velvet tray - David Hall Rare Coins


velvet tray - David Hall Rare Coins
“for those special coins”— VT Issue #91
Fix It Where It Doesn’t Work
“There is a bulldozer called reality that is in the process of leveling
a house of perception that stands in its path. The Federal Reserve
is the architect of this $2 trillion structure, and the ongoing maintenance cost is $85 billion per month. This house was built on a faulty
foundation of paper profits and artificially depressed interest rates,
rather than on rising incomes and capital investment.”
–Seeking Alpha, Lawrence Fuller
The Fed is now creating over a trillion new dollars a year! Yet our
economy continues to be deflationary, a rising dollar and falling gold
is deflationary. Like most of us, it doesn’t make sense to me and I
don’t feel it can continue. There is an old saying “gold, gold you’re
making me old”.
My friend Rick Rule once said, Bull markets create Bear markets and Bear markets create Bull markets. So I guess it is just
a matter of time before we see the Bull market in the bullion
markets reappear.
The gold market has become fascinating. The most powerful
forces in the world are at war with gold. And Asian buyers are now
the main support at this price level. For the
last decade and certainly the last 5 years,
we have been seeing a major transfer of
wealth in the form of gold from the West
to the East. The Western governments
have been sellers of gold, yet the Eastern
nations, Russia, China, India, have been
adding to their physical positions. And
Van Simmons
these countries are encouraging their citizens to buy gold.
Coin of the Month
1879-O Morgan Dollar, PCGS PROOF 64
One of the finest of only 10 known! Branch Mint Proof Morgan
dollars are all extremely rare. Only three issues are considered
true Branch Mint Proofs; the 1879-O, 1883-O, and 1893-CC. For
all three, the original mintages are miniscule. For the 1879 New
Orleans, the original mintage was a mere 12 coins. Of the original
12, it is estimated that 10 survive today in all grades. This coin is a
very Choice example, and one of the finest known. The surfaces are
totally mirrored and highly reflective. The devices are white Cameo.
But the most telling difference between this coin and regular strikes is
the incredible sharpness to the strike. Every strand of Miss Liberty’s hair and all
the eagle’s feathers are razor sharp and highly defined, like no other 1879-O you’ve
ever seen. The Morgan dollar series is one of the most important series in the
entire rare coin market and the extremely rare Branch Mint Proofs are among the
ultimate Morgan dollar issues.......................................................................$275,000
Complete listings and images for all coins at • 1-800-759-7575
Continued on page 2
The other day I received an email from an editor of an investment letter asking 12 friends if we thought the recent move up in
gold had marked the bottom. I really wanted to email back and tell
him to give me 6 months and I would let them know my thoughts.
I was also asked the other day if we are going to have deflation
forever? I have studied inflation for over 40 years and have recently
read a dozen books on inflation. I am convinced the tide will turn again
and Bernanke’s dream of an inflationary economy will come to fruition.
It may be a few years away, but I can’t see anyway to avoid it.
A couple of weeks ago I was talking to a friend Richard Maybury
(Early Warning Report), he asked me if I had seen a recent chart
of the Adjusted US Monetary Base? The Monetary Base consists
of coins and bills, but most of it is bank money on deposit in the
Federal Reserve.
As you can see by the chart, (scary don’t you think?) there is
a ton of new money, and at some point it will get spent. But the
question is, will there be enough products at current prices to supply the demand. I don’t think so. Richard has a great write up in his
newsletter that paints an interesting scenario. This is a long way of
saying, we will have inflation again, but painfully it may go straight
to a total devaluation of the dollar and place us into hyper inflation.
So how do we prepare for the paragraph at the top of this page?
If you are an expert in currency trading, that should work. But for
most of us that isn’t an option (speaking from personal experience).
Like the old Clint Eastwood movie quote, “A man has to know his
limitations”. After spending decades looking for the magic pill, I
have only been able to come up with hard assets. Hard assets to
me include, income producing real property, high end collectibles,
gold, silver, and platinum. I am sure I have left a few things off the
list, but you get the drift. I tend to be a long term trader. Almost
every time I try to trade short term I get smacked back to reality. I
have tried to teach my sons to invest in things and have a long term
perspective. I feel like both my partner David Hall and I are good at
long term positions. Both he and I have done very well buying great,
important collectibles.
So where do we stand are far as rare coins go? There are several
distinct areas of the rare coin market, and all of them seem to be
underpriced. Some of the more common coins have come down a bit
in price, leaving them at very tempting price levels. The rarer coins
are in short supply at current price levels and seem to get taken off
the market quickly. The ultra rare coins are a world unto their own
right now. There seems to be several buyers for every ultra rarity
that shows up. “Extremely hot”, best describes this area.
Here are the areas of coins I love today, and coins I buy today. I
may sound like a broken record to some of you, but at current prices
it is hard not to add these types of coins to my personal portfolio.
19th Century Type coins: Most of these are a joke
they are so underpriced. The Nickel coins such as Proof Shield
Nickels, Proof Liberty Nickels are like a flashing green light in
my head. The Liberty Seated coins, such as Half Dimes, Dimes,
Twenty Cent pieces, Quarters, Half Dollars, and Dollars are some
of our countries most beautiful coins.
Barber Dimes, Quarters, and Half Dollars (1892
to 1916): Proof Barber coins are a stellar collectible, as are
some of the rare dates in Gem Uncirculated condition.
Trade Dollars, as both Proofs and Business
Strikes, and Proof Morgan Dollars: These are among
our country’s most popular silver coins! I have never met anyone
who disliked them. Everyone loves them and at today’s prices they
seem like a bargain to me.
Early 20th Century Classics: I like Walking Liberty Half
Dollars (Gem Mint State and Proof), Proof Mercury Dimes and
Proof Buffalo Nickels. Also the Standing Liberty Quarter seems to
be underpriced at current levels. The rare coin market has moved
up in several areas, but the Modern Classics have sort of taken a
back seat. These are some of the most beautiful coins ever made
and current price levels are very attractive.
Silver Dollars: The so-called common dates are now getting very tough for me to find in high Mint State grades. The entire
Peace Dollar series is a wonderful set to work on. The common
date higher grade Peace Dollars are a good relative value compared to the Morgan Dollar. In the grade MS65, they are about 8
times rarer than the Morgans, yet sell for a bit less money.
Silver and Gold Commemoratives: These collector
classics continue to be very underpriced at current price levels.
When nice coins come up for sale, they get sold pretty quickly. I
like all of the coins in each set, but I really love the rarer issues.
Please feel free to give me a call if you’d like to discuss any of the
above, or if I can help in any way. It is hard to believe the summer is
already gone and Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away.
Until next issue
Van Simmons
Complete listings and images for all coins at • 1-800-759-7575
The Best of the Best!
As most of you know, Van and I, while coin dealers by profession
and reputation, are also involved in dozens of other collectibles
markets. And we can tell you that the quest for quality is a driving
force in every collectibles market. Newcomers to collectibles often
ask, “How is it possible that these old treasures exist today?” We
of course relate how people happened to
save a certain number of these historical
artifacts. But when the item is one hundred or more years old and looks like it
was made yesterday, the real question
should be, “How did this survive in such
near new condition?” And the answer
isn’t that some people saved a certain
number of them, in most cases the answer
David Hall
is that some individual happen to save one or two specimens from
the year of issue and they have miraculously survived until today.
Some old U.S. coins are somewhat available in average condition, but are really rare in Gem condition. And some coins are rare
in any condition and extremely rare in Gem condition. We like both
types of “condition rarities”. Van and I are quality chauvinists, in
rare coins and indeed in all collectibles. It is the top quality coins
that are the most beautiful, the rarest, and have the most buyer
demand. Yes, they cost more, but as the old coin market saying
goes, “Quality doesn’t cost, it pays!”
