Pinewoods Post Autumn 2008 / Winter 2009
Pinewoods Post Autumn 2008 / Winter 2009
The Pinewoods Post ◆ WINTER 2009 ◆ Pinewoods Camp Inc. ◆ 80 Cornish Field Road Plymouth, MA 02360 ◆ WINTER 2009 ◆ Legacy Campaign Update The Pinewoods Camp Legacy Campaign celebrated a successful conclusion this summer with the unveiling of the Donor Plaque in the Camphouse during the July 4th weekend. This beautiful wooden plaque lists the names of all the individuals and organizations that contributed to the Legacy Campaign. During the weekend, donors were pleased to find their names attractively displayed in a manner that fit so well with the Pinewoods aesthetic. PCI's Past President, Jim Childress, initiated the Campaign some nine years ago with a far-reaching and timely vision for the future of Camp, and he was there to receive a grateful ovation from all those present. Current President Ruth Reiner offered thanks to PCI's Board members and to the Legacy Campaign committee for their work in soliciting contributions, as well as to the many, many campers who participated in the Campaign. Marty Stock spent many hours typesetting the donor names and then printed them on a beautiful watermark background picture of camp. The success of the Legacy Campaign is a tribute to all those who love Pinewoods Camp and who work so tirelessly to preserve its magic.◆ Work Weekends Once again Pinewoods is indebted to the following folks who gave so generously of their time to help open and close camp for the 2008 season. Because of their efforts, we were able to get the jobs done that made camp run smoothly all summer long. Some of those jobs can get pretty interesting. The folks listed below are very special to us, and when they come to camp they have a unique appreciation of all those little details, as well as pride in knowing they made a big difference. We all owe them our appreciation. Linda Nelson Paul Levitt Jennifer Davis Jan Elliott Warren Anderson Susan & Ed St. Germaine Ruth Reiner Erica Morse Aloysius Yanas Peggy Craft Noel Hess Dawn Moran BDan Fairchild Jessica Schultz Kippy & Howard Brezner Cecily Pilzer Chris Reynolds Jim Greavey John Kelsey Ed Patterson Emily Troll Carrie Compton Jean Monroe Jay Lane Hennette Isene Janet, Liz, & Ben Anderson Gail & Lance Ramshaw Colin Lindsay Ruth Reiner, President, PCI Board of Directors and Jim Childress, past President, unveil the Legacy Campaign Donor plaque this summer. The plaque, with the list of campaign donors, is located in the Camphouse. Campers perusing the plaque July 4th weekend unveiling. For Those GPS Users If you were among those folks who acquired a GPS this year and used it to navigate to camp, even though you have been coming to camp for years and could probably get here blindfolded, you may have noticed that it was… downright wrong. If you followed your “navigator’s” instructions you were led astray, very astray, onto some extremely bumpy roads and private ways. A word to the wise: stick to the tried and true Pinewoods Camp directions given to you in your camper packets. Leave the global positioning services behind, and enjoy Pinewoods where it has always been. Spring 2008 Work weekend volunteers gather in front of Ampleforth after removing the docks from their winter storage place for the last time. In this issue Legacy Campaign Update In Memorium Notes from the Director Annual Appeal Healthy Eating at Pinewoods A new String Bass at Pinewoods Work Weekends Pinewoods Legacy Campaign Contributor List ◆ PA G E 2 In Memorium Marianne Taylor died on August 19 at the age of 78 after months of battling cancer. She was a much beloved member of the Pinewoods community. Marianne started teaching international folk dance and Scottish and English country dance in 1953. She taught throughout the U.S. and Canada and in Japan, Australia, and Switzerland. She received her teacher’s certification in Scottish country dance from the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society in 1957 and the Royal Scottish Country Dance Scroll of Honour in 2005. For 25 years she was the Artistic Director of the Boston Branch Scottish