Dec15 - Adventure Princesses
Dec15 - Adventure Princesses
DECEMBER 2015 ADVENTURE PRINCESSES: RUNNING WATERS Upcoming Events: Frontier Meeting (12/3), Christmas Party (12/13), Induction Ceremony (1/3) TRAIL BOSS LETTER Yetta Hey! First off, I hope all Adventure Princess Families had a great Thanksgiving. It’s hard to believe this is my final month as the trail boss. It has had its challenges but I wouldn’t have changed it for a moment. I also want to take this opportunity to wish all Adventure Princess families Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Kwanzaa, and a Happy New Year to all may 2016 be great and fill your time with plenty of lasting memories. The month of November had a few things the Overnighter at the Strongsville Rec Center, which I am sure the dads and girls had fun. We also had the North Royalton Christmas Parade, where the girls helped welcome Santa to the area. It is also time for us to start focusing on next year main event Mardi Gras, this event is what helps keep the costs down for all events, including in the past having some events free. So make sure you sell the raffle tickets, and dance tickets can be gotten from any officer. They are 1 for $25.00 or 2 for $40.00. Raffle tickets are $5.00 each with the winner getting a very nice cash prize. There are also chances for your outpost to earn cash for your wampum’s by selling your outposts minimum of tickets and also selling ads can add to it, once your ticket amount has been sold. See the attached flyer about it for more information. I cannot STRESS THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS EVENT, without a good year, events would have to be trimmed or removed and costs for each event would have to increase. So sell, sell, sell and let’s have a great Mardi Gras and a great 2016 year. Yetta Hey! Friends Always, Wes, Sierra, and Mackenzie Brown North Royalton YMCA Adventure Princesses 2015 Events (DD) = Dad & Daughter (F) = Family (AP/AG) = Adventure Programs Event (MD) = Mom & Dad Only Event The dates shown below are tentative. Always check the latest issue of the Running Waters or for updated information. January 2016 03: 07: 16: 17: 23: 28: Induction Ceremony (F) Frontier Meeting (D) Sled-fest I (F) Bowling (DD) Sled-fest II (F) Officer Meeting (D) February 2016 04: 06: Frontier Meeting (D) Mardi Gras (MD) (Annual Fundraiser) 12-14: Winter Camp (DD) 25: Officer Meeting (D) April 2016 07: Frontier Meeting (D) TBD: Lake Erie Monster Family (F) 24: Car Race & Fair (F) 28: Officer Meeting (D) 04: 4 July Parade (DD) 07: Frontier Meeting (D) 10: Boat Race & Picnic (F) TBD: Lake County Captains (DD) 24: Putt-Putt (DD) 28: Officer Meeting (D) 05: Frontier Meeting (D) TBD: Indians Scout Night (F) 26: Officer Meeting (D) 29: Fishing Derby (DD) 30: Memorial Day Parade (DD) 04: Frontier Meeting (D) 05: Mid-Summer Fluff Raid (DD) TBD: NR Home Days Parade (DD) 25: Officer Meeting (D) 28: Breakfast in the Park (DD) November 2016 03: 13: 22: 26: 27: Frontier Meeting (D) Family Skate (F) Officer Meeting (D) Overnighter (DD) NR Christmas Parade (DD) Frontier Meeting (D) Father/Daughter Dinner Easter Party (F) Officer Meeting (D) June 2016 02: Frontier Meeting (D) 3-5: Spring Camp (DD) 23: Officer Meeting (D) 26: Pool Party (DD) August 2016 October 2016 06: Frontier Meeting (D) 09: Car Rally (F) 14-16: Fall Camp (DD) 27: Officer Meeting (D) 03: 06: 20: 24: May 2016 July 2016 th March 2016 September 2016 01: 10: 17: 22: Frontier Meeting (D) Recruiting Rally (AP/AG) Recruiting Rally (AP/AG) Officer Meeting (D) December 2015 03: Frontier Meeting (D) 13: Christmas Party (F) 22: Officer Meeting (D) (DD) 2016 Adventure Princess Event Staff Sign Up Modified December 3rd, 2015 Dates Event 1/3 Induction Ceremony 1/16 SledFest 1 1/23 SledFest II (make-up date) 1/17 Bowling 2/12-2/14 Winter Camp- Camp Y-noah 3/6 Father-Daughter Dance 3/20 Easter Party/Egg Hunt TBD Lake Erie Monsters Game 4/24 Car Race & Fair TBD Indians Scout Night 5/29 Fishing Derby 5/30 Memorial Day Parade 6/3 Spring Camp - Crooked River 6/3-6/5 Spring Camp 6/26 Pool Party 7/4 July 4th Parade 7/10 Boat Race & Picnic TBD Lake County Captains 7/24 Putt-Putt 8/5 Mid-Summer Fluff Raid TBD North