With each Velvet Tray, and also every day on our
website, we presented the finest quality and rarest coins on the
market. That’s what we buy. That’s what we hunt down daily, and
we’ve been quality rare coin hunters for four decades. So when
reading the descriptions in this Velvet Tray, don’t think because
we use terms like “fantastic eye appeal”, “great original luster”,
“fully struck”, and/or “one of the finest known” that these coins
are common. These are the best coins we could find and we probably looked at, or were offered, 100 or more coins that didn’t meet
our standards for every single coin we have for you here.
Enjoy reading about these top quality rarities and of course,
have fun with your coins!
David Hall
1858 Flying Eagle Cent, Small Letters PCGS MS65 – A
fully struck, totally original Gem! It has been quite a while
since we’ve had a truly Gem Flying Eagle Cent. Just seems like
the ones we see are never quite up to snuff. Then this beauty
certainly made us take notice. Strike is almost always a problem with Flying Eagles. But this jewel has razor sharp detail for
every wing and tail feather! The color is rich and totally original. A beautiful example of the first U.S. small cent and one of
the most famous of all U.S. coin types!.............................$6,250
1852 Three Cent Silver, PCGS MS67 – A blazing white
Gem! Three Cent Silvers were struck in three types between
1851 and 1873. The 1851 to 1853 “Type One” is seldom encountered in MS67 condition. For the 1852, in the past 27 years
PCGS has just graded 12 examples MS67 and just two examples
higher. This specimen has super clean surfaces, an exceptionally
bold strike, and beautiful white frosty luster.......................$5,950
1874 Liberty Seated Dime, Arrows PCGS MS65 – A
creamy white Gem example of a very important 19th Century
type issue. The “Arrows at Date” type was only minted for two
years, 1873 and 1874. This two-only type coin is highly collectible in all grades. Gems are rare and this beauty has amazing
original white luster............................................................$3,950
1882 Liberty Seated Dime, PCGS MS67 – One of the finest
known! This is a super creamy white Gem, literally dripping
with original mint frost. PCGS has never graded one higher.
PCGS has graded 18 examples MS67, but that’s over a 27
year period. And we’re pretty sure they all don’t look as
spectacular as this baby..................................................$3,950
1860 Liberty Seated Dime, PCGS PR65CAM – A beautiful
Cameo Proof! The surfaces are deeply mirrored and the devices
are pure white Cameo. And note that PCGS has never designated an 1860 Proof Dime Deep Cameo............................$2,450
1904 Barber Dime, PCGS PR66 – A blue rainbow Gem!
This deeply mirrored Gem Proof has incredibly beautiful blue
rainbow toning...................................................................$2,100
1887 Liberty Seated Quarter, PCGS MS67 – A
frosty white near perfect Gem! This is one of the
finest known examples of this extremely low mintage date. As is the case with all 1879 to 1889
Philadelphia Mint Quarters, the mintage of the 1887
Quarter was very small. In fact, only 10,000 Quarters
were struck in 1887. Compare that to 1878 (2.2 million struck) or 1877 (10.9 million struck). The 1887
Quarter is a rare coin even in the lowest grades. But
this jewel is one of only six examples graded MS67
by PCGS in the past 27 years, with none graded
higher. It is a pure white, super frosty Gem....$9,750
Complete listings and images for all coins at • 1-800-759-7575
Quarters Continued
1872 Liberty Seated Quarter, PCGS
PR65DCAM – An extremely rare Deep Cameo
example of this scarce proof issue. This issue
is super rare as a Deep Cameo. In the past 27
years, PCGS has only designated three examples Deep Cameo in all grades. And this is the
only PR65 Deep Cameo, with just one graded
higher. The surfaces are deeply mirrored and
the devices are thick white Cameo..........$5,750
1874 Liberty Seated Quarter, Arrows
PCGS PR65CAM – A gorgeous Cameo Gem
example of one of the most important 19th
Century silver type issues! The silver content of
U.S. coins was changed in 1873 and to signify
the change, arrows were placed beside the date
in 1873 and 1874, thus creating a two-year-only
type coin. The 1873-74 dimes, quarters, and
half dollars have always been high demand type
issues, and they are all quite rare in Gem condition. This Gem Proof has very deeply mirrored
surfaces and pure white Cameo devices. It is one
of only eleven examples graded Proof 65 Cameo
by PCGS in the past 27 years.....................$8,900
1883 Liberty Seated Quarter, PCGS
PR66CAM – A Condition Census Superb Gem!
In 27 years, PCGS has just graded six examples
Proof 66 Cameo, with only three graded higher,
making this a Top Ten finest known specimen.
The surfaces are deeply mirrored and the devices are pure white cameo.........................$4,150
1884 Liberty Seated Quarter, PCGS
PR67CAM – Condition Census and one of the
very finest known! In 27 years, PCGS has only
graded seven examples of this issue Proof 67
Cameo. None have ever been graded higher and
PCGS has never graded an 1884 quarter Deep
Cameo in any grade. This amazing survivor has
ultra deep mirrored surfaces and pure white
Cameo devices..........................................$7,450
1894 Barber Quarter, PCGS PR66+DCAM –
The finest known Deep Cameo Proof of this
date! In 27 years, PCGS has only graded this
one example PR66+ Deep Cameo, and in fact,
has only graded four examples Deep Cameo in
any grade. This one has very deeply mirrored
surfaces and thick white Cameo devices. The
eye appeal is very striking......................$6,500
1898 Barber Quarter, PCGS PR67DCAM –
A spectacular Deep Cameo Gem! The surfaces
are very deeply mirrored and highly reflective.
The devices are thick, creamy white Cameo.
The eye appeal is off-the-charts. An ultimate
quality example of this important silver type
1900 Barber Quarter, PCGS PR66CAM –
A gorgeous “black and white” Cameo! The
surfaces are deeply mirrored and near perfect.
The devices are pure white Cameo and the eye
appeal is fantastic..................................$3,950
1903 Barber Quarter, PCGS
PR68CAM – A stunning rainbow
monster Gem! This is one of only
five examples graded PR68 Cameo
by PCGS, with only two graded PR68
Deep Cameo and none graded higher.
This is an amazing coin. The surfaces
are fully mirrored and the devices are
fully Cameo. And the color…wow!...
the color is off-the-charts, ultra intense
1904 Barber Quarter, PCGS PR66 – A very
high end example for the grade! This beauty
has deeply mirrored surfaces and unattributed
white Cameo devices...............................$3,100
1914 Barber Quarter, PCGS PR67 – A deep
rainbow toned Gem! The 1914 is the lowest
mintage of all proof Barber quarters. And this
example is virtually perfect, hence the PCGS
PR67 grade, and has the added bonus of having
deep rainbow toning. An amazing coin for the
fan of spectacular toning..........................$5,750
1865 Liberty Seated Half Dollar,
PCGS MS66+ The finest known
example of this scarce Civil War issue!
The 1865 half dollar is scarce in any
grade, and rare in Mint State. Superb
Gems are very rare. In fact, there are
only three of them, two graded MS66
and this one lone PCGS graded MS66+.
This “Top of the Condition Census”
jewel has incredibly clean, mark-free
surfaces. The strike is razor sharp, as
detailed as you’d see on a proof. The
eye appeal is greatly enhanced by its
totally original and very vibrant goldengreen toning. The finest we’ve ever
seen, to say the least................$24,500
1877 Liberty Seated Half Dollar, PCGS
MS66 – A Superb iridescent Gem! The Liberty
Seated Half Dollar is one of the most beautiful
silver coins ever produced by the U.S. Mint. And
they are rare in Gem condition. The Superb Gem
has super clean surfaces and an exceptionally
bold strike. The luster is white and there is a
tinge of iridescent golden glow................$6,900
1881 Liberty Seated Half Dollar, PCGS
1826 Capped Bust Half Dollar,
PCGS MS65 – A spectacular seagreen rainbow Gem! Capped Bust
Halves (circa 1807-1836) are one of the
most important early silver types. This
was the main silver coin of commerce
both domestically and internationally
at the time as no silver dollars were
minted for circulation between 1804
and 1840. Gem examples are quite
rare. This beauty has very clean surfaces and is exceptionally well struck.
