Quilt Show - Valley Quilt Guild
Quilt Show - Valley Quilt Guild
Yuba Sutter Valley Quilt Guild www.valleyquiltguild.com October 2011 Greetings from Gladys I hope that all of you are doing well. I am still trying to recuperate from my trip to New York City and Murfreesboro, Tennessee. I had a wonderful time in New York--did a little shopping-can you go to New York and not shop? I am glad that I took a couple of pairs of tennis shoes with me, because I did a lot of walking. I walked through Central Park a couple of days and thought about scenes that appeared in episodes of Law & Order. I also saw the "memorial" to John Lennon which reads IMAGINE--it is in an area of Central Park known as "Strawberry Fields." I spent too many days walking on 5th Avenue-I was trying to keep my purse close because there are too many goodies. I was in New York with my two sons, a son's girlfriend, and a friend from Philadelphia. We did the touristy things--Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Rockefeller Center, and so on and so forth. The visit to Ground Zero and my visits to St. Patrick's Cathedral proved to be a bit emotional for me. My older son celebrated his 32nd birthday while we were there--we all had dinner and then went to a place called Serendipity (it has been on the Food Network) and had some outrageous ice cream treats. I had something called Frozen Hot Chocolate--I would not mind having one right now. After almost six days there, I flew to Nashville and spent four days with my niece and her family in Murfreesboro. The pace was definitely different--it was nice to slow down a bit. What I saw of Tennesseee is beautiful--nice and green-rolling hills with a few trees starting to change color. I went to the Stones River National Battlefield--a part of the Civil War. I also visited a cemetery where some soldiers from the battle, as well as other battles, are buried. As we pulled into the parking lot, I was reminded of Arlington Cemetery. I spoke with Valerie and she said that the September program with Karen Boutte was quite enjoyable. I am sorry that I missed it--I remember her from the Meet the Teachers that I attended. I hope that all of you have a great month--I do not know about you, but I love this month--Halloween candy (always an excuse to have candy). Be safe! Gladys Quilt Show Entries for 2012 Members...It's time to start thinking about your 2012 Fall into Spring Quilt Show entries. We will have new Rules of Entry and Quilt Show Applications available at the October 26th Meeting, so please stop by our table. As a reminder only Members are eligible to enter the show. If you have a friend who is interested in entering the show please encourage them to become a member. Your entry does not need to be completed right now, but must be completed and turned in prior to the show on March 16th, 2012. If you wish to have your quilt(s) judged you must complete an additional Judged Entry application and pay the required entry fee of $5.00 (this entry fee only applies to judged quilts!) Don't forget all entries must have a photo or fabric swatches attached to the application. The last date entry forms will be accepted is the General Meeting January 25, 2012. Important dates and information you need concerning your entry: DELIVERY: Articles must be delivered to the Yuba-Sutter Fairgrounds on Friday, March 16th 2012 from 8:00am and no later than 10:30am. DELIVERY: Dates for Judged Entries ONLY: Thursday, March 15th, 2012, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. ENTRY #’S: You must pickup your entry number(s) on a 3x5 card/receipt at the VQG general meeting on February 22nd 2012. This card/receipt is needed to claim your entry. PICKUP: Quilts must be picked up on March 18th after the show, from 5:00 to 5:30pm. Bring your card/receipt! We're looking forward to another successful Quilt Show in 2012 with your help. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Co Entry Chairpersons: Pat May 530-674-2930 Cooky Amarel 530-673-6653 Judged Entry Chairperson: Jody Ohrt - 530-743-0329 1 Val ley Quil t Guild October 2011 Programs and Speakers Wasn’t Karen Boutte` a kick? We enjoyed her at dinner where she shared with us that her very supportive husband was her CEO (Carries Everything Out). Remember that tip the next time you are looking for someone to load your quilting supplies into your vehicle for a retreat or class. She certainly can work a crowd, getting everyone into the act with the “diva struts” and beautiful African American quilts and clothing. At the October 26 meeting, Laurel Anderson will tell us how to “Search for the Perfect Applique`.” Her work can be found at http:// www.whispercolor.com/. It sounds like our great Christmas committee will once again wow us with food, fun, music, games and prizes at the annual Christmas dinner on December 7. We will be at Whitaker Hall so look for the particulars on this event elsewhere in this newsletter. will give her lecture and trunk show. The following day she will teach a small wool project workshop, entitled Tulip Baskets. A kit fee of $18 will be required before the class to complete the 8”x18” project, and we hope to have the sample at the October meeting. If you have wanted to try your hand at working with wool, this is the lady to teach us. Lisa’s blog can be found at http:// lisabongean.wordpress.com/. Linda Ballard will start off the new year again with a mystery class on January 67, 2012. Signups have begun and cutting instructions will be available at the October meeting. On February 29, 2012, Rana Heredia from Atascadero will give us a trunk show of her wonderful quilts entitled “Scrap Quilting: The Art of At the January meeting, Lisa Bonjean from Primitive Gatherings in Wisconsin Making Do”. We met Rana at Meet the Teachers this year and she professes to have over 100 quilts in her personal collection of quilts, ranging from vintage to modern, and traditional to funky. I found Rana’s blog at http://piecesofranaslife.blogs pot.com. March will bring us to our annual wrap-up meeting for the quilt show; April we will host Nancy Chong with a lecture and workshop; in May we will hear Merle Axelrod Serlin lecture on “Art and Fear”; and in June, Jenny Lyons will lecture and give us a machine quilting workshop. Linda Matsumoto and Margaret Brazelton, co-2nd V.P.s UFO UFO #7 was shown by members at the September meeting. The new number to be "finished" and shown at the December Christmas party is #8 !! If you need to update your list or if you haven't made a list of 10 Unfinished projects you can email me at kpsoupp@aol.com or call 673-0795. Karen Peters SO. AUBURN ST. GRASS VALLEY NOV. 1 6:00 P.M.- JAN. 9 Opportunity Quilt Here are up-coming locations of nearby Guilds to visit and sell Opportunity Quilt tickets. We need volunteers to take the quilt and sell tickets. Contact susanwylie55@gmail.com home phone 742-6441. If I’m out, please leave your name & number. tion possibilities are appreciated. We are getting rave reviews everywhere we have taken It. Thanks Susan We will have sign up at the meeting and any other loca- PINE TREE QUILT GUILD HENNESSEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ANNIE’S STAR QUILT GUILD 1110 WEST EAST AVE CHICO NOV. 3 6.30 P.M.- ROSEVILLE QUILTERS GUILD GARDEN ROOM PLACER CO FAIRGROUNDS OCT. 19 8.30 P.M.- FOOTHILL QUILTERS GUILD CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH 11111 DRY CREEK RD, AUBURN 2 6:30 ANTELOPE QUILTER GUILD LUTHERN CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7606 GOLDEN GATE CITRUS HEIGHTS FEB. 23 6:30 P.M.- Val ley Quil t Guild October 2011 November Birthdays Margaret Brazelton Kathy Mackey Delores Daundivier Gerda Silvius Jan Thompson Shirley Taylor Evon Smith Carolyn Nelson November 8 November 8 November 9 November 10 November 11 November 12 November 13 November 16 Judy Tenney November 20 Condolences to Tracy Titus (Page DeJoann Thomas November 23 sign Group) for the loss of her father. Barbara Mackenzie November 24 Shirley Hollandsworth November 25 Bonnie Madden November 26 Gail Campbell November 29 Carole McClenden November 29 Fons & Porter Magazine Offer Once again Fons & Porter has offered us the opportunity to subscribe to their magazine at an amazingly low price. This offer is good only through the end of December 2011. If you are interested in subscribing to this magazine for one year you