program meeting with karen boutte, quilt diva president`s letter
program meeting with karen boutte, quilt diva president`s letter
F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 8 H A P P Y VA L E N T I N E S D AY ! M O N T H LY N E W S L E T T E R O F C O U N T RY C R O S S R O A D S Q U I LT E R S O F M O D E S T O PROGRAM MEETING WITH KAREN BOUTTE, QUILT DIVA D ynamic designs and dazzling quilting describe our speaker for the next Program Meeting on Feb. 12. Karen Boutte’s work has been seen nationwide in many quilt venues. She has won numerous awards and gained attention due to her innovative style. She has appeared on Simply Quilts (Episodes #716 and #905) and continues to be shown in re-runs. She has had numerous articles written about her work from notable magazines like Quilting Arts Magazine and Quilting Quarterly. Karen has published one book: Delightful Diva Designs - Wonderful Whimsical Wearables and is working on another. Karen Boutte is a Bay Area native and retired PacBell employee. The wife of 38 years, mother of two, and a grandmother, she has been sewing since age six. After retirement Karen wanted to do something that allowed her to meet a lot of likeminded individuals, so decided to teach quilting. She went to a Teacher Development Seminar sponsored by C&T Publishing and that ‘was all she wrote!’ She started teaching her own mini-group, then offered classes to her guild Continued on page 2 CONTENTS Program Meeting with Karen Boutte ................ 1 President’s Letter............................................... 1 Calendar of Events ............................................ 2 From the Membership Chair .............................. 2 Quilt Show Corner ............................................. 3 Small Groups ..................................................... 3 General News .................................................... 4 Block-of-the-Month ............................................ 5 Meeting Minutes ................................................ 6 PRESIDENT’S LETTER By Suzanne Guthrie I just returned from a quilt seminar and I’m inspired! After 2 ½ days immersed in quilting, there are lots of ideas – or parts of ideas – floating around in my head. There were +14 of us at the Ricky Tims’ quilt seminar, and I’ve heard about other CCQ members at other venues/ classes in the past couple of months. Wouldn’t it be an interesting challenge to finish one item inspired by a class/seminar and display these together at the Quilt Show? Let me know what you think…if there are several interested we can figure out how to organize this to keep that inspiration flowing! Could this be an idea for a Guild challenge? The Tims’seminar was a great experience. He has a talent for dividing complex quilting tasks into easy steps. I really appreciate that talent in part because I enjoy making projects into steps myself, and also because it makes large projects more do-able. It seemed to me that many of the ideas he presented were applicable to lots of different kinds of quilting projects and styles. In addition some ideas were useable in projects currently underway. I found I had even used one of his techniques before going to the seminar, now I know my curved piecing was “caveman” style. I hope you are finding inspiration in what you are doing. I encourage everyone to consider taking a class. Remember scholarship time is coming up, and the guild workshops are reasonable, and one is free. It will be exciting to see all the new creations. It is hard to believe that a year has passed since I became your president. This has been a great year for the Guild and I know even better things are to come. Thank you all for the wonderful support given to keep the Guild running smoothly. We’ll continue to work together as I change gears to help Janet with the 2009 Quilt Show. Being your president has been a pleasure and privilege. Keep on sewing! Suzanne Calendar of Events Program Meetings Feb. 12 ....Karen Boutte, Quilt Diva Mar. 11 .....Diane Leighton, Batting April 8 ......Ann Westbrook, Trunk Show and Workshop on Machine Quilting Short Subject Business Meetings Feb. 26 ....Janet Borst, Ideas from Ricky Tim’s Seminar Mar. 25 ....Wendy Walsh, 7 Steps to an Art Quilt Warm Wrappings Feb. 12 ....Tuesday at Freedom Fabrics on Sisk Rd., 