Time: 7:30 am - Papers, Please!
Time: 7:30 am - Papers, Please!
Case3:06-cv-00545-WHA Document651 Filed12/06/13 Page1 of 4 I 2 JAMES McMANIS (40958) cHRrsTrNE PEEK (234573) ELTZABETH PIPKTN (2436r r) J MoMANIS FAULKNER A Professional Corporation 4 50 West San Fernando Street, 1Oth Floor San Jose, California 95113 5 Facsimile: Telephone: (408)279-8700 Email: 6 7 (408)279-3244 cpeek@mcmanislaw.com epipkin@mcmanislaw.com Attorneys for Plaintiff, Rahinah Ibrahim 8 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT l0 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 11 SAN FRANCISCO DTVISION 12 13 RAHINAH IBRAHIM, an individual, T4 Plaintiff 15 T6 17 vs. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY,etal., Defendants, 18 Case No.: DECLARATION OF RAIIIAII BINTI MUSTAFA KAMAL IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO DECLARATION OF MAUREEN DUGAI\ Trial: Time: Ctrm.: Judge: l9 C 06-0545 WHA December 6,2013 7:30 a.m. 8, 19th Floor The Honorable William H. Alsup Complaint Filed: January 21,2006 20 2t 22 I, Raihan binti Mustafa Kamal, declare: 23 1. I am a daughter of Rahinah Ibrahim, plaintiff ("plaintiff'), in this action. I submit 24 this declaration in support of plaintiff s Response to Declaration of Maureen Dugan. This 25 declaration is based upon my own personal knowledge and if called upon to testiff to the matters 26 asserted herein, 27 2. I could competehtly testify thereto. I was born on February 25,1987 in Seattle, Washington. 28 DECLARATIONOF RAIHANBINTI MUSTAFAKAMAL IN SUPPORT OF PLATNTIFF'S RESPONSE TO DECLARATION OF MAUREEN DUGAN; Case No.: C 06-0545 WHA Case3:06-cv-00545-WHA Document651 Filed12/06/13 Page2 of 4 3. I I currently reside in Malaysia. I returned to the United States during my mother's 2 period of study at Stanford University on the following approximate dates: November 2000 to J December 2000, November 2001 to December 2001, and November 2002 to Decemb er 2002. 4. 4 I planned to return to the United States to participate in the trial in the present 5 action. Due to budgetary constraints and the expense of trial, McManis Faulkner, the law firm 6 representing my mother, was unable to pay for my travel to San Francisco for the trial as 7 originally planned to do. McManis Faulkner cancelled the booking it had made, and I purchased 8 a 9 it ticket to travel with my own funds. 5. On November 30, 2013,I booked a ticket through a travel agent to travel on 10 December 1,20,13 at 5:35 p.m. from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to San Francisco International l1 Airport with a connecting flight through Manila, Philippines. The travel agent booked the flight t2 through Expedia, an online travel site. A true and correct copy of the email confirmation from t3 Expedia for my flight on December 1,2013, is attached hereto as Exhibit A. t4 6. On November 30, 2013, after booking my travel to the U.S. on Expedia, I 15 received a telephone call from someone who identified himself as Mr. Johan, an Expedia Officer 16 in Malaysia. Mr. Johan stated I should cancel my flight for December 1,2013. I informed him T7 that I did not wish to cancel that flight. He then informed me that it would not be possible for me l8 to remain booked 19 20 on that flight because it was full. He advised I cancel the flight in order to receive a full refund. I again refused to agree to the cancellation. 7. On December 1,2013,I received a call from a different Expedia Officer in l. 2I Malaysia 22 cancel that flight, but I refused. Mr. Kong gave me two options: 23 (over $2,000) to travel business class on December I,2013, or (2) pay anextra RM 2,000 (over 24 $600) to travel economy class on a different date. I did not agree to either option. 25 26 - Mr. Paul Kong - 8. regarding my original booking for December (l) He asked me to pay an extra RM 7,000 I discussed the situation with my travel agent and he changed my booking to travel on Decemb er 2,2013 at I :35 p.m. without having to incur additional costs. 27 28 DECLARATION OF RAIHAN BINTI MUSTAFA KAMAL TN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO DECLARATION OF MAUREEN DUGAN; Case No.: C 06-0545 WIIA Case3:06-cv-00545-WHA Document651 Filed12/06/13 Page3 of 4 9- I Eventually, I received the email confirriring my e-ticket for the December 2,2013 2 flight at 1:35 p.m. A copy of this email confirming my rebooking is attached hereto J B. 10. 