URBAN DESIGN ANALYSIS 2 MODE DOCUMENT NAME 3 CONTENTS Introduction5 Location 7 Context9 Overshadowing15 Building Envelope 17 Appendix; Adjacent Site: Wollongong St Adjacent Site: Bonar St DOCUMENT NAME MODE 4 IC F CI Y HW MODE PA C IFI C HW Y PA DOCUMENT NAME 5 INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared to support a planning proposal for the development of the subject property known as 10 Martin Avenue and 47-49 Bonar Street, Arncliffe. The report addresses this task through an analysis of the existing conditions within the study area; consideration of the state and local policy context within which all existing and future development will take place; The purpose of this document and explanation of proposed is to present development principles that will present the opportunities within the development within dynamic context of the Rockdale context of the Bonar Street Development Control Plan. Precinct. It is the intention of the Village Building Company, who propose to develop the site to endorse and support the intent of the Rockdale City Council in their endeavours to “enhance the City’s primary centre”. In support of the above project, the following urban design context report seeks to identify the key context design influences on the subject site its environs and particularly the area known as the Bonar Street Precinct as identified in the Rockdale Development Control Plan 2011. DOCUMENT NAME Through consideration of the proposed development opportunities against a series of context and design principles, the report aims to develop an understanding of the critical contextual design issues faced by the development site, and to formulate a series of key initiative as a vision that will support a desireable outcome and provide a positive impact in the public realm, and become a potential benchmark for on-going development within the area. MODE 6 DEVELOPABLE PORTION OF SITE PUBLIC OPEN SPACE CENTRAL SQUARE EXISTING MATURE TREE MODE DOCUMENT NAME 7 LOCATION Location plans and boundaries The subject site contains two deliverable elements, a developable portion and a portion that must be provided as public open space as a park & a ‘Central square’. 10 MARTIN AVE (LOT C. DP158978) 49 BONAR ST (LOT 2. DP233666) COUNCIL RESERVE (LOT 2309, DP1159612) 47 BONAR ST (LOT 1. DP233666) COUNCIL RESERVE (LOT 2309, DP1159612) DOCUMENT NAME MODE 8 4 PARK CENTRAL SQUARE MODE 2 3 BUILDING TO ADDRESS THE VIEW TERMINATION ON THE INTERSECTION & CORNER DEEP SOIL PLANTING TO ALLOW LARGE SCALE PLANTING GROUND LEVEL ENGAGEMENT WITH THE CENTRAL SQUARE & PARK 1 DOCUMENT NAME 9 CONTEXT 1 DOCUMENT NAME 2 3 4 MODE 10 SUBJECT SITE PEDESTRIAN & CYCLE NETWORK VEHICULAR NETWORK MODE DOCUMENT NAME 11 CONTEXT Networks VEHICULAR / PEDESTRIAN / CYCLE The additional roads provide a modified grid network ensuring that there are adequate opportunity for options in vehicular circulation, minimising the creation of rat runs and bottleneck streets. The pedestrian and cycle networks provide links to Arncliff station as well as offering new opportunities for commercial uses and new open spaces. DOCUMENT NAME MODE 12 PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN The following Design Quality Principles are taken directly from State Environmental Planning Policy No. 65 - Design Quality of Residential Flat Buildings. CONTEXT BUILT FORM EFFICIENCY “Good design