Winter Expo 2012 Issue


Winter Expo 2012 Issue
H awaii ’s
Watch Inspiration on OC16
h u m a n i t y ’s j o u r n e y to we l l n e s s
8th Annual Kaua‘i Wellness Expo
February 11-12, 2012
Expo Speakers and Workshops Guide
Master Chungliang Al Huang
The Tao of
February 11 at 11:30 am
Personal Health
~ “Malama Kou Kino”
F r e e
W i n t e r
2 0 1 2
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Enter to Win a Trip to Las Vegas at the Kaua’i Wellness Expo
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8th Annual Inspiration
Kaua’i Wellness Expo
February 11-12, 2012
Kauai’s Health and Wellness Industry
comes together for weekend of
sharing and learning more about living
a healthy and balanced life.
Pain-free Yoga from Your Inner Core
is available NOW for purchase online
Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall, Lihue
e yo
erv pace
th s
boo day!
Registration forms
available at
For more information call:
(OAHU) (808) 923-2170
(Kauai) (808) 652-4328
County of Kauai, HTA, KHWA
ibit s
r 10
Ove lus Sp or all
30 p fun f
and ages
384 Pages • 200+ Photos & Illustrations
Book purchase includes a new YogAlign DVD
filmed on beautiful Kauai in full color
Ships in 24 to 48 hours after ordering
Kauai Yoga School Spring Teacher Training
200 Hour Yoga Alliance Approved
March 12 - April 20, 2012
Michaelle Edwards, ERYT, LMT,#3047 808-826-9230
Book, DVD’s, Workshops, Classes and Retreats
“Michaelle’s teaching offers inner and outer alignment in harmony with the
beautiful island of Kauai. A practice with mana and prana.” – Shiva Rea
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Kaua`i Ola Ka `Uhane
Kaua`i ~ The Spirit Lives
“Aloha is Hawaii’s gift to the world in the new millennium”
We Imagine Kaua`i Evolving
~ Pilahi Paki
Now, more than ever, we are challenged to the very core of our beings
to live fully from “our natural gift of Spirit ~ Spirit of the People, Spirit of
the Land, and the Spirit of Aloha,” honoring our Destiny to Live and Legacy
to Leave and activating our incredible God-given potential. To meet the
opportunities presented to us by quickened change, we will want to rely
on certain spiritual strengths within us all.
As a civilization, we have recently moved through the Agricultural,
Industrial, and now our maturing Information Age. We are in the midst
of a changing world, preparing for an emerging new world…paradigms
are shifting as we are now in transition. Ultimately, Kauai’s greatest
contribution of service is to become a community model, that moves
between the Information Age while catalyzing the emerging Age of
Consciousness, experienced and expressed, as the Human Conscious
Evolution. By living it Now, our lives and our children’s will be dramatically
Hildy Gottlieb, President of the Community-Driven Institute, in her
groundbreaking work “The Pollyanna Principles” focuses on the nonprofit community actualizing its highest potential to co-create the future
of our world. One of her principles states, “Each and every one of us
is creating the future, every day, whether we do so consciously or not...”
through our thoughts, words and actions. Before we consciously create
the future, however, we must learn to depend on our internal compass
- our ‘true north’, na`au, intuition and small still voice of Truth within. We are to listen to our internal guidance, trust our hearts and take action
on this awareness. Now, with intention, and joy we become Stewards of
Service, as we all live Aloha in Action.
When we choose with commitment to focus that God-given potential
and energy in the same direction as a community of people, we are
powerful beyond measure. As the Mayor says, “Together We Can.” We
become a beacon of light, living demonstration and global model of how to
live differently in our world, in the Spirit of Aloha.
Ho`omoe wai kahi ke kao`o
Let us travel like water in one direction
Olelo No`eau
Kaua`i presents an extraordinary opportunity for a community of
people to be and live their Purpose and co-create their Visions. People
balancing the needs of self and society in the bosom of our island’s natural
beauty and abundance are a glimpse into the future of our planet. We then
become a point of stability and a model for the world-at-large, molding a
more self-sustaining habitat and living our full potential…remembering,
minds need models.
What if, NOW, is a unique GIFT for all of us?
In the chaos that naturally comes with change we will make one of
two choices in how we respond: Fear or Faith. Under stress, anxiety
and bewilderment, we go on automatic pilot reflecting a Fear-based
scarcity reality, throwing us back to our old patterns, belief systems and
conditioning once created for survival. “If we do what we’ve always done,
we’ll get what we’ve always gotten.” Or, we can choose to take a Faith
and Love-based approach and move forward as one. The latter choice
allows for full engagement, positive manifestations and affirmations of
our journey together.
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Fear-based structures are shattering. The old small picture is dying,
and walls are crumbling. The emergence of the new bigger picture is
coming to the screen now. Each of us holds the key to the co-creation
for this emerging consciousness. Our courage, commitment and the
willingness to see with ‘new eyes’ allow this change to occur organically.
Community is ”Comm ~ Unity,”
the communication of Unity
These ideas are offered as an invitation to initiate a creative dialogue
and reflection on the possibility, indeed the probability, of realizing
the Truth of the Emerging Consciousness. This is not a plan. It is an
expression of conscious awareness, an exploration of a more expanded
picture of reality in which to be and live. As Kauaians, we will choose to
claim our heritage, responsibly take the lead and consciously commit to
co-create our Destiny and Legacy.
“Destiny is not a matter of chance
it is a matter of choice”
Exploring the Choice… “Why Kaua’i?”
Who? You, me, us, all Kauaians and Beloved Kaua’i.
Why? PURPOSE ~ GOD CALLS Kauai remembers
and responds, individually and as community.
What? VISION ~ “Co-creates Ultimate Aspirations
Imbued with Divine Inspiration”
Vision and Purpose are gifts of Spirit. Martin Luther King, Jr. said,
“I Have A Dream!” He did not say, “I have a plan.” Vision is a source
of vitality, excitement, and passion. It brings clarity and power. It has
the quality of magic. It turns the ‘ordinary’ into the ‘extraordinary.’ The inner eye of vision sees what is possible knowing “what,” without
knowing “how.” Vision is held as if it has already been achieved.
Individually, what each of us becomes in the process of achieving one’s
vision is equally as important as the vision itself.
Where? KAUA’I… our Garden Island of Aloha
Kaua`i is the most ancient of the islands, never conquered, remote,
located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean ~ “Ocean of Peace.” Our
island is rural, agricultural, a micro-cosmism of our macro-cosmism
world. We are a blend of indigenous people, along with our multicultural, multi-ethnic, a multi- religions, all contributing to our global
connections. Kaua`i is strong, powerful, feminine, spiritual, and
incredibly beautiful, some even say magical and mystical.
When? Now KAUA’I ~ The Spirit Lives
The Spirit living within us, the culture and the land embraces and
guides our island, state and global communities; bringing in the deep
feeling of Peace, Love and Unity.
How? Be in Service to God
Breathe, deeply and consciously, Pray, Meditate and know
Spirit is only a breath away
Be in the silence of your highest wisdom and truth listening
to the still small voice of God within
Be in nature, Remember who you are…and that the new
frontiers are internal ones
Be, Live and Love yourself, others and all of Life in the Now
Align mind, body and spirit with the Essence of Being that
you are, and choose to have all actions be a reflection
of that Truth
Health, Wellness, and Well-Being are valued by all
Embrace and honor your history, be at peace with it,
knowing it was Divinely placed in the creation of who we are
today…relax, allow more, be happy and follow your Heart
Enjoy Living in Grace, gratitude and appreciation of your real
life unfolding
Know and Experience the Perfection and Divinity of all of Life…
this includes You!
“Whatever we can do, or dream, we can . . . begin it
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”
At this momentous time, we accept the truth that we
have a Divine calling and responsibility to catalyze
and manifest this consciousness into our existing
reality. To actualize it. To bring it forth as…
“A Community of Consciousness
Co-Creating Heaven on Earth.”
Each Kauaian Joyfully Knows
All are included!
Co-created and offered by,
Barbara Curl, Kaua`i Aloha Foundation
Serving Humanity ~ Serving Community
Lori J. Miller, Kaua`i Hospice, Inc.
a special kind of caring
Envisioning the Pathways
Know and Experience the Unfolding
Flow of Conscious Awareness
Be still, and know that I am God Psalms 46:10
Be still and know
Be still... Be
Be and Live . . . our Destiny and Legacy experienced and expressed
through our “natural gift of Spirit ~ Spirit of the
People, Spirit of the Land, and Spirit of Aloha.”
. . . with Intention, Commitment and Joy, offering our
highest contribution of service, Aloha in Action, we
become Stewards of Service.
. . . as a Collective Community of Consciousness, we
acknowledge and appreciate the Light, Love,
Gratitude and Forgiveness in our hearts that unite
our Community in Aloha.
. . . so the Spirit-based Leaders that we are, allow our
Human and Divine Wills to merge, and we
contribute our “New Human Dimensionality” to the
Human Conscious Evolution.
. . . with the intention that we contribute, individually
and collectively, to the Age of Consciousness
. . . so that a Sacred New Reality then emerges, an
enhanced Sense of Place, within and without, an
internal island culture of Peace, Love and Unity that is
embraced by all.
