an analysis of the main character of evan taylor in a ugust rush movie
an analysis of the main character of evan taylor in a ugust rush movie
AN ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CHARACTER OF EVAN TAYLOR IN A UGUST RUSH MOVIE A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Department of Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Salatiga BY: Nurul Efendi NIM. 113 06 039 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) OF SALATIGA 2011 AN ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CHARACTER OF EVAN TAYLOR IN A UGUST RUSH MOVIE A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Department of Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Salatiga BY: Nurul Efendi NIM. 113 06 039 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) OF SALATIGA 2011 DEPARTEMEN AGAMA SEKOLAH TINGGI AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp. 32706 Fax. 323433 Kode pos. 50721 Salatiga http// DECLARATION In the name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful. Hereby the writer fully declares this the graduating paper is made by the writer him, and does’t containi materials written or having been published by other people, except information cited from the reference. The writer is capable of accounting for this graduating paper if in the future this graduating paper is proved of containing other’s ideas or in fact the writer imitates the other’s graduating paper. This declaration is made by the writer and he hopes that this declaration can be understood. Salatiga, August 5th 2011 The Writer, NURUL EFENDI NIM.113 06 039 MOTTO “ Carilah pengalaman hidup sebanyak- banyaknya, karena pengalamanpengalaman itu akan membantu dalam perjalanan hidupmu” DEDICATION This graduating paper is dedicated to: 1. My beloved family, especially for the most great, beautiful and wonderful women all over the world; MY MOTHER “Tris Nanik” and also MY FATHER “Win Admadji ( the lase)”, thanks for all sacrifices, patience, trust, encouragement, support, finance, and pray. 2. My beloved my brother “Budi Arifin”, sister “Yunia Trisnawati”, and grandmother “Mbah Suhar”, thanks for your kindness, togetherness, and love, I love you so much. 3. My beloved, my dearest someone in my heart, Anis Ardiana Kurniawati (MamahQ) thanks for your helps, support, motivation, spirit, love and attention to me in everything I have done, and all of experience, I love you so much. 4. My best and beloved friends in life, especially Aris, jelly, kipli, Ndok (The Sangars), Dino, Muna, Pigi, Latief, Zulfi, Tuba, White, Deny, Danang, Rifqy, Ari, Teguh, Risa, Lia, Maya, dek Tika, Reza, Hendra “ Babon”, Citut, Mas Adi, Pak Jo, Pak Beni, Mbak Arvi, thanks for your support, help, kindess, experience, and togetherness in bad and good times. I would always remember you all and save you in my heart. 5. All of SMC ( Alfonso dkk, Dedicato, E- lano, Awarness, Willpower, Zealouz), SSC, thanks for your support, help, kindess, experience, and togetherness in bad and good times. I would always remember you all and save you in my heart. “MUSIK CERMIN MANUSIA BEREKSPRESI, SALAM MELODI”. 6. All my friends in TBI 06 especially class B, I miss you all. 7. All of the big family of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga. 8. All of the Library Staff of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga. 9. All of “ you” who know me. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful, The Lord of the Universe. Because of Him, the writer is able to finish this graduating paper as one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Department of Education Faculty of State Islamic Study is Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga. Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. However, this success would not be achieved without supports, guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individuals and institution, and the writer somehow realizes this is an appropriate moment for him to deepest gratitude to: 1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag, the head of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga. 2. Maslikhatul Umami, S.Pd.I, M.A, as the chief of English Department. 3. Ruwandi S.Pd, M, A, the consultant of this graduating paper, the one who is always ready to solve problems concerning knowledge, wisdom, attention, and kindness. 4. All lectures of English Department who have given knowledge patiently. 5. All of the staff who have helped the writer in processing this graduating paper administration. 6. My beloved families, my beloved mother, father, my brother, my sister who have taught me everything and many things, facilitated and encouraged me to raise my desire. I really love you so much. 7. My beloved, my dearest, someone in my heart, Anis Ardiana Kurniawati, thanks for all. I love you so much. 8. All of my friends who have helped me to finish this graduating paper. 9. Big family SMC, SSC, thanks for all. 10. All students of TBI 06, thanks for our memories. 11. Those who can’t be mentioned one by one because of their support to the writer in realizing the study. Finally, the writer expects constructive critics and suggestions from readers, because this paper is still far from perfect. This paper is expected to be able to provide useful information to the reader. Salatiga, August 5th 2011 The writer Nurul Efendi ABSTRACT Statement of problems in this graduating paper are: 1) How does the author use the intrinsic literature elements in the August Rush movie?, 2) How does the author describe of the main character of Evan Taylor in August Rush movie This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The data are collected through, 1) Selecting the movie, 2) Watching the August Rush Movie, 3) Reading the script of August Rush Movie,4) Trying to find out the theories which support this study. The result of this study are: 1) Character and characterization ( major character, minor character, protagonist, antagonist, and tritagonist), plot (preparation, confrontation, and resolution), setting, point of view, style, theme. 2) In this movie Evan Taylor/ August Rush is a major character and the protagonist character. He is a 11 years old boy who has parted with her parents since he was born. He has a musical talent he got from his parents since birth. Keyword: character, Evan Taylor TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE........................................................................................................ i ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES...................................................... ii CERTIFICATION PAGE......................................................................... iii DECLARATION...................................................................................... iv MOTTO..................................................................................................... v DEDICATION......................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...................................................................... viii ABSTRACT.............................................................................................. x TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................ xi CHAPTER I. INTODUCTION A. Background of Study ................................................ 1 B. Statement of Problem ................................................ 3 C. The Objective of the Problem ................................... 3 D. The Benefit of the Study .......................................... 3 E. Clarification of Key Term ........................................ 4 F. The Review of Previous Research Related............... 6 G. Research Methodology ............................................ 7 H. The Outline of The Graduating Paper ..................... 9 CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL RIVIEW OF AUGUST RUSH MOVIE A. The Literary Elements of Movie ........................ 11 B. The main character ............................................. 25 CHAPTER III. CERTAIN ELEMENT OF THE MOVIE A. Biography of The Author ...................................... 26 B. Biography of The Main Character ........................ 29 C. Synopsis of The Film ............................................ 33 CHAPTER IV. ANALYZING AND DISCUSSING A. Data Presentation .................................................. 41 1. The element literary of August Rush Movie ... 41 2. The main character Evan Taylor .................... 63 B. Data Analysis ...................................................... 66 1. The element literary of August Rush Movie .. 66 2. The main character Evan Taylor .................... 72 C. Summary .............................................................. 73 CHAPTER V. CLOSURE A. Conclusion .......................................................... 76 B. Suggestion .......................................................... 77 REFERENCES CURRICULUM VITAE LIST OF SKK CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study Film is one way to show something real or unreal. Film has many orientations. Some people make their own style in making film. They orientans it as a literal art, communication and literature. Literary works have given a great influence on human being life. Literature has become a part of human life. It has given much entertainment and inspirations of human being. “ Imaginative or creative writing, especially of recognized artistic value, literature must be an analysis of experience and a synthesis of the findings into a unity.” ( Houghton : 1022 ) Therefore, the literature is very important in our lives. Literature has a universal message. Almost everybody has ever worked with it in their life, so we cannot deny that literature can give influence on the way we live. Literature can teach us because they are certain values inside the literary works. ٍخَلقْنَا اإلنْسَانَ فِي َأحْسَنِ َتقْوِيم َ َْلقَد “Most verily We have created man in shaped one all the best.”( Surat At- Tin ayat :4) That means God has created humans with perfection. God gives each man a mind, nature or character. Character is mental or moral nature, moral or moral qualities that makes one person, race, etc. ( Hornby, 1987: 140) To do with literature in some films and literary works, the authors do have characters. Most, however, use one or more characters. Characters are those individuals that populate and propel stories, plays, movies, and even poems. Traditionally, characters have been designated as major or minor, as a protagonist ( one with heroic or positive features) or an antagonist ( one with villainous or negative features). How characters are depicted and what they contribute to the themes and meanings of different works can vary great deal, depending on the perspective of the works and the medium being used: they may be realistic or cartoonish; they may be described only in terms of external appearance or by means of internal thoughts and psychological depth; a character may motivate actions and events or be passively subject to them. ( Timothy Corrigan, 1999: 80- 81) When a film adapts a literary character, much is at stake. A character’s appearance, which is originally grounded in words or in a reader’s imagination, is made visible in a movie, and this is a frequent source of confusion or dissatisfaction in measuring a film against its literary source. In theater and film, particularly, body types – short, thin, attractive, fidgety, and so on – can communicate a great deal about character being interpreted by an actor; and gestured and movements can add much to the meaning of a play or film. ( Timothy Corrigan, 1999: 80- 81) Every film has to message and point who will be passed on by moviegoers. Movie becomes major sources of entertainment, education and knowledge. As the entertainment, movie is a good solution of troubles and problems. Movie invites audiences to come to the new world, new life as if the viewers live there. The moviegoers can watch all the parts of the movie, one can see the various characters that we can learn in life. This paper discusses the characters in the film August Rush, especially Evan Taylor as the main character. This discussion can be known to a wide range of characters a person who actually is all around us. Therefore, the purpose of the study is an analysis of the main character ( Evan Taylor) in the August Rush movie. B. Statement of Problem Statement of problems are: 1. What are the intrinsic literature elements in the August Rush movie? 