Investors Briefing Q3
MEDIA PRIMA BERHAD FINANCIAL & BUSINESS REVIEW FOR THE 9-MONTH PERIOD ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2012 22 NOVEMBER 2012 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Content MEDIA PRIMAOverview BERHAD Section 1 Section 2 Page 3 Performance Review Section 2.1 Media Prima Group 6 Section 2.2 TV Networks 13 Section 2.3 Print Media 18 Section 2.4 Primeworks Studios 25 Section 2.5 Radio Networks 30 Section 2.6 Outdoor Media 34 Section 2.7 New Media 38 Section 2.8 Corporate & Others 43 Section 3 Conclusion 45 2 Section 1 OVERVIEW 3 MEDIA PRIMA BERHAD TODAY Television Broadcasting Print Media Outdoor Media Radio 98% 100% 80% Content Creation 100% New Media 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Media Prima Fact Sheet @ 30/09/2012 Issued and paid-up share capital RM1,079.2m Shareholders funds RM1,433.9m Total assets RM2,285.1m Cash RM389.9m Group borrowings RM405.1m PDS Ratings (RAM) AAAbg (MTN), P1 (CP) 4 INDUSTRY ADEX (MALAYSIA) YTD Q3 2012 YTD Q3 2011 Source : AC Nielsen RM MILLION PAY TV FTA TV NEWSPAPERS RADIO OUTDOOR OTHERS TOTAL YTD Q3 2012 1,945 2,211 3,202 318 106 264 8,047 YTD Q3 2011 1,705 2,218 3,220 315 87 271 7,817 14 (0.3) (0.6) 1 22 (3) 3 % Change 1. Nielsen’s Adex numbers for PAY TV (as well as FTA TV) have not taken into consideration the discounting factor. Actual or cash Adex would be lower than Nielsen’s reported numbers due to higher actual bonussing and discounting. 2. PAY TV is also a cheaper alternative as its rates are lower than that of FTA TV and Print 3. Inclusion of more paid channels will contribute to higher growth for PAY TV 5 Section 2.1 PERFORMANCE REVIEW – MEDIA PRIMA GROUP 6 CONSOLIDATED RESULTS YTD Q3 2012 GROSS REVENUE NET REVENUE ROYALTIES NET REVENUE AFTER ROYALTIES DIRECT COSTS CONTRIBUTION OTHER INCOME OVERHEADS EBITDA FINANCE COSTS DEPRECIATION AND AMORTISATION PROFIT BEFORE ASSOCIATE SHARE OF ASSOCIATE'S RESULTS PROFIT BEFORE TAX TAXATION PROFIT AFTER TAX MINORITY INTEREST NET GAINS FROM SUBSIDIARIES FOR SALE GAIN ON DISPOSAL OF SUBSIDIARY ACQUIRED EXCLUSIVELY FOR SALE PATAMI RM '000 YTD SEPT 2012 YTD SEPT 2011 A B 1,443,524 1,427,198 1,220,118 1,193,329 (2,658) (2,717) 1,217,460 1,190,612 (416,269) (399,810) 801,191 790,802 11,347 17,880 (535,693) (531,904) 276,845 276,778 (22,035) (25,035) (73,828) (73,090) 180,982 178,653 4,671 2,172 185,653 180,825 (47,391) (46,358) 138,262 134,467 (1,536) (1,764) (153) 54 136,726 132,604 EBITDA margin % 23% 23% PATAMI margin % 11% 11% 25.5% 25.6% Effective Tax Rate % % CHANGE A-B 1 2 2 2 (4) 1 (37) (1) 0 12 (1) 1 >100 3 (2) 3 (13) (100) (100) 3 7 RESULTS QUARTER-BY-QUARTER Q2 2012 RM'000 Q3 2012 Q3 2011 A B C % CHANGE (B - A) (B - C) GROSS REVENUE 529,151 515,604 498,271 (3) 3 NET REVENUE ROYALTI ES 447,623 (1,009) 437,211 (993) 417,468 (939) (2) (2) 5 (6) 446,614 (156,301) 290,313 436,218 (139,285) 296,933 416,529 (130,287) 286,242 (2) 11 2 5 (7) 4 (33) (59) NET REVENUE