legals - Braxton Citizens` News


legals - Braxton Citizens` News
Eagles beat
Nicholas, Wirt
Lady Eagles
are #7 in
Statewide AA
Cottrill wins
LKC crown
Vol. 34, No. 6
February 10, 2009
See all the Sports on Page 11 of this issue.
Board of
The regular meeting of
the Flatwoods Canoe Run
Public Service District was
held on Monday, February
2, 2009 at the district’s
water treatment facility.
Those in attendance were:
Elizabeth Stewart, Roger
Hall, Kathy Parker, Fred
Thompson, Fred Hypes,
Todd Dingess, H. Wyatt
Hanna III, Derek Long,
Steve Sanders, John
Gibson Scott Ratliff, and
Chairman Eldred Drake.
The meeting was
called to order by Chairman Drake at 10:05am,
and the minutes of the previous meetings were distributed, reviewed and approved by a motion from
John Gibson.
Elizabeth Stewart,
Kathy Parker and Roger
Hall were the first to address the group of behalf of
the Braxton County Board
of Education. They stated
that they were worried
about published reports of
the utilitie’s intent to raise
water rates. Stewart stated
“In our current budget condition a raise in water or
sewer rates could force us
to cut programs”. Steve
Sanders responded to the
Board of Education’s concerns telling the group that
the plant upgrade was necessary to continue to deliver reliable service to customers. Sanders further
stated that the only
planned increase was upon
substantial completion of
the water plant project.
Derek Long asked the
board if they had talked
about the possibility of asking the PSC to place the
higher rates in effect before
completion to help with the
monetary shortfall of the
upgrade project. The group
said yes that had discussed
that, and Steve Sanders
added “this board takes
any rate increases very seriously.” Todd Dingess, of
Smith Cochran and Hicks
accounting firm, also explained that the PSC had
recently put a new rate
structure into effect for the
PSD. Customers using over
30,000 gallon monthly saw
a decline in their rates
while residential and commercial customers saw an
Scott Ratliff added to
the conversation by telling
the group that he had conducted his own “survey” of
area PSDs. The “study”
showed four of the eight
PSDs studied had lower
rates than Flatwoods, while
the other four were higher.
John Gibson explained that
the PSD was not a for profit
business and that the PSD
only applies for rates hikes
when it’s in the red. Derek
Long asked the PSD board
if the PSC requires the
PSDs to be in the red before asking for a rate increase. FCRPSC’s attorney
Hyatt Hanna replied no.
Sanders finished by saying
that the PSD Board would
review future projects to
see if they are profitable.
Fred Thompson was
the next person to address
the board regarding a “joint
venture” in regards to parking EMS equipment at the
PSD’s new office site on
Main Street, Sutton near
the building they recently
purchased from Dr. Russell
Stewart. Thompson stated
with the new parking reguPlease turn to FCRPSD
page 3
Grand Jury indicts thirteen
On Tuesday, February
3, the Grand Jury of the
Circuit Court of Braxton
County was scheduled to
convene. Due to bad
weather there were not sufficient jurors to impanel the
Jury so Judge Richard
Facemire continued the
proceeding until Wednesday, February 4. At the
conclusion of the closed
door session, twelve individuals were indicted on
various charges.
Donald Lee Cogar of
Sutton and Rodney Gail
Stalnaker of Heaters were
each charged with breaking and entering, grand
larceny and conspiracy.
The charges stem from the
theft of merchandise valued at approximately
$5,600 from property
owned by Guy Ridler.
Trooper J. P. Drake of the
Sutton Detachment of the
West Virginia State Police
presented the case.
Kari Lynn Frame
and A r d e n G a y l o r d
Barnett of Exchange were
each indicted on two
felony counts. They are
accused of possession of a
controlled substance with
the intent to delivery and
conspiracy. The cases
against the pair were presented by Sgt. J.W.
Bonazzo or the Sutton Detachment of the West Virginia State Police.
A rash of burglaries
that plagued the Falls
Mill area of Braxton
County in late 2007 has
resulted in an eight
count indictment being
returned against a Lewis
County man. Anthony D.
Falls of Ireland is charged
with eight counts of burglary. Sgt. Bonazzo is the
investigating officer.
Heather Mae Jones
and Marshall Nicholas
Frametown, were charged
with five counts each of
possession of a controlled
substance with the intent
to deliver. The case
against the pair was presented to the Grand Jury
by Sheriff’s Deputy J.N.
Trooper J.P. Drake
presented a case that resulted in the indictment of
Jeffery A. White of Alexandria, VA. White is
charged with failure to
meet an obligation to provide support to a minor.
Joseph Forzetting
and Angel Forzetting of
Dunbar were each charge
with grand larceny. The
charges, investigated by
Trooper Drake, revolved
around the theft of chain
saws from Robert W. Freeman valued at over
Joshua M. Balcourt
and Jessica J. Mace, both
of Burnsville were each indicted on three drug related
charges. The pair face allegations of manufacturing of
a controlled substance,
possession of a controlled
substance with intent to
deliver and conspiracy.
Robert A. Vasilinda
of Johnston, PA was indicted on one count of obtaining goods under false
pretense. The information
against Vasilinda was presented by Trooper C.S.
It should be noted that
an indictment is a formal
written statement framed
by a prosecuting authority
and found by a grand jury
that charges a person or
persons with an offense. It
does not prove of guilt nor
innocence, only that sufficient cause has been presented to warrant a trial of
those charged.
Commission has busy session
Mike Chapman introduced action to approve the
reviewed a written request
correction of erroneous asto rehire Bryce Scarbro as
sessments for Kevin and
a full-time Deputy Sheriff.
Linda Jones and Marvin
Keener proposed paying
Clutter. That same motion
the former employee a
approved the exoneration
starting salary of $26,000
the following exoneration
per year with full benefits.
refund requests: Burton A.
He said the certified officer
Spaur $72.92 and three
had went to work last
pieces of property purWednesday and would like
chased by Mike Ross, Inc/
his hiring to retroactive to
Waco Oil and Gas at a rethat date. Terry Frame
cent tax auction that were
stated that she was “ok”
in error. That refund
with that plan. Mike
amounted to $1,705.37.
Chapman brought up the
The following purcounty policy that prohibchase orders were unaniited people going to work
mously approved on a moprior to receiving Commistion by Mike Chapman:
sion approval as required
Rexroad Supply $419.70
by state code. Chapman
for new locks for the Animade a motion to employ
mal Shelter; Quill CorporaScarbro on a one year protion, $166.99 for a toner
bationary period, as outcartridge for the County
lined by the Sheriff, with
Clerk, and Revival $225.63
that employment beginning
for medications for the Aniimmediately.
mal Shelter.
Sheriff Keener also
David Jack made modiscussed the increase in
tion to approve the appoint
pay for his clerk Donna
by the Flatwoods Town
Conrad who had taken
Council of Jeanne Jackson
Karen Brown’s position
as their representative on
when she was promoted to
the Flatwoods Park and
Chief Tax Deputy. The
Recreations Board. That
Sheriff was advised that
same motion tabled action
paper work for the adjuston the Town’s request that
ment had not been received
the Commission fill a reby the County Clerk so it
maining seat with their recwould have to be acted
ommended person. The
upon at the next meeting.
Commission will advertise
Keener also discussed
for interest in the position
an additional bid he had
before considering the apreceived from Graphic Depointment.
signs for lettering a cruiser.
David Jack made a
The Commissioner remotion to approve a resoquested that the Sheriff
lution supporting Health
compare the bids and preCare Reform in West Virsented them at the next
ginia as requested by the
West Virginia Association
Rosemary Wagner, exof Counties.
ecutive director of Region
Minutes of previous
VII Planning and Developmeetings were approved
ment Council was next to
with necessary corrections
address the Commission.
on a motion by Mike
She explained that a Small
Cities Block Grant to asUnder the topic of old
sisting in funding the
business, Terry Frame reSugarcreek PSD waterline
ported on the disposal of
into the Wilsie/Rosedale
surplus guns by the
Sheriff’s Department. She
stated that certain weapons were sold to an area
Pawn Shop and then sold
back to deputies who
wanted them. A review indicated that all the necessary paper work was in
line. However, Frame said
that the sale was not done
in accordance with state
code. “I don’t like how it
was handled, but the
money was in line with the
value of the guns and
properly deposited in the
county’s account. I do not
think there is anything
Those inspecting the new SCPSD service truck after else we can do at this
Fridays’ County Commission meeting were (L to R) Edie time,” the Commission
Tincher, PSD Board member Paul Tallman, president said.
Please turn to COMMISSION
Commissioners Terry Frame, Mike Chapman, David Jack
page 3
and Romie Spencer of the PSD Board.
SCPSD’s new truck displayed
Several individuals
appeared before the Braxton County Commission at
their regular meeting last
Friday, February 7. Romie
Spencer and Paul Tallman
of the Sugarcreek Public
Service District Board of
Directors were among those
speaking to the governing
body. The pair thanked the
Commission for assisting
with the funding of a new
vehicle on behalf of those
receiving city water in the
southern end of the county.
After the meeting, the Commissioners viewed the new
service truck.
First to address the
Commission was Diana
Sartin on behalf of residents of Crites Mountain.
She explained that she had
sent several letters to the
local PSD and as well as the
Public Service Commission
regarding the need for water in her area. Following
the discussion Terry Frame
instructed the representative to send a written request to the Flatwoods Canoe Run Public Service District outlining her concerns
and provide a copy to the
Sutton Mayor J.L.
Campbell discussed the
sign designating the area as
a Civil War Trails area. The
Mayor had previously requested that the County
pay for one of the signs at a
cost of $200. He stated that
he and his council believed
the designation would assist in bringing people to
the community. After hearing the additional details,
Mike Chapman made a
motion to honor the request.
The Commission also
discussed parking inthe
area of the Courthouse now
that the Town was again
enforcing parking regulations and re-installing
meters. Commission president Terry Frame stated
that they had reviewed the
existing parking spaces behind the Courthouse and
Jail and had re-assigned
their spaces. She said a letter would be sent to office
holders informing them of
the change. Frame also requested that the Town postpone installation of meters
on the side of the Courthouse, next to the Community Building until they and
city officials could review
the situation. Mayor
Campbell reaffirmed his
desire to work with council
to come up with an equitable plan.
Sheriff George Keener
area had to be submitted
by April. She requested a
letter proclaiming the
project as ongoing and permission to have the president sign necessary paperwork pertaining to the application for funding.
David Jack made a motion
to authorize the letter designating the projects as a
priory. Mike Chapman introduced separate action
authorizing the Commission president to sign necessary paperwork.
Tara Wilson of the
Frametown Park and Recreation Board presented a
second estimate for needed
repairs to the Frametown
Community Building. A
discussion followed that
indicated that the Commission felt they did not have
the funds necessary to
award the low bid of
$13,500. At the conclusion,
Mike Chapman made a
motion to allocate $6,000
of Coal Severance money to
purchase materials. That
action received the unanimous support of the Commission.
A member of the audience in attendance,
Derek Long, requested a
status report on the outstanding debt to the Regional Jail Authority. Mike
Chapman stated that the
balance was still in the
$400,000 range but the
County was continuing to
pay on the arrearage. Long
stated that it appeared that
the debt would not be
brought current by July as
some of the Commissioners
had previously indicated.
“We are paying on the bill,
but its going to take a long
time to catch it up,” said
In other action, the
probate appointments for
the month of January were
approved on a motion by
David Jack.
pleas and
On Tuesday, February
3, the February Term of the
Circuit Court of Braxton
County began. Due to bad
weather there were not sufficient jurors to impanel the
Grand Jury and Judge Richard Facemire continued
the Grand Jury until
Facemire did take up several matters: including the
following cases:
Clyde Ellis Mollohan
conferencing from the William R. Sharpe Hospital
with the assistance of his
counsel, Thomas J. Drake,
for a hearing as to whether
the Defendant should remain at that facility. After
hearing testimony and evidence Judge Facemire ordered that Mollohan remain at the William R.
Sharpe Hospital until he
was not a danger to himself or others.
Deusenberry and his attorney, Thomas J. Drake, appeared in Court to enter a
plea. The State of West Virginia appeared by her Prosecuting Attorney, Kelly
Hamon McLaughlin. The
Defendant entered a plea of
guilty to soliciting a minor
by computer. Judge
Facemire ordered that a
pre-sentence investigation
be prepared and set sentencing for April 9, at 10:30
Danielle Stewart came
before the Judge with the
assistance of Bernard R.
Mauser standing in for
Scott Mason. The Defendant entered a plea of guilty
to the felony offense of burglary. Judge Facemire set
sentencing for April 9, at
11:00 A.M., and ordered
that a pre-sentence investigation report be prepared.
The Court also heard
six (6) juvenile cases.
On Wednesday, February 4, after the Grand
Jury was impanelled and
Judge Richard Facemire
instructed them concerning their duties three additional cases came before
Jerry Rick Meadows
appeared in Court with the
assistance of counsel,
Christopher Moffatt, for
sentencing. On June 9,
2008, the Defendant entered a plea of guilty to the
felony offense of conspiracy. On September 12,
2008, Judge Facemire ordered that the Defendant
undergo diagnosis and
classification at the Penitentiary for sixty days and
to be returned for further
sentencing. While out on
bond pending transfer to
the diagnosis and classification center Meadows
committed criminal offenses in Webster County.
Judge Facemire set sentencing for February 4 in
that case. The Judge set
aside his order pertaining
to the Defendant undergoing diagnosis and classification. Meadows requested
the Court grant him probation. The State of West Virginia, by way of her Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
Keith Cooper, opposed probation. Judge Facemire
sentenced the Defendant to
not less than one nor more
Please turn to COURT
page 3
Page 2
Braxton Citizens’ News
February 10, 2009
Our views Your views Their views
Dog Tales:
Just look at this!
Stories from the Braxton
County Animal Shelter
A weekly photo of opinion in Braxton County...
sometimes good and sometimes not so good.
Love is in the air this Valentine’s Day Our shelter
has dogs of all ages, sizes, color, and breed, each with a
lifetime of love to offer.
Every animal has a unique
story and a special personality. We think each has wonderful pet potential when placed in the right home. If
you have thoughtfully considered adopting a pet, please
visit the shelter and see if your next forever friend is
waiting for you. Our usual hours are Mon-Fri 12-3, Sat.
10-3, and Sun. 12-3.
Please call for additional information at 765-2200 or log onto and enter dog search for Sutton zip code 26601 for our entire
listing. Here are just a few of the animals ready to greet
Penney and Phoebe are two twelve week old offspring of a full Rottweiller mother,
Jaylee, who is also at the shelter. The
trio were turned in by an owner who
recently lost his job, and was unable to
provide for their care. Jaylee is an incredibly friendly, calm,
social family pet who
has a potential adoptive home waiting.
The father of the pups
is thought to be a shepherd mix. The
pups are very healthy, playful, and ready
for homes of their own. They are guaranteed to warm your heart on these cold
winter days. Their present weight is
15#. Please refer to shelter #2-09-D009
and D010.
Angelina is the one year old offspring of a rottweiller
mix mother and a Walker hound father. She has been
a loyal, gentle, unrestrained outdoor pet for her former
owner. She was raised in a household
with multiple other dogs and four young
children. She was a very happy and
contented dog. However, the owner is
no longer able to provide care, and is
looking for a loving home that can meet
her needs. Her brother, Spike, is also
at the shelter and in need of placement.
Despite her wonderful interaction with
children and other animals, Angelina
has been known to give chickens a run for their money.
If you are a poultry-free household, please consider giving her a second chance. Her current weight is 35#.
Please refer to shelter #01-09-D046
Lucy is a redbone coonhound that arrived at the
shelter as a stray. Not much is known
about her background. She appears to
be 4-5 years old. Her estimated weight
is 60#. Lucy was initially timid at the
shelter. But in her time with us, she
has become very social. Lucy is a great
dog, and would desperately like a
chance at a new home. Her time with
us is limited. Are you the person that
can make a difference for this loving and
deserving animal? Please refer to shelter #1-09-D016
“What’s a guy got to do to get a home in this town?”
is what Amos must be thinking. The only male in a
litter of four that came to the shelter a few weeks ago, he is the only
pup left to find a home. Amos is a
Jack Russell/ coonhound mix. He
is very active and friendly, and gets
along well with children, adults, and
the other dogs in the shelter. He is
currently 10 weeks old and weighs
15#. Don’t let this little guy grow
up in a shelter. He is ready and
willing to give his all to some lucky
new owner. Please refer to shelter #
Herb has had it rough to say the least. He was abandoned by his owners tied to a box in the middle of the
Please turn to DOG TALES page 3
Read the Citizens’ News on the
World Wide Web
Ed Given
Allison Given
Shirley Shuman
Jeanine Given
Virginia Carr
Mike McElwain
(SSN 393130)
A Weekly Publication
Established February 9, 1976
P.O. Box 516 / 501 Main Street
Sutton, West Virginia 26601
Entered as periodic rate at the
Sutton, WV Post Office
Send address change to:
Braxton Citizens’ News P.O.
Box 516, Sutton, WV 26601
Subscription rates:
$17.50 in county, $25.50 in
state, $41.00 out-of-state
E-subscription, $20.00
Senior Citizens may deduct $1
A very special
thank you...
On the morning of December 30th students at BCMS were treated to a special
appearance by the West Virginia University Mountaineer, Michael Squires. After an
introduction by Mrs. Long, Michael gave a wonderful speech about his path on
becoming the WVU mascot and some unusual trivia about WVU and his role as a
Mountaineer. He took time to answer questions and sign autographs. He also signed
some footballs for students to win in the school’s silent auction which is part of our
Positive Behavior Program. He was presented a gift by Mrs. Riffle’s 5th grade class
to show their appreciation. BCMS is very thankful that Michael Squires spent the
morning at our school.
Lola's World
Dear Editor,
My name is
Priscilla Wolfenbarker,
my mobile home was
destroyed by fire on
January 31 st.
I want to thank
Mike Baker for his
kindness and concern
over my loss. I also
want to thank the
young man who rescued
my purse and car keys.
I wish I knew his name.
Mike and the men
of the SVFD worked so
hard and quickly on
containing the fire, for
four hours in the snow
and extreme cold and
they never slowed
It makes me proud
to know I have donated
every year since I
moved to this area. I
never dreamed the
SVFD would ever have
to come to my aid.
I beg you all to
donate to our volunteer
fire deppartment. These
men choose to give their
time to us without a
Again…Thank you
Mike Baker and all the
men who helped you
Saturday night.
News And Views By Lola B. Given
Spring is March 21st on my calendar;
We are our brother’s keeper
Well we just got the report from
discover if they planted when the moon
Our policy...
those silly groundhogs who are supposed to be harbingers of spring in 6
weeks from February 2. Take a look at
the calendar and it says 6 weeks to
spring anyhow. Yes, most of us have
“had it” with all the ice, snow and cold.
That costly fuel is slowly being wiped
out even with the thermostat set low
day and night. One needs to remember
as the fuel depletes that this cold began
back in November this year. The last
four or five years we had no bad weather
till the second week in January.
Some apple and other fruit tree
owners are trimming their trees. I note
the moon is almost full and I am wondering if it is a good time to trim fruit
trees. Surely sap is not in those fruit
producing limbs and early trimming
might cause them to lose sap. I well
know most younger farmers pooh-pooh
planting in signs and moon phases, but
we senior citizens who gardened and
paid attention still swear there is credence in these claims. Once when
talking to a friend of mine about planting potatoes in the dark of the moon in
its early phase I was told quickly they
planted their potatoes in the ground not
the moon. Those who pay attention
We welcome letters
to the editor. We reserve
the right to edit and/
or refuse any letter
deemed to contain
libelous, inaccurate or
misleading information. The deadline is
We do not have a
set limit on the number
of words a letter may
contain, however, space
is limited, so please
keep your comments as
brief and concise as
possible. Extremely
long letters will not be
Material submitted
for consideration as a
letter to the editor
should be in the format
of a letter.
Please provide a
phone number for
verification purposes.
That number will not be
published except at the
request of the writer.
is new and growing, they have potatoes
and other root crops come to the top of
the ground and end up very sunburned.
The dark moon phase potatoes are so
deep and hard to harvest.
This reading I got from an email
friend is so appropriate for our times
that I have to share it:
A mouse looked through the crack
in the wall to see the farmer and his
wife open a package. “What food might
this contain?” the mouse wondered. He
was devastated to discover it was a
mousetrap. Retreating to the farmyard,
the mouse proclaimed the warning,
“There is a mousetrap in the house!
There is a mousetrap in the house!” The
chicken clucked and scratched, raised
her head and said, “Mr. Mouse, I can
tell this is a grave concern to you, but it
is of no consequence to me. I cannot be
bothered by it.” The mouse turned to
the pig and told him, “There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap
in the house!” The pig sympathized, but
said, “I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse,
there is nothing I can do about it but
pray.” Be assured you are in my prayers.”
Please turn to LOLA’S WORLD page 3
numbers in the coming years.
By taking on and giving
more attention to senior issues,
it will likewise allow for other
committees to schedule more
time on other issues to be
considered and debated
throughout the 2009 session.
by Delegate Brent Boggs
Over the past several
weeks, I have been working with
tic job loss throughout the state House attorneys on a bill to
After the constitutional
30-day delay in the 2009
and nation will be of great
institute a notification system for
legislative session, the time has importance, as well as determissing adults, similar to the
mining the best use of any
arrived to convene the House
Amber Alert system used for
and Senate for the business of
federal funds that may eventu- missing children. This would
the State. As I write this week,
ally flow to state governments.
take advantage of the system
the final interim meetings are
I am very excited about the already in place with law enunderway that lead into the
new standing committee of the
forcement to provide prompt
regular session.
House this session, pertaining
notification for those who have
Returning and new memto all aspects of senior citizens, medically documented condibers are in the process of
their unique problems and
tions, such as Alzheimer’s or
moving in all the items necesconcerns. The Committee on
other medical problems that
sary from their homes across
Senior Citizens Issues will be
place them at risk, should they
West Virginia. Full time staff is chaired by Preston County
leave home or leave other faciliprepared and per diem staff is
Delegate Larry Williams and
ties. Many times each year, we
settling into their duties and
Vice Chair Tim Ennis from
have many adults that become
Brooke County. Both are
responsibilities with members
disoriented and lost, often
experienced legislators that are ending in tragedy. I look forward
and committees. In addition to
the more public and visible role anxious to begin deliberations
to working with House members,
on bills referred to the commit- AARP and other interested
that I have assumed as Majortee. The main number for the
ity Leader, including working
parties to develop a system that
closely with Speaker Thompson committee is 340-3160. I hope
will better protect those that may
and the Rules Committee, there the Senate follows the lead of
be at risk.
Speaker Thompson and the
are numerous responsibilities
In the meantime, legislaHouse of Delegates in establish- tive attention this week will
of the job that pertain to full
ing a similar committee in the
and part-time staff, the House
focus on Governor Manchin
state Senate. This would be of
Clerk’s Office and all House
and the State of the State
great assistance in addressing
members. I look forward to the
Address on Wednesday night.
the many needs and concerns
opportunity and challenge.
Governor Manchin usually
of our senior population; one
With all the major issues
keeps his agenda under wraps
that will continue to grow in
facing West Virginia, the drasuntil the annual address and
News from
our Capitol
2009 is no exception. Based on
some preliminary statements
and, with the current condition
of the national economy, I am
extremely interested to learn of
any new proposals he will
introduce and advocate.
As I’ve mentioned before,
the mid-year state surplus is
gradually being eroded by
reduced collections of certain
taxes as a result of the economic downturn. However, the
release of preliminary January
figures indicated a major
downturn that was not entirely
accurate. As the month ended
on a weekend, many end of
month revenue receipts for
January was not counted until
after February 1. When February numbers are released next
month, the receipts that should
have been included in the
January numbers will be
reflected in February. So, the
news may not be great, but
likely not nearly as dire as at
first glance.
I’d like to leave you with one
final thought for this week and a
request. The issues and problems we will address as a legislative body are broad, complicated
and important to all West Virginians. I humbly ask that you keep
all legislators in your prayers as
we strive to make the right
decisions for our State in the
Please turn to CAPITOL
page 3
February 10, 2009 Page 3
Braxton County, WV
continued from page 1
lations in town he needs a
lot to park some EMS
equipment and employees
vehicles. He stated that he
had been in contact with
Ed Given, but the lot Mr.
Given had was not suitable
and he asked the PSD
Board to allow he and Steve
Sanders to do a study of the
lot behind their new office
to see if both agencies
could utilize the space. The
board agreed and also recommended that they contact Dr. Delp about the possibility of expanding the
area onto her property.
The next item of business before the Board for
discussion was an audit
report from Zach Dobbins
of Bennett & Dobbins,
CPA’s. Mr. Dobbins was not
present and his presentation will be rescheduled for
a later date.
The sewer agenda began with a report from Fred
Hypes and H. Wyatt Hanna
III regarding the application
of necessity for Phase I of
the current sewer upgrade
project. Both men explained that appropriate
paperwork had been filed
with the PSC and US Army
Corps of Engineers and
that the bidding process for
this project should begin in
the short term. Also the
PSD had received a correspondence from Rogers
Cunningham concerning
connection of 2 of his properties during this project. A
discussion was held by the
Cunningham’s situation,
and the board directed
Steve Sanders to contact
the County Sanitarian to
inspect the properties’ existing septic systems to see
if they were in compliance
with current regulations
before taking further action.