4 as Exhibit I arrived at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport on Decemb er 2,2013 at 5 approximately 10:50 a.m. My sister, Rafeah Mustafa Kamal, and my brother, Muhammad Al- 6 Ameen Mustafa Kamal, were with me. 7 I l. When I attempted to check in for my flight at the Malaysia Airlines counter, the 8 staff member spent fifteen (15) minutes attempting to check me 9 so long and he answered that they were unable to check me l0 in. I inquired what was taking in. He called another officer and asked me to step aside in the meantime. 12. 11 The officer-in-charge, Mr. Zainuddin, came and introduced himself as the t2 Malaysian Airline System ("MAS") Officer and supervisor. He informed me that MAS l3 had received an order from the Philippines Airlines to not allow me to board the flight to Manila, as t4 well as the connecting flight to San Francisco. This incident was reminiscent of the incident that 15 happened to my mother during her attempts to check in for travel from Kuala Lumpur to the t6 United States in March 2005. I was present during the March 2005 incident and witnessed what t7 happened to my mother. 13. 18 I explained to Mr. Zainuddinthat I have a U.S. passport. I informed him that l9 because 20 him why I was being denied boarding. Mr. Zainuddin informed me that a philippines Airline 2t representative, Miss Bee, had ordered MAS to deny me boarding. I asked Mr. Zai1,.tddin who 22 had made this order. He said he did not know, but had simply been instructed how to answer 23 asked this question. 24 14. 25 26 I am afi American citizen,I do not require a visa to travel to the United States. I asked if I insisted on seeing documentation from the Philippines Airlines, but was informed I would have to contact Philippines Airlines directly for that. 15. Eventually, Mr. Zainuddin offered me a telephone number to contact. However, 27 another airline official, who I presumed to be a Philippines Airlines officer based on his attire 28 consistent with that of Philippines Airline employees, suggested they call the number for me DECLARATION OF RAIHAN BINTI MUSTAFA KAMAL TN SUPPoRT oF PLAINTIFFIS RESFoNSE To DECLARATION OF MAUREEN DUGAN; Case No.: C 06-0545 WHA Case3:06-cv-00545-WHA Document651 Filed12/06/13 Page4 of 4 1 rather than giving me the number to call by myself. Before they called the number, I contacted 2 my mother to inform her of the status of things. While I spoke to my mother about what was J happening to me, my sister obtained the phone number from 4 (305) 874-5 444. Another Philippines Airline employee, Miss Bee, informed me that the 5 instruction to verify my name came from "Miami Security Homeland." 6 16. Mr. Zaiwddin. That number is Miss Bee showed me an email with the subject, "Possible No Board Request." 7 Mr. Zainuddin later gave me a copy of this email. Attached hereto as Exhibit C is a true and 8 correct copy of the email given to me by Mr. Zainuddin. 9 17. I was informed by Miss Bee that there was no problem for me to go to Manila, but 10 that I would be denied entry to the U.S. from there. She further directed me back to MAS as l1 they were believed to be responsible for verifuing this matter with the U.S. 12 13 18. The MAS officer questioned whether the trouble could be with my U.S. visa. However, I have an American passport and do not require a visa to travel to the United States. l4 Another airport official warned me that after this incident, if I wanted to travel to the United 15 States, I would need to have a clearance leffer from the U.S. to verify that t6 "POSSIBLE NO BOARD" list. 17 19. I am no longer on the The MAS officers told me they would take note of this matter. I left the airport 18 because it appeared there was nothing further 19 December 3,2013 or any other date, nor did I fail to show for any rebooking. 20 2t 22 23 24 25 20. I could do. I did not rebook my ticket to The cost of my ticket to the United States was Ringgit Malaysia 5,751 ($1782.42). I cannot afford to buy another ticket to travel to the United 21. I States at this time. am very upset that the Department of Homeland Security would subject me to the same unfair treatment my mother experienced in 2005. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this 6th day of December^2013. 26 27 28 USTAFA KAMAL DECLARATION OF RAIHAN BINTI MUSTAFA KAMAL IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO DECLARATION OF MAUREEN DUGAN; Case No.: C 06-0545 WHA