Royalton Home Days Parade 8/28 Breakfast in the Park 9/10 Recruiting Rally 9/17 Recruiting Rally 10/09 Car Rally 10/14 Halloween Dance/Party 10/14-10/16 Fall Camp 11/13 Family Skate 11/26 Overnighter 11/27 Christmas Parade TBD Festival of Fluffs 12/11 Christmas Party OIC 1 OIC 2 Outpost 1 Outpost 2 Outpost 3 OUTPOST 4 Wes Brown David Shefferly David Shefferly Dan McCoy Dan McCoy Don Richter Ben Rababy Wes Brown x x x Officer Corps x x x x x MOMS Officer Corps MOMS x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Vito x x Bear Clan x x x x x x x x Officer Corps x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Don McKee Legend Maker Dan McCoy Legend Maker x Storyteller Vito Cimino x x Scott Amick Dan McCoy Dan McCoy Dan McCoy Legend Maker x x x x Officer Corps x Bear Clan Officer Corps Officer Corps x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Officer Corps x x x x x x x x Officer Corps x x x x x x Consider Being An Officer for 2016!!!!!! To All Princess Dads, Please consider being an officer for 2016. Nominations Started in September and most of the positions are open for 2016, meaning that dads in good standing with the organization can run for election (or audition in the case of the Storyteller position). Even if someone else is running for a given position, if you are interested in it – run for it! Having more people running makes it more fun for everyone. Listed below are the names of each position with a brief description of what it entails. If you would like to know more, feel free to ask current or former officer about their experiences. Elections are held at the December Frontier meeting. See Dan McCoy or Wes Brown to nominate someone to run for a position. I hope you’ll consider it! Thanks, Dan McCoy (2016 Trail Boss) Officer Positions for 2016 Position Description Election Nomination Name(s) Status 1 2 3 Trail Boss Elder Asst Trail Boss Closed Closed Open Dan McCoy Wes Brown Scott Miller 4 5 Treasure Keeper Fire Maker Open Closed Chris Finnecy Chris Sliwinski 6 6 7 9 Asst. Fire Maker Storyteller Tally Keeper Forest Scout Responsible for all activities Supports Trail Boss as necessary Works with Trail Boss to learn future responsibilities Tracks all financial transactions Organizes and runs all council fires Assists Fire Maker Tells stories at council fires Takes notes at all meetings Responsible for coordination of territory participation Responsible for coordination of territory participation Responsible for coordination of territory participation Responsible for coordination of territory participation Responsible for coordination of territory participation Assembles and publishes the newsletter Maintains AP Websites Open Open Open Open Brent Bokman Kevin Sexton Paul Ekey, James Snider Scott Amick Open Adam Albright Open Vito Cimino Open PJ Egnaczk Open Tom Miller Open David Shefferly Open Bryan Armbruster Takes photos and publishes for the organization Assists Legendmaker as needed Manages all membership records Open Don McKee Open Closed Val Cimino Ben Rababy Assists Membership Tracker Open John Montgomery Procures all patches and awards Inventory, storage and repair of Frontier property Open Open Dan Peel Don Richter 10 Sun Scout 11 Water Scout 12 Fire Scout 13 Sky Scout 14 15 Running Waters Editor Web Keeper 16 Legend Maker 17 18 Asst Legend Maker Membership Tracker Asst Membership Tracker Awards Maker Outfitter 19 20 21 Officer Expectations So, you think you might like to be an officer! You might ask “what does that mean?” “What is expected of me if I were to become an officer?” In anticipation of those questions, here is a brief summary of the general expectations of any officer, regardless of the position that you might hold. (Check the Princess Member Handbook for specific detailed responsibilities for each officer position). If you have questions, feel free to contact me or any officer to find out more. I hope you join us! Thanks, Dan McCoy, 2016 Trail Boss ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Excerpts from officer expectations and conduct guidelines) You represent the organization as an officer at all times; both at and away from Princess Events you are viewed by others