Scott Ratliff moved to
pay the sewer bills as presented. John Gibson seconded the action.
Attorney Hanna
provided an update on the
proposed financing for the
water plant upgrade.
Since last meeting Mr.
Hanna and Bond Counsel
Katy Mallory have tried to
explore financing options
that agree with the PSC’s
ordered debt service,
which is $173,512.00 per
year. All of those attempts
have come up empty. In
the current condition, the
project is short approximately $600,000 dollars.
If construction is not
started by March 31, 2009
that number will grow because of an increase in the
prevailing wage rates. A
phone conference was
held with those present at
the meeting, Bond Counsel Mallory, Mike Wilmoth
project engineer, and
Rosemary Wagner of Region VII Planning and Development Counsel. The
conversation was to explore ways of finding the
needed money to enable
the project to move forward. Many ideas were
exchanged and all parties
agreed to keep working toward their goal. The group
Wilmoth to contact the low
bidder of the project, Orders Construction, to see
if a time extension was
possible for acceptance of
their bid. It was reported
later in the meeting that
Mr. Willmoth had spoken
to the contractor and they
were willing to extend the
time frame with a provision that the contractor
would be compensated for
any rising materials cost.
He further said the contractor advised him that
starting after March, 31
2009 could result in
$50,000 dollars of increased labor cost due to
the change in the labor
rate. As advised by counsel, John Gibson moved
and Scott Ratliff seconded
to allow the PSD’s representatives to explore financing from the public
and private sector.
Fred Hypes reported
that the bid opening for
the Little Birch Water
Project had taken place.
Pro-Contracting from
a list of projects identified.
The Board agreed.
The Board went in to
executive session to discuss a personnel matter
before adjournment.
Clarksburg was the apparent low bidder at $
441,350 and another
$100,000 to install the fiber portion of the project.
Hypes said he would report the bids to the Braxton County Commission
for their consideration.
Scott Ratliff moved
to pay the water bills as
Todd Dingess provided a water financial update. His illustration
showed the last 6 months
budgeted revenue and the
actual billing. In the
month of January 2009
under the PSC’s new
higher rate structure the
PSD’s revenues came in
$11,446.00 under budgeted
Dingess advised the board
if this trend continues it
could be crippling to the
boards financial well being. Discussion was held
regarding the situation.
The board decided to review the next few months’
data before taking any action.
Steve Sanders explained to the board that he
had located a used 2003
GMC truck at state surplus. He said the truck was
needed for the increasing
maintenance related to the
operations of the sewer
plant. Gibson moved, and
Scott seconded, to buy the
truck for $6,250.00; motion carried.
Sanders also spoke
about his desire to liquidate some unused lab
equipment at the sewer
plant, he said due to using an outside agency for
testing the equipment was
no longer needed. The
board asked the general
manager to get an appraisal of the equipment
and report back.
The final order of business was to discuss a possible meeting with the
County Commission to discuss future upgrades and
needs of the utility. Sanders explained that with the
possibility of economic
stimulus money from Congress, it would be in the
PSD’s best interest to have
continued from page 1
Being no further business the regular meeting
adjourned at 10:50 a.m. on
a motion by David Jack.
The next regular meeting of
the Braxton County Commission will convene at
9:00 a.m. on February 20.
Following the regular
meeting, the Commission
held a work session with
representatives of the
County Fire Departments,
law enforcement and
wrecker companies. The
Commission said State
Code requires such a meeting every three years. Some
of the wrecker operators
were unhappy with the
number of runs they receive. The lengthy, sometime heated, discussion revealed that the County 91-1 center was not utilizing
the wrecker rotation log. It
was also brought out that
the state requirement that
wrecker providers, who
wished to participate in the
rotation practice, file necessary paper work with the
9-1-1 center annually had
not been followed for a
number of years. At the
conclusion of the meeting,
Frame said the county
would provide any amendments to the current policy
to the agencies for review
prior to making changes.
continued from page 1
than five years in the Penitentiary and ordered that
the penitentiary system
provide Meadows with drug
rehabilitation. The Defendant was recommitted to
the custody of the Sheriff
to be returned to the penitentiary.
Michael James Waggy
with the assistance of
Tender Choice Boneless
Center Cut Pork Roasts
Tender Choice Boneless
Center Cut Pork Chops
$ 69
$ 59
Tender Choice
Boneless Pork
Country Style Ribs
$ 59
continued from page 2
winter to freeze or starve.
One of his neighbors felt
sorry for him and stopped
everyday and gave him
some food thinking his
owners would come back
after a few weeks he called
us. Picking Herb up he was
scared and once we cut the
chain holding him to the
box we realized herb had
an imbedded collar. Underweight, scared and in need
of medical attention we
brought him back to the
shelter. We cut the collar
off exposing the raw infected area around his
neck. With some basic
medical care, some kind
words, and a little attention, Herb’s sweet and
gentle personality has
emerged like a blooming
flower. He is making great
progress in learning to
trust. He is now walking
on a leash, His appetite is
Virginia Baked
Moffatt came before the
Judge. Pursuant to a plea
bargain agreement the Defendant entered a plea of
guilty to an indictment
charging him with access
device fraud and violation
of the law. Judge Facemire
set sentencing in this matter for April 9, at 1:30 P.M.
Lisa Wright and her
attorney Daniel Grindo
were in Court to answer the
State’s motion to revoke
Wright’s probation. On
February 6, 2008, the Defendant entered a plea of
guilty to the felony offense
of petit larceny, second offense. The Court granted
Wright probation on February 25, 2008. On January
26, 2009, the State filed a
petition to revoke the
Defendant’s probation as a
result of the Defendant
committing criminal offenses in Cabell County.
Judge Facemire advised
the Defendant of her right
to a hearing. The Defendant waived her right to
that hearing and admitted
the allegations in the petition. Judge Facemire revoked the Defendant’s probation and took up sentencing. Wright, through
her attorney, requested the
Court grant her probation
or home confinement. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Cooper opposed probation or home confinement.
Judge Facemire sentenced
the Defendant to the maximum term allowable by law
of one year in the Penitentiary. He ordered that
Wright report to the Central Regional Jail on Monday, February 9, 2009, to
begin serving her sentence
and be transferred to the
State Penitentiary.
good with his weight is normalizing and is happy to
see the Shelter Staff. It’s really sad the only kindness
this dog has ever known is
at an animal shelter. Please
refer to shelter #1-09D006.
continued from page 2
The mouse turned to the
cow and said, “There is a
mousetrap in the house!
There is a mousetrap in the
house!” The cow said,
“Wow, Mr. Mouse. I’m sorry
for you, but it’s no skin off
my nose.” So, the mouse returned to the house, head
down and dejected, to face
the farmer’s mousetrap
alone. That very night a
sound was heard throughout the house like the
sound of a mousetrap
catching its prey. The
farmer’s wife rushed to see
what was caught. In the
darkness, she did not see
it was a venomous snake
whose tail the trap had
caught. The snake bit the
farmer’s wife. The farmer
rushed her to the hospital,
and she returned home
with a fever. Everyone
knows you treat a fever
with fresh chicken soup, so
the farmer took his hatchet
to the farmyard for the
soup’s main ingredient.
But his wife’s sickness continued, so friends and
neighbors came to sit with
her around the clock. To
feed them, the farmer
butchered the pig. The
farmer’s wife did not get
well; she died. So many
people came for her funeral, the farmer had the
cow slaughtered to provide
enough meat for all of
them. The mouse looked
upon it all from his crack
in the wall with great sadness. So, the next time you
hear someone is facing a
problem and think it
doesn’t concern you, remember. When one of us is
threatened, we are all at
risk. We are all involved in
this journey called life. We
must keep an eye out for
one another and make an
extra effort to encourage
one another.
Lola B. Given
Eph. 2:8-9
continued from page 2
coming weeks and months.
Please address your
mail to the Capitol office at:
Building 1, Room 228-M,
Charleston, WV 25305. My
office telephone number is
340-3220 or fax to 3403213. For those with
Internet, my e-mail address
Remember to thank a
veteran for their service to
our nation and continue to
remember our troops - at
home and abroad - and
keep them and their families in your thoughts and
prayers. Until next week,
take care.
Pumpkin Pies
Sale Prices effective Friday, February 13th, 2009
Items and prices good at Glenville, Grantsville,
Elk River, Cherry River, and Craigsville
Look for other great Foodland Specials for next week in our
Sales Circular inside this issue of the Citizens’ News.
Page 4 February 10, 2009
Braxton County, WV
S. Murphy, and one sister,
Delta Montgomery.
Jane is survived by
With Deepest
husband of 65
years, Leonard L. Gillespie
of Charleston, WV; four
Ruffner L. Hall; sisters at her request; graveside
Gaylord G. Conner
sons, Danny L., Harold
Gaylord G. Conner, Beulah Mumaw and service was 1:00 pm Friday
Stephen, Richard C. and
at Little Kanawha Memo86, of Charleston died Sun- Acellee Casale.
Randy Lynn Gillespie all of
She is survived by rial Gardens, Heaters.
day, February 1, 2009, at
Charleston, WV; 6 granddaughter, Carroll Hall; sisHeartland of Charleston.
children and 7 great-grandWilma Virginia
He was born in ter, Pearl Matuska of
(Dennison) Shaver
Calhoun County and was a Cleveland, Ohio; brothers,
son of the late Jeff and Rupert Nicholas of Duck,
were held at 2:00 pm on
Harry Golden Nicholas of (Dennison) Shaver of ExBlanche Jarvis Conner.
Wednesday, January 28,
Gaylord retired as a Akron, Ohio, and William change, WV went home to
2009 at Stockert-Gibson
service engineer with Min- Nicholas of Cuyahoga Falls, be with the Lord on
ing Process Inc. and at- Ohio; and her faithful com- Wednesday January 28,
Flatwoods, WV. Interment
2009, on her 89th birthday,
tended Calvary Baptist panion, Snowball.
was on her family farm at
The service was held at the Braxton Co. Health
Church and Partners SunNewville, WV. Friends
at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb- Care Center, surrounded
day school class.
called from 11:00 am to
He was preceded in ruary 7, at Richard M. by her loving family.
2:00 pm on Wednesday at
death by his wife, Norma, Roach Funeral Home,
She was born on
the funeral home. Online
in 2006; brother, Melvin; Gassaway, with Elder Larry January 28, 1920 at
condolences may be sent to
Margaret Sue Ellison
and sisters, Marie and Fisher officiating. Burial Perkins Fork, WV (Braxton
Margaret Sue Ellison,
was at the Sugar Creek Co.) a daughter of the late
60, of Glenville, WV, passed
Gaylord is survived by Cemetery near Gassaway. James and Amanda Carder
away January 24, 2009 in Junior “Greentree” Utt
Friends called from 6 Dennison. She was marhis children, Glen (MargaJunior “Greentree”
Ruby Memorial Hospital in
ret) of Williamson, Loretta to 9 p.m. Friday at the fu- ried on February 8th 1936
Morgantown, WV after a Utt, 76, of Sutton, WV died
(Irvin) of Waverly, Richard neral home.
to James Vaughn Shaver
February 5, 2009 at home.
short illness.
In lieu of flowers, me- and together they had 13
(Velma) of Richland, Va.,
She was born on Feb- He was born May 18, 1932
and Gary (Rose) of Clayton, morial contributions may children.
ruary 27, 1948 at Cedar in Sutton, WV a son of the
N.C.; five grandchildren be made to Hospice Care,
She is preceded in
Creek, WV a daughter of late Roy Hershel & Nina
and 10 great-grandchil- P.O. Box 323, Burnsville, death by her parents, her
the late Orval Green and Mae Barker Utt. Also predren; and sisters, Joanne WV 26335 or Gassaway husband in 1986, three
Evalea Leona Gregory. She ceding him in death were
Shamblin and Maxine Baptist Church Building sons, Dewey, an infant son
was a homemaker and a his son Thomas Edward, 2
Fund, P.O. Box 128, who died on her birthday in
Services were 1 p.m. Gassaway, WV 26624.
1951, Averal in 1989,
She is preceded in Grillbortzer and Betty DalWednesday, February 4, at
David in 2006 and one
death by her parents, las, and 2 brothers Arthur
Mamie L. Ramsey
Bartlett-Burdette-Cox Fudaughter, Yvorra Shaver in
brother, Leon Gregory and Utt and Hershel Utt.
Mamie L. Ramsey 90, 2007, one granddaughter,
neral Home with the Rev.
He was a member of
sister, Delores Fisher.
Mark Newland officiating. of Burnsville, WV passed Alice Conley in 2006 and
She is survived by her the Poplar Ridge Methodist
away Feb- four great-grandchildren.
Burial was in Sunset Mechildren, Debie Barnette of church and a laborer &
ruary 3, Also preceding her in death
Glenville, Patti Shields of coal miner.
2009, fol- were 2 brothers Tilford and
He is survived by his
Fort Worth, TX, Barbi
lowing a Wayford Shaver, six sisA gathering of family
Clevenger of Glenville and wife Elizabeth Utt; 4 sons
lengthy ill- ters, Ozena Prince, Irene
and friends was one hour
James Phillips of Glenville; Christopher Utt 7 wife
ness. She Spaur, Lena Shaver, Leo
prior to the service.
Grandchildren, Johnnie Danielle of Sutton, Patrick
was born Lake, Mildred Wiggin and
In lieu of flowers, the
Miller of Glenville, Crystal Grant Utt & wife Barbara,
August 31, Loleta Luzader Robinson.
family suggests that meMiller of Braxton, Steven Daniel Utt & wife Chris1918, the
morials be made in
Virginia is survived by
Miller of Vermillion, OH, tine of Flatwoods, and
Gaylord’s name to Hubbard daughter of the late Taney one brother, Clifford
Michelle Richards of Fort Aaron Utt & wife Cindy of
Hospice House, 1001 Hill and Nancy Canfield Dennison of Cleveland, TN; Glendalea Lucille Cottrill Worth, TX, Ashley Miller Hedgesville; 3 daughters
Kennawa Drive, Charles- Bragg.
five sons, Robert Shaver
Glendalea Lucille and James Miller both of Cheryl Ann Foltz & husShe was preceded in and wife Janice of Panama Cottrill, 68, of Rittman, Glenville, and Brittiny, band Mark Bradley, Robin
ton, WV 25311, or Calvary
Baptist Church, 510 Mary- death by her husband, City, FL, Eddie Dale Shaver Ohio died Saturday, Janu- Jeffery and Ethyn Phillips Elizabeth Childress & husland Ave. Charleston, WV Delbert “Deb” Ramsey, and wife Jolene of Peters- ary 10, 2009.
all of WV; great-grandchil- band Kenneth of Damdearly beloved son, Aaron burg, WV, Dwaine Shaver
She was preceded in dren,
Miller, ascus, MD, & Nina Viola
An online guest regis- Ray, 7 sisters and 1 and wife Patsy, Newark, DE, death by her parents, Alpha McKenzie and McKayla McCourt & husband
at brother. She was the last Calvin Shaver and wife and Helen Davis, one Greenlief, Dakota Ball, Clifford Benny McCourt, Sr. surviving member of her Lorraine of Horner, WV, brother Robert Davis, two Madison
Bonnett, of Sutton; 2 brothers Henry
Bartlett-Burdette-Cox family.
Jerry Shaver and wife sisters Hilda Crites and Skielynne Putnam, Wyatt & Roy Utt both of Sutton;
She is survived by Sharon of Exchange, WV; Eva Sue Davis.
Funeral Home is in charge
Sue half-brother Victor Utt of
daughter, Beverly (Sonny) Four daughters, Wilma Fosof arrangements.
She is survived by her Richards, and Hunter Sutton; 4 sisters Pauline
Davis, of Philippi, WV, sons, ter and husband Darrell of husband Granville, one Carder; and brothers and Farrell of Wheeling, Evelyn
Garrett (Sue) of Roanoke, Weston, WV, Reta Cogar son Gary Cottrill and wife sisters, Janice Clowser of Chaffins of Sutton Carol
Belva M. Hall
Belva M. Hall, 84, of Mike (Dottie) of Burnsville, and husband Tim of Sutton, Marci; two daughters, OH, Raymond Gregory of Hamric of Martinsburg,
Frametown passed away Ronnie (Carol) Ramsey, WV, Karen Mowery Durand Shonnie Van Nostran and Weston, Allen Gregory of and Barbara Cannibis of
February 4, 2009, at Brax- Burbank, Ohio, Lonnie and husband Butch of husband Todd, Tonya Gar- Elyria, OH, Phyllis Coe of Roanoke, VA; 12 grandchilton County Memorial Hos- (Judy) Ramsey, Ireland Sutton, WV, Anita Cook ner and husband Mark; Titusville, FL, Sandy dren and 3 great grandchilWV, 9 grandchildren, 13 and husband Charles three grandsons, Michael Clevenger of Dyersburg, dren.
pital, Gassaway.
She was born Febru- great grandchildren and 1 “Cookie” of Sutton, WV, and Cottrill, Aaron Crayden and TN, Pam Wilhelm of Elyria,
ary 26, 1924, at Dingy, great grandson, several son-in-law William Shaver Kyle Cottrill; and two grand- OH and Randy Gregory of were held at 1:00 p.m. on
Braxton County, a daugh- nieces and nephews that of Gassaway, WV; 36 grand- daughters,
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Christie Elyria, OH.
ter of the late Isreal Albert she dearly loved.
children, 62 great-grand- Blythin, and Tiffany
services at Greene-Robertson FuShe attended the children, and 14 great- Crayden. Also surviving, were held on Thursday, neral Home, Sutton, WV
and Grace Mae Frame
Little Kanawha Indepen- great-grandchildren.
three sisters, Sharon January 29,2009 at with Rev. Bill Griffin officiBelva was a home- dent Church. She sang in
Virginia was a lifelong Healy of Keyser, WV, and Stockert-Gibson Funeral ating. Burial was in the
maker, a member of the a quartet with her late hus- Christian and a member of Shirley Rowan and Della Home in Flatwoods with Barker Ridge Cemetery,
Baptist band and has gone to join Sunrise
Community Rowan, both of Sutton, WV. the Rev. Phil Shields offi- Sutton. Friends called
Church and attended the him.
Church at Exchange, WV
services ciating. Burial was in from 6 – 8 p.m. Saturday at
Visitation was Thurs- where she was a dedicated were Wednesday, January Cedarville
Gassaway Baptist Church.
Cemetery. the funeral home.
In addition to her par- day from 5-8 pm at worker in the church. All 14th at 1:00 pm. Burial was Friends called Wednesday
arrangeents, she was also preceded Stockert-Gibson Funeral who knew her through out in Ohio Western Reserve from 5-8:00 pm at the fu- ments are by Greenein death by husband, Home in Flatwoods, WV and the community for her sew- National Cemetery in neral home.
Robertson Funeral Home,
ing and beautiful quilts, Wadsworth, Ohio, with
Sutton, WV.
and her kindness to every- Hilliard-Rospert Funeral Jerusha Jane Gillespie
Online condolences
one she met.
Jane may be sent to: greeneHome of Wadsworth, Ohio
She will be greatly serving.
Gillespie, 84, of Charles-
People Who Care
missed by the 174 family
ton, WV passed away on
members who called her
Saturday January 24, 2009 Gladys Crockett Butcher
John Enos Miller
about helping others. If you want to earn extra cash,
“Mom” and “Grandma”.
John Enos Miller, 47, at Heartland of Charleston
be an In-Home Caregiver. Valid WV Driver’s License and
Funeral services were of Glenville, WV passed after a short illness.
Butcher, 96, of Gassaway
Criminal Background Check required. Training will be
held at 1:00 pm on Saturday away Friday January 30,
Jane was born on May departed this life on
provided. Salary commensurate with training, experience
January 31, 2009 at Stockert- 2009 in Glenville after a 10, 1924 on Ben’s Run at Wednesday, February 4,
Gibson Funeral Home with short illness.
Hyre, WV, near Newville, a 2009 after an extended illand/or certifications.
the Rev. Linn Schiefer officiHe was born on Janu- daughter of the late J.W. ness.
She was born April 27,
CALL Today 765-3668 or 1-800-814-8514 ating. Burial was in the ary 7, 1962 on Linch Run and Dawnie B. Taylor
Shaver Cemetery at Ex- a son of the late Jack C. Murphy.
1912 to the late ChristoBecause YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE
change, WV. Friends called and Betty E. Miller. He is
In addition to her par- pher C. and Nora Estelle
from 5-8:00 pm Friday survived by his children, ents she was preceded in Crockett.
Immediate Openings In:
evening and one hour prior Dione Hardman, Johnnie death by six brothers; Boyd,
to the services on Saturday Lee Miller, Crystal Dawn Arthur, Bradford, John ents she was also preceded
at the funeral home.
Miller, Steven Anthony Bailey, Andrew and Jerry in death by her husband,
Wilber B. Butcher; three
brothers, Robert L., George
Gratton and Thomas Warren Crockett; two sisters,
Madge Baker and Mary
She is survived by sister,
Crockett of
Gassaway; nephew, Robert
Crockett and friend, Fran
Wrona of New Port Richey,
Choose from a wide variety of mdse including WEBKINZ™, Bath & Body Works™, Boyds™,
FL; niece, Carolyn Leonard
Longaberger™ Handbags & Accessories, Monster Jam Trucks, MX Bikes, Speed Racer™, Hot
of Slidell, LA and host of
friends and neighbors.
Wheels™, Indiana Jones™, Bass Pro™, Hannah Montana™, High School Musical™,
She was a graduate of
CATERPILLAR™, Abercrombie & Fitch™, lots of chocolates………..You set the price.
Glenville State College; a
retired school teacher of
the Braxton County School
system; she was a protestant by faith and attended
the Gassaway United
Methodist church; she was
a 50 year member of the
Gassaway Order of Eastern
Star chapter #32 and belonged to the Elk Valley
Extension Homemakers.
Gladys enjoyed her
flowers and gardening
work, which she did for a
number of years. She also
enjoyed baking goods and
*in case of school cancellation, delivery will be first day back in session
Please turn to OBITURARIES
page 5
Jerry L. Hacker Sr.
Jerry L. Hacker Sr.,
63, of 863 Fuller St., Axton,
died Tuesday, January 27, 2009, at Memorial Hospital in
He was born on July
17, 1945 in Gassaway, WV
to Herman Byrne Hacker
and Elizabeth Sergant
Hacker served in
Vietnam with the Army,
and he was a retired truck
Surviving are his
wife, Renelda Mabe Hacker
of the home, two sons,
Jerry Lee Hacker Jr. of
Reidsville, NC, and Gregory
Hacker of Ridgeway; a
Staples of Ridgeway; four
Hoffman of Axton, Charles
Hoffman of Martinsville,
Chatham and Clifford
Hoffman of Callands; three
sisters, Roberta James of
Ridgeway, Ann Davis and
Nancy Moss, both of
Gassaway; two brothers,
Gassaway and William
Hacker of Ridgeway; and
seven grandchildren.
The funeral was at 2
p.m. Friday at Townes Funeral Home, 215 West
Main St., Danville. The
Rev. Don Reynolds officiated. Burial was in
Danville Memorial Gardens.
The family received
friends at the funeral
home from noon until 2 pm
Friday and other times at
the home.
Miller, Joshua Dewayne
Miller and Desiree Miller
all of West Virginia; and
brothers and sisters, Cathy
Marks, Ann Hill, Joe
Dennison, Wes Miller,
Timothy Miller, Jim Miller
and Matt Miller all of West
were held at 10:30 am on
Thursday February 5, 2009
at Stockert-Gibson Funeral
Home in Flatwoods, WV
with the Rev. Delmas
Burial was in Cedarville
Cemetery in Cedarville,
WV. Friends called from 68:00 pm Wednesday
evening at the funeral
Bear Heaven
will be delivering Valentine Baskets, Bags & Back Packs
to ALL Braxton County Schools FREE on *Friday February 13
No order too small.
Place your order now to guarantee best selection...
Stop in or call for details 765-7993... Open Daily 8am – 10pm
Braxton County, WV
Boyd’s Bingo Fundraiser
There will be a Boyd’s
Bingo Fundraiser at the
Gassaway Fire Department
on Saturday, February
15th, to benefit the BCHS
Wrestling team. Doors will
open at 1 p.m. with the
games to begin at 2 p.m.
There will be 20 games for
a donation of $20.00 along
with raffles, door prizes and
refreshments. The baskets
are being made up by Bear
Heaven of Flatwoods and
contain a wonderful variety of items. For advance
registration call Suzie
Steele at 678-6422 as
there will be an early bird
drawing. All proceeds will
go directly to the BCHS
Wrestling team to help pay
the costs associated with
attending the regional and
state tournaments and
new uniforms. Come out
and join us for an afternoon
of fun and fellowship to
help our team. Thank you
for your support.
Braxton County
Soccer Club
Spring Registration Dates
Feb. 14th - Gassaway Community Building 11:00am 2:00pm
Feb. 15th - Braxton County
Middle School 1:00pm 3:00pm
Feb. 21st - Burnsville Elementary 11:00am 2:00pm
Feb. 28th - Flatwoods Elementary 11:00am 2:00pm
**All players must have a
copy of their birth certificate at the time of sign up
Cost is as follows: 1st
player - $35.00; 2nd player
- $30.00; 3rd player - $25.00
and quilt historian, Fawn
Valentine, as our keynote
speaker for this event.
She will be presenting her
lecture on quilts and
quiltmaking in West Virginia, as well as performing “quilt readings” for
those in the audience who
wish to bring in their own
antique quilts. The day
will conclude with live musical performances from
Mountain Fury and Betty Jo
and the Countryaires.
