St. Michael`s Orthodox Christian Church


St. Michael`s Orthodox Christian Church
St. Michael’s Orthodox
Christian Church
1182 Ashland St., Greensburg, PA 15601
Diocese of Charleston, Oakland and the Mid-Atlantic
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese
of North America
(See the back cover for detailed contact information.)
Sunday, August 5, 2012
To all who are present with us this morning,
Welcome! Thank you for being here.
You May Find the Text of the Divine Liturgy beginning on the
bo om page 91 of the Service Book (gold embossed cross on the
reddish brown cover) or in the green-spiral-bound book; sheet
music can be found in the 8.5” x 11” large, spiral-bound booklet.
At the Kiss of Peace, our practice is for each of us to greet the
person to our right and left with the bowing of our head, hands
held in a prayerful clasp or crossed on the chest, while offering
each other the Christian greeting, “Christ is in our midst!” and
responding, “He is and shall be!”
Please remember that Holy Communion is reserved for those
Chrismated Orthodox Christians who have appropriately
prepared themselves through prayer, fasting and Confession to
receive the Holy Mysteries of the Church. The bread (anti’doron,
which means ’in place’ of the gifts) which we share after
Communion and at the end of the Liturgy is for all.
Please join us for a coffee and …
in Fellowship Hall
following the Divine Liturgy
Troparion for the Resurrection
Tone 8
The socio-political situation in Syria passed unbearable a while ago.
Our Metropolitan PHILIP has once again issued a call to us, his flock,
that we not turn a blind eye or deaf ear to those suffering in this
region, especially as this is where the spiritual roots of our church here
in Greensburg are to be found.
As the described situation ceases to abate, we will continue to accept
donations to do what we can to help ease the suffering there. Checks
may be written to St. Michael’s with the note “Syrian Relief.” The
following link to a CBS 60 Minutes program will offer some deeper
understanding of what is transpiring:
The Mission of Our Church
The mission of St Michael’s Antiochian Orthodox
Christian Church is to tend the flock of our Lord
Jesus Christ and to spread the Good News of Christ
to those outside the flock. This mission is to be
accomplished by a) living a full liturgical and
sacramental life, b) proclaiming the Orthodox
Christian faith to all people, c) providing effective
charitable and social programs, and d) establishing
strong spiritual leadership and resources.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Greeting: Blessed feast day! Response: Thank you! Same to you.
The Transfiguration of Our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ.
From the Second Universal Letter of St. Peter 1:10-19
RETHREN, be more zealous to confirm your call and
election, for if you do this you will never fall; so there will be
richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Therefore I intend always to remind
you of these things, though you know them and are established in the truth
that you have. I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to arouse you by
way of reminder, since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon,
as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me. And I will see to it that after my
departure you may be able at any time to recall these things.
For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to
you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were
eyewitnesses of his majesty. For when he received honor and glory from
God the Father and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, "This
is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased," we heard this voice borne
from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain. And we have the
prophetic word made more sure. You will do well to pay attention to this as
to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star
rises in your hearts.
According to St. Matthew (17:1-9)
T THAT TIME, Jesus took with him Peter and
James and John his brother, and led them up a high
mountain apart. And he was transfigured before
them, and his face shone like the sun, and his garments became
white as light. And behold, there appeared to them Moses and
Elijah, talking with him. And Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is well
that we are here; if you wish, I will make three booths here, one for
you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.” He was still speaking,
when lo, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice form the
cloud said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased;
listen to him!” When the disciples heard this, they fell on their
faces, and were filled with awe. But Jesus came and touched them,
saying, “Rise, and have no fear.” And when they lifted up their
eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.
And as they were coming down the mountain, Jesus commanded
them, “Tell no one the vision, until the Son of man is raised from
the dead.”
Haiden in memory of JOSEPH, MARY, SAMUEL, MARY,
health of family, friends and the parishioners of St. Michael’s and
for peace in the World.
________________________ _________________
PRAYERS OF OBLATION are offered… memory of Archimandrites GEORGE M. Corry and JOHN
Namie, Archpriests JOHN Chromiak, PETER Felenchak and
ANTHONY Bell, and Priest JOHN PAUL Pro. memory of GEORGES and MARIETTE Charabaty by Zina
Almalouf. memory of FRANK Pruitt by Betty Bert. memory of JACK Mansour by Huddie and Doris Kaufman memory of ROSEMARY Slyman by Jeanne Anton. memory of father, SALIM Noumeh by Fadia Nehme.