as representing the group. Set the right example at all times You have a duty to support the organization in decisions both big and small. What is right for the program, and what is right for the kids should guide us in making the right decision. It is our duty to preserve this program that we currently enjoy, for the benefit of those that will come in later years. Throughout the year all officers have assigned responsibilities. Some are clearly stated in the handbook and by-laws and some are not. Regardless of where the assignment comes from – whether it is voluntary or a requirement of your elected position – we are all counting on you to meet your commitment. It is the responsibility of all officers to attend all Officer and Frontier meetings. Be prepared to discuss any action items that you might have. Territory Scouts should be prepared to speak on behalf of their Territories. There are a number of events during the year where support from the general officer group is needed in order to be successful. The Mardi Gras fundraiser, the Guides Night at the Races, and supporting the council fires at campouts are several of the main ones. Even though you might not be the specific officer assigned to coordinate the event, we will all need to pitch in to make sure things run smoothly. Future officers: We need your help in identifying possible candidates for future officer positions. Without good leadership going forward, the organization will eventually fail. We need to make sure that does not happen. SKY TERRITORY Night Owls Yetta Hey from the Mighty Night Owls, We had an awesome time in Power Town at our last fall camp. These last 4 years have flown by. I was looking at some photos from our first Father/Daughter dance and how young our little Princesses were back then. Look at them now, WOW, they have become beautiful young ladies, who will now move into the next chapter in their lives. Some will move onto Senior Princesses, others to their next sport or activity. The girls will always cherish the time they were able to spend with their dads, and the dads will cherish watching the girls and grow mature. We will always have those wonderful memories to look back on. It has been a pleasure being a part of such a great tribe. The dads and daughters have made and will keep many friendships that we would never have made but for the Adventure Princesses. Thanks to all of the officers over the last four years, without their dedication, none of us would have the memories that were created. We got to see our daughters ride in a limo, lip sync “pontoon”, make and race countless boats and cars, ride horses, go on ghost marches and have fun staying up late at all the camps, (“DAD…”, “…WHICH DAD?”). We would like to welcome in the New Sky Territory and wish them as many happy times and memories as we had. Thanks to all the Night Owls. DON & OLIVIA, WES & SIERRA, BERT & SARAH, WAYNE & JULIANNA, JIM & GRACE, BRIAN & MADISON, SAM & MAYA, DON & DESTINY, DAN & VICTORIA, NOAH & SOPHIA. NIGHT OWLS Yetta Hey from the Cloud Walkers! Nothing to report at this time. The Chepi’s Nothing to report at this time Thanks, Friends Always Bert and Sarah Egglemeyer 2015 Sky Territory Scouts Forest Territory Report: Sequoias Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Hope it was enjoyable. The Sequoias had lots of fun at the skating event. Dads and daughters made it around the rink without many issues or injuries. The overnighter was a great amount of fun. The storyteller and the soon to be firemaker gave a taste to all the new Adventure Princesses of what to expect over the next year. Lots of food was devoured along with some great movies being seen. Coming up will be the last parade of 2015. Hope to see everyone there. Bear Clan Update Aneen Neeshee, (Hell-o my friends). The Bear Clan took time out from selling Mardi Gras Raffle Tickets and Advertisements to enjoy the November's Family Skate and Overnighter. It was fun to welcome the new Sky Territory members at the Overnighter. We are looking forward to the Holiday season with the North Royalton Christmas Parade, Festival of Fluff and Christmas Party. We hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday season and a Happy New Year! Friends Always! Megwetch (Thank you), Bear Clan Princess Grizzlies The Grizzly Grapevine - The Grizzlies are ramping up for a long long night of movies, swimming and junk food. It has been a while since we got assembled in mass and we looking forward to a growling great time. A sprinkle of Grizzly princesses attended the Car Rally and Family Skate, and I hear they were both plenty of fun. After the Overnighter, on comes a very busy holiday season. For lack of anything else to report - I give to you The Grizzly Top-5 Thankful List. 5) Never having to follow up on 2015 Mardi Gras, ever again 4) Never having to lug around the Trailboss Trophy, ever again 3) The endless time and talents of the officers 2) Endless fun and treasured memories 1) Simply the best daughters, not so bad dads Happy Thanksgiving Indian Princesses! - Grizzly Breath Out Fearless Fawns Yetta Hey! Greetings from the Fearless Fawns. It's been a quiet fall on the Princess front. Most of our girls were heavily involved in school sports and other activities. But we were able to make it to a few events. Last month some of the ladies and dads enjoyed camp and the car rally. Last week a couple of us got to attend family skate night. The over nighter is coming up and the Christmas party is right around the corner. We're preparing to enter our final year of the Adventure Princesses. So we're all gonna try to make as many events as possible and really enjoy the time with our daughters. See you at the next event. FRIENDS ALWAYS! Scott and Sadie Amick 2015 Forest Territory Scout SUN TERRITORY REPORT: Ageyutsa November seemed to fly by, but we still managed to enjoy all the events that were available. Nobody broke an ankle at the Family Skate, the girls stayed up late and punished their Dads at the Overnighter, and the Christmas Parade was a great way to kick off the holiday season! Can’t believe it’s almost Christmas! See you at the Christmas Party! Friends Always! The Sunflowers The Family Skate and the overnighter was fun, looking forward to the Christmas Party Friends Always! The Sunflowers Thee Lakota The Family Skate was a blast, at the Overnighter we had a splashing good time. Who stayed up all night? We tried but almost made it to the end. Looking forward to seeing Santa Claus at the Christmas Party. Maybe Frosty shows up also, HA. Yetta Hey, Thee Lakota Friends Always 2015 Sun Territory Scout Don & Kaila McKee Water Territory Report: Water Sprites November started with the Family Skate and was a lot of fun. A few girls are clearly learning as these years go on and now skating solo. Then on to one of our favorite events the Overnighter. Girls had a blast swimming and judging our inaugural cannonball competition. Snacks and movies were great! Christmas Parade was nice seeing a total of nine Water Sprites representing. It was a bit cold but the girls had fun handing out candy as well as eating donuts and hot chocolate at the end. Four of the Water Sprites went up on stage to do the countdown with the Mayor to light the Christmas Lights this year! Dancing Water Nothing to report. Amadahy Angels The Angels headed out to the family skate early in November followed by the annual Overnighter at the Strongsville Recreation Center. Plenty of movies, swimming and junk food until the wee hours of the morning. An official Angels welcome to Mark Lefton and his daughter Miranda who officially joined the Angels this month. Welcome Mark and Miranda! Lastly, we braved the cold in order to see Santa and to grab some hot chocolate and donuts at the North Royalton Christmas Parade in order to complete our beloved hamburger patch. Yetta Hey! Friends Always! Vito, Victoria and Elizabeth Cimino 2015 Water Territory Scouts Potawatomi (Poe-tah-wah)-toe-me That is how you say it. Nothing to report at this time… -Potawatomi Soaring Phoenix Soaring Phoenix had a great time at the Overnighter. There isn't a movie after Inside Out? I thought this was an all-nighter, not just until 3:30. Just joking - great job by all the officers involved. The SPARKS The Sparks had a great time at the fall events, we really enjoyed roller skating with new friends and the