Country Dance Demonstration Team. In 1975 Marianne co-founded the Folk Arts Center of New England, serving as its first Vice President. Later she became Program Director, a post she held until 2004. She was a regular program coordinator and dance leader at the Royal Scottish Country Dance, Folk Arts Center and English Scottish sessions at Pinewoods for over 50 years. It is thanks to Marianne that we have Folk Arts Center Weekend and Week Days, as well as English-Scottish Session. There are few dancers at Pinewoods Camp who haven’t been touched by her spirit. She will be greatly missed. User Groups Boston Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society c/o Folk Arts Center 42 W. Foster St. • Melrose, MA 02176 Susan Haines • Secretary • Country Dance Society, Boston Centre P.M.B. 282, 1770 Mass Ave. • Cambridge, MA 02140 Mark Jones • President • 781.662.6710 • Country Dance and Song Society 132 Main St., PO Box 338 Haydenville, MA 01039-0338 Steve Howe • Assistant Director of Programs • 413.268.7426 X102 • Folk Arts Center of New England 42 W. Foster St. • Melrose, MA 02176 Marcie Van Cleave • Executive Director • 781.662.7475 • Pinewoods Post Cecily Pilzer • Editor • Check Our Website Our website offers many more photos of Pinewoods Camp, the 2008 Camp schedule and past editions of the Post. Log onto ◆ Pinewoods Camp is grateful to the many campers listed below who contributed so generously to the Pinewoods Legacy Campaign. Notes from the Director It was a certainly a memorable season as far as weather was concerned, including hailstorms, a tornado warning, and many gorgeous sun-filled days. It was memorable in other ways too: as you reconnected with old friends, made new ones, learned new tunes and new dances, sang a new song in four part harmony, or appreciated just how much goes into performing as a Morris, sword or rapper team. We all said goodbye to Ampleforth, and look forward to its reincarnation next fall. You welcomed Gillian Stewart as our new Head Cook and Amelia Mason as our new Grounds Crew Chief. Many of you have known both of them since they were very young campers and particularly appreciated what a terrific job they did in taking care of you in their new roles. More young adults attended camp then ever before, bringing new energy, and new dancing, to C# and C# Minor. The New Generation Initiative Scholarship program brought 20 young adults to camp whom might otherwise not have been able to attend. They were all enthusiastic participants, and their participation promises to revitalize the dance and song community. Behind the scenes the crew worked hard, harder than you may realize, to make sure your time here was special each time you visited. As always, you were prolific in sharing your thoughts and concerns in evaluations each week. We read every one, and tried hard to address all the issues you raised. (It can get tricky when ½ of you want more chocolate and the other ½ want less -- but we try.) We fed you with more fresh vegetables grown on local farms than ever before, and plan to continue to support them and feed you the same next year. For those of us who are here all summer, it feels a little like a sprint. We hit the ground running and before we know it the summer is over. The weeks raced by, and while we glimpsed joy and wonder in the eyes of campers anew each session, it was already the next by the time we blinked. And in the blink of an eye it will be summer again. But in the meantime Pinewoods, and I, will be taking a much needed rest so it will be ready to welcome you back again next year. ◆ Judy Savage Annual Appeal If you haven’t already, you will soon be receiving the Pinewoods Camp Annual Appeal letter. Your generosity in the past few years has enabled us to put camp on increasingly secure financial footing. We have been able replace C# Minor when it was damaged, and keep up with necessary improvements and repairs while keeping the feel of camp much the same as many of you experienced it 50 years ago. We take our stewardship of this special place very seriously, as you do. Keeping Pinewoods safe and secure