The Corporation of the Town of Plympton
The Corporation of the Town of Plympton
The Corporation of the Town of Plympton-Wyoming Regular Planning Meeting Agenda Date: Time: Location: Monday, March 2nd 2015 4:00 p.m. Plympton-Wyoming Council Chambers 546 Niagara Street, Wyoming, ON 1. Call to Order: 4:00 p.m. 2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest/Conflict of Interest 3. Delegations No items at this time. 4. Business Arising from Previous Meetings 4.1. Official Plan Review (as previously discussed during the Regular Planning Meeting held January 26th 2015) 5. Accounts RECOMMENDATION That the Accounts as listed be approved by the Plympton-Wyoming Council for payment: Building Services Department Invoices o Invoice #24988 o Invoice #24989 6. Staff Reports No items at this time. 7. Councillors’ Reports No items at this time. 8. By-laws 8.1 By-law 8 of 2015, being a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between Nicola and Angela Palumbo and the Town of Plympton-Wyoming. RECOMMENDATION That By-law 8 of 2015, being a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between Nicola and Angela Palumbo and the Town of PlymptonWyoming, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the said by-law accordingly. 9. Correspondence – Action-Required Items No items at this time. Regular Planning Meeting Agenda – March 2nd 2015 10. Page 2 of 2 Correspondence – Recommended Reading & Routine Approval/Information Items RECOMMENDATION That the Correspondence relating to “Recommended Reading” and “Routine Approval and Information Items” not otherwise addressed by resolution, be noted as received by the Plympton-Wyoming Council, and filed accordingly. OMAFRA o Draft Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario’s Prime Agricultural Areas for Input o Draft Revised Minimum Distance Separation Formulae 2015 for Input Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change – Great Lakes Protection Act Ontario Municipal Board – Decision re. PL140688 County of Lambton – 2014 Building Report Suncor Connections – Cedar Point Wind Power Project Construction Update Suncor Energy Products – Notice of Assignment Healthy Rural Communities Took Kit – A Guide for Rural Municipalities Ontario Farmland Trust - 2015 Ontario Farm land Forum Flyer 11. New Business 12. Closed Meeting Session RECOMMENDATION That Council move into an In-Camera Meeting of Council pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, for the following reasons: Item A – Personal Matters Section 239(2)(b) – Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. Item B – Litigation Matter Section 239(2)(e) – Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board. 13. Adjournment of Meeting RECOMMENDATION That the Regular Planning Meeting be adjourned until the next Regular Meeting, to be held on Monday, March 23rd 2015 commencing at 4:00 p.m. Erin Kwarciak, Planning Coordinator February 27th 2015 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 789 Broadway Street, Box 3000 Wyoming, ON N0N 1T0 Telephone: 519 845-0801 Toll-free: 1-866-324-6912 Fax: 519 845-3817 January 20, 2015 Mayor and Members of Town of Plympton-Wyoming Council 546 Niagara St, Box 250 Wyoming, ON N0N 1T0 Attention: Erin Kwarciak, Planning Co-ordinator Dear Madame: Re: Official Plan Review It is understood that the Town of Plympton-Wyoming Council is interested in carrying out a review of its Official Plan. As Council is likely aware, the Ontario Planning Act requires Council to review its official plan at least once every 5 years to determine changes that might be needed to ensure that the official plan is consistent with the Province's policy statements. The current Official Plan was last reviewed and updated in 2011 and is due for its "five year review". We have been advised by the Town that there are certain items that Council would like to discuss, as they pertain to possible changes to the Official Plan. These include: 1) Severance policies in the agricultural area The Town's Official Plan currently allows the following types of severances in the agricultural area: the creation of agricultural lots provided the retained and severed lots are at least 40 hectares in size; the severing of land for lot addition purposes provided that the retained lot is at least 40 hectares in size and the severed land is being added to an abutting farm; the severing of a lot for an agricultural related commercial or industrial use, provided the lot is being severed from a farm that is at least 40 hectares in size; the severing of a lot for an agricultural related commercial or industrial use from a farm