Open Wide Open Charity Golf Event


Open Wide Open Charity Golf Event
Open Wide Open
Charity Golf Event
2016 Charity:
“A Champion for Charities”
8 th Annual
Open Wide Open
Charity Golf Event
2016 Recipient
Pittsburgh National Golf Club
287 Monier Road
Gibsonia, PA 15044
Date: Friday, June 10, 2016
Registration at 9:30 a.m.
Shotgun Start at 11 a.m.
Format: Scramble
(4 person teams)
Donation: $125/person
Includes greens fees, cart rental,
lunch, 6-pack of choice,
chicken and roast beef
buffet, silent auction
*All fees are due in full at time of
registration. Registration closes
June 1st. Individual Registrations are
Welcome (teams will be assigned).
You are cordially invited to the 8th Annual Open Wide Open Charity
Golf Event. The event will take place on Friday, June 10, 2016 at
Pittsburgh National Golf Club in Gibsonia, PA and will benefit Muriel’s
Breath of Life. In the first seven years, the Open Wide Open has raised
over $109,000 for Every Child, Inc. and the Boys and Girls Clubs of
Western Pennsylvania, The First Tee of Pittsburgh, Manchester Bidwell,
Best Buddies, The Woodland Foundation and Freestore 15104. Strong
participation and support has been instrumental in making our first
seven events a complete success, so we are reaching out to you in
hopes that you will align with us for a seventh straight year of success
for another great cause!
Muriel's Breath of Life is a non-profit initiative to honor the life and
memory of Muriel Lagnese by helping Cystic Fibrosis patients and their
families cover medical expenses and associated costs that are not
covered by health insurance. Funds raised by Muriel's Breath of Life are
administered by the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Foundation and
are intended for CF patients with special financial needs who are
undergoing treatment at the Adult Cystic Fibrosis Care Program at
UPMC's Comprehensive Lung Center or the Antonio J. and Janet
Palumbo Cystic Fibrosis Center at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh.
The golf event is in a four person scramble format with an 11am shotgun
start. Hole-in-one prizes include $25,000 and a lease of your choice of
one of five luxury vehicles courtesy of Bobby Rahal Automotive Group.
Mulligan packages will be available for sale on the day of the event. The
festivities will include lunch as well as a chicken/roast beef buffet, and a
silent auction. Non-golfers are invited to attend the dinner and silent
auction for a separate donation.
We are looking forward to spending the afternoon with you, enjoying
friends and raising money for a Pittsburgh-area foundation. Based on
previous years’ success, we are expecting a great turnout for this year’s
outing. Our players are men and women of all ages who live and work
throughout the Pittsburgh-metro area. There is also a strong business
contingency to our guest list, which makes The Open Wide Open a
great opportunity for you to directly communicate your products or
services, as well as showcase your support of the community we call
Please see the attached form for participation and sponsorship levels.
The Open Wide Open is a non-profit public, volunteer-run corporation
so your donation is tax deductible. Any level of support you or your
company can contribute would be greatly appreciated.
Feel free to contact Stephanie Roccia at or
412.401.8391. Visit our website at, or simply
complete and return the attached registration form.
Very Truly Yours,
The Open Wide Open Executive Committee
8 th Annual
Open Wide Open
Charity Golf Event
Golfer Registration
2016 Recipient
Please complete the form below. Contact Stephanie Roccia
at or 412.401.8391.
Your may also register online at
Pittsburgh National Golf Club
287 Monier Road
Gibsonia, PA 15044
Date: Friday, June 10, 2016
Registration at 9:30 a.m.
Shotgun Start at 11 a.m.
Team Members:
Format: Scramble
(4 person teams)
Donation: $125/person
Includes greens fees, cart rental,
lunch, 6-pack of choice,
chicken & roast beef buffet,
silent auction
*All fees are due in full at time of
registration. Registration closes
June 1st. Individual Registrations are
Welcome (teams will be assigned).
*All fees are due in full at time of registration. Registration
closes June 8th.
Make check(s) payable to:
Open Wide Open
92 Clover Lane
Gibsonia, PA 15044
Want to advertise a business or don’t want to play?
You can sponsor a hole for $175!
8 th Annual
Open Wide Open
Charity Golf Event
Sponsorship Levels
2016 Recipient
Pittsburgh National Golf Club
287 Monier Road
Gibsonia, PA 15044
Date: Friday, June 10, 2016
Registration at 9:30 a.m.
Shotgun Start at 11 a.m.
Format: Scramble
(4 person teams)
Our sponsors are the fire that fuels our annual outing. Their
willingness to give to their local community is truly inspiring. It's
their benevolence which enables us to give our chosen charity
the best possible event that we can each and every year. Thank
you to all who have donated in the past and welcome to all new
sponsors interested in helping us make a difference this year!
Platinum Sponsor: $1,250
•Foursome of golf w/ carts
•6-pack of choice per cart
•All-you-can eat roast beef &
chicken dinner
•Tee sign
•Full page ad in the program
•Logo with link on website
Gold Sponsor: $1,000
•Foursome of golf with 2 carts
•6-pack of choice per cart
•All-you-can eat roast beef &
chicken dinner
•½ page ad in the program
•Logo with link on website
Silver Sponsor: $750
•(2) 18 holes of golf w/ cart
•6-pack of choice per cart
•All-you-can eat roast beef &
chicken dinner
•Tee sign
•Full page ad in the program
•Logo with link on website
Hole Sponsor: $175
•Tee sign
•Listing in the program
•Logo with link on website
Donation: $125/person
Includes greens fees, cart rental,
lunch, 6-pack of choice,
chicken & roast beef buffet,
silent auction
You may pay securely by credit card through our website at or make check(s) payable to:
*All fees are due in full at time of
registration. Registration closes
June 1st. Individual Registrations are
Welcome (teams will be assigned).
Want to play in the outing? Visit us online and fill out our
registration form.
Open Wide Open
92 Clover Lane
Gibsonia, PA 15044
Questions? Contact Stephanie Roccia at 412.401.8391 or