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mar. 15 ....Natl. Quilt Day at Trinity Presbyterian, 10 a.m to 2 p.m. Program and Business Meetings are held at Eastridge Community Church, 2319 Saint Paul’s Way, Modesto at 7:00 p.m. KAREN BOUTTE, QUILT DIVA Continued from page 1 and graduated to shop teaching. This was the start of a whole new career. Active in the quilting world, Karen is very involved in two guilds: Carquinez Strait Stitchers of Benicia, and the Pacific Needlearts Guild of San Ramon. The friends she’s made has allowed her love for quilting to grow stronger everyday. Karen was a spokesperson for Pfaff Sewing during 2005/2006. She traveled to Boston, Atlanta, Cleveland, Lexington Kentucky, Houston, Portland, and Sweden with Pfaff. She also lectured and taught throughout the USA for her own business, Delightful Diva Designs. Our meeting on Feb. 12th begins at 7 p.m. Admission is free to CCQ members; $3 to guests. Join us for an fabulous program with the Quilt Diva! Credits: Photos used by permission. © Karen Boutte. SHORT SUBJECT: IDEAS FROM RICKY TIMS’ F ebruary’s Short Subject on Feb. 26 will be presented by Janet Borst and Ruth McCormack. Both recently attended a Ricky Tims’ Seminar and are excited about what they learned. They will be sharing some new techniqnes and tips from Ricky’s bag of tricks. Janet and Ruth were both CCQ scholarship recipients. Refreshments served. 2 WWW.COUNTRYCROSSROADSQUILTERS.COM FROM THE MEMBERSHIP CHAIR WELCOME NEW MEMBER Welcome member Donna Shervington, rejoining after several years’ absence. Donna Shervington (Richard) 3308 Royalton Ave Modesto, CA 95350 Home: (209) 522-7698 Work: (209) 343-2219 Birthday: 9/4 E-mail: Please add this member to your 2007 – 2008 Membership Directory. NOTES ABOUT 2008 MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Current Memberships are paid through the end of February 2008. The new membership year begins March 1, 2008. Dues are $20. A form for renewing your membership is included in this newsletter. Forms will also be available at the meetings in February. Or, you can download one from our CCQ Web site: Renewing members please be sure to complete the checklist of interest areas. Our Guild offers a number of opportunities for active membership; we don’t want anyone to accidentally slip through the cracks. You can bring your Membership Form and dues to the Guild meeting or mail them to the 2008-2009 Membership Chairperson: Pat Cole, 2308 San Domingo Way, Modesto, 95355 If you request that your 2008-2009 Membership Directory be mailed to you, please be sure to include the $1.50 fee in your check for Dues, for a total of $21.50. If you need a new name badge, please include an additional $5 and check the badge box. Questions? Call Wendy Nipper, 577-5730. Quilt Show Corner T he rainy days are great time to sew and quilt. We hope you are taking advantage of these cool days to work on unfinished projects. You have one year before our quilt show happens once again. For those of you who may not know, Gail Wax is not able to continue as quilt show assistant for 2009 and quilt chair in 2011. She will be involved, of course, and we are thankful for any of her ideas and talent. Her replacement will be Suzanne Guthrie. I wish to thank Suzanne very much for saying yes. I’m looking forward to working with her. She is a great addition to our team. Our next quilt show general meeting will be Sunday, Mar. 2, at my house at 2:00 p.m. This is for all the committee chairs, however, anyone can attend. If you have an opinion or suggestion and cannot attend, just call us!! We always welcome any input or attendance you wish to give us. This is your quilt show and your voice. The first vendor letters have been sent out. Should you know of a vendor you would like to see at our show, please contact Linda Cover. Should you visit any quilt shows, please collect business cards of any vendors you like. Thanks so much. Our opportunity quilt is coming along very well. Theresa and Lois shared a few blocks at the January business meeting. We are very grateful to the ladies working on this beautiful masterpiece. Bookmarks are being printed. Thanks to a great design by Deborah Miller, they are looking good. Our first ones will have pictures of a couple of the opportunity quilt blocks. Once our opportunity