For further information, please contact the
sponsoring business,
Heavenly Hills Fabrics
and Crafts at 888WVHILLS or 304-4624339. Pre-registration is
highly recommended as
the classes will be filled on
a first come, first serve
basis. You may also find
the schedule of events,
class information and
pre-registration form at
February 10, 2009 Page 5
Pot Luck Dinner &
Live Music
Little Birch Southern
Baptist will be hosting a
pot luck dinner and live
music at the church, located beside Pro-Mart in
Little Birch. Dinner will
begin at 6:00 p.m. (time
change from 7:00) followed
by live music provided by
local musicians. Everyone
is invited to come and
enjoy a free evening of
entertainment for the
whole family on Friday,
February 13, 2009. We
look forward to seeing you
Those who need
help filling out the Free
Application for Federal
Student Aid are invited
to attend FAFSA workshops planned in February. GSC Director of Financial Aid Karen Lay
says the workshops are
free and will take place
in the Robert F. Kidd Library on Sunday, February 15 from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. and on Tuesday, February 24 from
4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.
Lay said, “Dependent
students are reminded to
bring their 2008 tax returns or estimates to the
workshops.” For more information, contact Lay at
or (304) 462-4103x5.
CMA to meet
The Christian Motorcycle
(CMA) will
meet at
Shoney’s in Flatwoods on
Saturday, February 14.
Come at 8:00am for
breakfast. The meeting
will begin at 9:00 Everyone is welcome to attend.
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Crafting Event
Merging Past and
Present: Crafting for all
ages will be held March 7,
2009 from 7:00am to 9 :00
pm at the Gilmer County
Senior Center, Glenville,
West Virginia.
The planned event,
“Merging Past and Present:
Crafting for All Ages,” has
been designed as a community enrichment and educational tool to create interest in traditional and
emerging arts and crafts.
A wide variety of classes for
all ages and skill levels
have been scheduled, including: applique, beadwork, crochet, embroidery,
memory jars, paper-piecing, quilting, scrapbooking,
sewing, sheet rock carving
art, spinning, using color
and selling on Ebay. There
will be special activities for
young children under 10
yrs of age, including ageappropriate crafts and story
hour. Demonstrations of
split bottom chair weaving,
hand-quilting on a frame,
knitting and crocheting
will run throughout the
day. A rich array of vendors will be present, showcasing handmade crafts
and books from West Virginia artisans and authors.
We will also have a quilt
show on display, as well as
delicious home cooked food
provided by the fundraising
efforts of the Rosedale Senior Center Group.
We are very excited to
have well known author
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continued from page 4
often sharing them with
her neighbors and friends.
She liked to do needle
work and made beautiful
quilts which she often
gave one to her church to
raise money for community projects which she
very much enjoyed doing.
She was also very active in
the Gassaway Lions Club.
Gladys will be greatly
missed by her sister, other
family members, neighbors and friends.
Service was 11am
Monday, February 9 at Richard M. Roach Funeral
Home, Gassaway with Rev.
Gene Adkins and Rev.
Nolan Turner officiating.
Burial will be in the Beall’s
Mill Cemetery, Gassaway.
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Page 6 February 10, 2009
and surrounding
areas will
miss Mary
E. “Sally”
Brown who
died on Saturday, February
7. Besides serving as
Emergency Medical Technician for many years, she
was willing to help anyone
who was ill or shut-in. By
the time this Chat is published, many of us will
have attended her viewing
at Stockert-Gibson Funeral
Home in Flatwoods on
Tuesday, February 10,
from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. and/
or her funeral at 11 a.m.
on Wednesday, February
11. My deepest sympathy to
her family and friends.
Last week I included
comments from my brother,
Harry Wiant, Jr., better
known as “Sonny.” Jane
Ann Riddle Richter who also
grew up in Burnsville wrote
to agree with Sonny’s comments about chimney being
pronounced “chimley” by
many folks in our part of the
world. She writes, “I always
love to read Sonny’s comments, and the ‘chimley’ hit
home. I remember learning
to spell the word chimney at
some point in grade school,
and the spelling made quite
an impression on me which
I’ll always remember. Isn’t
that funny, I thought, that
the word is pronounced
‘chimley’ and spelled ‘chimney’? I kept right on pronouncing it chimley until
some years later when I finally put two and two together or was perhaps corrected by someone.”
He also wrote about
his accent. In response to
Kalinowski of Connecticut
writes, “Hi Patty... had to
laugh re the accent Sonny
wrote about... would you believe I’ve been in CT over
50 years and people STILL
comment about my accent... they think I sound
mostly????... not Southern,
as I talk too fast... I’m
amazed that people even
think I have an accent!!”
Last week I wrote
about the movie, “Gifted
Hands,” the story of Ben
Carson, a Seventh-day
Adventist and world-famous neurosurgeon who
works at Johns Hopkins
Hospital. The movie was to
air on TNT. My daughter,
Robin Bucklew, taped it for
us since we do not get that
channel. Wally Hefner, a
Burnsville graduate who
now lives in Flatwoods,
wrote that Dr. Ben Carson
had operated on him. He
says, “You know I had 19
operations on my head. He
did surgery on the lower
sinus in my left cheek. He
told Barbara [Wally’s wife]
I had the hardest head he
ever worked on. He said it
was like going through cement. Barbara told him she
knew I was hard headed.
I’ve seen him in the Sunday paper on the cover of
the Parade section and also
I’ve seen him on T. V. All
mothers should watch it
[the movie]. He and his
brothers and sisters were
making bad grades. No father, their mother working
two jobs. With the bad
grades the first thing she
did was turn the T.V. off
and made them all read
three books a week and
give her a written report.
Later he learned his
mother couldn’t even read.
They all had better grades
and Ben became one of the
most famous doctors in the
world.” Later he wrote, “Pat:
One thing I forgot to tell you
was that children with seizures & other problems, he
would remove 1/2 of their
brain. A child’s brain will
grow back. It won’t work on
adults. I was up there several times [at Johns
Hopkins Hospital] and he
would take time to talk to
me. He called me once.
The White House tried to
get him to work on Bush,
but he said it wouldn’t
work. Wally P.S. You can
take some of my stories
and write a book some day.”
Since you, my readers, seem interested, I am
going to include a few more
of my brother’s memories.
I really appreciate the comments I get and that some
tell me that they subscribe
to the paper to read my
Chat, or that the Chat is
the first thing they read
every time. Here are some
of Sonny’s memories.
“The Means family
lived across the river from
the McNemar house near
the swinging bridge up in
Stringtown, a suburb of
Burnsville. The Means
family had a parrot who
would greet folks who were
walking by. After hearing,
‘Hello, hello, how are you?’
some would call out, ‘Mrs.
Means is that you or that
crazy parrot?’ Dr. Means,
who really was not a doctor
but a self-taught veterinarian, if I remember correctly, drove one of the few
cars in those days. He probably held the record as the
world’s slowest driver. You
could pass him up when
walking. I remember when
the first cars came out
without a place to put the
crank in to get them
started. (You had to be careful cranking a car as you
could get a broken wrist
when the crank sometimes kicked back!). Bob
Singleton and I just knew
it was a terrible flaw, not
having a place to crank.
Guess we were proven
wrong on that prophecy.”
And again he wrote,
“When I was young we
kids, often with no adults,
would plan weenie roasts.
We would get weenies and
marshmallows and head
for the flat on Wade’s hill.
Cut green sticks were
sharpened to supply all the
equipment needed, and
soon a wood fire would cook
our marshmallows and
weenies and also would
furnish the heat and light
we needed after dark. The
dark was the best time for
ghost stories, or to admire
the beauty of the stars and
moon, or a time to play
some games of hide and
seek because hiding was
easier in the dark. Some
gossip was exchanged, of
course. What I wouldn’t
give to recapture the fun
we had!”
Thank you, Sonny,
Jane, Nancy and Wally!
You wrote my Chat for this
hope this
finds all of
you well. It
is an absolutely gorgeous day
today! It’s a
very nice break from the
deep freeze we have been
having. I have seen a lot
of our neighbors out enjoying the weather.
I spent the first part
of my afternoon having a
wonderful phone conversation with Mr. Bill Richards.
I do not know how many of
you are familiar with Mr.
Richards, but I have never
had the pleasure of meeting him personally. He
contacted me after reading
my column about the
League Building. He is a
delightful man with so
much information and so
many stories to tell about
Gassaway and his life that
I could talk to him all day!
I am anxiously awaiting
some of his memoirs that
he has written and is willing to share with all of us.
Be sure to look for them in
this column!
I love hearing and
Gassaway. If you, like Mr.
Richards, have information you would like to
share, please call me!
The Elk Memorial
Clinic, Dr Pigott’s office in
Gassaway is having a
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program
Women’s Health Clinic on
Friday, February 20th starting at 8am and lasting until 3pm. This special clinic
is being offered so that ladies ages of 25 to 64 who
have little or no insurance
can receive the screenings. Services offered during the clinic hours will be
Free Pap and clinical
breast exams. Also free
cholesterol and glucose finger stick, blood pressure,
height and weight, and
skin analyzer that checks
for potential sun damage.
This is a fantastic opportunity for ladies with no insurance, and I know there
are a lot of them, to get the
screening they need. The
Elk Memorial Clinic, Dr
Pigott’s office is located
next door to Walker’s Drug
Store in Gassaway. Please
call 364-2401 for information and to schedule an
Birthdays this week
are: February 10 th-Heath
Cottrill, Savannah Bender,
Mary Baker Carman: February 11 th-Edie Johnson,
Emily Canterbury; February 12 th -Becky Boggs,
Jimmy R Frame II, Patrick
O’Malley; February 13 th Tim Hanks, Trent Isaiah
Stump, Ryan Rollyson; February 14 th-Pam Graham,
Amelia Shrader, Benjamin
Shrader, Travis Allen
Rexroad; February 15 th Addison Grindo, Isaac Eli
Ratliff; February 16th-Lori
Moore Cutlip, Jacobi
Nottingham. Happy Birthday to all of you!!!
Valentines Day is Sat-
Braxton County, WV
urday! Have you got a valentine for that special person? Did you know? 188
million Valentine’s Day
cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine’s
Day the second-most popular greeting-card-giving
occasion. (This total excludes packaged kids valentines for classroom exchanges.) (Source: Hallmark research)
Over 50 percent of all
Valentine’s Day cards are
purchased in the six days
prior to the observance,
making Valentine’s Day a
procrastinator’s delight.
(Source: Hallmark research)
2.2 million Marriages
take place in the United
States annually. That
breaks down to more than
6,000 a day.
The per capita consumption of candy by
Americans in 2005 was
25.7 pounds. Candy consumption has actually declined over the last few
years; in 1997, each
American gobbled or savored more than 27 pounds
of candy a year.
Many of the area restaurants are making special dinner arrangements
for Valentines Day. Take
your Sweetie to one of
This week’s recipe is
for Lava Chocolate Cakes.
4 teaspoons sugar
1/2 cup butter, cubed
4 squares (1 ounce each)
semisweet chocolate
1 cup confectioners’ sugar
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
1-1/2 teaspoons instant
coffee granules
3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
6 tablespoons all-purpose
1/2 teaspoon salt
Whipped cream, optional
Additional confectioners’
sugar, optional
Grease the bottom
and sides of four 6-oz.
ramekins; sprinkle each
with 1 teaspoon sugar.
Place ramekins on a baking sheet; set aside.
In a medium microwave-safe bowl, melt butter
and chocolate; stir until
smooth. Stir in confectioners’ sugar; mix until
smooth. Whisk in eggs, egg
yolks, instant coffee and
vanilla. Stir in flour and
salt; spoon batter into prepared ramekins. Bake at
400° for about 12 minutes
or until a thermometer
reads 160° and cake sides
are set and centers are
Remove ramekins to
a wire rack to cool for 5
minutes. Carefully run a
small knife around cakes
to loosen. Invert warm
cakes onto serving plates.
Lift ramekins off cakes.
Serve warm with whipped
cream or sprinkle with additional confectioners’
sugar if desired. Yield: 4
Please keep Daphne
Moore, Joe Smarr, June
Agostino, Rick Rose,
Jeannette Marks, Taylor
Hoffman’s in your prayers.
My very dear friend,
Tammie Jeffrey Gay, lost
her brother, Barry Jeffrey
of Cape Canaveral, Florida,
early Sunday morning, after his courageous battle
with cancer. Barry was the
son of our neighbor, Arbutus Lambert and the late
Reverend Luther Jeffrey.
Please keep the family in
your prayers.
Our community has
lost another dear member.
Gladys Crockett Butcher
left us on February 9 th .
She was a retired school
teacher and taught many
of us in the community.
Gladys will be missed.
Please keep her family in
your prayers.
Sympathy is extended
to the families of Bryan
Addison Parsons, Junior
“Greentree” Utt, Belva M.
Hall, Mamie L. Ramsey,
John E Miller, and Henry
Robert Clifton. Please keep
them in your prayers.
If you have news you
would like to share, please
call me at 364-4615 or
“If apples were pears
And peaches were plums
And the rose had a different name.
If tigers were bears
And fingers were thumbs
I’d love you just the
- Valentine’s Day
Songs and Poems
Until next week, take
care and God Bless!
Hello there, Happy
Valentines Day!’’
This Sunday as well
as last Charles and John
Bennett fixed supper for
Vorris and Madeline Scott,
and enjoyed eating with
them, the Scott’s say that
Charles and John are becoming very good cooks.
Others to visit the Scott’s
were Carl, Susan Stafford
and children Carl and
Courtney, Bob and Sharon
Saunders, Kate and
Russell Posey.
Russell Posey, Austin
Posey, Tommy Conrad and
I visited Ruby Hitt recently.
We also visited Tommy
and Vada Conrad.
Recent visitors of
Pearl Smith were Ronald
and Jo Ann Smith and
daughter Lisa, Sonny and
Cheryl Brooks of Ohio,
Darlene Hickman of
Gassaway, Beth Snyder of
Gassaway, Vivian Smith
and a friend Jill from
Ashville N.C., Lois and
Jearl Ramsey, Laura,
Zach, Trey and Linsey
Chapman, Roger Nettles,
Rev. Johnny and Rev.
Carolyn Nettles.
wishes to my grandson
Austin Posey who will be 4
Recently Billy Blake
visited his Aunt Eula Riffle
in Buckhannon who is 91
years old. He also visited
his Uncle and Aunt Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Brown in
Buckhannon, then he done
some shopping also.
Toni Wine says Happy
Valentines Day to Mike
and Cathy McCoy.
Happy Belated Birthday wishes to Faith Kidd on
Feb 8, also belated birthday
wishes to Amy Ramsey and
Karl Michael Boyce.
Prayers for this week
are needed for: Madeline
Scott who fell and broke her
arm, Pearl Smith and her
son Roger Smith, Billy and
Barbara Conrad, Sis and
Budge Conrad, Jean Allen,
Jane Sprouse, Terry
Vankirk, Suzanne Wiant,
Jo Ann Conrad, Jack Riffle,
Jeanette Ratliff, Freda
Heater, Pearl Linger,
Butch Heater, Isaac and
Hazel Flemming, Lois
Ramsey, Cherry Ramsey
and W.C. “Whimp” Skinner.
Recent visitors of
Reba Ratliff were Buck
Ratliff and a friend Terri,
Roger Brooks and Joetta,
Randy Ratliff and a friend
wishes to Rosa Sisk,
Donna Mae Solina and
Allison Pritt.
Condolences to the
family of Sally Brown.
Russell and I visited
Marty and Barbara Posey
and family, Carl and Susan
Stafford and family recently.
Recent visitors of
Charles Bennett were
kate and Russell Posey,
Susan Stafford and John
This weeks recipe is
for: Apple Cinnamon Spice
· 3 cups all-purpose flour
· 3 teaspoons baking powder
· 1/2 teaspoon salt
· 2 cups white sugar
· 4 eggs
· 1 cup vegetable oil
· 1/4 cup orange juice
· 2 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
· 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
· 2 cups apple - peeled,
cored and chopped
· 1 cup HERSHEY®’S Cinnamon Chips
· confectioners’ sugar for
Preheat oven to 350
degrees F (175 degrees C).
Grease and flour a 10 inch
Bundt pan. Sift together
the flour, baking powder
and salt; set aside.
In a large bowl, combine sugar, eggs, oil, orange juice and vanilla.
Beat on high speed of an
blended. Beat in flour mixture. Fold in chopped walnuts. Pour 1/3 of batter
into prepared pan. Mix together chopped apples and
cinnamon chips, and
sprinkle 1/2 of mixture
over batter in pan. Repeat
layers, ending with batter.
Bake in the preheated
oven for 55 to 60 minutes,
or until a toothpick inserted
into the center of the cake
comes out clean. Let cool in
pan for 10 minutes, then
turn out onto a wire rack
and cool completely.
Sprinkle with confectioners’
sugar before serving.
Jackson Stone/Jackson
Jackson Stone/Jackson Trucking has mason sand
and limestone sand, and three sizes of Ohio River
gravel. We also have various sizes of crushed
limestone, house coal, red mulch, brown mulch
and agriculture lime stockpiled at our yard on
Little Birch Road.
We can be reached at 304-765-7502 to schedule a
delivery or to check on a time to get your own
truck loaded. 304-765-7502
Treated right in our Eye Center!
Dr. Jerry Black, M.D., Ph.D.
Eye Center
"The finest care in sight"
Braxton County, WV
Magistrate Larry
Clifton’s Court
February 3: Britney
Marion McEvers-speeding,
paid; Donald Lee Quinnspeeding, paid; Sean Allan
Bennett-speeding, paid;
Larry G. Riggle-not wearing
a seat belt in a commercial
motor vehicle, paid; Roger
John Losh II-speeding, payment schedule; Early
McGlothlin-speeding, paid;
Lance T. Culverhouse-no
proof of insurance, dismissed, valid proof provided.
February 4: Gary L.
Carte-fleeing on foot (no
vehicle), possession less
than 15 grams, driving
with no license; Kermit L.
Neff-driving under the influence.
February 5: Robert
Lee Smith-driving sus-
pended/revoked non-DUI,
paid; Clayton Nathaniel
Shaver-speeding, payment schedule, no operators, dismissed, proof provided;
Blumling-speeding, paid;
Amber Dodrill-battery, 2
counts; Casey Nicole
Toler-obtaining goods under false pretenses.
February 6: Louann
check, paid; Nathanniel
Lucas Gregory-no seat
belt, paid; Eddie Clark Jr.speeding, payment schedule, no proof of insurance,
dismissed, proof provided;
Donnis Jenkins-assault,
dismissed, motion of prosecutor pursuant to pretrial diversion agreement; Robert (Bobby)
Wynes-false reports of
emergency to 911, dis-
The Perfect Way to
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Minnich Florist & Gift
for over 55 years
722 Elk Street, Gassaway, WV
missed pursuant to pretrial diversion agreement
successfully completed.
February 9: Timothy
Eckes-speeding, paid, registration violation, paid,
motor vehicle inspection
violation, paid, possession
of marijuana, guilty plea,
paid; Jason Edgar Nevilleseat belt violation, paid;
Mo lly Hogan-speeding,
paid; William Phillipsspeeding, paid; Caleb
Pyles-seat belt violation,
paid; Ronda L. Williamsworthless check, Rexroad
Supply, paid; Daniel Gene
Blake-violation of protective order, no contest plea.
February 10, 2009 Page 7
than 15 grams, dis- bation, paid court costs; substance, no insurance,
missed, successfully com- Michael Wayne Tanner- pled guilty, payment
pleted unsupervised pro- possession of a controlled schedule.
Braxton County 4-H to host
program about Germany
Emily Evert recently
returned to West Virginia
from a 6 month stay in
Germany. Emily was the
2008 WV “IFYE.” The International 4-H Youth Exchange is a program that
enhance the 4-H program
through international,
cross cultural experiences
that enable representatives to improve their leadMagistrate
ership and communication
Beth Smith’s Court
skills while increasing
February 3: Justine their global awareness and
E. Lemastra-speeding, understanding.
Parrish-speeding, paid.
February 4: William
L James-battery, no contest plea; John Whiteworthless
counts, Old Turnpike GroNine Braxton County
cery, dismissed by motion students were among those
of prosecutor, state named to the Dean’s List
doesn’t wish to pursue; at Fairmont State UniverChristopher
J. sity after completing the
Greathouse-conspiracy to fall 2008 semester.
commit Grand Larceny,
A total of 1,074 studefendant and attorney dents are being recognized
waived preliminary hear- for academic distinction by
ing, case bound over to cir- earning a 3.4 or better
cuit court; Vincent F. Har- grade point average. Sturis-Grand Larceny-defen- dents achieving a perfect
dant and attorney waived 4.0 grade point average also
preliminary hearing, case have been named to the
bound over to circuit President’s List.
court; Joshua Webb-drivDr. Maria Rose, Proing suspended, no proof of vost of Fairmont State Uniinsurance, paid; Garrett versity and Vice President
W. Williams-possession of for Academic Affairs, has
a controlled substance released President’s List
less than 15 grams, dis- which inicludes: Jasmine
missed, defendant com- Bennett,
pleted unsupervised pro- Bookheimer,
bation and paid court Bright; and the Dean’s
Daniel List - Robert Cogar, Jacob
Crislip-contributing to the Duchaine,
delinquency of a minor, Hawkins,
dismissed per plea agree- Jenkins, Danielle Moore,
ment, possession of a con- Erica Tonkin
trolled substance, no conWith an enrollment of
test plea, payment sched- 4,600, FSU offers more
ule and unsupervised pro- than 90 baccalaureate debation; Mary Louise Mar- grees and graduate protin-possession of a con- grams in business, crimitrolled substance less nal justice, education and
human services. FSU values scholarship, opportunity, achievement and responsibility.
While in Germany,
Emily lived, learned, and
volunteered with several
host families and participated in day-to-day family
life. The Braxton County
4-H program invites you to
join us as Emily shares the
story of her visit to Germany on Monday, February
16 at 6:30 p.m. at the
Flatwoods Community
Building. For more information, contact the WVUBraxton County Extension
Office at 765-2809.
In Loving Memory of
Patricia “Patty” A. Long
October 11, 1936 – February 8, 2006
A candlelight glows in memory,
Of the love we still hold.
A life that touched so many,
Treasured gifts as memories unfold.
Our eyes well up with tears,
As we try to be strong.
Yet throughout our remaining years,
For her love we will long.
If we could just remember,
The Lord reaches out His hand.
He’ll walk with us foreverHelp our hearts to understand.
Trusting Him to take our sorrow,
Faith He will see us through.
Will guide us towards tomorrow,
Filled with His blessings too.
Local students
receive FSU
With all our love,
Jerry, David, Phyllis,
A.J., and Nicholas Long,
Susan and Steve Rector
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Terry K. Coffman
In Memory of
David L. “Baby Dave” Jack, Jr.
Happy Birthday “Bub”
Born: February 13, 1975 / Ascended” April 15, 2004
I thought I saw your face today,
In the sparkle of the morning sun.
And then I heard the angel say.
“Their work on earth is done.”
I thought I heard your voice today.
Then laugh your hearty laugh.
And then I heard the angel say,
“The spirit never dies.”
I thought I felt your touch today,
In the breeze that rustled by.
And then I heard the angel say,
“The spirit never dies.”
I thought I saw my broken heart,
In the crescent of the moon.
And then I heard the angel say,
“The Lord is coming soon.”
I thought that you had left me,
for the stars so far above.
And then I heard the angel say,
“They left you with their love.”
We Miss you... and Love you
Mother: Bobbi & stepfather Ray,
I thought that I would miss you so,
Father: David & stepmother Barbara,
And never find my way.
Brother: Daniel, Sister: Karen & brother-in-law Dale
And then I heard the angel say,
Sister: Lisa & brother-in-law Paul,
“They’re with your every day.”
Nieces: Jocelyn, SkyLynn, Mallory, Tehya, Grace,
“The sun, the wind, the moon, the stars,
Nephews: Mason, Issac, Ian,
Will forever be around,
Uncles, Aunts, Cousins
reminding you of The love you shared,
and a host of Friends
and the peace they’ve Finally found.”
Page 8 February 10, 2009
Braxton County, WV
NCWVCAA to offer free tax Raffle winner announced
assistance at Flatwoods
The BB&T Bus has
collaborated with the
Earned Income Tax Credit
Coalition and North Central WV Community Action
Association to provide free
tax assistance. The BB&T
Bank Bus will be parked in
the Flatwoods Outlet Mall
on Skidmore Lane February 14, from 10:00am to
holds meeting
The BB&T bus is a
mobile computer lab sponsored by corporate partners
to provide education and
resources to various
underserved locations.
The purpose of Saturday’s
event is to give local citizens an opportunity for free
electronic tax preparation
for low income to moderately low income individuals and families. Several
qualified volunteers will be
on hand to assist clients
with filing their 2008
taxes. Bank Representatives will also be available
to provide one on one counseling, free credit reports
and access to banking
services. Clients will need
to bring a picture ID, social
security card, W-2’s, and
1098 and 1099 forms if applicable.
North Central WV
Community Action Association, Inc provides a
wide-range of services in
nine counties that help
individuals and families
reach their highest levels
of social and economic independence. For more information, please contact
the Community Action office at (304) 265-3200.
The Burnsville Community Educational Outreach Service Club met
January 14, 2009 with
Jeannette Dean Hostess.