2. How does the author describe of the main character of Evan Taylor in August Rush movie? C. The Objective of the Study 1. To find out the intrinsic elements of literature in August Rush movie. 2. To find out characters the way of author describe Evan Taylor in the August Rush movie. D. The benefit of the Study 1. Academic Benefit The benefit on the study is expected to be beneficial to the world of literature and the complement to the study of August Rush movie 2. Practical Benefit The writer expects that the study can contribute to the development of literary study particularly among students of STAIN Salatiga who are interested in the literary study. The writer also expects that the reader of August Rush movie can take good message contained in the movie. E. Clarification of Key Terms The writer clarify the terms to avoid mistakes of the title consideration: 1. Character Character is mental or moral nature, mental or moral qualifies that make one person, race, etc. ( Hornby, 1987: 140) Meanwhile, according to the dictionary of sociology, the character is a special characteristic of the basic structure of personality. Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesia (vol 3: 54) also defines the character as a psychological nature, morals, or character that distinguish one person with another person. 2. Evan Taylor Evan Taylor ( Freddie Highmore) is the protagonist in the film of August Rush. He is a man who is 12 years old, orphan and always convinces that the orphanage where he lives now is not the right place for him and he believes that his parents would want him. With capitalize at call music in himself, Evan has traveled to New York to find his parents. At the same time anyway, Evan's parents, Lyla (Keri Russell) and Louis (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) who have been separated for many years find to call back to the music within them. Despite obstacling and challenging but the magic of music always coming their disposal are able to strengthen them to survive and show the way for them. 3. August Rush Genre Player : Drama Family Musical. : Highmore, Keri Russell, Jonathan Rhys- Meyers, Terrence Howard, Robin Wiliams, Mykelty Williamson. Stage Manager : Kiersten Sheriden. Screenwriter : Kirsten Sheriden, Richard Barton Lewis, Nick Castle, Jim Hart. Producer : Louis Goodsill, Robert Greenhut, Ralph Kamp, Miky Lee, Richard Barton Lewis. Home Production : Warner Bros. Duration : 100 minutes Classification of age : 13 yeas Top ( 13 + ) Release date : 21 November 2007 ( USA), January ( Blitz Megaplex ). Movie tells the story of a 12-years-old child who has music talent. Talent is acquired from the influence of both genetic parents who have been separated since he was born. The boy believes that the call music in him could lead him to meet his both parents. 4. Movie Movie is motion pictures as a form of entertainment or an art. ( Webster : 1974 vol I: 626 ) F. The Review of Previous Research Related In this study, the researcher needs a lot of references. The first is Umma Aula’s "The Analysis of the Conflicts Faced, by the Main Character Ben Campbell in the 21 movie ". This paper examines the conflicts that occur in the film 21 with the main character Ben Campbell. The next paper was written by Indah Safitri Mahargiani entitled "The Aspect of Moral Values in Avatar Movie”. She Reviewed the moral values that exist in the film Avatar. The followong paper was written by Wakhidatur Rofiqoh analyzing "The Analysis of Moral Values of the Kung Fu Panda Movie". Here is similar with writen Indah Safitri Mahargiani, researcher similar reviewing the moral values that exist in the movie Kung Fu Panda. G. Research Methodology This study is primarily to quest ( inquiry) to collect data; conduct the measurement, analysis, synthesis, comparing, looking for relationships, interpreting things puzzling. (Sukmadinata 2008: 52) The research method itself is a series of way or the implementation of research activities based on basic assumptions, views and ideological philosophy, questions and issues faced. (Sukmadinata 2008: 52) Webster ( vol 1974: 815 ) defines research is a diligent inquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles Webster ( 1974 : 600) convoy that method is a manner of procedure, especially a systematic or clearly defined way of order in thought or action: the plan of procedure, characteristic of a discipline : logical or scientific arrangement. Methodology helps the writer to arrange a planning of the research carefully. Analyzing the main character in this movie needs a serious exertion to achieve reliable and rigorous analysis. In conducting the research, the writer takes a certain procedure. There are some steps in the whole process of doing this research. 1. Source of Data The data source is classified as primary and secondary data. a. Primary Data Primary data or hand first data, the obtained directly from subjects wearing a measurement instrument or retrieval tool data that are directly on the subject as a source of information sought. ( Saifuddin, 2007: 91) Primary data source in this study is August Rush movie directed by Kirsten Sheridan and produced by Louis Goodsill, Robert Greenhut, Ralph Kamp, Miky Lee, Richard Barton Lewis in 2007. b. Secondary Data Secondary data or second hand data are obtained by other parties, are not directly obtained by researchers from the research subjects. Secondary data are usually tangible documentation of data or available data report. (Saifuddin 2007: 9). To go the secondary data sources in this study, he gets from magazines, records, books, articles. He also seeks the source from internet. c. Technique of Collecting Data There are several techniques of data collection such as interviews, questionnaires observation, and documentary studies. In this study the writer uses documentary studies. Documentary study is a technique of data collection by gathering and analyzing the documents either written documents, drawings or electronic. ( Sukmadinata 2008: 223) In this study he collected important data and supporting this research. He also searched the data through library. The steps are: 1) Selecting the movie 2) Watching the movie 3) Reading the script 4) Trying to find the theories which support this study. d. Technique of Analyzing Data This research is a descriptive qualitative research. In this study researcher focuses on the main player character Evan Taylor in the “August Rush movie”. To analyze the data he needs to perform multiple stages of analysis. The first thing that the writer does is selecting movie, choosing August rush movie, watching and reading script of august rush movie, observing the movie carefully, then making some notes related to his research. The second steps is analyzing the main character Evan Taylor in August Rush movie and looking for other information that is relevant to the problem, and organizing the data referring to the categories. The third is synchronizing with the data theories which are used in this research. H. The Outline of the Graduating Paper This paper consists of five chapters. Chapter one is the introduction, consisting of background of the study, statement of the study, objectives of the study, the benefits of the study, clarification of keys terms, review of previous research, research methodology and the outline of the graduating paper. Chapter two is theoretical foundation of character, definition of character, character types, division of character in movie. Chapter three is explaining the content, synopsis of the August Rush Movie. Chapter four is analysis and discussion. It consists of the literary intrinsic element in August Rush movie, the elements of the movie the data analysis on the main character Evan Taylor in August Rush movie. Chapter five is closure. Consisting of conclusion and suggestion. It is the summary and result of the analysis of the graduating paper. The last part is bibliography and appendix CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW OF AUGUST RUSH MOVIE A. The Literary Elements of Movie 1. Character a. Definition of Character Character is mental or moral nature, mental or moral qualifies that make one person, race, etc. ( Hornby, 1987: 140) Meanwhile, according to the dictionary of sociology, the character is a special characteristic of the basic structure of personality. Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesia (vol 3: 54) also defines the character as a psychological nature, morals, or character that distinguish one person with another person. Character is nature, personal and so on. (Dumadi, 1981: 9) b. Character Types 1) Human Character. There are six pillars of character as follows. a) Trust Warthiness, a character that makes a person become integrated, honest, and loyal. b) Fairness, a character who has an open mind, and does not take advantage of others. c) Caring, someone’s character who has a caring attitude and concern for others as well as environmental conditions. d) Respect, a character that makes people appreciate and respect others. e) Citizenship, character of someone who makes a conscious laws and regulations, and care for the natural environment. f) Responsibility, a character that makes a person's responsibility, discipline, and always doing something as good as possible (Qotibi, 2010:14-15). The character also seems to be getting lots of attention from the ancient philosophies. And this is some of their views on the division of characters: 1) Galenus (129-199 after Christ) a) Cholerici The guys have a big body, rough shape, smooth muscles, blood boil easily, so they could be a great fury of anger. The nature of the people are peppery. b) Sanguinici The guys have soft skin; their face glow red, circular in shape. They are always happy and no minded melancholy. c) Phlegmatic These people are short, have pale skin color, they like scared and lazy and often get due to digestive disorders. These people are quiet and do not move their heart. d) Melancholic These people are great and slim, their muscles are hard. They are not cheerleaders, they are often grim and pessimistic (Dumadi, 1981: 10- 11) . 2) Heymans (born on April 17, 1857, died on February 18, 1930 in Groningen). Heymans human character divides into eight types, namely: a) Gepassioneerden, great people. Their nature is impatient, intense, suspicious, hard to be kind. b) Cholerici, fierce people. They are easy to move, very agile, like working in a leisure time, impulsive, resolute and courageous, they rarely think of something premises at length. c) Sentimentelen, the seducer. This person has a pugnacious character, is easily aroused and impulsive. d) Nerveuzen, skittish people. They were ferocious, irritability, restless, impatient and impractical. e) Flegmatici, quiet person. They are bright, have wide eyes, wise and patient. f) Sangunici, childish person. The character of this childish is not easily confusing, although in a complicated situation they can find a way out. g) Apathen, human machine. The person is difficult to decide, less brave, moody. h) Amorfen, person-shaped. The nature of these people is they are superficial, impractical, shortsighted, awkward, have bad memories (Dumadi, 1981: 14-17). 3) Spranger Eduard Spranger, a German psychologist, makes the division of nature on the basis of cultural values. a) Human - nature zakelijk economy. b) Humans - the power of nature insane power or conceited. c) Human - nature sincere social. d) Humans - the theory of nature is logical e) Humans - the beauty of nature here is rhyme. f) Human - piety nature is not concerned with earthly (Dumadi, 1981: 18-19). 