First North America Landslide Conference – Vail, Colorado, AEG Publication No. 23 Editors: V.R. Schaefer, R.L. Schuster & A.K. Turner pp. 583-592 THE ROLE OF GEOMORPHOLOGICAL EVIDENCE FOR SNOW-AVALANCHE HAZARD AND MITIGATION RESEARCH IN NORTHERN ICELANDIC FJORDS Armelle Decaulne1 & Thorsteinn Saemundsson2 1 CNRS-UMR6042 GEOLAB, Clermont-Ferrand, France & Natural Research Center of Northwestern Iceland, Saudarkrokur, Iceland ( 2 Natural Research Center of North-western Iceland, Saudarkrokur, Iceland ( Abstract: Snow avalanches are able to transport considerable amounts of debris down into the lowlands and are a significant sedimentary transport process. However, snow avalanches have until recently not been regarded as an important sediment transfer dynamic in Iceland. Although, this debris transport capacity, and the resulting geomorphological evidences should be used in combination with other methods to evaluate the potential impact of snow avalanches in inhabited zones. In NW-, N- and E- Iceland, studies on the geomorphological impact of ground snow avalanches have been carried out since 1995. These areas count several inhabited areas for which snow avalanches have been recognized as a major hazard. So far, only historical records were considered to evaluate the magnitude and frequency of snow avalanches. As most of the historical data are younger than 100 years, there is a possibility that records do not cover the return-period of extreme snow avalanches. The geomorphological data compensate this flaw, with investigations outside present-day inhabited areas, as town planning has altered the deposit zone surface of former long distance snow avalanches. Obtained data are then transferred to the inhabited areas by topographic modeling, underlining the location of potentially most endangered zones in a proactive manner. INTRODUCTION Snow avalanches are a major threat for settlements, infrastructures and transportation corridors in mountainous areas (Hewitt 2004, Zischg et al. 2005). In most Icelandic cases, the hazardous situation caused by snow avalanches was highlighted afterwards, when the original small fishing villages spatially extended, chiefly by the second half of the twentieth century (Decaulne, 2004, 2005). By the end of the 20th century, although the population started to decline, the number of buildings increased or remained equal. After several catastrophic snow avalanche events that stroke Neskaupstadur in 1974 (12 persons died), Patreksfjordur in 1983 (4 persons died), Sudavik and Flateyri in 1995 (34 persons died), the latter year was a turning point for snow avalanche hazard research in Iceland. It highlighted the inadequate avalanche prevention, preparedness and planning in the country (Bernhardsdottir, 2001). A large thoughtful work has therefore been undertaken, mainly through the initiative of the Government of Iceland that created the Avalanche Division of the Iceland Meteorological Office and appointed it as the competent authority for slope processes studies and related hazard and risk assessment (Magnusson, 1996). The main used methods are topographical and physical models (α/β model, PCM model and derived runout index), chiefly based on historical chronicles, topographical setting of the slope and meteorological conditions in the considered area (refer to numerous references concerning several communities in the fjords of Northern Iceland on The present paper argues that geomorphological evidences, especially snow-avalanche transported boulders, are a relevant complement to historical sources in Iceland. Such boulders indicate the potential furthest reach of snow avalanches, and therefore give indication for risk 583 First North America Landslide Conference – Vail, Colorado, AEG Publication No. 23 Editors: V.R. Schaefer, R.L. Schuster & A.K. Turner pp. 583-592 assessment and damage potential in inhabited areas with the help of function transfer procedure. This approach offers the possibility to anticipate major destructive events instead of reacting after the disaster occurs. ON-ZONE VS. OFF-ZONE CONCEPT Snow-avalanche paths are easily visible on slopes above settlement areas, mainly from the starting zone to the lower part of the track. But land-planning and spatial extension of settlements in northern Iceland have hidden and destroyed most of the geomorphological evidences in the runout zone of snow avalanches. Constructions have occurred first along the shore since 1900-1920, and then on the lower slopes since ca. 1960. However, these evidences are the most interesting for hazard and risk assessment, as they provide relevant data on the furthest runout distances of the past events. As a consequence, considering only the slope located above inhabited areas underestimate the longer snow-avalanche runout distance that might biased the significance of the applied modeling. Most settlements are less than 100 years old, but the uppermost houses are less than 50-60 years old, which is more or less the duration of the pertinent documentation on snow avalanches in those areas, while larger snow-avalanches have a return period exceeding 200 years (McClung and Schaerer, 1993). Geomorphic evidence of furthest snow-avalanche reach has therefore to be found out of the settlement areas. The “offzone” information will then complete the “on-zone” ones (Figure 1), which are not reliable enough for accurate hazard assessment (Decaulne and Saemundsson, 2006a). Figure 1. The “on-zone” - “off-zone” concept that underlines the necessity of considering geomorphological evidence for snow-avalanche hazard assessment (adapted from Decaulne and Saemundsson, 2006a). 