overnighter! Who knew we could stay awake until 4am learning the"bumblebee song" along with "mashed potatoe!" We can't believe the Christmas parade is around the corner, this has been such a great first year! Until next time... PJ and Kaylee Egnaczyk 2015 Fire Territory Scout Here is how the parade patch will look if you attend all 2015 parades: The Snow Sister Storyteller Story One afternoon of a cold winter's day, two children asked their mother if they could run out and play in the new-fallen snow. The older child was a little girl, so tender and modest that every one called her Violet. The boy was called Peony because of his fat, round face which made everybody think of sunshine and scarlet flowers. The children lived in the city and had no wider play place than a little garden before the house, divided from the street by a white fence. The pear and plum trees, and the rose bushes in front of the parlor window were covered with white, with here and there an icicle for the fruit. It was a pleasant place to play. Their mother bundled them up in woolen jackets and wadded sacks, and a pair of striped gaiters on each little pair of legs, and worsted mittens on their hands. Out they ran, with a hop-skip-and-jump, into the heart of a huge snowdrift. When they had frosted one another all over with handfuls of snow, Violet had a new idea. "Let us make a girl out of snow," she said. "It shall be our little sister and shall run about and play with us all winter long!" "Oh, yes!" cried Peony. "And mother shall see it." "Yes," Violet answered. "Mother shall see the new little girl. But she must not make her come into the warm parlor, for our little snow sister will not love the warmth." So the children began this great business of making a snow sister that should run about. Violet told Peony what to do, while with her own careful fingers she shaped all the nicer parts of the snow figure. It seemed, in fact, not so much to be made by the children as to grow up under their hands as they were playing and talking about it. Their mother, who was sitting at the window, watched them. The longer she looked, the more and more surprised she grew. "What remarkable children mine are!" she said to herself. "What other children could have made anything so like a little girl's figure out of snow at the first trial?" "Peony, Peony!" cried Violet to her brother, "bring me some of that fresh snow from the farthest corner where we have not been trampling. I want to make our little snow sister's dress with it. You know it must be white, just as it came out of the sky." "Here it is, Violet!" Peony said as he came floundering through the drifts. "Here is the snow for her dress. Oh, Violet, how beautiful she begins to look!" "Yes," Violet said thoughtfully and quietly, "our snow sister does look very lovely. I did not know, Peony, that we could make such a sweet little girl as this. Now bring me those light wreaths of snow from the lower branches of the pear tree. You can climb up on a snowdrift and reach them. I must have them to make some curls for our little snow sister's head." "Here they are, Violet," answered the little boy. "Take care you do not break them. Oh, how pretty!" "We must have some shining little bits of ice to make the brightness of her eyes. She is not finished yet," Violet went on. "Here they are," cried Peony. "Mother, Mother! Look out and see what a nice little girl we have made!" Their mother put down her work for an instant and looked out of the window. She was dazzled by the sun that had sunk almost to the edge of the world so she could not see the garden very distinctly. Still, through all the brightness of the sun and the snow, she saw a strange, small white figure in the garden. Peony was bringing fresh snow, and Violet was molding it as a sculptor adds clay to his model. "They do everything better than other children," their mother thought. "No wonder they make better snowmen." She sat down again to her work, and Violet and Peony talked about what a nice playmate their little snow sister would be for them all winter. Suddenly Violet called out joyfully: "Look, Peony! Come quickly! A light has been shining on her cheek from that