THE LONDON SKIN CLINIC AT MEDICAL CHAMBERS 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: W: THE LONDON SKIN THE CLINIC LONDON SKIN AT C L I N IA CT AT MEDICAL CHAMBERS 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET • Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology • Nipple Biopsy • Nipple Discharge Analysis • Cytological assessment • Core Biopsy • Vacuum biopsy DERMATOLO Y CLINIC THE LONDONGSKIN THE LONDON SKIN Colo-Rectal Treatment Room CLINIC • Fibre-optic sigmoidoscopy and proctoscopy • Haemorrhoid injection and treatment ABOUT US • Fissure in ano treatment Our• aim is to provide Removal of polyps‘one stop’ treatment, including consultations and minor operations, in a comfortable and friendly setting. • Rectal biopsy ABOUT US OurThe aimDay is toSurgery provideCentre ‘one stop’ treatment, including consultations and minor at 108 Harley Street utilised fordesigned local anaesthetic has been to offer operations, in a comfortable and friendly setting. Surgery designed to offer and services comparable facilities has andbeen services comparable tofacilities those offered by private hospitalsto those offered by private hospitals and but without the formalities and administrative but without the formalities administrative delays caused by hospital Thedelays Day Surgery at 108 Harley Street has been designed to offer causedCentre by hospital admission. admission. facilities and services comparable to those offered by private hospitals but without the formalities and administrative delays caused by hospital admission. Dermatology Conditions Commonly Consulted (adults & children): FACILITIES AND SERVICES • Eczema & dermatitis T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 • Acne / spots Theatre Day Surgery E: W: FACILITIES AND SERVICES • Psoriasis Excision of benign and malignant lesions including melanomata • Warts, verrucas, molluscum Removal of moles, blemishes, warts, papillomas etc. Day •Surgery Theatre Cryotherapy for warts and / sunother spotscysts Excision of sebaceous • Excision of benign malignant lesions including melanomata • Rosacea Aspiration and and drainage of abscesses • Removal of moles, blemishes, warts, papillomas etc. • Mole Suturecheck and debridement of wounds and injuries • Excision of sebaceous and other cysts • Rashes Treatment of Ingrowing toenails • Aspiration and drainage of abscesses • Vitiligo / white patches Liquid nitrogen treatment for warts , veruccas, skin tags etc • Suture and debridement of /wounds and injuries • Skin Cancer / melanoma rodent ulcers Vasectomy • Treatment of Ingrowing toenails • Advice on sun awareness Otoplasty • Liquid nitrogen treatment for warts , veruccas, skin tags etc • Sweating problems • Vasectomy • Hair loss Breast Clinic Treatment Room • Otoplasty •• Skin allergies Breast Cyst Aspiration •• Urticaria (hives)Drainage Breast Abscess Breast Clinic Treatment Room •• Skin lymphoma (mycosis fungoides, sezary & lymphomatoid papulosis) Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology • Breast Cyst Aspiration •• Graft versus host disease Nipple Biopsy • Breast Abscess Drainage • Nipple Discharge Analysis • Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology • Cytological assessment • Nipple Biopsy • Core Biopsy • Nipple Discharge Analysis • Vacuum biopsy • Cytological assessment • Core Biopsy Colo-Rectal Treatment Room • Vacuum biopsy • Fibre-optic sigmoidoscopy and proctoscopy • Haemorrhoid injection and treatment Colo-Rectal Room • Fissure inTreatment ano treatment • Fibre-optic sigmoidoscopy and proctoscopy • Removal of polyps • Haemorrhoid injection and treatment • Rectal biopsy • Fissure in ano treatment • Removal of polyps • Rectal biopsy T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: W: T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 US ABOUT ABOUT US Our aim is toprovide provide‘one ‘one stop’ treatment,including includingconsultations consultationsand andminor minor ‘one stop’ treatment, Our including aim isconsultations to andstop’ minor treatment, operations, in a comfortable and friendly setting. ortable and friendly setting. operations, in a comfortable and friendly setting. The Day Surgery Centre at108 108Harley HarleyStreet Streethas hasbeen beendesigned designedto tooffer offer re at 108 Harley StreetThe hasDay been Surgery designed Centre to offer at facilities and services comparable to those offered by private hospitals comparable to those offered facilitiesbyand private services hospitals comparable to those offered by private hospitals butdelays without theformalities formalities andadministrative administrativedelays delayscaused causedby byhospital hospital alities and administrative but without caused the by hospitaland admission. admission. DAY SURGERY CENTRE THE TEAM I CONSULTANTS THE TEAM I CONSULTANTS SERVICES FACILITIES AND AND SERVICES SERVICES FACILITIES eatre Day Surgery Surgery Theatre Theatre Day AT Excisionmelanomata ofbenign benignand andmalignant malignantlesions lesionsincluding includingmelanomata melanomata n and malignant lesions including ••Excision of • Removal of moles, blemishes, warts, papillomas etc. s, blemishes, warts, papillomas • Removal etc. of moles, blemishes, warts, papillomas etc. Excisionof ofsebaceous sebaceousand andother othercysts cysts eous and other cysts ••Excision Aspirationand anddrainage drainageof ofabscesses abscesses ainage of abscesses ••Aspiration Sutureand anddebridement debridementof ofwounds woundsand andinjuries injuries dement of wounds and injuries ••Suture Treatmentof ofIngrowing Ingrowingtoenails toenails owing toenails ••Treatment Liquid nitrogen treatmentfor forwarts warts,,veruccas, veruccas,skin skintags tagsetc etc eatment for warts , veruccas, ••Liquid skinnitrogen tags etctreatment • Vasectomy • Vasectomy Otoplasty ••Otoplasty atment Room ation ainage ation Cytology Analysis sment tment Room THE LONDON SKIN THE CLINIC LONDON SKIN AAT C LT I N I C Breast Clinic Clinic Treatment TreatmentRoom Room Clinic Treatment Breast Room CystAspiration Aspiration Breast Cyst cyst aspiration •• Breast AbscessDrainage Drainage Breast Abscess abscess drainage •• Breast • Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology needle Aspiration aspiration cytology • Fine Needle Cytology Biopsy Nipple Biopsy biopsy •• Nipple DischargeAnalysis Analysis Nipple Discharge discharge analysis •• Nipple • Cytological assessment • Cytological assessment CoreBiopsy Biopsy biopsy ••Core Vacuum biopsy biopsy •• Vacuum Colo-Rectal Treatment Treatment Room Room Colo-Rectal Fibre-opticsigmoidoscopy sigmoidoscopyand andproctoscopy proctoscopy idoscopy and proctoscopy ••Fibre-optic • Haemorrhoid injection and treatment ction and treatment • Haemorrhoid injection and treatment Fissurein inano anotreatment treatment atment ••Fissure Removalof ofpolyps polyps s ••Removal Rectalbiopsy biopsy ••Rectal 44(0)20 (0)207563 75631234 1234 F:F:++44 44(0)20 (0)207563 75631212 1212 44 (0)20 7563 1212 T:T:++44 W: uk W: T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: W: T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 MEDICAL CHAMBERS 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET THE LONDON SKIN CLINIC ATT A asset in the Oncology award in the Hospital Doctor of the Year 2002. The performance of her Breast Unit at Queen Mary Hospital resulted in the award of NHS Champion in 2004 Evening Standard Awards. THE LONDON SKIN CLINIC THE TEAM TEAM II CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS CONSULTANT PLASTIC SURGEON Mr Mark Gittos FRACS (Plast) Mark Gittos qualified from Auckland Medical School in 1984, where he won the Carrick Robertson Prize in The team comprises Consultants, Dermatologists, Cytologists Surgery. During his plastic surgery speciality training he& was also awarded and the Davis and Geck for Surgical Histopathologists , Oncologists Nurses. TheyPrize provide a high In 1996 he was appointed as Specialist quality service toResearch. the patients and their referrers. In addition Consultant to the prestigious St Andrews Centre for to the routine day to day team working there are regular Plastic Surgery and Burns in Chelmsford. meetings which cover clinical, best practice and educational Since then Mr Gittos has been at the forefront of the updates and reviews as well as detailed case audit. advancement of post mastectomy reconstruction using skin and nipple sparing surgical techniques and has authored a number of scientific papers on this subject. He CONSULTANT CONSULTANT DERMATOLOGIST SURGEON CONSULTANT DERMATOLOGIST joined The London Breast Clinic in 2001. Dr Lever MS FRCS FRCS (ED) MrLaurence O J A Gilmore CONSULTANT DERMATOLOGIST Dr Laurence Lever Laurence has been Consultant DermatologistHospital at Northwick Jerry Gilmore qualifi ed at St Bartholomews in Laurence has been Consultant Dermatologist atlead Northwick Dr Laurence Lever Park Hospital since1994 and is the skin cancer for the of London, obtaining the Begley Prize from the Royal College Park Hospital since1994 and is the skin cancer lead the Laurence has been Consultant Dermatologist atfor Northwick North West Hospitals NHS Trust and Programme Leader or Surgeons of England. North West Hospitals NHS Trust and Programme Leader Park Hospital since1994 and is the skin cancer lead for the the postgraduate certificate in Dermatology at Middlesexor In 1975, heWest wasHospitals awarded the Moynihan Prize by the Leader or the postgraduate certifi cate in Dermatology at Middlesex North NHS Trust and Programme University. Association of Surgeons of Great and theatHamilton University. the postgraduate certifi cate inBritain, Dermatology Middlesex He looks after patients with general dermatological Bailey Prize by the International College of Surgeons. In University. He looks after with generalthe dermatological conditions withpatients a special management 1976, he was awarded ainterest Master in of Surgery Degree byofthe conditions with a special interest in the management of He looks after patients with general dermatological malignant pre-malignant conditions of the skin. University and of London and appointed Hunterian Professor malignant and pre-malignant conditions of the skin. conditions with a special interest in the management of by the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Appointed malignant and pre-malignant conditions of the skin. Consultant Surgeon to St Bartholomews Hospital, where he established the Breast Unit in 1981. Appointed Surgical CYTOLOLOGISTS & HISTOPATHOLOGIST CONSULTANT DERMATOLOGIST CYTOLOLOGISTS & HISTOPATHOLOGIST Assessor to the National Breast Screening Programme in Dr Elizabeth Courtauld MA MD FRCPath CYTOLOLOGISTS & MA HISTOPATHOLOGIST 1988. Dr Elizabeth MD FRCPath Julia Scarisbrick MBChB, FRCP, MD and Kings Having qualifi edCourtauld from Cambridge University Having qualifi ed from Cambridge University and Kings Dr Elizabeth Courtauld MA MD FRCPath He established the clinic at 108 Harley Street in 1991 in order College Hospital, inSkin 1967, Dr at Courtaulds first Julia works at TheLondon London Clinic 108 Harley Street, College Hospital, London in 1967, Dr Courtaulds fi rst Having qualifi ed from Cambridge University and Kings to offer private patients the multidisciplinary approach used in senior appointment was as Senior Lecturer and Honorary St Thomas’ Hospital inLondon London The Dr Westover, senior appointment was asProgramme. Senior Lecturer and Honorary College Hospital, inand 1967, Courtaulds first the NHS Breast Screening Consultant in Histopathology at The Royal London Wandsworth. has been consultant StLondon Thomas’ since Consultant in She Histopathology at Senior The Royal senior appointment wasa as Lecturer and Honorary Hospital intrained 1976. 