AFTER ROYALTI ES DI RECT COSTS CONTRIBUTION OTHER I NCOME OVERHEADS 5,288 (190,993) (188,533) (3) (1) 109,575 109,505 106,490 (0) 3 FI NANCE COSTS DEPRECI ATI ON & AMORTI SATI ON PROFI T BEFORE ASSOCI ATES SHARE OF ASSOCI ATE'S RESULTS PROFIT BEFORE TAX TAXATI ON PROFI T AFTER TAX MI NORI TY I NTEREST PATAMI - CONTI NUI NG OPERATI ONS NET (LOSSES)/GAINS FROM SUBSI DI ARI ES HELD FOR SALE GAIN ON DI SPOSAL OF SUBSI DI ARY ACQUI RED EXCLUSI VELY FOR SALE EBITDA margin % PATAMI margin % 8,781 (186,026) EBITDA PATAMI 3,565 (7,509) (24,668) (7,303) (24,852) (8,725) (25,732) 3 (1) 16 3 77,398 (44) 77,350 2,027 72,033 683 (0) (>100) 7 (>100) 77,354 (19,949) 79,377 (19,948) 72,716 (18,672) 3 0 9 (7) 57,405 59,429 54,044 4 10 54 61 4 11 (617) 56,788 (283) 59,146 - - - - 56,788 24% 13% 59,146 25% 14% (726) 53,318 54 53,372 26% 13% 100 4 11 MEDIA PRIMA GROUP FINANCIAL RESULTS BY MEDIA GROUP TVN Radio Outdoor Media Print Media* New Media* Others Consol Adjustment Total RM'000 Gross Revenue YTD Q3 2012 YTD Q3 2011 Growth % 618,833 627,260 (1) 51,873 49,737 4 127,552 116,788 9 628,878 617,498 2 23,673 13,254 79 15,790 21,923 (28) (23,075) (19,262) (20) 1,443,524 1,427,198 1 Net Revenue (after royalties) YTD Q3 2012 YTD Q3 2011 Growth % 494,602 500,959 (1) 43,186 41,206 5 118,829 108,255 10 534,124 518,554 3 21,640 12,706 70 15,790 21,923 (28) (10,711) (12,991) (18) 1,217,460 1,190,612 2 EBITDA Before EI YTD Q3 2012 YTD Q3 2011 Growth % 151,430 160,908 (6) 20,766 20,517 1 36,824 35,736 3 93,058 98,890 (6) 4,002 (3,354) >100 37,293 54,544 32 (66,528) (90,463) 26 276,845 276,778 0 31,353 31,064 (1) 1,280 1,373 7 5,903 6,909 15 41,475 38,235 (8) 1,382 931 (48) 19,637 23,789 17 (5,167) (4,176) (24) 95,863 98,125 2 120,077 129,844 (8) 19,486 19,144 2 30,921 28,827 7 51,583 60,655 (15) 2,620 (4,285) >100 17,656 30,755 (43) (61,361) (86,287) 29 180,982 178,653 1 Depreciation & Interest Expenses YTD Q3 2012 YTD Q3 2011 Growth % PBT / (LBT) Before Associate Before EI - Continuing Operations YTD Q3 2012 YTD Q3 2011 Growth % *NSTP e-Media’s results consolidated under New Media 9 REVENUE PERFORMANCE ADEX PERFORMANCE YTD SEPT 2012 vs. YTD SEPT 2011 Industry Adex Media Prima’s Net Revenue Adex By Platform 1% 1% 0.3% 6% 10% 1% 5% 22% 83% 43% Our Print, Radio & New Media were able to outperform the market while Outdoor show decent growth GROSS REVENUE PERFORMANCE QUARTER-BY-QUARTER RM’ Million 529 5% 503 (6%) 516 4% 498 2012 2011 426 399 Q1 Q2 Q3 10 SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS YTD September 2012 net revenue grew by 2% against YTD September 2011 mainly contributed by EUFA EURO 2012 and the Olympics 2012. Revenue 2% Uncertainty of the global as well as local market conditions resulted in cautious spending by advertisers. YTD September 2012 EBITDA is at par with YTD Q3 2011 EBITDA PATAMI Weak revenue growth and higher rebates/ incentives are partially offset by cost savings in direct costs and overheads. 