quilt is finished, a professional picture will be taken and the bookmarks will have this picture on quality paper to be given out at all the various shows and shops. These bookmarks will also be available for you to pick up at the meeting. We encourage all of you to keep some with you to help our publicity crew get the word out!!! Have a very sweet Valentine’s Day. Your quilt team, Janet and Suzanne 527-2718 521-6843 SMALL GROUPS: A NEW GROUP IS FORMING A new small group will be starting in February. The group will work on feathered star quilt blocks only, using paper piecing techniques. Maureen Rasmussen will be leading, Deborah Miller is hostess. Group Name: Feathered Stars Only First Meeting: Feb. 15, Friday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Addtl. meetings TBA, but will be on a Friday. Leader: Maureen Rasmussen Location: Deborah Millers’, 3436 Akeby Dr., Modesto Specifics: Feathered Stars are our only goal. We hope to make one feathered star block per month. At the first meeting we will go over fabric and pattern, and be taught block construction with paper piecing, and may begin sewing if we have time. Subsequent meetings will be for sewing and help as needed. SMALL GROUPS MEETING DATES: SQUARE ONE — Feb. 6, Mar. 6 First Wednesday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., contact Lois Logsdon @ 522-1805. BALTIMORE BEAUTIES — Feb. 7, Mar. 7 First Thursday 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., contact Justine Campbell @ 523-7478. STITCH AND RIP — Feb. 7, Mar. 7 First Thursday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., contact Pat Cole @ 523-7310. STAR STITCHERS — Feb. 20, Mar. 20 Third Wednesday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., contact Jean Paul @ 578-4662. CHAT AND SEW — Feb. 21, Mar. 21 Third Thursday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., contact Linda Watts @ 578-0422. ART FOCUS — Mar. 2, Apr. 7 First Monday 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., contact Joyce Compton @ 524-6452. FEATHERED STARS ONLY — Feb. 15 Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., contact Deborah Miller @ 543-8990. NOMINEES FOR 2008-2009 CCQ OFFICERS President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Membership Hospitality Sunshine Small Groups Warm Wrappings Sue Siefkin ............................ 526-5602 Amy Lee ............................... 521-2628 Teresa Seifert ........................ 526-0720 Yvonne Jones ....................... 632-4652 Joyce Compton ..................... 524-6452 Paddy Shopher ..................... 577-2001 Pat Cole ............................... 523-7310 Ruth McCormack ................. 526-0279 Mary Alice Metzler................. 579-1903 Caroline Huff ......................... 579-7046 Teddy Ellison ......................... 523-0396 Lila Bradshaw ....................... 529-3872 Louise Nelson ...................... 577-2523 CROSSROADS CHATTER NEWSLETTER Newsletter Editor Newsletter Mailer Block-of-the-Month Secret Pals Librarian Historian NCQC Set-Up Web Master Quilt Show Chair Quilt Show Assistant Deborah Miller....................... 543-8990 Michele Stoumbaugh ............ 557-9601 Carolyn Sadler ..................... 599-0081 Robin Sullivan ...................... 526-8805 Sarah Crozier ....................... 529-1577 Bernice Ulm .......................... 523-0075 TBD Nancy Galloway .................... 838-6769 Marilee Heaston .................... 634-3054 Rich and Gloria Mendonca ... 863-8544 Deborah Miller ...................... 543-8990 Janet Borst ............................ 527-2718 Suzanne Guthrie ................... 521-6843 FEBRUARY 2008 3 I T ’ S F U N - TA S T I C AT. . . WARM WRAPPINGS The next scheduled Warm Wrappings meeting is at Freedom Fabrics from 10 a.m. ‘til 2 p.m. on Tuesday Feb. 12, 2008. Come one, come all. Come for a short while if that’s all you can spare. Any Questions please call Lila Bradshaw or Louise Nelson. WHAT TO BRING: Sewing machine, scissors, thread ripper, and thread. We supply everything else. Also, bring a sack lunch or plan to buy lunch nearby. Freedom Fabrics is located at 3037 Sisk Road, phone 572-6922. FAREWELL TO R. LILY STEM QUILT SHOP R. Lily Stem’s Quilt Shop will close soon due to the owner’s retirement. The Guild would like to thank R. Lily Stem and