here in the wood, untouched by development and time, requires a community of caretakers. As a part of this community, please support us as generously as you can. ◆ Jessica Murrow Charles F. Muse Judith Simon Muse Linda Nelson John Newsome Alma Newton and Bob Newton & family Robert E. Nicholson, Jr. John Nolan and Martha Roberts Nolan Martha Nolan Betty Nordan George D. Noring Monica Oakley Mike O’Connor Peter Ogle and Rachel Winslow Barry Olmezer Ruth Olmsted Carol Kycia Olszowka and Peter Olszowka Jorgen Overgaard and Lynn Overgaard Gail A. Page and Bob Rowlands Louise M. Pascale Bob Pasquarello and Kathy Talvitie Edmund Patterson Brian R. Percival and Marianne Percival Louis Perez and Teresa Perez Andrew Walter Perry Roderick L. Perry, Sr. Catherine Petersen Patricia H. Petersen and Douglas G. Young David Petrie and Mary Petrie Loumona J. Petroff Susie Petrov Brian Peutherer and Marion Peutherer Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Charlie, Cecily, Sarah Pilzer Joseph Pimentel and Fred Todt Barbara Pixton and Tom Pixton & family William J. Possi and Valerie A. Wade Lois E. Post Dan Punzak Abigail Quandt and Don Potter Guy Quesnel Gabrielle Ramsauer Lance Ramshaw and Gail Wine Lyle Ramshaw Julia Blue Raspe Curtis Read and Louise Lindsay Read & family Colleen S. Reed and Clark A. Reed Deirdre Rees and Chris Rees Doug Reiner and Ruth Reiner Joanna Reiner Hara Reiser Anne M. Richardson Donna Richoux and Franklin D. Ross Joan Robins Beth D. Rockcress and Timothy Rockcress Michelle Roderick and Steven Roderick & family Christopher J. Ronald and Susan Ronald Gary M. Roodman and Rowena Roodman Bruce Rosen and Sue Rosen & family Fred Rosenberg and Dianne Sears Paula G. Rosenstock and Raymond H. Rosenstock Jill R. Rosenthal and Tony Saletan Paul B. Ross and Faina Ross Sam Rotenberg and Sandy Rotenberg Chuck Roth and Kaye Roth Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, Boston Branch Ann Marie Rubin and Edward A. Rubin Julia Melissa Running Jennifer Rusche and Steven Rusche Joe Rush Charlotte Russell and Edward R. Russell, Jr. Barbara Ruth Donald Sagner and Karen Sagner Annette M. Sassi and Brian H. Wilson Judy Savage Paul D. Sawyer Karen Sayers Bradley R. Sayler and Laura Sprung Barbara Sblendorio SBW Foundation Robbin Schaffer John Schieffelin and Linda Schieffelin Lindsay Schieffelin Richard Schmeidler Raymond C. Schneider Karen Schoenewaldt David Schonfeld Jennifer E. Schoonover Bill Schultz and Chrissy Schultz Jessica Y. Schultz Ann Schunior Ellen Schwartz Diane Sears Glenn Shalan Arthur Shaw Judy Reynolds Shaw and Roger Shaw Priscilla Shaw and Tilly Shaw Holly Valentine Sherman David Shewmaker Joan Shimer Daniel Seigel Michael Siemon Anne Siess and Tom Siess Nancy Silber Janet Schoonmaker Simmon Cynthia Shaw Simonoff and David Simonoff Douglas A. Singleton Six Ponds Improvement Association John W.B. Skinner Jennifer Farley Smith and Samuel Rubin Julie E. Smith and Robert O. Smith Kent W. Smith and Marian J. Smith Stephanie D.L. Smith Lanier Smythe Liz Snowdon Ken Snyder Karen Sollins Bette Soloway and Pete Soloway & family Gina Sonder SourceMedia Cheryl Suzanne Spiese Thomas G. Spilsbury Elizabeth Ann Stafford Mary L. Stanton Bob Stein and Laura Stein Frank Stern Jill J. Stevens Gillian Stewart and Kem Stewart Stephen Stiebel Luanne Stiles Ms. Stoll Bernard Stolls Robert Storr and Rosamund Storr & family Adeline Sweeney T. Backer Fund, Inc Peter Tandy Marianne P. Taylor Ellen M. Ternes Textron Matching Gift Program John W. Thoman, Jr. and Lee T. Venolia Gwendolyn D. Thomas and Gabriel Elliot Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Tobias Victor Troll and Nell Wright & family Dan Troost and Morven Troost Susan Turner Turner Foundation Clyde Tyndale and Deborah F. Winograd Marcie Van Cleave Emma Van Scoy Virginia E. Van Scoy Phyllis Varga Verizon Foundation Lynn Waickman and Tony Waickman & family Bettine Wallin and Lawrence Wallin George E. Ward Mark Ward Jeff Warner Ethan Warren and Linda B. Warren Christina E. Wasch James Washington and Mayra Dull Sol Weber Sam Weiler Michael Weinreich David L. Wells Marie Wendt