...Belated Congatulations to: GUS and DEBBIE Mavias whose
marriage was blessed in the Orthodox Church here at Saint
Michael’s on Saturday, July 21.
...Happy Birthday to: DANA Abraham (8/6), NICHOLAS Fennema
(8/6), JOEL Gazal (8/6), KARIM Khalil (8/6), JOYCE Lebo
(8/6), PAULINE Panagis (8/6), DONNA Pahnos (8/7), JEAN
Pistentis (8/7), LAURA Albert (8/8), NOAH Papas (8/8),
DEMETRIOS Spanos (8/8), ANTHONY Yazge (8/8), JOSEPH
Evans (8/9), MATTHEW Yazge (8/11).
...Happy Anniversary to: SAMUEL and DEBORAH Pomposelli
(8/5), JEFFREY and DONNA Curry (8/6), RANDY and
CHRISTINA Miller (8/6), JAMES and DIANE Jones (8/7),
NICHOLAS and PATRICIA Papas (8/9).
...Happy Baptism/Chrismation Day to: RACHEL Rysz (8/11),
MARY Wagner (8/11), ABIGAIL Wallace (8/11).
SURGERY and new additions to the prayer list…
...(call hospital patients before visiting --- they may have been
discharged): ADEL Armanious, DOLORES Asa, TRACY Barrack
(Diana Lammert’s sister), CHARLOTTE (Don Baum’s
grandmother), IBRAHIM Chahin (Mayada Memari’s father),
OMAYMA and LOAI Chahin (Mayada Memari’s relatives),
DANIEL Davis (kidney disease), OLGA DiFlorio, JOHN (Jack)
Drylie (Baldock), WALTER Dydiw, ANNA Halferty, RONALD
Hasnauer, EMMA Hayden (St. Anne Home), KELLY Herman
(Carol Patton’s sister), Dn. JAMES and PATRICIA Krisner,
Mansour (Redstone), Fr. MICHAEL Mihalick (friend of the
Gajewski’s), NORMA Nicholas (Stone Brook Manor, Manor)),
MICHAEL Pahnos, BARBARA Preli (Diana Lammert’s mother),
ALBERT Saloom (home), CORRY JOSEPH Sheffler, PEGGY
Stubbs (knee infection), ANNA GRACE Todd, EDWARD Tony
(Weatherwood Manor, Gbg), Father MICHAEL Totin, ZANA
Varner (Jeanne Anton’s daughter).
VOTIVE CANDLES for Health, Welfare and Salvation
Health of Dcn. James & Suzanne
Pat Krisner
Health of wife, Betty
Don Kushner
Health of Lori, John & Larissa
Mom & Dad
Health of Dave, Emillie, Ethan & Dean
Mom & Dad
Health of Fr. John, Juliana & family
The Kushners
Health of Irene & Pete Papas
The Kushners
Health of Norma Nicholas
The Kushners
Health of Helen Joseph
The Kushners
Health of Nick & Mary Masterson
The Kushners
Health of Debbie Ryan
The Kushners
Health of brother, Steve
The Kushners
Health of Sara & Adel Armanious
The Kushners
Health & recovery of Michael Seman
The Kushners
Health of Eleanor Mansour
The Kushners
Many years, Fr. Lawrence Daniels
The Kushners
Health of & wellbeing of husband, Gus
Debbie Mavias
Health & well-being of Koula
Debbie Mavias
Health & well-being of Nikki & family
Debbie Mavias
Health & wellbeing of Rhonda & family
Debbie Mavias
Health & well-being of Philip & family
Debbie Mavias
Health & well-being of Mary Katherine
Gus & Debbie Mavias
Health & well-being of Justin & Shannon Gus & Debbie Mavias
Health & well-being of Nicholas, Lou & Gisele
- Gus & Debbie Mavias
Health of sister, Nancy Horvath
Rich & Harriet Mirilovich
Health of Susan
Alice Sam
Health, cure– George
Alice Sam
Successful procedure/negative report for Don - Alice Sam
God’s guidance, Grace
Alice Sam
God’s help, guidance– Alex
Alice Sam
Health of Norma Nicholas
Alice Sam
Health, well-being– Fr. John & family
Alice Sam
God’s guidance, Barbara
Alice Sam
the Holy Theotokos will be celebrated with a
Vesperal Divine Liturgy on Tuesday evening,
August 14, at 6:00 PM. Let us gather and
celebrate the ‘translation from life to life’ of her
who brought forth in the flesh Him Who is our
Salvation, Christ our True God!