owner, Marilyn Nelson, for all the service given to Warm Wrappings over the years. We couldn’t have done it without you. Best wishes on your new adventures in San Diego with your family. MEMBERSHIP AND SECRET PAL FORMS The new Membership Form and Secret Pal Information Form are included in this newsletter and are also on the home page of the Web site. Forms should be completed and turned in by March 25. MEDIA UPDATE WEB LINK OF THE MONTH This is the Web site of Marjan Kluefel, known for “The Evolution of an Art Quilter” lecture. She will be our speaker in July. Take the time to check out her work at this link, and also search for her in Google and you’ll find other interesting things she’s done, shows she is featured in and awards received. Enjoy! 4 NEWS FROM THE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA QUILT COUNCIL (NCQC) Web site: The NCQC board has decided to make ‘08 a year of “Meet.” January and July meetings are “Meet the Teachers.” This is an opportunity for Northern California quilt, wearable art and related topic teachers and lecturers to introduce themselves. The teachers have three minutes to make a presentation about their lectures or workshops. Guild representatives can then meet with the teachers after the presentations to view their work and ask questions. At the January meeting we hired two teachers for the 2009 year. Marjan Kluefel – Lecture “The Evolution of an Art Quilter” and Roxanne Langan – Lecture Crazy Quilts and Silk Ribbon Embroidery. Check out Roxanne’s Web site: The April16 meeting is “Meet the Shops” where NCQC member shops will make a brief presentation about their own shops. Door prizes will be a fun addition to the meeting. In October, the meeting is “Meet the LongArm Quilters” where NCQC member Longarm quilters will also introduce themselves and show and tell their work. Any guild member is welcome to attend any NCQC meeting. If you wish to attend contact our NCQC Representatives, Nancy Galloway 838-6769 or Marilee Heaston 634-3054. INTL. QUILT FESTIVAL SIGN-UPS F UN and an unforgettable experience are in store if you are one of the participants in the Long Beach Intl. Quilt Festival trip. Have you ever wanted to attend the Houston International Quilt Festival in Houston, TX? The Long beach show is much like the Houston show and is much closer to home. We have a 3-day/2-night chartered bus trip planned on July 24, 25, and 26, 2008. We will be staying at Courtyard by Marriott in downtown Long Beach both nights. The price is $355 per person double occupancy. A $100 deposit will be required by the April program meeting to hold your place and the final payment of $255.00 paid at the business meeting in May. There is room for 40 people. If you are interested, call Margaret Wolfe. WWW.COUNTRYCROSSROADSQUILTERS.COM ARTS L♥VES … T he arts and crafts materials recycle program has benefited from your generous donations throughout the year. Thank you. We ♥ love empty spools; ▲triangle and ■ square shaped clippings and short strips of fabric; embellishments and trims such as buttons, beads, ribbons, pompoms, rickrack; Woodsies®; empty plastic coffee creamer decanters and baby food jars. As a volunteer in the ARTS program, I am able to process the donated items AND have time to quilt when items are received in small quantities. I love that! (That’s why the ARTS box isn’t any bigger.) ARTS’ storage space is very limited, so large quantities pose a storage problem as well. Please keep that in mind. Again, thank you for your usable donations for children’s arts and crafts. Wendy Nipper Block of the Month Weathervane CCQ March 2008 12” Block Please Check pattern measurements for distance and seams before cutting fabric. NOTE: View storyboard at Click on Block-of-the-Month, then March 2008. Adapted from CCQ BOM Oct 2001 Fabric Instructions: EASTER BRIGHT B MUTED COORDINATING PRINT C WHITE Cut: A 4 ½” Center Block: 1 Easter Bright (dyed-egg colors) Cut: B 4 ½” Side Center Blocks: 4 Muted print (has 2 magic corners) 4 Easter Brights Cut: C 2 ½” Squares: 12 Background White (8=magic corners) Cut: D 2 7/8” Squares: 4 Easter Brights (cross-cut once) 4 Background White (cross-cut once) Directions: (all seams are ¼”) Step 1 Sew two C magic corners to B block as shown (1/4” A D Make four 4 1/2” units D ¼ INCH SEAM ALLOWANCE overlap