minor Collector 71,934 27 0.192 0.343 0.207 Rural Local 209,813 26 0.191 0.348 0.207 Urban Interstate 2,319,797 36 0.191 0.336 0.206 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 2,210,986 43 0.194 0.343 0.209 Urban Principal Arterial 1,721,533 18 0.207 0.390 0.225 Urban Minor Arterial 1,652,805 18 0.207 0.387 0.225 Urban Collector 1,294,560 16 0.215 0.401 0.234 Urban Local 2,499,597 17 0.210 0.393 0.228 Urban HOT 220,194 44 0.179 0.346 0.196 Mecklenburg 12,320,045 90% 10% Mecklenburg Night Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 41,716 45 0.201 0.347 0.216 Rural Minor Arterial 21,027 44 0.187 0.342 0.203 Rural Major Collector 19,106 43 0.185 0.338 0.200 Rural Minor Collector 41,637 42 0.189 0.336 0.204 Rural Local 133,736 29 0.186 0.339 0.201 Urban Interstate 1,835,515 62 0.240 0.392 0.255 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,272,310 60 0.224 0.380 0.240 Urban Principal Arterial 1,207,351 35 0.174 0.333 0.190 Urban Minor Arterial 1,116,248 35 0.175 0.331 0.191 Urban Collector 922,421 33 0.176 0.332 0.192 Urban Local 1,619,049 24 0.188 0.355 0.205 Urban HOT 2,637 69 0.207 0.381 0.224 Mecklenburg 8,232,752 90% 10% Mecklenburg 24 Hour Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial 240,694 Rural Minor Arterial 110,187 Rural Major Collector 100,239 Rural Minor Collector 260,140 Rural Local 797,912 Urban Interstate 9,248,199 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 7,892,813 Urban Principal Arterial 6,679,557 Urban Minor Arterial 6,338,496 Urban Collector 5,063,943 Urban Local 9,662,763 Urban HOT 572,464 Mecklenburg 46,967,408 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) NOX kg/day 0 12 6 5 13 36 439 427 321 305 255 454 35 2,308 0 16 7 7 17 56 676 554 473 452 371 746 42 3,416 0 13 6 5 15 43 477 462 388 372 302 571 43 2,697 0 9 4 4 8 27 468 305 229 213 177 331 1 1,777 50 23 21 53 163 2,060 1,747 1,412 1,342 1,106 2,102 120 10,198 10,198 34,526 24,328 L:/2011_Conformity 138 2035 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Rowan AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 66,046 43 Rural Minor Arterial 30,973 48 Rural Major Collector 167,494 44 Rural Minor Collector 127,358 41 Rural Local 190,034 28 Urban Interstate 582,768 58 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 143,365 34 Urban Minor Arterial 194,565 31 Urban Collector 177,305 29 Urban Local 230,481 24 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,910,388 Midday 0 85,354 43,065 203,587 152,240 253,181 710,950 0 205,975 271,014 248,030 354,755 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,528,151 PM Peak 0 73,739 34,310 181,729 146,372 218,820 627,741 0 163,551 229,681 205,934 268,661 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,150,537 Night 0 46,250 27,844 125,179 78,476 136,332 406,077 0 116,282 144,786 131,775 182,396 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,395,396 24 Hour 0 271,388 136,192 677,988 504,446 798,367 2,327,537 0 629,173 840,046 763,043 1,036,293 Rowan 7,984,473 0 50 53 50 46 29 59 0 36 33 27 24 0 44 46 42 40 29 58 0 32 30 24 23 0 55 58 54 48 28 65 0 43 40 36 26 NOX RATES IM No IM 0.218 0.212 0.206 0.208 0.209 0.247 0.389 0.395 0.386 0.379 0.389 0.424 0.196 0.199 0.202 0.211 0.383 0.384 0.388 0.406 93% 7% 0.229 0.220 0.214 0.214 0.207 0.250 0.402 0.404 0.396 0.387 0.386 0.427 0.196 0.198 0.205 0.211 0.382 0.381 0.394 0.406 93% 7% 0.220 0.210 0.205 0.207 0.207 0.247 0.391 0.392 0.384 0.378 0.386 0.424 0.198 0.200 0.212 0.214 0.386 0.386 0.406 0.411 93% 7% 0.240 0.228 0.220 0.217 0.209 0.271 0.415 0.415 0.404 0.391 0.389 0.450 0.201 0.199 0.196 0.207 0.389 0.382 0.378 0.398 93% 7% NOX kg/day 0.000 0.230 0.225 0.219 0.220 0.222 0.259 0.000 0.209 0.212 0.215 0.225 0 15 7 37 28 42 151 0 30 41 38 52 441 0.000 0.241 0.233 0.227 0.226 0.220 0.262 0.000 0.209 0.211 0.218 0.225 0 21 10 46 34 56 187 0 43 57 54 80 587 0.000 0.232 0.223 0.218 0.219 0.220 0.259 0.000 0.211 0.213 0.226 0.228 0 17 8 40 32 48 163 0 35 49 46 61 498 0.000 0.252 0.241 0.233 0.229 0.222 0.284 0.000 0.214 0.212 0.209 0.220 0 12 7 29 18 30 115 0 25 31 28 40 334 0 65 31 151 112 176 616 0 132 178 166 233 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) Comp 1,861 1,861 7,193 5,332 L:/2011_Conformity 139 2035 Metrolina NOx Emissions 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Union AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 245,491 49 Rural Minor Arterial 29,210 29 Rural Major Collector 373,467 34 Rural Minor Collector 170,579 36 Rural Local 684,183 29 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 88,759 34 Urban Principal Arterial 170,604 31 Urban Minor Arterial 148,328 22 Urban Collector 174,099 23 Urban Local 342,490 24 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,427,210 Midday 0 290,953 40,966 537,127 226,972 986,351 0 107,169 246,359 223,768 260,043 542,285 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 3,461,993 PM Peak 0 260,121 33,694 419,854 195,362 791,722 0 94,549 193,514 168,663 200,695 402,607 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,760,782 Night 0 150,423 25,999 317,846 121,442 500,925 0 50,421 133,617 126,179 143,692 270,845 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,841,389 24 Hour 0 946,989 129,870 1,648,294 714,355 2,963,180 0 340,897 744,094 666,939 778,530 1,558,228 Union 10,491,375 NOX RATES IM No IM 0 52 34 38 40 29 0 54 35 26 27 26 0 49 29 33 34 29 0 38 28 20 21 24 0 54 42 47 46 30 0 57 43 36 38 28 0.227 0.206 0.200 0.204 0.207 0.400 0.390 0.378 0.375 0.386 0.207 0.199 0.217 0.214 0.211 0.207 89% 0.381 0.387 0.417 0.411 0.406 0.408 11% 0.234 0.201 0.201 0.207 0.207 0.408 0.381 0.379 0.378 0.386 0.231 0.196 0.208 0.205 0.207 0.207 89% 0.411 0.381 0.399 0.394 0.398 0.408 11% 0.227 0.206 0.201 0.204 0.207 0.400 0.390 0.380 0.375 0.386 0.209 0.203 0.224 0.220 0.211 0.207 89% 0.383 0.395 0.429 0.421 0.406 0.408 11% 0.238 0.206 0.210 0.214 0.205 0.413 0.386 0.391 0.387 0.383 0.238 0.201 0.197 0.197 0.203 0.207 89% 0.419 0.389 0.380 0.380 0.391 0.408 11% NOX kg/day 0.000 0.246 0.226 0.220 0.223 0.227 0.000 0.226 0.220 0.239 0.236 0.232 0 60 7 82 38 155 0 20 37 35 41 80 556 0.000 0.253 0.221 0.221 0.226 0.227 0.000 0.251 0.216 0.229 0.226 0.228 0 74 9 118 51 224 0 27 53 51 59 124 790 0.000 0.246 0.226 0.221 0.223 0.227 0.000 0.228 0.224 0.247 0.242 0.232 0 64 8 93 44 179 0 22 43 42 49 94 636 0.000 0.257 0.226 0.230 0.233 0.225 0.000 0.258 0.222 0.217 0.217 0.224 0 39 6 73 28 112 0 13 30 27 31 61 420 0 237 29 366 161 671 0 82 164 156 180 357 model kg / day NOX total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) Comp 2,402 2,402 5,660 3,258 L:/2011_Conformity 140 141 2015 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Cabarrus AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 40,760 50 Rural Minor Arterial 57,902 52 Rural Major Collector 95,020 38 Rural Minor Collector 63,529 39 Rural Local 123,209 27 Urban Interstate 315,427 43 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 202,553 29 Urban Minor Arterial 208,781 28 Urban Collector 158,728 26 Urban Local 218,575 23 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,484,486 Midday 0 51,073 68,151 125,102 81,652 176,317 414,044 0 300,038 318,887 246,370 357,241 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,138,876 PM Peak 0 45,364 64,008 106,720 78,668 146,914 336,448 0 236,855 239,534 192,797 261,226 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,708,534 Night 0 30,251 42,491 70,971 42,100 94,458 232,694 0 175,167 177,428 113,291 172,839 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,151,689 24 Hour 0 167,447 232,551 397,815 265,949 540,898 1,298,614 0 914,614 944,630 711,187 1,009,881 Cabarrus 6,483,585 0 52 56 42 41 28 65 0 31 30 29 21 0 48 48 36 37 28 38 0 26 26 24 22 0 56 59 50 46 28 68 0 40 39 37 25 VOC RATES IM No IM Comp VOC kg/day 0.000 0.715 0.732 0.781 0.766 0.854 0.740 0.000 0.850 0.856 0.875 0.913 0 29 42 74 49 105 233 0 172 179 139 200 0.708 0.725 0.773 0.759 0.845 0.733 0.819 0.841 0.903 0.883 0.993 0.851 0.841 0.847 0.866 0.903 0.994 0.999 1.022 1.068 94% 6% 0.702 0.715 0.757 0.751 0.836 0.680 0.811 0.826 0.883 0.872 0.981 0.776 0.826 0.830 0.839 0.933 0.974 0.978 0.987 1.107 94% 6% 0.715 0.738 0.782 0.768 0.836 0.753 0.827 0.858 0.915 0.894 0.981 0.876 0.869 0.866 0.889 0.917 1.028 1.022 1.050 1.086 94% 6% 0.692 0.710 0.731 0.733 0.836 0.680 0.796 0.817 0.847 0.849 0.981 0.776 0.777 0.777 0.786 0.877 0.911 0.910 0.920 1.036 94% 6% 1,222 0.000 0.709 0.722 0.765 0.758 0.845 0.686 0.000 0.835 0.839 0.848 0.943 1,740 0.000 0.722 0.745 0.790 0.776 0.845 0.760 0.000 0.879 0.875 0.899 0.927 0 33 48 84 61 124 256 0 208 210 173 242 1,439 0.000 0.698 0.716 0.738 0.740 0.845 0.686 0.000 0.785 0.785 0.794 0.887 0 21 30 52 31 80 160 0 138 139 90 153 894 0 119 170 307 203 458 933 0 768 795 611 932 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 0 36 49 96 62 149 284 0 250 268 209 337 5,296 5,296 6,941 1,645 L:\2011_Conformity 142 2015 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Gaston AM Peak Rural Interstate 39,943 60 Rural Principal Arterial 148,964 56 Rural Minor Arterial 74,103 38 Rural Major Collector 91,360 40 Rural Minor Collector 43,479 40 Rural Local 81,854 28 Urban Interstate 493,903 44 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 25,010 52 Urban Principal Arterial 273,470 31 Urban Minor Arterial 219,918 31 Urban Collector 67,094 28 Urban Local 221,459 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,780,557 Midday 47,979 138,709 89,600 114,070 49,577 113,498 601,290 29,637 381,437 321,158 90,933 351,262 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,329,149 PM Peak 42,475 160,084 81,453 105,834 53,443 97,635 528,802 26,140 314,589 257,554 82,078 260,373 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,010,461 Night 27,444 92,054 49,212 69,233 26,082 60,389 366,005 18,118 217,303 181,995 47,531 184,567 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,339,933 24 Hour 157,840 539,811 294,368 380,496 172,582 353,377 1,990,000 98,905 1,186,800 980,624 287,636 1,017,660 Gaston 7,460,100 63 63 52 47 40 28 63 54 34 35 30 24 55 56 41 39 39 29 45 52 29 30 24 24 63 63 56 51 40 28 63 56 39 39 34 24 VOC RATES IM No IM Comp 0.470 0.494 0.545 0.537 0.528 0.583 0.515 0.506 0.579 0.575 0.591 0.619 0.549 0.583 0.654 0.645 0.631 0.703 0.614 0.602 0.701 0.696 0.715 0.752 91% 9% 0.469 0.489 0.515 0.522 0.528 0.583 0.490 0.503 0.565 0.557 0.580 0.619 0.546 0.574 0.613 0.624 0.631 0.703 0.574 0.597 0.683 0.672 0.701 0.752 91% 9% 0.474 0.494 0.537 0.540 0.531 0.577 0.513 0.506 0.589 0.580 0.619 0.619 0.557 0.583 0.644 0.648 0.635 0.695 0.611 0.602 0.715 0.703 0.751 0.752 91% 9% 0.469 0.489 0.510 0.515 0.528 0.583 0.490 0.501 0.550 0.546 0.561 0.619 0.546 0.574 0.605 0.613 0.631 0.703 0.574 0.593 0.663 0.657 0.676 0.752 91% 9% 0.477 0.502 0.555 0.547 0.537 0.594 0.524 0.515 0.590 0.586 0.602 0.631 19 75 41 50 23 49 259 13 161 129 40 140 999 0.476 0.497 0.524 0.531 0.537 0.594 0.498 0.511 0.576 0.567 0.591 0.631 23 69 47 61 27 67 299 15 220 182 54 222 1,285 0.481 0.502 0.547 0.550 0.540 0.588 0.522 0.515 0.600 0.591 0.631 0.631 20 80 45 58 29 57 276 13 189 152 52 164 1,136 0.476 0.497 0.519 0.524 0.537 0.594 0.498 0.509 0.560 0.556 0.571 0.631 13 46 26 36 14 36 182 9 122 101 27 116 728 75 270 158 205 93 209 1,016 51 691 564 173 642 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) VOC kg/day 4,148 4,148 5,132 984 L:\2011_Conformity 143 2015 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VOC RATES VMT MPH IM No IM Comp Iredell AM Peak Rural Interstate 63,951 46 0.697 0.802 0.712 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 18,229 14 1.141 1.358 1.171 Rural Major Collector 41,488 28 0.840 0.987 0.861 Rural Minor Collector 55,119 25 0.862 1.010 0.883 Rural Local 121,936 29 0.827 0.971 0.847 Urban Interstate 241,344 42 0.737 0.856 0.754 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 32,806 24 0.892 1.056 0.915 Urban Minor Arterial 43,418 24 0.889 1.051 0.912 Urban Collector 56,477 26 0.866 1.022 0.888 Urban Local 95,705 25 0.877 1.036 0.899 Urban HOT 0 0 0.000 Iredell 770,475 86% 14% Iredell Midday Rural Interstate 83,358 67 0.655 0.742 0.667 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 30,157 13 1.186 1.414 1.218 Rural Major Collector 59,744 33 0.800 0.938 0.819 Rural Minor Collector 77,892 28 0.831 0.972 0.851 Rural Local 184,652 29 0.827 0.971 0.847 Urban Interstate 341,106 58 0.690 0.792 0.704 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 54,110 25 0.880 1.041 0.903 Urban Minor Arterial 67,613 26 0.866 1.022 0.888 Urban Collector 91,811 26 0.866 1.022 0.888 Urban Local 164,097 25 0.877 1.036 0.899 Urban HOT 0 0 0.000 Iredell 1,154,540 86% 14% Iredell PM Peak Rural Interstate 66,083 51 0.681 0.781 0.695 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 20,768 12 1.238 1.479 1.272 Rural Major Collector 48,189 24 0.882 1.040 0.904 Rural Minor Collector 63,354 27 0.840 0.984 0.860 Rural Local 142,460 28 0.836 0.981 0.856 Urban Interstate 257,751 39 0.749 0.871 0.766 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 37,404 21 0.935 1.112 0.960 Urban Minor Arterial 48,562 22 0.917 1.086 0.941 Urban Collector 65,169 23 0.903 1.067 0.926 Urban Local 114,017 24 0.889 1.051 0.912 Urban HOT 0 0 0.000 Iredell 863,756 86% 14% Iredell Night Rural Interstate 43,256 68 0.655 0.742 0.667 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 19,789 30 0.823 0.969 0.843 Rural Major Collector 34,905 41 0.761 0.888 0.779 Rural Minor Collector 37,947 42 0.747 0.868 0.764 Rural Local 94,599 30 0.819 0.961 0.839 Urban Interstate 191,820 68 0.680 0.776 0.693 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 29,848 36 0.794 0.932 0.813 Urban Minor Arterial 38,288 36 0.790 0.926 0.809 Urban Collector 44,407 37 0.786 0.920 0.805 Urban Local 75,100 26 0.866 1.022 0.888 Urban HOT 0 0 0.000 Iredell 609,960 86% 14% Iredell 24 Hour Rural Interstate 256,648 Rural Principal Arterial 0 Rural Minor Arterial 88,942 Rural Major Collector 184,326 Rural Minor Collector 234,312 Rural Local 543,648 Urban Interstate 1,032,021 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 Urban Principal Arterial 154,169 Urban Minor Arterial 197,882 Urban Collector 257,864 Urban Local 448,920 Urban HOT 0 Iredell 3,398,731 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) VOC kg/day 46 0 21 36 49 103 182 0 30 40 50 86 0 642 56 0 37 49 66 156 240 0 49 60 82 148 0 942 46 0 26 44 54 122 197 0 36 46 60 104 0 736 29 0 17 27 29 79 133 0 24 31 36 67 0 472 176 0 101 155 198 461 753 0 139 176 228 404 0 2,792 2,792 3,601 809 L:\2011_Conformity 144 2015 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Lincoln AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 24,342 54 Rural Minor Arterial 110,571 46 Rural Major Collector 56,451 55 Rural Minor Collector 60,249 43 Rural Local 155,203 28 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 55,636 68 Urban Principal Arterial 29,554 36 Urban Minor Arterial 69,764 34 Urban Collector 20,345 33 Urban Local 46,711 25 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 628,826 Midday 0 31,160 152,775 71,657 69,696 224,072 0 63,939 41,871 100,917 28,154 74,420 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 858,661 PM Peak 0 25,947 121,296 63,468 67,170 180,091 0 61,137 33,086 76,997 24,026 55,172 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 708,390 Night 0 17,221 86,900 40,519 36,781 118,794 0 35,069 23,261 63,263 14,673 39,263 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 475,745 24 Hour 0 98,671 471,542 232,096 233,896 678,160 0 215,781 127,772 310,941 87,197 215,566 Lincoln 2,671,622 0 60 47 57 46 28 0 68 39 37 36 25 0 53 42 55 43 28 0 68 35 33 32 25 0 65 53 58 47 28 0 68 44 43 39 26 VOC RATES IM No IM Comp VOC kg/day 0.000 0.699 0.749 0.719 0.748 0.840 0.000 0.692 0.798 0.805 0.812 0.882 0 17 83 41 45 130 0 38 24 56 17 41 0.696 0.745 0.716 0.744 0.836 0.803 0.867 0.827 0.863 0.981 0.689 0.794 0.801 0.808 0.877 0.787 0.932 0.941 0.949 1.036 97% 3% 0.685 0.741 0.712 0.733 0.836 0.785 0.862 0.821 0.849 0.981 0.689 0.781 0.786 0.791 0.866 0.787 0.916 0.920 0.926 1.022 97% 3% 0.699 0.759 0.716 0.744 0.836 0.807 0.885 0.827 0.863 0.981 0.689 0.799 0.808 0.815 0.877 0.787 0.938 0.949 0.958 1.036 97% 3% 0.679 0.723 0.710 0.730 0.836 0.775 0.837 0.818 0.845 0.981 0.689 0.763 0.762 0.777 0.866 0.787 0.892 0.890 0.909 1.022 97% 3% 492 0.000 0.688 0.745 0.715 0.736 0.840 0.000 0.692 0.785 0.790 0.795 0.871 670 0.000 0.702 0.763 0.719 0.748 0.840 0.000 0.692 0.803 0.812 0.819 0.882 0 18 93 46 50 151 0 42 27 63 20 49 558 0.000 0.682 0.726 0.713 0.733 0.840 0.000 0.692 0.767 0.766 0.781 0.871 0 12 63 29 27 100 0 24 18 48 11 34 367 0 68 352 166 174 570 0 149 101 247 70 189 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 0 21 114 51 51 188 0 44 33 80 22 65 2,086 2,086 2,726 640 L:\2011_Conformity 145 2015 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VOC RATES VMT MPH IM No IM Comp Mecklenburg AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 42,553 33 0.566 0.679 0.577 Rural Minor Arterial 18,417 30 0.597 0.722 0.610 Rural Major Collector 16,388 35 0.571 0.688 0.583 Rural Minor Collector 40,557 35 0.562 0.674 0.573 Rural Local 88,025 29 0.597 0.720 0.609 Urban Interstate 1,812,861 48 0.526 0.626 0.536 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,440,932 51 0.528 0.629 0.538 Urban Principal Arterial 1,171,199 24 0.644 0.784 0.658 Urban Minor Arterial 1,095,479 24 0.640 0.778 0.654 Urban Collector 888,629 21 0.669 0.814 0.684 Urban Local 1,565,718 21 0.669 0.815 0.684 Urban HOT 105,539 66 0.522 0.621 0.532 Mecklenburg 8,286,297 90% 10% Mecklenburg Midday Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 53,334 43 0.536 0.640 0.546 Rural Minor Arterial 23,003 41 0.557 0.669 0.568 Rural Major Collector 23,329 40 0.558 0.670 0.569 Rural Minor Collector 49,522 40 0.548 0.655 0.559 Rural Local 126,369 29 0.597 0.720 0.609 Urban Interstate 2,391,191 57 0.512 0.606 0.521 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,729,950 57 0.520 0.616 0.530 Urban Principal Arterial 1,782,022 27 0.622 0.756 0.635 Urban Minor Arterial 1,671,428 27 0.618 0.750 0.631 Urban Collector 1,340,390 26 0.624 0.757 0.637 Urban Local 2,536,275 20 0.680 0.830 0.695 Urban HOT 33,335 68 0.522 0.621 0.532 Mecklenburg 11,760,148 90% 10% Mecklenburg PM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 48,128 35 0.558 0.668 0.569 Rural Minor Arterial 21,247 36 0.570 0.687 0.582 Rural Major Collector 19,126 33 0.580 0.699 0.592 Rural Minor Collector 50,469 33 0.571 0.685 0.582 Rural Local 107,304 29 0.597 0.720 0.609 Urban Interstate 2,017,970 44 0.534 0.638 0.544 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,642,743 48 0.533 0.637 0.543 Urban Principal Arterial 1,358,478 21 0.673 0.822 0.688 Urban Minor Arterial 1,279,309 22 0.659 0.802 0.673 Urban Collector 1,037,721 20 0.680 0.829 0.695 Urban Local 1,867,699 19 0.697 0.850 0.712 Urban HOT 103,425 66 0.522 0.621 0.532 Mecklenburg 9,553,621 90% 10% Mecklenburg Night Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 31,467 49 0.524 0.623 0.534 Rural Minor Arterial 15,253 45 0.549 0.658 0.560 Rural Major Collector 11,256 46 0.544 0.652 0.555 Rural Minor Collector 25,430 45 0.536 0.640 0.546 Rural Local 60,166 29 0.597 0.720 0.609 Urban Interstate 1,413,993 62 0.509 0.599 0.518 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 913,784 60 0.518 0.612 0.527 Urban Principal Arterial 991,365 37 0.576 0.696 0.588 Urban Minor Arterial 903,795 36 0.575 0.694 0.587 Urban Collector 714,911 35 0.577 0.696 0.589 Urban Local 1,218,318 24 0.640 0.777 0.654 Urban HOT 0 0 3.939 4.759 4.021 Mecklenburg 6,299,739 90% 10% Mecklenburg 24 Hour Rural Interstate 0 Rural Principal Arterial 175,483 Rural Minor Arterial 77,919 Rural Major Collector 70,099 Rural Minor Collector 165,978 Rural Local 381,864 Urban Interstate 7,636,015 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 5,727,409 Urban Principal Arterial 5,303,064 Urban Minor Arterial 4,950,011 Urban Collector 3,981,652 Urban Local 7,188,011 Urban HOT 242,298 Mecklenburg 35,899,805 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) VOC kg/day 0 25 11 10 23 54 972 775 771 716 607 1,070 56 5,090 0 29 13 13 28 77 1,247 916 1,132 1,055 854 1,763 18 7,145 0 27 12 11 29 65 1,099 893 934 861 721 1,330 55 6,039 0 17 9 6 14 37 732 482 583 530 421 796 0 3,627 0 98 45 40 94 233 4,049 3,066 3,420 3,163 2,604 4,960 129 21,902 21,902 26,368 4,466 L:\2011_Conformity 146 2015 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Rowan AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 39,053 53 Rural Minor Arterial 24,445 54 Rural Major Collector 132,293 51 Rural Minor Collector 91,502 45 Rural Local 132,964 29 Urban Interstate 370,966 59 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 120,519 38 Urban Minor Arterial 132,060 33 Urban Collector 133,816 32 Urban Local 178,548 24 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,356,165 Midday 0 48,390 33,214 155,607 103,857 178,579 458,302 0 172,671 198,968 186,069 280,893 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,816,550 PM Peak 0 42,625 26,690 146,835 104,229 152,411 399,362 0 135,752 152,749 157,074 210,060 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,527,787 Night 0 26,543 21,754 92,742 54,350 99,723 264,945 0 96,076 111,624 98,251 141,759 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,007,767 24 Hour 0 156,610 106,103 527,477 353,938 563,677 1,493,575 0 525,019 595,400 575,209 811,260 Rowan 5,708,268 0 58 57 54 48 29 64 0 38 34 29 24 0 54 53 50 45 29 58 0 35 31 27 23 0 60 60 57 50 29 67 0 44 41 37 25 VOC RATES IM No IM Comp VOC kg/day 0.000 0.707 0.728 0.735 0.745 0.837 0.695 0.000 0.795 0.818 0.825 0.900 0 28 18 97 68 111 258 0 96 108 110 161 0.699 0.720 0.727 0.737 0.827 0.688 0.807 0.833 0.843 0.854 0.971 0.789 0.785 0.808 0.815 0.889 0.921 0.949 0.958 1.051 93% 7% 0.688 0.713 0.719 0.726 0.827 0.681 0.791 0.823 0.831 0.840 0.971 0.778 0.785 0.801 0.839 0.889 0.921 0.941 0.987 1.051 93% 7% 0.696 0.723 0.731 0.737 0.827 0.690 0.803 0.837 0.847 0.854 0.971 0.792 0.799 0.822 0.856 0.903 0.938 0.968 1.009 1.068 93% 7% 0.685 0.708 0.712 0.720 0.827 0.680 0.785 0.814 0.821 0.832 0.971 0.776 0.763 0.770 0.786 0.877 0.892 0.900 