584 First North America Landslide Conference – Vail, Colorado, AEG Publication No. 23 Editors: V.R. Schaefer, R.L. Schuster & A.K. Turner pp. 583-592 THE BUILDING OF THE TOPOGRAPHIC MODEL “OFF-ZONE” Selected areas “off-zone” Among all investigated areas, three reference slopes have been selected in central north and northwestern Iceland as a basis to provide comprehensive and relevant information on the extreme runout distance of snow-avalanche transported boulders. Although not located far away from inhabitations, all of them remain quite remote, and furthest deposits from newly fallen and older snow avalanches are both well visible. All investigated slopes present typical snowavalanche geomorphic work, especially perched rock debris on large boulders within the track or upper deposition zone (Decaulne and Saemundsson, 2006c). The Botn in Dyrafjordur, north-western Iceland The Botn in Dyrafjordur is a wide east-west oriented glacially eroded valley located in the innermost part of the Dyrafjordur fjord, in northwestern Iceland. Most avalanches are released from the top of the northern slope of the valley, at ca. 600-660 m a.s.l., as large amounts of drifting snow accumulates there during the common northerly autumn and winter snow storms. These avalanche paths are not confined by the topography. The last large snow avalanche occurred in late October 1995. This avalanche was responsible of huge debris transfer, together with an important geomorphic work including several tens of shifted boulders and ploughing marks resulting from the boulder impacts (Kristjansdottir, 1997; Decaulne and Saemundsson, 2006c). As shown on Figure 2A, the snow-avalanche crossed a 12 m deep river canyon. It transported huge amount of boulders over the river, for example 0.6 m large rounded boulders from the riverbed up to the other side of the river, together with others (some of them being 3 m in long axis), and transferring them up to 65 m from the river (Figure 2B). The snow debris went up to 50 m a.s.l. on the opposite slope. Reykjarstrond, Central North Iceland The Reykjarstrond study site is located on the western side of the Skagafjordur fjord, on the western slope of the Tindastoll Mountain. The area presents a large upper catchment, which ends on a large colluvial cone that develops from 220 m a.s.l. The area is known for snowavalanche activity, especially during northwesterly snowstorms. The avalanches recurrently cut the trail that passes the cone, damaging the fences and power lines. Several boulders, up to 2 m in a-axis, strew the cone surface, still 130 m down the trail (Figure 3). The lichenometric and vegetation cover observed on these boulders testifies that both recent and old avalanching events are responsible for their transfer downslope. The most recent rock debris was transferred downslope during the February 20th, 1999 snow avalanche. Fnjoskadalur, Central North Iceland The southern part of the Fnjoskadalur valley is remote from human activity. Its eastern slope was particularly investigated, as only a narrow trail enables access, offering a more undisturbed area, known for its high snow-avalanche activity, mainly during northeasterly snowstorms. Large boulders are scattered in the lower parts of the slope, within a runout zone that could be almost 400 m in length (Figure 4). Both old boulders and fresh ones can be observed, distinguished from their lichen and moss covers, attesting for the regular debris transfer by snow avalanches. The selected zone is located in one of the heaviest snow avalanche areas in Iceland, identified by the numerous boulders at a long distance from the slope. The autumn 1995 snow avalanches were recognized to have transferred a large amount of boulders (Th. Saemundsson, personal observations). The vegetation on slopes, especially where birch covered, helps to identify the main paths (Decaulne and Saemundsson, 2005). 585 First North America Landslide Conference – Vail, Colorado, AEG Publication No. 23 Editors: V.R. Schaefer, R.L. Schuster & A.K. Turner pp. 583-592 Figure 2. The area of Botn in Dyrafjordur in northwestern Iceland. A: aerial view of the avalanching slope, and B: aerial view of the ploughing marks and shifted boulders across the river, within the lower track and deposition zones; the ploughing marks are up to 5 m long, and the larger boulders are 3 m in diameter. See next section for α/β explanations (Photos: Th. Saemundsson). Figure 3. The Reykjarstrond study site, in the Skagafjordur district; central north Iceland. The snow-avalanche path passes the trail, located in the middle part of the deposition area (A). Large boulders, up to 2 m in a-axis, are scattered within the deposition area, even at long distance from the end of the track, i.e. up to 250 m from it (B, C). See next section for α/β explanations (Photos: A. Decaulne). Figure 4. The Fnjoskadalur study site, in central north Iceland. The snow-avalanche slope presents a long concave profile, and the snow-avalanche path reach a long distance within the valley, with a run out zone