3% PATAMI is 3% higher than YTD September 2011 Savings achieved via full MTN repayment of RM100million 11 Section 2.2 PERFORMANCE REVIEW - TV Networks 12 TV NETWORKS YTD Q3 2012 RESULTS RM'000 % YTD SEPT 2012 A YTD SEPT 2011 B 618,833 627,260 (1) 494,602 (159,900) 500,959 (160,904) (1) 1 CONTRIBUTION 334,702 340,055 (2) OTHER INCOME 3,810 4,584 GROSS REVENUE NET REVENUE DIRECT COSTS OVERHEADS EBITDA DEPRECIATION INT & FINANCE CHARGES CHANGE A-B (17) (187,081) 151,430 (183,732) 160,908 (2) (6) (30,670) (30,001) (2) (683) (1,063) 36 PROFIT BEFORE TAX (PBT) 120,077 129,844 (8) TAXATION (24,293) (32,070) 24 95,784 97,774 (2) 31 19 32 20 PROFIT AFTER TAX (PAT) EBITDA margin % PAT margin % 13 TV AUDIENCE SHARE – SEPTEMBER 2012 Dominant Position Across All Stations/Channels 5% 6% 5% 8% 26% Source: Nielsen Audience Measurement (4+) 7% 2% 4% 4% 3% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% <1% 14 TOP 10 CHANNELS WATCHED MPB channels remain the LEADER among key markets STN TOTAL 4+ Jan-Sept 2012 STN Jan-Sept 2011 STN CHINESE 4+ Jan-Sept 2012 STN Jan-Sept 2011 STN MALAY 15+ Jan-Sept 2012 STN Jan-Sept 2011 1 TV3 26 TV3 28 8TV 26 8TV 24 TV3 36 TV3 38 2 TV9 8 TV2 8 ntv7 18 ntv7 20 TV9 10 TV2 10 3 TV2 7 TV9 8 HUAHEE 8 HUAHEE 9 TV2 8 TV9 10 4 8TV 6 8TV 6 WLT 7 AEC 5 TV1 7 TV1 8 5 TV1 5 ntv7 6 AEC 4 WLT 6 RIA 5 PRIMA 5 6 ntv7 5 TV1 5 TV2 4 TV2 4 PRIMA 4 RIA 5 7 RIA 4 SUN-TV 4 TV3 3 XHE 3 WARNA 3 CERIA 2 8 SUN-TV 4 PRIMA 3 XHE 3 TV3 3 CERIA 3 ntv7 2 9 PRIMA 3 RIA 3 SHX 2 TVBC 2 CITRA 2 OASIS 2 10 CERIA 2 CERIA 2 TVBC 2 OTHER-ASTRO 2 ntv7 2 8TV 2 Source: Nielsen Audience Measurement 15 TV ADEX SHARE BY STATION: YTD Q3 2012 vs YTD Q3 2011 TOTAL RM’000 YTD Q3 2012 Non Discounted Gross Revenue -% - RM'000 Growth % Discount Factor -% - RM'000 Gross Revenue -% - RM'000 Growth % YTD Q3 2011 Non Discounted Gross Revenue -% - RM'000 Discount Factor -% - RM'000 Gross Revenue -% - RM'000 42 931,571 (2) 16 364,408 (6) 14 312,598 (7) 13 293,646 11 86 1,902,223 (2) 56 (524,923) 78 (284,021) 76 (238,689) 80 (235,757) 67 (1,283,390) 54.78 406,648 3 11 80,387 (14) 10 73,909 (12) 8 57,889 8 83 618,833 (1) 4 31,734 24 12 91,710 7 0 0 0 100 742,278 1 43 951,383 17 386,948 15 337,534 12 265,180 87 1,941,045 3 64,015 10 213,369 0 0 100 2,218,429 58 (555,126) 76 (293,899) 75 (253,189) 80 (211,571) 68 (1,313,785) 54 396,258 13 93,048 11 84,344 7 53,610 85 627,260 * Based on estimates 4 79,334 24 60 * (47,600) 60 * (38,410) 3 25,605 10 229,276 7 60 * (137,565) 60 * (128,018) 12 85,351 0 0 0 100 2,210,833 (0) 0 66 0 (1,468,555) 0 67 0 (1,480,213) 0 0 100 738,216 16 TOP 20 PROGRAMMES AMONG ALL STATIONS (ALL 4+) NO. PROGRAMME GENRE STATION ‘000 TVR SHARE 1 ANUGERAH BINTANG POPULAR BH(L) MUSICAL/ENTERTAINMENT TV3 4,728,408 23.5 67.8 2 ANUGERAH JUARA LAGU (L) MUSICAL/ENTERTAINMENT TV3 4,410,650 22.0 63.8 3 MENTOR AKHIR(L) MUSICAL/ENTERTAINMENT TV3 3,384,848 16.9 54.9 4 MENTOR MUSICAL/ENTERTAINMENT TV3 2,651,649 13.2 41.6 5 NEW YR.MOV.SPEC. MOVIES TV3 2,619,866 