Algaecide/Bactericide Potable Water Technical Manual AquaDrop


Algaecide/Bactericide Potable Water Technical Manual AquaDrop
Potable Water Technical Manual
Distributed By:
AquaDrop Holdings Inc.
3985 Research Park Drive
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 USA
Phone: (734) 786‐3218
EPA Reg. No. 61943‐1‐85829
EPA Est. No. 61943‐IN‐1
Compliant to:
NSF/ANSI Standard 60
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
Table of Contents
Forward............................................................................................................................... 2
AquaDrop™ the Chemical .............................................................................................. 3
About Copper ..................................................................................................................... 5 ‐ Quick Facts ............................................................................................ 8
About the Chemical .......................................................................................................... 10
Types of Water Treatment ............................................................................................... 13
Point of Use Drinking Water Treatment...................................................................... 13
Product description .................................................................................................. 13
Directions .................................................................................................................. 13
Application................................................................................................................ 13
Certifications ............................................................................................................ 13
Water Storage Tank Drinking Water Treatment ......................................................... 14
Product description .................................................................................................. 14
Directions .................................................................................................................. 14
Application................................................................................................................ 14
Certifications ............................................................................................................ 14
Cistern / Well Odor Control Treatment ....................................................................... 15
Product description .................................................................................................. 15
Directions .................................................................................................................. 15
Application................................................................................................................ 15
Certifications ............................................................................................................ 15
Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................ 16
AquaDrop Master Label ................................................................................................... 18
Page 1................................................................................................................................ 18
Page 2................................................................................................................................ 19
Material Data Safety Sheet .............................................................................................. 20
Section 1 ‐ PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ........................................................................ 20
Section 2 ‐ HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS........................................................................ 20
Section 3 ‐ HEALTH HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION .......................................................... 20
Section 4 – FIRST AID MEASURES ................................................................................ 20
Section 5 – FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS ............................................................... 21
Section 6 – ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES ............................................................ 21
Section 7 – HANDLING AND STORAGE ........................................................................ 21
Section 8 – PERSONAL PROTECTION ........................................................................... 21
Section 9 – PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ........................................................ 22
Section 10 – REACTIVITY INFORMATION..................................................................... 22
Section 11 – TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ............................................................. 22
Section 12 – DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS .................................................................. 22
Section 13 – TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION ......................................................... 23
First Aid ............................................................................................................................. 24
Treatment ..................................................................................................................... 24
Storage and Disposal .................................................................................................... 24
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
Safe drinking water is a basic human need. Yet today, nearly 1 billion people worldwide rely on
known unsafe water sources and about 3 billion people are at risk of contracting waterborne
disease due to poor hygiene and sanitation conditions. That means about one third of the
world’s population must treat their water to avoid severe illness and waterborne diseases.
Based on analysis from the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly $500 billion in savings
could be accrued if drinking water and sanitation services were improved globally bringing with
it a reduction of millions of unnecessary deaths every year.
AquaDrop is a unique liquid copper solution certified for commercial use in 1991 that is highly
effective by rapidly killing most harmful bacteria, organic contaminates, and pathogens
commonly found in unsafe water around the world.
AquaDrop is a perfect economical solution for treating drinking water from any source (e.g.,
bodies of water, reservoirs, water tanks, wells and cisterns, portable containers, etc.).
Simply add a single drop of AquaDrop per gallon (or 3.78 liters) of water to eliminate most
harmful bacteria, organic contaminates, and pathogens commonly found in unsafe water.
That’s all it takes to get safe bacteria free water.
Since 1991, the AquaDrop compound has been certified by the National Sanitation Foundation
(NSF) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) making it an economical
choice of commercial and municipal water treatment systems within the United States for
producing low cost safe drinking water for millions of people every day.
Founded in 2008 by Sherm Harrington and Chris Martinez, AquaDrop Inc., is an all‐volunteer
organization located on Research Park Drive in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, whose mission it is to
bring a low cost, highly effective, commercial potable water treatment to the humanitarian
market allowing anyone, anywhere, anytime to economically treat their drinking water without
need for any electrical power, equipment or dangerous chemicals.
For more information please visit our website
AquaDrop Inc.
3985 Research Park Drive
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 USA
(734) 786‐3218
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
About AquaDrop
AquaDrop™ the Chemical
AquaDrop is a natural liquid copper compound specifically formulated to control and rapidly
eliminate nearly all types of harmful algae and bacteria commonly found in sources water
which may be unsafe for consumption. This is accomplished by using a highly charged copper
ion (Cu++) which is extremely lethal to nearly all types of harmful algae and bacteria commonly
found in sources of water, yet perfectly safe for animals, plants, and humans when used as
directed. Because of AquaDrop’s unique properties, no mixing or stirring is required.