responds and contributes to its context.” Context can be defined as the key natural and built features of an area. Responding to context involves identifying the desirable elements of a location’s current character or, in the case of precincts undergoing a transition, the desired future character as stated in planning and design policies. New buildings will thereby contribute to the quality and identity of the area. “Good design achieves an appropriate built form for a site and the building’s purpose, in terms of building alignments, proportions, building type and the manipulation of building elements.” Appropriate built form defines the public domain, contributes to the character of streetscapes and parks, including their views and vistas, and provides internal amenity and outlook. “Good design makes efficient use of natural resources, energy and water throughout its full life cycle, includingconstruction.” Sustainability is integral to the design process. Aspects include demolition of existing structures, recycling of materials, selection of appropriate and sustainable materials, adaptability and reuse of buildings, layouts and built form, passive solar design principles, efficient appliances and reuse of water mechanical services, soil zones for vegetation and reuse of water. SCALE DENSITY LANDSCAPE “Good design provides an appropriate scale in terms of the bulk and height that suits the scale of the street and the surrounding buildings.” Establishing an appropriate scale requires a considered response to the scale of existing development. In precincts undergoing a transition, proposed bulk and height needs to achieve the scale identified for the desired future character of the area. “Good design has a density appropriate for a site and its context, in terms of floor space yields (or number of units or residents).” Appropriate densities are sustainable and consistent with the existing density in an area or, in precincts undergoing a transition, are consistent with the stated desired future density. Sustainable densities respond to the regional context, availability of infrastructure, public transport, community facilities and environmental quality. “Good design recognises that together landscape and buildings operate as an integrated and sustainable system, resulting in greater aesthetic quality and amenity for both occupants and the adjoining public domain.” Landscape design builds on the existing site’s natural and cultural features in responsible and creative ways. It enhances the development’s natural environmental performance by coordinating water and soil management, solar access, micro- climate, tree canopy and habitat values. It contributes to the positive image and contextual fit of development through respect for streetscape and neighbourhood character, or desired future character. Landscape design should optimise useability, privacy and social opportunity, equitable access and respect for neighbours’ amenity, and provide for practical establishment and long term management. MODE DOCUMENT NAME 13 AMENITY AESTHETICS “Good design provides amenity through the physical, spatial and environmental quality of a development.” Optimising amenity requires appropriate room dimensions and shapes, access to sunlight, natural ventilation, visual and acoustic privacy, storage, indoor and outdoor space, efficient layouts and service areas, outlook