13.0 41.5 6 MENTOR RAYA MUSICAL/ENTERTAINMENT TV3 2,538,427 12.4 38.9 7 LESTARY DRAMA/SERIES (0401-) TV3 2,392,424 11.9 35.6 8 999 (L) DOCUMENTARIES/MAGAZINES TV3 2,332,987 11.6 36.2 9 BULETIN UTAMA NEWS TV3 2,265,690 11.2 39.2 10 NUZUL AL-QURAN SP MOVIES TV3 2,062,935 10.1 34.0 11 SERAM DRAMA/SERIES (0401-) TV3 2,040,074 10.1 32.3 12 MOVIE SPECIAL MOVIES TV3 2,021,572 9.9 36.2 13 ZEHRA DRAMA/SERIES (0401-) TV3 1,985,006 9.8 31.4 14 UCAPAN PM SEMP.HARI BELIA MISCELLANEOUS TV3 1,972,744 9.8 32.5 15 CNY MOVIE SPEC MOVIES TV3 1,962,194 9.8 30.9 16 MOVIE RAYA MOVIES TV3 1,961,613 9.6 32.3 17 AKSI DRAMA/SERIES (0401-) TV3 1,908,675 9.5 28.7 18 CEREKARAMA MOVIES TV3 1,891,289 9.4 33.2 19 ANUGERAH SKRIN MOVIES TV3 1,841,165 9.0 30.5 DRAMA/SERIES (0401-) TV3 1,810,386 9.0 33.0 Source Nielsen Audience Measurement 20 BFF TEMAN TAPI MESRA Source Nielsen Audience Measurement Remain top programmes among all genres except for “Sports” 17 Section 2.3 PERFORMANCE REVIEW – Print Media 18 GROUP CONSOLIDATED RESULTS YTD Q3 2012 RM'000 % YTD SEPT 2012 YTD SEPT 2011 CHANGE Gross Rev enue Net Rev enue Direct cost Other operating income Ov erheads EBITDA Depreciation Finance cost Profit before Associates Share of results of associates Profit before taxation Taxation Profit after taxation EBITDA Margin (%) PATAMI Margin (%) A B 634,288 622,325 539,534 (178,743) 360,791 1,850 (266,077) 96,564 (39,545) (2,161) 54,858 4,671 59,529 (13,621) 45,908 523,381 (170,379) 353,002 8,037 (258,819) 102,220 (37,224) (1,133) 63,863 2,172 66,035 (14,854) 51,181 18% 9% 20% 10% A- B 2 #DIV/0! 3 5 2 (77) (6) 6 91 (14) >100 (10) (8) (10) 19 AD & CIRCULATION REVENUE TREND Circulation Revenue Trend Q3 2012 Ad Revenue Trend Q3 2012 340 (5%) 18% 18% 6% 230 (2%) 9% (4%) (1%) 320 220 RM Million RM Million 300 280 260 210 200 240 190 220 200 180 3rd Qtr 2008 2009 2010 2011 3rd Qtr 2012 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20 NSTP - AUDITED CIRCULATION COPIES Jul'11 to Dec'11 July'10 to Jun'11 July'09 to June'10 July'08 to June'09 ENGLISH NST NSUT 94,661 110,660 100,172 118,669 109,341 129,554 120,770 141,986 BAHASA BH BM HM MA 126,777 190,568 386,742 422,614 150,750 212,660 393,879 449,993 160,597 231,231 378,354 431,418 183,187 275,143 338,552 386,795 Source: Audit Bureau of Circulation 21 GROWING CONTRIBUTION FROM THE MALAY MARKET Industry Adex NSTP Advertising Revenue Trend Q3 2012 340 1% 0.3% (5%) 18% 18% 6% 320 RM Million 300 280 260 240 1% 22% 43% 220 200 3rd Qtr 2008 Media Prima’s Net Revenue Adex By Platform 2009 2010 2011 2012 Revenue Contribution YTD Q3 2012 1% 6% 10% 5% 83% Despite the overall market contraction for print, our print Adex continues to grow, driven by the growing Bahasa market & our Group’s strength in this sector. In line with growing readership, Malay language continue to grow its Adex market share. Malay newspapers will continue to 22 be the main driver to revenue growth. READERSHIP TREND - 2012 Readership Trend By