2004 and at St Thomas’, University College and Hospital in Histopathology at The Royal London Consultant In 1985 she joined Farrer-Brown Ltd, the Hammersmith Hospitals. She Histopathology is Chairperson of the Hospital in 1976. In 1985establishing she joined Farrer-Brown Histopathology Ltd, CONSULTANT SURGEON before Independent Histopathology Services Skin Tumour Working Group of SE London Cancer Network before establishing Independent Histopathology Services In 1985 she joined Farrer-Brown Histopathology Ltd, Mrwith Simon Marsh MA MD FRCS Ltd a group ofwidely Consultant Histopathologists. Having and has published on skin cancer. She consults on Ltd with a group of Consultant Histopathologists. Having before establishing Independent Histopathology Services Simon Marsh trained at Trinity College Cambridge developed a special in breast pathology, all skin conditions forinterest both children and adults. sheand the a7563 special interest inGilmore breast pathology, shehas Having with a group of Jerry Consultant Histopathologists. Clinical School, Addenbrookes Hospital. T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F:developed + 44Ltd (0)20 1212 began working with Mr in 1985, and Julia provides a afriendly and efficient family dermatology began working with Mr Jerry Gilmore in 1985, and developed special interest in breast pathology, she been involved with The London Breast Clinic since itshas E: W:She He was one of the few students to be awarded the William service. is able to provide advice on the management of been involved with The Breast Clinic began withLondon Mr Jerry Gilmore in since 1985,itsand has inception inworking 1991. Harvey Studentship in consecutive years. His MD thesis, from all skin conditions helpClinic cope since with living inception in 1991.and been involved withoffer The support London to Breast its the University of 1991. Cambridge focusedgive on athe role of growth with skin problems. She can usually diagnosis and inception in factors in breast is Senior Consultant Surgeon treatment plan orcancer. arrangeHesuitable tests on the day of yourin CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST the ColchesterWhen Breasta Unit in Essex and has been a member appointment. referral is needed to another speciality CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST of The London Breast Clinic since 1999. In 2006 he halved Dr Nick Plowman MD Cantab FRCR FRCP she can readily arrange this. CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST Dr Nick Plowman MD Cantab FRCR FRCP his workload within the NHS to dedicate more time to Cancer drug and Radiotheraphy Specialists Julia is fully accredited with the GMC and is on the British Cancer drug and Radiotheraphy Specialists Dr Nick Plowman MD Cantab FRCR FRCP The London Breast Clinic. He retains an active interest in Nick Cancer Plowman graduated from Guys Hospital Medical Specialist Register of is the Medical Council. She is also drug and Radiotheraphy Specialists cancer research and anGeneral Honorary Senior Lecturer to the Nick Plowman graduated from Guys Hospital Medical School in London in 1974, having gained 1st Class aDepartment member of of theBiomedical British Association of Dermatologists. Sciences in theHospital University of Essex. School inin London ingraduated 1974,Sciences having 1st ClassMedical Nick Plowman fromgained Guys Honours both Medical Tripos and National Honours in both Sciences Tripos and National School in Surgical London in 1974, having gained 1stMinor Class Simon is Tripos also Director of the Ivry Street Sciences atMedical Cambridge University. Sciences Tripos at Cambridge University. Honours in both Medical Sciences Tripos and National Surgical Unit in Ipswich that annually undertakes in excess SinceSciences 1982 heTripos has been a Consultant in Radiology and at Cambridge University. 1,0001982 caseshe pa. Since has been a Consultant Radiology Clinical Oncology to St Bartholomews in Hospital andand Clinical Oncology tohas St Bartholomews Hospital and Since 1982 been aGreat Consultant in Radiology and The Hospital for he Sick Children Ormond Street, The Hospital for Sick Children Great Ormond Street, Clinical Oncology to St Bartholomews Hospital and duties to St Marks Hospital in++Harrow and T: 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: 44 7563 T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F:with + 44visiting (0)20 7563 1212 T: + + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 44 (0)20 (0)20 7563 1212 1212 with visiting duties toSick St Marks Hospital inOrmond Harrow and The Hospital for Children GreatF: Street, E: W: Moorfi elds Eye Hospital in London. E: W: E:Moorfi W: eldsvisiting Eye Hospital in St London. with duties to Marks Hospital in Harrow and He has published over 300 research papers and has been Moorfi elds Eye Hospital in London. He has published over 300 research papers and has been THE THE TEAM TEAM II CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS THE TEAM I CONSULTANTS MEDICAL CHAMBERS 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET T TH HE E LL O N D ONDO ON N SS K I N KIN C C LL II N N II C C AT AT THE THE LONDON TH LONDO N SKIN S KL IONN D CLINIC C L I N SI CK CLIN AT AT AT In 1975, he was awarded the FRCS Moynihan Prize by the Harvey Studentship inMA consecutive years. His MD thesis, from Mr Simon MD THE TEAM I CONSULTANTS University of Marsh London and appointed Hunterian Professor Association Surgeons of and Hamilton by the Royalof of Surgeons of England. Appointed Association ofCollege Surgeons of Great Great Britain, Britain, and the the Hamilton T TH HE E O N D ONDO ON N SS K K II N N C C LL II N N II C C ATT A AT the University of Cambridge focused onCambridge the role ofand growth Simon MarshSurgeon trained atStSurgeons Trinity College the by the Royal College of of England. Appointed Bailey Prize by International College of Surgeons. In Consultant to Bartholomews Hospital, where Bailey Prize by the the International College of Surgeons. In&in CONSULTANT SURGEON The team comprises Consultants, Dermatologists, Cytologists factors in breast cancer. He is Senior Consultant Surgeon Consultant Surgeon to St Bartholomews Hospital, where Simon Marsh trained at(0)20 College Cambridge and the 1976, he awarded aaTrinity Master of Surgery Degree by the The team comprises Consultants, Dermatologists, Cytologists & 1212 T: + 44 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 he established the Breast Unit in 1981. Appointed 1976, he was wasWalters awarded Master of Surgery Degree by the the Colchester Breast Unit in7563 Essex and has been aaSurgical member Miss Tena MS FRCS Histopathologists , Oncologists and Nurses. They provide high Clinical School, Addenbrookes Hospital. he established the Breast Unit in 1981. Appointed Surgical University of London and appointed Hunterian Professor Assessor toofthe National Breast Screening Programme in Histopathologists ,The Oncologists and Nurses. They provide high University London and appointed Hunterian Professor of London Breast Clinic since 1999. InIn 2006 hea halved Tena Walters has been aSurgeons London Breast Clinic Consultant Assessor to the National Breast Screening Programme in quality service to the patients andof their referrers. addition CONSULTANT SURGEON by the Royal College of England. Appointed Clinical School, Addenbrookes Hospital. E: W: 1988. by the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Appointed THE TEAM I CONSULTANTS quality service to the patients and their referrers. In addition his workload within the NHS to dedicate more time to since 1997. She now works full time in the independent 1988. Consultant Surgeon to St Bartholomews Hospital, where to the routine day to day team working there are regular The team comprises Consultants, Dermatologists, Cytologists Consultant Surgeon to St Hospital, where The London Breast Clinic. He retains anawarded active He established the clinic atBartholomews 108 Harley Street ininterest 1991 inin& order He was one of the few students to be the William sector having previously been Lead Clinician in the Breast to the routine day to day team working there are regular he established the Breast Unit in 1981. Appointed Surgical He established the clinic at 108 Harley Street in 1991 in order he established the Breast Unit in 1981. Appointed Surgical meetings which Unit cover clinical, best practice and educational Histopathologists , Oncologists and Nurses. They provide a high cancer research and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer to the to offer private patients the multidisciplinary approach used in Mr Simon Marsh MA MD FRCS at Queen Marys Hospital, Sidcup. She was proxima was one of the few students to be awarded the William meetings which He cover clinical, best practice and educational Assessor to the National Breast Screening Programme in to offer private patients the multidisciplinary approach used in Assessor to the National Breast Screening Programme in Department of as Biomedical Sciences in theHis University Essex. the NHS Breast Screening Programme. updatesservice and reviews as well detailed case quality to the patients and their referrers. In addition asset in the Oncology award in the audit. Hospital Doctor ofofthe Harvey Studentship in consecutive MD thesis, from 1988. the NHS Breast Screening Programme. updates and reviews as well as detailed case years. audit. 