. . . that a Sacred Sovereignty within the individual
becomes reality and prevails for all.
. . . with the purpose that we Birth a New Civilization,
Herald in the Golden Age, and Co-create Heaven
on Earth.
“Thy Kingdom Come
Thy Will Be Done On Earth
As It Is In Heaven”
In Grace, Gratitude and Service to God we offer
Our Destiny ~ Our Legacy
In Love and Unity, Kaua`i and Kauaians, honor our
“Destiny to Live” and “Legacy to Leave”,
through our natural gift of Spirit ~
Spirit of the People, Spirit of the Land and Spirit of Aloha,
offering our highest contribution of Service.
Aligned with the Essence of our Being,
“We are a Community of Consciousness
Co-Creating Heaven on Earth.”
Joining together we become a Beacon of Light,
Living Demonstration
and Global Model in the emerging Age of Consciousness.
Ushering in…The Sacred New Reality by
Birthing a New Civilization,
Heralding in the Golden Age, and Co-Creating Heaven on Earth.
We become Illumined Essences,
experiencing and expressing the
Infinite Sacred Divine Essence of Love.
The Essence of DIVINE LOVE is ONENESS,
in the stillness we join with all Consciousness,
in all realms….with all that is.
~ excerpt from a prayer first
uttered 2,000 years ago
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Healing from Rigid
to Inner Peace by Ruey Ryburn
Chaos is swirling around me.
But I’m just fine in its midst.
My hair is perfect; my clothes perfect.
I will survive. I will hold it together.
I don’t see, hear or know the darkness
Existing around, below, within me.
I am fine. Life is beautiful.
Everyone admires how perfect my life is.
I don’t see the toll this denial takes,
Mental body on overdrive,
Frozen inner core, outer rigid smile
in fixed or masked perfection.
Energy centers stuck and holding
Until the façade begins to crumble
Into sickness, divorce, lost job, and/or debtWhatever the drastic measures required
To crack the rigidity within.
I drop in terror into the emptiness, darkness, despair.
Flailing, trying to find the old armor, to not avail.
This crisis will not sweep under the carpet or go away
Without my grounded, centered attention.
So I breathe into the depths,
Sit in the dark night, week, months of my soul,
Dissolving the outer illusionary story,
Belief in having to look perfect
That kept me safe and blind before.
What sits in these dark interior spaces,
Awaiting my recognition?
Slowly, painfully I breathe into the depths,
Surrendering my will, my having to be/do it right
Unto the altar of the Divine within.
God, I don’t know anymore…
I don’t know who I am,
What I am to do,
Where I am to be,
Who I am to be with,
Where or what my work is to be done.
Slowly my spine twists, jerks, dissolves into the void.
The emptiness, the black velvet cave of un-manifest.
And slowly as I breathe in Father, Mother God,
Light begins to fill the emptiness, grief, and pain
That I’ve run from in this and so many other lifetimes.
Held by Creator’s grace,
I accept my imperfect, just as I am.
I stop, breathe, feel, and fill,
Sitting in the ocean of compassion,
Melting my being into the All,
Unity of the I Am.
This poem written by Ruey Ryburn
describes one pathway of healing learned at
Sacred Path Healing School (
The school in its 10th year fosters deep inner process while
developing spiritual energy healers in its 3 year program.
Private appointments are also available as well as a monthly low
cost clinic staffed by graduate apprentices.
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Aloha and Happy 2012!
The 8th Annual Kaua’i Wellness Expo
celebrates health and wellness for
everyone on February 11-12, 2012. This
year’s theme is Malama Kou Kino - Take
care of your body, representing the first
part of Kaua’i’s Health Vision: Malama
kou kino, e na ohana, e na aina - Take
care of yourself, your family and the land.
Keynote speaker Chungliang Al Huang
is a Tai Ji Master, founder and president of
the Living Tao Foundation. Chungliang
is a highly regarded authority of Tai Ji and
Taoism, a best-selling author of the classic
“Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain”
which has been translated into 14
To inspire, engage
languages and is now in its 35th year of
publication. Other popular titles include
and challenge
humanity to expand its “Essential Tai Ji”, “Quantum Soup” and
“The Chinese Book of Animal Powers.”
In response to the multi-trillion dollar
so that each individual wellness industry, the Kaua’i Wellness
may share his or her Expo promotes entrepreneurship and
Wellness Tourism on Kauai, appealing
highest contribution
to health, well-being, leisure and ecoof service to self and sustainability conscious travelers.
others for a joyful and
Join us for 13 extraordinary multicultural empowering workshops, an
balanced life.
Integrative Health Panel, 80 exhibitors,
30 speakers from Hawaii and worldwide.
Workshop speakers are highlighted throughout this Special Edition.
Visit our website for the complete Expo schedule.
This two-day event is scheduled in February, a good time to
firmly anchor those health and wellness New Year Resolutions set
in January.
Wishing you the best in 2012!
Our Mission:
Publisher Char Ravelo
Associate E.S. Adler
Editor Sally Wilson
Associate Editor Tammi Andersland,
Richard Diamond
Graphic Design Todd Johansen
Advertising Richard Diamond (Kauai)
Ganshet Nandoskar (Oahu)
Distribution Kauai - Tek Nickerson
Kona - Mark Ravelo
Maui- Kecia Joy
Oahu - Shani Wong
Our Philosophy: Inspiration is a reflection of the collective communities of Hawaii, the mainland and the
world. It is a vehicle for holistic healers, for health, natural living, social and environmental professionals
throughout Hawaii, to share their knowledge. We believe in cultivating an understanding of the body,
mind and spirit in an effort to encourage the exploration of inner peace, harmony and balance.
The Wellness Site
INSPIRATION is published quarterly and free for distribution. Subscriptions are $20 for 4 issues.Our
intention is to distribute information in an unbiased format and not lead anyone in a specificdirection
or endorse any product, thought or practice. INSPIRATION reserves the right to refuse any materials
that do not conform to our editorial guidelines. Advance permission is required to reprint any part of
INSPIRATION. All right reserved.
Send queries to: INSPIRATION,
P.O. Box 3211, Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii 96766,
(808) 652-4328 Tel
On the Web:
Copyright 2011 by Inspiration, a Journal Inc.
“Hawaii’s Largest Distributor of
Visitor Information Publications”
Kauai office 808-246-3837
w w w. h a w a i i s i n s p i r a t i o n . c o m
Kaua’i Wellness Expo Keynote Speaker
“Human follows the Way of the Earth
Earth, the Way of Heaven
Heaven, the Way of TAO
TAO follows the Way of NATURE”
---From the Tao Te Ching
Quantum Tai Chi Expo Workshop Sat, Feb 11th 1-3pm
Founder of the Living Tao Foundation and internationally
acclaimed Tai Ji master, Chungliang Al Huang is a man of diverse
talents. He is a best-selling author, a teacher, dancer, artist and architect.
He worked with the Dalai Lama, Sammy Davis Jr,
Bruce Lee, Joseph Campbell and Joan Baez. He has
been described as a sage for the modern age and a
master in the art of living and yet claims that he still
hasn’t decided what to do when he grows up. “I am
interested in everything,” he admits. “I’m a perpetual student of life. I
don’t want to be a professional, always a beginner.”
Huang is passionate about his work to bring together the teachings
of the East and the West that can help us navigate our way as global
citizens towards an uncertain future. “World wisdom is made up of
the understandings that cross culture and religions,” he explains. “It’s
those things that every wise and thoughtful person knows are the
truth. It’s nothing to do with east or west, it’s about crystallizing the
best of everything we know into a world cultural heritage and using it
to live in harmony”.
“We live in such a beautiful world and all of us in our hearts want to
live in harmony and peace, not in conflict,” continues Huang. “I think
all the thoughtful people in the world are looking for ways to honor
each other. We have to be able to respect others cultural heritages and
to know that in essence we’re all the same; we are all looking for ways
of being that are more tolerant, wiser and knowledgeable. In China we
don’t call things like Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism religions
like we do in the West. We don’t become a Buddhist or Taoist to limit
ourselves. We embrace the best from all of them as a life philosophy”.
Huang grew up with traditional Chinese philosophy, spending
his early years in the rural villages of China. His family fled after the
Japanese invasion and later had to leave mainland China for Taiwan
after the Communist Revolution. “The simple peasant life of China has
some wonderful qualities,” he remembers. “I grew up learning Tai Ji,
chanting Tang Dynasty poetry, Tao Te Ching and Confucian classics
and being immersed in a deep appreciation of nature. Many children
were not lucky enough to experience this at the time.”
He arrived in America as a young man to study architecture. “I
couldn’t wait to see the world,” he says. Soon after graduating he
became interested in the performing arts and while teaching dance at
the University of California, he realized the extent to which western
students were drawn to eastern philosophy and practice. “I taught Tai
Ji and meditation techniques to the dancers” he recalls. “At that time I
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had no idea that what I learned as a child would be of so much interest
to them.” During this time, a chance encounter with Alan Watts led to
a life-long career teaching at the Esalen Institute. Here he collaborated
with the likes of Joseph Campbell, Gregory Bateson, John Blofield and
Huston Smith, and wrote widely acclaimed books on Tai Ji and Tao,
including the best-selling Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain.
