liste des propositions de programmes dans
liste des propositions de programmes dans
LISTE DES PROPOSITIONS DE PROGRAMMES DANS LE CADRE DU REGELEMENT (CE) N° 501/2008 – MODIFIE PAR LE REGLEMENT (UE) N° 1085/2011 POUR LA PROMOTION SUR LE MARCHE INTERIEUR ET DANS LES PAYS TIERS RESULTATS DE L'EXAMEN DES PROPOSITIONS DE PROGRAMMES 2013 - PARTIE 1 : PROGRAMMES ACCEPTES Mars 2013 1 PROGRAMMES ACCEPTES TABLE DES MATIERES PAYS ORGANISATIONS PROPOSANTES PRODUITS DE + IE VHM + BORD BIA + BBZ + NL EL + RO DAIRY PAGES 3 15 Union of PDO/PGI producers + SCSSCS PDOPGITSG BE VLAM FRESH F&V 24 BG BAAP EGGS 38 CZ CMSM DAIRY 54 IE BORD BIA FRESH F&V 69 EL Union of legal entities - KAVALA FRESH F&V 78 EL ARO3MA producers MEAT 89 EL Union of legal entities - Fed. Coop. bioproducers ES INTERACEITUNA ES ORGANIC 97 OLIVE 107 OIAO OLIVE (TC) 117 ES OIAO OLIVE (MI) 133 FR BNIC SPIRIT 141 IT FEDERDOC + IVSI MEAT + WINES 151 LT BFO ORGANIC 164 LT LFIC BEEF & PIG & VEAL 174 LT LDA DAIRY 183 NL SBH HORTIC 195 NL ZLTO MEAT 209 NL SKV MEAT 226 NL BIONEXT ORGANIC 236 PL UPEMI BEEF&PIG&VEAL 249 2 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): The Netherlands (leading MS), Ireland, Germany Title of the programme: Discover Farmhouse Cheese Competent Authority(ies): NL: Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie IE: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine DE: Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) Proposing organisation(s): NL: Bond van Boerderij –Zuivelbereiders (BBZ) IE: Bord Bia, DE: Verband für handwerkliche Milchverarbeitung im ökologischen Landbau e.V. (VHM) Implementing body(ies): not yet selected Type of measure: Mixed (information + promotion) Product(s): Dairy products and cheeses produced on farms Targeted Member States: The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany Duration: 3 years Total budget: 1.440.579 € Proposal received on: 26/11/2012 (by e-mail) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS (Irish commitment missing) n.a. Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/ No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/ No 3 OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Pilot programme running in NL (03/03/2010 –02/03/2013). Results from 2 first years feed into this new proposal. Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body Yes/No n.a. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s): This programme has one common objective in The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany and Spain which is to increase the awareness and consumption of farmhouse cheeses / dairy products among consumers in general, focussing in particular on children and adolescents, especially girls aged 8 to 13, women of different age groups and elderly people. This objective is further broken down into four common sub-objectives: 1. Inform target groups on the unique character and origin of all dairy products and cheeses produced on the farm. 2. Restore the relationship between farmer and citizen and educate citizens about the origin of food (dairy and cheeses) 3. Establish a regular role for farmhouse dairy and cheese in consumer cooking 4. Stimulate sales and influence buying behaviour Country specific objectives: The Netherlands: Increase of 5% in consumption of farmhouse dairy/cheese in the target groups and a 10% increase in product awareness, after the campaign. Ireland: Increase in consumption of farmhouse cheese by 10% year on year. 10% increase in product awareness, after the campaign. Germany: Increase of 10% in consumption of farmhouse dairy/cheese in the target groups and a 10% increase in product awareness, after the campaign. Strategy: Story telling is a central theme in the campaign. The story of farmhouse cheese / dairy products and stories of individual farmhouse cheese producers play a major role in the campaign. Milk and milk products produced on the farm meet consumer trends such as authenticity, sophistication and provenance. For most consumers, milk is ‘just milk’ and a low interest product (the same being applicable to basic milk products and cheeses). However, farmhouse 4 cheeses / dairy products are specialty products with limited availability and often command a price premium. Buying farmhouse cheeses / dairy products makes it worth paying attention to the product. The story is worth listening to and will be remembered. The rationale is that all dairy products and cheeses produced on the farm as a collective carve a niche in the dairy sector. This niche has great power in strengthening the image of and attitude towards milk, milk products and cheeses. Chain partners, for example distributors and wholesalers, in all Member States will be able to ‘plug in’ their own activities (without being part of the programme and thus without European co-finance) on the basis of the generic promotion campaign. This programme gives farmers, wholesalers, retailers and specialty shops tools to further promote farmhouse cheese / dairy products on their own level. Target group(s): Consumers in general, focusing in particular on: Children and adolescents, especially girls aged 8 to 13 Women of different age groups Elderly people Themes: The basic themes that will be communicated through all actions in each market are naturalness, taste and nutritional value. In addition to these themes, the programme will communicate sub-themes which include: Farmhouse dairy products are produced using artisan production practices Farmhouse dairy products are from the farm including the great personal story of the producer Farmhouse dairy products are tasty and versatile Farmhouse dairy products are convenient Farmhouse dairy products offer great variety in products Aspects covered: quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of EU products EU system of PDO/PGI(TSG and organic products Messages to be conveyed: The main messages are both rational and emotional. On the level of individual Member States, the campaign will involve similar messages but tailored to the specifics of the market. 1. NL, IE, DE: Farmhouse dairy products and cheeses are healthy, natural and tasty products that have carefully been produced on the farm. 5 2. NL, DE: Transparency: for farmhouse dairy products and cheeses the whole chain is in one hand. 3. NL, DE: Farmhouse dairy products and cheeses offer great variety for consumption of milk and milk products. 4. IE, DE: Farmhouse cheeses have been produced using artisan techniques. 5. IE: Farmhouse cheeses are convenient (easy to buy and prepare) and inspire passion around meals. They offer consumers sophistication and authenticity. 6. NL: Raw milk ‘Boerenkaas’ is always unique in taste and protected by the EU as a TSG, the special type of ‘Boerenkaas’ ‘Boeren-Leidse kaas met sleutels’ is protected as a PDO. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: The Discover Farmhouse Cheese Programme consists of a total of seven actions that are globally the same in The Netherlands, Ireland and Germany. Costs and certain sub-actions will vary across countries. Note: Bord Bia is waiving all fees for implementation of actions; consequently Irish action costs are often considerably lower. 1) Information on the internet and social media and educational materials for schools One central page for the whole programme ‘’ with links to the three participating country websites. IE and DE will take over NL design, Twitter and facebook activities in all three countries. NL, IE, DE: info on farmhouse dairy products, list of all producing farms, recipes, agenda of programme activities, tool to book farm visits (also for schools) ( action 4 ), three short films (produced by NL adapted to DE), educational material for schools (developed in DE, adopted to NL and IE), tweets via Twitter, facebook, cooperation with (only NL), creating a logo for farmhouse products (only DE) National NL website will be, same as the pilot programme's website. Estimated visitors over 3 years: NL: 325.000, IE: 91.000, DE: 225.000 Budget: NL: 154.060 €, IE: 7.515 €, DE: 76.100 € Total: 237.675 € 2a) October Month of the Farmhouse Cheese This action is part of the current pilot programme in NL. As it proved very successful it will be adapted to all three target countries. NL, IE: Implication of farmers, wholesalers, farmers markets and above all specialty shops to promote October as the month of farmhouse cheese. Promotion material for POS similar in all 3 countries ( action 3), competition for "best farmhouse cheese counter". Promoted on website, social media and press work, aiming at a maximum of free publicity ( actions 1, 6). NL: Focus on "Boerenkaas TSG", "Oktober Boerenkaasmaand" will be topic of one of the 4 modules on ( action 1). DE: 2 events with topic "farmhouse cheeseplates" per year + 1 event promoting the "cheese route" per year, cheese tastings ( action 2b) take place in same period to optimise media coverage, farm visits ( actions 4) will be promoted to consumers Estimated contacts over 3 years: NL: 450 participating shops/farmers + 45.000 consumer contacts, IE: 300 participating POS + 10.500 consumer contacts, DE: 2.200 filled evaluation forms/contacts Budget: NL: 52.845 €, IE: 32.448 €, DE: 37.800 € 6 Total: 123.093 € 2b) Event: Competition for best tasting products This action was successfully tested in the current pilot programme in NL. It will be integrated into the NL and DE part of the programme. NL: "Cum Laude" competitions for "Boerenkaas TSG" cheeses and other farmhouse cheeses. Award winning products will be honoured on special "cum laude" event and will be available in speciality shops after competition. "Cum Laude" module on ( action 1). DE: Public Choice Award (consumers) and Farmhouse Cheese Judging & Competition (professionals) All farmhouse dairies invited to participate. Results published on , press and media work ( action 6). Estimated contacts/results over 3 years: NL: 375 participating dairies/45 award winning cheeses/375 shops selling award winning cheeses + 75.000 direct consumer contacts, DE: 9 events + 11.250 consumer contacts + 180 articles + 10% - 20% rise in sales for award winning cheeses (DE) Budget: NL 99.675 €, DE 34.800 € Total: 134.475 € 3) Recipe cards and consumer leaflets Creation and production of recipe cards and consumer leaflets. Joint NL/IE/DE production whenever possible. Number of items over 3 years: NL: 36 different recipe cards, 660.000 copies total, IE: one consumer leaflet, reprinted annually, 180.000 copies in total, DE: 24 different recipe cards, 720.000 copies in total Budget: NL 85.920 €, IE 9.153 €, DE 54.000 € Total: 149.073 € 4) Farm Visits This action was successfully tested in the current pilot programme in NL. Consumers and school classes meet the farmers and listen to their stories. Farm visits will be promoted during all other actions. NL, IE, DE: two-hour visits of consumers and school classes from March to October to experience origin, storytelling and taste of farmhouse cheese. DE: also in-school workshops by cheese producers Estimated contacts over 3 years: NL: 7.500 visitors/300 farm visits, indirect impact estimated much higher as visitors will become true "ambassadors", IE: 3.600 visitors/120 farm visits, DE: 120 farm visits Budget: NL 90.000 €, IE 27.000 €, DE 46.850 € Total: 163.850 € 5) Consumer tastings in POS + materials for specialty shops Consumer tastings of farmhouse cheese / dairy is crucial to the success of this programme as it is on taste that farmhouse products are differentiated. Results from the current programme in The Netherlands show that once consumers hear the story of farmhouse cheese and taste the product, sales increase substantially and – even more important – consumers repeat their purchases. Tastings of farmhouse cheese organised in POS (supermarkets) throughout the whole programme in all countries. NL: tastings include "Boerenkas TSG". DE: tastings in specialised smaller shops instead of supermarkets. Estimated contacts over 3 years: NL: 350 per tasting, 157.500 in total + sales of farmhouse cheese multiply by 4 during tasting period, IE: 300 per tasting, 138.600 in total + sales of 7 farmhouse cheese multiply by 4 during tasting period, DE: 85 per tasting / 2.550 in total + increased sales Budget: NL 193.050 €, IE 121.021 €, DE 34.800 € Total: 348.871 € 6) PR Campaign NL: 7 big hooks for press/year, 5 press releases/year + 115 variations for local media, press contacts to be invited to different events, clipping service, IE: 5 big hooks for press/year, at least 5 media mailers and 5 press releases/year + 1 cooking event for journalists per year + competition and prizes, clipping service DE: 22 press releases per year, monitoring of articles by Google Alerts Estimated number of publications over 3 years: NL: 225 publications, print value of 300.000 €, IE: 210 publications, print value 360.000 €, 18.000 followers on FB and twitter, DE: 600 publications Budget: NL 50.280 €, IE 95.700 €, DE 40.800 € Total: 186.780 € Anticipated impact: The overall objectives for the three countries as well as most performance indicators on the level of actions are the same. Hence, the Netherlands, Germany and Ireland also propose very similar methods to evaluate the impact of the programme and the results of actions. In the following, the methods used for the Irish part of the programme will be explained in more detail. The approaches for evaluation by the Netherlands and Germany are very similar. Three independent, external agencies will be asked to send in a tender for measuring the overall impact of the programme, in particular consumer awareness of farmhouse cheese. This survey will be nationally representative and will allow for a statistically robust evaluation as well as the ability to isolate key target groups from the wider population for subgroup analysis. The methodology for this survey is a telephone omnibus service which interviews a sample of n=1,000 adults across Ireland in a nationally representative survey. An omnibus survey means that questions on the Discover Farmhouse Cheese programme are included alongside other survey questions, which means that the cost of the research can be shared which keeps costs to a minimum. Key metrics include: Product awareness Attitudes to farmhouse cheese Regularity of role for farmhouse cheese in meal repertories It is expected that the effects on household demand for farmhouse cheese can be monitored by data from Kantar Worldpanel at no cost to the programme. NL: It is expected that the effects on household demand for farmhouse cheese can be monitored by reference to GfK ConsumerScan Panel, but only if data can be obtained at no cost to the Programme (if dairy industry has a subscription to these figures, data on farmhouse cheese will be provided by NZO / Productschap Zuivel free of charge) In addition, specific targets on the level of actions are defined for all actions for all countries. 8 ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme: 22/30 (NL), 24/30 (IE), 26/30 (DE) Quality of the programme: 32/40 (NL), 32/40 (IE), 37/40 (DE) European dimension: 08/10 (NL), 9/10 (IE), 10/10 (DE) Cost/efficiency: Budget by action : 17/20 (NL), 18/20 (IE), 19/20 (DE) € BUDGET SUMMARY TABLE - TOTAL PROGRAMME (EUROS) Break Down of Actions Action 1: Information on website(s) and social media, incl. production of 3 films Action 2A: October Month of the Farmhouse Cheese Action 2B: Event: competition for best tasting products Action 3: Recipe cards/ consumer leaflets Action 4: Farm Visits Action 5: Consumer tastings / POS material for specialty shops Action 6: PR Campaign Total for actions excl. Implementation by proposing body Action 7: Implementation by proposing body Total for actions incl. implementation by proposing body (1) Costs for performance guarantee (estimate) Total Programme (€) YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 TOTAL 85.415 63.930 48.830 198.175 31.431 30.231 30.231 91.893 34.025 34.025 34.025 102.075 31.691 55.091 55.091 141.873 48.550 50.050 49.550 148.150 113.277 112.397 113.297 338.971 59.060 63.860 63.860 186.780 403.449 409.584 394.884 1.207.917 44.590 47.560 43.750 135.900 448.039 457.144 438.634 1.343.817 0 0 0 Fees for implementing body (max 15% of total costs for actions not implemented by proposing organisation (The Netherlands: integrated in actions) 0 Measurement of results of actions (max 3%, year 3 max 5%) 13.441 Total direct costs for the programme (2) 461.480 Overheads (max 5% of (2) 15.454 TOTAL FOR PROGRAMME 476.934 BUDGET SUMMARY TABLE - THE NETHERLANDS, IRELAND AND GERMANY Break Down of Actions Action 1: Information on website(s) and social media, incl. production of 3 films Action 2A: October Month of the Farmhouse Cheese Action 2B: Event: competition for best tasting products Action 3: Recipe cards/ consumer leaflets Action 4: Farm Visits Action 5: Consumer tastings / POS material for specialty shops Action 6: PR Campaign Total for actions excl. Implementation by proposing body Action 7: Implementation by proposing body Total for actions incl. implementation by proposing body (1) Costs for performance guarantee (estimate) Fees for implementing body (max 15% of total costs for actions not implemented by proposing organisation (The Netherlands: integrated in actions) Measurement of results of actions (max 3%, year 3 max 5%) Total direct costs for the programme (2) Overheads (max 5% of (2) TOTAL FOR PROGRAMME 9 YEAR 1 48.340 13.615 26.825 28.640 29.000 65.750 16.760 228.930 11.400 240.330 - 7.210 247.540 11.807 259.347 0 0 13.714 21.931 49.087 470.858 460.565 1.392.904 16.320 15.901 47.675 487.178 476.467 1.440.579 The Netherlands YEAR 2 YEAR 3 59.210 44.110 13.615 13.615 26.825 26.825 28.640 28.640 29.000 29.000 64.300 63.000 16.760 16.760 238.350 221.950 13.800 11.400 252.150 233.350 - 7.564 259.714 12.296 272.010 TOTAL 151.660 40.845 80.475 85.920 87.000 193.050 50.280 689.230 36.600 725.830 - 11.667 26.441 245.017 752.271 11.681 35.784 256.698 788.055 BUDGET SUMMARY TABLE - THE NETHERLANDS, IRELAND AND GERMANY Break Down of Actions Action 1: Information on website(s) and social media, incl. production of 3 films Action 2A: October Month of the Farmhouse Cheese Action 2B: Event: competition for best tasting products Action 3: Recipe cards/ consumer leaflets Action 4: Farm Visits Action 5: Consumer tastings / POS material for specialty shops Action 6: PR Campaign Total for actions excl. Implementation by proposing body Action 7: Implementation by proposing body Total for actions incl. implementation by proposing body (1) Costs for performance guarantee (estimate) Germany YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 TOTAL 31.000 4.000 4.000 39.000 6.200 6.200 6.200 18.600 7.200 7.200 7.200 21.600 0 23.400 23.400 46.800 10.550 12.050 11.550 34.150 4500 9.100 11.300 24.900 10400 15.200 15.200 40.800 69.850 77.150 78.850 225.850 33.190 33.760 32.350 99.300 103.040 110.910 111.200 325.150 0 0 0 0 Fees for implementing body (max 15% of total costs for actions not implemented by proposing organisation (The Netherlands: integrated in actions) 0 0 0 0 Measurement of results of actions (max 3%, year 3 max 5%) 3.091 3.327 5.560 11.979 Total direct costs for the programme (2) 106.131 114.237 116.760 337.129 Overheads (max 5% of (2) 3.647 4.024 4.221 11.891 TOTAL FOR PROGRAMME 109.778 118.261 120.981 349.020 BUDGET SUMMARY TABLE - THE NETHERLANDS, IRELAND AND GERMANY Break Down of Actions Action 1: Information on website(s) and social media, incl. production of 3 films Action 2A: October Month of the Farmhouse Cheese Action 2B: Event: competition for best tasting products Action 3: Recipe cards/ consumer leaflets Action 4: Farm Visits Action 5: Consumer tastings / POS material for specialty shops Action 6: PR Campaign Total for actions excl. Implementation by proposing body Action 7: Implementation by proposing body Total for actions incl. implementation by proposing body (1) Costs for performance guarantee (estimate) YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 TOTAL 6.075 720 720 7.515 11.616 10.416 10.416 32.448 0 0 0 0 3.051 3.051 3.051 9.153 9.000 9.000 9.000 27.000 43027 38.997 38.997 121.021 31900 31.900 31.900 95.700 104.669 94.084 94.084 292.837 0 0 0 0 104.669 94.084 94.084 292.837 0 0 0 0 Fees for implementing body (max 15% of total costs for actions not implemented by proposing organisation (The Netherlands: integrated in actions) 0 Measurement of results of actions (max 3%, year 3 max 5%) 3.140 Total direct costs for the programme (2) 107.809 Overheads (max 5% of (2) 0 TOTAL FOR PROGRAMME 107.809 10 Ireland 0 2.823 96.907 0 96.907 0 0 4.704 10.667 98.788 303.504 0 0 98.788 303.504 Co-financing plan: € CO-FINANCING EU The Netherlands, Ireland and Germany SUBTOTAL YEAR 1 € % 238.467 50 238.467 50 YEAR 2 € % 243.589 50 243.589 50 476.934 487.178 100 100 YEAR 3 € % 238.233,50 50 238.233,50 50 476.467 100 TOTAL € % 720.289,50 50 720.289,50 50 1.440.579 100 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: All proposing organisations (PO) are members of the Network of European Farmhouse Cheesemakers This is where the idea for a joint programme came up. Further projects are in planning stage. The current proposal could serve as the basis for a third country programme, promoting EU farmhouse dairy in the USA. Every MS is responsible for controls and checks in its country. There will be a monitoring group meeting once per year in the Netherlands. Part of the programme will be implemented by the three POs themselves. In addition, every PO will select its own implementing body (IB). The first two annual reports of the Dutch pilot project are joined to the proposal showing promising results. Most successful actions were taken over in new proposal Motivation for the programme: Consumption of milk and milk products in all three participating countries are below government recommendations. Although farmhouse dairy products only represent a very small quantity of total dairy consumption, dairy produced on the farm offers a lot of opportunities to stimulate dairy consumption as a whole. The connection with the farm offers the opportunity to convey the story of the people and the passion behind the products through storytelling. Methods of production are fully transparent and consumers get a clear insight in 11 sustainable production methods, animal welfare, quality assurance, and traceability aspects. The wider dairy industry will also benefit from the halo effect of this programme. Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: In application of Article 8(2)(c) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008, programmes should contain sufficient detail to enable their compliance with the applicable rules and their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. The Member States and the proposing organisations are invited to complete the programme presentation with the following missing elements: Remarks concerning the whole campaign: - The campaign needs SMART objectives. The intended increases in consumption and awareness have to be formulated in a quantitative manner for each target country. - Please describe more in detail how the EU dimension of the programme will be communicated. - Please provide clarification why Spain is mentioned on page 98 in the following sentence "From this one-page website, consumers can simply click on the specific websites for The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany and Spain". Country specific remarks: - Ireland: A written and signed commitment for co-financing for the financial contribution of the Irish Member State needs to be submitted (91.051 €). - Ireland: Confirmation is needed that the contribution of the Association of Irish Farmhouse Cheesemakers (CAIS) is 30.701 € (as stated in the declaration provided by CAIS) and not 28.567 € as stated by Bord Bia in Annex 1b. - Germany: The last page of the evaluation memorandum including the scoring scale regarding the general interest, the quality and effectiveness, the EU dimension and the costeffectiveness of the programme needs to be submitted by the German Member State. Action specific remarks: - Action 1: The Netherlands: More information is necessary as to the content and the form of the 4 modules planned in cooperation with . Will they take the form of separate subpages, pop-ups, newsletters? Will they be accessible throughout the whole programme or during certain periods? Programme related content must not include the mentioning of any brands, i.e. the banner of brands displayed on the bottom of the start page of must not be included in the content related to the campaign. Germany: Please provide more details about the planned logo for farmhouse dairy products and explain which conditions will apply for its use. Note that prior authorisation has to be obtained from the Commission for any use of co-financed promotion material outside the scope of the campaign. Clarification also needs to be provided for budget item "completing operations for the logo in all subdivisions". What does it include? For all three countries, more information needs to be provided on the content of the social media campaign on twitter and facebook. Will the campaign have its own facebook page? Or will it be advertised via banners? 12 - Action 2a and b: The Netherlands: Provide explanation as to budget item "event organisation "De Vierhuizen" and "Bureau Ambacht" in budget table on page 53. Have these two organisations already been chosen for the implementation of this specific action? Germany: How many contacts do you expect for actions 2a) and 2b)? Do the numbers 2.200 and 11.250 on page 91 and 92 refer to total contacts or total evaluation forms filled? Should they refer to total contacts, the cost per contact for action 2a would equal 17,20 € which would require a detailed justification as to the cost-effectiveness of the measure (cost per contact in the Dutch part for the same measure equals 1,17 €). Please also provide confirmation that costs budgeted for cheese for tasting (15kg à 15€ per kilo) are production costs. -Action 4: Germany: VHM needs to provide clarification as to the number of direct consumer contacts for the farm visits. Total farm visits are 120. What is to be understood by total number of actions (=45) on page 94? Estimating the number of participants per farm visit at 25 (same as in The Netherlands) and the number of students per class at 30, total contacts for this action would sum up to ca. 120*25+20*30= 3.600. However, on page 95, total number of direct consumer contacts sums up to 22.500. -Action 5: Germany: VHM needs to provide clarification as to the number of direct consumer contacts for tastings. Does the number 2.550 on page 96 refer to total contacts or total evaluation forms filled? Should it refer to total contacts, the cost per contact would equal 13,60 € which would require a detailed justification as to the cost-effectiveness of the measure (cost per contact in the Dutch part for the same measure equals 1,23 €). -Action 6: Ireland: A more detailed breakdown of budget item "PR agency fee" in budget table on page 72 is required. 13 OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) good/average/poor European dimension / added value: good/average/poor Impact forecast and assessment' methods good/average/poor Cost-effectiveness of the programme : good/average/poor Cannot be definitely assessed as quantitative objectives only exist on level of actions Points awarded by MS: 79/100 (NL), 83/100 (IE), 92/100 (DE) Priority awarded by MS: 1/6 (NL), 2/2 (IE), 1/1 (DE) External consultant’s opinion: to be accepted CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : A letter requesting additional information was sent to the Dutch authorities on 09/01/213 (Ares(2013)18791, copy also sent to German and Irish authorities). The Dutch authorities submitted their reply on 29/01/2013 by e-mail and by mail on 05/02/2013 (Ares(2013)144315). The Commission's observations were taken into account and satisfyingly addressed, see note to the file. Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected 14 IDENTIFICATION DU PROGRAMME: Etat(s) membre(s): EL (coordinator), RO Titre du programme: EUREKA: Discover Europe's treasures Organisme(s) compétent(s): Greek ministry of Agriculture and Food Romanian ministry of Agriculture Organisation(s) proposante(s): Consortium of producers (Kourellas/Konstantopoulos/Arosis/Vivlia Chora) represented by Kourellas (EL) and Sonimpex Topoloveni Srl (RO) Organisme(s) d’exécution: Not yet selected Type de mesure: information/promotion/mixte Produit(s): PRO/PGI/STG Etat membre(s) ciblés: Switzerland, Norway, Russia Durée: 3 years Budget total: 4.180.110€ Proposition reçue le: 15/11/2012 CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM: Organisme(s) d’exécution sélectionné(s) par une procédure compétitive Implementing body not yet selected oui/non oui/non/NA Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’/les(s) organisation(s) proposante(s) oui/non Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes oui/non Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire oui/non Le(s) produit(s)/pays cible(s) sont éligibles oui/non Conformité à /aux ligne(s) directrice(s) oui/non 15 AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire : oui/non Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM) oui/non Confirmation de la représentativité de(s) l’organisation(s) proposante(s) du/des secteur(s) concerné(s) oui/non Confirmation de l’efficacité technique et financière de(s) l’organisation proposante(s) oui/non Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution oui/non DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectif(s) : 1. Improvement of the image of PDO/PGI products as high quality products +50%. 2. Increase of the demand for PDO/PGI products +20%. Stratégie : The strategy has been drawn in accordance to the guidelines of the EU Regulations, by taking into consideration the objectives, themes and duration of the Programme, the available human and funding resources, the characteristics of the target groups, The current situation of target markets, the intrinsic characteristics of the products and the modern methods and techniques for information and promotion actions and the evaluation of the actions results. The Programme is realistic and has been designed by taking into consideration all the factors of the market, the import policy and the legislation of the target countries, the available time and resources. The products will be promoted through the information of all target groups about the European quality specifications, the intrinsic characteristics of the products, the tradition of the production areas and the knowhow of the producers. Modern and popular marketing tools will be used. Through specialised actions and regular communication there will be strengthening of the cooperation with the major players of the market. The Programme’s actions are complementary and adhesive. The communication strategy of the programme will be dynamic, flexible and organised, based on the special characteristics of the target groups. In order to achieve high impact, the Programme has been strategically designed to focus on major urban centres of the target countries, while the advertisement actions will take place on national scale. Cibles : 1. Consumers (age groups: 18-35, 35-60) 2. Distributors (importers, wholesalers, retailers) 3. Opinion Leaders (specialised journalists, distinguished professionals of the food sector) 16 Thèmes : 1. 2. 3. 4. European quality standards Food safety Promotion of the Community logos - Labelling Image of European products Aspects couverts: qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifique aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques vins avec appellation d’origine protégée ou indication géographique protégée, vins avec indication de la variété à raisins de cuve The exact products to be promoted are: Olives: Kalamata olives (PDO) Konservolia Atalanti (PDO) Konservolia Piliou (PDO) Konservolia Stelidas (PDO) ----------------------------------------------Beans: Fasolia Gigantes Kastorias (PGI) Fasolia Gigantes Florinas (PGI) Fasolia Plake Florinas (PGI) Cheese: Feta (PDO) Kefalograviera (PDO) Kaseri (PDO) Batzos (PDO) Manouri (PDO) Anevato (PDO) Wine: Paggaion Wines (PGI) Jam: Magiunul de Prune de Topoloveni (PGI) 17 Messages à communiquer : Main message to be communicated: “Eureka: Discover Europe’s Treasures” Other messages: - I know where they are produced; I know what I consume - Product-with European identity - Natural products with tradition and history Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : The programme foresees the implementation of the following actions: ACTION 1: Communication campaign 1.1 Creation of a visual identity (10.000 €) 1.2 Drafting and distribution of press releases related to the other actions of the programme. 48 press releases in total (24 RU, 12 NO and 12 CH) with a cost of 24.000€, ie 500€ per press release. ACTION 2: Electronic campaign 2.1 Website in 6 languages (EL, RO, NO, RU, FR, DE), total cost 16.000€ 2.2 Social media: creation and feed of twitter and facebook accounts (3000 contacts expected) price 48.000€ ACTION 3: Printed material 3.1 Information brochure of 12 pages available in 4 languages (RU, NO, FR, DE); 40.00 copies for RU and 11.250for NO and CH for a total cost of 25.000€. 3.2 Recipes brochure, 8 pages in colour in 70.000 copies and in 4 languages. Cost 35.000€ ACTION 4: Promotion in sales points 4.1 promotion of the products concerned in selected selling points in all target countries. It is foreseen to carry out this activity as follows: Russia: 40 selling points X 5 days (=200 days) for EL and 10 selling points X 4 days (40 days) for RO. Norway: 10 selling points X 5 days (50 days) for EL and 10 selling points X 4 days (40 days for RO. Switzerland: 10 selling points X 4 days (40 days) for EL and 10 selling points X 5 days (50 days) for RO. The total cost of this action is 2.100.000€. ACTION 5: Public relations 5.1. Visits to production areas: Proposing organisations will invite and accompany opinion leaders and journalists to the production areas in Greece and Romania; It is expected that 64 persons from all 3 target countries will be invited over the 3 years. Total cost 86.000€ 5.2 other events, in the form of food and wine tastings. They will target representatives of the trade industry, chefs, sommeliers etc as well as journalists with the aim to inform and present the products; the cost will be 156.000€ ACTION 6: Participation in fairs 6 participations in fairs are foreseen, 4 in Russia (World food Moscow X1, Prodexpo X3) and 2 in Switzerland (IGEHO X2-HORECA, gastronomy). Total cost is 390.000 € 18 ACTION 7: Advertising There will be advertisements in newspapers and journals of national readership in all 3 countries. Russia: Chef Art, Gastronomy, Business Lady, Russian Food & Drinks, Chief Norway: Lev landlig, Mat & Helse, Aperitif Switzerland: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Sonntagsblick, Gastro Journal Total cost: 144.000€ ACTION 8: training seminars 8.1 Food and wine workshops Workshops of 1 day addressing the food professionals on how to combine foods and wine and learn their special characteristics and production methods. There will be 3 workshops per country per year in the capitals of the 3 countries and big cities. Total cost 168.000€ ACTION 9: Business delegations Business to business meetings with representatives of the proposing organisations and professionals of the target countries. 1 Meeting per country per year= in total 9 business delegations. Each trip will last for 4 days. Total cost: 107.000€ Impact prévisible : This section has not been answered. Méthodes d’appréciation de l’impact : An evaluation study will be conducted at the end of every year of the Programme. The measurement of results includes (a) quantitative assessment of the actions (collection of quantitative data and correlation to the anticipated results), (b) qualitative evaluation (based on the questionnaire which will project the satisfaction of participants in the actions) and (c) measurement of the impact of each action, to each target group, in each country, in each year. The questionnaires will be addressed to all target groups and will be filled in during the exhibitions and the promotion actions. They will be used as a means to collect data regarding the habits and preferences of the consumers, the level of knowledge of all target groups about the European quality framework, their opinion about the PDO/PGI products. EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Intérêt général du programme : 24/30 Qualité et efficacité du programme : 37/40 Dimension européenne : Coût/efficacité : 7/10 15/20 19 BUDGET RECAPITULATIF : € ACTION 1. Communication campaign Year I 18.000 Year II 8.000 Year III 8.000 TOTAL 34.000 2. Electronic campaign 26.000 19.000 19.000 64.000 3. Brochures and recipes 60.000 0 0 60.000 700.000 700.000 700.000 2.100.000 79.000 84.000 79.000 242.000 6. Exhibitions 125.000 140.000 125.000 390.000 7. Advertising 48.000 48.000 48.000 144.000 8. Training Seminars 56.000 56.000 56.000 168.000 37.000 1.149.000 37.000 1.092.000 33.000 1.068.000 107.000 3.309.000 172.350 163.800 160.200 496.350 6.500 6.500 6.500 19.500 2.500 2.400 1.600 2.500 2.400 1.600 2.500 2.400 1.600 7.500 7.200 4.800 34.470 32.760 32.040 99.270 1.368.800 1.302.200 1.272.500 3.943.500 82.128 78.132 76.350 236.610 1.450.928 1.380.332 1.348.850 4.180.110 4. Promotion at points of sales 5. Public Relations 9. Business missions in target countries Total for actions (1) Costs of performance guarantee Fees of implementing body (15% of (1), Annex III, point B.1.2 of the contract) Travel expenses Russia Norway Switzerland Measurement of results of actions (maximum 3% of (1), Annex III, point C.5 of the contract) Total direct costs for the programme (2) Overheads 6% of (2), Annex III, point A.2 of the contract) TOTAL FOR PROGRAMME 6.480 7.140 5.760 19.380 PLAN DE FINANCEMENT EN EURO : PART-FINANCING EU MEMBER STATES PROPOSING ORGANISATIONS TOTAL YEAR I 725.465 322.468 402.995 % 50 25 25 YEAR II 690.167 308.995 381.170 % 50 25 25 YEAR III 674.425 302.720 371.705 % 50 25 25 TOTAL 2.090.057 934.183 1.155.870 % 50 25 25 1.450.928 100 1.380.332 100 1.348.850 100 4.180.110 100 RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : The main objective of the programme is the increase in awareness of the quality products by 50% after 3 years. Nevertheless, the current level of awareness is not described. Therefore we have no basis for comparison in order to measure the impact. The strategy of the programme is not sufficiently detailed. For example, the proposing organisation has not explained the logic behind the presentation in one programme of cheese, beans, olives, wine and jam. What is the link among these products and what is the added value of promoting them together in one programme? The same goes for the selection of Romania as partner, what is the link between the programmes proposed by Greece (cheese, wine, beans, olives) and the one proposed by Romania (jam)? The market analysis is not correctly compiled as it does not make reference to the penetration of the specific products concerned by the programme. For example, it does not mention the market share of the feta cheese in the three markets; it only presents 20 generic figures about imports of cheese from other countries. As a consequence, after the end of the programme it will be impossible to measure the impact of the programme on the imports or sales of feta cheese in the three countries as there will be no basis for comparison. The messages presented are simply slogans, the actual message has not been developed sufficiently and the description of all actions lacks detailed content (structure of website and publications, messages to be presented during fairs). The evaluation methods presented concern exclusively the measurement of the success of the actions. The proposing organisation has not explained how they will measure the impact of the programme on the market in order to ensure that the objectives have been met. Action 2.1 website: the expected number of visitors is not mentioned; therefore it will be impossible to measure the success of this action. Action 2.2 social media: the cost of this action is excessive, given that the platforms are available for free and the only real costs are fees for 1 person to work part time in order to upload messages and manage the accounts and the cost of translation of short messages. Action 4 selling points: it is important to specify how many persons are expected to be affected by this action and what is the estimation of the proposing organisation concerning the percentage of those targeted that will actually be convinced to buy the product. Given the cost, a separate SMART analysis for this action is necessary. Action 5.2 food and wine tastings: number of expected participants not specified Action 6: fairs: expected number of visitors not mentioned Action 7; Advertising: expected number of readers not mentioned; Action 8.1: how many persons will these seminars target? Actions 5.2 and 8.1: there are categories of staff costs labelled 'Responsible for PR', 'Event manager', 'secretariat': these costs should be included in the fees of the implementing body or in the overheads (if are carried out by personnel of the proposing organisation). Additionally, in several actions there are fees for speakers/experts. If these belong to the proposing organisations, their cost must be included in the overheads. If not, it is necessary to explain who these experts are and how they will be chosen. Foreseen impact: the section has not been answered correctly. Eligibilité du programme : oui/non Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : See above 'remarques' 21 AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat (cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne: bonne/moyenne/non adéquate Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Oui/non (demandé comme partie des observations). Coût efficacité du programme: (relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) bonne/moyenne/non adéquat Points donnés par EM: 83/100 Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre Avis du consultant externe: 5/5 Le consultant externe a proposé le rejet du programme. CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) The competent authorities sent the proposal to the Commission services with letter (ref: ARES(2012)1447082 of 5/12/2012). The Commission examined if the proposal is in conformity with the requirements of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008. As a result of this examination the Commission sent a list of observations to the competent authorities with letter (ref: ARES(2012)1530927 of 20/12/2012 and ARES(2013) 19404 of 9/1/2013. The competent authorities provided a list of clarifications and additional information as a reply to the letter with the observations of the Commission services with letter (ref: ARES(2013)194486 of 14/2/2013 and ARES(2013) 76357 of 22/01/2013). In general lines the clarifications provided have covered the observations of the Commission and therefore the programme can be accepted. A few doubts still remain concerning the strategy of the programme. The level of awareness of the PDO/PGI products in the three target countries is still unknown according to the proposing organisations, and therefore they propose to carry out a special survey at the moment of the start of the programme. This, nevertheless, should have been done already, before proposing the programme. The proposing organisations invoke the lack of detailed statistics on the specific products. At the same time, in the evaluation section of the programme, they declare that they will base themselves on national export statistics of PDO/PGI products. It appears, therefore, that such statistics do exist. After a first look the programme appears to be a collage of products not really linked to eachother, involving two Member States without a strong explanation on the choice of products to be promoted and the logic behind the cooperation. Studying the subject more deeply, it appears that this programme deserves to be accepted for co-financing despite the shortcomings, for the following reasons: 22 (1) At a time of severe economic crisis in both countries, the programme will help to secure outlets for the products in markets which are not only mature, but present a strong potential for consolidation of the demand in quality products in the coming years. (2) The products put forward for promotion although appearing to be irrelevant to each other (cheese, beans, olives, wine, vegetables), they do constitute a basket of products (south European-Mediterranean quality products with strong tradition and exquisite taste). This answers the concerns of the external consultant who has advised the Commission to reject the programme. (3) The programme has a strong European message capitalising on the existence of the "heavy artillery" of EU products, the PDO/PGI products. (4) The programme allows access to the market for the only existing registered PDO/PGI product from Romania (Magiun de Topoloveni) which cannot be an object of promotion on its own (Reg 501/2008 not allowing the promotion of only one PDO/PGI product). (5) The proposing organisations are serious producers with experience in promotion of products outside the EU. (6) The programme will be used as a vehicle for strengthening the cooperation between the two member States and will function as an incentive for similar initiatives in the future. For the above reasons it is proposed to accept this programme for Community co financing. Recommandation(s) [- à accepter - à accepter sous réserve des observations ci-dessus - à rejeter ] 23 IDENTIFICATION DU PROGRAMME: Etat membre: Belgique (Flandre) Titre du programme: Campagne de promotion des pommes de terre fraîches Organisme compétent: Vlaamse Overheid – Departement Landbouw en Visserij Organisation proposante: VLAM – Vlaams Visserijmarketing vzw Organisme(s) d’exécution: Boondoggle Type de mesure: information/promotion/mixte Produit: pommes de terre fraîches Etat membre ciblé: Belgique Durée: 36 mois Budget total: 1 170 000 euros Proposition reçue le: 30/11/2012 Centrum voor Agro- CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM: oui/non Organisme d’exécution sélectionné par une procédure compétitive oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM n.a. Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’organisation proposante oui/non Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes oui/non Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire oui/non Le produit/pays cibles sont éligibles oui/non Conformité aux lignes directrices oui/non 24 en AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire : oui/non Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM) oui/non Confirmation de la représentativité de l’organisation proposante du secteur concerné oui/non Confirmation de l’efficacité technique et financière de l’organisation proposante oui/non Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution oui/non DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectif(s) : Rétablir l'image de marque et promouvoir la consommation, ou freiner le recul, de la pomme de terre fraîche chez les jeunes (18-45 ans) en Flandre - mettre en avant la grande diversité d'usages de la pomme de terre, la richesse de sa composition - rompre le lien négatif associant la pomme de terre avec l'image de "cuisine de grand-mère" - chasser l'idée préconçue selon laquelle la pomme de terre n'est pas pratique (il faut du temps pour l'éplucher avant de la cuire) - redresser l'idée selon laquelle elle est moins raffinée et moins adaptée à l'accueil d'invités - combattre le préjugé selon lequel elle fait grossir et le fait que beaucoup de régimes diététiques en vogue la déconseillent. Les atouts incitant à lancer cette campagne sont le retour aux sources d'une cuisine plus traditionnelle, moins sensible à l'exotisme et aux produits nouveaux, l'accent toujours plus marqué mis sur une manière variée et équilibrée de manger de tout, avec une diversité et une variation satisfaisantes, le retour en faveur de l'acte de cuisiner, illustré notamment par la vogue des livres, des programmes culinaires (concours notamment), et sur le fait que la préparation des pommes de terre est aujourd'hui beaucoup plus rapide à la faveur de la mise sur le marché, avec une vogue toujours plus grande, de pommes de terre transformées, aisément et rapidement prêtes à l'utilisation, avec le four à micro-ondes. Dans cette situation incertaine du marché, des menaces plus spécifiques pourraient encore aggraver la tendance: une recherche toujours plus marquée du temps libre incitant à se détourner de préparations réputées exiger plus de temps de travail, alors que les sollicitations pour les loisirs se font de plus en plus pressantes et variées. L'image de marque du produit, réputé peu valorisant et exigeant en temps (épluchage, préparation…), le moindre besoin en calories lié à une vie plus sédentaire et à un travail plus à domicile et moins exigeant en force physique, surtout avec la crise économique actuelle. Surtout, le dédain plus marqué parmi les jeunes générations est susceptible de s'étendre par contagion aux propres enfants des jeunes d'aujourd'hui, lorsque ceux-ci s'installeront et fonderont une famille. 25 L'importance économique de la culture de la pomme de terre est particulièrement sensible en Flandre, avec 46 600 ha en 2001. La consommation a atteint un pic en 2008, à 31,6 kilos/tête, correspondant à une période de crise économique où on est plus souvent chez soi. Depuis, la consommation s'est à peu près stabilisée (29,9 kilos en 2011/12). Elle est consommée en moyenne chaque jour dans 25% des foyers flamands. La consommation des produits concurrents (riz, pâtes) est stable ou en léger progrès. Les pommes de terre gardent la 1° place (72,5% en 2008 mais 70,6 en 2011-12), le recul étant partiellement compensé par le succès croissant des produits pré-transformés. On note toutefois que les jeunes jusque 30 ans consomment 60% et les aînés jusque 64 ans 76%, le niveau le plus bas étant atteint chez les personnes seules. Cette situation de marché a déterminé très directement les buts de la campagne, et son public cible. Les objectifs fixés sont SMART et quantifiés – voir ci-après l'impact attendu et la mesure envisagée pour celui-ci. Stratégie : Il ne s'agit pas de populariser la pomme de terre, qui est un produit très connu en Flandre (90% des consommateurs en achètent au moins une fois par an et elle est un ingrédient essentiel de l'alimentation. L'objectif est en revanche d'accroître la consommation dans certains sous-groupes, les observations montrant clairement une différenciation du niveau de consommation selon l'âge, la situation de famille. La stratégie suivie lors de précédents programmes a donc été modifiée en conséquence. La campagne vise à souligner que la pomme de terre est chez elle dans toutes les cuisines: étudiants, célibataires, familles avec de jeunes enfants, étrangers vivant en Flandre. Elle est si diverse, si variée que chacun peut véritablement se préparer avec elle un repas à son goût, et cela, en ayant ou en n'ayant pas beaucoup de temps disponible, beaucoup ou peu d'ingrédients disponibles, une cuisine équipée ou simplement un micro-ondes. Elle est en somme mise en exergue comme un aliment passe-partout, un ingrédient qui a sa place dans la cuisine moderne (i.e. d'aujourd'hui, variée et équilibrée) Elle cible sur les 18-45 ans pour qui l'image de marque de la pomme de terre est plus négative mais qui représentent un potentiel de consommateurs important, à court comme à long terme. Il est impératif de familiariser ces jeunes à la consommation du produit si on veut qu'ils l'utilisent lorsqu'ils auront eux-mêmes une famille. Le groupe visé se composant de divers sous-groupes typés, des actions spécifiques s'adresseront à ces sous-groupes et elles fourniront le prétexte à parler de la pomme de terre de manière adaptée en touchant ainsi la totalité du public de la Flandre. Outre une stratégie claire pour les 3 années, la campagne comprend également un "fil rouge", qui indiquera clairement que les actions appartiennent toutes à la même campagne. La ligne directrice tout au long des 3 ans sera: La pomme de terre: chez elle dans chaque cuisine. Chaque année, une nouvelle préparation à base de pommes de terre sera présentée; elle sera adaptée à la situation de chaque sous-groupe, tout en s'intégrant dans le style de vie de l'ensemble du groupe-cible. Seront ainsi développées: une recette pour les étudiants (la pomme de terre Boem), pour les célibataires (la Patate Romantique, pour les étrangers en Flandre (la Patate della Mamma). Les spots TV réalisés dans le cadre de la campagne suivront un schéma unique; ils seront dans cette optique réalisés dans un style unique et aisément reconnaissable. Ce qui fera aussi de cette campagne un tout spécifique, et pas une succession d'actions éparses, ce sera chaque année un volet interactif à destination d'un sous-groupe spécifique. Cette action collera de près au mode de vie des sous-groupes concernés. 26 Cibles : 1. le groupe-cible principal est constitué par les consommateurs âgés de 18 à 45 ans et, plus particulièrement à l'intérieur de ce public, les étudiants, les célibataires, les étrangers vivant en Flandre Dans le cours de la campagne, des actions viseront ces sous-groupes comme point de départ pour communiquer de manière novatrice et originale vers l'ensemble du groupe. Les créneaux de communication utilisés seront profilés de manière à viser l'ensemble du groupe-cible à travers les sous-groupes spécifiques. Thèmes : 1. La pomme de terre: chez elle dans chaque cuisine 2. La pomme de terre: chez elle dans une alimentation saine et variée Aspects couverts: qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifique aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques vins avec appellation d’origine protégée ou indication géographique protégée, vins avec indication de la variété à raisins de cuve Messages à communiquer : Les pommes de terre s'imposent dans chaque cuisine - grande variété de modes de préparation, de recettes et de variétés de pommes de terre - avec des pommes de terre on peut confectionner des recettes de tous les jours aussi bien que des plats surprenants, parfaitement adaptés pour les petits repas entre amis et en famille - la préparation des pommes de terre n'a pas besoin de beaucoup de temps. Il existe beaucoup de recettes rapides et de modes de préparation à base de pommes de terre. Les pommes de terre s'imposent dans une alimentation saine et variée - les pommes de terre sont un produit alimentaire sain, riche en principes nutritifs et en vitamines, sans matière grasse et avec peu de calories - les pommes de terre ne font pas grossir Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : La campagne se déroulera chaque année selon un ensemble d'actions différentes qui visent toutes à atteindre les objectifs poursuivis, en termes de marketing comme de communication. Leur but est d'améliorer l'image de marque de la pomme de terre parmi le groupe-cible. Au moyen d'un spot-TV et d'une action opérationnelle, l'objectif est de mettre en lumière les possibilités nombreuses offertes par les pommes de terre. Ces actions, parallèlement aux bannières, doivent orienter vers le site web où on trouvera de nouvelles recettes innovantes et originales pour accommoder les pommes de terre. 27 1. Coûts de conception Ils comprennent les coûts annuels pour l'élaboration du concept de communication, tant stratégiquement que créativement (compte tenu que chaque année la campagne prend une tournure différente, des coûts de conception sont facturés chaque année). Ces coûts sont repris pour chaque action et feront l'objet d'un décompte sous forme de time sheet. Concept stratégique : le planificateur stratégique, en lien avec le directeur créatif et le directeur comptable, définira la stratégie de la campagne. Les incitations ainsi données serviront de base pour le concept créatif en première phase et pour toute la campagne dans une phase suivante. Par année, ils coopéreront à concurrence de 38,40h (à 150€), 4h (170€) et 4h (130€). Concept créatif: en lien avec le directeur créatif, l'équipe créative (directeur artistique, copywriter et directeur comptable) développera plusieurs angles d'attaque basés sur les idées de la stratégie de communication. A ce stade, il s'agira de pistes créatives générales, pas de textes concrets ni d'images précises. Une de ces pistes sera retenue comme base pour la campagne et sera travaillée plus intensément, et les images de campagne et copies des diverses actions seront approfondies en parallèle. Cette manière d'opérer doit garantir que la phase stratégique et la phase créative soient menées de manière constante, ce qui implique les prestations suivantes : directeur artistique (4()h/an, 130€ par année), copywrighter (40h/an, 130€), directeur créatif (8h/an, 170€), directeur comptable (8h/an, 130€). Budget total : 59 280€ en 3 fois 19 760€, Action 1 : campagne TV Pour atteindre un maximum de personnes du groupe-cible, 3 spots TV différents sont prévus, un par an selon des thèmes différents. Dans un souci de rationaliser les coûts ces spots seront tous produits en année 1 (2 sont budgétisés en année 1, le 3° en année 2) ; chacun durera 30 secondes et ils seront construits sur les thèmes suivants : un élément de la vie quotidienne d'un groupe déterminé de personnes appartenant au groupe cible, où les pommes de terre semblent ne pas être chez elles. La situation mettra en évidence pourquoi ces personnes ont besoin d'un type particulier de préparation de pommes de terre. La réponse est donnée par une recette spécifique et originale. Le spot indique brièvement comment le plat est préparé, avec un renvoi vers le site web En année 1 Boem Patat développera la situation d'un étudiant moyen, aimant sortir, dormir beaucoup, devant aller aux cours, épris de vie sociale, avec peu de temps pour cuisiner. La recette consiste en une cuisson rapide au micro-ondes, en écrasant ensuite les pommes de terre et en les revêtant d'un accompagnement. En année 2, Patat Romantique visera un célibataire standard, n'aimant pas trop cuisiner seul, manger seul et nettoyer. La personne seule ne veut pas passer trop de temps à cuisiner, d'où une recette pas trop compliquée mais surprenante : de la purée avec une sauce et du jambon cru. Année 3 : Patat della Mama : à destination de familles italiennes vivant en Flandre et mangeant peu de pommes de terre, gardant encore étroitement le lien avec la cuisine de la mamma chez eux et consommant donc avant tout des pâtes, sous diverses formes ; une bonne manière de concilier les pommes de terre avec la cuisine italienne : des tranches de pommes de terre au pesto. Le budget total de cette action s'élève à 99 821 € 31, dont 59 351 € 97 pour la production des spots, qui seront réalisés en août 2013. 28 Action 2 bannières Le lancement de la campagne ne se fera pas seulement par les spots TV mais aussi par des bannières online différentes chaque année et dans des formats différents. En année 1, 4 formats différents seront créés (2 designs de base et 2 designs flash), en année 2 5 formats (2 de base, 2 flash et une page splash) et en année 3 2 formats (flash et design). Le coût hors médias (cf action 4) fluctue selon les années et les formats, pour un total de 9 650 € (réalisation chaque année en septembre). Action 3 : action opérationnelle Chaque année une action opérationnelle différente sera lancée; elles s'adressent à un segment spécifique du groupe-cible plus vaste des 18-45 ans. Par l'originalité de chaque action, VLAM espère également générer une publicité gratuite qui mettra le groupe-cible entier en contact avec l'action. En année 1, le stand Boem Patat, genre de friture mobile, mais avec des pommes de terre au lieu des frites; ce stand circulera pendant la période de la campagne entre les 3 grandes cités universitaires de Flandre (Gand, Louvain et Anvers), chaque fois 4 jours dans 4 emplacements différents. Les étudiants pourront y déguster gratuitement les Patates Boem et du même coup découvrir la facilité et la rapidité de cette recette. Ils pourront en outre emporter un dépliant avec différentes recettes qu'ils pourront immédiatement réaliser. Cette action sera annoncée par la station étudiante Guido, créée en 1991 et qui s'est imposée comme l'outil de référence en matière de contact avec les étudiants et les jeunes, avec son magazine, son site web et son stock d'adresses mail. Pour cette action, on fera appel à des affiches A 3 dans les restaurants universitaires, cafés, campus et autres endroits fréquentés par les étudiants : 250 emplacements sur, els 3 villes seront ainsi réservés. Une page d'annonce dans le Magazine Guido (6 nċ par an), tiré à 45 00o0 ex. et diffusé dans les grandes cités universitaires de Belgique. Un mailing à 15 000 adresses par ville et des bannières sur le portail (160 000 visiteurs mensuellement) sont également prévus. En année 2, coopération avec le site dating; Patat romantique est le plat par excellence où des hommes et femmes seuls peuvent échanger leurs coordonnées dans un petit repas chez eux. On peut toucher ces solitaires surtout sur les sites web de dating, en coopération avec. le plus grand site du genre en Flandre, avec de plus une bonne réputation. Par des bannières sur ce site et des mails aux personnes inscrites à sa Newsletter, VLAM entend promouvoir Patat Romantique. Sur le site web, les visiteurs pourront voir la recette et auront immédiatement la chance de pouvoir convier quelqu'un à un diner chez elles, avec pour menu la Patat romantique. En outre, les visiteurs peuvent s'inviter eux-mêmes à une Patat Romantique. L'annonce de cette action se fera sur el site web. Les frais de cette action sont repris sous l'action 4 Médias. En année 3, Patat delivery vise à créer, comme les pizzerias, un service de livraison à domicile pour, les Patat della Mamma; Pendant 2 semaines d'octobre 2015, VLAM instaurera son propre service de distribution. Par des bannières et des affiches les consommateurs seront orientés vers les pages de commande sur le site web www.aardappeLbe; on pourra y indiquer quel jour et à quelle heure on souhait être servi et une authentique vespa italienne viendra au jour et à l'heure indiqués livrer à domicile ; Dans la foulée du spot TV de l'année 3, cette action se concentrera sur les endroits de Flandre où vivent des Italiens et le service se limitera aux principales villes de ce secteur, pour des raisons budgétaires. Ce service sérja annoncé par affiche dans le secteur 'J concerné (outdoor, 20 m2, 10 m2 et 8m2, 3(rpanneaux, 15 à Anvers et 15 dans 5 villes voisines. Coût de l'opération 121 552, 46 € dont 55 199,46 en année 1 et 66 453, 00 € en année 2. 29 4. Plan médias Sous cette rubrique sont repris les coûts d’émission du spot TV de 30 secondes, des bannières et de l’affichage (les coûts de production sont repris dans la rubrique spécifique). Année 1, campagne TV : diffusion du spot 4 semaines (oct.-nov. 2013) sur 6 stations (Eén, Canvas, 2BE, Vier, Vijf et Vitaya). Cible prioritaire de ces spots : les responsables des achats de 18 à 45 ans. Le GRP (gross rating point : pourcentage du groupe-cible atteint par le spot TV, multiplié par le nombre de fois que ce spot est émis) en année 1 est fixé à 248. L’OTS (occasion de voir) s’élève à 3,3. Facebook : en oct.-nov., une annonce sera placée pendant 8 semaines sur Facebook pour attirer l’attention sur la campagne. Package Guido : en octobre la campagne du stand Boem Patat sera annoncée par Guido via divers canaux (affichage, magazine, e-mailing et bannières). NB : tous ces éléments de Guido sont achetés sous forme de forfait ; le prix est ainsi meilleur marché qu’en cas de souscription d’actions isolément. Année 2, campagne TV : diffusion du spot 4 semaines (oct.-nov. 2013) sur 6 stations (Eén, Canvas, 2BE, Vier, Vijf et Vitaya). Cible prioritaire de ces spots : les responsables des achats de 18 à 45 ans. Le GRP en année 2 s’élève à 240 et l’OTS atteint 3,2. Facebook : en oct.-nov., une annonce sera placée pendant 8 semaines sur Facebook pour attirer l’attention sur la campagne. Coopération avec Rendez-vous : en octobre 2014 la campagne Patat Romantique sera annoncée par divers moyens (e-mailing et bannières) par Rendez-vous. Année 3, campagne TV diffusion du spot 4 semaines (oct.-nov. 2013) sur 6 stations (Eén, Canvas, 2BE, Vier, Vijf et Vitaya). Cible prioritaire de ces spots : les responsables des achats de 18 à 45 ans. Facebook : en oct.-nov., une annonce sera placée pendant 6 semaines sur Facebook pour attirer l’attention sur la campagne. Le GRP pour l’année 3 est de 235 et l’OTS de 3,1. En oct. 2015 la campagne Patat delivery sera annoncée dans les villes citées plus avant. Le budget total s’élève à 730 896 € 23 (année 1 : 238 593 € ; année 2 : 252 756, 23 € ; année 3 : 239 547 €). Sur ce total, la Tv représente 621 429 €, l’Online 37 350 et les actions opérationnelles 72 117, 23 €) 5. Site web Le site web actuel continuera et l’accent restera porté sur les recettes. Il n’y aura que quelques changements sur le lay out pour donner au site la même allure et la même tonalité qu’à la campagne. Le logo de patapas et les couleurs seront adaptés, le reste demeurant inchangé (ces modifications interviendront au début de la campagne, en oct. 2013). Le site actuel n’est assurément pas encore vieilli et peut encore utilement servir quelques années, rendant ainsi inutile l’investissement dans un site totalement neuf. Outre ces adaptations superficielles, le site sera annuellement complété avec des éléments de la campagne en cours. Portée : avec ce site, VLAM obtient depuis quelques années des résultats appréciables: environ 7 000 visiteurs par mois (hors campagne) et espère poursuivre ces résultats avec la nouvelle campagne. Vu la multiplication des sites de recettes, un léger accroissement du nombre de visiteurs n’est peut-être pas facile à atteindre. Pendant les mois sans campagne, le trafic est entre autre généré par l’émission d’une recette de la semaine à environ 14 000 abonnés. En campagne (oct.-nov.) VLAM espère porter le nombre de visiteurs à 30 000 par mois. Le budget total est de 27 060 € (année 1 : 12 620 ; année 2 : 7 220 € ; année 3 : 7 220 €), se subdivisant entre 22 560 pour les adaptations et 4 500 pour l’hébergement. Outre les adaptations en début de chaque action annuelle, le site sera complété chaque semaine par une nouvelle recette. 