1988. Year 2002. The performance of her Breast Unit at Queen Simon is also Surgical Director of the Ivry Street Minor Simon Marsh trained at Trinity College Cambridge and the to the routine day to day team working there are regular Harvey Studentship in consecutive years. HisChampion MD thesis, from He the clinic at 108 Harley Street in in He established established the clinicinthat atthe 108 Harley Street in 1991 1991 ininorder order Mary Hospital resulted award of NHS Unit inof Ipswich annually undertakes in growth excess the University Cambridge focused on the role of meetings which Surgical cover clinical, best practice and educational to offer private patients the multidisciplinary approach used in CONSULTANT SURGEON to offer private patients the multidisciplinary approach used in 2004 Evening Standard Awards. CONSULTANT SURGEON 1,000 cases pa. Addenbrookes Clinical School, Hospital. CONSULTANT SURGEON the University of Cambridge focused on the role of growth the NHS Breast Screening Programme. CONSULTANT SURGEON updates and reviews as well as detailed case audit. the NHS Breast Screening Programme. Mr Simon O J A Gilmore MS MD FRCSFRCS FRCS (ED) Mr Marsh MA factors cancer. is Senior Surgeon in Mr O JinAbreast Gilmore MSHe FRCS FRCS Consultant (ED) Mr Simon Marsh MA MD FRCS Jerry Gilmore qualifi ed at St Bartholomews Hospitaland in the Simon Marsh trained at Trinity College Cambridge Jerry Gilmore qualifi ed(0)20 atTrinity Hospital in factors inSchool, breast cancer. HeStSURGEON isBartholomews Senior Consultant Surgeon Simon Marsh trained College Cambridge and thein T:the + 44 7563 1234 F: the + 44Royal (0)20 7563 1212 London, obtaining theat Begley Prize from College of CONSULTANT PLASTIC He was one of few students to be awarded the William Clinical Addenbrookes Hospital. CONSULTANT SURGEON London, obtaining the Begley Prize from the Royal College of Colchester Breast Unit in Essex and has been a member CONSULTANT SURGEON Clinical School, Addenbrookes Hospital. E:the W: Surgeons of England. CONSULTANT SURGEON Mr Mark Gittos FRACS (Plast) He was one of the few students to be awarded the William Surgeons of England. Mr O J one A Gilmore MS FRCS FRCS the Colchester Breast Unit inAuckland Essex and hasPrize been a member Mr Simon Marsh MA MD FRCS He was of the few students toyears. be(ED) awarded William Mr Simon Marsh MA MD FRCS In 1975, he was awarded the Moynihan bythe the Harvey Studentship in consecutive His MD thesis, from Mark Gittos qualifi ed from Medical School Harvey Studentship in consecutive years. His MD thesis, from Jerry Gilmore qualifi ed at St Bartholomews Hospital in the In 1975, he was awarded the Moynihan Prize by he the ofinSimon The London Breast Clinic since 1999. In 2006 halved Simon Marsh trained at Trinity College Cambridge and Harvey Studentship in consecutive years. His MD thesis, from Marsh trained at Trinity College Cambridge and the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain, and the Hamilton 1984, where he won the Carrick Robertson Prize in the University of Cambridge focused on the role of growth London, obtaining the Begley Prize from the Royal College of Association of Surgeons of Great Britain, and the Hamilton Clinical School, Addenbrookes Hospital. the Cambridge focused on of role offactors TheUniversity London Breast Clinic 1999. Inthe 2006 heofof growth halved Clinical School, Addenbrookes Hospital. Bailey Prize by of the International College Surgeons. In in Surgery. During his plastic speciality training he in breast cancer. Hesurgery issince Senior Consultant Surgeon the University of Cambridge focused on the role growth Surgeons of England. Bailey Prize by the International College of Surgeons. In factors in breast cancer. is to Senior Consultant Surgeon in his workload within theDavis NHS dedicate morefor time to the He one of the few students to be awarded the William 1976, he was aHe Master ofand Surgery Degree by was also awarded Geck Prize Surgical the Colchester Breast inand Essex has been a member He was was ofawarded the the fewUnit students to be awarded the William 1976, heone was awarded a Master ofand Surgery Degree by the In 1975, he was awarded the Moynihan Prize by the the Colchester Breast Unit in Essex has been a member Harvey Studentship in consecutive years. His MD thesis, University of appointed Hunterian Professor his workload within theand NHS toSenior dedicate more time to from Research. In London 1996 he was appointed as In Specialist of The London Breast Clinic since 1999. 2006 he halved Harvey Studentship in consecutive years. His MD thesis, from factors in breast cancer. He is Consultant Surgeon in University ofofLondon and appointed Hunterian Professor Association Surgeons of Great Britain, and the Hamilton of The London Breast Clinic since 1999. In 2006 he halved the University of Cambridge focused on the role of growth by the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Appointed The London Breast Clinic. He retains an active interest in Consultant towithin theCambridge prestigious St dedicate Andrews Centre forgrowth his workload the NHS to more time to the University of focused on the role of by the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Appointed Bailey Prize bywithin the International College of Surgeons. his workload the NHS to dedicate more time to In in factors in cancer. is Senior Consultant Surgeon Consultant Surgeon to StHe Bartholomews Hospital, where Plastic Surgery and Burns in The London Breast Clinic. He retains an active interest ininthein The London Breast Clinic. He retains an active interest in factors in breast breast cancer. He isChelmsford. Seniorand Consultant Surgeon Consultant Surgeon toUnit St Bartholomews Hospital, where the Colchester Breast in Essex has been a member 1976, he was awarded a Master of Surgery Degree by The London Breast Clinic. He retains an active interest the Colchester Breast Unit in Essex and has been a member he established the Breast Unit in 1981. Appointed Surgical cancer research and isishas ananBreast Honorary Senior Lecturer totohalved the cancer research and is an Honorary Senior to the the Colchester Breast Unit in Essex and hasLecturer been athe member Since then MrLondon Gittos been at1981. the forefront of he established the Unit in Appointed Surgical University and appointed Hunterian Professor cancer research andBreast Honorary Senior Lecturer the of The London Breast Clinic since 1999. In 2006 he Assessor toofthe National Screening Programme inEssex. Department of Biomedical Sciences in the University of of The London Breast Clinic since 1999. In 2006 he halved advancement of post mastectomy reconstruction using cancer research and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer to Assessor to the National Breast Screening Programme inEssex. by the Royal College of Surgeons ofinEngland. Appointed Department of Biomedical Sciences the University ofthe of The London Breast Clinic since 1999. In 2006 he halved THE TEAM LONDON SKIN CLINIC I CONSULTANTS his workload within the NHS to dedicate more time to 1988. his workload within the NHS tooftechniques dedicate more time to THE TEAMskin I CONSULTANTS and nipple sparing surgical and has Department of Biomedical Sciences in the University of Essex. Simon is also Surgical Director the Ivry Street Minor 1988. Consultant Surgeon toDirector St Bartholomews Hospital, where The London Breast Clinic. He retains active interest in Simon is also Surgical ofHarley the an Ivry Street Minor The London Breast Clinic. He retains an active interest in He established the clinic at 108 Street in 1991 in order authored a number of scientifi c papers on this subject. He Surgical Unitof inthe Ipswich that annually undertakes inSurgical excess Department Biomedical Sciences in the University of Essex. he established Breast inHarley 1981. Appointed He established the clinic atUnit 108 Street intime 1991 in order cancer research and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer the his workload within the NHS to dedicate more to Surgical Unit in Ipswich that annually undertakes in to excess cancer research and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer to the to offer private patients the multidisciplinary approach used in joined The London Breast Clinic in 2001. 1,000 cases pa. patients Assessor to the National Breast Screening Programme in to offer private the multidisciplinary approach used in Department of Biomedical Sciences in the University of Essex. 1,000 cases pa. Simon is also Director of the Minor Department ofSurgical Biomedical Sciences inIvry theStreet University of Essex. the NHS Breast Screening Programme. 