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T@z - ntkmy
T@z;EN A joint reliance MOOHA WATER HAMMER ABSORBER SHOCK Introduction The occurrenceof waterhammeris quitecomplicated processexistingin waterpipingsystem.lt is in fact water shock wavescaused by rapidclosing/openingof valvesused in pipingsystemsor improperlayoutof pipingsystems. This undesirablephenomenonmay reduceservice lifeof equipmentor otheraccessoriesof pipingsystem if it is not checked. After years of study and testing,we havecome to developMOOHAwhichease and smoothaway shock of water wave. MOOHAhas beenwidely Sinceits development, appliedin variousapplications. Features 1. FastResponse MOOHA'responsesfast and effectivelyagainst waterhammer,thus relievesthe systemfrom abnormalshockwithoutrestrainingwaterflow. 2. SimpleInstallation MOOHAs compactin design.lt requires and can minimumspacefor installation be connecteddirectlyin seriesto piping C ON NECTI O N FLANGE P R E S S U R E-\ GA U GE ' systemin manydirections. T-C OU P LIN G 3. HighDurabilityand Economy MOOHAis designedfor optimumperformance whilepriceis affordable. Its casingis constructedof mild steeland elasticinnertube is madeof highgrade syntheticrubber. is patented PT-MOOHA@ in USA,CANADAand AUSTRALIA PATENTNO. 4186775(USA) 1047365(CANADA) 485621(AUSTRALIA) \ .-i Ilnstallation Location InstatlMOOHAat locationsof waterhammer sourceas close as possibleas follows. T-ao I f $,-'"'ice H(m) (L) servicevalve It'oTt"' varve water supply MOOHA +r/-MOOHA MOOHAinstallednext to ballfloatvalve. V -check valve -.-rozEN - I | I Ao*o MOOHAinstallednext to solenoidvalves. MOOHAinstallednextto pump. Off-lineinstallation is also availableas follows. ballfloatvalve shut-offflange \ MOOHA*ffi - gate valve - checkvalve MOOHA* / :-TOZEN PurnP+ *TOZEN ELBOFLEX gate valve - checkvalve .- TOZEN TWINFLEX / shut-offflange TWINFLEX ..- + PUmP -TOZEN ELBOFLEX lExample of Installation Off-lineinstallation Installation in riserfor liftpump PressureDurabilityTest lNotes 1. Air chamberpressureis pre-setat 0.5Mpa as standardin the factory,but optimumair chamberpressurewill be approx.50% of maximumworkingpressure.This pressure can be adjustedby pumpingin air or releasedby nipplevalve. Installation in riser 2. Priorto installation, checkto ensurehex. sockethead cap screwsare in placeand fastened. 3. When placingorder,pleaseadviseof the pipe diameter,piperun,flow velocity,working pressure,waterhammersource,etc. Iselection of MOOHA 1. SurgePressureof WaterHammer: Ps (m/s) x 1.37{t4} =l Ps = FlowVelocity = lx t .37{141 MPa {kgf/cm2} 2. Relationship with Max.lmpactPressurePb and NormalWorkingPressureP Pb P Ps+P P = times 3. Calculation for Absorption Capacity 9 = 4 x 1 o -x3 ( 0 . 0614L - t ) n !, A-1 Note: q = Requiredcapacityof pressureabsorption Q = Flow rate /min. waterhammerpresure(Pm) and ,l = Ratioof allowable normalworkingpresure(P) A - -+- = 1.5 (wherenotspecified specially) L = Totalpiperun m t = Closing timeof valveor pump(normaly 0.2sec.) factor0.5 D= Coefficient (0.0164 x Fiper*-]- o.z)x0.5 x .']f , e= 4x 10'3 " FbffiCl t.iJ - | =0.006 x l r t o w r a t e l ( 0o. 40 x1l p i p e r u n l - 0 . 2 ) I 4. Selectionof Modeland Size Compare thevalueof q gotfromthe above3 to airchambercapacityby models in thetableof dimensions andselectthe model. Consequently, , MOOHAMH-l l=(AirChamberCapacity )x pcs. to be installedas closeas possibleto water hammersource. 4 AGAUTIIIII Operatingconditionsand other performancedata publishedin this catalog have been developedfrom our designcalculation,in-housetesting,field reportsprovided by our customersandlor publishedofficialstandardsor specifications.They are good only to cover typical applicationsas a generalguidelineto users of TOZEN productsintroducedin this catalog. For any specificapplication,users are kindly requestedto contact TOZEN SANGYO CO., LTD. for technicaladvice,or to carry out their own study and evaluation for providingsuitabilityof these produci6to such an application. Failureto follow this requestcould result in propertydamage and/or personalinjury,for which we shallnot be liable. .tJ While this cataloghas been compiledwith the utmostcare, we assume no responsibilityfor errors,improprietyor inadequacy.Any informationprovidedin this catalog is subject to from-time-to{imechange without notice for error rectificationor, productdiscontinuation, design modification,new productintroductionor any other cause that TOZEN SANGYOCO., LTD. considersnecessary.This editioncancels all previousissues. X The contentsof this literatureare subjectto changewithoutnotice. TOZENSANGYOCO.,LTD. 8-4, Asahi,Yoshikawa Saitama342-0008 Japan Phone: (048)993-1035 Fax :(048)993-1018