AquaDrop’s primary ingredient, Copper (Cu++) does all the work without need for any
equipment or dangerous chemicals or user intervention.
Treating drinking water has never been so easy and inexpensive to accomplish.
Simply add a single drop of AquaDrop per gallon (or 3.78 liters) of water to eliminate most
harmful bacteria, organic contaminates, and pathogens commonly found in unsafe water.
That’s all it takes to get safe water. And depending on the type and amount of contaminates
known to be present, treatment times can vary from as little as 30 minutes to 24 hours before
What is the Disinfection Mechanism of AquaDrop?
Electrically charged copper ions (Cu++) in water continually search for particles of opposite
polarity, such as harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. Positively charged copper ions form
electrostatic compounds with negatively charged cell walls of microorganisms. These
compounds disturb the cell wall permeability and cause nutrient uptake of the harmful
bacteria, viruses and fungi to fail. Copper ions penetrate the cell wall and as a result penetrate
the core of the microorganism, causing all life support systems in the cell to be immobilized. As
a result, there is no more cellular growth or cell division, causing bacteria to no longer multiply
and eventually die out. The highly charged copper ions remain active until they are completely
absorbed by a microorganism.
AquaDrop will control up to 98% of the micro‐organisms encountered in water and will do so
more cost effectively than any other chemical. AquaDrop is a liquid that comes packaged and
ready for use. It can simply be added to a body of water by pouring in the needed amount or
sprayed onto the surface. When applied at the proper time and according to the directions in
the proper amounts, AquaDrop is non‐injurious to useful plant and animal life and is often
missing in everyday diets. Deficiencies of copper are generally added as a nutrient to most
diets. Potable drinking water treated with Aquadrop, for example, is an excellent source of
necessary copper and if applied according to directions will bring the consumer closer to the
amount of copper needed as a minimum daily requirement for humans, animals or plant life.
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
Aquadrop is non‐corrosive to copper, PVC and polypropylene, plastic, clay, or asbestos
plumbing or sewage lines.
However, it is corrosive and will destroy clothing, cotton fabrics, etc., if spilled in concentrated
form on such. Throughout this handbook we will explain the uses of Aquadrop as a bactericide
or algaecide, how it will control the unwanted bacteria and at the same time supply needed
nutrients to human, animal and plant life instead of being a toxic poison like most bactericides
and algaecides. Aquadrop’S role in the environment is to accomplish a higher percentage of
bacteria and algae control at an equal or lower economical cost, and is beneficial with reducing
environmental concerns.
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
About Copper
Benefits of Copper
Copper (Cu) is a natural trace element that is essential to all life. It is an important part of a
healthy, natural environment, and is necessary to the well‐being of every living thing. Because
copper is largely unaffected by potable water, it is widely used for tubes distributing domestic
and industrial water. As a micronutrient essential for all forms of plant and animal life, copper
serves a critical function in agriculture to ensure soil fertility and productive yield of vital
For thousands of years Copper has been the preferred way to sanitize water because of its
superior purification properties. Early humans thought that the taste and look of the water
determined its purity and they did not consider that even the best tasting, clearest water could
contain disease‐causing organisms. They learned the hard way that just because water tastes
good, it is not necessarily safe to drink.
Some 4000 years ago, in India and parts of China, the Hindu’s devised the first recorded
drinking water standards. It directed its people to heat foul water by boiling and exposing to
sunlight and by dipping seven times into a piece of hot copper, then to filter and cool in an
earthen vessel. This enlightened treatment not only produced aesthetically acceptable water,
but a disinfected potable source.
Around 1500 BC, the Egyptians further refined these principles of copper purification for water.
Shown below is a picture of these purification techniques that was found prominently displayed
on the tomb walls of Amenophis II and Ramses II.
More recently, NASA used copper ionization for drinking water production aboard Apollo space
ships in 1960. The ionization process enabled astronauts to produce clean drinking water
without needing chlorine. Today it is tradition for tribes in India to routinely toss copper coins
into rivers to help with water pollution. Among its many applications, copper ionization is used
in hospitals and nursing homes for the deactivation of Legionella bacteria.
Copper is also commonly used as an alternative to chlorine disinfectant for swimming pools and
by drinking water production companies. This is because copper ions remain in the water for a
long period of time, all the while working away to disinfect the water.