in center) Step 2 Step 3 Place D blocks White and Easter Bright face-to-face, draw pencil line diagonally. Sew ¼” either side of line; cut apart & press open. Sew D halfsquare triangles and C 2 ½” squares together as shown. C C Make eight 2 ½” Units 2 ½” Square CUT 4 Easter Bright 4 Background White Make four 4 1/2” units Step 4 Layout all units as in block diagram, along with Center Square A. Step 5 Sew as in diagram. Press seams away from center. Bring completed block to CCQ on March 11, 2008 Questions? Contact Carolyn Sadler, at or 599-0081 D 2 7/8” Square CUT 4 Easter Bright 4 Background White (cross-cut once) CROSSROADS CHATTER NEWSLETTER A 4 ½” Square CUT 1 Easter Bright Fabric B 4 ½” Square CUT 4 Muted Coordinating Print ¼ INCH SEAM ALLOWANCE FEBRUARY 2008 5 MEETING MINUTES President Suzanne Guthrie called our meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. She also welcomed a representative of the Contra Costa County Guild who was selling tickets for the guild’s opportunity quilt. Program: Marilee Heaston introduced our speaker, Marie Straight. Marie’s presentation, titled “Fabric Diet,” was an entertaining account of her participation in a fabric diet – an attempt by Marie and other members in her guild to reduce their fabric stash. Her presentation also included a wonderful truck show. PROGRAM MEETING 1/8/2008 Show-and-Tell • Marjorie Johnson shared a landscape vest she made. She cautioned all to carefully select your patterns (preferably use only those that can be purchased from a “big book!”). • Nancy Grant shared her quilt assembled from the August 07 BOM blocks she won. (Pictured Below) Block of the Month: This month’s winner is Deborah Miller. Carolyn Sadler presented February’s block. Carolyn also shared a quilt top created using all the blocks from the block of the month patterns. Announcements: • Sally Glover: Warm Wrappings will be meeting on Wednesday, January 10, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. • Janice Skiles: Drapery Fabric samples are available for members. • Paddy Shopher asked if any of our members were also members of the American Quilter’s Society. If so, she would like to ask for their help in posting an event on the AQS calendar. Kathy Sandner indicated she is an AQS member. • Delores Miller has raffle tickets for the quilt donated to McHenry Museum. Additional raffle tickets can be purchased at the museum’s gift shop. • Sue Siefkin announced that Delores Guy recently passed away. • Deborah Miller announced that she’s received an e-mail from a woman who wanted to donate fabric to the guild. The fabrics included wool and linen and are available for inspection after the meeting. • Linda Cover shared a sampler quilt made from her first appliqué class with Marie Straight. The quilt won Best of Show in Stanislaus County Fair in 1993. • Ursula Sylvan shared a floral print quilt made from “free” fabrics collected at a show in Maui; she plans to donate the quilt to a female soldier. The back was made from Hawaiian fabric. She also shared a black, red and white quilt made from fat quarters. • Vicky Pelucca shared a minky patchwork quilt and a strip vest. • Sally Glover shared a star table runner. • Judy Martin and Sally Glover shared a Warm Wrappings quilt. Herd of Turtles quilted the piece at no charge. • Mary Ann Bloom shared an appliquéd A-Z baby quilt using vintage fabrics. She also shared a beautiful appliqué quilt. (Pictured Below) Guests & Returning Members The following guests and returning members were recognized: Donna Shervington, Ursula Sylvan, and Judy Mullen. Quilt Show Janet Borst shared with the guild that Gail Wax will not be able to work as the co-chair for our January, 2009 show. Call Janet if you are interested in volunteering for this very important job. Officer Nominations Suzanne Guthrie announced that the nominating committee has met to identify a slate of officers for 2008-2009. The committee is still looking for someone to serve in the Set-up and Historian offices. Asking a Quilter to Mend is like asking a Chef to Wash Dishes! 