30 Action 6 Recettes Les recettes demeurent la manière idéale d’inciter les gens à préparer davantage de pommes de terre et/ou d’une autre manière. Sur le site actuel figurent déjà plusieurs recettes novatrices et surprenantes ; pourtant VLAM entend développer de nouvelles recettes dans la campagne : chaque année de nouvelles recettes seront ainsi créées (30 en année 1 et en année 2, 25 en année 3). VLAM a veillé à ce qu’il y ait assez de recettes suivant le thème de la campagne : Boem Patat, Patat Romantique, Patat della Mamma, mais aussi d’autres recettes quotidiennes. Elles seront utilisées comme recettes de la semaine et diffusées à environ 14 000 abonnés puis placées sur le site web Le coût par recette est de 335 €, soit 28 475 € au total (10 050 en année 1, et en année 2, 8 375 en année 3), aux mois de septembre 2013, 2014 et 2015. Dans les frais de l’organisme d’exécution sont comptées toutes les activités en rapport avec l’accompagnement des spots TV et la comptabilité générale ainsi que le suivi quotidien de la campagne. Ces frais seront justifiés sur base de time-sheet, pour un total de 63 165 € (35 175 € en année 1, 21 055 en année 2, 6 935 € en année 3). Impact prévisible et méthodes d’appréciation : Objectifs de marketing : il s’agit de défendre la part de marché des pommes de terre fraîches face aux pâtes alimentaires et au riz dans la consommation à domicile. L’impact sera mesuré à partir des données du GIK Panel Service, un bureau d’enquête auquel VLAM est lié par contrat pour ces données. L’attitude d‘achat du Belge est analysée de manière continue par le panel GIK, composé de 5 000 familles. Ces chiffres peuvent, être clivés selon l’âge et la situation personnelle, ce qui permet d’analyser plus finement la consommation de pommes de terre fraiches au sein du groupe-cible, ainsi que l’efficacité de la campagne tant auprès du groupe cible retenu que des sous-groupes éventuels. Objectifs de communication : Les pommes de terre restent en tête dans l’esprit du Flamand, mais en comparaison avec les pâtes alimentaires et le riz, elles sont considérées comme habituelles et n’offrant rien de spécial, au point d’être proposées moins souvent que les pâtes et le riz à des invités. La campagne proposée par VLAM est une campagne d’image de marque, pour orienter plus positivement l’image des pommes de terre. Concrètement, les objectifs de communication visés pour la fin de la campagne (en 2015), au sein du groupecible des 18-45 ans, sont : manger des pommes de terre est de notre époque, moderne : 40 à 45% (35% en 2011) ; préparer des pommes de terre ne prend pas beaucoup de temps (65% contre 57% en 2011) ; cuisiner des pommes de terre permet beaucoup de diversité : 75% contre 72% en 2011. Ici, le, pourcentage de départ étant déjà franchement élevé, on attend juste une petite progression. Les pommes de terre sont une source naturelle de vitamines et de matières nutritives : 70% (en 2011, on était à 71%, ce qui représente une légère chute, mais comme les pommes de terre sont souvent proscrites dans les régimes alimentaires en vogue sous prétexte qu’elles feraient grossir, c’est là un défi réaliste. Ces objectifs de communication seront analysés annuellement sur base d’un questionnaire online en fin de campagne (fin novembre). Le bordereau d’enquête qui mènera cette évaluation est InSites Consulting, un bureau disposant d’un vaste panel de consommateurs et avec qui VLAM coopère depuis des années pour évaluer ses campagnes. L’échantillon représentatif se compose de 500 consommateurs, en tenant compte de la représentativité par groupe-cible. En outre, un échantillon représentatif sera constitué par sous-groupe cible. 31 Actions Les actions de la campagne feront elles aussi l’objet d’une évaluation annuelle, en fin de chaque phase de campagne. Cette évaluation aura lieu en même temps que celle des messages et actions de communication, par le même bureau d’enquête, InSides Consulting, et avec le même échantillon représentatif. La liste des questions portera notamment sur la perception, spontanée et assistée, de la campagne et des actions opérationnelles, sur le ton de la campagne, sa perspicacité, sa crédibilité, sur les messages diffusés, en notoriété spontanée et assistée. Outre cette évaluation sur base d’un questionnaire online, des résultats seront également donnés sur l’évaluation des médias (V ; bannières, facebook…), la portée, le nombre de vues, de clicks. Impact attendu : TV : sur base du plan média actuel, VLAM escompte atteindre annuellement 75% du groupe-cible par an. Bannières : en année 1, en coopération avec Guido), le pan stipule que la campagne pourra par ce biais atteindre 190 000 impressions ; en année 2, en coopération avec, il prévoir 1 600 000 impressions (à partir de 13 000 visiteurs individuels). La campagne Facebook devrait pouvoir, avec le budget prévu, enregistrer 7500 clicks sur le site L’évaluation des visiteurs du site web (unique), de la durée de connexion, du nombre de pages consultées, des pages les plus fréquemment lues… est également prévue. L’impact attendu pendant les mois sans campagne est en moyenne de 7 000 visiteurs sur le site web. Pendant les mois de l’action (oct.-nov.) VLAM espère porter ces chiffres à 30 000 visiteurs, soit 60 000 pour la campagne entière. L’analyse des chiffres de fréquentations actuels du site qu’on peut également attendre dans les années à venir des visiteurs qualitatifs sur le site, càd des visiteurs qui lisent en moyenne 5 pages par visite et restent en moyenne 3 minutes. EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Intérêt général du programme : 24/30 Qualité et efficacité du programme : 34/40 Dimension européenne : Coût/efficacité : Total : 7/10 16/20 84/100 32 BUDGET RECAPITULATIF : 1 170 000 € Actions Concept Concept stratégique Planificateur stratégique Directeur créatif Directeur comptable Concept créatif Directeur artistique Copywriter Directeurs créatifs Directeur comptable Action 1 TV Action 1.1 Pré-production spot TV Recce + prep Année 1 Année 2 Année 3 Total € 19.760,00 € 6.960,00 € 5.760,00 € 680,00 € 520,00 € 12.800,00 € 5.200,00 € 5.200,00 € 1.360,00 € 1.040,00 € 19.760,00 € 6.960,00 € 5.760,00 € 680,00 € 520,00 € 12.800,00 € 5.200,00 € 5.200,00 € 1.360,00 € 1.040,00 € 19.760,00 € 6.960,00 € 5.760,00 € 680,00 € 520,00 € 12.800,00 € 5.200,00 € 5.200,00 € 1.360,00 € 1.040,00 € 59.280,00 € 20.880,00 € 17.280,00 € 2.040,00 € 1.560,00 € 38.400,00 € 15.600,00 € 15.600,00 € 4.080,00 € 3.120,00 € 66.547,54 € 1.366,66 € 1.100,00 € 33.273,77 € 683,33 € 550,00 € € € - € 99.821,31 € 2.049,99 € 1.650,00 € 266,66 Casting Action 1.2 coûts production spot TV Cast Equipe Equipement Art department Locations Action 1.3 Coûts post-production TV Personnel Offline edit Online edit Transfers Studio son Action 1.4 Autres coûts spot TV Assurances Musique Droits de production € 39.567,98 € 2.200,00 € 20.394,66 € 5.946,66 € 7.206,66 € 3.820,00 € 9.479,98 € 3.166,66 € 1.200,00 € 3.500,00 € 166,66 € 1.446,66 € 16.132,92 € 666,66 € 4.500,00 € 10.966,26 33 € 133,33 € 19.783,99 € 1.100,00 € 10.197,33 € 2.973,33 € 3.603,33 € 1.910,00 € 4.739,99 € 1.583,33 € 600,00 € 1.750,00 € 83,33 € 723,33 € 8.066,46 € 333,33 € 2.250,00 € 5.483,13 € € € € € € € € - € 399,99 € 59.351,97 € 3.300,00 € 30.591,99 € 8.919,99 € 10.809,99 € 5.730,00 € 14.219,97 € € € € € € € € € - € 4.749,99 € 1.800,00 € 5.250,00 € 249,99 € 2.169,99 € 24.199,38 € 999,99 € 6.750,00 € 16.449,39 Action 2 Bannières Action 2.1 Copie Action 2.2 Production bannières Design de base Design autres formats Flash de base Flash autres formats Project management Design splash page Flash development Project management Action 3 Action opérationnelle Action 3.1 CreationStand Boempatat Action 3.2 Organisation Equipe Boempatatkraam Catering Boempatatkraam Project management Boempatatkraam Equipe distribution Patat Catering Patat Distribution Action 3.3 Création POS (dépliant, affiche) Copy Design Shooting Action 3.4 DTP POS (dépliant, affiche) DTP de base DTP autres formats HR et livraison Action 3.5 Frais d'imprimerie POS Affiche Dépliantt Billboard Action 3.6 Page Online Copy Design € 2.055,00 € € 2.055,00 € 575,00 € 230,00 € 540,00 € 360,00 € 350,00 € € € - € 5.885,00 € 260,00 € 5.625,00 € 575,00 € 230,00 € 540,00 € 360,00 € 350,00 € 2.300,00 € 720,00 € 550,00 € 1.710,00 € € 1.710,00 € 575,00 € 115,00 € 540,00 € 180,00 € 300,00 € € € - € 9.650,00 € 260,00 € 9.390,00 € 1.725,00 € 575,00 € 1.620,00 € 900,00 € 1.000,00 € 2.300,00 € 720,00 € 550,00 € 55.199,46 € 10.000,00 € 32.564,46 € 17.607,20 € 11.233,06 € 3.724,20 € € € 4.095,00 € 520,00 € 575,00 € 3.000,00 € 540,00 € 270,00 € 180,00 € 90,00 € 8.000,00 € 2.000,00 € 6.000,00 € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € 66.453,00 € € 36.000,00 € € € € 18.500,00 € 17.500,00 € 6.095,00 € 520,00 € 575,00 € 5.000,00 € 540,00 € 270,00 € 180,00 € 90,00 € 8.118,00 € 2.000,00 € 4.000,00 € 2.118,00 € 15.700,00 € 1.300,00 € € 121.652,46 € 10.000,00 € 68.564,46 € 17.607,20 € 11.233,06 € 3.724,20 € 18.500,00 € 17.500,00 € 10.190,00 € 1.040,00 € 1.150,00 € 8.000,00 € 1.080,00 € 540,00 € 360,00 € 180,00 € 16.118,00 € 4.000,00 € 10.000,00 € 2.118,00 € 15.700,00 € 1.300,00 € 34 € € € € - € € € € - 2.760,00 € 1.840,00 € 3.600,00 € 3.600,00 € 2.600,00 2.760,00 € 1.840,00 € 3.600,00 € 3.600,00 € 2.600,00 € 238.593,00 € 206.143,00 € 12.450,00 € 20.000,00 € 252.756,23 € 207.143,00 € 12.450,00 € 33.163,23 € 239.547,00 € 208.143,00 € 12.450,00 € 18.954,00 € 730.896,23 € 621.429,00 € 37.350,00 € 72.117,23 Action 5.2 Hosting € 12.620,00 € 11.120,00 € 1.500,00 € 7.220,00 € 5.720,00 € 1.500,00 € 7.220,00 € 5.720,00 € 1.500,00 € 27.060,00 € 22.560,00 € 4.500,00 Action 6 Recettes € 10.050,00 € 10.050,00 € 8.375,00 € 28.475,00 Total actions € 404.825,00 € 328.945,00 € 343.065,00 € 1.076.835,00 € 35.175,00 € 28.240,00 € 10.400,00 € 3.120,00 € 5.520,00 € 9.200,00 € 6.935,00 € 5.635,00 € 1.300,00 € 21.055,00 € 14.120,00 € 5.200,00 € 1.560,00 € 2.760,00 € 4.600,00 € 6.935,00 € 5.635,00 € 1.300,00 € 6.935,00 € € € € € € 6.935,00 € 5.635,00 € 1.300,00 € 63.165,00 € 42.360,00 € 15.600,00 € 4.680,00 € 8.280,00 € 13.800,00 € 20.805,00 € 16.905,00 € 3.900,00 Mesure des résultats des actions € 7.500,00 € 7.500,00 € 7.500,00 € 22.500,00 Coûts totaux directs du programme € 447.500,00 € 357.500,00 € 357.500,00 € 1.162.500,00 Frais généraux € 2.500,00 € 2.500,00 € 2.500,00 € 7.500,00 Total général du programme € 450.000,00 € 360.000,00 € 360.000,00 € 1.170.000,00 UX design Back-end Front-end Testing & suivi Action 4 Médias Action 4.1 TV Action 4.2 Online Action 4.3 Action opérationnelle Action 5 Website Action 5.1 Adaptations Honoraires de l'organisme d'exécution Accompagnement spot TV Accompagnement TV-production (art director) Accompagnement TV-production (concept copy) Accompagnement TV-production (production manager) Accompagnement général Gestion financière Gestionnaires financiers Directeur financier 35 Les coûts unitaires figurent dans le programme, des exemples en sont donnés sous le point concernant les actions ci-dessus. PLAN DE FINANCEMENT EN EURO : 1 170 000 € Cofinancement UE Etat membre Année 1 € 225.000,00 € - IProposant Total % Année 2 % Année 3 % Total % 50 0 €180.000,00 € - 50 0 €180.000,00 € - 50 0 €585.000,00 € - 50 0 €225.000,00 50 €180.000,00 50 €180.000,00 50 €585.000,00 50 €450.000,00 100 € 360.000,00 100 €360.000,00 100 €1.170.000,00 Dimension communautaire du programme Ce programme vise à promouvoir la consommation d’un produit qui représente, depuis plusieurs siècles, une vaste partie de l’agriculture, et de la culture, européenne. Les pommes de terre ont auprès des jeunes générations une image de banalité et sont de ce fiat moins utilisées. La campagne vise à souligner le vaste éventail de possibilités offertes par les recettes et les modes de préparation, afin de stimuler par ce biais l’utilisation du produit. La pomme de terre s’intègre en outre parfaitement dans une alimentation saine et équilibrée ; elle est riche en vitamines et minéraux, ne renferme aucune graisse et peut donc être considérée comme un amaigrissant, et ce alors même que la pomme de terre se voit accoler une réputation médiocre dans divers régimes alimentaires populaires. La campagne peut ainsi aider également à améliorer la santé des citoyens européens en leur montrant qu’ils peuvent préparer à partir de pommes de terre des plats appétissants, surprenants et sains. Cette campagne ne faisant en aucun cas référence à l’origine géographique du produit, l’accent ne portera pas sur la pomme de terre « flamande » L’intention est de diriger le consommateur à une consommation plus fréquente, indépendamment de l’origine du produit. Si l’on considère qu’en Belgique une partie importante de l’offre dans les supermarchés provient d’autres pays membres, on peut considérer que c’est en même temps la production d’autres pays membres qui bénéficiera des retombées de ce programme. RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : La sélection de l'organisme d'exécution s'est déroulée de manière satisfaisante, et se trouve décrite avec précision dans le programme transmis à la Commission (procédure, calendrier, nombre et identité des soumissionnaires, contenu de l'offre). L'autorité nationale compétente a en outre mentionné, dans son formulaire de demande, un lien informatique donnant accès au site où figurent les pièces relatives à cette sélection. (article 8, paragraphe 3, et 12, paragraphe 2, du R 501/2008) Eligibilité du programme : oui/non Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : Ce programme est très professionnel, argumenté de façon concrète et précise ; il suscite peu de questions ou demandes de précisions, remarques ou objections. VLAM a une approche très expérimentée et constitue un interlocuteur régulier de nos services, normalement sur le plan de la mise en œuvre de programmes de promotion. Le rapport qualité/prix/efficacité des actions est bien souligné et exemplaire, facilité il est vrai par l’homogénéité de l’échantillon visé, géographiquement comme sociologiquement, ainsi que par la très grande densité de population concernée, sur cet espace restreint. 36 100 AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat (cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne: bonne/moyenne/non adéquate Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Coût efficacité du programme: (relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) oui/non bonne/moyenne/non adéquat Points donnés par EM: 86/100 Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre un seul programma transmis Avis du consultant externe: non disponible CONCLUSIONS: Sur la base de la première analyse et de la discussion en groupe de sélection, les points suivants demandent des précisions ou des compléments: - préciser la valeur approximative en € de la production de pommes de terre donnée par ailleurs en tonnages - préciser comment ont pu être établis les chiffres cités de 160 000 visiteurs (site et de 250 000 ( - Patate delivery: donner plus de détails sur la mise en place concrète, les prix pratiqués, la date de sélection des intervenants, le type de contrat éventuel, le mode de rémunération. Que recouvre la somme de 17 500 € pour Catering ? - dans l'action Boempatat préciser comment est organisé le crew catering, qui fait quoi ? Dans le timing TV, en année 3, des spots sont prévus en novembre alors que les actions ont lieu en octobre. Quel peut être l'intérêt d'une parution après coup ? - dans le calcul de l'impact les enquêtes sont prévues fin novembre, immédiatement après l'action. Cette proximité ne risque-telle pas de fausser les résultats et les conclusions à en tirer ? - dimension européenne: les éléments cités ne sont pas très convaincants quant à la dimension européenne de ce programme, et ne justifient pas la notation de 7/10 donnée à cet aspect. Il conviendrait de renforcer l'argumentaire à cet égard. D'autre part, l'attention est attirée sur le fait que, dans l'évaluation du programme, la note en point 1.2 est sur 10 et non sur 20, ce qui amène à corriger la notation d'ensemble de l'Etat membre face à ce programme (annexe II, p 12). Une lettre (réf D (2012) 1758192 a été envoyée à l'Etat membre le 19 décembre 2012 pour solliciter les précisions et compléments d'information ci-dessus. Une réponse a été reçue en date du 22/01/2013 (Ares 74337), apportant tous les éclaircissements souhaités et permettant ainsi de recommander l'adoption du programme en l'état. Recommandation - à accepter 37 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): BULGARIA Title of the programme: “LOOK @ the EGG” Competent Authority(ies): Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Republic of Bulgaria Proposing organisation(s): Bulgarian Association of Agricultural Producers (BAAP) Implementing body(ies): Not applicable as yet Type of measure: Information Product(s): EGGS Targeted Member States: Romania (RO), Greece (EL) Duration: 24 months Total budget: 1,893,126 euro Proposal received on: 30/11/2012 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure not applicable Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No 38 OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical and financial effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical and financial capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body not applicable DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) The information programme on eggs for human consumption focuses to achieve the following objective: To explain the meaning of the codes and the traceability system of eggs in order to guarantee consumers, the best and the safest choice. Strategy : In order to best achieve the objective of the programme the programme measures and activities need to reach the prospective targeted groups in the selected targeted countries in a specific and appropriate manner. The programme strategy is oriented based on the following: To follow a co-ordinated and interactive approach between all activities (strengthening the main messages of the information campaign and utilizing widely in all the project 2 actions, updating on quarterly base the website, providing as much comprehensive information on marking of eggs and traceability system in EU); Use a broad spectrum of channels to deliver information with maximum audience delivery (such as popular websites for advertising, newspaper and magazines with high level readership in the target countries); To send understandable, adequate and expressive messages (the convened messages will be easily understandable and able to attract all the consumer categories and all age groups); Fully address consumer information needs in order to create consumer confidence (consumer confidence and interest will be stressed by several activities that will involve opinion multipliers such as the seminars, the culinary school for the young consumers and the POS information activities. These actions aim to develop consumer interest and understanding regarding egg marking and traceability systems). The implementation of the programme follows a large and coordinated set of instruments and measures aimed at reaching the whole consumer audience in the targeted countries while simultaneously focusing on specific (ex. child adapted) and thematic (ex. traceability seminars) information campaigns. The implementation measures will be united by a slogan and logo of the programme capable to underline the programme objective and to attract the attention of the target groups. The implementation strategy combines different means of provision of information. On one side there will be prepared a set of standard information tools (like printing materials, POS information, seminars and culinary school) to disseminate general information. On another 39 side, there will be prepared a set of interactive and proactive instruments (like interactive internet page with egg tracker and other things) to promote the awareness of specific targeting groups. In this way the strategy of the programme intends to actively involve the consumer to be not only information user but also and mainly pro-active discoverer, learner and participant. The target groups are the central points of the programme strategy. In order they to be reached in most effective manner they will be put in four different roles – they will be supplied with information, they will be involved in proactive actions, they will be exposed to interactive activities and they will be asked to consider the information received. The activities and the actions are designed in such manner as to fulfil these four roles. Besides, the activities and the actions may display multiple effects combining some of the consumer roles. The dynamic assembly of the target group, their roles and the activities and the action they will be involved in will be put in place in different stages (point of sales, home and family) using different instruments (printed materials, electronic channels, advertisements and media) with the aim to accomplish results. Target group(s) : In principle, the consumption of eggs forms part of the usual daily/weekly diet for the great majority of consumers independent of their background. Normally, the egg presents a common consumer food product and is present in many food recipes. Thus, everybody is a potential buyer of eggs. For that reason, all people and consumer need to be informed about the new eggs marketing standards, labelling and packaging. Targeting all consumers is indispensable in order to achieve the programme objectives to explain the meaning of the egg’s code and the traceability system. Cooperation between consumer associations and producers becomes more vital in the sigh of a quality efficient food chain results on common issues such as food safety and quality. Consumer association involvement is crucial on short supply chain goal and new EU agricultural approach on consumer awareness and (consumption) habits incubators. In particular: Women: The persons primarily responsible for household purchases most concerned category on weekly and everyday purchasing for the families and their personal needs. The majority of them still care about meal preparation and food/housing product selection. Women additionally are more proactive in collaborating for surveys and in social activities in supermarkets or public places. Women are more capable in distinguishing food brands and product peculiarities and are still slightly more concerned on food quality, nutritional value and food security. To target specific actions and information for women, giving them simple and effective tools to recognize and select the product means to catch the consumption drivers and, at the same time, to reach the citizen attention because mothers are the educational/social pillar of the families. Young people and children: Special attention will be given to the young people and children at age of 8-15. At this age the children are very curios and open to learn, especially trough some action that could catch their attention such as mail out sandwichmen, internet web portal and social networks. The egg (and also the hen) is very often a story player and the children are familiar with it; they take it as a food, but they also play with it at home and at a school. So, it is a good opportunity to use their familiarity to extend the scope of knowledge in a natural way. Moreover, the code of the egg is capable of being playing with. Thus, a sustainable consumer behaviour and awareness will be incubated at an early age. Providing information in an interesting way guarantees that they will become lifelong aware consumers in the future. 40 Themes : The egg’s code significance – what tells the egg’s code to the consumer by the numbers and the letters printed on it in compliance with the Commission Directive 2002/2/EC Traceability – how the egg’s producer is identified by the code, how the eggs travel across the EC, what control measures are put in place to guarantee food safety The egg quality – EU producers have been committed for quality and safety by showing always their own firms codes A) The significance of the EGG CODE Code for the farming method 0 Organic productions 1 Free range 2 Barn 3 Cages Code for the Member State of registration AT Austria ES Spain BE Belgium FI Finland BG Bulgaria FR France CY Cyprus HU Hungary CZ Czech Republic IE Ireland DE Germany IT Italy DK Denmark LT Lithuania EE Estonia LU Luxembourg EL Greece LV Latvia MT Malta NL Netherlands PL Poland PT Portugal RO Romania SE Sweden SI Slovenia SK Slovakia UK United Kingdom Barn - 02 In the barn system the eggs come from hens able to move freely inside the house. The maximum stocking density is 9 hens per square metre of useable floor space. Perches for the hens must be installed to allow 15 centimetres of perch per hen. Litter must account for one third of the ground surface and is used for scratching and dust bathing. One nest box per five hens or communal nests, at the rate of 120 birds/m² of floor area, is provided. Enriched cages - 03 The eggs come from hens reared in enriched cages. The enriched cage provides 750cm² per bird along with a nest box for the birds to lay their eggs in, perching space for the birds to sleep on and a scratching area to perform natural behaviours. Food is supplied in troughs fitted to the cages and an automatic water supply is provided. The units are kept at an even temperature and are well ventilated. Lighting provides an optimum day length throughout the year. The usage of un-enriched cages for rearing laying hens has been prohibited in EU as from 1.1.2012. C) Traceability Each producer inside EU receives unique identification number and is registered by the national authority responsible for food safety control. This record system allows tracking back every egg in the EU back to his producer. Inside EU a food safety control system is put in place and both, the national food safety authority of the exporting EU member state and the national food safety authority of the importing EU member state, have responsibility to do inspections on eggs at every place of production, transport and distribution. They control the laying hens’ welfare conditions, the eggs packaging and labelling and the eggs quality. 41 Aspects covered : quality food safety specific production methods labelling animal welfare environment image of EU products Messages to be conveyed : - EU eggs. Mark the difference! - EU eggs coded for your choice. - EU eggs, labelled for your safety. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Measure 1 - Information materials The following Information materials intend to support the entire campaign with the combined use of images, colours, text, movement and sound. The information materials are considered important as they will present relevant information to consumers about eggs. This will be done by utilizing strong and memorable messages. The various activities listed below aim to be accomplished in the first two quarters of the first phase as indicated in detail in the accompanying table. Programme Logo Leaflets Website Short Film Gift give-aways Egg sets and egg timers Re usable fabric shopping bags Measure 2 - Information Measures The various information measures listed will disseminate the main programme messages by aiming to give the programme target groups relevant and useful information in order to aid them in making informed decisions about their consumer choices. The following activities are scheduled for the third quarter of the first phase to the third quarter of the second phase. POS information actions to consumers in shopping malls and or supermarkets Mail out/hand out of leaflets for the World Egg Day (second Friday of October) Seminars Culinary schools Measure 3 - Advertising Measures Advertising in specialised food or “of interest” magazines which are focussed to the target groups play an important role in modern society, as it is well known that multiple media channels affect public opinion and general trends. The following advertising activities will be implemented during the second part of the first phase and during the second phase of the programme. Online internet advertising Advertising in specialized food magazines and women’s press 42 INFORMATION MEASURES: Leaflets = over 400,000 consumers reached; Website = approximately 50,000 consumers reached; Short Film = over 150,000 consumers reached only from the programme activities; YouTube has the possibility to increase this substantially Gift Giveaways = 5,000 gift sets given to programme participants/consumers; INFORMATION ACTIONS: POS = potentially up to 100,000 consumers reached; Mail Out = over 200,000 consumers reached; Seminars = 400 consumers; Culinary School = 400 young consumers; ADVERTISING ACTION: - Online Internet ads = up to 18,000,000 visualization/consumers reached (15,000,000 in Romania; and 3,000,000 consumers in Greece); - Ads in specialized magazines and newspapers = 2,500,000 people reached (1,420,000 Greece and 1,070,000 Romania). It is conservatively expected that the programme activities will reach approximately over 22,000,000 million consumers over the life of the project. In this huge amount of people, 22 million has to be considered that there could be people reached several times by different programme activities. Anticipated impact: The foreseeable impact of the programme relates directly to the objective. To explain the meaning of the egg codes and the traceability system of eggs in order to guarantee consumers, the best and safest choice It is estimated after 2 years project over 35% of Greeks and Romanians will be reached and informed of project activities. The percentage is a demographic estimation according to the amount of citizens living in capital urban areas. The project impact on overall increase in confidence on marking of eggs for human consumption and awareness on the meaning of the code and the European traceability system is estimated to improve to over 15%. The actual results on the forecasted improvement in general perception and confidence on EU code will be checked with the questionnaires and in the qualitative feedback collected at each stage of the project (in POS, seminars, culinary schools etc). Foreseeable effects of consumer awareness through the project activities after the two years implementation 43 Forecasted potential increase in confidence in Eggs marking and traceability systems in both Countries due to project implementation. The increase in confidence is achievable based on information from Euro barometer press release (6, July 2012) were it states ‘More than 90% of European citizens find quality and price an important factor’ but quality (65%) is the main concern. Additionally European consumers are able to recognize EU quality labels (24% were able to recognize the organic logo) and more than the majority, the 57% are confident of the EU level of food security. Once the project messages reach the target groups, this group of consumers will potentially become opinion multipliers. These outcomes can potentially produce further positive impacts on consumption especially in Greece as in this economic crisis any increase in the consumption of eggs will also be attributed to eggs being an important source of protein at a considerably lower price than other sources of protein for example (meat or fish). Measurable: The expected impacts on the overall foreseen awareness will be described and broken down action by action here below: Evaluation of the Programme All processes related to the evaluation of the proposed information programme: “Look @ the egg” – will be conducted by an independent body that will be selected on proven experience and technical capability and professional experience of the staff and the experts know how. Regarding technical capacity and professional experience of the evaluators it will be assessed on the basis of expertise, knowledge, efficiency, experience and reliability on these criteria: - Expertise in data collection, - Experience in the management of different survey tools and data interpretation, - Excellent reporting and analysis skills. The overall objective of the EU programme ‘Look at the egg’ To explain the meaning of the egg codes and the traceability system of eggs in order to guarantee consumers, the best and safest choice The evaluation mission follows the EU guidelines expressed in the ‘European Commission Green Paper on promotion measures and information and promotion measures for agricultural products’. Hence they are structured in the following steps: Identify, monitoring, evaluating results and reporting. Identification This is the initial phase expressed by an analysis of social and demographic indicators as well as the analysis of the general context, the demand situation and the market trends. Weight of consumer purchasing/per capita The marketing trends/changes/economical drivers and the target group attentiveness to the project activities The analysis and the aim of each activity General perception and attractiveness of eggs and project impacts in local markets 44 The evaluation will focus on the specific target groups: Women: The persons primarily responsible for household purchases most concerned category on weekly and everyday purchasing for the families and their personal needs. Young people and children: Special attention will be given to young people and children between ages of 8-15. The project evaluation and the drafting of the evaluation reports will be implemented by an external evaluation body in accordance with the Regulations 3/2008 and 501/2008. The general evaluation of the project will focussed on the following criteria: The coherence between the implemented actions and the objectives foreseen in the 501/2008 annex; Programme actions and their cost effectiveness in relation to target groups and the social habits of the target Countries; General and specific impact assessment of the actions; Increase in consumer awareness and confidence on the marking of egg and European traceability systems; Impact assessment within the European egg market (in particular focussed on Balkan and Eastern Mediterranean area). Monitoring A questionnaire will be the main instrument for the qualitative analysis collection. The questionnaire will consider the following parameters in order to fulfil the quantitative and the qualitative requirements of the evaluation: Awareness of traceability and marking schemes, proficiency and confidence in egg selection Interest/ buyability The following steps will be considered: 1. How the questionnaire is going to be administered 2. Formulation of the questions, language testing 3. Questionnaire lay-out/printing 4. Pre-test questionnaire 5. Follow up and review 6. Collection, storage and data entry of result 7. Analysis, reporting and review 8. Recommendations and conclusions Evaluating results and reporting The reporting will occur according to the timetable of the programme and appropriate recommendations will follow as is usually the case in such programmes. The Interim report will be discussed at programme Monitoring Group meetings where necessary changes as required or that are appropriate will be made to the programme activities. The project evaluation is expected to have the following reporting phases: First Programme Year Design Phase (questionnaires and interviews) Data Collection and Analysis First Phase Interim Report Second Programme Year Questionnaires and interviews Data Collection and Analysis 45 Final Report, Results & Recommendations ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 26/30 Quality of the programme: 32/40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 9/10 18/20 46 Budget by action : € Co-financing plan : € 47 Following the reply (14/2/2013 ARES 199303) to a letter of remarks, the final values of the budget in the programme are these: Budget in Euros (€) on a Year - by - Year basis MEASURES Activity Activity Activity MEASURE 1 - INFORMATION MATERIALS Design and production of Information Materials 1.1.1 Logo 1.1.2 Leaflets 1.1.3 Website 1.1.4 Short Film 1.2 Design and production of gift giveaways 1.2.1 Egg Sets and Egg Timer 1.2.2 Fabric shopping bags MEASURE 2 - INFORMATION ACTIONS 2.1 POS information actions 2.2 Leaflet distribution (World Egg Day) 2.3 Seminars 2.4 Culinary School MEASURE 3 - ADVERTISING ACTIONS 3.1 Online - Internet Advertising 3.2 Advertisements in Press TOTAL FOR ACTIONS (1) 5 - Travel Expenses Inc. Accommodation Costs (Contract Article 15 Annex III § B.2.2) PLANNED BUDGET (€) 1st YEAR 2nd YEAR Total 322,350 322,350 202,350 202,350 12,000 0 12,000 128,250 0 128,250 28,400 0 28,400 33,700 0 33,700 120,000 120,000 90,000 0 90,000 30,000 0 30,000 328,500 328,500 657,000 205,800 205,800 411,600 43,000 43,000 86,000 48,500 48,500 97,000 31,200 31,200 62,400 195,700 390,800 586,500 75,700 151,200 226,900 120,000 239,600 359,600 846,550 719,300 1,565,850 6,800 6,800 13,600 6 - Fees of implementing body 13% 110,051 93,510 203,561 7 - Measurement of results of actions 3% 25,397 21,580 46,977 8 - Costs of performance guarantee 4,000 4,000 8,000 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS FOR THE PROGRAMME (2) 992,798 845,190 1,837,988 9 - Overheads 3% 29,784 25,354 55,138 TOTAL PROGRAMME BUDGET 1,022,582 870,544 1,893,126 48 Budget in Euros (€) on a Country - by - Country basis MEASURES Romania Activity MEASURE 1 - INFORMATION MATERIALS 1.1 Design and Production of Information materials 1.1.1 Logo Total 161,175 161,175 322,350 101,175 101,175 202,350 6,000 6,000 12,000 1.1.2 Leaflets 64,125 64,125 128,250 1.1.3 Website 14,200 14,200 28,400 1.1.4 Short Film 16,850 16,850 33,700 1.2 Design and production of gift giveaways 60,000 60,000 120,000 1.2.1 Egg sets & Egg Timer 45,000 45,000 90,000 1.2.2 Fabric shopping bags 15,000 15,000 30,000 321,900 202,800 40,900 47,000 31,200 230,300 335,100 208,800 45,100 50,000 31,200 356,200 657,000 411,600 86,000 97,000 62,400 586,500 Activity MEASURE 2 - INFORMATION ACTIONS 2.1 POS information actions 2.2 Leaflet distribution (World Egg Day) 2.3 Seminars 2.4 Culinary Schools MEASURE 3 - ADVERTISING ACTIONS Activity Greece 3.1 Online - Internet Advertising 103,900 123,000 226,900 3.2 Advertisement in press 126,400 233,200 359,600 713,375 852,475 1,565,850 TOTAL FOR ACTIONS (1) 5 - Travel Expenses Inc. Accommodation Costs 6,800 6,800 13,600 6 - Fees of implementing body 13% 92,739 110,822 203,561 7 - Measurement of results of actions 3% 21,402 25,575 46,977 (Contract Article 15 Annex III § B.2.2) 8 - Costs of performance guarantee TOTAL DIRECT COSTS FOR THE PROGRAMME (2) 9 - Overheads 3% TOTAL PROGRAMME BUDGET FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION 100% 1st PHASE 4,000 838,316 25,148 863,464 4,000 8,000 999,672 1,837,988 29,990 55,138 1,029,662 1,893,126 2nd PHASE TOTAL € % € % € % European Union 511,291 50 435,272 50 946,563 50 Member State 306,775 30 261,163 30 567,938 30 Proposing Organisation 204,516 20 174,109 20 378,625 20 1,022,582 100 870,544 100 1,893,126 100 TOTAL RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: 1. In application of Article 7(1) of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Member States concerned shall examine the suitability of proposals for programmes and shall verify their conformity with the said Regulation, the guidelines drawn up and the relevant specifications. They shall also check that the programme offers value for money. 49 2. In application of Article 1(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, "programme" means a coherent set of operations of a scope that is sufficient to contribute towards improving information about, and sales of, the products concerned. 3. In application of Article 8(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, the programmes submitted shall contain sufficient detail to comply with the applicable rules and enable their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. 4. In application of Article 16(2) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008, the Member States shall use the model contracts provided by the Commission. 5. In application of Article 19(1) of Regulation 501/2008 an annual report must contain an evaluation of the results obtained. However, 1) there is no satisfactory justification of the selection of the target markets of this information programme (Greece, Romania), in particular according to all the information provided it is not clear whether there is any particular need to do information actions in these two specific markets; the fact that there is a presence of Bulgarian eggs in these markets is not a sufficient justification in a purely information campaign (it would have been a very positive factor in a proposal for a "mixed" or "promotion" campaign, however please note that campaigns for eggs labelling can only have an information character); information like the one provided on p. 35 "according to the general information of Greek egg sector" or on p. 40 the sentence starting with "While in Romania…" are not sufficient; moreover there is for instance an attempt to provide some more information like on p. 33 (table concerning awareness of Romanian customers), but it seems that this research relates to overall labelling of food products and not specifically eggs, and it relates to only one aspect – animal welfare, but not other qualities of the food products/production; proven and unambiguous information (like representative public opinion polls or own statistical research, specialist press articles, results of any previous information campaigns etc.) about the current insufficient level of knowledge about the marking of eggs in these two markets should be provided so that this information campaign can be justified; 2) the objectives of the programme are not SMART because their indicators are not clearly expressed and because these indicators would be checked against an unknown starting point, making it impossible to ascertain the added value of this information programme; it is assumed that the confidence and awareness would increase "to over 15%" (p. 62) but the initial level of confidence and awareness is not known (it is only "assumed", unrealistically, that there is virtually no knowledge (p.63) in both markets); in any case, it is not clear if the 15% is an "increase" of a certain level of knowledge, or if it's that 15% of the target groups' population (that is a "share") would become more aware about the labelling (and then – by how much?, in which way?) – please explain these elements very carefully; 3) the evaluation method on p. 67 is not sufficiently elaborated: a pre-test would take place which may check the level of knowledge about eggs' marking, but it would be performed on a very limited number of observations (25 RO, 15 EL – if these are the sample sizes, they have to be sharply increased so that drawing a reliable statistical conclusion is feasible) on persons of unknown background (are these customers of the target groups?), moreover there is no proposal for questions to be included in the test which may show how the measurement of the awareness could be quantified, p.37 and 66 - the number of observations planned (320 in Romania and 180 in Greece for each phase for all target groups) would not be enough for drawing reliable statistical conclusions, a higher number of observations per year and per target group should be 50 planned; on the whole the assessment of the impact of the programme cannot reliably take place through the evaluation method presented in the current shape of the proposal – please adjust all the shortcomings mentioned; 4) there is confusion regarding the target groups of the programme: on p. 37 "young households" and "women – adult consumers" are mentioned, whilst on page 41 these are "consumers and their associations" and more specifically "women" and "young people and children" – it should be clarified this difference and explain which associations are going to be targeted, and if all target sub-groups will be members of those associations; finally, in some actions the targeted groups differ from the ones above, as for instance on p. 52 there are "elderly households", on p. 54 there are "authorities", "stakeholders" etc., on p. 57 these are "students". This confusion in the current stage of the proposal results in a general lack of coherent strategy throughout the whole programme – please specify carefully and coherently the target groups in all parts of the programme and check that actions planned are efficiently aimed at these target and that these target groups are foreseen by the Guidelines of Regulation 501/2008; 5) Travel expenses including accommodation costs are foreseen in the overall budget of the programme, its detailed description, especially a justification in which way it would be related to the given actions of the programme is necessary to treat these costs as eligible; 6) The Community dimension of the programme should be exposed more in the messages, making the target groups aware that the high quality of the promoted products is achieved also thanks to the stringent EU requirements concerning their quality. It needs to be specified how the objectives, messages, themes and actions contribute to a European dimension of the overall campaign and how added value is created at European level. The evaluation method of the programme should contain a way of assessing an expected increased awareness of the target groups about the added-value brought by the European standards of production. The EU dimension of the programme on p. 69 should be focussed more on the information towards consumers instead of production data. Finally, please make sure that diffusion of correct and clear information on the more stringent EU requirements concerning laying hens in enriched cages of January 2012 (p. 29) plays a prominent role in the messages and in the results measurement of the programme; 7) Several of the actions included in the programme do not sufficiently explain their content, or their adequacy to the objectives and target groups set, the messages to be conveyed or the means and staff required for their implementation. In particular, the following shortcomings have been identified: - on p. 48 the way the internet users would be encouraged to visit the website of the campaign should be explained better, especially given the assumed number of 70.000 users; - on p. 49 the "production control and agency liaison" cost should be broken down more in detail (for instance by being based on time-sheets and not on a lump sum); - on p. 50 three gift items per participant seem a lot – the added value of giving three gifts (and not just one or two) should be explained. - on p. 52 the items "booking of POS" and "advertising in POS shopping magazines and/or local media" should be described in more details; - on p. 54 the background of the speakers should be provided, and if it is personnel of the Proposing Organisation these fees are not eligible and would have had to be included in the overheads; finally it is questionable whether the indicated "speakers fees including travel costs" are justified, as firstly most of the speakers are local and secondly the presentations provided by the experts are short (p.56) – please explain this item; the item 51 "logistic implementation promo materials and equipment including transportation" cost seems to be missing; - on p. 55 and 56 the seminar agendas should be further clarified, in particular are the two seminars per country going to be the same as it seems from the information presented on p. 55-56 or will they have different agendas as stated on p. 54; - on p. 57 the level of the salary for testimonial would require a much better explanation in order to be justified, otherwise its reduction would be necessary; moreover the transport of the samples towards the schools is not indicated and a confirmation that they'd be purchased at factory prices is missing; the number of culinary schools interventions per country and per year as well as the number of culinary students should also be clarified better; - on p.59 there is no information on the timing, frequency, size of the banners and adverts, moreover it is not clear if the chosen websites will effectively reach and inform the target groups of the programme, given the age and various geographic origins of their users. - several unit costs in the programme should be justified better or reduced given that they may be considered as exaggerated: overall cost of logo creation for 12.000 EUR (p. 45), unit costs of egg sets and bags (p. 50), the overall cost of one promo day above 2.000 EUR (p.52); in culinary schools the use of the auditoriums could be negotiated for free or at a reduced fee (p. 57); Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: The programme can be accepted OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: good/average/poor Impact forecast and assessment' methods yes Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: good/ average / poor good/ average / poor 85/100 Priority awarded by MS: 2/2 External consultant’s opinion: The external consultant pronounces himself in favour of requesting additional information for this proposal; as compared to the previous similar proposal from this association the German market is not included anymore which was a costly and unjustified target choice in this Bulgarian proposal; moreover he is of the view that there is a visible necessity of information about labelling and new EU production requirements in these markets that would however require an improved factual justification (existing data or pre-test); a positive commercial effect on eggs' sales may also take place, but it would be an indirect and secondary effect of this strictly information campaign; 52 CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : The programme can be accepted provided that sufficient additional information is provided. The Proposing Organisation has provided all required clarifications. (communications of 13/2/2013 and 14/2/2013). Recommendation(s) : [- To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected] 53 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Czech Republic Title of the programme: Quality European Milk Products Competent Authority(ies): Czech Payments Agency (SZIF) Proposing organisation(s): Czech and Moravian Dairy Association (CMSM) Implementing body(ies): Agropromotion SPRL Type of measure: mixed Product(s): dairy products Targeted Member States: Russia and Ukraine Duration: 36 months Total budget: 3,864,048 EUR Proposal received on: 29/11/2012 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No 54 OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical and financial effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical and financial capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body Yes/No DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) To increase the consumption and the awareness of EU milk products regarding quality and variety Strategy : In order to best achieve the programme objective the measures and activities need to generate the attention required in order to create the “WANT” the “NEED” for the target groups to consume these milk products. This is called the “PULL STRATEGY”. The consumer in a pull market strategy is the main player of purchasing; The consumer requests the product and "pulls" it through the delivery channel, this strategy will be necessary when entering a new market such as (Ukraine) when the demand in the beginning is uncertain or when as in Russia, new consumers are going to be involved by project actions. In order to increase the consumer expectation a number of actions will be developed actions such as: Advertising and mass media promotion Customer relationship management Sales promotions, discounts and degustation The programme will focus on the following: To have an approach of synergy and coordination between the programme activities, To use broad spread channels of information with maximum audience, To utilise understandable, and expressive messages in the campaign, To utilize similarities culinary habits in order to join a wider range of public and increase the positive effects of the actions, To fully address the consumer information needs in order to create consumer confidence. The logo will be a visible driver for all the programme activities and, able to be remembered and identified by all target groups. The focal point of the information and promotion campaign will be the consumer as driver of socio-cultural changes and as a consumer able to fulfil his/her dietary requirements, with high quality products, product ease and product variety while being fully informed about the products available. After an initial period of designing and producing information materials, the program will run several activities in tandem in order to reach consumer target groups (Ads in public places 55 POSs and magazines Ads). This repetitive marketing strategy aims to have the effect of repetitive recognition and familiarity of the products to the consumers. It will be a programme task to reach also other stakeholders that are involved in HORECA sector or in food retail sector in order to guarantee the maximum effectiveness of the programme purposes in increasing the awareness and the knowledge on the varieties of EU Milk products in the aim of increasing purchasing of promoted products. The effectiveness will be supported by the implementation of thematic dinners, exhibitions and conferences at the same time of the exhibition period and missions to manufacturing places. Even national representatives (Embassy and consular staff) will be involved in order to have the maximum support and to guarantee the EU highest profile and visibility. The programme budget will be distributed based on two main criteria business and demography. Over the three phases of the programme the total budget allocated will be allocated approximately 75% to Russia and 25% to Ukraine (3:1 Ratio). This criterion takes into account the demographic ratio (143 million Russian inhabitants and 46 million inhabitants Ukraine) and the corresponding economic ratio (GDP per capita). As Russia is the biggest worldwide country and the economic dynamism of some other cities far away from the ‘Russian Core’ are showing positive trends, it will be a programme challenge to rally activities in 2 cities: Moscow and St Petersburg that are the national business and social trend drivers. On the contrary, in order to achieve the maximum benefit with the budget, as Kiev is Ukrainian business core and the centre for European network in the Country, the majority of the activities in Ukraine will be put in place in the capital. Some adjustments/assessments will be considered along the programme implementation always trying to follow the 3:1 ratio (with some corrective adjustments in budget spending in favour of Russia). These criteria are established in such way according to the power of purchasing of local citizens of target countries, the economic trend of each target country and the higher tendency of Russian people to purchase European milk products. Target group(s) : Main target groups: Young consumers Secondary target groups: retailers, journalists, HORECA, supermarkets. Themes : The wide variety of milk products make possible a tasty choice for every meal In the daily regime we need 2/3 portions of dairy products but both in Russia and in Ukraine dairy consumption is still far below this requirements. Selecting dairy products and varying the selection of products will bring further enjoyment and raise the consumption. High quality milk products Europe has a long tradition of making high quality milk products worldwide; the EU is also the first exporter worldwide of the best and most famous milk products. European milk products have always been synonymous of taste and quality. The EU has always strived to put in place regulations to ensure to consumers high standards in food security. Variety and availability Milk products have the value of having excellent and nutritious taste. As a bonus there are many varieties in the market that cater for various meals and discerning palates. Great taste and convenience 56 All milk products have beneficial nutritional characteristics for all ages and target group categories. Convenient packaging makes it easy to find and enjoy. Aspects covered : quality food safety specific production methods nutrition aspects labelling image of EU products Messages to be conveyed : A good meal always has a dairy taste Try EU milk products and notice and taste the difference A wide variety with the best quality guaranteed: EU dairy Try the difference, enjoy the European dairy varieties You deserve the best quality, enjoy EU dairy Turn your day into an EU dairy day! EU dairy, quality and taste you deserve Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: MEASURE 1 – INFORMATION ACTIONS These measures will help and support all the other activities, they will carry, the messages, the information and the insignia that will be used during the programme implementation. Website: it is possible to assume that at least 50,000 visitors will get informed by the programme, the product and the other general information by the programme website. In order to reach the amount it is calculated that at least 45 people a day will visit the website and since the information will be in the target Countries Languages and English, the international dimension of the website will give the possibility to other European and international consumer to check the website information. MEASURE 2 – PROMOTION ACTIONS The promotion actions are valuable actions able to reach directly people and they could be easy measurable: The POS involve the attention of several people in the singled out supermarket, considering that at least 450 persons per day will receive the brochures but more than this amount will see the VIDEO displayed in the supermarkets, the programme insignia and the stands during the 5 days of the activity; for the exhibition it is even easier because in the exhibitions furnish the figures for each exhibitions. POS information actions to consumers in shopping malls /supermarkets = it is foreseen to reach around 250,000 people (people participating actively to the POS activity and people assisting or having seen the stand in the targeted supermarkets); Participation in fairs/trade exhibitions: 600,000 people Events/conferences - programme launch: 160 persons (VIP people, information multipliers) 57 MEASURE 3 - ADVERTISING ACTIONS The advertising activities are the easiest way for reaching the wide public, the attentiveness of the target person changes according individual interest of the personal interest for a particular issue, the readiness of the person itself and the time that each person has for seeing the advertising understanding the contents and, eventually develop an interest. Ads in specialised food magazines and women’s press = 15,353,760 for Russia and 2,604,216 for Ukraine= 17,957,976 in total. In order to have reasonable figures of people effectively reached, it is considered just the number of subscriptions of the magazine where it is scheduled to display the advertising; this is a very effective instrument because the person has, potentially, all the time for understanding the content and developing an interest. Outdoor Advertising on Billboards and/or City Light Boxes= billboards very popular instruments of advertising in those countries and with the city lights, are indispensable tools for reaching a wider range of people. The criteria utilized for billboard effectiveness it was already explained in the action. In order to have reasonable figures all the data of this instrument it is utilized as a model the figures of the annual utilization of the public transport per each target city divided by a thousand. Billboards: 10,390,000 people City lights: 3,400,000 people Inserts of brochures in press: 315,000 people (only by direct contact) 12 MEASURE 4 – PUBLIC RELATIONS ACTIONS In these activities even it will be involved only a limited number of people, these people will be opinion multipliers and mainly stakeholders of food sector able to introduce the promoted products in the supermarkets of the all country and able to sensitize public opinion in changing opinion and to get interested in pursuing the products Thematic Dinners 225=25 x9 Mission to the manufacturing sites 36=6x 6 Culinary Schools 280= 70 x 4 times According to the above mentioned figure, it is possible to estimate that around 33 million people will have the possibility of getting informed or joined by at least one of the programme activity. Since the majority of the actions will be implemented in the big cities and the programme main target groups are the people living in the target cities there is the possibility that the same person will be involved in several actions, so it is reasonable to consider the final 33 million by two, it is possible to say that the figures assumed preliminarily are fairly correct both for the awareness and the potential consumption. About the consumption: it has to be highlighted that these positive results could be achieved only by a coordinated commitment that does not only belong to the programme but in general to the local institutions in order to remove the eventual trade barriers Additionally it will depend on the proactivity of all stakeholders involved in the process in order to liaise with local traders and supermarkets managers for placing the products in local supermarket shelves. Achievable: the programme is based on a MIX of information and promotion measures and activities which aim to see the programme objective reach their potential. Varying information tools will catch the different target groups (young, women and elderly people) giving update information on the produce characteristics, suggestion on consumption, 58 varieties in the flavours and the traditional EU quality. The activities will consider different target groups habits, culture, cooking behaviour and information media. The website will be realised to give update information, sharing information, suggestions and recipes and it will provide consumer services on the implementation of the programme activities and it will be a privilege instrument of information especially for young generations. For the other target group a series of initiatives and information are going to be implemented. Relevant: advertising tools for the programme are result and target groups oriented and suitable to achieve programme objectives. Time bound: this programme will be implemented within 3 phases for 36 months supports the implementing of the measures and the activities for the expected impact on the awareness and varieties of European quality milk products, reinforcing the interest and the consumption and, at the same time, the variety in consumption of milk products. The activities are well detailed and considered for an actual time of implementation in the programme time schedule. Anticipated impact: The foreseeable impact of the programme relates directly to the objectives and what the estimated results of the objectives will be. The programme objective is: To increase the consumption and awareness of EU high quality milk products and the varieties available to consumers. 59 ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 30/30 Quality of the programme: 37/40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 7/10 20/20 60 Budget by action : € Co-financing plan : € 61 Following the reply from the Czech authorities to a letter of remarks, the final values of the budget in the programme are these: 62 63 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: In application of Article 7(1) of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Member States concerned shall examine the suitability of proposals for programmes and shall verify their conformity with the said Regulation, the guidelines drawn up and the relevant specifications. They shall also check that the programme offers value for money. In application of Article 1(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, "programme" means a coherent set of operations of a scope that is sufficient to contribute towards improving information about, and sales of, the products concerned. In application of Article 4(1) and (3) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, all information and/or promotion messages passed on to consumers and other target groups under programmes shall be based on the intrinsic qualities of the product concerned or its characteristics. Any reference to the effects on health of consuming the products concerned shall be based on generally accepted data. Messages referring to such effects must be acceptable to the national authority responsible for public health. In application of Article 8(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, the programmes submitted shall contain sufficient detail to comply with the applicable rules and enable their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. In application of Article 9(2) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008, the Member States shall check programmes aimed at third countries among others against the following criteria: consistency between the strategies proposed and the objectives set, the quality of the proposed measures and their likely impact in increasing demand for the products concerned. In application of Article 19(1) of Regulation 501/2008 an annual report must contain an evaluation of the results obtained. However: the objectives of the programme are not SMART, they are not defined in a clear way: concerning the increase of "awareness" it is presented as the number of persons in the target groups that will be simply reached by the programme – this is not a correct approach and what should be measured is the expected increase of awareness about the products assessed through surveys on a statistically relevant population in each target group; concerning the sales, they are presented as an average increase of the dairy market, all products included, in the target countries and it is not clear to which extent these increases would be due to the effects of the programme (as it promotes only three dairy products: mlecne pomazanky ze smetany – cheese spread, tvarohove dezerty – cheese desserts, jogurty - yoghurts) and to which extent the three products to be promoted in the programme would be part of this increase; the measurement of the increase of sales of the three promoted products must take place and the expected increase should be high enough to justify the value for money of the programme; the forecasts on p. 84-85 make a general assumption about possible overall EU level of exports of all dairy products, with one average price per volume, to the target markets at the end of the programme, and this is not enough to justify the value for money of this proposal as it doesn't concern the products to be promoted and it refers to EU and not Czech exports levels, which isn't a realistic and specific assumption; the market study doesn't contain satisfactory and up-to-date information (production levels, levels of exports to the target markets) about the specific products to be promoted, which wouldn't allow to assess the value for money of the programme at the current stage; only for the cheese desserts and yoghurts some data are provided (p. 16) on Czech production 64 volumes till 2010 or 2011 – cheese spreads are not mentioned in the table; please provide the most up-to-date information for each promoted product (volumes of current Czech production, and values too – here provide for instance the available market prices in EUR for each product in the last three years, provide also for each target market the current Czech levels of exports, in volume; failure to provide them or providing data that show too low levels of production/value and exports of the three promoted products combined will result in non retaining the programme; if the information from the page 87 that no retailer in Ukraine offers Czech dairy products nowadays is maintained, please indicate the expected increase in absolute values of the Czech dairy products in this market after the end of the programme, as a measurement of 5% increase against a zero starting point is not feasible; still concerning the clarifications about the indicators, please note that on p. 84 a "0,5%" increase is indicated, whilst on p. 87 a "5%" increase is mentioned; the evaluation method has to be adjusted so that it doesn't simply measure the mere execution of the actions foreseen in the programme, but the effects of these actions on the awareness and/or consumption concerning the promoted products; in particular please review and adjust the following elements: indicate the number of observations (sample size) to be performed in each country in each target groups so as to measure the level of increase of the awareness; explain how the increase of sales/consumption will be measured for each promoted product, and please base your calculations on a clearly stated starting point for each target market and product promoted; explain how the measurement of the increases of sales can be made only on the basis of questionnaires; explain why you are not planning to use national statistical data or data provided by the producers in the sector to assess these increases, otherwise take such a possibility into account; in addition to what is presented on p. 92 provide more details on the content of the questionnaires to be used, indicate how the answers to these questions can be quantified so as to be able to perform a measurement of the increase of the awareness, in order to achieve this you may also consider quantifying such observations as increased "3-times-a-day consumption", "knowledge about variety of EU products and their quality", "perception of dairy as a common, not luxury products" (see p. 45 – goals of the programme); finally provide explanation about the sample sizes for the test, the table on p. 94 provides very low numbers of observations that must be way higher in order to provide reliable statistical conclusions, moreover they have to be also performed on the primary target group of "consumers"; since the promoted products still have to be introduced in the local distribution chains (or in any case their presence is not demonstrated at the current stage of the proposal), it is equally necessary to measure right from the start the gradual penetration of the target market by the promoted products in the duration of the programme – please provide details about these measurements; moreover please explain why it is mentioned on p. 45 that the short-term strategy will involve customers and will have a positive impact on consumption, and that the medium- and long-term strategy foresees supporting a stable presence of the promoted products in the distribution – it is deemed necessary to work most intensively on assuring the necessary offer of products already in the short-term, along with the actions aimed at individual customers; it has to be explained better and thoroughly demonstrated that the actions of the programme aimed at the secondary target group of professionals (especially conference for the start of the programme, fairs, visits to production sites, PR actions) will bring an effect in the form of availability of the three promoted products in the local distribution chains; action "culinary schools" p. 83 - in the context of a necessity of penetrating the market and of increasing sales and awareness in the target groups, please provide a much better strategic justification for this action; please explain how the video registering of the event 65 will be used after the action; on p. 46 from the description of the goal of the action an efficient leverage effect on sales and awareness in the target group "younger people" as a whole cannot be clearly seen); Please note that all information and/or promotion messages passed on to consumers and other target groups under programmes shall be based on the intrinsic qualities of the product concerned or its characteristics. Any reference to the effects on health (for instance p. 45, where "zdravotni efekty" are mentioned) of consuming the products concerned shall be based on generally accepted data. Messages referring to such effects must be acceptable to the national authority responsible for public health. The messages concerning health impact of the promoted products may require special authorization of the national health authorities. Moreover any reference to the national origin of the product should be avoided, in particular please take it into account when planning the main content of the advertisement materials (the draft logo on p. 58 has the Czech flag in it for instance, which is not allowed). Travel expenses including accommodation costs are foreseen in the overall budget of the programme, its detailed description, especially a justification in which way it would be related to the given actions of the programme are necessary to treat these costs as eligible; The Community dimension of the programme should exposed more in the messages, making the target groups aware that the high quality of the promoted products is achieved also thanks to the stringent EU requirements concerning their quality. It needs to be specified how the objectives, messages, themes and actions contribute to a European dimension of the overall campaign and how added value is created at European level. The evaluation method of the programme should contain a way of assessing an expected increased awareness of the target groups about the added-value brought by the European standards of production; Moreover take into account the following: - on p. 58 it is not clear why "definition and understanding of the conditions of attaining the goal" by the logo for 1.500 EUR is necessary; - given the high level of expenditure (p. 60) for the brochures (overall production costs of 356.250 EUR) it is required to provide more details about their expected layout and content, and a thorough justification concerning the groups targeted (who, how many) by this action; - costs of "delivery" of the brochures are mentioned twice, once on p. 60 and once on p.78, please justify this; - please explain how the target groups will be encouraged to visit the website of the campaign (p. 61); - p. 62 – please explain what is meant by: "4 days of filming and two of editing" for 3.900 EUR total, 10 items of "graphics and special effects" for a total of 2.800 EUR and "2 DVD originals" for 400 EUR total; - on p. 63 please correct the indication of the cost for "transport and storage" for a total of 3.400 EUR; - on p. 64 please describe much more in detail the action, especially the items "packages of promoted products" ("baleni"), "information carriers" ("informacni nosice") and "stands" ("stojany"), from the description of the action there is some confusion between "printing" and "manufacturing" some of those items – please clarify; moreover provide a precise number of these items to be used for the other actions of the programme, and what types and quantities of products would packed in the "packages", how they would be handed 66 out for tastings (if other items like forks or spoons are necessary), and on which occasions in the programme they would be distributed; - given the important overall cost of the fairs in the programme, it is necessary to provide more details about the stand, its size, standard, layout, position in each fairground etc. Moreover please provide the background of the four professionals coming from Czech Republic on each fair, please adjust the cost of hostesses to the average local market prices on p. 67, please note that insurance costs are not eligible for co-financing, they have to be removed on pp. 71, 72, please explain how frequent the voice announcement will be and where and how big the adverts in the local media will be; - the following costs on p. 73 have to be justified or lowered: support of secretaries and hostesses (230 EUR), buffet and drinks for 95 EUR per person, "other additional logistics costs" for 350 EUR; moreover provide the times, places of the conferences and the size of the conference room and its standard, finally explain where and how many "publications of articles on actions in newspapers/magazines" will take place; - on p. 75-76 more details have to be provided on the chosen magazines and given the high overall expenditure it is not acceptable to assume that the costs of the action are "tentative" ("orientacni vypocet"); - on p. 77 the sizes, place and length of the presence of the external adverts have to be provided; - on p. 78 please justify the fact that brochures would be given out to any customer, and not only to those who buy more specialized magazines more related to this promotion programme; the assumed quantities to be distributed are high (35.000 brochures per each of the 5 selected newsagent boots) and need a very thorough justification; - on p. 79 please explain the sub-action "participation in the place of the event" ("ucast v miste konani") for 1.450 EUR; - on p. 80 the unit cost of the dinner has to be decreased to a justified level, well below 175 EUR; explain where and how many "publications of articles on events" will take place; - on p. 82 provide the background and the selection criteria of the participants that are to go on the missions to the production sites, explain why you mention "consumers" up on the page 82 if these are supposed to be professionals and opinion makers, and finally explain how you are going to monitor their opinion-influencing role after their come back to their home countries; - on p. 83 – please explain where and how many "publications of articles on events" will take place and lower the accommodation price to a reasonable level; - please note that the action "culinary schools" cannot mention "Czech" high quality dairy products (p. 83), as the promotion of national origin of the promoted products is not allowed and the origin should only play a secondary role; - p. 84 please break down more in detail the cost of the action for 7.500 EUR; - please confirm that all products to be distributed for tastings in the whole programme will be delivered at factory prices; the annex 3 (in English) of the application contains not enough descriptive information about the actions of the programme – please adjust this element; the units used in the tables on pp. 20-22 are not indicated (currencies, exact numeric values, weight); 67 on p. 5 of the Annex 3 (in English) of the proposal it is mentioned that "programme activities will address the above consumption styles as they represent people living in the largest cities in both Russia and Ukraine" – please explain more in detail how it will be achieved for all these consumption styles, and whether this is a valid assumption since in the main version of the programme in Czech language (p.55) such statement is not included (only a list of consumer behaviours is presented); Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: The programme can be accepted. OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) good/average/poor European dimension / added value: good/average/poor Impact forecast and assessment methods: Yes/No Cost-effectiveness of the programme: (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) good/ average / poor Points awarded by MS: 94/100 Priority awarded by MS: 1/1 External consultant’s opinion: not applicable CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : The programme can be accepted provided that all the above observations are taken into account and a clarification is provided to the questions made by the Commission services concerning various points of the programme, indicated above. Failure to provide satisfactory explanations or information to all the above listed remarks will result in not retaining the proposal because it will be in breach of the articles of the Regulations 3/2008 and 501/2008 presented right before the Commission's remarks. The Proposing Organisation has provided all required clarifications. (communication of 18/1/2013). Recommendation(s) : [- To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected] 68 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Ireland Title of the programme: "Just Add Mushrooms" Competent Authority(ies): Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Proposing organisation(s): Bord Bia Implementing body(ies): Note yet selected Type of measure: mixed Product(s): mushrooms Targeted Member States: United Kingdom and Ireland Duration: 3 years Total budget: €2,729.597 Proposal received on: 30.11.2012 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure n/a Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes 69 OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body n/a DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objectives: - Objective 1: To increase penetration amongst 25 – 45 years households from 78.0% to 80.0% by 2015 (UK) and from 81.3% to 87.6% (Ireland) - Objective 2: To increase the frequency of mushroom purchase amongst 25 – 45 years households from 14.9 to 16.0 by 2015 (UK) and from 23.9 to 25.0 (Ireland). - Objective 3: To increase the understanding that mushrooms count as one of your 5-a-day of fruit and vegetables by 3-5% each year until 2015. By the end of the three year programme this understanding is estimated to grow up to 15%. Strategy : The strategy is to increase penetration and frequency of purchase among younger households in the UK and Ireland by implementing a three year communications programme which uses the power of recommendation to get across the nutritional, taste, versatility and value credentials of mushrooms. This is designed to take advantage of the progress being made by current EU cofinanced activity in support of mushrooms. While building on this success and maintaining critical momentum, it will address the newly identified problem of falling penetration among the core target group. It is also intended as a means to achieve media efficiencies across the two markets. Despite the fact that overall sales of mushrooms have been largely stable over the past ten years, and have shown some growth in the last two years, a problem has been identified in that fewer households in the younger age groups (under 45 yrs) are buying mushrooms. The problem extends to both households with no children and households with children meaning that there is a serious risk of the mushroom eating habit not being carried forward robustly to upcoming generations. The programme strategy is intended to tackle this problem directly. It does so by focusing on the inherent attributes of mushrooms (nutrition, taste, versatility and value) and engaging the target group through a creative approach and direction of media funds which is informed, and driven by, the power of recommendation. The social media phenomenon in the UK and Ireland is essentially about consumers talking to other consumers and amplifying key media messages. It is well supported by consumer studies that information about a product or service carries more credibility if it is received as a recommendation rather than, at the other extreme, a hard sell. Indeed there has been a significant shift in patterns of trust in recent years. When it comes to shopping, consumers increasingly report that they trust the recommendations of 70 friends and family above all other sources. One aim of the programme will be to encourage consumers to say good things about mushrooms to each other. For this to happen, information about mushrooms will need to be provided in an easy-to-recommend format. Target group(s) : Primary UK and Ireland households where the meal preparer is under the age of 45 years. Secondary Doctors and nutritionists – to harness the power of recommendation which they can pass on to their patients and the public. Mass caterers – remind them of the many benefits of mushrooms and encourage them to incorporate them into their repertoire. Children in educational establishments – through their teachers Themes : 1. Nutrition 2. Taste and versatility 3. Value Aspects covered : quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG organic products graphic symbols for remote regions wines with a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication, wines with an indication of the wine grape variety. Messages to be conveyed : Rational messages Eating 80g mushrooms counts as one of the Government’s recommended ‘5-a-day’ quota Mushrooms are a source of B-vitamins and minerals Mushrooms are a source of anti-oxidants Mushrooms are excellent value for money Mushrooms are naturally low in calories Mushrooms are naturally low in fat Mushrooms are full of anti-oxidants Mushrooms are a source of folic acid Mushrooms are a source of potassium 71 Emotional messages Mushrooms are well worth recommending Mushrooms are a tasty and nourishing addition to any family meal Mushrooms are always an enhancement and a great fall-back for the meal preparer Mushrooms can inspire passion around a meal All product claims will comply directly with Article 4(3) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 and Directive 2000/13/EC requirements. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Three key actions have been identified to deliver a cost efficient and cohesive programme of activity: 1. Magazines will reach the core target group of women aged 25 – 45 years 2. Digital advertising enables the messaging to engage with the core younger audience who are frequent users of the internet as well as our secondary audiences. 3. PR and Trade press: PR will amplify the paid for media space and add credibility to the programme as well as influencing advocacy amongst the media. Trade titles provide an opportunity to target doctors, nutritionists, teachers and mass caterers in a very cost efficient manner. All actions will be delivered over a three year period to drive a change in perception and increase household penetration in the under 45 years age group. Anticipated impact: ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 26/30 Quality of the programme: 35/40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 8/10 18/20 72 Budget by action : € ACTIONS (for UK & Ireland) Magazines UK Ireland Digital advertising UK Ireland PR & Trade press UK Ireland Total for actions UK (1) Ireland (2) Total for Actions (3) Costs of performance guarantee Fees of implementing body (maximum 13% of (1) UK Fees of implementing body (maximum 13% of (2) Ireland Fees of implementing body (maximum 13% of (3) Total Measurement of results of actions (maximum 3% of (1)) UK (5% in last year) Measurement of results of actions (maximum 3% of (2)) Ireland 5% in last year Measurement of results of actions (maximum 3% of (3))Total 5% in last year Total direct costs for the programme UK (4) Total direct costs for the programme Ireland (4) Total direct costs for the programme Ireland (4) Overheads (maximum{3/5 internal market} {4/6 third countries} % of (4) Total for programme 1ST YEAR € 261,807.86 29,692.14 224,560.45 25,183.80 214,003.63 24,637.07 700,371.94 79,513.01 779,884.95 0 91,048.35 2ND YEAR € 261,807.86 29,692.14 224,560.45 25,183.80 214,003.63 24,637.07 700,371.94 79,513.01 779,884.95 0 91,048.35 10,336.69 10,336.69 3RD YEAR TOTAL € € 261,807.86 785,423.58 29,692.14 89,076.42 224,560.45 673,681.35 25,183.80 75,551.40 214,003.63 642,010.89 24,637.07 73,911.21 700,371.94 2,101,115.82 79,513.01 238,539.03 779,884.95 2,339,654.85 0 0.00 91,048.35 273,145.06 10,336.69 31,010.07 101,385.04 101,385.04 101,385.04 304,155.13 21,011 21,011 35,019 77,041 2,385 2,385 3,976 8,746 23,397 23,397 38,994 85,787 812,431.45 812,431.45 826,438.89 2,451,302 92,235.09 92,235.09 93,825.35 278,295.54 904,666.54 904,666.54 920,264.24 2,729,597.33 0.00 0 0 0 904,666.54 904,666.54 920,264.24 2,729,597.33 73 ACTIONS (for UK) Magazines Media Production Total for Action Digital advertising Media Production Total for Action PR production Trade press Total for Action Total for Actions Costs of performance guarantee Fees of implementing body (maximum 13/15% of (1) Measurement of results of actions (maximum 3% of (1)) Total direct costs for the programme (2) Overheads (maximum{3/5 internal market} {4/6 third countries} % of (2) Total for programme ACTIONS (for Ireland) Magazines Media Production Total for Action Digital advertising Media Production Total for Action PR production Trade press Total for Action Total for Actions Costs of performance guarantee Fees of implementing body (maximum 13/15% of (1) Measurement of results of actions (maximum 3% of (1)) Total direct costs for the programme (2) Overheads (maximum{3/5 internal market} {4/6 third countries} % of (2) Total for programme 1ST YEAR € 244,425.26 17,382.60 261,807.86 193,093.75 31,466.70 224,560.45 162,713.43 51,290.20 214,003.63 700,371.94 0 91,048.35 2ND YEAR € 244,425.26 17,382.60 261,807.86 193,093.75 31,466.70 224,560.45 162,713.43 51,290.20 214,003.63 700,371.94 0 91,048.35 21,011 21,011 3RD YEAR TOTAL € € 244,425.26 733,275.78 17,382.60 52,147.80 261,807.86 785,423.58 193,093.75 579,281.25 31,466.70 94,400.10 224,560.45 673,681.35 162,713.43 488,140.29 51,290.20 153,870.60 214,003.63 642,010.89 700,371.94 2,101,115.82 0 0.00 91,048.35 273,145.06 35,019 77,040.91 812,431.45 812,431.45 826,438.89 2,451,301.79 812,431.45 812,431.45 826,438.89 2,451,301.79 1ST YEAR € 27,760.74 1,931.40 29,692.14 21,687.50 3,496.30 25,183.80 18,079.27 6,557.80 24,637.07 79,513.01 0 10,336.69 2ND YEAR € 27,760.74 1,931.40 29,692.14 21,687.50 3,496.30 25,183.80 18,079.27 6,557.80 24,637.07 79,513.01 0 10,336.69 3RD YEAR € 27,760.74 1,931.40 29,692.14 21,687.50 3,496.30 25,183.80 18,079.27 6,557.80 24,637.07 79,513.01 0 10,336.69 TOTAL € 83,282.22 5,794.20 89,076.42 65,062.50 10,488.90 75,551.40 54,237.81 19,673.40 73,911.21 238,539.03 0.00 31,010.07 2,385 2,385 3,976 8,746.43 92,235.09 92,235.09 93,825.35 278,295.54 92,235.09 92,235.09 93,825.35 278,295.54 74 Co-financing plan : € CO-FINANCING YEAR I % YEAR II % TOTAL % 50 YEAR III 460,132 EU 452,333 50 452,333 50 1,364,799 50 MEMBER STATE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROPOSING ORGANISATION TOTAL 452,333 50 452,333 50 460,132 50 1,364,799 50 904,667 100 904,667 100 920,264 10 0 2,729,597 100 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: 1) In application of Article 1 of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 measures should not be brand oriented or encourage the consumption or encourage the consumption of any products on the basis of its specific origins. 2) In application of Article 6(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 lays down that only trade and/or inter-trade organisation(s) representing the sector(s) concerned in one or more Member States or at Community level shall draw up proposals for information and promotion. 3) In application of Article 7(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 lays down that Member State(s) concerned shall examine the suitability of proposals for programmes and shall verify conformity with this Regulation, the guidelines drawn up under Article 5 and the relevant specifications. They shall also check that the programme offers value for money. 4) In application of Article 7.2 of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Commission services have to be able to verify that proposed programme offers value for money 6) In application of Article 9 of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Member States concerned shall check that the programme offers value for money. 7) In application of Article 1(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, "programme" means a coherent set of operations of a scope that is sufficient to contribute towards improving information about, and sales of, the products concerned. 8) In application of Article 4(1) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, all information and/or promotion messages passed on to consumers and other target groups under programmes shall be based on the intrinsic qualities of the product concerned or its characteristics. 9) Article 4(3) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that any reference in messages to be disseminated to the effects on health of consuming the products concerned shall be based on generally accepted scientific data. Messages referring to such effects must be acceptable to the national authority responsible for public health. A trade or inter-trade organisation as referred to in Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 which proposes a programme shall keep a list available for the Member State concerned and the Commission of the scientific studies and the opinions of authorised scientific institutions on which the messages in the programme referring to effects on health are based. 10) In application of Article 8(1)3rd paragraph of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that programmes shall be submitted in a form prescribed by the Commission and be available on its website. 75 11) In application of Article 8(2)c of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that programmes contain sufficient detail to enable their compliance with the applicable rules and their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. 12) In application of Article 8(3) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that for the purpose of implementing its programmes, each proposing organisation shall select one or more implementing bodies by an appropriate competitive procedure validated by the Member State concerned. Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: The organization is still running a second programme for mushrooms in the market of the United Kingdom. The dissemination of messages and information on mushrooms at the same time within the same period could create confusion to the target groups. In addition the results of the same campaign are not known till the end of the programme. It should be clarified how this campaign will avoid this effect in relation to the campaign that is already running. It is also required that the competent authority provides its view on the issue taking into account that the previous campaign has not yet finished. Actions Concerning action 1, further detailed information should be provided that will cover the number of ads every year, clarifications if ads will be of different content and which themes will be addressed in every ad. Furthermore further information should be provided on costs of copywriters, creative partners, copywriter, creative partner/art director and art director as well as for the definition of magazine space costs. With reference to action 2 clarifications should be provided on costs related to rich media ads, pay and click (detailed cost description). In action 3 clarifications should be provided to cover more details on the cost description of each separate sub-action such as the quantities of recipes, persons contacted and what kind, target group coverage, number of mails, locations and number of participants for events, press releases and press contacts and all other necessary information to provide a good basis for the evaluation of the action. A detailed listing and description for each sub-action should be provided. Budget A more detailed budget for each target country should be submitted to provide a distinction between the different sub-actions which will be undertaken in the markets of Ireland and the United Kingdom. In addition it is presented that the fees of the implementing body will be calculated on an hourly basis. In accordance with the requirements of the contracts the presentation of the fees should be done on the basis of timesheets broken down by measure, month, type of staff and person. Therefore the cost of the implementation of the action should meet this requirement. The budget for the market of Ireland corresponds to approximately 12% of the total budget while the rest of the budget is allocated to the market of the United Kingdom. Could you please explain the reasons behind this distribution of the budget between the two countries. 76 OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: Yes Impact forecast and assessment' methods provided Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: good good/average 87/100 Priority awarded by MS: 2/2 External consultant’s opinion: n/a CONCLUSIONS The programme provides a coherent set of actions. Observation(s) : The competent authority should examine and approve the implementing body fees in accordance with the rules described in the annex of the contract. Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted 77 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Greece Title of the programme: “Information provision and Promotion actions on asparagus on the internal market, and in particular in Greece, France and Germany". Competent Authority(ies): Ministry of Rural development and Food Proposing organisation(s): Association of Legal Persons (Association of Cooperatives of Kavala-coordinator) Implementing body(ies): Note yet selected Type of measure: mixed Product(s): Asparagus Targeted Member States: Greece, France, Germany Duration: 3 years Total budget: 2.920.000 € Proposal received on: 30.11..2012 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure n/a Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No 78 OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body n/a DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) To increase 3% on average the sales of asparagus in Greece, France and Germany, every year. To inform 2.500.000 consumers in Greece, 3.000.000 in France and 3.000.000 in Germany every year. Strategy : The strategy of the program was formulated based on: a) The objectives of the program, b) The special characteristics of the target groups, c) The current market situation and competition in the target countries, d) The special characteristics and advantages of the European vegetables (asparagus), d) The modern techniques of promotion and information provision, e) The use of the most modern methods and tools for the evaluation of the results. Based on these lines the strategy of the program aims to: The promotion of products in a sectorial level. The improvement of the image of the products and the strengthening of the demand for these products, according to the directing lines of the EU. The implementation of coordinated actions, strategies and transition of messages to all target countries. In this framework, the program strategy will be determined by the completion of three set of goals: Information goals a) increase of consumer knowledge regarding European asparagus, b) increase of public awareness to consume more vegetables, c) projection of competitive advantages of European vegetables and d) public awareness on European vegetables and mainly on European asparagus in terms of consumer’s safety. Promotion goals a) to promote the consumption of vegetables, especially asparagus and b) increase of market share of the European asparagus in the targeted countries. Sales growth goals Increase of exports and sales of European asparagus 79 Target group(s) : Consumers in general. Young people and children Housewives and families Age group: 35 +, middle aged, elders Mass caterers. Nutritionists and doctors Opinion leaders and journalists Themes : The increase of consumption of vegetables The guaranteed quality provided by the EU vegetable products. The strict measures of the EU food safety system in all procedures “from farm to table”. The information on the specific production methods of vegetables regarding the implementation of assured production schemes. The advantages of EU labelling of food products. The image of the EU vegetable sector. Aspects covered : quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG organic products graphic symbols for remote regions wines with a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication, wines with an indication of the wine grape variety. Messages to be conveyed : Consume fresh vegetables and specially asparagus Production with respect to assured production schemes. Products are natural and fresh Quality Safety Enjoyment 80 Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: 1.1 Website Development The website of the programme “information provision and promotion measures in the internal market (Greece, German and Italy)” that ran from October 2009 until October 2012,, will be adapted and translated in the languages of the new target countries (French). The website will be structured into specific sections that will enable the user to navigate with ease. These sections will be: (a) section presenting the product, (b) section with information about the sector of European and Greek production, (c) section that will be regularly updated providing information about the project and the actions (d) library and (e) newsletter. Implementation time: 1st trimester of the 1st year. 1.2 Production of DVD for use in the exhibitions (short version DVD) The short version DVD will be of 4-5 minute duration and will be used during the exhibitions. It will be short and concise, so as to convey its messages effectively to the visitors of the exhibitions. The cost includes design, editing, narration and adaptation to the languages of the countries. One (1) master DVD will be produced for each country, since this DVD will not be distributed but will remain under the possession of the proposing organization. Implementation time: 1st trimester of the 1st year 2. INFORMATION PROVISION ACTIONS THROUGH PRINTED MATERIAL 2.1 Posters The objective of the posters is information provision, promotion and advertisement of the messages of the program in the language of each target-country. The posters will promote the image of the products along with the messages, the logo as used in the previous promotional program of asparagus, and the EU dimension of the project. The posters will be used as supportive means of communication especially for the actions “Point-of-sale information action to consumers” in Greece. (Greece 200 posters, France 50 posters, Germany 50 posters). Implementation time: 1st trimester of the 1st year. 2.2 12-page information brochure The 12-page information brochure (coloured, 20x20cm, illustrated paper of 115gr) will be reproduced in 50.300 copies in the three languages of the target-countries. The distribution of the 12-page information brochure aims to provide information to the target groups in the actions. (Greece 9100 leaflets, France 26100 leaflets, Germany 15100 leaflets). The cost includes also the cost of design, production of sketch, binding and translation into the languages of the target countries; Implementation time: 1st trimester of the 1st year. 2.3 Folders The folder will be used as supporting tool, enclosing one 12-page information brochure and one DVD. The folders will be distributed accordingly. (Greece 3100 folders, France 3100 folders, Germany 3100 folders). Implementation time: 1st trimester of the 1st year. 2.4 2page information brochure (flyer) The flyer (coloured print, (17x25cm), illustrated paper 115gr) will be reproduced in 90.000 copies in order to inform the consumers during the Point-of-sale information action to consumers. The flyer will contain the key messages to be disseminated to target groups, the logo and the slogan for the program. . (Greece 90.000 leaflets). The unit cost includes also the cost of design, production of sketch and binding. Implementation time: 1st trimester of the 1st year. 81 3. PROMOTION ACTIONS 3.1 -3.3 Participation in exhibitions The participation in the following exhibitions is planed: One (1) participation in DETROP, in Thessaloniki, Greece (60sq.m., 4 days, event on tasting) Two (2) participations in IFDEX in Athens, Greece, (60sq.m., 3 days, event on tasting) One (1) participation in SIAL, Paris, (60sq.m., 5 days, event ) Two (2) participations in MEDFEL, Perpignan, France, (60sq.m., 3 days) Three (3) participations in FruitLogistica, Berlin, (60sq.m., 5 days, event on tasting) 3.4 Point-of-sale information action to consumers in Greece The product will be presented in 8 different supermarkets (20 points of sales for 6 days in total, 120 promotional days). The selected days will be Friday Monday and Saturday. 250 samples will be distributed in each point of sales. The action employs 20 promoters, 2 supervisors, special clothing for the promoters and training, distribution of 100 questionaires in each point of sales.. 4. ADVERTISING ACTIONS 4.1 Whole page advertisements in magazines Forty five (45) full page advertisements will be published in the national printed media of each targeted country and in particular, fifteen (15) in Greece, fifteen (15) in France and fifteen (15) in Germany. They will be 4-c colored, including logo slogan of project and clear messages about the quality and the strict standards of the EU production of vegetables. The advertisements will be placed in the following magazines. Greece: Gourmet, Olive, Gastronomos, Real Taste, France: Cuisine Actuelle Hors serie, Vie Pratique Gourmand, ,Gala Gourmand, Guide cuisine,Cuisine Actuelle, Germany:Jamie, Saveurs, Bild Berlin. 4.2 Article placements in magazines Articles will be published in magazines (about 800 words), including the logo and the slogan of the program along with texts or tributes based on the messages of the program. These messages will be addressing to specific target groups or to the general public. The articles can be either a single advertisement or a combination of photographs and text-article (advertorial). The subject of the articles can be narratives by producers or quality issues and the European standards for the production of vegetables and especially asparagus. The articles will be published in the magazines presented previously, as they are considered the most important and popular in the target countries (9 articles I each country). 4.3 Production of TV Spot (commercial) A TV spot will be produced in order to advertise the European asparagus on TV. It will be of 15’’ duration and broadcasted in Greek TV stations. The messages of the program will be included in the TV spot. 4.4 Broadcasting the TV spot in TV stations in Greece. During the first, second and third year of program, the TV spot will be broadcasted two hundred and ten (210) times in TV channels in Greece.The channels and TV programs that will broadcast the TV spots were chosen based on evaluation factors such as, the overall profile and popularity of channels, the impact of the TV programs to the target audience, the relevance of the TV programs and its presenters to the product, the cost / benefit analysis and the opportunity provided by the channels for extra publicity, e.g. through other media owned 82 by the same association. Based on the criteria such as , viewing and GRP’s, quality Criteria such as Food shows, affinity index and efectiveness (CPR, cost). (TV channels shares SKAI 20%, NET 15%, STAR 25%, MEGA 40%, Broadcasts per year 70, weeks 3– 4, month March ), According to the above table, approximately 2.500.000 people will see the spot about six times every year. 4.5 Tributes in TV programs During every year of the program, special tributes are planned to be realised and broadcasted, manly in the morning zone, in TV programs in the three target countries. The aim of the tributes is to trigger the interest of the consumers, manly women, regarding consuming European asparagus. The channels and TV programs that will host the tributes will be chosen based on evaluation factors such as, the overall profile and popularity of channels, the impact of the TV programs to the target audience, the relevance of the TV programs and of the presenters to the food sector, the cost / benefit analysis, the opportunity provided by the channels for extra publicity, e.g. through other media owned by the same association. Greece: (STAR - MEGA CHANNEL) France: CHANNEL MIX (FRANCE 2 - NT1 CHANNEL) Germany: TV BERLIN- BON GUSTO CHANNEL 5. PUBLIC RELATION ACTIONS 5.1 Invitations to opinion leaders The aim of this action is to invite and accommodate selected opinion leaders in Greece, so as to meet the products (asparagus), the way that they are produced, the productivity of the Proposing Organizations, and the overall framework of European standards under which asparagus are produced. In specific, three (3) invitations will be addressed to opinion leaders from each target country [(3 invitations) X (2 Countries) =6 invitations overall]. In each one of those invitations six persons will be invited to spend three days in Greece. They will be accommodated in 4**** Hotel and they will visit the production fields of the Proposing Organizations. A special program for accommodation and transportation will be organized. 6. TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION COSTS In order for the Implementing body (bodies) to prepare, manage, follow up and implement the actions, it is necessary to perform the following eighteen (18) trips for the whole duration of the proposed program 6 trips inside Greece (two per year) 6 trips to France (two per year) 6 trips to Germany (two per year) Anticipated impact: The study will be based on the analysis of measurable indicators which will measure, evaluate and compare: The affinity of activities combined to the targets of the project. The effectiveness of activities per objective. The efficiency concerning the expected results. The intensity of activities concerning the country and the period of realization. The measurable indicators that will be used for the extraction of conclusions are distinguished in qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative indicators: Image Improvement / Placement of the product in the market / Increase in sales 83 Quantitative indicators: Image Improvement / Placement of the product in the market: /Familiarization of respective businessmen regarding the qualitative specifications of European products ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 25/30 Quality of the programme: 37/40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 7/10 17/20 84 Budget by action : € ACTIONS 1 Action 1: Electronic Media Actions 1.1 Website (re-development and modifications) 1.4 Production of short version DVD 2 Action 2: Printed Material Actions 2.1 Posters 2.2 12-page information brochure 2.3 Folders 2.4 2page information brochure (flyer) 3 Action 3 - Promotion Actions 3.1 DETROP, Thessaloniki IFDEX, Athens 3.2 SIAL, Paris MEDFEL, Perpignan, France 3.3 FruitLogistica, Berlin 3.4 Point-of-sale information action to consumers in Greece 4 Action 4 - Advertising Actions 4.1 Full page advertisements in magazines 4.2 Article placements 4.3 Production of TV Spot 4.4 TV spot Broadcasting 4.5 Tributes in TV programs 5 Action 5 - Public Relations Action Invitations to opinion leaders 5 TOTAL OF ACTIONS (1) 6 Travel Costs 7 Costs of performance guarantee 8 Fees of implementing body (13%) 9 Measurement of results of actions (3%) TOTAL OF DIRECT COSTS FOR THE PROGRAMME (2) 10 Overheads (3%) TOTAL COST OF THE PROGRAMME 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year TOTAL 12.500 6.000,00 3.000 3.000,00 3.000 3.000,00 18.500,00 12.000,00 6.500,00 146.790,00 1.800,00 90.540,00 13.950,00 40.500,00 344.500,00 0,00 62.000,00 0,00 51.000,00 62.500,00 169.000,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 357.000,00 58.000,00 0,00 67.500,00 0,00 62.500,00 169.000,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 344.500,00 0,00 62.000,00 0,00 51.000,00 62.500,00 169.000,00 6.500,00 146.790,00 1.800,00 90.540,00 13.950,00 40.500,00 1.046.000,00 58.000,00 124.000,00 67.500,00 102.000,00 187.500,00 507.000,00 391.500,00 107.500,00 51.000,00 25.000,00 70.000,00 138.000,00 20.000,00 20.000,00 915.290,00 14.200,00 4.635,06 118.987,70 27.458,70 366.500,00 107.500,00 51.000,00 0,00 70.000,00 138.000,00 20.000,00 20.000,00 746.500,00 14.200,00 4.300,00 97.045,00 22.395,00 366.500,00 107.500,00 51.000,00 0,00 70.000,00 138.000,00 20.000,00 20.000,00 734.000,00 14.200,00 4.300,00 95.420,00 22.020,00 1.124.500,00 322.500,00 153.000,00 25.000,00 210.000,00 414.000,00 60.000,00 60.000,00 2.395.790,00 42.600,00 13.235,06 311.452,70 71.873,70 1.080.571,46 884.440,00 869.940,00 2.834.951,46 32.417,14 26.533,20 26.098,20 85.048,54 1.112.988,60 910.973,20 896.038,20 2.920.000,00 Budget table per target market Target market Greece France Germany Total cost of actions (1) per year Year 1 466.730,00 229.930,00 218.630,00 915.290 Year 2 370.500,00 190.500,00 185.500,00 746.500 85 Year 3 374.500,00 174.000,00 185.500,00 734.000 Total 1.211.730,00 594.430,00 589.630,00 2.395.790 Co-financing plan : € CO-FINANCING YEAR I % YEAR II YEAR III % TOTAL % EU 556.494 50 455.487 50 448.019 50 1.460.000 50 MEMBER STATE 222.598 20 182.195 20 179.208 20 584.000 20 PROPOSING ORGANISATION TOTAL 333.897 30 273.292 30 268.811 30 876.000 30 1.112.989 100 910.973 100 896.038 100 2.920.000 100 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: 1) In application of Article 1 of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 measures should not be brand oriented or encourage the consumption or encourage the consumption of any products on the basis of its specific origins. 2) In application of Article 6(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 lays down that only trade and/or inter-trade organisation(s) representing the sector(s) concerned in one or more Member States or at Community level shall draw up proposals for information and promotion. 3) In application of Article 7(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 lays down that Member State(s) concerned shall examine the suitability of proposals for programmes and shall verify conformity with this Regulation, the guidelines drawn up under Article 5 and the relevant specifications. They shall also check that the programme offers value for money. 4) In application of Article 7.2 of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Commission services have to be able to verify that proposed programme offers value for money 5) In application of Article 9 of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Member States concerned shall check that the programme offers value for money. 6) In application of Article 1(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, "programme" means a coherent set of operations of a scope that is sufficient to contribute towards improving information about, and sales of, the products concerned. 7) In application of Article 4(1) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, all information and/or promotion messages passed on to consumers and other target groups under programmes shall be based on the intrinsic qualities of the product concerned or its characteristics. 8) In application of Article 8(1)3rd paragraph of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that programmes shall be submitted in a form prescribed by the Commission and be available on its website. 9) In application of Article 8(2)c of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that programmes contain sufficient detail to enable their compliance with the applicable rules and their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. In view of the above articles the competent authority of Greece has proceeded the application to Commission services. Programme eligible: Yes/No 86 First observations to be communicated to MS: Objectives 1) How is it possible to attain the same objective of 3% while the budgets allocated in the different target markets varies? Market situation 2) In the description of the market situation there is not a clear description what is consumption of asparagus for each targeted market and what are the reasons on which it is justified that a promotion campaign is necessary to provide an increase in its consumption in these particular markets based on the rules of the promotion Regulations (EC) No 3/2008 and (EC) No 501/2008. 3) The organization of the Association of Cooperatives of Kavala is currently a partner in the multi-country programme on the promotion of fruits (kiwis) and vegetables (tomatoes and cucumbers) approved under decision C(2012)4334 for the markets of Germany, Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic as well as a proposing organization for the programme approved under decision C(2009)5583 on the promotion of asparagus in the markets of Greece, Germany and Italy. The second programme is completed on 19 October 2012 and the evaluation and final reports have not yet been sent to the Commission services. 4) The organization has presented on page 37 of the proposal the justification for the continuation of the programme. However the previous programme had as target markets Germany, Italy and Greece. The new programme targets the markets of Greece, France and Germany. It is also presented that the market of Italy is losing weight for asparagus to the contrary to the other two targeted markets of the programme. In addition it is questionable and not justified under the current description why the market of Italy was substituted from the market of France. Furthermore France is a strong producer of asparagus and this is not taken into account in the presented analysis. The presented justification for the continuation of the programme needs further clarifications to provide a solid basis of justification for the continuation of the programme. Actions 5) With reference to action 1.1 it is not clear why the budget for the French markets on the construction and maintenance of the internet site is higher than the budget allocated in the other markets. 6) What is the added value of the use of DVDs. 7) The description of action 3.4 provides a series of details on the development of the action. However it is not clear what is the planned timing hours and days for each point of sales in each supermarkets. This makes unclear the costs of the action and the evaluation of these costs should be clarified. Budget 8) The distribution of the budget among the target markets is disproportionate between Greece and the other target countries. Taking into account the market size for each one the budget is unevenly distributed and the cost efficiency, the added value and the value for money of the whole programme is under question. Provide further clarifications. EU dimension 9) The EU dimension of the programme is not clear and it is limited since there is no reference to any EU policies and objectives in relation to the objectives, messages, themes and actions of the campaign. Provide clarifications. 87 Evaluation method 10) The presented methods and indicators should be better defined in order to provide a solid basis for the evaluation of the programme impact and results. In particular the presented indicators should correspond to each objective and provide the measurement of the target set for each objective; for example 3% increase of consumption. In addition the basis for the calculation of the indicators is not provided. The actual methods for the measurement of the impact on consumption levels of asparagus and image improvement of the product. Provide clarifications. OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: Promotion of EU products Impact forecast and assessment' methods A method is presented Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: good 86/100 Priority awarded by MS: External consultant’s opinion: good 2/5 positive CONCLUSIONS The programme provides a coherent set of actions towards the accomplishment of the presented set objectives. Observation(s) : Although the programme is proposed to be accepted due to its content and value certain shortcomings as mentioned above should be followed with particular attention such as the competition for the award of the contract organized by the proposing organization due to the similarities this proposal has with another of the same series in order to safeguard the interests of the EU. Furthermore a close follow up should be undertaken on risks on double financing for common actions during the implementation. Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted 88 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Greece Title of the programme: Information and promotion measures for ARO(3)MA beef meat on the internal market (Greece – Cyprus) Competent Authority(ies): Ministry of Rural development and Food Proposing organisation(s): Group of Producers of ARO(3)MA Implementing body(ies): Note yet selected Type of measure: mixed Product(s): Quality beef Meat – ARO(3)MA meat Targeted Member States: Greece - Cyprus Duration: 3 years Total budget: 1.998.509 € Proposal received on: 30.11.2012 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure N/A Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No 89 OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body Yes/No N/A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) Objective and thorough information on the rules of the national quality scheme “Quality Meat” and on ARO(3)ΜΑ meat, Stimulation of the demand and consumption for Quality Meat and especially for ARO(3)MA Meat. Strategy : ARO(3)MA Meat consists of a special breading process for the production of beef or veal meat containing Omega – 3 fatty acids. It is a result of a Research Programme of the Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki (Faculty of Veterinary). The patent “ARO(3)MA Meat” is recognized (No. 1006561, Date. 06.10.2009, International Classification A23K 1 / 18, A23L 1 / 314) by the Agency of Industrial Property. The Group of ARO(3)MA Meat producers have the exclusive right for the production of ARO(3)MA Meat and they are registered in the National VOLUNTARY LABELLING SYSTEM FOR BEEF and BEEF PRODUCTS (Quality Meat). The strategy has been formulated in the base of the following factors: the specifications of ARO(3)MA Meat and the National Quality Meat Scheme; the SMART objectives foreseen; the market and markets trends of the member stated targeted; the characteristics and the needs of the target groups; the technical capacity and the human resources of the proposing organization; its financial capacity and the available sources of finance; the duration of the programme; the aspects covered and the messages to be conveyed; the most updated and successful marketing tools and channels and the methodology for the measurement of results. The dynamic information and promotion campaign is based on three axis: a dynamic communication strategy, a comprehensive action plan and a specific evaluation system which include also self assessment techniques. Main goal is to realize a dynamic information and promotion campaign for QUALITY MEAT and specifically ARO(3)MA Meat that is produced under the strictest European quality specifications. The Communication strategy will be aggressive, dynamic, flexible and well structured in order to meet with the objectives foreseen. The communication channels that have been chosen are already tested and are considered the most suitable ones. The action plan and the measures that include have been designed taking in consideration the SWOT analysis of each 90 market, the products to be promoted and the objectives foreseen. The mixed types of measures that have been chosen combine the informative and promotion character in order to multiply impact and achieve the results. Both communication strategy and the action plan will be assessed and evaluated throughout the implementation period in order to maximize their effectiveness and their quality. The measurement will be based on the indicators set in order to be in position to have accurate assumptions on the impact of the programme and its results. Target group(s) : Consumers and Persons responsible for household purchases Specific target groups Press and opinion leaders Restaurants /foodservice sector (hotels etc) Distributors and their associations Chefs and future chefs Themes : National Quality Scheme (Quality Meat), Food safety and animal welfare, Image of EU products. Aspects covered : quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG organic products graphic symbols for remote regions wines with a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication, wines with an indication of the wine grape variety. Messages to be conveyed : Quality meat assures a specific production method and controls that are stricter than the usual legislation, Quality meat products have specific characteristics of higher quality in comparison with common trade rules, The National “Quality Meat” Labelling scheme is transparent and reassures the full traceability of the products, With the labelling of meat, consumer can recognize quality products, their origin and their intrinsic features. 91 Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: 1. Electronic media 1.1. Programme’ Concept – Programme identity and visualization. 8.000 euro 1.2. Website – key information tool for dissemination through the internet of the key messages, aspects covered and programmes objectives. In two versions (Greek – English). 1.3. Social networking – Development, maintenance and function of accounts in Social media (Facebook – Twitter) and diffusion of news, reports and information focusing on programme’s objectives. 2. Printed Material 2.1. Information brochures – main communication tool providing all the necessary information based on the identity, the key messages and aspect to be covered. 50.000 pc, two folds illustrated hard paper, in Greek. To be distributed during promotion actions and exhibitions. (Greece 37.500 pcs, Cyprus 12.500 pcs) 2.2. Recipe brochure – 4 fold brochure – 50.000 pc – that will present recipes for a balanced diet based on ARO(3)MA meat along with useful information on the nutritious facts. To be distributed during promotion action as it mainly addresses to consumers. (Greece 43.750 pcs, Cyprus 6.250 pcs) 2.3. Apron ARO(3)MA – Kitchen Aprons (PVC, waterproof and recyclable) will be distributed during We try ARO(3)MA information days for consumers. 10.000 pcs. 3. Exhibitions Participation in three (3) international Trade Fairs in Greece and Cyprus. DETROP (2nd phase) with a special constructed stand of 65sqm and on going tasting event, 4 days. IFDTEX (1st and 3rd phase) with a special constructed stand of 65sqm and an ongoing tasting event, 4 days. International Fair of Cyprus (annually) with a special constructed stand of 50sqm and an on going tasting event, 4 days. 4. Promotion actions – Three different types of promotion actions that combine information, training, education and promotion goals. 4.1. Presentations / Tasting for specialists. Organization of six (6) events addressing to journalists and opinion leaders, distributors and their associations and nutritionists. Three (3) events in Greece (Thessaloniki, Athens(2)), three events in Cyprus (Nicosia (2), Larnaka). They will be combined with the participations in trade fairs. 600 members of the target groups. 4.2. “We try ARO(3)MA” information days for consumers – Information campaigns in annual base (180 days in total) in collaboration with the largest supermarkets chains (Carrefour and Sklavenitis) in Greece (10 points X 6 days each / annually). Distribution of free samples and tasting of ARO(3)MA Meat, distribution of information and recipe brochures. Realized in Athens(5 POS), Thessaloniki (2 POS), Larissa (1 POS), Patras(1 POS) and Piraeus 5 ( POS). 4.3. Seminars for Chefs / restaurants – twelve (12) 2 days seminars in collaboration with culinary educational institutes in Greece (Athens, Thessaloniki) and Cyprus (Nikosia). 900 chefs / caterers and future chefs are expected to be informed about Quality Meat, ARO(3)MA Meat and trained in recipes based on ARO(3)MA Meat. 92 5. Advertising Actions 5.1 Ads – Publication of 33 ads in the most readable newspapers and their culinary magazines in Greece and Cyprus. The advertising campaign will support promotion actions and participation in fairs. Greece: Real news (4), Ethnos (4), Kathimerini (4), Vima (4), Proto thema (4) Cyprus: Fileleftheros (7), Simerini (4), Politis (4). 5.2. TV advertising – Production of TV spot (20’’) and 600 appearances in the major TV stations in Greece that are also broadcasting in Cyprus, increasing that way the efficiency of the action. TV advertising will facilitate and support the promotion actions (We try ARO(3)MA days), increasing awareness and maximizing actions impact. Greek channels: NET (120 spots), MEGA (90 spots), SKAI (90 spots),ANT1 (90 spots), ET3 (120 spots), ALPHA (90 spots). 5.3. Presentations in TV Culinary Shows – 21 special presentations (seven (7) annually in Greece and three (3) in Cyprus) dedicated to Quality Meat and ARO(3)MA Meat in collaboration with famous TV Culinary shows. Greek channels: MEGA (3 emissions), SKAI (2 emissions),ANT1 (2 emissions). Cypriot channels: SIGMA ( 2 emissions), PIK1 (1 emission). Travel accommodation and subsidence costs – Provisional costs for the implementing organization are included in the actual cost of actions. Greece (9 trips in total) – Cyprus (6 trips in total) Anticipated impact: Programme is expected to achieve the following impact as they will emerge through the realization of the actions and the measurement of their results. Improvement of consumers awareness on the national Quality System. Increase of the preference of Quality Meat products and specifically of ARO(3)MA meat The foreseeable impact will be measured - evaluated based on the change in the following indicators: Selection of beef and veal meat indicator (quality / certification). The goal is the increase by 200% in comparison to the 2008 levels (according to a market survey conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Greece for “Consumers preferences on quality animal products” Certified beef and veal producers indicator – based on the Quality Meat Register regarding the National “Quality Meat” Labelling scheme ( increase by 50% in relation to the 2011 levels Producers of ARO(3)MA meat indicator – Increase of producers with ARO(3)MA system to 15 in Greece and Cyprus Quality Meat consumption indicator – increase of sales by 30% of certified “Quality Meat” in Greece and Cyprus. The evaluation will be carried out by an “independent” body. i.e. one having no direct involvement in the implementation, management and financing. Terms of references will be specified, determining the criteria for selecting the external evaluator. that should have the following competences: (a) experience in evaluating similar campaigns; (b) a good track record; (c) research skills (human resources - technical skills) and (d) a commitment to quality 93 and deadlines. The evaluation carried out annually at the end of each phase, will have two main objectives: a) to assist the implementation, monitoring its consistency and coherence with the objectives and b) measure the expected results and answer the key evaluation questions. The evaluation will provide to stakeholders (proposing organizations, implementing body(s) and competent national and European authorities) with a timely, objective analysis of the effectiveness and relevance of actions realized as well as with, if possible, alternative methods for achieving the expected results. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 26/30 Quality of the programme: 39/40 European dimension: 7/10 Cost/efficiency: 18/20 Budget by action : € ACTION Year I Year II Year III TOTAL 1. Electronic Media 19.000 7.000 7.000 33.000 2. Printed Material 75.000 0 0 75.000 3. Exhibitions 78.000 74.000 78.000 230.000 4. Promotion Actions 242.000 242.000 242.000 726.000 5. Advertising Actions 212.000 192.000 192.000 596.000 Total for actions (1) 626.000 515.000 519.000 1.660.000 Costs of performance guarantee 2.440 2.000 2.160 6.600 Fees of implementing body (maximum 13/15% of (1), Annex III, point B.1.2, to the contract) 81.380 66.950 67.470 215.800 2.700 2.700 2.700 8.100 18.780 15.450 15.570 49.800 Total direct costs for the programme (2) 731.300 602.100 606.900 1.940.300 Overheads (maximum [3-5 internal market] [4-6 third countries] % of (2), Annex III, point A.2, to the contract) 21.939 18.063 18.207 58.209 Travel, Accommodation and subsidence costs Measurement of results of actions (maximum 3% of (1), Annex III, point C.5, to the contract) TOTAL BUDGET OF THE PROGRAMME 753.239 94 620.163 625.107 1.998.509 Target markets Greece Cyprus Total Budget Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 613.571 139.668 753.239 499.756 120.407 620.163 504.597 120.510 625107 Total budget per target market 1.617.924 380.585 1998509 Co-financing plan : € CO-FINANCING YEAR I % YEAR II YEAR III % TOTAL % EU 376.620 50 310.081 50 312.554 50 999.255 50 MEMBER STATE 150.648 20 124.033 20 125.021 20 399.702 20 PROPOSING ORGANISATION 225.971 30 186.049 30 187.532 30 599.552 30 TOTAL 753.239 100 620.163 100 625.107 100 1.998.509 100 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: 1) In application of Article 1 of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 measures should not be brand oriented or encourage the consumption or encourage the consumption of any products on the basis of its specific origins. 2) In application of Article 6(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 lays down that only trade and/or inter-trade organisation(s) representing the sector(s) concerned in one or more Member States or at Community level shall draw up proposals for information and promotion. 3) In application of Article 7(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 lays down that Member State(s) concerned shall examine the suitability of proposals for programmes and shall verify conformity with this Regulation, the guidelines drawn up under Article 5 and the relevant specifications. They shall also check that the programme offers value for money. 4) In application of Article 7.2 of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Commission services have to be able to verify that proposed programme offers value for money 5) In application of Article 8(1) of Council Regulation 3/2008, programmes submitted by more than one Member State or providing for actions in more than one Member State shall be given priority. 6) In application of Article 9 of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Member States concerned shall check that the programme offers value for money. 7) In application of Article 1(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, "programme" means a coherent set of operations of a scope that is sufficient to contribute towards improving information about, and sales of, the products concerned. 8) In application of Article 4(1) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, all information and/or promotion messages passed on to consumers and other target groups under programmes shall be based on the intrinsic qualities of the product concerned or its characteristics. 10) In application of Article 8(1)3rd paragraph of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that programmes shall be submitted in a form prescribed by the Commission and be available on its website. 11) In application of Article 8(2)c of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that programmes contain sufficient detail to enable their compliance with the applicable rules and their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. 95 In view of the above articles the competent authority of Greece has proceeded the application to Commission services. Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: Themes It should be clarified on how the theme referring to the image of EU products will be addressed in the campaign. In which actions this will appear and it will be presented. Actions Concerning action 4.2 the distribution of samples should be further clarified with the provision of information on the type of sampling, the qualitative and quantitative description of the samples in relation to the development of this action. Evaluation method The starting points for each indicator should be clarified in relation to the evaluation of the impact for the campaign. The market situation should be taken into account on this point. The description of the statistical methods employed for the evaluation of the impact should be provided. EU Dimension Further information should be provided on how the campaign will address the EU dimension throughout the messages, themes and actions of the programmes. OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: good Promotion of EU products Impact forecast and assessment' methods Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: 90/100 Priority awarded by MS: External consultant’s opinion: 1/5 Positive CONCLUSIONS The programme provides a coherent set of measures. Observation(s) : Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted 96 good IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Greece Title of the programme: Information provision and Promotion actions on fruits and vegetables of organic farming on the internal market and in particular in Netherlands, Sweden and Germany. Competent Authority : Ministry of Rural development and Food Proposing organisation(s): Association of Legal Persons (National Association of Cooperatives of bio producers-coordinator) Implementing body(ies): Note yet selected Type of measure: mixed Product(s): Organic farming Fruits and vegetables Targeted Member States: Netherlands, Sweden, Germany Duration: 3 years Total budget: 2.926.000,00 € Proposal received on: 30.11.2012 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure N/A Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No 97 OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body N/A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) To increase 3% on average the sales of organic farming products in Netherlands, Sweden and Germany, every year. To provide information to 2.000.000 consumers in Netherlands, 2.000.000 in Sweden and 3.000.000 in Germany every year. Strategy : The strategy of the program was formulated based on: a) The objectives of the program, b) The special characteristics of the target groups, c) The current market situation and competition in the target countries, d) The special characteristics and advantages of the European organic farming products, d) The modern techniques of promotion and information provision, e) The use of the most modern methods and tools for the evaluation of the results. Based on these lines the strategy of the program aims to: The promotion of products in a sectorial level (European organic farming products). The improvement of the image of the products and the strengthening of the demand for these products, according to the directing lines of the EU. The implementation of coordinated actions, strategies and transition of messages to all target countries. In this framework, the program strategy will be determined by the completion of three set of goals: Information goals a) enhance consumer awareness of the labelling, including the Community logo for organic products, b) provide comprehensive information and broaden awareness of the benefits of organic farming, in particular with regard to environmental protection, animal welfare, maintenance of the countryside and development in rural areas, c) provide comprehensive information on the content and the functioning of the Community rules on organic farming, and d) encourage individual producers, processors and producer/processor/retailer groups not yet taking part in organic farming to convert to this production method; encourage retailers, retailer groups and restaurants to sell organic products. 98 Promotion goals a) to promote the consumption of organic farming products, and b) increase the market share of the European organic farming products in the targeted countries. Sales growth goals Increase of exports and sales of organic farming products. Target group(s) : Consumers in general, consumer associations and specific subgroups of consumers (Housewives and families, middle aged, elders) Opinion multipliers Distributors (supermarkets, wholesalers, specialized retailers, caterers, canteens, restaurants) Teachers, young people and children Opinion leaders and journalists (including nutritionists) Themes : The increase of consumption of organic farming products The guaranteed quality provided by the EU organic farming products. The strict measures of the EU food safety system in all procedures “from farm to table”. The advantages of EU labeling of organic farming products. Aspects covered : quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG organic products graphic symbols for remote regions wines with a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication, wines with an indication of the wine grape variety. Messages to be conveyed : Consume European organic farming fruits and vegetables Production with respect to assured production schemes. Products are natural and fresh Quality Safety Enjoyment Actions 1. INFORMATION PROVISION ACTIONS THROUGH ELECTRONIC MEDIA 1.1 Website (re-development and modifications) The website of the programme “EU safe, Fresh simply Best…” that runs in Russia and Ukraine since April 2012,, will be adapted and 99 translated in the languages of the new target countries (Dutch, Swedish and German). The website will be structured into specific sections that will enable the user to navigate with ease. These sections will be: (a) section presenting the products, (b) section with information about the sector of European and Greek organic farming, (c) section that will be regularly updated providing information about the project and the actions (d) library and (e) newsletter. Implementation time: 1st trimester of the 1st year 1.2 Production of DVD for use in the exhibitions (short version DVD) The short version DVD will be of 4-5 minutes duration and will be used during the exhibitions. It will be short and concise, so as to convey its messages effectively to the visitors of the exhibitions. The cost includes design, editing, narration and adaptation to the languages of the countries. One (1) master DVD will be produced for each country, since this DVD will not be distributed but will remain under the possession of the proposing organization. Implementation time: 1st trimester of the 1st year 2. INFORMATION PROVISION ACTIONS THROUGH PRINTED MATERIAL 2.1 Posters The objective of the posters is information provision, promotion and advertisement of the messages of the program in the language of each target-country. The posters will promote the image of the products along with the messages, the logo as used in the previous promotional program “EU safe, Fresh, simply best…”, and the EU dimension of the project (300 poster, illustration paper, 50x70 cm, colour, 150 g). Implementation time: 1st trimester of the 1st year 2.2 12-page information brochure The 12-page information brochure (coloured, 20x20cm, illustrated paper of 115gr) will be reproduced in 35.300 copies in the three languages of the target-countries (Sweden 11100 pieces, Netherlands 9100 pieces, Germany 15100 pieces). Implementation time: 1st trimester of the 1st year 2.3 Folders The folder will be used as supporting tool, enclosing one 12-page information brochure and one DVD (3100 folders in each country, colour, A4, hard paper). Implementation time: 1st trimester of the 1st year 3. PROMOTION ACTIONS 3.1 -3.3 Participation in exhibitions The participation in the following exhibitions is planed: Three (3) participations in BioVak, Zwolle in Netherlands (2 days, 60 sq. m., January) One (1) participation GastroNord, Älvsjö, Sweden (4 days, 60 sq. m., April) Two (2) participations in Mitt kok, Stockholm (4 days, 60 sq. m., November) Three (3) participations in BioFach, Nuremberg (4 days, 60 sq. m.) 3.2 Tributes in TV programs During every year of the program, special tributes are planned to be realised and broadcasted, manly in the morning zone, in TV programs in the three target countries. The aim of the tributes is to trigger the interest of the consumers, manly women, regarding organic farming and the European agricultural products that are cultivated under organic farming. The channels and TV programs that will host the tributes are the following: Sweden : TV 4-TV 8 CHANNEL 9 special tributes (3 every year) Germany : TV BERLIN-BON GUSTO CHANNEL 9 special tributes (3 every year) Netherlands : RTL 7 - RTL 5 CHANNEL 100 9 special tributes (3 every year) 4. ADVERTISING ACTIONS 4.1 Whole page advertisements in magazines Thirty six (36) full page advertisements will be published in the national printed media of each targeted country and in particular, twelve in each country. The advertisements, will be whole page, 4-colored, including logo slogan of project and clear messages organic farming and European agricultural products produced under organic farming. The advertisements will be placed in the following magazines (12 ads in each country). No. Netherlands Sweden Germany 1 DELICIOUS GOURMET JAMIE 2 PLUS DN SONTANG SAVEURS 3 CULINAIRE HEMMETS BILD COLOGNE 4 BILD BERLIN 4.2 Article placements in magazines Twenty seven articles will be published in magazines (about 800 words), including the logo and the slogan of the program along with texts or tributes based on the messages of the program. These messages will be addressing to specific target groups or to the general public. The articles can be either a single advertisement or a combination of photographs and text-article (advertorial). The articles will be published in the magazines presented previously, as they are considered the most important and popular in the target countries (9 articles in each country). 4.3 Production and translation of TV Spot Three TV spots will be produced in order to advertise the European organic farming products. It will be of 15’’ duration and broadcasted in TV channels in the three target countries. The messages of the program will be included in the TV spot. 4.4 Broadcasting the TV spot in TV channels During the first, second and third year of program, the TV spot will be broadcasted in TV channels in the three target countries as followed: 60 spots in Netherlands (20 per year) 105 spots in Sweden (35 per year) 105 spots in Germany (35 per year) 5. PUBLIC RELATION ACTIONS 5.1 PR contacts with the media This action refers to the organisation of events and contacts with key people and professionals that play a significant role and have influence in their organisations such as HoReCa representatives, school/college canteen managers, chef association representatives, specialised journalists, importers, traders, distributors etc. Key media and advertising executives and journalists represent the most important market share and informing this group of stakeholders gives added value to the campaign and helps to be more effective in the market. It is considered appropriate that these events take place during the time of major exhibitions in the target countries. It could be foreseen that collaboration with local household associations and mass catering associations is desirable in order to keep strong contacts in order to strengthen stakeholder networks. In total, three Events/PR contacts with media will be organised, one in each country, every year. 101 5.2 Invitations to opinion leaders The aim of this action is to invite and accommodate selected opinion leaders in Greece, so as to meet the producers of organic farming products. In specific, three (3) invitations will be addressed to opinion leaders from each target country [(3 invitations) X (3 Countries) = 9 invitations overall]. In each one of those invitations six persons will be invited to spend three days in Greece. They will be accommodated in 4**** Hotel and they will visit the production fields of the proposing organizations. A special program for accommodation and transportation will be organized. 6. TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION COSTS In order for the Implementing body (bodies) to prepare, manage, follow up and implement the actions, it is necessary to perform the following eighteen (18) trips for the whole duration of the proposed program 6 trips to Netherlands 6 trips to Sweden 6 trips to Germany Anticipated impact: The study will be based on the analysis of measurable indicators which will measure, evaluate and compare: The affinity of activities combined to the targets of the project. The effectiveness of activities per objective. The efficiency concerning the expected results. The intensity of activities concerning the country and the period of realization. The measurable indicators that will be used for the extraction of conclusions are distinguished in qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative indicators: 1. Image Improvement 2. Placement of the product in the market 3. Increase in sales Quantitative indicators: 1. Image improvement 2. Placement of the product in the market: 3. Familiarization of respective businessmen regarding the qualitative specifications of European products ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 24/30 Quality of the programme: 37/40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 8/10 15/20 102 Budget by action : € TABLE - 2 : ANALYSIS OF THE PROPOSED PROGRAMME ACTIONS' BUDGET PER YEAR ACTIONS 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year TOTAL 15.000 3.000 3.000 21.000,00 1 Action 1: Electronic Media Actions 1.4 Website (re-development and modifications) Production of short version DVD 2. Action 2: Printed Material Actions 2.1 Posters 1.800,00 0,00 0,00 1.800,00 2.2 12-page information brochure 63.540,00 0,00 0,00 63.540,00 2.3 Folders 13.950,00 0,00 0,00 13.950,00 3. Action 3 - Promotion Actions 341.000,00 341.000,00 341.000,00 1.023.000,00 3.1. 1 3.1. 2 3.1. 2 3.1. 3 3.2. 1 3.2. 2 3.2. 3 4 BioVak in Zwolle, Holland 56.000,00 56.000,00 56.000,00 168.000,00 GastroNord, Älvsjö 0,00 62.000,00 0,00 62.000,00 Mitt kok, Stockholm 62.000,00 0,00 62.000,00 124.000,00 BioFach, Nuremberg Tributes in TV programs in Netherlands Tributes in TV programs in Sweden Tributes in TV programs in Greece in Germany Action 4 - Advertising Actions 61.000,00 61.000,00 61.000,00 183.000,00 54.000,00 54.000,00 54.000,00 162.000,00 54.000,00 54.000,00 54.000,00 162.000,00 54.000,00 54.000,00 54.000,00 162.000,00 344.000,00 309.000,00 309.000,00 962.000,00 4.1 88.000,00 88.000,00 88.000,00 264.000,00 4.2 Full page advertisements in magazines Article placements in magazines 51.000,00 51.000,00 51.000,00 153.000,00 4.4 Production of TV Spot 35.000,00 0,00 0,00 35.000,00 4.5 Broadcasting the TV spot 170.000,00 170.000,00 170.000,00 510.000,00 5 Action 5 - Public Relations Action 104.250,00 104.250,00 104.250,00 312.750,00 5.1 PR contacts with the media Invitation to opinion leaders distributors TOTAL OF ACTIONS (1) 74.250,00 74.250,00 74.250,00 222.750,00 30.000,00 30.000,00 30.000,00 90.000,00 883.540,00 757.250,00 757.250,00 2.398.040,00 6 Travel Costs 15.200,00 15.200,00 15.200,00 45.600,00 7 Costs of performance guarantee 4.650,30 4.400,00 4.400,00 13.450,30 8 Fees of implementing body (13%) Measurement of results of actions (3%) TOTAL OF DIRECT COSTS FOR THE PROGRAMME (2) Overheads (3%) TOTAL COST OF THE PROGRAMME 114.860,20 98.442,50 98.442,50 311.745,20 26.506,20 22.717,50 22.717,50 71.941,20 1.044.756,70 898.010,00 898.010,00 2.840.776,70 31.342,70 26.940,30 26.940,30 85.223,30 1.076.099,40 924.950,30 924.950,30 2.926.000,00 1.1 5.2 9 10 9.000,00 3.000,00 3.000,00 15.000,00 6.000,00 0,00 0,00 6.000,00 79.290,00 0,00 0,00 79.290,00 103 Market Sweden Germany Netherlands Total budget Year 1 (€) 298.980 305.180 279.380 883.540 Year 2 (€) 264.750 263.750 228.750 757.250 Year 3(€) 264.750 263.750 228.750 757.250 Total (€) 828.480 832.680 736.880 2.398.040 Co-financing plan : € FINANCIAL PLAN 1st Year 2nd Year FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION € % € % European Union 538.050 50 462.475 50 Member State (Greece) 215.220 20 184.990 20 Proposing Organisation 322.830 30 277.485 30 TOTAL 1.076.100 100 924.950 100 3rd Year € % 462.475 50 184.990 20 277.485 30 924.950 100 TOTAL € % 1.463.000 50 585.200 20 877.800 30 2.926.000 100 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: 1) In application of Article 1 of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 measures should not be brand oriented or encourage the consumption or encourage the consumption of any products on the basis of its specific origins. 2) In application of Article 6(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 lays down that only trade and/or inter-trade organisation(s) representing the sector(s) concerned in one or more Member States or at Community level shall draw up proposals for information and promotion. 3) In application of Article 7(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 lays down that Member State(s) concerned shall examine the suitability of proposals for programmes and shall verify conformity with this Regulation, the guidelines drawn up under Article 5 and the relevant specifications. They shall also check that the programme offers value for money. 4) In application of Article 7.2 of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Commission services have to be able to verify that proposed programme offers value for money 5) In application of Article 9 of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Member States concerned shall check that the programme offers value for money. 6) In application of Article 1(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, "programme" means a coherent set of operations of a scope that is sufficient to contribute towards improving information about, and sales of, the products concerned. 7) In application of Article 4(1) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, all information and/or promotion messages passed on to consumers and other target groups under programmes shall be based on the intrinsic qualities of the product concerned or its characteristics. 8) In application of Article 8(2)c of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that programmes contain sufficient detail to enable their compliance with the applicable rules and their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. 9) In application of Article 8(3) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008 lays down that for the purpose of implementing its programmes, each proposing organisation shall select one or more implementing bodies by an appropriate competitive procedure validated by the Member State concerned. In view of the above articles the competent authority proceeded the application to the Commission services. 104 Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: Market study A table that will clearly cover the consumption in weight and value for all organic products which are promoted in the programme for the last three years in the target markets should be provided. Furthermore the potential of the programme should also be covered in this respect. Objectives Clarifications should be provided on the objectives of the programme; The provision of information on organic farming and its comparative advantages as presented in page 99 of the proposal should be further clarified. The provision of information and promotion of EU organic farming rules (EU legislation) should be further clarified to show the EU dimension of the programme and the added value of the programme for EU organic farming. This should cover the principles and objectives of the guidelines as described in the annex of the Regulation (EC) No 501/2008. Actions In action 1.4 on the production of short DVDs it is not presented the number of short DVDS produced for the purposes of the programme and what cost. Clarifications should be provided. What is the added value of the use of DVDs. In action 4.3 the description of the production of TV spots does not present any justification on the difference of cost between the production of the different spots for the targeted countries between Germany (25.000 €) Netherlands (5.000 €) and Sweden (5.000 €). In action 5.1 further information is needed for the presented costs of translation and the publications on the events. Provide clarifications. The cost on advertising are the same every year. These costs should differentiate every year depending on a series of parameters. Provide clarifications. Evaluation method In the evaluation method there is reference to samples. However these samples are not described in the programme and there is no information on their qualitative parameters and quantities. Provide information to clarify this point. The time intervals for the evaluation should be clarified together with the indicators. Provide clarifications. The presented methods and indicators should be better defined in order to provide a solid basis for the evaluation of the programme impact and results. In particular the presented indicators should correspond to each objective and provide the measurement of the target set for each objective; for example 3% increase of consumption. In addition the basis for the calculation of the indicators is not provided. Provide further information to cover these issues. What is the statistical method that will be used for the evaluation of the progress of the consumption in the targeted markets? What is the method that will be used for the analysis of the information on questionnaires to conclude on the progress of the second objective? EU dimension It is not clear how the programme will address the EU dimension of organic farming throughout the campaign. Clarifications should be provided on how the campaign will present information and promote the EU policies on organic farming throughout the campaign and in particular through the messages, themes and actions. Competent authority The competent authority should provide further information and confirm that the proposing organisation has the necessary and technical capacity to implement the proposed measures effectively. Provide the required information. 105 OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: promotion of EU products Impact forecast and assessment' methods Yes Cost-effectiveness of the programme: (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: good 85/100 Priority awarded by MS: External consultant’s opinion: good 3/5 positive CONCLUSIONS The programme provides a coherent set of actions towards its objectives. Observation(s) : Although the programme is proposed to be accepted due to its content and value certain shortcomings as mentioned above should be followed with particular attention such as the competition for the award of the contract organized by the proposing organization due to the similarities this proposal has with another of the same series in order to safeguard the interests of the EU. Furthermore a close follow up should be undertaken on risks on double financing for common actions during the implementation. Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted 106 IDENTIFICATION DU PROGRAMME: Etat membre: Espagne Titre du programme: Promotion des olives de table dans le Marché Interne: Espagne, France et UK Organisme compétent: Ministerio Ambiente Organisation proposante: Interprofesional de la Aceituna de Mesa (INTERACEITUNA) Organisme(s) d’exécution: Tactics Europe Type de mesure: information/promotion/mixte Produit: Olives de Table États membres ciblés: Espagne, France, Royaume Uni Durée: 36 mois Budget total: 5 .170.386,19 euros Proposition reçue le: 29/11/2012 de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM: oui/non Organisme d’exécution sélectionné par une procédure compétitive oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM oui Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’organisation proposante oui/non Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes oui/non Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire oui/non Le produit/pays cibles sont éligibles oui/non Conformité aux lignes directrices oui/non 107 AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire : oui/non Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM) oui/non Confirmation de la représentativité de l’organisation proposante du secteur concerné oui/non Confirmation de l’efficacité technique et financière de l’organisation proposante oui/non Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution oui/non DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectif(s) : Les marchés ciblés étant différents, les objectifs poursuivis par le programme dans chacun des marchés le sont aussi. Objectifs pour l'Espagne: Objectif Principal: Arrêter la diminution dans la consommation d'olives de table en Espagne (diminution de 17% dans les dix dernières années) Objectifs spécifiques: Moderniser l'image du produit, familiariser les jeunes pour créer de nouvelles habitudes de consommation, stimuler la consommation dans l'horeca (diminution de 37% dans les dix dernières années) Objectifs pour la France: Objectif Principal: Arrêter la diminution dans la consommation d'olives de table en France (diminution de 16% dans les dix dernières années) et développer une image positive des olives de l'UE de manière à renverser la tendance à importer des olives de pays non UE. Objectifs pour UK: Faire comprendre que les olives de table sont aussi un élément de la Diète Méditerranéenne, faire découvrir le produit afin d'encourager sa consommation.(20.000 tonnes annuelles vs. 53.000 en France et 130.686 en Espagne). Stratégie : Espagne: Impliquer les leaders des chefs cuisiniers nationaux (20 chefs dans les 17 Communautés Autonomes) pour créer de nouvelles formes de consommation Pour freiner diminution consommation dans l'Horéca, Information et Promotion dans les Ecoles hôtelières. Les étudiants de la dernière année deviendront nos jeunes prescripteurs et pourront proposer les nouvelles propositions de consommation dans tous les restaurants du pays. Pour freiner la chute consommation dans les foyers (responsables de 25-45 ans): développement d'une campagne avec des moyens conventionnels. Etendre, promouvoir et populariser la consommation avec des évènements dans les principales villes espagnoles, actions on-line et relations publiques. 108 France: Accent mis dans la nouvelle manière de consommer olives de table à travers grands évènements dans principales villes, notamment à travers des cours de cuisine, très à la mode; S'adresser aux jeunes, futurs consommateurs à travers Facebook, Twitter en donnant une image moderne du produit UK: Utilisation de chefs connus pour donner confiance et familiariser le public avec le produit, hands-on cooking, évènements éducatifs, livre de recettes, écoles hôtelières, internet, réseaux sociaux, relations publiques. Cibles : Responsable achats foyer (personnes 25-45 ans : total de 15.700.251 personnes en ES, 16.309.4170 en France, 20.460.000 UK) Futurs consommateurs (8-10 ans) Au Royaume Uni consommateurs ABC1 prêts à payer pour des produits de qualité Etudiants dernière année Ecoles hôtelières Opinion leaders (chefs spécialisés, medias généraux et spécialisés, webs, blogs) Thèmes : 1. Promouvoir les aspects moins connus des olives de table: Ingrédient de la diète méditerranéenne, grande diversité, versatilité, aspects de nutrition (valeur calorique 150 pour 100 grammes), caractéristiques organoleptiques, aspects sociaux (famille, entre amis, moments de partage) 2. Introduire de nouveaux usages: "Olivetuning" New culinary concept: Original Dressings Le consommateur pourra faire l'expérience très créative de mélanger des saveurs, couleurs, textures afin d'assaisonner les olives. Le concept "Aceituning" sera traduit en France: MIX'N'OLIVE et au UK: OLIVE IT ! Aspects couverts: qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifique aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques vins avec appellation d’origine protégée ou indication géographique protégée, vins avec indication de la variété à raisins de cuve 109 Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : Espagne 1. Medias conventionnels Objectif: couvrir 25% de la cible. 68 insertions dans des Magazines (16 en 2014, 26 en 2015, 26 en 2016) ½ page verticale couleur dans le top 5 ranking des magazines people (Hola, Semana, 10 minutos) féminins (Vogue, Glamour, Elle, Woman), gastronomie (Cocina Fácil) pendant les mois d' avril, mai et juin (mois où recommencent les apéritifs pris en terrasse) 2. Edition et Broadcast du Guide assaisonnement "Olive dressings guide" Réunion dans une publication les 60 manières plus représentatives d'assaisonner les olives dans le marché national. 20 grands chefs seront sélectionnés et chacun proposera 3 "Assaisonnements d'auteur". 117.000 guides (15x18 cms) de 68 pages Diffuser ce guide aux moyens de communication, restaurants et consommateur final dans toutes les actions du programme. 3. Ecoles de Cuisine Impliquer au moins 40% des élèves en dernière année des 134 écoles hôtelières qui existent en Espagne. Dans une 60aine d'écoles (estimées sur les 134 invitées): Compétition sur l'assaisonnement des olives. Un Kit pour y participer (posters, guides, brochures, dossiers techniques) leur sera distribué. 1 finaliste par Communauté Autonome sera invité à l'Acte de la Finale Nationale à Madrid (75 personnes invitées) 4. Ateliers dans les écoles "Pratique du Olivetuning" Familiariser les enfants de 8-10 ans avec les olives et leurs différentes façons d'être assaisonnées, les informer sur les bienfaits de leur consommation et réaliser des démonstrations. 140 ateliers par an, 50 enfants /atelier. Théorie, pratique, distribution matériel éducatif. Dans 6 provinces (Madrid, Sevilla, Extremadura, Valencia-AlicanteMurcia, Málaga-Granada, Zaragoza-Navarra) Action qui coïncidera dans le temps avec le "Olivetuning Tour" pour synergies et meilleure répercussion médiatique. 5. Olivetuning Tour: Un bus décoré +stand (voir page 65 de la proposition) avec les images de la campagne parcourra pendant 6 semaines (de mardi à samedi inclus) 6 provinces (1/semaine). Villes moyennes (50.000 à 120.000 habitants); Octobre-Novembre en même temps que ateliers dans les écoles. Activités proposées: show cooking , conférences informatives , concours assaisonnement, distribution matériel. Personnel nécessaire: chef, nutritionniste, conducteur, 2 personnes promotion, coordinateur. 6. Actions On-Line: Micro site "", création d'une app (iOs6 Apple et Android pour Smartphone) d'assaisonnements, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube 7. Plan Relations Publiques Création d'un bureau de presse 110 France 1. Livre de Recettes Livre avec 10 recettes, par10 chefs des 10 principales villes (toutes les régions sont représentées). 170.000 unités. Annoncé dans plusieurs magazines (Régal, Santé Magazine, Maison Créative, Détours en France) 2. Mix'N'Olives Road Show 3 jours de leçons de cuisine (30 min.) dans 4 grandes villes/an. Dans "l'Atelier des chefs", France leading cooking school. 2 jours pour le grand public (10 leçons par jour), 1 jour réservé aux médias. 1.200 participants et 200 journalistes/an. 3. Ecoles de Cuisine 10 grandes écoles de cuisine participeront à un concours national basé sur des recettes sur les olives. 4. Voyages de presse Chaque année, 5 journalistes seront invités à une région de production, comme Séville. 5. The Press Tour Press Tour innovant qui est directement organisé dans les bureaux des journalistes pour mobiliser des journalistes clé qui sont très pris dans leur agenda. 1h de performance dans les bureaux des principaux groupes de presse. 144 journalistes de 72 médias différents sont visés. 6. The Olive Kitchen at Cuisinez Fair "Cuisinez" est l'évènement leader en France en matière de Food& Drink (60 chefs célèbres, 250 exposants, 35.000 visiteurs) a lieu à Paris pendant 4 jours du mois d'octobre tous les ans. Stand avec cuisine équipée. Leçons de cuisine. 7. Medias conventionnels Achat d'espace, publi-reportages, médias nationaux et régionaux (14 en total). 8. Actions On-Line et Réseaux Sociaux Site, video webs, Facebook Twitter. 6 online banners sur le site web Marmiton 300.000 visiteurs/jour. UK 1. Réseaux Sociaux et Activités digitales Website, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube canal, e-newsletters 2. Livre de Recettes Beau livre qui sera offert comme prix aux participants aux différents évenements; 80 pages, 220x219mm detaille, 40 rectettes, 20 photos de qualité. 10.000 unités. 111 3. Catering College Olive Competition Concours dans 50 établissements catering colleges (jeunes chefs) qui ont de l'influence sur l'industrie du catering. Accord de partenariat avec le leader en industrie du catering Caterer & Hotelkeeper. 10 finalistes seront invités à la finale à Londres. 4. Tour Régional Olives Evènements dans des écoles régionales de cuisine de jeudi à samedi, avec des grands chefs comme Omar Allibhoy et José Pizarro. 12 personnes, théorie et pratique. Pour sélectionner les participants, campagne Relations Publiques un mois avant dans la région (entretien chefs dans les radios locales, presse locale). 5. Voyages de presse 1 voyage de presse /an pendant 3 jours dans région productrice. 5 personnes 6. Videos Recettes Afin d'éduquer les consommateurs avec des recettes informatives et fun avecun chef célèbre. 9 videos (2-3 minutes) contenant 3 suggestions faciles et rapide de servir des olives. On line, blogs, social media channels. 7. Publicités Dans Observer, Food monthly, Delicious Magazine, BBC GoodFood, Food and Travel, Good Housekeeping, easy Living, Olive, Healthy Food Guide, Top Sante, Zest. 15 publicités au total. 8.760.000 contacts attendus. 8. Bureau de presse de la Campagne Pour soutenir la campagne O'Live It dans toutes ses initiatives. Concours en ligne. Impact prévisible et méthodes d’appréciation : Analyse très détaillée (pages 140-149 du programme) en ce qui concerne les impacts de chacune des actions mais l'objectif principal du programme "Freiner la diminution de la consommation " n'a pas été chiffré , ce qui rend difficile de mesure l'impact global du programme après les 3 ans de campagne. Dimension Communautaire: L'olive de table est un produit principalement européen. La production de l' Espagne, Grèce, Italie, Portugal et France représente 32% de la production mondiale. Augmenter les connaissances sur le produit et promouvoir sa consommation sera utile pour tous ces Etats Membres, et notamment contribuera a lutter contre la concurrence grandissante des olives en provenance de la Turquie, Argentine ou Egypte. Il n'est pas assez connu que les olives de table sont aussi un des ingredients de la Diète Méditerranéenne. 112 € BUDGET RECAPITULATIF : RESUMEN GENERAL 2013/2014 5.7.1.- ESPAÑA TOTAL MEDIOS CONVENCIONALES ( * ) 2014/2015 52.680,00 € B) DIFUSIÓN DE LA "GUÍA ALIÑOS DE ACEITUNA" 24.690,00 € 740.063,00 € 740.063,00 € 2.209.896,00 € 154.296,50 € 244.943,50 € 244.943,50 € 644.183,50 € 77.370,00 € 19.890,00 € 19.890,00 € 117.150,00 € 19.890,00 € B) ACTO FINAL NACIONAL 92.460,00 € 19.890,00 € 24.690,00 € 46.755,00 € ESCUELAS DE HOSTELERÍA A) LANZAMIENTO CONCURSO DE ALIÑOS TOTAL 729.770,00 € EDICIÓN Y DIFUSIÓN "GUÍA ALIÑOS DE ACEITUNA" A) EDICIÓN DE LA "GUÍA ALIÑOS DE ACEITUNA" 2015/2016 9.666,00 € 46.755,00 € 9.666,00 € 37.089,00 € 46.755,00 € 37.089,00 € 140.265,00 € 28.998,00 € 9.666,00 € 111.267,00 € 37.089,00 € 79.173,50 € 79.173,50 € 79.173,50 € 237.520,50 € "ACEITUNING TOUR" 180.492,00 € 180.492,00 € 180.492,00 € 541.476,00 € ACCIONES ON-LINE 102.610,00 € 99.610,00 € 99.610,00 € 301.830,00 € TALLERES ESCOLARES "PRACTICA EL ACEITUNING" A) DESARROLLO MICROSITE 5.000,00 € B) APP ALIÑOS (MÓVILES) 2.000,00 € 2.000,00 € 9.000,00 € 8.000,00 € 8.000,00 € 16.000,00 € C) COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT 33.310,00 € 32.610,00 € 32.610,00 € 98.530,00 € D) CAMPAÑA ON-LINE 49.800,00 € 51.000,00 € 51.000,00 € 151.800,00 € E) PRODUCCIÓN FORMATOS ON-LINE 14.500,00 € 6.000,00 € 26.500,00 € 6.000,00 € PLAN DE RELACIONES PÚBLICAS 69.073,00 € 64.199,00 € 64.199,00 € 197.471,00 € CREATIVIDAD 20.000,00 € 5.000,00 € 5.000,00 € 30.000,00 € 729.770,00 € 740.063,00 € 740.063,00 € 2.209.896,00 € REMUNERACIÓN ORGANISMO EJECUCIÓN PRODUCCIÓN (13%) 74.811,56 € 64.365,54 € 64.365,54 € 203.542,64 € REMUNERACIÓN ORGANISMO EJECUCIÓN MEDIOS (7%) ( * ) 10.800,76 € 17.146,05 € 17.146,05 € 45.092,86 € 815.382,32 € 821.574,59 € 821.574,59 € 2.458.531,50 € SUBTOTAL ESPAÑA TOTAL ESPAÑA RESUMEN GENERAL 2013/2014 5.7.2.- FRANCIA TOTAL LIBRO DE RECETAS A) DISEÑO GRÁFICO Y CONTENIDO 18.000,00 € B) IMPRESIÓN 45.000,00 € 2014/2015 TOTAL 427.686,50 € 429.042,50 € 429.042,50 € 1.285.771,50 € 63.000,00 € 10.000,00 € 10.000,00 € 83.000,00 € 18.000,00 € 10.000,00 € 72.710,00 € MIX'N' OLIVES ROAD SHOW 2015/2016 65.000,00 € 10.000,00 € 72.710,00 € 72.710,00 € 218.130,00 € A) ESCUELAS DE COCINA, DECORACIÓN Y MATERIAL DE COCINA 53.470,00 € 53.470,00 € 53.470,00 € 160.410,00 € B) PERSONAL Y MATERIALES 19.240,00 € 19.240,00 € 19.240,00 € 57.720,00 € 69.420,00 € CONCURSO ESCUELAS HOSTELERÍA A) RECLUTAMIENTO ESCUELAS, CHEFS Y JURADO 42.820,00 € B) INFRAESTRUCTURA Y MATERIALES 26.600,00 € 69.420,00 € 42.820,00 € 26.600,00 € 9.410,00 € VIAJES DE PRENSA 35.446,50 € A) GESTIÓN, TOP CHEFS Y BAR MAN 24.600,00 € 24.600,00 € 24.600,00 € B) INFRAESTRUCTURA Y MATERIALES 10.846,50 € 10.846,50 € 10.846,50 € - € LA COCINA DE LAS ACEITUNAS EN LA FERIA CUISINEZ 45.356,00 € -€ 27.814,00 € 27.814,00 € B) INFRAESTRUCTURA Y MATERIALES -€ 17.542,00 € 17.542,00 € 125.000,00 € MEDIOS CONVENCIONALES (*) 145.000,00 € 52.700,00 € ON - LINE Y REDES SOCIALES 79.800,00 € 9.410,00 € 28.230,00 € 35.446,50 € 106.339,50 € 73.800,00 € 32.539,50 € 45.356,00 € A) UBICACIÓN 41.700,00 € 208.260,00 € 128.460,00 € 26.600,00 € 9.410,00 € 35.446,50 € EL TOUR DE PRENSA 69.420,00 € 42.820,00 € 90.712,00 € 55.628,00 € 35.084,00 € 145.000,00 € 415.000,00 € 41.700,00 € 136.100,00 € A) WEB 12.300,00 € 1.300,00 € 1.300,00 € 14.900,00 € B) DIFUSIÓN ON-LINE 40.400,00 € 40.400,00 € 40.400,00 € 121.200,00 € SUBTOTAL FRANCIA REMUNERACIÓN ORGANISMO EJECUCIÓN PRODUCCIÓN (13%) REMUNERACIÓN ORGANISMO EJECUCIÓN MEDIOS (7%) ( * ) TOTAL FRANCIA 427.686,50 € 429.042,50 € 429.042,50 € 1.285.771,50 € 39.349,25 € 36.925,53 € 36.925,53 € 113.200,31 € 8.750,00 € 10.150,00 € 10.150,00 € 29.050,00 € 475.785,75 € 476.118,03 € 476.118,03 € 1.428.021,81 € 113 RESUMEN GENERAL 2013/2014 5.7.3.- TOTAL REINO UNIDO REDES SOCIALES Y ACTIVIDAD DIGITAL 2014/2015 2015/2016 TOTAL 290.806,50 € 290.498,79 € 290.061,64 € 871.366,93 € 39.203,50 € 32.958,50 € 32.958,50 € 105.120,50 € A) PÁGINA WEB 14.738,20 € 8.493,20 € 8.493,20 € 31.724,60 € B) FACEBOOK, TWITTER Y YOUTUBE 15.862,30 € 15.862,30 € 15.862,30 € 47.586,90 € 8.603,00 € 8.603,00 € 8.603,00 € 25.809,00 € C) BOLETÍN DIGITAL LIBRO DE RECETAS DE LA ACEITUNA 81.143,00 € - € - € 81.143,00 € CONCURSO DE LA ACEITUNA EN ESCUELAS DE HOSTELERÍA 70.993,00 € 70.993,00 € 70.993,00 € 212.979,00 € A) ORGANIZACIÓN DEL CONCURSO B) RECLUTAMIENTO C) EVENTO FINAL D) ACTIVIDAD EN MEDIOS 45.812,50 € 45.812,50 € 45.812,50 € 137.437,50 € 7.694,50 € 7.694,50 € 7.694,50 € 23.083,50 € 15.612,50 € 15.612,50 € 15.612,50 € 46.837,50 € 1.873,50 € 1.873,50 € 1.873,50 € 5.620,50 € - € TOUR REGIONAL DE LA ACEITUNA 49.960,00 € A) COSTE DEL TOUR B) ACTIVIDAD CON LOS MEDIOS VIAJES DE PRENSA VIDEO RECETAS PUBLIRREPORTAJES (*) 49.335,50 € 49.335,50 € 624,50 € 624,50 € 99.920,00 € 98.671,00 € 1.249,00 € 28.917,00 € 9.639,00 € 9.639,00 € 9.639,00 € 28.727,00 € 28.727,00 € 28.727,00 € 86.181,00 € 21.233,00 € 58.353,29 € 57.916,14 € 137.502,43 € 39.868,00 € 119.604,00 € 39.868,00 € CAMPAÑA GABINETE DE PRENSA 49.960,00 € 39.868,00 € 24.978,50 € 24.978,50 € 24.978,50 € 74.935,50 € B) CONCURSOS 5.222,50 € 5.222,50 € 5.222,50 € 15.667,50 € C) MASTER CLASS CON MEDIOS 6.545,00 € 6.545,00 € 6.545,00 € 19.635,00 € D) KITS DE PRENSA 3.122,00 € 3.122,00 € 3.122,00 € 9.366,00 € A) FOTOGRAFÍAS DE RECETAS 290.806,50 € 290.498,79 € 290.061,64 € 871.366,93 € REMUNERACIÓN ORGANISMO DE EJECUCIÓN PRODUCCIÓN (13%) 35.044,56 € 30.178,92 € 30.178,92 € 95.402,40 € (*) 1.486,31 € 4.084,73 € 4.054,13 € 9.625,17 € 327.337,37 € 324.762,44 € 324.294,68 € 976.394,50 € SUBTOTAL REINO UNIDO REMUNERACIÓN ORGANISMO DE EJECUCIÓN MEDIOS (7%) TOTAL REINO UNIDO PLAN DE FINANCEMENT: EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Intérêt général du programme : 21/30 Qualité et efficacité du programme : 32/40 Dimension européenne : Coût/efficacité : Total : 6/10 12/20 71/100 114 RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : L'objectif principal du programme est de réduire la tendance décroissante de la consommation (17% pendant les 10 dernières années) mais cet objectif de réduction n'est pas du tout chiffré, ce qui rendra impossible de mesurer l'efficacité du programme une fois fini. En opposition avec le manque d'objectifs généraux quantifiés, il y a dans la proposition de programme, énormément de données sur les contacts prévus pour chaque action. Attention cependant à bien évaluer le nombre de contacts pour avoir un rapport coût/contact intéressant mais aussi des résultats atteignables lors de l'évaluation de chaque action. D'autres précisions ou justifications sont également nécessaires pour que ce programme soit accepté: Actions ES: - action "talleres escolares": certaines villes ont été choisies pour cette activité alors qu'elles représentent les zones où les productions d'olives sont les plus importantes. Justifier que le choix de ces villes est judicieux compte-tenu des objectifs. - action "aceituning tour": même remarque que point précédent sur le choix des villes (p. 61). - action "creatividad": p. 76, la description de l'action manque et l'explication fournie dans le tableau budgétaire correspondant n'est pas claire. Actions FR: - action road show : p.85, les frais de personnel incluent-il ceux du personnel de l’organisation proposante? Si oui, ils doivent être enlevés car ils sont inéligibles. - action concours écoles d’hôtellerie : p. 89, justifier la différence de coûts entre « cena et almuerzo » (50 EUR) et « cena y comida » (200 EUR). L’un a lieu en province et l’autre à Paris mais ceci ne justifie pas cette différence de prix. - action voyages de presse : p. 92, les coûts de cette action sont calcules pour 7 personnes (5 journalistes et 2 organisateurs). Qui sont ces deux organisateurs ? Font-ils partie de l’organisation proposante ? Si oui, ces coûts sont inéligibles. Par ailleurs, ces coûts n'apparaissent pas dans l'action voyages de presse organisés pour le Royaume-Uni. Justifier les coûts pour le transport en taxi et bus (250 EUR par jour) ainsi que les repas. - action on-line : préciser où auront lieu les week-ends pour les gagnants du concours. Si c’est en Espagne, justifier le prix de 1.500 EUR par personne. Expliquer en quoi consiste l’activité on-line intensive (3.400 EUR). Ceci n’est pas inclus dans les coûts d’actualisation journalière (12.000 EUR/an) ? Actions UK : - action concours dans les écoles d'hôtellerie: p. 123, préciser où auront lieu les week-ends pour les gagnants du concours. Si c’est en Espagne, justifier le prix de 1.500 EUR par personne/ week-end. - action tour régional: p. 126, justifier le coût de cette action pour 12 personnes. - action voyages de presse : justifier coûts pour le transport en taxi (312.25 EUR) ainsi que les repas. 115 Eligibilité du programme : oui/non Premières observations à communiquer à l'Etat Membre: Voir ci-dessus « Remarques » (reprises telles quelles dans la lettre d’observations envoyée). AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat (cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne: bonne/moyenne/non adéquate Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Coût efficacité du programme: (relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) oui/non bonne/moyenne/non adéquat Points donnés par EM: 71/100 Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre: 2/3 Avis du consultant externe:« Ma recommandation est d’accepter le dossier mais en demandant au préalable aux Agences de retravailler certaines des actions. » CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Par lettre du 14/01/2013 (ARES(2013)40220), les services de la Commission ont demandé à l'organisme proposant de répondre aux observations mentionnées ci-dessus. La réponse a été reçue le 12/02/2013 par email et le 14/02/2013 par courrier (ARES(2013) 196220). Dans celle-ci le demandeur a fourni une réponse satisfaisante à tous les points soulevés. Légère modification du budget global. (5.173.811, 21 euros passe à 5.170.386, 19 euros), un nouveau formulaire incluant les modifications a été soumis dans les délais prévus. Recommandation(s) [- à accepter - à accepter sous réserve des observations ci-dessus - à rejeter ] 116 IDENTIFICATION DU PROGRAMME: Etat(s) membre(s): Espagne Titre du programme: Promotion de l'huile d'olive dans les pays tiers Organisme(s) compétent(s): Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente Organisation(s) proposante(s): Organización Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español Organisme(s) d’exécution: Publicis Comunicación España S.L. Type de mesure: information/promotion/mixte Produit(s): huile d'olive Etat [membre(s)] ciblés: Inde et Indonésie Durée: 36 mois Budget total: 4.947.213,19 EUR Proposition reçue le: 29 novembre 2012 CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM: oui/non Organisme(s) d’exécution sélectionné(s) par une procédure compétitive oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’/les(s) organisation(s) proposante(s) oui/non Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes oui/non Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire oui/non Le(s) produit(s)/pays cible(s) sont éligibles oui/non Conformité à /aux ligne(s) directrice(s) oui/non 117 AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire : oui/non Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM) oui/non Confirmation de la représentativité de(s) l’organisation(s) proposante(s) du/des secteur(s) concerné(s) oui/non Confirmation de l’efficacité technique et financière de(s) l’organisation proposante(s) oui/non Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution oui/non DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectif(s) : To inform the local population about the product, its benefits and its uses; find the way to introduce Olive Oil in day to day recipes in a natural way. To educate consumers in the use of a fat that is not yet very popular in the countries targeted in order to achieve a gradual popularization of the product and an increase in consumption in the midterm. Stratégie : The strategic approach for this programme is based on the communication objectives set: Inspire current users to increase frequency of use (educate and inspire). Create awareness among non-users in order to encourage purchases (educate and tasting) Recruit “influencers”, key to defend the product and capture the main consumer (educate and recruit). Communicate the main messages of the campaign in a unique and convincing way. It is important that, as part of the messages to communicate, those that help to achieve fulfilment of the objectives set are prioritised: A healthier alternative. Olive Oil is a “good” monounsaturated fat. Details on types of Olive Oil and its uses. (Extra virgin, virgin, Olive Oil). The role of Olive Oil in the Mediterranean Diet. Creative Concept: The proposal is based on the development of an idea and look & feel for the global campaign that can be used and adapted to activities in the local markets, giving a consistent design style and a tone that can be easily recognized. This makes sense from continuity as well as a cost point of view. We want these people to become defenders of Olive Oil and that they help generate notoriety around this idea and spread it. In order to achieve this we challenge them via a strong concept: “Join the Olive Oil Revolution”. We invite consumers to face the challenge and form part of the revolution with the objective of making a positive change in their health and in the way they cook. 118 This encourages people to take advantage of the benefits of Olive Oil and to change the way they cook. Cibles : The target is divided into two differentiated groups: final consumer and prescribers. People who take the purchasing decision: mainly people aged between 25 and 45 years, with children or will have children, with special emphasis on women of class A+, A- and B. Opinion leaders (those in the gastronomic sector, kitchen managers, restaurateurs and journalists), general and specialized press (gastronomy, women and different types), cooking and restaurant/catering students. Thèmes : Olive Oils and highlighting: Definition and typology Values Benefits Uses Aspects couverts: qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifique aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques vins avec appellation d’origine protégée ou indication géographique protégée, vins avec indication de la variété à raisins de cuve Messages à communiquer : Health benefits to be derived from the consumption of Olive Oil based strictly on the allegations permitted by the EU. Advantages of the consumption of Olive Oil as the healthiest fat. Main characteristics of Olive Oil. General information on its history, how it is obtained, its role in the Mediterranean Diet, its behaviour and performance in the kitchen. Advice on its use. We are dealing with a natural product, of ancient tradition, versatile and, therefore, ideal for a modern and tasty cuisine, it can be easily used in any kitchen of the world. The commercial categories of Olive Oil. The gastronomic qualities and organoleptic characteristics of the extra virgin Olive Oil (aroma and taste) present different nuances depending on the variety, the earth where it is grown, the harvests, the PDO/PGI, etc; this diversity offers a wide range of gastronomic sensations and possibilities. The modernisation of the image of a product with a long tradition and an important cultural dimension. 119 Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : INDIA Creativity adapted to Indian market In this phase of the campaign, the strategy and creativity of the global campaign will be adapted to the needs of the Indian market. Activities focused on the consumer – ATL Our choice of media is based on: Our targets media consumption habits: TV - reach 88% (100), Newspapers – reach 62% (111), Magazines – reach 21% (116), Radio – reach 34% (128), Internet – reach 0,8% (158, just measuring Google, Facebook & Yahoo). The setting of a series of communication objectives: build equity, engage, educate & driving TOM. - Television A spot of 40” will be developed to build the story of benefit of the category as well as two reduced versions of 30” and 15” to build frequency. All of them will support the claim of the campaign “Join the Olive Oil Revolution”. Our target is based in 34.743.000 females of 25-44, with a medium and high status, living in Metros and 10-40 lac towns (Source: TGI 2010). TV used to drive awareness with a mix of general entertainment (GEC), mainly in the launch stage and a combination of GEC & niche channels in the sustenance campaign (a total of 19 channels). The launch stage will last 5 weeks and the sustenance will take place during 4 weeks (9 weeks in total). We will schedule a total of 5.078 spots during the 1st year in different (a total of 15.234 spots in the 3 years) TV channels covering the main Indian cities (Mumbai, Calcutta, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Ahmedabad plus other smaller cities). The GRP’s objective in the first wave is 6.092,91 what means a total of 18.278,73 GRPs in the whole program. The channels selected for the TV media planning are: Colors Viacom 18, Foodfood, Sony Max, UTV Movies, Movies Now, Sony Pix, WB, TLC, NDTV Good Times, CNN IBN, Times Now, Sun TV, VIJAY, ETV, Sun News, Z Kannada, TV9 Karnataka, TV5 News and News 9. The number of total contacts that will be achieved are 123.764.830 during the 1st year with a total of 371.294.490 contacts in the whole program (source: TAM – Television Audience Measurement). - Print It is a tool that has good affinity with our target. The selection is made according to our target’s interest and suitableness of the content. In the press plan mainly magazines and newspapers in English have been chosen. This makes a total of 63 inserts during four months. The magazines selected for the planning are: Cosmopolitan, Femina, Women’s Era, HT Brunch (Del+Mum Ntl), Women’s Health, Prevention, Readers Digest, Health and Nutrition and India Today Women with 4 inserts in each magazine (a total of 36 inserts during the 1st year that means 108 inserts in the whole programme). These magazines have a monthly, fortnightly and weekly frequency. The format used is a full colour page. Regarding to newspapers, the main editions in English have been selected to cover the most relevant regions of the country: Mumbai (29% reach), Delhi (39% reach), Pune (10% reach), 120 Chennai (14% reach), Ahmedabad (8% reach), Hyderabad (28% reach) plus other small cities, with 27 inserts in total 1st year (3 in each newspaper) and 81 inserts in the whole programme. Source: IRS Q2 2012. The size of the inserts will be 400 (square cms). All of the print inserts will be placed in RHP (right hand page). The number of total contacts that will be achieved are 1.000.000 during the 1st year with a total of 3.000.000 contacts in the whole program (Source: IRS Q2 2012). - Radio The actions in radio will be carried out in two waves of two weeks duration each (a total of 4 weeks activity); with adverts Monday to Friday in the time frames of maximum audience (on the way to and from work) with 12 daily ads. The total number of radio ads in the whole programme is 5.760. The radio stations selected are Radio Mirchi, Radio City and Suryan. We will have radio presence in the main cities: Delhi (738.239 impacts), Mumbai (543.436 impacts), Bangalore (280.541 impacts), Kolkata (324.117 impacts), Hyderabad (222.963 impacts), Chennai (371.524 impacts), Ahmedabad (169.688 impacts), Pune (389.547 impacts). The number of total contacts during the 1st year (2 waves) will be 3.040.054 with a total of 9.120.162 impacts in the whole programme (Source: IRS 2012). Activities focused on the consumer – BTL In these actions the consumer will be reached via the experience which allows us to obtain an impact of greater quality that permits a direct and nearly personalized communication. Six different activities will take place. The first 3 actions (Presence in the shopping center & Live sampling) will be developed in one of the most relevant malls (for our target) selected in the 8 biggest cities of the country: These shopping centres’ per city are as follows: Delhi (Shipra Mall, Indirapuram), Mumbai (Rmall, Mulund), Bangalore (Garuda Mall, Ashok Nagar), Kolkata (Forum Mall, Bhawanipur), Hyderabad (Hyderabad Central, Punjamhutta), Chennai (Chennai City Center, Mylapore), Ahmedabad (Alpha One Mall, Vastrapur), Pune (SGS Mall, Moledina Road). - Presence in shopping centers. Special tasting and promotion of the product will take place during a weekend (2 days). Stands (10 x 10 meters) will be installed inside the shopping centre where chefs will prepare dishes with Olive Oil. Passers-by will be able to try the product. - Live sampling Professional chefs will prepare different European and Indian dishes using Olive Oil inside the supermarket. Customers will be able to try the different dishes. This activity will take place during 2 days (weekend) in each city. - Advertising on malls Different communication formats inside the 8 malls to achieve visitors’ attention: 10 floor graphics, 2 lift branding and 2 standees at the mall entrance. - Outdoor advertising An OOH circuit of 300 faces in Mumbai (along the city) to achieve more impacts. - BTL Materials Production of the materials that will support the “Presence in the Shopping Centre”, “Live sampling” and “Roadshow” activities: 5.000 information booklets, 5.000 docket folders, 121 320.000 information leaves (8 models x 40.000 units), 5.000 recipe booklets, 80.000 satisfaction questionaries and 5.000 paper bags. - Roadshow Programmed circuits where the product is released to the client through direct experiences. A car will drive through the 8 mains cities, during 1 day, stopping in several places to distribute information. The number of total contacts during the 1st year will be 384.000 with a total of 1.152.000 impacts in the whole programme. Activities focused on the consumer - Digital - Facebook Fan Page Development, managed by a Community Manager that will moderate, carry out follow ups, upload content, review comments from fans and add dynamism in order to obtain quality content. - App for Facebook An interactive recipe book that users will be able to follow step by step when cooking (this app will be developed by Indonesia and will be used by both countries to optimize costs). - Digital Media Purchase: Several banners will be place on different sites according to our target. The selected websites are: o Times of India, with a total of 12.800.000 impressions along the 1st year (800.000 impressions distributed in 2 days -interstitial format- & 12.000.000 impressions shared in 30 days -fixed format-). o Yahoo, with a total of 8.500.000 impressions during the first year of activity (5.000.000 impressions distributed in 30 days –click to expand format in internal pages, 1.500.000 impression distributed in 15 days –click to expand format in magazines- & 2.000.000 impressions shared in 30 days – ROS – LREC Banner). o Google, with a total of 38.511.111 impressions in the first year of activity (2.400.000 impressions distributed in 30 days –search-, 36.111.111 impression distributed in 30 days –contextual format). o Facebook, through premium advertisement, a total of 4.400.000 impressions will be achieved along 30 days. o Nexzenpro, using conventional banners, we will have 66.666.667 impressions in the 1st year distributed in 30 days. The total number of impressions during the 1st year will be 130.877.778 impressions in the 1st year, with a total of 392.633.334 impressions in the whole programme. The total number of clicks in the 1st year will be 100.000 what means 300.000 clicks in the total programme. Actions orientated to the consumer and opinion leaders - PR 5.000 information dispatches (folder + information leaves) will be sent to the different communication channels/communicators, informing of the “revolution” and how it will change the Indians’ way of cooking. Through this action we will gain predisposition of the communicators to inform about the product through their communication paths. The real individuals we expect to achieve are 4.000 considering the possibility of not reaching a 20%. 122 INDONESIA Creativity adapted to Indonesian market As in the Indian market, this phase of the campaign will be to adapt the strategy and creativity of the global campaign to the Indonesian Market’s needs, in order to achieve the required goals and reach the target group. Activities focused on the consumer – BTL Three events will take place in this market in order to educate our future consumers and let them the opportunity of experience the product. Each of them will be developed during one day. - “Healthy food goes to schools” This event will be a demonstration to mothers and children on how to use Olive Oil in Indonesian Cuisine. A team contest will take place so winners will go into the second stage, the “cooking contest”. It will be done in three schools, and there will be 12 couples (father/mother and son/daughter). This activity will be recorded in videos to be then uploaded on Facebook, and the top four from each school will be voted and will go to the next stage. The total number of impacts achieved in the 1st year of activity will be 2.600 individuals, considering those that attend and participate in the demonstrations plus those that discover the event though Facebook. The total number of individuals to be reached in the total programme will be 7.800. - “Healthy cooking with Olive Oil” Contest There will be 12 teams of 2 people (4 of each previous school activity), who will receive several ingredients in order to cook a dish (under the condition “sine qua non” use Olive Oil in all dishes). A much known chef in Indonesia, Bara Pattiradjawane, will evaluate the different cooked dishes and will select the winners. All videos will be uploaded to Facebook in order to vote the best dishes. Only the top 6 will go on to the next stage. This activity will be developed in La Piazza Area center along 1 day. There will be 12 teams of 2 people (4 of each previous school activity), who will receive several ingredients in order to cook a dish (under the condition “sine qua non” use Olive Oil in all dishes). All videos will be uploaded to Facebook in order to vote the best dishes. Only the top 6 will go on to the next stage. The number of total contacts during the 1st year through this activity will be 2.000 (including participants & Facebook users) with a total of 6.000 impacts in the whole programme. - Talk show & Bazaar “Healthy foods for healthy life” In a city centre supermarket in Jakarta (La Piazza Area), a communication on healthy foods and Olive Oil benefits will take place. A well know chef and a nutritionist will explain the Olive Oil’s benefits. Meanwhile in other areas of the shopping mall, “the Bazaar” (simultaneous to the talk show), the 6 contestants will have to cook their recipes and the audience and nutritionist will try them and evaluate them choosing the 3 best which will reach the final stage. The number of total contacts during the 1st year in this activity will be 2.100 (including participants & Facebook users) which represents a total of 6.300 impacts in the whole programme. Activities focused on the consumer – Digital - Social Networks 123 Facebook Fan Page and Twitter development, these sites will be managed by a Community Manager who will moderate, carry out follow ups, upload content, review comments from fans and add dynamism in order to obtain quality content. These pages will include links to videos of the BTL activities, so that they can select their favorites. These pages will achieve 3.432 Facebook fans in the first year of the campaign (3 years). Note that these users will see repeatedly our pages along the campaign. - App for Facebook An interactive recipe book that users will be able to follow step by step when cooking (this app will also be used by the Indian market to optimize costs). - Bloggers, forums and celeb tweets 6 successful bloggers (related with cooking and a healthy life style) will made references to the programme activities and the category along 5 months. With this actions will achieve to increase the knowledge of category and a targeting for our activities and programme. o Rian Prihatini Kusuma- o Pramastri Sisimaya - o Isnuansa Maharni - o Eka Ria Desmawati Situn - o Winda Puspita - o Mubarika Darmayanti - - Digital Media purchase Several banners will be place on different sites according to our target. The selected websites are: o Facebook Social ads with a total of 514.284 contacts during the first year (514.284 impressions split in 3 months – fixed banner) o Yahoo with a total of 87.984 contacts along the first year (in 2 weeks – standard flash banner) o Sajinansedap with a total of 171.428 contacts in the first year (1 month – standard flash banner) o GDN totalising 514.284 contacts during the first year (3 month – standard flash banner) o Kompass with a total of 87.414 contacts along the first year (in 15 days – standard flash banner) o Detik with a total of 174.828 contacts in the first year (87.414 impressions in 15 days, in two sections of the website – standard flash banner) o Viva totalising 87.414 contacts during the first year (in 15 days– standard flash banner) o Idblognetwork with a total of 171.428 contacts along the first year (1 month – standard flash banner) During the three years it will be achieved a total of 5.427.192 contacts. In addition to these banners several keywords will be bought to appear in the sponsored search results on Google. Below please find the programs profitability analysis and the repercussion foreseen from a communication point of view. The profitability analysis is shown by indicators of profitability following you: Cost / unit of production 124 Cost / estimated value of production Analysis cost / unit of production: To perform the analysis, start from the official production data of the 2011/12 campaign. SPAIN: Last data available on virgin Olive Oil production 2011/12 from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (published by the Olive Oil Agency from the date of 31/08/2012): Estimated production 2011/12 in Spain = 1.611.291,4 tonnes (Source: “AAO Report about Olive Oil market. Campaign 2011/2012. MAGRAMA.) EUROPEAN UNION: Last data available of the virgin Olive Oil production forecast 2011/12 of the Consejo Oleícola Internacional: Estimated production 2011/12 in EU = 2.180.700 4 tonnes (Source: IOC. November, 2011) For calculations of profitability is necessary, firstly to update this estimate by correcting the IOC production estimates for Spain for this campaign (1,347,400 t) and the actual data produced (1,611,291.4 tons). This represents an upward revision of the estimate of € 263,891.4 rising, so the provisional estimate of European production would stand at 2,444,591.4 t (data we collect in the following table). SPAIN EU* Production 2011/12 (tons) 1.611.291,40 2.444.591,40 Secondly we consider the annual cost of the program submitted information and promotion on the Olive Oil in third countries. In our case the maximum annual cost, for the first program year, amounting to a sum of € 1.770.597,12 From this data we see that the "cost per unit of production" would be, for each of the parties as detailed below: Ratio to the Production SPAIN EU* of the program to UE 1,10 0,72 0,55 0,36 Relation €/t to Member State 0,05 to the proponent 0,49 Analysis cost / estimated value of production: As a second indicator of the profitability of the program included the ratio of cost against the value of program production. For this purpose we calculate the estimated value of production. This estimate is lower, i.e. considering the data of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment on the average price in the campaign originated in 2011/12 for "lampant Olive Oil" (the category of lesser value in Olive Oil), which stands to date (for lack of a week for the season finale) at € 163.30 / 100 kg. That is, the actual average production exceeds this figure as part of the categories of Olive Oils is priced above this value means. In the absence of official data on average prices in origin producers from other Member States, we considered the average prices at home in Spain, which are usually the lowest in the European market, so the real value of European production will be at consequently and in any case, higher than determined in this estimation. 125 Production 2011/12 (tons) SPAIN EU* Estimated Maximun annual maximun ratio between minimun value of cost of the the cost of the program the production program (€) and the estimated value (€) of the production (%) 1.611.291,40 2.631.238.856,20 € 1.770.597,12 € 0,067 2.444.591,40 3.992.017.756,20 € 1.770.597,12 € 0,044 In short, the profitability indicators of the program indicate that the maximum annual cost of the program would be less than 0.067% of the total value of production for the campaign Spanish 20011/12, also the maximum annual cost of the program would be less than 0.044% of the value European production total for the season 20011/12. These data show an excellent cost / benefit ratio of the program presented. Impact prévisible : The foreseeable impact from the communication point of view will be initially assessed with different sources and will be determined with different evaluation methods. Evaluation method: The quantification of the data is determined by the number of direct contacts that are estimated in view of each type of activity: Activity in ATL media (offline: television, magazines, radio ...): the quantification is based on the number of foreseen contacts according to the media’s sources. Internet Performance: quantifying through data from the number of impacts as per the allocated budget for the action. Performance related to BTL actions (events): to assess the contacts during the different events we take into consideration number of flyers (or graphic material that will be handed out) and the number of visitors in the malls during the events happening. Press office activities: the quantification will be determined by the audience level that the programme has in the media. 126 Year 1 Scope Year 2 Impact cost Scope Year 3 Impact cost Scope Impact cost INDIA 7.5.1: Creativity adaptated to the Indian Market 7.5.2: Oriented action to consumer - ATL 123.764.830 0,0050 € 123.764.830 0,0042 € 123.764.830 0,0042 € 1.000.000 0,2242 € 1.000.000 0,2214 € 1.000.000 0,2186 € 3.040.054 0,0341 € 3.040.054 0,0341 € 3.040.054 0,0341 € Malls presence 96.000 0,4804 € 96.000 0,4804 € 96.000 0,4804 € Live tasting 96.000 0,2162 € 96.000 0,2162 € 96.000 0,2162 € Malls branding 96.000 0,1305 € 96.000 0,1305 € 96.000 0,1305 € 96.000 0,2078 € 96.000 0,2078 € 96.000 0,2078 € 130.877.778 0,0005 € 130.877.778 0,0005 € 130.877.778 0,0005 € 4.000 0,7065 € 4.000 0,7065 € 4.000 0,7065 € Event 1 "Healthy food goes to school" (3 schools) *Including facebook impacts. 2.600 9,5508 € 2.600 9,5543 € 2.600 9,5543 € 2 "Cooking contest "Healthy cooking with Olive Oil"" *Including facebook impacts. 2.000 11,3333 € 3 "Talk show& Food Bazaar "Healthy foods for healthy life" *Including facebook impacts. 2.100 TV *By market characteristics these numbers are tentative, will update later. 7.5.3: Oriented action to consumer - BTL Outofhome advertising Road show 7.5.4: Oriented action to consumer - Digital (impression measurement) 7.5.5: Oriented action to consumer and opinion leader - RRPP Public relations action INDONESIA 7.5.6: Creativity adaptated to the Indonesian Market 7.5.7: Oriented action to consumer - BTL 7,8577 € 2.000 11,3374 € 2.100 7,8605 € 2.000 11,3374 € 2.100 7,8605 € 7.5.8: Oriented action to consumer - Digital 3.432 17,3482 € Facebook fans Banners(impression measurement) IMPACT TOTAL 1.809.064 260.889.858 0,0572 € 3.604 14,9342 € 1.809.064 260.890.029 0,0605 € 3.784 14,2231 € 1.809.064 260.890.210 The cost/impact of the BTL actions is higher but the quality of the impact is also superior. It is very important to carry out this type of actions in our campaign as our goal is to educate the consumer and create product awareness. The total number of impacts in the 1st year of activity will be 260.889.858 individuals with a total programme number of contacts of 782.670.097. Méthodes d’appréciation de l’impact : INDIA TV: the qualitative results of this media are measured through TAM (Television Audience Measurement – measures the audience data on Indian TV) Other conventional media sources (press and radio): measured through data offered by IRS (Indian Readership Survey). This is the most important constant study worldwide with a sample of approximately 250.000 homes in India. As well as readers pursuit it also analyses other media information, in this particular case, on radio. BTL Actions: in order to measure the efficiency of these actions we will carry out questionnaires in situ to those who pass by/attend the event. It will include general profile 127 0,0605 € and buying habits questions and questions about the event and the chances of buying Olive Oil in the future Important Note: Indian market peculiarities The Media Universe in India is in constant change (TV, Press and Digital) This means that the data reading in India (now being estimated for several months before the implementation of the media plan) is a complex matter due to constant programme planning chances (especially on TV channels). Channel rankings are constantly changing and do not function as in Europe. The scope of each channel depends mostly on the programme planning available when measuring. You must consider that the media plan presented must be reviewed and readjusted to dates closer to the execution so it adapts to the programme planning but always fulfilling the fixed goals. For example: The Indian Premier League is due to start in April and it will have a huge impact on media, Press, TV, PPRR … The Scope and Cost for years 2 and 3 are based on reference and information from year 1 due to continuous changes in programme planning. Campaign Post-test: There will be a post-test, Omnibus format, in order to evaluate the results: Brand awareness of the campaign. Recap on advertising elements of the campaign. Recap on media on which the campaign has been seen. Suggested insight of the ads that have been part of the campaign. Main message that has been sent through de campaign. Product profile: Interviewee’s perception of the product based on values broadcasted through the campaign. Buying habits: buying, frequency, use … INDONESIA The measurement of results for this programme will be done with the following tools: Alexa Rank: traffic ranking based on 3 months data archiving of millions of Alexa tool users and data obtained by them through diverse data sources. (Combining page views and users). Bloggers have been selected through this tool and will take part of the digital action and will help measure how many times “Olive Oil” has been mentioned by them and read by their followers. Google Rank: a web raking measuring system used by Google. Facebook: we will have a community manager that will manage and accurately send reports on data provided by Facebook. The information on the weekly or monthly reports will be: o Changes in number of followers (increase or decrease). o Unique users. o Percentage of active followers (those who click “Like”, comment or share). o People who talk about our web and go viral. Twitter: we will have a community manager that will manage and accurately send reports on data provided by Twitter. The information on the weekly or monthly reports will be: o Changes in number of followers (increase or decrease). o Number of re-tweets. BTL actions: we will use two measuring action tools: 128 o On spot questionnaire to the participants. General profile and buying habits questions will be made, as well as questions about the event and the chances of buying Olive Oil in the future. They will be redirected to the Facebook fan page. o As actions will be filmed and uploaded on the fan page on Facebook, another measuring tool will be the number of “like” that the videos get. In regard to years 2 and 3, the estimated scope and cost will be based on year 1 data. EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Intérêt général du programme : 23/30 Qualité et efficacité du programme : 22/40 Dimension européenne : Coût/efficacité : 8/10 12/20 129 BUDGET RECAPITULATIF APRES MODIFICATIONS : 5.7. ACTION YEAR 1 INDIA 5.7.1: Creativity adapted to Indian market 5.7.2: Action oriented to the consumer- ATL TV Producction TV TV Media Purchase Press Press production Press Media Purchase Radio Radio Production Radio Media Purchase Action 3: Action oriented to the consumer- BTL Production and activation 5.7.4.: Action oriented to digital consumer- Digital Production material for digital actions according to media plan: aprox 9 formatos Digital media purchase 5.7.5: Actions oriented to consumers and influencers-P.R. INDONESIA 5.7.6: Creativity adapted to Indonesian Market 5.7.7: Action oriented to consumer - BTL Event 1 "Healthy food goes to school" (3 schools) Event 2 "Cooking contest "Healthy cooking with Olive Oil"" Event 3 "Talk show& Food Bazaar "Healthy foods for healthy life"" (2 días) 5.7.8: Action oriented to consumer - Digital Digital Media production and maintenance Social Media Purchse digital media TOTAL ACTIONS INDIA + INDONESIA TOTAL DIRECT COSTS FOR THE PROGRAMME Costs of performance guarantee Fee of implementing body (13%) Measurement of results of actions (3%) OVERHEADS (4%) TOTAL FOR PROGRAMME OLIVE OIL 2013-15 € YEAR 2 YEAR 3 TOTAL 1.215.727,09 1.101.695,09 1.098.910,09 3.416.332,28 20.000,00 6.000,00 6.000,00 32.000,00 941.719,00 841.687,00 838.902,00 2.622.308,00 117.504,00 496.400,00 20.262,00 496.400,00 20.262,00 496.400,00 11.035,00 213.160,00 8.245,00 213.160,00 5.460,00 213.160,00 2.880,00 100.740,00 2.880,00 100.740,00 2.880,00 100.740,00 158.028,00 1.489.200,00 0,00 24.740,00 639.480,00 0,00 8.640,00 302.220,00 181.500,00 181.500,00 181.500,00 544.500,01 181.500,00 181.500,00 181.500,00 544.500,01 69.682,00 69.682,00 69.682,00 209.046,00 2.700,00 2.700,00 2.700,00 8.100,00 66.982,00 66.982,00 66.982,00 200.946,00 2.826,09 2.826,09 2.826,09 8.478,27 233.041,04 6.000,00 230.285,50 3.000,00 230.285,50 3.000,00 693.612,04 12.000,00 64.000,04 64.023,00 64.023,00 192.046,04 24.832,17 22.666,67 24.841,08 22.674,80 24.841,08 22.674,80 74.514,32 68.016,28 16.501,20 16.507,12 16.507,12 49.515,44 163.041,00 163.262,50 163.262,50 489.566,00 94.052,00 68.989,00 94.273,50 68.989,00 94.273,50 68.989,00 282.599,00 206.967,00 1.448.768,14 1.331.980,59 1.329.195,59 4.109.944,32 235.422,90 7.000,00 184.959,86 43.463,04 218.946,89 7.000,00 171.987,48 39.959,42 218.501,29 7.000,00 171.625,43 39.875,87 672.871,09 21.000,00 528.572,76 123.298,33 57.950,73 53.279,22 53.167,82 164.397,77 1.742.141,76 1.604.206,71 1.600.864,71 4.947.213,19 PLAN DE FINANCEMENT EN EURO : PART FINANCING 1st YEAR EU 871.070,88 € Member State Proponent TOTAL 87.107,09 € 783.963,79 € 1.742.141,76 € % 50% 5% 45% 100% 2nd YEAR % 3rd YEAR % TOTAL % 50% 802.103,36 € 50% 800.432,36 € 50% 2.473.606,59 € 80.210,34 € 5% 80.043,24 € 5% 247.360,66 € 721.893,02 € 45% 720.389,12 € 45% 2.226.245,93 € 45% 100% 4.947.213,19 € 100% 1.604.206,71 € 100% 1.600.864,71 € RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : La Commission prend note du fait que trois sociétés ont répondu à l'appel d'offres publié en vue du choix de l'organisme d'exécution et que l'Etat Membre responsable a vérifié l'exactitude et la légalité de la procédure compétitive. Le tableau récapitulatif de l'évaluation est néanmoins manquant, contrairement à ce qui est indiqué dans le chapitre 3.1., et doit être ajouté. 130 5% Les marchés cibles sont bien décrits et il apparait qu'il y a des opportunités importantes dans chacun de ces pays. Des données sur les importations en valeur dans ces pays manquent et doivent être ajoutées. Les objectifs ne sont pas SMART et doivent être quantifiés pour chacun des pays cibles (par exemple, en fixant des volumes et valeurs d'import d'huile d'olive, des parts de marché, etc.). Sans objectifs généraux quantifiés, il n'est ultérieurement pas possible d'évaluer l'impact final du programme. Selon le modèle de contrat, annexe 1, chapitre B.1.2, le pourcentage appliqué pour la rémunération de l'organisme d'exécution doit être 13% et non 15%. Pour l'analyse d'impacts, évaluer le rapport coûts/augmentation exports dans chacun des pays cibles à partir des objectifs quantifiés. D'autres précisions ou justifications sont également nécessaires pour que ce programme soit accepté: - Actions 5.7.1. et 5.7.6. : justifier le besoin de ces actions puisque le programme parait déjà bien défini. Justifier également le coût pour chaque année. - Action : clarifier la durée des différentes phases (4 ou 5 semaines par an?). - Action et clarifier le nombre de photos par année et vérifier les nombres de "AAFF" et "adaptaciones revistas". - Action préciser si les deux campagnes radio par an seront différentes de celles des autres années. - Actions, et expliquer les différences de coûts unitaires utilisées pour chaque action ou homogénéiser pour ces trois actions. Justifier les quantités unitaires budgétées. - Actions clarifier le lieu des dégustations de vin. Seront-elles organisées dans des supermarchés (comme indiqué sous ou dans des centres commerciaux (cf. 5.7.3.)? Si elles seront organisées dans des centres commerciaux, quelle est la différence de cette action avec l'action - Action préciser "en un momento cercano de la compra". Quand auront lieu ces actions? - Action pourquoi Mumbai a été choisie pour cette action et non pas Delhi alors que d'après les données présentées sous Delhi semble avoir un "univers" plus grand que Mumbai? - Action justifier les quantités unitaires. - Action où auront lieu les Road-shows? Quelles en seront les durées? - Action 5.7.7.: où auront lieu ces activités? Toutes à Yakarta? Les coûts liés à la gestion de ces évènements correspondent-ils à des coûts du personnel de l'organisme proposant? Si oui, ils ne sont pas éligibles et doivent être retirés du budget. - Action détailler/justifier les coûts de "gestion de redes sociales", l'application FB et du video filler. Par ailleurs, la description de l'application FB est manquante et doit être rajoutée. - L'évaluation post-ante pour l'Inde (post-test campaña) doit être décrite dans plus de détails; le nombre de personnes interrogées doit notamment être stipulé ainsi que le type de 131 questionnaire utilisé. Il en est de même pour les questionnaires in-situ des actions BTL en Indonésie. Eligibilité du programme : oui/non Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : - à accepter sous réserve des observations ci-dessus AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat (cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne: bonne/moyenne/non adéquate Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Coût efficacité du programme: (relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) Oui/non bonne/moyenne/non adéquat Points donnés par EM: 65/100 Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre 3/3 Avis du consultant externe: Le budget total (5,028 millions d’€ sur 3 ans) est important. La contribution sollicitée auprès de la Commission l’est également : 2,514 millions d’€ (50%). Le secteur de l’huile d’olive mérite un soutien. Le potentiel représenté par les marchés ciblés (Inde et Indonésie) est important et mérite d’être approché et testé. La stratégie créative proposée par l’Agence est séduisante, me semble bonne et PUBLICIS est un réseau reconnu et sérieux. Aussi, ma recommandation est plutôt favorable à l’acceptation du dossier, en demandant toutefois au préalable certains aménagements substantiels, à savoir l’incorporation et le renforcement d’actions à destination des cibles prescripteurs (tant économiques que d’opinion), différenciées sur les deux marchés. CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Par lettre du 14/01/2013 (ARES(2013)40220), les services de la Commission ont demandé à l'organisme proposant de répondre aux observations mentionnées ci-dessus. La réponse a été reçue le 12/02/2013 par email et le 14/02/2013 par courrier (ARES(2013) 196220). Dans celle-ci le demandeur a fourni une réponse satisfaisante à tous les points soulevés. Recommandation(s) [- à accepter - à accepter sous réserve des observations ci-dessus - à rejeter ] 132 IDENTIFICATION DU PROGRAMME: Etat membre: Espagne Titre du programme: Promotion de l'huile d'olive dans le Marché Interne Organisme compétent: Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente Organisation proposante: Organización interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español Organisme(s) d’exécution: Tactics Europe Type de mesure: information/promotion/mixte Produit: Huile d'olive Etat membre ciblé: Espagne Durée: 36 mois Budget total: 5 988 350,40 euros Proposition reçue le: 29/11/2012 CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM: oui/non Organisme d’exécution sélectionné par une procédure compétitive oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM oui Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’organisation proposante oui/non Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes oui/non Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire oui/non Le produit/pays cibles sont éligibles oui/non Conformité aux lignes directrices oui/non 133 AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire : oui/non Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM) oui/non Confirmation de la représentativité de l’organisation proposante du secteur concerné oui/non Confirmation de l’efficacité technique et financière de l’organisation proposante oui/non Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution oui/non DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectif(s) : - Encourager l'achat et consommation de l'huile d'olive - Améliorer l'information et l'appréciation du consommateur, surtout des nouveaux consommateurs plus jeunes et des enfants, futurs consommateurs potentiels. - Renforcer la présence de l'huile d'olive dans les medias, en mettant en valeur ses bienfaits et ses différents usages. Faire connaître l'huile d'olive extra vierge comme le produit de plus haute qualité des toutes les huiles d'olive. - Attirer l'attention sur la versatilité de l'huile d'olive dans les cuisines à travers le monde. Stratégie : La campagne se basera sur des expériences afin de former et informer le consommateur. Le but est que dans chaque foyer il y ait les différents types d'huile d'olive. - Actions directes et proches des gens, avec des moyens conventionnels afin de garantir une bonne couverture mais avec des formats non conventionnels - Création d'expériences gastronomiques dans les restaurants et écoles hôtelières - Nous allons envahir l'Espagne de carts "Huiles d'olive. TOUTE UNE EXPERIENCE" Dans les rues principales, musées, foires, marchés gastronomiques, plages on pourra goûter et apprendre sur les différents goûts et arômes des Hdo. - Actions éducatives dans les écoles afin que tout enfant fasse ses propres expériences - Approcher les visiteurs étrangers dans les restaurants, Paradores, Bus touristiques, carts - Augmenter la présence des Hdo dans les moyens de communication - La semaine des HdO avec l'activité phare "Expérience Vierge Extra" dans les cuisines du monde - Création du "Canal d'Expériences" sur Internet, réseaux sociaux, campagnes display - Information régulière de tout le secteur de nos Expériences. Cibles : 1. Consommateur final: personnes entre 25 et 45 ans (population de 15.700.521 personnes), jeunes parents de famille ou futurs parents de famille, surtout les femmes. Enfants 2. Prescripteurs: Leaders d'opinion (gastronomes, chefs cuisine, restaurateurs, journalistes, bloggeurs, médecins, nutritionnistes, pédiatres, educateurs. 134 Thèmes : Définition et typologie des différentes Huiles d'Olive Valeurs Bienfaits Usages Aspects couverts: qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifique aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques vins avec appellation d’origine protégée ou indication géographique protégée, vins avec indication de la variété à raisins de cuve Messages à communiquer : Présenter les différentes qualités gastronomiques et organoleptiques de l'huile d'olive extra vierge en fonction des variétés, des terrains de culture, des récoltes, la production écologique, les AOP/IGP etc. Promouvoir la Diète méditerranéenne par ses bénéficies sante, équilibre, variété des goûts Avantages de la consommation des HdO comme la graisse la plus saine (allégations permises par l'UE) Créer une culture des HdO en modernisant l'image d'un produit de longue tradition et en informant sur les catégories commerciales des HdO Avantages de la présence d'HdO en bouteille dasn les salles de restaurants (avec une information utile de l'étiquette) Concept créatif : "Avoir 4 ou 5 variétés d'Huile d'Olive dans ta cuisine te fera vivre des expériences uniques !" Trouver l'HdO parfaite pour chaque moment, chaque plat deviendra une expérience unique ! Apprendre, savoir choisir et profiter des HdO est toute une expérience ! Préparer le pays à vivre des nouvelles et intenses expériences (de saveur, couleur, textures, arômes). 135 Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : ACTIONS 1. MEDIA Collaboration avec le grand chef Karlos Arguiñano/TV/Magazines 2. ACTIONS DANS LES RESTAURANTS ET LES ECOLES HOTELIERES 3. ACTION BTL CARTS 4. ACTIONS TOURISTES 5. ACTIONS d'INFORMATION dans les ECOLES 6. RELATIONS PUBLIQUES 7. SOCIAL MEDIA 8. ACTIONS DE COMMUNICATION AU SECTEUR 9. PRODUCTION AUDIOVISUELLE ET GRAPHIQUE BUDGET TOTAL: 5.275.791,00 1.865.437,30 452.437,00 1.012.290,00 442.265,00 348.560,00 578.407,00 325.538,37 26.856,00 224.000,00 1. MEDIA: 120 shows de Karlos Arguiñano (mai et juin), 24 integrations, 2.600.000 banner impressions, display and skin formats in (visites de la page web 8.000.000) 8 sponsorship/year , recipes in magazine Semana. 8.462.581 contacts/year. Per year: 53,9 Grp's, 4,5 OTS, coverage of 12% TV :56 passes (18/année1 et 19-19)) de 45 secondes dans des shows très populaires, au moment des infos météo, du Lotto. GRp 239,0 4,5 OTS, coverage 41% Magazines: articles ½ page couleur avec tous les messages de la campagne dans magazines très populaires (10minutos, Lecturas, Semana, Elle, telva, Saber Vivir, Hola) 2. ACTIONS DANS LES RESTAURANTS ET LES ECOLES HOTELIERES Restaurants: actions informatives pour les chefs, le personnel de salle, les clients et les médias. Signature d'un accord de collaboration avec la Fédération espagnole des Hôtels et restaurants pour utiliser leurs canaux de communication: publicités dans leur magazine, dans leur site web, e-newsletter et interviews, 5.000 e-mailings. Formation de 10 ambassadeurs qui visiteront 400 restaurant/ans de 6 villes principales afin de former le personnel et les clients. Distribution de matériel informatif et décoratif et échantillons pour dégustation. 3.134.100 contacts directs. Ecoles hôtelières: 25 écoles. (Janvier-Juin)100 professeurs et 1.000 étudiants /an 3. ACTION BTL CART: 50 carts dans les grandes villes à des points stratégiques, musées, plazas, rues commerciales, plages, marchés gastronomiques, events. 3 jours /semaine pendant 13 semaines. Dégustations pour inciter à avoir 3-5 bouteilles différentes à la maison. Distribution de 585.000 livres "cuisines du monde recettes" (24 pages). 1.755.000 contacts directs. 4. ACTIONS TOURISTES Actions dans les Paradores (94 en total): dedicated olive oil cart au lunch et au dîner, 365 jours/an. Découverte de 4 principales huiles d'olive. Distribuition du livre 799.000 unités "cuisines du monde (12 pages"). Contacts directs 6.564.000 Actions dans les bus touristiques: à Madrid et Barcelone. 5 bus/ville seront peints avec notre image de la campagne (graphique de 18m2) et circuleront pendant 28 jours. Chaque passager recevra des mains d'une hôtesse un échantillon avec 3 variétés d'hdo 136 (56 .000 échantillons par an). 168.000 contacts directs et 840.000 contacts (personnes qui voient le bus dans la rue). 5. ACTIONS d'INFORMATION dans les ECOLES: 300 Expérience workshops dans des écoles de 8 villes /an. Enfants ciblés: 6-8 ans ainsi que leurs professeurs et parents. Matériel éducatif comprenant une vidéo interactive, un manuel pour les professeurs (500 unités), brochures pour les enfants (30.000) et un guide pour les parents (30.000 unités 12 pages). 6. RELATIONS PUBLIQUES: Bureau de presse pour soutenir et diffuser chacune des actions prévues pendant la campagne et générer des nouvelles d'autres évènements intéressants concernant l'huile d'olive. Cible: leaders d'opinion des medias conventionnels, spécialisés et on-line (presse générale, économique, féminine et masculine, tourisme, commerce, enfants, bien-être, sports, nutrition/santé). 40.000.000 contacts pour fin campagne. The Olive Oil week Kick off Event Olive Oil Ambassador Chef et Oilve Oil ambassador reporter Special action medical group 7. SOCIAL MEDIA Développement d'un Microsite Facebook, Twitter, You Tube (activités que fera le Ambasador reporter) App: création d'une application gratuite pour Smartphones qui peut être téléchargée online et à travers les codes BIDI implantés dans les matériaux de la campagne Advertising Banners in social media 8. ACTIONS DE COMMUNICATION AU SECTEUR: Une communication en bonne et due forme et moment sera envoyée à l'industrie et à toute la chaîne d'opérateurs, institutions et administrations également, informant de tous les évènements liés à la campagne. 4 digital newsletter/an envoyée à 10.000 adresses et 3 printed newsletter /an. 9. PRODUCTION AUDIOVISUELLE ET GRAPHIQUE: Création d'un vidéo-clip de 1-2" avec des personnes célèbres qui deviendront des ambassadeurs de l'huile d'olive. Broadcasted sur Internet (social media, et canal You Tube). 12 experience –videos d'1 min (4/an) avec des acteurs professionnels qui parleront de leurs expériences avec la consommation des huiles d'olive. Impact prévisible et méthodes d’appréciation : L'analyse de performance économique du programme donne un très bon ratio coût/bénéfice En prenant les données de production d'huile d'olive pour 2011-12: Espagne : 1.611.291,40 Tm, UE: 2.444.591,40 Tm. En prenant le coût annuel du programme (année 2 ou 3): 1.997.525,95 euros Par rapport à la production en Espagne, le coût du programme est de 1.24 euros par Tm de produit(0.62 euros pour l'UE, 0.06 pour l'EL, 0.56 pour le proposant) Un deuxième indicateur de l'efficience économique de ce programme est la relation entre le coût annuel du programme et la valeur estimée de la production: Prix moyen de la campagne 20111/12 pour la catégorie de moins de valeur "olive oil lampante": 163,30 euros/100kg, on arrive à un pourcentage de 0.08 137 Impact prévisible: Etude de Base du Marché: Enquête telephonique 1.000 (personnes 25-45 ans)/an Actions dans restaurants: 25 enquêtes aux chefs de cuisine /an à la fin de l'action Action BTL Carts: 400 questionnaires/an population espagnole + 100 touristes etrangers qui aient participé à l'action Action ecoles: 50 questionnaires aux Directeurs école /professeurs année 2 et 3 Action La Semaine des Huiles d'Olive: 500 questionnaires/an participants action Dimension Communautaire: Elle est très longuement argumentée dans la proposition sur base des données sur le tourisme en Espagne. BUDGET: € 1. MEDIA Collaboration avec le grand chef Karlos Arguiñano/TV/Magazines 2. ACTIONS DANS LES RESTAURANTS ET LES ECOLES HOTELIERES 3. ACTION BTL CARTS 4. ACTIONS TOURISTES 5. ACTIONS d'INFORMATION dans les ECOLES 6. RELATIONS PUBLIQUES 7. SOCIAL MEDIA 8. ACTIONS DE COMMUNICATION AU SECTEUR 9. PRODUCTION AUDIOVISUELLE ET GRAPHIQUE BUDGET TOTAL ACTIONS: Couts performance garantie Frais Organisme d'exécution (8,69%) Mesure Résultats (1,42%) Total coûts directs du Programme Frais généraux (3%) Total Programme Année 1 608.697,75 Année 2 628.369,94 Année 3 628.369,94 1.865.437,30 146.677,00 152.880,00 152.880,00 452.437,00 330.530,00 145.970,00 340.880,00 148.147,50 340.880,00 148.147,50 1.012.290,00 442.265,00 54.560,00 147.000,00 147.000,00 348.560,00 207.297,00 185.555,00 185.555,00 578.407,00 112.965,25 8.856,00 106.286,56 9.000,00 106.286,56 9.000,00 325.538,37 26.856,00 140.000,00 42.000,00 42.000,00 224.000,00 1.755.553,00 1.760.119,00 1.760.119,00 5.275.791,00 7.000,00 7.000,00 7.000,00 21.000,00 153.078,91 152.603,38 152.603,38 458.285,67 25.000,00 25.000,00 25.000,00 75.000,00 1.940.631,91 1.944.722,38 1.944.722,38 5.830.076,67 52.666,59 52.803,57 52.803,57 158.273,73 1.993.298,50 1.997.525,95 1.997.525,95 5.988.350,40 138 PLAN DE FINANCEMENT : COFINANCIACIÓN UE Estado Miembro Proponente TOTAL AÑO 1 996.649,25 € 99.664,93 € 896.984,32 € % 50% 5% 45% AÑO 2 998.762,98 € 99.876,30 € 898.886,67 € % 50% 5% 45% AÑO 3 998.762,98 € 99.876,30 € 898.886,67 € % 50% 5% 45% TOTAL 2.994.175,21 € 299.417,53 € 2.694.757,66 € % 50% 5% 45% 1.993.298,50 € 100% 1.997.525,95 € 100% 1.997.525,95 € 100% 5.988.350,40 € 100% EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Intérêt général du programme : 16/30 Qualité et efficacité du programme : 32/40 Dimension européenne : Coût/efficacité : Total : 5/10 13/20 73/100 RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : Eligibilité du programme : oui/non Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : Les objectifs du programme ne sont pas quantifiés ce qui implique que l'impact prévisible décrit ne concerne que le résultat de chaque action et non la consécution des objectifs généraux, tels que l'augmentation quantifiée de la consommation, ou des ventes par catégories d'huile. Il y a beaucoup de données très précises sur les contacts établis par action mais pas d'objectifs globaux en termes de résultats finaux du programme. Or l'évaluation d'impact finale devra analyser si les objectifs quantifiés du départ ont été atteints. Justifier pourquoi l'organisation proposante a choisi de ne pas cibler d'autres pays du Marché Intérieur et de rester uniquement dans le marché national. La dimension européenne et par conséquent la valeur ajoutée européenne est faible étant donné que le marché ciblé est uniquement l'Espagne malgré le fait qu'une action concerne également les touristes étrangers (p. 106 et 107, il est estimé qu'environ 150 millions de personnes seront impactées par ce programme pour l'Espagne vs.7,5 millions pour les touristes). D'autre part, les avantages liés aux modes de production européennes ainsi que ceux relatif à la consommation d'huile d'olive européenne ne sont pas suffisamment mis en avant. D'autres précisions ou justifications sont également nécessaires pour que ce programme soit accepté: - p. 65, le salaire pour les hôtesses est fixé à 400 EUR pour 28 jours, soit 14,28 EUR/jour. Ceci semble très bas. En effet p. 83, les hôtesses sont rémunérées 125 EUR/jour. Justifier. - p. 66, 69, 70 et 71, le nombre de professeurs est indiqué comme étant de 500, hors p. 67, il est indiqué 600 ateliers. Expliquer ou rectifier. - p. 71, justifier les coûts correspondants à la vidéo (15.800 EUR), distribution de matériels (3.300 EUR) et cours de formation pour les moniteurs (7.700 EUR). 139 - p. 87, justifier les coûts de participation in situ (1.800 EUR chacun). - p. 90, clarifier le nombre de "displays", "dosieres técnicos" et "estuches de prestigio" (par an: 6, 16 et 16 respectivement comme indiqué dans le budget ou bien 10, 20 et 20 comme indiqué dans la liste des matériels?). - p. 97, justifier le coût de développement de l'application pour portable (11.800 EUR). - p. 101, justifier les coûts correspondants au vidéoclip (75.000 EUR), aux vidéos (10.500 EUR chacune) et au graphisme (23.000 EUR). AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme: (cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne: /moyenne/non adéquat bonne/moyenne/non adéquate Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Coût efficacité du programme: (relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) oui/non bonne/moyenne/non adéquat Points donnés par EM: 73/100 Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre 1/3 Avis du consultant externe: « ma recommandation est plutôt favorable à l’acceptation du dossier » CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Par lettre du 14/01/2013 (ARES(2013)40220), les services de la Commission ont demandé à l'organisme proposant de répondre aux observations mentionnées ci-dessus. La réponse a été reçue le 12/02/2013 par email et le 14/02/2013 par courrier (ARES(2013) 196220). Dans celle-ci le demandeur a fourni une réponse satisfaisante à tous les points soulevés. Recommandation(s) [- à accepter - à accepter sous réserve des observations ci-dessus - à rejeter ] 140 IDENTIFICATION DU PROGRAMME: Etat(s) membre(s): FR Titre du programme: Programme d'information et de promotion de l'indication géographique Cognac sur les territoires des Etats-Unis, de la Russie et la Chine. Organisme(s) compétent(s): France AGRIMER Organisation(s) proposante(s): Bureau National Interprofessionnel du Cognac (BNIC) Organisme(s) d’exécution: SOPEXA Type de mesure: information/promotion/mixte Produit(s): Spiritueux avec IGP (Cognac) Etat membre(s) ciblés: USA, RU, CN Durée: 3 ans Budget total: 2.298.591€ Proposition reçue le: 30/11/2012 CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM: oui/non Organisme(s) d’exécution sélectionné(s) par une procédure compétitive oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’/les(s) organisation(s) proposante(s) oui/non Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes oui/ non Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire oui/non Le(s) produit(s)/pays cible(s) sont éligibles oui/non Conformité à /aux ligne(s) directrice(s) oui/non 141 AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire : oui/non Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM) oui/non Confirmation de la représentativité de(s) l’organisation(s) proposante(s) du/des secteur(s) concerné(s) oui/non Confirmation de l’efficacité technique et financière de(s) l’organisation proposante(s) oui/non Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution oui/non DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectif(s) : Promouvoir la qualité des produits dotés d'une IG; Accroitre les connaissances des produits IG européens en prenant pour fer de lance l'IG Cognac. Le programme prévoit une augmentation de la connaissance des produits IG par 15% en EEUU et 8% en Chine et en Russie; Améliorer la notoriété et l'image du produit Stratégie : Une stratégie qui vise les professionnels du secteur dans les 3 pays en utilisant les moyens suivants: Formation via une plateforme d'information e-learning Séminaires/séances de formation Participation aux salons professionnels Organisation de mini évènements/dégustations Développement d'un réseau de mixologistes Cibles : Restaurateurs, barmen, sommeliers, mixologistes Importateurs/distributeurs Journalistes Leaders d'opinion Thèmes : Les valeurs uniques des Indications Géographiques Européennes et notamment de l'IG Cognac (la première IG européenne reconnue Les conditions d'élaboration du cognac Les qualités du produit. 142 Aspects couverts: qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifique aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques vins avec appellation d’origine protégée ou indication géographique protégée, vins avec indication de la variété à raisins de cuve Messages à communiquer : Le message principal "Cognac, un symbole d qualité des IG européennes' portera sur: Les valeurs uniques des Indications Géographiques Européennes et notamment de l'IG Cognac (la première IG européenne reconnue Les conditions d'élaboration du cognac Les qualités du produit. Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : 1. USA Action 1: relations publiques/presse: voyage d'éducation en région: voyage de 12 personnes à cognac (6 journalistes, 3 barmen, 3 formateurs) et bureau de presse; Coût total 82.461 EUR Action 2: cocktail weeks: séminaires sur l'IG Cognac et atelier de formation ciblant 260 personnes en total pendant l'évènement 'Tales of the Cocktails' qui a lieu à New Orleans. Présence à 'Portland Cocktail Week' avec cible 100 professionnels du secteur. Cout total: 40.766 EUR. Action 3: formation des professionnels: En partenariat avec la "guild des sommeliers" 3 séminaires de 2h pour 35 sommeliers en San Francisco, Washington et new York. Wine bloggers conference avec 300-350 participants. Experience Cognac Summer Camp à Texas et à Louisville (230 personnes) coût: 74.637 EUR Action 4: Promotion online: Actualisation et maintenance du 'Portail Experience Cognac, Community Manager et 3 événemments "Cognac Throwdown". Total cost 114.885 EUR 2. CHINA Action 1: relations publiques/presse: reportages TV dans des chaines ciblant les professionnels; création de 4 reportages par an de 20 minutes qui présenteront les caractéristiques de l'IG Cognac. Voyage d'équipe à Cognac pendant 5 jours. Objectif: 50 moi de spectateurs; Aussi: voyage des bloggeurs influentes vers le Cognac; coût total de 38.672 EUR. Action 2: relations presse et Web 2.0: Cocktail dinatoire pour 100 personnes/an (journalistes/professionnels), 1 ville par année (2013 Canton, 2014 Shanghai, 2015 Beijing). Action digitale PR: génération d'articles dans la presse généraliste, optimisation de la présence de l'IG Cognac sur le moteur de recherche Baidu (=équivalent google), bannières publicitaires. Cout total de 65.662 EUR. Action 3: formation/éducation (coût total 91.220 EUR) Séminaire de formation pour 80 personnes dans 3 villes 143 Formation pour sommeliers pour 100 personnes lors de la finale nationale du 'Concours Sommelier' (Shanghai) Séminaire de formation salon Interwine Guangzhou 2013: Cible 80 professionnels Communauté des formateurs: formation pour 30 personnes avec des ateliers approfondis et examen ecrit à la fin. 6 personnes seront sélectionnées pour poursuivre une formation à Cognac à partir de 2014. Action 4: matériel d'information: 1000 copies d'une brochure sur l'IG Cognac et 500 DVDs; Cout: 5.706 EUR. 3. RUSSIA Action 1: Education et réseau de formateurs: 5 formations dans 3 villes (Moscou, Rostov et Saint-Pétersbourg) et des dégustations permanentes dans le cadre de Moscow Wine Expo. Création d'un réseau de formateurs de 5 personnes en Russie y compris voyage et accréditation à Cognac; Cout total de 75.952 EUR. Action 2: relations publiques/presse: Communiqués de presse (3/an-nombre très réduit mais en conformité avec nouvelle loi qui interdit la publicité sur les spiritueux), voyage presse (5 personnes) à Cognac, diner de presse à Saint-Pétersbourg pour 45 personnes; Coût total de 35. 642 EUR. Action 3: Actions digitales: Maintien et réactualisation du site, action de promotion sur les blogs et forums spécialisés, activité facebook avec la page Cognac Maniacs. Cout total de 68.008 EUR. Action 4: matériel d'information: brochure 'Cognac' en russe, dossier de presse 'Savour the spirit of Cognac', USB key, etc (21.660 EUR). Impact prévisible : Amélioration de la notoriété et la connaissance sur la GI Cognac de 15% aux USA, 8% en Russie et 8% en Chine. Méthodes d’appréciation de l’impact : Avec indicateurs de suivi, indicateurs de résultat et indicateurs d'impact (voir page 94 du dossier). EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Intérêt général du programme : 25,6/30 Qualité et efficacité du programme : 32,5/40 Dimension européenne : 7,83/10 Coût/efficacité : 17/20 144 BUDGET RECAPITULATIF : € 145 146 147 PLAN DE FINANCEMENT EN EURO : COFINANCEMENT UE ETAT MEMBRE PROPOSANT TOTAL ANNEE I 383.100 114.930 268.169 766.199 % 50% 15% 35% 100 ANNEE II 383.100 114.930 268.169 766.199 % 50% 15% 35% 100 ANNEE III 383.100 114.930 268.169 766.199 % 50% 15% 35% 100 TOTAL % 1.149.300 344.790 804.507 2.298.597 50 15 35 100 RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : Selection of the implementing body: according to the proposing organisation (p.9) the call for tenders for the selection of the implementing body was published in the OJ and only 1 offer was received (SOPEXA). The Member State in its evaluation fiche declares that they did not participate in the tendering procedure, but based on the documents submitted by the prop. organisation they can assure that the tendering procedure was carried out correctly. This issue is stressed in the Commissions remarks (see below). Actions: Please see section below ' Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM'. Eligibilité du programme : oui/non Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : I. Remarques générales: (1) La Commission prend note du fait qu'une seule société a répondu à l'appel d'offres publié en vue du choix de l'organisme d'exécution et que l'Etat Membre responsable a vérifié l'exactitude et la légalité de la procédure compétitive. (2) Le document de présentation ne met pas clairement en évidence les éventuels apports ou nouveautés de ce programme par rapport au programme précédent. Quels sont-ils? (3) Comment les prescripteurs, les distributeurs et les mixologistes déjà formés lors du programme précédent sont–ils pris en compte dans ce deuxième programme? II. Objectifs: (1) L’objectif quantitatif est formulé globalement: «augmenter d’ici 2016 le % de connaissance des IG d’au moins X% par rapport à l’évaluation finale du programme 1». Quels aspects précis des IG seront concernés par ce degré de connaissance ? (2) Pour mieux cerner encore l’efficacité de ce programme, l’organisation proposante devrait établir pour les 3 années un récapitulatif par catégorie (sommeliers, barmen, distributeurs, journalistes, bloggeurs, etc….) du nombre de professionnels et leaders d’opinion formés ou sensibilisés. Ces valeurs pourraient être rapportées au nombre total estimé de professionnels pour les zones ou les villes concernées. III. Actions (1) (USA) Le renouvellement de la plateforme web «» prévoit-il un contenu spécifique dédié à la notion d’IG? Sera-t-il fait mention des autres spiritueux européens bénéficiant d’une IG? (2) (USA) Actions 'voyages à Cognac' et bureau presse': des coûts pour ce bureau de presse sont répétés dans le budget et dans les honoraires de SOPEXA (ie 'rédaction 148 communiqués de presse' et 'opportunités presse' sont facturés 2 fois). De même pour l'action 'site web', la rubrique 'création de contenu' apparait 2 fois. (3) (USA) Action 'community manager': Cette action n'a pas été décrite avec le détail requis, quel sera le rôle exact de cette personne et comment sera-t-il (elle) choisi(e) et recruté(e)? (4) (USA) Experience Cognac Throwdown: Cette action ne fait pas partie de la promotion web, elle devrait donc faire partie de l'action 3. (5) (Chine) Action programme TV: Le programme vise les professionnels et non pas le public en général; pourtant, l'objectif mentionne comme audience un nombre de 50.000.000 personnes. Il est nécessaire de spécifier le nombre de professionnels qui seront touchés par l'action. (6) (Chine) Le CD-ROM pédagogique utilisé dans les séminaires de formation prévoit-il un contenu spécifique dédié à la notion d’IG? Sera-t-il fait mention des autres spiritueux européens bénéficiant d’une IG? (7) (Russie) Quel sera le contenu dédié aux IG européennes sur le site (8) (Russie) Quelle est la liste et le calendrier prévisionnel des actions prévues en année 2 et 3? IV. Budget (1) Les coûts et les honoraires pour chaque action sont rigoureusement équivalents en année 2 et en année 3. S’il s’agit des mêmes actions qu’en année 1, des économies devraient être possible sur les honoraires, notamment au niveau du temps passé pour la conception des actions, la création, voire la mise en œuvre. De même pour le coût des actions, des économies d’échelle pourraient être réalisées et permettre une certaine intensification du programme. (2) Dans le budget des visites à Cognac, l'organisme proposant n'a pas prévu des coûts de traduction. Il importe d'expliquer comment ces visites seront effectuées. AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat (cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne: bonne/moyenne/non adéquate Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Coût efficacité du programme: (relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) Points donnés par EM: Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre Oui/non bonne/moyenne/non adéquat 83/100 NA (1/1) Avis du consultant externe: L'avis de l'expert externe est annexé. Il propose d'accepter le programme à condition de recevoir une réponse satisfaisante à un nombre de remarques. 149 CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Par lettre du 10/01/2013 (Ares 20774), la Commission a transmis à la Représentation Permanente française les observations ci-dessus. Par email du 07/02/2013 (ARES 166228), nous avons obtenu la réponse aux observations de la Commission. La réponse des autorités françaises est considérée satisfaisante. Recommandation(s) [- à accepter - à accepter sous réserve des observations ci-dessus - à rejeter ] 150 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Italy Title of the programme: TOP OF THE DOP Competent Authority(ies): MIPAAF Proposing organisation(s): FEDERDOC, IVSI Implementing body(ies): ZOWART Type of measure: mixed Product(s): PDO wines and PDO deli meat Targeted Member States: DE, UK, IT Duration: 36 months Total budget: 1.650.027,06 EUR Proposal received on: 30/11/2012 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No 151 OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body Yes/No DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s): The objectives of the programme are in line with the guidelines of the European Community set out in Regulation 501/08, Regulation (EC) 3/2008, EC Regulation 1085/11 as regards the sector of European charcuterie and wines with Designation of Origin status and Reg. (EC) 1313/2008, in particular for the wine production sector. The choice deemed strategic to implement common actions involving both the wine and quality charcuterie industries arises from a convergence of goals pursued by these two sectors as well as by the two project promoters. Both Federdoc and I VSI are recognized Institutional Associations largely representative of their areas of competence, as both of them include among their purposes the commitment to actively promote and enhance the knowledge and education to the consumption of Italian wines with a designation status and charcuterie with a designation status, using appropriate forms of communication, also in cooperation with private organizations and public authorities of community, national and regional representation. The programme involves the implementation of a set of actions through which to achieve the set goals, and particularly that to raise awareness of the products with a designation status among professionals in the industry, press, trade and consumers. The selected Countries, that is Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom, are Countries where there is already a good knowledge of EU Designations, that's why the main aim of the programme is to expand and deepen this knowledge so as to counter the advance of products from the New World, which is becoming increasingly urgent, with a view to maintaining and conquering other market segments. The objectives of the project are in line with the EU strategic objectives, whose aim is to increase the consumption of wine and charcuterie from the EU area through information campaigns addressed to professionals in the industry and consumers by providing them with all necessary information relating the varieties, quality and productions of European wines and charcuterie. In order to rely on a constant monitoring at the various project stages of how the proposed goals are developed and achieved, Federdoc and 1VS1 have planned to carry out a "Study on the degree of knowledge of the PDOs" in the three aforementioned Countries, which will be entrusted to an independent research and statistical Institute {at the expense of Federdoc and I VSI and not included in the expenditure budget of this programme). The data will be obtained on the basis of telephone interviews, at the beginning, during and at the end of the three-year programme, in order to effectively assess the increase in the degree of knowledge of wines 152 and charcuterie with a Designation of Origin status at the most affected targets. Of course, a measurement will be made of the results, which will be entrusted to the University of Padua. For the wine product there are statistical data relating to the Countries targeted by the project, although they are overall data concerning both table wine and IGT [TGI], DOC [CDO] and DOCG [CGDO] labels. Federdoc, through its associated Consortia, which represent 83% of the national production of wines with a Designation of Origin status, has gathered market growth projections from surveys and data obtained directly from the companies associated with the Consortia that already export or sell in Germany, England and Italy. These are real, and therefore reliable, data, which lead us, in a nutshell, to assume a market growth for wines which stands between +1.8 and 2% in Germany, +2.5 in England and +0.7 in Italy and a market growth for charcuterie amounting to 2% in Germany, to 3% in England and 1% in Italy. More in detail, the programme has as main objective to consolidate and increase the knowledge of products with a Protected Designation of Origin status through a series of messages and actions relating to: a) information on EU legislation, which provides for strict standards relating to production, quality indications, labelling and marketing, with a view to ensure the quality and traceability of European wines and charcuterie with a Designation of Origin status; b) the information on the variety, quality and production of the wines and charcuterie with a Designation of Origin status concerned by the campaign; c) dissemination and greater knowledge of the EU logos among consumers through the dissemination of information materials and numerous PR activities both on television and in the press; d) enhancement of DOP [PDO] and IGP [PGI] labels and their typicality, differentiating and thereby protecting them from possible imitations and abuse, favouring the recognition of the EU logos among consumers; e) wide-spread dissemination of information concerning the excellence of European specialities, the vast panorama of quality charcuterie and wine productions, their characteristics, nutritional aspects, production methods, control systems and consumer suggestions; f) stimulation of the demand for European wines and charcuterie with a Designation of Origin status, informing consumers and professionals in the industry of the selected Countries, in the various segments of the supply chain (from distribution and specialized operators up to the end-consumer) on the intrinsic characteristics of the EU products involved in the information campaign, as well as on the existence, meaning and advantages of protection regimes, besides acquainting them with logos, controls and traceability system. g) information on the quality aspects of European wine and charcuterie products with a Designation of Origin status (chemical-physical, organoleptic and visual characteristics, traceability). h) education on consumption of DOP [PDO] and IGP [PGI] products. Strategy : Information and education constitute a fundamental and forced stage in order that specialised journalists, sommeliers, chefs and food experts, business operators in the HORECA and retail industries as well as end-consumers - with the exception of young people and adolescents as referred to in Council Recommendation 2001/458/EC - become more aware in the culture and selection of European quality charcuterie and wines, which have to deal more and more with the fierce competition of products from the "New World". The strategic approach of the project is therefore to inform the identified targets on all qualitative aspects relating to European quality wine and charcuterie products (chemical153 physical, organoleptic and visual characteristics, traceability), of the European history and culture of wine and charcuterie production, of the intrinsic characteristics of EU productions born from a tradition of authenticity and age-old craftsmanship far apart from mass products. The key of the informational message is thus the emphasis on the specificities of the European product, which make it different from any other. Relations with importers and mass retail chain play a strategically important role, as their involvement - as a partner in the correct transmission of information on the products envisaged in the project - allows both the introduction of new products on the selected markets and their presentation in definitely more suitable way. In order to consolidate the positions gained so far by quality wines and charcuterie on the markets of Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy and to conquer new ones, the strategy proposed in this project is to create more opportunities to meet the identified targets in order to convey a strong and consistent message to withstand the increasingly fierce competition of products from the "New World". So an important strength of this programme lies in the great synergy among European quality wine and charcuterie products and among the scheduled actions - which allows increasing the impact of individual information interventions -, in the flexibility to adapt to the targets of the Countries envisaged in the programme, creating a type of message easy to focus and memorize and long-lasting in time. Target groups: Journalists Importers Restaurant managers Large-scale mass retailing operators Ho.Re.Ca. channel operators (Hotel, Restaurant, Catering) Opinion leaders Top trade operators End-consumer, except from young people and adolescents referred to in Council Recommendation 2001/458/EC. These groups are composed by a majority of men, aged on average from 35 and 40 years, living and working in the towns where the actions of the programme will be implemented and with a medium/ high level of education. Themes: The topics handled in the programme are the same Federdoc and IVSI carry on in their institutional activity to promote awareness of Designation of Origin they represent through information and promotion thereof. In the specific instance, they are: (1) Regulations concerning wine and charcuterie labelling and on how to read a label through the elements mandatorily described as provided for by the EU legislation; (2) Traceability of wine and charcuterie products through the entire production chain and guarantees of typicality, tradition and control ensured to the end-consumer through the DOP [PDO] and IGP [PGI] recognitions; (3) Guarantees relating to the production controls and health guarantees ensured; (4) Explanation of the quality "Pyramid" of European Designations of Origin and distinctive elements of the productions specifications of wines and charcuterie with a DOP [PDO] and IGP [PGI]; (5) Development of the concept of sensory analysis (visual, olfactory and tasting) of the products to provide the identified targets with the knowledge required for evaluating and selecting; 154 (6) Nutritional aspects characterizing the production of protected charcuterie to shed light on the actual nutritional values of each sausage with a DOP [PDO] and IGP [PGI] status. (7) Wine/charcuterie food pairings. Aspects covered : quality safety of food specific production methods labelling image of Community products EU specification of regions European designation of European wines and charcuterie with a Designation of origin status Messages to be conveyed: The content of the messages is aimed at: Providing the identified targets with tools for the interpretation of the EU legislation, which provides for strict standards relating to production, quality indications, labelling and marketing, which guarantee for consumers the quality and traceability of the product offered; Strengthening the image of European quality wines and charcuterie through information and specific illustration of the latter, of their areas of origin, of the controls carried out on the entire production chain. Providing information on the typicality, tradition and quality guarantees through the DOP [PDO] and IGP [PGI] recognitions in order that consumers and opinion makers can rely as much as possible on accurate, clear and simple information to fully and properly understand the importance of brands and EU DOP [PDO] and IGP [PGI] recognitions; Providing information on the guarantees relating to the production controls and health guarantees ensured insured. It is indeed essential to always bear in mind the strict consumer health guarantee regime, especially in food industry, implemented by the European Community in order to highlight that the characteristics of gastronomic quality do not disregard a constant attention to nutritional safety; Providing information on the nutritional aspects that characterize the productions of protected charcuterie and wines so as to shed light on the actual nutritional values of each sausage and wine with a DOP [PDO] and IGP [PGI] status. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: 1. Guided tasting seminars : the cost of this action is the following: 407.000 euros It will take place in DE, UK and IT in the three years. The target groups of this action are:importers, restaurant managers, journalists, large-scale mass retailing operators, HORECA channel operators. It consists of meetings dealing with the subjects that represent the objectives of this programme. In particular, information and education seminars for sector operators and press are real "conferences": a. about the value of denomination of origin; b. about the importance of product traceability with guided tasting of PDO wines and PDO deli meats, directed to different categories of sector operators and press; c. to underline the link between PDO wines and PDO deli meats productions and subjects. 155 In order to facilitate PDO wines and PDO deli meats tastings, a popular journalist or opinion maker will treat all the particular aspects of the chemical-physical and organoleptic product characteristics for a better knowledge of PDO wines and PDO deli meats. 2. Cooking Show: the cost of this of this action is the following: 385.200 euros It will take place in DE and UK in the three years. The target groups are: Wine lovers, foodies, high consumers, television and guide journalists, HORECA channel and end-consumers. It consists of a real live performance, which will be presented to the participants, but also shared on the web and on social networks, in order to reach a wider audience and amplify the effect of the action. Amaze and innovate, these are the characteristics that will help identify the most creative chefs of the moment in the selected countries. The formula is fun: you eat and learn together. The intent is to show what is being cooked, how to cook, and the best wine to accompany what is cooked. Why choose one product instead of another? At what temperature should you cook? How do you serve a dish? Cooking show sessions are one of the most fun and direct ways to educate and inform the target audience on the choice and combination of wines and European quality charcuterie. This action will take place over two days and it foresees 100 participants per event. On Day 1, a video crew will follow the chef while he/she shops in the markets of the selected cities, where the chef will already begin to choose products to combine with the quality wines and deli meats for the show cooking on the next day. Day 2 will be dedicated to realizing the show cooking event. The day will begin with showing the participants the video from the day before. Afterwards, the chef will begin his culinary performance. The video crew will also follow all stages of Day 2. The edited video, in all its parts, will be shown on the web and in social networks, and the news of its posting will be "tweeted" to "followers". 3. Grand Tasting- Workshop: the cost of this action is the following: 180.000 euros It will take place in DE and UK in the three years. The target groups are: importers, restaurant managers, journalists, mass-retail purchase operators, HoReCa channel operators. Tastings are an integral part of every information project regarding food products if knowledge of such is to be favored and, therefore, a direct gustatory contact and experience of the targets involved. The objective of this action is to have the selected target groups taste the European quality charcuterie and wines, drawing attention to their chemical and physical organoleptic characteristics, as well as their history, tradition, and European culture. A reception area with hostesses who will record the guests attending and distribute the material prepared for the Grand Tasting participants. It will take place within a prestigious hotel facility. Inside the meeting rooms where the Grand Tasting Workshop will be held, stations will be set up. It foresees 200 participants per event. Interpreters will be available to participants so, if necessary, the explanation given by the tasting experts will be more "fluid". 4. Gala dinner: the cost of this action is the following: 204.600 euros It will take place in DE and UK in the three years. The target groups are: opinion leaders, top trade, press. The action consists of a gala dinner, organized in an exclusive restaurant, in which participants can enjoy tasting a range of quality European PDO wines and PDO charcuterie. An "exclusive" environment will be identified as the location. It foresees 150 participants per event. 156 In collaboration with a highly rated chef, guests will be offered a tasting menu that will include quality PDO charcuterie with different PDO wine, in order to increase their level of "multiplication of knowledge" of such products. 5. Participation in fairs : the cost of this action is the following: 360.000 It will take place in DE and UK in the three years. The target groups are: importers, restaurant managers, journalists, food and beverage managers, sommeliers, "wine educators", mass-retail purchase and HORECA channel managers,end-consumers. The action consists of participation in the trade shows "Simply Italian" that will be organized in UK (London) and in Germany (Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt). It consists of commercial workshops, related also to other promotional events such as seminars, guided tastings, press conferences and dinners, that intend to be the most important meeting place between Italian producers and local professionals, press, opinion leaders and wine lovers. 6. Incoming journalists from the Countries involved in the programme: the cost of this action is the following: 117.000 euros The target group is represented by journalists from UK and Germany. This action consists of the organization of missions to Italy for journalists coming from Germany and UK. . The missions will have the purpose to further amplify the information through a direct knowledge of the European wine and charcuterie, and in particular of their local, qualitative and cultural characteristics. This activity represents a fundamental action since it strengthens the programme objectives. In fact, it arises an interest from the opinion leaders about the countries in which the other actions take place, triggering a greater interest in the targeted groups to increase their knowledge of the promoted products. 7. "SalumiAmo con Bacco": the cost of this action is the following: 149.400 euros The target groups are: end-consumers, opinion leaders, foodies, wine lovers. It consists of a series of tasting events that will be organized during the happy hour time, before dinner, in restaurants/clubs that will be selected among the most known and visited in each town: a corner will be set up where to perform guided tastings of PDO and PGI and distribute the information material on the quality of these products and their placement in a correct and healthy diet. In order to give greater resonance to the initiatives, opinion leaders and outstanding institutional personalities will be invited in each host city and the event will be promoted in the local press in view of involving as many people as possible in the tasting event. The goal of this initiative is to lead consumers to acquire knowledge on: recognition of the characteristics of European quality wines and charcuterie through sensory analysis, wine/charcuterie pairings, quality systems and manufacturing techniques able to ensure quality, bond of the products with the territory. 8. Interventions on radio and Tv networks: the cost of this action is the following: 240.000 euros Today, communication based on sounds and images, such as in radio and television broadcasts, is becoming increasingly strategic on the European information scene; it will therefore be useful to promote a wider dissemination of Designations of Origin and certifications of PDO and PGI products. Information on charcuterie with a PDO and PGI status and the assignment of a high added value to the circuit of products protected by the EU will be achieved through the appropriate communication of "plus points", both direct (in terms of naturalness, nutritional and organoleptic properties, compatibility with current 157 dietary patterns, etc.) and induced (e.g. the factors that are intrinsically linked to the product, such as history, culture, territory, environment, etc.). Actions will be concentrated on the main radio and TV media. It will consist of a programme of measures specially designed to ensure the radio and TV broadcasting of cultural, culinary, economic, scientific and educational information, to be included in the framework of some important radio and TV broadcasts, providing where possible for the direct participation in the interventions by representatives of proposing organisations. Interventions will also involve the main institutional and scientific stakeholders in the industry. This activity will result in the production and broadcasting on the main national radio and television channels of special reports on quality charcuterie. The activity will be aimed at protecting and enhancing the quality image of quality charcuterie products by encouraging a wider dissemination of Designations of Origin and their distinctive features. Radio and television reports, either made in the studio or directly in the place of production, will address the topics of greatest interest, illustrating the organoleptic, gastronomic and nutritional characteristics along with issues relating to food safety and the tie existing with tradition and the territory of origin. The mode of intervention outlined highlights peculiar competitive advantages compared to the classical dynamics of intervention both with regard to the purely quantitative aspect (which in itself shows high potential, through the figures of contacts developed thanks to the coverage of TV and radio media, capable of reaching the general public as well as specific targets) and to the qualitative aspect, creating a crucial "trust factor". The action will be directed in particular towards determining an incremental knowledge of fundamental aspects of specificity related to their respective supply chains and products: special emphasis will be placed on the description of both technical, scientific and nutritional connotations and of peculiarities of production sites and processing methods. It consists of 54 interventions, for a total of 120' of programming. In order to achieve these results, authoritative experts and testimonials of the "professional" (scientific, nutritional, institutional, production, etc.) sectors will be made available. All outputs will be placed at the level of authoritative daily programmes/news media in the target, properly selected according to their respective editorial compatibility with the issues to be promoted and to the parallel potential, in terms of absolute and relative visibility, on the different audience components considered for the action. The type of broadcasts in which the information interventions on the charcuterie with a PDO and PGI status are planned is divided into different "Segments", exemplifying their respective positioning: SEGMENT A: Rai, Mediaset SEGMENT B: national radio and TV networks SEGMENT C: local radio and TV stations and area 9. Information material: the cost of this action is the following: 107.550 euros This action aims at a wideranging target. The action involves the realization of material aimed at users of the informational action in the form of: - a brochure containing the information on issues relating to European wines and charcuterie with a PDO PGI status, with photographic material relating to the various products with a Designation of Origin status and places of origin and maps showing the areas of origin of such products; - an USB data storage device (either an USB flash drive or an USB pen drive, ...), a very small sized mass storage device (only a few centimetres in length and about a centimetre in width) that connects to a computer via a common USB port, in which data are stored in a flash memory, typically of the NAND type, contained inside it. The brochure will be distributed to all targets involved in the project activities. 158 The USB flash drive, being more specifically targeted, will be distributed during the tasting Seminars, Cooking Show sessions, Grand Tasting sessions. Gala Dinners and the Incomings. This material, besides being interesting in terms of cognitive accessibility, becomes very important for journalists, trade and sommeliers. It will enable them to draw inspiration for their articles and deepen their knowledge on the physical-chemical and organoleptic properties of wines and charcuterie products with a Designation of Origin status. On average such editorial vectors remain active (actively accessible) for a minimum of 3 years, thus extending the payback period in terms of communication. All the materials, branded with the logos of the European Community and the Italian Republic, will be produced in the different languages of the Countries concerned. 10. Websites and Social Networks: the cost of this action is the following: 64.800 euros GERMANY UK ITALY TOTAL 21.600 21.600 21.600 64.8000 This action aims at a widespread target. The nature of communication is evolving. More and more people like to put information online, as well as on traditional print. Social networks like Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Wikipedia, Flickr, Digg,Twitter, and various industry blogs have generated an unprecedented interest. For this reason, the overall objective is to implement actions regarding social media, allowing readers to directly and interactively connect with the world of Designation of Origin wines and deli meats. All this shall occur through consolidated tactics that incorporate digital marketing (social media) and media tools made up of the communication mix, in order to further improve product influence and directly reach and involve the target audience. The creation of a website dedicated to the project, in addition to a direct and global dissemination of the topics and objectives of the project and of the execution of the actions, shall also allow for maximum interactive functionality of the work carried out for participation in the social network. Anticipated impact: The specific measures of quantitative impact implemented in the program's actions are those provided for in the EU guidelines in which it is specified that 'The program must not include measures that promote particular brands or origins." and excluding young people and adolescents referred to in Recommendation 2011/458/EC of the Council. The chosen consumer segments are already targets that are sensitive to quality European wines and deli meats. The intended objective is to increase consumption of these products and replace other types of "beverage", such as wine productions from the "new world", and to struggle against the counterfeiting and imitation of quality wines and deli meats.. On the basis of these considerations, it is believed that the most appropriate indicators for an estimate of the benefits are the following: a) number and types of contacts; b) unit cost per contact, calculated on the basis of the costs of each single action/number of contacts. On the basis of this, a list with the forecast of such indicators for each action is provided. For some of the actions, it is foreseen the use of questionnaires and a set of parameters have been defined in order to assess the correct implementation of the activities according to the plan. 159 EVALUATION METHODS The results of the impact of the actions planned in this program will be analyzed on a qualitative base by using questionnaires that will be distributed to representative samples. The analysis will follow "concept tests" and "product tests" typologies. For each action a list with parameters is set in order to assess the correct implementation of the activities according to the plan. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES 87 / 100 General interest of the programme: 27 / 30 Quality of the programme: 35 / 40 European dimension: 10 / 10 Cost/efficiency: 15 / 20 Budget per year by action : € ACTION YEAR TOTAL 132.000 1)GUIDED TESTING 120.000,00 2)PARTICIPATION IN SEMINARS 39.000,00 3)INCOMING FAIRS 49.800,00 4)"SALUMIAMO CON 80.000,00 5)INTERVENTIONS ON BACCO" 52.400,00 6)INFORMATION RADIO and TV 7)WEBSITE 25.200,00 MATERIAL AND SOCIAL NETWORK TOTAL for actions (1) 498.400,00 5.000,00 Cost of performance Implementing body fees 9% 44.856,00 guarantee 9.968,00 Measurement of resultsof2% (1) of (1) TOTAL direct costs (2) 558.224,00 Overheads 2,5% of(2)) 13.955,60 TOTAL FOR 572.179,60 PROGRAMME Total of budget by action Budget per Country by action : € I YEAR II YEAR 132.000 143.000 120.000,00 120.000,00 39.000,00 39.000,00 49.800,00 49.800,00 80.000,00 80.000,00 25.950,00 19.800,00 29.200,00 19.800,00 466.550,00 480.800,00 0 0 41.989,50 43.272,00 9.331,00 9.616,00 517.870,50 533.688,00 12.946,76 13.342,20 530.817,26 547.030,20 III 407.000 360.000,00 117.000,00 149.400,00 240.000,00 107.550,00 64.800,00 1.445.750,00 5.000,00 130.117,50 28.915,00 1.609.782,50 40.244,56 1.650.027,06 TOTAL GERMANY UK ITALY ACTION 1)GUIDED TESTING 407.000,00 253.000,00 88.000,00 66.000,00 SEMINARS 360.000,00 270.000,00 90.000,00 0,00 2)PARTICIPATION IN FAIRS 117.000,00 58.500,00 58.500,00 0,00 3)INCOMING 4)"SALUMIAMO CON 149.400 24.900,00 24.900,00 99.600,00 BACCO" 5)INTERVENTIONS ON 240.000,00 0,00 0,00 240.000,00 RADIO and TV 107.550,00 35.850,00 35.850,00 35.850,00 6)INFORMATION MATERIAL 7)WEBSITE AND SOCIAL 64.800,00 21.600,00 21.600,00 21.600,00 NETWORK TOTALE 1.445.750,00 663.850,00 318.850,00 463.050,00 160 COFINANCING PLAN CO-FINANCING E.U. MEMBER STATE PROPOSING TOTAL ORGANIZATION YEAR I 286.089,80 114.435,92 171.653,88 572.179,60 % 50 20 30 30 YEAR II 265.408,63 106.163,45 159.245,18 530.817,26 % 50 20 30 30 YEAR III 273.515,10 109.406,04 164.109,06 547.030,20 % TOTAL 50 825.013,53 20 330.005,41 30 495.008,12 30 1.650.027,06 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION In application of Article 1 (2) of Council regulation 3/2008, "programme" means a coherent set of operations of a scope that is sufficient to contribute towards improving information about, and sales of, the products concerned. In application of Article 7 (1) of Council regulation 3/2008, the Member State shall check that the programme offers value for money. In application of Article 8 (2) of the Commission regulation 501/2008, the programme shall contain sufficient detail to enable its compliance with the applicable rules and its cost/ benefit ratio to be evaluated. In application of Article 9 (2) of the Commission regulation 501/2008, the Member State shall check, among others: (a) the consistency between the strategies proposed and the objectives set, (b) the quality of the proposed measures, (c) their likely impact in increasing demand for the products concerned. Nevertheless: The programme presents two different approaches: one targeting the German and British market and the other targeting Italy. There is no real link between them. The whole programme is not balanced regarding the mix of proposed actions. The market analysis is very long and full of useless macro economical details and data the greatest majority of which have nothing to do with target countries and products of this programme. For instance, a focused study of the market of the 3 target Countries specifically referred to wine is missing. The objectives are redundant and not always coherent between one another and with the correspondent budget. None of them is SMART, expressed in a quantified manner, thus making it impossible to estimate the impact of the programme. In fact: - there is no indication about the current consumer's level of knowledge of the PDO products and label that would be used as a starting point from which possible measurements might be done, and no indication about the level of knowledge that the programme means to reach; - there is no indication about the additional volume of sales targeted. The socio demographic profile of the target groups of the different markets is not presented and quantified. The total cost of the programme is too expensive in relation to the expected results in Germany and in the UK. The actions Tasting Seminars Walkaround, Grand Tasting workshop and Gala dinner, in DE and UK, have more or less the same characteristics/objectives, therefore they might be somehow combined and reduced to two, thus realising economy of scale that could be invested in reinforcing the budget of the action "Salumiamo con Bacco", always in DE and UK, targeting a larger public. Furthermore: - CV of speakers, cooks and other experts should be provided; 161 The costs for "mailing activity" and "recruiting" are charged to the single actions, where foreseen, although these amounts must be included in the execution of the action. -the amounts for hotel accommodation and meals must be indicated separately in the budget of the actions where such costs are foreseen; -the cities chosen for "Salumiamo con Bacco" should be selected all over Italy for better spreading the effects of the action; -the cost for the realization of the USB key looks too expensive (almost 8 euros each); -there are no offers to justify the price of room rental (Affitto location) in the actions in which these costs are foreseen; -the web activities look too expensive and sites such as My Space (music) and Twitter are not relevant enough to the effectiveness of the action. These activities must be better described concerning their content and costs on each chosen support. - TV (165.000.000) and internet (600.000) indirect contacts are overestimated. - the total cost of the programme is too expensive in relation to the expected results in Germany and in the UK, for instance - the organisation of the show cooking in DE and UK should be better be replaced by the participation to TV programmes in these two Countries, like it is foreseen for Italy. - give more information and details on participation to "Simply Italian" events (Action 5) besides of a necessary justification of the costs per Country. The impact of " Tasting Seminars Walkaround", "Grand Tasting workshop" and "Show cooking" is only based on the implementation of the actions themselves and not on the achievement of the objectives. The increase in the market share foreseen among the objectives (see page 66 of the proposal) must be accompanied by an estimation of the increase in the volume of sales expected as a result of the programme. It would be useful to provide for each action the quantification of the objectives in relation to target groups. -The declarations of co-financing and the declarations that the programme does not benefit from other grants have only been provided by Federdoc therefore IVSI should still provide them. Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: Please see remarks above OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: good/average/poor Yes Impact forecast and assessment' methods Cost-effectiveness of the programme: (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: Priority awarded by MS: External consultant’s opinion: 87/100 2/5 Yes/No 162 good/average/poor CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : Please see remarks above and recommendations below. Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted. MIPAAF sent note n. 2179 of 11/02/2013 containing the information and modifications required in letter sent by AGRI D.4 on 14/01/2013 -ARES (2013) 40183. AGRI D.4 sent letter ARES (232057) on 21/02/2013 cancelling actions Cooking show (ex Action 2), Grand tasting workshop (ex Action 3) and Gala Dinner (ex Action 4) from the amended version of the programme sent on 14/02/2013. 163 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Lithuania Title of the programme: Information and promotion actions for organic farming products in Lithuania Competent Authority(ies): Proposing organisation(s): Lithuanian Agricultural Products and Food Market Regulation Agency Baltic Food Organisation (BFO) Implementing body(ies): Not yet selected Type of measure: Information Product(s): Organic farming products Targeted Member States: Lithuania Duration: 3 years Total budget: 2.436.176 € Proposal received on: 28/11/2012 (by e-mail) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/ No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/ No 164 OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s): Strategy: The programme seeks to build a long lasting favourable environment for developing an organic farming product market. This includes building an information system for organic farming topics, educating professionals and opinion leaders about organic farming, and simultaneously educating consumers to recognise the EU organic farming logo and to strengthen their trust in it. The programme is expected to serve as the most important milestone, which will determine the direction which the Lithuanian organic market will follow in the future. Main strategic components: ► Build up a long lasting favourable environment for development of organic farming products market. ► Direct actions both ways – demand and supply. ► Ensure significant exposure of the programme topic by employing wide range of information channels (critical importance put on mass media means, focus on most effective channel – TV) this way reaching critical mass of final consumers. 165 ► Create possibilities to deepen knowledge for food sector professionals (the programme is expected to highlight market potential and remove reservations resulting in more participants in organic supply chain and wider organic assortment/offer) and enthusiastic consumers (who are expected to transfer knowledge independently among consumers). ► Involve opinion leaders in all information and training actions in order to generate additional publicity for the programme and its messages. Target group(s): - Professionals; to be understood as participants of organic supply chain (especially other than production level), i.e. processors, distributors, wholesalers, retailers, catering establishments, food sector education establishments and their students. - Opinion leaders - Consumers: The basis for objectives 2 and 3 is Lithuania's adult urban population which corresponds to 1,7 million people and makes up 58% of total Lithuanian population Themes/Messages: Professionals are not active enough in the organic market in Lithuania therefore the offer is rather narrow. The programme will encourage professionals with the following message: - The organic market is a perspective-growing market and the EU organic logo provides a product competitive advantage in local and foreign markets. The main factors restricting faster development of an organic market in Lithuania are related to insufficient knowledge of consumers about how to identify EU organic production, about the guarantees organic production provides and to a lack of understanding the value added of organic products. The main message targeting consumers: - Organic products are natural, suited to modern daily life and a pleasure to consume. Opinion leaders will be addressed with both of the above messages. Supporting arguments for advantages of organic products: - Production methods that particularly respect the environment and animal welfare; organic farming supports the diversity of agricultural production as well as the maintenance of the countryside. - Stringent requirements: products are subject to stringent production and inspection rules, including full traceability to ensure that products originate from farms under an organic inspection system. - Protection & control: use of terms organic, ecological, biological and EU logo is protected by law; these signs guarantee that products meet strict production criteria and have undergone stringent checks. 166 Aspects covered: quality safety of food specific production methods labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of EU products EU system of organic products Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Total budget: 383.549 € 1) Information at Points of Sale (POS) POS is a very important information channel, especially for mainstream consumers who are not ready to make additional efforts to find organic products or information about them elsewhere. Presentations/tastings of products are one of the most effective ways to introduce products to the market and to get attention of customers. Action includes tastings, presentations, product displays, events with opinion leaders, audio advertising in POS, video advertising at checkout counters in POS. Activities taking place in supermarkets and specialised stores. Total budget: 170.400 € 2) PR in the media Seeking to reach a wide audience, BFO plans to implement actions via traditional mass media means – one of which is public relation actions in press. It is planned to publish 33 articles in popular newspapers and magazines – 13 in specialized press, 20 in general press. In addition, a sequence of informational ads is planned to enhance visibility and attract consumer attention (125 placements during 3 years). Simultaneously, BFO intends to generate additional publicity for the programme sending out press releases about the current actions of the programme. 167 3) Written documents (promotion material) Total budget: 34.717 € Creation and production of the programme's main promotional leaflets and brochures. Total budget: 1.306.330 € 4) Audio-visual media The employment of mass media allows reaching a wide audience. The action includes TV and radio advertising, indoor and outdoor poster campaigns and online advertising. 5) Long term means (Organic Information Centre) Total budget: 66.183 € Includes webpage, telephone help-line and production of one publication for professionals. The Centre is supposed to continue its activities beyond the duration of the information campaign. Total budget: 26.740 € 6) Participation at trade fairs and shows 1 participation at AgroBalt and 6 participations (2 per year) at other specialised fairs. AgroBalt is the most significant international agricultural exhibition in the Baltic region. Other fairs include "Saint Casimir's Fair" in Vilnius for folklore products and "Baby Land" targeting parents. 168 7) Information and training (conferences, seminars) Total budget: 40.100 € 16 half-day conferences targeting professionals and opinion leaders with 250 participants each. 22 half-day seminars for opinion leaders and consumers. 13 presentations targeting professionals taking place at specialised events such as conferences, fairs and other organic farming sector gatherings with the aim to improve the functioning of the organic supply chain. Anticipated impact: The exact anticipated impact is formulated under point "objectives", see above. Methods employed to evaluate the impact of the programme are: ► Research on involvement of professionals in supply chain. The aim of the research is to determine changes in involvement of professionals in the organic supply chain. The research will be carried out using desk research gathering information from responsible bodies, such as Ekoagros (certification body), Centre of Agricultural Information and Rural Business (‘AGRO rinka’), the Ministry of Agriculture, Statistics Lithuania and Eurostat. The research will be carried out using the same methodology at the end of each 12-month phase of the programme. The first research was conducted during the preparation of the application and provides necessary base values for comparison of information before, during and after the implementation of the programme. ► Consumer survey. The aim of the survey is to measure changes in consumer awareness (understanding and recognition). Consumer surveys are considered to be the best way to measure consumer awareness and perception, because consumers are directly questioned about the matters surveyed. The survey will be carried out by an independent body (specializing in consumer research) using computer-assisted personal interviews methodology. The size of the sample is 200 respondents. The questionnaire is designed specifically for the programme and evaluation of its objectives. Next to answers to programme specific questions, the results of the survey provide information on sociodemographic characteristics (gender, age, place of residence). In order to sustain comparability of the results the survey will be carried out using the same methodology at the end of each 12-month phase of the programme. The first survey was carried out in August 2012 with the aim to measure consumer awareness before the programme. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme: 28/30 Quality of the programme: 31/40 European dimension: 07/10 Cost/efficiency: 15/20 169 Budget by action : € 170 Co-financing plan: € EU YEAR 1 € % 468.212 50 YEAR 2 € % 393.282 50 YEAR 3 € % 356.594 50 MEMBER STATE 280.928 30 253.969 30 213.956 PROPOSING ORGANISATION 187.285 20 157.313 20 SUBTOTAL 936.425 100 786.564 100 CO-FINANCING TOTAL € 1.218.088 % 50 30 730.853 30 142.637 20 487.235 20 713.187 100 2.436.176 100 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: According to the proposing organisation BFO this project would be the first of its kind in Lithuania. There has never been any systematic educational campaign for public awareness about organic farming or organic products in Lithuania, therefore the knowledge and beliefs the citizens have are fragmented and not always correct. The programme focuses on organic grain products, dairy products, baby food and beverages which are registered as organic products according to Council Regulation 834/2007. BFO is also proposing organisation for two currently running promotion programmes for wines and spirits. Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: In application of Article 8(2)(c) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008, programmes should contain sufficient detail to enable their compliance with the applicable rules and their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. The proposing organisation is invited to complete the programme presentation with the following missing elements: - Objectives: Clarification is required as to which is the exact base of consumers that objectives 2 and 3 refer to? Is it the whole population or a certain age and/or gender group? - The document "Assessment of programme risks and economic benefit" which is part of the annexes includes the following passage: "The programme is expected to raise consumer awareness about organic farming up to 90 % and identification abilities to 80% of total population..[…]". However, these objectives are not mentioned in this form in the application form. Please clarify. - For practical reasons, please rework the budget tables under points "8. Budget" and "9. Financing plan" so they only contain amounts rounded to the full Euro. 171 Actions - It should be clear from the action budgets included under point 5.7 which are the total costs for each action. Please modify the action budgets accordingly. - Action 1: Which retails chains and specialised stores will be chosen? Will they be spread all over the country or will actions focus on certain geographic areas? Sub action 1.3 (events for opinion leaders) needs to be described more in detail. For sub actions 1.5 and 1.6 the frequency of broadcasting of video and audio spots needs to be better explained (e.g. will the audio spots be broadcasted 100 times in total or 100 times in each shop?). What are the expected net contacts, i.e. how many members of the target groups will be reached with the POS activities? - Action2: Which publications (general and specialised press) will be chosen? What are the expected net contacts, i.e. how many members of the target groups will be reached with the PR work? Sub actions 2.1 and 2.2 need to be described in more detail. Does "article" stand for "advertorial" (paid advertisement in the form of an article) or will the articles be written by journalists as a result of press work or will journalists be paid to write articles which will then be published? - Action 3: Please explain more in detail on which occasions the promotion material will be used. - Action 4: More detailed information regarding the targeted media is required (names of TV and radio stations, internet portals) as well as detailed information about the content of internet advertising. What are the expected net contacts, i.e. how many members of the target groups will be reached with the audio-visual measures? Please provide the OTS (opportunities to see) and/or the GPR (gross rating points) for the TV spots. The total costs of the TV campaign as well as the total costs for creativity and the total costs for broadcasting need to be clearly stated in the budget. - Action 5: More detailed information regarding the content of the web page is required. What are the expected net contacts, how many members of the target groups will be reached via the Information Centre and the website? - Action 6: What are the expected net contacts, i.e. how many members of the target groups will be reached via the fair presences? - Action 7: More details about the conferences and seminars needs to be provided. How many participants are expected for the seminars? 172 OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) good/ average /poor European dimension / added value: good/ average /poor Impact forecast and assessment' methods good/average/poor Cost-effectiveness of the programme : good/average/poor Points awarded by MS: 81/100 Priority awarded by MS: 3/4 External consultant’s opinion: to be rejected (The Lithuanian organic market is still a niche market, despite growing interest, the actual demand is still rather low. At the moment no significant market potential in Lithuania can be seen. Lithuanian organic producer should focus more on export opportunities to market their products. It is doubtful whether the targeted market (appr. 2.8 m population) has a considerably high potential to justify an EU-financed promotion campaign for organic products.) CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : A letter requesting additional information was sent to the Lithuanian authorities on 11/01/213 (Ares(2013)34734). The Lithuanian authorities submitted their reply on 08/02/2013 by e-mail and by mail on XX/02/2013 (Ares(2013)). At the request of the Commission, supplementary information was sent by e-mail on 15/02/2013 (Ares(2013)206492). The Commission's observations were taken into account and satisfyingly addressed. Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected 173 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Lithuania Title of the programme: Promotion of Baltic region meat products in third countries Competent Authority(ies): Proposing organisation(s): Lithuanian Agricultural Products and Food Market Regulation Agency Lithuanian Food Industrialists' Confederation (LFIC) Implementing body(ies): Not yet selected Type of measure: Information and promotion Product(s): Fresh, chilled and frozen pig meat, beef and veal; food preparations based on fresh, chilled and frozen pig meat, beef and veal products Targeted Member States: Russia, China Duration: 3 years Total budget: 3.996.041 € Proposal received on: 28/11/2012 (by e-mail) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/ No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) 174 OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s): 1) To familiarize consumers in target markets with the diversity of meat and meat products produced in EU, including Lithuania increase share of consumers who are aware of EU meat and meat products to 35,1% (Russia) increase share of consumers who are aware of Lithuanian meat and meat products to 24,8% (Russia) and to 20% (China) 2) To educate consumers in target markets on EU, including Lithuanian, meat and meat products, quality and safety systems increase share of consumers qualifying EU meat and meat products as having better quality than meat and meat products from other countries to 7,8 % (Russia) increase share of consumers qualifying Lithuanian meat and meat products as having better quality than meat and meat products from other countries to 6,5% (Russia) and to 3% (China) 3) To build image of reliability of meat and meat products produced in EU, including Lithuania, and increase their consumption in target countries increase buying frequency of EU meat and meat products to 30,3 % (Russia increase buying frequency of Lithuanian meat and meat products to 19,9 % (Russia) and to 6% (China) 4) To increase export volumes of meat and meat products from Lithuania to target countries. increase in Lithuania's export volumes of meat and meat products to Russia and China to 104.263.207 € (Russia) and to 20.000.000 € (China) Target values to be reached after 3 years. Base values from 2012 are provided for all target values. Strategy: Actions planned in the two target countries are very similar, however, their arrangement in time differs according to specifics of the target countries. Differentiated strategies for China and Russia: Russia: As producers of meat products from EU, including Lithuania, already gained market access to the Russian market, Russian consumers are familiar with EU and Lithuanian meat and meat products. This means that favourable conditions for targeting the final consumers have already been established. It therefore makes sense to start targeting final consumers 175 already at the very beginning of the programme. The intensity of actions oriented towards final consumers is highest in the first year which lays down a stable basis for long term effect of programme actions. Retail chains and distributors will be targeted with medium intensity over the whole duration of the programme. China: As EU exports, including from Lithuania, of meat products to the Chinese market are still very limited and as Chinese consumers are only distantly familiar with EU meat products, conditions for directly targeting the final consumers are not favourable. An essential prerequisite for targeting final consumers is a sufficient supply of products. However the supply side in China does not yet meet this requirement. Therefore retail chains and distributors will be primarily targeted at the beginning of the programme. Chinese market of meat and meat products is gradually opening for EU producers (e.g. agreement signed on 11th of September 2012 between Lithuania and China), thus raising awareness of EU products among retail chains and distributors. Promotional and informational actions targeted at retailers and distributors will create background for expanding the assortment of EU meat and meat products in Chinese markets thus making it more accessible for consumers. Final consumers will be targeted by gradually raising intensity over the duration of the programme. The effect of information and promotion actions will last beyond the duration of the programme and create prerequisites for further opening of target markets for EU and Lithuanian meat and meat products. Target group(s): Main target group: Final consumers (76,9 million consumers in Russia and 572,9 million consumers in China). Intermediary target group: Distributors and retail chains. Geographic target area: In order to ensure efficient implementation of the programme, three federal districts of Russia were selected according to acceptable distance from EU borders and GDP. Districts chosen: Central federal district, Northwestern federal district and Volga federal district (including Moscow, St. Petersburg) which stand for 60% of Russia's total GDP. Three regions in China were selected according to their closeness to each other and economic development. Regions chosen: East China, North China and Northeast China regions (including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou). Themes/Messages: Diversity of meat products produced in EU Many of EU meat and meat products are produced in accordance with long-lived traditions and are ascribed to national heritage Because of different traditions in EU countries there are many different techniques of meat and meat products production, various product categories and unique products to try EU meat products quality system The manufacturing process and production conditions of EU meat and meat products are in line with strict rules which are common for all EU members 176 Reliability of EU meat products EU meat and meat products offered to consumers are supervised „from farm to table" Credibility of information on EU meat and meat products is ensured at EU level Aspects covered: quality safety of food specific production methods labelling animal welfare standards image of EU products Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Summary of actions by type of communication and target country Type of actions Target country Participation in exhibitions and fairs Trade visits Promotion and presentations at POS Direct communication Russia PRODEXPO Organisation of trade visits Promotion and presentations at POS China SIAL China FHC China Organisation of trade visits Promotion and presentations at POS Indirect communication Market research Public Relations Russia Publication of articles; nonspecialised press China Publication of articles; business press Studies of target market Russia China Study of Chinese market Programme actions are divided into direct and indirect communication actions. Direct communication includes distribution of information through any advertising tools that invite the individual to respond directly to the advertiser (e.g. exhibitions, fairs, tastings at points of sales, trade visits, etc.). Indirect communication refers to the construction of target groups’ opinion through indirect channels (e.g. promotion material at points of sales, public relations actions etc.). Direct actions are more likely to reach only those consumers, who actively seek information, whereas indirect actions expand the audience and allow reaching passive target groups through much broader coverage and dissemination of information. Total budget: 423.165 € 1) Exhibitions and fairs 1 participation in Prodexpo (RU), SIAL China (CN) and FHC China (CN) per year with stands between 24 and 55 sqm. On average, the PO expects contacts with 10 – 15 distributors and 300 retail representatives per fair participation. Total budget: 195.985 € 2) Trade visits Trade visits include meetings with importers, distributors, retailers, and meat industry experts 177 in the target countries. 6 visits per year to Russia and 6-8 visits per year to China. One visit lasts 9 days as 3 different cities/regions will be visited. 2 participants per visit from Lithuania. Total budget: 2.506.407 € 3) Presentations at POS 2000 days of tastings/product presentations in POS in total in Russia, 900 days in total in China. Action in cooperation with different hyper- and supermarkets. Additional promotion (only material, no tasting) planned in 2800 POS in Russia and 2200 POS in China. Total budget:172.755 € 4) Public relations Publication of articles targeting final consumers in Russia (non-specialised press) and retailers in China (business press). 27 articles in Russia and 18 articles in China. Total budget: 31.858 € 5) Market study China 1 market study about Chinese market (meat retail sector) during 1st year. Anticipated impact: The exact anticipated impact is formulated under point "objectives", see above. The programme intends to change consumer awareness about EU meat, expects to influence consumer competence (knowledge about EU meat) and ultimately aims at changing consumer habits which will result in purchases of EU meat products. Objectives no. 1 – 3 (see "objectives") will be assessed via consumer surveys on an annual basis. The survey will monitor the aspects familiarity (of EU/LT meat), knowledge (of EU/LT meat) and behaviour (purchasing of EU/LT meat). Surveys will be conducted in the target regions of target countries. The survey will be entrusted to an independent external body. Sample size will be 1.000 persons in Russia and 300 persons in China per year. Initial surveys were conducted in October 2012. Objective no. 4 will be assessed using export statistics from the Lithuanian Department of Statistics. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme: 27/30 Quality of the programme: 34/40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 8/10 16/20 178 Budget by action: € ACTIONS YEAR 1 Public Relations Promotion and Presentations at POS Trade Visits Exhibitions and Fairs Market Research Total for actions (1) Cost of performance guarantee Fees of implementing body (maximum 13/15 % of (1), Annex III point B.1.2 of the contract) Measurement of results of actions (maximum 3 % of (1), Annex III point C.5 of the contract) Total direct costs for the programme (2) Overheads (maximum [3/5 internal market] [4/6 third countries] % of (2), Annex III point A.2 of the contract) TOTAL FOR PROGRAMME YEAR 2 YEAR 3 TOTAL 90.038 923.909 72.607 44.359 817.782 61.689 38.358 764.716 61.689 172.755 2.506.407 195.985 141.055 31.858 1.259.467 6.297 163.731 141.055 141.055 1.064.885 5.325 138.435 1.005.818 5.029 130.757 423.165 31.858 3.330.170 16.651 432.923 37.784 31.947 30.175 99.906 1.467.279 1.240.592 1.171.779 3.879.650 44.019 37.218 35.154 116.391 1.511.298 1.277.810 1.206.933 3.996.041 Budget by target country: € ACTIONS RUSSIA YEAR 1 Public Relations Promotion and Presentations at POS Trade Visits Exhibitions and Fairs Market Research Total for actions (1) Cost of performance guarantee Fees of implementing body (maximum 13/15 % of (1), Annex III point B.1.2 of the contract) Measurement of results of actions (maximum 3 % of (1), Annex III point C.5 of the contract) Total direct costs for the programme (2) Overheads (maximum [3/5 internal market] [4/6 third countries] % of (2), Annex III point A.2 of the contract) TOTAL 179 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 TOTAL 66.0334 834.989 28.933 63.285 . 993.241 4.966 129.121 26.356 497.379 28.933 63.285 . 615.953 3.080 80.074 26.356 337.609 28.933 63.285 . 456.183 2.281 59.304 118.746 1.669.977 86.799 189.855 29.797 18.479 13.686 61.962 1.157.125 34.714 717.586 21.528 531.454 15.944 2.406.165 72.186 1.191.839 739.114 547.398 2.478.351 2.065.377 10.327 268.499 ACTIONS CHINA YEAR 1 Public Relations Promotion and Presentations at POS Trade Visits Exhibitions and Fairs Market Research Total for actions (1) Cost of performance guarantee Fees of implementing body (maximum 13/15 % of (1), Annex III point B.1.2 of the contract) Measurement of results of actions (maximum 3 % of (1), Annex III point C.5 of the contract) Total direct costs for the programme (2) Overheads (maximum [3/5 internal market] [4/6 third countries] % of (2), Annex III point A.2 of the contract) TOTAL YEAR 2 YEAR 3 TOTAL 24.004 88.920 43.674 77.770 31.858 266.226 1.331 34.610 18.003 320.403 32.756 77.770 21.002 427.107 32.756 77.770 448.932 2.245 58.361 549.635 2.748 71.453 54.009 836.430 109.186 233.310 31.858 1.264.793 6.324 164.424 7.987 13.468 16.489 37.944 310.154 9.305 523.006 15.690 640.325 19.210 1.473.485 44.205 319.459 538.696 659.535 1.517.690 Co-financing plan: € CO-FINANCING YEAR 1 € % YEAR 2 € % YEAR 3 € % TOTAL € % EU 755.649 50 638.905 50 603.467 50 1.998.021 50 MEMBER STATE 453.389 30 383.343 30 362.080 30 1.198.812 30 PROPOSING ORGANISATION 302.260 20 255.562 20 241.386 20 799.208 20 1.511.298 100 1.277.810 100 1.206.933 100 3.996.041 100 SUBTOTAL RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: In application of Article 8(2)(c) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008, programmes should contain sufficient detail to enable their compliance with the applicable rules and their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. The proposing organisation is invited to complete the programme presentation with the following missing elements: - Assurance is required that the origin of the products will remain secondary to the central message of the campaign and to the EU origin of products at all times (see Art 5§2 of Reg 501/2008). - The budget tables under "8. Budget" (pages 70, 71) need to be revised. The proposing organisation should use the summary budget table provided in Annex I of the standard contract. Note that overheads of the proposing organisation are calculated as a percentage of total direct costs for the programme. Total direct costs are the sum of total action costs plus costs of performance guarantee, implementing body's fees and evaluation costs. In the case of third country programmes presented by one Member State, overheads of the proposing organisation may sum up to 4% of total direct costs. 180 - For practical reasons, please rework the budget tables under points "8. Budget" and "9. Financing plan" so they only contain amounts rounded to the full Euro. - The detailed budget of programme actions which is part of the annexes should be part of the application form and should be included under point "8. Budget". - Confirmation is required that product samples will be purchased at production costs whenever feasible. - Action Exhibition and Fairs The profile of the persons travelling to the fairs needs to be specified (see "presentation expenses" on page 2 of detailed action budget). Please note that travel and accommodation costs for members of the proposing organisation are not eligible as they need to be covered via the programme's overheads (see: Annex III.A of the standard contract). - Action Trade Visits The content of the trade visits needs to be described in more detail. In addition, the profile of the persons travelling to Russia and China for the trade visits needs to be specified (see "Trade visits" on page 3 of detailed action budget). Please note that travel and accommodation costs for members of the proposing organisation are not eligible as they need to be covered via the programme's overheads (see: Annex III.A of the standard contract). What are the expected net contacts, i.e. how many members of the target groups will be reached with this measure? - Action Promotion and Presentations at POS Which retail chains and hypermarkets will be chosen in Russia and China? What are the expected net contacts, i.e. how many members of the target groups will be reached with the POS activities? How long will the promotion material (stoppers and hangers) be on display at each store? Please explain briefly what stoppers and hangers look like. Will tasting/presentations activities be complemented by the promotion activities (in the same store) or will promotion activities take place elsewhere? What will the distribution of days of tastings and promotion activities look like, i.e. how many days of tastings/promotion do you foresee per individual store? POS actions in China represent 67% of total Chinese action budget and add up to 836.429,85 €. Considering that Lithuania is not exporting any meat to China yet, it is premature to dedicate such a big share of the Chinese part of the budget to POS measures. Part of the budget foreseen for POS activities in China should be reallocated to activities targeting the horeca business, such as caterers, hotels, restaurants, F&B managers. - Action Public Relations Which publications (general and specialised press) will be chosen? What are the expected net contacts, i.e. how many members of the target groups will be reached with the PR work? Does "article" stand for "advertorial" (paid advertisement in the form of an article) or will the articles be written by journalists as a result of press work or will journalists be paid to write articles which will then be published? - Action Market Study During the first programme year a market study will be conducted on the Chinese market. How do you justify that a substantial share of programme activities already takes place during the first year, in parallel to the market study, before the results of the study are known? 181 OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) good/ average /poor European dimension / added value: good/ average /poor Impact forecast and assessment' methods good/average/poor Cost-effectiveness of the programme : good/average/poor Points awarded by MS: 85/100 Priority awarded by MS: 2/4 External consultant’s opinion: to be accepted (There is a recognizable coherence between strategy and objectives as well as quality of actions. The marketing activities are consistent with the promotion objective. The programme actively promotes and informs about EU quality schemes. Lithuanian meat exports can be quantified with appr. 40. 000 tonnes. Due to the limited size of the Lithuanian meat business the increase in exports of meat will be not very big. However the programme can contribute to increase the knowledge about European meat products their quality, safety etc. Meat exporting companies of other member states can benefit from these measures indirectly.) CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : A letter requesting additional information was sent to the Lithuanian authorities on 11/01/2013 (Ares(2013)34734). The Lithuanian authorities submitted their reply on 08/02/2013 by e-mail and by mail on 11/02/2013 (Ares(2013)174236). ). At the request of the Commission, supplementary information was submitted by e-mail on 18/02/2013 (Ares(2013)204992). The Commission's observations were taken into account and satisfyingly addressed, see note to the file. Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected 182 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): LT Title of the programme: Information and promotion campaign for milk products in Russia Competent Authority(ies): Lithuanian Agricultural and Food Market Regulation Agency Proposing organisation(s): Lithuanian Dairy Association „PIENO CENTRAS" Implementing body(ies): not yet selected Type of measure: Mixed Product(s): Milk products: semi-hard cheese, butter, curd, yoghurt, desserts Targeted Member States: 2 regions of Russia: Central Federal District (centre Moscow) and Northwest Federal District (centre St. Petersburg) Duration: 3 years Total budget: 4.993.469 EUR Proposal received on: 28/11/2012 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure to be selected Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No 183 OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body to be selected DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s): 1. To increase demand for EU dairy products in Russia improving image of EU dairy products 2. To increase export of EU milk products continuing to exploit export opportunities in Russia market Strategy: Programme strategy is to direct efforts to: • build and expand network of wholesale/retail partners and build favourability towards EU milk products seeking that these become strategic in partner's sales assortment; • create market pull effect by enhancing visibility and building strong image of EU milk products in the minds of consumers (professionals treated as consumers), ensuring that they are aware of variety of taste and the level of quality that EU dairy sector can offer. The strategies directed at professionals and at final consumers are adapted according to the size of the audience and nature of the interest of each. For consumer segment, the greatest focus is put on grabbing attention and dissemination of short concentrated messages (mainly 184 via advertising means) and encouraging to try EU milk products (promotion actions). For the professionals, the main task is to build favourability and motivation to become a partner therefore the focus is on spreading information and developing business relationship; advertising acts as a supporting mean. Two strategy pillars - actions for professionals and actions for consumers - will support each other and multiply final impact in its scope and continuance. Consumers will feel constant push and reminder from the professional traders (strategic partners) who will be interested to focus on EU milk products and keep them in their assortment due to pull from the market arising from enhanced visibility and favourable image in consumers' minds. Association expects the Programme to generate approximately €200 million additional export proceeds to EU exporter in the period of 3 years and the effect will continue to last after the Programme is implemented. Target group(s): - Professionals (wholesalers and retailers). - Final consumers. Themes: Image of EU dairy products Aspects covered: quality food safety specific production methods labelling animal welfare environment image of EU products Messages to be conveyed: The themes to be covered and messages to be conveyed were formulated based on the characteristics of the products and results of the representative consumer survey, conducted by NORSTAT in September 2012 (initiated by the Association). The survey showed that taste and quality are the most important criteria in choosing dairy products. Taste as very important or important was indicated by 93,4% respondents, quality - by 97,3% respondents. The main message: EU dairy products meet consumer demand for high quality and tasty food. It emphasizes 2 aspects of EU dairy products - quality and taste - and shapes the image of EU milk products on these two pillars. 1. High quality of EU milk products is explained by: • EU food safety policy standards. Regulatory environment in EU sets strict requirements for high quality and standards. EU rules are applied 'farm to fork', irrespective whether food is produced in the EU or is imported. EU safeguards food quality in many ways, such as measures to enhance food safety and hygiene, clear labelling rules, regulations on animal and plant health and animal welfare, control of pesticide residues and additives in food and via nutritional information. The approach includes strict monitoring and control systems. • Keeping consumers confident about food safety via labelling to: a) make sure that the food is of the same high standard for all; 185 b) recognise consumer's right to make choices based on complete information about where food has come from and what it contains. 2. Tasty food aspect is explained by showing a variety of EU dairy products, enabling to choose products suitable for everyone's preferences. Selected product groups allow representing wide diversity of products and cover products with deep production traditions (e.g. curd and cheese) as well as modern products (flavoured curd spreads). Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Selection of actions for the Programme is based on experience accumulated over 40 years of operation in the Russian market. Actions for professionals. Seeking to achieve long-lasting impact in the market, the Association will establish a network of strategic partners (wholesalers, retailers) acting in target regions. The network will be built by actively spreading Programme messages and information about the Programme itself among market professionals in specialized press and at important sectorial events. Interested potential partners will be gathered and presented with the Programme in more detail at special presentation events for professionals, organized by the Association. Business relationships will be developed and maintained via regular business meetings with existing and potential partners. The purpose of these actions is to ensure that EU production would be perceived not as just one among many in partner's assortment, but would become strategic part of partner's business. It would ensure focus of the partner during the implementation of the Programme (to grant supply, intermediate with retailers or other relevant local partners, assist in implementation of the actions) and afterwards. The partners will transfer the messages of the Programme directly to their customers (distributors to retailers, retailers to customers) creating push effect further down the supply chain. It is expected to form a network of at least 12 strategic partners by the end of the Programme. Actions for consumers. Middle to longer-term impact of the Programme will be strengthened through actions on customers, which creates market pull effect. These aim to ensure that consumers are aware of the messages of the Programme. The expected result is better image of and favourable attitudes towards EU milk products, which would consequently influence consumption preferences. Actions intended to enhance visibility and build awareness and knowledge about advantages of EU milk products (outdoor, press advertising; article in press) as well as actions intended to stimulate and encourage behaving upon this knowledge (tastings) are planned during the Programme. With the help of the Programme, it is planned to expand the base of regular consumers in target regions by 3 million people and increase overall volume of consumption of EU milk products. 186 The main principles of planning actions in time: • Over duration of the Programme: taking into account that preparation works for implementation of the Programme would take some time to ensure smooth organisation of the actions, planned intensity of activities is lowest in the 1st year, 2nd year is planned to be the most intensive and 3rd year is planned to be slightly slower. • During the year: actions will intensify in spring and autumn when information noise is lower and market participants are more active (in summer activity is lower due to holiday period and winter is devoted for holiday shopping, while the beginning of the year is usually slow after intense December). • Coordination of timing of the actions: constant exposure of the Programme messages (actions each or almost each month) is planned through outdoor advertising, articles in press for final consumers, and regular business visits for professionals. In more intense periods (March-May, September-November) actions for consumers are strengthened adding advertising in press and tastings and consultations at the store; actions for professionals - with events (presentations, conferences) and articles and advertising in specialized press. 187 188 Anticipated impact: Deliverables by the Association within EU context given the financial budget, timing and foreseen actions are expected as follows: a) increase share of EU dairy product consumers from 43% to 49% i.e. add ~3 million consumers over 3 years at €1.38 cost per one consumer; b) improve revenues by €21 per consumer (from €93 to €114 by 2015), i.e. over €200 million additional incomes to EU dairy exporters and subsequently to farmers over 3 years; c) additional €26.9 million in export revenues to Lithuanian exporters selling under EU label; d) subsequent information and promotion programmes with Member States contributing to actions and further promotion of EU standards in Russia. The methods employed for the evaluation of the Programme are (according to the indicators presented in the table above): • Consumer survey. It is the most direct way to measure consumer awareness and perception of EU image as consumers are directly asked questions in a neutral way. Prior to submitting this application the Association conducted representative consumer survey by NORSTAT in Central Federal and Northwest Federal Districts of Russia. Main methodical features were: representative survey, sampling equal to 500 representing structure of the population according the main demographical characteristics in these regions, interviews via telephone using questionnaire prepared specially to measure objectives of the Programme. The survey provides information on: - Consumption: the share of consumers who regularly consume EU dairy products, what are the main choosing criteria for consumers who buy EU milk products. - Attitudes and perception of EU milk products: the share of consumers who agree that EU milk products are high quality products. - Awareness: the share of consumers stating that EU milk products are well known in local market. 189 - Changes of awareness and behaviour before and during the implementation on the Programme: dynamics of the share of consumers who have heard/seen, bought EU milk products. - Cross-analysis of the responses for the questions would allow revealing relations between changes in awareness and behaviour, between changes in perception of EU milk products and behaviour. The survey according to the same methodology will be conducted each year in order to compare and track the intermediate results with targets set for each year and assess whether the results are as expected or if some changes should be made in order to improve the impact. • Desk research. Official EUROSTAT information and information provided by the Association will be analysed to supplement information received from consumer surveys. Indicators reflecting achievements of the Programme are: - Number of partners in Russia. - Annual export volume and value from Lithuania by product group. The above evaluations will be performed by independent external body each year in order to systematically monitor results of the Programme. Interim evaluation reports will be prepared after 1st and 2nd annual phases of the Programme, i.e. preliminarily in the 4th quarter of calendar year. Final evaluation report will be prepared within 3 months after the ending of the Programme. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 29/30 Quality of the programme: 34/40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 8/10 18/20 190 Budget by action: € 1st YR 2nd YR 3rd YR Budget In-store information and advertising actions250.775 357.700 267.700 876.175 I.1· Advertising in retailer's catalogue 20.775 27.700 27.700 76.175 I.2· Tastings and product consultations 230.000 330.000 240.000 800.000 Other information and advertising actions 461.200 511.200 522.800 1.495.200 II.1· Articles in press 127.600 139.200 150.800 417.600 II.2· Advertising in press 64.800 64.800 64.800 194.400 II.3· Outdoor advertising 268.800 307.200 307.200 883.200 III· 402.120 488.520 419.520 1.310.160 III.l. Presentations to professionals Moscow 59.840 59.840 59.840 179.520 III.2· Presentations to professionals St. Petersburg 56.560 56.560 56.560 169.680 III.3· Business meetings Moscow 26.160 26.160 26.160 78.480 III.4· Business meetings St. Petersburg 10.560 10.560 10.560 31.680 III.5· Conferences (during trade fairs) Moscow 52.740 52.740 52.740 158.220 III.6. Conferences (during trade fairs) St. Petersburg 16.760 16.760 16.760 50.280 III.7· Articles in specialized press 136.000 161.500 136.000 433.500 III.8. Advertising in specialized press 43.500 104.400 60.900 208.800 IV. Advertising material 159.950 135.900 135.900 431.750 TOTAL ACTIONS 1.274.045 1.493.320 1.345.920 4.113.285 V. Other direct expenses 213.847 248.932 225.348 688.127 V.l. Cost of performance guarantee 10.000 10.000 10.000 30.000 V.2· Implementing body's fee (13%) 165.626 194.132 174.970 534.728 V.3· Evaluation of the results (3%) 38.221 44.800 40.378 123.399 VI. Actions for professionals TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 1.487.892 1.742.252 1.571.268 4.801.412 Applicant's expenses (4%) 59.516 TOTAL 1.547.408 1.811.942 1.634.119 4.993.469 191 69.690 62.851 192.056 Co-financing plan: € 1st YR % 2nd YR % 3rd YR % Total budget % European Union 773.704 50% 905.971 50% 817060 50% 2.496.735 50% Lithuania 464.222 30% 543.583 30% 490.235 30% 1.498.040 30% Lithuanian Dairy Association Pieno Centras" 309.482 20% 362.388 20% 326.824 20% 998.694 20% 100% 1.811.942 100% 1.634.119 100% 4.993.469 100% Total 1.547.408 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: 1. Origin of the products needs to remain secondary to the central message of the campaign (see Article 5(2) of Regulation (EC) No 501/2008). Based on what is mentioned on page 10 under heading '4.1 Products and sectors concerned' ("And even though Europe is a well-known geographical area national identity of products might serve as binding and persuasive message to promote generic EU brand") combined with what we read on page 43 under the heading of '7. EU dimension of the Programme' ("Lithuanian Dairy Association believes it can best implement the objectives of the Programme through national dairy products that fully represent strict EU requirements and labels") a reminder of the above mentioned article seems in place. The Proposing Organisation should therefore at all time avoid direct promotion of the products on the basis of its origin. 2. Small adjustments need to be made to the budget table and the co-financement table following rounding of numbers. Please make sure that the tables are adjusted accordingly. For your information we add the parts that need to be corrected: 192 Budget table V. Other direct expenses 213.847 248.932 225.348 688.127 V.l. Cost of performance guarantee 10.000 10.000 10.000 30.000 V.2· Implementing body's fee (13%) 165.626 194.132 174.970 534.728 V.3· Evaluation of the results (3%) 44.800 40.378 123.399 38.221 TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 1.487.892 1.742.252 1.571.268 4.801.412 VI. Applicant's expenses (4%) 59.516 TOTAL 1.547.408 1.811.942 1.634.119 4.993.469 69.690 62.851 192.056 Co-financing plan 1st YR % 2nd YR % 3rd YR % Total budget % European Union 773.704 50% 905.971 50% 817060 50% 2.496.735 50% Lithuania 464.222 30% 543.583 30% 490.235 30% 1.498.040 30% Lithuanian Dairy Association Pieno Centras" 309.482 20% 362.388 20% 326.824 20% 998.694 20% 1.634.119 100% 4.993.469 100% Total 1.547.408 100% 1.811.942 100% OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: good/average/poor Yes/No Impact forecast and assessment' methods Cost-effectiveness of the programme: (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) 193 good/average/poor Points awarded by MS: 89/100 Priority awarded by MS: 1/4 External consultant’s opinion: Positive CONCLUSIONS Observation(s): See note to the file Ares 223753 Recommendation(s): [- To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected] 194 IDENTIFICATION DU PROGRAMME: Etat membre: Pays-Bas Titre du programme: La plante du mois, 2013-2016 Organisme compétent: Stichting Bloemenbureau Holland Organisation proposante: Stichting Bloemenbureau Holland Organisme d’exécution: non encore connu Type de mesure: information/promotion/mixte Produit: plantes vivantes et produits de la floriculture Etats membres ciblés: Allemagne, France, Royaume-Uni et Pays-Bas Durée: 3 ans Budget total: 5 999 972 € Proposition reçue le: 28 septembre 2012 CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM: oui/non Organisme d’exécution sélectionné par une procédure compétitive (à vérifier ultérieurement) oui/non Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM oui/non Engagement écrit et signé de cofinancement par l'organisation proposante oui/non Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes oui/non Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire oui/non Le produit/pays cible est éligible oui/non Conformité aux lignes directrices oui/non 195 AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire : oui/non Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM) oui/non Confirmation de la représentativité de l’organisation proposante du secteur concerné oui/non Confirmation de l’efficacité technique et financière de l’organisation proposante oui/non Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution oui/non DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectifs : L'activité des producteurs de fleurs dans l'UE souffre sous la pression croissante de nouvelles zones de production en Afrique de l'est et du développement de la production en Amérique du sud, ainsi que de réorientations dans ses débouchés types. Cette évolution entraîne un glissement de la production de fleurs coupées vers les plantes, ce qui risque de peser de plus en plus sur les revenus des producteurs de plantes décoratives Dans cette évolution, un facteur important réside dans le fait que les moyens de production tels que les serres et leurs installations techniques ne peuvent être utilisées que pour la production de produits horticoles. Le marché des consommateurs est en très forte évolution. Une partie croissante des personnes font usage d'Internet et des médias sociaux; ces évolutions exigent du négoce floricole qu'il développe un marketing qui colle à ce consommateur changeant. Cette situation se retrouve avec des nuances minimes d'un pays cible à l'autre et appellent des réponses assez similaires: les études (Nielsen) montrent que de manière générale les réclames visuelles extérieures sur Internet et en télévision sont en forte croissance et qu'en revanche les dépenses de publicité dans les médias imprimés tels que journaux et revues chutent. Il convient donc de mettre l'accent sur des actions de promotion des ventes recourant aux médias sociaux. Les campagnes de Bloemenbureau Holland ont pour objectif d'attirer et de retenir les consommateurs existants et de diffuser le message par les médias sociaux, à travers les consommateurs eux-mêmes. Il s'agit de mettre à profit le côté positif du style conversation des médias sociaux. Le marketing sur ces médias est une composante importante des activités; il permet d'approcher des groupes cibles de manière plus détaillée, avec un message s'adressant aux intérêts spécifiques de ces groupes différenciés. La campagne "Plante du mois" servira à cet égard de capteur d'attention, de déclic. Stratégie : La principale problématique dans les 4 pays est, compte tenu de leurs forces, de leurs faiblesses, de leurs opportunités et des menaces qu'ils connaissent, pour l'essentiel la même. C'est pour cette raison précisément que ces 4 pays ont été retenus comme cibles d'une même campagne. Même les groupes cibles sont largement similaires, ce qui accroît l'efficacité des actions. Le Bloemenbureau Holland mène du reste des études de marché permanentes via notamment des abonnements à des panels de consommateurs. Avec cette campagne, il est envisagé: 196 - une augmentation structurelle de la demande de plantes d'intérieur en exerçant une influence positive sur le penchant, l'attitude des consommateurs à l'égard des plantes d'intérieur - une augmentation structurelle des connaissances des consommateurs sur le contenu de la palette de plantes d'intérieur. Ceci conduira également tout droit à une augmentation de l'écoulement. Dans la stratégie de communication, il est distingué entre trois piliers cohérents qui contribuent à toucher un niveau aussi élevé que possible de consommateurs, tant sur le plan quantitatif que qualitatif - attirer des consommateurs par des campagnes et des activités (offline et online intégrées) dirigées vers des groupes de consommateurs spécifiques - la mobilisation des consommateurs intervient via des plateformes Internet orientées par pays et qui augmentent l'implication de ceux-ci tout en constituant le point de départ du motif central de campagne. Toutes les activités reviennent à ces plateformes. - la diffusion du message et l'implication du plus grand nombre possible de consommateurs dans les actions sont le fait du consommateur lui-même via les médias sociaux. De la sorte se crée une valeur de conversation; des consommateurs inspirés et motivés servent d'ambassadeurs pour la diffusion du message. Les relations ainsi nouées avec les consommateurs sont ensuite continuées via leur réseau social. Les actions sont complémentaires et créent des conditions favorables à l'intervention de partenaires privés dans le secteur: commerce de gros et de détail. Ceux-ci sont informés sur les activités afin de pouvoir y interférer en proposant les différentes sortes de plantes à l'attention de leurs clients. Via ces partenaires Le Bloemenbureau s'adresse directement aux consommateurs; la fourniture d'informations sur la campagne à destination des producteurs, du commerce de gros, de détail et spécialisé veille à ce que les produits soient effectivement disponibles pour le consommateur. La campagne met les partenaires du marché en situation de communiquer chaque mois sur des cas concrets avec le client et consommateur, ce qui conduit à accroître les débouchés. Les motivations, le choix des groupes cibles, la stratégie retenue et les actions visibles forment de la sorte un tout cohérent et intégré. Cibles : Le programme vise 4 catégories distinctes de cibles, qui dans les 4 pays présentent une grande convergence de traits (milieux cultivés, personnes intéressées à la nature, plutôt individualistes, en quête d'intimité, acheteur classique avisé, un groupe qui présente des possibilités de croissance). Ces groupes cibles représentent une grande part du secteur de la consommation en général, sont sensibles au message de la campagne et évoluent facilement sur Internet et dans les médias sociaux. La campagne est d'abord orientée vers le consommateur, mais ne peut aboutir à des résultats si d'autres maillons de la chaine ne sont pas impliqués dans la campagne de communication (commerce de gros et de détail). Thèmes : Les thèmes à traiter pour toutes les activités de la campagne sont la promotion de l'écoulement des produits, et la diffusion d'informations, dans la catégorie "plantes vivantes et produits de la floriculture" 1° les plantes jouent un rôle important dans le penchant croissant pour le "vivant", le "naturel", le beau et plein de style, l'harmonieux, le puissant, et elles répondent ainsi à une tendance vers un retour au naturel, à l'ordre naturel, à plus d'harmonie et de détente 2° en mettant en éclairage les 36 sortes différentes de plantes d'intérieur, un assortiment élargi de ces plantes est souligné, qui sont cultivées dans l'Union européenne et sont disponibles pour le consommateur 197 3° les plantes accroissent le sentiment de bien-être. Dans la campagne, il n'est pas explicitement fait appel à ce sentiment, mais il est implicitement fait référence à ces qualités intrinsèques par la manière notamment dont leur expression visuelle est projetée. Aspects couverts: qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifiques aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques vins avec appellation d’origine protégée ou indication géographique protégée, vins avec indication de la variété à raisins de cuve Messages à communiquer : - les plantes sont disponibles dans une vaste diversité - elles donnent vie et énergie à votre entourage - elles adoucissent l'air et ont un effet lénitif - elles insufflent une nouvelle vie dans les relations des hommes avec la nature et entre eux - les plantes rétablissent notre lien avec la nature - les plantes nous rappellent les origines, le développement et l'évolution de la vie - plus les hommes aiment apprendre des plantes, mieux cela est pour la nature sur terre Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : La campagne comprend un certain nombre d'activités formant un tout cohérent (un tableau en annexe donne une description plus en détails de celles-ci, avec leur planification dans le temps et la géographie, leur nombre, leur prix par unité, selon l'usage habituel). Ces activités se subdivisent en 6 groupes principaux et sont, pour les 4 pays considérés et pour l'essentiel, les mêmes sur le plan du contenu. Les budgets détaillés par pays donnent un chiffrage individualisé. Les montants du budget sont bien souvent différents par pays, en fonction du contenu, de l'infrastructure, de l'organisation des secteurs dans chaque pays. A noter que, malgré la différence de population entre les Pays-Bas et l'Allemagne, la France ou le Royaume-Uni, certains coûts y sont aussi élevés, une partie importante de la dépense étant constituée par le thème, les photographies, Internet et les médias sociaux, tous domaines où le nombre d'habitants joue un rôle moindre, voire nul. La campagne prévoit une action par mois, à partir d'août 2013 et jusque juillet 2016 compris. Elle est dans ses grandes lignes identique pour chacun des 4 pays, avec toutefois une touche locale (NB : non définie). Quantités et prix peuvent varier (NB mais rien ne le précise, chiffres à l’appui, dans la partie descriptive prévue à cet effet). Ces activités ont lieu au niveau national ; les 3 premières sont dirigées vers le commerce de gros et de détail et servent à renforcer la notoriété de cette partie de la chaine. Les actions 4 et 5 sont orientées vers le consommateur. Les consommateurs des 4 pays peuvent prendre une part active à la campagne via les médias sociaux. Les consommateurs, détaillants et grossistes dans d’autres pays (NB: lesquels ?) peuvent certes prendre connaissance des actions via Internet ou un média social, mais ne peuvent participer aux activités cofinancées. 198 Eléments préparatoires (non budgétisés et n’entrant pas en compte) : avant le début des activités, et en coopération avec (des associations de) producteurs et de négociants, une liste de 12 produits est dressée, qui seront retenus dans les 12 mois à venir comme « plante du mois ».Tous les pays ont la même plante du mois. Action 1 : annonces dans des publications professionnelles s’adressant au négoce de gros et de détail. Deux sujets d’annonce différents sont élaborés, pour usage par mois. Ils comportent le logo obligatoire UE et des textes. La liste des plantes est au préalable largement portée à l’attention des producteurs et du commerce de gros et de détail, afin qu’ils puissent veiller à assurer une offre suffisante. Des annonces sont insérées dans des publications du commerce professionnel des fleurs ; celles-ci permettent de couvrir 100% des points de vente. Sont prévues pour ces insertions : Allemagne : Gestalten u. Verkaufen, FDF, Fleurop/Interflora France : Informations fleuristes, Euroflorist, Fleurop/Interflora Royaume-Uni : Florist&Wholesale Buyer, Fleurop/Interflora Pays-Bas : Bloemen&Blad, Fleurop/Interflora. Action 2 Matériel points de vente pour magasins de vente au détail Les produits sont photographiés dans différentes compositions faisant appel au goût de différents groupes cibles. Le matériel photographique ainsi réalisé est utilisé tout au long de la campagne. Pour le cas d’usages en dehors d’actions spécifiques, ce matériel est revêtu du logo UE et de textes. Le matériel en question est conçu pour utilisation sur la surface de vente ; il s’agit principalement de posters de différentes dimensions. Les commerçants peuvent s’enregistrer pour participer et peuvent télécharger le matériel (dossiers pdf protégés, non modifiables). Préalablement au téléchargement ils doivent avaliser une boite avec les conditions, par laquelle ils s’engagent à ne faire usage du matériel que pour la campagne, et acceptent la déclaration de copyright interdisant tout usage hors cette campagne. Le matériel est pourvu du logo UE et de textes. Action 3 Matériel points de vente pour centrales d’achat commerce de détail Des roll banners (2,5 m sur 0,8) sont réalisées pour chaque mois, avec le produit du moment ; elles sont revêtues du logo UE et de textes. Ces roll banners (100 ex par pays, pour les principaux points de vente) sont en aluminium standard et veerback, avec une couche pressée de vinyl). Il s’agit de Cash and Carry où le détaillant effectue ses achats, de criées aux PaysBas, en Allemagne et en France et de marchés de gros dans les 4 pays. 1200 bannières sont confectionnées par pays et par an. Elles servent à aiguillonner les détaillants acheteurs pour qu’ils participent à l’action et préfèrent la plante du mois pour revente aux consommateurs. Les gestionnaires des centrales d’achat doivent préalablement déclarer qu’ils n’intégreront pas de texte personnel ni de prix sur les bannières. Chaque mois, les bannières sont distribuées par pays aux centrales d’achat concernées. Cette distribution intervient par courrier ; elle ne peut se faire en une seule fois, par expérience antérieure, car il faut éviter que le personnel des centrales ne se trompe dans l’affichage du mois, ou n’affiche toutes les bannières en même temps. Action 4 Actions de Relations Publiques en direction du consommateur Chaque mois, un rédacteur spécialisé rédige un document, avec le plus d‘information de base utiles possible sur la plante du mois : données sur son usage, son image, les teintes disponibles, les formes disponibles, la taille, l’emplacement idéal, les besoins en eau et en nutriments et autres notions à connaître sont ainsi traités. Cette information de base est mise à la disposition via des bureaux de relations publiques (RP) dans le pays concerné, qui en fait une version nationale, tenant compte des préférences 199 nationales et des conditions du pays. Des articles avec des illustrations sont destinés aux journaux, revues, sites web, stations radio et tv. Des conseillers en RP dans les 4 pays conseillent dans la réalisation de ces activités par les bureaux de RP Ils jugent les formulations élaborées, en termes d’efficacité, et mettent leurs connaissances spécifiques à la disposition pour optimaliser la campagne. Des collaborateurs du bureau RP de chaque pays entretiennent de très fréquents contacts avec la rédaction des journaux, revues, stations tv et radio et des sites web dans l’optique de placer l’information ainsi préparée. Ils répondent à des questions plus précises, fournissent des informations complémentaires et apportent leur concours aux actions mettant en œuvre TV et radio en présentant la plante du mois et/ou en facilitant la captation d’attention dans les programmes radio. Ils fournissent le contenu des messages sur les médias sociaux, surveillent leur utilisation, réagissent à des déclarations d’usagers de ceux-ci et donnent, par leur expression personnelle, un contenu et une impulsion à cette partie de al campane (seeding/ensemencement). Ils assurent le suivi et la recension des échos dans la presse (coupures). L’élaboration d’une boite à outils est également prévue. Elle sert d’aide-mémoire pour les personnes les plus engagées dans le déroulement de la campagne : rédacteurs de rubriques plantes de la presse écrite, centrales d’achat du commerce de détail etc. Cette boite à outils prend chaque année une forme différente et peut varier d’un modèle de bureau de campagne à un calendrier reprenant toutes les informations sur les 12 prochains mois. Elle les aide à planifier les actions et comporte une partie cd ou USB avec tout le matériel photo et posters en PDF, revêtus du logo UE et des textes réglementaires. Ces PDF sont protégés. Les boites à outil sont produites par pays, dans la langue de celui-ci, avec les logos et textes réglementaires UE. L’information pour la presse, les communiqués, le matériel photographique produits par un bureau rp sont envoyés par poste aux rédactions. Toutes les rédactions, à l’expérience, ne sont en effet pas pourvues d’équipement digital. Il a été constaté que l’envoi par poste est traité plus sérieusement que de l’information livrée sous forme digitale et qu’elle présente un taux de succès plus élevé. Action 5 Internet et médias sociaux Un site web est au cœur de la campagne ; chaque pays a le sien propre, mais le concept de chaque site est identique. Une application Win a Plant sera développée, où les usagers pourront engager un prix en répondant à quelques questions sur la plante du mois ; le logo et les textes requis y figureront. Les prix eux-mêmes (en l’occurrence la plante du mois) ne sont pas compris dans le budget. Le lancement en année 1 sera suivi d’un entretien, et d’éventuelles mises à jour en années 2 et 3. Une application Plant Quiz sera également développée, où les usagers des médias sociaux ensemble et les uns contre les autres pourront disputer des jeux ; là encore logos et textes requis seront présents. Aucun lot matériel ou financier n’est associé. Le lancement en année 1 sera suivi d’un entretien et d’éventuelles adaptations en années 2 et 3. Le contenu du site web et des médias sociaux seront également assurés. Il est prévu la production de textes ainsi que leur adaptation parallèle et du rafraichissement de leur contenu. Production web vidéo. En utilisant les apports des utilisateurs des médias sociaux, de courtes vidéos seront réalisées chaque mois et mises sur le canal YouTube de la campagne, avec des liens par ce biais vers les médias sociaux. Il s’agit là d’un concept éprouvé qui donne libre cours à beaucoup de circulation sur le réseau et soutient ainsi fortement la campagne. Un éditeur/directeur est chargé de la production des vidéos, à charge pour lui d’en assurer la présentation et de rassembler les résultats pour les coordonner dans un ensemble à publier (hors budget). 200 Action 6 Publicité dans les médias. Pour orienter de nouveaux contacts, et les contacts préexistants, des groupes cibles vers la page Facebook de la campagne, des annonces seront publiées sur les sites web de toute une série de sites web de l’actualité, ou féminins, ou de style de vie : Allemagne :,,, Facebook France,, Facebook Royaume-Uni, Facebook Pays-Bas,,, Impact prévisible : Au niveau du consommateur, la connaissance sur les plantes d'intérieur et leurs qualités intrinsèques s'accroît et la propension à l'achat ainsi que l'attachement à ces produits s'améliorent. Il résulte de cette évolution une amélioration structurelle de la vente de ces plantes. Par plante prise isolément, un accroissement de 15% environ au moment où celle-ci est l'objet de la campagne, par rapport aux ventes de l'année précédente. Sur toute la durée de la campagne, une augmentation de la demande, pour toutes les plantes d'intérieur collectivement, et dans les pays concernés par la campagne, de 5% en moyenne. Méthodes d’appréciation de l’impact : L'appréciation des résultats se fera sur base de protocoles élaborés par le Bloemenbureau en coopération avec l'organisation professionnelle spécialisée Productschap Tuinbouw. Bloemenbureau Holland confie la mesure des résultats à des bureaux spécialisés reconnus, qui font entre autres appel à des centres d'appel et à des systèmes reliés à Internet pour questionner des consommateurs de manière ciblée. Le commerce de gros et de détail sont interrogés par le biais d'une liste de questions adaptées, dans la mesure où leurs données sont connues, par e-mail et selon un système d'enquête, sur les résultats quantitatifs et qualitatifs de la campagne. - une mesure "zéro" en début de campagne, sur l'état des ventes des produits choisis fournit les données de base avant l'impact attendu de la campagne - une mesure "zéro" en août 2013 sur la connaissance, les penchants et la propension à l'achat du consommateur fournit les mêmes données de base - l'analyse quantitative portera chaque année sur les connaissances, la propension à acheter et le penchant du consommateur, ainsi que sur son avis quant aux moyens de la campagne - une analyse sera également menée chaque années sur l'opinion du commerce de gros et de détail quant aux moyens de la campagne - une mesure annuelle sera effectuée sur l'écoulement spécifique des articles au centre de l'action, au niveau du commerce de gros et de détail, via des analyses des données statistiques des centres de commerce de gros. - au niveau du consommateur, l'analyse portera sur les quantités supplémentaires vendues grâce à la campagne. Elle sera menée sur un échantillon représentatif d'interviews tant du commerce de détail que des consommateurs. - pour mesurer les changements intervenus dans les ventes de plantes d'intérieur, l'analyse portera sur l'écoulement par mois et par produit durant la période de l'année précédant l'action et, par la suite, dans les années concernées, pendant les périodes où l'action se déroule. L'impact de la campagne sur la totalité des ventes de plantes est important car la campagne a une portée qui dépasse de très loin les seules plantes d'intérieur concernées chaque mois. L'action génère en effet une affluence en magasin d'où résulte une amélioration de la vente d'autres plantes que celles de la campagne isolément. Eléments à prendre en compte dans l'analyse dans tous les pays concernés (consommateurs): facteurs démographiques; notoriété de la plante d'intérieur du mois ; propension à l'achat 201 pendant ces journées et pendant la campagne; notoriété de la campagne; visibilité de la réclame/des annonces dans le médium concerné; notoriété des spots radio ; notoriété des posters et autres matériels points de vente ; notoriété des annonces ; notoriété par titre: médium ; notoriété des sites web ; notoriété de la campagne sur les médias sociaux ; estimation du matériel de campagne (et remarques éventuelles à ce propos) ; estimation de la campagne ; influence de la campagne sur le comportement ; changements dans la propension d'achat selon les incitations de la campagne; valorisation des détails et notoriété dans les groupes cibles spécifiques ; niveau des dépenses des consommateurs pour la plante du mois et pour toutes les plantes d'intérieur; changements dans les intentions d'achat. Eléments à prendre en compte dans l'analyse dans tous les pays concernés (commerce de gros et de détail):nombre de détaillants participant, nombre de grossistes participant, connaissances sur l'existence de la campagne et sources de celles-ci, service (paquets de matériel points de vente reçus, manière d'annoncer, notoriété du site web et visites ; utilisation du matériel points de vente (quels éléments ont été utilisés, dans quelle mesure), appréciation sur le matériel ; réactions des clients auprès du détaillant sur les actions et le matériel ; ventes (% en plus ou en moins), par catégorie de point de vente ; développement de l'affluence en magasin pendant les actions (par catégorie de point de vente); type de dépenses des clients, disponibilité à prendre part à la campagne suivante. Dimension européenne du programme Le Bloemenbureau Holland est une organisation néerlandaise de marketing au service des producteurs, du commerce de gros et de détail pour promouvoir la consommation de fleurs coupées et de plantes d'intérieur. Au niveau du consommateur, il n'est jamais faut référence à des formulations sur l'origine des produits. L'organisation ne cherche jamais, dans ses campagnes génériques, à influencer le négoce et les détaillants sur le pays où acheter leurs fleurs. La raison d'être du Bloemenbureau est de promouvoir un fonctionnement aussi efficace que possible de la chaine commerciale, et notamment des points de vente de plantes décoratives. L'influence des comportements, préférences et connaissances sur les fleurs coupées et plantes décoratives est la méthode choisie pour accroître l'écoulement. Les producteurs de plantes décoratives de tous les pays où la campagne se déroulera profiteront de la campagne. Le commerce de détail dans les pays concernés achète des produits sur les marchés de gros locaux ou directement chez le producteur, ou encore chez des grossistes importateurs, quoique pas toujours directement d'autres pays. Les plantes d'intérieur sont relativement peu importées de régions éloignées, du fait des coûts élevés de transport des plantes. Le principe "local pour local' s'applique donc souvent dans ce secteur. Les activités soulignent le grand assortiment cultivé dans l'Union. Ceci est dans l'intérêt de chaque producteur dans les pays concernés, améliorant leur position concurrentielle. Les actions conduisent à améliorer les possibilités d'opérer de toutes les parties concernées dans la chaine. C'est la meilleure manière de prévenir de fortes perturbations dans la production et par là, des troubles sur le marché pour tous les produits de l'horticulture, qui font usage des mêmes moyens de production. L'accroissement des débouchés dans le cas des plantes ornementales est la meilleure garantie qu'il reste de la place pour les producteurs de fleurs coupées et de légumes sous serre. On évite ainsi des interférences entre sous-secteurs de la profession, et cela permet de maintenir le calme sur le marché. 202 203 204 205 206 PLAN DE FINANCEMENT EN EUROS : COFINANCEMENT ANNEE I % UE 1 000 165 50% 991 290 50% 0 0% 0 1 000 165 50% 2 000 330 100 ETAT MEMBRE PROPOSANT TOTAL ANNEE II % ANNEE III % TOTAL % 1 008 531 50% 2 999 986 50% 0% 0 0% 0 0% 991 290 50% 1 008 531 50% 2 999 986 50% 1 982 580 100 2 017 062 100 5 999 972 100 RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : Le programme est généralement bien orienté, étayé d'éléments précis reflétant la riche expérience de l'organisation proposante et la forte technicité des actions envisagées. Ce contexte constitue un a priori favorable à la demande, ce qui n'exclut pas certaines demandes de précision ou d'éclaircissements portant sur des aspects particuliers de la demande, mais sans en remettre en question l'économie d'ensemble. Eligibilité du programme : oui/non Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : - le budget est à retravailler et à rendre plus lisible (répartition annuelle des dépenses insuffisamment documentée, à calculer en €; Apporter plus de précisions sur les dépenses envisagées, par exemple le coût unitaire qui figure uniquement dans les annexes et en tout petits caractères; cette précision est à introduire dans la partie descriptive pour permettre une analyse en profondeur de leur bien-fondé et du coût/efficacité - en ce qui concerne les groupes-cibles, est-il possible de préciser le pourcentage de chaque sous-groupe a atteindre, dans le public total - apporter plus d'informations et donner des exemples précis sur ce qui est présenté comme "la touche locale" pour les actions, afin d'en juger correctement la pertinence - dans l'action "Gagnez une plante", qui paie pour les lots aux participants ? AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme: (cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) bonne/moyenne/non adéquat Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne: bonne/moyenne/non adéquate Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Coût efficacité du programme: (relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) Points donnés par EM: Oui/non bonne/moyenne/non adéquat 73/100 Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre 4/6 Avis du consultant externe: 207 CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Les demandes de rectification ou de précisions ont été apportées, permettant une meilleure compréhension de la portée et du coût/efficacité de ce programme, dont il est recommandé l'adoption. Recommandation(s) [- à accepter - à accepter sous réserve des observations ci-dessus - à rejeter ] 208 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): NL Title of the programme: Project AWARE - Promotion of Sustainably Produced Pork Competent Authority(ies): Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation Dienst Regelingen Team Projectsubsidies en Aanbestedingen Postbus 19530 E-mail: Proposing organisation(s): Southern Agricultural and Horticultural Organization (ZLTO) (Zuidelijke Land en Tuinbouworganisatie) Onderwijsboulevard 225 5223 DE 's-Hertogenbosch E-mail: Implementing body(ies): not yet selected Type of measure: Mixed Product(s): Fresh, chilled or frozen meat, produced in accordance with a Community or a national quality scheme Targeted Member States: Netherlands Duration: 3 years Total budget: 5.560.711 EUR Proposal received on: 26/11/2012 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS to be selected n.a. Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No 209 OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body to be selected DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s): For this program five specific and quantifiable targets were defined that are objectively measurable: 1. 75% of the consumers know within three years what sustainable produced pork means in relation to animal welfare and sustainability. 2. 75% of the consumers know within three years that sustainable produced pork exists, and that this meat is produced with a higher standard for animal welfare. 3. An increase of 10% per year on the image of sustainable produced pork, measured at consumers, adolescents and children. 4. An increase of knowledge of the production of sustainable produced pork with children, adolescents and the member of the family who purchases the groceries. 5. In 2011 5-6% of the pork meat consumption per capita (total consumption per capita was 41,4 kg) in The Netherlands was sustainable produced with emphasis on animal welfare. The target of the so called One Star Concept should be more than 40% after 3 years. The program supports the implementation of the EU directive 2008/120/EC “The protection of pigs regarding group housing of sows” and the EU ban on castration of pigs in 2018. These goals also fit within the new CAP policy 2013 towards a more sustainable food production in Europe. The collected information in this program will be used to support the promotion of sustainable and more animal friendly produced pork meat in other European countries. Strategy: The strategy of this program is twofold: 1. Knowledge through education and information. 2. Increasing transparency, by giving consumers and the media the opportunity to see and experience for themselves how the pork supply chain works and how large the animal welfare is in the pig sector. The Proposing Organisation (PO) wants to implement this strategy by using a mix of communication on production information. In the communication on production information they place particular emphasis on the increased animal welfare. In addition, they want to increase the consumer’s knowledge of the good quality systems in the pig sector. Thirdly, the 210 project must teach the consumer, adolescents and children that more sustainable production methods are used to produce this pork. The communication strategy will focus on the affective basis for consumers to inform and involve them on the importance of sustainably produced pork. By seducing the consumer to have a look in pigsties open to the public (zichtstallen) or viewing movies on the internet, this project wants to inform the consumer on animal welfare in this sector for sustainably produced pork. The communication strategy is divided into three stages: Agending: - introducing mass media communication to reach the target audience and thereby placing the message on the agenda; - making educational- and informational movies Informing: - website with an informative and interactive aspect with as central theme sustainability and animal welfare; - PR actions based on facts and statistics; - information packages and brochures that are being spread through retailers, farmers, etc.; - participation at events and conferences. Activating: - present at household fair with information on sustainable and animal friendly production process; - developing an “App” for the mobile phone, with news; - specific actions for children and schools, like looking for a new toy for pigs; - open days for the public at pigsties (zichtstallen); - creation of internships on pigsties for adolescents. Target group(s): Consumers in general and more specific adolescents and children. PO deliberately choose these target groups in order to inform the demand side in the meat industry about the existence of sustainable and more animal friendly produced pork. Therefore PO wants to offer clear information on the sustainable produced pork meat so that consumers are informed about the production process and particular on the animal welfare standards which are above legislation (e.g. non castration and space per animal). By approaching foreign press (fairs) PO aims at a European spillover effect. Themes: The following themes will be included in the communication of the program: 1. The methodology of pig farming and the distinguishing characteristics of the production process of sustainably produced pork 2. The quality of sustainably produced meat is managed through a quality system and the meat is traceable by consumers 211 These themes are communicated through a combination of communication channels Aspects covered: quality safety of food specific production methods labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Messages to be conveyed: Most important messages are: Quality system that guarantees a specific production, which exceeds the legal standards. Waterproof traceability of the origins of the meat. Labeling which offers consumers the possibility to determine the quality and the origin and characteristics of the meat. The following messages will be transmitted: In the Netherlands, pork is produced in partnership with several parties (pig farmers, industry, retail and food service operators), which together produce meat which is sustainable and complies with the non-statutory provisions of the Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals. In doing so they take into account the society demands and trends on increasing animal welfare. This quality system is being checked by independent organisations. The characteristics and requirements bound to the one-star certification on pork and the effect on the welfare of the pig. Consumers can trace the origin of the meat. The consumer can determine through the label on the meat package that it contains sustainably produced pork. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: 1. Development and maintenance online platform To inform consumers PO intends to put a comprehensive online website in place, which is inviting and holds a lot of information. The site should be appealing to all audiences. The website will contain images, videos, information about the pig and production process. In addition, the site will invite the consumers to have a look in the pigsties open to the public. In addition, an app will be developed for mobile phones to give consumers information and the latest news on sustainably produced pork meat. The information for feeding the app can partly come from the website. 212 Action 1 2 Kokkerelli (content partner & portal: hosting + labour costs) 1 Concept development master plan (total combination of all functionalities within portal) 1 Content development 1 Monthly content refreshing 1 Inventory & interviews with media partners 1 Making partnerships with media partners 1 Exploitation partnerships 1 Overview / initialisation building portal 1 Functional design building portal 1 Esthetical design portal 1 Technical design portal 1 Development portal 2 Assisting development website & portal. Delivery of information. Execute user tests 1 Testing beta version portal 1 1e release beta version portal 1 Execute feedback + testing + bug fixing 1 Acceptation tests portal 1 Release portal 1 Hosting portal 1 Development mobile website 1 Development smart phone/tablet app per platform 1 Issue analyse external tracking Total Hill &Knowlton (TBC) 1 VION 2 To be contracted 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total € 25.000 € 25.000 € 25.000 € 75.000 € 19.275 € 53.600 € 15.600 € 7.675 € 7.680 € 18.360 € 13.600 € 13.600 € 13.600 € 6.800 € 81.600 €0 €0 € 15.600 €0 € 5.000 € 15.000 €0 €0 € 5.000 € 5.000 € 50.000 €0 €0 € 15.600 €0 €0 € 15.000 €0 €0 €0 €0 € 25.000 € 19.275 € 53.600 € 46.800 € 7.675 € 12.680 € 48.360 € 13.600 € 13.600 € 18.600 € 11.800 € 156.600 € 67.250 € 10.200 € 3.400 € 13.600 € 6.800 € 3.400 € 9.000 €0 € 42.750 € 2.000 €0 € 5.000 €0 €0 € 9.000 € 25.000 € 16.500 € 2.000 €0 € 2.000 €0 €0 € 9.000 €0 € 126.500 € 14.200 € 3.400 € 20.600 € 6.800 € 3.400 € 27.000 € 25.000 €0 € 25.000 € 0 € 25.000 € 18.150 € 18.150 € 18.150 € 54.450 € 408.190 € 247.500 € 128.250 € 783.940 2. Developing film PO will use film to feed the various communication channels. The films will focus on the welfare of the pig, but also on the production process. The main objective is to create openness to the public and increasing confidence in de pig sector. Images from webcams will be used on the website, but also in supermarkets and advertisements. 213 Action 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 Planning movie-content (labour costs) Selection locations for suitability, location management etc Shooting on location (30 days, material, travel costs, 6 persons) Final processing (30 working days + rental costs studio) Preparation for publication (3 days) Selection locations local network & interviews Guidance shooting days on location. Control final processing (year 3 partly by partner 1) Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total € 2.500 €0 €0 € 2.500 € 2.000 €0 €0 € 2.000 € 100.000 € 100.000 € 20.000 € 220.000 € 50.000 € 25.000 € 25.000 € 100.000 € 10.000 € 2.000 € 2.000 € 14.000 € 5.000 €0 €0 € 5.000 € 15.750 € 20.750 € 20.750 € 57.250 € 185.250 € 147.750 € 67.750 € 400.750 3. Social network and media To get society involved and informed about the pig industry and about sustainable produced pork meat, PO will use social media to target different groups. In the first year a strategic plan is developed on which networks PO wants to be connected to and the main messages and the specific communication strategy are set. Also in the first year, the promotion through social media starts. In years two and three more will be invested to keep the campaign interactive and attractive. The networks should remain interested and feed more and new information. An external organization will help to set up the campaign and manage it. Action 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Media strategy plan Determine & actualise Q&A's Pro-active media-approach Media-approach & support pressevent (max 250p per event) Design platform (face book page & widgets) Month-costs moderation Definition social media identity Briefings & debriefings agency's Training employees (5-10p) Project management PR-agency Co-development content for social media Total Year 1 € 9.700 € 15.900 € 16.300 Year 2 €0 € 7.500 € 20.000 Year 3 €0 € 2.500 € 20.000 Total € 9.700 € 25.900 € 56.300 € 16.720 € 10.000 € 10.000 € 36.720 € 9.800 € 24.750 € 11.450 € 12.800 € 12.450 € 36.000 € 3.000 € 24.750 €0 € 2.500 € 5.000 € 36.000 €0 € 24.750 €0 € 2.500 € 5.000 € 36.000 € 12.800 € 74.250 € 11.450 € 17.800 € 22.450 € 108.000 € 75.750 € 241.620 € 26.250 € 135.000 € 30.250 € 131.000 € 132.250 € 507.620 214 4. Developing promotional and educational material Children and adolescents are a target group of the project. To reach them teaching materials will be developed, that schools can use. In addition, there will be specially developed promotional material aimed at children or adolescents. This material will be distributed among the pigsties (‘zichtstallen’), or can be downloaded from the website. This material will inform children and adolescents and activate those who want to know more about the pig and the entire chain of production for sustainable produced pork meat. In the first year, the costs are the highest because PO will develop the strategy and a concept. The material will also be written. In the second and third year, the material will only be modified, and extended with new ideas. In addition, the packages for promotional campaigns will be printed. Multiple message development workshops will be organized in order to come to effective messages that work and will be used in all communication activities in relation to teaching material. Before and during the programme messages and design will be tested on its effectiveness by the target group. Action 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 Preparation overview Communication strategy Concept development Production costs (flyer, brochure, posters etc.) 3 Message development workshops (25p per workshop) Preparation documents, incl. 1 feedback round (questionnaire) Quantitative testing of messages Qualitative testing of messages Supplier of material for development of teaching material. Co-writing teaching material. Design teaching material Total Year 1 € 2.500 € 5.000 € 5.000 Year 2 €0 €0 €0 Year 3 €0 €0 €0 Total € 2.500 € 5.000 € 5.000 € 25.000 € 44.000 € 20.000 € 89.000 € 10.000 € 6.500 €0 € 16.500 € 8.550 € 7.175 € 12.860 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 € 8.550 € 7.175 € 12.860 € 32.750 € 108.835 € 32.750 € 83.250 € 25.250 € 45.250 € 90.750 € 237.335 5. Organization of open days, communication training and accompanying material To promote the pigsties open to the public (zichtstallen) open days will be organized several times a year as of Y2. The open days will be advertised in supermarkets (retailers), in schools, on the website, etc. Consumers will be invited to come and look in the pigsty. The open days will have additional activities such as special information packages a nd promotional material; experts will be present to answer questions, special activities for children and snacks with ingredients of sustainable produced pork meat. People involved in the campaign who will take up tasks as spokespersons will be offered mediatraining. PO foresees to organize at least one open day per quarter each season at the participating farms. 215 As PO expects a high interest for these days, and the aim is to activate visitors (buy the product), a professional (marketing & sales) guidance will be necessary on different locations. Guiding visitors , explaining the production chain, being able to explain differences and sharing expertise concerning the profession and the industry. Specifically for the young participants, professionally ‘tailored’ activities will be set up, from creative games to caretaking and animation. On top of this, the programme will have a spillover on European level through an aimed approach of the foreign press. To the staff of the pigsties open to the public (max 3 collaborators per pigsty), communication training will be given to support them with their new role to provide information to visitors to their farm. PO will hire a training agency, to develop and give such training. This communication training will be given every year to the staff of newly added pigsties which are open to the public. A total of 15 communication training will be given with a duration of 1 day, preparation of the trainers not included. One training will cost approximately between €8000,- and €10.000,- al costs included. Action 5 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 Planning & location open days Media training (max 25) Material (overhead, paper, stable signs) Publicity Travel costs (max 0.19c/km) Recruitment participants (farmers) Guidance Open days Planning communication training sessions for stable employees Development training for stable employees To execute training (1day per training, total 15) Co-development communication training Guidance communication training on location Total Year 1 € 5.000 € 12.400 Year 2 €0 € 2.500 Year 3 €0 € 2.500 Total € 5.000 € 17.400 € 5.000 €0 €0 € 8.000 € 30.750 € 20.000 € 20.000 € 10.000 €0 € 38.750 € 20.000 € 20.000 € 10.000 €0 € 38.750 € 45.000 € 40.000 € 20.000 € 8.000 € 108.250 € 2.500 €0 €0 € 2.500 € 10.000 €0 €0 € 10.000 € 70.000 € 40.000 € 40.000 € 150.000 € 7.500 €0 €0 € 7.500 € 49.250 € 200.400 € 51.750 € 183.000 € 51.750 € 183.000 € 152.750 € 566.400 6. Design and development of an exhibition stand and networking meetings Within this program there will be an exhibition stand designed and created, to visit several fairs each year (Libelle Week, Household Fair, Horecava, etc.). European journalists will be invited to inform them about the developments on the production of sustainable produced (in particular more animal friendly) pork meat. European fairs such as Anuga and Sial will also be targeted. Each year PO intends to be present at fairs/exhibitions with adapted promotional material. The costs of renting floor space (and if necessary a booth), but also designing and developing the material is included in the budget. 216 Once a year a network meeting will be held to bring representatives of the target groups of the programme together. On the agenda of this network meetings will be discussions on the results of the programme as well as getting input for the activities at hand. Action 6 2 2 1 1 3 2 Yearly network meeting (max 250 participants). Rental costs /catering etc. Organisation yearly network meeting labour costs Fair & action strategy Project management 4 events p. year Stand + floor costs fairs/events Participation fairs/events Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total € 50.000 € 50.000 € 50.000 € 150.000 € 4.000 € 5.760 € 4.000 €0 € 1.200 €0 € 9.200 € 5.760 € 36.900 € 70.000 € 18.750 € 185.410 € 36.900 € 70.000 € 18.750 € 179.650 € 36.900 € 70.000 € 18.750 € 176.850 € 110.700 € 210.000 € 56.250 € 541.910 7. Advertisements To reach all goals, the communication of the messages will also be in advertisements. These ads will be placed in supermarket magazines, magazines for different audiences, and newspapers. The ads will be inviting and recognizable. An example of an advertisement will be on the promotion of the open days at the pigsties (‘zichtstallen’). Depending on the phase of the project, various messages are communicated through advertisements. Every year there will be costs for the design and the placement of these ads. The number of ads will depend on the magazine and the chosen strategy. Each year four separate ads will be developed and published in magazines, newspapers and online. Action 7 1 1 1 3 2 Advertising strategy Briefings & debriefings Advertising &design agency Project management advertising agency Placing costs advertisements (see specification) Co-development strategy & briefings. Delivery information for advertisements Total Year 1 € 9.600 Year 2 €0 Year 3 €0 Total € 9.600 € 12.000 € 5.000 € 2.500 € 19.500 € 41.250 € 41.250 € 41.250 € 123.750 € 375.000 € 375.000 € 375.000 € 1.125.000 € 21.250 € 459.100 € 21.250 € 442.500 € 17.250 € 436.000 € 59.750 € 1.337.600 217 Title/medium Publisher Opla ge Freq 1/1 f.c. '12 Numb er Total Libelle Sanoma Media Netherlands B.V. 43198 9 weekly 25990 6 € 155.940 Home and Garden Sanoma Media Netherlands B.V. 53323 10 x per year 4850 15 € 72.750 Vriendin Audax Publishing 11538 4 weekly 7550 6 € 45.300 VROUW Telegraaf Media Nederland B.V. 72121 0 weekly 18800 15 € 282.000 RADAR+ Hilversumse Media Compagnie CV 71972 6 x per year 6995 6 € 41.970 Delicious Sanoma Media Netherlands B.V. 43300 12x per year 7650 6 € 45.900 AllerHande (Albert Heijn) Albert Heijn Communicatie 2E+0 6 12 x per year 37400 9 € 336.600 63 € 980.460 Budget € 1.125.00 0 Vrije ruimte € 144.540 8. PR activities for professionals and general media This program has the ambition to change the image in the media about the animal welfare pigs in the Netherlands and their production. The information focuses directly on consumers but also on information and consumer organizations, educational institutions and professionals such as dietitians, caterers and restaurant owners. Besides of the already existing supermarket channel PO would also like to service other consumer channels with durable and animal friendly pork (out of home market: restaurants/hotels, institutional kitchens as hospitals, nursing homes and catering in companies and in schools). The fame and features of sustainable pork meat will have to be increased. This requires promotional activities that will be carried out to these groups to reach and inform them. Depending on the phase of the programme promotional activities will be planned. 218 Action 8 3 3 2 Promotional actions for professionals (catering, nutritionist and out of home markets) (give-a-ways, advertisements etc) Professional media activities (articles, interviews etc.) Executing professional media activities Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total € 50.000 € 50.000 € 50.000 € 150.000 € 25.000 € 25.000 € 25.000 € 75.000 € 30.250 € 105.250 € 21.250 € 96.250 € 21.250 € 96.250 € 72.750 € 297.750 9. Own Activities Action 9 is the overview of the different actions of all activities of this program which will be executed by ZLTO. In addition to the general monitoring of the actions there is the consultation of the implementation body and the financial handling per action. There are substantive tasks per action. Travelling costs are, if applicable for the task, mentioned separately. Action 9 price p hour = € 80 ,- Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 Action 4 Action 5 Action 6 Action 7 Action 8 Action 9 Co-development website & portal. Information delivery. Excecuting usertests Selection locations. Supervise filming days. Control final processing Co-development & compilation content for social media Delivery of material for teaching material. Co-writing teaching material. Design. Recruitement participants. Guidance open days. Organisation yearly network meeting. Participation fairs. Co-development communication training. Guide trainings at locations. Co-development strategy + briefings. Delivery information for advertisements. Executing professional media activities. Total actions 1 to 9 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total € 42.400 € 34.400 € 34.400 € 111.200 € 24.000 € 24.000 € 24.000 € 72.000 € 60.800 € 34.400 € 38.400 € 133.600 € 26.000 € 24.000 € 20.000 € 70.000 € 20.500 € 24.500 € 28.500 € 73.500 € 12.250 € 12.250 € 12.500 € 37.000 € 4.500 € 4.500 € 4.500 € 13.500 € 8.000 € 8.000 € 4.000 € 20.000 € 1.000 € 175.850 167.050 € 1.000 € 176.100 167.300 € 3.000 € 560.200 533.800 € 1.000 € 208.250 199.450 Additional action: Pigsties open to the public 219 (No budget planned.) In a pigsty (‘zichtstal’) the public can come and see the pigs for free and without an appointment, with no danger of contamination or disease transmission by direct contact with the animals. A sort of skybox will be available, allowing the audience to see throughout the pigsty, without delivering unnecessary stress to the pigs. Currently there are 17 pigsties open for the public, located throughout the Netherlands. The new pigsties will ensure that the current network is expanded, aiming for national coverage of four pigsties in every province, with pigsties also near large cities. This allows the consumer to visit these and close to home how sustainable and animal friendly pigs are kept, and thereby pork meat is produced, in the Netherlands. In total 50 of such ‘zichtstallen’ will be open to the public throughout the Netherlands at the end of this program. The pig farmers will be approached to sign up as ‘zichtstal’. The order of the conversion of the pigsties is determined by ZLTO based on their geographical location. Anticipated impact: The following studies will be performed to measure the impact of this program: At the start of the project a baseline study will be conducted in The Netherlands on the image in society of sustainable produced pork meat and the production methods. During the campaign, each year a study will be held and a few months after the end of the activities of the program, a final study will be conducted. The effectiveness and impact is measured on the chosen messages in the target groups. Following are the quantifiable objectives of the programme: 1. 75% of the consumers know within three years what the One Star Concept means in relation to animal welfare and sustainability. 2. 75% of the consumers know that there is sustainable produced pork with an improved animal welfare. 3. An improvement of 10% per year of the measured image of sustainable produced pork meat amongst consumers, adolescents and children. 4. The sales target of the so called One Star Concept – sustainable pork meat - should be more than 40% after 3 years. The current level (2011) is 5-6% of the pork meat consumption per capita in The Netherlands. 220 5. Improvement of knowledge on production method of sustainable produced pork meat (One Star Concept, improved animal welfare) in Europe. 6. Improvement of knowledge on production method of sustainable produced pork meat amongst children, adolescents and family members who buy groceries, amongst others through visiting pigsties. To measure the impact on the goals and main messages within the target groups, an independent market research organization will be contracted at the beginning of 2013. The contracted party will have to perform two studies. One regarding the improved knowledge amongst consumers, adolescents and children regarding the production process and the existence of sustainable produced pork meat and its impact on animal welfare. The study in year 1 will be the baseline study. A second will have to study the image, with an emphasis on the effect on the image amongst the different target groups. The image study in year 1 will serve as baseline study. Attainment of objective 4 (sales target) will be measured using the regular study of the Agricultural Economic Institute. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 25/30 Quality of the programme: 25/40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 5/10 14/20 221 Budget by action: € Activities Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TOTAL 247.500 147.750 128.250 67.750 783.940 400.750 135.000 131.000 507.620 83.250 45.250 237.335 183.000 183.000 566.400 179.650 442.500 176.850 436.000 541.910 1.337.600 96.250 96.250 297.750 167.050 167.300 9,5% 2.093.505 0 0 9,9% 1.681.950 0 0 11,7% 1.431.650 0 0 10,3% 5.207.105 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 61.758 <3% 2.155.263 49.618 <3% 1.731.568 71.583 5% 1.503.233 182.959 5.390.064 57.696 <3% 2.212.959 46.153 <3% 1.777.721 39.410 <3% 1.542.643 143.259 <3% 5.533.323 Action 1: Development + maintenance 408.190 online portal 185.250 Action 2: Developing film Action 3: Develop and start up social 241.620 network and media Action 4: Developing promotional and 108.835 educational material Action 5: Organisation of Open Days 200.400 + accompanying material Action 6: Fairs and exhibitions + 185.410 network meetings 459.100 Action 7: Advertisements Action 8: PR activities for 105.250 professional + general media Action 9: Own activities + projectmanagement + control all 199.450 actions Max. 50% of actions (B1.1,1) Total for the actions (1) Costs of performance guarantee Implementing body's fees (max. 13% of Actions 1-9; annex III, point B 1.2) Evaluation of the results of the measures (max. 3% of actions 1-9 (1), annex III, point C 5) Total direct costs for the programme (2) Overheads (max. 3% of (2) minus (9) (=Actions ZLTO), annex III, point A 2) 533.800 TOTAL FOR PROGRAMME Co-financing plan: € EU Member State Proposing Organisation Total Year 1 Amount 1.106.479,5 0 1.106.479,5 2.212.959 Year 2 % Amount 50 888.860,5 0 0 50 888.860,5 1.777.721 222 Year 3 % Amount 50 771.321,5 0 0 50 771.321,5 1.542.643 Total % 50 2.766.661,5 0 0 50 2.766.661,5 5.533.323 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: This proposal is a reintroduced version of the proposal that was refused in July 2012. Main shortcoming then was the lack of details and unit costs which made a proper assessment of the cost/benefit ratio very difficult combined with hard to realise objectives. Following the refusal the PO requested for a meeting during which more explanation was given concerning the reasons for refusal. The PO made an effort to take into account the remarks that lead to the earlier refusal though the current proposal still has some fundamental weaknesses. The proposal is for example too vague at some points and the objectives appear very ambitious and the cost/benefit ratio seems rather off balance. Based on the experience of the PO (see point 3.5 in the proposal) one could expect a more elaborated and coherent proposal with sufficient details based on previous experiences in comparable projects. The European dimension of the programme is quite limited and very indirectly. As the Member State already correctly indicated in their evaluation (5/10) the impact on EU level is doubtful. Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: Page 8 of proposal: 170 out of 5.952 pig farms participate in the One Star Concept and produce 1,25 mio pigs: -> what is the estimated market value of this subsector? -> are the above mentioned numbers (170/5.952, 1,25 mio) up to date as they are the same as the ones mentioned in the June 2012 proposal that was refused? Page 13 of proposal: Set of objectives appears to be very ambitious: -> on what basis was the objective of obtaining twice the 75% goal concerning knowledge amongst consumers set, knowing that there hasn’t been a baseline study to support it? -> improving measured image by 10% per year: please explain what is meant with “measured image”? -> “An improvement of the knowledge concerning the production of sustainable produced pork meat”: please precise what will be considered as an improvement (what are the benchmarks) and explain how this variable will be measured? -> how will the objective of improving sales of sustainable produced meat by 35% over three years be possible with only 170 out of 5952 pig farmers currently producing One Star Concept pork meat? Page 18, 20-23 of proposal: Lack of details of certain actions: -> Action 2 – Development of film material: how are the labour costs related to the script (‘draaiplan’) calculated? -> Action 4 – Development of promo material & educational material: provide more details on ‘Productiemiddelen’ (note: this probably had to be ‘Promotiemiddelen’, ‘means of promotion’ instead of ‘means of production’ what is written now), what are the unit costs, the number of brochures, flyers, posters etc. that will be produced, what will be the content and set up of these products? 223 -> Action 5 – Organisation of Open Days & accompanying material: how many media training sessions will be organised, how will participants be selected, what will be the content of these training sessions? according to the description communication training sessions in year 1 are foreseen for a maximum of 45 collaborators resulting in a cost of approx. 1700 EUR/participant; please explain the cost build up of this price? provide more details on the co development of the communication training sessions (7.500 EUR) and the guidance of training sessions on location (152.750 EUR). -> Action 6 – Organisation of fair stand & network meetings: projectmanagement for 4 events a year is foreseen (110.700 EUR): provide more details on the choice of events; is this projectmanagement only foreseen for the fairs or are the network meetings included? provide more details on the costs for participating at fair (56.250 EUR). -> Action 7 – Advertisements: explain the double cost of strategy development and briefings (29.100 EUR and 59.750 EUR) to be performed by two different contracters more details must be provided in relation to the planning of advertisement placement in order to assess properly the effectiveness of the approx 20 advertisements a year (period of publishing, choice of title, etc.) -> Action 8 – PR activities for professional & general media: in the proposal the following is mentioned in relation to this action: ‘Planning of promotional activities will depend from the phase of the programme’: this is too vague and a more detailed action plan for this action is needed. -> Action 9 – Own activities: despite some details mentioned in annex 4 in relation to the personnel, more details must be provided concerning the personnel, their competences, experience and tasks they will take up in the programme. Page 23 of proposal: Mistake in table related to action 9: -> Calculations in table are wrong, totals should be 199.450 EUR, 167.050 EUR, 167.300 EUR and 533.800 EUR. Page 28 of proposal: European dimension: -> The claimed European dimension of the proposal is very indirect. Co-financed programmes normally ought to have a more direct impact at the EU level though this proposal does not satisfy on this point. Since the programme's targeted Member State is limited to the Dutch internal market and further the European dimension is limited to a number of foreign press contacts during fairs, this aspect of the proposal is not sufficient. Page 29-30 of proposal: Budget table & co financement table: -> Following the above mentioned mistake on page 23, the budget table and accordingly the co-financement table must be corrected. 224 OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: good/average/poor very indirectly Impact forecast and assessment' methods Cost-effectiveness of the programme: (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: good/average/poor 69/100 Priority awarded by MS: 5/6 External consultant’s opinion: n.a. CONCLUSIONS Observation(s): On 15/01/2013 a request for additional information was sent to the Dutch authorities (Ares 39864). By letter of 18/02/2013 (Ares 207035) the requested information was partly provided due to which the final acceptance of the proposed programme had to be postponed. On 19/02/2013 an additional oral request for information was expressed towards the Member State. On 21/02/2013 we received a reply by email (Ares 226692). A note to the file was edited on 22/02/2013 (Ares 234524) describing the requested information and the provided replies by the Member State. Recommendation(s): [- To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected] 225 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): NL Title of the programme: ”SKV Kwaliteitslabel” (SKV Quality label) Competent Authority(ies): Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation Dienst Regelingen Team Projectsubsidies en Aanbestedingen Postbus 19530 E-mail: Proposing organisation(s): The Foundation for Quality Guarantee of the Veal Sector (SKV) Laan van Vollenhove 3229 Postbus 795 3700 AT Zeist E-mail: Implementing body(ies): not yet selected Type of measure: Information Product(s): Fresh, chilled or frozen meat, produced in accordance with a Community or a national quality scheme Targeted Member States: Netherlands, France, Germany and Italy Duration: 3 years Total budget: 348.715,5 EUR Proposal received on: 26/11/2012 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS to be selected n.a. Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No 226 OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body to be selected DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s): To educate consumers, opinion makers and (retail) buyers about the SKV quality system. Because consumers will get familiar with the SKV quality label they will be ensured that the food safety is guaranteed. Strategy: The strategy of the program is a coherent set of activities to achieve the objective. In order to meet this strategy SKV will use the SMART principle. Below is shown how these objectives are met. 1. Specific: the objective is specifically aimed at the target groups that are described in the project plan. Applied measures are chosen in function of the target group. 2. Measurable: the effect of the programme will be measured during the yearly evaluation and at the final evaluation at the end of the programme. The result of the programme will be measured by the familiarity of SKV values amongst the target group. 3. Acceptable: the effects and the expected results are drawn up in collaboration with sector stakeholders. The effects and expected results are therefore acceptable to the sector. 4. Realistic: the goal is realistic. The campaign aims the limited resources to the right target group. 5. Time bound: duration of the campaign is 36 months. The goal is that confidence in controlled veal increases during the campaign. The aim is that during the campaign, opinion-makers and decision-makers are repeatedly informed on the guarantees of SKV controlled veal labels. Target group(s): 1. Distributors and groups of distributors. 2. Journalists and opinion makers. 3. Consumers and consumer associations. Consumers will be informed by opinion and decision makers, trust in veal will be increased. Distributors and groups of distributors will be reached by fairs and advertisements. Consumers that are actively seeking information will be directed to the campaign websites. Also young consumers will be informed throughout school information. The interest for food 227 safety amongst the consumer is increasing. In addition, the target group journalists and opinion makers will be informed about the values of the SKV. Themes: 1. Food Quality. The programme contributes to this theme because it increases knowledge on how the quality of veal is guaranteed. 2. Food Safety. Food safety refers to the food safety that the SKV guarantees. The SKV quality label ensures that during the production no forbidden substances are used. 3. Trust. The goal of the campaign ‘SKV Quality Label’ is to increase the trust in controlled produced veal. Aspects covered: quality safety of food specific production methods labelling image of Community products Messages to be conveyed: Consumers are guaranteed that quality was the primary consideration during the production and processing of this meat, and that no forbidden growth stimulators are used during production. Veal producers cooperate voluntarily with the SKV to ensure that they deserve the SKV quality label. The SKV quality label is a standard for food quality and food safety. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: SKV has a limited number of employees for their common activities. SKV cooperates with Co-More for services as project management, human resources, management and facility. The staff deployed for this project is the project manager with a tariff rate of 77 EUR. Following is the description of how this programme will be carried out. 1. Media There will be a semi-annual newsletter in Dutch, German, Italian, English and French. Distribution of this newsletter will be done digital and by hard-copy. In addition to the newsletter advertisements will be placed in different media. The media that are chosen are media in France, Germany and Italy. Besides the newsletter information brochures are printed. These brochures will be distributed by affiliates. Also SKV will send press releases to the international press when there is news about the SKV quality label. 2. Internet A new campaign website will be developed. This website will be available in 5 languages (Dutch, German, Italian, English and French). This site can also be used as evaluation tool, because the numbers of visitors can be measured. Besides the use of a website the campaign will also make use of social media. For this part a social media script is included. Additionally a banner for affiliates will be developed. 228 3. Information and education Part of the campaign is an information package for schools. This can be used for teachers who want to inform their students about the values of controlled veal. With this part of the campaign SKV wants to reach young/future customers. Also journalists from targeted countries will be invited to experience live where the SKV quality label stands for. Journalists that will be invited are active in retail magazines. They will be shown how the samples are taken, how the certificate issue works, how the samples are analysed at the laboratory and which proceedings are required in the office. Included are costs for a hotel, travelling costs and expenses of 12 hour guidance by a SKV employee. Every year 3 journalists will be invited. This is an own activity. 4. Fairs Part of the campaign is attending fairs that are related to the distributors. For these fairs two different fair packages will be developed, one for the primary sector and one for the retail. For these fairs a mixed programme was chosen with different fairs to ensure that the different target groups will be reached. During the fairs an employee of SKV will occupy the stand to inform the visitors. For budgetary reasons only Dutch fairs will be attended. The following fairs will be visited: ‘Horeca relatie dagen’ (Hardenberg), ‘Landbouwdagen intensieve veehouderij’ (Hardenberg & Venray), ‘Gastronomie’ (Utrecht) and ‘Horecave’ (Amsterdam). This is an own activity. 229 Time table "SKV QUALITY LABEL" Year 1 May 2013 - April 2014 Nr Action Pla ce Pe riod costs Advertisements Eurocarni Les Marches Eurocarni lebensmittelzeitung Les Marches italy France italy germany France Quarter 2 of 2013 Quarter 2 of 2013 quarter 4 of 2013 quarter 4 of 2013 quarter 4 of 2013 € 750 € 1.600 € 750 € 17.000 € 1.600 € 21.700 May-13 € 5.000 dec-13 € 11.125 apr-14 € 11.125 € 27.250 1 Media 1.1 Total advertisements 1.2 News letter Development 1st edition (compose, photography, illustrations, translation an digital sending) 2nd edition (compose, photography, illustrations, translation an digital sending) Total newsletter 1.3 Press releases 1.4 Print news letter (print run 2000 psc A3 folded a4) news letter (print run 2000 psc A3 folded a4) Informative printing incuding development photos, illustrations and printing (print run double sides a5 10.000 pcs) Year 1 € 6.500 dec-13 mrt-14 Year 1 € 2.000 € 4.000 € 59.450 Total print Total Media year 1 2 Internet 2.1 2.2 2.3 Total Internet year 1 3 Information and education Develop new site including design, phot's and translation in 5 languages jun-13 Social media script jun-13 banner for affliates jun-13 3.1 Scool information Total information and education Netherlands € 1.000 € 1.000 Year 1 € 30.000 € 3.333 € 250 € 33.583 € 1.500 € 1.500 4 Own activities 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 inform journalists Horeca relatie dagen Rent of location Staff 14 hours/day 3 days77/hour Fair package retail Total fair Hardenberg Liv Rent of location Staff 14 hours/day 3 days77/hour Fair packet sector Total fair Hardenberg Gastronomie Rent of location Staff 14 hours/day 3 days77/hour Total fair Utrecht Horecave Rent of location Staff 14 hours/day 3 days77/hour Total fair Amsterdam Liv Rent of location Staff 14 hours/day 3 days77/hour Total fair Venray travveling costs journalists 3*300 hotel 3*105 Supervision 3*12uur *€77 meals 3*150 total Total Own activities sep-13 € 1.720 € 3.234 € 2.000 € 6.954 okt-14 € 1.800 € 3.234 € 2.000 € 7.034 nov-13 € 1.750 € 3.234 € 4.984 jan-14 € 1.750 € 3.234 € 4.984 feb-14 € 1.750 € 3.234 € 4.984 € 900 € 315 € 2.772 € 450 € 4.437 € 33.377 Overhead overhead fairs (transportation, meals) € 500 fees Baseline survey € 10.871 € 2.000 Yearly evaluation € 3.837 Total Year 1 € 145.118 230 time table "SKV QUALITY LABEL" year 2 May 2014 - April 2015 Nr action place pe riod costs advertisements Eurocarni Les Marches Eurocarni lebensmittelzeitung Les Marches Italy France Italy Germany France Quarter 2 of Quarter 2 of Quarter 4 of Quarter 4 of Quarter 4 of 1 Media 1.1 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Total advertisements News letter € 750 € 1.600 € 750 € 17.000 € 1.600 € 21.700 Total newsletter 3rd edition (compose, photography, illustrations, translation an digital 41974 sending) € 11.125 4rd edition (compose, photography, illustrations, translation an digital 42095 sending) € 11.125 € 22.250 1.3 Press releases 1.4 Print news letter (print run 2000 psc A3 folded a4) news letter (print run 2000 psc A3 folded a4) Informative printing incuding development photos, illustrations and printing (print run double sides a5 10.000 pcs) Year 2 € 6.500 dec-14 mrt-15 Year 2 € 2.000 Total Media year 2 2 Internet 2.1 2. Total internet year 2 3 Information and education € 1.000 € 1.000 € 54.450 Social media script banner for affliates jun-14 jun-14 3.1 Scool information Total information and education Netherlands Year 2 € 3.333 € 250 € 3.583 € 1.500 € 1.500 4 Own activities 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 inform journalists Horeca relatie dagen Rent of location Staff 14 hours/day 3 days77/hour Total fairs Hardenberg LIV Rent of location Staff 14 hours/day 3 days77/hour Total fairs Hardenberg Gastronomie Rent of location Staff 14 hours/day 3 days77/hour Total fairs Utrecht Horecave Rent of location Staff 14 hours/day 3 days77/hour Total fairs Amsterdam Liv Rent of location Staff 14 hours/day 3 days77/hour Total fairs Venray travveling costs journalists 3*300 hotel 3*105 Supervision 3*12uur *€77 meals 3*150 total sep-14 € 1.720 € 3.234 € 4.954 okt-15 € 1.800 € 3.234 € 5.034 nov-14 € 1.750 € 3.234 € 4.984 jan-15 € 1.750 € 3.234 € 4.984 feb-15 € 1.750 € 3.234 € 4.984 € 900 € 315 € 2.772 € 450 € 4.437 Total faown activities € 29.377 Overhead overhead fairs (transportation, meals) Yearly evaluation fees Total actions year 2 € 500 € 2.667 € 6.846 € 98.923 231 Time table "SKV QUALITY LABEL" year 3 may 2015 - April 2016 Nr action place pe riod costs Advertisements Eurocarni Les Marches Eurocarni lebensmittelzeitung Les Marches Italy France Italy Germany France Quarter 2 of Quarter 2 of Quarter 4 of Quarter 4 of Quarter 4 of 1 Media 1.1 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Total advertisements 1.2 News letter € 750 € 1.600 € 750 € 17.000 € 1.600 € 21.700 Total news letter 5th edition (compose, photography, illustrations, translation an digital 42339 sending) € 11.125 6th edition (compose, photography, illustrations, translation an digital 42461 sending) € 11.125 € 22.250 1.3 Press releases 1.4 Print news letter (print run 2000 psc A3 folded a4) news letter (print run 2000 psc A3 folded a4) Informative printing incuding development photos, illustrations and printing (print run double sides a5 10.000 pcs) Year 3 € 6.500 dec-15 mrt-16 Year 3 € 2.000 Total Media Jaar 3 2 Internet 2.1 2.2 Total Internet Jaar 1 3. Information and education € 1.000 € 1.000 € 54.450 Social media script banner for affliates jun-15 jun-15 3.1 Scool information Total information and education netherlands Jaar 3 € 3.333 € 250 € 3.583 € 1.500 € 1.500 4 Beurzen 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 inform journalists Horeca relatie dagen Rent of location Staff 14 hours/day 3 days77/hour Total fair Hardenberg LIV Rent of location Staff 14 hours/day 3 days77/hour Total fair Hardenberg Gastronomie Rent of location Staff 14 hours/day 3 days77/hour Total fair Utrecht Horecave Rent of location Staff 14 hours/day 3 days77/hour Total fair Amsterdam Liv Rent of location Staff 14 hours/day 3 days77/hour Total fair Venray travveling costs journalists 3*300 hotel 3*105 Supervision 3*12uur *€77 meals 3*150 total Total own activities sep-15 € 1.720 € 3.234 € 4.954 okt-16 € 1.800 € 3.234 € 5.034 nov-15 € 1.750 € 3.234 € 4.984 jan-16 € 1.750 € 3.234 € 4.984 feb-16 € 1.750 € 3.234 € 4.984 € 900 € 315 € 2.772 € 450 € 4.437 € 29.377 overhead fairs (transportation, meals) Fees Yearly evaluation Final evaluation Total evaluation Total year 3 € 500 € 6.846 € 2.667 € 14.620 € 17.287 € 113.543 232 Anticipated impact: To increase knowledge amongst producers and retail buyers about the SKV quality label. SKV has included a base line survey to find out how familiar the target groups are with the SKV guarantees. This baseline survey will be a respondent survey that will be repeated during the following years. In the final evaluation this research will be complemented with a study that will examine if the used tools were suitable for the campaign. It will also be checked if the campaign was coherent and if the goal of the campaign is met. Besides these surveys the Communication Commission of SKV will monitor if the planned actions are carried out at the foreseen moment and next to this planning the Commission will also monitor the quality of the actions. Results of the campaign will be examined by evaluating the number of visitors to the campaign website. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 21/30 Quality of the programme: 25/40 European dimension: 7/10 Cost/efficiency: Budget by action: 14/20 € ACTION 1. Media Year I 59.450 Year II 54.450 Year III 54.450 TOTAL 168.350 2. Internet 33.583 3.583 3.583 40.749 3 Information & Education 1.500 1.500 1.500 4.500 4. Fairs (own activities) 33.377 29.377 29.377 92.131 Total for actions (1) 127.910 88.910 88.910 305.730 3.837 4.445,5 (final) 10.949,5 (baseline + yearly) 2.667 (yearly) 10.871 6.846 6.846 24.563 142.618 98.423 100.201,5 341.242,5 3.277 2.071 2.125 7.473 145.895 100.494 102.326,5 348.715,5 Evaluation of the results of the measures (max. 3% of actions 1-4 (1), annex III, point C 5) Implementing body's fees (max. 13% of Actions 1-3; annex III, point B 1.2) Total direct costs for the programme (2) Overheads (max. 3% of (2) minus (3) (=Actions SKV), annex III, point A 2) TOTAL 233 Co-financing plan: € EU Member State Proposing Organisation Total Year 1 Amount % 72.947,5 50 0 0 72.947,5 50 145.895 Year 2 Amount % 50.247 50 0 0 50.247 50 100.494 Year 3 Amount % 51.163,25 50 0 0 51.163,25 50 102.326,5 Total 174.357,75 0 174.357,75 348.715,5 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: Budgetary plan 1. Evaluation costs for the baseline survey and the final survey are to be considered as evaluation costs as described in Annex III point C5 of the Standard Contract and cannot be accepted as separate costs. 2. Budget table and co-financing table must be corrected accordingly. Detailed description 3. Provide more details on cost build-up for the following actions (unit prices): -> 1.1 Advertisements; 1.2 Newsletter; 1.3 Press releases; -> 2.1 Website; 2.2 Social media -> 4.1 Fair Package Retail; 4.2 Fair Package Primary Sector Other/Clarifications 4. Text at bottom under heading '4.0 Fairs' saying '3.1 Horeca…' is unclear and doesn't correspond with what is mentioned in the tables further on: -> provide more information on the fairs to be attended (content, number of visitors, target group,…) and correct proposal accordingly. 5. Text 'Own activities' under '8. Budget table' does not correspond with the number of actions: -> correct text according to content. 6. A number of errors in the tables with the time schemes need to be corrected (errors probably due to conversion of Excel tables to Word document): -> planned period for '1.2 Newsletter' in Y1 and Y3 + for '2. Internet' in Y3; -> description for Newsletter is incomplete; -> total internet in Y2 and Y3 mentions twice Y1. OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: good/average/poor Yes/No Impact forecast and assessment' methods Cost-effectiveness of the programme: (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) 234 good/average/poor Points awarded by MS: 67/100 Priority awarded by MS: 6/6 External consultant’s opinion: n.a. CONCLUSIONS Observation(s): Introducing remark: only the "Budget by action" table and the "Co-financing plan" contain the exact numbers. The tables mentioned earlier in the fiche are copies from the initial proposal which are no longer correct following the additional information as provided by the Proposing Organisation on the dates indicated hereafter. On 14/01/2013 a request for additional information was sent to the Dutch authorities (Ares 40576). By letter of 18/02/2013 (Ares 207035) the requested information was partly provided due to which the final acceptance of the proposed programme had to be postponed. On 19/02/2013 an additional oral request for information was expressed towards the Member State. On 21/02/2013 we received a reply by email (Ares 226692). A note to the file was edited on 21/02/2013 (Ares 232351) describing the requested information and the provided replies by the Member State. Recommendation(s): [- To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected] 235 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): NL Title of the programme: The Taste of Organic Competent Authority(ies): Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation Dienst Regelingen Team Projectsubsidies en Aanbestedingen Postbus 19530 E-mail: Proposing organisation(s): Bionext Laan van Vollenhove 3221 3706 AR Zeist E-mail: Implementing body(ies): not yet selected Type of measure: Mixed Product(s): Organic products Targeted Member States: Netherlands Duration: 2 years Total budget: 507.251 EUR Proposal received on: 26/11/2012 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS to be selected n.a. Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No 236 OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body to be selected DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s): The aim of the campaign is to promote the European logo for organic products and to increase the demand for organic products. The familiarity with the EU logo for organic products is very low in the Netherlands: only 2 %. The familiarity of the national logo for organic products is about 15 %. Information about the EU logo and the organic production methods are given with the campaign: The Taste of Organic. In the campaign different methods will be used to inform • Consumers are informed about the EU organic logo • Consumers are informed about the benefits of organic agriculture and food • Consumers experience the organic sector as transparent: they can see with their own eyes, on an organic farm what organic production means • Consumers do have confidence in organic products and their producers • Consumers are encouraged to buy organic products with nice incentives • Consumers are actually trying and buying organic products This will result in the following objectives: 1. The familiarity of the EU organic label among Dutch consumers (light users) will grow from 2% in 2010 to 10% in 2015. 2. 75.000 consumers have visited an organic farm to see what organic production means. 3. From these consumers a network of 10.000 ambassadors is build, they promote organic food within their own network (virtual and real). 4. 2 million consumers in the target of light users 25-49 years are reached with an incentive for buying an organic product during the 2-year campaign. 5. 3 million consumers are reached with mass media messages in 2015. The campaign will be run in cooperation with (organic) retail, catering, producers and organic farmers. The project provides information about the production of organic products in Europe, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, processed fruit and vegetables, dairy products, cheese, eggs and meat of various animals. Topics to be discussed: specific behavioral needs of animals, environmental aspects, biodiversity and the preservation of species and natural habitats. The consumer will be informed about the regulation and control of the organic production including the right to use the EU organic label. The communication is focused on consumers and information transmitters (relevant websites, key figures in the industry, magazines). 237 The second aim is sales promotion. This will be focused on the sale of organic products from European origin. In the ‘Ten days for Organic’ the focus will be on every organic product. The Open Farm days are on Dutch organic farms, which open their doors to the public: dairy farms, pig farms, hens, goats, vineyards, greenhouses, and horticulture. The consumer has the chance to experience all aspects of organic production. Strategy: The communication is based on the former experiences of the Dutch Taskforce for Organic promotion. Nutrition is for most consumers a fairly low-interest topic, they buy what they are used to buy. In the Netherlands 65% of consumers sometimes buy organic food. This is actually the case for almost all organic consumers, except for a small group of 1 to 2 percent who are highly involved. It is difficult to get people involved in a topic they are not involved in. In these cases only with big communication budgets it is possible to realize a reasonable range of people. The proposing organisation (PO) therefore choose the strategy to involve people in activities that are unique, and with a high 'experience' level. In addition, people will be pushed to try organic products (with methods like competitive price, good advertising support, good place in stores, more visibility on the shelf) through the route behaviour -> attitude -> knowledge -> try and buy -> attitude -> knowledge etc, supported by information from PO and from ambassadors. In this way the involvement in organic food will be improved and barriers to buy organic food will be broken down. Different techniques are to be used: marketing tools (price, product, promotion, positioning), information (on or near the product in stores, mass media and from ambassadors), organic events to visit. The whole process leads to higher commitment, the ambassadors play an important role. The idea behind this is that when a consumer hears a good story or a recommendation on organic products from someone in your network, it works even better than a message from a stranger. Confidence in the messenger enhances confidence in the message. There is an overall communication campaign designed to inform people about the benefits of organic products and to encourage them to try an organic product. The encouragement is on the one hand an attractive price and on the other hand the transparent information (visiting an organic farm). The campaign “The Taste of Organic" is based on three main steps. 1. To inform consumers (both light users and heavy users) about organic food and organic farming (production, method of control). Consumers are informed about animal welfare, environmental impact of organic food and the effects on the landscape and biodiversity and the recognition of organic products by the EU organic label. 2. To involve a wide range of consumers (light users and heavy users) to get involved in organic agriculture and food: to experience the added value on the organic farms by visiting them. This allows consumers to see how organic food is produced and ask all their questions to the farmer or grower. Consumers may also harvest at the farm. 3. To stimulate consumers (mainly light users, visiting supermarkets) to buy organic products through attractive deals and special offers. The activities are executed in collaboration with farmers and growers, retailers and producers and manufacturers. This includes a very tight schedule for the activities. Because Bionext works together with every part of the organic food chain, it is easier to get everything tightly scheduled. Where possible, the organizations inform their own customers, affiliates and supporters about the activities. This increases the involvement and ensures a maximum effect, even if these people do not visit an event. 238 Target group(s): The programme "The Taste of Organic" is a national campaign in the Netherlands thereby particularly focusing on the light user of organic products, regardless of his/her residence. This target group consists of approximately 60 to 70 percent of all consumers aged between 20-49. They mainly do their shopping in the supermarket, make more than average use of public transport and read specific lifestyle magazines. The heavy user is for a part of the activities an involuntary and indirect target group, but the message is formulated for the light user. The heavy user does not need to be convinced, but confirmed in his choice of organic products. "Experience"–consumers, these are the consumers that like to participate at the activities at the organic farms. These consumers are approached in cooperation with the farmers and growers, NGOs and producers. Within this group are both light users and heavy users. The group of non-users will almost never participate in such activities and will not quickly be reached. Press and (social) media are an intermediate target group. They are encouraged with nice information to give free publicity for the activities organized. Themes: 1. Happy animals, with lots of space to play outside and with their tail and beak. 2. Good for nature: no pesticides or artificial fertilizers. 3. Beautiful landscape: a very healthy soil, birds and other little animals are happy to live there. 4. Transparent: it is clear how the food is produced, which legislation has to be followed and how the production is controlled by an independent organization. Aspects covered: organic products Messages to be conveyed: The overall message of the campaign is: “Do you love good food and a good live for animals and a well treated nature? Buy organic and you will enjoy nice food”. In the shop and in malls we add to the message: if you buy organic, you can in many cases also take advantage of attractive actions offered (actions to be supplied by the retailers). At the farm we add to the message: organic products are carefully produced. See for yourself how well an animal lives on an organic farm and see for yourself how much care and attention the farmer gives to the crops, the soil and the environment. Try an organic product fresh from the farm. Through social media we add: and share your experiences with your friends and relatives. In other events: each situation to determine. 239 Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: ACTIVITIES Action 1: Campaign 'The Taste of Organic' 1.a Design of the campaign 1.b Photography 1.c Building campaign website 1.d Building a special website for the ‘Ten days for Organic’ 1.e Promotion pack for the organic farms Description "The Taste of Organic" is the umbrella campaign and logo for the entire campaign, with all activities. Consumers will see the coherence between the activities within the campaign Slogan and logo and campaign are designed 5 Photos will be made to visualize the campaign The campaign website is the central place where all the information comes together. Ambassadors, activities, everything is there Ten days for Organic will have its own platform, with all incentives for buying organic products. There is a link with the campaign website Throughout the year 50 organic farms are open for the public, to show the reality of organic production. These farms are well recognizable from the main street. On the farm a lot of information is available about the campaign and about the specific organic production method on the farm. The promotion pack will contain the following items: 240 When Costs Summer 2013 € 5.000, work done by a communication bureau € 2.500 work done by a communication bureau € 10.000 work done by a communication bureau Summer 2013 Summer 2013 Summer 2013 € 10.000 work done by a communication bureau September 2013 – October 2013 April 2014 – October 2014 April 2015 – June 2015 Year 1: € 10.000 Year 2: € 10.000 work done by a communication bureau Overall design costs € 5.000, production costs: A3-posters 1.500 items, at € 1, total costs € 1.500 Flyer 10.000 items, total costs € 1.100 On-pack stickers 100.000 items ACTIVITIES Description posters, flyers, on pack stickers, flags, t-shirts, prints about the production on the farm, big plates in the field and t-shirts When 1.f Mailing costs promo packages to farms Annual 50 participating farms will receive a personalized promotion pack September 2013, April 2014, April 2015 1.g Promotions, contests, and all other activities to promote the bigger activities Incentives for buying organic products are introduced on the shop floor, with contests and with tasting activities. They all are used to change the shopping habits of people. Annual 4 actions are done With facebook, Youtube, twitter and pinterest the campaign gets extra exposure and the ambassadors will inform their network Consumers will receive a digital newsletter about the campaign. The information is also used for newsletters for relations of Bionext From September 2013 till June 2015 1.h Social media 1.i Newsletter (8/year) Action 2: organic magazine as part of a free of charge national newspaper To reach a bigger audience, a free newspaper will be spread with information about the EU organic logo and the activities within the 241 Costs Farm flags: 100 items at € 70, total costs € 7.000 Information plates-A3: 50 items, total costs € 900 Big signs along road: 100 items at € 25, total costs € 2.500 T-shirts: 200 items, at € 10, total costs € 2.000 Year 1: € 1.250 Year 2: € 1.250, work done by a communication bureau Costs per farm € 25 Year 1: € 5.000 Year 2: € 5.000 work done by a communication bureau. Price per action € 1.250 From September 2013 till June 2015 Year 1: € 2.500 Year 2: € 2.500 work done by a communication bureau 4 x 2013, 8 x 2014, 4 x 2015 Year 1: € 15.000 Year 2: € 15.000 work done by a communication bureau Price per digital newsletter: € 1.875, 50.000 people will be reached ACTIVITIES Description campaign. Aim is to inform and connect people to the campaign. 2 a Buying space in the newspaper 4 pages per magazine are bought in the newspaper. We buy them ourselves so we can write our own newspaper-information. The magazine will be published 2x per year, and reaches 1.500.000 people per magazine 2b Writing articles for the magazine, The 4 pages do give information designing the magazine about the campaign and the activities, about the EU organic logo and about the special propositions Action 3: Own activities Bionext: Organic farms open their doors for Experience yourself: a day at an the main audience to show the way organic farm and 'Ten days for an organic farmer works, 1 weekend Organic' in spring ‘Visit an organic farm’ with many organic farms and 10 days campaign ('Ten days for Organic') in autumn in the supermarkets and organic stores to stimulate consumers to buy organic 3.a Experience yourself: a day at an Organic farms open their doors for organic farm the main audience to show the way an organic farmer works, 1 weekend ‘Visit an organic farm’ in spring 3.a.1 Recruit organic farmers, assist To recruit and assist 50 organic them by organizing activities on the farms which will be open for the farms public almost every week. Recruit 180 organic farms for the general weekend ‘Visit an organic 242 When Costs September 2013, June 2014, September 2014, June 2015 € 40.000 for buying the space per magazine, 4 magazines in total, € 160.000 July & August 2013, April & May € 5.000 work done by a 2014, July & August 2014, April communication bureau, per & May 2015 magazine, 4 magazines in total, € 20.000 September 2013 till June 2015 General weekend ‘Visit an organic farm: 1 weekend in June 2014, 1 weekend in June 2015 Year 1: Bionext 280 hours at € 90 for recruiting and assisting the farmers. Year 2: Bionext 280 hours at € 90 for recruiting and assisting the ACTIVITIES 3.a.2 Communication with the relations of Bionext (consumers, farmers, producers, traders, retail etc) 3.a.3 Assistance on the farm (daily allowance, fixed price € 80) 3.a.4 Small changes to the website Description farm’ in Spring where the main audience can see how an organic farm works To inform consumers about the campaign activities, Bionext will inform their relations. This will be done together with the communication bureau which does the general communication. In Spring, 5 consumer messages are send; 2 messages for gathering the farmers will be spread to all 1.500 organic farmers in the Netherlands; 4 'farm messages' will be sent to participating farmers to help them preparing the 'Visit an organic farm' and agreements will be made with at least 2 supermarket chains and 4 organic producers to use their media-channels to inform consumers. For organic farms who do apply for help there will be the option to get a volunteer for the day. 20 volunteers are available each year. There is already a system where farmers can register themselves for an activity. We will improve the website each year a little bit, and make clear this website is part of the general campaign. 243 When Costs farmers. Through the whole campaign, but more intense during Spring, in the build-up for the general weekend in June Year 1: Bionext 160 hours at € 112,50 for communication with the relations of Bionext. Year 2: Bionext 160 hours at € 112,50 for communication with the relations of Bionext. Especially during the ‘Visit an organic farm’ weekend in Spring: 1 weekend in June 2014, 1 weekend in June 2015. April 2014 and April 2015 Bionext: € 1.600 daily allowance for the volunteer, 20 volunteers involved per year. Bionext: € 5.000 website, small changes, work done by website company ACTIVITIES 3.b ‘Ten days for Organic’ 3.b.1 Communication with the partners of Bionext (farmers, producers, retail, etc) 3.b.2 Starting event Description 10 days campaign in autumn in the supermarkets and organic stores to stimulate consumers to buy organic. In the build-up for the ‘Ten days for Organic’ supermarkets, organic shops and other shops are recruited to participate and to communicate about it. Also producers are recruited to make nice discounts and promotions. 300 organic stores and 8 supermarket chains will be asked to participate; 4 supermarket chains and 150 organic stores will participate. There will be a media-event as a kick-off for the ‘Ten days for Organic’. This is done together with partners of Bionext. The result is a lot of free publicity at the start of the ‘Ten Days for Organic’. 244 When Costs July till September 2013 and November 2013 till September 2014 Year 1: Bionext 200 hours at € 112,50 for communication with the relations of Bionext Year 2: Bionext 200 hours at € 112,50 for communication with the relations of Bionext August and September 2013, August and September 2014 Year 1: Bionext 100 hours at € 90 preparation and execution of the media-event € 3.750 external costs Year 2: Bionext 100 hours at € 90 preparation and execution of the media-event € 3.750 external costs Anticipated impact: This will result in the following objectives: 1. The familiarity of the EU organic label among Dutch consumers (light users) will grow from 2% in 2010 to 10% in 2015 2. 75.000 consumers have visited an organic farm to see what organic production means 3. From these consumers a network of 10.000 ambassadors is build, they promote organic food within their own network (virtual and real) 4. 2 million consumers in the target of light users 25-49 years are reached with an incentive for buying an organic product during the 2-year campaign 5. 3 million consumers are reached with mass media messages in 2015. The first objective is measured in the evaluation study that will be held after the first year of the campaign and at the end of the campaign. PO will put questions in a research panel, with a lot of participants. This is important because your sample is only representative if you have many people in the group. They will be asked for the recognition of the different logos on food and what people know of the claims of the logo/label. Besides recognition of the logo it will also be asked what value people attach to the logo, so to determine whether the transfer of information on what organic stands for, succeeded. The second objective will be measured on the basis of the number of visitors at organic farms. This is done by the volunteers on the farms and the participating farmers. The third objective is to be measured on the basis of the activities on social media (twitter, facebook, pinterest). Consumers are asked to share their experience with organic food with friends within this campaign and we can follow this on social media. The fourth objective, reaching light users with a nice proposition is examined on the basis of products offered by producers via the website of the 'Ten days for Organic', in combination with the number of site visitors. Also, the sales data of the supermarkets during 'Ten days for Organic' will be tracked on the basis of sales per week from supermarkets. This is done in the Netherlands by an agency that collects these data since years, by receiving all information from supermarkets. This agency can also monitor whether and by what percentage the turnover of organic products is increasing during the 'Ten days for Organic', with or without an special offer. The fifth objective will be measured on the basis of the number of visitors to websites, the readers of the magazine and the range of free publicity. This is maintained by the communication bureau for the general communication activities. Furthermore, the overall figures for the sale of organic products are used. Only it is unclear whether the monitor for sustainable food remains during the lifetime of the project. Should that not be the case, we will search for an alternative. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 23/30 Quality of the programme: 28/40 European dimension: 8/10 Cost/efficiency: 16/20 245 Budget by action: € ACTIVITIES Action 1: Campaign The taste of organic 1.a design of the campaign 1.b photography 1.c building campaign website 1.d building a special website for the ‘Ten days for Organic’ 1.e promotion pack for the organic farms (posters, flyers, on pack stickers, flags, t-shirts, big plates in the field) 1.f mailing costs 1.g promotions, contests, and all other activities to promote the bigger activities 1.h social media 1.i newsletter (8/year²) YEAR 1 55.250 5.000 2.500 7.000 7.000 YEAR 2 39.750 3.000 3.000 TOTAL 95.000 5.000 2.500 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 20.000 1.250 5.000 1.250 5.000 2.500 10.000 2.500 15.000 2.500 15.000 5.000 30.000 Action 2: Organic magazine as part from a national newspaper 2 a buying space in the newsletter 2 b writing articles for the magazine, designing the magazine Action 3: Own activities: Experience yourself: a day at an organic farm, Ten days for Organic 3.a. Experience yourself: a day at an organic farm 3.a.1 Recruit organic farmers, assist them by organizing activities on the farms 3.a.2 Communication with the relations of Bionext (consumers, farmers, producers, traders, retail etc) 3.a.3 Assistance on the farm (daily allowance, fixed price 80) 3.a.4 Small changes in the website 3.b ‘Ten days for Organic’ 3.b.1 Communication with the partners of Bionext (farmers, producers, retail, etc) 3.b.2 Starting event Max. 50% of activities (1) Total for the actions (1) Costs of performance guarantee Implementing body's fees (max. 13% of (1); annex III, point B 1.2) 90.000 90.000 180.000 80.000 10.000 80.000 10.000 160.000 20.000 85.050 85.050 170.100 25.200 25.200 50.400 18.000 18.000 36.000 1.600 1.600 3.200 5.000 5.000 10.000 22.500 22.500 45.000 12.750 36,9% 230.300 250 18.883 12.750 39,6% 214.800 250 16.868 25.500 38,2% 445.100 500 35.751 13,0% 6.909 13,0% 10.740 13,0% 17.649 Total of direct costs of the program (2) Overheads (max. 3% of (2), annex III, point A 2) 3,0% 256.342 4.358 5,0% 242.658 3.893 499.000 8.251 TOTAL FOR THE PROGRAM 260.700 246.551 507.251 Evaluation of the results of the measures (max. 3% of (1), annex III, point C 5) 246 Co-financing plan: € Co-financing EU Member State Proposing Organisation (min. 20 %) Total Year 1 € % € 130.350 50 % 0 0 € 130.350 50 % Year 2 € % € 123.275,5 50 % 0 0 € 123.275,5 50 % Total € 260.700 € 246.551 € 507.251 100% 100% € 253.625,5 € 253.625,5 RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: Bionext was only created in 2011 thereby lacking the requested minimum of 5 years of experience. Bionext is however a collaboration of Taskforce Market Development Organic Farming and Biologica, two Dutch organisations which both have plus 5 year of experience. Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: General 1. The proposal is not clear on how the European logo will be incorporated into the campaign. The ultimately selected implementing body's attention will have to be drawn to this key aspect of the campaign. -> therefore, explain how this incorporation will be done and indicate with more details how the European logo will be visualized during the campaign. Objectives & Evaluation 2. "Stimulating the demand for the products" and "improving sales" are part of the objectives (see page 9 under 4.2 and page 12 under 5.2 of proposal): -> indicate how the influence of the programme on the sales will be measured. 3. Page 20 of proposal: Expected impact; objective 2 appears to be very ambitious (we calculated that you would need an attendance of at least 80 persons at each open farm on each foreseen open day, be it in the permanently open farms or the weekend open farms). -> provide your opinion on this remark and indicate how the accuracy of the evaluation - counts by volunteers or the farmers themselves - will be guaranteed. Actions 4. Page 15 and 18 of proposal: on page 15 it is mentioned that actions in the shops depend on the retailers; on page 18, actions 3.a.2. and 3.b.1. once again retailer are expected to participate -> to what extent is it certain that this important collaborator is willing to invest in the campaign, and which guarantees did the PO get from them? 5. Page 16 of proposal: Action "1.e Promotion pack for the organic farms" -> provide unit price for the on-pack stickers. 6. Page 17 and 18 of proposal: "Action 3 – Own activities"; at least three different categories of personnel (€80/h, €90/h and €112,5/h) will be deployed in action 3 -> provide more details on personnel that will work on action 3 (function, experience, competences, etc) 247 7. Page 18 of proposal: Action "3.b.1. Communication with the partners of Bionext (farmers, producers, retail, etc)"; for this action we read the following sentence under 'Description':"300 organic stores and 8 supermarket chains will be asked to participate; 4 supermarket chains and 150 organic stores will participate" -> are those 4 supermarket chains and 150 organic stores certitudes or are these the set objective to be reached? 8. Page 19 of proposal: "All actions will take place nationwide. For the executive agency besides the external costs, hourly labour costs have been added in the budget table." -> explain what exactly is meant by this. OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) good/average/poor European dimension / added value: Yes/No Impact forecast and assessment' methods Cost-effectiveness of the programme: (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: good/average/poor 75/100 Priority awarded by MS: 2/6 External consultant’s opinion: n.a. CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : On 14/01/2013 a request for additional information was sent to the Dutch authorities (Ares 31340). By letter of 18/02/2013 (Ares 207070) the requested information was provided in a sufficient manner thereby allowing the final acceptance of the proposed programme. A note to the file was edited on 21/02/2013 (Ares 230120) describing the requested information and the provided replies by the Member State. Recommendation(s): [- To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected] 248 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Poland Title of the programme: “Tradition and Quality of European Meat” Competent Authority(ies): Agricultural Market Agency Proposing organisation(s): UPEMI Implementing body(ies): Global Marketing Connections Inc., Partner of Promotion Sp. z o.o. and Tailor&Baker Type of measure: information and promotion Product(s): fresh, frozen and chilled pig meat and beef, and processed meat products from beef and pork Targeted Member States: USA, South Korea and Vietnam Duration: 36 months Total budget 4,956,861.06 € Proposal received on: 29 November 2012 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS: Yes/No Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS Yes/No Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s) Yes/No The programme is a coherent set of actions? Yes/No Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Yes/No Product(s)/target countries are eligible Yes/No Compliance with the relevant guideline(s) Yes/No 249 OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body Yes/No DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) 1. Increase of export of high quality European meat and meat products to the target markets to US by around 3% and to both South Korea and Vietnam by around 5%; 2. Increase to 50% of awareness regarding high quality of promoted products - building a positive image of European meat and meat based products among target group A and B; 3. Educating potential target groups regarding chances of importing European meat, including possible distribution channels, law procedures and quality certification. Strategy : Campaign’s strategy focuses around two groups of products: fresh, chilled or frozen beef and pork, and meat products produced from those two kinds of meat (sausages, cooked meats). Informational and promotional activities will be accommodated for given markets. Campaign will be aimed for two main market groups: US, and Asia, meaning South Korea and Vietnam. Both groups will be treated with a different approach. On the US market the activities will be focused around high quality cooked meats and sausages made from both beef and pork, which are increasingly popular products there, as well as the meat itself. In case of both Asian countries activities will focus on by far the most essential meat, which is pork meat, beef, and additionally cooked meats prepared from both pork and beef. As a result of this division both informational and promotional materials, including their visual layouts, will be prepared for those specific groups of promoted products, which will be then used for specific markets. Other products of lesser value and general interest on given markets for the campaign will also find their place in all the materials, but won’t be focused at same degree. Target groups that have been chosen for the campaign are: A. Professionals, B. Opinion leaders and journalists and C. Consumers. All the activities have been designed while basing on previous experiences and feedbacks which will allow to achieve maximum effectiveness and reach all the set aims. Target group(s) : TG1 professionals (importers, whiolesalers, distributors, represenatatives of branch associations, HORECA) TG2 journalists and opinion makers TG3: consumers 250 Themes : 1. Stressing the centuries old tradition of meat producing and processing in EU Member states; 2. Stressing out the high quality of both European meat and meat products, guaranteed by strict certificates and production standards; 3. Stressing out meat safety issues connected with a set of strict EU standards; "from farm to fork" approach 4. Availability of EU products, making acquainted with the opportunities for distributing them 5. Taste qualities Aspects covered : quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards image of Community products Messages to be conveyed : 1. Due to strict EU standards and centuries old tradition meat produced in EU is of high quality and safe; 2. Sets of strict breed and production rules, as well as required certificates, result in high safety level of European meat and meat based products. 3. European meat is a special, very tasty and high quality product 4. Various versions of slogan "European Meat/ Meat from Europe" will be used 5. Reminding that “Tradition and quality of European meat” is a continuation of “Tradition, Quality and European Taste” and “Table full of flavors” campaigns. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: As it has been mentioned before actions that will be carried out during the campaign will have a different profile depending on whether they are aimed for the US, or the Asian market. Actions carried out on Korean market will focus around a set of three food industry exhibitions. These will be: Seoul Food&Hotel 2014 (May), Food Week Korea 2014 (October/November) and Seoul Food&Hotel 2016 (May) – all taking place in Seoul. All of these exhibitions will take place in the capitol of South Korea – Seoul. This activity will be aimed at all target groups. Participation includes building 100m2 stand, executing a live cooking show, providing both informational and promotional materials and carrying out informational meetings with exhibition visitors. Apart from that, around the exhibition time, a set of additional events will be executed. In case of Korea these will be a press conference (group B), and a banquet connected with a seminar (group A&B). The press conference will be lunched for food and business branch media. As for the banquet connected with a seminar – it will be prepared for a wide variety of guests, including i.a. representatives of local authorities, opinion leaders; traders and importers, as well as representatives of meat and meat processing unions and associations and HoReCa member, and will be aimed to build more 251 positive relationship will all the mentioned groups. During each exhibition a special set individual meetings with the representatives of target groups A&B is also planned. All the actions mentioned above will be supported by a public relations campaign and an advertising campaign in 2 press media titles. Public relations campaign will be focused on arranging publications and interviews, as well as creating in-depth media reports. Advertising campaign will help with building the awareness regarding the campaign and the promoted products among target groups. Below you’ll find a schedule for all the actions planed in South Korea. 4th quat. November May June September April July March XI XII January V VI VII VIII IX X February III IV December II October I August May June April November March September January XI XII February V VI VII VIII IX X December III IV October II July YEAR III I August June May 1st quart. 2nd quart. 3rd quart. April March November January September February XI XII December V VI VII VIII IX X October III IV July ACTIONS YEAR II II August YEAR I I 5th quart. 6th quart. 7th quart. 8th quart. 9th quart. 10th quart. 11th quart. 12th quart. Exhibition Press Conference Banquet/Seminar Public Relations WWW actions Informational meetings Advertising campaign In case of Vietnam the model is very similar, a part from the fact that two more types of events have been added. Since the exhibition choice in case of Vietnam is not as big as in case of Korea, campaign would be taking place only in two exhibitions, during 2nd and 3rd year of the campaign, and these will be Food&Hotel Vietnam and VietFood & Beverage, both in Ho Chi Minh City. Since all the main government and other public/branch institutions, with which good relations are crucial in case of such a campaign, a special separate seminar will also be organized in Hanoi. It is designed to attract Vietnamese officials, which would be other way able to join the campaign’s events in Ho Chi Minh City due to a big distance between the cities (this is based on previous experiences). The other additional event is European Food Festival, which will be organized in a local and well know restaurant in HCM, and while targeted at group C, meaning Consumers, it will encourage this group to both visit the campaign’s stand during the exhibitions and well as to visit the campaign’s site. Restaurant’s profile will be focused on the enthusiasts of high quality meat and meat dishes. Below you’ll find a schedule for all the actions planed in Vietnam. 4th quat. November May June September April July March XI XII February V VI VII VIII IX X January III IV December II October I August June May April March February January XI XII December V VI VII VIII IX X October III IV November YEAR III II September July I August June May 1st quart. 2nd quart. 3rd quart. April March November February September January XI XII December V VI VII VIII IX X October III IV July ACTIONS YEAR II II August YEAR I I 5th quart. 6th quart. 7th quart. 8th quart. 9th quart. 10th quart. 11th quart. 12th quart. Exhibition Press Conference Banquet VIP Seminar in Hanoi European Food Festival Public Relations WWW actions Informational meetings Advertising campaign In case of United States a different set of activities have been chosen. Due to the way the US market works activities will be focused around three different events. First of them would be a set of different events in Chicago, which due to its ethnical diversification is a big European 252 products consumer. Chicago activities will consist of press lunch for journalists, seminar for professionals and individual informational meetings. Second event will be connected with IDDBA – Dairy Deli Bake Exhibition. This activity will consist of building an exhibition stand during the fairs, holding a degustation for professionals organized along with IDDBA, meetings with journalists and individual meetings with professionals. The 3rd and last event would be participation in MICA’s Congress, which apart from participation in the congress itself also includes preparing meetings with journalists and professionals. Apart from this campaign’s design also includes a sponsoring of a popular cooking show – “Mike Colameco Real Food”, which apart from placing 15 seconds sponsoring shots during the show (presenting all the branding and info regarding the campaign) would also include preparing two episodes of the show in Poland, which would focus on high quality of European meat and the tradition of its production. As in case of Asia, all these activities and events will be also supported by a press campaign held in 2 branch magazines, and a banner ad campaign placed on MICA’s website. Below you’ll find a schedule for all the actions planed in USA. 4th quat. November May June September April July March XI XII January V VI VII VIII IX X February III IV December II October I August May June April March January February XI XII December V VI VII VIII IX X October III IV November YEAR III II September July I August June May 1st quart. 2nd quart. 3rd quart. April March November January September February XI XII December V VI VII VIII IX X October III IV July ACTIONS YEAR II II August YEAR I I 5th quart. 6th quart. 7th quart. 8th quart. 9th quart. 10th quart. 11th quart. 12th quart. Chicago IDDBA MICA Public Relations WWW actions Advertising campaign Banner campaign Colameco There is also a special category of activities, called “shared”, which would be targeted for all the markets together on same platform. Main such an activity is campaign’s www site, which would be the main communication platform for all three markets. Frequently updated site will hold information regarding the campaign itself as well as the local meat markets. The 2nd main part of the shared category are Study Tours, which will be organized in 2 stages, 1st for the USA, than for both Asian countries. In both cases groups of representatives from target groups A and B, would be visiting Poland, where during their stay they would be taking place in seminars and study tours in Meat plants, which will allow them to get familiar with the high production and breed standard of European meat facilities. Of course a special set of publications and gadgets will also be produced for all the markets. As in case of any materials of the campaign they will be specially branded. Publications would be consisting of special culinary book and branch catalog, as well as folders and campaign’s letterhead. In case of gadgets that would be i.a. special calendars, magnets with small notepads, key rings, pens, t-shirts, linen bags, usb sticks and aprons. 253 Below you’ll find a schedule for all shared activities. 4th quat. November May June September April July March XI XII January V VI VII VIII IX X February III IV December II October I August May June April March January February XI XII December V VI VII VIII IX X October III IV November YEAR III II September July I August June May 1st quart. 2nd quart. 3rd quart. April March November January September February XI XII December V VI VII VIII IX X October III IV July ACTIONS YEAR II II August YEAR I I 5th quart. 6th quart. 7th quart. 8th quart. 9th quart. 10th quart. 11th quart. 12th quart. Creation Preparing information materi. Chefs Preparing the www site WWW site's work Study Tour Anticipated impact: Expected inflows are coherent with objectives set by the campaign, meaning increase of export of EU-27 in the three years of the campaign: 1. To South Korea: – pig meat by around 8%, that is in value by around 36 mio EUR - for beef and the processed meat: by 3%. 2. To Vietnam: – of pig meat by around 5%, that is in value by around 95.000 EUR. - of beef and the processed meat: by 3%. 3. To USA – for the pig meat by 5%, that is in value by around 6,5 mio EUR - for the processed meat: by 4%. Only processed beef will be promoted in the US market. Moreover, building a positive image of European meat and meat based products among target group A (professionals) and B (journalists and opinion leaders) is another key objective – it is aimed to obtain a positive perception of European meat among 50% of the controlled target groups' samples. Evaluation method Campaign will be evaluated through an analysis of a given set of data, acquired during proceeding with mentioned above activities. These are: - trade flows: statistical data from Eurostat and the Polish National Statistic Office, as well as direct sectoral information, government institutions, analysis of information posted in local media, quarterly information on exports from the Polsih Ministry of Economy; - exhibitions: results of surveys filled on the stand itself and in the whole exhibition hall, data regarding amounts of distributed materials and any press releases regarding campaigns stand or campaign itself obtained thanks to the participation in the exhibitions. - www page: sets of data acquired through page view statistics obtained during the whole campaign. - PR activities: media monitoring reports and acquired on a given market. - study Tours: results of surveys made among the participants, both before and after the study tours, list of guests and their declamations. 254 Data and analysis will be backed up by sets of photos made during the events, also presenting all the materials produced for the campaign. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATES General interest of the programme: 26,2 / 30 Quality of the programme: 29,4 / 40 European dimension: Cost/efficiency: 8,4 / 10 10,4 / 20 255 Budget by action : Country € Actions Coherent creative line WWW Page Publications Study Tour Information materials Chefs SUM Advertising campaign Exhibitions Press conference Banquets / Seminars Information meetings Public Relations SUM Advertising campaign Exhibitions Press conference Seminar in Hanoi VIP Banquet Information meetings European Food Festival Public Relations SUM Advertising campaign Chicago IDDBA MICA TV Sponsoring Public Relations SUM Shared South Korea Vietnam USA TOTAL COST OF ACTIONS Guarantee's cost for order's proper execution Campaign's effectiveness research Fee - 13% SUM OF DIRECT COSTS Proposing Organization's costs - 4% TOTAL BUDGET NET YEAR I YEAR II YEAR III Net cost Net cost Net cost SUM € 28 488,00 € 11 988,00 € 11 988,00 € 52 464,00 € 78 260,00 € 49 060,00 € 49 060,00 € 176 380,00 € 263 340,00 € 206 110,00 € 206 110,00 € 675 560,00 € 57 280,00 € 81 440,00 € € 138 720,00 € 70 570,00 € 14 100,00 € 14 100,00 € 98 770,00 € 50 000,00 € 50 000,00 € 50 000,00 € 150 000,00 € 547 938,00 € 412 698,00 € 331 258,00 € 1 291 894,00 € 134 800,00 € 118 200,00 € 134 800,00 € 387 800,00 € 120 700,00 € 120 700,00 € 120 700,00 € 362 100,00 € 26 180,00 € 26 080,00 € 26 080,00 € 78 340,00 € 39 350,00 € 39 350,00 € 39 350,00 € 118 050,00 - € 8 300,00 € 8 300,00 € 8 300,00 € 24 900,00 € 52 670,00 € 52 670,00 € 52 670,00 € 158 010,00 € 382 000,00 € 365 300,00 € 381 900,00 € - € 89 750,00 € 50 750,00 € 140 500,00 € - € 92 380,00 € 92 380,00 € 184 760,00 € 100,00 € 16 066,00 € 16 066,00 € 32 232,00 € 51 200,00 € € 51 200,00 24 300,00 € 48 600,00 12 500,00 € - € 24 300,00 € - € 1 129 200,00 € - € - € 6 250,00 € 6 250,00 € € - € 13 900,00 € 13 900,00 € 27 800,00 € 44 070,00 € 44 070,00 € 44 070,00 € 132 210,00 € 95 370,00 € 286 716,00 € 247 716,00 € 629 802,00 € 105 000,00 € 151 800,00 € 134 800,00 € 391 600,00 € 70 610,00 € € - € € € - 108 340,00 € 147 620,00 € - € - € 70 610,00 € - € 108 340,00 € 97 020,00 62 270,00 € - € 53 770,00 € 53 770,00 € 53 770,00 € 377 000,00 € 410 930,00 € 250 840,00 € 62 270,00 € 244 640,00 € 161 310,00 € 1 038 770,00 YEAR I YEAR II YEAR III SUM € 1 402 308,00 € 1 475 644,00 € 1 211 714,00 € 4 089 666,00 € € € € 28 000,00 28 000,00 - - € 42 069,24 € 44 269,32 € 36 351,42 € 122 689,98 € 182 300,04 € 191 833,72 € 157 522,82 € 531 656,58 € 1 654 677,28 € 1 711 747,04 € 1 405 588,24 € 4 772 012,56 € € € € 66 187,09 € 1 720 864,37 68 469,88 € 1 780 216,92 56 223,53 € 1 461 811,77 190 880,50 € 4 962 893,06 Co-financing plan : € YEAR I Co-financing EU Poland UPEMI SUM YEAR II YEAR III SUM % € 860 432,19 € 890 108,46 € 730 905,89 € 2 481 446,54 50% € 516 259,31 € 534 065,08 € 438 543,53 € 1 488 867,92 30% € 344 172,87 € 356 043,38 € 292 362,35 € 992 578,60 20% € 4 962 893,06 100% € 1 720 864,37 € 1 780 216,92 € 1 461 811,77 256 Following the reply from the Polish authorities to a letter of remarks, the final values of the budget in the programme are these: Country Actions Coherent creative line WWW Page Publications Study Tour Information materials Chefs SUM Advertising campaign Exhibitions Press conference Banquets / Seminars Information meetings Public Relations SUM Advertising campaign Exhibitions Press conference Seminar in Hanoi VIP Banquet Information meetings European Food Festival Public Relations SUM Advertising campaign Chicago IDDBA MICA TV Sponsoring Public Relations SUM Shared South Korea Vietnam USA TOTAL COST OF ACTIONS Guarantee's cost for order's proper execution Campaign's effectiveness research Fee - 13% SUM OF DIRECT COSTS Proposing Organization's costs - 4% TOTAL BUDGET NET YEAR I Co-financing EU Poland UPEMI SUM YEAR I YEAR II YEAR III Net cost Net cost Net cost € 28 488,00 € 11 988,00 11 988,00 € 52 464,00 € 78 260,00 € 49 060,00 € 49 060,00 € 176 380,00 € 263 340,00 € 206 110,00 € 206 110,00 € 675 560,00 € 57 280,00 € 81 440,00 € € 138 720,00 € 70 570,00 € 14 100,00 € 14 100,00 € 98 770,00 € 145 000,00 - € 45 000,00 € 50 000,00 € 50 000,00 € 542 938,00 € 412 698,00 € 331 258,00 € 1 286 894,00 € 134 800,00 € 118 200,00 € 134 800,00 € 387 800,00 € 120 700,00 € 120 700,00 € 120 700,00 € 362 100,00 € 26 180,00 € 26 080,00 € 26 080,00 € 78 340,00 € 39 350,00 € 39 350,00 € 39 350,00 € 118 050,00 € 8 300,00 € 8 300,00 € 8 300,00 € 24 900,00 € 52 670,00 € 52 670,00 € 52 670,00 € 158 010,00 € 382 000,00 € 365 300,00 € 381 900,00 € 1 129 200,00 € - € 89 750,00 € 50 750,00 € 140 500,00 € - € 92 380,00 € 92 380,00 € 184 760,00 € 100,00 € 16 066,00 € 16 066,00 € 32 232,00 € 51 200,00 € € 51 200,00 - € - € - € 24 300,00 € 24 300,00 € 48 600,00 € - € 6 250,00 € 6 250,00 € 12 500,00 € - € 13 900,00 € 13 900,00 € 27 800,00 44 070,00 € 44 070,00 € 44 070,00 € 132 210,00 € € 95 370,00 € 286 716,00 € 247 716,00 € 629 802,00 € 105 000,00 € 151 800,00 € 134 800,00 € 391 600,00 € 70 610,00 € - € 70 610,00 - € 108 340,00 € - € € - € € 147 620,00 € - € 108 340,00 - € € 97 020,00 62 270,00 € - € 53 770,00 € 53 770,00 € 53 770,00 € 377 000,00 € 410 930,00 € 250 840,00 € 62 270,00 € 244 640,00 € 161 310,00 € 1 038 770,00 YEAR I YEAR II YEAR III SUM € 1 397 308,00 € 1 475 644,00 € 1 211 714,00 € 4 084 666,00 € 28 000,00 € € € 28 000,00 € 41 919,24 € 44 269,32 € 36 351,42 € 122 539,98 € 181 650,04 € 191 833,72 € 157 522,82 € 531 006,58 - - € 1 648 877,28 € 1 711 747,04 € 1 405 588,24 € 4 766 212,56 € € € € 65 955,09 € 1 714 832,37 YEAR II 68 469,88 € 1 780 216,92 YEAR III % 50% 438 543,53 € 1 487 058,32 30% 292 362,36 € 991 372,21 20% € 4 956 861,06 100% € 890 108,46 € 730 905,88 € 514 449,71 € 534 065,08 € € 342 966,47 € 356 043,38 € € 1 461 811,77 257 190 648,50 € 4 956 861,06 SUM 857 416,19 € 1 780 216,92 56 223,53 € 1 461 811,77 € 2 478 430,53 € € 1 714 832,37 € SUM RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: In application of Article 7(1) of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Member States concerned shall examine the suitability of proposals for programmes and shall verify their conformity with the said Regulation, the guidelines drawn up and the relevant specifications. They shall also check that the programme offers value for money. In application of Article 8(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, the programmes submitted shall contain sufficient detail to comply with the applicable rules and enable their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. In application of Article 9(2) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008, the Member States shall check programmes aimed at third countries among others against the following criteria: consistency between the strategies proposed and the objectives set, the quality of the proposed measures and their likely impact in increasing demand for the products concerned. In application of Article 16(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, the member States shall use the model contracts provided by the Commission. In application of Article 19(1) of Regulation 501/2008 an annual report must contain an evaluation of the results obtained. However: 1. The goal 2 (p.71) of achieving "positive connotations about European meat products among 50% of the tested population" needs clarification: the starting level of positive connotations in these target groups is not indicated, and it is not impossible that many of the presented aspects are already now recognized by more than 50% of the tested target groups; what should be measured is an increase of awareness about positive connotations from a starting point assessed by convincing existing information, or by a pre-test; this awareness improvement should be measured through by a clearly stated percentage increase; please improve accordingly the objective's indicator and adjust accordingly the evaluation method for the new way of result's measurement; 2. On p. 203-205 the evaluation method doesn't provide the size of the tested samples in order to assess the increase of positive connotations, please provide these numbers, and provide an assurance that the observation made will be enough to draw statistically relevant conclusions; 100 observations is deemed too little for drawing such conclusions if it is a single unit of measurement; moreover it is not clear in which way the check of the improved connotations would take place, please provide examples of questions to be used in the surveys and the way the improvement would be quantified to assess the achievement of the percentage objective mentioned above; finally, concerning the increase of (EU-27) sales to be achieved by the programme, the evaluation method should focus more on the measurement of the EU-27 meat trade flows and not just the ones from Poland – which other resources than Eurostat could be used for this purpose?; 3. Although some relevant information is already provided, please specify further (p. 70-71) in values (EUR) the expected impact of the programme on exported quantities in these particular trade directions: increase to South Korea for beef and the processed meat by 3%, increase to Vietnam of beef and the processed meat by 3%, and finally increase to the US market for the processed meat by 4%. Moreover provide additional information in the market studies about the exports (quantities and values) of processed meat to these destinations (only information on some exported quantities is given for the US market on p. 54-55 and it is not clear what are the overall EU-27 levels, in quantities and values). 258 4. Given the past EU exports value of beef to Vietnam (more than double in 2009 against 2011), please explain if the objective of a mere 5% increase in sales in this promising market is on a sufficient level (p. 67) – please note in this context that the assumed increase in the previous programme was of 500%. Moreover: 5. On p. 107-108 the events (especially their length in days and hours) in which the cooks will be working have to be provided – events have different durations, hence it is not realistic to assume that their cost will always be 5.000 EUR per unit of service; 6. On p. 110 it is not clear why the years I and II for the action are always 2014, and who the "speakers" ("prelegenci") would be as their precise background is missing (please note that representatives of the Proposing Organisation cannot be remunerated in the budget of the actions, only the 4% overheads can cover their costs); moreover the length of the study tours should be defined more precisely – if it is assumed that it's possible that a tour lasts 7 days, what would be the whole programme?, the proposal only describes a 5-day long tour – every day of the tour has to have a clear purpose and description, and in general it is not acceptable to assume a varying length of the events to be organized in the programme; finally, the description of day 5 has to be developed much more (length of tasting, venues for tastings and presentations etc.). Please provide also a separate budget for each day of the tour, as the summary budget on p.116 leaves uncertainty as to which costs are related to which day, and explain in detail what the "remuneration of the agency" is ("wynagrodzenie agencji"). Please note that the remuneration of the Implementing Body is foreseen in the 13% fee and no other unjustified fees are allowed. 7. On p. 126 and 150 the background of the "branch experts" as well as of the "speakers" on p. 130 has to be provided (please see in particular the above remark concerning representatives of the Proposing Organisation); 8. On p. 118, 144 and 173 the expected page of the advert should be foreseen so as to justify the value for money of the action; 9. On p. 136, 159, 163 the costs foreseen for a non-defined "local agency" (are these the agencies from p. 41-42?) have to be better justified, broken down and if necessary reduced – it is possible to foresee special additional costs for the Implementing Body but in strict accordance with the provisions of the Annex III, point B 2 ("accommodation and living expenses") of the standard contract 10. On p. 182 the costs of "purchase of meat for tastings for journalists prepared by cooks" is repeated twice (once with the same name "purchase" of the sub-action, once with the name "catering") – please adjust or remove a part of these costs, same type of remark on p. 187 and 193 where also the purchase of foodstuffs is made three times for the action according to the current degree of description; 11. On p. 182 - the three costs of "coordination" (for 4.500, 7.500 and 4.000 EUR) have to be better justified, broken down and if necessary reduced; same type of remark on p. 187, 193 and 197 (last two items "remuneration"); is the mentioned "agency" the one presented on p.43? 12. Please confirm that meat products for all tastings in the programme will be purchased at factory prices; 13. Please give a better justification of the quantities of promotional materials to be used in the programme (p. 103), by providing the planned quantities of each material to be handed out in the other actions of the programme; a simple distribution across the target markets is not enough; 259 14. In the English Identification Sheet the following elements are different than in the main proposal in Polish, adjust them: target groups, description of the evaluation method, themes, messages to be conveyed; 15. On p. 68 there is clearly a mistake concerning the level of the value of French exports to Vietnam – please adjust. Programme eligible: Yes/No First observations to be communicated to MS: The programme can be accepted. OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: good/average/poor Yes (multi country programme) Impact forecast and assessment' methods yes Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: good/average/poor 74,4 Priority awarded by MS: 1/1 External consultant’s opinion: no CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : The programme can be accepted provided that all the above observations are taken into account and a clarification is provided to the questions made by the Commission services concerning various points of the programme, indicated above. Failure to provide satisfactory explanations or information to all the above listed remarks will result in not retaining the proposal because it will be in breach of the articles of the Regulations 3/2008 and 501/2008 presented right before the Commission's remarks. The Proposing Organisation has provided all required clarifications. (communication of 6/2/2013). Recommendation(s) : - To be accepted - To be accepted provided that the above observations are taken into account - To be rejected 260