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
AquaDrop has successfully harnessed the great disinfection properties using only a minute
amount of the most active and potent form of Copper (Cu++) to make a simple to use, easy to
apply, low cost, highly effective potable water treatment.
What do we know about the benefits of copper to human health?
Materials from: ‐ Quick Facts
Copper is essential for life, which means that the human body must have copper to stay
healthy. In fact, for a variety of biochemical processes in the body to operate normally, copper
must be a part of our diet. Copper is needed for certain critical enzymes to function in the body.
These enzymes are involved with energy metabolism ‐ the way that the body gives you the
energy to function. Too little copper in the body can actually lead to disease. In addition,
copper is involved in the functioning of the nervous system, in maintaining the balance of other
useful metals in the body such as zinc and molybdenum, and possibly other body functions.
Scientists around the globe are continually learning more about the body's need for copper and
its benefits in the normal diet. What are the main sources of copper intake in daily living? The
main source of copper in infants, children, and adults, regardless of age, is the diet. Copper is a
natural ingredient in many foods. Copper is typically present in mineral rich foods like
vegetables (potato), legumes (beans and peas), nuts (peanuts and pecans), and grains.
When was the disinfection mechanism of copper discovered?
Archeological excavations show, that people have been using Copper for more than 11,000
years. Copper can be easily extracted and processed. More than 7,000 years ago people
developed a copper extraction mechanism for copper ores. The Roman Empire gained most of
its copper from Cyprus, the isle that gave copper its name.
Nowadays Copper is mainly extracted from ores, such as Cuprite (CuO2), Tenorite (CuO),
Malachite (CuO3·Cu(OH)2), Chalcocite (Cu2S), Covelite (CuS) and Bornite (Cu6FeS4). Large
deposits of Copper ores have been found throughout the US, Chili, Zambia, Zaire, Peru and
Copper has been applied for centuries because of its biocidal mechanism. The Vikings used
copper strings on their ships to prevent the growth of algae and shells. Modern ships still use
the same technology.
Most anti‐fouling paints contain copper, reducing the number of marine species growing on the
walls of ships. Because of this measure, ships can reach their destination faster.
Copper ionization was developed in both Europe and the United States in the 1950’s.
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Potable Water Technical Manual
The benefits of using the natural Copper Ion (Cu++) include it being:
• Highly effective bactericide, fungicide, and algaecide
• Environmentally friendly
• Non‐toxic to humans, plants, and animals (except sheep)
• Rapidly self‐dispersing
• Ready for immediate use ‐ no stirring or mixing
• Uniformly suspended ‐ no settling of the chemical a the bottom of the surface
• Effective in eliminating offensive odors
• Tasteless
• Cost effective ‐ takes one drop per gallon of water at a very low dose rate
Comparison between AquaDrop™ and other safe water solutions
Below is a chart that compares AquaDrop™ to other safe water solutions:
This chart demonstrates that boiling water is expensive due to the cost and availability of a
burning fuel source. Often such a source is not available. Further, boiled water is only safe for
a limited period of time as bacteria will again grow once the water is left unattended for some
time period. Finally, hot boiling water is a physical danger to children or adults that may come
in physical contact with it when it is hot.
A biosand filter is very effective in making water “clean” from particulates, but may fail over
time without proper maintenance and back flushing in keeping bacteria from entering the
water. Due to the bulk and excessive weight, such filtering mechanisms are not portable and
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Potable Water Technical Manual
water must be brought to the filter. These drawbacks make it impossible to use a filter in some
Ultra violet (UV) light is another source that is gaining attention. However, UV light needs an
electrical power source which is not always available, and UV treatment is completely
ineffective if the water is turbid and filled with particulates that prevent the light from easily
moving through the water. Due to the fact that the water one must drink is not always clean,
UV cannot make it safe. Also, the inaccessibility to an energy source and the relatively high cost
of treatment makes this source of treatment less desirable.
Chlorine treatment is the most common procedure in use today. However, if one asks those
who must do the treatment process, chlorine is highly toxic and carcinogenic. The danger in
storage and the health issues surrounding the use of chlorine, combined with the requirement
for continued treatment of the water are needed as the gaseous chlorine escapes into the air
that makes this comparable cost treatment too dangerous and repetitive to be a first choice.
AquaDrop is the final comparison. Our product is exceptionally cost effective as a single ounce
of the product treats approximately 500‐600 gallons of water (2,250‐2,500 liters) at a cost of
just pennies per use. AquaDrop is easily carried in one’s pocket and can be added to the water
anywhere without any equipment and requires no power or electricity for mixing. It is safe to
the environment, non toxic to life, helps meet minimum daily requirements for copper
consumption, and approved by the EPA and certified by the NSF as a safe additive to drinking
water. It combines all the advantages of chlorine without the toxicity at the cheapest long term
cost and it remains in the drinking water until completely used up by its bacteria fighting
characteristics. ‐ Quick Facts
Are there any health hazards from exposure to copper from these sources?