that is less than 40 hectares in size, provided the agricultural land is added to an abutting agricultural lot The creation of residential lots on lands designated "Agricultural Area" or "Restricted Agricultural Area" is prohibited by the Town's Official Plan. If Council is interested in allowing the creation of residential lots in the agricultural area, the only option that is permitted by the Provincial Policy Statement is the severing of an existing farm residence that is rendered surplus as a result of farm consolidation. The PPS requires a site specific Zoning By-law amendment to prohibit the building of a new dwelling on the lot which included the surplus dwelling 2) Minimum size of agricultural lots The Lambton County Official Plan supports a minimum farm size of 40 hectares (100 acres). The Planning Act requires local municipal official plans to conform to the County's Official Plan policies. As Council is likely aware, our Department is currently carrying out the drafting of an updated Lambton County Official Plan. As part of this project we have heard from various interests regarding the County's existing minimum lot size policy. The County of Lambton Agriculture Advisory Committee, comprised of representatives of the various agricultural sectors, is supportive of retaining a policy that supports a minimum farm size of 40 hectares. At least one municipality has indicated that it would like to amend its official plan to allow a minimum farm size of 20 hectares (50 acres). 3) Lands south of Egremont and Lakeshore Roads Most lands south of Egremont Road, between Mandaumin Road and Lakeshore Road, and south of Lakeshore Road, between Camlachie and the Townsend Line, are designated "Agricultural Area" and "Restricted Agricultural Area" by the Town's existing Official Plan. Egremont Road and Lakeshore Road provide a clear delineation of the areas that are intended to accommodate future growth in the lakeshore area and the areas that are intended to be retained for agricultural uses. Except for existing serviced uses and the hamlet of Errol Village, most land south of Egremont Road and Lakeshore Road is outside of the Plympton Wastewater Treatment Plant service area. Consequently, the lands are not intended to be provided with municipal sanitary sewers and this limits their ability to accommodate development. I look forward to our initial discussion of these items and any others identified by members of Council. Process for reviewing the Official Plan A proposed timeline that reflects the process for updating an official plan, including the steps required by the Planning Act, is attached. Rob Nesbitt, MCIP RPP Senior Planner Plympton-Wyoming Official Plan Review Potential Timeline January Initial List of Issues, Review Work Plan. February Meeting with Council to discuss list of issues, addition of issues, any revisions to work plan. March Meeting with Council - Policies to be reviewed Introduction Agricultural Area Hamlet Area Urban Settlement Area Lakeshore Residential area Mobile Home/Recreation Campground April Meeting with Council - Policies to be reviewed Institutional Area Major Open Space Area Natural Heritage Lakeshore Area Resource Extractive Reece's Corners Policy Area Highway Service Centre Commercial Policies May Meeting with Council - Policies to be reviewed Municipal Services and Utilities Community Development Implementation July Public Open House August Public input and comments from Open House considered September October November Public Meeting to present Draft Amendments Final drafts are circulated to various agencies for final review Council adopts Official Plan Adopted Official Plan forwarded to County for approval INVOICE aa BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT 789 BROADWAY STREET BOX 3OOO VVYOMING, ON NONlTO Phone: (519)845-0801 Fax: (519)845-3817 Customer Number lnvo¡ce Number : lnvoice Date : Customer P.O. No. TOWNO00l Due Date 01-Mar-2015 : 24988 30-Jan-201 5 COUNTY OF LAMBTON TOWN OF PLYMPTON-WYOMING P.O. BOX 250 VVYOMING Product PIBPHR PIBPKM ON NON 1TO Description Unit Price Quantity INSPECTION-BUILDING PERMITS-HOURS INSPECTION-BUILDING PERMITS-KMS 1 04 0000 516 0000 60.0000 0 5750 Amount $6,240.00 $296 70 The following is a statement of expenses incurred by the issuance of building permits for the month of January Please see attached for the monthly details. RECE!VI D FEB os 20 5 TOì^N ofPLYMPTON.UTYO lillNG GST/HST Registration Number : 119065878RT0001 Total Gross GST/HST Total lnvoice $6,536.70 $0.00 $6,536.70 INVOICE effic DEPARTMENT Customer Number \lnvoice Number : lnvoice Date : Customer P.O. No. 