0.920 1.036 93% 7% 1,055 0.000 0.695 0.721 0.727 0.734 0.837 0.688 0.000 0.795 0.811 0.849 0.900 1,421 0.000 0.703 0.731 0.739 0.745 0.837 0.697 0.000 0.809 0.832 0.867 0.915 0 30 20 109 78 128 278 0 110 127 136 192 1,207 0.000 0.692 0.715 0.720 0.728 0.837 0.687 0.000 0.772 0.779 0.795 0.888 0 18 16 67 40 83 182 0 74 87 78 126 771 0 110 77 386 262 472 1,033 0 417 483 483 732 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 0 34 24 113 76 149 315 0 137 161 158 253 4,454 4,454 6,149 1,695 L:\2011_Conformity 147 2015 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2015 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Union AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 168,756 53 Rural Minor Arterial 22,570 39 Rural Major Collector 247,885 43 Rural Minor Collector 86,915 43 Rural Local 328,274 31 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 65,691 45 Urban Principal Arterial 124,153 37 Urban Minor Arterial 105,981 27 Urban Collector 126,933 29 Urban Local 231,192 26 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,508,351 Midday 0 193,376 32,606 339,724 114,455 459,467 0 73,807 185,408 157,815 186,475 361,644 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,104,779 PM Peak 0 184,536 26,018 275,680 99,774 379,552 0 71,211 141,877 120,089 146,609 272,908 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,718,255 Night 0 102,130 20,530 196,779 59,512 236,526 0 37,960 105,467 95,195 96,949 187,024 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,138,072 24 Hour 0 648,799 101,724 1,060,068 360,657 1,403,819 0 248,669 556,905 479,081 556,967 1,052,769 Union 6,469,457 0 54 43 46 45 31 0 55 39 30 33 27 0 53 38 43 41 31 0 49 34 24 26 26 0 55 51 50 47 31 0 57 44 38 41 28 VOC RATES IM No IM Comp VOC kg/day 0.000 0.711 0.784 0.768 0.757 0.826 0.000 0.748 0.804 0.873 0.855 0.883 0 120 18 190 66 271 0 49 100 93 109 204 0.699 0.770 0.754 0.744 0.811 0.807 0.900 0.878 0.863 0.950 0.735 0.789 0.856 0.839 0.866 1.076 89% 0.854 0.926 1.010 0.987 1.022 1.290 11% 0.696 0.755 0.744 0.737 0.811 0.803 0.880 0.865 0.854 0.950 0.704 0.781 0.830 0.808 0.856 1.076 89% 0.812 0.916 0.978 0.949 1.010 1.290 11% 0.699 0.774 0.754 0.751 0.811 0.807 0.905 0.878 0.872 0.950 0.721 0.805 0.889 0.866 0.866 1.076 89% 0.836 0.946 1.051 1.022 1.022 1.290 11% 0.694 0.729 0.731 0.730 0.811 0.799 0.845 0.847 0.845 0.950 0.700 0.763 0.782 0.770 0.847 1.076 89% 0.806 0.892 0.915 0.899 0.999 1.290 11% 1,219 0.000 0.708 0.769 0.757 0.750 0.826 0.000 0.716 0.796 0.846 0.824 0.873 1,688 0.000 0.711 0.788 0.768 0.764 0.826 0.000 0.734 0.821 0.907 0.883 0.883 0 131 21 212 76 314 0 52 116 109 129 241 1,401 0.000 0.706 0.742 0.744 0.743 0.826 0.000 0.712 0.777 0.797 0.784 0.864 0 72 15 146 44 195 0 27 82 76 76 162 896 0 460 79 806 272 1,160 0 181 446 411 468 922 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 0 137 25 257 86 380 0 53 148 134 154 316 5,204 5,204 6,299 1,095 L:\2011_Conformity 148 2025 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Cabarrus AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 51,036 45 Rural Minor Arterial 66,296 45 Rural Major Collector 110,597 33 Rural Minor Collector 81,047 35 Rural Local 174,454 26 Urban Interstate 380,602 42 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 230,151 26 Urban Minor Arterial 265,724 26 Urban Collector 186,133 23 Urban Local 263,882 22 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,809,922 Midday 0 64,504 81,398 151,992 105,692 248,983 513,553 0 342,977 404,010 291,374 427,636 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,632,119 PM Peak 0 55,692 74,675 124,432 98,788 204,492 414,700 0 267,123 308,437 225,625 315,600 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,089,563 Night 0 38,431 49,592 87,746 54,680 135,167 287,718 0 196,160 220,165 136,681 206,180 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,412,520 24 Hour 0 209,663 271,961 474,766 340,207 763,096 1,596,574 0 1,036,412 1,198,335 839,813 1,213,298 Cabarrus 7,944,125 0 50 51 37 38 27 61 0 29 28 27 21 0 45 43 31 33 27 38 0 23 23 21 22 0 55 54 47 43 28 68 0 40 38 36 25 VOC RATES IM No IM Comp VOC kg/day 0.000 0.345 0.351 0.381 0.372 0.416 0.351 0.000 0.418 0.417 0.439 0.446 0 18 23 42 30 73 134 0 96 111 82 118 0.336 0.342 0.371 0.362 0.405 0.342 0.482 0.497 0.541 0.522 0.588 0.491 0.406 0.406 0.427 0.434 0.601 0.597 0.628 0.641 94% 6% 0.327 0.332 0.359 0.354 0.399 0.319 0.468 0.480 0.522 0.510 0.580 0.447 0.390 0.395 0.400 0.443 0.577 0.581 0.588 0.655 94% 6% 0.336 0.346 0.379 0.370 0.399 0.351 0.482 0.503 0.554 0.533 0.580 0.505 0.426 0.427 0.444 0.434 0.632 0.629 0.654 0.641 94% 6% 0.321 0.329 0.338 0.343 0.393 0.318 0.455 0.472 0.489 0.493 0.572 0.442 0.354 0.358 0.363 0.412 0.521 0.524 0.531 0.606 94% 6% 726 0.000 0.335 0.341 0.369 0.363 0.410 0.327 0.000 0.401 0.406 0.411 0.456 1,030 0.000 0.345 0.355 0.390 0.380 0.410 0.360 0.000 0.438 0.439 0.457 0.446 0 19 27 48 38 84 149 0 117 135 103 141 861 0.000 0.329 0.338 0.347 0.352 0.404 0.325 0.000 0.364 0.368 0.373 0.424 0 13 17 30 19 55 94 0 71 81 51 87 518 0 71 94 177 125 313 544 0 422 491 356 541 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 0 22 28 56 38 102 168 0 138 164 120 195 3,135 3,135 6,941 3,806 L:\2011_Conformity 149 2025 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Gaston AM Peak Rural Interstate 47,967 51 Rural Principal Arterial 185,541 46 Rural Minor Arterial 83,004 30 Rural Major Collector 116,783 34 Rural Minor Collector 58,819 36 Rural Local 107,825 28 Urban Interstate 575,079 41 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 30,606 48 Urban Principal Arterial 327,495 30 Urban Minor Arterial 261,780 28 Urban Collector 80,646 27 Urban Local 265,889 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,141,435 Midday 61,058 186,126 100,319 153,236 66,614 145,757 754,580 37,615 437,242 365,587 108,733 414,290 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,831,157 PM Peak 49,360 204,809 91,613 133,068 70,978 130,910 613,869 32,214 376,870 303,416 96,882 311,390 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,415,379 Night 34,318 119,854 53,700 91,543 35,120 77,627 451,709 22,844 245,322 208,786 58,752 219,353 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,618,929 24 Hour 192,704 696,330 328,636 494,630 231,531 462,120 2,395,237 123,279 1,386,928 1,139,569 345,014 1,210,922 Gaston 9,006,900 62 63 45 42 38 27 61 52 34 34 29 24 40 45 33 33 36 28 38 48 28 28 24 24 63 64 51 49 39 27 63 55 39 39 35 25 VOC RATES IM No IM Comp 0.266 0.279 0.317 0.303 0.296 0.323 0.286 0.279 0.318 0.325 0.329 0.344 0.368 0.394 0.456 0.435 0.420 0.462 0.406 0.396 0.463 0.470 0.475 0.496 91% 9% 0.262 0.269 0.285 0.288 0.292 0.328 0.269 0.275 0.306 0.305 0.321 0.344 0.356 0.372 0.408 0.413 0.415 0.468 0.373 0.389 0.444 0.441 0.463 0.496 91% 9% 0.283 0.280 0.307 0.306 0.296 0.323 0.292 0.279 0.326 0.325 0.344 0.344 0.392 0.397 0.442 0.440 0.420 0.462 0.413 0.396 0.473 0.470 0.496 0.496 91% 9% 0.262 0.269 0.278 0.279 0.290 0.328 0.269 0.272 0.296 0.295 0.302 0.338 0.355 0.371 0.397 0.398 0.412 0.468 0.372 0.384 0.429 0.426 0.435 0.488 91% 9% 0.275 0.289 0.330 0.315 0.307 0.336 0.297 0.290 0.331 0.338 0.342 0.358 13 54 27 37 18 36 171 9 108 88 28 95 684 0.270 0.278 0.296 0.299 0.303 0.341 0.278 0.285 0.318 0.317 0.334 0.358 17 52 30 46 20 50 210 11 139 116 36 148 874 0.293 0.291 0.319 0.318 0.307 0.336 0.303 0.290 0.339 0.338 0.358 0.358 14 60 29 42 22 44 186 9 128 103 35 111 783 0.270 0.278 0.289 0.290 0.301 0.341 0.278 0.282 0.308 0.307 0.314 0.352 9 33 16 27 11 26 126 6 76 64 18 77 489 53 198 102 151 71 156 692 35 451 371 117 432 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) VOC kg/day 2,830 2,830 5,132 2,302 L:\2011_Conformity 150 2025 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VOC RATES VMT MPH IM No IM Comp Iredell AM Peak Rural Interstate 67,707 68 0.311 0.424 0.327 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 20,814 10 0.722 1.046 0.767 Rural Major Collector 45,767 25 0.412 0.601 0.438 Rural Minor Collector 66,720 21 0.444 0.641 0.472 Rural Local 156,817 27 0.399 0.580 0.424 Urban Interstate 267,988 51 0.326 0.465 0.345 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 38,136 20 0.453 0.674 0.484 Urban Minor Arterial 48,298 22 0.435 0.641 0.464 Urban Collector 64,613 22 0.435 0.641 0.464 Urban Local 115,997 24 0.419 0.617 0.447 Urban HOT 51,373 66 0.306 0.447 0.326 Iredell 944,229 86% 14% Iredell Midday Rural Interstate 92,526 68 0.311 0.424 0.327 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 34,615 11 0.677 0.980 0.719 Rural Major Collector 71,228 26 0.405 0.592 0.431 Rural Minor Collector 96,554 26 0.405 0.583 0.430 Rural Local 242,534 28 0.393 0.572 0.418 Urban Interstate 379,431 62 0.319 0.445 0.337 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 62,369 21 0.443 0.658 0.473 Urban Minor Arterial 76,623 23 0.427 0.629 0.455 Urban Collector 106,331 23 0.427 0.628 0.455 Urban Local 200,296 24 0.419 0.617 0.447 Urban HOT 57,894 69 0.306 0.447 0.326 Iredell 1,420,402 86% 14% Iredell PM Peak Rural Interstate 66,873 68 0.311 0.424 0.327 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 23,224 10 0.722 1.046 0.767 Rural Major Collector 52,922 19 0.470 0.687 0.500 Rural Minor Collector 75,864 22 0.435 0.628 0.462 Rural Local 181,903 26 0.405 0.588 0.431 Urban Interstate 280,921 50 0.328 0.468 0.348 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 43,874 17 0.507 0.748 0.541 Urban Minor Arterial 54,839 18 0.488 0.717 0.520 Urban Collector 74,421 20 0.454 0.670 0.484 Urban Local 137,823 22 0.434 0.641 0.463 Urban HOT 65,724 47 0.324 0.488 0.347 Iredell 1,058,389 86% 14% Iredell Night Rural Interstate 54,822 68 0.311 0.424 0.327 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 22,040 25 0.412 0.602 0.439 Rural Major Collector 40,710 39 0.354 0.515 0.377 Rural Minor Collector 48,359 42 0.345 0.496 0.366 Rural Local 123,761 30 0.383 0.558 0.408 Urban Interstate 231,940 68 0.318 0.442 0.335 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 36,256 33 0.373 0.551 0.398 Urban Minor Arterial 43,420 34 0.369 0.542 0.393 Urban Collector 52,612 36 0.363 0.531 0.387 Urban Local 91,737 26 0.406 0.597 0.433 Urban HOT 281 69 0.306 0.447 0.326 Iredell 745,939 86% 14% Iredell 24 Hour Rural Interstate 281,927 Rural Principal Arterial 0 Rural Minor Arterial 100,693 Rural Major Collector 210,628 Rural Minor Collector 287,498 Rural Local 705,015 Urban Interstate 1,160,279 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 Urban Principal Arterial 180,635 Urban Minor Arterial 223,180 Urban Collector 297,977 Urban Local 545,853 Urban HOT 175,273 Iredell 4,168,958 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) VOC kg/day 22 0 16 20 31 67 93 0 18 22 30 52 17 388 30 0 25 31 42 101 128 0 30 35 48 89 19 578 22 0 18 26 35 78 98 0 24 29 36 64 23 452 18 0 10 15 18 50 78 0 14 17 20 40 0 280 92 0 68 93 126 297 396 0 86 103 135 245 58 1,698 1,698 3,601 1,903 L:\2011_Conformity 151 2025 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Lincoln AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 30,157 50 Rural Minor Arterial 122,549 42 Rural Major Collector 67,151 53 Rural Minor Collector 79,619 41 Rural Local 211,565 28 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 71,715 68 Urban Principal Arterial 33,426 33 Urban Minor Arterial 80,750 31 Urban Collector 26,213 31 Urban Local 57,831 25 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 780,976 Midday 0 38,711 174,647 87,036 95,054 308,437 0 82,927 48,640 118,739 36,623 92,591 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,083,405 PM Peak 0 32,090 136,273 75,274 88,483 244,143 0 79,522 37,591 89,263 30,519 68,995 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 882,152 Night 0 21,442 101,486 48,822 49,286 159,954 0 44,032 27,376 75,260 18,644 48,147 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 594,449 24 Hour 0 122,399 534,955 278,283 312,442 924,099 0 278,197 147,033 364,012 111,999 267,565 Lincoln 3,340,983 0 57 43 55 44 28 0 68 36 34 34 25 0 49 38 52 40 28 0 68 31 29 30 24 0 64 49 56 47 28 0 68 42 42 38 26 VOC RATES IM No IM Comp VOC kg/day 0.000 0.331 0.353 0.334 0.352 0.398 0.000 0.325 0.378 0.386 0.386 0.418 0 10 43 22 28 84 0 23 13 31 10 24 0.327 0.348 0.330 0.347 0.393 0.468 0.506 0.473 0.499 0.572 0.321 0.373 0.381 0.381 0.412 0.448 0.551 0.560 0.559 0.606 97% 3% 0.320 0.346 0.327 0.341 0.393 0.452 0.503 0.468 0.490 0.572 0.321 0.363 0.369 0.369 0.412 0.448 0.535 0.542 0.541 0.606 97% 3% 0.329 0.356 0.331 0.349 0.393 0.470 0.520 0.476 0.503 0.572 0.321 0.381 0.390 0.385 0.419 0.448 0.563 0.574 0.566 0.617 97% 3% 0.318 0.335 0.327 0.336 0.393 0.443 0.485 0.467 0.481 0.572 0.321 0.350 0.349 0.358 0.406 0.448 0.514 0.511 0.524 0.597 97% 3% 289 0.000 0.324 0.351 0.331 0.345 0.398 0.000 0.325 0.368 0.374 0.374 0.418 400 0.000 0.333 0.361 0.335 0.354 0.398 0.000 0.325 0.386 0.396 0.390 0.425 0 11 49 25 31 97 0 26 15 35 12 29 331 0.000 0.322 0.340 0.331 0.340 0.398 0.000 0.325 0.355 0.354 0.363 0.412 0 7 34 16 17 64 0 14 10 27 7 20 215 0 40 188 93 109 368 0 90 55 138 43 112 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 0 13 61 29 33 123 0 27 18 44 14 39 1,235 1,235 2,726 1,491 L:\2011_Conformity 152 2025 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VOC RATES VMT MPH IM No IM Comp Mecklenburg AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 48,249 29 0.316 0.448 0.329 Rural Minor Arterial 22,193 24 0.344 0.493 0.359 Rural Major Collector 18,716 29 0.319 0.458 0.333 Rural Minor Collector 50,442 31 0.310 0.441 0.323 Rural Local 132,813 28 0.323 0.461 0.337 Urban Interstate 1,982,450 43 0.283 0.400 0.295 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,774,694 50 0.276 0.391 0.288 Urban Principal Arterial 1,321,943 22 0.356 0.517 0.372 Urban Minor Arterial 1,251,364 22 0.356 0.514 0.372 Urban Collector 1,015,063 19 0.382 0.550 0.399 Urban Local 1,851,611 21 0.362 0.524 0.378 Urban HOT 131,158 66 0.261 0.375 0.272 Mecklenburg 9,600,694 90% 10% Mecklenburg Midday Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 63,729 39 0.289 0.410 0.301 Rural Minor Arterial 28,581 37 0.297 0.426 0.310 Rural Major Collector 28,198 36 0.298 0.427 0.311 Rural Minor Collector 67,676 37 0.293 0.417 0.305 Rural Local 202,262 29 0.319 0.456 0.333 Urban Interstate 2,699,764 55 0.269 0.377 0.280 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 2,150,463 57 0.271 0.381 0.282 Urban Principal Arterial 2,019,508 25 0.339 0.491 0.354 Urban Minor Arterial 1,918,963 25 0.338 0.488 0.353 Urban Collector 1,557,112 23 0.349 0.503 0.364 Urban Local 3,021,403 20 0.370 0.535 0.387 Urban HOT 106,133 68 0.261 0.375 0.272 Mecklenburg 13,863,792 90% 10% Mecklenburg PM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 54,627 32 0.306 0.434 0.319 Rural Minor Arterial 25,532 31 0.313 0.450 0.327 Rural Major Collector 21,274 29 0.319 0.458 0.333 Rural Minor Collector 60,793 29 0.317 0.451 0.330 Rural Local 159,193 28 0.323 0.461 0.337 Urban Interstate 2,191,510 41 0.286 0.405 0.298 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,984,173 45 0.282 0.401 0.294 Urban Principal Arterial 1,537,863 19 0.383 0.555 0.400 Urban Minor Arterial 1,469,853 20 0.371 0.536 0.388 Urban Collector 1,179,789 18 0.395 0.568 0.412 Urban Local 2,210,142 18 0.395 0.568 0.412 Urban HOT 165,669 58 0.263 0.384 0.275 Mecklenburg 11,060,419 90% 10% Mecklenburg Night Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 36,262 48 0.276 0.389 0.287 Rural Minor Arterial 17,915 44 0.286 0.410 0.298 Rural Major Collector 14,942 45 0.283 0.405 0.295 Rural Minor Collector 33,787 44 0.282 0.399 0.294 Rural Local 97,025 29 0.319 0.456 0.333 Urban Interstate 1,619,029 62 0.268 0.371 0.278 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,125,976 60 0.271 0.378 0.282 Urban Principal Arterial 1,108,501 35 0.303 0.439 0.317 Urban Minor Arterial 1,012,841 36 0.300 0.433 0.313 Urban Collector 830,673 35 0.301 0.434 0.314 Urban Local 1,437,419 24 0.343 0.495 0.358 Urban HOT 430 69 0.261 0.375 0.272 Mecklenburg 7,334,800 90% 10% Mecklenburg 24 Hour Rural Interstate 0 Rural Principal Arterial 202,867 Rural Minor Arterial 94,221 Rural Major Collector 83,131 Rural Minor Collector 212,698 Rural Local 591,293 Urban Interstate 8,492,753 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 7,035,306 Urban Principal Arterial 5,987,815 Urban Minor Arterial 5,653,020 Urban Collector 4,582,637 Urban Local 8,520,574 Urban HOT 403,391 Mecklenburg 41,859,706 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) VOC kg/day 0 16 8 6 16 45 584 510 492 465 405 700 36 3,284 0 19 9 9 21 67 755 606 715 677 567 1,168 29 4,643 0 17 8 7 20 54 653 583 615 570 486 911 46 3,971 0 10 5 4 10 32 451 317 351 317 261 515 0 2,274 0 63 31 26 67 198 2,443 2,017 2,174 2,030 1,720 3,294 110 14,172 14,172 26,368 12,196 L:\2011_Conformity 153 2025 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Rowan AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 45,295 50 Rural Minor Arterial 27,995 51 Rural Major Collector 151,455 47 Rural Minor Collector 109,447 43 Rural Local 164,162 29 Urban Interstate 460,161 60 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 130,986 36 Urban Minor Arterial 152,646 31 Urban Collector 159,755 30 Urban Local 210,336 24 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,612,239 Midday 0 57,045 37,404 181,649 128,016 222,637 569,011 0 188,630 227,301 219,223 327,227 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,158,143 PM Peak 0 50,077 30,543 166,287 125,585 187,941 498,439 0 148,741 174,772 184,351 246,921 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,813,657 Night 0 31,219 24,291 109,822 64,524 121,913 326,951 0 106,239 127,085 115,937 166,025 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,194,007 24 Hour 0 183,636 120,234 609,213 427,573 696,653 1,854,562 0 574,595 681,805 679,266 950,509 Rowan 6,778,046 0 56 56 52 47 29 62 0 38 33 28 24 0 51 49 46 42 29 60 0 33 29 26 23 0 60 59 56 49 29 66 0 44 40 37 25 VOC RATES IM No IM Comp VOC kg/day 0.000 0.337 0.342 0.349 0.354 0.400 0.328 0.000 0.375 0.394 0.398 0.433 0 15 10 53 39 66 151 0 49 60 64 91 0.327 0.332 0.338 0.343 0.388 0.319 0.468 0.480 0.489 0.493 0.565 0.448 0.363 0.381 0.385 0.419 0.535 0.560 0.566 0.617 93% 7% 0.320 0.327 0.331 0.336 0.388 0.319 0.453 0.468 0.476 0.481 0.565 0.445 0.358 0.373 0.395 0.419 0.528 0.547 0.580 0.617 93% 7% 0.326 0.335 0.340 0.345 0.388 0.319 0.465 0.485 0.492 0.496 0.565 0.448 0.373 0.390 0.406 0.426 0.551 0.574 0.597 0.628 93% 7% 0.319 0.326 0.327 0.332 0.388 0.318 0.447 0.464 0.467 0.475 0.565 0.442 0.346 0.354 0.360 0.412 0.508 0.518 0.527 0.606 93% 7% 597 0.000 0.329 0.337 0.341 0.346 0.400 0.328 0.000 0.370 0.385 0.408 0.433 802 0.000 0.336 0.346 0.351 0.356 0.400 0.328 0.000 0.385 0.403 0.419 0.440 0 17 11 58 45 75 164 0 57 70 77 109 683 0.000 0.328 0.336 0.337 0.342 0.400 0.327 0.000 0.357 0.365 0.372 0.426 0 10 8 37 22 49 107 0 38 46 43 71 431 0 61 41 210 150 279 608 0 214 264 273 412 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 0 19 13 62 44 89 187 0 70 88 89 142 2,513 2,513 6,149 3,636 L:\2011_Conformity 154 2025 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2025 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Union AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 209,437 51 Rural Minor Arterial 24,485 31 Rural Major Collector 313,439 38 Rural Minor Collector 128,889 40 Rural Local 507,846 30 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 77,531 39 Urban Principal Arterial 147,912 34 Urban Minor Arterial 129,140 25 Urban Collector 151,092 27 Urban Local 288,313 25 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,978,084 Midday 0 243,558 34,116 442,672 175,387 722,676 0 91,291 218,330 194,064 225,560 453,888 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,801,543 PM Peak 0 224,845 28,922 351,393 148,948 588,557 0 83,472 168,825 148,010 174,321 340,532 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,257,825 Night 0 123,565 21,174 260,180 91,878 370,849 0 43,635 121,717 110,953 120,889 230,782 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,495,623 24 Hour 0 801,405 108,697 1,367,685 545,102 2,189,928 0 295,929 656,784 582,166 671,862 1,313,516 Union 8,533,075 0 53 36 41 43 30 0 55 37 29 31 26 0 51 32 37 37 30 0 43 31 23 24 25 0 54 44 48 47 31 0 57 44 38 40 28 VOC RATES IM No IM Comp VOC kg/day 0.000 0.341 0.398 0.374 0.366 0.402 0.000 0.368 0.388 0.433 0.421 0.433 0 71 10 117 47 204 0 29 57 56 64 125 0.326 0.379 0.356 0.349 0.383 0.465 0.556 0.518 0.503 0.558 0.351 0.369 0.412 0.400 0.412 0.522 89% 0.508 0.545 0.607 0.588 0.606 0.779 11% 0.323 0.361 0.349 0.343 0.383 0.460 0.527 0.508 0.493 0.558 0.324 0.361 0.390 0.381 0.406 0.522 89% 0.462 0.531 0.574 0.559 0.597 0.779 11% 0.326 0.375 0.359 0.357 0.383 0.465 0.549 0.522 0.513 0.558 0.342 0.381 0.427 0.419 0.412 0.522 89% 0.495 0.563 0.629 0.616 0.606 0.779 11% 0.322 0.344 0.337 0.336 0.379 0.457 0.500 0.486 0.481 0.551 0.323 0.346 0.358 0.354 0.395 0.522 89% 0.459 0.508 0.524 0.517 0.581 0.779 11% 780 0.000 0.338 0.379 0.366 0.360 0.402 0.000 0.339 0.380 0.410 0.401 0.427 1,089 0.000 0.341 0.394 0.377 0.374 0.402 0.000 0.359 0.401 0.449 0.441 0.433 0 77 11 132 56 237 0 30 68 66 77 148 902 0.000 0.337 0.361 0.353 0.352 0.398 0.000 0.338 0.364 0.376 0.372 0.415 0 42 8 92 32 148 0 15 44 42 45 96 563 0 272 42 504 198 879 0 104 252 244 276 562 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 0 82 13 162 63 291 0 31 83 80 90 194 3,334 3,334 6,299 2,965 L:\2011_Conformity 155 2035 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Cabarrus AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 58,594 45 Rural Minor Arterial 79,763 39 Rural Major Collector 130,322 35 Rural Minor Collector 90,257 32 Rural Local 228,285 25 Urban Interstate 539,180 51 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 282,790 28 Urban Minor Arterial 335,749 28 Urban Collector 194,992 23 Urban Local 304,768 21 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,244,701 Midday 0 77,524 99,425 181,435 120,169 320,490 664,846 0 419,334 513,719 305,198 492,262 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 3,194,402 PM Peak 0 64,135 89,749 144,245 108,002 264,570 598,003 0 326,964 390,100 234,074 361,792 