rose-colored cloud, and the color does not go away." "And look, Violet!" Peony answered. "Oh, look at her hair! It is all like gold." "Oh, of course," Violet said. "That color, you know, comes from the golden clouds. She is almost finished now. But her lips must be very red. Let us kiss them, Peony!" Just then there came a breeze of the pure west wind blowing through the garden. It sounded so wintry cold that the mother was about to tap on the window pane to call the children in, when they both cried out to her with one voice: "Mother, Mother! We have finished our little snow sister and she is running about the garden with us!" "They make me almost as much of a child as they," the mother said. "I can almost believe now that the snowgirl has really come to life." She went to the door and looked all over the garden. There was no gleam or dazzle now on it and she could see very well. What do you think she saw there? Why, if you will believe me, there was a small figure of a girl dressed all in white, with rosy cheeks and golden curls, playing with Violet and Peony. She was none of the neighboring children. Not one had so sweet a face. Her dress fluttered in the breeze; she danced about in tiny white slippers. She was like a flying snowdrift. "Who is this child?" the mother asked. "Does she live near us?" Violet laughed that her mother could not understand so clear a matter. "This is our little snow sister," she said, "whom we have just been making." At that instant a flock of snowbirds came flitting through the air. As was very natural, they avoided Violet and Peony. But - and this looked strange - they flew at once to the white-robed child, lighted on her shoulder, and seemed to claim her as their friend. The little snow sister was as glad to see these birds, old Winter's grandchildren, as they were to see her, and she welcomed them by holding out both of her hands. They tried to all alight on her ten small fingers and thumbs, crowding one another with a great fluttering of wings. One snowbird nestled close to her heart and another put its bill to her lips. Just then the garden gate was thrown open and the children's father came in. A fur cap was drawn down over his ears and the thickest of gloves covered his hands. He had been working all day and was glad to get home. He smiled as he saw the children and their mother. His heart was tender, but his head was as hard and impenetrable as one of the iron pots that he sold in his hardware shop. At once, though, he perceived the little white stranger, playing in the garden, like a dancing snow wraith with the flock of snowbirds fluttering around her head. "What little girl is that," he asked, "out in such bitter weather in a flimsy white gown and those thin slippers?" "I don't know," the mother said. "The children say she is nothing but a snowgirl that they have been making this afternoon." As she said this, the mother glanced toward the spot where the children's snowgirl had been made. There was no trace of it—no piled-up heap of snow - nothing save the prints of little footsteps around a vacant space! "Nonsense!" said the father in his kind, matter-of-fact way. "This little stranger must be brought in out of the snow. We will take her into the parlor, and you shall give her a supper of warm bread and milk and make her as comfortable as you can." But Violet and Peony seized their father by the hand. "No," they cried. "This is our little snow girl, and she needs the cold west wind to breathe." Their mother spoke, too. "There is something very strange about this," she said. "Could it be a miracle come to the children through their faith in their play?" The father laughed. "You are as much a child as Violet and Peony," he said. Then he reached out his hand to draw the snow child into the house. As he approached the snowbirds took to flight. He followed the snow child into a corner where she could not possibly escape. It was wonderful how she gleamed and sparkled and seemed to shed a glow all around her. She glistened like a star, or like an icicle in the moonlight. "Come, you odd little thing," cried the honest man, seizing the snow child by her hand. "I have caught you at last and will make