The eye appeal is enhanced by vibrant
sea-green rainbow toning.........$14,500
1882 Liberty Seated Half Dollar, PCGS
PR65 – A blue rainbow “wonder” Gem! Proof
Liberty Seated half dollars are both beautiful
and rare. They are one of the markets current
bargains. This example has off-the-charts deep
blue rainbow toning. If you like “monster” color
on Silver Proofs, you will love this coin....$3,900
1909 Barber Half Dollar, PCGS MS65 –
A beautiful example of one of the 20th century’s most important type coins. The surfaces
are absolutely mark free. The strike is sharp in
every detail. The luster is frosty beneath very
light golden original toning. A totally original
1915-S Barber Half Dollar, PCGS MS65 –
A gorgeous Gem example of one of the 20th
Century’s most important type coins. The surfaces are very clean and mark-free and this is
a super high end example of the grade. The
strike is 100% full. The luster is frosty and
iridescent. And it’s a San Francisco Mint issue
as a bonus!..............................................$3,150
Complete listings and images for all coins at • 1-800-759-7575
Half Dollars Continued
1897 Barber Half Dollar, PCGS
PR67DCAM – A “jump out of the
holder” Gem! The surfaces are ultra
deeply mirrored. The devices are
creamy, thick Deep Cameo. The eye
appeal is amazing. This is an incredible
example of one of the most important
19th Century silver type issues...$15,500
1900 Barber Half Dollar, PCGS PR65CAM –
A beautiful white Cameo Gem! The surfaces
are very deeply mirrored. The devices are pure
white Cameo. This makes for great eye appeal
1880 Trade Dollar, PCGS PR64+CAM – A
beautiful Near Gem! This bargain priced specimen has deeply mirrored surfaces and white
cameo devices. The eye appeal is outstanding
for the grade. This is a very nice example of
one of the most important United States silver
type coins.................................................$7,450
1861 Gold Dollar, PCGS MS65 – A gorgeous
Gem example of this important Civil War issue.
The surfaces are clean, the strike is sharp, and
the luster is exceptionally rich..................$3,650
1871 Gold Dollar, PCGS MS65 – A Gem
example of this low mintage gold issue. The
surfaces are super clean and the coin has the
look of an MS66 or MS67 coin, but there is
minor weakness on the reverse date, hence the
MS65 grade... a Gem nonetheless! The original
mintage was only 3,900 coins and is rare in all
1885 Gold Dollar, PCGS MS66 – A Superb
Gem example of this very low mintage date. A
mere 11,156 coins were originally minted and
this issue is scarce in all grades. This beauty
has gorgeous iridescent luster..................$2,850
1889 Gold Dollar, PCGS MS65............$1,650
1889 Gold Dollar, PCGS MS66............$2,200
1882 Gold Dollar, PCGS PR66DCAM – One
of the finest known! The pre-1884 Proof Gold
Dollars are somewhat underpriced as they
are often incorrectly thought of as “just” type
issues. But the mintages for the 1884 to 1889
Proof Gold Dollars were over 1,000 per year.
These are the type issues. The 1882 had an
original proof mintage of just 125 coins, of
which probably less than 100 survive today in
all grades. The small premium over the “type”
price for the 1882 Proof Gold Dollar has to be
considered a bargain. This beauty has ultra
deep mirrors and thick creamy white Cameo
devices. The eye appeal is spectacular. This is
one of only three graded PR66 Deep Cameo by
PCGS in the past 27 years, and none have ever
been graded higher...............................$21,000
1887 Gold Dollar, PCGS PR65DCAM –
One of the finest known survivors
of this Proof Gold rarity! In the past
27 years, PCGS has only graded two
examples Proof 65 Deep Cameo, with
just two graded higher. In other words,
this jewel is one of the three or four
finest known examples of this date. The
surfaces are extremely deeply mirrored,
and the devices are thick white Cameo.
The color is a bright, flashy gold and the
eye appeal is fantastic...............$14,500
1879 $2 1/2 Liberty, PCGS MS65 – A beautiful original Gem example of this conditionally
challenged date. In 27 years, PCGS has only
graded eleven examples MS65, with just six
graded higher. The surfaces of this jewel are
mark-free and the strike is outstanding. The
luster is rich and original. A lot of rarity for
the money..................................................$4,500
1887 $2 1/2 Liberty, PCGS MS64 – An
outstanding near Gem example of this condition
rarity. A mere 6160 were originally minted and
in 27 years, PCGS has just graded 15 examples
MS64, with one lone example graded higher. A
ton of rarity for the price!.........................$4,900
1892 $2 1/2 Liberty, PCGS MS67 –
A truly amazing coin and one of the
finest known! The 1892 is a rare date
in any grade as a mere 2440 coins
were struck. In Gem condition, this
is a rare issue. In fact, in 27 years
PCGS has only graded four examples
MS65, four examples MS66, and four
examples (including this beauty) MS67.
The surfaces are mark-free and virtually perfect. The strike is razor sharp
and the surfaces are semi-prooflike.
The luster and color are iridescent and
nearly glow in the dark. This is obviously one of the four finest known, but
for us...well, we’ve never seen its
1893 $2 1/2 Liberty, PCGS MS65 – A beautiful Gem example! Quite a bit rarer than the
later dates................................................$2,600
1896 $2 1/2 Liberty, PCGS MS65 – A fully
struck, full luster Gem! Quite rare in Gem
1887 $2 1/2 Liberty, PCGS
PR66DCAM – One of the finest
known examples of this Proof Gold
rarity! The original mintage for the
proof 1887 $2.5 was only 122 coins. Of
those, it is estimated that just 50 or so
survive today in all grades. This specimen is one of only two graded Proof
66 Deep Cameo by PCGS in the past
27, and none have ever been graded
higher. Also note that there are no Proof
66 Cameos or non-Cameos. The surfaces are very deeply mirrored and the
devices are thick white Cameo. The eye
appeal is spectacular. We haven’t seen
the other Proof 66 Deep Cameo, but
this one is without question the finest
we have ever seen...................$79,000
Complete listings and images for all coins at • 1-800-759-7575
$2 1/2 Gold Continued
1899 $2 1/2 Liberty, PCGS
PR67DCAM –One of the finest known
examples of this Proof Gold rarity!
The quality of this specimen is off-thecharts. The surfaces are deeply mirrored and near perfect. The devices are
thick white Cameo. In 27 years, PCGS
has just graded three examples PR67
Deep Cameo, with just two examples
graded higher............................$49,500
1878 $3 Liberty, PCGS MS66 –
A truly Superb Three! The Three Dollar
Gold Piece was minted in small quantities from 1854 to 1889. They were
never popular at the time of issue and
few were saved. Today, Gems are rare.
This Superb Gem has virtually perfect
surfaces. The strike is full. The luster
and color are fantastic. An absolutely
gorgeous example of this gold type
1810 Capped Bust $5, Large Date,
5 PCGS MS63 – A beautiful early
five! All early (pre-1940) gold is quite
rare in Mint State condition. This one
has a few minor marks but the surfaces are very attractive for the grade.