Language English ‘000 8000 6667 5469 Chinese 50 6923 4000 2000 42 2807 3046 3042 20 1406 1368 1359 1623 10 38 40 36 29 31 30 26 30 2802 44 38 36 40 5662 % 6000 Bahasa Print Adex Market Share By Language 30 32 26 22 0 2008 0 Jul08-Jun09 Jul09-Jun10 Jul10-Jun11 Readers ('000) ENGLISH New Straits Times New Sunday Times Source: Nielsen Media Research Readership: Q2 2009 - Q2 2012 Adex: 2008 - YTD Sept 2012 BAHASA Berita Harian Berita Minggu Harian Metro Metro Ahad English Jul11-Jun12 Q2 2009 2009 Q2 2010 Q2 2011 2010 Chinese/Others 2011 YTD Sept 2012 Malay Q2 2012 269 218 241 247 214 202 277 270 1,266 1,375 2,431 2,451 1,090 1,223 2,831 3,046 1,093 1,233 3,654 3,872 1,099 1,103 3,695 4,061 23 Q3 2012 2011 445 466 625 570 525 542 546 701 620 630 690 650 630 574 850 900 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 509 721 942 1000 1997 1995 475 450 400 1993 500 495 632 700 1991 589 729 702 800 1989 531 600 1987 USD/MT NSTP NEWSPRINT PRICE TREND 1100 300 200 100 0 24 Section 2.4 PRIMEWORKS STUDIOS 25 PWS FINANCIAL RESULTS YTD Q3 2012 RM'000 % YTD SEPT 2012 YTD SEPT 2011 CHANGE A B A-B NET REVENUE 87,960 93,567 (6) DIRECT COSTS 39,285 41,921 6 CONTRIBUTION 48,675 51,646 (6) OTHER INCOME OVERHEADS 953 36,310 1,051 33,894 (9) (7) SHARED COSTS 4,011 3,308 (21) EBITDA 9,307 15,496 (40) FINANCE COST 7 9 25 DEPRECIATION 376 484 22 PROFIT BEFORE TAX TAXATION 8,924 1,876 15,003 10 (41) (100) PROFIT AFTER TAX 7,048 14,992 (53) EBITDA margin % PAT margin % (EXCL. EI) 11% 8% 17% 16% 26 Q3 2012 NEW PROGRAMMES 27 NON-ADEX REVENUE VIA CONTENT sell to sell to HO CHAK Malay Islamic sitcom sell to For 2012, one of PWS’s target key performance indicator (KPI) is to produce content which are to be sold to 3rd parties 28 WHAT IS ? EMAS is the first retro channel in Malaysia showcasing Media Prima's production of popular TV programmes of the yesteryear via Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) on HyppTV, Unifi TM. It features content from over 40,000 hours of archived material. Launched on June 1, 2011. Its primary target audience is Malay urban with high household income while the secondary target audience is mass market. 29 Section 2.5 RADIO NETWORKS 30 RADIO NETWORKS FINANCIAL RESULTS YTD Q3 2012 RM '000 % YTD SEPT 2 0 1 2 YTD SEPT 2 0 1 1 CH AN GE A B (A - B) GR OSS R EVEN U E 5 1 ,8 7 3 4 9 ,7 3 7 4 N ET R EVEN U E DIRECT COSTS 4 3 ,1 8 6 (182) 4 1 ,2 0 6 (146) 5 (25) CON TR IBU TION 4 3 ,0 0 4 4 1 ,0 6 0 5 OTHER INCOME OVERHEADS 963 (23,201) 872 (21,415) 10 (8) EBITD A 2 0 ,7 6 6 2 0 ,5 1 7 1 DEPRECIATION (1,280) (1,373) PR OFIT BEFOR E TAXATION (PBT) TAXATION 1 9 ,4 8 6 (1,731) 1 9 ,1 4 4 (2,723) 2 36 PR OFIT AFTER TAXATION (PAT) 1 7 ,7 5 5 1 6 ,4 2 1 8 EBITD A m a rg i n % PAT m a rg i n % 48% 41% 7 50% 40% 31 Section 2.6 OUTDOOR MEDIA BIG DRIVE expressways BIG RIDE transit BIG BUYretail BIG FLY airport 32 OUTDOOR DIVISION FINANCIAL RESULTS – YTD Q3 2012 RM'000 YTD SEPT 2012 YTD SEPT 2011 A B GROSS REVENUE 