4) C. G. Jung Carl Gustav Jung was born in 1875 in Kesswil (Thurgau Swistzerland), is an expert on psychiatry of Switzerland. Principal division of C. G. Jung is: a) Type turned out (geextroverteerde type). It is open, airy, smooth, and not rigid in the association. But the psychological power of this type of people is pointed out, towards the environment b) Type turned into (geintroverteerde type) These people drown and embed themeself in their own right. These people tend to isolate themselves and fortify himself against the influences that come from outside. Their properties are closed, not open and elusive. 5) Kunkel Dr. Fr. Kunkel is a neurological disease physician in Berlin. He opinion the structure of mental life, the whole human personality, especially his character, dominated by two opposing forces that is ichhaftigkeit and sachlichkeit. Kunkel divides humans character into two types, namely: a) Human - Sachlich: Human character is controlled by the community initiative, community service. The will adapts to the community, more concerns with the interests of society in its own interests. b) Human – Ichhaftig Human character is controlled by intention - the recognition, less appreciated, fear of failure, more likely concerns own interests than the interests of society. (Dumadi, 1981: 30) 6) W. Jaensch Jaensch’s division is based on investigations into the symptoms of eidetic. a) Type Tetanoide They are sealed by their soul, full of prejudice, suspicious. They also are gloomy, pessimistic b) Type Basedoide These people are characterized by joy in life, without suspicion and optimistic. They have also roomy chest and open soul (Dumadi, 1981: 33-34). 7) W. H. Sheldon a) Type Viseroton Depending on all the bonds of childhood and remains dependent on them. They always want the conveniences and always want back into childhood. b) Type Somaton Pay attention to the objectives which include typical (in the young, to the sport). They are very fond (to jasmaniyah) active movement. c) Type Serebroton Concerned with matters related to the old days. Arguably they always look forward to old age (Dumadi, 1981: 34-35). 2) Characters ( Actors Story). Characters or actors stories usually have a tangible story (physical) that can generally be divided into two namely, human and nonhuman characters. Characters also do not have a physical form (nonphysical) and shape animations. a) Human Characters The film story generally use human characters as the main perpetrators of the story. Humans as the main perpetrators of the story are usually presented in an every event. In some cases the perpetrators of the story do not need to be physically present, as in the scenes of a telephone conversation or video monitor. b) Nonhuman Characters While non-human characters is very limited and often appears in films family drama, science fiction, fantasy, and horror. (Character buffer tangible nonhuman) animals, aliens, monsters, mechanical objects, even inanimate objects. Animal characters are often the main perpetrators of the movie. The animals that are often used are dogs, horses, cats, monkeys, dolphins, and whales. c) Nonphysical Character Story characters have no real physical form. The are of this type characters usually not bound by space and time. The character in the form of supernatural creatures is spirits, ghosts, and other technology or can also be modern and scientific experiments. d) Animation Character Characters can also manifest either form of twodimensional animation and three dimensional. By using this technique is able to turn any filmmakers character as humans, animals, monsters, aliens, mechanics, even to inanimate objects. (Pratista, 2008: 80-82). 3) Character Division in Movie Each feature film generally has the main and the supporting character. The main character is the main motivation for running the flow of the narrative from beginning to end. The main character is often termed protagonist while the supporting characters could be the protagonist and the antagonist (enemy or rival). Supporting characters often act as triggers of conflict (problem) or sometimes vice versa can help the main character in solving the problem (Himawan Pratista, 2008: 43-44). Character, or character disposition is very important in the film. Even Lajos Egri argues: "These is the ultimate disposition in drama. Without disposition there will be no story. Without disposition there would be no plot. (Inequalities of nature gave birth to a shift, a collision of interests, conflict. Thus was born the later stories)." A. Adjib Hamzah in his book describes character figures into 3 namely: a) The Protagonist Is main characters in drama that appears to overcome various problems faced in achieving goals. b) The Antagonists. Is character in drama that is against the ideals of protagonist. c) The Tritagonis The character in the drama in favor of both camps (protagonist and antagonis), or even is outside both, the third parties (Hamzah, 1985: 106). Timothy Corrigan also words that Traditionally, characters have been designated as major or minor, as a protagonist ( one with heroic or positive features) or an antagonist ( one with villainous or negative features) (Corrigan, 1999: 81). The main character (protagonist), there are other types of characters other figures, the most important namely the antagonist, which is the character that is created to offset the main character. The conflict of both of moves the story. The character whose function is only called complement of the character of called subordinates ( Budianta, 2002: 86). 2. Plot It is the chronology of events told in time. Only at the latter must the plot be added by an element of causation. Thus, the plot is a narrative scene with emphasis on causation (Eneste, 1991: 19). A film is able to manipulate the story through the plot. The plot is a series of events that is presented visually and audio in the film (Himawan, 2008: 34) . In this study, the researchers used a pattern of three rounds to be analyzed. a. The Structure of Three Acts The structure of three acts or is also often termed a classic Holliwood structure is a model of narrative structure of the longest, popular and influential structure. This pattern uses three rounds namely, stage I (preparation), stage II (confrontation), and stage III (resolution) (Himawan, 2008:46-47). The structure of three acts have some specific characteristics concerning aspects of space and time, actors, problems or conflicts, as well as the destination. 1) Elements of Space and Time Element of space and time is to explain the location and duration of a film. Is the film location to move or just monotonous, and how long or short duration of the films. It is more pays attention to the attitude of the audience saturation. The filmmaker tries to keep the audience not to be saturated in seeing a movie. 2) Limitation Story Information Limitation story information is the process of moving camera shots from one figure to another figure, from the figure toward the antagonist and protagonist, tritagonist and so on. a) Plotted Structured Pattern (1) Preparation Preparation is the initial phase of a plot in a movie, that is an opening. In the preparation, new film makers usually introduce the main characters and little plot. (2) Confrontation In structure of three rounds, confrontation is round II of a movie plot. This chapter tells where the issues arise from the players. Usually, there is a conflict between protagonist and antagonist characters. (3) Resolution Resolution is the final act in a pattern of three rounds. In this round is called a climax, a peak half the story, the core of the story, the peak of the problem. This section is often anticipated by the audience because it is very interesting. 3. Setting Setting is the background and its property. Property in this case is not moving all objects such as furniture, doors, windows, seats, lights, trees, and so on. Settings are used in a movie, generally to make as real as possible to the context of the story. Perfect setting, principlely is an authentic setting. Setting should be able to convince the audience if the movie really did happen at the appropriate location and time context of the story film ( Himawan, 2008:62). 4. Points of View Point of view is central to both visual arts and literary arts. It describes the position from which individuals view another person, object, or event, and often suggest how that point of view determines the meaning of what is seen. Thus, a tree seen from a plane window above a forest may seem rather insignificant or commonplace; seen by a girl perched amidst its branches, however, that same tree may be infinitely varied and endlessly fascinating. Drama usually presents itself to the objective or communal view of a large audience; lyric poetry frequently suggests the private view of, as John Stuart Mill put it,” an utterance overheard.” Many sorts of literature, particularly novels, allow multiple points of view to interact, and this ability to mobilize multiple points of view has been a salient connection between novels and films that likewise creates dramas from confrontations and exchange a cross many points of view. Just as a poem frequently organizes its point of view through a speaker/persona, so too do novels and movies present, explicitly or implicitly their stories through a point of view: It may be a first- person point of view, in which events are seen through the eyes and mind of a single individual; it may be a third- person omniscient point of view, where there are seemingly no laminations to what can be seen, known, and presented; or it may be a limited third- person point of view, in which the point of view is objectively outside of the character but remains focused primarily on one or two characters ( Timothy,1999:82). 5. Style One author's style can be known through his work. Because as said by Carlyle, style is not just clothes, but the author's own skin this statement is reinforced by the opinion of Buffon's "style is the man himself". There is also a presumption to say, the style of one author regarding the selection of themes, selection of characters, background selection, and so on. However, the notion of style in this book the authors use is in the narrow sense. That is just about the way the typical person of authors express or suggest stories, ideas, intentions, and its message. Of course, this style is not separated from the language usage and more specifically related to language style and way of narration or how to tell stories (Eneste, 1991:44). 