you comfortable in spite of yourself. We will put a nice new pair of stockings on your feet and you shall have a warm shawl to wrap yourself in. Your poor little nose, I am afraid, is frost bitten. But we will make it all right. Come along in." So he led the snow child toward the house. She followed him, drooping and reluctant. All the glow and sparkle were gone from her. "After all," said the mother, "she does look as if she were made of snow." A puff of the west wind blew against the snow child; she sparkled again like a star. "That is because she is half frozen, poor little thing!" said the father. "Here we are where it is warm!" The little white maiden looked sad and drooping as she stood on the hearth rug. The heat of the stove struck her like a pestilence. She looked wistfully toward the windows and caught a glimpse, through its red curtains, of the snow-covered roofs, the frosty stars and the delicious intensity of the cold night. The mother had gone in search of the shawl and stockings, and Violet and Peony looked with terror at their little snow sister. "I am going to find her parents," said the father, but he had scarcely reached the gate when he heard the children scream. He saw their mother's white face at the window. "There is no need of going for the child's parents," she said. There was no trace of the little white maiden, unless it were a heap of snow which, while they were gazing at it, melted quite away upon the hearth rug. "What a quantity of snow the children brought in on their feet," their father said at last. "It has made quite a puddle here before the stove." The stove, through the glass of its door, seemed to grin like a red-eyed demon at the mischief which it had done, for the story of the snow sister is one of those rare cases where common sense finds itself at fault. Kevin and Kaitlyn Sexton 2015 Storytellers Rules of the Outpost of the Year Trophy/Participation Trophy There have been many issues lately on what you can and cannot do with this trophy so I am going to list some of the do’s and don’ts when it comes to this trophy. This trophy and the FUN of trying to steal it has been a tradition for many years in the Adventure Princesses, remember it is all in good fun when it comes to being the guardian of the trophy and the punishment if lost. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Do’s Guard The trophy The trophy must be stolen while unattended. The trophy must be brought to all events except for parades, and a few others if unsure ask. The trophy while at all events must be out in open Have someone watch the trophy Have fun with having it If the trophy is requested by the Trail Boss it must be handed over. If the trophy is stolen the group that stole it must follow the rules also. The Don’ts 1. You can’t steal the trophy while it is in someone hand, the trophy must be taken while it is unattended. 2. You can’t lock up/ tie down/ secure the trophy while at events so you don’t have to watch it. 3. You can’t keep the trophy in a car or place where cannot give someone the opportunity to steal it back, exception at camp it can be stored in the cabin during bed time. 4. No ripping the trophy from the hands of an individual or child I hope this helps everyone understand the do’s and don’ts of this trophy Thanks Wes Brown Trail Boss See all the photos taken throughout the year at our Shutterfly account. The password is “adventure” Follow the link below. Like us on Facebook PRINCESS INTERVIEW PATCH HEY! PRINCESSES… We would like to know more about each Princess and her dad. Please take a few moments to fill out the Interview Form below. Each Princess that sends in an interview will receive a special patch. Each month in the Running Waters, several interviews will appear, so make sure you check each issue for your Personal Interview. You can mail this form to me at the address below or better yet drop it off at the house and receive a fluff too! Looking forward to hearing from you! **PLEASE INCLUDE PICTURE OF DAD & DAUGHTER** Your Name: Dad’s Name: Your Princess Name: Territory: Outpost: School: Grade: Your Age: What do you like about school: Favorite TV Show: Favorite Book: Favorite Song: Favorite