- Aviation Boatswain`s Mates association
- Aviation Boatswain`s Mates association
AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE ASSOCIATION STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Author: CDR (Ret) Preston Jones Co-author: LCDR Doug Thornton Revision Date: 8 August 2008 AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE ASSOCIATION STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents……………………………..…….………………………………...………...1-6 Introduction........……….......................……………………………………………..….………...7 Background..................………...............….….………………………….………......…...………8 Board of Directors…………………..……………… …………….………………...…..…….9-12 Board of Directors Emeritus………..……………… ……………………………...………..13-16 President ……………………………….……………………….…………………..…..…...17-26 Executive Vice-president….………………………..……………………….……………....27-29 Secretary…………………………………………….…...……….………………….............30-35 Treasurer………………………………………………….……….………………….......….36-44 Regional Vice-presidents………………………………………….…………………………45-47 Scholarship Chairman...........………….....................……………….……….………………48-55 Fund Raising Chairman.....................……….....................……………….…………………56-59 Membership Chairman……….………………………………………..…………………......60-65 Public Affairs Officer…………………………………………………..………………….…66-68 Merchandise Coordinator……….………………………………………………..…….…….69-71 AB Hall of Honors Curator ……….……………………………………....…........................72-74 National Vendor Coordinator……………………………………………..…................…….75-81 Chaplain…………………………………………………………………..……...........…..….82-83 Historian……………………..……………………………………………….……...……….84-85 Webmaster…………………………………………………………………………………....86-88 Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman…………..…..…………...89-99 Awards Committee…………….........................………………………..…..………..…...100-102 Banquet Committee………………..…………………………………….……..…………103-105 1 Color Guard/Side Boys Committee………..…………………………….…..……..….….106-108 Cruise Book Committee…………………………………………………………..…….....109-110 Finance Committee………..………….………………………………………...................111-113 Hospitality Committee…………………………….……………………….……..……….114-117 Ladies Entertainment Committee……………………………………….…..…..………...118-120 Lodging & Reservation Committee……………….……………………….………..….…121-124 National/Chapter Merchandise Committee……………………………………….…….....125-127 Picnic Committee……………………………………….……….………………………...128-130 Program Committee……………………………….…….……….………………….….....131-134 Publicity Committee……………………………………….…………….…………..……135-137 Retired Workshop Committee…………………….……………….……………..….……138-140 Special Events/Entertainment Committee………..……………………………………….141-143 Transportation Committee……………………….………………….…...………………..144-146 Vendor Industrial Display Committee………………………..……….……….…...….....147-150 Video/Pictorial Committee …………………….………………….….…………..……...151-153 Workshop Coordinators……………………………………..………….……………..….154-160 Workshop Committee……………………………………..………….……………….….161-163 Symposium Committee’s Members Assignment Sheets…………………..……………..164-170 Aviation Boatswain's Mates of the Year………..…………………...…………….......….171-177 Living/Posthumous Legend Award…….……………………..…………………….........178-180 Membership Drive Awards…………………….……………………..……………..……181-185 Other Individual Awards...............................………….………………....…………....….186-187 Shipboard/Command Awards.............................……………………….…..…………….188-189 Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Report………..…...………..190-195 Voting Procedures……………………………………………..………….……….…...…196-209 2 Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association Logo Trademark……………………………….210-211 APPENDIX A… Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association Working Group Conference Naval Message Example…………………….……………212-215 APPENDIX B… COMNAVAIRLANT Norfolk Selection Aviation Boatswain's Mates of the Year Naval Message…………………………………………………...216-217 APPENDIX C… COMNAVAIRPAC San Diego Selection Aviation Boatswain's Mates of the Year Naval Message………….….……………………………..……...218-219 APPENDIX D… Aviation Boatswain's Mates of the Year Record Screen Selection Form………………………….……………………………………..….220-221 APPENDIX E… Voting Proxy Form……………………………….…………...….…………222 APPENDIX F… Sample Annual Financial Report………..….…………………………..223-224 APPENDIX G… ABMA Working Group Agenda Item Form………………………….…….225 APPENDIX H… Symposium Committee’s Members Assignment Sheets…………...…..226-232 APPENDIX I… Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Program Format.233-234 APPENDIX J… Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Program Example………………………………………………………………....235-255 APPENDIX K… Aviation Boatswain's Mates Association Isabella M.Gillen Memorial Scholarship Application Criteria and Instructions………..………...…....…256 APPENDIX L… Aviation Boatswain's Mates Association Isabella M.Gillen Memorial Scholarship Application Form.............................................................…257-261 APPENDIX M… Aviation Boatswain's Mates Association Membership Application…….….262 APPENDIX N… Workshop Results Cover Letter……….……………..……………...….263-265 APPENDIX O… Voting Procedures Brief………………….…………………………….266-268 APPENDIX P… Sample Letter of Appreciation for Command Support…………………..….269 APPENDIX Q… Sample Letter of Appreciation for being a Guest Speaker…………………..270 APPENDIX R… Sample Letter of Request to be a Guest Speaker……..……………………..271 APPENDIX S… Sample Letter of Request for Overflow Hotel…………..……………….…..272 APPENDIX T… Sample Letter of Appreciation for Host Chapter…….……………..………..273 APPENDIX U…Sample Letter of Appreciation for Company Support……...…….……...…..274 3 APPENDIX V… Sample Letter of Newspaper Article Announcing Upcoming Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference..………………...…....……..275-276 APPENDIX W… Sample Letter of Appreciation for support from TYCOM…...…...………..277 APPENDIX X… Sample of Board of Directors Agenda…….……………………….……….278 APPENDIX Y… Sample Letter for Support from Vendors……………………..………..279-280 APPENDIX Z… Sample Letter of Request to be a Guest Speaker for the President of the United States and High Ranking Officials……………...…………...……………....281 APPENDIX AA.. News Article Submission Deadlines …………...………….…..……....282-283 APPENDIX AB...ABMA Newsletter Example…………..……………………………….284-297 APPENDIX AC…Trademark Information…………………………………………….….298-299 APPENDIX AD…Basic Facts About Trademarks…………………………………….….300-301 APPENDIX AE…Trademark Frequently Asked Questions…………….…………….…..302-330 APPENDIX AF…Trademark Electronic Application System……………………….…....331-333 APPENDIX AG…Trademark/Servicemark Application TEAS...…………………….….334-335 APPENDIX AH…Trademark/Servicemark Application Response To Office Action …...336-348 APPENDIX AI…Trademark Application Inserts…………………….…………………….….349 APPENDIX AJ…Letter To Superintendent of Documents…(Trademark Information)...…….350 APPENDIX AK…Response to Office Action Form…(Trademark Information)…..…….351-352 APPENDIX AL…TEAS Transmittal Response…(Trademark Information).…….………353-355 APPENDIX AM…Notice Of Publication Under (12A) Certification US Patent & Trademark Office……………………………………….………………………...356-358 APPENDIX AN…Certification Of Registration Of Trademark-Principal Register….…...359-361 APPENDIX AO…Requirements To Maintain Your Federal Trademark Registration….……..362 APPENDIX AP… ABMA Symposium Sites and Guest Speakers……...………………...363-369 APPENDIX AQ… Reunion Chairmen and Past Presidents……………………………....370-371 APPENDIX AR… Living Legends…………………………………………………….....372-373 APPENDIX AS… Honorary Living Legends…………………………….…...……..………..374 4 APPENDIX AT… Posthumous Legends………………………………………..…………….375 APPENDIX AU… Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Of The Year (East and West Coast).…...376-377 APPENDIX AV… ABMA Preamble…………………………………………………..……...378 APPENDIX AW…The Evening Prayer…(The AB Prayer),,,.…...……...……………...….…379 APPENDIX AX… The Last AB………………..………………………………………….…380 APPENDIX AY… Letter Of Support From The Office Of The CNO…….....………….381-384 APPENDIX AZ …The Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Insignia……..….………………...…….385 APPENDIX BA… The Retired AB………...………………………………….….………….386 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6 INTRODUCTION The Association shall be known as the AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE ASSOCIATION (ABMA,) a non-profit organization and referred to hereafter as the Association. The Association will be a non-profit organization, operated exclusively for purposes beneficial to the interests of the Nation, Our Navy and the Association membership, their dependents and survivors, with the primary objective of stimulating improvements in Naval Aviation safety in the “aircraft on deck” mode, touchdown to takeoff both at sea and ashore. The ABMA is comprised of active duty and retired Aviation Boatswain’s Mates and supporters of the ABMA. ABMA workshops are conducted annually and chaired by U.S. Navy fleet professionals. The focus and efforts of these workshops are to improve and enhance the aviation safety and readiness of our aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships and shore facilities. Continued support of the ABMA annual Professional Working Group Conference workshops by the U.S. Navy Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) has ensured a steady flow of equipment upgrades, training improvements and procedural changes that have significantly enhanced the safety of flight operations at sea and ashore. The Professional Working Group Conference provides a forum to exchange information, identify problem areas, and recommend solutions to issues involving aircraft launch and recovery equipment, aircraft handling, crash and salvage, aviation fueling, and training. Many achievements have been realized each year in these workshops. The National Headquarters of the Association shall be at LAKEHURST, New Jersey. The following duties and responsibilities and procedural guidelines are promulgated as a portion of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association (ABMA) pass down package. They are intended to ensure continuity, standardization and to aid the ABMA Board of Directors (BOD), ABMA President, Executive Vice-president, Elected Officers, BOD appointed positions and Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman as they carry out their respective duties within the ABMA Organization. Each person mentioned above should be familiar with the contents of this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding the above mentioned Staff positions and shall be referred and ad-hear to in conjunction with guidelines setforth in this document. 7 BACKGROUND The ABMA Membership, and the elected/appointed officials, are literally spread throughout the United States and overseas. The ABMA leadership believes communications and turnover of responsibilities can be improved by publishing procedural guidance for standardization purposes. On 21 July 1984, the ABMA Board of Directors (BOD) officially adopted a document setting forth responsibilities and guidelines for the ABMA President, Vice-president, Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman and Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Committees. That document served its purpose very well. However, like any evolving organization, the ABMA has become larger with increased responsibilities and expanded staff positions. Therefore, ABMA BOD deemed it necessary to update and expand the original document to cover present day procedure and staff responsibilities. Additionally, the BOD directed that the new document be computer generated to provide a more rapid means of dissemination and easier method for future updates. 8 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the Board of Directors in the performance of their duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding The Board of Directors duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles II, VII, IX, X, XII, XIII, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. The officers of this Association and the Board of Directors (BOD) shall consist of a President, an Executive Vice-president, a Secretary, a Treasurer, six Directors elected for three (3) year terms, and two Lifetime Directors (permanent during the life of the Director). The immediate past President, One West Coast AB of the Year and One East Coast AB of the Year will also be members of the BOD, for a total of 15 members. The membership of the BOD shall be drawn from Active Members of the Association. GENERAL DUTIES: The BOD may appoint such other officers as the business of the Association may require, each of whom shall hold office for such period having such authority and perform such duties as are provided in the BY-LAWS or as the BOD may, from time-totime, determine. The Officers of the Association shall perform the duties usually performed by such officers, together with such duties as shall be prescribed by the BY-LAWS of the Association or by the BOD. The terms of office of all officers elected at any annual Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference shall commence at the adjournment of such Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference except for those elected to the offices of the BOD, whose term shall commence immediately upon election. Officers may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President, Secretary, and BOD. The President, Executive Vice-president, and Directors may not be elected to the same office more than two successive terms. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or any other cause shall be filled at any time thereafter in the manner prescribed in the BY-LAWS for regular appointments to such office. Any officer or Director may be removed for cause by a majority of the membership entitled to vote, for cause, and after opportunity to be heard at any regular Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference of the Association, or at any special Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference called for that purpose. Regular meetings of the BOD shall be held immediately preceding and immediately following each Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference of the Association at the place where such Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference shall be held. Meetings of the Board 9 shall also be at such times and places as may, from time-to-time, be determined, by resolution of the Board. All members of the BOD should attend all meetings of the BOD. The President with two weeks notice by personal, mail, telephone, or electronic means to each Director may call special meetings of the BOD. The special meeting shall be called by the President in like manner or like notice on the written request of not less than six members of the board. Special meetings shall be held at such time and place as may be specified in the notice thereof. All members of the BOD should attend all special meetings of the BOD in person, by telephone or electronic means. Chapter Presidents attending the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference are encouraged to attend the ABMA BOD meetings as NON-VOTING members. The Secretary will ensure a reminder will be noted in the Plan of the Week. During intervals between meetings, the President of the Association may refer and submit by mail, telephone, or electronic means to the members of the BOD, definite questions relating to the affairs of the Association which, in the opinion of the President, require immediate action on the part of the BOD. The result of such a referendum, which requires a majority vote of the personnel of the BOD, shall control the action of the Association and of its BOD, officers, sections, committees, agents, and employees. There shall be an executive committee of the BOD composed of the President, the Executive Vice-president, the Secretary, and the Treasurer of the Association, meeting as a committee of the whole. This committee shall have all the powers of the BOD to transact business of an emergency only nature between board meetings. All transactions of this committee shall be reported in full at the next regular scheduled meeting of the BOD. Checks, drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the BOD. Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble. Such affiliation does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. An organization affiliated with the Association may send a designated representative to attend a meeting of the BOD of the Association. Such representative may, on behalf of such affiliate, submit to the President of the Association recommendations for consideration by the BOD. 10 Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. The BOD shall: • • • • • • • • • • • • Transact the general business of the Association in the interim between Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conferences. Establish major administrative policies governing the affairs of the Association and devise and mature measures for the Association’s growth and development. Provide for the maintenance of national headquarters and for making such office and center of activities of the Association including such work of the officers and committees as may be deemed expedient. Provide for the proper care of materials, equipment and funds of the Association for the payment of legitimate expenses and for the annual auditing of all books of account by three members of the Association none of whom shall be any person charged with responsibility of handling Association funds. Act upon applications for individual membership in this Association. Appoint all committees not otherwise provided for. Have power to fill any vacancies on the BOD, except vacancies occurring in the office of the President and the Executive Vice-president. Appoint Subordinate Officers and Committees as necessary for the proper conduct of the Association business. Assign work priorities and procedures for the subordinate officers and committees as may be deemed necessary above that which is already delineated in their respective Responsibilities, Procedures and Guidelines. Provide for payment of legitimate expenses incurred by those carrying out the business of the Association. Every three years and/or at the change of Treasurer, assign three members of the Association (none of whom shall be any person charged with the responsibility of handling Association funds) to conduct an audit of all books of account. Ensure all checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as directed by the BOD and/or the BYLAWS. Take prompt action to fill any Subordinate Officer or Committee vacancies that occur except in the case of the President or Executive Vice-president. Ensure that the Executive Committee consisting of the President, Executive Vicepresident, Secretary and Treasurer carry out their responsibilities as prescribed in the BYLAWS. Ensure in accordance with the BY-LAWS, only BOD authorized Officers or Agents be allowed to bind the Association to a contract or to pledge its credit which would make the Association liable. 11 • • • • During its first meeting during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference place the E-1 through E-4 and spouse banquet ticket subsidy as an agenda item for discussion and resolution. Prior to the scholarship application deadline the BOD shall determine the number of scholarships and the amount to be awarded for that year. Expeditiously act upon all action items. Action items will be typed up by the Secretary and sent to all BOD members electronically. The Secretary will type up a list of action items no later then 60 days after the close of business. BOD members must respond within 90 days of distribution of action items. Action items will be tracked on the ABMA Website. All action items must have a deadline completion. Act upon applications for membership. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 12 BOARD OF DIRECTORS EMERITUS DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the Board of Directors Emeritus in the performance of their duties. BACKGROUND: At the 2006 Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference the founder of the ABMA and Lifetime Director requested to move another BOD member into the Lifetime Director position. The BOD wanted to keep the founder and Lifetime Director in a BOD position, thus the Board of Directors Emeritus was established. An Emeritus is defined as: One who is retired but retains an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement. Retired from assigned duties need not imply that one is inactive. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding The Board of Directors duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles II, VII, IX, X, XII, XIII, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. The officers of this Association and the Board of Directors (BOD) shall consist of a President, an Executive Vice-president, a Secretary, a Treasurer, six Directors elected for three (3) year terms, and two Lifetime Directors (permanent during the life of the Director). The immediate past President, One West Coast AB of the Year and One East Coast AB of the Year will also be members of the BOD, for a total of 15 members. The membership of the BOD shall be drawn from Active Members of the Association. GENERAL DUTIES: The BOD may appoint such other officers as the business of the Association may require, each of whom shall hold office for such period having such authority and perform such duties as are provided in the BY-LAWS or as the BOD may, from time-totime, determine. The Officers of the Association shall perform the duties usually performed by such officers, together with such duties as shall be prescribed by the BY-LAWS of the Association or by the BOD. The terms of office of all officers elected at any annual Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference shall commence at the adjournment of such Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference except for those elected to the offices of the BOD, whose term shall commence immediately upon election. Officers may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President, Secretary, and BOD. The President, Executive Vice-president, and Directors may not be elected to the same office more than two successive terms. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or any other cause shall be filled at any time thereafter in the manner prescribed in the BY-LAWS for regular appointments to such office. Any officer or Director may be removed for cause by a majority of the membership entitled to 13 vote, for cause, and after opportunity to be heard at any regular Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference of the Association, or at any special Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference called for that purpose. Regular meetings of the BOD shall be held immediately preceding and immediately following each Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference of the Association at the place where such Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference shall be held. Meetings of the Board shall also be at such times and places as may, from time-to-time, be determined, by resolution of the Board. All members of the BOD should attend all meetings of the BOD. The President with two weeks notice by personal, mail, telephone, or electronic means to each Director may call special meetings of the BOD. The special meeting shall be called by the President in like manner or like notice on the written request of not less than six members of the board. Special meetings shall be held at such time and place as may be specified in the notice thereof. All members of the BOD should attend all special meetings of the BOD in person, by telephone or electronic means. Chapter Presidents attending the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference are encouraged to attend the ABMA BOD meetings as NON-VOTING members. The Secretary will ensure a reminder will be noted in the Plan of the Week. During intervals between meetings, the President of the Association may refer and submit by mail, telephone, or electronic means to the members of the BOD, definite questions relating to the affairs of the Association which, in the opinion of the President, require immediate action on the part of the BOD. The result of such a referendum, which requires a majority vote of the personnel of the BOD, shall control the action of the Association and of its BOD, officers, sections, committees, agents, and employees. There shall be an executive committee of the BOD composed of the President, the Executive Vice-president, the Secretary, and the Treasurer of the Association, meeting as a committee of the whole. This committee shall have all the powers of the BOD to transact business of an emergency only nature between board meetings. All transactions of this committee shall be reported in full at the next regular scheduled meeting of the BOD. Checks, drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the BOD. Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble. Such affiliation does not 14 authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. An organization affiliated with the Association may send a designated representative to attend a meeting of the BOD of the Association. Such representative may, on behalf of such affiliate, submit to the President of the Association recommendations for consideration by the BOD. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. The BOD shall: • • • • • • • • • • Transact the general business of the Association in the interim between Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conferences. Establish major administrative policies governing the affairs of the Association and devise and mature measures for the Association’s growth and development. Provide for the maintenance of national headquarters and for making such office and center of activities of the Association including such work of the officers and committees as may be deemed expedient. Provide for the proper care of materials, equipment and funds of the Association for the payment of legitimate expenses and for the annual auditing of all books of account by three members of the Association none of whom shall be any person charged with responsibility of handling Association funds. Act upon applications for individual membership in this Association. Appoint all committees not otherwise provided for. Have power to fill any vacancies on the BOD, except vacancies occurring in the office of the President and the Executive Vice-president. Appoint Subordinate Officers and Committees as necessary for the proper conduct of the Association business. Assign work priorities and procedures for the subordinate officers and committees as may be deemed necessary above that which is already delineated in their respective Responsibilities, Procedures and Guidelines. Provide for payment of legitimate expenses incurred by those carrying out the business of the Association. Every three years and/or at the change of Treasurer, assign three members of the Association (none of whom shall be any person charged with the responsibility of handling Association funds) to conduct an audit of all books of account. Ensure all checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as directed by the BOD and/or the BYLAWS. Take prompt action to fill any Subordinate Officer or Committee vacancies that occur except in the case of the President or Executive Vice-president. 15 • • • • • • Ensure that the Executive Committee consisting of the President, Executive Vicepresident, Secretary and Treasurer carry out their responsibilities as prescribed in the BYLAWS. Ensure in accordance with the BY-LAWS, only BOD authorized Officers or Agents be allowed to bind the Association to a contract or to pledge its credit which would make the Association liable. During its first meeting during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference place the E-1 through E-4 and spouse banquet ticket subsidy as an agenda item for discussion and resolution. Prior to the scholarship application deadline the BOD shall determine the number of scholarships and the amount to be awarded for that year. Expeditiously act upon all action items. Action items will be typed up by the Secretary and sent to all BOD members electronically. The Secretary will type up a list of action items no later then 60 days after the close of business. BOD members must respond within 90 days of distribution of action items. Action items will be tracked on the ABMA Website. All action items must have a deadline completion. Act upon applications for membership. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 16 ABMA PRESIDENT DUTIES RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the President in the performance of duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Presidential duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles II, VI, VII, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. The officers of this Association and the Board of Directors (BOD) shall consist of a President, an Executive Vice-president, a Secretary, a Treasurer, six Directors elected for three (3) year terms, and two Lifetime Directors (permanent during the life of the Director). The immediate past President, One West Coast AB of the Year and One East Coast AB of the Year will also be members of the BOD, for a total of 15 members. The membership of the BOD shall be drawn from Active Members of the Association. GENERAL DUTIES: The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors (BOD), have general supervision, direction, and control of the business of the Association. He shall serve ex-officio as a member of all standing committees and shall have general powers and duties of management usually vested in the office of President of a corporation, and shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the BOD or the BY-LAWS. There shall be an executive committee of the BOD composed of the President, the Executive Vice-president, the Secretary, and the Treasurer of the Association, meeting as a committee of the whole. This committee shall have all the powers of the BOD to transact business of an emergency only nature between board meetings. All transactions of this committee shall be reported in full at the next regular scheduled meeting of the BOD. The terms of office of the President elected at any annual Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference shall commence at the adjournment of such Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference except for those elected to the offices of the BOD, whose term shall commence immediately upon election. The President may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Executive Vice-president, Secretary, and BOD. The President may not be elected to the same office for more than two successive terms. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or any other cause shall be filled at any time thereafter in the manner prescribed in the BY-LAWS for regular appointments to such office. The President may be removed by a majority of the membership entitled to vote, for cause, and after opportunity to be heard at any regular Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference of the Association, or at any special Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference called for that purpose. 17 Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. Board of Directors Liaison: The President should at the earliest opportunity following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference contact each of the BOD members to establish rapport and to discuss goals and his or her support expectations from the members of the board. Maintaining a current listing of the BOD members home or business address, phone number’s and e-mail address will be invaluable when ABMA business action requirements occur. Although only a majority of the board is required to approve business action items, there is no reason with today’s communications that all BOD members cannot be contacted. (Avoid the appearance of conducting ABMA business with only a few selected members of the board.) It may be necessary for the President to have an ABMA Telephone Calling Card. Many of the members he/she must communicate with may be retired or do not have e-mail capability. Regular meetings of the BOD shall at a minimum, be held immediately prior to commencement and on the final day of each Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site. Additional meetings of the BOD shall be held throughout the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference as required by the President or by a majority of the BOD to fully resolve as many Association matters possible. Meetings of the Board shall be at such times and places as may, from time to time, be determined, by resolution of the Board. The President may call a special meeting of the Board by providing two weeks notice to each director either personally or by mail, telephone, or electronic means. Also, the President shall call a meeting when six members of the Board have requested same in like manner or like notice. All members of the BOD should attend all meetings of the BOD. Chapter Presidents attending the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference are encouraged to attend the ABMA BOD meetings as NON-VOTING members. The Secretary will ensure a reminder will be noted in the Plan of the Week. Meeting Order of Business: The following shall be the order for conduct of BOD business meetings. Call meeting to order Reading of Previous Meeting minutes (Secretary) Treasurers Report (first meeting) Report of Officers Committee Reports Old Business New Business Adjourn 18 Secretary: The ABMA Secretary is the Presidents primary contact throughout the year of reign. An excellent rapport with the Secretary is very important. 99% of all correspondence conducted within the ABMA is compiled by the Secretary. Regional Vice-presidents: The majority of time they are used as contact points to get the word out when we have a serious illness or death of a member. While this is extremely important The Regional Vice-presidents can be an outstanding resource. As an example for recruitment, the President can contact key members at various commands and provide them the name and contact point of a Regional Vice-president. One who, (having already agreed) would be delighted to come to that key members command and speak with a group of 3rd, 2nd, 1st Class, CPO’S or desiring non-rated personnel about the ABMA and how belonging could benefit them and the AB rating. Remember these Regional Vice-presidents for the most part are not only long time ABMA members but they also have a wealth of knowledge they could share with command personnel. Public Affairs Officer (PAO): This individual is one of the Presidents, most important assets within the ABMA organization. Perpetuating the ABMA is this individual’s primary responsibility. The President should ensure close contact with the PAO. The President assists the PAO through direct contact with specific Regional Vice-president to request their direct assistance to the PAO in what ever area the PAO is pursuing to get the word out regarding the ABMA and the up-coming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. ABMA Membership Chairman: Working closely with the Membership Chairman the President, utilizing a current membership list can help the membership chairperson by periodically contacting key members at various commands enlisting their assistance to contact delinquent members for renewal and for recruiting new members. This action can be a very effective toward strengthening the ABMA recruiting effort. Frequent contact with the Membership Chairman regarding recruitment status and promoting the Annual Membership Drive is critical. Officer/Member Removal: The President shall with the concurrence of the BOD appoint an unbiased Board Member to investigate the removal of ABMA Officers or Members when their behavior is deemed to be inappropriate to the goals of the ABMA or their actions jeopardize the ABMA. Pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference guidelines: The Presidents actions during this phase of his or her responsibilities will establish the flow of events to ensure a successful Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Committee Chairperson: The very first thing the President wants to do is select the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson. This is normally that person attending the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference, who nominates a site, or while at the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference volunteers to run the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference at the nominated site. However, this is not always the case therefore; the President must ensure that a very capable individual is selected. The success of any Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference is a direct reflection of the Chairperson’s performance ability to direct the many committees under his charge and the Presidents involvement with this individual. 19 Correspondence: There is a considerable amount of outgoing correspondence normally generated throughout the pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference year, most of which should have the President’s signature affixed. In cases when the President is not located in the same area as the Secretary the President may elect to have a signature stamp made for use by the Secretary. This can greatly decrease the time lag and cost of getting correspondence to its intended destination. (IF A STAMP IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL BE RETURNED UPON COMPLETION OF TENURE.) (All first time correspondence shall have the ABMA Information Sheet attached as an enclosure.) All ABMA business correspondence shall be saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. The Secretary will maintain a historical file of all ABMA business correspondence via an electronic filing storage as mentioned above in a fire-proof storage device. Any required hard copy or paper documents needed for the operation of the ABMA shall be filed in a safe deposit box. The different types of correspondence are; Guest Speakers: Using a format type letter or one specifically drafted by the President, the Guest Speaker request letters should be one of the first things initiated by the President. Many of the high ranking military and or government employee’s time is scheduled months in advance. (It is very important that certain high ranking Military & Civilian persons be requested as guest speakers although their acceptance may not be expected. Remember our recognition and continued support is dependent upon certain areas of the military and certain government agencies) this should be accomplished by first determining through discussion with the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson and the Vice-president who would be greatly desired for the upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. The Guest speaker request list should be drafted with the most desirable guests listed first and the remainder listed in the order of preference thereafter. A good method for mailing requests to await a response is to break the list down into groups of three (3) guests and using a mailing periodicity of three (3) weeks should give ample time for a response before sending out additional requests. The following is a recommended list of those who should always be invited in priority order. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE SECDEF SECNAV CNO NAVAIR NAVSEA CINCLANT (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference held on East or South East Coast) CINPACCFLT (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference held on West or North West Coast) AIRLANT (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference held on East or South East Coast) AIRPAC (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference held on West or North West Coast) SURFLANT (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site) SURFPAC (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site) 20 ADMIRAL (in charge of district where Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference is held) SENATOR (member of an Armed Forces Committee) CONGRESS (member of an Armed Forces Committee) MAYOR Following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference all guest speakers and all supporting industries, businesses, or affiliates shall receive a Letter of Appreciation from the President. Letters of Support: It is always a good idea to keep the ABMA on the minds of the organizations from which we derive our support. The purpose is to generate interest and support at the command level. An effective method used in the past has been to send letters (either formatted or one produced by the President) to the commands listed below requesting their support and assistance during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Each letter shall have a copy of the ABMA Information Sheet attached. CNO (with request that letter be passed down to cognizant levels FORAC.) CINC’S TYCOM’S (request letter be passed down to cognizant SI and ACFT Handling Teams FORAC.) CV/CVN’S (All) LHA’S LHD’S LPH’S LPD’S MAJOR AIR STATION COMMANDING OFFICERS Area Flag Officer Letter of Intent: The President shall draft a letter of intent to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference area controlling Flag Officer. This letter will provide notification that the ABMA has chosen that area for the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference, it will provide ABMA background information (attach ABMA Information Sheet,) it will also describe the general needs of the ABMA and will request assistance regarding military no cost attendee facilities. Military Organization Representative Support: The President shall send either formatted or draft letters requesting representative support from those organizations, which directly support the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Rating equipment and systems both aboard ship and ashore. These letters shall be sent to Commanding Officers, Officers in Charge, or Civilian department Heads, and shall be specific as to the type their particular Representative can provide at the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. CPO Advancement Letter: A formatted type or a letter drafted by the President shall be sent to all AB CPO”S congratulating them on their advancement. (Post symposium/Professional Working Group Conference). Newsletters: The President shall also act as the ABMA Newsletter coeditor. The President and Secretary must work closely together to ensure that newsworthy material, all Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference information and Association information are gathered and submitted to the selected printer in sufficient time to ensure that up to date information reaches the membership. The President as deemed necessary may direct the issuance of a 21 newsletter between the regularly scheduled dates to fill information required between the FALL/WINTER and SPRING/SUMMER issues. ABMA Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference announcement and Work shop Agenda Items Request messages. The President shall maintain close liaison with NAVAIR regarding release of the ABMA Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference announcement message. NAVAIR (PMA-) normally accomplishes this. The Workshop Agenda Items Request Message’s are normally released by the TYCOM’S SI Code AB’S of the YEAR Selection and Transportation Message Letter: The President shall work closely with the COMNAVAIRLANT and COMNAVAIRPAC Ships Installations Officers to coordinate the time frame for the TYCOM’s AB of the Year Message release. It is appropriate for the ABMA President to send a letter to AIRLANT and AIRPAC requesting release of subject message which also requests nomination packages from shipboard and shore installation commands. Additionally, the Presidents letter should request that AIRLANT/AIRPAC SI conduct the nominee selection process in accordance with the ABMA AB of the Year selection criteria (copy attached to letter).When selection is complete the AIRLANT/AIRPAC SI Officers historically drafts and releases the selectee’s name and requests his or her command make them available to attend the ABMA Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference and the Awards Ceremony. Airlift Transportation Request: Working closely with the TYCOM’S the President shall solicit their support to acquire Air Transportation for active duty AB’S to attend. The week to week status of the airlift transportation request should be delegated to the Executive Vice-president requiring report to the President. Vendors: The President, if on Active Duty, shall not be directly involved with Vendor solicitation. The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Vendor Chairperson (A Retired or Civilian Member) shall provide all correspondence and perform all direct liaisons with Vendors. NO ACTIVE DUTY Member shall be allowed to participate as a member of the Vendor Committee Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Program: The President working closely with the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson and Workshop Coordinator shall review and approve the final Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Program. Additionally the President shall draft the Program Greeting message and in a timely period provide it to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson for inclusion into the program. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Plan Of the Week (POW): The Secretary shall receive the POW a minimum of 60 days prior to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference from the President. The Secretary will then forward the POW to the agency/command appointed to complete the printing, as well as, a copy either on paper or electronically to the webmaster for inclusion on the ABMA website. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Plan Of the Week (POW): The Secretary shall receive the POW a minimum of 60 days prior to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference from the President. The Secretary will then forward the POW to the agency/command appointed to complete the printing, as well as, a copy either on paper or electronically to the webmaster for inclusion on the ABMA website. 22 The following is an example only. The scheduling of Workshops and Events must be flexible: Day One (AM) Registration Workshop assignments General announcements Election procedures Introduction of any pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference guest speakers Day One (PM) Call to order/ Opening ceremony Invocation Troop the Colors Guest speakers Convene workshops Conduct BOD meeting Secure workshops Events Hospitality Day Two (AM) Reconvene/General announcements Guest speakers Reconvene workshops Day Two (PM) Reconvene/Association business Nominations Reconvene workshops BOD meeting (TBA) Secure workshops Events Hospitality Day Three (AM) Reconvene/Association business Nominations continue Guest speakers Reconvene workshops BOD meeting (TBA) Day Three (PM) Reconvene/Association business Reconvene workshops Secure workshops Events 23 Hospitality Day Four (AM) Reconvene/Association business Selection of next year’s Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site Elections Reconvene workshops (Wrap-up) Day Four (PM) Reconvene/Association business Workshop summary Retire Colors Adjourn in preparation for banquette Conduct final BOD meeting Order of Business: Ensure that Order of Business is performed in accordance with the procedures of “Robert’s Rules of Order”. The following shall be the order of business meetings: Call to Order Address of the President Reading minutes of previous meeting Treasurers Report (first day Meeting) Reports of Officers (as required) Reports of Committees (as required) Reports of Special Subjects General Information from the floor BOD/Officers/Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Nominations (Day 1 through Day 3) BOD/Officer/Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Elections (Day 4) Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Presentation Materials: The President in conjunction with the BOD and the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson will determine those articles to be presented to each Guest Speaker or for special presentations. Presentation Plaques, Certificates Honorary Membership Acquisition/preparation shall be accomplished by the National ABMA Treasurer. Outgoing President: Prior to, during or following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference several actions remain the responsibility of and must be completed by the outgoing President. Certificates/Letters of Appreciation: Prior to Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference banquet, Certificates or Letters of Appreciation for those members and volunteers who performed duties in support of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference shall be signed or drafted by the President and turned over to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson for presentation at the appropriate time. President Expenditures: An itemized listing of all expenditures incurred by the outgoing President to be presented to the BOD prior to close of the Symposium/Professional Working 24 Group Conference. Such expenditures when agreement upon by the BOD, shall be reimbursed by the ABMA Treasurer. (In the event the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson has not already done so.) Workshop Results Cover Letter: Working with the Workshop's Coordinators and AIRPAC/ AIRLANT Ships Installations (SI) Officers and with assistance from the Secretary, The outgoing President shall (during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference) draft a cover letter for attachment to the properly formatted and compiled workshop's results package's. Workshop's result packages shall be mailed to the CNO Action Representative, NAVAIR PMA256. Additionally, copies of the workshop results packages will be mailed to CNO OP-N8, CINC'S,(CINPAC/CINCLANT) TYCOM’S (AIRPAC/AIRLANT,) TYCOM’S SURFPAC/ SURFLANT, all CV/CVN, LHA'S, LHD'S, and LPD Ships, NAVAIRWARFAIRCEN and major Aviation Shore Commands. The new ABMA President shall coordinate with the workshop results compilation activity to ensure that this action shall be accomplished no later than 30 working days following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Report: Within 30 working days following the symposium the outgoing President with assistance from the Treasurer and Secretary shall compile a Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Report. The contents of the report shall include a synopsis of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference events and a complete breakdown of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference expenditures and balance. A copy of the report shall be mailed to the new President, Executive Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, and BOD, Membership Chairperson and Merchandise Chairperson. This report except for the financial section shall be published in the post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference newsletter. Workshop’s Results Action Item Tracking: Within two weeks of election. The President should contact both the AIRPAC/AIRLANT TYCOM SI Officers to establish rapport and discuss the Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Workshops Results Packages status. The goal being to get the packages mailed within 30 working days following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Additionally: This would be an excellent opportunity to indicate your desire to recruit systems specialists (preferably LDO’S, CWO’S, MCPO’S or SCPO’S) as Workshop Coordinator’s for the upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Ask for their recommendations. Early identification of a strong Workshops Chairperson is critical for successful workshops. Screen all those recommended and those volunteering for Workshop Coordinator duties, to ensure they are truly systems specialists and have the personality to deal with the various agency and command personnel who will be attending the workshops. Although the Workshops Chairperson will be the primary liaison with the TYCOM’S for Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Action item’s solution tracking, Agenda Item’s solicitations and finalizing workshops. The President, periodically throughout the year, should check with the TYCOM’S and NAVAIR to monitor the status of the workshop’s action item’s completion progress and to maintain rapport. Relieving the Watch: All officers except the Secretary and Treasurer shall, on the expiration of their terms, surrender all property in their possession belonging to their respective offices to the newly elected President. During or following the close of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference, when, possible, the outgoing and new President shall have a face to face turnover. A Pass-Down Turnover folder of procedures is preferable and will include: 25 • • • • • • • • • • An up to date copy of the ABMA Officers and Staff SOP Guidelines Duties and responsibilities. A list of guest speakers: (Following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference drafting and signing Letters of Appreciation for guest speakers becomes the responsibility of the new President with assistance from the Secretary. A complete listing of current BOD and Appointed Officers. A complete (rough copy) of the Workshop results. A complete copy of the ABMA Membership. A current listing of Regional Vice-presidents and Standing Committee Chairpersons. A current listing of Outstanding ABMA business action items. Each item should be discussed and current status noted. All computers, or recorders purchased by the ABMA for the office of the President. Copies of correspondence that was sent out during the tenure of office. All ABMA business correspondence saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. Photograph: Photographs of all past ABMA Presidents will be posted in the AB Hall of Honors. Life Membership: Past President’s, upon successfully completing a term in office will be presented a life membership, if not already a life member. Blazers: Past President’s, upon successfully completing a term in office will be presented a blue blazer with the ABMA logo breast pin. Procurement of the Blazer will be the responsibility of the Treasurer. Prior to the commencement of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference inform the Treasurer of the size blazer required. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered 26 Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 27 EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the Executive Vice-president in the performance of duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Executive Vice-presidential duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles II, IV, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. The officers of this Association and the Board of Directors (BOD) shall consist of a President, an Executive Vice-president, a Secretary, a Treasurer, six Directors elected for three (3) year terms, and two Lifetime Directors (permanent during the life of the Director). The immediate past President, One West Coast AB of the Year and One East Coast AB of the Year will also be members of the BOD, for a total of 15 members. The membership of the BOD shall be drawn from Active Members of the Association. GENERAL DUTIES: In the Absence of the President, the Executive Vice-president shall assume the duties of the President. He shall also assume such other duties as are assigned to him by the Board of Directors (BOD). In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of President, the Executive Vice-president shall serve as President until the adjournment of the next Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference or until a successor is elected. There shall be an executive committee of the BOD composed of the President, the Executive Vice-president, the Secretary, and the Treasurer of the Association, meeting as a committee of the whole. This committee shall have all the powers of the BOD to transact business of an emergency only nature between board meetings. All transactions of this committee shall be reported in full at the next regular scheduled meeting of the BOD. The terms of office of the Executive Vice-president elected at any annual Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference shall commence at the adjournment of such Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference except for those elected to the offices of the BOD, whose term shall commence immediately upon election. The Executive Vice-president may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President, Secretary, and BOD. The Executive Vice-president may not be elected to the same office for more than two successive terms. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or any other cause shall be filled at any time thereafter in the manner prescribed in the BY-LAWS for regular appointments to such office. The Executive Vice-president may be removed by a majority of the membership entitled to vote, for cause, and after opportunity to be heard at any regular Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference of the Association, or at any special Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference called for that purpose. 28 Regular meetings of the BOD shall at a minimum, be held immediately prior to commencement and on the final day of each Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site. Additional meetings of the BOD shall be held throughout the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference as required by the President or by a majority of the BOD to fully resolve as many Association matters possible. Meetings of the Board shall be at such times and places as may, from time to time, be determined, by resolution of the Board. The President may call a special meeting of the Board by providing two weeks notice to each director either personally or by mail, telephone, or electronic means. Also, the President shall call a meeting when six members of the Board have requested same in like manner or like notice. All members of the BOD should attend all meetings of the BOD. Chapter Presidents attending the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference are encouraged to attend the ABMA BOD meetings as NON-VOTING members. The Secretary will ensure a reminder will be noted in the Plan of the Week. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. Voting Procedures: Throughout the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference the Executive Vice-president is responsible for the proper conduct of the Associations Voting Procedures Program. And will ensure that voting procedures are performed in accordance with the procedures of “Robert’s Rules of Order” and as prescribed in Voting Procedures section of this document. Regional Vice-president Liaison: The Executive Vice-president shall maintain a close working relationship with the Regional Vice-presidents. It may be necessary for the Executive Vicepresident to have a ABMA Telephone Calling Card since many of the Regional Vice-presidents and others with whom he/she must communicate may be retired and do not have e-mail capability. The Executive Vice-president will communicate between the Regional Vicepresidents, the PAO, Membership Chairman, and the President and will ensure that all matters required of the Regional Vice-presidents from The ABMA BOD, President, PAO, Membership Chairman or other Officer of the Association is accomplished. Airlift Transportation Request: Maintain close liaison with the AIRLANT and AIRPAC Aircraft Handling Team and Ships Installations (SI) Officers, to track on a weekly basis, the Airlift Transportation Request. Task Regional Vice-presidents to contact AB Supervisors and Department Heads in their area to provide flight information and status on a regular basis with feed back to the Executive Vice-president and on to the President. 29 Correspondence: There is a considerable amount of outgoing correspondence normally generated throughout the pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference year, most of which should have the President’s signature affixed. In cases when the President is not located in the same area as the Secretary the President may elect to have a signature stamp made for use by the Secretary. This can greatly decrease the time lag and cost of getting correspondence to its intended destination. (IF A STAMP IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL BE RETURNED UPON COMPLETION OF TENURE.) (All first time correspondence shall have the ABMA Information Sheet attached as an enclosure.) All ABMA business correspondence shall be saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. The Secretary will maintain a historical file of all ABMA business correspondence via an electronic filing storage as mentioned above in a fire-proof storage device. Any required hard copy or paper documents needed for the operation of the ABMA shall be filed in a safe deposit box. Relieving the Watch: All officers except the Secretary and Treasurer shall, on the expiration of their terms, surrender all property in their possession belonging to their respective offices to the newly elected President. During or following the close of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference, when, possible, the outgoing and new President shall have a face to face turnover. A Pass-Down Turnover folder of procedures is preferable and will include: • • • • • • • • • An up to date copy of the ABMA Officers and Staff SOP Guidelines Duties and responsibilities. A complete listing of current BOD and Appointed Officers. A complete (rough copy) of the Workshop results. A complete copy of the ABMA Membership. A current listing of Regional Vice-presidents and Standing Committee Chairpersons. A current listing of outstanding ABMA business action items. Each item should be discussed and current status noted. All computers, or recorders purchased by the ABMA for the office of the Executive Vice-president. Copies of correspondence that was sent out during the tenure of office. All ABMA business correspondence saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 30 SECRETARY DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the Secretary in the performance of duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Secretary duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles II, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIII, XIV, XV,XVIII, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. The officers of this Association and the Board of Directors (BOD) shall consist of a President, an Executive Vice-president, a Secretary, a Treasurer, six Directors elected for three (3) year terms, and two Lifetime Directors (permanent during the life of the Director). The immediate past President, One West Coast AB of the Year and One East Coast AB of the Year will also be members of the BOD, for a total of 15 members. The membership of the BOD shall be drawn from Active Members of the Association. GENERAL DUTIES: The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept, a book or electronic copy of the minutes of all meetings of the Association and the (BOD), preserve all papers, letters, documents, and transactions of the Association and have custody of the Association seal. The book or electronic copy of minutes of all meetings will contain the time and place of holding, regular or special, and if special, how authorized, the notice thereof given, the names of those present at Directors meetings and the proceedings thereof. The Secretary shall give, or cause to be given, notice of all the meetings of the members and of the BOD required by the BY-LAWS. He or she shall keep the seal of the Association in safe custody and shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President, the BOD, or the BYLAWS. There shall be an executive committee of the BOD composed of the President, the Executive Vice-president, the Secretary, and the Treasurer of the Association, meeting as a committee of the whole. This committee shall have all the powers of the BOD to transact business of an emergency only nature between board meetings. All transactions of this committee shall be reported in full at the next regular scheduled meeting of the BOD. The terms of office of the Secretary appointed by the President at any annual Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference shall commence at the adjournment of such Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Those elected to the offices of the BOD, other than the Secretary, the term office shall commence immediately upon election. The terms of office of the Secretary appointed by the President at any annual Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference shall commence at the adjournment of such Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Those elected to the offices of the BOD, other than the Secretary, the term office shall commence immediately upon election. The Secretary may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President, and BOD. The Secretary may be removed by a majority of the membership entitled to vote, for cause, and after opportunity to be heard at any regular Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference 31 of the Association, or at any special Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference called for that purpose. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or any other cause shall be filled at any time thereafter in the manner prescribed in the BY-LAWS for regular appointments to such office. Regular meetings of the BOD shall at a minimum, be held immediately prior to commencement and on the final day of each Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site. Additional meetings of the BOD shall be held throughout the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference as required by the President or by a majority of the BOD to fully resolve as many Association matters possible. Meetings of the Board shall be at such times and places as may, from time to time, be determined, by resolution of the Board. The President may call a special meeting of the Board by providing two weeks notice to each director either personally or by mail, telephone, or electronic means. Also, the President shall call a meeting when six members of the Board have requested same in like manner or like notice. All members of the BOD should attend all meetings of the BOD. Chapter Presidents attending the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference are encouraged to attend the ABMA BOD meetings as NON-VOTING members. The Secretary will ensure a reminder will be noted in the Plan of the Week. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. The ABMA Secretary is the Presidents primary contact throughout the year of reign. An excellent rapport with the President is very important. 99% of all correspondence conducted within the ABMA is compiled by the Secretary. Duplicate Record: The Secretary shall ensure that a duplicate set of all ABMA records is maintained and current. Meetings: The Secretary will record all matters pertaining to meetings of the BOD through personal presence or written or electronic means. Expeditiously act upon all action items. Action items will be typed up by the Secretary and sent to all BOD members electronically. The Secretary will type up a list of action items no later then 60 days after the close of business. BOD members must respond within 90 days of distribution of action items. Action items will be tracked on the ABMA Website. All action items must have a deadline completion. 32 Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference: If the Secretary is unable to be in attendance during Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference, ensure someone qualified is made available to take minutes. Election: Prior to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference, provide ABMA President with a listing of new officers required in the yearly election, include BOD and Regional Vice-presidents. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President, BOD or the BY-LAWS. Correspondence: The Secretary is responsible for a considerable amount of outgoing correspondence which is normally generated throughout the pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference year, most of which should have the President’s signature affixed. In cases when the President is not located in the same area as the Secretary the President may elect to have a signature stamp made for use by the Secretary. This can greatly decrease the time lag and cost of getting correspondence to its intended destination. (IF A STAMP IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL BE RETURNED UPON COMPLETION OF TENURE.) (All First time correspondence shall have the ABMA Information Sheet attached as an enclosure.) All ABMA business correspondence shall be saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. The Secretary will maintain a historical file of all ABMA business correspondence via an electronic filing storage as mentioned above in a fire-proof storage device. Any required hard copy or paper documents needed for the operation of the ABMA shall be filed in a safe deposit box. The different types of correspondence are: Guest Speakers: Using a format type letter or one specifically drafted by the President, the Guest Speaker request letters should be one of the first things initiated by the President. Many of the high rank military and or government employee’s time is scheduled months in advance. (It is very important that certain high ranking Military & Civilian persons be requested as guest speakers although their acceptance may not be expected. Remember our recognition and continued support is dependent upon certain areas of the military and certain government agencies). This should be accomplished by first determining through discussion with the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson and the Vice-president who would be greatly desired for the upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. The Guest speaker request list should be drafted with the most desirable guests listed first and the remainder listed in the order of preference thereafter. A good method for mailing requests to await a response is to break the list down into groups of three (3) guests and using a mailing periodicity of three (3) weeks should give ample time for a response before sending out additional requests. The following is a recommended list of those who should always be invited in priority order. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE SECDEF SECNAV CNO NAVAIR NAVSEA 33 CINCLANT (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference held on East or South East Coast) CINPACCFLT (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference held on West or North West Coast) AIRLANT (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference held on East or South East Coast) AIRPAC (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference held on West or North West Coast) SURFLANT (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site) SURFPAC (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site) ADMIRAL (in charge of district where Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference is held) SENATOR (member of an Armed Forces Committee) CONGRESS (member of an Armed Forces Committee) MAYOR Following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference all guest speakers and all supporting industries, businesses, or affiliates shall receive a Letter of Appreciation from the President. This should be accomplished with the newly elected President’s signature). Letters of Support: It is always a good idea to keep the ABMA on the minds of the organizations from which we derive our support. The purpose is to generate interest and support at the command level. An effective method used in the past has been to send letters (either formatted or one produced by the President) to the commands listed below requesting their support and assistance during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Each letter shall have a copy of the ABMA Information Sheet attached. CNO (with request that letter be passed down to cognizant levels FORAC.) CINC’S TYCOM’S (request letter be passed down to cognizant SI and ACFT Handling Teams FORAC.) CV/CVN’S (All) (To Commanding Officers W/ copy to Air Department Officer). LHA’S (All) (To Commanding Officers W/ copy to Air Department Officer). LHD’S (All) (To Commanding Officers W/ copy to Air Department Officer). LPH’S (All) (To Commanding Officers W/ copy to Air Department Officer). LPD’S (All) (To Commanding Officers W/ copy to Air Department Officer). MAJOR AIR STATION COMMANDING OFFICERS Area Flag Officer Letter of Intent: The President shall draft a letter of intent to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference area controlling Flag Officer. This letter will provide notification that the ABMA has chosen that area for the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference, it will provide ABMA background information Secretary to smooth letter and (attach ABMA Information Sheet,) it will also describe the general needs of the ABMA and will request assistance regarding military no cost attendee facilities. Military Organization Representative Support: The President shall draft individual letters or draft a formatted letter for the Secretary to smooth and send requesting Representative support from those organizations, which directly support the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Rating equipment and systems both aboard ship and ashore. These letters shall be sent to Commanding Officers, Officers in Charge, or Civilian Department Heads, and shall be specific as to the type 34 their particular Representative can provide at the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. CPO Advancement Letter: A formatted type or a letter drafted by the President shall be smoothed and sent to all AB CPO”S congratulating them on their advancement. (Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference). Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Plan Of the Week (POW): The Secretary shall receive the POW a minimum of 60 days prior to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference from the President. The Secretary will then forward the POW to the agency/command appointed to complete the printing, as well as, a copy either on paper or electronically to the webmaster for inclusion on the ABMA website. Newsletters: The Secretary shall also be the ABMA Newsletter Editor. The President shall also act as the ABMA Newsletter coeditor. The Secretary and President must work closely with the BOD, key Officers and Chairpersons to ensure that newsworthy material, all Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference information and Association information are gathered and submitted to the selected printer in sufficient time to ensure that up to date information reaches the membership. The President as deemed necessary may direct the issuance of a newsletter between the regularly scheduled dates to provide information required between the FALL/WINTER, and SPRING/SUMMER issues and include: All BOD, the President, and all Association Officers and Chairman shall be listed in the newsletter along with their phone number and e-mail address. All Newsletter inputs shall be in to the Editor NO LATER THAN ONE MONTH PRIOR TO MAILING DATES. All parties required to have input will check with the editor to ascertain the due date for articles. Medical: Information regarding the status of all members who are or have been seriously injured, sick or hospitalized shall be placed in the newsletter. Drug Slogans: Each issue of the newsletter shall have an ANTI DRUG SLOGAN included. Minutes: All BOD meeting minutes will be included. Membership: A Membership Application Form shall be placed in each issue. Member Name: When newsletters are returned, the member's name shall be placed in the newsletter. Size: The newsletter shall be printed on standard 8 ½ x 11 in paper. Mailing Procedure: The newsletter shall be bulk mailed, or sent by electronic means. Advertising: Non-profit advertising may be included in the newsletter. Relieving the Watch: All officers except the Secretary and Treasurer shall, on the expiration of their terms, surrender all property in their possession belonging to their respective offices to the newly elected President. The retiring Secretary shall deliver to the successor Secretary, all Association property in his/her custody/possession. During or following the close of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference, when, possible, the outgoing and new Secretary shall have a face to face turnover. A Pass-Down Turnover folder of procedures is preferable and will include: • • An up to date copy of the ABMA Officers and Staff SOP Guidelines Duties and responsibilities. A list of guest speakers: (Following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference drafting and signing Letters of Appreciation for guest speakers becomes the responsibility of the new President with assistance from the Secretary. 35 • • • • • • • • • • A complete listing of current BOD and Appointed Officers. A complete copy of the ABMA Membership. A current listing of Regional Vice-presidents and Standing Committee Chairpersons. A current listing of outstanding ABMA business action items. Each item should be discussed and current status noted. All ABMA records or duplicate records are maintained and current. All matters pertaining to meetings of the BOD through personal presence or written or electronic means. All computers, or recorders purchased by the ABMA for the office of the Secretary. Copies of correspondence/newsletters that was sent out during the tenure of office. All ABMA business correspondence saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. All fire-proof storage devices. Life Membership: Past Secretary’s, upon successfully completing a term in office will be presented a life membership, if not already a life member. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). 36 See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 37 TREASURER DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the Treasurer in the performance of duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Treasurer’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles I, II, III, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVIII, XIX of the BYLAWS of the ABMA. The officers of this Association and the Board of Directors (BOD) shall consist of a President, an Executive Vice-president, a Secretary, a Treasurer, six Directors elected for three (3) year terms, and two Lifetime Directors (permanent during the life of the Director). The immediate past President, One West Coast AB of the Year and One East Coast AB of the Year will also be members of the BOD, for a total of 15 members. The membership of the BOD shall be drawn from Active Members of the Association. GENERAL DUTIES: The Treasurer shall collect, receive and have charge of all funds of the Association, shall have deposited such funds in a bank approved by the BOD, and shall provide for the expenditure of such funds. A report will be made to the BOD giving the financial standing of the Association whenever requested and a full report made to the Association at each Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. The Treasurer shall be bonded, if required by the BOD, in an amount prescribed by the BOD. There shall be an executive committee of the BOD composed of the President, the Executive Vice-president, the Secretary, and the Treasurer of the Association, meeting as a committee of the whole. This committee shall have all the powers of the BOD to transact business of an emergency only nature between board meetings. All transactions of this committee shall be reported in full at the next regular scheduled meeting of the BOD. The terms of office of the Treasurer elected at any annual Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference shall commence at the adjournment of such Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference except for those elected to the offices of the BOD, whose term shall commence immediately upon election. The Treasurer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President, the Secretary, and BOD. The Treasurer may be removed by a majority of the membership entitled to vote, for cause, and after opportunity to be heard at any regular Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference of the Association, or at any special Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference called for that purpose. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or any other cause shall be filled at any time thereafter in the manner prescribed in the BY-LAWS for regular appointments to such office. Regular meetings of the BOD shall at a minimum, be held immediately prior to commencement and on the final day of each Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site. 38 Additional meetings of the BOD shall be held throughout the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference as required by the President or by a majority of the BOD to fully resolve as many Association matters possible. Meetings of the Board shall be at such times and places as may, from time to time, be determined, by resolution of the Board. The President may call a special meeting of the Board by providing two weeks notice to each director either personally or by mail, telephone, or electronic means. Also, the President shall call a meeting when six members of the Board have requested same in like manner or like notice. All members of the BOD should attend all meetings of the BOD. Chapter Presidents attending the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference are encouraged to attend the ABMA BOD meetings as NON-VOTING members. The Secretary will ensure a reminder will be noted in the Plan of the Week. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. Checks, drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as determined, by resolution of the BOD. Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association. Such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble herein. Such affiliation does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. Record Keeping: The Treasurer is responsible for the maintenance of financial ledgers, books and reports pertaining to all money transactions conducted within the Association. All records shall be maintained current and correct at all times. Correspondence: The Treasurer is responsible for a considerable amount of outgoing correspondence which is normally generated throughout the pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference year, most of which should have the President’s signature affixed. In cases when the President is not located in the same area as the Secretary the President may elect 39 to have a signature stamp made for use by the Secretary. This can greatly decrease the time lag and cost of getting correspondence to its intended destination. (IF A STAMP IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL BE RETURNED UPON COMPLETION OF TENURE.) (All First time correspondence shall have the ABMA Information Sheet attached as an enclosure.) All ABMA business correspondence shall be saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. The Secretary will maintain a historical file of all ABMA business correspondence via an electronic filing storage as mentioned above in a fire-proof storage device. Any required hard copy or paper documents needed for the operation of the ABMA shall be filed in a safe deposit box. Audits: Every three years and/or at the change of Treasurer, The BOD will assign three members of the Association (none of whom shall be any person charged with the responsibility of handling Association funds) to conduct an audit of all books of account. Bank Accounts: Shall be sufficient in number for accounting of the ABMA Checking Account, ABMA Interest Bearing Savings Account, Scholarship High Interest Term Account and others as required by the BOD. Scholarship money shall be separate from ABMA operating money. Finance Committee: In accordance with the ABMA BY-LAWS, the Treasurer shall chair a finance committee made up of at least five (5) ABMA members to screen reports, and correct any errors or discrepancies prior to submission. Monthly Report: A monthly finance report will be forwarded to the Finance Committee for review then submitted to the President, Executive Vice-president, past President and Secretary. Semiannual Report: A Semi-annual report shall be forwarded to the President, Executive Vicepresident, past President and Secretary and to the BOD and Regional Vice-presidents. Annual Report: An annual report shall be forwarded to the President, Executive Vice-president, past President and Secretary and will be presented to the membership at the annual Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. The Annual Report shall also contain a Secretary and merchandise report. A sample of a typical Annual Financial Report follows: SAMPLE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR 20 /20 CHECKING ACCOUNT BALANCE (LOCATION) 7-1-20 ………………...$ SAVINGS ACCOUNT BALANCE (LOCATION) 7-1-20 ………………...$ SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT BALANCE (LOCATION) 7-1-20 ………………...$ MEMBERSHIP FUND BALANCE.........…………………...........7-1-20 ………………...$ MERCHANDISE FUND BALANCE...............………………..…7-1-20 ………………...$ SECRETARY FUND BALANCE (LOCATION) 7-1-20 …………….......$ TOTAL BANK ASSETS …………………………………….........7-1-20 ………………...$ VALUE OF MERCHANDISE ON HAND ...................................7-1-20 ………………...$ ABMA NET WORTH .....................................................................7-1-20 ………………...$ **************************************************************************** 40 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1-JULY 20 THROUGH 30 JUNE 20 ANNUAL INCOME TOTAL ANNUAL INCOME ........$ ANNUAL EXPENSE TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENSE ........$ ANNUAL DECREASE …...............$ ABMA SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT PREVIOUS SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT ...............................7-1-20 …………………...$ TRANSFER TO CHECKING FOR _________ UNIVERSITY ........................................$ TRANSFER FROM CD….....................................................................................................$ SCHOLARSHIP DONATIONS: ______ ............................................................................$ SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT INTEREST TO DATE …………………………...............$ TOTAL SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT BALANCE ………... 7-1-20 ...............................$ ABMA MEMBERSHIP ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP INCOME ...................................7-1-20 ……………………..$ MEMBERSHIP FUND BALANCE ......................................7-1-20 ..................................$ TOTAL MEMBERS ____ INCLUDES ____CORP.............6-30-20 …………………....$ MEMBERS DROPPED _____................................................7-1-20 DROPPED MEMBERS LAST PAID DUES IN 20—- FOR 20—NUMBERS ANNUAL COMPARISONS ABMA NET WORTH ANNUAL NET WORTH INCREASE/DECREASE TOTAL BANK ASSETS MEMBERSHIP TOTALS SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE EXCESS RETURNED Respectfully submitted, ABMA TREASURER IRS: A fully completed IRS form must be filed within the designated time at the end of each fiscal year. This form must be filed on time or a daily fine will be accessed against the ABMA. This is for ABMA accounting only. Scholarship account reporting forms are different. 41 Fiscal Year: The accounting year of this Association shall be the Fiscal Year, 1 July –30 June. State of New Jersey: New Jersey requires two separate Annual reports, an Unclaimed Property Report and an Annual Report. The Treasurer will maintain a file on the procedures for these reports. Registered Agent: The ABMA is required by the state of New Jersey to maintain a licensed/ registered agent residing in the state. The ABMA utilizes the CT Corporation as the Association registered agent. Should problems be encountered with any form required by the state, the matter shall be referred to the registered agent for assistance. The registered agent shall not be changed without the express approval of the BOD. Donations: Donations received by the ABMA WILL NOT be referred to as tax exempt. Donations or grants to the ABMA scholarship will be utilized to enhance the scholarship fund. SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE: The Treasurer shall have a close working relationship with the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman and will: Start-up Funding: Provide startup funds to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman/Finance Committee based on the amount authorized by the Administrative Policy or as approved by the BOD. Local/State Taxes: Each chapter or Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Committee is responsible for reporting and paying local and state taxes as required (this applies primarily to sales tax) as prescribed in the Administrative Policy for rules on Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman financial reporting responsibility to the Treasurer and BOD. Post-symposium “Appreciation” Dinner/Party: Provide funds, from excess Symposium funds for a post-symposium “Appreciation” dinner/party to recognize the work and dedication put forth by the host chapter. These funds will be forwarded to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman based on the amount authorized by the Administrative Policy or as approved by the BOD. Phone Card: Ensure Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman has the ABMA telephone credit card number at least one year prior to Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Final Reports: The Treasurer will continue to work with the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman prior to, during, and after the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference until all final reports and finances are completed and reported to the BOD. The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman will keep a complete accounting of funds collected and expended and submit the report to the Treasurer and BOD. The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman shall submit a tentative accounting at the post-symposium BOD meeting and submit a finalized accounting to the BOD within 90 days. 42 Any excess symposium funds shall be turned over to the ABMA Treasurer within 90 days from the close of the symposium along with a finalized symposium accounting statement. Liaison: Act as liaison between Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman, Vendor Coordinator and the Merchandise Coordinator. Administrative Materials: Ensure Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference is provided with stationery/envelopes, ABMA plaques, appreciation certificates, blazer sizes of AB’s of the Year and past President patches for blazers, ten-year and life lapel pins, creeds and other items needed prior to Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference start. Blazers: Procure AB of the Year Blazers. Transportation: Provide transportation cost for the AB’s of the Year, above that which is covered by cost orders and limited to the continental U.S. Also, provide transportation for the ABMA President and ABMA Secretary when required. Berthing: Provide AB’s of the Year berthing costs when required, above that of cost orders. Also, provide the ABMA Secretary and Treasurer with funding for the lodging and perdiem basis and meal allowance for the week of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Secretary: Ensure that Secretary has everything needed to accomplish secretarial duties during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Fax Machine/Computers/Electronic Storage Devices/Fire-proof Storage Devices: Provide the Secretary and Treasurer with a fax machine to allow more prompt correspondence. Provide the Secretary with a computer, printer, electronic storage; such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives and a fire-proof storage device, if feasible. Workshop Fund: Provide funds to the Workshop Coordinator for clerical assistance during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. If required, funds will be provided to the Workshop Coordinator for clerical support in order to expedite workshop out-chop reports which are to be completed within 30 days of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference close. Funds: Ensure that all funds are in the Treasurer’s possession before departing the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. All money’s collected for membership and merchandise. Banquet Tickets to be Subsidized: The BOD, at the first meeting of each Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference, will review the subsidizing of E-1 through E-4 and their spouse’s banquet tickets. The ABMA may or may not subsidize either ½ or the whole cost of the banquet tickets depending on funds available. Banquet tickets will be furnished to the youngest and oldest member at the symposium at no cost to the individual. VENDOR PROCEEDS: All vendor proceeds received by Vendor Committee Chairman shall be forwarded to the Treasurer (as required). 43 Contributions: Contributions may be accepted from any companies, corporations, industries, businesses, affiliates, or individual defraying the cost of a Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference, but they may or may not be authorized a display booth. The ABMA Treasurer will forward all vendor money’s, for the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference to the Symposium Committee Chairman when needed. Recognition: Vendors who make a financial contribution to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference will receive a plaque. The Treasurer will procure all required awards for the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference and ensure a correct record of expenditures is compiled and that all receipts are retained. The Treasurer will ensure awards are placed at the podium each day in the order they will be presented during the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. The Treasurer will ensure awards are mailed to recipients not present for award presentation (all must be mailed prior to conclusion of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference.) MERCHANDISE: The Treasurer shall work closely with the ABMA Merchandise Coordinator throughout the year. Merchandise Purchase: Provide funds to the Merchandise Coordinator in the amounts approved by the BOD, for purchase of replacement merchandise. Liaison: Act as liaison between the ABMA Merchandise Coordinator (if not attending Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference) and the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Merchandise Committee Chairman. Merchandise Funds: Receive all merchandise money for deposit above that authorized as operating funds. Records: Ensure adequate records are kept and reported on merchandise. Shipping Costs: Provide funding for Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference merchandise shipping costs to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference in both directions. (When required). Storage Rental: Ensure sufficient funding is provided for merchandise storage rental and insurance. MEMBERSHIP: The Treasurer will work closely with the Membership Chairman, for receipt of membership dues moneys, and for membership Gains/Losses for Financial Report purposes. BEREAVEMENT: Working with the ABMA Chaplain. In the event of a member’s death and/or his/her immediate family, flowers will be sent and in the event of a member’s hospitalization or illness, a “get well” card will be sent. LIQUIDATION : In the event of final dissolution or liquidation of the Association, and after the discharge of all its liabilities, the remaining assets of the Association including all of its various specifically designated funds, shall be given to an exempt organization, as defined in the 44 Internal Revenue Code, and whose purposes and objectives are similar to those of the Association. Such organization is to be designated by a vote of two-thirds of all directors serving as such at the time of dissolution. The Treasurer shall be thoroughly familiar with the ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President or BOD. The Treasurer shall: • • • • • • • • Transact the general business of the Association in the interim between Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conferences. Provide for the maintenance of national headquarters and for making such office and center of activities of the Association including such work of the officers and committees as may be deemed expedient. Provide for the proper care of materials, equipment and funds of the Association for the payment of legitimate expenses and for the annual auditing of all books of account by three members of the Association none of whom shall be any person charged with responsibility of handling Association funds. Act upon applications for individual membership in this Association. Provide for payment of legitimate expenses incurred by those carrying out the business of the Association. Ensure all checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as directed by the BOD and/or the BYLAWS. Ensure in accordance with the BY-LAWS, only BOD authorized Officers or Agents be allowed to bind the Association to a contract or to pledge its credit which would make the Association liable. Act upon applications for membership. Ensure all require payments and documentation to maintain the Registered Trademark for the ABMA Logo are submitted in a timely fashion prior to the required deadline. Relieving the Watch: All officers except the Secretary and Treasurer shall, on the expiration of their terms, surrender all property in their possession belonging to their respective offices to the newly elected President. The retiring Treasurer shall deliver to the successor Treasurer, all Association property in his/her custody/possession, all money, vouchers, books and papers of the Association in his or her custody, with a supplemental report covering all transactions. During or following the close of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference, when, possible, the outgoing and new Treasurer shall have a face to face turnover. A Pass-Down Turnover folder of procedures is preferable and will include: • • • • • • • An up to date copy of the ABMA Officers and Staff SOP Guidelines Duties and responsibilities. A complete listing of current BOD and Appointed Officers. A complete copy of the ABMA Membership. A current listing of Regional Vice-presidents and Standing Committee Chairpersons. A current listing of Outstanding ABMA business action items. Each item should be discussed and current status noted. All ABMA Treasurer records or duplicate records are maintained and current. All matters pertaining to ABMA financial status through personal presence or written or electronic means. 45 • • • All computers, or recorders purchased by the ABMA for the office of the Treasurer. Copies of correspondence/financial reports that were sent out during the tenure of office. All ABMA business correspondence saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. Life Membership: Past Treasurer’s, upon successfully completing a term in office will be presented a life membership, if not already a life member. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 46 REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENTS DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set forth to maintain continuity and to assist the Regional Vice-presidents in the performance of duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Regional Vice-presidents duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles VII, VIII, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. GENERAL DUTIES: The Regional Vice-presidents are duly elected/appointed officers of the ABMA. They are directly responsible to the Executive Vice-president in the execution of his duties and shall act as his assistants. The Regional Vice-presidents are the medium of liaison between the membership of the Association in matters of organization, administration, and functions within their regions. They will maintain an active and aggressive recruitment program and shall encourage camaraderie and promotion of social gatherings in their regions. The terms of office of the Regional Vice-president selected at any annual Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference shall commence at the adjournment of such Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference except for those elected to the offices of the BOD, whose term shall commence immediately upon election. The Regional Vice-president may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President, Secretary, and BOD. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or any other cause shall be filled at any time thereafter in the manner prescribed in the BY-LAWS for regular appointments to such office. The Regional Vice-president may be removed by a majority of the membership entitled to vote, for cause, and after opportunity to be heard at any regular Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference of the Association, or at any special Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference called for that purpose. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. The majority of time the Regional Vice-presidents are used as contact points to get the word out when we have a serious illness or death of a member. While this is extremely important The Regional Vice-presidents can be an outstanding resource for recruitment. The President can contact key members at various commands and provide them the name and contact point of a Regional Vice-president. One who, (having already agreed) would be delighted to come to that key members command and speak with a group of 3rd, 2nd, 1st Class, CPO’S or desiring non-rated 47 personnel about the ABMA and how belonging could benefit them and the AB rating. These Regional Vice-presidents for the most part are not only long time ABMA members but they also have a wealth of knowledge they could share with command personnel. Regional Vice-presidents shall: Chapter Liaison: Work closely with the ABMA Chapter closest to their region. Maintain a close rapport in order to promote their goals, of camaraderie, social events and recruitment. Member Serious Injury or Death: Upon notification of a serious injury or death of a member and using an up to date ABMA Roster, call all members within their region and: • If the member injured or deceased is in the region, the Regional Vice-president shall notify the ABMA Chaplain (or if unavailable notify the Treasurer and Membership Chairman.) • If the member injured or deceased is in the region, the Regional Vice-president shall contact the family and offer ABMA Condolence and assistance if needed. PAO Liaison: Maintain a close working relation ship with the ABMA Public Affairs Officer (PAO)by providing direct assistance to the PAO in what ever area the PAO is pursuing to get the word out regarding the ABMA and the up-coming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. The Regional Vice-presidents will: • Provide the ABMA PAO assistance prior to each Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference by submitting news releases regarding Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference information to the various news organizations both newspaper and media. If possible quarterly news release submissions throughout the year following first notification of Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference dates and location should greatly increase attendance/ membership. • Provide assistance on all requests by the PAO. Membership Recruitment: Provide assistance to the Membership Chairman by maintaining close liaison with AB’s, their supervisors, Warrant Officers, LDO’s and Department Heads at all Naval Installations within their regions. The Regional Vice-presidents will • Promote their involvement in planned social events both by the region ABMA Chapter or events planned by the Regional Vice-president with assistance from base personnel. • Provide ABMA information packages and membership application forms to key AB supervisors to contact personnel within the region. • Encourage requests for and offer the assistance of a retired AB enlisted or officer to speak about the ABMA at a site selected by the requesting unit. There are retired AB’s out there who would enjoy volunteering for such a mission. Airlift Transportation Request Support: The Regional Vice-presidents will support the Executive Vice-president regarding regional support for requested air transportation to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Often approved flights are canceled at the last minute due mainly to NO SHOWS. This can drastically affect the ABMA ability to acquire transportation in the out years. The Regional Vice-presidents play an important role to ensuring success of this endeavor by: • Contacting the AB supervisors and Department Heads in their region to promote support for AB’s to attend. 48 • • • • • • Offering to provide briefings regarding the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Professional Workshops and the importance to Naval Aviation Safety. Assisting those selected to directly participate in the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Workshops to procure cost orders and no cost orders for others wishing to attend. Contacting retired members within their region regarding flight information and assist those desiring to attend with directions for getting on the manifest. Providing flight status updates on a regular basis. Providing feed back regarding numbers of personnel on the manifest to the Executive Vice-president. When manifest is complete maintain close liaison with the flight coordinator offering any assistance required too ensure all manifested personnel are a go. Phone/E-mail: The Regional Vice-presidents shall contact the ABMA Secretary to ensure their current phone number and e-mail address is in the Secretary’s possession. Regional Vicepresidents shall have a current phone number listed with the Secretary and Membership Chairman in order to serve in such capacity. Correspondence: The Regional Vice-presidents are responsible for a considerable amount of outgoing correspondence which is normally generated throughout the preSymposium/Professional Working Group Conference year, most of which should have the President’s signature affixed. In cases when the President is not located in the same area as the Secretary the President may elect to have a signature stamp made for use by the Secretary. This can greatly decrease the time lag and cost of getting correspondence to its intended destination. (IF A STAMP IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL BE RETURNED UPON COMPLETION OF TENURE.) (All First time correspondence shall have the ABMA Information Sheet attached as an enclosure.) All ABMA business correspondence shall be saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. The Secretary will maintain a historical file of all ABMA business correspondence via an electronic filing storage as mentioned above in a fire-proof storage device. The Regional Vice-presidents shall perform such other duties as directed by the BOD, President, Executive Vice-president, PAO, and Membership Chairman. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 49 SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the Scholarship Chairman in the performance of duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Scholarship Chairman duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Scholarship Chairman shall be required to make sure all members are aware of the scholarship fund and eligibility requirements. The name, address and phone number of the Scholarship Chairman will be published in the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference program and ABMA newsletter. Therefore the ABMA Secretary shall be kept current of the contact information Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. INFORMATION: The Scholarship Chairman is responsible to provide information and proper direction for submittal of all applications for the ABMA scholarship. Prior to the scholarship application deadline the BOD shall determine the number of scholarships and the amount to be awarded for that year. 50 The Scholarship Chairman shall: Newsletter: Ensure all necessary ABMA scholarship information is published in each issue of the ABMA newsletter. Application Screening: Provide all applications to the educational institute, providing applicant screening in time to allow for proper selection to be made and the recipient name forwarded to the scholarship chairman. The chairman will notify the recipient and offer an invitation to receive the award at the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference if desired. Forward recipients name to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Awards Committee prior to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Enrollment: Ensure that verification of enrollment in an accredited school has occurred prior to award being made. Availability: Ensure scholarship award is available to students attending vocational schools as well as academic pursuits. Programs: Ensure information regarding the ABMA scholarship is being reflected in the American Legion Program and the Combined Federal Campaign. Award: The scholarship award will be named the ABMA ISABELLA M. GILLEN Memorial Scholarship fund/award unless otherwise directed by the BOD. Applicants: Scholarship applicants must be dependent children or spouse of a current or deceased dues paying ABMA member of two years. IRS: In accordance with requirements of the United States Internal Revenue code, the scholarship chairman shall insure that payment of the scholarship awards will be made directly to the winner’s education institution vice the winner. Donations: All donations to the ABMA Scholarship Fund are tax deductible. FUNDS: Scholarship money will be placed in a long term high interest bearing account and all grants or donations to the ABMA scholarship will be utilized to enhance the scholarship fund. The Scholarship Chairman shall propose additional increases for the scholarship award as the requirement arises. Correspondence: The Scholarship Chairman is responsible for a considerable amount of outgoing correspondence which is normally generated throughout the preSymposium/Professional Working Group Conference year, most of which should have the President’s signature affixed. In cases when the President is not located in the same area as the Secretary the President may elect to have a signature stamp made for use by the Secretary. This can greatly decrease the time lag and cost of getting correspondence to its intended destination. (IF A STAMP IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL BE RETURNED UPON COMPLETION OF TENURE.) (All First time correspondence shall have the ABMA Information Sheet attached as an enclosure.) All ABMA business correspondence shall be saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. The Secretary 51 will maintain a historical file of all ABMA business correspondence via an electronic filing storage as mentioned above in a fire-proof storage device. The Scholarship Chairman shall be thoroughly familiar with the ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy. The Scholarship Chairman shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the ABMA President and BOD. ABMA ISABELLA M. GILLEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND APLICATION CRITERIA AND INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED ABMA ISABELLA M. GILLEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND APPLICATION FORM ATTACHED. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 52 AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATES ASSOCIATION ISABELLA M. GILLEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND APPLICATION CRITERIA AND INSTRUCTIONS **Qualification - Applicant must be a dependent (family member) of an active, dues-paid member of the ABMA for at least two years to qualify for this scholarship. 1. Applications are due annually to the Scholarship Chairman not later than June 1st. 2. Application should be typewritten or printed. 3. The application must be arranged in the order described below: a. Application of required facts. Carefully plan a response to each item before typing the final draft. b. The applicant shall prepare a statement setting forth his/her vocational or professional goals relating how past, present and future activities make the accomplishment of this goal probable. The letter must be signed. c. Official transcripts of student grades from the beginning of the 9th grade to due date of application may be photocopies bearing an original signature of the proper school authority. SAT or ACT test scores, if included, may be photocopies. d. Current dated, signed letters of recommendation from one person, but not totaling more than three, in authority from high schools, college, or trade schools attended by the applicant. Letter may reflect the applicant’s ability, work habits, leadership, personality and integrity. e. No more than two letters of endorsement from responsible community (non-school related) persons. These persons should not be related tot he applicant. They should be capable of reporting on the applicant’s participation in the community in terms of work service, leadership, notable skills and outstanding recognition. Each letter should be typed, dated, and signed. f. Copies of exhibits of achievement in scholarship, leadership, athletics, dramatics, community service or other activities may be attached – but, avoid being repetitious. It is preferable that exhibits such as awards and media items be photocopies. 4. Social Security Number is required for school and ABMA records. Upon receipt of “Verification of Enrollment” form from proper school officials, an ABMA check for the amount of the award will be sent to the college or university to establish credit for the student. 5. Submit application to: Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association Scholarship Chairman LANNY VINES 144 CR 1515 Alba. TX 75410 E-mail: Scholarship@abma-usn.org 53 AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATES ASSOCIATION ISABELLA M. GILLEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND APPLICATION FORM (Based on financial need, character, leadership and academic prowess) Please read application criteria and instructions prior to completing the application! Name: __________________________________________ Social Security Number: ________________ Address: _____________________________________ _______________________ ____ __________ Street City State ZIP Phone: ( ) _________ Email: ________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________ Place of Birth: ________________________________ Age: _____ Sex: ____ SPONSOR INFORMATION (Parent, step-parent, guardian or spouse) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Sponsor (last, first, middle) Relationship of sponsor to applicant _____________________________________________________________________________________ Sponsor Address (number and street, city, state, zip code) _______________________||________________ ||___________________________________________ Last rank, rate or grade held | Sponsor SSN | Officer designator or enlisted rating _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name and address of current duty station or reserve unit _____________________________________________________________________________________ If deceased, give Date and place of death EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION Name of high school(s) attended Dates Graduation Date _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of colleges attended or attending Dates Graduation Date _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name and address of colleges to which applied: Accepted (yes or no) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Type or print on a separate sheet of paper your career objectives, the reasons you chose these objectives, and how you feel furthering your education will help accomplish these objectives. 54 WORK EXPERIENCE Are you currently working? YES NO (working includes any type of job whether or not you are paid, e.g., work regularly in a family business, on family farm, or volunteer work) If so, give details. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL INFORMATION ______________________________________________________________________________ Name of head of family | Relationship to applicant | |_______________________ Occupation, if other than military service _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address if different from sponsor _____________________________________________________________________________________ Gross family income earned last year (all sources) Net family income last year _____________________________________________________________________________________ Anticipated gross family income earned this year (all sources) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Number of dependents: |Number of children in college | (excluding applicant) ______________________________________________________|_______________________ List amount of tuition, room and board, and other fees for each college student. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 55 APPLICANT’S FINANCIAL STATEMENT (Funds which will be available for full school term (September – June) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Aid from parent or guardian (annual total) $____________________________________________________________________________________ Educational resources received/ |Veterans Benefits | Social Security | Applicants Savings Awarded for next year | | | and income | | | _________________________________|________________ | _________________|________________ Other resources |Loans $ Source | Scholarship $ Source |Grants $ Source | | | _____________________|___________________ |____________________ |______________________ Additional comments: The applicant or parent may comment briefly on any specific financial circumstances that they desire to bring to the attention of the scholarship sponsor. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ I certify that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge. _______________________________________ Applicant’s signature Date _______________________________________ Signature of parent or guardian Date (either parent may sign) 56 LEADERSHIP ACTIVITIES SCHOLASTIC Honors and awards (state nature of honor or award) a._______________________________________ d. _________________________________________ b._______________________________________ e. _________________________________________ c._______________________________________ f. _________________________________________ Offices and positions of leadership (state name of organization and position a._______________________________________ d. _________________________________________ b._______________________________________ e. _________________________________________ c._______________________________________ f. _________________________________________ Organizational membership where no office was held (state only major activities) a._______________________________________ d. _________________________________________ b._______________________________________ e. _________________________________________ c._______________________________________ f. _________________________________________ NON-SCHOOL RELATED CIVIC ACTIVITIES Honors and awards (state nature of honor or award e.g., Eagle Scout (men) Gold Award (women) a._______________________________________ d. _________________________________________ b._______________________________________ e. _________________________________________ c._______________________________________ f. _________________________________________ Offices and positions of leadership (state name of organization and position a._______________________________________ d. _________________________________________ b._______________________________________ e. _________________________________________ c._______________________________________ f. _________________________________________ NOTE: List additional honors and activities _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 57 FUND RAISING CHAIRMAN DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the Fund Raising Chairman in the performance of duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Fund Raising Chairman duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Fund Raising Chairman shall: 1. Be required to make sure all members are aware of the fund raising opportunities and eligibility requirements. 2. Strive to get businesses, corporations and other organizations to donate funds to the Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association. 3. Draft letters for approval by the President of the ABMA requesting businesses, corporations and other organizations donate funds to the Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association. Send History of the ABMA Organization to businesses, corporations and other organizations. 4. Receive permission from the President of the ABMA to mail letters to businesses, corporations and other organizations. 5. Report quarterly to the President and Treasurer of the ABMA on the status of responses and donations from businesses, corporations and other organizations. 6. All donations made by businesses, corporations and other organizations will be made out by check and in the name of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association. 58 7. All checks will be sent to the Treasurer for accounting and information of the donation forwarded to the President of the ABMA. 8. Draft a letter for the ABMA President’s signature to send to businesses, corporations and other organizations that have donated to advise them of how their donation will be used. 9. Responsible to provide information and proper direction for submittal of all organizations/individuals desiring to provide funds for the ABMA scholarship. The name, address and phone number of the Fund Raising Chairman will be published in the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference program and ABMA newsletter. Therefore the ABMA Secretary shall be kept current of the contact information Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. Organizations donating funds: The Fund Raising Chairman is responsible to ensure that the organization desiring to donate funds is an organization the ABMA would desire to be affiliated with and would not cause unjust publicity for the ABMA. The organization desiring to donate funds should be a reputable organization. The Fund Raising Chairman shall notify the President and the Board of Directors (BOD) of any such organizations intentions. Organizations may elect to remain anonymous, however the President and BOD shall also be informed of that organization and the reasoning for the anonymous request. Individuals donating funds: The Fund Raising Chairman is responsible to ensure that the individual desiring to donate funds is an individual the ABMA would desire to be affiliated with and would not cause unjust publicity for the ABMA. The individual desiring to donate funds should be a reputable person. The Fund Raising Chairman shall notify the President and the Board of Directors (BOD) of any such individual’s intentions. Individuals may elect to remain anonymous, however the President and BOD shall also be informed of that individual and the reasoning for the anonymous request. Presentation of checks: Any organization or individual may present checks payable to the ABMA. If any organization or individual wishes to present a check to the Association for public display, such as large photographic checks, this will be coordinated with the President of the ABMA or his representative. Photos can be forwarded to the ABMA Secretary for inclusion in the ABMA Newsletter, or to the webmaster for inclusion on the ABMA-USN.ORG website. Newsletter: Ensure all necessary ABMA fund raising information and donations are published in each issue of the ABMA newsletter. 59 IRS: In accordance with requirements of the United States Internal Revenue code, the Treasurer shall ensure that payment of the scholarship awards will be made directly to the winner’s education institution vice the winner. Donations: All donations to the ABMA Scholarship Fund are tax deductible. All donations to the ABMA are not tax deductible. FUNDS: Scholarship money will be placed in a long term high interest bearing account and all grants or donations to the ABMA scholarship will be utilized to enhance the scholarship fund. All donations to the ABMA will be utilized as deemed appropriate by the BOD, unless specially ear-marked by the individual or organization making the donations. Correspondence: The Fund Raisin Chairman is responsible for a considerable amount of outgoing correspondence which is normally generated throughout the preSymposium/Professional Working Group Conference year, most of which should have the President’s signature affixed. In cases when the President is not located in the same area as the Secretary the President may elect to have a signature stamp made for use by the Secretary. This can greatly decrease the time lag and cost of getting correspondence to its intended destination. (IF A STAMP IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL BE RETURNED UPON COMPLETION OF TENURE.) (All First time correspondence shall have the ABMA Information Sheet attached as an enclosure.) All ABMA business correspondence shall be saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. The Secretary will maintain a historical file of all ABMA business correspondence via an electronic filing storage as mentioned above in a fire-proof storage device. The Fund Raising Chairman shall be thoroughly familiar with the ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy. The Fund Raising Chairman shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the ABMA President and BOD. Checks, Drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the BOD. Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. Affiliations: The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble. Such affiliation does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. 60 An organization affiliated with the Association may send a designated representative to attend a meeting of the BOD of the Association. Such representative may, on behalf of such affiliate, submit to the President of the Association recommendations for consideration by the BOD. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA ISABELLA M. GILLEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND APLICATION CRITERIA AND INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED ABMA ISABELLA M. GILLEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND APPLICATION FORM ATTACHED. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 61 MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the ABMA Membership Chairman in the performance of duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Membership Chairman duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles IV, V, VI, XI, XII, XIII, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Membership Chairman is responsible for devising ways and means of securing members and methods of organization for making such membership effective. The Membership Chairman shall devise means to advertise membership drives during the month of July, and provide an input to newsletters regarding membership. The Membership Chairman shall present application with recommendations to the BOD. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. MEMBERSHIP: The Membership Chairman shall promote a strong campaign using the resources of the PAO and the Regional Vice-presidents to increase the membership of the Association. 62 Working closely with the Membership Chairman, the President, Vice-president and utilizing a current membership list can help the membership chairperson by periodically contacting key members at various commands enlisting their assistance to contact delinquent members for renewal and for recruiting new members. This action can be a very effective toward strengthening the ABMA recruiting effort. Frequent contact with the President regarding recruitment status and promoting the Annual Membership Drive is critical. The Membership Chairman shall: Regional Vice-presidents: Work closely with the Regional Vice-presidents, requesting their assistance to contact retired AB’s and AB supervisors at installations within their region, to provide names and addresses of contacts and provide membership application packages directly to the contacts or to the Regional Vice-presidents. Recruiters: Have a vigorous program designed to involve as many AB’s as possible to participate in the ABMA Membership Recruiting program. Determine the ABMA top Recruiters of the Year and provide names and commands to the ABMA President and the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Awards Committee prior to start of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. The ABMA top Recruiters of the Year for the Pacific and Atlantic Fleet and ashore will be awarded a plaque at the annual Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Membership/Renewal: Receive all membership and renewal applications and money. Money shall be sent with an accounting sheet to the Treasurer for deposit. Records: Maintain a current and accurate set of records for all membership transactions. Record all new members and reinstatement along with the member who recruited them. Provide a current membership listing to all active members annually, listing names and addresses. Membership Number: When new members or reinstatements are recorded, assign a membership number and inscribe that number on the application. Reports: Monthly, semi-annually and annually submit to the Treasurer a report of new members, reinstatements, renewals and dropped members and funds forwarded for deposit. This information is retransmitted in the Treasurer’s reports to the ABMA Officers. Catastrophic injury: In the event of any catastrophic incident while in the line-of-duty to an active duty AB, that AB will be given a Life Membership. In the event of his/her death, the spouse will be awarded a Life Membership. Membership: Subject to the provisions of the ABMA BY-LAWS, membership shall be composed of: (a) Men or women who are or have been Aviation Boatswain’s Mates of the United States Navy; (b) Men or women who are Aviation Boatswain’s Mates European counterpart equivalents (deck plate rates). (Membership will follow same procedures as U.S. membership. Funds will be submitted in U.S. Dollars); 63 (c) Widows or widowers of deceased members are eligible for membership. There shall be six classes of membership, namely: (a) Members; (b) Life Members; (c) Associate Members; (d) Life Associate Members; (e) Honorary Members; and (f) Corporate Members Members: Shall be men or women who are or have been Aviation Boatswain’s Mates and those Associate Members who meet the qualification of full membership. The active members of the Association are Members and Life Members. Only these members shall have all the privileges of membership including the right to vote. ONLY those members who are or have been Aviation Boatswain’s Mates may hold the elected offices of the President, Executive Vice-president, Treasurer and Board of Directors. The status of Member or Life Member may also be reached from associate status subject to provisions of Article III, Section VI of the ABMA BY-LAWS. Life Members: Shall be composed of: (a) Men or women who qualify as Members and commit themselves to the Association as a Lifetime Member; and (b) Widows and widowers of any Association Member including any AB’s widow whose husband was deceased prior to the formation of the Association. Associate Members: Shall be men or women who do not immediately qualify for Active Member status, but believe in, and desire to support the goals of this Association. Associate Members may not vote until completion of two years consecutive membership and approval of BOD. Associate Members will be established as an active member upon two years consecutive membership and upon approval of the BOD. Associate Members may not hold elected offices as described above. Life Associate Members: Shall be men or women who qualify as Associate Members and commit themselves to the Association as a lifetime member. Honorary Member: Titles and positions will normally be given to those individuals who due to the nature of their position have a clear relationship and interest in the objectives of the Association, Honorary titles and positions assigned will be in keeping with the highest standards, and accepted traditions, in order to give due respect to the individual concerned and to properly identify the person with the Association. Honorary Membership titles and positions will be 64 nominated by the BOD and elected by two-thirds majority vote. Any individual within the membership may submit recommendations for Honorary Members in writing to the BOD. Honorary Members may not vote or hold office. Corporate Members: Shall be those established companies with interest and desire to participate, with the Association toward achieving its objectives, particularly the goals involving aviation safety and the exchange of safety information. Corporate members may not vote or hold office. Application for Membership: Application for membership shall be addressed to the Association in writing. Each application will be reviewed by the Membership Committee and presented tot he Board of Directors with a recommendation as to disposition. • The Board of Directors may reject any application for membership. • Any member may be dropped by the Board of Directors for cause, after being given the opportunity, to be heard. Entrance Fee and Dues: An entrance fee of $2.00 is required upon joining the Association. Membership cost for new members will be based on the amount authorized by the Administrative Policy or as approved by the BOD. • Members and Associate Members shall pay a membership fee upon joining and 1 August thereafter, providing the member joins prior to 1 January. Any annual member joining between the dates of 1 January and 1 August shall have memberships expire 31 July of the following calendar year. • Any member whose annual dues have been delinquent for two consecutive years, shall be dropped from active membership and shall be required to repay the initial entrance fee, prior to reinstatement. • Fees may be raised as deemed necessary by a majority vote of Association members present at any annual symposium. • A free one-year membership will be awarded to AB’s re-enlisting for the first time. • A free one-year membership will be awarded to any member who recruits a total of eight new members in one fiscal year. This excludes BOD members. • A free life membership will be awarded to any member who recruits a total of sixteen new and/or former members who have been dropped from membership rolls. • Free membership (Life or Annual) will not be awarded to any member who recruits qualifying membership at or during an ABMA Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. • Membership fees can be paid in 1-year, 3-year, or 5-year increments be based on the amount authorized by the Administrative Policy or as approved by the BOD. 65 Upon joining the Association, the Member or an Associate Member may elect Lifetime Membership by paying a lifetime membership fee in an amount based upon his or her age as determined, by his or her nearest birthday to the date of application. A Member or Associate Member in good standing and currently a Member of the Association may also attain a Lifetime Membership by paying the applicable lifetime membership fee. AGE AMOUNT 81 and above. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 5.00 76 to 80 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$10.00 71 to 75 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$20.00 66 to 70 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$40.00 61 to 65 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$60.00 56 to 60 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$75.00 51 to 55 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$90.00 46 to 50 (inclusive). . . . . . . . $100.00 45 and below . . . . . . . . . . . . $110.00 A Life Member or Associate Life Member, after payment of the lifetime membership fee, shall not be required to pay further dues unless volunteering to do so. A change from Associate status to Member status or Life Associate to Life Member will not entail additional dues. Liability: No member shall become liable to the Association for any amount other than entrance fee and yearly dues. Elections/Meetings: Unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors. The Association shall meet in Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference once every year at a place and time to be designated by the BOD for each such meeting. For the election of officers and for the transaction of such business as may properly be brought before the Symposium. • Special symposiums of the Association may be called by the BOD or upon the request of 20 percent of the membership entitled to vote. • Notice of all special symposiums of the Association shall be mailed to the membership at least two months prior to the meeting, and such notice shall state the purpose of any special symposium. • The membership who attend special or regular symposiums of the Association, either in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum capable of transacting all business properly brought before the symposium. • The membership failing to attend, either in person or by proxy authorized in writing, shall be considered to have waived the right to be present and thereby signified consent to and ratification, of such action as the majority of those present, either in person or by proxy, may take in matters before the symposium. Age Limit: The established age limit of 17 years as the voting age for Associate members, unless they have been “Grand Fathered in” on or before August 1997. 66 Except as provided in Article XVI of the ABMA BY-LAWS, a majority vote of the membership present, in person or by proxy, at any symposium of the Association shall govern in all matters properly brought before the symposium. Exception, should any obligation on the part of the Association be authorized or created, the provision against personal liability provided in Section I, Article V of the BY-LAWS shall be directed. The Membership Chairman shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President or the BOD. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 67 PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the Public Affairs Officer (PAO) in the performance of duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding PAO Duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles VII, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. GENERAL DUTIES: The PAO is directly responsible to the ABMA President, Executive Vice-president, and the BOD. All actions taken by the PAO shall be reported via the Executive Vice-president and approved by the ABMA President. The PAO will conduct productive correspondence to project a positive image of the Association to the public. This individual is one of the Presidents, most important assets within the ABMA organization. Perpetuating the ABMA is this individual’s primary responsibility. The President should ensure close contact with the PAO. The President assists the PAO through direct contact with specific Regional Vice-presidents to request their direct assistance to the PAO in what ever area the PAO is pursuing to get the word out regarding the ABMA and the up-coming Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. The PAO will retain this position until he/she decides to resign or is asked to resign by the BOD. The name, address and phone number of the PAO will be published in the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference program and ABMA newsletter. Therefore the ABMA Secretary shall be kept current of the contact information Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. The PAO will carryout a dynamic program to spread positive information about the goals of the ABMA throughout the United States and where ever AB’s are stationed overseas. The PAO shall: Correspondence: Report and correspond with any agency, group, or individuals that requests information or solicit ABMA support or to gain its recognition. The PAO is responsible for a considerable amount of outgoing correspondence which is normally generated throughout the pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference year, most of which should have the President’s signature affixed. In cases when the President is not located in the same area as the 68 Secretary the President may elect to have a signature stamp made for use by the Secretary. This can greatly decrease the time lag and cost of getting correspondence to its intended destination. (IF A STAMP IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL BE RETURNED UPON COMPLETION OF TENURE.) (All First time correspondence shall have the ABMA Information Sheet attached as an enclosure.) All ABMA business correspondence shall be saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. The Secretary will maintain a historical file of all ABMA business correspondence via an electronic filing storage as mentioned above in a fire-proof storage device. Vendors: Direct all correspondence concerning vendor participation and support to the Association Vendor Coordinator and assist the Vendor Coordinator as requested. Media: Respond to all matters that will affect public interest or gain media attention regarding the Association. Media Support: Promote media support for the National Association and provide the appropriate documentation to gain positive media coverage of Association history and upcoming events. Regional Vice-presidents: Directly interface with Regional Vice-presidents on matters pertaining to their region. Also request their assistance prior to each Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference by submitting news releases regarding Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference information and other Association related PAO items to the various news organizations both newspaper and media. If possible quarterly news release submissions throughout the year following first notification of Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference dates and location should greatly increase attendance/membership. Liaison: Liaison between the public and the National ABMA as deemed necessary by the ABMA President, Executive Vice-president, and the ABMA BOD. The PAO shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President, Executive Vicepresident, and the BOD. Relieving the Watch: All officers except the Secretary and Treasurer shall, on the expiration of their terms, surrender all property in their possession belonging to their respective offices to the newly elected President. The retiring PAO shall deliver to the successor PAO, all Association property in his/her custody/possession. During or following the close of the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference, when, possible, the outgoing and new PAO shall have a face to face turnover. A Pass-Down Turnover folder of procedures is preferable and will include: • • • • • An up to date copy of the ABMA Officers and Staff SOP Guidelines Duties and responsibilities. A complete listing of current BOD and Appointed Officers. A current listing of Regional Vice-presidents. A current listing of outstanding ABMA business action items. Each item should be discussed and current status noted. All ABMA records or duplicate records are maintained and current. 69 • • • • All matters pertaining to the ABMA through personal presence or written or electronic means. All computers, or recorders purchased by the ABMA for the office of the PAO. Copies of correspondence/newsletters that was sent out during the tenure of office. All ABMA business correspondence saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 70 MERCHANDISE COORDINATOR DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the Merchandise Coordinator in the performance of duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Merchandise Coordinator duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles I, III, VII, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The Merchandise Coordinator will serve as the chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Merchandise Coordinator shall liaison with individual chapters to broaden merchandise opportunities for the chapters and the ABMA. The Merchandise Coordinator shall ensure that chapters are aware of responsibility to adhere to local/state tax laws/requirements and ensure that requirements for selling merchandise at Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conferences are met. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. MERCHANDISE: The Merchandise Coordinator is responsible for maintaining a sufficient supply of merchandise and to ensure that merchandise selected is of high quality and has been thoroughly researched for its desire among fleet AB’s and retired/ABMA members prior to procurement. 71 The Merchandise Coordinator will: Inventory: The Merchandise Coordinator will take inventory at the start of his/her appointment and make a tally of current and outdated merchandise to be sold. Record: Catalogue and maintain a record of all procured and sold merchandise. Merchandise on hand, wholesale cost, retail cost, quantity purchased, sale cost, quantity sold, total funds expended and funding balance. Cost: Liaison with Treasurer and committee members to set price for merchandise. Marketing/Advertising: Conduct marketing and advertising via product list, order form, web page or other means available. Display: Working with the various ABMA chapters attempt to acquire display areas where merchandise can be made readily available to active duty AB’s. Distribution for Sale: Acquire an operating fund for day to day functions from the ABMA Treasurer. Request Treasurer fund large distribution of merchandise to chapters and both ways for annual Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Merchandise for sale during Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference week to consist of Association items plus logo/non-logo merchandise provided for sale by Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference host chapter/group. All income from the sale of merchandise provided by the Association will to be forwarded to the Association. All profits from the sale of chapter/group provided merchandise is to be applied to the costs incurred by hosting the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. Procurement: The Merchandise Coordinator will report to the elected Treasurer of the ABMA as to any purchases he/she wishes to make so as to acquire the proper funding for those purchases. Reports: Provide quarterly, semiannual and annual sales reports to the ABMA Treasurer. Correspondence: The Merchandise Coordinator is responsible for a considerable amount of outgoing correspondence which is normally generated throughout the pre-Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference year, most of which should have the President’s signature affixed. In cases when the President is not located in the same area as the Secretary the President may elect to have a signature stamp made for use by the Secretary. This can greatly decrease the time lag and cost of getting correspondence to its intended destination. (IF A STAMP IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL BE RETURNED UPON COMPLETION OF TENURE.) (All First time correspondence shall have the ABMA Information Sheet attached as an enclosure.) All ABMA business correspondence shall be saved via electronic means with backup such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. The Secretary will maintain a historical file of all ABMA business correspondence via an electronic filing storage as mentioned above in a fire-proof storage device. 