1988. the NHS Breast Screening Programme. The London Clinic. He108retains Simon is also Surgical Director of the Ivry Street Minor Simon isisUnit also Surgical Director ofofHarley the Ivry Street Minor Simon alsoBreast Surgical Director the an Ivryactive Streetinterest Minor in He established the clinic at Street in 1991 in order Surgical in Ipswich that annually undertakes in excess T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 Surgical Unit in Ipswich that annually undertakes in excess Surgical Unit in Ipswich that annually undertakes in excess CONSULTANT SURGEON T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 CONSULTANT SURGEON to offer private patients the multidisciplinary approach used in cases pa. E:1,000 W: cancer research and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer to the CONSULTANT SURGEON 1,000 cases pa. Surgical Unit in Ipswich that annually undertakes in excess Tena Walters MS FRCS E:Miss W: the NHS Breast Screening CONSULTANT SURGEON Miss Tena Walters MS Programme. FRCS 1,000 cases pa. Mr Simon Marsh MA MD FRCS Tena Walters has aa London Breast Tena WaltersMarsh has been been London Breast Clinic Clinic Consultant Consultant Mr Simon MA MD FRCS Department of Biomedical Sciences in the University of the Essex. Simon Marsh trained at Trinity College Cambridge and since 1997. She now works full time in the independent 1,000 cases pa. T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 since now works fullCollege time inCambridge the independent Simon1997. MarshShe trained at Trinity and the1212 T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 Clinical School, Addenbrookes Hospital. sector having previously been Clinician E: W: having previously been Lead Lead Clinician in in the the Breast Breast CONSULTANT SURGEON Clinical School, Addenbrookes Hospital. E:sector W: Unit at Hospital, Sidcup. She was He was one of Marys the few students to be awarded the William Unit at isQueen Queen Marys Hospital, Sidcup. SheStreet was proxima proxima Mr Simon Marsh MA MD in FRCS Simon also Surgical Director of the Ivry Minor He was one of the few students to be awarded the of William asset in the Oncology award the Hospital Doctor Harvey Studentship in consecutive years. His MD thesis, from asset inMarsh the Oncology award inCollege theyears. Hospital Doctor of the the Simon trained at Trinity Cambridge and the Harvey Studentship in consecutive His MD thesis, from Year 2002. The performance of her Breast Unit at Queen the University of Cambridge focused on the role of growth Year 2002. TheofAddenbrookes performance ofHospital. her Breast Unit atofQueen Clinical School, the University Cambridge focused on the role growth Surgical inresulted Ipswich that undertakes in excess Mary in the award of NHS Champion in T:T:the ++ 44 7563 1234 F:F: ++ 44 (0)20 7563 1212 44 (0)20 (0)20 7563 1234 44 (0)20 7563 1212 factorsHospital inUnit breast cancer. isannually Senior Consultant Surgeon Mary Hospital resulted inHe the award of NHS Champion in in factors in breast cancer. He is Senior Consultant Surgeon in He was one of few students to be awarded the William 2004 Evening Standard Awards. E:2004 W: the Colchester Breast Unit in Essex and has been a member Evening Standard Awards. T:Breast + 44in(0)20 1234 +2006 44been (0)20 7563from 1212 Colchester Unit in7563 Essex and F: has a member Harvey Studentship consecutive years. MD he thesis, 1,000 pa. E:the W: of The cases London Breast Clinic since 1999. InHis halved of LondonofBreast Clinic since 1999. halved theThe University Cambridge focused on In the2006 role he of growth his workload within the NHS toW: dedicate more time to E:CONSULTANT his workload within the NHSis to dedicate more time to in factors in breast cancer. Senior Consultant Surgeon PLASTIC SURGEON The London Breast Clinic.HeHe retains an active interest in CONSULTANT PLASTIC SURGEON The London Breast Clinic. He retainsand an has active interest in the Colchester Breast in Essex been a member cancer research andFRACS isUnit an Honorary Senior Lecturer to the Mr Mark Gittos (Plast) cancer research and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer to the Mr Mark Gittos FRACS (Plast) of The London ClinicSciences since 1999. In University 2006 he halved Department of Breast Biomedical inMedical the of Essex. Mark Gittos ed from Auckland School Department of Biomedical Sciences inMedical themore University of Essex. Mark Gittos qualifi qualifi edthe from Auckland School his workload within NHS to dedicate time to in 1984, where he won the Carrick Robertson Prize in Simon is also Surgical Director of the Ivry Street Minor in 1984, he won the Robertson Prize in in The London Breast Clinic. HeCarrick retains an interest Simon is where also Surgical Director of the Ivryactive Street Minor Surgery. During his plastic speciality training he Surgical Unit in Ipswich thatsurgery annually undertakes in excess Surgery. During his plastic surgery speciality training he cancer research and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer the Surgical Unit in Ipswich that annually undertakes in to excess was also awarded the Davis and Geck Prize for Surgical 1,000 cases pa. was also awarded the Davis and Geck Prize for Surgical Department of Biomedical Sciences in the University of Essex. 1,000 cases pa. Research. Research. In In 1996 1996 he he was was appointed appointed as as Specialist Specialist Simon is also Surgical Director of the Ivry Street Minor Consultant Consultant to to the the prestigious prestigious St St Andrews Andrews Centre Centre for for Surgical Unit inT:and Ipswich that annually in excess T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: +Plastic 44 (0)20 7563 1212 + 44 (0)20 7563 1234undertakes F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 Surgery Burns in Chelmsford. Plastic Surgery T:and Burns in Chelmsford. + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 1,000 cases pa. E: W: E: W: then forefront E:Since W:the Since then Mr Mr Gittos Gittos has has been been at at the forefront of of the the advancement advancement of of post post mastectomy mastectomy reconstruction reconstruction using using skin surgical techniques and has skin and and nipple nippleT:sparing sparing surgical and(0)20 has 7563 1212 + 44 (0)20 7563techniques 1234 F: + 44 authored a number of scientifi c papers on this subject. E:authored a number of scientificW: papers on this subject. He He joined The London Breast Clinic in 2001. joined The London Breast Clinic in 2001. T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: W: T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 T: + 44 (0)20 7563 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E:E: W:1234 W: AT CLINIC THE T ON L O NAD SKIN CLINIC AAT T MEDICAL CHAMBERS 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET THE LONDON SKIN CLINIC AT AT THE LONDON SKIN CLINIC AT THE THE LONDON LONDON SKIN SKIN CLINIC CLINIC AT MED ICAL AT CHAMBERS 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET was also awarded the MS Davis and Geck Prize for Surgical Consultant to the prestigious St Andrews Centre for Miss Tena Walters FRCS Research. In 1996 he was appointed as Specialist PlasticWalters Surgeryhas and Burns in Chelmsford. Tena been a London Breast Clinic Consultant Consultant to thenow prestigious St time Andrews for since 1997. She works full theCentre independent Since then Mr Gittos has been at the in forefront of the Plastic Surgery and Burns in Chelmsford. sector having previously been Leadreconstruction Clinician in theusing Breast advancement ofSURGEON post mastectomy CONSULTANT Since then Mr Gittos has been at the forefront of the Unit at Queen Marys Hospital, Sidcup. She was proxima skin and nipple sparing surgical techniques and has Miss Tena Walters MS FRCS advancement of postofmastectomy reconstruction using asset in the Oncology award inc the Hospital Doctor of the authored a number scientifi papers on this subject. He Tena Walters has been a London Breast Clinic Consultant skin and nipple sparing surgical techniques and has Year The performance of her Breast Unit at Queen joined2002. The London Breast Clinic in 2001. since She nowofworks in NHS thethis independent authored a number scientifi c time papers on subject. in He Mary 1997. Hospital resulted in thefull award of Champion sector having previously been Lead Clinician in the Breast joined The London Breast Clinic in 2001. 2004 Evening Standard Awards. Unit at Queen Marys Hospital, Sidcup. She was proxima asset in the Oncology award in the Hospital Doctor of the CONSULTANT PLASTIC SURGEON Year 2002. The performance of her Breast Unit at Queen CONSULTANT PLASTIC FRCS(Plast) SURGEON Mr Stuart E James Mary Hospital resultedMS in the award of NHS Champion in Mr Mark FRACS (Plast)Surgeon at The Royal Mr James is Gittos a Consultant Plastic 2004 Evening Standard Awards. Mark Gittos qualified Auckland Medical School Marsden Hospital. He from joined the London Breast Clinic inin2009. specialist are in autologous breast 1984, His where he woninterests the Carrick Robertson Prize in reconstruction using the DIEP flap, fat transfer and aesthetic Surgery. During his plastic surgery speciality training he CONSULTANT PLASTIC SURGEON surgery ofawarded the breast face. was also theand Davis and Geck Prize for Surgical Mr Mark In Gittos FRACS Research. 1996 was (Plast) appointed Specialist He graduated from he University College as and the Middlesex Mark Gittos qualifi ed from Auckland Medical School Medical School in 1994, gained an FRCS in 1998 and Consultant to the prestigious St Andrews Centre for in 1984, where he won the Carrick Robertson Prize in undertook his specialist plastic surgical training in London. Plastic Surgery and Burns in Chelmsford. He was awarded the Arris and Galespeciality Lectureship and the Surgery. During SURGEON his plastic surgery training he CONSULTANT CONSULTANT SURGEON Since then Mr by Gittos has been at theofforefront ofof the College Medal The Royal College Surgeons England was also awarded the MS Davis and Geck Prize for Surgical Miss Tena Walters FRCS advancement of post mastectomy using Walters MS FRCS inMiss 2003Tena for In his research into woundreconstruction healing. Research. 1996 he was appointed asClinic Specialist Tena Walters hassparing been asurgical Londontechniques Breast Consultant skin and nipple and has Tena Walters has been a London Breast Clinic Consultant InConsultant 2006 he spent a prestigious year as Fellow to the MD Anderson to thenow St time Andrews Centre for since 1997. She full in on the independent authored a number ofworks scientifi c time papers this subject. He since 1997. She now works full in theon independent Cancer Center in Houston, Texas to focus microsurgical Plastic Surgery and Burns in Chelmsford. sector having previously been Lead Clinician in the Breast joined The London Breast Clinic in 2001. sector having previously been Lead Clinician in the Breast reconstructive surgery and subsequently completed his Plastic Unit atthen Queen Marys Hospital, She wasof proxima Since Mr Gittos been Sidcup. at the forefront the Surgery training at thehas Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Unit at Queen Marys Hospital, Sidcup. She was proxima asset in the Unit. Oncology award in the Hospital of the advancement of post using Craniofacial He ismastectomy entered onreconstruction the GMCDoctor Specialist asset in the Oncology award in the Hospital Doctor of the Year and 2002. The sparing performance of istechniques her Breast Unit at Queen skin nipple surgical and has Register for Plastic Surgery, and a member of BAAPS. Year 2002. The performance of her Breast Unit at Queen Mr James has recently the of Surgery Mary Hospital resulted in theawarded award of NHS Champion in authored a number ofbeen scientifi c papers onMaster this subject. He Marydegree Hospital resulted in College the award of NHS Champion in (MS) by University London. 