Like all substances, excessive copper can make people ill when ingested. Copper toxicity in
humans takes the form of stomach upset, nausea, and diarrhea, and stops when the high
copper source is removed. These effects are noted at copper levels far in excess of the World
Health Organization limits for copper in drinking water. In extremely rare cases, particularly
among those people with rare genetic conditions, copper can be more toxic, adversely affecting
various bodily functions and organs. Through research, we continue to learn what happens to
copper in the body. The strong scientific opinion is that small amounts of copper in drinking
water are not a human health hazard. An expert panel of the World Health Organization has
concluded that copper deficiency is much more of a global problem than copper toxicity.
Are there any special populations who are at risk?
People with poor diets, often including the elderly not able to care for themselves and people in
places where it is hard to get good nutrition, may not take in enough copper to meet the body's
needs. In addition, a small number of people in rare cases have genetic sensitivities that make it
difficult for them to either absorb copper when the body needs it (Menke's Disease) or get rid
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
of it when the body does not need it (Wilson's disease). We now can define the genetic bases of
these diseases. And, contrary to common myth, the fetus, infants, and children are not
particularly susceptible to copper toxicity.
In fact, the fetus, late in development, actually stores copper in preparation for nutritional
needs after birth. Recent research has revealed that the very young have special biochemical
mechanisms for adequately managing copper in the body while their permanent life‐long
mechanisms develop and mature.
Do I need to limit my exposure to copper?
(Materials from:
In short, no, unless you know you have Wilson's disease. Quite the contrary, you should be sure
that your diet includes sufficient copper, as an essential element, to meet your body's needs.
Many people actually take copper‐containing tablets as a nutritional supplement.
Inherited copper deficiency (Menkes syndrome)
Inherited copper deficiency occurs in male infants who inherit a mutant X‐linked gene.
Incidence is about 1 in 50,000 live births. Copper is deficient in the liver, serum, and essential
copper proteins, including cytochrome‐c oxidase, ceruloplasmin, and lysyl oxidase.
Acquired copper toxicity
Acquired copper toxicity can result from ingesting or absorbing excess copper (e.g., from
ingesting an acidic food or beverage that has had prolonged contact with a copper container).
Self‐limited gastroenteritis with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur.
More severe toxicity results from ingestion (usually with suicidal intent) of gram quantities of a
copper salt (eg, copper sulfate) or from absorption of large amounts through the skin (eg, if
compresses saturated with a solution of a copper salt are applied to large areas of burned skin).
Hemolytic anemia and anuria can result and may be fatal.
Indian childhood cirrhosis, non‐Indian childhood cirrhosis, and idiopathic copper toxicity are
probably identical disorders in which excess copper causes cirrhosis. All appear to be caused by
ingesting milk that has been boiled or stored in corroded copper or brass vessels. Recent
studies suggest that idiopathic copper toxicity may develop only in infants with an unknown
genetic defect.
Inherited copper toxicity (Wilson ’s disease)
Inherited copper toxicity results in accumulation of copper in the liver and other organs.
Hepatic or neurologic symptoms develop. Diagnosis is based on a low serum ceruloplasmin
level, high urinary excretion of copper and sometimes liver biopsy results. Treatment consists of
a low‐copper diet and chelation, usually with penicillamine or dimercaprol.
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
About the Chemical
How the chemical works
Technically this product is classified as a bactericide, fungicide and algaecide. AquaDrop
molecules when placed in water automatically disburse due to their positive (+) chemical
valence. Most harmful bacteria, algae, and fungi are negatively charged by their nature. The
bacteria and AquaDrop molecules are highly attracted to one another. The highly charged
copper is absorbed into the bacteria, algae and/or fungi and is destroyed. The AquaDrop
molecule remains active until its chemical charge is fully used.
This chemical compound has several advantages. It self disburses and remains suspended in
water indefinitely. In its container the lifespan of the chemical is indefinite.
Below is a chart describing the level required to treat the different bacteria, algae and fungi:
Odor Diatomaceae
Parts Per
Pints Per
Mil. Gals.