'ERVT.ES STREET BOX 3OOO 789 BROADWAY WYOMING, ON NONlTO Phone: (519)845-0801 Fax: (519)845-3817 Due Date TOWNO001 24989 30-Jan-201 5 01-Mar-2015 : COUNTY OF LAMBTON TOWN OF PLYMPTON-WYOMING P.O. BOX 250 WYOMING ON NON 1TO Product PIPSHR Description Quantity Unit Price INSPECTION-PROPERTY STANDARDS OFFICER.HOURS 13.5000 60 0000 Amount $810.00 fn" totto*ing ¡s a statement of expenses incurred by the Property Standards Officer for the month of January. Please see attached for the monthly details. RECEIVI D FEB0g2û t5 TOWN ÇIPLYMPTOl'l-VVi'{ f 1r¡\11 GST/HST Registration Number : 119065878RT0001 Total Gross GST/HST Total lnvoice $810.00 $0 00 $810.00 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PLYMPTON-WYOMING BY-LAW 8 of 2015 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement between Nicola and Angela Palumbo and the Town of Plympton-Wyoming. WHEREAS pursuant to Section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended, a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; and WHEREAS pursuant to Section 11(1) the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended, a lower-tier municipality may provide any service or thing that the municipality considers necessary or desirable for the public, subject to the rules set out in Section 11(4) of the Act; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to execute an Agreement between Nicola and Angela Palumbo and the Town of Plympton-Wyoming; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PLYMPTON-WYOMING ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement between Nicola and Angela Palumbo and the Town of PlymptonWyoming, as per the attached Schedule A. 2. That the Chief Administrative Officer is hereby authorized to make whatever minor changes to the agreement as may be necessary and reasonable in the circumstances. 3. That all other by-laws or parts of by-laws inconsistent with this by-law are hereby repealed. 4. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on and from the date it is finally passed by Council. Read a first and taken as read a second and third time and finally passed this 2nd day of March, 2015. Mayor – Lonny Napper Clerk – Brianna Coughlin AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO OMB SETTLEMENT HEARING THIS AGREEMENT made in quintuplicate this 2nd day of March, 2015. BETWEEN: ANGELA and NICOLA PALUMBO HEREINAFTER CALLED THE "OWNERS" OF THE FIRST PART AND: HEREINAFTER CALLED THE "MUNICIPALITY" OF THE SECOND PART THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PLYMPTONWYOMING WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board has approved an application for a zoning by-law amendment submitted by the Owners. AND WHEREAS the zoning by-law amendment would permit the establishing of one accessory apartment dwelling unit within an existing warehouse building at 3914 Warehouse Street in the hamlet of Camlachie. AND WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board directed that the implementation of the approved zoning by-law amendment is deferred until the Municipality advises the Ontario Municipal Board, in writing, that the yards around the warehouse building are clear of any materials, goods, storage, refuse or any other items. AND WHEREAS it is the Municipality's understanding that the Owners have established an apartment dwelling within the warehouse building at 3914 Warehouse Street without approval from the Town. AND WHEREAS the Owners' attorney confirmed during the Ontario Municipal Board settlement teleconference call on January 29, 2015 that his clients would comply with the Board's direction that the yards around the warehouse building are to be cleared of any materials, goods, storage, refuse or any other items. NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. All yards around the existing building at 3914 Warehouse Street are to be cleared of any materials, goods, storage, refuse or any other items by April 1, 2015. 2. The property owners will contact the Municipality no later than April 1, 2015 to advise that the yards have been cleared of materials, goods, storage, refuse or any other items and to allow the Town to inspect the premises. 3. Materials, goods, storage, refuse or other items are not to be moved to another property within the Municipality unless prior approval is granted by the Municipality. 4. The Owners agree that if the yards are not clear of all materials, goods, storage, refuse or other items by April 1, 2015 they will immediately vacate the apartment dwelling unit. The provisions hereof shall ensure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have affixed their signatures and Corporate Seals attested to by the hands of their proper officers, duly authorized in that behalf. 