VOTIVE CANDLES in Memoriam: “Memory Eternal”
Memory eternal, Dad, Miller Abraham Dana Abraham
Memory eternal, Mid Amato
Dana Abraham
Eternal Memory Mother & Grandmother, Mary Volchko - Connie, David, Nicole, Noelle & Brady Byers
Eternal Memory - Sister & Godmother, Helen Marie Ross
- Connie, David, Nicole, Noelle & Brady Byers
In memory of Theodore James & Mary Ann - Dn. James & Pat
In memory of Mom & Dad Seman - Don, Betty, Lori & Dave
In memory of Mom & Dad Kushner - Don, Betty, Lori & Dave
In memory of Joanne Kushner Miller—
- Don, Betty, Lori &Dave
In memory of Marguerite Seman
- Don, Betty, Lori &Dave
In memory of Rosemary Slyman
- Don, Betty, Lori & Dave
Memory eternal, Jack
Eleanor Mansour
Eternal Memory, Mom and
Dad Mirilovich
- Rich & Harriet Mirilovich
Eternal memory, Frank Porembka, on the anniversary
of his death (19 years)
- Rich & Harriet Mirilovich
Memory eternal– Anna, Esau, Adele Sam - Alice Sam
In Memory of all departed loved ones
- Alice Sam
“Our Roots Run Deep”
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church
New Kensington, PA
November 3-4, 2012
with Bishop THOMAS Joseph
and Bishop JOHN Abdalah presiding
Banquet Saturday evening, Nov. 3 at Oakmont Country Club
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy celebrated on Sunday, November 4
followed by Brunch with the Bishops
Watch for more details!
(excerpted from an article by His Grace Bishop Joseph of Arianzos)
In Orthodox iconography, the icon of the Transfiguration of Christ
expresses the revelation of the Mystery of the Holy Trinity. Christ appears
on Tabor in two successive bright figures, "glories" - as they are called. An
oval or circle, which symbolizes the bright mist, and another shape in a
form of a rhombus or something like an isosceles triangle with rays
emanating from its base, depicting symbolically the voice of the Father.
Hence, the icon of the Transfiguration is for us simultaneously an icon of
the Most-Holy Trinity!
The Transfiguration of our Saviour reveals something more! It reveals
what is to become of us, the faithful, provided of course we love Him
sincerely and keep all His commandments and proceed in accordance with
His divine wishes, and labour with honour His orders of deliverance,
enforcing His Bible unadulterated, and living the life of the Church in
purity, and correct worship in communion with all the Saints, equally with
those of the "Triumphant", and those in the "Militant" Church, who
constitute the non-deceived teachers and leaders of those wishing salvation.
The divine alteration that occurred to the three Disciples on Tabor
during the time of the Transfiguration of the Lord will happen to us too
and we will be worthy to become "God-viewers," like them and all the
Saints of the ages. The light which they received from the strange and the
not-created light of His Godliness not only to their human eyes but
throughout their whole body and soul, as far as the depths of their
existence, which made them "God-similars", we will also receive!
That unspeakable joy which was foretasted, and made the always
enthusiastic Peter to say: "Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, we
will make three booths here, one for You and one for Moses and one for
Elijah." (Matthew 17:4). Let us stay here, he wanted to say, forever on
Tabor, never to descend to the daily routine of contemporary reality and the
earthly afflictions! This God-given joy, the only true and inalienable joy, will
also come to us... the eternal beatitude which Moses and Elijah enjoyed and
erected to the right and left of the God-Man, will be granted to us too. We
will become "communicants of the Divine Nature" (2 Peter 1:4) and
partakers of the eternal life... Saints from the sole Saint!... Righteous from
the only Righteous One and lights from the only true Light!... Small gods,
by the Grace of God, and not because of our worthiness!... Gods with a
lowercase initial 'g', from the Only God, the Great, the only One worthy to
be written with a capital initial 'G'!... The beginningless Father, the equally
beginningless Son and the co-eternal All-Holy Spirit!