“Westerners are doers - we invent, we create, we do,” he continues.
“We’re good in science, technology and reasoning – look at all the
things we’ve done - but we’re missing the ability to step back and be
more reflective. We miss emotions, feelings, art and cultural riches.
We need to come back to family relationships, emotional intelligence
and learning from the earth. Asian countries have something to teach
us about finding these things and bringing them into balance. In
Asian teaching we believe you must begin with the individual. First
you must cultivate yourself and then you learn how to relate to other
human beings one to one: siblings, spouses, colleagues, bosses. If
you have harmony yourself, you can expand out to your family, then
community, then the world.”
“In the West if we have a goal, we aim our bullet at the target, we go
out to save the world. But in Asian philosophy the goal is inside. If you
don’t work from inside-out you are an off-centered person trying to do
good and making things worse. But if you are centered you will hit the
target. Miracles happen when people get close to their centered place
and their lives change. With Tai Ji I help people to find centre. Once we
embrace the whole palette of ourselves including the things we don’t
like and use them as tools, we can return to mountain and become
grounded. Then, rather than always looking for the next mountain
top, we just have to elevate our grounding.”
“I love the western heritage that’s instilled in me” says Huang, “but
I love the balance that comes from the East. I use the two to stretch
myself and become integrated. If you want to be a whole person the
best way is to open up to the opposite. Tai Ji is about how to integrate
a pair of opposites - how to stretch yourself to the extremes. If you
get pulled by dualistic forces you will be split, but if you can balance
opposites into centralized integration you become whole.”
Excerpts from an interview with Rachel Fleming, visit www. for more information on Master Chungliang Al Huang.
Master Chungliang is the keynote presenter at the Kaua’i Wellness
Expo, Sat. Feb 11 at 11:30am lecture on Malama Kou Kino ~ The Tao
of Personal Health and on Sun, Feb 12 1-3pm for the Quantum Tai
Chi Workshop ~ Playful Mystical Aspects of Movement and Healing.
Fear-Free Healthy Living
by the Fat Harry
Rooting a Spiritual Life Expo Workshop
Sat., Feb 11th 2pm
Rita Harrison is the most non-German German I
have ever met and she’s a lot older than she looks,
she informs me. She’s witty, charming, with an easy
smile and she listens hard to what you have to say, a
somewhat forgotten art.
I asked her what’s new in her Willow System and
she said nothing but for the way she puts things
together. She explained to me all about her pick n’
mix system, how it is made to fit the lifestyle of the
person sitting in front of her and does not force that
person to fit her system.
We talked for a long time and it was mind blowing
how many ideas were presented, from the reorganization and centering
of the body, to regaining a safe place in your family system. It was also
way too much to list in this article, but I’ll try to break it down for you.
She must have a mind like a steel trap. I don’t know how old she
really is, but she must have studied from day one, because she’s taken a
multitude of tried and tested natural healing techniques and parts of the
more accepted white coat (her words) medical modalities, stripped them
down to see how they work and reassembled them into a widely based
holistic treatment system that covers most, if not all, the bases.
She’s taken the tradition of German engineering and applied it to
good health and healthy living.
So I asked, “What’s this fear-free healthy living bit all about?” With
a radiant smile she told me that the first thing she noticed about a lot of
healers, both main stream and alternative, was that they try to bind you
to them by frightening the living daylight out of you: “You take this pill
or food supplement, or you’ll die…”
She pointed out that you can’t tell a skydiver that you won’t help him
until he stops living dangerously; it’s what he’s good at, what he loves,
and how he pays his bills. “We tend to judge people too much by our
own fears and this helps nobody!” she said.
Fear makes a person ill; freeing someone from fear can help them
unfold into new health.
If you have a chance to talk to Rita, do - I loved it.
Michaelle Edwards, creator of the
YogAlign and FitAlign system and author of
the book/DVD Pain-free Yoga from Your
Inner Core will be presenting a lecture on
attaining naturally aligned posture to
stay vital and youthful. Common fitness
myths and belief systems about how
the human body works will help you
understand how to engage your body in
ways that will contribute to health and
longevity. Good posture is the key to
being pain-free as 95% of all pain is a
result of misalignment. You can learn
simple accessible ways to use the
movements of breathing combined
with natural body positions to
become pain-free and sustainable
from within.
Breathe Your Way to a
Pain-Free Life Expo lecture
Sun, Feb 12 2:00pm
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Ricky Yutuc is a Vibrational Healer using didgeridoos, tuning
forks, crystals and etheric surgery by activating the cellular memory of
LOVE to unblock chakras and releasing cords from physical, emotional
and spiritual issues. Ricky
is a certified Ushi Reiki
Master with the ICRT and
certified with Jonathan
Goldman’s Sound Healing
At the Kauai Wellness
Expo on Saturday at 10:30
am, Ricky will discuss
how vibration was used
in the ancient days to
heal the body. Join his lecture on VIBRATIONAL
HEALING with the DIGIREDO and other vibrational
C and G the Sacred Ratio of 2:3 “The Perfect Fifth”
Learn how to use tuning forks to balance the hemispheres of the
brain and create a great sense of calmness and tranquility. Also used to
open all blocked chakras aswell as activating the pituitary gland.
Cost of workshop is $20 per person and tuning forks will be provided
and available for purchase at $50 per set.
Sunday, February 12, 2012 11am-12 noon
at the Kauai Wellness Expo.
View this YouTube video “Vibrational Healing with the Didgiredoo by
Ricky Yutuc”. He will be available for private and group sessions Feb
8th - 15th contact info 913-522-1028,
Make your own
Indian Drum!
The Indian Drum Making Workshop led
by David W. Craig, Chippewa (Ojibwa)
will guide participants in making their own 14” elk
hide hand drum for adults and a 10” deer hide hand
drum for keiki (10 years and up). The fee for the
workshop is $100 and includes all the materials for
the drum.
The materials used in making the drum will include a pine or cedar
wood round, elk skin head with rawhide lacing, and a beater. David
will share his Chippewa teachings of the drum, its history, uses, and
care while instructing participants through the drum making process.
For further information or to register for the workshop, contact DrB
at There will be three workshops: one held
at Kapaa Neighborhood Center on February10 and two held during
the Wellness Expo February 11 & 12. Each workshop is limited to a
maximum of 12 people. Proceeds benefit the Kauai Powwow Council,
a 501©3, non-profit cultural and educational organization.
Gift Certificates are available and in time for the holidays!
Drums top are made by David Craig, artist and drum maker.
Drum at left was made by Powwow participant at Dave’s
last workshop on Kauai 9/23/2011.
Drafting Your Living Will
Workshop at the 8th Annual
Kauai Wellness Expo on Saturday,
February 11, 2012 at 10-11am in the Kauai
War Memorial Convention Center in Lihue.
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Five Wishes is a living will, a 12-page document
that prompts individuals to consider five questions
and issues: who your health-care agent should be
or the person to make decisions if you’re unable
to do so; what kind of medical treatment you want
in various situations; addressing issues like pain
medication and how comfortable you wish to be;
how you want people to treat you, for example:
would you prefer to die at home? and what do you
want your loved ones to know about your wishes - where do you wish
to be buried, for instance. This ­ workshop will cover questions like
these and more to help you come to a comfortable understanding of
how to handle this very important part of life. Participants will have
an opportunity to complete the living will during the workshop.
Call 808-245-6585 to register. Five Wishes booklets will be available
for pre-registered and on a first come, first served basis at the expo.
• Sponsored by Cindie K. Jones. CPF at Waddell and Reed, and Karen
Baldwin Attorney & Counselor at Law
Meditation for a
Stress Free New Year
Reverend Nicole Sakurai
Happy New Year! Expo Workshop Sun., Feb 12th 11:00am
I wish you a Happy New Year, full of success, love,
health, wealth and joy! Now, at the beginning of the
year, I would like to talk to you about how to live a
stress free year.
In a stressful society like ours, controlling our mind
is often difficult, and without realizing it we find
ourselves pushing beyond our abilities. The result
is spiritual exhaustion, terror, needless worry about
the future, and general misgivings, causing people
to become ill.
Though it is true that improper diet and lack of exercise eventually lead
to disease, it can also be said that all modern illnesses arise from stress.
Especially regarding internal organs, most illnesses are known to emanate
from stress related events.
As human beings we are supposed to live harmoniously with a truthoriented lifestyle. However, in many instances, we find ourselves in fast
and pressure-driven business circles, often directed by some other-worldly
society with negative vibrations. Humans are always forced to endure
some level of worry, but what happens if we became nervous wrecks?
What happens then?
We certainly know that it’s better to limit or eliminate stress in our
lives to realize a healthy and successful lifestyle. Our mind and spirit are
inter-related. In the other world, we may only have our mind but in this
world the body and mind influence each other.
This is one of the starting points of the enlightenment process. We
are all spiritual beings, living in a material world. However, how many
people do not recognize their willpower. We have will of mind, and
our mind materializes our own thoughts. This is why the state of the
mind immediately affects the body, and the physical condition undergoes
If the mind becomes ill, then the body will begin to suffer, too. This
is how we create our sickness. However, we can heal our sickness, too.
Today, the number of people dying from cancer is on the rise, and actually,
in nearly most cases the root causes is spiritual stress, anxiety or anguish.