will need to write a check made out to the guild in the amount of $15.00. Be sure to include your mailing address and whether it is a new subscrip- tion or a renewal. Mail check to me before the next guild meeting. Sharon Easter Make a Difference Day (MADD) October 22, 2011 @ Friday Night Live 8am thru 4pm, on the 3rd floor. This year’s goal is for 150 baby quilts. The quilts can be made that day, or if you cannot attend, Community Service will be collecting quilts for Make A Difference Day thru the October 26 general meeting. When turning in a quilt for Make a Difference Day, please let us know. The guild library, on the 3rd floor of Friday Night Live, will be open during Make A Difference Day (M.A.D.D.). We will be asking for volunteers in one hour increments to assist with library needs. You can also email me, for your desired slot at any time. It will be first come basis. Final slot signups will be in September. the elevators. Signups will be on a first come basis. You can email me with your preference, and the final sign up will be at the September meeting. We are asking for outside Friday Night Live helpers/volunteers. To help load and unload vehicles, direct M.A.D.D. traffic to If you can help/assist in any way, we will be glad for the help. Thank you. Community Service: Muriel H., Lisa L., Donna P. Fat Chance Our OCTOBER FAT CHANCE theme is "WHAT'S IN YOUR TRICK OR TREAT BAG?" Is there alot of fun candy fabric waiting for your bag? Did your neighbors give you apples or pomegranates in your bag. There might even be a spider or black cat. Use your imagination! Bring your fat quarter fabric for a chance to win an assortment of Halloween Fabric. For each fat quarter you will receive a ticket for the drawing. Our lucky winner of Up and Away in the Big Blue Sky was Suzanne Connelly Thank you, Pat, for filling in for me in September. 3 Hope to see you in October at the FAT CHANCE table. Trick or Treat Mary Val ley Quil t Guild October 2011 Community Service We had 18 quilts turned in at the September 28th meeting. Thank you to Beryl Burtis, Willie Miller, Rose Wood, June Muncy (who turned in 10 quilts and won the gift), Marilyn Likes and Sharon Koslosky, These quilts will be added to our growing number of quilts for the giveaway in December. As you know, Great Beginnings has disbanded. Community Service and the board are actively researching other organizations that would benefit from our dona- tions. ceived wonderful quilts and tops from the members. We appreciate any and all of your donations to Community Service whether it is a small quilt, large quilt or something in between. They can be just tops ready to be quilted or completed quilts. Community Service has some kits for your convenience to make quilts, totes for Shriners, fabric or batting. Just let us know what you need. We find that most quilts donated are made from your "stash" and we have re- MADD. Remember the date of October 22 for MADD. Lisa Lundin is heading up that event and has a goal of 150 quilts. She had bags of fabric available at the meeting which members took to make a quilt for MADD. This is an important event for our quilt guild and your participation will be appreciated. If you cannot attend that day, you can still make and donate quilts for If you have any questions or suggestions, please give us a call. Muriel Van Middlesworth, Lisa Lundin and Donna Puchalski Basket Raffle Fund Drive As many of you are well aware, the Basket Raffle is an integral part our annual quilt show every March. We rely on donations from many vendors to make our baskets a success. The wonderful staff at Sunsweet Gift Outlet takes all those donated items and prepares the beautiful baskets for us. Due to their exquisite at- tention to detail, the baskets virtually sell themselves. for $5 each to contribute to purchasing more wonderful items to put in the 2012 baskets. This campaign will continue through October. Unfortunately, the number of items donated by the solicited vendors has dropped dramatically. So, to beef up the basket contents and make them more appealing, we have instituted a Basket Raffle Fund Drive. For every ticket you buy, your name goes on the back and will