Carol L. Werba and Stefan Werba Margaret Wettling Arnold Whitcomb and Karen and Derek Whitcomb Barbara B. Whitesides and George Whitesides David R. Wilson Elaine Winic Valerie Wohl Peter Wollenberg Veree Woodbridge Peter J. Woodrow Suzanne Woolf Alison Yankowskas and Paul Yankowskas Anthony Yeracaris and Janet Yeracaris Jonathan Young and Mari Young & family Janet Zaleon Judith Zingher t In Honor of Peter and Mary Alice Amidon Carol L. Werba In Honor of Sister Dorcas Baker Denise Babin In Honor of Pinewoods Camp Timothy Mueller-Harder In Honor of Folk Arts Center Mary L. Stanton In Honor of Helene and Arthur Cornelius Barbara B. Whitesides In Honor of Sally Dee Marie Conn Jane Hartmann In Honor of Alistair A. Duncan David Kendall Pinewoods Camp is grateful to the many campers listed below who contributed so generously to the Pinewoods Legacy Campaign. Stephen W. Gester Justin Giacoletti and Kathy Giacoletti Patricia F. Gibney Roger S. Gilbert Elgie Ginsburgh Gloria Glaser and Millier Kern GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Albert J. Gobel and Susan E.M. Gobel Greacian M. Goeke Arlene Goldberg and Lee Goldberg Marcia Goldensher and Vincent F. O’Donnell J. Roger Goldin Joshua A. Goldman and Marcia Landa & family Ilene Goldstein Diane Gonzales and Joel Gonzales Eliza Goodhue Anne Goodwin and David G. Langford Yonina Gordon Michael Gorin and Sarah Henry J.M. Graetz Dan Grandstaff and Carolyn Worthing Luisa Granitto and Wendell Smith & family James Greaney and Christine Reynolds David Green and Sharon Green & family Lisa Greenleaf and Michael Wilson Beverly N. Greenspan Bill Griffith and Donna Griffith David T. Grubb and Sally C. Grubb Judith B. Grunberg and Paul Grunberg Gruverman Family Fund Gus Gustafson Kathleen Tucker Gustafson and Carroll Gustafson Charles A. Guthrie and Sherri Guthrie Linda Lee Haas Kathy Hagelston and Richard Limbursky Susan Haines Betsy Hall and Daniel Roderigues Rob Halley Elizabeth P. Hanf Ellie Hansen Becky Hanslin and Lars Hanslin Sarah J. Harriman and Prof. Louis Torfason Jane Hartmann and James Hartmann Bill Hartner Deborah A. Hawkins Ethan M. Hazzard-Watkins Colin Healy and Myra Healy David Hearn and Florence Hearn Lydia R. Hedge Janice Heinold Bert Held and Joy Held Joan Hellmann Harold M. Henry and Barbara A. Nichols Anneliese Heurich Scott Higgs Becky Hill and Cal Hurd Curtis W. Hoberman Elaine Hodgson and Robert Hodgson Ruth Hooke Laura J. Horlitz Charles Hornig and Ingrid H. Klimoff John Horrell Deborah F. Howe and Fisher Howe John B. Howe Karen G. Howe Nancy Howe Steve Howe and Meg Ryan Eugene N. Hubbard Gail Hyde and Lee Hyde & family Ruth Hyde Jeffrey S. Isen Ithaka Foundation Ralph B. Iverson Herb Jacobs and Lynn Jacobs Lynne Penney Janbergs Shengzhang Jang John Hancock Life Insurance Co. Mike Jones Penny Jones-Barbera The JP Morgan Chase Foundation Matching Gift Program Harold Kahn Judith Kahn Melissa Kahn Sidney Kass and Susan T.L. Kass Judith S. Katz Mark N. Katz and Edith M. Rees Esther Keaney Carroll Neil Kelley Paula Kelley David Kendall Joseph L. Kennedy, Jr. and Patricia Kennedy Lynne Kimball Elizabeth J. Kingsley Frances A. Klein Carolyn Klinger and Donn Williams Judy Klotz and Bill Mates David Knight Zane Knoy Livia Kohn and Tom Moscarillo Lynn Konnerth and Joe Maxwell Atossa F. Kramer Jean B. Krogh and Robert B. Solosko Gloria Krusemeyer Deborah Kruskal and Thomas E. Kruskal & family John Krzywicki Joe Kynoch and Robin Kynoch Rosemary Lach Sally Lackman Dianne J. Lam and William M.C. Lam Joel G. LaMarre Steve Langford and Ruth Langford Cyndie Langstaff and David Langstaff & family Nancy Langstaff Morris Larkey and Phoebe Larkey Howard Lasnik and Roberta Lasnik Patricia Latham Kenneth J. Launie Karen Lavallee-Tente and Tom Tente Ron Lehmkuhl and Dale Mantautas Margaret Leiby Amy Cummings Leight and Ned Leight Margaret Lepley Elizabeth A. Levin Paul A. Levitt Gary Mitchell Lieberman and Linda Lewis Lieberman Cameron Lindsay Colin Metz Lindsay David Lindsay Edward A. Lindsay George N. Lindsay, Jr. and Nancy Metz John Lindsay and Diane Lindsay Mary D. Lindsay Peter Lindsay Rachel W. Lindsay