of almost 400 m in length (A). Large boulders deposited by snow avalanches are scattered all over this area (B, the car, which is 4 m in length, gives the scale of the rocky debris), the furthest ones being found across the riverbed (C). See next section for α/β explanations (Photos: A. Decaulne). The α/β model “off-zone” The α/β model is an empirical calculation that uses terrain variables to quantify extreme run out distances using angles α (slope angle from the starting zone to extreme run out position) and β (slope angle from the starting zone to the position where the slope reaches 10° the first time, moving down slope), derived chiefly from studies in Scandinavia and North America (Lied and 586 First North America Landslide Conference – Vail, Colorado, AEG Publication No. 23 Editors: V.R. Schaefer, R.L. Schuster & A.K. Turner pp. 583-592 Bakkehoi, 1980; McClung and Schaerer, 1993). The β-contour line has been empirically defined as the one from which snow avalanche decelerates. The Figure 5A defines the terrain variables used for calculation of avalanche runout. The model has been validated in several mountain ranges over the world and points out that α is proportional to β. In this paper, the α/β model is used to define the maximum reach of snow-avalanche rocky debris. The α-contour line was recognized on the field, and the α-angle measured with an inclinometer. The α-contour line refers to the snow-avalanche boulders in this study, not to the extreme reach of the snow avalanche itself. So the value of the α angle is higher than if measured from the extreme reach of the snow debris. Therefore, one may keep in mind that the maximal reach of extreme snow avalanches goes further than the boulders do. The β-angle was measured on the field (Decaulne and Saemundsson, 2005, 2006c; Decaulne et al., 2007). In the Botn in Dyrafjordur, the α-angle measured from the furthest debris, located at 30 m a.s.l., to the top of the starting zone located at 680 m a.s.l., is 23° (Figure 5B). As the β-angle is 29°, the resulting formula is: α = 0.79 · β (1) Similar relationship is obtained from the Reykjarstrond study site, although with different terrain variables, as the value of the α-angle is 19° and the one of the β-angle is 24° (Figure 6 C). The α/β relationship here is: α = 0.79 · β (2) The α/β model appears to be validated with the topographical analysis from the third study site, the Fnjoskadalur valley, as a consistent relationship is defined from the terrain variables. Here the value of the α-angle is 21° and the value of the β-angle is 26° (Figure 6 D), giving a relation of: α = 0.78 · β (3) The formula (3), which proposes the furthest runout distance for snow-avalanche transported boulders, is selected to represent the transfer equation that is applied in inhabited areas. Figure 5. Topographical variables used in the α/β model (A, modified from McClung and Schaerer, 1993), the parameters and resulting formulas on different terrains in north-western (Botn in Dyrafjordur, B) and northern Iceland (Reykjarstrond, C, and Fnjoskadalur, D). 587 First North America Landslide Conference – Vail, Colorado, AEG Publication No. 23 Editors: V.R. Schaefer, R.L. Schuster & A.K. Turner pp. 583-592 THE APPLICATION OF THE MODEL BY TRANSFER “ON-ZONE” Five communities in northwestern Iceland have been chosen to apply the α/β model validated in remote areas of north Iceland. These inhabited areas have been selected because the slope shape above the main part of the buildings is simple. It is not interrupted by intermediate bench, and as it has not been changed by slope modifying protective structures such as large deflecting dams or snow supporting structures. Therefore it enables applying the α/β model. Large snow avalanches occurred in all of these towns and villages, with 150 to 1500 inhabitants, and some of these events have been catastrophic, inflecting severe damage, injury or lives tolls. The model is applied here without taking in account the successive impacts on buildings that would reduce the runout distance of the snow-avalanche transported boulders, in order to Figure the potential furthest reach of the rock debris and the location of the most potential damages for inhabitants. The model application in those communities will answer the following questions that are of crucial importance for risk assessment: (1) Which extend do extreme snow -avalanche transported boulders have? (2) Have such extreme avalanches already occurred? (3) Where are the maximal potential damages located? The Sudavik village In the town of Sudavik, the β-contour line is more than 75 m uphill the settlement. Nevertheless, several snow avalanches have hit the village in the past, especially from the southern paths, and the longest known ones reached the sea (Figure 6A). After the January 1995 destructive event (16 people lost their life), the village has been relocated further south. That area is less exposed to snow-avalanche activity because of the topographic setting of the slope above, which is chiefly short and inappropriate to gather large amount of snow. In the older part of the town the upper houses are unoccupied during the wintertime. This part is located within the runout zone of snow avalanches. According to our calculation, furthest snow avalanches are expected to completely cross the old residential