thrash commercial
thrash commercial
THRASH COMMERCIAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 2 1 1 Commerce Drive Brandon. MS 39042 (601) 825-8967 To: Rankin County Board of Supervi 2 1 1 East Government Street Brandon, MS 39042 Project: Rankin County Chancery Repair 2 RFC No: Date: 1 /5/20 10 Description: Mr. Bowen, This RFC #2 is a Deductive Change Order for the elimination of the freestanding sign. The change order is itemized below: Deletion of Freestanding Sign Concretc Materials Rebar Materials Form Materials Labor (Threnching and Forming) Labor (Installing 25 Letters) 144.00) 25.00) (S 150.00) (S 240.00) ($ 60.00) ( (% 350.00) Stucco Deletion on Sign ($ Sign Letters Deletion (25 Letters) Change Letters from 12" to 1 0" ($4,405.00) Addition for Plaque Changes (Bronze) S 785.00 Sub Total ($4,589.00) Profit @ 6% (S 275.00) Total Deduction to Contract Amount (S4,864.00) THRASH COMMERCIAL CONTRACTORS. ISC. 2 1 1 Commerce Drive Brandon. MS 39042 (60 1 ) 825-8967 Rankin County Board of Supervi 2 1 1 East Government Street Brandon, MS 39042 Project: Rankin County Chancery fiepair To: The above work is subject to thc sarnc conditions as specified in tllc original contract unless othenvise stipulated. Upon approval the sum of S-4,864.00 will be addcd to the contract price. Original Contract Other Approvcd Change Orders Total Contract to Date This Request Other Pending Requests Total Contract plus Pending RFCs SS6.000.00 $0.00 $86.000.00 $-4,864.00 $0.00 SS1,1.36.00 Authorized Signature: Date: Authorized Signature: Date: 16 h 1 //lf/[o .-. i EC-16-2BQ9 23:15 FROM:ROrlFIN 0 I W R N INC 6916055806 T0:16018250950 P. 1 Roman 0.Ingram, Inc. SYtiClAl,lZINC IN S I'UCCO AND EIITS 12117/09 Thrash Commcrcial Construction Brandon, MS 39047 825-8967 Fax 825-0950 Re: Proposal for EIFS rep& ( Revised bid NO SIGN WORK ) Description of work: 1 .) Apply cps foam at m o p y when new flashing is installed 2.) Apply eps foam at columns and sides of thc canopy 3.) Resurthcc wall abovc canopy 4.) Apply mesh, bastxoat, and finishcoat We propose to furnish material and labor for the amouut of. ... $4372.74 Worker's comp and certificate of liability are available upon request. Sincerely, ?-- d l ++---- Rcpain Ma~ntcnancc - Ncw C'msmlcl~on Ccrtilicd Inswn\r Phone:601-934-8367 Fax! 601-605.SRC16 Rctman 49. Ingram, (5)-- -- I _ hc, _ - S l ' i ~ ~ ' l ! \ l > l ~ rx .i% !-il-ilr(*o i~ ,.l%l) 111:s - I -. - Thrash Commercial Construction Brandon, MS 39047 825-8967 FU 825-0950 Re: Proposal for EIFS Repairs Rankin County Court repair Brandon, MS Attn: Matt Description of work: 1.) Apply eps foam at canopy when new flashing is installed 2.) Apply eps foam at columns and sides of the canopy 3 .) Re slrrface wall above new canopy 4.) Resurface new sign 5.) Apply mesh ,base coat, and finish coat 6.) Finish coat (color and texture to be selected by omerlarchitect We propose to furnish material and labor for the amount of.. .. 6 4,722.74 Worker's comp and c d i c a t e of liability are available upon request. Sincerely, ,z?z&~--- WERCO BUILDING SPECIALTIES, INC. P.O. 15763 9 4 1 Lindale AVC. i! BOX Baton Rouge. Louisiana 70895 Fan (225) 927-8378 www.~er~~~pe~~corn (225) 927-8376 11 Ii' To Thrash Commercial 21 1 Commerce Drive Brandon , MS Page 1 of 1 Quote Number: 27259 Date: 1 1/9/2009 Project: Rankin County Chancery Court Location: Rankin County, MS Architect: 39042 We propose to furnish the following material for the account of Werco Building Specialties, Inc: Description Manufacturer Plaque A.RK. Ramos --- -- ... Price . - -.- .-.- .. .. .. . . - . . !(I) 36"x36" Plaque/Seal ARK. Ramos Metal Letters . . - - !(53) 12" Grotesque Font Letters A.RK. Ramos metal Leners - -- -ml7" vplretieahmdl6rn Font Letters (~esimi1. . - 4 -- - - - - ..- . - - -- --- -- 30, . . I Addenda Received: 0 Note: An of the above materials are furnished only. No tax is included. Proposal is subject to escalation and renegotiation after 30 days from date of our proposal. Delivery F.O.B. Factory Full Freight Allowed Firm Same BY Accepted .- -. - - R c s p d a l l y Submitted, -- - . - -- - - BY . Eric Rowzee Please sign and return one copy Note: Any deviations from above will require repricing. WERCO BUILDING SPECIAL,TIES, Ih'C. -A BItII,DINC SPECAILIY DISTRIBI'TOR SlhCE 1975." Page 1 of 1 Roger McNeese -- - .- - --.----- From: Eric Rowzee [] Sent: Monday, December 28,2009 2:43 PM To: Roger McNeese - Subject: Rankin Seal 1st price for bronze: $3,350.00 fl 2nd price for aluminum: $3,225.00 Eric Rowzee (Project Manager) Werco Building Specialties, Inc. (225) 927-8376 Phone (225) 927-8378 Fax E-Mail: WERCO BUILDING SPECIALTIES, INC. 9445 Lindalc A v a P.O. Box 15763 Baton Rouge, Lo~~ioiana 70895 (225) 927-8376 Fax (225) 927-8378 w~w.wercospees.corn To Thrash Commercial 2 11 Commerce Drive Brandon , MS 39042 Quote Nurnbcr: Date: Project: Location: Architect: Paee 1 o f 1 27259 1 1 /9/2009 Rankin County Chancery Coun Rankin County, MS We propose to furnish the following material for the account of M'erco Building Specialties, Inc.: Description Manufacturer Price Metal Arts Backpound: Black I Metal A r t s 1 l(28) 10" Grotesque Font Letters ;(I) RANKIN COUNTY ( I ) CI-lANCERY COURT *Revised 12/22/2009* Addenda Received: 0 Note: A l l o f the above materials are furnished only. No tax Is included. Proposal is subject to escalation and renegotiation after 30 days from date o f our proposal. Delivery F.O.B. Factory Full Freight Allowed Firm Nrmt Respectfully Submitted. BY Accepted BY Eric Rowzee Please s i v and return one copy Note: Any deviations from rbovc will r q u i r e repricing. WERCO BUILDING SPECIAL.TIES, INC. "A BUILDIW SPECAILm DlSTHlBlITOR SISCE ITS."