Johanna Lindsay and Stephen Lindsay Tinker Lindsay Lindsay Family Foundation Robert V. Lindsay and Nancy Lindsay Barbra Link Marcelle Lipke and Paul Lipke Alan Lippert and Meg Lippert & family Dawn Lippert Jocelyn Lippert Bob Littlehale Diane Lockhart Jean Loewenberg and Larry Rosenblum Anne Lowenthal and Gene Murrow Joseph Lubozynski Roselle Macdonald Julie W. MacRae and David Wiesler Chloe M. Maher B. Mahoney Catherine Mahoney Gerry Mandel Howard A. Markham and Pat Ruggiero James S. Martin Carolyn Maruhnic and Peter Maruhnic Ann Mason Catherine H. Mason MassMutual Financial Group Matching Gift Program Evy Mayer Bryant McBride and Tina McBride & family Carol McCabe and Thomas McCabe Jeanetta McColl John McCormick Pat McGrath and David Rupp Judson McIntire and Suzanne McIntire Linda McJannet Barbara R.T. McOwen and Robert McOwen Sarah Mead Greg Meisner and Gretchen Preston Merck Partnership for Giving Susan Merrill Michael & Margaret Picotte Foundation Microsoft Matching Gift Program Lynn Marie Milich Ann W. Miller and Donald P. Miller Franklin P. Mills Sylvia S. Miskoe Mary Moore Ken Morgan and Lindsay Morgan Jeanne Morrill and Peter Barnes Lindsay H. Morris Robert W. Morris and Katherine A. Terzi Jim Morrison and Marney Morrison Charlene Fagelman Morse and Jonathan L.F. Morse Erica Morse Gordon Richard Morse Joanna Morse Naomi F. Morse Nawal Motawi Suzanne C. Mrozak Timothy Mueller-Harder Julie Mullen Caroline K. Murphy Evelyn Murray ◆ PA G E 3 ◆ Healthy Eating at Pinewoods Pinewoods has had a long tradition of preparing fresh baked bread and homemade desserts at all our meals. Over the years our cooks have added recipes that have included even more fresh vegetables, healthy whole grains and tasty ethnic dishes. We don’t skimp on the chocolate and give you real maple syrup on your blueberry pancakes. We are even fussy about the type of yogurt and peanut butter we put out on the alternative cart. This summer we expanded our commitment to healthy meals by working in tandem with two local farms. We contacted Bay End Farm and Golden Rule Farm early last spring to discuss what vegetables we would need during the summer, and they did their spring planting accordingly. The harvest in Massachusetts comes a little later than it would in the mid-Atlantic, but when it did arrive we benefited with a bounty of fresh tomatoes, peppers, summer squash, herbs, greens, and more. Our campers enjoyed meals made from the freshest ingredients available locally. Pinewoods is committed to both supporting local farmers and feeding you well. We are also committed to reducing unnecessary waste, and preserving this extraordinary environment for future generations in every way we can. Many campers have dietary restrictions due to allergies and individual medical requirements, and we try to meet those needs when reasonably possible. Our campers have a wide variety of dietary preferences and needs. We can’t please everyone, but we feel we do a pretty extraordinary job overall for a summer camp. We hope you look forward to our food as much you look forward to the music and dancing. ◆ A new String Bass at Pinewoods Pinewoods Camp, Inc. is the grateful recipient of a fine string bass with its own unique history. The bass was donated during the summer by frequent Pinewoods campers David Skidmore and his wife, Sue Flint. After 3 years in the Navy during World War II, Skidmore moved to Albany, New York as a full Professor of German Literature in 1949. He also joined the Albany Symphony Orchestra, and played bass in a swing quartet in the Albany area. Now, in addition to the pianos that are provided as part of the agreement with user groups, Pinewoods can offer bassists an in-house string bass. As a bass player myself, I know how complicated it can be to make travel plans to camp with a bass in tow. I test drove the instrument during Family Week, 2008, and I am happy to report it is a rattlin’ decent instrument! David Skidmore writes: “Dad played the bass during his whole teaching career and continued to play professionally after he retired from teaching. Finally, it got to be too