The meeting was called to
order by President Shirley
Nicholson with roll call and
flag pledge led by Beverley
Beverley Monroe led
meditations by reading two
poems entitled “New Year”
by Gladys Taber and
“Recipe for A Happy New
Year”, unknown author.
Those in community reported to be sick and cards
were sent. Get well to
member Linda McLaughlin
who has a broken leg.
There was no treasurer report and the secretary had no minutes from
previous because it was
the Christmas Party.
The winner of the 5050 ticket was Catty Ratliff.
Thanks to all who bought
a ticket and better luck
next time. Also thanks to
those who came out to the
Christmas Parade and purchased knives from the
club. Remember the money
made goes back into the
community. Members dePremium
livered several baskets of Long Stem
goodies to neighbors and Roses
friends during the holi- Dozen
Assorted Colors
County Council will
meet Feb. 4, 2009, 10 am
at the 79er in Burnsville.
Purposeful Reading List for
2009 was discussed.
month was “Valuing Diversity” and all participated in
discussion. We must acknowledge that persons Bakery Fresh Red Velvet,
White or Chocolate
from many racial, gender,
Valentine’s Day Cupcakes
religious and socioeco12 ct
nomic groups have contributed to the greatness of
this diverse society.
Marbie Tonkin won
6 ct Cupcakes $4.99
the hostess gift and she
also said grace followed by
lunch being served to the
following: Beverley Monroe, Maxine Waldeck,
Jeannette Dean, June
Knight, Shirley Nicholson,
Shirley Kelley, Marbie
Tonkin and guest Andrea
Tonkin and Co. Agent, Angela Kraus.
Next meeting will be
February 11, 2009, 10 am
at the 79er Restaurant
with Elsie Pritt and Mary
Wine Hostess.
All Welcome
Robert F. Kidd Library
February 15
2:00-4:00 p.m.
February 24
4:00-6:00 p.m.
Dependent students are reminded to
bring their 2008 tax returns or estimates
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Congratulations go to Mr. Levi Miner of Summersville. Levi
won the Remington Model 700 SP gun raffle which is an
annual drawing held by the Burnsville Lions Club. The Club
would like to thank all who helped and a special thank you
to Little General, Seventy-Niner Restaurant, Burnsville Diner
and Burnsville NAPA.
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See Store for details
Braxton County, WV
February 10, 2009 Page 9
Local bowlers to represent state in National Tournament
The West Virginia
State Bowling Association,
a member of USBC, held
their yearly Women’s Senior Tournament at Venture Lanes in St. Albans on
Oct. 25-26th. From this list
of entries, bowlers are selected by scores to attend
the national seniors bowling tournament held in
Reno, NV. In May of 2009,
this year, the Mid Mountain Highrollers of Central
Mountain Lanes had the
following qualifiers: division C: doubles-Judy Floyd
and Sarah Crews – First
place; Mary Cogar and
Peggy Currence – 2nd place;
Singles-division A: Marian
James 1st place; division BSarah Crews- 2nd place; division C- Carolyn Canfield1 st place and Peggy
Currence-2 nd place; All
Events: division A-Marian
James-1st place; division B:
Sarah Crews-1st place; division C: Judy Floyd-1 st
place; Peggy Currence-2nd
place; Carolyn Canfield-3rd
From this impressive
list of scorings, these
bowlers were offered the
opportunity to represent
West Virginia at the Nationals in Reno, NV in
May. Those who have made
arrangements to attend
are: Judy Floyd, Sarah
Crews and Marian James.
The bowlers are provided
some assistance with finances for the trip, but the
major expenses are left up
to the entrant.
These bowlers from
the local lanes deserve
acknowledgement and applause from the local and
state communities. They
really are ambassadors for
West Virginia and will represent the state well.
Get Your Taxes prepared for Free
for Earned
the Earned
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Tax Credit,
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Julie Calef, MS, CF/SLP
Speech therapist
welcomed at BCMH
Julie Calef, MS, CF/
SLP joined the staff of
Gassaway Glenville Physical Therapy Specialists
(GGPTS) in early January.
A welcomed addition to the
contracted agency housed
in Braxton County Memorial Hospital, Julie will be
providing services, as ordered by physicians, to both
inpatients and outpatients.
Julie is a WVU graduate with a Master’s degree
in Science and is currently in her Clinical Fellowship Year. As GGPTS’s
new Speech Language Pathologist, Julie will provide
services and treatments
on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the following: Feeding, Swallowing, Articulation, Language and Cognitive Disorders as well as
other treatments as appropriate.
“It has been our goal
to establish total therapy
care including physical,
speech and occupational,”
states Kevin Boring, MPT
and Clinical Director of
GGPTS. He adds, “We now
offer two of the three
pieces to the puzzle and
Health Sciences and
(HSTA) is recruiting 8 th
grade students to participate in the Braxton County
High School HSTA Club.
HSTA is a science/
technology/math program
designed to provide academic enrichment and orientation to careers in the
health sciences for students’ grades 9 through 12
who are interested in pursing a health care related
careers. HSTA students
are expected to attend the
club meetings once a week
after school during their
high school career, keep
good grades, demonstrate
exemplary behavior, attend
summer camp at WVU in
July, and volunteer in
their community.
Students must have at
least a 3.0 GPA to be considered for the program.
The four criteria for admission are as follows: 1. African American 2. Low Income 3. First Generation
College and 4. Students
from Rural Areas. All 8th
grade students are welcome to apply and need not
to meet all the criteria, but
students meeting the most
criteria will be the ones
Successful graduates
of the HSTA program are
eligible for Tuition Waivers
to ALL state colleges and
universities in West Virginia, including many
master degree programs
and medical schools at
Marshall and WVU and the
dental school at WVU.
There are limited
slots available, so if your
child is interested in applying please contact the Field
Site Coordinator, Debbie
Burgess at 765-3280 or
HSTA teachers: Jill Lemon
at 765-7331 or Tina Knight
at 765-2644 for an application or with any questions.
Application deadline is February 20.
hope to offer all areas of
skilled therapy for both inpatients and outpatients in
the future. We may even be
able to expand to helping
children in need of speech
therapy as well.”
Julia Rose, Med Surg
Nurse Manager, reports
that patients have already
benefited from Julie’s expertise; “She has consulted
with patients, worked with
those experiencing difficulty swallowing and ordered appropriate diets
such as thickened liquids
and meals prepared with
the proper texture and consistency.”
A physician’s order is
required for treatment.
Glenville Physical Therapy
Specialists GGPTS at (3641046) for additional information.
BB&T Bank Bus
Flatwoods Outlet Mall
Parking Lot
Saturday, February 14, 2009
(L to R) Judy Floyd, Marion James, Sarah Crews.
birth of son
Angie Short and Steve Emmons of Ohio
Dwayne Edgerton would
like to announce the
birth of their son, Trevar
Allen Edgerton. He was
born on December 23,
2008 at Summersville
Memorial Hospital at
10:04 am.
pounds, 10 ounces and
was 17 ¾ inches long.
Maternal grandparents are the late Herb and
Reva Short of Gassaway,
WV. His paternal grandparents are Bernice and
Jason Robert Tharp
Dec. 3. 1985 — Feb. 8, 2005
It’s been 4 years since you
went to be with the Lord. It
seems like only yesterday.
I miss you more and more
each day. The pain I feel will
never go away. The comfort
I feel in my heart is knowing one day we will all be reunited again in that wonderful place called Heaven
with our Lord and Savior.
Love Always
Mom and Dad
Jonna, Jesse
and Jamie
and William Edgerton also
of Ohio. Trevar has a half
brother Tyler Edgerton
from Ohio. He was welcomed home by several
friends and family.
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Brought to you by
North Central EITC Coalition,
VITA Program, BB&T Bank
and North Central Community Action
Dial 2-1-1 or visit
Diamonds Are Forever...
Send her the Mega Carat
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630 Elk Street, Gassaway, WV
For All Your Valentine Needs...
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add a Crowing Heart to your order of $199
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1 doz. Roses
1/2 doz. Roses
plus tax & delivery
All Colors - FREE Delivery to BCHS, BCMS. Sutton,
Davis and Frametown Elementary(s)
Page 10 February 10, 2009
BCMS Honor Roll
Middle Schools has released their honor roll for
the second nine weeks
grading period.
Fifth Grade:
4.0-Shannon K. Allen,
Jessica M. Beckett,
Tomas R. Blankenbeckler,
Makila J. Carr, Emily K.
Conley, Dalton M. Dean,
Eric S. Dennison, Katelyn
G. Golinsky, Courtney A.
King, Sierra N. Knight,
Samantha J. Lynch, Andrew McMillion, Clay E.
Vincent; 3.913-Ali M.
Cutlip, Tiara S. Hunter ;
3.833- Cendall F. Cowan,
Michael K. Hamrick, Tiffany Peters, Jessi K. Tyo,
Destini M. Wolverton;
3.826-Joseph M. Cowling,
Alexzandri D. Garvin,
Kiella M. Kniceley, Sarah
K. Terry, Baylea E. Woodward, Alyssa R. Young;
3.818-Abigail M. Carr,
Brooke K. Fincham, Kayla
L. Hurst, Luke A. Long,
Caroline G. Nicholas,
Elizabeth M. Six; 3.773Jasmine M. Scrogham,
Bruce A. Wayne; 3.75Debra S. Hacker; 3.739Caitlyn A. Rohmert,
Lucas M. Steele; 3.667Sterling P. Beane III,
Kristen L. Marlowe, Destiny D. Richardson; 3.652Elizabeth G. Allen, Kaleb
J. Conrad, Karalynn R.
Dixon, Tyler N. Dobbins;
3.636-Kailee J. Gokey,
Sarah E. Skidmore, Brandon M. White; 3.609-Angelica R. Shaw; 3.591Alivia B. Cunningham,
Toni A. Frame, Troy A.
Greenlief, Shelby E.
Helmick, Jeremy A.
Jenkins; 3.565-Christo-
pher C. McTaggart, Caleb
E. Shafer, Jesse L. White;
McCraw; 3.545-Alton B.
McMillion; 3.5-Kassi M.
Adams, Kari A. Rhodes,
Adriana M. Wilson, Caleb
F. Wynne; 3.478-Kaley M.
Davis, Daniel R. Hoard,
Caitlyn S. Moyers; 3.455Nathaniel S. Clark, Taylor C. Johnson; 3.417-Andrea B. Vidal; 3.409-Tyler
C. Dean, Zachary S.
Morrison; 3.391-Amber R
Barker;3.333-Kristen N.
Bly, Dani R. Carpenter,
Taylor M. Estep, Shawna
3.304Jerianne E. Bowers, Taylor N. Gillespie, Nicole B.
Jarrell, Stephen T. Romel,
Rebecca J. Vigue; 3.278Mirandha N. Bosley;
3.273-McKayla A. Moore,
Cody T. Pritt, Kearstin J.
Stancati; 3.261-Montana
D. Carr; 3.25-Kimberlee
D. James, Abigail L. Vidal;
3.227-Kayla D. Kniceley;
3.217-Aaron W. Chapman,
Colby J. Flinn, Christopher D. Lamb, Ryan M.
Palmer; 3.167-Cassi M.
Dobbins, Hannah N. Foster, Jeffrey J. Jackson,
Kay La D. Morrison,
Aaliyah R. Williams,
Krista A. Williams; 3.158Jeremiah D. Mace; 3.130Tiffany J. Conrad, Tristin
Y. Lamar; 3.091-Sarah G.
Rose; 3.087-Quinton T.
Ice; 3.045-Dylan M. Dean,
Brian S. Hedrick, Joseph
D. Landy, Alexia B. Little,
Katrina A. White; 3.043Tamara L. Evans, Brianna
N. Miller; 3.0-Haley A.
Richardson, Austin T.
Stewart, Kylea M. Summers.
Sixth Grade
4.0-Abigale M. Asbury,
Michael C. Carpenter,
Shellie M. Coleman, Jessica S. Ellis, Emily B.
Skidmore, Jordan L.
Whinnery; 3.957-Logan S.
Stump; 3.913-Grace A.
Skidmore, R. Jordan
Wilcox; 3.857-Laura B.
04 Town & Country Van
Loaded w/leather, All Power, 85,500
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02 Chrysler 300M Special
Loaded w/leather, All Power,
Sun Roof, 65,300 miles.
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Braxton County, WV
Gerwig, Kylie R. James,
Delmas C. Nottingham II;
3.852-Jordan E. Utt;
3.833-Kendra B. Veltre;
3.826-Lindsay N. Myers;
3.818-Savannah R. Rose,
Elijah N. Veltre; 3.773-Logan B. Frame, Melissa S.
Graham; 3.739-Miranda
D. Moore; 3.714-Khala R.
Hopkins, Alexis S. Spell;
3.704-Ninetta L. James,
Morgan L. Stewart, Sarah
E. Westfall; 3.696-Michael
V. Hoard; 3.692-Ashlee N.
James; 3.667-Machaela
A. Keener, Shelby L.
Mollohan, Destiny R.
Shaver; 3.652-Carol A.
Desper, Kayci A. Wine;
3.636-Justin R. Knight;
3.609-Jayden D. Allender,
Joshua L. Rexroad; 3.591Alec W. James; 3.583Samantha R. Gillespie,
Ashley N. Lunceford;
Copen, Courtney R.
Kelley; 3.565-Makaila C.
Chapman; 3.5-Hannah K.
Given; 3.478-Lilian M.
Lake, Angel D. Stump,
Kara N. Williams; 3.455Luke H. Hefner; 3.435Andrew J. Bender, Madison S. Oney, Brooke L.
Simmons; 3.429-Aletia E.
Asbury, Daniel S. Frame,
Kelli S. Friend, Garrett E.
Hacker, Alyssa R. Riffle;
3.409-Iva V. Hardisty,
Jonathan B. Shreve;
Dennison; 3.370-Joshua
E. Skidmore; 3.346Sheyann
EastwoodDaniel; 3.333-Emily N.
Bleigh, Allison J. Thompson; 3.304-Darrell I.
Shafer; 3.286-Zachary T.
Chapman; 3.261-Bobbi C.
Carr, Victoria N. Drake;
Denuzzo, Caleb D. Long;
3.227-Ciera N. Gillespie;
Chaney, Sarah J. Dean;
3.174-Shayne R. Heater;
Blackwell; 3.091-Megan
R. Dean; 3.087-Robert D.
Quinn, Mason N. Westfall;
Carter; 3.0-Kara M. Carr,
John P. Honaker, David L.
Hughes, Andrew C. Jordan, George T. Morrison,
Nichole D. Thompson,
Bradley J. Williams.
Seventh Grade:
4.0-Kaylani N. Amos, Jordan D. Batton, MacKenna
L. Boone, Dustin E. Bragg,
Jacob P. Carr, Jacobi K.
Cottrill, Elizabeth A. Jackson, Amber N. King, Jacob
W. McLaughlin, McKinley
G. Moore, Roy B. Moore,
Shawn M. Nibert, Nikki D.
Paintiff, Landon D. Pettit,
Allison N. Ramsey, Joseph
C. Simpson, Kirsten A.
Terry, Amber B. Watson;
3.917-Kirsten L. Gateless,
Kendra L. Hurst; 3.857Kera E. Kearns, Debra J.
Robison; 3.852-Jennifer R.
Friend; 3.849-Jordyn M.
Peters; 3.846-Savannah
S. Kniceley, Kayla M.
Pritt; 3.84-Keturah J.
Cowling, Joni N. Rogers;
3.833-Gary T. Long,
Dustin B. Woodward; 3.82Sierra D. Nottingham;
3.818-Emily R. Davis,
Kourtney D. Davis, SarahJo M. Jenkins, Breanna
R. Perkins; 3.81-Seth A.
Cochran, Randy L. Frame,
Natasha D. Hoffman,
Courtney B. Huffmaster,
Diane R. Nicholson,
Rebecca E. Pendry; 3.791Brittany M. Adams; 3.786Bonnie Z. Bender; 3.75Jeremy L. Carson, Daniel
B. Singleton; 3.744-Dakota P. Litton; 3.727Trevor W. Goff; 3.714Jillianne Mackey; 3.692Coleden R. Belknap; 3.68Jacob H. Given; 3.667Megan D. Bush; 3.636Caleb Q. Gates, Clayton R.
Johnson, Nathan T.
Shaffer, Brian L. White;
Jarvis; 3.617-Taylor A.
Miller; 3.615-Hannah C.
Belknap; 3.605-Leanard
M. Bronkhurst; 3.595Brandon R. Bukovesky;
3.583-Gregory A. Bly;
3.545-Dylan W. Barrett;
Carter, Gloria R. Eldred,
Ashlyn M. Frame; 3.5Marilyn S. Conley; 3.455Brittany N. Barker,
Maranda Y. Bosley, Brian
J. McDonough; 3.429-Levi
A. Ganley, Brittany D.
Lamb; 3.419-Robert S.
Eastwood; 3.407-Dakotah
D. Taylor; 3.405-Brady S.
Heater, Jerrica D. Wilt,
Kenye Yewawa; 3.357Jamie
Nathanael T. Woods;
3.333-Christina M. Gross;
3.286-Natasha R. Friend;
3.273-Tori C. Estep,
Serena G. Helmick,
Christian C. Oney, Thomas A. Pritt, Dakota J.
Riffle, Kourtney A. Sears,
Jazmine B. Valdivieso;
3.238-Jacob D. Haymond;
3.233-Mary E. Lacy; 3.214Jacob B. Belknap; 3.209Melinda D. Williams; 3.2Careena D. Starcher;
3.182-Tyler L. Davis,
Dylan J. Richards; 3.167Ronald J. Garvin; 3.143Cory D. Morrison; 3.091Kaylee H. Butler, Florin G.
Tarla, Dakota S. Walker;
3.087-Jonah M. Congrove;
3.074-Joseph C. Green;
Danielle and Jason
Shanabarger of Gassaway
wish to announce the birth
of their daughter, Skyla
Mae-Ann. Skyla was born
January 26, 2009 at 11:14
am at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Buckhannon, WV.
Don't spend your "nest egg" on your funeral.
We can help you understand the steps you can
take right now to make your arrangements and
pay for them over time. At Stockert-Gibson
Funeral Home we can show you how to pay for
your funeral on affordable payment plans.
2 door, automatic, 6 cyl. engine
Only 77,800 miles
Criner, Diamond A.
Stewart; 3.024-Lara D.
Bailey; 3.023-Tyler C.
Eighth Grade:
4.0-Taylor R. Bragg,
Mahala B. Cutlip, Faith S.
Eldred, Paige N. Fincham,
Ryan E. Hart, Christopher
R. Luzader, Whitney S.
Morris, Nathaniel C.
Nicholas, Devin J. Reeder,
Hunter M. Sodaro, Baylee
E. Stewart, Ashley E.
Tonkin; 3.976-Wyatt R.
Young; 3.846-Anne M.
Golinsky; 3.826-Nicole M.
Longcoy; 3.818-Taylor D.
Bookheimer, Jacob T.
Yanero; 3.81-Brodie S.
Currence, David M.
Tonkin; 3.786-Olivia G.
Facemire; 3.75-Kayla B.
Rose; 3.692-Mara E.
Brady; 3.686-Monica A.
Barker; 3.66-Logan S.
Cooper; 3.636-Nathan S.
Cook, Harlie R. Ellyson,
Chelsie L. Huffman,
Breanna J. Rhodes, Kelsie
R. Tonkin; 3.619-Derek P.
Barnett, Allison B. Pritt,
Christian M. Pritt; 3.595Shadow D. Ramsey, Benjamin A. Strader; 3.556Anthony L. Marr; 3.545Brandy N. Drake, Wyatt J.
Lucas; 3.538-William A.
Benjamin; 3.529-Frankie
B. Steiner; 3.52-Mikayla
D. Myers, Chelsie M.
Newlon; 3.512-Tiffiny D.
Bender; 3.5-Cara J.
Marshall; 3.478-Cori M.
Cowan; 3.455-Jamie S.
Gwynn; 3.304-Emily R.
Ware; 3.273-Kaylee M.
James, Cory R. Jeffers,
Caitlin B. Rhodes, Rick E.
Wiseman; 3.238-Austin Z.
Rhodes; 3.231-Bryan K.
Long; 3.167-Shannon T.
Lohr; 3.143-Vanessa J.
Rose; 3.091-Easton R.
Adkins, Brandon D. Fox,
Justin L. Riffle, Deserah
D. Stalnaker, Christopher
R. Wilson; 3.048-Tomi B.
Dennison; 3.024-Lindsey
N. Dean; 3.0-Dustin H.
Cool, Jessica S. Hartley,
Nicole L. Stewart, Brittany
N. Woods.
Funeral Home
P.O. Box 280 / Main Street
Flatwoods, West Virginia 26621
Phone: (304) 765-5371
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05 Chevy Impala
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Page 11
in Braxton County
February 10, 2009
Eagles defeat Wirt, Nicholas, fall to Webster
The Braxton Eagles
varsity boys took wins at
the beginning and end of
last week but suffered a
loss in the middle. With
what coach Rick Frame
termed “awesome shooting,” Braxton downed the
Wirt Tigers 64-32 on
Thursday’s 51-42 loss to
Webster on Thursday resulted from, according to
Coach Frame, 20 turnovers along with only 34
percent shooting. Capping the week with a win,
the Eagles outscored 6550 on the Grizzlies’ home
floor on Saturday night.
Although the Braxton
coach cited “too many
turnovers” against Nicholas, he also commended
his team for “very good intensity.”
Against Wirt, the
Eagles shot 64 percent
from the floor and 83 percent from the foul line.
Three players——Trey
Chapman with 20 points,
Chris Shuman with 13,
and Kyle Warner with 10—
—scored in double figures
for Braxton.
In that
game, the Eagles took a
31-11 halftime lead and
never looked back.
Braxton turned the
ball over 20 times in the
game against the High-
landers and found themselves outrebounded 3720. The Eagles, down 2518 at halftime, pulled
close in the second half
and, according to Coach
Frame, “still had chances
to win.” Those chances
slipped away, however.
Chapman and Warner,
with 11 points each
shared scoring honors for
Playing at Nicholas
Saturday night, the
Braxton’s Chris Shuman keeps the defensive pressure on Nicholas
County’s Pat O’Dell as he looks for a shot.
Eagles were down by four
going into the second
quarter but came back to
take a 36-27 halftime
lead. High scorers in-
cluded Chapman with 19,
Warner with 18, and
Shuman with 14. Robert
Cutlip pulled down 12 rebounds.
Trey Chapman cuts off Seth Messer as he looks for room to go inside
for the home team Grizzlies.
(Photos courtesy of Matt Yeager of the Nicholas Chronicle.)
7th-ranked Lady Eagles move to 16-2 on season
Currently ranked seventh among state AA
teams, the Lady Eagles are
currently riding an eightgame winning streak. Recently, Braxton posted victories over Webster, Clay,
South Harrison, and
On Jan. 30, on the
Lady Highlanders’ home
court, the Eagles defeated
Webster 55-48. In that
game Braxton led 25-15 at
halftime and outscored
their opponents in both
quarters of the second half.
Leading scorer for the Lady
Eagles, Tiffani Huffman
put in 21 points and led the
team in assists with 5.
Last Monday night, even though they failed to ton took a commanding
A 64-40 win over the Eagles took a 40-29 score in the fourth quar- 21-2 lead at the end of the
Clay came the following win over South Harrison ter. In that game, Brax- fourth quarter and led 33night.
In that
8 at halftime.
game, Braxton
Macy Frame led
jumped out to a
the scorng with
14-point lead at
17 points, and
the end of the first
Corri Phillips,
quarter and went
also in double figon for the win.
ures, added 11.
The Eagles’ leadJamie Chapman
led in rebounds
against the Lady
with 6.
Phillips put
Cassidy James
in 20 points and
with 12 and Monpulled down 6 retana Flint with 10.
bounds to pace
Flint pulled down
the Eagles’ 67-45
6 rebounds to lead
win over Gilmer
the team.
last Friday night.
High-School Girls’ JV
Squad 1-1 on Week
After a 38-15 victory
over South Harrison early
last week, the high-school
j-v girls lost a 35-25 decision to Gilmer on Friday
night. According to jv
coach Jerry Frame, the
scoring definitely reflected the level of play by
his girls.
“I’m very happy with
the way the team played
against South Harrison,”
Frame commented. “The
girls played especially
well in the second half,”
he added. Frame explained that, at halftime,
the Lady Eagles were up
by only three but that, in
the second half, “the defense stepped up and really played well. Actually,
the girls played an over-
Braxton’s defense held
the Lady Hawks scoreless in the fourth quarter. Offensively, the
Eagles committed only
13 turnovers to improve
in that area. Braxton
also did well at the foul
line with a 4 of 6 performance there.
Cassidy James, in
double figures, with 14
points, led the Lady
Eagles’ scoring, followed
by Marianna White with
8, Allison March 5, Amber
Cottrill 5, and Lexi
Greenlief 4.
Increase the number
of turnovers from 13 to
27, lower the field-goal
shooting percentage to
“around 14 percent,” and
decrease the effectiveness of the defense considerably and you have,
according to Coach
Frame’s descriptions, Friday night’s loss to Gilmer
County. “We were up 1715 at halftime,” Frame
noted, “but we just fell
apart in the second half.
We shot poorly from the
floor, and we made only 23
percent of four free
throws. Also, our defense
didn’t play very well, and
I’m a firm believer that
good defense promotes
good offense.”
Scoring against the
Lady Titans included
James with 10 points,
Miranda Conrad with 9,
and Greenlief 6.