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,581,633 Night 0 44,699 61,069 107,020 65,323 176,497 365,549 0 234,493 276,512 147,488 239,052 Cabarrus Cabarrus Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,717,703 24 Hour 0 244,952 330,005 563,022 383,751 989,841 2,167,578 0 1,263,582 1,516,080 881,753 1,397,875 Cabarrus 9,738,440 0 50 46 39 36 27 68 0 31 30 26 20 0 45 36 33 30 26 51 0 26 26 22 21 0 53 51 46 43 27 68 0 41 40 36 24 VOC RATES IM No IM Comp VOC kg/day 0.000 0.330 0.349 0.359 0.367 0.406 0.319 0.000 0.391 0.390 0.422 0.439 0 19 28 47 33 93 172 0 111 131 82 134 0.321 0.339 0.349 0.357 0.395 0.311 0.467 0.502 0.515 0.523 0.580 0.451 0.380 0.379 0.410 0.426 0.569 0.565 0.611 0.637 94% 6% 0.312 0.326 0.339 0.343 0.382 0.303 0.453 0.480 0.500 0.502 0.563 0.428 0.366 0.370 0.390 0.436 0.548 0.552 0.580 0.652 94% 6% 0.321 0.346 0.356 0.366 0.388 0.311 0.467 0.513 0.526 0.536 0.571 0.451 0.391 0.390 0.418 0.426 0.585 0.581 0.623 0.637 94% 6% 0.308 0.318 0.325 0.327 0.382 0.303 0.446 0.466 0.478 0.477 0.563 0.428 0.338 0.339 0.348 0.403 0.503 0.503 0.516 0.600 94% 6% 850 0.000 0.320 0.335 0.349 0.353 0.393 0.311 0.000 0.377 0.381 0.401 0.449 1,193 0.000 0.330 0.356 0.366 0.376 0.399 0.319 0.000 0.403 0.401 0.430 0.439 0 21 32 53 41 106 191 0 132 157 101 159 991 0.000 0.316 0.327 0.334 0.336 0.393 0.311 0.000 0.348 0.349 0.358 0.415 0 14 20 36 22 69 114 0 82 96 53 99 605 0 79 113 199 138 394 683 0 482 580 358 613 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 0 25 33 63 42 126 206 0 158 196 123 221 3,638 3,638 6,941 3,303 L:\2011_Conformity 156 2035 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Gaston AM Peak Rural Interstate 53,897 37 Rural Principal Arterial 208,044 41 Rural Minor Arterial 94,946 26 Rural Major Collector 134,120 29 Rural Minor Collector 76,473 34 Rural Local 135,042 28 Urban Interstate 643,094 35 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 34,261 46 Urban Principal Arterial 397,654 29 Urban Minor Arterial 285,959 27 Urban Collector 92,727 26 Urban Local 302,476 24 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,458,692 Midday 73,333 219,144 117,486 173,387 82,483 175,194 865,408 44,019 521,554 395,366 118,745 464,794 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 3,250,913 PM Peak 54,418 230,702 104,781 154,098 91,996 164,725 677,371 35,652 460,326 333,673 110,123 353,511 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,771,376 Night 42,154 132,292 61,188 104,881 43,092 90,682 524,073 26,665 288,307 226,376 64,531 245,569 Gaston Gaston Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,849,810 24 Hour 223,801 790,182 378,401 566,486 294,043 565,643 2,709,946 140,598 1,667,840 1,241,374 386,126 1,366,351 Gaston 10,330,791 56 63 41 39 37 27 57 51 34 33 28 24 27 39 30 29 34 28 34 46 27 27 23 24 63 63 50 48 39 27 63 55 40 39 35 24 VOC RATES IM No IM Comp 0.285 0.283 0.330 0.316 0.297 0.320 0.295 0.278 0.319 0.326 0.330 0.340 0.399 0.404 0.478 0.458 0.426 0.460 0.421 0.399 0.467 0.474 0.479 0.494 91% 9% 0.259 0.266 0.287 0.290 0.290 0.324 0.266 0.272 0.303 0.304 0.321 0.340 0.359 0.370 0.416 0.419 0.416 0.466 0.375 0.389 0.443 0.444 0.467 0.494 91% 9% 0.318 0.286 0.314 0.316 0.297 0.320 0.297 0.278 0.327 0.326 0.346 0.340 0.442 0.409 0.455 0.458 0.426 0.460 0.425 0.399 0.478 0.474 0.502 0.494 91% 9% 0.258 0.266 0.276 0.277 0.287 0.324 0.266 0.269 0.291 0.292 0.298 0.340 0.354 0.370 0.397 0.399 0.411 0.466 0.370 0.383 0.426 0.425 0.434 0.494 91% 9% 0.295 0.294 0.343 0.329 0.309 0.333 0.306 0.289 0.332 0.339 0.343 0.354 16 61 33 44 24 45 197 10 132 97 32 107 797 0.268 0.275 0.299 0.302 0.301 0.337 0.276 0.283 0.316 0.317 0.334 0.354 20 60 35 52 25 59 239 12 165 125 40 164 996 0.329 0.297 0.327 0.329 0.309 0.333 0.309 0.289 0.341 0.339 0.360 0.354 18 69 34 51 28 55 209 10 157 113 40 125 909 0.267 0.275 0.287 0.288 0.298 0.337 0.275 0.279 0.303 0.304 0.310 0.354 11 36 18 30 13 31 144 7 87 69 20 87 554 65 226 119 177 90 189 789 40 541 404 131 483 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) VOC kg/day 3,256 3,256 5,132 1,876 L:\2011_Conformity 157 2035 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VOC RATES VMT MPH IM No IM Comp Iredell AM Peak Rural Interstate 82,564 68 0.295 0.409 0.311 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 23,332 10 0.698 1.020 0.743 Rural Major Collector 52,861 20 0.435 0.646 0.465 Rural Minor Collector 76,866 17 0.489 0.709 0.520 Rural Local 189,267 26 0.388 0.571 0.414 Urban Interstate 313,006 27 0.377 0.550 0.401 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 42,989 17 0.490 0.730 0.524 Urban Minor Arterial 54,645 18 0.470 0.699 0.502 Urban Collector 73,307 19 0.452 0.673 0.483 Urban Local 138,155 23 0.410 0.611 0.438 Urban HOT 63,121 44 0.315 0.484 0.339 Iredell 1,110,114 86% 14% Iredell Midday Rural Interstate 104,740 68 0.295 0.409 0.311 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 39,883 9 0.761 1.112 0.810 Rural Major Collector 84,048 21 0.426 0.631 0.455 Rural Minor Collector 114,434 22 0.416 0.609 0.443 Rural Local 295,307 26 0.388 0.571 0.414 Urban Interstate 434,299 58 0.305 0.436 0.323 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 71,498 18 0.470 0.703 0.503 Urban Minor Arterial 87,243 20 0.436 0.653 0.466 Urban Collector 120,239 20 0.436 0.651 0.466 Urban Local 237,627 23 0.410 0.611 0.438 Urban HOT 94,900 61 0.295 0.442 0.316 Iredell 1,684,218 86% 14% Iredell PM Peak Rural Interstate 81,660 68 0.295 0.409 0.311 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 26,283 9 0.761 1.112 0.810 Rural Major Collector 61,400 15 0.537 0.783 0.571 Rural Minor Collector 88,378 18 0.469 0.682 0.499 Rural Local 218,125 24 0.401 0.591 0.428 Urban Interstate 330,073 27 0.377 0.550 0.401 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 49,304 15 0.538 0.795 0.574 Urban Minor Arterial 61,819 15 0.538 0.791 0.573 Urban Collector 84,259 18 0.470 0.698 0.502 Urban Local 164,002 21 0.426 0.637 0.456 Urban HOT 73,666 31 0.346 0.535 0.372 Iredell 1,238,970 86% 14% Iredell Night Rural Interstate 68,311 68 0.295 0.409 0.311 Rural Principal Arterial 0 0 0.000 Rural Minor Arterial 24,463 21 0.426 0.633 0.455 Rural Major Collector 46,642 36 0.346 0.511 0.369 Rural Minor Collector 59,151 39 0.336 0.490 0.358 Rural Local 151,397 29 0.372 0.548 0.397 Urban Interstate 273,592 68 0.303 0.428 0.321 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 0.000 Urban Principal Arterial 40,451 31 0.366 0.548 0.391 Urban Minor Arterial 50,755 31 0.365 0.545 0.390 Urban Collector 61,171 34 0.354 0.526 0.378 Urban Local 109,210 26 0.390 0.581 0.417 Urban HOT 1,685 69 0.293 0.435 0.313 Iredell 886,829 86% 14% Iredell 24 Hour Rural Interstate 337,275 Rural Principal Arterial 0 Rural Minor Arterial 113,961 Rural Major Collector 244,952 Rural Minor Collector 338,830 Rural Local 854,097 Urban Interstate 1,350,969 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 Urban Principal Arterial 204,242 Urban Minor Arterial 254,462 Urban Collector 338,977 Urban Local 648,995 Urban HOT 233,372 Iredell 4,920,131 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) VOC kg/day 26 0 17 25 40 78 126 0 23 27 35 61 21 479 33 0 32 38 51 122 140 0 36 41 56 104 30 683 25 0 21 35 44 93 132 0 28 35 42 75 27 560 21 0 11 17 21 60 88 0 16 20 23 46 1 323 105 0 82 115 156 354 486 0 103 123 157 285 79 2,045 2,045 3,601 1,556 L:\2011_Conformity 158 2035 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Lincoln AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 36,763 43 Rural Minor Arterial 136,075 38 Rural Major Collector 79,539 51 Rural Minor Collector 100,238 38 Rural Local 273,671 28 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 87,747 68 Urban Principal Arterial 37,557 29 Urban Minor Arterial 92,789 27 Urban Collector 32,636 27 Urban Local 71,195 24 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 948,211 Midday 0 47,581 192,526 105,251 122,695 401,282 0 104,902 55,339 137,022 46,215 114,057 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,326,870 PM Peak 0 39,067 150,544 89,673 111,469 315,643 0 98,250 42,253 102,974 37,454 84,191 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,071,517 Night 0 26,471 112,766 59,525 63,791 205,277 0 55,498 32,099 86,479 22,916 58,440 Lincoln Lincoln Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 723,262 24 Hour 0 149,881 591,910 333,988 398,193 1,195,873 0 346,398 167,248 419,264 139,221 327,883 Lincoln 4,069,859 0 49 40 53 42 28 0 68 33 30 32 25 0 41 35 49 37 27 0 68 28 25 26 23 0 59 45 56 46 28 0 68 40 40 38 26 VOC RATES IM No IM Comp VOC kg/day 0.000 0.329 0.347 0.321 0.343 0.382 0.000 0.310 0.381 0.391 0.390 0.409 0 12 47 26 34 105 0 27 14 36 13 29 0.325 0.342 0.317 0.338 0.377 0.473 0.505 0.464 0.494 0.555 0.306 0.375 0.385 0.384 0.403 0.434 0.562 0.573 0.572 0.600 97% 3% 0.314 0.337 0.315 0.329 0.377 0.456 0.498 0.459 0.480 0.555 0.306 0.358 0.370 0.361 0.396 0.434 0.536 0.552 0.537 0.590 97% 3% 0.329 0.349 0.320 0.341 0.382 0.480 0.517 0.469 0.498 0.563 0.306 0.380 0.396 0.390 0.410 0.434 0.569 0.590 0.580 0.611 97% 3% 0.318 0.335 0.327 0.336 0.393 0.443 0.485 0.467 0.481 0.572 0.321 0.350 0.349 0.358 0.406 0.448 0.514 0.511 0.524 0.597 97% 3% 343 0.000 0.318 0.342 0.319 0.334 0.382 0.000 0.310 0.363 0.375 0.366 0.402 476 0.000 0.334 0.354 0.324 0.346 0.387 0.000 0.310 0.386 0.402 0.396 0.416 0 13 53 29 39 122 0 30 16 41 15 35 394 0.000 0.322 0.340 0.331 0.340 0.398 0.000 0.325 0.355 0.354 0.363 0.412 0 9 38 20 22 82 0 18 11 31 8 24 262 0 49 205 108 136 462 0 108 62 160 53 134 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 0 15 66 34 41 153 0 33 20 51 17 46 1,476 1,476 2,726 1,250 L:\2011_Conformity 159 2035 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VOC RATES VMT MPH IM No IM Comp Mecklenburg AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 56,511 24 0.326 0.462 0.340 Rural Minor Arterial 25,881 21 0.352 0.508 0.368 Rural Major Collector 21,852 23 0.338 0.486 0.353 Rural Minor Collector 62,022 26 0.320 0.456 0.334 Rural Local 176,788 27 0.316 0.454 0.330 Urban Interstate 2,113,711 38 0.281 0.400 0.293 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,972,979 49 0.267 0.381 0.278 Urban Principal Arterial 1,476,707 20 0.359 0.525 0.376 Urban Minor Arterial 1,404,541 20 0.359 0.521 0.375 Urban Collector 1,114,104 17 0.397 0.573 0.415 Urban Local 2,098,017 20 0.358 0.521 0.374 Urban HOT 163,510 59 0.252 0.370 0.264 Mecklenburg 10,686,625 90% 10% Mecklenburg Midday Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 77,832 33 0.293 0.417 0.305 Rural Minor Arterial 33,931 34 0.293 0.423 0.306 Rural Major Collector 34,437 30 0.305 0.440 0.319 Rural Minor Collector 84,547 35 0.287 0.410 0.299 Rural Local 277,575 28 0.312 0.448 0.326 Urban Interstate 2,979,177 52 0.261 0.370 0.272 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 2,436,539 55 0.261 0.370 0.272 Urban Principal Arterial 2,273,966 23 0.339 0.494 0.355 Urban Minor Arterial 2,164,902 23 0.338 0.491 0.353 Urban Collector 1,732,858 21 0.351 0.509 0.367 Urban Local 3,446,100 20 0.358 0.521 0.374 Urban HOT 186,123 65 0.250 0.362 0.261 Mecklenburg 15,727,986 90% 10% Mecklenburg PM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 64,635 25 0.322 0.456 0.335 Rural Minor Arterial 29,348 28 0.313 0.453 0.327 Rural Major Collector 24,844 23 0.338 0.486 0.353 Rural Minor Collector 71,934 27 0.315 0.449 0.328 Rural Local 209,813 26 0.321 0.460 0.335 Urban Interstate 2,319,797 36 0.285 0.406 0.297 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 2,210,986 43 0.274 0.393 0.286 Urban Principal Arterial 1,721,533 18 0.384 0.558 0.401 Urban Minor Arterial 1,652,805 18 0.383 0.554 0.400 Urban Collector 1,294,560 16 0.414 0.594 0.432 Urban Local 2,499,597 17 0.397 0.573 0.415 Urban HOT 220,194 44 0.265 0.396 0.278 Mecklenburg 12,320,045 90% 10% Mecklenburg Night Rural Interstate 0 0 0.000 Rural Principal Arterial 41,716 45 0.269 0.383 0.280 Rural Minor Arterial 21,027 44 0.275 0.397 0.287 Rural Major Collector 19,106 43 0.276 0.397 0.288 Rural Minor Collector 41,637 42 0.274 0.391 0.286 Rural Local 133,736 29 0.308 0.442 0.321 Urban Interstate 1,835,515 62 0.258 0.359 0.268 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 1,272,310 60 0.260 0.366 0.271 Urban Principal Arterial 1,207,351 35 0.292 0.426 0.305 Urban Minor Arterial 1,116,248 35 0.291 0.422 0.304 Urban Collector 922,421 33 0.296 0.430 0.309 Urban Local 1,619,049 24 0.332 0.481 0.347 Urban HOT 2,637 69 0.250 0.362 0.261 Mecklenburg 8,232,752 90% 10% Mecklenburg 24 Hour Rural Interstate 0 Rural Principal Arterial 240,694 Rural Minor Arterial 110,187 Rural Major Collector 100,239 Rural Minor Collector 260,140 Rural Local 797,912 Urban Interstate 9,248,199 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 7,892,813 Urban Principal Arterial 6,679,557 Urban Minor Arterial 6,338,496 Urban Collector 5,063,943 Urban Local 9,662,763 Urban HOT 572,464 Mecklenburg 46,967,408 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) VOC kg/day 0 19 10 8 21 58 619 549 555 527 462 785 43 3,656 0 24 10 11 25 90 810 662 806 765 636 1,290 49 5,178 0 22 10 9 24 70 689 632 691 661 559 1,036 61 4,464 0 12 6 6 12 43 492 344 369 339 285 562 1 2,470 0 76 36 33 82 262 2,610 2,188 2,421 2,293 1,942 3,673 154 15,769 15,769 26,368 10,599 L:\2011_Conformity 160 2035 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Rowan AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 66,046 43 Rural Minor Arterial 30,973 48 Rural Major Collector 167,494 44 Rural Minor Collector 127,358 41 Rural Local 190,034 28 Urban Interstate 582,768 58 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 0 0 Urban Principal Arterial 143,365 34 Urban Minor Arterial 194,565 31 Urban Collector 177,305 29 Urban Local 230,481 24 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,910,388 Midday 0 85,354 43,065 203,587 152,240 253,181 710,950 0 205,975 271,014 248,030 354,755 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,528,151 PM Peak 0 73,739 34,310 181,729 146,372 218,820 627,741 0 163,551 229,681 205,934 268,661 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,150,537 Night 0 46,250 27,844 125,179 78,476 136,332 406,077 0 116,282 144,786 131,775 182,396 Rowan Rowan Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,395,396 24 Hour 0 271,388 136,192 677,988 504,446 798,367 2,327,537 0 629,173 840,046 763,043 1,036,293 Rowan 7,984,473 0 50 53 50 46 29 59 0 36 33 27 24 0 44 46 42 40 29 58 0 32 30 24 23 0 55 58 54 48 28 65 0 43 40 36 26 VOC RATES IM No IM Comp VOC kg/day 0.000 0.335 0.333 0.340 0.343 0.389 0.314 0.000 0.367 0.378 0.387 0.417 0 22 10 57 44 74 183 0 53 73 69 96 0.325 0.322 0.329 0.332 0.377 0.305 0.473 0.474 0.484 0.484 0.555 0.436 0.355 0.365 0.374 0.403 0.530 0.545 0.557 0.600 93% 7% 0.312 0.315 0.318 0.322 0.372 0.305 0.453 0.461 0.467 0.468 0.548 0.435 0.349 0.358 0.384 0.403 0.521 0.532 0.572 0.600 93% 7% 0.323 0.326 0.332 0.334 0.372 0.305 0.470 0.480 0.490 0.487 0.548 0.436 0.362 0.370 0.403 0.410 0.542 0.552 0.600 0.611 93% 7% 0.306 0.312 0.313 0.318 0.377 0.303 0.441 0.451 0.456 0.463 0.555 0.428 0.334 0.339 0.348 0.390 0.497 0.503 0.516 0.581 93% 7% 681 0.000 0.322 0.325 0.328 0.332 0.384 0.314 0.000 0.361 0.370 0.397 0.417 901 0.000 0.333 0.337 0.343 0.345 0.384 0.314 0.000 0.375 0.383 0.417 0.424 0 25 12 62 50 84 197 0 61 88 86 114 779 0.000 0.315 0.322 0.323 0.328 0.389 0.312 0.000 0.345 0.350 0.360 0.403 0 15 9 40 26 53 127 0 40 51 47 74 481 0 89 45 227 170 309 730 0 228 312 300 431 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 0 27 14 67 51 97 223 0 74 100 99 148 2,842 2,842 6,149 3,307 L:\2011_Conformity 161 2035 Metrolina VOC Emissions 2035 - Ozone NAAQS. February, 2013, CLT Veh Mix Model VMT MPH Union AM Peak Rural Interstate 0 0 Rural Principal Arterial 245,491 49 Rural Minor Arterial 29,210 29 Rural Major Collector 373,467 34 Rural Minor Collector 170,579 36 Rural Local 684,183 29 Urban Interstate 0 0 Urban Other Freeway/Xprway 88,759 34 Urban Principal Arterial 170,604 31 Urban Minor Arterial 148,328 22 Urban Collector 174,099 23 Urban Local 342,490 24 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,427,210 Midday 0 290,953 40,966 537,127 226,972 986,351 0 107,169 246,359 223,768 260,043 542,285 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 3,461,993 PM Peak 0 260,121 33,694 419,854 195,362 791,722 0 94,549 193,514 168,663 200,695 402,607 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 2,760,782 Night 0 150,423 25,999 317,846 121,442 500,925 0 50,421 133,617 126,179 143,692 270,845 Union Union Rural Interstate Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector Rural Minor Collector Rural Local Urban Interstate Urban Other Freeway/Xprway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector Urban Local 1,841,389 24 Hour 0 946,989 129,870 1,648,294 714,355 2,963,180 0 340,897 744,094 666,939 778,530 1,558,228 Union 10,491,375 0 52 34 38 40 29 0 54 35 26 27 26 0 49 29 33 34 29 0 38 28 20 21 24 0 54 42 47 46 30 0 57 43 36 38 28 VOC RATES IM No IM Comp VOC kg/day 0.000 0.330 0.393 0.370 0.360 0.391 0.000 0.367 0.386 0.441 0.432 0.425 0 81 11 138 61 268 0 33 66 65 75 145 0.314 0.373 0.352 0.343 0.372 0.456 0.554 0.520 0.502 0.548 0.349 0.366 0.418 0.410 0.403 0.507 89% 0.514 0.548 0.624 0.611 0.600 0.763 11% 0.310 0.353 0.341 0.334 0.372 0.448 0.522 0.503 0.487 0.548 0.310 0.351 0.390 0.384 0.390 0.507 89% 0.450 0.525 0.581 0.572 0.581 0.763 11% 0.314 0.373 0.356 0.350 0.372 0.456 0.554 0.526 0.511 0.548 0.338 0.380 0.436 0.427 0.403 0.507 89% 0.497 0.569 0.653 0.637 0.600 0.763 11% 0.307 0.333 0.323 0.322 0.367 0.443 0.492 0.475 0.468 0.542 0.308 0.334 0.348 0.343 0.379 0.507 89% 0.445 0.497 0.517 0.509 0.565 0.763 11% 944 0.000 0.325 0.372 0.359 0.351 0.391 0.000 0.325 0.370 0.411 0.405 0.411 1,314 0.000 0.330 0.393 0.375 0.368 0.391 0.000 0.355 0.401 0.460 0.450 0.425 0 86 13 157 72 310 0 34 78 78 90 171 1,088 0.000 0.322 0.350 0.340 0.338 0.386 0.000 0.323 0.352 0.367 0.361 0.399 0 48 9 108 41 193 0 16 47 46 52 108 670 0 310 49 596 254 1,157 0 117 282 281 323 647 model kg / day VOC total model emissions emissions budget budget minus model Sources: VMT/Speeds :Metrolina Regional Model - MRM1101, CDOT, April 19, 2011 Emission Rates: NC DAQ (May 11, 2011) 0 95 15 193 80 386 0 35 91 92 105 223 4,017 4,017 6,299 2,282 L:\2011_Conformity 162 Appendix F: Public Participation Policy 100 163 Public Involvement Plan Mecklenburg Union Metropolitan Planning Organization Approved by the MecklenburgUnion Metropolitan Planning Organization, June 8, 2005 Revised March 18, 2009 164 I. Overview ....................................................................................... 4 A. B. II. A. B. MUMPO ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Federal Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 5 1. SAFETEALU ............................................................................................................................................... 6 2. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 .............................................................................................. 6 3. Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and LowIncome Populations (1994) .................................... 6 4. Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency (2000) ..................................................................................................... 7 5. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), and the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 (Section 508) ................ 7 6. The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 ........................................................................................... 7 The Strategy & Policy Guide ................................................... 8 C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. J. M. N. P. Identify and Build Relationships with Stakeholders ............................................................. 8 Develop and Implement a Plan to Reach Non‐participating Minority and Low‐ Income Populations ........................................................................................................................ 8 Develop an Outreach and Education Program ......................................................................... 9 Publicize MUMPO Activities ............................................................................................................. 9 Partner with Outreach Professionals ........................................................................................... 9 Establish a Speaker’s Bureau ........................................................................................................ 10 Maintain a Website ............................................................................................................................ 10 Produce and Distribute Brochure ............................................................................................... 10 Produce and Distribute Newsletters ......................................................................................... 10 Conduct Information Workshops ............................................................................................... 11 Hold Open Houses ............................................................................................................................. 11 Public Input at MUMPO Board Meetings ................................................................................. 11 Public Input at MUMPO Committee Meetings ....................................................................... 11 Conduct Surveys ................................................................................................................................. 11 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Open Meetings ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Access by Persons with Disabilities ........................................................................................... 12 Adequate Notice ................................................................................................................................. 