In this world, the body and mind are united and cannot be divided - they
influence one another.
Happy Science offers the teaching of the principle of love and the
principle of self-reflection (re-examining our mind). This is what we need
to prevent stress. In addition, meditation and positive thinking are very
We have methods of meditating. Meditation relaxes our various
internal organs as well as the nervous system, which helps in preventing
diseases that come from stress. I would recommend meditation as a
preventive measure.
A healthy lifestyle is extremely important, offering a treasure that
money cannot buy. Good control of the body and maintaining a healthy
lifestyle are the keys to living happily for a long time. This will allow you
to enjoy your life without inconveniencing others. Build a healthy life
through the “Principles of Happiness.”
Happy Science Kauai and Happiness Planting Center in Lihu`e have
book shops with many self-improvement book selections and a variety of
world spiritual books available as well.
Both places offer meditation workshops, spiritual training, and truthstudy classes for spiritual growth, forgiving others, spiritual healing and
giving unconditional love, understanding the meaning of your life and the
world, and transforming yourself to become your ideal person.
** SPECIAL OFFER: The first five people who mention this article will
receive free our original meditation CD. Please call us.
Reverend Nicole Sakurai
Happy Science Kauai in Kapa`a: 4504 Kukui Street, Dragon Building 21
Happiness Planting Center in Lihu`e: 3343 Kanakolu Street
Tel 808.822.7007, web
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Vision, Light and Consciousness:
At Play in the Field of Healing
Expo Workshop Sun., Feb. 12th, 10-11am
Sam Berne, O.D., FCOVD, FCSO
We have been led to believe that the eye looks.
What if the eye looks at nothing until the light
grabs it which causes the eye to reflexively move
toward the light. Then the body moves to re-orient
itself to create a oneness which propels us in our
journey. As a vision scientist, Dr. Berne will share
his insights about healing the body through
the eyes and how this healing affects our
lives. He will introduce a variety of modalities
that include light/color, continuum somatic
movement, and medicinal essential oils to
help us discover our true selves. Instead of experiencing life by
looking through a hole, we can experience life as whole. As Jesus
says: “ the light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be
single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” (Matthew 6 King
James Version)
Dr. Sam Berne has been a pioneer in vision science, subtle
energy therapies, and integrative health for over twenty-five
years. An internationally renowned author, researcher, and
facilitator, Dr. Berne uses a variety of disciplines including
vision therapy, biofield analysis, quantum physics, continuum
movement, medicinal essential oils, craniosacral therapy,
dolphin-assisted therapy, and photo (light) therapy with respect
to expanding human potential.
He is on the faculty at The Esalen Institute, and The Findhorn
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BrainWave Learning Games
We all like to play games that make us
smile and challenge our skills. Maybe the
oldest game we know of involved rolling
round, polished stones discovered in ancient
Egyptian hieroglyphics dating back to 5,200
B.C.E. This was the “technology” of the time
that evolved into a similar Greek game and then a Roman
game, known as bocce ball.
In the 21st Century it may be safe to say that more
people play computer-based games than ones that involve rolling balls. Francesco
Garripoli, founder of WujiTech, a Kaua`i-based software design firm says, “With
the saturation point that we have reached in computer games, it seemed that the
only direction we could go to really make a positive difference was to start using
brainwaves instead of joysticks. To me, this is the “game changer” and opens
amazing possibilities to reach our latent cerebral potential.”
The new generation of WujiTech games are “learning games” refining “how”
an individual learns. Research in neuroscience shows the true plasticity of the
human brain in how it can “rewire” itself. If we continue to reinforce “old”
neural pathways though, the brain becomes stagnant and “rigid.” The WujiTech
“WujiBrainWave” games are truly state-of-the-art because they are introducing a
new variable – your brainwave output.
Imagine putting on a light little headset that feels like it just came out of a Star
Trek episode and controlling the progress of your “game” completely through
the brainwaves that your brain naturally generates. Through the feedback of
on-screen meters showing “Joy”, “Inner Calm,” “Attention” and beautiful 3D
graphics of spirals with floating crystal spheres and realistic swimming dolphins,
you “play” and realize that you can actually access brain function that was
never made available to you before. Using a medical-grade EEG sensor, your
wireless headset is reading your brain’s output in real time and what you see
on the computer screen is, well, your brain live and in color. There is a variety
of “MindMedia” that comes with the WujiBrainWave app and more is being
created for the WujiBrainWave platform by developers around the world that
can be purchased to add to your app to help customize it to enhance your brain’s
potential whether you are an adult or a child.
Francesco started designing cutting edge software in the early 1980s
for clients including AT&T Bell Labs, Hewlett-Packard, and PBS-TV as he
says, “even before Macs and PCs.” WujiTech has been developing software
in Hawaii focused on the educational marketplace since 2003. Through his
non-profit work at Kahuna Valley in the area of youth mentoring and family
support services, WujiTech delivers unique solutions to the Hawaii Department
of Education (DOE). While on the elected Community Liaison for the Kapaa
Middle School SCC Board, he designed the unique MentorOhana software
system and created an online community for young teens to share their feelings
about school and learn through their data tracking and inquiry process. The
goal was to show how their mind and attitudes directly affected their academic
scores and social skills at school. Hundreds of students gravitated towards using
the software and surprised educators with an overwhelming response rate and
the fact that students shared in a way that they didn’t feel comfortable doing any
other way.
Today, the Hawaii DOE is using the WujiTech software, incorporting the
MentorOhana features in a ground-breaking online web environment for all the
Kaua’i Complex Area Schools representing nearly 10,000 students and hundreds
of teachers.
WujiTech’s MentorOhana is fully transparent, the students have full access
to their data at any time building trust and teamwork. Students shine using
the software as it is “their” domain, an online world where they could express
themselves and learn “how” to learn. This is an important adjunct to our public
school system, which does a great job of teaching “what” to learn.
WujiTech’s WujiBrainWave app is available on Apple’s iTunes for the iPad,
and directly from WujiTech for the Mac and PC. All versions work with the
WujiTech Environments such as For more
information contact
WujiTech will be at the Kaua’i Wellness Expo on February 11 & 12, 2012.
Break Through to the Amazing Opportunity of Our Time
Expo Workshop Sat. Feb 11th at 3pm
Marsha Bogolin: International presenter and creator of
seminars from introductory levels in the Art of Living
to advanced Spiritual Leadership for 20 years in 7
countries. Currently Program Director for Spiritual
Leadership Service International, and formerly for
Emissaries International worldwide network, she
moved to Jeju, the southernmost island of South Korea
in 2007, where she and her husband continue their
training and will host the Miracle of Love in Paradise
– Jeju, May 11-14, 2012.
Remember and Lead from Your Heart
Expo workshop Sat., Feb 11th 10am
Al Diaz, founder of Ilumine Ao, Keynote and
International speaker, author of The Titus
Concept and Confirmations, cutting-edge
internet radio show host, and Guide who
has inspired thousands with his empowering
message of Unconditional Love to simply
shatter that which no longer stands to serve for
our best and highest good.
Al speaks from the Heart with his guidance
and insights for us to remember our own
answers that we are seeking and that allows us to see and feel the
“Truth” that is already within all of us. In doing so…this raises our
level of awareness and brings forth the consciousness for healing,
blessings, and empowerment, triggering shift and change, ascension
through Love, discovering newer dimensions that represent liberation,
and the freeing of our Heart for our own personal greatness.
Maximum Results with Minimum Effort: Activating Your
Natural Success System Expo lecture Sun, Feb 12th 12pm
Alan Tutt, author of “Choose To Believe: A Practical
Guide to Living Your Dreams” and the EmBRACES
Belief Entrainment System, has dedicated his life to
empowering the world, one individual at a time. Alan teaches how to tap into the Unlimited Power
within you, and direct it to produce real and lasting
changes in the physical world, using techniques
which are simple, fun, and effective.
First 100 visitors to his booth
get a free meditation CD.
For information on the Miracle of Love Tour
SHIFT IT! “Change the rhythm, change your life!”
Expo Workshop Sun., Feb. 12th 1-2pm
“SHIFT IT!” sessions involve the application
of sound and shamanic practice to transform
the patterns in your life that are keeping
you from living your life to the fullest. In
this workshop you will learn techniques to
eradicate the obstacles in your life, set clear
directions towards a bright future, and how
to re-pattern your life when old habits and
disruptive thoughts distract you from your
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I was blessed by the grace
of Ke Akua to have met my kahu
several years ago. He was a modest man and
one would not be able to
discern that he was a great
healer. I had heard stories of
him, and how he had helped
people in need, healing them
of their physical, emotional,
and spiritual afflictions. I paid
him a visit to thank him for
helping a friend; I brought
some kulolo, a bit of poi, and a heartfelt mahalo.
