Living Water News Magazine #1


Living Water News Magazine #1
Living Water
# 1 | 2015 | a newsmagazine with
inspiring mission-experiences
Living Water Ministry:
Daniel & Silvia Pel,
Bølbekkveien 8, 2860 Hov, Norge
Phone, Daniel: +47 413 61 490
Phone, Silvia: +47 930 20 036
Bank: DNB, N-0021 Oslo, Norway
Accountnumber: 05400857263
IBAN: NO0305400857263
A Contagious Message..p. 3
Sharing Christ - His Way...p. 4
A Journey of Providence.p. 6
Northern Lights................ p. 10
Evangelism Works!.............p. 16
Into God’s
Marvelous Light................p. 19
LW summercamp 2015...p. 24
Behold I make
something new... Is. 43:19
Living Water is a Seventh-day Adventist lay ministry. Our goal is to reach out
with the message of the Bible through preaching, teaching and other mission
activities across the world. For more information, please visit our web-page:
A Contagious Message...
It is such an amazing moment when Jesus comes down from the mountain
after His famous “Sermon on the Mount”. Great multitudes are flocking around
Him when suddenly a leper appears (Matthew chapter 8:1-4). I can just imagine the people moving back as the leper draws near.
Leprosy is highly contagious and it was even required in those days that the
leper would announce his coming by shouting “unclean, unclean!” The Old
Testament contains extended counsel on how to deal with lepers and leprosy.
Everything the leper touched would be declared unclean.
It is a law of nature we are all familiar with. When something unclean touches the clean the clean becomes unclean. When you put a good apple in the
same bag with a rotten apple we all know what is going to happen. The unclean contaminates the clean.
And yet in this amazing moment everything is reversed. Jesus touches the
leper and heals him instantly! Jesus, the clean, touches the leper, the unclean,
and the clean contaminates the unclean! He could have preformed the miracle by merely speaking as he did on other occasions but He decided to touch
the leper. I can only imagine the absolute amazement of the people.
Jesus is contagious! When we share Jesus with people contaminated by the
leprosy of sin we can witness healing and restoration. Let us remember that Jesus is more contagious than the things of this world.
This edition of Living Water news contains some amazing
testimonies of the saving power of the gospel and how Jesus is
able to contaminate people with His incredible love.
- Daniel Pel
Sharing Christ His Way...
By Daniel Pel
I can’t imagine a better way to enter into a new year than being surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ who desire to grow
spiritually and share the gospel.
As the minutes ticked by and we got closer to midnight I had
the privilege to lead the ASI Convention participants in prayer as
we rededicated ourselves to the Lord and asked Him to empower
us to be witnesses for Him in 2015.
The days following were spent in preparing for this very task. The
convention theme was “Sharing Christ” and through inspiring sermons, practical workshops, and hands on evangelism we experienced the theme. Along with the theme a Spirit of Prophecy quote
has been chosen that was made central through all that happened.
Christ’s method alone will give true
success in reaching the people. The Savior
mingled with men as one who desired their
good. He showed His sympathy for them,
ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, “Follow Me.”
-Ministry of Healing, p. 143
Through the workshops the various steps of this amazing quote
were discovered. What does it mean to mingle? What does it
mean to show sympathy? How do we meet people’s needs and
win their confidence? Ultimately how do we help people become
disciples of Jesus?
If you did not make to Malmo, Sweden for the last ASI Convention you can get a taste of the conference by listening to the
recorded workshops:
You can also view the plenary sessions recorded by Lifestyle
The next ASI Convention will be held at Tyrifjord, Norway
- 29th of December till the 3rd of January. Hope to see you
A Journey of
By Daniel Pel
Over the last few years Silvia and I have been guest teachers at AFCOE
Europe, which stands for: Amazing Facts College of Evangelism. This year we
were back for two weeks of teaching and outreach in the end of February.
However there was something special about our visit this time. As we taught in
the AFCOE facilities in Frankfurt, Germany, we had a group of students physically present in the classroom, however we had a second class of Kenyan
students following the classes live online. Thousands of Kilometers away they
sat in a classroom and watched a big screen viewing our class in Frankfurt!