127,552 116,788 NET REVENUE DIRECT COSTS CONTRIBUTION 118,829 (70,237) 48,592 108,254 (59,814) 48,440 OTHER INCOME OVERHEADS EBITDA DEPRECIATION PROFIT BEFORE TAX TAXATION PROFIT AFTER TAX EBITDA margin % PAT margin % 810 549 % CHANGE A-B 9% 10% (17%) 0% 48% (12,578) 36,824 (13,253) 35,736 5% 3% (5,903) 30,921 (7,729) 23,192 (6,909) 28,827 (7,162) 21,665 15% 7% (8%) 7% 31% 20% 33% 20% 33 OUR OUTDOOR MARKET SHARE OF 44% Source: Company Search and Due Diligence 34 OUR OUTDOOR COVERAGE The Outdoor Division holds several exclusive outdoor media rights in: i. Expressways; ii. Transit lines; ii. Retail malls; iii. Airports; and iv. Key city and town sites. The largest Outdoor company with presence all over Malaysia with 44% market share. More than 8,000 sites throughout Malaysia. 35 Section 2.7 NEW MEDIA 36 ALT MEDIA FINANCIAL RESULTS – YTD Q3 2012 RM'000 YTD SEPT 2012 YTD SEPT 2011 A B % CHANGE A-B GROSS REVENUE 23,673 13,254 79 NET REVENUE 21,641 12,653 71 DIRECT COSTS (979) (749) 31 CONTRIBUTION 20,661 11,904 74 OTHER INCOME OVERHEADS 46 (16,706) 12 (15,269) 0 (9) 4,002 (3,354) >100 (1,382) (931) (48) EBITDA / (LBITDA) DEPRECIATION (LOSS) / PROFIT BEFORE TAX 2,620 (4,283) >100 TAXATION (LOSS) / PROFIT AFTER TAX 2,620 (4,283) na EBITDA / (LBITDA) m argin % 18% (27%) (LAT) / PAT m argin % 12% (34%) >100 37 ONLINE PORTALS : MPB WEBSITE RANKINGS Top 10 Malaysian Sites SEPTEMBER 2011 Site SEPTEMBER 2012 Rank Total Unique Visitors (‘000) Rank Total Unique Visitors (‘000) MUDAH.MY 1 2,611 1 2,864 Media Prima Group 2 2,088* 2 2,477 Maybank Group 3 1,796 3 1,796 Star Publications (M) Bhd 4 1,422 4 1,364 Maxis Group 6 1,328 5 1,184 Tune Group 5 1,362 6 1,118 CIMB Group 10 970 7 1,035 LOWYAT.NET 7 1,078 8 1,030 CARI.COM.MY 8 983 9 828 Telenor 9 974 10 537 *MPB only as NSTP portals + MPB portals were still separate. Numbers were combined from August 2011 onwards. SOURCE: comScore Key Measures MEDIA PRIMA GROUP IS RANKED #2 IN SEPTEMBER 2012 38 VIDEO VIEWS & POPULAR PROGRAMS 2.38 million registered users 39 Q3 2012 HIGHLIGHTS- DIGITAL PAPER Digital version of print. For iPad, Android & Web Browser. Launched on 1 July 2012 Total downloads : 40,051 40 Section 2.8 CORPORATE & OTHERS 41 CORPORATE & OTHER BUSINESSES – YTD Q3 2012 MPB GB Ot hers Consol A djust ment Tot al R M'000 G ross R evenue 2012 2011 Growth % Net R evenue (af t er royalt ies) 2012 2011 Growth % E B I TD A B ef ore E I 2012 2011 Growth % D epreciat ion & I nt erest E xpenses 2012 2011 Growth % PB T / (LB T) B ef ore A ssociat e B ef ore E I 2012 2011 Growth % N/A 11,667 18,791 (38) 4,123 3,132 32 (23,075) (19,262) 20 (7,285) 2,661 (>100) N/A 11,667 18,791 (38) 4,123 3,132 32 (10,711) (12,991) 18 5,079 8,932 (43) 37,161 51,824 28 324 4,843 93 (192) (2,123) 91 (66,528) (90,463) 26 (29,235) (35,919) 19 19,597 23,746 17 N/A 40 43 (7) (5,167) (4,176) (24) 17,564 28,078 37 324 4,843 93 (232) (2,166) (89) (61,361) (86,287) (29) 14,470 19,613 26 (43,705) (55,532) 21 42 