2004 Evening Standard Awards. joined The London Breast Clinic in 2001. Evening Standard T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: +2004 44 (0)20 7563 1212 Awards. TEAM I CONSULTANTS THE LONDON SKIN CLINIC THE THE TEAM TEAM II CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS E: W: T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 CONSULTANT PLASTIC SURGEON E: W: CONSULTANT PLASTIC SURGEON Mr Mark Gittos FRACS (Plast) Mr Mark Gittos FRACS (Plast) Mark Gittos qualified from Auckland Medical School Mark Gittos qualified from Auckland Medical School in 1984, where he won the Carrick Robertson Prize in in 1984, where he won the Carrick Robertson Prize in Surgery. During his plastic surgery speciality training he Surgery. During his plastic surgery speciality training he was also awarded the Davis and Geck Prize for Surgical was also awarded the Davis and Geck Prize for Surgical Research. In 1996 he was appointed as Specialist Research. In 1996 he was appointed as Specialist Consultant to the prestigious St Andrews Centre for Consultant to the prestigious St Andrews Centre for Plastic Surgery and Burns in Chelmsford. Plastic Surgery and Burns in Chelmsford. Since then Mr Gittos has been at the forefront of the Since then Mr Gittos has been at the forefront of the advancement of post mastectomy reconstruction using advancement of post mastectomy reconstruction using skin and nipple sparing surgical techniques and has skin and nipple sparing surgical techniques and has authored a number of scientific papers on this subject. He authored a number of scientific papers on this subject. He joined The London Breast Clinic in 2001. joined The London Breast Clinic in 2001. T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: W: T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: W: T: 1212 + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 E: W: E: W: THE LONDON SKIN CLINIC AAT T THE ONDON SKIN CLINIC ATT A Fiona MacNeill qualifi ed ed from Bartholomew’s Hospital, Richard Sainsbury qualifi in St 1977 from University of London in 1983. She was appointed as a Consultant Newcastle Upon Tyne Medical School. in 1996,isfiConsultant rstly at Colchester and moreatrecently at The Richard Breast Surgeon Southampton Royal Marsden Hospital London. Fiona joined The London University Hospitals NHS Trust and IOW NHS Primary Care Breast Clinic in 1996. She is currently the breast tutor Trust having taken up the post in the summer of The Royal College of Surgeons EnglandCollege and herMedical main He moved from Royal Free and of University areas of interest are oncoplastic reconstructive surgery School London where he had been Senior Lecturer and node training. 2006 herofeducational and sentinel Honorarylymph Consultant SurgeonInand Head Breast and training achievements were recognised with thebeen Silver Services at UCH since 2000, having been previously Scalpel award.Surgeon Fiona lectures nationally and a Consultant in Huddersfi eld for 12internationally years. He and is a member of a number of national and department CONSULTANT has retained his SURGEON ongoing research programme at UCH CONSULTANT SURGEON of health committees. concerning theSainsbury mechanisms of FRCS breast cancer,he is also Mr Richard MD Mr Richard Sainsbury FRCSfrom bodies actively involved inqualifi advising government on the Richard Sainsbury edMD in 1977 University of Richard Sainsbury qualifi ed in 1977 from University of optimisation of breast services. He has written several Newcastle Upon Tyne Medical School. Newcastle Upon Tyne Medical School. books and many scientific papers on breast cancer. He Richard is Consultant Breast Surgeon at Southampton joined the team in 2001. Richard is Consultant Breast at NHS Southampton University Hospitals NHS TrustSurgeon and IOW Primary Care University Hospitals NHS Trust and IOW NHS Care Trust having taken up the post in the summerPrimary of 2007. Trust having taken up the post in the summer of 2007. He moved from Royal Free and University College Medical He moved fromwhere Royal Free andbeen University School London he had SeniorCollege LecturerMedical CONSULTANT BREAST AND RECONSTRUCTION School London where he had been Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Surgeon and Head of Breast SURGEON (ONCOLPLASTIC SURGEON) and Honorary Consultant Surgeon and Head of Breast Services at UCH since 2000, having been previously been Services at UCH since 2000, having been previously been Miss Fiona MacNeill FRCS eld a Consultant Surgeon in MD Huddersfi for 12 years. He MacNeill qualifi ed St Bartholomew’s aFiona Consultant Surgeon in from Huddersfi eld for 12 years. He has retained his ongoing research programme atHospital, UCH London in 1983. She was appointed as a Consultant has retained his ongoing research programme at UCH concerning the mechanisms of breast cancer,he is also concerning theat mechanisms of breast is also in 1996,involved firstly Colchester and morecancer,he recently at actively in advising government bodies onThe the T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 Royal Marsden Hospital London. Fiona joined The actively involved in advising government bodies onLondon the optimisation of breast services. He has written several E:optimisation W: Breast Clinicmany in She currently the breast tutor of 1996. breast services. Heon hasbreast written several books and scientifi c ispapers cancer. Heat books and many scientifi c papers on breast cancer. He The Royal Surgeons of England and her main joined the College team in of 2001. areas ofthe interest are2001. oncoplastic reconstructive surgery joined team in and sentinel lymph node training. In 2006 her educational and training achievements were recognised with the Silver Scalpel award. Fiona lectures nationally and internationally CONSULTANT BREAST AND RECONSTRUCTION CONSULTANT BREAST ANDofRECONSTRUCTION and is a member of a number national and department SURGEON (ONCOLPLASTIC SURGEON) SURGEON (ONCOLPLASTIC SURGEON) of health committees. Miss Fiona MacNeill MD FRCS Miss Fiona MacNeill MD FRCS Fiona MacNeill qualified from St Bartholomew’s Hospital, Fiona MacNeill qualifi ed from St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London in 1983. She was appointed as a Consultant London in 1983. She was appointed as a Consultant in 1996, firstly at Colchester and more recently at The in 1996, firstly at Colchester and more recently at The Royal Marsden Hospital London. Fiona joined The London Royal Hospital London. Fionathe joined The London BreastMarsden Clinic in 1996. She is currently breast tutor at Breast Clinic in 1996. She is currently the breast tutor at The Royal College of Surgeons of England and her main The Royal College of Surgeons of England and her main areas of interest are oncoplastic reconstructive surgery areas of interest arenode oncoplastic reconstructive surgery and sentinel lymph training. In 2006 her educational and sentinel lymph node training. In 2006 her educational and training achievements were recognised with the Silver and training achievements were recognised with the Silver Scalpel award. Fiona lectures nationally and internationally Scalpel Fiona and internationally and is aaward. member of alectures numbernationally of national and department and is a member of a number of national and department of health committees. of health committees. THE SKIN CLINIC THE TEAM CONSULTANTS TEAM THE LONDON TEAM III CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: W: T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 +44 44(0)20 (0)207563 75631234 1234 F:F:++44 44(0)20 (0)207563 75631212 1212 T:T:+ T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: W: E: W: E: W: E: W: TTHHEE THE LLOONNDDOONN LONDON SSKKI INN SKIN CCLLI INNI ICC CLINIC AATT AT MEDICAL CHAMBERS 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET TTHHEE TH HE E T NDDO ONN LLOON LL O N D ON O NKID INNO N SSK S K II N N CCLSLIKINN I ICC C L I N C L I N II C C AATT AT T A MEDICAL CHAMBERS 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET south east. Gordon is Consultant Colorectal and General Surgeon at Charingcolorectal Cross andtraining Hammersmith Hospitals,atLondon. Advanced was undertaken St Mark’s He carries out a wide variety of Colorectal and General Hospital Harrow and Mount Sinai Toronto Canada. Surgical procedures. His special interests are the management of haemorrhoids and sinus and he is a specialist the He graduated fromdisease St Thomas’ Hospital, Londoninand TEAM Ipilonidal THE TEAM II CONSULTANTS CONSULTANTS THE SKIN CLINIC surgical treatment of and complex Crohn’s disease and in undertook colorectal general surgical training THE LONDON TEAM CONSULTANTS ulcerative South Eastcolitis. England. He also received advanced colorectal training at St Mark’s Hospital, Harrow, St Thomas’ Hospital, London and Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada. CONSULTANT SURGEON CONSULTANT CONSULTANT SURGEON SURGEON Mr Gordon Buchanan MD MSc FRCS (Gen) Mr Gordon Buchanan MD FRCS (Gen) Mr Gordon Buchanan MD MSc MSc (Gen) Gordon is Consultant Colorectal andFRCS General Surgeon CONSULTANT SURGEON Gordon is is Consultant Consultant Colorectal Colorectal and and General General Surgeon Surgeon Gordon at Charing Cross and Hammersmith Hospitals, London. Mr Emin Carapeti MBBS MD FRCS (Gen) at Charing Cross and Hammersmith Hospitals, London. at Cross and Hammersmith Hospitals, HeCharing carries out a wide variety of Colorectal and London. General Emin is Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon at He carries out a wide variety of Colorectal and He carries out a wide variety of Colorectal and General General Surgical procedures. Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals. He qualifi ed at Guy’s Surgical procedures. procedures. Surgical He graduated from St Thomas’ Hospital, London and Hospital and undertook his training in London and the He graduated from St Thomas’ Hospital, London and He graduated from St Thomas’ Hospital, London undertook colorectal and general surgical trainingand in south east. undertook colorectal and general surgical training in undertook andalso general surgical training in South East colorectal England. He received advanced colorectal Advanced colorectal training was undertaken at St Mark’s South East England. He also received advanced colorectal South East England. He also received advanced colorectal training at St Mark’s Hospital, Harrow, St Thomas’ Hospital at Harrow and Hospital, Mount Sinai Toronto Canada. training at St Mark’s Mark’s Hospital, Harrow, St Thomas’ Thomas’ training St Harrow, St Hospital, London and Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, His special interests are the management of haemorrhoids Hospital, London and Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Hospital, London and Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada. and pilonidal sinus disease and he is a specialist in the Canada. Canada. surgical treatment of complex Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. CONSULTANT SURGEON CONSULTANT CONSULTANT SURGEON SURGEON Mr Emin Carapeti MBBS MD FRCS (Gen) Mr Emin Carapeti MBBS MD FRCS Mr Carapeti MBBSand MDColorectal FRCS (Gen) (Gen)Surgeon at EminEmin is Consultant General Emin is Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon at Emin is Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals. He qualified at Guy’sat Guy’s and and St St Thomas’ Thomas’ Hospitals. Hospitals. He He qualifi qualified ed at Guy’s Guy’s Guy’s Hospital and undertook his training in Londonatand the Hospital and undertook his training in London and the Hospital and undertook his training in London and the east. 7563 1212 T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F:south + 44 (0)20 south east. south east. Advanced colorectal training was undertaken at St Mark’s E: W: Advanced colorectal training was at Advanced colorectal was undertaken undertaken at St St Mark’s Mark’s Hospital Harrow and training Mount Sinai Toronto Canada. Hospital Harrow Harrow and and Mount Mount Sinai Sinai Toronto Toronto Canada. Canada. Hospital His special interests are the management of haemorrhoids His special interests are management of His interests are the the and management of haemorrhoids haemorrhoids andspecial pilonidal sinus disease he is a specialist in the and pilonidal sinus disease and he is a specialist in and pilonidal sinus disease and he is a specialist in the the surgical treatment of complex Crohn’s disease and surgical treatment treatment of of complex complex Crohn’s Crohn’s disease disease and and surgical ulcerative colitis. ulcerative ulcerative colitis. colitis. T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: W: T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 44(0)20 (0)207563 75631234 1234 F:F:++44 44(0)20 (0)207563 7563 1212 T:T:++44 1212 T: F: + T: + + 44 44 (0)20 (0)20 7563 7563 1234 1234 E: F: + 44 44 (0)20 (0)20 7563 7563 1212 1212 W: W: E: W: E: W: THE LONDON SKIN CLINIC AAT T Mr Hospital GordoninBuchanan MD MSc FRCS (Gen) University. Hospital in 1976. 1976. Colorectal and General Surgeon Gordon is Consultant In she joined Farrer-Brown Histopathology Ltd, He looks after patients with general dermatological In 1985 1985 she joined Farrer-Brown Histopathology Ltd, at Charing Cross and Hammersmith Hospitals, London. before establishing Independent Histopathology Services conditions special interest in theand management of beforeout establishing Independent Histopathology Services He carries awith widea variety of Colorectal General Ltd with a group of Consultant Histopathologists. Having malignant and pre-malignant conditions of the skin. Ltd with a group of Consultant Histopathologists. Having Surgical procedures. developed aa special interest in pathology, she developedfrom special interestHospital, in breast breast London pathology, she He graduated St Thomas’ and began working with Mr Jerry Gilmore in 1985, and has began working with Mr Jerry Gilmore in 1985, and undertook colorectal and general surgical training in itshas been involved with The London Breast Clinic since been with Breast Cliniccolorectal since its CYTOLOLOGISTS & London HISTOPATHOLOGIST South Eastinvolved England. He The also received advanced inception in 1991. inception in 1991. Dr Elizabeth MA MD FRCPath training at St Mark’sCourtauld Hospital, Harrow, St Thomas’ THE TEAM I CONSULTANTS Having qualifiand ed from Cambridge University and Kings Hospital, London Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, College Hospital, London in 1967, Dr Courtaulds first Canada. CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST senior appointment was as Senior Lecturer and Honorary Dr Nick Plowman MD FRCR FRCP Consultant in Histopathology at The Royal London Dr Nick Plowman MD Cantab Cantab FRCR FRCP Cancer drug and Radiotheraphy Specialists Hospital in 1976. Cancer drug and Radiotheraphy Specialists CONSULTANT SURGEON Nick Plowman graduated from Guys Hospital In 1985 she Farrer-Brown Histopathology Ltd, Nick Plowman graduated from Guys Hospital Medical Medical Emin Carapeti MBBS MD FRCS (Gen) T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F:Mr + 44 (0)20 7563joined 1212 School in London in 1974, having gained 1st Class before establishing Independent Histopathology Services in London in 1974, gained 1st Class EminSchool is W: Consultant General andhaving Colorectal Surgeon at E: Honours in both Medical Sciences Tripos and National Ltd with of Consultant Having Honours ingroup both Medical Sciences Tripos National Guy’s and St aThomas’ Hospitals. He Histopathologists. qualifi ed and at Guy’s Sciences Tripos at Cambridge University. developed a special interest in breast pathology, she T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F:Hospital + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 Sciences at Cambridge University. and Tripos undertook his training in London and the began working with Mr Jerry Gilmore in Radiology 1985, and has Since 1982 he has been a Consultant south east. E: W: Since 1982 he has been a Consultant in Radiology and and been involved withtoThe London Breast Hospital Clinic since its Clinical Oncology and Clinicalcolorectal Oncologytraining to St St Bartholomews Bartholomews Hospital and Advanced was undertaken at St Mark’s inception in 1991. The for Children Great Street, The Hospital Hospital for Sick Sick Children Great Ormond Ormond Hospital Harrow and Mount Sinai Toronto Canada.Street, with visiting duties to St Marks Hospital in Harrow with visiting duties Marks Hospital Harrow and and His special interests are to theStmanagement of in haemorrhoids Moorfields Eye Hospital in elds Eye disease Hospitaland in London. London. and Moorfi pilonidal sinus he is a specialist in the CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST He published over research papers and surgical treatment of complex He has has published over 300 300Crohn’s researchdisease papersand and has has been been a member of The London Breast Clinic team since its Dr Nick Plowman MD Cantab FRCR FRCP ulcerative colitis. a member of The London Breast Clinic team since its inception in Cancer drug and Radiotheraphy Specialists inception in 1991. 1991. Nick Plowman graduated from Guys Hospital Medical School in London in 1974, having gained 1st Class Honours in both Medical Sciences Tripos and National Sciences Tripos T:at+Cambridge University. 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E:Since W: 1982 he has been a Consultant in Radiology and E: W: Clinical Oncology to St Bartholomews Hospital and The Hospital for Sick Children Great Ormond Street, with visiting duties to St Marks Hospital in Harrow and Moorfields Eye Hospital in London. He has published over 300 research papers and has been a member of The London Breast Clinic team since its inception in 1991. T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 T: 1212 + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: W: E: W: T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: W: T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: W: THE LONDON SKIN CLINIC AT MEDICAL CHAMBERS 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET TTHHEE THE LLOONNDDOONN LONDON SSKKI INN SKIN CCLLI INNI ICC CLINIC THE by TEAM I CONSULTANTS MULTI-DISCIPLINARY TEAM LONDON SKIN team CLINIC MULTI-DISCIPLINARY TEAM managed and audited the Consultant managed and audited by the Consultant team & MEDICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE rs in Atheir fi eld and specially selected for their & MEDICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ATT rs in their fi eld and specially selected for their T pectsAof disease and cancer care. pects of disease and cancer care. tic Surgeons, Radiologists, Cytologists, tic Surgeons, Radiologists, who Cytologists, ogists and Radiotherapists, all work ogists Radiotherapists, all work s andand other support staff inwho integrated, and other supportreceives staff in the integrated, es that each patient best possible MEDICAL eparticular that each patient receives the best possible CHAMBERS problem. particular problem. 