and ease of access for all age groups and degrees of mobility. Quality aesthetics require the appropriate composition of building elements, textures, materials and colours and reflect the use, internal design and structure of the development. Aesthetics should respond to the environment and context, particularly to desirable elements of the existing streetscape or, in precincts undergoing transition, contribute to the desired future character of the area. SAFETY SOCIAL “Good design optimises safety and security, both internal to the development and for the public domain.” This is achieved by maximising overlooking of public and communal spaces while maintaining internal privacy, avoiding dark and non-visible areas, maximising activity on streets, providing clear, safe access points, providing quality public spaces that cater for desired recreational uses, providing lighting appropriate to the location and desired activities, and clear definition between public and private spaces. “Good design responds to the social context and needs of the local community in terms of lifestyles, affordability, and access to social facilities.” New developments should optimise the provision of housing to suit the social mix and needs in the neighbourhood or, in the case of precincts undergoing transition, provide for the desired future community. New developments should address housing affordability by optimising the provision of economic housing choices and providing a mix of housing types to cater for different budgets and housing needs. DOCUMENT NAME MODE 14 CONTEXT Precinct Plan TERRACE STYLE HOUSING TERRACE STYLE HOUSING COMMUNITY PARK CENTRAL SQUARE PREFERRED LOCATION FOR COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL USES ORANGE INDICATES RESIDENTIAL FLAT BUILDING TERRACE STYLE HOUSING MODE DOCUMENT NAME 15 CONTEXT Local Envrionment Plan 2 The subject site is within the Bonar Street Precinct as identified in the Rockdale Development Control Plan 2011. 0.5 The precinct proposes a number of dynamic changes to the exisiting (industrial) fabric of this area with a primary emphasis on staged transformational change into a medium to high density residential precinct. The precinct plan identifies ares to be redeveloped as open space, public roads and areas of active frontage. This diagram proposes built form opportunities that may be possible subject to site amalgamation, and particularly emphasise where ther is a preference for the built form to address key frontages and corners. 1.8 2 1.8 3.1 1 2 0.5 0.6 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.6 The existing LEP Floor space ratio DOCUMENT NAME MODE 16 63-69 BONAR STREET SUBJECT SITE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS VEHICULAR ACCESS PARK PEDESTRIAN ACCESS CENTRAL SQUARE 45 BONAR STREET 7 WOLLONGONG STREET 11 WOLLONGONG STREET MODE DOCUMENT NAME 17 OVERSHADOWING 9am, 22 JUNE 12pm, 22 JUNE 3pm, 22 JUNE 9am, 22 JUNE 12pm, 22 JUNE 3pm, 22 JUNE 6 BIDJIGAL BALCONY SHADOWING DOCUMENT NAME MODE 18 BUILDING ENVELOPE; SETBACKS AND RELATIVE LEVELS MODE BUILDING ENVELOPE; EXISTING AND PROPOSED OUTLINES DOCUMENT NAME 19 BUILDING ENVELOPE BUILDING ENVELOPE; EXISTING AND PROPOSED OUTLINES DOCUMENT NAME MODE 20 MODE DOCUMENT NAME 21 APPENDIX DOCUMENT NAME MODE 22 APPENDIX 1 / PARK TO BE DELIVERED BY VILLAGE BUILDING COMPANY north BONAR STREET STAGE TWO COMMUNITY PARKLAND north 