I met him outside of his house in Hanama`ulu
on a Tuesday afternoon. He happily accepted the
makana and invited me inside. He said he also had
a gift for me. He asked me to lie upon a massage
table he had set up in his living room. He then told
me to relax and close my eyes. He began to pray. As
he prayed I felt myself begin to float into a surreal
dream lifting me into another realm. Although I
was conscious of what was happening, I had no
control. When he finished his prayer, I returned
from wherever I was. As I opened my eyes, he
was smiling upon me. I told him, “I really don’t
know why I am here to see you.” He answered,
“Our kupuna wanted to bring us together for some
reason.” As we talked story I learned about him
and his gifts that he so freely shared to help others
in need. As we parted, he asked that I return to talk
I returned the following week and often after
that to continue our conversations about the
Hawaiian culture, prayer, spirituality, martial arts,
healing, and of course food, among other varied
topics. We had a lot in common. His knowledge
was diverse and deep, and he was unlike others
I had met in the healing community. He talked
about lomilomi techniques, but he also shared his
knowledge about various herbs and their uses. He
spoke about spirituality and some of his adventures
while traveling around Polynesia. We truly enjoyed
our meetings and met as often as we could.
One day, while eating our weekly #10 fish
sandwich meal from Burger King, he asked if I
wanted to become his student. I graciously denied
him and asked that we continue to be friends. I was
afraid that things would change and the dynamics
of our relationship would no longer exist. Why
spoil a good thing? “Okay,” he said, and continued
to finish his meal. He then explained that he
needed to travel to O`ahu to work and that we
could meet as soon as he returned. Upon our next
meeting, he proceeded to explain that he had
oki `ia, or severed all his ties to his students. I
was to become his only student. I was taken
aback and a bit disturbed by his decision. He
explained that it was imperative that I learn
and he assured me that it would be all right.
We met as often as we could. He continued
to share his life experiences and the art of healing
with me. He gave intricate details about some
experiences from his past, and when he told me
those stories, it was as if I was actually there and
reliving them with him. I finally became aware that
I was learning from his experiences and from what
he had done in his life. He was right, as usual.
Everything would be good.
I got a call early one Sunday morning from my
kahu. My family and I had just spent the previous
evening with him and some friends enjoying
dinner at his place. He asked that I come and get
him from the hospital. I rushed over to Wilcox
where he was waiting in the emergency room. He
had fallen and was in a lot of pain. We spent the
day picking up his prescriptions. Then rested, and I
stayed by his side. During the periods when he was
awake, he shared with me a lot about the healing
arts. He had so much to say, and when he spoke it
was serious and deep. The lessons were short and
to the point. He also spoke about several sacred
items that he held dear to him. He thanked me
and asked that I stay with him. I had no thoughts
of doing otherwise.
Ken Kalani Kamakea passed away on May 1,
2006. I truly believe he chose his time to leave, as
he always talked about different levels in life. He
always joked that he had one more level to reach in
this life. I never understood that until that day.
Ken steered me on my path and mentored
me when I needed it most in my life, without my
knowing that I needed it. I learned a lot from the
experiences Ken shared with me. I remember what
he would always say when we parted ways as I said
my mahalo. He would just smile and say, “I am just
a kauwa.” It always intrigued me that a man with
that much `ike, knowledge, would humbly refer
to himself as a servant. But he portrayed this role
without effort. He would help people openly and
freely. He would share his aloha with all the people
he worked with when he healed them. But he
always said that it was not he who was the healer, it
was the gifts that he was given from Ke Akua. He
was a servant of Ke Akua as we are all just vessels.
“Healing,” he explained, “depended on how much
aloha you had in your hand.” Ken showed me that
we should share aloha unconditionally when we
heal someone. One of the last things Ken told me
was, “There are no differences among people, it’s
just what we choose to do.”
There isn’t a day that I do not think of Ken and
the impact he has had on so many peoples’ lives. I
do my best every day through my own life to honor
his teachings and the art of healing. I am just a
Expo workshops by Pihana Ka’ikena,
students of the late Ken Kalani Kamakea
Sun., Feb 12th 1-2pm
La’au lapa’au
Sun., Feb 12th 2-3 pm
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Service for Humanity
by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha
5th Annual Mystic Island Festival
Returns to Maui, January 26-30, 2012
“The purpose of life is to serve. Service is my life mission.”
– Master Sha, The Power of Soul
If you offer great service to others; if you make others healthier
and happier, if you help transform human consciousness; and if you
contribute to love, peace, and
harmony for humanity, Mother
Earth and the universes, you will
accumulate great virtue. Virtue
is the record of y our services.
Heaven records these services.
You and your loved ones will
be tremendously blessed in
this and future lifetimes.
Humanity is suffering. Many
people suffer from chronic
illnesses. Many people suffer
from emotional and mental
imbalances such as anxiety,
depression, worry, sadness,
fear and more. Many people
challenges. Many people are
struggling financially, losing
jobs and homes.
Humanity and Mother Earth
are in a special time of serious
transition. Natural disasters,
including hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanos, tornados, floods, dust
storms and more; drought and other extremes in weather; famine;
wars and all kinds of conflict between people, organizations, religions
and countries; economic challenges for individuals, institutions and
entire countries; emotional volatility and mental instability; new
communicable diseases; pollution of the land, air and water—all of
these and more are part of Mother Earth’s transition.
Becoming a Divine Healing Hands Practitioner empowers you to
assist many people in this historic time. It helps you fulfill your soul’s
purpose to serve humanity and Mother Earth. Approved and chosen
program applicants will receive Divine Healing Hands Soul Mind Body
Transplants. These Divine Soul Mind Body Transplants reside permanently
with the recipient, who can then invoke them to offer self-healing and
healing of others, including group healing and remote healing, for
health, relationships and finances.
The Divine has never given this kind of opportunity to humanity
before. Grab this opportunity. It is an incredible honor and a great
privilege to serve humanity and all souls as a Divine Healing Hands
Trained as an MD in China and a doctor of traditional Chinese
medicine in China and Canada, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha created
Power Healing and Soul Mind Body Medicine to combine the essence
of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine with ancient
energy and spiritual healing secrets from China. The founder of the
Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment, he is a grandmaster of
many ancient disciplines. He was named Qigong Master of the Year
at the Fifth World Congress on Qigong. In 2006, Dr. Sha was honored
with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Award
for his humanitarian efforts. Since July 2003, when Master Sha was
chosen as a Divine Channel, he has transmitted countless Divine Soul
Mind Body Transplants to people around the world.
Join the Divine Healing Hands Practitioner Certification Training
Program occurring in 20 cities around the world, including Honolulu,
on March 30-April 1. Apply online at or call
888.339.6815. Experience Divine Healing Blessings at Love Peace
Harmony Center, 885 Queen St., Honolulu, where you can attend a
practice group, chant for world peace and more. You can reach
Master Pamela Uyeunten, who is the Worldwide Representative leading
the Center at 808.988.8090. Visit for
a complete list of classes and services offered at the Center.
LAHAINA, HI - The 5th Annual Mystic Island Festival is returning to Maui,
January 26-30, 2012. The popular 4 1/2 day gathering will be held
at Camp Olowalu, a scenic beach campground on Maui’s westside.
Festivities features world music, electronica, reggae, visionary arts,
workshops, healthy foods, and beachside camping.
In addition to luminaries such as Ram Dass, Anutie Pua, Dr. Joe Marshalla,
a full line up of talented performers are set to take the stage including
Chris Berry (Panjea) with Michael Kang (String Cheese Incident), The
Dharma Bums (who just performed for the Dhali Lama), Jaya Lakshmi,
Kaminanda, David Starfire, The Human Revolution, Freedom with Al Torre,
Jah Levi, Satchi Om, Diane Patterson, Singing Bear, HuDost, Vir McCoy &
Friends, Maesyn, Sara Tone, Fantuzzi, Ena Vie, Maui Underground, Alyra
(Voodoo Medicine Show), Prema Love Museik, Windsong, Heather Noel,
Stephen Roush Band, Moes Family Band, Brittanya Bee, and MaBlissa with
Spirit Tribe. Other artists include spoken word by Mountain, and emcees
Grael and Fantuzzi. Visual artistry by JacobEyE.
Attendees can participate in numerous workshops such as yoga,
ecstatic dance, men’s & women’s empowerment, healing arts, EFT
(Emotional Freedom Techniques), non-violent communications,
community building, ceremonial & ritual techniques, and natural foods
preparation. Featured presenters include Ram Dass, Auntie Pua, Dr. Joe
Marshalla, Chris Berry, Jaya Lakshmi with Ananda, Jacqui Lalita, Tiffany
Tatum, Amoraea Dreamseed, Yemaya Renuka Duby, Kedar Sharanam
Anandama, Graell Corsini, Serena Scaglione, and Jacob Liberman.
Participants can save money by purchasing tickets in advance. Weekend
passes (Jan. 27-30) include camping and access to all events, and can
be purchase in advance for only $200 (til January 25th), or $225 at
the door. Tickets for Thursday events, and 4 1/2 day passes are also
For more info or to purchase tickets please visit
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Controlling Reality through the Soul, Mind
and Consciousness
Authorized by and based on the teachings of
Grigori Grabovoi
By Mary Sherritt
Human beings have the
unique, creative capacity to
change the world through
We are
a new, harmonious, peaceful world from the
inside out. Each soul is connected to all other
elements in the Universe, and Light, the energetic
power of the Soul, in concert with information
can be used by consciousness to alter health,
personal issues, disasters and the world itself. The
mere desire of an individual is enough to trigger
this process, and many specific techniques
available from these Russian teachers empower
the person’s effectiveness in attaining the results
and improvements envisioned. Every type of
concern, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual,
relationships, past, present and future has been
addressed successfully.