Section 3 CONCLUSION 43 CONCLUSION The Group recorded EBITDA of RM276.8 million and PATAMI of RM136.7 million. TV Networks’ YTD September 2012 gross revenue declined by 1% against YTD September 2011, affected mainly by the advertisers’ lower ad-spending following the current external economic uncertainties, especially from MNCs The Group continues its cost management efforts as follows: o TV network - Manage local and foreign syndicated content and through repeats of selected highly rated and popular content o Print Media - Manage editorial to advertising ratio thus total pages o Implementation of more creative promotion strategies: cross promotions between media platforms and channels, between slots and cluster promotions to push viewership, readership and listenership. Major challenges remain the same for the Group. Many advertisers are still very cautious on Adex spending. The management is cautiously optimistic that with the strategies put in place the Group should be able to sustain its financial performance. Going forward, while YTD Adex growth remains in uncertain territory, the management believes that ad spending will pick up in the coming months. 44 AN INTEGRATED MEDIA GROUP TV LARGEST reach in terms of TV viewership NEWSPAPER RADIO #2nd LARGEST reach in terms of combined radio channel listeners’ numbers LARGEST reach in terms of newspaper circulation and readership in Peninsular Malaysia NSTP’S OUTDOOR NEW MEDIA One of the LARGEST share of advertising revenue in the outdoor media industry Media avenue reaching out to INTERNET based viewership CONTENT CREATION <----------------- Boasts the Widest Multimedia Distribution Offering on a Single Integrated Platform -----------> 45 Note: The presentation may contain forward-looking statements which are based on MPB's current expectations, forecasts and assumptions based on management's good faith expectations and belief concerning future developments. In some cases forwardlooking statements may be identified by forward-looking words like “would”, “intend”, “hope”, “will”, “may”, “should”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “estimate”, “predict”, “continue”, or similar words. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties which could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially from MPB's expectations, forecasts and assumptions. We caution that these forward-looking statements are not statements of historical facts and are subject to risks and uncertainties not in the control of MPB, including, without limitation, economic, competitive, governmental, regulatory, technological and other factors that may affect MPB's operations. Unless otherwise required by law, MPB disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Although we believe the expectations reflected in forward-looking statements are reasonable we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. 46
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