The certification and credibility of that field are our Saints, the ones to
whom this already has occurred. They have already achieved Theosis
(Deification) and shine as luminaries into the spiritual firmament of the
REMEMBER, the Second Week on this schedule May Change:
August 5 through August 11
Sunday, August 5
August 12 through August 18
Sunday, August 12
- 8:45 AM - MATINS
- 8:45 AM - MATINS
- 9:30 AM - Choir Rehearsal
- 9:30 AM - Choir Rehearsal
celebrating the Great Feast Monday, Aug. 13
of the Transfiguration of Our Lord
Fr. John is a Camp Priest at
Antiochian Village this week.
Tuesday, Aug. 14
- 6:00 PM - VESPERAL
Monday, Aug. 6 - Holy Transfiguration
for the Feast of the
at Antiochian Village Camp,
Dormition of the Theotokos
St. Ignatius Chapel)
- ‘Grow in Christ’ gathers
Wednesday, August 8
Thursday, August 16
- 9:00 AM– Feast Cooking
- 9:00 AM – making meat pies
Saturday, August 18
Saturday, August 11
- 4:00 PM - Chant Rehearsal
___________________________ ________________________________
Pick a Leaf from the Feast Tree Today!
The Feast Tree helps immensely in providing
seed money for our St. Michael’s Feast 2012.
The Feast Tree works by picking a tag from the
tree, purchasing what is named on the tag,
bringing it to the church, and placing it by the
Tree. The prices on the tags are all in the $5.00
range. Buy when it’s on sale or go to the Dollar
Stores. Please buy what brand name is asked for.
As part of our St. Michael’s Feast 2012, we will
hold a used book sale. We are now collecting books and audio
books to be sold at the Feast. Paperbacks, novels, children’s books,
etc. are all welcome. We will not be accepting magazines, text
books, encyclopedias, Reader’s Digest condensed books, videos or
(Icon of Transfiguration, cont.)
Church, radiating the light of the knowledge of God and the true Theology.
Our Saints with the miracles they perform are partakers of the Divine Grace
and communicants of God, and through their holy relics, which are full of the
Divine Grace and allow us to keep them as a priceless treasure and venerate
them feeling their inexpressible fragrance which they give forth! We see how
these holy relics cure the ill and cast away the unclean spirits which are visible
samples of unification with God, thus giving a truthful witnesses that "those
who have excelled and peaked in virtues - like themselves - will obviously be
worthy of the Godly glory!"
CALEB’S CUPBOARD - Toiletries Also Needed
In addition to the food you have been bringing to “Caleb’s Cupboard,” We’ve
been informed of the need for other items - like toothpaste, deodorant,
shampoo and toilet paper. Items collected will be distributed to the poor in
our area through the Greensburg Christian Laymen’s Corps (Urania Ave.). A
small emergency supply will be kept in a room downstairs for distribution in
“emergency” when the Layman’s Corps is not open. Members of our church
parish may also access that emergency supply for themselves and their
neighbors. Help us ease some suffering with your donation.
To offer a Memorial:
1) Contact Debbie in the church office (or Fr. John) at
least one month in advance so that Memorial Wheat can be arranged, 2) write “Memorial”
on an envelope, along with the date of the memorial, 3) write the names the dead to be
commemorated on the envelope and 4) enclose a $25.00 donation to St. Michael’s
Church. Memorials cannot be offered on certain Sundays so it is important that the date is
cleared with Fr. John in advance of your planning.
The people listed are commemorated during the prayers of the Preparation of the Gifts
(Prothesis) and in the Great Entrance.
Please plan ahead for your Memorials.
For scheduling purposes, one
month advance notice is ideal, though if you know the date of a memorial far in
advance, you can schedule now for any time in the future).
To offer the Holy Bread without baking it yourself:
1) write “Holy Bread” on an envelope, 2) write the date you want the prayers said on the
envelope, 3) write the names of the living and the dead to be commemorated on the envelope
and 4) enclose a $25.00 donation to the Antiochian Women. The people listed are
commemorated during the prayers of the Preparation of the Gifts (Prothesis) and in the Great
Please plan ahead for your Bread Offering.
For scheduling purposes, one month advance notice is ideal, though if you know the
date of a memorial far in advance, you can schedule now for any time in the future.
NOTE: If YOU prepare either the wheat or Holy Bread, you do not need
to pay the $25 fee.
