SoftGate® Advanced Sequential Molding Performance Valve Pin Velocity Control INCOE® Corporation Global Headquarters 1740 E. Maple Road Troy, Michigan 48083 USA T: +1 (248) 616-0220 E: Technical Support: T: +1 (248) 556-7790 E: Customer Service and Sales T: +1 (248) 556-7770 E: ▪ Controlled Plastic Flow ▪ Improves Part Quality ▪ Saves On Material Loss ▪ Improves Production Efficiency GSC2 - Gate Sequence Controller SoftGate® Valve Pin Velocity GSC2 Features Control ADVANCED SEQUENTIAL MOLDING PERFORMANCE The INCOE SoftGate® system is an enhanced feature that precisely controls the opening phase of the hydraulic valve pin. This allows for the “gradual and controlled” flow of plastic into the cavity reducing or eliminating the negative effects of blemishes, and weld lines that can occur with uncontrolled plastic flow. DESIGN a) Control module in the hydraulic circuit b) Valve pin and tip insert c) Valve pin position d) Timer for recording pin open time FUNCTIONS I Precise control of valve pin opening time I Each valve independently adjustable FEATURES I Valve pin velocity control for hydraulic gate systems I Adaptable to DF Gold 12, 18, 22 and 25 series BENEFITS I Controlled plastic flow at each gate I Reduced pressure peaks during valve gate opening I Prevent hesitation marks during sequential injection molding I High-quality molding surfaces I Easily retrofitted to your existing INCOE hydraulic valve gate system I Simple operation ‘Schematic and/or altered depiction, errors and omission excepted. INCOE® Corp. Global Headquarters 1740 E. Maple Road ©2016 INCOE® 05/16 Troy, MI 48083 USA T: 248-616-0220 E: