welcome to the latest newsletter from the glenelg north community
welcome to the latest newsletter from the glenelg north community
HEALTHY CHICKEN & VEGETABLE SAUSAGE ROLLS INGREDIENTS • • • • • • • • • • • 1 cup (70g) fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs 500g chicken breast mince 1 egg, plus 1 extra lightly beaten egg 1 zucchini, finely grated 1 carrot, finely grated 1/2 onion, grated 1/4 cup chopped coriander leaves 1/4 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley leaves 4 sheets frozen puff pastry, just thawed 1 tablespoon sesame seeds Tomato or sweet chilli or sauce, to serve Cut rolls into 3cm pieces and cut two small incisions into each roll to Preheat the oven to 200°C and line prevent splitting. 2 baking trays with baking paper. Place on baking sheets, cover and Process crumbs, chicken and chill for 30 minutes. unbeaten egg in a food processor Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle until well combined. with sesame seeds. Place in a bowl, mix well with vegetables and herbs, then season Bake for 25-30 minutes until the rolls are lightly browned and well. cooked through. Serve with sauce. Place 1 pastry sheet on a floured surface and halve. Spoon an eighth of the mixture lengthways along centre of each piece. METHOD Fold 1 edge of pastry over and tuck in besides filling, then fold over other side to make a roll, pressing down lightly to seal. Repeat with remaining pastry and filling. Program. 18 April to 29 April 2016 Please visit: www.holdfast.sa.gov.au/playatthebay for more information. Contact Details GLENELG NORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Kibby Reserve, Alison Street Glenelg North Phone: 8293 1313 Email: gncc@adam.com.au Hall for hire. Conditions apply. Quote… Put your plans in sand and your goals in concrete GLENELGNORTH EDITION 02 MAY We hope you enjoy reading about the exciting activities and community information in our area. Courtesy of delicious magazine South Australia’s History Festival 1-31 May 2016 Program booklets are available at libraries, visitor centres, councils and all participating venues. More Information: P (08) 8203 9888 History SA E historyfestival@history.sa.gov.au www.historyfestival.sa.gov.au WEEK AT A GLANCE… Take a look at the activities program on offer at the Glenelg North Community Centre The Glenelg North Community Centre is a busy hub of activities run by dedicated volunteers and is well supported by members of the community. DID YOU KNOW… The Glenelg North Community Centre is a supporter of Work For The Dole. GLENELG BRASS BAND NEWS SAVE THE DATE…COMMUNITY EVENTS & ACTIVITIES APRIL Play At The Bay – April School Holiday WELCOME TO THE LATEST NEWSLETTER FROM THE GLENELG NORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE! EDITION 02 On 24 April 2016, the Glenelg Brass Band will be involved in playing for the Robertson Avenue, Morphett Vale RSL Anzac Service for the 89th time. The Glenelg Brass Band will be marching in the ANZAC March on 25 April 2016 and are being joined by the Holdfast Bay Concert Band and a group of High School musicians. The winter concerts will commence on Sunday 1 May 2016, 2.30pm to 4.00pm at the St. Andrews Uniting Church, Jetty Road Glenelg. The concerts will feature retired Radio Announcer and Musician, Mr. Barry Hall, as a guest artist. Barry is a regular organist at the Capri Theatre on Goodwood Road, Goodwood. This is a FREE concert however donations are appreciated, which are shared between the Uniting Church and the band. Dates for the Glenelg Brass Band winter concerts at St. Andrews Uniting Church at 2:30pm are: • Sunday 1 May 2016 • Sunday 3 July 2016 • Sunday 11 September 2016 The Glenelg Brass Band would like to thank the City of Holdfast Bay for a Community Donation enabling the band to purchase a new Flugel Horn. The instrument was presented to the Band by Mr Stephen Patterson, Mayor of the City, at the Christmas Concert to the Glenelg Brass Band President Mr. John Pannell. The Band is seeking additional players of brass instruments or percussion. There is no joining or membership fees and players are loaned an instrument and provided with a uniform. New players and learners are welcome as we have a training officer to help prepare learners and new players – especially those who may have not played for quite some time. SAVE Concert 2016…. THE DATE…Christmas Sunday 4 December Work for the Dole places job seekers in activities where they can gain skills and experience that give back to the community and can help them find a job. The Glenelg North Community Centre has helped a participant back into fulltime employment, with another returning to TAFE where they will be in a good position to find fulltime or at least parttime employment in a field they love. The Glenelg North Community Centre is currently planning an initiative with Work For The Dole to undertake significant electronics project that would provide training for up to 50 people for 4 days each week. More to come… Glenelg North Community Cente Kibby Reserve, Alison Street, Glenelg North Phone: 8293 1313 WEEK AT A GLANCE… THE FITNESS TEMPLE – THE JUNGLE BODY DANCE FITNESS CLASS LITTLE KICKERS SOCCER SESSIONS Little Kickers has been running sessions at Glenelg North Community Centre since October 2014. They run two 45 minute sessions for 18 month – 4 year olds on Tuesday mornings from 9.15am. Monday Legacy (1st Monday monthly) 9.00am – 1.00pm Good Time Entertainers 10.30am – 1.30pm Pilates and Yoga Classes (recommencingin May 2016) 6.00pm – 8.15pm Line Dancing of SA 6.30pm – 10.00pm Community Garden (2nd Monday monthly) 7.00pm – 9.30pm Tuesday Little Kickers Soccer Irish Dancing Samara Yoga Wednesday Little Kickers have indoors sessions all year round, removing the distractions of outdoors and have fans and an air conditioner inside to keep the kids cool through the summer months. On 5 March 2016, The Fitness Temple launched “The Jungle Body” dance fitness class (Konga) at the Glenelg North Community Centre on Saturday mornings between 8.45am to 9.45am. Through fun, play-based activities and drills, children acquire simple learning concepts like colour and numbers while fine-tuning their basic balance, agility and coordination. Soccer skills are taught alongside life and social skills of listening, sharing, taking turns and teamwork. For more information or to secure your spot, contact Nadia Boffa 0402 289 870 Organic Markets Irish Dancing Samara Yoga Love 2b Active (Seniors) Theatre Bugs KONGA is an easy-to-follow, high intensity fusion of Boxing, Cardio, Dance and Sculpting set to the hottest beats from all decades. Whether you are super fit or totally uncoordinated, Konga is for you! With fresh choreography, new technique & the latest music every month you will never hit a plateau or get bored! Thursday Friday WHAT IS KONGA Konga is a fierce & wild workout designed to shape, sculpt & redefine your physique while injecting your body with an endorphin overload. Expect to squat, burpee, sprint and sweat like crazy while some big tunes transport you to your happy place. Love 2b Active Canasta Club Theatre Bugs Glenelg Brass Band Training Glenelg Brass Band Saturday Come and join Coach Angela and Coach Kelly for some fun, active, imaginative play each Tuesday and get them into sport as young as possible! Little Kickers offer a free trial session any week: email glenelg@littlekickers.com.au or phone 8449 9064 to book. The Fitness Temple Organic Markets (first Saturday of the month) Australian Girls’ Choir Living Church of God Beyond Sunset Group Sunday African Drumming 9.15am – 11.30am 4.00pm – 9.30pm 6.30pm – 7.30pm 9.00am – 10.00am 10.00am – 2.30pm 10.00am – 12.15am 6.30pm – 8.00pm 7.30pm – 10.30pm 9.00am – 1.00pm 4.30pm – 9.30pm 6.30pm – 7.30pm 10.00am – 11.00am 4.00pm – 7.15pm 8.45am – 9.45am 8.00am – 11.00am 9.00am – 12.00pm 12.00pm – 5.30pm 7.00pm – 11.00pm 6.00pm – 9.00pm CANASTA CLUB The Canasta Club meets every Wednesday from 10:00am to 2:30pm with a 30minute break for lunch. Tea, Coffee and Biscuits are available. So much more than just soccer… Balance, coordination, numeracy, listening, health, sharing, confidence, agility, fitness, dexterity, friendship, awareness, values, kindness, respect, independence, enjoyment, challenging, support, rewarding, language, motivation, teamwork and… fun The Canasta Club is a very relaxed social group who have met weekly for over 20 years. Some players stay all day, others for only 2 hours. First visit is free. All welcome including learners. For more information contact Doreen 8294 5850 or Bronwyn 0417 102 389. LET’S EAT! Would you be interested in attending a community dinner and meeting community members living in your local area? We are running a community meal trial at the Glenelg North Community Centre once a month on a Wednesday, for the months of April and May 2016. You will be able purchase a three course dinner for $10 and meet some new people from your local community. Dates: • 5.30 - 7.00pm Wednesday 13 April 2016 • 5.30 - 7.00pm Wednesday 11 May 2016 To register your interest, please contact the City of Holdfast Bay on 8229 9999. COMMUNITY AND NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRES WEEK 2016 9 May – 15 May 2016 Community and Neighbourhood Centres Week provides a great opportunity for your local centres to showcase their great work and extend the reach to those in the community who may not yet be aware of what the Centres has to offer. This year the theme is: Grow Together, Eat Together. www.communitycentressa.asn.au/ capacitybuliding/community-andneighbourhood-centres-week-2016 Other Community news… HOLDFAST BAY COMMUNITY CENTRE Aikido for Kids and Adults – come and try a traditional Japanese martial art! Aiki Shuren Dojo offers both quality technical instructions and the space and freedom for students to realise their own potential. Head instructor, Michael Costello, teaches authentic Iwama style Aikido, which includes joint locks and throwing, as well as weapons techniques with the Japanese sword and staff. Kids Aikido – the ‘Aiki Ninjas’ - improves self-confidence, improves coordination and mobility, and fosters discipline and respect…and it’s fun! Our kids learn how to move efficiently, and practice defensive movements that emphasise moving into a position of safety. ANZAC DAY SERVICES Monday 25 April 2016 Glenelg The official parade for all veterans and service personnel commences at 5.45am proceeding south along Colley Terrace turning westward into Moseley Square and concludes in front of the memorial. The Dawn Service will be held from 6.00am – 6.45am Breakfast will be served by the Salvation Army after the service for a gold coin donation. All members of the public and participants are invited to attend. Contact: Paul Tyson, Email: paultyson@optusnet.com.au, Mobile: 0409 170 237 Brighton Benefits of Aikido • • • • Get fit and stay in shape Learn a dynamic and effective martial art Become strong in heart, mind, and body. On April 30, the club will be running an all-day seminar, with special guest Simon Harris (5th dan Iwama Ryu) from Aiki Shuren Dojo Melbourne. It will be a great day of traditional practice and positive energy! Visitors are most welcome to participate or watch. Aiki Shuren Dojo is based at theHoldfast Bay Community Centre, with classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For more information, please contact Michael on 0407 770 894 or go to www.IwamaAikidoAdelaide.com.au . The march will commence at 5.50am proceeding down Jetty Road to the Arch of remembrance, Jetty Road, Brighton The Dawn Service will be held at 6.00am and conclude at about 6.30am. Following the Dawn Service, the Brighton RSL will host a “gunfire” breakfast for a gold coin donation at the RSL clubrooms - Keelara Street Brighton; entrance behind the Brighton Civic Centre. All members of the public and participants are invited to attend. Contact: Brighton RSL Sub-Branch, Rod Murray, Email: rodmurray45@gmail.com, Mobile: 0401 122 336 ORGANIC CORNER STORE MARKET AND CAFÉ THE DRUM CIRCLE DJEMBE DRUMMING CLASSES Now open monthly on a Saturday… Enjoy creating cool, West African rhythms in this lively Djembe drumming group class. For fun or fitness, the classes can be enjoyed by adults of all ages. Learn all parts of these fascinating rhythms, even on Dunduns (or Bass drums). Located at the Glenelg North Community Centre, the Organic Corner Store Market and Café offer organic ethically grown or manufactured local produce and products. Open every Thursday from 9.00am1.00pm, as well as the first Saturday of the month from 8.00am –11.00am. Pop in to shop, stay for the morning…peruse the eclectic stalls with a hot coffee or ice cold smoothie in your hand whilst grabbing some fresh produce along the way. You can be sure that you will leave with a smile on your face and a bag of goodies tucked under your arm. Stalls include organic produce, organic seeds, nuts, dried fruit and groceries, organic beer, wine and cider, honey, meat, bread, seafood, essential oils, natural skin care, mineral make up, Himalayan salt lamps, gluten free snacks and groceries, natural cleaning products, homeopathic drops, hand crafted gifts, clothing, homewares and jewellery, seeds and seedlings, plants and gardening tips. With a playground for the children, plenty of off street parking, cooking demonstrations and tidbits of info to inspire your own cooking adventures, this community market offers something for everyone. Entry is free. Suitable for all ages. Dutch-born drummer, Frans Kat has had a long standing involvement with a variety of drumming styles, but since 2007 has concentrated on West African Djembe rhythms. He is a patient instructor and a capable communicator with a real passion for drumming. He has played with a number of African Dance Drumming groups and is currently a regular performer throughout South Australia with Drum and Dance Company, "Sun of Africa". Classes held weekly at Glenelg North Community Centre. Bookings are essential. Casual attendance available or you can save by paying for a block of 6 classes (price on application). You are welcome to attend for a one-off try. Djembes available for sale or hire. For more information, contact Frans Kat 8376 4726 or 0407 875 183 GLENELG NORTH COMMUNITY GARDEN Slow Food… On Saturday 27 February 2016, The Glenelg North Community Garden together with Slow Food South Australia and the United National Association of Australia (SA Division) hosted “A Day in the Veggie Garden” Thriving… The Community Garden at Kibby Avenue is now in its third year and the fruit trees lining the fences are starting to show their strength. There are about 30 raised plots, some are leased to members and some are ‘Member General’ plots for everyone to plant in and look after. New Members… The Community Garden welcomes everybody who has interest in growing food. Most importantly, they are a social bunch, who likes to chat and drink tea and coffee and talk about food producing, cooking and preserving. The main days are Thursdays and Saturday mornings from about 9.00am-1.00pm. Come along and see if you like their jokes! Swap and Share… The day included guided walks through the garden, informative talks and even picking produce for a delicious shared lunch. To embrace the 2016 International Year of Pulses, the shared lunch represented the way pulses are used in different cultures including homemade hummus, a Middle Eastern dish of crushed Puy lentils with tahini and lime, Mediterranean lupini beans, chickpea burgers, salads using fresh produce from the community garden and more. Public Event… The next event open to the public is a presentation on vinegar…yes, vinegar! What a valuable tasty product so often taken for granted. Tim Mortimer of Black Stump Wines will give the inside story about the flavours and the uses of vinegar When: Saturday 16 April 2016 at 12.00pm Where: The Community Gardens at the rear of the Glenelg North Community Centre RSVP: Yes please, then we have idea of numbers Cost: $5.00 for non-members, pay on the day. (Gold coin for those having trouble making ends meet) Thank you to all who attended this wonderful informative day. GLENELG NORTH EDITION 02 Bring along a few nibbles to share. Tea and coffee provided. HEALTH TIP: HEART HEALTH The members operate ‘Swap and Share’ every Thursday morning when the Organic Markets is running. No money changes hands and excess produce from the garden is available as part of this venture. People from the community are encouraged to drop off any surplus fruit and vegetables they may have that can be shared. So if your lemon tree is bountiful, bring some along for the unfortunate people who don’t have a lemon tree. Plant Sales… Once a fortnight, the Community Garden run a plant stall at the Thursday Organic Market and also at the monthly Organic Market on the first Saturday of the month. We have a selection of plants and seedling available for sale at very reasonable prices. The plants can also be purchased through the garden on Thursdays and Saturdays when members are present Contacts… Attention all Seniors! Do you want to lead an active lifestyle? Have you been looking for an exercise class that is not in a crowded gym, where there are no mirrors or shouting instructors and where the class has been specially designed for you? My name is Tania James and I am a qualified personal trainer. I have studied and attended a number of courses to specialise in the provision of fitness classes for Seniors. I pride myself on providing a safe, motivating & friendly environment for you to exercise and achieve your goal of an active lifestyle. The group fitness classes offered by love2bActive will benefit you in the following ways – • • • • • • Maintaining/strengthening bones Building muscle, prevent muscle wastage Improved Balance & Co-ordination Increased Flexibility Providing a social environment with likeminded people Greater energy levels New class commencing 4 March 2016 Fridays at 10.00am – Glenelg North Community Centre. Contact Tania on 0414 796 630 to reserve your place. First class is free! About Heart Disease Heart disease is the term for several diseases and conditions affecting the heart and circulatory system, such as heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, coronary heart disease and heart failure. Risk Factors Family history of heart disease, increasing age, high blood pressure, diabetes, being overweight or obese, smoking, having a poor diet, gender (men are at higher risk), high cholesterol, chronic stress and poor mental health. Warning Signs It doesn’t hurt to familiarise yourself with the warning signs of a heart attack or stroke. The most common signs of heart attack are chest pain, discomfort in the upper body and difficulty breathing. For a stroke, just think FAST: Face drooping; Arm weakness; Speech difficulty; Time to call 000. Prevention Although there are factors such as age, gender and genetics that we can’t control, the following are lifestyle factors that we can control in order to reduce the risk of heart disease: • • • • • • • Committee – General Information Michael Dwyer Phone: 0427 158 341 m.dwyer6@gmail.com Membership Enquiries Neville Dalton Phone: 0408 877 118 jndalton@optusnet.com.au • Be physically active Have a healthy and varied diet Maintain a healthy bodyweight Don’t smoke or use drugs Manage your mental health Manage stress levels Have regular appointments with your GP to check blood pressure, glucose (for diabetes) and cholesterol, as well as any other important checks you may be needing Become familiar of the warning signs of events such as heart attack and stroke.