The strike is sharp, and the luster is
bright and flashy. A ton of rarity for the
1898-S $5 Liberty, PCGS MS66 –
One of the finest known examples of
this condition rarity! The 1898-S $5
is rare even in MS64 condition (only
36 graded). In 27 years, PCGS has just
graded four examples MS65, just two
(including this specimen) MS66, with
one MS67 and one miracle MS68. This
Condition Census specimen has clean
surfaces and is fully struck. The luster
is bright and original...............$21,500
1902 $5 Liberty, PCGS MS65 – A totally
original Gem! Just 23 have been graded MS65
by PCGS, with just eight graded higher. This
Gem has beautiful surfaces and totally original
gold luster. Priced at a small premium over the
more generic dates....................................$4,500
1888 Proof $20 Liberty
A gorgeous Cameo Gem example of an extremely rare
Gold Proof. For the 1888, the original mintage was only
105 coins. But the survival rate is miniscule as it is estimated that only 25 to 30 exist in all grades. For this
beauty, the surfaces are very deeply mirrored and the
devices are pure white Cameo. The eye appeal is
Complete listings and images for all coins at • 1-800-759-7575
$20 Gold Continued
1907 $20 Saint, High Relief-Wire
Edge PCGS MS65 – A truly Gem
example of the world’s most beautiful coin! The 1907 “High Relief” was
designed by the famous sculptor
Augustus Saint-Gaudens at the personal request of President Theodore
Roosevelt. Unfortunately, the design
was too elaborate for commercial purposes andhad to be changed in the same
year to a flatter design. Today, the 1907
Saint Gaudens High Relief is a collector
classic, and this specimen is a true
Gem in every way......................$55,000
1924 Mercury Dime, PCGS MS65FB – A
white Gem....................................................$545
1928-D Mercury Dime, PCGS MS65FB – A
white Gem.................................................$2,450
1936 Mercury Dime, PCGS PR65........$1,325
1937 Mercury Dime, PCGS PR66...........$645
1938 Mercury Dime, PCGS PR65...........$425
1939 Mercury Dime, PCGS PR65...........$265
1939 Mercury Dime, PCGS PR67...........$475
1939 Mercury Dime, PCGS PR68 – The ultimate grade for this issue! This coin has highly
reflective, virtually perfect surfaces. PR68...we
really don’t need to say more....................$2,750
1940 Mercury Dime, PCGS PR65...........$235
1940 Mercury Dime, PCGS PR67...........$525
1941 Mercury Dime, PCGS PR65...........$210
1942 Mercury Dime, PCGS PR65..........$210
1942 Mercury Dime, PCGS PR67...........$425
1917-D Standing Liberty Quarter, Type
One PCGS MS67FH – One of the finest
known! This is the top of the quality scale for
this issue. In 27 years, PCGS has only graded 20
examples MS67FH, with just one lone example
graded higher. This ultra Gem has near perfect
surfaces and pure white satin luster.........$7,450
1917-S Standing Liberty Quarter, Type 1
PCGS MS66FH – A razor sharp, 100% fully
struck Gem! The 1917 San Francisco issue is the
rarest of the 1917 Type One Standing Liberty
Quarters. This Superb Gem is not only mark-free;
the strike is totally amazing with 100% detail of
the head and shield...................................$5,950
1917-S Standing Liberty Quarter,
Type One PCGS MS67FH – A gorgeous, white satin Condition Census
example! The 1917 San Francisco is
the rarest of the three 1917 Type One
Standing Liberty Quarters. In the past
27 years, PCGS has only graded eight
examples MS67 Full Head, with just two
examples graded higher. This beauty has
nearly flawless surfaces with white satin
luster. The reverse features very light and
iridescent blue rainbow toning. A coin for
the connoisseur!..........................$13,500
1918-D Standing Liberty Quarter, PCGS
MS65FH – A Gem, full head example of this
conditionally challenged issue. Most Standing
Liberty quarters have a flatly struck head on
Ms. Liberty. Full Head SLQ’s are super desirable
condition rarities. The Philadelphia issues are
less conditionally challenged than the Denver
and San Francisco issues. The D-Mints, especially the earlier issues, are very difficult to
locate in Gem “Full Head” condition. This 1918D has a super sharply struck head and is a Gem
in every way..............................................$4,750
1920 Standing Liberty Quarter, PCGS
MS66FH – A flashy white, fully struck Gem!
“Full Head” Standing Liberty Quarters are one
of the rarest of all 20th Century type coins.
This 1920 Philadelphia has flashy white original
luster and a fantastic strike. Only four examples
have been graded higher by PCGS in the past
27 years....................................................$5,750
1924 Standing Liberty Quarter,
PCGS MS68+ The most beautiful
Standing Liberty Quarter we’ve ever
seen! What an absolutely amazing coin.
First, the rarity of this quality is sky
high. For the entire 1917-1930 “Type
2” series, in 27 years PCGS has just
graded three examples MS68, and four
examples MS68 Full Head, with just
two examples (including this miracle
coin) graded MS68+, and just one
graded MS68+ for this date. So this is
not only the finest known for the date,
it’s also one of the finest known of the
entire type. The surfaces are mark-free
and just flawless. The strike is super
sharp in all details, save for the head
which is sharp at about 80% full. The
knee is fully rounded and amazing. The
rivets of the shield are 100% full. The
luster is frosty, iridescent, and pure
white. And the coin has intense and
bright rainbow toning just around the
peripheries. The eye appeal is totally offthe-charts, and as we said, this is the
most beautiful Standing Liberty Quarter
we have ever seen....................$22,000
1926 Standing Liberty Quarter, PCGS
MS66FH – A bright flashy Full Head Gem!
The surfaces are super clean, the head of
Ms. Liberty fully struck, and the luster is
1927 Standing Liberty Quarter, PCGS
MS66FH – A pure white, virtually flawless beauty! The head is 100% fully struck...............$2,550
1928 Standing Liberty Quarter, PCGS
MS66FH – A frosty fully struck Gem! Only
36 graded MS66 Full Head by PCGS in
the past 27 years, with just seven graded
1930 Standing Liberty Quarter, PCGS
MS66FH – A white luster Gem example of
this important 20th Century silver type coin!
The is fully struck and perfect in
every way................................................$1,750
1930-S Standing Liberty Quarter, PCGS
MS66FH – A frosty white, Full Head
Superb Gem!............................................$1,750
Complete listings and images for all coins at • 1-800-759-7575
1917 Walking Liberty Half Dollar, PCGS
MS66 – Frosty and beautiful! This white GEM
is one of the finest that you will ever see. The
luster is blast-fresh, the surfaces are clean and
the strike is outstanding.............................$2,750
1937-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar, PCGS
MS67 – A top-of-the-quality-charts super
creamy Gem! One of the finest known of this
scarce San Francisco issue as in the past 27
years, PCGS has just graded one lone example
higher. The surfaces are virtually perfect. Strike
is usually an issue with San Francisco Mint
Walkers, but this specimen is very sharply
struck with full thumb, skirt, and feather detail.
The luster is white and creamy...............$5,250
1938 Walking Liberty Half Dollar, PCGS
MS65 – A white satin Gem!....................$395
1918-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar,
PCGS MS65 – A gorgeous, fully struck
Gem example of this conditionally rare
early Walker! The 1918-S, like almost
all the pre-1933 Walking Liberty half
dollars, is very rare in Gem condition. In
27 years, PCGS has only graded three
examples higher than MS65. This beauty
has super clean surfaces and frosty
original luster. Even more unusual is the
strike. Most early San Francisco Mint
Walkers are very weakly struck, but this
specimen has full thumb detail and skirt
lines. It is one of the most sharply struck
1918-S Half Dollars we have ever seen,
and, in fact, it is one of the finest 1918-S
Walkers we have ever seen......$21,500
1920-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar,
PCGS MS65 – A pure white full luster
Gem example of this condition rarity!
The 1920-D is a really rare coin in Gem
condition, as is the case with all 1917
to 1928 Denver and San Francisco Mint
Walking Liberty Half dollars. This beauty
has very clean, mark-free surfaces.
The strike is full with 100% thumb
detail. The luster is white and flashy.
This is a fantastic example of this
1938 Walking Liberty Half Dollar,
PCGS MS66+ A gorgeous frosty Gem example
of this key Philadelphia Walker!................$925
1941 Walking Liberty Half Dollar,
PCGS MS65.............................................$135
1941 Walking Liberty Half Dollar,
PCGS MS67 – Incredible iridescent surfaces
on this near perfect Gem!..........................$775
1941-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar,
PCGS MS67 – A virtually perfect, blast white
Gem! And only six examples have ever been
graded higher..............................................$985
1942 Walking Liberty Half Dollar,
PCGS MS65..............................................$135
1943-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar,
PCGS MS67 – A gorgeous iridescent
1937 Walking Liberty Half Dollar,
PCGS PR65...............................................$900
1937 Walking Liberty Half Dollar, PCGS
PR67 – This is an amazing example of one of
the rarest of Proof Walking Liberty Half Dollars.
