- Musée Jacquemart
- Musée Jacquemart
Jacquemart-André Museum Paris A UNIQUE MUSEUM IN PARIS FOR THE MOST GLITTERING RECEPTIONS T he Music Room T he Dining Room T he Winter Garden T he Grand Salon T T he Grand Salon he Dining Room G rand evening reception S pecial visits Jacquemart-André Museum • Breakfast Offer your guests a private breakfast in the Tea Room, one of the loveliest dining rooms in Paris, and let a guide show you the museum’s remarkable collections and temporary exhibitions. • Glass of champagne After a glass of champagne in the Music Room, offer your guests a private tour of the museum’s magnificent collections and temporary exhibitions. Capacity Capacity Up to 80 people Up to 80 people Continental breakfast Glass of champagne days and times available for private hire Miniature Viennese pastries, tea, coffee and fruit juice. Fresh fruit and yoghurt extra on request. Tuesday to Friday, from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm Special conditions Breakfast days and times available for private hire • Breakfast: Monday to Friday, from 8.30 am to 10.30 am • Breakfast + tour of the temporary exhibition: Tuesdays only, 8.30 am to 10.30 am Special conditions The service covers a minimum of a private tour of the museum and a glass of champagne with 3 salted feuilletés for your guests. Guides are provided at a supplement (recommended). Reservations: only possible one month from the preferred date of the visit to the museum and/or temporary exhibition. The service includes a minimum of breakfast and a private tour of the museum. Guides are provided at a supplement (recommended). Please contact us for any assistance you require with the preparations for your visit. Jacquemart-André Museum ● 158 boulevard Haussmann ● 75008 Paris t. + 33 (0)1 45 62 16 40 ● receptions@musee-jacquemart-andre.com www.musee-jacquemart-andre.com A museum developed and managed by C ocktail Jacquemart-André Museum Host an evening reception in one of the most beautiful mansions in Paris and give your guests the opportunity to discover a rare and dazzling collection. The Music Room Each service includes visiting part of the mansion’s ground floor : the Picture Gallery, the private apartments, the Study, the Boudoir, the Winter Garden, the Smoking Room... Optional: the temporary exhibition, the Italian Floor and the Courtyard. The Dining Room With its works by old masters, its painted ceiling and musicians’ gallery, the Music Room provides a magnificent setting for your receptions. Decorated with an exceptional set of tapestries, has a remarkable ceiling painted by Tiepolo and a terrace overlooking the main Courtyard. The Grand Salon Decorated with gilded wood panelling and Gobelins tapestries, the rotunda of the Grand Salon has a series of busts from the seventeenth century. Capacity Cocktails up to 150 people Choose 1 room from our selection: the Music Room, the Dining room or the Grand Salon. Cocktails 150 to 300 people Choose 2 rooms from our selection: the Music Room, the Dining Room or the Grand Salon. Cocktails 300 to 400 people At your disposal: the Music Room, the Dining Room and the Grand Salon. Cocktails 400 to 500 people At your disposal: the Music Room, the Dining Room and the Grand Salon, the Winter Garden, the Courtyard. Please contact us for any assistance you require with the preparations for your evening reception. Jacquemart-André Museum ● 158 boulevard Haussmann ● 75008 Paris t. + 33 (0)1 45 62 16 40 ● receptions@musee-jacquemart-andre.com www.musee-jacquemart-andre.com A museum developed and managed by D inner Jacquemart-André Museum Greet your clients or friends in the atmosphere and magnificent surroundings of the JacquemartAndré Museum, the only museum in Paris where you can dine surrounded by such exceptional collection. The Music Room Each service includes visiting part of the mansion’s ground floor: the Picture Gallery, the private apartments, the Study, the Boudoir, the Winter Garden, the Smoking Room... Optional: the temporary exhibition, the Italian Floor and the Courtyard. Decorated with an exceptional set of tapestries, has a remarkable ceiling painted by Tiepolo and a terrace overlooking the main Courtyard. Capacity Dinner up to 80 people Choose 1 room from our selection: the Music Room, the Dining room or the Grand Salon. Dinner 80 to 170 people Choose 2 rooms from our selection: the Music Room, the Dining Room or the Grand Salon. Dinner 170 to 250 people At your disposal: the Music Room, the Dining Room and the Grand Salon. Times available for private hire From 6 pm until 5 am at the latest. The organiser can gain access to the reserved rooms from 6 pm and guests from 7 pm at the earliest. Deliveries (equipment, food, drink, etc.) can be left under the archway at 158 bis Boulevard Haussmann from 4 pm With its works by old masters, its painted ceiling and musicians’ gallery, the Music Room provides a magnificent setting for your receptions. The Dining Room The Grand Salon Decorated with gilded wood panelling and Gobelins tapestries, the rotunda of the Grand Salon has a series of busts from the seventeenth century. Special conditions The service includes a minimum of room hire. You will also have to arrange the following extras: • The caterer, who must be chosen from a list of catering companies approved by the museum and will have access to the office. Our list of approved caterers can be found on our website by clicking on Receptions and then on Providers. • The staff costs, which vary according to the number of guests and rooms hired and include: - Museum attendants: from 6 pm until the alarm is set (after all equipment has been removed). Each new hour started will be charged, - Hostesses for the cloakroom (and possibly to welcome guests), - Trays for all staff must be ordered from the chosen caterer, • The organiser’s third-party insurance, • Special lighting, sound system (optional), • Entertainment (optional). Please contact us for any assistance you require with the preparations for your evening reception. Jacquemart-André Museum ● 158 boulevard Haussmann ● 75008 Paris t. + 33 (0)1 45 62 16 40 ● receptions@musee-jacquemart-andre.com www.musee-jacquemart-andre.com A museum developed and managed by A museum developed and managed by Garde robe Salle de bains Stock catalogues Salle V Le Boudoir Salle VI Bibliothèque Bureau II Chambre de Monsieur WC WC WC Cour Ch. Loge 158 Vestiaires Salle III Salon des tapisseries Petit Salon Chambre de Madame Terrasse côté jardin Antichambre Salle IV Cabinet de travail Terrasse Jacquemart-André Museum ● 158 boulevard Haussmann ● 75008 Paris t. + 33 (0)1 45 62 16 40 ● receptions@musee-jacquemart-andre.com www.musee-jacquemart-andre.com Cour Intérieure Véranda extérieure ENTRÉE Salle I Salon des Peintures 9,44 m Salle II Le Grand Salon 114 m2 12,15 m bustes Jardin sur le boulevard Haussmann Vestibule Lampes 8,45 m 8,73 m Scale: 1 cm = 2.25 m Closed areas Terrace facing Boulevard Haussmann WC Salle VIII Jardin d'hiver 96 m2 Areas accessible for evening tours Reception area Terrasse côté jardin Eclairage Salle XIII La Salle à Manger 105 m2 12,20 m Salle VII Le Salon de Musique 103m2 12,26 m Terrasse Salle IX Le Fumoir Office WC Ch. Loge 158 bis P lan of the Museum Jacquemart-André Museum P restigious evening receptions summary of services Jacquemart-André Museum 1 room of your choice 2 rooms of your choice 3 rooms Dinner up to 80 people or Cocktails up to 150 people Dinner 80 to 170 people or Cocktails 150 to 300 people Dinner 170 to 250 people or Cocktails 300 to 400 people Whole museum Cocktails 400 to 500 people ROOM HIRE (from 6 pm to 5 am the next morning) Grand Salon x x x x Music Room x x x x Dining Room x x x x Winter Garden x Reception area 1 included included included included approx. € 2,500 approx. € 2,500 approx. € 3,000 approx. € 3,500 € 7,000 € 13,500 € 18,800 € 28,000 Winter Garden, Tiepolo Stairs, Italian Floor € 2,500 € 2,500 € 2,500 included Temporary exhibition € 4,000 € 4,000 € 4,000 € 4,000 € 2,500 € 2,500 € 2,500 free Staff costs (plus tax) 2 Room hire (plus tax) OPTIONAL EXTRAS (plus tax) Courtyards (no marquees) Haussmann Terraces 3 € 8,000 SERVICES Outside caterer 4 yes yes yes yes included included included included Sound system/Lighting 6 to plan to plan to plan to plan Tour Guide € 170 plus tax/guide for 1-hour tour (e50 plus tax/guide per additional half hour) Cloakroom Service 5 Picture Gallery: a reception table can be set up for registration, distribution of badges, gifts, etc. Reception hostesses provided by the museum on request. 2 Estimate for guests departing at 11 pm and alarm set at around midnight – to be added to the cost of room hire. Basis of calculation: €36 plus tax/hour and per attendant and hostess, i.e. 7-10 people, only from 6 pm. Each new hour started will be charged. 3 2 x 60 m2. The use of temporary structures (e.g. marquees) is compulsory. Additional costs to be included: 4 Must be chosen from the list of approved providers: http://www.musee-jacquemart-andre.com/fr/receptions/les-prestataires/ 5 Compulsory cloakroom provided by the museum. Includes staff and equipment (racks, hangers, tickets) up to a maximum of 500 guests. 6 Choose from the list of approved providers: http://www.musee-jacquemart-andre.com/fr/receptions/les-prestataires/ 1 x Areas used for your reception Jacquemart-André Museum ● 158 boulevard Haussmann ● 75008 Paris t. + 33 (0)1 45 62 16 40 ● receptions@musee-jacquemart-andre.com www.musee-jacquemart-andre.com A museum developed and managed by P ractical information and terms of hire Jacquemart-André Museum Contact Museum opening hours to the public M s Vanessa Blacque-Belair and Cécile Miniconi Tel. : +33 (0)1 45 62 16 40 Fax : +33 (0)1 45 62 16 36 E-mail : receptions@musee-jacquemart-andre.com Restrictions on museum use Access • The Museum is just 5 minutes from the Étoile (Place Charles de Gaulle) • Metro: Saint Philippe du Roule (9) and Miromesnil (9,13) • VINCI Haussmann Berri car park: outside the museum • 24 hours a day (01 45 63 94 62, reservation possible) • Bus: 22, 28, 43, 52, 54, 80, 83, 84, 93 • Airports: Roissy Charles de Gaulle, Orly Every day from 10 am to 6 pm, Monday and Saturday evenings until 8.30 pm during temporary exhibitions. - Lorries and cars are not permitted in the courtyard. Catering equipment must be delivered by the office stairs. - Filming and the taking of photographs is not allowed inside the museum except in the reception rooms. - All entertainment, inside or outside, must be approved by the museum. To see a complete list of our approved caterers and lighting/sound system providers please visit our website: click the Receptions tab and select Providers. (http://www.musee-jacquemart-andre.com/fr/receptions/les-prestataires/) Produced by: Photos : C. Recoura, Fleur De Mets, Anita Agence Sofiacome, Butard Enescot, Ludéric Evénement, Celeyron, Culturespaces, Dalloyau, P. Guillien, Jaullin, M. Champion. Jacquemart-André Museum ● 158 boulevard Haussmann ● 75008 Paris t. + 33 (0)1 45 62 16 40 ● receptions@musee-jacquemart-andre.com www.musee-jacquemart-andre.com A museum developed and managed by