Lady Knights win two
The middle-school
girls’ varsity squad defeated Walton and Spencer last week to continue
their winning ways. The
34-19 win over Walton
came on Thursday at
Walton, and the 57-12
victory over Spencer followed on the next night.
Coach Lauri Spencer noted of the Walton
game, “This game was
closer than it should
have been. We didn’t
protect the ball.” She
continued to emphasize,
“This will definitely be
something tht we focus
on throughout the season.”
Knights’ scoring against
Walton was Hunter
Sodaro with 14 points. In
the game, the Knights
went up 14-6 after the
first quarter and, after
Walton had narrowed the
lead to 6 points at halftime, outscored Walton
in the second half to take
the win.
Spencer commented
that everyone “got to see
some playing time” in
the win over Spencer
last Friday night. Al-
Huffman contributed 18
and Frame 14. In that
game the Lady Titans
outscored Braxton 26-13
in the fourth quarter, but
it was too little–too late,
and the Lady Eagles had
their sixteen win of the
This week Braxton
will play Webster here on
Wednesday. On Saturday
night the Lady Eagles,
LKC South champions,
will defend their Little
championship at Roane
County. At press time,
their opponent had not
been determined.
Eagles place 4th in LKC
Tyler Cottrill wins at 125
Braxton’s 125 lb. wrestler, headed the list of
the Eagles’ trophy winners as he won the
championship in his
weight class in the Little
Kanawha Valley Tournament
Williamstown last Saturday. Other placers included Dalton Duffield,
second at 135; Anthony
Crist, second at 152;
Tyler Morlan, second at
285; Clayton Shaver,
third at 171; and Josh
Hoffman, fourth at 215.
(125#) LKC Champion Tyler Cottrill
though she noted, “
Overall the girls played
well,” she did comment
that her players “need to
protect the ball better.”
against Spencer, Sodaro
put in 18 points. Chelsie
Hufffman pulled down 11
rebounds to lead in that
In junior varsity action, defeated Walton 1917 and outscored Spencer 35-19. Logan Frame
scored 8 points to lead
scoring against Walton,
while Kirsten Terry put
in 18 against Spencer.
Tyler Morlan finished 2nd in the LKC at 285
As a team, the
Eagles finished in fourth
place with 126 points.
Calhoun emerged as LKC
champion with 232 points.
Second place went to
Willamstown at 193 and
third to Roane at 146.
Braxton will wrestle
in the Grafton Duals on
Dalton Duffield earn 2nd place at 135#.
Clayton Shaver earned 3rd place at 171.
Page12, Braxton Citizens’ News, February 10, 2009
To: Robert S. Hall, William R. Hall,
Joyce S. Hall, Bernice Hall, Mary
Geneva Gill, Jean Grubb, Troy William Hall, West Virginia State Tax
Department, Internal Revenue Service, or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors
or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043127, located in Birch District, Coal ½ of 75
Ac West Fork, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Hall, Robert S. & William R., and
was sold by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered
lands of Braxton County at the sale
for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008.
H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed for such real estate will
be made on or after 2/27/2009, as
provided by law, unless before that
day you redeem such real estate.
The amount needed to redeem on
or before 2/27/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 2/27/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of list to be served
and for preparation and service of
notice with interest to 2/27/2009.
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 2/27/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
2/27/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/9/2009
G. Russell Rollyson, Jr.
Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Mary Geneva Gill, Delores Jean
Grubb, Troy William Hall, West Virginia State Tax Department, Internal
Revenue Service, or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043125, located in Birch District, Coal 1/4 of 75
Ac West Fork, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Gill, Mary Geneva, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 2/27/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 2/
27/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 2/27/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of list to be served
and for preparation and service of
notice with interest to 2/27/2009.
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 2/27/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
2/27/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/9/2009
G. Russell Rollyson, Jr.
Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Charles H. Martin, aka Charles
Harry Martin, Belva Martin, Jean
Martin Fisher, Anne Martin Gray,
Brent Fisher, Richard H. Gray, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service, or heirs at
law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:042882, located in Birch District, Coal, 1/3 of ½
of 104 ac Mill Ck, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the
name of Martin, Charles H Heirs,
and was sold by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of Braxton
County at the sale for delinquent
taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 2/27/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 2/
27/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 2/27/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of list to be served
and for preparation and service of
notice with interest to 2/27/2009.
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 2/27/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
2/27/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/9/2009
G. Russell Rollyson, Jr.
Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Jack Butler, Linda Butler, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service, or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:042841, located in Salt Lick District, 21.29 Ac,
Coal, Grass Run, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in
the name of Butler, Jack &/or Linda,
and was sold by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes on
10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you
be notified a deed for such real estate will be made on or after 2/27/
2009, as provided by law, unless
before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount needed to
redeem on or before 2/27/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 2/27/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of list to be served
and for preparation and service of
notice with interest to 2/27/2009.
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 2/27/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
2/27/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/9/2009
G. Russell Rollyson, Jr.
Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Juanita Pratt, John C. Pratt, Mary
Geneva Gill, Jean Grubb, Troy William Hall, West Virginia State Tax
Department, Internal Revenue Service, or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors
or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043129, located in Birch District, Coal ¼ of 75
Ac West Fork, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Pratt, Juanita E., and was sold by
the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of Braxton County at the sale for delinquent
taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 2/27/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 2/
27/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
Everything’s easier with people you know
Community People You Know
It’s easier to get things done with people you know.
with interest, to 2/27/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of list to be served
and for preparation and service of
notice with interest to 2/27/2009.
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 2/27/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
2/27/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/9/2009
G. Russell Rollyson, Jr.
Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Michael Engel aka William
Michael Engel, Laquita I Engel, Arthur
L Anderson, Don C Harrold, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service, or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043408, located in Otter District, ¼ of 47.27 Ac
Coal Steer Ck, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Engel, Michael Et Al, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 2/27/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 2/
27/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 2/27/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of list to be served
and for preparation and service of
notice with interest to 2/27/2009.
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 2/27/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
2/27/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/9/2009
G. Russell Rollyson, Jr.
Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Jack Butler, Linda Butler, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service, or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:042842, located in Salt Lick District, 12.51 Ac
Coal Grass Run, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Butler, Jack &/or Linda, and was
sold by the deputy commissioner of
delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 2/27/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 2/
27/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 2/27/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of list to be served
and for preparation and service of
notice with interest to 2/27/2009.
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 2/27/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
2/27/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/9/2009
G. Russell Rollyson, Jr.
Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: DMH Corporation, West Virginia
State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service, or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives,
successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:042899, located in Holly District, 12.98 Ac Coal
Mud Lick Run, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of DHM Corporation, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 2/27/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 2/
27/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 2/27/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of list to be served
and for preparation and service of
notice with interest to 2/27/2009.
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 2/27/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
2/27/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/9/2009
G. Russell Rollyson, Jr.
Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Alfred R. Reppert, West Virginia
State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service, or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives,
successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:042855, located in Salt Lick District, ½ of 10.38
Ac Coal Salt Lick 2-3-86, which was
returned delinquent or nonentered
in the name of Reppert, Alfred R.,
and was sold by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes on
10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you
be notified a deed for such real estate will be made on or after 2/27/
2009, as provided by law, unless
before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount needed to
redeem on or before 2/27/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 2/27/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of list to be served
and for preparation and service of
notice with interest to 2/27/2009.
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 2/27/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
2/27/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/9/2009
G. Russell Rollyson, Jr.
Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Jack Butler, Linda Butler, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service, or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:042843, located in Salt Lick District, 18.9 Ac
Coal Grass Run, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Butler, Jack &/or Linda, and was
sold by the deputy commissioner of
delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 2/27/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 2/
27/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 2/27/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of list to be served
and for preparation and service of
notice with interest to 2/27/2009.
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 2/27/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
2/27/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/9/2009
G. Russell Rollyson, Jr.
Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Teresa Arnn, Virgil Doyle, Doyle
Gregory, Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors
You will take notice that J.C Baker &
Son Inc. the purchaser of the tax
lien(s) on the following real estate,
the oil and gas only, underlying that
certain tract of land, assessed as
20 acres, situate on the waters of
Kanawha, Salt Lick District, Braxton
County, West Virginia which was returned delinquent in the name of
Gregory, Doyle and for which the tax
lien(s) thereon was sold by the Sheriff of Braxton County at the sale for
delinquent taxes made on the 24th
day of October, 2007, has requested
that you be notified that a deed for
such real estate will be made to him
on or after the first day of April, 2009,
as provided by law, unless before
that day you redeem such real estate. The amount you will have to pay
to redeem on the last day, March
31, 2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid after
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 22nd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the County
To: Edgar Slaughter, Zendall Slaughter, Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors
You will take notice that J.C Baker &
Son Inc. the purchaser of the tax
lien(s) on the following real estate,
All minerals only, underlying that cer-
tain tract of land assessed as 23.5
acres, situate on the waters of Big
Run, Salt Lick District, Braxton
County, West Virginia which was returned delinquent in the name of
Slaughter, Edgar and for which the
tax lien(s) thereon was sold by the
Sheriff of Braxton County at the sale
for delinquent taxes made on the 24th
day of October, 2007, has requested
that you be notified that a deed for
such real estate will be made to him
on or after the first day of April, 2009,
as provided by law, unless before
that day you redeem such real estate. The amount you will have to pay
to redeem on the last day, March
31, 2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid after
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 22nd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the County
To: Creston Oil Corporation, Heirs,
Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/3
of 1/7 interest in the oil and gas only
underlying that certain tract of land,
assessed as 7.75 acres, situate on
the waters of Mill Creek in Birch District, Braxton County, West Virginia
which was returned delinquent in the
name of Kerns, James Harold and
for which the tax lien(s) thereon was
sold by the Sheriff of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes made
on the 24th day of October, 2007, has
requested that you be notified that a
deed for such real estate will be made
to him on or after the first day of
April, 2009, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount you
will have to pay to redeem on the
last day, March 31, 2009, will be as
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton
County Clerk.
To: Creston Oil Corporation, Heirs,
Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/3
of 1/7 interest in the oil and gas only
underlying that certain tract of land,
assessed as 27 acres, situate on
the waters of Mill Creek in Birch District, Braxton County, West Virginia
which was returned delinquent in the
name of Kerns, James Harold and
for which the tax lien(s) thereon was
sold by the Sheriff of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes made
on the 24th day of October, 2007, has
requested that you be notified that a
deed for such real estate will be made
to him on or after the first day of
April, 2009, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount you
will have to pay to redeem on the
last day, March 31, 2009, will be as
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton
County Clerk.
Please turn to LEGALS
page 13
Page13, Braxton Citizens’ News, February 10, 2009
continued from page 12
To: Sarah Chapman Heirs, Okey
Chapman, Thurman Chapman,
Clyde Chapman, Chantie Chapman,
Cora Chapman, Fannie Chapman,
Eunice Cowger, Heirs, Grantees,
Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 12/
13 interest in the oil and gas only
underlying that certain tract of land,
assessed as 50 acres, situate on
the waters of Lower Sleith in Birch
District, Braxton County, West Virginia which was returned delinquent
in the name of Chapman, Sarah Hrs.
and for which the tax lien(s) thereon
was sold by the Sheriff of Braxton
County at the sale for delinquent
taxes made on the 24th day of October, 2007, has requested that you
be notified that a deed for such real
estate will be made to him on or after
the first day of April, 2009, as provided by law, unless before that day
you redeem such real estate. The
amount you will have to pay to redeem on the last day, March 31,
2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton
County Clerk.
To: Carl Davis, J.E. Hall, Heirs,
Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided ¼ of
1/3 interest in the oil and gas only
underlying that certain tract of land,
assessed as 175.73 acres, situate
at Duck, Birch District, Braxton
County, West Virginia which was returned delinquent in the name of
Davis, Carl and for which the tax
lien(s) thereon was sold by the Sheriff of Braxton County at the sale for
delinquent taxes made on the 24th
day of October, 2007, has requested
that you be notified that a deed for
such real estate will be made to him
on or after the first day of April, 2009,
as provided by law, unless before
that day you redeem such real estate. The amount you will have to pay
to redeem on the last day, March
31, 2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton
County Clerk.
To: Martin L. Davis, J.E. Hall, Heirs,
Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided ¼ of
1/3 interest in the oil and gas only
underlying that certain tract of land,
assessed as 175.73 acres, situate
at Duck, Birch District, Braxton
County, West Virginia which was returned delinquent in the name of
Davis, Martin L. and for which the
tax lien(s) thereon was sold by the
Sheriff of Braxton County at the sale
for delinquent taxes made on the 24th
day of October, 2007, has requested
that you be notified that a deed for
such real estate will be made to him
on or after the first day of April, 2009,
as provided by law, unless before
that day you redeem such real estate. The amount you will have to pay
to redeem on the last day, March
31, 2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton
County Clerk.
To: Carol S. Roebuck, Bank of
Gassaway, B. Wayne Given, DDS,
Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/6
interest in the oil and gas only underlying that certain tract of land,
assessed as 75 acres, situate on N
S Elk in Birch District, Braxton
County, West Virginia which was returned delinquent in the name of Hall,
Denzil & Edna and for which the tax
lien(s) thereon was sold by the Sheriff of Braxton County at the sale for
delinquent taxes made on the 24th
day of October, 2007, has requested
that you be notified that a deed for
such real estate will be made to him
on or after the first day of April, 2009,
as provided by law, unless before
that day you redeem such real estate. The amount you will have to pay
to redeem on the last day, March
31, 2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
The second half of 2008 Real Estate and
personal property taxes are due. Payment must be received on or by March
1, 2009 in order to receive the 2-1/2%
Please refer to your statment(s) received
last July for the correct ammount due. If
you did not receive a statement you may
call 765-2838, Monday through Friday,
from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or you may
write to the Braxton County Sheriff’s Department Tax Division, P.O. Box 546,
Sutton, WV 26601, for the amount due.
All taxes that are delinquent after April
30, 2009, will have an additional charge
of $20.00.
George L. Keener
Sheriff of Braxton County
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton
County Clerk.
To: Chester Perkins, Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/6
interest in the oil and gas only underlying that certain tract of land,
assessed as 145 acres, situate on
the waters of West Fork in Birch District, Braxton County, West Virginia
which was returned delinquent in the
name of Perkins, Chester and for
which the tax lien(s) thereon was
sold by the Sheriff of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes made
on the 24th day of October, 2007, has
requested that you be notified that a
deed for such real estate will be made
to him on or after the first day of
April, 2009, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount you
will have to pay to redeem on the
last day, March 31, 2009, will be as
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton County Clerk.
To: D.B. Cantrell, Heirs, Grantees,
Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/2
interest in the oil and gas only underlying that certain tract of land,
assessed as 1.12 acres, situate on
the waters of Buckeye Creek in Holly
District, Braxton County, West Virginia which was returned delinquent
in the name of Cantrell, D. B. and for
which the tax lien(s) thereon was
sold by the Sheriff of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes made
on the 24th day of October, 2007, has
requested that you be notified that a
deed for such real estate will be made
to him on or after the first day of
April, 2009, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount you
will have to pay to redeem on the
last day, March 31, 2009, will be as
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton
County Clerk.
To: G.C. Thayer, J.E. Eakle, Jr. Hoy
E. Eakle, David Boyd Eakle, Clara
Fore, Leah Gochenour, John Otis
Eakle, Estabelle R. Icard, John Eakle
Creameans, Virginia Eakle Stewart,
Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, the oil and gas
only underlying that certain tract of
land, assessed as 27 acres, situate
on the waters of Stony Creek in Holly
District, Braxton County, West Virginia which was returned delinquent
in the name of Eakle, J. E. Jr. and for
which the tax lien(s) thereon was
sold by the Sheriff of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes made
on the 24th day of October, 2007, has
requested that you be notified that a
deed for such real estate will be made
to him on or after the first day of
April, 2009, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount you
will have to pay to redeem on the
last day, March 31, 2009, will be as
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton County Clerk.
To: Mildred Spiker, Heirs, Grantees,
Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 2/
63 interest in the oil and gas only
underlying that certain tract of land,
assessed as 53 acres, situate on
the waters of Two Lick in Holly District, Braxton County, West Virginia
which was returned delinquent in the
name of Spiker, Mildred and for which
the tax lien(s) thereon was sold by
the Sheriff of Braxton County at the
sale for delinquent taxes made on
the 24th day of October, 2007, has
requested that you be notified that a
deed for such real estate will be made
to him on or after the first day of
April, 2009, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount you
will have to pay to redeem on the
last day, March 31, 2009, will be as
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton County Clerk.
To: Mildred Spiker, Heirs, Grantees,
Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 2/
63 interest in the oil and gas only
underlying that certain tract of land,
assessed as 50 acres, situate on
the waters of Birch in Holly District,
Don’t Buy Your Spring Rifle, Shotgun
or Pistol Until You Have Been to the
Knife & Gun Show
Feb. 21-22
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday
Gilmer County Recreation Center
Buy, Sell or Swap
For more information call Phil Cunningham, 462-8654.
Braxton County, West Virginia which
was returned delinquent in the name
of Spiker, Mildred and for which the
tax lien(s) thereon was sold by the
Sheriff of Braxton County at the sale
for delinquent taxes made on the 24th
day of October, 2007, has requested
that you be notified that a deed for
such real estate will be made to him
on or after the first day of April, 2009,
as provided by law, unless before
that day you redeem such real estate. The amount you will have to pay
to redeem on the last day, March
31, 2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton
County Clerk.
To: Dora Bender, S.H. Haymond,
F.W. Haymond, Minnie D. Collins, Etta
Haymond, Jessie E. Heater, Lillie
Haymond, Elizabeth Hoff, Maud L.
Smith, W.A. Haymond, C.S.
Haymond, Daisey M. Dennison,
Ratie Nulter, Margaret Rogers, Bettie
Davis, Lina McCoy, C.G. Haymond,
Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided ¾
interest in the oil and gas only underlying that certain tract of land,
assessed as 25.58 acres, situate on
the waters of Otter in Otter District,
Braxton County, West Virginia which
was returned delinquent in the name
of Bender, Dora E. Et Al and for which
the tax lien(s) thereon was sold by
the Sheriff of Braxton County at the
sale for delinquent taxes made on
the 24th day of October, 2007, has
requested that you be notified that a
deed for such real estate will be made
to him on or after the first day of
April, 2009, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount you
will have to pay to redeem on the
last day, March 31, 2009, will be as
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton
County Clerk.
To: Johnson H. Burke, Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/2
interest in the oil and gas only underlying that certain lot situate on the
waters of Cedar in Otter District,
Braxton County, West Virginia which
was returned delinquent in the name
of Burke, Johnson H. and for which
the tax lien(s) thereon was sold by
the Sheriff of Braxton County at the
sale for delinquent taxes made on
the 24th day of October, 2007, has
requested that you be notified that a
deed for such real estate will be made
to him on or after the first day of
April, 2009, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount you
will have to pay to redeem on the
last day, March 31, 2009, will be as
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton
County Clerk.
To: Johnson H. Burke, Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/2
interest in the oil and gas only underlying that 28.32 acres, situate on
the waters of Cedar in Otter District,
Braxton County, West Virginia which
was returned delinquent in the name
of Burke, Johnson H. and for which
the tax lien(s) thereon was sold by
the Sheriff of Braxton County at the
sale for delinquent taxes made on
the 24th day of October, 2007, has
requested that you be notified that a
deed for such real estate will be made
to him on or after the first day of
April, 2009, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount you
will have to pay to redeem on the
last day, March 31, 2009, will be as
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton County Clerk.
To: Johnson H. Burke, Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/2
interest in the oil and gas only underlying that certain tract of land
assessed as 20.94 acres, situate on
the waters of Cedar in Otter District,
Braxton County, West Virginia which
was returned delinquent in the name
of Burke, Johnson H. and for which
the tax lien(s) thereon was sold by
the Sheriff of Braxton County at the
sale for delinquent taxes made on
the 24th day of October, 2007, has
requested that you be notified that a
deed for such real estate will be made
to him on or after the first day of
April, 2009, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount you
will have to pay to redeem on the
last day, March 31, 2009, will be as
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton County Clerk.
Please turn to LEGALS
page 14
Care Home
Route 6, Box 750 • Buckhannon
In Morgan Addition
(beside the work adjustment center)
We are an assisted living residence
Licensed by the state of WV & Fire Marshal Approved
Page14, Braxton Citizens’ News, February 10, 2009
continued from page 13
To: Johnson H. Burke, Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/2
interest in the oil and gas only underlying that certain tract of land,
assessed as 9 acres, situate on the
waters of Cedar in Otter District,
Braxton County, West Virginia which
was returned delinquent in the name
of Burke, Johnson H. and for which
the tax lien(s) thereon was sold by
the Sheriff of Braxton County at the
sale for delinquent taxes made on
the 24th day of October, 2007, has
requested that you be notified that a
deed for such real estate will be made
to him on or after the first day of
April, 2009, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount you
will have to pay to redeem on the
last day, March 31, 2009, will be as
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton
County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton
County Clerk.
To: Mildred Spiker, Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike
Ross Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co.,
the purchaser of the tax lien(s)
on the following real estate, an
undivided 2/63 interest in the oil
and gas only underlying that certain tract of land, assessed as
87 acres, situate on the waters
of Birch in Otter District, Braxton
County, West Virginia which was
returned delinquent in the name
of Spiker, Mildred and for which
the tax lien(s) thereon was sold
by the Sheriff of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes
made on the 24 th day of October,
2007, has requested that you be
notified that a deed for such real
estate will be made to him on or
after the first day of April, 2009,
as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount you will
have to pay to redeem on the last
day, March 31, 2009, will be as
Amount equal to the taxes, interest, and charges due on the date
of sale, with interest to March 31,
Amount of subsequent years
taxes paid on the property, since
the sale, with interest to March
31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination
and preparation of list of those to
be served, and for preparation
and service of the notice with interest from January 1, 2008 to
March 31, 2009. $498.32
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid
since sale.
You may redeem anytime before
M a r c h T h i r t y - F i r s t , Two T h o u sand and Nine by paying the
above total less any unearned
Given under my hand this 23 rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the
Braxton County Sheriff. A separate fee of $35.00 will be payable
to the Braxton County Clerk.
To: Wayne Morris Cox, Rober t
E. Cox, Jr., James R. Cox, Jeanie
S. B o g g s , S a r a E i l e e n M ay,
James O. Morris, Worthy W. Morris, Adelta Boyles, Emma J.
Bright, Laura Stout, Celia A. Williams, Cora Williams, Heirs,
Grantees, Legatees, Devisees,
Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike
Ross Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co.,
the purchaser of the tax lien(s)
on the following real estate, an
undivided 1/3 interest in the oil
and gas only underlying that certain tract of land, assessed as
43 acres, situate at Copen, Salt
L i c k D i s t r i c t , B r a x t o n C o u n t y,
West Virginia which was returned
delinquent in the name of Keefner,
Jean Morris and for which the tax
lien(s) thereon was sold by the
Sheriff of Braxton County at the
sale for delinquent taxes made
on the 24 th day of October, 2007,
has requested that you be notified that a deed for such real estate will be made to him on or after the first day of April, 2009, as
provided by law, unless before
that day you redeem such real
estate. The amount you will have
to pay to redeem on the last day,
March 31, 2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest, and charges due on the date
of sale, with interest to March 31,
Amount of subsequent years
taxes paid on the property, since
the sale, with interest to March
31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination
and preparation of list of those to
be served, and for preparation
and service of the notice with interest from January 1, 2008 to
March 31, 2009. $529.92
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid
since sale.
You may redeem anytime before
M a r c h T h i r t y - F i r s t , Two T h o u sand and Nine by paying the
above total less any unearned
Given under my hand this 23 rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the
Braxton County Sheriff. A separate fee of $35.00 will be payable
to the Braxton County Clerk.
To : Fr e d a J a n e L o p e z , M . H .
Rose, J.M. Rose, Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike
Ross Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co.,
the purchaser of the tax lien(s)
on the following real estate, an
undivided 1/2 interest in that certain tract of land, assessed as
97.5 acres, situate on the waters
of Salt Lick Creek, Salt Lick District, Braxton County, West Virginia which was returned delinquent in the name of Lopez, Freda
Jane and for which the tax lien(s)
thereon was sold by the Sheriff
of Braxton County at the sale for
delinquent taxes made on the 24 th
day of October, 2007, has requested that you be notified that
a deed for such real estate will
be made to him on or after the
first day of April, 2009, as provided by law, unless before that
day you redeem such real estate.
The amount you will have to pay
to redeem on the last day, March
31, 2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest, and charges due on the date
of sale, with interest to March 31,
Amount of subsequent years
taxes paid on the property, since
the sale, with interest to March
31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination
and preparation of list of those to
be served, and for preparation
and service of the notice with interest from January 1, 2008 to
March 31, 2009. $498.32
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid
since sale.
You may redeem anytime before
M a r c h T h i r t y - F i r s t , Two T h o u sand and Nine by paying the
above total less any unearned
Given under my hand this 23 rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the
Braxton County Sheriff. A separate fee of $35.00 will be payable
to the Braxton County Clerk.