much stress for his hands, though, and he passed the bass on to me since I could at least get some occasional use out of it. He also is very pleased that the bass has found an appreciative home. May all the full-time and part-time bass players who come through Pinewoods Camp enjoy their time playing what Dad and I found to be a very satisfying, responsive instrument.” The bass was originally owned and played by David’s father, Willard E. Skidmore. According to David, his father first played it in 1928 as a Kansas high school student taking part in National Youth Orchestra concerts, held in Chicago, Illinois. The bass was on loan from a bass player in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra who had several extra instruments. Willard Skidmore's family moved to Champagne-Urbana, Illinois the next year and by 1930, he was able to continue playing in the Chicago National Youth Orchestra. Skidmore, Sr. helped to support himself while attending Illinois University by playing bass for various dance bands at small clubs in the area. In 1934, he was finally able to purchase the bass for $140 from the Chicago Symphony bassist. It was during the Great Depression and he had to pay in installments. During his Junior year of college, Willard Skidmore took time off to travel the Midwest with a 10 to12 piece swing band, traveling usually in two large touring cars with the bass strapped on top of one of the cars. Upon finishing his studies with a PhD. in German Literature, Skidmore started his college teaching career. He continued to play the bass as a professional musician, playing both classical and jazz, for his whole teaching career. Currently, the bass has a unique metal tripod bridge, necessitated by damage to the instrument many years ago. Apparently due to a slight angle alteration in the face, the standard wooden bridges had a tendency to warp. I am consulting and researching with bass repair shops in the Boston area to see if a new wooden bridge can be fitted. Nonetheless, the instrument will be housed in a safe environment for wooden instruments over the winter, and, in preparation for the summer 2009 season, will be refurbished in any way necessary in time to make it ready to help move dancers’ feet once again. The entire PCI board thanks both David Skidmore and Sue Flint for this significant and meaningful gift to the musical life of Pinewoods Camp. ◆ Henry Chapin Pinewoods Camp is grateful to the many campers listed below who contributed so generously to the Pinewoods Legacy Campaign. In Honor of the Environment and Human Health Marcelle Lipke In Honor of Atossa H. French Atossa F. Kramer In Honor of Kathy Hagelston Kathleen Tucker Gustafson In Honor of Christine Helwig Caroline K. Murphy In Honor of Steve Howe John B. Howe In Honor of Atossa French, Atossa Herring , and Atossa Kramer David G. French In Honor of John and Sylvie Lam William M.C. Lam In Honor of Don May Edmund Patterson In Honor of Susan McElroy-Marcus Gina Sonder In Honor of Barbara McOwen Susan Ronald In Honor of Gene Murrow and Susan Murrow Jacqueline Algon In Honor of Jorgen and Lynn Overgaard Peggy Hyde In Honor of Tom Pixton and The Pinewoods Band Frances A. Klein In Honor of Matthew Resnick Diane Biglow In Honor of Jonah Lande Sidman Joshua A. Goldman In Honor of Alexandra and Elizabeth Spilsbury Thomas G. Spilsbury In Honor of Peter Tandy Bob Littlehale In Honor of Marianne Taylor Tina McBride Linda McJannet Jill R. Rosenthal In Honor of Morven and Daan Troost Mary Jean Fuller Farrington In Honor of Marcie Van Cleave Judith S. Katz t In Memory of Mark Altman Annemarie Altman In Memory of Herbert Bardach Dora A. Benton Bardach In Memory of Elizabeth Taylor Thomas F. and Anne Siess In Memory of Peter Redgate Thomas F. and Anne Siess In Memory of Carolyn Aplin Thomas F. and Anne Siess In Memory of Betty Chapin Schuyler Chapin In Memory of Lily, Dick, and Richard Conant Warren A. Banner III Ellen Conant Gerda Conant Margaret Conant Susan W. Conant In Memory of Marie Conn Ron S. Fortgang Ingrid K. Blackburn Arun Chetty Linda Donovan Tom Duffy Sheryl Emerson Joanne Evans