72 ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). The Merchandise Coordinator shall ensure that all items registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office have the Registered Mark added below the ABMA Logo” ®”. ® LIQUIDATION: In the event of final dissolution or liquidation of the Association, and after the discharge of all its liabilities. The remaining assets of the Association including all of its various specifically designated funds, shall be given to an exempt organization, as defined in the Internal Revenue Code, and whose purposes and objectives are similar to those of the Association. Such organization is to be designated by a vote of two-thirds of all directors serving as such at the time of dissolution. The Merchandise Coordinator shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President and BOD. See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 73 "AB HALL OF HONORS" CURATOR DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the “AB Hall of Honor” Curator in the performance of duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding AB Hall of Honors Curator duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The AB Hall of Honors Curator will serve as the chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The AB Hall of Honors Curator is responsible for the inventory, care and Maintenance and accountability of all memorabilia at the selected site of the Center of Naval Aviation Technical Training, Pensacola, Florida. The name, address and phone number of the AB Hall of Honors Curator will be published in the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference program and ABMA newsletter. Therefore the ABMA Secretary shall be kept current of the contact information Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. BACKGROUND: The AB Hall of Honors was originally established in the Aviation Boatswain's Mates Schools located at the Naval Air Technical Training Center, LAKEHURST, 74 New Jersey. It was established to provide Aviation Boatswain's Mates with a place to provide items of memorabilia, while being assured items would be treated with respect, safe guarded, properly catalogued and if determined, to be of a historic or of an important nature, to be displayed in the proper forum. A place where by the nature of the location at the AB School complex, future Aviation Boatswain's Mates can see and learn who and what has gone before them in the AB arena. In 1992, the AB Hall of Honors was relocated to the Naval Air Technical Training Center, Millington, Tennessee, and in 1994 relocated to Center of Naval Aviation Technical Training, Pensacola, Florida. The following duties can, and in most cases as determined, by the appointed Curator, be selectively delegated to other officials (active military personnel within the school) appointed in order to more efficiently carry out the needs of providing the best constant care of all articles of the collection. The AB Hall of Honors Curator will: (With AB School support) Ledger: At all times there must be a ledger kept and handed down from each former AB Hall of Honors Curator with a copy of the master listing of articles that will be registered with the headquarters of the ABMA. This is to protect the integrity of the collection and in respect for those contributing articles to the collection. A list of all items will be submitted to the BOD annually. Item Notation: There will be a written displayed notation when possible of the person (s) responsible for articles donated to the AB Hall of Honors. In order that items are not overly repetitious throughout the collection or of questionable value, it will be at the discretion of the AB Hall of Honors Curator and/or a Committee of the ABMA School Staff to decide as to an items placement in the AB Hall of Honors. This is necessary so that the collection does not take on an unhealthy appearance or defeat the purpose of the AB Hall of Honors. The AB Hall of Honors Curator will: Search for subjective articles Acquire display items Appraise value Analyze Describe Arrange Catalogue Restore Preserve Exhibit Maintain and store items of lasting value Return items deemed redundant or not appropriate for induction. With a Letter of appreciation, canned or drafted by the Curator). The AB Hall of Honors Curator will provide for procedures with proper chain of custody, for the collection to be used by researchers for exhibitions, publications, broadcasting and other educational programs and/or for the enjoyment of visitors to these displays. Depending on the display, these items may consist of historical documents, audiovisual materials, institutional records, works of art, coins, stamps, clothing, etc. 75 Photographs of all past ABMA Presidents will be posted in the AB Hall of Honors. Additionally photographs of Symposium Chairmen prior to the Association incorporation will be posted in the AB Hall of Honors. A plaque to be placed in the AB Hall of Honors for the AB Living Legends. AB Hall of Honors Curator Expenditures: An itemized listing of all expenditures incurred by the AB Hall of Honors Curator shall be presented to the BOD prior to close of the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. The AB Hall of Honors Curator shall provide receipts to cover the itemized listing of all expenditures incurred. Such expenditures when agreement upon by the BOD, shall be reimbursed by the ABMA Treasurer. The AB Hall of Honors Curator shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President and BOD. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 76 NATIONAL VENDOR COORDINATOR DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the National Vendor Coordinator in the performance of duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding National Vendor Coordinator duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles II, IV, XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The National Vendor Coordinator will serve as the chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The National Vendor Coordinator shall liaison with individual companies, industries, businesses, or affiliates to broaden equipment, training, technological opportunities for the commands to assist AB’s in the performance of their duties. The President, if on active duty, shall not be directly involved with vendor solicitation or participation. The National Vendor Coordinator (a retired or civilian member) shall provide all correspondence and perform all direct liaisons with vendors. NO ACTIVE DUTY member shall be allowed to participate as a member of the Vendor Committee The National Vendor Coordinator will retain this position until he/she decides to resign or is asked to resign by the BOD. The name, address and phone number of the National Vendor Coordinator will be published in the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference program and ABMA newsletter. Therefore the ABMA Secretary shall be kept current of the contact information. The National Vendor Coordinator shall: Letters of Support: Send out letters to individual companies, corporations, industries, businesses, or affiliates. It is always a good idea to keep the ABMA on the minds of the 77 organizations from which we derive our support. The purpose is to generate interest and support at the industry level. An effective method used in the past has been to send letters (either formatted or one produced by the National Vendor Coordinator) to the companies requesting their support and assistance during the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. Each letter shall have a copy of the ABMA Information Sheet attached. Letters for vendor support or donations shall not include the wording “donations are tax exempt”. Correspondence: The Vendor Coordinator is responsible for a considerable amount of outgoing correspondence which is normally generated throughout the pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference year, most of which should have the President’s signature affixed. In cases when the President is not located in the same area as the Secretary the President may elect to have a signature stamp made for use by the Secretary. This can greatly decrease the time lag and cost of getting correspondence to its intended destination. (IF A STAMP IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL BE RETURNED UPON COMPLETION OF TENURE.) (All First time correspondence shall have the ABMA Information Sheet attached as an enclosure.) All ABMA business correspondence shall be saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. The Secretary will maintain a historical file of all ABMA business correspondence via an electronic filing storage as mentioned above in a fire-proof storage device. Vendor booths: Ensure those vendors requesting a booth are limited to those vendors providing goods or services directly related to mission effectiveness of AB’s. Contributions: Contributions may be accepted from any companies, corporations, industries, businesses, affiliates, or individual defraying the cost of a Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference, but they may or may not be authorized a display booth. The ABMA Treasurer will forward all vendor money for the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference to the Symposium Committee Chairman when needed. Recognition: Vendors who make a financial contribution to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference will receive a plaque. ABMA web site recognition to vendors who contribute to the ABMA Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. Recognition would consist of current year plus two following years. Recognition would cease on the third anniversary if ABMA Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference when support is not received. Letters of Appreciation: Provide the President a complete and accurate list of individual companies, corporations, industries, businesses, or affiliates that supported the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference including: • • • • • • Full name of the individual companies, corporations, industries, businesses, or affiliates. Complete mailing address. Chief Executive Office (CEO), President, Manager or point of contact. E-mail address (if applicable). Phone number of point of contact. Type of support. 78 Following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference all supporting companies, corporations, industries, businesses, or affiliates shall receive a Letter of Appreciation from the President. Record Keeping: Keep or cause to be kept, a book or electronic copy of all papers, letters, or documents, of the Association in regards to individual companies, corporations, industries, businesses, or affiliates. Keep and maintain an updated file on individual companies, industries, businesses, or affiliates. Membership: A letter shall be given to our vendors encouraging them to become members of the ABMA and/or participate in our Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference activities upon arrival at each Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. Subject to the provisions of the ABMA BY-LAWS, membership shall be composed of: (a) Men or women who are or have been Aviation Boatswain’s Mates of the United States Navy; (b) Men or women who are Aviation Boatswain’s Mates European counterpart equivalents (deck plate rates). (Membership will follow same procedures as U.S. membership. Funds will be submitted in U.S. Dollars); (c) Widows or widowers of deceased members are eligible for membership. There shall be six classes of membership, namely: (a) Members; (b) Life Members; (c) Associate Members; (d) Life Associate Members; (e) Honorary Members; and (f) Corporate Members Members: Shall be men or women who are or have been Aviation Boatswain’s Mates and those Associate Members who meet the qualification of full membership. The active members of the Association are Members and Life Members. Only these members shall, have all the privileges of membership including the right to vote. ONLY those members who are or have been Aviation Boatswain’s Mates may hold the elected offices of the President, Executive Vice-president, Treasurer and Board of Directors. The status of Member or Life Member may also be reached from associate status subject to provisions of Article III, Section VI of the ABMA BY-LAWS. 79 Life Members: Shall be composed of: (a) Men or women who qualify as Members and commit themselves to the Association as a Lifetime Member; and (b) Widows and widowers of any Association Member including any AB’s widow whose husband was deceased prior to the formation of the Association. Associate Members: Shall be men or women who do not immediately qualify for Active Member status, but believe in, and desire to support the goals of this Association. Associate Members may not vote until completion of two years consecutive membership and approval of BOD. Associate Members will be established as an active member upon two years consecutive membership and upon approval of the BOD. Associate Members may not hold elected offices as described above. Life Associate Members: Shall be men or women who qualify as Associate Members and commit themselves to the Association as a lifetime member. Honorary Member: Titles and positions will normally be given to those individuals who due to the nature of their position have a clear relationship and interest in the objectives of the Association, Honorary titles and positions assigned will be in keeping with the highest standards, and accepted traditions, in order to give due respect to the individual concerned and properly identify the person with the Association. Honorary Membership titles and positions will be nominated by the BOD and elected by two-thirds majority vote. Any individual within the membership may submit recommendations for Honorary Members in writing to the BOD. Honorary Members may not vote or hold office. Corporate Members: Shall be those established companies with interest and desire to Participate, with the Association toward achieving its objectives, particularly the goals involving aviation safety and the exchange of safety information. Corporate members may not vote or hold office. Application for Membership: Application for membership shall be addressed to the Association in writing. Each application will be reviewed by the Membership Committee and presented tot he Board of Directors with a recommendation as to disposition. • The Board of Directors may reject any application for membership. • Any member may be dropped by the Board of Directors for cause, after being given an opportunity, to be heard. Entrance Fee and Dues: An entrance fee of $2.00 is required upon joining the Association. Membership cost for new members will be based on the amount authorized by the Administrative Policy or as approved by the BOD. • Members and Associate Members shall pay a membership fee upon joining and 1 August thereafter, providing the member joins prior to 1 January. Any annual member joining between the dates of 1 January and 1 August shall have memberships expire 31 July of the following calendar year. 80 • Any member whose annual dues have been delinquent for two consecutive years, shall be dropped from active membership and shall be required to repay the initial entrance fee in order to be reinstated. • Fees may be raised as deemed necessary by a majority vote of Association members present at any annual symposium. • A free one-year membership will be awarded to AB’s re-enlisting for the first time. • A free one-year membership will be awarded to any member who recruits a total of eight new members in one fiscal year. This excludes BOD members. • A free life membership will be awarded to any member who recruits a total of sixteen new and/or former members who have been dropped from membership rolls. • Free membership (Life or Annual) will not be awarded to any member who recruits qualifying membership at or during an ABMA Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. • Membership fees can be paid in 1-year, 3-year, or 5-year increments be based on the amount authorized by the Administrative Policy or as approved by the BOD. Upon joining the Association, the Member or an Associate Member may elect Lifetime Membership by paying a lifetime membership fee in an amount based upon his or her age as determined, by his or her nearest birthday to the date of application. A Member or Associate Member in good standing and currently a Member of the Association may also attain a Lifetime Membership by paying the applicable lifetime membership fee. AGE AMOUNT 81 and above. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 5.00 76 to 80 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$10.00 71 to 75 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$20.00 66 to 70 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$40.00 61 to 65 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$60.00 56 to 60 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$75.00 51 to 55 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$90.00 46 to 50 (inclusive). . . . . . . . $100.00 45 and below . . . . . . . . . . . . $110.00 A Life Member or Associate Life Member, after payment of the lifetime membership fee, shall not be required to pay further dues unless volunteering to do so. A change from Associate status to Member status or Life Associate to Life Member will not entail additional dues. Liability: No member shall become liable to the Association for any amount other than entrance fee and yearly dues. 81 Elections/Meetings: Unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors. The Association shall meet in Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference once every year at a place and time to be designated by the BOD for each such meeting. For the election of officers and for the transaction of such business as may properly be brought before the Symposium. • Special symposiums of the Association may be called by the BOD or upon the request of 20 percent of the membership entitled to vote. • Notice of all special symposiums of the Association shall be mailed to the membership at least two months prior to the meeting, and such notice shall state the purpose of any special symposium. • The membership who attend special or regular symposiums of the Association, either in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum capable of transacting all business properly brought before the symposium. • The membership failing to attend, either in person or by proxy authorized in writing, shall be considered to have waived the right to be present and thereby signified consent to and ratification, of such action as the majority of those present, either in person or by proxy, may take in matters before the symposium. Age Limit: The established age limit of 17 years as the voting age for Associate members, unless they have been “Grand Fathered in” on or before August 1997. Except as provided in Article XVI of the ABMA BY-LAWS, a majority vote of the membership present, in person or by proxy, at any symposium of the Association shall govern in all matters properly brought before the symposium. Exception, should any obligation on the part of the Association be authorized or created, the provision against personal liability provided in Section I, Article V of the BY-LAWS shall be directed. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble. Such affiliation does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. An organization affiliated with the Association may send a designated representative to attend a meeting of the BOD of the Association. Such representative may, on behalf of such affiliate, submit to the President of the Association recommendations for consideration by the Board of Directors. 82 ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 83 CHAPLAIN DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the Chaplain in the performance of duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Chaplain duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles VII, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. GENERAL DUTIES: The National Chaplain is directly responsible to the ABMA President, Executive Vice-president, and the BOD. The Chaplain will conduct productive correspondence to project a positive image of the Association to the public. The National Chaplain will, at a minimum; • • • Provide comforting and prayer as needed for members and their families. Deliver the invocation and benediction during the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. Deliver the invocation at the banquet. Member Serious Injury or Death: The Regional Vice-presidents, upon notification of a serious injury or death of a member shall notify the ABMA Chaplain (or if unavailable notify the Treasurer and Membership Chairman.) • • If a member or an AB is injured or deceased the National Chaplain shall contact the family and offer the ABMA wishes to a speedy recovery or in the event of death, condolence and assistance if needed. The Chaplain shall receive and forward any notice of injuries, illnesses, hospitalizations, operations or death of any members and/or their families to the BOD and all active members of the ABMA. Bereavement: In the event of a member’s death and/or his/her immediate family, flowers will be sent and in the event of a member’s hospitalization or illness, a “get well” card will be sent. • • The President or other officers of the Association may send “get well” or “sympathy” cards or flowers on there own, or on behalf of the ABMA. This by no means precludes the Chaplain from sending cards or flowers on behalf of the ABMA. Receipts for purchase, delivery, and mailing of cards or flowers shall be retained and presented to the ABMA Treasurer for reimbursement. Correspondence: The Chaplain is responsible for a considerable amount of outgoing correspondence which is normally generated throughout the pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference year, most of which should have the President’s signature affixed. In cases when the President is not located in the same area as the Secretary the President may elect to have a signature stamp made for use by the Secretary. This can greatly decrease the time lag 84 and cost of getting correspondence to its intended destination. (IF A STAMP IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL BE RETURNED UPON COMPLETION OF TENURE.) (All First time correspondence shall have the ABMA Information Sheet attached as an enclosure.) All ABMA business correspondence shall be saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. The Secretary will maintain a historical file of all ABMA business correspondence via an electronic filing storage as mentioned above in a fire-proof storage device. The National Chaplain will retain this position until he/she decides to resign or is asked to resign by the BOD. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or any other cause shall be filled at any time thereafter in the manner prescribed in the BY-LAWS for regular appointments to such office. The name, address and phone number of the Chaplain will be published in the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference program and ABMA newsletter. Therefore the ABMA Secretary shall be kept current of the contact information Subordinate Officers. The Board of Directors may appoint such other officers as the business of the Association may require, each of whom shall hold office for such period having such authority and perform such duties as are provided in the BY-LAWS or as the Board of Directors may, from time-to-time, determine. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 85 HISTORIAN DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the Historian in the performance of duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Historian duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles VII, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. GENERAL DUTIES: The Historian is directly responsible to the ABMA President, Executive Vice-president, and the BOD. All actions taken by the Historian shall be reported via the Executive Vice-president and approved by the ABMA President. The Historian will conduct productive correspondence to project a positive image of the Association to the public. Perpetuating the ABMA history is this individual’s primary responsibility. The Executive Vicepresident should ensure close contact with the Historian. The Historian will retain this position until he/she decides to resign or is asked to resign by the BOD. The Historian shall: Carryout a dynamic program to spread positive information about the history of the ABMA throughout the United States and where ever AB’s are stationed overseas. Correspondence: Report and correspond with any agency, group, or individuals that requests information or solicit ABMA support or to gain its recognition. The Historian is responsible for a considerable amount of outgoing correspondence which is normally generated throughout the pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference year, most of which should have the President’s signature affixed. In cases when the President is not located in the same area as the Secretary the President may elect to have a signature stamp made for use by the Secretary. This can greatly decrease the time lag and cost of getting correspondence to its intended destination. (IF A STAMP IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL BE RETURNED UPON COMPLETION OF TENURE.) (All First time correspondence shall have the ABMA Information Sheet attached as an enclosure.) All ABMA business correspondence shall be saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. The Secretary will maintain a historical file of all ABMA business correspondence via an electronic filing storage as mentioned above in a fire-proof storage device. Media: Respond to all matters that will affect public interest or gain media attention regarding the Association. Media Support: Promote media support for the National Association and provide the appropriate documentation to gain positive media coverage of Association history. Liaison: Liaison between the public and the National ABMA as deemed necessary by the ABMA President, Executive Vice-president, and the ABMA BOD. 86 The Historian shall keep a book or electronic copy of the all archived or historical memorabilia of the Association and the (BOD), preserve all papers, letters, documents, and transactions of the Association. The Historian shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President, Executive Vice-president, and the BOD. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. Relieving the Watch: All officers except the Secretary and Treasurer shall, on the expiration of their terms, surrender all property in their possession belonging to their respective offices to the newly elected President. The retiring Historian shall deliver to the successor Historian, all Association property in his/her custody/possession. • Copies of correspondence/newsletters that were sent out during the tenure of office. • All ABMA business correspondence saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 87 WEBMASTER DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following duties, responsibilities and guidelines are set-forth to maintain continuity and to assist the Webmaster in the performance of duties. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Webmaster duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles VII, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. GENERAL DUTIES: The Webmaster is directly responsible to the ABMA President, Executive Vice-president, and the BOD. All actions taken by the Webmaster shall be reported via the Executive Vice-president and approved by the ABMA President. The Webmaster will conduct productive correspondence to project a positive image of the Association to the public. Perpetuating the ABMA is this individual’s primary responsibility. The Executive Vice-president should ensure close contact with the Webmaster. The Webmaster will retain this position until he/she decides to resign or is asked to resign by the BOD. The Webmaster shall: Carryout a dynamic program to spread positive information about the history, policy, and events of the ABMA throughout the United States and where ever AB’s are stationed overseas. Correspondence: Report and correspond with any agency, group, or individuals that requests information or solicit ABMA support or to gain its recognition. The Webmaster is responsible for a considerable amount of outgoing correspondence which is normally generated throughout the pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference year, most of which should have the President’s signature affixed. In cases when the President is not located in the same area as the Secretary the President may elect to have a signature stamp made for use by the Secretary. This can greatly decrease the time lag and cost of getting correspondence to its intended destination. (IF A STAMP IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL BE RETURNED UPON COMPLETION OF TENURE.) (All First time correspondence shall have the ABMA Information Sheet attached as an enclosure.) All ABMA business correspondence shall be saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. The Secretary will maintain a historical file of all ABMA business correspondence via an electronic filing storage as mentioned above in a fire-proof storage device. Any required hard copy or paper documents needed for the operation of the ABMA shall be filed in a safe deposit box. Media: Respond to all matters that will affect public interest or gain media attention regarding the Association. Media Support: Promote media support for the National Association and provide the appropriate documentation to gain positive media coverage of Association. 88 Web Site Management: Ensure that the web site is maintained, up-to-date, and presents a positive image of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates and the ABMA. Liaison: Liaison between the public and the National ABMA as deemed necessary by the ABMA President, Executive Vice-president, and the ABMA BOD. The Webmaster shall keep an electronic copy of the all archived or historical data of the Association and the (BOD), preserve all papers, letters, documents, and transactions of the Association. Expeditiously act upon all action items. Action items will be typed up by the Secretary and sent to all BOD members electronically. The Secretary will type up a list of action items no later then 60 days after the close of business. BOD members must respond within 90 days of distribution of action items. Action items will be tracked on the ABMA Website. All action items must have a deadline completion. The Webmaster will ensure that the action items, and a means of tracking them are on the web site and able to be accessed only by the BOD. The Webmaster shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President, Executive Vice-president, and the BOD. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. Webmaster Expenditures: An itemized listing of all expenditures incurred by the Webmaster shall be presented to the BOD prior to close of the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. The Webmaster shall provide receipts to cover the itemized listing of all expenditures incurred. Such expenditures when agreement upon by the BOD, shall be reimbursed by the ABMA Treasurer. Relieving the Watch: All officers except the Secretary and Treasurer shall, on the expiration of their terms, surrender all property in their possession belonging to their respective offices to the newly elected President. The retiring Webmaster shall deliver to the successor Webmaster, all Association property in his/her custody/possession. • Copies of correspondence/newsletters that were sent out during the tenure of office. • All ABMA business correspondence saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. 89 ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 90 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the incoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles II, III, X, XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in the BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Association was formed for purposes beneficial to interests of our Nation, our Navy and association membership with the primary objective of stimulating improvements in Naval Aviation safety in the “aircraft on deck” mode, touchdown to takeoff both at sea and ashore. ABMA workshops are conducted annually and chaired by U.S. Navy fleet professionals. The focus and efforts of these workshops are to improve and enhance the aviation safety and readiness of our aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships and shore facilities. Continued support of the ABMA annual Professional Working Group Conference workshops by the U.S. Navy Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) has ensured a steady flow of equipment upgrades, training improvements and procedural changes that have significantly altered the character of flight operations at sea and ashore. The Professional Working Group Conference provides a forum to exchange information, identify problem areas, and recommend solutions to issues involving aircraft launch and recovery equipment, aircraft handling, crash and salvage, aviation fueling, and training. Many achievements have been realized each year in these workshops. 91 The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman is responsible for planning the overall Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference agenda subject to the President’s approval. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Committee Chairperson: The very first thing the President wants to do is select the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson. This is normally that person attending the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference, who nominates a site, or while at the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference volunteers to run the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference at the nominated site. However, this is not always the case therefore; the President must ensure that a very capable individual is selected. The success of any Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference is a direct reflection of the Chairperson’s performance ability to direct the many committees under his charge and the Presidents involvement with this individual. The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman’s responsibilities commence when he or she accepted the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site being placed into nomination for his or her area. The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman must work closely with the ABMA President, Executive Vise-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Vendor Coordinator and the Membership Chairman throughout the year preceding the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. He or she will be directly responsible to the ABMA BOD and the President for all matters regarding the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman will: Establish a rapport with City Officials (Mayor, Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Managers & Staff, Local Military Commanders, Commanding Officers, and Transportation Management personnel.) Establish the following committees to carryout the multifaceted responsibilities of planning and operating a Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. AWARDS COMMITTEE BANQUET COMMITTEE COLOR GUARD/SIDE BOYS COMMITTEE CRUISE BOOK COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE LADIES ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE LODGING AND RESERVATIONS COMMITTEE NATIONAL/CHAPTER MERCHANDISE COMMITTEE PICNIC COMMITTEE PROGRAM COMMITTEE PUBLICITY COMMITTEE RETIRED WORKSHOP COMMITTEE SPECIAL EVENTS/ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE 92 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE VENDOR INDUSTRIAL DISPLAY COMMITTEE VIDEO/PICTORIAL COMMITTEE Assign a chairperson to each committee who will be directly responsible to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman for the proper operation of their respective committee. It is important, at the earliest opportunity, to contact each of the committee chairmen and review the responsibilities, duties and procedural guidelines of each committee with the assigned chairman, As well as, to establish rapport and to discuss goals and his or her support expectations. Maintaining a current listing of the Chairmen and committee member’s home or business address, phone number’s and e-mail address will be invaluable when ABMA business action requirements occur. Ensure that all committees having authority to expend funds maintain a current list of expenditures and retain all receipts for turn in to the Finance Committee Chairmen at the end of each Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference day. Ensure that the Finance Committee maintains a current listing of all expenditures and retains copies of all receipts for post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference financial report submission to the ABMA BOD, President and Treasurer. Advise the President of available guest speakers. Confer often with the President and Secretary regarding the status of guest speakers. Ensure the final guest speaker list is received in sufficient time for turnover to the Program Committee for compilation and program printing. Confer often with the ABMA Public Affairs Officer (PAO) to ensure that all required information is received in sufficient time for compilation and letter printing. The PAO is tasked with submitting news releases regarding Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference information to the various news organizations both newspaper and media. Confer often with the Workshop Coordinator to ensure that workshop requirements are received in sufficient time for the Workshop Committee to perform its function. Be especially aware of the type of events and location being planned for the Hospitality Room. Choose carefully the Chairman of the Hospitality Committee. This is the one critical area that can break the ABMA backbone if not conducted properly. Every consideration should be given to the hospitality room being located no higher than ground level. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Guest Speaker Decorum: During the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference ensure that guest speakers who arrives in uniform be met and escorted by a member of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Staff who is also in uniform. Should a delay arise the escort should invite the guest for coffee and may elect to have a couple of the retiree’s have coffee with the guest until the escort returns for the guest speaker. Checks, Drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the BOD. 93 Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. Affiliations: The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble. Such affiliation does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. An organization affiliated with the Association may send a designated representative to attend a meeting of the BOD of the Association. Such representative may, on behalf of such affiliate, submit to the President of the Association recommendations for consideration by the BOD. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. Phone Card: The ABMA Treasurer will ensure Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman has the ABMA telephone credit card number at least one year prior to Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Guidelines: The Presidents actions during this phase of his or her responsibilities will establish the flow of events to ensure a successful Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Correspondence: The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman is responsible for a considerable amount of outgoing correspondence which is normally generated throughout the pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference year, most of which should have the President’s signature affixed. In cases when the President is not located in the same area as the Secretary the President may elect to have a signature stamp made for use by the Secretary. This can greatly decrease the time lag and cost of getting correspondence to its intended destination. (IF A STAMP IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL BE RETURNED UPON COMPLETION OF TENURE.) (All First time correspondence shall have the ABMA Information Sheet attached as an enclosure.) All ABMA business correspondence shall be saved via electronic means with back-up such as diskette, CD, flash/thumb drives or external drives. The Secretary will maintain a historical file of all ABMA business correspondence via an electronic filing storage as mentioned above in a fire-proof storage device. 94 The different types of correspondence are; Guest Speakers: Using a format type letter or one specifically drafted by the President, the Guest Speaker request letters should be one of the first things initiated by the President. Many of the high ranking military and or government employee’s time is scheduled months in advance. (It is very important that certain high ranking Military & Civilian persons be requested as guest speakers although their acceptance may not be expected. Remember our recognition and continued support is dependent upon certain areas of the military and certain government agencies). This should be accomplished by first determining through discussion, with the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson, and the Vice-president who would be greatly desired for the upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. The Guest speaker request list should be drafted with the most desirable guests listed first and the remainder listed in the order of preference thereafter. A good method for mailing requests to await a response is to break the list down into groups of three (3) guests and using a mailing periodicity of three (3) weeks should give ample time for a response before sending out additional requests. The following is a recommended list of those who should always be invited in priority order. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE SECDEF SECNAV CNO NAVAIR NAVSEA CINCLANT (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference held on East or South East Coast) CINPACCFLT (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference held on West or North West Coast) AIRLANT (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference held on East or South East Coast) AIRPAC (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference held on West or North West Coast) SURFLANT (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site) SURFPAC (if Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site) ADMIRAL (in charge of district where Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference is held) SENATOR (member of an Armed Forces Committee) CONGRESS (member of an Armed Forces Committee) MAYOR Following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference all guest speakers and all supporting industries, businesses, or affiliates shall receive a Letter of Appreciation from the President. Letters of Support: It is always a good idea to keep the ABMA on the minds of the organizations from which we derive our support. The purpose is to generate interest and support at the command level. An effective method used in the past has been to send letters (either formatted or one produced by the President) to the commands listed below requesting their 95 support and assistance during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Each letter shall have a copy of the ABMA Information Sheet attached. CNO (with request that letter be passed down to cognizant levels FORAC.) CINC’S TYCOM’S (request letter be passed down to cognizant SI and ACFT Handling Teams FORAC.) CV/CVN’S (All) LHA’S LHD’S LPH’S LPD’S MAJOR AIR STATION COMMANDING OFFICERS Area Flag Officer Letter of Intent: The President shall draft a letter of intent to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference area controlling Flag Officer. This letter will provide notification that the ABMA has chosen that area for the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference, it will provide ABMA background information (attach ABMA Information Sheet,) it will also describe the general needs of the ABMA and will request assistance regarding military no cost attendee facilities. Military Organization Representative Support: The President shall send either formatted or draft letters requesting representative support from those organizations, which directly support the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Rating equipment and systems both aboard ship and ashore. These letters shall be sent to Commanding Officers, Officers in Charge, or Civilian department Heads, and shall be specific as to the type their particular Representative can provide at the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Newsletters: The President shall also act as the ABMA Newsletter coeditor. The President and Secretary must work closely together to ensure that newsworthy material, all Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference information and Association information are gathered and submitted to the selected printer in sufficient time to ensure that up to date information reaches the membership. The President as deemed necessary may direct the issuance of a newsletter between the regularly scheduled dates to fill information required between the FALL/WINTER and SPRING/SUMMER issues. ABMA Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference announcement and Work shop Agenda Items Request messages. The President shall maintain close liaison with NAVAIR regarding release of the ABMA Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference announcement message. NAVAIR (PMA-) normally accomplishes this. The Workshop Agenda Items Request Messages are normally released by the TYCOM’S SI Code AB’S of the YEAR Selection and Transportation Message Letter: The President shall work closely with the COMNAVAIRLANT and COMNAVAIRPAC Ships Installations Officers to coordinate the time frame for the TYCOM’s AB of the Year Message release. It is appropriate for the ABMA President to send a letter to AIRLANT and AIRPAC requesting release of subject message which also requests nomination packages from shipboard and shore installation commands. Additionally, the Presidents letter should request that AIRLANT/AIRPAC SI conduct the nominee selection process in accordance with the ABMA AB of the Year selection criteria (copy attached to letter).When selection is complete the AIRLANT/AIRPAC SI Officers historically drafts and releases the selectee’s name and requests his or her command make them 96 available to attend the ABMA Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference and the Awards Ceremony. Airlift Transportation Request: Working closely with the TYCOM’S the President shall solicit their support to acquire Air Transportation for active duty AB’s to attend. The week to week status of the airlift transportation request should be delegated to the Executive Vice-president requiring report to the President. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Program: The President working closely with the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson and Workshop Coordinator shall review and approve the final Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Program. Additionally the President shall draft the Program Greeting message and in a timely period provide it to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson for inclusion into the program. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Plan Of the Week (POW): The Secretary shall receive the POW a minimum of 60 days prior to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference from the President. The Secretary will then forward the POW to the agency/command appointed to complete the printing, as well as, a copy either on paper or electronically to the webmaster for inclusion on the ABMA website. The following is an example only. The scheduling of Workshops and Events must be flexible: Day One (AM) Registration Workshop assignments General announcements Election procedures Introduction of any pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference guest speakers Day One (PM) Call to order/ Opening ceremony Invocation Troop the Colors Guest speakers Convene workshops Conduct BOD meeting Secure workshops Events Hospitality Day Two (AM) Reconvene/General announcements Guest speakers Reconvene workshops 97 Day Two (PM) Reconvene/Association business Nominations Reconvene workshops BOD meeting (TBA) Secure workshops Events Hospitality Day Three (AM) Reconvene/Association business Nominations continue Guest speakers Reconvene workshops BOD meeting (TBA) Day Three (PM) Reconvene/Association business Reconvene workshops Secure workshops Events Hospitality Day Four (AM) Reconvene/Association business Selection of next year’s Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site Elections Reconvene workshops (Wrap-up) Day Four (PM) Reconvene/Association business Workshop summary Retire Colors Adjourn in preparation for banquette Conduct final BOD meeting Order of Business: Ensure that Order of Business is performed in accordance with the procedures of “Robert’s Rules of Order”. The following shall be the order of business meetings: Call to Order Address of the President Reading minutes of previous meeting Treasurers Report (first day Meeting) Reports of Officers (as required) Reports of Committees (as required) Reports of Special Subjects General Information from the floor BOD/Officers/Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Nominations (Day 1 through Day 3) BOD/Officer/Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Elections (Day 4) 98 Vendors: The President, if on Active Duty, shall not be directly involved with Vendor solicitation. The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Vendor Chairperson (A Retired or Civilian Member) shall provide all correspondence and perform all direct liaisons with Vendors. NO ACTIVE DUTY Member shall be allowed to participate as a member of the Vendor Committee. Outgoing President: Prior to, during, or following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference several actions remain the responsibility of and must be completed by the outgoing President. Certificates/Letters of Appreciation: Prior to Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference banquet. Certificates and Letters of Appreciation for those members and volunteers who performed duties in support of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference shall be drafted and signed by the President and turned over to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson for presentation at the appropriate time. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Presentation Materials: The President in conjunction with the BOD and the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson will determine those articles to be presented to each Guest Speaker or for special presentations. Presentation Plaques, Certificates Honorary Membership Acquisition/preparation shall be accomplished by the National ABMA Treasurer. The Treasurer will procure all required awards and ensure a correct record of expenditures is compiled and that all receipts are retained. The Treasurer will ensure awards are placed at the podium each day in the order they will be presented. The Treasurer will ensure awards are mailed to recipients not present for award presentation (all must be mailed prior to conclusion of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference.) President Expenditures: An itemized listing of all expenditures incurred by the outgoing President to be presented to the BOD prior to close of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Such expenditures when agreement upon by the BOD, shall be reimbursed by the ABMA Treasurer. (In the event the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson has not already done so.) Workshop Results Cover Letter: Working with the Workshop's Coordinators and AIRPAC/ AIRLANT Ships Installations (SI) Officers and with assistance from the Secretary, The outgoing President shall (during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference) draft a cover letter for attachment to the properly formatted and compiled workshop's results package's. Workshop's result packages shall be mailed to the CNO Action Representative, NAVAIR PMA256. Additionally, copies of the workshop results packages will be mailed to CNO OP-N8, CINC'S,(CINPAC/CINCLANT) TYCOM’S (AIRPAC/AIRLANT,) TYCOM’S SURFPAC/ SURFLANT, all CV/CVN, LHA'S, LHD'S, and LPD Ships, NAVAIRWARFAIRCEN and major Aviation Shore Commands. The new ABMA President shall coordinate with the workshop results compilation activity to ensure that this action shall be accomplished no later than 30 working days following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Report: Within 30 working days following the symposium the outgoing President with assistance from the Treasurer and 99 Secretary shall compile a Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Report. The contents of the report shall include a synopsis of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference events and a complete breakdown of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference expenditures and balance. A copy of the report shall be mailed to the new President, Executive Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, and BOD, Membership Chairperson and Merchandise Chairperson. This report except for the financial section shall be published in the post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference newsletter. Regular meetings of the BOD shall at a minimum, be held immediately prior to commencement and on the final day of each Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site. Additional meetings of the BOD shall be held throughout the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference as required by the President or by a majority of the BOD to fully resolve as many Association matters possible. Meetings of the Board shall be at such times and places as may, from time to time, be determined, by resolution of the Board. Workshop’s Results Action Item Tracking: Within two weeks of election. The President should contact both the AIRPAC/AIRLANT TYCOM SI Officers to establish rapport and discuss the Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Workshops Results Packages status. The goal being to get the packages mailed within 30 working days following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Additionally: This would be an excellent opportunity to indicate your desire to recruit systems specialists (preferably LDO’s, CWO’s, MCPO’s or SCPO’s) as Workshop Coordinator’s for the upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Ask for their recommendations. Early identification of a strong Workshops Chairperson is critical for successful workshops. Screen all those recommended and those volunteering for Workshop Coordinator duties, to ensure they are truly systems specialists and have the personality to deal with the various agency and command personnel who will be attending the workshops. Although the Workshops Chairperson will be the primary liaison with the TYCOM’S for Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Action item’s solution tracking, Agenda Item’s solicitations and finalizing workshops. The President, periodically throughout the year, should check with the TYCOM’S and NAVAIR to monitor the status of the workshop’s action item’s completion progress and to maintain rapport. During the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference should the following year's Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site Chairman be in attendance a face to face mini-turnover could occur. This could be very valuable to him or her in preparation for his or her Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Upon completion of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference be prepared to assist the President by providing information he or she will require for the drafting of the Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Report. 100 ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 101 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES AWARDS COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Awards Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Awards Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in the BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Awards Committee Chairman and committee members are responsible for informing the Treasurer of the various awards which are to be presented at the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. The Awards Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman for all matters regarding symposium awards. The Committee Chairman will: • Request the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman provide the inscription requirements and the type awards to be presented at the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference to the Treasurer. Typical types of awards presented in the past are: • ABMA Plaques for Guest Speakers. 102 • ABMA Plaques for the ABMA top Recruiters of the Year for the Pacific and Atlantic Fleet and ashore. • Vendor Plaques. • ABMA Plaques for AB’s of the Year. • ABMA Plaques for Battle/Air E for CVN, LHA, LHD, LPH, LPD (East and West Coast). • AB Living Legend Award. (Ensure the Living Legend award is available at start of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference). • Posthumous AB Living Legend Award (Ensure the Posthumous Living Legend award is available at start of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference). • Certificates of Appreciation (for Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Staff) • Certificates of Appreciation (for others designated by the President and Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. The Treasurer will procure all required awards and ensure a correct record of expenditures is compiled and that all receipts are retained. The Treasurer will ensure awards are placed at the podium each day in the order they will be presented. The Treasurer will ensure awards are mailed to recipients not present for award presentation (all must be mailed prior to conclusion of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference.) Perform other tasks as assigned by the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. 103 ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 104 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES BANQUET COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Banquet Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Banquet Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following standing Chairmen shall be BOD members appointed at each symposium: a. Chapter Coordinator b. Membership c. Symposium d. Finance e. Merchandise Coordinator f. ABMA Assistance g. Scholarship Each committee shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the committee Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Banquet Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman for all matters regarding preparation and function of the Banquet. The Banquet Committee Chairman will: Liaison and establish rapport with Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Banquet Managerial Staff THEME: Make recommendation to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman and the President for the banquet theme. Once determined, prepare a plan to: • Determine the space requirements to support the banquet event. Work with the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff to acquire the required space. 105 • Ensure banquet contract is thoroughly read, that food prices and support items are agreed to and signed early in the process. • Determine the materials required in support of the theme. • Acquire funds from the Finance Committee to procure theme materials. • Arrange for the dinner entrée that supports the theme. • Procure banquet tickets and arrange for ticket sales space. • Ensure tickets are designed and printed far enough in advance to be sold at the start of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Ensure that all business conducted in the area where the banquet is held be completed in sufficient time to allow Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site staff the opportunity for cleanup prior to banquet. If banquet area is the same area used daily for general business, ensure that chapter flags or displays are removed from the banquet area, except those designed to support the banquet theme. Ensure there is a podium or table top podium available at the head table. Make sure microphone (s) is/are set up and working properly prior to banquet commencement. Ensure media/audio/visual equipment and adequate lighting is provided for presentations and guest speakers. Have a table arrangement diagram made up and available for display, as tickets for the banquet are being sold. Diagram should permit banquet attendees to print their name at the table of their choice. Arrange tables early and do not change the lay out (this helps the banquet staff). Ensure enough seats are available for the head table. Converse with the ABMA President to ensure that the arrangement and seating at the head table meets his or her requirements. Have an area designated for the band or disc jockey to set up, if required. As well as, an area for dancing, if required. Special Meals: Arrange for meals for color guard unit, side boys, and host ship working party personnel (as required) Maintain a correct accounting of all expenditures and retain a copy of all receipts. Turn in receipts to the Finance Committee when procurement is complete. Perform other tasks as assigned by the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. 106 Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 107 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES COLOR GUARD/SIDE BOYS COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Color Guard/Side Boys Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Color Guard/Side Boys Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Colors Guard/Side Boys Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman for the opening ceremony, honors for dignitaries during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference, and for closing ceremony. The Committee will: Contact and establish rapport with either the host ship or a local military (preferably USN) installation having a Color Guard unit and: Acquire support of a Color Guard unit to conduct the opening and closing ceremony Colors Presentation. Provide on site walk-through practice prior to opening ceremony. (Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse). Ensure rations are provided for Color Guard (as required.) 108 Request AB Working Party personnel and a rated Boatswain’s Mate from the host ship. Designate sharp members of the Working Party to perform “Rainbow Side Boys” duties. Conduct walk-through practice sessions prior to guests being piped aboard. Conduct a personnel inspection of personnel designated as the “Rainbow Side Boys”. Review the Plan of the Week and ensure Color Guard and Side Boys are ready and on station before Guest Speaker arrival. Acquire necessary equipment and play the National Anthem during Colors Presentation (as required) Acquire materials for quarterdeck setup to include: Bell, bullets and matting or carpet (as required). Ensure assigned personnel muster early! Provide a space for the color guard and rainbow Side Boys to change clothes and; Ensure a qualified Boatswain’s Mate is available for piping. Ensure someone is assigned to meet and escort the guest as they arrive. Rainbow Side Boys and bell rings required; Fleet Admiral and Vice Admiral………8 Side Boys/bells Rear Admiral…………………………..6 Side Boys/bells Captain or Commander………………..4 Side Boys/bells Lieutenant Commander or below…….. 2 Side Boys/bells All other branch of services will receive the same as the Navy Pay grade equivalent. Perform other duties as required by the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. 109 ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 110 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES CRUISE BOOK COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Cruise Book Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Cruise Book Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Cruise Book Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman for the compilation and printing of the Annual ABMA Cruise Book. The cruise book is a picture colleague of events during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Additionally individual or couples pictures of those attending who had their pictures taken are depicted with caption. The Committee will: • Work closely with the Publicity Chairman, solicit members to display their old Cruise Books and the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. • Ensure that all cruise books displayed are not damaged, lost, or stolen, and are properly and promptly returned to the rightful owners upon disassembly of display. It is highly recommended that there is someone assigned to watch and maintain security of all the cruise books. Ensure proper amount of tables and chairs are made available for cruise book displays, and sales. 111 • • Assign personnel to work Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference cruise book sales. • Provide pictures of events. Coverage to be taken as they occur. A brief history of the convention will be included with picture captions. • Ensure a knowledgeable member accompanies the photographer when photos are being taken. • Arrange for sales. • Promote sales. • Work closely with the photographer and the publishing company to ensure quality product results. • Ensure all personnel that order a cruise book receive them promptly and efficiently. It is recommended that there is a person assigned to assist the photographer and the publisher to ensure everyone that orders a cruise book provides a complete and accurate mailing address and phone number. • Ensure to get a reputable company who can offer a timely and professional product. Sales average 50 to 80 total. Perform other tasks as assigned by the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 112 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES FINANCE COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Finance Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Finance Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Finance Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. He/she shall collect, receive and have charge of all funds of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference and shall have deposited such funds in a bank approved by the BOD, and shall provide for the expenditure of such funds. A report will be made to the BOD giving the financial standing of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference whenever requested and a full report made to the ABMA Treasurer and BOD at the completion of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference via the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Checks, drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the BOD. Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any 113 instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble herein. Such affiliation does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. Record Keeping: The Finance Committee Chairman is responsible for the maintenance of financial ledgers, books and reports pertaining to all money transactions conducted prior to, during and after the completion of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. All records shall be maintained current and correct at all times. Bank Account: Shall be sufficient for accounting of the ABMA Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Checking Account and others as required by the BOD. Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference money shall be separate from host chapter ABMA operating money. A minimum of two signatures is required for withdrawal of funds. Donations: Donations received by the ABMA WILL NOT be referred to as tax exempt. Donations or grants to the ABMA scholarship will be utilized to enhance the scholarship fund. SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE: The ABMA Treasurer shall have a close working relationship with the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman and will: Start-up Funding: Provide startup funds to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman/Finance Committee based on the amount authorized by the Administrative Policy or as approved by the BOD. Vendor Proceeds: All vendor proceeds received by Vendor Committee Chairman shall be forwarded to the Treasurer (as required). Contributions: Contributions may be accepted from any companies, corporations, industries, businesses, affiliates, or individual defraying the cost of a Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference, but they may or may not be authorized a display booth. The ABMA Treasurer will forward all vendor money for the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference to the Symposium Committee Chairman when needed. Local/State Taxes: Each chapter or Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Committee is responsible for reporting and paying local and state taxes as required. (This applies primarily to sales tax) as prescribed in the Administrative Policy for rules on Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman financial reporting responsibility to the Treasurer and BOD. SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE FINAL REPORTS: The ABMA Treasurer will continue to work with the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman prior to, during, and after the Symposium/Professional 114 Working Group Conference until all final reports and finances are completed and reported to the BOD. The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman will keep a complete accounting of all money collected and expended and submit the report to the BOD. The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman shall submit a tentative accounting at the post-symposium BOD meeting and submit a finalized accounting to the BOD within 90 days. Any excess symposium funds shall be turned over to the ABMA Treasurer within 90 days from the close of the symposium along with a finalized symposium accounting statement. POST-SYMPOSIUM “APPRECIATION” DINNER/PARTY: The ABMA Treasurer will provide funds, from excess Symposium funds for a post-symposium “Appreciation” dinner/party to recognize the work and dedication put forth by the host chapter. These funds will be forwarded to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman based on the amount authorized by the Administrative Policy or as approved by the BOD. Perform other tasks as assigned by the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 115 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Hospitality Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Hospitality Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Hospitality Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman for all matters regarding preparation and function of the Hospitality Room. This individual is one of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman’s most important assets within the ABMA organization. Perpetuating the image of the ABMA is this individual’s primary responsibility. The Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman should ensure close contact with the Hospitality Chairman. The Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman must ensure that a very capable individual is selected. The success of any Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference is a direct reflection of the Hospitality Committee Chairperson’s performance and ability to maintain good order and discipline. The Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman should be especially aware of the type of events and location being planned for the Hospitality Room. This is the one critical area that can break the ABMA backbone if not conducted properly. Every consideration should be given to the hospitality room being located no higher than ground level. 116 Checks, drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the BOD. Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble herein. Such affiliation does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. The Hospitality Committee Chairman will: Liaison and establish rapport with Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff. Determine the space requirements to support the hospitality room events. Work with the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff to acquire the required space. It is recommended that the hospitality room doesn’t have carpeting, if possible. Ensure the contract with the hotel or conference center is thoroughly read that food and drink prices and support items are agreed to and signed early in the process. Determine the materials required in support of the hospitality room. Acquire funds from the Finance Committee to procure materials. If alcohol or beer is distributed from the hospitality room, ensure that only those personnel that produce a proper identification are of the state’s minimum age to drink alcoholic beverages. Ensure that all personnel conduct themselves in a manner that would not bring discredit to themselves, the ABMA or the United States Navy. Shore Patrol or security personnel may be assigned to assist in maintaining good order and discipline. Personnel that fail to conduct themselves accordingly may be refused service or even asked to leave. Enforce containment of alcoholic beverages, including beer and sodas, to the areas designated as agreed upon by the hotel or conference center and the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Permit NO ONE to leave the designated area with any drinks or food. Discourage those that have been drinking from driving. Have alternate means of transportation available, if required. 117 Contact the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff to ensure the area designated as the hospitality room, or an area for storage of hospitality room items, can be properly secured and locked during times when not in use. Accountability is very important. • Ensure proper and continuous clean-up of the area designated for the hospitality room. • Ensure media/audio/visual equipment and adequate lighting is provided for presentations as required. Arrange tables and chairs early and ensure there is sufficient access to exits. This is a fire/emergency requirement and may differ from state to state. Contact the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff to ensure compliance with local and state fire codes. Have an area designated for the band or disc jockey to set up, if required. As well as, an area for dancing, if required. Record Keeping: The Hospitality Committee Chairman is responsible for the maintenance of financial ledgers, books and reports pertaining to all money transactions conducted prior to, during and after the completion of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference with regard to the hospitality room. All records shall be maintained current and correct at all times. Maintain a correct accounting of all expenditures and retain a copy of all receipts. Turn in receipts to the Finance Committee when procurement is complete. A report will be made to the BOD giving the financial standing of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference, whenever requested. A full report made to the ABMA Treasurer and BOD at the completion of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference via the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman and the Finance Committee Chairman. Special Meals: Arrange for meals for host ship working party personnel, and personnel assigned to providing transportation (as required). Local/State Taxes: Each chapter or Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Committee is responsible for reporting and paying local and state taxes as required. (This applies primarily to sales tax) as prescribed in the Administrative Policy for rules on Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman financial reporting responsibility to the Treasurer and BOD. Perform other tasks as assigned by the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, 118 the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 119 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES LADIES ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Ladies Entertainment Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Ladies Entertainment Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Ladies Entertainment Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman for all matters regarding preparation and function of the ladies entertainment. Checks, drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the BOD. Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble herein. Such affiliation 120 does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. The Ladies Entertainment Committee Chairman will: • Organize and set up programs that will keep the ladies involved. • Plan trips, luncheon, and/or activities for ladies at the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. • Determine the space requirements to support the ladies luncheon or event. Work with local restaurants, businesses, stores, shops, etc. to acquire the required space. • Determine the materials required in support of the trips, luncheon, and/or activities for ladies. • Acquire funds from the Finance Committee to procure materials for the trips, luncheon, and/or activities for ladies, as required. • Arrange for the breakfast/lunch/dinner entrée that supports the majority of ladies in attendance, if required. • Procure ladies trips, luncheon, and/or activities tickets and arrange for ticket sales space. Ensure tickets are designed and printed far enough in advance, to be sold or distributed at the start of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. • Ensure there is a podium or table top podium available, as required. • Make sure microphone (s) is/are set up and working properly prior to commencement, if required. • Ensure media/audio/visual equipment and adequate lighting is provided for presentations and guest speakers, if required. Work closely with the Transportation Committee Coordinator to ensure adequate transportation is provided for all the ladies desiring to attend the trips, luncheon, and/or activities. Coordinate fund raisers that will be used to defray the cost of the trips, luncheon, and/or activities. Ensure that all personnel conduct themselves in a manner that would not bring discredit upon themselves, the ABMA or the United States Navy. Shore Patrol or security personnel may be assigned to assist in maintaining good order and discipline. Contact the ladies in attendance to see if they will assist in registering members attending the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference, selling tickets for various functions and selling the Association’s promotional merchandise. 121 Maintain a correct accounting of all expenditures and retain a copy of all receipts. Turn in receipts to the Finance Committee when procurement is complete. Special Meals: Arrange for meals for host ship working party personnel, and personnel assigned to providing transportation (as required). Perform other tasks as assigned by the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 122 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES LODGING & RESERVATION COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Lodging and Reservation Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Lodging and Reservation Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Lodging and Reservation Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman for all matters regarding lodging and reservation. Checks, drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the BOD. Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. 123 The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble. Such affiliation does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. An organization affiliated with the Association may send a designated representative to attend a meeting of the BOD of the Association. Such representative may, on behalf of such affiliate, submit to the President of the Association recommendations for consideration by the BOD. The Lodging and Reservation Committee Chairman will: • Liaison and establish rapport with Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff. It may be necessary to have additional hotels in the local vicinity on stand-by to accept over-flow, if required. • Assist the hotel or conference center and Association in room reservations. • Determine the space requirements to support the required number of rooms to be booked for the ABMA President, Executive Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, AB of the Year for the East and the West Coast, Senior AB on active duty, special guests and Detailers. Work with the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff to acquire the required space. • Ensure that President, Secretary and Treasurer have everything needed to accomplish their duties during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. • Ensure only the BOD, President, Secretary and Treasurer’s room have official phones and modem hookups available. • Ensure the President, Secretary, and Treasurer have access to computer hook-ups, and a fax. • Keep Publicity Committee advised of all special events in the hotel and Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference area. • Ensure the rooms designate for the ABH, ABF, ABE, and Training (if required) workshops are large rooms that will accommodate at least 100-150 personnel. Chairs, large screen, computer capable projectors, and podiums with microphones should be set up prior to workshops convening. • Ensure there is a podium or table top podium available Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference and/or workshops, as required. • Make sure microphone (s) is/are set up and working properly prior to commencement of Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference and/or workshops, if required. 124 • Ensure media/audio/visual equipment and adequate lighting is provided for presentations and guest speakers for Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference and/or workshops, if required. • Organize a vigorous telephone campaign to keep track of personnel attending convention. • Ensure proper amount of tables and chairs are made available for merchandise displays, vendor, displays, registration and ticket sales. • Assign personnel to work registration and ticket sales. • Coordinate with the hotel/conference center for coffee, donuts, refreshments set-up. Hopefully, hotel/conference center will allow chapter to provide the coffee. • Coordinate with Transportation Committee the arrival and departure of persons attending the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. • Keep the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman advised of the number of reservations made. • Ensure the contract with the hotel or conference center is thoroughly read, that room prices and support items are agreed to and signed early in the process. • Liaison and establish rapport with BOQ/BEQ/CBQ, Navy/Armed Forces Lodges Managerial Staff in the local region, to provide for berthing for members on no-cost orders, or desiring to be berthed at such facilities. Coordinate with the Transportation Committee the transportation requirements for personnel staying at BOQ/BEQ/CBQ, Navy/Armed Forces Lodges in the local region. Liaison and establish rapport with local camp grounds. Provide information to the Publicity Committee on all available berthing, hotels, and camping facilities in the local vicinity with regard to cost and availability early in the planning stages so that the information can be disseminated to members and associates. The ABMA will provide the AB’s of the Year berthing costs when required, above that of cost orders. Also, the ABMA will provide the ABMA Secretary and Treasurer with funding for the lodging and per diem basis and meal allowance for the week of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. This will be the responsibility of the ABMA Treasurer. Merchandise Security: Contact the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff to ensure the area designated as the merchandise sales room, or an area for storage of merchandise items, can be properly secured and locked during times when not in use. Accountability is very important. Vendor Display Security: Contact the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff to ensure the area designated as the vendor industrial displays, or an area for storage of 125 vendor industrial displays items, can be properly secured and locked during times when not in use. Accountability is very important. Hospitality Room Security: Contact the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff to ensure the area designated as the hospitality room, or an area for storage of hospitality room items, can be properly secured and locked during times when not in use. Accountability is very important. Perform other tasks as assigned by the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 126 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES NATIONAL/CHAPTER MERCHANDISE COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the National/Chapter Merchandise Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding National/Chapter Merchandise Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The National/Chapter Merchandise Committee Chairman shall liaison with ABMA Merchandise Coordinator to broaden merchandise opportunities for the chapter and the ABMA. The National/Chapter Merchandise Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman for all matters regarding National/Chapter merchandise. The ABMA Merchandise Coordinator shall ensure that chapters are aware of responsibility to adhere to local/state tax laws/requirements and ensure that requirements for selling merchandise at Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conferences are met. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the 127 performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. MERCHANDISE: The ABMA Merchandise Coordinator is responsible for maintaining a sufficient supply of merchandise and to ensure that merchandise selected is of high quality and has been thoroughly researched for its desire among fleet AB’s and retired/ABMA members prior to procurement. The National/Chapter Merchandise Committee Chairman will: • Ensure proper amounts of tables are made available for Merchandise display. • Coordinate with the ABMA Merchandise Coordinator on the shipment of ABMA merchandise both coming and going. Ensure inventory is taken upon arrival and prior to shipment back to the ABMA Merchandise Coordinator. • Coordinate with the Ladies Entertainment Committee Chairman for ladies desiring to assist with the sales of merchandise. • Ensure a lockable cash box is available. Inventory: The Merchandise Coordinator will take inventory at the start of his/her appointment and make a tally of current and outdated merchandise to be sold. Record: Catalogue and maintain a record of all procured and sold merchandise. Merchandise on hand, wholesale cost, retail cost, quantity purchased, sale cost, quantity sold, total funds expended and funding balance. Cost: Liaison with ABMA Merchandise Coordinator, Chapter Treasurer and Financial Committee Chairman to set price for merchandise. Display: Working with the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff attempt to acquire display areas where merchandise can be made readily available to all attendees. Merchandise Security: Contact the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff to ensure the area designated as the merchandise sales room, or an area for storage of merchandise items, can be properly secured and locked during times when not in use. Accountability is very important. Distribution for Sale: Acquire an operating fund for day to day functions from the Financial Committee Chairman. The ABMA Treasurer will fund large distribution of merchandise to the chapter and both ways for the annual Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Merchandise for sale during Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference week to consist of Association items plus logo/non-logo merchandise provided for sale by Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference host chapter/group. All income from the sale of merchandise provided by the Association will to be forwarded to the Association. All profits from the sale of chapter/group provided merchandise is to be applied to the costs incurred by hosting the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. 128 Procurement: The ABMA Merchandise Coordinator will report to the elected Treasurer of the ABMA as to any purchases he/she wishes to make so as to acquire the proper funding for those purchases. Perform other tasks as assigned by the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 129 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES PICNIC COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Picnic Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference picnic. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Picnic Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Picnic Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman for all matters regarding preparation and function of the picnic. Checks, drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the BOD. Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. 130 The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble herein. Such affiliation does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. The Picnic Committee Chairman will: • Determine an adequate location to support a picnic. • • Once determined,, prepare a plan to: Determine the space requirements to support the picnic. Work with the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference picnic site staff to acquire the required space. • Liaison and establish rapport with Symposium/Professional Working Group picnic Site Staff • Determine the materials required in support of the picnic. Have materials at the picnic site prior to commencement of the picnic. • Acquire funds from the Finance Committee to procure picnic materials if not provided by host ship/command or agency. • Arrange for the lunch entrée that supports the number of expected attendees. • Procure picnic tickets and arrange for ticket sales or distribution space. Ensure tickets are designed and printed in advance to be read for sale or distributed at the start of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. • Provide adequate directions for distribution to those desiring to attend. • Coordinate with the Transportation Committee the transportation requirements for personnel desiring to attend. • Ensure media/audio/visual equipment and adequate lighting is provided for presentations, if required. • Ensure enough seats and tables are available. Arrange tables early. • Have an area designated for the band or disc jockey to set up, if required. • Ensure the contract with the park or facility manager, caterer and/or distributor is thoroughly read and that food and drink prices and support items, are, agreed to and signed early in the process. • Supervise the set up, ensure the chow is available at the start time of the picnic. If no beer/soda truck/cart is available, ensure there is enough ice available. 131 • Ensure a clean-up working party is designated and available prior to the securing of the picnic. It is recommended that excess chow be donated to the needy (missions, homeless, etc.) If alcohol or beer is distributed at the picnic, ensure that only those personnel that produce a proper identification are of the state’s minimum age to drink alcoholic beverages. Ensure that all personnel conduct themselves in a manner that would not bring discredit to themselves, the ABMA or the United States Navy. Shore Patrol or security personnel may be assigned to assist in maintaining good order and discipline. Personnel that fail to conduct themselves accordingly may be refused service, or even asked to leave. Enforce containment of alcoholic beverages, including beer and sodas, to the areas designated as agreed upon by the park or facility manager and the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Permit NO ONE to leave the designated area with any drinks or food. Discourage those that have been drinking from driving. Have alternate means of transportation available, if required. Special Meals: Arrange meals for host ship/command or agency working party personnel (as required) Maintain a correct accounting of all expenditures and retain a copy of all receipts. Turn in receipts to the Finance Committee when procurement is complete. Perform other tasks as assigned by the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 132 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES PROGRAM COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Program Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Program Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Program Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. All actions taken by the Program Committee Chairman shall be reported via the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman and approved by the ABMA President. The Program Committee Chairman will conduct productive correspondence to project a positive image of the Association to the public. This individual is one of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman’s, most important assets within the ABMA organization. Perpetuating the image of ABMA is this individual’s primary responsibility. The Program Committee Chairman will: • Work closely with the Banquet, Hospitality and Ladies Entertainment, and Special Events/ Entertainment Committee Chairmen. • Advise Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman of what guest speakers are available. Submit rough letter invitations. 133 • Initiate and organize Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference meeting program. • Distribute brochures. • Submit rough plan of the week, speaker biographies, AB of the Year Biographies to the ABMA Secretary for review and to the ABMA President for final approval. • Coordinated program printing and distribution. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Program: The President working closely with the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson and Workshop Coordinator shall review and approve the final Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Program. Additionally the President shall draft the Program Greeting message and in a timely period provide it to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson for inclusion into the program. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Plan Of the Week (POW): The Secretary shall receive the POW a minimum of 60 days prior to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference from the President. The Secretary will then forward the POW to the agency/command appointed to complete the printing, as well as, a copy either on paper or electronically to the webmaster for inclusion on the ABMA website. The following is an example only. The scheduling of Workshops and Events must be flexible: Day One (AM) Registration Workshop assignments General announcements Election procedures Introduction of any pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference guest speakers Day One (PM) Call to order/ Opening ceremony Invocation Troop the Colors Guest speakers Convene workshops Conduct BOD meeting Secure workshops Events Hospitality Day Two (AM) Reconvene/General announcements Guest speakers Reconvene workshops 134 Day Two (PM) Reconvene/Association business Nominations Reconvene workshops BOD meeting (TBA) Secure workshops Events Hospitality Day Three (AM) Reconvene/Association business Nominations continue Guest speakers Reconvene workshops BOD meeting (TBA) Day Three (PM) Reconvene/Association business Reconvene workshops Secure workshops Events Hospitality Day Four (AM) Reconvene/Association business Selection of next year’s Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site Elections Reconvene workshops (Wrap-up) Day Four (PM) Reconvene/Association business Workshop summary Retire Colors Adjourn in preparation for banquette Conduct final BOD meeting The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference should contain a statement similar to “The statements and views made by all guest speakers and attendees are the responsibility of that individual and are not to be construed as those of the ABMA, nor endorsed by any of its officers.” The name, address and phone number of the Chaplain, Public Affairs Officer, AB Hall of Honors Curator, and Vendor Coordinator and Scholarship Chairman will be published in the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference program and ABMA newsletter. Order of Business: Ensure that Order of Business is performed in accordance with the procedures of “Robert’s Rules of Order”. The following shall be the order of business meetings: Call to Order Address of the President Reading minutes of previous meeting 135 Treasurers Report (first day Meeting) Reports of Officers (as required) Reports of Committees (as required) Reports of Special Subjects General Information from the floor BOD/Officers/Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Nominations (Day 1 through Day 3) BOD/Officer/Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Elections (Day 4) Perform other tasks as assigned by the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 136 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES PUBLICITY COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Publicity Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Publicity Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Publicity Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. All actions taken by the Publicity Committee Chairman shall be reported via the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman and approved by the ABMA President. The Publicity Committee Chairman will conduct productive correspondence to project a positive image of the Association to the public. This individual is one of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman’s, most important assets within the ABMA organization. Perpetuating the image of ABMA is this individual’s primary responsibility. The Publicity Committee Chairman will: • • Work closely with Banquet, Hospitality and Ladies Entertainment, and Special Events/ Entertainment Committee Chairmen and the ABMA Public Affairs Officer (PAO). At an early date, start contacting various Navy Publications about publicizing the current Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. 137 • Prepare brochures of events for Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association’s mailing list, and submit them to the Association’s Secretary via the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. • Ensure the proper spelling of any banners or brochures, such as “Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association” • Coordinate local media coverage. • Coordinate to have the ABMA Logo mat delivered to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference for display at the foot of the podium or at the quarter deck entrance. The Lodging and Reservations Committee Chairman: The Lodging and Reservations Committee Chairman will keep Publicity Committee Chairman advised of all special events in the hotel and Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference area. As well as, provide information to the Publicity Committee Chairman on all available berthing, hotels, and camping facilities in the local vicinity with regard to cost and availability early in the planning stages so that the information can be disseminated to members and associates. PAO: The PAO is directly responsible to the ABMA President, Executive Vice-president, and the BOD. The President assists the PAO through direct contact with specific Regional Vicepresident to request their direct assistance to the PAO in what ever area the PAO is pursuing to get the word out regarding the ABMA and the up-coming Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. The PAO will carryout a dynamic program to spread positive information about the goals of the ABMA throughout the United States and where ever AB’s are stationed overseas. The PAO shall: Correspondence: Report and correspond with any agency, group, or individuals that requests information or solicit ABMA support or to gain its recognition. Vendors: Direct all correspondence concerning vendor participation and support to the Association Vendor Coordinator and assist the Vendor Coordinator as requested. Media: Respond to all matters that will affect public interest or gain media attention regarding the Association. Media Support: Promote media support for the National Association and provide the appropriate documentation to gain positive media coverage of Association history and upcoming events. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, 138 the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 139 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES RETIRED WORKSHOP COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Retired Workshop Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding the Retired Workshop Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Retired Workshop Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman for all matters regarding preparation and function of the Retired Workshop. This workshop will arrange meetings and programs of interest to our retired shipmates. Provide information on job opportunities for retired personnel. Assist the U.S. Navy in recruiting some good AB’s. Recommend other events that would be of interest to our retired community. Checks, drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the BOD. Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or 140 engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble herein. Such affiliation does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. The Retired Workshop Committee Chairman will: • Organize and set up programs that will keep the retired members involved. • Plan trips, luncheon, and/or activities for retired members at the convention. • Determine the space requirements to support the retired member’s luncheon or event. Work with local restaurants, businesses, stores, shops, etc. to acquire the required space. • Determine the materials required in support of the trips, luncheon, and/or activities for retired members. • Acquire funds from the Finance Committee to procure materials for the trips, luncheon, and/or activities for retired members, as required. • Arrange for the breakfast/lunch/dinner entrée that supports the majority of retired members in attendance, if required. • Procure retired member’s trips, luncheon, and/or activities tickets and arrange for ticket sales or distribution space. Ensure tickets are designed and printed in advance to be ready for sale or distribution at the start of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. • Ensure there is a podium or table top podium available, as required. • Make sure microphone (s) is/are set up and working properly prior to commencement, if required. • Ensure media/audio/visual equipment and adequate lighting is provided for presentations and guest speakers, if required. • Assist in providing information that would be beneficial or of interest to retirees, such as job opportunities, U.S. Navy Recruiting, health or investment benefits, etc. • Work closely with the Transportation Committee Coordinator to ensure adequate transportation is provided for all the retired members desiring to attend the trips, luncheon, and/or activities. • Ensure that all personnel conduct themselves in a manner that would not bring discredit to themselves, the ABMA or the United States Navy. Shore Patrol or security personnel may be assigned to assist in maintaining good order and discipline. 141 • Maintain a correct accounting of all expenditures and retain a copy of all receipts. Turn in receipts to the Finance Committee when procurement is complete. Special Meals: Arrange for meals for host ship working party personnel, and personnel assigned to providing transportation (as required). Perform other tasks as assigned by the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 142 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES SPECIAL EVENTS/ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Special Events/Entertainment Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Special Events/Entertainment Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Special Events/Entertainment Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman for all special events/ entertainment during the week of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Special events or entertainment may include events such as: • Sports games/events, casino trips, riverboat /dinner cruises, sight seeing trip/tours, parades, museums, shopping trips, golf tournaments, dinner theaters or stage shows. Though this list is not all inclusive, events or entertainment may be made available for a select group such as retirees, vendors, ladies or the entire assembly. Checks, drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the BOD. Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any 143 instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble herein. Such affiliation does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. The Special Events/Entertainment Committee Chairman will: • Organize and set up events or entertainment that will keep the Association members entertained. • Plan trips, events or entertainment and/or activities for Association members and associates at the convention. • Determine the materials required in support of the trips, events or entertainment and/or activities for Association members and associates at the convention. • Acquire funds from the Finance Committee to procure materials for the trips, events or entertainment and/or activities for Association members and associates at the convention, as required. • Arrange for the breakfast/lunch/dinner entrée that supports the events or entertainment and/or activities for Association members and associates at the convention, if required. • Ensure proper amount of tables and chairs are made available for registration and ticket sales. • Assign personnel to work registration and ticket sales. • Procure tickets and arrange for ticket sales or distribution space. Ensure tickets are designed and printed in advance to be ready for sale or distribution at the start of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. • Work closely with the Transportation Committee Coordinator to ensure adequate transportation is provided for all members desiring to attend the trips, events or entertainment, and/or activities. • Ensure that all personnel conduct themselves in a manner that would not bring discredit to themselves, the ABMA or the United States Navy. Shore Patrol or security personnel may be assigned to assist in maintaining good order and discipline. • Maintain a correct accounting of all expenditures and retain a copy of all receipts. Turn in receipts to the Finance Committee when procurement is complete. 144 Special Meals: Arrange for meals for host ship working party personnel, and personnel assigned to providing transportation (as required). Perform other tasks as assigned by the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 145 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Transportation Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Transportation Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following standing Chairmen shall be BOD members appointed at each symposium: a. Chapter Coordinator b. Membership c. Symposium d. Finance e. Merchandise Coordinator f. ABMA Assistance g. Scholarship Each committee shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the committee Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Transportation Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman for all transportation requirements during the week of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Checks, drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the BOD. Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. 146 The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble herein. Such affiliation does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. The Transportation Committee Chairman will: • Work closely with Ladies Entertainment, Retired Workshop, Picnic, Lodging and Reservation and Special Events/ Entertainment Committee Chairmen. • Arrange transportation and make information available to ABMA members and other AB’s attending the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference, active duty and retired as their family and associates. • Arrange transportation for large delegations of AB’s arriving from distant points. • Arrange and coordinate transportation for tours, such as ladies luncheon, golf tournament, dinner cruises, etc. • Provide transportation to and from the BEQs,/BOQs in the morning, at the secure of daily events, and at night for the hospitality room participants. • Be prepared to assist members with flight schedules and other transportation schedules. • Ensure the contract with the transportation facility manager, and/or rental agency is thoroughly read, that prices and support items are agreed to and signed early in the process. • Arrange for tour guides. • Ensure all operators/drivers of acquired transportation are properly licensed. • Maintain a correct accounting of all expenditures and retain a copy of all receipts. Turn in receipts to the Finance Committee when procurement is complete. • Provide information to all attendees of the transportation arranged for scheduled and nonscheduled events. It’s recommended to have, as a minimum, two strong CPOs and ten drivers. Vehicles recommended: (Depending on events), 1 bus and 2 vans. Ensure that all personnel conduct themselves in a manner that would not bring discredit to themselves, the ABMA or the United States Navy. Shore Patrol or security personnel may be assigned to assist in maintaining good order and discipline. Special Meals: Arrange for meals for personnel assigned to providing transportation (as required). 147 Perform other tasks as assigned by the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 148 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES VENDOR INDUSTRIAL DISPLAY COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Vendor Industrial Display Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Vendor Industrial Display Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Vendor Industrial Display Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman and works directly for The National Vendor Coordinator. Various companies, industries, businesses, or affiliates who provide machinery and services to the AB community will set up industrial displays and provide financial assistance to make the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference a success. THE VENDOR INDUSTRIAL DISPLAY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN will: • Identify organizations, companies, industries, businesses, or affiliates that will participate via the National Vendor Coordinator. • Prepare a rough sketch of the area designated for the vendor industrial displays within or in the vicinity of the hotel or conference center for forwarding to the National Vendor Coordinator via Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. • Liaison and establish rapport with Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff. 149 • Determine the space requirements to support the vendor industrial displays. Work with the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff to acquire the required space. • Ensure the contract with the hotel or conference center is thoroughly read, that table, stages, and stand prices and support items are agreed to and signed early in the process. • Determine the materials required in support of the vendor industrial displays. • Working with the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff attempt to acquire display areas where merchandise can be made readily available to all attendees. Coordinate all industrial displays, working closely with the hotel or conference center management. • Contact the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff to ensure the area designated as the vendor industrial displays, or an area for storage of vendor industrial displays items, can be properly secured and locked during times when not in use. Accountability is very important. • It is recommended that vendors set up from 0900-2000, at the latest on Monday preceding the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. The Vendor Industrial Display Committee Chairman should be at the site during this time to assist in any way, and answer any questions the vendors may have. • Ensure proper amount of tables and chairs are made available for vendor, displays. The National Vendor Coordinator shall liaison with individual companies, industries, businesses, or affiliates to broaden equipment, training, technological opportunities for the commands to assist AB’s in the performance of their duties. The President, if on active duty, shall not be directly involved with vendor solicitation or participation. The National Vendor Coordinator (a retired or civilian member) shall provide all correspondence and perform all direct liaisons with vendors. NO ACTIVE DUTY member shall be allowed to participate as a member of the Vendor Committee THE NATIONAL VENDOR COORDINATOR shall: Letters of Support: Send out letters to individual companies, corporations, industries, businesses, or affiliates. It is always a good idea to keep the ABMA on the minds of the organizations from which we derive our support. The purpose is to generate interest and support at the industry level. An effective method used in the past has been to send letters (either formatted or one produced by the National Vendor Coordinator) to the companies requesting their support and assistance during the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. Each letter shall have a copy of the ABMA Information Sheet attached. Letters for vendor support or donations shall NOT include the wording “donations are tax exempt”. Vendor booths: Ensure those vendors requesting a booth are limited to those vendors providing goods or services directly related to mission effectiveness of AB’s. 150 Contributions: Contributions may be accepted from any companies, corporations, industries, businesses, affiliates, or individual defraying the cost of a Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference, but they may or may not be authorized a display booth. The ABMA Treasurer will forward all vendor money for the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference to the Symposium Committee Chairman when needed. Recognition: Vendors who make a financial contribution to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference will receive a plaque. ABMA web site recognition to vendors who contribute to the ABMA Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. Recognition would consist of current year plus two following years. Recognition would cease on the third anniversary if ABMA Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference support is not received. Letters of Appreciation: Provide the President a complete and accurate list of individual companies, corporations, industries, businesses, or affiliates that supported the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference including: • • • • • • Full name of the individual companies, corporations, industries, businesses, or affiliates. Complete mailing address. Chief Executive Office (CEO), President, Manager or point of contact. E-mail address (if applicable). Phone number of point of contact. Type of support. Following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference all supporting companies, corporations, industries, businesses, or affiliates shall receive a Letter of Appreciation from the President. Record Keeping: Keep or cause to be kept, a book or electronic copy of all papers, letters, or documents, of the Association in regards to individual companies, corporations, industries, businesses, or affiliates. Keep and maintain an updated file on individual companies, industries, businesses, or affiliates. Membership: A letter shall be given to our vendors encouraging them to become members of the ABMA and/or participate in our Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference activities upon arrival at each Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. 151 ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 152 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES VIDEO/PICTORIAL COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Video/Pictorial Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Video/Pictorial Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Video/Pictorial Committee Chairman is responsible to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Chairman for the compilation and printing of the Annual ABMA Cruise Book photos or video. The cruise book is a picture colleague of events during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Additionally individual or couples pictures of those attending who had their pictures taken are depicted with caption. It should include photos from special events/entertainment during the week of the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. Special events or entertainment may include events such as: • Sports games/events, casino trips, riverboat /dinner cruises, sight seeing trip/tours, parades, museums, shopping trips, golf tournaments, dinner theaters or stage shows, though this list is not all inclusive. Checks, drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the BOD. 153 Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble herein. Such affiliation does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. The Video/Pictorial Committee Chairman will: Work closely with the Publicity and the Cruise Book Committee Chairmen . Provide pictures of events. Coverage to be taken as they occur. A brief history of the convention will be included with picture captions. Ensure a knowledgeable member accompanies the photographer when photos are being taken. Ensure proper amount of tables and chairs are made available for video cruise book sales. Assign personnel to work sales. Arrange for sales. Promote sales. Work closely with the photographer and the Publishing Company to ensure a quality product. Ensure those who order photos or a video cruise book receive them promptly and efficiently. It is recommended that there is a person assigned to assist the photographer and the publisher to ensure everyone that orders photos or a video cruise book k provides a complete and accurate mailing address and phone number. Though not required, it is recommended that the photos or video be conducted in a digital format. Perform other tasks as assigned by the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the 154 performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 155 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES WORKSHOP COORDINATORS DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Workshop Coordinators during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Workshop Coordinators duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Association was formed for purposes beneficial to interests of our Nation, our Navy and association membership with the primary objective of stimulating improvements in Naval Aviation safety in the “aircraft on deck” mode, touchdown to takeoff both at sea and ashore. ABMA workshops are conducted annually and chaired by U.S. Navy fleet professionals. The focus and efforts of these workshops are to improve and enhance the aviation safety and readiness of our aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships and shore facilities. Continued support of the ABMA annual Professional Working Group Conference workshops by the U.S. Navy Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) has ensured a steady flow of equipment upgrades, training improvements and procedural changes that have significantly altered the character of flight operations at sea and ashore. The Professional Working Group Conference provides a forum to exchange information, identify problem areas, and recommend solutions to issues involving aircraft launch and recovery equipment, aircraft handling, crash and salvage, aviation fueling, and training. Many achievements have been realized each year in these workshops. 156 The workshops are what the entire theme of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference is about. Checks, drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the BOD. Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble. Such affiliation does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. An organization affiliated with the Association may send a designated representative to attend a meeting of the BOD of the Association. Such representative may, on behalf of such affiliate, submit to the President of the Association recommendations for consideration by the BOD. The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman is responsible for planning the overall Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference agenda subject to the President’s approval. The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Workshop Coordinators will: • Organize and designate members of various workshops: Arresting Gear, Catapults, Aviation Fuels, Aircraft Handling, etc. • Collect point papers and agenda items from the TYCOM’s, ensure sufficient copies are available and distribute before the workshops commence. • Arrange for clerical and reproduction services at Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site. • Liaison and establish rapport with Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff • Determine the space requirements to support the workshops. Work with the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff to acquire the required space. • Ensure hotel or conference center contract is thoroughly read and that chairs, tables, desks, media equipment and support items are agreed to and signed early in the process. 157 • Determine the materials required in support of the workshop. • Acquire funds from the Finance Committee to procure workshop materials. • Ensure that all business conducted in the area where the banquet is to be held is completed in sufficient time to allow Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site staff the opportunity for cleanup prior to banquet. • Ensure there is a podium or table top podium, if required. • Make sure microphone (s) is/are set up and working properly prior to commencement of workshop, if required. • Ensure media/audio/visual equipment and adequate lighting is provided for presentations and guest speakers, if required. • Arrange tables early, if required. • Ensure enough seats are available. • Ensure the rooms designate for the ABH, ABF, ABE, and Training (if required) workshops are large rooms that will accommodate at least 100-150 personnel. Chairs, large screen, computer capable projectors, and podiums with microphones should be set up prior to workshops convening. • Coordinate with the hotel/conference center for the set up for coffee, donuts, refreshments, water, etc. Hopefully, the hotel/conference center will allow the Chapter to provide. • Ensure no phones are in the workshop area. • Ensure that those personnel under orders, whether “cost” or “no-cost” orders attend all sessions of the workshops that corresponds to their rate i.e., ABH, ABF, ABE, etc. • Enforce the securing/silencing of cellular phones while the workshops are in session. • Conduct the workshop in an orderly and professional manner. Emphasize the wearing of “civilian attire” during the workshops to deter junior sailors being intimidated by the chiefs and officers. Remember everyone’s ideas and inputs are important and can make a difference. Conduct the workshops with an open mind and remain unbiased. Ensure all agenda items are discussed, and the status and agency to which it is screened to is properly annotated. Coordinate training lectures, demonstrations, special presentations and workshop agenda items pertinent to the specific workshop. 158 At the completion of the workshop, provide an “Out-chop Brief” to the General Assembly. Outchop Brief should include, but not limited to: number of agenda items discussed, number closed, number that remain open, number forwarded to each named agency; special presentations, training lectures, and demonstrations conducted during the workshop. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Program: The President working closely with the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson and Workshop Coordinator shall review and approve the final Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Program. Additionally the President shall draft the Program Greeting message and in a timely period provide it to the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairperson for inclusion into the program. The following is an example only. The scheduling of Workshops and Events must be flexible: Day One (AM) Registration Workshop assignments General announcements Election procedures Introduction of any pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference guest speakers Day One (PM) Call to order/ Opening ceremony Invocation Troop the Colors Guest speakers Convene workshops Conduct BOD meeting Secure workshops Events Hospitality Day Two (AM) Reconvene/General announcements Guest speakers Reconvene workshops Day Two (PM) Reconvene/Association business Nominations Reconvene workshops BOD meeting (TBA) Secure workshops Events Hospitality 159 Day Three (AM) Reconvene/Association business Nominations continue Guest speakers Reconvene workshops BOD meeting (TBA) Day Three (PM) Reconvene/Association business Reconvene workshops Secure workshops Events Hospitality Day Four (AM) Reconvene/Association business Selection of next year’s Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site Elections Reconvene workshops (Wrap-up) Day Four (PM) Reconvene/Association business Workshop summary Retire Colors Adjourn in preparation for banquette Conduct final BOD meeting ABMA Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference announcement and Work Shop Agenda Items Request messages. The President shall maintain close liaison with NAVAIR regarding release of the ABMA Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference announcement message. NAVAIR (PMA-) normally accomplishes this. The Workshop Agenda Items Request message is normally released by The TYCOM’S SI Code Workshop Results Cover Letter: The President working with the Workshop's Coordinators and AIRPAC/ AIRLANT Ships Installations (SI) Officers and with assistance from the Secretary, The outgoing President shall (during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference) draft a cover letter for attachment to the properly formatted and compiled workshop's results package's. Workshop's result packages shall be mailed to the CNO Action Representative, NAVAIR PMA-256. Additionally, copies of the workshop results packages will be mailed to CNO OP-N8, CINC'S,(CINPAC/CINCLANT) TYCOM’S (AIRPAC/AIRLANT,) TYCOM’S SURFPAC/ SURFLANT, all CV/CVN, LHA'S, LHD'S, and LPD Ships, NAVAIRWARFAIRCEN and major Aviation Shore Commands. This action shall be accomplished no later than 30 working days following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Report: The outgoing President with assistance from the Treasurer and Secretary shall compile a Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Report. The contents of the report shall include a synopsis of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference events and a complete breakdown of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference expenditures and balance. A copy of the 160 report shall be mailed to the new President, Executive Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, and BOD, Membership Chairperson and Merchandise Chairperson. This report except for the financial section shall be published in the post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference newsletter. Workshop’s Results Action Item Tracking: Within two weeks of election. The President should contact both the AIRPAC/AIRLANT TYCOM SI Officers to establish rapport and discuss the Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Workshops Results Packages status. The goal being to get the packages mailed within 30 working days following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Additionally: This would be an excellent opportunity to indicate your desire to recruit systems specialists (preferably LDO’S, CWO’S, MCPO’S or SCPO’S) as Workshop Coordinator’s for the upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Ask for their recommendations. Early identification of a strong Workshops Chairperson is critical for successful workshops. Screen all those recommended and those volunteering for Workshop Coordinator duties, to ensure they are truly systems specialists and have the personality to deal with the various agency and command personnel who will be attending the workshops. Although the Workshops Chairperson will be the primary liaison with the TYCOM’S for Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Action item’s solution tracking, Agenda Item’s solicitations and finalizing workshops. The President, periodically throughout the year, should check with the TYCOM’S and NAVAIR to monitor the status of the workshop’s action item’s completion progress and to maintain rapport. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. Attached is an example of an ABMA WORKING GROUP AGENDA ITEM form. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 161 ABMA WORKING GROUP AGENDA ITEM ******************************************* NAME OF ORGINATOR: COMMAND/DUTY STATION: ADDRESS OF COMMAND: E-MAIL ADDRESS: DUTY TELEPHONE NUMBER: DSN: RATE/RANK: COML: PERCEIVED PROBLEM: (provide specifics, continue on second page if necessary) RECOMMENDATION: JUSTIFICATION: (references, examples, please elaborate) **************************************************************** SCREENED: 162 SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE COMMITTEES WORKSHOP COMMITTEE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PURPOSE: The following guidelines are promulgated to maintain continuity and to aid the Workshop Committee Chairman and committee members during preparation of an upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Workshop Committee Chairman and committee member’s duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles XI, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GENERAL DUTIES: The Association was formed for purposes beneficial to interests of our Nation, our Navy and association membership with the primary objective of stimulating improvements in Naval Aviation safety in the “aircraft on deck” mode, touchdown to takeoff both at sea and ashore. ABMA workshops are conducted annually and chaired by U.S. Navy fleet professionals. The focus and efforts of these workshops are to improve and enhance the aviation safety and readiness of our aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships and shore facilities. Continued support of the ABMA annual Professional Working Group Conference workshops by the U.S. Navy Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) has ensured a steady flow of equipment upgrades, training improvements and procedural changes that have significantly altered the character of flight operations at sea and ashore. The Professional Working Group Conference provides a forum to exchange information, identify problem areas, and recommend solutions to issues involving aircraft launch and recovery equipment, aircraft handling, crash and salvage, aviation fueling, and training. Many achievements have been realized each year in these workshops. 163 The workshops are what the entire theme of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference is about. The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Chairman is responsible for planning the overall Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference agenda subject to the President’s approval. The Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Workshop Committee Chairman will: Assist the Workshop Coordinators. • Arrange for clerical and reproduction services at Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site. • Liaison and establish rapport with Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff • Determine the space requirements to support the workshops. Work with the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Site Staff to acquire the required space. • Ensure hotel or conference center contract is thoroughly read and that chairs, tables, desks, media equipment and support items are agreed to and signed early in the process. • Determine the materials required in support of the workshop. • Acquire funds from the Finance Committee to procure workshop materials. • Ensure that all business conducted in the area where the banquet is held is completed in sufficient time to allow Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site staff the opportunity for cleanup prior to banquet. • Ensure there is a podium or table top podium, if required. • Make sure microphone (s) is/are set up and working properly prior to commencement of workshop, if required. • Ensure media/audio/visual equipment and adequate lighting is provided for presentations and guest speakers, if required. • Arrange tables early, if required. • Ensure enough seats are available. • Ensure the rooms designate for the ABH, ABF, ABE, and Training (if required) workshops are large rooms that will accommodate at least 100-150 personnel. Chairs, large screen, computer capable projectors, and podiums with microphones should be set up prior to workshops convening. 164 • Coordinate with the hotel/conference center the set up for coffee, donuts, refreshments, water, etc. Hopefully, the hotel/conference center will allow the Chapter to provide. • Ensure no cellular phones are in the workshop area. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. ABMA Trademark: As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 165 20__ ABMA SYMPOSIUM HOSTED BY ___________ CHAPTER Chairman: _______________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ CO-Chairman: ____________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ Symposium Treasurer: _____________________ Phone/email: _____________________ Executive Steering Committee: ______________ Phone/email: _____________________ ________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ ________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ ________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ ________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ AWARDS COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ BANQUET COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ 166 COLOR GUARD/SIDE BOYS COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ CRUISE BOOK COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ 167 HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ LADIES ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ LODGING AND RESERVATIONS COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ 168 NATIONAL/CHAPTER MERCHANDISE COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ PICNIC COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ 169 PUBLICITY COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ RETIRED WORKSHOP COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ SPECIAL EVENTS/ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ 170 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ VENDOR INDUSTRIAL DISPLAY COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ VIDEO/PICTORIAL COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ 171 ________________ COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ ________________ COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ ________________ COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ 172 AB’S OF THE YEAR GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES BACKGROUND: Each year the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association honors two Aviation Boatswain’s Mates. One AB of the Year is selected from the Atlantic Fleet and one from the Pacific Fleet. The AB’s of the Year and their spouses are Guests of Honor at the ABMA Banquet, where they are presented with the prestigious Navy Blue Blazer with the embroidered ABMA Logo. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Board of Directors (BOD) duties and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles II, VII, IX, X, XII, XIII, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Even though there is direct articles that govern the AB of the Year, the articles listed for the BOD does pertain to the AB of the Year. The officers of this Association and the Board of Directors (BOD) shall consist of a President, an Executive Vice-president, a Secretary, a Treasurer, six Directors elected for three (3) year terms, and two Lifetime Directors (permanent during the life of the Director). The immediate past President, One West Coast AB of the Year and One East Coast AB of the Year will also be members of the BOD, for a total of 15 members. The membership of the BOD shall be drawn from Active Members of the Association. GENERAL DUTIES: The AB of the Year both East and West Coast by virtue of their title are automatically a member of the BOD for the year. Officers of the Association shall perform the duties usually performed by such officers, together with such duties as shall be prescribed by the BY-LAWS of the Association or by the BOD. The terms of office of all officers elected at any annual Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference shall commence at the adjournment of such Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference except for those elected to the offices of the BOD, whose term shall commence immediately upon election. Officers may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President, Secretary, and BOD. The President, Executive Vice-president, and Directors may not be elected to the same office, for more than two, successive terms. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or any other cause shall be filled at any time thereafter in the manner prescribed in the BY-LAWS for regular appointments to such office. Any officer or Director may be removed by a majority of the membership entitled to vote, for cause, and after opportunity to be heard at any regular Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference of the Association, or at any special Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference called for that purpose. Regular meetings of the BOD shall be held immediately preceding and immediately following each Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference of the Association at the place where such Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference shall be held. Meetings of the Board 173 shall also be at such times and places as may, from time-to-time, be determined, by resolution of the Board. All members of the BOD should attend all meetings of the BOD. The President on two weeks notice to each Director may call special meetings of the BOD either personally or by mail, telephone, or electronic means. The special meeting shall be called by the President in like manner or like notice on the written request of not less than six members of the board. Special meetings shall be held at such time and place as may be specified in the notice thereof. All members of the BOD should attend all meetings of the BOD. In the intervals between meetings of the BOD, the President of the Association may refer and submit by mail, telephone, or electronic means to the members of the BOD, definite questions relating to the affairs of the Association which, in the opinion of the President, require immediate action on the part of the BOD. The result of such a referendum, which requires a majority vote of the personnel of the BOD, shall control the action of the Association and of its BOD, officers, sections, committees, agents, and employees. There shall be an executive committee of the BOD composed of the President, the Executive Vice-president, the Secretary, and the Treasurer of the Association, meeting as a committee of the whole. This committee shall have all the powers of the BOD to transact business of an emergency nature ONLY between board meetings. All transactions of this committee shall be reported in full at the next regular scheduled meeting of the BOD. Checks, drafts, etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the BOD. Contracts; How executed. The BOD, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the BOD, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. The BOD of the Association may develop affiliations with other organizations for the purpose of cooperation in the furtherance of the objectives stated in the preamble. Such affiliation does not authorize either organization to participate in the organizational or managerial concerns of the other. Any such affiliation may be canceled by unilateral action of either of the organizations involved. An organization affiliated with the Association may send a designated representative to attend a meeting of the BOD of the Association. Such representative may, on behalf of such affiliate, submit to the President of the Association recommendations for consideration by the BOD. Every director, officer or employee of the Association shall be, indemnified by the Association against, all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon him or her in connection with any proceeding to which he may be made a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of his or her being or having been a director, officer, or 174 employee of the Association, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he or she is a director, officer, or employee at the time such expenses are incurred. An exception in such cases wherein, the director, officer, or employee is adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or her duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which such director, officer, or employee may be entitled. The BOD shall: • Transact the general business of the Association in the interim between Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conferences. • Establish major administrative policies governing the affairs of the Association and devise and mature measures for the Association’s growth and development. • Provide for the maintenance of national headquarters. Make such office and center of activities of the Association including such work of the officers and committees as may be deemed expedient; provide for the proper care of materials, equipment and funds of the Association for the payment of legitimate expenses and for the annual auditing of all books of account by three members of the Association none of whom shall be any person charged with responsibility of handling Association funds. • Act upon applications for individual membership in the Association. • Appoint all committees not otherwise provided for. • Have power to fill any vacancies on the BOD, except vacancies occurring in the office of the President and the Executive Vice-president. • Appoint Subordinate Officers and Committees as necessary for the proper conduct of the Association business. Assign work priorities and procedures for the subordinate officers and committees as may be deemed necessary above that which is already delineated in their respective Responsibilities, Procedures and Guidelines. • Provide for payment of legitimate expenses incurred by those carrying out the business of the Association. Every three years and/or at the change of Treasurer, assign three members of the Association (none of whom shall be any person charged with the responsibility of handling Association funds) to conduct an audit of all books of account. • Ensure all checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as directed by the BOD and/or the BYLAWS. • Take prompt action to fill any Subordinate Officer or Committee vacancies that occur except in the case of the President or Executive Vice-president. 175 • Ensure that the Executive Committee consisting of the President, Executive Vicepresident, Secretary and Treasurer carry out their responsibilities as prescribed in the BYLAWS. • Ensure in accordance with the BY-LAWS, only BOD authorized Officers or Agents be allowed to bind the Association to a contract or to pledge it’s credit which would make the Association liable. • During its first meeting during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference place the E-1 through E-4 and spouse banquet ticket subsidy as an agenda item for discussion and resolution. • Act upon applications for membership. GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES: Candidates should be nominated for particularly outstanding military performance, professionalism, dedication to duty and contributions toward improvements within the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates community. Nominee’s performance throughout their career shall be addressed, with particular emphasis on individual performance for the period of 01 May through 30 April of the year for which nominated. All nomination packages for Pacific and Atlantic fleet AB of the Year will be accepted as indicated in the annual naval message announcing the working group. A maximum of one nomination for the AB of the Year can be accepted from each command. Nomination packages shall include the following: a. Commanding Officer's comments/recommendation b. Division LCPO's comments c. Enlisted evaluations for the past 5 years d. Advancement history e. List of previous duty assignments f. Brief synopsis of significant professional achievements g. Awards (page 4's) 176 h. Off-duty education i. Two 8 x 10 color photos in service dress blues, one full front view, one full side view. Mail or deliver nomination packages to the following addresses: COMNAVAIRLANT Commands - Commander Naval Air Force U.S. Atlantic Fleet, Code N433B1, 1279 Franklin Street, Norfolk VA. 23511-2494. COMNAVSURFLANT Commands - Commander Amphibious Group Two, 2600 TARAWA Court, Suite 260, Norfolk VA. 23521-3229. COMNAVAIRPAC/COMNAVSURFPAC Commands, Commander Naval Air Force U.S. Pacific Fleet, Code N4352, PO Box 357051, San Diego CA. 92135-7051. The grading criteria for the AB of the Year, both East and West Coast, will be in accordance, to AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE OF THE YEAR RECORD SCREEN SELECTION FORM and guidelines established by the BOD. AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE OF THE YEAR RECORD SCREEN SELECTION FORM attached. The selection results will be announced via Naval Message. Example of “Selection of AIRLANT and AIRPAC Aviation Boatswain’s Mate of the Year Naval message” is attached. See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 177 AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE OF THE YEAR RECORD SCREEN SELECTION FORM NAME______________________________ RATE___________ TIR____________ TIS_____________ COMMAND_______________________________ A. COMMANDING OFFICER COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) _____ Points B. DIVISION LCPO'S COMMENTS (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) _____ Points C. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS (LAST FIVE YEARS) 1. OVERALL EVALUATION MARKS (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) Based on average of accumulated points divided by the number of evaluations reviewed. _____ Points 2. PEER GROUP STANDING (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) Top Ranking Points (1 area only) - Consistently Ranked Top 10%/EP - Always Ranked Top 20%/EP or MP - Sometimes Ranked Top 30%/MP (5 Pts) _____ Points (3 Pts) _____ Points (0 Pts) _____ Points 3. EVALUATION NARRATIVE a. LEADERSHIP/MANAGEMENT ABILITY (MAXIMUM 10 POINTS) _____ Points b. SUPERVISORY ABILITY (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) How many people supervised? Under what conditions? Results achieved. _____ Points c. COMMAND/COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) Serve on Command/Community Boards/Committees (2 Points for command and 1 point for community for a maximum of 5) _____ Points D. ADVANCEMENT HISTORY 1. Advancements (how was career advancement progression?) (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) _____ Points 2. SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS (MAXIMUM 10 POINTS) EAWS (5 Pts) _____ Points ESWS (5 Pts) _____ Points 178 E. LIST OF PREVIOUS DUTY ASSIGNMENTS 1. BREADTH OF EXPERIENCE WITHIN RATE (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) Varied command assignments, nature and performance of these assignments and overall impact on command mission. (Primary and Collateral Duties) _____ Points 2. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) Consider out of rate outstanding performance. (Recruiting Duty, Recruit Company Commander Duty, Staff Duty, Inspection Team and Instructor Duty.) _____ Points F. BRIEF SYNOPSIS OF SIGNIFICANT PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) 1. Miscellaneous factors (has nominee achieved additional qualifications, other awards, commendations, etc) _____ Points G. PERSONAL MEDALS/AWARDS (MAXIMUM 10 POINTS) Higher Than Navy Commendation (4 Pts Each) Navy Commendation (3 Pts Each) Navy Achievement (2 Pts Each) Flag Letter (1 Pts Each) _____ Points H. OFF DUTY EDUCATION (MAXIMUM 10 POINTS) 1. CORRESPONDENCE COURSES (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) (1 Point per course for a maximum of 5) _____ Points Off Duty Education (maximum of 5) Education must have been obtained while on active duty: AA Degree (2 Pts) BA/BS Degree (3 Pts) Masters Degree (5 Pts) Points will be based on the highest level of education achieved as reported on Service Record Page 4’s or members evaluations. _____ Points I. PHOTOS (Do photos display a sharp appearance? Are photos current? Check uniform detail.) (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) _____ Points J. _____ Points ABMA Involvement/Participation (Local or National Chapter) (Maximum 5 POINTS) MAXIMUM OVERALL TOTAL POINTS(100) _____ Points BOARD MEMBER ___________________________ SIGNATURE _________________________ 179 LIVING/POSTHUMOUS LEGEND AWARD BACKGROUND: Each year the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association honors an Aviation Boatswain’s Mate as a Living Legend and/or a Posthumous Living Legend. The Living Legend and their spouses are Guests of Honor at the ABMA Banquet, where they are presented with the prestigious Living Legend Award. The family of the Posthumous Living Legend are Guests of Honor at the ABMA Banquet, where they are presented with the prestigious Living Legend Award in honor of deceased inductee. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding the Living Legend and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Even though there isn’t any direct articles in the ABMA BY-LAWS that govern the Living Legend or Posthumous Living Legend, the Administrative Policies may. GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES: The AB Living Legend Award was created several years ago to recognize those folks who have made a significant impact on the AB community, AB’s in general, etc. This award is intended to recognize our personal heroes, those folks that made an impact on our personal lives and careers. This is the guy/gal who took you when you were a "greenie," still wet behind the ears and turned you into a professional, dedicated Sailor. The AB Living Legend Award is awarded to those legends still living. Chances are, if there was someone who made a substantial impact in others lives. This is our opportunity to recognize that AB. A separate award is given posthumously to an AB who has made an impact but has subsequently, passed away. See below for particulars. "Awarded in recognition of those who have gone before and made our way easier." The AB Living Legend Award is presented annually during the ABMA Symposium. The recipients, name will remain undisclosed until the actual presentation. ELIGIBILITY: • Must, have served on active duty as an Aviation Boatswain's Mate. • Must, have performed service(s) which had impact on the AB community, the ABMA, and the Naval service. • Be honorably separated or retired for a period of not less than five years. SELECTION: • Selection board will be staffed by five active duty and retired AB’s only appointed by the ABMA President. • The selection board will use a BOD approved grading sheet that will be held in confidentiality by the ABMA President. • Names of potential recipients will be received from the AB community at large. • Nominations shall include name, length of service, separation/retirement date, and a brief biography of service, impact on the AB Community and ABMA. 180 • Nominations must be received by the ABMA President no later than 1 June of the year of nomination. • Nomination inputs not selected during a particular symposium will remain on file and be reviewed annually with new nomination inputs. POSTHUMOUS LEGENDS AMENDMENT AUGUST 1994 All the above criteria applies, but of course this award is unique in that we will now have the family of the deceased accepting this award for our posthumous AB. This award will be due by 1 May annually, and will go back in the selection if not selection for the award. The selection is made by late May so family members can make advance plans to attend the August symposium to accept the award if they desire. AB LIVING LEGENDS NOMINATION GUIDELINES Enlist the help of a close relative of the nominee. So much of the information that should be included is in the possession of the nominee. Since the nomination is to be kept a secret, you need some means of access to factual data, e.g., a close relative (spouse, son, daughter, etc). • Navy career should be listed chronologically from date of enlistment, such as: 2-60 to 12-61 Boot Camp, Airman School "A" School 1-62 to 4-63 USS BOGUS 5-63 to 12-66 USS MIDWAY • • • • • AR-AN AB3 AB2 List all awards (civilian and military) received. List all organizations the nominee is involved in. List anything above and beyond that the nominee may have done for the ABMA, e.g., served on the Board of Directors; regional or chapter officer; organized a Symposium or supported the organization of local chapters, etc. List any and all outstanding accomplishments during the nominee’s Naval Career. These might include the implementation of a particular program that improved safety, etc. Once you have all the facts, you need to make a personal statement about the Nominee. This personal statement is the heart of the nomination and carries the most weight. The facts merely support this statement of worthiness. You need to put in your own words what this individual has contributed to the AB community that makes him eligible to receive one of the highest accolades. It may be something as simple as a history of turning young Airmen into dedicated, loyal professionals, or it may be something as complex as saving lives during a catastrophic flight deck fire. It may also be as it was with our first recipient of the AB Living Legend Award – there isn’t a person around who has devoted more time and energy, more of himself to the ABMA, than Willie GANN – Willie is the ABMA and a true “AB Living Legend.” In summary: 181 If you have recognized that there is indeed a Living Legend in your life, we recommend you take the time and effort to put into words your feelings, observations, and facts that made you come to your conclusion. You need not be eloquent, but you must tell us what it is that makes this nominee a “legend” in your own eyes. Keep in mind what Webster says about the words legend" and "legendary": “Legend- a notable person whose deeds or exploits are much talked about in his or her own time; and, the stories told about the exploits of such a person..." "Legendary — remarkable; extraordinary..." See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 182 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE AWARDS BACKGROUND: Each year the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association honors the Recruiter of the Year with a plaque, presented in front of the General Assembly. The Membership Chairman is responsible for devising ways and means of securing members and methods of organization for making such membership effective. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Membership Drive Awards and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set forth in this document. ABMA BYLAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles IV, V, VI, XI, XII, XIII, XIX of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. Standing committees except the executive committee may be composed of both active and associate members of the Association and shall assume such duties as are specified in these BYLAWS and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors (BOD). Only active members shall be chairmen of standing committees. The following Chairmen shall be appointed by the BOD: a. Scholarship b. Fund Raising c. Membership d. Merchandise Coordinator e. AB Hall of Honors Curator f. National Vendor Coordinator g. Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Each committee, if required, shall consist of members of the Association chosen by the Chairman. The chairman of each committee shall report to and receive guidance from the BOD. GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES Recruiters of the Year: The Membership Chairman will have a vigorous program designed to involve as many AB’s as possible to participate in the ABMA membership recruiting program. Determine the ABMA top Recruiters of the Year and provide names and commands to the ABMA President and the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Awards Committee prior to start of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. The ABMA top Recruiters of the Year for the Pacific and Atlantic Fleet and ashore will be awarded a plaque at the annual Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Records: Maintain a current and accurate set of records for all membership transactions. Record all new members and reinstatement along with the member who recruited them. Provide a current membership listing to all active members annually, listing names and addresses. 183 Catastrophic injury: In the event of any catastrophic incident while in the line-of-duty to an active duty AB, that AB will be given a Life Membership. In the event of his/her death, the spouse will be awarded a Life Membership. Membership: Subject to the provisions of the ABMA BY-LAWS, membership shall be composed of: (a) Men or women who are or have been Aviation Boatswain’s Mates of the United States Navy; (b) Men or women who are Aviation Boatswain’s Mates European counterpart equivalents (deck plate rates). (Membership will follow same procedures as U.S. membership. Funds will be submitted in U.S. Dollars); (c) Widows or widowers of deceased members or of any deceased individuals, who would, if living, be eligible for membership. There shall be six classes of membership, namely: (a) Members; (b) Life Members; (c) Associate Members; (d) Life Associate Members; (e) Honorary Members; and (f) Corporate Members Members: Shall be men or women who are or have been Aviation Boatswain’s Mates. The active members of the Association are Members and Life Members. Only these active, members shall have all the privileges of membership including the right to vote and to hold office. The status of Member or Life Member may also be reached from associate status subject to provisions of Article III, Section VI of the ABMA BY-LAWS. Life Members: Shall be composed of: (a) Men or women who qualify as Members and commit themselves to the Association as a Lifetime Member; and (b) Widows and widowers of any Association Member including any AB’s widow whose husband was deceased prior to the formation of the Association. Associate Members: Shall be men or women who do not qualify for Member status, but Believe, in and desire to support the goals of this Association. Associate Members may not vote until competition of two years consecutive membership and approval of BOD. Associate Members will be established as an active member upon two years consecutive membership and upon approval of the BOD. Associate Members may not hold elected offices. 184 Life Associate Members: Shall be men or women who qualify as Associate Members and commit themselves to the Association as a lifetime member. Honorary Member titles and positions will normally be given to those individuals who due to the nature of their position have a clear relationship and interest in the objectives of the Association, Honorary titles and positions assigned will be in keeping with the highest standards, and accepted traditions, in order to give due respect to the individual concerned and properly identify the person with the Association. Honorary Membership titles and positions will be nominated by the BOD and elected by two-thirds majority vote. Any individual within the membership may submit recommendations for Honorary Members in writing to the BOD. Honorary Members may not vote or hold office. Corporate Members shall be those established companies with interest and desire to participate, with the Association toward achieving its objectives, particularly the goals involving aviation safety and the exchange of safety information. Corporate members may not vote or hold office. Application for Membership: Application for membership shall be addressed to the Association in writing. Each application will be reviewed by the Membership Committee and presented tot he Board of Directors with a recommendation as to disposition. • The Board of Directors may reject any application for membership. • Any member may be dropped by the Board of Directors for cause, after being given an opportunity, to be heard. Entrance Fee and Dues: An entrance fee of $2.00 is required upon joining the Association. Membership cost for new members will be based on the amount authorized by the Administrative Policy or as approved by the BOD. • Members and Associate Members shall pay a membership fee upon joining and 1 August thereafter, providing the member joins prior to 1 January. Any annual member joining between the dates of 1 January and 1 August shall have memberships expire 31 July of the following calendar year. • Any member whose annual dues have been delinquent for two consecutive years, shall be dropped from active membership and shall be required to repay the initial entrance fee in order to be reinstated. • Fees may be raised as deemed necessary by a majority vote of Association members present at any annual symposium. • A free one-year membership will be awarded to AB’s re-enlisting for the first time. • A free one-year membership will be awarded to any member who recruits a total of eight new members in one fiscal year. This excludes BOD members. 185 • A free life membership will be awarded to any member who recruits a total of sixteen new and/or former members who have been dropped from membership rolls. • Free membership (Life or Annual) will not be awarded to any member who recruits qualifying membership at or during an ABMA Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. • Membership fees can be paid in 1-year, 3-year, or 5-year increments be based on the amount authorized by the Administrative Policy or as approved by the BOD. Upon joining the Association, the Member or an Associate Member may elect Lifetime Membership by paying a lifetime membership fee in an amount based upon his or her age as determined, by his or her nearest birthday to the date of application. A Member or Associate Member in good standing and currently a Member of the Association may also attain a Lifetime Membership, by paying the applicable lifetime membership fee. AGE AMOUNT 81 and above. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 5.00 76 to 80 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$10.00 71 to 75 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$20.00 66 to 70 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$40.00 61 to 65 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$60.00 56 to 60 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$75.00 51 to 55 (inclusive). . . . . . . . .$90.00 46 to 50 (inclusive). . . . . . . . $100.00 45 and below . . . . . . . . . . . . $110.00 A Life Member or Associate Life Member, after payment of the lifetime membership fee, shall not be required to pay further dues unless volunteering to do so. A change from Associate status to Member status or Life Associate to Life Member will not entail additional dues. Liability: No member shall become liable to the Association for any amount other than entrance fee and yearly dues. Elections/Meetings: Unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors, the Association shall meet in Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference once every year at a place and time to be designated by the BOD for each such meeting. For the election of officers and for the transaction of such business as may properly be brought before the Symposium. • Special symposiums of the Association may be called by the BOD or upon the request of 20 percent of the membership entitled to vote. • Notice of all symposiums of the Association shall be mailed to the membership at least two months prior to the meeting, and such notice shall state the purpose of any special symposium. 186 • The membership who attend special or regular symposiums of the Association, either in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum capable of transacting all business properly brought before the symposium. • The membership failing to attend, either in person or by proxy authorized in writing, shall be considered to have waived the right to be present and thereby signified consent to and ratification, of such action as the majority of those present, either in person or by proxy, may take in matters before the symposium. Age Limit: The established age limit of 17 years as the voting age for Associate members, unless they have been “Grand Fathered in” on or before August 1997. Except as provided in Article XVI, a majority vote of the membership present, in person or by proxy, at any symposium of the Association shall govern in all matters properly brought before the symposium. Exception, should any obligation on the part of the Association be authorized or created, the provision against personal liability provided in Section I, Article V of the BY-LAWS shall be directed. See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 187 OTHER INDIVIDUAL AWARDS BACKGROUND: Upon notification of an individual(s) receiving or selected for awards the President will announce this to the General Assembly and congratulate the individual in front of the General Assembly, if the individual is present at the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Such awards will include, but are not limited to: • Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal. • Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal. • James D. MANSER (Fire Fighter of the Year Award). • James D, MALONEY (Sea based Crash/Fire/Rescue Fire Fighter of the Year Award USN). • Charles B. GINDLE Fire Prevention Person of the Year Award). • Gerald FINK Memorial Scholarship Recipient. • Admiral RICKETS (Leadership Award), etc. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding presentation of individual awards and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. Even though there is no direct articles that govern the presentation of such awards, ABMA BYLAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES The ABMA President and BOD will determine if a recipient will be awarded a plaque at the annual Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference, as awards are routinely presented at the individual’s command or at a dinner/award’s ceremony and presented by the organization/association that the award represents, i.e., the Navy League or the National Fire Protection Agency, the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Fire Protection Association, etc. • If requested by a command, organization or association, individual awards may be presented by the President in front of the General Assembly at the annual Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. • The command, organization or association must provide names and commands to the ABMA President and the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Awards Committee prior to the start of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. • The command, organization or association requesting the individual be presented an award will ensure that the award/medal is available at the annual Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference and properly inscribed. 188 The ABMA President may announce the names of individual’s that have received such awards, and if the individual is present have them stand and be recognized in front of the General Assembly at the annual Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Notification of such award (s) may come to the President’s attention by formal naval message, electronic communication, or verbally. See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 189 SHIPBOARD/COMMAND AWARDS BACKGROUND: Upon notification of a command(s) receiving or selected for awards the President will announce this to the General Assembly and congratulate the command in front of the General Assembly, if an individual from that command is present at the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. Such awards will include, but are not limited to: • The Yellow “E” Award. • The Battle “E” Award. • The Golden Anchor Award. • The James FLATLEY Safety Award. • The Allen G. Ogden Crash Fire and Rescue Award. • The Bronze Hammer Self Help Awards, Community Service Awards, etc. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding presentation of shipboard/Command awards and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. Even though there is no direct articles that govern the presentation of such awards, ABMA BYLAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES The ABMA President and BOD will determine if a recipient will be awarded a plaque at the annual Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Awards are routinely presented at the individual’s command or at a dinner/award’s ceremony and presented by the organization/association that the award represents, i.e., the Navy League or the National Fire Protection Agency, the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Fire Protection Association, etc. • If requested by a command, organization or association, the shipboard/command award (s) may be presented by the President in front of the General Assembly at the annual Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. • The command, organization or association must provide the title, names of awardees, and commands to the ABMA President and the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Awards Committee prior to the start of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. • The command, organization or association requesting the individual command be presented an award will ensure that the award/medal is available at the annual Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference and properly inscribed. The ABMA President may announce the names of command’s that have received such awards, and if an individual is present have them stand and be recognized in front of the General 190 Assembly at the annual Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Notification of such award (s) may come to the President’s attention by formal naval message, electronic communication, or verbally. See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 191 POST SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE REPORT BACKGROUND: There is a considerable amount of outgoing correspondence normally generated throughout the pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference year, most of which should have the President’s signature affixed. In cases when the President is not located in the same area as the Secretary the President may elect to have a signature stamp made for use by the Secretary. This can greatly decrease the time lag and cost of getting correspondence to its intended destination. (IF A STAMP IS PROVIDED, IT SHALL BE RETURNED UPON COMPLETION OF TENURE.) (All first time correspondence shall have the ABMA Information Sheet attached as an enclosure.) Prior to, during or following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference several actions remain the responsibility of and must be completed by the outgoing President. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Report and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles VIII of the BYLAWS of the ABMA. GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES Workshop Results Cover Letter: Working with the Workshop's Coordinators and AIRPAC/ AIRLANT Ships Installations (SI) Officers and with assistance from the Secretary, The outgoing President shall (during the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference) draft a cover letter for attachment to the properly formatted and compiled workshop's results package's. Workshop's result packages shall be mailed to: • The CNO Action Representative NAVAIR PMA-256. Additionally, copies of the workshop results packages will be mailed to: • CNO OP-N8. • CINC'S,(CINPAC/CINCLANT). • TYCOM’S (AIRPAC/AIRLANT). • TYCOM’S SURFPAC/ SURFLANT. • All CV/CVN, LHA'S, LHD'S, and LPD Ships. • NAVAIRWARFAIRCEN. • Major Aviation Shore Commands. This action shall be accomplished no later than 30 working days following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. 192 Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Report: The outgoing President with assistance from the Treasurer and Secretary shall compile a Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Report. The contents of the report shall include a synopsis of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference events and a complete breakdown of the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference expenditures and balance. A copy of the report shall be mailed to the new President, Executive Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, and BOD, Membership Chairperson and Merchandise Chairperson. This report except for the financial section shall be published in the post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference newsletter. Workshop’s Results Action Item Tracking: Within two weeks of election. The President should contact both the AIRPAC/AIRLANT TYCOM SI Officers to establish rapport and discuss the Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Workshops Results Packages status. The goal being to get the packages mailed within 30 working days following the Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Additionally, This would be an excellent opportunity to indicate your desire to recruit systems specialists (preferably LDO’S, CWO’S, MCPO’S or SCPO’S) as Workshop Coordinator’s for the upcoming Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference. Ask for their recommendations. Early identification of a strong Workshops Chairperson is critical for successful workshops. Screen all those recommended and those volunteering for Workshop Coordinator duties, to ensure they are truly systems specialists and have the personality to deal with the various agency and command personnel who will be attending the workshops. Although the Workshops Chairperson will be the primary liaison with the TYCOM’S for Post Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference Action item’s solution tracking, Agenda Item’s solicitations and finalizing workshops. The President, periodically throughout the year, should check with the TYCOM’S and NAVAIR to monitor the status of the workshop’s action item’s completion progress and to maintain rapport. See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 193 WORKSHOP RESULTS COVER LETTER (Note: Commands tittles may have changed, please verify correct titles when submitting letter.) 194 195 196 197 VOTING PROCEDURES BACKGROUND: The Executive Vice-president is responsible for the proper conduct of the Associations Voting Procedures Program. Throughout the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference and will ensure that voting procedures are performed in accordance with the procedures of “Robert’s Rules of Order” and as prescribed in Voting Procedures section of this the BY-LAWS. REFERENCE: ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy provide broad guidelines regarding Voting Procedures and shall be referenced and adhered to in conjunction with the duties, responsibilities and procedural guidelines set-forth in this document. ABMA BY-LAWS and Administrative Policy shall be referred to and take precedence in conjunction with these guidelines. Articles IV, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVII of the BY-LAWS of the ABMA. MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS: shall be composed of: Subject to the provisions hereof, membership (a) Men or women who are or have been Aviation Boatswain’s Mates of the United States Navy. (b) Men or women who are Aviation Boatswain’s Mates European counterpart equivalents (deck plate rates). (c) Widows or widowers of deceased members or of any deceased individuals, eligible for membership. There shall be six classes of membership: (a) Members; (b) Life Members; (c) Associate Members; (d) Life Associate Members; (e) Honorary Members; (f) Corporate Members Members: Shall be men or women who are or have been Aviation Boatswain’s Mates. The active members of the Association are Members and Life Members. Only these active members shall have all the privileges of membership including the right to vote and to hold office. The status of Member or Life Member may also be reached from associate status subject to provisions of Article III, Section VI of the BY-LAWS. Life Members: Shall be composed of: 198 (a) Men or women who qualify as Members and commit themselves to the Association as a Lifetime Member; and (b) Widows and widowers of any Association Member including any AB’s widow whose husband was deceased prior to the formation of the Association. Associate Members: Shall be men or women who do not qualify for Member status, but believe in, and desire to support the goals of this Association. Associate Members may not vote until competition of two years consecutive membership and approval of Board of Directors. Associate Members may not hold elected offices. Life Associate Members: Shall be men or women who qualify as Associate Members and commit themselves to the Association as a lifetime member. Honorary Member: Titles and Positions will normally be given to those individuals who due to the nature of their position have a clear relationship and interest in the objectives of the Association, Honorary titles and positions assigned will be in keeping with the highest standards, and accepted traditions, in order to give due respect to the individual concerned and properly identify the person with the Association. Honorary Membership Titles and Positions will be nominated by the Board of Directors and elected by two-thirds majority vote. Any individual within the membership may submit recommendations for Honorary Members in writing to the Board of Directors. Honorary Members may not vote or hold office. Corporate Members: Shall be those established companies with interest and desire to participate, with the Association toward achieving its objectives, particularly the goals involving aviation safety and the exchange of safety information. Corporate members may not vote or hold office. Application for Membership: Shall be addressed to the Association in writing. Each application will be reviewed by the Membership Committee and presented to the Board of Directors with a recommendation as to disposition; • The Board of Directors may reject any application for membership. • Any, member may be dropped by the Board of Directors for cause, after being given an opportunity, to be heard. OFFICERS The officers of this Association and the Board of Directors (BOD) shall consist of a President, an Executive Vice-president, a Secretary, a Treasurer, six Directors elected for three (3) year terms, and two Lifetime Directors (permanent during the life of the Director). The immediate past President, One West Coast AB of the Year and One East Coast AB of the Year will also be members of the BOD, for a total of 15 members. The membership of the BOD shall be drawn from Active Members of the Association. The exact boundaries of the Regional areas and the required number of Regional Vice-presidents will be determined, and changed as necessary by the Board of Directors. 199 Subordinate Officers. The Board of Directors may appoint such other officers as the business of the Association may require, each of whom shall hold office for such period having such authority and perform such duties as are provided in the BY-LAWS or as the Board of Directors may, from time-to-time, determine. The Officers of the Association shall perform the duties usually performed by such officers, together with such duties as shall be prescribed by the BY-LAWS of the Association or by the Board of Directors. The terms of office of all officers elected at any annual symposium shall commence at the adjournment of such symposium except for those elected to the offices of the Board of Directors whose term shall commence immediately upon election. Officers may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President, Secretary, and Board of Directors. The President, Executive Vice-president, and Directors may not be elected to the same office for more than two successive terms. Vacancies: A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or any other cause shall be filled at any time thereafter in the manner prescribed in the BY-LAWS for regular appointments to such office. Any officer or director may be removed by a majority of the membership entitled to vote, for cause, and after opportunity to be heard at any regular symposium of the Association, or at any special symposium called for that purpose. DUTIES OF OFFICERS President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, have general supervision, direction, and control of the business of the Association. He shall serve ex-officio as a member of all standing committees and shall have general powers and duties of management usually vested in the office of president of a corporation, and shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or the BY-LAWS. In the Absence of the President, the Executive Vice-president shall assume the duties of the President. He shall also assume such other duties as are assigned to him by the Board of Directors. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of President, the Executive Vicepresident shall serve as President until the adjournment of the next symposium or until a successor is elected. The Regional Vice-presidents are duly elected/appointed officers of the Association. They are directly responsible to the Executive Vice-president in the execution of his duties and shall act as his assistants. The Regional Vice-presidents are the medium of liaison between the membership and the Association in matters of organization, administration, and functions within their Regions. They will maintain an active and aggressive recruitment program and shall encourage camaraderie and the promotion of social gatherings in their Regions. The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept, a book of the minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors, preserve all papers, letters, and transactions of the Association and have custody of the Association seal. The book of minutes of all meetings will 200 contain the time and place of holding, regular or special, and if special, how authorized, the notice thereof given, the names of those present at Directors meetings and the proceedings thereof. The Secretary shall give, or cause to be given, notice of all the meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors required by the BY-LAWS. He or she shall keep the seal of the Association in safe custody and shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President, the Board of Directors, or the BY-LAWS. The retiring Secretary shall deliver to the successor Secretary, all Association property in his/her custody/possession. The Treasurer shall collect, receive and have charge of all funds of the Association, shall have deposited such funds in a bank approved by the Board of Directors, and shall provide for the expenditure of such funds. A report will be made to the Board of Directors giving the financial standing of the Association whenever requested and a full report made to the Association at each symposium. The Treasurer shall be bonded, if required by the Board of Directors, in an amount prescribed by the Board of Directors. The retiring Treasurer shall deliver to the successor Treasurer all money, vouchers, books and papers of the Association in his or her custody, with a supplemental report covering all transactions. All officers except the Secretary and Treasurer shall, on the expiration of their terms, surrender all property in their possession belonging to their respective offices to the newly elected President. BOARD OF DIRECTORS There shall be a Board of Directors of the Association. The officers of this Association and the Board of Directors (BOD) shall consist of a President, an Executive Vice-president, a Secretary, a Treasurer, six Directors elected for three (3) year terms, and two Lifetime Directors (permanent during the life of the Director). The immediate past President, One West Coast AB of the Year and One East Coast AB of the Year will also be members of the BOD, for a total of 15 members. The membership of the BOD shall be drawn from Active Members of the Association. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held immediately preceding and immediately following each symposium of the Association at the place where such symposium shall be held. Meetings of the Board shall also be at such times and places as may, from time-totime, be determined, by resolution of the Board. The President on two weeks notice to each director may call special meetings of the Board of Directors either personally or by mail, telephone, or electronic means. The special meeting shall be called by the President in like manner or like notice on the written request of not less than six members of the board. Special meetings shall be held at such time and place as may be specified in the notice thereof. In the intervals between meetings of the Board of Directors, the President of the Association may refer and submit by mail, telephone, or electronic means to the members of the Board of Directors, definite questions relating to the affairs of the Association. Questions in the opinion of the President, require immediate action on the part of the Board of Directors. The result of such a referendum, which requires a majority vote of the personnel of the Board of Directors, shall control the action of the Association and of its Board of Directors, officers, sections, committees, agents, and employees. 201 DUTIES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Board of Directors shall: a. Transact the general business of the Association in the interim between symposiums. b. Establish major administrative policies governing the affairs of the Association and devise and mature measures for the Association’s growth and development. c. Provide for the maintenance of national headquarters. Making such office and center of activities of the Association including such work of the officers and committees as may be deemed expedient. Provide for the proper care of materials, equipment and funds of the Association for the payment of legitimate expenses and for the annual auditing of all books of account by three members of the Association none of whom shall be any person charged with responsibility of handling Association funds. d. Act upon applications for individual membership in this Association. e. Appoint all committees not otherwise provided for. f. Have power to fill any vacancies on the Board of Directors, except vacancies occurring in the office of the President and the Executive Vice-president. There shall be an executive committee of the Board of Directors composed of the President, the Executive Vice-president, the Secretary, and the Treasurer of the Association, meeting as a committee of the whole. This committee shall have all the powers of the Board of Directors to transact business of an emergency only nature between board meetings. All transactions of this committee shall be reported in full at the next regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors. Checks, drafts: All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable to the Association shall be endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time-to-time shall be determined, by resolution of the Board of Directors. Contracts: How executed. The Board of Directors, except as in the BY-LAWS otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association and such authority may be general in nature or confined to specific instances. Unless so authorized by the Board of Directors, no officer, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount. ELECTIONS Unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors, the Association shall meet in symposium once every year at a place and time to be designated by the Board of Directors for each such 202 meeting, for the election of officers and for the transaction of such business as may properly be brought before the Symposium. Special symposiums of the Association may be called by the Board of Directors or upon the request of 20 percent of the membership entitled to vote. Notice of all symposiums of the Association shall be mailed to the membership at least two months prior to the meeting, and such notice shall state the purpose of any special symposium. The membership who attend special or regular symposiums of the Association, either in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum capable of transacting all business properly brought before the symposium. The membership failing to attend, either in person or by proxy authorized in writing, shall be considered to have waived the right to be present. Thereby signified consent to and ratification of such action as the majority of those present, either in person or by proxy, may take in matters before the symposium. Except as provided in Article XVI, a majority vote of the membership present, in person or by proxy, at any symposium of the Association shall govern in all matters properly brought before the symposium. Exception, should any obligation on the part of the Association be authorized or created, the provision against personal liability provided in Section I, Article V of the BY-LAWS shall be directed to be included therein. Proxies for symposiums of the Association shall be provided to the Secretary for verification and record at least 24 hours prior to any scheduled voting. Validity of such proxies is subject to the right of appeal to the Board of Directors. Absentees desiring considerations of matters at a symposium of the Association shall submit those matters in writing to the President/Secretary in time to be received at least ten working days prior to the meeting date. ORDER OF BUSINESS The following shall be the order of business meetings: a. Address of the President. b. Reading the Minutes of the previous meeting. c. Reports of Officers d. Reports of Committees e. Reports of Special Subjects f. Election of Officers g. Election of Directors h. Unfinished Business i. New Business j. Adjournment 203 QUORUM A majority of the Board of Directors, including the President or a Vice-president, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors. A majority of the members of any standing or special committee shall constitute a quorum. PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY The rules contained in the current edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order” Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these BY-LAWS and any special rules of order of the Association may adopt. GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES: The Executive Vice-president is responsible for the proper conduct of the Associations Voting Procedures Program, throughout the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference and will ensure that voting procedures are performed in accordance with the procedures of “Robert’s Rules of Order” and as prescribed in Voting Procedures section of this document. • The voting procedures and process are a very important aspect that will pave the way for the future of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association. • On Day One of the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference the Executive Vice-president will brief the General Assembly on the voting procedures and with the President’s permission, open the nominations for the positions to be filled and the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Site. • Each Day prior to the elections the Executive Vice-president will brief the General Assembly on the voting procedures and solicit any nominations for the positions to be filled and the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Site. The nominations will remain open until the day of the elections. • The active members of the Association are Members that are paid up on dues, and Life Members. Only these active members shall have all the privileges of membership including the right to vote and to hold office. The status of Member or Life Member may also be reached from associate status subject to provisions of Article III, Section VI of the BY-LAWS. If a member just signed up during the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference, and if he or she is a Member or Life Member they are eligible to vote and hold elected offices, even if they do not have their membership card in hand. • Associate Members shall be men or women who do not qualify for Member status, but who believe in and desire to support the goals of this Association. Associate Members may not vote until completion of two years consecutive membership and approval of Board of Directors. Associate Members may not hold elected offices. 204 • There will a Sergeant at Arms or security team assigned to close all the doors at the commencement of the elections. There will be sufficient number of personnel assigned to secure each and every entrance. • Prior to the commencement of the voting those personnel that at not Members, Life Members or Associate Members with two consecutive years will be asked to leave the room. • Once all non-members have left the room the doors will be secured and will remain secured until the election process is completed. No-one will be allowed to enter or leave the room. • The only exception to this is anyone with a medical problem shall be excused during the voting process with the accompaniment of the Sergeant at Arms until returning to the voting room. The Executive Vice-president will identify the positions to be elected. o The President o The Executive Vice-president o The Treasurer o Members of the Board of Directors o The Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Site for the second year following the completion of this Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference. I.e., if this is the year 2000 then the site for 2002 would be voted on, as the 2001’s site would already be in planning. o Any other positions as deemed by the BOD. All positions will be listed on paper or on a Visual Aids Panel (VAP) or Chalkboard as available. All nominee’s names will be listed on the chosen media, so all members of the General Assembly may see them. • The nominations will remain open until the last day when the elections take place. • Voting ballots for each position and Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference site will be printed or prepared by the Secretary. • The Executive Vice-president will describe the ballots to be used, explaining color codes or inscription on the ballots for each position/site up for vote. • There will be 10 vote ballot distributors assigned to pass out and collect the ballots. • There will be 10 vote counters assigned to tally the votes. 205 • Each person will receive only 1 package of ballots, with An exception of those that have a registered “Proxy Vote”. • A proxy vote is authorization for a voting member of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association that can not be at the Symposium / Professional Working Group Conference, to request that an individual that is in attendance to vote on their behalf. • The person in attendance at the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference must present a signed proxy vote form to the Secretary to be registered. • Once registered that person will receive an additional ballot package for the number of persons he or she has registered, and can vote on behalf of the individual not present. • Any Member or Life Member may be nominated for an elected positions. Associate Members with two years consecutive membership may also hold an elected position (except President, Executive Vice-president and Treasurer). Associate Members with less then two consecutive years as a Member, Corporate, or Honorary Members can not hold an elected position or even vote. • Each person nominated for a position will have the right to “Accept” or “Decline” the position. All nominations will be seconded prior to being added to the list. • It is recommended, anyone wanting to nominate someone for a position, that they talk to that individual and they will accept prior to nominations. • Once nominated, each person will have a chance to introduce themselves/brief the General Assembly prior to the election process. In regards to the Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Site the person designated as the Chairman will brief the General Assembly on the proposed Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Site. • When nominating a Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference Site, keep in mind, The Administrative Policy in effect from 1985 states that “Approval that the annual Symposium should be rotated coast to coast, if and when feasible.” • Only one position or issue will be voted on at one time. • Once all the nominations are in for each position/site the Executive Vice-president will entertain a motion to close the nominations for that position/site, and recommend to the President that the nominations for the positions to be filled/site be closed. Once closed they will remain closed. • Nominees for President that are not elected for President will be automatically moved into the Executive Vice-president, unless so declined by the individual. • Each person in attendance, authorized to vote, will vote for only one person or one site at a time. 206 • The ballots will be collected and counted. Then presented to the President for announcement of the newly elected officer/site. • The terms of office of all officers elected at any annual symposium shall commence at the adjournment of such symposium except for those elected to the offices of the Board of Directors whose term shall commence immediately upon election. Officers may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President, Secretary, and Board of Directors. • The President, Executive Vice-president, and Directors may not be elected to the same office for more than two successive terms. • In the event of a tie, another vote will be conducted by the General Assembly of the individuals or sites that tied. Example: if four individuals were up for the position of Presidency and two tied with the highest count, then the vote would only be for those two individuals and not all four. • Once the votes are tallied, the ballot slips will be destroyed, to prevent anyone to see what the margin between the votes was. See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 207 VOTING PROXY FORM I, _________________________________, a voting member of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association, do hereby give my proxy to _______________________________ to vote on my behalf. _________________________ __________ Signature Date I, _________________________________, a voting member of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association, do hereby give my proxy to _______________________________ to vote on my behalf. _________________________ __________ Signature Date I, _________________________________, a voting member of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association, do hereby give my proxy to _______________________________ to vote on my behalf. _________________________ __________ Signature Date I, _________________________________, a voting member of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association, do hereby give my proxy to _______________________________ to vote on my behalf. _________________________ __________ Signature Date 208 VOTING PROCEDURES BRIEF THE NOMINATION PROCESS The President calls upon the Executive Vice-president to “spell out” the rules and regulations governing the election process as follows: • Remind all members that the ABMA is their organization and they must take a serious approach to the nomination and election of officers. • Each member nominated for office must acknowledge/accept nomination prior to official acceptance of nomination. • Anyone voting by proxy must declare their intent to the President prior to elections. • Per the ABMA BY-LAWS, all proxies MUST be turned in to the Secretary for verification and record at least 24 hours prior to scheduled voting. (Prior to lunch Thursday is fine.) • All members must be in their seats before elections begin. (Note: Associate Members must have been a member for 2 or more years.) • Nominations will remain open until closed by the President. ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE EXECUTIVE VICEPRESIDENT • Request from the President to open nominations daily. • The Executive Vice-president must select a person to serve as Sergeant-atArms to guard the doors during elections. • Each door will be manned during the elections. When the President calls for the ballots to be distributed, the doors will be secured at that time. No one will be allowed to enter or exit the hall until the ballot count has concluded. If anyone must leave the hall during balloting or the counting of ballots, they cannot return until the next election begins. THE ONLY EXCEPTION IS A BONA-FIDE MEDICAL EXCUSE. In that case the individual will be escorted from the room by a Sergeant-at-Arms until they return. • ONLY THE PRESIDENT MAY CONTROL THE ORDER FOR SECURING AND RE-OPENING THE DOORS. • Remind the President to announce that all persons who are not eligible to vote must leave the room until after the election process is completed. 209 • Ensure that a large easel, white board, and appropriate writing tools are available on the stage/dais prior to the opening ceremony Tuesday morning. Additionally appoint a recorder to print the names of the candidates on the board as they are nominated. THE PRESIDENT OPENS NOMINATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: • President (hold to 5 nominations if possible) • Executive Vice-president (hold to 3 nominations. The remaining 4 names from the presidential elections will automatically list as Executive Vicepresident nominees. • Treasurer • Board of Directors- numbers are as required/terms are normally for 3 years. • Symposium site for year after next. *** President, Executive Vice-president and Directors may not be elected to the same office for more than two successive terms*** The President will announce that all persons not eligible to vote must leave the room until after the election process is completed. ABMA BY-LAWS state eligibility requirements as follows: • Members- Persons who are or have been active duty or reserve AB’s and have active National Association Memberships. • Life Members- Persons who have paid or earned Life memberships. • Associate Members- Persons who do not qualify for Member status. (MAY NOT VOTE UNTIL COMPLETION OF TWO CONSECUTIVE YEARS AND MAY NOT HOLD ELECTED OFFICES.) 210 • Life Associate Members- Persons who qualify as Associate Members and commit themselves to the Association as lifetime members. • Honorary Members- Titles and positions bestowed upon individuals who have a clear relationship and interest in the objectives of the Association. HONORARY MAMBERS MAY NOT VOTE OR HOLD OFFICE. • Corporate Members- Vendors who desire to participate with the ABMA towards achieving its objectives, particularly the goals involving aviation safety and the exchange of safety related information. CORPORATE MEMBERS MAY NOT VOTE OR HOLD OFFICE. ELECTION DAY • The nomination process will remain open until closed by motion at the request of the President. A member from the general assembly should move that nominations be closed. The motion is then seconded. The President will call for a vote of all in favor and all opposed to closing the nomination process. Elections proceed immediately thereafter. • President reminds the general assembly that all persons not eligible to vote must leave the room until after the voting process is completed. DISTRIBUTION/COUNTING OF BALLOTS Select 10 people to distribute/collect ballots. Only 1 vote per voter is authorized. Ballots are as follows: • President- yellow • Executive Vice-president- green • Treasurer- blue • Board of Directors- red • Symposium Site- white • Miscellaneous- purple Members must write the name of their choice on the ballot. The appointed persons will collect the ballots. Proxy voters will be asked to raise their hands to be acknowledged and again advise the President of their intent to vote proxy. The Election Chairperson and three members he/she has selected, along with two additional members previously identified will count the ballots. The President will be provided the results and announce the elected officials. 211 AVIATION BOATSWAINS MATE ASSOCIATION LOGO TRADEMARK BACKGROUND: At the 2004 Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference the Board Of Directors (BOD) recommended that the Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association (ABMA) logo be registered as a trademark. By having the ABMA logo registered as a Trademark this would prevent anyone or any other agency/business other than the ABMA from making money on the logo of the ABMA. A trademark protects words, names, symbols, sounds, or colors that distinguish goods and services from those manufactured or sold by others and to indicate the source of the goods. Trademarks, unlike patents, can be renewed forever as long as they are being used in commerce. A trademark includes any word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination, used, or intended to be used, in commerce to identify and distinguish the goods of one manufacturer or seller from goods manufactured or sold by others, and to indicate the source of the goods. In short, a trademark is a brand name. In the beginning of 2005 the ABMA Public Affairs Officer and the ABMA Treasurer stated the process of applying for a trademark for the ABMA Logo. By the 2005 Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference the ABMA logo was submitted to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). As of January 2006 the ABMA Logo is a registered trademark, registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office with the serial number of 78501064. Anyone wanting to use the ABMA Logo, other than the ABMA, will be required to submit a request to the President of the ABMA to receive a “Letter of Approval To Use The Registered Trademark of The ABMA”. This approval is only authorized by the ABMA Board Of Directors (BOD). REFERENCES: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) database. Information on the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) at http://eteas.uspto.gov. Filing electronically through the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), at http://www.uspto.gov/teas/index.html . Use the Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) database at http://tarr.uspto.gov to check on the status of any application. The Merchandise Coordinator shall ensure that all items registered with the United States Patten and Trademark Office have the Registered Mark added below the ABMA Logo” ®”. ® 212 Trademark information may be found in the Appendix with the following sections: Trademark Information Basic Facts about Trademarks Trademark Frequently Asked Questions Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) Submitted TEAS Trademark/Service Mark Application Response to Office Action TEAS Trademark Application Inserts Trademark Registration Approval Letter See attached Appendixes for all related correspondences. 213 APPENDIX A AVIATION BOATSWAINS MATE ASSOCIATION (ABMA) WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE NAVAL MESSAGE EXAMPLE (Names deleted for privacy. Bold indicates where names would be. message requires no bold lettering.) QQQQ SUBJ: AVIATION BOATSWAINS MATE ASSOCIATION (ABMA) WORKING GROUP UNCLASSIFIED// PAGE 05 RUCOMFB9740 UNCLAS PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM COMNAVAIRSYSCOM PATUXENT RIVER MD//PMA251// TO COMNAVAIRPAC SAN DIEGO CA//N433/N43/N73/N7// COMNAVAIRLANT NORFOLK VA//N81A/N433/N43// COMNAVSURFPAC SAN DIEGO CA//N43/N435/N7/N0003/N42/N842// COMNAVSURFLANT NORFOLK VA//N81/N42// COMNAVSEASYSCOM WASHINGTON DC//03G/03Y6// COMAFLOATRAGRUPAC SAN DIEGO CA//00// COMNAVREG SW SAN DIEGO CA//00// COMNAVREG NW SEATTLE WA//00// COMNAVREG MIDLANT NORFOLK VA//00// COMNAVREG SE JACKSONVILLE FL//00// COMNAVREG PEARL HARBOR HI//00// COMNAVSAFECEN NORFOLK VA//114A// COMPHIBGRU ONE//N4/N42// COMPHIBGRU TWO//N8/N841/N842// COMPHIBGRU THREE//N4/N42// COMNAVAIRWARCENACDIV PATUXENT RIVER MD//SA77// CNI WASHINGTON DC//N46// PEO CARRIERS WASHINGTON DC//PMS312V/PMS312// PAGE 06 RUCOMFB9740 UNCLAS USS DWIGHT D EISENHOWER USS ENTERPRISE USS JOHN F KENNEDY USS KITTY HAWK USS NIMITZ USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN USS BATAAN USS BONHOMME RICHARD USS CARL VINSON USS GEORGE WASHINGTON USS HARRY S TRUMAN USS JOHN C STENNIS USS KEARSARGE USS PELELIU USS RONALD REAGAN USS TARAWA USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT USS WASP NAS JACKSONVILLE FL//00// NAS SIGONELLA IT//00// PAGE 07 RUCOMFB9740 UNCLAS NAS KEFLAVIK IC//00// NAS MERIDIAN MS//00// NAS OCEANA VA//30/313// NAS OCEANA AIR DET NORFOLK VA//30// NAS PATUXENT RIVER MD//00// 214 Naval NAS PENSACOLA FL//300// NAS WHIDBEY ISLAND WA//JJJ// NAS LEMOORE CA//JJJ// NAS FALLON NV//JJJ// NAS NORTH ISLAND CA//JJJ// NAVSTA MAYPORT FL//N54// NAVSTA ROTA SP//N00/N30/N332// NETC PENSACOLA FL//N53/T2511// NAMTRAU NORTH ISLAND CA//3041// FLETRACEN NORFOLK VA//N43// NATTC DET LAKEHURST NJ//T00/T30/T35// NAMTRAGRU DET MAYPORT FL//00// NATTC PENSACOLA FL//40// NAMTRAU NORFOLK VA//3040// NAVAIRWARCENACDIV LAKEHURST NJ//3.1/4.8.10/4.8.12/11X60// PAGE 08 RUCOMFB9740 UNCLAS NAVAIRWPNSTA CHINA LAKE CA//8250001/825000D/825100D// NAVTECHTRACEN LACKLAND AFB TX//00// SUPSHIP NEWPORT NEWS VA//151,151V// NAVSHIPYD AND IMF PUGET SOUND WA//260C// NAVSHIPREPFAC YOKOSUKA JA//CAFSU// SIMA NORFOLK VA//00// SIMA SAN DIEGO CA//JJJ// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N785/N789// DEPCHNAVPERS MILLINGTON TN//404D/432M// DSCC COLUMBUS OH//DSCC-MDA// NAVICP PHILADELPHIA PA//03/033// NAVICP MECHANICSBURG PA//0512// MSGID/GENADMIN/PMA251F// REF/A/DOC/SECNAV/YMD:19890717// REF/B/DOC/OPNAV/YMD:19890727// REF/C/TEL/COMNAVAIRSYSCOM PAX RIVER MD/YMD:20040324// REF/D/TEL/COMNAVAIRSYSCOM PAX RIVER MD/YMD:20040324// NARR/REF A IS SECNAV INST 4651.8L. REF B IS OPNAV INST 4651.4C. REF C IS PHONECON BETWEEN COMNAVAIRSYSCOM (PMA251F2) LT FI. LASTNAME AND COMNAVAIRLANT (N433A) LT FI. LASTNAME REF D IS PHONECON BETWEEN PAGE 09 RUCOMFB9740 UNCLAS COMNAVAIRSYSCOM (PMA251F2) LT FI. LASTNAME AND COMNAVAIRPAC (N433) LT FI. LASTNAME.// POC/ FI. LASTNAME /CDR/PMA251F/LOC:PATUXENT RIVER MD/TEL:301-757-6818 /TEL:FAX:301-757-6800// RMKS/1. THIS MESSAGE IS TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE THIRTY FORTH ANNUAL AVIATION BOATSWAINS MATE ASSOCIATION SPONSORED WORKING GROUP WILL BE HELD FROM 27 JULY TO 01 AUGUST 2004 AT THE WESTIN HOTEL HORTON PLAZA, 910 BROADWAY CIRCLE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101. THE ABMA SAN DIEGO CHAPTER IS HOSTING THIS WORKING GROUP. ROOMS HAVE BEEN BLOCKED FOR THE ABMA FROM 24 JULY TO 04 AUGUST. CHECK IN FOR ACTIVE DUTY PERSONNEL ON TDY OR TAD ORDERS WILL BE FROM 1200-1700 ON MONDAY, 28 JULY 2003. WORKSHOPS WILL BE CONDUCTED THROUGHOUT THE WEEK AND ENDING WITH A PICNIC ON SATURDAY 01 AUGUST 2004, DETAILS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT CHECK-IN. 3. ABMA WORKSHOPS ARE CONDUCTED ANNUALLY AND CHAIRED BY FLEET PROFESSIONALS. THE FOCUS AND EFFORT OF THESE WORKSHOPS ARE TO IMPROVE AVIATION SAFETY AND READINESS ON BOARD OUR AIRCRAFT CARRIERS, AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT SHIPS AND SHORE FACILITIES. CONTINUED SUPPORT OF THE ABMA YEARLY WORKSHOPS BY THE CNO HAS ENSURED A STEADY QQQQ FLOW OF EQUIPMENT UPGRADES, TRAINING IMPROVEMENTS AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES THAT HAVE SIGNIFICANTLY ALTERED THE CHARACTER OF FLIGHT PAGE 05 RUCOMFB9741 UNCLAS 215 OPERATIONS AT SEA AND ASHORE. THE WORKING GROUPS PROVIDE A FORUM TO EXCHANGE INFORMATION, IDENTIFY PROBLEM AREAS, AND RECOMMEND SOLUTIONS: INVOLVING ALRE, AIRCRAFT HANDLING, CRASH AND SALVAGE, AVIATION FUELING, AND TRAINING ISSUES. 4. REQUEST COMMANDS SUBMIT ABMA WORKSHOP AGENDA ITEMS TO THE RESPECTIVE TYCOM POC’S BY EMAIL OR FAX NLT 28 MAY 2004. AGENDA ITEM FORMAT IS AVAILABLE AT WWW.ABMA-USN.ORG. THE FOLLOWING ARE DESIGNATED TYCOM POC’S: A. COMNAVAIRPAC: LT FI. LASTNAME, XXXXXX.XXXX@NAVY.MIL, AND ABECS FI. LASTNAME, XXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXX@CNAP.NAVY.MIL, COMM 619-545-1501 OR DSN 735-1501, FAX 619-545-1501, CODE N433, NAS NORTH ISLAND, BLDG 11 ROOM 145, MURRARY STREET, SAN DIEGO, CA 92135. B. COMNAVAIRLANT: LT FI. LASTNAME, XXXXXXXXX@CNAL.NAVY.MIL, AND ABECS FI. LASTNAME, XXXXXXXXXXX@CNAL.NAVY.MIL, COMM 757-444-0425 OR DSN 564-0425, FAX 757-444-6070, CODE N433, BLDG S29 ROOM 207, 1279 FRANKLIN STREET, NORFOLK, VA 23511-2494. C. COMNAVSURFPAC: LTJG FI. LASTNAME, XXXXXX.XXXXXX@NAVY.MIL AND ABFCS FI. LASTNAME, XXXXXXX.XXXXXXX@NAVY.MIL COMM 619-556-3599 OR DSN 526-3599, FAX 619-556-3590, CODE N84, NAVAL STATION BOX 368201, 3985 CUMMINGS RD SUITE 4, SAN DIEGO, CA 92136-5289. PAGE 06 RUCOMFB9741 UNCLAS D. COMNAVSURFLANT: ABHCS FI. LASTNAME, XXXXXX@ATGL.SPEAR.NAVY.MIL, COMM 757-445-0962 OR DSN 545-0962 AND ABFC FI. LASTNAME, XXXXXXXXXX@ATGL.SPEAR.NAVY.MIL COMM 757-445-0962 OR DSN 545-0962, FAX: 757-445-0982, AFLOAT TRAINING GROUP, 8952 FIRST STREET SUITE 127, NORFOLK, VA 23511-3786. 4. REQUEST TYCOM POC’S CONSOLIDATE AGENDA ITEMS AND FORWARD THEM TO THE RESPECTIVE WORKSHOP COORDINATORS AND NAWCADLKE FLEET LIAISON NLT 11 JUNE 2004. WORKSHOP COORDINATORS AND FLEET LIAISON ARE AS FOLLOWS: A. ABE WORKSHOP: LT FI. LASTNAME, CNAP, COMM 619-545-1501 OR DSN 735-1501/LT FI. LASTNAME, CNAL, COMM 757-444-0425 OR DSN 564-9452. B. ABH WORKSHOP: ABHCS FI. LASTNAME, CNAP, COMM 619-545-1552 OR DSN 735-1552/ ABHCS FI. LASTNAME, CNAL, COMM 757-444-0442 OR DSN 564-0442. C. ABF WORKSHOP: LT FI. LASTNAME, CNAP, COMM 619-545-1507 OR DSN 735-1507/ABFCS FI. LASTNAME, CNAL, COMM 757-444-9047 OR DSN 564-9047. D. TRAINING WORKSHOP: ABCM FI. LASTNAME, NETC, COMM 850-452-7601OR DSN 922-7600. E. FLEET LIAISON: CWO3 FI. LASTNAME, NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE, COMM 732-323-7961 DSN 624-7961. 5. THE PACIFIC/ATLANTIC FLEET AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE ASSOCIATION PAGE 07 RUCOMFB9741 UNCLAS “AB” OF THE YEAR SELECTEES WILL BE HONORED DURING THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. CANDIDATES SHOULD BE NOMINATED FOR PARTICULARLY OUTSTANDING MILITARY PERFORMANCE, PROFESSIONALISM, DEDICATION TO DUTY AND CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARD IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE AVIATION BOATSWAINS MATES COMMUNITY. NOMINEES PERFORMANCE THROUGHOUT THEIR CAREER SHALL BE ADDRESSED, WITH PARTICULAR EMPHASIS ON INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE PERIOD OF 01 MAY 2003 THROUGH 30 APRIL 2004. NOMINATION PACKAGES WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL 07 MAY 2004. PACKAGES RECEIVED AFTER 07 MAY 2004 WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. PACKAGES SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: A. COMMANDING OFFICER’S COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATION B. DEPARTMENT OR DIVISION LCPO’S COMMENTS C. ENLISTED EVALUATIONS FOR THE PAST 5 YEARS D. ADVANCEMENT HISTORY E. LIST OF PREVIOUS DUTY ASSIGNMENTS F. BRIEF SYNOPSIS OF SIGNIFICANT PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS G. AWARDS (PAGE 4’S) H. OFF DUTY EDUCATION I. TWO 8 X 10 COLOR PHOTOS IN SERVICE DRESS BLUES, ONE FULL FRONT 216 VIEW, ONE FULL SIDE VIEW. PAGE 08 RUCOMFB9741 UNCLAS 6. DELIVER OR MAIL NOMINATION PACKAGES TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESSES: A. FOR COMNAVAIRLANT COMMANDS, COMMANDER NAVAL AIR FORCE U.S. ATLANTIC FLEET, ATTENTION: ABHCS FI. LASTNAME, COMM 757-444-8995 OR DSN 564-8995, CODE N735, 1279 FRANKLIN STREET, NORFOLK VA. 23511-2494. B. FOR COMNAVSURFLANT COMMANDS, COMMANDER AMPHIBIOUS GROUP TWO, ATTENTION: ABHCS FI. LASTNAME, AFLOAT TRAINING GROUP, 8952 FIRST STREET SUITE 127, NORFOLK, VA 23511-3786. C. FOR COMNAVAIRPAC COMMANDS, COMMANDER NAVAL AIR FORCE U.S. PACIFIC FLEET, ATTENTION: ABECS FI. LASTNAME, CODE N433, NAS NORTH ISLAND, BLDG 11 ROOM 145, MURRARY STREET, SAN DIEGO, CA 92135. 5. FOR COMNAVSURFPAC COMMANDS, COMMANDER AMPHIBIOUS GROUP THREE, ATTENTION: LTJG FI. LASTNAME, CODE N42, NAVAL STATION BOX 368201, 3985 CUMMINGS RD SUITE 4, SAN DIEGO, CA 92136-5289. SELECTION OF FLEET AB OF THE YEAR WILL BE CONDUCTED ON A DATE DETERMINED, BY THE TYCOM AND RESULTS WILL BE FORMALLY DISSEMINATED VIA MESSAGE NLT 20 MAY 2004. 7. COMMANDING OFFICERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO SUPPORT AND FUND COST ORDERS FOR ATTENDANCE TO THE ABMA WORKING GROUP IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN AND FURTHER THE PROFESSIONAL ABILITIES OF THEIR PERSONNEL PAGE 09 RUCOMFB9741 UNCLAS CONSISTENT WITH PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING POLICIES. THE WORKING GROUPS PRIMARY AGENDA IS TO FORM WORKSHOPS, DISCUSS ISSUES, AND ULTIMATELY TO SUBMIT ACTION ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE VARIOUS CHAIN OF COMMANDS. COMMAND APPROVED ATTENDEES MAY PARTICIPATE USING THE MOST COST EFFECTIVE TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE WITHIN EXISTING LEVELS OF LOCAL ADMIN FUNDS AND IAW WITH APPLICABLE REGS. IF FUNDS ARE NOT AVAILABLE, PERMISSIVE TAD ORDERS MAY BE ISSUED. REF A AND B PROVIDE GUIDANCE ON AUTHORIZED EXPENSES AND PERMISSIVE ORDERS FOR TRAVEL. UTILIZATION OF GOVERNMENT TRANSPORTATION IS HIGHLY ENCOURAGED TO ENHANCE WORKING GROUP PARTICIPATION AND DEFRAY THE COST OF TAD ORDERS. 8. THE ABMA POC IS MR. FIRSTNAME LASTNAME, EMAIL: XXXXXXXXXXXX@AOL.COM, 619-XXX-XXXX, 619-XX-XXXX OR 619-XXX-XXXX/XXXX OR CDR (SEL) FI. LASTNAME, COMM 619-545-1501, EMAIL: XXXXXXX.XXXXXXX@NAVY.MIL. HOTEL AND NAVY LODGE ARE AVAILABLE HOWEVER; VERY LIMITED BEQ/BOQ SPACE IS AVAILABLE IN THE AREA. PHONE NUMBERS FOR RESERVATIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: WESTIN HOTEL HORTON PLAZA, TOLL FREE 1-800-WESTIN1, TOLL 619-238-2600 OR VISIT WWW.WESTIN.COM/HORTON, (USE AVIATION WHEN MAKING RESERVATION), FAX 619-239-0509, BEQ/BOQ 619-556-8144, NAVY LODGE, 1-800-NAVY-INN (1-800-628-9466). QQQQ 9. REQUEST WIDEST POSSIBLE DISSEMINATION.