area, as well as the rocky debris it might transport. Only two documented avalanches, released in December 1994 and January 1995 could be qualified as extreme, as they reached the α-contour line resulting from the terrain based model. The main part of the new village seems to be unexposed to snow avalanches, but the five southernmost houses of the village are located within a potential snow-avalanche run out zone, even if no event has been recorded there. If the risk of loss of lives is reduced by the village relocation, large damages to infrastructures are still expected. The Hnisfdalur village Only few houses of the Hnifsdalur community are located out of the maximum runout zone of snow-avalanche transported boulders (Figure 6B). The main recorded snow-avalanche prone areas hit the northern part of the village, mainly from three active paths. A large snow avalanche, from the northernmost path, killed 19 people in 1910. The southern part of the village encountered only one avalanche, which reached the upper houses, causing material damages. Nevertheless, the topographical setting of the upper slope enables snow-avalanche formation and release under suitable weather conditions, especially southerly blowing snow. A large part of the village might be endangered in that case, as shown on Figure 6B, especially the uppermost buildings located uphill the β-contour line or just below it. Only the northernmost snow avalanches, triggered during the 1910’s, reached the α-contour line and should therefore been regarded as extreme. Larger snow avalanches than those recorded in most parts of the village should be expected. Several large boulders were observed close to the river, at the extreme reach of snow avalanches originating from the northern slope, supporting the results of the α/β model application. 588 First North America Landslide Conference – Vail, Colorado, AEG Publication No. 23 Editors: V.R. Schaefer, R.L. Schuster & A.K. Turner pp. 583-592 Figure 6. Documented snow avalanches and potential maximum runout distance for snow-avalanche transported boulders, based on the Icelandic validated α/β model, in the communities of Sudavik (A), Hnisfdalur (B), Bolungarvik (C), Bildudalur (D) and Patreksfjordur (E). The town of Bolungarvik Two areas of the town of Bolungarvik are concerned by snow-avalanche hazard (Figure 6C). In the northern part, residences are at risk and in the southern part a power building and stables are located in the path of snow avalanches. In the northern part, the uppermost houses are uphill of the β-contour line, or close to it. Therefore, these buildings are exposed to the main force of the avalanche. Some large avalanches entered ca. 200 m within the residential area in 1960’s, before the houses construction. According to the model applied to snow-avalanche transported boulders, larger snow avalanches might be expected, entering the present-day inhabited area by ca. 300 m to reach the α-contour line. In the southern part, the large snow avalanches that have been recorded in 1974 went over the α-contour line. These snow avalanches have to be regarded as extreme, and it is unlikely that snow-avalanche transported boulders reach a furthest distance. The Bildudalur village Only two paths are known for their snow-avalanche activity in the village of Bildudalur, where several slush flows were recorded (Decaulne and Saemundsson, 2006b). The uppermost houses and other public buildings, such as the primary school are located uphill the β-contour line (Figure 6D). The furthest expected distance for rock debris transported by snow avalanches reaches the sea. Although no avalanche activity has been recorded in between the two main 589 First North America Landslide Conference – Vail, Colorado, AEG Publication No. 23 Editors: V.R. Schaefer, R.L. Schuster & A.K. Turner pp. 583-592 confined paths, the area is suitable to release snow avalanches as the upper slope gathers favorable topographical setting for snowdrift accumulation. The residential area below these unconfined paths is therefore also at risk. In Bildudalur, the whole village is endangered by snow-avalanche activity. However, the northernmost part of the village is less exposed as a deflecting dam has been built at the top of the northernmost documented track, diverting the snow avalanches to the southern part of it, i.e. to the buildings in the middle part of the village. No extreme avalanche has yet been recorded in the village of Bildudalur. The town of Patreksfjordur The slope above the small town of Patreksfjordur has several well-known avalanche tracks (Figure 6E). Due to the topographic conditions, the upper part of the whole slope could act as potential source areas for snow avalanches. Two main paths have been recognized as particularly dangerous, i.e. in the western part of the settlement area, where large snow avalanches occurred both previous to and after the building of residence and industrial buildings, and along the brooks in the eastern part of the town where slush flows already caused fatalities (Tomasson and Hestnes, 2000). Some extreme events already took place in the western part of the town, but some more extensive events might be expected in other areas, especially where residences are located above the β-contour line. We note from the Patreksfjordur study site that the use of the α/β terrain model is not relevant for slush avalanches initiated in riverbeds. The easternmost slush flow path passed through the α-contour line, and extends to an area that is not at risk from snow avalanches originating on slopes. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS This paper uses the relevance of snow-avalanche sedimentary transport within the avalanche path, transferring downslope a mixture of debris from silt size to large boulders, to define the potential furthest reach of past, present and future snow avalanches, together with the damage potential upslope from this extreme contour line. The most extreme geomorphological evidences from the northern Iceland selected remote sites provide major insights on the extreme runout distances of snow-avalanche transferred boulders. Historical sources are of essential help for snow-avalanche assessment and mitigation (Decaulne 2004). By combining writing sources concerning the snow-avalanche events and those related to residential building construction, it is obvious that the hazard and vulnerability spatially increased during the last century (Decaulne, 2004, 2005), together with deep socioeconomic changes. During this time, the resident population increased significantly, as well as the economic values of the threaten areas and the costs for material damages, because most of the newest parts of the considered towns and villages are located within the snow-avalanche runout zone. However, in this paper, it has been demonstrated that the documented snow avalanches do generally not match with the longest ones. As a consequence, larger snow avalanches than those already recorded have to be expected in most areas, and risk to buildings and persons is probably more extended than shown from only historical data. Thus, the risk estimation and zoning (Jonasson et al., 1999; Arnalds et al., 2004), which is derived from runout indices calculation, and based on the Icelandic data set based on historical sources, presents several flaws that lead to an underestimation of the snow-avalanche maximum runout distance. As prevention, protection and mitigation measures are in turn officially designed on the risk quantification derived from historical data (Decaulne, 2006), the integration of geomorphological findings could substantially improve the future development of settlements that could be better controlled, redirected and protected. 590 First North America Landslide Conference – Vail, Colorado, AEG Publication No. 23 Editors: V.R. Schaefer, R.L. Schuster & A.K. Turner pp. 583-592 In Iceland, catastrophic snow-avalanche events resulted from unusual weather conditions during winter and early autumn snowstorms, and from snow-avalanche activity in unusual paths, as examples show from 1994 and 1995. Afterwards, old tales revealed longest runout distances than those recorded in written sources (Haraldsdottir, 1998a and b). These new information conducted to revaluate the previous zoning, and lessons learnt from disasters enable to improve significantly both the warning system and alert procedure as well as the hazard control (Colombo, 2000). Therefore, the snow-avalanche hazard and mitigation research should evolve with time, and lead to changes in the risk assessment by integrating new relevant information. According to the extreme runout distance extracted from the geomorphological evidences on selected study areas, the damage potential could extend further downslope than only the uppermost houses, increasing the area that is most exposed, and will be subjected to diurnal fluctuation according to the presence of persons or not in the buildings. Geomorphological evidences provide one more pertinent element to define appropriate coping strategies. The maximum runout distance definition is subjected to adjustments according to the new findings incorporation in the risk analyses, as the research on geomorphological evidence is ongoing. Acknowledgments: This work was carried out with financial support from the Natural Research Center of North-western Iceland in Saudarkrokur, the Laboratory of Physical Geography UMR6042 CNRS, Clermont-Ferrand, and the Arctic Research Network, Besançon, France. The authors acknowledge the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments. Corresponding author: Dr Armelle Decaulne, CNRS-UMR6042, Geolab Laboratory of Physical Geography, 4 rue Ledru, F-63057 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex, France; Tel: +33 4 73 34 68 19; e-mail: REFERENCES ARNALDS, Th., JONASSON, K. & SIGURDSSON, S. 2004. Avalanche hazard zoning in Iceland based on individual risk. Annals of Glaciology, 38, pp. 285-290. BERNHARSDOTTIR, A.E. 2001. Learning from past experiences: the 1995 avalanches in Iceland. CRISMART, 16, Stockholm, 69 p. COLOMBO, A.G. 2000. Lessons learnt from avalanche disasters. NEDIES, Report EUR 19666 EN, 14 p. DECAULNE, A. 2004. Combining geomorphological, historical and lichenometrical data for the assessment of risk due to slope processes, a case study from the Icelandic Westfjords. Risk Analysis 4, WIT Press, Southampton, 177-186. DECAULNE, A. 2005. Slope processes and related risk appearance within the Icelandic Westfjords during the twentieth century. Natural Hazards and Earth Science Systems, 5, 309-318 DECAULNE, A. 2006. 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