The surfaces are very deeply mirrored and the
devices have a tinge of white Cameo. The eye
appeal of this coin is outstanding...........$1,795
1938 Walking Liberty Half Dollar, PCGS
PR65 – A deeply mirrored Gem!...............$845
1941 Walking Liberty Half Dollar, PCGS
PR65 – A beautiful Proof!.........................$595
1942 Walking Liberty Half Dollar, PCGS
PR65 – A Gem example of one of the world’s
most beautiful coins...................................$595
1942 Walking Liberty Half Dollar,
PCGS PR67...............................................$985
1921 Peace Dollar, High Relief PCGS
MS65 – A frosty, fully struck Gem! This is a
gorgeous example of one of our favorite coins
of all time…the silver High Relief!.........$2,200
1922-D Peace Dollar, PCGS MS66 – A
creamy white Gem! The surfaces are super
clean, the strike is bold, and the luster is
1944 Walking Liberty Half Dollar,
PCGS MS65 – A flashy white Gem example of
this somewhat underrated coin!.................$145
1922-S Peace Dollar, PCGS MS65 – A
white satin Gem example of this Conditionally
scarce San Francisco Mint Issue! The surfaces
are clean and the luster is exceptional...$2,650
1944 Walking Liberty Half Dollar,
PCGS MS67 – An absolutely blazing white,
near perfect Gem!....................................$1,650
1880-CC Morgan Dollar, PCGS MS66 –
A creamy white Gem example of this popular
and classic Carson City issue!.................$2,595
1945 Walking Liberty Half Dollar,
PCGS MS65..............................................$145
1880 Morgan Dollar, PCGS
1946-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar,
PCGS MS65..............................................$135
1880 Morgan Dollar, PCGS PR68CAM –
An absolute mind-boggling Gem example of one
of the most important coins ever made. This is
quite simply the finest proof Morgan dollars we
ever seen. The surfaces are deeply mirrored and
virtually flawless. The devices are a gorgeous
milky white cameo. The contrast and glow of
this coin are simply amazing. This is one of
those arms length Gems that is guaranteed to
knock your eyeballs out! In our mind, this is the
finest known 1880 proof Morgan, and one of the
finest proof Morgans of ANY date........$49,500
1934-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar, PCGS
MS66 – A spectacular frosty white Gem! The
surfaces are mark-free and virtually perfect. The
luster is white, frosty and thick!...............$5,450
1946-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar, PCGS
MS67 – A top-of-the-quality-charts Gem! The
1946-D is quite an anomaly. Its mintage is relatively low, so in circulated grades it is scarcer
than the other Walking Liberty half dollars of
the 1940s. But as the first Post World War II
issue it was saved in uncirculated condition, so
it’s relatively common in mint state. However,
for some reason, quality control was lax at the
Denver Mint in 1946 and truly Superb examples
of this issue are quite rare! In MS67, there
have only been 44 graded by PCGS in the past
27 years and none have ever been graded
higher. This is a blast white Gem with a very
unusual for this issue full strike...............$2,450
1937-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar, PCGS
MS67 – A pure white Superb Gem! The surfaces are super clean. The strike is very bold with
full thumb detail. The luster is white and satiny.
PCGS has never graded an example of this date
higher than MS67....................................$4,500
1946-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar, PCGS
MS67 – A super creamy, near flawless Gem!
The San Francisco Mint Walkers are notorious
for their weak strike. PCGS has only graded one
example of this issue higher than MS67 in the
past 27 years............................................$3,500
1886-S Morgan Dollar, PCGS MS65 –
A frosty white luster Gem example of this
scarce San Francisco issue! The surfaces are
clean and the strike is bold..................$2,850
1900 Morgan Dollar, PCGS PR66CAM –
A gorgeous Cameo Gem! PCGS has only graded
four examples PR66 Cameo, with just two
examples graded higher. Interestingly, this
issue has not appeared in auction in this grade
since 2002. The surfaces are very deeply mirrored and contrast beautifully with the pure
white Cameo devices.........................$13,000
Complete listings and images for all coins at • 1-800-759-7575
Stunning Gem
1893 Isabella Quarter, PCGS PR65
An amazing Gem example of this great commemorative rarity! Supposedly 103 Proof 1893
Isabella Quarters were struck. However, market appearances are so few and far between
that either that number is inaccurate, or the coins were never released from the Mint and
possibly melted. As far as PCGS goes, in 27 years, there have only been four Proofs certified.
Three of the four are very low grade, as there is one PR62 and two impaired proof PR58s.
This specimen is the only Gem PR65 ever graded by PCGS. This is a spectacular Gem Proof
with very deeply mirrored surfaces. The eye appeal is great, and the rarity is off-the-charts.
The Isabella Quarter is one of the most important United States commemoratives and this is
the ultimate Isabella quarter..........................................................................................$95,000
1893 Isabella Quarter, PCGS MS65 –
A creamy white Gem example of one of the
most important coins in the silver commemorative series. The Isabella is the only commemorative quarter, it’s one of the earliest issues,
and is quite rare in Gem condition. This is a
stunning Gem with very clean surfaces and an
absolutely incredible original white luster. The
eye appeal is spectacular........................$2,550
1936 Albany, PCGS MS65 – A gorgeous,
blast white Gem!.......................................$375
1921 Alabama, PCGS MS65 – An original
1937 Antietam, PCGS MS66 – A gorgeous,
lightly golden toned Gem! The surfaces are
virtually perfect and the coin has a remarkable
golden iridescent glow................................$975
1921 Alabama, PCGS MS66 – An original
1921 Alabama 2X2, PCGS MS66 – A Superb
white, white Gem! The Alabama 2x2 is one of
the rarest United States silver commemoratives. This example is superb in every way. The
surfaces are mark-free and virtually perfect. The
luster is frosty and pure white................$3,250
1936 Albany, PCGS MS66+ A white and
super frosty near perfect Gem!.................$745
1936 Albany, PCGS MS67 – Pure white and
near perfect! The surfaces are ultra clean and
the luster is pure white satin..................$1,375
1936-D Arkansas, PCGS MS67 – A Superb
Gem and one of the finest known! In 27 years,
PCGS has only 25 examples MS67 with just one
graded higher. This beauty has iridescent white
luster with just a bare trace of light golden
color to prove its originality......................$2,250
1936-S Arkansas, PCGS MS67 – A frosty
white, totally Superb Gem! In 27 years, PCGS
has only graded 13 examples MS67, with just
one graded higher. This one is a white, white
1937 Antietam, PCGS MS67 – A flashy
iridescent Gem! The surfaces are virtually perfect and the eye appeal is outstanding...$1,750
1935-S Arkansas, PCGS MS66 – An original
Complete listings and images for all coins at • 1-800-759-7575
Commemmoratives Continued
1936 Boone, PCGS MS65 – A satin white
flashy Gem..............................................$195
1936 Boone, PCGS MS66 – A pure white
1936-S Arkansas, PCGS MS67+
The finest known example! Arkansas
commemoratives are quite rare in
Superb Gem MS66 or better condition. The relatively flat design seems
to attract marks and abrasions more
readily than on some of the “deeper”
design commems. This incredible Gem
has none of the usual marks and abrasions. And the iridescent luster and
glowing golden peripheral toning make
for fabulous eye appeal. For this issue,
PCGS has only graded nine examples
MS67 in the past 27 years and this is
the sole example graded MS67+. It
is absolutely the finest we have ever
seen and is most likely the finest
1937 Arkansas, PCGS MS65 – A gorgeous
original Gem example of this issue. Fresh, original luster and golden peripheral toning......$235
1937-D Arkansas, PCGS MS65 – Satin
white to some frosty original luster!...........$225
1938 Arkansas, PCGS MS66+ A gorgeous
example of this very low mintage issue! A mere
3156 coins were originally minted. This beauty
has super clean surfaces with a tinge of attractive light golden patina.............................$1,625
1939-D Arkansas, PCGS MS66 – A satin
white Gem! With a mere 2104 originally