Aromatic, geranium, fishy
Faintly aromatic
0.24 – 0.04
1.0 – 1.24
.72 ‐ .1
.024 – 0.1
.1 ‐ .4
.024 ‐ .05
.01 ‐ .04
2.5 – 3.5
1.0 – 3.5
3.5 – 13.8
1.0 – 1.72
.33 – 1.3
Aromatic, geranium, fishy
Fishy, like clam shells
Cucumber, muskmelon, fishy,
bitter taste
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
Odor Diatomaceae
Parts Per
Grassy, nasturtium, fishy
Faintly fishy
Very Offensive
.010 ‐ .066
.4 – 2
13.8 – 69.2
.4 – 20
13.8 – 69.2
Odor Diatomaceae
Parts Per
Cloeocapsa (Red)
Moldy, grassy, vile
Moldy, grassy, vile
Sweet, grassy, vile
Sweet, grassy
.024 ‐ .096
.024 ‐ .1
.024 ‐ .05
.04 ‐ .066
.04 ‐ .066
.04 ‐ .1
Odor Diatomaceae
Odor Diatomaceae
Parts Per
Pints Per
Mil. Gals.
1 – 3.33
1 – 3.5
1 – 1.72
1.24 – 2.32
1.24 – 3.5
Parts Per
Pints Per
Mil. Gals.
Feb 2011 version
Pints Per
Mil. Gals.
Pints Per
Mil. Gals.
Potable Water Technical Manual
Odor Diatomaceae
Parts Per
Very Offensive, decayed
Very Offensive, decayed,
medicinal with chlorine
.066 ‐ .01
Odor Diatomaceae
Parts Per
Odor Diatomaceae
Irish moss, salt marsh, fishy
.048 ‐ .066
Fishy, Vile (rusty brown color)
Candied violets
.072 ‐ .2
Odor Diatomaceae
Parts Per
Nitella, flexilis
2.32 – 3.5
Pints Per
Mil. Gals.
Parts Per
Pints Per
Mil. Gals.
Pints Per
Mil. Gals.
2 – 2.32
3 – 6.92
Pints Per
Mil. Gals.
.02 ‐ .1
.02 ‐ .036
.67 – 1.25
.06 ‐ .16
.25 – 1
2.2 – 6.5
32 – 133
AquaDrop™ has satisfied the requirements to be certified by the NSF/ANSI Standard 60 for
Drinking water and received the US EPA certification as an effective bactericide and fungicide.
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
Types of Water Treatment
Point of Use Drinking Water Treatment
Product description
AquaDrop Drinking Water Treatment is a unique copper ion (Cu++) solution
formulated to treat unsafe drinking water safely and rapidly by destroying most
harmful bacteria and organic contaminates. AquaDrop harnesses the superior
biocidal properties of copper coupled with its fast and uniform dispersion in water,
while using only minute amounts of copper (1 ppm or less) to get the job done.
AquaDrop will not evaporate or weaken in sunlight. For thousands of years copper
has been the preferred natural way to purify water because of its superior
purification properties.
Simple to use, this portable dropper bottle permits on‐demand treatment for any water volume desired
creating safe drinking water in a minimum 30 minutes. AquaDrop has an extended shelf life and can be
stored indefinitely. Store AquaDrop in original bottle only and keep from freezing.
Ideal for producing safe clean drinking water when and where desired. AquaDrop can be used for travel,
camping, food preparation, first aid, survival kits, emergency preparedness, and all general and
emergency drinking water needs.
Apply 1 drop of AquaDrop to treat 1 gallon (3.78 liters) of suspected unsafe water. Wait a minimum 30
minutes before drinking water to allow treatment to take effect. Using dropper bottle, additional water
volumes can be treated at rate of 1 drop AquaDrop for every 1 gallon (3.78 liters) of water. Each 1 ounce
(30ml) dropper bottle will treat up to 600 gallons (2,400 liters) of water. Keep AquaDrop off of skin and
out of eyes. Store AquaDrop in safe place away from children and keep from freezing.
Ideal and safe for use in most drinking water applications and systems. Helps prevent Travelers’
Diarrhea, Giardia, Salmonella, Cholera, Typhoid, E. Coli and other fecal coli forms, along with many other
common waterborne diseases commonly caused by harmful bacteria and organic contaminates. Refer to
AquaDrop technical manual for more information. Does not contain any harmful or dangerous chemicals
or produce any chemical byproducts in water.
NSF / ANSI Certified
Standard 60 for Drinking Water
US EPA Registration No. 61943‐1‐85829
Typical Application Table:
Unsafe Drinking Water
1 gallon
(3 liters)
2.5 gallons (10 liters)
5 gallons (20 liters)
10 gallons (40 liters)
50 gallons (200 liters)
100 gallons (400 liters)
1 drop
3 drops
6 drops
12 drops
60 drops
120 drops
Application Notes:
No stirring of water is required. Let water sit minimum
30 minutes before consuming. Longer wait time (2 – 10
hours) is more effective against more difficult bacteria
(e coli and other fecal coli forms found in water).