Amazing! I love it when technology gets used for good purposes! It gives you
this feeling of being in two places at the same time. The story of how this all
came about is a true journey of providence. Let me take you on this journey…
We push the rewind button and go back a decade to the year 2005. Silvia
and I led a team of Europeans on a mission trip to Kenya. It was our first time
in Kenya and our first time in a third world country. We did not know what to
expect. We had two Kenyan friends we had gotten to know in Europe. One
of them had lived in the East of Kenya and the other had grown up in the
West. So we decided to have two Bible & Health campaigns for the public in
the places where they were from. We booked our tickets and planned a twomonth mission trip. One month in the East, close to the city of Mombasa, and
another month in the West, in a small village called Raywer.
As we arrived in the east part of Kenya I must admit that it was quite a culture shock. The place were we stayed was very simple without electricity and
we had no running water. We had no furniture but slept on thin mattresses.
The evangelistic series began and we shared with the local people coming
to the meetings. After one month we prepared to travel to the western part
of Kenya. On the last night before departure 3 men broke into the house we
were staying in. They moved from room to room and robbed us of our possessions. Till this day I am so thankful that none of the people in our team got
physically hurt. As they left the house we gathered together. What were we
to do? I must say that it was tempting to just get on the first flight home. This
is not what we had expected. I remember one person in our team reminded
us all of the trials the apostle Paul went through. He was beaten, got put in
prison, experienced shipwreck, and even at one point got stoned. And yet he
pressed on, as he knew people needed to hear the good news of the gospel.
We were encouraged to press on as well.
We borrowed money and travelled to the west part of Kenya. However
there was a huge challenge facing us. The robbers had stolen all our equipment. We had no computer and projector, which we had used to show slides
while teaching and preaching. They had even taken my precious Bible and
all my sermon notes. Till today I hope they will read it and get saved! So here
I am without all the human support I had relied on. You know how it is when
you suddenly have to use a Bible that is not yours. You wonder if the book
Habakkuk is still in there! Yet in the midst of all of this I felt an incredible dependence on God. He had to come through. And He did! I look back on this
evangelistic series as one of the best ones I have experienced. Many were
baptized and gave their hearts to the Lord. When we are weak He is strong!
We could sense the journey of providence, as we needed a translator for
the meetings out in the West. Seemingly out of nowhere a young man offered
his services. His name was Jared. Of all the people we had met and worked
with in Kenya so far Jared was special. We sensed he had a very close walk
with God. After leaving Kenya we stayed in touch with Jared and somehow I
sensed that our paths would cross again. They did one year later.
In 2006 we were back in the western parts of Kenya for several weeks
of evangelistic work. Each time I would get on the stage to preach Jared
would faithfully be there to translate the message to the local language.
The work expanded and we kept bringing European teams with us to teach
and preach. In 2007, 2009, and 2011 we were back in Kenya and each
time we could see with our own eyes how the gospel was spreading. Each
time we would connect with churches and organize evangelistic series and
Jared was always there as our right hand man. We saw the need for Bibles and books and shipped thousands of Bibles to be used in the work
of spreading the message. We put Jared in contact with my mother who
works for the Ellen White foundation in the Netherlands. Ellen White books
were translated into the local Kenyan tribal language and made available.
It was all a journey of providence.
In 2014, one of our students who we had taken to Kenya arranged for
Jared to come to Europe for a few months, to experience different ministries.
Jared came and visited a variety of places seeing how ministry works in this
part of the world. During the very last weeks of his stay God had something
special in mind. A divine appointment in Frankfurt, Germany! Jared came
to the AFCOE Europe School while I was there to teach. We spent time with
Reed, the founder of AFCOE Europe, talking about the great need of training
in Kenya. The vision for an AFCOE training extension in Kenya was born! The
speed in which this was going to happen was a surprise to all of us.
In September 2014 Jared travelled back to Kenya. After a matter of months
a piece of land was purchased and temporary buildings erected but there
was no electricity on the property. By mid February 2015 the course would
start in Frankfurt and it was still to be seen if the program would be running in
Kenya. Against all odds the needed electricity was supplied and the needed
equipment was secured. Students were recruited and by the time AFCOE
Europe kicked off, a whole class of eager Kenyans followed intensely thousands of Kilometers away! I can only say praise God from whom all blessings
flow! It is a journey of providence…and it is not over yet. I can’t wait to see
what God has in store! I marvel at God’s ways. They are so much higher than
ours. God creates out of nothing. When we lost everything in the robbery we
thought the story was over. In reality it was only the beginning of a journey of
By Daniel Pel
Have you ever seen the Northern lights? It’s a spectacular scene known
as Aurora Borealis. This phenomenon takes place when the rays of the sun
slip through the earth’s magnetic field. In the same way when the rays of
the Sun of Righteousness, Jesus, slip through our hard hearts another spectacular scene can take place. We are transformed into lights for Jesus
and we will be inspired to shine the gospel in the dark places around us!
