Winter Newsletter, 2015 - Vision Resource Center of Berks County


Winter Newsletter, 2015 - Vision Resource Center of Berks County
Proudly Serving Berks County Since 1929
Focusing on the prevention of blindness and
making it possible for visually impaired
Berks County residents to lead independent
and productive lives within their community.
WINTER | 2015
For People Affected By Blindness and Low Vision
In-Sight Awareness
Helping our readers to keep informed with important monthly vision awareness topics!
Save Your
• Often called “the sneak thief of
sight” because you don’t notice signs
until you have a significant vision loss
• Over 13 million Americans are
• Avoid smoking. Quitting smoking may
reduce your risk of:
• There are 2 types-dry and wet
• Age-related macular degeneration
• More than 2.7 million Americans
40 + have open angle glaucoma.
Half do not know they have it.
• No cause or cure but progress is
being made
• Cataracts
• Does not have to lead to blindness.
• Is controllable with modern
For more information:
• By age 75, 25% of men and 33%
of women have symptoms and the
percent grows with increased age
• Glaucoma
• Exercise regularly. This can reduce
your risk of developing problems that
can lead to eye diseases.
• Control blood pressure. High blood
pressure can increase your risk for
For more information:
For more information:
Vision Resource Center of Berks County | 2020 Hampden Blvd., Reading, PA 19604 | 610-375-8407 |
Our Mission
Our mission is to strive to
prevent blindness and visual
impairment, and to advocate
and provide quality education,
support services, and
rehabilitation to enrich the lives
of blind and visually impaired
persons and their caregivers.
VRCBC In-sight is published quarterly
Chairperson, Board of Directors Steve Bobick
President/CEO Lori Schermerhorn
Editor - Lori Schermerhorn
Advertising - Lori Schermerhorn
Printed by the Reading Eagle Company
Berks Insight is funded by Advertising
Revenues and other donations.
You will receive your next VRCBC Insight
in April 2015.
VRCBC Insight Advertising Policy
• All ads submitted to VRCBC Insight
for publication will be reviewed
by staff for suitability. If there is a
question concerning the content of
any proposed advertisement, a staff
member will contact the advertiser to
see if any adjustments can be made.
• VRCBC Insight reserves the right to
refuse any advertisement deemed
inappropriate for VRCBC Insight.
• The publication of any advertisement
in VRCBC Insight does not imply
endorsement of that product, service or
company/organization supplying their
product/service by VRCBC Insight.
• Contact Lori Schermerhorn for
advertising information at 610-3758407 x112 or lschermerhorn@
President’s Message
As another year and our 85th anniversary come to a close, we take
time to reflect on where we are and how far we’ve come. Eighty-five
years ago in 1929 it was determined that a need to help the blind and
visually impaired of Berks County was so great, the Berks County
Association for the Blind, Inc. was established. The need for our services
grew and our current building at 2020 Hampden Blvd. in Reading was
erected by the Lions Club in 1957 to better serve our clients in the
community. That ever growing need for help continues to this day. While the issues may have
changed, the needs do not. People still want to live as independently as possible and continue
to do the things they were used to doing prior to their vision issues. Often times we take our
sight for granted. Can you imagine not being able to pour your morning cup of coffee and
read the newspaper? How about giving up our car keys and the independence to hop in the
car and drive to the grocery store? You would need to find new ways for assimilating to life
with a visual impairment, and that is where VRC of Berks County comes in. VRC is able to
help people and provide support to our clients and their families as these changes happen.
Please call 610-375-8407 if you know someone who may benefit from our services.
Here’s to a wonderful 2015!