minted, the 1939-D Arkansas is one of the lowest mintage United States coins of the 20th
Century. This beauty has mark-free surfaces
and pure white satin-like luster................$1,650
1939-D Arkansas, PCGS MS66+ A truly
Superb Gem specimen! The Arkansas commems
are a conditionally challenged issue. Superb
Gems are quite rare. For the very low mintage
1939-D, PCGS has only grade six examples
higher than MS66+ in the past 27 years...$2,250
1935-S Boone, PCGS MS67 – A gorgeous
Gem with mark-free surfaces gorgeous white
iridescent luster!.......................................$2,450
1936-D Boone, PCGS MS67 – Pure white
perfection! In 27 Years, PCGS has just graded
23 examples MS67, with just four graded higher. Yes, that’s just one of these per year in this
quality. This beauty has pure white luster and
mark-free surfaces................................$1,550
1936-S Boone, PCGS MS65 – A satin
1936-S Boone, PCGS MS67 – A virtually
flawless Gem. The luster and very light golden
toning give this coin tons of eye appeal. A real
1937 Boone, PCGS MS65 – A blast white
1938-D Boone, PCGS MS67 – A totally
original Gem! The surfaces are mark-free and
virtually perfect. The luster is iridescent and
totally original........................................$1,625
1936 Bridgeport, PCGS MS65 – A white
Gem with very satiny luster!....................$275
1947 Booker T. Washington, PCGS MS67 –
One of the finest known! A mere five examples
of this issue have been graded MS67 by PCGS
in the past 26 years and none have ever been
graded higher. Think about it...that’s only one
every five years! This beauty has frosty white
luster and a wisp of original color to prove its
originality. For the aficionado of the best of the
1947-S Booker T. Washintgon,
PCGS MS67 – An incredible Gem with semiproof-like surfaces! Only 12 have been graded
MS67 by PCGS in the past 27 years, and none
have ever been graded higher. That’s less than
one MS every two years. This is one of the best
we’ve ever seen......................................$4,750
1948-D Booker T. Washington,
PCGS MS67 – A white frosty, virtually perfect
Gem that’s at the top of the quality chart for
this issue! In 27 years, PCGS has only graded
19 examples MS67, and none have been graded
1948-S Booker T. Washington,
PCGS MS67 – This is a true condition rarity! In the past 27 years, PCGS
has just graded 10 examples MS67
and none have ever been graded
higher. This is a frosty white Gem with
blazing original luster and mark-free
surfaces. If you want a set of Silver
Commemoratives and you want the
finest grades available then this is a
coin you have to buy!.................$4,250
1949 Booker T. Washington, PCGS MS67 –
A near perfect Gem that is in the ultimate
grade for this issue! For the 1949 BTW, in the
past 27 years, PCGS has only graded 13 examples MS67 and none have ever been graded
higher. Any way you do the math this is a condition rarity. This beauty has mark-free surfaces and frosty white luster with a bare trace of
original patina...........................................$3,900
1949-D Booker T. Washington,
PCGS MS66 – A gorgeous bright white luster
1949-D Booker T. Washington,
PCGS MS67 – A frosty white Gem that is at
the top of the quality scale for this issue! In 27
years, PCGS has only graded 15 examples MS67
and none have ever been graded higher. What a
tremendous value for the price!................$2,450
1949-S Booker T. Washington,
PCGS MS67 – Frosty white original luster
on this Gem! None ever grade higher by
1950 Booker T. Washington, PCGS
MS67 – An iridescent, near perfect
jewel and one of the finest known of
the issue! The Booker T. Washingtons
are fairly common in grades up to
MS65, but above that design problems
Complete listings and images for all coins at • 1-800-759-7575
Commemmortaives Continued
make them very rare in superb condition. For the 1950 Philadelphia, in 27
years PCGS has just graded three
examples MS67 with none graded
higher. This Condition Census beauty
has immaculate surfaces and incredibly
creamy original luster. It is the finest
example of this Silver Commemorative
we have ever handled..............$11,500
1950-D Booker T. Washington, PCGS
MS67 – A Top Ten Condition Census Gem!
In the past 27 years, PCGS has just graded
10 examples MS67, and none have ever been
graded higher. This is a white and ultra frosty
super Gem.................................................$3,900
1950-S Booker T. Washington, PCGS
MS67 – None ever graded higher than this
beauty! For the 1950-S BTW 50C, PCGS has
graded 27 examples MS67 in the past 27 years.
And last time I was in school that works out to
right about one a year. None have ever been
graded higher. A blast white, virtually perfect
1951-D Booker T. Washington, PCGS
MS67 – A gorgeous frosty white Gem! In
27 years, PCGS has only graded 16 examples
MS67, with just one graded higher..........$2,450
one specimen has been graded higher. This
is a frosty white near perfect Gem. The price
doesn’t make sense to us, but this is what they
are selling for, so enjoy!..........................$1,450
1925-S California, PCGS MS65 – A brilliant
Gem example of this beautiful commem! The
luster on this coin is outrageous, and the clean
surfaces are crying for a higher grade. Fully
struck and highly popular as it celebrates the
75th anniversary of California statehood....$825
1951-S Booker T. Washington, PCGS
MS67 – These low mintage BTWs really don’t
get the respect they deserve, i.e. we think
they are underpriced. This issue has a mintage
of only 7004 coins. PCGS has only graded 32
examples MS67 in the past 27 years and just
A Stunning Example
1936 Cincinnati, PCGS MS67
A stunning example of this conditionally challenged issue! The 1936 Cincinnati Commemoratives
are among the rarer of the Silver Commemorative issues, especially in the super grades. In 27
years, PCGS has only graded four examples MS67 (including this phenomenal Gem), and none
have ever been graded higher. The surfaces of this Superb Gem are mark-free and immaculate. The luster is satiny and oozes iridescence. The coin has just a wisp of gold and blue
peripheral toning that proves its total originality. An amazing Condition Census example and a
definite candidate for the “finest known” title!................................................................$16,500
1936 Cleveland, PCGS MS65 – A flashy
white Gem.................................................$179
1936 Columbia, PCGS MS66 – A white satin
near perfect Superb Gem..........................$365
1936 Columbia, PCGS MS65 – A flashy
white Gem.................................................$295
1936-D Columbia, PCGS MS65 – A
white satin-like Gem with virtually perfect
1936-S Columbia, PCGS MS65 – An
extremely flashy white Gem..........$295
Complete listings and images for all coins at • 1-800-759-7575
Commemmoratives Continued
Amazing Columbian
1892 Columbian, PCGS MS67+
The most amazing Columbian Half Dollar we’ve ever seen! The 1892 Columbian Half Dollar
was the first United States commemorative issue, struck in conjunction with the Columbian
Exposition to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the first Christopher Columbus voyage to
the New World. A lot of Columbian halves were struck, many were placed in circulation,
and many were saved. However, this is a conditionally challenged issue in the highest
grade. In fact, in the past 27 years, PCGS has only graded 12 examples MS67, and just
four examples MS67+, the ultimate grade for this issue. This phenomenal coin is what we
believe to be the best of the four MS67+ graded specimens. The surfaces are mark-free and
virtually perfect. And the color is absolutely amazing, an intense and gorgeous gold and
blue rainbow. This is one of the prettiest commems in existence and without question it is
the finest we have ever seen or heard of. We believe it is the finest known example of the
first United States commemorative coin.......................................................................$32,500
One Of The Finest
1893 Columbian, PCGS MS67
One of the finest we’ve ever seen! While Columbians are very common in low grades, this
is a conditionally challenged issue in the highest grades. In fact, in 27 years, PCGS has only
graded nine examples MS67 and none have ever been graded higher. This Condition Census
example has frosty white luster and virtually perfect surfaces. The eye appeal is enhanced by
light gold and blue peripheral toning. As we said, one of the finest we’ve ever seen...$12,500