More information is located at:
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
Water Storage Tank Drinking Water Treatment
Product description
AquaDrop Drinking Water Treatment is a unique copper ion (Cu++) solution
formulated to treat unsafe drinking water safely and rapidly by destroying most
harmful bacteria and organic contaminates. AquaDrop harnesses the superior
biocidal properties of copper coupled with its fast and uniform dispersion in
water, while using only minute amounts of copper (1 ppm or less) to get the job
done. AquaDrop will not evaporate or weaken in sunlight. For thousands of years
copper has been the preferred natural way to purify water because of its superior
purification properties.
Simple to use, this tank bottle provides treatment for up to 4,000 liters (1,000 gallons) of containerized
water intended to be used as potable water in 8 to 10 hours time. AquaDrop has an extended shelf life
and can be stored indefinitely. Store AquaDrop in original bottle only and keep from freezing.
Empty contents of AquaDrop Tank Treatment into a containerized supply of 4,000 liters (1,000 gallons)
of suspected unsafe water. No stirring or mixing required. Allow treatment time of 8 to 10 hours before
drinking treated water.
Ideal and safe for use in most drinking water applications and systems. Helps prevent Travelers’
Diarrhea, Giardia, Salmonella, Cholera, Typhoid, E. Coli and other fecal coli forms, along with many other
common waterborne diseases commonly caused by harmful bacteria and organic contaminates. Refer to
AquaDrop technical manual for more information. Does not contain any harmful or dangerous chemicals
or produce any chemical byproducts in water.
NSF / ANSI Certified
Standard 60 for Drinking Water
US EPA Registration No. 61943‐1‐85829
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
Cistern / Well Odor Control Treatment
Product description
AquaDrop’s Cistern Drinking Water Treatment “SMELL WELL” is a unique copper
ion (Cu++) solution formulated to treat unsafe drinking water and reduce the
common odors of cisterns and wells. AquaDrop superior biocidal and its rapid and
uniform dispersion properties in water takes minute amounts of copper (1 ppm or
less) to successfully make water safe. AquaDrop does not evaporate or weaken in
sunlight. For thousands of years copper has been the preferred natural way to
purify water because of its exclusive purification properties.
Simply add Smell Well to a small container of water (about a gallon or so) and then
pour the mixture down into the well or cistern that has offensive odors. The odors
should be eliminated within 8 to 10 hours of treatment. Do this monthly to keep
well head bacteria under control and eliminate unpleasant water odors and taste.
AquaDrop Smell Well has an extended shelf life and can be stored indefinitely. Store AquaDrop in
original bottle only and keep from freezing.
Empty contents of AquaDrop Smell Well to a small container of water (about a gallon or so) and then
pour the mixture down into the well or cistern that has offensive odors. The odors should be eliminated
within 8 to 10 hours of treatment. If odor situation is severe, further treatments maybe required as
necessary to eliminate odor causing bacteria in water delivery system.
Ideal and safe for use in most drinking water applications and systems. Helps prevent Travelers’
Diarrhea, Giardia, Salmonella, Cholera, Typhoid, E. Coli and other fecal coli forms, along with many other
common waterborne diseases commonly caused by harmful bacteria and organic contaminates. Refer to
AquaDrop technical manual for more information. Does not contain any harmful or dangerous chemicals
or produce any chemical byproducts in water. Used worldwide in place of Chlorine.
NSF / ANSI Certified
Standard 60 for Drinking Water
US EPA Registration No. 61943‐1‐85829
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
Frequently Asked Questions
What will AQUADROP do for me?
AquaDrop™ Drinking Water Treatment is a unique cupric ion (C++) solution to treat
unsafe drinking water easily and rapidly. The AquaDrop solution harnesses the
exceptional biocidal properties of copper coupled with fast and uniform dispersion
while using only minute amounts of copper to get the job done.
How long has Copper been used to help make water safe?
For thousands of years copper has been the preferred way to sanitize water because of
its superior purification properties.
Is AQUADROP compatible with other products?
Yes, this is compatible with most other water treatment chemicals.
What is the advantage of AquaDrop over other types of water purification?
Safe, simple, and easy to use, this portable dropper bottle allows for point of use
treatment of any volume water desired.
How quickly will it make my water safe?