Until next time,
Lori Schermerhorn, President/CEO
Calendar of Events
BCTV In-Sight The Topic- Low Vision
Works Low Vision Therapy Program
Lunch Bunch at CrossRoads family
Restaurant 4643 Pottsville Pike
Reading, PA 19605. Prior registration
is required. RSVP-Mark, x120
Lunch and Learn Red Cross on
Emergency Preparedness $6.00 per
person RSVP-Mark x120
Sight Loss Support Group/Caregiver
Support Group RSVP-Mark, x 120, for
both Lunch and Learn and Support
Group, or just Support Group
BCTV In-Sight The topic will be OVR
Consumer Advisory Committee and
the projects/needs they have.
Hands on Clay Sculpting $6.00 per
person RSVP-Joyce x125
Lunch Bunch at Wegman’s Restaurant
4401 Pottsville Pike Reading, PA
19605. Prior registration is required.
RSVP-Mark, x120
Lunch and Learn Berks Area Agency
on Aging Safety Measures and Tips
for Seniors in Their Homes $6.00 per
person RSVP-Mark-120
Sight Loss Support Group/Caregiver
Support Group RSVP-Mark, x 120, for
both Lunch and Learn and Support
Group, or just Support Group
BCTV In-Sight The topic will be
Experiences with Guide Dogs
Lunch Bunch at O’Grady’s Restaurant
3525 Pottsville Pike Reading, PA
19605. Prior registration is required.
RSVP-Mark, x120
Sight Loss Support Group/Caregiver
Support Group RSVP-Mark, x 120, for
both Lunch and Learn and Support
Group, or just Support Group
The VRC activities line can be checked by the community at any time to hear an
up-to-date listing of our events. The activities line is 610-375-8407 ext. 123.
Please check our website for more information -
2 | Monday, January 5, 2015
Vision Resource Center of Berks County
Spanish-speaking Services
Alicia Santiago has been conducting various
services over the past 15 months for VRC
within the Spanish-speaking community. She
has been performing peer counseling with
the Spanish-speaking visually impaired and
blind clients within Berks County. Alicia also
provides translating services during intake and
home visits with Spanish-speaking clients. In
addition, she has been doing presentations to
the Spanish-speaking community regarding
VRC services and programs that are available.
Spanish Sight Loss Support Group meets
the second Wednesday of each month at the
Berks Community Health Center, 838 Penn
Street, Reading. This support group gives
members of the Spanish-speaking community
an opportunity for interaction with others who
have a vision loss.
If you are
interested in
attending the
support group, are
in need of services,
or would like a
presentation please
call Alicia at 610375-8407 ext. 122.
Projects that we are able to perform
Vision Resource Center of Berks County
President and CEO
Director of Support Services
Rosann Strauss............. ext. 118
Director of Workshop Services
Ann Heiser................... ext. 114
Alicia Santiago
include: Mailing and collating, packaging, light
assembly, inspection, and sorting. We are also
open to new projects!
We are currently looking for new committee
members, ideas, and strategies, in this ever
changing production arena. If you would like
to volunteer, join our committee, or just have
a suggestion, please contact Rosann Strauss,
Director of Workshop Services at rstrauss@
A Special Thanks to
Shartlesville Lions Club
Roy McCutcheon
Lori Schermerhorn........ ext. 112
Carolyn Krick................ ext. 110
Our Workshop at Vrc
One of the agency’s goals is to continue
providing quality workshop services to a
growing and changing community. Our latest
outreach project is with the Greater Reading
Chamber of Commerce! Now more than ever
we find a growing need to network and reach
out to our community leaders and businesses
to procure the necessary work contracts to
sustain our workshop program.
CONTACT US AT 610-375-8407:
VRC would like to send a special thank
you to the Shartlesville Lions Club. On
Sunday, October 26th the Shartlesville
Lions Club hosted a breakfast buffet
fundraiser at Haag’s Hotel with all of the
proceeds benefitting VRC. There were
door prizes, great food, and entertainment
by our own Roy McCutcheon. There
were members from the Hamburg Leo
Club at the event helping in various ways!
VRC received a check for $600 from this
event! It is because of the generosity of the
community, the Lions, and the Leo Club
that made this an amazing fundraiser for
VRC. Thanks again to all involved!