be eligible for winning exciting goodies at our Christmas party on December! The remaining funds will happily be spent for quality items to put in the bas- You may have seen me with my little sign at the monthly guild meetings, selling tickets kets. Cathy Evans has generously agreed to purchase the items wholesale. The raffle baskets at next year’s quilt show promise to be more opulent than ever before. Please consider contributing to this worthwhile fund drive for Valley Quilt Guild. Thank you. . . Kim Buzolich Upcoming Quilt Shows Oct 13-16 Oct 22 & 23 Nov 18-20 Pacific Int’l Quilt Festival Santa Clara Conv Center Thurs-Sat10-6, Sun 10-5 Feb 18 & 19, 2012 Annie’s Star Quilt Guild Silver Dollar Fairgrounds Chico, CA Sat 10-5, Sun 10-4 Turlock Quilt Guild Stanislaus Co. Fairgrounds 900 N. Broadway Turlock, CA Sat 10-5, Sun 10-4 April 20-22, 2012 River City Quilter’s Guild Scottish Rite Temple 6151 H Street, Sacramento, CA Fri & Sat 10-6, Sun 10-4 Quilters’ Sew-ciety of Redding Shasta District Fairgrounds 1890 Briggs St., Anderson, CA Fri & Sat 10-5, Sun 10-2 May 28 – Sept 5 Folsom History Museum Antique Quilt Exhibit Sutter St., Downtown Folsom, CA 4 Val ley Quil t Guild October 2011 Membership September Roster Additions and Corrections: Ginger Medbery -- correct email gmedbery@hughes.net (only one R) Susan Adams PO Box 264 Brownsville 95919 530-675-2731 susan_adams@yahoo.com Denise Campbell 1334 La Grande Ave Yuba City 95991 530-671-0520 jacksonmom62@yahoo.com Araceli Hernandez 5628 Alicia Ave Olivehurst 95961 530-218-0771 herarcey@hotmail.com Jean Jacuzzi 984 Hillcrest Ave Yuba City 95991 530-674-5039 djacuzzi@syix.com Cari Jimison 2582 Redbud Ln Yuba City 95993 530-790-6932 c_jimi@suceed.net Grace Spoor 2160 Live Oak Blvd #26 Yuba City 95991 530-870-8216 graceamazing50@yahoo.com Judy Taylor 1615 Bradley Estates Dr Yuba City 95993 530-674-5560 quilterchickjudy@comcast.net Sharon Moxon PO Box 3582 Yuba City 95992 530-415-7365 sharon1of7@yahoo.com Brenda Reeves 1639 Jeffrey Dr Yuba City 95991 530-673-7637 reevesm7637@sbcglobal.net Rosemary Smiley 857 Stewart Rd Yuba City 95991 530-674-1065 Rosters are available at the membership desk...look for your name on the top. The cover was put on upside down and backwards, but everything else is OK. If you find an error in your listing, please let Mary Ann know. Quilt Show ~ Fall Into Spring 2012 On sale at the October Meeting: address to all your friends & family! Membership Opportunity Quilt Ticket distribution is in full swing! Name Tags $3.00 Show Pins $5.00 Basket Raffle Drive Tickets $5.00 Challenge Quilt Kit $5.00 Show….. March 17th & 18th, 2012 will be here before we know it!! The 2012 Quilt Show Committee is hard at work planning the Fall into Spring Quilt Please pickup Post Cards to Quilt Show ~ Country Store All donations for 2012's Country Store should be brought to the fairgrounds on Friday, March16th, quilt show setup day. No donations will be accepted after 2:00pm! folded or rolled with a tag showing the yardage. Magazines can be loose. Fabric should be neatly Your help in making the 5 Country Store a success is appreciated. Rosa & Jan Val ley Quil t Guild October 2011 Photo Gallery The Calendar Girls make name tags. . .with time for show and tell. Margaret Brazelton Diane Leighton and Diana Tatro Willie Miller Jody Ohrt brought a friend to the party! Diane Steel and Cooky Amarel Sharon Easter Cooky Amarel 6 Val ley Quil t Guild October 2011 Officers and Chairpersons for 2011-2012 Co-Presidents Gladys Harris Valerie Wilson Co-1st Vice-Presidents 674-8831 742-1765 Cheryl Gaines Leann Weldon Co-2nd Vice-Presidents 671-7562 Margaret Brazelton Linda Matsumoto Secretary Nicki Lura 755-4680 701-2887 673-8599 Treasurer Diana Craddock 673-1997 Parliamentarian Cooky Amarel 673-6653 Chairpersons 2012 Quilt Show Cathy Evans 671-0266 Block of the Month Mary Ann Hayre Susan Wylie Brenda Reeves 673-2339 742-6441 673-7637 Challenge 2012 Christmas Party Janet Givens Theresa Mihalyi Becky Pendergraph Community Service Muriel Hinsdale Lisa Lundin Donna Puchalski Facilities/Fair Staffing Carleen Hagen 633-4365 633-4970 633-2111 713-3205 218-7852 821-0107 674-9026 Fair Block Contest Peggy