12 Public Comments ............................................................................................................................... 12 Time Period for Public Comments ............................................................................................. 13 Format of Public Meetings ............................................................................................................. 13 MUMPO Board Meeting Agenda Items ..................................................................................... 13 A. B. C. D. E. F. The Long Range Transportation Plan ....................................................................................... 13 Amendments to the Long Range Transportation Plan ...................................................... 15 The Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program ............................................. 15 Air Quality Conformity Determinations ................................................................................... 15 The Unified Planning Work Program ........................................................................................ 15 Thoroughfare Plan/Comprehensive Transportation Plan .............................................. 16 III. IV. General Guidelines ................................................................. 12 Implementation Guidelines ................................................. 13 165 G. H. V. Public Involvement Plan………………………………………………………………………………..18 Annual Performance and Evaluation Report on Public Involvement ......................... 18 Special Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities…………….. .................................................................... 19 166 I. Overview The Mecklenburg ‐ Union Metropolitan Planning Organization (MUMPO) is the Federally designated regional transportation planning entity for all of Mecklenburg County and the western and central, urbanized portions of Union County. It is committed to meaningful public involvement in the regional transportation planning process. MUMPO believes public participation is not a simple “add on” or “after thought,” but a method that guarantees high quality transportation planning. It maintains that successful public involvement ensures effective transportation planning by including those whose everyday lives are critically affected by how they get to work, home, school, stores, and services. MUMPO maintains that educating the public about the transportation planning process is key to real participation, as is including all segments of the population in that process. In order to obtain successful public involvement, MUMPO is dedicated to achieving the following goals: • Actively soliciting participation, not just waiting for it • Creating meaningful access to decision‐making information, not just generating data • Respecting and seriously considering input that is received, not just collecting it • Demonstrating that input is incorporated, not just filing it away • Providing meaningful opportunities for input, not just fulfilling regulations. MUMPO is dedicated to transportation planning with the entire public’s full involvement. While Federal laws and regulations set a framework for public involvement in transportation planning, MUMPO seeks to go beyond the letter of these laws and regulations to fulfill the true spirit of full public participation. A. MUMPO MUMPO is responsible for coordinating transportation planning activities, providing long range transportation policy and overseeing the Federal transportation planning process including full and fair public participation. It is governed by a policy board that consists of elected officials representing Charlotte, Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville, Matthews, Mecklenburg County, Mint Hill, and Pineville in Mecklenburg County. Indian Trail, Monroe, Stallings, Union County, Waxhaw, Weddington, Wesley Chapel and Wingate are represented by their elected officials from Union County. A member of the North Carolina Department of Transportation is also a voting member. The policy board also includes non‐voting members from the Charlotte‐Mecklenburg Planning Commission, Union County Planning Board, North Carolina Turnpike Authority and the Federal Highway Administration. In addition, the Charlotte‐Mecklenburg Planning Department is the MPO’s lead planning agency; the Charlotte Department of Transportation provides additional staff support to MUMPO. 167 MUMPO’s mission is to develop, promote, and ensure implementation of a transportation planning process and to support the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act‐A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA‐LU) planning process by: • Supporting the economic vitality of the MUMPO region; • Increasing the safety and security of the transportation system for motorized and non‐motorized users; • Increasing the accessibility and mobility options available for people and freight; • Protecting the environment, promoting energy conservation, and improving quality of life; • Enhancing the integration and connectivity of the transportation system across and between modes of people and freight; • Promoting efficient transportation system management and operation; • Emphasizing the preservation of the existing transportation system; and, • Promoting an efficient relationship between land use and transportation that maximizes the use of existing and future public programs and infrastructure. Activities MUMPO performs include the following: • Overseeing and managing the planning process in a manner that complies with current Federal requirements; and, • Providing policy direction and oversight to meet Federal and State environmental requirements for attaining applicable air and water quality standards. The Public Involvement Plan will assist MUMPO in carrying out its mission in an open process that provides complete information, timely public notice, full public access to key decisions, and support for early and continued involvement. B. Federal Requirements The Federal laws and processes covering public participation in transportation planning include the following: • Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity ActA Legacy for Users (SAFETEALU) • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 • Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and LowIncome Populations (1994) • Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency (2000) • The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), and the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 (Section 508) • The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. 168 1. SAFETEALU As mandated in SAFETEALU and other supporting Federal regulations, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) must establish, periodically review and update public involvement processes. These processes should assure early and continued public awareness of and access to the transportation decision‐making process. The planning regulations contain a number of performance standards for public involvement, including: • Providing reasonable public access to technical and policy information used in the development of plans and Transportation Improvement Programs (TIP) • Requiring adequate public notice of public involvement activities and time for public review and comment at key decision points • Demonstrating explicit consideration and response to public input received during the planning and program development processes • The use of visualization techniques • Ensuring that all documents are available in an electronic format. 2. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that “no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” 3. Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and LowIncome Populations (1994) The basis of Executive Order 12898 lies in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It directs that “each Federal agency shall make achieving environmental justice part of its mission by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of its programs, policies, and activities on minority populations and low‐income populations.” Executive Order 12898 defines minority populations as belonging to any of the following groups: • Black – a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa; • Hispanic – a person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race; • Asian American – a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands; and, • American Indian and Alaskan Native – a person having origins in any of the original people of North America and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition. 169 It defines low‐income populations as those whose household incomes (or in the case of a community or group, whose median household income) is at or below the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services poverty guidelines. The three fundamental environmental justice principles include: • To avoid, minimize, or mitigate disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects, including social and economic effects, on minority populations and low‐income populations; • To ensure full and fair participation by all potentially affected communities in the transportation decision‐making process; and, • To prevent the denial of, reduction in, or significant delay in the receipt of benefits by minority and low‐income populations. 4. Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency (2000) The basis of Executive Order 13166 lies in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It requires that Federal agencies work to ensure that recipients of Federal financial assistance provide “meaningful access” to their limited English proficiency applicants and beneficiaries. 5. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), and the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 (Section 508) The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 mandates that public facilities be made accessible to people with disabilities and has been the basis for requiring that transit buses and street curbs be retrofitted or reconstructed with appropriate equipment and design details. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) states that “no qualified individual with a disability in the United States shall be excluded from, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under” any program or activity that receives Federal financial assistance. The Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 (Section 508) states that Federal agencies must ensure that electronic and information technology is accessible to employees and members of the public with disabilities to the extent it does not pose an “undue burden.” 6. The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 establishes a timetable and program to improve the nation’s air quality, emphasizes mobile source emissions, and requires the Environmental Protection Agency to invoke penalties if states failed to submit adequate plans to attain standards. The Amendments’ rating system categorizes the MUMPO region as a “non‐ attainment” area for the eight‐hour ozone standard (and as maintenance for carbon monoxide). MUMPO is part of the eight‐county, Metrolina non‐attainment region. In non‐ attainment areas, the air quality conformity documentation for the Transportation Improvement Program and long range transportation plan must be available for public review and comment before any formal action is taken. 170 7 II. The Strategy & Policy Guide The following is a list of strategies that can be used to enhance and support public outreach and education in the regional transportation planning and decision‐making process. Not all strategies are necessarily used every year and not all of these strategies will necessarily be implemented. As MUMPO forms new relationships and bolsters existing relationships with its different constituencies, new strategies may also be adopted. A. Identify and Build Relationships with Stakeholders A stakeholder is defined as any person or group affected by a transportation plan, program, or project, including those who may not be aware they are affected. In accordance with SAFETEA‐LU, stakeholders will include “citizens, affected public agencies, representatives of transportation agency employees, freight shippers, providers of freight transportation services, private providers of transportation, representatives of users of public transportation, representatives of users of pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities, representatives of the disabled, and other interested parties . . . (CFR 450.316) ” Citizens will include the general public; environmental, health, neighborhood, citizen, and civic organizations; and, traditionally underserved communities such as people with disabilities, and/or low‐income, minority, and elderly. Individual stakeholders and representatives of stakeholder groups will be included in MUMPO’s database. MUMPO will continually work to identify new stakeholders interested in or affected by the transportation planning process. With their prior consent, the names and addresses of all those attending MUMPO functions or meetings, or those e‐mailing, telephoning, faxing and writing MUMPO will be added to the database. Ongoing meetings with stakeholders will be conducted to share information on a one‐to‐ one basis about MUMPO’s public involvement process. These meetings will also give stakeholders an opportunity to provide individualized feedback to MUMPO’s public involvement staff. B. Develop and Implement a Plan to Reach Nonparticipating Minority and LowIncome Populations Particular emphasis will be put on reaching people who have traditionally not been participants in the transportation planning process. Traditional non‐participants include persons who are low‐income, minority, elderly, and disabled; have no vehicles; are low literate or have limited English proficiency. Staff will identify and meet with organizations and community leaders who represent these populations. The purpose of these meetings will be to build relationships with the groups and leaders as well as identify strategies for bringing traditional non‐participants into the transportation planning process. The identified strategies will be implemented in 171 cooperation with the organizations and community leaders. Detailed plans for identifying and meeting with groups and leaders and implementing strategies will be developed. Strategies may incorporate the following: • having meetings in transit accessible locations or in the community for those who do not have personal transportation • holding meetings at times of the day or night that reflect the public’s work schedule and the elderly’s safety concerns • holding meetings on days of the week or weekend when it is convenient for the public to attend • piggy‐backing on existing events to reduce time away from family and work • conducting meetings and providing materials in a language that can be understood by the community C. Develop an Outreach and Education Program The outreach and education program will be designed to educate the public about the regional transportation planning process and its relevance to all stakeholders. English and Spanish materials produced as part of this program will include such tools as pamphlets and brochures. These brochures can be used in various presentations and for distribution. It will be necessary to periodically review and update the program and accompanying materials. Special considerations and arrangements will be made to design a program that is tailored for non‐participants such as minority, low‐income, those who have no vehicles, those with limited English proficiency, and disabled communities. These considerations will include developing materials specifically targeted to those communities. D. Publicize MUMPO Activities Media coverage will be actively cultivated to ensure that mainstream and ethnic radio, television and newspaper outlets understand the importance of providing information on transportation planning activities. In addition, articles, news releases and/or media alerts will be disseminated to announce public review and comment periods for MUMPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan, the Long Range Transportation Plan amendments, Transportation Involvement Program, Unified Planning Work Program, Public Involvement Plans and other major activities. In order to do so, a current list of media outlets such as mainstream and ethnic television, radio, and cable stations, and newspapers, including small community‐based publications will be established and maintained. E. Partner with Outreach Professionals Establishing partnerships with member jurisdictions and agency outreach professionals will help MUMPO reach a greater number of affected communities and help to promote best practices. Such professionals are often aware of local issues, have a good 172 understanding of the various communities and community networks within their jurisdictions, and can provide interpretation and translation services. In addition, utilizing their resources to publicize activities and events will help MUMPO reach a broader audience. F. Establish a Speaker’s Bureau The Speaker’s Bureau will consist of MUMPO members, staff and other volunteers who can speak to civic groups, professional organizations, neighborhood associations, and other groups about the regional transportation planning process. Members of the speaker’s bureau will present information in order to educate the public about the MPO process. In addition, the public will be given opportunities to educate MUMPO about local issues and needs. In addition, the availability of speakers will be marketed to interested groups. The public and organizations involved in the transportation planning process will be asked to identify speaker topics that would be useful to them. G. Maintain a Website MUMPO’s website provides information about MUMPO and its activities, as well as the transportation planning activities of its member jurisdictions. The website will allow for access to public documents such as, but not limited to, the Transportation Improvement Program, Long‐Range Transportation Plan, Unified Planning Work Program, Public Involvement Plan, as well as meeting agendas and minutes. MUMPO’s website should provide an opportunity for the public to provide input and formal comments on an ongoing basis through e‐mail links. In addition, a “frequently asked questions” section will be provided. The website will be maintained in compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998. H. Produce and Distribute Brochure MUMPO has developed a brochure in English and Spanish dedicated to explaining MUMPO and its roles and responsibilities, and should be periodically reviewed to ensure that it is presenting accurate information. If requested, the brochure should be provided in a large print format. The brochure will be available online and distributed to all identified stakeholders and made available at libraries, government buildings and MUMPO’s offices, and other locations. Specialized brochures may be needed to provide timely information on targeted topics. I. Produce and Distribute Newsletters MUMPO should produce a quarterly newsletter in English and Spanish dedicated to MUMPO activities including the Long Range Transportation Planning process. If requested, the newsletter should be provided in a large print format. The newsletter should include information about technical issues written in layman’s terms for the general public. In addition, the newsletter should provide the public with periodic updates of MUMPO’s 173 activities. The newsletter should be available online and distributed to all identified stakeholders, made available at libraries, government buildings and MUMPO’s offices and other locations. Additionally, specialized newsletters may be needed to provide timely information on targeted topics. J. Conduct Information Workshops Information workshops should be conducted on topics associated with the transportation planning process. Such workshops should be designed to educate participants on specific topics, e.g., transportation modeling, intelligent transportation systems, elderly travel, air quality, etc. Information workshops provide a means for allowing participants to express their ideas and concerns in an informal setting. Information workshops will be conducted on an as needed basis. K. Hold Open Houses Open houses provide an informal setting for the public to access general information on the transportation planning process. Open houses have no fixed agendas and no formal presentations. MPO technical staff will be on hand to answer questions and provide details on a one‐on‐one basis. Open houses may precede public meetings. L. Public Input at MUMPO Board Meetings The MUMPO board holds regular meetings in which all formal business is conducted. At each meeting, the public is provided with an opportunity to address MUMPO on any issue related to the transportation planning process. Anyone wishing to speak can sign up at the beginning of the meeting or contact MUMPO’s secretary prior to the meeting. The public may engage in the discussion of action and information items on the agenda at the discretion of the Chair. M. Public Input at MUMPO Committee Meetings The public may attend MUMPO committee and subcommittee meetings and may contribute to the discussion at the discretion of the chair. Those interested in attending and participating may request being placed on any and all committee and subcommittee mailing lists. N. Conduct Surveys Surveys may be used to gather information on people’s perceptions, preferences, and practices. In areas were low literacy exists surveys may be conducted in person. Major surveys will be done on an as‐needed basis. In areas where the public is literate, surveys may be mailed, e‐mailed and/or distributed by using MUMPO’s website. Surveys may require Spanish translation services. 