During Easter 2015 Silvia and I travelled to Finland for the IMPACT
Suomi conference with theme “Northern Lights”. We definitely witnessed
the Northern lights during our time at Toivonlinna, Finland. Not the dancing colors in the sky, but the beauty of Jesus shining in the hearts of our
Finnish brothers and sisters in Christ. I was grateful to share the Word of
God together with Louis Torres, a very experienced evangelist and soul
winner. His messages touched the lives of the young people. Through
warm fellowship, inspiring sermons, and a united outreach effort we felt
strengthened and encouraged.
I would like to share with you some of the thoughts I shared with those
attending the conference. We are living in the North and called to be
lights, hence the Northern Lights concept and comparison. However it is
very easy in life to not reflect the light coming from God but rather create our own light. The difference is clearly seen from two passages in the
book of Isaiah. When we reflect the light of God we experience what
Isaiah chapter 60 describes.
“Arise, shine, for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen
upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people, but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen
upon you.” (Isaiah 60:1-2)
On the contrary when we seek to create our own light we experience
what Isaiah 50 describes.
“Look, all you who kindle a fire, who encircle yourselves with sparks.
Walk in the light of your fire and in the sparks you have kindled. This you
shall have from My hand: You shall lie down in torment.” (Isaiah 50:11)
So how can we recognize the difference between reflecting light
from above and kindling our own light? Let me share with you 4 areas in
which I believe we can discern the contrast.
His Words or our words
God has given us His Word, the scriptures, as a revelation of Himself.
When we study the Bible we are studying and beholding the character
of God. By beholding we become changed! No wonder that the enemy
wants to keep us far from God’s Word. Sadly a large portion of Christianity
today no longer wants to live by the word of God. In scripture the Word of
God is pictured like bread. Just as we need to physically survive by eating bread (food), so we spiritually survive by studying and experiencing
God’s words to us in scripture. A cryptic verse in Isaiah reveals that many
want the name Jesus but do not want to live by His Word.
“And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying,
We will eat our own food and wear our own apparel, Only let us be
called by your name, to take away our reproach.” (Isaiah 4:1)
The number seven is a number denoting completeness in scripture.
A woman is often symbolizing the people of God. Christ is like the bridegroom and the church is depicted as a bride throughout the Bible. So
here we have seven women, a picture of Christianity at large, all taking
hold of one man, Jesus, yet not wanting His food, the Word! Amazing!
And yet this verse rings so true in the Christian culture of today. Many
want to be called Christians but speak and live by their own words and
not the words of Jesus revealed in scripture. Doing so a fire is kindled.
There is a light but it is not originating from Jesus. And though His name is
attached to such a life it is still not a reflection of His character. Let’s make
sure we live by every word that proceeds out of His mouth (Mathew 4:4).
His works or our works
The gospel is not about what we can accomplish spiritually but what
God can do in us when we surrender to Him. Being a reflector of His light
is allowing the works and life of Jesus to find expression in and through
us. We are merely a vessel containing a great treasure. But once again it
is easy for us to kindle our own light. Back in Isaiah 4:1 we read that they
not only did not want His food but they also did not want His apparel.
They wanted their own apparel. What is this pointing to?
“I shall greatly rejoice in the Lord, My soul shall be joyful in my God; For
He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me
with the robe of righteousness.” (Isaiah 61:10).
Our own apparel is a picture of our own righteousness. But it’s only
the righteousness or character of Jesus that can empower the sincere
follower. There is nothing good in us. We have all sinned and come short.
Without Christ we are desperately lost. There is no power in us to make
ourselves better and work our way to heaven. We can only surrender
and accept the gift given. It is when we allow Jesus access into our lives
that we really see change. Human works will not last. They are like the
promises of a Politian before he gets into office, or the New Years resolution that never makes it out of January! Human initiated change has
huge limitations. Its like sparks that are kindled but never create a real
fire. The true gospel in contrast knows no limitation! Let Him shine in you!
His strength or our strength
It is so easy to want to shine and then go forth in our own strength
trying to make this happen only to fail. I think we have all been there.