To: Marie Martin Heirs, Grantees,
Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the fol-
lowing real estate, an undivided 1/
9 of a 1/8 interest in the oil and gas
only underlying that certain tract of
land, assessed as 51 acres, situate on the waters of Kanawha in
Salt Lick District, Braxton County,
West Virginia which was returned
delinquent in the name of Martin,
Marie Hrs. and for which the tax
lien(s) thereon was sold by the
Sheriff of Braxton County at the sale
for delinquent taxes made on the
24 th day of October, 2007, has requested that you be notified that a
deed for such real estate will be
made to him on or after the first
day of April, 2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
you will have to pay to redeem on
the last day, March 31, 2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest, and charges due on the date
of sale, with interest to March 31,
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination
and preparation of list of those to
be served, and for preparation and
service of the notice with interest
from January 1, 2008 to March 31,
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton County Sheriff. A separate fee
of $35.00 will be payable to the
Braxton County Clerk.
To: Marie Martin Heirs, Grantees,
Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/9
of a 1/8 interest in the oil and gas
only underlying that certain tract of
land, assessed as 37.84 acres, situate on the waters of Kanawha in Salt
Lick District, Braxton County, West
Virginia which was returned delinquent in the name of Martin, Marie
Hrs. and for which the tax lien(s)
thereon was sold by the Sheriff of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes made on the 24th day of
October, 2007, has requested that
you be notified that a deed for such
real estate will be made to him on or
after the first day of April, 2009, as
provided by law, unless before that
day you redeem such real estate.
The amount you will have to pay to
redeem on the last day, March 31,
2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton
County Clerk.
To: Marie Martin Heirs, Grantees,
Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/
9 of a 1/8 interest in the oil and gas
only underlying that certain tract of
land, assessed as 25 acres, situate on the waters of Kanawha in
Salt Lick District, Braxton County,
West Virginia which was returned
delinquent in the name of Martin,
Marie Hrs. and for which the tax
lien(s) thereon was sold by the
Sheriff of Braxton County at the sale
for delinquent taxes made on the
24 th day of October, 2007, has requested that you be notified that a
Bowen Dental Associates
319 Main Street • P.O. Box 965 Clay, WV 25043
Gary Bowen II, DDS - Stacy Bowen, DDS
Most Insurances Accepted • Providers for: Delta Dencin
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OFFICE HOURS: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs. 8:30-4:30: Tues. 11:30-7:00: Fri. Closed
Now In Two Locations: 319 Main Street, Clay, WV (304)587-7495
112 Lee Street West, Charleston, WV (304)342-0146
deed for such real estate will be
made to him on or after the first
day of April, 2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
you will have to pay to redeem on
the last day, March 31, 2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest, and charges due on the date
of sale, with interest to March 31,
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination
and preparation of list of those to
be served, and for preparation and
service of the notice with interest
from January 1, 2008 to March 31,
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton County Sheriff. A separate fee
of $35.00 will be payable to the
Braxton County Clerk.
To: Marie Martin Heirs, Grantees,
Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/9
of a 1/8 interest in the oil and gas
only underlying that certain tract of
land, assessed as 110 acres, situate on the waters of Kanawha in Salt
Lick District, Braxton County, West
Virginia which was returned delinquent in the name of Martin, Marie
Hrs. and for which the tax lien(s)
thereon was sold by the Sheriff of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes made on the 24th day of
October, 2007, has requested that
you be notified that a deed for such
real estate will be made to him on or
after the first day of April, 2009, as
provided by law, unless before that
day you redeem such real estate.
The amount you will have to pay to
redeem on the last day, March 31,
2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton County Clerk.
To: Wayne Morris Cox, Robert E.
Cox, Jr., James R. Cox, Jeanie S.
Boggs, Sara Eileen May, James O.
Morris, Wor thy W. Morris, Adelta
Boyles, Emma J. Bright, Laura Stout,
Celia A. Williams, Cora Williams,
Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/3
interest in the oil and gas only underlying that certain tract of land,
assessed as 43 acres, situate at
Copen, Salt Lick District, Braxton
County, West Virginia which was returned delinquent in the name of
Morris, James O. and for which the
tax lien(s) thereon was sold by the
Sheriff of Braxton County at the sale
for delinquent taxes made on the 24th
day of October, 2007, has requested
that you be notified that a deed for
such real estate will be made to him
on or after the first day of April, 2009,
as provided by law, unless before
that day you redeem such real estate. The amount you will have to pay
to redeem on the last day, March
31, 2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton County Clerk.
To: Starling Perkins, Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/9
of a 1/8 interest in the oil and gas
only underlying that certain tract of
land, assessed as 51 acres, situate
on the waters of Kanawha in Salt Lick
District, Braxton County, West Virginia which was returned delinquent
in the name of Perkins, Starling and
for which the tax lien(s) thereon was
sold by the Sheriff of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes made
on the 24th day of October, 2007, has
requested that you be notified that a
deed for such real estate will be made
to him on or after the first day of
April, 2009, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount you
will have to pay to redeem on the
last day, March 31, 2009, will be as
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton County Clerk.
To: Starling Perkins, Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/9
of a 1/8 interest in the oil and gas
only underlying that certain tract of
land, assessed as 37.48 acres, situate on the waters of Kanawha in Salt
Lick District, Braxton County, West
Virginia which was returned delinquent in the name of Perkins, Starling and for which the tax lien(s)
thereon was sold by the Sheriff of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes made on the 24th day of
October, 2007, has requested that
you be notified that a deed for such
real estate will be made to him on or
after the first day of April, 2009, as
provided by law, unless before that
day you redeem such real estate.
The amount you will have to pay to
redeem on the last day, March 31,
2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton County Clerk.
To: Starling Perkins, Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/9
of a 1/8 interest in the oil and gas
only underlying that certain tract of
land, assessed as 25 acres, situate
on the waters of Kanawha in Salt Lick
District, Braxton County, West Virginia which was returned delinquent
in the name of Perkins, Starling and
for which the tax lien(s) thereon was
sold by the Sheriff of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes made
on the 24th day of October, 2007, has
requested that you be notified that a
deed for such real estate will be made
to him on or after the first day of
April, 2009, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount you
will have to pay to redeem on the
last day, March 31, 2009, will be as
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton County Clerk.
To: Starling Perkins, Heirs, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees, Assignees or Successors.
You will take notice that Mike Ross
Inc. & Waco Oil & Gas Co., the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, an undivided 1/9
of a 1/8 interest in the oil and gas
only underlying that certain tract of
land, assessed as 110 acres, situate on the waters of Kanawha in Salt
Lick District, Braxton County, West
Virginia which was returned delinquent in the name of Perkins, Starling and for which the tax lien(s)
thereon was sold by the Sheriff of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes made on the 24th day of
October, 2007, has requested that
you be notified that a deed for such
real estate will be made to him on or
after the first day of April, 2009, as
provided by law, unless before that
day you redeem such real estate.
The amount you will have to pay to
redeem on the last day, March 31,
2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes, interest,
and charges due on the date of sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount of subsequent years taxes
paid on the property, since the sale,
with interest to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for title examination and
preparation of list of those to be
served, and for preparation and service of the notice with interest from
January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.
Amount paid for other statutory
costs: Recording taxes paid since
You may redeem anytime before
March Thirty-First, Two Thousand
and Nine by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand this 23rd day
of January, 2009.
John D. Jordan
Clerk of the County Commission
Of Braxton County, West Virginia
Above total is payable to the Braxton County Sheriff. A separate fee of
$35.00 will be payable to the Braxton County Clerk.
J.G. Bradley Campground Wastewater System Project
Clay, West Virginia
The Central Appalachia Empowerment Zone of West Virginia, will receive sealed bids properly endorsed
“J.G. Bradley Campground Wastewater System Project” until 2:00
p.m., EST on March 10, 2009, in the
Office of Central Appalachia Empowerment Zone (CAEZ), 135 Main
Street, Clay, West Virginia, at which
time all bids will be opened publicly
and read aloud. The (CAEZ) reserves the right to reject any and all
bids, to waive any informality in bidding and to accept the bid considered to be in its best interest from
the lowest responsible bidder. All interested parties are invited to attend.
The work consists of the following:
1)Construction of eleven separate
septic tank systems complete in
The Plans and Contract Documents
may be examined at the following
Central Appalachia Empowerment Zone of WV
135 Main Street
Clay, West Virginia 25043
(304) 587-2034
Contractors Association of
West Virginia
2114 Kanawha Blvd., East
Charleston, West Virginia 25311
McGraw Hill/F.W. Dodge Company
437 19th Street
Dunbar, West Virginia 25064
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
5088 Washington Street, West
Second Floor
Charleston, West Virginia 25313
(304) 769-0821
Contract documents may be obtained at the offices of Michael Baker
Jr., Inc., 5088 Washington Street,
West, Second Floor, Charleston,
West Virginia 25313 upon a nonrefundable payment of Fifty dollars
($50.00) for each set of documents.
All checks shall be made payable to
Michael Baker Jr., Inc. Bid deposits
will be required as outlined in the information for bidders.
A certified check, bank draft or a
satisfactory bid bond furnished by a
solvent surety company authorized
to do business in the State of West
Virginia in an amount equal to five
percent (5%) of the total of the bid,
payable to the Central Appalachia
Empowerment Zone of West Virginia,
shall be submitted with each bid.
An optional pre-bid conference for
the purpose of discussing the scope
of work, labor standards and other
federal requirements will be held on
February 24th, 10:00 a.m. on site at
the J.G. Bradley Campground, West
Virginia and will adjourn at the construction site
The successful bidder will be required to furnish a satisfactory Payment and Performance Bond, Labor
and Material Bond for 100% of the
contract amount and the fee for
same shall be included in the bid proposal.
Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the President’s
Executive Order No. 11246 and
“HUD Section 109”, which prohibits
discrimination in employment regarding race, creed, color, sex or national origin. Attention of bidders is
also called to Section 3, Segregated
Facilities, Title VI and the conditions
of employment to be observed and
minimum wage rates to be paid
(State and Federal).
Bidders must comply with the requirements for Affirmative Action and
Minority Business Enterprises participation as described in the Federal specifications insert to the contract documents. Special provisions
will be made by the bidder to show
what portions of the bid within each
division are supported by Minority
Business Enterprise (MBE) work. In
addition, bidders may obtain, upon
request, information concerning local MBE firms.
The Contractor will be required to
comply with all applicable Federal
requirements pertaining to Affirma-
Please turn to LEGALS
page 13
Page15, Braxton Citizens’ News, February 10, 2009
continued from page 14
tive Action, Equal Opportunity, Federal and/or State Labor Standards,
Davis-Bacon Wage Rates, and the
Copeland Anti-Kick-Back Act. Although no Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (DBE) goal had been set
for this project, the West Virginia Division of Highways strongly encourages the consideration of DBE’s
when hiring contractors for this or
any Rural Development project. Minority, Female and Section 3 owned
firms are encouraged to apply.
No bid may be withdrawn after the
scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids for at least ninety (90)
Equal Employment Opportunity
Central Appalachia Empowerment
Zone of West Virginia
Ms. Connie M. Lupardus, Executive
To: William Hunt Real Estate Inc,
Gordon B Teter, Gay Teter, Madeline
Skotnickie, Dorothy Flint, Roy Flint,
Justin Asheby Flint, Lillie Teter, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043898, located in Holly District, 5 Ac All Mins
Except Coal Buckeye Creek, which
was returned delinquent or
nonentered in the name of William
Hunt Real Estate, Inc., and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/13/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
13/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Randall Louis Baum, Howard
Facemire, West Virginia State Tax
Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors
or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044044, located in Salt Lick District, 5.04 Ac
Coal Copen, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Baum, Randall Louis, and was
sold by the deputy commissioner of
delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/13/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
13/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: David Baker Jr., David H. Baker
Jr., Aleen Baker, Alice Marie Roberti,
Mary Elizabeth Carman, West Virginia State Tax Department, Internal
Revenue Service or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043899, located in Otter District, 6 Ac Coal
Cedar, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in the name of
Baker, David Jr. 1994 Baker, Aleen
1997, and was sold by the deputy
commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes on
10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you
be notified a deed for such real estate will be made on or after 3/13/
2009, as provided by law, unless
before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount needed to
redeem on or before 3/13/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Foster Mining Company, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at
law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044138, located in Salt Lick District, 5.5 Ac Coal
Wts Copen Fork, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in
the name of Foster Mining Company,
and was sold by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes on
10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you
be notified a deed for such real estate will be made on or after 3/13/
2009, as provided by law, unless
before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount needed to
redeem on or before 3/13/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: First National Bank of Maryland
Trustee of Est. Betty Miller, West Virginia State Tax Department, Internal
Revenue Service or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043865, located in Holly District, ½ of 12.33 Ac
Coal Elk, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in the name of
First National Bank of Maryland,
Trustee of Est. Betty Miller, and was
sold by the deputy commissioner of
delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/13/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
13/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: First National Bank of Maryland
Trustee of Est. Betty Miller, West Virginia State Tax Department, Internal
Revenue Service or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043866, located in Holly District, ½ of 12.33 Ac
Coal Elk, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in the name of
First National Bank of Maryland,
Trustee of Est. Betty Miller, and was
sold by the deputy commissioner of
delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/13/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
13/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: First National Bank of Maryland Trustee of Est. Betty Miller,
West Virginia State Tax Department,
Internal Revenue Service or heirs
at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC,
the purchaser of the following real
estate, Certification No.:043867, located in Holly District, ½ of 12.28
Ac Coal Elk, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the
name of First National Bank of Maryland, Trustee of Est. Betty Miller,
and was sold by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of Braxton
County at the sale for delinquent
taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made
on or after 3/13/2009, as provided
by law, unless before that day you
redeem such real estate. The
amount needed to redeem on or
before 3/13/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: First National Bank of Maryland
Trustee of Est. Betty Miller, West Virginia State Tax Department, Internal
Revenue Service or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, represents,
successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043874, located in Holly District, ½ of 10 Ac
Wolf, which was returned delinquent
or nonentered in the name of First
National Bank of Maryland, Trustee
of Est. Betty Miller, and was sold by
the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of Braxton County at the sale for delinquent
taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/13/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
13/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Virginia M Queen, Helen M.
Berry, James Marshall Betty, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043933, located in Salt Lick District, ½ of 32.37
Ac Coal Copen, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Queen, Virginia M. & Helen M.
Berry, and was sold by the deputy
commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes on
10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you
be notified a deed for such real estate will be made on or after 3/13/
2009, as provided by law, unless
before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount needed to
redeem on or before 3/13/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Ferrell Kelly, West Virginia State
Tax Department, Internal Revenue
Service or heirs at law, devisees,
creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044116, located in Otter District, ½ of 50 Ac
Coal Steer Creek, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in
the name of Kelly, Ferrell, and was
sold by the deputy commissioner of
delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/13/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
13/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Ferrell Kelly, West Virginia State
Tax Department, Internal Revenue
Service or heirs at law, devisees,
creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044115, located in Otter District, 11 Ac Coal
Wts Steer Creek, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in
the name of Kelly, Ferrell, and was
sold by the deputy commissioner of
delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/13/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
13/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Ferrell Kelly, West Virginia State
Tax Department, Internal Revenue
Service or heirs at law, devisees,
creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044114, located in Otter District, 9 Ac Coal
Steer Creek, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Kelly, Ferrell, and was sold by the
deputy commissioner of delinquent
and nonentered lands of Braxton
County at the sale for delinquent
taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/13/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
13/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Ferrell Kelly, West Virginia State
Tax Department, Internal Revenue
Service or heirs at law, devisees,
creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044113, located in Otter District, ½ of 65.1 Ac
Coal, which was returned delinquent
or nonentered in the name of Kelly,
Ferrell, and was sold by the deputy
commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes on
10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you
be notified a deed for such real es-
tate will be made on or after 3/13/
2009, as provided by law, unless
before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount needed to
redeem on or before 3/13/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Ferrell Kelly, West Virginia State
Tax Department, Internal Revenue
Service or heirs at law, devisees,
creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044067, located in Birch District, 1/3 of 76 Ac
All Mins Except O G Steer Creek,
which was returned delinquent or
nonentered in the name of Kelly,
Ferrell, and was sold by the deputy
commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes on
10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you
be notified a deed for such real estate will be made on or after 3/13/
2009, as provided by law, unless
before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount needed to
redeem on or before 3/13/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Ferrell Kelly, West Virginia State
Tax Department, Internal Revenue
Service or heirs at law, devisees,
creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044065, located in Birch District, 16.87 Ac Coal
Steer Creek, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Kelly, Ferrell, and was sold by the
deputy commissioner of delinquent
and nonentered lands of Braxton
County at the sale for delinquent
taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/13/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
13/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Ferrell Kelly, West Virginia State
Tax Department, Internal Revenue
Service or heirs at law, devisees,
creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044125, located in Otter District, ½ of 43.2 Ac
Coal, which was returned delinquent
or nonentered in the name of Kelly,
Ferrell, and was sold by the deputy
commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes on
10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you
be notified a deed for such real estate will be made on or after 3/13/
2009, as provided by law, unless
before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount needed to
redeem on or before 3/13/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Ferrell Kelly, West Virginia State
Tax Department, Internal Revenue
Service or heirs at law, devisees,
creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044124, located in Otter District, ½ of 50 Ac
Coal, which was returned delinquent
or nonentered in the name of Kelly,
Ferrell, and was sold by the deputy
commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes on
10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you
be notified a deed for such real estate will be made on or after 3/13/
2009, as provided by law, unless
before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount needed to
redeem on or before 3/13/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Ferrell Kelly, West Virginia State
Tax Department, Internal Revenue
Service or heirs at law, devisees,
creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044123, located in Otter District, ½ of 82.16 Ac
Coal, which was returned delinquent
or nonentered in the name of Kelly,
Ferrell, and was sold by the deputy
commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes on
10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you
be notified a deed for such real estate will be made on or after 3/13/
2009, as provided by law, unless
before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount needed to
redeem on or before 3/13/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Ferrell Kelly, West Virginia State
Tax Department, Internal Revenue
Service or heirs at law, devisees,
creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044122, located in Otter District, ½ of 57.15 Ac
Coal, which was returned delinquent
or nonentered in the name of Kelly,
Ferrell, and was sold by the deputy
commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes on
10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you
be notified a deed for such real estate will be made on or after 3/13/
2009, as provided by law, unless
before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount needed to
redeem on or before 3/13/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Ferrell Kelly, West Virginia State
Tax Department, Internal Revenue
Service or heirs at law, devisees,
creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real es-
Please turn to LEGALS
page 16
Page16, Braxton Citizens’ News, February 10, 2009
continued from page 15
tate, Certification No.:044120, located in Otter District, ½ of 57.15 Ac
Coal Cedar, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Kelly, Ferrell, and was sold by the
deputy commissioner of delinquent
and nonentered lands of Braxton
County at the sale for delinquent
taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/13/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
13/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Ferrell Kelly, West Virginia State
Tax Department, Internal Revenue
Service or heirs at law, devisees,
creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044119, located in Otter District, ½ of 65.1 Ac
Coal Cedar, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Kelly, Ferrell, and was sold by the
deputy commissioner of delinquent
and nonentered lands of Braxton
County at the sale for delinquent
taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/13/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
13/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Ferrell Kelly, West Virginia State
Tax Department, Internal Revenue
Service or heirs at law, devisees,
creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044117, located in Otter District, ½ of 43.2 Ac
Coal Cedar, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Kelly, Ferrell, and was sold by the
deputy commissioner of delinquent
and nonentered lands of Braxton
County at the sale for delinquent
taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/13/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
13/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Ferrell Kelly, West Virginia State
Tax Department, Internal Revenue
Service or heirs at law, devisees,
creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044118, located in Otter District, ½ of 83.16 Ac
Coal Cedar, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Kelly, Ferrell, and was sold by the
deputy commissioner of delinquent
and nonentered lands of Braxton
County at the sale for delinquent
taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/13/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
13/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/13/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/13/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia 2-17
To: Erma Smith, William Smith, Willa
Lee Gowen, William Gowen, Arthur
L Anderson, Don C Harrold, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043537, located in Otter District, ¼ of 47.27 Ac
Coal Steer Ck, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Smith, Erma Et Al, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/12/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
12/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/12/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Mt. Bowling
2250 Sutton Lane / Exit 67 of I-79
Flatwoods, West Virginia
Mondays are
$ Dollar Days $
100 Games
$ 00
1 Hot Dogs
$ 00
1 Shoes
$ 00
1 Pool
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/12/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/12/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/12/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Erma Smith, William Smith, Willa
Lee Gowen, William Gowen, Arthur
L Anderson, Don C Harrold, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043536, located in Otter District, ¼ of 45 Ac
Coal Steer Ck, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Smith, Erma Et Al, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/12/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
12/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/12/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/12/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/12/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/12/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: C.P. Stump aka Commodore P.
Stump, Emily Stump aka Emily J
Stump, Nora Fling, Charles Fling,
Clarence Stump, Minnie Stump, Esta
Gainer, Jessie Haymaker, Hays
Haymaker, Bernard Stump, Martyn
Ewing, Homer L. Ewing, Bennett
Stump, Mar y E. Stump, Earle W.
Stump, Clara Stump, Erin Wyle,
James Wyle, Sandra or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043605, located in Birch District, 1/7 of 286.5
Ac Coal Steer Ck, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in
the name of Stump, C. P. Hrs., and
was sold by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered
lands of Braxton County at the sale
for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008.
H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed for such real estate will
be made on or after 3/12/2009, as
provided by law, unless before that
day you redeem such real estate.
The amount needed to redeem on
or before 3/12/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/12/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/12/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/12/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/12/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Fanny A. McCullough, West Vir-
ginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043558, located in Salt Lick District, 1/2 of
55.24 Ac Coal Copen Bickel Fork,
which was returned delinquent or
nonentered in the name of
McCullough, Fanny A., and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/12/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
12/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/12/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/12/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/12/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/12/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Susan K. Cochran, Grace
Knight, Billy Frank Hite Jr, West Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043829, located in Salt Lick District, 1/4 of 104
Ac Coal Kanawha, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in
the name of Cochran, Susan K. &
Grace Knight Life, and was sold by
the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of Braxton County at the sale for delinquent
taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/12/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
12/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/12/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/12/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/12/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/12/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Robert E. Knight, Norma J
Carden, Inez M Bewick, Robert A
Knight, Gary A Knight, Nadine
Mor ton, Terr y Mor ton, Cindy
Scherer, Barbara S Campbell, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at
law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043836, located in Salt Lick District, 1/2 of 104
Ac Coal Kanawha, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in
the name of Knight, Robert E., and
was sold by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered
lands of Braxton County at the sale
for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008.
H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed for such real estate will
be made on or after 3/12/2009, as
provided by law, unless before that
day you redeem such real estate.
The amount needed to redeem on
or before 3/12/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/12/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
The Red
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Valentine Dinner Special
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3400 per person
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With this Coupon
To: G. C. Barnett, O.B. Barrnett, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043692, located in Otter District, 1/2 of 21 Ac
Coal Buffalo, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Barnett, G. C. Et Al., and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/12/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/12/
2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/12/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination and
preparation of the list to be served
and for preparation and service of
notice with interest to 3/12/2009
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/12/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/12/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Murel Yerkey, John W Yerkey,
Arthur L. Anderson, Don C Harrold,
West Virginia State Tax Department,
Internal Revenue Service or heirs at
law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043808, located in Otter District, 1/4 of 45 Ac
Coal Steer Ck, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Yerkey, Murel Et Al., and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/12/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/12/
2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/12/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination and
preparation of the list to be served
and for preparation and service of
notice with interest to 3/12/2009
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/12/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/12/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Murel Yerkey, John W Yerkey,
Arthur L. Anderson, Don C Harrold,
West Virginia State Tax Department,
Internal Revenue Service or heirs at
law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043807, located in Otter District, 1/4 of 33 Ac
Coal Steer Ck, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Yerkey, Murel Et Al., and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/12/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
12/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/12/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/12/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/12/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/12/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Murel Yerkey, John W Yerkey,
Arthur L. Anderson, Don C Harrold,
West Virginia State Tax Department,
Internal Revenue Service or heirs
at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043759, located in Otter District, 1/4 of 47.27
Ac Coal Steer Ck, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in
the name of Yerkey, Murel Et Al., and
was sold by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered
lands of Braxton County at the sale
for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008.
H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed for such real estate will
be made on or after 3/12/2009, as
provided by law, unless before that
day you redeem such real estate.
The amount needed to redeem on
or before 3/12/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/12/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/12/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/12/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/12/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Murel Yerkey, John W Yerkey,
Arthur L. Anderson, Don C Harrold,
West Virginia State Tax Department,
Internal Revenue Service or heirs
at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043610, located in Birch District, 1/4 of 19 Ac
Coal Steer Ck, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Yerkey, Murel, and was sold by
the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of Braxton County at the sale for delinquent
taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/12/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
Please turn to LEGALS
page 17
Central West Virginia
FEB. 21 & 22
Summersville Armory
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/12/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/12/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/12/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
Sparks Photography will be available for
couple photo sessions. 20% off regular sitting
fee and a FREE 5X7 photo
On Saturday and Sunday,
The First 50 Kids (ages 6-12)
will receive a
FREE Tackle Box with Tackle
SAT. 10 a.m.–9 p.m.
SUN. 11 a.m.–6 p.m.
Page17, Braxton Citizens’ News, February 10, 2009
continued from page 16
needed to redeem on or before 3/
12/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/12/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/12/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/12/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/12/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Charles W. Knight, Charles Wm.