Today’s Servers are:
Ushers - Dave Waugaman, Ron Hasnauer, Don Kushner
Greeters - Tom & Ina Abraham
Lock-up - Peterina Gunther
Today’s Fellowship Hour will be hosted by:
Joe & Mary Gazal, Joel & Naomi Gazal,
Elizabeth Gazal, Dale & Beverly Ackerman
Attendance Last Sunday: 128
Mortgage Balance: $387,771.99
It is now AUGUST and the annual Feast is just one
month away! Don’t forget to submit payment for
your feast tickets as soon as possible. Additional tickets are available at the church office.
Remember, your tickets can be used to purchase food items from
the a la carte line, gyro table, bake sale and/or freezer sales.
Happy Eating!
One In Spirit Dinner
Saturday, August 11
6:00 PM
Tin Angel Restaurant, Mt. Washington, Pittsburgh
Dinner benefiting IOCC
Contact Nick Terezis at 740-282-5198
St. Michael’s Orthodox Church
Church Phone 724-834-1311
fax 724-834-1912
Office Hours
Tues & Thurs, 9 AM to 3 PM —- Wednesday, 9 AM to 1 PM
Archpriest John Nosal
Deacon James Krisner
Home 724-837-5113
Mobile 724-244-1228
Home 724-832-7864
2012 Parish Council
Valerie Flizanes
Christian Sam
Lisa Stewart
Peterina Gunther
Recording Sec’y
Cheryl Baum
Corres’ding Sec’y
Constance Byers
William Eger
Christine Mansour 724-832-3411
Joel Gazal
Elias Memari
Michele Murray
Dianne Anton
NAME: _____________________________________________
NEW/CHANGE INFORMATION: _____________________
ADD/CHANGE MY E-MAIL: __________________________
IOCC Pittsburgh - One In Spirit Dinner - Saturday, August 11, 2012 - Tin ...
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IOCC Pittsburgh Metropolitan Committee
July 25, 2012
One In Spirit Dinner
at the
Tin Angel Restaurant
Saturday, August 11, 2012 at 6:00 PM
On Saturday August 11 at 6:00 PM we will be holding a small fund raising dinner at the Tin
Angel restaurant (in Pittsburgh) to benefit IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities).
Our goal in having this dinner is to help our guests learn more about the exciting humanitarian
aid programs that IOCC is administering around the world, and to raise funds in support of
these programs. Lou Zagami, IOCC Development Officer, will attend this dinner and will
update us about IOCC's latest efforts. (Syria and Greece)
During dinner, our financial goal is to introduce our guests to IOCC's "One in Spirit"
program. By becoming a part of "One in Spirit," a supporter would commit to giving $1,000
or more each year to advance IOCC's mission. (click here to learn more about the One In
Spirit Program). Since this is a small gathering, there will be plenty of opportunity to
informally ask questions and learn more about IOCC.
If you are interested in attending this dinner please contact me as soon as possible by calling
740-282-5198 or by replying to this email. Thank you for your continued generous support.
In Christ,
- Nick Terezis
Address of the Tin Angel Restaurant on Mt. Washington:
Tin Angel
1200 Grandview Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15211-1295
Phone: (412) 381-1919
(Driving Directions)
To learn more about IOCC please visit:
Eastern Orthodox Events Calendar
for the Greater Pittsburgh Metropolitan Area
8/3/2012 3:13 AM
IOCC Pittsburgh - One In Spirit Dinner - Saturday, August 11, 2012 - Tin ...
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As a service to our local community, the IOCC Pittsburgh Metropolitan Committee
has created and will maintain a comprehensive calendar of all Orthodox events in
our region.
Please click here to see the calendar!!
For Questions about the
IOCC Pittsburgh Metropolitan Committee
or to sign up on our email list
Contact Nick Terezis: or 740-282-5198
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8/3/2012 3:13 AM
What is International Orthodox Christian Charities?
IOCC is the humanitarian aid agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North
and Central America. IOCC works in cooperation with the Orthodox Church and on behalf of
Orthodox Christians. In carrying out its mission, IOCC applies the highest professional standards
and renders itself fully accountable to the public and its donors.
What is the mission of IOCC?
IOCC, in the spirit of Christ’s love, offers emergency relief and development programs to those
in need worldwide, without discrimination, and strengthens the capacity of the Orthodox
Church to so respond.