20 20 150mm 150mm 0.3m 0.3m 1 1.5 1 1 0.3 1 160 35 160 160 160 160 150mm 25L 150mm 150mm 150mm 150mm 0.3m 10m 0.3m 0.3m 0.3m 0.3m SIZE STAKING QUANTITY N/A as as as as MASS PLANTING SCHEDULE B (REFER TO DETAIL, SCHEDULE & SPECIFICATION) as as as FLUSH CONCRETE EDGE (REFER TO DETAIL AND SPECIFICATION) as as as as Uu Uu as as as BEGA 7960 Li Uc MASS PLANTING SCHEDULE A (REFER TO DETAIL, SCHEDULE & SPECIFICATION) as as as 0 as X MA as 8.10+ POLE 1 Li as SE AT ) (SSE 1:2 POLE 2 SHADE STRUCTURE (REFER TO SPECIFICATION) as OR KW ) J3503(Z11-3500) AS4685 SE SE AT (S J479 AS4685 Uu PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT AND FURNITURE (REFER TO SPECIFICATION) as PLAYGROUND SOFTFALL (REFER TO SPECIFICATION) as RY DA UN Uc POLE 9 as as -E XT E NT OF E AG 'ST ' NE O RL 8.30 Uc as +8.45 as INSTALL AND BACKFILL WITH IMPORTED SOIL CONDITIONER. CULTIVATE SUBGRADE TO DEPTH OF 200mm. POLE 4 RL 7.50 TA BL E SETT (TSD/A ING ) GARDEN BED PLANTING TA BL E SETT (TSD/A ING ) MIN.100MM COMPACTED ROADBASE TO ENG. SPECIFICATION. PLAYGROUND FENCING AND GATES (REFER TO SPECIFICATION) Li TACTILES (REFER TO SPECIFICATION) POLE 5 J2871 AS4685 POLE 6 +8.10 Uc TA BL E SETT (TSD/A ING ) RL 8.50 BEGA 7960 RUBBISH BIN 'Emerdyn' WBE em224 (REFER TO SPECIFICATION) (WBE) BEGA 7960 (WBE) BEGA 7960 (WBE) POLE TOP LUMINAIRE. BEGA 7960. (REFER TO SPECIFICATION) HESSIAN TIE - TIED IN 'FIGURE-8' AND STAPLED TO STAKES BACKFILL SOIL FOR DEPTH LESS THAN 300MM FROM TOP OF ROOT BALL . 30% IMPORTED TOPSOIL (AS 4419) 60% COARSE SAND 10% ORGANIC MATTER LIGHT COMPACTION. DO NOT SPREAD OVER ROOTBALL STABLISED DECO. GRANITE PAVING (REFER TO DETAIL AND SPECIFICATION) HARDWOOD STAKES (50X50X1800mm) MULCH (AS4454) (DEPTH 75mm). FORM SHALLOW DISH TO BASE OF PLANT / TREE. BACKFILL SOIL FOR DEPTH GREATER THAN 300MM FROM TOP OF ROOT BALL . 40% IMPORTED TOPSOIL (AS 4419) 60% COARSE SAND LIGHT COMPACTION. TOP OF ROOT BALL TO BE FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE OF GARDEN SOIL. +9.00 AT (SS E) BS AT (W G E) SE Uc SE AT (SS EXCAVATE EXISTING SOIL TO A DEPTH EQUIVALENT TO DEPTH OF ROOT BALL AND MIN. 3 X WIDTH OF ROOT BALL. RIP SUBGRADE TO MIN. DEPTH OF 100mm. TIN ET ) E S /A B L SD TA (T FLUSH CONCRETE EDGE (REFER TO DETAILS AND SPECIFICATION) TREE AS SPECIFIED. REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR LOCATIONS. E) SE BEGA 8085 SEATING. TOWN & PARK FURNITURE SSE/SS/A/AR3/LOG02 x 2.0m. (REFER TO SPECIFICATION) Wolli Creek and Bonar Street Precinct PDP May 2011 NTS TREE PLANTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION AT (W BS E) 4 SE MP RA 1:1 PAVING DETAIL - STONE 'Type P1' Stylestone 40 'Dromana Grey' honed Þnish 400mm x 400mm Header/ Banding (REFER TO DETAIL AND SPECIFICATION) Number of treads varies +8.80 BEGA 7960 Brick slot drain PROVIDE JOINTS TO CTS. 8mm sealant joint with backing rod at base of stairs 5mm RADIUS KERB ATedge 3M 5mm chamfered on each stair module Precast concrete stair modules to detail GARDEN AREA (SS 300 SOFTFALL 5mm chamfered edge 350 8mm sealant joint with backing rod at base of stairs 30mm mortar bed 150 300mm S T EA Cast insitu concrete base stair to FINISH EXPOSED support precast stair TO modules to engineers detail 175mm Tactile indicator to AS1428.4 E) BEGA 7960 EXPOSED AGGREGATE SURFACE Paving to detail G TIN ET ) E S /A B L SD TA (T +8.50 IN-SITU CONCRETE STEPS (REFER TO DETAIL AND SPECIFICATION) Li Carborundum