God in His mercy shows us our weaknesses and limitations so we start relying fully on His strength to shine. Sometimes we come to a point where
there seems no way forward and it is often in these moments that God
comes through and reveals His strength. In the book the Great Controversy there is a fascinating chapter entitled “A great religious awakening”. It recalls the great religious awakening that broke out in the early
18 hundreds as the gospel message spread across the globe. In Sweden
the state outlawed all preaching if not done in the confines of the organized state churches. Only authorized priests could share the Word but
they were steeped into tradition and dead formality. How would revival
sweep through Sweden? Human strength would not suffice. It was at this
time that God miraculously intervened. As the people would gather in
homes suddenly the Spirit of God would come upon the children some
not older than 6 to 8 years old. They would start preaching with great
power resulting in repentance, confession, and spiritual renewal! When
the law forbad adults to preach the Lord used children! He has a thousand ways to carry forward His message and let His light shine into this
dark world. Lets not limit God. When we are weak and without strength
let us trust in His ability to do what He has promised.
His glory or our glory
Finally it all comes down to the question - Who receives the glory? If
we have kindled our own light we will naturally also want the recognition. A reflector of the true Light will know that all the light he or she is
emanating in not his or hers in the first place. We receive it from above
and so all praise is to go to the one above. A great example of this is
John the Baptist. Jesus said “He was a burning and shining lamp” (John
5:35). And yet John himself was only a reflector as we read in the first
chapter of John: “He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of
that Light. That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming
into the world.” (John 1:8-9). John the Baptist had great popularity when
he first preached the message of repentance. Jerusalem emptied to
the river Jordan to hear this powerful preacher. All the while John understood that his entire mission was not to gather people around himself but
point them to Jesus. This He did again and again. Eventually his popu-
larity decreased and people flocked to Jesus. John was confronted by
some Jews who wanted to make it appear that it was a bad thing that
Jesus was getting more attention than John. The way John responded
displays the character of a true reflector of God’s light.
“And they came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, He who was with
you beyond the Jordan, to whom you have testified--behold, He is baptizing, and all are coming to Him!” John answered and said, “A man can
receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven. You yourselves bear me witness, that I said, ‘I am not the Christ,’ but, ‘I have been
sent before Him.’ He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend
of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because
of the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled. He must
increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:26-30).
John’s joy was full! Why? Not because His ministry was booming but because Jesus was impacting lives. What makes your joy full? Your accomplishments? Your light? Can we honestly rejoice in people being reached
with the gospel even though we are not the ones doing it? This is what
reflectors do! Because it is not about who reflects but it is all about who is
being reflected! Do you see the difference? I have met people who love
the work of God, as long as they have a part in it. Instead let’s rejoice over
every soul impacted by the gospel in whatever way God chooses.
Let’s be a generation who will reflect the glory of God. Time is short
and the world needs to see the Light of the gospel. May the world around
us see the spectacular Northern Lights as the Sun of righteousness shines
through us!
Evangelism Works!
By Murrat
My name is Murat. I am currently 31 years
old, born into a Turkish Muslim family in Austria. My parents do believe in the God of the
Quran, but are not “strong believers”. They
do not pray 5 times a week and do not do
what a Muslim is supposed to do. However
it was important to them that we (children)
learn certain things like some prayers, and
that there is a God existing.
I believed that God existed since my childhood. In my teenager years, however, at the
age of 17 I made a big mistake. I fell in love
with a girl in school and I was willing to do
everything for her. Even selling my soul to Satan, which I did.
After some time we split and I suffered a
long time because of what I did. I tried to rebuild my relationship with God. I really struggled a lot, but kept praying almost daily.
What I didn`t know at that time is, that I was
no longer belonging to myself. I left Islam and
become a person without denomination as I
didn`t believe in the Quran but had my own
picture of God.
About 10 years later I was at a shopping
centre while waiting for my car to get fixed. I
met a young woman who was sharing books
and talking to people about God. We talked
together and she gave me a book. The book
contains certain books of the New Testaments, testimonies, and a prayer to give your
life to Jesus. I often cried when I read the
book. I started asking Jesus, who has forgiven so many people, if he could do the same
thing for me as he had done for so many
others. I started going to church and drove
sometimes to a famous catholic church in
Austria. Here I would pray to Jesus.