Woods 673-4728 Fair Liason/Setup Cooky Amarel Valerie Wilson Mary Marusin 673-6653 742-1765 673-9194 Hospitality June Muncy 300-6858 Librarian/Lib. Raffle Membership Cari Jimison Wanda Horn Carolyn McCray Mary Ann Hayre 790-6932 743-6805 743-3205 673-2339 NCQC Judy Martinez 300-4417 Fat Chance Historian/Photo New Member Liaison Diane Leighton 673-7044 Newsletter Kim Buzolich 790-7180 Property Pat May Publicity VQG Info Purpose: To contribute to the knowledge of quilting, to promote the appreciation of fine quilts, to encourage quilt making and collecting and to contribute to the growth and knowledge of quilt techniques, textiles, patterns, history and quilt makers through educational meetings and fellowship. Meetings: Meetings are held the last Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church located at 1390 Franklin Road, Yuba City, CA. Copy ready submissions to the newsletter are due the last day of the month by 5:00 p.m. to the Newsletter person. Please direct any questions or comments to the Yuba-Sutter Valley Quilt Guild, P. O. Box 1463, Yuba City, CA 95992. Web site: www.valleyquiltguild.com Membership: Membership is open to anyone interested in quilts and quilting regardless of skill level. You are urged to join and learn with us. Dues are $20.00 payable annually. Membership is from July 1 through June 30. Membership entitles you to a newsletter, to an annual membership roster (which is confidential), and to the use of the library of quilt books, patterns and stencils. Affiliate membership fee is $24.00 with a business listing each month. Affiliate members receive 10% discount for paying a year of ads paid in advance. Submit to Yuba-Sutter Valley Quilt Guild , P. O. Box 1463, Yuba City, CA 95992. Advertising Rates Members/Affiliate 674-2930 Advertising Rates Per Month Cathy Evans 671-6047 Business Listing Free N/A QGNC Sharon Easter 671-7566 Sunshine Gladys Harris 674-8831 Business Card Ad $5 $10 Website 674-5943 790-7180 673-6653 673-0795 Quarter Page $10 $20 Half Page $15 $30 UFO Ginger Benham Kim Buzolich Cooky Amarel Karen Peters 310 Club Kathleen Gordon 671-5780 Full Page $20 $40 7 Non-Member Members Val ley Quil t Guild October 2011 Board Meeting Minutes October 5, 2011 Members present: Valerie Wilson, Cheryl Gaines, Leann Weldon, Margaret Brazelton, Linda Matsumoto, Diana Craddock, Nicki Lura, Cooky Amarel, Cathy Evans, Susan Wylie, Brenda Reeves, Becky Pendergraph, Theresa Mihalyi, Muriel Van Middlesworth, Lisa Lundin, Carleen Hagen, Cari Jimison, Sharon Easter, Nancy Wilson and Karen Peters. President: Meeting called to order at 7:00pm by Valerie Wilson. Secretary: Minutes of the Sept. 7, 2011 meeting were approved. Correspondence: There was no correspondence. Treasurer: Report: Checking: $382.04 Savings: $26,694.17 Membership: Susan Wylie reported VQG membership roster pamphlets were handed out at the last General meeting. Old Business: Audit: Nancy Wilson reported the books had been audited and found correct. She did suggest that the quilt show book’s dates be the same as the Guild’s books which are July 1-June 30. Facilities: Valerie reported on the executive board’s meeting on Sept. 21. The board reviewed 20 locations within the Marysville-Yuba City area. They considered cost, size, parking, chairs, sound, kitchen, etc. They narrowed it down to four sites and three members revisited these sites. A motion was made by Leann Weldon, 2nd by Cooky Amarel to change VQG’s meeting place to North Valley Calvary Church in January. A discussion was held and the motion was approved.. Website: The Website is up and running and looks great. Thank you to Kim Buzolich and Ginger Benham. Make a Difference Day: Lisa Lundin reported on the progress of the plans for the event and what help she still needed. Make a Difference Day will be Oct. 22 at Friday Night Live from 8am – 4pm. To help with the event contact Lisa. Holiday/Christmas Party: Becky Pendergraph reported on the plans for the Christmas Party. Tickets are $13.00 and are on sale now. Dinner will be Chicken, Rice Pilaf, 2 pastas, and a dessert table. Dinner will be at 7pm. Community Service: Muriel Van Middlesworth will talk with the group who is handling