strip (see insert) Paving to detail 190 BEGA 8085 COMPACTED BASECOURSE MATERIAL TO 75mm. Tactile indicator 130 .00 35 E) ) SE AT SE AT (W FLUSH CONCRETE EDGE AT Reinforced insitu concrete steps over compacted subgrade Typical Section Paving Footpath E) (SS BEGA 8085 AR Stone paving as specified Compacted subgrade to engineers detail Compacted subrade to engineers detail 3mm nominal joints with filling sand as specified +8.65 SL72 mesh, centrally located to engineers detail ST SE AT FALL 2 % MAX (W PAVING DETAIL - STONE PUBLIC DOMAIN T KEY FIGURE 4.14 PUBLIC DOMAIN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION RECYCLED AGGREGATE CONCRETE PAVING - 'Type P5' NTS .31 + 29.00 1:20 SECTION $! #" PUBLIC DOMAIN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NTS PAVING - 'Type P1' Reproduced from 'Wolli Creek and Bonar Street Precinct - Public Domain Technical Manual - 2011' BEGA 8085 23 Como 2226 www.isthmus.com.au Ph/ Fax:+612 9528 4903 Email:landscape@isthmus.com.au 21 Central Avenue Tactile indicator to AS 1428.4 300 E) E RE ACN 107362149 tooled, non-slip nosing to each tread BS TEL Reproduced from 'Wolli Creek and Bonar Street Precinct - Public Domain Technical Manual - 2011' isthmus pty ltd Subgrade to engineers detail Paving as specified (tactile indicator to AS 1428.4) 100mm compacted FCR to engineers detail 50mm granular bedding to engineers detail SL62 mesh centrally located to engineers detail 8mm sealant joint with backing rod at top and bottom of stairs 150 100mm concrete to engineers details Finish - colour oxide as specified - shotblast as specified Mortar 30mm 150mm concrete base to engineers details 30 150 100 TACTILES (REFER TO SPECIFICATION) 10.28 MODE Wolli Creek and Bonar Street Precinct PDP May 2011 SE N BO Drawing is to be read in conjunction with speciÞcation. Setout of play equipment, fencing and shade structure by VIVA Recreation. Drawing and speciÞcation are not for construction. Design is based on indicative levels and survey information. Final design is subject to detailed topographic site survey. Plant selection is subject to Sydney Airport Corporation Limited approval. NTS E) (SS Wolli Creek and Bonar Street Precinct PDP 2009 BEGA 7960 RL 10.20 NOTES to AS1428.4 300 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION AT 1:1 BS E (SS SE 4 MP RA - NTS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1:2 BEGA 7960 FLUSH CONCRETE EDGE (REFER TO DETAIL AND SPECIFICATION) DECOMPOSED GRANITE PAVING PAVING DETAIL - STONE 'Type P1' Stylestone 40 'Dromana Grey' honed Þnish 300mm x 300mm Diamond pattern (REFER TO DETAIL AND SPECIFICATION) 0 X MA COMPACTED SUBGRADE IN-SITU CONCRETE STEPS (REFER TO DETAIL AND SPECIFICATION) +9.10 ) TA BL E SETT (TSD/A ING ) COMPACTED DECOMPOSED GRANITE PAVING. MIN 40MM. COLOUR GOLD FALL MIN. 1:100 8.35+ (CCQ PAVING DETAIL - STONE 'Type P1' Stylestone 40 'Colour to be determined' honed Þnish 300mm x 300mm Diamond pattern (REFER TO DETAIL AND SPECIFICATION) NTS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION POLE 7 RECYCLED AGGREGATE CONCRETE PAVING - 'Type P5' (REFER TO DETAILS) MULCH (AS4454) (DEPTH 75mm). FORM SHALLOW DISH TO BASE OF PLANT / TREE. RIP SUBGRADE TO MIN. DEPTH OF 100mm. BEGA 7960 Uu Uu TOP OF ROOT BALL TO BE FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE OF GARDEN SOIL. PLANTS AS SPECIFIED. REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR LOCATIONS. POLE 8 as NTS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION BEGA 7960 J45335 AS4685 J2401 AS4685 MULCH (DEPTH 75mm). FORM SHALLOW DISH TO BASE OF EACH PLANT. NATIVE MASS PLANTING Uu J2825 AS4685 as SPREAD IMPORTED SOIL CONDITIONER TO DEPTH OF 100MM (AS4454). CULTIVATE ORGANIC GARDEN MIX (4419) TO EXISTING SOIL TO A DEPTH OF 300mm. J2825 AS4685 J2871 AS4685 as 150mm PLANTS AS SPECIFIED. REFER TO PLANT SCHEDULE AND SPEC. FOR PLANTING DENSITIES. BO as as KS R PA CO J2591 AS4685 POLE 10 J5000M AS4685 E SIT BEGA 7960 POLE 3 as as Y NIT U MM J2871 AS4685 as as as RL 5.70 BEGA 7960 9 as as RECYCLED AGGREGATE CONCRETE PAVING - 'Type P5' (REFER TO DETAILS) 150mm as as as 780 Uu as as as ELECTRIC BBQ. CHRISTIE PARKSAFE CCQ twin cooktop, triple module. (REFER TO SPECIFICATION) YES as as as 25L as as .50 48 62 as as as 0.6m YES YES YES as as as 1.5m 200L 200L 200L as TREE PLANTING (REFER TO DETAIL, SCHEDULE & SPECIFICATION) PUBLIC DOMAIN TABLE & BENCH SETTING. TOWN & PARK FURNITURE TSD/SS/WA x 2.0m. (REFER TO SPECIFICATION) 0.6m 7 4 5 as as MASS PLANTING GRASSES (REFER TO DETAIL, SCHEDULE & SPECIFICATION) Tussock Grass 1.5 - 3m 3.5 - 6m 2.0 - 3.5m 6 - 10m as as SHELTER. FLEETWOOD URBAN 'TARGA' (REFER TO SPECIFICATION) Lillypilly 10 - 15m 3 - 5m 10 - 15m as NOTES: 1. SPACING TO BE TOTAL OF 3 PLANTS PER 1M2 FOR GOUNDCOVERS AND GRASSES. 1 PLANT PER 3M2 FOR SHRUBS. 2. DISTRIBUTE SPECIES EVENLY THROUGHOUT PLANTING AREA TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 3. TOTAL AREA = 350m2. SHRUB PLANTING (REFER TO DETAIL, SCHEDULE & SPECIFICATION) Tuckeroo Crepe Mrytle Chinese Elm M A T U R E H E I G H T (M) N/A N/A Trees Uu Cupaniopsis anacardioides Li Lagerstroemia indica 'Yuma' Uc Ulmus chinensis Shrubs as Acmena smithii ‘Cherry Surprise’ Grasses and Accents Poa poliformis'Courtney' COMMON N AME STAKING 1m 1m 1m 1m 5.4 Plume Grass Gymea Lily Hedgehog Grass Blady Grass Weeping Grass Tussock Grass 150mm 150mm 150mm 150mm BOTANICAL NAME False Sarsaparilla Golden Guinea Flower 28 28 28 28 SIZE 1 0.9 0.9 0.75 QUANTITY Myrtle Wattle Hairpin Banksia Weeping Bottlebrush Thyme Honey-myrtle M A T U R E S P R E A D (M) PLANT SCHEDULE M A T U R E H E I G H T (M) 0.3m 10m 0.3m 0.3m 0.3m 0.3m COMMON N AME 150mm 25L 150mm 150mm 150mm 150mm 0.3m 0.3m BOTANICAL NAME STAKING QUANTITY 150mm 150mm Shrubs Acacia myrtifolia Banksia spinulosa Callistemon viminalis 'Little John' Melaleuca thymifolia Groundcovers and Scramblers Hardenbergia violacea Hibbertia scandens Grasses and Accents Dichelachne micrantha Doryanthes excelsa Echinopogon caespitosus Imperata cylindrica var. major Microlaena stipoides Poa afÞnis .50 17 M A T U R E H E I G H T (M) SIZE MASS PLANTING SCHEDULE B Groundcovers and Scramblers Hardenbergia violacea False Sarsaparilla N/A 80 Hibbertia scandens Golden Guinea Flower N/A 80 Grasses and Accents Dichelachne micrantha Plume Grass 1 80 Doryanthes excelsa Gymea Lily 1.5 35 Echinopogon caespitosus Hedgehog Grass 1 80 Imperata cylindrica var. major Blady Grass 1 80 Microlaena stipoides Weeping Grass 0.3 80 Poa afÞnis Tussock Grass 1 80 NOTES: 1. SPACING TO BE TOTAL OF 3 PLANTS PER 1M2 FOR GOUNDCOVERS AND GRASSES. 2. DISTRIBUTE SPECIES EVENLY THROUGHOUT PLANTING AREA TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 3. TOTAL AREA = 170m2. COMMON N AME BOTANICAL NAME MASS PLANTING SCHEDULE A SECTION UNIT PAVING 'TYPE P1' (REFER TO DETAIL AND SPECIFICATION) EXTENT OF SAND SOFTFALL (REFER TO SPECIFICATION) 'ECOLOC' PAVING (REFER TO DETAIL SPECIFICATION) MASS PLANTING (350m2) Asphalt subsurface course (AC 10) 30mm (REFER TO SCHEDULE B) PROPOSED LEVELS (INDICATIVE) STABLISED DECO. GRANITE PAVING (REFER TO DETAIL AND SPECIFICATION) EXTENT OF WETPOUR SOFTFALL (REFER TO SPECIFICATION) MASS PLANTING (170m2) (REFER TO SCHEDULE A) MASS PLANTING GRASSES (235m2) (Poa poiformis 'Courtney') @ 0.3m spacing NTS SECTION Reproduced from 'Wolli Creek and Bonar Street Precinct - Public Domain Technical Manual - 2011' LANDSCAPE PLAN Asphalt surface course (AC 5) 15mm EXISTING LEVELS (INDICATIVE) 116 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION INSITU CONCRETE STEPS DWG: IS0085PC1 ISSUE: A BONAR STREET STAGE TWO COMMUNITY PARKLAND +8.45 DATE: SCALE: SEPTEMBER 2012 1:100 @ B1 0 1 5 10m DOCUMENT NAME 23 APPENDIX 2 / SITE SURVEY AND EXISTING SERVICES DOCUMENT NAME MODE 24 APPENDIX 3 / ADJACENT SITE 45 BONAR STREET MODE DOCUMENT NAME 25 APPENDIX 4 / ADJACENT SITE - 7 WOLLONGONG STREET DOCUMENT NAME MODE 26 APPENDIX 5 / ADJACENT SITE - 7-11 WOLLONGONG STREET MODE DOCUMENT NAME 27 2 APPENDIX 6 / ADJACENT SITE - 63-69 BONAR STREET, 27 BOOTH STREET 5000 Roof to Stair 1 3.9m Bath2 R SKitchen 3.7m 2500 x 2600 R 3000 x 5300 Balcony Bed 3.4m2 3000 x 3600 R Adjacent Boundary Bed Bed R 3.9m Balcony Bed R Bed Bed R Terraces along Bonar Street R Bed Balcony Bed Bed R C Bath 5.8m2 void 3000 x 4300 Bed 4000 x 3600 5.1m2 S 2m3 4140 x 3500 4.5m2 F Ldy R Kitchen 3500 x 2200 F Bath 4.5m2 S Bath 4m3 Balcony 6.9 sq m Ldy F S 7m3 Ldy Lift Living/ Dining/ Kitchen Balcony 9.1 sq m Bed Bed 4.8m2 Stair 3 S 2m3 Bath 4.5m2 R Ens R 3000 x 3600 Bed 3000 x 4300 B DA301 Kitchen Living/ Dining 5000 6300 x 4000 Street Setback R S S 2.2m 3 Bath 4.8m2 Bed 4600 x 3600 Ldy R Ens R 7.6m2 3000 x 6050 6300 x 5200 Balcony A DA300 3.7m3 Bath Ens Bath 3.7m3 Study Study R S 5000 18m2 Kitchen 3090 x 2200 R Ens R S S Living/ Dining F 3.7m3 Study Bed 7550 x 3000 3.9m2 3.7m3 Bath2 S 7.6m2 Bed Ldy 5m 3600 x 3000 Ens 4.7m2 Living/ Dining R 6300 x 5200 Careful planning of corner to ensure good visual and acoustic privacy (SEPP65 compliant) Bed 3600 x 3000 Boundary 53678 Study R S Balcony F 2200 x 3200 Bed Courtyard 61.3 sq m Courtyard 68.1 sq m Study R 3600 x 6200 Bed Adjacent Boundary Kitchen 4.9m2 Study Courtyard 30.5 sq m Courtyard 29.3 sq m 3600 x 3000 Living/ DiningEns Boundary 13715 Living/ Dining/ Kitchen R Bed 5920 F x 5410 4.3m3 Bath Services 4045 x 6200 Bed Ldy S R Bath R Bed F 3760 x 2400 S 3m3 Study Ens R Balcony 2900 x 2300 Kitchen Bath R S 3.7m3 Kitchen R Bed Ldy 2000 F F R 3000 x 6050 R Balcony 4.5m2 Ldy F 4.5m R Balcony Bath 4.4m2 R Bath2 2 Study Ldy 3.9m2 Ens F Kitchen Balcony 8m2 1.3m3 2200 x 3100 6000 Bed 3000 x 5300 F Ens Study WC Kitchen 4.5m2 3300 x 2500 10m3 WC Study Kitchen x 32600 3.7m R S2500 Ens Bed 3.4m2 Ldy Kitchen Bath 3000 2 x 2400 3350 x 2550 4.6m Bath Kitchen S S 3 5.1m 4m3 Kitchen F Balcony 7.6m2 18m2 S Living/ Dining 6300 x 5200 Balcony 18m2 Kitchen 3090 x 2200 F Bed R Kitchen 3090 x 2200 3600 x 3000 Bed 3600 x 3000 Ldy Ens S 7.6m2 F R Bath 2 5m 4.7m2 R Bed 3600 x 3000 Bath2 Bed Ldy 5m 3600 x 3000 Ens 4.7m2 Living/ Dining R 6300 x 5200 Balcony 18m2 Bath Kitchen Ens Lift Balcony 4.5m F 3 Ens Bath 4.5m3 4.5m2 Living/ Dining 5300 x 6160 Strong architectural street rhythm 4000 x 3600 4000 x 6000 