R. Scott Farber Mary Jean Fuller Farrington Lawrence Ficarra Deborah A. Hawkins Robert Hodgson B. Mahoney George D. Noring Lance A. Ramshaw Edward A. Rubin Donald Sagner Adeline Sweeney Arnold Whitcomb Abigail G. Wine Paul Yankowskas In Memory of T. Vincent Corsini David and Lee Anne Corsini In Memory of Ed Durham Michael J. Berry and Stephanie Jack In Memory of Emma V. Dow Gabriel Elliot Gwendolyn Thomas In Memory of Ruth M. Fansler Benjamin Frisch In Memory of Mary Kay Friday Christopher Field & family Steve Howe and Meg Ryan In Memory of Abe Gershowitz Bert and Joy Held Evy Mayer Alma and Bob Newton In Memory of Jonathan Ginsburgh Elgie Ginsburgh In Memory of Michele Godbout Robert B. Brown Cynthia Ernst In Memory of Mrs. Greacian Ogenson Goeke M. Greacian Goeke In Memory of Susan Goldberg Helen Engelhardt In Memory of Martha W. Halley Rob Halley In Memory of John Hanf Elizabeth P. Hanf In Memory of John Hodgkin Dawn and Jocelyn Lippert In Memory of Richard Hooke Ruth Hooke In Memory of Max Kahn Melissa Kahn In Memory of Irving Kass Elizabeth Freedman In Memory of Helen Keaney Esther Keaney In Memory of John Langstaff Ithaka Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Tobias In Memory of John M. and E. Kennedy Langstaff Ithaka Foundation Cyndie Langstaff David Langstaff In Memory of Alvin Lieberman Gary Mitchell Lieberman Linda Lewis Lieberman In Memory of Elizabeth (Libby) Lindsay Randy Bonifay Cameron Lindsay Colin Metz Lindsay David Lindsay Edward A. Lindsay Eleanor Lindsay George N. Lindsay Jr. Johanna Lindsay John and Diane Lindsay Mary D. Lindsay Peter Lindsay Rachel W. Lindsay Robert V. and Nancy Lindsay Stephen Lindsay Tinker Lindsay Lindsay Family Foundation Nancy Metz Michael & Margaret Picotte Foundation Jim and Marney Morrison Curtis Read Louise Lindsay Read John and Linda Schieffelin Lindsay Schieffelin In Memory of Margaret MacArthur and Lucy Simpson Bob Clayton In Memory of Richard Marius Lanier Smythe In Memory of Edward Mason Ann Mason Catherine H. Mason In Memory of Edith Mroz Morris Larkey In Memory of Robert Paul Ingrid Christiansen In Memory of Peter Redgate Barbara M. Broerman John Patcai In Memory of Lucy Simpson Suzanne C. Mrozak In Memory of Theodore Denton Schoonmaker Janet Schoonmaker Simmon In Memory of George Senior Dunbar P. Birnie III Louise Senior In Memory of Joan Shaw Arthur Shaw In Memory of Elizabeth, Gerd, and Carlos Sherman Ellen Schwartz In Memory of Jack Shimer Roselle Macdonald In Memory of Genny Shimer Ruth Hyde In Memory of Conny Taylor Kathy Hagelston Richard Limbursky In Memory of Ethel Bartlett Thompson Betsy Binstock In Memory of Kay Turner Susan Turner In Memory of Maurice Whitby Lydia R. Hedge David Kendall In Memory of Edna Winic Elaine Winic In Memory of Carl Wittman Dan Grandstaff Carolyn Worthin In Memory of Andy Woolf & Karen H. Woolf Marty Stock If needed, we can still make corrections to how your name is listed. Please contact Judy Savage at Pinewoods Camp is grateful to the many campers listed below who contributed so generously to the Pinewoods Legacy Campaign. Lynn Ackerson Bob Adams and Karen Axelrod & family Jerry Agin and Stefni Agin Jacqueline Algon Elizabeth G. Allen Greg Allen and Jill Allen Annemarie Altman Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund Jeanne Ammon Janet C. Anderson Warren Anderson and Barbara Bezdek John K. Andrews Anonymous Hans J. Apfelbaum Marilyn Aquarulo Jill H.G. Arbuckle Nancy Archer and S. Shanti Archer Warren Argo and Thelma L. Leuba David A. Arnold Arthur Daniel Midlands Matching Gifts Program Francis Attanasio Denise Babin Maria Babyonyshev and Theodore A. Walls Janet Baker Warren A. Banner III and Susan W. Conant Dora A. Benton Bardach and Herbert Bardach Russ Barenberg and Susan Kevra David M. Barnert and Julie A. Raskin Olivia Barrand Allen M. Barstow and Julia M. Barstow Beatrice S. Bartlett and Marie Borroff James A. Beaton and Deborah R. Small & family Gail E. Beck Andrew Behrens Eva Behrens and Andrew Behrens Joy Bennett Melissa Butler Bennett John Berg Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation Bev Bernbaum Nicole