In 2007 I moved to my very first own apartment. One day in September 2012 a man
stood in front of my apartment door who
lived in that same complex. At that time he
was about 60 years old, already retired, and
he invited me to a chat about “God and the
world”. I believe it was no coincidence and
that God guided this. I took the invitation and
had my first Bible-lesson with him. Step by
step, week by week, we studied topics and
it felt so good to me. I learned that he was a
Seventh day Adventist.
During that time God showed me through
his word that so many things I was doing were
wrong. I realized that Satan is real and that I
needed to escape out of his grip. The Bible
showed me as well that Jesus offers to give
me a new start with Him. About 6 month later
God opened the way so I could make my
choice for Jesus through baptism.
The Lord gave me what he promised, a
new-start and brought me right after baptism
to another country. Currently I am attending an evangelism centre to learn and study
how I can apply God`s word in practical life
and to tell people who God really is.
I experienced that the battle between Jesus and Satan is so real, and people I meet
are struggling hard. Jesus offers the solution
for them and God does not want anybody
to be lost.
You may think that the evangelistic books
you have perhaps shared so far did not give
any results, but I would like to encourage you.
It is not the book alone. It is what our Lord can
do with someone who read the book you
shared. Through His Spirit he can call people
out of Babylon and invites you to participate
in his work.
“And let us not grow weary while doing
good, for in due season we shall reap if we
do not lose heart.” – Galatians 6:9.
Into God’s
Marvelous Light...
By Joe Liebminger
I was born in 1978 in Austria and as it is common there, I was baptized
just a few weeks after into the Roman Catholic Church. Nobody asked
me about my opinion back then, but maybe I was not able to choose
anyway. I lived together with my parents and my two brothers in a typical Austrian home. My Christianity back then was limited to Christmas,
Easter, weddings, and funerals. In my imagination as a little boy God
was an old man in heaven with a very long beard and a hammer in his
right hand, which he needed to judge us and hit our fingers when we
did something wrong.
My first real “religious“ experience came about 1985. Back then I found
my first passion: MUSIC. I really fell in love with Heavy Metal (an outgrowth
of Rock n’ Roll) at first sight. The screaming guitars and high-pitched vocals,
the blasting heavy drum rhythms, combined with a thundering bass was
absolutely awesome for me and my friends. We spend a lot of hours at
our local football ground listening to the newest and hottest records back
then. Besides playing football and listening to music, we often daydreamed
about being rock stars and travelling the world with our own band. We got
pretty excited while talking about that.
After a few years we decided that it was time to bring our dreams to life,
so a few of us bought instruments and we formed our first very own heavy
metal band. It took us just a few rehearsals until we started to play the first
shows in local youth clubs and the response by the audience was good
(compared to our talent). We wrote all our songs and lyrics on our own and
I got really attracted by all the dark things we were dealing with. Our lyrics
contained violence, gore, and a lot of horror stories. We
really tried to do our best to be as extreme and dark as
The longer I stayed in the scene the wilder and more
brutal the music got, it was like experiencing a downward spiral. We were not as successful as our idols, but
at least we lived the lives of real rock stars, including
all the drugs and alcohol. My parents tried to convince
me from time to time that all these images and lyrics we
were using were not good, but I did not listen to them.
Of course it was also part of my rebellion, and we all
know where this is coming from. At that point I really
hated to talk about God. I was writing lyrics against him,
making fun of Christianity. I was blind and deaf to all
well-meant exhortations.
As I turned 18 I lost in a very short period of time 3
of my best friends. One committed suicide and two of
them died because of drugs. I was bitter and angry and
I can remember thinking and talking a lot about why
this could happen. “If there is a God, why is he killing my
friends?“ All these happenings made me withdraw and
I spent a lot of time alone just with my guitar and my
music. I felt empty on the inside like everything had no
sense or meaning and I thought that something had to
change, but it took me several years of struggle to start
a new direction.
A second thing I really loved as a kid was watching
Bruce Lee Movies. He was one of my childhood heroes,
so I thought to myself: Why not starting to learn martial
arts? I fell in love with Muay Thai. This ancient fighting
art became the most important thing (besides music)
to me. I also attended tournaments as a fighter and an
interest in Buddhism started to grow.
In the time of my Muay Thai career I met my wife Annegret. We went to the same pubs and had some common friends. All the times we met we spent hours and
hours talking, mostly about music and spiritual things. She
was an atheist back then and I, being a casual Buddhist,
tried to convince her that everybody has to believe in
something. Quite ironic!