Complete listings and images for all coins at • 1-800-759-7575
Commemmoratives Continued
1935 Connecticut, PCGS MS67 – A gorgeous near perfect Gem with pure white luster!
PCGS has only graded four examples higher in
the past 27 years.......................................$3,450
1938 New Rochel, PCGS MS65 – A satiny
Gem that celebrates the 250th anniversary of
the founding of New Rochelle by the French
Huguenots. Clean and original...................$485
1936 Delaware, PCGS MS65 – A white full
luster Gem!..................................................$335
1938 New Rochel, PCGS MS66 – A pure
white Gem example of this beautiful silver
1936 Elgin, PCGS MS65 – A fresh original
1936 Elgin, PCGS MS67 – A gorgeous
iridescent Gem! The surfaces are super clean
and the coin has beautiful light golden
iridescent toning........................................$1,350
1928 Hawaiian, PCGS MS65 – A totally
original Gem! The Hawaiian has long been considered one of the major keys to the silver commemorative series. It’s one of the rarest issues
both in absolute terms and by condition. This
Gem has mark-free surfaces and totally original
white luster...............................................$5,500
1935 Hudson, PCGS MS67 – Spectacular
Gem example of this key issue! The Hudson has
long been considered one of the key issues in
the silver commemorative series. This beauty
is one of only 10 examples graded MS67 by
PCGS in the past 27 years and none have ever
been graded higher. That of course makes this
a Condition Census example and as such one of
the finest known. The immaculate surfacesare
mark-free. The luster is quite frosty and there
is a bare trace of golden color about the
periphery, adding to the spectacular eye appeal.
This is one of the best Hudsons we have
ever seen.................................................$18,500
1936 Norfolk, PCGS MS66 – A pure white,
virtually perfect satin Gem!.........................$495
1936 Norfolk, PCGS MS67 – Creamy pure
white luster and virtually perfect surfaces!..$695
1926 Oregon, PCGS MS65 – A totally
original Gem.................................................$295
1928 Oregon, PCGS MS66 – A superb
creamy white Gem!......................................$495
1928 Oregon, PCGS MS67 – A satin white,
near-perfect Gem example of this beautiful silver commemorative issue!........................$1,325
1933-D Oregon, PCGS MS65– A frosty
white Gem example of this very low mintage
1933-D Oregon, PCGS MS67 – A virtually
perfect Gem! The surfaces are mark-free and
the luster is satin perfection.....................$1,350
1925 Lexington, PCGS MS66 – A truly high
end example of the commemorative for one
of the all-time important American events!
The surfaces are virtually perfect. The strike is
amazing with an unusually sharp edge to the
1936-S Oregon, PCGS MS66 – A frosty
white Gem....................................................$445
1936 Oregon, PCGS MS66 – Frosty iridescent white luster Gem!................................$425
1918 Lincoln, PCGS MS65 – A flashy, white
Gem example of this scarce early silver commemorative..................................................$475
1918 Lincoln, PCGS MS67...................$2,450
1934 Maryland, PCGS MS66 – A blast white
Gem with virtually perfect surfaces!...........$495
1923-S Monroe, PCGS MS66 – A creamy
white Gem! Monroes are super tough to find
in Gem condition and downright rare in Superb
Gem MS66. The design is somewhat flat so
mark-free Gems are definitely the exception.
This jewel has super clean surfaces and pure
white luster...............................................$4,250
1938 Oregon, PCGS MS67 – A near perfect,
satin white Gem!.....................................$1,100
1938-D Oregon, PCGS MS66 – A satin
surface Gem!..............................................$365
1938-D Oregon, PCGS MS67+ A near perfect satin Gem! A gorgeous Gem with fantastic
eye appeal...............................................$1,350
1938-S Oregon, PCGS MS66 – A bright
GEM. The Oregon Trail series is probably the
most popular of all the commemoratives. One
look at this coin and you’ll know why. A gorgeous design and a low mintage for this issue
of just 6,006 coins......................................$365
1938-S Oregon, PCGS MS67 – A blazing
white, virtually perfect Gem!.....................$795
1938-S Oregon, PCGS MS67+ A spectacular, near perfect Gem! Just four graded
MS67+, and just ten graded higher. The satin
luster is a great compliment to the mark-free
1934-D Oregon, PCGS MS66 – A frosty
white Gem...................................................$475
1934-D Oregon, PCGS MS67..............$2,100
1934 Maryland, PCGS MS65 – A flashy
white Gem!..................................................$275
1938 Oregon, PCGS MS66 – Gorgeous, virtually perfect surfaces and satin luster!.......$365
1934-D Oregon, PCGS MS65 – Creamy origi
nal white luster and mark-free surfaces!....$325
1925 Lexington, PCGS MS65 – A blazing
white Gem!..................................................$565
1936 Lynchburg, PCGS MS65 – A bright
Gem! This coin celebrates the 150th anniversary of Lynchburg, Virginia, and was one of the
first coins to depict a living person. Nicely
1937-D Oregon, PCGS MS67 – A super
flashy white Gem! And the surfaces are nearly
1936-S Oregon, PCGS MS68 – A
spectacular ultra Gem and one of the
three finest known of the issue! For
the 1936-S Oregon, PCGS has only
graded three examples MS68 in the
past 27 years, with none graded higher. This specimen has super clean,
virtually flawless surfaces. The strike
is perfect in every detail. The luster
is frosty with light golden iridescent
peripheral toning. The eye appeal is
to die for!.................................$12,500
1938-S Oregon, PCGS MS68 – One
of only nine examples of this issue
graded MS68 and none have ever been
graded higher! This beauty has flawless surfaces and radiant luster. What
a coin!.........................................$6,500
1939 Oregon, PCGS MS66 – A virtually perfect satin luster Gem example of this very low
mintage issue..............................................$745
1939-D Oregon, PCGS MS66.................$745
1939-D Oregon, PCGS MS68 – An
absolutely fantastic example of one of
the most beautiful silver commemoratives! MS68 is near perfection with
great eye appeal and that’s exactly
what this beauty is. Mark-free surfaces,
and incredible frosty white luster make
for spectacular eye appeal...........$6,500
Complete listings and images for all coins at • 1-800-759-7575
Commemmoratives Continued
1939-S Oregon, PCGS MS66 – The 1939
Oregon’s are not only the last of the Oregon
commemorative series, but are also the lowest
mintage and the rarest. This beautiful MS66
example is mark free and has gorgeous original
satin luster..................................................$745
1920 Pilgrim, PCGS MS65 – A frosty white
Gem example of this early silver commemorative issue. This is an issue that is condition sensitive and rare in Gem condition................$285
1921 Pilgrim, PCGS MS66 – A blast
white Gem!.................................$1,250
1921 Pilgrim, PCGS MS67+
The finest known! The 1921 Pilgrim is an early, conditionally challenged silver commemorative.