// BT #9742 NNNN 217 APPENDIX B COMNAVAIRLANT NORFOLK SELECTION AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE OF THE YEAR NAVAL MESSAGE (Names deleted for privacy. Bold indicates where names would be. message requires no bold lettering.) Naval ********************** U N C L A S S I F I E D ********************** RATUZYUW RUCOSSA0620 1331236-UUUU–RUCOSSA. ZNR UUUUU ZUI RUCOMCB2354 1481343 R 261245Z MAY 04 ZYB PSN 651329I26 FM COMNAVAIRLANT NORFOLK VA//N7// TO RUWFEAB/COMNAVAIRFOR SAN DIEGO CA//N7/N3/N43// CVLANT RHMFIUU/COMNAVAIRSYSCOM PATUXENT RIVER MD//PMA251// RUWFEAA/COMNAVAIRPAC SAN DIEGO CA//N7/N443// RULSSEA/COMNAVSEASYSCOM WASHINGTON DC//03G/03Y6// RULSFAF/PEO CARRIERS WASHINGTON DC//PMS312V/PMS312// RHMFIUU/COMNAVSAFECEN NORFOLK VA//114A// RHBVNKP/USS KEARSARGE RHBVHOV/USS SAIPAN RHRVEPB/USS WASP RHFJJCN/NAS JACKSONVILLE FL RHMFIUU/NAS KEFLAVIK IC RHFJKXF/NAS KEY WEST FL RHMFIUU/NAS KINGSVILLE TX RHMFIUU/NAS MERIDIAN MS RUCOPAY/NAS OCEANA AIR DET NORFOLK VA RUCOMAS/NAS OCEANA VA RHMFIUU/NAS PENSACOLA FL PAGE 02 RUCOSSA3845 UNCLAS RHMFIUU/NAS SIGONELLA IT RHMFIUU/NAVSTA MAYPORT FL RUCOBRF/NAVSTA NORFOLK VA RHMFIUU/NAVSTA ROTA SP RHMFIUU/NETC PENSACOLA FL RHMFIUU/FLETRACEN NORFOLK VA//N43// RHMFIUU/NATTC DET LAKEHURST NJ//TOO/T30/T35// RHMFIUU/NATTC PENSACOLA FL//40// RHMFIUU/NAVAIRWARCENACDIV LAKEHURST NJ //3.1/4.8/4.8.10/4.8.12/4.8.11/11X60// RHMFIUU/SUPSHIP NEWPORT NEWS VA//151// RUCOGAS/SIMA NORFOLK VA//00// RHBOZMB/COMPHIBGRU TWO RHMFIUU/NAMTRAGRU DET MAYPORT FL RHMFIUU/NAMTRAGRU PENSACOLA FL RUCOPAC/NAMTRAGRULANT NORFOLK VA RUCOSSA/COMNAVAIRLANT NORFOLK VA//FILE// BT UNCLAS MSGID/GENADMIN/COMNAVAIRLANT// PAGE 03 RUCOSSA3845 UNCLAS SUBJ/SELECTION OF AIRLANT AVIATION BOATSWAIN MATE OF THE YEAR// REF/A/GENADMIN/COMNAVAIRSYSCOM PATUXENT RIVER/061524ZAPR// AMPN/ANNOUNCED THE 34TH ANNUAL ABMA WORKING GROUP AND REQUESTED NOMINATIONS FOR LANTFLT AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE OF THE YEAR AND JR. 218 LANTFLT AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE OF THE YEAR.// POC/FI.MI. LASTNAME/ABHCS(AW)/COMNAVAIRLANT/LOC:NORFOLK /TEL:757-444-8995// RMKS/IT GIVES ME GREAT PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE THE SELECTION OF RATE (AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME AS THE 2004 AVIATION BOATSWAIN MATE OF THE YEAR ATLANTIC AND RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME AS THE JR AVIATION BOATSWAIN MATE OF THE YEAR (ATLANTIC). PETTY OFFICER LASTNAME ABOY OF IS STATIONED AT NAMTRAGRUDET NORFOLK. PETTY OFFICER LASTNAME JR ABOY IS STATIONED ON BOARD USS IWO JIMA (LHD 7). PER REF A PETTY OFFICER LASTNAME ABOY WILL TRAVEL TO SAN DIEGO, CA 27 JULY- 01 AUGUST 2004 TO RECEIVE RECOGNITION FOR HIS SELECTION INCLUDING A FORMAL PRESENTATION OF THIS PRESTIGIOUS AWARD AT THE CLOSING OF THE 34TH ANNUAL AVIATION BOATSWAIN MATE ASSOCIATION (ABMA) WORKING GROUP. 2. SELECTION FOR THE 2004 JR AND SR AB OF THE YEAR WAS PARTICULARLY DIFFICULT GIVEN AN EXCEPTIONAL GROUP OF CANDIDATES: RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – NAMTRAGRUDET NORFOLK, VA PAGE 04 RUCOSSA3845 UNCLAS RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (CVN-71) RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69) RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – USS JOHN F. KENNEDY (CV-67) RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – USS ENTERPRISE (CVN-65) RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – GOODFELLOW AFB TX. RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – USS IWO JIMA (LHD-7) RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – USS GEORGE WASHINGTON (CVN-73) RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – NATTC PENSACOLA FL. RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – USS SAIPAN (LHA-2) RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – NAVAIR LAKEHURST NJ. RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – USS KEARSARGE (LHD-3) RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – USS HARRY S. TRUMAN (CVN-75) RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – USS IWO JIMA (LHD-7) RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (CVN-71) RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – USS SAIPAN (LHA-2) RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME – USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69) 3. EACH OF THE CANDIDATES CAN BE JUSTIFIABLY PROUD OF THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS AND DEMONSTRATED PROFESSIONALISM. WELL DONE AND CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!// BT #0620 NNNN 219 APPENDIX C COMNAVAIRPAC SAN DIEGO SELECTION AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE OF THE YEAR NAVAL MESSAGE (Names deleted for privacy. Bold indicates where names would be. message requires no bold lettering.) ROUTINE R 201009Z MAY 04 ZYB PSN 331519Q22 FM COMNAVAIRPAC SAN DIEGO CA//N433// TO USS KITTY HAWK USS NIMITZ USS CARL VINSON USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN USS JOHN C STENNIS USS RONALD REAGAN USS TARAWA USS TARAWA USS OGDEN USS CLEVELAND USS DULUTH USS BOXER USS PELELIU USS BONHOMME RICHARD USS BELLEAU WOOD USS BELLEAU WOOD NAS LEMOORE CA//JJJ// COMNAVSURFPAC SAN DIEGO CA//N01/N003/N42/N1// COMAFLOATRAGRUPAC SAN DIEGO CA//00// COMPHIBGRU THREE//N4/N42// NAVAIRWPNSTA CHINA LAKE CA//8250001/825000D/825100D// NAVBASE VENTURA CTY PT MUGU CA//NASCS// NAMTRAU NORTH ISLAND CA//3041// INFO COMNAVAIRSYSCOM PATUXENT RIVER MD//PMA251// COMNAVAIRLANT NORFOLK VA//N433/N43// SIMA SAN DIEGO CA//JJJ// SIMA SAN DIEGO CA//JJJ// NAS WHIDBEY ISLAND WA//JJJ// NAS FALLON NV//JJJ// NAS NORTH ISLAND CA//JJJ// BT UNCLAS //N01650// MSGID/GENADMIN/COMNAVAIRPAC N433// SUBJ/SELECTION OF PACFLT AVIATION BOATSWAINS MATE OF THE YEAR// REF/A/GENADMIN/COMNAVAIRSYSCOM PAX RIVER MD/061524ZAPR2004// AMPN/REF A ANNOUNCED THE 34TH ANNUAL ABMA WORKING GROUP AND REQUESTED NOMINATIONS FOR PACFLT AVIATION BOATSWAINS MATE OF THE YEAR.// 220 Naval POC/FI. LASTNAME/CDR(SEL)/N433/LOC:CNAP/TEL619)545-1503 /TEL:DSN:735-1503/EMAIL:XXXXXX.XXXXXXXX@NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. CONGRATULATIONS TO RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME MI. LASTNAME ON BEING SELECTED AS THE 2004 AVIATION BOATSWAINS MATE OF THE YEAR (PACIFIC). PETTY OFFICER LASTNAME IS STATIONED ABOARD THE USS TARAWA (LHA 1). PER REF A, PETTY OFFICER LASTNAME WILL RECEIVE RECOGNITION FOR HIS SELECTION AND WILL BE PRESENTED THIS PRESTIGIOUS AWARD AT THE CLOSING DAY OF THE 34TH ANNUAL AVIATION BOATSWAINS MATE ASSOCIATION (ABMA) WORKSHOP IN SAN DIEGO, CA IN AUGUST 2004. 2. SELECTION FOR THE 2004 AVIATION BOATSWAINS MATE OF THE YEAR WAS HIGHLY COMPETITIVE AND EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO SELECT THE TOP PERFORMER. ALL CANDIDATES SHOULD BE JUSTIFIABLY PROUD OF THEIR SUSTAINED SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE. THIS YEAR[single quote]S OTHER FINALISTS WERE: RATE(AW/SW) RATE(AW/SW) RATE(AW/SW) RATE(AW/SW) RATE(AW/SW) RATE(AW/SW) RATE(AW/SW) RATE(AW/SW) RATE(AW/SW) RATE(AW/SW) RATE(AW/SW) RATE(AW/SW) RATE(AW/SW) RATE(AW/SW) FIRSTNAME FIRSTNAME FIRSTNAME FIRSTNAME FIRSTNAME FIRSTNAME FIRSTNAME FIRSTNAME FIRSTNAME FIRSTNAME FIRSTNAME FIRSTNAME FIRSTNAME FIRSTNAME MI. MI. MI. MI. MI. MI. MI. MI. MI. MI. MI. MI. MI. MI. LASTNAME LASTNAME LASTNAME LASTNAME LASTNAME LASTNAME LASTNAME LASTNAME LASTNAME LASTNAME LASTNAME LASTNAME LASTNAME LASTNAME 3. WELL DONE AND CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL.// BT 221 APPENDIX D AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE OF THE YEAR RECORD SCREEN SELECTION FORM NAME______________________________ RATE___________ TIR____________ TIS_____________ COMMAND_______________________________ A. COMMANDING OFFICER COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) _____ Points B. DIVISION LCPO’S COMMENTS (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) _____ Points C. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS (LAST FIVE YEARS) 6. OVERALL EVALUATION MARKS (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) Based on average of accumulated points divided by the number of evaluations reviewed. _____ Points 2. PEER GROUP STANDING (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) Top Ranking Points (1 area only) - Consistently Ranked Top 10%/EP - Always Ranked Top 20%/EP or MP - Sometimes Ranked Top 30%/MP (5 Pts) _____ Points (3 Pts) _____ Points (0 Pts) _____ Points 3. EVALUATION NARRATIVE a. LEADERSHIP/MANAGEMENT ABILITY (MAXIMUM 10 POINTS) _____ Points b. SUPERVISORY ABILITY (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) How many people supervised? Under what conditions? Results achieved. _____ Points c. COMMAND/COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) Serve on Command/Community Boards/Committees (2 Points for command and 1 point for community for a maximum of 5) _____ Points D. ADVANCEMENT HISTORY 7. Advancements (how was career advancement progression?) (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) _____ Points 2. SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS (MAXIMUM 10 POINTS) EAWS (5 Pts) _____ Points ESWS (5 Pts) _____ Points 222 E. LIST OF PREVIOUS DUTY ASSIGNMENTS 8. BREADTH OF EXPERIENCE WITHIN RATE (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) Varied command assignments, nature and performance of these assignments and overall impact on command mission. (Primary and Collateral Duties) _____ Points 2. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) Consider out of rate outstanding performance. (Recruiting Duty, Recruit Company Commander Duty, Staff Duty, Inspection Team and Instructor Duty.) _____ Points F. BRIEF SYNOPSIS OF SIGNIFICANT PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) 9. Miscellaneous factors (has nominee achieved additional qualifications, other awards, commendations, etc) 10. PERSONAL MEDALS/AWARDS (MAXIMUM 10 POINTS) Higher Than Navy Commendation (4 Pts Each) Navy Commendation (3 Pts Each) Navy Achievement (2 Pts Each) Flag Letter (1 Pts Each) _____ Points _____ Points H. OFF DUTY EDUCATION (MAXIMUM 10 POINTS) 1. CORRESPONDENCE COURSES (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) (1 Point per course for a maximum of 5) _____ Points Off Duty Education (maximum of 5) Education must have been obtained while on active duty: AA Degree (2 Pts) BA/BS Degree (3 Pts) Masters Degree (5 Pts) Points will be based on the highest level of education achieved as reported on Service Record Page 4’s or members evaluations. _____ Points 11. PHOTOS (Do photos display a sharp appearance? Are photos current? Check uniform detail.) (MAXIMUM 5 POINTS) K. ABMA Involvement/Participation (Local or National Chapter) (Maximum 5 POINTS) _____ Points _____ Points MAXIMUM OVERALL TOTAL POINTS(100) _____ Points BOARD MEMBER ___________________________ SIGNATURE _________________________ 223 APPENDIX E VOTING PROXY FORM I, _________________________________, a voting member of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association, do hereby give my proxy to _______________________________ to vote on my behalf. _________________________ __________ Signature Date I, _________________________________, a voting member of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association, do hereby give my proxy to _______________________________ to vote on my behalf. _________________________ __________ Signature Date I, _________________________________, a voting member of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association, do hereby give my proxy to _______________________________ to vote on my behalf. _________________________ __________ Signature Date I, _________________________________, a voting member of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association, do hereby give my proxy to _______________________________ to vote on my behalf. _________________________ __________ Signature Date 224 APPENDIX F SAMPLE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR 20 /20 CHECKING ACCOUNT BALANCE (LOCATION) 7-1-20 ………………...$ SAVINGS ACCOUNT BALANCE (LOCATION) 7-1-20 ………………...$ SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT BALANCE (LOCATION) 7-1-20 ………………...$ MEMBERSHIP FUND BALANCE.........…………………...........7-1-20 ………………...$ MERCHANDISE FUND BALANCE...............………………..…7-1-20 ………………...$ SECRETARY FUND BALANCE (LOCATION) 7-1-20 …………….......$ TOTAL BANK ASSETS …………………………………….........7-1-20 ………………...$ VALUE OF MERCHANDISE ON HAND ...................................7-1-20 ………………...$ ABMA NET WORTH .....................................................................7-1-20 ………………...$ ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1-JULY 20 THROUGH 30 JUNE 20 ANNUAL INCOME TOTAL ANNUAL INCOME ........$ ANNUAL EXPENSE TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENSE ........$ ANNUAL DECREASE …...............$ ABMA SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT PREVIOUS SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT ...............................7-1-20 …………………...$ TRANSFER TO CHECKING FOR _________ UNIVERSITY ........................................$ TRANSFER FROM CD….....................................................................................................$ SCHOLARSHIP DONATIONS: ______ ............................................................................$ SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT INTEREST TO DATE …………………………...............$ TOTAL SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT BALANCE ………... 7-1-20 ...............................$ ABMA MEMBERSHIP ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP INCOME ...................................7-1-20 ……………………..$ MEMBERSHIP FUND BALANCE ......................................7-1-20 ..................................$ TOTAL MEMBERS ____ INCLUDES ____CORP.............6-30-20 …………………....$ MEMBERS DROPPED _____................................................7-1-20 225 DROPPED MEMBERS LAST PAID DUES IN 20—- FOR 20—NUMBERS ANNUAL COMPARISONS ABMA NET WORTH ANNUAL NET WORTH INCREASE/DECREASE TOTAL BANK ASSETS MEMBERSHIP TOTALS SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE EXCESS RETURNED Respectfully submitted, ABMA TREASURER 226 APPENDIX G ABMA WORKING GROUP AGENDA ITEM NAME OF ORGINATOR: COMMAND/DUTY STATION: ADDRESS OF COMMAND: E-MAIL ADDRESS: DUTY TELEPHONE NUMBER: DSN: RATE/RANK: COML: PERCEIVED PROBLEM: (provide specifics, continue on second page if necessary) RECOMMENDATION: JUSTIFICATION: (references, examples, please elaborate) SCREENED: 227 APPENDIX H 20__ ABMA SYMPOSIUM HOSTED BY ___________ CHAPTER Chairman: _______________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ CO-Chairman: ____________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ Symposium Treasurer: _____________________ Phone/email: _____________________ Executive Steering Committee: ______________ Phone/email: _____________________ ________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ ________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ ________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ ________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ AWARDS COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ BANQUET COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ 228 COLOR GUARD/SIDE BOYS COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ CRUISE BOOK COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ 229 HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ LADIES ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ LODGING AND RESERVATIONS COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ 230 NATIONAL/CHAPTER MERCHANDISE COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ PICNIC COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ 231 PUBLICITY COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ RETIRED WORKSHOP COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ SPECIAL EVENTS/ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ 232 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ VENDOR INDUSTRIAL DISPLAY COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ VIDEO/PICTORIAL COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ 233 ________________ COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ ________________ COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ ________________ COMMITTEE MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Chairperson: ______________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ Assistants: ________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email:_____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ _________________________________________ Phone/email: _____________________ 234 APPENDIX I SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE PROGRAM FORMAT Day One (AM) Registration Workshop assignments General announcements Election procedures Introduction of any pre-Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference guest speakers Day One (PM) Call to order/ Opening ceremony Invocation Troop the Colors Guest speakers Convene workshops Conduct BOD meeting Secure workshops Events Hospitality Day Two (AM) Reconvene/General announcements Guest speakers Reconvene workshops Day Two (PM) Reconvene/Association business Nominations Reconvene workshops BOD meeting (TBA) Secure workshops Events Hospitality Day Three (AM) Reconvene/Association business Nominations continue Guest speakers Reconvene workshops BOD meeting (TBA) Day Three (PM) Reconvene/Association business Reconvene workshops Secure workshops Events Hospitality 235 Day Four (AM) Reconvene/Association business Selection of next year’s Symposium/Professional Working Group Conference site Elections Reconvene workshops (Wrap-up) Day Four (PM) Reconvene/Association business Workshop summary Retire Colors Adjourn in preparation for banquette Conduct final BOD meeting 236 APPENDIX J SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE PROGRAM EXAMPLE (ATTACHED) 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 APPENDIX K AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATES ASSOCIATION ISABELLA M. GILLEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND APPLICATION CRITERIA AND INSTRUCTIONS **Qualification – Applicant must be a dependent (family member) of an active, dues-paid member of the ABMA for at least two years to qualify for this scholarship. 1. Applications are due annually to the Scholarship Chairman not later than June 1st. 2. Application should be typewritten or printed. 3. The application must be arranged in the order described below: a. Application of Required Facts. Carefully plan a response to each item before typing the final draft. b. The applicant shall prepare a statement setting forth his/her vocational or professional goals and relate how past, present and future activities make the accomplishment of this goal probable. The letter must be signed. c. Official transcripts of student grades from the beginning of the 9th grade to due date of application may be photocopies bearing an original signature of the proper school authority. SAT or ACT test scores, if included, may be photocopies. d. Current dated, signed letters of recommendation from one person, but not totaling more than three, in authority from high schools, college, or trade schools attended by the applicant. Letter may cover the applicant’s ability, work habits, leadership, personality and integrity. e. No more than two letters of endorsement from responsible community (non-school related) persons. These persons should not be related tot he applicant. They should be capable of reporting on the applicant’s participation in the community in terms of work service, leadership, notable skills and outstanding recognition. Each letter should be typed, dated, and signed. f. Copies of exhibits of achievement in scholarship, leadership, athletics, dramatics, community service or other activities may be attached – but, avoid being repetitious. It is preferable that exhibits such as awards and media items be photocopies. 4. Social Security Number is required for school and ABMA records. Upon receipt of “Verification of Enrollment” form from proper school officials, an ABMA check for the amount of the award will be forwarded to the college or university to establish credit for the student. 5. Submit application to: Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association Scholarship Chairman Lanny Vines 144 CR 1515 Alba. TX 75410 E-mail: Scholarship@abma-usn.org 258 APPENDIX L AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATES ASSOCIATION ISABELLA M. GILLEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND APPLICATION FORM (Based on financial need, character, leadership and academic prowess) Please read application criteria and instructions prior to completing the application! Name: __________________________________________ Social Security Number: ________________ Address: _____________________________________ _______________________ ____ __________ Street City State ZIP Phone: ( ) _________ Email: ________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________ Place of Birth: ________________________________ Age: _____ Sex: ____ SPONSOR INFORMATION (Parent, step-parent, guardian or spouse) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Sponsor (last, first, middle) Relationship of sponsor to applicant _____________________________________________________________________________________ Sponsor Address (number and street, city, state, zip code) _______________________||________________ ||___________________________________________ Last rank, rate or grade held | Sponsor SSN | Officer designator or enlisted rating _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name and address of current duty station or reserve unit _____________________________________________________________________________________ If deceased, give Date and place of death EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION Name of high school(s) attended Dates Graduation Date _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of colleges attended or attending Dates Graduation Date _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name and address of colleges to which applied: Accepted (yes or no) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Type or print on a separate sheet of paper your career objectives, the reasons you chose these objectives, and how you feel furthering your education will help accomplish these objectives. 259 WORK EXPERIENCE Are you currently working? YES NO (working includes any type of job whether or not you are paid, e.g., work regularly in a family business, on family farm, or volunteer work) If so, give details. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL INFORMATION ______________________________________________________________________________ Name of head of family | Relationship to applicant | |_______________________ Occupation, if other than military service _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address if different from sponsor _____________________________________________________________________________________ Gross family income earned last year (all sources) Net family income last year _____________________________________________________________________________________ Anticipated gross family income earned this year (all sources) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Number of dependents: |Number of children in college | (excluding applicant) ______________________________________________________|_______________________ List amount of tuition, room and board, and other fees for each college student. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 260 APPLICANT’S FINANCIAL STATEMENT (Funds which will be available for full school term (September – June) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Aid from parent or guardian (annual total) $____________________________________________________________________________________ Educational resources received/ |Veterans Benefits | Social Security | Applicants Savings Awarded for next year | | | and income | | | _________________________________|________________ | _________________|________________ Other resources |Loans $ Source | Scholarship $ Source |Grants $ Source | | | _____________________|___________________ |____________________ |______________________ Additional comments: The applicant or parent may comment briefly on any specific financial circumstances that they desire to bring to the attention of the scholarship sponsor. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ I certify that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge. _______________________________________ Applicant’s signature Date _______________________________________ Signature of parent or guardian Date (either parent may sign) 261 LEADERSHIP ACTIVITIES SCHOLASTIC Honors and awards (state nature of honor or award) a._______________________________________ d. _________________________________________ b._______________________________________ e. _________________________________________ c._______________________________________ f. _________________________________________ Offices and positions of leadership (state name of organization and position a._______________________________________ d. _________________________________________ b._______________________________________ e. _________________________________________ c._______________________________________ f. _________________________________________ Organizational membership where no office was held (state only major activities) a._______________________________________ d. _________________________________________ b._______________________________________ e. _________________________________________ c._______________________________________ f. _________________________________________ NON-SCHOOL RELATED CIVIC ACTIVITIES Honors and awards (state nature of honor or award e.g., Eagle Scout (men) Gold Award (women) a._______________________________________ d. _________________________________________ b._______________________________________ e. _________________________________________ c._______________________________________ f. _________________________________________ Offices and positions of leadership (state name of organization and position a._______________________________________ d. _________________________________________ b._______________________________________ e. _________________________________________ c._______________________________________ f. _________________________________________ NOTE: List additional honors and activities _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 262 APPENDIX M AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATES ASSOCIATION (ABMA) MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY) NAME ______________________________________ RATE/RANK _____________________ MAILING ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________ CITY _______________________________ STATE ___________ ZIP ___________________ HOME ____________________ WORK_____________________ CELL __________________ WORK E-MAIL _________________ HOME E-MAIL ________________________________ TYPE DESIRED: LIFE ________ LIFE ASSOCIATE ________ LIFE WIFE ________ ANNUAL ________ ANNUAL ASSOCIATE ________ WIFE ASSOCIATE ________ NEW _________ RENEWAL ___________/OLD NUMBER ____________ REINSTATE ______________/OLD NUMBER _______________ ANNUAL (NEW/REINSTATE) $15.00 ________ ANNUAL (RENEWAL) $13.00 _________ LIFE (45 AND BELOW) $110.00 ___________ (46-50) $100.00 __________ (51-55) $90.00 _________ (56-60) $75.00 ________ (61-65) $60.00 ________ (66-70) $40.00 ________ RECRUITED BY ______________________________________CARD# _________________ (Make check or money order payable to ‘ABMA’ & mail to: Stoney Burke, P. O. Box 1106, Lakehurst, NJ 08733). (Credit card payments for National Membership, can be made on-line at abma-usn.org). 263 APPENDIX N WORKSHOP RESULTS COVER LETTER (Note: Commands tittles may have changed, please verify correct titles when submitting letter.) 264 265 266 267 APPENDIX O VOTING PROCEDURES BRIEF THE NOMINATION PROCESS The President calls upon the Executive Vice-president to “spell out” the rules and regulations governing the election process as follows: • Remind all members that the ABMA is their organization and they must take a serious approach to the nomination and election of officers. • Each member nominated for office must acknowledge/accept nomination prior to official acceptance of nomination. • Anyone voting by proxy must declare their intent to the President prior to elections. • Per the ABMA BY-LAWS, all proxies MUST be turned in to the Secretary for verification and record at least 24 hours prior to scheduled voting. (Prior to lunch Thursday is fine.) • All members must be in their seats before elections begin. (Note: Associate Members must have been a member for 2 or more years.) • Nominations will remain open until closed by the President. ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE EXECUTIVE VICEPRESIDENT • Request from the President to open nominations daily. • The Executive Vice-president must select a person to serve as Sergeant-atArms to guard the doors during elections. • Each door will be manned during the elections. When the President calls for the ballots to be distributed, the doors will be secured at that time. No one will be allowed to enter or exit the hall until the ballot count has concluded. If anyone must leave the hall during balloting or the counting of ballots, they cannot return until the next election begins. THE ONLY EXCEPTION IS A BONA-FIDE MEDICAL EXCUSE. In that case the individual will be escorted from the room by a Sergeant-at-Arms until they return. • ONLY THE PRESIDENT MAY CONTROL THE ORDER FOR SECURING AND RE-OPENING THE DOORS. • Remind the President to announce that all persons who are not eligible to vote must leave the room until after the election process is completed. 268 • Ensure that a large easel, white board, and appropriate writing tools are available on the stage/dais prior to the opening ceremony Tuesday morning. Additionally appoint a recorder to print the names of the candidates on the board as they are nominated. THE PRESIDENT OPENS NOMINATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: • President (hold to 5 nominations if possible) • Executive Vice-president (hold to 3 nominations. The remaining 4 names from the presidential elections will automatically list as Executive Vicepresident nominees. • Treasurer • Board of Directors- numbers are as required/terms are normally for 3 years. • Symposium site for year after next. *** President, Executive Vice-president and Directors may not be elected to the same office for more than two successive terms*** The President will announce that all persons not eligible to vote must leave the room until after the election process is completed. ABMA BY-LAWS state eligibility requirements as follows: • Members- Persons who are or have been active duty or reserve AB’s and have active National Association Memberships. • Life Members- Persons who have paid or earned Life memberships. • Associate Members- Persons who do not qualify for Member status. (MAY NOT VOTE UNTIL COMPLETION OF TWO CONSECUTIVE YEARS AND MAY NOT HOLD ELECTED OFFICES.) • Life Associate Members- Persons who qualify as Associate Members and commit themselves to the Association as lifetime members. 269 • Honorary Members- Titles and positions bestowed upon individuals who have a clear relationship and interest in the objectives of the Association. HONORARY MAMBERS MAY NOT VOTE OR HOLD OFFICE. • Corporate Members- Vendors who desire to participate with the ABMA towards achieving its objectives, particularly the goals involving aviation safety and the exchange of safety related information. CORPORATE MEMBERS MAY NOT VOTE OR HOLD OFFICE. ELECTION DAY • The nomination process will remain open until closed by motion at the request of the President. A member from the general assembly should move that nominations be closed. The motion is then seconded. The President will call for a vote of all in favor and all opposed to closing the nomination process. Elections proceed immediately thereafter. • President reminds the general assembly that all persons not eligible to vote must leave the room until after the voting process is completed. DISTRIBUTION/COUNTING OF BALLOTS Select 10 people to distribute/collect ballots. Only 1 vote per voter is authorized. Ballots are as follows: • President- yellow • Executive Vice-president- green • Treasurer- blue • Board of Directors- red • Symposium Site- white • Miscellaneous- purple Members must write the name of their choice on the ballot. The appointed persons will collect the ballots. Proxy voters will be asked to raise their hands to be acknowledged and again advise the President of their intent to vote proxy. The Election Chairperson and three members he/she has selected, along with two additional members previously identified will count the ballots. The President will be provided the results and announce the elected officials. 270 APPENDIX P SAMPLE LETTER OF APPRECIATION FOR COMMAND SUPPORT (Font reduced to fit page) AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE ASSOCIATION LT Doug Thornton V-4 Division USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) FPO AP 96616-2876 14 September 2005 Commanding Officer USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) FPO AP 96616-2876 Dear: Commanding Officer, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76); As President of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association (ABMA), I personally would like to express my sincere appreciation for the support your command has provided the ABMA in making the 2005 Professional Working Group Conference a major success. Even though travel money is tight and your workloads are very demanding, you took the extra effort ensuring that your Command was well represented. The personnel you sent played a very important role in the future of Naval Aviation. ABMA workshops are conducted annually and chaired by U.S. Navy fleet professionals. The focus and efforts of these workshops are to improve and enhance the aviation safety and readiness of our aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships and shore facilities. Continued support of the ABMA annual Professional Working Group Conference workshops by the U.S. Navy Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) has ensured a steady flow of equipment upgrades, training improvements and procedural changes that have significantly altered the character of flight operations at sea and ashore. The Professional Working Group Conference provides a forum to exchange information, identify problem areas, and recommend solutions to issues involving aircraft launch and recovery equipment, aircraft handling, crash and salvage, aviation fueling, and training issues. Our Professional Working Group Conference is scheduled each year around the end of July or beginning of August with four days of business and social activities culminating with a banquet Friday evening and a family picnic on Saturday. Attendance continues to increase yearly with an average of 450 members participating. The 2005 Professional Working Group Conference was hosted by the Tidewater (Norfolk, VA.) Chapter. The 2006 Working Group Conference will be hosted by the Pensacola, FL. Chapter. Past Working Group Conferences have been held at Alameda, CA; San Diego, CA; Patuxent River, MD; Philadelphia, PA; Pensacola, FL; Mayport, FL; Jacksonville, FL; Norfolk, VA; Memphis, TN, and Silverdale, WA. Our membership in the ABMA is now over 2000 with annual and life memberships available for both regular and associate members. We encourage all Aviation Boatswain’s Mates to join the ABMA and help us accomplish our goals. Additional information on the Associate is available online at www.abma-usn.org or by contacting the ABMA Secretary, Mrs. Terry Santiago, via e-mail at secretary@abma-usn.org. The ABMA would like to thank all concerned Naval Agencies whose actions in support of the ABMA have placed us second to none as Naval Aviation Safety trendsetters. I am personally grateful of the support your command has provided us, and I hope you and your command will continue to support us in the years to come. Sincerely; //S// D.J. THORNTON LT (LDO) USN President Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association 271 APPENDIX Q SAMPLE LETTER OF APPRECIATION FOR BEING A GUEST SPEAKER AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE ASSOCIATION LT Doug Thornton V-4 Division USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) FPO AP 96616-2876 10 September 2005 RADM Denby Starling 1279 Franklin St. Norfolk, Va. 23511-2494 Dear Rear Admiral Starling; As President of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association (ABMA), I personally would like to convey my sincere appreciation for the support you have provided the ABMA and the AB’s over the past three decades. We are truly proud of you and your love for AB’s I would also like to thank you for being our guest speaker for the 2005 Professional Working Group Conference at the Doubletree Hotel in Virginia Beach, Virginia. What an awesome speech you gave! We look forward to seeing you at future ABMA Professional Working Group Conferences. Sincerely; //S// D.J. THORNTON LT (LDO) USN President Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association 272 APPENDIX R SAMPLE LETTER OF REQUEST TO BE A GUEST SPEAKER (Font reduced to fit page) AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE ASSOCIATION LT Doug Thornton V-4 Division USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) FPO AP 96616-2876 01 July 2005 Captain James Hubbard FLTFORCOM NH-38, 1,100 1562 Mitscher Ave. Norfolk, Va. 23551-2487 Dear Captain Hubbard; The Thirty-Fifth Annual Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association (ABMA) sponsored Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference will be held at the Doubletree Hotel, 1900 Pavilion Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia August 2nd. Through the 5th. 2005. The ABMA is a chartered non-profit organization comprised of active duty and retired Aviation Boatswain’s Mates and supporters of the ABMA. The Association was formed for purposes beneficial to interests of our Nation, our Navy and association membership with the primary objective of stimulating improvements in Naval Aviation safety in the “aircraft on deck” mode, touchdown to takeoff both at sea and ashore. ABMA workshops are conducted annually and chaired by U.S. Navy fleet professionals. The focus and efforts of these workshops are to improve and enhance the aviation safety and readiness of our aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships and shore facilities. Continued support of the ABMA annual Professional Working Group Conference workshops by the U.S. Navy Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) has ensured a steady flow of equipment upgrades, training improvements and procedural changes that have significantly altered the character of flight operations at sea and ashore. The Professional Working Group Conference provides a forum to exchange information, identify problem areas, and recommend solutions to issues involving aircraft launch and recovery equipment, aircraft handling, crash and salvage, aviation fueling, and training. Many achievements have been realized each year in these workshops. As a membership motivation and ABMA perpetuation standpoint, it is the ABMA’s fervent desire to be honored with the opportunity to include you as a guest speaker during the 2005 symposium. We would like for you to speak at the ABMA Opening Ceremony, Tuesday August 2, 2005. We will start with parading the colors at 1215, followed by an invocation by our Chaplain and approximately 1225-1230 introduce you to do the Welcome Aboard. You will be followed at around 1245 by Virginia Beach Mayor, Mayor Meyera Obendorf. Or an available time frame will be worked around your schedule. I am looking forward to your reply and the opportunity to introduce you during this Symposium / Professional Working Group Conference. Please send your reply to me, LT Doug Thornton, V-4 Division, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), FPO AP 96616-2876, email address: thorntondj@cvn76.navy.mil, or phone: (619) 545-0071 ext. 6127 or Cellular (619) 578-1523. You may also contact the Executive Vice-President R. D. Jones there in Norfolk at phone numbers Work (757) 688-1818, or Cellular (757) 618-1490. Further information on the ABMA is available on our website: www.abma-usn.org. Sincerely; //S// D.J. THORNTON LT (LDO) USN President Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association 273 APPENDIX S SAMPLE LETTER OF REQUEST FOR OVERFLOW HOTEL (Font reduced to fit page) AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE ASSOCIATION LT Doug Thornton V-4 Division USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) FPO AP 96616-2876 10 May 2005 Crowne Plaza Hotel ATTN: Mr. Don Meador 4453 Bonney Road Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Dear: Mr. Don Meador The Thirty-Fifth Annual Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association (ABMA) sponsored Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference will be held at the Doubletree Hotel, 1900 Pavilion Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia August 2nd. Through the 5th. 2005. The ABMA is a chartered non-profit organization comprised of active duty and retired Aviation Boatswain’s Mates and supporters of the ABMA. The Association was formed for purposes beneficial to interests of our Nation, our Navy and association membership with the primary objective of stimulating improvements in Naval Aviation safety in the “aircraft on deck” mode, touchdown to takeoff both at sea and ashore. ABMA workshops are conducted annually and chaired by U.S. Navy fleet professionals. The focus and efforts of these workshops are to improve and enhance the aviation safety and readiness of our aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships and shore facilities. Continued support of the ABMA annual Professional Working Group Conference workshops by the U.S. Navy Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) has ensured a steady flow of equipment upgrades, training improvements and procedural changes that have significantly altered the character of flight operations at sea and ashore. The Professional Working Group Conference provides a forum to exchange information, identify problem areas, and recommend solutions to issues involving aircraft launch and recovery equipment, aircraft handling, crash and salvage, aviation fueling, and training. Many achievements have been realized each year in these workshops. Our Professional Working Group Conference is scheduled each year around the end of July or beginning of August with four days of business and social activities culminating with a banquet Friday evening and a family picnic on Saturday. Attendance continues to increase yearly with an average of 450 members participating. The 2004 Professional Working Group Conference was hosted by the San Diego, California Chapter. The 2005 Working Group Conference will be hosted by the Tidewater, Norfolk Virginia Chapter. Past Working Group Conferences have been held at Alameda, CA; San Diego, CA; Patuxent River, MD; Philadelphia, PA; Pensacola, FL; Mayport, FL; Jacksonville, FL; Norfolk, VA; Memphis, TN, and Silverdale, WA. Due to the large number of expected members participating in this year’s Symposium / Professional Working Group Conference the ABMA would like to have the availability to use the Crowne Plaza Hotel as an overflow hotel, as previously discussed in conversation with the Executive Vice President CDR Richard D. Jones and yourself. I am looking forward to your reply and the opportunity to meet you during this year’s Symposium / Professional Working Group Conference. Please send your reply to me, LT Doug Thornton, V-4 Division, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), FPO AP 96616-2876, email address: thorntondj@reagan.navy.mil, or phone: (619) 545-0071 ext. 6127 or Cellular (757) 4090066. You may also contact the Executive Vice-President R. D. Jones there in Norfolk at phone numbers Work (757) 688-1818, or Cellular (757) 618-1490. Further information on the ABMA is available on our website: www.abma-usn.org. Sincerely; //S// D.J. THORNTON LT (LDO) USN President Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association 274 APPENDIX T SAMPLE LETTER OF APPRECIATION FOR HOST CHAPTER (Font reduced to fit page) AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE ASSOCIATION LT Doug Thornton V-4 Div. USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) FPO AP 96616-2876 10 October 2004 Dear San Diego Chapter Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association Members; As President of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association, I personally would like to express my sincere appreciation for the diligent efforts and dedication you demonstrated in organizing and making the 2004 Professional Working Group Conference a major success ABMA workshops are conducted annually and chaired by fleet professionals. The focus and effort of these workshops are to improve aviation safety and readiness on board our aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships as well as shore facilities. Continued support of the ABMA yearly workshops by the Chief of Naval Operations has ensured a steady flow of equipment upgrades, training improvements and procedural changes that have significantly altered the character of flight operations at sea and ashore. The working groups provide a forum to exchange information, identify problem areas, and recommend solutions: involving Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment, Aircraft Handling, Crash and Salvage, Aviation Fueling, and training issues. Our Professional Working Group Conference is scheduled each year around the end of July or beginning of August with four days of business and social activities culminating with a banquet Friday evening and a family picnic on Saturday. Attendance continues to increase yearly with an average of 450 members participating. The 2004 Professional Working Group Conference was hosted by the San Diego, California Chapter. Past Working Group Conferences have been held at Alameda, CA; San Diego, CA; Patuxent River, MD; Philadelphia, PA; Pensacola, FL; Mayport, FL; Jacksonville, FL; Norfolk, VA; Memphis, TN, and Silverdale, WA. Our membership in the ABMA is now over 2000 with annual and life memberships available for both regular and associate members. We encourage all Aviation Boatswain’s Mates to join the ABMA and help us accomplish our goals. The ABMA would like to thank all the members of the San Diego Chapter ABMA whose actions in support of the ABMA have placed us second to none as Naval Aviation Safety trendsetters. You meticulously planned a highly successful and thoroughly enjoyable Professional Working Group Conference. I am personally grateful of the diligent efforts and dedication you have provided the Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association. Congratulations on a job well done! Sincerely; //S// D. J. THORNTON LT (LDO) USN President ABMA 275 APPENDIX U SAMPLE LETTER OF APPRECIATION FOR COMPANY SUPPORT (Font reduced to fit page) AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE ASSOCIATION LT Doug Thornton V-4 Div. USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) FPO AP 96616-2876 thorntondj@reagan.navy.mil 10 August 2004 W.L. GORE & ASSOCIATES. INC. 105 Vieve’s Way P.O. Box 729 Elkton, MD. 21922-0729 Dear Ms. Beth Guidash; As President of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association, I personally would like to express my sincere appreciation for the support your company has provided the ABMA in making the 2004 Professional Working Group Conference a major success. Even though travel money is tight and your workloads are very demanding, you took the extra effort ensuring that your company was well represented. The personnel you sent to played a very important roll in the future of Naval Aviation. ABMA workshops are conducted annually and chaired by fleet professionals. The focus and effort of these workshops are to improve aviation safety and readiness on board our aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships as well as shore facilities. Continued support of the ABMA yearly workshops by the Chief of Naval Operations has ensured a steady flow of equipment upgrades, training improvements and procedural changes that have significantly altered the character of flight operations at sea and ashore. The working groups provide a forum to exchange information, identify problem areas, and recommend solutions: involving Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment, Aircraft Handling, Crash and Salvage, Aviation Fueling, and training issues. Our Professional Working Group Conference is scheduled each year around the end of July or beginning of August with four days of business and social activities culminating with a banquet Friday evening and a family picnic on Saturday. Attendance continues to increase yearly with an average of 450 members participating. The 2004 Professional Working Group Conference was hosted by the San Diego, California Chapter. The 2004 Working Group Conference will be hosted by the San Diego, California Chapter. Past Working Group Conferences have been held at Alameda, CA; San Diego, CA; Patuxent River, MD; Philadelphia, PA; Pensacola, FL; Mayport, FL; Jacksonville, FL; Norfolk, VA; Memphis, TN, and Silverdale, WA. Our membership in the ABMA is now over 2000 with annual and life memberships available for both regular and associate members. We encourage all Aviation Boatswain’s Mates to join the ABMA and help us accomplish our goals. Additional information on the association is available online at www.abma-usn.org or by contacting the ABMA Secretary Mrs. Terry Santiago, via e-mail at secretary@abma-usn.org. The ABMA would like to thank all concerned businesses whose actions in support of the ABMA have placed us second to none as Naval Aviation Safety trendsetters. I am personally grateful of the support your company has provided us, and I hope you and your company will continue to support us in the years to come. Sincerely; //S// D. J. THORNTON LT (LDO) USN President ABMA 276 APPENDIX V SAMPLE LETTER OF NEWSPAPER ARTICLE ANNOUNCING UPCOMING SYMPOSIUM/PROFESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE The National Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association (ABMA) announces the Thirty-Eighth Annual Sponsored Professional Working Group Conference. The thirty-eighth annual Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association (ABMA) sponsored Professional Working Group Conference will be held from 3 August to 9 August, 2008 at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott Hotel, 235 East Main Street, Norfolk, Virginia 23510. Check-in for military active duty and department of defense (DOD) civilian personnel on temporary assigned duty (tad) orders will be from 1200-1700 on Sunday 3 August, 2008. The opening ceremonies will commence on Monday 4 August, 2008. Workshops will be conducted throughout the week, ending with a picnic on Saturday 9 August, 2008. The conference is scheduled each year around the end of July or beginning of August with five days of business and social activities culminating with a banquet Friday evening and a family picnic on Saturday. ABMA workshops are chaired by U.S. Navy fleet professionals. The focus and effort of these workshops is to improve and enhance the aviation safety and pursue cost wise readiness initiatives onboard our aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships and shore facilities. Continued support of the ABMA annual Professional Working Group Conference workshops by the U.S. Navy Office of Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) has resulted in a steady flow of equipment upgrades, training improvements and procedural changes that have significantly altered the character of flight operations at sea and ashore. The Professional Working Group Conference provides a forum to exchange information, identify areas of opportunity, and recommend improvement initiatives involving aircraft launch and recovery equipment, aircraft handling, crash and salvage, aviation fueling and training issues. A working group conference is hosted each year at different locations by local chapters throughout the United States. This makes it possible for more fleet personnel to attend. They are professionally oriented and the workshops are attended by shipboard and shore-based fleet personnel, along with systems command (SYSCOM) technical specialists, in service engineering agents (ISEA), and manpower management directors. Agenda items are screened and compiled by the type commanders from point papers submitted by fleet personnel and technical agencies throughout the year. The focus is to improve communications between fleet Aviation Boatswain's Mates and those personnel and agencies responsible for design and implementation of various operating systems. Workshop results are forwarded to the CNO’s office for review, and through the quality inputs of each working group conference, many changes have been made towards furthering our goal of increasing safety and efficiency in the naval aviation enterprise. The ABMA was founded in 1974 and chartered as a non-profit organization. Operated exclusively for purposes beneficial to the interests of the Nation, our Navy and the association membership, their dependents and survivors, with the primary objective of stimulating improvements in naval aviation safety in the “aircraft on deck” mode, touchdown to takeoff both at sea and ashore. The ABMA is comprised of active duty, reserve and retired United States Navy Aviation Boatswain’s Mates, and several associate members throughout many corporations. 277 The ABMA would like to thank all concerned naval agencies whose actions in support of the ABMA have placed us second to none as naval aviation safety trend setters. More information on the Aviation Boatswain's Mates Association is available at www.abmausn.org or by contacting the ABMA secretary via e-mail at secretary@abma-usn.org. 278 APPENDIX W SAMPLE LETTER OF APPRECIATION FOR SUPPORT FROM TYCOM (Font reduced to fit page) AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE ASSOCIATION LT Doug Thornton V-4 Division USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) FPO AP 96616-2876 19 September 2005 Commander Naval Air Force U.S. Atlantic Fleet 1279 Franklin Street Norfolk, VA 23511-2494 Dear: Commander Naval Air Force U.S. Atlantic Fleet, As President of the Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association (ABMA), I personally would like to express my sincere appreciation for the support your command has provided the ABMA in making the 2005 Professional Working Group Conference a major success. Even though travel money is tight and your workloads are very demanding, you took the extra effort ensuring that your Command was well represented. The personnel you sent played a very important role in the future of Naval Aviation. ABMA workshops are conducted annually and chaired by U.S. Navy fleet professionals. The focus and efforts of these workshops are to improve and enhance the aviation safety and readiness of our aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships and shore facilities. Continued support of the ABMA annual Professional Working Group Conference workshops by the U.S. Navy Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) has ensured a steady flow of equipment upgrades, training improvements and procedural changes that have significantly altered the character of flight operations at sea and ashore. The Professional Working Group Conference provides a forum to exchange information, identify problem areas, and recommend solutions to issues involving aircraft launch and recovery equipment, aircraft handling, crash and salvage, aviation fueling, and training issues. Our Professional Working Group Conference is scheduled each year around the end of July or beginning of August with four days of business and social activities culminating with a banquet Friday evening and a family picnic on Saturday. Attendance continues to increase yearly with an average of 450 members participating. The 2005 Professional Working Group Conference was hosted by the Tidewater (Norfolk, VA.) Chapter. The 2006 Working Group Conference will be hosted by the Pensacola, FL. Chapter. Past Working Group Conferences have been held at Alameda, CA; San Diego, CA; Patuxent River, MD; Philadelphia, PA; Pensacola, FL; Mayport, FL; Jacksonville, FL; Norfolk, VA; Memphis, TN, and Silverdale, WA. Our membership in the ABMA is now over 2000 with annual and life memberships available for both regular and associate members. We encourage all Aviation Boatswain’s Mates to join the ABMA and help us accomplish our goals. Additional information on the Associate is available online at www.abma-usn.org or by contacting the ABMA Secretary, Mrs. Terry Santiago, via e-mail at secretary@abma-usn.org. The ABMA would like to thank all concerned Naval Agencies whose actions in support of the ABMA have placed us second to none as Naval Aviation Safety trendsetters. I am personally grateful of the support your command has provided us, and I hope you and your command will continue to support us in the years to come. Sincerely; //S// D.J. THORNTON LT (LDO) USN President Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association 279 APPENDIX X SAMPLE OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA 02-05 AUGUST 2005 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. INTRODUCTIONS 3. SECRETARY’S REPORT 4. TREASURER’S REPORT 5. OLD BUSINESS a. PRESIDENT’S GOALS STATUS. b. ADMIN POLICY UPDATES. c. BY-LAW UPDATES. 6. NEW BUSINESS: a. E-4 AND BELOW WITH SIGNIFICANT OTHER SUBSIDIZING b. ANY OTHER NEW BUSINESS 7. ADJOURNMENT a. REVIEW OF TASKINGS. b. SECRETARY’S NOTES OR CONCERNS c. TREASURER’S NOTES OR CONCERNS d. VERIFICATION OF CONTACT INFORMATION FOR ALL BOARD MEMBERS 280 APPENDIX Y SAMPLE LETTER FOR SUPPORT FROM VENDORS AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE ASSOCIATION The purpose of this letter is to introduce you to our unique organization, the Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association (ABMA). The ABMA was founded in 1974 and chartered as a nonprofit organization. Membership consists of active duty and retired Aviation Boatswain’s Mates, along with corporate supporters who are “Associate Members”. Unlike some groups, we do not have an annual reunion, but instead we have a dedicated workshop-oriented Professional Working Group Conference. The Conference is hosted each year at different locations by local chapters throughout the United States, to allow more fleet and shore based personnel opportunity to attend. The Conferences are professionally oriented with the primary focus directed towards improved communications between fleet Aviation Boatswain’s Mates and those personnel and agencies responsible for operational procedures, design and implementation of the various systems associated with the “Day to Day” life of an “AB”. Shore based and shipboard fleet personnel, along with the System Command level technical specialists, in service engineering agents and manpower management directors, attend the workshops. Agenda items are screened and compiled by the Type Commanders from point papers submitted by fleet personnel and technical agencies throughout the year. Areas covered include manpower and professional functions relating to aircraft handling, recovery, launching, refueling, fire fighting, and crash/salvage operations both at-sea and ashore, and training for all phases of the rate. Workshop results are forwarded to the Office of Chief of Naval Operations for review. Through the quality inputs of each successive Conference, many changes have been made in our rating towards furthering our goal of increasing safety in Naval Aviation. Please accept our invitation to attend the 36th Annual ABMA Professional Working Group Conference beginning, Tuesday, August 15th, through Saturday, August 19th 2006. The location site chosen for this year’s Conference is the Hilton Garden Inn Pensacola Beach, 12 Via De Luna Drive, Pensacola, FL 32561. Tel: 1-850-916-2999, Fax: 1-850-9340891, Website: www.hiltongardeninn.com. Room reservation phone: 1866-916-2999, ask for group reservations and refer to “Code ABM”. Be sure to identify yourself as being with the ABMA Conference to get the ABMA rate! Our goal is to only exhibit equipment, products, or services directly related to mission effectiveness of Aviation Boatswain’s Mates at-sea or ashore. Although the ABMA cannot endorse any equipment, product, or service, you are cordially invited to participate in this year’s Conference. Your display will provide you 281 with exposure and the opportunity to establish personal contacts with active duty/reserve AB’s, who actually use your products. We are requesting a donation as follows: $800.00 (Early Bird) through April 15th, ,$850.00 (April 16th through May 15th), and $900.00 (May 16th through June 16th) to reserve a suitable display space. If a cancellation is requested after June 16th, a refund of 65% will be returned. You, as the Vendor, have the right to petition the ABMA Board of Directors within 30 days to state your case for a 100% refund. The Display areas are assigned on a “first come, first served” basis. All vendors should be ready to set up their displays after 1:00 P.M. on Monday, August 14th, 2006. If you are unable to attend or setup a display, a donation of $250.00 will ensure a listing in our conference program, ABMA Newsletter, and ABMA web site at www.abma-usn.org. We average approximately 500-600 attendees each year at our Conference. To reserve a space for a Vendor Booth, simply complete/return the attached ABMA Conference Vendor Card to Stoney Burke, National Vendor Coordinator, by mail to, - P.O. Box 1106, Lakehurst, New Jersey 08733, by fax to (732) 657-4749, or by e-mail to, rjstoneyburke@aol.com. Checks should be made payable to the “ABMA”, and forwarded to – Stoney Burke, ABMA National Treasurer, at, P.O. Box 1106, Lakehurst, NJ, 08733-0606. Upon receipt of your Vendor Card and check, we will acknowledge your desire to participate. It is requested that all submissions for a Vendor Booth be received prior to July 4th, 2006. You are also encouraged to attend the banquet on Friday evening and the picnic on Saturday. Our on-site Point of Contact is Master Chief Drew Sundin. He can be reached at 850-922-7200 or Drew.Sundin@navy.mil. We are looking forward to seeing you or a representative at our 36th Annual ABMA Professional Working Group Conference in Pensacola Beach, Florida. I am certain that you will make many new friends, meet old ones, listen to some very informed speakers, and benefit from attending the active duty workshops. 282 APPENDIX Z SAMPLE LETTER OF REQUEST TO BE A GUEST SPEAKER FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND HIGH RANKING OFFICIALS (Font reduced to fit page) AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE ASSOCIATION LT Doug Thornton V-4 Division USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) FPO AP 96616-2876 01 July 2005 The President The White House Washington, DC 20500-001 Dear Mr. President; The Thirty-Fifth Annual Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association (ABMA) sponsored Symposium/ Professional Working Group Conference will be held at the Doubletree Hotel, 1900 Pavilion Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia August 2nd. through the 5th. 2005. The ABMA is a chartered non-profit organization comprised of active duty military and retired military Aviation Boatswain’s Mates and supporters of the ABMA. The Association was formed for purposes beneficial to interests of our Nation, our Navy and association membership with the primary objective of stimulating improvements in Naval Aviation safety in the “aircraft on deck” mode, touchdown to takeoff both at sea and ashore. ABMA workshops are conducted annually and chaired by U.S. Navy fleet professionals. The focus and efforts of these workshops are to improve and enhance the aviation safety and readiness of our aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships and shore facilities. Continued support of the ABMA annual Professional Working Group Conference workshops by the U.S. Navy Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) has ensured a steady flow of equipment upgrades, training improvements and procedural changes that have significantly altered the character of flight operations at sea and ashore. The Professional Working Group Conference provides a forum to exchange information, identify problem areas, and recommend solutions to issues involving aircraft launch and recovery equipment, aircraft handling, crash and salvage, aviation fueling, and training. Many achievements have been realized each year in these workshops. Mr. President, though you have a very busy schedule, it is the ABMA’s fervent desire to be honored with the opportunity to include you as a guest speaker during the 2005 symposium. We can make available any time frame in our program to work around your schedule. I am looking forward to your reply and the opportunity to introduce you during this Symposium / Professional Working Group Conference. Please send your reply to me, LT Doug Thornton, V-4 Division, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), FPO AP 96616-2876, email address: thorntondj@cvn76.navy.mil, or phone: (619) 545-0071 ext. 6127 or Cellular (619) 578-1523. You may also contact the Executive Vice-President R. D. Jones there in Norfolk at phone numbers Work (757) 688-1818, or Cellular (757) 618-1490. Further information on the ABMA is available on our website: www.abma-usn.org. Sincerely; //S// D.J. THORNTON LT (LDO) USN President Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Association 283 APPENDIX AA NEWS ARTICLE SUBMISSION DEADLINES AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE ASSOCIATION NEWSPAPER/TV POINT OF CONTACT E-MAIL DEADLINE Unknown News Team Sonja Barisic; sbarisic@ap.org 2 Weeks Unknown News Team Anthony Lewis; avp@ix.netcom.com 2 Weeks Navytimes Bill McMichaels; bmcmichael@navytimes.com 2 Weeks KQTV Bob Lawrence; blawrence@kgtv.com 2 Weeks VA Pilot Carl Fincke; Carl.Fincke@pilotonline.com 2 Weeks Unknown News Team CDR Bob Anderson; directorbob@earthlink.net 2 Weeks Unknown News Team Cindy Tessler; jcadtessler@msn.com 2 Weeks Unknown News Team Clifton S. Smith; sslawyers@earthlink.net 2 Weeks Navy Times Dave Brown; dbrown@navytimes.com 2 Weeks ABC David Gibson; david.gibson@abc.com 2 Weeks NGC Edward J. Anderson; EDWARD.ANDERSON@NGC.COM 2 Weeks KQTV Ginny Creighton; gcreighton@kgtv.com 2 Weeks KQN Grace Protzman; kgnprotzman@yahoo.com 2 Weeks Metro Networks Jack Callaghan; jack_callaghan@metronetworks.com 2 Weeks Fox News James F. Doetsch III; james.doetsch@foxnews.com 2 Weeks Fox News Janet Boyd; janet.boyd@foxnews.com 2 Weeks WVEC Janet Roach; jroach@wvec.com 2 Weeks JMH Photos Jason M. Hirschfeld; JMHphotos@aol.com 2 Weeks NY 1 News Jeremy Bitz; jeremy.bitz@ny1news.com 2 Weeks Unknown News team Jurg E. Kursener; j_kuersener@hotmail.com 2 Weeks Unknown News team Kelly Mendleto; kellym@revenet.com 2 Weeks Daily Press Kimball Payne; kpayne@dailypress.com 2 Weeks Daily Press Kimberly Root; kroot@dailypress.com 2 Weeks K6 USN Larry Mitchell, Allen Sherwood; K6USN@aol.com 2 Weeks KUSI Leon Gilchrist; leon@kusi.com 2 Weeks NNSY Navy News Mark Carey; CareyMB@nnsy.navy.mil 2 Weeks Unknown News Team Mark Larson; mark@marklarson.com 2 Weeks Daily Press Michael Fabey; mfabey@dailypress.com 2 Weeks Michael Reagan Talks Michael Reagan Show; MReaganTalks@aol.com 2 Weeks Dallas News Mike Peters; mpeters@dallasnews.com 2 Weeks Unknown News Team Natalie Flynn; natalieflynn@charter.net 2 Weeks Daily Press Peter Dujardin ; pdujardin@dailypress.com 2 Weeks NGC Raymond Mason; RAY.MASON@NGC.COM 2 Weeks Marine Link Regina Ciardiello; ciardiello@marinelink.com 2 Weeks TV 10 News Robert Lawrence Robert_Lawrence@10news.com Few days Unknown News Team Roger Sandler; rogsandler@aol.com 2 Weeks Daily Press Stertz Bradley; BStertz@dailypress.com None Jet Observer Angelique Moon; (Note 1) Angelique.moon@militarynews.com 8-10 days Tues Jet Observer Jet Observer; (Note 1) jet@militarynews.com 8-10 days Tues Flagship News JO2 Jennifer Carl; news@flagshipnews.com 2 Weeks Dallas Morning News Mike Peters; mpeters@dallasmorningnews.com 2 Weeks Gosport Pensacola Fl. Scott D. Hallford scott.hallford@navy.mil None Navy Dispatch San Diego Dispatch editor@navydispatch.com 2 Weeks Union Tribune San Diego Karin E. Winner (Note 2) 2 Days VFW Magazine Reunions and Claims (Note 3) 4 Months The Free Daily (Note 4). Susan Haendel kdailyproduction@soundpublishing.com 2 Days 284 NEWSPAPER/TV POINT OF CONTACT E-MAIL Seattle Times (Note 5) Jim Simon jsimon@seattletimes.com Seattle Times (Note 5) Mark Higgins mhiggins@seattletimes.com Seattle Times (Note 5) News Tip newstips@seattletimes.com Green Bay Press-Gazette John Dye (Note 6) jdye@greenbaypressgazette.com Green Bay Press-Gazette Julie Riebe (Note 6) jriebe@greenbaypressgazette.com Northwest Navigator (Note 7) Fred Miles Watson nwnavigatorcnrw@navy.mil DEADLINE 1 Week 1 Week 1 Week 10 Days 10 Days 12 Days Note 1 Send to Angelique Moon with header “Calendar” 8-10 days before the event, publications go out Tuesday. Note 2 Mail to Union -Tribune Publishing Co., 350 Camino De La Reina, San Diego, Ca. 92108-3090 Note 3 Fill out form in VFW Magazine or go to website; http://www.vfw.org/magizine/51.shtml, and mail th to; VFW Magazine, 406 W. 34 St. Suite 523, Kansas City Mo. 64111. VFW Members only. Any improperly completed or illegible forms will be discarded. Note 4 The Free Daily is published by; Sound Publishing, Inc., 7689 NE Day Road, Bainbridge Island, Wa. 98410. Corporate Offices-(206) 842-8305, Bainbridge Island Review- (206) 842-6613, North Kitsap Herald- (360) 779-4464, Central Kitsap Reporter (360) 308-9161, Bremerton Patriot-(360) 782-1581, Port Orchard Independent- (360) 876-4414 Note 5 Seattle Times: Metro Editor Jim Simon (206)464-2480, Deputy Metro Editor Mark Higgins (206) 515-5638. Note 6 Green Bay Press-Gazette Street address: 435 E. Walnut St., Green Bay, Wi. Mailing address: P.O. Box 23430, Green Bay, Wi., 54305-3430, Lobby Hours: 0800-1700 Mon-Fri., Phone (920) 4354411 or 1-(800) 444-0007, Website: www.greenbaypressgazette.com . Online Editor Julie Riebe (920) 431-8211, Executive Editor John Dye (920) 431-8377. Toll free number 1 (800)-289-8221, FAX (920)431-8379, General Phone Number (920)-431-8400. Note 7 The Northwest Navigator is produced under CE contract by; , Inc., 7689 NE Day Road, Bainbridge Island, Wa. 98410. Corporate Offices-(206) 842-8305, Publisher Rob White, Editorial Managing Editor Fred Miles Watson. Address: 9989 Silverdale Way N.W., Suite 109, Silverdale, Wa. 98383. Phone: (360) 308-9161, Fax: (360) 308-9363. 285 APPENDIX AB ABMA NEWSLETTER EXAMPLE (ATTACHED) 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 APPENDIX AC TRADEMARK INFORMATION Where Do I Start? There are several resources within the USPTO website. These include information as well as online capabilities for every stage of the registration process. In fact, you can conduct most of your trademark business with the USPTO online. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with our site before you begin the trademark application process. Types of Intellectual Property The first step is to determine what type of intellectual property protection you need. There are three types of intellectual property: trademarks , patents and copyrights . The Trademark Office of the USPTO handles trademarks only. For information on patents, please visit Patents or contact 800-786-9199. For information on copyrights, please contact the Copyright Office (a division of the Library of Congress). Basic Information and Rules of the Road Ok, so now you have determined that a trademark is what you need. Your second step should be to familiarize yourself with the general rules and requirements for applying for a trademark registration. To do so, go to Basic Facts About Trademarks booklet and the Frequently Asked Questions. You can look up legal terms as well as other terms relating to trademarks in our Glossary . For specific rules and regulations, please consult the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP). Searching Trademarks The next step is to search our database, before filing your application, to determine whether anyone is already claiming trademark rights in a particular mark. You may conduct a search online for free via our TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System ) database. If your mark includes a design element, you will need to search it by using a design code. To locate the proper design code(s), please consult the Design Search Code Manual. You may also conduct a trademark search by visiting the Trademark Public Search Library, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. at the Public Search Facility – Madison East, 1st Floor; 600 Dulany St.; Alexandria, VA 22313. Use of the Public Search Library is free to the public. Also, certain information may be searched at a Patent and Trademark Depository Library near you. These libraries have CD-ROMS containing the database of registered and pending marks. (However, the CD-ROMS do not contain images of the design marks.) If your search yields a mark that you think might conflict with your mark, you should check its status via our TARR (Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval ) database. You will need the serial number or registration number of a particular mark to access information on TARR. Identification of Goods and Services Now that you have chosen your mark and conducted a trademark search, you will need to draft a description of goods and/or services. A trademark application is incomplete without a statement identifying the goods and/or services with which the mark is used or will be used. The identification of goods and/or services must be specific enough to identify the nature of the goods and/or services. The level of specificity depends on the type of goods and/or services. For examples of acceptable identifications, please consult the Acceptable Identification of Goods and Services Manual . Mark 300 Another consideration is the depiction of your mark. Every application must include a clear representation of the mark you want to register. We use this representation to file the mark in the USPTO search records and to print the mark in the Official Gazette and on the registration certificate . There are two possible mark formats: (1) standard character format ; or (2) stylized or design format. The standard character format should be used to register word(s), letter(s), number(s) or any combination thereof, without claim to any particular font style, size, or color, and absent any design element. Registration of a mark in the standard character format will provide broad rights, namely use in any manner of presentation. The stylized or design format, on the other hand, is appropriate if you wish to register a mark with a design element or word(s) or letter(s) having a particular stylized appearance that you wish to protect. The two types of mark formats cannot be mixed in one mark; do not submit a representation of a mark that attempts to combine a standard character format and a stylized or design format. Filing a Trademark Application You may file your trademark application online using TEAS - the Trademark Electronic Application System. TEAS allows you to fill out an application form and check it for completeness, and then submit the application directly to the USPTO over the internet. You can pay by credit card, through an existing USPTO deposit account, or via electronic funds transfer. You may also contact the Trademark Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9199 for a hard copy of the Basic Facts brochure, or a paper form. Paper forms are not processed as quickly as those submitted electronically, however. NOTE: If you live in Northern Virginia or cannot use “800” numbers, the number is (571) 272-9250 . If you file an application online through TEAS, you will receive a summary of the filing by e-mail and your application will be assigned an immediate serial number. Otherwise, if you file a paper application by regular mail, please allow at least two to three (2-3) weeks to receive a filing receipt for your application. The filing receipt will include the serial number of the application. All future correspondence with the USPTO must include this serial number. You should receive a response to your application from the USPTO within five to six months from filing the application. However, the total time for an application to be processed may be anywhere from almost a year to several years, depending on the basis for filing, and the legal issues which may arise in the examination of the application. You may monitor the progress of your application through the TARR database. 301 APPENDIX AD BASIC FACTS ABOUT TRADEMARKS TRADEMARK, COPYRIGHT OR PATENT? What is a trademark or service mark? Do Trademarks, Copyrights and Patents protect the same things? SHOULD I REGISTER MY MARK? Is registration of my mark required? When can I use the trademark symbols TM, SM and ®? WHAT DOES THE USPTO DO? HOW DO I FILE A TRADEMARK APPLICATION? Is there a form for filing my application? Are there other ways to file besides the Internet? Must I hire an attorney? WHAT MUST THE APPLICATION INCLUDE? • NAME OF THE APPLICANT Do I have to be a U.S. citizen to apply? • NAME AND ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE • DEPICTION OF THE MARK (“THE DRAWING”) What is a “standard character” drawing? What is a “stylized or special form” drawing? What if I want to show color on the drawing? • GOODS AND/OR SERVICES Can I change the goods and/or services after filing my application? • APPLICATION FILING FEE • BASIS FOR FILING What is “use in commerce”? What is “intent to use”? Is there any other possible filing basis? • SPECIMEN What is a “specimen” of use? What is a proper specimen for use of a mark on goods (products)? What is a proper specimen for use of a mark with services? How do I file the specimen? When do I file the specimen? • SIGNATURE Who can sign the application? How do I sign a TEAS application? WHAT HAPPENS AFTER I FILE MY APPLICATION? • LEGAL AND PROCEDURAL REVIEW OF APPLICATION Does the examining attorney search for conflicting marks? Can I search for conflicting marks before filing? Are there other reasons the examining attorney might refuse my mark? • PUBLICATION FOR OPPOSITION • CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION OR NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR “INTENT TO USE” APPLICATIONS What is an Allegation of Use? When do I file an Allegation of Use? Is there a deadline for filing the Statement of Use after the Notice of Allowance issues? What is a Request for an Extension of Time to file a Statement of Use? MAINTAINING A FEDERAL TRADEMARK REGISTRATION USPTO CONTACTS FOR MORE INFORMATION 302 OTHER TRADEMARK RESOURCES United States Patent and Trademark Office Homepage Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries (PTDL) International Schedule of Classes of Goods and Services Fees for Filing Trademark-Related Documents 303 APPENDIX AE TRADEMARK FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS CONTENTS Definitions • • • • What is a trademark? What is a service mark? What is a certification mark? What is a collective mark? Basic Questions • • • • • • • • • • • • Do I have to register my trademark? What are the benefits of federal trademark registration? Do I have to be a U.S. citizen to obtain a federal registration? Where can I find trademark forms? Where can I get basic trademark information? Where can I ask a question about trademarks? Are there federal regulations governing the use of the designations “TM” or “SM” with trademarks? When can I use the federal registration symbol ® with the mark? Do I need an attorney to file a trademark application? What constitutes “interstate commerce”? How do I find out whether a mark is already registered? Is a federal registration valid outside the United States? Searching • • • • • • • Is it advisable to conduct a search of the Office records before filing an application? Can the Office conduct a search for an applicant? Can trademarks be searched online? In searching the trademark data base on the Web there are records that appear to be a registrations but the registration numbers are shown as 0000000. Is this an error? Where can I conduct a trademark search? What are “common law” rights? What is a “common law” search? How can I do one? Is doing a common law search necessary? Trademarks, Patents and Copyrights • • How do I find out if I need patent, trademark and/or copyright protection? How do I register a copyright? Application Process • • • • • • • • • • How do I obtain a federal trademark registration? Who may file an application? Do I have to use the application form provided by the Office? Can a fax copy or photocopy of an application be filed? Can I fax in my application? What is a specimen? What is a drawing? If I submit a specimen, is a drawing still required? Do I need an attorney to file my application? On what bases can a foreign applicant file an application for registration? 304 • • • • • • • • Can the Office refuse to register a mark? Can I get a refund of monies paid to the Office? How can I check on the status of a pending U.S. Trademark application? How long does it take for a mark to be registered? How long does a trademark registration last? When did the renewal period change from twenty to ten years? How long does an Intent-to-Use applicant have to allege actual use of the mark in commerce? What are the different classes of goods and services? Other • • • • • • • • • • What is the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS)? How do I contest someone else using a trademark similar to mine? What official publications and information are available concerning trademarks? What is a PTDL (Patent and Trademark Depository Library)? How do I register to practice before the Patent and Trademark Office? Is the name of a band a trademark? Can a minor file a trademark application? Can the ownership of a trademark be assigned or transferred from one person to another? My spouse owned a trademark registration and has since died. Do I own it now? What are some suggestions to facilitate filing a trademark application and/or contacting the Office? Madrid Protocol – Frequently Asked Questions Definitions What is a trademark? A trademark includes any word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination, used, or intended to be used, in commerce to identify and distinguish the goods of one manufacturer or seller from goods manufactured or sold by others, and to indicate the source of the goods. In short, a trademark is a brand name. What is a service mark? A service mark is any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination, used, or intended to be used, in commerce, to identify and distinguish the services of one provider from services provided by others, and to indicate the source of the services. What is a certification mark? A certification mark is any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination, used, or intended to be used, in commerce with the owner’s permission by someone other than its owner, to certify regional or other geographic origin, material, mode of manufacture, quality, accuracy, or other characteristics of someone’s goods or services, or that the work or labor on the goods or services was performed by members of a union or other organization. What is a collective mark? A collective mark is a trademark or service mark used, or intended to be used, in commerce, by the members of a cooperative, an association, or other collective group or organization, including a mark which indicates membership in a union, an association, or other organization. Basic Questions 305 Do I have to register my trademark? No, but federal registration has several advantages, including notice to the public of the registrant’s claim of ownership of the mark, a legal presumption of ownership nationwide, and the exclusive right to use the mark on or in connection with the goods or services set forth in the registration. What are the benefits of federal trademark registration? a. Constructive notice nationwide of the trademark owner’s claim. 2. Evidence of ownership of the trademark. 3. Jurisdiction of federal courts may be invoked. 4. Registration can be used as a basis for obtaining registration in foreign countries. 5. Registration may be filed with U.S. Customs Service to prevent importation of infringing foreign goods. Do I have to be a U.S. Citizen to obtain a federal registration? No. However, an applicant’s citizenship must be set forth in the record. If an applicant is not a citizen of any country, then a statement to that effect is sufficient. If an applicant has dual citizenship, then the applicant must choose which citizenship will be printed in the Official Gazette and on the certificate of registration. Where can I find trademark forms? You can access forms through the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), at http://www.uspto.gov/teas/index.html. TEAS can be used to file an application for registration of a mark, response to examining attorney’s Office action, notice of change of address, amendment to allege use, statement of use, request for extension of time to file a statement of use, affidavit of continued use under 15 U.S.C. §1058, affidavit of incontestability under 15 U.S.C. §1065, combined affidavit under 15 U.S.C. §§1058 and 1065, or combined filing under 15 U.S.C. §§1058 and 1059. Additional forms may be available through the Trademark Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9199 (or 571-272-9250). Where can I get basic trademark information? The USPTO website at http://www.uspto.gov/main/trademarks.htm provides a wide variety of information about trademarks and offers electronic filing of trademark applications and other trademark documents. The Trademark Electronic Business Center contains all the information needed for the entire registration process. You can search the trademark database for conflicting marks using the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS), at http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/gate.exe?f=login&p_lang=english&p_d=trmk, file applications and other trademark documents online using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), at http://www.uspto.gov/teas/index.html, and check the status of applications and registrations through the Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) database at http://tarr.uspto.gov. For information about applying for a trademark, click Basic Facts About Trademarks. If you need answers to specific trademark questions, please contact the Trademark Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9199 (or 571-2729250). For patent information, please contact the Inventors Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9199. If you live in Northern Virginia, the number is (703) 308-4357. Where can I ask a question about trademarks? If you need answers to specific trademark questions or want to know more about trademarks in general, please contact the Trademark Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9199 (or 571-272-9250). Are there federal regulations governing the use of the designations “TM” or “SM” with trademarks? No. Use of the symbols “TM” or “SM” (for trademark and service mark, respectively) may, however, be governed by local, state, or foreign laws and the laws of the pertinent jurisdiction must be consulted. These 306 designations usually indicate that a party claims rights in the mark and are often used before a federal registration is issued. When is it proper to use the federal registration symbol (the letter R enclosed within a circle -- ® -- with the mark. The federal registration symbol may be used once the mark is actually registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Even though an application is pending, the registration symbol may not be used before the mark has actually become registered. The federal registration symbol should only be used on goods or services that are the subject of the federal trademark registration. [Note: Several foreign countries use the letter R enclosed within a circle to indicate that a mark is registered in that country. Use of the symbol by the holder of a foreign registration may be proper.] Do I need an attorney to file a trademark application? No, although it may be desirable to employ an attorney who is familiar with trademark matters. An applicant must comply with all substantive and procedural requirements of the Trademark Act and Trademark Rules of Practice even if he or she is not represented by an attorney. The names of attorneys who specialize in trademark law may be found in the telephone yellow pages, or by contacting a local bar association. Trademark search firms are often listed in the yellow pages under the heading “Trademark Search Services” or “Patent and Trademark Search Services.” The USPTO cannot aid in the selection of a search firm or an attorney. What constitutes interstate commerce? For goods, “Interstate commerce” involves sending the goods across state lines with the mark displayed on the goods or the packaging for the goods. With services, “interstate commerce” involves offering a service to those in another state or rendering a service which affects interstate commerce (e.g. restaurants, gas stations, hotels, etc.). See TMEP section 901.03. How do I find out whether a mark is already registered? You may conduct a search free of charge on the USPTO website using the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) at http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/gate.exe?f=login&p_lang=English&p_d=trmk. If your mark includes a design element, you will have to search it by using a design code. To locate the proper design code(s), please consult the Design Search Code Manual. You may also conduct a trademark search by visiting the Trademark Public Search Library, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at Public Search Facility – Madison East, 1st Floor; 600 Dulany St.; Alexandria, VA 22313. Use of the Public Search Library is free to the public. You can also conduct a search at a Patent and Trademark Depository Library near you. For locations, click PTDL. Private trademark search firms will conduct searches for a fee. The USPTO cannot aid in the selection of a search firm. Search firms are often listed in the yellow page section of telephone directories under the heading “Trademark Search Services” or “Patent and Trademark Search Services.” Is a federal registration valid outside the United States? No. However, if you are a qualified owner of a trademark application pending before the USPTO, or of a registration issued by the USPTO, you may seek registration in any of the countries that have joined the Madrid Protocol by filing a single application, called an “international application,” with the he International Bureau of the World Property Intellectual Organization, through the USPTO. For more information about the Madrid Protocol, click here. Also, certain countries recognize a United States registration as a basis for filing an application to register a mark in those countries under international treaties. See TMEP Chapter 1000 for further information. The laws of each country regarding registration must be consulted. 307 Searching Is it advisable to conduct a search of the Office records before filing an application? Yes. You may conduct a search free of charge on the USPTO website using the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) at http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/gate.exe?f=login&p_lang=English&p_d=trmk. You may also conduct a trademark search by visiting the Trademark Public Search Library, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at Public Search Facility – Madison East, 1st Floor; 600 Dulany St.; Alexandria, VA 22313. Use of the Public Search Library is free to the public. You can also conduct a search at a Patent and Trademark Depository Library near you. For locations, click PTDL. Can the Office conduct a search for an applicant? No. After a trademark application is filed, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will conduct a search of the records as part of the official examination process. The official search is not done for the applicant but rather to determine whether the mark applied for can be registered. Can trademarks be searched online? Yes. We now offer online searching through the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) database, at http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/gate.exe?f=login&p_lang=English&p_d=trmk. Where can I conduct a trademark search? You may conduct a search free of charge on the USPTO website using the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) at http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/gate.exe?f=login&p_lang=English&p_d=trmk. If your mark includes a design element, you will have to search it by using a design code. To locate the proper design code(s), please consult the Design Search Code Manual. You may also conduct a trademark search by visiting the Trademark Public Search Library, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at Public Search Facility – Madison East, 1st Floor; 600 Dulany St.; Alexandria, VA 22313. Use of the Public Search Library is free to the public. You can also conduct a search at a Patent and Trademark Depository Library near you. For locations, click PTDL. What are common law rights? Federal registration is not required to establish rights in a trademark. Common law rights arise from actual use of a mark. Generally, the first to either use a mark in commerce or file an intent to use application with the Patent and Trademark Office has the ultimate right to use and registration. However, there are many benefits of federal trademark registration. What is a common law search? How can I do one? Is doing a common law search necessary? A common law search involves searching records other than the federal register and pending application records. It may involve checking phone directories, yellow pages, industrial directories, state trademark registers, among others, in an effort to determine if a particular mark is used by others when they have not filed for a federal trademark registration. A common law search is not necessary but some find it beneficial. Telephone numbers for search firms that perform these searches for a fee can be found in the yellow pages of local phone directories and through an Internet search. In searching the trademark data base on the Web there are records that appear to be a registrations but the registration numbers are shown as 0000000. Is this an error? No, this is not an error. The registration number 0000000 is associated with USPTO records that have serial numbers that begin with “89-“. The prefix “89-“ is assigned to material that the PTO is obligated to protect either by law or treaty. However, since this material is not actually registered under the Trademark Act, it is not issued a registration number. 308 There are two types of material that are assigned “89-“ serial numbers. One type is material that is used by U.S. federal agencies that should not be registered as trademarks unless the agencies themselves are filing the trademark applications. The second type is material we are obligated to protect under various international treaties. The entities holding this material may be international organizations or foreign governments. These filings are not assigned registration numbers because the “89-“ materials are not “registered”; they are only deposited in the USPTO for reference and informational purposes. During the USPTO examination of pending applications, the “89-“ material will be referenced as a bar to the registration of a mark undergoing examination if it is determined that the mark in the application creates a false association with entity holding the “89-“ material [15 U.S.C. 1052(a)] or if the “89-“ material is the official flag, coat of arms or other insignia of a country or other political entity [15 U.S.C. 1052(b)]. Trademarks, Patents and Copyrights How do I find out if I need patent, trademark and/or copyright protection? Patents protect inventions and improvements to existing inventions. Copyrights cover literary, artistic, and musical works. Trademarks are brand names and/or designs which are applied to products or used in connection with services. Click here for further information. How do I register a copyright? The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) does not handle the registration of copyrights. The Copyright Office is part of the Library of Congress (202-707-3000). For more information, click on Copyright Office. Application Process How do I obtain a federal trademark registration? You can fill out an application online, check it for completeness, and file it over the Internet using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), at http://www.uspto.gov/teas/index.html. You can also respond to Office actions and file, notices of change of address, allegations of use and requests for extension of time to file a statement of use through TEAS. You can check the status of your application through the Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) database at http://tarr.uspto.gov. If you do not have access to the Internet, you can call the Trademark Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9199 (or 571-2729250) to request a paper form. Who may file an application? Only the owner of the trademark may file an application for its registration. An application filed by a person who is not the owner of the mark will be declared void. Generally, the person who uses or controls the use of the mark, and controls the nature and quality of the goods to which it is affixed, or the services for which it is used, is the owner of the mark. Do I have to use the application form provided by the Office? No, but filing electronically through the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), at http://www.uspto.gov/teas/index.html is strongly encouraged, to avoid the omission of important information. Also, applications filed electronically are processed faster than paper applications. Can a fax copy or photocopy of an application be filed? You cannot transmit an application by means of facsimile transmission, i.e., by “faxing” it to the Office, but you can file a photocopy or a fax copy by U.S. mail or hand delivery. 309 Can I fax in my application? No. What is a specimen? A specimen is a real-world example of how the mark is actually used on the goods or in the offer of services. Labels, tags, or containers for the goods are considered to be acceptable specimens of use for a trademark. For a service mark, specimens may be advertising such as magazine advertisements or brochures. Actual specimens, rather than facsimiles, are preferred. However, if the actual specimens are bulky, or larger than 8½” x 11”, then the applicant must submit facsimiles, (e.g., photographs or good photocopies) of the specimens. Facsimiles may not exceed 8½” x 11”. ONE SPECIMEN IS REQUIRED FOR EACH CLASS OF GOODS OR SERVICES SPECIFIED IN THE APPLICATION. Specimens are required in applications based on actual use in commerce, Section 1(a), 15 U.S.C. §1051(a), and must be filed with the Amendment to Allege Use, 15 U.S.C. §1051(c) , or the Statement of Use, 15 U.S.C. §1051(d), in applications based on a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce, Section 1(b), 15 U.S.C. §1051(b). Specimens are not required for applications based on a foreign application or registration under Section 44 of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. §1126, or for applications based on an extension of protection of an international registration to the United States under Section 66(a) of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. §1141f. What is the drawing? The “drawing” is a page which depicts the mark applicant seeks to register. In an application based on actual use, Section 1(a), 15 U.S.C. §1051(a), the drawing must show the mark as it is actually used, i.e., as shown by the specimens. In the case of an application based on a bona fide intention to use, Section 1(b), 15 U.S.C. §1051(b), the drawing must show the mark as the applicant intends to use it. In an application based on a foreign application or foreign registration, Sections 44(d) or 44(e), 15 U.S.C. §§1126(d) or (e), the drawing must depict the mark as it appears or will appear on the foreign registration. The applicant cannot register more than one mark in a single application. Therefore, the drawing must display only one mark. If an applicant submits a specimen, is a drawing still required? Yes. A drawing is required in all applications, and is used by the Office for several purposes, including printing the mark in the Official Gazette, and on the registration certificate. A specimen, on the other hand, is required as evidence that a mark is in actual use in commerce. Do I need an attorney to file my application? No, although it may be desirable to employ an attorney who is familiar with trademark matters. An applicant must comply with all substantive and procedural requirements of the Trademark Act and the Trademark Rules of Practice even if he or she is not represented by an attorney. The names of attorneys who specialize in trademark law may be found in the telephone yellow pages, or by contacting a local bar association. The USPTO cannot aid in the selection of an attorney. On what bases can a foreign applicant file an application for registration? b. Use in interstate commerce or commerce between the United States and a foreign country. 2. Bona fide or good faith intention to use the mark in interstate commerce or commerce between the United States and a foreign country. 3. Ownership of an application filed in a foreign country (if within six months of the foreign filing date). 4. Ownership of a foreign registration (with a copy). 5. Extension of protection of an international registration to the United States under the Madrid Protocol, pursuant to section 66(a) of the Trademark Act. See TMEP Chapter 1900 at http://tess2.uspto.gov/tmdb/tmep/1900.htm for further information about the Madrid Protocol. 310 Can the Office refuse to register a mark? Yes. The Office will refuse to register matter if it does not function as a trademark. Not all words, names, symbols or devices function as trademarks. For example, matter which is merely the generic name of the goods on which it is used cannot be registered. Additionally, Section 2 of the Trademark Act (15 U.S.C. §1052) contains several of the most common (though not the only) grounds for refusing registration. The grounds for refusal under Section 2 may be summarized as: c. the proposed mark consists of or comprises immoral, deceptive, or scandalous matter; 2. the proposed mark may disparage or falsely suggest a connection with persons (living or dead), institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or bring them into contempt or disrepute; 3. the proposed mark consists of or comprises the flag or coat of arms, or other insignia of the United States, or of any State or municipality, or of any foreign nation; 4. the proposed mark consists of or comprises a name, portrait or signature identifying a particular living individual, except by that individual’s written consent; or the name, signature, or portrait of a deceased President of the United States during the life of his widow, if any, except by the written consent of the widow; 5. the proposed mark so resembles a mark already registered in the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) that use of the mark on applicant’s goods or services are likely to cause confusion, mistake, or deception; 6. the proposed mark is merely descriptive or deceptively misdescriptive of applicant’s goods or services; 7. the proposed mark is primarily geographically descriptive or deceptively geographically misdescriptive of applicant’s goods or services; 8. the proposed mark is primarily merely a surname; and 9. matter that, as a whole, is functional. Can I get a refund of monies paid to the Office? Not usually. Only money paid by mistake or in excess (that is, paid when not required, or not required in the amount paid) may be refunded. A filing fee will be returned if submitted with a defective application which is denied a filing date. However, once the application receives a filing date, the filing fee will normally not be returned. All requests for refunds should be referred to the Finance Office, or the Examining Attorney assigned. How can I check on the status of a pending U.S. trademark application? Once you receive a filing receipt containing the serial number of your application, you may check on the status of your application through the Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) database on the Office’s World Wide Web site at http://tarr.uspto.gov/. If you do not have access to the Internet, you can call the Trademark Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9199 (or 571-272-9250 if you live in Northern Virginia) to request a status check. Applicants should check on the status of their pending applications every six months. How long does it take for a mark to be registered? It is difficult to predict how long it will take for an application to mature into a registration, because there are so many factors that can affect the process. Generally, an applicant will receive a filing receipt approximately six months after filing. The filing receipt will include the serial number of the application. All future correspondence with the PTO must include this serial number. You should receive a response from the Office within six to seven months from filing the application. However, the total time for an application to be processed may be anywhere from almost a year to several years, depending on the basis for filing, and the legal issues which may arise in the examination of the application. Current status information on trademark applications and registrations may be obtained through the Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) database on the Office’s World Wide Web site at http://tarr.uspto.gov/. If you do not have access to the Internet, you can call the Trademark Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9199 (or 571-272-9250 if you live in Northern Virginia) to request a status check. How long does a trademark registration last? 311 For a trademark registration to remain valid, an Affidavit of Use (“Section 8 Affidavit”) must be filed: (1) between the fifth and sixth year following registration, and (2) within the year before the end of every ten-year period after the date of registration. The registrant may file the affidavit within a grace period of six months after the end of the sixth or tenth year, with payment of an additional fee. The registrant must also file a §9 renewal application within the year before the expiration date of a registration, or within a grace period of six months after the expiration date, with payment of an additional fee. Assuming that an affidavit of use is timely filed, registrations granted PRIOR to November 16, 1989 have a 20year term, and registrations granted on or after November 16, 1989 have a 10-year term. This is also true for the renewal periods; renewals granted PRIOR to November 16, 1989 have a 20-year term, and renewals granted on or after November 16, 1989 have a 10-year term. When did the renewal period change from twenty to ten years? November 16, 1989. Registrations issued on or after November 16, 1989 have a ten-year term, renewable every ten years. How long does an Intent-to-Use applicant have to allege actual use of the mark in commerce? An applicant may file an Amendment to Allege Use any time between the filing date of the application and the date the Examining Attorney approves the mark for publication. If an Amendment to Allege Use is not filed, then applicant has six months from the issuance of the Notice of Allowance to file a Statement of Use, unless the applicant requests and is granted an extension of time. If the applicant fails to file either an Amendment to Allege Use or a Statement of Use within the time limits allowed, then the application will be declared abandoned. No registration will be granted. What are the different classes of goods and services? GOODS CLASS 1 (Chemicals) Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly chemical products used in industry, science and agriculture, including those which go to the making of products belonging to other classes. Includes, in particular: • • compost; salt for preserving other than for foodstuffs. Does not include, in particular: • • • raw natural resins (Cl. 02); chemical products for use in medical science (CL 05); fungicides, herbicides and preparations for destroying vermin (CL 05); 312 • • • adhesives for stationery or household purposes (CL 16); salt for preserving foodstuffs (CL 30); straw mulch (CL 31). CLASS 2 (Paints) Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly paints, colorants and preparations used for the protection against corrosion. Includes, in particular: • • • paints, varnishes and lacquers for industry, handicrafts and arts; dyestuffs for clothing; colorants for foodstuffs and beverages. Does not include, in particular: • • • • • • unprocessed artificial resins (CL 01); laundry bluing (CL 03); cosmetic dyes (CL 03); mordants for seed (CL 05); paint boxes (articles for use in school) (CL 16); insulating paints and varnishes (CL 17). CLASS 3 (Cosmetics and cleaning preparations) Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly cleaning preparations and toilet preparations. Includes, in particular: • • deodorants for personal use; sanitary preparations being toiletries. Does not include, in particular: • • • • chemical chimney cleaners (CL 01); degreasing preparations for use in manufacturing processes (CL 01); deodorants other than for personal use (CL 05); sharpening stones and grindstones (hand tools) (CL 08). CLASS 4 (Lubricants and fuels) Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles, wicks. Explanatory Note 313 This class includes mainly industrial oils and greases, fuels and illuminants. Does not include, in particular: • certain special industrial oils and greases (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods). CLASS 5 (Pharmaceuticals) Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly pharmaceuticals and other preparations for medical purposes. Includes, in particular: • • • sanitary preparations for medical purposes and for personal hygiene; deodorants other than for personal use; cigarettes without tobacco, for medical purposes. Does not include, in particular: • • • sanitary preparations being toiletries (CL 03); deodorants for personal use (CL 03); supportive bandages (CL 10). CLASS 6 (Metal goods) Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; iron mongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly unwrought and partly wrought common metals as well as simple products made of them. Does not include, in particular: • • • bauxite (CL 01); mercury, antimony, alkaline and alkaline-earth metals (CL 01); metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists (CL 02). CLASS 7 (Machinery) Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly machines, machine tools, motors and engines. 314 Includes, in particular: • • parts of motors and engines (of all kinds); electric cleaning machines and apparatus. Does not include, in particular: • • • certain special machines and machine tools (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods); hand tools and implements, hand operated (CL 08); motors and engines for land vehicles (CL 12). CLASS 8 (Hand tools) Hand tools and implements (hand operated); cutlery; side arms; razors. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly hand operated implements used as tools in the respective professions. Includes, in particular: • • cutlery of precious metals; electric razors and clippers (hand instruments). Does not include, in particular: • • • • • certain special instruments (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods); machine tools and implements driven by a motor (CL 07); surgical cutlery (CL 10); paperknives (CL 16); fencing weapons (CL 28). CLASS 9 (Electrical and scientific apparatus) Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus. Explanatory Note Includes, in particular: • • • apparatus and instruments for scientific research in laboratories; apparatus and instruments for controlling ships, such as apparatus and instruments, for measuring and for transmitting orders; the following electrical apparatus and instruments: d. • certain electrothermic tools and apparatus, such as electric soldering irons, electric flat irons which, if they were not electric, would belong to Class 8; b. apparatus and devices which, if not electrical, would be listed in various classes, i.e., electrically heated clothing, cigar-lighters for automobiles; protractors; punched card office machines; amusement apparatus adapted for use with television receivers only. 315 Does not include, in particular: • the following electrical apparatus and instruments: e. • • electromechanical apparatus for the kitchen (grinders and mixers for foodstuffs, fruit-presses, electrical coffee mills, etc.), and certain other apparatus and instruments driven by an electrical motor, all coming under Class 7; b. electric razors and clippers (hand instruments) (CL 08); electric toothbrushes and combs (CL 21); c. electrical apparatus for space heating or for the heating of liquids, for cooking, ventilating, etc. (CL 11); clocks and watches and other chronometric instruments (CL 14); control clocks (CL 14). CLASS 10 (Medical apparatus) Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly medical apparatus, instruments and articles. Includes, in particular: • • • special furniture for medical use; hygienic rubber articles (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods); supportive bandages. CLASS 11 (Environmental control apparatus) Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. Explanatory Note Includes, in particular: • • • • • air conditioning apparatus; bedwarmers, hot water bottles, warming pans, electric or non-electric; electrically heated cushions (pads) and blankets, not for medical purposes; electric kettles; electric cooking utensils. Does not include, in particular: • • steam producing apparatus (parts of machines) (CL 07); electrically heated clothing (CL 09). CLASS 12 (Vehicles) Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. Explanatory Note 316 Includes, in particular: • • • motors and engines for land vehicles; couplings and transmission components for land vehicles; air cushion vehicles. Does not include, in particular: • • • • certain parts of vehicles (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods); railway material of metal (CL 06); motors, engines, couplings and transmission components other than for land vehicles (CL 07); parts of motors and engines (of all kinds) (CL 07). CLASS 13 (Firearms) Firearms; ammunition and projectiles; explosives; fireworks. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly firearms and pyrotechnical products. Does not include, in particular: • matches (CL 34). CLASS 14 (Jewelry) Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewelry, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly precious metals, goods in precious metals and, in general, jewelry, clocks and watches. Includes, in particular: • • jewelry (i.e. imitation jewelry and jewelry of precious metal and stones); cuff links, tie pins. Does not include, in particular: • • • • • • • certain goods in precious metals (classified according to their function or purpose), for example: metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists (CL 02); amalgam of gold for dentists (CL 05); cutlery (CL 08); electric contacts (CL 09); pen nibs of gold (CL 16); objects of art not in precious metals (classified according to the material of which they consist). CLASS 15 (Musical Instruments) Musical instruments. Explanatory Note 317 Includes, in particular: • • • mechanical pianos and their accessories; musical boxes; electrical and electronic musical instruments. Does not include, in particular: • apparatus for the recording, transmission, amplification and reproduction of sound (CL 09). CLASS 16 (Paper goods and printed matter) Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); playing cards; printers’ type; printing blocks. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly paper, goods made from that material and office requisites. Includes, in particular: • • • paper knives; duplicators; plastic sheets, sacks and bags for wrapping and packaging. Does not include, in particular: • • • certain goods made of paper and cardboard (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods); colors (CL 02); hand tools for artists (for example: spatulas, sculptors’ chisels) (CL 08). CLASS 17 (Rubber goods) Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly electrical, thermal and acoustic insulating materials and plastics, being for use in manufacture in the form of sheets, blocks and rods. Includes, in particular: • • • rubber material for recapping tires; padding and stuffing materials of rubber or plastics; floating anti-pollution barriers. CLASS 18 (Leather goods) Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and traveling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. 318 Explanatory Note This class includes mainly leather, leather imitations, travel goods not included in other classes and saddlery. Does not include, in particular: • clothing, footwear, headgear (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods). CLASS 19 (Nonmetallic building materials) Building materials (nonmetallic); nonmetallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; nonmetallic transportable buildings; monuments, not of metal. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly nonmetallic building materials. Includes, in particular: • • • • • semi-worked woods (for example: beams, planks, panels); veneers; building glass (for example: floor slabs, glass tiles); glass granules for marking out roads; letter boxes of masonry. Does not include, in particular: • • cement preservatives and cement-waterproofing preparations (CL 01); fireproofing preparations (CL 01). CLASS 20 (Furniture and articles not otherwise classified) Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly furniture and its parts and plastic goods, not included in other classes. Includes, in particular: • • • • • metal furniture and furniture for camping; bedding (for example: mattresses, spring mattresses, pillows); looking glasses and furnishing or toilet mirrors; registration number plates not of metal; letter boxes not of metal or masonry. Does not include, in particular: • • • • • certain special types of mirrors, classified according to their function or purpose (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods); special furniture for laboratories (CL 09); special furniture for medical use (CL 10); bedding linen (CL 24); eiderdowns (CL 24). 319 CLASS 21 (Housewares and glass) Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steel wool; un-worked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly small, hand-operated, utensils and apparatus for household and kitchen use as well as toilet utensils, glassware and articles in porcelain. Includes, in particular: • • • • • • utensils and containers for household and kitchen use, for example: kitchen utensils, pails, and pans of iron, aluminum, plastics and other materials, small hand-operated apparatus for mincing, grinding, pressing, etc.; candle extinguishers, not of precious metal; electric combs; electric toothbrushes; dish stands and decanter stands. Does not include, in particular: • • • • • • certain goods made of glass, porcelain and earthenware (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods); cleaning preparations, soaps, etc. (Cl. 03); small apparatus for mincing, grinding, pressing, etc., driven by electricity (Cl. 07); razors and shaving apparatus, clippers (hand instruments), metal implements and utensils for manicure and pedicure (Cl. 08); cooking utensils, electric (Cl. 11); toilet mirrors (Cl. 20). CLASS 22 (Cordage and fibers) Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags (not included in other classes); padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly rope and sail manufacture products, padding and stuffing materials and raw fibrous textile materials. Includes, in particular: • cords and twines in natural or artificial textile fibres, paper or plastics. Does not include, in particular: • • certain nets, sacs and bags (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods); strings for musical instruments (Cl. 15). CLASS 23 (Yarns and threads) Yarns and threads, for textile use. CLASS 24 (Fabrics) 320 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly textiles (piece goods) and textile covers for household use. Includes, in particular: • bedding linen of paper. Does not include, in particular: • • • • certain special textiles (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods); electrically heated blankets (Cl. 10); table linen of paper (Cl. 16); horse blankets (Cl. 18). CLASS 25 (Clothing) Clothing, footwear, headgear. Explanatory Note Does not include, in particular: • certain clothing and footwear for special use (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods). CLASS 26 (Fancy goods) Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly dressmakers’ articles. Includes, in particular: • slide fasteners. Does not include, in particular: • • • certain special types of hooks (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods); certain special types of needles (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods); yarns and threads for textile use (Cl. 23). CLASS 27 (Floor coverings) Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (nontextile). Explanatory Note This class includes mainly products intended to be added as furnishings to previously constructed floors and walls. 321 CLASS 28 (Toys and sporting goods) Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. Explanatory Note Includes, in particular: • • fishing tackle; equipment for various sports and games. Does not include, in particular: • • • • • • • • Christmas tree candles (Cl. 04); diving equipment (Cl. 09); amusement apparatus adapted for use with television receivers only (Cl. 09); electrical lamps (garlands) for Christmas trees (Cl. 11); playing cards (Cl. 16); fishing nets (Cl. 22); clothing for gymnastics and sports (Cl. 25); confectionery and chocolate decorations for Christmas trees (Cl. 30). CLASS 29 (Meats and processed foods) Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, fruit sauces; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly foodstuffs of animal origin as well as vegetables and other horticultural comestible products which are prepared for consumption or conservation. Includes, in particular: • milk beverages (milk predominating). Does not include, in particular: • • • • • • • certain foodstuffs of plant origin (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods); baby food (Cl. 05); dietetic substances adapted for medical use (Cl. 05); salad dressings (Cl. 30); fertilized eggs for hatching (Cl. 31); foodstuffs for animals (Cl. 31); living animals (Cl. 31). CLASS 30 (Staple foods) Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. Explanatory Note 322 This class includes mainly foodstuffs of plant origin prepared for consumption or conservation as well as auxiliaries intended for the improvement of the flavour of food. Includes, in particular: • • beverages with coffee, cocoa or chocolate base; cereals prepared for human consumption (for example: oat flakes and those made of other cereals). Does not include, in particular: • • • • • • certain foodstuffs of plant origin (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods); salt for preserving other than for foodstuffs (Cl. 01); medicinal teas and dietetic substances adapted for medical use (Cl. 05); baby food (Cl. 05); raw cereals (Cl. 31); foodstuffs for animals (Cl. 31). CLASS 31 (Natural agricultural products) Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; living animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly land products not having been subjected to any form of preparation for consumption, living animals and plants as well as foodstuffs for animals. Includes, in particular: • • • • raw woods; raw cereals; fertilized eggs for hatching; mollusca and ravelers (live). Does not include, in particular: • • • • • cultures of micro-organisms and leeches for medical purposes (Cl. 05); semi-worked woods (Cl. 19); artificial fishing bait (Cl. 28); rice (Cl. 30); tobacco (Cl. 34). CLASS 32 (Light beverages) Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly nonalcoholic beverages, as well as beer. Includes, in particular: • de-alcoholized drinks. Does not include, in particular: 323 • • • beverages for medical purposes (Cl. 05); milk beverages (milk predominating) (Cl. 29); beverages with coffee, cocoa or chocolate base (Cl. 30). CLASS 33 (Wine and spirits) Alcoholic beverages (except beers). Explanatory Note Does not include, in particular: • • medicinal drinks (Cl. 05); de-alcoholized drinks (Cl. 32). CLASS 34 (Smokers’ articles) Tobacco; smokers’ articles; matches. Explanatory Note Includes, in particular: • tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes). Does not include, in particular: • • cigarettes without tobacco, for medical purposes (Cl. 05); certain smokers’ articles in precious metal (Cl. 14) (consult the Alphabetical List of Goods). SERVICES CLASS 35 (Advertising and business) Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly services rendered by persons or organizations principally with the object of: 1. help in the working or management of a commercial undertaking, or 2. help in the management of the business affairs or commercial functions of an industrial or commercial enterprise, as well as services rendered by advertising establishments primarily undertaking communications to the public, declarations or announcements by all means of diffusion and concerning all kinds of goods or services. Includes, in particular: 7. 8. services consisting of the registration, transcription, composition, compilation, or systematization of written communications and registrations, and also the exploitation or compilation of mathematical or statistical data; services of advertising agencies and services such as the distribution of prospectuses, directly or through the post, or the distribution of samples. This class may refer to advertising in connection with other services, such as those concerning bank loans or advertising by radio; the bringing together, for 324 the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods. Does not include, in particular: • • • activity of an enterprise the primary function of which is the sale of goods, i.e., of a so-called commercial enterprise; services such as evaluations and reports of engineers which do not directly refer to the working or management of affairs in a commercial or industrial enterprise (consult the Alphabetical List of Services); professional consultations and the drawing up of plans not connected with the conduct of business (Cl. 42). CLASS 36 (Insurance and financial) Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly services rendered in financial and monetary affairs and services rendered in relation to insurance contracts of all kinds. Includes, in particular: • services relating to financial or monetary affairs comprise the following: a. services of all the banking establishments, or institutions connected with them such as exchange brokers or clearing services; b. services of credit institutions other than banks such as cooperative credit associations, individual financial companies, lenders, etc.; c. services of “investment trusts,” of holding companies; d. services of brokers dealing in shares and property; e. services connected with monetary affairs vouched for by trustees; f. services rendered in connection with the issue of travelers’ checks and letters of credit; g. services of realty administrators of buildings, i.e., services of letting or valuation, or financing; h. services dealing with insurance such as services rendered by agents or brokers engaged in insurance, services rendered to insured, and insurance underwriting services. CLASS 37 (Building construction and repair) Building construction; repair; installation services. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly services rendered by contractors or subcontractors in the construction or making of permanent buildings, as well as services rendered by persons or organizations engaged in the restoration of objects to their original condition or in their preservation without altering their physical or chemical properties. Includes, in particular: 325 • • • • • • • services relating to the construction of buildings, roads, bridges, dams or transmission lines and services of undertakings specializing in the field of construction such as those of painters, plumbers, heating installers or roofers; services auxiliary to construction services like inspections of construction plans; services of shipbuilding; services consisting of hiring of tools or building materials; repair services, i.e., services which undertake to put any object into good condition after wear, damage, deterioration or partial destruction (restoration of an existing building or another object that has become imperfect and is to be restored to its original condition); various repair services such as those in the fields of electricity, furniture, instruments, tools, etc.; services of maintenance for preserving an object in its original condition without changing any of its properties (for the difference between this class and Class 40 see the Explanatory Note of Class 40). Does not include, in particular: • • services consisting of storage of goods such as clothes or vehicles (Cl. 39); services connected with dyeing of cloth or clothes (Cl. 40). CLASS 38 (Telecommunications) Explanatory Note This class includes mainly services allowing at least one person to communicate with another by a sensory means. Such services include those which: 1. allow a person to talk to another, 2. transmit messages from one person to another, and 3. place a person in oral or visual communication with another (radio and television). Includes, in particular: • • • services which consist essentially of the diffusion of radio or television programs. Does not include, in particular: radio advertising services (Cl. 35). CLASS 39 (Transportation and storage) Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly services rendered in transporting people or goods from one place to another (by rail, road, water, air or pipeline) and services necessarily connected with such transport, as well as services relating to the storing of goods in a warehouse or other building for their preservation or guarding. Includes, in particular: • • • • • services rendered by companies exploiting stations, bridges, rail-road ferries, etc., used by the transporter; services connected with the hiring of transport vehicles; services connected with maritime tugs, unloading, the functioning of ports and docks and the salvaging of wrecked ships and their cargoes; services connected with the functioning of airports; services connected with the packaging and parceling of goods before dispatch; 326 • • services consisting of information about journeys or the transport of goods by brokers and tourist agencies, information relating to tariffs, timetables and methods of transport; services relating to the inspection of vehicles or goods before transport. Does not include, in particular: • • • • • services relating to advertising transport undertakings such as the distribution of prospectuses or advertising on the radio (Cl. 35); services relating to the issuing of travelers’ checks or letters of credit by brokers or travel agents (Cl. 36); services relating to insurance (commercial, fire or life) during the transport of persons or goods (Cl. 36); services rendered by the maintenance and repair of vehicles, nor the maintenance or repair of objects connected with the transport of persons or goods (Cl. 37); services relating to reservation of rooms in a hotel by travel agents or brokers (Cl. 42). CLASS 40 (Treatment of materials) Treatment of materials. Explanatory Note This class includes mainly services not included in other classes, rendered by the mechanical or chemical processing or transformation of objects or inorganic or organic substances. For the purposes of classification, the mark is considered a service mark only in cases where processing or transformation is effected for the account of another person. A mark is considered a trade mark in all cases where the substance or object is marketed by the person who processed or transformed it. Includes, in particular: • • services relating to transformation of an object or substance and any process involving a change in its essential properties (for example, dyeing a garment); consequently, a maintenance service, although usually in Class 37, is included in Class 40 if it entails such a change (for example, the chroming of motor vehicle bumpers); services of material treatment which may be present during the production of any substance or object other than a building; for example, services which involve cutting, shaping, polishing by abrasion or metal coating. Does not include, in particular: • repair services (Cl. 37). CLASS 41 (Education and entertainment) Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. Explanatory Note This class contains mainly services rendered by persons or institutions in the development of the mental faculties of persons or animals, as well as services intended to entertain or to engage the attention. Includes, in particular: • services consisting of all forms of education of persons or training of animals; 327 • • services having the basic aim of the entertainment, amusement or recreation of people. CLASS 42 (Computer, scientific & legal) Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto: industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; legal services. Explanatory Note Class 42 includes mainly services provided by persons, individually or collectively, in relation to the theoretical and practical aspects of complex fields of activities; such services are provided by members of professions such as chemists, physicists, engineers, computer specialists, lawyers, etc. Includes, in particular: • • the services of engineers who undertake evaluations, estimates, research and reports in the scientific and technological fields scientific research services for medical purposes Does not include, in particular: • • • • • • • • business research and evaluations (Cl. 35); word processing and computer file management services (Cl. 35); financial and fiscal evaluations (Cl. 36); mining and oil extraction (Cl. 37); computer (hardware) installation and repair services (Cl. 37); services provided by the members of professions such as medical doctors, veterinary surgeons, psychoanalysts (Cl. 44); medical treatment services (Cl. 44); garden design (Cl. 44). CLASS 43 (Hotels and Restaurants) Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodations. Explanatory Note Class 43 includes mainly services provided by persons or establishments whose aim is to prepare food and drink for consumption and services provided to obtain bed and board in hotels, boarding houses or other establishments providing temporary accommodations. Includes, in particular: • • reservation services for travellers’ accommodations, particularly through travel agencies or brokers; boarding for animals. Does not include, in particular: • • • rental services for real estate such as houses, flats, etc., for permanent use (Cl. 36); arranging travel by tourist agencies (Cl. 39); preservation services for food and drink (Cl. 40); discotheque services (Cl. 41); 328 • • boarding schools (Cl. 41); rest and convalescent homes (Cl. 44). CLASS 44 (Medical, beauty & agricultural) Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services. Explanatory Note Class 44 includes mainly medical care, hygienic and beauty care given by persons or establishments to human beings and animals; it also includes services relating to the fields of agriculture, horticulture and forestry. Includes, in particular: • • • • • • medical analysis services relating to the treatment of persons (such as x-ray examinations and taking of blood samples); artificial insemination services; pharmacy advice; animal breeding; services relating to the growing of plants such as gardening; services relating to floral art such as floral compositions as well as garden design. Does not include, in particular: • • • • • • • • • • vermin extermination (other than for agriculture, horticulture and forestry) (Cl. 37); installation and repair services for irrigation systems (Cl. 37); ambulance transport (Cl. 39) ; animal slaughtering services and taxidermy (Cl. 40); timber felling and processing (Cl. 40); animal training services (Cl. 41); health clubs for physical exercise (Cl. 41); scientific research services for medical purposes (Cl. 42); boarding for animals (Cl. 43); retirement homes (Cl. 43). CLASS 45 (Personal) Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; security services for the protection of property and individuals. Explanatory Note Includes, in particular: • • investigation and surveillance services relating to the safety of persons and entities; services provided to individuals in relation with social events, such as social escort services, matrimonial agencies, funeral services. Does not include, in particular: • • • • professional services giving direct aid in the operations or functions of a commercial undertaking (Cl. 35); services relating to financial or monetary affairs and services dealing with insurance (Cl. 36); escorting of ravelers (Cl. 39); security transport (Cl. 39); 329 • • • • • services consisting of all forms of education of persons (Cl. 41); performances of singers and dancers (Cl. 41); legal services (Cl. 42); services provided by others to give medical, hygienic or beauty care for human beings or animals (cl. 44); certain rental services (consult the Alphabetical List of Services and General Remark (b) relating to the classification of services). Other What is the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS)? The Trademark Electronic Application System, at http://www.uspto.gov/teas/index.html, allows you to fill out an application form online, check it for completeness, and file it over the Internet, paying by credit card or through an existing USPTO deposit account. TEAS can also be used to file a response to examining attorney’s Office action, notice of change of address, amendment to allege use, statement of use, request for extension of time to file a statement of use, affidavit of continued use under 15 U.S.C. §1058, affidavit of incontestability under 15 U.S.C. §1065, combined affidavit under 15 U.S.C. §§1058 and 1065, or combined filing under 15 U.S.C. §§1058 and 1059. How do I contest someone else using a trademark similar to mine? There are several ways to dispute use of your trademark by a third party. Depending on the factual situation, the Trademark Office may or may not be the proper forum. You should consider contacting an attorney, preferably one specializing in trademark law. Local bar associations and the yellow pages usually have attorney listings broken down by specialties. Time can be of the essence. For information about proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, click on TBMP. What official publications and information are available concerning trademarks? The following publications are available: Basic Facts About Trademarks, can be accessed and downloaded free of charge from http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/tac/doc/basic/. Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP), can be accessed and downloaded free of charge from http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/tac/tmep/, and is also available on a subscription basis from: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954 ((202) 512-2250), http://bookstore.gpo.gov/. Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Manual of Procedure (TBMP) can be accessed and downloaded free of charge from http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/dcom/ttab/tbmp/. Official Gazette of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, can be accessed and downloaded free of charge from http://www.uspto.gov/web/trademarks/tmog/. It is also available on a subscription basis from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954 ((202) 512-2250), http://bookstore.gpo.gov/. Trademark Acceptable Identification of Goods and Services Manual can be accessed and downloaded free of charge from http://tess2.uspto.gov/netahtml/tidm.html Design Search Code Manual can be accessed and downloaded free of charge from http://www.uspto.gov/tmdb/dscm/index.html. What is a PTDL (Patent and Trademark Depository Library)? 330 A Patent and Trademark Depository Library (PTDL) is a library which is designated by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to receive and house copies of US patents and patent and trademark materials, to make them available to the public, and to disseminate both patent and trademark information. To be designated, a library must meet specific requirements and promise to fulfill certain obligations. Patents and trademarks (word marks only) may be searched at the PTDLs. Please note that the Patent and Trademark Depository Librarians cannot give any legal advice nor can they perform the searches for you. They will, however, provide you with the information you need to get started. For more information about the Patent and Trademark Depository Library Program, click on PTDL. How do I register to practice before the Patent and Trademark Office? It is not necessary to register to practice before the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) in trademark matters. Any attorney admitted in a U.S. state or territory can practice before the trademark side of the PTO. Nonlawyers can practice only in the limited circumstances set forth in Rule 10.14(b). For information about registering to practice in patent cases before the PTO, click on Patent Practice. Is the name of a band a trademark? It depends on how it is used. A band name may function as a service mark for entertainment services in the nature of performances by a musical group if it is used to identify and distinguish the service of providing live performances (see TMEP §1301.02(b), or as a trademark for a series of musical recordings (see TMEP §1202.09(a)). Can a minor file a trademark application? This depends upon state law. If the person can validly enter into binding legal obligations in the state, then that person may sign a trademark application. Otherwise, a parent or legal guardian must sign the application, clearly setting forth their status as a parent or legal guardian of the applicant. Can the ownership of a trademark be assigned or transferred from one person to another? Yes. A registered mark, or a mark for which an application to register has been filed is assignable. Written assignments may be recorded in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for a fee. Specific inquiries should be referred to the Assignment Division (703-308-9723). [NOTE: Certain exceptions exist concerning the assignment of Intent-to-Use applications.] For the guidelines for filing an assignment and the assignment form itself, click on Assignments [PDF] . My spouse owned a trademark registration and has since died. Do I own it now? Perhaps. Because this depends on state law, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office cannot provide a definite answer for all factual situations. You should consider contacting an attorney, preferably one specializing in trademark law. Local bar associations and the yellow pages usually have attorney listings broken down by specialties. What are some suggestions to facilitate filing a trademark application and/or contacting the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO)? File electronically through the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), at http://www.uspto.gov/teas/index.html, whenever possible. TEAS can be used to file an application for registration of a mark, response to examining attorney’s Office action, notice of change of address, amendment to allege use, statement of use, request for extension of time to file a statement of use, affidavit of continued use under 15 U.S.C. §1058, affidavit of incontestability under 15 U.S.C. §1065, combined affidavit under 15 U.S.C. §§1058 and 1065, or combined filing under 15 U.S.C. §§1058 and 1059. When a document is filed electronically, the USPTO receives it within seconds after filing, and immediately issues a confirmation of filing via e-mail that includes the date of receipt and a summary of the submission. This confirmation is evidence of 331 filing should any question arise as to the filing date of the document. Also, documents filed electronically are processed faster than paper documents. The data provided by the applicant is entered directly into the Office’s databases, so data entry errors are unlikely. When documents are filed electronically, it is very unlikely that they will be lost or misplaced within the Office. Carefully review all documents before filing to make sure all issues have been addressed and all the necessary elements are included. Do not file large or “bulky” specimens. Rather, submit a picture of the mark on the specimen. Bulky specimens are specimens that are larger than 8 1/2” by 11” and which do not lie flat. The USPTO encourages applicants to send photographs of the goods, as long as the mark is clear from the photograph. If filing electronically, the specimen should be submitted as a digitized image in .jpg format. Place the serial number or registration number (once known) on each paper or exhibit filed, including any required checks. If, for some reason neither number is available, please put some other identifying information on the correspondence (e.g., mark, name of applicant, filing date). Promptly inform the USPTO of any change in correspondence address. This can be done through TEAS at http://eteas.uspto.gov/V2.0/ca200/WIZARD.htm. Use the Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) database at http://tarr.uspto.gov to check on the status of any application. You should check the status of your application every six months. 