6. Theme A writer (novelist) certainly does have a certain issue that is about to put forward or expressed to the reader. He is the possession of the core issues, which is later translated into elements of the novel: plot, characterizations, setting, mood, and style. The core issue is what the authors mean by the theme, that case will be found in a novel theme, depending on the author whether major themes / areas or small / simple. Typically a theme can be formulated in several sentences. Related to the theme is the message or messages. Mandate is the establishment of something, attitude or opinion of author about working on the core issues. In other words, the mandate is the authors message or messages are presented. The film also has a specific theme, namely the core issues that would be phrased / presented by filmmaker to tell his audience. Should be the themes should be set forth in the drawings, so the audience can capture a message or an idea of a filmmaker, as the size of the theme in the novel or the film is no guarantee of success-or failure of a movie. The success of the film depends on several factors: scenario, taking pictures, game players, arranging pictures, etc. B. The main character The main character here is a figure who becomes the core of a film, which always accompanies the course of the storyline. The main character here can also be referred to as a major character and plays as the protagonist. Here, the authors examine the nature, travel stories, scenes, origin, and all of them involved the main character. BAB III ELEMENTS OF THE MOVIE A. Biography of The Author Kirsten Sheridan was born in Dublin July 14, 1976. Sheridan moved to New York City in 1981, spending her early childhood there while her father struggled to make it as an actor and theatre director. Her family moved back to Ireland eight years later, whereupon her father found success as the director of My Left Foot, in which Sheridan played the younger sister of lead actor Daniel Day-Lewis. She studied script writing at New York University in 1993 and went to film school at University College, Dublin, ultimately earning her film degree from Dun Laoghaire College of Art and Design in 1998. Her thesis short film Patterns won several international film festival awards, including Clermont-Ferrand, Cork, Galway, Dresden, Aspen, and Chicago, and her next short, The Case of Majella McGinty, about a little girl who escapes her stressful life by crawling into a suitcase, received festival awards at Foyle, Cork, San Francisco, Cologne, and Worldfest Houston. The first feature film Sheridan directed was 2001's Disco Pigs, Enda Walsh's screen adaptation of his own play, starring Cillian Murphy and Elaine Cassidy[5]as teenagers in a lifelong, obsessive, antisocial friendship. The Guardian described the independent film as a "stylised, hyperkinetic drama ... that combined kitchen-sink realism and vicious fight scenes with highly stylised fantasy sequences". Disco Pigs earned Sheridan nominations for best director at the British Independent Film Awards and the Irish Film & TV Academy Awards, as well as prizes at the Castellinaria Youth Film Festival, the Giffoni Film Festival, the Young European Cinema Film Festival and the Ourense Film Festival. Next, Sheridan collaborated with her father Jim and sister Naomi on the script for In America, a film based on their memories of their family's years of poverty in New York, with the story of the death of Jim's younger brother woven in as an added element. Jim directed the film, which went on to success and earned several prestigious awards nominations, including an Oscar nomination for best screenplay. Sheridan's latest film is 2007's August Rush, which stared by Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Keri Russell as star-crossed lovers and musicians, Freddie Highmore as their orphaned musical prodigy offspring, and Robin Williams as a Faginesque character. The Irish Times criticized the film as "bounce around between so many forms, moods and genres that it proved impossible to get a handle on," while Variety called it "utterly predictable, but with moments of genuine charm." She had three children. Filmography: 1. The Bench (short, 1995) ... director, writer, editor 2. Gentleman Caller (short, 1996) ... director, editor 3. Walking Into Mirrors (short, 1997) ... director, editor, producer 4. Patterns (short, 1998) ... director, writer, editor, producer 5. Between Two Worlds (1997) ... editor 6. Ward Zone (1998) ... editor 7. The Case of Majella McGinty (short, 1999) ... director 8. Disco Pigs (2001) ... director 9. In America (2002) ... writer 10. August Rush (2007) ... director Selected awards and nominations In addition to the accolades listed below, Sheridan has won many awards for her short films. Academy Awards: Nominated: Best Original Screenplay (2004), In America (shared with Jim Sheridan, Naomi Sheridan) Golden Globe Awards Nominated: Best Screenplay (2004), In America (shared with Jim Sheridan, Naomi Sheridan) Irish Film and Television Awards (IFTA) 1. Nominated: Best Short Film (2000), The Case of Majella McGinty (shared with producers Siobhan Bourke and Kate Lennon) 2. Nominated: Best Director of a Feature Film (2003, January's biennial ceremony), Disco Pigs Other awards 1. Won: Film Institute of Ireland/Guinness Outstanding Young Irish Talent Award (1998) 2. Nominated: British Independent Film Awards, Douglas Hickox Award (2002), Disco Pigs 3. Won: Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards, Best Writer (2004), In America (shared with Jim Sheridan, Naomi Sheridan) (Http//:www. Google. B. Biography of the Main Character ( Freddie Highmore) Alfred Thomas "Freddie" Highmore (born 14 February 1992) is an English actor. He is best known for his roles in the films Finding Neverland, Five Children and It, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Arthur and the Invisibles, August Rush, The Golden Compass, The Spiderwick Chronicles and Toast. Highmore was born in Camden, London, into a show business family. His mother, Sue Latimer, is a talent agent whose clients include actors Daniel Radcliffe and Imelda Staunton, and his father, Edward Highmore, is an actor. He has a younger brother named Albert ("Bertie"), born in 1995. Highmore's home is in Highgate, a suburb of north London. Career Highmore began with small parts on TV at the age of 7. In two movies Highmore played with members of his family. His brother Bertie played his brother in Women Talking Dirty. Also his father Edward played the father in Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story. In 2004, he had a breakthrough with his critically acclaimed performance as troubled Peter Llewelyn Davies in Finding Neverland. Highmore received several nominations and awards for the role, including a Broadcast Film Critics Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination. In 2005, he played the part of the hard-working Charlie Bucket in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (adapted from the book by Roald Dahl). He was reportedly recommended for the role by the film's star Johnny Depp, who starred in Finding Neverland and was impressed by the young actor's performance. Highmore next appeared as the title character in August Rush with Keri Russell, Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Robin Williams. The story is about a musical prodigy and his journey to find his parents after they are separated at his birth. This movie received a wide release on 21 November 2007. He starred in The Spiderwick Chronicles, based on the popular children's stories, released in the United States in February 2008. He played American twins Simon and Jared Grace, alongside Sarah Bolger as their sister Mallory Grace. He took the main role in Toast a BBC autobiographical film about Nigel Slater, the chef, which was shown on Thursday, 30 December 2010. In May 2011, Highmore agreed to appear in a short mockumentary film about his life at university. The plot centres around how three mentors, named Burgis, Clancy and Brown, helped him balance the conflicting pressures of celebrity and academia. Voice roles Highmore played the protagonist as an actor and voice actor in Arthur and the Invisibles, with two sequels planned. Highmore lent his voice in The Golden Compass and A Fox's Tale. Highmore voiced the lead character in the digitally-animated film Astro Boy. Several of the films that Highmore was cast in had accompanying video games (Astro Boy, The Spiderwick Chronicles, The Golden Compass, Arthur and the Invisibles, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory). Highmore has lent his voice to all of these projects. Awards (Won) 1. Best Performance by a Younger Actor for August Rush 2. Best Young Actor for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 3. Best Performance in a Feature Film – Young Ensemble Cast for Finding Neverland 4. Best Newcomer for Finding Neverland 5. Outstanding New Talent 6. Best Young Actor for Finding Neverland 7. Youth in Film for Finding Neverland 8. Best Performance by Youth in a Leading or Supporting Role – Male for Finding Neverland Nominated Awards 1. Best Voice Over Role for Astro Boy 2. Best Performance in a Feature Film by a Leading Young Actor for The Spiderwick Chronicles 3. Best Male Actor – Nominated 4. Best Performance in a Feature Film by a Leading Young Actor for August Rush 5. Breakthrough Male for Finding Neverland 6. Best Performance by a Younger Actor for Finding Neverland 7. Best Performance in a Feature Film – Leading Young Actor for Finding Neverland 8. Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture for Finding Neverland 9. Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role for Finding Neverland.(Http//:www. C. Synopsis of The Film The film opens with a boy ( Evan Taylor), other pieces of information finally mention that the boy was living in homeless children's shelter home state of Colorado, blue-eyed glaze that can always translate a variety of activities, human expression and the harmony of the universe in the form of a tone. Chant he heard the wind rustle as low tone. The sound of children playing football tones are heard as a boom. While laughing and joking peers and noisy chatter of adults had heard as a shrill high notes. That was the initial presentation of this film the main character, Evan Taylor who later metamorphosed into the figure of August Rush. The camera moves away from the boy and then presenting the figure of a woman beautiful white spaghetti strap dress with brown curly hair that is so fascinating. The beauty of this woman apparently was preparing in the dressing room. He will perform on stage showing his skill. It turns out he's a music player! She is a cellist. Action game of her cello solo backed by full orchestra increasingly demonstrate mastery of the instrument she plays. Beauty face look more beautiful when he was busy swiping her cello. Meanwhile, the fleeting figure of a young man ( Louis) who was singing in an underground pub featured as the background. The man has such charisma in the way he sings and the lyrics express. Really sings from the heart. Description of time period 11 years earlier shows. This time the story rolling from the middle of a concert performed by the woman. Lyla Novacek, that's the name of this beautiful woman. A talented cellist who has just completed a show importance. Luckily, the audience response was so enthusiastic to play her cello. The success of this show to be addressed by friends Lyla with him out to a party one of their acquaintances. Set De Champs Elysees is a charming, in a flat which was filled with some people. Lovely party that they held. Amid the hubbub party, Lyla just feel strange and get out from the crowd. The aim is none other than the roof area. From there, he found precisely the right overlooking the beautiful scenery gate Arc 'de Tromphe. Visible in the distance, in the hallway of a street gang a saxophone musician was singing a beautiful song. Apparently, not only a fun Lyla enjoyed the song. The voice of a young man to disturb his peace. Apparently, the youth fun hanging out on the rooftop next to a position far higher than the roof of the beachhead Lyla. The youth offer Lyla to move into place in order to more carefully listen to melodious chant saxophone sound. Between indecisive and hesitant, Lyla then stepped into the building next door. Then they are both talked. Apparently the two lovebirds in love and ended up spending the night together. The arrival of the morning is too sudden to disturb their happiness. The woman hurried to leave him. Request him to re-meet at the appointed place casually answered by the girl. The love that has blossomed in the hearts of both man gets a big obstacle! Lyla turns out to live under the pressure of the father who so dominates and dictates. He was free to do all his heart because his father's will as has been outlined destiny just as cellist Lyla! Excessive ambition of the father began to make Lyla sick. That's why he's so fond of this guy ⎯ meeting with then unknown named Lionel, a vocalist who became the band's underground remains at a local pub. Back a canceled appointment acted finally leaving longing and regret for a second this man. Especially after that Lyla finds himself the center contain? Pressure from the father who can not stand getting hit him and fled. Unfortunately, Lyla car accident that