6 WWW.COUNTRYCROSSROADSQUILTERS.COM • Sarah Crozier shared a Christmas themed table runner made using a modified version of one of our BOM patterns. She also shared a small “scrappy” quilt. • Jan Roscoe shared a quilt with a center piece as a mariner’s compass, surrounded by stars from fabric purchased from Marie Straight. She also shared a completed hand pieced smaller quilt made of eight pointed stars and another in progress. Meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lea Anne Iles, Co-Secretary MEETING MINUTES President Suzanne Guthrie called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. There were no guests or new members. Motion to approve minutes was made by Paddy Shopher. Delores Miller seconded. After discussion, minutes were approved. Correspondence: Community Hospice sent a thank you note for our donation quilt to Friends of Hospice. On December 10; $1,000 was made. Vice President: Margaret Wolfe thanked members Marilee Heaston and Judy Martin for helping with the Marie Strait Workshop. Ruth McCormack, resident B & B lady, needs backup. If you are interested in being a hostess, contact Amy Lee or Margaret Wolfe. A place for workshops is needed. Paddy Shopher may have a place. Amy listed programs for the next year. Treasurer report: Paddy Shopher gave report on Guild’s finances. Membership: Wendy Nipper wondered if $20 dues were adequate. Discussion followed. Delores Miller moved dues to remain the same. $20 per year, new members $25 including name badge. Marilee seconded. More discussion. Motion carried. Hospitality: Bernice Ulm, thanked Paddy Shopher, Lila Bradshaw, Susan Ion and Pinky Prebia for bringing refreshments. Sunshine: Pat Cole had no report. Small Groups: Ruth McCormack promoted attending small groups. Warm Wrappings: Sally Glover said February 12, Tuesday is next date. [EDITOR’S NOTE: Warm Wrappings will be at Freedom Fabrics.] National Quilts Day is March 15 at Trinity Presbyterian Church from 9:30 to 3:00 p.m. Lila Bradshaw is in charge. Sally had a quilt in need of a finished binding. Ruth McCormack volunteered. Secret Pals: Michelle Stoumbaugh had no report as Secret Pals concluded in December. Library: Teddy Ellison suggested checking out a book. NCQC: Teresa Seifert reported Amy Lee, Margaret Wolfe, Judy Martin went to Meet the Teachers. April is Meet the Shops, July is Meet the Teachers; October is a Long arm quilting demo. Members are welcome to come but must contact Teresa in advance. Newsletter: Deborah Miller mentioned January 28 is deadline for news. She is looking for contributions, such as quilting tips, etc. Check out the Web site for current info. Set Up: Judy Martin said Balinda Johnson and Carolyn Sadler helped. Volunteers needed. Trip to Long Beach International Quilt Show July 24-26. Margaret Wolfe has 20 signed up. They may be able to get into the show early to see quilt vendors. Cost is $355 (lodging, bus, one dinner and ticket to show), with $100 deposit due April. Lunch and Fashion Show on Friday is optional. Will leave Thurs, stay at Courtyard by Marriott, Friday go to show, go to show Saturday, leave at 2 p.m. and arrive 8 p.m. in Modesto. New Business: Deborah Miller suggested more publicity for program meetings in Modesto Bee (include mention of small fee for non-members). Nominating Committee: President-Sue Seifkin; VP-Amy Lee and Teresa Seifert; Secretary-Yvonne Jones and Joyce Compton; Treasurer-Paddy Shopher; Membership-Pat Cole; Hospitality-Ruth McCormack and Mary Ann Metzler; Sunshine-Caroline Huff; Small Groups-Teddy Ellison; Warm Wrapping-Lila Bradshaw and Louise Nelson; Newsletter Editor-Deborah Miller; Newsletter MailerMichelle Stoumbough; BOM-Carolyn Sadler; Secret Pals-Robin CROSSROADS CHATTER NEWSLETTER BUSINESS MEETING 1/22/2008 Sullivan; Librarian-Sarah Crozier and Bernice Ulm; Historian-TBA; NCQC-Marilee and Nancy Galloway; Web Master-Deborah Miller; Set Up-Rich and Gloria Mendonca; 09 Quilt Show Chair-Janet Borst, Quilt Show Asst.