2 - - SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PLYMPTON-WYOMING ________________________________ Mayor (SEAL) ________________________________ Chief Administrative Officer ________________________________ Owner ________________________________ Owner 3 - - SCHEDULE "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LANDS AFFECTED BY THIS AGREEMENT ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Plympton-Wyoming, in the County of Lambton, and the Province of Ontario, and being composed of Part Lot 9, Part Lot 10, Part Lot 11, Part Lot 12, Part Lot 13 and Part Lot 14, Plan 9, and Parts 3 to 5, RP 25R-5553.. From: OMAFRA Guidelines (OMAFRA) [] Sent: February-12-15 3:23 PM Subject: DRAFT Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario's Prime Agricultural Areas - Lignes directrices sur les utilisations permises dans les zones agricoles à fort rendement de l’Ontario OMAFRA’s new “Draft Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario’s Prime Agricultural Areas” for input Please note that the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) has posted on its website Draft Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario’s Prime Agricultural Areas for review and input. The Guidelines are intended to help municipalities, decision-makers, farmers and others interpret the policies in the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement on the range of uses permitted in prime agricultural areas. To submit your thoughts and ideas, you can fill out the questionnaire posted on OMAFRA’s website or send an email or letter. We are inviting comments until May 13, 2015. Email: Mailing Address: Draft Guidelines on Permitted Uses Food Safety and Environmental Policy Branch Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 1 Stone Rd. West, 3rd Floor Guelph, ON N1G 4Y2 From: OMAFRA Guidelines (OMAFRA) [] Sent: February-23-15 2:49 PM Subject: DRAFT Revised Minimum Distance Separation Formulae OMAFRA’s “Draft Revised Minimum Distance Separation Formulae 2015” posted for review and input Please forward this email to the person in your municipality or organization that would deal with matters related to land use planning or the issuance of building permits. Please note that the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) has posted on the Environmental Bill of Rights Registry and its website Draft Revised Minimum Distance Separation Formulae 2015 for public review and input. The Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) Formulae is a land use planning tool that determines a recommended separation distance between a livestock barn or manure storage and another land use. The objective of MDS is to prevent land use conflicts and minimize nuisance complaints from odour. The 2014 Provincial Policy Statement requires that the Minimum Distance Separation Formulae be applied to various types of land use planning matters and building permit applications. The website provides a summary of the key changes proposed to the MDS Formulae and Implementation Guidelines To submit your thoughts and ideas, you can send an email or letter. We are inviting comments until May 20, 2015. Email: Mailing Address: John Turvey Policy Advisor (Land Use Planning) Food Safety and Environmental Policy Branch Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 1 Stone Road W., 3rd Floor SE Guelph, ON N1G 4Y2 Phone: (519) 826-3555 From: Minister, MOECC (MOECC) [] Sent: February-18-15 5:46 PM Subject: Great Lakes Protection Act Ontario is taking action to protect the Great Lakes and has re-introduced a strengthened Great Lakes Protection Act, which recognizes the importance of the Great Lakes to Ontario’s environment, economy and health of our citizens. If passed, the new, strengthened Great Lakes Protection Act will protect and restore our Great Lakes, to help keep them drinkable, fishable, and swimmable. The strengthened act, if passed, would: Help to fight climate change, reduce harmful algal blooms, and protect wetlands and other coastal areas Monitor and report on the health of the lakes Bring people together to take local action on priority issues Build on Ontario’s leadership in protecting the Great Lakes, including our Great Lakes Strategy and partnerships with Canada, Québec, and the U.S. Great Lakes states The proposed act reflects feedback we’ve received on previous versions of the bill. We encourage you to provide your comments on the Ontario Environmental Registry. Comments will be accepted until