Anyway, she seemed to like my views and thoughts
and after a few months of dating we became a couple,
got married, and had our son Noah. We shared our love
for music and so it was fantastic news for us when I got a
job offer at one of the biggest European labels for metal
music. A dream had come true.
As Noah turned 2 we recognized that somehow we
had stopped to workout and we had some extra weight
to carry around. We decided to make a change and we
started to exercise again. We started to run, swim, ride
our bikes, and do bodyweight exercises. This brought us
very quick to a point of feeling really good and fit again.
After some weeks I remembered something really
important from my fighting days. The best workout is not
bringing good results when your nutrition is bad. After doing some research, we decided to go vegan. And you
know what, it tasted absolutely fantastic and even within
one month we could feel a change! We felt much better
than ever before.
When you change your diet it is also necessary to
change your shopping habits. We found a little shop with
all the stuff we needed for our new diet. The owner of
the shop, Elfi, was really nice and it seemed like she knew
everything about nutrition and health. We always spent
hours of talking with her when we visited her shop and so
we very soon became friends. Already in the beginning
she told us that she is a Seventh-day Adventist, but it was okay for us. As long
as she is not bothering us with her Christianity.
We wanted to have some values that we could give to our son and so
we started to visit different temples and Buddhist groups. Noah was all the
time with us and so he also started to learn some things about Buddha. We
still felt there was no enlightenment for us.
One day Annagret came home from Elfi’s shop with two books. As
I came home I found them on the kitchen table and immediately knew
where they were coming from. “Did you get those books from Elfi?“ I asked.
“Yes, but leave them there, we can bring them back without reading them”
she answered. I did not want to do this, as I just imagined how embarrassing it would be when Elfi asks for our opinion about the books and finds out
that we never read them. So I took one and sat down on the couch and
started to read.
I read in this book from the first to the last page in about 5 hours. In this
book I found answers to the big questions that every single human being
has in his life: Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life? Where is my
journey going? What happens after death? Why is there so much pain in
this world? I learned that God loves me from the depth of His heart, that He
wants to be with me and that He cares for me all the time. I saw that I was
wrong and that I did wrong to Him. I started loving God for who He really is.
It was like a veil being removed from my eyes.
The Holy Spirit moved me and in just 5 hours my whole life was changed.
After I finished the book I knew two things: I am a Christian now and I will
follow God, no matter where it will take me and: my wife is still a Buddhist
and there first has to happen a miracle in her life as well. I gave her the book
hoping that she would read it and open her heart to Jesus.
She read the book in about one week and I think this was one of the
longest weeks in my whole life. I was hoping so much that we could start
this new journey together. After a couple of days I saw that tears run down
her face, while reading in the book, and you know what: this was the first
time I was happy seeing my wife cry because I knew then: yes, a miracle
happened! She was moved and touched.
After this week our wonderful journey together with God began. We experienced awesome
answers to prayers in the first week of our Christian life. We gained so much trust and He never
let us down. God showed us how to grow in our
relationship with Him. He led us out of the heavy
metal scene right into His marvelous light. For
every single thing we had to give up in our old
lives He gave us much more things that still bring
us joy and fun. For every single friend we have
lost He gave us at least one new friend. And
they were not just friends they were family. I had
to quit my job and God called us into fulltime
ministry. I never toured the world with my metalband, which I also left of course, but now I am
touring different places and countries, sharing
our experience and sharing what God taught us
and it is absolutely amazing to see how God is
changing lives through us. It is absolutely stunning to experience.
I never thought that life could be so full of
love and joy like it is now. Of course there are
struggles and of course the enemy tries to bring
us down, but Jesus is always on our side and
by knowing this simple and mighty truth we
can conquer fear and sorrow, because in Him
we are saved and free. I would like to encourage you to share what Jesus has done in your
life. I would also like to encourage you to share
books, because it can change lives in an incredible way.
May our wonderful God bless you and lead
you. He never lets you down! No matter what
Living Water’s Summercamp 2015:
The great controversy...
...and YOU!
July 22 - 26, 2015
Fyresdal Camp and Conference Center, Telemark, Norway
Tim Riesenberger, Joakim Hjortland, Bengt Fjellberg, Daniel Pel...
Price: Wide range from economy to comfort. Discount for
children and youth. Special price until June 22.
For a complete pricelist, program, description of speakers, more information about
the camp site, registration, etc – visit or use the contact info
on page 2 in the magazine.