Great Beginnings. Cookbook: Wendy Cockrell, Cheryl Gaines’ daughter, is going to take over the cookbook. Cheryl has been collecting recipes but needs more. New Business: Quilt Show Chairperson: VQG needs a Quilt Show Chairperson for 2013. It will be the 30th year for VQG. Library: Cari Jimison discussed the library budget and it was decided she would buy $150 worth of books. Sew So Shop: A message was sent from the shop that there are openings on Oct. 15 for a Linda Ballard class. The class is $40. Discussion: A discussion was held on the amount of material stored by Community Service. Cathy Evans suggested we look at the amounts and patterns of material. Then we could decide on the type of quilts that we need to make. Next General Meeting: Oct. 26, 2011 Next Board Meeting: Nov. 2, 2011 Newsletter article due date: Oct. 28, 2011 Meeting adjourned at 8:15 Respectfully submitted, Nicki Lura 8 Val ley Quil t Guild October 2011 Be sure to pick www.ridgequiltersguild.org up your new membership roster at the next meeting October 26! Batting by the Roll As low as $5.65 a yard when purchasing a 30 yard roll Phone: (530) 671-6047 E-mail: quiltsbycathy@comcast.net 9 Val ley Quil t Guild October 2011 Affiliate Members B & B MACHINE QUILTING FLOLIN QUILTING IN STITCHES LINDA BALLARD & CO 173 La Mirada Avenue 14575 Kinney Avenue 22526 Bridlewood Lane 25770 Clark Avenue Oroville, CA 95966 Red Bluff, CA 96080 Palo Cedro, CA 96073 530-589-1114 530-529-0386 Linda Ballard flolin@earthlink.net institchesredbluff@gmail.com 530-547-3461 (Open by appointment only) linda@letsquilt.com Orland, CA 95963 530-865-4625 530-547-2061 (Fax) www.letsquilt.com QUILTS BY CATHY SEW-N-THINGS SEW-SO-SHOP PAT’S QUILT WORKS 1369 Barry Road 661 Main Street 425 D Street 3554 Yorktown Drive Yuba City, CA 95993 Colusa, CA 95932 Marysville, CA 95901 Yuba City, CA 95993 530-671-6047 530-458-4474 Jim and Nicky Pat Heape quiltsbycathy@comcast.net blanca@sewnthingscolusa.com 530-742-7626 530-300-4272 sewsoshop.att.net pheape@comcast.net www.quiltsbycathy.net www.sewsoshop.com The Girlfriends Dinner A group of 15-year-old girlfriends discussed where to meet for dinner. Finally, they agreed to meet at the Dairy Queen next to the Ocean View restaurant because they had only $6.00 among them and Jimmy Johnson, the cute boy in Social Studies lived on that street. 10 years later, the group of 25-year-old girlfriends discussed where to meet for dinner. Finally, they agreed to meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the beer was cheap, the restaurant offered free snacks, the band was good, there was no cover and there were lots of cute guys. 10 years later, the group of 35-year-old girlfriends discussed where to meet for dinner. Finally, they agreed to meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the Cosmos were good, it was right near the gym and, if they went late enough, there wouldn't be too many whiny little kids. 10 years later, the group of 45-year-old girlfriends discussed where to meet for dinner. Finally, they agreed to meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the martinis were big and the waiters had tight pants and nice buns. 10 years later, the group of 55-year-old girlfriends discussed where to meet for dinner. Finally, they agreed to meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the prices were reasonable, the wine list was good, the restaurant had windows that opened (in case of a hot flashes), and fish is good for cholesterol. 10 years later, the group of 65-year-old girlfriends discussed where to meet for dinner. Finally, they agreed to meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the lighting was good and the restaurant had an early bird special. 10 years later, the group of 75-years-old girlfriends discussed where to meet for dinner. Finally, they agreed to meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the food was not too spicy and the restaurant was handicapped-accessible. 10 years later, the group of 85-years-old girlfriends discussed where to meet for dinner. Finally, they agreed to meet at the Ocean View restaurant because they had never been there before. ~ Submitted by Dee Jagerhorn ~ 10