April 19, 2015. Today’s action builds on the recently signed Canada–Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health which is the principal mechanism through which Ontario and Canada coordinate their work to address their respective and shared commitments to protect the Great Lakes. The proposed Great Lakes Protection Act also builds upon Ontario’s Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund which was established to help people take action to protect and restore their corner of the Great Lakes. If you have any questions or would like more information please email Chris Lompart. I look forward to continuing to work with you to protect our Great Lakes now, and for future generations. Sincerely, Glen Murray Minister , Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de I'Ontario Ontario ISSUE DATE: February 19,2O1S GASE NO(S).: p1140688 PROCEEDING COMMENCED UNDER subsection 34(11) of the Planning Acf, R.S;O 1990, c. P. 13, as amended Applicants and Appellants Subject: Existing Zoning: Proposed Zoning Purpose: Property Add ress/Description Municipality: Municipal File No.: OMB Case No.: OMB File No.: Heard Nick Palumbo and Angela palumbo Amendment to Zoning By-law No.31 of 2014 _ Refusal of application by the Town of Plympton-Wyoming Commercial 1.4 (C1 (4)) Zone Site Specific (to be determined) To permit an accessory apartment unit in a warehouse building 3914 Warehouse Street Town of Plympton-Wyoming By-law 31 of 2014 P1140688 P1140688 January 29,2015 by telephone conference call APPEARANCES: Parties Counse l*/Re orese ntative Nick and Angela Palumbo ("Proponents") Jim Carpeneto* The Corporation of the Town of Plympton-Wyomin g ("Town") John Robert Nesbitt MEMORANDUM OF ORAL DECISION DE LIVERED BY STEVEN STEFANKO ON JANUARY 29 2015 11l The Proponents are the owners of an existing warehouse building located at 3914 Warehouse Street in the hamlet of Camlachie 2 P1140688 l2l They submitted an application to rezone the subject property to facilitate the establishment of several accessory dwelling units within the existing building. Town Council denied the rezoning application due to concerns regarding the number of accessory dwelling units proposed and the general upkeep of the property. t3l Town Council's decision was then appealed by the Proponents to the Ontario Municipal Board ("Board"). I4l Prior to the commencement of this hearing event, the Parties advised that subsequent to Town Council's denial of the application submitted, a number of discussions have taken place between them and a revised proposal has been prepared which is satisfactory to both. The revised proposal allows only one accessory dwelling unit. tsl ln relation to the agreement reached, the Parties have executed Minutes of Settlement ("MOS') and a related Site Plan Agreement ('SPA") dated September 24, 2014.1 am now being asked to approve that by-law ("Agreed-upon By-law',) which is attached hereto and identified as Attachment 1. t6l ln support of the settlement, John Robert Nesbitt, a Senior planner with the County of Lambton filed an affidavit ("Nesbitt Affidavit"). ln that affidavit, Mr. Nesbitt opined, inter alia, that the Agreed-Upon By-law conforms to the Town's Official plan, is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2014 and allowing an accessory apartment on the subject site is consistent with the intent of the Town's by-law for properties which are zoned Central Commercial. He also pointed out that, in his view, the MOS and the SPA address the concerns which have been raised by residents in the area. l7l Certain residents who reside near the site in question participated in today,s proceeding and specifically commented on the general upkeep of the proponent,s property, i.e. that it has not been properly maintained. / 3 P1140688 l8l Based on the Nesbitt Affidavit which deals with all relevant planning consíderations, the settlement reached and the provisions of the MOS and the SpA, I am satisfied the proposal should be approved. Among other things, the SpA imposes a number of obligations on the Proponents concerning the maintenance and upkeep of their property' This, in my view, is an effective way for the Town to easily monitor and control the matter of general upkeep and, at the same time, address the concerns of area residents. l9l Accordingly, Town By-law g7 of 2003 is hereby amended in accordance with the Agreed-upon By-law. The Board's order however, shall be withheld pending confirmation from the Town that the obligations of the Proponents set out in paragraph of the SPA are met. 2 "Steven Stefanko" STEVEN STEFANKO VICE CHAIR Ontario Municipal Board A constituent tribunal of Environment and Land Tribunals Ontario website: Telephone:416-212-6349 Toll Free: 1-g66-44g-224g ATTACHMENT 1 CORPORANON OF THE =L"'ll',ì1"å,l.ilWiy8lliî, (Being a By-tawto "r"--l-,"ù WHEREAS the Gouncíl oi fre Corpoi:ation of thr q ? ::"d " "o m p * n " n,îe 2003; Zonins dv-i"* s7ïi åå 97 of 2003) Jtil ìi'j ;Äf Htj?