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET Every patient’sare case isregular assessed, managed and audited by the Consultant team day team working there meetings Every patient’s case is assessed, managed audited by the Consultant at 108 Harley Street, all are leaders in theirand field and specially selected forteam their day team working there are regular meetings 108 Harley Street, all are leaders in their field and selected for their and experience in all aspects ofas disease andspecially cancer care. and educationalatexpertise updates and reviews well and experience in all aspects of disease and cancer care. and educationalexpertise updates and reviews as well The team includes Surgeons, Plastic Surgeons, Radiologists, Cytologists, The team includes Clinical Surgeons, Plastic Surgeons, Radiologists, who Cytologists, Histopathologists, Oncologists and Radiotherapists, all work Histopathologists, Clinical Oncologists and Radiotherapists, who all work together with our specialist nurses and other support staff in integrated, together with our specialist nurses and other support staff in integrated, multi-disciplinary teams, to ensure that each patient receives the best possible multi-disciplinary teams, to ensure that eachproblem. patient receives the best possible treatment required for their own particular treatment required for their own particular problem. regulates the admitting rights, the clinical regulates admitting rights, the clinical ng at 108 the Harley Street and disciplinary addition to and the routine day to day team working there are regular meetings ng at 108 HarleyInInwhich Street disciplinary addition to the routine day to day workingupdates there are regular meetings cover clinical, best practice andteam educational and reviews as well which covercase clinical, best practice and educational updates and reviews as well as detailed audit. as detailed case audit. The Medical Advisory Committee regulates the admitting rights, the clinical emittee committee are: are: The Medical of Advisory Committee regulates admitting rights, the clinical matters. governance Consultants working at 108 the Harley Street and disciplinary mittee are: governance of Consultants working at 108 Harley Street and disciplinary matters. Chairman) matters. The current members of the committee are: ce-Chairman) The TheMr current members ofcommittee the committee are: rman) Simon Marsh, Surgeon (Chairman) current members of the are: TheMr current of the committee are: Dr Nick Perry, Radiologist O J Amembers Gilmore, Surgeon (Chairman) rman) hairman) Miss MacNeill, Surgeon Mr Marsh, Surgeon (Vice-Chairman) Mr O J Simon A Fiona Gilmore, Surgeon (Chairman) Mr O J A Gilmore, Surgeon (Chairman) Miss Tena Walters, Surgeon hairman) Miss Fiona Macneill, Surgeon Dr Nick Perry, Radiologist (Vice-Chairman) t t istopathologist pathologist pathologist Dr Nick Perry, Radiologist (Vice-Chairman) Dr Felicity Muncey, Radiologist Miss Tena Walters, Surgeon Miss Fiona Macneill, Surgeon Miss Fiona Macneill, Surgeon Dr William Teh, Radiologist NickWalters, Perry, Radiologist MissDrTena Surgeon Miss Tena Walters, Surgeon Dr Carmel Coulter, Oncologist Dr Felicity Muncey, Radiologist Mr Simon Marsh, Surgeon DrWilliam Alison Jones, Oncologist Mr Simon Marsh, Dr Teh,Surgeon Dr Felicity Muncey, Radiologist Dr Clive Wells, Cytologist & Histopathologist Dr Felicity Muncey, Radiologist Dr Carmel Oncologist Dr William Teh,Coulter, Radiologist Mr Emin Carapeti, Surgeon Dr William Teh, Radiologist Dr Alison Jones,Oncologist Oncologist Dr Carmel Coulter, Dr NickCoulter, Plowman, Oncologist Dr Carmel Oncologist Dr Clive Wells, Cytologist & Histopathologist Dr Alison Jones, Oncologist Dr Julia Scarisbrick, Dermatologist Dr Jones, Oncologist Mr Emin Carapeti, Surgeon Dr Alison Clive Wells, Cytologist & Histopathologist Mr Stuart James, Plastic Surgeon Dr Clive Wells, Cytologist & Histopathologist In addition to the routine day to day team working there are regular meetings In addition the routine day to day workingupdates there are regular meetings which covertoclinical, best practice andteam educational and reviews as which cover clinical, best practice and educational updates and reviews as well as detailed case audit. well as detailed case audit. T:1212 + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 T:T:++44 7563 F:F:++regular 44 44(0)20 (0)20 75631234 1234 44(0)20 (0)207563 7563 1212 day team working there are meetings T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F:E:+ 44 (0)20 7563 1212 W: W: day team working there are regular meetings E: W: e and educational updates and reviews as e and educational updates and reviews as THE LONDON SKIN CLINIC AAT T THE ONDON SKIN LINIC THE SKIN CLINIC WHAT’S IN A MOLE? THE LONDON TEAM I CONSULTANTS ATT A TT HH EE LO NN DD OO NN LO SK I NI N SK CC L ILNI N I CI C AA TT A mole (or naevus) is athe term to Many any spot on are the coloured skin. Many moles are The medical term for mole is applied a naevus. moles (pigmented) but some(pigmented) have no colour. medical term for aThe mole is a melanoma. coloured but The some have no colour. medical term for aThis molesimply is a means any pigmented non pigmented lesion; does not meanlesion; a cancer. melanoma. This simply or means any pigmented or itnon pigmented it does Although moles are brown, canare vary from flthey esh can coloured through not mean most a cancer. Although mostthey moles brown, vary from flesh yellow and blue, toyellow black.and Moles can many different shapes can beshapes single coloured through blue, tobe black. Moles can be manyand different or multiple, on almost any part of the body. Everybody has moles; some people and can be single or multiple, on almost any part of the body. Everybody has have more than others. moles; some people have more than others. Most moles have formed before the age of 20, but some people can get new moles well into their 30s or beyond. The vast majority of moles remain benign (non cancerous) and never cause any trouble. However, a small number may change with time and have the potential to become a cancerous mole (malignant melanoma). melanoma). If If aa mole mole changes changes in in size size or or colour, colour, if if it it itches, itches, is is painful painful or or bleeds, bleeds, or if new nodules develop around it or it looks red and infl amed then themole mole or if new nodules develop around it or it looks red and inflamed then the should should be be removed removed for for examination. examination. It It is is important important that that moles moles are are removed removed properly so they can be thoroughly examined. It is usually recommended properly so they can be thoroughly examined. It is usually recommended that that moles moles are are removed removed with with an an ellipse ellipse of of normal normal skin skin around around them, them, aiming aiming for for aa 2mm 2mm margin ne. margin of of clearance. clearance. Most Most of of the the moles moles that that are are removed removed turn turn out out to to be be fi fine. Pathologists Pathologists (doctors (doctors who who examine examine tissues tissues under under the the microscope) microscope) use use different different terms for benign moles. They may be junctional, juvenile, blue, compound, terms for benign moles. They may be junctional, juvenile, blue, compound, dermal dermal or or intradermal. intradermal. All All these these are are descriptions descriptions for for benign benign (non (non cancerous) cancerous) moles. Some will be what are called dysplastic moles. These moles. Some will be what are called dysplastic moles. These are are thought thought to to be be precancerous moles that have the potential to become malignant melanomas precancerous moles that have the potential to become malignant melanomas if if they they are are left. left. Although Although many many of of them them may may not not turn turn cancerous cancerous it it is is impossible impossible to to tell tell and and so so they they should should probably probably be be removed. removed. The The next next stage stage after after the the dysplastic dysplastic mole is the malignant melanoma in situ. This has just turned cancerous, mole is the malignant melanoma in situ. This has just turned cancerous, but but does does not not have have the the ability ability to to spread. spread. Like Like the the dysplastic dysplastic mole, mole, it it is is cured cured by by removing removing it it properly. properly. Malignant Malignant melanomas melanomas proper proper have have the the ability ability to to spread spread around the body, so the earlier they are caught the better. It seems that around the body, so the earlier they are caught the better. It seems that the the most important factor in determining whether a malignant melanoma may have most important factor in determining whether a malignant melanoma may have spread or not is its thickness. This is measured in mm and is called the Breslow spread or not is its thickness. This is measured in mm and is called the Breslow thickness. Depending on the thickness, a wider removal of the skin around a thickness. Depending on the thickness, a wider removal of the skin around a malignant melanoma is usually recommended. Malignant melanomas that are malignant melanoma is usually recommended. Malignant melanomas that are less than 1mm thick have a greater than 95% chance of causing no further less than 1mm thick have a greater than 95% chance of causing no further trouble. Another way of measuring the thickness of a malignant melanoma is the trouble. Another way of measuring the thickness of a malignant melanoma is the Clarke’s level. This relates to which layers of the skin the malignant melanoma Clarke’s level. This relates to which layers of the skin the malignant melanoma has penetrated. This is less accurate that the Breslow thickness in predicting the has penetrated. This is less accurate that the Breslow thickness in predicting the likelihood of further problems. As with other cancers, it is important that people likelihood of further problems. As with other cancers, it is important that people who have had malignant melanomas are treated by a team of specialists. This will who have had malignant melanomas are treated by a team of specialists. This will include a dermatologist, a surgeon and perhaps a plastic surgeon, an oncologist include a dermatologist, a surgeon and perhaps a plastic surgeon, an oncologist and a pathologist. and a pathologist. Some groups of people should be regularly checked for abnormal moles. These Some groups people regularlymelanoma checked for abnormal moles. include peopleofwho haveshould had abe malignant before, or there is aThese family include people who have had a malignant melanoma before, or there is aafamily history of it, fair skinned, fair haired or red haired people and those with large history