Knight, Helen Harmon Wanda
Russell, Martha L. Knight, Margaret
Lorraine Knight, John Porter Knight,
Charles William Knight, Lawrence
Wesley Knight, Charles W. Knight Estate, West Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or
heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043833, located in Salt Lick District, 1/3 of ¼
104 Ac Coal Kanawha, which was
returned delinquent or nonentered
in the name of Knight, Charles W.
Estate Helen Harmon, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/12/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
12/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/12/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/12/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/12/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/12/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Charles Wm. Knight, Charles W.
Knight, Wanda Russell, Helen
Harmon, Martha L. Knight, Margaret
Lorraine Knight, John Porter Knight,
Charles William Knight, Lawrence
Wesley Knight, West Virginia State
Tax Department, Internal Revenue
Service or heirs at law, devisees,
creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043835, located in Salt Lick District, 1/3 of ¼
104 Ac Coal Kanawha, which was
returned delinquent or nonentered
in the name of Knight, Charles Wm.,
and was sold by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes on
10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you
be notified a deed for such real estate will be made on or after 3/12/
2009, as provided by law, unless
before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount needed to
redeem on or before 3/12/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/12/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/12/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/12/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/12/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Charles W. Knight, Charles Wm.
Knight, Helen Harmon Wanda
Russell, Martha L. Knight, Margaret
Lorraine Knight, John Porter Knight,
Charles William Knight, Lawrence
Wesley Knight, Charles W. Knight Estate, West Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or
heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043834, located in Salt Lick District, 1/3 of ¼
104 Ac Coal Kanawha, which was
returned delinquent or nonentered
in the name of Knight, Charles W.
Estate Helen Harmon, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/12/2009, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount
needed to redeem on or before 3/
12/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/12/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/12/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/12/2009. 0.00
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/12/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Kathryn T. Perrine, West Virginia
State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives,
successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043151, located in Holly District, 1/2 of 12.33
Ac Coal Elk, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Perrine, Kathryn T., and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Kathryn T. Perrine, West Virginia
State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives,
successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043161, located in Holly District, 1/2 of 12.33
Ac Coal Elk, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Perrine, Kathryn T., and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Kathryn T. Perrine, West Virginia
State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives,
successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043160, located in Holly District, 1/2 of 55 Ac
Coal Salt Lick, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Perrine, Kathryn T., and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia 2-17
Notice to Redeem
To: Kathryn T. Perrine, West Virginia
State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, represents, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043156, located in Holly District, 1/2 of 10 Ac
Coal Wolf, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Perrine, Kathryn T., and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Kathryn T. Perrine, West Virginia
State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at law, devisees, creditors, representatives,
successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043153, located in Holly District, 1/2 of 12.28
Ac Coal Elk, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Perrine, Kathryn T., and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Michael Engel aka William
Michael Engle, Laquita I Engel, Arthur
L Anderson, Don C Harrold, Don C
Harrold, West Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service
or heirs at law, devisees, creditors,
representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043417 located
in Otter District, 1/4 of 39.7 Ac Coal
Little Otte, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Engel, Michael Et Al, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Michael Engel aka William
Michael Engle, Laquita I Engel, Arthur
L Anderson, Don C Harrold, Don C
Harrold, West Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service
or heirs at law, devisees, creditors,
representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043416 located
in Otter District, 1/4 of 50 Ac Coal
Little Otter, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Engel, Michael Et Al, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Michael Engel aka William
Michael Engle, Laquita I Engel, Arthur
L Anderson, Don C Harrold, Don C
Harrold, West Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service
or heirs at law, devisees, creditors,
represents, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043400 located
in Otter District, 1/4 of 59.3 Ac Coal
Trace Run, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Engel, Michael Et Al, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Michael Engel aka William
Michael Engle, Laquita I Engel, Arthur
L Anderson, Don C Harrold, Don C
Harrold, West Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service
or heirs at law, devisees, creditors,
representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043433 located
in Otter District, 1/4 of 20 Ac Coal
Grass Lick, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Engel, Michael Et Al, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Michael Engel aka William
Michael Engle, Laquita I Engel, Arthur
L Anderson, Don C Harrold, Don C
Harrold, West Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service
or heirs at law, devisees, creditors,
represents, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043424 located
in Otter District, 1/4 of 25.75 Ac Coal
Benders Ru, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Engel, Michael Et Al, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
State of West Virginia
To: Michael Engel aka William Michael
Engle, Laquita I Engel, Arthur L Anderson, Don C Harrold, Don C Harrold,
West Virginia State Tax Department,
Internal Revenue Service or heirs at
law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043430 located
in Otter District, 1/4 of 22.25 Ac Coal
O’Brien, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in the name of
Engel, Michael Et Al, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009. $612.19
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Please turn to LEGALS
page 18
Mt. Nebo, West Virginia
Use your tax return
for your down
payment and
receive a
FREE Washer & Dryer*
on all lot display models!
* applies to purchases made by February 28th
Located on Rt. 19, Mt. Nebo...
just south of Summerville
Page18, Braxton Citizens’ News, February 10, 2009
continued from page 17
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
County, State of West Virginia 2-17
To: Michael Engel aka William Michael
Engle, Laquita I Engel, Arthur L Anderson, Don C Harrold, Don C Harrold,
West Virginia State Tax Department,
Internal Revenue Service or heirs at
law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043399 located
in Otter District, 1/4 of 25 Ac Coal
Trace Run, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Engel, Michael Et Al, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
County, State of West Virginia 2-17
To: Michael Engel aka William Michael
Engle, Laquita I Engel, Arthur L Anderson, Don C Harrold, Don C Harrold,
West Virginia State Tax Department,
Internal Revenue Service or heirs at
law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043402 located
in Otter District, 1/4 of 29 Ac Coal
Steer Creek, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Engel, Michael Et Al, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009. $729.37
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
County, State of West Virginia 2-17
To: Michael Engel aka William Michael
Engle, Laquita I Engel, Arthur L Anderson, Don C Harrold, Don C Harrold,
West Virginia State Tax Department,
Internal Revenue Service or heirs at
law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043410 located
in Otter District, 1/4 of 51.75 Ac Coal
Grass Lick, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Engel, Michael Et Al, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
County, State of West Virginia 2-17
To: Erma Smith, William Smith, Willa
Lee Gowen, William Gowen, Arthur
L Anderson, Don C Harrold, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at
law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043528, located in Otter District, ¼ of 25 Ac
Coal Trace Run, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Smith, Erma Et Al, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009. $720.09
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
County, State of West Virginia 2-17
To: Erma Smith, William Smith, Willa
Lee Gowen, William Gowen, Arthur
L Anderson, Don C Harrold, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at
law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043482, located in Otter District, ¼ of 25.75 Ac
coal Benders Rn, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in
the name of Smith, Erma Et Al, and
was sold by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered
lands of Braxton County at the sale
for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008.
H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed for such real estate will
be made on or after 3/9/2009, as
provided by law, unless before that
day you redeem such real estate.
The amount needed to redeem on
or before 3/9/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009. $674.47
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
County, State of West Virginia 2-17
To: Erma Smith, William Smith, Willa
Lee Gowen, William Gowen, Arthur
L Anderson, Don C Harrold, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043535, located in Otter District, ¼ of 33Ac
Coal Steer Creek, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in
the name of Smith, Erma Et Al, and
was sold by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered
lands of Braxton County at the sale
for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008.
H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed for such real estate will
be made on or after 3/9/2009, as
provided by law, unless before that
day you redeem such real estate.
The amount needed to redeem on
or before 3/9/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009. $880.61
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
County, State of West Virginia 2-17
To: Erma Smith, William Smith, Willa
Lee Gowen, William Gowen, Arthur
L Anderson, Don C Harrold, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at
law, devisees, creditors, represen-
tatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043496, located in Otter District, ¼ of 25 Ac
Coal Trace Run, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Smith, Erma Et Al, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009. $653.90
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
County, State of West Virginia 2-17
To: Erma Smith, William Smith, Willa
Lee Gowen, William Gowen, Arthur
L Anderson, Don C Harrold, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service or heirs at law,
devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:043490, located in Otter District, ¼ of 20Ac
Coal Grass Lick, which was returned
delinquent or nonentered in the name
of Smith, Erma Et Al, and was sold
by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered lands of
Braxton County at the sale for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008. H3 LLC
requests that you be notified a deed
for such real estate will be made on
or after 3/9/2009, as provided by law,
unless before that day you redeem
such real estate. The amount needed
to redeem on or before 3/9/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of the sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009.
Amount of taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to
3/9/2009. 0.00
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of the list to be
served and for preparation and service of notice with interest to 3/9/
Additional Statutory Fees with Interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009
G. Russell Rollyson Jr.
Deputy Commission of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
County, State of West Virginia 2-17
The Sugar Creek Cemetery Trustees are taking bids on a mowing
contract for year 2009. Please mail
bids to Huffman Bookkeeping Inc.,
512 Elk Street, Gassaway, WV
26624. Any questions concerning
this please contact Bob Wayne at
Notice is given that Weyerhaeuser
NR has applied to the West Virginia
Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Air Quality for a
Class II Administrative Update for
an oriented strandboard manufacturing facility situated at 301 Gauley
Tur npike in Heaters, Braxton
County, West Virginia. The mill plans
to incorporate an approved Routine
Control Device Maintenance Exemption (RCDME) into an existing
air permit.
Estimated increases due to the
RDCME are as follows:
VOC – 2.29 tpy; Acetaldehyde – 0.09
tpy; Acrolein – 0.02 tpy; Formaldehyde – 0.00 tpy; Lead – 0.00 tpy;
Methanol – 0.61 tpy; Phenol –0.00
tpy; Propionaldehyde – 0.02; Total
HAPs – 0.97
Written comments will be received
by the West Virginia Department of
Environmental Protection, Division of
Air Quality, 601 57th St. SE, Charleston, WV 25304, for at least 30 calendar days from the date of the publication of this notice.
Any questions regarding this permit
application should be directed to the
DAQ at (304) 926-0499, extension
1227, during normal business hours.
Dated this the 21st day of January,
Weyerhaeuser NR
Sherry Wishon
Unit General Manager
3601 Gauley Turnpike
Heaters, WV 26627 2-10
Little Birch Preowned Auto Sales will
offer the following vehicles for sale
at public auction on Wednesday,
February 18, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. at
Little Birch Preowned Auto Sales in
Little Birch, WV. The vehicles are located at 4524 Old Turnpike Road,
and can be inspected prior to the
1997 Ford Ranger
1998 Chevrolet Malibu
1995 Chevrolet K1500 Tk
1998 Ford F-150 Tk
2000 Chevrolet Monte Carlo
1995 Geo Tracker
To the creditors and beneficiaries of
the within named deceased persons:
I have before me the estates of the
following deceased persons and the
accounts of the fiduciaries of their
respective estates:
Decedent: Marie Belle Allen
Fiduciary: Debra Squires
112 Red Oak Lane
Gassaway, W.Va. 26624
Decedent: Cleo E. Miller
Fiduciary: Herbert Miller
HC 73, Box 18A
Rosedale, W.Va. 26636
Decedent: Martha B. Skidmore
Fiduciary: Patricia S. Gray
746 E. Shannon Rd.
Bridgeport, W.Va. 26330
Decedent: Charles Kent Gillespie
Fiduciary: Julie Ann Gillespie
95 Locust Estates
Sutton, W.Va. 26601
Decedent: Calvin C. Stover
Fiduciary: Carolyn Stover
1975 Morton Rd.
Sutton, W.Va. 26601
Decedent: Philip J. Chatten
Fiduciary: Kathryn S. Robertson
2690 Pleasant Hill Rd.
Ireland, W.Va. 26376
Decedent: Anna L. Morton
Fiduciary: Seth Morton
2260 Morton Rd.
Sutton, W.Va. 26601
Decedent: Mary Sergent
Fiduciary: George W. Sergent
P.O. Box 242
Gassaway, W.Va. 26624
Decedent: Phyllis Tinney.
Fiduciary: Ronald Facemire
545 Two Lick Rd.
Sutton, W.Va. 26601
Decedent: Harlis Brown
Fiduciary: Virginia Brown
P.O. Box 117
Flatwoods, W.Va. 26627
Decedent: Forrest M. Frame
Fiduciary: Susan Lemon
84 Davis Hollow
Gassaway, W.Va. 26624
Decedent: Freddie G. Steele
Fiduciary: Rosalie Steele
P.O. Box 634
Sutton, W.Va. 26601
Decedent: Alva L. Green
Fiduciary: Valarie J. Green
105 Herold Rd.
Sutton, W.Va. 26601
Decedent: Linda R. Girod
Fiduciary: Jon R. Girod
5468 Elk River St.
Elkview, W.Va. 25071
Decedent: Danny L. George
Fiduciary: Mary Sue George
P.O. Box 157
Little Birch, W.Va. 26629
Decedent: Obert Morris
Fiduciary: Joanna S. Barnett
P.O. Box 145
Little Birch, W.Va. 26629
Decedent: Carl H. Coombs
Fiduciary: Martha Coombs
402 Oak St.
Sutton, W.Va. 26601
Decedent: Austin Wehr
Fiduciary: Janice L. Butler
269 Sumatra Ave.
Akron, Ohio 44305
Decedent: Mary Jane Hall
Fiduciary: Larry Hall
1030 E. Nimisila Rd.
Akron, Ohio 44319
Decedent: Daril E. Crislip
Fiduciary: Marjorie Crislip
804 Nicholas Run Rd.
Gassaway, W.Va. 26624
Decedent: Maysel P. Hall
Fiduciary: F. Malcolm Vaughn
Attorney At Law
P.O. Box 247
Gassaway, W.Va. 26624
Decedent: Carol Ann Minnich
Fiduciary: Richard A. Minnich
722 Elk St.
Gassaway, W.Va. 26624
Decedent: Strossie Mattie Rose
Fiduciary: Loretta Hutchison
2310 Berry Fork Rd.
Flatwoods, W.Va. 26621
All persons having any claims
against the estate(s) of any of the
above-named persons whether due
or not, are notified to exhibit the same
with vouchers thereof, legally verified, to the fiduciary of such deceased persons as shown herein
within 75 days of the first publication
hereof or not later then the 23th day
of April, 2009; and if not so exhibited
to such fiduciary by that date to exhibit the same in the office of the
undersigned Fiduciary Supervisor at
the address shown below within 120
days of the first publication of this
notice or no later than the 8th day
June, 2009; otherwise any or all such
Claims may by law be excluded from
all benefits of said estate(s). All beneficiaries of estate(s) may appear
either before the above-named fiduciary by the date first above shown
or thereafter before the Fiduciary
Supervisor by the date last above
shown to examine said claims and
otherwise protect their respective
Given under my hand this 6th day of
February, 2009.
Tamera Facemire
Fiduciary Supervisor 2-17
To the Creditors and Beneficiaries
of the within named deceased persons:
I have before me the proposed final
settlement of estates of the following
deceased persons, which shall be
presented to the County Commission
of Braxton County, West Virginia, at
the Courthouse thereof, in the city of
Sutton, on the 20th day of February,
2009; at 9:00 am, which settlements I
have either approved or have not approved as indicated below:
Sylvester Lee Kerr, Deceased
Veda Dale Friend, Deceased
Billy B. Jack, Deceased
Carolyn R. Harris, Deceased
Herman B. Hacker, Deceased
Agatha S. Corbett, Deceased
Orman Ray Crutchfield, Deceased
Harold Eugene Asbury, Deceased
Victor Lambert, Deceased
Irene Lambert, Deceased
Jessie M. Dennison, Deceased
Angela Gay Prince, Deceased
Janice Lynn Friend, Deceased
Percy E. Conner Jr., Deceased
Francis A. Atkins, Deceased
Charlotte Beane, Deceased
Stephen S. Stepto, Deceased
Delphia Miller, Deceased
Earl W. Brown, Deceased
Bobby Lowther, Deceased
Betty Lea Markle, Deceased
David W. King, Deceased
Delberta Dobbins, Deceased
Vada Mae Williams, Deceased
Ralph Skidmore, Deceased
Billy Rader, Deceased
Hugh J. Heater, Deceased
Luther Talmage Kuhl, Deceased
Hazel B. Gerwig, Deceased
William F. Godfrey, Deceased
Oscar McLaughlin, Deceased
Not Approved: None
Any persons having any interest in
the estate of such deceased person, may appear before the County
Please turn to LEGALS
page 20
Services Available to Residents and Visitors of Braxton County
Funeral Home
Hospitalization - Auto - Fire Life Farm - Liability
Steven Jeffers, director
600 Riverview Drive
Sutton, West Virginia
Exit 62 Off I-79
Right 1/2 Mile
1-800-427-2389 or 364-5132
Elk River
Let Our Deli Cater
your next party!!!
Your local Nationwide
office located on Elk
Street in Gassaway
Heaters, WV
Water Wells
Geothermal wells, well
pumps. Five generations
of experience.
(304) 636-6025
Braxton County's Only
Commercial Printer
our P
rinting Needs
Business Cards T
o Books - Call
For All Your Dry Cleaning
FOR SALE: Hemlock
Siding 10' & 12' wide
T&G paneling
Lumber Co., Inc.
Loran & Kevin Kniceley
189 Main St., Sutton
Use Our
Sutton Branch
101A West Main Street
Exit 67 of I-79 - Flatwoods
Burnsville Branch
Salt Lick Road
Clay Branch
Two Run
located on Elk Street in Gassaway Exit 62 of I-79 - Gassaway
State of the Art Technology
One Hour
Photo Processing
Film, digital, enlargements
Walker's Drug
Elk Street, Gassaway
Boats • Motors • Trailers
Honda • Suzuki •Yamaha
Route 19 - Sutton, WV
765-7325 &
Birch River
Big Otter
Flatwoods Branch
1960 Sutton Lane
Gassaway Drive-In
700 Elk Street
Central West Virginia Has Great Services - Use Them And Everyone Benefits!
Page 19 February 10, 2009
From The
First & Factually
CONTRACTING: Complete residential service.
Roofing siding, windows,
electrical, plumbing, building and remodeling. Insured. WV #029277. Call
Simmons “Beautyrest”,
Pocketed Coils, Still in Factory Plastic w/10 yr MFR
warranty. Give Away! $425
FOR SALE: 2005 Cub Cadet Utility vehicle, camouflaged with dump bed, 2
wheel drive diff. Lock,
$4,000. Call 304-3644454.
FOR SALE: 2003 550H
John Deere Dozer. 70-80%
under carriage, has 5000
hours, excellent condition,
$40,000 or best offer. Call
304-364-9093 after 7:30
pm or call during the day
and leave message. 217b
Certified Class I & II Septic
Installations, Repairs and
Inspections. Providing
dozer, Backhoe and now
dump truck services. Eddie
Facemire. WV #033553 Call
3-10 FOR SALE:
TEMPUR Style-Memory
SUTTON EXCAVATION Foam Mattress. ComfortINC. Driveway ditching and able Pressure Relieving!
grading, clean creeks and New in Plastic, Warranty,
drainage ditches. Grad-all $350. 304-541-8120.
service, dump truck ser12-30TF
vices. Will haul gravel and
dirt. Free estimates. Call FOR SALE: Dining Room
765-5576. No job too small. Set-Cherry Queen Anne
3-7TF Style, Never Used, New, In
Boxes, Sacrifice $425.
APPLIANCE REPAIR: We 304-541-8120. Can Deservice all major appli- liver.
ances. Same day service.
Reasonable rates. New and FOR SALE: New king
used parts. Call 644-8783 mattress and box set –
or 364-8783.
2-12TF pillowtop with warranty.
CLEANING SERVICE: De- delivery. 304-541-8120
pendable, references, rea12-2TF
sonable rates. Call for more
information. I do windows!
FOR SALE: Fiberglass
(raised) Camper Top for
short bed Dodge Truck. Will
Chevrolets and Fords. Sliding front and side widows.
New Paint. Dark Blue. Very
good condition. $500. Can
be seen at the Braxton Citizens’ News office. Call 7655193 days, 765-2273 evenings.
FOR SALE: Topper for short
wheel base flare-side Ford.
Came off of a 1980 Truck.
Good condition. $375. Call
FOR SALE: Seasoned,
split firewood. $65 a truckload. Call 452-8162. 2-24
FOR SALE: Mattress Set—
Queen Pillowtop, New,
Warrant, still in plastic, $155.
Can Deliver. 304-541-8120
FOR SALE: Bed—Full Mattress Set, still packaged with
warranty. $125,304-5418120. Can arrange delivery.
FOR SALE: King PillowtopBrand new 3 pc Mattress
Set, in factory plastic with
MFR warranty. $295. 304541-8120
FOR SALE: Queen Orthopedic-mattress set, never
used, has warranty, still in
plastic. $210. 304-541-8120.
Delivery available.
FOR SALE: Bedroom Set—
5 pc Set, Cherry, still in factory boxes with warranty.
$450. 304-541-8120. Can
FOR SALE: Living Room
Microfiber, durable, stain
resistant, lifetime warranty,
still packaged $775. 304541-8120
foam—Mattress, 8” – 5.3 lb.
Tempur type. New in plastic, warranty. Sacrifice $499.
Will Deliver. 304-541-8120
FOR SALE: Leather Living
Room Set—5 pcs, New, still
in cartons, lifetime MFR
warranty. $875. 304-5418120. Can arrange delivery.
FOR SALE: Cherry Sleigh
& Mattress Set—Solid
wood, both new, in package
with warranty. Asking $385.
(Oak Also Avail.) 304-5418120
Cherr y,
Queen Anne Style Set.
Never used, still boxed. Sacrifice $425. 304-541-8120
FOR SALE: Twin Bed Set –
Mattress and Complete Bed
–Both new, in packages,
Must Sell! $375. 304-5418120
FOR SALE: Mattress Set –
Braxton County, WV
“slow”, “poor” or “no” credit.
Homes starting as low as
$26,000. Only at the Home
Show, Buckhannon, a
“Clayton Homes Platinum
Dealership”. Call today
(304)472-8900, we can
take your application over
the phone. Open 7 days a
FOR SALE: 2 Bedroom,
single bath home, gas heat,
new carpet, 2 city lots, located at 605 Braxton Street,
Gassaway, asking $51,500.
Call 304-444-3339
Nebo Multi section New
Home Repo On Display
Now “ Save Thousands”
(304) 872-4925
FOR SALE: 2002 Clayton
Mobile Home, 16’ x 80’, vinyl siding, shingled roof, all
appliances, 2 out buildings,
Burnsville area on rented
lot. $19,500. 364-4610.
Weston offering new & used
singles modular and
sectionals starting as low as
$39,900 set & delivered. Are
you ready to deal? Stop by
or call today! 1-800-8744663.
Help Wanted: Wanted 29
serious people to work from
home using a computer. Up
to $1,500-5,000 Pt/FT 2-24
FOR RENT: 3-bedroom
house on a large level lot
on outskirts of Sutton. Call
2-10 HELP WANTED: The Custard Stand, LLC-Flatwoods
FOR RENT: 2-bedroom is accepting applications for
house located at 823 River part and full time food serStreet, Gassaway, unfur- vice workers. A valid Food
nished, $350. Per month Service Worker’s Permit is
available on Feb. 15 th required. Previous experiphone 364-5472
3-3 ence is preferred, but not
required. Applicants must
FOR RENT: May be for be neat, clean, with reliable
rent or lease, modular of- transportation, be willing to
fice building approx. 24 x learn, and work well with
70 to be located on vacant others. Applications are
lot back of courthouse in available and interviews
Sutton, any interested per- will be conducted at the Cusson can call or see Everett tard, LLC-Flatwoods on the
L. Rowan 304-765-2465. following dates: Thursday
2-10 February 12, 2009 from 2-5
FOR RENT: Two bedroom PM and Friday, February 13,
apartments. Two and three 2009 from 9 AM to 12 Noon.
bedroom homes. One The
month’s rent required for Flatwoods is located beside
security deposit. Utilities Subway.
not included. Absolutely
no pets. Application re- HELP WANTED: Sales
quired. Applications may Representatives Are you
be picked up at Lloyd’s ready to make the income
Inc. 2220 Sutton Lane. 9- you really want? Serious
motivated and driven. A
$49.95 training fee applies.
FOR RENT: West Virginia 2-minute message. Don’t
couple has two beach wait to call. 1-800-570-4765
houses for rent in Myrtle
Beach, SC located at
Ocean Lakes Family HELP WANTED: Youth SerCampground. Both have 5 vice Worker, Pressley Ridge
bedrooms and 3 baths. has an opening for a Youth
Weekly rent is $2000 per Service Worker to work dihouse. Both homes were rectly with troubled youth
completed in June 2007. providing case manageVisit ment services and coordi138764 for more informa- nation. Based in the Nichotion or call for availability, las Co. DHHR office. Must
1-29 tf have Bachelor Degree in
Human Services Field and
FOR RENT: Office retail or Social Work License or SW
warehouse space for rent eligible. Excellent benefit
or sale in Sutton. From package. Send resume and
170-12,000 square feet. cover letter to Pressley
Starting at $3.00/per Sq. Ft. Ridge, P.O. Box 1202, Crab
We will build to suit your Orchard, WV 25827 or email
needs. Call 678-4400 for
information. EOE 2-17
HELP WANTED: Director,
MEETING SPACE FOR Centralized Hospital and
RENT: The Sutton Volun- Emergency Medical Triage
teer Fire Department has and Coordination Center
a l a r g e m e e t i n g r o o m (CHEMTAC), WVEMSTSN,
available for rent. Ideal Inc. (TSN) is seeking a qualifor Birthday/Christmas/ fied Director to manage up
Wedding parties, meet- to 35 personnel for the opings, multi-day training eration of a centralized
s e s s i o n s a n d m o r e . medical resource tracking
G r o u n d l e v e l o n M a i n and communications cenStreet, Sutton. Formerly ter located at Flatwoods,
the location of Fisher Auto West Virginia. This center
Parts across from the will coordinate and manage
Courthouse. Call 765- the resources necessary
5193 for rates, information for efficient, effective and
and scheduling
11-21tf accurate triage, transfer
and treatment of seriously
FOR RENT: Mobile home injured or ill patients on a
lots near interstate, senior statewide basis, under the
citizens welcome. Call guidelines and oversight of
1- the State Trauma and
Emergency Care System
(STECS). Under general
FOR RENT: Garage for supervision, the Director is
rent or lease 32x48 in responsible for personnel
Flatwoods. Call 765-7797 management and operaor 765-3478.