M. Bernholc Leora A. Berns Michael J. Berry and Stephanie Jack & family Diane Biglow and Michael Resnick Laura J. Billmers and Meyer Billmers & family Betsy Binstock Dale Birdsall and Polly Birdsall Dunbar P. Birnie III and Louise M. Senior Luther F. Black K. Ingrid Blackburn Jim Blackwell and Margaret Blackwell & family Roma Blanchet Albert A. Blank Jacob L. Bloom and Nancy L. Bloom & family Fen-Lan Bohan John Bohlman and Carol Ormand James F. Bollman Cornelia E. Boniface Randy Bonifay and Eleanor Lindsay & family Doris Bouwensch Nancy P. Boyd and Arthur A. Munisteri Bill Brace and Margaret Brace Shawn Brenneman Beatrice Brewster Peggy (Margaret) Briggs Ellie Briscoe and Mel Briscoe Barbara M. Broerman and John Patcai Adam Oliver Brown Nancy Brown Robert B. Brown and Cynthia G. Ernst Millicent Browne Cary Browse and Nick Browse & family Susan Burt and Larry Stout Maggie Bye and Mark Maniak Jeff Cameron and Naomi Luft Cameron & family Ralph Canapa and Nikki Herbst Patricia L. Carden Pamela Carley and Larry Zukof & family Susan C. Carr Liza Carter Lindsay H. Cavanagh David Chandler and Beverly Francis Betsy Blachly Chapin and Henry Chapin Miles Chapin Schuyler G. Chapin Jo Anna Chapin and Theodore S. Chapin Sam Chapin Gillian M. Charters Don Cheetham and Melissa Shaner Arun Chetty and Chittal Chetty James M. Childress and Barbara Payne & family Ingrid Christiansen Christopher J. Clarke and Ivy Penman Bob Clayton and Jennifer Woods Beverly A. Cleathero Reverend Barbara Coeyman Cyndi Coia and Jim Gregory Bob Cole and Phyllis Cole Julian Cole and Chris Rua Mitzie Collins and Tom Bohrer Combined Jewish Philanthropies David Conant and Katherine Ware Ellen Conant and Ron Fortgang Gerda Conant Margaret Conant Katherine Conlon Marie Conn and Theresa Conn Dan Conn and Theresa Conn Rory Contin and John Malmros & family Barbara Cool and Tom Senior Arthur J. Cornelius and Helene T. Cornelius David Cornelius and Kathleen Moore David Corsini and Lee Anne Corsini Fredrick Cotton Country Dance and Song Society Family Week Country Dance and Song Society Country Dance Society, Boston Centre William J. Cronin, Jr. and Barbara L. Finney Joyce Crouch and Wayne Crouch Nancy Crowther Laurie A. Cumming and John B. Mayberry Dorothy Cummings Anne E. Cuyler and John P. Cuyler III Robert G. Dalsemer Marion Dalton Martha Davey Jennifer Davis Stewart Dean Sally Dee Barbara J. DeFelice and Christopher G. Levey Robert Dennard Deborah D. Denenfeld Mary Devlin and Norman Hale Nancy E. DeVore Wilbur Dodge Liz Donaldson Lynn Donaldson Linda Donovan and Barbara Dorsey Daron Douglas and Mark Morris Donna Duffy and Tom Duffy Robert A. Dupre and Sue M. Dupre Lista Duren Linda Durfee and Paul Henneberger Naomi Dworkin and Martin Wagner Annie Edden Philip Eisenman and Gayle Ross Susan Eisley and Shengshang Tang Donna Ekstrand Dianne L. Plantamera Elardo Susan Elberger Gabriel Elliot Jan Elliott and Tim Radford Pam Elliott Sharon Emerson and Richard Sauvain Sheryl Emerson Dan Emery and Jill Emery Thomas R. Engel Helen Engelhardt Claude M. Epstein Bob Erenburg Judith Erickson and Jim Ialeggio Joanne Evans B. Dan Fairchild R. Scott Farber Erika Fardig Caroline W. Farr and Terrence G. Harvey Mary Jean Fuller Farrington Ronald E. Feldman Irene Crabtree Felsman Arthur Ferguson and Nancy Hanssen Lawrence Ficarra and Nancy Ficarra Christopher and Kimberly Field Lucretia Field Frances Conover Fitch Robin C. Flanagan and Timothy Flanagan & family Suzanne H. Flint and David E. Skidmore Folk Arts Center of New England Brad Foster and Barbara Russell Christine H. Fowler Eileen Franch and Mike Franch & family Linda S. Franklin Elizabeth Freedman and Irv Kass David G. French Lenore Debbi Friedlander Carl Friedman and Diane Friedman & family Daniel Friedman-Shedlov and Lara Friedman-Shedlov Alan Friend and Rosalie Friend Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett Benjamin Frisch Leslie B. Fuller and Robert L. Fuller Rich Gaito and Jaylene Summers Charlene A. Galarneau and Don Tucker Richard Galloway Joe Garman and Alisa Gravitz Garman Margaret A. Gates Karen Geer Karen L. Gendron Deborah Gerstein