Food: Favorite Desert: What activities are you involved in (other than Adventure Princesses): Favorite Princess Event: Favorite Princess Craft: Best Thing you ever did as an Outpost: What new event would you like to see be part of the Princesses: Funniest thing your dad ever did: Length of your trail of fluffs: Number of patches on your vest: Number of beads on your Necklace: REMEMBER TO INCLUDE A PICTURE OF YOU AND YOUR DAD. SEND INTERVIEW TO: David Shefferly FLUFF RAIDER’S LOG: 2015 There will be a patch given to Princesses that Fluff Raid the officers at their homes. The first part of this 2-part patch will be awarded to any Princess who "raids" 14 officers at their home. The second part is for Princesses who "raid" 5 officers after midnight. Use this Fluff Raiders Log to collect signatures from the officers. When you get the 14 regular raids and/or 5 midnight raids, then "Raid" the Awards Maker for the patch(es). OFFICER: NAME: FLUFF COLOR: 1. Trail Boss Wes Brown Multi 2. Asst. Trail Boss Dan McCoy Multi 3. Elder Roger Bundy White 4. Fire Maker 5. Asst Fire Maker 6. Treasurer Keeper Sean Kelly Chris Sliwinski John Gaughan Black Maroon Gold 7. Tally Keeper Dan Vegh Orange 8. Awards Maker Don Bromeier 9. Running Waters Editor 10. Web Keeper 11. Legend Maker David Shefferly Moss Green Beige Chris Walker Bill Demattie Rust Lt. Pink 12. Asst. Legend Maker 13. Membership Tracker 14. Asst. Membership Tracker 15. Outfitter Nick Marton Coral Noah Wemmer Brown Ben Rababy Teal Don Richtor Purple 16. Storyteller Kevin Sexton 17. Sky Territory Scout Bert Egglemeyer Dark Pink Royal Blue 18. Forest Territory Scout 19. Sun Territory Scout Scott Amick Green Don McKee Yellow 20. Fire Territory Scout 21. Water Territory Scout PJ Egnaczyk Red Vito Cimino Aqua REGULAR RAID: MIDNIGHT RAID: D Sunday e Monday c e Tuesday 1 m b Wednesday 2 e r 2015 Thursday 3 Friday Saturday 4 5 Frontier Meeting: 7:30 pm @ Busch Funeral Home 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 Christmas Party 20 Merry Christmas! Officer Meeting: 7:30 pm location TBD 27 28 29 30 31 YMCA of Greater Cleveland25 North Royalton YMCA 11409 State Rd. North Royalton, OH 44133 Adventure Princesses The Big Creek Frontier 2015 Frontier Officers Trail Boss Name Daughter Phone Address and Email Wes Brown Sierra 440-886-1517 3426 Priscilla Ave. Parma, OH 44134 Assistant Trail Boss Dan McCoy McKenzee 440- 886-1951 7840 Joyce Dr. Parma, OH 44134 Elder Roger Bundy Grace / Sara 216-375-3679 4544 South Hills Dr., Cleveland, OH 44109 Fire Maker Sean Kelly Reya / Nya 440-590-3249 8527 Akins Road, North Royalton, OH 44133 Asst. Fire Maker Chris Sliwinski Olivia (440) 888-1413 10071 W. Sprague Rd. North Royalton, OH 44133 Treasure Keeper John Gaughan Mary / Meghan 440-885-3590 7719 Lanyard Dr., Parma, OH 44129 Tally Keeper Dan Vegh Victoria / Alexis (440) 746-9083 1791 E. Sprague Rd. Seven Hills, OH 44131 Awards Maker Don Bromeier Olivia (216) 856-0895 3417 Torrington Ave. Parma, OH 44134 RW Editor David Shefferly Ashley 713-858-5751 130 Wakefield Run, Hinckley, OH 44233 Web Keeper Chris Walker Addison (440) 539-5733 6615 Chestnut Rd. Seven Hills, OH 44131 Legend Maker Bill Demattie Mallory 440-315-3314 11552 Harbor Light Dr. North Royalton, OH 44133 Asst. Legend Maker Nick Marton Ava 440-884-5389 6070 Creekside Dr. Parma Hts, OH 44134 Membership Tracker Noah Wemmer Sophia 330-760-2423 1900 Keystone Road, Parma, OH 44134 Asst. Membership Tracker Outfitter Ben Rababy Sophia 440-655-2381 10841 Silver Tree Trail, North Royalton, OH 44133 Don Richter 216-299-9130 7806 Jameson Rd. Parma, OH 44129 Storyteller Kevin Sexton Destiny / Faith / Serenity Kaitlyn 440-582-3255 11409 Glen Abbey Dr. North Royalton, OH 44133 Sky Territory Scout Bert Egglemeyer Sarah (216) 398-7934 1730 Murl Ave. Cleveland, OH 44109 Sun Territory Scout Don McKee Kaila 440-724-5375 8025 Kenilworth Avenue, Parma, OH 44129 Water Territory Scout Vito Cimino Victoria / Elizabeth 216-410-8457 8112 Thornhurst Dr. North Royalton, OH 44133 Forest Territory Scout Scott Amick Sadie (440) 397-3586 2330 Fordham Ln. Broadview Hts, OH 44147 Fire Territory Scout PJ Egnaczyk Kaylee (440) 829-9979 7603 Whittington Dr. Parma, OH 44129