-Suzanne Guthrie. (See page 3) Short Subject: Carolyn Sadler spoke on Block-of-the-Month hints and shortcuts. She showed quilts made from BOM quilt squares. Quilting Hints: use Joann’s coupons to get rulers, use graph paper, colored pencils, make small projects, avoid reverse stitch, and add ¼” seams or if fabric unravels, add more. 2009 Quilt Show Janet Borst mentioned Gail Wax was no longer co-chair. Suzanne Guthrie will be her assistant. Linda Cover has sent letters to vendors. She is looking for new vendors. Please e-mail Linda with names and interests. March 2 is the next general quilt show meeting. Deborah Miller is working on bookmarks. Lois Logsdon and Teresa Seifert showed some finished blocks worked on by Lila Bradshaw, Delores Miller, Nancy Galloway, Teresa Seifert and Linda Cover. Letterhead paper designed by Deborah Miller is available from Paddy Shopher. Pictured above: Linda Cover showing her finished Opportunity Quilt block. BOM Show-and-Tell: Delores Miller showed her very first BOM March1984 (12-14 blocks); Water wheel blocks quilt from May 1985; Rabbits foot quilts from November 1989 quilted by Vivian Romako; and one Color Wheel quilt from Margaret Millers Smashing Sets book from 1999-2000. Deborah Miller has been winner of many BOM”s: Water Wheel block with sashing and using a bright border print; St. Patricks’s Day (5 blocks); Quilt Runner (5 blocks); and three more BOM’s quilts. Deborah challenged everyone in the Guild to participate in BOM at least once each year. Show-and-Tell • Carolyn Sadler had wall hanging using mother-in-laws collection of butterfly pins. • Delores Miller showed her project using ‘Going in Circles’ influence. • Margaret Wolfe showed her Valentine wall hanging. • Judy Martin showed Warm Wrapping quilts quilted by Mary Ann Dailey and Mary Lou Dyerson of Merry Quilters from Turlock. Janet Abou made the top. Dorothy Miller made one with fish theme and one with Spinning block pattern. Paddy Shopher quilted a purple quilt and Dorothy Miller made orange and brown fish quilt. Ruth McCormack noted that she brought tangelos, lemons and tangerines for members to take. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Yvonne Jones, Co-Secretary FEBRUARY 2008 7 February Meetings Feb. 12 Program Meeting with Karen Boutte, Quilt Diva Feb. 12 Warm Wrappings, Tuesday at Freedom Fabrics on Sisk Rd., 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Feb. 26 Business Meeting and Short Subject with Janet Borst and Ruth McCormack, Ideas from Ricky Tim’s Seminar February Birthdays Send a Valentine! Send an e-mail! Give them a call! February 10 11 15 18 March P.O. Box 5770 • Modesto, CA 95357-7063 FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: February 27, 2008 Visit our Web Site for Sew Much More! 20 23 26 1 7 Pinky Pebria Paddy Shopher Janet Dickason Suzanne Guthrie Anita Hay Judy Silber Janice Skiles Mary Alice Metzler Mary Ann Dailey Yvonne Jones Anni Champaigne QUILTING TIPS Advice is from Sue Seifkin SEWING MACHINE LIGHT—Some new tools are available to quilters that show a lot of promise. I found a wonderful new light while browsing the notion racks at Road to California in January. It is called Bendable Bright Light. This light adheres to the end of my Bernina to the left of the presser foot and needle. Attached to a gooseneck, it curls around the corner and shines a small spotlight directly on my needle. Small tabs attached to the back of the machine assure that the electrical cord stays out of the way. The light can be removed by loosening the adhesive with GooGone and tugging on a small tab. This light is rated for 100,000 hours of illumination and is far superior to the larger lamp that I have been using. Keepsake Quilts catalogue offers it for sale for $49.95. BOBBIN WINDER—The Sidewinder is another tool that shows promise. It is a small bobbin winding machine in a little carrying case. It operates on electricity or AA batteries. The Sidewinder allows you to wind two bobbins at a time without having to unthread the sewing machine. I haven’t received mine yet (back ordered Christmas gift), but I am excited about it. The machine sells for $29.95 and is available from Keepsake, Clotilde and Quilting Arts magazine’s Web site, but are also for sale locally at Beverly’s and Joann’s and with coupons, is more affordable. FREEING NEEDLES THAT JAM—A free tool that isn’t new (but is tried and true) will help you pull needles through difficult fabrics. I save the wide rubber bands that come on stalks of broccoli and asparagus. If a needle is part of the way through the fabric but you can’t pull it out, you just loop the rubber band over the needle tip, pinch the band with your fingers and tug. The band sticks to the needle rather than slipping, like fingers do. QUILTER’S PLEDGE All quilters start out as beginners No one is born knowing how But all who would be good quilters Should make this solemn