What are considered miracles are achieved
through application of the principles involved.
When a part of the body is lost, the etheric
blueprint remains and can be seen by psychics
and special photography. The energy of the body
part is still present. Thus organs lost or removed
have been regenerated. Teeth have been regrown. Most health issues have corrected to a
natural state. One seminar participant gave a
method to a friend who weighed 450 pounds, and
in three months the friend lost 108 pounds and is
still dropping weight. One woman regenerated
her uterus which had been surgically removed.
Gallbladders have been re-grown and thyroids
rejuvenated. Financial issues have improved
dramatically for many.
Russian academics, mental healers and
clairvoyants Grigori Grabovoi, Arcady Petrov, Igor
Arepev and others are known for their effective
methods of clairvoyance and healing. For an
overview, see the Arcady Petrov film “The Light of
Eternity”, part 1,,
Russian with English audio.
Parts 2-6 also
Teachers coming to Hawaii, Los Angeles
and Sarasota are Svetlana Smirnova and
Alexander Teetz.
Svetlana, Neurologist,
Clairvoyant and healer, originally from Omsk,
Russia, now Hamburg, has an extensive history
of direct and long-distance healing support and
seminars, worldwide. She is the official Seminar
Representative of Grigori Grabovoi in the
Western world. Alexander, Hamburg, originally
in Management, is now a life-coach. He is
an author and publisher of the RARE WARE Life
Management books.
Alexander Teetz and
Svetlana Smirnova
“Spring for Health”-Tour 2012
Maui, Hawaii, March 30th and April 1st, 2012
1-day Basic Seminar Friday March 30, 2012
1-day Advanced Seminar Sunday April 1, 2012
For information, please contact Mary Sherritt,
Coordinator and host,
Call: Toll Free (877) 716-3488
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What is My Voltage?
Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H),MD(P), FAAO
Knowing that chronic disease is associated with low voltage, an obvious question is, “What is
my voltage?”
One can measure the body’s voltage with a voltmeter that measures in millivolts. However,
the voltage in the body pulses, making it difficult to get a true endpoint with a voltmeter. There
are computerized devices that will measure the body voltage. An example is the Tennant
Biomodulator® in Assess Mode.
The Tennant Biomodulator® can be placed into the Assess Mode to
measure the area of concern.
pH is a measurement of voltage. A solution may be either an electron
donor or an electron stealer. One measures voltage with a special
voltmeter. When the voltage is an electron stealer, it is called plus voltage.
When it is an electron donor, it is called a negative voltage. The voltage is
converted to a logarithmic scale of 1-14 called pH.
Cells are designed to run at a pH of 7.35 (-20 millivolts) to a pH of 7.45 (25 millivolts). Cell membranes can achieve a temporary “action potential”
of up to -90 millivolts.
We heal by making new cells. Making new cells requires -50 millivolts.
We get sick when we cannot achieve -50 millivolts and thus cannot make new cells. We are
thus stuck in chronic disease. All chronic disease is defined by having low voltage.
We can measure the voltage of organs via the acupuncture meridians with the Assess Mode
of the Tennant Biomodulator®.
Remember that we normally don’t get well by making damaged cells work correctly. We
get well by making new cells that work correctly. We replace the rods
and cones in our retinas every 48 hours. The skin you are sitting in is only
six weeks old. Your liver is eight weeks old. Your brain replaces itself every
eight months. Your bones are replaced every year.
Making new cells requires raw materials (nutrition) and the voltage to
use them. When an area of the body measures less than -20 millivolts,
there are no pharmaceuticals or surgeries that will heal it because there
isn’t enough voltage to make it heal! You must insert electrons to raise the
voltage to -50 millivolts so that new cells can be made.
The body knows how to heal most things if you give it the nutrition and
voltage to do it and the Tennant Biomodulator® is a wonderful tool to
assist in bringing voltage up.
For more information on the Tennant Biomodulator visit our website or contact us at 972-580-0545 to speak with a sales
associate and receive an information packet.
See Dr. Tennant live:
Thursday, January 19, 2012, 7:00 PM
Hyatt Regency Waikiki. Open to the Public
Tennant Biomodulator Training:
Friday, January 20th and Saturday, January 21st (by reservation)
Rules and Tools
Sunday, January 22nd (by reservation)
What is Access
By Gary Douglas
Access Consciousness™ is a life changing set of
tools, techniques and philosophies that allow you to
create dynamic change in every area of your life, with
your body and with you. Access provides you with
step-by-step building blocks to become totally aware
and begin to function as the conscious being you
really are.
Founded by Gary Douglas in 1990 and expanding
with the added contribution of Dr. Dain Heer over the
last 11 years, Access Consciousness is now available
in many countries throughout the world.
The purpose of Access is to create a world of
consciousness and oneness. Consciousness includes
everything and judges nothing. It is our target to get
you to the point where you receive from Access
the awareness of everything, with no judgment of
anything. If you have no judgment of anything, then
you get to look at everything for what it is, not for what
you want it to be, not for what it ought to be, but just
for what it is.
Consciousness is the ability to be present in your
life in every moment, without judgment of you or
anyone else. It is the ability to receive everything,
reject nothing, and create everything you desire in life
- greater than what you currently have, and more than
what you can imagine.
Through a variety of classes, body-work or private
session, licensed facilitators use question and verbal
processing techniques to empower you in knowing
what you know. It is through you becoming more
conscious of what choices and possibility you have
available, that allows you to choose and generate the
life you truly desire.
What if you were willing to nurture and care for you?
What if you would open the doors to being everything
you have decided it is not possible to be?
What would it take for you to realize how crucial you
are to the possibilities of the world?
“All Life Comes to Me with Ease, Joy and Glory!”™
Your Emerging Self
Bessie Estonactoc, M.A. is a Women’s Empowerment Life Coach on the island of Oahu. She
has been in the helping field for 10+ years and is very compassionate about helping women
heal their relationship with themselves and with those who matter to them the most (i.e. their
partner, spouse, family member(s)).
Her current passion is helping women empower their life by learning tools to balance their
spiritual, physical and emotional life. Learning to access and integrate a spiritual component
in one’s life is key, along with learning how to manage one’s thoughts and mindsets. Women’s
natural nature to nurture is so powerful and wonderful! Learn how to
take care of yourself in a loving and inspired way so you can have
the balanced energy to take care of those important to you.
Bessie has been able to provide teleclasses, a women’s group
and workshop in 2011 teaching these skills! Stay tuned for her
upcoming 2012 teleclasses and workshops where she will be
teaching these tools again in her READY, GET SET, A.C.T.I.ON
To find out more about
Access Consciousness™ please go to:
To find Access Consciousness™ Facilitators in
Hawaii, please see our listing in the Color Service
Directory of this issue. You can also check our
website and search under Facilitators in Hawaii.
For more information about Bessie Estonactoc, please visit her
website with more information about her coaching programs at:
Or call her now for a F.R.E.E. “get to know you session” at
808-753-5370. Bessie provides coaching sessions via Skype,
phone or in her office in Waialua, HI.
w w w. h a w a i i s i n s p i r a t i o n . c o m
The Human Design System
A Cutting Edge Technology which Reveals Your Soul’s Code
Beverly Marie Bright MA
In 1987 the Human Design System arrived
through Robert Alan Krakower, a.k.a., Ra Uru Hu.
Ra relates, “One evening, while returning to
my cottage, I walked into a ‘force-field’ and was
‘taken over’ by what I describe as ‘the Voice.’ “
During the next eight days, the Human Design
System was delivered to Ra in its entirety.
The Human Design System is a synthesis of
modern day sciences, including physics, genetic
and bio chemistry, and the esoteric systems of astrology, the I-Ching,
Kabbalah and chakras. These systems are then woven together to produce
charts for all known things on Earth.
Working with accurate birth data, an astrological chart is created which
divides the sky into 64 pieces relating to the I-Ching, the Chinese Book of
Changes in which 64 hexagrams describe the human experience and the
human genetic code, in which there are 64 codons.
Unlike astrology, which is read only from the chart of birth, Human Design
draws up two charts, one for the exact time of birth and a second with the sun
exactly 88 degrees (3 months) before birth. The first relates to the soul’s innate
nature and the second to the biological genetic material inherited from our
Thus, with two astrological calculations, the whole genetic makeup,
both conscious (soul) and unconscious, (ancestral) is registered in terms of
hexagrams of the I-Ching, and then charted onto a Rave, a body graph
synthesized from the Kabbala’s Tree of Life and the Hindu chakra system.
The human body graph contains nine energy centers linked by 36 channels
which consist of 64 ‘gates.’ The information from the astrological calculations
is then colored into the corresponding gates in the body graph. The result is
a map of the genetic makeup of the person, the actual unique energetic
circuit board with very specific ways of operating. It is the design of what you
are here to live out this lifetime.
Human Design is an incredible tool for awakening that shows us exactly
and precisely what we are here to give, to learn, and the practical tools on
how to create that.
When you get a view of yourself or another from the inside out, there come
about wonderful relaxation, compassion, and self-love. The age-old question
of what we are doing here dissolves into an acceptance of how one is.