Caseworker for Vision Screenings
Mark Levengood........... ext. 120
Alicia Santiago............. ext. 122
Social Worker
Joyce Morgan............... ext. 125
VRC Services Center Hours:
Monday 8:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am-4:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am-4:00pm
Thursday 8:00am-4:00pm
Thank you to District 14P Lions Clubs
for their continued support through
eyeglass donations, monetary donations,
and volunteers
Monday, January 5, 2015 | 3
Proudly Serving Berks County Since 1929
Become a VRCBC Supporter!
Yes, I would like to support the programs and
services of VRCBC in prevention of blindness.
Enclosed please find my tax deductible gift:
A Show for People Affected By
Blindness and Low Vision Issues
Live on BCTV
the First Tuesday of each month
at 10:00 am
Hosted by:
Brad E. Hart
Community Education and
Relations Coordinator for Vision
Resource Center of Berks County
Replay times:
Saturdays 7:00 pm
Sundays 2:00 pm
Mondays 12:00 pm
m $100
m $75
m $50
m $25
m Other–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Designate your gift:
m Unrestricted support. Use where needed.
m Children’s Vision Screening
m Care Givers Support Group
m Sight Loss Support Group
m Building Fund
m Workshop Services
Name _____________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________
City _______________________________________________
State _______________ Zip ___________________________
In Memory/Honor of (Please circle):
Please acknowledge my gift to:
Address ___________________________________________
City _______________________________________________
State _______________ Zip ___________________________
A simple but effective item for
the blind or visually impaired is
a liquid level indicator. These
indicators attach to the edge of
a cup with prongs that beeps
or vibrates when the liquid
touches the metal prongs.
Most indicators use a 9V
battery and can be used for
either hot or cold liquids.
Liquid level indicators
range from $7.95 to $10.95
and are available through
m I would like my gift to remain anonymous
m I am interested in learning more about Planned Giving
m Vision Resource Center of Berks County is already in my will
Thank you for your support!
Make checks payable to:
Vision Resource Center of Berks County
2020 Hampden Blvd., Reading, PA 19604
Or donate on-line at
The official registration and financial information of Vision Resource Center of Berks County
a 501©3 may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free
(800)732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Liquid level indicators range from $7.95 to
$10.95 and are available through Maxi-Aids.
4 | Monday, January 5, 2015
Vision Resource Center of Berks County
Eye Check!
May 6, 2015
VRC offers Adult Vision Screenings to test for myopia
(nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness),
astigmatism, and how well the eyes work together. at
The process, including completion of paperwork prior to the
screening, takes only a few minutes. The screenings are free of
charge, but the result printout is priceless. The screenings are for
adults 18 and over. Adult Vision Screenings are held at
VRC, 2020 Hampden Blvd., Reading. This event was a fundraiser held at our agency to aid 2 Kutztown
University Student Ambassadors of the Council for Exceptional
Children, Division of Visual Impairments raise money to attend the
conference in San Diego this April. This event was also an opportunity
to raise awareness of what it is like to live with a visual impairment. All
attendees were given a blindfold upon entering the room. Students
from Kutztown’s Special Education program on Visual Impairment
served as the attendee’s eyes, providing participants with verbal
instructions for locating their food and drink items. Feedback from
this event has been extremely positive. Members from VRC’s Board,
family members, and
the general public
attended. Things we
do on a daily basis and
take for granted were
taken away for a short
amount of time and
it definitely made an
impact! Please look for
this event to become
an annual event!
Vision Resource Center of Berks County
beginning January 1, 2015
for sponsorship and booth opportunities
D NEdark
in THE
Our first
Dine in the Dark
collaboration with
Kutztown University
was held on
Friday, October 24th.
Appointments are needed so please call Ann at
610-375-8407 ext. 114 to schedule yours today.