vow. I will buy only quality fabrics. I will keep clean my sewing machine. I will help my fellow quilters Be they eighty or seventeen. I will carefully follow directions That I am given in class, So that what I’m trying to make Will truly come to pass. I will try never to feel guilty About my stash or my UFOs; These are part of the quilting Mystique As every quilter knows. Above all I will always embrace All the joys the quilting imparts Of friendship, fun and sharing, That cheers and fills our hearts. And when I’m no more a beginner I won’t hold in utter distain Those who know less than I do – Who knows what heights they may attain? Author Unknown Submitted by Michele Stoumbaugh J A N U A RY C R O S S W O R D P U Z Z L E Custom Crossword Puzzle Page 1 of 1 CROSSWORD ANSWERS Popular Quilt Blocks N I N E P A T W F L Y I H S F O U R P A T U E R D G S L T A J A S R S C H N G G E E S E C H M O N K C O B S L S Q U A R R O M A N C S A R W E D T R S P I C K W D P F E N C E R A I L N F W E Y W R E N C H I E A D D E R E N L D E I N S Q U A R E H T R A I L P S T O O T H S T A R A I N G R I N G D E R W E B A N S A S S T A R MARCH THRU DECEMBER, 2008 NAME FIRST LAST ADDRESS CITY PHONE STATE ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ HOME CELL WORK ZIP SPOUSE # CHILDREN # GRANDCHILDREN FIRST NAME ANNIVERSARY MONTH DAY MONTH DAY BIRTHDAY E-MAIL ABOUT YOU How long have you been a member of CCQ? How long have you been a quilter? Who taught you to quilt? What is your favorite part about quilting: Designing Piecing Binding Selecting Fabric Hand Quilting Machine Quilting Other Self Gifts Charity Baby Heirloom Fun Learning Teaching ______________ Explain: Quilts I make are for: Explain: Favorite Color(s): Favorite: Quilts Sewing Room Living Room Clothing Kitchen Bathroom Den/Office Bedroom Food Candy Flower Animal Book Song Quote Singer/Artist Things I like to do: My hobbies, besides quilting: Things I (want to) collect: Other Information I want to share: Special Notes: I am allergic to: Explain: Please write anything you think your secret Pal should know about you on the back side of this form. SIGN-UPS DUE BY FEB. 26 BUSINESS MEETING. Please give or mail form to: Robin Sullivan, Secret Pal Chairman 3621 E. Orangeburg Ave. Modesto, CA 95355 Phone (209) 526-8805 P.O. Box 577063 Modesto, CA 95357-7063 MEMBERSHIP FORM MARCH 1, 2008 THRU FEBRUARY 28, 2009 NAME FIRST LAST ADDRESS CITY PHONE STATE HOME CELL WORK ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ E-MAIL ZIP SPOUSE FIRST NAME BIRTHDAY MONTH DAY DO YOU WANT TO RECEIVE THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER VIA E-MAIL? YES FEES: New Member (before May 1) ......................... $25.00 Includes Badge Continuing Member....................................... $20.00 New Member (after May 1) ............ Prorated + $5.00 Includes Badge (contact Membership Chair) Please mail my Member Directory .................. $1.50 Please bring this completed form to a CCQ meeting or mail to the Membership Chairperson. To be included in the 2008-2009 CCQ Member Directory, FORMS and DUES MUST BE RECEIVED by the Membership Chairperson NO LATER THAN March 25, 2008; this is the March business meeting. We want to get everyone in our new directory so please don’t delay paying your dues. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Country Crossroads Quilters (CCQ for short) MAIL TO: Ms. Pat Cole 2308 San Domingo Way Modesto, CA 95355 GETTING INVOLVED: MEETINGS: To help you be an active member, let us know what Guild opportunities are of interest to you: CCQ Meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at: Be part of a small group Attend Warm Wrappings charity quilt group Serve as an officer or chairperson Provide meeting refreshments Serve on the Quilt Show Committee Be a Secret Pal Help with meeting set-up Mentor a new member Help where needed most Other ____________________________ Eastridge Community Church of the Nazarene 2319 St. Paul’s Way Modesto, CA 95355 CCQ NEWS AND INFORMATION: The Guild provides a monthly newsletter and annual membership directory and makes all guild information available online. Please check our Web site for up to date information and calendar events: For CCQ USE Check #_________ Amt _________ Date: ________________________ P.O. Box 577063 Modesto, CA 95357-7063