R Ldy Bed 2m3 Ens 2 Study S 5.2m3 5300 x 6800 4.5m R 3000 x 3600 Study Living/ Dining Living/ 4000 x Dining 6160 F Bath2 R Bed Ldy R S 1.5m3 3600 x 4700 S 4.1m3 Ldy Boundary 20720 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 63-69 BONAR STREET Bed 6.8m3 3.8m3 4500 x 5700 R Study Bath S Living/ Dining 3090 x 2200 R 3600 x 3000 Ens Bed 3600 x 3000 R S 3.7m R Ldy Ens 3 S 7.6m2 7.6m2 5m 4.7m2 Study Bath 2 Corner Element Glass blocks 25 Booth Street 21m height limit Stepping scale F Bed C R Living/ Dining F Waste Room 3000 x 3600 1.5m3 S 3000 x 5300 Bed R Ldy Living/ Dining Bed 3.4m2 Living/ Dining/ Kitchen 4000 x 5640 2900 x 3600 R Dining S Living/ 4200 x 6920 Courtyard Balcony 14.9 sq m 12.4 sq m 3000 x 3600 Bed Study WC Kitchen x 32600 3.7m R S2500 Courtyard Balcony 11.3 sq m 8 sq m Bed Balcony 4.1 sq m Waste Room 3000 x 5300 Balcony 4000 x 5640 WC Study Ens 2 3.9m S Living/ Dining 4000 x 6750 C R Bed 3.4m 2 Living/ Dining/ Kitchen Lift 3000 x 3600 Balcony Ldy F R Bed 3000 x 3600 Balcony 14.7 sq m Bath F 2500 x 2600 R B DA301 Bed 4.5m Ldy Balcony Courtyard 18.8 sq sq m m 16.3 Balcony Courtyard 20 sq 16.3 sq m m Courtyard 12.9 sq m Balcony 8 sq m Courtyard 15.6 sq m Bath2 Balcony 3.9m2 4.8m2 Ens S 1.5m3 R S 3.7m3 Kitchen Adjacent Boundary R Balcony 6.3m2 5300 x 6160 1.8m high timber batten & masonary fence to all couryards 2200 3000 x 5300 3000 x 3600 3600 x 3000 WC Living/ Dining Residential flat building Entry S Bed Bed Balcony 6.5m2 Study 3.4m2 Bed Courtyard 20.2 sq m Basement line below Stair 1 2255 Balcony R S 3m3 Ldy WC Study Ens 4.5m2 2500 x 2600 F Bath R S 3.7m3 Kitchen R 3.9m2 R Ldy 3000 x 3600 3.9m 3360 x 2300 3.9m Boundary 17405 Bed Strong corner architectural expression Ens 2 F Kitchen Ens 2 R 3000 x 5300 Bed Bed R 3.4m2 Bed New boundary 37223 Balcony 3000 Side Setback Upto 3 Storeys Boundary 67257 Street Setback Side Setback 2700 Street Widening Existing boundary 37210 Adjacent Boundary Adjacent Boundary Adjacent Boundary A DA300 S Living/ Dining 6300 x 5200 R Balcony 18m2 Living/ Dining 6300 x 5200 Balcony R 18m2 R S 3.7m R 1 Site Plan Balcony R Bed 3090 x 2200 Study Study R Bed R S Kitchen 3 Indicative solution only F 3.7m F Bed Bath2 5m Bath Ens 1:500 @A3 Bed 3600 x 3000 Ldy Indicative solution only Ens 4.7m2 Bath 2 Bed 3600 x 3000 3090 x 2200 3600 x 3000 3 R Kitchen R Ldy Bed 3600 x 3000 Ens 4.7m2 R 5m 12m height limit Stepping scale Stepping scale Further study has been conducted to investigate the potential development for 10 Bidjigal Street (currently occupied by Jetmaster Fireplace). This indicative solution demonstrate that it is possible to resolve the interface between the two sites to produce a building that a) sits comfortably with the subject proposal b) Allows a strong architectural expression to the corner c) provide a strong urban design streetscape d) reinforce a transition in scale for the changed in the zoning 2 View from Booth street SUBJECT SITE B A 27/8/14 13/5/14 ISSUE DATE Revised submission to Council DA Submission REVISION PROJECT Residential Development PROJECT # ADDRESS 63-69 Bonar St + 27 Booth St, Arncliffe John Kavanagh Reg.5999 Suite 1.04 77 Dunning Ave Rosebery NSW 2018 : 612 9318 9200 : www.bka.com.au DOCUMENT NAME : 612 9318 9222 :bka@bka.com.au CLIENT DWG Vortex Constructions Pty. Ltd. DATE # Feb 2014 SCALE NTS Bonar St precinct study DRAWN CHKD NC JK 14003 DWG # SK 100 REVISION B MODE