12-30TF tion according to state
guidelines. Director will be
responsible for the technical and operational start-up
MOBILE of the center including esthe telecommuniHOMES tablishing
cations network consisting
of RF radio, telephone, and
Let us help you with your data system. Director will
new home purchase. We execute the policies and
carry homes from 1 to 5 procedures established by
Bedrooms, with many op- STECS and will work
tions including drywall, closely with EMS providers
pitched roofs, log siding, and organizations, hospiwith many financing op- tals, other health care facilitions for those with “good”, ties, as well as 911 centers,
among others. Bachelor’s
degree in a healthcare, administrative or management field and EMS experience preferred. Director
must have at least ten years
successful executive experience with a 911center or
medical command center
and must have prior experience and expertise in the
physical and operational
start-up and maintenance
operation of a 911center or
medical command center.
Director must also have experience in financial and
budget management of a
similar center. The starting
salary for this position is
competitive and commensurate with experience and
credentials. TSN provides a
competitive fringe benefit
package. Occasional local
and state travel with some
overnights is required. Successful background check
is required. A letter of application, resume and salary
history must be received no
later than 4:30 p.m. February 6, 2009 at: HR Manager,
WVEMSTSN, Inc., 4921 Elk
River Road, Elkview, WV
family Resource coordinator—Webster Co., Full time,
full year, benefits, Bachelors
Degree in Human Development, Social Work, or related field. Social Work License; experience in social
work, health, and home visiting; planning and organizational skills; computer
skills; ability to work without
direct supervision; oral and
written communication
skills, accurate record
keeping and reporting
skills; knowledge of geographic area, agencies,
and services. Applications/
i n f o r m a t i o n :; Cowen
NCWVAA is an EOE. 2-10b
Chevrolet is getting ready
for the Spring Season. We
are now hiring 5 Full Time
Sales Associates. Apply in
person only, M-F 9 am to 7
HELP WANTED: Now hiring: fulltime and part time
housekeeping positions
available. Individual will be
responsible to assist in the
cleaning and upkeep of
buildings and grounds of
facility. General housekeeping, running a buffer
and seasonal work required. Please send a letter of interest and resume
to Braxton Health Associates, Attn: Missy Blake, 617
River Street, Gassaway,
WV 26624. Please no
phone inquires.
includes an excellent
benefits package. Resumes
can be faxed to 304-4624852 or mailed to Customer
Service/Accounts Payable
Position PO Box 489,
Glenville, WV 26351.
Counselor-The Central WV
WIC Program is hiring a
full-time Breastfeeding
Peer Counselor located in
the Sutton Office. Individual
should have a positive
breastfeeding experience.
Education required is
graduation from a standard
high school or the
equivalent. Individual will
counsel and educate
along with performing
clerical and medical
technician duties. Training
provided. Travel required.
Please send resume to
Emma J. Ladd, Central WV
WIC Program, Clay County
Health Department, PO Box
36, Clay, WV 25043. Phone
inquiries call 1-304-5872323. EOE.
self-motivated and organized individual to work
at a local medical facility in
the Summersville area No
travel required. 10-12 hours
per week. Medical records
and clerical experience
preferred/ will train. Fax resume to 208-474-8108.
ACCEPTING BIDS: Braxton County Board of Education is taking bids on 30
new computer work stations
with the following specs:
Dell, HP or Lenovo, small
form factor, Intel Core 2 Duo
2.0 GHz or higher, 3GB
RAM or more, 120 GB HD
or more, DVD/CDRW, 19” or
larger LCD monitor, Windows Vista Business,
Microsoft Office 2007 Professional license included
and software installed, 3 yr.,
NBD on site warranty. Send
bids by February 20, 2009
to Technology Director,
Braxton County board of
Eduction, 411 North Hill
Road, Sutton, WV 26601.
Questions may be addressed to 304-765-7101,
ext. 232. 2-17
Brown, will not be responsible for any debts other
than my own, effective
February 10, 2009. 2-17
PAWNING, BUYING & SELLING: Guns, Musical instruHELP WANTED: Case ments, tools, AMP’s, elecManager - United Summit tronics & more. Call 304-2697-27TF
Center is accepting appli- 6330.
cations for a Case Management position in our Brax- NOTICE: No Hunting or
ton and Lewis County of- Trespassing on the property
fices. The incumbent would of James W. Singleton,
be expected to provide as- Carrol Emge & Phyllis
sessment, service planning Cierpisz at Exchange off of
and coordination for adults Bonnie Road. Not respon3-31
and children with psychiat- sible for accidents.
ric disabilities. Requirements: BA/BS or MS degree
in a human service related
field is preferred however
other BA/BS or MS degrees
will be considered if the
degree enables the incumbent to be credentialed un- WANTED: 29 Serious
der Medicaid standards; People to work from home
valid WV driver’s license; using a computer. Up to
and reliable means of $1,500-5,000
transportation. Previous 1-27
experience working with
adult psychiatrically dis- WANTED TO BUY FARM
abled populations is pre- ACREAGE:
ferred. The entry rate for this couple looking for acreage
position is $10.10 per hour for weekend recreation.
but can increase with re- Call toll free 1-866-772lated experience. Qualified 3853. If no answer, please
applicants should send a re- leave message
sume to: Human Resources,
United Summit Center, #6
Hospital Plaza, Clarksburg,
WV 26301 or fax to (304)
623-4892 or email to ADA/EEO.
FOR SALE: 2005 Dodge
HELP WANTED: U.S. Nurs- Neon, automatic, runs and
ing Network, Now hiring looks good. $3500.00, Get
RNs, LPNs & CNAs for PRN details, pictures, more cars,
work in Morgantown & trucks, sometimes motorClarksburg. Great hourly cycles, 4 wheelers, etc. Visit
rates & you choose the and keep our web site in
schedule! Only 2 shifts/ your favorites as it changes
month req. or work 40/wk! constantly:
Call 1-866-644-4484 2-10b Ph. Andy 304-880-3513 or
Sam 304-880-3516.
manufacturing facility in the FOR SALE: 2002 Ford FoGlenville, WV area is cus $3500.00 Call 3042-17
seeking to fill the position 765-3489
of Customer Service/
Accounts Payable. The ideal
candidate must be highly
motivated with a minimum
of 2 years experience.
Strong data entry skills and
familiarity with Excel and
Word software are required. ADOPTION ADOPT: A life
Pay will be commensurate of warmth, security and
with experience, and love for your infant. You can
help make us a family. Ex- w w w . s p n c o . c o m .
penses paid. Please call Email:
Lewis and Cindy @1-866343-0129.
Company Liquidation! 50
DISH NETWORK Satellite prime WV acreage at fracTV systems installed FREE tion of value! Timber Comthis week! First month pany liquidating over
FREE! No bank account 33,000 acres! So many
needed! No $$$ down deer & turkey, natives call
needed! (866)689-0523.
them pests! Mountain
streams, wildlife ponds,
CARS FOR SALE$500! spectacular views, meanPolice Impounds! Cars from dering trails. Recreational
$500. Hondas, Chevys, paradise! Own for $1,300 to
Jeeps and More! For list- $2,000 per acre! Perfect for
1-800-620-4876 camp/cabin! Financing. Call
x2118. $500! Police Im- 1-877-261-4868, x33.
pounds! Cars from $500.
Hondas, Chevys, Jeeps AIRLINES ARE HIRINGand More! Forlistings 1- Train for high paying Avia800-620-4876 x7268.
tion Maintenance Career.
FAA approved program. FiFOR SALE: Hondas from nancial aid if qualified$500! Cars, trucks, SUV’s Housing Available. CALL
from $500. For listings 1- Aviation Institute of Mainte8 0 0 - 6 2 0 - 4 8 7 6 nance (888)349-5387.
$2,900.00 own Norwood *Paralegal, *Computers,
portable band sawmill. Log *Criminal Justice. Job
skidders also available. Placement assistance. Computer available. Fi300n>. Free information: 1- nancial Aid if qualified.
800-578-1363-Ext300-N. Call
30th Annual WV Construc- VACATION
tion and Design Exposition NORTH MYRTLE BEACH,
(EXPO) will be held March SC- Warm Sunshine!
25-26, 2009, at the Charles- Oceanfront Luxury Beach
ton Civic Center. It will fea- Homes and Condos. Best
ture over 300 exhibitors with Selection, Service and
500 indoor and outdoor ex- Rates Guaranteed! FREE
hibits and dozens of quality BROCHURE. 866-878or
seminars for the Construc- 2754
tion, Engineering, Archi-
tectural and Public Works
Industries. Exhibit hall CARS FOR SALE $500!
hours, March 25, 10:00 Police Impounds! Cars from
a.m. to 8:00 p.m., March 26, $500. Hondas, Chevys,
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For Jeeps and More! For listmore information visit ings
w w w . w v e x p o . c o m x2118.
or call 304-342-3976.
HOMES! 3 bedroom 2 bath today! Company drivers
$199/Month! 4 bedroom 2 earn up to 40 cpm. 1/2 cpm
bath $375/month! (5% increase every 60K miles.
down, 15 years 8% APR). Average 2,800 miles/week.
For listings 800-620-4946 CDL-A required. www.ptlx1222. Call 877-7406262.
HOMES FOR SALE Foreclosures and HUDS! 3 bed- HOMES FOR SALE Forerooms, 2 baths. $19,900! 4 closures and HUDS! 3 bedbedrooms, 2 baths only rooms, 2 baths. $19,900! 4
$27,900! More 1-3 Bed- bedrooms, 2 baths only
rooms available. For list- $27,900! More 1-3 Bedings 800-620-4946 xT478. rooms available. For listings 800-620-4946 xT478.
HOUSES FOR RENT Affordable! 2 bedroom Only MISCELLANEOUS AIR$199/month! 3 bedroom, 2 LINES ARE HIRING- Train
bath $389/month! Wont last! for high paying Aviation
5% down, 15 years at 8%. Maintenance Career. FAA
For listings 800-620-4946 approved program. Finanext. R881
cial aid if qualified- Housing Available. CALL AviaLAND/BUILDING FOR tion Institute of MainteSALE OWNER FINANCING: nance (888)349-5387.
Mt. Nebo, 5 miles south of
Summersville, West Vir- ATTEND
ginia. Over an acre under ONLINE from Home.
roof in 4 buildings on 14.9 *Medical,
acres on US RTE.19 at the *Paralegal, *Computers,
traffic light. Please call *Criminal Justice. Job
SPNCO, INC., S.P. Norman, Placement assistance.
Broker. Phone: 304-256- Computer
3062. 250 Value City Cen- Financial Aid if qualified.
ter, Beckley, WV 25801. Call
866-858-2121, Email:
DIABETICS Never stick TV systems installed FREE
your finger again! New this week! First month
Meter and Testing Supplies Free! No bank account
At NO COST TO YOU! Free needed! No $$$ down
socks Too! Call Toll-Free needed! (866)689-0523
Call now for details!
HELP WANTED: EF Foundation seeks energetic and
motivated representatives
to help find homes for int’l
exchange students. Commission/travel benefits.
Must be 25+. 877-216-1293.
Between High School and
College? Travel and Have
Fun w/Young Successful
Business Group. No Experience Necessar y. 2wks
Paid Training. Lodging,
Transportation Provided. 1877-646-5050.
HUD HOMES! 3 bedroom 2
bath $199/Month! 4 bedroom 2 bath $375/month!
(5% down, 15 years 8%
APR). For listings 800-6204946 x1222
HOMES FOR SALE: Foreclosures and HUDS! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. $19,900! 4
bedrooms, 2 baths only
$27,900! More 1-3 Bedrooms available. For listings 800-620-4946 xT478.
Sign-on bonus. 35-41cpm.
Earn over $1000 weekly.
Excellent benefits. Need
CDL-A & 3 mos recent
HOMES FOR SALE Foreclosures and Huds! 3 bedrooms, 2 bath $10,500! 4
bedroom, 3 bath only
$24,900! More 1-3 Bedrooms available for listings
800-620-4946 x T478
HOMES! 3 Bedroom 2 Bath
$199/Month 4 Bedroom 2
Bath $375/Month (5%
down, 15 years 8%APR)
For listings 800-620-4946 x
Police Impounds! Cars
From $500. Hondas,
Chevys, Jeeps And More!
For listings 1-800-6204876 x 2118.
MISCELLANEOUS AIRLINES ARE HIRING HOUSES FOR RENT: Af- Train for high paying Aviafordable! 2 bedroom Only tion Maintenance Career.
$199/month! 3 bedroom, 2 FAA approved program.
bath $389/month! Wont Financial aid if qualified last! 5% down, 15 years at Housing Available. CALL
8%. For listings 800-620- Aviation Institute of Main4946 ext. R881
tenance (888)349-5387
Nebo, 5 miles south of
Summersville, West Virginia. Over an acre under
roof in 4 buildings on 14.9
acres on US RTE.19 at the
traffic light. Please call
SPNCO, INC., S.P. Norman,
Broker. Phone: 304-2563062. 250 Value City Center, Beckley, WV 25801.
from Home. *Medical,
*Business, *Paralegal,
*Computers, *Criminal
Justice. Job Placement
Assistance. Computer
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Page 20 February 10, 2009
Braxton County, WV
Page20, Braxton Citizens’ News, February 10, 2009
continued from page 18
Commission at the time and place
hereinabove specified and thereupon protect his or her interests as
they may appear or else may be forever thereafter barred from asserting such interests.
Given under my hand this 6th day of
February, 2009.
Tamera L. Facemire
Fiduciary Supervisor 2-17
05 Cadillac STS
05 Kawasaki V
Very clean inside and out,
Only 28,983 miles
800, Classic Trim, 7,997 miles
“Get ready for the summer!”
05 T
oyota T
03 Chevy T
Double Cab, V6 engine, long
bed, local trade, nice...
ZR2 package, hardtop, P.L., P.W.,
cruise, tile and more...
01 Chrysler PT Curiser 05 Nissan Frontier
Limited package, leather,
sun roof, A nice ride...
King cab, 5 speed, air,
A sporty, economical truck...
08 Dodge Caliber SE, 5 speed, and more...
00 Lincoln Continental, Clean, Local trade-in...
05 Buick Lesabre Custom, Loaded, 70,431 miles...
08 Ford T
aurus (Certified), 100,000 mile warranty...
07 Ford E250 Cargo V
an, Factory warranty...
04 Jeep Liberty
Liberty,, Sport package, 83,255 miles...
06 Ford F-150, Supercb, 4X4, one owner, Red...
05 Chevy 1500, Extended Cab, Z71 package...
07 Ford Sport
Sport--Trac, V8 engine, XLT package...
03 Ford T
aurus, SE package, 79,759 miles...
02 Ford 500, Only 28,983 miles, Red...
Your Full Service Ford, Chrysler,
Dodge and Jeep Dealer...
Sales • Service • Parts • Body &
Frame Shop • Tire & Muffler Shop
Exit 62 Off I-79 -- Right 1/2 Mile, Gassaway, WV
1-800-427-2389 or 364-5132
Visit Our Web Site:
To: Foster Mining Company, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service, or heirs at
law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.:044137, located in Salt Lick District, 8.11 Ac
Coal Wts Copen Fork, which was
returned delinquent or nonentered
in the name of Foster Mining Company, and was sold by the deputy
commissioner of delinquent and
nonentered lands of Braxton County
at the sale for delinquent taxes on
10/6/2008. H3 LLC requests that you
be notified a deed for such real estate will be made on or after 3/13/
2009, as provided by law, unless
before that day you redeem such
real estate. The amount needed to
redeem in or before 3/13/2009, will
be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of this sale,
with interest, to 3/13/2009
Amount of taxes paid on property,
since the sale, with interest to 3/13/
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of list to be served
and for preparation of service of
notice with interest to 3/13/2009.
Additional Statutory Fees with interest to 3/13/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/13/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/23/2009.
G. Russell Rollyson, Jr.
Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
County, State of West Virginia
Please make certified check or
money order payable to the Sheriff
of Braxton County and return to WV
State Auditors Office, County Collections Office, Building 1, Room W118, Char leston, West Virginia,
Questions, please call 1-888-5096568.
To: Erma Smith, William Smith, Willa
Lee Gowen, William Gowen, Arthur
L. Anderson, Don C Harrold, West
Virginia State Tax Department, Internal Revenue Service, or heirs at
law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors or assigns.
You will take notice that H3 LLC, the
purchaser of the following real estate, Certification No.: 043531, located in Otter District, ¼ of 29 Ac
Coal Steer Creek, which was returned delinquent or nonentered in
the name of Smith, Erma Et Al, and
was sold by the deputy commissioner of delinquent and nonentered
lands of Braxton County at the sale
for delinquent taxes on 10/6/2008.
H3 LLC requests that you be notified a deed for such real estate will
be made on or after 3/9/2009, as
provided by law, unless before that
day you redeem such real estate.
The amount needed to redeem in or
before 3/9/2009, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and
charges due on the date of this sale,
with interest, to 3/9/2009
Amount of taxes paid on property,
since the sale, with interest to 3/9/
Amount paid for Title Examination
and preparation of list to be served
and for preparation of service of
notice with interest to 3/9/2009.
Additional Statutory Fees with interest to 3/9/2009.
Total Required:
You may redeem at any time before
3/9/2009 by paying the above total
less any unearned interest.
Given under my hand 1/21/2009.
G. Russell Rollyson, Jr.
Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent
Nonentered Lands of Braxton
County, State of West Virginia
Please make certified check or
money order payable to the Sheriff
of Braxton County and return to WV
State Auditors Office, County Collections Office, Building 1, Room W118, Charleston, West Virginia,
Questions, please call 1-888-5096568.
In the Circuit Court of Braxton
County, West Virginia
Case No.: 07-JA-1 (A)
In the interest of:
J. L. W., a child born of Lisa Wright
on December 29, 2006.
To: The Unknown Father of Said
You are hereby notified that a petition seeking to have the father’s
rights to the above named child terminated based upon the grounds
of abandonment or neglect of said
child has been filed with this Court
and that a hearing will be held in
the matter before the Honorable
Judge Jack Alsop on February 23,
2009 at 9:30 a.m., or as soon thereafter as the same may be heard, in
the Circuit Courtroom at the Braxton County Courthouse, 300 Main
Street, Sutton, West Virginia, at
which time you may appear and
defend any such rights.
It is Ordered that you do serve upon
the West Virginia Department of
Health and Human Resources, by
and through its counsel, Kelly Hamon
McLaughlin, Prosecuting Attorney of
Braxton County, P.O. Box 118,
Sutton, West Virginia, 26601, any
answer, response or objection in this
matter on or before the 19th day of
February, 2009, otherwise said action will proceed as scheduled and
your parental rights, if any, may be
A copy of all pleadings may be ob-
tained from the undersigned Clerk
at this office.
Entered this the 16th day of December 2008
J. W. Morris
Clerk of the Circuit Court
of Braxton County 2-17
In the Circuit Court of Braxton
County, West Virginia
Case No.: 08-JA-10
In the interest of:
J. J. B. W., a child born of Lisa Wright
on July 10, 2008.
To: The Unknown Father of Said
You are hereby notified that a petition seeking to have the father’s rights
to the above named child terminated
based upon the grounds of abandonment or neglect of said child has
been filed with this Court and that a
hearing will be held in the matter before the Honorable Judge Jack Alsop
on February 23, 2009 at 9:30 a.m.,
or as soon thereafter as the same
may be heard, in the Circuit Courtroom at the Braxton County Courthouse, 300 Main Street, Sutton,
West Virginia, at which time you may
appear and defend any such rights.
It is Ordered that you do serve upon
the West Virginia Depar tment of
Health and Human Resources, by
and through its counsel, Kelly Hamon
McLaughlin, Prosecuting Attorney of
Braxton County, P.O. Box 118,
Sutton, West Virginia, 26601, any
answer, response or objection in this
matter on or before the 19th day of
February, 2009, otherwise said action will proceed as scheduled and
your parental rights, if any, may be
A copy of all pleadings may be obtained from the undersigned Clerk
at this office.
Entered this the 8th day of January
J. W. Morris
Clerk of the Circuit Court
of Braxton County 2-17
Family Court of Braxton County,
West Virginia
Civil Action No. 09D14
In re The Marriage of:
Margaret Ann Smith, Petitioner, and
Mark Aubin Smith, Respondent
The object of this suit is to obtain a
To the Above Named Respondent:
It appearing by affidavit filed in this
action that Mark Aubin Smith is a
non-resident of the State of West
Virginia, it is hereby ordered that
Mark Aubin Smith serve upon Margaret Ann Smith, Petitioner’s attorney, whose address is 211 Birch
St., Gassaway, West Virginia, an
answer, including any related counterclaim or defense you ay have to
the Petition for Divorce filed in this
action on or before March 2, 209.
If you fail to do so, thereafter judgment, upon proper hearing and trial,
may be taken against you for the
relief demanded in the Petition.
A copy of said Petition can be obtained from the undersigned Clerk
at his/her office.
Entered by the Clerk of said Court
February 2, 2009.
J. W. Morris
Clerk of Court
Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its
office in Building Five, Room A-148, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 until
10 A.M. February 24, 2009 and said proposals will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter for the
construction of the following project (s):
Contract State Project
Federal Project
0822741 S304-0079/
00IM 0792 115 D00
Overlay Bridge Deck w/ modified PCC
00-061.37 00
Sutton/Gassaway Bridge Overlay
WV 4, 0.13 MI S WV 4
County: Braxton
Bridge: 2693.3
Concrete Slab on Fabricated Steel Girder
Span (s): 4;
DBE goal: 1% of contract bid amount. Bidder must provide written assurance of meeting goal on form in proposal.
Proposals will be received from prequalified and West Virginia licensed contractors only except that on FederalAid Projects a contractors’ license is not required at time of bid, but will be required before work can begin.
Registration is required with the Department of Administration, Division of Purchasing, in accordance with Chapter 5A, Article 3, Section 12 of the West Virginia Code. All contractors submitting bids on project(s) must include
one of the following forms properly executed with each proposal: Proposal Guaranty Bond, Cashier’s Check, or
Certified Check for $500.00 or 5% of total bid, whichever is greater.
*These are projects on which any contractor with a Category “W” Prequalification Rating may be eligible to bid.
The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways reserves the right to defer, delay or
postpone the date for receiving and publicly opening proposals for any project designated in this advertisement,
without the necessity of renewing such advertisement. All bidders holding valid bidding proposals will be notified
of such deferment, delay or postponement and the date that proposals will be received and publicly opened.
The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways hereby notifies all bidders that it will
affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated
against on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex or national orign in consideration for an award.
West Virginia Department of Transportation
Division of Highways
Robert L. Pennington, P.E.
Director of Program Planning and Administration
Braxton County Board of Education is taking bids on 30 new computer work stations with the following specs:
Dell, HP or Lenovo, small form factor, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or higher, 3GB RAM or more, 120 GB HD or more,
DVD/CDRW, 19” or larger LCD monitor, Windows Vista Business, Microsoft Office 2007 Professional license
included and software installed, 3 yr NBD on site warranty. Send bids by February 20, 2009 to Technology
Director, Braxton County Board of Education, 411 North Hill Road, Sutton, WV 26601. Questions may be
addressed to 304-765-7101, ext. 232. 2-10
Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its
office in Building Five, Room A-148, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 until
10 A.M. February 24, 2009 and said proposals will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter for the
construction of the following project (s):
Contract State Project
Federal Project
0600376 S387-0STR/
0STP 2009 011 D00
Pavement Markings
IP-009.00 00
District Seven Roadway Striping Various
County: Lewis, Braxton, Webster Other
Proposals will be received from prequalified and West Virginia licensed contractors only except that on FederalAid Projects a contractors’ license is not required at time of bid, but will be required before work can begin.
Registration is required with the Department of Administration, Division of Purchasing, in accordance with Chapter 5A, Article 3, Section 12 of the West Virginia Code. All contractors submitting bids on project(s) must include
one of the following forms properly executed with each proposal: Proposal Guaranty Bond, Cashier’s Check, or
Certified Check for $500.00 or 5% of total bid, whichever is greater.
*These are projects on which any contractor with a Category “W” Prequalification Rating may be eligible to bid.
The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways reserves the right to defer, delay or
postpone the date for receiving and publicly opening proposals for any project designated in this advertisement,
without the necessity of renewing such advertisement. All bidders holding valid bidding proposals will be notified
of such deferment, delay or postponement and the date that proposals will be received and publicly opened.
The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways hereby notifies all bidders that it will
affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated
against on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex or national orign in consideration for an award.
West Virginia Department of Transportation
Division of Highways
Robert L. Pennington, P.E.
Director of Program Planning and Administration