Who benefits from the services of IOCC?
Since its inception in 1992, IOCC has provided more than $400 million in humanitarian relief,
sustainable development and self-help programs to people in need. All assistance is provided
solely on the basis of need, and benefits orphans, refugees and displaced persons, the elderly,
school children, families and people with disabilities.
Where is IOCC providing assistance?
IOCC programs have helped people in 50 countries across Europe, Asia, Africa, North and
South America. Since the need for help is great, IOCC continually works to expand its programs
to other areas.
What types of services does IOCC provide?
Community Development and Mobilization programs increase the ability of local organizations to address local challenges.
Refugee Return and Assistance programs facilitate the safe reintegration of refugees into
their home countries.
Youth Development and Services programs foster youth leadership and youth participation
in their communities.
Business Development programs give people the tools to work their way out of poverty with
Agriculture and Food Production programs help rural populations raise their levels of nutrition,
standard of living and agricultural productivity.
Disaster and Emergency Relief programs address the immediate needs of people suffering
from natural disaster, war or civil unrest.
Education and Training programs nurture local leaders and organizations which advocate
for their communities and promote the general welfare.
Social Welfare programs provide material and technical assistance to social welfare institutions
such as hospitals, orphanages and homeless shelters.
Infrastructure Construction and Repair programs for the repair of homes, farm infrastructure,
schools and public utilities.
110 West Road, Suite 360 • Baltimore, MD 21204 • Tel: (410) 243-9820 • Fax: (410) 243-9824 • • E-mail:
REUTERS/Omar Ibrahim
SYRIA – As the conflict in Syria continues to escalate, disrupting the lives of more than one million Syrians, displacing
56,000 people from their homes according to UN estimates,
and leaving thousands of families without access to food
and urgently needed medical care, IOCC is intensifying its
current response efforts to meet the surging humanitarian
needs for emergency medical aid, food and basic necessities
to Syria’s most vulnerable people; youth, female-headed
households, families with many children, and disabled, ill,
and elderly persons and their caregivers.
Working in partnership with the Department of Ecumenical Relations and Development (DERD)
at the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East (GOPA) in Syria, IOCC is coordinating with other local relief partners to reach and distribute aid for the affected families in hard
hit regions such as Homs, as well as to provide humanitarian relief to displaced families who have
made it to relatively safer areas like Damascus. IOCC and GOPA recently delivered much needed
medical supplies for distribution to Al-Hosn Hospital in the Homs area, a non-profit hospital affiliated with the Orthodox Church that provides charity care, and to other underequipped hospitals
and clinics in the Homs region. In early spring as Syrians living in some of the most volatile areas
of conflict struggled to find even the most basic food items to feed their families, IOCC responded
with food parcels to feed 10,000 people. Since March, more than 97,000 people, from infants to the
elderly, have received emergency humanitarian items distributed by IOCC including hygiene kits,
infant kits, family bedding sets, and household item kits.
For the many Syrian families fleeing across their borders into Lebanon and Jordan, IOCC is coordinating relief efforts with UN agencies and the Orthodox Church in those countries to identify
emerging needs and to ensure displaced families are receiving assistance.
A shipment of more than $250,000 in medical supplies and equipment such as walkers, crutches,
bandages and syringes is on its way to Greece thanks to the generous support of an emergency
grant from the National Philoptochos Society. Supplies will be distributed to clinics operated by
Apostoli in Athens and by Doctors of the World-Greece in the center of Athens, in Perama, a port
city in the suburbs of Piraeus, Thessaloniki and Chania-Crete. Free vaccines will also be provided
to 100 children from financially-strapped families unable to pay for the immunizations needed to
ensure their children’s health and admittance into school in the fall.
110 West Road, Suite 360 • Baltimore, MD 21204 • Tel: (410) 243-9820 • Fax: (410) 243-9824 • • E-mail:
GREECE – With Greece facing its most severe economic crisis
in decades, struggling Greek families are seeking medical assistance more than ever, from the very young to elderly retirees
whose pensions have been dramatically reduced by the Greek
government’s austerity measures. IOCC in cooperation with
Apostoli, the social service agency of the Greek Orthodox
Archdiocese of Athens, and Doctors of the World-Greece, is
responding to the overwhelming need for medical assistance
with financial support and medical supplies destined for free
clinics in some of the poorest neighborhoods in greater Athens.