ïit"",#|:l AND WHEREAS the co.uncir of tl-e corporation af the Town of prymptonWyoming deems it desirable to amend ttre salO Sy_taw; Now THEREFORE, the councir of the corporation of the Town of pryrnptonWyoming enacts as foÍours: f. 2" is hereby declared to form part of this By_law. w 9Z of 2003 is hereby amended by adding the c) 3' One Accessory apertunent drrelling This Bplaw shall come into force and effect DurÊuant tn soef,r¡¡c aA t.4\ ¡v vvuuv'¡ù úa t4 t/ or Section 34 (go) of lhe plannlng n.S.O. i9òõ, --- ' READ A FTRSTAND SECOND T|ME TH¡S DAy OF READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS _ _,2014. MAYOR CLERK .- ,2014. DAY OF _- t ïown of Plyrnpton-Wyoming SCHEDULE ''A'' to By-law No. Dated this Day of t 2074 Slgnedt Lonny Napper, Mâyor Brlanna Coughlln" Clerk Ke Y: M a ! ! ó É, Gamlachie ! I o d, o lln¡ IJ¡s I De ta ¡ I e a 3910 Map sun¡*t property 39t a a C o tP oo o 6716 a É, 391 3 a 3 671 5 ¡3915 t a s919 6715 .U U' I o a ct) 6710 (J (g a E G o 391 0 o 3914 a Ë711 a a 3913 a 25 6701 N A APPLTCANT: James Carpeneto (Owner; Nicola & Angela pafumbo) LOCATION: Plan 9 PT Lot 10 LotS 11 to Part 3 Part 4 Part 5. geograph 3914 Warehouse Street, File: 13 C-aml S53 n9. RECEIVED 23 PLYM 2rlß i,4ING ì-iF¡ 2014 BUILDING REPORT: TOWN OF PLYMPTON-VVYOMING 2014 PERMITS ISSUED: Residential Construction 37 Residential Alteration/Add ition 22 Mu lti-Residentia I Construction/Alteration/Add ition 0 't9 Non-Residential (accessory bldgs) Commercial Construction 1 Commercial Alteration/Add ition 2 Ag ricultu ral Construction 32 ,2 Agricu ltu ral Alteration/Add ition I nd ustrial Construction 0 I nd ustrial Alteration/Add ition 1 I nstitution aI Construction/Alteration/Add ition 1 Demolition 14 Swimming Pool 10 Solar 2 Wind Turbines 27 Other 2 TOTAL 172 MUNIGIPALITY GOLLECTED: AMoUNT PAID To BY BUILDING PERMIT FEES INVOIGED AMOUNT FROM COUNTY TO MUNICIPALITY: VALUE OF GONS ON: Buil ng Services County of Lambton T +8I, ,14.16 - $485+3475- (Building Permits) (Property Standards) (Misc Propertv Standards) $71,645.744 $812.75{ / $2,359.42t 58 ffinnç;;ii;:';r'] :rLY[ ìir-f(.,|\ 1^.r' r ' t: Cedar Point W¡nd Power P ro e ct construction update We believe that part of being a good neighbour and community partner is informing you about our activities. Over the next few weeks Suncor and our contractors will begin the construction process for the Cedar Point Wind Power Project. Construction activities will include: land surveys civil works (site prep, tree clearing, access roads and turbine foundations), collection system installation, turbine erection, substation construction works, and transmission line and site reclamation. We anticipate construction to be complete in the fall of 2015. Throughout the construction process, the community can expect to see activity on private land and roads. There will be an increase in contractor vehicles and heavy equipment transportation that may impact traffic flow. We will work with our contractors to make every effort to minimize traffic disruptions, delays, dust and noise. The safety of every worker and community member during the construction work is Suncor's priority. We ask that the community adheres to all flag persons' direction, traffic signs and speed limits during construction activity, and appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. We recognize this timing is before the Environmental Review Tribunal decision. We respect the process and care about the concerns brought forward during this time, and will adhere to any decision made by the Tribunal. Should you have any questions or concerns, please email or call 1-866- 344-0178. You're invited! We want to hear from you. Suncor is establishing a Community Liaison Committee (CLC), which will provide a forum for us to listen to your concerns and ideas, as well as communicate updates on the project. We welcome your active participation in the committee as a member and if you'd like more information about how this works you are welcome to attend the first meeting with details below. All CLC meetings are open to the public and we look forward to continuing the dialogue with you. a- c {-, _g Gommunity Liaison Commíttee Meeting March 19,2015 Warwick Community Hall 7074 Egremont Road, Watford 6-8 p.m. RECEIV#'Ð