resulted in abortion problem. In the RS, the father tried to calm Lyla and told Lyla has lost her baby. Lyla listen to it all, staring blankly into space. In fact, without his knowledge, in the far corner, in the nursery, lay a tiny baby who is weak arms flailing at the time heard the chant music from a music box shaped carousel. Chant the sound of music is heard the baby in the early moments of her life is finally going to be a major guide in his life, because he will be able to hear the music wherever it is located. We can then guess that the baby is a boy Evan! At the shelter, the boy, Evan always hoped his parents would be able to find through the "frequency" sound the same. This determination will be music shown through his courage began to argue a number of children older than him. When he would bullied and forced to say that his parents could never find it, aloud he replied that he knew they'd be out there and be heard. Evan attitude which at first sight seem fragile, but did have a strong belief this was a fascinating social worker from the department who visited the shelter to register children who are in that place. The officer (played very nicely by Terence Howard) very impressed with Evan plain answer when asked how long she had lived in that place. Evan replied with details; year, month and week. The answer that makes the officer stunned! Strength and confidence in themselves Evan increasingly upset forced him to "go" from a shelter to the big city-New York. Ride a good-hearted truck driver, Evan had reached the city, nicknamed the Big Apple. Adventure begins! Poor can not be denied, the only clue about the social department officials deemed it could help him to fly in the wind when he absorbed impregnating one corner of the streets of New York as a magnificent symphony strains. Pursuit of a business card that just brought acquainted with a boy who play guitar strings in the middle of a city park. The boy (Arthur) was steady variety of songs from an electric guitar that he's hip. The tones coming out of the strings it makes Evan anesthetized. Evan finally "join" the black kid is home to the headquarters. Evan close look at the lives of street children who have talent in music but enslaved to the money-producing machine. The commander of this army (Maxwell "Wizard" Wallace) is a strange man who always dressed like a cowboy ⎯ for always wearing a leather jacket and leather hat, black cowboy model ⎯ and played with a captivating acting by veteran actor Robin Williams. Evan existence of street children in the headquarters of the artist's increasingly recognized when one morning they all woke up to strange tunes from Evan's try against the boss's favorite electric guitar. Evan totally blind instrument plays the guitar with a haphazard but instead produces a tone that inspires harmony and attract attention. Evan cheerful expression at the time beat, strumming, hitting the guitar was so fascinating that heard. That Evan is a boy with extraordinary abilities in creating harmony tone. But Evan's real ability in music and tones more than the limits in imagine. A natural genius. People who need not know much about theory but it is able to find the keys of the tones harmonize various tones into a beautiful symphony that is so riveting. Evan easily translate a lot of noise from everyday activities which at first sight seem trivial and unimportant to be a series of tones that are so beautiful. His ability to create music armed with an electric guitar played by blindly is the starting point of the first to tell us about it. The next meeting with a young woman ( Hope) in a church minister's son who was doing choir practice led to another experience which is increasingly confirmed the ability of rest is in the field of music. Without the need to spend lots of time, Evan can directly control the tone of a grand piano. Musical notes which is a new and unfamiliar objects became his new best friend. Within a few hours later, Evan is actually immersed in the fun listening to chant tone and compose the universe in the form of musical notes. Fabulous! The little girl is what drove Evan and change the fate of a street musician became a professional musician. Daddy's little girl, the pastor ( Reverend J), led Evan to a music school that has produced the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, an elite group of orchestras that has a good reputation throughout the universe is the Juilliard School. In the school of music, talent Evan channeled properly. Some fragments show that Evan learned in the classroom where he was the youngest students with age. Evan's expertise in creating harmonized tone "caught" wet by a professor teaching one of the subjects. The professor is amazed at the scores tone created by Evan finally bring the results of the composition to the principal and asked that the composition is played in performances of grand New York Philharmonic Orchestra. Evan's response is so innocent and naive indeed to make the school board smile. "I need to be watched by as many as people". Once his comments when one board member replied that this stage will not only be watched by hundreds of people, thousands of people will watch it! Evan who has a primary mission to "voice" can be heard by his parents smiled brightly hear the answer. Meanwhile, in other places, the beautiful woman who 11 years ago would have predicted a brilliant career as a music player the world is ending just became a cello teacher private lessons. Losing a baby in the womb make life Lyla seemed to stop and move in the opposite direction. Her spirit is lost and his life seemed dark. His relationship with his father was strained. He considers that there is no more to be pursued in his life and he need only live day by day to taste, with no ambition and the desire and passion whatever. In London, the display shows a young executive dressed dapper man who got into the car Mercedes Benz. This man turned out to Louis, the vocalist who had her eyes so bright and full of passion. Apparently, times have changed Lionel into someone who pursue material success and ignore purely spiritual satisfaction. Louis live like this and finished his career as a vocalist because he wanted to prove that he can become someone who is financially successful! However, deep in his heart, his life seemed so bland and quiet. Her spirits are dimmed and his passion will live once so is bubbling as if swallowed by time vanished. What followed was a struggle of human beings is the third person to find each other mutually. Evan is so longed for parental warmth, caresses of a mother's love and sense of security is given a father. Lyla is so missed her baby and was always stunned every time I see a child who thinks the same age as her baby if still alive, and Lionel who discovered the fact that as far as we try to run away and bury the past and forget who we really are, that fact will certainly return stomping and force us to re-open the sheet. The decision to keep living a present or past life just to fix the absolute is in our hands. Luckily, Louis pretty wise decision. Electric guitar finally came out of the cage and return journey to find his love is already lost, Lyla. Miracle after miracle happened in the story of the three of them found each other. Lyla Unwittingly, he will play in a stage where the baby so he missed his orchestra would be a composer. While Louis unwittingly also met with Evan when Evan was standing dazed in the midst of indecision would choose to stay together the leaders of street children or escape artist and his duty to act as a conductor of a symphony orchestra performances he has made. Chant composed symphonic tone was disturbing Lyla Evan has inched away from the stage. Lyla tried to get closer to the lip of the stage, listened attentively to the harmonization of the tone that so touched his conscience. Louis recently completed another stage was immediately jumped down from the cab when reading the flyer orchestra performances specifying the name as a cellist Lyla Novacek. The power of music pieces of their hearts lead them to find each other. And when Evan closed his eyes and turned toward the audience, he knew that the "voice" had been heard! Thus, a strong belief that Evan has metamorphosed into a brilliant August Rush, the musical genius, even sweet fruit. Fathers and mothers who so longed back together! The film ends with the sweet without the need to provide details about how the final story of the three of them, whether they will eventually live as a happy family who love each other or not. Imagination was intentionally kept the director by freeing the audience make their own versions of what they liked in their respective heads (Http//:www. Google. CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION In this chapter, the data taken from August Rush Movie will be presented and then analyzed. A. Data Presentation 1. The literary elements of August Rush Movie a. Character 1) Major Character a) Evan Taylor / August Rush Evan Taylor is a boy of 11 years separated from his parents since birth. He is a child who has the genetic ability in music obtained from his parents. He is very magical, blue-eyed, quiet, confident that one day will meet with both parents. “You brought us a prodigy, Reverend? He is a in the “ well Tempered Clavier”….dean, I thought he was an angel” “I'd see kids that would be his age and I'd imagine what he'd look like. Big blue eyes like his dad and-Oh, my God, Lyla.” b) Lyla Novacek She is a beautiful girl. Clever is cellist, white, emotional, stubborn, never discouraged; but eventually, his spirits grow again when asked to perform in New York Philharmonic music performances. “Dad, I’m not going with you Lyla you listen to me No… Don’t you dare walk away I’m not going with you” “Lyla, just relax. This piece. You're pushing yourself too hard. I don't know if I can do this. You're playing with the Philharmonic. That's great. Okay, let's keep going.” c) Louis Connelly He is an adult male singer of a band music, handsome, romantic, charismatic, blue-eyed, emotional. “ come on say. That the best you got….come on hit me, come on hit me Come on Fell that I come on . hit me I’m suffocating here You all right man…you all right man Welcome to the Connelly clan” “I'd see kids that would be his age and I'd imagine what he'd look like. Big blue eyes like his dad and-Oh, my God, Lyla.” “Great sounds, kid. Gibson J-200?. It's beautiful. Can I see her?. Hey. It's okay. I'm a musician too.” “Oh, my God. Is that you?. When were you gonna tell me you're in a band?.” 2) Minor character a) Maxwell "Wizard" Wallace He is a man who is versed in the field of music, a great person, hard, thief, searches for money, and often takes advantage of others to make money, think of the children is protected as an investment. “ I’ve been with Wizard for years Who wizard? Oh, he’s a real piece of work That’s what he is He real name’s Maxwell Wallace He took me in He said that I was an investment He gave me Roxy here He bought it in the old days Well, he really didn’t buy it Guess you’d kind of say he found it All right, he stole it” “Okay, Jack, he's worth three times what you're offering him. Wallace-You heard him in the park! You're a pain in the ass. Two-fifty if he can play for two hours. No, five or he walks. Five hundred?. I'll give him 250-Five hundred or he walks, all right?. b) Hope She is a little girl, black, descendants of Negroes, good singing, good. c) Thomas Novacek He is the father of Lila Novacek, selfish, hard, it is he who has been separated by Evan Taylor and Lyla since birth, always imposes it his will toward Lyla Novacek. d) Reverend J He is a pastor of a church. He is also the parent of Hope, black, either, he who has brought the August Rush to the proper place of the Julliard School. e) Jeffries He is a lacquer-skinned black man. He often helps a person in finding the missing people is very concerned with others. “So there’s nothing to be scared of Thank you I’m gonna do something I never do This is my number If you ever need to talk to me about anything …you call Think about what I said too There’s a whole world out there with millions of wind chimes I know You can go now” f) Arthur He is a little boy; Nigger derivatives, dreadlocked good at playing guitar and singing, one investment of Wizard, fool according to his friends; believe that he would be a great person. “Who likes pizza? Who did this? Arthur? What is he? He’s a damn fool He’s gonna get it good What are you, Arthur? I’m a real piece of work, wizard?” Character in a movie is also divided into protagonist, antagonist and, tritagonis. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Name August Rush/ Evan Taylor Character Protagonist Lyla Novacek Protagonist Louis Connelly Protagonist Maxwell “ Wizard” Wallace Antagonist Thomas Novacek Antagonist Richard Jeffries Tritagonis Hope Tritagonis Reverend J Tritagonis Arthur Tritagonis Marshall Tritagonis Lizzy Tritagonis b. Plot In this study, researcher used a pattern of three rounds to analyze the structure of the film August Rush 1) The Structure of Three Acts The structure of three acts or is also often termed a classic Holliwood structure is a model of narrative structure of the longest, popular and influential structure of all time. This pattern uses three rounds namely, stage I (preparation), stage II (confrontation), and stage III (resolution) (Himawan, 2008:46-47). The structure of three acts have some specific characteristics concerning aspects of space and time, actors, problems or conflicts, as well as the destination. a) Elements of Space and Time In the movie August Rush story, the space and time are not restricted. Throughout the film, the story locations are different or always moving. With duration 113 minutes, the filmmakers can take advantage of the location as much as possible so that the film is not boring. In this film there is also a flashback and flash forward. b) Limitation Story Information August Rush movie generally unlimited storytelling, even more dominant camera follows the main character, Evan Taylor / August Rush, lyla novacek, and Louis Connely. But the camera also moves around a lot to main characters to some auxiliary characters, i.e antagonist characters (Thomas Novacek and Maxwell "Wizard" Wallace) and tritagonist characters (Richard Jeffries, Hope, James pastor, Arthur, Marshall, Lizzy). c) Plotted Structured Pattern Stage Sequence duration Stage I - Stand in the middle of Sabana 9 minutes - Evan was troubled by friend - Lyla and Louis are in music (preparation) concert Stage II (confrontation) 25 - Meet to be thatched - Lyla's separation and Louis - 11 years then( Lyla's accident) - The meeting of Evan with minutes Arthur, Wizard - Philharmonic’s concert invitation Stage III (resolution) - Evan's noise 69 minutes - Thomas Novacek get ill - Lyla and Louis are play music again - Meets Evan with hope - Julliard School - Philharmonic’s concert (1) Preparation The film opens with a boy ( Evan Taylor), other pieces of information finally mention that the boy was living in homeless children's shelter home stay of Colorado, blue-eyed glaze that can always translate a variety of activities, human expression and the harmony of the universe in the form of a tone. Chant, he heard the wind rustle as low tone. The sound of children playing football tones are heard as a boom. While laughing and joking peers and noisy chatter of adults has been heard as a shrill of high notes. That is the initial presentation of this film the main character, Evan Taylor who later metamorphoses into the figure of August Rush. The camera moves away from the boy and then presenting the figure of a woman beautiful white spaghetti strap dress with brown curly hair that is so fascinating. The beauty of this woman apparently is prepared in the dressing room. She will perform on stage showing her skill. She turns out her music player! She is a cellist. Action game of her cello solo is backed by full orchestra increasingly demonstrates mastery of the instrument she plays. Beauty face looks more beautiful when he is was busy swiping her cello. Meanwhile, the fleeting figure of a young man ( Louis) who is singing in an underground pub featured as the background. The man has such charisma in the way he sings and the lyrics expressed, really sings from the heart. (2) Confrontation Description of time period of 11 years earlier is showed. This time, the story rolling from the middle of a concert is performed by the woman. Lyla Novacek, that is the name of this beautiful woman. A talented cellist who has just completed a show importance. Luckily, the audience response is so enthusiastic to play her cello. The success of this show to be addressed by friends Lyla with him out to a party one of their acquaintances. Set De Champs Elysees is a charming, in a flat which is filled with some people. Lovely party they hold. Amid the hubbub party, Lyla just feels strange and gets out from the crowd. The aim is none other than the roof area. From there, she find precisely the right overlooking, the beautiful scenery gate Arc 'de Tromp he. Visible in the distance, in the hallway of a street gang a saxophone musician is singing a beautiful song. Apparently, not only a fun Lyla enjoyes the song. The voice of a young man disturbs her peace. Apparently, the youth fun is hanging out on the rooftop next to a position far higher than the roof of the beachhead Lyla. The youth offers Lyla to move into place in order to more carefully listen to melodious chant saxophone sound. Between indecisive and hesitant, Lyla then stepps into the building next door. Then they both talk. Apparently the two lovebirds are in love and end up spending the night together. The arrival of the morning is too sudden to disturb their happiness. The woman hurries to leave him, request him to re-meet at the appointed place casually answered by the girl. The love that has blossomed in the hearts of both gets a big obstacle! Lyla turns out to live under the pressure of the father who so dominates and dictates. She is free to do all her heart because his father's will has been outlined destiny just as cellist Lyla! Excessive ambition of the father begins to make Lyla sick. That is why she is so fond of this guy ⎯ meeting with unknown named Lionel, a vocalist who becomes the band underground remains at a local pub. Back a canceled appointment act finally leaving longing and regreting for a second man. Especially after that Lyla finds himself in the center contain? Pressure from the father who can’t stand getting hit him and fled. Unfortunately, Lyla’s car accident that results in abortion problem. In the Hospital, the father tries to calm Lyla and told Lyla has lost her baby. Lyla listens to it all, staring blankly into space. In fact, without her knowledge, in the far corner, in the nursery, lays a tiny baby who is weak arms flailing at the time hearing the chant music from a music box shaped by carousel. Chant sound of music is heard by the baby in the early moments of hir life, who is finally going to be a major guide in his life, because he will be able to hear the music wherever it is located. We can then guess that the baby is a boy Evan! At the shelter, the boy, Evan always hopes his parents would be able to find through the "frequency" sounds the same. This determination will be music shown through his courage begun to argue a number of children older than him. When he would bullie and force to say that his parents could never find it, aloud he replied that he knows they would be out there and be heard. Evan attitude which at first sight seems fragile, but dog have a strong belief; this is a fascinating social worker from the department who visits the shelter to register children who are in that place. The officer (played very nicely by Terence Howard) is very impressed with Evan plain by answer when asked how long he has lived in that place. Evan replie with details; year, month and week. The answer makes the officer stunned! Strength and confidence in himself Evan increasingly upsets forcing him to "go" from a shelter to the big city-New York. Ride a good-hearted truck driver, Evan has reached the city, nicknamed the Big Apple. Adventure begins! Poor can’t be denied, the only clue about the social department officials deemed it could help him to fly in the wind when he absorbed impregnating one corner of the streets of New York as a magnificent symphony strains. Pursuit of a business card just is brought acquainted with a boy who plays guitar strings in the middle of a city park. The boy (Arthur) is steady variety of songs from an electric guitar that he is hip. The tones coming out of the strings ;it makes Evan anesthetized. Evan finally "joins" the black kid is home to the headquarters. Evan close look at the lives of street children who have talent in music but enslaveds to the money-producing machine. The commander of this army (Maxwell "Wizard" Wallace) is a strange man who always dresses like a cowboy ⎯ for always wearing a leather jacket and leather hat, black cowboy model ⎯ and playes with a captivating acting by veteran actor Robin Williams. Evan existence of street children in the headquarters of the artist is increasingly recognized when one morning they all wake up to strange tunes from Evan's try against the boss's favorite electric guitar. Evan totally blind instrument plays the guitar with a haphazard but instead produces a tone that inspires harmony and attract attention. Evan cheerful expression at the time beat, strumming, hitting the guitar is so fascinating to hear. That Evan is a boy with extraordinary abilities in creating harmony tone. But Evan's real ability in music and tones is more than the limits in imagine, a natural genius. People who need not know much about theory but it is able to find the keys of the tones harmonize various tones into a beautiful symphony that is so riveting. Evan easily translates a lot of noise from everyday activities which at first sight seems trivial and unimportant to be a series of tones that are so beautiful. His ability to create music armed with an electric guitar played blindly is the starting point of the first to tell us about it. The next meeting with a young woman ( Hope) in a church minister is son who is doing choir practice led to another experience which is increasingly confirmed the ability of rest in the field of music. Without the need to spend lots of time, Evan can directly control the tone of a grand piano. Musical notes which is a new and unfamiliar objects becomes his new best friend. Within a few hours later, Evan is actually immersed in the fun listening to chant tone and composes the universe in the form of musical notes, fabulous! The little girl is wwo doing Evan and changes the fate of a street musician becomes a professional musician. Daddy's little girl, the pastor ( Reverend J), leds Evan to a music school that has produced the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, an elite group of orchestra that has a good reputation throughout the universe is the Juilliard School. In the school of music, Evan talent channeled properly. Some fragments show that Evan learnes in the classroom where he was the youngest students with age. Evan's expertise in creating harmonized tone "caught" wet by a professors teaching one of the subjects. The professor is amazed at the scores tone created by Evan; finally brings the results of the composition to the principal and askes that the composition is played in performances of grand New York Philharmonic Orchestra. Evan's response is so innocent and naive indeed to make the school board smile. "I need to be watched by as many as people". Once his comments ,when one board member reply that this stage will not only be watched by hundreds of people, thousands of people will watch it! Evan who has a primary mission to "voice" can be heard by his parents smiling brightly hear the answer. Meanwhile, in other places, the beautiful woman who 11 years ago would have predicted