After 30 minutes post treatment many bacteria and algae are killed. Some more
difficult types of bacteria may take up to 8 hours. The common bacteria and algae that
are killed by AquaDrop can be found in the chart above.
Yes. AquaDrop has been certified by NSF/ANSI Standard 60 Drinking Water and
approved and registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. AquaDrop is
also much safer to use (non‐toxic) and more environmentally friendly and easier to
handle than chlorine. When used as directed AquaDrop is non‐toxic to humans,
animals, fish and plants.
How long does an AQUADROP Treatment last?
AquaDrop biocidal and self‐dispersal properties allow it to remain uniformly suspended
in water indefinitely and fully capable of destroying target organic contaminates
How long can I store AQUADROP in it concentrate form?
Indefinite, as long as it is stored in an area kept above 32° degrees
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
Is it expensive to use?
AquaDrop’s lower dosage levels (1ppm) achieves the same effectiveness as chlorine
(used at 25ppm to 50ppm levels) resulting in much lower costs. AquaDrop is a lower
cost, highly effective, commercial potable water treatment allowing anyone, anywhere,
anytime to economically treat their drinking water without need for any electrical
power, equipment or dangerous chemicals.
What are other applications that will work using AQUADROP?
Potable water applications includes; lakes, ponds, reservoirs, cisterns, wells, tanks, and
point of use applications where water has to be safe, odor free, and pleasant tasting for
human consumption.
What are the advantages of using AQUADROP?
• Natural Copper Ion (CU++) is nature’s most lethal form of natural disinfectant copper and
used been used by man for thousands of years to treat drinking water.
• Since 1991 certified by the US EPA and NSF/ANSI making it an economical choice of
commercial and municipal water treatment systems within the United States for producing
high quality safe drinking water at affordable cost.
• Non‐toxic and safe to humans, animals, fish and plants when used as directed.
• Environmentally friendly without creating disinfection by‐products associated with chlorine
and other toxic water treatment chemicals
• Rapid Self‐dispersing and remains suspended in water indefinitely until it encounters
target organisms. Will not evaporate or settle to the bottom like other chemicals.
• Lower cost per unit of water treated than other conventional treatment chemicals and
methods because of low dosage required and high effective contaminate kill rates.
• Eliminates unpleasant odors and tastes in water automatically
For further information and requests for samples please go to our website:
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
AquaDrop Master Label
Page 1
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
AquaDrop Master Label
Page 2
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
Material Data Safety Sheet
Material Safety Data Sheet
3985 Research Park Drive
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 USA
Information: 574‐583‐4368
24 Hour Emergency Response: 800‐255‐3924
Material Name: AquaDrop™
Issue Date: 09/89
Revised Date: 03/08
Product Name: AquaDrop™
EPA No. 61943‐1‐
Sulfuric Acid
5% ‐ 9%
Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate
*Copper as Metallic…..5%
1 mg/m3
1 mg/m3
*From Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate…..19.8%
Primary Routes of Entry: Inhalation, Absorption, and Ingestion
Eyes: Corrosive. Exposure may cause severe burns, destruction of eye tissue and possible
permanent injury or blindness.
Skin: Corrosive. Contact may cause reddening, itching, inflammation, burns, blistering and
possibly tissue damage.
Ingestion: Corrosive. May cause painful irritation and burning of the mouth and throat, painful
swallowing, labored breathing, burns or perforation of the gastrointestinal tract leading to
ulceration and secondary infection.
Inhalation: Irritating. Overexposure may cause burns and tissue damage.
Eyes: flush immediately with large amounts of water for at least 20 minutes. Eyelids should be
held away from the eyeball to ensure thorough rinsing. Get immediate medical attention.
Skin: Immediately flush skin with plenty of water, for at least 20 minutes, while removing
contaminated clothing and shoes. Get immediate medical attention.
Ingestion: If victim is conscious and alert, give 1‐3 glasses of water to dilute stomach contents.
Rinse mouth out with water. Do not induce vomiting unless directed by medical personnel. Get
immediate medical attention.
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, institute cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
If breathing is difficult, ensure clear airway and give oxygen. Keep affected person warm and at
rest. Get immediate medical attention.
Flash Point: N/E
General Fire Hazards: Water applied directly could result in spattering of acid solution.
Hazardous Combustion Products: May react with high carbon metals to produce hydrogen gas,
which can form an explosive mixture.
Fire Fighting Equipment/Instructions: Firefighters must wear MSHA/NIOSH approved positive
pressure breathing apparatus (SCBA) with full face mask and full protective equipment.