In 27 years, PCGS has only graded 22 examples MS67, and this is the only MS67+. The surfaces are virtually perfect. The strike is razor sharp. The luster is thick and frosty and quite
iridescent. The color is iridescent white with a trace of golden peripheral toning. The eye
appeal is phenomenal..........................................................................................................$9,450
1936 Rhode Island, PCGS MS67 – A
spectacular iridescent of the finest
we’ve ever seen! PCGS has never graded a
1936 Rhode Island higher than MS67 and we’ve
never seen one that looked like this. The surfaces are virtually perfect and the luster is highly
iridescent with a beautiful golden crescent on
the peripheries..........................................$2,150
1937 Roanoke, PCGS MS65 – A beautiful
white Gem with very creamy luster!...........$255
1937 Roanoke, PCGS MS67 – An iridescent
white near perfect Gem!.............................$975
1936-D San Diego, PCGS MS67 – A super
frosty white Gem! And PCGS has only graded
three higher in the past 27 years.............$1,350
1935 Texas, PCGS MS65 – A white, satinsurface Gem................................................$235
1935Texas, PCGS MS67 – A gorgeous virtually perfect Gem. The luster is super frosty with
a bare hint of original color........................$645
1935-D Texas, PCGS MS66 – A frosty white
1935-D Texas, PCGS MS67 – A gorgeous
near perfect Gem with super creamy original
1935-S Texas, PCGS MS65 – A satin white
original Gem with super light golden toning on
the reverse periphery...................................$235
1936 Texas, PCGS MS65 – A pure white
1936 Texas, PCGS MS66 – A pure white
1936-Dtexas, PCGS MS66......................$345
1936-D Texas, PCGS MS66+ A super frosty
white Gem!..................................................$395
1936-D Texas, PCGS MS67+ A gorgeous,
near perfect and pure white Gem
1936-S Texas, PCGS MS65 – A frosty white
1938-S Texas, 1938-S PCGS MS67...$1,650
1925 Vancouver, PCGS MS65 – A blast
white Gem example of this key commemorative
1925 Vancouver, PCGS MS66 – A pure
white Superb Gem example of one of the
key issues to the silver commemorative
1927 Vermont, PCGS MS65 – A full luster,
white Gem example of this tougher early commemorative issue. The pre-1933 silver commemoratives were not saved in the same quantities as the later issues and lower grades are
the rule. This Gem has a fully rounded face and
outstanding eye appeal...............................$645
1951-D Washington-Carver, PCGS MS66+
One of the finest known! All WashingtonCarvers are conditionally challenged...they just
don’t come very nice. The design is quite flat,
so these coins pick up marks and abrasions
very easily. This Superb Gem has super clean
surfaces with none of the usual scratches and
abrasions. It is one of only three examples of
this issue graded MS66+ by PCGS, and none
have ever been graded higher.................$2,750
Complete listings and images for all coins at • 1-800-759-7575
Commemmoratives Continued
1952-S Washington-Carver, PCGS MS66 –
A frosty white Gem! Only five examples graded
higher and they sell for $7,000 to $9,000....$725
1954-D Washington-Carver, PCGS MS66 –
A frosty white jewel and one of only 32 graded
MS66 by PCGS with none graded higher. Great
value at today’s price!..............................$1,550
1936 Wisconsin, PCGS MS65+ A white
Gem! Frosty and nice (and still cheap!), this
commem celebrates the 100th anniversary of
the Wisconsin Territorial government........$320
1936 Wisconsin, PCGS MS66 – A white
luster Gem!................................................$395
1936 York, PCGS MS65 – A pure white
blazing Gem................................................$285
We’ve recently re-entered this market in
a big way. We’ve always loved the coins,
and now we really love the prices!
1903 Jefferson $1, PCGS MS65........$1,750
1903 Jefferson $1, PCGS MS66 – An
absolute GEM! The luster and surfaces are
outstanding on this gold commemorative that
honors our third President. The 1989 high was
$18,300 in this grade!.............................$2,450
1904 Lewis and Clark $1, PCGS MS65 –
A gorgeous original Gem! The 1904 and 1905
gold dollars are the rarest of gold commemorative dollars and $2.5. This beauty has super
clean surfaces and bright iridescent gold
1904 Lewis and Clark $1, PCGS MS66 –
A spectacular Gem! The surfaces are virtually
perfect. The strike is 100% full with razor sharp
detail of every hair strand. The luster is rich and
gleaming. A fantastic example of this gold commemorative rarity!...................................$9,750
1903 McKinley $1, PCGS MS65 – A true
Gem with beautiful original gold color!..$1,750
1904 Lewis and Clark $1, PCGS MS67
A near flawless, off-the-charts Gem specimen of one of the rarest of all gold commemoratives! The 1904 and 1905 Lewis and Clarks are the rarest of the gold commemorative dollars. The 1905 is slightly rarer than the 1904, but both issues are very difficult to locate in
Superb Gem condition. This beauty is one of the finest we have ever seen. The surfaces are
mark-free and virtually perfect. The strike shows razor sharp detail of all the devices. The
luster and color are extremely iridescent, and the eye appeal is spectacular................$24,500
1915-S Panama-Pacific $1, PCGS MS65 –
A beautiful Gem with full original gold
1917 McKinley $1, PCGS MS65.........$1,995
1916 McKinley $1, PCGS MS65 – A rich
gold original Gem!...................................$1,595
1917 McKinley $1, PCGS MS67.........$6,750
1916 McKinley $1, PCGS MS66 – Virtually
perfect surfaces and bright original gold
1916 McKinley $1, PCGS MS67 – A gorgeous, truly Superb Gem! The McKinleys are
super bargains at today’s prices and a prime
example of why we have been such aggressive
buyers of gold commemoratives. This Gem has
mark-free surfaces and beautiful bright gold
original luster..........................................$4,750
1917 McKinley $1, PCGS MS66.........$3,450
1922 Grant No Star $1, PCGS MS65....$2,750
1922 Grant With Star $1, PCGS
1926 Sesquicentennial $2.5, PCGS MS65 –
Totally original Gem with vibrant iridescent gold
luster! The $2.5 Sesqui is the highest mintage
of the classic gold commemoratives, but it is
conditionally challenged and quite scarce in
Gem condition. Underrated at today’s price
Complete listings and images for all coins at • 1-800-759-7575
A Special Service for DHRCC Clients
We’ve been involved in the gold and silver bullion markets, both personally and professionally, since the 1960’s. Those were the days! Since
that time we’ve always facilitated bullion transactions for our clients. We’ve always done this on a virtually non-profit basis as a service to our
clients. We’ve done this because we are very passionate in our belief that everyone should own gold. We are so totally convinced that the U.S.
dollar will continue to deteriorate in value that we want to make sure our clients have a place to go for bullion coins that has a great price and
is very dependable. We can sell you bullion coins cheaper than probably anybody else. And it’s just me and Van, so there is no salesman commission to pay.
The Terms
We can sell you gold and silver bullion coins for the lowest possible price. But if you want the best price, there are a few things that we need in return.
First, the minimum order is 5 ounces of gold or 100 ounces of silver. Second, we want it simple and risk-free for us. So you have to send us the money
(bank wire, or checks from long time clients) up front. You send us the money, then you call us to confirm the prices and transaction. Finally, we want to
make a little money for our effort. After all, we are not communists, and besides, if we’ve going to work for you and get you the best price and give you
a dependable source, we certainly should make a few dollars per coin. In return you get a super low price and a dependable source. It’s Van Simmons
and David Hall, so if you send us money we will actually send you coins in return, we won’t fudge on the price, and we won’t sic an “account executive” on you to try to switch you to higher margin foreign gold coins.
The Coins
There are a lot of gold and silver bullion
products and if you have a desire, just call
us and we’ll try to accommodate you. But
frankly, the four items listed below are the
best in the bullion coin market. It’s how we
own gold and silver bullion personally, and
the other stuff is really just fluff.
Silver Dollars. U.S. silver dollars minted
between 1878 and 1935 are the most popular
silver coin of all time. Circulated examples
sell for a very small premium over melt value.
Minimum order: 100 coins.
U.S. One Ounce Gold Eagles. The bullion
coin of choice in this country, and one that
has world-wide recognition. One ounce of
90% pure gold. It’s easy to handle, portable,
and the buy/sell spreads are extremely tight.
Minimum order 5 coins.
U.S. $20 Liberties. For those of you who
want a non-modern “bullion” coin, the
1850-1907 $20 Liberty is the best coin. They
are .9675 ounces of gold and the grades
that trade as “bullion-related” are VF to XF.
The premium is a little more than for gold
eagles, but this is the lowest premium
vintage U.S. gold coin. No minimum order.
U.S. One Ounce Silver Eagles. The silver
bullion coin of choice in this country. They do
come from the Mint in 500 coin boxes, known
in the trade as “monster boxes” The monster
boxes look really cool in case you’re into that
sort of thing. Minimum order: 100 coins.
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address to and note VT in the subject.
800-759-7575 • In CA 949-567-1325 • Fax: 949-477-5874
P.O. Box 6220 • Newport Beach, CA 92658 /