174 III. General Guidelines These guidelines provide the overall structure in which public involvement strategies can be implemented: • Open meetings; • Access by persons with disabilities; • Subcommittee meetings; • Adequate notice; • Public participation opportunities at MUMPO meetings; • MUMPO agenda items; • MUMPO action items; • Public participation in agenda items; • Public comments; • Time period for public comments; and, • Format of public meetings. A. Open Meetings All MUMPO meetings will be open to the public and subject to the North Carolina Open Meetings Law. The minutes and all materials presented at these meetings will be public record and will be available for review at MUMPO offices and on the website. The availability of these records will be stated on MUMPO’s website and can be distributed on request. B. Access by Persons with Disabilities All MUMPO meetings will be held in facilities that are accessible to people with disabilities. MUMPO’s website will be in compliance with the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 (Section 508). Where it is permitted, clear directional signs will be posted at outdoor entrances of buildings. C. Adequate Notice MUMPO will provide adequate notice of all meetings. Meeting notices will be posted on MUMPO’s website and provided to mainstream and ethnic newspapers, radio, and television. If requested, a reading service for the blind will be enlisted to broadcast this information. D. Public Comments Public comments may be provided in the following ways: • Verbally at a public meeting (if applicable) • During the public participation opportunity of a regularly scheduled MUMPO meeting occurring within the review and comment period 175 • • • • In writing By fax With TTY (teletypewriter) and/or TDD (telecommunications device for the deaf) Through e‐mail. E. Time Period for Public Comments Public comments will be accepted no later than the close of business of the final day of the public review and comment period, unless otherwise specified. F. Format of Public Meetings Public meetings will provide for open discussions between MUMPO members and/or staff and the public. All meetings will be on the record. The format of public meetings will generally be as follows: • Presentation by MUMPO staff and/or their consultant(s); • Question and answer period, and discussion period; • Summary and wrap up by MUMPO staff and/or their consultant staff and information about the next steps, if applicable; • MUMPO will accept written comments following public meetings; and, • MUMPO will occasionally survey meeting attendees to gauge effectiveness of the public involvement process. Public meetings with an “open house” or “drop‐in” format will not include a formal presentation. G. MUMPO Board Meeting Agenda Items Items on the MUMPO Board Meeting agenda that require action by the board will be placed on the agenda prior to informational items. It will be at the discretion of the Chair to alter the order of agenda items in order to accommodate special circumstances. IV. Implementation Guidelines A. The Long Range Transportation Plan MUMPO’s implementation guidelines are an integral part of all of MUMPO’s transportation efforts. They will be reviewed systematically and their effectiveness evaluated on an annual basis. The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) defines the policies, programs and projects to be implemented during the next twenty years in order to provide mobility choices to residents and visitors in MUMPO’s planning area. The LRTP contains recommendations for 176 the following types of surface transportation: streets and roads; transit routes and guideways and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The LRTP also contains descriptions and assessments of conditions or factors affecting the surface transportation of persons and/or movement of freight within MUMPO’s planning area. Public Involvement Opportunities ‐ The development of the LRTP will be accomplished in the following way: • An Open House will be held to kick off the LRTP development and will serve as an opportunity for the public to provide input on its vision, goals and objectives. • MUMPO will make presentations at community meetings on the LRTP and the upcoming opportunity to weigh in on the results of prioritization. • The public will review the results of project prioritization and provide comments. The results will be presented to the public through mail, e‐mail, fax, telephone, and MUMPO’s website. • The public will review the preferred list of projects selected by MUMPO after considering the impact of funding different combinations of projects. The preferred alternative will be reviewed to see how it meets the goals of the LRTP, to determine what beneficial and adverse impacts the projects will have on minority and low‐ income populations, and to ensure that these projects do not conflict with air quality goals. MUMPO will hold another series of public meetings to present these findings. • After all factors have been considered, the final draft list of selected projects will be made available for public review and comment. The document will be available on MUMPO’s website, at libraries, government buildings and MUMPO’s offices. In addition, an executive summary will be available on MUMPO’s website in Spanish. A public meeting will be held during the public comment period. Public comments are reviewed and the final list of projects will be selected. • The complete final draft of the LRTP will be available for public review and comment for a 30‐day period. At least one public meeting will be held during the 30‐day period. Consideration should be given to the following points when holding presentations: • MUMPO presentations will be incorporated into part of an organization’s regularly scheduled meeting where possible; • These organizations will include a presentation on the LRTP as an item on their agenda; • The organizations that host these meetings will be responsible for providing a space large enough to accommodate the expected audience. These organizations and MUMPO will be responsible for publicizing these events; • All oral and visual presentations on the LRTP at these meetings will be done in clear, simple language with as few acronyms as possible. Presenters will provide basic introductory information on the topics being presented. If requested, an interpreter and/or signer will be provided; and, 177 • B. MUMPO will create clear and easy‐to‐read information throughout the process and will be distributed through MUMPO presentations at organizations, in newsletter inserts of these organizations, on MUMPO’s website and by mail. Amendments to the Long Range Transportation Plan Amendments to the LRTP can occur when funding sources change, priorities change, project scope and termini changes and purpose and need changes, etc. Public Involvement Opportunities ‐ Opportunities to comment on proposed amendments to the LRTP will be publicized by sending out a notice of the proposed amendments to the public. At the same time, a 30‐day comment period will be announced. At least one public meeting will be held during the 30‐day period. C. The Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program The Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) is a, short‐range plan of transportation improvements based on the LRTP listing the region’s anticipated transportation investments over a seven‐year period. The MTIP is updated every two years. Public Involvement Opportunities ‐ Opportunities will be available to comment on the proposed Transportation Improvement Program. Notice will be given that the project descriptions from the first draft will be available online for review for a 30‐day period prior to the release of the entire document. Comments can be submitted during this time period by e‐mail or regular mail. A public meeting on the first draft Transportation Improvement Program will take place at the end of this comment period. Notice will be given that the final draft MTIP will be available in hard copy at various libraries, local government planning offices, MUMPO’s office and online for a 30‐day period. Comments can be submitted during this time period by e‐mail or regular mail. A public meeting on the MTIP will take place during the comment period. D. Air Quality Conformity Determinations Federal regulations require that MUMPO demonstrate that its LRTP and TIP conform to air quality standards. When a conformity determination is required, a 30‐day public comment period will be conducted, with at least one public meeting held during that time period. When possible, the required public involvement for the conformity determination will be held in conjunction with public outreach efforts associated with the LRTP and TIP. E. The Unified Planning Work Program The Unified Planning Work Program is adopted annually by MUMPO and identifies the major transportation planning activities to be undertaken for the coming year. An important element of the Unified Planning Work Program is the continual update and 178 maintenance of land use, demographic and travel data needed to apply the computer model, which projects travel demands based on the population and employment projections and the transportation facilities and services. Public Involvement Opportunities ‐ The proposed Unified Planning Work Program and an opportunity to comment will be made available to the public. Copies may be requested by telephone, fax, mail and e‐mail, and in person. F. Comprehensive Transportation (Thoroughfare) Plan Additions or changes to the Thoroughfare Plan can significantly impact citizens and neighborhoods. This policy is intended to establish guidelines for citizen involvement in the thoroughfare planning process that will inform citizens and allow their comments to be appropriately considered. The types of public notification listed below are not intended to be interpreted as rigid rules that cannot be modified. Because each change to the Thoroughfare Plan involves a unique set of circumstances, staff will work with the affected municipality(s) to develop a public involvement plan suitable for each project. Special attention will be made to determine if a proposed change will have a disproportionate impact on low‐income and minority populations as noted in Executive Order 12898 (see Chapter I, Section B). 1. Level 1 The impact of this type of change to the Thoroughfare Plan to citizens, property owners and business owners is minor, thus the degree of public involvement is limited Typical Changes a. Deletion of a proposed thoroughfare from the plan b. Downgrade in thoroughfare classification (e.g.. major thoroughfare to minor thoroughfare) c. Revision of an alignment to reflect the dedication/reservation of right‐of‐way through the development process Public Notification Media notification Media outlets will be notified that a change has been proposed, and that the TCC and MPO are scheduled to act on the change at specific dates and times. Land development organizations notification Agencies responsible for land development decisions will be notified. This will include the municipal or county clerk as well as those responsible for planning and zoning in the affected community. The dates and times of scheduled TCC and MPO action will be included on the notification. 179 Property owner notification Affected property owners will be notified of the proposed action. Notification may be limited to those properties with direct access to the affected roadway. The dates and times of scheduled TCC and MPO action will be included on the notification. 2. Level 2 The impact of this type of change to the Thoroughfare Plan affects few citizens. Typical Changes a. Revision of an alignment to reflect the dedication/reservation of right‐of‐way through the development process b. Changes affecting only a few citizens Public Notification Staff will consult with the affected municipality(s) to determine if the change requires a formal public meeting. If it is determined that a formal public meeting is not required, public outreach will consist of a meeting(s) with the affected citizens. The following additional steps will also be taken: Media notification Media outlets will be notified that a change has been proposed, and that the TCC and MPO are scheduled to act on the change at specific dates and times. Land development organizations notification Agencies responsible for land development decisions will be notified. This will include the municipal or county clerk as well as those responsible for planning and zoning in the affected community. The dates and times of scheduled TCC and MPO action will be included on the notification. If it is determined that a public meeting is required, notification and format will be similar to that which is noted below for a Level 3 meeting. 3. Level 3 This type of change will impact a significant number of citizens and will require at least one public meeting. Typical Changes a. Addition of a new thoroughfare alignment to the approved plan b. Revision of a proposed alignment c. Addition or deletion of an interchange to an expressway/freeway Public Notification Media notification Media outlets will be notified of the location, date and time of the public meeting. 180 Property owner notification A study area boundary will be established in consultation with the affected municipality(s). All property owners within the study area boundary will receive a postcard or letter notifying them of the date, time and location of the public meeting. To the greatest degree feasible, the notification will contain details about the proposed action. At a minimum, the notification will contain a link to MUMPO’s website as well as a telephone number and e‐ mail address where additional information can be obtained. Invitations may also be sent to neighborhood associations, known local leaders and other citizens and stakeholders who may have an interest in the alignment. Waiver of Public Notification Requirements If a project sponsored by another agency is proposed for inclusion on the Thoroughfare Plan, and has been the subject of a public involvement effort, the public notification requirements may be waived if the MPO determines that: a. the public involvement process was adequate and met the intent of the PIP; and b. conditions in the affected area are substantially the same as when the local public involvement effort was conducted. Website In all cases of changes to the Thoroughfare Plan, MUMPO’s website will be updated to include information pertinent to the project. The information to be provided will include the following: a. A written description of what is being proposed, and why the proposal has been made. b. A map depicting the proposed change. If the change involves a shift to a proposed alignment, both the existing and proposed alignment will be shown. 4. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Adoption MUMPO is currently in the process of transitioning from its Thoroughfare Plan to a Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP). The transition will require the preparation of a distinct public outreach effort. G. Public Involvement Plan The public will be given an opportunity to comment on updates to the Public Involvement Plan. A public review and comment period will take place for 45 days. During that time, the draft Public Involvement Plan will be available online and by hard copy at various libraries, local government planning offices and MUMPO’s offices. H. Annual Performance and Evaluation Report on Public Involvement A report describing and evaluating public involvement efforts will be developed by MUMPO staff within three months after the end of each fiscal year. The report will be made 181 available to MUMPO board members and the Technical Coordinating Committee and will be posted on MUMPO’s website. V. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is landmark civil rights legislation ensuring equal opportunity for people with disabilities in employment, public accommodations, transportation, state and local government services and telecommunications. MUMPO and its subcommittees are fully committed to the spirit and intent of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. In order to facilitate participation by people with disabilities, the following guidelines and activities will apply: • All public meetings and MUMPO formal events will be held in facilities that are accessible to persons with disabilities; • All public notices of MUMPO meetings will state that accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities will be provided upon request. One‐week notice is required for provisions of appropriate auxiliary aids and services; • All documents available to the public will be provided in alternative formats for qualified individuals with disabilities, upon request; • The website will be in compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998. • The telephone number, e‐mail, mailing address, fax number, and website address will be included on all MUMPO publications; and, • A list of resources for auxiliary aids and services will be developed and maintained. 182 19 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IN THE TRANSPORTATION PLANNING PROCESS GASTON URBAN AREA Prepared for: GASTON METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) Prepared by: GASTONIA PLANNING DEPARTMENT TRANSPORTATION PLANNING DIVISION Approved January 23, 1990 Amended November 27, 2001 May 24, 2005 July 25, 2006 & November 29, 2012 The preparation of this study and document was initially funded in part by grants from the Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) 183 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IN THE PLANNING PROCESS GASTON URBAN AREA Study Area Profile and the Planning Process Gaston County is within the Piedmont Crescent of North Carolina and is part of the CharlotteGastonia-Concord Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The county is rural in character but has a large sprawling urban center that includes seventy-five percent of the persons living in the county. One of the unique features of this urban area is the number of incorporated municipalities. Including Gastonia, which is the largest, there are 11 governing boards in addition to the Board of County Commissioners. The United States Department of Transportation, through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requires: "...each urbanized area, as a condition to the receipt of Federal capital or operating assistance, have a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process that results in plans and programs consistent with the comprehensive planned development of the urbanized area" These federal regulations require that a single agency responsible for the implementation of the urban transportation planning process in each urban area. This agency is designated as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the urban area. In the Gaston Urbanized Area this function is filled by the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) and is advised by the Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC). The TAC members are elected officials appointed by their board or council to serve as the town's representative. The TCC are members of the individual City staffs that review the technical aspects of all transportation planning, including roads, greenways, transit, and bicycle and pedestrian planning. Among its various functions the TAC ensures that a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive (3C) planning process exists in the urban area. The Federal Register states that: "The urban transportation planning process shall include the development of a transportation plan consisting of a transportation systems element for each mode out to twenty-five years. The transportation plan shall be reviewed annually to confirm its validity and its consistency with current transportation and land use conditions." For the Gaston Urban Area, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has historically conducted most of the technical work of the Thoroughfare Plan. However, the Gastonia Engineering Department is performing a larger amount of technical work for the MPO. This involves computer models which can take months to calibrate. These models are used to evaluate the various alternatives proposed during the planning process. The local planners provide demographic information and alternatives needed for the modeling. However, for the 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan revision, the Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) is handling the bulk of technical modeling work for the entire region. The decision to have one agency, CDOT, perform this work is to better provide the uniform and consistent data 184 collection and output analysis necessary for regional compliance for the 8-Hour Conformity Report for Ozone Non-Attainment as established by U.S. EPA. The development of the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program is a two-way process. The top-down process occurs when the NCDOT Division Twelve Engineer brings the proposed changes of the MTIP for the MPO to review. After additional comments from the MPO, the recommended plan continues to the final and formal public meetings. The bottom-up process occurs when the MPO requests changes to a project. Once the division engineer reviews the changes and/or adds comments, the recommended plan continues to the final and formal public meetings. There is no known federal law or regulation stipulating how the general public should be involved. There is also no known state or local policy guiding public input or hearings except the Open Meetings Law. This law requires 48 hour public notice if there is going to be a public meeting. The Transportation Planning Branch of NCDOT strongly encourages local hearings before the adoption of the Thoroughfare Plan, but has no regulation requiring such a hearing. Since the TAC is a Board of Elected Officials making public policy, it follows that public input is appropriate. Lacking regulations or laws to guide staff, there appears to be great latitude for the local area to develop a meaningful method for involving the citizenry. Transportation Agency & Citizen Involvement The best interest of the community as a whole should be the ultimate goal of transportation planning. In a democracy, the citizens have a right to know what government is doing, especially if it affects them directly. Planners may have the technical expertise to suggest possible corridors for future roadways, or changes to any mode of the transportation system, but the citizens have the right to comment and/or suggest improvements. However, all agencies or institutions, private or public, as well as citizens have an obligation to make an informed decision on transportation planning. The transportation system is an intricate and complicated network. In a perfect transportation network, all modes of transportation would blend seamlessly to offer multiple choices for the citizens to travel throughout their community and beyond. The planner cannot properly plan without the active cooperation of the community. As trained professionals, it is their responsibility to inform the public why they, as planners, are making a particular recommendation. This educational process treats the citizen as an equal partner in the development of the community. Grassroots support is critical if the plan is going to be a success. When the plan goes before the policy boards it should have already gathered community support. After all, the thoroughfare plan, Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program, and Long Range Transportation Plan are the community’s plans. The transportation planner acts as the interpreter of data and provides this information to the public. The transportation planner also engages the public in all phases of the planning process. 