332 APPENDIX AF TRADEMARK ELECTRONIC APPLICATION SYSTEM Please click on the following to access a form for: Trademark/Servicemark Application, Principal Register Use this form to file an initial application for either a TRADEMARK for "goods" AND/OR a SERVICEMARK for "providing services" -- this form is appropriate for both, and you will not actually specify the "type" of mark when filing. However, wording used only in the manner of a "trade name" is not registrable, unless it also functions as a trademark or servicemark. NOTE: If you file this application based only on an intent to use the mark in commerce in the future, rather than actual use in commerce now, you must later file a second form (and additional fee) to establish use before we can register the mark, even if the mark has otherwise been approved based on the information in the original Trademark/Servicemark application. See listings under "File a PREregistration Form" category on the TEAS front page. Only one mark is permissible per application, although a mark may consist of several elements that are joined to form a composite whole (e.g., words plus a design). The filing fee for the application is based on the • number of classes of goods and/or services in the application. I.e., if an application is for one mark, but the mark is used on goods and/or services in two different classes, e.g., computer software in Class 9 and t-shirts in Class 25, then payment for two classes is required before the application could be approved. • version of the form being used, i.e., either the "TEAS Plus Form" or the "TEAS Form." The filing fee for the TEAS form is $325 per class of goods and/or services. TEAS Plus has a lower filing fee of $275 per class, but has stricter filing requirements, than the TEAS form. Clicking on the "Trademark/Servicemark Application, Principal Register" link above will take you to the page offering the two form versions, with more detailed instructions as to which version of the form may be most appropriate for your specific filing. NOTE: The filing fee is an actual processing fee for the application. The USPTO will NOT refund this fee, even if ultimately the USPTO is not able to issue a registration because of problems associated with the application- approval is based on a legal determination by an examining attorney, and is NOT automatic. Therefore, please take all necessary steps to ensure the mark is registrable before filing the application. Trademark/Servicemark BLANK Application, Principal Register (A downloadable blank form, for use by experienced parties who file multiple applications, to create standard templates containing repetitive information) Because of significant modifications to the underlying structure of the basic application, the USPTO no longer offers this version of the form. However, a "workaround" option still exists for creating a "template" for doing multiple filings: simply create a "dummy" form by (1) pulling up the regular TEAS form; (2) entering either an "x" for any mandatory field, or "fake" numbers where a numerical entry is required, or attaching a "dummy" image file; (3) validating this version of the form; (4) using the button on the bottom of the validation page to save the form to your local drive; (5) pulling up the saved form, and (6) entering "real" data for any field wherein an "x" was initially used as a "data placeholder." Trademark/Servicemark Application, Supplemental Register 333 Use this form to file an initial application for a trademark/servicemark on the Supplemental Register, rather than the Principal Register. Almost all marks are filed directly on the Principal Register. However, certain marks that are not eligible for registration on the Principal Register, but which are capable of distinguishing an applicant's goods or services, may be registered on the Supplemental Register. If you file on the Principal Register, but are only eligible for the Supplemental Register, you will be permitted to amend the application to change registers during the prosecution of the application. NOTE: The electronic filing fee is $325.00 per class of goods and/or services (i.e., if an application is for one mark, but the mark is used on goods and/or services in two different classes, e.g., computer software in Class 9 and t-shirts in Class 25, then the overall electronic filing fee is $650.00--- $325.00 x 2 classes). Only one mark is permissible per application, although a mark may consist of several elements that are joined to form a composite whole (e.g., words plus a design). Also, the electronic filing fee is a processing fee for the application. This fee is NOT returned even if ultimately the USPTO does not issue a registration. You should take all necessary steps to ensure the mark is registrable before filing the application. NOTE: 1. If you have installed Anti-Spam filters or software on your email service, please ensure that legitimate emails from TEAS@uspto.gov or TEAS@uspto.gov are not falsely identified as spam or junk. 2. This form uses pop-up windows to display critical information. To use this site properly, you must disable any existing pop-up filters (through either anti-virus software or a pop-up killer program). 3. Before filing an application requesting registration on the Supplemental Register, or amending to the Supplemental Register, you must be lawfully using the mark in commerce, on or in connection with the goods and services (unlike an application on the Principal Register, which may be based on an intent to use the mark in the future, under §(b) of the Trademark Act). The only exception from the use requirement in seeking registration on the Supplemental Register is for applications based solely on §4 of the Trademark Act (i.e., based on a foreign application and/or registration). Certification Mark Application, Principal Register Use this form to file an initial application for a Certification mark (used or intended to be used by authorized persons on designated goods and/or services to certify something; e.g., a particular regional origin of the goods; a characteristic of the goods or services; or that labor was performed by a particular group). A copy of standards that the applicant uses or will use to determine whether the goods and/or services will be certified must be submitted. NOTE: 1. If you have installed Anti-Spam filters or software on your email service, please ensure that legitimate emails from TEAS@uspto.gov or TEAS@uspto.gov are not falsely identified as spam or junk. 2. This form uses pop-up windows to display critical information. To use this site properly, you must disable any existing pop-up filters (through either anti-virus software or a pop-up killer program). Collective Membership Mark Application, Principal Register Use this form to file an initial application for a collective membership mark (used to indicate membership in a specific organization; e.g., a social club or labor union). The applicant must control, or will intend to control, use of the mark by its members by a specified method of control. NOTE: 1. If you have installed Anti-Spam filters or software on your email service, please ensure that 334 legitimate emails from TEAS@uspto.gov or TEAS@uspto.gov are not falsely identified as spam or junk. 2. This form uses pop-up windows to display critical information. To use this site properly, you must disable any existing pop-up filters (through either anti-virus software or a pop-up killer program). Collective Trademark/Servicemark Application, Principal Register Use this form to file an initial application for a collective trademark/servicemark. The applicant must control, or will intend to control, use of the mark by its members by a specified method of control. NOTE: 1. If you have installed Anti-Spam filters or software on your email service, please ensure that legitimate emails from TEAS@uspto.gov or TEAS@uspto.gov are not falsely identified as spam or junk. 2. This form uses pop-up windows to display critical information. To use this site properly, you must disable any existing pop-up filters (through either anti-virus software or a pop-up killer program). Transformation into a National Application (under development) The holder of an international registration may use this form to request transformation of its extension of protection to the United States into an application for registration under Section 1 and/or Section 44 of the Trademark Act, if the international registration was cancelled (in whole or in part) by the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization under Article 6(4) of the Madrid Protocol, due to the cancellation of the basic application or registration. The request for transformation must be filed within three months of the date of cancellation of the international registration. NOTE: The holder must pay an application electronic filing fee of $325.00 for each class of goods/services identified in the request for transformation. FAQ About Trademarks Trademark Home Help Desk & Bug Report USPTO Home 335 APPENDIX AG TRADEMARK/SERVICE MARK APPLICATION TEAS Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register TEAS Plus Application (Version 3.6) To file the application electronically, please complete the following steps: 1. Answer the first question below to create an application form showing only sections relevant to your specific filing. 2. For help at any point, click on any underlined word on any page 3. After answering the first wizard questions, click on the CONTINUE button at bottom of the page. 4. Once in the actual form, complete all fields with a * symbol since they are mandatory fields for TEAS Plus filing purposes. 5. Validate the form, using the "Validate" button at the end of the form. If there are errors, return to the form to make the correction. A "Warning" may be corrected or by-passed. 6. Double-check all entries through the links displayed on the Validation page. 7. You may save your work for submission at a later time by clicking on the Download Portable Data button at the bottom of the Validation page. 8. When ready to file, use the Pay/Submit button at the bottom of the Validation page. This will allow you to choose from three (3) different payment methods: credit card, automated deposit account, or electronic funds transfer. 9. After accessing the proper screen for payment, and making the appropriate entries, you will receive a confirmation screen if your transmission is successful. This screen will say SUCCESS! and will provide your assigned serial number. 10. You will receive an e-mail acknowledgement of your submission, which will repeat the assigned serial number and provide a summary of your submission. Once you submit this application, we will not cancel the filing or refund your fee. The fee is a processing fee, which we do not refund even if we cannot issue a registration after our substantive review. Important: ONCE YOU SUBMIT AN APPLICATION ELECTRONICALLY, THE USPTO WILL IMMEDIATELY ISSUE AN ELECTRONIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT. Please contact TEAS@uspto.gov if you do not receive this acknowledgment within 24 hours of transmission. Contact Points: • • General trademark information: Please review the information posted at Where Do I Start. If you have remaining questions, e-mail TrademarkAssistanceCenter@uspto.gov, or telephone 1800-786-9199. Help: For instructions on how to use the electronic forms, or help in resolving technical glitches, please e-mail TEAS@uspto.gov. Please include your telephone number in your email, so we can talk to you directly, if necessary. Also, include the relevant serial number or registration number, if existing. NOTE: The TEAS Support Team focuses on problems related to the process of completing the electronic forms, not on what information would be correct for entry within a form, or other broader trademark issues. Please route those types of inquiries to the Trademark Assistance Center. However, please be aware that neither group can provide any 336 • • • sort of information in the nature of "legal advice." For legal advice, please consider contacting an attorney who specializes in intellectual property. Bug Report: If you think there is a "bug" within one of the electronic forms, please click Bug Report. Status Information: For an application with an assigned serial number, check Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval to view current status information, as well as the complete prosecution history. Do not attempt to check status until at least 15 days after submission of a filing, to allow sufficient time for all USPTO databases to be updated. You can view all items listed in the prosecution history section online at Trademark Document Retrieval, including all office actions sent by the USPTO. Training opportunities: If you are interested in possible training opportunities regarding electronic filing, including the new TEAS Plus form, please e-mail eComments@uspto.gov. NOTE: Do NOT attempt to check status until at least 15 days after submission of a filing, to allow sufficient time for our databases to be updated. NOTE: This form has a session time limit of 60 minutes. If there is no activity within 60 minutes, the form will expire and you must begin again. A session begins once you click the Continue button, below. "Activity" means performing an actual function within the form (e.g., entering data or clicking on a data field), not merely moving "back" or "forward" from within your browser. Each time a function is performed, a new 60-minute period begins. Therefore, this session time limit should only be a problem if you start the form and then totally stop work for more than 60 minutes, but will not be an issue if you happen to take longer than 60 minutes of steady work to complete the form. 1. Is an attorney filing this application? Yes No 2. [OPTIONAL] To access previously-saved data, use the "Browse/Choose File" button below to access the file from your local drive. NOTE: For specific instructions, please click here. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN THE DISPLAY OF YOUR DATA IN AN XML FORMAT THAT CANNOT BE EDITED 337 APPENDIX AH TRADEMARK/SERVICE MARK APPLICATION, RESPONSE TO OFFICE ACTION TEAS (ATTACHED) 338 This Page Requires JavaScript. WARNING: Since your browser is not capable of running JavaScript program, you will not be able to use this page. TEAS works only if you use either NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR (Version 3.0 or most recent) or MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER (Version 4.0 or most recent). PTO Form 1966 (Rev 4/2002) OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp. 04/30/2006) Trademark/Service Mark Application, Response to Office Action TEAS Version 2.50 : 01/31/2005 Portable FORM For more information regarding any of the following questions or topics, either go to HELP or click on the underlined word. Note: To satisfy legal requirements, the declaration at the end of the response form must be signed if a red "#" symbol precedes a specific item listed on the form, OR if the original application were submitted "unsigned." The declaration must be signed by someone who is a "proper party to sign on behalf of applicant" under Trademark Rule 2.33. If not required, the declaration may simply be left unsigned. However, the information for the Response Signature section must always be entered. check here if you do not want the scrolling help to be automatically shown at the bottom of the screen. i Important: ONCE AN RESPONSE IS SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY, THE OFFICE WILL IMMEDIATELY PROVIDE THE SENDER WITH AN ELECTRONIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT OF THE RESPONSE. Please contact TEAS@uspto.gov within 24 hours of transmission (or by the next business day) if you do not receive this acknowledgment. Contact Points: For general trademark information, please e-mail TrademarkAssistanceCenter@uspto.gov, or telephone 1-800-786-9199. If you need help in resolving technical glitches, please e-mail TEAS@uspto.gov. Please include your telephone number in your e-mail, so we can talk to you directly, if necessary. For status information on an application that has an assigned serial number, use http://tarr.uspto.gov. NOTE: Do NOT attempt to check status until at least 45 days after submission of a filing, to allow sufficient time for our databases to be updated. 339 Serial Number: 78501064 Mark: Law Office Assigned: LAW OFFICE 110 * Instructions To file your response electronically, please complete the following steps: 1. Fill out all relevant fields. Fields containing the symbol * must be completed. 2. Validate the form, using the "button" at the end of the form. If there are errors, go back to step 1. 3. If the desired signatory is not available to sign the application, to forward the form to the signatory, use either the Text Form option or the Download Portable Form option. Both options are available from the Validation Page. However, to use the Text Form option, you must first answer YES to Form Wizard Question #12. When you receive the application back, return to step 2. 4. At the point of final validation, it is critical to confirm that all information is displayed properly immediately before filing, regardless of the appearance of the data at any point earlier in the process. If any previously-entered argument text or image files (e.g., evidence) are now missing, you must re-enter or re-attach before final submission. Otherwise, the USPTO will not receive a complete response. E.g., if you initially pasted text into the argument field, but the argument section is now blank, you must paste it in again after final validation but before actual submission of the response, or the USPTO will not receive that text at all. 5. Click on the Submit or Pay/Submit button at the bottom of the Validation Screen. If a fee payment is required, this will allow you to choose from 3 different payment methods: credit card, automated deposit account, or electronic funds transfer. After accessing the proper screen for payment, and making the appropriate entries, you will receive a confirmation screen if your transmission is successful. This screen will say SUCCESS! and will provide your assigned serial number. 6. You will receive an e-mail acknowledgement of your submission. 340 CLASSIFICATION AND LISTING OF GOODS/SERVICES 1st Original Class International Class number: 035 * Enter Listing of Goods/Services [Note: Enter complete listing of Goods/Services, regardless of changes made. Also, do not include any html or other programming code or language that may create links in the listing of goods and/or recitation of services]. For more information about acceptable language for the goods and/or services, see the USPTO's on-line Goods and/or Services Manual. AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION LOGO ONLY; TO BE USED ON HATS, SHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS, T-SHIRTS, BELT BUCKLES, COLLECTABLE COINS, STICKERS, LICENSE PLATE FRAMES, BUMPER STICKERS, MUGS AND GLASSES, WATCHES, RINGS, LAPEL PINS, SCARFS, REFRIGERATOR MAGNETS, MOUSE PADS, NEWSLETTERS, ENVELOPES, STATIONARY, BOOKLETS, PAMPHLETS, FLAGS, LETTERHEAD 1st Original Class Filing Basis Section 1(a), Use in Commerce: The applicant is using the mark in commerce, or the applicant's related company or licensee is using the mark in commerce, or the applicant's predecessor in interest used the mark in commerce, on or in connection with the identified goods and/or services. 15 U.S.C. Section 1051(a), as amended. NOTE: If the original application was filed under Section 1(b), Intent to Use, this form is not the correct method for now making use dates of record. You must file an Allegation of Use form. # # Date of First Use of Mark Anywhere at least as early as: Date of First Use of Mark in Commerce at least as early as: 12/01/1971 (MM/DD/YYYY) 12/01/1971 (MM/DD/YYYY) Specimen Image File Note: a separate window will be launched for the specimen attachments. Describe what the specimen submitted consists of: *#If additional or new specimen(s) is being submitted, check the appropriate statement: For an application based on §1(a), Use in Commerce, "The substitute specimen(s) was in use in commerce as of the filing date of the application." For an application based on §1(b), Intent-to-Use, "The substitute specimen(s) was in use in commerce prior to the filing of the Amendment to Allege Use (AAU)." For an application based on §1(b), Intent-to-Use, "The substitute specimen(s) was in use in commerce prior to expiration of the filing deadline for filing a Statement of Use (SOU)." #Filing Basis Section 1(b), Intent to Use: The applicant has a bona fide intention to use or use through the applicant's related company or licensee the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods and/or services as of the filing date of the application. (15 U.S.C. Section 1051(b)). 341 #Filing Basis Section 44(d), Priority based on foreign filing: Applicant has a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods and/or services as of the filing date of the application, and asserts a claim of priority based upon a foreign application. 15 U.S.C. Section 1126(d), as amended. Foreign Application Number: Date of Foreign Filing: (MM/DD/YYYY) Country of Foreign Application: Select Country #Filing Basis Section 44(e), Based on Foreign Registration: Applicant has a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods and/or services as of the filing date of the application, and either attaches a copy of the foreign registration certificate, and translation thereof, or will submit a copy of the foreign registration/translation before the application may proceed to registration, in accordance with 15 U. S.C. 1126(e), as amended. NOTE: A certified copy of the foreign registration is no longer required. Foreign Registration Number: Foreign Registration Date: (MM/DD/YYYY) Renewal Date for Foreign Registration: (MM/DD/YYYY) Expiration Date of Foreign Registration: Country of Foreign Registration: (MM/DD/YYYY) Select Country Attach Foreign Registration: Note: a separate window will be launched for the attachments. Enter information for the 1st New Class * International Class: • 1st New Class 025 (Enter class number 001- 045, A, B, A & B and 200) Listing of Goods/Services [NOTE: Do not enter a Class Number or any other code in the field below. You must enter only the common commercial name for the specific goods and/or services associated with the mark. Also, do not include any html or other programming code or language that may create links in the listing of goods and/or recitation of services]. For more information about acceptable language for the goods and/or services, see the USPTO's on-line Goods and/or Services Manual. AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION LOGO TO BE USED ON HATS, SHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS, T-SHIRTS, SCARVES. 342 Filing Basis Section 1(a), Use in Commerce: The applicant is using the mark in commerce, or the applicant's related company or licensee is using the mark in commerce, or the applicant's predecessor in interest used the mark in commerce, on or in connection with the identified goods and/or services. 15 U.S.C. Section 1051(a), as amended. NOTE: If the original application was filed under Section 1(b), Intent to Use, this form is not the correct method for now making use dates of record. You must file an Allegation of Use form. #Date #Date of First Use of Mark Anywhere at least as early as: of First Use of Mark in Commerce at least as early as: 12/01/1971 (MM/DD/YYYY) 12/01/1971 (MM/DD/YYYY) Specimen Image File Note: a separate window will be launched for the specimen attachments. Describe what the specimen submitted consists of: THE COLORS BLUE, GREEN, BROWN, BLACK AND WHITE ARE CLAIMED AS A FEATURE OF THE MARK. THE LOGO CONSISTS OF A SET OF BROWN AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATE WINGS SUPER IMPOSED OVER A WHITE AND BLACK AIRCRAFT CARRIER WHICH IS SUPER IMPOSED OVER A GLOBE. THE GLOBE IS *#If additional or new specimen(s) is being submitted, check the appropriate statement: For an application based on §1(a), Use in Commerce, "The substitute specimen(s) was in use in commerce as of the filing date of the application." For an application based on §1(b), Intent-to-Use, "The substitute specimen(s) was in use in commerce prior to the filing of the Amendment to Allege Use (AAU)." For an application based on §1(b), Intent-to-Use, "The substitute specimen(s) was in use in commerce prior to expiration of the filing deadline for filing a Statement of Use (SOU)." #Filing Basis Section 1(b), Intent to Use: The applicant has a bona fide intention to use or use through the applicant's related company or licensee the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods and/or services as of the filing date of the application. (15 U.S.C. Section 1051(b)). #Filing Basis Section 44(d), Priority based on foreign filing: Applicant has a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods and/or services as of the filing date of the application, and asserts a claim of priority based upon a foreign application. 15 U.S.C. Section 1126(d), as amended. Foreign Application Number: Date of Foreign Filing: (MM/DD/YYYY) Country of Foreign Application: Select Country 343 #Filing Basis 44(e), Based on Foreign Registration: Applicant has a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods and/or services as of the filing date of the application, and either attaches a copy of the foreign registration certificate, and translation thereof, or will submit a copy of the foreign registration/translation before the application may proceed to registration, in accordance with 15 U. S.C. 1126(e), as amended. NOTE: A certified copy of the foreign registration is no longer required. Foreign Registration Number: Foreign Registration Date: (MM/DD/YYYY) Renewal Date for Foreign Registration: (MM/DD/YYYY) Expiration Date for Foreign Registration: (MM/DD/YYYY) Select Country Country of Foreign Registration: Attach Foreign Registration: Note: a separate window will be launched for the attachments. PROCEDURAL MATTER(S) / INFORMALITIES / APPLICANT INFORMATION Check here to modify the current applicant information. If not checked, the changes will be ignored. Note: If this change relates to a change in the correspondence address or e-mail, please use the Change of Correspondence Address Form. AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION * Name Note: If the name of the applicant has actually changed, you may not do a "correction." You must file an actual change of name document/assignment and recordation form PTO-1594. Internal Address Street Original Applicant #1 City State/Province P.O. BOX 1106-NAVAL BASE LAKEHURST New Jersey Zip Code 08733 Country United States 344 RJSTONEYBURKE@AOL.COM While the application may list an e-mail address for the applicant, applicant's attorney, and/or applicant's domestic representative, only one e-mail address may be used for correspondence, in accordance with Office policy. The applicant must keep this address current in the Office's records. E-mail Check here to authorize the USPTO to communicate with the applicant or its representatives via e-mail. NOTE: By checking this box, the applicant acknowledges that it is solely responsible for receipt of USPTO documents sent via e-mail. The applicant should periodically check the status of its application through the Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) database, to see if the assigned examining attorney has e-mailed an Office Action. If an action has been sent to the provided e-mail address, the USPTO is not responsible for any e-mail not received due to the applicant's security or anti-spam software, or any problems within the applicant's e-mail system. Phone Number 1-732-657-4749 Fax Number 1-732-657-7799 Entity Type Click on the one appropriate circle to indicate the applicant's entity type and enter the corresponding information. Individual Country of Citizenship Select Country State or Country of Incorporation New Jersey Corporation OR Other Note: You may correct the error in the original listing. However, if the State/Country of Incorporation has actually changed, you should file an assignment document form PTO-1594. Note: If your desired selection does not appear within this pull-down list, choose OTHER and then please send an e-mail to TEAS@uspto.gov to alert the USPTO of the missing option. State or Country where organized Partnership Select State if U.S. Entity OR Select Country if non-U.S. Entity Limited Partnership Note: You may correct the error in the original listing. However, if the State/Country of Incorporation has actually changed, you should file an assignment document form PTO-1594. Joint Venture Name and Citizenship of all General Partners, Active Members, Individual, Trustees, or Executors Sole Proprietorship Trust Estate Note: If the name has actually changed, you may not do a "correction". You should file an actual change of name document. Note: If this change relates to a change in the correspondence address or e-mail, please use the Change of Correspondence Address Form. Other 345 Specific Entity Type Select Domestic Entity Select Foreign Entity If not listed above, please select 'OTHER' and specify here: Note: If the entity type has actually changed, you should file an assignment document form PTO1594. State or Country where organized Select State if U.S. Entity OR Select Country if non-U.S. Entity Note: You may correct the error in the original listing. However, if the State/Country of Incorporation has actually changed, you should file an assignment document form PTO-1594. Note: If your desired selection does not appear within this pull-down list, choose OTHER and then please send an e-mail to TEAS@uspto.gov to alert the USPTO of the missing option. Name and Citizenship of all General Partners, Active Members, Individual, Trustees, or Executors MARK Note: While minor changes in the mark are sometimes permitted, any material alteration will NOT be permitted and will result in a refusal being issued on that ground. If you have read and understood the above notice, you must check the box before you enter the proposed new mark. Standard Characters Use this section if you wish to modify a word(s), letter(s), and/or number(s) with no design element and without claim to any particular font style, size or color. Add/Modify the Standard Characters mark here: (Note: The entry can be in capital letters, lower case letters, or a combination thereof.) DELETE STANDARD CHARACTER REQUIR ADDITIONAL STATEMENT(S) Note: Although a declaration will automatically appear at the end of this form, it must be signed only if the Additional Statement selected is either Section 2(f) based on use, or Section 2(f), in part, based on use (or if required by another section of this form). 346 DISCLAIMER: "No claim is made to the exclusive right to use ASSOCIATION apart from the mark as shown." STIPPLING AS A FEATURE OF THE MARK: "The stippling is a feature of the mark." STIPPLING FOR SHADING: "The stippling is for shading purposes only." PRIOR REGISTRATION(S) : "Applicant claims ownership of U.S. Registration Number(s) others." , , , and §2(f), based on Evidence: "The mark has become distinctive of the goods/services, as demonstrated by the attached evidence. " Note: a separate window will be launched for the evidence attachments. TRANSLATION: "The foreign wording in the mark translates into English as TRANSLITERATION: "The non-Latin character(s) in the mark transliterates into ." , and this means in English.." # Section 2(f), based on Use: "The mark has become distinctive of the goods/services through the applicant's substantially exclusive and continuous use in commerce for at least the five years immediately before the date of this statement." Section 2(f), based on Prior Registration(s): "The mark has become distinctive of the goods/services as evidenced by the ownership on the Principal Register for the same mark for related goods or services of U.S. Registration No(s). ." # Section 2(f), IN PART, based on Use: " has become distinctive of the goods/services through the applicant's substantially exclusive and continuous use in commerce for at least the five years immediately before the date of this statement." Section 2(f), IN PART, based on Prior Registration(s): " has become distinctive of the goods/services as evidenced by the ownership on the Principal Register for the same mark for related goods or services of U.S. Registration No(s). §2(f), IN PART, based on Evidence: " evidence. " ." has become distinctive of the goods/services, as demonstrated by the attached Note: a separate window will be launched for the evidence attachments. NAME(S), PORTRAIT(S), SIGNATURE(S) OF INDIVIDUAL(S): "The name(s), portrait(s), and/or signature(s) shown in the mark identifies , whose consent(s) to register is submitted." Note: a separate window will be launched for the consent attachment(s). "The name(s), portrait(s), and/or signature(s) shown in the mark does not identify a particular living individual." SUPPLEMENTAL REGISTER: "The applicant seeks registration of the mark on the Supplemental Register (i.e., a change of the words 'Principal Register' to 'Supplemental Register')." CONCURRENT USE: Enter the appropriate concurrent use information, e.g., specify the goods and the geographic area for which registration is sought. MISCELLANEOUS STATEMENT: Enter information here ONLY if required in the Response to Office Action and there is no other section of he form that is appropriate. 347 PLEASE CHANGE FROM "STANDARD CHARACTER DRAWING" TO "DESIGN ELEMENT" Note: a separate window will be launched for the Miscellaneous attachment(s). SIGNATURE(S) i The declaration (if required) or response will not be "signed" in the sense of a traditional paper document. To verify the contents of the response, the signatory must enter any alpha/numeric character(s) or combination thereof of his or her choosing, preceded and followed by the forward slash (/) symbol. The USPTO does not determine or pre-approve what the entry should be, but simply presumes that this specific entry has been adopted to serve the function of the signature. Most signatories simply enter their names between the two forward slashes, although acceptable "signatures" could include /john doe/; /jd/; or 348 /123-4567/. DECLARATION SIGNATURE Note: A signed declaration is required if a red "#" symbol precedes a specific item listed on the form, OR if the original application were submitted "unsigned." The declaration must be signed by someone who is a "proper party to sign on behalf of applicant" under Trademark Rule 2.33. If not required, the declaration may simply be left unsigned. However, the information for the Response Signature section must always be entered. If the applicant is seeking registration under Section 1(b) and/or Section 44 of the Trademark Act, the applicant had a bona fide intention to use or use through the applicant's related company or licensee the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods and/or services as of the filing date of the application. 37 C.F.R. Secs. 2.34(a)(2)(i); 2.34 (a)(3)(i); and 2.34(a)(4)(ii). If the applicant is seeking registration under Section 1(a) of the Trademark Act, the mark was in use in commerce on or in connection with the goods or services listed in the application as of the application filing date. 37 C.F.R. Secs. 2.34(a)(1)(i). The undersigned, being hereby warned that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. §1001, and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the validity of the application or any resulting registration, declares that he/she is properly authorized to execute this application on behalf of the applicant; he/she believes the applicant to be the owner of the trademark/service mark sought to be registered, or, if the application is being filed under 15 U.S.C. §1051(b), he/she believes applicant to be entitled to use such mark in commerce; to the best of his/her knowledge and belief no other person, firm, corporation, or association has the right to use the mark in commerce, either in the identical form thereof or in such near resemblance thereto as to be likely, when used on or in connection with the goods/services of such other person, to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive; that if the original application was submitted unsigned, that all statements in the original application and this submission made of the declaration signer's knowledge are true; and all statements in the original application and this submission made on information and belief are believed to be true. Signature /ROBERT BURKE/ Date Signed 08/22/2005 MM/DD/YYYY Signatory's Name ROBERT BURKE Signatory's Position TREASURER ABMA Comment [DJT1]: RESPONSE SIGNATURE * Signature /ROBERT BURKE/ (required) * Date Signed 08/22/2005 (required) MM/DD/YYYY Signatory's Name ROBERT BURKE Signatory's Position TREASURER ABMA SPECIAL NOTE FOR PORTABLE FORM: i Due to technical limitations within the browsers now available and to simplify the process and prevent possible errors, in the cases where the form is being submitted with image files, those files will need to be re-attached to the form before final submission to the USPTO. 349 350 APPENDIX AI TRADEMARK APPLICATION INSERTS CLASS 025 FOR AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION LOGO TO BE USED ON HATS, SHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS, T-SHIRTS, SCARVES THE COLORS BLUE, GREEN, BROWN, BLACK AND WHITE ARE CLAIMED AS A FEATURE OF THE MARK. THE LOGO CONSISTS OF A SET OF BROWN AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE WINGS SUPER IMPOSED OVER A WHITE AND BLACK AIRCRAFT CARRIER WHICH IS SUPER IMPOSED OVER A GLOBE. THE GLOBE IS DIVIDED BY BLACK LONGITUDINAL AND LATITUDINAL LINES. THE WATER ON THE GLOBE IS BLUE AND THE LAND MARKINGS ARE GREEN. THE LOGO ITSELF CAN ALSO BE DISPLAYED AS A BLACK OUTLINED LOGO WITHOUT THE COLORS ADDED. AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION, A CORPORATION OF NJ, HAVING AN ADDRESS OF P.O. BOX 1106-NAVAL BASE LAKEHURST, NEW JERSEY UNITED STATES 08733, WHOSE E-MAIL ADDRESS IS RJSTONEYBURKE@AOL.COM, WHOSE PHONE NUMBER IS 1-732-657-4749 AND WHOSE FAX NUMBER IS 1-732-657-7799. 351 Comment [DJT2]: APPENDIX AJ LETTER TO THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS The Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office P.O. Box 371954 Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954 December 7, 2005 To Whom It May Concern: Please send a copy of the trademark portion of the Official Gazette, published on December 6, 2005, to the address below. Aviation Boatswain’s Mates Association P.O. Box 1106 Lakehurst, NJ 08733-0606 Thank You, R.J. “Stoney” Burke Treasurer 352 APPENDIX AK RESPONSE TO OFFICE ACTION FORM We have received your Response to Office Action Form below. -----Original Message----From: TEAS@uspto.gov [mailto:TEAS@uspto.gov] Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 6:21 PM To: RJSTONEYBURKE@AOL.COM; Thornton, Douglas LT Subject: Received your Response to Office Action Form for 78501064 Application serial no. 78501064 has been amended as follows: Mark Applicant proposes to amend the mark as follows: Original: AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION (Stylized and/or with Design) Proposed (USPTO generated image): DELETE STANDARD CHARACTER REQUIREMENT (Standard Characters) The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color. Classification and Listing of Goods/Services Applicant hereby deletes the following class of goods/services from the application. Class 035 for AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION LOGO ONLY; TO BE USED ON HATS, SHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS, T-SHIRTS, BELT BUCKLES, COLLECTABLE COINS, STICKERS, LICENSE PLATE FRAMES, BUMPER STICKERS, MUGS AND GLASSES, WATCHES, RINGS, LAPEL PINS, SCARFS, REFRIGERATOR MAGNETS, MOUSE PADS, NEWSLETTERS, ENVELOPES, STATIONARY, BOOKLETS, PAMPHLETS, FLAGS, LETTERHEAD PAPER Applicant hereby adds the following class of goods/services to the application: New: Class 025 for AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION LOGO TO BE USED ON HATS, SHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS, T-SHIRTS, SCARVES. Section 1(a), Use in Commerce: Use in Commerce: The applicant is using the mark in commerce, or the applicant's related company or licensee is using the mark in commerce, or the applicant's predecessor in interest used the mark in commerce, on or in connection with the identified goods and/or services. 15 U.S.C. Section 1051(a), as amended. The mark was first used on 12/01/1971 and first used in commerce on 12/01/1971, and is now in use in such commerce. Applicant hereby submits a specimen for Class 025. 353 The specimen(s) submitted consists of THE COLORS BLUE, GREEN, BROWN, BLACK AND WHITE ARE CLAIMED AS A FEATURE OF THE MARK. THE LOGO CONSISTS OF A SET OF BROWN AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATE WINGS SUPER IMPOSED OVER A WHITE AND BLACK AIRCRAFT CARRIER WHICH IS SUPER IMPOSED OVER A GLOBE. THE GLOBE IS DIVIDED BY BLACK LONGITUDINAL AND LATITUDINAL LINES. THE WATER ON THE GLOBE IS BLUE AND THE LAND MARKINGS ARE GREEN. THE LOGO ITSELF CAN ALSO BE DISPLAYED AS A BLACK OUTLINED LOGO WITHOUT THE COLORS ADDED.. For an application based on 1(a), Use in Commerce, "The substitute specimen(s) was in use in commerce as of the filing date of the application." Procedural Matters/Informalities Applicant proposes to amend the following: Original: AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION, a corporation of NJ, having an address of P.O. BOX 1106-NAVAL BASE LAKEHURST, NJ US 08733, whose phone number is 1-732-657-4749, whose phone number is 1-732-657-7799. Proposed: AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION, a corporation of NJ, having an address of P.O. BOX 1106-NAVAL BASE LAKEHURST, New Jersey United States 08733, whose e-mail address is RJSTONEYBURKE@AOL.COM, whose phone number is 1-732-657-4749 and whose fax number is 1-732-657-7799. Additional Statements No claim is made to the exclusive right to use ASSOCIATION apart from the mark as shown. PLEASE CHANGE FROM "STANDARD CHARACTER DRAWING" TO "DESIGN ELEMENT" Declaration Signature Signature: /ROBERT BURKE/ Date: 08/22/2005 Signatory's Name: ROBERT BURKE Signatory's Position: TREASURER ABMA Response Signature Signature: /ROBERT BURKE/ Date: 08/22/2005 Signatory's Name: ROBERT BURKE Signatory's Position: TREASURER ABMA 354 APPENDIX AL TEAS TRANSMITTAL RESPONSE ===========TEAS XML RESPONSE============= 78501064 http://tess2.uspto.gov/ImageAgent/ImageAgentProxy?getImage=78501064 AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION DELETE STANDARD CHARACTER REQUIREMENT mark.jpg LAW OFFICE 110 20041017 1 035 AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION LOGO ONLY; TO BE USED ON HATS, SHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS, T-SHIRTS, BELT BUCKLES, COLLECTABLE COINS, STICKERS, LICENSE PLATE FRAMES, BUMPER STICKERS, MUGS AND GLASSES, WATCHES, RINGS, LAPEL PINS, SCARFS, REFRIGERATOR MAGNETS, MOUSE PADS, NEWSLETTERS, ENVELOPES, STATIONARY, BOOKLETS, PAMPHLETS, FLAGS, LETTERHEAD PAPER N Y N N N 19711201 19711201 1 035 025 AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION LOGO TO BE USED ON HATS, SHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS, T-SHIRTS, SCARVES. Y 19711201 19711201 355 025 SP1 2055614537-22203233539-MVC-004S.JPG 2055614537-22203319137-MVC-005S.JPG 2055614537-22203349778-MVC-007S.JPG THE COLORS BLUE, GREEN, BROWN, BLACK AND WHITE ARE CLAIMED AS A FEATURE OF THE MARK. THE LOGO CONSISTS OF A SET OF BROWN AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATE WINGS SUPER IMPOSED OVER A WHITE AND BLACK AIRCRAFT CARRIER WHICH IS SUPER IMPOSED OVER A GLOBE. THE GLOBE IS DIVIDED BY BLACK LONGITUDINAL AND LATITUDINAL LINES. THE WATER ON THE GLOBE IS BLUE AND THE LAND MARKINGS ARE GREEN. THE LOGO ITSELF CAN ALSO BE DISPLAYED AS A BLACK OUTLINED LOGO WITHOUT THE COLORS ADDED. The substitute specimen(s) was in use in commerce as of the filing date of the application. 1 PM AVIATION BOAT SWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION D1 No claim is made to the exclusive right to use ASSOCIATION apart from the mark as shown. UK PLEASE CHANGE FROM "STANDARD CHARACTER DRAWING" TO "DESIGN ELEMENT" 10 0 1 03 AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 1106-NAVAL BASE LAKEHURST NJ 08733 US 1-732-657-4749 1-732-657-7799 NJ 356 10 0 1 New Jersey (NJ) United States (USX) RJSTONEYBURKE@AOL.COM NoDeclaration/1/ D 1 /ROBERT BURKE/ 20050822 ROBERT BURKE TREASURER ABMA R 2 /ROBERT BURKE/ 20050822 ROBERT BURKE TREASURER ABMA 20050822212125842405-78501064 20050822 21:05:02 Mon Aug 22 21:21:25 EDT 2005 USPTO/OA-2055614537-20050822212125842405-78501064-200ac2282ebb5bc38029de66f5997ac861N-N-20050822210502407196 Response to Office Action Form Filing RJSTONEYBURKE@AOL.COM; THORNTONDJ@CVN76.NAVY.MIL TEAS support team Mon Aug 22 21:21:25 EDT 2005 ____________________________________________________________________ STAMP: USPTO/OA-2055614537-20050822212125842405-78501064200ac2282ebb5bc38029de66f5997ac861-N-N-20050822210502407196 357 APPENDIX AM NOTICE OF PUBLICATION UNDER (12A) CERTIFICATION UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE (CERTIFICATE ATTACHED) 358 *\ UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Commissioner for Trademarks P.O. Box 1451 Alexandria, VA 22313-1451 www.usplo.gov Nov 16, 2005 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION UNDER 12(a) 1. Serial No.: 78/501,064 2. Mark: AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION and design 3. International Class(es): 25 4. Publication Date: Dec 6, 2005 5. Applicant: AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION The mark of the application identified appears to be entitled to registration. The mark will, in accordance with Section 12(a) of the Trademark Act of 1946, as amended, be published in the Official Gazette on the date indicated above for the purpose of opposition by any person who believes he will be damaged by the registration of the mark. If no opposition is filed within the time specified by Section 13(a) of the Statute or by rules 2.101 or 2.102 of the Trademark Rules, the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks may issue a certificate of registration. Copies of the trademark portion of the Official Gazette containing the publication of the mark may be obtained from: The Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office PO Box 371954 Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954 Phone: 202-5121800 By direction of the Commissioner. 359 UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE SERIAL NO: 78/501064 APPLICANT: AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION *78501064* CORRESPONDENT ADDRESS: AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 1106-NAVAL BASE LAKEHURST, NJ 08733 RETURN ADDRESS: Commissioner for Trademarks P.O. Box 1451 Alexandria, VA 22313-1451 If no fees are enclosed, the address should include the words "Box Responses - No Fee." MARK: AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATE ASSOCIATION CORRESPONDENT’S REFERENCE/DOCKET NO: N/A Please provide in all correspondence: 1. Filing date, serial number, mark and applicant's name. 2. Date of this Office Action. 3. Examining Attorney's name and Law Office number. 4. Your telephone number and email address. CORRESPONDENT EMAIL ADDRESS: rjstoneyburke@aol.com Serial Number 78/501064 EXAMINER’S AMENDMENT ADVISORY – AMENDMENTS TO GOODS/SERVICES: If the identification of goods and/or services has been amended below, any future amendments must be in accordance with 37 C.F.R. §2.71(a) and TMEP §1402.07(e). AMENDMENT(S) AUTHORIZED: As authorized by Robert J. Burke on October 7, 2005, the application is amended as noted below. If applicant disagrees with or objects to any of the amendments below, please notify the undersigned trademark examining attorney immediately. Otherwise, no response is necessary. TMEP §707. The identification of goods is amended to read: HATS, SHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS, T-SHIRTS, SCARVES The description of the mark is amended by deleting the following: THE LOGO ITSELF CAN ALSO BE DISPLAYED AS A BLACK OUTLINED LOGO WITHOUT THE COLORS ADDED. The disclaimer of record is not required for items of clothing, and therefore will not be printed on the registration. Steven Fine /sf/ Trademark Attorney Law Office 110 (571) 272-9158 360 APPENDIX AN CERTIFICATION OF REGISTRATION OF TRADEMARK-PRINCIPAL REGISTER (ATTACHED) 361 CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION PRINCIPAL REGISTER The Mark shown in this certificate has been registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office to the named registrant. The records of the United States Patent and Trademark Office show that an application for registration of the Mark shown in this Certificate was filed in the Office; that the application was examined and determined to be in compliance with the requirements of the law and with the regulations prescribed by the Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office; and that the Applicant is entitled to registration of the Mark under the Trademark Act of 1946, as Amended. A copy of the Mark and pertinent data from the application are part of this certificate. To avoid CANCELLATION of the registration, the owner of the registration must submit a declaration of continued use or excusable non-use between the fifth and sixth years after the registration date. (See next page for more information.) Assuming such a declaration is properly filed, the registration will remain in force for ten (10) years, unless terminated by an order of the Commissioner for Trademarks or a federal court. (See next page for information on maintenance requirements for successive ten-year periods.) Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office 362 Int. CL: 25 Prior U.S. Cls.: 22 and 39 Reg. No. 3,062,715 United States Patent and Trademark Office Registered Feb. 28, 2005 TRADEMARK PRINCIPAL REGISTER AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATES ASSOCIATION (NEW JERSEY CORPORATION) P.O. BOX 1106-NAVAL BASE LAKEHURST, NJ 08733 FOR: HATS, SHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS, TSHIRTS, SCARVES, IN CLASS 25 (U.S. CLS. 22 AND 39). FIRST USE 12-1-1971; IN COMMERCE 121-1971. THE COLORS BLUE, GREEN, BROWN, BLACK AND WHITE ARE CLAIMED AS A FEATURE OF THE MARK. THE LOGO CONSISTS OF A SET OF BROWN AVIATION BOATSWAIN'S MATE WINGS SUPER IMPOSED OVER A WHITE AND BLACK AIRCRAFT CARRIER WHICH IS SUPER IMPOSED OVER A GLOBE. THE GLOBE IS DIVIDED BY BLACK LONGITUDINAL AND LATITUDINAL LINES. THE WATER ON THE GLOBE IS BLUE AND THE LAND MARKINGS ARE GREEN. SER. NO. 78-501,064, FILED 10-172004. STEVEN R. FINE, EXAMINING ATTORNEY 363 APPENDIX AO REQUIREMENTS TO MAINTAIN YOUR FEDERAL TRADEMARK REGISTRATION Requirements in the First Ten Years* What and When to File: • First Filing: A Declaration of Continued Use (or Excusable Non-use), filed between the 5th and 6th years after the registration date. (See 15 U.S.C. §1058; 37 C.F.R. §2.161.) • Second Filing: A Declaration of Continued Use (or Excusable Non-use) and an Application for Renewal, filed between the 9th and 10th years after the registration date. (See 15 U.S.C. §1058 and §1059; 37 C.F.R. §2.161 and 2.183.) Requirements in Successive Ten-Year Periods* What and When to File: • A Declaration of Continued Use (or Excusable Non-use) and an Application for Renewal, filed between each 9th and 10th-year period after the date when the first ten-year period ends. (See 15 U.S.C. §1058 and §1059; 37 C.F.R. §2.161 and 2.183.) Grace Period Filings* There is a six-month grace period for filing the documents listed above, with payment of an additional fee. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will NOT send you any future notice or reminder of these filing requirements. Therefore, you should contact the USPTO approximately one year prior to the deadlines set forth above to determine the requirements and fees for submission of the required filings. NOTE: Electronic forms for the above documents, as well as information regarding current filing requirements and fees, are available online at the USPTO web site: www.uspto.gov YOUR REGISTRATION WILL BE CANCELLED IF YOU DO NOT FILE THE DOCUMENTS IDENTIFIED ABOVE DURING THE SPECIFIED TIME PERIODS. *Exception for the Extensions of Protection under the Madrid Protocol: The holder of an international registration with an extension of protection to the United States must file, under slightly different time periods, a Declaration of Continued Use (or Excusable Non-use) at the USPTO. See 15 U.S.C. §1141k; 37 C.F.R. §7.36. The renewal of an international registration, however, must be filed at the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization, under Article 7 of the Madrid Protocol. See 15 U.S.C. §1141j; 37 C.F.R. §7.41. 364 APPPENDIX AP ABMA SYMPOSIUM SITES AND GUEST SPEAKERS 1972 San Diego, Ca. VADM T.J. Walker COMNAVAIRPAC 1973 None Held 1974 Mayport, Fl. CAPT Anderson CO, NAS Mayport Alameda, Ca. CAPT E. D. Mckellar, Jr. CAPT C. C. Smith Jr. LT Barbara Rainey CO, Alameda CO, USS Enterprise (CVN-65) First Female Naval Aviation Pilot Norfolk, Va. RADM J. H. Scott CAPT W.D. Knutson CAPT F. A. Rodgers CAPT P. N. Hill CAPT J. A. Muka COMTACWINGLANT CO, NAS Oceana CO, NATTC Lakehurst CO, NATF Lakehurst XO, NAS Oceana San Diego, Ca. RADM B. W. Compton, Jr. Capt W. T. Marin Mr. William Knight NAVSEASYSCOM CO, NAVSTA San Diego First Chief, China Lake Philadelphia, Pa. RADM L. C. Chambers RADM H. P. Glindeman RADM F. Palmer CAPT A. Issacs Mr. V. T. Hirsch Mr. R. Nolan Asst. Chief, NAVPERS COMNAVSAFCEN COMFOURTH NAVDIST CO, NAVSTA Philadelphia National President, Navy League Executive Secretary,FRA Alameda, Ca. CAPT R. S. Parker CAPT B.A. Wiley CAPT F. B. Boice Mr. C. J. Corica COMNAVAIRPAC XO, NAS Alameda NAEC Lakehurst Mayor of Alameda Pensacola, Fl. CAPT D. B. Gilbert CAPT Roger Grantman CAPT K. A. Dickerson CO, NAS Pensacola NAVAIRSAFCEN TRAWING 5 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 365 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 San Diego, Ca. VADM R. F. Schoultz RADM L. C. Chambers CAPT G. W. Horsley, Jr. CAPT G. J. Fenzl, Jr. Mr. Kile Morgan COMNAVAIRPAC NAVAIRSYSCOM CO, NAVSTA San Diego NAVAIRSYSCOM Mayor of National City Norfolk, Va. ADM Harry D. Train, III RADM Edward N. Martin RADM L. C. Chambers RADM L. O. Tuttle Mr. G. W. Whitehurst Mr. Vincent Thomas CINCLANTFLT COMCARGRU 4 NAVAIRSYSCOM COMCARGRU 8 Congressman, State of Virginia Mayor of Norfolk San Diego, Ca. VADM C. A. Easterling RADM G. M. Furlong, Jr. Commodore E. I. Carmichael COMNAVAIRPAC COMFITWINGPAC COMNAVBASE San Diego Philadelphia, Pa. VADM R. F. Schoultz VADM R. F. Dunn RADM J. W. Austin Commodore J. C. Brest CAPT F. B. Boice CAPT Lee CAPT R. K. Schultz CAPT G. J. Fenzl, Jr. CAPT D. S. Brown Deputy Chief, NAVOPS (Air) COMNAVAIRLANT CO, NAVBASE Philadelphia COMNAVSAFCEN CO, Lakehurst CNO-OP55P CO, NAVSTA Philadelphia NAVAIRSYSCOM NATTC Lakehurst San Diego, Ca. VADM C. A. Easterling CAPT B. J. Penn CAPT G. J. Fenzl, Jr. CAPT N. H. Lowery CAPT D. P. French COMNAVAIRPAC CO, NAS North Island NAVAIRSYSCOM CO, NATTC Lakehurst CO, RTC San Diego Pensacola, Fl. VADM R. F. Dunn VADM J. R. Calvert CAPT R. B. Curtis CAPT N. H. Lowery CAPT P. M. Feran CAPT B. A. Butcheer Mr. Vince Whibbs COMNAVAIRLANT NAVAIRSYSCOM NAVAIRSYSCOM CO, NATTC Lakehurst CO, USS Lexington (CVT 16) NAVMACOM Mayor of Pensacola 366 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Norfolk, Va. RADM George R. Strohsohl RADM Edwin R. Kohn CAPT John E. Allen CAPT R. B. Curtis CAPT James R. Lair CAPT John M. Kaiser CAPT J. R. McDonald MCPON W. K. Plackett Mr. Joseph A. Leafe NAVAIRSYSCOM CNO-OP 098 CO, NAS Oceana NAVAIRSYSCOM CO, USS America (CV-66) CO, NATTC Lakehurst CO, NAEC Lakehurst Master Chief Petty Officer of Navy Mayor of Norfolk San Diego, Ca. VADM John H. Fetterman, Jr. RADM Jeremy D. Taylor RADM Richard C. Gentz CAPT Robert P. Hickey CAPT John M. Kaiser COMNAVAIRPAC COMLATWINGPAC VICE COMNAVAIRSYSCOM CO, USS Ranger (CV-61) CO, NATTC Lakehurst Valley Forge, Pa. VADM R. A. Dunleavy RADM A. E. Reider CAPT Joseph K. Taussig, Jr. CAPT D. L. Rainer CAPT John M. Kaiser CAPT J. R. McDonald MCPON Duane Bushey Deputy, CNO COMNAVBASE Philadelphia Asst. Dep. Under SECNAV CO, USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63) CO, NATTC Lakehurst CO, NAEC Lakehurst Master Chief Petty Officer of Navy Silverdale, Wa. RADM Ronald J. Zlatoper RADM George H. Strohsahl, Jr. CAPT Bill Walker CAPT Michael J. Concannon CAPT G. K. Jacobs CAPT Aurthor Clark Mr. Louis Mentor COMCARGRU 7 COMPACMISSGRU Point Magu NAVAIRSYSCOM NAVAIRSYSCOM NAEC Lakehurst CO, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Mayor of Bremerton Jacksonville, Fl. ADM Leon Edney RADM Joseph Walker RADM Mixon CAPT James M. Drager CAPT Kevin Delaney CAPT Frank Culbertson CAPT James Flaherty, Jr. CAPT Bill Walker Mr. Ed Austin Ms. Deborah Gianoulis CINCLANTFLT On behalf of VADM Dunleavy CO, USS Saratoga (CV-60) CO, NAS Jacksonville NASA Astronaut CO, Navy Safety Center NAVAIR NAEC Lakehurst Mayor of Jacksonville 367 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 San Diego, Ca. ADM Robert J. Kelly VADM Edwin R. Kohn, Jr. CAPT Louis R. Canapa CAPT Richard J. Naughton CAPT Gordon Rheistrom CINCPACFLT COMNAVAIRPAC Chief of Staff, COMNAVAIRPAC CO, USS Enterprise (CVN-65) Dep. Asst. NAVPERS Norfolk, Va. ADM Henry H. Mauz, Jr. RADM L. E. Allen, Jr. CAPT Daniel C. Roper CAPT Alan M. Gemmill CAPT Harold J. Tickle Ms. Meyera Oberndorf CINCLANT COMCARGRU 4 CO, USS Enterprise (CVN-65) CO, USS Eisenhower (CVN-69) Dep. Asst. NAVPERS Mayor of Virginia Beach Memphis, Tn. VADM Robert J. Spain VADM Richard C. Allen RADM Brent Bennett RADM Steven Keith RADM (Ret) James E. Miller CAPT T. L. Willis CAPT T. C. Webb, Jr. CAPT Harry J. Coyle Mr. W. S. Howard COMNAVAIRPAC COMNAVAIRLANT Asst. Chief, NAVOPS (Air) COM Coordinator Midsouth RESFLT President./CEO, U.S. Navy Memorial Co. NAS Memphis OPNAV (N885) CO, NATTC Lakehurst Mayor of Millington, Tn. San Diego, Ca. RADM Scott Walker RADM Steven Keith CAPT T. C. Webb, Jr. CAPT Marc Ostertag CO, NAVBASE San Diego COM Coordinator Midsouth RESFLT OPNAV (N885) CO, USS Constellation (CV-64) Pensacola, Fl. VADM John J.Mazach VADM (Ret) John H. Fetterman CAPT Haefner CAPT Richard L. Dick CAPT J. Michael Denkler Mr. John Fogg Dr. Jojosky COMNAVAIRLANT CEO, Naval Aviation Museum Office of CNO CO, NAS Whiting Field CO,NAS Pensacola Mayor of Pensacola NIOSH Silverdale, Wa. CAPT David Crocker CAPT Larry E. Knolhoff CAPT Bradley J. Mason Mrs. Lena Swanson CO, USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) NAVAIRSYSCOM CO, PSNSY Washington State Legislator 368 1998 1999 2000 2001 2001 Jacksonville, Fl. VADM (Ret( John H. Fetterman RADM Ronald Christenson CAPT Robin Weber CAPT Mark D. Kikta CAPT John R. Leenhouts CAPT Stephen A. Turcotte CAPT Ronald H. Jaeh CEO, Naval Aviation Museum Head, Carrier Programs (N885/N999) CO, USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) CO, Sea Control Wing, U.S. LANTFLT CO, Strike Fighter Wing, U.S. LANTFLT CO, NAS Jacksonville XO, NTTC Corry Station, Pensacola Fl. San Diego Ca. VADM Edward Moore, Jr. RADM William V. Cross RADM Steven G. Smith CAPT Brad L. Wroolie CAPT Stephen D. Doyle CAPT Donald P. Watkins, Jr. CAPT Larry E. Knolhoff COMSURPAC PEO Carriers COMPHIBGRU 3 COMPHIBGRU 3 XO, USS Boxer CNO (N885) NAVAIRSYSCOM Virginia Beach, Va. VADM Joseph S. Mobley RADM Alan M. Gemmil CAPT Steven F. Firks CAPT Ronald H. Jaeh Ms. Meyera Oberndorf COMNAVAIRLANT Head, Aircraft Carriers Program CO, USS Nimitz (CVN-68) CO, NATTC Pensacola Mayor of Virginia Beach Pensacola, Fl. VADM (Ret) John H. Fetterman CAPT Randal L. Bahr CAPT Craig F. Weideman SES-4 George V. DiBiase CEO, Naval Aviation Museum CO, NAS Pensacola CO, Naval Aviation Schools Command Support Equipment & ALRE Dept. NAVIAR Silverdale, Wa. RADM Timothy L. Heely CAPT Richard B. Wren CAPT Anthony E. McFarlane CAPT B. Neunaber SES-4 George V. DiBiase Mr. Hershel Pryor 2002 Patuxent River, Md. RADM Charles H. Johnston RADM (Ret) Ralph E. Suggs CAPT Dane C. Swanson CAPT Anthony E. McFarlane LCDR Roy Harrison Commander, Naval Air Warfare Aircraft Division, Assistant Commander, Research and Engineering , NAVAIR CO, USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) Executive Assistant, NATTC Pensacola Fl. Air Officer, USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) Support Equipment & ALRE Dept. NAVIAR Joint Strike Fighter Program, Lockheed Martin Vice-Commander NAVAIR Director of Dealer Training, Harley Davidson Motor Company CO, NAS Patuxent River Director 5 Vector Model Career Directorate LDO/CWO Detailer, ABMA President 369 2003 San Diego, Ca. CAPT Anthony E. McFarlane Director 5 Vector Model Career Directorate CDR Randall L. Hauke Air Boss, USS Nimitz (CVN-68) CDR (Ret) Randy “Duke” Cunningham Congressman Duncan Hunter Congressman LCDR Roy Harrison LDO/CWO Detailer, ABMA President C. T. Burbage Executive VP and General Manager Joint Strike Fighter Program, Lockheed Martin 2005 Virginia Beach, Va. RADM H. Denby Starling, II CAPT Mark F. Heinrich CAPT James A. Hubbard Ms. Meyera Oberndorf 2006 Pensacola, Fl. RADM John H.”Jay” Bowling, III RADM Michael S. Roesner RADM (Ret) Ralph E. Suggs CAPT Peter S. Frano CAPT Robert J. Fiegl, Jr. Mr. Jack Hankins 2007 Silverdale, Wa. VADM (Ret) Gerald L. Hoewing CAPT Matthew T. Scassero CAPT Stephen C. Rorke C. T. Burbage 2008 Norfolk, Va. VADM (Ret) John J.Mazach RADM John W. Goodwin CAPT Randolph L. Mahr CAPT Brian K. Antonio NCCM Jose A. Velazquez COMNAVAIRFORCE U.S. Atlantic Fleet Supply Corps U.S. Fleet Forces Command Anti-Terrorism Directorate Mayor of Virginia Beach Deputy Director Expeditionary Warfare Division (N75B) Commander, Naval Inventory Control Point Director of Field Service Operations, Harley Davidson Motor Company CO, NAS Pensacola CO, NATTC Pensacola Vice President of Sales and Marketing Scott Health and Safety President, CEO, Naval Aviation Museum Fondation, Inc. Executive VP and General Manager Joint Strike Fighter Program Intergration, Lockheed Martin Vice President Business Development Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding Commander, Naval Air Forces Atlantic Program Manager, PMA-251, ALRE Future Aircraft Carrier Program Manager Career Counselor Liaison CPPD/VOLED Virginia Beach, Va. 370 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 371 APPENDIX AQ REUNION CHAIRMEN AND PAST PRESIDENTS Reunion Chairmen Prior To Incorporation 1971 1972 1973 1974 ABCM Mike Hickman ABCM Willie Gann ABCS V.R. Christofoletti LT Cliff Forbes Presidents 1974-1975 CDR Robert Gillen 1975-1976 CDR Robert Gillen 1976-1977 CWO4 Robert Archibald 1977-1978 LCDR Dave Deese 1978-1979 LCDR Thomas Gregory 1979-1980 ABCM Bert Gorczyca 1980-1981 LCDR Joseph Breslin 1981-1982 LCDR Joseph Breslin 1982-1983 ABCM James E. Tuck 1983-1984 LCDR Preston L. Jones 1984-1985 ABCM Lee Snodgrass 1985-1986 CDR Cliff Forbes 1986-1987 CDR Robert E. Parsons 1987-1988 CDR Robert E. Parsons 1988-1989 CWO4 Robert M. Henderson 1989-1990 CWO4 C. L. Moorehead 1990-1991 ABCM Charles J. Ramsey 1991-1992 ABCM Charles J. Ramsey 1992-1993 ABCM Raymond Tick 1993-1994 CDR Tony Mcfarlane 1994-1995 CDR Tony Mcfarlane 1995-1996 LT Brian Gale 1996-1997 LCDR Steve Ross 1997-1998 LT T. A. “Cracker” Chorlton 1998-1999 ABECS Wally Hamaker 1999-2000 ABCM Lanny Vines 2000-2001 CDR Mike Weeks 2001-2002 LCDR Jimmy McLaughlin 2002-2003 LCDR Roy Harrison 2003-2004 LCDR Roy Harrison 2004-2005 LT Douglas J. Thornton 2005-2006 CDR Richard D. “RD” Jones 2006-2007 CDR Richard D. “RD” Jones 2007-2008 CDR Luis A. Hernandez 2008-2009 372 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 373 APPENDIX AR LIVING LEGENDS 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ABCM (Ret) Willie Gann CDR (Ret) Jack E. Carleton LCDR (Ret) David S. Deese LCDR(Ret) Harry Claar CDR (Ret) Robert Francis Gillen CWO4 (Ret) Edward Hayes ABCS (Ret) Odie R. Kennedy CWO4 (Ret) Tyrone A. Roebuck CWO4 (Ret) Robert J. Archibald III CWO3 (Ret) Arlie T. Sinks LCDR (Ret) Ambler “Skip” Lopez CWO4 (Ret) Victor P. “Vic” Pinion CDR (Ret) Preston Leon Jones LCDR (Ret) Mark Swain Short LT (Ret) Clayton J. “C J” Heard CWO4 (Ret) Robert M. Henderson CDR (Ret) Robert E. Parsons ABCS (Ret) Jackie E. Nix 374 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 375 APPENDIX AS HONORARY LIVING LEGENDS 2000 Mr. Thomas M. “Tom” Gibney 376 APPENDIX AT POSTHUMOUS LEGENDS 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 CDR (Ret) Clarence E. “Cliff” Forbes ABCM (Ret) Frederick P. Terrrazzano CDR (Ret) Lawrence E. “Larry” Wiltzius CWO4 (Ret) James D. Maloney CWO4 (Ret) Robert V. Langmaid None Selected None Selected None Selected None Selected ABHC (Ret) Donald A. “Tiny” Alexander None Selected ABH1 (Ret) William Robert “Willy” Harms None Selected 377 APPENDIX AU AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE OF THE YEAR EAST AND WEST COAST ATLANTIC PACIFIC 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ABH1 R.A. Buscher ABH1 Alan Lundeen ABF1 Charles Bennett ABE1 Bert Blyth ABEC A.L. Crutchfield ABE1 A.A. Annunziata ABF1 Richard Borrego ABE1 Elwood G. Eppard ABE1 Paul Erickson ABE1 T. A. Chorlton ABH1 Norris I. Danzey ABE1 Richard D. Jones ABE1 (AW) James D. Surgeon ABE1 (SW) Ronnie G. Pinkston ABH1 (AW) Shawn T. Whalen ABE1 Buddy Ward ABE1 (AW/SW) R. Donaldson ABE1 (AW) W. D. Cunningham ABH1 (AW) William J. Claye ABH1 (AW) Larry Spradlin ABE1 (AW) Tagipo Miago ABE1 (AW) Steven D. Keizer ABH1 (AW) Sean Black ABF1 (AW) Lawrence D. Warford ABE1 (AW) Dennis M. Prazeau ABF1 (AW/SW) Reynaldo A. Stanley ABH1 (AW/SW) Glenn R. Harrison ABH1 (AW/SW) Jitindra W. Sirjoo ABH1 (AW/SW) Ronnie A. Padilla ABH1 (AW/SW) Christopher L. Smith ABF1 (AW/SW) Jamison R. Hunter ABF1 (AW/SW) Roberto Saavedra ABH1 (AW/SW) Paul S. Young ABE1 Robert Whelan ABFC Alfred Reynolds ABCS Lew Simpson ABE1 Jake Kollarik ABE1 Nelson Tabinga ABE1 Michael Hoben ABH1 Brian Stump ABH1 M.L. Herman ABE1 Jeffrey Wisler ABH2 Kevin J. Phillips ABH1 Willie Lewis ABH2 Scott J. Bailey ABH1 Michael B. Reid ABH1 Paul Foster ABH1 Mark C. Persutti ABH1 Daniel Dray ABH1 (AW/SW) Derek Diggs ABF1 (AW/SW) Dennis Joyce ABF1 (AW) Bradley H. Fudge ABH1 (AW) Joseph Howard ABE1 (AW) Wilbert M. Wafford ABH1 James A. Wiggins ABE1 (AW) Anthony Hughes ABH1 (AW/SW) Thomas Lamb ABH1 (AW) Gregory A. Curl ABE1 (AW/SW) Jamie I. Roman ABE1 (AW/SW) Jon C. Clark ABF1 (AW/SW) Karl C. Thomsen ABF1 (AW/SW) Alvaro D. Williams ABF1 (AW/SW) Eric L. Alexander ABH1 (AW/SW) Maguel L. Brooks ABF1 (AW) Jacob D. Muehls ABF1 (AW/SW) Charles A. Loy 378 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 379 APPENDIX AV ABMA PREAMBLE We unite to form the AVIATION BOATSWAIN”S MATE ASSOCIATION; Dedicated: • To stimulate and perpetuate love of country, our flag, and our Navy; • To defend the honor, integrity, and supremacy of our national government and the Constitution of The United States; • To support, develop, encourage, foster, and stimulate Naval Aviation Safety in the “Aircraft-on-Deck” mode (touchdown to takeoff); • To aid past and present Aviation Boatswain’s Mates of the United States Navy from which our members are drawn, and their dependents and survivors in every proper and legitimate matter; • To present the best interests and rights of Aviation Boatswain’s Mates to proper authority when appropriate. 380 APPENDIX AW THE EVENING PRAYER I am convinced, Our Father, that your fondest feelings are reserved for the least pretentious and most genuine of us. I am sure that Aviation Boatswain’s Mates are some of your favorites. Certainly Aviation Boatswain’s Mates have yet to find the virtues of humility, or soft-spokenness or gentleness… They do lead with their jaws….And they always seem to be ready to fight than to switch. They can be singled out by their red eyes, and a grubbiness, which is a mark of their trade. But their wills match their strong backs…And their love of each other is a wondrous thing to behold. They are the salt of the deck…And the saltiness is honest and open…And they are uniquely Your sons. We are grateful for them…As you love them specially, we mark them particularly tonight. Bless them every one…And forever keep them from harm and hurt…In Christ’s name, Amen. R. W. Bedingfield, Chaplain (USN) APPENDIX AX THE LAST AB As long as we have gone to sea With names like Wasp and Kennedy Upon our decks have stood a breed 381 A band of brothers with “can-do” creed They toil and run upon our roofs They talk with wands and mouse to shoot They dress in different colors bold But yet their story’s seldom told They own our mighty catapults Tractors, gear, and fuel to suit They run the engines in our skin To launch our toys when war begins They eat from boxes during chow That’s if our flight schedules allow They sleep in stuffy lockers full On huffers, deuces, catwalks too Their names have seldom made the press For fighting fires in battle dress Their efforts saved our Forestall For that and more we owe them all And now we hear the winds of change Of smaller ships as budget strain Some heard the words magnetic cats We wonder where our future’s at But as long as ships are sent to sea To launch their planes for liberty We know that you shall never see A Sailor called the last AB 382 APPENDIX AY LETTER OF SUPPORT FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CNO 383 RESPONSES TO 1984 ABMA WORKSHOP RESULTS 1. The following is the status of Aviation Boatswain Mates Association workshop items: A. AIRCRAFT LAUNCH/RECOVERY EQUIPMENT ITEM COMMENTS A.1. Design efforts are under way. NAVAIRENGCEN is procuring kits. Initial operation capability is expected approximately 1 January 1985. New panel support will be issued as JBD service change 65. A.2. CNO WASHINGTON DC 301642Z AUG 84 favorably endorsed COMNAVAIRSYSCOM 141928Z AUG 84 and requested that PQS for catapult electricians be added to the FY85 Aviation PQS Development List and a PQS workshop be held during first quarter FY85. A.3. Donut wire supports procured between 1980-1982 were of inferior quality. Some of these supports are still in the supply system. QA provisions of the procurement specification have been increased to minimize this problem in the future. BRASO/NAVAIRENGCEN for action. A.4. NAVAIR will request OP-592 to task Naval Manpower Engineering Center to study new requirements. A.5. Tool lists and drawings have been prepared by NAVAIR/NAVAIRENGCEN for all catapult requirements and progress is being made on other system requirements. Once completed, stock numbers will be assigned to the special tools and they will be available in the supply system. A.6. NEC 4672 established for catapult electricians is a valid requirement. Type commanders (TYCOM) must identify shortfalls within their area of responsibility, press ships to assign personnel holding NEC, and press NAVMILPERSCOM to man to allowance. 384 B. AIRCRAFT HANDLING AND CRASH/SALVAGE ITEM COMMENTS B.1. SEA-05M for action - AIR-551 will coordinate. B.2. Design, development, and engineering evaluation of a crash handling load leveling device is in progress by NAVAIR/NAVAIRENGCEN. Operational evaluation of prototype is scheduled for FY86. B.3. SEA-55X24/NAVSAFECEN (Code 122B) for action - AIR-551 will coordinate. B.4. COMTRALANT/COMTRAPAC for action. NAVSAFECEN will coordinate. B.5. AIR-511 will forward correspondence to NAVSEA requesting evaluation/feasibility of operationally deploying HALON 1211 portable extinguishers as a suitable replacement for CO2 and PKP portable extinguishers aboard ship. B.6. NAVAIR ltr Ser AIR-5111J/24 of 27 July 1984 promulgated NAVAIR's plan of action and milestones for the development of a new training course for specialized live aircraft firefighting training for shipboard crews. In active pursuit of the recommendations of NAVAIR ltr AIR-5511J/EDH/clt Ser 9 of 28 March 1984, a progress review will be conducted for the CV Firefighting Flag Level Steering Committee meeting in October 1984. C. AVIATION FUELS SYSTEMS ITEM COMMENTS C.1. Sampling petcocks as discussed here are the ones similar to those approved for installation on the FORRESTAL in location where sampling of fuel is required (i.e., filter-separator, purifiers, double valve manifolds). This is a NAVSEA item. C.2. PMS-592/TYCOM for action. G.3. SEA-56Y32 for action. C.4 SEA-56Y32 for action. 385 D. GENERAL ITEM COMMENTS D.1. NAVMILPERSCOM for action. D.2. NAVMILPERSCOM for action. 2. Aviation fuel items will receive direct attention commencing November 1984 as a result of an Aviation Boatswain Mate (AVBOSN) LDO filling the SEA-56Y32 billet. Subject billet has not previously been filled with an AVBOSN/LDO. 386 APPENDIX AZ THE AVIATION BOATSWAIN’S MATE INSIGNIA WRITTEN BY CWO4 DOUGLAS L. CHANEY (AB BOS’N) (RETIRED) OUR INSIGNIA, BEARING CROSSED ANCHORS WITH WINGS, HAS STOOD FOR GALLANTRY, PRODUCTIVITY AND DEDICATION FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS. MANY EXCELLENT AB’S HAVE GIVEN THEIR LIMBS AND IN TOO MANY CASES THEIR LIVES, PERFORMING THE FEATS OF THE FLIGHT DECK. ALLOW ME TO BREAK THE INSIGNIA DOWN AND PUT IT INTO THE RIGHT PERSPECTIVE FOR YOU. THE ANCHOR IS A HEAVY DEVICE USED TO SECURE A SEA-GOING VESSEL OR BOAT TO A SPECIFIC SPOT IN A BODY OF WATER. A SINGLE WELLTRAINED AB IS AN ANCHOR. THEY SECURE THEIR WATCH STATIONS, WHETHER IT BE SECURING AIRCRAFT ON DECK, FUELING AND DEFUELING AIRCRAFT, DIRECTING AIRCRAFT AROUND THE DECK, SALVAGING DAMAGED AIRCRAFT, MAKING AIRCRAFT SETTINGS ON THE ARRESTING GEAR ENGINE OR HOOKING UP AND LAUNCHING AIRCRAFT OFF OUR CATAPULTS. OUR INSIGNIA HAS TWO ANCHORS. THIS SIGNIFIES THAT WE CAN’T DO OUR JOBS ALONE. WE MUST RELY ON EACH OTHER AND COMBINE OUR KNOWLEDGE AND TALENTS TO FULFILL OUR ROLE ON EVERY FLIGHT AND HANGAR DECK. JUST LIKE A SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA IN AN AMPHITHEATER, WE PERFORM THE MARVELOUS SPECTACLE OF CARRIER AIR OPERATIONS. WE SEE EACH OTHER AT OUR WORST AND OUR BEST AND WE ASSIST EACH OTHER THROUGH THE ROUGH AND DANGEROUS TIMES THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT. WE TEACH EACH OTHER, WE TEST EACH OTHER AND THOUGH IT IS NEVER STATED, WE LOVE AND RESPECT EACH OTHER DEEPLY. LIKE THE IDENTICAL CROSSED ANCHORS, OUR SOULS ARE BONDED IN FRIENDSHIP FOREVER. THEN THERE ARE THE WINGS. TO PUT WINGS ON A SET OF ANCHORS IN ITSELF IS SUPERFLUOUS. IN RETROSPECT, IT WOULD TAKE VERY POWERFUL WINGS AND A STRONG BACK TO SUPPORT THEM IN FLIGHT. AB’S HAVE THE STRONG BACKS AND THE DETERMINATION TO GET THE JOB DONE NO MATTER WHAT THE SACRIFICE. UNFORTUNATELY, THOSE SACRIFICES ARE MANY AND I WOULD HOPE THAT THEY DON’T GO UNREWARDED. REMEMBER THE OLD FABLE ABOUT WHENEVER A BELL CHIMES, AN ANGEL GETS IT WINGS? WELL, WHENEVER YOU HEAR SHIP’S BELL SOUND, MORE AB’S HAVE SACRIFICED THEIR TIME AND USED THEIR PROFESSIONALISM TO EARN THEIR WINGS. OUR WINGS SHOULD SIGNIFY THAT WE HAVE EARNED AND SECURED OUR PLACE IN HEAVEN. 387 APPENDIX BA THE RETIRED AB WRITTEN BY CWO4 DOUGLAS L. CHANEY (AB BOS’N) (RETIRED) 388