a brilliant career as a music player of the world ends just becomes a cello teacher of private lessons. Losing a baby in the womb, makes life of Lyla seems to stop and move in the opposite direction. Her spirit is lost and his life seems dark. His relationship with his father is strained. She considers that there is no more to be pursued in her life and she needs only life day by day to taste, with no ambition and the desire and passion whatever. In London, the display shows a young executive dressed dapper man who gets into the car Mercedes Benz. This man turns out to Louis, the vocalist who has her eyes so bright and full of passion. Apparently, times have changed Lionel into someone who pursues material success and ignores purely spiritual satisfaction. Louis lives like this and finishes his career as a vocalist because he wants to prove that he can become someone who is financially successful! However, deep in his heart, his life seems so bland and quiet. His spirits are dimmed and his passion will live once so bubbling as if swallowed by time vanished. (3) Resolution What followed is a struggle of human beings, the third person to find each other mutually. Evan is so longed for parental warmth, caresses of a mother's love and sense of security given a father. Lyla is so missed her baby and was always stunned every time I see a child who thinks the same age as her baby if still alive, and Lionel who discoveres the fact that as far as we try to run away and bury the past and forget who we really are, that fact will certainly return stomping and forces us to re-open the sheet. The decision to keep living a present or past life is just to fix the absolute in our hands. Luckily, Louis pretty wise decision. Electric guitar finally comes out of the cage; and return journey to find his love is already lost, Lyla. Miracle after miracle happenes in the story of the three of them found each other. Lyla unwittingly, she will play in a stage where the baby so she misses his orchestra would be a composer. While Louis unwittingly also met with Evan when Evan is standing dazed in the midst of indecision would choose to stay together the leaders of street children or escape artist and his duty to is act as a conductor of a symphony orchestra performances he has made. Chant composed symphonic tone is disturbing Lyla Evan has inched away from the stage. Lyla tries to get closer to the lip of the stage, listenes attentively to the harmonization of the tone that is so touched her conscience. Louis recently completed another stage is immediately jumped down from the cab when reading the flyer orchestra performances specifying the name as a cellist Lyla Novacek. The power of music pieces of their hearts leads them to find each other. And when Evan closes his eyes and turnes toward the audience, he know that the "voice" has been heard! Thus, a strong belief, Evan has metamorphosed into a brilliant August Rush, the musical genius, even sweet fruit. Fathers and mothers are so longed back together! The film ends with the sweet without the need to provide details about how is the final story of the three of them, whether they will eventually live as a happy family who love each other or not. Imagination is intentionally kept by the director by freeing the audience, makes their own versions of what they like in their respective headed. c. Setting 1) Central Park Central Park is a public park in the center of Manhattan in New York City, United States. The park was initially opened in 1857, on 843 acres (3.41 km2) of city-owned land. In 1858, Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux won a design competition to improve and expand the park with a plan entitled the Greensward Plan. Construction began at the same year and was completed in 1873. Designated a National Historic Landmark in 1963, the park is currently managed by the Central Park Conservancy under contract with the city government. The Conservancy is a nonprofit organization that contributes 85% of Central Park's ($37.4 million dollar) annual budget, and employs 80% of the park's maintenance staff. “how many people will hear it Well, it would be performed in Central Park, on the Great Lawn.” 2) Washington Square Park Washington Square Park is one of the best-known of New York City's 1,900 public parks. At 9.75 acres (39,500 m2), it is a landmark in the Manhattan neighborhood of Greenwich Village, as well as a meeting place and center for cultural activity. It is operated by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. An open space with a tradition of nonconformity, the park's fountain area has long been one of the city's popular spots for residents and tourists. Most of the buildings surrounding the park now belong to New York University, but many have at one time served as homes and studios for artists. Some of the buildings have been built by NYU, others have been converted from their former uses into academic and residential buildings. Although NYU considers the park to be the quad of the school's campus, Washington Square remains a public park. “wizard? He gave me his place at the square My parents They ain’t gave me nothing” “come on, Arthur? That’s chump change You got Washington Square That was my spot for 10 years.” 3) Julliard Scholl The Juilliard School, located at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York City, United States, is a performing arts conservatory which was established in 1905. It is informally identified as simply "Juilliard," and trains about 800 undergraduate and graduate students in dance, drama, and music. Juilliard is one of the most prestigious performing arts conservatories in the world. “how’d you learn how to play like that in six months? Julliard Julliard? Yes sir.” “it’s find of a long story Well, it I went to Julliard and, I had a concern to night.” 4) San Francisco San Francisco, officially the City and County of San Francisco, is the financial, cultural, and transportation center of the San Francisco Bay Area, a region of more than 7.4 million people which includes San Jose and Oakland. The only consolidated citycounty in California, it encompasses a land area of 46.7 square miles (121 km2) on the northern end of the San Francisco Peninsula, giving it a density of 17,243 people per square mile (6,655/km2). It is the most densely settled large city (population greater than 200,000) in the state of California and the second-most densely populated large city in the United States. San Francisco is the fourth most populous city in California and the 13th most populous city in the United States, with a 2010 estimated population of 805,235. “where are you, baby bro? We didn’t follow you from San Francisco to play for fire, man. Yeah? We need this one baby bro. all right? I need this one”. 5) Chicago Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. With nearly 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the Midwestern United States and the third most populous city in the USA, after New York City and Los Angeles. Its metropolitan area, commonly named "Chicago land," is the 27th most populous urban agglomeration in the world and the third largest city in the United States, home to an estimated 9.5 million people spread across the US states of Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana. Chicago is the county seat of Cook County, the second most populous county in the United States, after Los Angeles County, California. 6) Good Samaritan hospital Good Samaritan Hospital is a hospital in Los Angeles, California, USA. The hospital has 408 beds. d. Point of View In August Rush Movie, the writer used first- person point of view. The writer words “ I and you” to describe the surrounding nature. “listen…can you hear it…the music…I can hear it everywhere…it the wind…in the air…in the fight…its all around us…all you have to do is open yourself up…all you have to do…is listen.” e. Style No Sentence 1 I used to talk for the moon 2 There’s a whole world out there with millions of Figure of speech Personifikation hyperbola wind chimes 3 Nobody touches this instrument but me, Roxi’s Personification my girl. 4 How many dead presidents you got? Personification 5 Yeah, well, it makes the world go round, doesn’t Personification bob. 6 I got eyes in the back of my head. hyperbola 7 All right little mice, scurry back to your holes. metaphor Go 8 You gotta love music mare than you love food 9 You’re flying , kid 10 You’re likes an angel simile hyperbola simile 11 Prodigy, exactly metaphor f. Theme The theme of the August Rush movie is the story about the inner strength of a child and his parents even though they are separated since he was born. Inner strength that they have is communicated through music. That natural talent possessed by a child is not spared from the influence of their parents. In this film music is felt at all in the accompanying plot of this film. The message of the main character is "The music is all around us. All you have to do is listen. " 2. The main character (Evan Taylor) August Rush was a orphan who's real name is Evan Taylor. Evan grew up in an orphanage, believing his parents would come for him. He believed he got the gift of music from them, which he did. After a while, he decided that if his parents wanted so come to him, he would go to find them. So Evan heads runs away from the orphanage and headed to New York. In New York, Evan met a boy named Arthur, who introduced him to an old theater full of orphans who played music. There he met Wizard (Robin Williams) who discovered Evan's talent as a musician and decided to use Evan to make himself rich. He tells Evan that his new stage name was August Rush and that he could not tell anyone that his name is Evan Taylor ever again. Now known as August, he found himself stuck in Wizard's world of haggling and street performance. August was a child prodigy, managing to play an instrument he was set in front of in a give the time to explore its possibilities. Wizard determined to sell August as a new music artist at a record company. When the cops raid the theater, Wizard helped August escape and told him they wouldl meet up in the arch of the square. However, August ran away to a shabbier end of town, where he heard a black church choir sang. He found refuge under a young girl's bed and she taught him briefly to read music. The next day, August had covered the walls of the church in apparently random music compositions and has played the organs in the church. He was taken by the reverend to the finest music school in New York. There, he was recognized for his talent and taught new instruments and classical music. He composed a song entitled 'August Rhapsody' that he believed would find his parents if they heard it. The school was so impressed by it that they asked permission to use it in their spring concert. August easily agreed because thousands of people would be able to hear it and he wanted to find his parents. However, during rehearsal, Wizard showed up blackmails to August to leave the school and return to street performing until they could catch a record deal. While Wizard talked to some people on the phone, August sat with a guitar in the park. While he waited for Wizard, he met a man who introduced himself as Louis and they played guitar together to pass the time. Louis was amazed at Augusts’ talent since he was only playing for 6 months, where Louis had been playing most of his life. August didn’t know it, and neither did Louis, but Louis his father - the father he is looking for the whole movie. August told Louis that he was August Rush and he had a concert being performed tonight but he could not go. Louis asked him why and August said it was complicated. Louis told August that if he had a concert playing, he would not miss it for the world because even when the world turned against you, you could always wrap yourself in your music. Wizard called August over and Louis said goodbye before leaving August alone again with Wizard. August finally stood up to Wizard when he could hear the