international academy of mediators
international academy of mediators
regisTraTion To register for the San Diego Conference, please complete this registration form and send with paymenttoInternationalAcademyofMediators, 250ConsumersRd.,Suite301,Toronto, Ontario,M2J4V6CANADA Name _____________________________________ Address ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ City _______________________________________ State/Province _______ Zip/Code____________ Country ___________________________________ Telephone _________________________________ Fax _______________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________ Date/Time of Arrival _______________________ Date/Time Departure _______________________ AdultGuestName __________________________ SpecialNeeds ______________________________ hoTeL inFormaTion Stay and play in San Diego’s historic and vibrant GaslampQuarter,featuringfineshopping, restaurants, entertainment and culture. The Westin Gaslamp Quarter, San Diego (formerly the Westin Horton Plaza) offers a unique location, with the exhilarating excitement of the city at our doorstep. Contact the hotel at 910 Broadway Circle, San Diego, California 92101 USA•Phone:1-800-WESTIN-1 Hotel Reservations may be made directly with the hotel. The conference rate is $249 per night (plustaxes).Thecut-offdateforthisrateis October 20th,2008.Reservationsanddeposits receivedafterthecut-offdatewillbeconfirmed on a space available basis at published rates. MentiontheInternationalAcademyofMediators conference when making your reservation. Cancellations: Full refund before October 20th, 2008.50%refundbetweenOctober20th and November3rd,2008.NorefundafterNovember 3rd,2008.Allcancellationsmustbemadein writing. INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF MEDIATORS FALL CONFERENCE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 13-15, 2008 ContactReneeLevine,ExecutiveDirector,for moreinformation.Phone:416-494-1440ext.227. Select all that apply: Registration Earlybird Member (by October 20th,2008) ..$695USD Registration Member (after October 20th,2008) .................$795USD Registration NonMember ......................................................$895USD Banquet for Guests ..........................................................add $110USD I will be attending the Board of Directors Meeting I will be attending Friday Yoga I will be attending Saturday Yoga Select a payment option: Cheque(payabletoInternationalAcademyofMediators) Wire Transfer(contactrlevine@iamed.orgforwiretransferinformation) Visa Mastercard Amex AccountNumber ____________________________ ExpiryDate_________________ NameofCardholder _____________________________________________________ All credit card payments will be processed under Base Consulting and Management Inc. IAM San Diego.indd 1 26/06/2008 4:45:21 PM san diego program Thursday, November 13 9am-1pm IAM Board of Directors’ Meeting Members Welcome 1:45-2:15pm Welcome and Conference Overview John Leo Wagner, President, IAM, San Juan Capistrano, CA Scott Markus, Program Chair, Fellow, San Diego, CA 2:15-3:30pm Insurance Company Considerations in Evaluating Claims Moderator: Jeffrey Krivis, Fellow, Encino, CA Janet Kloenhamer, President and CEO, Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company Discontinued Business Operations, Novato, CA Thomas Geissler, President and CEO, Allianz Global Risks 3:30-3:45pm Break 3:45-5pm Mediating Multi-party Complex Matters Michael Roberts, Fellow, San Diego, CA Alexander Polsky, Fellow, Los Angeles, CA 5:15-7pm Welcome Reception The Westin Gaslamp Quarter 7pm Optional Evening Event: Sign & Dine San Diego area restaurants (Reservations at pre-arranged restauarants will be available for sign up on-site) conference Committee Scott Markus, Fellow, San Diego, CA Chair Craig Higgs, Fellow, San Diego, CA Michael Roberts, Fellow, San Diego, CA Michael Young, Fellow, Los Angeles, CA IAM San Diego.indd 2 Friday, November 14 Saturday, November 15 7-8am Yoga Eleanor Barr, Fellow, Los Angeles, CA 8:30-9am Continental Breakfast 9-10:15am Special Considerations in Professional Liability and Employment Matters Moderator: Scott Markus, Fellow, San Diego, CA Panelists: Margaret Bell, Esq., San Diego, CA Ken Medel, Esq., San Diego, CA Robert Sunderland, Esq., San Diego, CA 10:15-10:30am Break 10:30-11:45am All Things ADR Moderator: Craig Higgs, Fellow, San Diego, CA Lucie Barron, President, ADR Services Alan Brutman, President, Judicate West Chris Poole, President, JAMS or Jay Welsh, Executive Vice President, JAMS NOON Lunch and Keynote Speaker The Global Evolution of Mediation Thomas Stipanowich, Honorary Fellow, Malibu, CA Academic Director, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, Pepperdine University School of Law 1:30pm Open Explore America’s Finest City! 7-8am Yoga Eleanor Barr, Fellow, Los Angeles, CA 8:30-9am 9-10:15am 10:15-10:30am 10:30-11:45am NOON Continental Breakfast 6:30-7:30pm Cocktail Party California Princess, San Diego Bay 7:30-9:30pm Conference Banquet Dinner cruise aboard the California Princess, featuring 25 scenic miles of San Diego’s magnificent skyline, a three course sit-down dinner and complimentary boarding champagne. The Vanishing Joint Session Michael Young, Fellow, Los Angeles, CA Tracy Allen, Fellow, Detroit, MI Eric Galton, Fellow, Austin, TX Break Open Microphone Moderator: Cliff Hendler, Fellow, Toronto, Canada Adjournment 26/06/2008 4:45:23 PM