ofofit,moles fair skinned, fair dysplastic haired or red haired people and those large number or previous moles, as well as those who with haveahad number of moles, as well asinthose who have had considerable sunof exposure considerable sun exposure their lives, particularly with episodes severe in their lives, particularly with episodes of severe sunburn when they were young. sunburn when they were young. T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 T: T:+ +4444(0)20 (0)207563 75631234 1234F:F:+ +4444(0)20 (0)207563 75631212 1212 E: W: E: W: E: W: MEDICAL CHAMBERS 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET H EE TT H ON ND DO ON N LL O K II N N SS K C LL II N N II CC C THE TEAM YOUR FIRSTI CONSULTANTS VISIT LONDON SKIN CLINIC AAT T ATT A Your first visit On your first visit to the clinic, you will be greeted by a receptionist, who will collect any referral letters, x-rays, test results or other information you have brought with you. These will be passed to the consultant. It is helpful if you can arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your appointment time so that the consultant has time to review the information prior to your consultation and any outstanding personal information can be obtained. MEDICAL CHAMBERS 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET THE LONDON SKIN CLINIC You can then take a seat in the waiting room, where a medical secretary may see you if any personal information is still required. A nurse will then take you to meet the consultant. A spouse, partner, relative or friend can accompany you, or the nurse can stay with you during your consultation and examination. “One Stop” Consultation and Surgery Whether you have referred yourself, or been referred by your GP or other specialist the consultant will discuss the nature of your problem and any other relevant information, such as your general medical history and family history. Clinical examination will take place. After clinical examination and discussion with the consultant, if it is felt appropriate to proceed to surgery under local anaesthetic you will be asked to sign a consent form and the nurse will show you to the changing area and prepare for theatre. If you do not wish to proceed with immediate surgery then a future date can be agreed to return to have the procedure undertaken. On examination if the nature or size of the lesion indicates that surgery should not be undertaken under local anaesthetic then arrangements can be made for you to have an operation under general anaesthetic at a later date. Following surgery the nurse will provide you with wound care advice and make an appointment to attend for removal of sutures and to discuss the histopathology results, where appropriate. T: +1212 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 T: ++ 44 44 (0)20 (0)20 7563 7563 1234 1234 F: F: ++ 44 44 (0)20 (0)20 7563 7563 1212 T: E: W: E: W: W: E: consultant has time to review the information prior to your consultation and any outstanding personal information can be obtained. THE ONDON SKIN CLINIC ATT A You can then take a seat in the waiting room, where a medical secretary may see you if any personal information is still required. A nurse will then take you to meet the consultant. A spouse, partner, relative or friend can accompany you, or the nurse can stay with you during your consultation and examination. “ONE STOP” I CONSULTATION THE LONDON SKIN CLINIC SURGERY TEAM CONSULTANTS THE TEAM I CONSULTANTS “One Stop” Consultation and Surgery Whether you have referred yourself, or been referred by your GP or other specialist the consultant will discuss the nature of your problem and any other relevant information, such as your general medical history and family history. Clinical examination will take place. After clinical examination and discussion with the consultant, if it is felt appropriate to proceed to surgery under local anaesthetic you will be asked to sign a consent form and the nurse will show you to the changing area and prepare for theatre. If you do not wish to proceed with immediate surgery then a future date can be agreed to return to have the procedure undertaken. On examination if the nature or size of the lesion indicates that surgery should not be undertaken under local anaesthetic then arrangements can be made for you to have an operation under general anaesthetic at a later date. Following surgery the nurse will provide you with wound care advice and make an appointment to attend for removal of sutures and to discuss the histopathology results, where appropriate. T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: W: T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563T: 1212 + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: W: E: W: T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 THE LONDON SKIN C LTI H N EI C LONDON SKIN AT CLINIC AT MEDICAL CHAMBERS 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET THE LONDON SKIN CLINIC THE TEAM I CONSULTANTS ACCOUNTS THE LONDON SKIN CLINIC AT AA TT AT Our objective is to provide the highest standard of professional care with the minimum of delay, in relaxed and friendly surroundings. MEDICAL CHAMBERS 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET TTHHEE LLOONNDDOO SSKKI INN CCLLIINNIIC If you would like to discuss any aspect of your account, please don’t hesitate to contact the Accounts Department on 020 7563 1234. Insured Patients All the consultation, investigations and procedures at 108 Harley Street are routinely covered as outpatient treatment and are paid by medical insurers subject to policy terms, benefit limits, conditions, exclusions and excesses. The Consultants at 108 Harley Street are able to request these investigations as part of the original claim so a further pre-authorisation is not usually required but you should check with your insurer if this is their policy. Patients who have been referred by a Doctor not based at 108 Harley Street should also be covered under their original claim reference but again it is better to check with the insurer. Own Account If you are paying your own account, you are requested to settle all invoices on receipt this will usually be at the time of treatment. An indication of investigation fees can be given in advance of any appointment based upon standard outcomes but these are for guidance only and are not binding. Sponsored Patients If you are being sponsored by your employer or other third party please bring a letter of guarantee signed by your sponsor to your first appointment with a Consultant. The letter should outline the scope of cover being paid for on your behalf e.g. consultations, investigations, surgery or provide a monetary limit. If this is not provided you will be regarded as a self paying patient and asked to settle the account at the time of treatment. T:++44 44(0)20 (0)207563 75631234 1234 F:F:++44 44(0)20 (0)207563 75631212 1212 T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563T:1212 E: W: E: W: E: W: THE TEAM I CONSULTANTS NOTES THE TEAM I CONSULTANTS THE LONDON SKIN C LT IHNEI C LONDON SKIN AT CLINIC AT MEDICAL CHAMBERS 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 E: W: T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 • Regents Park - Bakerloo Line • Oxford Circus - Bakerloo, Central and Victoria Lines CONTACT US • Great Portland Street - Circle, Metropolitan, Hammersmith and City Lines • Baker Street - Jubilee, Hammersmith and City, Metropolitan, Bakerloo and Circle Lines Please note that Harley Street is within a one way traffic system running north south from Marylebone Road to Cavendish Square. THE LONDON SKIN CLINIC AT Public Transport Underground The nearest tube stations are: • Regents Park - Bakerloo Line • Oxford Circus - Bakerloo, Central and Victoria Lines • Great Portland Street - Circle, Metropolitan, Hammersmith and City Lines The London Skin Clinic • Baker Street - Jubilee, Hammersmith and City, Metropolitan, Bakerloo and 108 Harley Street, London W1G 7ET Circle Lines T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 F: + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 Buses E: Bus numbers 18, 27, 30 and 205 stop at Marylebone Road at the top of Harley Street. MEDICAL CHAMBERS 108 HARLEY STREET LONDON WIG 7ET The London Skin Clinic is a division of 108 Medical Breast Ltd. Reg No Ltd. 2520520. The London Clinic Registered in England and Wales Reg No 2520520. Registered in England & Wales Registered Office: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: Whitewater Mill, Hook, HANTS RG27 9EH Buses Bus numbers 18, 27, 30 and 205 stop at Marylebone Road at the top of Harley Street. Office Hours Monday to Thursday, 7am - 6pm Friday, 7am - 5.30pm VISITING US T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 Medical Director - 108 F:Harley Street Parking Mr O JParking A Gilmore MSare FRCS FRCS(ED) F.INSTStreet, SPORTS MED remember that it is in the E: W:on meters available Harley however, congestion charging zone, telephone: 0845 900 1234. Parking meters are also available near by in Regents Park which are not in congestion charging zone. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: There is a car park on Queen Anne Street which is accessed at the end of Harley Street via Cavendish Square. There is also a car park at Cavendish Square. Please note that Harley Street is within a one way traffic system running north south from Marylebone Road to Cavendish Square. Public Transport Underground The nearest tube stations are: • Regents Park - Bakerloo Line • Oxford Circus - Bakerloo, Central and Victoria Lines • Great Portland Street - Circle, Metropolitan, Hammersmith and City Lines • Baker Street - Jubilee, Hammersmith and City, Metropolitan, Bakerloo and Circle Lines Buses Bus numbers 18, 27, 30 and 205 stop at Marylebone Road at the top of Harley Street. T: + 44FOR (0)20Director 7563 1234 +INFORMATION 44 (0)20 Medical - 108 F:Harley Street7563 1212 PLEASE VISIT: FURTHER E:Mrinfo@108harleystreet. co.uFRCS(ED) k W: www.F.I1NST08harleystreet. O J A Gilmore MS FRCS SPORTS T: + 44 (0)20 7563 1234 + 44 (0)20 7563 1212 Medical Director - 108 F:Harley Street Mr O J A Gilmore MS FRCS FRCS(ED) F.INST SPORTS MED E: W:
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