NFPA Ratings:
HMIS III Ratings:
Fire: 0
Fire: 0
Health: 2
Health: 2
Reactivity: 1
Reactivity: 1
Other: X
Other Protection: X
Containment Procedures: Flush with water into retaining area or container. Caution should be
exercised regarding personal safety and exposure to released product.
Clean‐up Procedures: Neutralize solution with bicarbonate of soda. (Baking Soda)
Evacuation Procedures: Keep unnecessary people away; isolate hazard area and deny entry.
Stay upwind.
Special Instructions: Notify local authorities and the National Response Center, if required.
Procedures for Handling: Avoid contact with strong oxidizers. Do not use with materials or
equipment sensitive to corrosive solutions.
Recommended Storage Methods: Avoid storage in excessive heat, expansion of container may
occur creating spillage. Do not store in galvanized or nylon equipment.
Respiratory Protection: Ventilation and other forms of engineering controls are the preferred
means for controlling exposures. A NIOSH/MSHA approved air purifying respirator with an
appropriate acid gas cartridge or canister may be appropriate under certain circumstances
where airborne concentrations are expected to exceed exposure limits.
Protective Gloves: Use appropriate chemical gloves that are in usable order.
Other Protective Clothing or Equipment: Eye and face protection is necessary, long sleeved
shirts, long pants, socks and shoes..
Work/Hygienic Practices: Use good personal hygiene. Body shower for prolonged skin contact.
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
Appearance: Clear blue liquid
Odor: Minimal odor
Physical State: Liquid
Vapor Density (Air = 1): 1.0
pH: 1.0
Evaporation Rate: N/A
Vapor pressure: 0.1mm 68° F
Solubility in Water: Complete
Boiling Point: 220° F
Specific Gravity (H20 = 1): 1.2
Melting Point: N/A
Chemical Stability: stable
Conditions to Avoid: Avoid mixing with strong bases and strong reducing agents.
Incompatibility: Incompatible with strong bases and strong reducing agents.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide may be produced with
Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.
Acute Toxicity / Chronic Toxicity: Continued overexposure to this solution may cause systemic
Carcinogenicity: N/A
Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Overexposure may cause the following specific symptoms,
depending on the concentration and duration of exposure; vomiting, shallow respiration and
lung function changes.
Disposal Instructions: Neutralize with bicarbonate of soda or fertilizer grade lime and dispose
of in accordance with all federal, state and local regulations.
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
DOT Information
Proper Shipping Name: Corrosive Liquids, acidic, inorganic, NOS, 8, UN3264, Pg III (copper
sulfate, Sulfuric Acid)
All information contained in this Material Safety Data Sheet is furnished free of charge and is
intended for your evaluation. In our opinion the information is, as of the date of the Material
Safety Data Sheet, reliable, however, it is your responsibility to determine the suitability of the
information for your use. You are advised not to construe the information as absolutely
complete since additional information may be necessary or desirable when particular,
exceptional or variable conditions or circumstances exist or because of applicable laws or
government regulations. Therefore, you should use this information only as a supplement to
other information gathered by you; and you must make independent determinations of the
suitability and completeness of the information from all sources to assure both proper use of
the material described herein and the safety and health of employees. Accordingly, no
guarantee expressed or implied is made by AQUADROP HOLDINGS Inc. as to the result to be
obtained upon your use of the information, nor does AQUADROP HOLDINGS Inc. assume any
liability arising out of the use of the information.
Feb 2011 version
Potable Water Technical Manual
First Aid
• Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or
doctor or going for treatment. You may also contract the National Pesticide Information
Center at 1‐800‐858‐7378 for emergency medical treatment information.
For emergency assistance call: CHEM‐TEL, INC. AT 1‐800‐255‐3924
If in the eyes
o Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15‐20 minutes.
Remove contact lenses if present after the first 5 minutes. Then continue rinsing
the eye. Call a poison control center or physician immediately for treatment
If on skin or clothing
o Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for
15‐20 minutes. Call a poison control center or physician immediately for advice.
Have the person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting
unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor.
If swallowed
o Call a poison control center or physician immediately for treatment advice.
Storage and Disposal
It is a violation of US federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
• Prohibitions
o Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal
• Storage
o Store in a safe place away from pets and keep out of reach of children. Store
away from excessive heat. This product will freeze. This product is non‐
flammable. Always keep container closed. Store this product in its original
container only.
• Disposal
o Excess of AquaDrop should be disposed of through appropriate use.
• Container
o Do not re‐use empty AquaDrop container. Dispose of AquaDrop contain in a
sanitary landfill or by incineration. If burned, say out of the smoke.
# # # End of Manual # # #
Feb 2011 version