185 Orienting the Planning Process At the beginning of the report, the federally mandated 3C planning process was described. The TAC plays an important role in ensuring the involvement of the citizens in the planning process. The federal government looks to these officials to ensure citizen involvement in the process. The redirecting of the planning process must begin with this board. They are the community leaders most involved with transportation planning. They must also be the guiding force in the involvement of the citizens. The task of educating the public is ongoing. It is the responsibility of the MPO and the local planning staff to educate the community. General information concerning road projects, demographic changes, new or proposed thoroughfares must be given to the community on a routine basis so that it is not a surprise later. The local policy boards must involve the area planners on a more frequent basis so a professional relationship is maintained. Along with this general education a new review process for proposed thoroughfares should be considered. A three-tiered process involving the MPO and the general public on three levels should be created. The three tiers can be summarized as: 1. The area study group is made up of private and public transportation providers, members of the municipal planning boards, and their TAC and TCC representatives; 2. A series of walk-in public hearings centering around the area's six high schools; and 3. Formal public hearings before each affected municipal planning board and city council. This aims to build grassroots support for the Thoroughfare Plan as it is developed. The first tier would be the creation of study groups made up of planning board members from the area. The groups would be made of about 12 individuals appointed by the TAC representatives for that particular township. The study group would be made up of one or two representatives from each of the existing Planning Commissions. Careful development of the makeup of the committees is important to maintain a broad cross section of the community. The TAC members would appoint board members with a good knowledge of the area and an interest in the project at hand. Elected officials and the public would be encouraged to participate with meetings advertised by newspaper and electronic media. A monthly newsletter to each study group member would keep them informed of the activities of the other study groups. The study group would become the center point in reviewing and recommending Thoroughfare Plan amendments. The study group members would remain on the study committee as long as they are members of a planning board or at the pleasure of their respective policy boards. However, TAC members should try to keep re-appointments to a minimum due to the large amount of training involved and the need for continuity in the program. Meetings would be held regularly and would be attended by the TCC and TAC from the area being reviewed. The staff would take steps to educate these groups in the more complex areas of transportation planning. 186 Each study committee would appoint a chairperson who would speak for the group. The chairpersons would make the recommendations to the MPO. Disputes between the various study committees would be settled by the TAC. Minor changes to the thoroughfare plan could be handled through the study group. This group would also make the decision whether additional public hearings are necessary. Public Hearing Process -Final Phases After a consensus has been reached by the study groups, the chairperson of each group would forward the recommendations to the TCC for review and comment. After the TCC review, each study group would present their recommendations to the TAC. If approved at this level the next phase of the hearing process would begin. This would consist of a series of walk-in public input meetings where people could come and make informal comments. This would be chaired by the study group for the township with staff present for technical assistance. Recommendations would then go to the MPO for final approval. The final phase of the process would be the formal public hearing process. This would be a series of hearings held with each individual municipality following the procedure set down by that particular city. At each hearing the study group members appointed by the municipality would present the study assisted by staff. Individual changes would go back to the study group and the MPO. Minor Updates to the Long Range Transportation Plan (amended November 2001) For updates to the Long Range Transportation Plan which do not include a change to the horizon year or significant changes to thoroughfare cross-sections or alignments, the following opportunities for public comment should be offered: 1. The revised input data will be made available to the public in the MPO offices at Gastonia City Hall for a period no less than 30 days; 2. A website will be utilized to make input data available to the public; 3. At least one public hearing will be held. Any comments received through this process will be addressed and incorporated as appropriate. Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Plan Amendment and Modification Guidelines (amended November 2012) Changes may be made to the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) by either formal amendment or administrative modification. Formal Amendments are required when changes cause: addition or deletion of a project, changes in project cost beyond a predetermined threshold, project phase initiation dates to move into or out of the 4 year STIP time window, changes in funding sources involving non-traditional funding sources (including GARVEE bonds), or major changes in design concept or scope; an example of a “major” scope change might be - changing the project termini or number of through travel lanes or significantly altering the proposed transit coverage area. 187 Examples of Amendments: x Change in project cost beyond a predetermined threshold; increases in highway projects that exceed both $ 2 million and 25% of the original cost and may affect fiscal constraint and changes (increases or decreases) in transit projects that exceed either $1 million or 25% of the original project cost; x Any addition or deletion of a federally funded project to the first 4 years of the Program; x Addition or deletion of any regionally significant project into the first 4 years of the Program; x Change in project design or scope1 that significantly changes; the termini or project type, purpose, or number of through lanes on a non-exempt (for transportation purposes) project; x Any addition, deletion or significant modification of non-traditional funding source to a project (traditional sources of revenue include federal, state, or local government tax revenues. Non-traditional sources include state bonding and/or private participation); x Project schedule shifts that move ROW, major capital acquisitions, or construction authorization dates either into or out of the 4 year STIP time window; x Project schedule shifts in years 1 through 4 that move project completion dates across Horizon Years as determined by the local Long Range Transportation plan; x Project schedule shifts to incorporate the project from an out-year into the current (fouryear) STIP. Note: Amendments do require documentation of a 30 day public review and comment opportunity, and a public meeting. Also, the amendment may require re-demonstration of fiscal constraint and local transportation conformity determination. Fiscal constraint may be shown by either the project cost impact being less than 5% of the expected annual budget or by showing other cost reductions and/or revenue increases within the affected fiscal year(s). The project change in a formal amendment and the transportation conformity results will be distributed to all public libraries and local municipal governments within the Gaston Urban Area for a 30 day public review. A public comment meeting will also be held in the Gaston Urban Area within the 30 day public comment period. Note: on Program Date field in the FTA Transportation Electronic Award and Management (TEAM) system applications – the transit grant applications asks for the STIP amendment approval dates; however the correct entry in the TEAM application is the date FTA endorses the 1 Note alteration to earmarks described in the Congressional Report may jeopardize project eligibility for federal (FTA) funding under the discretionary capital program (Section 5309). 188 BOT approved STIP amendment, e.g. the effective STIP approval date is the date FTA concurs with the amendment to the STIP. Administrative Modifications can be made to previously included projects when; change in project costs are below the predetermined thresholds, movement of project phase initiation dates are within the 4 year STIP time window, change to project scope or description do not significantly diminish the ability to achieve the original project intent, and change in traditional funding sources occur. Administrative modification is a streamlining process recommended in the FHWA/FTA/NCDOT Joint STIP Review of December 2011. Administrative Modifications do not require documentation of public review or comment, redemonstration of fiscal constraint, or a local transportation conformity determination. Examples of Administrative Modifications: x Any change to projects in years 5 or later; x Minor change to project descriptions, scopes, sponsor funding; x Minor cost increases in highway projects that do not exceed both $ 2 million and 25% of the original project cost; x Minor cost change (increase or decrease) in transit projects that do not exceed either $1 million or 25% of the original project cost; x Schedule changes that move project authorization dates within the first 4 year STIP time window and do not affect local air quality conformity findings; x Funding source changes between traditional funding sources (i.e. substituting available Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) funds for FTA section 5307 formula transit funds); x Projects approved for Emergency Relief funds do not generally have to be included in the STIP, so any changes made for emergency projects may be considered minor modifications. State funded projects are amended when the fiscal year changes or when there is a significant change in the project description. Unless the project is determined to be regionally significant for transportation conformity purposes, these amendments are approved solely by the State Board of Transportation. Local approval of these changes is desired but not legally required. MPO’s may treat these as Administrative modifications if they wish. If a change to a state funded project that is regionally significant, this requires a new transportation conformity determination, this determination must be made before the amendment can be processed. The state public notification process will be the same for state funded projects as it is for federal-aid projects. 189 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PROCEDURES: The NCDOT will make all proposed STIP amendments available to the public for comment on its website at least 25 days prior to adoption action by the Board of Transportation. Exception may be made for response to declared disasters. The NCDOT will make all proposed STIP amendments available to staff of MPOs and RPOs for comment at least 25 days prior to adoption action by the Board of Transportation. Exception may be made for response to declared disasters. All amendments to the transit portion of the STIP will be submitted to FTA Region IV for formal endorsement. The request letter for FTA endorsement of STIP amendments will include assurances that public involvement processes were followed, in accordance with the federally approved state or local Participation Plans. Administrative modifications to the transit portion of the STIP will be posted on the Public Transportation Division website for informational purposes within 5 days of the changes being processed at NCDOT. Established public involvement procedures at the local level shall be followed. Any significant negative reaction will result in either the Board being notified of the reaction prior to voting, or withdrawal of the proposal for further review. Attachment 1 Federal Definitions according to 23 CFR 450.104 Administrative modification means a minor revision to a long-range statewide or metropolitan transportation plan, Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), or Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) that includes minor changes to project/project phase costs, minor changes to funding sources of previously-included projects, and minor changes to project/project phase initiation dates. An administrative modification is a revision that does not require public review and comment, redemonstration of fiscal constraint, or a conformity determination (in nonattainment and maintenance areas). Amendment means a revision to a long-range statewide or metropolitan transportation plan, TIP, or STIP that involves a major change to a project included in a metropolitan transportation plan, TIP, or STIP, including the addition or deletion of a project or a major change in project cost, project/project phase initiation dates, or a major change in design concept or design scope (e.g., changing project termini or the number of through traffic lanes). Change to projects that are included only for illustrative purposes do not require an amendment. An amendment is a revision that requires public review and comment, redemonstration of fiscal constraint, or a conformity determination (for metropolitan transportation plans and TIPs involving “non-exempt” projects in nonattainment and maintenance areas). In the context of a long-range statewide transportation plan, an amendment is a revision approved by the State in accordance with its public involvement process. 190 Summary The ultimate goal of transportation planning is to promote the best interest of the people. Planning, to be effective, must involve people early in the process. The proposed method of involving more citizens in the decision making process is three-tiered. Early involvement in each municipality at a study group level would be established through the existing planning boards. Responsibility for the presentation and promotion of recommendations would shift from the staff to the study group, though there would be, by necessity, active participation by the staff. This proposal would allow active participation at a local level while educating the study group in the process. Grassroots support could be developed early in the process with meetings involving the public as the alternatives are being considered. The advantages of using the existing planning board members are several, the principal one being that there is less lead time in educating the study groups since they will already be familiar with the planning issues in their community. The disadvantage to this process is the increased staff time needed to work with the study groups and the slow down of the process because of the increased citizen involvement. However, if we are to take the active participation of the public seriously these problems are unavoidable. Furthermore, since there were often delays in projects because of lack of public consultation early-on, the difference in the amount of time should be negligible. Overall the new public involvement policy would have the support of both the staff and the community. By effectively using the process, citizens would have frequent, full use of the process with a minimum amount of delays in projects. 191 Cabarrus-Rowan MPO Public Participation Policy 192 Introduction The Cabarrus-Rowan Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (CRMPO’s) Public Involvement Policy is an umbrella policy, encompassing the plans and programs of the Urban Area’s transportation planning process. Public involvement is an integral part of the CRMPO’s planning efforts and is intended to offer opportunities for the general public and particularly, historically disadvantaged populations to provide meaningful input into the transportation planning and decision-making process. The Public Involvement Policy is comprised of the public involvement programs for all the major planning activities, including the Transportation Plan, Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP), Major Investment Studies (MIS), and the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). The CRMPO will seek public input through a menu of techniques, including but not limited to, public notices, comment periods, workshops, charrettes, public hearings, newsletters, surveys, and media relations. The techniques employed will vary, depending on the specific planning task. The MPO will hold a forty-five (45) day public comment period for amendments to the Policy. The CRMPO’s Public Involvement Policy will be consistent with the requirements of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the FTA/FHWA Guidance on Public Participation. Purpose The purpose of the CRMPO Public Involvement Policy is to create an open decision making process whereby citizens have the opportunity to be involved in all stages of the transportation planning process. This Policy is designed to ensure that transportation decisions will reflect public priorities. Objectives 1. Bring a broad cross-section of the public into the public policy and transportation planning decision-making process. 2. Maintain public involvement from the early stages of the planning process through detailed project development. 3. Use different combinations of public involvement techniques to meet the diverse needs of the general public. 4. Determine the public's knowledge of the metropolitan transportation system and the public’s values and attitudes concerning transportation. 5. Make technical and other information available to the public. 6. Establish a channel for an effective feedback process. 7. Evaluate the public involvement process and procedures to assess their success at meeting requirements specified in the MAP-21, NEPA and the FTA/FHWA Guidance on Public Participation. 193 Policy Elements The CRMPO’s Public Involvement Policy is comprised of a number of sub-policies. All planning programs and activities are required to go through the Transportation Advisory Committee’s public process. In addition, the MPO has initiated public involvement programs for the Long Range Transportation Plan, the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP), the Major Investment Study (MIS), the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), and the annual lists of Federal Project Authorizations. Transportation Committees Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) - The Transportation Advisory Committee is the policy and decision-making body for the Cabarrus-Rowan Metropolitan Planning Organization. The TAC is comprised of elected and appointed officials from the City of Concord, the City of Kannapolis, City of Salisbury, the Town of Landis, the Town of China Grove, the Town of Harrisburg, the Town of Spencer, the Town of Granite Quarry, the Town of Rockwell, the Town of Mount Pleasant, the Town of Cleveland, Cabarrus County, Rowan County, Town of Midland, Town of Faith, Town of East Spencer, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The TAC is responsible for providing opportunities for citizen participation in the transportation planning process. Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) – The Technical Coordinating Committee is the technical advisory body for the Cabarrus-Rowan Metropolitan Planning Organization. The TCC is comprised of professional planning and engineering staff from the City of Concord, the City of Kannapolis, City of Salisbury, the Town of Landis, the Town of China Grove, the Town of Harrisburg, the Town of Spencer, the Town of Granite Quarry, the Town of Rockwell, the Town of Mount Pleasant, the Town of Cleveland, Cabarrus County, Rowan County, Town of Midland, Town of Faith, Town of East Spencer, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The TCC is also responsible for providing opportunities for citizen participation in the transportation planning process. Regular Public Involvement Opportunities The TCC holds regular monthly meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of every month and the TAC holds regular monthly meetings on the 4th Wednesday of every month except the months of December and July. All of these meetings are open to members of the public and media. The local news media will receive notification of all TCC and TAC meetings. At the beginning of each regular meeting, the TCC and TAC provide time to receive public comments. Public Involvement for Specific Planning Items For particular planning issues (i.e. plan development & updates, studies, amendments to planning documents, etc.), the TAC will open a public comment period (3-6 weeks depending on the item) and may hold a public hearing. The notice for the public comment period and the public hearing are advertised in the Salisbury Post, Neighbors of the North, Independent Tribune, CR MPO website, as well as any available local cable access channel. The notices will 194 include an announcement that states that persons with disabilities will be accommodated. Special provisions will be made if notified 48 hours in advance (i.e. having available large print documents, audio material, someone proficient in sign language, a translator or other provisions as requested). Both written and oral comments received are compiled by the planning staff and reviewed by the TCC and TAC. Specific Requirements The Cabarrus-Rowan MPO’s Public Involvement Policy is designed to be consistent with the requirements of MAP-21, NEPA and the FTA/FHWA Guidance of Public Participation. Response to Public Comment The TCC and TAC acknowledge public comments in two ways. The TCC and TAC may incorporate public comments and the MPO’s response into the specific planning document as an appendix. Depending on the number of comments, the TCC and TAC may instruct the planning staff to respond directly by letter, with a copy included in the appendix. Acknowledging public comments is a way to let the public know that its comments are being addressed and is part of the public involvement feedback process. Periodic Review and Evaluation of the Public Involvement Policy An important step in public involvement is evaluating the effectiveness of the policy and outreach activities in order to ensure a full and open involvement process. The CRMPO shall periodically review the overall effectiveness of the public involvement process in order to ensure that the process is providing meaningful citizen input. The public involvement policy is a work in progress and strives to improve CR MPO’s efforts toward increasing public awareness and involvement in transportation planning. The CR MPO initially used a Public Involvement Survey, which was distributed in the fall of 2007, to gauge the public’s satisfaction with the public involvement process. Results of the initial survey were used in this update to the Public Involvement Policy. (The Public Involvement Survey and results are included as an Appendix to this Plan.) This survey will be an ongoing tool for measuring how the MPO addresses and involves the public in making decisions about transportation plans and projects. The CR MPO public involvement policy will be evaluated on a short and long term basis. Short Term At every event, participants will be asked to evaluate the public involvement activity or opportunity. MPO staff will ask how the public found out about this opportunity and solicit feedback on the effectiveness of it or any suggestions for improvement. The MPO will develop public involvement objectives or strategies for evaluating the improvement of the public involvement policy. Long Term The Public Involvement Policy must be reviewed at least every 4 years. Both short and long term evaluations ensure that the appropriate revisions to the MPO’s public involvement approach are being recognized and addressed by the CR MPO. Following these 195 evaluations, it is possible that some public involvement activities will be refined, revisited, or discontinued. It is the philosophy of the CR MPO to strengthen the relationship with the public through these periodic evaluations. 1. Long Range Transportation Plan Introduction The multi-modal Long Range Transportation Plan public review and participation process is designed to provide early and adequate opportunities for citizens and public officials (including elected officials) to be involved in the Cabarrus-Rowan (CR) Long Range Transportation Plan development. This public participation program is designed to involve all parties in the early stages of plan development and the subsequent update process. It is also designed to provide gradual progression from the general information (vision setting and formulation of goals, objectives and policies) pertaining to the plan to very specific information regarding alternatives and plan selection. Elements of the Public Involvement Procedure The Public Involvement Process for the Long Range Transportation Plan consists of a series of innovative public participation techniques, including: public service announcements, public meetings, surveys, and the mass media. These techniques will be employed at various stages of the plan development. Public Involvement Process 1. The Cabarrus-Rowan (CR) Metropolitan Planning Organization will provide opportunity for early and meaningful public involvement in the development and update of the Long Range Transportation Plan. 2. Proactive participation techniques will be employed to involve citizens and provide full access to information and technical data. The technique will generally include, but not be limited to: public meetings/hearings, surveys, charrettes, mass media, etc. Visualization techniques shall be utilized to enhance the public’s understanding of MPO plans and programs. The techniques will be utilized in an appropriate manner when presenting and describing MPO plans and programs. 3. Information dissemination, notification of meeting, publication of proposed plans will be integral elements of the public involvement process. 4. The MPO will initiate the Long Range Transportation Plan update process as required by the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) , the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) and subsequent federal regulations. Elements of the Transportation Plan, and/or amendments will meet all current Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) requirements. 196 5. The public comment period for all elements of the Long Range Transportation Plan will be for a minimum 30 day public comment period, effective from the date of the public notice publication. Written comments will be received during the comment period and will be directed to the MPO. The contact person, phone number and e-mail address will be included in the public notice. 6. Public meeting(s) will be held to: formulate a vision for the Long Range Transportation Plan development; provide the public background information on the metropolitan transportation system and other issues as well as the proposed framework of the Transportation Plan update process; and to receive citizen input. 7. All public meetings (forums) designed to solicit public comment will be held at various locations and times of day around the metropolitan area to encourage the greatest public participation. Public meetings will be held at a location which is accessible to persons with disabilities. Outreach activities will be conducted to inform minority and lowincome groups and limited English-speaking groups of the opportunity for public comment. At least one-quarter of these meeting shall be held in minority and/or low income areas and within ¼ mile walk of a transit route in an easily accessible area. 8. The Cabarrus-Rowan MPO will maintain a website which shall include information on the Long Range Transportation Plan, meetings, other programs and appropriate information. The MPO staff shall post on the CR MPO website draft documents that are subject to the MPO’s public review process for review and comment. Staff will also use the website to distribute information to the MPO membership. 9. The MPO shall assess the distribution of impacts on low-income and minority groups for investments identified in the Long Range Transportation Plan and publicize these findings on the MPO website. 10. The TCC will assemble all comments and forward comments to the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC may choose to hold a public hearing before adopting the Long Range Transportation Plan. 11. Any significant revision and amendment to the Long Range Transportation Plan will be subject to the public review process as outlined above. 12. The public participation component of the Long Range Transportation Plan will generally follow the same citizen input and review as outlined in this policy. Public input will be solicited to review and comment on any major Long Range Transportation Plan amendment proposal as well as analyses conducted as part of the amendment request. Adequate opportunity will be provided for public involvement in the amendment of the Long Range Transportation Plan, and any significant revisions to the Long Range Transportation Plan will also be subject to public comment period as described in # 5 of this policy. 197 13. The CRMPO will endeavor to involve the public at key decision points of the Long Range Transportation Plan development. Decision points are those stages where the TAC will be required to endorse or take action on particular work elements. These include, but are not limited to: • Formulation of vision, goals and objectives • Policy development • Review and approval of socio-economic and demographic projections • Review of land use information and scenarios • Review and determination of transportation deficiencies • Identification of transportation (facility) needs • Evaluation of alternatives and selection of preferred option • Development of a Congestion Management Plan • Development of a Freight Plan • Development of the Financial Plan • Plan recommendation and adoption 2. Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program and Rider Transit System’s Program of Projects Overview The Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) is the document that describes the funding and scheduling of transportation improvement projects (highway, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit capital and operating assistance) using Federal, State, local and publicprivate funds. The MTIP serves as the project selection document for transportation projects and, therefore, is the implementation mechanism by which the objectives of the Transportation Plan are reached. The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) mandates an opportunity for public review of the MTIP. The City of Concord relies on this public involvement policy by the MPO to satisfy their public participation requirements for the Rider Transit System’s Program of Projects (POP). The following is the proposed public involvement procedure for the Cabarrus-Rowan Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. Introduction 198 The Cabarrus-Rowan (CR) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will prepare a Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program, which is consistent with the requirements of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) , and any implementing federal regulations. The MTIP will be developed based on 1) revenue estimates provided by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and 2) the CR Regional Priority List. The public input element of the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program is presented as follows: Public Involvement Process 1. The CR Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) will develop a draft Regional Multi-Modal Priority List from the Local Project Priorities of the MPO jurisdictions. 2. The Regional Priority List will be published for a minimum four week (28-day) public comment period and the notice will be published by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in: Independent Tribune Salisbury Post Neighbors of the North The notices for the public comment period will include an announcement that states that persons with disabilities will be accommodated. The Regional Priority List will be on file in the Cabarrus-Rowan MPO office, Cabarrus County Planning Department, Rowan County Planning Department, CR MPO website, and any participating municipal and county websites. 3. The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) will solicit public comment from interested parties on the draft Regional Priority List. The TAC will approve a final Regional Priority List after considering the public comments received. 4. The CRMPO Technical Coordinating Committee will develop a draft MTIP from the approved Regional Priority List and from revenue estimates provided by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The TCC will forward the draft MTIP to the Transportation Advisory Committee. The Transportation Advisory Committee will publish the draft MTIP for public review and comment. 5. Copies of a draft MTIP will be distributed to TAC members and via the CRMPO website. Each jurisdiction will also have copies, available for public review. The draft MTIP will follow the same notification procedures as outlined above for the Regional Priority List. The TAC will solicit public comment from interested parties on the draft MTIP. Public comments will be addressed and considered in the adoption of the MTIP. 199 6. The public comments will be assembled and presented to the Cabarrus-Rowan TAC. 7. Amendments to MTIP will be available for public review and comment, if they make a major or substantial change to the MTIP. The NCDOT has identified a delineation between STIP Amendments and Modifications and issued guidelines to address each category (see Appendix C). The Cabarrus-Rowan MPO wishes to incorporate the language from these guidelines into their own MTIP amendment procedures. A major change in the MTIP is considered the addition or deletion of a project that is regionally significant and in the first 4 years of the TIP or can affect fiscal constraint in the STIP or LRTP. Additional public comment on project additions or deletions that do not meet any of these 3 criteria may be sought at the discretion of the TAC by majority vote. Administrative modification is a streamlining process recommended in a recent FHWA/FTA/NCDOT Joint STIP Review and do not require documentation of public review or comment, redomonstration of fiscal constraint, or a transportation conformity determination. 8. Written public comments and their responses will be published as an appendix to the final MTIP. 3. Major Investment Study Introduction The major investment study (MIS) is a planning tool mandated by the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21). It supports decisions on significant federally funded transportation investments along a corridor or sub area level of the metropolitan area. The MIS identifies all reasonable strategies for the study area in order to meet its transportation demands and relieve any transportation problems. It is a detailed analysis designed to provide local decision-makers with more comprehensive corridor level technical analysis early in the transportation planning process. Public Involvement Process The scope of a major investment study for the Cabarrus-Rowan will be determined on a projectby-project basis. Therefore, the MPO will choose the appropriate public involvement initiatives to meet the goals of the MIS. The public involvement techniques that may be used are public informational meetings, newsletters, and media relations. 4. Unified Planning Work Program Introduction The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) requires that each Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) prepare an annual work program known as the Unified Planning 200 Work Program (UPWP). The UPWP must identify the MPO planning tasks to be undertaken with the use of federal transportation funds, including highway and transit. Public Involvement Process 1. The draft Unified Planning Work Program is reviewed by the Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC). The TCC meetings are open to the public. The TCC then endorses a draft UPWP and forwards the document to the TAC. 2. The draft UPWP is then reviewed by the TAC. Public comments may be provided at this time. The draft is sent to the Public Transportation Division for comments. 3. The final UPWP comes back again to the TAC for approval. Upon TAC approval, the UPWP is then forwarded on to the State and FHWA/FTA. 5. Annual List of Federal Project Authorizations Public Involvement Process The NCDOT provides the CR MPO with an annual list of Federal Project Authorizations. This list of authorizations is made available to the public for their review and comment on the MPO website and at the MPO office located at 135 Cabarrus Avenue East, Concord, NC 28025. The public may view this list anytime as it remains in the public domain continuously. 201 Appendix G: Public/Agency Comments and Responses newspaper advertisement affidavits public/agency comments 101 202 203 204 205 Independent Tribune Account Number Advertising Affidavit 3221147 PO Box 968 Hickory, NC 28603 Date February 24, 2013 MOBILITY SOLUTIONS UNLIMITED PO BOX 5265 CONCORD, NC 28027 Date Category Description Ad Number Ad Size 03/02/2013 Legal Notices NOTICE Cabarrus-Rowan Metropolitan Planning Organ! 0002911848 2 x 35 L lorra Publisher of Cabals ken .era 0,5mh-la C.6.11 atm ad Detrrrnlbol Mee= %gaol ele Independent Tribune ne Cianvasa velfox0s Pain Crimea ea OW kr pac fte Xa Ow Mal Cabity !aim rd tirwiiia limn NS MI OM 4 41 btPtd buti Tnaatiot rd 312 NU Tpregaaka ramiat Falls 15 Imirceloarce *IOW Cada SA Irdimettai Oat lilt tis Yid Mr/ re *ski rbe or4/4 Si r.tic zaret a/ity yS ftirwi 513 Vora ;7 MA Coe rt max tt rani re Catam-bai cea tale! 13 Cans awe le (mai Cr..6 te t9C whit g rn.Csan :cpts re &utak.* legarre :cut Ftrtrq Ufa Cool itdIt bit Catty sty Cera Sgrs trt :4treet3 ne be so: a rt tee. tu. LI "4 Idosic ethists 10: 15 Corn keret Egg Catat 313 ;cord:eh:0Am ill rot 7670 =WM lag k fecrgi tx dm Mormtlei %mat s"xesba :,0 bet *um r. 5.1 Cabarrus County 1(6441 Before the undersigned. a Notary Public of Geterwba County. North Carolina. duly commissioned. qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, in said County and State: that he/she is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement: that the notice or other legal advertisement, a copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the Independent Tribune on the following dates: G LP: eetTfea. c mil et: kday (Ann ?1exAs.R_ ( 02/24/2013 e_ and that the said newspaper in which such notice, or legal advertisement was published, was a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. RL OesitAAll)^ .-Issisiani Bookkeeper Nei ■ spaper rcierence: 0002911818 Sworn to and subscribed before me. this .95 day ofF413emmti. 2013 e owiliiiiii,,, O\ pA MEL "/*/ adzotylaaLLILLS-L Notary Public My Commission expires \\ ,. al Ao . z E. 0 ...• ..4 4 4/ ,-7 -"o o 0, 0,rk '/cs 0,5 0 0 1), // 0 TAgRaptAp, i'iiimillto\`' 206 r— Z. — — \ \ , THIS IS NOT A BILL. PLEASE PAY FROM INVOICE rri ----: NOTICE Cabarrus-Rowan Metropolitan Planning Organization Conformity Analysis and Determination for the 2008 Ozone Standard The Cabarrus-Rowan Metropolitan Planning Organization has published for public review the 2008 Ozone Standard Conformity Analysis and Determination Report. This report applies to the adopted 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan and 2012-2018 Transportation Improvement Program and indicates their conformance with the North Carolina State Implementation Plan relative to this federal standard. This information will be available for public comment for thirty days (February 25, 2013— March 27, 2013). Copies are available for review at the Cabarrus-Rowan MPO office located at 135 Cabarrus Avenue East Concord, NC 28025 or on the MPO website at . Copies are also available at the Cabarrus County Planning Office in Concord and the Rowan County Planning 01lice in Salisbury. Comments may be sent by mail, email, or fax, to the following addresses: CR MPO 135 Cabarrus Avenue East Concord, NC 28025 FAX: 704-795-7529 All comments must be received by the close of business. March 27. 2013. Additional information can be obtained by contacting CR MPO staff at 704-7957528, or by email at Salisbury Post AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA ROWAN COUNTY Before the undersigned a Notary Public of said county and state, duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared WINFRED MENTION, who being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ASSISTANT ADVERTISING DIRECTOR of the SALISBURY POST, published, issued and entered as second class mail in the City of Salisbury, in said County and State, that he is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement, that the notice or other legal advertisement a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the SALISBURY POST, on the following dates: 02/24/13 Sun 02/24/13 Sun SP SPW and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document or legal advertisement was published, at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statues of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statues of North Carolina. $108.09 275003 926669 No. 926669 NOTI at a cost of Account# NO. P.O. Number: (sclature ol ;mon rnaldng alfdaw) Sworn and subscribed before me This (9 ty of rebrotar:D A.D. J&cL Th NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires (A1.4.41,, -dg °ION Page 1 207 2008 Ozone Standard Conformity Determination In 2012 the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for 8-hour ozone was revised to reflect improved scientific understanding of the health impacts of this pollutant. This is known as the 2008 8-hour ozone NAAQS. Effective July 20, 2012, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declared the Charlotte area as being “marginal nonattainment” for the 2008 8-hour NAAQS. Federal regulations require the Lake Norman Rural Planning Organization to demonstrate that the area 2012-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and related Mecklenburg-Union Metropolitan Planning Organization 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) conform to the new standard. There are no TIP or LRTP amendments associated with this conformity determination. A copy of the draft Conformity Determination Report is available for review in the offices of the Lake Norman RPO, located on the 12th floor of 525 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, NC 28202. For more information, visit A 30-day public comment period will begin on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 and end on April 11, 2013. A public meeting will be held on: Monday, March 25, 2013 5:00-7:00 PM at the Merchant Room at the Charles Mack Citizens Center, 215 N. Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 Comments may also be sent via mail, e-mail or fax to: Bjorn E. Hansen, AICP CTP LNRPO Staff contact 525 N. Tryon Street, 12th Floor Charlotte, NC 28202 FAX: 704-347-4710 208 209 B8 MOORESVILLE TRIBUNE Sunday, March 17, 2013 Mooresville Tribune 704.696.2961 147 E Center Avenue | Mooresville 28115 E-MAIL: CAROLINA MARKETPLACE HICKORY | MOORESVILLE | CONCORD | KANNAPOLIS | MORGANTON | MARION | STATESVILLE | WINSTON-SALEM HOME SITES, LOTS, LAND Announcements AUCTION SALES PARTS- SB2 block, roller rockers,c/f air box,triple disc clutches,Havoline Oil, dual hot boxes,wiring,valley trays, 5 stage oil pump, c/f pcs, rev limiters, boom tubes,R07 heads, SB2 heads, gauges,valve covers,battery charger, carded items, heims,brackets, alum tanks, elec drills,brake caliper tester, belts, pistons, fuel cell, MSD hdw, brake blowers,pedal assembly, dry brake, brake duct hose, rear end housings, seatbelt hdw, pulleys, sway bars, plug wires,roller lifters, hubs, A/C Delco Creeper, hose insulation, fire bottle, aeroquip, headers, crankshafts, Ford Block, window nets. FURNITURE/SHELVING /EQUIPMENT - office chairs (stackable), oval conference room table, grey and tan shelving, mezzanine flooring ( grate), engine stands. MOTOR- Dodge Motor Owners- TRD,Hendrick Motorsports, SR2 Motorsports & Other Top Consignors TERMS OF SALE - are cash, cashier checks, money orders and traveler’s checks, Visa or Mastercard. Business or Personal Checks must be accompanied by a Bank Letter of Credit submitted to cashier on Sale Days. There will be a 15% buyer’s premium charged on each lot number sold, with a 5% discount given for cash. Driver’s license or picture ID is required to register. All items sold " As Is, Where Is" with no guarntees or warranty expressed or implied. Buyers must settle and remove all items at the end of each sale day. Announcements sale day take precedence over any printer matter. See website for photos- NCAL#8595 NCAL# 8657 YARD & ESTATE SALES Garage Sale Sat 8-2. 105 Palos Verde Dr. Mooresville off Big Indian Lp. Furniture, TV, fridge, toys, clothes, treadmill, washer/dryer & fishing polls. 704-660-0737 Sale- Sat March 23, 9am. 635 S. Magnolia St., Mooresville, NC. Hospital bed, 2 wheel chairs, 2 walkers, 2 shower stools, lift bar, reclining lift chair, electric scooter & metal ramp. Farmer’s Market HORSES & CATTLE FREE Horse Boarding - China Grove Free board for 1 horse in China Grove area. includes hay, grain, normal supplements, farrier trimming, rabies vacine and deworming. Use of indoor arena. Trade for 2 week day mornings a week of care for the other horses. Time approx 7:30 am to 12 noon. Must have good horses experience. Email: Merchandise MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS WANTED WANTED- BUYING JUNK CARS. $200. each. No Title? No Problem. Free towing. Call 704-883-6141 Free Ads TREASURE SEEKERS 57" Sharp TV- Cable Ready, HD compatible. Works Great. $295 - 704-746-7400 PDP Drumset; seat, snare, base, 2 toms, fullertom, 2 symbols,1 crash, and 1 ride - $295. 704-660-1536 Washer & dryer set. $300. Delivery & warranty. 704-746-1844. results GET THE YOU SO MUCH DESERVE! MACHINERY & HEAVY EQUIPMENT For Sale 2000 - 3930 Ford New Holland Tractor 45 HP Diesel 8 Speed w/ 6ft bush hog. 90 hp gear box. Box Scrape & pulverizer, hudson trailer. Less than 150 hrs. operation. Excellent condition. One owner & always covered. 704.786.1072 MINI FARM Build here, 3+ open & wooded acres overlooks small creek, EZ commute, 31,900 low down fin. DOGS PUBLIC AUCTION March 19, 20 &21 2013 8955 W NC HWY 152, Mooresville,NC Doors open at 8 am- Sale starts at 9:30 am Maria Vannice, Auctioneer Danny Irvin,Auctioneer NCAF # 8623 Pets & Animals AKC Labrador Retriever. Yellow and Black Male Lab Puppies, 6 wks old, shots, excellent pedigrees, health guarantee. $450 each. 704-307-7180. A+ PUPS! Brat, Chihuahua, Cockatzu, Beagle, Malshi, Rat Terrier, Jackrat, Yorkie, Maltese, Maltipoo, Shorkie, Pompoo, Puggle, Shihtzu, Shihpoo, Yorkiepoo, Teddy Bear, Rescues! $100.00UP! (336)957-3609 Videos- CKC POODLE BABIES (T-Cups to Minis), many colors. Also AKC MALTESE BABIES, snow white. Shots & dewormed. Call 704-878-2731 *Troutman Area* "Margies Babies, Raised in the Home" Rescued Pit-Mix 1 year old, very friendly, & trained. Fixed, has all shots. Re-home fee $50. Call 704-721-3950 Recreation CAMPERS & TRAVEL TRAILERS 2005 Forest River Conquest 32 FT, Sleeps 9, New Deck , Set up on large , scenic lot, in quiet , safe, RV park, w/ pull at Lake James. $12,900. 828-659-1062 Residential Real Estate for Rent BEACH RENTALS NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, SC Oceanfront Beach Homes & Condos. Best Selection, Service, and Rates Guaranteed! Free Brochure! 866-561-3769 CONDOS & TOWNHOUSES For Rent Townhome 2 BR, 1.5 BA. Patio & attached storage building. S. Main St. Area. Discount on deposit w/good rental credit. $675 mo. Includes water & trash. Limited amount of townhomes available! 704-663-1838 HOUSES UNFURNISHED 3 BEDROOM , 1 BATH HOME FRESH PAINT Updated kitchen. Close to shopping, restaurants & medical facilities. $675.monthly + deposit. 381 Westwood., Statesville 704-880-2555 Re/Max Properties Plus Licensed Real Estate Agent 3br 2ba, New Large Ranch. Quiet country setting, Cool Spring Area. Large deck, gazebo, carport, storage, ceramic tile, carpet, central h/ac, ceiling fans throughout, laundry room with cabinets and extra storage, built handicap friendly, water/ sewer included, large front and back yard, pets negotiable. $1,100 month plus deposit. 704-902-0820 VACATION, WATERFRONT & RESORT Vacation Rental OBX 1 week in Duck NC 4/13/13 - 4/20/13 Oceanside beach 3BR/2BA Condo Full kitchen, appl, dinnerware, kitchen tools. $600 CALL 201-788-9632 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT Doublewide - 3 BR, 2 BA - Wooded area off Hwy 3. Lg deck & storage bldg. $695/mo. plus dep. req’d. No Pets! 704-663-3389, leave msg Lake Front 3BR, 2BA Doublewide Central heat/air, all appliances, screened front porch, large back deck, floating dock/pier. Great location, quiet cove, located off Perth Road $1200/Month + Deposit Call 704-339-9700 No Deposit Special 2Br, 2Ba, $143.75 wkly. Located in our lovely safe, clean, quiet spacious park. In South Mooresville near I-77. Free water, sewer & garbage pickup 704-896-8546 Residential Real Estate for Sale CONDOS & TOWNHOMES FSBO Cornelius 3 br 2 bath all brick on one level end unit swimming pool club house exit 28 Lake Norman, low HOA 55+ Community @ Twin Oaks pets allowed $110,000. Call 704-402-7444 704-634-5531 Water View Lot at 108 Kenway Loop, Mooresville, NC Good location property sits high in the loop Great unobstructed view of Lake Norman. Approximately 1 acre. $90,000. Call 704-660-0366 HEALTHCARE Autumn Care of Mocksville is accepting applications for Social Worker. Duties to include coordination of social services for long term/short term rehabilitation and geriatric patients/residents, including documentation and knowledge of MDS. This person needs to have good verbal, written and computer skills. Apply in person at 1007 Howard St. Mocksville, NC 27028 EOE Transportation AUTOMOTIVE INFORMATION SERVICES CLERICAL & ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE MANAGER Leggett & Platt’s Urethane Division is seeking an Office Manager at its foam manufacturing facility in Statesville, NC. Management duties include supervision of Traffic, Human Resources, A/P, Quality and Office production input. Ensure that all administrative activities are in compliance with Company and Branch policies and procedures. Financial duties include overseeing the monthly accounting functions maintaining the G/L, audits and financial information. Supervise, input and maintain inventories. Applicants should be proficient in Microsoft Word/Excel, and have a working knowledge of Access to build and maintain databases. Must have excellent communication skills with proven supervisory skills. Apply by submitting a resume including salary history to Human Resources, PO Box 5728, Statesville, NC 28687 or email Equal Access/Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE General Mechanic for heavy duty equipment needed in Lake Norman area. Must have own tools. Drug free and good driving record a must. Send resume and list of references to 95 Bailey Rd. Candler, NC 28715. Pay depending on experience. 828-808-0024. TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS Due to our continued growth R.C. Moore Inc. is expanding it’s fleet of Class A Super Regional drivers at our Troutman NC terminal. Qualified drivers will enjoy and excellent pay and benefits package to include $.40 per mile to start, medical and dental insurance, company paid life insurance, and much much more. You will be driving a late model truck and pulling some of the best maintained equipment in the industry. For more information visit our website or call Chris 704-748-3212. k ATTENTION DRIVERS Pate Dawson Co. is seeking Class A CDL Drivers with 1+ yrs. Exp. & a clean driving record for our Statesville, NC. facility. Competitive pay & benefits. Local & Long Distance deliveries. APPLY online at PDC is an Equal Opportunity Employer Reefer Drivers: Runs out of Charlotte, NC area. Class A CDL, 2 yrs exp, good driving record. Benefits incl: health, dental, life ins, 401K w/match, short/long term disability, holiday/ vac pay. 800-936-6770 ext.144 DRIVERS NEEDED - B.A.H Express. Kings Mtn & Concord location. Regional & OTR .34 cent per mi, Benefit package, home weekends. Call 704-730-7060 Steve or Kenny 704-788-9989 Jack HEALTHCARE LIVE IN FOR ELDERLY PARENTS; Mooresville, ADL’S, bathing, dressing, light housekeeping, cooking. 704-663-5827 Bayada Home Health Care is seeking RNs and LPNs for 1st and 3rd shift. Please call 704-696-9000 Now Hiring At the Mooresville, NC Location The relationship between the clinician and the patient is at the heart of everything we do. So you are not part of a system. You’re part of a family. Now Hiring: Licensed Practical Nurse Registered Nurse • One-on-one patient care • Specialized training Call us today at 828-254-0074 Visit us at Email 210 2005 Honda Accord EX $300. down will help finance Call 704-872-5255 SPORT UTILITY 2004 Chevrolet Trailblazer ext. 113k miles, $6500. AWD, 3rd row s eats, well maintained, garage kept, very clean, exl cond. Call 828-438-9399 or 430-1507 TRUCKS, BUSES, TRACTORS, TRAILERS Mazda 2004 B-2300 Pick up truck w/camper top, automatic, power steering & brakes, bucket seats, AM/FM/CD and A/C. 87,000 Miles. $ 7200.00. Call 704-701-3468 ANTIQUE & CLASSIC VEHICLES 1967 MUSTANG COUPE 3/4 Real Restoration Color Red - A/C, rebuilt motor & transmission. Many, many new parts. Before restoration done, car was very solid. Call for more details. Asking $8,000. Serious Inquiries Only! CALL 828-781-3734 Legals LEGAL NOTICES 2008 Ozone Standard Conformity Determination In 2012 the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for 8-hour ozone was revised to reflect improved scientific understanding of the health impacts of this pollutant. This is known as the 2008 8-hour ozone NAAQS. Effective July 20, 2012, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declared the Charlotte area as being "marginal nonattainment" for the 2008 8-hour NAAQS. Federal regulations require the Lake Norman Rural Planning Organization to demonstrate that the area 2012-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and related Mecklenburg-Union Metropolitan Planning Organization 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) conform to the new standard. There are no TIP or LRTP amendments associated with this conformity determination. A copy of the draft Conformity Determination Report is available for review in the offices of the Lake Norman RPO, located on the 12th floor of 525 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, NC 28202. For more information, visit A 30-day public comment period will begin on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 and end on April 11, 2013. A public meeting will be held on: Monday, March 25, 2013 5:00-7:00 PM at the Merchant Room at the Charles Mack Citizens Center, 215 N. Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 Comments may also be sent via mail, e-mail or fax to: Bjorn E. Hansen, AICP CTP LNRPO Staff contact 525 N. Tryon Street, 12th Floor Charlotte, NC 28202 FAX: 704-347-4710 Publish: March 17, 2013. NORTH CAROLINA, MECKLENBURG COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS File No: 13 E 82 Having qualified as Executrix for the Estate of Doris H. Fortner (AKA Doris Hooks Fortner), deceased, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them, duly verified, to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of June, 2013, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. This the 17th day of March, 2013. Lorie Overcash, Executrix 1111 Buffalo Shoals Road Statesville, NC 28677 Publish: March 17, 24, 31, April 7, 2013. Find It Here 211 212 213 Haynes, Eldewins From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Haynes, Eldewins Tuesday, March 19, 2013 2:29 PM '';;;;;;; Cook, Robert RE: 2008 Ozone Standard Metrolina CDR Agency Comments Eddie and Heather Thank you and your organizations for your review and comments. We have incorporated your comments into a revised draft, with one exception. Regarding DAQ’s comment on the RFP budgets: we verify that the Federal Register set the NOx budget at 7647 kg/day, instead of 7645 kg/day. The revised draft will be sent to everyone copied on this email. Eldewins Haynes, AQ Specialist CDOT 704-336-7621 FAX: 704-336-4400 "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -- Thomas Edison “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!” – Audrey Hepburn From: [] Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 2:23 PM To: Haynes, Eldewins Cc:;;;;;;; Cook, Robert; Subject: 2008 Ozone Standard Metrolina CDR Agency Comments Eldewins, I reviewed the CDR and have 2 comments: Page 3, Table of Contents, Appendix A, add “RFP SIP Federal Register Notice” to the information already provided Page 10, Table 2, VOC emissions for 2025 and 2035 do not look to be correct. Based on the information in Appendix E: 2025 and 2035 should be 14172 and 15769, respectively. I think that MUMPO will need to extend their public review period after the correction is made since the error was for Mecklenburg County. Give me a call and we can discuss. 1 214 EPA and NCDAQ comments are provided in the attached files. Please address the agency comments and insert your reply along with this email (including the attached files) in the CDR under Appendix G. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks Eddie From: Smith, Dianna [] Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:05 AM To: Dancausse, Edward (FHWA);; Hibbert, Jennifer (FTA); Davis, Scott Cc: Dabney, Unwanna;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Melton, Boyd (FTA);; Barren, Loretta (FHWA);; Batuzich, Michael (FHWA);; Immings, Myra (FTA);;;;;;;;;;; Hibbert, Jennifer (FTA);;;; Reed, Donna (FHWA) Subject: RE: Reply Requested By 3.18.13: Metrolina Area 2008 Ozone Standard Draft Conformity Determination Report (CDR) Eddie, Here are my comments on the Draft CDR From: [] Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 9:34 AM To: Smith, Dianna;;; Davis, Scott Cc:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: Reply Requested By 3.18.13: Metrolina Area 2008 Ozone Standard Draft Conformity Determintation Report (CDR) Dianna/Scott/Myra: The attached files contain the FHWA letter requesting draft review and comment of the Metrolina Area 2008 Ozone Standard Draft Conformity Determination Report (CDR). I will not be sending hard copies of these letters. If you want a hard copy for your files please print a copy. Myra: I am sending this to you as part of the interagency consultation process. Please either provide a reply containing your review comments, deferral to FHWA on comments, or no comments. The draft CDR is provided on the MUMPO website and that link is provided below and in the attached files 2 215‐quality‐conformity I am requesting your review comments by 3/18/13. If you have any questions or need additional information/time for your review , please let me know. Thanks, Eddie 3 216 EPA Comments Charlotte 2008 8-Hour Conformity Determination Report March 15, 2013 1) Pg. 5 – Introduction – Spell out or keep numeric for 8-hour standard…”2008 8-hour ozone” or “2008 eight hour ozone” standard Response: We have revised the text to keep numeric. 2) Pg. 5 – When referring to the LRTPs and TIPs adoption should read ….Gaston MPO not Gastonia MPO Response: We have changed the reference to read Gaston Urban Area MPO . 3) Pg. 9 – Second paragraph – May read better if you say “This conformity determination will cover the 2008 eight hour ozone standard which became effective on July 20, 2012. Transportation conformity must be demonstrated by July 20, 2013. This conformity determination is scheduled to be completed in May 2013” Response: We have incorporated the suggested revision. 4) Pg. 11 – Last paragraph below Table 8 – delete “both the” should read for the 2008 eight hour ozone standard” and change “FRP” to RFP in the next sentence. Response: We have incorporated the suggested revision. 217 DAQ Comments on the Metrolina 2008 Ozone Standard Conformity Determination February 22, 2013 Page 9, paragraph prior to the second set of bullets: This paragraph is awkward and hard to understand. I would consider revising: To demonstrate conformity to the 2008 ozone standard, the motor vehicle emission budgets contained in the Metrolina RFP SIP (deemed adequate March 8, 20120) will be used for Mecklenburg, Union (part), Cabarrus (part), Rowan (part), Gaston (part), Lincoln (part) and Iredell (part) as detailed below: Response: We have incorporated the suggested revision. Page 11, Gaston County Emission Comparison Summary: Please verify the FRP budgets. According to the Federal Register, the NOx budget should be 7645 kg/day while the VOC budget is 5132 kg/day. I am not sure where the numbers included are from, but using them, you would not show conformity to the budgets. Response: The RFP budgets for Gaston County have been corrected. We verify that the Federal Register set the NOx budget at7647 kg/day, and the VOC budget is as stated in the comment. 218 219 220 221 Appendix H: Adoption, Endorsement Resolutions and Agency Determinations MUMPO 2035 LRTP and TIP Adoption (latest adoption resolution dated 10/25/12) MUMPO 2035 LRTP and 12-18 TIP Conformity Determination Cabarrus Rowan MPO 2035 LRTP and TIP Adoption (latest adoption resolution dated 5/3/10) Cabarrus Rowan 2035 LRTP and 12-18 TIP Conformity Determination Gaston MPO 2035 LRTP and TIP Adoption (latest adoption resolution dated 7/6/12) Gaston 2035 LRTP and 12-18 TIP Conformity Determination NCDOT Conformity Determination for Iredell, Lincoln, Union and Gaston Donut Areas NCDAQ Review and Comment Letter EPA Review and Comment Letter USDOT Conformity Determination Letter 102 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 North Carolina Division May 29, 2013 310 New Bern Avenue, Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 856-4346 (919) 747-7030 In Reply Refer To: HDA-NC Mr. Anthony J. Tata Secretary, North Carolina Department of Transportation 1501 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1501 Dear Secretary Tata: We reviewed the Metrolina Region 2008 8-Hour Ozone Standard Transportation Conformity Determination Report for the: Cabarrus Rowan Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Cabarrus Rowan MPO 2012-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Gaston MPO 2035 LRTP Gaston MPO FY 2012-2018 TIP Mecklenburg Union MPO (MUMPO) 2035 LRTP MUMPO FY 2012-2018 TIP Projects from the FY 2012-2018 State TIP for the county donut areas of Gaston, Iredell Lincoln and Union The Cabarrus Rowan MPO, the Gaston MPO and the MUMPO made conformity determinations on their 2035 LRTPs/FY 2012-2018 TIPs and the North Carolina Department of Transportation made a conformity determination on projects from the FY 2012-2018 State TIP for the county donut areas of Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln and Union on the following dates: Cabarrus Rowan MPO on March 27, 2013 Gaston MPO on March 26, 2013 MUMPO on April 17, 2013 The NCDOT (for the county donut areas of Gaston Iredell, Lincoln and Union) on May 6, 2013 The Cabarrus Rowan MPO, the Gaston MPO and the MUMPO FY 2012-2018 TIPs are direct subsets of their LRTPs. The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration reviewed these documents. We coordinated our review with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 4 and have enclosed their comments to this letter. 242 Based on our review and the comments provided to us by the EPA, we find that the following areas conform to the purpose of the State Implementation Plan in accordance with 40 CFR Part 93: Cabarrus Rowan MPO 2035 LRTP Cabarrus Rowan MPO FY 2012-2018 TIP Gaston MPO 2035 LRTP Gaston MPO FY 2012-2018 TIP MUMPO 2035 LRTP MUMPO FY 2012-2018 TIP Projects from the FY 2012-2018 State TIP for the county donut areas of Gaston, Iredell Lincoln and Union Sincerely, For John F. Sullivan, III, P.E. Division Administrator Enclosure 243
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