concert starting from where he stoods in the subway. Wizard tried to stop August from going but Arthur hits him over the head with a guitar. August was running out of the subway but stoped to listen to someone playing at the concert. He smiled like he could tell it was his mother playing and then hurried out to get ready to conduct his composition. By the time August took the stage, his mother was gone and walked off, probably to home. However, August was just happy to be away from Wizard and played his music. As he conducted and had a good time, his parents met up in the audience. Then, August turned around just before his Rhapsody was complete and saw his parents in the front row, smiling at him. He smiled back. B. Data analysis 1. The literary elements of August Rush Movie a. Character 1) Major Character a) Evan Taylor / August Rush He is very magical, blue-eyed, quiet, confident that one day will meet with both parents. “You brought us a prodigy, Reverend? He is a in the “ well Tempered Clavier”….dean, I thought he was an angel” b) Lyla Novacek She is a beautiful girl. Clever is cellist, white, emotional, stubborn, never discouraged; but eventually, his spirits grow again when asked to perform in New York Philharmonic music performances. “Dad, I’m not going with you Lyla you listen to me No… Don’t you dare walk away I’m not going with you” c) Louis Connelly He is an adult male singer of a band music, handsome, romantic, charismatic, blue-eyed, emotional. “ come on say. That the best you got….come on hit me, come on hit me Come on Fell that I come on . hit me I’m suffocating here You all right man…you all right man Welcome to the Connelly clan” 2) Minor character a) Maxwell "Wizard" Wallace He is a man who is versed in the field of music, a great person, hard, thief, searches for money, and often takes advantage of others to make money, think of the children is protected as an investment. “ I’ve been with Wizard for years Who wizard? Oh, he’s a real piece of work That’s what he is He real name’s Maxwell Wallace He took me in He said that I was an investment He gave me Roxy here He bought it in the old days Well, he really didn’t buy it Guess you’d kind of say he found it All right, he stole it” b) Hope She is a little girl, black, descendants of Negroes, good singing, good. c) Thomas Novacek He is the father of Lila Novacek, selfish, hard, it is he who has been separated by Evan Taylor and Lyla since birth, always imposes it his will toward Lyla Novacek. d) Reverend J He is a pastor of a church. He is also the parent of Hope, black, either, he who has brought the August Rush to the proper place of the Julliard School. e) Jeffries He often helps a person in finding the missing people is very concerned with others. “So there’s nothing to be scared of Thank you I’m gonna do something I never do This is my number If you ever need to talk to me about anything …you call Think about what I said too There’s a whole world out there with millions of wind chimes I know You can go now” f) Arthur He is a little boy; Nigger derivatives, dreadlocked good at playing guitar and singing, one investment of Wizard, fool according to his friends; believe that he would be a great person. “Who likes pizza? Who did this? Arthur? What is he? He’s a damn fool He’s gonna get it good What are you, Arthur? I’m a real piece of work, wizard?” Character in a movie is also divided into protagonist, antagonist and, tritagonis. a) Protagonist August Rush/ Evan Taylor, Lyla Novacek, and Louis Connelly b) Antagonist Maxwell “ Wizard” Wallace, and Thomas Novacek c) Tritagonist Richard Jeffries, Hope, Reverend J, Arthur, Marshall, and Lizzy b. Plot In this study, researcher used a pattern of three rounds to analyze the structure of the film August Rush 1) The Structure of Three Acts a) Elements of Space and Time b) Limitation Story Information c) Plotted Structured Pattern (1) Preparation (2) Confrontation (3) Resolution c. Setting 1) Central Park Central Park is a public park in the center of Manhattan in New York City, United States. “how many people will hear it Well, it would be performed in Central Park, on the Great Lawn.” 2) Washington Square Park Washington Square Park is one of the best-known of New York City's 1,900 public parks. At 9.75 acres (39,500 m2), “wizard? He gave me his place at the square My parents They ain’t gave me nothing” “come on, Arthur? That’s chump change You got Washington Square That was my spot for 10 years.” 3) Julliard Scholl The Juilliard School, located at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York City, United States, is a performing arts conservatory which was established in 1905. “how’d you learn how to play like that in six months? Julliard Julliard? Yes sir.” “it’s find of a long story Well, it I went to Julliard and, I had a concern to night.” 4) San Francisco San Francisco, officially the City and County of San Francisco, is the financial, cultural, and transportation center of the San Francisco Bay Area, a region of more than 7.4 million people which includes San Jose and Oakland. “where are you, baby bro? We didn’t follow you from San Francisco to play for fire, man. Yeah? We need this one baby bro. all right? I need this one”. 5) Chicago Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. 6) Good Samaritan hospital Good Samaritan Hospital is a hospital in Los Angeles, California, USA. The hospital has 408 beds. d. Point of View In August Rush Movie, the writer used first- person point of view. The writer words “ I and you” to describe the surrounding nature. “listen…can you hear it…the music…I can hear it everywhere…it the wind…in the air…in the fight…its all around us…all you have to do is open yourself up…all you have to do…is listen.” e. Style a) Personification I used to talk for the moon b) Hyperbola There’s a whole world out there with millions of wind chimes c) Metaphore All right little mice, scurry back to your holes. Go d) Simile You gotta love music mare than you love food f. Theme The theme of the August Rush movie is the story about the inner strength of a child and his parents even though they are separated since he was born. Inner strength that they have is communicated through music. That natural talent possessed by a child is not spared from the influence of their parents. In this film music is felt at all in the accompanying plot of this film. The message of the main character is "The music is all around us. All you have to do is listen. " 2. The main character (Evan Taylor) August Rush was a orphan who's real name is Evan Taylor. Evan grew up in an orphanage, believing his parents would come for him. He believed he got the gift of music from them, which he did. After a while, he decided that if his parents wanted so come to him, he would go to find them. So Evan heads runs away from the orphanage and headed to New York. In this movie, Evan Taylor is as well as major and the protagonist character. He was a 11-year-old boy who had parted ways with her parents since he was born. His parents were music players. His mother was a cellist (Lyla Novacek) and his father(Louis Connelly), a was band played. Evan is also an August Rush, which acquired the name of a street musician (Wizard). Evan had a natural music talent acquired genetically from his parents. To the extent, at the age of 11 years he had entered the Julliard School. Through the inner music between Evan and his parents they can be reunited in a large concert performed by the New York Philharmonic C. Summary 1. The literary elements of August Rush Movie a. Character Character is divided into two kinds, namely major and minor characters. The major character in august rush movie is Evan Taylor/ August Rush, Lyla Novacek, and Louis Connelly. The to minor character is Maxwell "Wizard" Wallace, Richard Jeffries, Hope, Reverend James, Arthur, Marshall, Thomas Novacek. The character is also divided into protagonist, antagonist dan tritagonist. Protagonist character in August Rush movie is August Rush/ Evan Taylor, Lyla Novacek, Louis Connelly. Antagonist character is Maxwell “ Wizard” Wallace, Thomas Novacek. Tritagonist character is Richard Jeffries, Hope, Reverend J, Arthur, Marshall, Lizzy. b. Plot The plot of this novel consists of exposition of preparation, confrontation, and resolution. c. Setting Setting of August Rush's Film is done at several locations namely Central Park, Washington Square Park, San Francisco, Chicago, New York, The Julliard School, Good Samaritan Hospital. d. Point of view In this film, the writer uses first- person or “ I and you” point of view. e. Style In this film, the writer uses figure of speech namely metaphor, personifycation, hyperbole, and simile f. Theme Theme in August Rush Movie is the story about the inner strength of a child and his parents even though they are separated since the child was born. Inner strength is communicated through music. That natural talent possessed by a child is not spared from the influence of their parents. In this film music is felt in all as the accompanying plot of this film. The message of the main character in is "The music is all around us. All you have to do is listen. " 2. The main character (Evan Taylor) In this movie, Evan Taylor is as well as major and the protagonist character. He was a 11-year-old boy who had parted ways with her parents since he was born. His parents were music players. His mother was a cellist (Lyla Novacek) and his father(Louis Connelly), a was band played. Evan is also an August Rush, which acquired the name of a street musician (Wizard). Evan had a natural music talent acquired genetically from his parents. To the extent, at the age of 11 years he had entered the Julliard School. Through the inner music between Evan and his parents they can be reunited in a large concert performed by the New York Philharmonic CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion After analyzing August Rush's film, the writer draws conclusion as follows: 1. The literary elements of August Rush Movie a. Character The major character in august rush movie is Evan Taylor/ August Rush, Lyla Novacek, and Louis Connelly. The to minor character is Maxwell "Wizard" Wallace, Richard Jeffries, Hope, Reverend James, Arthur, Marshall, Thomas Novacek. Protagonist character in August Rush movie is August Rush/ Evan Taylor, Lyla Novacek, Louis Connelly. Antagonist character is Maxwell “ Wizard” Wallace, Thomas Novacek. Tritagonist character is Richard Jeffries, Hope, Reverend J, Arthur, Marshall, Lizzy. b. Plot Preparation, confrontation, and resolution. c. Setting Central Park, Washington Square Park, San Francisco, Chicago, New York, The Julliard School, Good Samaritan Hospital. d. Point of view In this film, the writer uses first- person or “ I and you” point of view. e. Style metaphor, personifycation, hyperbole, and simile f. Theme Theme in August Rush Movie is the story about the inner strength of a child and his parents even though they are separated since the child was born. Inner strength is communicated through music. 2. The main character (Evan Taylor) In this movie, Evan Taylor is as well as major and the protagonist character. B. Suggestion Based upon the explanation above, the writer proposes some suggestions to the readers as follows: 1. Read many books to enrich your knowledge 2. Read many books to keep character 3. When watch one film sinks in its meaning to get the important lesson from the film. BIBLIOGRAPHY Anwar, Saifuddin. 2007. Metode Penelitian. Yogyakarta: Pustaka belajar. Budianta, Melani Dkk. 2002. Membaca Sastra ( Pengantar Memahami Sastra Untuk Perguruan Tinggi) . Magelang: IndonesiaTera. Company, Houghton Mifflin. 2000. The American Heritage Dictionary Of The English Language. New York Corrigan, Timothy. 1999. Film and Literature: An Introduce and Reader. USA: pretice hall. Daradjat, Zakiah Dr. 1977. Membina Nilai- Nilai Moral di Idonesia. Jakarta: Bulan Bintang. Darmadi, Hamid Prof.dr. 2009. Dasar Konsep Pendidikan Moral. 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