Human Design is a most amazing tool, which allows us to see clearly
ourselves as a part of a greater whole with our own precious parts to play.
Beverly Marie Bright MA
~ Advanced Human Design Analysis
~ Specialist in Soul Level Transformation and Psycho/
Spiritual Healing
~ Personal and Couples Counseling
~ Spiritual Guidance
~ Location Astrology
~ Insight Tarot
“Empowering Individuals to Live Extraordinary Lives”
VISTA, CALIF. (November 16, 2011) — Solatube International Inc., the
worldwide leading manufacturer and marketer of Tubular Daylighting
Devices (TDDs), announced today that it has a new line of decorative
fixtures called Glass Distractions. “When I heard that Solatube was
introducing decorative fixtures for its day lighting systems, I could not wait
to see them,” said Denise Homme, Ph.D., interior design professional and
program director of the Design Institute of San Diego. “Glass Distractions
are really a dream come true for anyone who loves daylight and wants
to customize the look of their home, just like they would with traditional
lighting fixtures.”
There are six new decorative fixtures in the line:
•JustFrost: A clean, contemporary design
•TierDrop: A cascading, classic element
•OptiView: Delivers artful views of the sky
•QuadraFrost: An angular, symmetrical style
•VividShade: Incorporates contemporary
fabric for a chic design
•AuroraGlo: A universal bowl-shaped glass feature
Solatube International invented tubular skylights, or tubular day lighting
devices, which harvest and distribute daylight in homes and commercial
buildings, opening up an entirely new category in the lighting industry.
Solatube Day lighting Systems are now routinely installed as part of energysaving and sustainability efforts in residential and commercial spaces
around the world.
Using patented technology, Solatube Day lighting Systems harvest
daylight at the rooftop and transfer it down through a highly reflective tube
(which bends up to 90 degrees and can be up to 70 feet or more long)
and distribute it evenly into a room through a diffuser at the ceiling.
The new Glass Distractions line is carried exclusively by Hawaii Skylights
and Solar Fans, Hawaii’s Premier Solatube Dealer. For more information,
and to see the new Glass Distractions decorative fixtures, please call us
at 808-84-SOLAR or 808-840-3505. You can also visit us on the web at
It is possible for everyone
to wake up and be free.
Gangaji and Eli travel the world bringing the transmission of freedom
and love to all seekers of truth. Their invitation is for everyone to return home
and realize the truth of oneself. Leaving the chatter of mind and entering
the heart is the beginning of endless discovery. Daily life is discovered to
not be either separate or a problem when staying true to your deepest
Gangaji and Eli will be coming back to Maui to meet us and offer
support for both realization and staying true. Whether you are a beginner
or have had profound realizations, you are welcome to come and freshly
discover what is always deeper and unknown. In our meetings together
everything is possible.
Find out more: and
Join us on Facebook: Eli Jaxon-Bear and Gangaji
Local contact:
Grace Pretre:
phone: 808-283-1222
20 w w w . h a w a i i s i n s p i r a t i o n . c o m
Keep It Simple, Doc.
By Dr. Ronald S. Carlson, DDS
In replacing missing teeth you, the patient, have one of five options: 1) do nothing
and risk arch collapse and a bad bite, 2) dental implant and its extensive surgical
procedures with pain and outlandish costs, 3) cutting
your teeth to stubs for a metal/porcelain fixed bridge, 4) “flipper” removable bridge,
or 5) the innovation known as the CARLSON BRIDGE®.
Picture your missing tooth being replaced much like an artist would create a sculpture:
This can be done in any part of the mouth, directly, mostly in one simple appointment, for one,
two or three missing teeth. The obvious is apparent, in that there is no tooth mutilation or cutting of
teeth, no blood from gum-bone surgery and no side effects from metal implants of titanium, which
corrodes inside the body, leaching metal ions focalizing in tissues such as liver, spleen, muscle and
other locations.
Why risk complications in your dental care? We have been doing this procedure very successfully
in Honolulu for the past twenty-two years. The cost of a CARLSON BRIDGE® is about two thirds that of a
traditional fixed bridge, which runs as high as $3,600.00. Implants for single tooth replacement may
cost $4,000.00 to $6,000.00. Beyond the monetary investment in your dental health, one can clearly
see that the CARLSON BRIDGE® approach is a method of preservation of your precious teeth. Contact
Dr. Carlson at 808-735-0282 or Google Carlson Bridge. All the best to you in the New Year 2012.
Aloha! RS Carlson, DDS / Inventor Carlson Bridge®
YouTube/Google: Carlson Bridge or Syntro-Bridge
Specializing in neck, back, and joint pain, Christine treats a variety of
conditions benefited by acupuncture.
Arthritis, inflammation, stress, fatigue, sports injuries, digestive problems,
infertility, allergies, and post traumatic stress disorder are just a few of the
conditions that acupuncture treats.
Gentle and effective acupuncture reduces stress, improves circulation,
eliminates pain and increases the body’s natural vitality and healing.
Facial rejuvenation treatments with acupuncture and herbs help to
reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and premature aging while
helping to promote collagen production in the skin.
Christine has dedicated her life to helping people improve their health
with holistic medicine, she has worked as an Herbalist and vitamin, natural
supplement consultant in Hawaii since 1992.
She studied acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine focusing on
stroke and facial paralysis in Beijing and Tianjin, China.
Herb Prescriptions
NADA Certified for Addiction Detoxification
Chinese Medical Massage
Nutritional Counseling
HI. License ACU 888
Natural Healing Massage
Rejuvenate, Relax and be Healthy
Natural Healing Massage was officially establish in Kauai,
Hawaii in 1994 after completing massage certification program.
My knowledge of healing arts goes back to my childhood in the
Philippines where my grandfather of Chinese descent thought me
the ancient art of Hilot combined with Chinese techniques which he
inherited from the old country.
I attended healing arts and massage school in manila, where I
graduated with top honors and worked in some of the major spas
before leaving for Hawaii where I establish my own private business
in the Island of Kauai.
I use very unique techniques which I learned from my grand father
and my very own that I have develop throughout the years.
808-246-3713 Puhi, Kauai, Hawaii Mylene. Lic#3710
w w w. h a w a i i s i n s p i r a t i o n . c o m
Tapping The Power
of Hawaii’s Sacred Spaces
By Carolyn Cobelo
I recently spent time on beautiful Molokai
with its many ancient sacred heiau. As we
were driving around the island I felt beings in
other dimensions who were excited that we
were coming to activate positive energetic
forces with our upcoming Akasha Soul
Celebration event January 26-29, 2012,
on Maui. In preparation, here is a special
message that I channeled from the Light beings who reside there:
“We welcome you with great anticipation. There is taking place a
rapid re-balancing of the Earth to take us into a new way of being. Deep
within the core of the Earth the rumblings are intensifying. The islands of
Hawaii will be a director of actions on Earth in response to catastrophes,
for she has resilience and understanding that is stronger than other places
on Earth.
All of Hawaii is a beam of light and a magnetic anchor point for the Sun.
Even the extinct volcanoes have an incredible Earth force. You can assist in
channeling this energy to help the Earth move easily through the 2012 shift.
If you imagine all of the tips of the volcanoes coming together in a huge
beam of light interconnecting with the Sun’s light, that electromagnetic
fusion will be of great help to the Earth. That’s why being here in Hawaii over
the next couple of years is going to be extremely
important. Let love prevail and human living be
of love and respect for all!”
Join renowned spiritual teacher, author, and
filmmaker Carolyn Cobelo in Haiku, Maui,
January 26-29, 2012 for The Akasha Soul
Celebration, a world-class program of activities
to help you raise your spiritual vibration, including
sacred space ceremonies, fireside meditation,
trance channeling, and Akasha chanting.
For more information,
personal growth and development
Shared Wisdom
By Hank Wesselman PhD
Paleoanthropologist Hank Wesselman PhD. conducts research with
an international group of scientists, exploring eastern Africa’s Great
Rift Valley in search of answers to the mystery of human origins. Dr.
Wesselman is also a shamanic practitioner and teacher, now in the
30th year of his apprenticeship. The books in his autobiographical
trilogy—Spiritwalker, Medicinemaker, and Visionseeker—reveal the
nature of his initiation into the shaman’s world and document his
investigations into a hidden reality that most of us have heard about,
but few have experienced directly. Hank is the author of eight books on
shamanism including Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path
of Direct Revelation (with Sandra Ingerman) and The Bowl of Light—an
account of his great friendship and
philosophical discussions with Hawaiian kahuna elder Hale Makua.
“In Bowl of Light , Wesselman composes a masterpiece, sharing
Makua’s profound talk-story--the indigenous way of imparting
wisdom--as the oral tradition is effectively transmitted into the written
word. The book is essential for any world wisdom collection and
for those on a spiritual path to discover the soul’s true heritage.” -Bobbye Middendorf, ForeWord Reviews, May 2011
“The book is such a rich banquet of food for thought that you
need to put it down regularly to contemplate and digest each tasty
morsel. It would be a great book to use as the basis for a study
group. Highly recommended!” --Miriam Knight, New Consciousness
Review, April 28, 2011
Hank and his family live on their farm in Honaunau
on Hawai’i Island.