Please check our website
The next Adult Vision Screening is
Monday, January 19th
from 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Music from the 40’s through the 80’s
Roy McCutcheon
(484) 274-8416
Monday, January 5, 2015 | 5
Holiday Parties
Held at VRC
On December 17th and 18th, VRC was busy celebrating the holidays!
On December 17th our clients celebrated at VRC
with a meal catered by Cloud Nine. Special entertainment by Jeff
Krick who performed Christmas, gospel, and Elvis’ biggest hits! The
event was capped off with a raffle. Thank you to all the staff, Linda
Ferguson, Jeff Krick, and all of our volunteers who made this event
possible and a huge success with 75 attendees!
December 18th was our workshop holiday party held at VRC.
This event featured amazing food, desserts, music, and dancing!
All employees received a special gift from Santa Joe! Thank you
to Jerry and Pam Pozniak for the wonderful food and for their
“Helpers”! Also, thank you to the staff, Diane Johnson, Sue
Goad, Veronica Sedgwick, and Elaine and Eric for making this a
wonderful holiday event!
Harvest Fest a Huge Success!
Our 3rd Annual Harvest Fest and 2nd Annual Run/Walk for Sight were held on Saturday,
October 18th on our grounds at 2020 Hampden Blvd. Close to 100 runners/walkers
participated in the 5K or the 1 mile kid’s fun run. Other activities included a live remote
by WEEU, live music by Roy McCutcheon, face painting, parking lot decorating, pumpkin
decorating, and kid’s games. We also had the Berks Puppy Club, Keystone Bloodmobile,
and KidSight performing children’s vision screenings. A huge thank you to our committee
members, Chad Johnson, Caitlin Degler, Kelly Kline, Jeremy Rapp, Tim Melcher, and
Michele Zurawski for their work to make this event another huge success! Thank you to the
Penn State Berks Psychology Club for their assistance with the games and activities! Thank
you to all of the participants-without you this event would not be a success!
Thank you to our Harvest Fest Sponsors
• Amity Self Storage
• Appeeling Fruit
• Burkey Construction Co. Inc.
• Caitlin Degler
• Chad Johnson
• Creativity, Inc.
• Customers Bank
• Dall Industrial Painting
• Eastern Realty Advisors
• Eisenhauer Nissan
• Fenstermacher Construction
Services, Inc.
6 | Monday, January 5, 2015
• First American Title
• Gage Personnel
• GMI First, Inc.
• Golden Oaks Landscaping
• Herbein and Company, Inc.
• HSA Mechanical Services, Inc.
• Knies Insurance Group
• Knight’s Rental
• The Law Firm Of Leisawitz
• Law Offices of Kline and Nadirov
• Lords and Ladies Salons
• Mark Yoder
• Mohnton Knitting Mills
• Murray Securus
• Olivets Boys & Girls Club
• PA Renaissance Faire
• Pretzel City Sports
• Road ID
• Savage Auto Group
• Terre’s Trophies
• Unique Pretzel
• Weikel Sportswear
Vision Resource Center of Berks County
Yes! I want to be a
for Vision Resource Center of Berks County
Please complete and return this form to:
Vision Resource Center of Berks County
2020 Hampden Blvd., Reading, PA 19604
I am available:
Monday.......... AM....... PM
Tuesday.......... AM....... PM
Wednesday.... AM....... PM
Thursday........ AM....... PM
Friday............. AM....... PM
Saturday......... AM....... PM
Services Provided by Vision Resource Center of Berks County
Vision Screenings The Prevention of Blindness program
targets the children of Berks County. This is a free
screening service that is provided to children between 3-5
years of age. This service is provided at day care centers,
preschools, nursery schools, Head Start Centers, and
kindergarten registrations. These screenings are designed
to detect eye issues at an early age because the earlier
the detection, the earlier treatment can begin. Adult
vision screenings are provided at various health fairs and
community events throughout the year. These screenings
are designed to assess an adult’s vision changes.