FEts 2 2Ût5 TUIVN tvt' P LY = _o 6 su ncor. com/cedarpoi ntwi nd MPTON-WY r)'¡¡l I rrl i' Suncor Etrergy Proíucts Ltc. SuucoR/ ENÉRGY ^/ P 0 ;50 Bó¡ 2e44 - S' Auelüû S{y'i iarqarT ÀB 'l?P Jc3 Tel 403-29õ-8000 Fax 403-296"3030 www,suncor com February 23'd ,2015 The Corporation of the Tou'n of Plympton-Wyoming 546 Niagara St., Box 250 Wyoming, ON, N()N 1T0, Canada Attention: Municipality Clerk Re Notice of Assignment Insurance and Decommissioning Agreement dated November 4th,2014 (the íAgreement') Cedar Point tr Wind Power Project As at November 25, 2014, an affiliate of NextEra Energy Canada ("NextEra") has approved and committed to participate in the Cedar Point II Wind Power Project. Suncor Energy Products Inc. ("SEPI") in conjunction with NextEra's Canadian entity, CP il Holdings LP, ULC, have forrned the Cedar Point II Limited Partnership ("CP n LP"). Each of Suncor and NextEra own 49.995% of the CP II LP, and the General Parbrer, Cedar Point II GP Inc. owns the remaining 0.01% of the CP II LP. Suncor and NextEra each own 50% of Cedar Point II GP Inc. This letfer is to inform you that effective January 30th,2015, Suncor Energy Products Inc. ("SEPI") assigned its right, title and interest in the Cedar Point II Wind Power Project to the Cedar Point II Limited Parhership ("CP tr LP"). A review of our records indicates that SEPI has one or more Agreement(s) with you. As such, we are assigning and novating all of the Agreements in the name of SEPÍ to CP II LP. Should you have any questions or concems please don't hesitate to contact Brad West directly at 403-2964069. Yours I L-t Karen Reiman Manager Contracts, Rencwable Energy Suncor Energy Products Inc., by its duly authorized agent, Suncor Energy Services Inc. cc. NextEra Enerry Resources, LLC NextEra Energy Canada, ULC From: Paul Kraehling [] Sent: February-23-15 9:46 AM Cc: Karen Loney; Erica Arnett; Wayne Caldwell; Paul Kraehling Subject: NEW RESOURCE - Healthy Rural Communities Tool Kit - A Guide for Rural Municipalities Dear Municipal Staff Leader, Please share the following information with individuals within your administration. A new tool kit resource has been prepared that identifies land use and development strategies to enhance the rural built environment and contribute to positive quality of life/health outcomes. The tool kit brings a rural lens to issues that are often viewed from an urban perspective. Numerous examples and innovative practices from across the province are profiled. This tool kit recognizes many characteristics associated with rural communities including a low density population, a declining population in some areas, aging citizens, youth out migration, rural land uses, and an economy that is significantly different from that of urban Ontario. The tool kit includes the following objectives: • To identify existing effective land use planning policies and models of practice for healthy rural built environments. • To recognize the benefits of a coordinated approach to rural planning and development that uses a range of regulatory and non-regulatory tool • To identify innovative land use planning policies and initiatives that can contribute to healthy communities and healthy populations. For more information on this project or the accompanying literature please visit: This tool kit was made possible through a Locally Driven Collaborative Project, funded by Public Health Ontario. 2015 Farmland Forum Pursuing Diverse & Collaborative Approaches to Farmland Protection A day of networking, learning, and creative-thinking about new tools, partnerships, and grassroots approaches to strengthen farmland protection in Ontario. Presentations & Panel discussions: • Tools for communicating the importance of farmland preservation in Ontario • Creating policy in Ontario that enables vibrant local food economies • The new Rouge National Urban Park vision for supporting near-urban agriculture • Development offsetting approaches being used in California to protect farmland • Pennsylvania’s model for collaboration that has protected 500,000 acres of farmland – the largest program of its kind in the U.S. Join the discussion and help shape the future of farmland protection in Ontario! Forum Details Date: Friday, March 27, 2015 Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Place: Durham Banquet Hall & Convention Centre, Oshawa Cost: $90 early-bird rate by March 6th (includes lunch & dinner) Who should attend? Tickets • Land Conservation Enthusiasts To reserve your seat: • Farmers, • Land Use Planners 519-824-4120 x 52654 • Researchers • Provincial Policy Makers • Municipal Councillors