Visit their website at
Matchmaker, and Online Dating
Profile Writer. Contact Nancy Miller,
MA to schedule a free consultation. Email nancy@ or Call 808-635-3463. For
more information visit:
fitness and yoga
The Yoga House offers authentic
Bikram Yoga classes daily. Bikram’s
Yoga is a beginning yoga series taught in
a heated room holistically working your
entire body. The Yoga House is available for workshops,
lectures and more.
(808) 823 - YOGA (9642)
4885 Kuhio Hwy, Kapa’a, HI 96746
Nutrition - Weight Loss
“Raw Food Made Easy”
Free ongoing Live Food Nutrition classes
on Kaua’i with Rebeka Gentian.
Find Your Fastest Way Om
Emotional Freedom Technique, Herbalism, Live Food
Nutrition, Mayan Tzolk’in readings (360) 349-3440
products and services
Himalayan Treasure, Inc.
Specialize in antique Tibetan furniture,
Buddhist Thangka paintings; expertly
crafted copper statues; enchanting singing bowls; fine quality
woolen rugs; Himalayan incense, exclusively designed silver
jewelry; and a variety of hand-woven bags and garments.
PH:(808)955 5565
int uitive and s piritual
Pamela Uyeunten, Hawaii’s own Worldwide
Representative of Dr. & Master Zhi Gang
Sha, now offers personal consultations and
advanced healing blessings for optimal health, finances and
relationships. Call 808-561-2020 or email for an appointment today.
personal growth and development
22 w w w . h a w a i i s i n s p i r a t i o n . c o m
407 Uluniu #412,
Kailua, Oahu, HI
Thomas Cummings, Deirdre Rainer, Leslie Morland
Licensed Clinical Psychologists (PhDs)
Theresa Lyons, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Bryan Jordan, Licensed Massage Therapist
Rhonda Waldinger, Licensed Acupuncturist
Valerie Collins, LMT Cranio-Sacral Therapy
Email: 808-230-2476
and 292-0962
Intuitive & Spiritual
Health Professional
Schools & Training
Welcome to the Paradise! Hawaii’s Healers, Practitioners, Psychics, Yoga & Meditation Centers statewide - a community of progressive, heart-centered
individuals and companies commited to the pursuit of physical health, mental bliss, social justice, and a sustainable world. This full color Service
Directory is a one stop shopping for our readers to find Mind, Body & Spirit connection they seek.
Health Professional * Healing Modalities * Intuitive and Spiritual * Personal Growth and Development * Fitness and Yoga * Schools and Training * Nutrition
and Weight Loss * Spiritual Practices * Massage & Bodywork * Psychology, Counseling & Therapy * Spas, Retreats & Travel * Special Products
Hypnotherapy Institute Of Maui (HIOM)
HIOM offers a comprehensive hypnotherapy education and certification at the University of Hawaii Maui
College. Whether you are starting a new career, enhancing current skills, or seeking avenues for personal
growth, you’ll be forever transformed.
High Quality Teaching Staff: Heather Gangnier, CCHt, LMT, past President of the Hypnotherapy Academy
of America, and Maribeth Theisen, LCSW, CCHt, founders of HIOM, have over 40 years of therapeutic
experience, and taught with Gil Boyne and other legends in the field of Hypnosis.
Contact at 808.442.2950 or visit for more details.
Francine Kanter, CCH, RsHom
Join Homeopath Practitioner, Francine Kanter, CCH, RsHom, for an inspiring look at simple, effective ways to take
care of your health issues.
A Board Certified Homeopath Practitioner on Kauai, she specializes in:
Francine has been in private practice for over 15 years total, first in San Diego, and second in Kauai, since 2001.
She can be reached at 808-652-2001, and, Consultations are available at
her office in Wailua, Kauai, by Phone or Skype. 808-652-2001
A Human Design Reading by Beverly Bright - 90 Minutes that will Change Your Life
Through accurate birth data and synthesizing Astrology, Chakras, Kabala, and I Ching, your unique energetic
circuitry is revealed.
Discover your: * Unique soul purpose * Optimal relationship and career paths
Learn to: * Make decisions you can trust * Heal defeating life patterns
Readings by phone or Skype
Go to Call 808-878-6393 for a FREE consultation
Beverly Bright MA is an Advanced Human Design Analyst specializing in Psycho/Spiritual
Transformation with 16 years experience and clients spanning 30 countries.
A Better Tomorrow Can Begin Today.
Special products
Coco Mana coconut water, Kauai’s unpasteurized Ice-cold Treat retains its Life Force.
FREE Delivery door-to-door! Many health benefits to coconut water: it is 99% fat free, low in carbohydrates
and sugars, more electrolytes and minerals than Gatorade, rehydrates faster than water! Contains lauric acid,
the same as in mother’s milk. This lauric acid is anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-protozoal.
Helps protect the body against virus and disease, increases blood flow, raises metabolism, cleans the digestive
tract, reduces urethral and kidney stones, cures hangovers, tastes great and it’s not snake oil! Hydrate with
nature’s finest water - Coconut Water. Also Coco Spoon Meat Purée - flour, sugar, milk, cream and yogurt.
Consciously Prepared with Love and Gratitude! Mahalo Nui for your referrals, Ohana!
808-822-4795 (Tek),
Access Consciousness™ Empowering people to know that they know
Access Classes, Body Processes and Events
Hileah Kanoalani Reigh, 808-521-2478,
Arlene Hirata, 808-255-2422,
Lori Anne Horie, 808-277-8352,
Nicole Lawrence, 808-823-8137,
Robyn DeBonet, 808-896-3323,
Dr. Charlotte Liddell, 808-822-7001,
healing modalities
All Life Comes to Me with Ease, Joy and Glory! ™
E Komo Mai! Welcome to the Dolphin Touch Wellness Center!
Located on the island of Kaua’i in Hawaii with its divine portals and special healing energies, Dolphin Touch Wellness
Center offers a full spectrum of sessions, classes, workshops & Kaua’i adventures. Our gift shop carries fun gifts and
enlightening tools for your enjoyment.
We specialize in a new healing modality called Dolphin Touch which involves energy work (Reiki) and bodywork combined.
Come experience the spirit of the dolphins and connect with their love, joy and playfulness. All of us at Dolphin Touch
and all of our services have a connection with the dolphin consciousness. Join us in helping fulfill the dolphin’s mission
of raising humans to a higher level.
Located in Kauai at 4544 Kukui Street Kapaa, HI 96746-1716 (808) 822-4414
Refreshing Splashes!
A bartender extraordinaire Nilo Badua brillantly creates unusual
beverages to surprise and enhance the dining experience. With
15 years of experience, Nilo’s greatest passion is combining fresh
local organic ingredients such as fruit, herbs, juices, homemade
syrups or essences and spirits to create uniquely refreshing tastebud-popping drinks.
Nilo hopes to show people how to make drinks on their own
and be creative using local ingredients to concoct fascinating
“Be creative! Use your imagination to conjure up beverages that
excite your taste buds and appetite.”
He enjoys pairing drinks with food to liven up parties and
special occasions. You can find Nilo at 22 North Restaurant at
Kilohana on Kauai.
African Blue Basil and Starfruit Mojito - Starfruit, fresh lime
juice, Koloa white rum, lavender essence, african blue basil
Blood Orange Burst - Blood orange, fresh lime juice, Grey goose
vodka, sugar cane juice
Thai Coconut Delight - Lemon basil, coconut milk, lemon grass,
ginger essence, vodka
The Dragon Slayer - Dragon
Fruit, Circa coconut vodka,
fresh lime juice, lavender
another yummy surprise
- blend rambutan, fresh lime
juice and vanilla essence, Koloa
white rum, opal basil
24 w w w . h a w a i i s i n s p i r a t i o n . c o m
Thanks to our employees!
Alexander and
his son, Makanakai,
thank you for your
continued support.
couples massage
beach massage
(808) 246-4918
facial and body
canopy steam bath
The Alexander Day Spa & Salon at the
Kauai Marriott Resort in Lihue.
Monday Through Sunday 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
(808) 246-4918
Free Valet Parking
The Alexander Day Spa & Salon at
Marriott’s Waiohai Beach Club Resort in Poipu.
Monday Through Saturday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
(808) 742-4465
bridal hair and
makeup application
General Manager: Les Jacinto Manager: Linda Young
Amy Arakaki
Meredith Friedman
Shan Goias
Taryn Moura
Deja Chang Wo
Jackie Huttger
Danica Michel
Heidi Nicol
Robin Sheldon
Asia Yomen
Joy Simpson
Andrea Slaski
Rey Tabalba
Liz Tidwell
Janet Vaughn
Machiko Yamaguchi
hair stylist
Chelsea Ceaser
Janet Duldulao
Raffy Jimenez
Jennifer Sagucio
Brenda Zafirides
Massage Therapist
waiohai staff
Kahla Brown-Emura
Andrew Crawford
Ambyr Estrada
Darian Kam
Jenny Mahula
nail technicians
Christine Garcia
Jay Kashiwabara
Kris Serizawa
Summer Baker
Jill Beckwith
Jovi Guerrero
Victoria Honu
Deanna Jimenez
Alison Koepfgan
Lori LaMarr
Lauren Rosa
Katy Rosenbloom