Sight Loss Support Group This group meets monthly
to provide support and problem solving for clients. This
meeting is open to individuals who are blind or are visually
impaired and their family members, friends, and caregivers.
This meeting is designed to discuss the latest technology
and medical breakthroughs that may be of interest to the
Caregivers Sight Loss Support Group This group meets
bi-monthly to help other caregivers be a support for their
visually impaired family member. Caregivers need the
support of others that have experienced the difficulties with
complete or partial vision loss and the changes that occur in
everyone’s life.
Counseling Is available for individuals who are struggling
with the adjustment of a visual impairment or blindness.
Counselor and client will work together to reach goals that
are obtainable. The meetings will be adapted for each
client’s needs and desires.
Lunch Bunch This group meets monthly at various
restaurants throughout Berks County as a means of
socialization. This group is open to those with visual
impairments or who are blind and their family members,
friends, and caregivers.
Assistive Devices A variety of assistive devices are available
for individuals to purchase or lease. These items are
available to assist an individual with vision issues to lead a
more productive and independent life.
Vision Resource Center of Berks County
Spanish Speaking Sight Loss Support Group This group
meets monthly to provide support for those within Berks
County who are blind or have vision loss that feel more
comfortable within the Spanish speaking community. This
group meets to discuss problems and possible solutions for
difficulties they are having dealing with everyday life with
their visual impairment.
Education Programs Several education programs are
available for different age groups of children. These
programs are designed to discuss eye health and eye safety
rules. Adult education programs can also be performed
concerning specific eye issues or ideas for continued
independence within the home with a visual impairment.
Information and Referral Services Following an
individualized home visit, information and releases are
obtained to discuss the best way to assist the client. If
further assistance is necessary, referrals are made to the
appropriate agencies to best address the client’s individual
needs for success with their visual impairment.
Workshop Services Employing over 50 visually impaired,
blind, or challenged individuals, the workshop promotes
developing skill sets unique to each person’s abilities and
interests. Pride in work done produces a quality product
for the customer. Each employee is paid for their specific
amount of work performed. All work is done specific to the
customer’s specifications.
Visually Impaired Support Groups at Local Assisted
Living Facilities These groups are to assist residents within
Assisted Living Facilities to maintain as much independence
as possible while living with their visual impairment. This
group is to be a support to help other residents with daily
issues they may face due to their visual impairment.
For more information or to schedule an
appointment, call 610-375-8407 or
visit our website at
Monday, January 5, 2015 | 7
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2020 Hampden Boulevard
Reading, PA 19604
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Reading, PA
Proudly Serving Berks County Since 1929
Focusing on the prevention of blindness and
making it possible for visually impaired
Berks County residents to lead independent
and productive lives within their community.
WINTER | 2015
For People Affected By Blindness and Low Vision
This Issue
President's Message............. page 2
Spanish-speaking Services.... page 3
A Special Thanks................. page 3
Tech Authority..................... page 4
Adult Vision Screenings........ page 5
Dine in the Dark Fundraiser
Makes Impact...................... page 5
VRC Parties......................... page 6
Harvest Fest Success........... page 6
Services Provided by
VRC.................................... page 7
8 | Monday, January 5, 2015
Vision Screening at
Migrant Education Health Fair
On Thursday, November 20th Ann Heiser,
caseworker at VRC, and
Marilyn Wagner, Shillington Lions,
joined other area agencies for the Migrant
Education Health Fair in Reading.
Ann and Marilyn performed vision screenings
for both children and adults during the fair.
Both ladies performed the screenings with
the SPOT Vision Screener which allows the
screener to take a picture and then print out the
results so a person knows if they have a vision
issue that requires a follow-up with an eye care
We would again like to thank KidSight and
the District 14P Lions Clubs for their assistance
with this screening and also for the use of the
cameras for this event and throughout the year!
Ann Heiser, VRC, and Marilyn Wagner, Shillington Lions,
ready to perform vision screenings for children and adults.
Vision Resource Center of Berks County

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